#junjie x eli
auduux · 28 days
I mayyy be making a slugterra fic since i've been watching it. I still need to rewatch seasons 2-5 though. I have a general idea, however, if anyone wants to hear about it. (I'm hyperfixating on slugterra)
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gayelishane · 2 years
t4t juneli <3 i think they are important and so amazing to me i lvoe them
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alien-mil · 29 days
I feel like I should make this clear.
Yes Junjie was the dark slinger for 20 years old making him in years being Alive 36
And Eli being 16 means I shouldn’t be shipping them.
But how I perceive it. Junjie didn’t age mentally or physically and the Goon controlled him for those 20 years. Junjie showed no way of fight to gain control (unlike Eli) so I believe he was in a limbo state. Not aging.
So to me Junjie is still a child. I get why people don’t ship it especially because Junjie seems more “mature” (main reasoning) but have a look at Junjie‘s culture growing up. He was destined and trained since he was young to be the Eastern Champion taking on the trope of “growing up to fast” and not really getting to be a child
“He’s a mentor to Eli, it’s predatory”
I get where some of you interpret this idea, but Junjie at 16 (before the attack on the eastern caverns) he was a mentor towards the younger kids of the east, as he matured faster then the rest of the gang would of have to. Taking on more responsibilities when Eli had only been living in Slugterra for a year.
I’m not saying you don’t have to change your view, but look at it from a different angle
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firephoenix23 · 6 months
Slugterra poll (fav ship)
Guys the time has come! It’s been long overdue but it’s time to see which ship in the slugterra fandom is the most popular. Unfortunately you can only vote for one ship because Tumblr polls suck
Also once again no OCs this is purely all of the canon character ships that I could think of off the top of my head that were the most popular. I’m sure there are more. If you know of them please let me know!
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the-music-maniac · 9 months
I don't know how I got sucked into Slugterra lore considering I haven't watched this show since I was 13 but it's 4 am and ???????????????????????
What I wasn't prepared to learn - at the ripe age of 22, is that apparently JUNJIE IS CANONICALLY QUEER?????
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For some context, the only reason I learned this was cause I randomly stumbled onto some Slugterra shipping discourse on tiktok - long story do not ask - and it was like oh god you can't ship Eli with Junjie, Junjie is THIRTY FIVE - and number 1. I did not realize people shipped characters in Slugterra bc last time I was aware of this show I was 13 and stupider than most and 2. THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE'S 35????? HE DID NOT LOOK LIKE A 35 YEAR OLD, but if he is Dear Lord 3. and then I GOOGLED IT and y'all gave me a heart attack, I think Junjie is still 15, I'm SORRY but if you get mind controlled for 20 years at the age of 15, and then have no memories of those 20 years, and your body also didn't age during the 20 years you were mind controlled, functionally, you're probably a 15 year old that got yoinked 20 years into the future??? Poor kid. NONE OF THAT MATTERS, WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUNJIE IS QUEER THO
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In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
Eli describing Junjie
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Happy (Early) Valentines Day for 2024!
The ships are; Eli x Trixie, Kord x Mira, Pronto x Katrina, Junjie x Flower, Twist x Trip and Dr Blakk x Jane Doe
They are my beloveds and bring me such joy
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slugtara · 2 years
Eli, hungover: please tell me I imagined claiming I was the king of all slugs
Kord: Well I would, but then I would be lying to the King of all Slugs.
Trixie: *slams books down in front of Eli and Junjie*
Trixie: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night.
Junjie: You could of said literally anything else.
Eli: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble.
Junjie: I’m just gonna stop challenging you guys when you say weird shit. I can’t win. I realize this now.
*After getting separated  from the rest of the gang during a firefight*
Junjie: Are you absolutely sure this is the right direction?
Reformed Twist: As sure as I’m honest!
Kord: Oh gods we’re totally lost.
Pronto: Can Pronto say something that will probably annoy you?
Twist: Since when do you ask for permission?
Snowy: Eli offered me his drink this morning because I mentioned I was thirsty.
Junjie: Oh, well that was nice of him.
Snowy: It was...but I was not fucking expecting to take a sip of a Baja Blast Mountain Dew at 7 in the morning.
Twist about going undercover and double crossing Tad:  Whenever I get together with my friends and we talk about who worked for the craziest bitch, I always win.
Snowy: I grew up very different. My home is very big and very cold and people hate each other quietly, so noisy listening is fun to me. My only friend growing up was a slug.
