#just applied the sealer
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chopprface · 1 month
ok people seemed to like the chip rant and i dont really wanna give away too much about my beast wars fic rn so toontown brainrotting it is
like my other headcanon posts im probably gonna ramble about how i think cog society works but also have more character focused headcanons. this is also mainly about ttcc since i havent played rewritten enough to get to any of the extra stuff it add
-i think about how the managers work a lot, mainly their durability to gags and hp amount so i kinda mentally headcanon them as having more built up frames instead of just being skelecogs. the lengths of which that goes depends on the bot, like i think prethinker and duckshuffler are just marginally upgraded skelecogs because of their hp while chainsaw consultant is closer to a full on android because of how extensively his frame has been modified
-following up on that i think managers get upgrades to their frame as they prove to be more loyal and valuable in COGS which applies to nonmanagers as well (like higher level= better frame upgrades)
-i may end up drawing this eventually but i like to imagine chip as having leather parts of his frame where his joints are. kind of like how 80s animatronics look without any of the fur but still with a plastic shell around their frame if that makes sense.
-anyway he has other animatronic traits beyond the shell, like his eyes being that cartoony painted plastic balls. they probably were shinier at some point but the paint chipped away and he never bothered to redo it cause hed have to spray clear paint/sealer/primer RIGHT into his eyes
-my last post mentioned something like how chip gained weight after becoming a manager since he wasn't working a manual labor job anymore. now with the upgraded frame thing im thinking its probably because he had extra modifications to his frame. maybe that came with the override too or something.. aghh
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anyway i got really excited to draw animatronic eyes and spent an hour on that.
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i was gonna draw him with bigass anime eyes but i remembered i have to post this. perhaps another day
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mammoneygirl · 1 year
Mammon, his insecurity and You / A Mammon's birthday fic
As you all knew ! (I hope) today is my precious Mammon birthday ! So I thought it will be the right moment for me to wrote my first smut fic. I am very proud of the result !
Here is the Ao3 link if you want to bookmark or leave some kudos.
Since I was pressed by the time, it is not completely checked and there are probably some errors. I apologize in advance and promise you that everything will be corrected tomorrow! Thanks for your thoughtfulness in advance !
Enjoy ! ~
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My boi is soooo gorgeous ! ~
It was one of those days when Mammon and y/n had gone on a shady adventure. The kind of adventure in which we hope to find an artifact that pays off big. Big enough to play all night at the casino.
During her magic lessons, y/n had the opportunity to go to the home of a very rich witch. Witch who, just today, was in a conference in a very distant place...
The rest is obvious…
Today’s artifact was an ancient gem. A brown, white and beige gem. Mammon held this gem in both hands carefully.
This gem is so shiny... It must be worth a small fortune... Said y/n with sparkles in her eyes.
Mammon looked at the gem, also hypnotized by the prospect of all the money they would be able to make from it.
I can't believe we found this! Do you think we can get anything out of it? The demon asked in a low voice, tilting his head to the side.
All the artifacts found among witches are valuable! You’re the one who taught me that! She said mischievously, taking the artifact from her sidekick. We will discuss the distribution of profits later. For now, we have to leave!
Yeah! Let’s go grab a huge dinner on our way out ! My treat ~ 
How generous of you ! She said with a teasing smile. 
They fled discreetly without being caught and walked towards the sealer who would buy their find from them at the best price.
It was around 10 p.m., the city was colored by the night lights. The atmosphere, that of a late summer with mild temperatures. Mammon and y/n were overexcited by adrenaline, savoring their feeling of victory at having succeeded in their misdeed without incident.
Mammon looked at y/n, admiring her happy face.
You know, I love going on adventures with you, y/n. You’re always so full of energy and ready to go… 
A slight blush came across her face. You know, when I lived in the Human Realm, I would never have done such a thing... She turned her face in his direction with a big smile on her lips. But when I’m with you, I feel like everything is possible! 
I’m glad I could help! That’s why I loved spending time with you. I love the way you see the world. Everything seems exciting ! Said Mammon with a smile.  
She laughed, walking on the small wall that lined the path next to them. It’s supposed to be my line ! 
He laughed along with y/n and jumped on the low wall, joining her. Well, I’m just speaking what’s on my mind… 
Does our perfect crime make you euphoric? You are quite honest tonight ~ 
Mammon blushed a little, he hadn't even noticed it himself. I am not… Do you feel euphoric? 
She jumped out of the low wall. Euphoric like I was coming out of a concert of my favorite star ! 
They continued on their way, walking side by side. Exchanging on all the betting strategies they were going to be able to apply tonight at the casino with the dishonestly earned money. Suddenly, y/n stopped walking. Her face showed a puzzled expression and quickly, she removed the backpack to put it on the ground. Mammon also stopped and gave her a worried look.
What’s wrong? Is everything alright? 
The bag is fucking hot ! 
She eagerly opened the bag to be dazzled by a bright, clear light. She took the artifact in her hand and frowned at the uncomfortable feeling of heat. Mammon approached and instantly took the gem from her hands. The situation was strange and he would much rather take the risks than put y/n in a dangerous situation.
You’re right… It’s darn hot! Do ya think it’s normal? Or… could it be magic? 
I don’t know… But if it’s magic, I think the spell was activated in a sort of way… 
A few seconds after saying this the gem starts glowing even more. Both of them were just staring at it like idiots. Then, suddenly, blinding light erupted from the gem. When they opened their eyes, y/n could see that Mammon's appearance had somewhat...changed. On his head sat two large wolf ears, completely white. She tilted her head a little to the side. Behind Mammon, a wolf's tail, white, moved timidly. 
He touched his ears in surprise, wondering what happened to him. 
What the-? What the hell happened to me? 
Mammon rubbed his head frantically while looking at y/n with an absolutely laughable panicked look. His new wolf tail flapping in rhythm with his frenzy.
y/n looked at him, then at the gem, then at him, then at the gem… She didn’t seem panicked, more… Interested. 
I think the gem had some sort of metamorphic power… She reaches a teasing look at the demon’s face. You make a little cute white wolf ~ 
Mammon gave her a murderous, frightened look. In his normal state, he would have grumbled about the fact that a demon like him wasn't "cute" in any way, but right now his transfiguration was much more worrying for him.
We need to go home. Said the girl with calmness. You can't stay in the street, you will catch too much attention… If someone takes a picture of you and posts it online, Lucifer will see it and we’ll be good for another boring lecture! 
Mammon's ears perked up on hearing the word "lecture" He nodded eagerly and the two set off towards the House of Lamentation, leaving aside their plans to win big at the casino.
When they arrive at home they take a look inside, Fortunately, nobody seems to be in the corridors. Lucifer was in his office, Levi in his bedroom, Beel in the kitchen, Satan in the library and they could hear the snooze of Belphie sleeping in the living room.
Alright. Now we need to be perfectly silent… When I give you the start, we go right into your room. If someone comes, you run and I do the diversion ! 
Mammon nodded his head and they followed her instructions. Silently, they reached Mammon’s room, making sure to be sneaky so that the others didn’t notice his new appearance. Once inside, y/n closed the door softly, sighed in relief. She putted down her things and took off her jacket before taking a seat at Mammon's desk. Since she spent a lot of time in her room, a multitude of her belongings were lying around. It was mostly books and a few clothes. y/n was an avid reader and used to borrow books from Satan regarding artifacts and curses.
Just wait a bit, my little puppy ! I think I can find more information about the power of this gem in these books. 
Wha-? A puppy ? You’ve gotta be kidding… He watched y/n take out a particular book and start reading. I’m a grown-ass man, y/n. I am the second-oldest demon at the House of Lamentation. I ain't can be a little pup! He said as he sat down on the ground next to her.
While reading she gives him a little teasing look. Yeah, usually. But right now, with your cute little ears and cute little tail, you are one! ~ 
Oh shut up ! His tail wags involuntarily. I’m not cute ! I AM MAMMON ! 
She stopped reading. Looking at him with a curious look. What couldn’t you be both? There’s nothing wrong with being a powerful demon and having a cute side. 
It’s just weird! I don’t feel like myself! I’m a demon who likes prestige and power. I don’t care about being some cute… cute…cute… little dog. He shivered as he said the last word and made a blushing disgusted face. 
y/n laughed a little and reached her hand to touch his fluffy ear. Don’t worry, my big puppy ~ You will be a cool and manly demon soon again ! I promised. 
y/n's hand passed back and forth through Mammon's hair, lingering attentively on the outline of his ears while observing his reactions with a small smile. An internal dilemma seemed to tug at him nervously. His cheeks were red and his expression was dazed, but he did not try to get rid of the woman's touch. On the contrary, his ears moved in search of more contact each time she left them.
St… Stop touching my ears, human… I’m a man, not a puppy. 
She continued though, amused at his dishonesty. Her attention returned to the book and she spent long minutes playing with all the most sensitive points she could find. Tearing low complaints from the demon. y/n took particular pleasure in watching him out of the corner of her eye attempt to maintain an insensitive facade.
C’mon… Stop it ! It’s not fun and it’s gross ! 
Mammon was unaware of how his behavior betrayed his words. It was already evident on a day-to-day basis, but his half-animal appearance made it all the more obvious. She could feel him quivering under her fingers and his tail thumping frantically behind him.
y/n… I said- ! He closed his eyes, trying to ignore y/n’s caresses, but his body was trembling all over as he tried to endure the sensuous feeling. I’m… a… grown up… I’m supposed to be cool and scary… not… not… He bites his bottom lip, trying to control himself from moaning or barking at y/n as he’s being caressed. I’m not your puppy… 
Are you sure? You seem to love being petted by my hand ~ 
She started reading again. Glazing from Mammon's direction. Savoring the sight of his body kneeling on the floor, his fluffy tail thumping frantically. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes avoided her gaze in embarrassment. 
They said animal ears are like a human erogenous zone. Very sensitive. Do you really dislike this feeling? 
I’m a demon! Not a fucking animal ! He struggled to resist, but he started to feel that weird sensuous feeling again. This feeling is weird… I… His tail was wagging even harder while his body trembled even more. He seems to be giving up trying to resist little by little. This is so weird. 
She takes time to look at him. Then she said with a lustful smile. You looked like you are in heat ~ 
What? No! He immediately blush even more at y/n’s comment. I’m not… Hum… He tried to compose himself, but he looked at his tail and saw it was still wagging as he was being caressed. I’m just… very… sensitive in this… area… Yeah! That’s it! 
She moved her hand more through his ear. Looking at his face with attention. Almost fascination. And what about here? Do you like it? She was clearly aroused by the situation. 
I… He feels his body shaking while y/n caresses his ear. What are you doing to me? Why did I… feel like this? Stop ! 
She gives him another sadist smile. Alright I stop! Then she takes her hand away. Faking reporting her attention to her book but secretly looking at his reaction. 
Mammon breathed a sigh of relief as y/n stopped caressing his ears. He was slightly panting, feeling that weird sensuous feeling in his body. His cheeks were flushed and his tail was still wagging as he looked at y/n. He gulps when he notices that she was still looking at him, her smile almost teasing. He was so embarrassed now that he closed his eyes, trying to hide himself from y/n’s gaze. 
I… Um… I’m going to take a shower… I… will get rid of this weird feeling… 
Mammon, wait. 
It was an order. An order made by the power of their demonic pact. She said that with a calm but authoritarian tone. Her attention was always on her book. Mammon stopped right away. Looking at her with choking embarrassment. y/n rarely used the power of their pact to force his obedience. When that happened, Mammon couldn't help his body from shaking with impatience and a sort of... Excitement?
He freezed, feeling a sudden shiver down his spine. What? Why should I wait? 
