#just because he was the one I liked as a child watching in 2005
the20thangel · 2 months
The Labor of Our Fruits
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Summary: Tumblr Request!: A Targaryen reader. She and Benji didn't get off on the right foot because it was an arranged marriage, but Benji loves her but is scared to show it. The reader is pregnant, and because Benji has been ignoring her when she goes into labor, she begs Benji to not let her die, and he feels terrible thinking she would think something like that. But ending happily with their little baby boy.
tags: childbirth, angst, fluff
Word count: 2005
(this is an x reader fanfic but just with a name)
Daella grimaced, feeling immense pressure as the maester pressed down on her stomach. She wished her mother’s healers were here instead of this maester, but she was far from home, far from her mother and brothers and step-sisters, far from the comforts of Dragonstone and the sounds of dragons roosting around the island. She realistically knew all she needed to do was ask to get what she wanted, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Since their marriage night, she hardly spoke to her husband, Lord Benjicot Blackwood. How can she just go up and ask him to tell him to send for the healers from Dragonstone? 
Her marriage… was strange; that was the only way she could describe it. To ensure House Blackwood kept their alliance with her mother, Daella was brought to Raventree Hall to marry its new lord. He was not cruel, her lord husband, but distant. She did not know if having a distant husband was better or worse. In some cases better, because he never forced himself on her or commanded her to do things that might have made her uncomfortable. She greatly appreciated him for doing that; he was already better than her uncle Aegon.
On the other hand, having a distant husband was worse. She was lonely, growing a babe of a man she hardly knew, proudly doing her duty for her mother and husband but drowning in her isolation. She laughed at the gods' cruel joke. Was she turning out to be like her ancestor Daella, daughter of Good Queen Alysanne, who bore her grandmother Aemma only to die without holding her babe? 
Daella groaned quietly as the maester finished evaluating her. She sat up as the doors of the bed chamber opened, revealing her husband, Benjicot. Walking into the chamber, he saw the maester packing his bag. Benjicot quickly walked to his wife, pausing before her, unsure if he should hold her hand. Ultimately, he stood by her, watching her fidget with her dress. 
“How are they?” he asked the maester. 
“Both mother and child are progressing wonderfully, my lord; we should expect the babe to come any minute now.” stated the maester, bowing to the lord and princess as he walked out of the room. 
Daella swallowed; she did not know what to do now, such was most the case with her. She mainly floated around the castle, careful not to be in anybody’s way. Knowing that made her seem weird, she heard the whispers as the people spoke about the odd Targaryen girl their lord was forced to marry. 
Benjicot stared at his beautiful wife, wishing he could know her thoughts. His marriage was a quiet one. Both hardly spoke to each other, only short sentences here and there. His aunt urged him to make more effort to express his love to Daella, but he just didn’t know how. He was not good at romance, feeling more comfortable in battles. He also never wanted to be the husband who would force his wife to do actions she may not like. So he tried to give her space, allowing her to grow accustomed to her new home. 
Swallowing away his nervousness, he decided to try to make a small conversation. 
“How are you feeling?” asked Benjicot, seeing how Daella jumped in surprise, looking at him with her soft purple eyes. Oh, how he could get lost staring at them all day. 
“Tired… my lord,” whispered Daella, smiling at him, not wanting to seem rude at his genuine worry.
Benji smiled back, “Would you like to rest before supper, or could I have the servants bring supper to the chambers?” 
“I think I will rest a little and then meet you there,” Daella said, looking at his nervous smile. 
Benjicot nodded. Feeling awkward, he turned to leave, but before thinking about it, he turned back to Daella. 
“Should you want or need anything these last few days, all you need to do is ask, and I will try my best to provide it to you,” Benji promised as he reached to caress her cheek, only stopping mere inches away. Again, feeling unsure if she would accept his touch, He chose to walk away and leave the room. 
Daella, with great sadness, watched her husband leave her alone again in the chamber. Once the door closed, she let a small tear flow freely down her cheek. 
“I wish to go home,” whispered Daella, closing her eyes as she stroked her belly. Only allowing a smile to softly stretch on her face as she felt her babe kick her. 
The following day, Benji woke up earlier than previous ones. He had to ride out for a few days and needed to check in with the village. As he turned, he could not help but smile at the sight before him. He loved seeing his wife sleeping, seeing her in the most relaxing state. She always wore a smile on her face as her hands lay on top of her stomach. She was a beauty, and he wished he could show more of his feelings towards her. He wants to build his relationship with her but always becomes too nervous to act anything out.  Leaning down to provide a small kiss on her forehead. He made a vow that once he returned, he would start to show more effort in his marriage so that when their babe entered this world, they would have parents who were openly affectionate with each other. 
Daella grew restless. Benji had been gone for a few days and was not due to return for another two days. She was trying her best to take over the castle duties, but she kept having cramps. Her babe was not due yet, so Daella started worrying. Was there something she was doing wrong? Was she harming her baby? She groaned from another cramp as a passing servant, recognizing the signs of labor, gasped and ran to the princess.
“My princess, how long have you been feeling these pains?” questioned the servant girl as she led the princess back to the chambers.
Daella exhaled, feeling the cramp alleviate for a second, “Since last night… I think..” groaning from another wave of cramps. 
“Princess, you are in labor, we need…. Someone fetch the maester. The princess is in labor!” shouted the servant girl to the nearest guard, who frantically nodded, running to do his bidding. 
The castle was in chaos; the pained screams of Daella echoed in the halls as servants entered and left the princess’s chambers. Daella was lying in bed, watching the maester and midwives converse quietly. Her babe was taking too long to leave her body. She knew what the maester wanted to do… he wanted to cut the babe free from her body. She shook in fright; she did not want to die in the labor bed. She did not want to follow the path of her namesake and her grandmother, Aemma.  She wanted to live, not ready to enter the realm of Balerion. 
“We need to wait for Lord Benjicot to decide…” whispered the midwife, trying to stall the maester from doing anything drastic. 
“If we wait too long, there might not be anyone left to save.” argued the maester, looking back at the bleeding princess. 
Daella closed her eyes as she wept; she wanted her mother, she wanted Benji, and she prayed to the gods to have mercy on her and her baby. 
As if the gods were listening, the doors opened with a bang, and people gasped. A muddy Benjicot ran into the room, scanning for Daella, and saw her breathing heavily on their bed. 
“My lord, the birthing room is no place…” began the maester as Benjicot ignored him, running to take his wife’s hand in his. 
“Daella..” whispered Benji, moving some white hair away from her face.
Daella smiled painfully at her husband. She needed to be a dragon, and she would fight for her life. 
“Benji, please, please don’t let him do it to me…” pleaded Daella as she let tears stream down her face. 
Benjicot looked at his wife in confusion. What was causing her so much stress?
Turning to the maester and midwives, he asked them what was happening to his wife. The maester walked up to the lord as he explained that the babe was taking too long to leave the princess's stomach. Proposing that the best option to save the future heir of House Blackwood was to cut the babe out of the princess's body.
 Daella, sobbing, reached for Benji's hand as she pleaded, “Please don't let them cut me. I do not wish to die yet.”
Benjicot, heartbroken at seeing her in such a state, leaned down to kiss her forehead and whisper comforting words to her. 
“Shh, my love, I would never do such a thing to you…” 
“My lord, if we don’t, we risk losing the ba-” 
“Remove this man out of my sight before I turn and run my sword across his stomach,” growled Benjicot, shooting daggers at the gaping maester being led out by the guards. 
Benji turned to the midwives and pleaded, “Please, is there any way to save them both?” 
The midwives nodded, “It’s the princess’s first, babe. She has grown tired of using all her energy to push out. We can help her by pushing on her stomach as she pushes herself. It will be painful, but it is the best chance to save both mother and child.” 
Benjicot nodded, letting himself be led to sit behind her, pressing his hand on her stomach as Daella continued to sob. 
“When we ask the princess the push, we will need you, my lord, to push your hands downward with all your might. Even if she screams in agony, you push down. We cannot risk the babe getting stuck.” commanded the head midwife, waiting for him to agree. 
Once the young lord agreed, the midwives all went to their positions. Looking at him, they started to command the princess to start pushing. Benji, in turn, also pressed his hands on her stomach, feeling her body warp. Daella screamed in agony, feeling like her body was ripping in half. She wanted them to stop but knew that if she wanted to live, she needed to continue to push. Praying to the goddesses Meleys and Shrykos, she pleaded for them to hear her, asking for a safe, open road for her babe’s birth. 
Benjicot continued to press down as he kissed Daella's crown, feeling proud of her courage and bravery during this upsetting situation. She was indeed a dragon princess, not letting herself falter. He decided to express his thoughts as he continued to help her push. 
“That’s it, my love, you are doing wonderful; you are almost there, Daella, don’t give up… I know you can,” he whispered to her ear, his heart breaking at every scream she let out. 
Daella, even though tired, felt empowered by her husband’s words, inhaling she gave one last push. She will live, she will not die in this bed, and she will get to see her child grow up. 
With one last scream and push, the baby boy left his mother’s body, wailing to the world. Daella started crying at seeing her son. He was beautiful, with his father’s black hair and pale skin like hers. He was placed on her chest as she wrapped her arms around his tiny body. Benji, too, started crying at seeing his son, something that showed a promise of the love he was willing to show to his wife. 
As the young heir nuzzled his mother’s chest, he briefly opened his eyes, showcasing a beautiful purple color—the very ones Benjicot adored on his wife. Feeling overwhelmed, he rocked the baby and mother into his arms. 
“You did wonderful, Daella. You were amazing,” he praised his princess, kissing her cheek and continuing to rock them. 
Daella smiled as she leaned into her husband’s embrace, feeling she was finally home. 
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kafus · 8 months
over the weekend at the knoxville regional pokemon championships, i met up with a longtime internet friend in person for the first time, and he traded me a very special pokemon - a unique celebi that takes a bit of context to explain the significance of
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from november 2001 to january 2005, the building that is now a nintendo world store in new york city was actually an american pokemon center, which hosted the "Gotta Catch ‘Em All!" station, a large machine that you could pop your gold/silver/crystal cartridge into (or later ruby/sapphire/firered/leafgreen, but that's not relevant here) and get a special distribution pokemon unique to the store. often times these were normal pokemon in eggs with special moves they couldn't usually learn, but other times they ran distributions for shiny legendaries, and of course, the mythical celebi.
there's very few pictures of the machine and all of them are pretty low quality, but you can see an iteration of it here during the gen 3 era:
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when PCNY (pokemon center new york) shut down, the machine and its contents were presumed lost forever, but due to the preservation efforts and the good luck of a few individuals, some of the distributions have been preserved, as well as parts of the machine and its software. this is extra incredible because almost all gen 2 save files from the time the machine was actually functional are long since wiped due to the battery inside dying, meaning that very very few of the gen 2 event pokemon distributed from this machine at the time still exist. i won't go super in detail on that in this post but you can read an article about all of that here (julie, the person who runs this historical PCNY fansite is incredibly passionate and if you want to know anything about the PCNY store i absolutely recommend reading her writing!)
so, one day when i was rambling to my friend (his name is Venty!) about my fascination with the PCNY machine, and how i wish i had been born early enough to experience that, as well as wishing that i could have traded with anyone in gens 1-3 as a child but never got to due to isolation, venty told me that he's actually friends with a guy (Professor Rex) who knows the guy who owns the remnants of the PCNY machine (Gridelin), and he would love to reach out and ask if there's any way rex could distribute a celebi to himself and trade it to him sometime so that eventually when me and venty met in person one day, he'd be able to trade the celebi to me.
i pretty much burst into tears and very passionately explained how much that would mean to me - not just because owning a celebi actually distributed from the historical PCNY distribution station is just... insanely cool, but because like i said, i had never traded anyone in the old internet-less generations of pokemon, and having that be my first was just... a monumental thought. i am deeply fascinated with old gen event distributions because of the tactile, interpersonal nature of them, in direct contrast with my isolation and loneliness as a child. it might sound silly to be so worked up over a collection of bytes/pixels, but i really couldn't believe venty would offer me something so kind. and not only did he offer to ask - rex said yes!!
so on may 21st last year (2023) rex traveled out and distributed the celebi to his pokemon silver cartridge. specifically, the celebi is from the "Celebi Present Campaign" which ran from the 22nd of november 2002 to the 28th of november 2002. the display on the monitor is the same video that would have appeared on the screen in the PCNY store, but flipped sideways here haha. (the gen 2 distributions were special and had custom animations for the legendaries and stuff, which you can watch here in full quality on gridelin's channel - there's videos of the other distribution animations on his channel, too!)
