#joined lunch yesterday with a friend and some of his friends that i didn't know yet
mirillel · 11 months
Beautiful woman interested in me???
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'Basketball Wife'
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"Back the fuck up, thank you." - Miles G. Morales Earth42!Miles Morales x Booksmart!Reader TWs: Cursing, n I think that's it Ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and a lil bit of smiles! W/C: 980? A/N: This was another request that I rlly loved working on! Enjoy luvs ꨄ
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You and your boyfriend, Miles, had been dating for around 10 months or so. He didn't have the best reputation with the faculty, skipping out on certain classes, having the lowest participation score out of most of the students, and overall wasn't a very happy camper. It's not like his grades were bad, oh hell no! He just wasn't a very optimistic person and opted to fade into the background of most people's lives. Which for some reason had the opposite effect, inducing random girls and, very very rarely, boys to throw themselves at him just to say 'I know Miles.'
Now when he decided to join his school's basketball team, shit only got worse for him. He used to eat his food in the lunch room until a pool of girls decided to sit near him in an attempt to snatch his attention. This obviously pissed Miles off even more, pushing him further back into the shadows and closing himself off even more from the people around him. So he decided to eat in the library. It was empty for the most part, with about 5 students eating together and talking, one of them being you. There you sat with your group of girls, chatting away about random topics, ignoring the rather aggressive slam of the library door. For you, it was just another lunch before you went back to your classes.
As you skipped to your 5th-period class, you parted ways with your friend Kayla as you prepared to be assigned the 2-person project your teacher had gone over yesterday. You obviously weren't a fan of work, but you were excited regardless to choose your partner. So when class got started and the teacher announced he would be ASSIGNING your partners? Honey, you were pissed off. The class erupted full of irritated groans and 'Oh my god's as he listed off the names, choosing the oddest combos you'd ever heard in your life. He called your name, and then Miles as you rolled your eyes slightly. Really, you wanted to be with your best friend Amai, but you didn't have much of a choice, did you?
When the teacher finished reading off the list of pairs, everyone scattered across the room to sit next to their partner. So you moved accordingly, scooting your desk over to Miles's with a couple of noisy scrapes. He wasn't exactly rude, just didn't really seem interested. You really didn't feel like explaining what you wanted to do to someone who wasn't listening, so you just decided to compromise.
"Look, we don't have to talk at all, but at least come find me today so we can work on this project. We don't even have to speak, just correct something or write notes on the slides."
So you met every day for the next 2 weeks in the library, with Miles gradually warming up to you as you spent more time together. He went from saying 2-3 words a day to you to having full-fledged debates on random topics. Even when the project was over, he still hung around. Inviting you to watch him practice for his games, putting you on his cfs story on insta, and stationing you in the front row every time he had a basketball game without fail. So it wasn't necessarily a surprise when he asked you out.
You snuck around together for the next 10 months, not really wanting to deal with questions about each other. You had grades to keep up, and he didn't want to attract any attention. Spending minimal time together during school hours but hanging out in Miles's dorm or his house after hours, spending countless nights in each other's arms. He asked you to come to yet another one of his basketball games, to which you happily agreed to make an appearance.
You sat on the benches as you silently cheered for Miles, giving him discreet little heart signs and blowing tiny kisses in his direction every now and again. He winked at you, and no sooner than he did you heard a girl behind you begin to blab on.
"Bitch he winked at me! Oh my god!"
You felt a vein in your temple tense, exercising all of the strength in your body to not turn around. She stepped down a row, sitting slightly close to you as you watched her wave frantically, which Miles ignored. The game went on for about another 45 minutes, with Home scoring the winning shot. The court erupted with loud cheering, you had that same amount of school pride as you yelled along with the crowd. As the team celebrated in the middle of the court, a few players walked over to whoever was important to them in the crowd fixed on the benches.
Miles made a quick glance at you before briefly nodding backward, indicating for him to follow him to the back like you would usually do. Just as you were getting your stuff ready, that dumb bimbo quickly hopped up to grab at his arm. He wasted absolutely zero time in pushing her off, giving her a rather stern "I have a girlfriend. Back the fuck up, thank you." with a grimace that said nothing but pure disgust. He jogged up to you, pulling you from the front of the bleachers and pulling you into a deep kiss. A couple people perked up at the action, watching as two people who seemingly didn't even know each other casually kissed in the middle of the court.
Bitches were mad that day, their delusions coming to a very sharp halt as the reality of Miles's girlfriend smacked them like a backhand from Floyd Mayweather. But you didn't give a single fuck as Miles cooed a gentle "I love you, mi amor." Into your ear. You knew who he preferred over everyone in the school; that mattered to you.
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stubz · 1 month
"Human Kim's mate is dead?!" cries Calis.
"What?! Kim has a mate?!" cries Max
"She is your comrade! How did you not know she has-had a mate?!?"
"But what about Fenrir-wait is Fenrir dead???"
"Human Kim had her bonding band before courting Fenrir, I'm talking about her other mate."
"She's cheating?? Fenrir is the other man...orc???"
"Do humans not have multiple mates?"
"I mean...not usually no...but wait lets back up a minute. How do you know Kim's mate is dead and what do you mean by bonding band, do you mean a ring that goes on a finger?"
"I cannot believe you, her comrade of 5 years, have not noticed her longing rubbing her ankle. How she no longer has the bright orange band on her left ankle. How she looks at her communication device...phone? and looks at what I guess is a photo."
"...wait the orange band? Made out of fabric? Like string?"
"So you have noticed, why have you not consoled her then??"
"...hold on a sec. I'll be back in a moment."
"Are you getting her? Bring her to the command room then, we shall have something for her."
"....how many people think her mate is dead!?"
"Why are we going to the command room?"
"Just keep walking. I have a question for you but I need you to answer in front of a lot of people."
"Ookay?" the humans enter the command room and see it decorated dark and somber. Friends and close co-workers are there dressed in black or their respective mourning attire. Calis steps forward.
"Hu-Kim...Kim we are so very sorry for the loss of your mate...may they join the galaxy as a brilliant star and may you both reunite someday in the great beyond..." They slowly grab her five fingered hand with their four fingered hand.
"...If anything were to happen to Gala...I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. If there's anything you need, anything at all, just ask."
"...Calis...thank you so much...but I don't have a mate?"
"That's what I was saying!" exclaims Max. "If she did then she would've told me, her work best friend!!"
"...but the band on your ankle and your sadness?"
"...Kay I did not notice that but yeah what's up? You alright?" he turns to his short friend
"Ohhh, you mean my friendship anklet?"
"Friend-ship anklet? ...not a bonding band?"
"It was made by my best friend, no offense Max, on Earth the last time I saw her in person 'bout...almost 2 years ago? Anyways it finally fell off since its string and I just miss having it."
"None taken."
"So no one died? She's still alive?"
"Yeah, I just texted her yesterday about the anklet and she said she'll just tattoo one on me cause it'll ward off Max...no offense Max...she just can't accept that I have more than one best friend."
"Again none taken...wait is this the friend who hated you at first and you didn't know so you kept being friendly to her until eventually she accepted you and you've been best friends for like almost 10 years?"
"She...hated you?"
"Oh yeah, she thought I was really annoying but I'm pretty dense so I just kept being nice and going to eat lunch with her throughout high school until after like...2-3 months she gave up and accepted my friendship. Oh! and I didn't know any of this until like this year." she grins
"That's a beautiful friendship right there...makes me jealous about how boringly we met and bonded over anime and musicals."
"On most planets beings would maul you over your annoyance...would you like some of the cake we got you before we knew no one died?"
"Yes please! Also thank you everybody but sadly...and luckily no one died!!" she calls out to the dozen or so aliens and humans in the command room.
"...wait you thought I was having an affair with Fenrir!?" cries a horrified Kim
"That's what I was saying!!" screams Max
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brooooswriting · 5 months
Hi would you write for a Leighton x reader where r forgets to take their adhd meds and they get really overwhelmed and they just ‘disappear’ and nobody can find them and they’re just in Leighton’s bed trying to de stress, and the first place they thought of was leightons because they feel safe and calm with her?
Where were you?
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Leighton was about to have a breakdown. She hasn't seen you for over 24 hours, and she hasn't heard from you for about 5 hours now, which wasn't normal. The last time she really heard from you was this morning when you texted her good morning, and since then, nothing. She didn't think anything about it since you would always join her and her roommates for lunch but you were a no-show.
So, she texted you, but nothing. She asked your friends and again nothing. And when no one could reach you and nobody found you, a bit of panic went loose in all your friends. While your friends and Leighton went crazy, you were quietly laying in a bed.
Leighton’s bed, to be exact. The covers were pulled up to your head as you soaked in the blonde’s smell, which lay atop you like a protective barrier. All the stress, negative thoughts, and feelings nearly disappeared. Yesterday, like the idiot you could be, you forgot to take your meds. You didn't really notice until suddenly every small thing started to annoy you and overwhelm you. The fact that you didn't know the reason for it made things even worse until you figured that you forgot your meds.
By now, Leighton, her friends and your friends were on a search mission for you. They knew how you could be and if you went offline in every sense that could mostly mean bad things. So, Leighton searched in your building complex and the gym, Kimberly was looking through the dining hall and the shops, Whitney was going to the donut shop close by and your friends were looking through some of the lecture halls. Bela decided to look for you in the library after getting a hoodie from her and Leightons room.
The girl stalked inside, typing on her phone as she slammed the door open. She hummed as she searched through her closet, grabbing a nice one and turning around just to let it fall when she saw someone in Leightons bed. “Leighton? I thought we are going to search y/n” she questioned as she stepped closer. “Leighton?” She pulled the covers back a bit just to see y/h/c and eyebrows that definitely didn’t belong to Leighton. “Y/n?” She mumbled to herself before sighing.
She exited the room with her phone in hand to let the others know. “Leight? I found her, she’s sleeping in your bed” she explained as she got an apple sauce from the mini fridge.
“You gotta be kidding me. I’m going to kill her” the blonde grumbled and hung up the phone making Bela giggle. Leighton was fuming, not because you were in her room but because you were sleeping in there peacefully while she was freaking out. The dorm room slammed open making her roommate flinch, “is she still in bed?”
“Yeah, she’s dead asleep I guess” she explained but was mostly ignored as Leighton was already slamming the door to their room open. Bela decided that she didn’t want to be a part of this so she left and told everybody that you were fine.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She screamed as she pulled the blanket off of you, making you whine. You stuttered something out that wasn’t understandable. “Why are you just sleeping here?” She questioned as you carefully sat up, her relief that you were fine overwhelming her and making her miss your shaky hands and wet eyes.
“I- I am sorry. I didn’t think that you’d be mad about it. I mean you gave me the keys after all” you stuttered again and avoided any eye contact with the mad blonde. Her anger seemed to subside though as she started to see the weird way you were behaving and the tears in your eyes.
“Why did you come here?” Her voice was much softer this time, but she kept her distance as long as she didn’t know what was wrong. You scotched back against the headboard and pulled the blanket over you again.
“I forgot to take my meds and i didn’t even notice until I suddenly felt annoyed by everything and everyone and I started to have panic and anxiety and headaches and tantrums and I was so frustrated and normally I would have called you but the headaches made it impossible to look at my phone. So…” you hesitated to keep talking as Leighton sat next to you, her arm wrapped around you pulling you closer to give you comfort.
“So the first place you thought of was my bed?” Your head was laying on her shoulder which made you miss her smile when she said that. Trusting someone has never come easy to her but trusting you was like breathing, it came natural to her.
“I-yeah. I’m sorry if I overstepped, it’s just the thought of your perfume and all of this around me made me calm down already” you explained further playing with the fingers on her hand that wasn’t wrapped around you.
“Gosh, now I feel like an asshole. I love the fact that you thought of me first and felt comfortable coming here, I was just scared. Nobody had heard from you for over five hours and that is never good so I thought that maybe something had happened. I’m sorry I was so rude when I came inside” it was easy to know that she was telling the truth, her voice was so soft that it was impossible that she was lying.
“No, I get it. I would have been mad too. I’m sorry I didn’t text, it just slipped my mind” her arm squeezes you a bit tighter, which was her way of showing that she understood and was fine with it. You stayed in a comfortable silence for a moment before you noticed your headaches coming back, you often had them after feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Your shifting was an obvious sign to the blonde by now.
“How are you now?” She questioned, looking down at you with a look that told you not to lie. It was smart, you would have tried to lie but she had a different kind of power over you.
“My head still hurts” you quietly confessed, looking down at the blanket that was covering your legs. Leighton sighs and leans over to get some medicine from next to her bed.
“Here take these and then turn over so I can cuddle you while we take another nap” she insisted, not leaving any space for arguments which, again, was smart. It was rather early in the day and you knew she still had classes.
You mumbled a thank you, took the pill and turned on your side facing away from the blonde so she could hug you from behind. The light was quickly turned off and a text was shot to her roommates to be quiet when they came home. “Leighton?”
“Yes love?”
