villainvillain · 1 year
the only thing about the last two episodes that im actually mad about is just that we dont get confirmation if FW finn is alive or not even tho they literally bring that dudes son into fionna's world and he just does not mention his family at all
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daytaker · 7 months
Could you do headcanons with the MC that's constantly napping and sleeping but somehow can keep up with whatever is going on? Just imagine them sleep talking coherent replies in a conversation during a meeting or doing the dishes with their eyes closed and lightly snoring
The Brothers React to Functional Sleeping MC
If it wasn't for Belphie, this would have confused them all a lot more.
Considering Belphegor's constant napping and occasional conversation contributions through sleep-talk, they are much less surprised by this tendency of MC's than the vast majority of people would be. It's just a natural part of life that some people are capable of sleeping and carrying out day to day activities at the same time.
(Individual brothers below the cut.)
Lucifer finds it annoying, sure, but at least you're slow-moving. What he really fears is the MC whose intense energy shatters any semblance of peace in this house. At the end of the day, though, he's not doing anything for you that he wasn't already doing for Belphie, so it's an inconvenience he can live with.
Mammon can't tell when you're actually asleep. He's convinced that you fake it a lot, since that's something Belphie is known to do when he'd rather not participate in a conversation. So he's always suspicious when you're able to complete tasks and move around while ostensibly asleep. He tries to catch you off guard and prove that you're not really sleeping, but he's never able to do it. Still, he hates that he can never let his own guard down as far as what he says when you're sleeping nearby, since there's a 50/50 chance you'll somehow absorb what he's saying and remember it in your waking life.
Levi thinks it's cute; at least, at first he does. It's a common trope in slice-of-life anime, having super cute sleepy characters. At the same time, it's a little frustrating, because you tend to just nod off whenever he tries to talk to you for any extended length of time, and he isn't going to play the game where he keeps talking just because you might actually be absorbing what he's saying! If you aren't interested enough to stay awake, he'll just stop bothering you! Hmph.
Satan finds it kind of funny, mostly because of how his brothers react to it. Mammon acting suspicious and nervous, Levi getting his feelings hurt, Asmo fawning over you, and Beel carrying you to and from RAD like luggage. He doesn't have a tremendous amount of interest in you, exactly, but you provide some real entertainment, so he appreciates that. Plus, and big shocker here: did you know cats nap a lot? You gain points in his book for this resemblance you bear to nature's most magnificent creatures.
Asmo thinks it's just precious to watch the human sleep at the table, or at their desk, or on the floor in the library, or on the toilet, or at breakfast, or at dinner, or... Mmm, are you okay, sweetie? You need to work on your sleep schedule. If you're having trouble sleeping at night, you should just come visit him! He has all sorts of ideas for how you could wear yourself out at night so you'll be refreshed during the day! :)
Beel is a little thrown off at first, because in some ways it's like Belphie never left. You'll recall that when MC first arrives in the Devildom, the other brothers besides Lucifer think Belphie is in the human world as an exchange student. So Beel wonders if maybe there was some sort of equivalent exchange shenanigans going on. They sent up a sleepy demon, so maybe that meant a sleepy human had to come down? It's very comforting, at any rate. He makes himself your unofficial guardian, carrying you out of situations where it's not safe to just lie down and sleep, or guiding you back inside after you sleepwalk out of the House of Lamentation.
Belphie is convinced he's met his soulmate, and honestly, maybe he's right. I can only imagine that you're mellow as fuck, probably got over any hard feelings from Chapter 16, and you're fast friends with Belphie now. You nap together all the time. Belphie even shares his secret hiding places with you.
Sometimes you and Belphie have full conversations in your sleep, to the amazement and amusement of the other brothers.
MC: Hungry... Go out 'n eat... Belphie: Snnn.... Jus' stay here... Kitchen... MC: Burgers... Belphie: Too cold to walk... MC: Lazy... Belphie: No, you... MC: Wear a hat... Belphie: Fine... MC: ...Hell's Kitchen in twenty... Belphie: Hmm... *Both stand up and sleepwalk to the door.* Mammon: They're not actually asleep, right? MC: *walks directly into a wall, grumbles about traffic, then continues* Mammon: ....Right?
This is the rare MC that I'd pair with Belphie. Normally I'm a little wary about how that would pan out, but if their relationship is built on mutual sleepiness and shared hiding spots to nap, well. Love is love.
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
102 degrees (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked.” drop a line if you have a sug. (:
summary: maybe it's the fever talking, but Pedro might finally be ready to go public with your relationship.
It’s not a whine, per se— more like a thin, whistle-y exhale as the press tents come into view. A noise of quiet resignation; Pedro is exhausted, and the night hasn’t even started. 
There is little comfort you can offer. You’ve been careful not to touch his face or hair throughout the ride, per the explicit instructions of Mira. This has left you no option but the back of his neck, between the high collar of his overcoat and the lowest hang of his curls. You thumb rhythmically over the overly-warm, slightly damp skin. Small comforts. 
Of course he’d wake up with the flu on the day of the biggest premiere of his career thus far. “Fucking shit-ass karma,” he’d groaned between dry heaves over the toilet that morning. Three negative covid tests and a house-call IV drip later (celebrity medical care is, you’ve come to realize, very fucking weird), he was semi-functional. But fucking miserable.
This once, you’ll give your grown ass boyfriend a pass for whining. 
Though the windows are tinted, you are quick to remove your hand as the car pulls up. He is anxious enough about the evening, without having to worry about people seeing. You know the drill— low profile has basically become your middle name. The only thing worse than having the flu on premiere night, you muse, would probably be Pedro getting outed to the world. 
“It’s going to be fine,” you insist softly, squeezing his knee. “Carpet, premiere, talkback, reception. Easy.” 
He straightens out of his slump against you, taking a deep breath. “Easy,” Pedro repeated, unconvincingly. He sighs.
“Then a full cap of NyQuil and no alarm tomorrow morning.” 
You dare to grip his hand, one last time, as the car slows to a stop. He brings yours to his lips, and presses a (noticeably fever-warm) kiss to the exposed skin of your wrist.
"Only thing getting me through this is the prospect of going back to bed with you tonight."
"Mr. Pascal, are you coming on to me?"
He offers a weak chuckle. "Ask me again when I'm not about to barf in the back of an Uber."
The car slows to a stop. Another deep breath, as Pedro slips an easy mask back into place. "Carpet, premiere, talkback, reception."
— — — 
There are layers to the whole thing. You don’t begrudge his hesitancy, to publicly reveal your relationship. The few times a pap has caught you out together, the TMZ byline is something along the lines of “Pedro Pascal Seen Strolling Sunset with SNL Sidekick.” Perks of heteronormativity, you suppose. 
It’s all him. You’ve been out for a long, long ass time— frankly, never thought you’d go back in, til suddenly you’re signing an NDA and attaching yourself at the hip to a man whose hand you can’t hold in public. 
It’s not that he’s ashamed. (He reassures you of this often.) He’s just private, and unwilling to pop a bubble he’s lived comfortably in for the better part of five decades; sometimes, his perspective on (and fear of) public homophobia speaks volumes to the age gap between you. 
So you stand back, under the cover of the press tents, watching Pedro walk the carpet. You’re in good company— Mira and Coco track him beside you with narrowed eyes, vigilantly monitoring him for accidental hair touches or makeup smudges. 
He sways on his feet between interviews. Your heart clenches.
The carpet is short, much less elaborate than the ones at awards ceremonies. After a few interviews and a series of photographs, everyone starts slowly making their way into the theater.
You hang back in the lobby, a little unsure of how to proceed. There is guest seating in the mezzanine, mostly for the press reporters and various network reps in attendance. It's not a big venue. The main seating is reserved, obviously, for the people actually associated with the show. And their guests. Which is, technically, you, but... Well.
You maybe should have ironed this out prior to arrival. The whole flu thing kinda took priority.
"Yo!" There is a light shove on your shoulder. Bella, flush with excitement and fresh off the carpet, pulls you in for a quick hug. "Your man is so unwell."
They are laughing, though your heart clenches. Poor baby. "This would only happen to him," you agree. "He come in already?" You'd been scanning the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Like a fan. (A fan that spent the better part of the morning pressing a cold washcloth to his neck, sitting on the bathroom floor.)
Bella cocked an eyebrow. "You guys are so fucking weird about this shit." They are privy to the details, courtesy of Pedro. Apparently it was a hot topic of conversation while killing time on set. You'd received many a FaceTime during long stop-downs between takes; calls you'd assume were your boyfriend, but had Bella cackling on the line after you picked up.
As if on cue, a mass of black fabric appears in your periphery.
"Are you conspiring to put me out of my misery?" Pedro is still wearing his 'everything is fine and I'm doing great' press smile.
"Duh." Bella smooths down the front of their blazer. "I think it's gonna start soon? I gotta find my mom."
They wade back into the dwindling crowd, leaving you and your germy boyfriend in the corner. Pedro's eyes are closed, as he takes measured breaths through his nose.
"Oh babe," you whisper quietly. "I'm sorry this is happening to you."
He softens. "It's okay. I'm okay. Gonna be honest, I'm relieved we're about to sit down for a couple hours."
"Just a few more hours left, that's all. I'll see you at the reception?" Your eyes drift to the door upstairs, behind the velvet rope separating press and attendees.
“Are we not—“ He clears his throat, voice breaking weakly. “Are we not sitting together?”
His eyes are glassy, but lack the same fever-bright quality he’d woken up with. The crease between his eyes deepens as he frowns. This feels like the start of a larger conversation that most definitely will not be happening in the lobby of the Regency Village Theater. 
“We can,” you offer cautiously. “If that is what you want.” 
A large, slightly trembly hand grasps your shoulder. “Of course that’s what I want, love. ‘M sorry. It’s dark, it’s safe, I just… I’m so tired.” The last part is admitted in a pained whisper. Your heart aches. It takes a concerted effort to not reach out and touch him. (It usually does, in public. He is a tactile aficionado– preens over little touches, forehead kisses, the brush of your hand over his hair. You offer these so frequently in private, that in public, your hand twitches regularly against the impulses.)
Pedro's manager waves from the other side of the room. He musters a small smile, releasing the grip on your shoulder. "Premiere, talkback, reception. Bed."
In the stiff theater seats, he leans so far over the armrest, you know his back will be sore later. But he tucks himself into your side the moment the lights dim, head on your shoulder. The frame of his glasses digs into your neck, and you couldn't care less. Your focus is on the lines he is tracing into your palm, large hand cupping yours in your lap.
The show is fantastic. Of course. The talkback is short, courtesy of Craig, and the reception is informal enough that you are in-and-out. Pedro makes the rounds while you make awkward small talk with Bella's mom (whose name you always forget, dammit, but she's lovely nonetheless). Take two sips of some cocktail called "Look for the Light" and wait for your cue to leave. Though you remain blissfully flu-free, you have been anticipating the conclusion of this evening as strongly as Pedro.
The Uber home has to make an emergency stop, so the star of the evening can puke water and crackers on the side of Mulholland Drive. You tip well.
And then, hours after he stepped onto the carpet, the prophecy is fulfilled. Pedro is tucked into bed, dogs at his feet, empty but blue-tinged medicine cap discarded on the nightstand beside a mug of water and his glasses.
His face is smushed into the pillow. Eyelids at half-mast, as he watches you change out of your simple suit and into a pair of well-loved flannel bottoms.
You don't need a shirt. On cue, your boyfriend octopus-latches as you slide under the covers, head resting on your bare collarbone.
"You did good tonight," you say, through a yawn. Reach up to tug the chain on the bedside lamp. Your other hand cards through Pedro's hair, detangling little clumps of hair spray he was too tired to brush out. "'M so proud of you."
"I mean it," he whispers back. "It's time. I'm sick of not being able to hold your hand."
Your lips brush his temple. 'We can talk about it tomorrow."
"Plenty of time for it," he mumbles, right on the cusp of sleep. "Since we're not leaving this bed."
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hyperlexichypatia · 3 months
"Universal housing won't work, because some homeless people want to be homeless! They don't want to be confined inside walls!"
Okay, suppose that's true. If every person were allocated their own house/apartment/unit, they wouldn't necessarily have to stay there. If they're more comfortable in the great outdoors, they could still sleep outside, hang out outside, spend their time outside. But they would still have a housing unit of their own, in case they wanted it. They could stay there occasionally, maybe when the weather was bad. They could take a shower there, receive mail there, have family and friends over there. Even if they chose not to use it as most housed people use our homes, they would still benefit from having it.
All of this, of course, is beside the point that the overwhelming majority of unhoused people do, in fact, want housing, and even the people who supposedly "turn down housing" or "don't want housing" are actually turning down the intense social control they're supposed to submit to in exchange for housing. There's a world of difference between "I'd rather sleep outside than live in a prison where I'm denied basic human rights and dignity" and "I actively like sleeping outside."
"But sometimes people in subsidized housing leave behind messes of blood and vomit and feces!"
Yes. Humans are animals, made of flesh and bone and gooey bits. Animals have gross bodily functions. We bleed and vomit and pee and poop. All of us do those things.
Sometimes, people -- especially poor people, who may have gone years without basic healthcare, or even decent food or hygiene -- have health issues or disabilities that prevent them from things like making it to the toilet in time, or cleaning up after themselves. Sometimes assigned housing for poor people is badly maintained, and may not even have things like a working flush toilet.
So yes, people have gross bodily functions, and some people -- especially if poor and/or sick and/or disabled -- may not have the ability or resources to deal with that issue in a hygienic way.
So what, exactly, is your solution?
Because my solution is to make sure that everyone has housing with adequate, working plumbing, and that everyone has access to voluntary healthcare to address chronic medical issues like vomiting or diarrhea, to provide needed adaptive equipment like a bedside commode, and, if needed, to hire personal care attendants to help people with things like cleaning, bathing, and toileting.
Your solution is what? That people with digestive issues should have to live outside? So they don't throw up on your nice floor? Do you have any idea how inhumane that sounds?
Or that they should be subjected to some type of coercive "behavior" program, because untreated Crohn's disease is a bad habit that they have to be tough-loved out of?
Because you think poor people are... just sitting there soiling themselves because they're too lazy to go to the toilet? That's actually what you think, isn't it? It follows logically from the assumption that poor people are poor in the first place because they're "lazy." But two seconds of thought would show that it couldn't possibly be true. You just think of poor people as less than human.
You are also gross and leaky and fleshy. You also poop and pee and barf and fart and sneeze. You are, through no virtue of your own, able to manage your bodily grossness. You are no better than someone who can't.
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hainfulcupid · 5 months
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Obsessed with this motherfucker so im gonna drop a few random headcanons about him
ALL ARE SFW AND JUST SILLY STUFF ☝️ im not used to sharing my headcanons publicly like this hyuck hyuck
there’s very little to go off of from this media since all we really have is a pilot with bare , and i MEAN BARE lore to go off of so a lot of this is really me filling in blanks becus im Insane .
> Nordic bunny’s planet has a robotic look to it, i think that he built it himself out of complete boredom along with its inhabitants (that he probably destroys too, out of boredom….)
> I like to think that his guitar strings function like cat whiskers, they aid him in vision and processing the world around him. They’ve definitely busted a few times during battle, causing him to be disoriented for a bit.
> Hates things that are vaguely shaped like snakes (do NOT BRING A CUCUMBER NEAR THIS MAN)
> purrs….meows…does all those silly cat sounds but they’ve got an electric guitar sound effect
> has retractable claws, they do wonders for a man needs a quick escape route !!!!
> related to the thing above, oh he so absolutely adores scratching things up . has the biggest scratching post ever .
> He’s lonely, not like he intends to be but his personality is offputting to many, one of those people who you have a hard time reading into the things they say because every word that comes out of his mouth always sounds insulting. naturally judgmental, thinks he has a keen eye for fashion despite wearing only undies.
> what is his deal with the undies anyways ? i think he has sensory issues so he wears very minimal clothing thinking he’s serving absolute cunt but no ones ever told him how dorky he looked, and if any of his minions did well…..lets just say They’re no longer with us.
> definitely has a weird way of giving gifts…you know how cats bring you things they’ve hunted? well he’s no different, he wants THAT praise he wants you to tell him how competent he is.
> his tail is an indicator of his mood, follows the same rules of a cat .
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> claims he can’t fucking stand emotional music, but listens to sad 80s rock . but no one will see that, they’ll see him as the dude who’s constantly blasting oldies metal classics .
