#jonathan sims core
localratwithcowboyhat · 5 months
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Hand me my shovel im going in!!
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cult-of-the-eye · 5 months
I don't need to be drunk to be incomprehensible...this makes me above than all of you
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coffee-bat · 1 month
i'm abt halfway through season 1 of tma (i think?) and i just wanted to say it's so fucking funny how jon puts his whole archivussy into voice-acting every story, then after 20 minutes of stellar in-character acting he just goes "well that was fucking stupid innit, seek psychiatric help lmfaoo" and ends the episode
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my-heart-of-heart · 2 months
So normal about Jon being like I don’t remember what you looked like but the man who let you die is going to suffer for what he did to you. If only Sasha coulda seen that.
So normal about Jon being like you died hating me and wanting me dead but I’m still gonna make sure this man knows I’m ending him in your name. Sure wish Tim coulda seen that.
So normal about the fact that everyone believed Jon was losing his humanity but no one got to see the ways his love and compassion for the people he lost or who hurt him drove him to that final moment.
So normal about the fact that even after everything Jonah’s done to Jon, the only person he never thinks to get justice for is himself.
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purblzart · 3 months
Thing I’ve been working on for the past month or so!!
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jayktoralldaylong · 1 month
Jon: If you need a vessel so bad why don't you just become-
Elias: Because I'm not scared of them.
Jon: ......
Elias: I don't need your body, Jon. I need your fear. 😈
Meanwhile, Elias the Gaslight King in earlier seasons: Jon you know I'd never let anything bad happen to you, I'm only trying to help. We need to save the world together, isn't that what we're trying to achieve? Oh Jon, Jon, Jon, bad things are only happening because you do not trust me. Trust me, and we can save everyone. Don't you believe me?
Then it went the exact opposite with Peter and Martin.💀😂💔
Peter: I've got the perfect plan to beat Elias. Can you do what it takes to become the hero?
Martin: I'm going to save the world?
Peter: Yes, and it will be you and you alone. Do you trust me?
Martin: I trust you.
That same season 💀
Peter: You played me! 😳😭 You've been lying to me this entire time.
Martin: You lied first 🙄 and I knew it the instant you told me I'd save the world. I can't save the world. I've never saved anything in my entire life. I'm not important enough to be the hero.
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arsonarena · 11 months
eye motif characters my beloved
alto clef from scp
cecil gershwin palmer from night vale
the core from amphibia
bill cipher from gravity falls
will wood from will wood
janus from sander sides
something from omori
argus from greek mythology
argos from the world of mr plant
wally from welcome home
the eye of providence
so many more i'm forgetting right now
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mpetrohero · 6 months
I have just been cruelly reminded of the absolute AGONY OF HOW IN LOVE JONMARTIN ARE IN EVERY UNIVERSE EVER. I HATE IT HERE I HATE IT HERE. I think perhaps it’s time I take myself apart molecule by molecule. I need to be destroyed. I need to be Ceaseless Watched. I need to go through every interdimension world and fall in love with my person over and over and-. This is my thirteenth reason.
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I think perhaps I need to be sedated. 😀
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Day 1 of putting Jonathan Sims into random pieces of media that he really doesn’t want to be in. Sorry guys I have my own made up version of Jon in my head and I just think sometimes, let’s put him somewhere else fun for today hey? Next I’m thinking of putting him in the Tardis what do you lot think?
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thefandomemma · 6 months
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Jon in a dress!!!
Old men in dresses ♥
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Brb gonna look at the black su- i mean eclipse, sorry if the sun disappears after im a bit hungry rn
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localratwithcowboyhat · 5 months
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​its like a ‘dont talk to me until i had my coffe’ type thing
But with some alterations to apply to Jonathan sim head archivists of the magnus institute London
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cult-of-the-eye · 2 months
LET!!! THE MAN!!!!! PINE!!!!
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thinking about writing a jmart fic inspired by my original story. would y'all read it or nah
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duskerus · 1 month
whatever you do, do not think about how The Lonely was Jon's last mark before he was ready for the mass ritual. How The Lonely, the fear of being utterly alone, marked him while he was fighting not to be. The last step towards losing the last of your humanity was the most humane step of all. Jonathan Sims you make me ill.
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mossy-bonez · 7 months
When was the beginning? What was that first choice that led me here? Was it that first statement? No I was already to far in then and couldn’t change my trajectory, I had already agreed to be the archivist by then and I already had that need to Know. Was it when I accepted the promotion instead of leaving it to someone more qualified? That seems closer but really if I think about it I would never have been able to do that, I wasn’t sure enough in myself to say no back then, not to Elias, Jonah? No Elias, that’s who he was at that point. Maybe it was when I started working at the institute in research? Sure that works at keeping me out of Elias’s hands to become his Archivist, but I still already needed to Know, so that’s not where that first choice happened. It wasn’t Mr Spider, while that might be what got me trapped in this web, at that point I would have gotten caught any way due to my curiosity, something would have always gotten me. So is it just an innate part of me? Some grand plan of fate? Was I always destined to somehow become this Archive of Fear? Was it just always a part of me? I know I always wanted to know more, learn more, take in more. Was then that all important choice when I took my first breath and opened my eyes? Was it when I looked around and saw the world and began to look closer, observe all I could? Was it ever really a choice? Or was it always a part of me? I think deep down, I always was going to make the choices I made, and maybe had some situations been different maybe I would have had different outcomes but I don’t think I would have ever avoided Becoming. Maybe I might have been more ok with it, had things been different. Maybe I can still become ok with it, but not here, not now, not surrounded by all of this pain I caused based on choices I hadn’t realized I had been making.
Martin has hope we can fix this, I will Choose to believe it to, and maybe when we do, I can choose to learn to be ok with Who I am.
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