“Thank you for caring” you weren’t quite at the ‘I love you’ mark yet, so this was the best you could do. You had both shown how much you loved each other throughout the day; you could only think of her during your worst moments and she would have torn down the campus to find you.
“Thank you for feeling safe with me” she pressed a kiss to your head and pulled you closer before you both drifted off to sleep.
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ivelle-serenity · 4 months
Skateboard 7
Wind breaker
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fem bodied reader | smut | action | pwp | jayjo/fml | vinny/fml | wooin/fml | joker/fml | hyuk/fml | owen/fml | enemies to lovers | angsty | the other woman (?) | reverse harem | fluff | SLOW BURN! | all characters featured are 18+
author's note: i need demitra's interaction with sabbath now and write smut. damn it. they're so hot--i just can't.
✧˖° — windbreaker men
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
✧˖° — this is a story not one shot.
"Jay's out of it again," Dom sighed, watching Jay sitting alone on the bench. It was currently our P.E. class, and we were doing our stretches. Jay, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the world, sitting on the bench reading a book.
"He didn't eat lunch again. I'm really worried about him," Mia said, lowering her head.
"Damn it, I hate seeing him like this. Why doesn't Shelly even message our friend?" Dom said angrily, throwing the ball down in frustration.
I kept staring in Jay's direction. His friends were getting worried about him, but Jay didn't seem to care because of Shelly. I noticed my bag beside Jay; I had left it there so I could go straight home after P.E. without having to go back upstairs.
"I'm going to get some water," I told Mia and Dom. Mia nodded while Yuna tried to calm Dom down.
When I reached the bench, I grabbed my water bottle for a drink. I was surprised to find a sandwich in my bag that I hadn't eaten earlier. I took it out.
"Do you want?" I offered it to Jay. He paused and looked at the sandwich.
"I'm fine," he said.
"I made it myself. It's really good! Promise!" I said, sitting next to him. He glanced at the sandwich again before putting his book down.
"Fine, thanks," he said.
I smiled widely when he accepted it. I felt proud of myself for getting him to eat. As I watched him, I noticed Dom walking towards us.
"The tournament's tomorrow. I still can't believe we have to ride without Shelly," Dom said worriedly as he approached us.
"You guys trained for a reason. I know you can do it," Minu tried to reassure his friends.
"Why do we have to fall apart when we're so close to the end of the competition?" Dom sat down beside Jay, who was now eating the sandwich.
I just listened to their conversation, not wanting to intrude. I was only here to replace Shelly in the competition. I didn't want to assume they saw me as a friend. I knew my place. Besides, I had no intention of officially joining their crew. Wooin didn't want me getting close to the Hummingbirds, so joining was out of the question. I sighed.
"How about you, Demitra?" Mia's question caught me off guard. I forced a laugh.
"I'll just try my best tomorrow. I think you can win even without my help. You guys are amazing."
I could feel Jay's eyes on me. My actions yesterday were too risky. I can't let that happen again. I really need to control my feelings for Jay. It's embarrassing because he probably sees me as just a friend, while I see him in a different light. I also don't want Shelly to know I'm here. If she finds out, I'll probably transfer to another school.
"We still need your help to win the race," Jay said, stopping my thoughts.
"Of course," I said, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.
"We got you a wig," Yuna said, holding out a bag. A wig? For what? "So no one notices you're not Shelly."
I was stunned and had no choice but to nod. I couldn't believe I was going to pretend to be Shelly. If Noah were here, she'd probably laugh at me. She knew how much I hated being compared to her. But here I was, agreeing to her friends' plan.
"Got it," I said softly.
After saying that, they started discussing unfamiliar things related to the race. I overheard Sangho's name being mentioned, which made me even more silent. I noticed that it wasn't just Jay who was looking at me; even Yuna seemed to want me out of there, judging by her glances. Since I didn't want to intrude on their privacy, I moved away from the group. I approached some other classmates and grabbed a ball to play with.
Our teacher was absent. From what Dom said, they called him Mr. Nam. I hadn't met him yet, but based on how Jay and the others seemed to respect him, I figured he must be a great teacher.
My brows furrowed as a ball rolled towards the school's entrance, played by some other classmates. I quickly went to retrieve it. As I picked it up, I nearly dropped it when I saw a familiar guy.
"Vinny?" I exclaimed in surprise. He looked blank and pocketed something. He had a bike with him.
"You're studying here too?" he said with almost a tone of disgust. Perhaps he said that because he knew his former friends were studying here.
I nodded. "What brought you here?" I asked, looking down at the bike.
"Wooin wanted you to come to a race tomorrow to watch," he said, almost stopping my heart. "And he also wants you to know that you should be at the club every night at 8 p.m."
"W-What?" I couldn't process what he was saying.
"I can't go tomorrow," I said quickly. I didn't want them to know that I was one of the racers tomorrow! "And why should I go to the club at night?"
His gaze turned colder. "Have you forgotten the deal you made with Wooin?"
Damn it.
"You need to be there every night before the tournament. He needs you for the strategies we'll be planning for the race," he explained, looking irritated.
"O-Oh..." I nodded. "But isn't Sangho there?" I said nervously.
He fell silent. "Why are you so afraid of him?" he asked seriously.
I clenched my fists. "I told you, I got into a fight with some guys who seemed to work for him. And... those men didn't just want me dead. They tried to touch me." It felt pointless to lie. They would find out eventually.
"They what?" His face darkened. His eyes widened.
I looked away. "But I think they won't chase me here. But still... I don't want to see Sangho—"
"They tried to touch you? Fuck."
I smiled bitterly. "Vinny, do you think it's easy being a female rider in the underground? Not everyone we race against wants to compete fairly. Some of them want to..." I couldn't finish my sentence.
We both fell silent. Maybe he realized I didn't want to talk about it anymore. It was a nightmare. That's why I promised myself I'd never bike again.
"You stay close to Dom," he broke the silence. "He can protect you."
I furrowed my brows. "Why him? Don't you think Wooin can protect me?"
He sighed. "Not like that. Like you said, you don't want any connection with Sangho. Wooin has business with that man, so it's better if you stick with Dom for now," he explained, combing his hair.
"He's part of the Yakuza. He can protect you."
The real question is... Why would he protect me? I'm not even his friend! I'm just his classmate. I don't want to approach Dom just to be protected. I'm not that desperate!
"I think I can protect myself very well, Vinny. Thank you for your concern," I said with a smile. His gaze remained serious.
"I'll go talk to him, then."
"What!?" I exclaimed, trying to stop him from entering the school. "Wait! I thought you two weren't friends anymore?"
I blocked his way to stop him from entering. He was so tall that I was having a hard time. There were many eyes on us because of him. He looked like a gangster trying to enter the school.
I tried to block his way, but it was too late. Vinny had stopped and was glaring at something behind me.
"What's going on?" Jay's cold voice made me wince.
"Call Dom. I don't need you," Vinny snapped at Jay. I quickly turned to Jay and shook my head, trying to defuse the tension.
"You can go back. He's just asking me something," I lied, but Jay's gaze remained fixed on me, then shifted to Vinny in a silent challenge.
"I thought you weren't friends with him?" Jay's comment made Vinny pause and look at me with an annoyed expression. Maybe he was irritated because I had told Jay, or perhaps that was just his usual demeanor.
"Why do you even care, jerk?" Vinny retorted, his voice dripping with disdain.
"Hey, stop," I urged Vinny, my brows furrowed. "Can you please just go? You're making a scene." I whispered, glancing around and noticing the growing number of onlookers. The tension was palpable, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
"What the fuck? What's that bastard doing here?" Dom's voice startled me. He approached with a fierce look, positioning himself between Jay and Vinny. I felt a surge of anxiety, fearing they might start a fight. Both of them towered over me, their presence intimidating.
Vinny clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "You..." he couldn't finish his sentence, throwing sharp glances at Dom, who tilted his head mockingly.
"Vinny, just go," I said firmly, my voice steady despite the chaos. His gaze dropped to me, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face.
"I'm not here to fight, considering I've already beaten you," he sneered. Dom made a move towards him, but Jay held him back with a firm hand on his shoulder.
Vinny continued, "Just protect your new member, will you? You never know who might want to hurt this little one." His tone was mocking, but there was an undercurrent of threat that made my blood run cold.
Dom’s eyes narrowed, his body tensing as he took a step closer. “You think you’re tough? Coming here and making threats?”
Vinny smirked, clearly enjoying the reaction he was provoking. “I don’t need to think. I know.”
“Enough,” Jay said, his voice cutting through the rising tension. “Vinny, leave now.”
Vinny held Jay’s gaze for a long moment before he shrugged, as if bored by the whole confrontation. “Fine. But remember what I said, Dom. Watch your back. And hers.”
With that, he turned and walked away, leaving a heavy silence in his wake. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding and looked at Jay and Dom, who were still tense and ready for a fight.
“are you okay?” Jay asked, with a serious look on his face.
I nodded, but my mind was racing. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… let’s go back to class.”
What the hell was that? Is that his excuse to follow through with his plan to have Dom protect me? I hate him! He doesn't need to do that,.
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maple-seed · 8 months
Thrown - Chapter 48: Myth and Mortal
Summary: Loki attempts to come to terms with your nature.
Word Count: 1,667
Author's Notes: We're all in this together, okay? I'm not immune to the feelings.
Thrown Masterlist Loki Masterlist
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You hadn't invited Loki. You hadn't mentioned it, even. Loki wouldn't have known at all if it weren't for Thor.
"I apologize for not attending lunch yesterday. I had to be here to receive an important shipment." Thor gestured at the hall, which was bustling with the finishing stages of construction. He put on a sly smirk. "I would be available tomorrow, if you felt I needed to make it up to you." You laughed. "Maybe dinner instead? Tomorrow is Gerdy's birthday. I usually bring her flowers." Thor nodded. "Dinner it is. Please give Gerdy my regards."
That had been all that was said on the matter, but it didn't sit well with Loki, the idea of you going alone. And so the following day the waning morning found him at your doorstep. Knocking on the door was no longer something that occurred to him, and he simply stepped inside. You were in the kitchen, placing ingredients into a slow cooker. No doubt the dinner Thor had negotiated.
You offered him a bright smile as he approached. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He placed a kiss on your cheek. "I would like to join you this afternoon, if that's alright." "Yes." Your smile warmed. "I would like that, thank you."
He helped you with the rest of the preparations for dinner, the two of you had a quick bite for lunch, and then set off together down the road towards town.
The walk was typical, with light conversation and laughter. You stopped at a flower shop in town and selected a small bouquet that primarily featured forget-me-nots. The walk grew quieter as the cemetery grew near, and Loki took your hand as he followed you through the silent plots. The quiet grew heavy. It was a lovely day, the sun was bright and the grass was full and green. The area would be quite pleasant if it weren't for its purpose. Eventually you came to a stop and the both of you looked down at the headstone. Loki glanced over to you, you were wearing an expression of resigned sadness. He squeezed your hand gently, and you met his eyes with a slight smile. You sighed, then bent to place the flowers in the vase attached to the grave marker.
"Happy birthday, Gerdy." You stood and straightened. "I brought Loki with me today."
You then proceeded to speak to her about things in your life, the goings-on of old friends, pottery techniques you were working on. You spoke about Loki, and it was clear this wasn't the first time he had been brought up, which warmed his heart in a way he couldn't quite explain. You spoke to her as if he had known her. In that moment, more than ever, he wished he had. He wanted to know this woman who had been such a powerful impact in your life. Who had sheltered you in a time when you needed it most. In a time before he could. He wondered which parts of you had come from her. He would have liked to see you side-by-side, to recognize the influence himself.
Your one-sided conversation drew to an end. You stood for another moment or two in silent contemplation, then wished Gerdy a farewell. Loki offered her a hushed thanks before turning to follow you again.
The walk back was far more quiet. You hung off his arm as you walked, with your eyes distant. A thought that had been prowling the edges of his mind, held at bay by his duty to you, took this opportunity to strike. He had been fighting it off, but it grew like ice in his stomach now; some day he would be making this walk alone. Some day all too soon, at that.
Mortal. It was a word he had taken for granted, even knowing what it meant. Mortal. Mort. You were named for your death. Suddenly he reviled the word. He may never use it again. It suddenly became clear that he had been harboring a certain amount of denial. Your life was limited, he knew that as a fact, but still some part of him didn't believe it would come to bear. As if somehow, somewhere along the way, he would find some way to save you from your fate and keep you forever. This walk had cast a harsh light on the reality of the situation. He tried to push it out of his mind once more.
Apparently, in the silence, you had been following a similar train of thought.
"I'm going to get old, you know." "Yes, that is the natural order of things." He said matter-of-factly. You rolled your eyes. "What I mean is I'm going to get old and you won't. Every year I'll get more wrinkles and a little flabbier and you'll stay just as young and handsome as ever." "I'll grow even more handsome, I suspect." You chuckled. "I'm sure. What will people think, watching us walk down the street?" "I imagine they will finally question why I am with you, rather than the other way around." He glanced down at you. "It will be a refreshing change of pace." "Please. People don't question that." "Oh, I'm quite certain they do. You simply don't hear the whispers. Perhaps you are already going deaf?" You huffed an exasperated sigh. "You are impossible." He smirked, victorious.
