#john x ana
heavenlyhischier · 8 months
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“did you talk to your girlfriend yet?”
“how did you know we weren’t?”
“ana can’t keep secrets to save her life but if you don’t talk to her soon ana said she might stab you. i think she’s being serious.”
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tojisun · 8 months
sunnyyy!! omg omg okay so idk what you put in your toxic dbf series but im sure its crack cause i know its freaking hurtful but i love it!! ur mind is >>>>>
alsoooo, i have this idea that i plan on writing for miguel but idk where to start SO IM GIVINF IT TO YOUUU!!
so lets call her bunny in this one. say bunny is enough of his shit, won’t let him do her dirty anymore because she refuses to be stupid. she’s no longer cassie howard and moves on to another man. a man who knows what he wants and who isn’t afraid to let her know that he wants her. he’ll cherish her, he adores the fuck out of her, he shows her off and he makes a promise to put a ring on her finger,
but simon doesn’t like that. not even one bit. and it ticks him off because why is he like this? why is he so worked up that she finds someone who finally treats her better than she can? yet, he can’t let it go. he lets her know. she has to know.
and so, at two am he comes knocking at her door. flowers in his hand, nicely dressed for the first time to let her know that he’s doing it for her and only her. not erin.
and it takes a lot in her to not slam the door in his face because she’s happy right now,
“you look at him the way i wanted to be looked by you, sweetheart” he admits, swallowing the lump in his throat. “and i envy that.”
she stares at him with a deadpan look. not really feeling a single thing anymore, leading him to continue.
“i have no right to say that, i know but—“ he pauses to take a deep breath. “i want to be with you. i want to be your man and i want you to let me”
she doesn’t want him to
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thinking about this in the dbf!simon series??? oh but im absolutely sobbing // same timeline as this !!
thinking about how you cry and wail and mourn for the years wasted on simon. thinking about the way you crumple on your bed, curling underneath your sheets, your cries now having been reduced to silent tears—this doesn’t mean you feel any better. instead, you feel even more distraught, upset in a way that feels bigger than yourself.
thinking about the promise you make to yourself. how, when the morning breaks, you will move on. that no matter how painful it may be—and it will be—you will strive to let go of simon. truly and completely this time around.
and that’s what you do. you fall asleep in exhaustion, heart heavy and mind buzzed. in the morning, you blink your eyes open and lay in bed for a few more minutes, suspended above your heartbreak, before it all comes crashing down on you. tears trickle from the corners of your eyes but you stay resolute, strong grip corralling your grief into the corner of your heart, before you get your day going.
you start by throwing everything that reminds you of simon: polaroid pictures and framed photos, shirts and clothes and socks and lingeries, towels and bedsheets, trinkets and accessories from across the globe—little souvenirs he’s brought to appease you.
(in the long haul, many of them were actually donated, while some were sold. but today, as you submerged yourself in your heartache, you dumped everything in a black garbage bag. out of sight, out of mind.)
blocking simon’s number actually turned out to be last. you deleted the pictures you have with simon in your phone prior, and then blocked and deleted his number altogether.
you breathed in deeply once you’re finished and collapsed to your bed again, trying to ignore the bareness of the walls and the emptiness of your room (let alone your heart).
the tears come again—they will come more often than not—and you let them. you open the locked corner of your heart and let the grief out. you mourn for what was lost; for what could’ve been. but most importantly, you mourn for the ways you’ve let yourself be trapped in such an unhappy moment.
moving on comes slowly; it comes so torturously that you thought it would never happen. but it does, and it does so during one quiet afternoon.
on that day, you realize that not once did you think of simon. not once did the memories trickle in to rip you away from the jovial present. and as you stand there in your kitchen, the sounds of the microwave beeps piercing through mutedly, you feel remade.
you feel whole, once again.
simon noticed, of course. he noticed the way your messages stopped coming in, or the way you no longer use your dad as an excuse to meet simon, or the way you just fell off the radar.
simon tried to reach out to you once and realized that you’ve got his number blocked.
it’s whatever, he thinks. because simon has never known you well, has never tried to learn more about you, so he thinks that this—your silent treatment and your detachment—is all a ploy. something like you playing hard-to-get.
so simon doesn’t think much about it until days turn to weeks, and weeks turn to months, and months are slowly building up to turn to a year.
simon doesn’t hear from you and, despite all his posturing, he realizes that he’s missed you. so he decides to drive by to pick you up for dinner and maybe apologize for whatever it is now that he’s done.
he gets to your dorm and rings your room. the intercom scratches awake, the person from the other side, your dorm mate he’s sure, asks who it was, and simon tells them his name. then, he tells them that he’s here for you.
there is silence for a while, almost loaded in a way that simon knows it’s not the intercom breaking up, and he gets his answer when he’s given a curt reply of, “she doesn’t want to see you. bye.” there is the distinct screech and then the line drops before simon could even ask why.
and simon feels lost. untethered.
john is a good man. that’s the first thing you realized. it terrified you, at first, how much you looked forward to meeting him. how much of being with him—simon’s friend—makes you happy.
you waited for the other shoe to drop, shoulders perpetually hunched as though that can shield you from the inevitable of john leaving you. of john using you.
but john is so warm. john is so gentle and kind and patient and loving.
john holds your hand and you know he isn’t looking for more. he drops you off at home, tells you to rest well and to say hi to your dorm mates, before taking off on his bike.
john kisses your cheeks and you know he isn’t looking for something more passionate. more heated. and you crave for his touch, yes, but there is something so special in the way john shows his affection—all crinkled smile and quiet chuckles; all whispered words and promises fulfilled; all soft and tender and secure.
it was a love so different, so beautiful, so really it wasn’t surprising at all when your relationship grows, thriving alongside your healing.
(he promised, you know? he promised, as he played with your hand, that he’ll one day put a ring on your finger. your lips wobbled and you told him to stop making loaded promises such as that, but john just turned to you with a soft smile and said, “i look forward to the day we share the same vow, bunny. if you would have me.”
you hiccupped sob and threw your arms over his shoulders, nodding because, “i would. john, i would!”
he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and sharing warmth with you. you burrowed your head on the crook of his shoulder, breathing him in, letting his presence wash over you.
john, you thought. johnjohnjohn.)
simon drives to you the day after he confronted john. he drives to you with all of his messy heart spilling from the ridges of his ribs, beating only one name—yours.
he’s never felt this way before. not with all the pretty people he’s gone out with, or his first love, or even erin. erin who simon once imagined a future with. erin who simon once loved. not even that could triumph over the expanding turmoil that simon’s basking in.
he calls on the intercom of your dorm again, begs your roommate that may you please hear him out, and then he sees you.
god, you’re just as beautiful as he remembers.
“what’re you doing here?”
your words are soft, quiet, but simon isn’t fooled. he sees the anger in your eyes, the hurt having festered into resentment. he wonders how apologies could trickle from his lips—where to even begin?
“please,” you say when simon’s silence stretches on. “just tell me whatever you want and then leave.”
“this. this is what i’m here for. the anger in your eyes– it’s just–…” he breathes in sharply. “i saw you and john, you know? and the way you look at him, it’s how i want to be looked at by you, love.” he swallows the lump in his throat. “i didn’t know what i had until i lost you and i’m so envious of him, i am, so please.”
you stare at him with wide eyes even when your face is smooth of any emotion. simon wonders what you must be thinking but he bulldozes through, hoping that you can give him one last chance.
he promises this time, truly, he’ll be better.
“i have no right to say this, i know, but–” he pauses to take a deep breath, his fists balled tightly. “i want to be with you. i want to be your man and i want you to let me.”
a heartbeat passes, and then, “simon, you are a selfish, selfish man.”
your words are barely louder than a whisper but they scratch at simon’s heart. he looks at you, gaze turning desperate when he sees nothing but bubbling fury and disappointment in your own.
“how dare you,” you say. “you tell me that you saw me and john, and then what? instead of letting me go, instead of letting me move on, you come in here and demand that i return to you?”
“love, i–”
“don’t call me that!”
your anger tips over, now spilling out. he watches the way your eyes glisten, tears dripping to stain your cheeks.
“i’m not your anything, si! not anymore!” you take in a ragged rasp of air, choking on your sob. it tugs at simon’s heartstrings and he moves to comfort you but you pull away, sneering at him in your anger. you wipe at your eyes, scrubbing furiously.
“everything about what you’ve said just now, everything, was all about your wants. all about you. just like how it’s always been,” you murmur, the fight leaving you.
you looked small, hunching into yourself, and simon is hit with this feeling; something that lodges itself in his throat.
“lov–… i’m sorry,” he says because he is.
gods he is.
“just go,” you tell him, meeting his eyes for one last time because he knows that this is the end of it all.
you turn away from him then, closing the building door behind you. he watches from behind he glass doors as you disappear into the hallways and stepped into the elevators and, just like that, simon’s lost his chance of making things right.
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ANA MY GOD THIS MADE ME FERAL!! i hope u would like this one bb :(( hope i gave ur vision justice
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Hi! If you have no other clegan requests, then I would like this:
"good. now you know what it's like."
