#just a better s2 all way round
withacapitalp · 2 years
(Okay I saw a post about a premise similar to this but I cannot find it for the life of me. Anyway I loved it so much that I had to write a version of it myself. A post s2 AU!) Now with Part Two
Steve was never exactly the most perceptive person in the world. 
He missed all of the signals that Nancy had given him, every sign that had pointed to their failing relationship. He hadn’t seen the moments that proved she was right about everything going on in their town either. Steve overlooked important details in his college applications, and took shots in basketball that almost always missed. He even sometimes walked right into walls these days, because his spacial awareness had kinda been shot since Billy smashed a plate over his head fifteen days ago. 
A lot of that could be forgiven, but, this…
Well this was a little bit obtuse, even for him. 
“You know you’re sitting at our table, right, King Steve?” 
Steve looked up from his Tuna Surprise, resisting the urge to flinch at both the blinding light from the windows in the cafeteria and the nickname he hated so much. Eddie Munson stared back, carrying a lunch tray in one hand and his signature metal lunch box in the other. 
“Your humble court is awaiting you on the haves side of this blessed cookery. This side is where the dweebs and the nerds parlay. A single place we get a reprieve from the endless bombardment of the average” Munson continued, flinging his arms to and fro, gesturing to the group of teens behind him who were staring at Steve like he was dirt under the bottom of their shoes. 
He hadn’t understood the majority of what Eddie had just said to him, but those looks were enough to give Steve the gist. He was not welcome here. 
“Sorry,” He muttered, grabbing his tray and sliding it to the other end of the table. He took a deep breath the second he was alone again, letting the tension melt away from his body as he collapsed back in his seat. 
Even though he was no longer welcome to sit at his old table, Steve probably could have gone and eaten in the library with Nancy and Jonathan. They had awkwardly invited him to join them a few times since everything had gone down, but he always said no. 
It was better this way. Better to be alone. Better to not have to watch the two of them try and hide how much happier they were now that they could be together. They deserved that happiness, Nancy deserved that happiness, and Steve refused to be the one to make her try and stifle any of that. 
He had hurt her enough already. 
“What happened to your face?”
Once again Eddie dragged Steve out of his thoughts. He was standing over Steve’s head, nearly hovering on top of him, watching Steve like he was trying to work him out. Like Steve was a particularly complex puzzle that he could solve just with his eyes. 
Nancy had always looked at him that way. Steve had hated it when it was her, and he hated it even more coming from Munson now. 
“Got into a fight,” Steve grunted, stabbing at his shitty cafeteria food and hoping that his abrasiveness would be enough to get Munson to leave him alone.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he could say now that they had all signed another round of NDAs, but he was pretty sure even talking about this was toeing the line. It was safer all around to get Eddie to go away as quickly as possible. 
It wouldn’t be all that hard. Usually all it took were a few well placed bitchy comments to get people to see the picture and give up on him. The only group of people who hadn’t been perturbed by Steve’s spikiness was the kids. They had shown up at his house pretty much daily since the gate had closed, and had even taken to begging on him for rides to and from school. 
Dustin in particular seemed determined to stay latched onto him like a barnacle, but Steve found that he didn’t really mind their clinginess.
 It was nice to be needed, even if it was only a group of pre-teen smartasses. 
“With who?” Eddie asked, leaning his hip on the table next to Steve and crossing his arms over his chest, “Cause Billy Hargrove is telling everyone he can that he beat your ass for messing with his sister,”
“I would never do something like that,” Steve shot back instantly, feeling the fading bruises on his face twinge as his jaw clenched in fury. He couldn’t help the words spilling out of his mouth, unable to stop them, “Billy’s a racist jackass who tried to put his hands on one of my fucking kids,”
“There is…so many confusing parts of that sentence,” Eddie stated, blinking in shock.
“Whatever,” Steve murmured, biting his cheek to stop himself from saying anything more and hunching his shoulders up around his ears. They weren’t exactly his kids, per say, but Steve was invested in keeping them safe now. The idea of doing anything to hurt any of them was painful, and the thought of Billy spreading that kind of rumor made bile rise up in his throat. 
Fuck Billy. Fuck this. Fuck his life honestly. 
“Look, Munson, I’m really not in the mood right now,” Steve sighed, hating how weary he sounded. It would have been better to fight his way out of this. Steve was crappy at fighting though, and there wasn’t much spirit left in him. Not after two weeks of perpetual stress and tension. 
“I moved down, I’m not in your way, isn’t that good enough?” Steve bit out, halfway to just grabbing his tray and throwing it in the trash. He was barely eating anyway, might as well go to the gym to shoot some hoops instead of sitting here being interrogated by drug dealing  extraordinaire, Eddie goddamn Munson.
Couldn’t he just let Steve eat in peace? Everything else was already so goddamn difficult these days. Could Steve at least manage to eat a mediocre meal without the entire world demanding something from him? 
By the grace of whatever god was potentially out there, Eddie took the hint, pushing off of his resting place and stalking back over to his group of weirdos on the other side. Steve let his eyes slip shut and dragged in a heavy breath, utterly exhausted. 
He was contemplating skipping the rest of the day and going home to sleep when a blue plastic tray identical to the one in front of him bumped his right hand
“What are you doing?” Steve wondered aloud, raising his eyebrows and fixing Eddie with a confused look as he sat down right next to Steve and began to dig into his meal. 
“Eating lunch alone sucks?” Eddie offered, shoveling Tuna Surprise into his mouth and shuddering, pushing the rest of the disgusting concoction to the far side of his tray, “Plus I’m hoping that if I get in your good graces you’ll give me your pudding cup,”
Steve stared at him for a few more moments, waiting for whatever prank was about to be pulled. But Eddie didn’t budge, continuing to eat around his main dish with strange efficiency and ignoring Steve’s gaze. 
“Go nuts,” He finally said, offering the plastic container over to Eddie who grabbed it and gave Steve a big smile
“Mazel Tov, Eddie said, hoisting the pudding aloft and tearing into it, “So, you have children?”
“I- I babysit,” Steve stammered out, completely perplexed by the strange set of circumstances that was playing out in front of him. Eddie paused with his spoon midair in front of him. 
“You babysit,” He repeated, turning his head towards Steve. The younger teen nodded and Eddie hummed. He put his pudding down and licked his spoon clean. When he was done, he hefted it aloft, bringing it down on the back of his right hand with a smack that echoed all around the cafeteria. 
“Ouch!” Eddie yelped, flapping his hand around in the air to try and get rid of the sting. Steve looked frantically to and fro as the rest of the room stared at them, whispering behind their hands. 
“Why would you-” 
“Had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming,” Eddie explained, interrupting Steve’s furious whisper with a breathless little laugh, “Because I just heard the words ‘I babysit’ come out of King Steve’s mouth,”
“Would you cut it out with the King stuff?” Steve snapped, beginning to lose his appetite, “It’s been a while since I was King of anything, and it was a stupid fucking idea to begin with,” 
There was a beat of awkward silence as Eddie gave him another one of those soul searching looks. 
“What are you doing Thursday afternoon?” He finally asked when he found whatever he was looking to find. Steve startled, dropping his fork. 
What kind of question was that? 
Was Munson asking him on some sort of date?!
“I’m…benched from basketball ‘cause of my concussion. So nothing, I guess,” Steve said cautiously, carefully picking his words and trying to avoid the spike of hurt that shot along his chest as he said them. 
It wasn’t much, but basketball was one of the only things Steve really thought he was genuinely good at. Not having it was kind of pure torture. 
Almost as bad as not having Nancy in his life anymore. 
“In that case, come to Hellfire,” Eddie offered, glancing at the clock on the wall and grabbing both of their trays. Steve scrambled to grab his backpack, hefting it onto one shoulder and jogging to keep up with Eddie. 
“Hellfire?” Eddie repeated, dumping their trash into the bin and stacking the trays next to it, “It’s the club I run,”
“What is it?” Steve asked, curious but unwilling to commit just yet. There was still a part of him that was kind of convinced all of this was some elaborate ruse to fuck with him. 
But before Eddie could say anything the bell chimed all around them. The rest of the student population moved as one, and the sound in the lunchroom immediately went from dull roar to cacophonous mess. Steve’s left ear started to ring again, and he winced, shying away from the sudden noise. 
“You’ll have to come and see,” Eddie said, waggling his eyebrows, completely ignorant to Steve’s pain. He turned on his heel, raising a hand in a wave behind him as he loped towards the rest of his friend group.
“Thursday after school! In the drama room, don’t be late!”
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I think the key to understanding show!Aziraphale is in some lines that are in the book but not the show. Because these lines represent a place that our show Aziraphale hasn't hit yet.
Before I get into this, let me explain why I think things that aren't in the show can be so important to understanding where the show will go.
For another example, let's look at the ending of the book/s1. In the book, Adam is not impressed with Aziraphale and Crowley. There is no pep talk. He actually has a pretty stern message to them about "not messing people around."
A lot of s2 might not have worked the same way if they had gotten that message. It would have cut off room for growth. The whole plotline with Nina and Maggie for one would have been much less likely. So by holding off the stop messing with people message to the end of s2 (and then only giving it to Crowley), it provides more room for the characters to change at a pace befitting a multi-season show.
So what else do I think will end up working this way?
Well, there's a scene I love in the book that hasn't made it into the show yet. It happens after Aziraphale is discorporated. In the show, he goes to heaven, then to Madame Tracy. In the book, he bounces around possible hosts first, including a televangelist. The televangelist is going on about the rapture and such, and Aziraphale cuts in with this:
"Well, nice try...only it won't be like that at all. Not really.
"I mean, you're right about the fire and war, all that. but that Rapture stuff well, if you could see them all in Heaven - serried ranks of them as far as the mind can follow and beyond, league after league of us, flaming swords, all that, well, what I'm trying to say is who has time to go round picking people out and popping them up in the air to sneer at the people dying of radiation sickness on the parched and burning earth below them? If that's your idea of a morally acceptable time, I might add.
"And as for that stuff about Heaven inevitably winning...Well, to be honest, if it were that cut and dried, there wouldn't be a Celestial War in the first place, would there? It's propaganda. Pure and simple. We've got no more than a fifty percent chance of coming out on top. You might as well send money to a Satanist hotline to cover your bets, although to be frank when the fire falls and the seas of blood rise you lot are all going to be civilian casualties either way. Between our war and your war, they're going to kill everyone and let God sort it out-right?
"Anyway, sorry to stand here wittering, I've just a quick question-where am I?"
Because even this more cynical version of Aziraphale is adorable, the scene ends with "Gosh," he said, "am I on television?"
We didn't get this in the show, but I can't help feeling that it might be in season 3, assuming we get a season 3. It might even fit in better there, assuming we are going with a "second coming" plot. In the show, Aziraphale hasn't reached this level of cynicism (yet). I can't picture s1 or s2 Aziraphale giving this speech. Sure, he's seen what a mess the archangels are, he was willing to go against heaven to stop them from starting the end of the world, but I'm pretty sure show Aziraphale still believes in the goodness of God if not the goodness of the way heaven is run. It makes sense that show Aziraphale sees heaven as a fixable mess, an organization that isn't living up to what it should be. Because the show is taking Aziraphale's struggle with morally complex situations and questioning God and making it a longer arc.
My guess it that, as his tenure as archangel is likely to go terribly and not give him any more answers (or at least not answers he likes), he will get to the point where he could give this speech in season 3. My guess is that he's likely to also end up in a horrendous mental state once he reaches these conclusions (a perfect opportunity for some hurt/comfort). He's likely to build himself back up after that, but with a clearer look at the world.
End conclusion: if you are telling a longer story, sometimes you need to hold some things back to give your characters room to grow. So, it isn't a sign something is wrong with a story when partway through a character hasn't hit upon an obvious point.
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catcake24 · 3 months
Okay so I was rewatching the Earthspark S2 episodes about the chaos Terrans for my fanfic (Becoming Family) and I specifically noticed the protoform designs
With Aftermath, we don’t get a good look at first since it’s all closeup with heavy lighting or just really obscured
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I thought we just didn’t get a good look at all, HOWEVER! There is a moment right before the truck hits him where we can see his protoform design mostly in full
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It isn’t a recolour or anything, it seems to be a totally original protoform design. I honestly didn’t expect them to put the effort in, but it’s something I like a lot!
