#judys hot cocoa
justalineinasong · 2 years
sweet nothings
bernard x gn! reader
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Summary- Bernard is overworked, but you make him feel better.
Inspired by Taylor Swift's Sweet Nothings, love that song so much and it just feels like such a Bernard song. Let's be real, he is a swiftie!
Bernard was known for his on time and upright behavior. He had always been that way. The elf knew that if he ever wanted to raise amongst the ranks within the workshop, he'd have to do what was right. what was right was being on scheduled and showing other's that you were dependable. Bernard did everything in his power to make the other elves, and of course Santa, like him. However, Bernard never knows when to take a break.
For instance! The year before Scott became Santa, the workshop was running as smooth and on time as possible. In fact, it was October and the elves had surpassed their quota! Everyone was thrived about, everyone but Bernard. Bernard, in stead of letting himself celebrate, felt as if this meant bad luck was coming. Bernard had spent all day and night worrying himself sick just thinking about all the things that could go wrong before Christmas.
That's where the lovely Y/N comes in. Y/N had a way of calming not just Bernard, but everyone in the workshop. See, Bernard was Head elf, but there are actually various head elves all belonging to their own department. Like Judy was the head of baked goods and hot cocoa mixologist. Y/N was head of North Pole security and the Effective Liberating Flight Squad unit (E.L.F.S for short). Everyone felt safe knowing Y/N was there watching over them, making sure nothing went wrong. The North Pole had its fair share of experiences with research groups, archaeologists, and other interferences. Y/N had it all under control. What none of the other elves knew, was how Y/N could calm Bernard down with on look!
Bernard currently pacing up and down they workshop, checking in on everyone and the toys. This would have been fine, even nice, if it wasnt he 4th rotation around the workshop in an hour. The elves knew it was his job and he was just making sure everything was running smoothly, it was almost November so they couldn't blame him! However, everything was going smoothly. This year had been the most productive since Scott to over! Bernard had nothing to be concerned about.
That's why Scott went to Y/N. Just as all the elves knew, Santa knew of your spell over Bernard. Once he noticed Bernard going to make his 5th workshop check-up, Scott went to find Y/N. The H/C elf stood calmly in their security room. The walls covered in monitors, each showing a different angle of the Pole. Y/N had always found their job calming, even if it wasn't always calm. They had the unique job of assuring every elf, and occasional human, that they were safe! Y/N was talking to Danny, a E.L.F.S agent, about grabbing hot cocoa for the unit when Scott came in.
"Y/N, are you busy?" The sudden, new voice caused the E.L.F.S to look towards Santa, each giving him a wide grin to greet him 'hello'. Y/N looked to Santa, matching their agents smiles.
"No, I'm not! Everything is running smoothly, did you need me for something?" Confidence laced the elf's words as they stood tall, well as tall as an elf could stand!
"Yes, would you follow me?" Santa's question was met the a sharp 'of course' as Y/N followed his lead out of the security unit and to the workshop.
"It's November and all of you guys are doing fantastic- as usual!" Scott praised, but his face showed a different story. He sighed, his hands had go to reach the grand workshop door's golden handle. Yet his hand never made it. In stead, he turned back to Y/N with worried eyes. "Bernard is on edge, more than usual. He needs to calm down. You're the only I know who can get him to take a break."
The elf softly smiled at Santa, their hands reaching up to rub their eyes gently. "I told him he needed to sleep in today, sir. He was so overworked last night, he came home and passed right out...couldn't even bare to eat..." Y/N thought that when they told their lover to sleep in a bit, relax a bit in the morning, he would! Y/N wasnt asking him to take the day off completely- just a break in the morning! Bernard was gonna be the death of them.
"Please get him to take a nap or something before one of these poor elves snap at him. I think he'd fall over from being shout at right now." Scott was just as worried as you were, you knew that. The Jolly man reached to open the door, allowing you to walk through.
The moment the door had opened, every elf in that workshop had their eyes on Y/N; However, they were only looking at Bernard. Y/N quickly walked down the spiral staircase as the elves went back to work, they all knew why Y/N was there. Bernard looked scared at the sight of his lover. He knew he should have listened to them. Sure, his partner was the sweetest elf in the world, but Y/N wouldn't hesitate to drag Bernard's ass back to their home and force him to sit down. Bernard had a funny feeling that everything was about to happen.
Y/N grabbed his boyfriend's arm, Bernard had never seen him so worried. his lover's anxious look was painful for him to look at, Bernard felt sick when he realized he cause it. He never meant to stress Y/N out, they didn't deserve it.
“Have you slept?” Y/N soft voice made Bernard break, thankfully no one saw him tear up as his lover was already dragging him out of the workshop. “I mean, I know you’ve slept…but like really slept!” Y/N exclaimed as they let go of Bernard’s arm and turned to him. Their heart breaking at the sight of a misty eyed Bernard. “Oh snowflake…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you…I'm just worried.”
“I- I kn-know…” Bernard choked out causing Y/N to pull him close into a tight hug, their hand rubbing his lower back. The two stayed like that for awhile, Bernard softly weeping in Y/N arms, until Y/N slowly pulled away.
Their soft eyes looked to their lover, “You need to tell me what’s going on? Everything in the workshop is going great, darling. Talk to me.”
Bernard looked at his feet. He didn’t really know how to put all his thoughts and emotions into words. A shaky breath left his lips, “That’s the issues…” He heaved out, looking to meet Y/N confused face. “I-I don’t know, everything is going like to well…” Y/N hummed softly at what Bernard said. Bernard’s fear wasn’t silly and Y/N knew he just wanted to have a good Christmas this year. It’s a big job being head elf. Christmas was the last major holiday of the year, beside the New Years Eve. Bernard carried a heavy weight, his lover knew that.