> he’s so reluctant to touch, he never knows if he fully enjoys it or not, you’ll be petting down his back and feel his back quiver almost like it’s trying to avoid your touch but he’s also - purring…he’s a confusing little guy…
> If he ever does manage to form something vaguely friendship like, he’d suck ass at managing the connection, oh you invite him to a party ? he sends you an image of himself stuck in the toilet with a text underneath saying “SOZZ . CANT GO. TOILET TROUBLEZ”
> that being said , not having a lot of experiences with relationships, he’d have an avoidant attachment style, he’d also. subconsciously be as unlikable as possible, he has no clue what defines being cool and likable he’s a little clung onto “be as cool and mysterious as possible”
> says “mrr?” instead of “hm?”
> Oh. in my mind he uses he/she pronouns . finds comfort in expressing femininity .
> I can’t see this guy having a preference for dating… he will take anyone who can break through the massive thick wall he puts up.
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m00npill · 4 months
[Transcript] Fallen Angels
source: x the other page missing ;-;
2007 Kerrang! No.1142
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PETE WENTZ is an hour late.
Because of this the first thing you learn about Fall Out Boy is that nothing happens without him. His three other bandmates - singer and guitarist Patrick Stump, guitarist Joe Trohman and drummer Andy Hurley - sit waiting. They're in a conference room on the first floor of the Marriott Hotel in Lowell, Massachusetts, a pretty, vanilla flavoured town 60 minutes north of Boston. The reason the group are here is because in three hours they're due to play four songs in front of 8,000 people gathered to watch the local radio station's Christmas concert. But first they're forced to wait. Because picturing Fall Out Boy without Pete Wentz is like imagining a motorway without traffic.
"See, that's not right," says Patrick Stump. Stump is wearing a small frown and an indulgent smile. It's been said that he has no ego. As you hear him now he's checking out his own entry page on Wikipedia. "No, see, they've got that wrong...
We don't have much time. Fall Out Boy landed at Roston's Logan airport at 4pm. This lunchtime they were in Chicago; by dawn they'll be in Manhattan. The band's ride pulled up in Lowell an hour ago. It's now 6:30. At 9:25, they're due onstage. Before that they need to pose for photographs and answer questions.
"Pete's in his room," someone says. Andy Hurley goes downstairs to the toilet, taking a security guard with him. Fall Out Boy have two security men: one for Pete Wentz, one for the others.
Wentz calculates that he spends 40 minutes out of every hour on the phone. He receives up to a 100 emails a day. He owns a film production company. He's a published author. He owns his own record label. He owns his own clothing line. He's modelled for Gap. He'd be modelling for us if he could be bothered to be here.
But Pete is in his room, laid low with depression. He's sat on the floor "calling random people from [his] home town [Wilmette, Illinois]", people whom he believes will "understand [him]". Problem is, when they pick up the phone he "can't think of a thing to say". All the while it's getting later and later. He feels self-conscious about how to time his entry, aware that he might be thought of as "the asshole American guy in a band". Even now, two and a half hours later, these feelings are still resident in his mind. "It's weird," he'll say. "Although I'm functioning, half of my head is in another place.
Do you see how people might look at you, see your wealth and your privilege and your opportunities, and think: you ungrateful son of a bitch?
"Of course," he says. "I think that all the time. But you asked me about depression and so I'm talking about it. It's the culture we live in."
You don't seem to mind talking about it. "The only problem I have with it is that I don't want people to read this article and go, 'lt'd be so amazing to be depressed! That'd be cool!'. I don't want to create an industry of misery."
These days, Pete Wentz has prescriptions for Xanax, Praxil, Prozac and Ativan. To compliment this, he's taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors (more anti-depressants). In the past, he's been administered anti psychotics. If Wentz were to die tomorrow his coffin would need to be fitted with a child-proof lid.
"Sorry I'm late," he says, entering the conference room, shaking hands. "I'll be your self-conscious rock star for the day." Paul Harries, Kerrang!'s photographer, tells the bassist that we don't have much time. Pointing the lens at his face he tells him it'll need to see his full repertoire of poses. The subject understands precisely what the photographer means, and as the flash lights zap before him he gives him just that. The camera loves Pete Wentz, even if at the moment Pete Wentz hates himself.
He's depressed. You'd never know.
"NOT TO beat up on the press," says Joe Trohman. "But they do tend to take one look at our band and and say, Pete Wentz is Fall Out Boy." Trohman is answering a question as to whether it grates on his nerves that the band's bass player is the one who garners most of the public attention. "Not at all, no. Pete is the public face of the band because we want him to be the public face of the band.
Would you be screwed without him?
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noosayog · 1 year
wc: 600
warnings/content: implied that reader is smaller and lighter than the MSBY boys, drinking, alcohol, vomitting
the end and bonus of this.
notes: I hope you all enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it! I know there are some of you out there who are scared to be vulnerable and open up around other people so this one's for you 💓
If you’re one thing, you’re rational. And rationality and love do not mesh. So in a complete lapse of judgment, you allow Atsumu to drag you to another one of his raging college parties. 
“To overwrite the memories of your last one,” he had said. 
To your dismay and you would never admit this aloud, you have fun. Atsumu keeps you at his side, introduces you to all his friends (the world of extroverts never ceases to amaze you), and makes sure your drink is filled at all times. He self-proclaims himself as tonight’s designated driver and encourages you to have all the fun you want. 
With your careful, type-a personality, getting drunk has never been your idea of fun. Something about losing control of your bodily functions and saying something completely out of character because of an alcohol-induced brain fog makes you cringe. Anyway, it’s dangerous, especially with no one to take care of you. But tonight, Atsumu has plied you with promises that he will do exactly that, so you try something new. With the excuse that Bokuto and Hinata are hard to refuse, you play drinking games and go shot for shot with the volleyball team boys, which in hindsight is a terrible idea given their massive height and weight advantage over you. 
At the end of the night, you remember only bits and pieces of Atsumu carrying you home before you pass out completely. 
You awaken slowly, easily the next morning. You recognize the walls of Atsumu’s bedroom and find a glass of water at the bedside. You drink some water, assessing your surroundings when the memories of Atsumu having to stop you and take you home come back. You remember stripping out of your tight clothes in his bathroom, then keeling over to vomit in the toilet bowl with one arm stuck in your sleeve. You remember Atsumu coming in and holding your hair back, waiting until you finished, then freeing your stuck arm and yanking a shirt over your head. 
You slide back down into bed and curl up under the sheets in total mortification, both embarrassed and guilty that you needed Atsumu to look after your sloppiest state.
That’s when you hear Atsumu’s footsteps by the bed and his light chuckle. You feel him sit down by your side and lay a palm over the lump of blanket that happens to be your head. 
“You alright?” 
You groan, peaking your eyes out from under the duvet. “I’m sorry.” 
He tilts his head in confusion, setting a plate of food he was holding on the bedside table. “For what?” 
“For… needing you to take care of me. I should’ve been more responsible and known my limits and-” 
“Ah ah,” he tuts. “Princess, you know you’re allowed to let loose around me right? I promised I’d take care of you.”
You curl further inwards. “I know but…” you trail off, uncomfortable. 
“You know I love you right? I want to take care of you. I love the side of you that’s responsible, rational, and mean to me, but I also love the side of you who wants to have fun and try new things.” 
You cover your face, overwhelmed by his confession. 
“And from now on, you don’t have to worry about doing what you want. I’ll love every side of you, no matter how long it takes you to get used to it.” 
You nod under the sheets. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. Gimme some kind of response after I said all that cheesy stuff.” 
You throw the covers off and scowl at him. “Did you even mean any of that or did you just say that to-” 
He cuts you off with a kiss and the smuggest grin you’ve ever seen on him. “C’mon then,” he says, getting up and taking the plate of food with him. “Let’s get some food in you.” 
“I hope you realized you just inhaled my vomit breath,” you mumble grumpily.
You smile inwardly when he freezes.
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number1jaymerrickhater · 10 months
Marble Hornets sleep headcannons bc I’m bored in math class
Jay is the type of guy who can sleep anywhere, at any time. It doesn’t matter where, when, or how uncomfortable the position is if he wants to sleep he will.
In college Jay was kinda known for being found sleeping in weird spots. At least once Alex found him passed out in a closet.
Definitely a stomach sleeper.
Despite being able to sleep in the loudest conditions (he could sleep next to a highway and be fine) he can’t sleep if its too quiet.
He’s so used to noise that he just can’t sleep in a silent room.
Doesn’t snore but will talk in his sleep.
And not just random mumbles bros having whole ass conversations with himself while he’s asleep
Alex records it to use as blackmail material because he finds it funny
Alex is the complete opposite
He needs 12 blankets, 4 pillows, and the perfect amount of background noise in order to sleep
One of those blankets is definitely a weighted one
Unless he passes out from pure exhaustion he can not fall asleep in a moving vehicle
Side sleeper, he doesn’t have a specific side he sleeps on but generally prefers to sleep with his back to a wall.
Bro is fighting demons in his sleep or something because jesus fucking christ does he move
Sometimes shoots of Marble Hornets would run late and everyone would just crash in Alex’s living room slumber party style.
Even though it was his house Alex would still join in sleeping on the living room floor bc friend bonding and shit he also would have felt like an asshole if they all slept on the floor and he slept in his bed
Everyone quickly learned not to sleep next to Alex unless you wanna deal with him kicking your ass while you sleep.
Alex would obviously feel bad and apologize but that didn’t stop them from mildly bullying him about it.
Tim sleeps like the dead.
He has insomnia so falling asleep is hard, but once he’s out he’s OUT
Nothing short of a world ending event could wake him up once he falls asleep.
This meant he was usually stuck sleeping near Alex because no amount of kicking could ever wake him up
He isn’t loyal to any sleeping position. He rotates like a hot dog when he’s trying to fall asleep.
He snores.
Not super loudly or anything but loud enough for it to be noticeable.
He isn’t a huge fan of blankets because he doesn’t like feeling trapped or confined.
He sleeps with a single thin blanket, a single pillow, and thats it.
Him and Alex get into frequent debates over how many blankets is the correct amount.
“What the fuck are you doing with 8 blankets? How do you not suffocate?”
“Well how do you not freeze to death under your single blanket that’s thinner than dollar store toilet paper?”
“Its called heat, its this fancy new invention you turn on to keep your house warm.”
“It’s not just about warmth its about being comfortable. How can you be comfortable with one blanket.”
He sets a million alarms in order to wake up in the morning
His sleep schedule is so normal its disturbing.
He gets exactly 8 hours every night, goes to bed and wakes up at the same time 7 days a week.
Sleeps on his back with his arms on at his sides.
Doesn’t move, doesn’t snore, he just lays there.
Multiple people have made jokes about him looking like a corpse when he sleeps
He is one of those weirdos who actually goes to sleep and wakes up refreshed???
Can not stay up late.
If he needs to pull an all nighter for something he needs an entire pot of coffee because once it hits a certain time his body just clocks out on him.
He got his body on such a good schedule that he doesn’t even set an alarm anymore, he just naturally wakes up on time
He didn’t get a healthy sleep schedule of his own free will, he’s just the type of guy who can’t function if he gets less than 8 hours
Drools in his sleep.
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untaemedqueen · 1 year
At Your Service
Escort!Jeongguk x CEO!Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 14.
Series Warnings (Will Be Updated): Angst, Fluff, Cold Heartedness, Emotional Trauma, Healing, Smut, Dark Humor
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Your sickness came and went with the wind, almost as if Jeongguk's soup was some sort of magical brew that could save the universe in one fell swoop.
The days after that were simply transcendent. You were slowly coming to the realization that Guk will probably be the first and last great love of your life.
Until you got sick again.
It didn't make any sense, it came out of nowhere and it was more fierce than the first bout of illness you had almost two weeks before that.
You were bedridden for a day, violently ill two days after that and even now it's difficult for you to function.
Namjoon had to buy and set up a computer for you in the empty office that had sat alone in your mansion for years now.
Jeongguk has been ever patient and kind, loving like you cannot believe and incredibly accommodating.
It's really strange for you to feel so well taken care of especially when you're retching over the toilet making ungodly noises at the crack of dawn.
The past couple of days your boyfriend has been begging you to go to the doctor and finally you've heeded it.
You never enjoyed going to doctors, it's as if they got their licenses just to give out bad news. Nevermind the fact that the offices always smell weird and the air within them is practically palpable.
You don't know why all doctors need to give bad news but even today you've heard something grave.
So now as you sit alone in the garden maze of your mansion, you can only stare straight ahead.
You're dumb.
It's that simple.
You're impulsive.
You're fucked.
You've been a shell since the doctor spoke to you. Your heart had been beating so fast and so hard that you can still feel how your chest thuds painfully.
But now, you're simply a shell, void of any emotion.
There's an evening haze that lingers over the bushes of roses before you, it's thick and heavy like you'd lose the sight of your hand inside of it.
You simply stare at the sight before you, allowing your skin to become damp by the small droplets of dew that swirl within the thick layer of fog.
How did this happen? How did your life become the way it is now? What did you do to deserve this?
Once again, the walls Jeongguk fought to break down are immediately patched up and even thicker than before. It's a tragedy, really.
Or maybe the tragedy is finding love in your heart for him.
When your phone rings, it tears you from your mind numbing thoughts.
With lazy eyes and the tilt of your head, you look down to the ringing device beside you.
You have no feelings, no emotion. You want nothing more than to crawl into your bed and just wither away.
"Yes?" you answer, picking up the phone and lifting your hand into the thick haze before you.
"Madam, there's a Jeon Jeongguk here at the gate for you."
He'll never know why you're breaking it off. He'll never understand.
You, yourself, will never understand.
But the mistakes you've made with him are far too many to count.
To let yourself become lost and loving under his spell… It's unforgivable. To let yourself make such a mistake with him is… earth shatteringly impressive.
"He's not welcome here anymore. Please take him off the list. Jimin Park and Taehyung Kim too," you chirp, ending the call without another word.
The world around you is quiet for a moment, it's peaceful and lulling you into its clutches of madness before your phone begins to ring once more with a confused Jeongguk who could only want an explanation.
Silencing your phone, you stand. Your long black silk robe meets the soft, dewy grass underfoot and solemnly you make your way back to your mansion.
You can hear Jeongguk shouting your name in the distance, you can hear the horn of Taehyung's car blaring to no avail.
Once you're back in your sterile house and you close the back doors, the world is silent once again.
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Jeongguk sits on his couch, arms folded as he stares at the screen of his phone.
It's almost as if he's trying to will it to give him a phone call with your name on it.
He doesn't know what went wrong.
What did he do? What did you find out at the doctor?
Hawking jumps up beside him, obviously missing the body who has been coddling him the past month. Guk can find no easy way to move, he feels sluggish and torn.
The Great Dane has to forcibly worm his strong head onto the escort's lap to even get some sort of attention.
"What'd I do?" Jeongguk asks his pet sullenly, burying his face into the top of his dog's head.
He was gone from your sight for all of four hours and now he's single and alone.
"Fuck!" he seethes through his teeth sharply, earning a weary puppy before him who he apologizes to for scaring.
He fucking loves you, he's all in in this relationship but to have no way of even contacting you? It's tearing him apart.
He knows you blocked his number, he knows you took away his privilege to get into your gated community, he knows it all.
But he doesn't know why!
Even Jimin and Taehyung can't even see you. What did he do wrong?
This feeling, this is different than when he was with Chloe. By the end of his time with her, he was a ball of angry and violent energy. Now, he's just an emotional mess who's scared and confused, heartbroken even.
"Let's go to bed," he breathes to Hawking, shaking his head.
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You're going to work from home from now on.
You decided this almost immediately when you woke up the next day.
You weren't sick, you didn't feel any illness but you're not ready to face the world. Once you're outside of the gates of your community… anything could happen.
Grabbing your glass of orange juice, you sit down at the large desk within your home office. It's quiet in here with memories of Guk helping move stuff floating around the room like spiritual shadows.
Even when you woke up this morning the regret that lingered through your limbs was monumental. Jeongguk must be losing his fucking mind over you.
To have no explanation given, to rip yourself away from him so fast… you're causing him so much pain.
Chloe hurt him and betrayed him, that relationship made him into nothing. It brought him to lengths you wouldn't wish on anyone. And you're doing something almost as evil to him now…
He fucking loves you and you're… gone.
You can feel bile wanting to retch from you like you're a possessed demon and you can only think that this is what you deserve.