She reported her attention to him. Looking at him with attention and a little smirk. She pointed to an area of the demon’s body, located just below the belt. Are you perphars horny, Mammon? Her gaze became a little dark as she said. You tried to hide it but I saw it ~ 
What? No! Never! I… What?! He looked at the area with his eyes, and saw he’s having an erection. He gasped and his face got even more panicked as he started to cover it with his hands. He was blushing profusely as he looked at y/n with desperation. Since he was under the power of her order he couldn’t move to run out of this embarrassing situation. y/n… please! He looked at her with pleading eyes. 
Aww ~ Don’t be shy, my little puppy! It’s only a natural reaction. She closed her books and crossed her legs. Oh my ~ What am I going to do with you? 
Don’t… call… me… your puppy! 
Mammon was looking at y/n with horror, as if her teasing were going to end his existence. He hides his erection even more, trying to cover it while still avoiding her gaze. His tail begins to wag even more intensely as he was feeling that y/n’s teasing is having some… other effects on him. He whimpered as he felt that the feeling was crowing… even more. Please… y/n… 
Come here. 
Another order made by the power of the pact. Mammon’s body moved on its own, advancing towards the young woman who was enjoying her power over the demon. His body was trembling all over and his eyes were wide open, horrified by what was happening to him. A cold sweat forms on his forehead as he slowly but surely moves towards y/n. His movements were reluctant, but his body seemed to be almost forced to do what her voice said. His tail continued to wag furiously and he looked at her with a desperate gaze, as if his life depended on this. 
He swallows and makes no resistance as he gets close to her. W-What are you going to do to me? 
Only something good ~ I mean… your state seems painful. Don’t you feel some kind of urge? 
… Urge? What… kind of urge? 
He looked at her, not understanding what she's talking about, but a deep part of his mind understands it and he looked even more worried while becoming conscious of it. His tail wags furiously as he approaches y/n’s legs. His face flushed with shame and fear as he didn't understand why his own body was betraying him like this. 
She takes his hand into hers and places a little kiss on it. While looking at him with playful eyes. Kind of… Animalistic urge. Lustful urge to be precise. 
What?! N-No, no! I don’t feel any lustful… or animalistic urge… His voice quivered and he was trembling all over. He tried to take his hand away, to get out of this embarrassing situation. But y/n’s hands hold him with her grip of iron and he can’t get free from her. Please… let me go… I beg you! He looked at her with pleading eyes, as if she was going to end his life. 
Why? She let his hand go and looked at him with very concerned eyes. Starting to think Mammon really doesn’t want all of this. 
This is just too weird! I never felt like this and I don't understand… He gulped, having the feelings he was not allowed to feel this type of emotions. I… I… I just don’t like it. 
She frowned. You lie. You clearly feel good right now. You like my touch. It’s exciting for you. I mean… I can feel it. 
I’m a demon, y/n! I am not supposed… to feel this! 
y/n seemed to calm down as soon as she understood it wasn’t real displeasure the demon was feeling, just misplaced shame. What kind of “this” ? She said while kissing his hand again. 
I can’t even move properly because of you ! I have that weird sensation in my… down there… and I can’t get it ! I'm not supposed to like this ! I am a demon, I need to be in control ! 
Don’t worry Mammon. It’s me. You don’t need control with me. We have a pact after all. She rubbed her face on his hands, like a little cat wanting caresses. 
He gulped again, his face completely red with shame. Yeah… But… I’m a demon… I’m supposed to have pride and self-control… I am supposed to submit people to my desires! Not… Being submitted… And I think… I think… 
So it’s that… 
y/n had two choices right now. Either she decided to spend a monstrous time trying to make the demon see reason, or she got what she wanted through a clever lie. And like any damned soul... She chooses the lie.
But Mammon, it’s only the fault of the gem if you feel like that. You just act in line with your animal traits.
He looked at her with hope in his eyes, like a huge weight disappeared from his shoulders. Is that true?! 
Yeah. Don’t you want to feel even more good? 
Um… I… I… I do like this weird feeling in my body… It feels… good. He blushed harder as he still couldn't control his body. His wolf ears twitched, his tail wagged, his eyes was getting dizzy and he was breathing hard. But… I’m a demon. I have standards. I need to control myself! I can’t- 
He was looking so desperate to control himself as his tail wags furiously like it was expressing his true emotions. He growled a little, frustrated to have no control over his own body. 
So stubborn. She says with an affectionate smile. Her attitude changed a little. Becoming more dominant. Her dark gaze went through him. Making him shiver. Kneels for me, Mammon. 
Again, a demonic order. 
His knees touched the floor, but he was still reluctant to submit. N-No! I… Am a demon ! I’ll never… never… He looked at her with pleading eyes, as if the order was physically hurting him. Please… I beg you, y/n… I’m already on my knees… Just let me go and we can forget about this! His tail was wagging frantically despite all his efforts to stop it.  
She gives him a little smirk in return, saying with a deep voice. You’re good at begging. But I want to tease you more. She takes time to let her hands play with his fluffy ears once again. They’re so soft… So fluffy… 
He blushed all over and gulped when her hand played with his ears. He looked at her as if he was a human being begging for the mercy of a demon. Please… don’t ! I… It’s so… sensitive! He looked away in embarrassment. All of this feels so good. y/n’s hand, her gaze, his position. With each passing second, he was less and less able to contain the sensations. I’ll do anything… just… st-stop! 
No. Her touch was more precise, more assured. Playing with all the weak spots. Enjoying the little noises coming from him and his lustful horny face. His gaze was dazed. All his pleasure was clear like crystal water through it. 
Her deep voice makes him shiver. He tried to hide his erection the best he could as he closed his eyes. He swallowed, making no resistance anymore now the sensations running through his body. His tail was wagging like hell and he started moaning lightly. When his eyes opened a little, y/n could see a bit of guilt in it. 
Stop… y/n… Pl-Please… Hm ~ 
Oh, don’t say that ! I know you want everything but me to stop petting you. She marked a little stop, taking pleasure in extracting a few more moans from him to support his words. Be more honest, Mammon. If you do it, I will make you feel really good ~ 
While saying this, she put her foot on the demon’s erection. Applying circular motions to his crotch. Even through his clothes, Mammon could feel the friction of her movements. He shudders, his face getting hotter, as a weird feeling fills his body. It grows with each circular movement. 
U-Uhh… y/n… His voice was hoarse, his face completely flushed with shame as he closed his eyes, trying to stop himself from feeling what y/n makes him feel. I… Ummm… I… Don’t- I mean… I’m a demoooon ! 
His pleas no longer had an ounce of credibility. They were only diffuse words in the middle of timid moaning. The second born's face was covered in sweat, his half-closed eyes almost filled with tears, his parted lips let out heavy breathing as the frantic beating of his heart could be heard clearly throughout the room.
Yeah. You’re a demon. And that’s exactly why I am so excited to dominate you like this. Be good and don’t deprive me of this pleasure. 
It was not a demonic order. It was even more personal. 
He tries so hard to resist, he doesn’t want to give in to his primal desires, but… his body seems to be obeying y/n's touch and orders. He swallowed hard, as his tail continued wagging nervously. I… I’m a good boy… I… I’m your… He gulped and his hands clenched tightly on y/n’s feet. I’ll be a good boy for you… 
y/n starts. Mammon… Her voice was deep and low. Very sensual, like a siren song to Mammon’s ears. 
He gulped again as his body trembled. Yes… y/n… He looked at her with such desperate eyes as the weird feelings in his body grew even more and his wolf ears twitched in response. 
She applied more pressure on his crotch with her foot. Making her movements more slow and sensual. I want you to take off this. 
W-What?! How dare you! I’m a demon! A Lord of Hell ! He clenched his teeth. I… I can’t do something so… humiliating! 
Her gaze became darker. She clearly accepted any refusal. I don’t give a shit about you being a Lord of Hell ! Right now you are nothing more than my dog. Be obedient ! She tilted her head towards him to whisper in his ear, her foot pressing even harder on his erection. Or I would be forced to punish you. 
He looked at her with an siderate expression on his face. Something seems to switch deep in him at this instant. He only responded with a shy nod before taking off his clothes, showing his body. Body that showed weird markings on his shoulders and near his ears that weren’t there before. He was panting, as his body quivers with the sensation of cold air on his hot bare skin. 
He swallowed nervously and whispered. I don’t usually… let anyone act like this with me… 
I’m glad to hear it. I would have been very displeased to know that someone other than me could have seen you in such a pathetic, adorable and exciting state. Her gaze takes time to look at him fully. Clearly enjoying the view of his naked perfect body. You’re gorgeous… 
All his body feeled even more hot and he looked at y/n, embarrassed and unable to resist. No demon could resist the sensation of being… desired. Not even an archdemon as thick headed as Mammon. He looked away to hide his contentment but his moving tail betrayed him once again. N-No one has ever seen me like… Like that… You really like what you see? 
I like it a lot ~ She putted aside her caresses on Mammon’s erection, making him moan a little in frustration, to run a sensual hand on his chest. Tracing the white lines that ran through his body. All of you are beautiful. Your fluffy white hair, your begging gold, blue eyes… Your collarbone… You have such a perfect body. So appealing… 
A weird expression appeared on his face, as if a complete new feeling and sensation was going through his body: Pride. He never would have thought that someone would look at him with… lust and desire. A lot of people have desires for his model side. A completely fake character who appeared to be confident, arrogant, and prideful… But all of this was acting. The real Mammon who was standing in front of y/n never had the chance to be really seen and desired. 
My body… is not… is not so perfect… For a demon, I am just average… People compliment my personality, not my body…
People are blind. She said with an honest tone. But right now, I’m glad they are. Because I can be the one enjoying this perfection… 
She standed up and goes slowly sitting on the border of Mammon’s bed. Looking at him carefully. His naked body on his knees… just for her… It gave her an indescribable feeling of excitement, satisfaction and power. Mammon was watching her, his blush covering his face. Feeling y/n’s pierced gaze on him, looking at his naked body so carefully giving him a tingling sensation who fills his body. He was breathing hard, so hard. His head was completely dizzy. He never felt this feeling before. 
I’m not perfect… He responded in a low voice. 
Stop telling nonsense. I have tastes that are very difficult to satisfy. But right now, I crave for the view of your body. Only perfection can make me feel this way. Do you understand? 
He watches y/n carefully and can feel the strange sensation grow in his body, the weird tingling sensation that he never felt before and the pride he feels just from her words. Y-Yes, y/n... I...I do understand... His voice was nothing but a whisper as he could feel his body quivering even more. Just like his control was slowly being stripped away from him. 
Now come closer. 
She tapped her lap a little, like a silent order. Mammon didn’t complain. When he takes place on her lap as demanded, a little playful smirk takes place on her face. She let her hand go through his body. Playing with his tanned skin, going slowly on his back to reach the base of his tail. Making him shiver. 
Now I can look at you closely… You seem to grow harder. Did my praise excite you, Mammon? 
His breath goes deeper. He was not talking anymore, just looking at y/n with an anticipation mixed with fear, as if he was very uncomfortable with his own body and actions. Um… He whimpers slightly and covers his face, not used to his body acting like this without his conscious control. 
Did a wolf take out your tongue? Answer me, Mammon. I want to know exactly how you feel… Her touch was even harder on his tail. 
I’ve… I’ve never felt this… It feels weird… But it feels good. So… I think I like your praises… He tried to keep a proud face, but he’s obviously losing control over himself. He whimpers again, and his tail goes nuts and his eyes are half-closed. 