“I see, you’re scared something is gonna go wrong…” Bernard nodded softly as Y/N took his hands in theirs, rubbing their thumb across Bernard’s calloused hands. “I understand where you’re coming from, love, I do…but nothing bad is gonna happen. It’s gonna be okay. Let yourself have this one, celebrate.” Y/N’s smile brightened up Bernard’s life, and their words never ceased to comfort him.
“Yeah…you’re right. Maybe I was being a little to…much.” Bernard softly chuckled, looking at his feet once more, and then back to Y/N.
“I don’t think you could ever be too much, or maybe I’m just biased.” Y/N soothed, letting go of one of Bernard’s hands so they could wipe his tear stained cheek. Bernard melted into the soft touch, his eyes fluttering close.
“Sometimes…everything is just so much…” Bernard murmured, his eyes slowly opening. “When I try to take a break, something always tells me how I should be doing more…” The head elf looked up to his lover with soft, tired eyes. “I’m just too soft for all of it.”
Y/N looked to Bernard, his eyes just as soft and tired as their lovers. “It’s okay, I’m right here. Whenever you need to run, just run home to me.” love pouring out in their words like sweet honey.
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cronchrokk · 9 months
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It’s Christmas time once again in the Álvarez household and the best (and only) thing they want is to spend the day together. No gigs, no BDs, no Mox, no Afterlife. The holos are off. The emails are closed. It’s nothing but Vikk and Judy for the next 2 days.
An unexpected cold snap had fallen over Night City. Vikk finally had the chance to wear the warm sweater she got last April while Judy brewed the nearly forgotten drink of Hot Chocolate. The mug was too hot for organic hands, but with Vikk’s cyberarm, she held it without an issue.
The weather was worse then either was expecting. The power suddenly shut down in Vikk’s megabuilding apartment and the chill began to seep in. Judy began to shiver and Vikk immediately wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into the warmth of the sweater. As they shared the cocoa, Judy thought of just how damn lucky she was that Vikk had survived another year in the merkk life. Similarly, Vikk counted her lucky stars that, somehow, Judy had not only stayed with her, but they continued to grow closer every day. She swore: someday she would marry her and give her the calm, quiet life she deserved. Free from the grip of night city, free from the fear of her death.
Hours passed when suddenly the power kicked on again. But the cold had passed and the typical Night City heat was returning. Vikk pulled off the sweater and Judy also undressed. Just as she removed her overalls, she pulled out a mistletoe from her pocket and held it above her head. When Vikk saw it, the biggest smile of the day spread across her face.
She wrapped her arms around Judy and said, “Merry Christmas, my ranita,” and gave Judy the kiss she’d been waiting for all day.
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SUPER niche, but this book was sooo global village coffeehouse. I was obsessed with it as a kid as a way to be a "cool college student" but for kids. Judy Moody gets a college student math tutor, who takes her to a cafe where she gets a huge bowl-mug of hot cocoa. She does the boho layers, sunglasses on the forehead, and makes her own shag carpet. The book literally encompasses all of the nostalgia that us older gen z/younger millenials felt about looking up to the cool young adults in our lives, I feel. Definitely a niche memory I'm sure, but i hope someone can relate! (or idk read it if you're 12)
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kineats · 2 years
Would you be able to find some hot drink recipes for a ghost? No citrus, though, as I'm severely allergic ;^^
Sure thing! Here's some hot comfort drinks from around the world:
Yulmucha (buy here)
Po Cha
Horchata Two Ways (I always had it hot growing up, so feel free to ignore the "chill" and "over ice" steps!)
My favorite hot drinks:
This "Refresh" Tea (or any lavender & juniper tea)
Fall Drink (from tumblr)
Rose Milk
Milk and Honey
Judy's Hot Cocoa
Butterfly Pea Flower Tea with Mint & Vanilla (My "Heaven Tea")
Hope this helps ghost fren!!
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someheroescarryfloss · 9 months
Roy: Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Santa: *laughs* Hey, that's my line!
Roy: Oh, sorry. ^^ *drops some miniature marshmallows into his cocoa and takes a sip* Please, be my guest.
Santa: Nah, I'll let it slide. This time. *helps himself to some cocoa* Stopping to rest your wings, or do you just like our hot chocolate that much?
Roy: Yes and yes. Judy really knows her stuff! Oh, I also wanted to give ya this. *holds out his fist and opens it, and in the palm of his hand is a tiny nutcracker ornament* Heard you liked these.
Santa: *his smile fades a bit as he takes it, and he stares at it as if it reminds him of something...perhaps some long-forgotten bad dream* Gee, that's...really lifelike, isn't it?
Roy: *his own smile drops* Oh...I guess I heard wrong.
Santa: No, no! He's great, he really is. *grins again, not wanting to hurt his friend's feelings* Thanks, Roy. I know just where I'll put him, too.
Roy: *doesn't quite believe him, but smiles back* Well, I better go. *calls out* Thanks for the cocoa, Judy!
Judy: *calls from out of sight* You're welcome! Safe travels!
Santa: *waves as he leaves, then resumes staring at the nutcracker*
Bernard: *walks over* Eesh. That one's creepy.
Santa: Yeah. I think I'll put it in Curtis's office.
Bernard: Somehow I don't think the Tooth Fairy would appreciate his gift being rejected like that.
Santa: Nahhh, I don't mean permanently, I just want to get Curtis back for that whole Toy Santa thing.
Bernard: *holds up his hands* I will deny all knowledge of this. *hands in pockets, he walks off*
***Two Hours Later~***
Curtis: *enters his office, whistling to himself, then turns to hang up his coat* O_O D'ah! *sighs* Silver Bells...
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
LOVE ACTUALLY HIVE LETS GO! My whole family watches it on Christmas Eve every year since it’s come out!
Love your thoughts about Joel and Doc! Would love to see how Joel x Beautiful from New in Town and Joel x Bambi from Yearling would respond to the film!