You left it at that, for a few minutes at least, but clearly this was weighing on you. "Really, you don't think it will bother you? Years down the road?" He gave you a reassuring smile as he walked. "I will cherish every line on your face, as they will be tokens of the time I had with you." You bit back a smile. "And the flabby bits?" He clasped your hand in both of his. "A greater surface area on which to bestow my affection." You laughed. "I'm not sure I believe you." "No need. It will all be proven true in time."
The two of you passed out of town and onto the road to your home. Several more minutes passed without a word. Loki could feel something brewing in your thoughts. Your grip on his arm tensed ever so slightly. Still, you didn't say anything, and he was beginning to think it would pass. The two of you were almost to your cottage, walking alongside the low stone wall that enclosed your field, when it came to a head.
"You're going to outlive me." He deftly smothered the panic inside him. "Yes, but I believe finding a replacement shouldn't be terribly difficult. There are literally billions of humans, after all, so my-" "Loki." You came to a halt, he had no choice but to do the same. Your face was drawn into a solemn expression. "When I'm gone-" "Darling-" "Please. It's important." He clenched his jaw and looked down at your hands in his. In this moment they seemed much more fragile. You took a breath. "Promise me that when I'm gone you won't bury yourself too. None of those ideas like your century-of-isolation plan. Don't wall yourself in." He managed a half-smile as he brought a finger to trace your jaw. "Worried that all your good work will be undone?" "You did the work." You mumbled. His smile grew as his hand cupped the back of your neck. "Our joint efforts, then." "Don't do that to yourself." You whispered, clutching his shirt. "Please promise me."
His feet shuffled and he had difficulty meeting your gaze. When he finally looked down at you again he could feel tears threatening the back of his eyes. "I won't be ready." It came out weaker than he anticipated. He looked away and took a breath to steady himself. "It doesn't matter how long-" His voice cracked unexpectedly and he swallowed the rest of that thought. "I won't be ready." You shook your head slightly as you reached up to cradle his face, wearing a sad, sympathetic smile. "We never are."
He pulled you in close, and you let him. Your arms wrapped around his waist while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You were solid and present beneath his touch, but he knew this was all too ephemeral. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to leave this moment. He wished for some power that would allow him to stretch it out across a thousand years.
He stood with you like that for quite some time. You held him patiently, made no effort to step away. Eventually, Goat had taken notice of the two of you and began making his way across the field, bleating obnoxiously. That finally broke the spell and Loki sighed, taking a step back, but clung to your hand.
"I imagine you have things to do." He murmured as he lifted your hand to place a kiss against the back of it. You nodded. "A couple things to sort out before Thor and Valkyrie show up." "Let's go, then."
Rather than walk to the gate, Loki crossed over the stone wall, then helped you do the same. He laced his fingers with yours and started toward the cottage. He let the silence rest for a moment.
"I suppose our story needed some element of tragedy." He mused quietly. "If we're to earn our constellation, that is." "Oh?" You smiled. "You think they'll put us in the sky?" "Oh, certainly." He squeezed your hand. "The stuff of legends, you and I." You laughed. "And to think I was going to settle for just a star." "The best star, mind you."
You opened the door to your kitchen. Preparations were made. Friends arrived. Dinner was shared. It was as so many nights had been before, and as many nights certainly would be again.
But perhaps on this night, when you were alone once more and sleeping in his arms, Loki held you a just little tighter.
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akutasoda · 1 year
may i request some ranpo x fem! reader fluff, where reader is quite reserved and closed off at first until one day ranpo notices that she likes sweets and snacks too (particularly pocky bc i love them sm) and takes this chance to become closer to her , eventually become best friends and then lovers >< would be great if you could include some small interactions with the other ADA members :)
sugary sweethearts
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synopsis - you and ranpo are quite alike in interests and as time goes you might be becoming something more
includes - ranpo ft. kenji, yosano, dazai, kunikida
warnings - fem!reader, fluff, slight mentions of insecurity, slight teasing, wc - 881
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when you had originally received a opportunity to join the agency, you were very hesitant to join. you weren't really the best at making friends or talking with others at all. but with some pushing from friends/family telling you that it was a good opportunity and you would be great at it. you hesitantly agreed to join.
you had passed the entrance exam with mostly flying colours. it was your hesitancy and natural shy nature that had caused a few hiccups. the people you had met so far were nice enough but still you had to try and work yourself up to actually befriend some. however one of the first people to talk to you was the young blondete named kenji. he was a very nice person and had eased off some of your tension by helping you introduce yourself to others.
you also seemed to get along with the doctor, yosano. she noticed your shy natire and told you that any issues you could talk to her. 'girls protect other girls' she said.
but for the most part you were still quite reserved. not the most ideal quality for a detective, but you made up for it in other areas. and most days you just kept to yourself unless you had to interact with other members.
ranpo thought nothing of you originally. just another member he thought, a more closed off one but another co worker none the less. that was until he noticed yosano started speaking about you in higher regards. saying something along the lines of 'if you get closer to her you might be surprised'. but he didn't get how too. he was quite the eccentric one as some said do he had no idea how to talk to someone that was as reserved as you were.
that was until he spotted you coming back from a lunch break. as you sat down he saw you pull out a box of pocky and beginning snacking on them as you finished off your paperwork from before lunch. know he had an idea.
the next day at lunch he went up to your desk to talk to you. you looked confused that he had came up to you, you never really expected him to ever talk to apart from if you worked on a case with him. 'hey, i noticed you enjoyed these yesterday have a pack on me, if you share!' you were dumbfounded but remembered that yosano had told you to try and befriend more agency members as you were apart of the family now. so if you and ranpo had a common interest in snacks and sweets maybe you could do this?
so that was the first time you had lunch with ranpo, sure it was filled with snacks and not a proper lunch but you both enjoyed it. and it became a kind of small thing that you did with him quite regularly now.
and yosano started noticing, so after lunch one day she approached your desk with a smug smile. 'so how's it going lately' she inquired 'ah its going alright i think, i mean i think me and ranpo are close to being friends now' you glanced over to his desk and he offered you a smile and wave which you offered back. 'sure 'friends'' she said before walking off.
yosano wasn't the only one noticing the change in ranpo's behaviour towards you and noticing you become less reserved. and eventually dazai couldn't help but try and pry information out of you. and it did catch you quite of guard. 'sooo you managed to catch ranpo's eye' 'what do you mean?' you knew dazai was an interesting person to be nice but you had no clue what he was on about. 'you and ranpo i see what's happening, i think he's got quite the intrest with you' now you were just embarrassed 'what? no it's nothing like that, we're just friends' you wanted this conversation to end immediately as you face was starting to heat up. but here cane your saviour 'dazai! stop bothering her and get back to work!' you would have to thank kunikida later.
no matter how embarrassing that conversation was, it stayed in your head was dazai right? no you two were just friends. your surprised you managed to catch ranpo's interest in the first place, there's no way he was into someone as awkward as you. but little did you know ranpo was trying to figure out how to tell you something.
once ranpo had realised he did in fact have feelings for you, he didn't want to waste anytime to let someone else take you away. but he had no idea how to do that. so he was going to turn to yosano as he figured apart from him, you were closest to her. but he figured he was just going to be direct.
and he was direct. when you two were having your usual lunch time snacks. he asked you out. you were shocked to say the least but not in the bad way, you were just surprised that he would want to be with you. and of course you said yes. maybe taking this job was the best thing you could of ever done.
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for snapping at someone who was just trying to be my friend?
I (14 F) live with my Uncle (34 M) and his friends (all adults, three male, two female) and all their pets. I get along fine with all of them but I prefer to stay in my room most of the time. Recently some other people my age L (15 F) and R (14 M) have started staying with us too, I think L's mom asked one of my Uncle's friends F (26M) to look after her for a while? I'm not too sure why R is here.
I actually haven't left my room since they've joined us aside from quick bathroom trips or late night kitchen trips so we've never met face to face (it's not personal, it's just a regular thing for me.) but I guess the adults decided to tell them I exist because they've been hanging around outside my door trying to befriend me lately. I'd mostly been ignoring them or only replying through drawings I got my pet duck to deliver through the pet flap in my door.
Yesterday all but one of the adults and L went into town and L decided to deliver the lunch my Uncle had left in the kitchen for me outside my door. I'd been hoping to be left alone as I'd been setting up to do a livestream. I have an anonymous online persona (I'll refer to that persona as N) who I make videos and occasionally stream as, I'm not really famous but I have a decent amount of followers and I guess by some weird coincidence L is one of them because she recognized the music that I made as my "theme music" for my videos and assumed I was a fan of N.
L then started asking a bunch of questions about if I followed N, if I was watching one of N's videos, if I knew N was doing a livestream and then she asked if I wanted to watch it with her.
All the questions made me overwhelmed and without thinking about it I yelled at her to stop talking.
She kept on talking and telling me all the reasons she likes N and I know she was just trying to be nice and was making an effort to befriend me but she wouldn't stop talking. Then I noticed the time and started panicking because it was already the time I'd announced I'd be doing the livestream at. I just really wanted L to leave me alone so I could get on with it so I ended up saying a lot of rude things that I didn't really mean about how I wasn't interested in being friends with her or anyone else and that talking was a waste of time. She did leave after that but I felt really bad about it.
Then during the stream I was doing a Q&A section and I saw a comment asking for advice on making friends with someone and the situation was exactly the same as what had just happened with me and L. I thought it was just a coincidence until I saw the profile picture was her holding her cat and the username had her cat's name in it. Reading it from her perspective made me feel even worse about what I'd said.
When L and R came back to my door later and tried talking to me again I did speak to them a little, answering their questions about what I was interested in to try to make up for how I'd treated L earlier but I still feel really guilty about it all. So I think I could be the asshole.
But I'm not sure, I'm really not good with social situations (I have autism) and so I wanted others' opinions.
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pttwice · 7 months
I saw u opened ur request box back, welcome back. here to request a SMC going to the park alone (because its right by the apartment) and going bug finding without there unnies knowing and coming back with a cup or box filled with bugs and wanting to show it to there mommies (2yeon) which ends up in screaming and them telling them to release them outside and a very sad moment for the babies
hi chimpo! :) i hope you're doing well 💚
going on a bug hunt
|| little!smc, cg!2yeon ||
"No, Tzu. Gotta be quiet 'cause mommy's sleepin'." Chaeyoung shushed the little as she helped Tzuyu slip her rain boots on.
Dahyun slipped into the hallway closet to grab her own raincoat as well as Chaeyoung's and Tzuyu's. She zipped her jacket up while Chaeyoung put Tzuyu's boots on.
It was the perfect day to look for bugs at the park. It rained yesterday and there were puddles all around. That meant one thing to the littles: bugs!
Dahyun had never had a problem with bugs, but Chaeyoung and Tzuyu had to join Dahyun the first few times just observing when they were bug hunting. While they mainly found earthworms that had to come above ground when the rain was heavy, Dahyun managed to find a few beetles and slugs once.
"Ready, Chae? Got Tzu's boots on?" Dahyun handed Chaeyoung her jacket and smiled as Tzuyu excitedly held her pink pail up. The good caregiver Jeongyeon was, she didn't question Dahyun when she asked her mama if she could put tin foil over the top of the bucket with a few holes poked in it. Jeongyeon just assumed it was for sticks and sand.
"If anything goes wrong, remember the apartment's just a few feet away," Jeongyeon whispered from the kitchen as she finished washing the dishes from lunch.
The littles all nodded and kissed their mama goodbye. Dahyun and Chaeyoung each took Tzuyu's hands and walked out of the apartment. It was slightly chilly, but their rain jackets helped to fight the breeze. Jeongyeon watched from the kitchen window to make sure they got to the park safely before she sat down and checked her phone.
"Hyun, wook!" Tzuyu excitedly pointed at a small dark lump on the ground. She picked it up and handed it to her older sister who just gave her a soft chuckle and a pat on the head.
"Nice one, Tzu. Hold your bucket out and I'll put it in."
Tzuyu held her pink pail out, excited that she'd found the first bug of the bug hunt despite it only being a small rock covered in moss.
While Chaeyoung eagerly flipped over every rock and branch they could in the park, Tzuyu was focused on playing with the "bug" in her pail. She followed closely behind her big sisters and stopped whenever they stopped to make sure her little friend was okay in the pail.
"Chae, I found some worms!" Dahyun called over from one of the slides. Chaeyoung jogged over to where Dahyun was squatting and pulled Tzuyu along with her.
As Dahyun pointed out all the earthworms that were now uncovered, Chaeyoung spotted a little green beetle on a fallen branch. She left Dahyun to her worms, Tzuyu nonchalantly standing by the oldest to keep an eye on her own "bug".
Chaeyoung crept up to the branch and set her red pail down beside her. As carefully as she could, she scooped the beetle in her hands and lifted the foil cover, placing him inside with the dirt and twigs she put in when they got to the park.
