#jumpy ghost face
makoto24 · 1 year
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Hello, heroes
To start off, I want to thank the Hero: 108 community and everyone else for showing interest. It's been great designing Mii's of these major heroes of the criminally underrated show, Hero: 108 from CN, and Kabillion.
For Miitopia, I've made a few polishes to some of my Hero: 108's character creations. Most notably, Lin Chung, Mighty Ray, Mr. No Hands, Apetrully, and the reveal of his iconic box outfit.
--- Creator Notes ---
Lin Chung: Added his iconic hat as he did not have his present
Mighty Ray: Eyes and overall colors recorrected
Mr. No Hands: Face reworked for accuracy
Apetrully: Ears added, entire face readjusted and corrected, added his signature outfit
Feel free to edit as usual.
--- Miitopia Ideas ---
In the game, Miitopia has two key components that make up a hero: Personality and Jobs.
Here is a list of ideas I've used in my world that turned out amazing.
Lin Chung: Cool - Elf/Warrior
Jumpy: Kind - Thief
M. Sonia: Stubborn - Flower/Chef/Princess/Popstar
Mighty Ray: Energetic - Popstar
Mr. No Hands: Stubborn - Vampire/Warrior
Apetrully: Kind - Cat (default skin for visual accuracy)
Comd. Apetrully: Kind - Cleric
Woo the Wise: Cautious - Scientist
Alright, that's it for my mini follow-up. I'm not exactly frequent in presence as I'm not super active on Tumblr. I'm just some random guy contributing to the fandom lol.
See ya. - Mako
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not-my-final-account · 8 months
Once the Justice League was losing. It was the end of the world. No seriously, the world was an hour away from being blown to bits.
Constantine sighed and rubbed his face, he had just ran out of cigarettes and it was making him more jumpy than was truely necessary in any given situation. Him and most of the bigger heros in the Justice League sat in a cave and were forced to wait out the apocalypse, well, the hour left of it anyways.
Constantine sighed and looked up to what you could see of the sky from inside their cave, he was almost… afraid. Afraid of what was going to happen, afraid that it had come to this, afraid that the rumours were true or even worse than they seemed, Pariah Dark was not known for caring nor his mercy.
Honestly Constantine was going to consider it lucky if he died and got to rest in peace, even more lucky if the world actually got saved! This was a last ditch effort.
Constantine grabbed a piece of chalk from his pocket, it was worn from years of carrying it around. He settled it on the flattest piece of stone he could find and started drawing the circle he had memorised. “John what are you doing?” Wonder Woman asked, he ignored her and took a deep breathe
“Oh dark king of the ghosts.” he prayed, there were truely only a few necessary words but Constantine felt like he needed to add a message, so he kept speaking as he drew the intricate patterns of the circle “My world may be of no importance to you, but I am willing to make a deal to save it. Please accept my summon, please be merciful, please save earth, please K I N G O F T H E G H O S T S.” Constantine begged, Wonder Woman and most of the others sat up or got more defensive, it truely said something that Batman didn’t bother.
Danny Phantom sat playing DOOM with Sam and Tucker, cheering when we got to a higher level. Suddenly something tugged at his core and a voice whispered through his ears
…oh dark king of the ghosts. My world may be of no importance to you, but I am willing to make a deal to save it. Please accept my summon, please be merciful, please save earth, please…
“-anny? Danny?” Sam asked “Hello?” she said in a sing song voice
“Still with us Danny?” Tucker asked, Danny swallowed,
“I- I’ve got to go.” he said
Constantine sat on his knees in front of the circle and… nothing happened, Superman glanced at him and started to sit back down when suddenly the stone inside the circle fell away into a green spiral.
Superman gasped and jumped back up
“Don’t attack him, bow.” Constantine instructed, reluctantly Superman and everyone else did, except for Batman of course, what’d you expect? Him to change? Just because the world was ending?
A pale hand reached up from the circle and grabbed the edge; whoever was in the circle pulled themself up slowly and as they came closer to the mortal realm Superman got a sense of dread, of death, of… something else, of authority, and everyone in the room seemed to find themselves bowing lower. Superman couldn’t help but think, had Constantine double-doomed the world?
Constantine looked up as the figure hovered above the circle, he was the first to move from his bow. This… wasn’t what Constantine expected Pariah Dark to look like, he was still imposing but didn’t fit the ghost kings reputation.
He had a cape as dark as the shadows with glowing constellations and stories sown into the fabric. He had a crown that burned with green fire and floated above his head, his eyes glowed the same green as the crown and his hand had a single ring. He wore royal looking clothes, white boots and gloves with a black shirt and pants.
This was the ghost king “Pariah Dark, King of Ghosts. I am Constantine-”
“Pariah Dark? I dethroned him years ago! I’m Danny Phantom.” the ghost king introduced.
“I meant no disrespect your highness.” Constantine quickly said
“I don’t- never mind. You asked for me to save earth?” King Phantom asked, Constantine gulped
“Y-yes, we can’t win, please, I- I’ll do anything.” he begged,
“A favour.” King Phantom said
“What?” Constantine asked
“A favour, I’ll save your world for a favour from you and your friends.” King Phantom said.
A favour to a ghost king who was probably very evil, that is so stupid and such a horrible idea, who in their right mind would-
“Deal.” Constantine agreed.
There was a flash of bright light and King Phantom disappeared, after a few seconds of him being gone the sounds of a battle echoed through the cave.
“Constantine what did you just rope us into?” Batman asked. Constantine really, really needed a cigarette.
Years ago, the world was ending. In a last ditch effort Constantine summoned… something. Superman didn’t know much about the ghost king that had appeared, just that he was powerful, and that the better half of the Justice League owed him a favour. It had been on everyone’s minds for a few months after that deal, waiting for the day they would be called for something horrific and hoping it wouldn’t ruin them or their morals. But truthfully, after a few years everyone sorta forgot about it; it was the type of thing no one remembered unless the subject at hand related to it, and even then you were uneasy for a day and forgot all over again.
So when a scroll appeared in a flash of green light during a meeting one day, Superman would like to say that the freaking out was justified.
Batman (who seemed to adopt everyone he met in one way or another) shushed the group of panicking superhero’s and picked up the scroll “I am calling in your favour, when you finish reading this you will all be teleported to my aid. Signed, Phantom.” Batman read. Oh no.
In another flash of green light they appeared in a park with a few heros who hadn’t even been in the room. Everyone immediately put up their defences and raised various weapons, then they realised the park was empty. Superman looked around using X-ray vision, he had no clue what was going on in the seemingly peaceful that could make a ghost king ask for help, then he looked through a hill and saw a giant green dog running with two kids gripping it’s lead.
As the dog jumped on top of then off the hill and ran in front of them Superman could make out the words in their screams
“Sit boy, sit!” the Batman looking one called
“I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! NO OFFENCE DANNNYYYY!!!” the one with devices falling out of his bag and pockets yelled.
Everyone lowered their weapons and Flash relaxed and scoffed
“This is what that ghost guy called us in for? This is going to be a breeze!” Flash said happily
“Don’t judge a book by its cover Flash.” Constantine warned. Superman was about to agree with flash when the ghost king suddenly appeared in the air in front of us, dripping in something green which looked alarmingly like blood- oh god the ghost king was dying!? Re-dying?!
“Forget I said anything,” Flash raised his hands in the air and got ignored as we rushed over to the ghost king who had fallen out of the air and onto the ground.
Before anyone could do anything though another person appeared out of thin air and then floated down
“Join me Daniel! Together we could rule the world!” he asked, okay that was an evil guy if Superman had ever seen one, he even had the looks to go with it, you could mistake him as Dracula … was that Dracula?
Suddenly another guy who looked like the ghost king body slammed Dracula from the air
“I WILL RULE THE WORLD AND ME ALONE!” as he stood up Superman noticed he looked just like the ghost king only older and more evil looking. As if the mention of look-a-likes summoned her, a small girl who also looked just like the ghost king only younger and female body slammed evil twin number 1.
“Not on my watch you fruitloop!” she yelled. Suddenly a woman in a track suit with ridiculous looking googles and carrying an oversized gun jumped down
“Get away you evil ghosts!” she yelled and fired some energy weapon at the small group, they all scattered and the four of them fought when some girl on a hover board swooped in and pointed her hand at the ghost king
“Danny Phantom! You and all of ghost kind will pay!!” she yelled, something on her wrist started glowing when
“GET AWAY FROM DANNY!” a school girl yelled. Her orange hair swung around as she discus threw her books and bag right into the girls face. They also ran off into the distance to fight.
“What?” Flash asked,
“When he said.” Green Lantern agreed.
“The Dracula looking one is Vlad, he’s a bad guy, so is my evil self from an alternate timeline, we call him Dan, Dani is the small girl who looks like me, that’s because she’s my clone, she’s on the good side but she might steal your stuff just because she can so be careful,” he took a wheezy breath “My sister Jazz is the one who hurled her books into the air to protect me, she’s good. The girl in the red suit is Red Huntress, she’s good she just doesn’t understand -same with my parents, the couple in the jumpsuits, their ghost hunters.” the ghost king explained
“Wait, your parents are ghost hunters?” Flash asked
“Yeah?” the ghost king asked- oh I see.
“But you’re a ghost?” Flash said
“I’m technically a halfa actually, but trust me I know. It’s all ‘we’re going to tear apart the ghost boy molecule by molecule’ and never ‘is the ghost boy good or bad’.” the ghost king groaned, I reached out to help “I’ll be fine go fight or help!” he said
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buckets-and-trees · 20 days
Sweet and Slashy Summer Saturdays
Characters/Pairings: Bucky x curvy!female reader Word Count: 3.6k Summary: A first date with your neighbor Bucky Barnes.
Content Warnings: modern AU, smut, vaginal fingering, hand job, vaginal penetration, sex in a semi-public place
Logistical Notes: Another entry for @witchywithwhiskey's Slasher Summer Writing Challenge (drive in setting, dialogue prompt in bold/italics), a verrrrrry late entry for @bigtreefest Essie's Summer Lovin’ 300 Follower Celebration (public sex/trying not to get caught) (and shhh, Essie said I could be as late as December, but this is just/only Labor Day Weekend), and week 13 of @buckybarnesevents Hot Bucky Summer (free week).
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You didn’t want to watch this scary movie. Scary movies were not your thing.
But you didn’t know that the local drive-in movie place was doing Sweet and Slashy Summer Saturdays - a double feature night with a different rom-com and slasher fic every week when you said yes to your stupid hot neighbor Bucky Barnes. He’d asked if you liked drive in movies and if you’d go with him, and you hadn’t thought even a second before accepting.
Bumping into him throughout the building since you’d moved in last spring, sure, it was problematic to have a crush on a neighbor, but he was stupid hot.
Which made you do stupid things - like accept a date with him.
You canceled plans that you’d already had in favor of this date.
Typically you weren’t a fan of movies as a first date, but since it was a drive in, not a theater, you’d have your own space and not bother anyone if you actually wanted to talk - but if for some reason stupid hot Bucky Barnes turned out to be a dud, you would also be able to tune into the movie without seeming totally rude.
Privacy? Yes. Good.
A little bit of talking? Also yes.
He’d picked you up in his big pick up truck, which meant at the drive in, he’d backed into the spot, and now you were in the bed of the truck on a camp mattress and blankets.
Things had been lovely for the first flick - which turned out to be one of your favorites. The two of you had chatted sporadically but easily throughout. There’d been a short intermission where the two of you took a walk, stretched your legs, and gotten some ice cream from the concession stand.
All of that had been lovely. Easy time with him.
It had allowed you to trick yourself into the false confidence that you could handle the other half of the double feature.
But the slasher fic had you jumpy, scooting closer and closer into Bucky’s chest, until now you had your face permanently half hidden against his chest.
Bucky chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” you chirped. 
“Are you sure? We can leave, I really don’t mind, I’ve see this at least twenty times.”
“No, I’m - I’m fine,” you said quietly. 
He murmured your name against the crown of your head, planting a kiss there. “We don’t have to stay.”
But that little kiss? Being tucked cozily against him? Your whole body was humming with butterflies and warmth despite the cool evening summer breeze flitting over your skin.
“I’m safe here,” you hummed. 
Bucky ticked a finger under your chin and lifted your head up to look him in the face, eyes sparkling with mischief. “You sure about that?”
You giggled - genuinely but with a surge of nerves. “You’ll protect me.”
He smirked. “Only from everyone else.”
“Is that a threat?” You arched a brow and smirked. 
“It’s a promise,” he replied, lowering his voice, ducking closer, his breath ghosting over your lips. 
You shivered, and he chuckled and pulled you closer. You laughed into his chest, resting your hand lightly on his sternum. “Honestly, if you ever become an actor, don't ever do a slasher flick.”
He scoffed. “What? Why’s that? I’m not such a terrible actor!”
You looked back up at him and shook your head. “I’m not convinced. But also, I’d have to go see it, and clearly I wouldn’t be able to handle that experience.”
“Fine, I promise, I’ll tell the non-existent agent for the acting career I’m never pursuing that slashers are off the table.”
Bucky shifted to make both of you more comfortable. As he shifted, his strong arm tightened around you, pulling you even closer against his broad chest. You felt the warmth of his body enveloping you, a stark contrast to the cool night air. His fingers began to trace lazy patterns on your shoulder, sending tingles down your spine.
"You know," Bucky murmured, his lips brushing your ear, "I'm really glad you came out with me tonight."
You tilted your head to look up at him, taking in his chiseled jawline and those piercing blue eyes. "Me too," you whispered.
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time - just spend time with you. But now you’re driving me crazy, and I can’t keep my hands off you."
Your breath hitched as his hand slowly slid down your arm, savoring every curve and dip. “Then don’t,” you responded. You slipped your leg up over his thigh, tangling your limbs together.
His touch was gentle yet purposeful, exploring the softness of your skin. You felt your pulse quicken as his fingers ghosted over the swell of your hip, squeezing lightly.
"I love how you feel," he whispered, his voice husky. "So soft, so perfect."
His hand continued its journey, caressing the generous curve of your waist. You couldn't help but lean into his touch, craving more. Bucky's fingers splayed across your stomach, appreciating the plush roundness there.
"Beautiful," he breathed.
Bucky's fingers danced up your arm, caressing the soft skin. He traced the curve of your shoulder, then along your collarbone. His touch was feather-light but left a trail of heat in its wake.
You tilted your head back to look at him, taking in his chiseled jawline and intense blue eyes. Bucky's gaze roamed over your face, lingering on your full lips before meeting your eyes again. His hand cupped your cheek, thumb stroking your flushed skin.
"You're so beautiful," Bucky reiterated, his eyes locked on yours.
Your heart raced as he leaned in closer, his warm breath fanning across your face. Time seemed to slow as he closed the distance between you. His lips brushed yours softly at first, tentative and questioning. You responded eagerly, pressing closer and parting your lips slightly.
Bucky took that as invitation to deepen the kiss. His hand slid to the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled you flush against him. You melted into his embrace, savoring the feel of his firm body against yours.
The kiss grew more heated, tongues exploring as passion built between you. Your hands roamed over his broad shoulders and muscular back, marveling at the strength you felt there. Bucky's own hands weren't idle, caressing your curves with reverence.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathing heavily. Bucky rested his forehead against yours, a smile playing on his lips.
"Wow," you whispered.
He chuckled softly. "Wow is right."
Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air. You jumped, startled by the sound from the movie. Bucky chuckled against your lips, breaking the kiss.
"Sorry," you mumbled, feeling a heat creep up your neck.
"Don't be sorry," Bucky murmured, his thumb caressing your cheek. "I think it's cute how jumpy you are."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Glad my terror is entertaining for you."
He grinned, pulling you closer. "Well, I do enjoy being your protector."
Another scream rang out from the movie, making you flinch. Bucky's arms tightened around you instinctively. You buried your face in his chest, inhaling his warm, masculine scent. "I'm usually not this much of a scaredy-cat, I swear."
His chest rumbled with laughter. "Sure, sure. I believe you." His tone was teasing, but his arms stayed tight around you.
The score for the movie swelled and pursued a chilling tenor, making you tense. Bucky's hand came up to cup the back of your head, gently pressing your ear to his chest. The steady thump of his heartbeat drowned out the sounds of the film.
"Better?" he murmured.
You nodded against him, feeling safer wrapped in his strong arms. "Much better."
His fingers combed through your hair soothingly. "You know, we could always make our own entertainment if the movie's too scary."
You pulled back slightly to look up at him, eyebrow raised. "Oh? What did you have in mind?"
Bucky's eyes darkened as they roamed over your face. "I can think of a few ways to distract you from the movie."
His hand slid down your back, coming to rest on your hip. He gave a gentle squeeze, pulling you against him. Your breath hitched as you felt the hard planes of his body pressed against your softer curves.
"Oh?" you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "Like what?"
Instead of answering, Bucky dipped his head and captured your lips in a searing kiss. This wasn't like the earlier kiss - soft and exploratory. This was heat and passion and barely restrained desire. His tongue swept into your mouth, tasting and teasing. You moaned softly, your fingers tangling in his hair.
Bucky's hand slipped under the hem of your shirt, his calloused fingers tracing patterns on the sensitive skin of your lower back. You arched into him, craving more of his touch. He broke the kiss, trailing his lips along your jaw and down your neck.
"God, you're driving me crazy," he murmured against your skin.
You tilted your head, giving him a quizzical look. This man you had categorized as stupid hot because he was so handsome it couldn’t be real seemed to be as gone for you as you were for him.
"I'm driving you crazy?" you asked, your voice a mix of disbelief and amusement. "You're the one who's been making me lose my mind for months now."
Bucky pulled back slightly, his blue eyes searching your face. "Really?" he asked, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
You nodded, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. "Really. I've had a crush on you since the day I moved in. Why do you think I always seemed to be doing laundry at the same time as you?"
A slow grin spread across Bucky's face. "And here I thought I was the one making excuses to run into you."
You laughed softly, your fingers tracing the strong line of his jaw. "Looks like we've both been idiots."
"Well," Bucky murmured, leaning in close again, "then we should make up for lost time, don't you think?"
Before you could respond, his lips were on yours again, hot and demanding. You melted into the kiss, savoring the feel of his strong body against yours. His hands roamed your curves, leaving trails of fire in their wake.
You moaned softly into the kiss, your body arching against Bucky's. His hands roamed lower, cupping your ass and pulling you flush against him. You could feel his arousal pressing against your thigh, sending a jolt of desire through you.
"Bucky," you gasped, breaking the kiss. "We're in public."
He chuckled, the sound low and husky. "Don't worry. No one can see us back here."
To prove his point, he rolled you both so you were lying on your back, his body hovering over yours. The truck's high sides and the darkness of the drive-in lot provided a surprising amount of privacy.
Bucky's lips found your neck again, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin. You tilted your head, giving him better access as your hands slid under his shirt, exploring the hard planes of his abs.
"God, you feel amazing," you breathed.
He hummed against your skin, the vibration sending shivers down your spine. His hand slipped under your shirt, thumb brushing the underside of your breast. You arched into his touch, craving more.
Bucky's large hand cupped your breast, kneading gently through the thin fabric of your bra. You gasped at the sensation, your body heating up despite the cool night air.
Suddenly, a loud crash from the movie made you jump. Bucky chuckled softly, pulling back to look at you.
"Still scared?" he teased, his thumb brushing over your nipple through your bra.
You shivered, both from his touch and the reminder of where you were. "Maybe a little," you admitted.
Bucky's eyes softened as he gazed down at you. "We can stop if you want," he murmured, his hand stilling on your breast.
You shook your head, reaching up to cup his face. "No, I don't want to stop. I just... I've never done anything like this before. In public, I mean."
He smiled, turning his head to press a kiss to your palm. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. We can just cuddle and watch the rest of the movie if you want."
You bit your lip, considering. The fear of getting caught was thrilling, but also nerve-wracking. But the way Bucky was looking at you, his blue eyes dark with desire, made you want to throw caution to the wind.
"I want you," you whispered, pulling him down for another kiss.
Bucky groaned into your mouth, his hand resuming its gentle kneading of your breast. You arched into his touch, your body humming with need. His other hand slid down your side, fingers teasing the waistband of your jeans.
"Is this okay?" he murmured against your lips.
“Mmhmm, please touch me, Bucky,” you pleaded, craving more.
Bucky's fingers deftly unbuttoned your jeans, sliding the zipper down slowly. His hand slipped inside, cupping you through your underwear. You gasped at the contact, hips bucking up into his touch.
"So responsive," he murmured, nipping at your earlobe. "I love it."
His fingers rubbed slow circles over your clothed center, building the tension coiling in your belly. You bit your lip to stifle a moan, very aware of your surroundings despite the privacy of the truck bed.
Bucky's lips trailed down your neck as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric of your underwear. You inhaled sharply as he made contact with your bare flesh, stroking through your folds.
"God, you're so wet already," he groaned against your collarbone.
You whimpered as he teased your entrance, gathering your arousal before circling your clit. Your hips rocked against his hand, chasing the pleasure he was building.
"Bucky, please," you breathed, not even sure what you were begging for.
He captured your lips in a searing kiss as he slid his fingers through your slick folds. You bit your lip to stifle a moan as he slowly pushed one finger inside you.
"Shh," he murmured, kissing you softly. "Gotta be quiet, remember?"
You nodded, your breath coming in short pants as he began to move his finger in and out. He added a second finger, stretching you deliciously. His thumb found your clit again, rubbing small circles that had you seeing stars.
Your hands gripped Bucky's broad shoulders as he worked you closer to the edge. The pleasure was building rapidly, your hips rocking against his skilled fingers. You buried your face in his neck, muffling your whimpers and gasps against his skin.
"That's it, sweetheart," Bucky murmured encouragingly. "Let go for me. I've got you."
His fingers curled inside you, hitting that perfect spot that made your toes curl. Combined with the steady pressure on your clit, it was quickly becoming too much.
"Bucky," you gasped, your body tensing. "I'm -"
"Come for me," he growled softly, increasing the pace of his fingers.
The coil of tension in your belly snapped. Waves of pleasure crashed over you as your orgasm hit. Bucky captured your lips in a deep kiss, swallowing your moans as you shuddered against him.
As you came down from your high, Bucky slowly withdrew his hand. You whimpered at the loss, feeling oversensitive and boneless. He pressed soft kisses to your face as you caught your breath.
Then he licked your slickness off his fingers, and your breath hitched as he groaned at the taste of you. Your hand trailed down his chest, palming the obvious bulge in his jeans. "What about you?" you asked.
Bucky groaned softly, hips bucking into your touch. "You don't have to-"
You cut him off with a kiss, your hand continuing to rub him through his jeans. "I want to," you murmured against his lips. "Please, let me make you feel good too."
Bucky groaned, his hips rocking into your touch. "God, yes," he breathed.
Your fingers fumbled with his belt buckle, suddenly feeling clumsy with anticipation. Bucky chuckled softly, reaching down to help you. Together, you managed to unfasten his jeans and push them down his hips.
You slipped your hand into his boxers, wrapping your fingers around his hard length. Bucky hissed in pleasure, his head dropping to your shoulder. You stroked him slowly, marveling at how hot and thick he felt in your hand.
"Fuck," Bucky groaned softly. "Your hand feels so good."
Emboldened by his reaction, you increased your pace, twisting your wrist on the upstroke. Bucky's breathing grew ragged, his hips thrusting into your grip. You could feel him throbbing in your hand, growing even harder if that was possible.
"Wait," Bucky gasped, gently grasping your wrist. "Not like this. I want to be inside you."
Your breath caught at his words, desire pooling low in your belly. "Yes," you breathed. "Please, Bucky."
He captured your lips in a searing kiss as his hands worked to push your jeans down your hips. You lifted your hips to help, shimmying out of the tight denim. Bucky's fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties, sliding them down your legs as well.
The cool night air hit your heated skin, making you shiver. Bucky's warm hands ran up your thighs, parting them gently. He settled between your legs, his hard length pressing against your core.
Bucky reached for his wallet. You raised an eyebrow as he retrieved a condom.
"Presumptuous, weren't we?" you teased.
He chuckled, a slight blush coloring his cheeks as he tore it open. "More like hopeful. You sure about this?" he murmured, his blue eyes searching yours.
You nodded, reaching for the condom and wrapping your legs around his waist. "I'm sure. I want you, Bucky." You took his stiff cock in your hands and rolled the condom down slowly over his length.
Then you laid back, and he guided his tip to your entrance. He groaned softly, capturing your lips in another kiss as he slowly pushed into you. You gasped at the stretch, your body accommodating his impressive size.
Bucky stilled once he was fully seated inside you, giving you time to adjust. You both moaned softly at the sensation of being so intimately connected. He peppered kisses along your jaw and neck as you breathed through the initial stretch.
"You okay?" he murmured against your skin.
You nodded, running your hands down his muscular back. "Yeah, you can move."
Bucky started with slow, shallow thrusts, gradually building up speed and depth. You bit your lip to stifle your moans, very aware of your surroundings despite the privacy of the truck bed. The movie's soundtrack provided some cover, but you still tried to keep quiet.
"God, you feel amazing," Bucky groaned softly, his hips snapping against yours.
You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, changing the angle slightly. The new position had him hitting that perfect spot inside you with each thrust. Your nails dug into his shoulders as pleasure built rapidly.
"Bucky," you whined.
His hand slid between your bodies, his fingers tracing a path down your stomach until they settled on your sensitive clit. The gentle pressure of his thumb against you sent sparks of pleasure through your body. "Come for me," he whispered in your ear, urging you on as he continued to stroke and tease your sex. You couldn't resist the sensations, and soon you were gasping and moaning in ecstasy, and he swallowed up as much of your sounds as he could with another kiss.
Bucky's movements became more erratic as he chased his own release. You clenched around him, still riding the waves of your orgasm. The added pressure pushed him over the edge.
"Fuck," he groaned, burying his face in your neck as he came.
You held him close, running your fingers through his hair as you both caught your breath. The sounds of the movie filtered back into your awareness - screams and dramatic music that seemed absurdly out of place now.
Bucky lifted his head, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he looked at you. "That was..."
"Amazing," you finished for him, grinning.
He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before carefully pulling out. You whimpered at the loss, suddenly feeling very exposed. Bucky noticed your discomfort and quickly helped you redress, then took care of himself.
Once you were both decent again, he pulled you back into his arms. You snuggled against his chest, feeling sated and content.
"So," Bucky murmured, his fingers tracing patterns on your arm, "I think it's safe to say this was a successful first date?"
You grinned and looked up at him. "I'd say so. Though I'm not sure how we're going to top this for date number two."
Bucky chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, I'm sure we can come up with something. I've got plenty of ideas."
"Is that so?" you teased, trailing your fingers along his jawline. "Care to share?"
He caught your hand, pressing a kiss to your palm. "How about I show you instead? Say, next Saturday?"
Your heart fluttered at the promise in his eyes. “Just no more slashers, deal?”
“Deal,” he chuckled, then sealed it the best way, tipping your chin up and capturing your lips in a kiss.
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Read more stories from the Deliciously Debauched Labor Day Weekend!
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
some dark ex! mafia! lando ????
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“Hello sweetheart” — dark!ex!mafia!Lando Norris x reader
Part one part two part three part four part five part six
Warnings— Lando is stalker-ish,mentions of a gun, Lando is obsessed with the reader
Word count -2k
You had been looking over your shoulder since the day you left your ex, Lando. When you first met him, he was the sweetest guy you’d ever dated. He made you feel special, like the only girl in the world, the only one for him. Oh, how right you were.
Your nails tapped against the glass of the counter in the pawnshop, drawing the attention of the shopkeeper. He was quick to notice which gun you were gesturing towards.
"Now, what would a young thing like yourself be doing with a gun like this?" he asked, pulling out the Taurus 380 ACP revolver. It was small enough to be easily concealed and go unnoticed.
“Call me paranoid and desperate,” you responded, unamused and ready to get out of the dingy pawn shop.
“That’s a dangerous combination. Who has got you this paranoid and desperate enough to buy a gun?” he asked, setting the revolver on the counter before grabbing a box of bullets.. The man’s eyes take in your appearance. You had dark purple bags under your eyes from not being able to sleep. He also noticed how you jumped at the smallest noises with wide eyes and how exhausted you sounded.