(prompt list by @novelbear  - reactions to making someone cry)
Hello dear! I haven't forgotten about you, I just had to sort out and post Chapter 14 of Such stuff before diving into this 🥰 I hope you'll enjoy the angst 😗
1.9k of Angst, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort below the cut
Major Gale Cleven marries his longtime sweetheart, Marjorie Spencer, less than a month after his return to the US after the war. The bride is splendid and radiant and the groom looks as handsome as ever in his uniform — no one needs to know that it doesn't feel right anymore on his body, that the belt's been latched two holes tighter than before the war, that he still feels cold even if it's summer and he's dressed in wool.
Major John Egan, Cleven's best friend, is absolutely charming in his role of best man. He flirts with bridesmaids and old ladies alike, dances dutifully with all the bride's friends that ask him, he laughs, and drinks only a few glasses of whiskey to celebrate — no one needs to know that his hands keep shaking whenever he tries to stay still, that there's a flask tucked into his breast pocket filled with nasty liquor that makes his eyes water every time he takes a sip from it, that his heart is bleeding in his chest for the same exact reason he should be celebrating today.
The bride asks him for a toast, at some point. John forces himself to ignore the spark of worry in the blue depth of the groom's eyes as he stands, clears his throat and raises a glass.
He tells the wedding party tales about the groom. How he once landed a plane with all four engines busted. How he once danced with a dog while completely sober at a party. How he never used to drink anything stronger than a ginger beer but had to take care of drunk comrades too many times to count — and he knows that pretty well, him being the drunk comrade Gale would always take care of. How he is the best man sweet Marge could possibly wish for cause he never gave up on the thought of being reunited with her, not even in the darkest of times.
(What he doesn't say: how the groom had kissed him the night after that nightmare of a flight to Algeria, a kiss with blood and desperation in their mouths, a kiss that had made John feel alive for the first time in months.
How him dancing with Meatball was actually a weird way for Gale to apologize to John for having refused his invitation to go to London together, because he knew what John wanted to do and he wasn't ready to give that to him yet — nevermind all the other kisses they'd shared in abandoned haylofts and dark corner, nevermind all those times they'd found comfort in each other's bodies, nevermind that John had almost sunk on his knees and begged him to go, right there, in front of everyone.
How John had almost drunk himself to death the day Buck went down, and when that didn't kill him he'd driven a jeep drunk out of his mind and then tried to stay on his burning plane to be blown out of the sky and go back to the man he loved.
How his Buck never gave up on the thought of marrying Marge, not even in the darkest days of a bleak German winter, but that didn't stop him to find comfort once again in Bucky's arms, in his mouth, along the sharp lines of his body, between his shaky legs.
How he knows with excruciating precision every sound the groom will make tonight during his wedding night, every whimper and moan, every shaky breath, every whispered curse and breathy laugh.)
John tries to leave the wedding without even saying goodbye but Gale knows him too well. He catches up with him in the parking lot, thanks him wearily for his beautiful toast.
“I forgot to add one thing,” John tells him, because now he really doesn't have anything left to lose. “That I love you, more than anything in the world.”
Gale doesn't say anything back to him, maybe he hopes the sadness in his eyes will be enough.
It's not. John leaves, and doesn't look back.
The happy marriage between Gale and Marjorie Cleven crumbles apart in less than one year.
They'll say it was because of the war, that Gale didn't come back as he was before and they couldn't work out anymore.
They'll say it was because of the children, Marge wanted them but Gale never seemed sure enough to actually try, fearing he'd unlock something ugly buried deep inside him, the venom of his father dripping through.
They'll never tell the truth: Gale is in love with someone else. Marge doesn't know who — she had a hunch, but Gale refused to listen to her trying to talk about that, said she wouldn't understand because she wasn't there, she doesn't know. Still, she rightfully refuses to play second fiddle in her own wedding; she gives him the ring back, packs a suitcase and goes home to her parents.
Gale goes home too; not to Casper, Wyoming, nor in South Dakota. He drives a whole day and a whole night to Manitowoc, Wisconsin. To the only place he's ever truly felt at home: with John.
He doesn't have an address so he asks around town if anyone knows where Major Egan lives. A nice lady points him to where the the Egans are staying; Gale doesn't think too much of that weird plural, he figures John's still with his mom and sister as he thinks about what to do after.
He rings the doorbell, practicing in his mind what he's going to tell John once he sees him again.
It's a blonde woman that opens the door, tall and with piercing blue eyes but not the same shade of John's — not his sister, Gale's mind provides.
She looks equally surprised to see him. “Can I help you, Sir?” She asks.
Gale goes through the motions. “Good morning, Ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm looking for Major John Egan. We served together, I was passing by and wanted to say hello.”
The woman smiles at his words, almost relieved. “Of course! Any friend of Bucky is welcome here. Bucky! There's someone at the door for you.”
“If it's the pastor I swear I'm going to tell him-” John's familiar voice echoes through the narrow entryway behind the woman as he walks to the door, adjusting his tie, but the words die on his lips as he sees Gale staring right back at him. “Buck,” he says, voice full of wonder and for a second Gale still thinks it's going to be ok. Then the curve of John's mouth sharpens, the surprise sours in his eyes.
“Buck Cleven, what are you doing here?” He asks him, tone wrong, posture tense.
“I was passing through and thought about stopping by,” Gale says, glad now more than ever to have left his duffle bag in the car. “How are you? It's been a while.”
“It sure has,” John says. “I've been good, thank you Buck.” Then his gaze shifts to the woman, like he's just now noticing her here. “Oh, what a disgrace I am! I forgot to properly introduce you two. Jo, this is Buck, one of my best pals from the war. Buck, this is Jo. My wife.”
Those two words lodge themselves into Gale's heart.
“Oh. I didn't know you got married, congratulations", he tells John, voice strangled, hands fisted at his sides.
“Yeah, it's been a short engagement but what can I say, when you know you know, right Buck?”
Gale nods. “Right. Well, I better go now, I don't want to make you late for work. Jo, it's been a pleasure to meet you,” he says, and retreats to his car. He hears hushed voices behind him and tries to walk faster, but the door closes and John reaches him just before he can open the door to his car.
“Buck,” John says again, harsher this time. “Buck, look at me.”
Gale exhales and turns. “What?” He asks, chin raised in defiance.
“Why are you here?”
“Marge left. We couldn't make it work, the war changed too many things. It changed me, too much,” Gale says then he adds, “She knew.”
“She knew what?”
“That I'm in love with someone else. That I'm in love with you,” Gale spits out, cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the minute. It's getting harder to breathe and to keep the stinging in his eyes at bay; he fails, John's face in front of him suddenly blurry.
“Are you crying?” John asks. When Gale doesn't answer, he talks again. “Good. Now you know what it's like.”
“Did you marry her just to spite me?” Gale asks, outraged. “Were you just waiting for me to cave?”
“No, Buck. I married her because she's a nice woman, she treats me well, and she doesn't really care if I had someone else before or during the war.”
“She fucking looks like me.”
“That's a plus,” John admits. “She's also a pilot, so. And she's my wife, and we've been talking about building a family.”
“And what about me?”
“What about the fact that I fucking love you?” Gale almost shouts, remembering at the last second that they're not alone in the world — there's also Bucky's wife, apparently, and their neighbors. The words come out of him in a strangled whisper, more tears now running freely down his cheeks.
John laughs. “You know, I could do exactly what you did when I told you that at your wedding. But I know what that felt like, so I won't. I'm going to tell you things exactly how they are: I loved you, I loved you so much. You broke my heart and moved on, and I had to move on too. I have a wife, I love her. I love you less, but I still love you. There's no place in my life for you, not now, not like this.”
Gale feels like he's breathing molten led, not air. “And what am I supposed to do?” He asks.
There's sadness in John's eyes now, and something too akin to love not to make Gale's heart ache. “I don't know, Buck. You'll have to figure it out. It's better this way, I promise.”
“But I love you,” Gale tries again. This time, John yields and hugs him.
“I love you too,” he murmurs in Gale's ear. “But we cannot make it work. I am so sorry, Buck, so fucking sorry.”
It's not your fault, Gale thinks. It's mine.
He extricates himself from John's hold. “There's nothing to be sorry about,” he mumbles. “I'll be fine. And if you ever need me for something, anything, you just have to call, ok? Anything, I mean it.”
(What he doesn't say: if you ever get tired of her, if you ever want to pick things back up from where we left them, if you ever feel lonely or bored one day, call me and I'll be there, waiting for you, atoning the sin of having let you go.)
John's always read him like an open book. “Thank you, Buck. I'll see ya,” he says, and goes back to his house — to his wife.
But Gale reads him perfectly too, and he knows one thing for sure: sooner or later, he'll be back.
Now it's his turn to sit and wait.
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cosmic-theory · 2 months
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— Powerful in true magic. Angry at John. This, I understand. Yet, you still have feelings for him.
— I could kill him.
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ana-swritings · 4 months
"Interstellar Destiny"
Hello, my lovelies. Here it is. It's finally done. Hope you like it.