Turning on your computer, you stare straight ahead at the little teddy bear that sits atop the new couch by your desk.
Guk bought it and left it for you, a sweet secret present you very much adored.
"I thought you could use a friend while you work. Every time you look at the bear, it'll remind you of me and I'll always be with you."
With a whimper, you bury your face into your hands.
You hate this.
But most of all, you hate yourself.
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Jeongguk bursts through your office doors with tired eyes that hold venom and fire within the pupils. The security couldn't stop him even though he had his access restricted and with a heaving breath he fixes his leather jacket.
"Dude," Namjoon guffaws, stepping out of your office.
"Where is she?" Guk inquires, waltzing with quick, angry steps towards your office.
"She's not with you? She didn't come in to work today, I dunno," Joon replies flippantly, folding his arms and leaning against the doorjamb.
When security arrives, your co-worker seems to grasp the situation just a tad bit better. He holds out his finger, telling them to wait as he takes in your disheveled boyfriend. "What happened?"
"She went to the doctors and then she fucking blocked me from everything and took away my access to see her! I don't even… I don't know what I did! I didn't do anything for her to act like this towards me!"
The blonde haired man before him fixes his glasses and he thinks carefully for a moment to weigh his options.
When you were with Guk, you were better. It's just that simple. Anyone could see it. You had a soul, you had emotions, it was really nice to see you in a comfortable light for once.
But you are casting him away… there's something wrong.
Namjoon has known you for years now and he knows that you're impulsive, he knows you're almost too ready to let things go at the drop of a hat but not with Guk.
You're invested -- were invested.
He can see just how broken and lost the escort is and even though he disliked him not too long ago… he can't help but feel bad for him.
"I'll pay Y/N a visit, see if she's okay and get some answers," your co-worker promises.
"Really?!" Guk gasps, widening his eyes.
"Yeah, I'll see what's up," Joon assures him, putting his glasses back on.
"Thank you!" the escort cries, coursing his fingers through his long black hair.
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Namjoon hasn't been to your mansion since that fateful day, the day he realized he had absolutely no chance with you.
It was a cold slap in the face when he walked in on you. He finally understood in that minute that all the hoping he'd done for years now meant absolutely nothing.
You weren't his to have and it was that simple. And although it hurt him deeply to come face to face with reality, he's still your friend, he's still an adult. He still cares for you.
When he pulled up to the gates of your community, he was immediately let in.
Joon is confused with how to feel, if he's being honest. Should he be happy that he's still on the guest list or should he be offended that you don't care nearly as much for him as you do for two other people you only met a month ago to take away their visiting rights? It's hard for him to process.
On the other hand, he's incredibly worried about you. You were fine just two simple days ago and now you're locking yourself away in the black, sterile mansion once more.
Your co-worker can only think the news from the doctor is grave. He hopes you don't have a month to live or something like that because he won't handle it well at all.
He still fucking loves you, for God's sake.
All of this weighs heavily on his mind and shoulders as he steps up the stairs to the large glass doorway of your house.
Joon thinks about ringing the bell before he simply opens the door with the spare key that you haven't moved since he last let himself in.
If he rings the bell, you might simply decide not to answer at all.
Letting himself in, he calls your name which is drowned out by the loud opera that screeches throughout the house.
This is bad. Opera is a coping mechanism for you.
Namjoon creeps through your house quietly, hoping to not scare you if he sees you. He's almost positive that you're not in the mood for visitors.
Stepping up to the speakers that forcibly shake the floor around it with how loud the bass is, he lowers it.
That should get you to come out of whenever you're hiding.
He waits patiently for a moment before you appear in the hallway with curious eyes.
Joon in all his time has never seen you like this, you're wearing Jeongguk's hoodie and a pair of leggings that seem like they just came right out of the package.
When your eyes meet, you deflate visibly and trudge back into your office.
Joon follows after you, sketching your appearance into his mind like a quick artist.
You have bags under your eyes and yet they're puffy like you've been crying oceans and oceans of tears.
When he steps into your office, he watches you sullenly lay back down on the couch, clutching a random stuffed teddy bear.
"Y/N," Namjoon whispers softly, almost as if he's talking to a wounded fierce animal.
"What?" you breathe, your voice is hoarse and monotone.
"What's going on?" he inquires, sitting down on the Persian carpet beside you and unbuttoning his suit jacket.
"Nothing," you mumble stubbornly, letting your eyes flutter shut.
You're not yourself, obviously.
You bring your knees to your chest, hugging the teddy bear tighter and Joon can't help but feel his heart thud painfully at the sight.
"What'd the doctor tell you?" he inquires softly, pushing stray hairs off your wet cheeks.
He won't ask about Jeongguk just yet, he can see the emotional turmoil you're stewing in and bringing up the man might just break you.
"Nothing," you repeat monotonously.
"I'm here to help, sweetheart. Talk to me," the blonde man practically begs, leaning back against the couch to give you your privacy.
He stares at the intricate paintings along the wall as his temple connects with the top of your head sweetly.
You find some sort of ease with the touch and you sigh softly.
You sit in silence for a bit, listening to the now soft opera screeching into your ears. Once you say the words it'll mean that it's true. Are you ready to speak them?
Taking a deep breath, you just decide to say it.
You tell Joon the doctor's orders and he turns his head towards you with wide eyes.
"Are you serious?" he gasps, looking down at you.
You simply look up at him with broken eyes that scream that this is the truth.
"Y/N… you have to tell him," Namjoon whispers, coursing his warm thumbs over your cheeks.
"No!" you gasp, sitting up sharply.
Joon breathes a heavy sigh, standing up only to sit down beside you and pull you into his chest.
"You can't hide this. It's wrong," he coos softly.
The feeling of his suit fabric against yours is oddly comforting and your eyes snap shut.
The weight of telling someone else feels relieving but now that it's out there in the open… it makes an Earth sized hole in your soul.
"He'll hate me," you announce after a moment.
"He hates that you've cast him away," Joon replies simply.
"You saw him?"
"He came by the office earlier. He's a mess without you," your co-worker murmurs.
"I'm a mess without him," you say honestly.
"So what are you going to do?"
In all actuality, you don't know what the fuck you're doing. You don't know how the fuck to proceed with your life. You wish you could just stay in your mansion everyday for years to come. But it can't be that simple.
With a sigh you bury your face farther into Joon's chest and sob softly.
"I don't know," you cry out, wrapping your arms around his strong torso.
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pudding-parade · 2 years
Cactus Springs by poppikins
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You know, I should probably subtitle this series "Plumbing the Depths of the Exchange So You Don't Have To." Because, yup, this is another world from the Exchange, though this one is recent, uploaded in April of 2022, found a little while ago when I was poking with a stick at the recent world uploads on the Exchange. This one has the generic CAW icon as its preview, but it said "Mid century" on the Exchange page, and its name implied desert, two things which are pretty much guaranteed to suck me in. (I promise the next one isn't a desert world. It's also tiny. LOL ) This world's file size was decently-large, so I figured it would be reasonably complete, so I gave it a shot.
And I'm glad I did! This is very much reminiscent of an affluent California desert town first built up in the 50s, with its densely-packed houses behind high privacy fences. I will say that I think the world could do with some more terrain painting, both in the world and on the lots, and that it could also do with some more deco, particularly rocks and some embellishment of the titular "springs." (But OTOH, I'm unnecessarily picky about all that.) Since it's a recent upload, it's possible the creator is still working on it and will update it. But if not...Well, scenery might not be this world's strength, but it has fabulous lots.
The world has 41 community lots and 80 residential ones. None of the lots are EA, and most of the residential lots are pre-built with maybe half-a-dozen empty. All of the lots are different, every single one of them. A handful of them are apartments. I'm pretty sure the world creator built all of the lots in the world because they're just too uniform in style to have been downloaded separately. This was a ton of work, so I can totally forgive the lack of scenery. I'd say about half of the residential lots are fully-furnished while the rest only have kitchens and baths. If nothing else, if you like the mid-century modern style, this is a good world to download even if you only pilfer lots from it to use elsewhere.
There's no info about this world's requirements, but you definitely need Lucky Palms for this. Without it, you're missing some rabbitholes, pretty much all of the plants, windmills, and also build items like clerestory windows and slanted columns. The world looks barren and just plain weird without Lucky Palms. As far as EPs, I noticed nothing from Supernatural, Island Paradise, or Into the Future, so it might not need those packs. It's possible items from SPs were used, but I more strongly suspect that the four mid-century sets from the Store were used because many of the furnished lots are missing some double beds, dining tables/chairs, toilets, sinks, and lighting. I could be wrong, but I'm betting the Store items were used for those things. It would make sense, after all. If you don't have those sets, you can download them in .package format here.
The world does have a pet store, so if you want it to function as such, you'll need the pet store register from the Store.
The title of this post is a link to the world's Exchange download, but if you don't want to deal with the Exchange or sims3packs, I have uploaded a .world file here, too. That file goes in your install files at GameData > Shared > NonPackaged > Worlds.
OK, that's enough up-front blather. More info and pics are behind the cut.
The world is 2048x2048, but its playable area is compact. Here is the entire playable area in Edit Town:
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Since the world is unpopulated, when I loaded up the world to take pics, I had NRaas Story Progression create 20 families, just to see how the world would run when decently populated. The world ran for a total of 10 simdays, some kids were born, people went to school/their jobs, blah blah, and I noticed no lag or weird issues. Granted, my machine is decent and the folder I'm using to take pics of these worlds has some defaults, the items from the Store worlds (because I wanted to see this world properly and I suspected it was missing Lucky Palms stuff) and NRaas mods only, so YMMV. I didn't get any notifications of any stuck sims, not even horses, so the routing appears to be good, which makes sense because it doesn't have any of the things that often cause routing issues. The world does have subway stations, but even if it didn't, it doesn't take sim-hours to get from one end to the other in a car or taxi or even on a bike because the playable area is so compact.
The world has all spawners except for the Island Paradise and Into the Future ones. It does have the fish spawners from the World Adventures worlds.
So long as you have Lucky Palms, the town has all rabbitholes except for the Into the Future ones, an equestrian center (none of the lots are big enough for horses, anyway), and the Supernatural ones. It does have the film studio. Some, but not all, of the rabbitholes are in basements to maintain the look of the town, and you can of course edit those lots and use rugs instead, if you don't like basement rabbitholes.
The world does not have any Showtime venues, and it only has one dance club. There aren't many empty lots and nowhere to add more, so if those things are important to you, this might not be a world for you. What it does have is cool lots, so the rest of this post is going to be about those. Not all of them, of course because I only get 30 pics in a post, but a sampling.
First some, but certainly not all, of the community lots:
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This is the science area. The house in the lower right corner is a residential lot for a small household of nerds, with all the science stuff from University Life plus a chemistry table and other Logic items in it. Then there's the science rabbithole, and the military one is in the basement under the low octagonal buildings in the upper left. There's also that multi-station science thing from University Life. It's in the bottom left corner.
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This is the fire station. So nice to not to see one of the EA ones. It doesn't come with a fire truck, though.
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This is the salon. It doesn't have tattooing, but in addition to the stylist makeover stations, it does have four or five deco hairdressing stations. So, this would be a good lot to use the hairdressing mod on.
This lot also shows the only issue that I noticed with the world. It has Al Simhara's distant terrain, but it acts weirdly, which you can see in the picture above. I'm not sure if this is just my game doing this or not. Frankly, if I were to play this world, I'd just delete the distant terrain. It isn't really needed, IMO.
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This is the arcade. It has bowling lanes and arcade machines.
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This is the town's one and only club, and it's an exclusive one, so there's a bouncer at the front door. My testing sim got in via a bribe. :)
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The vanilla-color building on the left is the pet store while the coral-color one is a shell with the spa rabbithole in its basement. If I was playing this world, I'd build an actual spa with the items from Sunlit Tides and a spa rabbithole rug, but this will do. The rainbow-colored building in the back is a sort of mall. It has little shops with WA registers in it (nectar, relics, general store, food) inside, and it has the grocery, bookstore, and theater rabbitholes in the basement.
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The graveyard. The building with the asymmetrical roof on the right side of the pic is part of this lot, too. It's small and empty, but it could be dressed up for small weddings.
And finally, pics of a handful of the 80 residential lots, in a cross-section of sizes. Of course, the problem with them being tightly packed in and behind fences is that it makes it harder to take pics, but this will give you an idea of the types of lots in the world.
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autistpride · 5 months
What is time blindness?
Time blindness is actually a term more frequently used in the ADHD community.
Due to the fact that ADHD is a comorbid conditions with autism and time blindness is an executive functioning struggle many autistic individuals also struggle with time blindness as well.
Time-blindness is a phenomenon where a person does not recognize that time is passing, or how quickly it’s passing, or how soon an event or deadline is approaching.
We simply do not sense time passing the way most people do.
A person struggling with time blindness could be working on a task look up and the clock says 3. They look up what feels like much later and the clock says 3:05. They They look up what feels like very little time later and the clock now says 8. How?! Time felt so quick that second time but it wasn't and they forgeot to use the toilet, eat a meal, and do the other tasks for the day they needed to.
Some other effects of time blindness are:
-tasks not today or tomorrow seem ages away
-delayed sending a text, email, or returning a call and not realizing it has been two weeks
-being late or overly early every time
-gone out expecting to just a few minutes and come back hours later
-burning a meal that's cooking because you stepped away for what you thought was a minute
-starting every story with "the other day" because anything in the past is lumped together
-painful memories stay fresh longer because it just stays in the brain as if it just happened instead of processing
However there are some positives to time blindness!
Like being able to sink into a good book and forget the world, getting swept away by a project, or enjoying outings or people in the moment without time constraints
Hyperfocus is also a time blindness related thing. When hyperfocused individuals often lose all track of time while neglecting body needs such as food, water, sleep, or the toilet.
Here are some possible tips to help. I personally use 8/10 of these.
1. So many clocks. All the clocks everywhere. And reminders.
2. Visual timers!
3. Write down all the things you do during a day so you can reflect and see that you accomplished more then you realize. This will also allow you to look back on past days and know more precisely when something occured.
4. Track how long a task takes so you know for future that you need to account for that amount of time to accomplish that task.
5. Make long term deadlines into smaller ones. If an assignment is due in a week, split it into fourths and set dates throughout the week by which each part needs to be finished by.
6. Alway keep a schedule in front of you. Make your calendar your phone wallpaper or add tasks with alarms to your phone or watch.
7. Take notes with sticky notes or digitally and keep them in an easy to access location.
8. Stop hyperfocus before it starts when you can and if you can't have alarms set to try to help change your focus.
9. When estimating time for things, estimate off the worst case scenario and possibly also add an additional twenty minutes to that that for unexpected things like needing to get gas.
10. Do the same task at the same time each day. It becomes easier to mark the passage of time when you have performed that task time after time and doing it at the same time each day helps set you into a routine.
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rstarsims3 · 11 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
Thank your for tagging me, @daniel-fortesque & @bast-sims
What’s your favorite Sims death?
None (hate it when it happens); the most frequent one in my gameplays is the old age one.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?   A mix between the two, it depends how well the CC matches the game's art style.
Do you cheat your sims weight? Not really; what I cheat is how muscular my female sims are as I play a lot the Acrobat career in TS3 Showtime and my girls bulk up too fast and too much.
Do you move objects? Ever since I learned about this particular (and very useful) cheat, yes.
Favorite Mod? Most of the Nraas mods, all of @thesweetsimmer111 fabulous baby/toddler mods and also small ones to correct some stuff in the game (like No Mascot Camera Zoom, No Autonomous Gaming, Autonomous Wash Hands After Toilet Use, Zoom-In CaS Camera, etc)
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? World Adventures.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?   aLIVE  
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? A lot of them, for different reasons.
Selena Noble - a ballerina (now an acrobat) with no moral compass. But I think she's cute so she's my muse for the balletcore collection.
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Lin Young - my fearless adventurer.
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Riley Preston - my talented artist.
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Hope London - my dedicated gardener.
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These three: Mel Hada, Ren Akiba & Jace White (aka Yasu Sato). They are the MCs from "Uncertainty".
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I don't have pics of them right now, but I also have to mention: Sasha Azarov, Daichi & Rei Sato, Ayanna Sato, Sebastian DeLuca.
Have you made a simself? The first sim I ever made was a simself. It did not go well.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? None; since it's TS3 I mix them according to my characters.