“Nobody I want to see again in this lifetime,” you replied.
“That’s understandable. I feel the same way about my ex-wife, she's a real piece of work suing me for everything I own” the man said, chuckling at his joke.
As you waited for him to finish bagging up the gun and the bullets, you felt a chill run down your spine. Maybe you were paranoid, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Every rustle and jingle of the bells on the shop’s front door had you jumping in your skin.
When the guy handed you the bag, he gave you a concerned look.
“Are you sure you’re alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You tried to brush it off with a laugh and a quick “I’m fine,” but even you could hear the shakiness in your voice.
“You sure you don’t want me to walk you to your car?” the guy asked, obviously not believing you.
You hesitated for a moment. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe you were just being paranoid.
“Yeah… Yeah, that might not be a bad idea.”
The guy nodded in understanding, stepping out from behind the counter and walking towards the door.
“Let’s get you to your car. You seem on edge,” he said, holding the door open for you.
As you stepped out into the twilight, the shadows seemed to stretch and bend, making your skin crawl. You kept glancing around, trying to see if anyone was following you.
The guy hovered nearby, noticing your nervousness. “You’re shaking like a leaf,” he remarked. “You okay you look really pale like you're going to be sick any second now?”
You forced what you hoped was a believable smile. “Yeah… Fine. Just a little jumpy, that’s all.”
The guy raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it, but he didn’t press the issue. He simply stood there, waiting for you to unlock your car. Eventually, you managed to get the key in the lock and opened the door. As you climbed into the driver’s seat, your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it pounding in your ears.
The guy gave you a small wave. “You sure you’re going to be alright on your own?” he asked, concern etched on his face. “Yeah, I’ll be careful. Thanks again,” you said, the words barely more than a whisper. As the guy walked back towards the pawn shop, you closed your door and sat there for a moment, trying to collect yourself.
Lando sat in his office, his expression dark and brooding. He was surrounded by the trappings of wealth - the expensive furniture, the art on the walls, the panoramic view of the city. But none of it brought him any joy. Not without you. He needed you. He wanted you.
The phone rang on his desk, interrupting his brooding. He picked it up, listening intently as the man spoke.
“She’s on her way home Boss”
“Good,” Lando replied as he hung up the phone, his mind already planning his next move. He stood up, straightening his tie and adjusting his jacket. He looked like the epitome of a wealthy businessman, but there was a dangerous glint in his eye.
He walked out of his office, giving his staff a quick order to hold his calls. He didn’t want anything interfering with his plans for you. Lando got into his car, the engine roaring to life as he pressed the gas pedal. He navigated through the city streets, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only - you.
He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, the anticipation building with every mile that brought him closer to you. He could almost taste victory. As Lando drove, his mind began to play out scenarios of what he would do when he saw you again. He could imagine the fear in your eyes, the shock on your face as he showed up unannounced. He could picture the way you would tremble in his presence, the way you would try to run, but he would never let you escape. Not this time. Not again he wouldn’t let that happen a second time.
He could feel his heart rate increasing as he got closer to your place. The thrill of the hunt was exhilarating. He knew you would try to fight him, screaming, punching,slapping and kicking you weren’t good at it. Fighting, but he also knew how to control you. He had done it before, he would do it again.
As he finally arrived outside your place, he parked his car and got out, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of you. He saw your car parked out front and a smile crept across his face. You were already home. He walked up to the front door, his footsteps silent and stealthy. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small lock pick, easily unlocking the door in seconds.
He stepped inside, shutting the door quietly behind him. He was inside your home, and you were his prey.
Lando looked around the place, noting the lack of security cameras and alarm system. He chuckled softly to himself. As if those things could keep him from what he wanted.
He took a deep breath, taking in the familiar scent of your perfume. It was intoxicating, bringing back memories that made his heart ache.
Lando could hear the shower running. A sly smile played at the corners of Lando's mouth. You were vulnerable, naked, and exposed in the shower. It would be so easy to take advantage of the situation.
As he inched toward the master bedroom where he could hear the steady rush of the shower pulled him in like a magnet. He toyed with the idea of barging in and seizing you, but that would have been too predictable. Instead, he pivoted on his heel and retreated to the living room, taking a seat in the dimly lit corner. Nestled in the chair, Lando blended into the shadows, becoming virtually invisible. This was more fun. He bided his time with the patience of a predator on the prowl. He could still hear the shower running, and the knowledge that you were just on the other side of that door, naked and defenseless, made his pulse quicken. He sat there, patient and still, waiting for you to come out.
He knew it was only a matter of time before you finished your shower and emerged from the bedroom.
The anticipation was a delicious torment, each passing moment bringing him closer to what he desired most.
Once dressed you walked out of your bedroom to get some food. The revolver fits easily into the pocket of your sweatpants. It brought some comfort to ease your mind but it wasn’t enough. Every creak of the floorboards made you jumpy,every time you heard one of your neighbors slam the car door it made your anxiety skyrocket. It wasn’t fair that you had to live in fear every day for months because of him. Because of Lando. The thought of him showing up back in your life had you very cautious about every phone call,text and knock at your door. You didn’t go out anymore with friends or family you couldn’t not with the thought that one of Lando’s lackeys might see and tell him where you were. Deep down inside you knew he had someone watching you; it was naive to think otherwise.
As you walked into the kitchen, Lando's eyes followed you, his gaze like a hawk watching its prey. He could see the faint outline of the revolver in your pocket,it wasn’t that hard to not notice it after all he was trained to notice these things since he was a kid. The revolver had a little weight not much but enough to cause your sweatpants to sag on one side and it made him smile. You were trying to protect yourself, but it was useless against him.
He watched you move around the kitchen, his eyes tracing every curve and contour of your body. He knew every inch of you like the back of his hand. Lando was tired and growing very impatient. How can someone be so paranoid and so unaware of their surroundings?
Lando, who was sitting in the shadows,grew tired of watching and waiting leaning over as he pulled on the chain of the lamp, light to reveal him from the darkness. His intense gaze was upon you. His expression sent a shiver of fear down your spine, freezing you in place at the sound of the lamp clicking on. you couldn’t move or run away even if you wanted to not with this paralyzing fear that hit you.
"Hello, sweetheart, did You think this is over?” he drawled, his voice dripping with mockery.
His gaze traveled over your body, taking in every detail you were wearing white socks with gray sweatpants and a plain t-shirt. Your hair was still wet and looked like you were going to cry any second now and you couldn’t stop shaking with fear. He smiled and pointed to the revolver in your pocket "Trying to protect yourself, are you?" He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "How cute although it won’t help you.”
He stood up slowly, his movements graceful and catlike. He walked towards you, closing the distance between you with each step.
"That little toy won't save you, you know," he said, nodding towards the revolver in your pocket. "You're still mine. You'll always be mine."
He was now standing directly in front of you, his body mere inches away from yours. He reached out and stroked your cheek, his fingers tracing the curve of your jaw, his touch possessive and intimate.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, visibly shaking your hand slowly inching closer inside your pocket all you needed was an opening. Lando chuckled softly, his eyes flickering with amusement. "What do you think I'm doing here, my love? I came to remind you who you belong to." He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "You can try to run, you can try to hide, but I'll always find you. You're mine, and I'm never letting you go."
He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His body was pressed against yours, his touch possessive and unyielding.
“You won’t be needing this,” Lando says, snatching the revolver out of your pocket and placing it on the table. Your heart sank when he took away the only thing that seemed to ease your mind.
"Do you remember what we used to be like, sweetheart?" He whispered, his lips brushing against your skin. "We were so good together. So perfect. I don't understand why you thought you could leave me."
“Because you’re psychotic Lando now let go of me,” you said trying to push him away from you. Lando's grip on you tightened, his expression hardening as you tried to push him away. "Tsk tsk tsk," he scolded, his voice filled with false sweetness. "Is that any way to speak to your lover?"
"You forget, my beautiful, I'm the one in control here. You don't get to tell me what to do, you don’t get to make orders around here like I do." He tilted your chin up, forcing you to look into his eyes. "You belong to me, darling," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Whether you like it or not, you're mine. And I won't let you leave me again."
He paused for a moment, his gaze running over your face. "You thought you could get away from me, didn't you? That you could start a new life, pretend like I never existed. How foolish." He tightened his grip on your chin, his fingers digging into your skin. He chuckled softly, his lips curving into a mocking smile. "But I know you better than anyone. I know your every weakness, your every fear. I know how to make you shiver. I know how to make your heart race."
His fingers trailed down your neck, tracing the pulse point at your throat. "Your heart is beating so fast right now," he whispered. "I can feel it. You're scared of me, aren't you?"
"Good. You should be scared of me. You should be terrified of what I’m capable of. I'm not going to let you go. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you with me."
His eyes darkened with possessive anger. "You're mine," he repeated, his voice dropping down to a growl. "You're mine to protect, mine to love, mine to control. No one else is ever going to have you. Do you understand me?"
He released your chin, his fingers moving to your hair, tangling in the strands and pulling tight. He pulled your head back, forcing your face up towards him. "Answer me," he demanded, his face mere inches from yours. Your heart was pounding in your chest, your head spinning with terror. His grip on your hair was painful, but you didn’t dare try to resist him. You knew what he was capable of. "Yes," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper. "I understand."
A satisfied smile spread across Lando’s face as he heard you speak. "Good," he purred, his grip on your hair loosening slightly. "I knew you would see reason eventually, sweetheart. You’re smarter than you look."
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "But let me make one thing clear," he said, his voice dripping with menace. "If you ever try to leave me again, I won’t be so forgiving next time. You’ll regret it for the rest of your miserable life. Do I make myself clear?"
“Yes Lando, you made yourself clear I understand”
Lando smirked, clearly pleased with your response. "Good girl," he crooned, his voice dropping to a seductive murmur. "That’s what I wanted to hear."
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clumsybriar · 2 months
Ghost x Wife! Reader — Love at First Sight
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Notes: This was written after My Pretty Girl but is a prequel to it almost like how they met! I am working on more with these two so keep an eye out!
Word count: 5,189
Warnings: none just cute
(Y/n) looked at the books stacked on a rack still needing to be put back in the location they belonged. She felt like this would take entirely too long to put away, but this was what work was left as she worked the evening shift.
She was the only worker other than one other college student who just checked people out with the books they selected.
It was often quiet with the usuals coming in, but they didn’t have many people in the evening. Everyone was either shopping or going out to eat.
(Y/n)’s stomach growled as she looked up at the tall shelves she would have to use a ladder to reach. She wished right now she could go out and eat at that restaurant down the street that had the best chicken noodle soup that she craved in this fall weather.
She quietly grabbed the ladder pushing it to the far right where she slowly started to climb up with the three books.
She kept herself steady that way she didn’t fall off break a limb or worse.
She slowly put the books away, unaware of the commotion that happened behind her. She was zoned in and had no idea people were being ushered out of the library due to a bomb.
She was just zoned in on her work.
She never heard the loud British voices barking orders to civilians and other soldiers. She never heard the loud boots on the library’s granite flooring. It was as simple as that, she was just zoned in coming back down to grab a few more books.
Her sneakers squeaked on the glossy floors as she turned around grabbing another stack of books. She hummed quietly as she talked her lips trying to remember exactly where the authors she was looking for were located.
“Miss,” a calm British voice pulled her out of her concentration. Her eyes darted to him as she stared at him wide eyed and a bit jumpy since she didn’t expect him to be there at all.
This was a perfect example of a deer in headlights about to get hit. Who was the deer and who was the car was for a later debate.
“Oh my god!” (Y/n) clutched her heart as she looked at the man with a skull mask on his face.
Who was he? Why was he here? Why did he have all this gear and a gun? Was he robbing the library?
All these thoughts just kept going on through her mind as she looked at Simon with a bit of deer and nervousness.
She was just a nervous little thing anyways, with anxiety and the need to hide and paint all day. Seeing a man with a skull balaclava was not in her bingo card for the day.
Seeing her jump, Simon's expression softened even more. A rare flicker of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he said, his voice smooth and gentle.
He approached her, his footsteps slow and measured, as if trying to not further startle her. He extended a hand to her, an invitation to stay put for a moment. "Are you alright?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
“M’okay,” she nodded as she took a deep breath. “Can I help you?” She remembered her hospitality with guests to the library, especially new ones. “Is there something you’re looking for or am I missing something here.” She squeaked out looking at his uniform and gun.
Simon's lips curled into a small, almost boyish smile at her words. He found her politeness endearing, a stark contrast to the usual gruffness he encountered. "You're the helpful type, aren't you?" he said, his voice still gentle and amused.He took another step closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "I'm here with my team," he explained, gesturing casually behind him. "We've got a bit of a situation we're dealing with."
“Uhhh,” there it was, her brain shut off as she looked around confused. “Situation? Okay…” she trailed off as she thought for a second. She watched as another soldier, a Scottish one came around the corner pulling the man who was talking to her away for a second.
She looked around confused trying to see if anyone was still in the library.
She looked at the checkout area and found her co-worker missing from the area
“Thanks for telling me there were scary soldiers here, Laney!” (Y/n) thought.
As Soap practically dragged Simon away for a quick discussion, his gaze remained fixed on (Y/n), his eyes lingering on her for a few moments before he had no choice but to turn away. Soap started talking, but it took a moment for Simon's mind to process the words.
"What, Johnny?" he snapped back, realizing Soap was speaking to him.
Soap raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Mate, you're drooling," he teased, noticing how Simon had been staring at (Y/n). “Does the lassie have you droolin’ like a dog, LT?”
“Im not droolin’,” Simon huffed. “Ya’ find the bomb yet you git?”
“Found it alright LT, like me to disarm it as fast as I can?” Soap smirked as he looked back at (Y/n) giving her a wink.
She flushed red and looked away as Ghost gave Soap a sharp stern glare.
“She's cute.” Soap laughed, as he looked at Simon. “Can’t blame a man.”
“I can and I will, back off.” Simon snapped.
“Oh I see,” Soap hummed. “Backing off, LT.” Soap raised his hands in surrender.
“Disarm it,” Ghost snapped, his gaze stern.
Soap chuckled, understanding he had hit a nerve. "Alright, alright, I'll disarm it," Soap quipped, his tone still light-hearted. The sergeant was out of sight back to the bomb as he went to complete his task.
Simon’s soft gaze was back on you as he reached his hand out to you. “Come now, love, you gotta leave the building.”
(Y/n) blinked in surprise as Simon took her hand, his touch gentle but firm, guiding her. The nickname "love" sent a flutter through her, and she couldn't help but look deep into his brown eyes. "I...I have to stay. I'm on shift," she said quietly, her voice soft and hesitant. It was a weak protest at best as she found herself wanting to stay near him.
On top of that she was cursing herself for even saying that, but she had no idea what was going on. She had no clue or no idea that a bomb was in this building willing to blow at any second.
Simon couldn't help the warmth that spread through him as he heard her protest, the way her voice was so hesitant and soft. He tightened his grip on her hand slightly, his gaze never leaving hers.
"I understand, love," he said, the nickname rolling off his tongue with such natural ease. "But trust me, you don't want to be around when we disarm this thing. It could get a bit messy."
“Disarm?” She sputtered out looking at him confused, “a bomb?” She uttered.
Simon's expression sobered as he realized he hadn't fully explained the situation. He gave a small nod, his eyes locking onto hers in earnest. "Yes, a bomb," he confirmed, his tone a mix of seriousness and reassurance. "That's why we're evacuating the area. But don't worry, we'll take care of it. We're trained for this sort of thing."
“I could imagine.” She looked embarrassed. How come it didn’t click in her head earlier they were soldiers and were here for some threat. “I am so sorry, it’s been a long week.” She uttered. A long week of staying up until 4 am trying to paint her final for her still art project. She was struggling to feel anything for that final. Her confusion clearly came from the lack of sleep though and her problem solving skills were lacking too because of the little to no sleep she had. “I feel a little dumb for not registering the situation as to why you might be here.” She rambled embarrassed. Her hand rubbed her forehead as she smiled embarrassed, her eyes looked around darting at different things in the library.
Simon's tough exterior softened as he watched her ramble on, her embarrassment only adding to her charm. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "No need to apologize," he said gently. "Sometimes the obvious can slip right by us when we're too focused on other things."
There was an unspoken understanding between them, a mutual acknowledgment of the connection they were starting to feel.
“How come he’s soft with her and he’s been barking orders at us all day,” Gaz huffed as he watched Simon slowly guide you to the exit. “I don’t feel the love Captain.”
“Kyle, get to work.” Price laughed as he looked at the sergeant. “He’s in love, leave him be.”
“A big ol lovey-dovey of a teddy bear.” Soap interjected as he looked at the bomb studying it.
“I’m tellin’ him you said that.” Gaz smirked.
“I’ll be dead by sundown.” Soap nodded.
Simon knew one thing, he wanted to marry this woman and as fast as he could.The realization hit him hard, like a freight train crashing into his thoughts. He had always prided himself on being focused, on maintaining a certain level of detachment. But she had managed to break through his defenses, knocking down the barriers he so carefully placed around his heart.
In that moment, as he stood with her, holding her hand in his, Simon's mind was made up. He wanted her, wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything else in his life.
For weeks Simon was distressed when he wasn’t able to find her again. He wished he could have gotten her number or asked her on a date but as soon as the bomb was diffused and everything was under control they were called back out to another mission.
But Simon didn't forget about her. In the quiet moments of the night, when the mission and the chaos of life had momentarily subsided, his thoughts would drift back to her. He could still remember the way she looked at him, the way she felt in his grasp, and the soft sound of her voice as she fumbled her words.
Simon was a patient man, but the wait was getting harder each day. He yearned to see her again, to hold her close, and to tell her how much she had unexpectedly changed his life.
He had fallen so helplessly in love with her as if he was just meant for her.
Luck was on his side though he knew that much. Who knew a month later he would find her attending the same wedding.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“You want me to walk you down the aisle?” (Y/n) looked at her cousin's soon-to-be-wife surprised.
“Yes,” Farah nodded her head with a sweet smile on her face. “Alex and I have talked, my brother and family are all gone, we want you to be the one to walk me down the aisle and be beside me as we get married.” She hummed. “You’ve accepted me like I’m your own sister and I trust you.”
(Y/N) felt a rush of emotion as Farah spoke. She didn't know if she was worthy of such a role, but she couldn't bring herself to reject Farah's heartfelt request.
"Oh, Farah..." (Y/n) began, her voice filled with an emotional waiver. "If you would like me to walk you down the aisle, then I will gladly.” She sniffled.
“You made her cry.” Alex chuckled.
“Shut up Alex!” (Y/n) huffed. “I’ve always been emotional, you know that.”
Alex sat beside her as he hugged her tightly. “I know, that’s what we love the most about you.” Farah didn’t hold off as she jumped into the hug as well.
When it came to walking her down the aisle (Y/n) looked at Farah and smiled. Her Abaya was so beautiful and her make up was natural.
“Oh Farah, you're so beautiful.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she looked at the beautiful bride.
“You think so.” Farah said, showing a bit of nervousness. Who wouldn’t be? This was such an important day.
“I know so.” (Y/n) smiled, reassuring the woman. “Alex will ball his eyes out and then we can call him emotional later.” (Y/n) teased gently.
“That sounds like a perfect plan.” Farah giggled softly. The two straightened up when the music started playing, leading for (y/n) to open the door as she started to walk Farah down the aisle.
Guests were seated all over the place as they stopped and looked at the two women. They were gaping at the beautiful bride as they should be. Farah was gorgeous. But one person couldn’t keep his eyes off of (Y/n). A month of being tormented by her in his dreams Simon was finally able to lay his eyes on her once again.
Simon's heart skipped a beat as his eyes landed on (y/n), walking down the aisle beside Farah. It was a sight to behold. His breath caught in his throat, his mind racing as he tried to process the wave of emotions crashing over him.
He had been waiting so long to see her again, and here she was, looking even more beautiful than he remembered. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his heart pounding against his ribcage. It was a whirlwind of emotions and he couldn’t contain himself as his eyes were set straight on (y/n).
He couldn’t believe his luck, from thinking he would never see (Y/n) again to seeing her a month later at Alex and Farah’s wedding.
Simon had barely been able to contain his excitement as he watched (Y/n) walk down the aisle with Farah. It felt like fate had stepped in and given him a second chance. As he sat in the ceremony, the significance of the moment settled in his mind.
He watched (Y/n), his gaze flickering over her again and again, as if trying to make sure it was really (Y/n) and not just a figment of his imagination. Throughout the ceremony, his eyes remained fixed on her, filled with a mixture of disbelief, excitement, and an undeniable connection.
He knew she wouldn’t recognize him as he was adorned in a mask the first time he met her. He wasn’t sure how to make her recognize him, but he knew he had to do something.
As the wedding progressed and the ceremony began Maria stopped Simon as she fixed his suit and tie.
“Now, lad, put yer’self together, she’s a cutie.” Maria gave him a prep talk like the mother she was. “Don’t be like John and put a little effort into it.”
“I put a lot of effort into it.” John corrected as he looked at his wife. He was a tad bit offended it seemed, but still it was very clearly obvious he loved his wife even with the comments she made about his lack of apparent effort.
“Mr. Price,” Maria looked back at him.
“My wife is correct,” John cleared his throat, backing off.
“She’s been painting for a while.” Soap hummed as he looked at (y/n).
“She’s painting a scene from the wedding.” Maria smiled. “I scoped the area for Simon already,” Maria nodded, “gotta see the lad get married and this little lassie is the one.”
Simon snorted as Maria was already exploring the area. Of course she was, she was a bit nosey too like the others, Gaz and Soap had been trying to get a better peek at her.
“Tell her she’s pretty, and ask her if she’ll dance with you.” Maria patted Simon’s chest as she had him all out together.
He glanced over at (y/n) seeing her giggle with Alex and Farah as the two hovered around her watching her paint.
“Alex.” She gasped as she looked at him. “Don’t touch the paint.” She snorted. “It’s oil, it won’t dry for months sometimes,” she shooed him away. Ghost smiled as he watched the woman stand up to the tall American.
Simon glanced at Maria, his expression torn between gratitude and trepidation. He appreciated her support, but the thought of approaching (y/n) was nerve-wracking. He wasn't used to expressing his feelings, especially in such a vulnerable way.
"You make it sound like it's an easy task," Simon retorted, his voice dripping with his usual stoicism, but there was a hint of uncertainty beneath it.
“It is an easy task, dear.” Maria dusted his shoulders off as she smiled at him nodding. “Just approach and ask for a dance.” She brushed off his worries.
Simon took a deep breath, steeling himself with Maria’s words of encouragement. He knew he was overthinking things, but when it came to you, he found himself second-guessing every move he made.
"Alright, alright," he muttered, straightening his suit. "Just ask her for a dance. How hard can it be, right?"
“Right!” Maria gave him a thumbs up. “Look at that John, our oldest is spreading his wings.”
“We adopted them, didn't we?” John looked at his wife deadpanning. He had three kids of his own, he didn’t need three more, grown adult kids.
“We did,” Maria said so proudly.
“Of course we did.” John hummed. “Course we did.”
He found it impeccably hard. He was fearful to approach, afraid he would muck up something. Each step he took towards (y/n) felt laborious, his body tensed with nerves. With every stride, he mentally practiced what to say, how to say it, and how to navigate the situation. He was acutely aware of the fact that he rarely put himself in such vulnerable positions, and it made his blood thrum with a mix of excitement and fear.
As he approached (y/n), he tried to maintain his usual stoic facade, but there was no hiding the way his heart was drumming against his chest.
But then he walked right past her and grabbed a whisky from the bartender as he looked more afraid than anything else. He was sure he was terrifying to look at with his scars from war and his stoic look that adorned his face.
“Oh how smooth,” he uttered as he grabbed the whisky and downed it in one swig.
She was so pretty and he wanted to make sure it was perfect. It had to be! It had to be perfect!
He scolded himself silently for being so afraid. He had faced battles, enemies, and death, yet here he was, intimidated by the chance to talk to a gorgeous woman.
He turned to the bartender and requested another drink, his gaze flickering over to where (y/n) was sitting, painting a beautiful picture. He downed the second drink even faster than the first one, trying to summon the courage he usually had in abundance.
“Having a tough time with something, Lieutenant.” Farah surprised him as she peered up at the tall man.
Simon almost jumped at the unexpected sound of Farah's voice behind him, his already heightened senses amplified by his current state. He quickly turned, his expression schooled into the usual stoicism, but Farah could see the hint of vulnerability beneath it.
"No need to sneak up on me like that," he replied, a bit gruff, but his words lacked their usual edge.
“My bad, my bad,” she smiled softly. “What’s got a lone wolf like you so flustered?” She smirked as she looked around the wedding venue.
Simon let out a frustrated sigh, knowing Farah could see right through him. He fidgeted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the venue as if hoping for a distraction, but there was none.
"It's nothing," he mumbled, his voice barely above a mutter. But he knew that Farah was persistent and would pry it out of him eventually. He took another sip of his drink, stalling for time.
He had no time when Maria took it into her own hands marching up to (Y/n) with a sweet smile on her face. Simon felt his blood run cold. Farah watched as Alex was pulled from his conversation with his cousin as Maria made her presence known.
“Oh dear god,” Simon groaned. “Put a bullet in my head now Farah.”
Simon's anxiety skyrocketed when he saw Maria approach (y/n), his mind racing with the possible outcomes. He took another swig of his drink, as if it could somehow quell the nerves, but it did little to ease his worries.
"I should never have let her talk me into this," he grumbled, his eyes locked on Maria and the woman as she initiated the conversation. "This is a disaster waiting to happen."
“You have a thing for Alex’s cousin?” Farah hummed. “How do you know her?”
Simon glanced at Farah, his expression betraying a mixture of surprise and resignation. He'd been caught in the act by Farah, and there was no use hiding it now.
"We met before," he muttered, his voice low. "During a situation..." He didn't elaborate, but the memory of that day was still fresh in his mind, the sight of (y/n) etched in his mind like a permanent image.
“Tell me how you met my antisocial cousin-in-law.” Farah giggled. “Alex is always trying to get her away from her college classes and getting her out to meet people.”
Simon chuckled softly at Farah's description of (Y/n) as "antisocial," and it struck a chord in him because he found her shyness endearing. He took a deep breath before recounting the story of meeting her.
"It was during a...bomb threat," he said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "We were called in to evacuate a library and disarm a bomb. She was there, working her shift, and...well, I couldn't take my eyes off her since then."
The memory of meeting (Y/n) was still fresh in his mind, and it played in his head like a film reel. Every glance, every touch, every word she said remained vivid in his memory. He could recall the way she looked, the way she smiled, the way she fidgeted—everything about (Y/n) that had managed to captivate him.
Then (y/n)’s eyes met his as Maria pointed him out. He couldn’t help but bristle at the fear of her hating the way he looked. As it was the last time she had seen him, he was in his mask and clearly doing work.
His heart hammered in his chest as he tried to maintain his composure. He was only failing as the heat rose to his cheeks and his stoic mask faltered. His eyes met (y/n)’s and the connection felt instant.
When her eyes met his, Simon felt a jolt of electricity run through him. The sound of the guests and the buzz of the venue faded into the background, and all he could focus on was the sight of her. "My pretty girl," he murmured to himself. He couldn’t look away. His eyes were locked into hers and she was locked onto him.
For months she had been plagued by the man who helped her at the library, and this man had the same shape as him. As it was she had recognized the sergeant that had talked to him while she was stuck in her daze of confusion. Johnny, was that his name? That’s what she thought it was. She had recognized his blue eyes and Mohawk, but the man with the skull balaclava had been a mystery to her. She often dreamt of his voice. Hearing it constantly in her dreams.
“Mr. Riley, get your arse over here.” Maria called to him as Farah giggled and pushed Simon forward.
Simon let out a resigned sigh as he heard Maria call out to him, knowing that he couldn’t back out of it now. He steeled himself, taking a deep breath as Farah gave him a small nudge forward.
"You're enjoying this a little too much," he grumbled, shooting Farah a sidelong glance, before making his way over to (y/n) and Maria.
Alex stood to the side smirking knowing exactly what Simon was going through.