This is Book 3 of the "Interstellar" series. We are finally at the conclusion of the series, after almost 2 years. :)
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1
Words: 26.968
Fair Warning: Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Canon-Divergent; Grief; Comfort; Romance
Summary: Book 3 in the "Interstellar" series. Lara and Evan finally have their happy ending. Or do they? When a mission goes sideways, Lara is left to believe that her life has been turned upside down. Having to face new challenges, while leaving the one place she has called home for the last few years, Lara has to find a new kind of strength if she is to ever be happy again. But when a face from her face shows up on her doorstep, can she go back to her happy ending? Or will external forces mess everything up? Read on to follow Lara on her last adventure of the series.
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Making his way to the South Pier after his shift, Evan is a man on a mission. Carrying a large picnic basket, he has decided that tonight is a good night to set up a little picnic for Lara, filled with candles all around them and under a beautiful full moon.
As he sets everything up and waits for Lara to meet him there, he can’t stop the nervousness that threatens to overcome him, his nerves almost making his hands shake. He takes one last look around, making sure everything is perfect, and thinks that it’s time they start a new chapter in their story together, a smile spreading across his face.
It doesn’t take long for Lara to show up and be surprised by what he has done, making him relieved that no one had spilled his plan to her.
-“What’s all this for? Did I miss our anniversary or something?” - A smile plays on her lips.
-“No.” - He chuckles. -“I just wanted to do something special for you.”
-“Thank you. Today was a long day, you have no idea, and this is exactly what I needed. Just some alone time with you.”
Lara kisses him deeply, Evan more than happy to reciprocate the kiss. He is sure that, no matter how long the years run, he will never get tired of the feeling of her lips on his. Once they break apart, Evan helps Lara sit down on the fluffy blanket he borrowed from Teyla and takes a seat next to her, thankful that she loved the idea.
For the next few minutes, they eat and talk about their days, from crazy injuries that Lara treated, to the weird fruit Evan had tried off-world that morning, some of it having made its way into their picnic basket so she could try as well, after being cleared by the biologists in the city.
But the nerves are starting to get to Evan and he keeps rubbing his hand over his neck or messing with his hair. As much as he tries to disguise it, he knows he’s failing when Lara asks him if he’s okay.
-“I’m fine. But there is something I want to talk to you about, though.”
He sees her nodding at him to continue. Taking a deep breath, he knows it’s now or never.
-“Lara, ever since I met you, my life hasn’t been the same. We have been through hell and back to be together, and when we were finally in a good place, life threw another hurdle at us. In our darkest moment, when I thought I would never see you again, I realized that I don’t want to live my life without you. I want to share everything with you, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it, because you’re the only woman I have ever loved this deeply. So, Lara O’Neill, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Evan can see the tears in her eyes as he kneels in front of her, a little box with a ring in his hand, and wonders if maybe this isn’t what she would’ve wanted. But the words that leave her mouth next, leave no room for doubts.
-“There’s nothing I want more than to be your wife. Yes, a million times, yes.”
Evan smiles so big, he is sure he is bound to pull a muscle. Placing the ring on her finger, he pulls her close and kisses her deeply. When they pull apart for breath, he thinks that he is one lucky bastard to be able to call a woman as amazing as Lara his future wife.
They spend the rest of the night making plans for the future, from where they want to get married to where they will live once they eventually return to Earth. They talk about who they want at the wedding and how things will change once they are actually married, and they know that some things will also stay the same.
Evan can honestly say that he can’t wait for the rest of his life and to grow old and gray with Lara. Hopefully, the Universe will be kind enough to them and give them that. After all they have been through, he thinks it is well deserved.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
To continue reading, go here. :)
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
Annnd flashback fic number 2 with bonus amazing cover art by @trainofcommand...
Pre-SGA Jack x John hookup: Blow off some steam
Another of my own favourites, mind the light alcohol consumption and the unsafe hookup sex
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“Rough day, Jack?” Sheppard asked. The chair wasn’t all that big, but he was still somehow managing to sprawl on it like it was a three-seater couch. 
Jack’s lips twitched. Someone up the chain had their hands full with this one.
“You could say that, yeah,” he finally answered wryly. “You?” 
“Heh.” Sheppard nodded and drank, eyes staying on Jack while he did. “You could say that,” he echoed. “But, hey. Sometimes you just gotta buckle down and take it, right.” 
The emphasis on ‘take it’ was not particularly subtle. Jack’s eyebrows climbed, and the kid actually blushed, that perpetually lopsided grin taking on an abashed, but challenging, cast. 
“Even when it’s rough?” Jack asked mildly, letting his gaze rake slowly down Sheppard’s body and back up again to linger on those flushed cheeks. 
Pink tongue and white teeth flashed briefly as Sheppard bit his lip, gazing steadily back. “Especially then.” 
“Mm.” Raising his beer again, Jack rubbed the mouth of the bottle thoughtfully over his own bottom lip but didn’t drink yet. “You in town for the night?” he finally asked. 
Sheppard nodded, eyes on Jack’s mouth. “Uh huh. Hotel’s not far.” 
“Well, Sheppard…” Jack said with a crooked smirk, interrupting himself to drain the last of his beer. “You want a ride?” 
Sheppard grinned that cocky little grin and followed suit, downing the rest of his drink in one go. “Oh, I really do.”
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heavenlyhischier · 5 months
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liked by siegenthaler34 and others
john.marino97 Can’t wait to start this new chapter with my fiancée and our little girl ❤️
tagged anastasiandersen
View all 387 comments
user1 FIANCÉE????
user3 I feel like we missed a chapter??
njdevil00 Same
jackhughes Congrats bro!
john.marino97 Thanks man
haileygarcia keep my girls safe 🥹
john.marino97 Always, you included
⤷ anastasiandersen that’s right 😌
user4 My favorite little family 🥹
nicohischier Very happy for you both!
lhughes_06 Can’t wait to meet her!
anastasiandersen She’s going to love you 🩷
user5 Breaking his four year long insta hiatus for things that matter
paulmarino She’s going to have the coolest uncle ever😎. But uh, when did you get engaged?
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liked by haileygarcia, luciandersen, and others.
anastasiandersen Welcome to the world Paige Valeria. Siete così amati 🩷
tagged: john.marino97
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lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Lesbian x Male, Gay Man x Female, CBT, Sounding, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Genderbent Characters, Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
Trans Reader, Chubby/Tall/Short/Curvy/Fat/Buff Reader, Other Specific Characteristics.✔️
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
Adventure Time/Fiona & Cake: PB, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona.
Attack On Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin, Ymir. 
Avatar: Jake, Neytiri.
Batman Begins Triology: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow.
Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast.
BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Penny, Amy.
Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite.
BNA: Michiru, Shirou.
Bob’s Burgers: Bob, Linda.
Breaking Bad: Jesse, Skylar.
Call of Duty: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria, Farah.
Creepypasta: Jeff, Jane, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Slenderman, Splendorman, Clockwork, Kate, Masky, Hoodie,
Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabi, Edie, Lynette, Carlos, John.
Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby.
Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Zeebo, Wiploc, Valerie.
Elemental: Wade, Ember.
Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta.
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve.
Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.
Futurama: Leela, Fry, Amy, Bender.
Gravity Falls: Ford, Stan, Soos, Melody, Giffany, Bill.
Jane The Virgin: Jane, Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rose, Rogelio, Xiomara.
Jurassic Park (1993): Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna.
King of the Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luane, Nancy, Dale, Khan, Min, John Redcorn.
Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy.
Little Mermaid (2022): Ariel, Eric.
MHA: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa.
Moon Knight: Moon System, Layla, Khonshu.
Mulan: Mulan, Li Shang.
National Treasure: Benjamin, Riley.
Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Bowser, Waluigi.
Norbit: Rasputia, Norbit.
Princess & The Frog: Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Shadow Man.
Ratatouille: Colette, Linguini. 
Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson.
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Carlos Oiliveria, Lady Dimitrescu.
Rick and Morty: Rick, Jerry, Beth, Doofus Rick.
Riverdale: FP Jones, Hiram.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Kim, Ramona, Gideon, Wallace.
Serial Mom: Chip, Beverly.
Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Shallow Hal: Rosemary, Hal.
Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V.
SheRa (2018): All Adults.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock, John Watson.
Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Trickster, Pearl, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Patrick Bateman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven, The Artist, Amanda Young.
Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew.
Spongebob: Dennis, Man Ray.
Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo.
Steven Universe: Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Blue Diamond, Rose, Greg.
Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans (Except George & Evelyn)
Stranger Things: Robin, Billy Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper.
Supernatural: Sam, Dean, Castiel.
Super Store: Amy, Jonah, Dina, Garrett, Cheyenne.
Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell.
The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler.
The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
The Nanny: C.C, Fran, Maxwell.
Total Drama Island: S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley.
Triple Frontier: Frankie, Santiago.
Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee.
Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns.
YOU: Beck, Joe, Peach, Love.
Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie.
