#eng dub
Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 6
Previously on TGCF…
This is gonna be epic!!!
Cw: Past homicide
-That’s Yong’An in its heyday 
-Fang Xin
-It’s Qianqiu’s assistant from Eps 1-2!
-Young Qianqiu is literally me in my Freshman year of High School during the first semester
-His butterfly shaped mask
-Writing the Laozi 10 times has the energy of making a kid stay in class and write a sentence over and over on the chalkboard till they’ve learned their lesson (Literally every Simpsons opening)
-He doubled it
-Imagine if Piandao talked to Sokka like that when beginning his sword training
-Man wonder who voices Young!Qianqiu?
-I mean the move could also get you hurt if you’re careless
-This is the Ancient Chinese version of the trolley problem, same analogy though
-I like to think this advice was taught to Zuko and Sokka when they were learning swordsmanship
-See, trolley problem esque
-Good advice to not intervene
-More dead bodies
-Oh no and that was his Dad
-That’s when the survivor’s guilt set in
-I can see why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are perfect for each other, they both have a freaking high kill count
-Just like when Bruce Wayne lost his parents
-What did he say?
-He’s not a monster
-That was during his second ascenscion
-That’s gonna be a bad outcome
-“I wish to be stripped of my divinity” Literally every fangirl’s brain drifted to something else when he said that.  Just look at Kictor and Stitch
-Doesn’t seem like he earned it at all
-He just wants to get out of the drama
-If there was a modern AU, you know Shi Qingxuan would make an awesome and wealthy defense attorney
-There’s the Amongus quote
-Dang no answer
-There’s Prosecutor Pei Ming, that’s a good nickname.
-He made a solid point
-That’s the result of the Fang Xin trial with XL on house arrest and a restraining order from Taihua
-He made another enemy
-Aaaa pickle jar, better believe it Qingxuan
-How is she going to get air???
-That upset Qingxuan, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing
-The interior looks hollow in Xie Lian’s palace
-That’s coming out of Qingxuan’s pockets
-He deserves the apology hun
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-He’s doing it, he’s doing the iconic old time Put your head between your arms against a flat surface like a Disney Princess!
-He still has the dice
-It’s snake eyes!
-Hi Mu Qing
-Stick it to Jun Wu, Mu Qing
-I know right, it did NOT seem like a healing spell at all
-Wonder if I can conceptualize a similar healing potion for TOH MTC…?
-You just had to ask him that didn’t you?
-Hi Feng Xin
-A guest who invited himself inside
-Welp he really was honest
-Seriously, Mu Qing you couldn’t have felt bad for his house arrest
-Xie Lian’s trying to mediate again
-Mu Qing’s response had bite to it
-One Punch!!!
-Fist Fight!  Fist Fight!
-“You’re a hypocrite, you’ve always looked down on me, but you’re not better than I am!!!”  Oh my gods, Lucien Dodge freaking delivered!!!
-“Enough…” Oh man, Xie Lian’s emotions
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-The Junior Officials witnessing the Generals fisticuffs:
Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!
Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!
-“Did it really have to come to violence?” Yeah it pretty much did. - Iroh, dragon of the West, the Waterbending scroll
-Mu Qing: Fine I’ll break your face
Feng Xin: Not if I break yours first!  It’s too late to beg for mercy!  
That’s what I translated to the best of my skills during Xie Lian’s internal monologue
-He’s like a parent that’s disappointed with his two kids constantly at odd
-Don’t worry, hon what’s really gonna help them is Couples’ therapy, and I’d hate to be that therapist
-A dramatic sound effect!
-I can’t wait to write the Gaang’s reaction to the Wraith Butterflies
-That was a cool shield spell
-I love how the butterflies are easily dodging Xie Lian, but are charging toward Mu Qing and Feng Xin to scare the sh*t outta them
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-He’s gonna hold one of the butterflies, he’s holding one of the butterflies, yeah too late man AND HE’S NUZZLING THE WINGTIPS WITH HIS NOSE Cue keyboard smash! WAE TESDHGFYFJ. RYGJ GUFTDRSSDFAEGRRESVGTGTRS DFGSTRWG EIEEEIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!! I always love this joke, no matter how old it’s gonna get in my reaction posts.
-Yeah he’s just going
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-The real reason this episode took so long to air last year was that the animators had to get the waist snatch scene past censorship to spite their censor companies for not having Xie Lian fall into Hua Cheng’s lap in Eps 4-5.