Now, we get a much better look at Spitfire overall since we see her better and she isn’t so obscured
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She’s basically a recolour of Twitch’s protoform but with some more edges, which is fine since her main design is a recolour anyways. Might as well imply an explanation for why they look so similar AND save money on making a brand new 3D model that will be gone in less than a minute. (Also it seems Spitfire’s eyes look different between these screenshots, going from pure magenta to magenta sclara with yellow iris, but it’s mostly a nitpick since I didn’t even notice the first few times I saw this scene lol)
I have a few other observations too:
It seems their colours are inverted from the season 1 protoform designs we see, with dark plating, red biolights, and magenta/red optics. They also have more spikes and sharp edges on them rather than smoother round shapes. Good way to visually imply how they’re “corrupted” Terrans
The biolights they have seem to stop glowing very quickly, since Aftermath’s seem to fade and Spitfire’s completely fade away as she’s falling. Lore detail, or inconsistent animation? You decide!
While later we see their emberstone shards in their chests, their protoform seems to not have them visible at all.
Anyways, just wanted to share in case anyone else was curious :)
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catwyk · 2 months
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travel doodles part 2!!!! notes and info below if youre interested :]
link to part 1
picture 1: the cairn maiden!!! i drew her veil on whiteboard ONCE and im obsessed w shading thin drapery now. tbh im just obsessed w drapery
picture 2: headshots of faulkner, roemont, carpenter, and shrue that very much leave something to be desired, but im including them anyway
picture 3: faulkner comforting his father during ep 38 (best s3 episode)
picture 4: PYJAMA FAULKNER !!!! also during ep 38
picture 5: wallace, faulkner and thurrocks attempting to contact the endless drear in ep 22 (best s2 episode). again this leaves somethig to be desired but whooo cares maybe ill adapt it digitally
picture 6: very rough 2-panel comic of faulkner stealing carpenter's pancakes. there was gonna be a third panel where she stabs him with a fork but i fucked it up so badly i had to rip out the whole page. the text reads "couldnt care less" // "still waiting for his food"
picture 7: drawn most of the way through listening to season 3, and you can tell bc im just desparate for carpenter and faulkner to have a happy moment :( this is them going out for coffee together (the text shows that carp has a cappuccino and faulk has a hot chocolate)
picture 8: young em and carpenter playing in the white gull, trying not to fall in :] better times all round. this is another one i wanna digitize
picture 9: an older em and carpenter, where em is cleaning her scraped knee. his speech bubble reads "stop kicking your damn leg."
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calypsocolada · 9 months
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DAYLIGHT | y. itadori
( this is a part two!!!! click here for part one)
synopsis: you and itadori find your way back to each other in shibuya, and maybe out of it too. authors note: hello :) jjk has been a little emotionally devastating so enjoy this lil fic. fuck canon :) gege needs to hand over yuji because he doesn't know how to treat him right. ps this has a happy ending. cw: ANGST, a bit of gore, fluff, fem reader, massive spoilers for s2 of jjk!, character death wc: 1.8k
You followed a blood trail, cursed tool clutched tightly in your hands. There were a few options of where Itadori could be and you preferred that maybe another sorcerer found him, maybe Nanami. It’d be total fiction to think he got up and walked away on his own, he was minutes from death when you left him. Either a sorcerer took him or someone else. You didn’t want to even think about Sukuna taking over his body or whoever had left him there to die came back to take him you weren’t sure. But all these possibilities had your head swimming as you tiptoed around the deserted and torn up section of the mall. 
Suddenly the trail of blood stopped, you bent over to get a better look. It was like whoever dragged him here propped him up against the wall for a moment but you weren’t sure where to next. You searched around until you saw a body. It was a young girl, her head had been sliced off at the nose. It was a gnarly and clean cut. Next to her was congealed blood and parts as though something was sliced to bits. Whatever happened here must’ve been straight out of a nightmare. 
Even louder commotion started up top as the ground began to shake and the ceiling above you started to crack and lean, dust started falling down over you. This whole place was about to come down. You ran back the way you came and the closer you got to the ground level the louder the destruction sounded. 
Walking outside could be a death sentence but you’d run into the fray if you saw even a peak of pink hair. As you rounded a corner and skidded to a stop one final blast sounded that threw you off your feet, crashing back down the stairs you’d just climbed. You rolled to your feet as silence fell over everything. Deathly silence. The kind of silence that could either mean the fighting had paused or someone had won. You limped up the stairs, and pressed your hands to the window. 
The destruction meant nothing. It looked like an utter wasteland outside but all you could see was Itadori. He was on his knees near a crater, that must’ve been the outcome of the final blast. You shouldered open the door and limped forwards. The last time you saw him he looked dead, he couldn’t be up and walking fifteen minutes later. So you clutched your cursed tool. 
“Yuji?” Your voice broke through the silence. Slowly he turned. He looked hollow, his face pale, eyes haunted, cheeks wet from tears shed. For a moment he didn’t seem to be there and that made you clutch your tool. It chilled you to the bone to think that maybe Sukuna had taken over, that maybe Sukuna still had control. But then recognition dawned in his eyes and a soft cry escaped his lips. Before you knew it you were running to him, your heart had made up the decision before your head could dissuade it. You dropped to your knees and his bloody hands extended and pulled you into him and he held you, shaking like a leaf. He tightened his hold on you and sobbed softly into your hair. You held him tightly, kissing the top of his head. You couldn’t help the tears that formed in your own eyes, hearing the broken sobs from his lips. His hand tangled in your hair. 
“I thought about you first,” he said, his voice weak and thin. You pulled back. His hands found your face, he was still shaking, fresh tears forming. “You’re all I thought about.” He cried. You bit your lip. 
“The destruction, the people dead. I-- I failed. I failed them, I failed you.”
“Yuji, please.” You choke out, grabbing his face.
“I should die.” He says and the shock of his sentence cuts you to the bone. His eyes, unmoving and meaning the words he said. You can’t help but suck in a breath. Shaking your head.
“N-no!” You choke out. “Yuji, don’t-- don’t ever say that!” You say but his eyes fall from yours, he looks utterly defeated. You lift his face gently, making him look at you. “Fuck all of this.” You say, he blinks a few times, processing your words. “Fuck it all. Let’s leave, you-- you and me. Leave all of this behind.” You say. You know it’s stupid, there's no safe place you could go, not while Sukuna still shares a body with Itadori. Tears spill down your cheek. 
“We can’t.” He says and you hate hearing it. Why can’t things be normal for you two. Why can’t you live peacefully? Why can’t Itadori have peace?
“I know.” You lamented, shaking your head. “I know.” You repeated, almost like you were trying to convince yourself. But you could think about it. 
You two could’ve met at a cafe. Itadori bumping into you, spilling your tea. He would apologize profusely and grab way too many napkins. You’d laugh, you didn’t really care about this shirt anyways. 
“It’s alright, really, don’t worry.” You’d say. Itadori scratched at the back of his head.
“I really am sorry, Miss, I should’ve been paying attention.” He’d say and your eyes would meet. 
“It’s just a little tea.” 
“Let me buy you another.” He’d say and not even wait for you to object.
You’d see the tea spiller on campus a few days later, he’d smile when spotting you. 
“Hey! Remember me?”
“How could I not?” You asked, laughing slightly. He’d make you laugh a lot, he was sweet and cute. You two were both heading to the library so you walked together, you sat together and ended up helping each other with some studying. He walked you back to your dorm and you gave him your number. That’s when the texting started. Slowly at first, cute memes here and there, funny tik toks and pictures of Itadori’s dogs from home. You two would get breakfast and lunch and dinner and one night after dinner he was walking you back to your dorm like he always does. You kissed him goodnight and shocked you both. Eyes wide you watched his throat bob. 
“Sorry, I- I wanted- was that okay?” You babbled. Itadori looked star struck. When he’d come back down to earth he’d quickly nod his head.
“Of course! Completely fine!” He stuttered out and he was so damned cute.
“We-- we can pretend I didn’t do that,” You start. “If you don’t feel the sa-” Itadori leaned forwards and cut off the ending of your sentence, kissing you abruptly. He gently pressed you against your closed door, hands sliding around your waist.    
You wish you could stay in that dream but Itadori reached forwards and kissed you, snapping you out of the thought. The destruction was back, the hurt in your chest. The longing for something better, something quieter ached. It was just a soft press of his lips against yours. He pulled back then pressed his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath. 
“We’ll find a way out.” He says. “One day, out of the world of curses and sorcerers. Just you and me.” He whispers.
“Promise?” You ask. 
“Promise.” He vowed
Just you and me. 
You’d think that in your last moments. You’d think that as you fought some blue haired curse. You’d think that as Nanami and Nobara were killed. As things swirled into a storm of darkness and death. As you were pushed to your limits, giving it your all because you and Itadori were going to make it out. You’d go through hell if you could stay by his side. 
Just you and me.
But the blue haired curse would touch you. It was the same way Nanami and Nobara were touched. You looked at Itadori and the expression on his face was something of utter pain and loss. Because no one got away unscathed from this curse. It was going to take everything Itadori loved. You were no exception. You reached for Itadori and smiled at him as everything went black.
Itadori screamed as he bolted upright in bed. You startled awake, blinking rapidly in the dark. Itadori breathed heavily beside you. You're not sure how late it is but the room was slowly being softly lit by the early morning daylight. You reached for the light and flicked it on. His cheeks were wet with tears as he turned and met your eyes. 
“Hey, you okay?” You asked. He blinked a few times and then grabbed you and pulled you tightly into his arms. You gasped a laugh, gently hugging back after a moment. “Nightmare?” You ask.
“Uh huh.” Itadori mumbles against your shoulder. You close your eyes.
“What about?”
“I- I don’t remember,” Itadori starts, his voice muffled. “I just felt like I needed to hug you.” He says and that makes you smile. You two fall back in bed together, Itadori holding you as though you were going somewhere. You reach and flick the light back off. Itadori reaches and pulls the covers over you both, pulling you into his warmth.
“Babe?” You ask.
“Are we still going to Nobara’s halloween party?”
“It’ll be fun, don’t you think?” He asks as you reach up and run your fingers through his hair, pushing the curls from his forehead. He’s practically purring against you as he kisses anything close to his lips. You giggle as his lips meet your neck. 
“I think I’m mostly going for the drinks.” You giggle out as he pulls you on top of him, warm hands dipping under your tank top as you straddle him. 
“You're gonna make a cute Barbie.” He says as you roll your eyes in the darkness. He sits up and one of his hands makes its way to your cheek as he pulls you down to his lips and kisses you messily. You laugh against his lips.
“We should really go back to sleep, cowboy, it’s almost morning.” You say but his lips are trailing away from yours, kisses peppered down to your neck and you can’t help but lean against him and sigh contentedly.
“We have some time,” He mumbles against your throat sending chills down your body.
In the daylight morning you and Itadori cook breakfast. It's nice and peaceful. You wondered what dream had made him wake up like that, with tears in his eyes but he claimed to not remember. You guessed it didn’t matter in the end because it was just that, a dream.
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my-mt-heart · 6 months
When I think of the Caryl spinoff we were promised, I think of all the space there'd be to explore a new, but hard-earned romance between the two underdogs turned most iconic duo of TWD.
I think of them getting back to their roots, helping each other heal from their trauma, and conquering their fears of not being worthy of each other's love.
I'm tired of sitting through explicit beats of shipbaiting for the sake of marketing Daryl as the most eligible bachelor and riling fans up while Caryl, the relationship that sold me on their chemistry and their one-of-a-kind bond is treated like a dirty secret.
I'm tired of Carol feeling, and being portrayed, as if she isn't good enough or young enough or blonde enough for Daryl and I'm tired of the ageism Melissa has to suffer in order for the show to please an unreliable market that's more likely to watch clips on TikTok then subscribe to the show anyway.
I’m tired of foils and subtext and symbolism being used to say something about Caryl's relationship in a round-about way without ever seeing the payoff.
I don't want a retread of Caryl’s entire story that makes me think...
Canon is coming!
We're almost there!
Just a little bit further!
Maybe the next episode!
Maybe the season finale!
Maybe the series finale!