Abel Morales (A Most Violent Year)
Astarion (Baulder’s Gate 3)
Babbo Natale (Violent Night)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Basil Stitt (Lightning Face)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Bruce (Beyond Therapy)
Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Praire)
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends)
Chel (Road to El Dorado)
Dale Kobble (Longlegs)
Dan Conner (Rosanne)
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Doug Remer (Baseketball)
Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)
Fezzik (Princess Bride)
Francine (American Dad)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia)
Jack Harrison (Translyvania 6-5000)
Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield 2024)
John Doe (John Doe Game)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
John Wick (John Wick 4)
King Baldwin (Kingdom of Heaven)
Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto)
Laurent LeClaire (In Secret)
Linda Gunderson (Rio)
Llewyn Davis (Inside Lleywn Davis)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mike (5lbs of Pressure)
Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops)
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Outcome-3 (The Bourne Legacy)
Orestes (Agora)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River)
Peggy Bundy (Married With Children)
Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Prince John (Robin Hood 2010)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Shiv (Pu-239)
Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Star-Lord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy)
Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
The Janitor (Willy’s Wonderland)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980)
William Tell (The Card Counter)
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creativepawsworld · 9 months
Silence - Chapter 54
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x OC
Summary = Ana is in labour. Will Tommy return in time for the birth of his child? Will John have to step up and deliver his future niece or nephew?
Warnings = Language...Grammar...Virginity losing mentioned...Alcohol consumption... Prostitution mentioned...Child Birth...
Word Count = 1,874
Note = I know it's dragging and I am so sorry. Hoping to get back in the swing now. Guess am nervous to write after leaving it so long. I liked this chapter as it shows the relationship between John and Ana and I think that's adorable personally. I'm also a C-Section mum who never experienced labour pains so I tried!
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“That’s impossible it’s too early John,” I hissed hearing the words he said to Arthur who was still sitting on top of the table confused, by the request. He had a bottle of whiskey in one hand and, a glass in the other.
“I’ve seen the signs, Ana, I am a father myself. Arthur go now and find Esme too” John demands getting up and walking towards me. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, rubbing it softly in support. “How are you feeling? Is it like a tightening?” He asked softly, a gentle look on his face.
“More like a pressure” I exhale slowly, trying to stand up straight. I was getting nervous, and scared. Not only was it too early but Tommy was nowhere to be found and there was no way I was having this baby unless I knew where Tommy was. I heard a rustling, noticing Arthur's back as he left through the green doors in search of the women of the Shelby family.
“Do you feel like you have to push?” John asked rubbing my shoulders, his voice easy and kind. I knew it was to help me relax but that wasn’t happening right now. I was in no way ready to relax or to have this baby.
“I…I don’t know” I whispered, my hand resting just on the under part of my bump. "I mean maybe, the pressure is all pushing down on me"
“Alright, come on into the house, we need a bed for this” John nodded ushering me back towards the green double doors Arthur had just left through and into the Shelby dining room. But we didn’t stop there. He walked slowly with me through the house, speaking calmly as we made our way up the stairs and into Tommy’s old bedroom.
The green wallpaper and single bed caused memories of the night I lost my virginity to the man I had fallen head over heels in love with in this bedroom to enter my mind. The memory brought a happy, calming feeling to take over but it only lasted a few moments before another contraction hit.
“Now I’ll be honest Ana I haven’t a clue what I am to do now” John chuckled unsure, scratching the back of his head, a nervous look on his face. “But just lay back on the bed, breathe and try to relax”
“I can’t relax, Tommy is missing. How can I relax?” I asked glaring at him as I rubbed my bump. I sat down on the bed, ignoring his advice to lie down. “Where is he, John? The mission was a success. Campbell is dead, no one could have possibly told on him. Where is he? Where did he go?”
“I wish I knew Ana. But we have men out looking for him, I promise we will find him and he will be back in time to meet this new little Shelby” John tried to assure me with a nervous smile on his face.
“And if he is not?”
“We are not going to think of that now, are we? No” John raised an eyebrow looking around Tommy’s old bedroom. It was clear he was uncomfortable being in this situation but he knew he couldn’t leave. If he was right and I was in labour, I couldn’t be left alone. Not when I was this vulnerable.
“John, I’m scared” I confessed my true feelings as I rubbed my stomach, grimacing at the tightening feeling I had every so often.
“Nothing to be scared of, this is exciting. We were successful at the Derby and now we have a new family member to welcome. It's a good day for the Shelby family,” John tried to put a positive spin on the situation, sitting next to me and taking my hand into his. “I know it's hard, but I remember Polly telling me how dangerous stress is to a baby so please Ana, for my little niece or nephew…”
“I know, I know” I nodded squeezing his hand as I tried to relax.
“You know, I almost married Lizzie” John chuckled looking over at me with his blue eyes. They were not as blue as Tommy’s but they were still pretty. Full of life. Full of mischief.
“Lizzie Stark?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows and looking over at him.
“Yeah, Lizzie Stark. Asked her and she accepted and all” John nodded “I wanted a mother for my kids. They were running rings around me. Out in the street without shoes, chasing off nanny after nanny. I couldn’t keep up. I believed a mother would see them right,”
“What happened?”
“Well as you know she was a woman of a particular career choice. She serviced shall I say Tommy and myself. I thought she would do, she was a woman, she gave me bloody good orgasms and she said yes” John chuckled. I couldn’t help but grimace as he mentioned the pleasure he received from her.
“I told the family and they fucking laughed at me. Belly laughs but ultimately they were right” John sighed “Tommy did a test with her. She promised to change her ways but she lied. She was willing to service Tommy one more time even though she said yes to me… She also had other men she was keeping on, I felt like a fool” John looked over at me, squeezing my hand. “You weren’t an option at this point by the way. I don’t think you were anyway. Tommy hadn’t got his claws into you yet”
John’s words made me laugh, his story keeping me occupied as I listened to his words carefully. I didn’t know John was once engaged to Lizzie, I knew she had serviced both brothers but I didn't know she almost married one, that was new.
“I sat on this bed with our Tommy after finding out the truth. Realising Lizzie wouldn’t change,” John chuckled pointing at the chest of drawers near the bed. “He had a pipe there and I got so fucking high to deal with the pain. Not because of Lizzie’s betrayal, I suppose part of me expected that but for the loss of my wife. For the fact my kids were growing up without a mother and I had no control”
“Oh John,” I whispered squeezing his hand. My grip getting tighter as a contradiction rippled through my abdomen.
“Tommy was such a hard ass as you know, he came in gun drawn thinking I was some fucking, some fucking nobody I don’t know. He sat next to me, like I am with you now and we talked about our younger selves. Making jokes, connecting like we used to. He talked about our grandfather, now our grandfather was a right ole stingy git, worked every day of his life but not for honest money. He swindled and stole, apples don’t fall far from a tree you know. Tommy put on the voice he did when we were kids, imitating him, our grandfather,”
“But the reality was we weren’t kids anymore. Not anymore. And that hit hard that night. But that night he promised, our Tommy promised that we’d always look after each other, no matter what. And I want to make that promise with you to Ana” John turned looking at me directly in my eyes, holding my hand “No matter what happens, we have your back, you hear me?”
John’s words had me feeling emotional as I nodded looking at him. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I had lost James but had gained a brother with John and Arthur. A sister with Ada. I had lost my best friend but appeared to have gained three more.
“I know your memories of this bedroom are much, much different than mine” John nudged trying to lighten the conversation once he noticed I was getting emotional. “Eh, eh” He teased playfully causing me to blush. He wanted me to be laughing and smiling, not upset or stressed.
John and I remained in the room for the next hour, Arthur had yet to return with either Polly or Esme. I could tell John was beginning to panic at the idea of having to deliver the baby himself, he even considered taking me to the hospital which I refused. I wanted to be here in case Tommy returned. This is where he would go I just knew it.
The contractions were coming thick and they were coming fast. I was in a lot of pain, sweat had covered my forehead. John tried to cool me down with a wet cloth dabbing it along my head, face and neck as he told me stories from his childhood in hopes of distracting me and making me feel better. But the reality was quicker starting to set in. If Polly didn't arrive soon, John would be delivering this baby.
The contractions were coming quicker, almost every few minutes. I could see by John's reaction he was about to pass out. But he held his nerve well. Feeling the need to push, I knew I had to remove my underwear, John closed his eyes as I lay back legs spread, he was preparing himself to look when Polly came rushing through the door.
“GET OUT” She yelled, John not having to be told twice fled from the room no doubt going to sink an entire bottle of the finest whiskey. I believe that may have been the longest hour and a half of his life. “You okay love? How fast are they coming?”
“Too fast Polly, god it hurts” I groaned, Polly removed my underwear. Checking between my legs to get a good look at whether or not the baby was ready to be delivered. As she was checking, the door opened once again and Esme walked in with a small smile.
“A new baby eh?” She smiled coming over to hold my hand.
“Esme I need towels and boiling water now” Polly demanded rubbing my legs. Esme nodded leaving the room to get everything that was needed to deliver the newest member of her family.
“Tommy? Is Tommy here?” I asked breathing heavily, glancing down at Polly who made eye contact between my legs.