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and then months later, during the weekend of august 11th 2023, rex and venty met up at the pokemon world championship in japan and rex traded the celebi to venty's gold cartridge...
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...then, finally, just this past weekend, on sunday (february 4th 2024) venty and i finally met in real life for the first time at the knoxville TN regional pokemon championships, and with link cable in hand the celebi finally made its way to me in my hotel room, after crossing the ocean twice and passing through canada to the US to japan and back to the US...!!
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gen 2 pokemon data isn't very complicated, but you can tell that my celebi is unique from the other PCNY celebis dumped online (here and here if you'd like to play with some of these historical pokemon yourself) because it has the trainer ID of 00204 which none of the publicly available celebis have - though of course to me, regardless of what becomes publicly available in the future (and i hope one day the common layperson can simply emulate the PCNY machine, video game preservation >>> unique collections always) this celebi will always be special and unique because of how it got to me, and because it represents my friendship with venty who i care so much about. it was an extremely kind gesture i will never forget and i can't believe how much traveling and how many people were involved with getting this tiny bundle of bytes and pixels to me. i hugged venty after the trade was done haha
oh, and by the way, don't worry, i have the hardware to back up my gen 2 save files so this celebi will never die even after my crystal cartridge battery eventually dies once more!! (also, while i don't think it would be an issue i do want to say please don't bother any of the people mentioned in this post...! gridelin & co are working on making the distribution machine in question available for anyone to use, it'll come out whenever it's out and for now there are dumps of the events that were recovered. i would not want them to receive any annoying requests for pokemon because of me. thank you!)
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Forest Hid Out (Angst) (18+)
SAINW!Raphael x reader
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A/N: Friendly reminder that Same As It Never Was takes place in the year of 2035. That’s 11 years from now. It aired in 2005… That means we’re over half way there… Also, this took me way longer to write than I thought it would, lol.
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Takes place in 2033. Raphael is 43, reader is 20.
Warnings: Long, loss of loved ones, masturbation, age difference, tent sex.
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You had never experienced a world with a clean sky. A world in which the streets were free for everyone to walk, and no one had to fear the all watchful eye of the leader of the Foot. Your mother however, had. As a child, she told you many stories about a distant time, where the world was safer. Where she and her friends had the freedom to be young, feel their emotions, fall in love, and have a family if they felt pleased to do so. That was the time in which your parents met each other, and that was the time in which your parents met each other. Where they feel loved and dreamed of having a family. But oh, how cruel the world could be at times.
When Shredder took over in 2005, your parents holded any plans for a family. All resources went to survival. There was no way they would bring a child into a world like this. But in 2013, what little luck your parents had left ran out. Your mother fell pregnant, and nine months later, you were born.
The next 20 years were all about survival. You and your family tried your best to stay under the radar, keeping out of any trouble that could cause danger. Your parents made a great deal out of staying away from anything that could be a resistance group, out of fear of what dangers it could bring to your small family. But sadly it wasn’t enough to keep the three of you safe…
Somehow your family managed to get on the bad side of Shredder’s guards. You were not sure how, but none of that mattered now, because it was all gone. The little small hole you and your family had called home was gone. They had burned it all down. And your parents. Gone. Just like your home. Gone.
That night you ran fast. Faster than you had ever done before. You ran and never looked back, remember what your father had told you. Never turn to look at the people running after you. It will only slow you down. So you never looked back, running head first into the thick unkempt forest that had grown around New York City. And that was where you met Raphael.
You had been hiding in the forest for days at that point doing what you could to survive. But you soon found that surviving in the forest was way different than surviving in the crumbling parts of New York City. Raphael found you, hydrated and hungry, tired from days of running and hiding. When you first saw him, you were terrified. You had heard rumors about mutants, but you never thought that you would see one in real life.
Though Raphael didn’t smile much he was friendly to you. He gave you food and water but kept a distance from you. He wasn’t much of a talker and only asked you a few questions. But at the end of the day, he allowed you to follow him back to his camp further into the forest.
Raphael didn’t change much during the first few weeks you stayed with him. He seemed grumpy and at times avoidant, never answering questions about himself. But one thing he did do, was slowly but surely teaching you how to take care of yourself in the forest. As the days and weeks went on, you and Raphael slowly developed a rhythm of life. He would go out and look for food, while you stayed back in the camp, making sure everything stayed in order. But with each passing day, you learned more and more about the man, who you seemed to be living with now. You soon learned that Raphael rarely slept when you did. Each night, as you went to sleep by the campfire, you found that Raphael stayed up. You once asked him about it, to which he mumbled an answer about keeping watch, and with that you decided not to press him any further. But as you went to bed each night, laying down on the thin mattress in the broken tent with the dust blanket Raphael provided you, you found yourself staring at him in secret. Your eyes scanning his features as you wondered about him. His past. His thoughts. His history.
You and Raphael rarely stayed at one place too long, packing up camp every few days before finding a new place. At this point you were getting used to it, letting Raphael decide where to set up your camp next. But there was this one time, you would never forget.
You set up camp not far from a river and followed the routine as usual. Raphael went out to look for food, while you stayed back unpacking the rest and setting up. Nothing out of the ordinary, not even when you ate together later that day. It wasn’t until he decided to go to the river and get cleaned, that you found yourself shocked. You had always known that Raphael was muscular, but when he took off his jacket before diving into the water, you truly realized how toned his was. And that was when it all started running down hill for you.
Suddenly you couldn’t look at Raphael the same way anymore. The way his muscles flexed when he worked out, the grip on his sais when he trained, his small huffs and puffs of annoyance when he walked through the forest with you trailing behind him. It didn’t take long before you started imagining things. How his hands would feel on you, how his huffs and puffs would sound right next to your ear, or how that well toned body would feel above yours. These thoughts slowly build up over time, and before you knew it, you found yourself pleasuring yourself back in the camp, to the thought of Raphael, who at that moment was out on another food hunt.
Raphael soon began to notice a shift in the way you behaved around him. You grew more nervous around him, avoiding his eyes more than usual. For some time he wondered what was going on with you. But he would soon figure out why…
One day, as you were walking through the forest, carrying your tents and bags, Raph spotted something in the sky above you. A drone. Raph was quick, grabbing you in an instant, dropping you and him into a bush, out of view from the drone. It was here, in the bush, closely pressed up against Raphael, that your mind started racing once again. The thought of the danger up ahead, and the thought of Raphael’s hand going just a little lower, touching you in the place you have been dreaming about for so long. And it was here, as Raph watched the drone pass by, that he caught a certain scent emanating from you. That was when it clicked for him. It was why you started acting strange around him.
That night, as you and him set up camp at a new spot, Raph kept an extra close eye on you. He walked every step you took, each move you made, and each time you looked at him, his eyes meeting yours, he could smell it. Strong and sweet. He knew what you were thinking now.
As days passed on, your scent seemed to become a constant for Raph. He started noticing it strongly from the tent, whenever he returned from a food hunt. You no longer just avoided his eyes, but your cheeks gained a light blush every time. And Raph would lie if he said it didn’t do something to him, and soon, he himself started imagining things.
At first, Raph was ashamed by these thoughts. He was double your age. He had taken you in when you were lost and alone. It felt wrong to be imagining you in the way he had started to. But with your aroused scent lingering all over the campsite, and even sticking to Raph’s nostrils whenever he ventured outside the camp. Your light blush, or the small sounds you made when you had a hard time setting up the tent. The tent where Raph could only imagine you laying in and pleasuring yourself. And with that, it didn’t take long before Raph found himself out on a food hunt, pleasuring himself under a three out in the lonely forest, imagining how it would feel to have you wrapped around him instead of his hand.
You and Raphael started dancing around each other on a daily basis, stealing small glances, hoping that the other didn’t notice. This, only fueling both of your thoughts and imaginations, playing out those fantasies on your own whenever you were alone. You, whimpering in a tent, begging imaginary Raphael to make you cum with his tongue, while Raph found himself out in the forest, crouched down on one knee, thrusting into both hands, the thought of how your body would bounce underneath his with every thrust. Both of you could only imagine how it would feel to have each other. But soon, none of you would have to imagine anymore…
You and Raphael had once again set up camp at a new location, having walked a whole day in order to get as far away from your last camp as possible. And you did not set up your camp one minute too early, as the sky soon opened up, letting the rain pour down over you. That sent both you and Raph in a hurry, hiding inside the one and only tent you had - your tent - waiting for the horrid rain to pass. But you soon found that this wasn’t just a quick downpour, but a long one, lasting for much longer than you had expected. This left you and Raph alone together in the small tent. The tent that only you had been using for the past two months, while he would sleep out by the fire. The same tent in which you had been pleasuring yourself to the thought of Raphael, almost everyday at this point. And Raphael could smell it. The scent was strong, hitting him like a wall of bricks the moment he entered the tent. And for the first time since you entered Raphael’s campsite, he found himself nervous around you.
You and Raphael sat in silence, waiting for the rain to pass, trying to focus on the sound of it hitting against the outside of your little dry place. Both of you sat at a distance from each other, trying to avoid any time of contact, both with the eyes and physically. But that did not stop your mind and eyes from wandering to him. You watched his hands, as his middle finger nervously tapped the side of his thigh. You couldn’t stop yourself from wondering how that finger would feel inside you, moving with the same speed in which it tapped against his thigh. And with that thought, you felt your pulse quicken, along with a rush of wetness between your legs. And Raph noticed this, straight away. How your breathing got heavier, and how your arousal somehow grew even stronger. And how your eyes were glued to his finger. Raph did not even have to put two and two together. He knew exactly what was going on.
Looking at you, Raph caught your eyes immediately, his eyes telling you everything he knew. And that knowledge sent shockwaves through your body, pricking at every nerve ending, somehow making the wetness between your legs grow even stronger, making Raph’s nostrils flare, a small low sound vibrating in his chest. He was churring. He was enjoying your scent.
You did not know where the sudden courage came from, nor what happened with that eye contact between the two of you. But suddenly you found yourself sitting on Raphael’s lap, your legs hooked around his hips, your lips connected in a heated kiss, your hands roaming each other’s bodies, the way you had been dreaming about for so long. It was as if your bodies worked per automatic, your hips grinding against each other, seeking friction and pleasure.
Raph’s jacket was off in an instant, his strong arms coming to wrap around you, holding you close, letting his tongue slip into your mouth as you parted your lips to let out a moan, which you gladly accepted.
Your hands moved to your pants, unbuttoning them in a haste. Raph chuckled at your urgency, finding your actions almost adorable, watching the desperation he had dreamed of you showing him. And the sound of him chuckling made you shiver, more sounds escaping you. Never had you thought that you would actually get to hear Raphael chuckle.
Raph helped you get your pants off, before throwing them somewhere in the tent, ready to be worried about later. But at that moment, all he wanted to think about was sure sweet core, the heat radiating onto his thigh.
Cupping your chin with one hand, Raph pulled you in for another heated kiss, while his other hand rested on your hip, playing with the hem of your underwear. You hummed against Raph’s lips, as he used his hand to push you down onto his thigh, making you grind against his thigh muscles. You let out a small moan when you felt just how toned his thigh was. Hard as a rock.
Raph growled at the sound of your moan, his hand grabbing a hold of your underwear before pushing them damn over you bum. You once again lifted yourself off of his lap, in order to get them off of your legs. Raph watched as you got them off, feeling his hard member presse against the inside of his cloaca. For a moment he wondered if he should take his time with you. There was no saying when the rain would stop, so the two of you could be having all the time in the world. You two weren’t busy.