Lots of love ! and Happy Holidays !
Hi Bestie!!!
OMG I love that! It's such a sweet movie, I adore it. What a fabulous tradition!!
Joel and Beautiful: This isn't super high on their Christmas watch list I don't think? For them it's going to be either the classics - like Miracle on 34th Street or It's a Wonderful Life - or things they can laugh themselves silly at - like Home Alone. THAT BEING SAID Sarah fucking loves this movie and they all watch it together as part of the Black Friday/Thanksgiving weekend holiday festivities. Beautiful appreciates the structure of the storytelling ("It's like Pulp Fiction but if it was sappy instead of bloody!") and also loves that there are gray areas to it - the story of Harry, Karen and Mia, for example, or Juliet, Peter and Mark - instead of all just blindly ending happily. She also enjoys all the different kinds of love that movie explores. Joel doesn't care for it much - and it took him a while to be comfortable with the John and Judy story being on with Sarah in the room, even though she was 14 when the movie came out and like 17 when she watched it the first time - but he loves watching Sarah and Beautiful watch the movie. He's the designated snack getter for this one and keeps the girls full up on spiked hot cocoa and chocolate covered popcorn.
Joel and Bambi: Bambi unabashedly loves this movie. Loves it. Loves the whole thing. She really likes stories with a romantic element and she's a hopeless romantic at heart. Bambi fully read bodice rippers set in the old west that she swiped off her mom's bookshelf as a teenager and she loved them. She has a tendency to love fiercely and deeply so things like this really speak to her. She makes Ellie watch it with her and Ellie groans about it and tries to make fun of it but she ends up INVESTED. She yells at the TV when Harry gives Mia the necklace ("WHAT THE FUCK! I thought this was a happy movie? What the fuck is WRONG WITH HIM?" and then smacks Bambi with a pillow.) Joel thinks this is hilarious, especially since neither Bambi nor Ellie SEEM like they'd be the type to love this movie. When he goes to bed with Bambi after watching it with her the first time, he kinda teases her "I'd still fall in love with you if we didn't speak the same language." "You think so?" "Yeah. I'd just play guitar at you until you got it." And she'd roll her eyes and kiss him.
Thanks for asking!! Love you!!
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moallaseconda · 1 month
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These cupcakes are a fun take on the classic Grasshopper Cookie because they combine chocolate and mint flavors in a cupcake shape. They're great for any event and will satisfy your sweet tooth.
Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder. 1 tsp baking powder. 1/2 tsp baking soda. 1/2 tsp salt. 2/3 cup buttermilk. 1/2 cup vegetable oil. 2 large eggs. 1 tsp vanilla extract. 1/2 cup hot water. 1/2 cup chocolate chips. 1/4 cup chopped mint chocolate or Andes candies.
Instructions: Preheat your oven to 350F 175C and line a cupcake tin with paper liners. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add buttermilk, vegetable oil, eggs, and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients. Mix until well combined. Stir in the hot water until the batter is smooth. Be careful as the batter will be thin. Fold in the chocolate chips and chopped mint chocolate or Andes candies. Fill each cupcake liner 2/3 full with the batter. Bake in the preheated oven for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Remove the cupcakes from the oven and let them cool in the tin for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Once the cupcakes are completely cooled, you can frost them with your favorite mint-flavored frosting and decorate with additional chopped mint chocolate or Andes candies. Enjoy your Ultimate Grasshopper Cookies Cupcakes!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Judy R
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foodies22 · 2 years
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ohtheclevernessof · 3 years
Don't Know How To Relax: a Bernard x Reader, Chapter 1
You were a hot cocoa elf, working alongside Abby and were just as good as she was, both being trained by Judy for the past few years.
You had Santa's and Carol's cocoa preferences down to a science but it wasn’t just theirs you had memorized. There was also a certain Head Elf's ordler you knew very well and you had to admit over he had caught your eye as well.
So this is why the moment Santa’s sleigh was out of sight on early Christmas morning you made a bee line for the kitchen to collect two cups of your finest cocoa and headed to the place you were sure Benard was, his office.
Just as you assumed, he was sitting on the couch in his office with a huge stack of production records infront of him that he was going over with tired eyes. As you approached you could see how much the constant stress of the last few months had effected him and how exhausted he truly was.
“Pretty busy year, huh?” you ask as you hold out a cup of hot cocoa to Bernard with a smile.
“Thank you, Y/N.” he said looking up from the report from the Candy Division in his lap, only long enough to take the cup from you before looking back at it.
“Our production numbers did seem to double from last year but I won’t have the official count until I go through all of these reports. There could be something the elves missed.”
You nod as you sit beside him, sipping your own cocoa and the office is quiet except for Bernard's occasional yawns as you can tell he is fighting to stay awake despite your sugary cocoa.
You shake your head with a sigh as you watch him, he pushed himself too hard and if he wasn’t careful, you were worried he would end up in the elf infirmary.
“Bernard, Santa did give us Christmas off this year to rest, remember? Maybe you should take a break from your work and relax a little.”
“I'll relax after I finish looking over these.” He mumbled without looking up from the report and you knew just by the size of the stack of reports that wasn’t gonna happen. He could easily waste all of Christmas on these reports and not get a minute of rest.
That’s when you knew you needed to take matters in your hands for the sake of this Head Elf whom had your eye and for the sake of your fellow elves because a overly exhausted, crabby Bernard was no fun for anyone. You knew a little teasing would do the trick.
“You know what? I don’t think you even know how to relax.” you said smirking at Bernard before nonchalantly sipping your cocoa.
“Y/N I am perfectly capable of relaxing when I want to.” He said with a slight huff as he side eyed you a moment before returning to his reading
If you had been any other elf Bernard probably would have lectured you for hour on how to respectfully speak to a elf in a position of senioruty but for reasons he couldn’t really place he couldn’t bring himself to and was able to tolerate a little teasing from you.