“Don’t be worrying about that right now you need to be worried about welcoming the newest Shelby” Polly smiled continuing to rub my legs. “You're very close my dear, very close indeed”
The next few hours passed in a blur. Polly was between my legs, and Esme was at my head coaxing me through it. The breathing, my screaming, the pain, both women were honestly a godsend. After what felt like an eternity, a baby’s cry was heard echoing off the walls of the room.
I had tears of joy and relief spilling from my eyes as I tried to sit up and take a peek. I didn’t have to wait long as Polly brought a baby wrapped in a towel towards me, resting the newborn on my chest. Looking down I noticed a tiny little head, with a mop of dark hair and bright blue watery eyes as they cried softly, looking for food.
“Congratulations Mama, it’s a beautiful baby girl”
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby @forgottenpeakywriter @babayaga67 @sweetmilkshakeluminary @slutforcoffein @sydneyyyya @happysparklingshadows @margew76   @midnightmagpiemama  @pierre-gasssllyy  @duckybird101 @muhahaha303 @thenattitude  @dolllol2405
Anyone wanting on or off the tag list please just let me know 💙
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grapecaseschoices · 6 days
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“I know someone who kisses the way / a flower opens,” — Mary Oliver, from I Know Someone
i. wrecking ball - midnight string quartert | ii. breathless - the corrs | iii. annie's song - john denver | iv. this must be the place - dad sports | v. mr. sandman - symyl | vi. you are gold - the national parks | vii. walking up slow - gabrielle aplin | viii. shut up and dance - walk the moon | ix the promise - samia, jelani aryeh | x. i'm so in love with you - jill andrews, seth avett | xi. i melt with you - modern english | xii. dandelions (slow + reverb) - ruth b., slater | xiii. for all you give - the paper kites, lucy rose | xiiii. harbor - vienna teng | xv. enchanted (the wedding violin version) - ana done
for @happyhauvillebday; wildcard: love - a spotify playlist about being loved by (and loving!) Farah Hauville & Felix Hauville.
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simeffable · 7 months
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LOST x The Sims 4: A Project.
UPDATE 12/6/24: This project will now include a save file with a completely customised Sulani. Read more here.
Disclaimer: there is no current end date for this project, as I work 20-30 hours a week and have other responsibilities, but I am hoping it will be available by the end of this year.
The sims I hope to release are as follows (red-complete, green-current WIP, white/black means I haven’t started them yet oops). Any completed items that are not linked will only be available when the entire project is released.
Hurley, Jack, Sawyer, John, Charlie, Jin, Sayid, Desmond, Ben, Richard, Juliet, Kate, Claire, Ana Lucia, Sun, Rose, Bernard, Shannon, Boone, Libby, Eko, Michael, Walt, Penny, Charles (Widmore), Tom Friendly, Keamy, Alex, Rousseau, Miles, Daniel, Charlotte, Horace, Radzinsky, Chang, Jacob, MIB (as himself), Mikhail, Karl.
The items I hope to release are as follows:
• 2x build buy promotional posters (EA aesthetic w/ English and Simlish swatches)
• Dharma Initiative Jumpsuits (linked)
• Jack’s Tattoos (linked)
• Dharma Initiative branded clutter (including cereal boxes, wine bottles, orientation folders, jared and tinned food, Apollo bars)
• The Swan Station mural.
General Progress/Custom Sulani Save File Progress:
30/6/24: WIP The Flame.
7/7/24: 20/39 sims completed.
1/8/24: 22/39 sims completed, The Flame complete, The Pearl WIP.
18/8/24: 26/39 sims completed.
29/8/24: The Pearl complete.
25/9/24: 32/39 sims complete.
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stormberry-12 · 2 years
hey! idk if you do ed based story requests but if you do could you write something along the lines of the reader struggling with her ed/ana specifically and jj noticing so he decides to take her out for an acai bowl along the beach with blankets and they sit down and eat together? (lots of fluff pls!!) if you dont feel comfortable I totally understand just thought I’d ask :)
dinner date ♡ ~ jj maybank x reader
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ofc i can! thank you so much for the request :)
warnings/possible triggers: ed/ana, slight mental health stuff.
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
notes: lowercase intended
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jj had been noticing a sudden shift to your normally bubbly personality, and jj being jj, he decided to investigate. he hated to see you upset and tired all the time, to find out what was wrong he basically started following you everywhere. (well, more than he had already)
you didn't think too much of it, you loved jj with all your heart, and the more time you spent together the closer you got.
it was only when you were hanging out with the pogues one day that someone mentioned it.
"there's jj, following y/n around again," kie laughed.
"little lost puppy," john b quipped chugging a beer.
jj rolled his eyes at their remarks and sat down with you and the pogues around the fire pit.
"wanna s'more y/n?" pope offered kindly, but you declined, saying you had a big dinner and were totally stuffed.
jj furrowed his eyebrows, he had barely seen you eat anything all day. then it hit him like a truck, and it made him sick to his stomach, he could read you like a book. he knew what was going on and didn't know how he hadn't thought of it earlier.
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the following day you sat in the hammock reading the new book that jj had gotten you for your birthday last month.
"hiya cupcake!" he said sprinting over and sliding into the hammock next to you, rocking it back and forth subconsciously with his feet.
"hey jay," you snuggled into his side and turned the page of your book listening to his breathing and the calming waves splashing against the shore. he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair.
after a few minutes, jj piped up, "i'm bored," you raised an eyebrow and smirked at him, he couldn't last 10 minutes just sitting in silence.
"what do you wanna do?" you asked.
"dinner date?" he pondered and you felt your blood run cold.
"uh- i- i don't know," you studdered.
"c'mon! it'll be fun!" he closed your book and dragged you by the hand over to the chateau. flipping his hat and climbing onto his motorbike he motioned for you to sit behind him. you shook lightly with fear and anticipation, "cold?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders, sure that was a good excuse.
jj ran inside and when he returned he was carrying john b's fuzzy green couch blanket. he returned to his spot on the bike and placed the blanket in your arms, "hold on," he said and you wrapped your arms around his waist burying your face in his back.
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when you arrived in town jj imediatly parked his bike, swung the blanket over his shoulder, and dragged you to the food vendors on the beach.
"i'm cravin' a smoothie bowl," he whispered.
you laughed trying to calm yourself, "for dinner?"
"hell yeah, baby!"
you smiled at his enthusiasm, the beach was quiet and there were almost no people lined up for food due to how late it was in the day. jj ran up to the smoothie stand pulling you along with him, interlocking your fingers with his.
"two acai bowls, please!" he said to the lady working the stand.
you stood hip to hip hands still intertwined, you fidgeted with his rings and leaned your head against his shoulder.
"so when were you gonna tell me it was happening again?" he asked his tone suddenly more serious.
"i- what?" you answered looking up at him, feeling your stomach twist.
"i don't think i've seen you eat anything for the past three days..."
"TWO ACAI BOWLS," the clerk called out. jj released your hand and went to grab the food. when he came back he didn't say anything and just started walking toward the sand. you dragged your feet behind him.
the two of you sat on the beach, watching the waves crash on the shore, there was a beautiful sunset forming in the sky and you got butterflies as you looked at the sweet blonde boy next to you. he had wrapped the large green blanket over both your shoulders and snuggled up close to you, digging his toes into the sand.
he turned to you holding out your bowl and a spoon, "i don't know who got into that pretty head of yours that you needed to change your body, but they were wrong."
you looked at him and your heart fluttered and twinged at the same time.
"your the most beautiful girl i've ever met, you know that y/n?"
you blushed at his words and he placed the food in your hands, placing a kiss on your temple.
"we'll eat it together, ready?" he grinned at you and you gave him a small smile. you both brought your spoons to your lips and began to eat the most delicious acai bowls you had ever had.
as you reached the bottom of the bowls jj giggled, took some onto his spoon, and dolloped it onto your nose. you gasped in fake shock, "how dare you!"
he laughed harder as you catapulted a berry and hit him straight in the forehead. jj tackled you and the two of you rolled over a few times, getting tangled up in the blanket. jj ending up on top of you, hovering over your body.
he wiped the food off your face with his sleeve and gazed into your eyes, "you ever have trouble eating again you tell me, got it?"
you nodded and he kissed you deeply, on the perfect summer night basking in the sunset.