Dana: Trixie, Snowy, and I were walking down the street and some guy rode by and catcalled us.
Eli: *sighs* what did Trixie do?
Snowy: She chased him to the next red light, reached for the handlebars and-
Trixie: *walking in* who wants some new mecha handlebars?
Tad: That’s your opinion but can you give me an objective reason why the slaughter of innocents is wrong?
Junjie: Now Trixie, you need to find a healthy way to get your anger out. So when you are upset, try hitting this pillow.
Trixie: *hits the pillow so hard it hurts him*
Junjie: After I put it down!
Trixie: Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t have feelings for Snowy.
Eli, staring lovingly at Snowy from across the room: I don’t have feelings for Snowy.
Dana: Eli, you aren’t looking anywhere near her eyes.
Dana: Why would people say “You can’t eat that for breakfast”!
Dana: Like time is a man made concept. It’s 5am in the morning and here I am, ready to eat this chicken popcorn.
Pronto: What are you implying about Pronto’s baking skills?
Snowy: That they're non-existent.
Pronto: ...Pronto didn't think it was possible to be as rude as you are being right now.
Snowy: And I didn't think it was possible to barbecue brownies so I guess we're all learning.
Dana: Uh oh.
Snowy: What?
Trixie: Somebody's in loooove!
Snowy: Yeah, right guys. I just think Eli’s cool. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him.
Snowy, later that night: Uh oh.
Dana: People underestimate me because I'm so glamorous. What they don't understand is I'm a strong woman. And that strength comes from my values, my courage, and my dogged pursuit of vengeance.
Tad: When I die, my tombstone wont say RIP, it will say VIP.
Double Agent Twist: That's because they reserved a special place in hell for you.
Tad: Yeah, the throne.
Twist: Ow! Why did you headbutt me?!
Tad: I was gonna punch you, but I’m holding wine
[The Shane Gang are being held prisoner. Kord is unconscious and mumbling about something.]
Dana: Poor guy. What’d they dose him with? Sodium pentathol?
Eli: Solid food and water. His body’s spent years wrestling nutrients out of coffee and aspirin. I expect it thinks it’s been poisoned.
Kord: is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Junjie: does anyone in this godsforsaken group ever think before they speak?
Snowy: I have the sharpest memory! Name one time I forgot something.
Twist: You left me in the parking lot for a bar lot like three weeks ago.
Snowy: I did that on purpose, try again
Kord: I don’t know how you do that.
Trixie: Do what?
Kord: Make everything sound like a threat. That man looked like he was about to piss himself, and all you did was ask him to step aside so that we could get past. Even when I actively try to sound threatening, no one takes me seriously.
Trixie: That’s because you look and sound, like the human personification of a warm hug.
Tad: This conversation is going nowhere, surely you can find it in you to accept some kind of compromise?
Eli: You want us dead! What the fuck is there even to compromise on?!
Dana: Why did you say that back there?
Trixie: Hm? Say what?
Dana: That you love me. You could have come up with something more convincing than that, there are plenty of other lies that would have worked.
Trixie: It wasn’t a lie
Eli: How could you do this?!”
Tad: Quite easily actually, I’m not sure why you’re so surprised… You are the one who ‘taught’ me, after all. Did you really think it would never come back to bite you?
Junjie: Now I don’t pretend to have the slightest clue about how things work in the girl world. To be perfectly honest it frightens and confuses me.
Dana: Hey Babe, have you seen Eli?
Trixie: Not since yesterday evening, why?
Dana: Someone claiming to be his arch nemesis, is standing outside demanding to see him.
Trixie: ….I thought Tad was his arch nemesis?
Kord: He is.
Trixie: Then who the fuck is- You know what, don’t worry about it. Let me handle this.
Trixie: Everything ok? You look upset.
Snowy: Yeah, I just…. I think Eli hates me.
Trixie: ….If you truly believe that, then you are the dumbest bitch on the planet, followed closely by Eli himself.
Twist: How many Bandits are there?
Eli: At least fifteen, maybe twenty.
Twist: Fuck.
Eli: Also…. I’m pretty sure our escape route was destroyed in that second attack.
Twist: Double fuck.
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littlemissshoei · 2 months
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about me & writing / works info!
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✶ ﹕ @littlemissshoei — moxxie / eli
﹫ SHE ⌒⌒ ANY ·₊★ 18!