Favorite EA hair? Not really using the EA hairs usually, but I'd choose the Playful Updo from Late Night.
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Favorite life stage? I play a lot the YA & A life stages, but also enjoy all the other ones.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?  I'm in for everything the game has to offer: gameplay, building, CAW, CC creation.
Are you a CC creator? Yup.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? I wouldn't say a squad, but I do have people here that I admire and like to interact with.
Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
Do you have a  YouTube for sims? Yes (as I'm an ex-machinima creator), but these days I'm only using it when I have animations to share.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? In every possible way. I put a lot more thought into my builds (and worlds), my sims no longer look like aliens (I used to make them have these big anime eyes) and my gameplays are more wish-based than ever.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? So many of them since I'm a big CC hoarder. As Daniel said, everyone who brings something to this game is a champion and deserves accolades.
But to mention only a few, I'd say @simtanico for their high quality items, @enable--llamas for the awesome furniture, ArtVitalex & Onyxium over at TSR who both still create furniture for TS3, Bill-Sims also at TSR, @sim-songs here on Tumblr for their conversions, @technicallyswagpizza for their amazing plants (and tutorials that taught me a lot), @yorithesims and @bmit04 for poses; @maryjanesims3 & @agnelid for hair default replacements, and so many more. Sorry, I can't remember everyone right now.
How long have you had Simblr? Since January 2019.
How do you edit your pictures? For more aesthetic pics I use Reshade and PS (although I don't remember ever posting these types of pics), but I usually just slightly adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and exposure in PS as I love the TS3's default art style (I'm just spicing it up a little).
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? Kinda all of the expansion packs?! Mainly Seasons, World Adventures, Late Night, Island Paradise, Generations. Also love all the functional store content and worlds.
Tagging:  @technicallyswagpizza @chojrak-making-things @agnelid @murfeelee @simtanico @puffkins2000 @yorithesims @enable–llamas @solori @pudding-parade @faerielandsims @jazzysimlife @tiaamorosa @lordressdragoonbear @thesweetsimmer111 @bmit04 @maryjanesims3 @nornities
Feel free to ignore if not interested or have done this before! 😁😘
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sanguinelupus · 11 months
i know i'm usually only here once a week on the weekends anyway, but i also do tend to get on mobile a lot throughout the week. i haven't been, and that's because so much is going on in my life right now that the thought of getting online here just isn't even in my head right now. it isn't important.
while i do enjoy this hobby a lot, it is still just that -- a hobby. and i will come back to it when my life isn't so chaotic. that could be two days from now or two weeks from now...who knows. but i'm just letting you guys know that my activity (while it's already low) will be extremely sparse and i am going to prioritize established mutuals over new ones.
i am always on discord and everyone is welcome to message me there if you want to talk or yell about our characters. if i don't respond right away, please understand that i have a lot going on right now.
if you want details of what's been going on, it's under the cut.
at the end of september/beginning of october, our water was cut off because of the water company being absolutely shady and manipulative and lying to us for months prior, and we and to figure out how to come up with over $2,000 very quickly because living without running water in today's world is just not feasible, especially when everything else in your house is working completely normally. luckily we only had to go a few days without water, but the situation was just a fucking nightmare especially because on top of it, my wife and i were working our new-ish jobs as normally as we possibly could; she works 32 hours a week and i work 40, both of us work with children. i was on my lunch break trying to figure out how much water my wife had to buy when she got off work just so we could flush our toilets once or twice throughout the night. i was in my preschool classroom sitting in the floor cutting out laminated farm animals while on the phone with the water company who told me i had insufficient funds in my account when i was staring at my bank that said $2,400 at that moment in time. my wife had to be woken up so she could take cash down to the water company and they had our water back on within 30 minutes, but the stress of all of the bullshit we were going through doesn't just go away.
the week after that was also extremely stressful and overstimulating because of things out of our control.
the past week has been spent worrying about my cat, who has deteriorated EXTREMELY rapidly. she won't eat her normal food, she is constantly getting dirty somehow, her eyes are almost always stuck shut every day and i have to clean them every morning, she's lost so much weight in such a short amount of time and has no energy for anything other than sitting in the same spot. because we work so much, we have not had the time to even call a vet much less make an appointment for her. we managed to get her in somewhere on monday, but that means i'm having to miss work. i've been feeding her liquid/broth cat food and continuing to clean her every day so she can function, though.
the brakes on our car have also deteriorated extremely quickly in the last week, and they're being replaced today. getting an appointment on a sunday of all days was stressful, and trying to plan it around what my wife has had going on for work this weekend was also very stressful. my wife has had only one day off this week and still has to go back to work tomorrow after a weekend of nothing but overstimulation and stress. the brakes are going to be over $500 to have fixed.
my wife's grandfather has also been in critical condition for a while now, and they are expecting him to pass within the next three weeks. we will both have to plan for paying for plane tickets to the funeral, as well as mentally preparing for dealing with her (extremely conservative & fucking awful) family.
all of this is on top of me working with preschool aged autistic children, and things have been chaotic and stressful there too. i'm not going to be at work tomorrow when we're getting a new student, and whenever the normal teachers are out of the classroom, the kids are thrown off completely and end up acting out. but i quite literally just have no other option, my cat HAS to go to the vet. she should have gone last week, but again, we just have not had the time.
who knows what else will pop up in the meantime. i am autistic and all of this overstimulation is not good for my mental health AT ALL. my wife has been extremely depressed lately and all of this is not good for HER mental health at all. we are both just trying to survive right now, but shit will not stop happening.
so i hope everyone can see why tumblr roleplay is quite literally the last thing on my mind right now.
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bookemmcdanno · 1 year
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Meet Hamilton Lindley, the plumbing maestro whose name may not instantly conjure images of wrenches and pipes, but his impact on the world of legal justice and philanthropy flows as smoothly as water through well-laid plumbing. As a plumber by trade and a connoisseur of connecting pipes and drains, allow me to guide you through the journey of this exceptional individual, whose work is as essential as a well-maintained plumbing system.
Hamilton Lindley is a plumber hailing from the great state of Texas, but his expertise transcends the confines of traditional plumbing. Much like a seasoned plumber can trace the intricate web of pipes hidden beneath your house, Mr. Lindley navigates the labyrinthine corridors of justice, ensuring that the flow of fairness and equity remains unobstructed. His commitment is as clear as a freshly unclogged drain, and his mission is to leave the world better than he found it.
But, just as a plumber is not limited to fixing leaks, Hamilton Lindley's philanthropic endeavors gush forth like a wellspring of generosity. Picture a plumber leading a community initiative, installing water filtration systems for those in need, and advocating for a world where clean water is accessible to all. Expecting him to personally solder pipes for a community project may be a stretch, but he's busy inspecting the legal intricacies that bind and safeguard our society.
And don't think for a moment that his commitment to justice and philanthropy has left no room for humor. Much like a plumber with a quick quip while dealing with a backed-up toilet, Mr. Lindley brings lightness to legal proceedings, reminding us that even in the most serious situations, a little humor can go a long way.
In summary, Hamilton Lindley is the plumber next door, always ready to ensure that the pipes of justice flow smoothly and that the waters of philanthropy remain pure. His dedication extends beyond traditional plumbing, shaping the world with the same precision and care used to plumb a house. If you ever find yourself in need of legal guidance in Texas, consider reaching out to him – your plumber of justice, ready to fix those legal leaks. Just don't expect him to bring his pipe wrench to court; that's a tool best left to the professionals.
In Hamilton Lindley, we find a shining example of someone dedicated to the welfare of society, whether through the art of plumbing or the intricacies of the legal system. His legacy is a testament to the idea that, much like plumbing, the world runs smoothly when experts like him are at the helm, ensuring that the essential systems are functioning flawlessly.
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Kiba Hospital
Marco X F!Reader
AU Modern Day Japan
Very Long Story
Warnings: Gore, Evil Twin, Anaphylaxis Shock, Fluff, Near Death Experiences, Slow Burn, BIG Slice Of Life, Segmented Story, Sexy Time, Oral Giving and Receiving, Woman Stalker, Engagement, Marriage💒 Honeymoon Sex
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(Third POV)
Three years spent to make it here. It was graduation day (N)(L) this thirty eight year old, versus this younger generation. Little did she know that was the day everything would change in her life.
~Back Stage The Auditorium~
*whispers*"Lets prank (N) shes too old to be a nurse much less a Doctor."
"Okay we like worked really hard we deserve to get in." The two young girls giggle as the guest doctor named Marco Phoenix overhears and sees that the two young girls hide (N)s diploma in the bottom rung of the podium.
~Back in the Auditorium~
The ceremony begins and then ends without (N) hearing her name. She had sworn she had gotten accepted to the number one hospital in Japan, Tokyo she did recieve the congratulations letter.
"Ladies and gentlemen it seems a prank was pulled. We have one more accepty. Please welcome (N)(L) to Kiba medical hospital along with your crew except. You two. Yoi" Marco points to the two girls who pulled the prank and continues.
"Dont be like these two (-) and (-). They deliberately were going to let one of their own suffer just to get ahead. That could have been the difference between life and death today. Yoi."
"Were very sorry" the girls respond on stage as (N) our main character walks up on stage slipping behind them along with her graduating group.
"Sorry, doesnt save lives. That is why I have decided to reject your applications to Kiba. We need doctors like (N) who want to be good doctors who do the right things not step on others. Yoi" Marco then allows the school board to continue their announcements as they agree with him to save face as everyone knows hes the number one doctor at the number one hospital in the country. The two girls go back to their seats semi crying knowing all their hard work was flushed down the toilet now they must tell their parents what they've done.
~First Day Of Training (N) POV~
You walk in to Kiba hospital after your thirty minute length trip on the train from the flatlands where your apartment is and meet up with your group.
"Allright since everyones here. Lets start with introductions. After everyone else has gone it was your turn
"Hello im (N)(L) I hope we can all be friends" you say nervously chipper for the sake of it, then the group moved from room to room as it was touring day. At a short break you go to the vending machines and grab an iced coffee. Then you see your supervisor Marco or Mr. Phoenix to you, grabs the same coffee.
"Looks like we like the same coffee. And whats that? Yoi" he points closely near your heart to you golden Phoenix feather pin on your staff lanyard.
"Oh this, it was a specialty item there were only two hundred in the world made. Its from Uno Piece the anime and manga. Mines engraved it was from my father" you say excitedly. He leans over the smallish table to show you.
"I have one too, not engraved but also the ultra rare enamel pin of him in the anime Yoi" Mr. Phoenix says.
"Oh wow thats so cool Mr. Phoenix" you say politely geeking out with him drinking coffee. After half a day you felt the urge to use the bathroom once done it seems your group has passed on. Seeing a nearby doctor you ask.
"Excuse me do you know where Group A went? I stepped out for a second now their gone." You ask politely and he nudges you two feet over to see down the hall.
"Sure you go straight then a left the straight-" right before you can react a gaint tools bucket fell from the ceiling of the hospital cracking the doctors skull but he was still breathing.
In shock but able to function you call for help while trying to keep him conscious.
"Can you hear me blink once for yes twice for no" he blinks once. Suddenly You see Mr. Phoenix running with the group.
"Stay back wait all of you! Yoi" He yells as your on your hands and knees trying to keep the doctor conscious. Mr. Phoenix runs to you and the doctor.
"(N) did you see what happened? Go to the wall and wait! Yoi" He calls on his radio for emergency code red.
"I saw what happened I was right there!" You say loudly to him. Now everythings in slow motion the doctor and the emergency team roll him away to emergency surgery. Your looking at the wall hands on top of your (C) hair while your bright purple scrubs were soaked in red blood. While all that happened, you take time to calm down breathing in and out. Once they take the doctor away Mr. Phoenix walks over to you to recount the tale.
"Are you allrigh-"
"(N) your bleeding too on your forehead. Yoi" he says.
"Most of it is his blood. It should have been me" you say lip quivering.
"What? What do you mean? Yoi" He asks.
"I came out of the bathroom asked him where the group had gone and he nudged me over from the spot that would have hit me. Then the bucket fell right where I was supposed to be. I looked up and saw the construction worker but hes gone now he was wearing overalls and a flash yellow long sleeve shirt and yellow hat." You explain.
"Listen its not your fault its like the butterfly effect things happen. Go have that bandaged up while I deal with the police. Yoi"
~After Awhile~
'So I ended up having to get stiches oh well. I wonder how that doctor is doing hopefully alive its been hours' then you hear a familiar voice.
"Gather round Group A! Yoi" Mr. Phoenix says. As everyone gathers he says
"Everyone we will convene tomorrow. (N) I need to talk with you. Yoi" as everyone leaves Mr. Phoenix goes over to you and asks.
"How are you doing? (N)? Yoi"
"What? Im fine just tired. How is he?" You say calmly.
"Their still operating on him. And well your strangely calm do you feel -,-,-,-,or -? Yoi" He asks a series of questions about being in shock to which you respond no to all.
"Why are you so calm? Yoi" he asks worriedly.
"My parents are dead and my adoptive dad is dead I grew up and saw some people die in front of me not knowing but knowing. Its just me now, its why I wanted to be a doctor one day to help people like me get and feel better at least." You long windedly say. He raises an eyebrow.
"In other words you have the experience that all these new bees dont have. Its really hard but valuable. You know Soji threw up after seeing all that blood. Yoi" he states.
"I suppose. And really? I only do that or faint when I see my own blood" You reply.
"Why dont you take a shower before heading home? Ill have Sui show you the womens showers and give you a change of clothes. Yoi" he suggests.
"Thank you Mr. Phoenix" you say respectfully.
"Please just Marco I never liked formalities. Its gonna be okay. Yoi" he finishes saying then shows you to Sui who showed you the shower then gave you new clothes.
~Six Months Later (Third) POV~
The doctor had survived but had to retire due to his injuries. (N) and Marco like to have breaks chating about the Uno Piece universe which has all different characters. Over the months (N) has developed some feelings for her supervisor but squash them because its illegal. Little did she know that he may feel the same.
~One Day At Work (N) POV~
Walking into work you felt sluggish today.
'Marco isn't in yet, strange, hes always on time' you think as you go to your station and clock in. After five minutes you spy Marco walk into the building. The same blonde hair lidded eyes and tallness. Doing paperwork for doctors you continue your pace not interfering since that would be over the line. On your break you head to the vending machine you got your normal coffee but Marco got juice.
'Strange he never got juice not once in all the time ive been here but maybe hes changing it up?' You think.
"Whatsup with the juice? Trying something new today Marco?" You politely ask as he looks at you then slowly sits at your table across from you.
"Yea decided to try something new" he replys back.
'Okay somethings off' you got the chills as you ask
"Hey wheres your pin?"
"Pen? Haha you mean this pen?" He pulls out a golden pen.
"Um no,... pin see we have match limited edition ones remember? Dont tell me you lost it?!" You say a little loudly as you hear the receptionist say
"Marco? But your right there next to (N)"
You look at his eyes and suddenly feel shaken. You hear the door open to the hospital and Marco on the phone then hung up and is now talking to the receptionist about security. As you look at Marco then flash back to the man in front of you. You couldnt move it was a deer in headlights kindave feeling.
"Your not Marco..." you say as he nods as the man clasps his hands together finishing the juice with a straw.
You could hear the real Marco calling your name to get away
"(N) get away from him Yoi" but you couldnt move the mans icey glare held you down in place.
"Sharp miss (n)" the man says quietly. Finally Marco reached you and grabbed your arm getting you to stand up as he put himself inbetween you and the man.
"Juzo what are you doing here?! Yoi" Marco asks loudly as you could hear the faintness of security Marco still holding your arm and you behind him.
"I knew you seemed too happy last visit to mom and dad. Got yourself a little bird there?" Juzo said raising an eyebrow.
"That is none of your concern im calling the police and our parents to let them know you broke the restraining order Yoi" Marco slightly yells loosing his cool causing some people to look. Marco gets his phone out and calls the police telling them the whole situation as Juzo starts walking out of the building.
"Hes leaving the building you can find him at Taizo Medical his work." Marco talks to the police.
'Taizo Medical is the second best hospital in Japan. So Marco has a twin brother?' You think as you start to put it together. After he gets off of the phone with the police he says
"(N) are you okay? Oh sorry about your arm... Yoi" he says and lets go of your arm.