Raph helped you back onto his lap where you intently connected your lips once more, biting lightly onto his lip. Raph made a sound like a wounded animal, his hands grabbing onto the plush flesh of your thighs. You wrapped your arms around Raph, holding onto him as you grinded against him once more. With one hand Raph let go of your thigh in order to get into contact with his cloaca, pulling his large member out, aching and throbbing just for you.
“Are you ready?”, Raph asked, tapping the head of his penis against your soaked entrance.
“Yes”, you whispered, your voice already giving up on you out of pure need.
“Good girl”, Raph smirked, taking in the feeling of you shivering against him. He knew you would like being called his good girl.
Keeping a firm grip on your hip, Raph lined himself up with your entrance, before ever so slowly pushing into you, stretching you out around him. You let out a louder than intent moan, resting your forehead against Raph’s shoulder as he slowly pushed you further down onto his member, letting out a few curses over how tight you were.
Once Raph was as far in as he could go, he let you sit on him for a moment, getting used to his size inside of you. The only thing he could hear at that moment was your whimpering moans, along with the sound of the rain against the tent.
When Raph was sure that you were ready, he held onto your hips with both hands, before lifting you slightly up off of him, before pulling you back down, entering you once again. You cried out in pleasure, latching on to Raph’s shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. Raph increased the speed until he had you bouncing on his member, the sound of your skin slapping against his echoing around you.
You and Raph were far from quiet, moaning and groaning, happy to finally be living out the fantasy you had been having for so long now.
“Harder, Raph”, you moaned, leaning a little back from him.
“Harder?”, Raph asked, a devilish smirk on his lips. “I will give it to you harder”.
The next thing you knew you were laying on your back in the tent, your shirt pushed up over your chest, your legs hanging over Raph’s shoulders, swinging with every thrust he plowed into you. That was exactly what you needed, the tightening feeling in your abdomen growing stronger and stronger. You were getting close, and Raph could feel it. He could feel how the muscles of your cunt tightened around his member, pushing himself closer and closer to his own high.
You started arching your back, your legs tensing on Raph’s shoulders, your eyes shut as your high came closer and closer, until you finally came on him. Raph let out an animalistic growl, his thrusts becoming erratic as he helped you ride through your high, getting closer and closer to his own. It didn’t take long before he came, pulling out of you shooting his pearly white ropes onto your abdomen, letting out a moan of relief.
“Shit”, Raph sighed, laying down next to you. “That was exactly what I needed”. Rolling onto his side, Raph wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer, not caring about the last bits of him still resting on your lower stomach. “I hope it wasn’t too much”.
“Not at all”, you smiled, curling up against him, hiking your naked leg up over his hip. “It was exactly what I needed too”.
“Good”, Raph said, resting his head back against the tent floor, listening to the rain that was still falling. “Because with the rain still going, we won’t be going anywhere any time soon”.
You couldn’t help but giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips. “That’s fine by me”.
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
You and Joel get away for your first wedding anniversary.
A canon Lavender No Outbreak AU one shot inspired by a request for a fic based on the song "Your Body is a Wonderland." Can be read as a stand alone fic with the understanding that Joel and Reader have been together for years and are married with a daughter. You can find the original Lavender here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from the Lavender No Outbreak AU (AKA Joel and Doc)
Length: 6.9k
Warnings: Smut :D! Oral sex; unprotected P in V sex; reader is described as being post-pregnancy and having a different body as a result but no broader description of her body beyond the fact that she has hair; age gap (reader is late 20s, Joel is late 30s.) No use of Y/N. Minors DNI, 18+ only.
January 2005
Joel’s hand found the small of your back but you didn’t look back at him. You stayed focused on the child in your arms, on her brown eyes and dark curls and skin so soft all you wanted to do was nuzzle into her and breathe in her sweet, baby scent. 
“It’s gonna be fine,” your husband pressed a kiss - gentle and slow - to your temple. “We’re only gonna be a few hours away…” 
“I know,” you said softly. Evie made a breathy little baby sound and you smiled. Couldn’t help it. 
“Tommy’s watched a baby before,” Joel continued as you swayed with your daughter. His hand shifted so it was below your shirt and on the bare skin of your lower back. “And Sarah will be here, too. And it’s just for two nights.” 
“But she’s never been apart from me,” you said softly, tears pinching at the back of your throat as you brushed her hair away from her little forehead. “What if she’s afraid? She’s going to look for me, she always looks for me right when she wakes up and I won’t be here and what if she can’t calm down and she doesn’t keep food down when she isn’t calm and…” 
“Hey,” he said, taking your chin delicately in his fingers and turned your head to face him. He smiled gently, his brown eyes soft and crinkling at the edges. “I promise, it’s gonna be OK. We can be back here real quick if something goes wrong and she’s with family. It’s OK.” 
You looked back at your baby girl. She wasn’t even a year old yet, it seemed too soon to be going away for a weekend, no matter how much you really wanted to. 
One of the downsides to getting married just a few months before having a baby was that you didn’t get much time to enjoy married life before it became all about the new life you’d brought into the world. 
Of course, Sarah had always been top priority for both you and Joel but, since she was a teenager, you could rely on her to look out for herself some so the two of you could get quality time. Before Evie was born, you and Joel regularly went out just the two of you. You could leave Sarah at home with cash for a pizza or she’d go to sleep over at her friend Lizzie’s place and you and your husband could go and make out at the back of a movie theater like teenagers.
A baby was a whole other story. 
You’d always loved children, loved spending time with them and seeing how they experienced everything, all of it brand new in their eyes. It was a joy to watch them discover themselves and the world and you adored hearing their thoughts as they puzzled through everything from basic societal rules to trying to figure out if there was a meaning to life. But you hadn’t been prepared for just how attached you’d be to your own child, who was both so much larger than she’d been when you’d given birth to her but still so impossibly small and fragile that even having her in another room made you anxious. It took months longer than it really should have for her to consistently sleep through the night because you kept checking on her, ensuring that she was still breathing and lying in the position that was supposed to be safest and that she didn’t seem bothered by dreams or colic. 
Being a few hours away was terrifying. 
But it was your first wedding anniversary with Joel and you really wanted it to be special. Wanted time just the two of you that you hadn’t had in the months since your daughter had been born. You missed being able to spend hours and hours with nothing in the world besides you and your husband. 
You just needed space from the baby to get that. 
So Joel had booked the hotel you went to for your wedding night the weekend of your anniversary and gotten Tommy to agree to stay at the house with Evie and Sarah for the two nights you’d be gone. You’d overheard him talking with his brother about it a month earlier, when Tommy was over for dinner and you’d gotten up to change Evie. 
“I’ll leave good instructions but you can’t be callin’ all the time,” Joel was saying as you made it to the living room, Evie squirming in your arms. “She’s gonna be a nervous wreck, rather just stay here if…” 
“Joel,” Tommy said, voice soothing. “I got your girls, it’s alright. Handled Sarah when she was that age, right?” 
“You’re why I can’t do exponents,” Sarah said dryly. “Dropped me on my head a few too many times…” 
“Someone needed to reel you in,” Tommy replied and you could hear the teasing wink in his voice. “Can’t have you being too smart now.”
“Mean it,” Joel said, tone serious. “Need you to actually do this…” 
“Joel,” he replied. “I got her. It’s alright.” 
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Tommy. You did. You just didn’t know how to be this far away from your daughter, knowing how vulnerable she was and how much she needed you for everything. 
But you needed time for you and your husband, too. You were so dangerously close to getting lost in your identity as a mother, already struggling to remember just what you were before Evie existed. You needed a weekend away. Some distance would be good, for the both of you. 
“Come on, Mama,” Tommy smiled, holding his arms out. “Gimme that one and you two love birds get on the road. I promise if something goes wrong, I’ll call.” 
“But you won’t need to,” Joel said, raising his eyebrows at his brother. “Right?” 
“Course not,” Tommy waved him off. “We’re gonna have the best time, Uncle Tommy is going to be her favorite person, just you wait.” 
You sighed and nodded, pressing your lips to Evie’s soft little forehead and breathing in her sweet baby smell before passing her off to Tommy’s waiting arms. He pulled her into his chest and smiled, wide and open mouthed, making a happy coo. She cooed back, reaching her tiny hands up toward his face. 
“I know,” he said, voice high and childish. “I’m so much better lookin’ than your daddy! Yes I am! And so are you!” 
“Be a good girl,” you said as Evie totally ignored you in favor of her uncle. “Love you so much, big sister will be home soon and…” 
“Kid,” Tommy looked up from your daughter in his arms to meet your eyes. “I’ve got this. Go have fun.”
“Thanks again, Tommy,” Joel said. 
“But…” you began but Joel just shook his head and looped an arm around your waist, tugging you to his side and guiding you to his waiting truck. 
“You grabbed the bags?” You looked up at Joel and he smiled a little.
“Sure did.”
“And Tommy has the number for the hotel in case we don’t have signal?” 
“The hotel and the restaurant we have reservations at tomorrow and even the diner next door with the good waffles since I figure we’ll end up there at least once.”
“Baby,” he cut you off, opening the passenger door of the truck for you. “It’s going to be fine. There’s a stash of your favorite snacks in the truck and if you just get in the truck, we can go.”
You looked back at the house, biting your lower lip and twisting your fingers around on themselves. 
“OK,” you said, climbing in the front seat. Joel smiled, leaning in to kiss you before jogging around to the driver’s side door. 
The drive felt longer than it was, you seemingly hyper aware of every mile you were further away from your baby. But there was something invigorating about it, too. You had your husband all to yourself for the first time in almost a year. You’d had a few date nights, of course, and the two of you made a conscious effort to spend quality time together, even if it was just watching late night TV in Joel’s arms while Evie slept in her bassinet a few feet away. 
But this? Two nights with no obligation to anyone but each other? It seemed like the purest form of indulgence. 
“How we doin’ over there?” Joel asked about halfway into the drive. 
“Good,” you smiled. “The snacks have helped.” 
“I know my wife,” he smiled back. “Lookin’ forward to getting to know her a bit better the next few days…” 
Your cheeks got hot as Joel’s hand found your knee, gently trailing his fingers over your inner thigh. 
“Is there anything you want to do when we’re in Galveston?” You asked, suddenly feeling oddly self conscious. It had been so long since you’d last had this much time just you and Joel, what if things were different now? 
“Mostly?” He asked, brow cockily raised. “Spend time with you where no one else can get to ya. If there’s something you want to do we can but if it’s up to me, we’re stayin’ in that room.” 
“Joel!” You gaped at him, trying not to laugh. 
“What?” He glanced over at you, smiling a little. “I’m selfish. Don’t wanna share the best thing that’s ever happened to me with anyone else on our anniversary.” 
Joel pulled up to the hotel and parked under the overhang by the door, squeezing your knee as he turned off the truck. 
“You stay put just a second.” 
“OK,” you laughed, watching as he got out of the truck and jogged around the front of it to open the door for you, offering you his hand to help you down. You laughed again. “My my, so attentive.” 
“Least I can do,” he winked, giving your fingers a squeeze as you got out of the truck. 
He wouldn’t let you carry any bags besides your purse, either. When you tried to go with him to the front desk, he put a hand on your lower back and nodded to the lounge across the lobby. 
“Why don’t you go there,” he said. “Get yourself one of those flowery cocktails you like so much.” 
He steered you in that direction before you really had a chance to argue, so you went and took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink you’d never heard of but there was honey and lavender syrup in it so you figured it’d be good. You sat there sipping your cocktail, listening to the pianist in the corner and watching your husband in line at the check in counter, just admiring the shape of him. He was so tall and broad, his shoulders pulling a bit at his flannel shirt, and he was probably three weeks past when he usually liked having his hair trimmed but you’d been so busy with Evie’s first Christmas and everything that came after you hadn’t had a chance to cut it. 
But you liked him a little on the shaggy side. You smiled a little at the thought of running your fingers through his curls while kissing him and feeling him deep inside of you. 
The pianist changed to a new song and you fished your phone out of your bag, flipping it open and texting Sarah. 
Made it! How’s it going? 
Mercifully, Sarah responded quickly. 
Good! Tommy hasn’t dropped her yet.
You laughed a little. 
I’ll take it. She eating? How was school today?
Yup! Some baby food chicken and peaches. Tummy time now. And school was fine. All is OK Mom.
