#slim fast
tamapalace · 3 months
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is butter a carb?
#tamapalace #tamagotchi #tmgc #tamatag #virtualpet #bandai #kuchipatchi #boydinner #hamburgerhelper #totinos #werthers #slimfast #smartfoods
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imthefailedartist · 1 year
Collecting Fat Taxes
The entertainment industry owes me a Fat Tax. And the overdue balance is astronomical.
The following is what I'm owed per every offense. This is for main, side, and background characters, etc.
Every time a fat character is slovenly and food obsessed: 3 movies
The fat person is the bully, not because they're fat, but it's definitely because they're fat: 14 per
A fat character appears only to be compared to our assumed to be skinny character now fat: 30 per
Fat character used to be skinny, old love interests no longer interested: 12 per
Any fucking movie like The Whale (2022): 16 per
A fat person is minding their business and is brought into the story because a character is making fun of them: 6 per
Fat person has self love but has to prove it to others. 2 per (ex. Willowdean in Dumplin)
Movie could be cute romance/romcom but instead focuses on self-love: 7 per
Zuckerbaby (1985, German) & Baby Cakes (1989) or any other movie like them: 9 per
Fat person is married and miserable or being cheated on (with skinny person) with because fat: 50 per
Skinny actress has round face, so they are constantly cast to play fat (ex. Amy Schumer, Mae Whitman, Rene Zellwegger, teen Ani Luckiest Girl Alive (2023): 165 per
Bachelorette (2012): 10K per
Anything from the early aughts in which a skinny round faced and size 8 woman is lamenting about being fat and is treated like she is 900 pounds (Bridget Jones, Tyra Banks in hee bating suit, Ugly Betty): 90 per, in addition to all the profits Slim Fast made during that period
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The Fat people episodes of procedurals (Bones and CSI): 28 per
Fat character is stalker because no one could possibly love them normally: 45 per
Fat character fucks, but is relationship averse (see any show 2019 onward): 1 per
This is the industries new way of saying sorry for the fat jokes that we're still going to continue doing.
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Fat Amy getting Bumper only for his spin-off show love interest to be different and skinny: 39 per
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News reports B-roll, for an obesity segment, of fat people walking down the street: 52 per
True story, real person fat, adaptation, actor skinny: 8 per
"Her over me?": 72 per
Fat persons weight being mentioned even though it has no effect on the story: 600 per
A fat body used for shock value: 49 per
Movie stars a fat person, and the plot is about them being outcasts because they're fat: 5 per
Fat character learns to love themself: 10 per
Show is about bullying= bad, unless person is fat (All of Us are Dead 2022); 20 per
Character likes Fat women but never dates/fucks/oogles/looks at one outside of the episode where they are outed as being a chubby chaser (ex. Malik Wright, The Game (2006-2015 + Spin-off) Danny Wheeler, Baby Daddy (2012-2017): 22 per
A fat person makes fun of another fat person for being fat because they aren't fat like them: 20 per
Skinny person Friendzones fat person, not because they're fat, [sotto voce] it's because they're fat: 11 per
Fat actress' career dies because they are fat and therefore are not for any sorry that does not involve their weight: 82 per
A skinny person in a fat suit: 8 per
A character finds love with another fat person because they, too, are fat: 2 per (looking at you, The Sleepover (2004)
A skinny person learns a lesson through a fat person: 6 per
Character was fat in the book, skinny in the movie: 3 per
Super hot or ugly snake dates fat person to get closer to someone else or to steal or to something: 6 per
Super traditionally hot person likes fat person, everyone, including fat person, skeptical and/or suprised: 13 per
Fat character is an idiot, not because they're fat, but it's definitely because they're fat: 15 per
Fat character finds self-love through bump on the head: 2 per
Fat person loses weight, makes them hot, and an asshole: 6 per
Whatever the hell Sam Levinson thought he was doing with Kat on Euphoria: 550 per
I want 1,000 movies and shows for every article ever written about a fat person's body and how they had the audacity to be nude, even you fuck-ass feminist publications who write condescending articles about how brave it is. (Ex. Any article written about Hannah on GIRLS)
Feel free to comment with your Fat Tax and how much is owed per offense. I'm sure I've missed some
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I had a dream where I weighed myself and looked in the mirror like I do every morning but my hip bones and ribs were sticking out a tiny bit and I got so happy
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bluepoodle7 · 10 months
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#SlimFast #SlimFastCappuccinoDelightOriginal #FlavoredMealReplacementShakeReview
I tried the Slim Fast Cappuccino Delight Original and it was pretty good.
This slim fast had a light coffee taste with smooth and creamy but had a light powder taste.
This was lightly sweet to me.
I would drink this again.
Got at Ollies.
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nekod0lly · 4 months
Porada od anorektyczki na długim stażu:
Masz problem z fastami? Przerywasz je w połowie bo nie możesz już wytrzymać?
Jeśli kiedykolwiek tak miałeś, to odpuść sobie słonko. Niektórzy mają tak, że potrzebują zjeść o danej porze dnia, ja np muszę jeść wieczorem, przed snem, aby zasnąć. I to totalnie normalne. Niektórzy przerywaja fasty bo nie mają już siły, albo głód ich dopada tak mocny, że muszą zjeść.
Zawsze możesz spróbować robić 8 godzin tylko. To jest wystarczająco. Następnie możesz spróbować je wydłużać codziennie. Jeśli na jakimś etapie już nie dasz rady, to totalnie normalne.
