nikanndros · 6 years
omg i don't know which act is gonna hurt me more, act 1 or the next!!!! i've spent the past five updates worrying my head off about whether damen is gonna be laurent's damen or a damen who doesn't KNOW laurent at ALL (i would die !!!) or what if it's laurent's damen but married to jokaste ????? like !!!! shit !!! i know i'm probably not half as worried as laurent is but i am EXCITED UR WRITING AND PROSE AND STYLE IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAH
Hahahaha so many people have theorised that he’d be married to Jokaste :’) I love that you’re all trying to expect the worst out of me hahahhaha
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aristarshower · 7 years
Music Of My Heart
The soft music wafting over the water beckoned Jules. She had had a tiring day at work but as soon as she heard the violinist, her heart lightened. She stood in her usual spot away from the spot of light around the musician. There were usually a few people listening at all times but that day there were none. Jules leaned against a tree, cradling her bag and let the music fill her mind.
Suddenly the music cut out. Jules didn’t realize the song was done and the musician was packing up. She could hear soft curses from the woman. The cursing made Jules laugh. The violinist always looked like an angel with the light framing her head and the flowers at her feet but right then she was cursing like a sailor.
“Who’s there?” That was the first time Jules heard her voice. She sounded terrified. The park was almost empty. Jules cursed herself for not realizing it was so late.
“It’s just me. Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” She walked into the light and the woman relaxed when she saw it was just a tiny woman in a fraying hoodie. Jules lowered the hood and wrapped her scarf more securely around her neck.
“Sorry. It’s pretty late and they said it might rain today.” The moon was being mobbed by a bunch of clouds.
“Hey, I have an umbrella!” Jules held it out like a sword and twirled it for emphasis. Immediately, she wished it was really a sword so she could stab herself. But the woman just laughed.
“My knight in ...uhhhh...hey! Is that a Lunar Eclipse hoodie?” Jules nodded quickly and opened the umbrella so her face was in shadow again. There was no way for the woman to recognize her but the habit was hard to drop.
“I love their music!” The woman continued packing while talking. Jules helped her up and held the umbrella over both of them.
The skies opened up and threw up a whole lot of water at them. The woman tucked the violin case safely between the two of them so it didn’t get wet.
“Nice timing.” The woman’s voice was soft and Jules melted.
“It’s what I do.” She had to stop herself from winking and thanked all gods her hands were full cause she knew she would’ve done finger guns at the woman otherwise.
“I’m Kiera by the way.”
“I’m...Jules.” Jules mumbled.
“You sure?” Kiera laughed and Jules was ready to ascend.
“Love the umbrella.” Jules smiled at the bright silver umbrella. It was ridiculous but Nix had given it to her. She bought it from the money from their first album sale.
“It’s sentimental.” Jules answered and was awarded with another smile.
They walked in silence for a while both lost in their own world.
“This is me!” Kiera announced, jumping into the shadow of a porch, a few streets from Jules’s house. Jules bid her good night without embarrassing herself further.
That night Luna wrote a song about sweet smiles melting her heart and hot fingers tearing her apart.
The bar was overflowing with people. Kiera screamed along with everyone. It was intoxicating. She had been looking forward to this for weeks. The Lunar Eclipse was her favorite band of all times. It was really blowing up recently but Kiera had been listening to them since they were a small band posting songs on youtube. The pride she felt when she saw the full room was ridiculous, she knew but she couldn’t help it. Their music spoke to her and it was incredibly touching to know it did the same to so many people.
Kiera wouldn’t tell anyone but she had another reason to love the band. The lead guitarist and lyricist, Luna wrote songs about other women that made Kiera’s toes curl. A few of the songs raised some shit with some of the fans who didn’t know that they were an all-girls band who sang about both boys and girls but it’s 2017 so they left or got over it, no one else cared.
When the music started for the final song it was just Luna on stage. Kiera was suprised, Luna never sang before. Luna was smaller than the other members, barely five foot tall. Her brown hair was shining in the neon lights behind her. The mask covered most of her face but left her mouth open. And that mouth was curled into an arrogant smirk that made Kiera want to set herself on fire.
Kiera’s voice was the loudest but she didn’t care. The song wasn’t the usual kind the band played but it resonated with Kiera. The notes were a little different but she could swear it sounded a little like one of her own songs. Then Luna spoke.
“This song is called “Walk in the park”. I just finished writing it so forgive me if it’s a little raw.”
Her voice was like honey dripping over Kiera’s skin, warm, husky and sensual. The rest of the band joined her as the music grew and Luna started singing. The lyrics made Kiera’s spine tingle. It was everything she expected from Luna and more. There were wolfwhistles and giggles from some of the drunker girls as the song continued.
Kiera stood swaying, the alcohol buzzing through her as Luna sang on, the words immediately familiar and mysterious.
Luna took off her mask in the little backroom of the bar. The song was well received. She knew it would be but her heart still thumped in her chest. That was the first time she sang alone.