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-Xie Lian: Hello Again, Literally me: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (This is the same noise Eleanor Shellstrop made when she was gifted a Shrimp Dispenser in The Good Place)
-They’re just backing up
-You two had one job!  Looking at you Feng Xin and Mu Qing!  I see ya
-He’s just tugging his sleeve as they’re walking
-Man, it’s like Hua Cheng took Little John’s advice from Robin Hood 1973 to “Climb the palace walls.  *Tosses out Gross Carrot* Sweep him off his feet, carry him off in style.” - Little John, Disney Robin Hood (1973) (Best Disney film hands down, freaking fight me if you dare)
-That must’ve hurt his ears
-Y’all had one job
-Feng Xin is just worried
-*Hua Cheng has entered the chat*  Like a goat!
-The subtle eye contact and expression he shared with Xie Lian!
-Some of the 33 gods he defeated are also in the chat
-That shook the veils
-Won’t that be pain in his mind?
-Looks like he saved you yeah
-A flashback from Ep 5!
-Touchstarved!  Touchstarved!  (Try prying this headcanon from my cold dead grip!)
-And here you’re about to see Howard Wang’s best performance in the series so far
-Best apology I’ve ever heard in media
-It healed that fast
-Petition to have James Cheek voice an iconic lead character in a Shakespeare play?
-Aw, they were actually both at fault for what happened
-You can actually feel Hua Cheng’s Shame
-E Ming: Noooo…. You hurt him!  I hurt him!  We hurt him! AAAHHH!  *sobs*
Season 2 has fed us once more!  I’m still busy with writing the Scrap Immortal and the Avatar.  For writing inspiration, I’ll be busy rewatching Avatar:  The Last Airbender
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sidesketchestuff · 25 days
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“It’s been corrected!” - Junior Official Nan Feng, TGCF Donghua S1 EP 1 Eng Dub.
-Another Gargoyle!TGCF character I’ve finished drawing the same day I finished sketching Feng Xin
-I loved incorporating his Gargoyle feet into his dynamic pose!
-His horns are small to see on his forehead, his hand talons are gloved just like in the Donghua, and his design was inspired by Brooklyn
The next Garg!TGCF will be done pretty soon!
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Pretty sure I already shared someone who was talking about this video but I just watched it and rekindled my love for brook so I gotta to share it again
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idaten-jump · 9 months
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15GjiUnYQzT557Tax9J9ZvZvt79aT2P5k?usp=drive_link please share this link it have idaten jump episode 1 to 3 , 5, 7, 8, 11, 12 , 13, 15, 16 in english organized by Mr. H
Thank you so very much for sharing this with us! It is much appreciated!
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mikokomi-spoils · 2 years
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I am so happy Johnny is voicing Vash years later. One and only 🖤❤.
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the-artsy-plant · 1 year
Just realized that Silva from HXH and Avdol from JJBA have the same eng dub va…
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Mind blown, pussy exploded
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omnitrash · 2 years
Aight it’s been roughly 4 to 5 years, maybe 6,it’s about time I rewatch it. The anime that started it all….Beyblade Burst(except it’s gonna be in Japanese bc I’m curious and I grew up watching the English dub, thanks Disney XD)
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theanimealmanac · 2 years
I love given so much, you don't understand, and watching it in English dub brings me a whole new joy.
Like, Mafuyu and his gentleness, and when he first sings in front of Ritsuka he sounds rough, sure - but that charm that shook Ristuka is *there*. I'm still pissed off that people were attacking McInnis over this saying it was bad.
Then Ritsuka and his silly gay panics! His little voice cracks! That's a trait you can rip for my cold dead body - I love it when a character's voice cracks.
The dynamic duo of Akihiko and Haruka are also very good, very much the older bros trying their best to guide the baby gays. Their voices are perfect.
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 5
Gonna go conquer Ep 6 after this
Previously on TGCF…
-Back in Paradise Manor’s armory
-Boo Chinese censorship!!!
-Lang Ying is me when I’m experiencing a sensory overload or meltdown
-He spun him right round like a record baby
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-Hua Cheng is in a modeling pose (As my sis would say, “Now he’s draping himself.”)
-It’s going down!
-He just did an effortless backflip
-Lang Ying is clutching at XL sleeves!
-Hey!  Qingxuan!  No interrupting him!  Bad Windmaster!  Bad!
-I think he does have issues with Ming Yi, you just don’t know what they are
-Dude just roasted the Earth Master
-Yep that’s foreshadowing
-He’s in a battle stance!
