#jr tag
lacunafiction · 7 months
If the ROS were a romance film, which one would they be?
Hi Anon!
This is a cool question. I'll answer, but I won't elaborate as to why because I'm picking these for oddly specific reasons. *laughs evilly*
B: Either the Titanic or Never Been Kissed.
S: Shakespeare in Love because of how inspiring the MC can be to S. Maybe Message in a Bottle.
R: Imagine Me and You vibes and The Wedding Planner (for Ms. Verner and MC fun clashing along with R's commitment to the MC)
J: Ghost… or PS. I Love You for all of the bittersweet feelings.
JR: Romeo + Juliette. 😮
Mal: The Notebook!
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Book One Launch Post💚 | TFS Patreon🌲
New TFS Patreon benefits, including spicy stories 🔥, alpha content drops ✨, and more! Please check it out: here. If you enjoyed your time in Fernweh, please consider reviewing/rating it. 🥰
We're into RO excursions (date branches)! 👀 R. Verner's is released.
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kiraabear · 1 year
Ngl tempted to make silly vine compilation with Fernweh (and other IF's)
Nothing else, just this.
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galpalaven · 1 year
lying in bed at night lately really is just
-thinks about the JR poly route- -thinks about the JR poly route- -thinks about the JR poly route- -thinks about the JR—
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ednyfedfychan · 1 month
“He [Henry VIII] needed reprisals handed down and examples made, for his own satisfaction and for the audience watching his humiliation. Perhaps he also sought to enact specific vengeance upon Jane [Rochford] herself. Her words, her conversations with Queen Anne Boleyn about his inability to perform in the bedroom, the sense that she and the others were laughing at him had been among the worst elements of that entire affair. The very same woman had helped another of his wives to sleep with another man. In Henry’s mind she had connived, been privy to his most intimate sexual secrets, laughed at him and made him a laughing stock in front of the whole world, and it was utterly unbearable.”
— Nicola Clark, The Waiting Game
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wickcipher · 10 months
Sometimes I think... they're all just speaking tongues...
A little animation for Cass Apocalyptic Series by @somerandomdudelmao! Thank you for creating such a wonderful story that brings the fandom together!!
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forbidden-royal · 5 months
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The seasons change, and the sun will rise again.
Wow, just wow. @somerandomdudelmao, your series was incredible. I only found your comic in July and I didn’t become an active tumblr user/follower till September, but I’m so glad I got to watch this project come to a close. The ROTTMNT fandom wouldn’t be the same without you and your comic. You’ve inspired so many people, including me, and I just want to say thank you, Cass. Thank you for making my year a little bit brighter. Thank you for reigniting my love of art. Thank you for creating. Thank you for existing.
You’re no longer just some random dude lmao. You’re the creature who fixed the apocalypse, the creature who brought together thousands of people and built a family. A family of turtles and fans.
In honor of C.A.S I wanted to color and animate the final panel of the comic. Im still learning color theory and digital art but you’ve inspired me to improve, and what better way to start than with the end? It was a beautiful ending, so perfectly paced and full of a peaceful hope twinged with a bittersweet sadness. Your comic might be done, but this turtle family will live on forever.
Now go take a well-deserved nap and relish in your success!
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tekkiperson · 6 months
By a significant majority vote, I have unequivocally become a part in this esteemed fandom. In appreciation, I shall graciously contribute mundane content mostly featuring Casey Jr.
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I didn't expect to gain so much notes from my first post eeeeeeeh where are you guys coming from!
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v-albion · 6 months
History repeats itself @somerandomdudelmao
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isabel-lillah · 2 months
Barty and James becoming besties after James and Reggie got together is an iconic thing to happen
especially at the point when really only the skittles know about the relationship, so noone has a clue that Barty and James are a duo
and then when they're seen helping each other with an injury half of Hogwarts loses their shit (because come on, Barty? and James?? being friends???)
the other half doesn't believe it until they see James dragging Barty away from a fight so he wouldn't get a detention and Barty actually letting him do so
meanwhile Sirius is having a stroke trying to figure out when the hell did James befriended Barty Crouch Jr. of all people
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monstru99 · 8 months
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I might be rejoining tumblr it seems.