“Jules! You killed it!” Nix slapped her back.
“Don’t use my real name!” Jules hissed. Nix rolled her eyes.
“Yes your majesty Luna.” Jules punched her lightly on her arm. “Come on, it’s time for the groupies!”
“Nix! Don’t be gross!” Chandre glared and walked out the backdoor. She never stayed after a show and Jules wanted to leave too but Nix was practically dragging her out.
“Let’s go in from the front door, please.”
“Fine fine keep up the weird anonymous thing. Jeez you’d think you were some kind of a criminal.”
“Nix…” Jules couldn’t help her exasperation but Nix shrugged it off easily.
They went back in through the front door. The crowd was thinning now that the show was over and the last call was close. Jules ordered them drinks while Nix chatted to a few people she knew. Jules relaxed. They were all Nix’s friends and family. They knew not to mention the band to anyone.
Someone sat on the only stool left at the bar with a long sigh. Jules froze when she recognized Kiera. Unfortunately the stool was the one between Nix and Jules. Before Jules could react in any way, Nix noticed Kiera. It was hard not to. Kiera usually looked very...proper. But in the weird bar lighting, the golden highlighter and the multicolored eye makeup really brought out the deep brown of her skin and eyes. The sight left Jules speechless.
“Hello there. Come here often?” Nix added a wink in case her incredibly subtle question was misunderstood. Jules slammed her face into the wood. To her utter horror, Kiera laughed her beautiful sweet wonderful amazing musical laugh and turned away from Jules to face Nix.
“Does that actually work?”
“9/10 dentists recommend it!” That got another laugh. Jules downed a couple shots.
“I don’t know if I should be horrified or impressed that you get your dating advice from nine dentists.” The alcohol burned in Jules’s throat and she started coughing.
“You okay there mate?” Nix and Kiera were both looking at her with slight concern. Jules felt like shit when she noticed recognition dawn slowly on Kiera’s face.
“Hey Jules!”
“You know each other?” Nix asked obviously confused.
“My knight with the shining umbrella! She walked me home from the park once.” Nix’s eyes widened.
“Oh, I’ll let you both catch up then!” She gave another not-so-subtle wink but Kiera looked disappointed.
“No! No! It’s fine!” Jules said and all but ran away from there.
That night Luna wrote another song but it was so sad and pathetic she couldn’t bring herself to sing it.
Jules walked along the little pond in the park. She hadn’t been able to go there for the past couple of weeks but it felt silly to walk all the way around on her way back from work just because a crush didn’t work out well.
Kiera’s music was slightly audible but if she concentrated, Jules could pretend it was someone else. A stranger playing a familiar song. With a jolt, Jules realized Kiera was playing “Walk in the park”. Luan had wanted to call the song “Kiera” or “The warm wonderful beautiful magnificent queen of my heart” but Nix had stopped her. Jules was grateful. The whole thing was embarrassing enough as it is. She had forbidden Nix from ever speaking about Kiera again and The Lunar Eclipse took their promises seriously.
“Jules?” Jules jumped when Kiera walked up to her. She hadn’t noticed the music stop. She didn’t even realize she had walked closer.
“Hi!” It sounded super fake to her own ears. Kiera’s smile dimmed. Jules felt her heart crumple.
“Hey.” She tried again, a bit more sincere.
“Hey. Sorry about what happened. I didn’t mean to...Nix told me…” She wrapped her arms around herself even though it wasn’t chilly.
“No no no no no no don’t worry about it! It’s all fine! Nix is great! I am sure you two will have fun…” Kiera was looking at her like she grew an extra head.
“You really are an idiot.” Jules felt intensely offended.
“I was just trying to be nice.”
Kiera took Jules’s hand. “Luna, don’t.”
And like an idiot that she is, Jules answered, “Don’t what?” Then she realized Kiera had called her Luna.
“You really are an idiot.” Kiera repeated with a laugh and Jules felt like she was floating.
“Can I kiss you?” She asked before the high could die down.
Kiera answered with another glorious smile and pulling Jules in for the best kiss of her life.
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drawssj · 3 years
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man, i couldn’t resist
chart alignments from @entropyre.
requests from @julesdap @navyblueart @entropyre and others
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tmatarot · 3 years
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Introducing @julesdap, avatar of the Lonely.
Jules drew a fantastic rendition of Judgement! ✨🔥
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aftgficlibrary · 5 years
Hey do u know any text fics
anonymous asked: Do you have any texting au’s?
I love text fics omg lemme find some-Aaron and Scout
stickball chat by obsessed_fangirl_13 (T | Incomplete | 1/?)
Wymack starts a group chat for the foxes for “business”.
of bets and kittens by bellatrixie (G | 2,621 | 1/1)
Andrew walks into his home only to be greeted by his boyfriend on the floor with more than 20 kittens on top of him. He didn’t sign up for this.
captured moments by simplydevotedtoyou (G | 8,710 | 1/1)
Neil has finally made it to pros, joining the RedSock Lions in Chicago. Andrew however is with the Houston Hornets.