“He’s as daft as any man, trust me my dear, but he has had his head in the clouds since you walked Mrs. Keller down the aisle.”
(Y/n) was too distracted as Simon looked away bashfully. She felt her heart beat out of her chest. “Mrs. Keller?” She questioned quietly as Alex chuckled.
“We’ve lost her, give her a second to catch up.” Alex hummed knowing how introverted and anxious she was. Her anxiety zoned her out and made her mind a muddled mess. She was currently just that, a muddled mess. Who could blame her, she had Simon standing before her and he was a very attractive man, and most likely the man who saved her that day. His sweet and kind attitude towards her made her heart swell and she couldn’t take him off her mind.
Simon chuckled softly at Alex's remark, his eyes flickering over to (Y/n), taking in her confusion. It was endearing how she was so lost in her thoughts, and he couldn't help but find it adorable.
He stood there, quietly waiting for her to process the situation, his eyes never leaving hers. The sight of her looking so overwhelmed yet so captivating made his heart skip a beat.
“Farah, Mrs. Keller.” (Y/n) came out of her daze . “What was the question?” She gulped.
“Hasn’t been a question yet.” Alex patted her back, “you're too cute.”
“Here’s a question.” Maria smiled as she tugged Simon forward. “Would you dance with him? He’s sweet, and he’s kind, and he’s handsome.”
Alex and Farah clutched to one and another as they waited for your response.
Simon felt his ears grow warm at Maria’s blunt compliment, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly at her words. He looked at (y/n), his expression a mix of anticipation and hope, waiting for her response.
He couldn’t deny that he desperately wanted to dance with her, to hold her close, and to make sure she knew he had been thinking about her since the library.
“Yes.” It was quick but quiet answer (y/n) gave.
Maria kept rambling on. “He saved you at the library, at least that’s what Little Johnny has been saying.” she hummed slightly. “said he couldn’t take his eyes off of you the entire time, Simon isn’t like that, he strives to be concentrated at work, but you my dear distracted him. I’m afraid so…” she paused as she looked at (y/n). “Wait, yes…yes! oh yes!” Maria was ecstatic.
Simon's heart pounded against his chest as he listened to Maria's words. He could feel himself blushing profusely, a rare moment of vulnerability in front of others. He averted his gaze from (y/n), suddenly bashful.
He had been trying to hide his fascination since the library incident, but it seemed like he hadn't done a great job, as Maria was making it abundantly clear.
“Well then,” (y/n) said softly, almost embarrassed. Simon couldn’t make out if she was embarrassed by his fascination or something she had said or was going to say. Needless to say it was the ladder. “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one with the fascination.”
Simon's head turned back sharply at her words, his heart skipping a beat as he processed what she had just said. The room seemed to fall silent for a moment as he let her words sink in, his eyes locked onto hers.
He felt a mix of relief and surprise that she had confessed to also having a fascination with him. It was a revelation he hadn't been prepared for, but it was one that filled him with a sense of hopeful anticipation.
“Well then, we will leave you two…be,” Maria smiled.
“Oh! A secret piece of information,” Alex leaned forward looking at the two. “Just in the garden, there’s a beautiful place to be.” He winked at the two.
“What does that mean?” Simon asked, looking down at (y/n). His eyes softened at her.
“I don’t know,” (y/n) uttered. “I don’t speak his language sometimes.”
“Get away, get away,” Farah laughed as she pushed him away. “I think he meant there is a good secluded place to dance.” She giggled as she took her now husband away from the two.
“Oh,” Simon and (y/n) said in unison. The two looked at each other surprised and then giggled.
“Shall we go dancing then.” Simon hummed. “My love.”
“Yes,” Simon's heart leapt at her soft agreement. He gently took her hand, his rough palm against her soft skin. He led her towards the garden, the crowd around them fading into the background. The music was just loud enough to hear but not enough to take away from the two of their conversations,
As he wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her closer, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He had dreamed of this moment for a month now, and to finally have her in his arms was almost unreal.
The romance between the two was just unreal.
Simon and (y/n) moved together effortlessly, every step and movement in perfect synchronization. The world around them seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of them. He held her close as he led the dance, his grip on her waist firm yet gentle.
As the music played, Simon couldn't take his eyes off her. He marveled at the way her eyes sparkled in the soft light, the way her hair framed her face, and the way she fit so perfectly in his arms. It was as if the universe had aligned to bring the both together like this.
“You're absolutely gorgeous, dead pretty my love.” He cooed softly as he dipped her down.
“You're too sweet.” She smiled as she got all bashful on him. “You're handsome as well, have been handsome since I first laid eyes on you.” She hummed remembering the library, now knowing this was the very man that had been so gentle and kind to her. He was the man who made her ooze for affection in her dreams from him and wake up to the harsh reality some mornings that she may never know him again. But somehow in some way, someone was letting their love story be weaved together intertwining their red strings together. The two knew from the start, this wasn’t just typical love, it felt like they had known each other forever, this was a love that lasts and a love that only grew from here on out.
“Glad it’s the same for you as it for me, my pretty girl.”
I hope you enjoy! 💕
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clock-warmer · 10 months
First draft for an idea about a skeptic having a ghost encounter 🩷
Reader X ghost/s
You are a skeptic, exploring a supposedly "haunted" location with your partner who is a believer. Having felt cold touches and hearing strange noises all night they are afraid and leave you alone in the building. What happens inside turns you from a skeptic into a firm believer of the paranormal. 💓
Warning: This work contains,
breeding kink, reluctant/noncensent, threesome, blowjobs, degradation, creampie, facial, paranormal activity
Sexual content below the break 💓
There wasn't much you were afraid of going into buildings like these, you were a skeptic afterall. The same couldn't be said for your partner. Any slight thump or gust of wind had them jumping into your arms like an episode of Scooby doo. It was much the same when exploring the now abandoned Krolik Academy. Stairs creaked as the two of you applied weight, carefully stepping fearful about the floor falling out from under you.
"Fuck I want to go back please" your partner begged, this usually marked the end of your exploration but today you felt the unexplored corridors calling to you, feelings of cold chills running up and down your body, favouring travelling up your inner thighs.
"In a bit," you said, "we've barely seen anything" you move the flashlight around continuing further into the building despite your partner's fear. The fear wasn't unusual for them though, it was never a real concern when they started getting jumpy.
"Please I keep feeling like I'm being grabbed" they begged, you feel a grabbing on your wrist and turn around to see them further than a reaching distance away.
"Your just imagining it" you groaned, "like always. If your that scared you can go wait in the car" they just scoffed turning on their heel and making their way down the stairs.
Your eyes need to readjust now that there is less light, as soon as you hear the heavy wooden doors slam shut you feel more of the cold feeling traveling all over you. As if it's going through your clothes, you feel the cold sensation drawing lazy circles around your nipples. They harden under your bra. You cross your arms over your chest feeling violated by the wind, because that's the only explanation right? It's just the wind?
Your thoughts feel as if they aren't your own, flooding your head.
Such a prude.
Not like covering up will stop us much.
Acting all nervous as if she's not a slut absolutely desperate for it.
"What the fuck?" You exclaim out loud shocked by the things popping into your head. It had been a little while since you had gotten some action but you never knew yourself to be quite so down bad. Though with your partner waiting in the car, you didn't bother stopping the filthy thoughts now fuelling your actions.
Go lay on the table.
You feel compelled to obey your thoughts, a constant pressure against your clothed pussy and a soothing coolness massaging your breasts. The table you found was covered by a thick blanket of Gray dust that clung to your finger when you curiously dragged your finger across the surface.
Without warning you felt yourself be shoved down, hands catching yourself from falling face first into the dusty table, "wha-?"
Such a good little idiot doing what I say
You feel your shirt being unzipped and your bra being removed, your left dumbfounded and cold. Your shaking. What the fuck is happening to you. A firm grip finds your left breast and you feel a coolness meet your back as your pushed up slightly. Your flashlight laid on the table illuminating the empty dining room just enough for you to connect the sound of something dragging along the hardwood floors to the chair moving inexplicably closer to you.
Open your mouth
You don't, borderline terrified. You couldn't blame all this on just the wind. You feel a cold, hard something smack your cheek... playfully?
I said to open your mouth darling~
You shook your head rapidly tears welling up in your eyes as an invisible hand grabs you by the chin, another smack against your cheek. This time the other side. The same thing that smacked against your cheek drags across to your lips rubbing along them. The hand on your chin moves up to your hand almost instantly tangling itself in it, tugging slightly.
We know you want to now open wide
Your pants get pulled down alongside your panties, you can't see well in the light but there's a slightly darker patch from the slick leaking out of your cunt from being manhandled by the invisible assailants.
When something rubs up from your cunt, through your folds and up to your clit the cold feeling leaves you gasping which is when they take advantage of your mouth hanging open. The cock like object slides into your mouth reminding you of a popsicle as it sat still on your tongue.
There's a good girl, suprised you weren't begging to warm up my cock. Your as wet as a slut I wonder why your not acting like one.
Cold grabbing of your ass cheeks nearly manage to distract you from the cock in your mouth. Seperating your cheeks slightly before massaging them again and then repeating, slowly feeling something equally as big enter your cunt, feeling yourself stretch around it.
Such a good girl, taking us so well.
"Mmphh" you moan around the phantom cock in your mouth, sending vibrations up to the recipient warning a couple pulses in your mouth.
The pace of the cock fucking you from behind quickens, forcing you forward. your elbows holding your upper body up off of the dusty table. The harder and faster your fucked the deeper and faster the cock fucks your face, leaking a freezing cold liquid down your throat.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
The thought was simple and bouncing around your head, you couldn't even tell if it belonged to you or the entities balls deep in you.
Without warning your mouth is left empty and you feel as a liquid the temperature of ice water but the texture of glue coats your face. Your panting some of the liquid having pooled in your mouth is dripping out onto the table.
Sorry it's been so long~
Don't fucking apologize look at the mess this slut just made all over our house. Should have been grateful and swallowed every last drop.
There is a grip placed on your hips, cold and firm feeling like it may leave bruises as it slams into your dripping cunt with enough force to send you forward. Pleasure so strong your arms give out and your chest is pressed against the dusty table, sticky cheek collecting dust on the residue. "unghhh" you couldn't withhold your moans too well with your hole being ravaged like that. Thighs shaking as the pressure built up in your core.
You couldn't contain yourself any longer, squirting down your legs as the phantom fucks up against your cervix. The pulsing of your orgasm milking the freezing cum out of the cock.
Instantly the cold hands and cocks can no longer be felt, leaving you empty and longing. You stand on shaking legs tears slowly trickling down your cheeks from the overstimulation, grabbing the abandoned flashlight you rush down to your partner still patiently waiting for you in the car, the lights on as they say in the driver's seat.
"Are you okay??" They asked a worried expression as they scanned over your disheveled self "you look like you've seen a ghost"
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diejager · 11 months
Hi! I've been binging your works and I absolutely LOVE how you write Ghost's character.
I was wondering if I can request mentor! Ghost with an Fem! recruit who's like his mini-me (mask and everything) and some others decide to play a prank and pull off her mask in front of the team, cue angry, protective Ghost. Thank you!
Mask prank
He was reluctant at first, his heart frozen over to a cold, dead and unfeeling thing. Ghost liked to keep himself closed and at an arm’s length of people he didn’t know, you fit in that category. An unknown aspect of his entourage that he hated, he abhorred the new and strange.
An yet, you squirrelled your way into his mind, your jumpiness at loud sounds, your tense figure and flinches when people got near to you, wandering hands of ignorant fools that couldn’t understand your jarring behaviour towards physical touch and that exhausted gleam in your eyes, ones that have seen too much for your age. You reminded him of himself, a younger and pained self with a twitchiness towards touch and an awkward personality.
Perhaps that’s why you got to him so quickly, he tested your limits, standing closer and closer to you every time to see where he had to stop before you crashed. With encouragement from the others, he got to the point where he could touch you, placing a hand on your shoulder or forearm, guiding you this way or that way. You reminded him so much of the person he tried burying, to kill off. You reminded him of Simon Riley.
And yet, he gifted you a mask after your first mission with them, one of his balaclava with a painted skull. He remembered the happiness in your eyes and the joy of his team, letting them embrace you tightly and patting you proudly. He’d never seen anything so precious and worth protecting.
That’s why - he thought - he got so mad at a group of privates that pulled a prank, a mean one, on you. He was there when it happened - he was always near you, whether it’s beside you or in the same room, he was always with you as your support buddy - when the men and women approached you, watching your body grow rigid and tense, a frown hidden under the same mask he wore. It started with harmless banter, them surrounding you without much intent until someone reached for you mask.
You panicked, arms jerking outwards to stop her, but another one pulled the mask off you from behind. You weren’t fast enough and outnumbered, and you were paying the price for it. You froze, hands hastily covering your face in a frenzy of harsh breaths and panicked thoughts.
Ghost saw red, he stomped over to you slumped figure, looming over you and glaring at the calling and jeering group that saw no issue in taking your mask away, your shield.
“The fuck you think you’re doing,” he barked, eyes narrowed so much that his eyes seemed to turn black.
He watched them stutter, lining up before him while he stood before you, blocking their view on your agitated and fearful figure. His eyes stared down at the person who tried to take your - his - mask off and the one who did, burying them down with his gaze alone. If his gaze could kill, they would’ve been burned and buried six feet under a hundred times, that red-rimmed glare with abysmal eyes made his name a joke.
“It- it was a prank, sir!” The person holding your shield in his hand spoke up, trying to defend himself with he word prank.
“A prank? Are you bloody children?!”
What a fucking excuse, they were adults, privates on duty for any deployment and they decided to play a prank on another? He couldn’t believe his ears when they blurred out those words, he couldn’t put his anger in words. He was never good with his emotions, never articulate enough to show or tell people how he felt, it felt jarring.
Without a word, he snatched the mask out of their hands, turning to face you with comforting gestures. He hated how small you made yourself, crumpled into yourself with so much terror, hate and trauma. He pushed the mask over your head, hushed words to your ears alone as e held you by your biceps.
“Scram,” he glared over his shoulders, watching the privates squeak and flee, steps quick and clumsy as they ran from the room.
Turning back to you, he led you away from the room, catching on your shallow breaths and your erratic heart. He walked you to your room with a hand on your upper back, a firm and grounding hand that reminded you that he was here, that you were with him in a disclosed base in the British isles. He stayed the night, taking your desk chair while you dozed off to a night plagued by your demons.
He’d have to leave you under Gaz and Soap’s watchful eyes and talk to Price about this tomorrow. If Price doesn’t do anything about them - although he doubted Price won’t, he was fiercely protective of his group of troubled children - Ghost will have to think of something by himself, a lesson for everyone to remember.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog
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egg-but-with-style · 2 months
Butcher ghost 2, electric boogalo
Tw: definitely ooc
1 2 3
You were panicking at the moment, standing outside his shops door. Holding day old chicken spadini in your hands. You threw in some fettuccine alfredo that you had made too.
You had texted him yesterday night, after you left your parents house, waiting until you got home to decide if you wanted to talk to him or not. Of course you did, he was handsome, or atleast his eyes looked handsome. Or maybe you just had a thing for guys with huge arms and a small penchant for violence.
When you had texted him, he seemed so dry. Only a couple word responses, then he told you to meet him inside his shop, said Tuesdays were always slow. In the back of your head, there was a little common sense. 'What if he's actually a serial killer? How do you know he isn't a creep?' which were questions you should've probably taken more seriously, but the knife and taser in your purse gave you reassurance.
You finally, having some courage, pulled open the door and went in. He seemed alot less focused today, like he was waiting for something. You watched his head snap up once the door closed, it letting out a slight creak.
He was surprised when you actually texted him, he was speechless when you agreed to come back to the shop, and now that it was all real, you standing in front of the counter, it made his jaw hit the floor.
He wasn't good at romance, or first impressions, or flirting. But he liked what he saw, he liked what he heard. He also might've stalked your socials after you told him your name over text. Only to check if you had a partner, definitely only that.
You saw him looked a little surprised, but the mask definitely blocked most of the facial expressions you would've seen, which he was thankful for. You spoke up, "Hi, Simon. I um.. bought the chicken..oh and I put some pasta in there too, figured chicken wasn't a balanced meal on its own and all that." You walked over to the counter and set down the Tupperware container. He spoke, his voice a little less rough today for some reason. "Mum used to tell me I couldn't just eat meat, now I run a butcher shop"
You let out a giggle. Your round cheeks becoming almost circles as you smiled. He felt his face heating up behind his mask, which was already so humid. He swore if he looked in a mirror now, he'd see his pupils being about the size of a saucer. He cleared his throat, trying not to feel embarrassed.
"It..it looks good though."
He hadn't eaten for the last 5 hours just because he wanted to be able to eat whatever you gave him. (Including dessert, if you catch my drift) Which you seemed to give him an ample portion, he was a big guy after all.
You thought he seemed a tiny bit nervous. Was it..you that was making him nervous? You shook off the idea, maybe he was just a little jumpy specifically on Tuesdays.
"Do..do you want to try some? I heated it up before I drove here. Even though you probably have a microwave.."
You realized maybe it was kind of a stupid idea to heat it up for him, but you had been so worried he might not have liked it. So you just wanted him to eat it as soon as possible. Not wanting to deal with the fear.
"No, no that's fine. I'd have to run all the way upstairs to my flat to heat it up anyway."
You watched him slowly open the container and pull up his mask just slightly to get the smell in. It seemed like his shoulders physically relaxed once he got a good sniff in. It was kinda cute.
"Do..do you want me to look away or?"
You weren't sure if the mask was just for protection, or if he just didn't like people seeing his face. He looked at you and seemed a little stunned that you asked. He slowly shook his head. "It's alright."
He hoped you wouldn't judge him because of his face, of all the scars, from acne and otherwise, not to mention the nose that had clearly been broken before, but when he pulled down the mask fully, you swore you were seeing something carved from marble.
His nose was crooked, a few scars lining the philtrum and the bridge. Then to his lips, the top one have a scar through the left side and slightly cleft because of it. His jaw and chin were just as impressive, being a bit soft, but still so pretty.
"You're beautiful.." you quickly covered your mouth, looking embarrassed for even saying that. "I..I'm so sorry! I didn't, I wasn't thinking.." Oh you were thinking, you were just thinking about how handsome he was.
That's when you saw his face turn a bit red. "Its..it's no problem. Don't worry about it" He looked away for a second, coughing and then looking back to you. Trying to play off the blush finding it's way to his ears.
He picked up a fork he brought down here specifically for the chicken you were bringing him. He felt kind of like a dork, but all that was forgotten when he took a bite of the chicken. He even let out a little groan. The seasoning, the flavor from the overnight marination in the sauces. He felt like he was in heaven, he looked like he was too.
Once he chewed and swallowed, he spoke up. "This is really fucking good." He really wanted to scarf it down right in front of you, but he already felt embarrassed and vulnerable enough, so he closed the container, to his own dismay. "I'll eat the rest of it once I close down shop. I..I wanted to ask you something"
You had been staring in awe at his reaction to your cooking, snapping out of it once he addressed you directly. You had a feeling what he was gonna ask, you just hoped you were right. "What did you wanna ask me?"
He blurted it out, hoping if he said it fast enough you'd just say yes. "Do you wanna go on a date with me?" Was it a little werid to ask the lady he just met yesterday out on a date? Yes. Yes it was. But he could care less. He knew he couldn't charm you the normal way, so it was a Hail Mary.
You heart fluttered a little, hearing the words come from his lips. "YES! I..I mean sure. Yeah, totally." You really didn't mean to yell but who gets the chance to go on a date with a beefcake like him everyday?
Your enthusiastic reply made his lips quirk up into a small smile. He was glad you were just as nervous, terrified, and frankly down bad as he was.
While you were indeed as taken as him as he was with you, you were still a woman and wanted to meet in a public place. You had some common sense left. "How does coffee on Saturday sound? Or..or tea if you don't like coffee.." He in fact did not like coffee. His smile got a little wider and he nodded. "Sounds like a date."
Authors note: In my au, I don't think ghost joined the military, but I do think he did some boxing in his teens and early 20s, definitely getting roughed up alot. I'm not sure if I'm happy with how I wrote this, so who knows I might rewrite it in the future.
I also wanted to thank you guys for 300 some notes on the first part of this! I'm really new to writing, and I'm glad you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it. Also, I'm a dork and a goofy ghost believer, so deal! Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked it!
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wxstros · 2 months
dream a little dream of me - aegon & aemond targaryen
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summary: There were many things you regretted doing; drinking milk on a hot day, letting your dickwad of a boyfriend lie to your face... and creating a dr after reading a dark romance and subconsciously modelling traits after morally grey men; because unlike Wanda Maximoff, they followed you to the real world.
warnings: morally grey characters. dark themes. typical targc*st. jace was supposed to be the love interest but aha! smut. cursing. oral.
pairings: aemond targaryen x reader, aegon targaryen x reader.
notes: this is probably an prologue or a synopsis or a test chapter one! just had to write it so the plot isn't lost!!
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"Dōna mandia.." Aegon whispers, brushing a ghost of a kiss on your own; his breathing was slow, as if savoring your closeness, "let me drink wine from your lips alone." he uttered in a low voice, making a noise from the back of his throat as your lips part, wispy lashes brushing against his cheeks as you trembled beneath his fingers.
"Such a jumpy little thing, aren't you?" Aemond tuts, a hint of a smile on his lips. "We barely touched you and still..." your breath was caught in your throat at the feeling of his kisses on your neck; his arms wounding atightly around your waist, fingers splayed around your stomach.
You could hardly breathe from their seeking, probing touches, let alone move when they pinned you inbetween them. Your throat closed up and you struggled to breathe when Aemond's fingers breached your nightwear, his forefinger brushing against your folds, "Is this for us, dōna mandia? Our sweet sister, dripping... aching to be fucked by her own blood." He mocked, repeating your own words with disdain.
Aegon smirked, cupping your face with a firm grip, "What? That strong bastard not doing it for you? Do you regret choosing him already?" you whimpered as Aemond thrust a finger into you; slipping in with ease from your own wetness. You hated how your body reacts to their proximity, and their damn, filthy words! You were both humiliated and aroused. Ashamed and.. unbelievably turned on. Fuck. Wasn't this ironic? For all your unspoken convictions, when it came down to it, weren't you as weak and pliant in their arms? Your only consolation was weak; this was merely a fantasy. A fantasy. A fanta....
"Fuck!" Your cry was genuine, as you felt Aegon's lips suckling on your pearl; lapping up at your cunt with invigorated will, while Aemond worked in tandem, thrusting in and out of your sloppy cunt.
"Cry out, mandia. Louder. Let the servants hear you!" Aemond coos, nipping at a sensitive spot in your neck. Your breath came out ragged, leaning most of your weight behind Aemond, as his brother lifted your leg to his shoulder, opening you more to his mouth. Your eyes were half lidded from pleasure... a distant ringing echoing in the back of your head... an anxious purr... a clamor and a yelp escaped your parted lips as he flattens his tongue on your core—
You jolted awake, scrambling to turn off your screaming alarm, and cursing altogether. You didn't know wether to thank the alarm rang when it did, or be frustrated from being sexually frustrated. It was merely a dream, of sorts, yet you felt the uncomfortable heat inbetween your legs as if it was real.
Forget about it, you muttered to yourself. You hadn't planned for the plot to go south, when you'd imagined it; it was supposed to be wholesome, and sweet, a sort of fix it for your own relaxation. Something to comfort yourself as the series completely tore down any sort a happy ending for your favorite characters on television.
But as it stands, just like in the series, you had little control over what your characters did; it was as if they have their own free will, and desires independent from what you had thought them as. They could hold conversations properly, engage in witty banter, flirt— you were incredibly baffled when the first hint of attraction had come to light with your so called brothers.
Nevertheless, you chalked it off to circumstances. They were unloved; neglected and lost with the expectations of many before their shoulders. It was natural they would hold on to affection and tenderness without any sort of ill motive; it was human nature to seek love, afterall.
But your designs were clearly intended for Rhaenyra's oldest son... how come, there was a side plot, in the realization of your love story with Jacaerys? Was there some manual, you should have read when constructing a desired reality? You thought it was more on feelings!
Shrugging off the night's exciting festivity, you rose from your bed, and took to the shower as swift as you could. You still had classes to attend, assignments, papers to write... dreaming was a stress relief, so you shouldn't think about it as deeply as you should. You couldn't dwell on it with normal, society accepted, morals. It wasn't real.
And the Targaryen brothers? Fucking easy on the eyes. Who can blame you from deviating from the plot? You would climb them like a tree, surely.
You had to laud the whole casting team for casting such delicious villains. Ewan Mitchell and Tom Glynn-Carney are so gorgeous, you could cry.
You dressed for the day, skipping breakfast, as you were already too late, and leaving your dorms to attend to the real world..
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cursingtoji · 7 months
Omgggg pls tell us more about cult leader suguru and blind reader 😩😩😩😩
cult leader!suguru met blind!reader when he visited a remote village that an intel told him had many curses
indeed it had, from how toxic and filled with hate that place was, it was no surprise to him the amount of spirits born from it
he decided it would be easier to set the village on fire, let his curses devour the villagers and gather the remaining curses for himself
the plan was already in action when he spotted a little house over the hill that had a light on, he didn’t want to leave any witnesses behind so he went there by himself
right as he passed by window he saw you, for a second he thought you were praying, eyes closed looking down
as he saw the entrance of your house he realized something was wrong. there were many offensive words sprayed on your walls, broken vases and eggs by the door too.
he entered the house quietly, noticing the white cane and the braille books by the table
“just take what you want and leave” you said, moving your head in the direction you heard the steps.
“you can’t see” he took a step closer noticing your breath getting more intense, in your hand there was a knife, a kitchen knife.
geto understood that was probably not the first time something like that happened, you had a few bruises on your arms and hands. on your forehead cut that wasn’t treated properly. how truly despicable was that village?
he approached you, holding your hand as soon as you raised the knife and screamed at him, he could so easily turn that around and stab you in the neck. no curse would need to be used for this one defective human.
so why was he gently taking the knife out of your hand and putting it back on the counter?
“please—“ your lip quivered, the smell of intense burning was reaching your house now, he watched as your nose scrunched with the scent.
“were you born like that?” his thumb ghosted your eyelashes, “open your eyes” he watched your eye moving beneath your eyelids before your lashes rose and he saw only white. there was definitely cursed energy there
“i was attacked by an animal, when i was kid” you said through a shaking voice. geto smirked, the cursed energy traces lead him to believe it was no animal, but a cursed spirit.
could you be considered a monkey if you had cursed energy even if you weren’t born with it?
he took your hand, noticing how jumpy you got when touched, he placed your hand in his face, wanting you to feel at least a bit more comfortable with him
he bit his lower lip, “come with me, okay? i’ll watch over you”
your cold palm touched his cheek, thumb running over his high cheekbone, he closed his left eye so you could trace it while watching your expression with his right one, seeing how you became a little bit more relaxed exploring his face. suguru wondered how many times you touched a face before.
“geto-sama” you retrieved your hand when a second voice surprised you. geto turned around annoyed, “all cursed spirits were captured, even the small ones. we can leave now”
“i’ll be there in a minute” he replied, dismissing the messenger.
“geto-sama” you repeat the name in a whisper, your hand closed near your chest
“call me suguru” he took your hand once again, waiting for you to wrap it around his. he guided you out, taking your cane on his way to abandon the house, to let it burn with all the awful memories you had in that village.
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lialacleaf · 1 year
To Care For A Woman
Chapter 3
Simon Riley X Reader
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Summary: You join the army as a last-ditch effort to avoid destitution, but when you sustain an injury protecting Lieutenant Ghost and earn yourself a medical discharge, you're stuck all over again. Or maybe not...
Warnings: Tension, Simon wants to care for you, small reader, a little bit spicy but not NSFW, man worrying about a woman's safety, typical cannon violence, deception, I'm sorry it's unedited...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 chapter4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Reader’s POV
You weren’t sure why Ghost had to drive you out to your new home. He’d been insistent on seeing you there safely rather than letting quite literally anyone else do so. In fact, he’d almost seemed jumpy, stating that Simon wouldn’t like strangers near his home, and that you ought to keep that in mind.
