gaycapeman · 5 years
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Supernova By: @marissameyerauthor . . . . #RenegadesTrilogy #Supernova #Archenemies #Renegades #marissameyer #jointherenegades #superheroes #supervillains #yalit #bookstagram #goodreads #booklover #ilovebooks #instabook #booknerdigans #booknerd #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #bookaddict #bookaholic #igreads #bookgeek #booklove #CurrentlyReading #Book #Bibliophile #BookWorm #YoungAdult #WR365 (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hqhZWnjJB/?igshid=1cepraemqd95i
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msmoonlighter · 6 years
So I took the quiz again with a clearer head and I really super like the answer, but like, I’d be that basic bitch with fire powers so.  . . Here’s some mildly funny commentary I guess . . . .
It’s canon that fire powers are the overrated power of the Renegades world. So I wouldn’t be special or cool and I’d probably not have many options for hero names.
But still, I’d be a badass. I’d call myself Inferno or Spark or Hestia or something like that. My trademarks would be the red streak in my hair--which I never got but still want-- my awful laugh, and my hip drop bag. (In which I’d put my useful stuff bc I come prepared or not at all). I’d be the hottest babe on the block. Literally. *finger guns*
Healing was more useful, but fire is flashy and pretty and COOL. And also, when it cold, ya’ll know THIS girl is gonna be giving EVERYONE hugs.
Oh you’re cold? Say no more! Mama Karen is already on her way with startling body heat and a box of scarves. Homeless folks not being warm enough? NOT ON MY WATCH, LOVE. HERE HAVE A HUG, A COAT, AND A HAT. I DON’T NEED ‘EM I CAN JUST LIGHT MYSELF UP AND WALK HOME.
However, while fire is impressive and lovely, it’s also dangerous, and I feel that, as an ADHD, impulsive, temperamental, emotional chick, me having the ability to burn anything in my path would be a BAD thing. You KNOW I’d be that unstable idiot who drops their pencil for the fifth time, screams “dAMMIT” and bursts into flames. Down goes the building.
And I know  I’d take the opportunity to use ALL of the puns.
[In a stuffy room] Me: Is it hot in here? *ignites palm and smirks* Or is it just me?
Me, training with someone I want to impress: They call me ‘H’ cause I turn ‘asses’ to ‘ashes’.
Villain: I swear I don’t know anything Me: Liar, liar. . . Me: *ignites their snazzy slacks* Villain: *sCREAMS in horror and pain* My Teammate: KAREN YOU CAN’T JUST-- Me, panicking as I try to put out the fire: I’M SORRY, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!
Me, training with someone I want to impress: They call me ‘H’ cause I turn ‘asses’ to ‘ashes’.
Rest of the pun list below the cut. Please read it. I worked hard.
Me, flirtatiously: I feel a spark between us, don’t you? *snaps fingers to release a shower of sparks*
Me, smirking at the sweaty villain I’m fighting after scorching their arm: Aww, honey, look at you! You’re burning up!
Villain: *sneers at me condescendingly and throwing a punch* Is that all you’ve got, honey? Me, with a smirk: * dodges and ignites my hands* I’m just WARMING UP! Villain: *pauses* I’m sorry but did you just. . .? Me: Was it okay? My friend said it was cheesy. Villain: Yeah a little bit. I feel like it’s overused. Just a few days ago Heatwave used that one on me. Me, pulling out a notebook: * Okay I hear you. Got any better suggestions? Villain, taking the notebook and nodding: Yeah fam, I got you. You got a pen? Me: Yeah, here.
Me, after roasting someone: You could say, you’ve been burned. Everyone: *stops cheering and sighs* Me: Roasted, really. Everyone: *sighs louder*
Me: Mamá! MAMÁ! I have a burning question for you. Mom, already walking away: Then suffer.
Me: *sees a cute person* Oh woah, do I have the hots for them. Everyone within a five mile radius: *groans in pure agony at the sheer badness of my puns*
[After I light the floor on fire in rage during a fight] Villain, dancing away from the flames: OW!!! OW OW OW!!! Me: Whoops. Carpet burn. Better see a healer.
[Sparring with someone and takes the lead] Me: *kicks at them, sending a column of flames their way* Looks like you’ve met your MATCH! Them: I want a new partner, now.
Me: *discovers an old Second Era show called Avatar: The Last Airbender* Me: *calls myself a firebender* Me: *suddenly changes my fighting style to match a more martial artsy type style* Me: *won’t stop cosplaying Prince Zuko*
Anyways, thanks bunches to Marissa Meyer who made it possible for me to take this lovely quiz!