When Andrew is asked about how he feels about seeing his ex team mate on an opposing team, he makes a comment which starts the supposed ‘rivalry’ between the ex team mates.
What the majority of people don’t know is that Neil and Andrew are in fact together and have been since college, well that is until someone releases photos of them which show that the whole rivalry wasn’t 100% real.
or Neil and Andrew are both too stubborn to let the other have the last word.
Series: Part 3 of what everyone doesn’t see unless they look close enough.
666 unread messages (or, a lifeline) by julesdap (T | 1,267 | 1/1)
neiljosten: Hidaniswilds: omg whats up bby cap u never chat here!!neiljosten: Well, uhneiljosten: I kind of miss you guys?niki: OMGniki: YALLLLLLLLLniki: WAKE THE FUCK UP GUYS WTF WHERE ARE YOUniki: LOOK AT THIS!!!walkerenee: that’s rly cute neilallisonvevo: SCREENSHOTdaniswilds: im gonna frame itneiljosten: Shut up.neiljosten: I’m never texting you guys ever again
(Supposedly, phones were only for emergencies— until suddenly they weren’t. Sometimes Neil feels a little alone at Palmetto, and tries not to.)
9 foxes walk into a bar by svcculents (T | Incomplete | 8/?)
doesnickyisgay added aminyard, thebetterminyard, imcatholicnotdead, queenofexy, neil.josten, cattybitch, exyandhennessy and datboyd to this coversation.
doesnickyisgay named the conversation “9 foxes walk into a bar”.
nicky makes a groupchat and doesn’t make good decisions. chaos ensues. enjoy
funky happenings with the fox family by dobbypussypopper (Not Rated | Incomplete | 6/?)
naughtygayweedcrime: did I rlly just see neil say woke
naughtygayweedcrime: what a surreal timeline we live in
dumbfool: allison is trying to teach me how to meme so I can get hip
naughtygayweedcrime: bless your poor soul
davidwymack: sometimes I regret living
davidwymack has muted exyllent, damnwilds, + 7 others for 30 minutes
crush #34838 by uptillthree (T | 2,007 | 1/1)
LailaDermott: jean moreau is 20 fucking vultures personified and you fucking know ititsalvarezbabe: wait im pretty sure that was riko????LailaDermott: 7 billion people on earth and you choose Jean Fucking Moreau What The Fuckjeremyknoxrox: HES CUTE AND HES GONNA BE A TROJANLailaDermott: he’s french.
(Jean recovers; Jeremy pines.)
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we should have had this conversation long ago
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CNETNJ
by julesdap
“Ancel?” said Damen, the name uprooting a sour memory. “The same Ancel who—”
“Yes. Ancel from the gardens,” said Laurent, watching him carefully. Then: “I never apologized to you for that.”
“Ancel. The gardens."
Words: 1284, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Damen (Captive Prince), Laurent (Captive Prince)
Relationships: Damen/Laurent (Captive Prince)
Additional Tags: if pacat won't do it i will, damen and his repressed emotions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CNETNJ
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thewandererplanner · 3 years
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Hello fellow wanderers!
As you may have suspected already, this global pandemic has really set out production behind. Our contributors have worked very hard for months to complete their beautiful pieces but we the mods have greatly underestimated our capabilities to produce according to our original schedule.
At this time we’ve made the decision to shift this planner to give ourselves more time and to ensure quality is not lost. There are a few changes that we are making:
Shifting the planner into an Academic Calendar (which starts August 2021 to July 2022) or a 2022 Calendar. This way, the planner stays usable when shipping is delayed. We would like your preferences in this new shift. Please let us know using THIS FORM before Friday January 15, 2021.
Reduce enamel pin size from 1.5 inches to 1.25 inches. Due to low number of sales, we are having difficulties finding manufacturers that will produce less number of pin orders for an affordable price. We still want to provide the pin without driving production cost too high.  
With all these changes, we are estimating our new shipping date to be the end of February 2021.
If you have any further questions please let us know and we will try to resolve them for you immediately. Thank you for your support and we hope you the very best in these uncertain times.
In the mean time, please look at the gorgeous postcards by @reyntheblue, Becca Wolf, @kuriotea, @aquariamoonart, @julesdap, and @saraberryart. Bookmark by s_holdthebus that have arrived.