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goldnhrs · 4 months
hello! i finally have some free time ahead of me and have been dyinggggg to write. i'm looking for 21+ partners to write with on discord & open to m/f & f/f ships! below are some wanted fcs, wanted opps and fandom ships that i would love soooo if you are interested please feel free to shoot me a message or like this and i'll reach out ♡
wanted fcs:
sabrina carpenter, madelyn cline, sydney sweeney, olivia rodrigo, camila mendes, lola tung, camila morrone, abigail cowen, margot robbie, simone ashley, greta onieogou, zoey deutch, lily collins, ana de armas, kristine froseth, jessica alexander, olivia holt, maude apatow, florence pugh, halle bailey, laura harrier, dua lipa, kaia gerber, madelaine petsch, dakota johnson, blake lively, lily james, alisha boe
wanted opposites:
drew starkey, harry styles, jeremy allen white, glen powell, pedro pascal, renee rapp, joe keery, maya hawke, oscar isaac, austin butler, theo james, chris evans, sebastian stan, christopher briney, jonathan bailey, jacob elordi, michael evans behling, bill skarsgard, mason gooding, cillian murphy, jonah hauer king, joe burrow, dylan o'brien, damian hardung, penn badgley, michael b jordan, barry keoghan, + any from my wanted fcs
fandom ships: (bolded is my preference)
haley james x nathan scott , sarah cameron x john b routledge , sarah cameron x jj maybank, rory gilmore x jess mariano, nancy wheeler x steve harrington, kate sharma x anthony bridgerton, summer roberts x seth cohen, marissa cooper x ryan atwood, joey potter x pacey witter, belly conklin x conrad fisher, ruby bell x james beaufort, padme amidala x anakin skywalker, daisy jones x billy dunne, gwen stacy x peter parker (tasm), elena gilbert x stefan salvatore, serena van der woodsen x nate archibald
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ana-swritings · 11 months
New Story: "My Lover"
Hello, my lovelies. Yes, I know, it's been a while, but I've been busy trying to finish this story, as well as outline the third and final book of this series.
But, I'm back!!! So, check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 26,083
Fair Warning: Explicit Violence; Explicit Language; Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Mentions of Sexual Assault; Mentions of Suicide Attempt; Smut
Summary: Book 2 of the "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series
Finding herself after being on the run will lead Rosalie to a fresh new adventure. But when the lines between friendship and something more get blurred with Evan, will they be able to go back to what they used to be? Or will the lines be blurred beyond recognition? All that Rosalie knows is that she isn't willing to lose everything for something that might not even be real.
(Please check Trigger Warnings at the beginning of the chapters.)
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Chapter 1: Run!
Her left side is throbbing but she can’t stop, she has to reach the gate. Dodging another shot taken at her, Rosalie looks back and returns fire, hitting something. Her feet never falter, she just keeps running.
This has been her life for the last five years. Some days are calmer, days where she can actually thank her lucky stars that she is still alive and being able to breathe, but others… Well, others are spent like this, running from someone and trying to stay alive.
Over the last five years, Rosalie has seen and done things she never thought she would. She had to adapt if she is going to survive long enough to make it back home. Home, that seemed like such a distant concept now. It may take some time, but she will make it back somehow.
Her left side starts throbbing again, bringing her back to reality. Taking a few more shots over her shoulder, she can see the gate in the distance. All she needs is to buy enough time to dial the DHD and make it through the gate.
Pushing her body to the limit, she runs as fast as she can, reaching the DHD. She knows they are close behind, so she dials the first address she can remember, not having enough time to check her list of addresses for another.
A shot barely misses her leg and she knows she’s running out of time. Rosalie sees the gate stabilizing and makes a run for it, throwing herself through. When she lands on the other side, she doesn’t wait to see if someone’s coming after her.
Taking off running, she reaches the treeline and hides, watching the gate. From where she is, she has a clear line of fire, so if anyone decides to come after her, all she has to do is aim and shoot.
The gate closes and Rosalie finally takes a deep breath. “That was too damn close.”, she thinks before looking down to her side. She knows she needs a healer, even if she could stitch the wound herself.
Unfortunately, she had used the last of her medical supplies a few days before to stitch her arm up and was trying to get more when they decided that she wasn’t to be trusted and tried to kill her. Now Rosalie is left with an open wound and nothing to stitch it up with.
Standing up, Rosalie starts walking, looking for any signs of civilization. She starts to feel the effects of the adrenaline wearing off and her body shutting down. Looking down again, she sees she’s losing blood fast and then…
Nothing. Darkness encompasses her sight and her body stops responding, leaving her laying on the forest floor, near a beat down path. Now, her only hope is for someone to find her before she dies of blood loss.
Continue reading here.
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froggibus · 2 years
Daddy Issues - Soldier 76
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Pairing: Soldier 76 x reader
Genre: fluff but its a lil suggestive
Word Count: too many for this prompt 1.5k
Summary: in which your little crush on the Commander doesn't go unnoticed, and he wants to see just how far he can push you
CW: young! Soldier, Overwatch days, reader is shy + gets flustered easily, fainting, teasing, Soldier is a bastard
reader is described GN but is described to be blushing/having red cheeks a lot! i know this description may not fit everyone so i am putting this here to not waste time/ruin the immersion!
ok anyway im too lazy to write today so you guys can have my drafts lmao anyway enjoy <3 i am very down bad for this man anyway
John Francis “Jack” Morrison: super soldier, Overwatch commander, the best of the best, and unfortunately for you, a total DILF. 
The man was gorgeous. Despite working closely with him and Overwatch for years, you still couldn’t even look at him without getting flustered. Stuttered words and red cheeks had become a staple of your conversations with Jack, and all you could do was pray he didn’t notice. 
Unbeknownst to you, it was common knowledge among the other agents of your little crush on the Commander. Jack himself had always found it somewhat cute regardless of the teasing he received from Ana and Reyes, and found himself wondering how much it would take to push you past the breaking point. 
“L/n,” Jack’s voice boomed, “can I talk to you for a second?”
You squeaked, the tips of your ears burning, and approached him. You were painfully aware of the looks the two of you were receiving along the way. 
“W-what’s up?” 
“I was just wondering if you’d be open to taking on a mission next weekend.”
“Oh,” you looked everywhere but his eyes, trying to hide the desperate flush on your face. “I-I can for sure. Who’s all going?”
“It would just be you and I.”
If your face was burning before, it was an inferno now. A mission, all alone with Commander Morrison? 
“Come on, y/n,” he rested a hand on your shoulder. 
His touch on your shoulder and the way he was looking at you sent butterflies to your stomach. You stuttered out a bunch of words that essentially meant ‘yes’, and that was good enough for the Commander. You walked away quickly, covering the lower half of your face with your hand. 
Ana Amari laughed, “come on, Jack. Give y/n a break.”
“Mind your business,” the Commander said, but even he knew he was pushing you a little hard. 
It was the dead of night, and you were yet to sleep. It had been too hot and then too cold, and then your mind could not stop racing. Thoughts of Jack and the mission filled your head. 
As soon as the clock ticked to 2:22am, you found yourself rolling out of bed and slipping your feet into your slippers. You tiptoed your way down the hall, being careful not to wake any of the other agents. You knew how skittish they could be, especially in the dead of night.  
You made it to the kitchen and turned on the kettle, sitting at the counter and waiting for it to boil. Soft footsteps behind you made you whip your head around, your eyes settling on Jack. 
You immediately flushed at what he was wearing. A pair of grey sweatpants, no shirt and bunny slippers. You couldn’t help but look at his bare chest. He was all shredded muscles and perfectly carved abs. Duh, he’s a super soldier, you thought. 
“What are you still doing awake?” He asked, your eyes flicking up to meet his.
“I-I could ask you the same thing.”
He shot a glance at the steaming kettle, “couldn’t sleep, I guess.” 
“Same here,” you nodded, your gaze once again slipping to his bare stomach. 
He smirked, knowing full well where your gaze was. The words tumbled out before he could stop them, “like what you see?”
You instantly hid your face in your hands, trying to avoid looking at him. Jack cursed himself—he was normally so composed, so in control of himself. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself. 
“Jack!” You squealed, voice going up an octave. 
He laughed slightly, “hey, I’m just teasing.”
He wanted to say that he also liked what he saw, but he thought that was a little too far given your current state. Still, he thought you looked gorgeous. In your pyjamas, hair a complete mess, looking all sleepy and cute. 
“S-still,” you mumbled, finally peeling your hands away from your face. You grabbed a mug from the cupboard and set a teabag in it, “I’m too tired for this.”
Jack backed off for now, deciding to give you a reprieve you from his teasing. The image of you all flustered and trying to hide your face was burned into his mind, and it would suffice for tonight. 
Combat training was your favorite part of the week, making every Monday somewhat bearable. Usually, you would pair off with Ana or Angela, given they were around the same skill level as you. 
Today, though, Morrison had claimed you before you could even say anything. As soon as he announced the two of you would be partners, your face was pink tinted and all thoughts left your brain. 
“So, what do you want to work on first?” Jack stretched his shoulders. He was wearing a pair of track pants and a tight blue Overwatch shirt that clung to his abs. 
Memories of the other night in the kitchen filled your brain, setting a fire inside you. “I could use s-self defense practice,” you admitted. 
“Okay, I have a few ideas then.”
Before you knew it, he was positioned behind you, grabbing your hips tightly. He tugged you towards him slightly, your hips slamming against his. You let out a soft whine, instantly pressing a hand over your mouth. 
Jack mumbled in your ear, “too much for you?”
You shook your head quickly, grateful that he couldn’t see how hot and sweaty your face was. “I-I can keep g-going,” your voice was an octave higher. 
You tried to focus on anything but the pressure of his hips against yours, his hard chest on your back, his warm hands on your hips. 