"Got lotsa worms, Hyun," Tzuyu says as she sits down beside her older sister. She looks into Dahyun's blue pail and watches as the worms dig their way into the small layer of dirt in the pail.
About an hour of bug hunting later Chaeyoung managed to find another green beetle and an inch worm. She liked the fact that it was so tiny and green. It reminded her of her mama.
"What did you find, Hyun?" Chaeyoung asks as she crouches down beside Tzuyu and Dahyun. They put their pails in the middle and peel back the tin foil covers on their pails.
Dahyun smiles and proudly displays her pail. She's got plenty of earthworms, a beetle, a ladybug, and a few ants. Chaeyoung looks into Dahyun's pail in awe at the ladybug crawling up one of the twigs in the pail.
"Look mine! Look mine!" Tzuyu tilts her pail and first points to the moss-covered rock. "Dis one my favorite."
Dahyun and Chaeyoung glance at each other knowingly before looking back down into Tzuyu's pail, encouraging her to keep showing them what she found.
"Den found dis one and dis one." The second and third things in Tzuyu's pail are surprisingly actual bugs. She didn't touch either of them, but she managed to pick up a little pill bug with a stick and a brown caterpillar.
"Wanna show to mommy," Tzuyu says with a wide smile as she stands up. Dahyun and Chaeyoung nod in agreement and walk back with Tzuyu, holding one hand each as they cross the road.
Once they get back into the apartment, they set their pails down and take their rain boots and jackets off.
"How was the park?" Nayeon asks through a yawn as she crouches down to help Tzuyu unzip her jacket. She helps hang the three jackets in the closet and glances down at their pails. "Did you guys find something cool?"
Before Dahyun and Chaeyoung can warn Tzuyu about pulling the tin foil back on her pail, she eagerly picks it up and picks up the first "bug" she found.
"Wow. That's a cool rock you found, love bug." Nayeon smiles and takes the small, moss-covered rock from the little.
Tzuyu frowns and takes the rock back, putting it back in her pail. "Not a wock, mommy. I gots bugs."
Nayeon tilts her head in confusion and looks into the pail, quickly jumping back as soon as she sees the bugs in Tzuyu's pail and screams. She runs into the kitchen where Jeongyeon is, scaring the poor girl as she clings onto her.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Jeongyeon sets her phone down and looks between a very startled Nayeon and a very happy Tzuyu. "Tzu, what did you put in that bucket?"
Tzuyu takes a few steps forward, but Nayeon holds her hands out to stop her. "No no no. Tzu, baby, please keep your bugs over there."
"Bugs?" Jeongyeon asks in concern. Nayeon just nods and keeps her hand out, hoping it'll be enough to deter the littles from walking any closer.
"Do you all have bugs?" Nayeon asks and lets out a small groan and a whine as she backs up further into the kitchen.
"Why did you bring the bugs into the house?" Jeongyeon asks and cautiously gets up off of her stool. She takes a few steps to cover Tzuyu's pail back up then steps back into the kitchen.
"Tzu wanted to show you what she found, mommy," Dahyun says as she looks into her own pail. "We did too," she says as she points to her own pail and Chaeyoung's.
"Thank you for thinking of us, but bugs belong outside, Dubu." Jeongyeon tries to let the littles down easily, but the frown on their faces is apparent as they stare down into their pails.
"Well then, uhm, how come the bugs in the shower get to stay?" Chaeyoung pouts and looks up at her mamas, holding her pail close to her chest.
"Those bugs aren't supposed to be in the shower, sweetheart. That's why mama has to put them back outside whenever they get inside," Nayeon explains as she stays in the corner of the kitchen as far away from the bugs as she can.
"I know you guys want to keep your bug friends, but they're going to miss all their friends. If they're in the apartment, then they won't be able to play outside anymore." Jeongyeon explains as convincingly as she can.
The littles look at each other and then down at their pails. Not being able to play with their friends does seem awfully unfair. Chaeyoung lets out a small sigh and walks back over to the front door. She puts her rain boots on and takes Tzuyu's pail.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun walk back to the park to let the bugs go, returning with big frowns that make their mama’s hearts ache.
Tzuyu crawls onto her mommy's lap and crosses her arms over her chest as she lays her head on her mommy's shoulder. "Not fair dat the shower bugs stay," she mumbles into Nayeon's shirt.
Nayeon just gives the little a small squeeze and kisses her forehead. "How about we watch a bug cartoon? I'm sure there's something that you can watch."
The littles give their mamas a small, sad nod as they trudge over to the couch. Tzuyu cuddles close to her mommy as she turns the TV on. Chaeyoung ends up on Jeongyeon's lap and Dahyun leans on Tzuyu.
Nayeon turns the Larva cartoon on and after a few minutes of the colorful show, the littles quickly get over the loss of their bug friends. If the bugs in the show were having so much fun, then their bugs must have been having fun too.
Even Tzuyu's rock bug.
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 8
"I can't help with your project if this is going to be a regular thing," you whisper during Professor Flitwick's class introduction.
The twins, who sit on either side of you, stare blankly.
"What do you mean?" George asks.
"I mean the pranks. I don't mind you pulling anything on other people, in fact, please, do so! Your jokes are brilliant..." At this, the boys sit up straighter, puffing their chests out with pride. "Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't make me the butt of them."
After a moment of thought, Fred and George nod understandingly.
"Alright, but only because you asked nicely," George says.
"And because we need you," adds Fred.
"I'm sorry, y/n, I really am," George apologizes, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. It's hard to stay serious around these two.
"I'm more sorry than he is," says Fred. He makes an even sadder expression, and you break a smile. Fred laughs triumphantly.
"Shut up," you giggle, punching him playfully in the arm.
"Can I get some physical contact, too?" asks George innocently.
You snort, then punch his arm, only harder.
"Ah, thank you," George grimaces, massaging his bicep. You laugh.
At lunch, you happily sit with Fred and George, though it's upsetting that you haven't seen Maddy since yesterday morning. You would have liked for her to join you and the twins.
"Have either of you seen my friend, Maddy Dewmond, recently?" you inquire over a salami sandwich.
Fred stops chewing momentarily, and George hides behind the Daily Prophet. You set your sandwich down.
"You guys know something, don't you?" Your stomach churns with anxiety. Why are they acting so strange? "What's happened to Maddy?"
"Dunno," George's muffled voice says from behind the paper. Fred keeps chewing and avoiding your gaze.
"I have a right to be aware of whatever it is," you state firmly. "She's my friend."
"Not anymore..." Fred mumbles. George elbows him in the stomach.
Your voice cracks. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Just then, Maddy walks into the Great Hall... holding onto Draco Malfoy. He's got his arm around her shoulders. You can't believe it. You blink twice, assuming that your eyes must be deceiving you, but they aren't.
Malfoy smirks at you, pulling Maddy closer to him. Maddy avoids your gaze and looks at the ground instead guiltily. She knows she's done you wrong. The couple go to sit down at a different table, far away from you, with a pack of Malfoy's loyal Slytherins trailing behind.
No one speaks for a long moment as you take in what you just saw. George eventually folds his paper and sets it neatly on the table beside his empty plate, asking politely, "Can we hurt him now?"
You sigh and rest your forehead on the table top, burying your face in the sleeves of your robes and ignoring George.
"I hate Slytherins," you sniff. It was all partially Malfoy's fault. No doubt he did this to get back at you for humiliating him, but Maddy has been your only real friend for four years. And she always seemed to despise Malfoy just as much as you do... Did she secretly have feelings for Malfoy all along? Did he threaten her in some way? What could possibly be going on in her head right now...?
"Nasty little buggers, they are," says Fred.
"Excluding present company, of course," George adds.
You don't respond. You're on the verge of tears, so you keep your head down. Minutes later, after you've made sure you're not going to start crying, you sit up, get out of your seat, and brush yourself off. The twins watch with curiosity as you gather your things. You swing your bag over your shoulder and plant your hands on your hips confidently.
You smile mischievously. "Let's get going with this 'Project Nosebleed' of yours."
The twins almost leap off of the bench in excitement, cheering loud enough for the entire room to hear.
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wanzerous · 3 months
𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲.
loss. you always lose something. people have a habit of losing things . . . their phones, their keys, their wallets. some, their sense of humanity, or a loved one. things began to spiral the moment you lost your father due to gang violence. since then, you were not big of gangs. to you, they were all horrible. however . . . there a specific gang that made you question your feelings. the tokyo manji gang worked their way into your life and you weren't sure if this was a blessing or a curse . . . would you lose them, or would they inevitably lose you? reminder squad: @justmare , @denki1kirishima
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trigger warning: abuse.
what is the purpose of being in a relationship? 
yesterday was troublesome, wasn't it? the events seemed to flood in your mind even when you didn't want to. you walked home that afternoon alone. it didn't bother you, you did it often. but it ... was a bit weird knowing that your horrible boyfriend wasn't aware of it. he would text you and see if you made it home, but that was on odd days. so ... it felt a bit good. refreshing. you sat in class, attention focused outside as the teacher spoke. you couldn't help but think about the two from before.
and ken-chin. 
you still didn't know draken's name; you only heard mikey refer to him as kenchin. they were both amazing. it was people like them that made you wonder why you stuck around kiyomasa in the first place. he was nothing more but a bully. the bell rang, and you gathered your belongings as quickly as you could. holding the books to your chest, you pushed your chair in and headed for the classroom door. only to be stopped by a blond; beaten, and yet patched up. 
" ah , good afternoon, l/n ... " takemichi spoke. his smile was soft, and he waved to you. you stared at him, the corners of your lips turning into a frown. you still felt sensitive seeing him like this. if only you acted a bit sooner. 
" f/n , " you corrected him with a light smile, " you can call me by my first name. " he stood a bit awkwardly but then nodded. it's not like you two were complete strangers; he was your best friend's boyfriend, after all. you knew a lot about him from her, so it did feel like you two were friends. 
" right,  " takemichi nodded passionately, " f'/n".
the two of you walked down the hall, he wanted to speak with you, and you didn't mind it. but you knew what he was going to say. " thanks. for ... yesterday. " he sighed almost in defeat, " i ... appreciate it. really. " but he also didn't. he wanted to prove a point, and yet he failed himself. you hadn't known. " please don't apologize. " you sighed, " i didn't do much of anything to help. if i jumped in sooner, i could have saved you from a few hits. besides, it was the right thing to do. hina would have done the same thing. "
hina would have done the same thing.
you noticed him bite his lower lip, and his fists tightened slightly. " she's my friend. i would be a horrible friend if i watched her boyfriend get beat up, you know. " you commented with a smile, " on behalf of her, take better care of yourself! " you tried your best to mimic her voice. he couldn't help but snort, even if it was for a moment, and you joined in with him. " seriously though. she cares a lot about you. so please try to take care of yourself a little better. " your words must have reached him because his cheeks reddened for a moment and he nodded. 
" yeah. and i care about her too. " 
that was obvious. he did. she did. they cared for each other. you wouldn't know. the relationship you had with your boyfriend wasn't nearly as beautiful as theirs. he didn't look out for you, didn't walk with you to class, or hold your books. he didn't offer you any of his lunch, or offer to take you out after school. he didn't buy you flowers or kiss your head. he didn't ... make you smile. so ... does this mean that you were a bit jealous of these two?
you didn't care for kiyomasa. it was fake love; he was strong, and strong men needed a beautiful spouse beside them. you happened to be the perfect fit. you floated down the hall like an angel. you were average height, with the perfect build. you had a lovely voice, and you were smart. you were admired by a few, and he wanted that power over you. you were a threat. because you weren't physically strong, you dominated him in other ways. so he felt intimidated. he wanted to leash you and hide you from the light. you were a flower, and he wanted to remove all signs of light and take the water you needed. he wanted you to eventually beg. crave for him, and depend on him. but that wasn't something that was on your agenda.
" oh. uh , this is my class. " takemichi pointed over, " i can walk you to yours, if you'd like .. " he smiled, and you were ready to decline the sweet offer. " i've got her. " a voice spoke, and you looked over, a slight squint of your eyes. a friend of kiyomasa, you've been around him a few times. but how did he manage to enter the school? there was a silence for a moment before you spoke up, " i'll meet up with you later, okay? " you smiled at takemichi who nodded, " yeah, uh , sure. " you began to follow the male, and takemichi went inside. 
the bell rang, signaling that classes were starting. and you knew you wouldn't be in class. " he's pissed. " he spoke, and for a moment you felt your blood run cold. that's right. you were defiant yesterday, and you didn't have his back. you scoffed, " for what, exactly? " you were annoyed with this, and yet your fingertips trembled slightly. " oh, 'ya know. getting in the middle of the fight. getting him beat up, and shit ... he ain't pleased with 'ya. says he'll kill your ass. " you found yourself stopping near the stairwell of the school. the typical spot for delinquents.
and there he sat, man spread, with a cigarette between his lips. why didn't any teachers stop them from entering? they didn't attend here... so why would they go through the trouble just to bother you? 