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isa-gani · 7 years
Noli Me Tangere & El Filibusterismo - Fanfiction Reclist
Elias/Crisostomo Ibarra
The Truth by rustyHalo - English - Canon Timeline - Short, but this is the first Elibarra/El Noli fic
The Bluff by thisisashittyusername - English - Modern AU, High School AU, Fake Dating AU - classic El Noli fic, the most kudos-ed fic in the entire fandom
Ang Lihim na Liham by thisisashittyusername - Filipino - Canon Timeline
Huwag by thisisashittyusername - Filipino - Canon Timeline
'Di Ko Ma-explain, Pare by waltangina - Filipino - Modern AU, College AU
The Stages of Pick-Up Line Delivery by ang_gray_smol - English - Modern AU
Magkasundo Tayo (kahit ngayon lang) by threefouram - English w/ Filipino dialogue - Canon Timeline - Iconic Boat Sex Fic
A Talk in Twilight by tsunderelias - Engligh - Canon Timeline
Tradition by tsunderelias - English - Modern AU? I think?
Through the Dark by HSaijou - English - Canon Timeline
Past and Present Converge by hishirin - English - Reincarnation/Multiple Timelines, Modern AU
Of Brown Eyes & Pickpockets by placidings - English - Modern AU
Ang Tugon ng mga Alon by isagani - English - Canon Timeline - "Makamisa Who?"
I Find Your Lack of Interest TIBIA Bit Disturbing by ang_gray_smol - English - Modern AU
Summer Storms by placidings - English - Modern AU
someday i'll share his home by placidings - English - Modern AU
Kaibigan (ano'ng mangyayari sa'tin?) by threefouram - English w/ Filipino dialogue - Canon Timeline
Kalansay by threefouram - Filipino - Modern AU-ish
all the days spent by your light by julesdap - English - Canon Timeline
Juanito Pelaez/Placido Penitente
Papel de Eroplano by waltangina - Filipino - Modern AU, College AU - First Penilaez fic
indak by kayselya - English - Modern AU
pangram by threefouram
saudade by ang_gray_smol
illusion by placidings
Poor, Unfortunate Souls by placidings
kagaya ng dati by kayselya
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sharp points and smoking carpets
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mi99Iy
by julesdap
When Andrew came into view, Nicaise’s gaze flicked to him, assessing. “Who the hell are you?”
Andrew tilted his head. Considered. “I’m one of Bee’s patients.”
Nicaise looked abnormally delighted by that admission. “Oh? What’s your damage?” He laughed. “Did your Mommy and Daddy not give you enough attention?”
Andrew had forgotten how much he hated children.
Words: 1508, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of meetings at crossroads
Fandoms: Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat, All For the Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Andrew Minyard, Betsy Dobson, Damen (Captive Prince), Nicaise (Captive Prince)
Additional Tags: the inevitable sequel, mentions of damen/laurent, andrew is looking for a fight and nicaise is twice as bad, damen is there as Mediator, mentions of mental illness and ptsd, therapy sessions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mi99Iy
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maychorian · 7 years
Weekly Voltron Fics #32
Rules: You can find past weekly rec lists here, and non-list recs in my general fic rec tag. Also follow @maychorianrecs​ for individually tagged posts, the easier to search and reblog. This is stuff I like, and I have a huge bias toward Lance, hurt/comfort, and general fluff, in that order. Gen unless otherwise noted. Please comment on the fics if you read and enjoy them!
A Very Bland Voltron Christmas by genericfanatic Words: 1,367 Author’s Summary: The paladins go shopping for space christmas gifts at the mall. Made in honor of getting 100 followers on my sideblog blandvoltronheadcanons! My Comments: Super cute and fun little fic about the team going back to the mall.
If You Trust Me by yet_intrepid Words: 3,430 (1/?) Author’s Summary: “I’m sorry,” the young man says to her, as they slow to a walk in an empty residential street. He’s dropped her hand; Allura thinks for a moment that she misses the closeness. “I could have gotten you arrested.” “I almost got myself arrested,” Allura points out. “Your apologies are unneeded. Let me offer my thanks instead.” “No,” he insists. “You would have been in worse trouble had you been caught with me. I have—a history.” She looks down at his right arm, ending bluntly before the wrist. “You’re really a thief?” My Comments: Holy crow, I am IN to this. It’s an Aladdin fusion AU with Shiro as the leader of the group of homeless kids and Allura as the princess running away from home, and it works amazingly well. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Shallura.
Hallelujah, You’re Home by tymedfire Words: 4,542 Author’s Summary: It’s been two years. Two years since they’ve felt rain on their faces. Two years since they’ve seen their families, since they’ve spoken to their families. Two years since they really started to learn what war was. Two years since they stopped being teenagers and became soldiers. Two years since they left Earth. Three, for Shiro. But now they’re going back. They’re going home My Comments: This is wonderful, sad but very beautiful. Going home is really hard sometimes. Everyone’s support of Lance was gorgeous, especially Pidge, but everyone.
Surface Tension by Teramina Words:  8,425 Author’s Summary: Companion piece to 2x08, Shiro’s perspective + aftermath My Comments: Really well-written missing scene and alternate perspective for a very important episode. The mutual protectiveness and concern in this relationship always gets at me.