Perhaps he had developed a small soft spot for you but of course he would never say so.
“Okay, prove it” you said to Bernard with a grin as you playfully challenged him and he finally looked up at you fully with a confused frown.
“After we both and I mean both of us get some much needed rest tonight, why don’t we go ice skating together in the afternoon. Like say meet at the pond at 2pm?”
Bernard considered your offer carefully a moment. As much as he hated to admt it, he was exhausted and a few hours of rest could be useful.
He figured he could sneak out of the annual elves Christmas party early that night and spend it reading the reports then. Probably pull a all nighter if he needed to get them all read by the 26th so he could present the final tally by then. It definitely wouldn’t be the first he had done it.
As for ice skating with you, he couldn’t deny that he wasn’t at least curious about it.
Ice skating was one of the few things he actually found relaxing, something about gliding across the ice let him forget his worries for a short while and to share that with he figured might be just as enjoyable.
“Y/N, perhaps your right.” Bernard said as he set the Candy Department report back on the stack and stood up, stretching a little.
“There’s no point to reading something so important when you’re tired, it’s too easy to miss viable details. I'll pick them up again when I’m fully rested.” He said with another yawn and you couldn’t help smiling as you stood to collect the cups as you stood.
You were relieved Bernard was actually listening to you and agreeing to actually to spend time with you instead of cooping himself up in this office.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” you said with a giggle.
“See you at two, Bernard.”you added with a smile as you headed for the door, wanting to drop the dirty cups off in the kitchen before heading to bed.
“Two it is. Good night, Y/N.” Bernard with a tired but polite, small smile pulling at his lips as he turned to down the hall to head for home.
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tellmeoflegends · 2 years
for weirder asks: 1, 14, 38 and 46
Thanks for asking!
1. My comfort character is Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye. Which is funny, because I never write for him, but if I'm in a tough or frightening situation, I always imagine Barton is around saying stuff like ,"it's okay, mama, you'll get through this..." and just being a steady presence in that tough time.
4. I love the smell of earth after it rains! My island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is actually named Petrichor because of it!
38. My favorite bar of soap smelled like yellow pear. Like, an actual, fresh pear. I wish I could remember the brand!
46. For holiday film, meaning Christmas I think: "White Christmas" and "The Santa Clause" The first one has beautiful costumes, a bit of romance, some drama, and is just lovely. The Santa Clause is so much fun and isn't stupidly sweet, it's a perfect as Judy the Elf's hot cocoa.
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oh by the way, seasonal reports are due in two hours. if i don’t see yours on my desk i will personally guarantee that you will not be receiving a cup of hot cocoa from judy. good day.
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saleintothe90s · 3 years
440. Slim Fast
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So, Slim Fast is embedded in some of my earliest memories. It was the first commercial I ever made fun of when I was five or six years old. Dad and I were watching TV, and there was a commercial where the lady said she lost five pounds or whatever. I remember I like, stopped from my coloring, and mimicked her. It was one of the last times I made my dad laugh. 
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(but also, ew. hot cocoa?)
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There’s the shaker! 
My mom also bought into any diet fad back then and bought Slim Fast all the time and even let me have it for lunch alongside her during the Summers, because I too was fat. She made it in a little shaker container. I think she even won a bike at the Commissary for buying a 2 pack of slim fast during the peak of Slim-Fast-iness in the early 90s?! I just remember something about slim fast, a bike, the commissary, and dad giving it or selling it to one of the guys he worked with.  
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Back in the late 80s and early 90s, baseball great Tommy Lasorda was the face of Slim Fast in advertising. My most favorite commercial he did was for the short-lived Slim Fast you mixed with juice instead of milk. So of course, the most unhealthiest one was my favorite back then. It was an orange-pineappe flavor.
I found this from a biography about Tommy, turns out he hated the stuff 2:
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Another celebrity that advertised the stuff was Willard Scott -- who at the same time was doing ads for Carnival Cruise Lines where he was basking in the glory of the giant buffet. 1 Also, rest in pancakes to Willard Scott, he died recently. America’s Uncle Willard. 
In 1991, it was even offered in some restaurants: 
Southern California restaurants, hoping to lure dedicated dieters, are now featuring Ultra Slim-Fast on their menus. At Sunset Boulevard's trendy Le Petit Four, the diet drink tops the list of breakfast offerings. Selling at $3 a pop, the bistro gets 15 to 18 orders a week. Marie Callender's, a chain famous for its pies, is also serving Slim-Fast, but it's not a big mover. 5
 Around New Years of 1992, Slim Fast expanded big time (er) with food! 
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Can we discuss the slim fast CARTON? 
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I want to drink Slim Fast out of a carton so bad now. I wonder what was the difference between this and the can though. The can was out at the same time. Did they sit in convenience stores right next to the milk? 
OH speaking of Slim Fast at a convenience store!! I just remembered! A million years ago I saw a video on YouTube of these two bicyclists? who stopped at a convenience store out in the middle of nowhere for a snack. One of the guys got a slim fast shake in a can. He cracked it open and noticed it tasted terrible. It had been in the fridge in the store 3 years past its expiration. I searched high and low for the video, but it looks like it’s long gone.  I found it! They were on a road trip and one guy’s slim fast was fermented. It had only been expired for a year though. I totally mis remembered it. Me in 2008 watching YouTube at 3am.
I miss the Slim Fast in a can. It tasted so much better than the bottle ones they have now, which always, always taste like plastic. 
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I found a review for the mac n cheese where food columnist Judy Fitzgibbons stated that the pasta had “no flavor” and a “medicinal aftertaste and odor”. 3
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Those peanut butter crunch bars were delicious. 
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Ooof that instant soup. It belongs in an office drawer. 
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Here’s an example of a slim fast day. Don’t forget your slim fast salad dressing !