“In town for business or pleasure?” 
You looked up from your phone and flipped it shut to find a man in khakis and a button down leaning against the bar next to you. 
“Oh,” you almost jumped at his proximity as he looked you up and down. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” he smiled. His hair was blond and his eyes were blue and he looked a little bit like a Ken doll. Definitely not your type. “Can’t remember the last time I saw someone as pretty as you drinking alone at a hotel bar.” 
“Oh,” you said again. “Um…” 
“So I think you must be in town on business,” the man continued as though you hadn’t said anything. You tried to peer around him to see where Joel was in line but he followed you, cutting off your view. “No way you’d be here by yourself otherwise.” 
“Well, I’m here on vacation,” you said, fidgeting in your plush high top chair. “And my…” 
“Must be here with friends then,” he smiled. “Girls’ weekend?” 
“Well, no,” you laughed a little. “Actually…” 
“I know you can’t be here with a boyfriend,” he said. “If you were my girl, I’d never let you out of my sight…” 
“She’s here with her husband, actually,” Joel said from behind the man, who stood up straighter and turned, slowly, to find your husband at his back. Joel smiled. “Hi. Appreciate you keepin’ my wife company while I got us all checked in but, if you’ll excuse me, you’re in my way.” 
“Sorry, man,” he shoved himself up off the bar. “Didn’t know she was spoken for.” 
He trudged off to the other side of the lounge and you watched him go, making sure you didn’t audibly laugh until he was out of ear shot. 
“Oh my God,” you half laughed, half whispered to Joel. 
“I know,” he kissed your temple and laughed into your hair. “Leave you unattended for half a minute and got guys tryin’ to steal you out from under me.” 
“No accounting for taste in hotel bars, apparently,” you teased, going to polish off your cocktail but Joel put one of his large hands on your arm. 
“Take your time,” he said, taking the seat next to you. “Wouldn’t mind a beer after that drive. They’re gonna put the bags in the room, anyhow.” 
“Oh,” you gasped in faux shock. “So fancy!” 
“Only the fanciest for Mrs. Miller,” he kissed your cheek as you giggled. 
The two of you had some drinks and you were pleasantly tipsy for the first time in almost two years, only a glass of wine here and there since Evie was born and you were nursing. She’d only weaned about a month ago but you’d been too busy to indulge. Joel put an arm around your waist and guided you to the elevator and you draped yourself over him, giddily kissing him as you held yourself against him. 
“So,” he said between kisses. “Been thinkin’.” 
“Have you now?” You smiled against his lips. 
“There is something we could do to keep random men from tryin’ to pick you up the second you’re out of my sight,” he smiled back as the elevator dinged. 
He turned you around and pointed you at the doors and kissed the side of your head before nudging you forward. 
“Room 1023,” he said. “And yeah, think there’s somethin’ that’s pretty easy to arrange.” 
“And what’s that?” You asked as he steered you down the hall toward the end of the building that faced the gulf. He pulled a room key card out of his pocket and swiped it at the door, opening it for you. 
“Well,” he said, nudging you into the room. “Bet they’d leave you alone If you had ring.” 
“I have my wedding band,” you frowned down at your hand and the simple white gold ring that matched Joel’s. “I like my wedding band.” 
“I know,” he said, closing the door behind him. “But thought you could use something with a little shine.” 
You made it all the way into the room and gasped, a bottle of champagne on ice, chocolate covered strawberries and a bouquet of roses waiting for you near the door leading to the balcony. 
“Joel!” You gasped, your hands flying to cover your mouth. “What….” 
You looked back over your shoulder to see him down on one knee, a little box open in his hand. 
“Joel!” You yelped it this time. 
“Never did ask you properly,” he smiled a little. “Figured I was overdue. Especially since you’ve given me the entire world, only fair that I get on my knees to ask you to do me the honor of continuing to be my wife for as long as we both shall live.” 
“Of course I will!” You dropped to your knees next to him and kissed him, pressing yourself against him. 
He more beamed than smiled against your lips and pulled the ring - a diamond-encrusted band  with no center stone, the gems making an almost floral pattern all around your finger as he slid it into place. 
“If you don’t like it, we can pick somethin’ else,” he said as you gaped at the ring. “Thought this was more your style and would be out of the way with the girls and then medical school…”
“It’s perfect,” you whispered, the stones reminding you of the flowering vines you painted on picture frames and table legs. You sat down fully in the floor and tore your eyes away from the ring to look at Joel. “But… I mean, can we afford this? I love it, I really really do, but…” 
“I had some money set aside for it,” he sat down next to you. “Wasn’t joking when I said I should’ve asked you years ago. I’d been saving up for a ring for a bit but then…” 
You looked back at your hand and just nodded, not wanting to think about the few weeks the two of you had broken up because Joel thought he was holding you back. 
Then your eyes went wide, looking back at Joel. 
“But I didn’t get you anything! We said the trip was our gift to ourselves and…” 
He laughed. 
“Didn’t want you stressin’ about it, Baby,” he said. “Now, why don’t we go get some dinner without worrying about the kids waiting for us at home?” 
You got changed into a dress that had been a little big before Evie and now was a little snug and hoped that it didn’t look too noticeable once you put a cardigan over it. But Joel didn’t seem to mind, looking at you with warm, soft eyes as he sat across from you at the restaurant. He put his hand on the table, fingers reaching for you, and you put yours in his. He smiled bigger when you did and gave your hand a squeeze. 
By the time you headed back to the room, you were having a hard time not ripping his clothes off in the elevator, his arms around you, holding you tight against his front as you kissed him deeply, his cock hardening against your stomach. 
When you got to the room, you dropped your purse on the dresser and tugged off the cardigan before going to turn out the lights but Joel caught your wrist, running his thumb over your pulse point. You frowned. 
“Was thinkin’,” he said, tugging you close to him. “If you wanted to give me something…” 
“I do,” you said, a little breathless as he trailed kisses over your forehead. 
“You don’t have to,” he said, his lips still against your skin. “I don’t want to make you feel obligated or uncomfortable but…” 
He trailed off, working his way down your jaw to your throat, your shoulder, until he lifted your wrist to his lips and kissed you there, too. 
“I’d like it if we left the lights on.” 
You frowned a little, looking up at him. 
“Really?” You asked. “That… I don’t know…” 
“Miss seeing you,” he said quietly, kissing your wrist again. 
“It’s different now,” you said, chewing on your lower lip. “I don’t look how I used to look…” 
Before becoming a mom, you’d never really been shy about your body with Joel. He made it very clear that he thought you were the most beautiful, most sexy woman on the planet. You might have questioned his judgement but you never doubted that he felt that way. But things were different after having a baby. There was just more of you now. You were hyper-aware of it, the fact that - even almost a year after giving birth - you weren’t anywhere near wearing your pre-pregnancy jeans and that, the more of you there was wasn’t exactly sculpted and smooth. You weren’t stupid, you saw the kind of woman who was on magazine covers and in movies, the kind of woman men liked. You’d never been further from that kind of woman than you had been in the last year. 
The last time you remembered being naked in front of Joel where he could actually see you was just after Evie was born, when he helped you in the shower while you recovered. It wasn’t like you’d been trying to turn him on then and that had felt strange enough, your husband’s hands on a body you didn’t fully recognize as your own. 
Ever since, you always put on a robe as soon as you were out of the shower. You’d stopped styling your hair and doing your makeup naked, even at the height of summer. And, while you and Joel had found a good groove with your sex life even with a baby at home, you always turned off the lights before you started undressing. 
“I know,” he shrugged. “I don’t, either. Didn’t have quite this much of a belly when I first conned you into bed with me…” 
You scoffed but smiled a little. 
“I like your belly.” 
“And I like your whole body,” he said, his hand going from your wrist to trace over your arm to the curve of your breast, down to your waist. “Love it, actually. Every damn inch of it.” 
You crinkled your nose at that. 
“But I have stretch marks,” you said. “And…” 
“Baby,” he smiled gently. “You’re my wife. Most beautiful damn woman on Earth. I love lookin’ at you. Loved it when we first got together, love it now. Hell, if I had my way, all I’d do would be look at you and our girls.” 
“Really?” You asked, brows raised. “Even right now?” 
“Especially right now,” he nuzzled against you before kissing you gently. “I know you don’t look like you did when you were 21 but I fuckin’ love that. Your body got you through college and helped raise Sarah and grew our baby girl. I want nothing more than to be able to really look at you, especially while I’m inside you.” 
“And that’s what you want for our anniversary?” You asked. “Just… me with the lights on?” 
“More than anything.” 
You took a deep, shaky breath. 
“Well, let’s pop that champagne because I think I need some liquid courage,” you said. “But OK.” 
Joel kissed you, gentle and deep, before opening the wine and pouring you each a glass. 
“To the most amazing wife anyone could ask for,” he said, tipping his flute to you. You touched the edge of yours to his with a quiet clink. 
“And to the most perfect husband.” 
You drank two glasses of champagne and ate a strawberry before you put your glass down on the table and took a deep breath, standing in front of your husband and feeling almost like you did the first time you got undressed in front of him. 
“Promise if I’m not what you want, it’s lights out?” You asked, stomach tight and heart pounding. 
“Oh, Baby,” he gently brushed your hair back before cupping your cheek in his large hand. “There’s no world where you’re not what I want. You’re exactly what I want. Promise.”
You swallowed hard and nodded, holding  his gaze as you reached for the zipper at the side of your dress, tugging it down slowly. 
Joel’s hand traced down your throat to the strap of your dress, slipping it down your arm until it hung near your elbow. He did the same with the other side before delicately tilting your chin to kiss you. His lips were soft and gentle, not desperate for you so much as savoring you. You moaned into his mouth and his lips grew firmer against you as he nudged you back toward the bed. You shrugged out of the straps entirely, your dress only held up by the fact that you were pressed tightly against Joel. He pulled his lips from yours just enough that you could look in his eyes. 
“I’ve got you, Baby,” he said softly. “Promise.” 
Where the hell you’d gotten it in your head that he wouldn’t want to see you, Joel had no idea. 
He couldn’t imagine something more ludicrous. All he wanted to do was look at you. If he could buy a ticket to sit and just look at you all day, he would. 
But you hadn’t let him in months and fuck, he missed seeing your body. 
It took Joel weeks to even figure out what was happening. Immediately after Evie was born, everything was exhausting and hectic. You needed rest, Evie needed constant care, Sarah needed to keep on top of her school work and extra curriculars, Joel could only take so much time off work. Sex hadn’t been on his mind at all, he only wanted to take care of his daughters and the woman who has given him everything he could ever need. He didn’t notice the small changes that happened alongside the huge ones. 
But as the two of you started to come back into yourselves as individuals and a couple - instead of just Mom and Dad - Joel started to notice a difference. 
You never got changed in the bedroom anymore. At least, not when Joel was there. You always went into the closet or the bathroom. The closest you’d come was tugging on your pants under your robe and putting on your shirt with your back to him. You always put at least one of his shirts on after sex, never sleeping naked in his arms anymore. 
And then he started noticing that you always turned out the lights before sex. 
You did such a good job of making it seem romantic or flirty, he was worried, for a moment, that it was because of him. If you weren’t really attracted to him anymore. But he caught you watching him with a hungry look in your eyes as he looked for a clean pair of boxers when he got out of the shower one day after work. Evie had been napping and Sarah was out with a friend and Joel practically pounced you. 
“You just got all cleaned up!” You laughed as he kissed along your throat. “You’ll get all sweaty…” 
“Sounds great to me,” he growled before nipping at your neck. 
“Here,” you pulled back from him. “Got a better idea.” 
You nudged him down onto his back and you took him into your mouth, licking and sucking him until he came down your throat with a desperate groan. 
“See?” You panted, wiping your chin clean. “Better.” 
While it certainly wasn’t bad, it definitely wasn’t better. Joel didn’t want to just get off. He wanted you. He wanted the rest of the world to fall away, to feel you everywhere, to watch you come apart while he was deep inside of you. You sucking him off was fun but it wasn’t what he craved, what he really needed. 
