#jonsa fan fic
Do Re Mi
A good ol Jonsa song fic based on Do Re Mi by Blackbear
And this one goes out to the sound
Of breaking glass on my Range Rover
She raises the bat over her head and smacks it down on the center of the windshield of Jon Snow’s Range Rover. Daenerys curses and steps back, and she does it again and again. Then she hits his driver’s side mirror.
“Fuck you, Jon Snow! You lying, cheating, bastard!” She screams and bashes in his driver’s front window, and squeals when glass flies back towards her face. She feels a tiny shard hit her jaw, and she stumbles backwards, Daenerys catches her,
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thatbakedpotato · 3 months
you ever read a fic that changes the literal trajectory of life? that renders you incapable of picking up another piece of literature? cause same.
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crimsoncold · 3 months
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saltspear · 2 years
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lest we eat each other
“And now you wear my brother’s ring. My father’s ring.”
A sheen of silver around his pinky, moon glinting off of its surface. The ring that’s been worn by the men she loved as deep as her heart can go—and now by him, by Jon.
(With him, she has not loved. She has devoured, and the skin of it still remains on her teeth.)
read it here
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winterrose527 · 2 years
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the loveliest fic written by @sansastarkr
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jonsaslove · 2 years
It’s been awhile since my last update (the holidays were very busy for me) but I’m back with an update for castling the king. My Robb lives AU if you haven’t checked it out!
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
Love watching the pedro fandom still have discourse over what's the appropriate kind of "x reader" fic to pair up with characters like Joel, meanwhile I'm over here in the minority of the Got/asoiaf fandom by not writing a fic with some kind of an incestual main romance pairing.
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mkstrigidae · 2 years
The Immortals
By Honorificabilitudinitatibus
Chapter 1: The Hunted
Unwillingly thrust into a realm full of beauty and danger, filled with beings who aren't supposed to exist, Sansa is exhausted, terrified, and desperate to return home. But with the secret of her heritage- heritage she hadn't even known about- revealed, these immortals aren't about to let her leave. Not when she holds something they want. Something valuable. Something in her very blood.
“Can’t we get the police involved?” Bran pleaded. “Get someone else to help find her?”
“I wish we could.” She told him, reaching out to squeeze his brother’s hand.
“Well why the hell can’t we?” Rickon snarled, his fists clenched so tight around his mug that Robb was amazed the cheap ceramic hadn’t shattered yet.
“Because, right now, Sansa isn’t in this world.” Brienne wearily admitted.
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tellhulla · 2 years
Can someone please help me find a fic I read once and forgot to save?
It was a Jonsa fic where Sansa arrived to the wall alone and Jon decided the best was to hide her north of the wall because the Boltons are looking for her and he didn't have the means to protect her and otherwise and he finds an abandoned hut for her to stay but she is there all alone except for Ghost who Jon leaves there to protect her and Jon visits every day and brings her food and stuff and then one day he doesn't come and she gets worried and after several days she goes to the wall and they think she is a wildling and turn her down but not without telling her Jon is dead and when he comes back to life he goes to find her but she is gone from the hut and she ends up living with some wildlings and Jon thinks she and Ghost are dead and she is pregnant and he doesn't know it ?
And also someone calls her Jon's "sister-wife" at some point and it becomes a thing to call her that?
I don't remember more but if it's ringing any bells for anyone please let me know 🙏
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kitnjon · 29 days
Any Jonsa fics in which characterization and physical appearance of Jon is closer to Canon?
I am assuming you mean closer to book canon? Honestly I haven't really read that many book jonsa fics. I am more of a show jonsa fan and mostly read modern AUs 😅
Few book fics I have read are post ADWD. Sharing them below -
1. The Wolves of Winter by JustAWhiteQuill
~When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.~ Beneath a wall of ice, a crow died and came back a wolf. Now, he is crowned King in the North and faced with the immense task of preparing his battered kingdom for the Long Night. Atop the lonely mountain, a little bird grew fangs and came back a wolf. Now, she is the Princess of Winterfell and taking care of the only family she thinks she has left. When news reaches them of the other still being alive, a chain of events is set in motion. Winter is coming, and with it, the darkest hour of the night. The time for wolves is here. All the while, the dragons and lions south are battling for a throne covered in fire and blood.