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...and slim fast ice cream. 
The pretzels got a “poor” rating in a 1993 issue of Shape. They couldn’t even get pretzels right. 
In closing, here are some recipes, I think these are from 1990. Christina is Christina Ferrare who also did commercials for the product. 
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1. Staff, Newsweek. “Living Large.” Newsweek, August 21, 1994. https://www.newsweek.com/living-large-187732.
2. Plaschke, Bill, and Tommy Lasorda. I Live for This! Baseball’s Last True Believer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007.
3. Fitzgibbons, Judy. “On the Label.” Cedar Rapids Gazette, November 17, 1992.
4. Akers, Charlene. Obesity. Lucent Overview Series. San Diego: Lucent Books, 2000.
5. Zeman, Ned. “Hold The Mayo.” Newsweek, October 13, 1991. https://www.newsweek.com/hold-mayo-204764.
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5 Wonderful Years: A Wolfsong fic.
A large black Wolf was asleep, curled up underneath silk covers as he nuzzled his silk pillow. He blissfully let out his breath before he felt a soft pressure on his lips, as if someone as kissing him. The Wolf opened his eyes completely and was treated to a beautiful view of a smiling gazelle with blonde hair that falls perfectly over one of her eyes.
“Buenos Dias, Wade.” The gazelle with a sultry Hispanic voice called to him.
“Morning Gazelle…” Wade said as he rubbed his eyes.
“Do you know what today is?” Gazelle asked.
Wade contemplated, he thought for a moment. Wade never forget any important date. He knew exactly what today was.
“It’s the anniversary of when we met back in St. Zoo!” He answered.
“Precisely!” Gazelle cheered.
“Wow…How long has it been?” Wade asked.
“About 5 años.” Gazelle said.
“Has it really been 5 years?” Wade asked in amazement.
Wade thought back to the very beginning, to their days in St. Zoo High.
The day they met when she gave him his backpack he left behind, it was such a rough start. Wade was only ever known as a vicious animal that should be locked away but Gazelle knew none of what they said was true about him, she was the only one who wasn’t afraid of him, that completely annoyed him. Then when she asked him to be his bodyguard and payed him money, something he desperately needed at the time.
They had come a long ways since then. Wade had just recently graduated from ZPD academy and has been on the force for at least a few months working in the same precinct as Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, their former classmates. Gazelle’s singing career is as strong as ever with her mother still has her agent and her backup tiger dancers, Raja, Vitaly, Khan and Tigger.
About a year before Wade went to ZPD academy, they decided to live together. Wade and Gazelle found the perfect house to stay in. The house they bought was a two story house with walls that were painted an off-white color with dark red shingles on the roof as well as a double door made of pure oak. There was even a place for a beautiful flower garden. They bought the house together, but it was Gazelle who payed for most it.
“Come on, we’ve got a dinner tonight at Belle Nuit, I booked us a reservation there months ago for tonight at 6.”
Belle Nuit was said to be the nicest restaurant in all of Zootopia, it also one of the most expensive but nothing too much when you’re the biggest pop star in all of Zootopia.
Wade checked the clock, it was 7:04 am.
“I mean, we have awhile until then… why don’t we just chill with some historical dramas like we usually do?” Wade said.
Gazelle smiled and nuzzled Wade’s bare chest. His fur has gotten so much softer after 5 years of using better shampoo and conditioner.
“Alright, I’ll make my special cocoa with cinnamon.” Gazelle said.
“You know how I like it, Pop Star!” Wade said.
Gazelle chuckled. “Pop Star” was his long time pet name for her and in return, she gave him the pet name “Fluffy.”
They both decided to get out of their pajamas first, Wade is wearing his jeans with tears on the knees and his big tail poking out back, a white shirt and his favorite thing to wear, a red zip-up hoodie that was laced with gold. As for Gazelle, she was wearing a blue cardigan over a white shirt and a black skirt that went down to her knees with her fluffy tail poking out back.
A bit later, Wade walked over to the couch and on the coffee table there were two white mugs of hot chocolate with the marshmallows floating on top. He sat down while Gazelle put on Petflix and about a few hours into their Last Lion Kingdom marathon, Wade was getting a little drowsy after drinking that cocoa so he laid his head on Gazelle’s lap and let out a blissful sigh.
“I’m so happy I got to spend five years with you!” Wade said as he closed his eyes.
“I’m happy too.” Gazelle said as she gently stroked his head.
They were both happy to have this. They’ve always been happy to have this.
She looked at the clock above the TV, and saw that it was a quarter to 5.
“Dios Mio! It’s almost 5! We have to get ready now!” Gazelle said as her shouting made Wade jump off her lap.
The two of them ran off to get showered and when they were done, they donned their nicest clothes on.
Wade wore Wade wore a gray suit with a white dress shirt underneath and a red tie.
“Ready Wade?” Gazelle called out as she entered the room. Gazelle had on a red dress that hugged her figure perfectly, showing off the curves of her hips.
“Let’s go.” Wade said.
Gazelle then checked her purse to see something. She was relieved to have spotted it and followed Wade to the garage. They walked to the expansive garage as Wade was about to get in to a fancy car.
“No, let’s take the other one…” Gazelle said.
“You sure? I don’t think that car belongs in a place like that.” Wade asked.
“It’s fine. Once they know you’re with me, I don’t think they would mind.” Gazelle said.
“Alright, if you say so.” Wade shrugged.
He removed the dust cover to reveal that it was the same rusty truck he had since high school. Gazelle remembered when she first saw his truck and met his little sisters, Jenna and Lilly, who were big fans of her’s and his aunt Kate, who showed concern over him, which showed what Gazelle was looking for, his sensitive side and at the time, she didn’t know that’s what made her love him so much.
Wade bout his key in the ignition, it was still up and running after all these years. They drive off to their destination as they stopped a few things on the way there.