She continued playing with his tail with one hand and used the other to reach Mammon’s erection. Slowly caressing it in a sensual way. Yeah… She responded with a content tone. You seem to feel really good. What's to feel even more good? ~ 
His tail wings furiously as his body quivers once more. His face was brought red with shame but he was not able to say no. y/n owned him at this moment. Yes y/n… I… Please… I want to feel more… 
She intensified her movements on his erection. Hm ~ You are begging good. That deserved a reward. What did you prefer, my little pup? My hand or my mouth to please you? 
Mammon's whole body arched in anticipation as his eyes opened wide to reveal his interest and astonishment. His hands resting on y/n's shoulders were shaking as he answered in a short breath. 
Your… Your… He gulped again. 
Her touch on his erection became lighter, like frustrating caresses. She was clearly waiting for a clear answer. Yeah? Do you want my mouth or hand here? Go one, say it… I’m all ears ~ 
Y-Your… your mou… He seemed to try his best to say it out loud but failed. 
He was so cute acting with all this embarrassment. Even with his not clear answer, she understands his needs. Slowly, she pushes on his back to make his hips go up. She slipped an awkward hairlock behind her ear while approaching her lips to his erection. Her left hand was always on the base of his tail. Playing some caresses through the white fur.
All I want to hear is your cute voice singing for pleasure. Is that clear, my little puppy? 
He didn’t say anything but nodded his head vigorously. Tightening his hands even tighter on his shoulders in anticipation of what happens next.
Alright… So thanks for the meal ~ She said with a playful tone. She slowed her head to take his erection into her mouth. Starting some sensual caresses with her tongue. Playing with the tips first. Then slowly go down at the base. Her look locked into his dazed gaze, full of pleasure.
His wolf ears twitch and his tail wags wildly. He shivered and his face slushed in pleasure. Everything was better than anything he has ever felt in his entire life. A… y/n… this is… amazing-! His body quivers with the sensation he never felt before. His state, in complete bliss, as he enjoys y/n’s touch on his body. 
She moaned a little in approval. Sending little shocks around his erection. Her left hand was always playing with his tail. She starts moving her head to take him even more into her mouth. Taking him in and out at a slow pace. 
At the same time as the pleasure tugged him more and more, Mammon felt shame overwhelming him. How could he react like that to a simple blowjob? He wasn't a prepubescent teenager... y/n must have found him ridiculous at that moment. His moaning voice wasn't manly, his body seemed almost frail above her, he wasn't even able to make a coherent sentence or even the slightest movement... Just keeping his hands still on her shoulders.
In a desperate attempt to avoid having to face his own weakness, he brought his hands to his face, to hide his shameful appearance.
With her right hand, she grabbed his wrist to uncover his eyes. Stopping her work on his private part. Don’t hide yourself, gorgeous. I want to enjoy every expression of your pleasure. Tell me how much you like it. Don’t be shy ~ 
The young woman's words echoed throughout the demon's body and his heart skipped a beat. A plaintive moan passed the barrier of his lips when y/n's lips left his privacy. His gaze on her was almost filled with tears. It was the first time he felt so many emotions. Such contradictory emotions: shame, pleasure, frustration, guilt... They all mixed together and Mammon didn't know if he wanted it all to stop or, on the contrary, for the woman to continue.
I… I can’t ! 
She gives him a little kiss on the hips. Looking at him with an affectionate and devoted look. Of course you can, treasure ~ She takes his erection into her mouth once again. Slowly repeat the same process of earlier to encourage him to lose himself in pleasure and become honest. 
He lets out a loud grunt. y/n’s touch was too much for him to handle now. He seemed totally overwhelmed by all the sensation he was feeling. Aaah ! ~ He tries to cover his face again as if he can’t look at her in this very embarrassing situation. But y/n's grip on his wrists was too strong to allow him to move them.
You did good, gorgeous. Hmm ~ As a reward, she pushed his hips more toward her with her left hand, to take him even more deeper into her mouth. Slowly, she moved his hands and placed it on her head. Like an invitation for Mammon to use her as he pleased. Giving him the opportunity to move her head on the pace that pleases him the most. 
Instinctively, Mammon tightened his grip and the tips of his nails clawed somewhat the skull of the young woman who let out a loud moan around his member. For a few seconds, Mammon wondered if he had hurt her and felt a little guilty. He didn't dare move his hands for fear of hurting her again. To reassure him, y/n ran her hand through the hairs of his tail in a long back and forth motion. The same kind of movements she expected him to make with his head. Mammon looked down at her, who had her eyes closed, focused on her task. A strange feeling gripped his insides and his eyes darkened a little when he realized he could do whatever he wanted with her just for this moment. In all her dominance, y/n was still waiting for a takeover from him. She wanted, only a little, to be submissive to his will. More confident with his observation, he tugged at her hair, bringing her head back, the tip of his intimacy just at the edge of her lips. y/n looked up in his direction, eyes shining and pleading. Like an “again” silent.
To his delight, Mammon continued, pressing her head down almost violently, pushing his full length inside her oral cavity.
y/n starts moaning around Mammon erection even more. Feeling him use her head like that… pushing it onto him to take him deeper was the most exciting feeling of her entire life. He looked so desperate yet so dominant right now. Desperate for pleasure. Desperate for the deliverance. 
His movements on her hand became chaotic and desperate as he grew close to the edge. Every movement, every moan was pure bliss. He didn’t try to control his moaning voice either. Keep repeating how much he feels good and how close he was. 
A weird sensation takes over his body. He was feeling very hot and could feel everything tightening. He looked at her with pleading eyes, begging her not to stop. 
She cupped her cheeks a bit to add more pressure around his erection. Mammon’s mouth lets out a little gasp followed by a deep moan. His hands were totally scratching her scalp now. He was so beautiful to her at this moment. His parted red lips were seeking for air, his hair was a mess, his eyes half closed on a hard lustful look. She knew he was at the verge of the climax so she started moving her head faster, taking him the deeper she could at each movement to make him feel even more good. She wanted to pleasure him so much. Just to see him became a mess. Just to hear him beg like he never begged in his entire life. 
Oh, y/n… I can’t take it anymore! ~ 
She moans around him in response. Like an order for him to let it all go and finally come. Her gaze was on him with attention. She didn’t want to miss anything while he reached the orgasm. This view will be carved in her memory. Maybe it will haunt all of her future erotic dreams. 
Mammon was looking at y/n, watching...waiting for her approval, almost as if he wanted to get permission to make the final burst. His eyes were half-closed and his wolf ears twitching as he watched y/n's movements. His eyes were pleading and he was watching y/n's facial expressions closely. 
Can I… I need to… can I… Please, y/n… Please-! 
Since she can’t talk, y/n gives him a look. A look who said “Come for me, my little puppy ~” 
It was the look the demon was waiting for. His entire body shudders as he reaches the orgasm. His face goes completely red in shame, as he starts whimpering with a loud grunting. He closes his eyes and moans, as he lets all of the frustration that has been built up during their entire game, finally escape in this release. His lips were a bit more apart and his breath was deep and regular. He looked like he couldn't believe what just happened. 
She slowly lowered her pace to give him time to recover. Taking him out of her mouth, she continues stroking him a little with her hand, savoring the post orgasm tremblements of his body. You did great, gorgeous. You were so depraved, so desperate… So greedy for me ~ 
He looks at y/n with a weird mixture of emotions. Overwhelmed by the sensation he just felt and also… by the way y/n treated him. She spoke to him like he’s nothing more than a toy for her pleasure and entertainment. But also… Mammon enjoyed every second of this. This was...really good. In the end...he liked it...and he was feeling...shame...and guilt...for liking this and wanting more. Y…Yes. T-Thank you, y/n… He gulps in embarrassment, as he watches y/n looking at him. 
She gives him a little kiss on the hips, making his body shiver in response. Is that a second hand embarrassment? You have no reason to feel shameful, treasure. She said that with an honest devotion into her gaze. 
His wolf ears twitch with surprise and he smiles, trying to hide his embarrassment. You… You really think so, y/n? And that… that I can be appealing to you? 
Of course silly! I have enjoyed every single of your moans, every single sign of pleasure from you. You were so tentative… As expected from a lord of hell ~
He was looking ashamed and blushing. He looks at y/n with a bit of surprise. Is this what she wants from him? To be seen as just a toy for her pleasure? But...why does he feel like this is exactly what he needs? He gulps, as he looks at y/n. You… enjoyed watching all of this… Really? 
She takes him into her arms and falls on the bed. Then she managed to go on top of him. I enjoyed it sooo much it was like I was at the edge just by looking at you! 
His wolf ears twitch as he blushes even more when y/n falls on him. Is that so? But… I don’t look… I’m not… He was looking down, blushing even more, as his body was trembling a bit, like he was about to lose control again. He tried to talk, but everything seemed out of his control, as he looked at y/n. I’m not that appealing… I’m just average…  
How is it possible to have such a low esteem of yourself while being so gorgeous? Or perhaps you say that to have praises and reassurances? ~
He was looking at y/n, trying to find the right words. His face was flushed with a mixture between shame and lust. He gulps and nods his head with a guilty look on his face. Yes… That’s what I want… I want to be praised and… I want you to give me some reassurance. It makes me feel less insecure. For the very first time, Mammon was being honest and vulnerable. He seems slightly embarrassed, but also...he seems to like it. He smiles slightly as he looks at y/n. 
She niches her head in his neck. Placing little kisses into it. Oh my ~ Pleasure makes you honest ! If that's what you want... She locked her gaze into his. Taking his cheeks between her hands. Mammon you are the most beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, appealing demon of all Devildom. Even if you're desperate, depraved, even if you beg... All of this just makes you even more desirable. When I look at you being all pleased and shy I feel so hot, so desperate myself to please you just to see more of your beautiful being!
Mammon takes sharp breaths and his whole body shakes. He blushes, as if he doesn't know where to look. He never felt so good in his life before. Y...you...you think so?...You like me...like that? You...you think I'm...attractive...like...really? His voice was hoarse again and his face was flushed even more. He looks shy but also really delighted at y/n's words. 
Yes. Yes Mammon I like you like that! Yes, Mammon, I think you're attractive. I really meant it. What other reason could I have had to do all that we just did together?
He was breathing heavily at y/n's words. He looks at her with lust and a bit of shame in his eyes. He was feeling like he was going to get completely lost, completely controlled and under y/n's orders. Maybe...maybe it was for the best...maybe it was his nature.  y/n...please...you should...continue. I...I want to feel good again…
Something twitched in y/n's mind the moment she heard his plea. She started moving her hips a little on top of him. Clearly grinding her private part onto his new erection. How can I refuse when you ask for it so adorably? ~
His face flushes and his eyes filled with lust as y/n's hips move on him. His wolf ears twitch at the sensations he feels. In a whisper he said. Y...you...oh my god I can't...it feels like...I'm about to… His body quivers with the sensations y/n is giving him. He feels so good. He wants more. So much more. 
About to what, treasure? ~ 
He gasps, as he was trembling and looking at y/n with desire I...I'm gonna... His whole body was shaking with excitement and pleasure. The sensations were so overwhelming. 
Oh my ~ You're so sensitive. Look at you... Already so red and panting ~ She moves a little more on top of him. The friction of her underwear on Mammon's bare erection drives him crazy. She was clearly into it as well, but with more control, more lucidity. Savoring again all his adorable, depraved behaviors.
He can barely speak. His panting was drowning his words. His wolf ears titter constantly at the sensation he feels. He tried to look at y/n with a pleading look. Her every move made his body jump with delight, as the friction from her underwear was driving him crazy. P...please...more... His voice was hoarse, and his eyes close to fall shut with the sensation he feels. He tried to find the words to express what he feels, but just can't, as y/n was moving her hips on him again. The sensations were driving him insane. 