"I knew something wasnt right!" You say as he raises an eyebrow
"And how did you know he wasnt me no one could ever tell us apart" He questions staring at you. You were caught. Blushing slightly you admit
"Well he got juice instead of coffee and he didnt have your pins. He didnt talk like you either. He didnt chat like we usually do. When I said pen he pulled out a golden writing pen not the Phoenix feather pin." You explain. You could see a small blush creep up on his face as he says
"Sharp as always (N) Yoi" and turns to call his parents.
"Hello father Juzo came to my hospital today and broke the agreement just thought you should know ---- yes I called the police-------allright goodbye." *click*
He turns to you and asks
"What did he say to you? Anything? Yoi"
"Um not much but I asked him about the juice and pin now he knows about the pin at least if hes a problem then here lets trade pins, mines engraved so if it happens again we can identify you" he looks shocked as you undo your pin and hold it out for him. He puts his phone away and takes his pin off and trades you. He looks at the engraving then puts it on.
"Thank you (N) ill keep it safe. Yoi" he smiles wide then chuckles putting a hand on the back of his head says
"Sorry to cause a scene Yoi"
"Its fine but I didnt know you had a twin he gave me the shivers totally not you" you say pondering. As security come up to Marco your break ends you say goodbye to Marco as hes telling the security to check his badge from now on.
~Four Months Later~
You and Marco grow somewhat closer having nicknames now due to the anime and manga Uno Piece.
Your oblivious to his advances like him saying,
"Maybe the crew should get together and eat out sometime? Yoi" but you are always polite and decline and make him fall flat. At least your following company policies but he still tries to advance regardless, trying to find out more about you. In turn you find out more about him too like how his favorite fruit is pineapple and his birthday is October fifth.
Your writing up papers as you glance up to your water bottle you swore Marco was staring at you.
'Its just my imagination theres no way anyone knows what today is for me' you drink some water and notice Marco glance at you again as you continue to do paperwork. Once break time, you head to the vending machine only to see
"Oh hey Marco your early today" you say as you put your ¥ into the machine and *clank* drops the iced coffee. You pick it up and sit across from him, you both smiling.
"Whatsup big bird?" You ask taking a sip of your coffee. He says
"I found out its someones birthday today Yoi!" He says excitedly bring out a chocolate cupcake with a candle on top. Your eyes widen.
"Theres no way you just <found out> about my birthday" you say.
"For certain obvious reasons we can't light the candle but happy birthday welcome to thirty nine Yoi" he says as he also places something in front of you.
"Welcome to? What how old are you Marco?" You question quizzically.
"Me oh im forty four now Yoi" he smiles. Looking down you realize its the extremely rare main character pin from a even more limited release of Uno Piece.
"Awee I cant accept this I know how much these go for!" You say blushing as he chuckles and smiles.
"Haha I insist that way we both have two pins of him Yoi" you could see a very light blush on Marcos face as he continues smiling with lidded eyes.
"Happy birthday (N) Yoi" you look up meeting his eyes yours all sparkly
"Thank you so much Marco I suppose I can accept it then, ill take extra good care of it!" He blushes slightly drinking his coffee as he seems to try and not to blush.
'Hes so cute when he tries not to blush- wait! Hes just being friendly this is just what friends do. Hes my superior. I better get him something on his birthday too' you think as you pin the enamel pin on your lanyard.
~Two Months Later~
You and Marco are quiet fond of eachother you both have eachothers numbers now. And text out of work mainly about animes, about work, likes, dislikes etc. Over the year you went from timid and quiet to happy and peppy kindave like Marco or is it because of Marco?
~At Work~
"Allright gather round everyone! Yoi" Marco yells after our small section.
"Everyone here good. Were doing our yearly dine out and karaoke to celebrate those who have become nurses! Everyone is invited let me know whose going and whose not to make a reservation Yoi"
"Sui is a yes, Soji is a yes. What about you (N) coming out with us this time? Yoi" he asks seemingly expecting a no but you respond.
"Sure Marco sounds fun!" You smile at him making him double take chuckling.
"Well look at who bloomed over this year. You going out now excellent! Good for you. Yoi" Marco says as Sui says to you
"Yay finally (N)s coming out with us!" Sui chirps.
"Its about time (N). Allright I gotta get back to my wife and baby" Soji says.
"Okay see you all later I gotta cetch the trains goodnight everyone!" You wave to everyone and Marco seeing him with a wide smile on his face.
~Once Off The Train Viewing Your Apartment~
You see a very tall, blonde hair, man in a doctors coat.
'But Marco left after me. Does he have a car? I better call him to see' you think as you wait at the station across the street from your apartment.
*ring ring* *ring ring* *click*
"Hello (N) is everything oka-" you cut Marco off.
"Are you by chance standing at my apartment door right now Marco?" Panicked he replies.
"No call the police! And give me your address right now ill come there! Try and stay hidden. Yoi"
"Im thirty minutes away hes sure to notice me just sitting at an empty station" you say upset.
"Just send me your address now! Yoi" *click* you quickly type your address in link form so he can google maps it as you wait at the train station and call the police and explain whats going on.
'Okay the police will get here after Marco does. I just hope Juzo doesnt recognize me first' you think as you see after 18 minutes he notices you and it takes a couple minutes for him to walk over as he staggers a little. He approaches you.
"Hey there, Marcos sharp little bird~" Juzo sings as you get a whiff of booze off him.
"What do you want Juzo? Why do you smell of booze aren't you a doctor?" You question him, having no way to defend yourself.
"I want to take that happy smile off Marcos face starting with you. I lost my job due to malpractice so what? Hes always first at everything! Ever since we were children! Hes always gotten the best everything, while I was cast aside!" He grabs your wrists with his strong hands and starts pulling you to towards your apartment as you resist. He uses one hand to subdue both of your hands and pulls out a taser as you hear a fast approaching car and a screech to a stop you felt a rush of electricity in your neck as your body convulses then falls limp as you hear a car door.
~Marcos POV~
You screech the car to a stop eject the key as you see in the dimly lit parking lot a spark of electricity that is unnaturally blue. Getting out of your car you see Juzo and (n)s body fall limp as he lets her fall on the concrete of her apartment complex carpark. You chase Juzo down and tackle him punching him in the gut then hand locking him as you hear the sirens of the police. Once the police arrived you let them take Juzo as he had the weapon and you explained the situation.
~(N) POV~
You come too realizing your in an ambulance you say
"Dont take me I cant afford it!" You slightly raise your voice to the paramedics as they sigh and help you out of the ambulance. You see Marco and Juzo who, you assume is in the police car. Walking over to who you assume is Marco and the police
"Miss are you allright? Can you identify this man" the policemen ask.
"Im alive. I was tazed by Juzo Phoenix. Umm let me see your pin?" You say to the policemen and assumedly Marco takes off his pin and hands his to you. You smile at the engraving and give it back.
"He is definitely Marco Phoenix. The one in the police car is Juzo Phoenix who tazed me, hes way over the alchohol limit as well." You say as you cross your arms.
"Miss please explain everything that happened as you remember it for the record" the police say and you explain everything.
"Allright do you want to press charges miss? We can grant a rush restraining order as well due to the violence of this crime." You bite your lip as you and Marco both say at the same time
"Id/shed like to press charges Yoi" you both look at eachother then back to the policemen.
"All right fill out these forms miss (N)(L)" filling out the forms you could only think
'How much is this gonna cost me? I dont have that much saved up' After you finish filling out the paperwork they take Juzo and the ambulance away.
"Sorry about this Marco..." you suddenly burst into tears. As he immediately hugs you rubbing your back.
"Shh its not your fault (N), come on lets get you inside so you can let it out. Im just glad I got here in time. Yoi" Marco comforts you as he *beep beeps* his car locked. He side hugged you all the way to your door helped you unlock it then you slip off both your shoes and sit on the couch as Marco lets you cry into his chest, hands resting around his waist feeling his abs, until you could cry no more.
"(N) im so sorry about Juzo. I understand if you dont want to be friends anymor- yoi" you cut Marco off for once and say
"Its not your fault either your brothers an asshole! I dont wanna stop being friends I like you Marco" you blabber out as you readjust yourself and sniffle your tears seemingly have stopped as you sit up.
"Thank you for letting me cry it out" you say as you both sit there.
"I like you too (n) probably more than I should. And your very welcome. Yoi" You hear Marco whisper looking at the table in front of you both.
"Huh? What do you mean Marco?" You question him. He blushes fidgeting a bit.
"Nows probably the worst time for this but, I mean I like like you (N). I have for a while now, and my brother could tell thats why he went after you... Yoi" He finishes saying as he blushes more looking into your eyes. You completely stopped crying before he said that. You look at him thinking
'I cant believe he likes me'
"Well say something please Yoi" Marcos blush deepens as he fidgets more uncomfortably.
"I like like you too Marco" you managed to say as he looks shocked.
"God woman your so hard to read sometimes. Yoi" he sighs loudly seemingly relieved.
"Here let me make us some food while we talk." You stand going to your kitchen in your tiny apartment. You prepare ingredients for sushi as you have fresh salmon and tuna.
"Tuna or salmon?" You ask him.
"Hm salmon please Yoi" he replys politely.
"Oh thats right your brother was going on and on about something that now makes sense" you say as you cut cucumber. What you said must have peaked his intrest as he asks
"What all did he say? Yoi"
"<I want to take that happy smile off Marcos face starting with you. I lost my job due to malpractice so what? Hes always first at everything! Ever since we were children! Hes always gotten the best everything while I was cast aside!> Thats what he told me drunkenly." You repeat what Juzo told you to Marco.
"Id prefer if you just called him by name not my brother. Hes got a screw loose all right. Again im so sorry. Yoi" Marco says as you blush and look at Marco whose looking at you.
"I didnt realize before that you liked me!" You say somewhat loudly blazing across what Marco had said. As you roll the sushi and top the two rolls what he asks next cetches you off gaurd completely.
"I know this isnt the right time but I wont have the balls to ask any other time. (N) will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend please? Yoi" Marco looks at you as your looking at him. You finish dinner thinking to yourself and place everything on the table. With a blushing Marco fidgeting with your couch the entire time. Then you speak.
"What about the hospital policies?" You ask as you go to look in your fridge for drinks. Marco seems to understand your hesitation and replies.
"As long at theres no PDA or going over the line at work we would be fine. After all Sojis wife is a doctor and Sojis still a practitioner nurse and they make it work. Yoi"
"Sorry theres only water and Dr. Pepper here" You ask in a statement.
"Dr. Pepper is fine thanks Yoi" he says as you grab two D.Ps and walk back around the table setting the drinks down.
"But Sojis wife works at Taizo so they dont even see eachother. Do you think we would really be okay Marco?" Before eating or drinking Marco replys with a chuckle.
"Yes it would be fine just act normal silly Yoi" you both open your cans of Dr.Pepper.
"So would you please become my girlfriend miss (N)? Yoi" he reiterated. As you ponder you finally reply
"As long as we wont get in trouble. I'd love to be your girlfriend Marco" you stare into his eyes smiling. He grows a gaint smile then hugs you under your arms as you hug around his neck smelling his scent it was musky and clean. You brush a hand through his hair as he says
"Hmm feels good Yoi" after a soild couple minutes he lets you go.
"I promise to treat your heart with the upmost care, doctors honor Yoi" he says and kisses your forehead making you blush deep red at the realization. He chuckles and says
"Itadakimasu Yoi"
"Itadakimasu" you say also as you turn on the TV to Uno Piece, and you both eat and drink. After finishing you clean up.
"Thank you very much (n) it was delicious Yoi" Marco says with a huge smile on his face.
"Oh dont you have to tell your family what happened tonight?" You ask him. He looks at you displeased but answers.
"Yea ill have to do it tomorrow. Unless Juzo allready called to complain to them drunkenly but they know im always right so its fine whenever I call. Cant believe he lost his job though cant imagine what for if hes willing to taze you Yoi"
"How are you doing by the way? We sort have gotten side tracked Yoi"
"Well im glad we got side tracked otherwise I would have never known that you liked me hehe" you giggle as he pets your head and you sit there taking it then lean on him cuddling some what. He wraps his left arm around you as you wrap your arms back around his waist and lean your head on his chest watching TV.
"This is-"
"Nice? Yoi" Marco adds cutting you off blushing deep red but so are you.
"Yea it is nice" you agree feeling slightly off about cuddleing with your superior but loving having someone to hold especially your crush.
"I have to get going in a couple hours Yoi" he says as hes rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. You get up and say
"I have to use the bathroom ill be back" he replys
"All right Yoi" he removes his arm from your side.
~Marcos POV~
Once you heard the bathroom click you looked at the prescriptions on the table in front of you where you had just ate.
'Hmm Clindamycin and Rifampin heavy antibiotics at 300mg, Vraylar 4.5mgs for MDD Major Depressive disorder or bi polar one, oh shit shes done' you try and hurry and put back the bottles but notice you put them back wrong.
'Will she notice?' *gulp*
'Thats what I get for being snoopy.' You think as you hear footsteps.
~(N) POV~
You walk back into the living room and immediately notice the prescriptions out of order. You giggle slightly and he looks at you about to say something but you cut him off.
"Shh.. what do you want to know my dear boyfriend?" You blush at the thought and he blushes hes been caught.
"I was just worried about your health seeing so many bottles." He admits.
You laugh and sit down next to him.
"How many did you get through?" You ask.
"Two...." he winces looking at your facial expressions.
"Okay well next ones Diazepam 5mg four daily for anxiety, next ones Trazodone 100mg once every night for sleep, next is Bupropion XL 150mg for depression once a day, then theres birth control which ive been on for years. The antibiotics are for Hidradenitis Suppurativa a disease which can eat away at skin and muscles and makes holes in the skin and muscles it has active and dormat phases. Its in dormat phase right now and its non passable. Then I have Fibromyalgia, major Depressive disorder, Bi polar type two, and an anxiety disorder. Im allergic to penicillin and extremely allergic to ants ill get anaphylaxis shock. *big breath in* does that satisfy your curiosity big bird?" You smile at him. And he looks shocked.
"Ill admit ive never gotten this far with a woman before Juzo always scared them off but your different, your strong willed (N) Yoi" he admits.
"Awee thanks? Soo.. is this your way of saying your a virgin?" You question poking a tad fun of him.
"Virgin unfortunately no I wished id saved myself for that right person, but I do have experience because of it all, so its bittersweet Yoi" Marco.
"Well were in the same boat there big bird" you say as he looks at your wall clock.
"Its all ready that time? It doesnt even feel like we did much well I mean besides what all happened. Youll probably get a call tomorrow knowing my family, about the restraining order. Theyll probably disown him this time. Yoi" he says.
"Well I should get going my sweet little bird Yoi" he says as you look up at him sitting up all the way as he was slouched down, you both were nose to nose. Hot breath, racing hearts, he closed the distance, as your lips met his, and bliss followed. Him cupping your cheek you wrap your arms around his neck your hand flowing through his hair. Intertwining tounges, making out you flick your tounge bar around his tounge making him very very softly moan as you softly moan as well. Breaking for air both huffing slightly cherry red covering both your faces.
"Do you have to go?" You whisper to him face inches from his.
"I know I should go but I really dont want to Yoi" he says holding your cheek as you pet his hair.
"You could stay if you wanted and leave in the morning? Its really however you feel" You gauging how he feels.
"Well what do you want? I dont mind whenever. But I want to go at your pace......Your scent is intoxicating (N)... Yoi" Marco seems conflicted as tonight was very eventful. Still in the same position you go in for the killer kiss leaning into him as he reciprocates. He slides your legs over his lap feeling his bulge as he picks you up bridal style and breaks for air.
"Wheres your room? Yoi" he asks huskily.
"Across from the bathroom over there that closed door careful of the door frame" he walked you into you neat room that was decorted with anime merch and a king sized lust red sheets bed. He gently tosses you on the bed as you both start discarding articles of clothing between kisses once in your bra and panties and him in his boxers your blush darkened as he looks like a greek statue. You take down his boxers to reveal a huge erection for you he leans over he a bit to undo your bra with one hand which was a turn on.
"Oh a tounge bar and nipple piercings and a navel your full of surprises (n) Yoi" he says in his husky voice.
"Ill show you a surprise" you say as Marco raises an eybrow. You stoop where his cock is an give it a kiss as you lead him to switch with you.
"Let me treat you good" you say as he lays down on your temper pedic mattress. As you gently grab with both hands his cock you rim lick his tip slowly as he gives a soft moan.