They passed a bench with a broken wine bottle. It gave Wade a sudden flashback… to his awful parents, his addict mother who gave up on life the moment she got pregnant the first time and his father, a violent and angry male wolf who could beat up his son despite being shorter. Aunt Kate, resented both her sister and her husband while Jenna and Lilly knew nothing about them, which was for the best. Wade had a plan to escape his awful parents and start a new life far, far away from them.
He saw some stores were already putting Halloween decorations up, it reminded him of the Halloween party, that was the day everything changed for him. He started to see Gazelle differently, he even compared her eyes to stars. That’s was the night Wade released…he was in love with Gazelle.
They later drove passed a bridge and for Gazelle, it looked almost like the one at Evergreen City where they howled together. Gazelle went on a Christmas tour there and Wade was there for her backstage, whether it was massaging her aching hooves, ballroom dancing with her or just howling together, they made each other happy. It was that night he also told her about his awful parents, they had their first kiss and he was given that fancy gold laced red hoodie and in exchange, he became Gazelle’s boyfriend. They had fun being together, whether they went to his nightly hangout or they made out in his truck.
After awhile, they made to Belle Nuit. Once they drove up, a valet gave Wade the oddest look until Gazelle stepped out. Wade chuckled at this, realizing what Gazelle said was true. She had a knack for following her instincts. They were given a a window seat and were treated to a beautiful view of Sahara Square.
“How are Sven and Charlie?” Asked Wade just before eating his food.
“They’re good.” Gazelle answered.
Their old high school friends, Sven Jingle, the reindeer and Charlie Spotwood, the cheetah, the other predator/prey couple in their circle of friends were able to stay in touch with them.
Sven has become a big songwriter working with the likes of Jerry Vouge, Hyena Gomez and such other singers, he’s even wrote several songs for Gazelle. He’s starting decorating his antlers as well, he said it gives him flare. His winter fox friend, Winter is now his assistant. She and Honey, the honey badger, are still dating.
Charlie is an Owlympic athlete with one gold medal for running under her belt so far. She has been working hard for her athletic career but she’s always made time for Sven. These two had such a rough time for being an inter-species couple back in high school, but they made it all work out in the end.
Wade, Gazelle, Sven and Charlie even go on double dates at whenever their schedules allow it.
“That’s nice.” Wade said.
“How are Aunt Kate and the girls?” Gazelle asked before sipping her wine.
“They’re doing great.” Wade answered.
Wade’s aunt Kate was still working at the same old thrift store while Jenna and Lilly are now officially teenagers. Jenna has starting to show an interest in hair styling while Lilly starts showing an interest in computers. Combining their interests, they’re both running both a ZooTube channel and a Dik-Dik Tok account together that are about hairstyles with Jenna as the star and Lilly as the one behind the camera. They’ve managed to get a large following, due to having Gazelle show up in their videos from time to time.
“That’s wonderful.” Gazelle said.
Wade took a moment to look at Gazelle.
“You look really beautiful tonight.” Wade said.
“Thanks.” Gazelle said.
Looking at Gazelle reminded Wade of that night at the Winter Formal, where he felt his happiest, but it was the day after when he felt his saddest. Wade had asked her to never say a thing about his abusive parents to anyone, and while she kept her promise for the most part, she wasn’t comfortable knowing the wolf she loved lives in such an awful home environment. It was after the formal she just couldn’t keep it from her friends anymore.
Once he learned about this, his heart was torn in half, he felt betrayed by the one person he opened up to in so long. He had ended up just like his mother, being taken advantage by someone attractive. Gazelle tried to reconcile with Wade, but he wouldn’t accept her apologies.
After cutting ties with Gazelle, he had finally had enough money to move out of his awful parent’s house forever and start that new life but his parents had other ideas. His mother found the jar of money he had been hiding and blew it all on expensive alcohol, all while his father continued to talk him down. That’s when Wade had it, and he finally stood up against his parents, something he should have done a long time ago.
Wade fought back against his father and won. He left his house with nothing but the clothes on his back. After losing everything, he just wanted to find the nearest bridge and end it all but as fate would have it, Raja was there to take Wade to where he really needed to go. Raja took Wade to Gazelle and that’s when something had to be done about his parents.
He told her about how his aunt had been like a mother to him and why he didn’t end up as awful as his parents. That was also the day Wade admitted that he loved Gazelle.
They got back together and Wade moved in with his Aunt and sisters. Wade and Gazelle even made love to each other, with Wade being as gentle as he could.
Since then, Wade and Gazelle had lived happy lives together. He, along with Jenna and Lilly, got to go to every game Gazelle was cheerleading for, Wade got his hair braided by his sisters and Gazelle, and how they spent their free time watching historical dramas and drinking hot cocoa.
“We’ve been together for about five years now and… I think that’s long enough for us to take our relationship further…”
“What do you mean by that? What are you doing?” Wade asked.
“Something I’ve should’ve done a long time ago…” Gazelle told him.
“What are you talking about?” Wade asked once more.
“Wade, Te amo, I have loved you since we met back in high school, every day that you’ve been in my life, I have known no such sorrow. Most of my happiest memories always seem to have you in them and I want to have even more just like them…”
Gazelle got down on one knee and presented him with a small box. Wade was shocked to see what it was and it only grew once she opened to reveal a ring with a red jewel that matched his iconic red hoodie.
“Wade Jones, will you make me the happiest woman in all of Zootopia?” She asked him.
Wade’s ears drooped, his eyes filled with tears as a smile was on his face.
Gazelle’s face light up just before they kissed.
“I have to tell Aunt Kate! And Jenna and Lilly!” Wade said as he broke the kiss.
“They might already know…” Gazelle said.
“What?” Wade asked.
“Last week, I went over to your Aunt’s store to get her blessing and Jenna and Lilly might have overheard.” Gazelle said.