╰╮ infj ; certified girlfailure. + QUEER ⸝⸝ ₊
<3 ╰↠ WRITER & EDITOR! (𝗼˳★)?
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she wants revenge, the neighbourhood, system of a down, korn, evanscence, tv girl, mitski, bring me the horizon, insane clown posse, odetari, 6arelyhuman, have a nice life, gorillaz, etc!
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oneshots, drabbles, headcanons, scenarios! I used to write on wattpad before switching to tumblr so I might crosspost my actual stories here too.
mainly X READER (fem and gender neutral)
when NSFW I ONLY write bottom reader. I am open to trying dom reader but it's not really up my lane
I WILL NOT WRITE: NON / DUBCON, INCEST, MINOR / ADULT RELATIONSHIPS. So please refrain from asking any oneshots of sorts.
You can ask me about more info really ^_^
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ariaterramoon · 1 year
Slug Fu Headcanon- Chi
So I rewatched Slugterra: Eastern Caverns a few weekends ago and there's one thing that still bothered me the most:
The way that it is explained in the movie doesn't really... match up to the actual meaning of Chi???
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Rant and headcanon below. Lmk your thoughts.
* = footnote at end of post
Decided to add a quick lil drawing. It's just what happens internally with their Slug Energy.
Like, from my understanding, chi is the life force/energy that flows through all living things.
But in the movie, it is said that it's a set of moral code, so essentially the Slugslinger code (that apparently the 99 Caverns have but was never explored truly. I wanna know what the code is explicitly xD cuz I have an idea by how Eli carries himself lol)
But anyways, if chi is just a set of moral code like the Slugslinger code, wouldn't all Eastern slingers follow it? If chi is so essential to Slug Fu, then if everyone follows it, wouldn't anyone and everyone be able to practice Slug Fu? Become a Master even?
If that's the case, then if someone (who isn't a Master) wears a wrist blaster, it would be frowned upon but it wouldn't be such a big insult and Junjie wouldn't feel so strongly about it.
So, I present you this:
Chi - Reworked
Chi —in Slugterra— refers to one's own Slug Energy*.
Slug Fu works by being able to tap into one's own Slug Energy and their slug's energy at the same time. This in turn, creates a connection between slinger and slug, thus allowing the slinger to guide their slug with Slug Fu art forms.
Although fairly simple to understand, applying the concept is difficult, incredibly more so to master. It is why becoming a Slug Fu Master is such an incredible and respectable feat, why it is such a huge deal, and why there are not many...
So if a slinger uses a wrist blaster and isn't a Slug Fu Master, it is an insult to tradition and to the Masters themselves.
Dark Slug Fu works the same way. Only difference is learning to corrupt your own chi, twisting it into something evil and dark... This in turn, allows a slinger to access the dark energy of ghouls. Does take a toll on a slinger's body, the corruption often showing up on their body...
Then, they have to will their chi to become stronger in order to overpower the energy of ghouls in order to, not guide them, but to control them...
The double sight Eli unlocks with Burpy, the way it works is that slinger's energy and slug's must be perfectly synced, thus allowing the slinger to see through their slug's eyes.
A Slug Fu Master is able to guide more than one slug at the same time by splitting their energy into X pieces and connecting each one to the respective slug. This does drain the slinger though and eats at their stamina and endurance.
Mastering Slug Fu takes up a lot of focus and concentration as just being able to be aware of one's own Slug Energy is tricky already.
* per "It Comes By Night, it is implied Slugterrans have Slug Energy, if not, the High Plains monster shouldn't have been able to affect the people.
I reworked what Chi is in Slugterra. Chi is now the Slug Energy within all Slugterrans. Slug Fu works by connecting the slinger's chi to their slug's chi.