" what kiyomasa? " you spoke first, watching as he took a puff of the cigarette. his gaze hardened, " what? " he repeated, shocked at your horrible response. " don't fuckin' what me .. " he corrected you, fingers sliding around the stick to hold. then released a grey smoke cloud. 
you really, really hated the smell of it. 
and then he stood, after placing the cigarette between his lips again. your knees locked in place, and your heart began to thump in your chest. you could hear your heart in your ears as the gap closed between the two of you until he towered over you. he blocked the light, and you could hear a few snickers behind him. he was seriously a monster. 
despite his fucked up face, you knew he was angry. and you knew you were about to get in a lot of trouble. and yet you couldn't move. couldn't speak. could barely breathe. and he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you aggressively. 
" your ass got me kicked, you know that? " he yanked at your arm, and your books scattered on the floor. you quickly grabbed at his forearm and tried to pry yourself from his hold, " i'm gonna kill you. "  you were no match for this man. you struggled, face contorted in fear and yet there was a minor glimpse of hope.
and you managed to draw your hand back and slap him in the face. there was a silence, and you knew the boys behind him were shocked. the cigarette fell onto the floor, leaving a few ashes as your hands still trembled. and yet ... you knew you had to fight.
" get off of me! you have no right to grab me like this! " you were shocked at how clear your words was, and shocked that your body quickly acted. you stepped forward, and pressed your hand onto his chest to give a harsh push, " don't make me - "
" MAKE YOU DO WHAT? " his voice was sudden.
it boomed, and it was menacing. this was the voice he used yesterday with takemichi. right now, you weren't his girlfriend. but more so his enemy. with his hand still around your arm, he flung you to the ground, and your body met it instantly. you couldn't brace yourself, and you found yourself hitting your head on impact.
the lights blurred, and voices became a bit muffled. you didn't pass out, but you weren't aware of much at that moment. and yet you saw kiyomasa grab the cigarette from the floor and reapply it to his lips. and then you were grabbed and hoisted up by his crew. kiyomasa sat in his original spot, cheek red (despite it being bruised) from your hit. 
and yet they pulled you along, and you struggled against them until you were forced on your knees in front of him, and your arms pinned behind your back. between his legs, and he merely stared at you in disgust. " look at me. " he murmured, using his hand to grab at the top of her head. his fingers dug into the roots of your hair, and he forced you to look at him.
believe it or not, but he degraded you often. called you dumb, and weak. this kind of stuff wasn't new.
but that ... that threw you off. the death of your father was a sensitive topic, and he knew that. and before you could open your mouth to speak against him, he smashed the side of your head into his knee. 
" i ain't ask for you to talk , " he replied, " you used all your words yesterday. talkin' against me "
and he did the same thing but the blow landed on your mouth. your lip busts easily, and you let out a soft cry. it was a wonder you still had your teeth. " you do that shit again , " he spoke up again, benching the cigarette against his lips, " and i'll really, really kill 'ya. " and he pressed the bud against the open skin of your neck. you screamed, trying to pull away from him as he smudged the bud until the fire was out.
the fire died slowly, and you wondered what the symbolism for it was.
◤ ──┅┅┄┄*ೃ:.✧✲゚*。⋆─── ⋆✩⋆
you weren't on his good side. you weren't clear of your death threat, and you knew it. you were thankful that the damage wasn't as bad as last night. you pulled yourself off the floor, where they left you seconds before they exited the school. your head throbbed, and yet you pulled yourself onto your feet. your body ached, but you couldn't complain. those boys had it way worse. there were a few bruises on your arms and torso, and then your cheek from where he kneed you. your lip was busted and you took a deep breath. 
your body was on fire. 
your hand rubbed at the wound he inflicted only for you to wince and pull away. you pulled yourself together and exited, heading down the hall which slowly began to fill. to you, it didn't bother you. you just needed to get to the bathroom -
and yet you found yourself stumbling into the back of someone else. someone who was pretty tall. " i'm so sorry.  " you spoke quickly, eyes trailing up the black cardign to come across a braid. ken-chin. he turned to look at exactly who bumped into him. and if you hadn't looked so helpless, you were sure he would have torn you apart. 
but you were crying and didn't even notice you were. you were trembling like crazy, and you looked helpless. 
the moment draken turned, you noticed takemichi, and mikey. hinata was there too, and you were curious about what was happening. but you couldn't form the words, " oi , you doin' alright? " draken asked, brows upturned as eyes were then focused on you. " y/n , " hina worriedly called out, " what happened? " she was worried for you, and the look on takemichi's face showed that he knew exactly what was wrong. 
if you were normal, you'd beg takemichi to keep his mouth shut. but the lights were so bright, and the ringing in your ears wouldn't silence. your legs felt wobbly, and you felt like you were on the brink of passing out. " i'm , " your voice shook, " i'm alr - "
takemichi admitted, and your eyes hazily adverted his way. in the process of your sight finding him, your eyes met mikey's, and he eyed you down easily. you didn't speak. couldn't say anything. and the answer was obvious. 
" ken-chin. " mikey spoke, giving a glance to draken who caught on easily. draken merely nodded, and mikey approached you. his hands were pulled from his pocket and they took your hands into his. they were warm and oddly gentle. " we're taking you to the hospital. " he smiled lightly and pulled you along behind him. " don't worry, we've got her." he waved takemichi and hinata off, and draken followed.
you wanted to protest. you didn't need to go. you were totally fine, and yet the moment you stepped outside, your legs gave on themself, and you completely blacked out.
to benefit one another. in most cases, the benefit applies more to one person than the other. 
.               ⊹ ✦   ✵      * 2224 words.
sunshine, rainshine, and moonshine. prologue [here] chapter one [here] chapter two [here]
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lokisivy · 1 year
Look what you made me do - Eddie Munson
(Part 4)
Warnings: cursing, Henderson reader.
Since yesterday night, Eddie hasn't talked to you, and you guys shared some classes he was being cold you are starting to regret last night. you went to talk to Robin during lunch. Just a quick chat before you head to your tables.
"You actually had sex with him?" Robin said, surprised.
"Yes, I did, Robin, and he hasn't said anything since, and I'm sure that he wasn't having a bad time," you said sadness laced in your tone.
I was more angry than sad he was the one who wanted me to say yes to it why is it like that whatever fucked up shit he has going on he needs to fix it because I won't be a way for him to escape whatever shit he is going through he is making me play the role of the fool.
"Men are horrible, but whatever happens, don't show weakness to him, act like you dont care, he is trying to get to you." she instructed you. you nod. "I have to go to my band," she says "Okay see you later."
While you had your conversation with Robin Eddie and his club, it had their own discussion about you.
Eddie's POV
"Honestly, Eddie, why didn't you kick her out yet I know she is good at DnD, but we have Mike and Dustin now," Gareth said.
"Yeah It is like you gone soft for her ever since she joined." Jeff agreed with Gareth.
My blood boiled I've had this stupid feeling of making Y/N since the day I met her. Yesterday was just making me crave more she is mine but I have a reputation of being unsympathetic and the fact that my club members have noticed then I need to take it down
"I haven't gone soft she isn't even that hot for me to fuck around with" I lied. I enjoyed last night very much, but Ill ruin the dark, scary image I built throughout the years with everyone. If I become soft towards you, people will start swinging at him like they used to hell even his friends have noticed already.
"Now shut up she is coming with her brother." Eddie silenced them
during lunch, you felt very unwelcomed it's like everyone was trying to kick you out slowly. You never felt that in the past year, but now it's different. Eddie never meant what he said to the guys at the table. god, he couldn't even stop thinking about the other night he never liked someone enough to get scared like that. His childhood taught him never to show emotion, so he never did he thinks that hiding it makes life easier, but it is not his not doing anyone a favour.
"If you have something to say to me, Eddie says it to my face," you said, throwing your tiny action figure on the board, standing up, leaning on the table towards eddie. he has been throwing indirect insults the entire game at you.
"You address me as Kas in the game Lady Silverhand." He yells
"Suck my dick, Munson."
"You would love that wouldn't you," he smirks
"Fuck you Eddie you want to tell me something or coward away?" You said impling about the other night.
"I have nothing to tell you y/n you're just a random chick who can't even play properly. Maybe you should join something suitable more for your gender." He said venomously, laughing
everyone was looking at you Dustin was shocked he looked at you with pity. your brother who looked up to you pitted you.
"And you're just a drug junky who has been repeating senior year for the past 2 years" you scoffed.
"Get out! " he yelled.
"Good I am done playing your stupid little games." You take off your hellfire shirt and throw it at him, leaving flipping them off. You had a sports bra on that covered up a lot.
you left the room to go to the gym. Most clubs and practices happen after school. Eddie was never rude to you, and now he kicked you out of hellfire just after you both had sex.
You had sought revenge. You had a plan in mind. You knew what would happen if you did not act on it
I enter the gym, interpreting the cheerleaders. "Chrissy can speak to you alone," you called out for Chrissy.
she aproched you leading you outside the gymnaism "is everything okay?" she asked.
"i wanna be a cheerleader."
"WHAT!!!" She said surprised
"I know, but Chrisy, you're the cap, and i am done with hellfire. I'm so tired of Eddie Munson. i just want to join Cheer again." You pled.
Chrisy and I go way back she helped me join during sophomore year, but it was exhausting, so when Dustin asked me to join Hellfire, I left now I'm doing it for revenge Eddie will get more attention now that you left or got kicked out... Rumours will start the basketball team will give him hell. The world moves on, another day another drama, But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma.
"ï don't know y/n i need to know if you're serious," She said
"I am very serious cheer looks better on college applications than fucking Eddie's Cult." I said venomously.
"I'm only gonna say yes because you, my friend, since childhood, but Y/N, I can't help you if fuck it up again."
"Oh my god, thank you so much Chrisy you won't regret it, I promise." I said happily
"Now go put on your outfit. we still have 3 hours of practice." She said, leading me to the changing room handing me my outfit again.
I put it on and look in the mirror. I look so pretty.
Oh Eddie, look what you made me do...
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A Light in the Darkness {Part 02 of 07}
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Hargrove!twinsister Reader
Chapter word count: 1.8 K
Summary: After Billy died, you got stuck in a dark place, where you didn't have to deal with your feelings. Your friends don't know what to do but to drag you away from the many fights you pick. And life was dragging itself, an agonizing day after the other... Until Eddie Munson broke through the very high walls you built around yourself.
<- Previous part (01)
Next Part (03) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
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Eyes on Fire
You stop by a gas station to shower because you're late for school and with your grades, you can't just miss a period. Your hair is still wet when you get to Hawkins High, and it sticks to your bare arms. It's cold, but you don't care.
“(Y/N)!“ The voice makes you stop, and turn around. Maxine comes running, slowing down when she reaches you.
“Are you alright?“ You nod, biting the inside of your cheek. “You... Didn't come home last night.“
Sighing, you move out of the way, standing near the wall. “Something happened. Jason was trying to beat up this guy and... I stopped, I kicked him in the balls, Hopper showed up... Then I just drove around.“
“Just drove around?“
Again, you nod. “Yeah. Stopped by the quarry, just that.“
Max sighs, pulling you into a hug. Part of you wants to push her away because it was supposed to be the other way around. When Maxine was put in your life, years ago, you weren't really happy about it, but she was younger, and your sister now, and you knew from that moment on that you were responsible for that.
So she shouldn't be the one comforting you. “I'm fine.“ You say, gently pulling away. “Did you skate here?“ She nods. “Then we'll go home together. Unless you have something with your friends?“
“No. We can go home. Watch a movie?“ She smiles, and it breaks your heart a little.
So you don't dare to say no. “Sounds good.“
Her smile grows brighter. “Great. I'll see you at lunch.“
After waving, you go your own way. Math. Something you hate, so time goes by slowly. When lunch comes, you take an apple and soda, because you don't feel like eating. When you sit at the empty table in the corner, Michael comes to talk to you. But he stands because he knows better than to sit with you.
“Nothing.“ He shrugs. “Just wanted to know how things are with you today.“
Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. "I'm great. Just very excited for some alone time.“ Giving him a fake smile, you wave.
“Alright.“ He mutters, nods, and leaves.
This isn't new. Ever since you got to Hawkins, that's how things have been. The girls fell for Billy on spot, and many of the guys fell for you. The only difference was that Billy liked to hook up on a daily basis, but not you. You had three boyfriends, zero sexy times, and more dates than you can count. But nobody hit the right spot, so it was all for nothing. And now, you don't want any kind of relationship.
Everything you want is to be alone.
But that ends when a bunch of people come right to your table, set down their trays, and sit. Raising your eyebrows, you look at the guy leading the invasion. Eddie, the Freak.
“Can I ask what are you doing?“ The question is directed to those you know. Dustin, Mike, and Max, who you saw running to join them when they were coming.
“I saw a lonely, lost sheep... And decided to come for the rescue.“ Eddie says.
“It's a metaphor.“ Dustin explains.
“Is it? Are you sure I'm not a sheep?“ You snap, taking a bite from your apple. “Leave. I'm busy.“
“Brooding in yesterday's clothes?“ Eddie speaks, and the others get... Tense? No, not tense. Just apprehensive. And you don't even know if it's because of you or because of Eddie.