Once he pieced it together, he wasn’t even sure how to bring it up. What was he supposed to do, look at you and go “Hey, Baby, I’ve noticed you haven’t let me gawk at you like some stupid fucking teenager lately. Think we can make that happen?” 
He hadn’t even intended to bring it up this weekend. He’d kind of hoped that if he could make you feel special, that if he could give you some evidence of how much he adored you, you’d just… forget to turn off the lights one night. 
But then he was a few beers deep and looking at you from across the table, your dress tight across your breasts and eyes all but glowing in the candlelight and he couldn’t help himself. He needed you. He needed you to overwhelm all his senses, he needed to be able to worship at the altar of your sex. He needed to see you. 
But you looked so nervous - as though there was a snowball’s chance in hell that he’d look at you and not want you - it made his heart ache. 
“I’ve got you, Baby. Promise.”
You just nodded and Joel took the sides of your dress and pulled back enough from you that it fell away from your breasts, the soft flesh pressed high in your strapless bra. He tugged the dress over your stomach and hips until it fluttered to the floor around your feet and you looked at him through your eyelashes, your breaths coming quick and shallow. 
You were so much more beautiful than he remembered. 
The swell of your breasts, the soft curve of your stomach, the plushness of your thighs. He wanted to touch and taste and sink into all of you, every inch. 
“Oh, Baby,” he breathed, not able to take his eyes off you. “You are fucking gorgeous.” 
“Really?” Your voice was quiet, doubtful. He managed to pull his gaze from your body to look in your eyes. 
“Really,” he said. “Most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.” 
You still looked uncertain. 
“Here,” he said, nudging you down onto the bed. “Let me show you.” 
He unhooked your bra and delicately removed it before pressing gently on your shoulders so you were lying back. He unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt before he pulled it over his head and cast it aside. He desperately wanted to feel your skin, fabric was just going to be in the way. You watched as he crawled up the bed beside you, his hand skimming over the softness of your stomach to your chest. He cupped your breast, cradling the warm, plush weight in his large palm before he thumbed gently at your nipple, the flesh peaking and pebbling under his touch. You groaned and squirmed a little, your thighs pressing tight together as your eyes closed, face sharply focused and he smiled a little. Fuck, he’d missed this. 
“Love how full you are here after nursing our baby,” he said, taking that firm little nipple in his mouth and sucking you gently as he held your breast, making your back arch. “So damn sexy, knowing I can make you feel good like this…” 
He moved to the other side, giving you the same treatment there, too, looking up at your face as you whimpered and moaned beneath him. 
After a while, he reluctantly moved down your body, trailing his lips over your breastbone to your stomach, his hands at your waist. 
“Love how soft you are here,” he said. “Love that you’ve grown and changed with me and our family.” 
He kissed slowly down your stomach, pausing at the top of your panties to tug them down, you lifting your hips from the bed to help. He dropped them to the floor and traced a finger over your glistening slit, making you gasp. 
“Love how warm and wet you are for me,” he said, thumb circling your clit. “That it seems like you want me almost as much as I want you…” 
“I do,” you were panting below him. “I want you, I want you so bad…” 
“Good,” he said, leaning down and giving your slit a gentle, almost teasing lick. “Because I’m gonna make you come for me. Gonna make you feel so good, Baby. Gonna make you see just how much I want you.” 
He sucked your clit into his mouth and you gasped, your back arching and your fingers knotting in the bedspread and he couldn’t help but smile against you as he looked over your body to how your head was pressing back into the mattress. 
Joel released you and ran is nose over your slit, pressing between your lower lips to nestle against your clit as his tongue dipped ever so slightly into your dripping core. 
“Joel,” you whimpered, trembling, body tense. “Fuck, Joel, I…” 
He slipped his tongue into your tight, wet heat and you gasped, back arching as you ground your hips down against his face. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as he ate at your sweet, tight little pussy. One hand stretched up to your stomach, spreading wide over your impossibly soft skin, the other sinking into the flesh of your thigh to pull the supple warmth of you against his cheek. 
Joel could feel you starting to tighten and tense around his tongue, your wetness dripping down his chin, and he was so fucking hard in his pants that he was rutting down against the bed. The taste of you, the heat, the musky sweet smell, the sight of you as you arched into him. He released your leg and thrust a finger into you alongside his tongue, pressing into the tender, deep parts of you he knew so well and you came with a choking little sob, your channel fluttering over him. He worked you through it, his touch easing as your orgasm did, until he slid himself from you as you lay, limp and gasping below him. He quickly removed his pants and underwear before kissing up your body, leaving a trail of your slick on your skin. When he reached your lips, he kissed you there, too, desperate and deep and you moaned into his mouth as his tongue slipped into yours. 
“See?” He said softly as he gently traced your hairline at your forehead, your eyes wide and pupils blown. “You even taste fuckin’ amazing, Baby. Not a damn thing about you I’d change. Except maybe that you could see yourself how I see you.” 
“Joel,” you whispered in that way you did when you were blissed out and couldn’t remember much outside of his name. He smiled a little and gently kissed your lips. 
“It OK if I keep makin’ you feel good, Baby?” He asked, pressing slow, deep kisses to your cheeks and jaw between the words. “You have no idea how bad I need to be inside you.” 
“Please,” you breathed. “I need you, I need you so bad…” 
He slowly reached between your bodies and traced your sex, making you gasp, and dipped two fingers just inside your entrance, gathering your slick and bringing it to his cock. He spread his precome and your wetness over himself, moaning a little at the feel of both of you together on his skin. 
“Here,” he said, pushing back from you so there was enough space between your bodies that you could look down and see where he was working his length. “Look, Baby.” You lifted your head just enough to obey and he looked down your body, too, as he brushed his thick head against your clit before he started to sink into you. “Look how good you take me with this gorgeous fucking body of yours. It’s like you were made for me, just to drive me wild…” 
“I was,” you whimpered, still looking down where he was entering you. “I was made for you, nothing feels as good as you, nothing…” 
“Love seeing how you take me,” he said as he stopped half inside you, thrusting shallowly in and out of you, the ridges inside your tight channel catching on his head. “Love seeing you like this, all bare and hot and wet for me.” 
He sank all the way into you then and you moaned at the feeling of him stretching you, your pussy holding him so close and tight. 
As he looked down at you, he couldn’t understand how anyone - even yourself - could look at you and see anything but perfection. Your body was paradise, wonderland, heaven incarnate. He longed to hold and kiss and memorize every inch, wanted to spend the rest of his life doing nothing but worship you and everything you’d given him. 
Joel thrust slow and deep and hard a few times that way, where he could see him disappearing into you, your fingers digging into his biceps as you moaned and panted below him. But he wanted to see your face and feel your skin even more than he wanted to drink in your body. He pressed himself deep and lowered himself onto you so he could feel your skin everywhere on his. Your eyes latched onto his, your gaze looking almost as desperate as he felt and he worked his cock impossibly deeper into you, making your back arch up into him. You rocked your hips against him as you pulled him closer, your pussy already getting tight over him. You were so beautiful like this, all needy and so full of pleasure it looked like you might burst with it. 
“Fuck, Baby, think you can give me another one?” He asked, breathless, as he set an aching rhythm inside of you. “Want to feel you come while I’m inside you, want to make you come.” 
You just nodded, a little frantic, your hips working back against his, your channel getting even tighter around him, making him moan. 
“Fuck, don’t think I’m gonna last,” he dropped his lips to your throat, kissing and sucking the soft skin there. “You feel too good, Baby, not gonna make it inside you…”
“Joel,” you whimpered. “Please…” 
“Together,” he said, lacing his fingers with yours and pinning your hand to the mattress over your head. “Want to come together, Baby, love you so much, want to come with you. You just tell me when you’re gonna come and then let go for me, just let go for me.” 
He adjusted his angle ever so slightly, his cock harder than he could remember it being anytime in the recent past, and he ground himself down inside of you, his hips pressed against your clit as he worked you from the inside. His head barely left the place deep within you that made your toes curl and your back arch, just giving enough room when he pulled back for each stroke to feel more intense than the last. Just when he felt like your channel couldn’t get any tighter, your fingers gripped his skin so hard he knew it would leave marks but he couldn’t bring himself to care. 
“I’m gonna come, Joel,” you sounded so desperate. “I’m gonna come, I’m gonna…” 
Your orgasm took hold and your pussy throbbed and pulled around him, pulling his own release from him in hard, thick ropes as he emptied himself into your dripping heat. 
“Fuck, Baby,” he pressed his mouth into your shoulder to muffle his moans as he held his cock so deep inside you it almost hurt with the intensity of it. “Fuck, you’re doing so good, Baby. Let it all go for me, just keep… keep milking my cock, just like that, doing so fucking good…” 
You moaned, clinging to him as you came undone, this orgasm stronger than Joel remembered feeling from you in months. Eventually, you went limp below him and he collapsed, half on top of you, half beside you. You trailed your fingers through his hair and down his back and he could feel the thick, heavy thrum of your pulse from inside of you. 
He wasn’t sure quite how long the two of you lay like that before he adjusted, bringing you with him so his softening cock was still held within you, making it so you were facing each other on your sides. 
“Missed seeing you like this so much,” he said softly, brushing your hair back from your face. 
“I missed it, too,” you whispered back, biting your lip for a moment. He frowned. 
“You OK Baby?” 
“Oh I’m great,” you smiled gently. “I guess I just… I feel a little silly for worrying about that now.” 
He tugged you closer to kiss your forehead, breathing in the lavender scent of you as he did. 
“We’re going to be together forever,” he said. “Forever’s a long time. There’s gonna be a lot that we see change but you better believe that I will always be crazy about you and this beautiful body of yours. Hell, every time you look at me I feel like the luckiest man alive because you’ll even breathe in my direction, never mind be with me. I’m always gonna want you, Baby. Can’t be helped.” 
You smiled a little. 
“Don’t think it’s silly for us to come all this way just to never leave the hotel room, do you?” You asked. “Because I’m not sure I want to go anywhere tomorrow.” 
He smiled back. 
“Sounds like the perfect day to me, Baby. Any day is a perfect day if I get to spend it with you.” 
A/N: Thank you for reading and for still being here for Joel and Doc months after their main story wrapped.
Love you!
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lost-technology · 29 days
Trigun Maximum - What the Gender???!!! Okay, so I'm sitting here doing a re-read of Trigun Maximum Vol. 5 and I get to the last chapter. I am reading the print edition from Dark Horse - Japanese publication in 2001, English language translation publication in 2005 according to the back of the book. Anyway, I got a little confused by something I hadn't remembered that is apparently there: The page where Elendira is dumped out onto the ground from the Ark (and wants to gut the helmsman) Meryl says: "A transvestite?! (He has a nicer figure than I do...)" I had forgotten that because I believe that most people tend to refer to the Trigun Manga Overhaul fan-translation for that, which is here for that chapter: https://www.trigunoverhaul.com/TVol5Ch06.html and has Meryl saying: "A trans-woman?! (But she has a better figure than I do...)" One is official (comic-licensed), one is fan-translated (but is said to be very accurate, done as dedicated fans rather than people just paid for a task). I am wondering which is more accurate? Specifically, I am wondering if the latter one "cleaned things up" for the sake of modern sensitivities or if it really does carry more of the gist of the original. I mean, I found myself with a bit of confusion at that chapter when skimming Overhall and seeing Legato say "She saved me," when my Dark Horse book has "He saved me" which had led me to believe that Legato had been referring to Knives (Knives chose to spare him, by order) - while "She saved me" (referring to Elendira) completely changes the meaning. Legato *does* have one of his "fanatical" facial expressions there, thus leaving me confused as to whether he is surprised that Elendira the ("he" in DH or "she" in Overhaul) saved him or if it might have been "he" referring to Knives ordering him spared? I am not asking for people to cancel Nightow... (ugh, please don't). I don't even know if pronouns work the same in Japanese as they do in English (I heard that they do not). Having been alive in 2005 and having read the volume back around then (either that or I got it in 2006 or so, anyway, I was alive back then AND old enough to read a very bloody, adult-oriented manga), well, I seem to remember "transvestite" being a more common term then / the basic common before "transgender" "transwoman" and "transman" came into common usage. Not being a part of the trans community, I do not know if it was more "the accepted common term" then or if it was always a slur and I thought it used to be the common term before new terms were created? If my recall is accurate, "transgender" / trans - man/woman was coming into play then and "transvestite" was fading out as it was more often used in a derogatory fashion than as a descriptor. (I honestly do not know very much about the culture of the words, so forgive me if I am getting things wrong).* *There was a similar process that I saw in real time regarding what is now known as the R-word for certain disabilities. I was alive (a child) back in the 1980s when the word was actually a medical descriptor but was ALSO a slur and by about the 1990s other medical terms were used and "R" had become exclusively insulting. - It is one of those things that one must be mindful of when encountering old media. (I watched a Twilight Zone 1985 episode I hunted up having vaguely remembered it from my childhood on Youtube some time ago that treated the condition and a character that had it with sensitivity, but had his parents and medical staff using the term and it felt like a shock / I had to remind myself "that was the term back then"). I'm just left wondering about the bias DH translators might have had back in the day having been jumpscared by that when most of today's manga-readers are obviously reading Overhaul.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Hi! Vod’ika! Could I request Dogma x fem!reader with your mermaid AU?💕
Thousand Years
Summary: You know that Dogma loves you, he’s your soulmate and you're his after all, but you know that you’re not like other soulmates, and you hear the comments his brothers make, though you know that they don’t mean for you to hear them. And sometimes you wonder if he would have chosen you if he had the choice.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Dogma x F!Reader
Word Count: 2005
Warnings: Angsty but with a happy ending
Prompt: Mermaid AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, this wasn't supposed to be sad, but I had an idea and decided to run with it. As ever, I want to thank @kimiheartblade @the-bad-batch-baroness @mire-draws-things and @t3mpest98 for helping build this AU.