More? She moans a little, saying the following sentence in a breath. You're so greedy ~ She marked a little stop. You are in such a state already ~ I wonder how you will look if I take this... She starts touching his erection from behind her back with a little smile. Inside of me...
His eyes open wide at y/n's words. He looks at her, his heart beating fast. He was completely lost. He doesn't say a word. He's just looking at y/n, as if his fate were in her hands at this point. He wanted to say something...but he couldn't speak. He was too speechless to say a single word. The thought of entering y/n was overwhelming and frightening to him...and that excited him so much. 
So adorable ~ Can you imagine it? Your most private thing in mine? She was teasing him with intense pleasure. Mammon's reactions were the best. He was so honest in such a state. So different compared to his usual self. The idea she managed to put him in such a state excited her even more. Every move on Mammon's body was pure bliss for her. She was having a hard time staying composed and not moaning too much.
His whole body was trembling, as he looked at y/n and couldn't find the words to speak. Every sensation he was feeling was driving him to madness. Each time he feels y/n's touch, he moans and grunts loudly. He seemed like he was going to burst at any second. He gasps and his body shakes like he was suffering. He watched y/n with pleading eyes that were full of lust. I...I've never... He looked away, blushing deeply. The thought of putting his most private part inside y/n was overwhelming and...very exciting. 
You never? Oh my ~ This disappoints me a little. Because you know... She takes time to stand up and withdraw her skirt and her underwear. Just her top covering her. Half naked like that she goes on top of him again and both of them moan to feel the other on bare skin. y/n starts moving her hips again, her intimacy grinding onto Mammon's one. The sensations were electric. I have imagined this hundreds of times... You, inside me ~
His body was trembling as he took in the sight of a semi-naked y/n. His eyes were glued to y/n as he watched her moving her hips on him. The sensations he was feeling were drowning him into lust. Each bump made his wolf ears twitch as if he was about to explode. y/n's words were getting more and more exciting for him. I...I have...never... He groaned as he watched y/n. He looked at her as if she was the most beautiful, divine being in the world. He wanted more. He wanted this. He needed this. 
Alright ~ So I want you to stay clear and mark everything of this in the deepest part of your memory... She lifted her hips a little, stopping her frustrating friction. The lack of contact made Mammon groan, but this allowed him to regain some lucidity. He was still red and panting but totally attentive. I want the feeling of being inside me remains engraved in your memory and haunts each of your solitary pleasures. If you never imagined it until today, I want you to imagine it until the end of your eternal life ~
It was almost a demonic order to Mammon’s ears. An order he knew he would fulfill. After a few seconds of thought, he gulped and nodded his head with a guilty and shameful look on his face. Y… Yes, Master. I… I don’t want to forget it, either. I want to feel… this… 
She starts taking him inside her. Each time Mammon's thing enters into her more, she could feel waves of pleasure. Even her, loses her composure when she reaches the base. Hmm ~ So full…
His breath stopped and his body tenses with pleasure. His eyes closed and he felt waves of pleasure throughout his whole body. He grabbed y/n by the hips and bite his lips, as he was feeling like he was losing control over his own body. 
She moaned a little. I think we are perfect for each other ~ She starts moving slowly. Doing the exact same movements as earlier but with Mammon inside her. Don't you think? Is it good to be inside of me?
He moaned  loudly and his whole body trembled. His face was flushed with pure bliss and his eyes were closed. This...this is heaven. You're...so...so tight. I never...I could never leave you… He was totally lost as he saw y/n moving with him, as their bodies were now connected. Mammon could feel a strong feeling of satisfaction. At this moment y/n was completely his and he was completely hers. 
She gives him a playful smile and becomes even tighter around him. It was another way to tease him without saying a word.
He let out a deep and loud moan and his breath stopped. He can barely think. He closed his eyes again and just let himself fall into y/n's tight embrace. He bites his lips with a guilty yet happy look on his face. 
Don't try to hide it, gorgeous ~ I know you are already on the edge. She started moving a little faster. Taking him in and out, in and out... Savoring the pleading gaze of Mammon on her.
Yeah ~ I'm...I'm about to… Mammon was struggling to find the right words, as he was starting to squirm a bit from the intense pleasure she was giving him. 
While continuing her movements onto him, she lowered her face a little to reach his fluffy white ears. With her left hand, she maintained her balance. With her right hand, she started touching his ear. Applying the same movements and the same pace she applied lower. It's okay, treasure... You can let it all go ~ She was doing her best to keep her dominant composure but the pleasure was hard on her too. She was at the verge of an orgasm. 
Mammon watched her and grit his teeth with intense pleasure as y/n kept stroking his sensitive ears. His wolf ears twitch wildly with each touch. Mm...I...can't take this much longer... He grits his teeth again and his face flushes again with pleasure. He whispers softly with a slightly guilty expression. Please...can...I...I-I...I'm going...to... He looked at y/n with a lustful but frustrated look on his face again. 
Yeah gorgeous, be a good boy and come for me ~
She could see him reach his orgasm. He was so desperate. His movements under her were chaotic but sooo good at the same time. When he starts to tremble, y/n could feel it inside her. It was her climax switch. She came with a loud moan and the sensitive animal ears of Mammon could hear it clearly. That sound was going to be etched in his memory forever, that was for sure.
Mammon let out a long moan and then just breathed heavily, as he was completely spent from the intense sensation he felt. He looked at y/n with a surprised and guilty look. I...I can’t anymore… His eyes were filled with guilt as he looked at y/n. His body was shaking less and his breathing was coming back to normal. He looked at her with lustful eyes, but also with an expression of apology. 
Why are you looking so shameful? You did very well ~ She takes him out and groans a little at the empty feeling inside her. But she stayed on top of him, completely satisfied and with a content smile on the face. Her breath was a little jerky from all the effort and pleasure.
Mammon looked at y/n again as if he wanted to say something. He was full of guilt but also overwhelmed with the sensations he was feeling.  B-But...I could...have done better... His face was flushed and he seemed to be about to apologize again. 
Lower esteem of yourself again? Oh my ~ She moves on the bed and takes him into her arms, keeping his head in her breast, the best place for him to hear her heartbeat. If you think like that, I could have done better too. The performance is not important. The duration either. All that really matters is pleasure. She niches her head inside his fluffy hair, humming his smell with contentment. Did you feel good?
He moved closer to y/n and buried his head in her breast while listening to her heartbeat. He was looking like a child being cradled by their mother. He whispered softly Yes. Yes I did. I loved it. He let out a long and peaceful exhale as he felt the sensations getting less overwhelming. I...I just..He seemed to want to say something else but he stopped. Like if he was ashamed to continue. He remained tucked on y/n as if he didn't want to leave this comfortable place. 
She starts playing with his hair to calm him a little. She wanted to create a calm mood and a secure environment. Mammon was clearly struggling with his emotions and having a hard time being honest. "You just"? Don't stop talking, treasure. You can say to me everything you had in mind.
He took a breath and looked at y/n with an embarrassed expression. I...I just...was scared. Scared to disappoint you. Scared to feel...this much pleasure. He was feeling like saying more but stopped again. He looked at y/n with pleading eyes full of lust and admiration. He wanted to say more but words were too hard for him right now, so he remained silent, just looking at y/n, wanting her affection. I...I feel...good... He smiled widely and closed his eyes, taking in the sensations he was feeling by being with y/n. 
He blushed again and looked at her with pure affection, while he was still tucked in y/n's arms. So...you are saying you like to see me feeling good? Like to see me...lose control? He let out a small gasp at his own words. He looked away and covered his face with one of his hands in shame. I shouldn't have said anything....It was stupid and immature of me. I'm...I'm...I'm sorry. 
Is it immature to want to be pampered? Personally I don't think so. You deserve more reassurance and affection. She takes his hand in hers and gives it a little kiss. I really like to see you feel good and I like even more when you completely lose control.
Y...You liked me losing control...? Even if...if that means not acting properly? He looked at her with embarrassment and a guilty expression. I...I didn't expect to hear that coming from you. It's...kind of hard for me to understand. Why would that...turn you on, I mean? Just...curious to know it.
Hm, hm She nods Yup. Acting properly is good for social life, it's good for the outside. But inside our relationship you don't need to act "properly". She takes time before answering his last question. Mammon could hear her heartbeat go faster a little. You see, since I am in Devildom, and even before in my Human Realm life, I have absolutely no power. So, when I see you go completely out of your mind just because I touch and talk to you, it gives me a strong feeling of power.
He looked at her again, still in her arms. You...you feel this way? It...is...is this really a...pleasing feeling? He moved his head in her chest, as if he wanted to feel even more the comfort coming from her. 
It's a really pleasing feeling. I mean. If right now, you could control me. Make me do whatever you want, begging for your mercy, crying in pleasure just because you touch me... Didn't it excite you? Wouldn't you feel powerful?
Maybe… I don”t know… I don’t even know how it feels to be powerful. For everyone I am just a disappointment… 
Alright. You clearly have no idea of your real reputation. Did all the mean things your brothers say to you made you blind? She takes his chin with her fingers to lock her determined gaze into his. You are the Avatar of Greed. The second born of the Lords of Hell. You can drive people's minds with your power to make them obedient, full of greed. You are a very good gambler. You can create some really good plans sometimes and DAMN you are the most beautiful demon I have ever seen. Why do you think your model shoots sell this well? Because a lot of people desire you. They are just too shy to admit it ! 
He watches y/n and remains frozen for a few seconds, as she was listing his qualities. He doesn't know how to react. But... I'm...I'm not...good. Not even good looking, I mean. I can be...kind of a mean demon sometimes and that I am a gambling addict… He seemed conflicted, as if he couldn't accept himself even if y/n was saying he was perfect the way he was. 
She hugged him tighter. Playing with his back. Yeah sometimes you are mean, but it's because you tried to maintain a facade. Being mean is like a defense mechanism for you. You hide your true feelings behind your mean behaviors. And yes, you are a gambling addict but it's only because you are the Avatar of Greed. It's the power of your sin who makes you like this. The real you is kind and generous with the person he loves. I know it! 
He blushed again and stayed still in y/n's embrace. His eyes were closed tightly as he tried to digest what y/n was saying. But how did you see my true self then? Most of the people always look at me with disgust and despite in their eyes. How...could you see something else? You...don't have to lie to make me feel special, you know…
She takes time before talking. Trying to think of the most clear way to make him understand his true value. The first time I was summoned here by Barbatos. Maybe you didn't remember but, Lucifer told you to guard me. At this moment you said a lot of mean things. Even the days after you complain to be obligated to look after me. But you never failed at being my protector. You always looked after me carefully. You were the first one to teach me how to live here, to protect me from lesser demons, to make sure I had fun... Behind your mean words you were kind to me. After that, I look at you a lot. And I see all these moments you were caring with your brothers even when they were mean to you. So no, I don't lie. You are special. At least, special for me.
He nodded slightly, as he was processing her words again. He smiled softly at her and hugged her tightly. He sighed a little and whispered softly. Thank you. Thank you for believing in me. No one ever believed in me, not even my own family...not even my own brothers. They see me only as a failure, as the loser of the family...as...an embarrassment... He started to chuckle a little at everything his brothers have said about him, like a way to dismiss it in his mind. 
I think your brothers love you. They are just dumb and don't know how to express their feelings. I mean, the first time Lucifer smiled at me was the moment I defended you for the first time after all. But that doesn't take away the fact that they are horrible for treating you like that. 
I...just thank you so...so much. I mean...you just made me forget about all those negative thoughts I had about myself...about all these bad things my brothers used to say about me…
She laughed. I'm glad my adoration for you helps!