Anyway I love this au so much @somerandomdudelmao has taken over my brain recently with this content
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lacunafiction · 1 year
was it just revealed that the desk scene is canon/will occur (well also depending on the players choice)? or has that always been canon 😭
Just as the ??? has always wanted the MC to return, I have always wanted a desk-related scene for JR. 😌
It's canon*. When I vague post in the tags or hint at stuff in asks, it's usually because I'm excited for future content for you all.
A 'read more' for slight spice and spoilers!
(*Well, assuming MCs are comfortable with this--it's variable. There is foreshadowing in Book Two; technically, even in some exchanges in Book One because R can try to goad J into certain dynamics or to be more assertive/Detective-like. (Not 'detective mode', but you can see what I'm implying. In general, R is more dominant between them, so they like when J works for it, intentionally pushing their buttons because it's hot. A touch bratty? Maybe, but only for J and for certain MCs who will put them in their place once R allows them to do so.)
(So deeper in romance once they feel comfortable, if at all.)
There's an alternate where it's J's legit desk and then potentially an interrogation one, although I intend to make that one quite missable because I like making scenes like that for funsies (for me)!
Chief Bowers will just want to ban the trio from the station. >.>
You would have to wonder what's going on to make this option...even be on the table... for J. 😂 Anyway, it's a possibility in the future!
Thank you for your ask. 💚
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kiraabear · 1 year
Fernweh Saga MC.
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Fernweh Saga is written/owned by @lacunafiction ! Check out their story!!
Name: Sparrow Finnegan.
Gender: Male.
Nickname: Birdie.
Role: The Returning Visitor.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Height: 5'5.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Favorite drinks: Hot chocolate, energy drinks.
Physical Description: Naturally dark black, curly, shoulder length hair thats half dyed crimson red. Light tanned skin and light gray eyes.
Clothing Style: Leather jackets, knee high boots or converses. Fingerless gloves, chained jewelry/bracelets and multiple ear piercings. Dark pants, usually ripped and/or adorned with chains/belts/accessories. Sleeveless dark tops or shirts with designs on it. Usually in shades from black, white, gray and maybe bits of colour. Very punk, leather and techwear in style.
Personality: Highly competitive and reckless, snarky and stubborn, often quickly opting for humor to cope. Friendly and merciful when needed. Pessimistic and skeptical at first. Bold flirting and quick wit, often trusting his instinct and heart first, acting first, thinking second. Would fight anyone, even if they're taller than him. Has a preference for working alone but can work well with the right team. Protective of his friends and loved ones. Abandonment issues, self-loathing and guilt.
Talents: Learnt Violin as a child, upon leaving Fernweh he began playing the Eletric Violin and learnt how to play the Eletric Guitar. Rather dexterous and once learnt how to pick a door lock after being locked out accidentally.
Life goal: Make J grow gray hairs as quickly as possible (Jk)
Spotify Playlist.
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matchstique · 8 months
Comic redraw of a scene from Cass’s Apocalypse AU
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Storyline and original comic panels by @somerandomdudelmao
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Storyline and original comic panels by @somerandomdudelmao
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thatkoiboi · 9 months
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Part 2
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This is a fan comic inspired by Cass' Apocalyptic Series and is just my own little fan art of how Donnie and Casey could have gotten closer!
The creator is @/somerandomdudelmao
hebehjeabaje I did a warm up doodle of Mikey on the canvas and liked it so much I wanted to incorporate Mikey somehow (literally made up an excuse just to drop a bunch of easter eggs for fun).
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notyourmusebby · 3 months
This part of their interview with Martin Brundle killed me, Charles had such a visceral reaction to Carlos saying "I'm not going to be here."
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sunglassesmish · 2 months
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what did i just watch
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