@danna-bell-is-black​ @nova-artino​ @renegades-fanblog​ I really wanna see your results too! This is gonna be my new Hogwarts house type thing for a while lmao. So if you could take the quiz (if you haven’t already) and either tell me in a chat or post your results that’d be awesome, guys! 
Also, I have a super important announcement for Heroes soon, so yeah. Stay tuned.
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lianav · 6 years
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Repost I am soooo excited 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 @marissameyerauthor IT'S HERE!! And it’s gorgeous and SO INTENSE!!! Thank you @EW, @davidcanfield97, and @FierceReads for sharing the cover AND (!!!!!!!!!) the big, big news that Renegades is now a TRILOGY! 😱 Yes, you read that right. Sweet rot, am I glad I don’t have to keep THAT secret anymore!! Read all about it via the link in my profile! 💙🖤💙🖤💙 . . . #archenemies #coverreveal #renegades #jointherenegades #renegadestrilogy #superheroes #superhero #marissameyer #yalit
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We can't get enough of the characters in Marissa Meyer’s new book RENEGADES! You can learn more about each one here.
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dragonwriter1633 · 7 years
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We were all villains in the beginning.
Peeps, I LOVED this book. I think it’s because I’m already smitten with superhero stories, so if you are, too, then I believe you’ll like it also. Plus, it’s Marissa Meyer. She is hands down one of my favorite authors these days, and SUCH a good storyteller. She just has such a way with words and characters and story…I am truly in awe. Plus, she’s pretty clean! That’s so rare for YA these days and I, for one, appreciate it. First things first, if you haven’t read the blurb, Renegades follows the story of the Anarchists and the Renegades. The Anarchists are an offshoot of the glory days of “villain” prodigies who remade the world so people with superpowers weren’t feared and hated and killed and all that jazz, and the Renegades are the ones who stepped in to end the Age of Anarchy that the Anarchists brought when they tore down everything to make the world better for prodigies. Now the Renegades are in control and doing their best for society, while some of the Anarchists hiding in the subways are still a little bitter about everything. Nova is our resident heroine and the niece of the architect of the Age of Anarchy himself, Ace Anarchy (naturally). Her tragic backstory (you learn right away, so no spoilers) is that her family, allegedly under the protection of the Renegades, was murdered by a villain gang and the Renegades never came to save her. Now she’s all grown up and looking not only for revenge, but the remaking of society so no one is waiting around for other people to do heroic things for them but will instead step up and do the right thing and be their own hero. Our other POV is Adrian, the adopted son of two of the founding Renegades and biological son of another, who was mysteriously killed. He’s got something to prove and is relentlessly trying to hunt down Nightmare (Nova’s alter ego) because he thinks she has the answers he needs regarding his mother’s death. Nightmare joins his Renegades team as Nova in order to take them down…and the plot thickens. Look, I loved it. If you’re looking for a superhero/supervillain story where the lines are blurred and you find yourself wondering whose side you should be on, this is the book for you. A lot of it can be regarded as buildup for the second book, which I’m now convinced is going to be a humdinger, but I was never bored. I was so fascinated by the world and the powers and the adorable Max, who’s definitely a highlight of the book because of his quarantine and mysterious powers. I understood Nova and I understood Adrian, and they have a great conversation about whether or not the Renegades are good for the world and I totally understood both sides. Part of what I love about this book (and all superhero/villain themes) is the questions it brings up regarding good and evil and what makes a hero and who can be a hero and how to be a hero, along with giving me inspiration to be a hero every day. When a story can do that AND is entertaining as all get out, you know you’ve got a good one. Also, can we talk about Marissa Meyer’s endings? They stay WITH you. I still haven’t gotten over the ending of Fairest and her last line of Here is what I think of love (READ THE LUNAR CHRONICLES IF YOU HAVEN’T), not to mention Heartless and now this book…I bow in supreme awe. Now I’ll talk Hogwarts Houses just to admit that I can’t decide what to do. I thought about it for a week after finishing the book only to think that Nova is a Slytherin and Adrian is a Gryffindor, but that seems like a cop out…still, Nova isn’t loyal enough to her Anarchist team to be a Hufflepuff or too willing to give second chances, but just loyal enough to her family and Ace that she could be a Slytherin, I’m not really feeling Ravenclaw for her, but she could be a Gryffindor because of will to save the world from the Renegades and itself. I just don’t know. Thoughts, for those of you who’ve read the books and are obsessed with putting people in Houses? As for Adrian, I’m also stuck, though I’m leaning toward Gryffindor because of how he wants to prove himself and inspire people and “be the hero”…I just don’t know for sure, though. Hopefully the second book will provide answers…November can’t come fast enough.