He looked at y/n with a smile on his lips. If you really want to help me, could...could you let me stay like this? Like this, inside your arms...with you...not letting me go… He looked at y/n with sincere, hopeful eyes. He really wanted to stay close to her. Close to the only person who truly shows affection and adoration for him. Close to the only woman he can really trust. He doesn't want this moment to be interrupted. It would crush him completely. 
I wasn't going to let you go anyway. It feels good to have you in my arms. It makes me at peace.
He looked at y/n again with sincere eyes, wanting to express all his gratitude. Thank you, y/n. Really...thank you. With all my heart. I mean it. He closes his eyes and relaxes again into y/n's embrace, feeling really at peace. He stayed here, without talking, for a very long time, just listening to her heartbeat and enjoying this moment as much as he could, before reality could crush him again once she let him go. 
She smiled while continuing playing with his hair, then she stopped suddenly and laughed. You didn't have wolf ears anymore. I think the curse of the gem disappeared…
He opened his eyes and looked at y/n with surprise. What? Oh...it's true...the wolf ears are gone. Wow...well, that was a pleasant surprise! He smiled and looked at y/n again. He buried his face in y/n's chest, feeling relieved and comfortable there as the wolf ears were really annoying him, always tickling him a lot. So...there is no curse anymore? I'm free? He seems happy as a child at this information. 
Yes you are ~ How are you feeling? She was a little worried that all the things Mammon said or did was only the effect of the curse. Like a disinhibitor and that he will be like his usual self again. Distant from her… 
He pulled himself a little from y/n's chest, but he kept hugging her, still feeling extremely comfortable. He looked at her with sincere eyes, smiling and looking relieved. Oh... I'm fine. Everything I said...it was all my true thoughts. No curse involved. I think I could stay here forever...with you. Just feeling peaceful, close to the only person in Devildom who really loves me and makes me feel good...it makes me...happy.
I'm glad to hear it! She gives him a little kiss. And yeah, it's true that I loved you. Just the way you are ~
He blushed and moved his head to avoid the kiss. He was clearly embarrassed and didn't want to show how happy her words were making him feel. He mumbled while he looked away, ashamed of his true feelings. I, uh...I really like you too. I, um.. He buried his head in her chest again. I like the way you treat me. He said this last sentence with a soft voice, in an almost inaudible whisper. 
Oh my ~ Are you feeling embarrassed? Rejecting my kiss like that ~ She was maintaining a confident attitude but inside her heart was beating so fast about his sudden adorable confession. She was so happy right now. So grateful to the curse for creating this situation
He turned a little red and answered in a very quiet voice. He covered his face with his hands Y...Yeah, I...I really am... He was still looking away. Extremely shy and embarrassed. 
She laughs. I think I can't change this side of you.
He remained a little time with his face buried in her chest, before he finally summoned the courage to ask her a favor. He looked at her again, but he remained really close to her chest. Could you...could you stay with me tonight? I mean...I...I want to sleep, and...I don't want to sleep alone. I want to feel your arms...around me...I want to enjoy this feeling fully. He said this in such a shy way, his face was blushing a little more. 
I would be happy to stay with you tonight. To tell you the truth. I always wanted to sleep with you like this... Sometimes I think about asking for it  when you come to my room at night, but I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
You always wanted to...to sleep with me...? He asked, surprised at her confession. He then moved a little and placed his arm over her body. You can rest your head on my arm, if you want. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. 
She nodded with a little beat of embarrassment. Yeah... She takes place and when they both feel comfortable, she starts humming a little lullaby in a lower voice. Waiting for sleep to catch her.
As y/n starts to hum a little lullaby and they start to get comfortably in a sleeping position, Mammon takes the opportunity to give her a little kiss on the forehead, as a sign of his affection. Then he lets himself go, slowly falling asleep, while still keeping his arm over y/n's body. Sleep well, my precious.
You too… Sleep well and have a nice dream, my treasure. He smiled and turned to face y/n while she was sleeping. Before also allowing himself to fall asleep, he whispered to her. Treasure...that's the sweetest word I've ever heard to call myself. Thank you for calling me like this. He looked at her a little bit more and pressed himself a little more inside her arms before closing his eyes. Sleep soon catching him too.
Happy Birthday, Mammon !
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“So this is- another vegetable?” She asks, fingernail tracing down the grocery list.
“It's- well, technically it's a fruit. But it’ll be near produce.” Mondes answers. 
“Right- and this too?” She asks. 
“No, it's a dried spice.” He says. “Look. It’s an intergalactic market. It’s not rocket science. Just look for the stuff with these names in front. It’ll be labeled.” The oliveblood’s eyes trail down the list at gray smudges where Bee touched the paper. He stares. 
“Did you… not seal your paint?” He says. 
“Do what?” She pauses. 
Mondes once again sighs, heading to the bathroom, digging through the cabinet.
“You have to seal that shit- or it’ll get everywhere- and people will either think you wear way too much foundation- or they’ll know you’re trying to hide something.”
The violetblood wrings her hands, but takes the bottle of fixer he’s handed her. 
“You really think trolls would notice a thing like that?” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be paranoid?” He answers, crossing his arms. 
“I’m actually supposed to be trying hard not to do that. According to my therapist” She says, applying the fixer to the layer of foundation they had used to cover her many violet freckles. Suddenly, she pauses. 
“This is a bad idea,” She says. 
“You know, I still helped with groceries and chores, when I was a fugitive.” Mondes answers. 
“I don’t know if I can do it as well as you can” She pleads. 
“I don’t know how much more tired I can get of you weaponizing your incompetence. It’s just groceries. You’ve already gone out with Hanagi- and without paint, even.” 
“Yeah, but I wasn’t like, alone for that” She says, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. “I don't know what half of these things are! What if I’ve forgotten some other stupid thing like the paint sealer!” Mondes sighs, glancing at the clock and back at the front door. The man walks off, muttering something she can only assume to be curses under his breath. 
She stands in the kitchen, glancing down at her hands. The more she thinks about it, this can’t be her natural gray skin tone. It’s way too obvious. Or is she imagining it? She turns her hands over. 
Mondes returns, setting two reusable grocery bags on the table. 
“Fine” he says “I will go with you. Once.” He says. “Then you do it alone.”
“You don’t have to do that,” She answers. 
“Apparently, I do,” He retorts. Walking out of the hive towards the spaceship. 
She swallows, standing a moment before following him out into the moonlight. 
The market is sparse this early. Mondes navigates it with ease. This grocery store was the closest to his hive- he’s been there dozens of times with how often he cooks. 
“I see,” Bee says, picking up one of the list’s items, recognizing the sign. “It’s a fruit.” 
“Yeah” Mondes explains. “There’s like- red melony flesh in the arms” He says, pointing to the alien produce. 
“Is it good?” She asks. 
“Not raw. I’m using it for pies” He retorts, his eyes trailing over to where one of the cashiers is eyeing the two of them. Bee follows his gaze, and sets down the fruit. 
“Should we get out of here?” She mutters in a lower tone. 
“Cus the cashier looked at you? No, "he says. “I still need rice noodles. You’re gonna get a lot of stares going out in public hemoanon. It’s just what happens.” He mutters back, heading down another asle. Bee glances back at the purpleblood whos still watching them like a hawk, before scurrying after Mondes. 
“Could you stop being so suspicious?” He says, annoyed. 
“I was just walking. Do you think they recognized me?” She whispers frantically.
“Just stop looking at him,” Mondes mutters. 
“We should leave,” She pleads. 
Mondes inhales, grabbing the last of his items. 
“Fine- let's go. Be normal” He says, walking towards the self checkout. Bee, to give her credit, is doing her best not to look at the cashier, but in a way that's somehow even more suspicious, twisting her head to strange angles to keep him out of her line of vision. 
Mondes is counting to ten in his head, scanning his items at a practiced pace, praying this wouldn’t all go to shit somehow. The machine coughs up their receipt, and he grabs it, the two of them heading towards the door. 
The cashier blocks their path. 
“Excuse me ma'am” he says, staring down at Bee. “Could you empty your pockets?”
“What?” She says, staring at the floor. “Why?” 
“So I can see you didn’t take anything from the produce section.” He says. “Saw you pick up those fruits” 
“Yeah- Mondes is buying some, it’s right there in his bag” She squeaks. 
“I said pockets,” The cashier insists. Mondes gently nudges Bee with his elbow. Bee seems to take the entirely wrong message from this, and straightens her back. 
“You know,” She says. “We did nothing wrong! We picked up a fruit and bought it from your store.” She insists. “Mondes paid for it! You saw us at the self checkout!” 
“Bee” Mondes says frantically, trying to nip this in the bud. 
“Did I see that?” the cashier retorts. “I don’t know what I saw,” he says. “Let me see those bags.” 
Mondes, ever the rationalist, hands over the grocery bags. 
“We don’t want any trouble,” He says. “I’m sorry about her- but if you look at the receipt, I’m sure you’ll find everythings in order.” He says. 
The cashier pulls the receipt from the bag, scanning it as if searching for something wrong. Then he takes out several fruits. He weighs the fruit in his hand, and then says. 
“I don’t think you weighed all of these. Wrong price for this weight.” He accuses. 
“That is ludicrous” Bee hisses, and Mondes elbows her again. 
“Sorry” he says. “Honest mistake. We can go over and reweigh them right now. I’ll pay twice.” He says. “I’m a regular- I come here all of the time. We don't want any trouble”
“That’s- illegal! We already paid for that fruit! Your machine weighed it! Roll back your security tapes” She says, pointing at the shop camera. 
“Shut up Bee” Mondes retorts through gritted teeth. 
“Get out of my shop” The cashier says. “Before I call the cops.” 
“Fine” Mondes says, turning to leave.
“We paid for that! The receipts are right there!” Bee insists, yanking the bags out of the cashier's hands. “You just lost two valuable customers” She hisses as she storms off. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Mondes snaps once they’re out of the store doors. 
“I got us our food” She says slowly. 
“I wanted to be able to come back to that market” He insists. “Now I’m gonna have to drive across town! Why could you keep your fucking mouth shut!” 
Bee opens her mouth to retort, but instead stares past Mondes’s shoulder. He picks up what's happening just in time, and ducks before the purpleblood, who apparently followed them out of the store, takes a swing at him with a crowbar. Bee dives in between the two of them, pulling a switchblade from her pocket. 
“You’re not gonna rob my fucking store” The cashier insists. “And get away with it.” 
“We PAID!” She snaps, “Don’t make me attack you!” 
“Oh what, a tiny little girl with a knife? I’m soooo scared. You want me to find out exactly what kind of mutant you are? When i smash your brains into the-” 
And there was probably more to his tough guy monologue, but Bee has already sprung into action, grabbing his outstretched arm and yanking it forward, slamming him into the alleyway and disarming him in one move, she bends back his arm and presses the knife to his throat. 
“We didn’t rob your fucking store” She insists, one last time. “And you saw nothing here, capiche? Unless you want me to slit your throat” She says. 
“Fucking bitch” He coughs. “You and your little friend are banned for life, you hear?” 
“Don’t tempt me” She says, pressing the knife forward. 
“Bee,” Mondes says. “Let him go. More trouble than he’s worth.” He says. 
Bee stares at the man like she’s about to argue, but then loosens her hold, and the purpleblood falls to the ground, sputters, and then runs off. 
“What part?” Mondes hisses. “Of low profile, do you not fucking understand?” 
“I- what was I supposed to do! Let him charge you twice!” She snaps. 
“Yes,” he says. “I have the money.” 
“He attacked us for no reason!” She snaps. “He was bending over backwards to justify robbing us of food we bought! We didn’t do anything wrong!” 
Mondes stares for a long moment, and then his head falls into his hands. She thinks for a second he’s crying, but no, the oliveblood is laughing maniacally. 