How you were supposed to feel like this was anything but an elaborate plot to murder you and scatter your remains in the woods was unfathomable to you, but Ghost trusted Simon. While you weren’t entirely sure where you stood with the Lieutenant, he’d been the only one to stay back with you and ensure you got out alive.
“When will he be home?” You asked as Ghost focused on the road ahead. He’d given no indication how far the drive would be, and you’d left base about forty minutes ago.
“Tomorrow,” Ghost answered plainly, giving no indication as to what Simon was doing that would have him preoccupied elsewhere.
You let out a soft hum and leaned back in your seat. The humvee would occasionally jostle you, and you hissed at the pain in your knee. The pain medicine was beginning to wear off, but you were too afraid to bring it to Ghost’s attention.
Instead, you closed your eyes, and focused on your next steps. You would need to get some new clothes, having little more than the clothes you’d been sent off in. Maybe if Simon wasn’t too opposed to taking you into town, you could visit the second-hand store.
When you were young, your mother used to take you to pick out patterned tablecloths that had been donated, and would take them home and see you little sundresses.
You recalled a white one with frills that you wore down to the neighbor’s strawberry field, and hadn't lasted the morning before it was an unfortunate mess of red strawberry juice and mud after you had burrowed beneath the strawberry patch and clawed the fruit off the vine like a little, white mouse taking refuge in the cool dirt.
Your mother had called you a little troll for your bad behavior, and made you wear the stained up dress to school anyway.
The Humvee jostled you again, knocking your knee against the vehicle, and you nearly choked on the breath of air you inhaled. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Ghost was anything but gentle, even in his driving.
Simon’s POV
He left you settled on his large, plush couch, your only bag on the floor by the door. The cabin was a single story, so he doubted you’d have much trouble maneuvering around as long as you had your crutches.
He’d given you his cell number, not that you knew it was his. You looked…lost as he walked out the door, and if he didn’t have work to finish for price before his leave, he’d have been tempted to tear the mask off his face and assure you that you wouldn’t have to spend the night alone.
It was still hard for him to comprehend that he was now a married man, even if this had been entirely his plan. It didn’t occur to him until you were seated on his sofa, looking as if you felt out of place in your own home that he didn’t know what he was doing.
He had a rough idea of how he wanted things to be. You’d get to know Simon, a second chance for him to redeem himself in your eyes as someone more patient and gentle, and with time you’d forget about the harsh treatment of Lieutenant Ghost. He didn’t try to fool himself into believing that you could ever love Ghost, but maybe he could convince you to love Simon.
The hour drive back to base didn’t feel real. It was still early, and he needed a cup of tea, something he would have preferred to indulge in alone, but alas…
“How’s married life?” Soap asked with a poorly disguised grin, and Ghost glowered at him from the sink.
“Not now, Johnny,” he warned, rolling his eyes. He hadn’t necessarily wanted Soap to know, but he’d also wanted a second opinion on his decision to offer you a bloody marriage contract.
Johnny had thought he was pulling a joke, until he’d seen it with his own two eyes. Once Simon had rather stiffly explained that he had some very confusing feelings for you that wouldn’t allow him to abandon you, the Scotsman had patted him on the shoulder and told him he was a good man. A bloody mad one too, but that was besides the point.
“Difficult drive with the Mrs.?” He asked, that grin still ever present on his face.
“Something like that.” Not at all like that. More accurately he simply didn’t want to leave you there all alone.
“Cut her some slack, L.T., one minute your her boss, the next your her husband, probably a real doozy for the lass.”
“She doesn’t know,” he said softly as Johnny popped a biscuit in his mouth.
“Doesn’t know what?” He asked over the food in his mouth.
“Doesn’t know she married me.”
The Scottsman choked on his biscuit. “Bloody hell!” He exclaimed, wiping a palm across his face. “Ghost, you’ve gotta be yanking my leg here, mate!”
Ghost shook his head.
“Who does she think she married?” Johnny asked, eyes blown wide.
The Lieutenant shrugged. “Simon Riley.”
Johnny sputtered for a moment and shook his head. “That’s so wrong, Mate. She’s gonna be bloody pissed when she finds out-“
“She’s not gonna find out, Johnny,” Ghost hissed. “She’s gotta forget about all of that. Move on with her life.”
“People don’ just forget that kinda trauma, Simon. She nearly lost her leg,” Johnny said.
Simon sighed, pushing his mask up over his nose so he could sip his tea. “Let me worry about my wife, Johnny.”
It was six in the morning when Simon was finally relieved from his post. He found himself spacing out all too often on the road home, pulled out of his thoughts only when the asphalt turned to gravel.
He liked having his home so secluded. He hoped you liked it too. He’d stopped for groceries shortly after leaving base, planning on having breakfast ready before you woke up. He probably should have paid attention before to how you liked your eggs, but it was too late for that now. He’d just have to guess and go with it.
He pulled up to the cabin, the gravel beneath the car grumbling a greeting to his return as he slowed to a stop.
Simon took a deep breath, hooked his fingers beneath his balaclava, and pulled the mask off before stuffing it in his duffel bag. He unpacked the groceries, storing most of the meat in the deep freezer in his garage before finally entering his house.
He kicked off his work boots at the door, his eyes scanning over the room as if he expected things to be out of place. He paused, however when he noted your small form curled up right where he’d left you, your bag still by the door and your crutches against the wall. You were curled in on yourself, likely trying to keep warm as he’d forgotten to turn on the heat for you.
Shit. He’d left you alone for hours in a cold, unfamiliar place. You were supposed to have slept in the bed. He’d expected you to acclimate yourself over the past twenty-four hours, and instead you had curled up on the couch and succumbed to an uncomfortable sleep.
That wouldn’t do.
He moved to your side as quietly as possible, kneeling next to you on the tan rug. His palm gently brushed the side of your head as he watched you closely. “Y/n?” he murmured, his hand moving to squeeze your shoulder.
You gave no sign that you were awake, and Simon sighed, lifting you up as carefully as he could. Once you were properly tucked into bed, he let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
His shoulders sagged, and with a soft groan he leaned back into the mattress, only just now noticing that he only had one pillow and you were using it. Not that he minded. He needed to take stock of just how unprepared he was for this endeavor.
He switched between staring at the ceiling, and staring at you. You didn’t move much in your sleep, which was a relief. You did, however, let out a soft whine, alerting him to the fact that he’d rested you on the side of your bad knee.
He frowned, internally scolding himself for not thinking of it sooner. It was easy to roll you onto your back, but the action caused you to stir, and Simon stiffened.
It must have been early when you woke, because the room was bathed in a soft glow from the sun barely rising outside the window.
It took you only a moment to realize you no longer dozing on the couch. Your eyes settled on the massive figure beside you, traveling up his waist to his chest and shoulders, before finally finding his face.
Simon, or rather you assumed it was Simon, had ruffled blonde hair, with deep set brown eyes and a strong jaw. Handsome for a soldier. You’d expected him to be plain. You were very wrong.
You sat up slowly, and he watched you like a hawk. You expected him to greet you with something, anything, even if it was just snapping at you for crawling into his bed, not that you remembered doing so. Instead he simply stared at you.
“What time is it?” you asked softly, your voice hoarse from sleep.
“Almost eight,” he murmured, and you blinked in surprise. He had an English accent, very mancunian, just like Ghost’s. The similarity was actually rather uncanny. “You can go back to sleep, or I can make breakfast.”
This felt very strange. You were in a stranger’s house, in their bed and said stranger was offering to make you breakfast as if you weren’t an intruder. You felt tears prick your eyes, suddenly feeling very out of place.
Simon’s brow dipped, a look of panic crossing his face as he tried to figure out what he’d done this time as tears spilled from your eyes.
“Y/n?” He asked, a shaking hand brushing your hair behind your ear.
“I’m sorry, this is just…really overwhelming-“
Simon was quick to pull you against his chest, pulling a soft gasp from you.
“You’re safe, I promise. M’ not gonna let anything happen to ya,” he murmured, those deep brown eyes gazing at you as if he’d loved you for a lifetime.
You blinked in surprise, taken aback by his response, your body slumping as your head dropped onto his heavily muscled shoulder.
“Why…why are you doing this for me?” You whispered.
“You made a sacrifice for one of my mates. You could have gotten killed. He felt responsible, wanted to see you taken care of, and…I wanted to help,” he said gently, stroking the back of your head.
You sniffled softly. “Is Ghost important to you?” You asked, gazing up at him curiously. Simon stiffened, unable to hold your gaze.
“Let’s leave the topic of Ghost alone for now, yeah? Give you some time to recover from what happened.”
You tilted your head at him in confusion, but nodded in agreement. It was his house after all. If he didn’t want to bring up work then so be it.
“You’re in good hands here, I promise.”
Two weeks went by, and you found that it wasn’t as difficult to adjust to Simon’s presence as you expected. He worked on base twice a week when he wasn’t on mission, and spent the rest of his time caring for you.
You couldn’t help but feel like a pet that was being spoiled more than it deserved. He’d bought you one of those nice, memory foam pillows, despite your insistence that you could just sleep on his large, plushy couch.
Truthfully you were a little frightened at the idea of sharing his bed, but he kept a respectful distance away from you, and there wasn’t even the mention of sexual expectations.
He slept on his back, or facing the door, something you assumed was an ingrained behavior.
He let you sleep in the mornings, but once you’d had breakfast he was practically dragging you out of the cabin to take a walk with your crutches, encouraging you not to stay in bed all day.
You supposed it was a good thing, as you’d likely become depressed if left to your own devices. He took you to town only once to find some new clothes, and gave you a very displeased look when you tried to insist on the thrift shop rather than the department store he pulled the truck up to.
“No wife of mine is walking around in a stranger’s hand-me-downs”
With that, he’d helped you inside and gotten you an array of loose pants and comfortable tops to spend your recovery in.
He was certainly committed to his promise of taking care of you.
He didn’t talk much, and you still found that a little unsettling, but his lack of words was matched by his aptitude for actions, making sure you didn’t so much as lift a finger unless you adamantly wanted to.
You hadn’t told your parents about the arrangement, and had been worrying just how you were going to go about keeping the situation on the down low. They’d call eventually, and you had to think of something to keep them from going into a panic.
You watched Simon from the corner of your eye as he started the truck, having helped you into your seat and gotten you buckled moments ago.
You weren’t sure if he was anxious about your check up, or if he was simply displeased at the thought of having you back on base. He seemed to dislike the idea very much if his hesitancy to bring you back to Dr. Radcliffe was anything to go by, but the doctor had insisted on it as he was the one to handle your knee surgery to begin with.
“Simon?” You called as the gravel road disappeared and gave way to paved asphalt. “Do you think Ghost will be available today? I never got to thank him for everything,” you said softly.
Simon tensed, and you couldn’t help but frown a little. “I’ll ask him,” he assured you, taking your hand in his and giving it a light squeeze.
A smile lit up your face, the first one he’d seen since the ordeal at the warehouse, and his heart aches for it. “Thank you, Simon.”
He nodded in response, but his stomach was in knots. He didn’t deserve your thanks. Not as Ghost, and not as Simon. Maybe someday, when you had forgotten all about what had happened to you, and lived a carefree life. Maybe then he could deserve it.
“I’ll be honest, I’m not entirely pleased with the results so far,” Dr. Radcliffe said as he looked over your x-rays.
“What does that mean?” Simon asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Is it bad?” You asked as you sat on the paper covered table.
“It means unless we get you set up with a physical therapist you’ll be on those crutches for the rest of your life.” The doctor explained.
Your eyes widened, and you were about to exclaim that you couldn’t possibly afford that when Simon cut in.
“What are her chances with the physical therapy?” He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Slim, but better. Might have a limp, but definitely more mobility.” Radcliffe assured him.
“I can’t afford Physical Therapy,” you cut in, and the two men glanced down at you.
“Yes, we can,” Simon said gently, brushing your hair behind your ear. You simply gaped at him in astonishment. PT was expensive, especially for such an involved injury. You couldn’t expect him to pay for that, but the warning glance he sent your way said that the two of you would not be discussing it now.
“I’ll send out a recommendation for the practitioner closest to you.” Radcliffe said. “However I’d still like to see you back here a month from now.” You nodded, and Simon ‘tisked’ in response.
Thanks, doc,” you said, offering him a small smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Simon left you to your lunch in the mess hall with the excuse that he had some paperwork to do, and you didn’t question him once he set a burger in front of you. He was quickly finding that a good meal was all he needed to keep you in a good mood.
He felt ridiculous, slipping into his office and shucking off his civilian clothes in exchange for his uniform and mask, before turning around and thundering back to the mess hall.
He didn’t plan on this double-life mess, but he was going to put an end to it. His eyes landed on your little form happily munching away on your lunch, and he let out a deep sigh, clearing his throat as he approached you.
“Ghost?” You looked up in surprise, wiping the condiments off the corner of your mouth on a napkin. He always saw you use your shirt sleeve, and he felt a swell of pride that you liked the little green sweater he’d gotten you enough to preserve its newness.
“Simon said you wanted to see me?” He asked gruffly, crossing his arms over his chest.
You nodded vigorously. “I wanted to thank you for your help. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise-“
“This is what you called me down here for?” He asked, and your face fell. He felt the absence of your smile as an ache in his chest.
“I…I just thought…you’d want to know that I’m safe,” you said.
Simon felt his heart swell at the words. It was a relief to hear you say it, and it made what he was about to do even harder.
“One less thing to worry about then,” he stated grumpily, turning on his heel with a roll of his eyes and leaving you to gape at his back.
He felt like a kid in a play, switching costumes depending on his role in the moment. Price raised a brow when Simon passed his door four separate times in two different outfits.
He could have sworn he heard Johnny mutter “you don’t want to know.” To his captain. They were going to give him hell for this.
He was nearing the mess hall when his phone chimed the very specific sound he’d set for you, and was quick to open his messages.
I want to go home.
He wasn’t sure if he should be glad you viewed the cabin as home, or worried about the damage control he was going to have to do.
He entered the mess hall, preparing himself for whatever state of disarray you’d be in, only you weren’t there. His head whipped around the room, looking for any sight of you, but you had seemingly vanished.
Where are you?
He rushed out of the mess hall, looking for any sign of your presence. He didn’t see your crutches, so he could only assume you’d left on your own.
I’m in the truck.
He let out a breath of relief, pulling the keys from his pocket. He probably would have put the whole base on lockdown if you hadn’t replied.
He made quick strides to the parking lot, opening the door to the driver's seat and hauling himself in as quickly as possible.
“Everything alright?” He knew it wasn’t, but it felt polite to ask anyway.
“M’ fine,” you mumbled, leaning your head against the door.
Simon bit his lip as he watched you wilt. You looked as if the life had been sapped out of you. Maybe he’d been too harsh.
“Y/n?” He called, placing a hand on your shoulder. You didn’t acknowledge it and he sighed. “Let’s go home,” he mumbled.
You were silent the entire drive back, and Simon was genuinely starting to question if he’d broken you. You had just gotten some rather bleak news.
“We could stop at that bakery in town,” he offered, glancing at you to gauge your reaction.
“I’m not really in the mood.”
Simon pursed his lips, his brow ticking slightly. He was trying to make things better, why were you fighting against him? Ghost was supposed to be the villain here, not him.
Your mood only seemed to worsen as the day went on, and Simon couldn’t wrap his head around it. At least until you snapped.
“Can I please just do one thing for myself!”
He’d just wanted to take up your dinner, shooing you out of the kitchen so he could do so when you decided you’d had enough.
“You do everything for me. I’m not a child, I’m a grown woman! For fuck’s sake it’s like I’m a prisoner or something!”
Your tirade was followed by a pathetic hobble down the hallway and slam of the bathroom door. He was fairly certain he heard muffled sobs before the tub faucet was turned on to drown them out.
Simon crossed his arms and leaned against the kitchen counter with a frown. You weren’t just upset about Ghost, he realized. You were upset about your leg, about the feeling of losing your autonomy, and his dismissal of you in the mess hall had been the proverbial cherry on top.
You had said you felt safe, but what you really felt was stifled.
He let out a deep sigh, running his hands through his hair. It seemed while keeping you in bubble wrap suited him just fine, it was slowly eating away at you.
This wasn’t what he had wanted for you. He’d wanted you to be able to do things that made you happy, not be stuck doing nothing at all.
You may have been small, and fragile compared to Ghost, but you had still been a soldier, and it was something you took pride in. He hadn’t meant for you to lose purpose, but if you were really going to be happy here, he needed to help you find a new one.
You felt terrible. You shouldn’t have snapped at Simon. You should have just calmly explained that you needed him to give you some space, but after Ghost had reminded you just how useless, how much of a burden he saw you as, it had triggered the rage that had been building in you for a while now.
None of this was fair. You had done your job well, despite being at a higher risk, you’d put the well being of your teammates above yourself to the very end, and your mind was still just as sharp.
Despite all this, it seemed both Ghost and Simon thought you were useless. The difference was Simon didn’t seem to tack worthless onto the list of things you were as well.
You didn’t feel right sleeping in his bed that night, or taking advantage of any of the kindnesses he’d given you for that matter. You were tempted to go sleep outside but it was freezing. Instead you curled up under a blanket with one of Simon’s chess books and read until you fell asleep.
At some point you heard him get up and put on a kettle for tea, before venturing out through the back door. You pretended to still be asleep if only to avoid the impending confrontation.
You eventually heard the telltale sound of a saw in his work shed, and supposed the coast was clear to make a cup of tea.
You went back to reading your book, not sure what else to do, until Simon’s footsteps sounded on the back porch, followed by the door opening. You tried not to stiffen when he stopped right in front of you. Maybe he’d been out there making the coffin he was going to bury you in for being an ungrateful little-
“Could use a hand if you’re not busy.”
Your eyes flicked up to meet his. “With what?” You asked skeptically.
He held out a hand to you, a gentle smile spreading on his face. “You’ll see.”
He walked slowly, acting as a crutch so you wouldn’t need to get them out of the kitchen. He led you to a portion of the yard that had been sectioned off with wooden planks. There was a chair seated beside it, along with a small shovel and a rake.
“What’s this?” You asked as he helped lower you into your seat.
“Garden box. Gonna start growing stuff,” he explained. “Fresh tea is good for you, especially in the colder months.”
He pulled a pair of gloves on and handed you a slightly smaller pair, along with the handheld shovel. “You can start pullin’ dirt out of those bags and droppin’ it in here,” ge explained.
“Wouldn’t this go faster if you just dumped these in yourself?” You asked as he picked up the rake.
Simon shook his head. “You could use some fresh air, and you might as well accomplish somethin’ instead of sittin’ like a bump on a log.”
You could tell he was excited about his little task by the way his accent got thicker, and you had to admit it was a little cute.
“Fair enough,” you murmured, shoveling dirt into the box for him to spread out with the rake. It was a little mindless, but the sound of the birds was nice, and the sun slowly rising in the sky casted a warm glow on your face.
Once you’d emptied two bags of dirt Simon went inside to grab you both a bottle of water before planting the seeds. He handed you the bottle, and a little packet of electrolyte mix, but he didn’t mix it for you, and instead went about opening the little seed packets after having downed his own water.
You had to admit that Simon was quite the sight in that tight gray shirt with a shovel in his hands. You bet he looked even better with a rifle.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” you murmured as he passed you a small packet of seeds. Simon paused, looking up at you in surprise, before nodding at you.
“I…I’m sorry that I wasn’t paying attention before,” he began, taking a step towards you and cupping your cheek with his large hand. “I see you now,” he murmured softly, bending down to place a kiss on your forehead.
You let out a sigh of relief, leaning against him as your arms wrapped around his middle. “Thank you, Simon,” you whispered as he returned your embrace.
AN: wow this ended up being long~ Lots of drama to come!!!
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xzaddyzanakinx · 1 month
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Nineteen: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker x femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, sexual content/fantasizing, pervy behavior, panty/scent kink, mask kink(Ghostface), gaslighting/manipulation, public/semi-public, spitting, cumplay, nude vids/pics, masturbation, oral, PIV, dick piercing, forced orgasm, bondage/blindfolds, biting/slapping/ spanking/cutting, rape kink, NONCON/DUBCON/CNC, Somno, blood, knife, GEN. SMUT, [All possible tags listed, all may not apply] GORE, MURDER
Info: Anakin is thoroughly enjoying making you squirm, also, how dare another man look at you [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. MDNI 18+
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Your heart stopped and your skin turned cold, every hair on the nape of your neck stood up straight. Scream? Anakin wants to watch Scream? You can’t tell him no, right? You’d mentioned ages ago that you liked the Scream movies, it would be strange to deny that now. Right? You had no choice, you had to act normal, as normal as possible. 
“Scream? Oh! Right.” You nodded, cringing internally as you heard your words aloud. “Yeah, let’s watch that. The original?”
”Duh, that one is the only one worth watching.” He chuckled, looking down at you cuddled up against him. He just adored you so much, even now, watching as you awkwardly cleared your throat and darted your eyes toward anything other than the TV or him.
”Yeah,” You laughed nervously, Anakin smirked but hiding it with a quick lick across his top lip. “Yeah the original is my favorite too.”
”Huh, really?” He asked, trying to sound more thoughtful than teasing. “Why’s that?”
”Why is it my favorite?” You asked, meeting his crystalline eyes for a split second. “I don’t really know, I guess maybe it’s the nostalgia?” 
“Sure.” Anakin snorted, bringing his knuckles to his mouth to hide his downturned smile.
”What?” You scowled, pulling back from your position against his chest so you could see his whole face. “Well why is it your favorite?”
”Geez, defensive are we?” He snickered, pinching your rib playfully. “I’m teasing doll, no need to be ashamed.” He sucked in his cheek on one side of his face, biting down lightly while he let out an amused puff of air through his nostrils.
”Ashamed?” You bolted up and quickly remembered you shouldn’t be acting so jumpy, the more on edge you seem the more suspicious he will become. Right now it seemed he had no clue about Ghost, he was simply being your stupid goof of a clueless boyfriend. 
“I bet you were one of those little freaks who fawned over Billy and Stu even after the masks came off.” His voice low and taunting, like he already knew the answer.
”What?” You squeaked, wiping the shocked expression from your face to replace it with feigned amusement. “Ha-ha very funny.” You rolled your eyes and dropped your head back to his shoulder, hoping that would signal the end of his teasing.
”S’okay sweetheart.” He whispered as his arms encircled you in a quick squeeze, his hands laced together to rest on your waist. “I’ll quit.”
You felt a mixture of emotions as you watched the movie, the most prominent being embarrassment. It was so difficult to sit there with Anakin who continued to lavish you in affections, while watching people with the face of your lover (who you absolutely did not miss) slash people to death. Why can’t you just be normal? Why can’t you just watch this movie and not be so distracted by the memories you’d been replaying in your mind for days. They were coming back in full force and worse.
It was like watching your Ghost on screen. It was so much more attractive than it ever should be. You hadn’t watched this movie since well before Ghost was officially introduced into your life, the film used to be kitschy and just good old horror movie fun. Now it was more like porn with a side of stabbing. You kept thinking back to that night at the lake, how sick to your stomach you were, how awful you felt for pulling that trigger. How easy it was for Ghost. 
You’d never admit it aloud but deep down, in that terrifying corner of your mind that you squirreled away these darker thoughts containing Ghost, you had stored a different feeling that you’d refused to acknowledge until now. It wasn’t normal, it wasn’t right, this was real life, not fiction. Ghost killed real people, you killed a real person. It wasn’t shits n’ giggles and bad fake blood. 
Real blood, all over everything. You had always thought that scary movies over did it with the blood, that there couldn’t possibly be that big of a puddle, but now you knew for certain, they didn’t use enough. A real gun, real knives, real bodies who used to be real people who had real families. 
So why the hell did you feel so… hot under the collar when you disobeyed his orders and took a peek at his handiwork in the trunk of that car? Was it the confidence in what he was doing, the way he seemed so completely unphased by the situation? Was it the way he was able to stay the same Ghost you’d come to know and love? It was so hard to be scared despite knowing what he was capable of. He made you feel safe and protected, cared for and loved. Even as he was elbow deep inside a corpse. 
He cracked jokes, he hummed and laughed, he got down on your level and comforted you the best that he could all while cleaning up the mess you’d both made. You might’ve almost puked, went into a state of shock, and spiraled for a few days… but with your new perspective it wasn’t really all that bad. Except that it was bad. Illegal, horrid, and a gory mess. Which is exactly why you were having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that watching the killers wearing Ghost’s mask… using that same humor and attitude, had you soaking wet and blushing. 
“Where ya going babydoll?” Anakin asked, his hands falling away from you as you stood up.
”I’ll be right back.” You said, thankful the room was dark as you gave him a quick reassuring smile over your shoulder before disappearing into the bathroom. 
Once inside you splashed your face with cold water, begging the pink tint in your cheeks to dissolve. You felt for your phone but realized you’d left it in the living room, probably for the best anyway. You didn’t come in here to text Ghost, you came in here to stop thinking about him. So you left the bathroom and went to Anakin’s room, grabbing the stuffed animal you kept there and returned to Anakin’s lap. Maybe the distraction and quick walk would help to reset your brain.
”You okay pretty girl?” He asked quietly, kissing the crook of your neck lightly as you settled back down. 
“Yeah I’m okay.” You nodded, giving him a soft smile, trying to keep yourself under control and watch a simple movie with him. 
“M’kay.” He hummed, resting a hand on your stomach while the other found its way to your hair, tugging one lock teasingly before playing with it by twirling it around his finger over and over again. 
“I don’t understand how she doesn’t realize that’s her boyfriend.” He scoffed, watching the scene playing out in front of you. “Like you’d think she’d notice the shoes right?” He asked, his hand gently trailing up and down your arm as he watched the movie.
“His shoes?” You asked, paying attention to Ghostface’s feet as he burst out of the bathroom stall.
“Yeah, both of ‘em they wear the same shoes in and out of costume. Those girls have some shit observation skills.” He said, waving his hand flippantly. 
“I think she’s a bit too busy trying not to get murdered to notice his shoes, Ani.” You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your drink before sitting it back down. 
“Hey I’m just saying they should’ve been smarter.” He said, pointing at the screen. “It’s stupid to wear a full consume but not change your damn shoes.”
“It would make sense yeah.” You agreed without much thought, watching as Sidney ran down the hall and trampled down the stairs.
“I always thought he should’ve got one good jab in.” He said, pushing his hand forward in a stabbing motion. “Have her stumble out into the hall holding her guts.”
”That’s disgusting.” You grimaced, looking up at him to see him take a swig of a fresh beer, he only answered with a shrug and his mouth pulled over to one side.
”Just sayin’ would’ve made a damn good scene.” He said, tilting your chin up with his ringed fingers to plant a soft kiss to your lips.
”You went into the wrong profession.” You joked awkwardly. Anakin often made comments like this during movies, sometimes you even added your own too, but it just felt so odd to hear him talk about Scream like that.
”Psycho killer?” He snorted, giving you a mischievous grin. 
“No!” You scoffed and smacked at his arm, that same blush returning to your cheeks. “No I meant movies and stuff.”
“Movies and stuff?” Anakin repeated, feigning thoughtfulness. “I’ve never considered going into the film industry. But I bet it would be fun, so long as you’re my final girl.”
”Aw how sweet.” You joked, feeling uncomfortable as a familiar jolt of guilt and curiosity ripped through your chest.
”What’s wrong baby?” He asked, brushing hair from your face and cupping your cheek with the palm of his hand. “You got all tense on me.”
”Oh it’s nothing.” You shook your head, trying to force yourself to relax in his arms again. 
“You can tell me princess, did I upset you?” He asked, a worried expression forming on his face as his eyes scanned your features. Anakin was always so considerate of your feelings, times like now reminded you of how horrible you really were.
”It’s really nothin’ Ani, just me being me.” You sighed, at least that wasn’t a lie, you thought.
”I like it when you’re you.” He smiled, kissing the corners of your mouth to make them tip up into a tiny smile. “But I also like it when you tell me what’s on your mind.”
”Ani, really it’s no big deal.” You said, trying to keep the little smile you’d managed. “Just thinkin’ about… about the movie that’s all.”
”Ah.” Anakin nodded, looking back up at the screen and then back to you. “I get it.” He smirked.