Down Time (Don’t Let Me Down) by EdgarAllenPoet Words: 2,096 (2/?) Author’s Summary:  “Hunk smiled, a tint of guilt on his face, and tightened the hose with a final tug. ‘Oh,’ he said. 'I’m winning a game of hide and seek.’” My Comments: I really like this author’s gen stuff, so of course I’m going to read their collection of prompt fills. The first one is some really cute fluff featuring Hunk and Pidge, and the second one is an angsty Shiro character study. You should probably subscribe so you don’t miss any. I did.
Hold these Shattered Pieces of My Heart by WildWolf25 Words: 6,322 Author’s Summary: Those memories seemed so far away; cozy nights holed up in a blanket fort in the living room, lit up only by the glow of the television screen, were a stark contrast from the hell he had been experiencing for the past two years. He wished he erase these past couple of years and go back to the days before the Kerberos mission, back when his biggest problem was trying to beat Katie at rock-paper-scissors to choose which Alien movie to watch first. He wished he could go back to summer barbecues and robotics team competitions and stargazing and looking for UFOs on the hill behind the house. Back when the horrors he witnessed could just be turned off with the press of a button and exchanged for a different movie. Back when he could sleep through the night without waking up in a cold sweat with a racing heart and fear running through his veins; back before a time where waking up didn’t mean the nightmare was over, only that the dream version had ended and he was stuck in one he could never wake up from. (Matt has some trouble sleeping after he’s rescued, but Shiro’s got his back. Or, front, in this case) My Comments: Can be viewed as platonic or pre-slash. This is a really sad but sweet fic, very heavy and vivid with the feelings it evokes.
Singularity by this_book_has_been_loved  Words: 29,260  Author’s Summary: AU where instead of landing in the trash nebula, Pidge finds herself on the same planet as a certain Galra prison camp. My Comments: Well-written little AU about Pidge going all-out to rescue her family and everyone else helps. Canon won’t be like this, but that’s okay. Fic is good. 
when next we meet by julesdap Words: 1,899 Author’s Summary: Hunk had told her to eat, and when Pidge had said nothing, he brought her a meal. Keith had told her to change out of her dirty paladin gear, and when Pidge had, still, said nothing, he said he would guard Matt closely while she left to change. Shiro had told her to rest, and without waiting for a response, offered to watch Matt while she napped, promising to wake her as soon as Matt did. Lance had told her, simply, that Matt would be alright soon, but also that he understood how it felt, to worry all the time for your family. All in all, Pidge was grateful. My Comments: Lovely and poignant fic about Pidge finding Matt and all the healing and adjustment that needs to be done. Everyone was delightfully supportive, and there’s a Shiro/Matt kiss, if you’re into that, but the focus is on Pidge and her brother.
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty by Ford_Ye_Fiji Words: 1,534 Author’s Summary: When the Galra attack unexpectedly, Keith is incapacitated. The Red Lion has to take some drastic measures due to the absence of the other Paladins. My Comments: Red is Keith’s adoptive mama, and she is FIERCE about it. Fun fic.
if you’ll be my stars, then i’ll be your sky by Lobo_Loca Words: 10,910 (2/?) Author’s Summary: [“Road trip!” Lance exclaimed. Shiro sighed. “We are going on interplanetary reconnaissance and diplomatic missions, Lance. It may seem a bit scenic, but it’s not a road trip.”“I don’t know,” Hunk chimed in. “Dubiously edible food, extended periods of time in confined vehicles, strange places with stranger people, sleeping in vehicles instead of local establishments because who knows what happened in those beds: sounds like a road trip to me.”] For Day 1 of Voltron Week: Space/Travel. My Comments: The paladins split up into two groups and head off for adventure! Great fun so far, good banter and character interaction, and it looks like there will be plenty of hijinks to come.
We’re Good by kuro Words: 2,455 Author’s Summary: So Keith and Lance weren’t actually on bad terms, or that was what Keith had come to believe, at least. Which made it all the weirder that Lance had been rather snippy lately.(Or, Keith and Lance try to figure out how to be friends with each other. They might not be very good at it.) My Comments: Aw, poor Keith. He really wants to be friends with Lance and doesn’t get it when Lance starts snapping at him for reasons that are beyond Keith’s control. Fortunately, Hunk is there to tell Lance that he’s being a jerk. Very cute ending. I love when these two become friends, with no shipping in sight.
Halcyon Day by Stratagem Words: 1,599 Author’s Summary: Altea is celebrating the creation of Voltron, and as usual, Coran is busy tracking down one missing princess. Also, Coran’s family loves him very much. My Comments: Gah, this author just does the best and most heartbreaking family stuff. This is beautiful, and it’s sad only because you know what’s going to happen in the future.
The Truth is Out There… Right Under Lance’s Nose… by Ninja_Librarian Words: 5,706 Author’s Summary: Katie Holt’s infiltration of the Galaxy Garrison under the male alias of Pidge Gunderson was marginally successful. There were hiccups along the way. But her true identity–and gender–were never revealed. Although there were a few close calls, courtesy of her pilot teammate… Or, 5 Times Lance probably could have figured out that Pidge was a girl… My Comments: Lance is an innocent soul who always takes Pidge’s words exactly at face value no matter how outlandish her explanations get. Hunk is more suspicious and figures it out before he even reads her diary. Also, Pidge is protective of Lance because he is a dumb baby who needs to be protected. Love this fic.