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Adjusting to life as a mermaid was easier than you thought it would be. Honestly, the biggest adjustment for you was having to reteach yourself how to swim with one appendage rather than your legs.
According to the other mates who live around you, none of them had as much of an easy time.
Generally, after that, they’ll toss you an odd, awkward, smile and tell you that you’re just unique and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Funnily enough, it never sounds like a compliment when they say it though. You try not to think about it too much, it’s not like you’re unused to not having friends after all.
And some of the other mates are very…well, calling them shallow would be an insult to puddles. At least you’re polite enough to not tell them that if they were a puddle you could stand in them without getting the soles of your boots wet.
You know if you could wear boots.
You just think it. Loudly.
You’re pulled from your thoughts at the sensation of little hands drumming on your torso, and you cast your gaze on the dark-eyed baby resting on your stomach.
Your dark-eyed baby.
Little Faith has the good fortune to look like her father, though it’s starting to look like she has your personality. Dogma claims it’s because you take her everywhere, you point out that a strong parent-child bond is important for a baby's development. 
Luckily, he doesn’t disagree. And he’s just as guilty as carting baby Faith around rather than leaving her in the care of the nanny shark, so it’s not like he has a fin to swim with.
You smile brightly as Faith blows bubbles at you, and you reach out to lightly tap her little nose. Her brow furrows as she tries to watch your finger, and then she releases a happy gurgling noise.
In truth, you should be home, at the grotto. But Faith likes looking at the coral, and watching the clown fish, so here you are, resting on your back on a rock while the fish swim around the pair of you.
You’re close enough to the mervillage that you can still see the arch that leads to the shopping district, and you can even hear some of Dogma’s brothers if you strain your ears.
Faith lets out a happy shout as a clownfish gets close enough to her to bump into her, and you smile fondly at your baby.
She’s something of a miracle, your baby. It normally takes time for a mate to get pregnant, but you wound up pregnant within two weeks of solidifying the bond with Dogma. And the fact that you have a daughter rather than a son? Even more of a miracle.
Natural-born daughters are rare after all.
Faith twists so she’s able to watch the fish a little better, and you allow your attention to wander. Your hands are secure around her waist, so she’s in no danger of getting hurt, after all.
And that’s when the whispers reach your ears.
“—Dogma’s mate? Her?”
“Yeah, that’s her.” As much as you don’t want to listen in, now that you know that they’re talking about you, you can’t not listen to them.
“I feel bad for Dogma,” The first man says with a laugh that sounds cruel to your ears, “I bet, if he had a choice, he wouldn’t have chosen someone like her.”
You keep yourself from flinching through sheer willpower, though there’s no stopping the hurt that blooms in your chest. Because he’s right. Dogma wouldn’t have chosen you.
You’d choose Dogma in every lifetime, but he’d never choose you if given the choice.
“Come on, he loves her.”
“Because of the bond. And I guess she’s pretty enough, but there’s no way that her looks make up for her personality.” The first man replies, “Anyway, someone as steady as Dogma deserves better than her.”
“Yeah, well. The magic makes that choice, not us. So drop it before she hears us.”
Your gaze flickers to the side as the two men stop talking and swim away.
You feel…heavy. And it has nothing to do with the baby sitting on your stomach.
Faith smacks her hands against you again, and you smile weakly at her, “Want to go on an adventure, Faithy?”
Your baby doesn’t, fully, understand what you’re saying to her. Not really, she’s too young, but she does know her name and she knows your voice, so she bubbles happily.
Some of the weight lifts at the sheer delight your baby shows you when she sees you, and you carefully cradle her in your arms as you kick off the rock and head up.
Your heart hurts and you feel sad. And lonely.
The only person who can make you feel better is your mom. And, as luck would have it, after you became a merperson your parents sold their home to buy a houseboat, so they could stay close to you.
You swim towards the surface, moving carefully to make sure that your baby doesn’t get hurt. It’s hardly the first time your baby has been to the surface, though you know it’s just another reason that people think that Dogma shouldn’t leave Faith alone with you.
Your argument has always been that your parents deserve to know their grandchild. Dogma doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it when you go to the surface either, but he wants you happy more than anything.
Your parents' houseboat is named after you. They love you and have always been your biggest supporters, even when you told them that you were going to become a mermaid.
They, at least, look delighted to see you and Faith as you pop up next to their home.
You hand Faith to your mother, who sets her in a baby pool they have for this very reason, and she lightly places a sun hat on the baby’s head, while you’re father helps you out of the water and then helps you into the, slightly bigger, pool they have for you.
Your parents know you better than anyone, save for Dogma, so your mother takes one look at you, clicks her tongue, and sits in the pool next to you. She wraps her arms around you and pulls your head to her shoulder to stroke your hair.
And that’s all it takes for you to dissolve into tears as the whole story falls from your lips.
“Oh, my little coral,” Your mom says softly, “Why does it seem like your life is always so much harder than the people around you?” She smooths some of your hair off your face, “You can stay as long as you want. You and Faith.”
“Do you agree with them?” You ask as you press the top of your head against your mother’s neck, “That Dogma deserves better than me?”
“Never.” Your father’s answer is immediate, from where he’s sitting next to Faith and feeding her some mashed apples. “Never, sweetheart. Your man is lucky to have you.”
“You have to say that, you’re my parents.”
“Nonsense. We say it because it’s true.” Your mom kisses your forehead, “You and Faithy will stay for a bit, of course.”
You sniffle, “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
Your mom tightens her grip around you and cuddles you as best as she can as your father starts telling a story about your uncle, giving you an update on the rest of your family. And some more of the weight fades from your heart.
It’s later, when the sun is starting to set, that Dogma emerges from the water next to the houseboat. He easily pulls himself up on the deck, and a relieved smile crosses his face when he sees you sitting in a pool with Faith at your side. 
You turn to look at him, and a weak smile crosses your face. “Dogma,”
“I figured I’d find you here when you weren’t at the grotto. Where are your parents?” He asks as he moves over to the pool and smiles at Faith.
“Inside, they’re getting ready for bed.” You reply as you carefully don’t look at him, you know your eyes are still red, and you don’t want him to worry.
“You didn’t mention that you were coming to see your parents today,” He says lightly, there’s no heat in his words but you curl in on yourself as if he just shouted at you.
Dogma is silent for a moment before he reaches out and lightly turns your face towards him, “Riduur, I’m not upset at you. Why are you acting as if I am?” His breath catches when he turns you to face him fully, and slowly he brings his other hand up to cup your face, his thumbs smoothing the skin under your eyes, “You’ve been crying.”
“It’s…not important.”
“It’s very important.” He corrects, “Someone made you cry. Upset you badly enough that you fled to your parents.”
You shrug, “It’s dumb.”
“You are many things, Riduur. Dumb isn’t one of them.” Dogma corrects. He carefully leans in so his forehead is pressed against yours, “Tell me?”
“Someone said something that I know is true and it made me feel…bad. So I came to someplace where I never feel bad.”
“What did they say?”
You don’t answer, don’t want to answer. But his gaze is so earnest, and his hands are so gentle, that your lower lip starts trembling again, “The truth.”
“I highly doubt that, riduur.” His voice is so gentle, that it's easy to forget that he didn’t choose you.
“They said that if you had the choice in picking a mate, that you wouldn’t have looked twice at me.” You reply quietly, “And I know that it’s true.” Your lips twist as you try to keep yourself from crying, “If I lived five different lifetimes, I would choose you in all of them. And you—”
“Would pick you.”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
Dogma sighs, his breath warm against your face, “I love you, riduur. And don’t even think of trying to say that it’s because the magic chose you for me.” He says quietly, “The magic chose you to be my soul mate, and I chose to love you.”
“There are plenty of platonic soulmates, riduur. And I chose to love you. From the beginning, I chose to love you.” He smooths his thumbs across your cheeks, “You doubt that?”
You close your eyes and lean into his touch, “I know I’m not, really, your type—”
“Whoever made you think that is going to get introduced to my fist,” Dogma interrupts, “I don’t want anyone else. You’re perfect for me. And I’m sorry if I made you believe differently.”
You shake your head, “Not your fault.”
“It is my fault. I should have put an end to those comments, but I didn’t think that they bothered you.” Dogma lightly brushes his lips against yours, “I love you. Always. Forever. In this life and every other.”
You sigh softly, though it’s not an unhappy sigh, “I love you too.”
He chuckles, “Oh, I’ve never doubted that.” Dogma drops one of his hands to scoop Faith against his chest, “Now, are we spending the night?”
You shake your head, “Mom and Dad have to head back to shore early. Better we should leave.”
“Then I’ll leave a note.” Dogma leans in and kisses you one more time, “I love you, Riduur.” He murmurs against your lips, “Despite what everyone else thinks.”
You smile at him, believing his words for the first time today. “I know, I’m sorry for doubting you.”
He smiles, reassuringly, and kisses your cheek, before he drops a kiss to Faith’s head, “Come on, Riduur, let’s go home. I’m going to rip my brothers a new one for making you cry.”
At that, you laugh. And, finally, the last of the weight weighing your heart down fades away, as you’re once again secure in Dogma’s feelings towards you.
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in3ffablemuffins · 1 year
Dude, the homophobes in the reviews of Nimona are crazy. I don’t understand why two people of the same sex kissing is sexual and inappropriate for children but straight people kissing isn’t? What about in sleeping beauty and Snow White when the princesses are kissed without consent? Or in the lion king where two ANIMALS are shown in a very sexual situation. That’s ok to show your kids? Gay people aren’t inherently sexual and the fact that you didn’t even know they were a couple until the end of the movie is absolutely ridiculous. They basically established the relationship in the first scene. My little brother didn’t care when he watched it? My mom didn’t either.
Your kids seeing gay people kiss won’t turn them gay. What movies do you think gay people grew up with? Because I know that back in 2005 they weren’t watching brokeback mountain, they were watching super hero movies and Disney princess movies that were centered around straight couples. This didn’t make them straight! My brother watched nimona and he still has a crush on a girl in his class. HOMOPHOBIA IS TAUGHT!!!! I’m not homophobic because I grew up without my parents pushing discrimination on me. I don’t think that hating people because of who they love is ok.
You might say “I don’t hate them they can do what they want just don’t force it on my kid” but that’s still homophobia and it’s still unacceptable. No one’s forcing your kid to be gay. If your child is gay they were born like that, same if your child is straight. If straight people are aloud to kiss infront of kids then so should gay people.