2. I Can't Steal You (Like You Stole Me) by @thewolvescalledmehome
Seeing the only family Sansa Stark had left to her was the only motivation keeping her astride the horse. Jon Snow is at Castle Black. He’ll protect you. It had been so long since she felt safe, felt protected. She yearned for the security of familiar arms and someone who cared for her because she was Sansa and not a Stark. The nerves she may have felt over arriving at Castle Black alone to see the half-brother she had not seen—had barely thought of—in years did not consume her, nor did she allow herself to feel disappointment that it was not Robb or a trueborn brother to save her. Only, upon her arrival, she is told of the mutiny. Then she is asked an impossible question: What would she give to have him back?
Lyric title prompt on Tumblr from the song "You" by The Pretty Reckless.
3. Beasts of Seasons by Simonetta
She had prepared her words and her actions meticulously. She hadn’t prepared to actually see him. Or, Jon and Sansa reunite and things don't go according to plan, forcing Sansa to reevaluate her identity and her loyalties and forcing Jon to come back to himself. Post-ADWD, bookverse fic. Jon and Sansa reunite on campaign to win back Winterfell.
4. The Thawing of Winter by @jade-masquerade
Sansa knew Jon married her—married Alayne—for the Vale, or maybe, because of his past, he saw her as a fellow bastard and meant to raise her up the same as his people did for him, how they chose Lord Eddard’s sole surviving son as King in the North. But when she looked at him, she saw nothing of the sort in his eyes, only a flash of desire, the way a man ought to look at his wife, before he steadied his gaze. If this was truly wrong, she wondered, then why did the gods let it feel so right?
Putting this in tag so others may add in as well.
Thanks for the ask!
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pixiecactus · 3 months
jonsa shippers are the funniest clowns i've ever seen, i just read them going: "jon and sansa share so many parallels and it's such a shame we are the only part of the fandom willing to talk about them", like... can you stop for merely a second of your time and start thinking about the reason behind why it is like that?
there's nothing wrong with shipping a crackship, but at least own it, the fact you're so delusional about your ship and most of you actively insult and steal plotpoints from the only two characters who have actual romantic foreshadowing with jon: daenerys and arya, is something to consider about.
do you ever wonder why stansas are the only ones shipping jonsa? jon's fans would never touch that ship even with a ten foot pole. i would dare to say that if you ship jon snow with sansa, i'd assume you hate book!jon a lot, to actually do him like that.
also, another day another stansa lying about their fave canon personality and actual role in the asoiaf series, and playing victim when they're called out about being inaccurate in it. with nothing more to say that "you guys just hate femenine women" i mean the choice of word they used was "useless", because it always come back to thinking that everyone who dares to critique a stansa's post that is plagued with lies is a reddit dude bro... and i don't have doubts that type of people do exist, but i'm still waiting to encounter one in the wild.
y'all got your stansa's fic fantasy dreams fullfiled with the actual show that aired, honestly speaking i'm surprised that stansa d1 and stansa d2 weren't down to make jonsa happen, since they had already ruined the show with all the stansa propaganda they put on it (i suppose even people like them have limits). just stop trying to pass horrible plotpoints written by dumb&dumber as something that's actually asoiaf related.
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babybells123 · 4 months
Hi!! I saw a post you wrote about Sansa and thought you'd be a good person to ask about fic recommendations, if you wouldn't mind. I'm not looking for any particular ship, and I don't even need her to have a protagonist role, I'm just looking for any fics where she has some decent characterization and growth.
I hope you have a nice day!!
Hi there !
So I read Jon x Sansa fics mostly (I’m not really into multi-shipping for Sansa !!) but I’ll source some of my favourite ones :) Sansa is often very well written /characterised in these fics so hopefully that’s a breath of fresh air 🦋(and I don’t want to be biased here but Jonsa fans tend to have a really great grasp on Sansa’s character that is apparent through how she’s portrayed)
Beneath my bones - undercovercaptain - this a gorgeous fic that stays very true to book!sansa.