Absolutely not.
Because I know the difference between telling a longform narrative and stringing me along, manipulating me into thinking I'm getting exactly what I want ...
At least Daryl and plot device #100 didn't get together.
At least Carol doesn't die.
At least Daryl and Carol are finally alone.
At least there's "hope."
...when in reality I'd be getting nothing I want and not even for any creative reasons, but because it isn't good for an EPs brand or his ego or whatever it may be.
There's a lot of hype for Melissa's/Carol's return right now, amplified because of the year-long fear that her fans were never going to see her again, but what's the hook going to be for S3? If AMC wants a large fanbase they can rely on to keep tuning in and to keep growing, they should want all Carylers on board. And to get us all on board, including the ones who left a long time ago, explicit canon that honors both Carol's and Daryl's journeys is a must.
S2 is THE chance to show me—clear as day—how Daryl and Carol really feel about each other. That they are in love. That they are and always have been each other’s only choice and plot devices 1-100 never changed that. That's the Caryl spinoff I'll watch.
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*This is my response to a few anons I received over the past week or so. I figured it would be better for my sanity to address them all in one go.
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hugmekenobi · 10 months
S2: The Bad Batch (16)
Chapter Sixteen: Plan 99
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Gif by @dreamswithghosts
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: There was a mission gone wrong and then there's what happened during and after Eriadu.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, MAJOR CHARACTER 'DEATH', HEAVY ANGST, my interpretation of thought processes, relatively detailed injury and torture descriptions, vomiting, slight hurt/comfort, brief kissing, Hemlock being a creep and just generally himself, I project my feelings again and reader makes a questionable choice but it needed to happen, no happy endings here
Word Count: 8.8K
Author's notes: If I have done my job right in any capacity, this'll be a rough one to get through. However, I promise I have a oneshot planned that'll fix some of what just happened and if S3 doesn't fix the rest, I will do it then!
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You helped Hunter with opening the car doors and as you all saw the awful freefall that lay below you, you knew it was going to take a lot to get out of this situation in one piece.
“This… is not ideal.” Tech commented.
“At least we’re not hanging under the car.” Wrecker offered.
“This isn’t much better.” You said before you ducked as a round of blaster fire headed in your direction.
“Echo, get this car moving.” Hunter instructed as the rest of you fired back.
“The explosions must’ve knocked out the power to the rail line.” Echo theorised irritably.
You moved away from the edge of the doors back to the middle of the car. “What if I just take down their railcar? It wouldn’t take long.” You suggested.
Tech shook his head. “I do not think that would be wise. There would be no guarantee that the resulting impact of you destroying that line would not affect the terminal that we need to get moving. And we’d still be stuck here whilst the Empire can easily send more reinforcements and-”
“Okay, fine do it your way.” You interrupted as you went back to focusing your fire on the Imperials.
“I can try to reboot the system, but I will need to plug directly into one of the terminals on the track.” Tech said.
Hunter addressed the rest of you, “You four, give us cover, Tech up top with me.”
Tech and Hunter moved to the next level of the railcar and Hunter gave his brother a boost up to the roof so he could climb onto the track.
As Tech got underway, Hunter opened the other set of doors and opened fire, particularly on any soldiers that were aiming for Tech.
“I am plugged in. Stand by.” Tech said into his comm as he got to work.
You all were doing a decent enough job at holding them back. They had more numbers, but your squad was more skilled, so you were managing okay.
That feeling of things being under control did not last long as Hunter heard the familiar sounds of ships coming your way. “We’ve got three ships inbound.”
You muttered a series of expletives as you scanned the sky around you for them.
“Where? I can’t see them.” Omega asked fearfully.
“Tech, we need power!” You urged into you comm as you could hear them drawing closer with each passing second.
You all took up positions to open fire on them, but it did very little. The ships got a round of shots away and you had to fight to stay balanced as the car shook with the impact.
Tech stared at his datapad and finally the screen turned green. He tapped his comm, “Echo, now!”
Upon Tech’s word, Echo plugged back in, and the railcar finally came back online.
“Tech, get your ass back here.” You hurried as you saw the ships getting ready to make another pass.
Tech unplugged and got himself across to the main track and started running but he could hear the ships getting nearer.  
Hunter concentrated his fire on the oncoming ships. He was able to clip one in the wing and it collided into another which he thought would be enough.
It wasn’t.
The third ship came speeding through and fired a series off shots that found their mark. You all stumbled inside the car as it violently shook and struggled against the onslaught of blaster fire.
The explosion flung Tech backwards, and he fell from the track onto the roof of the bottom half of the car. He tried to stand but the resulting shot had seen to it that the back of the railcar was tearing itself away from the track and as it titled backwards, he went with it. He managed to hook his grappling cable onto one of the grates, but he was stuck hanging over the abyss.
“Come on, Tech! Hurry!” Wrecker implored as he peered down the broken end of the railcar.
“I am climbing as fast as I can.” Tech replied with a grunt as he started to make his way up the cable, but the additional weight and well-placed rogue enemy blaster fire exacerbated the fragile state of the car and it lurched backwards, sending him further down the cable once more.
“Tech!” Omega cried as she saw him fall whilst Wrecker debated the best way to get down the sloped hallway.
“Why aren’t we moving?” Hunter asked Echo as he took refuge from the blaster fire.
“The car’s being ripped from the track.” Another harsh vibration sounded shook through it as he tried to get it moving.
“Wrecker, get him on board.” Hunter pressed, desperation seeping into his voice, before he opened fire on the soldiers again.
Wrecker made to step down, but the car dipped significantly.
“Don’t!” Tech yelled as he fell down even further. “Any shift in weight could send both of these cars over.”
You glanced behind you at Wrecker and Omega and made the call that the others could hold the troopers off. You needed to help Tech now. Channelling the Force, you focused on the point where the two hinges met but it was already fragile, and it would take a lot of energy and focus to keep them together since they were wanting to do anything but and the circumstances were hardly ideal to have that focus but you had to make it work. You could hear more ships coming but you ignored them, you didn’t care.
“You must sever the connection hinge. Now!” Tech instructed.
“Not until you’re up here.” Wrecker argued.
“Tech, I can hold them, just climb or let Wrecker-”
“You can’t keep them steady and wait for me to get up there with the time we have left.” Tech interrupted you as he saw the ships in the distance closing in again.
“She’s got it, Tech.” Wrecker said, doing his best to keep the distress out of his voice as he edged his way forward. As he did so, the cart swayed forward, and he glanced back at you.
“Go.” You said through gritted teeth as you focused on keeping both carts level, but each moment of blaster fire and Wrecker’s added weight were making it harder.
Tech fell a few more metres as the cart continued to pull itself away from the track. He looked around and he knew what he had to do. He needed you all to get away. He wasn’t wrong about this. You all would make it out. He just needed to take himself out of the equation. “There is no time.” He pulled out his blaster. “Plan 99.”
Your heart plummeted. Not that plan, any plan but that one.
Wrecker’s heart filled with dread.
Omega felt nothing but panic.
“Tech, please-” You broke off as you channelled more of your energy into keeping both carts stable, but another round of shots meant the car swung again. Your knees buckled and your hold faltered slightly.
“Don’t you do it, Tech.” Wrecker ordered as he tried to creep forward once more but the cart continued to protest against the strain.
Tech sighed before he accepted his next course of action. It was, in a way, a rather easy decision. Omega had once asked him if they were a family. His answer had been yes, and it was true. He just didn’t think he’d really said it enough, but he loved his family. And what do families do? They protect each other… and that’s exactly what he was going to do. “When have we ever followed orders?” With that, he fired a shot through the glass of the railcar that met its mark, and the connection hinge was severed.
Even if you could hold it, you were out of time. The ships would make their pass at any second and you couldn’t prevent your section of the railcar reconnecting or else none of you would make it out of this.
And you hated it. You fucking hated it, but you were left with no choice; you dropped your hands, released your hold and watched in agony as Tech fell.
“No!” Wrecker cried out as he helplessly watched his brother fade from view and there was nothing he could do nothing to stop it.
“Tech!” Omega yelled.
The railcar reconnected to the track and sped away from the troopers on the opposite side.
Hunter grabbed Omega’s wrist as she moved closer to the open end of the car. “Omega-”
“Go back! Go back!” She said desperately, reaching out as if she could still grab him.
You felt numb. You couldn’t move. Every other noise around you sounded fuzzy. The skulking darkness that had been circling you since Saw Gerrera showed up was asking for a way in. It took every fibre of control to not let it. Hunter’s voice dragged you back to the current moment.
“The car’s going too fast.” Hunter said urgently.
“The system’s fried. I can’t stop it.” Echo replied, desperately trying to plug back in to do something to stop the rapid descent as the back wall of the station grew dangerously close.
You knew your help wouldn’t be fast enough either, and you felt Hunter’s internal conflict as his helmeted gaze darted between you and Omega. It’s Omega first, every time.
Hunter lunged for her just as the cart collided and smashed through the wall of the terminal.
Everything was grey, and dull and bleak.
If it wasn’t for the bitter scent of smoke in the air, she wouldn’t have been sure that she’d even opened her eyes at first.
Debris from the wreckage surrounded her.
And she ached. Her entire body burned with the pain it took to stand.
Tech. She needed to find Tech. He couldn’t be far. She called his name but only managed a few paces before she collapsed once more.
She tried to fight it, but it hurt too much, and the encroaching darkness was too tempting.
As the pain overwhelmed her, she didn’t have the strength to turn it away.
You groaned as you came to and immediately felt woozy as you attempted to sit up. Your hood had already come loose from the collision, but you pushed your mask down to catch your breath and breathe through the soreness radiating through your body.
You brushed the dirt off your face but felt something wet leaving a trail down your cheek. You took off your glove and touched it to find your fingertips covered in blood. You carefully followed the path of blood to the source and winced as you touched the oozing deep cut by your temple. Fighting the dizziness, you looked around to see the others pushing themselves up but then your eyes caught sight of an unmoving figure and your blood ran cold.
You forced yourself to stand, ignoring the shooting pain that coursed through your ankle, and staggered over to Omega. You dropped to your knees next to her and felt for a pulse, which thankfully you found but it was weak. “Omega, come on honey, open your eyes for me.” You begged her as her body shivered beneath your touch. You felt the others come by your side. You hung your head in relief when you saw her eyes flicker open, but she couldn’t stay awake, and you knew she was in bad shape.
“We have to get her out of here.” Hunter said, doing his best to not let the panic he felt upon seeing her like this come through.
Wrecker picked her up. “I got you, kid.”
“Incoming! Get to the Marauder!” Echo shouted as Imperial reinforcements arrived.
You picked up Omega’s bow and provided Wrecker and Omega cover fire as you all retreated back to your ship.
“Head to Ord Mantell. AZ can help her. Hurry!” Hunter instructed Echo as he made his way to the cockpit.
You watched Wrecker gently place her down on your bunk whilst Echo got the ship in the air and into hyperspace.
“You’re bleeding.” Hunter stated, worry etched in his voice as he brushed some of your hair back and caught sight of the mix of fresh and dried blood on your skin.
“I’m fine.” You said groggily as the fading adrenaline meant you had to work harder to fight against the light-headedness you were experiencing. You then noticed the awkward way he clutched his forearm and at the fact standing up straight appeared to cause him some issues. “Are you okay?”
Hunter didn’t answer directly. “Are any of us?”
You glanced around you and felt the anguish in everybody that you knew also resided in your own heart. “No, no we’re not.”
You focused on watching Omega’s chest rise and fall as a way to keep you grounded and willed the journey to go quickly.
“Cid, AZ, we need your help!” You shouted as you limped into the parlour.
Cid took in all of your various injured states and nodded, too taken aback to offer anything else.
AZ dropped the cleaning supplies he was using and flew over to Wrecker. “Follow me.” He led the way to Cid’s room.
“It is best if you leave, and I can work on her without distraction.” AZ instructed.
Neither of them really wanted to, but they didn’t want their presence to be a problem, so they did as he said.
“Where’s Goggles?” Cid asked as Hunter and Wrecker came back into the main parlour.
And it was that question that snapped you all out of what ever fatigued state of denial you were in.
You half collapsed into one of the booths and blinked back the angry, grief-stricken tears that threatened to escape.