Wade phone starred to vibrate, he saw it was his Aunt Kate wanting to FaceTime him.
“Hi Aunt Kate.” He said.
“Hi Wade, Jenna and Lilly are here too!”
Jenna and Lilly both pop up.
“Hi Wade!” The wolf girls said simultaneously.
“Gazelle just proposed to me!” Wade said.
“That’s wonderful!” Aunt Kate said.
“You did it! My brother is going to marry Gazelle!” said Jenna.
“I was totally sure you were gonna say yes!” said Lilly.
“So that’s why you two were giggling so much last week!” Wade said to his little sisters.
“I’m so happy for you Wade baby, we all are!” Kate told him. “You’ve come such a long way in five years!”
Wade looks at Gazelle before she walks over to her side and kisses his cheek.
“Yes. Yes I have…” He smiled.
“Happy 5th anniversary, Wade.” Gazelle said.
“Happy 5th anniversary, Gazelle.” Wade said.
As they both kissed, fireworks started lighting the sky.
Wade broke the kiss and saw them, he gives her a look that said ‘really?’ and Gazelle’s rebuttal was a face that said ‘yeah…really…’ Before kissing him back.
Dedicated to @helthehatter and the rest of the Zootopia fans.
Happy 5th Wolfsong day!
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what my acnh villagers would smell like
ankha: incense, jasmine oil, and freshly washed, air-dried linen
fang: old spice, cedar, and bamboo
judy: cotton candy, fresh baked sugar cookies, and murder
julian: expensive cologne and skittles
marshal: the inside of an abercrombie and fitch, calvin klein perfume, and coffee
muffy: musk and rich chocolate cake
peanut: so...? perfumes and bubblegum
pecan: old lady perfume and high quality dark chocolate
poppy: hot cocoa and cinnamon raisin bread
sherb: playdoh and laundry detergent
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
ok so. ✨️vibes✨️
☆ this is very specific. but- sitting at a big solid hardwood dining room table that's just a bit too big for the room it's in, laughing and drinking hot cocoa/coffee/tea, probably just slightly tipsy also, making homemade halloween costumes out of old curtains and paper plates and too much glitter. a judy garland record is playing on a turntable in the corner
☆ going out for a drive & talk with your girlfriend's dad for the first time, being super nervous about what he's gonna say or think of you, but winning him over because you know the lyrics to all his favorite classic rock songs. and, y'know, 'cause you're awesome
☆ spending the day and night with a small group of friends, ending with climbing to the top of the tallest parking garage you can find, sitting on the roof and watching the sunrise. you're not sure if that's even legal or not... there's a little voice in your head that keeps going is this allowed? am i allowed to have this? but as the sun rises, you feel like the king of the world, fuck the law
☆ the feeling of waking up from a nap in the middle row of a van during a road trip. no idea where or when you are or any frame of reference, but also a deep conviction and peace that those details don't really matter
MEG YOU CANT JUST S A Y THAT!!! you are so very sweet i can’t i’m actually tearing up 🥺🥺🥺 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MWAH MWAH MWAH ❤️❤️
also i do really feel like these are on brand for some reason and you’re truly so good
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moonflowerlesbians · 4 years
6. with dani and jamie would be so cute 🥺 like a lil vermont winter fic
for you, anon! I altered the wording ever so slightly, but the concept is identical. I hope you enjoy :)
you can also read on AO3
Their flat is located a few streets off from the center of town, close enough to walk but far enough to provide a sense of distance from the bustle of the main drag. Tonight, they set out just after sundown to ensure good seats to what Dani has affectionately dubbed, “the greatest holiday spectacular to ever grace the streets of Bennington,” and what Jamie has deemed, “an entirely American embarrassment.”
It’s their third winter in Vermont, and this year, The Leafling has generously sponsored half of Bennington High School’s Marching Seahorses’ winter uniforms in exchange for a full page ad in their concert programmes for a year and a sign carried at the front of the annual holiday parade. Or, rather, the kids had come to the shop with instruments, a flyer, and an unrehearsed elevator pitch, and Dani had been utterly charmed.
“It’s good to see them so passionate about something,” Dani had said.
Jamie had hummed and had continued tending to her sprouts.
“It would be good publicity,” Dani’d argued.
“Most expensive advertisement of my life.”
“Come on, they’re cute.”
“‘Cute’ doesn’t keep the lights on, Poppins.”
Unfortunately for Jamie, Dani has an irritating way of getting what she wants. And that’s how their small business ended up shelling out an ungodly amount of cash for an extracurricular named after the least fearsome sea creature Jamie can think of.
They don’t even have legs for Christsake.
But, the sheer delight on Dani’s face upon Jamie’s concession softened her heart. In any case, Dani made certain to thank her thoroughly and, ah, enthusiastically, that evening.
Jamie begins to regret her decision, now, as she’s dragged from her cozy flat into the absolutely frigid night air. She’s bundled in her warmest coat, a toque tucked over her ears to stave off the cold, but she swears she’s still going to catch frostbite.
Dani, meanwhile, wears a fleece-lined denim jacket over top one of her many cable-knit jumpers and insists she’s overheating. She carries a blanket under her arm, the other linked with Jamie’s, as she all but skips down the street.
“The English couldn’t handle a Midwestern winter. This is nothing,” she had said.
She’s always loved Christmastime, Jamie has come to learn. Dani has regaled her with seemingly endless stories about stringing popcorn and cranberry garlands, baking biscuits with Judy O’Mara, and breaking the occasional ornament decorating the tree. She’d felt awful about that last one, terrified to tell Mrs. O’Mara. She went on to explain in touching detail how Mrs. O’Mara had taken her hand and reminded her that it was just a bauble.
It made Jamie wonder how often Dani got into trouble for accidents in her home. A question for a later date.