By firelight - undercovercaptain - my heart gushes so much over this one. I’ve read it a few times.
No more scars - orangeflavour - another one with great character development & characterisation. (There is a second part to this fic as well).
Who am I ? - ALCzysz17 - grapples with Sansa’a identity issues in the Vale.
Build a ladder to the stars - vixleonard
A caged songbird - bikadoo
From Instep to heel - orangeflavour - (fav fanfic ever written tbh).
The place you call home - honey_wheeler
^ those are just off of the top of my head, but most if it is book!canon and/or canon divergence - though there are some fantastic show canon fics out there as well. I apologise if Jonsa just isn’t your cup of tea, but from my experience in the sansa fandom - the *other* popular sansa ship is s*nsan, which I’ll admit I used to read when I was a young teenager - but I’ve never quite liked how sansa is portrayed in those fics.) so yeah if you’re looking for good characterisation and such , I’ll always recommend anything Jonsa related , though I’ve heard sansa & margaery have some good fics as well :)
Hope this helped xx 🦋
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Team Green fanfiction will always show Rhaenyra as a sex-crazed monster who abused poor baby Alicent or she's the master manipulator who single-handedly orchestrated Alicent's suffering and left her with PTSD. Oh, and here's a treat: almost every single Rhaenicent fanfic makes Rhaenyra's little lie the driving plot and the sole reason for Alicent's misery or turning Rhaenyra into an abusive partner in modern aus, where she cheats on Alicent, leaving her alone with the kids to go party. Don't even get me started on Aemond x Sansa fanfics where, surprise, surprise, they both hate Dany and Rhaenyra equally and become the pretty perfect King and Queen of Westeros. ( Let's not forget the Ocs who kiss Alicent's ass every chance they get or Jon Snow falling head over heels in love with Alicent because she reminds him of Sansa @_@ )
I really love ao3's filter for this reason lmao. I literally can't stand to scroll through the HOTD fics with everyone's pro-TG shit.
It really shows how fucked their media comprehension is that they believe Aemond would even look at Sansa, let alone "love" her. Also the fact that they're obsessed with Alicent as Rhaenyra's victim is completely ridiculous. Alicent abused Rhaenyra for years, Rhaenyra only ever was angry with her before Alicent declared war on her. Even then Rhaenyra was wayyyyy more understanding than she should've been.
This is the first time I'm hearing about Jon falling in love with Alicent though, and I hate it with every fiber of my being. Jon likes warrior women, those who take control of their lives like Ygritte and Val. In other words the exact opposite of show Alicent.
Of course the reasoning for Jon x Alicent (🤢) is jonsa, those fans will never fail to amaze me with their delusion and stupidity. Their inability to understand the characters they claim to love is hilarious and infuriating.
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esther-dot · 9 months
i'm a sansa stan first and foremost, and i tried to ship s@nsan so hard lmaooo but when they start saying shit like "sansa has wet dreams about the hound" and "sansa actually likes older men", argh, i just can't. do. that. i know george said something about playing with it in the books, but i also think that he wanted to raise a few questions with the relationship, one of them being "who protects sansa from her protector?". like, there's TRAUMA in there. it's funny that they accuse jonsas of using sansa as a self-insert bc i don't know if you ever read a s@nsan fic or saw the fanarts, but they REALLY wanna bang that man 😭
(about this ask)
Nothing in the fandom horrifies me as much as Sansan. I’ve had nice Sansans come into my inbox, so I do distinguish between my feelings about the ship and the shippers, but I hate the reinterpretation of the Hound because it minimizes what he did/tried to do to Sansa. Instead of the later scenes where Sansa thinks of him being about her processing the trauma of his assault, suddenly, they become a gross villain whitewashing, victim-blamey, “actually, she wanted it.”