“What’s so funny?” She says, slowly. 
He exhales. “Do you hear yourself?” He says. “Do you think about words before they come out of your mouth? Oh my fucking g-d, poor Bee, he made an assumption about you based on your blood color and then doubled down for no fucking reason? That must suck so much for you. I’m playing you nievole blanche on the world's tiniest cello. Can’t imagine what that feels like!” He throws up his arms. “Welcome to the glorious life of a lowblood! Not so fun on the other end, is it? Huh? Give me a fucking break.” 
“I didn’t know it was this bad” She mutters quietly. 
“You didn’t know it was this bad?! You didn’t know it was this bad?!!” He snaps. “You have more than one limeblood sibling!! How far was your head up your ass your entire grubhood! Thank Dia and Calsya for the slap I’m about to give you, for fucks sake!” He rants, raising his hand, jokingly. But pauses when Bee stiffens, flinching, a sudden look of horror crossing the violetblood’s face that twists into his heart like a knife. He stares, slowly, for a long moment, and then lowers his hand. 
“I’m- Kidding” He says, but his voice doesn’t do a perfect job of hiding his frustration. You can almost hear him counting to ten in his mind. “Sorry” the oliveblood spits out like a curseword. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just- you tried to have me executed for less. It’s more than a little ironic.” 
“I’m sorry” She says, “I should have known better. I didn’t mean to get you kicked out of that shop. I’m just, not used to this is all. I panicked.” She sighs. The violetblood stands still for a moment, and then leans down on her knees to start picking up the spilled groceries. He is almost content with that end to this conversation, but she keeps going, she ruins it, because of course she does. 
“You would have been right to slap me,” She says. “I wouldn’t stop you.” 
“No.” he says. “Not how this works. I know you’re an idiot. I know that you-” He pauses, the sentence dying on its feet. 
“You know what?” She says, slowly. 
“Nothing,” He says. “Forget it” 
“What do you know?” She repeats, going oddly still as she packs the groceries. 
“You wanna talk candidly about it?” he says. 
She does not answer for a while. “About what?” She says. 
He sighs. “I know you got abused.” He says. Bee’s movements grind nearly to a halt. 
“You know- the whole, your dad showing up at our hive, suddenly that fleet ladies dead- it’s not hard too- Everyone knows, I mean, even without that, you stumble through life like a scared rabbit hanging by a thread and it makes it so hard to be mad at you when I have every right to be. I just.” he exhales. 
“I knew that. So I shouldn’t have raised a hand at you. Knowing that. So I’m sorry for that specifically. I was right about everything else.” 
She places a box in the grocery bag. 
“I wish you’d hit me” She says, blinking. “At least that would make sense to me.” 
“You’ve gotta fucking- quit with that shit.” he says. “It really just makes me uncomfortable. I’m really not that kind of person.” He says. 
“I’m sorry” She repeats. 
“I know,” He answers. 
“It wasn’t- abuse” She says. “What happened to me.” 
“Bee,” Mondes says. “Who are we kidding here? Anymore? Exactly? Fine. My family has a lot of reasons to hate you. The whole Nandor thing? The whole getting beat up or fucked up mentally somehow by that teacher bitch? That’s not one of them. That’s one of the few things, me and Nesseo and everyone, are on your side about. So why mince words. Why keep defending that dead woman.” 
“I…” She says. “She was nice to me. Sometimes. A lot of the time. It wasn’t all… I’m not gonna make that my excuse. For what I became.” 
“Of course she was nice to you,” Mondes says slowly. “That’s how it fucking works- ask your therapist about, the cycle, or whatever- that’s how they get you. They’ll be awful and then nice and that’s why people stay even when they really shouldn’t.” 
She does not answer, staring at the fruit in her hand with dead eyes, unmoving. 
“I thought you loved excuses,” He says. “You’re really not gonna take this one?” 
“No,” She replies. 
He stares at her for a long time. Trying to sort out the complex emotions tumbling through his mind into words. Failing. Eventually, he decides to say nothing at all, walking over to help her pick up the groceries. 
“I have one more errand,” Bee says.
“Okay” he replies.
“You kept my aquarium stickers” Bee says, tracing them on the back of the spaceships pilot seat. 
“My quarrel is with you” Mondes says as he flies. “Not with the beluga whale.”
She almost smiles, staring at the open sky in front of them. 
“Besides” he continues. “Das loves them.” 
The two of them are silent for a moment. 
“Are you sure this is the right address?” Mondes says, floating along the shoreline. 
“Yes- the GPS says it’s right ahead” Bee replies, tapping her hand on the arm rest. 
“In the ocean?” He says. 
“Yes, it’s, half underwater, it’s the whole gimmick” She says. 
“It’s half underwater” Mondes repeats. “And they serve food?” He says. 
“I never claimed the man who runs it was intelligent,” She says. 
“Duly noted” He responds. “Oh- that looks like it” He says, pausing over a bridge that leads out to an illuminated pirate ship, that appears to have some sort of hive beneath it, under the water. He parks, the two of them lock the ship and climb down. And they just walk in. 
They are greeted by a server, who begins the most monotone of customer service monologues like the world's least enthusiastic actor, not even looking up from the register.
“Yo ho ho. Welcome to Buckles and Buckaneers. I regret to inform you that the lower deck is closed due to an octopuses infestation” 
“Octopi” Bee says, instinctively. 
“Octopi” Katash retorts, still not looking up at the two of them as she grabs menus. “In other, better news, calamari is half off! Only three caegers! We’re practically giving it away. Table for how many…” The seadweller trails of, having finally made eye contact with Bee. The woman simply freezes, mouth half open, for what seems like an age. Recognizing her instantly.
“Is the manager in?” Bee says softly. 
“Y-yes” Katash stutters. 
“Table for three,” She says. “If he’ll have me” 
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20dollarlolita · 9 months
I'm sure you've probably done a post about something like this before (if you have, my apologies, I shall be on my way) but do you have any tips on fixing flaking on a tea party's pleather? I only recently discovered your blog and it's inspired me to get back into sewing so I trust your judgement on this. <3
HEY COMMUNITY I need help with this!
I have come into possession of an AP purse that is flaking BADly. Does anyone out there have experience stopping vinyl and fake leather from delaminating and flaking off?
Anon, I'll keep you posted here. I'm looking for the same answer. My best guess if it's just a little bit of flaking is a very flexible surface-applied sealer, but I'd love any more info.
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ttrpgbrackets · 2 months
Freelancer: Cowboy exorcist with a pet demon.
Why you like it: Playing a cowboy in a fantasy setting is already very cool, playing a cowboy with a gun that exorcises demon and a magical gauntlet that can summon a chained demon is just mwah.
Sealer: Martial arts-themed support class that relies on attacking to grant defense and attack buffs to their allies. Also possesses debuffs that help control the battlefield and prevent enemies from applying their own debuffs.
Why you like it:
Strong support ability, the ability to grant allies the power to automatically trigger their "I rolled high" effects, the ability to prevent debuffs instead of having to spend turns curing them. The 'combat is dragging on' scaling also allows the Sealer to provide solid damage, or help nudge rolls to the point of hitting instead of whiffs.
It's also durable enough to *be* in melee, and won't catch cleave, so they have to be targeted specifically if the DM wants to put pressure on them.
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sleepytoycollection · 9 months
Yeah its star shaped glitter tho my sealer made it less shiny, also forgot you can't send asks from side blogs
lol I feel that. The side blog ask thing, not the star glitter. I don't have the power to poke people's dolls though the internet... For now.
I bet it could still work to maximum shiny, it would just have to be applied last. I accidentally did the same thing with my Freddy custom's glitter and then had to add another layer over the sealant to get it to sparkle again lol.
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wytfut · 3 months
Aluminum siding....
I think as a kid who grew up in the 60's, we remember the hard core salesmen that bang on your door... vacuum cleaners, spices, aluminum siding, brushes. .... all humorous in a way today. There has even been movies made about this type of life.
My Pop... way back in the 60's bit the bullet and bought aluminum siding. The guy sold him the goods, and he bit hook line and sinker. The company had their contractor put it up..... Pop wanted his crushed rock roof strauss built home, to be pink for eternity. And so it was....
It was shortly after... maybe a year or 2 later, we had a historic Nebraski hail storm. And just beat the shit out of the siding. I'd say that this aluminum siding was much softer than todays products...
Anything exposed under the eaves of the house on the west and south side took the beating.
Pop about cried and tried to make a claim on his damaged siding, and of course his insurance company didn't recognize aluminum siding as a standard house siding. .... nada... nothing.
The siding remained on for I'd say at least a couple of decades, all dinged up. Finally in the late 90's Mom and Pop were financially comfortable, Pop had the dinged siding removed and covererd with red brick as a wainscoting about 6' up on all sides of the house. I wont critique the color combination, but Mom and Pop were happy. The aluminum siding higher up remained, and looked good until the house was sold.
Now I bring this humorous story up, as that most likely wasn't Pop's only upside down event in his life. And as I grew up there, I know I have picked up this behavior up.... and have applied it many times thru the years.
I just had to have a diesel car. After the 70's embargo, it only made sense to me. So I left my brand (Ford at that time didn't quite yet have a diesel model), and ordered a brand new buick diesel.
Probably the prettiest car I have ever owned to this day. Within 6000 miles, the motor blew up. And we were without a car for close to 3 months.
Within a couple of years, the transmission went. Basically I ordered from Detroit the grand GM double joke.
Sounds innocent enough.... but if a person were to stand back and take a good look at this story or the many others, including my Pop's.... he and I get an idea in our heads, and the blinders come on. No changing of the minds here mind you. And admittedly, it is a weakness or a curse.
Not that we both would fall for salesmen....no no.... but the fact that once we get an idea, we just can't let it go.
Pop I'm sure was told by all his chronie State Troopers...."don't do it!!" ...Just I was told by many folks not to buy a GM diesel.
Here's my latest blinders mistake.
A few years ago, I was using a product called "ride on" on my motorcycle tires. It claimed to reduce flat tires substantially, and would also balance your tires. It was a gooie substance, and for all the years I had used it, I was very happy with it.
I found another company selling a "tire sealer" years ago, a friend used on his farm truck. He had tires with multiple nails in all of his tires with no flats to report.
Thru the years, I had heard that tire repair shops hated these products. Some of the earlier products were impossible to remove. Which made fixing a simple flat tire impossible.
Come up to date now.... to about 4 weeks ago.
My hunny said we were not going to drive to colorado on the tires on her car... especially the one with a double plug (being a tightwad, I fix our own tires, right or wrong, I do). Ok. So I rounded up some very nice almost new tires on facebook market place. Got them for a song.... extremely cheap.
My thoughts.... put berryman's tire sealer in them. Josh, Luke, and myself mounted each..... life was good.
I was still under the impression, that berrymans tire sealer would also balance these tires. As that was "Ride On" claim.
We got about 250 miles into the trip, and holy shit... the tires took off. Shaking the Patti's car like no tomorrow. Many miles of trying to figure out how to avoid the shaking... I determined that if I stayed under 70, it wasn't too bad or very often. It'd still do it a bit here and there.... but no way over 70.
Made it to our destination. And as the week went on I contacted several tire shops. One said he'd try to balance them.... and he couldn't. Another in Estes, said yup he'd fix the issue, but it would cost.
Being a tourist in Estes.... I was guessing $400+. I cringed, Patti said do it....
The tire shop fixed all 4 tires (cleaned the goo out and balanced)..... $160, plus 2 days.
We were ecstatic. No way .... he could of taken huge advantage to our situation, but he didn't. God bless this man.