”Get what? There’s nothing to get.” You huffed, getting defensive. You didn’t like how you were losing control of the situation.
”S’okay baby, I know.” He whispered, shifting your weight in his lap, scooting out from under you to hover over your smaller frame.
”What?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in a panicked concern.
”Mhm.” He nodded, his eyes locked on your lips as they twitched, desperate to form an excuse that just wouldn’t come out. “I know your little secret.”
”Wait, Anakin- I can explain.” You said, sitting up quickly as your heart raced in your chest. 
“No, its alright doll.” He shook his head, a firm hand on your wrist to keep you seated. “I understand. Luke explained everything.”
Luke? Luke sold you out. Luke has ruined your relationship, your life, your one chance at real love. It was devastating to realize your oldest and truest friend had turned on you. 
“No.” You stuttered, floundering helplessly as Anakin’s free hand reached behind his back. “No, Luke has no idea what he’s talking about Anakin, I-“
”Sweetheart, you don’t need to be embarrassed.” He said, frowning slightly. 
“Embarrassed? I- well,” You were so confused, why wasn’t he yelling? What was happening? Why did Luke betray you? “Why aren’t you angry at me?”
”Angry at you?” He asked, taken aback by your question. He sat back on his haunches and looked a little deflated. “Babydoll, I’m not angry at you. I would never be angry at you over a little crush.”
”A crush? It wasn’t! It was nothing I swear.” You said, holding up your hands that he gently took in one of his.
”C’mon, everyone has weird little crushes on movie characters.” Anakin said with a small amused smile, “It’s okay sweetheart. So, what if you think Ghostface is a little hot. Nothing to be ashamed of.” He teased, bringing your hands to his lips so he could gently kiss your knuckles. 
You stared at him in silent shock. He wasn’t talking about Ghost. He wasn’t about to tell you to get the fuck out and not come back. He was teasing you about a crush on a movie character. You almost gave yourself up, you almost ruined the relationship you’d went to Luke to fix. Although you felt awful for jumping to conclusions and assuming Luke had marched his ass over and told Anakin what you had done… You felt more betrayed that he had only shared your horror movie crush. 
He couldn’t have known that your movie crush was also your real-life side piece. He would’ve had no way of knowing that telling Anakin about something to trivial would send you into such an upset. But that’s beside the point. He’d told Anakin a secret of yours that was on the same high-security tier as Luke being in love with Dwayne from Lost boys, how he made you rewatch the carousel scene so many times just because someone grabbed at his ugly necklace.
”I was just thinking…. It’s October, we’re having a movie marathon, Walmart always has cheap props.” He shrugged, slowly bringing his arm from behind his back to show you a big rubber knife and a cheaply made Ghostface mask. 
The air turned stagnant around you, like everything in the room was waiting for your reaction. Even you. 
“What do you say princess?” He asked, his voice low and smooth as he slipped the mask over his head. “Wanna play a game?”
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Diary Entry: October 3rd
I’ve given so much thought to how I would tell you about Ghost and I simply can’t decide on my approach. So in order to ensure that I’m on the right track i think it’ll be a good idea to do a bit of a trial run. Going back to my roots now with the pre-planning and lengthy thought process. Impulsivity is not my friend. 
So after a very interesting chat with your very best friend I know have an excuse as to how I know about your love for Scream. I won’t have to mention that I read it in your diary. I can blame it on Luke. Truly, so thankful for that guy in so many ways. He’s such a good friend to you and he’s certainly a good friend to me as well considering how he willingly offered up your dirty secret to me when I asked him his opinion of my Halloween costume ideas. 
“You wanna know what she’d really love? Be the guy from Scream. She’s got the hots for Ghostface.”
Yes indeed you do. 
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October 4th continued.
”Anakin… are you sure?” You asked, unable to comprehend exactly what was happening. Anakin was offering to dress up as Ghost Ghostface? Why? 
“Yeah, it’ll be fun.” He said, his voice muffled and so unlike the one you loved to hear when seeing this mask hovering over you.
”I-I don’t know,” You stuttered, the feeling in your gut churning on the brink of arousal and the precipice of nausea. “If you’re sure…”
”Don’t you trust me sweetheart?” He cooed, taking the rubber knife and running it along your forearm. “If you don’t like it, we’ll stop.”
”Of course I trust you, it’s just…” Your voice was shaky and uncertain as Anakin ground his bulge against you, nudging your thighs apart. Anakin was making it so difficult to say no, so difficult to do anything but give in like you wanted to. He may not be Ghost, he may not have his voice, but god did he have a dick that was just as good as his.
”There we go, atta girl.” He whispered, watching the hesitation in your expression fade into something more malleable. “Just let me make you feel good.”
You nodded, afraid to speak and say something you shouldn’t. His big hands tugging your pants down your thighs and peeling them off as quickly as he could, not bothering to remove your panties. His hands fumbled with his belt and jeans, finally releasing his throbbing cock. 
“Finally got out that new jewelry.” He said as he stroked himself, looking down at you through the eyes of the cheap plastic mask. “Think you’ll like it?” 
He twisted the silicone ball, turning on the gentle vibration. You watched as the new sensation made him shiver, goosebumps prickling at his toned, tattooed arms. Pulling aside your panties he guided his cockhead back and forth through your folds, making sure to pause over your clit and put pressure on the sensitive little nub.
”Mhm, I-I think I will.” You whispered, your breath hitching in your throat as he continued his teasing movements. He grasped the base of his cock firmly, notching the tip at your entrance to slowly rock his hips.
With a tortuously slow pace he pushed against your weeping pussy, only going far enough to tease you with his girth before easing up again. His calloused thumb making its way to flick over your clit, making you jolt and gasp. 
“You gonna let me fuck you?” He asked quietly, kneeling between your legs as he kept up his work. “Or am I just going to have to take what I want?”
The tip of the rubber knife lifted up the edge of your shirt, pushing it over the swell of your breasts, allowing him the view of your bra and the soft hills and valley of your chest. Anakin left the fake knife on your lower stomach as he slipped his fingers under the cup of your bra, gripping the soft flesh beneath as he gently kneaded it in his palm.
”Ani…” You whimpered, the added stimulation from the vibrations and his gentle but firm hand was clouding your mind. It felt good, but it was difficult to relax, it all felt so forced and not in the way that you enjoyed. “I-I don’t think-“
”So I’ll just have to take it then.” He growled, his voice gravely and rich as he pushed inside your cunt, feeling your walls contract around his thickness. The jewelry paired with the blunt tip of his cock made for an oddly satisfying experience as he hit your cervix when he bottomed out. Despite your hands on his chest in protest, your stomach tensed with pleasure.
”Anakin, please I-“ You started to object, to tell him this was all too strange, but he silenced you by pressing down on your lower stomach, feeling his cock bulging in your tummy. You squeaked, involuntarily clenching around him when you squeezed your eyes shut tightly. “B-but Anakin I-“
”Shh, c’mon babydoll.” He hushed you, moving his hand up your body until his palm rested over your throat, his fingers wrapping around to gently squeeze. “S’okay I know you want it.”
”No, no I-“ He squeezed harder, cutting off your air supply until your words crumbled in your throat. 
“Don’t lie to me.” He snapped, though you could tell he wasn’t actually mad, there was a hint of amusement tainting the harsh tone. “I know what you want, what you need.”
”Yeah… yes.” You nodded, biting your lip. This just kept getting worse and worse. You wanted to let go, to enjoy yourself. But the guilt of literally being face to face with your lies made it nearly impossible.
”I can see it in your eyes sweetheart.” He whispered as he thrusted deep and hard, taking his time to drag his cock out and ensure the vibrations rubbed over the sweet spot deep inside of you. “You need this, huh? You love it. Don’t you?”
”Uh huh.” You nodded, your eyes fluttering closed again as you sucked in a deep breath through your nose. 
“No way princess,” He chuckled, giving you a light tap to your cheek, not nearly hard enough to call it a smack. “Keep your eyes open for me. I like seeing how big those pupils get when you look at me.”
Not only did you have to worry about your mouth getting you into trouble, now you became hyper aware of every movement in your body. You couldn’t control your eyes or the way they reacted, but you could try your best to keep everything else in check. 
“Don’t be like that.” He teased, running his thumb across your jaw. “Just relax.”
”Ani, I can’t.” You whimpered, your hands coming up to cover your face as it flushed bright pink. 
“You can, you just won’t.” He retorted, ripping the mask off with a huff as he shook his head in frustration. “Turn around baby.” He breathed as he pulled out, smacking your hip to hurry you along.
On your hands and knees you positioned yourself for Anakin, thankful you wouldn’t have to look him in the face and thankful he’d taken off that stupid mask. He pushed back inside, this time he was hell bent on using you until you came, regardless of what you thought you wanted. His hips slamming against yours in a punishing pace, the wetness of your folds coating his length and dripping down his balls. 
“I was- was just trying to spice shit up a little.” He panted, spanking you with a loud *crack* to make you yelp. “Thought you’d like it? Liked it enough to tell Lukey all about it. Just not enough for me to make it happen for you?” 
“I’m sorry.” You whined, your cunt fluttering around his length from the sting left by his palm.
”You should be.” He grunted, one hand tangling in your hair to pull roughly, each strand tugging uncomfortably on your tender scalp. “I had a whole schtick worked out for you doll.”
”I… am.” You panted, your words coming out clipped. “Sorry, I’m really sorry.” 
“Was gonna take this stupid thing and hold it right here.” He grumbled, taking the rubber knife and pressing the blunt, pliable tip just under your jaw, if it were a real knife, one slip, one knick with too much pressure… 
“M’s-sorry.” You moaned, his grumpy comment holding a pinch of something else that made your insides flip.
“I know you are.” Anakin’s condescending tone meeting your ears with a sharp edge. “It’s alright darlin’, just need you to cum for me. That’ll make it all better won’t it?” 
“It’ll be all better.” You tried to nod but found that he was gripping your hair too tightly. The way he was fucking you so hard, so deep… no. No that’s not right, you can’t think of Ghost right now, that’s exactly what you were trying to avoid.
“Yeah? Well let’s speed it up, huh?” He panted, reaching down to roll your clit between his finger and thumb, pulling and twisting it with a gentle but insistent pressure. “This… this fucking jewelry- I, fuck.” 
“Sh-shoulda bought some fuckin’ numbing cream or some shit, Jesus.” Anakin hissed through his teeth, feeling his balls drawing up tight as he fought off his orgasm, clenching his teeth so tightly that they squeaked. 
You braced yourself against the couch’s armrest with one hand, the other staying firmly planted on the cushion below you as you looked to the side, catching a glimpse of that stupid plastic mask, so unlike the one you’ve grown so used to seeing. It was all wrong, this was all wrong. 
You couldn’t concentrate, you couldn’t relax, you couldn’t push it all away and focus on the only thing worth paying attention to. Anakin was fucking you into oblivion, your body unable to fully enjoy the experience because your mind simply could not come to terms with the reality of your situation. 
Yes it felt good, so good. Yes you were on the brink of orgasm. Yes Anakin was talking you through it just how he loved to, always guiding you through your big, overwhelming orgasms. But this wasn’t big or overwhelming. If anything it was lackluster and flat, a moment of bliss followed by a horrible longing that tugged behind your bellybutton. Anakin’s cock slowing inside you as he pumped you full of his hot, sticky seed. 
He leaned forward to rest his forehead between your shoulder blades, the gesture feeling more intimate than the sex you’d just had. His arms wrapped around your waist as he held your back to his chest, allowing his cock to slip from your folds, leaking cum and slick down onto the couch below. Though he didn’t seem to care, he was more concerned with you getting back in his lap and covering you both up with a big fuzzy blanket. 
“I’m… I’m sorry that didn’t go well. I shouldn’t have sprung it on you like that.” He whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“No, no it’s okay. I was just overthinking it.” You said quietly, not wanting him to feel bad for something that was entirely your fault and completely outside his realm of knowledge.
“Still, that was unfair of me.” He said, nuzzling into your neck, kissing under your jaw and along the curve of your neck. “Won’t happen again baby I promise.”
“Well, Anakin, I don’t know about using the mask… or any mask. But… but the other stuff would be okay.” You offered, gesturing to the rubber knife and the cock ring he was currently removing. 
He wiped his hands off on his discarded shirt, placing the silicone jewelry on the coffee table before snuggling back up against you. He gave you a curious look, his mouth turned in a half smirk but his eyes spoke of something different.
“The knife?” He asked with a snicker, picking it up and bending the tip back to release it and watch as it wobbled back and forth. “You think that’s hot?” 
“Well no, that’s not…” You squeaked, scrambling to correct yourself.
“Good.” The word coming out in a low tone, sounding serious. “I do too.”
“Wait what?” You furrowed your eyebrows, your mouth parted slightly as you waited for him to repeat himself, needing to hear it again just to be certain.
“You heard me.” He raised an eyebrow, his lip curving up in a cheeky smile.
“That- its kind of dangerous don’t you think?” You said quickly, immediately regretting your poor decision to dig further into this conversation.
“Not if we don’t use a real knife. Don’t be silly.” He snorted, patting your thigh before stroking it with light fingertips. “We can try that another time, or not at all. But there’s no reason to stress now, let’s just have a quiet evening like we planned.” He said softly.
“Okay,” You nodded, accepting his words for what they were. It’s not that you didn’t trust Anakin with a real knife, you just weren’t certain that anyone could wield one as expertly as Ghost. “that sounds like a plan.”
He hummed in agreement, savoring the feel of your warm flesh against his. He held you, pet you, kissed you and loved on you until the previous encounter was nearly forgotten, save for the pit in your stomach that screamed out for your attention. 
The movie was picking up speed, getting to the more important and more interesting moments where the Ghostface duo was picking off cast members at Stu’s house. Anakin sat back and propped his feet up, stifling a light laugh as Tatum was lifted into the air via the garage door. He made a crunching sound to mimic the noise of her neck cracking under the pressure of the doorframe and the garage door mechanism, poking you in the side to make you giggle with him.
”I always thought this bit was so fucking funny.” Anakin snorted, gesturing to the TV where Ghostface has just slit Kenny’s throat and is patiently waiting for Sidney’s reaction, not attempting to immediately attack her when he had the advantage of her shocked state. “And like, dude really? Trying to crawl out the van after her like that? The back is open, just walk around.”
”He was probably trying to pull her back inside.” You shrugged, glancing over at him.
“Should've just walked around.” He mumbled, making a circle motion with his pointer finger. 
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Diary Entry: October 4th
I’m really confused by your reaction to tonight’s activities, I wasn’t expecting that at all. I thought you’d be thrilled, seeing ‘Ghost’ after going so long without hearing from him. I thought you’d let loose and enjoy yourself, I thought maybe you would let yourself be a little more kinky with me. 
You’ve always saved that for Ghost and I know you’ll be completely unsatisfied with our sex life if we don’t incorporate that into our bedroom. If Ghost isn’t going to be around anymore then you’ll just have to share that part of yourself with me. I was trying to show you that, trying to show you that I can do what you need, what you want and crave. I’ve been giving it to you for how long now? Just let me do it this way alright?
Now, let me rant for a minute because I’m still a little upset that you turned off your phone when you went to Luke's, that’s the whole reason I had a chat with him the other day in the first place but the guy had his lips locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Like I’m glad he’s such a good friend to you but damn that is real inconvenient for me. I wanna know what you felt was too sensitive to share with me. 
Are you just being petty? 
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Date: October 10th
”Anakin no, that’s hideous.” You giggled, covering your mouth as you grabbed the packaged costume from his hands and shoved it back on the shelf.
”What do you mean?” He grinned, his hands squeezing your hips from behind as you flipped through the rack in front of you. “You’d look smokin’ as a sexy little Dalmatian. I’ll be your big strong fireman.”
”As much as I would love to see you in a fireman’s uniform, I’ll have to pass.” You squeaked as his nipped your neck and let his hand run over your ass when he continued on past you to continue looking for costumes. 
“Your loss babydoll.” He clicked his tongue, glancing over at you as you pulled a skimpy fairy costume from the rack.
”No ma’am.” He scoffed, taking it from you and putting it back, “That’s a single girl get-up. You can’t go out like that.”
”Oh c’mon I was just lookin’.” You rolled your eyes and patted his cheek with a little smirk, it was nice having someone like Anakin be so protective for the right reasons. 
“Should we do something like as a couple?” You asked, looking at the back wall where a large collection of duo costumes were on display.
”I don’t know darlin’… wouldn’t make much sense for half a sandwich to be behind the bar and the other half roamin’ around with dumb and dumber.” He flashed you a grin, nodding toward the other side of the room where Luke and Han were piling on an unnecessary amount of ugly costume accessories just for shits and giggles.
”Oh my god, we are never getting out of here if they don’t start actually looking!” You said, progressively getting louder until Luke’s head turned on a swivel and his face revealed a startled ‘oops’ expression.
”Why do you think we drove separate?” He snickered, squeezing the back of your neck affectionately. 
“You’re awful.” You snorted, pulling him along to another rack of costumes.
”Let’s just do these.” He said, plucking two of the thick plastic bags from the rack, flipping them around to show you the old timely baseball uniforms. 
“I’ve never played baseball a day in my life.” You giggled, taking it from him and glancing over the items listed inside. A dress, long socks, a belt, and a baseball cap. 
“I played at camp.” Anakin said, toying with his lip ring using the tip of his tongue. “For like three games.”
”Really?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. “What happened?”
”Summer before middle school, Mom wanted to go on a girls trip so she shipped me off for a week. It was pretty fun actually.” Anakin said, taking the package back from you and laying it over his arm. “I was good at it too, just… just swung my bat a little too hard and a camp counselor ended up with a chipped tooth.” He winced.
”Did it go flying out of your hands?” You asked, eyes wide as you tried to hold back a laugh. “Happened to me when I used to help Lauren practice for tennis.”
”Mmm, yeah somethin’ like that.” He snorted, pulling you into his side to plant a kiss to your forehead. “So this is what we’re going with?” He asked.
”Yeah, i think those will be fine.” You hummed, walking beside him. “We’ll be matching but we won’t have to be standing right next to each other for it to make sense.”
”Good girl.” He nodded, his hand rubbing up and down your back soothingly.
“I can’t believe girls wore dresses to play baseball.” You commented, tapping the plastic bag.
”Why?” Anakin asked, guiding you up to the register and tossing the two packages down on the counter for the woman at the register to ring up. “Girls used to only wear dresses. Why wouldn’t they wear ‘em to play ball in too?” 
“Cause what if they flipped up and flashed everyone?” You laughed.
”That’s why they wore spanx you goof.” He snorted, handing over his debit card to pay for the costumes.
“I don’t think spanx was a thing back then.” You shook your head with a little frown.
”Well then I guess they just wore their ugliest granny bloomers and hoped no one looked.” He grinned at you, taking the bag from the cashier and pocketing his wallet. 
You shook your head at him, dragging him along by his shirt sleeve as you walked past the counter and through the store. You pulled out your phone, shooting off a text to Luke to let him know you were leaving the Halloween store and going to roam about the rest of the mall before meeting up again for lunch together. After a minute or two your phone buzzed while you were waiting loyally by Anakin’s side as he filtered through posters, records and cd’s. 
“Oh god.” You gasped, looking down at your phone as you burst into laughter. “Oh my god, the only costume big enough for Han is a ketchup bottle.” 
“What?” Anakin spun around, looking at you as though he wasn’t sure he’d heard you correctly.
”Look.” You giggled, showing him the picture of a very unamused Han in a giant ketchup bottle and a much shorter, giggly looking Luke in a hot dog costume.
”No fuckin’ way.” Anakin laughed, zooming in on Luke’s costume. “Dude gross, his hot dog has relish on it.” 
“No, it’s gross they went to the changing room and tried the stuff on.” You shivered, remembering how you’d peeked your head in earlier to see the trash and discarded costumes that hadn’t fit other customers.
”Have you seen the size of that guy? He can’t not go to the dressing room.” Anakin retorted, shaking his head in amusement. 
“No shit.” Snorting as you thumbed through a very thick stack of discount records with damaged sleeves. “Hey, do you have this one?” You asked, holding up a brand new record of the Pain Remains trilogy by Lorna Shore, the only blemish you could see was a long straight line down the back of the sleeve, presumably from a box cutter when the workers were unboxing the shipment.
“Oooh no ma’am I do not,” He grinned, plucking it from your hand and inspecting it to make sure the record inside was still intact. “Oh I just love you, I’ve been looking for this one.” He squeaked, tossing his arms around you from behind and kissing the nape of your neck. 
“You know, you could just order th-“
”Mmm, no. Stop right there.” He silenced you with a finger to your lips, his breath hitting the back of your neck. “I will never order a record **or CD. That takes all the fun out of my little treasure hunt.”
“Treasure hunt?” A smile tugging at the corner of your mouth as you tilted your head to kiss his cheek while you clumsily walked as he shuffled along behind you, not letting you out of his embrace. 
“Yeah, that’s the best way to collect stuff.” Anakin nodded seriously. “It’s no fun if you don’t have to work for it.”
You laughed, not understanding the appeal of having to wait for something you desperately want, when you could order it and have it in your hands the very next day. Whereas Anakin could have to wait weeks, maybe months to find the one thing he was searching for. 
“Don’t knock it til you try it.” Anakin said, nipping your shoulder as he finally released you to jog down the aisle in front of you with a giddy laugh, skipping for the last few steps to the back wall. Doing his very best extra exaggerated Vanna White impression as he gestured to a CD before picking it up excitedly.
”See?” He jumped in place, tapping the case rapidly with one finger. “It’s the very last one! That makes it even better, knowing I’m now the proud owner of the last new Angelmaker album.” His mouth dropped open in exaggerated shock. “At least until they restock.” He added with a shrug.
”I’ll admit it’s very cute to see you get so happy over some plastic.” You teased.
“Did you hear that? She thinks I’m cute.” He whispered shouted from behind his hand at what you assumed was an imaginary person until they appeared near Anakin. A random guy around your age, with an extremely thick septum ring, appraised your appearance.
”I think she’s cute.” He stated very boldy as he flashed you a bright smile and stuck out his hand toward you. 
“Seriously?” Anakin huffed, flicking the guy on the forehead. “That’s my girlfriend you little shit.”
”Oh, oops.” The guy turned beet red with embarrassment and profusely apologized. “I had no idea, I just assumed…”
”Yeah, yeah.” Anakin grumbled, possessively putting his arm around your shoulder, grabbing your face to very sloppily kiss you in front of the guy. Making it very clear that he was enjoying every second of it while he tongue fucked your mouth. 
“Anyway.” He sighed, pulling back from the kiss to show off his devilish grin, complete with his dimples on display, obviously very pleased with himself not only for his display but also for the way you responded to it with buckling knees and immediate submission. 
“Ring these up will you Ferdinand?” He glared, shoving the record and CD into the guy’s hands, only then did you notice he was wearing a name tag and a lanyard with a set of keys attached, marking him as an employee at the store.
”I hate it when you call me that.” He grunted, taking a step back from the force that Anakin used to thrust the items at him. 
“I hate it when you hit on my girlfriend.” Anakin retorted in a mocking tone, muttering something under his breath as he watched him walk toward the register.
”You know him?” You asked awkwardly. 
“Used to think he was pretty alright. Name’s Eric, I talk to him just about every time I’m in here.” He said, glaring over at him as you both slowly gravitated toward the front of the store. The look in his eyes bringing a chill to your flesh, that look you hated, the one so icy cold you’d swear it could freeze over hell. As always, the moment he blinked, it was gone. The warmth returned to his sea-blue eyes.
”It’s alright though, he didn’t know. He’s a hopeless flirt anyway.” Anakin chuckled, patting your ass as he pulled out his wallet, his pants chain jangling as he dug around in his deep pockets. “The guy’s type is ‘anyone who will pay attention’.” 
“Well that’s just sad.” You snickered under your breath, quieting yourself when you reached the register. 
“I know.” Anakin smirked. “Isn’t it? A real shame huh?” He prompted Eric without giving him context. 
He looked up from the magazine he had laid out in front of him, sliding a paper bag across the counter in exchange for Anakin’s cash. It struck you as odd considering how he’d used his debit card at the last store. But you didn’t think too hard on it, you were too busy trying not to laugh when Eric blindly agreed with Anakin.
”Huh? Oh yeah, I know right?” He nodded nonchalantly, in that all too common way that retail workers do when they weren’t listening to a lick of what was happening around them, continuing to fish change out of the cash drawer. 
“Thanks man.” Anakin grunted, taking the cash and stuffing it messily into his wallet. While he was distracted with that, Eric handed you the receipt. You accepted it without a second game and tucked it in your back pocket. Ready to leave, Anakin looped his thumb through the back belt loop of your pants and steered you to the door. 
“Luke and Han are going to BoxLunch,” You said, stooping down to pick up the receipt that fell from your pocket when you checked your phone. “They want us to meet them there, then we can go to Charley’s for lunch.” 
You handed the crumpled receipt to Anakin as you spoke, continuing to walk after shoving your phone back in your pocket. Suddenly you felt Anakin’s hand fall away from it’s comforting resting place, turning your head to the side to see what was the matter. You saw Anakin standing still, his phone in his hand, furiously typing as he held the receipt. 
“Ani?” You asked, reaching out for his elbow to prompt him to follow you. 
“Just a sec.” He mumbled, eyebrows furrowed as he tongued his labret. “Sorry darlin’, all good to go. BoxLunch?” He asked, slipping his hand into your back pocket as he walked beside you in the direction of the shop. 
“Uh, yeah.” You nodded, giving him a second glance that he must’ve picked up on because he gave you a ‘hmm?’ in response. “What was that?”
“What? Oh, I just needed to scan that receipt for the shop rewards or whatever.” He shrugged, his free hand coming up to scratch the side of his nose. “Had to do it before I forgot, gives me discounts n’ all that.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize.” You said, leaning into him. “ Well I'm glad I didn’t toss it.” You chuckled, hearing him let out a humored puff of air. 
“Me too,” he whispered, turning to press a soft kiss to your temple. “I would’ve hated to miss out on this week’s perk.” 
“Oh?” You smirked, hearing the sarcasm in his words oozing out. 
“Mhm,” pairing a short nod with a snicker, “shit’s killer.”
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Diary Entry: October 11th
You know what I can’t fucking stand? Misjudging someone. I hate being wrong, especially when it comes to a person’s character. I’ve spent so long, so many hours watching, researching and practicing mannerisms and expressions. I’m practically an expert. 
Or I thought I was an expert. Dead fucking wrong about Eric though. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe it was truly just an accident. He seemed apologetic enough, but I regret not being able to see his face when he expressed his ‘apologies’. 
I hadn’t ever looked into Eric before, I felt no reason to, he has always just been the hollow, depthless NPC type of person in my eyes. He didn’t exist outside of that record store, kind of like how when you’re a kid and you see your teacher out in public and you’re like ‘Oh my god? That's a real person with a life outside of the classroom?’. 
Yeah, Eric was that. Until he used his grubby little hands to scrawl out his mother fucking phone number on my goddamn receipt and hand it to my fucking girlfriend. You were too stupid to even notice! Once again I’m asking myself how the hell did you survive this long without me around to protect you? He could’ve handed you a giant manilla envelope labeled ‘ANTHRAX’ in bright, bold letters and you’d have just bobbed your ditzy little head and tucked it under your arm. 
It’s not your fault, don’t think i’m mad at you. I’m not, I’m just frustrated because Ghost has taught you better than that. I have taught you better than that. You should know to be more aware of your surroundings. But then again, that’s my fault too isn’t it?
While I’ve taught you that valuable lesson, I’ve also gone right ahead and deconstructed it for you too. 
Because I love you. I care about you and I will always and forever do everything in my power to make sure you are as healthy and safe as humanly achievable. And because you are well aware of that fact, you become a small, frail, pocket mouse when I’m around. You know good and damn well that you don’t have to pay attention to a thing when I’m with you. You’re safely tucked in my pocket. 
Both Ghost and I have made it so fucking easy for you to be at peace, while I’m so glad you feel so secure in my presence (and in my absence as we both know, Ghost is always there in some capacity) its also mildly irritating that you rely on me and my observation skills so much that you missed the red ink on the nearly translucent receipt. Like, come on baby. It was in your hand.