W takich momentach można sobie pomyśleć: “Boże, jestem takim grubasem, nie umiem się opanować.” To nie prawda. Możliwe że potrzebujesz jeść kilka razy dziennie aby nie bingowac.
Spróbuj jeść 3 razy dziennie, regularnie. Twój organizm szybko się przyzwyczai i nawet nie będziesz miała ochoty na binge.
Możesz spróbować np:
13: serek skyr waniliowy
17: baton proteinowy
22: shake proteinowy
W ten sposób nie będziesz myśleć dużo o jedzeniu, bo twój organizm wie, że dostanie jedzenie. Nie będzie świrować ze strachu że nie będziesz jeść i nie da ci binge stulecia. Pamiętaj o herbatkach między posiłkami i szklance zimnej wody przed 💕🦢
Pamiętajcie kochani o witaminach! Kocham was mocno moje śliczne łabędzie! 🦢💕🎀
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bahoreal · 11 months
the keyboard types for you. they can be customised as much as you like (e.g. additon of numberpads) these are just examples of each of em
mechanical / slim / touchscreen
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skidcd-megamix · 18 days
Have you ever imagined what Slim Shady's movelist would look like if he was hypothetically in GG?
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SORRY IT TOOK ME A WHILE!! I had this one specific move in mind but I didn’t know how to visualize it and I completely forgot to make Slim Shady’s idle animation so ermmm ermm ermm u. Mm
This move is called
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maj-ka · 11 months
kpop thinspo >>
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o0jess0o · 4 months
What app do u guys use for logging c@ls?
I’m using MyFitnessPal but it’s not rlly motivating me :(
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Also just saying the vanilla slim fast is pretty tasty and filling I add some instant coffee to it too it's nice and makes me not feel hungry
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skinnydreaming999 · 1 year
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breezytealy · 5 months
Summoning Goten and Trunks fans
HI RIGHT so I'm trying to get ages and school years for Goten and Trunks and it's driving me bonkers (working out Blue Hal but birthdays will do), feel free to chip in and correct, I'll update the original post with strikethrough corrections if needs be.
ETA: would be too much to correct but @secretsofdbz has a really good breakdown of why we can consider Daizenshuu (and therefore most online timelines) as out in the reblogs. The post below attempts to square Daizenshuu by squinting but sounds like it's neater to just ignore it. It's too late for my fics I'm stuck with parkour, but maybe not for yours if you're particular!)
At the end of the day it doesn't matter but I like everything to line up as best as possible and headcanon what I can't.
They're born 767 and 766 respectively, Future Trunks is postulated as Nov 766 as he's stated he was born about six months before the androids arrive. We know Goten is born after late May 767's Cell games.
In the early May 774 tournament before Buu we know they give their ages as 7 and 8, but since that's impossible for Goten I like to think he rounded up and Trunks was born earlier than Future Trunks. Trunks could have also lied but we know the timestream changes and it's just funnier to me that a 6 year old would lie to be a cooler age, especially if his friend is 8.
Running with those constraints we're at:
Goten: May 767 - Dec 767
Trunks: Jan 766 - early May 766
I thinkkk Blue Hal takes place 3 months before Super Hero, which is when Pan is 3. She's born 779 (seeing references to May?) so Blue Hal at the latest is early 783 could be late 782? She's also supposed to have just started kindergarten in Blue Hal, but I don't have the Japanese scan to see if it's Japanese or American naming, and kids join nursery all the time so idk if there's strict timing help there. We also know Goten and Trunks are one school year apart.
So! Taking late 782 for arguments sake:
Trunks is 16 turning 17 sooner rather than later
Goten is 15, turning 16 later rather than sooner
In the Japanese system which runs April to April and three year high school, to keep them only a year apart Trunks needs to be born after April (so basically born in April 766), making him a first year high schooler (already turned 16), so Goten is a final year middle schooler (May 767 - Dec 767, has or will turn 15 in that apr 782-mar 783 school year).
BUT we know they go to the same school, and it's literally written as "high school" in the Japanese, and it's in West City, so they could be a freshman and sophomore.
Going further, if it's a Western High School the American system runs September to September, that means Trunks can be born Jan-early May 766 and Goten May 776-Aug 767 for the year gap, and in that case Goten is a sophomore and Trunks is a Junior, as they'll be turning 16 and 17 in their respective school year.
So I can get all my ducks in a neat little row with a very constrained pick of April 766 and July 767 for birthdays. I think?
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yaku-paisen · 6 months
I just know that man Akaashi is dehydrated. Chronically. Meanwhile pro athlete Bokuto "I can feel every cell in my body rn" Kotaro has sports drink flowing in his veins.
Akaashi will wonder why he's felt like garbage all day, until Bokuto points out that he's been awake for 20 hours straight and has only had coffee & cookies the whole time. And Akaashi’s like "…yeah. Makes sense"
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tmntkiseki · 3 months
I always make my 2003 turtle legs too damn long 😅
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blackpump · 10 months
A slightly middle-aged lady filling her experienced lungs up with thick 120s smoke. I imagine the ecstacy going on deep inside her body...a well-worn heart muscle irritated by decades of being forced to pump the damaging chemicals faster and harder...cardiac muscle tissue starving for oxygen...brittle lungs continually blackening... beautiful.
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imsweetie · 1 year
Bro no one will ever notice or want you if you’re fat.
So stop eating you fat pig.
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