Even though I grew up watching straight romances I’m still not straight. My brother watching nimona isn’t going to turn him gay, your kid watching nimona isn’t gonna turn them gay. Grow up.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
I need to know if any other long term New Who fans (people who have been watching since the 2005 revival or near enough) also have this fatigue to whenever it's teased that the Doctor has a family member or friend, only for it then revealed to be either a lie or an enemy.
We had it in Utopia, which was an excellent reveal, and you can argue the Master is family of sorts to the Doctor even if they're enemies - but dude still hates him and went on to do horrendous things to him, his companion and her family, and the world.
Then you had the Doctor's Wife where the Doctor gets one of those glowing cubes and follows it thinking he's going to meet another Time Lord, only for it to be a trap.
We have all these teases about mystery characters that have people wondering "Are they Romana? Are they Susan? Are they Susan's parents?" but it's never the case.
We have everything involving the Timeless Child and the reveal that the Doctor was adopted, but even their adoptive mother was a selfish b**** who experimented on a child, killing them over and over and brainwashing them.
We had the Doctor's Daughter which before the episode aired most of the fandom assumed was going to be about Susan's mother or aunt, but it just turned out to be a clone who the Doctor knew for a few hours.
There are more but basically when it got to this whole "there's a mysterious woman called Susan so that must mean she's probably the Doctor's granddaughter" I was just rolling my eyes and groaning because I know this shtick so well by now. The Sue Tech thing was a nice play on words but even the reveal just had me thinking about Utopia and Yana/the Master. But that at least carried more emotional weight because the Master is a reoccurring villain and has a history with the Doctor that goes back to them being friends as well as enemies. Sutekh is....cool? Or was for that one good story? But much like the Midnight monster or even the Beast, it was never felt as necessary for him to return.
I just really hope we don't get more of this teasing in RTD's run, especially as Carol Ann Ford is nearly 83 and I think most fans agree that if you're gonna bring Susan back properly do it while the og actress is with us. But even that's risking it the more you put it off, just look at how Lis Sladen was taken from us far too soon. Look at how we never got to see the Doctor reunite with Ian and Barbara. Or even the Brigadier on screen in the revival.
Basically if you want to do it just do it but stop with the baiting because I'm so done with it now.
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
So the story is that the Three Little Pigs sell Bugs their straw and wood houses, the Big Bad Wolf blows them down, and Bugs decides to get revenge - by dressing himself up as Little Red Riding Hood, getting the Wolf to play his part in that story, and then messing with him as only Bugs can. Here's the video if you've never seen it: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vk41x
Bugs Bunny is an icon and he was so good for his role in this short. When he and the wolf realized they could work together against the pigs... oh my God. Come on Tumblr, you have to admit they had a little gay tension between them. Besides, at the end, when the brick house comes down and the wolf, so surprised and proud of himself exclaims "I did it!" and then it pans over to Bugs with the bomb and he slyly adds "We did it!" communist Bugs canon.
I'm pretty sure she uses her hood as a parachute at some point. (A note from tournament Mod: She does.)
she is so iconic. to me at least (watched hoodwinked appx 500000000 times during family road trips)
This delivery girl knows karate! Watch Hoodwinked
my first exposure to a real adaption of a classic story in video. Girl twists the whole story up compared to the original. Love how it's like an old fashioned PI show but still so 2005 in vibes.
A classic fairy-tale-with-a-twist-movie that if anyone hasn't seen they should. This story takes various elements not just from Red Riding Hood's story but other fairy tales to retell the story with Red as the true center and hero of the story and reframes it as a mystery. It's also one of the few good retellings that makes the wolf good while not framing him as a love interest, which allows the plot to remain focused on Red.
best movie ever
Listen. I don't necessarily think she should win this movie is fucking insane and not all of that insanity is necessarily good. HOWEVER. I have a pitch for you. Wouldn't it be so fucking funny to put Red Puckett on this poll as a wild card? Like how many people would be like "fucking HOODWINKED?". Also what other tellings of red riding hood go the crime mystery route? Like cmon
She's the protagonist of what I believe is one of the funniest and best written films of all time. She's so smart and talented
The entire Hoodwinked series is just really funny to me. I also think she's an absolute badass as she knows kung-fu and takes no shit from the wolf. Also her granny appears above her when they are both flying and somehow she sees her as a big cloud head despite it just being her granny doing a ski jump. She had to be high because she met a weed loving Billy goat literally right before that.
the creators said 'what if red riding hood did karate and was voiced by Anne Hathaway' and simply did not wait for an answer.
because she's the funniest answer
Okay as a child I watched this movie and liked it a lot, but by coincidence, I happened to watch it on Eid twice in a row (I'm Muslim). So for a few years in a row I made it a tradition to watch this movie on Eid while drinking orange juice (very important piece of the puzzle). This movie is so dumb and goofy, I really enjoy it, and also she's voiced by Princess Mia Thermopolis herself.
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destiel-wings · 7 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your thoughts on angel x buffy? :)
Hii i don't mind, thank you for asking 😊
So, I used to love bangel sooooo much when i first watched the show. I was 100% into it, (with a crush for Boreanaz too) and i cried so much for them in s2 and when Angel left the show in s3. And I truly, sincerely, unironically hated Spike too (I thought he was a great character but i just loved hating him, you know? Lol). When we saw Spike's dream of kissing Buffy I swear i felt nauseous.
... and then they aired Fool for love.
By the end of that episode I was left in utter existential crisis in front of my tv because i felt my whole world shift. There was a part of me that still liked Angel and Buffy, but there was also this new part that wanted her to be with Spike now.
So anyway, that's when i decided to switch teams and i became team spuffy, and for as much as i had been obsessed with bangel before, it was nothing compared to how deep i was caught into the Buffy and Spike relationship. I never looked back. They were just much more complex and real and compelling. And it made me reevaluate Angel and her relationship with him too. Angel never really knew Buffy, always treated her like a child, and let's be honest--and that's something that hit me only years later when I got older--she was a child when they were together. He was spying on her and falling in love with her when she was just fifteen years old and he was a 240-year-old vampire who had been sired at like 26 years old, and they got together when she was 16/17 and he broke up with her when she turned 18... I don't think that's something the writers did intentionally of course, because (as everything else in buffy) it's just meant to be taken as a metaphor for the ideals and struggles and the intensity of drama of a girl's first love, but it still comes off as icky.
And before anyone comes at me, I know spuffy isn't healthy either, but that's kinda the point and the appeal. First of all, it's fiction and a metaphor, and secondly, it's about two broken people that are supposed to be mortal enemies but are actually two sides of the same coin, so different and yet so much the same, who can understand each other as a whole, light and darkness, in a way that no one else ever could, who yes, hurt each other along the way, but whose love saved them from the deepest darkness, ultimately bringing them into the light.
This is what spuffy is to me, and this is why i think it's not only the superior ship, but one of the best ships of all time (thee best, until i saw destiel, now they're sharing the podium).
So anyway, to get back to your question, the moment i became obsessed with Buffy and Spike (and i have been ever since 2005, lmao, they've been my first real obsession, alongside btvs, until spn and destiel) Angel sort of became the enemy 😅. And I hated him so so so so so much when he appeared in 7x21 and kissed Buffy (pure fanservice, but okay) and brought the medallion that ultimately killed Spike. So i spent years very maturely holding my vendetta against Angel (like, rooting for every demon that fought against him when I watched Angel, lmaoo). In most recent years, I've (sort of) made my peace with the character, after rewatching Angel. I mean he's still the enemy (of course, duh!! Who am i if not eternally petty??) but i appreciate him in his own show.
So i don't ship Angel and Buffy anymore, but I can understand why someone would (as i myself used to), and more importantly, i respect other people's right to ship them.
If we're joking, I'm going to insult Angel and keep saying he's the enemy. But on a mature serious note, I think Buffy and Angel were a great first love (for Buffy), but they were supposed to be just that, the impossible teenage girl's dream of a first love, eternal but doomed to end and break your heart.
I think Angel was much more well paired with Cordelia (which is something I'd never think I'd say), and i found myself shipping them so much when I rewatched the show. It felt so much more mature and profound than what we saw with Buffy and Angel (and that's probably due to the fact that we got slow burn for them - as we did for Buffy and Spike- and could actually see the feelings growing, while Buffy crushed on Angel in the pilot and she was madly in love (as teenagers do) in 0.5 seconds for no apparent reason than the fact that he was hot and mysterious.
So when I say the kiss in btvs 7x21 makes zero sense, I'm not just talking about spuffy, but also about cangel. I feel like both characters parted ways and lived on in their own shows to grow and become their own persons, developing other relationships that were more adult and meaningful, and that kiss was just disrespectful for both (but anyways, it doesn't change anything).
I have so many thoughts about all this honestly, and I hope I haven't gone too much off the tangent with my reply, but i couldn't just give you a simple reply because that would've had to be something like "angel is the enemy and i don't like bangel" but as you can see my thoughts are a little more complex than that 😅
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pascaloverx · 7 days
Sweet Love
Summary: You're an up-and-coming writer, congratulations. To protect your beloved job, you're willing to do anything. Even strike a deal with the devil, better known as your sister's neighbor. You and Dean Winchester don't really see eye to eye, but in a moment of desperation, you agree to collaborate with him for a greater good.
Author's Notes: Many characters do not belong to me but to the Supernatural Universe (2005-2020). I hope you enjoy the fanfic's story. The fanfic will contain strong language and adult content. Dear readers, I'm here to let you know that if you enjoy this fic, please engage with it. Comments and likes are welcome. I appreciate everyone who follows this fanfic. Anyway, enjoy this chapter.
chapter nine
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The alarm rings, waking you up. It’s not even eight in the morning yet, but you need to adjust to your new life. You and Dean Winchester have been dating for almost two years, which is quite a while. You’re still neighbors, actually, and ever since your relationship changed drastically, he’s been trying to marry you. But all of this happened because, during a night of reconciliation, you both forgot to use protection, and nine months later, you gave birth to a baby. You had your moment of panic when you found out you were going to have a child with Dean.
You get out of bed, hearing your son crying from his room. "Bobby, mommy's coming to get you," you mumble as you quickly get up to grab your son. As soon as you reach his room and approach his crib, he stops crying.
"Who’s the most beautiful baby in the world?" you ask as you pick up your son and gently rock him. He’s too distracted trying to chew on your hair to pay attention to anything you say. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, making your son fidget excitedly. You rush to open the door.
"I knew my little boy would be awake." Bobby smiles when he sees his father at the door. Dean takes the baby in his arms and gives him a hug.
"Can you stay with him while I get ready? I don't want to make us late." You speak between yawns, while Dean nods, playing with little Bobby's hands, who is having a great time in his father's arms. You start picking out the right outfit for the occasion. Sam proposed to your sister, and today is the celebratory lunch for the newly engaged couple.
"Don't you find it odd that our siblings are getting married before us, even though we've already built a new life together?" Dean asks as he watches you from the door of your room. You look at him seriously. He knows you avoid discussing marriage. Having Bob was unexpected and unplanned. You want your marriage to be about something more than just that. Dean, on the other hand, wants to marry to provide a family for your son.
"We rushed the relationship process. They’re following the right flow. What’s really strange is that you’ve already slept with me and with your future sister-in-law. Do you think I should wear this red dress or this black dress?" you ask, showing Dean the options. He examines the dresses for a moment, while Bobby also looks at you with a sleepy expression.
"I prefer the black one; it will highlight your curves better. By the way, I like how things worked out for us. We didn’t plan to have Bobby so soon, but eventually, we would have had a child, right?" Dean starts rocking Bobby in his arms, resting the baby’s head against his chest. Bobby snuggles so comfortably in Dean’s arms, it melts your heart. You grab your clothes and toiletries to head to the bathroom for a shower. However, your silence about Dean’s question clearly bothers him.
"I don’t know, darling. You work so much with your investigations and the reports you publish, and when I release a book, I spend more time on tour signing it than at home. Without Bobby, we probably…" You realize you’re about to say something regrettable, but it’s already too late. You didn’t want to imply that you wouldn’t see a future with Dean if you didn’t have your baby, but that’s exactly what you ended up saying.