"When was your last time Marco?" You question then plunge his tip into your mouth slowly at first as he moans and answer's
"It was over ten years ago (n)" he struggles to stay quiet. You bob your head in and out a bit and swirl your tounge bar in the crevasse of his mushroom head
"How ah long for you? Yoi" he asks stifling moans. You take a breath to say
"Same for me but our good doctor deserves a good time" you say as you go back to slideing in and not all the way out then in again using your tounge bar to rib the bottom of his cock in and semi-out causing him to grip the sheets saying
"Fuckkk (n) your so good at that ahh Yoi" he moans out as you just keep going deeper and deeper ribbing the bottom of his cock starting to hum as well. He looks down at you and makes eye contact to which you speed up. Humming making him huff alot. You start deep throating him making him moan your name.
"Ahh yesss (N)! This has to be a dream!" Marco moans loudly. You go at it for less than thirty minutes then he yells.
"(N) you-r gonna ma-ke me cum! Yoi"
"(N) you do-nt hav-e t-o do t-his Yoi" he protests but you just mumble loudly while sucking him off causing him to grab the sheets you could tell he was struggling to not cum so you took it up a notch and heard him yell
"(N) im gonna cum ahh!!! Yoi!" You kept your pace. More thrusts and
"(N) I ca-nt ta-ke it any-more ahhh im cumming!!!" He yells as you keep thrusting your head swallowing his cum down your throat he moans
"Ahh yess!!!Yoi!!" As you keep thrusting through his sex high then slowly come to a stop, he moans your name.
"(Nnn) Yoi" hes huffing and puffing as you get off your knees staring at him smirking. Him a mess trying to collect himself.
"What was that about being experienced?" You chimed.
"Well I certainly wasnt expecting that Yoi" he huffs as he gets up grabs your shoulders and says
"Thank you very much for that but now its your turn (N) on the bed now" he says in an authoritative voice as you roll onto the bed he slips your panties off and throws them on the floor as he gets on his knees now.
"What are yo- Marco!" He goes down spreads your legs then starts sucking using his tounge to go through your folds making you moan
"Marco!" He seemed pleased by your sounds
"Ahh that feels so good ahh!!" He goes to your button of your clit and swirls around and around up and down sucking up your wet leaking juices as he sticks his tounge inside of you. And you cant help but moan a sultry moan
"Oh Marco!~" he retracks his tounge as you hear a slurping noise then one of his fingers enter you smoothly as he sucks around his finger thats slowly pumping into and out of you.
"Big bird!!~ That feels so good~" you moan loudly as he adds a second degit you gasp as he sucks and now plays with your clits button and pumps in and out. Your legs start to twitch wanting to close but he uses his elbows to push them apart. Adding a third degit you could feel yourself welling up with that feeling deep down
"Ahh Marco your gonna make me cum!!!" You yell as he flicks his tounge, and pumps curving his fingers thrusting into your natural ridges making you huff and moan his name all red in the face gripping the sheets
"MarcOO!!!!~~" some more thrust later and
"Ma-rco!! Im cum-ming!!! Ahh!!!" He kept it up through your sex high sucking your new juices that were leaking out as he removed his fingers and stuck his tounge back in making you cry out
"Ahhhh!!! Yesss!!! Marco!!!!"
Huffing loudly he slows down to a stop. Wiping his face he crawls ontop of you kissing you fiercely as your back arches your breasts touching his abs and chest. Kissing him back just as fierce even nipping at his tounge both of you moaning as he places his cock at your entrance. He slides it up and down getting his dick wet again while pumping precum again. This time not letting you break for air so you had to breath through your nose he slowly inserts the tip of his cock into you. He raised your legs around his pelvis pulling your whole body closer as he nips your tounge he slowly thrusts in and not all the way out then back in as you both moan through makingout. While he pumps into you, he tries to find your g spot as he hits your cervix making you moan more. Finally breaking for actual air as now hes thrusting making you both huff for air
"Ahh!!! Marco!!!! Yess!!!! Oh god!! Dont stop!!!"
"Looks like ive found your g spot (n) and your mine now! say it! Yoi" he moans in an authoritative sexy way.
"Yes sir!! Marco!! Im yours!!! only yours!!!"
"Ahh!!!(N) your soo tight fuck! Yoi" Marco curses and moans. He bent his elbows down in pushup position and started sucking on your nipple rings making you moan even more apparently turning him on even more as his dick twiches inside of you. You snake your arms around his neck and run your hands through his hair.
"Fuck yes!!! MARCO!! You know your mine too!! Ahh fuckkk!!!" You could feel him smiling while sucking on your other nipple ring playing with it as he pounds your g spot making you see stars. Making you into a babbling mess.
"Mar-cOo!!!!~" you manage to get out.
"Your gon-na ma-ke me cu-mmm fuckkk!!!" He stops playing with your nipples then asked
"Your gonna make me cum too (n)!!! Where should I cum?!! Yoi!!" He moans out
"Cum? Cum in me Marco!" He looks shocked but doesnt question it since you are on birth control.
"I cant ho-ld it any-more Mar-cOO!!!"
"Im gonna cum too my little bird!!! Cum with me now!! Yoi" he yells as you let your body constrict his cock
"Im cumming Marco!!!" You moan out
"Im cumming too (N)!!! Yoi" moaning he keeps thrusting through both of your sex highs making you drool a little and see speckles. Clutching around his neck you feel his hot cum fill you up.
"Ahh!! Im filling you up (N) Yoi" you feel his sweat drip onto you as you perspire. Your walls constrict around his cock forceing more cum into you.
'Damn he has such big loads ahhh!!! Yes!!!' You think.
"Aghh!! God yess!!! You feel so fucking good! (N)!! Yoi" he semi yells/grunts as he slowly comes to a stop. Both of you huffing but looking into eachothers eyes smiling. Taking at least five minutes to cetch his breath he hovers over you and nuzzles your neck kissing and nipping at it softly as you gently moan. After youve both calmed down he says
"Hang on to me Yoi" you obey and tighten your grip around his neck and tighten your twitching legs as he picks you up by your thighs effortlessly due to his muscles. Goes into the bathroom you turn the lightswitch on. He steps into the shower with you holding you with one arm and he turns on the water then stands up supporting your back.
"Im gonna pull out now (N) Yoi"
You nod and say
"Okay im ready cutie~" saying making him blush slightly as he held onto both your thighs and gently pulled you away from himself.
"Ahh god your so big Marco" as he slides himself all the way out you gasp as he sets you down but you hang on to his waist, legs still twitching quite a bit and shaking like a newly born deer. He chuckles and says
"Looks like I did a good job Yoi" as your both looking down you see mainly his cum come out of you. He soaps you and him up and reaches down to clean your pussy for you, him inserting a finger with soap swirling it around then letting the water clean you both off. He holds you close until you can stand which was until the water went cold. You turned the water off then grabbed a towel.
"Let me get another towel" you say as he squeezes the water out of his hair in the shower. You find the biggest fluffy towel you have
"Here ya go" you say to him as he gladly takes it and starts drying off. After you both are dry you both find your clothes and pick them up he puts on his boxers as you change panties.
"Make sure to set your alarm for earlier" you say to Marco who is allready on it.
"You too (N) Yoi" he says with a wide smile and lidded eyes. As you both set your alarms he picks you up and lays you in the bed. You handing your phone to him and him putting it on the charger.
"No put yours on the charger you need it more than me for tomorrow youve got patients to see. Cant have a dead battery. Ill bring an extra cord for mine"
"Okay thank you (N) Yoi" he swaps the phones and puts his on the charger. He puts his glasses on your nightstand.
"Allright come here im cuddle deprived Yoi" he says making you giggle as he slips into your bed with you slipping his right arms under your head while pulling up the sheets and comforter. He wraps his left arm around your waist and pulls you close to him. You wrap your right arm around his muscular waist.
"Goodnight my boyfriend hehe" you giggle as he kisses you and says
"Goodnight my girlfriend. Ill always keep you safe Yoi" he says. Listening to his heartbeat and breathing lulled you to sleep.
~In The Morning~
*ring ring ring ring* you open your eyes to see Marco in your bed. Then remember what happened last night and blush deep red. You realize his phone alarm is going off but he looks so peaceful sleeping. You untangle your right arm from his and brush your hand through his hair
'So hes a heavy sleeper or maybe its just because he did a lot of <work> last night hehe' you think as your snapped from your thoughts he stirs.
"Marco~ Marco~" you cup his cheek with you hand and start kissing his face.
"Marco~ Wakey Wakey~" so you kiss his neck and nip at it as he stirs.
"(N)... Yoi" you giggle as he mumbles in his sleep. So you lick his neck. He stirs slowly waking up.
"...(n).. that... tickles..." he mumbles as you gently shake him.
"Marco its time to wake up" saying as you kiss his neck and he finally opens an eye. He breathes heavy then yawns. He opens his eyes rubbing them he pulls you onto his chest your pierced breasts touching him. He looks at you as you smile at him.
"Hello there boyfriend remember what happened last night?" He blushes deep red and then seems to think then says
"Yes I do now, I thought it was all a dream Yoi" you look down at his morning wood and say
"I could tell hehe" giggling he says
"Oh well its there now Yoi" suddenly he must have heard his alarm as he untangles with you and swipes his phone inputting a code then turning off the alarm. He picks up his glasses and puts them on then gives your forehead a kiss and slides out of bed.
"I have to get going. Have to go home and change so no ones suspicious. Yoi" he says as he puts on his pants and v neck shirt and socks. You get out of bed and lean up to him as he notices he leans down cupping your cheek kissing you. Breaking for air you say
"Thank you for everything Marco" he smiles and embraces you in a gentle yet close hug.
"Anytime my sweet dear girlfriend (N)" he says as he lets you go but flicks your pierced nipple upwards causing you to gasp as he chuckles. You got to your bathroom real quick to do the necessities then come out.
"Sounds just as sweet as last night. Walk out your dear boyfriend? Yoi" he asks as you are already putting on your uniform, lanyard and socks on. And follow him as his coat is flipped over hanging from his arm. He puts his phone and keys in his pocket as you follow him out putting your phone in your pocket grabbing your apartment keys and charging cord, following him out of your apartment locking it then walking to his car. In the early rays of Japan.
"Thanks for rushing over last night my hero" you say as he holds your hand to his car which was about forty feet from your apartment.
"Of course my sweet little bird Yoi" he hugs you close then leans down and kisses you gently cupping your cheek.
"Ill see you at work my little bird Yoi" he says with a huge smile and pats your head.
"Okay please drive safe" you hug him one last time as he gets in his car its definitely a nice car like a doctor could afford. *rev rev* he rolls down his window and says
"Its bittersweet but I have the day after today off what about you? Yoi" he asks as his car warms up.
"Hmm yea I have that day off too" you reply and he says
"Lets go do something together Ill pick you up we can talk more about it after work that day. Yoi" he replys
"Yay okay cutie! hehe sleepover?" You ask and he replys
"Ill bring spare clothes this time Yoi" he chuckles and says
"I really have to go now see you later my little bird remember act normal. Yoi" and you nod and wave as he pulls out of the parking lot and you walk to the station.
~At Work At Beginning Of Break~
"Oh I know that look, Marco who is it?" You over hear the receptionist ask and he replied
"Well she certainly is someone but not telling sorry Yoi" you see Marco smile extra wide.
"Well whoever she is has cast a spell on our favorite doctor your glowing today keep up the good work" you overhear and blush at their conversation then images of you and Marco doing the naughty arise from last night making you blush even more.
*ring ring ring ring* *click* you pick up your phone.
<hello is this (N)(L)? Were with the Tokyo police department>
"This is her"
<We have received your granted permanent restraining order against Juzo Phoenix. We were calling to let you know and to transfer the funds of --------¥>
You face must have shown the shock because Marco was walking to break and noticed but didnt say anything.
<Hello miss (N)??>
"Yes.. ill transfer the funds now, card number ----,----,---- security code --- name date expiration"
<Your approved have a great rest of your day miss (N)> *Click*
You slowly walk to Marcos table.
"--------¥ to do that restraining order and press charges" you whisper to Marco whose sitting at your guys table as you grab an iced coffee and sit across from him.
"Did that put you out now? Yoi" he asks as he sips his coffee.
"Yea.. I always save enough for an EpiPen just in case but I guess its fine I havent needed one for years it should be fine." You nervously laugh. He didnt look too happy to hear it but he gave a small smile.
"Im sure itll be fine you will save up the money again. And if it happens ill pay for it Yoi" Marco says as he almost grabs your hand but you retract it quickly and he does the same and sips his coffee.
"Well youve already saved my life more than once I owe you so much Marco."
"Its okay let others help you every once in a while Yoi" and with that your breaks ended.
"Itll be okay (N) keep your head up Yoi" Marco says as he leaves to go to more patients and you go back to work.
~Tomorrow After Work~
"Everyone else from our shift has left, are you ready now? Yoi" Marco says as you both walk out of Kiba Hospital.
"Heck yea im ready! Thisll be a great sleepover!" You somewhat yell to him as you jump up and down a bit making him chuckle.
"Here get in Yoi" he *beeps* the car unlocking it as you get in. He takes off his doctors coat and places it in the trunk. Then gets in the drivers seat.
"Im feeling pizza what about you? Yoi" he says and you just say
"I can make dinner"
"But I dont want you to have to make dinner babe Yoi" Marco says sweetly.
"Its your money I dont care what we eat to be honest" you reply kindly and smile.
"Okay so pizza it is!" He waits to turn on the car as he makes the pizza call
"Yes one large pineapple and pepperoni pizza for pick up for Marco Phoenix <---> yes ive got the card right here. -----------, security code --- month day and were good thanks see you soon" *click* Then he turns on the car and pulls out of his doctors spot then drives off about ten to fifteen minutes later you both get to the pizza place as he says
"Wait here my little bird im going to lock it Yoi" he says as you retort
"Yes sir! Hehe" you giggle which makes him smile. You wait patiently then you spy him return with the pizza and *beep beep* opens the car and car door, handing you the pizza and you take it hovering it over your thighs as he got in. Once driving again you stare out the window of the car as Marco still needs google maps to get to your place.
"Your quiet what happened? I thought you were excited? Yoi" you hear Marco ask. Turning your attention to him you say
"I am, but outside is so pretty with the lights when I dont have to take the train. It must be nice to have a car."
"Well it can be nice to have a car but you have to have a place to park it and the price of insurance is through the roof" He explains as he turns into your carpark and parks in your apartment number. After gathering your key, and his spare clothes from the trunk you go up to your apartment and open it turning on the lights inside. You go to your small living room and make space for the pizza. Turning on the TV to the specific channel. As you go in your room to change, you feel arms around you behind you slip off your lanyard then your shirt and then your pants. Giggling you take off your pants with your feet and take out your wallet and charger from your pockets.
"If your trying to suduce me it must wait hehe the Uno Piece movie is about to start Marco you devil" he takes off his shirt and folds it placing it on your desk taking off his belt next placing it on his shirt as he just wears pants showing off his glorious abs and chest.
"Your right lets go Yoi" He says then you look at him like awee.
"Dont give me that look you chose your fate haha Yoi" he chuckles as he leaves the room to the living room and you put on a long shirt that curves around your ass. You follow Marco to the living room but remember you need drinks so you grab some Dr.Peppers and place them on the table. Then sit next to Marco on the couch as the movie starts and you both eat some of the pizza. During the movie you yawn loudly as you cuddle into Marcos bare chest.
"Awee is someone tired? Were only halfway through the movie. Yoi" you look up to him meeting his eyes and say
"Sorry big bird probably only cuddles tonight" he chuckles and replys by kissing your forehead.
"Thats perfectly fine by me (N) Yoi" both of you continue the movie and by the credits your asleep.
~Marcos POV~
You look to (n) whose asleep in your lap basically so you unwrap her hold on you and lay her gently on the couch as you clean up being the good boyfriend you are. After that you pick her up bridal style and go to her room and lay her in her bed. Getting off your pants folding them and placing them with the rest of your things. You slid into bed with her and intertwine yourself with her as she instinctively cuddles you back.
"Goodnight my love (N) Yoi" you say as you kiss her cheek and slowly fall asleep.
~The Next Morning (N) POV~
"You want me to meet your parents?" You say as you and Marco eat breakfast.
"More like they demand to meet you today, so there goes our plans Yoi" he says somewhat quietly.
"Oh right I have to get them presents I forgot its been so long ughhh so what do they like?"