Wrecker released a shaky breath and just shook his head as he sat down on one of the bar stools.
And Echo- now that he knew Omega was getting the medical attention she needed- just left the room. For the first time in his life, he needed the solitude.
“We- we lost him.” Hunter just about managed to say as the loss overwhelmed him and he sat down next to you. He welcomed the loving hold you took of his hand as you rested it in your lap and rubbed circles on the back of it and was grateful for tender way you pulled his head to rest on your shoulder. He ignored the slight discomfort the position caused him.
“I’ll give you guys some time alone.” Cid said quietly as she made her way towards the exit.
You all were in too much pain and too emotionally exhausted to notice the comm she took with her.
You’d lost track of how long you’d all spent waiting for AZ to come back with news so when he finally entered the room, the room was ripe with nervous tension. She had to be okay. She just had to be.
“AZ?” You said uneasily.
“Omega’s injuries were severe, but I have stabilised her and she should recover. It is just a matter of time of waiting for her to wake up.”
You all let out a collective breath of relief.
“Thank you.” Hunter said gratefully.
AZ nodded. “Now, what injuries of yours can I assist with?”
“(Y/N) has an actively bleeding head injury and a wounded ankle and Wrecker’s neck is causing him problems. Leave me for last.” Hunter said.
You knew disputing the order wouldn’t be helpful to anyone right now, so you let AZ come over to you first.
After you all were taken care of, AZ went back to monitor Omega and give you guys some space.
“What are we going to do now?” Wrecker asked as AZ left.
Hunter sighed deeply. “We have nothing to go on. No location, no leads. Nothing. And with Tech-” He broke off with a cough before continuing, “With Tech gone and Omega being hurt like that…” He paused for a moment as he considered his next words, “I can’t put her through something like this again. I can’t put any of you through it again. We’re done. We’ll find somewhere to settle.”
“What about Pabu?” Wrecker offered quietly. “She likes it, and we were going to settle there anyway… right?”
Hunter looked to you and you nodded. “He gave us another chance. We should take it any way we can.” You said, clearing your throat as the pain of the loss threatened to overcome you.
“Alright.” Hunter said before he got to his feet. “I’m going to go wait until Omega wakes up.” He left the room.
“Wrecker, will you be okay for a moment?” You asked as you also stood.
Wrecker understood. “Go.”
You bowed your head in thanks and followed Hunter.
You paused by the doorway and studied the way he sat in the chair as he watched over Omega. His posture was tense, and his leg bounced anxiously. You knew he was barely keeping it together, but he was making himself because he was still the leader and had to be. But you wanted to give him a chance to let himself drop the appearance, if only for a moment.
“You don’t have to be strong right now. Not in front of me.” You walked around to the front of the seat and kneeled in front of him. You placed your hand on his cheek to turn his face towards you as he was keeping his eyes firmly on Omega. At your words, it looked like a weight just left his body and he let his head and shoulders hang lowly.
“That plan was never supposed to be used.” He uttered, his throat bobbing as the mask of composure started to drop.
Your heart ached as you felt the guilt and sorrow within him. You reached up and placed your arms around his neck and just held him close to you. I’m so sorry.
“I only got two of them.” Hunter mumbled into the crook of your neck as he met your embrace.
“The ships. There were three and I only got two of them. If I had just made sure, he wouldn’t have fallen from the track. The third got the shot away that killed him.”
You pulled away as you picked up on the way the typical rasp in his voice got lower and more uneven. You cupped his face in your hands and rubbed away the stray tears. “Hunter, you can’t do that to yourself.”
“I was supposed to look after us. By taking that mission, I put everyone in danger and look what happened.”
“You went because you knew it was the right thing to do. It gave us a last chance to get Crosshair back. What happened-” You took a second to draw a calming breath of your own. “What happened was cruel and unfair, but it wasn’t your fault. I know that guilt may never truly fade, I’ve been there, but you still have the rest of us. You still have me. Whenever you need a reminder that this was not your doing, I will be there, I promise.”
Hunter couldn’t help but search for any doubt or lies in your eyes and voice but found none. He pressed his lips into your palm and the sincerity and love in your tone served to remind him that he could do this. “We’ve lost two brothers.”
You brought your forehead to press against his and whispered understandingly, “I know.”
“I can’t lose anyone else.” He breathed against your lips, but he could feel himself starting to regain the composure he knew he was going to need for what was to come.  
You placed a delicate kiss to his mouth. “You won’t.” You caressed your thumb along his cheek before you stood behind him with your hands on his shoulders as you both waited for Omega to come back around.
“Hunter? (Y/N)?” Omega winced with a groan as her eyes opened once more and saw you both standing by her bedside, the worry on your faces now becoming relief.
“Hiya, kid.” Hunter said warmly as he brushed some of her hair back and reached for her hand.
She let Hunter support her back as she tried to sit up and took in the various bandages that graced both of you and her own fading pain prompted the reminder that the mission had gone very wrong. “What happened?”
Before either of you could reply, AZ whirred into the room and Hunter delicately laid her back down.
“Hello, Omega. I am relieved you are awake.” He scanned her. “You each sustained multiple injuries. However, you all will make a full recovery with proper treatment and rest.”
His reassurance helped calm the anxiety you were feeling over her injuries. You tenderly hugged her as Hunter assisted in getting her upright.
“You’re- You’re okay.” Wrecker said with relief as he came into the room. He crouched in front of her. “Don’t scare us like that again.” He put an arm around her in a fond embrace.
You passed her some water. “How do you feel?”
Omega took it from you but didn’t drink it. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember, we were in the railcar when…” She released a horrified gasp as the images came flooding back. “Where’s Tech?”
“Omega, Tech didn’t make it.” Hunter said, his voiced laced with sadness at having to tell her this again. Part of him had hoped she’d remember so she wouldn’t have to go re-experience the hurt of the loss.
“We have to go back! What if he’s hurt? He- He need us. Tell him, Wrecker. We can’t just leave him!” But Wrecker only looked back at her with nothing but sorrow on his face.
“Omega…” Your voice cracked slightly as you attempted to rest a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Omega hit your hand away. “No! Tech’s not gone! He- He can’t be!” Tears fell down her face.
Her reaction nearly broke you all over again.
“I- I know, kid.” Hunter said quietly as he moved to sit beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Reliving it all got too much for Wrecker. He wiped his eyes and backed out of the room.
You glanced over your shoulder as Wrecker left and you knew Hunter needed to talk to Omega about what the rest of you had discussed. “I’ll give you two a minute.” You said, your voice still thick with emotion.
“Why did Tech do that?” Omega said tearfully after you and Wrecker had left. She wiped her eyes. “He didn’t let us save him.”
“He knew we were out of time.” Hunter explained as simply as he could. “Tech put the squad ahead of himself. He made a sacrifice, Omega, and we’re not gonna waste it.”
“What does that mean?”
“The galaxy has changed, and so have we. It’s time to put being soldiers behind us for good. The three of us think Pabu could be a good place to make a new life for ourselves. And the rest of it, well, we can figure out along the way. Omega, is that something you want?”
She thought it through for a moment before she nodded.
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Hunter said. This would work. You all could heal together and make it out okay. It would get better.
You pulled yourself onto the bar stool next to the one Wrecker was sitting on. “What can I do?” You asked caringly. You knew there was nothing you could say that would immediately ease the pain of grief, but if there was anything you could do to help, you would.
“Just being here is fine.” Wrecker mumbled roughly as he kept his emotions at bay.
You rested your hand on top of his- an act he gently mirrored with his own before he removed his hand. You know I love you, right? It was a sentiment you realised you had not shared enough with the others and you didn’t want that to continue anymore.
Wrecker breathed deeply. “I love you too… and it’s not just because you’re with Hunter. You became a part of this family long before that.”
The genuine and heartfelt way he said that touched you deeply. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. “It’s a pretty good family to have.”
“Tech would’ve been able to tell you the exact date, I’m sure he kept a record of it.” Wrecker said with a sad chuckle.
You managed a half smile at his words. “That would be in character for him.”
A natural quiet descended on the two of you.
“Did we miss something? Did we miss a way to save him?” Wrecker asked into the silence.
The question was one you had been torturing yourself with ever since the ship had left Eriadu. “What we needed was time, and- and Tech knew we were out of it by that point.”
“Yeah.” Wrecker released a dejected sigh. “He always was the smart one.”
“Here. These are on the house.” Cid gifted you both a drink.
“It won’t help.” Wrecker said as he nudged it out the way.
You did the same.
“I’m sorry about Goggles. I always liked him.” Cid said sympathetically.
“Yeah. Us too.” Wrecker said with a crestfallen sigh.
Despite her words, you, and Wrecker both noticed the way she kept avoiding eye contact with both of you.
“What’s with you?” Wrecker asked.
Cid gulped, “You know, I tried to look out for you guys. But you got too much heat on you. And you brought it here to my place of business. I had to make the best of a bad situation.”
You picked up on her awkwardness and agitation. “Cid, what did you do?” You asked as a hollow pit of dread sat heavy in your stomach.
“I’m sorry.” That was all she said before she looked to the door.
You and Wrecker followed her stare, and a squadron of Imperial troopers came marching through the door with their blasters drawn.
You both instinctively reached for your blasters, but both of yours had been lost in the crash.
Wrecker was unaffected by the first stun blast that contacted him, and he charged at the group, but his neck brace severely limited his mobility.
You dodged the stun shot that was sent your way and realised keeping up a pretence would be pointless now. You threw your vibroblade into the shoulder of the closest threat to you before you Force-pushed multiple troopers against the back wall and used your ally to snap the wrists of others that aimed for you.
You turned in the direction of the voice to see Wrecker half-conscious, kneeling on the floor with his wrists bound and a trooper holding a blaster to his head whilst the squad regrouped and pointed their weapons at you.
Your jaw tightened but you did as he ordered and let them take you. A kick to the backs of your knees brought you down. They took your comm off you and, judging by the way the cuffs he put on you were slightly different to Wrecker’s, they’d come prepared. You weren’t going to have an easy way out.
“She was right, Sir. This is the Jedi.” One of the troopers that was holding you down by the top of your shoulder said to Doctor Hemlock as he came through the crowd to stand at the front.
You glanced up at the man you now recognised as Doctor Hemlock who was staring down at you.
He’d acted quickly when he knew the Empire was here and he’d kept Omega safe. That’s what mattered first. She was in the mining tunnels and on her way to Echo. The Empire wouldn’t find her. He could now focus on getting you and Wrecker back.
Hunter rounded the corner to the main parlour with his blaster drawn but his heart stopped at the sight. Both you and Wrecker were cuffed and being held at gunpoint by Imperials and Hemlock was right in the middle. He advanced forward a few paces, but the troopers focused their blasters on him.
“That’s not very strategic, Hunter.” Hemlock cautioned. “You don’t need to use your enhanced senses to know you’re outnumbered.” He turned his attention to the owner of the parlour. “The Empire thanks you for your assistance. Our business is done. Leave.”
“You piece of shit.” You hissed as you fought against the grip the troopers had on you as you watched her take the case of credits and walk out the door.
“Please consider your next move very carefully. I would hate for this to end poorly for all of you.” Hemlock advised. He paused and studied your handiwork on the wounded that were now being evacuated from the building. “Such an exquisite creature.” He brushed the fingers of his ungloved hand across your cheek. “You chose well.” He complimented the Sergeant.
You recoiled from his touch.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” Hunter snarled.
Hemlock ignored the clone for now and kept his attention on you. He lifted your cuffs by the middle. “How can someone so powerful be limited so easily?” He dropped your wrists. “Please. Do me the honour of just trying to use it.”
You stared him down in refusal.
“Or both of them will be killed.” Hemlock said simply.
You gritted your teeth and hoped the message behind your eyes as you looked to Hunter was clear- he had to keep it together.
Hunter didn’t understand what was about to happen. You were telling him to stay calm and remain where he was, but he didn’t fully know why. What was Hemlock talking about?
You braced yourself as you did as Hemlock said. You were met with the expected electric current that shot through your system. You didn’t cry out despite the pain; you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you couldn’t help but fall forward on all fours. You had to take a few deep breaths before kneeling upright once more. The binds themselves had also grown tighter.