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writerlywonderings · 7 years
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(via Author Talks: Marissa Meyer at Quail Ridge Books, 11/12/17)
Hey guys! You should go read this blog post about an awesome talk I went to by Marissa Meyer about Renegades (I’m trying to do a blog where I actually make content instead of just reblogging awesome stuff like I do here).
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ajshadowwolf · 7 years
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Soooooo Happy to finally get these books!!!!!! The covers are so Beautiful!!!! Can't wait to read Renegades!!!!! The Art work and extra stuff in The 10th Anniversary Edition of City of Bones is absolutely Wonderful!!!!! These books are Awesome!!!!!📚💙❤️💙❤️ ➰ #books #booklover #cityofbones #cassandraclare #jointherenegades #marissameyer #fangirl
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#finally!!!!! *insert gif of Louise Belcher laughing maniacally here* #renegades #marissameyer #rebeccasoler #danbittner #jointherenegades #slightlyobsessed #bookstagram #book #ebookstagram #ebook #audiobookstagram #audiobook #read #reader #readersofinstagram #shelfie #digitalshelfie #bookdragon #bookstagrammer #bibliophile #bookaddict #booknerd #tuneinapp #tunein #tuneinradio #iphone #apple #series #seriesaddict #duology #trilogy #writersread #write #writers #writersofinstagram
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thereaderbee · 7 years
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Many thanks to @fiercereads for sending along #Renegades, the upcoming release from @marissameyerauthor!! #JointheRenegades --- *Renegades* is the first in a two book series about secret identities and extraordinary powers, a girl who wants vengeance, and a boy who wants justice. It's about Renegades -- humans with superpowers -- who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. It's also about the Anarchists -- the villains they once overthrew -- who are more than meet the eye. --- Does this book sound awesome, or what?? I can't wait to dive into it. 🤓 --- Visit www.JointheRenegades.com and take the super quick quiz to see what side you're on, Renegade or Anarchist!! I am a Renegade, and my superpower is Invisibility!! --- Go take the quiz and leave me a comment with what side YOU are on!! (Go ahead, I'll wait. 😉) --- #marissameyer #newbook #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #yabooks #bookmail #fiercereads
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lizdejesus23 · 7 years
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YAS!!! I finally got my copy of Renegades by @marissameyerauthor !! I’m so excited to step into this new world that she has created. @bnchristiana @barnesandnoble #jointherenegades
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#Repost @pageturnersblog ・・・ We are so excited to be part of the #jointherenegades tour! - 📚. What side will you end up choosing? The Renegades or the Anarchists? - 📚. It's a @marissameyerauthor's story, so I have a feeling the choice will be trickier than we think. - 📚. Also, when you hold a HIGHLY anticipated book in your hands it's like Christmas and our birthday all at once! Many thanks to @macmillankidsbooks for the bookwormish treat! - 📚. 📚. 📚. #books #bookcover #marissamsyer #renegades #feiwelandfriends #mustread #thelunarchronicles #bookstagram #bookstagramer #bookblogger #bookreviwer #booklr #igbooks #igreads #bookworm #yabooks
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decoratingreader · 7 years
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🙋🏽Hand up high if you're a Marissa Meyer's fan 🙋🏽🙋🏽 . Did you see that she's releasing a new book this November? 😱😱 And here's a look at the cover! Isn't it seriously AMAZING? I'm DROOLING 🤤🤤 . ✨Synopsis: From #1 New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer, comes a high-stakes world of adventure, passion, danger, and betrayal. Secret Identities. Extraordinary Powers. She wants vengeance. He wants justice. The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew. Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice—and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both. . Thanks to @fiercereads @maryvanakin for this amazing #coverreveal package! . #jointherenegades #tbr #marissameyer #renegades #flatlay #booksandcandles #booksandflowers
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yabibliophile · 7 years
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Thank your SO MUCH to @fiercereads for these amazing #Renegades goodies! . I absolutely love #MarissaMeyer's because he is and cannot wait for this one. . And that cover 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 . #jointherenegades #bookstagram #bookmail #yalit
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arnoldjaime13 · 7 years
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Thanks so much @fiercereads for the awesome #JoinTheRenegades package! I can't wait to read the book! #yalit #booknerdigans #bookstagram #bookmail
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The RENEGADES are a symbol of hope to everyone... except the villains they once overthrew. 
Click here to find out more in Marissa Meyer’s new novel RENEGADES, in stores now!
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brianasbooknook · 7 years
I want to go to @YALLFest to be a @FierceReads VIP and meet Marissa Meyer! #jointherenegades #sweepstakes
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