When I went to pick up the car.... this very same guy was in the parking lot helping a much older gentleman clean fresh asphalt off of his tires. The guy drove thru fresh asphalt (no barricades).... And his tires looked like huge donuts. I talked to the old guy. He was amazed that the guy was helping him, at no charge. Attacking the tires with pry bars....
Back to the point. Folks that know me.... know I do this. My boys, friends, etc. I get the blinders on, and it is the goal to achieve, hell or high water, it'll be done. They all just roll their eyes, and shake their heads
You'd think after years of this nonsense, I'd learn, or someone would just shake the shit out of me, to get my attention.
My next odd ball mission is to drop some ajax/comet down the carburetor of our 36 ford. lolololol I've already heard murmurings from some folks not directly. ...
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danray002 · 11 months
So, new project on my part! I decided to try my hand at a DIY Kentucky Rifle instead of just buying one. I got a kit by Pedersoli, .50 cal flintlock, and have effectively zero experience to speak of in actually making a firearm.
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The kit came with everything fully assembled as shown above (probably to save space for shipping), but it had to be taken apart so that the different parts could be finished before reassembly. (I naturally dry fired a couple of times and got it to flash, which was cool, but thebtrigger pull was advertised at a monstrous 13.5 pounds, and it didn't disappoint.)
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Everything disassembled, so let's start with sanding down the stock.
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The stock came shaped properly to allow for a good fit, but wasn't finished much beyond that. So, the plan is to sand it, stain it, seal it, oil it, and apply a sheen. The kit I got didn't include a sealer, so that's on mail order.
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Sanded the stock down by hand at 60 grit, then 80, 120, 180, 220, 320, 400, and finally 600 grit sanding, and it feels really smooth now. I did a light sanding on the ramrod, but got a nasty blister on my thumb (two blisters merged into one) amd stopped for the night last night.
Next morning (today), the plan is to work on the barrel before staining the stock. It came lightly vlued to prevent rust during shipping, but this is supposed to be removed for browning. (Bluing and browning are both controlled corrosion processes to cause a reaction on the surface of the metal, which prevents unwanted and uncontrolled corrosion in the form of rust while also ideally providing a better aesthetic.)
Some quick online research says that bluing can be easily removed with white distilled vinegar, so I go that route. I don't have a container long enough to hold the barrel entirely, so I dip part of the barrel in a contained filled with 2 gallons of vinegar, andnuse rags to soak the other end and sub down the barrel itself.
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Bare steel is visible by the end of this process, but it's also allowing the vinegar to cause corrosion as it sits on the steel for too long. I panic, rinse the barrel inside ant out with the garden hose, throw the barrel in a bench vise and quickly sand it at 120 grit to get rid of any external corrosion.
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So after I scoured at 120 grit and stopped panicking, I looked into the bore and started panicking again. See, I had read that you should plug the muzzle and touch hole with wood plugs before browning or bluing, but had seen nothing about prepping before de-bluing. I tried covering them with electrical tape, but that didn't work, so I had the same corrosion inside the bore, probably the last place I would want it. I used what solvents and cleaners I had on hand (Hoppe's No. 9 solvent, Eagle 1 Nevr-Dull polish, and Hoppe's Elite foaming cleanser). I started with shotgun patches to match the wide bore, but the rifling was cut very sharply and those patches started disintegrating in the bore, so I tried pistol-sized patches and had better luck (different material from a different company). Went through like a dozen or two patches and a wad of polish and cleared out not only the corrosion, but also whatever was lining the bore previously (still not sure if it was carbon from the test shot at the factory or some lining for longevity, but whatever it was, it's gone now).
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Once that was done, I sanded the outside of the barrel (with less panic, finally) up to 600 grit. Not quite a mirror finish, but now it actually looks like stainless steel.
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Then I sanded the ramrod to 600 grit as well.
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And here we are. I tried filing down a dowel to work as the wood plugs for this, but gave up because I was getting nowhere fast, amd ordered a set of conical wood plugs (advertised as emergency wooden plugs, I think the idea is to keep them on a boat and use them to plug a leak if one shows up). So I can't actually brown the barrel until they show up, just like I can't seal the stock until the sealant shows up. Hoping that before the night is out, I can stain the stock and ramrod, and polish all of the brass and the outside of the barrel. The plan from there, starting tomorrow when the remaining materials are set to arrive, would be to initiate the first cost of browning (since that takes hours to cure before the next coat), seal the stock while waiting for that to cure, and maybe apply the first coat of oil once the sealant is dry and the second or third coat of browning solution is curing. Apparently the browning can take up to 4-5 applications, so it might span two days, and the wood oil should apparently take a few coats at about one coat per day. I'll probably take the time to clean the bore out one last time somewhere in there too. Once the oil is done, I apparently wait a week until applying a satin sheen coating, and assemble everything once that's dry.
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phayz · 1 year
has anyone here used any type of like, acrylic sealer before? like mod podge stuff? im looking to find a way to waterproof my stickers before i sell them, and i was wondering, can you still colour on top of the sealer? like can i still sell these as a "colour-it-yourself" thing if a sealant has already been applied? will markers and pencil crayon even stick if its not bare paper? am i fucked????
i know i'll probably just have to buy some and try it out, but id really like to know if anyone has an experience before i spend 40$ on testing it lol
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anonymouscomrade · 11 months
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this is the finished mask that i posted about earlier, with the red paint touched up and evened out, a coat of sealer applied, and the old thin elastic headband that was attached with hot glue replaced with a stronger elastic band attached with actual stitching. note that my skill level at sewing hovers somewhere around "can successfully push a needle and thread through fabric without sticking his own finger approximately six out of every ten tries" so the stitching is super jank and isn't good by any means, but the mask held for my entire shift at work so it worked enough for that at least. my "costume" was extremely thrown-together at the last minute because i didn't even plan to do anything for halloween until like 48 hours beforehand so aside from the mask i wore my oldest pants, the most worn and threadbare hoodie i own, and a solid color t-shirt. not super accurate, but at least not something terribly out of place. if i'd had more time maybe i could have gotten my hands on a prop machete or knife or something to carry around to add to the look but whatever, it was fine for being so last-minute
various reactions i got at work:
like five different people thought i was Michael Myers, which makes some sense because Jason doesn't have much in the way of hair while mine hasn't seen scissors in months, but Michael Myers' mask is solid white and covers his whole head. it took a few movies but Jason's most iconic look is the hockey mask with red chevrons. totally different guy
one guy walked up to me and said "hey, Freddy!" with all the confidence in the world. it was still early enough in the shift that i was still trying to stay dedicated to the bit and maintaining Jason's silence so i just gave him a nod. Freddy's the one with a striped sweater, a fedora, and knife glove, and kills people in their dreams, and also he talks a lot. Jason has the hockey mask, kills people in the waking world, and doesn't talk pretty much ever. again, completely different guy
at least nobody thought i was Leatherface, even though my physique is definitely closer to his than Jason's. for those keeping score, Leatherface wears a tie and an apron, and someone else's face like a mask over his, and kills people with a chainsaw because he's also a cannibal. i haven't seen a Friday the 13th from start to finish in a long while but i'm pretty sure Jason doesn't eat people and might not actually need to eat at all because he's undead
one guy took one look at me and wanted a picture of me standing there menacingly in front of the meat counter. that was fun
i think the best reaction i got all day was the older guy who saw me and did a full-on hands on head, knees knocking, fingernail biting cartoon scaredy routine like something out of Luigi's Mansion
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groutfix · 9 months
Grout & Tile Deep Cleaning in Christchurch
In the world of home aesthetics, the often-overlooked heroes are the grout and tiles that adorn our spaces. Over time, these surfaces can lose their luster, becoming a breeding ground for stubborn stains and grime. However, there's a solution that goes beyond regular cleaning – the transformative magic of Grout & Tile Deep Cleaning in Christchurch.
Understanding the Need:
Grout, often overshadowed by its tile companions, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and appearance of tiled surfaces. As time passes, grout lines can accumulate dirt, mold, and discoloration, diminishing the overall appeal of a room. A deep cleaning session is the key to reviving these surfaces and bringing back their original shine.
The Deep Cleaning Process:
Our Grout & Tile Deep Cleaning services in Christchurch employ advanced techniques to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning process. From removing deeply embedded dirt to erasing unsightly stains, each step is carefully executed to deliver exceptional results.
Assessment and Pre-Treatment:
Our experts begin by assessing the condition of the grout and tiles.
Pre-treatment involves using specialized solutions to break down tough stains and grime.
High-Pressure Cleaning:
High-pressure cleaning is employed to remove accumulated dirt, mold, and contaminants.
This step ensures a deep cleanse, reaching areas that regular cleaning might miss.
Grout Sealing:
Once cleaned, we apply a premium grout sealer to protect against future stains and water damage.
This enhances the longevity and appearance of the grout, ensuring lasting results.
Tile Polishing (Optional):
For an extra layer of brilliance, tile polishing can be included to restore the tiles to their original shine.
This optional step adds an extra touch of luxury to the overall finish.
Benefits of Grout & Tile Deep Cleaning:
Revitalized Appearance: Say goodbye to dull and stained grout lines. Deep cleaning brings out the true colors of your tiles, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the space.
Healthier Living: Removal of mold, mildew, and allergens contributes to a healthier indoor environment, especially important for those with respiratory concerns.
Extended Longevity: By investing in deep cleaning, you're not just improving the appearance; you're also extending the life of your tiles and grout.
Grout & Tile Deep Cleaning in Christchurch is more than just a cleaning service; it's a transformative experience for your living spaces. Rediscover the true beauty of your tiles, and let the freshness and cleanliness permeate every corner of your home. Elevate your surroundings with the power of deep cleaning – because your space deserves the best.
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epoxyflooringexpert · 10 months
A Guide To Choose The Right Concrete Sealers For Home
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Maintaining the efficiency of the commercial property is extremely important especially the concrete that makes the floor pitch perfect. In fact, not just maintaining but preventing the damage to concrete is equally essential. Concrete is one of the crucial construction elements owing to its strength and longevity. However, because concrete is porous, it can absorb soluble salts and water, which can be harmful. Furthermore, the absorption of salts by the concrete, especially chlorides, can eventually lead to corrosion problems when steel reinforcement is inserted in the concrete to strengthen it. 
As a result, opting for the right type of concrete sealers is of utmost necessity. It ensures protection by shielding surfaces from a wide range of water-related issues caused by the cycles of thawing and freezing, stains from dirt, oil, and other impurities. In addition, it also prevents an individual from investing unnecessarily.  
Understanding The Role Of Concrete Sealers
The sealers for concrete are intended to provide protection for the concrete's surface against degradation, rust, and discolouration over time. Most concrete surface degradation is usually caused by surface moisture penetration. It's essential to safeguard and preserve the concrete surfaces while doing regular maintenance to increase their lifespan. Concrete sealers function by covering your concrete's surface or by penetrating into its pores and attaching to its inherent attributes. There are several types of sealers and choosing the right one can be the game changer. 
How To Choose The Right Concrete Sealers?
In order to choose the right kind of sealers for a concrete surface, one must be aware of the different types of concrete sealers in the market and their benefits. 
Waterproof Concrete Sealers 
A sealer should be a product that has the ability to penetrate deep into the surface as well as the substrate in order to seal and act as a protective covering. A waterproof sealer protects the concrete surface from penetrating water deep into the seal on which it turns into a solid form enclosing all alkali and lime in its impenetrable layer.
As a result, the concrete surface coated with waterproof sealers becomes water resistant along with other dirt, grease and acid which extends the overall life of the surface. 
Epoxy Concrete Sealers 
Epoxy concrete sealers are a great option for heavily utilized interior floors. This specific sealer not only offers a durable finish but also deters excessive abrasion. The most popular applications for epoxy coatings are concrete flooring and countertops. As a matter of fact, this type of sealer offers a glossy finish with a thick composition.