“You want me to report to you everything I did after I dropped you off?“
“Only the bad things.“ He says with a smile.
And you've seen it before. The games men play. And Eddie is no different. Sighing, you take your soda can and get up, leaving the table.
There's a space outside, with a few tables, and you head there. Because of the dark grey clouds and the cold wind, they're all empty.
“What?“ You ask, turning around to face Eddie. “Look, I don't like these stupid games. So whatever you're trying to do, go find someone else to play with and make your friends think you're cool.“
Eddie doesn't say anything. Nothing, for almost ten seconds. And it's weird. The way he looks at you makes you feel... Weird. There's warmth in his eyes, something you would never expect, not from a stranger. “Sorry.“ He finally speaks, and then takes his jacket off. “I wasn't trying to make fun of you. It came out the wrong way. Here.“ He holds this jacket for you. “You're shivering.“
When was the last time a guy gave you his jacket? A year ago. Matthew. As an excuse to put his arm around you and touch you. You pushed him off, went home, and he came to school with a bruise on his face the next day. Billy's doing.
So this is different.
“I'm fine.“
“You're shivering.“ He repeats, not even moving.
Taking a deep breath, you take the jacket, turn your back to him, and walk to the furthest table as you throw the jacket around your shoulders. “Why do I have the feeling you're still there?“
“Because I am.“As you sit on the table, feet on the wooden bench - because the school wanted a more rustic style for the outside - you bite your lip nervously. The last thing you need right now is one more person putting their nose in your business.
“Why?“ It comes out a bit too harshly, but that's how you wanted it to come out. Maybe it'll scare him away.
“Who did you hook up with yesterday?“
The question makes you gasp, looking away from him in an attempt to hide the blush that comes to your cheeks. “Nobody!“ Unlike Billy, you don't like talking so openly about these things. Certainly not with some random guy who decided to make your day a living hell. “I didn't-I didn't hook up or met with anyone. Why do you even care?“
When you stare at Eddie again, he doesn't have that smirk on. He seems serious even, and that also takes you by surprise. “Then don't lie to me.“
“What? I don't...“ You're confused now, and you hate being confused. “What do you want, Munson? I said it once, and I won't say it again. Drop the games.“
“No games. If you were with a guy doing whatever, that would be fine. But I knew you weren't.“ He gestures at you, at your face. “You didn't get any sleep. And your friends are worried.“
“What do you have to do with them?“ Getting up, you walk over to him, until you're face to face with him. As usual, you have to raise your head to keep eye contact. You got Billy's hair and eye color, those are exactly the same... But you didn't get the height.
“I've heard them. Wasn't trying to, but Dustin doesn't really know how to whisper.“ Well, that's true. “They're worried sick. And they don't know what to do.“
“They don't have to do anything because I'm fine.“ You hiss, stepping closer. “I'm mourning, so leave me the hell alone with my pain.” With that, you walk away, making sure to bump your shoulder on his.
The rest of the day has you even angrier than before. You get that your friends, the entire bunch of them, are worried. They can be worried. But Eddie? Who does he think he is? He should focus on his own damn life.
When the last period is over, you go straight out, crossing the parking lot to your car.
“I don't know which Hargrove is more stupid. Her or her brother.” The voice reaches you from some cars away, and you immediately stop.
“It's a draw.” Another person says, and at the same moment you recognize the voices, you're moving, searching for the brass knuckle in your pocket.
“What did you just say?!” Shouting, you push some people off your way, and the others just move. Gary, a tall, red-haired guy, is leaning against his car. He's one of Jason's friends, of course. “Say that again if you're brave or stupid enough.”
Through the corner of your eyes, you see another guy moving fast toward you. When he tries to grab your arm, you dodge and throw a punch at his side. The guy groans and falls back. Lucky him, the team jacket will give him nothing more than a bruise.
“You crazy b-” Gary doesn't have the chance to finish, because you're grabbing him by the collar and aiming a punch at his face. But you're suddenly pulled up and away from him, an arm around your waist.
“LET ME GO!” You yell, trying to push him away. Despite the first instinct being to punch and kick to hurt, you hold back. Because you know those who move to stop you, and you'd never hurt them. But you can struggle and yell. “LET ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!“
“Jesus.“ Steve mutters, dragging you away from the people.
Soon enough, you're surrounded by familiar faces. Max, Dustin, Mike, El, Lucas. Nancy is saying something, and Robin snaps at her, making her roll her eyes. You're still fighting, saying things you don't even process and you won't remember after, throat burning and tears rolling down. Steve stops next to his car, and for a few seconds so do you. For some time, seconds, you let him hold you, catching your breath, crying, hiding your face in his jacket. But it only lasts a few seconds. And he knows it, everyone does, so at the same time you have enough, Steve let you go.
Drying the tears messily, you look up at him. “Why did you do that?”
“(Y/N), you can't go around doing that.”
“Mind your own damn business, Harrington!” You shout as Max pulls your arm gently, whispering something you can't hear. “That's why Billy hated you so much! You're very, very nosy!” The moment you say it, you regret it. But as sad and miserable as it is, they're used to your temperament. And you should really thank them someday for putting up with it.
“(Y/N), c'mon,” Maxine says. “We'll have a movie night, remember?”
Stepping back, you take a deep breath, a hand covering your eyes as you notice the headache pulsing. “Sorry.” You mutter, looking up at Steve.
He shakes his head and shrugs. “It's okay. Let me give you a ride home, you're in no condition to drive.”
“I can drive just fine.” You say, swallowing hard. Looking around at your friends - most like family now, it feels -, you know you messed up. Again. And then, you see a light bruise on his cheek. It breaks your heart. “I'm sorry.” It comes out too low, and you're not sure he heard you.
But Steve nods, touching his cheek softly. “It's nothing, really.”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you give him a quick side hug. “Sorry.” You repeat and walk away, being followed by Max.
On your way to your car, you notice Eddie at a distance, staring at you. Rolling your eyes, you ignore it, wishing senior year would just end so you can do whatever comes next. You have no plans, not anymore, but it doesn't matter. There isn't much that matters now.
Getting into your car, you speed off, leaving this stupid school behind.
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nuoyipeach · 11 months
Happening Either Way
Lee Taeyong X Kang Seulgi, feat. Johnny Seo
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warnings: none? tags: @gerardeveryway @gomseulgiii @innssanityyy @seulyongggi
Seulgi giggled as the man kept signaling her to shush. As tiring as it was, it gave her a slight thrill having to sneak around with her lover, who happened to be her brother's best friend.
She met Taeyong in high-school, when her brother Johnny brought him home to do some homework. They were only a year apart, and at first were casual friends, until one day when Johnny fell asleep and she decided to cook Taeyong something to eat.
Taeyong smacked his face as he accidently revealed he crushed on her, with the words "I wish you could be my wife" leaving his mouth just as he was trying to compliment her cooking. Seulgi didn't know whether to laugh or run, but as she watched the boy groan into his hands and apologise, it made her smile and reveal she wouldn't mind a husband like him either.
And so began the small flirtatious plays, which they didn't expect to lead to something more as Seulgi graduated high-school and joined the same university as her brother, where Taeyong also attended. Failing to hide the way they looked at each other, sneaking around to meet became very common even into their work lives.
Just like now, as Seulgi came to meet her brother at his job, where Taeyong also joined in. After passing something to Johnny, she went into boyfriend's office and wasn't shy to lock the door and take seat on his lap, surprising him to the max as she pulled his collar to kiss him.
Then came knocks on the door, followed by Johnny's voice. "Taeyong, you in? Let's go eat lunch!"
Taeyong quickly pushed her off his lips and shut her mouth with his hand, the other hand on her back to keep her from falling. Seulgi could only giggle, which earned her a quiet shush.
"Yea Johnny, you go ahead down, I'll be right there!" he replied loudly.
Johnny stood outside perplexed as he noticed the door locked, but thought nothing of it and simply agreed and left. The couple inside waited for the footsteps to die down, before Taeyong released a sigh of relief, removing his hand off Seulgi's mouth. She giggled again before hugging around his neck and brought her face close to his neck, leaving soft pecks.
"I missed you." she whispered, and could feel him finally smiling and his hands tightened their hold on her waist. "I wish you came with me to that party yesterday, I was all alone." she looked at him and pouted.
Taeyong sighed, pushing her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry. If I had gone with you, Johnny would have found it suspicious."
"We could have said it's as friends?"
"He would have asked why me."
Seulgi sighed in defeat this time, clearly not pleased with his response. Taeyong was the one who pleaded they kept things a secret when it all started, afraid of hurting Johnny. He thought if anything bad were to happen between them, it would have ruined his friendship, and that was something he dreaded.
Seulgi was annoyed with it at first, but decided to respect his wishes. They didn't think the relationship would come so far for so long, and now face the issue of how to reveal it to her brother.
Leaving all these thoughts aside, she smiled at him before kissing again, but not for long as Taeyong's phone soon rang. The two peeked and saw Johnny's name across the screen, Seulgi rolling her eyes as she begrudgingly got off his lap. Before she could move away however, Taeyong grabbed her hand and held it tight, his other hand answering the call.
"Hey, I'm on my way down." he got up cutting the call and pulled her to himself, holding her body tight against hers. "Tonight, let me make it up to you hm?" the smile on her face enough of an answer for him, and they shared a final kiss before Seulgi left back to her work place, excited about their event that night.
Seulgi sat in the shower emotionless, unable to comprehend anything in her life. They were always cautious, but somehow fell into the rare cases. She sat contemplating, not sure how what to do from this point on. Should she go see a doctor? Or call her mother? Or call Johnny?
No. She knew the best thing to do.
She rang the bell few times, until the owner of the apartment opened and she threw herself onto his arms. "Baby what's wrong?" Taeyong immediately hugged her back and asked, slowly moving them further inside his apartment to the living room. He could feel her crying, and started brushing through her hair in an attempt to comfort her, knowing it works from a memory of Johnny doing it one time she cried at home.
She hadn't reached her goal on a test in college, and the two guys spent their evening cheering her up.
"Baby what's wrong? Tell me?" he slowly pulled her out and cupped her face in both hands. "Did something happen at work? Did someone hurt you?" she shook her head to both. He kissed her forehead before hugging her again. "Well whatever it is you can tell me, let's calm down first and then talk."
Seulgi sighed in relief as she pressed her head against his chest. She knew with Taeyong she wouldn't have to worry as much as she did. She knew she didn't have to be scared any longer. She knew no matter what happens, he would always be by her side.
Slowly she pulled away herself, and looked at him as she plucked up the courage to speak. "I'm... I'm pregnant..." her voice cracked, but she could tell Taeyong had heard her. "I'm pregnant, Taeyong..."
She watched his face for a reaction, only to be met by a sigh. He bit his bottom in thought, before slightly nodding his head and pulling her in for a hug. "I'll never leave you, I promise. I'm here for you throughout everything, whatever decisions you make." he kissed the top of her head. "I love you, and I'll give you the best life possible, I promise."
Seulgi was slightly confused by the response, and looked up at him. He smiled and pecked her lips before responding. "I'm ready for whatever comes our way now. We're having a baby, that's a whole new level of going into a relationship. And I know we haven't told anyone yet, but I want you to know no matter what happens, I'll never leave you. I'll run away with you if I had to."
Seulgi felt relieved, so much that her emotions took over as she started to cry again into his chest, hugging him tight as he continued comforting her. He pushed her gently as he moved them to sit on his couch, and slowly pulled her over to sit on his lap.
It took a good few minutes before she was just taking deep breaths, body still shaking in Taeyong's arms. Everything felt so chaotic. She was pregnant, with her secret lover of five years, who was her brother's best friend longer, and no one knew of them.
"How... How will we tell?" she asked softly. Taeyong hugged her tighter, placing a soft kiss on her head.
"Let's sleep on it tonight, you're overwhelmed and exhausted right now." he stood up, carrying her bridal style to the bedroom. He laid her down before sitting next to her, hugging her from the side with one hand resting on her tummy. "I'll think of something, we can start with your family. Rest now and stay for the night, tomorrow we'll go to the doctor."
After her checkup, Taeyong drove them to a restaurant for lunch, urging Seulgi to get whatever she wanted. He noticed her mood being slightly off since the morning, even during the checkup she was more silent than ever, and he only hoped she wasn't having regrets.
The food arrived, though he noticed her still poking at it after few minutes. "Is there something wrong?" he finally asked and watched as she stopped playing with the food and looed at him. "You've been acting off all morning. If there's anything bothering you, just tell me."
Seulgi sighed, biting her lips as she wondered what to say, and how. She met his eyes as she noticed him reach out and hold her hand, and felt her heart at ease as she always does at his touch. "I'm scared... I mean, from the moment I told you until now things have been going good. I'm scared of something bad happening..."
Noticing her bottom lip quiver, Taeyong moved to sit right next to her and pulled her into his embrace. "Like what?"
