#join us! XD
arkarti · 3 months
The question now is, where does he hide all these bodies? As far as I know there aren't enough animatronics for all this, is he going to build new ones just to hide the bodies? lol
good question 😳 idk he just unleashes the cupcake upon them - it's like a portable shredder
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or he just stuffs them in the walls lmao 😂😩
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smashwolfen · 2 years
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When you forgot what Christmas was but still feel the need to take a family Christmas photo for sharing XD
More normalish photo under the cut 
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Look at them rascals, how many times do you think they have to reshoot for the squirmy ones because they we’re blurry?
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small-spark-of-light · 9 months
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i have thoughts about these funny little guys
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They are Very Professional. These two would get along. Everybody would hate that. WHEEZE (except Klee who would get a second older brother whether Wolfwood agreed to it or not)
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
"They're too hot to be the villain!! I'm torn!! 😭😭😭"
... haha
Is this your first time???
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disdaidal · 4 months
I'm already starting to regret that I joined yet another Discord server.
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note-boom · 1 year
Higuchi and Ranpo are just such interesting author-based characters in BSD.
I know it's weird to connect the two but hear me out...
So far, the only authors I can remember that don't have a known ability are Aya, Higuchi, and Ranpo. Aya and Higuchi will likely get an ability (latter has been confirmed to have one, at least) while Ranpo...probably won't? Though you never know.
But the reason I bring Higuchi and Ranpo together is because the latter is an author who is heavily implied to be the son of one of his IRL counterpart's characters. And meanwhile, the former is someone who has one of the real people in her IRL counterpart's life (that is to say, BSD Higuchi's sister) brought into the manga. Yeah, Tanizaki and Akuatagawa have their sisters be based off characters, and we also have Haruno based off a Tanizaki character, plus Fitzgerald's characters in the eyes of god story arc.
But I really think that it's interesting that Ranpo is the child of his own character. And that Higuchi is I think the only one with a family member that is based on IRL Higuchi's own family situation. That we might actually have a BSD character based on a real life person that wasn't a significant writer of some sort (to my knowledge, at least).
I don't really have a point with this, but it is interesting and aghhhhhhh Asagiri I'M BEGGING you to do something with Higuchi that doesn't involve Akutagawa! There's so many things about her and I want to know!
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owlyflufff · 1 year
silly bokuaka polls #1 💛
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novelmonger · 2 months
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my cat gets very upset when I have to get out of bed and leave the house and not spend all day snuggling her. if I can't be filthy rich for my own sake I at least want to be filthy rich so I can cater to the high emotional demands of my cat
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millin21 · 8 months
I am freaking out
Whaaaat???? XD
I just used one single key and it glowed green (couldn't screencap it) and then...
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I'm chuckling. Oh my gosh XD
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ch1meraa · 1 year
Just been watching ep 25 of Transformers Earthspark and noticed something interesting: Is it just me, or does it look like Mandroid’s final form might have had the potential to fully transform?
Let me explain;
So, we see in the episode that clearly he does have some ability to alter his form, such as the extendable tail/detachable trident spear and the window visor that we are first greeted with in the intro.
He had that laser chest thing going on, which had the distinctive ability to open up or close. It looks to me like the idea was there, but potentially got scrapped due to some design/time constraints or the fact that maybe it was better to see the very last part of his human self more in the last ep?? So we don’t forget that he is a human dude in that armour, and the vibe of the show was strongly centred on human issues.
Just really fascinating stuff cause to me it looks like he could turn into something else and I have to wonder if this is a deliberate move, does it imply that he could return in season 2? Clearly there’s a lot going on to allude to this in the episode.
The conspicuous organic arms that can stretch - kinda got me thinking ‘The dude is so adaptable and flexible minded that he can stretch his potential limitlessly. If he was able to conjure up the nightmare fuel final form, what else is possible?
Even though we see him die, we do not see what the healing ray effect has on him by the end of the episode. It resurrected all Energon beings the same way his weapon took them out, and that included him too. With the design he has being as unusual and wonderful as it was, I can’t accept that ep 25 is the end for him.
One of the first things we hear him say in the ep is ‘I’ve had a transformative journey through the space bridge’ - Why these words in particular? Wasn’t that already obvious?
I think the statement is driving home a point - Maybe the dude isn’t quite done yet and ‘transformative journey’ could allude to what happens next, after his supposed death.
Though, I think @monocle-teacup and I are somewhat dreading it given what we saw in a certain game recently 😂
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damnation-if · 2 years
On a scale of 1 to 10 how resistant the ROs are to a MC giving them puppy dog eyes
with 1 being least resistant and 10 being most...
Arianis - 6/7. they're an independent warlock who makes tough decisions and can't be swayed!!! unless mc is being really cute...
Heluur - maybe a 2 lmao. he doesn't want mc to be sad... 😔
Lithiana - 5. it depends on the situation and her mood
Malkorath - 1. if mc is romancing them? even less, maybe -10 XD
Suchebh - the highest possible score, either 10 or infinity. try puppy dog eyes on Suchebh at your mc's own risk... they may end up getting the exact opposite of what they're asking for XD
Twilit - varies depending on how much they like mc and whether or not they realise that puppy dog eyes are happening. it's about a 4 if mc is in good with them and closer to 8 or 9 otherwise.
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orange-artblog · 2 years
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Dark Cream Week Day 5: Reward
MLP just because<3 Dark Cream Week by @zu-is-here
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them alone bc I like the way I drew them
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stelliferousduo · 4 months
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"I am sick and tired of people assuming that I'm all brawn over brains. I will prove Teyvat that I can be both a tough /and/ a smart cookie at the same time!" She stated confidently, placing both hands on her hips.
"I mean, how difficult can these academic lectures be? I'm sure it's a piece of cake compared to taking down dragons and sea monsters!"
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
honestly, i would have accidentally let Florin die in my first playthrough if i had chosen to tell Florin/Erin about Flora
Erin: think first before making decision Me: *chose to snitch Erin: are you doing this because you want to cause trouble or you’re just dumb?
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