Depending on the requirement of an individual, pigments can be added to the sealers for better colours and one can choose either some mid-level sheen or highly glossy one.  
Acrylic Concrete Sealers
If an individual is looking for a cost-effective option, acrylic sealers are the best. Not only is it easy to apply but is also best suited for the interiors and exteriors for sealing the concrete. In addition, this type of sealer is well resistant to UV and therefore doesn’t fade away with time.
If one is looking for sealers for the garage or wants to seal the pool decks and walkways, individuals can opt for acrylic sealers as they offer protection against chlorine water. The paint dries really fast and enhances colours while protecting against damage. 
Final Thoughts 
Choosing the right concrete sealers perth and applying them correctly is extremely crucial. To find the ideal balance of protection, durability, and affordability, consider the specific needs, surface, and location.
Spraypave Pro is a concrete sealer expert in Perth and can help with the process of concrete sealing. 
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zenosanalytic · 2 years
Paintbrush, PlasGlue, and Holy Clippers: Sparse Marns: Part VII: Basing
The End!SO CLOSE to The End!! All that's left is to do SOMETHING with their bases and then varnish the minis to protect the paintjob!
Ok so TECHNICALLY, you really don't have to do anything to the base.
I mean I've never really been in the gaming part of the fandom as I said at the start, I only ever played by myself or with my sibs, so maybe some ppl would hassle you for leaving them with just your basic black+primer bases, but really: Who Cares? So What! If you didn't want to do anything with the bases you could just leave them as is, and if you wanted to do SOMETHING but not anything crazy, you could just paint them a uniform color: black, or grey, or a nice terrainy green or brown. Allot of folks do basically this:, painting the sides of the base brown and the tops green. Most mini-hobby companies also make "basing pastes" and terrain-paints meant to simulate particular terrain environments which you can apply with a brush and maybe schnazz up with a few licks of paint once they dry.
BUT! The point of all this was for me to practice skills, old and new, so I decided to do some flocking. "Flocking" just means "gluing terrain-like Stuff to your mini bases". SO! I went to the gamestore and bought some Army Painter flocking materials
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Lots of folks call Basing Glue "PVA Glue", which is basic wood glue or Elmers to most USians, so Im assuming that's what that is: it certainly looks, smells, feels, and behaves like it. I used the lid from one of my water jars to hold the glue, and This Brush
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to apply it.
The flock itself is some Paver's fill I had lying around, plus Army Painter's Brown Battlefield(a sort of gritty rubble-sand), Green Field, and Battlefield Rocks, which I found those tweezers I didn't like much from assembly to be PERFECT for manipulating, placing, and holding secure. The shrubbery is Army Painter's Highland Tufts which I LOVE! I LOVE THEIR TUFTS SOMUCH!! Seriously after I got done with the basing I immediately went out and bought, like, 3 more packs of different varieties. The Flocks cost ~$15 total and the glue was, I think, another 5 or so, so it was about 20 bucks. The Paver fill didn't really do a super great job which was unfortunate, but now I know sand isn't a great flocking material(at least: not how I used it. I'll get to that later).
Working one base at a time, I brushed the glue on, held it at a tilt, then sprinkled the gravel and sand down it, adjusting and turning to til I was satisfied with the coverage. Then I let it sit for 30 minutes to dry, held it vertical and gently tapped to knock loose any excess, and did that again with the grass, only applying it in patches where I thought grass would Look Neat, letting it dry for another 30 minutes. Here's how that looked
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Then I applied glue to the bottom of the rocks and stuck those wherever I thought a rock should live on the bases, letting dry for another 30 minutes, then did the same with the BEAUTIFUL Tufts My Beloveds uwu Here's how they looked after all that!
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I love how this looks!
Unfortunately, the brown battlefield and green field flocking doesn't stay on so well X| This may be my fault: I might have not used enough glue. But, I decided to go looking for a way to lock it down and found some videos about "sealing" your flock to keep it from doing that, and decided to try covering the flock with a layer of VERY watered-down glue, to hold it in place, then decided to paint the wee skull on Sarge's helmet white, to stand out more. Here's how that looks
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Oh: and once the flocking was dry, I painted the rim of each base in Mournfang Brown with a #2 brush, taking the time to fill in any empty spaces on the edge. I think it's fine, but it's definitely less charismatic than with the grass standing up all willy-nilly. When I went to get the tufts last time, I saw they also sold spray cans of "Terrain Sealer". Now, I KNOW this is for actual terrain pieces you build and paint, and for sealing gameboards you might create, but I figure that, with sufficient distance, it'd probably work well at sealing base-flock, too.
In general I think the flock-experiment went well, but I think I probably made a few mistakes in it. Next time I'll fully paint the bases in a ground-color before applying any flock, and I'll use a thicker layer of glue and see if that changes the stickability. Another option is to use the flock purely for texture and paint over it once it's dry. It's allot more work, and it requires prepping the basing substrate before you attach the minis and some VERY careful painting of said substrate at the finish, but most of the painting tutorials I've been watching lately do something like this, often using cheaply or freely available materials like sand, pebbles, and chopped up Ephemera instead of branded flocks. I could also use branded basing-pastes which, again, allot of video I watched prepping for this used. I'd like to give all those options a go sometime in the future just to see how it works out, though I worry about weight; one benefit of the Army Painter flocking is that it's pretty light and doesn't really impact the handling of the mini.
All that's left now is applying the varnish, going over my thoughts on the project, what I think I need to work on, and discussing my next one! Seeya then ^v^ ^v^
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sraddhasen12 · 1 year
Invest in Waterproof Coatings to Keep Your Home Water Resistant
You have worked put so much effort into making your dream house and all that it involved, so think of how you would feel if it was ruined from water damage with no chance at lasting any length of time? That would truly feel as if you were living in a nightmare! To stop this trauma from occurring, making sure to waterproof your home through various coatings should take priority to all else. This way, you can stop any moisture from getting into the place where you rest.
Preserving dryness and preventing water from entering your residence is an important element of construction. Because if the water infiltrates cracks and seeps into your personal living space, it could create prospective ruin in regards to structure disturbance and affect the visible design of the house you envisioned. The waterproofing facing outfits the outer walls of your domicile with a clear liquid repellent that obstructs H2O from getting beyond regulation into your edifice. These durable coverings rely on hydrophobic
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In this piece we'll discuss why waterproof coatings are essential and some choices that can be made. Options for waterproofing cover a wide range of surfaces like concrete, wood, stones or metal elements - like terraces, walls, as well as tiles. While coatings fluctuate from chemical to bitumen based choices, it is possible to find a solution tailored precisely to the required surface in question.
What is the importance of waterproofing coatings for the home?
Now that you have gained knowledge about waterproof coating, it is time to look further into the significance of using this type of coating for your house.
Enhances your home's structural integrity
The structure of your home is made up of different parts, such as the foundation, basement, walls and roof. These components bear the brunt of any extreme climate or ground moisture due to seepage. This can weaken the structural framework and result in cracks. Applying a waterproof outer layer will prevent such damage arising from pressure or dampness leakage.
A germ-free environment
The proliferating of bacteria and germs on ruinous and damp ceramic tiles can pose significant health risks for household inhabitants, as infections and illnesses may result from this. But, applying waterproof coverings have the capacity to significantly attenuate the blossoming of mildew and microorganisms.
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Maintains the life of your paint-
Applying a protective layer to painted walls will provide protection from inside and out, preventing any damage. This type of safeguard is notable in bathroom and kitchen areas that get more dampness, because it lessens the chance of water imprinting into the walls thereby decreasing impairment as time passes by. Not only that, but these walls are easier to wash clean and created safe hurdles that discourage microbials from developing.
Providing solutions for water proofing -
We can uncover the top-notch waterproofing options for your residence. This can include a clear waterproof membrane for tiles, an acrylic water repellent sealer, a chemical emulsion protector, or even a protective finish designed for plywood; provided by us at Asian Paints - every answer you need is here!
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Beautifully transforming your home-
At Paint Sutra, we offer best water proofing Services regardless of how seriously the exterior or interior of your home is damaged--our goal is not just to aesthetically enhance, but also maintain the solidity and stability of your home with our selection of waterproofing services. Our consultants will search out water seepages and any possible issues as well as determine a resolving treatment too.
Paint Sutra - Wall Painting House Painting
We provide best Wall Painting Services for your sweet home. We do Wall Painting at a reasonable cost. Get free quotation and get in touch on 9700 22 6666.
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wwwquickpakinccom · 2 days
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Steel vs. Plastic Strapping Tools
You have heard debates about steel vs. plastic strapping for your packaging needs. There are arguments both for and against either material. Some people will point out that steel can be used for even the heaviest of loads, while others argue that it tends to corrode if it is left outside. Plastics are strong and flexible, but they might not be the right choice for every load.
One thing you have thought less about are the key differences between steel and plastic strapping tools. While everyone’s busy debating which material is best to use, less attention has been paid to the tools you need to use for either type.
You know that you cannot simply switch out one material for another. Both plastic and steel strapping require their own tools, and the differences between them highlight why.
Steel strapping tools and plastic strapping tools also known as banding tools come in various strap widths and thickness, designed to handle the specific demands of their respective industry applications. However, many plants still use manual hand tools.
What is the difference?
Steel hand tools:
1. Steel can be sealed using clips or notches.
2. Clips are applied using manual tensioners and sealers.
3. Notches can be applied using a manual all-in-one tool or air-driven pneumatic tools.
Plastic hand tools:
1. Plastic can be sealed using clips, buckles, or welds.
2. Clips are applied using manual tensioners and sealers.
3. Buckles can be used with no tools but are only used for light-duty polypropylene.
4. Welds must use either a pneumatic or battery-powered tool. Battery tools offer mobility, while air tools are used at fixed locations.
When it comes to handheld strapping equipment, the options for steel strapping are limited. There are two types of hand tools designed for steel strapping: manual and pneumatic.
Manual tools for steel strapping include tensioners, sealers, and shears—three separate pieces of equipment for one task. However, all-in-one tools, which notch the strap without requiring seals, are popular as they combine all steps into one. Despite their convenience, these tools are often heavy, difficult to use, and more dangerous, requiring proper training to avoid injury.
Pneumatic tools tend to be easier to use. They are air operated, but they are not very mobile, and you must provide good-quality, clean, moisture-free air for these tools to work without issue. Although they are safer than manual tools, using steel strapping can still be difficult. You must be sure to use quality strapping to help your team avoid injuries.
Tools for plastic strapping are safer.  You can still use manual tools for plastic strapping. These tools are often small and more affordable. They are also quite similar to what you may have been using for steel strapping, so your workers are already familiar with them to an extent. However, manual tools for plastic strapping must use clips as the plastic cannot be notched as it can be with steel.
Battery tools for plastic are the key difference maker between steel and plastic strapping. Battery tools offer the mobility you simply cannot achieve with steel using power-driven tools. They also reduce the number of tools you need. They are easier to use, with your team merely moving the tool into place over the strap, adjusting the tension, and sealing the strap.
Plastic strapping is safer than steel strapping, and using pneumatic tools makes the process much easier and safer.
As mentioned, plastic strapping is often safer than steel strapping. In many cases, it is the right choice for what you are packaging. Plastic strapping is often just as strong and even more flexible. Steel should only be used in certain cases, such as when you are packing extremely heavy loads.
The material itself and the plastic strapping tools you will use with it are often more cost-effective solutions as well. If you’re wondering what’s right for your plant, get in touch with the experts at 813 242 6995 or reach out to [email protected]
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