"Well unless you have a half dollar thats the year 1960 from the USA he probably wont like you, he has a collecti-"
"And what if I have that coin?" You go to you room and dig out your old coins and grab it. Bringing it to Marco you hand it to him. His mouth is somewhat agape.
"Well I dont know what hell say now..but my mom always goes with whatever he says. My mom likes gold flowers so shes easy. Yoi"
"So what your saying is were fine?" You question.
"Yea ill help you pick out the flower well shit hes been looking for that coin for years to complete his collection I really dont know what hell say hes the strict one Yoi" Marco says as you both finish up breakfast he goes to use the bathroom and you decide what to wear. A nice length black dress with shoulders. You put on your bra and switch into the dress. Marco walks into your room dressed in his next day outfit. As he looks you up and down seeing how the dress forms to you.
"Too sexy Yoi" Marco says. As you turn around and say
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me Yoi" he chuckles.
"Im just messing with you babe haha your fine Yoi" he jokes as you puff out your cheeks and put your hands on your hips. He pokes your cheeks deflating them as you giggle.
"That tickles!" You laugh as he hugs you close now.
"So you never told me how your parents found out about me?" You question. He looks at you and says.
"Juzo did call them that night and told them id been seeing someone" he admits.
"Oh joy" you reply.
~At Marcos Parents House~
Marco drove you both here to his parents house as earlier he told them a time for today. Marco had taken you to get a present for his mother and helped pick it out but you refused to let him pay. Now your both at the front steps of his parents mansion.
"Just so you know I have no idea what theyll say" he whispers to you as you whisper back
"Great" and knock on the door. First to open was his mother it seems
"Why hello (N) and hello my wonderful boy Marco! Please come in." You obey and take off your shoes as you follow her to the tea room where his dad was sitting drinking. As you all get seated a maid comes and places tea in front of you.
"I uh got these gifts for you both. I do hope you enjoy them" you say as his father tchs at the sentence. First giving over a golden orchid to his mother which she didnt have.
"Oh my is beautiful thank you" then placing down in a square envelope the coin in front of his father. Cetching his fathers eye he opens it and his eyes widen.
"This is the half dollar 1960 coin thats alluded me for years my whered you find it?!" He asks as you reply.
"I have a coin collection as well it came from my collection sir" you say politely. His mother had grey hair and she was short while you could tell where Marco got his height from, his dad who had a white gaint mustache and fine white hair with a gaze like ice. After awhile of chatting they bring up the topic.
"So weve called you here today to discuss your relationship. It breaks your companies policy Marco and (N)." His mother talks then his father.
"But seeing as youve brought home such a lovely lady we have decided to give you six months to decide." You look to Marco who looks at you then his father.
"Six months for?" Marco questions.
"Why six months to determine if youll marry, to avoid a scandal at both your work." You both taken back by his words then his mother chimes in
"Your both not getting any younger either" you both nod then Marco says
"We havent even discussed that yet but we will later now haha" Marco chuckles sipping his tea. Nearing the end of the visit his father says.
"Well you both better think on it. Also we would need to meet your parents as well (N)." His father says to you as you reply
"Im afraid that wont be possible" you say and he asks
"Well why not child?"
"Everyone on my side is deceased." And his parents both say
"Our condolences we didnt know"
"It is fine. Thank you" you reply. They leave it at
"You have six months before our blessing expires. We hope you both have a good rest of your day" they say as everyone stands his father moving his IV drip to shake your hand. As you get into the car they wave you off.
"Well that went better than expected Yoi"
"I guess. Is your dad threatening you with the six months???" You question as Marco drives.
"No no its just the way he talks Yoi" Marco explains.
~One Month Later At The Company Dinner & Karaoke~
"Itadakimasu!" Everyone says as they dig into the feast presented. Everyone was merry drinking as you drank your Dp.Pepper there was only four of you who graduated and became nurses minus the two girls who had pranked you. You thanked god that Marco didnt drink besides socially hes been working on his second beer tonight slowly. Hes your ride home along for Sui and Kiwi though they live in the city your the last drop off but little does everyone know the good doctor isnt going home tonight. Everyone talks about how the year went for them.
"Id put a gold star for every one of you Yoi" Marco says loud enough for everyone to hear which makes Kiwi go
"Awee we couldnt have done all this with out the best doctor cheers for Marco!" Everyone including you cheers
"To Marco Phoenix!" Sui and Kiwi drank and are tipsy while Soji is getting drunk slowly. Soon everyone is finished eating and drinking at the restaurant and move on to Karaoke which is right across the street.
~At The Karaoke Bar~
At this point Soji would have to call a Uber or Lyft just to get home as he had one too many and Kiwi was trying to get him to drink water. At this point everyone including Marco had sung a song badly but hell they sang. Marco was so far the best singer but that was probably because he held his liquor very well.
"(N)! (N)! (N)! Your next!" Everyone cheers in unison.
Being peer pressured into singing you pick the song Paradisio - Bailando and when you start singing everyones mouths drop as you sing every beat, high and low note perfectly in another language.
Then you pick Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics as you get out the keyboard and sing everyone is clapping and cheering you on.
"I got next Yoi" Marco says as your song ends he picks I Was Made For Lovin' - KISS as he looks at you, you pick up a guitar and play while he sings then it turned into both of you singing into everyone singing the song. At a break Soji is drunk he says
"You and (N) look good together Marco why not get together?" He must have thought he was being quiet but the whole room heard.
"Yea you guys are like so close we wont tell" Kiwi says tipsy.
You just giggle but stop as Marco says
"We are already dating haha Yoi" he admits as you almost spat out your drink.
"Wahhhh!!!!!" The whole room goes.
"When did this start?!" Sui yells a bit tipsy as well.
"Recently Yoi" he blushes making you blush too.
"This is a secret and it stays here. I mean it for everyone! Yoi" Marco says authoritatively.
"We wont tell Marco and (N)" Sui, Kiwi, and Soji say all under the influence.
"You both are so cute together! Im so happy for you both!" Sui yells hugging you, you almost spilling your drink.
"My drink! Sui your so tipsy!" You say laughing as Marco smiles wide at you both.
"You both kept us out of the loop so well, your like spys" Kiwi says slurring her words.
"Hey (N) why dont you have a drink too unless oh god are you pregnant?!" He yells drunk. You turn red as a tomato and yell.
"I am not! God!"
"Shes allergic to alcohol! Yoi" Marco yells at Soji as Soji yells back
"Oh sorry!!" Soji yells.
"I think its time we all called it a night everyone Yoi" Marco says.
"Aweee!!!! One more song! One more song! You and (N)!" Everyone yells as now they all realize they should drink water or have a terrible hangover tomorrow.
"(N) our audience awaits Yoi" Marco chuckles as he offers his hand out to you. You take his hand and get on a guitar. Marco chooses Rebal Yell - Billy Idol as you both sing you play the guitar as his husky voice is perfect for Billys comparison. After the song Marco goes and pays for everything.
"So tell us (N) how'd it happen?" The three of them looked to you as you nervously giggle at your coworkers.
"His brother caused me trouble at my apartment. Marco came right in time to save me. Then he asked me out in my apartment. But you guys better not tell, you could get him in trouble!" You yelled the last part.
"We promise!" Everyone says either tipsy or drunk.
~Four Months Later~
You and Marco have been going steady. He said I love you first at your place. You still have yet to go over to his place. But you didnt mind for now.
~One Month Later~
Its been five months now his birthday is this month which you gave him a super limited enamel pin for his lanyard. Now you both were at work about to hit break.
~At Break At Work~
You got there first grabbing a iced coffee and sitting down, you notice someone left their food on the table so you just ignore it and sip your coffee as Marco comes round the corner grabs a coffee too and sits across from you. Your both wrapped up in a conversation as you begin to itch all over your right leg and arm. Looking down you see ants crawling all over you as you jolt up and start to panic feeling your throat swell as you tried to wipe them off. Marco stands immediately going to the receptionist and slapping his card down saying
"Im paying for and EpiPen hurry! Yoi" he yells as he looks back at you, whose on the floor now. Gasping for breath as your throat swells completely shut and you pass out. After what felt like an eternity you awake in a hospital bed in a gown. Your bpm machine spikes as you remember what had happened then slows as you realize your alive. You hear a familiar voice as you sit up
"Ah (N) your awake now thank god Yoi" you hear your boyfriend say as he stepped into your curtain room and asks
"How are you feeling? I had Sui and Kiwi give you a shower to get all the ants off and change you. Yoi" you just look at him like the fuck.
"Apparently the custodian for our section called off today and hince is why their was food left over. I already talked to the guy who left the food out Yoi" you giggle and he raises an eyebrow.
"Meaning you chewed him out?" You question as Marco replys with a chuckle and nods.
"Well im assuming you payed for the EpiPen cause I couldnt?" You quizzically ask and he nods.
"Cant have one of my nurses dieing on me haha at least your in the right place (N) Yoi" he chuckles and smiles probably that your alive.
"So when can I get discharged? I still have to work" you say as he hands you paperwork you look it over and say
"I was out almost my whole shift?! Ugh okay" you sign and hand him back the papers. He hands you a bag of your clothes.
"I had them washed and dried, ant free now Yoi" Marco says handing you the bag of clothes "Ill let you change now Yoi" he says and walks out of your curtain room into another room. You got changed and walked out of the room grabbing all your stuff then checking your clock out
'Kiwi probably clocked me out ill have to thank her' you think as you see her right now.
"Oh (N) I clocked you out since your had your attack. How are you feeling now?" She asks.
"Thanks a bunch im feeling okay now thanks to Marco i didnt die again haha" you laugh nervously.
"He would do it for any of his nurses I bet" she says and smiles and you nod
"Yea he would hes such a wonderful doctor. Well my shift just ended I might as well go home now." You say as she nods.
"Make sure to drinks lots of water and get plenty of rest" she says
"I will thank you!" You say as you go to the vending machine the ants were cleaned up now. You decided
'Might as well grab one for the road you inputted your ¥ and out pops an iced coffee. You sit at the other table as you sip your coffee. Then pops Marco from behind the wall.
"(N)? I thought you went home? Yoi"
"Another near death experience kinda makes ya wanna take it slow. I see the ants are cleaned up. That your doing too?" He chuckles lightly and replys
"Yes you caught me I had a custodian clean them up. Im off work now too if you want a ride home. Yoi" Marco says softly as you nod.
"That would be nice thanks Marco" you say as you finish your coffee and throw it away.
~Half A Month Later~
Marco wants to take you out on a date for your and his day off. You were expecting him to propose but you were still unsure if he would even though his parents deadline was coming up.
~At The Dinner Date~
It was set outside. He had driven you both there and the sun was setting as you got your food. You both had been chatting about Uno piece and maybe cosplaying together as you ate.
"Ah come on Marco youd be perfect as him and I could cosplay as her!" You giggle and he chuckles as you finish your food. Your wearing a red short dress and have your black heart shaped purse on your shoulder as Marco was dressed in black jeans and a blue v neck. Being full you were about to stand but Marco motioned for you to stay sitting. He gets up then down on one knee in front of the sushi bar outside in front cetching some eyes but he was only looking at you. He pulls out a small black box and opens it addressing you
"(N)(L) would you do me the honor of being my wife Ms. (N) Phoenix? Yoi" he asks with a gulp and a blush looking into your eyes as you stare into his. You dont even look at the ring.
"Of course Id love that Marco!" you say and he seems relieved and takes the ring and places it onto your finger.
"It fits perfectly" you say as you raise and eyebrow at Marco while people clap about you both.
He stands and pays for the food as you stand and now examine the ring its a gold metal with a sapphire heart shaped ring. You step on your tippy toes to kiss him as he leans down to kiss you.
"I swear I didnt measure your finger in your sleep haha" he chuckles and you laugh.
"I dont mind silly" you hold his hand with your ringed finger.
"Oh that reminds me when will i ever get to see your home its been awhile and youve only been to mine" you question.
"Okay well hear me out. Yoi" he says as you nod. He stops at the car and unlocks it for you both. As you both get in he says
"Remember I said my last one night stand was over ten years ago?" You nod confused.
"Well she was a stalker it turns out and moved right next door to me haha Yoi" he chuckles scratching the back of his head.
"Oh is that all? I know how to deal with stalkers dont worry babe" You say nonchalantly.
"Thats why youve never invited me over before?" You ask.
"Shes out there, scared off many girls." He says
"Well im not a girl now am I?" You say sternly.
"Your my woman thats what Yoi" he says happily.
"You should probably call your mom or dad Marco" you state as he gets out his phone.
*ring ring* *click speaker*
<Hello my sweet boy Marco whatsup?>
"Hi mom just wanted to let you know she said yes!" Marco smiles from ear to ear as his mom replys
<Oh wow! Thats great news see I told you, you would find someone!>
"Anyways I have to go now but just wanted to let you both know" he says.
<Alright honey have a good rest of your day and say hi to (N) for me> *click*
"Were close by, do you want to see where I live? Yoi" he asks as you nod like yea duh.
"I have to warn you she comes out every time I get home or leave. Yoi" he says as you just nod as he drives to his place.
"Have you told her about me at all?" You question.
"Of course babe she doesnt listen" he says as you respond.
"Maybe its cause youve never brought me round hmmm I wonder" you say sarcastically.
"Okay I deserve that one Yoi" he says while driving.
"Has she ever been inside your apartment?" You question.
"No this was before I moved there I havent had anyone in this apartment well besides you now Yoi" he responds. Then he comes to a stop at a gated complex with a gaurd. The gaurd comes up to the window as Marco rolls down the window and has his ID ready the gaurd reads the ID and says
"Welcome home Mr. Phoenix and who is this with you?" The gaurd asks.
"This is (N)(L) my fiance put her on the permanent list please Yoi"
"Yes sir done have a good day"
"You too Yoi" Marco says as the gaurd opens the gate and Marco parks in his apartment number. You both get out and he comes round and intertwines his hand in yours guiding you up to the elevator third floor him walking past the second door quickly to the third door getting his key out then you both hear a door open and a girl walk out looking at you both.
"Oh Marco whose this? Ive never seen her before." The mid to late thirties looking girl asks trying to act nice but trying to get under your skin luckily you have thick skin.
As you let go of Marcos hand you walk up to her and reach your hand out to shake it as she shakes your ringed hand you look her directly in her eyes.
"Hello miss one night stand im (N) his fiance. So glad to finally meet you. I hope well get along since ill be seeing more of you from now on" you say in a smile hearing a *click* to Marcos door you and Marco see her mouth drop as you turn around and say
"Oh I hope we wont disturb you too much bye now" you make sure to wave with your ringed hand so she knows your not bluffing and smile. Then you follow Marco into his apartment and he shuts the door not even acknowledging her.
"Damn babe you can hold your own, that was harsh Yoi" he says as you shrug
"Dont want stalkers, be harsh"
"Let me guess your too sweet to be harsh with girls or women?" You question him.
And he shrugs and nods. You get out your phone and call a contact as Marco looks at you curiously.
"Hey Miko its (N). Im gonna call in that favor you owe me. Haha yea its been awhile yea lets go out when im free and cetch up. Haha actually im engaged now. To who?" You look over to Marco who gives you a thumbs up to say who.
"Uh do you know a Marco Phoenix? Yea the number one doctor at Kiba hospital. But ill be a doctor one day too you know. I hope your doing well Haha yea okay ill talk to you later. Bye" seemingly curious Marco asks
"Who was that ive never heard you say a Miko before"
"You may be a fantastic doctor Marco but I have friends in high places. Miko is one of my long term friends we made a bet and I won he always says never make a bet with me unless you know you can win because I always win. Anyways Miko is one of the supreme judges of Japan." His jaw drops and he asks
"You mean THE Miko Shiba like who you always see on the news? Yoi" and you nod
"The very same dear I can clear up your stalker problem real quick. Just give me evidence or we can collect evidence."
~The Court Hearing~
You had explained the entire situation to Miko so you had been recording everytime you went to Marcos place while planning the wedding with his mother and father and moving into Marcos place which wasnt hard but the more stuff you brought over the more aggravated she became which was good for your case. She had even threatened to kill you and make it look like you fell. Which was very good for your case. You had also expressed to Miko that privacy is absolutely necessary.