If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane by WildWolf25 Words: 2,745 Author’s Summary: Sleepless nights and homesickness are not uncommon for the paladins. Sometimes the best cure is adopting each other as surrogate siblings. My Comments: Absolutely excellent Pidge and Lance friendship culminating in a sleepover and the sleepy determination that they are all siblings. Shiro shows up at the end and is also summarily adopted. Super cute stuff.
Daddy Daycare by EdgarAllenPoet Words: 1,552 Author’s Summary: “Kolivan turned to investigate the yelp and saw Lance rubbing at his side and pouting. Antok shrugged innocently, and well, he’d never done great with children. Antok tended to practice pinching as a discipline tactic.” My Comments: The Dads of Marmora are so quality. Lance and Keith act like toddlers and get put in time out. Perfection.
Altean Benadryl is evil and they should also put english labels on the damn bottles by GreenhouseNurse Words: 1,978 (4/?) Author’s Summary: Lance just wanted some stomache medicine. Lance can’t read altean. Medicines can have very similar names.This isn’t going to end well.(Gift for Anon who like my prompts on tumblr ) My Comments: Very short chapters, which is usually a bad sign, but this is great so far. Good descriptions and good emotions, the works. Everyone is very worried, as they should be.
Slav has Seen Some Shit by Megaeevee Words: 1,616 (1/?) Author’s Summary: Slav has lived a long life. It wasn’t always a good one, but at least he survived. He’s seen things that nobody should see, and done things that nobody should have to do… but he’s still here after all of it. And he may not seem like it, but Slav is a fighter. He made it, despite there being too many realities in which he didn’t. My Comments: I’ve never seen a Slav-centric fic before! This has a great, though heartbreaking start, and I’m very much looking forward to more. No idea where it’s going to go, which is kind of exciting.
Grayscale Images by cipheredsong Words: 6,173 (2/?) Author’s Summary: On a mission to form an alliance with a new planet, Lance has a run-in with a strange species of plant that gives him an even stranger virus-type illness. It doesn’t seem to be that bad… until Lance’s whole world is fading away around him. Or is he fading himself? He can’t trust himself to think clearly, but he can’t trust anyone else, either. My Comments: I’ve read plenty of OOC Langst where the team is cruel and dismissive to Lance for no reason at all. This is not that. It’s an alien infection invading his thoughts and convincing him that they don’t care and it’s useless to go to them with his hurts, and that’s a GREAT premise. I’m totally into this fic and can’t wait for more.
i can’t drown my demons by electricindigo Words: 5,906 Author’s Summary: But really, he’s okay. He’s great, actually. He’s dealt with this before, and it’s not like it’s new to him. He doesn’t need anyone to take care of him, he doesn’t want Shiro to see, so it’s fine. He’s fine. He’s okay. He’s okay. (He’s not.) - Lance gets seriously hurt during a mission, affecting both his physical health and mental health. The team is worried. Lance doesn’t remember what happened. He doesn’t want to be helped. My Comments: Heartbreaking but very well-written and realistic fic about the aftermath of captivity and sexual assault. (Mind the tags.) Lance’s PTSD is a little grittier and more awful than typical fics, but it felt very real, and all the worse for it. The way he pushed the others away even while he desperately needed their help was definitely true to my experience. Good thing Shiro didn’t give up. The comfort part was fantastic, too. Good and necessary cuddling, that’s what I like to see.
Previously Recced Fics That Updated:
tommino posted a new chapter of Fighting the Surface HapaxLegomenon posted a new chapter of The Machinations of Perception MoonlitPaladin (MoonlitStardust) posted a new chapter of Gate Keeper Eastofthemoon posted a new chapter of Towards The Sun IcyPanther posted a new chapter of As Color Fades Away kyanve posted a new chapter of Truce Rururinchan posted a new chapter of Worth of A Paladin squirenonny posted a new chapter of Someplace Like Home TheHomestuckWhovian posted a new chapter of This Is New achieving elysium (Ogygia) posted a new chapter of familiar KairaKara101 posted a new chapter of I'm not the Lance You think I am ptw30 posted a new chapter of Bromances in Space buttered_onions posted a new chapter of The Size Of Our Actions MagmaWrites posted a new chapter of The Times They Remembered Pidge Was a Girl CamsthiSky posted a new chapter of It's Getting Darker But I'll Carry On WildWolf25 posted a new chapter of Coran's Guide to the Care and Keeping of Earthling Humans LonelyGirlInSpace posted a new chapter of The Color Of Our Planet From Far Far Away
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maychorianrecs · 7 years
when next we meet by julesdap
when next we meet by julesdap Words: 1,899 Author’s Summary: Hunk had told her to eat, and when Pidge had said nothing, he brought her a meal. Keith had told her to change out of her dirty paladin gear, and when Pidge had, still, said nothing, he said he would guard Matt closely while she left to change. Shiro had told her to rest, and without waiting for a response, offered to watch Matt while she napped, promising to wake her as soon as Matt did. Lance had told her, simply, that Matt would be alright soon, but also that he understood how it felt, to worry all the time for your family. All in all, Pidge was grateful. My Comments: Lovely and poignant fic about Pidge finding Matt and all the healing and adjustment that needs to be done. Everyone was delightfully supportive, and there’s a Shiro/Matt kiss, if you’re into that, but the focus is on Pidge and her brother.