He knew she was near to crying, so allowed her time to get her words sorted out. "What if... my family says no?" she holds his free hand tight in both of hers.
"We will runaway and get married." he answered softly with a chuckle.
"What if... I lose the baby?"
"I'd still be with you, because I love you for you." he answered more seriously. He could tell she loved the answers as she pushed herself into him more, sighing in relief. His one hand went to her head petting it. "Let's not think about anything bad until something actually happens, OK? Just know that whatever does happen, I'll always be by your side."
Seulgi knew he would, and moved out to look at him, smiling weakly as she nodded. He cupped her face and wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs, before leaving a quick kiss on one. He then helped her finish her food, before they decided it was time to go and tell people, starting with her family.
Her hands shook as Seulgi texted for her family to gather at her parent's house right away, refusing to answer any questions from them about why just yet. As she put her phone down, she felt Taeyong's one hand hold one of hers and give it a reassuring squeeze, and she smiled again at him, which even with his eyes on the road he could tell as he smiled back.
They reached, and knew Johnny beat them to it noticing his black shiny car parked behind her father's. Taeyong allowed a few more minutes for them to sit in the car as he watched her take breaths to help calm herself, patting her chest with one hand while he held the other kissing her knuckles.
After a couple of minutes, she looked up and nodded, and they quickly walked to the house as she feared she might make a run for it herself if she wasn't there soon enough. She opened the door herself and walked in first, motioning Taeyong to wait at the door first. She headed to the living room, her presence immediately known as all three of her family looked up.
Her mother ran to her hugging as she could tell something was off. "What's wrong baby?" she held her daughter's face. "You're making me so worried, what's happening?"
Her lips quivered again as she took her mother's hands in hers, looking down at her feet before finally picking up the courage to speak, looking back up at her family, Johnny and her father also staring at her with concern. She was their baby girl after all, no matter how old.
"I'm sorry... Johnny." she saw her brother's eyebrows furrow, and she moved away from her mother to stand more centered to everyone. "It's Taeyong..."
"IS HE OK?" Johnny screamed, clearly thinking the worst. "WELL SEULGI?"
She waved her hands. "No no, I mean, I am sorry about something. I don't regret it, I know now I don't. But I'm still sorry to you." she looked at the door, where Taeyong had been hiding to watch from, and he took it as a signal to enter. He came in and stood next to her, bowing to greet everyone. "I'm... pregnant."
"WHAT?" she heard her father and Johnny's voice yell, and looked to see her mother's knees wobble as she fell onto the nearest seat. Before she could say anymore, her father walked up and grabbed Taeyong by the collar, which she quickly intercepted.
"Dad please! Listen to us please!" she was on the verge of tears, which was what prompted the older man to let go. "I'm sorry, but I don't know how else to say it..."
"Let me." Taeyong cut her off, holding her by the shoulders and pushing her aside, a look of reassurance. She trusted him, and nodded before he looked back at his best friend and their father. "Seulgi and I have been seeing each other since university, so please understand what happened wasn't the case of us being careless. We didn't tell anyone because... because I was afraid of Johnny."
The said man raised an eyebrow, his eyes flaming with anger. "When we started, it wasn't anything serious so we didn't think it was something to tell you. Then it got serious, and I was scared you'd hate it. I know how much you love your sister, and how protective you are, I've been there all the time. We decided to not tell you until we'd make it a hundred percent official because, well, I fell in love." his eyes shifted towards Seulgi, who was holding his hand hiding her face in his shoulder.
"But I was scared, that if something happened between us it would break our friendship. As time went by, I knew I'd never leave her, but I didn't want to lose you too. We never had a proper plan of when or how to break the news, but now... things happened." his eyes darted towards Seulgi's tummy, his hand holding hers tight before he looked back at all of them. "I will take care of her, love her, protect her, with everything I have. I won't let a single tear appear in her eyes. And I've already told her, I'm not just saying all this because of the baby, it's just with the baby there's no way or reason for us to hide. I have no regrets in loving Seulgi and our relationship, but I do regret not letting any of you know, and for that I am truly sorry."
Silence took over, and Seulgi fell to the couch behind her as she felt the weight of everything push her down. Taeyong helped her, before looking back at his friend, who simply turned in his spot and brushed his hair back frustatingly. "Johnny, please say something." he spoke up, trying to get some reaction other than the silent treatment, though he wasn't expecting what he got.
"Shut up!" Johnny turned to them, eyes filled with rage, shocking even his parents. "You're supposed to be my bestfriend, so tell me exactly how the f*ck could you hide something like this from me!?! I never hid anything from you, but I also never pushed you to tell me every single detail of your life to me. But THIS!?! You were doing things with MY SISTER for five years, how do you expect me to react!?!"
Silence took over again as he paced around, loud breaths heard from him as he tried his best composing himself before turning back to the couple. "I want to say I'm happy for you, that I wish you all the best. Maybe in another time or world I do. But right now I can't." with that he left, everyone except Seulgi following behind him as he went out of the house and into his car, speeding off and out of sight. The parents sighed and went back inside, but Taeyong stood at the door longer, his chest hurting as he tried not to cry.
"Lee Taeyong." he heard their father's voice and quickly came back inside, seeing Seulgi was now sitting with her mother while the elder man stood hands crossed. "You will marry her, and make sure your duties as a husband and father are met because I will come for you." Taeyong bowed, softly thanking for their somewhat of a blessing.
Their father then turned to Seulgi. "And you, I don't know what to say... but I speak for all three of us, we are disappointed. Not about your relationship or the getting pregnant part, although I think you should have been more careful. But the fact that you've been fooling around with your brother's best friend all these years and didn't think to tell him at least?"
"Please, it's not her fault." Taeyong cut in and came closer to the family. "I was the one who didn't want to tell Johnny, she just... respected my wishes."
"Even so!" this time her mother spoke up. "Hiding something like this from the people you love, how are we supposed to trust each other anymore? Forget us, didn't either of you think how Johnny would have felt? How he feels right now? I know for a fact he would have loved seeing you two happy even if that meant you'd be together, that's not what hurt Johnny. It's the fact that you've both broken his trust, both as his sister and best friend..."
Taeyong's mind was filled with his now future mother-in-law's words. He and Johnny have been through thick and thin for the past ten years, and this one small yet big obstacle might just ruin that. And if that's ruined, how could he face him as Seulgi's husband?
He needed to fix things, as soon as he could. Why not now? he thought as he got up in a rush and left the bedroom, dashing past Seulgi in the living room who simply stared in confusion. She was staying over as they decided it would be for the best, and she'd slowly start moving in soon.
He got into his car and drove off, trying to get to his friend's apartment as fast as he could. Once reaching, he went up and rang the bell a couple of times, until it opened. Except, there was a lady.
Taeyong's rush of adrenaline paused as he stared confused. "Uhm... who are you?" he asked straight away as he knew he didn't have the wrong apartment. "What are you doing here? And where's Johnny?"
The lady opened the door further to let Taeyong come in a bit. "I'm Joohyun, we've been seeing each other for some time. I'm here because we were supposed to have dinner, but Johnny left a few minutes ago, said he needed some space." the lady counted off the questions on her fingers, then smiled awkwardly at him. "You're Taeyong, aren't you? He's always speaking about you. He didn't say what happened, but I guess you guys had an issue? He's probably on the roof, uhm..." she silenced before continuing, leaving him confused again.
Regardless, he thanked her and headed back to the elevator and up to the roof terrace, stepping out and looking around. He saw the figure of his best friend standing aside near the barrier, a small glass of what he assumed was whiskey in his hand. He walked behind him slowly, taking soft breaths as he prepared himself to say what he had been thinking of.
Once close enough, he sighed getting Johnny's attention, though he only peeked a bit before shaking his head and taking another sip of his drink. "Johnny, look at me please..." he bit his lips nervously, waiting for some response, only to get silence in response. At this point Taeyong was exhausted, and let out all thought.
"Johnny I'm sorry. And I know you'll probably never forgive me, but I'll work for that. I broke our trust just because I was scared that you'd reject us being together, because I knew how much you cared and protected her, but I realise now I was wrong. I shouldn't have thought of that when you're such a great friend and brother."
He watched his friend take one last sip of the drink before placing the glass away on a nearby tea table. Johnny stared out at the city, letting out a deep breath, before finally taking a small look at Taeyong.
"Where are you going with this attempt at justifying yourself?"
Sighing, Taeyong walked up to stand right next to him, staring at the city too. "I'm not trying to justify what we did. I just want to explain it, and that I'm forever sorry for it. You've always respected our boundaries, you were always there for me when I needed someone, then here I am messing around with someone you care for so much..."
"Messing around?" the sudden stone cold voice caught his attention as Taeyong looked to see Johnny mad. "Is that what you're calling it? Because if it is I'd suggest you not get married if you're not gonna take her seriously."
"Johnny that's not what I meant..." Taeyong turned fully this time. "At first it was just flirting, but the more time we spent together, the more I fell in love with her. I never told you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and then one day when it was just me and her, things just clicked and... we confessed. At that point neither of us knew where it was going, that's why we couldn't tell you. If anything went bad between us, we didn't want you to get involved and have to pick sides. I mean, she's your sister, so you'd be together no matter what... what about me?" his voice suddenly cracked, much to both their surprise.
"I couldn't lose you, you're my best friend, my only close friend, someone who I can count on if not my family. Even now if you don't wanna talk to me, I will do anything for us to go back to normal, because I realised my biggest fear is true only because of me. I realised that if we had told you about us when we figured it was serious, you wouldn't have forced us apart or anything. Maybe you'd be cautious, but you'd be supportive, because that's who you are."
Johnny's eyes stayed on the landscape of the city, nothing coming out of him but the sound of his deep breaths. Taeyong wasn't moving, he wouldn't at all until getting some kind of response, even a punch.
"Do you know why I'm mad?" he finally spoke, turning to Taeyong fully so they now faced eye to eye. "It is weird that my long term best friend is dating my younger sister, but that wasn't even in my top five. What pissed me off was knowing that someone I trusted the most in my life was, in your words, messing around with my sister behind my back. I get it, you liked each other, but the chances of it being nothing more than a fling for you is what got on my nerves. You say you've been there with us for so long, then you should have known that the last thing I wanted was for her to be with someone who doesn't take her seriously."
"But Johnny I do take her seriously. My feelings for her weren't just a one time thing..."
Johnny sighed, looking away again before turning back. "Then why hide it from me?" the question Taeyong dreaded. "I get if you'd hide it from our parents at first, but me? If you were serious about her, you shouldn't have had the slightest idea to keep this a secret from me. If anything I would've helped you guys, yes I'd be weirded out at first, but if it is as serious as you say it is, who am I to stop my sister and best friend be happy?"
Silence took over as the two men stood looking whichever direction they could to avoid eye contact, especially Taeyong.
"I'm not just mad at you by the way." Johnny spoke again. "Seulgi knows how special you are to me, so it doubled the anger that she decided to get reckless with you when, like you said, if anything went wrong it would build a wall between us." He turned and leaned over the wall on his arms, staring into the city again. Taeyong sighed, walking over to the wall too, keeping a little distance between, and leaning on his back instead.
It was again nothing but silence for a longer time. "I want you to be my best man." Taeyong spoke up first, causing Johnny to turn his head immediately. "I'm not trying to butter up to you or anything after all this, you were always my choice no matter who I married. And despite everything now, I still want you to be my best man."
"When's the wedding?" Johnny asked, eyes still on his friend.
"Not sure yet, but we will get married soon. Your parents kinda threatened me about that." he tried to hold in a chuckle but failed. "I mean I would have married her anyways, but yea, with them on it I'm thinking as soon as possible." he watched as his friend look back at the city, before gently nodding his head.
A sense of relief washed over him, and Taeyong couldn't help but move towards Johnny and hug him from the side. "I'm sorry Johnny. And thank you."
After hours of labour and pain and medication, Seulgi was relieved when her baby was no longer in her tummy, but in her arms instead. She smiled weakly as the nurse readied her to hold the baby against her chest, something about skin on skin contact, she wasn't entirely sure as her mind was too tired to absorb anything but the little boy she stared at with the biggest smile on her face.
She heard a loud gasp beside, shifting her eyes slightly towards her husband who's eyes shook at the sight. He was covered up mask and all, but she could tell from just his eyes that he felt the same as she did. "You did it love." Taeyong whispered before leaning his forehead against hers. "You did so well. You're amazing. Our baby is here."
Seulgi couldn't help the tear escape her eye, but with a smile on her face. "We did it."
And as soon as mother and baby were cleaned up, the first person Taeyong let into the room was Johnny, who practically ran past him as he walked up to the bed, eyes on both his sister and the little blanket bundle in her arms. He smiled at Seulgi, before giving her forehead a soft kiss, when she motioned him to carry the baby.
His hands shook as Johnny held his nephew close to his chest, Taeyong standing next to him with a smile as well. He moved closer, moving a little bit of the blanket away from the baby's face, as he suddenly spoke. "Say hello Lee Minwoo, this is your uncle, and godfather."