“Okay,” he said and moved an arm up to around your shoulders, and stretched the other around your waist. “So if I were to do this, what would you do?”
He gripped you tight enough to pick you up off of the ground. His touch was so intense it was hard to concentrate, taking you a minute before you could remember the steps. 
You twisted in his grip, ducking under the arm on your shoulder and using it as leverage to turn him around. You held it tightly behind his back. 
“Good, really good,” his praise made you flush, “but you have to be faster than that in the field.”
In an instant, he broke free of your grip and threw you over his shoulder. He tossed you into the ground, cradling the back of your head and the small of your back as he did to break your fall. You landed with a soft groan, Jack on top of you. 
His face was only a few inches from yours, a smirk plastered on his face. Your heart raced in your chest, hammering against your rib cage. The blood rushed to your face. There was no way he didn’t notice how flustered you were. 
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” he noted. 
Blood roared in your ears. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to move your hands to cover your face, but he was holding them down.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tsked. “Why are you trying to hide from me?”
You shook your head, eyes still closed. “I-I’m not.”
“Then why can’t you look at me?” 
“Cause you’re so close to me!” 
He laughed, letting go of your hands, “I thought you’d like this position.”
That was your breaking point. Your heart raced faster, so fast it was almost painful, and your breath caught in your throat. You couldn’t speak, you couldn’t breathe. Your skin was unbearably hot, as if it would melt off your bones any second.
“Y/n?” Jack backed off, “are you okay?”
He blinked at you, waiting for you to respond. When you didn’t, he completely got off of you. You managed to take in one, gasping breath before everything went dark. 
You woke up in the infirmary, a blanket wrapped around you. Your head spun, and when you opened your eyes, there were four Jack’s sitting on the end of your bed. You blinked a few times, and all but one of them disappeared. 
Jack was staring at you with a mix of caution and excitement. “How are you feeling?”
“G-good, I think.”
“Good,” he sighs in relief. “Ana would have killed me if you weren’t.”
“What even happened?”
“You fainted,” he said. “I’ve never seen anyone get so flustered from sparring before.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “you’re a jerk. I know what you’ve been doing—and it’s mean!”
“It’s not my fault you look so cute when you’re embarrassed!”
Your face flushed again, and Jack looked at you cautiously. “You’re not going to faint again, are you?” He asked. 
“I-I don’t think so, why?”
“Because I can’t kiss you if you pass out.”
Your face burned, but your heart still beat normally. “Y-you really want to kiss me?”
He answered by cupping your cheek and closing the distance between the two of you. His lips smashed against yours, sending electric shocks down your spine. You moved against him and tangled a hand in his hair. 
“You’re sure you’re not going to pass out?”
You tugged on his shirt, “shut up,” and kissed him again. 
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 months
Winter Wolf: Part 14
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
Word Count: 3,523
A/N: Finally got the muse to finish this story! YAY!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13
“Who’s the cutest little princess in the whole wide world?” Bucky cooed from your bathroom as he gave Anastasia a bath, while you caught your notebook up on the last two years of your life. You smirked to yourself as your daughter giggled away and splashed in the water in her blow up bath tub in the shower. “You are! Yes, you are!”
“Thought I was the cutest in the world.” You called out, playfully as you leaned to the side the slightest bit to see your husband with your eyebrow cocked.
“Not anymore!” He cooed, teasingly with barely a glance over at you. “Ana wins that, hands down now. You didn’t age so well in the dinosaur years.”
“You’re rude!” You laughed as you chucked a pillow at him, easily hitting him in the side to which he completely overreacted to make Ana laugh harder.
“What was that?!” He asked her as he shook his head and pushed himself off where he had purposely fallen to his hip. “Did Mommy just hit me, go boom?! Oh, yes she did, and Daddy’s gunna remember that shit later tonight, too. Yes he will.”
“Are you receiving company?” Tony asked as he knocked gently on your open bedroom door. You froze the slightest bit and closed your notebook as you looked over at him in shock.
“Umm... yes? How am I supposed to answer that, Tony.”
“I know I ruined your birthday.” He started as he opened up his tablet and held it out to you. “And I also didn’t get you a wedding gift. But I figured I’d at least try to kill three birds with one stone with this as a way of apologizing for what I put you through, after everything you have done for the world.” You nodded and scooted across the bed to take the tablet as Bucky did his best to get his daughter out of the bath peacefully for bed so he could see what was going on. You looked at the screen and almost instantly felt the scalding heat you felt the day you watched your home burn to the ground.
“My plantation.” You whispered as you looked at the charred remains. “It’s still there?!”
“It’s technically a historical site.” Tony said as he glanced over at Bucky as he leaned on your door frame. “You owned the biggest plantation in Georgia during the Civil War. It was on the market for a while back in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s but then was taken off...”
“When I moved to London to go to school.” You said with a nod. “I was a doctor... my Lord.” You whispered with a shake of your head.
“Well the property went to the government some time in the 1920’s, and was deemed historical. So they maintained the property and the other houses and stables. But they never rebuilt the main house...”
“There’s an old willow tree a ways to the right of the house.” You said as you closed your eyes and tried to look past the last day you were there in your mind. “It was nearly as tall as the house and I could see if from my bedroom window. Is it still there?” You opened your eyes and looked over at Tony, who slowly shook his head and shrugged.
“I’m not sure. It took me a while to track this place down, because no one knew who the owner was after the war, and I haven’t been down to look yet. Figured you’d want to go first.” You nodded your head and looked back down at the photo as Bucky sat down on the bed beside you with Ana.
“It had a huge wrap around porch.” You told him as you showed him the photo with a small smile as more memories flooded your mind. “John made us rocking chairs that sat right here so we could watch the sun set. Mine had a hole in the right arm from when I stabbed it with my knitting needle after a disagreement one night. And it had these big white columns in front that held up the roof and the small porch up there. Look, baby... this is where Mommy lived.” You said to Ana as you traded Bucky her for the tablet when she tried to get away from her dad.
“We can leave in the morning if you’d like.” Tony said as he pushed off the door frame. “Jet’s ready. Just let me know when you are, whenever you are.”
“Tony.” You called out before he could walk away as your daughter used you as a jungle gym. “Thank you.” He gave you a tight nod and a small smile before he turned and walked away, leaving you to catch up on your memories with your husband.
“So you owned a plantation?” Bucky said, because it was partially news to both of you.
“I inherited it when John passed.” You said with a nod as you wrangled your toddler into your lap. “It’s strange, until I saw that photo, all I could remember of that place was the day I was shot and left. But now, I’m seeing the giant wood burning stove in the kitchen, and the stone fireplace in the parlor. I can see the staircase that ran up the right side of the main hall, that led all the way to the back with this... oh, God it was the most hideous carpet in the world, but it belonged to John’s mother and he loved it.” You scoffed and shook your head as you got up to put Ana in her jammies. “I am not sorry to see that carpet burned down. I wonder if the fire went all the way down to the basement.” You said as you paused at Ana’s dresser and turned around with your brow furrowed. “There’s... there’s something in the basement... I can’t remember...”
“Well, do you want to go look tomorrow?” He asked, pulling you from your thoughts so you could get your daughter dressed. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing this ‘biggest plantation in Georgia’ that my wife owns.”
“It was a big plantation.” You agreed with a huff. “Pain in my rear to work and hotter than all get out most days.”
“Oh, and we’re turning Southern with it.” He laughed as he scooted up on the bed to relax in his spot. “You worked the fields?”
“I did.” You said with a slow nod as you picked up your clothed daughter and walked over to the bed so she could have her night time bottle before bed. “I was a woman before my time back then, and still a Yankee at heart you could say. When John and I married, I convinced him to free our slaves, and made sure they all worked for pay. He was very well off, he could afford it, and they all worked even harder if at all possible once the overseer was let go. But when the war happened, money got a little tight, and we lost quite a few hands to typhoid but the work still needed to be done. So yes, I worked my fields until the war was dropped on my doorstep one night.”
“You know, you get more and more impressive every single day.” He said as he set Tony’s tablet aside to lay down beside Ana so he could look at you. “I am so honored to get to call you my wife, doll.”
“Even though my memories come in snippets and I’m dinosaur old?” You teased as you picked up your notebook to update some past notes.
“Absolutely.” He laughed as he reached across the pillows to rub your back. “Makes you mysterious.”
“OK, we’ll go with that.” You laughed as you handed him the remote so he could put on the ‘Good Night Moon’ show Ana loved before bed while you wrote. You hummed and shook your head as you opened your notebook and clicked on the plantation memories page. “Mysterious, he says. Crazy I say.”
“Go write your notes!”
You were glad to see that the massive live oaks lining your driveway were still just as gorgeous as ever, but it absolutely disgusted you to see that your front lawn had been turned into a giant gravel parking lot. A deep growl rolled from your chest, and Steve gently reached over the front seat to grab your wrists, while Bucky put his hand on your knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“We can fix it, sweetheart.” Your husband said softly as Happy, Pepper’s assistant, parked his rental car beside the one Tony, Pepper, and their lawyers were in, since parking the jet on your property was apparently not an option. Your growl turned into grumbling as you got out of the car, but turned right back into a much deeper growl when you turned to see a six foot tall, chain link fence around your old home. But all noises simply stopped when you saw your willow tree.