You’re so lucky. So lucky that I love you more than life itself. I’m so lucky to love you that much. Although it’s proven to be a right fuckin’ mess on the rare occasion, it’s all worth it. You’re worth it. 
How many girls can say that their man would kill for them and mean it? 
I’m back on my meds and feeling so much better, the busy little office guys in my head have reorganized all those filing cabinets. Not to brag, but I think they’ve really outdone themselves this time, I feel so put together. I think they may have even upgraded to a nice conveyor belt to avoid lugging all the unwanted files to The Pit. Isn’t that neat? 
Or maybe I’m just more comfortable with myself now. After all, you do love me. Both of me. If I have the love of my very own goddess, why shouldn’t I accept more of myself? Even the undesirable bits. A dash of unconventionality is healthy. Everything is healthy in moderation.
It’s most definitely the latter, but it’s fun to think that those little office guys are putting in overtime, maybe even the janitor too. 
I think I need a bit of fun, one last yeehaw before I finish this shit, you know? I thought maybe that I'd be done after those frat assholes. But it just wasn’t satisfying. Not like with the delivery guy. He was fun, those frat bros just made shit difficult and sucked the fun out of what was supposed to be a nice night with you and I'll never get over it. I still feel bad about it occasionally, poor girl. But, I'm just rambling so I’ll shut up about them. 
So, like I said, one more. Last time, I promise. Then it’ll just be me and you alright? I swear. I’ll bury Ghost with this, I’ll combine the best bits of me and him and get rid of the rest. Taking out the trash as I take out some trash. 
Diary Entry: cont.
I cannot believe how shit the security at the mall is. That Paul Blart looking ass doesn’t even have a taser or anyone else to help him. It took me three minutes to make my way into the security office, checkout camera feeds and video the entire room to look over again later, then get out and back to you before you even realized I wasn’t in that Lunchbox place. By the way, that’s my new favorite things and stuff store. Back to business, there’s only one working CCTV camera in the record store and it doesn’t stream a live video, it takes pictures every thirty seconds and my phone is now set to alert me of that (for later I have it silenced for now). 
I have the whole store memorized by now anyway so I don’t have to worry about that. Plus I know that Eric never fucking locks the back entrance, all i have to worry about on that matter is that the CCTV outside actually does work and streams a live video. But I’ve got a plan, not to worry.  
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Date: October 12th
“You gonna come over when you get off?” Anakin asked, dropping you off at The Bluebird. “I can come pick you up, I really don’t like it when you walk home in the dark sweetheart. Makes me nervous.”
“Why don’t we go to my place after?” Eyes flicking up to look at his furrowed eyebrows. “Boogs gets sad when I don’t stay home.”
“Alright, I can do that baby.” He nodded with a soft smile. “Maybe I can go sit with her while you’re workin’.” He offered with a shrug.
“Oh, yeah I’m sure she’d love that. Just… The kitchen is a mess right now so-”
“Don’t fret, I’ll get it.” He cut you off with a chuckle, walking with you up to the doors of the restaurant. 
“No, don’t do that.” You shook your head, turning to face him with a hand on his chest. “I’ll get it when I come home.”
“It’ll be late and I’ll be there with nothin’ to do.” Anakin insisted, giving you a raised eyebrow as if to say he would do it regardless of your wishes.
“I’ve made a big wreck of the kitchen. I- the dishes have all piled up so quick.” You said, shaking your head again with a slight frown. “I’ll do ‘em.”
“Hush, I’ll do it-” Anakin started, seeing you open your mouth to interrupt him he paused and curled up the corner of his mouth disapprovingly. “Thank you, that’s much better.” He chuckled, leaning against the side of the building when you sighed, admitting defeat and letting him take over the chore that had suddenly become so daunting. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You mumbled, smiling slightly even as you did. 
“Good girl, that’s more like it.” He grinned, pulling you into his chest for a tight squeeze. “I’ll take care of all the scary dishes, don’t worry.” He teased.
“Doing the dishes is just so gross.” You complained, “I was doing so good at keeping it picked up, I guess it just got out of hand. I hate touching food bits.”
“Got out of hand, hmm?” He snickered, kissing the top of your head. “No big deal, I’ll reign it in for you. Maybe get all the dust and cat hair while I’m at it.” 
“Hey!” You huffed, trying to pull back so you could chide him to his face, but he kept you held against him as his chest rumbled with a laugh. “Not my fault, I just don’t vacuum as much as… well I just need to clean more I guess.” You sighed, not realizing how much you’d fallen behind until having this conversation. 
Ghost had been keeping things tidy for so long and now that he’d stopped it was as if you had completely forgotten how to take care of the place on your own. You’d gotten used to only being tasked with your laundry and the occasional few dishes. Only vacuuming once a week and mopping even less. It was astonishing really, seeing how quickly your daily life had begun to unravel without him.
You were honestly shocked that Anakin hadn’t keeled over last time he was at your apartment, you’d been staying over at his rather than yours. Even on nights that he worked. You didn’t like being alone in your own home anymore, it felt all wrong, uncomfortable. Unsafe. There wasn’t someone watching over you every hour of every day anymore and it left you feeling vulnerable. Yeah of course he still looked out for you, you knew that. You knew he had audio access to your phone, but it wasn’t the same, it felt so… impersonal.
You didn’t catch the smirk on Anakin’s lips while you spoke, too caught up in your own thoughts. He was enjoying seeing you realize how much you’d come to rely on Ghost. He was happy to step in and take over that role as himself, he had always helped out, just not to the extent that Ghost did.  
“Vigo has been eyeing you ever since we came up to the door.” Anakin tipped his head toward the kitchen where you could see Vigo peeking around the corner. “If you don’t get in there soon he might blow a gasket.” He snickered.
“He’ll be just fine.” You snorted, leaning in close to plant a sweet kiss to his cheek, he turned his head to give you his other cheek for the same. “I love you.” 
“God, you don’t know how good it feels to hear that from those pretty lips,” He sighed, beaming brightly at you as he brought you closer. “Give ‘em to me.” He teased, giving you a soft and tender kiss, his hand tucking you hair behind your ear as he did. 
“I love you too darlin’.” He hummed against your lips, releasing you with a little swat to your ass to get you moving toward the main entrance. He watched through the window to ensure you made it back to the kitchen to clock-in before he pushed off the wall and strolled back over to his car.
October 12th 5:54pm
Anakin had the perfect amount of time to enact his plan. Thanks to his newly revisited obsession with pre-planning and prepping for his actions, he’d devised a fool proof way to make his entrance and exit into the mall nearly undetectable. He’d even solidified the perfect way to get a concrete alibi, complete with photo evidence and time stamps.
He was on camera at 5:27pm in front of The Bluebird, having a cutesy goodbye with his sweet, innocent girlfriend. He drove the regular route back to the apartments, stopping at the gas station for cigarettes and gum, paying with his card and making sure to store his receipt in his wallet, then he continued home. He rarely used the sidewalk beside the parking lot, usually opting to weave through the parked cars until he reached the front doors, though this time he seized the opportunity to be seen on camera again. The lamppost outside the parking lot, which had been recently updated to included CCTV picture, would snap a photo of him doing his duty as a civilian to pick up a stray piece of trash that a no-good litterbug had dropped and tossed it in the trashcan near the lamppost.
He’d been so careful in the past and it had always worked out for the best, so he was more careful this time, taking mental note of the back roads to the mall, luckily it wasn’t too far, he could walk there and stay relatively out of sight. Win-win kind of situation in his opinion. So Anakin made his way up to his apartment instead of yours and quickly got changed into his self imposed criminal activity uniform. All black everything. The same clothes he used to play Ghost, sans mask of course. He can’t go traipsing about the city in the afternoon like that, he’d be spotted within seconds. 
Anakin stood in the bathroom, taking out all of his facial piercings, as well as removing his gauges and other earrings. He planned to leave his phone in your apartment along with the Tv playing something on Netflix, should it come down to anything serious and he might need to prove himself. That gives him 90 minutes before Netflix gives the ‘Still Watching?’ notification, hopefully, plenty of time to do what he needed to and return. If not he had around 30 minutes before the Tv shut itself off because the remote hadn’t been touched. It’s easy enough to say he fell asleep, the poor guy is a bartender, he takes a little nap whenever he can. Working nights is rough stuff. 
He’ll have his alibi back on track when he goes to pick you up after all, he’ll even drive through your favorite take-out place and make sure to pay with his card. He can prove his whereabouts and take care of his hungry girl at the same time. 
After grabbing his bag, he set up your apartment as it should be, returning to his quickly to hurry on with his plan. Anakin slipped out his living room window and left down the fire escape, making the trek on foot to the mall via his pre-ran route. Keeping his head down, his empty phone case in his hand to appear busy as he passed a few people on the sidewalk. Making a speedy right turn into the alley between two office buildings, jay-walking across the street when he came out the other side. 
He kept an eye on his watch, making sure he was well within the timeframe he’d given himself. Finally arriving at the mall he swung wide, staying out of the 100 foot radius of the high-positioned CCTV cameras outside the mall, perched atop the corners of the buildings. They were pointed to conjoin and overlap in the middle of the back parking lot. Unfortunately that made his life a little harder and he had to do a little more math.
His research and his calculator proved pertinent in his carefully determined path to the staff entrance of Revival Records. Providing him an almost eight foot wide straight line of a blind spot if he were to come in toward the middle of the building’s left side, exactly what he was doing at that very moment. Tucking himself against the brick wall, he made his way through the blind pathway beneath the cameras along the side and back of the building. Skipping one, two, three, and stopping at the fourth, thick metal door. 
He took a deep, calming breath as he pulled up his hood. Then tied his bandana securely around his face, tugging it until it sat just beneath his eyes. Anakin checked his hoodie pocket, taking his knife from it and placing it beneath his bandana, biting down on the silicone covered handles so he could easily use both his hands, then pulled the can of black spray paint from the side pocket meant for water bottles on his bag.
Prepared and mostly confident in his ability to spray the camera lens positioned next to the door that had a perfect view down the service hall without looking, he tugged on the door handle, a sense of relief washing over him when it turned and opened easily. 
Shoving his arm in through the cracked door he angled the can upwards, pressing down on the nozzle and smiling when he heard the aerosol can hiss. He covered his eyes and peeked through his hands, not wanting to look directly into the camera–-cameras if he’d missed it completely. Thankfully he checked and saw that there were two, side by side and pointed in opposite directions.
He huffed and sprayed the left corner lens to make sure it was covered as well, only part of the lens was obscured from his original paint job. After surveying the hall and determining the other cameras in the hall would be pretty much useless considering they were so far away, and angled straight down the hall. He figured there was a reason they had the double camera in the middle of the hall like that, the other two must not reach that far.
He crossed the hall in one long step, carefully and quietly opening the second door in front of him. This one would lead directly into the storage room, which housed the very tiny office and staff bathroom as well. The sound of Bolt Thrower filled the space, playing as background noise while his target cleaned and closed up shop for the night. 
Anakin could do this quick and easy if he wanted. The breaker box was right there on the wall, just within reach. It’d be easy enough to pop it open and flip off all the lights to lure him right where he needed him. A nice clean slice of his throat from behind… But that was too easy. If this was to be his very last, he wanted it to be his very best. 
So instead, he grabbed the key ring off the hook beside the office door, flipping through them and inspecting the labels. He turned and flicked the lock closed on the hall door. Entering the office he looked over the various items. His eyes pausing over the computer screen where he could see the employee registry, shipment details… he could just stay right there and wreck Eric’s life just by using this information. He could tap into his boss’s social security account, steal the banking information from whoever the hell Amanda was, then slip right back out. No one would know or even suspect him. It’d be the stupid little toad he’d come to visit who’d get shipped off to federal prison. 
He licked his lips, shaking his head with a scoff. Returning to his plan, he went ahead and pulled the phone jack from the wall and disconnected the emergency button that would notify security if pushed. Then, he found the right key to lock the office door, just as a precaution. Maybe Eric would be slimy enough to slip through his fingers, but he was really only doing it for peace of mind, checking off his mental to-do list. He knew he didn’t have a damn thing to worry about.
He moved carefully to avoid the boxes and various crap laying about the floor, silently thinking of the monstrous lawsuit that waited for Revival Records if their next hire slips and breaks their back on some of that slick packaging plastic. He shook his head, reminding himself to focus because this needed to be perfect, so perfect. Near impossibly perfect for it to work. As he reached the inner door, his final one before facing his acquaintance turned enemy, he cracked it open and peeked inside, watching Eric close the cage and lock it down at the front of the store. 
Anakin’s ‘ugly’ analog watch was coming in handy as it ticked rhythmically, every thirty seconds. It took a few tries but he finally synced it perfectly with the pattern of the store camera’s timed pictures. He’d clicked those two tiny knobs so many times that he’d considered going out to the store just to buy a new watch just for this, but his old one had never failed him before. Cliegg always said something about ‘never changing your technique’ before a big game when Anakin had briefly entertained his stepdad’s wish for him to join the delinquent school’s baseball team after he’d enjoyed it during summer camp. 
This might not be baseball, but it required a refined technique, so he assumed the sentiment translated. 
He crouched, watching Eric saunter back and forth through the store, reorganizing the shelves and doing some very poor cleaning. Not only was he protecting you, he was keeping disease off the streets as far as he was concerned. After a few more agonizing minutes of watching him play janitor, finally he made his way behind the counter. Time for him to count the cash drawer, time for Anakin to make his move. 
Hugging the wall, Anakin moved slowly, keeping low to the ground, pulling out his butterfly knife and flicking it open loudly, the handles clanking together as he spun it in his hand. Eric whipped his head around, not seeing anything, he assumed it was just the store settling, maybe one of the employees from the neighboring stores making a bit of noise.
Anakin rose from behind one of the displays, keeping in line with the very edge of the shelving unit that stored all the newest releases. He would be out of sight from the camera and close enough to the counter to properly intimidate Eric. The store was very poorly planned out, save from that one unit. It made sense to keep the new releases near the register to deter theft. 
Just a shame for them that Anakin was using the layout for something far worse than simple theft. 
Using his knife blade, he tapped the shelf beside him, making a sharp metallic *ping ping ping*, that caught Eric’s attention. He turned his music down, as if he were trying to hear it more clearly. So Anakin repeated the motion, grinning behind his bandana as Eric started to slowly turn around. 
“Stay.” His voice stern and commanding. “Don’t turn around.”
“I’ll call the cops.” Eric said, trying to fight his curiosity to peek over his shoulder, lifting his hands slowly.
“Put your hands down. Keep doing your job.” Anakin said harshly, his tone cold. “I won’t hurt you. I just want you to listen to me. Very carefully.”
“Y’know there’s a Zales just a few doors down. Y-you’ll get better shit there man.” Eric said shakily, returning to his calculator and recording receipts. 
“You don’t think I’d be stupid enough to rob a record shop if I was only after money, do you?” Anakin snarked. “I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”
“If you don’t want money, what do you want?” Eric squeaked, wetting his lips nervously. 
“I want you to take a little break. Have a seat.” Anakin said, leaning against the shelving unit and crossing his arms over his chest.
He watched as Eric blindly reached behind him and pulled the stool up. Sitting slowly like he was worried it might be some sort of trap. It was. Eric got out the key from the drawer beneath the counter, unlocking the register and rapidly tapping the emergency button hidden just under the lip of the formica tabletop. Nothing happened, no red light flashed beneath his fingers and no beep was heard. 
“Too bad.” Anakin sucked his teeth. “I bet Paul Blart could’ve used the exercise.” *Tick*
“Feet up on the rest there buddy.” Anakin shrugged off his backpack and grabbed a package of saran wrap and a roll of duct tape. Unrolling and ripping off a good size of saran wrap, he waited. 
*Tick*. He stepped forward and wrapped the plastic around his lower legs and feet. Anakin stayed kneeling, his leather gloves sticking to the adhesive as he picked at the tail end of it, the *Scrrriipt* of him pulling out a nice length of tape made Eric wince.
“What are you doing?” He asked quietly, Anakin could practically smell the fear coming off him and it made him feel… annoyed. 
“Introducing you to my second favorite hobby.” Anakin sneered back, before duct-taping his feet and legs to the stool, over the saran wrap.
“Take off your jacket.” Anakin demanded, staying crouched down as Eric awkwardly unzipped his jacket and tossed it on the counter. *Tick*. “Hands on the counter.” 
“Listen, I can help you out.” Eric pleaded, laying his hands flat on the counter. Anakin rolled his eyes as he saran wrapped and taped his wrists together, shoving them into Eric’s lap. If only he had a dollar for every time someone tried to use this trick on him he would have enough to buy you a Venti Cold Brew from Starbies on his way back home.
“All I need you to do, is shut the fuck up and be still.” Anakin grunted, pulling out another long length of tape and a roll of garbage bags from his backpack, *Tick*, he secured the plastic to the floor, wrapping the chair legs in saran wrap, as well as Eric’s thighs, then waited for another *Tick*. 
“Who are you?” Eric asked, attempting to look down but Anakin’s hand shot up and smacked him for interrupting his task of taping his arms to his torso. “Ow! Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t recognize me?” He asked, faking a pouty voice. “C’mon you know me Ferdinand. Thought we were pals.”
“Fer-Ferdinand? Anakin?” He gasped, *Tick*.
“Can you just sit still please? Be quiet.” Anakin huffed, jabbing him in the side with a fist.
“What the hell are you doing man? What the fuck?” Eric squeaked, suddenly even more freaked out now that he knew his attacker. 
“I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt Ferdie.” Anakin sighed, grabbing some brand new, dollar store microfiber towels and setting them on the ground, *Tick*, Anakin reached for his bag again when Eric turned and yanked at his hood. 
“Touch me again. I’ll cut off your hand and shove it up your ass.” He growled, springing up into a standing position and fixing his hood. Anakin took a calming breath and shoved one of the microfiber towels into Eric’s mouth before crouching down again. *Tick*.
Anakin moved a few random items on the counter and shifted Eric in the chair, then returned to kneeling as he cut strips off one of the microfiber towels, slicing them up smaller and wadding them up. *Tick*. 
“Quit fuckin’ around. You’re making this difficult.” Anakin grumbled, rising up to grab his large septum ring and hold him steady so he could stick those microfiber wads in his nostrils, dropping to the ground again for the next *Tick*. 
He rose again slowly and stood in front of the mostly helpless man, anchoring the chair in place with his foot on one of the rungs, he reared back and punched Eric square in the face, then dropped to the ground, holding his wrists down so he couldn’t try to instinctively bring them up to his face. *Tick*. 
“Man, that’s my favorite way to make sure no one can hear a pig like you squeal.” Anakin smiled.
As Eric groaned, Anakin’s grin grew, enjoying the fact that his gag was effective. Although he was unsure if he’d actually punched him hard enough to break his nose, so after the next *Tick* he did it again, snickering when he heard and felt the cartilage crunch. Eric tried to suck in a breath, his eyes welling up with tears from the pain as the microfiber towels soaked up the blood that spurted from his nose. Only a trickle or two escaped down his lip, no problem, Anakin didn’t care, he’d clean it up. 
“So, you’re probably wondering why I’m doing this.” Anakin sighed, sitting crosslegged in front of the stool, staring up at the man before him. “I love a good villain speech. But you’re no hero and I didn’t plan on letting you trample around the room while I beat you to a pulp, so I didn’t prepare one.” 
“If you don’t mind, I’ll just give you the short and sweet.” Anakin tilted his head to the side, excitement flashing across his eyes as he pulled the bandana down to bare his beaming smile to Eric. “Well?” He prompted, smacking his leg and getting a nod in agreement along with panicked eyes. “Good, long and detailed it is.” He chuckled.
“I love my girlfriend, she is just… man I almost feel bad for you. You’ll never experience a love so pure.” Anakin said, feigning wistfulness. “Not that you’d be lucky enough to coerce a girl into loving you anyway, even if I did let you live.” He shrugged, laughing to himself.
“Nope, you’re shit when it comes to that aren’t you?” He smiled. “So shit that you decided to give my girlfriend your phone number, on the receipt for items that I paid for, after I so graciously gave you a bit of leeway for your ‘Oopsie I didn’t know she was yours’ flirt.” Anakin’s face dropped, the smile wiped from his expression. 
“I’ve killed for less.” Anakin said flatly. 
“You’re gonna be my last.” Anakin said, curving up the corner of his mouth but leaving the rest of his face unsettlingly expressionless. “So take pride in knowing that you will be my best work.”
“The police around here are shit.” Anakin shrugged, “They’ll be trying to figure this out for years.” Anakin grinned, *Tick*.
Anakin hummed along to the music still playing quietly through the speakers while he moved Eric’s chair to make him face the wall with his back to the camera and moved the mouse on  the computer to prove Eric was still ‘active’. Then remembered he needed to move a few things on the counter again after the *Tick*. 
“Remember when I said this was my second favorite hobby?” Anakin asked, not expecting an answer. “My favorite is fucking my beautiful girl.”
“Something you will never, ever have the privilege of thinking about doing again.” Anakin sneered. “The way you looked at her made my skin crawl. You’re creepy, you know that? That’s why you’re alone.”
“I could see it in those shifty, beady eyes of yours Ferdie. You were thinking of all the ways you’d like to get her beneath you.” Anakin’s face grew red, the vein in his forehead beginning to thump against his skull. 
“Disgusting.” He spat, taking off one leather glove and shoving his left hand down into a surgical grade glove. *Tick*.
“This is gonna hurt.” Anakin stood, gripping Eric’s skinny neck tightly as he dug his nitrile covered fingers beneath his left eye lid and and pulled, kneeling again as he shoved Eric over, letting him fall while keeping a grip on the slippery organ in his palm. He grinned down at him, dangling the eye over his face by the stalk. 
“So, I’ve heard you can still see for a second, as long as the stalk is still attached to the eye socket. Is it true?” Anakin asked, plucking it out, severing the connection as easily as one might pop a grape off the vine. “Simple yes or no.” He asked, an exasperated look on his face when Eric wriggled and fought against his bindings, sobbing, trying to multitask remembering to breathe and trying to get away. 
“God, why is it that people are so fucking useless?” Anakin grumbled, smacking him across the face to shock him into paying attention. “Could you see or not?” A small shake of Eric’s head gave Anakin his disappointing answer, then he promptly passed out.
“Well that’s no fun.” Anakin huffed, shoving a microfiber towel into the eye socket to staunch the bleeding while he went ahead and scooped out the other eye, repeating the process before dropping the eyes into a ziploc bag for later.
“Arts and crafts aren’t meant to be done alone.” He snickered to himself as he prepared his neck task, wrenching out each of Eric’s teeth. Literally. 
With an old wrench he stole from someone’s work truck, he pulled the entire top row of teeth while Eric flitted in and out of consciousness, his victim only managing to moan and cough from the saliva and blood soaking the towel shoved into his throat. Anakin tied the teeth together with floss and sat it aside for later, needing to sit Eric upright for a few *Ticks* and move a few things.
He propped Eric up by duct taping a broom to the backless stool and resting his back against it while he wiped down the wrench with alcohol and lysol wipes. Placing it on the counter in plain view of the camera before removing it again. 
“You are no fun.” Anakin grunted, pulling Eric back down to the ground. “I’ve never had someone stay passed out like this. You might as well be dead already.” 
Anakin hummed to himself, pursing his lips together in thought. Thinking on his feet, Anakin needed to change his plan. He hadn’t expected Eric to be so weak that he’d be unconscious for the entire time. It put a damper on his original plan but he thought up something just as good. All he needed was something tube like.
After taking off his gloves and changing into a fresh pair, he dug through a few drawers until he found just the thing he needed. A marker. Popping off the lid, Anakin made the hole at the top of the lid a bit bigger with his knife, then pried open Eric’s mouth, pulled out the wadded, blood soaked towel and shoved his fingers down his throat.
Feeling around for the right flap of skin before finding it, the epiglottis. He grimaced, feeling Eric choke and gag around his fingers, before quickly removing them and trying not to gag as well. He shivered, rolled his shoulders and got back to work by quickly shoving the marker cap beneath it, effectively propping open the airway. Keeping Eric flat on his back, Anakin took a pair of scissors from the same drawer and grabbed the tip of his tongue, cutting through the thick muscle and mutilating the floor of his mouth as best he could. Performing a purposely sloppy Glossectomy.
Eric roused as the steel blade sliced into the tender muscle of his tongue. Anakin pinched the tip of his tongue harder, making sure to keep hold of it as Eric instinctively bit down, accidentally biting his own tongue.
“I swear to god if you bite your tongue off before I cut it…” Anakin grumbled, having a mental flashback of the blubbering idiot at the lake house. 
Eric tried to scream, but the marker cap in his throat pressed against the top of his vocal cords, lodged in place in a painful way, the pressure only allowing a pathetic squeak to eek out. Anakin smiled down at him, scrunching up his nose as he laughed. 
“Try it again.” He taunted and was pleasantly surprised that Eric indulged him. He desperately tried to make noise, but it was muted, sounding far away and scratchy despite their close proximity. 
“Aw, too bad.” He shook his head, looking down at Eric for a moment. The emotion devoid in his eyes as he had to adapt his plan to fit the circumstances once again. 
He huffed and resigned himself to the easiest choice, continuing with his previous modified plan. He didn’t want to fish around in his throat while he was conscious, Anakin liked having all ten of his fingers. So he pinched the bridge of Eric’s broken nose, pressing down on it and watching as more blood oozed down into the wadded up towel pieces.
He was equally delighted to realize the muscles in the empty eye sockets were twitching beneath the towels as though the eyes were still in place, like Eric’s tiny brain hadn’t realized it couldn’t roll those eyes back in pain. Anakin pressed harder until the panicked, whistling of his victim’s breath through the marker cap evened out. Now that he was unresponsive again, Anakin was free to continue his work. 
The mouth bleeds a lot and Anakin had always wanted to kill someone using only internal injuries. The lungs only need about half a cup of liquid to cause drowning, the body has around five liters of blood and the average pair of human lungs can hold six liters of fluid. No matter what, Eric was going to die and Anakin was thrilled that not a drop of that crimson liquid would be misplaced. Save for what he’d already spilled, technically still contained via three microfiber cleaning cloths, and the little bit he’d gotten on the trash bags and gloves. 
He clamped Eric's mouth shut, leaving the fully dismembered tongue inside the mouth. Ripping off a new piece of tape, Anakin temporarily held his mouth closed with it while he super glued his lips together. He scooted back, watching him seize and convulse. Getting a sick satisfaction from watching the struggle, Eric was already unconscious, so it was more like a slug being salted, rather than a fish flopping on dry land. A bit anticlimactic but the end result would be worth the lackluster performance. 
It didn’t take too long for it all to stop, Eric was now just another inanimate object in the room. An inanimate object that was very uncooperative while Anakin tried to put his jacket back on after cutting off the bindings on his wrists.
Anakin got out a new trash bag and began the clean up process, starting with clean gloves before pulling out the towels from the bloodied eye sockets and super gluing the eyelids closed. He couldn’t help but laugh at how odd it looked. Strangely full mouth and awkwardly empty eyes. After letting himself have a giggle, he started wiping down the corpse’s paling skin with an alcohol wipe, getting every last speck of blood and then doing it all over again with a lysol wipe just to be sure he’d gotten it all. Then he went about peeling up the spattered plastic he’d taped to the ground.
*Tick*. Anakin hefted the limp body back into an upright position on the stool, pushing him up to the corner of the counter before he cut off the saran wrap and tape, leaving him sitting slumped somewhat naturally against the counter, his head propped up on his hand. Anakin stood, quickly tying on Eric’s brand new bracelet, then dropping back to the ground before the next *Tick*.
He surveyed the area over and over again, striving for absolute perfection with his clean up and his staging. He felt the need to make up for the chaos of the last scene he’d caused. At least with the physical aspect of it all. The mental gymnastics the cops would be doing would be more than enough chaos for Anakin to enjoy for years. With a satisfied smile, Anakin repositioned his bandana and zipped up his bag for the last time. 