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I once even highlighted that whole "who will protect us from the guards" idea you mention because I think it was meant to emphasize what a travesty the Hound’s assault was:
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This isn’t a romance, this is a pattern. The Hound saves her than tries to rape her, Tyrion is kind to her then agrees to marry her, a child, a prisoner of his family, and LF rescues her but then starts to sexually molest her. All the same, in each of these instances, Sansa is grateful, she thinks kindly of them, and I think that says a lot about Sansa that you completely miss if you romanticize it and pretend that the Hound is someone, something to her, that he isn’t. I also talk about the whole cloak thing in that post too because I think the more contextualized reading is the one we’re meant to adopt.
When I did take a look at the meta, I was so creeped out by the nature of it and the art. Although, I want to give credit where it’s due. Apparently they were some of the first people to start taking Sansa seriously and created the reading of Sansa becoming a political factor, so they did change the fandom’s perception of Sansa in a good way. But imo their love of the Hound causes an imbalance in how they read their scenes. The point isn't that the Hound wouldn't have hurt Sansa, the point was that he very well might have but Sansa's actions stopped him which ties into a much bigger idea and important aspect of Sansa's story:
Even after the Hound assaults Sansa, later, she thinks of how terrifying the fire was, as in, even then, she is able to empathize with him, the man who held a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. It’s laughable to suggest a man who mocked her relentlessly for who she was is capable of the same consideration. In fact, it is in a state of terror that the Hound attempts to rape Sansa and his fans use that to excuse his actions, and yet, while he is assaulting her, Sansa sings of mercy, gently touches his cheek. It’s almost like the very obvious interpretation, that the way to create a better world is Sansa’s method— not his— is what Martin expected people to understand, and his surprise people have turned it into something else altogether is genuine. (link)
As for Martin admitting he "played" with it, here's a clip. It's very short, and he's expressing surprise that his female readers like villains of which the Hound is one, and I think you can tell by his facial expression that the idea of the Hound and Sansa as a couple, is absolutely not where he ever intended to take things, not what he meant when he said he played with it. There are countless old monster movies with the monster being fascinated with a young girl or beautiful woman which humanizes him/shows a soft side. That's similar to Beauty and the Beast, the girl is what allows the monster to become human again, but in these variations, it isn't a romance. You can play with/reference tropes and ideas without it actually being a direct reiteration of the original story.
Anyway, filter and block and curate your fandom experience! 😅
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dwellordream · 1 year
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jonsaslove · 30 days
I love your Jonsa fics! Am ur fan from AO3
I was wondering since you do Cersei/Jaime POV so well, can you consider writing a Canon AU , where Jon joins Kingsguard instead of The Wall, and Sansa marries Joffrey?
Basically Jonsa becomes Cersei X Jaime 2.0 or Aemon X Naerys
Joffrey subjects her to horrific abuse obviously and she suffers a miscarriage and a stillborn baby. She and Jon becomes each others comfort and they decide to take revenge on Lannisters by depriving Joffrey his heir.
Also, since Joffrey had threatened to hv Robb and Arya killed if she doesn't hv a live birth, they r literally left with no choice.
History repeats and yet another Queen cuckolds her husband. With a brother. (Not really, but they don't know)
Jaime suspects. Maybe he thinks their chemistry hv changed. Or he comes across multiple paintings of Sansa in Jon's chamber ( in this AU you can make Jon a painter too, coz his birth dad Rhaegar had a talent for arts).
It's subtle, not as blatant as them being caught in flagrante. But for someone who has his incest radar on, it's as obvious as a day.
Jaime feels enraged that this is happening again. But does not divulge them to Cersei or others coz a.) Question would also arise on him and his Twin... b.) He knows what a monster his son really is, had seen him abusing Sansa the same way Aerys II abused Rhaella and Rob B abused Cersei.
Also, Jon had saved his life while in duty once.
Also, he has never really watched them kiss or hv sex. So plausible deniability. All he sees is body language, expressions and maybe Jon's beautiful, innocent paintings...
All very seemingly innocuous.
So he grudgingly let's history repeat.
You may, or may not hv a parentage reveal. Maybe Jonsa never hv a "real relationship", just this arrangement till end of their days.
Thanks so much for the prompt! There's so much interesting stuff here but is a little too involved for me to write currently with my other projects (though maybe I'll come back to it one day).
I'll put it in the tag in case anyone is feeling inspired by it and wants to write something :)
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