“Incredible.” Hemlock mused. “Years spent studying your people and the Force and we have barely scratched the surface of understanding you, yet science still finds ways to prove itself. Go again.”
“No!” Hunter protested. Watching you do that once was bad enough and you were hiding it well, but he knew you were in pain, and he couldn’t let it continue. Instinct took over and he moved a half step closer to you, but the line of blasters stopped him from advancing.
“How touching.” Hemlock mocked, internally thrilled that the reaction from both of you had been as he predicted. It made the process far more enjoyable. “But if you value your fellow clone’s life, you will not stop this.”
“I can- I can handle it.” You said breathlessly as a way reassure Hunter and stop him from doing anything reckless- you knew this torture was as much for him as it was for you, and you needed him alive. But you couldn’t prevent the pained grunt that left your mouth this time and you fell forward once more, and the cuffs pinched the skin of your wrists.
“Again.” Hemlock ordered you.
“Don’t.” Hunter pleaded, but he wasn’t talking to Hemlock, he was looking at you. This wasn’t something you should have to handle. There had to be another way. He should be the one to take that pain.
Whatever it required to keep them both alive. “It’s okay.” You said, your voice hoarse. You did it again and an audible cry fell from your lips.
Hemlock waited until you sat up. “Again.” He demanded.
You inhaled with a wince and did as he said.
The cycle continued until Hemlock said otherwise.
Hunter wanted to stop it. Despite your words, his resolve was weakening by the second. The only thing stopping him from doing something was that Wrecker’s life was also involved here but he couldn’t stand that all he could do was watch you go through this torment over and over again.
Wrecker struggled against his captors as he watched, but they were too many securing him.
“Stop.” Hunter finally growled at Hemlock after this last round saw to it that you were barely able to right yourself. He saw your arms give out from beneath you with the effort it took to remove yourself from the ground. And from the way you were trying to flex them, he guessed you were losing feeling in your fingers.
Hemlock smirked, “I am merely giving her a preview of what’s to come. I need to know what it’ll take to crush someone like her.”
He kneeled beside your crumpled body and spoke into your ear. “I will look forward to breaking you.” He kept eye-contact Hunter.
Hunter was clenching his jaw so hard that his teeth hurt. The thought sickened him.
You believed him. That quiet, menacing tone in his voice told you he truly meant what he was saying and… and that brought out a level of fear you’d never felt before. But you wouldn’t let that happen yet. Your arms trembled as you braced your palms against the floor and you panted through the throbbing discomfort in your body, but you managed to get back to a kneeling position. In a way, you were also grateful for the harsh but secure hold the troopers resumed since it meant you weren’t required to keep yourself stable.
“Such resolve.” Hemlock whispered to you. “And now onto the other matter at hand.” He said breezily as he stood upright once more and addressed Hunter. “Here’s how this is going to go. You will lower your blaster and hand over Omega. And I will allow you to keep breathing.”
“Omega’s not going anywhere with you.”
The fierce protectiveness of the clone brought out a soft snicker from Hemlock. “Oh. Well, who knew clones are so paternal? Fascinating.”
To hear that observation come from that man had bile rising in your throat.
“I was saddened to learn of your friend’s demise. What was his name? Oh, yes. Tech.” Hemlock taunted cruelly.
“Don’t fucking say his name.” You spat as you strained against your captors. An act Wrecker joined you on.
Hemlock merely reached his hand out to one of the soldiers and took the object. “I’m afraid this was all I could salvage. Consider it a gift.” He tossed the broken goggles across the room to Hunter’s feet.
Your strength was returning and at Hemlock’s actions, you attempted to lunge for him, but the troopers acted quickly and, with a strong grip on your shoulders, they forced you back to your knees.
Hemlock was unphased and stepped forward a few paces. “To lose one of your own, it must weigh heavily on you as their leader.” He signalled back to his men who pressed their blasters against the back of yours and Wreckers heads. “And if you don’t lower the blaster now, you will lose more.”
Hunter looked past Hemlock and you and Wrecker.
Wrecker did the best he could do to shake his head.
“Hunter, n-” The sharp tap of a blaster interrupted you.
He wasn’t losing any anyone else. And with Omega gone, the rest of you could find a way out.
You helplessly watched as Hunter put the blaster down and delicately picked up and studied Tech’s goggles.
“Wise decision.” Hemlock praised before he waved his men forward.
Hunter let them pass and allowed himself to be cuffed and brought over to join the two of you.
You and Wrecker were pulled to your feet, and you attempted to wriggle out of their grip, but they wouldn’t give.
“Sir, the girl’s not in the office.” The troopers informed Hemlock as they came back out.
You and Wrecker glanced at Hunter who subtly nodded at the two of you.
You and Wrecker shared a small breath of relief. As long as she was safe, you could manage whatever came next.
“She’s long gone. Like I said, Omega’s not going anywhere with you.” Hunter said to Hemlock.
Hemlock merely hummed. “We’ll see.”
The three of you were escorted out but what you couldn’t work out was why you were still being physically restrained whilst the other two got to walk normally.
Ord Mantell was in chaos.
People were screaming and clamouring to get out of the way of the Imperial soldiers and AT-AT walkers that were making their presence known.
 A series of warning blaster fire halted you all from continuing. You turned in the direction of the fire and your stomach dropped as you saw who was on an upper platform staring down at the rest of you. No, she wasn’t supposed to be here.
“Lower your weapons.” Hemlock instructed his soldiers before he called over to the young girl, “Hello, Omega. We were just talking about you.”
Omega kept her bow activated. “Let them go!”
“Omega, run!” Hunter shouted before he got held back by one of the troopers.
“I won’t let them take you.”
“How about an exchange? If you come with me, your friends will live.” Hemlock negotiated.
“You fucking bastard.” You seethed as you pulled against the hands that were holding the upper part of your arms.
“I don’t believe you.” Omega replied suspiciously.
“I did not come here for them, Omega. I came to return you to Nala Se. She needs your help.”
“He’s lying. They killed the Kaminoans.” Hunter countered.
“Incorrect. Nala Se is alive and well care for.” Hemlock retorted before he returned his attention to the girl. “As you will be.”
“I’m not going with you.” Omega affirmed but she didn’t sense the clone trooper behind her.
“Omega, look out!” You shouted but it was too late.
All of you watched with devastation as Omega met the receiving end of a stun shot and her limp body got picked up by the trooper.
“Scour the city. When you find the third clone, send them back to Eriadu. Governor Tarkin wishes to question you personally.” Hemlock walked over to you. “But you…” He smiled coldly at you. “Your use lies elsewhere.”
Your heart shattered as you realised what that meant.
Hunter’s head turned sharply to look from Hemlock to you and the pained panic on your face mirrored his own. He reacted instantly and ran for you, but he didn’t make it far before the troopers separating the two of you got in the way and shoved him back. He continued to try and fight his way through, but the cuffs limited his effectiveness and a strong punch to his stomach winded him and he hunched over in discomfort. He took a few deep breaths and wriggled free of the two soldiers that had come to bring him back in and tried again but this time he was met with a kick to his already wounded torso.
You were shouting unintelligible sounds of protest as you writhed and struggled against the strong hands holding you back and attempting to drag you away. You managed to stamp on the foot on one of your captors and elbow one of the others in the stomach and their grip faltered.
But they regrouped quickly.
A swift hit of a blaster on your still wounded head had you blinking away black dots. You could do nothing to stop the severe grip one trooper took on the back of your neck, forcing you to hunch over whilst the others grabbed your arms and got ready to take you away.
“Let them.” Hemlock held a hand up to stop the actions of his soldiers. It would only help with his process. Let the two of you have the chance at a last moment together dictated by him and stopped by him. The emotional turmoil it would create would play beautifully.
Still half-dazed, when the troopers let you go, you were left with no choice but to fall to the ground.
Hunter shoved past the line of soldiers and knelt before you. As gently as he could manage, he placed his hands under your chin to push your head up. “I love you.” Hunter choked out.
Hemlock signalled his men.
You wanted to say so much more but you didn’t have the time. “I love you too.” You replied, your voice cracking. Your lips met for the briefest of moments but that was all you managed before you got hauled to your feet and they yanked you away from him.
As he watched your fading figure, Hunter didn’t have the strength to fight the troopers that lifted him to his feet and led him and Wrecker in the opposite direction.
The only thing that was keeping you from giving into the pounding agony that was bouncing around your skull was that Omega was now being carried alongside you. You would hang on for her.
“What are we doing?” One of the remaining troopers asked as he saw the group split off.
“Doctor Hemlock wants her getting a separate shuttle in case the others get away and come looking for them.” The clone in charge of the group answered.
“Please.” You begged with a broken breath as you saw the group separate and Hemlock disappeared down the street with Omega. “Just let me go with her. I won’t-” The butt of a blaster meeting your cheekbone shut you up and you groaned with the stinging pain it left you. Your vision kept blurring in and out of focus.
“Quiet! Keep walking!” The trooper ordered you.
You had so little resolve left. Hopelessness had overwhelmed you, so you followed their orders, your feet dragging as they led you in the direction of wherever the other shuttle was.  
Hunter could feel the fight leaving him as he and Wrecker were escorted to the shuttle that would take them to Eriadu. So much of what he cared about had been ripped from him and now the remaining people in his life that he loved would pay the price for his failure. The echoes of explosions and blaster fire grabbed his attention, and he looked up to see a walker come stomping round the corner but it’s aim was directed towards the Imperials.
“Echo?” Wrecker asked.
“Gotta be Echo.” Hunter agreed as he dug deep for the energy to fight back.
Wrecker broke his cuffs open on the top of his knee and Hunter landed a kick to the trooper behind him to give Wrecker time to undo his cuffs.
The two of them worked on taking care of the remaining troopers and stole their blasters and fired on the clones that were aiming for Echo’s walker. What they couldn’t stop however, was the next walker that rounded the corner that fired on Echo’s.
Echo went to the hatch and jumped out of the walker just as it collapsed to the ground.
“Where are the other two?” Echo asked as he emerged from the downed walker with AZ and took cover with his brothers.
“That Imperial took them.” Wrecker answered.
“It was Hemlock. We’ve got to stop his ship from leaving.” Hunter said.
The three of them scanned for ways out but reinforcements were arriving from both sides. It was then though that Hunter noticed a platform that ran above the landing pad where Hemlock’s shuttle must be and the group of them made their way up to it, avoiding enemy fire as they did so.
Hunter ran ahead to the edge of the platform and could only watch with despair and agony as Hemlock’s shuttle took off. He paid no attention to the surrounding sounds of blaster fire; he couldn’t turn his gaze away from the departing ship.
Half his life was on that ship.
Hell, his heart was on that ship.
And he couldn’t stop it.
He couldn’t stop any of it.
And it broke something in him.
It killed him.
Echo’s voice dragged him back.
“Hunter, we have to go!”
Hunter managed to find his voice. “Get to the Marauder!” He ordered and the three of them started to run once more.
They made it to their ship and managed to take off but there was no relief in the feeling. The air was thick with grief and loss.
“There was no way to track Hemlock’s ship. He could’ve taken them anywhere.” Echo said forlornly from the cockpit.
Hunter glanced back to where Omega’s room was, then he saw Wrecker cradling Tech’s goggles. Then he found himself fiddling with the cord around his neck and his fingertips grazed the small symbol attached to it. He’d failed so many people. Everything he’d promised both to himself and to his squad had fallen apart so quickly before his eyes and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Well, no more. He refused to let this be how things ended. “We are going to get them back.” He said darkly. “And we don’t stop searching until we do.”
The shuttle you were being taken to was on the other side of the city, but you had finally arrived.
The ramp lowered and you didn’t resist them as they nudged you towards it.
You walked a couple paces but then you spotted the smoke bomb thrown at your feet.
Fog engulfed you.
You were set free but all you registered were the panicked shouts and shots from blasters around you.
The Imperials didn’t last long, in rapid succession you heard the thud of each body that had brought you here.
Then everything went quiet.
A hand from behind grabbed your shoulder.
You reacted quickly and swerved out of the grip and whipped around to land a punch wherever you could reach. You heard the satisfying thump of your fists meeting bone and the figure backed away a few paces.
You readied yourself for the next attack, but it didn’t come.