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My new favorite nickname for Neil Josten is, courtesy of Dan Wilds in this FANTASTIC text fic by @julesdap, bby cap ❤️❤️ If you have not read this fic, and you love the Foxes as much as I do, I would HIGHLY recommend that you follow this link and read it right now!
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aristarshower · 6 years
10 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @stirringink !!! Thank you so much!
1. Would you date any of your ocs?
mmmmmmmmmm probably? idk?
2. What kind of poster(s) would your oc have on their wall?
Kai would have some emo shit. Jules would have Moira? Aux is too poor for posters.
3. If your oc found a time machine, would they use it? for what?
Kai will be torn between going back to Rishik, going back to stop his son from fighting in the war(Kai sends him) or going back to save his sister. He fuckt up a lot of things but Rishik is the only happy option he chose selfishly.
4. Do any of your ocs have a catchphrase? If so, what?
I don’t think so?
5. Tell me about one of your ocs hobbies.
Kai reads a lot. Levi(Kai’s son) loves cartography. Sacrus paints.
6. What inspired one of your favorite ocs?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm i don’t have a fav oc. I love all of them! And they were all inspired by different things?
7. What kind of clothes does your oc like to wear?
Kai usually prefers casual comfy clothes, Jules is the same but she is also kinda poor so she prefers casual comfy in budget. But casual comfy is very different in these two worlds.
8. Does your oc believe in love at first sight?
No. except for Moira maybe? She is a sappy lesbian.
9. If you took your ocs for one story and put them in an au, what au would you choose?
oh boi! Kai and Rishik already have a modern au thanks to @julesdap Rishik works in a bakery so it is super easy to make it modern.
10. What is something your oc is afraid of?
Kai is terrified of losing his family. He already lost Rishik and it was too painful to bear. But he slowly came back and found love again but if he loses his kids, he will be completely gone.
My questions
1.What was the trickiest bits of worldbuilding you have ever done?
2.Do you have any maps(you don’t need to post the map)? What was your favorite part of developing your geography?
3.Does your story have magic? What are its limitations, if yes?
4.Does your main antagonist believe in god?
5.Do you have secondary villains?
6.How many words are your drafts?
7.What is your favorite method of outlining?
8.Which one of your ocs is queer?(if multiple, mention them all!)
9. If you took your ocs for one story and put them in an au, what au would you choose? (Stealing from above cause this was a fun question)
10.Which of all the names in all your books, including characters, places, animals etc., is your favorite?
I’m tagging @owlsofstarlight @cog-writes @riverrockets @theguildedtypewriter @skid-art @arnoldmoyoyo
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ao3feed-shatt · 7 years
when next we meet
read it on ao3 at http://ift.tt/2s2bkQ0 by julesdap
by julesdap
Hunk had told her to eat, and when Pidge had said nothing, he brought her a meal. Keith had told her to change out of her dirty paladin gear, and when Pidge had, still, said nothing, he said he would guard Matt closely while she left to change. Shiro had told her to rest, and without waiting for a response, offered to watch Matt while she napped, promising to wake her as soon as Matt did.
Lance had told her, simply, that Matt would be alright soon, but also that he understood how it felt, to worry all the time for your family.
All in all, Pidge was grateful.
Words: 1899, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt
Relationships: Matt Holt/Shiro, Matt Holt & Pidge
Additional Tags: this is v self indulgent and rushed, Reunion Fic, Fluff & Angst, sort of, all the paladins are there but the focus is on pidge and matt obvs, hints of genderfluid/nonbinary pidge, though i use she/her pronouns for pidge here
read it on ao3 at http://ift.tt/2s2bkQ0
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when next we meet
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s2bkQ0
by julesdap
Hunk had told her to eat, and when Pidge had said nothing, he brought her a meal. Keith had told her to change out of her dirty paladin gear, and when Pidge had, still, said nothing, he said he would guard Matt closely while she left to change. Shiro had told her to rest, and without waiting for a response, offered to watch Matt while she napped, promising to wake her as soon as Matt did.
Lance had told her, simply, that Matt would be alright soon, but also that he understood how it felt, to worry all the time for your family.
All in all, Pidge was grateful.