Johnny's head whipped towards Taeyong at the mention of the last word, who could only smile with a nod. He then turned to his sister who did the same, before letting out a soft laugh looking back at the baby. "Your parents are a crazy handful, so good thing I'll be there for you if they decide to pull another stunt on us again." He said as he gently pecked the baby's head.
The couple only laughed. Things were still hard after that night on the roof, but Johnny pushed through and did whatever he had to for the wedding, and later Seulgi's pregnancy. The couple didn't put him through much either as they gave him his space and time to come to terms with everything little by little. But during the wedding Taeyong saw and couldn't be happier as he watched Johnny smile his way through a very negative conversation with somebody
"I hear they're pregnant. You must feel betrayed they did such a thing behind your back."
Johnny smiled, chuckling. "On the contrary, I'm thrilled for them. As long as they're happy, I'm happy. Who do you think chose the flavour of the wedding cake?"
"You can trust him Minwoo." Taeyong said as he ushered Johnny to sit with the baby. "He's the best for us two, so he'll definitely be for you."
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so the ending was a bit rushed (are you even surprised atp lol) & I cudnt keep it as comedic as I hoped bcuz I kinda got carried away😅 I still hope you like it anon💚😊
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bookaddict05 · 11 months
Girl in the chair
This is a spin off series inspired by @ladmarkinnit's web head series. This is from the point of view of Tess in his series. Unsure to what may happen yet as I just go with the flow but will be heavily linked with Ashes series, so I recommend you go over and read his story to, plus its a really good story so you should just go and read that one anyways.
TW: domestic abuse (emotional)
UGH Monday rolls around once again, why do the weekends always seem to fly over so fast. Luckily we have a field trip for most of the day so no proper lessons are scheduled for the day. I wake up this morning getting ready into my favourite pair of blue ripped jeans and picking up my new brown aesthetically pleasing crop top I bought on a shopping spree I had to force Milo to go on with me yesterday. Matching this cute little outfit with a brown and blue tartan jacket to top it off.
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I walk down the stairs of my house and walk into the kitchen. I see my mam sitting down at the kitchen island waiting with my lunch for the day. I grab my Jeep car keys off the counter and give her a hug and kiss goodbye as I leave the house.
"DRIVE SAFELY PET" She shouts as I close the door behind me.
-- 10ish minuets later--
I arrive at school just in time to jump on to the school bus for the school trip, I still don't see why they wont let me drive my own car to Octavius labs its not like me and Milo were planning to skip... Okay we were but they didn't know that.
I run up the steps of the bus, pushing through people blocking the pathway for no reason and drop into the seat next to Milo.
"Shove along short ass" I say teasingly. Me and Milo have been Best friends now for about 8 years. You would rarely see us without the other somewhere near. We are practically attached to the hip.
"You look like shit" I state while laughing at the state he is in.
"You should see the other guy" He retorts with a big gin over his face "I did" I say laughing back at him again.
We talk for a little bit catching up on the events that have happened between yesterdays shopping spree up until I sat down next to him on the bus. I have an immediate thought that makes my whole body light up.
"Please join the rugby team Milo, you'll love it". He stares at me blankly as I gave him the puppy dog eyes. He starts to chuckle finally giving in to my pleading.
"I'll think about it okay?" he says with a bit of sarcasm, yeah I think i better give up with this.
--- 20 minuets later ---
We arrive at Octavius Labs. We walk into the massive daunting building and we are assigned groups with tour guides. Our tour guide, unfortunately, looked like he was alive before Captain America became a Capsicle.
I look left and right before pulling Milos arm and hiding us behind a pillar. I pull out a camera I had stole from the photography room on Friday after lesson.
"Hey I picked this up, thought we could sneak off to the spider enclosure and grab some shots, you promised to do me a spider tattoo, this can be your concept design" I smirk with begging eyes again. I have never liked field trips and will always find away to escape them. Why do you think I'm not aloud to drive to them anymore. He nods and I jump with glee and we sneak off the opposite way from our tour guide leaving the old man with the other students.
We make our way to the room and Milo opens the door for me and we stare up at the spider enclosure in awe. As Milo is taking pictures I walk around and see that these spiders aren't your typical looking spider. Not a spider you would ever see. In fact they don't look like any species known to man. Strange.
I let the thought slide as me and Milo get a selfie with the spiders. I see Milo in clear pain as he clenches his ribs.
"You need to get a new binder" I say with sympathy, he's been experiencing a lot of pain from it lately.
"Come on we should go, you still down to see my mam tomorrow? She misses you a lot". He laughs as we make our way back to the bus.
-- back at home --
I pull into the driveway of my house and see that my dad is home early, its a Monday which makes sense in a way as he normally gets home early to come to rugby practice with me, but this was earlier than normal. I walk through the front door and walk straight into the kitchen and find my mam ironing, she gives me a look and through that one look I know that he isn't in a good mood and is to be left alone. I act if everything is normal, most of my life could be considered an act, never letting my true self show to anyone. Well anyone but Milo, I know I can trust him with anything.
I head up in to my room and get ready to go to training.
-- Tuesday --
Today was just as normal however Milo does seem to be acting strange. Well he's always strange but I mean he was beyond strange today. For example today at lunch we got bored so I got the rugby ball out from the back of my car and he held it above my head without using his fingers, that is quite literally impossible. Even more impossible for a person who hasn't played rugby since they were 10.
I shrugged it off as beginners luck, but something is definitely up and he's not telling me about it. I will find out what he is keeping from me.
-- Tuesday afternoon --
I'm sitting up in my bedroom reading my newest book 'Practice makes perfect' by Sarah Adams whilst listening to Jonas Brothers. However this all gets interrupted by an incoming phone call. Milo.
"Hey y/n/n, I need one of your comic books" he says over the phone.
"Wait, OH MY GOD, have I converted you to the dark side?" I say with shock but enthusiasm as I have bee dying to get him to read one of them.
"Sure you have, do you still have that uh Spider girl thing?" he sighs when saying that, knowing for a fact I will now never shut up about this.
"I left it at yours because I knew you would want it someday, check under your old rugby uniform" I say while smiling so much it actually started to hurt.
"OMG, I love you so much, thank youuuu, you stupid nerd" he says as he hangs up the phone. I had a gut feeling that deep down that there was something behind the reason he was asking for the comic but I didn't want my overthinking to cloud the day where I finally got him interested into a comic book, even though it may of been for another reason.
As I am reading I see my phone light up with a message and see its my mam asking me to come downstairs. I comply to her request and go downstairs to see her and my dad not looking happy.
"what's up?" I ask.
"We have just heard from your school that you are FAILING more that half of your subjects" my dad starts to raise his voice.
Oh no this isn't going to end well.
I block out as much as I can but some words still manage to creep through.
"waste of space"
"Thick as pig shit"
-- 10 mins later --
I am upstairs in the bathroom balling my eyes out. Trying to calm myself down just before Milo arrives. Eyes are all red and puffy so I splash cold water over my face to help. Adding concealer underneath my eyes to hide the dark circles and then re-applying mascara. That's when I hear a knock on my bedroom door and then Milo walks through the door.
"Hello sunshine" he says with a smile, Ironic.
"Hello Goth boy" I say back with a smile across my face.
"I brought snacks and hair dye"
"do we have an exam tomorrow?" I ask which he returns with a nod
"Hair dye timeeeee"
it has became some sort of a ritual before an exam now that I dye my hair so if I fail at least I did it looking good. Which has been a lot lately.
Next thing I know my hair has been separated into 2. With the under of my hair being dyed pink. Out in the corner of my eye I see the bleach box and I pick it up looking straight at Milo.
"No please, not again" he says as he backs away from me. I open he box and the lid of the bleach and shrug
"well its open now we must use it" smiling as I put a blob onto his black hair.
"I hate you" he groans.
"I love you too" chuckling while applying more.
Ahh so i just done all of this tonight, you can obviously see if u have read the web head series where they interlink.
I highly recommend reading @ladmarkinnit series as it gives u the perspective of milo over there but you are milo to if u get me over in that series the persons POV im writing here is called Tess.
Yeah if this confuses you just ignore it and go find out for yourself 😂
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balmacedapascal · 2 years
girl, i am back!!!! and completely in love with your single dad!Harwin 🧡🥺✨ can we get a "how can i help?" in that verse?? bonus points if it's rhae asking 🥴😭🥺
(this is for a modern single dad!Harwin au that I mentioned yesterday and might eventually flesh out into a full on story but the concept is Harwin is raising Jace and Luke on his own and has recently reconnected with Rhaenyra, whom he grew up with and hasn't seen in years. Jace and Luke are his kids in this, not theirs. at least not biologically. okay i hope you like it <3)
It only took one night for Rhaenyra to discover how quickly plans could change with someone who had children. Her and Harwin had managed to meet up a handful of times since they'd first bumped into each other, grabbing coffee or lunch when they could to try and catch up. And tonight was the first chance they'd had to make plans for dinner. The first time it would be something she might actually consider a date. The whole thing was still a bit casual, the two of them dancing around the conversation of where this was going. But she was looking forward to spending time with him, time that didn't have a timer on it for when they both needed to get back to their responsibilities. And when he'd offered to cook for them rather than going out to, she'd been happy for the chance of a potentially intimate night together.
What she hadn't expected was little Jace to answer the door when she rang the bell at half past seven. "Um, hi Jace. Do you remember me? I'm a friend of your dad's."
"Yep! He said you were coming over for dinner. And he said that we were supposed to be on our best behavior. And he said to let him know when you got here. And - oh! Come on, you can come and see the fish me and Luke got last month. DAD! Miss Nyra's here! I'm showing her my fish!"
And before she could process anything that had come out of the little boy's mouth at a mile a minute, she found herself in a surprisingly tight grip and being pulled into the house, just barely getting the door closed behind her as she stumbled along behind the six year old. She wasn't sure exactly where Harwin was but she found herself being led down a hall lined with an assortment of photos of all three Strongs that she would've enjoyed inspecting if given the chance. Instead, she got a brief glimpse before finding herself in a bedroom filled with books and toys and games and little Luke in some kind of dinosaur onesie playing with a slew of action figures. He didn't do much more than look up and give her a sweet smile before going back to his toys.
There was an aquarium next to the window that Rhaenyra found herself kneeling in front of, listening with as much attention as she could manage as she was given a rundown of every type of fish in the water with as much detail as the little boy could manage. She wasn't sure she'd remember any of it by the time he was finished but it seemed best she make the effort until she was able to break away.
"Jace, I told you to let me know when she got here, not hide her away in the room you two absolutely didn't clean up like I asked you to. You don't get to hog the new guests all for yourself." Jace's explanations were interrupted at the sound of Harwin's voice, getting both her and the boys to turn towards the doorway. He looked good, despite being dressed down for a night in. A kitchen towel was draped over his shoulder and he'd pulled back his hair into bun that seemed to be fighting its constraints. The smile he offered her was sheepish but sweet and she tried not to think too long on how there was suddenly a swarm of butterflies in her stomach.
"But you said we could show new people the fish when they first come over," Jace argued, leading to a staring match between father and son for the ten seconds it took her to stand and join Harwin in the doorway.
"They were very impressive fish," she added, getting a smile from the boys and a head shake from their dad which seemed a good enough compromise. "How about you tell me more about them later, Jace? Does that sound okay?"
"Okay." And just like that the boys went back to playing, Jace joining Luke on the floor to pick up where she guessed they'd left off when he'd met her at the door.
For the second time in ten minutes, Rhaenyra found herself being led down the hall, this time by a much gentler and less demanding touch. She followed Harwin back to the living room where she was treated to another sheepish smile as he turned back to her. "Hey, sorry about - well, all of it. They were going to have a sleepover with some friends from school but I got a call right before we were about to leave that the other kids are down chicken pox and I didn't have a chance to give you a heads up. I know I promised a nice relaxing night and you've already been bombarded with every fact he's managed to retain on angelfish and neon tetras. If you want to raincheck I understand, really. Especially since you look like you came straight from work and-"
"Harwin! Stop, breathe, relax." He did as she instructed and she couldn't but reach for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze even though it seemed a hug might have done him better. "It's all fine. I may not have a ton of experience with kids but I am aware that they should take top priority. And I'd have a lot more issues with you still sending them off to a chicken pox infected household so I could have an adults only dinner. Now, please, how can I help?"
There was a pause as he looked down at her, almost as if he was still processing everything between them. And then she blinked and his lips were on hers, a soft kiss that lingered for a heartbeat as his free hand reached up to cup the side of her face. It surprised her, leaving her off balance for a moment before she leaned into the touch and kissed him back. When he pulled back, the smile he wore had relaxed and she felt one mirroring it on her own lips. "Just come keep me company while I finish things up and that will be more than enough." Another quick peck and then the hand holding hers pulled her in the direction she assumed was the kitchen.
And when he lifted her up onto the countertop instead of letting her go over to one of the stools, she could feel the flutter in her stomach once more, relishing in the oddly comforting domesticity of the quiet moments before the patter of little feet came echoing down the hall to join them.
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