“That’s a hell of a punch you’ve got. Would hate to see what you’re like when you don’t have cuffs on you.”
You recognised that voice and you pushed the faintness away and peered through the smoke at the figure approaching you, sniper rifle on her shoulder as she massaged her jaw. You relaxed your stance. “Lyra?”
“Hey, stranger.” She greeted you as she began picking the locks of your cuffs.
“What are you doing here?” You massaged your wrists as your binds came loose and you felt the Force start to flow through you again, but it felt… tainted. You searched in the Force around you for any sign of them, but there was nothing there. You really wished that meant they’d found a way out and escaped safely but everything felt disconnected. You weren’t yourself; something had shifted, and you weren’t sure if you would be able to right yourself anymore.
“Rescuing you, kinda thought that much was obvious. Where are the others?”
You felt your throat tighten as you searched for the words, but you couldn’t find them, and your stomach turned with both the aching in your head and your heart. You braced your hands on your knees and threw up.
The smoke had cleared, and Lyra was able to take you in properly. Your ankle was strapped, the skin on your cheek had broken and a purple bruise was starting to take shape and the stitches by your temple were starting to tear open as specks of blood escape the wound. It also wasn’t just your obvious injuries she saw- your body looked heavy with defeat. “What do you need?” She asked kindly.
“I need a ship.” You rasped as you wiped your mouth and stood up.
“You have one.” Lyra pointed to the shuttle right next to you.
“No. I wouldn’t get out of the system in that. They’d find me immediately.” You reached down and took a blaster from one of the unconscious bodies.
“So, you need something off the grid that would not pass any standardised mechanical check?”
“Add in an already scrambled signature and yeah pretty much.” You inhaled deeply as another wave of nausea hit you.
“I know someone who owes me a favour and makes a living from selling ships like that. Can’t promise we’ll get very far but it could work.” She paused as she saw the way you still swayed on your feet. “Are you sure you’re up for that? I can go myself and meet-”
“I’m not getting separated from anyone else.” You said sharply before you straightened your shoulders. “Lead the way.”
You waited as Lyra squared up deal and studied your way out of here. The ship did look like a hunk of scrap metal, but it would get you out unnoticed and that’s all that mattered.
“Okay, let’s go.” Lyra said as she came over to you.
You sighed, “Lyra, thank you. For all of this. But you can’t come with me.”
Lyra placed her hands on hips in defiance. “I have nothing here, they wrecked my stall and raided the other stores. I’m going with you. At the very least, you need someone to treat that serious concussion properly.”
Dealing with your injuries were way down on your priority list. You could feel it creeping in again and you weren’t sure you had the strength to oppose it anymore. “What I am… what I’m going to do, you shouldn’t be around for. I can’t-”
“Can’t be worse than what I’ve seen already. Come on, we gotta get going.” She said with finality as she walked past you and up the ramp to the ship.
On her head be it. You thought to yourself as you followed her up and she got the ship in the air.
Omega walked out the Imperial shuttle with a deep sense of unease. She recognised Mount Tantiss and the presence of Nala Se troubled her. She feared for what this doctor had planned for her.
“Have Emerie see to her injuries.” Hemlock ordered the assistant that came to greet them.
Omega didn’t follow the woman, she just looked to Nala Se. “Why did they bring me here?” She didn’t get to hear a reply for the trooper behind her prodded her back to make her go inside.
Hemlock addressed the Kaminoan after Omega was out of earshot. “Your prime minister mentioned you had an attachment to the young clone, so I’ve returned her to you. Perhaps now, you will reconsider working on the Emperor’s project.”
“What he seeks is not possible.” Nale Se argued.
“Make it possible. If you refuse or fail, Omega will suffer the consequences.” Hemlock threatened.
Satisfied that his threat had landed effectively, he waved the Kaminoan away and went to go inside but a clone voice stopped him.
“Sir, we’ve heard reports on an attack on the squad escorting the Jedi and the shuttle never checked in. It would seem she escaped.”
Hemlock had to hide his surprise. Clearly something had happened he had not anticipated. “That is… unfortunate, but we’ll make do… for now.”
Omega was led into a lab and what she saw horrified her. There were tubes and rows of unconscious clones strapped down onto testing tables. Then her eyes caught sight of someone she knew. “Crosshair!”
She ran over to him and tried to rouse him, “Crosshair? Crosshair?” He showed no signs of movement. She heard the sound of oncoming footsteps and turned to see the woman that must be ‘Emerie’ standing behind her.
“You must be Omega.” Emerie said.
“What did you do to Crosshair?” She asked angrily.
“He’s recovering. I tried to warn him what would happen if he did not cooperate with the doctor.”
“I want to talk to Nala Se.”
“Ironic. You trust the Kaminoan, but not me.”
“I don’t know you.”
“No?” Emerie kneeled in front of the young girl and removed her glasses. “You might know me better than you think.”
Omega furrowed her brow.
“We’re sisters, Omega.”
Lyra finished tending to your head and cheek before she went to the cockpit to give you some time.
As you stared down the corridor and out into the blue clouds of hyperspace, you gained a true moment of clarity. The galaxy and the Empire had taken much from you, but you’d always been able to push through.
In a strange way, you’d even thought you were better off because of where you’d ended up. You had gained a greater sense of purpose, you had room to properly care for the people in your life, you had a family.
But now they’d gone too far. Too much had been taken from you, your family, from the people you loved, and you weren’t going to let it happen anymore. You couldn’t let it happen anymore.
You weren’t as strong as you’d thought you were. Something gets cracked enough times enough times, it’s bound to break.
You were done hiding.
Your arms fell to your sides and your fists clenched and the darkness you had been running from since Eriadu came flooding back. Only this time, this time you weren’t going to fight against it.
This time.
This time, you embraced it.
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @skellymom, @lokigirlszendaya, @starwarsnerd111
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 5
Gonna go conquer Ep 6 after this
Previously on TGCF…
-Back in Paradise Manor’s armory
-Boo Chinese censorship!!!
-Lang Ying is me when I’m experiencing a sensory overload or meltdown
-He spun him right round like a record baby
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-Hua Cheng is in a modeling pose (As my sis would say, “Now he’s draping himself.”)
-It’s going down!
-He just did an effortless backflip
-Lang Ying is clutching at XL sleeves!
-Hey!  Qingxuan!  No interrupting him!  Bad Windmaster!  Bad!
-I think he does have issues with Ming Yi, you just don’t know what they are
-Dude just roasted the Earth Master
-Yep that’s foreshadowing
-He’s in a battle stance!
-That was an awesome sword twirl
-He called him, ‘Your Highnesss’!  This ain’t no drill!!!
-Oh no he’s airbending in an inside area!
-No not the polearms!
-“We could’ve solved this peacefully”  Literally a quote that suits Aang and Ezran from the Dragon Prince
-He caught a fan!
-In other words, Hua Cheng just said, “Mine’s bigger than yours”
-Oh no!  Stilettos!
-It really is a martial arts series
-He’s bringing the whole place down!
-They’re redirected!
-There’s Taihua
-It’s a hugeass goddang sword!
-Another sword twirl!
-That he is a beautiful idiot, that he is
-Dang that was beautifully animated
-Hua Cheng has a really great laugh
-A sword duel!
E Ming: We will defeat him!
-An explosion!
-Oh no loose flames!
-There’s a fire at Paradise Manor!  
-Oh you are so DEAD Qingxuan
-Really fanning the flames isn’t he?
-Get the Ancient Mystical Chinese Fire Department, preferably those that can bend Fire and Water!!!
-No not the weapons!!!
-Man Hua Cheng is really going, “This is fine” after that scuffle
-Because of that misunderstanding, Xie Lian and mainly Qingxuan ended up barbecuing the armory.
-You better pay Qingxuan
-His line on debt’s gonna age like curdled milk
-Oh no his right shoulder!
-He deflected both attacks
-You can even hear E Ming’s chirps in the flashback
-Qianqiu’s been silent since the whole escape
-Back in Heaven already
-He changed his robes like a magical girl!
-It’s not a race
-Feng Xin again and he’s concerned
-Now Mu Qing came
-Now there’s a commotion
-A levitating spell
-The female turquoise robed NPC
-Ooh neat healing spell
-The blood’s all down his sleeve
-*Gasps* He hit the nail!
-Another imperial perceptor
-Also, Fang Xin sounds a lot like ‘Feng Xin’, and that’s when you start to not tell the two apart (Xie Lian ILYSM but you couldn’t have picked a more distinct and unique name???)
-Ling Wen, with answers
-It’s like the party for Bosco in Book 2 Earth, The Earth King
-There’s the survivor’s guilt
-Pei Ming is at Ling Wen’s side, no surprises
-Xie Lian’s already guilty
-Hey don’t drag XL down like that
-Now Jun Wu has entered
-That’s it?! “He’ll survive”
-The way Jun Wu erased the blood from XL’s sleeve didn’t feel like an actual healing spell to me at all.
Jun Wu’s whole dynamic with Heaven is summarized as:
Jun Wu: I love all my Officials equally! Xianle, Ling Wen, and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Pringly
Ming Yi: My name is Ming Yi your majesty!
Jun Wu:  Yes, whatever, Ming Ming
Incorrect quote source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw6lLBkXVBw
-Just like Agni Kai
-Dang, I like the way he said ‘Taihua’
-Lang Qianqiu backstory
-His mask
-He really did look like a beggar
-Qianqiu was so happy and innocent!
-Ties in with the flower and sword symbolism
-Ok who threw him that sword?
-Aw man, the way the sword reflects Xie Lian’s eyes filled with regret
-Dude don’t injure your arm, the right one’s important to people like me!
-He did another foolish action
-No not the left arm
-It’s a vow a lot of protagonists would struggle to keep in the future
-You can actually see the anguish
-He blocked it with his cultivator whisk
-Taihua is right!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is a little fucked up!
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thestobingirlie · 5 months
Hiii I would like to ask you a questioni because I really likes tour point of view on stranger things. Objectively, do you think there's any chance stancy is endgame?
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these two asks are pretty much exactly the same, so i figure i’ll just answer them both in one lol!
so, from an objective standpoint i do think there’s a chance for stancy endgame. the duffers have proven before that they are capable and willing to break up a couple and push together another within one season (two if we’re including the season of flirtatious behaviour prior). if anything i’d say stancy’s chances are slightly stronger than jancy’s was post-s1. if only because s4 very explicitly laid out all the issues with jancy, while pushing stancy as a couple. whereas with s1, there’s nothing that really outright tells us that stancy would be having the issues they did in s2 (s2 had to demonstrate those issues, then break stancy up, while s5 wouldn’t be as confined to that for jancy).
i also think bringing back the love triangle just to completely disregard it the following season would be very weak writing. and that’s not to say that the duffers are the best writers in the world, but generally they seem to know what they’re doing. there’s a reason stancy was a couple at the end of s1 — it wasn’t solely a way to drag out drama but a real attempt at thinking about what nancy would’ve done as a result of steve surviving the season.
jancy was very clearly the original endgame. however, the duffers have shown that they’re willing to adapt from their vision for the sake of better storytelling. steve was supposed to die in s1. but they enjoyed what joe keery brought to the show as steve too much! all this to say, they’re not completely rigid in their writing. jancy being the og endgame, doesn’t mean they will be now.
from a slightly more emotional and personal standpoint, i do think stancy is the better endgame option. steve represents hope for nancy. freedom from her trauma, all the stresses that have been weighing on her for the last four seasons. while, right now, jonathan is knee deep in it all. he hasn’t even begun to pull himself out of it! let alone contemplate how to properly help nancy. he thinks ignoring her and pushing away his problems is the best way to deal with it, but we can see that it isn’t (if s2 stancy taught us anything lol). could jonathan grow out of that in the space of, what, five episodes? i don’t know.
steve’s development up to this point has taken multiple seasons. but he’s grown as a person. he’s learnt. his relationships have helped him become a more well-rounded person. the kind of person willing to prioritise nancy. to help her heal.
none of this means that stancy will definitely be endgame! because ultimately none of us know what the duffers are truly going to do. the fact that they’re willing to deviate from their original plans, if anything, proves that we can’t necessarily put all our eggs in one basket lol. but i do think they have a chance.
