#just - ugh
snapyobbg · 5 months
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thrownswiftly · 1 year
God. Imagine being like "I wanna marry you" to your SO of 6 years and they say "I don't wanna marry you" and then the entire world is like "THEY'RE MARRIED" And you have to suffer day in and out with that rumor and you have to put an end to it even though it's probably what you really really want to happen.
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jorrated · 1 year
something about their design is deeply unappealing to me
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"Emma, I'm sorry, you lost... Emma, I'm sorry you lost your way" are still the rawest opening lines to a finale in all of musical theatre, change my mind.
The gut punch of Paul singing right after the fake-out that he survived. The realization that it was all for nothing and the entire world, including Emma, is doomed at his hands. THE WAY THE MEANING OF WHAT HE'S SAYING COMPLETELY CHANGES WHEN HE FINISHES THE THOUGHT.
I know Paul's been Apotheosised for quite a while by that time, but it almost feels like the first few words are what remains of the actual Paul communicating his final thoughts to Emma, his sorrow that he failed her. And then he's gone for as good Apotheosis Paul takes the reigns and sets out, ever so inevitably, to get what he wants and save Emma Perkins.
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jgmartin · 1 year
that feeling when you wanna write, but your brain is going through silicone valley withdrawals.
"go ahead. have a scroll. algorithm ain't gonna hurt ya"
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zombiifyd · 9 months
i need this photo but its phil playing zelda on his switch with chayanne, tallulah, pomme, and richas surrounding him
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queenincrimson · 1 month
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Timeless - The Salem Witch Hunt (2.04)
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softboiprinxe · 3 months
something about being inspected. them roughly turning my head this way and that. pressing on my skin. evaluating me. noting down any reactions or noises. something so impersonal yet so hot
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travisdermotts · 1 month
it seems like the refs are still trying to find the balance between letting them play and calling dangerous hits, but it feels like they get it wrong every single time
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coolestaliciaever · 8 months
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oh my goodness. oh my goodness.
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I’m sorry I keep shitting on Ever After High fans but tell me why I saw someone say that Rise of Red is just Disney Way Too Wonderland like
Have you watched Way Too Wonderland??? Cause if you really think that Descendants Rise of Red is any way similar to Way Too Wonderland than you clearly haven’t
“But it’s about going to Wonderland” 1. No it isn’t??? Going to Wonderland is the inciting incident but most of the movie is a time travel plot that takes place in Merlin Academy while WTW has their whole plot center around being in Wonderland and 2. EVER AFTER HIGH DIDNT CREATE WONDERLAND YOU DUMBASSES
Disney had made three whole versions of Wonderland wayyyyyyy before EAH even started development and Descendants is specifically grabbing from their movies. Disney was the first ever company to ever adapt Alice as a fully animated feature. Not only that but they’ve had references to the characters before this movie(Queen is mentioned in one of the books and Ally, daughter of Alice, was a major character in the Wicked World animated series). Like in a franchise about the children of the characters from their most well known IPs, did you really think they WERENT going to use Alice in Wonderland????? Be so for real
Way Too Wonderland is them being transported to Wonderland and trying to warn the Queen about a coup on her birthday. Rise of Red is about the Queen forming a coup against Aurodon and specifically wanting to kill Cinderella in which her daughter and Cindy’s daughter then go back in time to try and stop the coup and Cindy’s execution from happening. As you can see, two very different plots.
Like genuinely use your goddamn brains. I’m tired of pretending that Descendants and Ever After High are even all that similar other than like a few traits because they really aren’t but this is my final straw. It is truly insulting to both of the people involved in the individual projects to say that they are the same thing all because they both have Wonderland as a centerpiece(kinda and even then Spring Unsprung is also very Wonderland centric but I don’t see anyone saying that ROR is just ripping off that special)
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lilbeanz · 2 years
Separate from the reblog below, Regency au as described by @l0vegl0wsinthedark 🤣
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oblivionsdream · 7 months
I have only just discovered your Jester and Knight, and I love them both so much! This dynamic is perfect! (I always love a knight, and I love it when the knight meets someone who doesn't fear them and who lets them loosen up)
AHHH thank you! And yesss exactly!! You get it. I'm also a sucker for a Lawfully Good character who finds the one Chaotic menace that they are willing to break the rules for. 😆
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shamblespirate · 3 months
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nerdby · 4 months
Super fucking annoyed cause I got into an argument with some incel about how Brie Larson said she might drop out of the MCU cause she doesn't feel welcome there, and the dude said she should just put up with the abuse and be nicer to the fans. Meaning cishet white male fans cause all Brie ever said to make people hate her is that she hoped her character made the movies more accessible and relatable to people other than cishet white guys.
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