As they near Main Street, the sound of jovial chatter and the unmistakable carolers grows louder. The shops they pass have festive window displays, elves in stockings of red and green reading storybooks or sledding down white fabric hills. Dani blows right past, determined to reach her carefully preselected place on the sidewalk. In what Jamie is convinced must be sub-zero temperatures, she can’t imagine the winter festival will be a popular destination.
She soon finds she is mistaken, however, when they round the corner and encounter a throng of people. The road has been blocked off at either end, and families drift in and out of the shops. Some skate on the temporary ice rink set up to the side. The lights lining the trees reflect prettily off the storefronts, the branches arching up and over the street. It would be like something out of a fairytale had the weather not been turning Jamie’s hands to icicles.
Dani is very proudly pointing to a square on the sidewalk out in front of the coffeehouse, and before Jamie is entirely sure what’s happened, she’s sitting on their too-small tartan picnic blanket over pavement that is far too cold on her arse. Dani is warm at her side, and they’re pressed close, using the size of their blanket as an excuse to disregard social acceptability.
“How long until this thing starts?”
Dani checks her wristwatch. “Thirty minutes, I think?”
“Fuckin’ freezing.”
The apparent mother of three standing nearby shoots them a glare.
“Jamie…” Dani gives an apologetic look, but the woman is already herding her children off in the direction of an arts and crafts booth.
“You know, if we were home, I’d wager we’d find a proper way to warm up.” She gets a sharp elbow to the ribs for that one and lets out a muffled oomph, though she wryly notes the new flush to Dani’s cheeks.
“Hot chocolate? I’ll go find us hot chocolate. I’m pretty sure there was a table supporting the junior high theatre department.”
“S’long as you’re not making it.” But Dani is already halfway down the block.
Then, Jamie is alone, freezing her arse off while waiting to see a mediocre high school marching band play in ungodly weather to make her partner happy. It’s the kind of domesticity she could never quite envision for herself. She’s come to find she’s, somewhat begrudgingly, fond of it.  
Bells jingle, the sound echoing off of low brick buildings. Red ribbon bows hang from lamp posts and doorknobs and rubbish bins, with tails that swing in the breeze. The air is crisp; it blows down from the mountains and feels like a fresh start.
Dani returns with two styrofoam cups, passing one off to Jamie, and sits with her knees to her chest.
Jamie eyes the pale brown liquid skeptically before taking a cautious sip.
“Dani,” she says, “why have you handed me cocoa-flavoured water?”
Dani grins sheepishly. “The kids may have made it.”
“I should applaud you, really. You’ve managed to find the one demographic worse at brewing than you.”
Jamie receives another jab to the side, nearly sending her drink sloshing onto her lap.
“Hey, now, keep that up, and we’ll end the night in the emergency ward.”
“Oh, please, you’ve got enough layers on to stop a bullet.”
“You laugh now, but just wait ‘till we’ve been sitting here for hours.”
“Shh,” Dani interrupts, “it’s starting!”
A dozen or so children in leotards and tight buns dance down the street, followed by a horse-drawn vehicle painted cherry red, in which a larger man dressed as Saint Nicholas stands, waving at the assembled crowds.
Dani’s excited grip on Jamie’s bicep silences any snide remarks she might have made about the quality of performance. Dani’s eyes shine with glee, and it’s so lovely, the few silver strands of her hair capturing the twinkling holiday lights, that the words die in Jamie’s throat. She allows herself to fall into the spirit of the thing, content to sit beside Dani in the corner of life they’ve carved out for themselves. Even if that means listening to a rather shoddy trombone rendition of “Jingle Bells.”
Sure enough, though, heading off the band, a handful of students bear a banner proclaiming the high school’s name and the season’s sponsors. There, listed below the bakery, is The Leafling. Jamie feels a flash of pride. Somehow, seeing their little shop represented for the town to see feels real, grounding, in a way she can’t explain. They’ve found a place, a rhythm, to settle. They’ve left their mark on this town tradition and become a part of something. It feels like home.
So, perhaps she cheers a bit louder when the musicians pass them. This earns her an amused smile from Dani, at which she rolls her eyes.
It’s a relatively short parade. There are only so many volunteer organizations, churches, and youth groups in the town, after all. Jamie’s legs are stiff when she finally stands and offers a hand to help Dani up. Her arms are wrapped around herself.
“No,” Dani says, “Come on, we should look at booths before we head home. Support the other local businesses.”
They wander the various tables, some offering wares, some business cards, some consultations, dipping in and out of shops until a sniffling noise catches Jamie’s attention. Dani not-so-subtly swipes at her nose.
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just-- fine.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow, trying to catch Dani’s eye, but she seems determined to look everywhere except Jamie. “You want my jacket?”
“I told you I’m not cold.”
“Right, ‘course not. Just positively shivering from excitement, then, are you?”
“No need to be brave on my account, Poppins, I won’t tell the world your secret.”
“And what secret is that?” Dani’s hands are tucked into her sides.
“That Dani Clayton, certified Midwesterner, can’t hash a brisk Vermont evening.” Her voice drops to a whisper, “Isn’t even snowing.”
“Hey,” Dani protests.
“Just take my jacket.”
“I’m fine.”
“Poppins.” Her tone is playful, a warning disguised as a tease.
Dani’s sighs. “Fine.”
“Ah, that’s a girl.” Jamie shrugs out of her top layer, draping it delicately over Dani’s shoulders. “Come on, then, can’t have you turning to ice on my watch.”
“You said something earlier about the proper way to warm up at home…”
“Was talking ‘bout a good cuppa,” Jamie smirks, “Why? D’you think of something else?”
Dani grumbles. “Tease.”
“Mhm,” Jamie murmurs, pressing her cold nose to Dani’s neck the instant they were out of sight, causing a squeal. “You like it.”
“Shut up.”
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