October 12th 8:56pm
Now that Anakin had showered, put his jewelry back in, disposed of anything incriminating and changed into suitable clothes, he went about your apartment, shutting off the Tv and giving the cat a quick pat on the head before retrieving his phone from the kitchen counter. Clicking it on he was surprised to see that he had a text from you. But it wasn’t for him. 
He sighed, contemplating his options before he shoved his phone back into his pocket. He would have time to think about that later, right now he needed to get down to the Bluebird to pick up his girl. He jogged down the steps of the apartment building and strolled out into the parking lot, he noticed someone standing near his car as he approached it. With it being so dark, he wasn’t sure if it was a man or a woman, nor was he certain of what they were doing.
“Hey.” He barked, watching the person straighten up in surprise. “What are you doing?”
“Is… is this your car?” A girl’s voice asked nervously.
Anakin turned on his phone flashlight and shined it over toward the young woman, taking in her appearance. He hung back, wondering if he should just walk away. He didn’t like being questioned like this, especially right after what he’d done. 
“Yeah, sure is.” He nodded, his voice casual enough to convey innocence. 
“I’m really, really sorry.” She said quietly, looking like she was on the verge of tears. 
“You okay?” He asked cautiously, taking a slow step backward. 
“I’m okay, sorry.” She sniffled. “Um, it's just… I really fucked up the side of your car.”
“Oh,” Anakin chuckled, trying not to sound as relieved as he felt. “you’re okay though?” He asked again.
“Yeah I’m okay. I just dinged the bumper of my car.” She said, thumbing over her shoulder at the red SUV behind her.
“Alright, as long as you didn’t hurt yourself.” Anakin said, moving closer and peeking around the end of his car to see the damage.
“Uh, can you turn on your flashlight too?” He asked, not feeling very comfortable being alone in a dark parking lot with a strange female. 
“Oh, that's not so bad.” He shook his head, assessing the side of his car. The paint was scraped and there was an obvious dent in the back door but it was only cosmetic. “Let’s see yours.”
He tipped his chin toward her vehicle and snorted, shaking his head. Her car barely had a scratch on it, just a bit of his car’s paint had transferred onto the chrome bumper, and there was a small dent, much less severe than the poor kid had made it out to be. 
“I thought you were about to show me a fuckin’ hole in the door.” He laughed, flicking his eyes over to the younger girl. “It’s no big deal hon’. What’s your name?”
“Lacey Diggins.” She said, sticking out her hand for him to shake.
“Alright Lacey, I’m Anakin Skywalker. You live here or something?” He asked while taking a mental note of her name, gesturing toward the apartment building as he fished out his keys from his hoodie pocket to jangle in his hands while he talked. 
“No, I’m just here visiting.” She shook her head, shifting on her feet. “I’ve never been in a car accident before, what exactly am I supposed to do, since it’s my fault?”
“Is this your car or your parents?” He asked, recognizing that she must’ve been highschool age. 
“My mom’s, she’s gonna be so pissed at me.” She let out a humorless laugh, wiping beneath her eyes. “You know car insurance is more expensive for red cars? Now it’ll go up even more.”
“No it won’t.” He shook his head. “Look… that’s barely noticeable, don’t get all worked up. I can get my car fixed pretty cheap, I know a guy.” Anakin brushed it off casually, knowing that it could easily be fixed in the matter of a day or two. 
“But-” She started to speak but Anakin cut her off. 
“Go to the dollar store, grab some WD-40 and some magic erasers.” Anakin said dismissively as he pulled a twenty dollar bill from his wallet. “Spray some on the bumper and scrub it off, they’ll never know. As for the dent… I wouldn’t worry about it, I doubt your mom will notice. Let her think someone at the grocery store did it.” He snorted.
“What about your car?” She squeaked, unsure as to why he was trying to hand her some cash.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you backed into it on purpose right?” He asked with a smirk.
“Well, no of course not.” She shook her head, “What’s that for?” She asked confusedly as Anakin shoved the twenty dollar bill into her palm.
“Alright, then.” He shrugged, patting her shoulder. “That’s for your clean up stuff.” Anakin said plainly as he walked around to the drivers side of his car and unlocked it. 
“No, no it’s alright.” She insisted, trying to give it back to him. “This is all my fault, y-you’re being like way too nice about this.”
“Would you rather me be angry?” He asked with a laugh, shoving his hands in his pockets to discourage her from trying to give the money back. “It’s twenty bucks. You’re just a kid and I’m not the kinda guy who gets mad over little stuff like this. All that matters is you’re not hurt and you did the right thing by telling me what happened.”
“Well, be careful alright? I gotta go get my girlfriend.” Anakin said, giving Lacey a curt nod before getting in his car and starting it up. 
As he pulled away from his parking space he watched as the girl walked into the apartment building through his rearview mirror. He clicked his tongue, smiling to himself as he hit the road on his way to pick you up. How convenient that he’d managed to get in a little good deed after the mess he’d made earlier. He knew something like this could really work in his favor, not only to corroborate his timeline just incase he might need to do so. But he doubted he would. After all, how could such a nice guy do something so… heinous.   
@tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay y @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwars @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut @luvvfromme @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141 @hopesworld @lonaah @guiltycherries @syralix @demieyesore @hemmoxloser @ahano @astarionsgirl @popcosmi @purriteen @honestlyatotalloser
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peachsukii · 8 months
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Operation: Shut Down
『♡』  fem!reader x bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ Senior year of UA | Characters are all 18 ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡ summary: during their senior year of UA, midoriya, bakugo and todoroki return to endeavor's agency for senior internships. while on a supervised patrol, bakugo experiences his first 'failure' as a hero-in-training and takes it extremely hard. reader makes an attempt to care for his fragile state when he returns to the dorms. tags & warnings:  failed mission, ptsd/trauma, mentions of blood/gore/violence, depression & anxiety, mild angst, emotional comfort, semi-fluff, bakugo and midoriya hug!? a/n: similar to the "tidal wave" story, but this one is a bit grittier and heavier subject matter. hopefully this also isn't too OOC for bakugo! i figure at some point during their time at UA, or in the field, they’ll have to go through something similar to this on their own. ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; 2,671 ꒱
Ahh, Saturday mornings - one of your favorite times of the week! There's something refreshing about being free from classes, surrounded by all your friends as you laze around the dorms. Yourself and Bakugo are usually the first two awake, often bumping into each other in the kitchen for breakfast. Midoriya and Kirishima are typically next, followed by a random assortment of the rest of the class. One thing's for certain, though, Kaminari is always the last one awake. Jiro swears it annoys the shit out of her that she needs to have an extra alarm to get him up, but he never fails to make her smile when she does.
Today, the dorms are on the quieter side as most of the class are off at their senior internships for a long weekend. You completed yours a few weeks prior, leaving yourself and Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Yaoyorozu hanging around this weekend. Meandering toward the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal, you run into Midoriya, sitting at the small table - alone.
"Hey! I thought you guys were gone 'til Monday?" you ask, confused as to why he's back early. As you approach the table, you see the somber emotion painted across his face, the usual radiance in his eyes dulled.
"Oh, hey y/n. Yeah, we got back late last night."
There's something unsettling about the way he said "late last night." He still hasn't looked up at you. You place a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention.
"Everything okay?" He jumps a bit at your touch, startling you. He's not typically this jumpy. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Zu."
You can see he swallows nervously, his eyes glued to the table.
"Christ, Izuku! You're scaring me, spit it out already!" you urge, growing impatient with his evasiveness.
Midoriya finally turns to face you, his face not able to hide the fact he didn't sleep last night, the darkness growing under his eyes.
"It's Kacchan...," he starts, stopping for longer than you were comfortable with before continuing quietly. "He's in his room and hasn't come out since last night. He won't talk to me or Shouto."
Your stomach cartwheels with a sour feeling.
"You can't just say that and not give me more background on what the hell you're talking about."
He shifted uncomfortably in the diner chair, placing his head in his hands on the table.
"We were on a supervised patrol with Endeavor after dinner last night. The three of us were responsible for escorting a family across the city when Endeavor received an emergency call, taking Kacchan with him and leaving myself and Shouto responsible for the original task."
Midoriya paused, letting out a soft exhale.
"While on the emergency call, Endeavor ended up getting hurt -," he puts his hands up, waving them as he quickly interrupts himself to say he's fine before putting his head back down. "- due to a fall. Supposedly, the villain they were pursuing took advantage of that as a distraction. Kacchan was able to subdue him..."
Again with the damn pauses.
"...but?" You try not to sound too annoyed, but can't help it. You loved Izuku dearly, but he really needed to learn to get to the damn point.
"...but the civilian he captured wasn't so lucky."
What the hell does that mean?
Something in your gut tells you to sit down for whatever it is he's going to say next. You take the seat next to him, placing a hand on his thigh for reassurance.
"You...don't have to say anything if you don't want to, Zu," your tone shifting from your previous annoyance to concern.
He puts a hand on top of yours and gives it a squeeze. "T-thanks, but it's okay. Maybe you could try to talk with him? I had Kirishima try, too with no luck."
"Okay, sure. Do you wanna tell me what happened, then?"
You're not really sure if you should know, at this point. If Bakugo's locked himself in his room and refuses to speak to anyone? Some serious shit must have happened. He's not one to completely shutdown and isolate himself, let alone from Midoriya and Kirishima.
"The...civilian didn't make it. The villain planted a bomb inside of the civilian as, uh...a backup plan, I guess. It went off as Kacchan was escorting them to the ambulance for evaluation."
Your stomach stirs a second time, afraid to confirm what you think happened. "...so, you're telling me he saw someone...explode?"
He hesitates. "Y-yeah. Endeavor told us he went into shock, which isn't like him at all but completely normal, all things considered. He went non-verbal until we got back last night. He didn't even yell, told us he was going to bed, walked off and slammed the door."
"Fucking hell...do you know if he at least got some sleep on the drive back?"
"Funny enough, yeah. He fell asleep on my shoulder." He smiles faintly, trying to look at the positive in this situation. You can't help but smile, too, imagining Bakugo passed out on him without a care in the world.
Midoriya rubs two fingers against his temple - he's intensely fighting to stay awake. But who could blame him? His best friend just went through something extremely traumatic and he doesn't know the best way to help him.
You rub his back, attempting to calm his visible anxiety.
"Alright, I'll tag in. Please Izuku, go to bed. You need to rest," you assert, knowing that he would keep himself up until he physically couldn't stand if it meant helping a friend - especially Bakugo.
"Yeah. Thank you, y/n," Midoriya says wearily. As he stands, you jump up from your own seat to wrap him in a tight hug. He accepts, sighing into your shoulder as his body deflates into yours.
"Come on, I'll walk you back to your room."
After you walk Midoriya back to his dorm room, you go inside with him for a few minutes to be sure he actually gets into bed. He lazily crawls under the sheets, letting you tuck him in as his eyes are fluttering closed. You pat his head and mutter a 'night Zu' as you tip-toe to the door, carefully shutting it behind you.
Jogging up to the 4th floor, you make your way down the hall to Bakugo's room. You stand outside for a moment before knocking twice.
No response.
You give him a few seconds before knocking again.
Nothing. You don't hear any movement on the other side of the door, either. Maybe he's asleep?
One final try before you give up and resort to calling him.
Thudding footsteps are stomping on the floor from inside his room after the third set of knocks. The sudden sound shocks you as the door flies open, Bakugo's scowling face emerging from behind it, the whites of his eyes faintly pink in color. Has he been crying?
"God dammit, nerd! I fuckin' told you -," He doesn't notice it's you right away as he's shouting in your face. Once the realization sets in, he visibly recoils at his mistake. "...sorry. Thought you were Izuku."
"I could go dye my hair and draw freckles on if you wanna yell at me," you joke.
He doesn't laugh - not even an eyeroll.
Your heart sinks.
Neither of you say anything, standing there awkwardly as the air thickens between the two of you. Bakugo audibly exhales and you can't tell if he's annoyed, angry or...sad.
"Can I come in?" you ask humbly.
He says nothing, retreating back into his room - but, he leaves the door open for you. You take that as an accepted invitation, coming inside and closing the door behind you. He sits on his bed, knees tucked up to his chest as he scoots back to the wall.
Seeing Bakugo like this tugs at your heartstrings, despondent and detached, the opposite of any emotions he'd usually carry. You follow him to the bed and quietly ask permission to sit with him.
"Do you want me to sit with you, Kat?"
He doesn't move, just answers with a muted 'whatever.'
As gentle as you can, you climb onto the bed and shimmy next to him, back against the wall. You'll take this as a win, especially since Midoriya mentioned him not answering anyone else. You're about to say something as you hear a sniffle, confirming your suspicions.
Bakugo was and has been crying.
You reach over to put a hand in his hair in an attempt to comfort him. Instantaneously, he smacks your hand away - hard - and a spark jumps off his palm. Normally, he'd let you touch him without an issue - to an extent, of course, but right now? You understand why he wouldn't want any physical touch.
"Okay, I'll sit here as long as you want," you affirm, retracting your hand and pulling your own knees to your chest. "You don't have to say anything."
With that, the flood gates busted wide open. Bakugo whips his head in your direction, his nose red and eyes swollen, and frantically scrambles on to you. The two of you fall sideways into the pillows at the head of the bed as he wraps his arms around you into an awkward embrace. He buries his face in the curve of your neck, latching onto the back of your shirt with an ironclad grip as he begins to sob.
You have never heard him cry this hard over anything, not even after his fight with Midoriya back in their first year.
You don't wait for Bakugo to say anything before you're cradling him against you, one hand delicately stroking his hair while the other massages light circles on his back.
"I've got you, Katsuki, it's okay," you whisper soothingly while trying your damndest to stop yourself from crying along with him. You wish, more than anything in the world, that you could physically remove the memory from his brain to free him of this trauma.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay as long as you want."
He doesn't respond, only pushes himself deeper into your embrace. You can feel the material of your shirt sticking to your skin at your collarbone from his snot and tears, and you're definitely going to have bruises on your back from his fingers digging into you for support. None of that matters though in the moment, what matters is that he's getting the initial shock out of his system.
You're not too sure how long you both lay there, but with time, you can tell Bakugo's calming down by his sobs mellowing out. His body begins to loosen up, the tension melting from his tightened grip around you. And then you hear it - a low snore.
He'd fallen asleep.
You tilt your head back to get a look at his face. His features have relaxed around his puffy eyes and pink nose. Without thinking, you run a hand through his bangs, exposing his forehead and press a tender kiss to it. He doesn't stir and continues to take deep, sleepy breaths.
Bakugo wakes an hour later, dazed and exhausted. When he starts to shift in your arms, you open your eyes. You give him a hearty smile as he releases his hold, rolling onto his back next to you.
"Mornin' sunshine. How're you feeling?"
He snorts as his eyes focus on the ceiling. "Like shit."
He pauses before looking back at you. "But less than before. Thanks. I'm just fuckin' tired."
"You scared me, I've never seen you that upset before," you admit. "You don't have to talk about it now, or ever, just know that I'm here for whatever you need."
"I don't even know what to say about it. Shit sucked, but it's what we signed up for." He's very monotone, but at least he's talking.
You roll over to face him. "I'm sorry you had to see it."
Bakugo sighs. "'S what it is. I'll get over it. Endeavor told me the first one is the hardest, better to get it outta the way before becomin' a pro."
Damn, that made your heart ache.
"Just 'cause we wanna help people doesn't mean we can't also ask the same for ourselves. Heroes need a hero, too."
He lolls his head to the side and stares at you, a gleam in his tired eyes. "...yeah."
The room is silent as the two of you take a break from the rough conversation. If he doesn't want to continue talking, you don't push it. Instead, you offer a distraction.
"I'd love to take you hiking today, if you're up for it," you say with enthusiasm. "I know how much you love that one trail nearby with the overlook of the city."
Bakugo felt his heart flutter at the proposal, confusing the hell out of him, but offered a sense of comfort that he needed. He loved that you remembered something so niche about his interests.
"Maybe tomorrow."
"Sure! You tell me how early you wanna go and I'll get my ass out of bed. Just for you," you tease, jokingly smacking his arm. "We can get lunch on the way back from the hike, too. Wherever you wanna go!"
Between the swirl of emotions from earlier and how sweet you're being to him now, he's overwhelmed with a feeling he can't quite place.
"Y/N, can I ask you something?" he asks abruptly.
Well, that came out of nowhere.
"Always, Kat. What is it?"
He stalls his follow up, seeming to think a little longer on how he wans to phrase his question.
"Why...are you here with me?"
His question baffles you. "Because you're my best friend?"
Best friend, he repeats in his head.
You notice the pondering look in his eyes as he turns to face you, shifting to lay on his side.
"It's because I care deeply about you, Katsuki. Nothing'll ever change that."
"...promise?" His voice is shaky, a nervousness to his tone.
You reach out and touch his cheek, stroking it lovingly with your thumb.
"Is that even a question? Yes, I promise. You're stuck with my ass forever, like it or not. I’ll be cheering for you every step of the way."
He laughs - genuinely.
And then he smiles. Your heart soars into the heavens.
"There's my favorite firecracker!" you boast, squishing his cheek in your hand.
Bakugo huffs at the sudden affection, a dusting of pink on his cheeks and nose.
"Th' fuck?!" he curses, playfully poking your forehead. "I'm not a firecracker!"
“Coulda fooled me, Mr. Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight.”
The two of you play fight, cackling like children as the tension melts from the room.
Even if it’s just for a little while, Bakugo forgot about the agonizing dread from hours ago.
Later on in the dorm lobby, you’re sitting on the couch with Bakugo, feet in his lap watching TV as he’s reading a book. Midoriya comes prancing into the room, fresh faced from his nap. His eyes brighten when he sees Bakugo on the couch.
“Hey guys! Kacchan, how are you feeling?” he asks cheerfully, taking a seat on the couch next to him.
Unexpectedly, Bakugo wraps an arm over Midoriya’s shoulder, tugging him into his side.
“Fine, nerd. Thanks.” He lets go, puts a hand on his head and roughly fluffs his curls - just like when they were kids. Midoriya is so taken aback that he doesn’t say anything, he just smiles and relaxes next to him.
“What are we watching?”
You lean sideways to catch a glimpse of the boys together on the couch, co-existing without any negativity. Even after all the shit life throws at them, they still find ways to shove it all away to enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes, they just need a little help getting back to that mentality.
A silent huff escapes you as you lay back into the couch.
These boys are going to be the death of me.
i love these goobers and wanna buy them a lifetime’s worth of ice cream and take them to disney world to make them happy :’)
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veryberryjelly · 11 months
spare key
pairing : tara carpenter x fem!reader
🎃 - reading by an open window
👻 - " did i scare you ? " " ...no?"
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞
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tara had definitely been a little bit more jumpy since the ghost face attacks.
you had stopped surprising her with hugs from behind because the last time you did she screamed.
you hadn't used your spare key to her place since either because you didnt want her to think someone was breaking in.
but you were too tired to really acknowledge all of those factors right now.
you had just gotten back from the library after studying all day and all you wanted to do was collapse into bed with tara.
so you fished your key to her apartment from your front pocket, slotting it into the lock and pushing it open.
with sam out and quinn gone for good, the entire flat was silent as you made your way through, setting your bag down on the kitchen counter.
" tara ?" you called out through the living space, sliding your shoes off and putting them by the door as you made your way towards her room. you found her perched on her window seat with her nose in a book and a pair of headphones over her ears.
ever since the last break in, tara was insistent on doing everything with a view of an exit, so this wasnt the first time you had found her like this.
when you pushed her door open further, you saw her jump slightly, her book dropping to her lap as she pulled her headphones off.
" sorry, did i scare you..?" you questioned as she walked into her room, shutting the door behind you.
there was a brief pause before she spoke up.
"...no." she replied, settling her headphones on her neck before pausing her music. " what're you doing here? i didnt know you were coming over.." she questioned, standing from her perch and making her way over to you.
" i've been doing stuff all day, just wanted to see you..." you started, your arms moving to wrap around her waist as hers draped over your shoulders. " can i stay the night?" you questioned, longing to just curl up in her arms and sleep.
" yeah, of course. why don't you shower and i'll make some food and then we can go to bed " she suggested, her hand lifting to brush some stray hairs behind your ear, her hand lingering on your cheek.
" sounds good. " you replied, pressing a short kiss onto her lips before moving down the hall to shower.
it had gotten to the point where you had stayed over so much that you had part of your own shelf in her shower.
her products resided next to yours and it just filled you with a bit of happiness every time you saw it.
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Forming the Pack - Part 1
Autumn Embers Master List
Pheromones aren’t everything, of course, but you’ll get more cohesive group dynamics if everyone has scents that go together. Scent blockers and diffusers are everywhere in common spaces, so it’s not like people who’s scents don’t mesh can’t be around each other. Lots of people with subtler or hard to pin down scents only go au naturel on special occasions with family and their special someone.
Of course, the military is a whole other beast.
Almost every person serving active duty is an alpha, which lends itself to clashes. And alphas, who already tend to have stronger scents, put out even more aggressive pheromones in close proximity with one another. Industrial strength scent diffusers can only do so much. It results in proximity packs forming, alphas who are scent compatible spending more time with each other.
The 141 doesn’t form because of scent compatibility. When Price finds Simon and forms the task force, he doesn’t much care about what they each smell like. Their scents being on wildly different parts of the spectrum is better than if they were too close, Price reasons. His gear smells a bit spicy, Simon’s always has an earthy undertone. It’s easy to avoid squabbling, and only made easier by the way Simon readily assumes his position as John’s second. No muss, no fuss.
The first year passes. It’s hard work, but Simon makes it undeniably simpler. The Ghost has a presence that demands deference from the temporary members of the task force. And because Ghost follows his captain, that deference extends to Price. The two times someone had tried to upset the balance, Simon had reacted with such swift ferocity that Price hadn’t known there was a problem before it was resolved with a neck under a boot.
“Stand down, Ghost,” Price says around his cigar, the third time.
“'S soon as he acknowledges his superiors, Skipper,” Ghost rumbles, staring down at the sergeant who’s face is going an interesting shade of purple with shame and a lack of oxygen. “Yield, corporal.” The sergeant frantically taps Ghost’s boot. Ghost gives him just enough room to heave a breath, and snarls down, “Yield to the Captain.”
“Captain, I yield,” the young man gasps.
“You ever flout orders again, I’ll kill you myself,” Ghost growls.
After that, the mission had gone smoothly.
Days later, it’s just the two of them again, walking home from the pub. It’s a nice enough night for it, and they’re both too jumpy to call a car. Simon follows without comment, just lights a cigarette and falls into John’s wake, like always.
Four blocks from the base, Simon says, “Gotta piss.”
John snorts. “What, you didn’t go before we left? Hold it.”
“Alright,” Simon drawls. Without breaking stride, he lights another cigarette.
Of course, within another block, John becomes too aware of his own bladder. If Simon hadn’t said anything, he could probably have made it. Annoyed, he steps into an alley and behind a dumpster. His nose does not appreciate the assault on his senses, but he’s a soldier, he’s smelled worse. Simon stands guard at mouth of the alley as he does his business.
When he emerges, he tips his head. “Goin’?”
Simon quirks an eyebrow and exhales a cloud of smoke. “Am I?”
Price hums, takes in Simon’s relaxed posture. Without the skull covered balaclava, he’s softer. Not civilian soft - he’s still almost 2 meters of alpha, hardened by military training and torture. But where most military As balk at taking orders when they’re not in the field, Simon looks for ways to let Price lead.
Simon will do what ever John tells him. It’s a realization that probably shouldn’t thrill him the way it does.
John waves him into the alley. “Be quick about it.”
Without comment, Simon hands his half-finished cigarette over and steps into the alley. John contemplates it as Simon does his business. He prefers cigars, but he takes a drag and tells himself it’s just to keep it lit.
But when Simon re-emerges, John doesn’t hand it back. And Simon doesn’t ask.
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megalony · 18 days
This Is Fate- Part 5
Thank you all for the lovely feedback on this Dark! Evan Buckley series, I'm so thrilled to get back into writing this one.
I hope you will all like it, please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro @itsgigikay
@5hundreddaysofsummer @soryuwifeyxx @targaryenluvs @xobarbie
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Summary: Eddie is surprised when his little sister comes to LA, pregnant, and asks to stay with him. She needs a fresh start away from her ex, but things take a bad turn when she finds out her ex works with her brother. And he won't let her go so easily.
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"It's him. Eddie… it's him, he's the father."
A cold sweat began to lick at Eddie's skin when he looked down at his sister who couldn't stop from looking across at Evan who had taken a few steps closer towards them.
This wasn't right. It couldn't be true.
How could it be Evan? How could Evan be the father of her baby? How did they even know each other six months ago?
He began to shake his head until (Y/n) clutched his arm even tighter and tried to hold back a sob. She pulled on his arm until he stepped closer to her and he moved one hand to cup the back of her neck when she leaned into him.
"No, no." Eddie darted to look over at Evan who was suddenly one foot away from him. Arms still folded over his chest, a look of pure anger and frustration written across his face. But it was his eyes, so intently focused on (Y/n), that had Eddie's blood surging to his chest and igniting his heart. He couldn't look at Eddie's little sister like that! He couldn't stare at her with such a hateful burning intensity like she had done something wrong.
How could it be Evan? (Y/n) said her ex frightened her. She said he would look at her phone, control where she went and who she saw. She said he barely let her breathe on her own and got to the point where she couldn't leave the house without telling him. That wasn't Evan, he wasn't like that. He had never been like that with any of his exes, he had never shown that side to Eddie or been anything but loving and kind around Chris.
But Evan had been off work over a year ago, after his accident. They all knew he had left LA to recover after his operations. They knew he had gone to recuperate and get better, and the time away seemed to have done him some good.
Could he have met (Y/n) while he was away? He never said he had been in the same town as Chrissy and (Y/n). He never mentioned either of their names… but he said he met a girl. He told them all he met someone special, he said he had never met anyone like her and thought she could be it for him.
Everyone had been under the impression he was in a long distance relationship.
It made sense. Evan was infatuated with (Y/n), he believed what they had was fate, he was always telling everyone about fate and how he believed in it. This explained everything. It explained why (Y/n) had been so jumpy when she came here, why she didn't settle even when Eddie thought she was now safe and sound with him. It explained why she didn't want to meet or be around the team, why she never agreed to go out with him and Evan together.
Oh God, when she came to the station with Chris, and she fainted. Was that Evan's fault too?
"No, no… not you? You're the one who terrorised my sister?!" Fury bubbled up in Eddie's voice and he had to remind himself not to shout because Chris was in the living room. Shouting would catch his attention and if Chris learned this situation it would make everything ten times worse.
Could this even get any worse?
Those words made a growl vibrate deep in Evan's chest and he unfolded his arms from his chest to clench his hands into fists.
That wasn't fair. He hadn't terrorised (Y/n). He loved her. She was the girl he hadn't been able to get out of his head, the one he had been telling the team about for months. She was the girl fate had brought back to him. Evan loved her, he would never terrorise or hurt her like she had tried to tell everybody. Evan wanted to love and cherish (Y/n), and she was having his baby. He would never do anything to upset her or the baby or put them in danger.
"No. I love every bone in her body," His eyes glanced down to (Y/n) but she wouldn't meet his gaze. This wasn't how she wanted to tell Eddie and they both knew it. "But she's not taking my daughter from me."
The way Evan's eyes locked with (Y/n)'s caused her to shiver and she tightened her hands around Eddie's arm as if it would do her any good.
She had done the hard part- or, Evan had done the hard part by dragging out the truth and involving Eddie. Now her brother knew what was really going on, and everything was going to get worse from here on out.
Evan couldn't keep coming round, playing the best friend and uncle role with Eddie and Chris, Eddie would never allow it. He couldn't try and pretend he and (Y/n) were in a happy relationship when Eddie knew the truth and would do his upmost best to keep them apart and look after his sister. Things at work were going to be strained between them.
What would Maddie do if she found out? She had escaped an abusive marriage, would she be able to cope if she found out her beloved brother was heading down that same path? The truth would cripple her.
(Y/n) felt the need to get up and disappear. She wanted to make a break for the door, to run out and grab Chris and take him out to let them both breathe and recover and relax. She wanted to get away from Evan and leave her brother so she didn't have to break his heart and explain this whole mess.
But when (Y/n) shifted an inch on the bed and tried to straighten up, her gaze interlocked with Evan.