-That was an awesome sword twirl
-He called him, ‘Your Highnesss’!  This ain’t no drill!!!
-Oh no he’s airbending in an inside area!
-No not the polearms!
-“We could’ve solved this peacefully”  Literally a quote that suits Aang and Ezran from the Dragon Prince
-He caught a fan!
-In other words, Hua Cheng just said, “Mine’s bigger than yours”
-Oh no!  Stilettos!
-It really is a martial arts series
-He’s bringing the whole place down!
-They’re redirected!
-There’s Taihua
-It’s a hugeass goddang sword!
-Another sword twirl!
-That he is a beautiful idiot, that he is
-Dang that was beautifully animated
-Hua Cheng has a really great laugh
-A sword duel!
E Ming: We will defeat him!
-An explosion!
-Oh no loose flames!
-There’s a fire at Paradise Manor!  
-Oh you are so DEAD Qingxuan
-Really fanning the flames isn’t he?
-Get the Ancient Mystical Chinese Fire Department, preferably those that can bend Fire and Water!!!
-No not the weapons!!!
-Man Hua Cheng is really going, “This is fine” after that scuffle
-Because of that misunderstanding, Xie Lian and mainly Qingxuan ended up barbecuing the armory.
-You better pay Qingxuan
-His line on debt’s gonna age like curdled milk
-Oh no his right shoulder!
-He deflected both attacks
-You can even hear E Ming’s chirps in the flashback
-Qianqiu’s been silent since the whole escape
-Back in Heaven already
-He changed his robes like a magical girl!
-It’s not a race
-Feng Xin again and he’s concerned
-Now Mu Qing came
-Now there’s a commotion
-A levitating spell
-The female turquoise robed NPC
-Ooh neat healing spell
-The blood’s all down his sleeve
-*Gasps* He hit the nail!
-Another imperial perceptor
-Also, Fang Xin sounds a lot like ‘Feng Xin’, and that’s when you start to not tell the two apart (Xie Lian ILYSM but you couldn’t have picked a more distinct and unique name???)
-Ling Wen, with answers
-It’s like the party for Bosco in Book 2 Earth, The Earth King
-There’s the survivor’s guilt
-Pei Ming is at Ling Wen’s side, no surprises
-Xie Lian’s already guilty
-Hey don’t drag XL down like that
-Now Jun Wu has entered
-That’s it?! “He’ll survive”
-The way Jun Wu erased the blood from XL’s sleeve didn’t feel like an actual healing spell to me at all.
Jun Wu’s whole dynamic with Heaven is summarized as:
Jun Wu: I love all my Officials equally! Xianle, Ling Wen, and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Pringly
Ming Yi: My name is Ming Yi your majesty!
Jun Wu:  Yes, whatever, Ming Ming
Incorrect quote source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw6lLBkXVBw
-Just like Agni Kai
-Dang, I like the way he said ‘Taihua’
-Lang Qianqiu backstory
-His mask
-He really did look like a beggar
-Qianqiu was so happy and innocent!
-Ties in with the flower and sword symbolism
-Ok who threw him that sword?
-Aw man, the way the sword reflects Xie Lian’s eyes filled with regret
-Dude don’t injure your arm, the right one’s important to people like me!
-He did another foolish action
-No not the left arm
-It’s a vow a lot of protagonists would struggle to keep in the future
-You can actually see the anguish
-He blocked it with his cultivator whisk
-Taihua is right!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is a little fucked up!
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autumn-may · 9 months
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Mostly spoiler free summary of my viewing experience
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kerorowhump · 1 year
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I feel speechless! Interesting way to go about it...
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bronzeplates · 9 months
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awful news:
i am a danganronpa consumer. fucking hate it, would love if it would stop consuming my thoughts
anyway why do i never see fanart with the both of them
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demonicstain · 1 year
Watching Food Wars in English for the first time and they actually change the ingredients. Ep 9, they use crushed fennel seeds as breading for the fried fish, and the Eng dub actually called it Rice Crackers.
What in the Jelly-filled donuts 🍙?
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yuqioh · 1 year
i love whenever agumon goes YIPPIEE!!
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jay-wasstuff · 1 month
So no one was going to tell me Logan calls Wade daddy instead of bub/ba in the spanish dub?
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soosoosoup · 3 months
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Poppy sweet love ❤️
Also the korean vers bc it's my fav <3
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