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slugterran-fanatic · 5 months
Making the grave mistake of watching Miraculous Ladybug again Now I'm just thinking about Slugterra x Miraculous Ladybug crossover
where each of the Shane Gang's main slugs are miraculous, so Burpy, Bluster, Stinky, etc. Wait in this context that means Eli had every possible reason to be shocked as fuck by Junjie wielding another Infurnus ehehehe
Eli: Wait, you have an Infurnus miraculous?! Junjie: Of course, every cavern's guardian has one. Were you not aware of this? Eli: I absolutely fricking was not aware of this, I was led to believe there was only one. Junjie: Oh. Well you don't get out of your cavern system very much do you? Eli: I DIDNT KNOW I COULD
In a similar vein, Ladybug and Chat Noir meeting the Shane Gang and their slugs
I think Chat Noir would be so totally awestruck about the slugs and their abilities tbh, I mean who wouldn't be Meanwhile Ladybug is stressed trying to figure out how to get back to Paris
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auduux · 6 months
I have something to confess
I have never shipped Eli with Trixie...I ship(ped) him with Junjie
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gayelishane · 2 years
polyam junjie/twist/eli (real)
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alien-mil · 6 months
Eli likes giving Junjie kisses, mostly on the face or hand, but when Junjie does it back Eli ends up a puddle because he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
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firephoenix23 · 1 year
The first theory
I also know the 87th generation from yang’s family is Yìchén, Junjie’s father. He is William shane or will’s Right Hand and best friend after Tom por betrayed him. Yìchén also almost save Will from black Hole, but after Will shane gone. He always search his old friend. Will Shane have real name is William, he also the 87th generation from Shane’s family. The second theory
Yang and the first female shane are in love after there have journey together (almost married) when there first Meet there have Duel in eastern carvern, but this duel is won by Yang. The first female Shane give Yang another Infurnus after he duel with her, she also teach Yang how to named all slugs ( Like Eli teach Junjie how to named all slugs), as The result Yang have good choice for give name that’s another infurnus named “Juju”.
*i also know there symbolism, Yang is Sun and the female Shane is moon ( Sun is masculine and Moon is Feminine) ** like you say, Junjie’s symbol is Day (Sun) and Eli’s symbol is Night (Moon)
The third theory Pronto have greatest relationship with his identical twin brother, Pinto. They have greatest dream become tracker since there child.
The Fourth theory
Junjie and Eli also become couple since the shane gang freed him from Goon, i also know they Will get married after they are save Will shane and defeated Dr. Blakk, Tad, The Emporer, Darkbane, The Goon and Pieper ( Know as Sireniax slugs). * In wedding, Junjie wear Black Tuxedo with pin symbolism sun, While Eli wear While Tuxedo with veil and crown symbolism moon and Flower.
The Fifth theory
Pieper have real name is Sireniax slugs ( from name mythology creature “Siren”) only one species who created from shadow clan who Stolen from Darkbane for destroy all Slugterra.
She also founded by Dr. Blakk (before Tad, his son) for help him find the Strongest slug for revenge with Will shane and his Right hand, Yìchén, Then Dr. Blakk have real with her and make teamwork.
Then there find dark water and Dr. Blakk take the first tester, while Pieper (know also Sireniax slug) Hypnotic all slugs. Dr. Blakk created The Ghoul machine and have The first experiment, as a result that’s experiment is succesful.
He also sent that’s slugs to surface for find his son, Tad for continue his legacy, when he defeated by new Shane and new Yang.
Wow I love all of these!! These are great!
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Hi! I did a fake Instagram collaboration with azumi_the_slug_slinger (IG), where Daiyu (Junjie x Mei) and Agrippa (Drucilla x Kord) found a ‘defenceless’ slug…. The Goon.
Here is an explanation for this on how it happened:
Daiyu recruited and befriended a White Boon Doc Slug (named him Bliant) in the bamboo forest area in the Eastern Cavern with Agrippa. Healer slugs are very rare these day/in their generation after a tragic events in the previous generation, aka their fathers and Eli’s generation: The Cleaved Event and Spinel’s bio-poison trapped in the Earth’s mantle, causing slugs to die, Lightwell’s light to faded, the environment in the Western Caverns damaged, and some Dark Banes managed to enter the 99 Caverns, starting the fourth wave of an invasion that caused the Shane Gang to fight with slugs that have limited amounts of slug energy left of them. Casualties were lost but not alot, they managed to win when the Magic return giving new life by a recharge to all slugs. Few of the slugs who died reborn into something entirely new and different.
However, Agrippa Zane and Daiyu encountered an old enemy from The Shane Gang, whose they thought they would never meet in their lifetime, The Goon.
Daiyu, knowing it is a trap, wants to fight to gives Agrippa time to run away and calls her father and The Shane Gang, but he refuses because he can’t just leave her alone because they don’t know what The Goon is capable of.
So the question remains, did Daiyu becomes The Goon’s New Host, or she finally listen to Agrippa and run away to inform her father, Junjie and The Shane Gang of their close encountered with The Goon? Stay tune!
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