It was as if they were the only two people in the room, in the house, in the whole entire world. All she could see were those ocean blue eyes, darkening by the second until they looked like black holes that were consuming her entire being. She could see the beginning of tears glossing over his eyes, but they weren't tears of anguish. They were full of paranoia, of anger and resentment but surprisingly still welling up with love. The obsessive side of him was flaring up and even Eddie could see it now.
She couldn't try and rise to her feet because when she moved, Evan inched closer. He was anticipating her trying to make a break for it and his stance told her he wasn't going to allow that. He was moving in to stop her from being able to dash out the room without him. She wasn't running away from him.
When he inched closer, (Y/n) leaned back at the same time that Eddie stood in front of her, placing himself in the way like a human shield. He didn't want Evan to look at his sister, let alone get close enough to touch her. Not after what he'd just learned.
"You're not taking our baby anywhere without me." The dark tone in Evan's voice was matched with his hand, uncurling from a fist to point towards her stomach.
If (Y/n) went anywhere, Evan was going with her. If she disappeared, he would find out where she'd gone and keep tabs on her. God forbid she tried to leave LA, Evan would be hot on her heels to bring her back again. He'd been lucky enough to find out about the baby before (Y/n) had her in secret and if (Y/n) had her way, he wouldn't of known at all. But now he knew, and he wasn't letting either of them disappear from his life.
"I w- I wasn't running away. I needed t… time to think," (Y/n) knew she didn't have to explain anything. She didn't owe Evan an explanation or a reason and she didn't have to talk to him if she didn't want to, but she felt like she needed to.
She needed Evan to know because she didn't want him to be angry with her. The last thing (Y/n) wanted was for Evan to think he couldn't trust her. He had tracked her phone when they had been together. He knew where she was going, who she was with and what she did every moment of the day because he tracked her movements.
That was the reason (Y/n) never got any antenatal care back home, because she couldn't risk Evan seeing her going to the maternity ward at the hospital and finding out. Not that it mattered anymore.
But if he thought she had been packing up to disappear for good, again, he would get overwhelmed and he would revert to desperate measures to keep her and the baby within his sights. (Y/n) thought if she could try and reassure him and calm the situation down, they could talk through this. With Eddie; somehow.
"You don't have to explain to him." Eddie carefully peeled his arm out of (Y/n)'s hold so he could rest his hand on her shoulder instead. He squeezed gently and stayed as close to her as he could manage while his eyes intently burned into his best friend.
The only person other than (Y/n) who Eddie thought he could trust his life with. Not anymore.
"She does if she thinks she's leaving again. If I didn't come back to work when I did, I wouldn't have known I'm gonna be a dad." Evan's dark, manic eyes darted between the pair of them before eventually settling on (Y/n) again.
"Why the Hell do you think she left you in the first place? You're sick, Buck-"
"I'm sick? I didn't high-tail it down here in the middle of the night to get away from my family or responsibilities. I wasn't the one who didn't want to tell you the truth."
"And what is the truth?"
He wanted to hear him say it. Eddie wanted to hear those words from Evan's lips. He wanted him to admit how cruel he had been to (Y/n) by frightening her and practically smothering her. He wanted Evan to admit he had been wrong and he was still acting wrong by being pushy and pestering and damaging towards (Y/n). Eddie wanted the truth to come from Evan's lips so he might just be able to believe it.
Evan took another step closer until there was limited space between him and Eddie, but they both knew he wasn't trying to get close to him. Evan wanted to be as close as he could to (Y/n), but to intimidate her or just to be in her presence, Eddie couldn't be sure.
"Your sister's having my baby. And whether you like it or not, I love her, so get used to me being around. You can't keep me away." His eyes darted down to (Y/n) as he spoke those last words and his hand reached out for hers before she could realise what he was doing.
"You bastard!"
Evan's fingers barely curled around her hand before Eddie fist connected with his jaw and sent him reeling to the right.
"Eddie!" (Y/n) tried to reach out for her brother, but he was already pushing Evan backwards with both hands scrunched up in his shirt. And (Y/n) didn't dare move from her spot on the bed when her legs had turned to jelly and her stomach was starting to ache and weigh her down.
Eddie pushed until Evan's hips hit the chest of drawers behind him and he pinned his arm down across Evan's throat, applying just enough pressure to make breathing difficult.
"Get out. Leave!"
Each word sneered past Eddie's lips and when he pulled back, he twisted to the side and gave Evan a shove towards the door. But the other man didn't seem to be listening.
Evan locked his eyes on (Y/n) and tried to hold his hand out towards her, as if she would want to leave the safety and comfort of her home and go anywhere with him. Anywhere with Evan wasn't going to be or feel as safe as staying here and trying to apologise and explain to her brother.
"(Y/n), come with me. We need to talk-"
"You honestly think she wants to go with you- that I would let you anywhere near her after the shit you've done? She's not going with you, so leave." Eddie did his best to control his temper.
He knew just what it would do to Chris if he heard or saw his dad kicking his best friend out the house. He couldn't do that to Chris. They had to think of something to say, something to tell him, a way to explain that Evan wasn't going to be coming round anymore. That they wouldn't be seeing him again because Eddie couldn't trust his son with Evan if he could get as manic as (Y/n) said.
"So you can help her take my daughter away? No."
"(Y/n)'s not going anywhere. She's not safe unless she's with me and you are not touching my sister ever again, Buck. Now get out. I don't want Chris knowing how fucked up you really are."
Evan looked like he wanted to disagree.
And he did. He wanted to rush forward and take (Y/n)'s hand. He wanted to get her out of here and take her home with him so they could talk in private and work out what they were going to do, because he wasn't letting it go like this. He wasn't letting Eddie have his way and rip him out of his own daughter's life and keep him away from (Y/n).
He didn't want to walk away from here and come back tomorrow or the day after and find that Eddie had swiftly carted his sister off to some safe haven where Evan couldn't find her. He didn't have the time to go searching for her. He needed (Y/n) close by, being without her felt like horrid withdrawal symptoms, it felt like his heart was coming out of his chest and every inch of his skin was split apart and bleeding him dry.
He couldn't be parted from her again and risk not seeing her or their baby. He wanted to feel the kicks, the movements and he desperately needed to be there at the birth of his first child. If (Y/n) left he might not find her in time and he was going to be in his daughter's life, no one was going to prevent that.
But Evan could see that he wasn't going to get his way right now. Eddie would fight him and Evan didn't want to upset (Y/n) when she already looked like she was in a bad state. Upsetting her would make her sick and could upset the baby too; he wouldn't risk that.
With his hands held up at his sides, he grimly nodded his head with burning desire written across his face.
He started aiming for the door, but he turned to look back at (Y/n), murmuring "I'll see you in two days," over his shoulder before he walked out.
(Y/n) knew that that meant.
The scan.
He was going to be there. Now that Eddie knew, he wasn't going to let Eddie take her. There was no point hiding it now. Evan would do whatever he had to so he could have an hour off work and take (Y/n) to her scan, so he could see for himself if their baby was alright and hear what the midwife said.
Silence enveloped the pair of them as they waited in turmoil, guessing Evan was making an excuse to Chris to explain why he wasn't sticking around for them all to go out for tea like they planned. Three agonising minutes later and Evan was out the door which rattled behind him and (Y/n) felt woozy the moment he was gone.
At least with him here she had some sort of help to explain, but then again, Evan wouldn't explain, he would twist the situation or outright deny anything he didn't like the sound of. He wouldn't have been much help and he would of riled Eddie up.
She dropped her head into her hands and let the tears fall down her face. Her shoulders quaked ad trembles took over her entire body. This is what she had been frightened of. This is why she didn't want to tell Eddie, because now she had gone and ruined everything. If she never came down here in the first place, she wouldn't have turned Eddie and Chris's lives upside down and she wouldn't do the same to Maddie when she eventually found out.
She should have stayed with Chrissy. She should have told Evan she was pregnant and try to work the situation out between them.
Tears cascaded into her palms and dripped between her fingers that were starting to dig into her temple while her palms pressed into her mouth and cheeks until she was about to smother herself.
What had she done?
"I- I'm so sorry."
She couldn't bear to lift her face from her hands and look at her brother. Not after what she had just done to him.
She had unwittingly got into a relationship with his best friend and when it turned sour, she brought all her baggage and problems here to Eddie's doorstep. When she found out Evan lived here, that he was the famous 'Buck' Eddie was always talking about, she should have left. She should have gone back to Chrissy or gone home to their parents and found a place of her own, away from everyone.
She should have left again and risk Evan chasing after her to try and find her. It would have been better than walking in and ruining Eddie's life like this. His work life would forever be changed, his friendships were now going to break apart and it was going to wreak havoc on everyone at the station.
All because of (Y/n).
She almost jumped forward when an arm suddenly curved around her waist and she felt the bed dip beside her.
Eddie flopped down on the bed, letting all the energy dwindle and drain out of him as he did. His right arm swooped around (Y/n)'s waist and he gently pressed a kiss to the back of her head while he murmured "You have nothing to apologise for."
He couldn't see why she was apologising when she hadn't done anything wrong. She hadn't asked Evan to turn as possessive and controlling as he did. She didn't make him stalk her or prowl after her and become so attached to her that he couldn't let her move without telling him. She hadn't done anything to warrant any of this, and Eddie wouldn't have her feeling guilty for it.
"Why didn't you tell me it was him? You… Dios, (Y/n) you've been around him for weeks, and all this time," Eddie ran his free hand through his hair while his other arm tightened around her waist. "All this time, I told him how happy I was you're back, how worried I was about you- and it was all his fucking fault!"
She should have told him. From that day she fainted at the station, she should have told Eddie. He could have protected her, he would of done something, anything, to keep Evan away from her.
Instead, Eddie invited him round for dinner and let him take (Y/n) and Chris out to get them both out the house and have some fun. He let Evan talk to (Y/n) and he openly talked to Evan about her. He told him how worried he was about his sister, how she was coping, he talked about the baby. Eddie did everything he shouldn't have done.
All this time, he had seen his sister panic and grow increasingly worried, and he had no idea why. If he'd of only asked, pushed a little and found out the truth, he could have kept her safe.
(Y/n) wiped her hands across her face before she leaned her head on Eddie's shoulder. She could feel her headache coming back with vengeance and the baby was kicking up a storm from all the adrenaline and hormones rushing through her blood.
"Chris loves him, you- you're so close… and now I've ruined everything-"
"Hey, hey don't say that. You haven't done anything, he's the messed up one here."
"This is why- why I didn't tell you. When I realised he was the guy you and Chris always talk about, I didn't know what to do. You work with him, Chris loves him, I can't- you can't… he's in our lives now."
(Y/n)'s hand moved to cradle her stomach and she looked down as if she could see her little girl. The person she was trying to protect. The reason she had left and come here in the first place. The person (Y/n) didn't want Evan to control or frighten or get possessive over.
She couldn't just walk away and expect Evan not to find her. He wanted to be in their daughter's life and (Y/n) wouldn't have the heart to stop him. When he didn't know, it felt easier. She told herself she could do this alone, she could have this baby without him because Evan didn't know and he could live in ignorance.
But now he knew, he was never going to sit back and be able to carry on with his life if he couldn't have his daughter in it. He couldn't go through life knowing he'd missed her birth or her first steps, her first words, seeing her go to school, being there when she was ill, holding her hand or just wanting a cuddle. He couldn't miss out on any of that.
(Y/n) couldn't walk away when he was woven into all their lives. Chris wouldn't understand or cope if Evan was suddenly no longer in his life, and Eddie worked with him. He relied on him, they couldn't cut all contact and try to leave him behind.
"He… he's always felt unlucky, every girl he's loved has left him even when he didn't do anything. It must make him paranoid or something… you said he didn't hurt you, like grab you or anything though, right?"
Eddie wasn't trying to imply that what Evan had done was okay or justified, but he could start to see what had driven Evan to be so controlling when it came to (Y/n). Every relationship had blown up in his face, every girl had left him or he had to leave them for his own sake. Nothing worked out.
Now, he felt like (Y/n) was the one and somehow, Evan thought he had to fight against all odds and control fate to make sure nothing went wrong. But in doing that, he had pushed (Y/n) away.
He almost hated to ask and when he looked at his sister, the wariness in his eyes was clear. He couldn't imagine Evan hitting anyone he loved, it wasn't in his nature, and Eddie certainly couldn't envision his best friend hitting his sister. It wasn't something that was worth thinking about, lest he wanted to send himself insane.
"No! No he- he was controlling, I was suffocating with him, but he didn't… he punched someone for hitting on me, but he never hurt me."
(Y/n) couldn't picture Evan hurting a loved one either. The way he talked about Maddie and the 118, they were his family and he loved the bones of them. He loved Eddie like the brother he never had and Chris was like a son to him. Evan would never hit, attack or be physical with any of them, he would rather have them punch him like Eddie had just done than raise a hand to any of them.
He would never hurt (Y/n) in that way, she felt confident in that, and he would never hurt their daughter. (Y/n) had no doubt he would treat their girl like a little princess, she would be his entire world and nothing would be more important.
But that only made (Y/n) more worried that Evan would become dramatic. He would become overwrought with panic. He would be more controlling over (Y/n), he wouldn't let their daughter out of his sights. If he had been tracking (Y/n)'s phone and getting angry if she didn't tell him where she went, how was he going to be if he didn't know what his daughter was doing each day?
"Jesus. What are we gonna do? If you don't want him involved you just say the word and I'll- I'll talk to Bobby, we can get a plan in motion, keep him away from you and the baby. But I think he'll put up a fight."
"Eddie, all he's ever wanted is kids and a family… I can't- I can't just take her from him. It would make him worse."
When Eddie looked down and realised both (Y/n)'s hands were shakily cupping her stomach, he sank his teeth down into his lower lip and tugged her closer into his side like he was pulling her under his wing.
(Y/n) couldn't take their daughter from him, Evan wouldn't let her and she couldn't be that cruel. Not when all Evan wanted in the world was a family and to have what he never got growing up. He wanted to be the father he missed out on all his life, he wanted to have a family, to have kids to dote on and a partner to love.
Could (Y/n) really dangle that in front of his face like this and then be cruel enough to take it away from him?
That would kill him.
"Then I'll meet him somewhere and talk it out, I'll lay down the rules. He can't try and control you or crowd you, I don't want him alone with you either. We'll try and make this work, somehow, if that's what you want. And if he does anything, you tell me and I'll do what I have to. I'll keep you safe."
Another flood wave of tears poured down (Y/n)'s face as she buried her cheek into Eddie's shirt and wrapped her arms around him.
He would put her first, even if she didn't want him to. He would tell Bobby and Athena, he would tell the whole team and he would go to the police if he had to, in order to keep his sister safe. He would always put her first.
If (Y/n) wanted to try and let Evan be involved with the baby, Eddie would help. He would supervise, he would ensure that Evan couldn't control her or try and get possessive over her. He wouldn't let Evan be alone with her or influence her, Evan wouldn't be able to spin tales and get a grip on (Y/n). He would be allowed a minimal path in (Y/n)'s life and he would have to prove himself if he wanted to be involved with the baby.
Eddie would keep them both safe and he would do whatever he had to in order to make that work.
"Thank you."
"(Y/n), please don't try and leave. I know you're scared, but I'm always gonna look after you and the baby too. I'll always take your side, but I don't want you to think you have to run away to protect me. Let me keep you safe, okay?"
Eddie couldn't stand the thought of (Y/n) feeling like she had to leave so he and Chris would be alright. She wasn't going to ruin anything and she wouldn't be making problems for him or the team and their family. Evan had burned those bridges already, he had caused this. But Eddie wouldn't have (Y/n) thinking her only option was to run off, frightened and alone.
He would look after her and he wanted her here with him where she was safe and surrounded by family in case anything happened. He wanted her to have her baby with family around her and a home she was safe in. Not back with their parents where she felt isolated and alone and fearful, or in a strange town she didn't know in an unsafe area.
"I won't, I promise."
A shiver crawled down (Y/n)'s spine and she found herself taking a step closer to Eddie when she turned around from the check-in pad. Her shoulders hunched up and she reached her hand to the left to slide her hand into Eddie's.
She felt her brother take a step closer to her and he looked up from his phone in his hand to glance at her, wondering why she had suddenly tucked herself into his side. But when (Y/n) remained stiff and silent, Eddie looked around.
His upper lip curled and a growl burned at the back of his throat when he looked at the waiting area.
She knew he would turn up. (Y/n) just had a feeling that Evan wouldn't let this go. He wouldn't let her attend this appointment on her own, he would want to be here, especially now he would be worried that (Y/n) might try and leave town. Coming to the scan today proved she wasn't going anywhere and let Evan reassure himself that she and the baby were okay.
Evan looked relaxed; (Y/n) didn't expect him to look so comfortable and at ease when she knew what was running through his mind. She knew he was on edge. He couldn't relax when he was at work because him and Eddie wouldn't be on speaking terms and the rest of the team would cotton on. He couldn't go to Maddie and vent because she was under the impression all was fine between him and (Y/n). And now he would be fretting that (Y/n) would take his baby from him.
But looking at him right now, no one would think anything was amiss. Evan was reclined in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs, knees spread apart, arms folded over his chest and a cocky, lopsided grin on his face.
With his hand tightly grasping (Y/n)'s, Eddie led them over towards Evan, no matter how every bone in his body was screaming at him to walk away. To sit at the back row instead of the front, to drag (Y/n) to stand near the corridor and wait there as far away from Evan as possible.
Eddie sat down next to Evan, his back straight as a board and both hands now tapping away on his thighs. He turned to the left and looked over at Evan with a raised brow and a steel expression that gave away how angry he was right now.
"I told you to stay the fuck away." His voice was quiet but guttural and his upper lip stiffened.
The intent in his voice was clear. Not only had he instructed Evan to stay away from his sister, but he'd also told him not to try and come here today. Eddie had the day off while Evan was supposed to be working, so he and (Y/n) had gone out earlier this morning. They wanted to be out in case Evan tried to call by the house because they knew he had wanted to be here today. Neither of them thought he would turn up before them.
"You really thought that would work? I've got every right to be here." Evan uncrossed his arms and sat up straight, but when he leaned around Eddie to try and look at (Y/n), he sighed as Eddie leaned in the way.
"No you don't-"
"It's my baby-"
"Stop it, you're both giving me a headache." (Y/n) rubbed her temple that was starting to throb again before she slouched in the chair. Her knees pushed forward and her spine clicked as she shimmied like she was melting into the chair.
Arguing wasn't going to do anything. Evan was here and he wasn't going to leave, they may as well let him stay. He couldn't do anything or be any sort of threat at a hospital appointment, and it wasn't like (Y/n) was going to be left alone with him at any point.
Her head tilted back and she closed her eyes, hoping it would ward away the headache forming behind her eyes. If the boys were going to sit here arguing then (Y/n) would move and sit away from them, she wasn't in the mood for arguments.
She had spent the last two nights either crying or staring at the ceiling in despair. She barely slept, she had barely been focused at work yesterday and now she felt sluggish and worn down. Nothing was going the way it should. This was supposed to be a happy occasion full of excitement and love but all they felt was despair and panic.
(Y/n) had barely gotten anything ready for the baby and she had less than three months left to sort everything out. She would probably still be living with Eddie when she had this baby and that wouldn't be fair on him or Chris, despite how often they both said they wanted (Y/n) to stay with them.
(Y/n) could feel herself getting lost in her dwelling thoughts until her name was called out and she opened her dreary eyes. She moved one hand to Eddie's thigh to push herself up and she smiled when she felt his hand on her lower back.
Once she was up, Evan moved his hands to his thighs and pushed up with creaking knees. He clicked his neck from side to side and stretched, but he rose a brow when he felt Eddie's hand on his arm. The touch wasn't careful or considerate or comforting like it usually was. Eddie's touch was cold and almost malicious as his fingers punctured into Evan's arm.
The silent message was clear; Eddie didn't want him going in there with (Y/n) and it was punctuated by Eddie about to get up from his seat. Right until (Y/n) placed her hand on his shoulder and shook her head.
"Eddie… you don't have to come in, there's a midwife in there with me." She didn't want him to think he had to come in and keep her safe.
There would be a midwife or a nurse in the room all the time with her, (Y/n) wasn't going to be unsafe or in a dangerous situation with Evan. She had to go in now and there was no point trying to deter Evan and get him to wait out here. He wanted to see his baby on the screen and see for himself if she and the baby were okay.
There was nothing Evan could do that would frighten (Y/n) in there, he wouldn't get demanding with her or ask where she was going or try and make her go home with him after the scan. It would be okay.
Besides, (Y/n) wasn't sure she'd feel all that comfortable having her big brother stood in the corner of the room watching as she took her top off to be examined or watching her get weighed and checked over. The midwife might find it strange having the uncle in the room with them for no apparent reason.
"You ever heard of the uncle being at the scan? She'll think this is a weird threesome." Evan cast a look down over his shoulder at Eddie, shrugged his hand off and followed after (Y/n).
He didn't hear whatever Eddie mumbled and he didn't want to know either. All he cared about was following after (Y/n) into the room.
(Y/n) tried not to bristle or pull away when she felt Evan's hand press down against her lower back as he walked behind her into the consulting room. She knew he was getting close because Eddie couldn't see them anymore and no one in here was going to say anything. He knew she wouldn't have the nerve to push him away in case the midwife thought something was wrong. She wouldn't want to cause a scene.
"How are we today?"
"Good… tired." (Y/n) rattled her fingers through her hair, shaking the strands away from her face.
She tried to keep her eyes on the midwife and concentrate on the few questions she was being asked, but all (Y/n) could feel was Evan's hand on her back. And the way his fingers curved around to hold her hip, or the way his thumb would glide up and down her skin every now and then. She could feel him standing so close behind her that she felt each breath he took pushing out against her back.
When they used to be together, back home with Chrissy, (Y/n) would lean up against his chest. She would drop her head back against the middle of his chest and feel his arm curve around her waist like an iron bar or a protective belt.
He used to say it helped him control his balance and gain more strength back in his bad leg to be able to pick (Y/n) up her hold up her weight like this.
"That's okay, let's see how you're doing."
She could feel his eyes burning into the back of her frame when she moved out of his grasp to stand on the scales as the midwife directed.
Once she was off the scales, (Y/n) couldn't help but glance across to the right to look over at Evan. She could feel her palms beginning to sweat as she pulled her shirt up until it was tucked beneath her bra, exposing her stomach. But all (Y/n) could look at was Evan.
She watched the way he leaned back against the chair in front of the desk. He slouched his hips back comfortably, crossed one leg in front of the other and reached his hands behind him to grip the back of the chair. He looked so casual and somehow loving, stood there like that with a small grace of a smile ebbing away at his lips.
The button up shirt he wore with the fire station logo across the right side looked a size too small for him and with it being short-sleeved, it exposed his arms. Every time he squeezed the back of the chair, the muscles in his forearms and up his biceps would dip and change.
(Y/n) could feel the start of tears stinging the corners of her eyes. Why couldn't things be different? Why couldn't they be a loving couple having a baby, like everyone else? Instead of whatever they were to each other now, with their lives entangled and everything knotted up into a big tangled mess that even fate couldn't undo.
She saw the way Evan's lips curved into a grin when the midwife assessed her stomach. He looked like he wanted to reach out and do the same. As much as Evan had tried to be close to (Y/n) whenever they saw each other or met up, he couldn't do very much.
(Y/n) had never known him so calm as he had been the day she went to his apartment and fell asleep on the sofa. He had laid with her for hours, not talking, babbling or jittering or getting uneasy about anything. He just curled around her, his hand- and occasionally his lips, on her stomach, cuddling as close as he could to her.
The look in his eyes right now showed he wanted to keep being that close to her, Eddie's warnings be damned.
"That all looks good, let's get you on the bed and see how baby is."
(Y/n) kept her shirt rolled up over her stomach and she slowly followed after the midwife, but when she passed Evan, she felt her blood tingling in her veins and her teeth sank down into her lower lip.
He kissed the top of her head.
His hand reached out for her hip and gave a light squeeze. His other hand grazed up and down her shoulder. He was taking liberties because even if the midwife did turn around, she would only smile or blush. She wouldn't say anything about a doting couple sharing affection, or what she presumed to be a doting couple.
It felt good to sit back down again, (Y/n) always felt tired when she sat down but she couldn't sleep. It didn't matter what she did, her mind came alive with worries and possibilities and every wrong thing she had ever done in her life.
She tried not to close her eyes, knowing if she did she might just fall asleep, but she wasn't sure where to look. She didn't want to stare at the midwife and make her uncomfortable, and her eyes kept flitting over to Evan, but every time she caught his eye it seemed to stir him on because he grinned or winked.
She settled her gaze on the monitor and stiffened so she didn't wriggle when the sonogram pressed down on her tummy like it was trying to burst through her bladder.
When she felt Evan's hand slip into her right hand, she didn't pull away or say anything. As long as she didn't look at him, it would be okay. As soon as they were out of this room, (Y/n) would be back at Eddie's side and Evan would be back to playing by the rules.
With his free hand, Evan carefully glided the back of his hand across the side of (Y/n)'s stomach. His touch was light in a soothing up and down motion for a few moments. But a grin spread across his face and he pressed the back of his fingers down firmer when he felt a kick against the back of his hand.
"That's my girl."
"She's feisty," The midwife commented with a grin and turned up the sound so they could hear the heartbeat.
"Is she okay?" (Y/n) was surprised how calm her voice sounded and she smiled up at the screen. She had been a bit nervous that all the worry and the stress over the last week or two might have caused some problems or unsettled the baby.
"Everything looks good, placenta is in place, blood flow is good… you still have a bit too much fluid though."
"Is that bad?" (Y/n) glanced up at Evan, wondering if his expression held even an inch of worry because she always knew if Evan worried, then she had cause for concern too. But he looked as calm and placid as ever. His eyes were focused on the screen with his head tilted to one side, but his knuckles were still ghosting up and down the side of her stomach where he felt another kick.
"It's not bad, but it looks like baby is going to be a bit smaller than normal. Nothing to be concerned about though, so let's get some printouts, and then I'd like to do blood pressure before you go."
A jolt ran through (Y/n)'s body when she felt a gentle touch beneath her chin, tilting her head away from the screen and leaning her head back so she was looking up at Evan.
"Stop worrying; everything's gonna be fine."
She wished she could believe him. The only thing that was fine was the baby at this point. Nothing else was okay, their relationship was screwed, their friend group and families were now intermingled and confusing and going to get harder if Eddie told the team about Evan. (Y/n) looked like she was going to be living with her big brother for the foreseeable future.
She was going to make a mess of everything and let her parents down and she had walked in and ruined Chris and Eddie's lives. Nothing was going to be fine, no matter how badly (Y/n) wanted to believe that it would.
But she found herself nodding along, trying to encourage herself to stop panicking like Evan said. Worrying wasn't going to help her or the baby, she needed to take things one step at a time. Everything was okay, for now.
She heard Evan mumble "That's better," and figured her features must have relaxed as her eyes had darted down to gaze at her stomach.
But every one of her senses lit up and sent her blood congealing in her stomach when Evan's finger and thumb pinched her chin and tilted her head back up again. The touch made her panic that he was going to say something bad or suddenly demand something from her, like the time he demanded she stop lying to him and give him her phone for proof. He liked to check her phone, he liked to be reassured she wasn't planning anything or talking to people about him.
He didn't say anything. Instead, he swooped down and stole a kiss.
The touch was burning. His lips were scolding and firm and full of everything he'd wanted to say and do over the last few weeks where they had been kept at arm's length.
His thumb stroked along her jaw and when (Y/n) gasped and tried to lean back, his tongue swiped past her lips and the edge of his nose brushed against hers as he leaned down over her. His other hand stayed pressed against the side of her stomach and (Y/n) could feel everything he was pouring into the kiss.
He wanted to stay here forever, trapped in this moment. He wanted to be wrapped around her without the effort and the eventual conflict with Eddie that would happen in the aftermath. He wanted to kiss (Y/n) and hold her and touch her bump and gaze at both his girls without anyone telling him it was wrong or he was overstepping the mark.
He wanted to be with his girls, and he would do anything he had to in order to make that happen.
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