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rahuratna · 3 months
Hi! I have a one am musing 🥹
I was rewatching jjk season one (I still haven’t finished season two but I need to cope LOL) and now I’m able to pick up all the little details we talked about before. *heart melts*
It’s so crazy to me how in the very beginning Nanami didn’t acknowledge Yuji as a sorcerer, and by the end, he told Yuji to be the one to take over from here. It’s so bittersweet…
Tbh, the very first time I watched that episode, I was super shocked and thought Nanami was patronizing Yuji. And then I learned that wasn’t the case. He was being very matter-of-fact about it and knows Yuji has a lot of room to grow 🥹💕💕
Yuji was super eager to prove himself to Nanami, and then Nanami was like “frankly I don’t give a shit.” But in reality, he really does as he gets to learn more about Yuji, and so while I was terribly upset with s2 ep 18, his last words were the perfect conclusion.
(This is just a side note but I like it more when writers show off Nanami’s practical-minded nature more. How it may seem cold and standoffish at first but it wasn’t intended that way. I wish I got to see more of Nanami being blunt with criticism since different people could react differently to it and it’s who he is!)
I also realized that Gojo got new glasses LMAO. Didn’t see it before, but his high school ones were circular and his newer ones are more oval. I kinda glossed over it when he shops for new glasses in the “Lost in Paradise” ending. I personally like his high school sunglasses better. What about you?
Hi! And thanks for these lovely 1 am musings. It always makes my day to see one waiting for me 🤭 I also needed to take a moment to cope before moving on with season 2 (didn't help much, but necessary).
Nanami initially struck me as very contradictory, because there he was, taking a jab at the system (in his capacity as both a salaryman and as a sorcerer), saying that "work is shit", but also bowing formally to a teenager when he introduced himself and wearing a full business suit to kill curses!
I saw his lack of acknowledgement of Yuuji as another "fuck you" to the system. Here was Yuuji, a vessel to one of the most powerful curse users to ever exist, and he was essentially treating him as just another kid. I didn't necessarily see it in a good or bad light, it just struck me as a very deliberate choice on Nanami's part.
Of course, his later actions and his background showcased these things in a completely new way. Like you said, he cares a great deal for Yuuji and the younger generation of sorcerers. The fact that his last words to Yuuji were "you take it from here" is such a fitting culmination to his character arc.
He saw his duty as a guardian and protector of the young and the weak finally coming to an end, because they were now able to protect themselves better than he could. He saw Yuuji as completely fitting of carrying his legacy forward, and so let him know that he could now pass in peace.
I, also, wish we could have seen more of Nanami's interactions with others. The way Ijichi is actually more terrified of Nanami scolding him than anything else, describing him as the 'ultimate adult' or something along those lines, will never not be funny to me. Especially since Nanami is the type of man to never raise his voice in a professional setting. His pragmatic nature would probably have given us many more moments of misunderstandings, sweetness and humour, should it have been explored in greater detail.
As to Gojo's sunglasses, I do like the older style better! They reflected a lot of his irreverent, cheeky and offbeat personality. I suppose the oval shape is a style choice that changed as he grew older and matured, but yeah, I definitely preferred round lenses better!
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drunkkenobi · 5 months
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Well. This is the weirdest one of these I’ve ever made.
I’m not going to rehash the wank from the Watcher TV announcement. You all know what happened. I am standing by my assertion that this streaming platform is the only way they’re going to stay afloat because YouTube is just not the place for them or anyone else making videos that aren’t just of one person in their house. (nothing against those folks, it’s just a completely different business model)
First up, here’s how Mystery Files season 2 did. It did well, with each ep hitting a million fairly quickly, but it didn’t do as well as season 1. Not significantly worse, just not as high. (two weeks after season 1 ended, the average per episode was 1.854 and for s2 it’s at 1.194million) Of course, the two weeks since season 2 ended have been fucking insane so it’s impossible to say how much of that is a factor.
I will say that views between last week and this week are down overall, but that’s expected. If someone has paid for the streamer and you want to rewatch Ghost Files or whatever, you’re going to watch it ad-free on the app you pay for and not YouTube for the most part. Also it’s very possible people are just not rewatching stuff right now for their own personal reasons, which is fine. I also just don’t think it’s something to worry about.
For better or worse, the Goodbye YouTube video is the best opening weekend Watcher has ever had (and will have?) on YouTube.
Watcher lost around 100k subscribers over The Announcement but, again, if people are paying them directly now then this is kind of a non-factor. For posterity, they’re at 2.84 million subscribers today.
I’m not sure what else to say this time, tbh! It felt like a good time to make one of these with MF season 2 being over but YouTube viewcounts are just…not going to be important anymore for Watcher so there’s not much to say about them. Finding out that a million views only nets between $10-30k has been very eye-opening to me about how piddly the revenue from YouTube is for a production studio like Watcher. The shows they want to make just cost more than they can make off of there. It’s that simple. No one has to like that fact, but that is the heart of all this.
Also, with all of that being said, I think my time as a spreadsheet gremlin is coming to a close. I’m going to keep up with it for a few more weeks and probably do one last round-up for every single video’s views, but with Watcher moving away from YouTube as a business model, there’s little reason to keep up with these. I’ve been making these updates less this year anyway because of a job change and I was losing my steam for it a bit too, so the timing feels right. Like I said, this won’t be my last viewcount post, but maybe second-to-last? And who knows, maybe I’ll check in when Ghost Files premieres but the counts will mean so much less now that the videos will premiere with a month delay from the streamer. We’ll just have to wait and see how the wind blows on this.
Thank you all, as always, for reading, reblogging, replying, liking these posts. Y’all are the reason I’ve kept up with it for four years (and my own nosiness but having encouragement helps!). And don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll have some other spreadsheets to share in the future of Watcher fandom. (I have…so many) So, until next time, thanks again. ❤️
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mino491 · 4 months
I just realised that if in season 4, klaus moves on from dave (whether by force or otherwise) and stops wearing the dog tags, he'll be truly alone for the first time in a long time.
Up until this point, he's always had someone or something to bring him comfort. From s1 to s2, he's had Ben and in s3 he still had his(dave's) dog tags. I could argue that losing his brother for the 2nd (or 3rd if you really wanna be angsty) time had a bigger impact on him because I used to think it did but I understand now that you can't really compare the two. Ben was his crutch in many ways, he was a constant in Klaus's very hectic life that was by his side no matter what. But Dave was a light in Klaus's life that made him actively want to be better, both with his drug uses and as a person. Klaus literally says something along the lines of, "He was the only person I ever truly loved more than myself.", that tells us that Dave must've meant a great deal to him.
Now in s4, Klaus is going to lose both of these things/people AND his powers (even if it's only for a bit) for the first time. He not going to have Ben as his right hand man and he's not going to have the only thing he had left of Dave to comfort him through this new timeline without his powers. Because of all of this, I can totally see why Klaus seems so down and depressed in the trailer and why this might be such a angsty season for him. Also having sparrow Ben around must be like salt in the wound for him 💀. Last season, he tried so hard to find the good in him (the old Ben in him) but had to understand that his Ben was gone, replaced by a copy who was identical yet shared no traits with his brother.
I don't really know what the point of the point of this was but I wanted to look at just why Klaus looked so much like a kicked puppy in the trailer and what could happen to round off his ending after everything he's been through. Looking at him objectivly, yeah I can imagine why he looks like he's lost his spark especialy if he's going cold turkey this season but the producers wouldn't just let his story end on a bad note right?
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I miss Milo Murphy's Law :(( did you have any Season 3 ideas?
of course milo and zack getting chased by something big and round in the first episode (maybe some topiary thing because it would be spring)
milo and his new telepathy!! chad feels kinda down and milo gives him a hug and tells him he hopes he feels better soon. joni is uncomfortable in class because it's way too cold and milo gives her a spare jacket. bradley is nervous about not doing well on his math test and milo wishes him good luck and tells him he'll do great. amanda forgets her eraser at home and panics for a second before milo, from across the room, tosses one onto her desk.
(and all the whole everyone's just like ".........how'd you know when I didn't even SAY anything" and milo's all "well, what doesn't kill you on an alien planet only gives you telepathy!" and no one can tell if he's joking or not)
oh and speaking of bradley: an episode where he and milo get trapped in a classroom or just have to spend the entire day together and within the span of 11 minutes of one-on-one interaction with milo he kinda has a "huh. you're not so bad" kinda moment. he even lets milo hug him for an entire 2 seconds at the end!!!!
for the sake of continuity some recurring character/s have their "a big round thing is rolling through the school and it may or may not be caused by my own actions so I need to stop it before things get destroyed!!! also 'just roll with it' is magically playing in the background idk how that happened" subplot
an episode with the kiddos (the entire mid-afternoon snack club group + chad pls) spying on mr drako (chad insisted) to determine whether he really is a vampire. in the end there is still no definitive answer and everyone but chad is tired
i need dakavendish follow-up i need them to be the biggest losers in existence with each other
they absolutely have to call each other "balthazar"and "vinnie" at least once
joshua pruett mentioned that they were playing around with dakavendish being promoted and actually getting opportunities to save the world but they (particularly cavendish) end up hating it. I need that to happen. I NEED IT. the angst potential has entered the room
ZALISSA FOLLOW UP!!!! a bit of awkwardness perhaps bc they are dorks. romantic directness on the same level as S2 milanda please
also more milanda more milanda more milanda im-
another school dance episode!!
zack has to take care of his twin siblings for the day and they want to meet the other two members of the infamous trust triangle so he goes and invites milo and melissa over. chaos ensues and by the the time milo and melissa leave the house the front section of zack's lawn has been burnt to a crisp and the twins have fallen fast asleep even though it's barely 7 in the evening
MEETING YOUR SECOND DIMENSION COUNTERPARTS???? since season 3 was supposed to be directed towards interdimensional stuff??
bonus points if dakavendish is canon in the second dimension
milo goes over to amanda's house to work on a project at one point and amanda already warned her parents about murphy's law and told them to baby proof their most prized possessions. they both end up taking a liking to milo and his positivity while also being slightly terrified of him. by some miracle the project does get finished but not without the typical dose of chaos and fires
an episode dedicated to bradley, mort, chad, and amanda and what they do all day when they're not actually part of the main plot
and more bradley mort chad and amanda in general I just love of all of them
more saneal!! I need them and milo to go to a dr. zone comic con together and dress up and be the gigantic loveable dorks that they are together
doofenshmirtz still needs to continue his professor time arc so he's still gotta be there ofc but give him less screen time than s2 pleaseeee. it's milo murphy's law and at the end of the day the focus should always be coming back to milo, zack, and melissa as well as dakota and cavendish
dakavendish finally gets that trip to hawaii
the murphys go on vacation for spring break and yet again total chaos ensues
more school field trips to the museum
for the sake of middle school shenanigans and continuity another sports-academics thing. I'm coining the term cherography (chess-marathon running-geography) but literally anything would be fine by me
the kids go to a public middle school so the inevitable standardized testing episode must be done
I'd love to see a school talent show or a school play episode (run by amanda and assisted by milo of course)
episode/s where melissa is just trying to go about her day with milo and zack when she suddenly disappears after getting caught up in the newest Time Travel Related plot of the week. zack and milo are confused until suddenly she and savannah reappear out of nowhere to deliver an out of context warning ("DONT GO NEAR THE DUMPSTER" or "GO BUY COTTON CANDY NOT ICE CREAM") before disappearing again to fix things
just more melissa and BOTT shenanigans in general honestly i love to see it
an episode focusing on the mml gals!! it could be brigette and sara it could be amanda and melissa and lydia it could be all of them it could be other characters but just an episode like that!
there's a mandatory science fair thing and milo and zack are partners so they decide to go with the most convenient option possible which happens to be a potato-powered lightbulb. somehow they literally flood the school gym with their potato-powered lightbulbs but as it turns out half the class didn't bother to or forgot to do their projects so they just take the lightbulbs and use those as their projects. by the end mrs. murasaki gives everyone a 'C' for functioning but unoriginal projects apart from melissa and bradley as well as amanda and joni
yeah that's all from me but first and foremost I wish mml would get renewed!!!!! for s3!!! usvfkajnfkajmfmalmdlanfms
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victoriaspriing · 9 months
2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about.