“I’m gunna fucking kill someone.” You said as you ripped away from Bucky and Steve and stormed over to your tree, where a young couple was carving their initials amongst the decades of others, including your and John’s original carvings. “Back the fuck up!” You roared as you let your claws fly just as Steve wrapped his arm around your upper torso and yanked you back.
“Just back away from the tree.” He said quickly to the terrified kids with a shake of his head. “Go on.” The second they were clear, he set you down, and you retracted your claws to walk over and run your fingers over the destroyed wood.
“No...” You said with a shake of your head with tears in your eyes as you looked around until you found the faint, misshapen heart that was almost gone with age, and distorted letters carved by your late husband.
“We’ll see if we can fix it, baby.” Bucky said softly as he touched the small of your back. “Look, the older ones are already fading.” You nodded your head slowly and looked up at the higher names, that were a little less distorted than yours, but were fading as well.
“You must be Mr. Stark.” A peppy older woman in period clothes said as she headed over to the group. “My name is Abigail, I’ll be your guide of the Jackson Plantation...”
“I’m sorry, the what?!” You said as you whipped around to look at her with rage in your eyes, which made Tony step between the pair of you with a tight ‘all business’ smile.
“You’re gunna want to clear the property.” He said evenly with a nod. “Now. For everyone’s safety.”
“Oh! Oh, I’m afraid I can’t do that...” Abigail said as you stormed away from the group to look at a metal plaque on your side of the fence around your house.
“Oh, this is not good.” Bucky said with a shake of his head as you read the lies someone had made up about your house, before you simply ripped it off the post and easily crumbled it in a ball before Steve could get to you.
“Wait, you can’t do that!” Abigail shrieked as you ripped the fence open with more grumbling and headed up to your house with Steve, and Bucky right behind you.
“I’m warning you once more.” Tony said as he simply watched your guide’s horrified expression. “Clear the premises...”
“I’m calling the police!” She cried as she pulled her cell phone from the pocket of her dress.
“I am the fucking police here!” You roared from the front steps as you rounded and glared at her. “This is my fucking land! You are trespassing here!”
“This is property of the National Parks Services...” She tried with shaky hands, which made the Wolf rear her ugly head at the woman’s weakness as a sinister darkness filled your eyes.
“And that’s where you’re fucking wrong.” You said as you slowly walked back down the steps toward her. “This land belonged to my first husband, John William Scott, who was a confederate soldier that died in the war. The plantation, which was named Green Pebble Hill by his aunt, Cecelia Ann Scott MacDonald when she was a child because of the moss covered pebbles in the stream in the back fields by the way, was left to me, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) Scott, his sole heir because I’m not able to bear children due to my mutation. Find his will, I know he had one. It’s dated May 16th, 1864, the day before he left to join ranks before the war even started.
The house was burned down by Yankee soldiers in July of 1865, four days after I got a letter saying my husband was killed, not by looters in 1868 like your historically inaccurate sign claims. Burned down by men who were instructed to kill me when they found that I was helping both their soldiers and ones of the confederacy. I was shot in the left lung for helping wounded men, no matter what color their coat was, because that is what good people do. But thanks to my mutation, I can’t fucking die! My body just rejected the musket ball as they burned my home to cinders. Now, get these people off my fucking property immediately or you will learn all about the hell I’ve been through the past one hundred and twenty four years since I first learned how horrible people could be just for the fucking sake of it!” She nodded her head frantically as you turned on your heel to head back up to your house, grumbling under your breath. “Stevie, help me with this.” You said as you carefully walked up on the porch again. “There’s a safe in the basement. It has that letter... I think the will...”
“Babe, be careful.” Bucky said as you grabbed a long, charred, weather warn piece of wood that made up part of the wall of your first floor and lifted it up so that your best friend could see a similar piece of wood that was attached to it on the far side of the house.
“OK, I see it.” He said as he jumped down and ran to the other side as tourists began to flood toward the parking lot to leave.
“(Y/N), we can get a construction crew...” Pepper tried, but Bucky quickly looked back and shook his head at her.
“Just leave her. She’s being buried by new memories, and she’s battling the Wolf. No one can stop her right now.” 
“Get ahold of your boss.” Tony said as you and Steve chucked the wood away from the building. “I want contact information to whomever believes they own this land. We’ll be taking it back from them now.” Abigail nodded her head again and continued making phone calls as you and Steve made a path down to the basement that seemed relatively untouched thanks to it’s all stone frame.
“It’s...” You said as you jumped down into the basement after twenty minutes of clearing the rubble of your upper two floors and hesitated. You closed your eyes and tried to picture yourself putting the letter in the safe as Steve jumped down in front of you to help. You turned around in your spot and went through the motions of the memory, before your head shot up and to your left. “Over here. Under some flour sacks.”
“I need a light!” Steve called out as you took a step in that direction but stumbled the slightest bit over a small pile of stones. “Wait, (Y/N). We’re getting a light.”
“Here, Tony said just put it on.” Bucky said as he carefully leaned over the edge and dropped Tony’s Ironman helmet down to Steve. Your best friend held it out to you and you squeezed it on to your head before squinting at the bright screen that popped up in front of you.
“Man, what did I do with only lanterns down here?” You asked yourself as you awkwardly stepped over the stones, around whatever had started to grow in the dark space, and over to the sacks of flour that was your safe’s cover with the help of the night vision from Tony’s suit. Once they were thrown to the side, you picked up the three by three cast iron safe with a grunt, and carried it back over to Steve.
“Alright, hold on. Let me get out first.”
“How do I get this thing off... Oh.” You gasped as the mask opened and shrunk down to sit like a thick necklace. “That works.”
“You find it?” Bucky asked as Steve found solid ground and kneeled down to help. You passed it up to him and climbed out yourself as Tony, Pepper, and his lawyers talked to the cops that came to deal with the ‘disturbance’ with Abigail, her boss, and a pair of local representatives from the National Park Services.
“OK, wait just set it here.” You said as you pointed to the ground by the back steps as you kneeled down beside it. “Shit. When is his birthday? Or was it the day we met.”
“Don’t think of it that way.” Bucky said as he came around to the back of the house to see what was inside this little mystery box. “That’s not gunna help here like it doesn’t help you find your cell phone at home, remember? Walk through the last time you used it like you did in the basement. Picture yourself with the letter in your hand.” You nodded your head and closed your eyes as you held out your hand with the letter in it. “Down the stairs, to the left. You moved those bags and kneeled down. You reached out and turned the dial to...”
“Thirty-two.” You said as you opened your eyes and leaned forward. “Seventeen. Nine. His birthday backwards.” A smile spread across your face as the locked popped open, and the metal door creaked as you pulled it open. “Thank you baby. I never would have remembered that. See, the letter.” You said as you carefully pulled it out and unfolded the telegram. You looked over the slightly faded ink with a small sigh, before wiping off the top of the safe and setting it down. “Oh, look. His will. I didn’t know I had the original. Oh, look at this.” You laughed as you pulled out an old photograph of you on your wedding day. “I made that dress by hand. And this picture took forever to take. Cameras weren’t what they are back then.”
“God, you haven't change a bit.” Bucky said as he sat down beside you to look, as Steve crouched down on your other side.
“I aged like a fine wine.” You teased as you added the photo to the stack. “Oh, and this is John. Oh, sweetheart.” You sighed as you slowly shook your head with a fond smile. “Bless his heart, that man couldn’t grow a beard to save his life.”
“He’s... a lot older than I expected.” Bucky said as he took the photo from your hands, delicately.
“Ten years senior.” You said with a nod as Steve excused himself softly to let Tony know you had the original will. “That was normal back then. I married him when I had just turned seventeen so we were together... like seven years before he passed.”
“Wow.” He breathed as he handed you back the photo.
“What else do we have? Confederate bonds. What’s this? Oh, gold. Could have used that. Oh, my jewelry...” The pair of you sat for another twenty minutes or so, going through old memories and things you had kept safe when John left. You were ecstatic to find the deed to the property along with his father’s will and a couple other documents related to his family.
“OK, I have to say this is blowing my mind a little bit.” Bucky said as you pulled out a pistol wrapped in an old t-shirt to make sure there was nothing left underneath it. “Like... this is your stuff. Not your relatives, yours. You actually touched these documents before today.”
“Gives being older than dinosaurs a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?” You laughed as you started carefully putting everything back in the safe.
“And you own this land.” He said as he looked up at the massive, 2000 acre property in front of him.
“I do.” You said with a nod as you closed the door of the safe. “Legally and soon, officially.”
“Damn.” He said with a shake of his head. “Yea, we’re raising Anastasia here.”
“I’m absolutely OK with that, my love.” You said as you stood up and picked up the safe. “I just have to prove who I am to the US government after spending nearly one hundred years trying to avoid doing just that. That’s gunna be the real fun.”
Part 15
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