Words: 1899, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Hunk (Voltron)
Relationships: Matt Holt/Shiro, Matt Holt & Pidge
Additional Tags: this is v self indulgent and rushed, Reunion Fic, Fluff & Angst, sort of, all the paladins are there but the focus is on pidge and matt obvs, hints of genderfluid/nonbinary pidge, though i use she/her pronouns for pidge here
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s2bkQ0
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
Social Media Masterlist
Updated 26 November 2018
trending by frenchie (fauks) (G | 2,142 | 1/1)
It starts with a clickbait article: 25 Themed Weddings You Wish You Were Invited To Number 3 on the list: 3. Exy-Themed Wedding
wrap me up by starfleetbanana (T | 3,573 | 1/1)
“Give me my jersey back, I’m not wearing yours” Andrew says and Neil furrows his brow because he’s pretty sure there’s a 10 on his jersey, except he didn’t get to look at himself in the mirror, and-
5 times Neil wore Andrew’s foxes jersey + 1 he didn’t.
the truth behind it by wematch (T | 2,801 | 1/1)
Neil finally makes a Twitter account the year after he leaves the Foxes. His PR has been nagging him about making a social media account since he joined the team but ultimately he uses it to annoy Andrew. Of course things escalate and the rumours of a rivalry between the two form, that is until Neil clarifies everything.
ask me no questions (and i might not cuss you out) by wingsofwax ( T | 2,777 | 1/1)
Neil’s and Andrew’s relationship becomes public - without their permission. It’s annoying because now they have to actually deal with it. Neil gets more than a little rude when someone asks the wrong kind of question.
in which neil josten is a pr nightmare by coveryoureyes (T | Incomplete | 14/?)
Eve was not the best person in the world. Sometimes she didn’t hold the elevator open when she saw people rushing to catch it from the other side of the lobby. Cutting the line at Starbucks was a semi-regular action.
But Eve did not deserve to be Neil fucking Josten’s publicist.
Or, the one where Neil does what he wants, picks fights with reporters, discovers Twitter, breaks the internet, and really shouldn’t be allowed out of his house.
Andrew does nothing to discourage him.
captured moments by simplydevotedtoyou (G | 8,710 | 1/1)
Neil has finally made it to pros, joining the RedSock Lions in Chicago. Andrew however is with the Houston Hornets.
When Andrew is asked about how he feels about seeing his ex team mate on an opposing team, he makes a comment which starts the supposed ‘rivalry’ between the ex team mates.
What the majority of people don’t know is that Neil and Andrew are in fact together and have been since college, well that is until someone releases photos of them which show that the whole rivalry wasn’t 100% real.
or Neil and Andrew are both too stubborn to let the other have the last word.
Part 3 of the what everyone doesn’t see unless they look close enough. series
Series : delete all accounts by  onesweetmelody ( T | 4 Works | 23,284)
Social media snapshots following the Exy Fandom.
Series :  pro exy, pro twitter au by jaylocked (T | 2 Works | 6,238)
Series: The Minyard-Josten 'Rivalry' (T | 3 Works | Incomplete)
stickball chat by obsessed_fangirl_13 (T | Incomplete | 1/?)
Wymack starts a group chat for the foxes for “business”.
of bets and kittens by bellatrixie (G | 2,621 | 1/1)
Andrew walks into his home only to be greeted by his boyfriend on the floor with more than 20 kittens on top of him. He didn’t sign up for this.
666 unread messages (or, a lifeline) by julesdap (T | 1,267 | 1/1)
neiljosten: Hi daniswilds: omg whats up bby cap u never chat here!! neiljosten: Well, uh neiljosten: I kind of miss you guys? niki: OMG niki: YALLLLLLLLL niki: WAKE THE FUCK UP GUYS WTF WHERE ARE YOU niki: LOOK AT THIS!!! walkerenee: that’s rly cute neil allisonvevo: SCREENSHOT daniswilds: im gonna frame it neiljosten: Shut up. neiljosten: I’m never texting you guys ever again
(Supposedly, phones were only for emergencies— until suddenly they weren’t. Sometimes Neil feels a little alone at Palmetto, and tries not to.)
9 foxes walk into a bar by svcculents (T | Incomplete | 9/?)
doesnickyisgay added aminyard, thebetterminyard, imcatholicnotdead, queenofexy, neil.josten, cattybitch, exyandhennessy and datboyd to this coversation.
doesnickyisgay named the conversation “9 foxes walk into a bar”.
nicky makes a groupchat and doesn’t make good decisions. chaos ensues. enjoy
We'll Make It Happen by honorarystar (G | 1,676 | 1/1)
“Why would I want to share pictures of my personal life with strangers though?” Neil slumped down in his seat on the lounge couch. He wished that he had waited for Andrew instead of getting to practice early. This could have been avoided.
“It’s Instagram. Who cares?” Allison was looking at Neil like he was the insane one for not grasping this concept.
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