I was tagged by @swearphil! thank you sm renee <33
Hii!! so 2024 is right around the corner, happy new year yayay. Actually, if I think too much about it I think I'll start crying cause like what do you mean we're less than 42 hours from staring a new year?!! 2023 doesn't feel real tbh time in general doesn't feel real but yeah anyways I'll save that convo for another time. I'm here today to reflect on all the gifsets I've made throughout this year, which let me add, has been A LOT. I'm going to start by sharing some fun stats (yes renee I'm copying you <33), and then I'll do a fun top 5 of my fave gifsets, and to finish it off I'd also like to use this to shout out some of my fave people and creators on this hellsite cause you all made my 2023 so much better and I love you all for that <333
fun statistics:
In total I made 61 gifsets in 2023
57 are heartstopper (not surprised)
3 are 911 lone star (mostly tarlos)
1 are dan and phil
In august I made 20 gifsets, which are the most gifsets I've made in a month this year
In may I made 1 gifset, which is the month I made less gifsets this year
6 of the gifsets are song lyrics edits
3 of the gifsets are heartstopper comic edits
31 of the gifsets are scenes from heartstopper
6 of the gifsets are heartstopper compilations from s1 and s2
top 5 gifsets from 2023 (in no particular order)
that one dnp gifset: I think most people know that I was and still am a big dan and phil fan, and that I spent most of my teenage years obsessing over them and giffing them and only them. Well, they went on hiatus and they stopped having a big impact on my life util they decided to come back and ruin my life again (in a good way). This gifset was the first time I giffed them since like idk 2019/2020, and it does mean a lot to me :') it's not really about the concept and the coloring, I chose this one to be apart of my top 5 for sentimental reasons, and I think that's valid.
give your friendships the magic you would give a romance: once again, sentimental reasons. when I read this quote on loveless it just spoke to me in so many levels. One of the things I love the most about heartstopper is the importance they give to friendship and I just had to make something that highlighted that and I think it turned out super good.
I think nellie loves him: well, now I think I snapped with this one akdhjahak I just love it so much. the coloring.. the heartstopper tv scenes with the heartstopper comic scenes, like chef's kiss, just perfect. of course this is not an original idea so I'd love to thank @rose-nobles for inspiring this gifset <33
mr. ajayi loves museum dates with his grumpy bf: and just like that we are back to sentimental reasons ahdhkas. well, this was one of the first gifsets I made when season two came out and it blew up. I've never had that many notes on a gifset, and honestly I think it's well deserved cause the coloring is good and I had finally just figured out how to sharpen gifs, so yeah love that for me.
I'm bi actually: I had so much fun making this one. the amount of bi coded elements and colors I included on this, I WAS ON A MISSION. the fact I made the font wobbly hsjgdjaka, I love love this gifset.
a little shout out to my faves (I hope you all have an amazing 2024)
@swearphil ☆ @barrowsteeth ☆ @narliee ☆ @cafecdramin ☆ @heroeddiemunson ☆ @nelsonnicholas ☆ @curlyhairedprince ☆ @wylanvannecks ☆ @aimeegbbs ☆ @indimlights ☆ @jelloandsugar ☆ @perrieedwards ☆ @imogen-heaney ☆ @thatwasthenightthingschanged ☆ @klinejack ☆ @birthdaysentiment ☆ @seeleybooth ☆ @sonseulsoleil ☆ @taraolssons ☆ @immortals-malec ☆ @parissquads ☆ @rose-nobles ☆ @itwasmagic ☆ @perccyjackson ☆ @naomismcpherson ☆ @neverfindmegone ☆ @charlieisverybored
Okay I think that's it, I'm so sorry if I missed someone. I'm also tagging everyone that wants to do this, just say I tagged you in it <33
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jemmo · 2 years
utsukushii kare really said we’re going to take two of the most fascinating, interesting, well-characterised characters to have ever been written and not just stick them in the same show, but put them in one of the most incredible relationships to be seen on screen and i cannot thank them enough for it. seriously, if you consider the fact that at this point we’re at ep 8 of a 30 minute runtime show; that’s 4 hours. i’ve watched other bls, heck even other ordinary shows, that can’t even cram enough characterisation into a character that hira or kiyoi have in their little fingernail. im not joking. and nothing shows that better than kiyoi in this ep.
i love that we’re already getting an episode from his perspective. we had to wait all the way until ep 4 of season 1 to see things from his side, and that was such an amazing twist and reveal and still to this day that ep makes me cry. but im so glad we get to see his perspective sooner. bc we don’t need that shock twist anymore, instead it serves as a good balance to see where both our characters are at in the first 2 eps. and yet again, seeing things from kiyoi’s pov just opens up the absolute treasure trove that is his character. there are so many stand out points from this ep that i wanna mention but I’ll wait until my big ‘favourite parts of utsukushii kare s2 ep2’ post to list them all. what i wanna say here is that every bit of his character we get to see in this ep comes together so well to create such an interesting, multi-faceted and well-rounded character that it’s kind of astounding. we start off with his softness and vulnerability that’s countered perfectly against hira’s timid reaction, and then we jump back to high school to see this full on longing and the frustration that comes with that, waiting to be confessed to. i wanted to say this about the first season but this serves a good opportunity too; I find it so interesting how they portray hira and kiyoi’s ‘seme and uke’ dynamic (im gonna use those terms bc i can’t think of any better way to describe it, just know im referring more to a more dominant vs more submissive personality, like the confesser vs the confesse, and not anything sexual). You could so easily watch this show, hear the premise, even see the characters, hira and his chronic shyness, kiyoi and his undeniable popularity, and easily place those labels; hira the uke, kiyoi the seme. but in reality, kiyoi so clearly wants to be the uke, and very much is the uke. he begs in his head for hira to confess his feelings fo him, half bc maybe he needs hira to be brave where he can’t be, but I think also half bc he just wants to be confessed to. He wants the boy he likes to tell him he likes him, just like he wants to cuddle in his lap and be looked after. it probably stems from this want to be loved, chosen to be loved, and be cared for where he felt he wasn’t before, but it’s just so refreshing and such an interesting subversion of expectations, to see inside cool, popular kiyoi’s head and it’s just him begging for this shy, nobody kid to like him, and say it out loud.
and then I’ve touched on this before, but you get to see his earnest drive and passion to do what he loves. the cool kid that should fit the stereotype of never caring about anything, pushing to do the thing he loves, putting himself out there. I just can’t describe how excellent of a subversion that is. and the way he is with people at work, with Anna, polite and cordial and sweet, it’s such a reverse of kiyoi’s tsundere shortness and bluntness with hira that it not only shows us that yes, we weren’t hallucinating, there really is an infinite pool of softness within kiyoi that pours out more and more every time we see him, but also shows us that kiyoi is maybe only his true self with Hira. he’s not this polite, nice boy, nor is he this cool, cold popular guy, he’s somewhere in the middle, a fascinating mix of both, that only hira gets to see the full extent of, and I think that says a lot about how comfortable he is with Hira, and how much he trusts him. as much as it may be bad that hira will never find fault with kiyoi, it also makes him his sanctity, his true safe place, where he can breathe and grow and truly be whatever he wants, soft, angry, cute, cool, vulnerable, hira will take it all and adore it no matter what.
and then we get his jealousy of koyama, his protectiveness and possessiveness of hira. it’s kind of endearing how he still feels these things when hira shows him such endless devotion, it’s a testament to how normal he sees their relationship compared to hira, and how he therefore allows himself to feel normal relationship things, including possessiveness. but also in this scene i really love how kiyoi is let’s himself doubt himself, and only when it comes to hira. i feel like we’ve only ever seen him been unsure of himself when it comes to the things he loves, namely his dream of being a performer, and hira. he only looses confidence when he doesn’t do well in the competition in high school, and is only ever doubtful when it comes to hira’s feelings about him, and how he is with hira, maybe bc they’re the only things he truly wants to last forever. so what does he do, just like he does with his acting career? he puts in sincere effort. he humbles himself taking that recipe from koyama, and despite his cluelessness and clear lack of skills, he still tries his absolute hardest to do something for hira. he cooks him a meal, one of the most ordinary and sincere expressions of love. and his shy smile the whole time, him waiting excitedly for hira to come home, it’s such a fantastically endearing contrast from the cold, removed kiyoi we know early in s1 that you almost can’t reconcile them as the same character, and yet the steps that got us here make it clear that they are in fact the same person, that both those people live inside kiyoi and that’s amazing. and of course something as ordinary as cooking a meal for your boyfriend can never be normal for hira and kiyoi but the chaos unfolds is what makes them absolutely them. it mirrors what kiyoi says at the start of the ep about Hira, ‘if it wasn’t disgusting, it wouldn’t be hira’. It’s the same for kiyoi, and the same for their relationship. they don’t want to change it fundamentally, don’t want to take away the things that make it them, they just want to find a way to take this thing they both want and love and build it, strengthen it, so it can last. and i’ll say it until I’m blue in the face, but that’s why kiyoi’s personality, his bluntness, works so well for hira. it provides this iron wall of reassurance based in truth that he needs. I think ‘im not dating a pebble’ might be my stand out line from a bl in 2023 already but it’s also so ridiculously laced in meaning. Kiyoi doesn’t see hira as just some rock, some insignificant thing on the side of the road, that’s not what he’s dating. He’s dating hira, the person. And I think this push for hira to see himself as a person is only something that kiyoi can do because, in a way, hira was the one to see Kiyoi first. I’m a different way, because of the complex hira still has around kiyoi, he may not be a person yet, but hira still saw him in a way no one else did because he cared enough to look and keep looking. He stared and stared at every bit of kiyoi, including the uncool parts, the embarrassing parts, the sweet parts, the upset and angry parts, he’s the one that saw it all and never once looked away. The invisible kid made him feel seen. And I think for someone that’s always looked at but never seen, that’s what you really want.
So yes, this may have collapsed into another ramble, but I hope I can just convey some of the sense of how whole of a character kiyoi feels, even just by the points in this ep. And I just love that he’s allowed to be it all, be chaotic and messy and imperfect and a work in progress while still helping hira along too. I’ve never seen a bl couple that feel so much like they’re growing together, figuring themselves out as people and as a couple and it’s just so fucking refreshing and interesting and beautiful to watch and i will never ever shut up about it
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best-underrated-anime · 5 months
Best Underrated Anime Group A Round 4: Symphogear vs Trese
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#A6: Symphogear (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
Sad lesbians sing while fighting monsters
#A8: Trese
Badass woman deals with the supernatural
Details and poll under the cut!
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#A6: Symphogear (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
The world is beset by creatures known as the Noise. Nothing can touch them, and if they touch a human being, both turn into carbon dust. But, with the symphogear system-magitech battle armor powered by music and singing, humanity has a chance to fight back.
This is the best example of music fights I’ve ever seen. They sing WHILE fighting. It’s amazing. The fight choreography, how the music plays into it, and let’s not forget the incredible character development. The entire cast is full of characters that would be the highlight of any other show. And last but not least, it is off the walls insane fun. You think it reaches its heights at the end of season 1, but no. It keeps climbing, and you are along for the ride.
Trigger Warnings: Drugs, Emotional Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Guns, Kidnapping, Nudity, Slavery, Suicide
All warnings apply to the main characters, some are for the later seasons (drugs, guns (especially S2)). Slavery and kidnapping are rather said than shown and are from a flashback.
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#A8: Trese
In Manila, where dark supernatural forces pervade the criminal underworld, it’s up to one woman to keep the peace—but there’s a storm brewing.
It’s the first Filipino anime (at least, that I know of) to feature the country’s supernatural creatures, so if you’ve only watched Japanese anime up to now, you will find the magic in Trese very novel. I also like how the protagonist is a woman when the Lakan, in Philippine history, tended to be a man. She’s also quite badass. Although she has two bulky twin sidekicks who can serve as her bodyguards, she is in no way less than them when it comes to fighting. The show’s on Netflix with different language audios. If you’re gonna watch it in English, you can even hear Dante Basco (Zuko’s voice actor) voicing one of the minor characters.
Trigger Warnings:
Child Abuse – for the episode about a reanimated baby
There’s Violence from fight scenes. There’s also Gore for when the monsters get killed brutally, but because of the art style, it doesn’t appear that extreme.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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