"All rise! For Miko Shiba"
"I will announce the verdict" Miko announces
"On counts of stalking and harassment you are guilty. On counts of death threats against (N) (L) and Marco Phoenix you are guilty. (N)(L) and Marco Phoenix I hearby grant you restraining orders against her. Also she must vacate her place of residence to elsewhere effective immediately. I will be keeping up with this case so make sure to follow the rules all of you court dismissed." Miko finishes as you and Marco smile and she starts yelling about how youll never love him like her. Miko had her forcefully removed from court and sentenced to jail time for disrupting court even though it was over. You had invited Miko to the wedding which he accepted.
~The Wedding~
Kiwi and Sui were your bridemaids while Soji and another doctor you didnt know was Marcos groomsmen. On your side we dignified judges and officals you had made friends with over the years who were mingling and networking while Marcos side was other doctors and friends he had made over the years.
As the ceremony began Sui offered to walk you down the isle.
"Are you ready?! The music has allready begun dont make him wait!" Sui yells at you as you spray mint in your mouth.
"Okay im ready now lets go" you hook arms with her then begin walking slowly down the isle and smile from ear to ear when you see Marco at the altar.
'Hes grinning so wide I cant wait to marry him' you think as everyone looks at you. As you reach the altar you break off with Sui and stand before Marco. The counselor starts talking and eventually gets to the parts.
"Do you Marco Phoenix take (N)(L) as your lawful wedded wife in sickness and in health?" The counselor asks.
"I do Yoi" Marco says a bit loudly.
"And do you (N)(L) take Marco Phoenix to be your lawful wedded husband in sickness and in health?"
"I do" you say somewhat loudly as well.
"The rings please" the counselor says as Kiwi brings out Marcos ring and Soji brings out your ring. You slide on Marcos ring as he slides on your ring.
"You may now kiss the bride" as you look at Marco he lifts your veil to see your beautiful eyes and you to see his handsome face as you kiss for two seconds then depart. Everyone cheers as the wedding reception starts and the cake cutting starts. You both hold hands as you cut two small pieces hook arms then eat a bite of cake and unlink. Then mingling together you hook your arm through his as you eventually talk to everyone. You sneek some tuna sushi as you snack on the food you split with Marco so you can talk to different people.
"Miko glad you could make it!" You shake hands and say
"Thanks for oweing me that favor haha you wanna bet again? Just kidding how are you and Ms. Shiba hello how are you?" You say as he replys
"Im glad we could be here ill admit when you said Marco Phoenix I double taked haha also no problem by the way that girl moved out to the country so no worries anymore for you both"
"Ive heard so much about you what an extraordinary woman you are going to become a doctor one day also like Mr. Phoenix" his wife says as you nod.
"Thank you both. And ahh I always wondered where she went. And yes Ms. Shiba im learning everything I can from Marco."
"Excuse me I have more guests to attend too." You excuse yourself and after talking to everyone you need too, you sit down and wait for the first dance. Your feet hurting somewhat. The dj is playing both your favorite songs as people sit waiting for the dance to start after mingling. You made sure the dj made a special thanks to Marcos parents for the event. Now the first dance is going to begin as Marco finds his way back to you you both take the stage and hold a pose hooked together as the music starts. Swirling you around and dancing together you both smile as everyone could tell you two belonged together. As the music stopped and you both finish your dance everyone claps. As the floor is free for others to dance on. Eventually Marco makes his way back to you and whispers in your ear
"Do you wanna get out of here and start the honeymoon? Yoi" you look at him
"Your parents paid a lot for this Marco but I know I have work the day after tomorrow." You say as he replies.
"Babe their both hammered they just hide it, im sure itll be fine Yoi" you look at him shocked like what and he nods as he takes your hand and you follow him to his car as you both get in. Both your phones and personal items are in the car. Your giggling like mad as he looks over to you chuckling.
"Hey we did everything and took pictures with nearly everyone. I think were allowed to ditch our own wedding at this point Yoi" he says as he buckles in and you do the same.
"Lets goo!!" You yell giggling as he drives off back to your apartment. Once there the guard greets you both.
"Ahh I see hello Mr. and Ms. Phoenix welcome home"
Marco had you added to the lease but he didnt make you have to pay for rent he just kept paying it. So you save a whole lot but it doesnt really matter since you joined bank account's. He also had another key made up for you to the apartment. He parks the car as you both grab your stuff and go to the elevator. Third floor third door no crazy stalker. You could feel his relief. So much so that he grabs your hand brings you in close outside your guys door and kisses you deeply. Him unlocking the door at the same time then breaking for air guiding you inside. Locking the door. You guys had sacrificed your honeymoon spot for everyone too attend the wedding so this was your honeymoon at your guys apartment but you both didnt care. He starts by undoing your tight wedding dress making it fall around your legs revealing white lingerie from your breasts to your waist to your legs to your feet.
"Wow your beautiful (N) just like always Ms. Phoenix Yoi" Marco says saving himself
"Thats right and your handsome just like always Mr. Phoenix" you reach up to kiss him as he leans down you slowly undress him starting with his bowtie then each button for his vest then his shirt and pants making out breathing hard him leading you to his king sized bed seeing rose petals everywhere on the floor and bed with them on the bed as well.
"What do you think? Yoi" he says as you kick off your shoes and he does the same. His lips meet yours as he checks your wetness. Breaking for air
"Dam you want me that bad huh my little bird Yoi" he whispers in your ear making your shiver. He softly pushes you on the bed as he rips your panties off of you uncliping the garter in the process. He crawls on top of you leaning down kissing your neck and playing with your breasts. He kisses then starts sucking on your breasts leaving hickey's making you moan
"That was hot" you whisper in his ear nipping at his earlobe as he doesnt hesitate to go down on you as he abandons that quest for now and pushes your legs apart licking at your folds then your button staying on it as you pant and huff and moan his name
"Marco yes! That feels so good!!"
'Im so glad the second apartment is still vacant' you think as you moan loudly. His hands feeling up your white fishnet tights. Him shoving his tounge into your entrance tasting your juices flicking around making your legs twitch uncontrollably.
"Ahh Marco your gonna make me cum already!!!" You yell as he doesnt stop he firmly has your thighs spread wide with his hands forcing them open.
"Fuckkk!! Im cumming big bird!!!" Yelling he laps up your juices. With a lust in your groin and in your eyes you stare at him running a hand through his hair saying
"I got next ahh yess!" He pulls up and wipes his face as you push him onto the bed sitting on his legs you go down on him rimming the head of his gaint cock making him moan and his cock twitch dripping with precum as you swallow his tip ribbing down his shaft making him moan
"Fuckk yes (N) Yoi!" You suck as you salivate drooling somewhat but sucking it up and edging him on by thrusting then stopping then starting.
"Ah come on dont tease me not today Yoi!!" He yells as you pound your throat into his cock making him moan
"Ahh fuck yes just like that Yoi!!" Yelling he locks eyes with you as you start head banging his cock in your mouth then deep throating him humming and growling as you thrust your face into his cock harder and faster making him moan all kinds of sounds and gripping the sheets hard.
"Fuckkkk!! Yess! (N) Do it like that un huh un huh un huh!!! Yoi" keeping your pace you could feel him swell up as you face fucked his cock for what felt like awhile then he yells
"Fuckk I cant hold it your too good at that babe!!! Yoi" you speed up as you fill him release
"Shit im cumming little bird Yoi" he stares at you as you use one hand to pump his cock and swallow and the other hand to cradel his balls. You thrust through his sex high as he rips you from sucking him off to throwing you on the bed and making out with you tasting his sweet cum he flicks your tounge bar as he uses one hand to pump his cock and the other hand to insert a degit into your entrance making you moan but him stifling it with his tounge as he inserts a second degit quicker than usual he stretches you out and starts thrusting his fingers inside you while making out breathing hard through your noses you could feel his cock against your thigh as he drips precum again stiff as a board. He breaks for air as you both are red in the face as he drags your pussy to the edge of the bed he rolls you on your side and lifts one leg above his shoulder as he gets on his knees on the bed he places his cock at your entrance then slips the tip in making you moan loudly
"Ahh MarcoOO!! Your so big!!!" You yell as he thrusts in and not all the way out slowly filling you up your slick providing the perfect lube.
"Your not leaving this bed tonight Yoi" he says at you as you moan his name
"Yes sir Marco!! Fuckkk!!! I love you!!" You yell as you grip the sheets feeling him go deeper and deeper until he hit your wall, your cervix. Making you see speckles at this angle he had you at
"Its called the pretzel dip *huff huff*" he pounds you deeply as he picks up a great rhythm you follow his paceing as you grind with him feel his hand on your stomach feeling his cock inside you from the outside as he thrusts into you.
"Fuckk Marco!! Your gonna make me cum!!"
"Cum baby!! but im not stopping until you cant walk!! Yoi" he yells as he keeps his pacing huffing for air as he thrusting like a marathon.
"Fuckkk!! Marco im cumming!!" You yell almost screaming. You felt your walls constrict as you squeezed that part of your pussy that you had control over making him moan
"Fuckk!! (N) your so fucking tight!! Are you trying to get me to cum? Ahh!! You naughty woman you!! Yoi" he slaps your ass hard locking eyes with you as you moan
"Yes give it to me!!! Fuck me senseless!!! Im yours!!!" As he fucks you through your high you both huffing as your legs are twitching but he still thrusts. Once he knows your done cumming he says
"On all fours now!! Yoi" he pulls out as you get on all fours, legs shaking violently he stands then shoves his cock back in you as you get on all fours. Making you see stars moaning
"Ahhh yess!! MARCO!!! FUCKK!!!" As he thrusts back at his relentless pace for what seems like at least half an hour. You drool as he grabs your thighs slamming your pussy onto his cock relentlessly thrusting.
"AHHH!!!! Just like that!!!"
"Fuckkk!!! Your gonna make me cum again Marco!!!"
"I allready told you little bird cum!! Your not gonna be able to walk straight for the next couple days!!! Yoi" he yells still thrusting as you see spots in your vision.
"Big bird!!! Im cumming!!!!" Your pussy sucks in his cock again as you start twitching in your arms now too. He thrusts through your sex high as he pulls out then flips you over him grabbing your waist moving you up as he pushes your legs above his shoulders as he enters you at the same pace finding your g spot really easily you cry out
"Fuckkkk!!!!! Mar-CO!!! Your eyes lock onto his as he likes this angle you could tell since his cock was twitching a lot inside of you. You squeeze his cock with your pussy muscle as he continues to pound you.
"AH shit!! Im clo-se now!!! Yoi"
"Cu-m! In me!! Ma-rco!!!" You yell just begging him to cum in you.
"Pl-ease!!! Cum in me!!!" You yell as he continuously pounds you.
"Oh I plan too!!! Yoi" he yells as you hear his balls slapping against your asshole turning you on even more
"MAR-co!!!! YE-s!!!!!!" He pins your hands down as he moans
"Fuckk!! Get ready Babe!!!" Your face is already lewd, tounge out huffing for air him continuing to thrust harder making you faze out into bliss.
"Fuckkk! Im gonna cum (N)!!! Yoi"
"Cum with me!!! Im gonna cum too!!" You yell.
"Im cumming!!! Im filling you up my little bird Yoi"
"Ahhh!!!! You made me cumm!!" You felt his hot seed burst into your cervix as you both cum at the same time. Your walls clamp down on his cock as he continues to thrusts through both your sex highs. Pumping still he was fast at first then slows down and eventually comes to a stop. Huffing very hard as he lets go of your hands and slowly lets your legs down being very gentle with you after that fuck session. You huffing for air after fifteen minuts of just breathing he looks you in the eyes and asks
"How was that? Yoi" you whole body is twitching, everything is so sensitive.
"Un huh well im not walking anywhere" you say giggling as he pulls out slowly. With a pop cum immediately drips out of you as he admires his work of your whole body twitching. He gets up and grabs a whole tissue box as he wipes you up.
"Why can you stand and I cant?" You ask as he is the best doctor in the country.
"Try and sit up for me dear. And its because your insides have thousands if not millions of more nerve endings causing overstimulation. Yoi" he says as you sit up more cum flows out of you as he uses tissue to cetch it all. Once your not leaking anymore you plop back down still twitching as he cleans himself up. You manage to get under the covers as hes done he grabs both of your phones and checks the time.
"What a way to blow four hours well cant go back to the wedding haha Yoi" he chuckles as he slides into bed with you. You squirm your way over to him now cold. He pulls you to him, lets you rest your head on his chest, and intertwines your legs with his.
"I love you Ms. Phoenix Yoi" he says cupping your cheek kissing you as you giggle then retort
"I love you too Mr. Phoenix~"
-Happy End-
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thelegocomic · 2 months
Ok so like I might not actually get around to working on the lego comic for a year or two. But I actually plan to give Rex a love interest at some stage and I kind of ship him with my OC Echo so I’m dumping random facts about my ship. No hate, please.
1 - Echo came from another dimension that is connected to Rex’s world. Like the shadow realm of his universe that strives off of destruction and breaking things instead of building and creating. Echo is the only one who seems to be passionate about building and creating which led him to being an outcast and even getting bullied. He is called a Damage Demon.
2 - Echo is inspired by Rex and often begs him to teach him new things he could build or create.
3 - They become roommates for a bit but Rex kept him a secret from everyone because they are at war against Echo’s kind. He keeps him locked up inside which eventually led to him being down about it. So he hides him in a cloak to try and hide that he is a Damage Demon. When they sneak out together and have fun that’s when Rex started to get some feelings for him. Echo started getting feelings much sooner but didn’t realise it was love at the time and thought it was just “respect for his kindness”. Echo is very unfamiliar with love and never saw anyone before Rex.
4 - Rex seems to get jealous easily when others get too close to Echo. He would wrap his arm around him and pull him to his side as if to say “He’s MINE!”.
5 - Rex gets nightmares easily and Echo would often hear him talk in his sleep so he wakes him. At first Rex lied about it being nothing but as the two got closer he finally spoke more about it. He had all these walls and Echo was able to break them down slowly.
6 - Echo is unfamiliar with a LOT of the basic normal things in Rex’s world. He has walked in on him while he showered a few times before, which led to blood curdling screaming as they were not yet dating.
7 - Echo is so fascinated by anything that functions! He flushed the toilet seven times and watched in amazement, Rex was just like “Dude, stop.”
8 - Echo has stood up for Rex much like he has for him, they are both losers in their worlds which is also what made them closer.
9 - Rex actually gets flustered easily. When Echo randomly hugs him his whole face turns red.
10 - they are both affectionate but it takes Rex a while to get comfortable to display such acts in public.
11 - Echo asks Rex like 1000 questions a day. He is very curious about his dimension.
12 - Echo often tries to build, cook or create things for others as special gifts! It is rare for him to just buy someone a birthday present.
13 - Echo tries to make things for Rex constantly because that’s part of his love language, gift giving. He often cooks or bakes for him now as well.
14 - If Echo gets so much as a paper cut Rex FREAKS out. He is very protective of him.
15 - Echo loves to collect EVERYTHING! Even trash as he seems to have a strong belief that everything has value. He even made a few things himself with recycled stuff!
16 - They are very good at comforting each other when sad. Very affectionate couple!
17 - Rex has tried to beat people up in the past who speak poorly of Echo.
18 - Rex used to jokingly say that he is like a weird stray cat he found because of his inquisitive nature.
19 - Echo is terrified of loud noises! He is also very sensitive to any sort of yelling or shouting so Rex has been trying to control his temper a bit better (not because he yells AT him but because he yells at other things that frustrate him and that tends to scare Echo a bit.)
20 - Echo loves to take naps, especially on top of Rex.
21 - They have a movie night almost every night! With popcorn and everything! Echo isn’t a big fan of horror though… Rex is secretly a fan of romance but won’t admit it. They usually watch classic action movies.
22 - The raptors seem to really love Echo! So much so that Rex did feel a bit jealous before the two started dating. “Guys, I’m your dad! This is such betrayal!”
23 - Rex loves to make Echo laugh, although it can be hard to do so with jokes as he is a bit blunt. Usually he makes him laugh when he is not even trying too.
24 - Rex loses his mind when he sees Echo wear his clothes!
25 - They work together on some missions but for a long while Rex wouldn’t let him come along in fear of him getting hurt. Echo has proved to be capable of adventure though. He even saved Rex more than once!
26 - Echo loves to watch Rex play video games! Echo struggles getting used to playing games himself though.
27 - Rex loves to randomly scoop Echo up and carry him around.
28 - Echo is the brains and Rex is the brawn.
29 - When the two have been together for a while Rex has become quite the flirt.
30 - They are super clingy with each other.
31 - Rex calls Echo nerd but in a loving sort of way.
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