"So, from what I understand, we’re not going to get married because we had a child, and the only reason we’re together is because we’re parents of the same baby?" Dean says, visibly irritated, and you can tell from his furious expression that even the fact that Bobby is sleeping in his arms hasn’t calmed him down.
"I know what I said might have sounded that way, but that’s not what I meant. I just wanted to say that no one knows what our future would be like if our child hadn’t been born. But eventually, we will get married. It’s just that as long as I feel like you want to marry me because Bobby needs married parents, I won’t agree to marry you." At that moment, you feel as if you can’t quite express yourself properly. The father of your child seems to be getting more stressed. You drop the outfit you were planning to wear for your sister’s engagement celebration on the bed. You want to try and approach him, but he looks uncomfortable, creating a tense distance between you two.
"I’ll take the reason we're still together to change his diaper and put on his new clothes. Enjoy your shower," Dean says with a certain sharpness in his tone, preventing you from fully approaching him. You feel bad, maybe even a bit foolish.
"Dean, I didn’t mean to offend you. Or our relationship, just try to…" You can’t finish your sentence because he closes Bobby’s bedroom door in your face. You can hear him playing with your son while likely changing him. So, you turn, heading toward your bedroom to grab your clothes and take a shower. The weight of guilt lingers on your shoulders the entire time, and all you want is for this argument to be over.
Your shower ends up being longer than you intended, mostly because you’re not eager to leave and face more tension with your boyfriend. When you finally finish, you hurry to your room, getting dressed quickly, then fixing your makeup and hair. Dean still seems to be in Bobby’s room with him, probably avoiding further confrontation as well. The silence between you two feels heavy, but you know you’ll need to face it eventually.
"Do you want to talk?" Dean says, appearing behind you, leaning against the doorframe. You glance at him while finishing your lipstick, wondering if this is the moment he’s going to break up with you. There’s a pause, and the tension feels almost unbearable as you try to read his expression. His face is serious, but there's something softer in his eyes, maybe a hint of frustration mixed with hurt.
"I’m not with you just because we had a child, I want to make that clear. I love our family and wouldn’t change anything about it," you say, standing up from your vanity and slowly walking toward Dean. Before he has a chance to respond, you gently kiss him, as if needing that kiss to confirm that everything will be alright. But even as your lips touch his, Dean doesn’t seem to want you close. He gently pushes you away, carefully, as if he doesn’t want to hurt you, but at the same time, he clearly doesn’t want your closeness right now. The distance between you grows, not just physically but emotionally too, and it stings more than words.
"I love you, I love our family. But you and I… we’re not going anywhere. What I mean is, if I still have to prove my intentions about marriage after two years, then what’s the point of all this? You don’t want to marry me, and you just won’t admit it because you don’t want to lose me. But it’s wrong to want to keep me at arm’s length when I’ll never fully be yours. Just like it’s wrong for me to want to keep you as my girlfriend when we’ll never be more than that. And if you don’t want that, it’s fine. But I do. For the sake of our relationship, we have to stop fooling ourselves," Dean says, holding your hands against his chest, his forehead resting against yours. Tears are falling from both of you, though you try to be strong for the sake of your son. The weight of his words sinks in, and the emotions are heavy, but the truth in them is undeniable.
"Ending our relationship isn’t fair. You know you love me, and I love you. We have a child together. Isn’t that enough for you?" you say, your voice breaking with sobs and tears. At this point, it doesn’t matter if your makeup is smudged, if you wish this conversation had never happened, or anything else. The only thing that matters is the ache in your chest and the fear of losing the person you love, the father of your child.
"I want to keep respecting you. I want you to be the woman you are, to have what you want. But I’m not what you want, not anymore. And maybe what’s changed between us is that our futures aren’t the same anymore. Bobby will always be our bond, our son. Our love can last forever, but only if we let the romantic side of it fade away," Dean speaks softly, as if he's at peace with what he's saying. But you can't find that same peace. The words feel like a knife twisting in your chest, and the idea of losing him in this way—letting go of the romantic love you share—is unbearable. You don’t want to accept that this could be the end, even if he sounds so calm, almost resigned.
"I don’t want to lose you, Dean. Maybe we could make some kind of concession to each other. You could move in with me, or we could be like those couples who stay engaged for a long time before actually getting married. Please." You’re bargaining with the father of your child, hoping he’ll reconsider what seems like a definitive decision. But he pulls back, as if he’s unwilling to give in.
"You will never lose me. But I don’t think there’s a solution for our romantic situation. It’s ridiculous that it’s at a moment like this, but we need to understand what we have to do. As parents, we need to give our best for our child. If we continue dating, my resentment towards you will overshadow everything. And you’ll never fully trust me romantically. I’m grateful for you being by my side, showing me how beautiful love can be, and for the child we share, but we’ll have to go our separate ways when it comes to romance." Dean says, pulling away, wiping the tears from his face, and composing himself while you feel like a storm is dragging you away.
"Is it over then?" is all you manage to say amid the chaos of emotions you're feeling. Dean looks at you as he steps back further, preparing to leave.
"Until we can be on the same page about our future and what we want from each other, yes. You’re free, and so am I. I know it won’t be easy, that we’ll need to adjust some arrangements involving Bobby, but I’ll try to be the best father our son deserves. I’ll get ready in my apartment, and I assume you’ll want to go in separate cars. I’ll respect whatever you decide." Dean says, looking at you as if he’s waiting for confirmation that you understand he’s breaking your heart, but it’s for the greater good. You think about yelling, throwing something at him, or doing something dramatic, but your son must be sleeping in the next room, and disturbing him is the last thing you want.
"I want you to leave. I’ll take Bobby later. Don’t expect me to act like everything is fine, but I’ll do my best to be decent and not ruin my sister’s and your brother’s day. Now, just go, Winchester." You say, controlling yourself as much as possible to avoid breaking down and losing your composure. Dean hears your words and seems like he wants to come to you, to comfort you. But how could he fix what’s breaking? So, he leaves, taking part of you with him. You then try to collect yourself, going to your son and holding him in your arms while he sleeps peacefully. At least you have him amid all this.
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zombryz · 8 months
: ̗̀➛ Sparks and Cursed Shadows
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Chapter Two
masterlist | Previous Chapter 1 | Next Chapter 3  | ao3
Pairings: Satoru Gojo x afab!reader x Suguru Geto
A/N: I am sad for what's to come but also excited for more Suguru Geto *eyes emoji*. I loved the build-up of both relationships to see how they played out to where they are now.
Summary: Years had passed since you last saw him—the formidable sorcerer, Satoru Gojo, with his innate six eyes, your old classmate, and first love. When Suguru Geto decided to part ways with Jujutsu High and abandon sorcery altogether, you went with him, both of you unintentionally breaking Satoru's heart. Now, after years and years, your heart aches as Suguru, your now lover, succumbs to the ancient curse of Kenjaku. Suguru—no—Kenjaku threatens to kill Suguru inside of his own mind if you do not confront your once-beloved Satoru Gojo, killing him to bring balance back to the world of curses.
Warnings: (current, may change throughout the story - I will try to add them to each chapter) **Possible Anime/Manga spoilers throughout** PSTD, Death, depression, angst, possessiveness, jealousy, uneven power dynamics (obviously because Gojo is the strongest), eventual lemon/smut, slowburn, right person wrong time, friends to lovers to enemies to lovers again, touch starved, unprotected first time, virgin!reader, virgin!gojo, betrayal, switch!gojo, switch!reader, dom!suguru, porn with plot, possible pregnancy ending (undecided but will make it cute, not annoying), fuckboy!gojo, kind of poly!reader (she loves them both at the same time), gore/blood/violence scenes that will be graphic
Word Count: 14.5k
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Wanna listen to what I listened to while writing this?:
Start of Tokyo Jujutsu High School Year - 2005 - First Year
You had been at the school for a few days now. No one else seemed to arrive as early as you did so you got first dibs on your bedroom as well as all the good snacks in the communal kitchen. It was quiet and you knew there weren’t going to be a lot of students so you wondered if it would always be like this. You picked the room with a sliding back door that led out to a small cherry blossom tree with a little stone bench underneath. The tree was in full bloom and you found yourself sitting out there for all hours of the day, just listening to the birds sing while you read some old books you found about reversed cursed techniques. Sadly, your family never really taught you this stuff; you were the only ‘cursed’ child and they couldn’t wait to send you off as a jujutsu sorcerer. If you were being honest with yourself you didn’t mind, it was better than being invisible to a family who wanted nothing to do with the child who obtained your great-great-great grandfather’s cursed ability. They treated him like a god and you couldn’t understand why you were shunned away. Maybe you just couldn’t fill his shoes.
The day before school started you found yourself once again sitting out at the little stone bench under the cherry blossom tree. You were reading from your book when you saw something move in front of you and that's when you first noticed that there were more rooms connected to the courtyard garden. Someone was moving behind a window directly across from your room. Your eyes curiously watched as a boy about your age walked out of his room and into the courtyard. You weren’t sure if you should say something or just keep reading. He was most likely one of your classmates and he hadn’t noticed you yet. You decided to peek over your book to get a better look at him. He was tall and lean and was dressed in all-black clothes that were not his school uniform. His pants were slightly baggy at the calves and he had shoulder-length dark brown hair that was pushed behind his ears. His eyes were dark but kind from what you could tell and he sported black circular earrings. He walked over to a small water fountain at the edge of the garden and crouched down before it. He reached his hands out to gather the water into a small pool in his palms before splashing it on his face and running the leftover water through his hair.
“What are you reading?” He speaks up now and you quickly divert your eyes to hyperfocus on the page, worried that he probably caught you staring.
“Uh-um, it’s a book about reversed cursed techniques. It’s quite interesting, I think.” You try to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“It sounds interesting.” After running his hands through the water and into his hair a couple more times he rises to his full height and makes his way over to you. As he gets closer you notice his angular jawline and perfectly straight nose. His hair was now dripping wet and you couldn’t help but think about how beautiful he was. You were suddenly very nervous in his presence. He wipes his palms on his pants to dry them and you watch as his large hand starts reaching for your book. You give it to him without even saving your page.
He scans over the back quickly before handing it back to you, his finger staying on your page to hold your spot for you. When you grab it from him your hand brushes against his making you lock eyes. His eyes were dark and borderline sensual, you were looking up at him with big doe ones. He clears his throat making you look away.
“I’m Suguru Geto, I believe we are classmates,” He takes a seat next to you on the concrete bench. You can feel his body heat surrounding you as he gets closer.
“I-I’m Y/N Kashimo, nice to meet you,” you reach your hand out for him to shake making him chuckle in response, his laugh is the most calming sound in the world. When he smiles his mouth curls up forming a small dimple to the right of his lips. You can’t help but stare at it. He then happily takes your hand and shakes it gently. His hand was cold from the fountain but you could feel the warmth of his body heat coming through.
“It’s nice to meet you, Kashimo,” he smiles politely, still holding your hand.
“Oh, you can just call me Y/N,” you realize you’re still holding his hand so you pull away first, “Most people don’t think I deserve to go by my family name.” you drift off sadly and stare at your hands in your lap.
“Well,” he goes to stand up, “in that case, you can just call me Suguru.” You suddenly feel small beneath him. He starts walking back to his room and before he walks through his door he turns around to you once more, “And we’ll see about that, I think you could make that name your own if you wanted.” He pauses before testing out your name on his lips, “See you tomorrow, Y/N.” Then he is gone as fast as he appeared. There are butterflies in your stomach that won't go away and you know you won’t be able to go back to reading so you just sigh.
Later that night
Your first-day jitters were starting to get the best of you as you lay awake in bed unable to sleep. It was about midnight when you decided to grab your robe off the back of your door and go to the communal kitchen for a glass of water. You walked down the dark halls quietly hoping not to wake anyone else. When you arrived at the kitchen on the other side of the building you avoided turning on any lights so that if someone was awake you wouldn’t have to talk to them. You quietly took out a glass from one of the cabinets and filled your cup with the water from the fridge. You shut the refrigerator and turn the corner of the kitchen to dart back to your room as quickly as you possibly can. To your surprise, you come to an abrupt and painful stop when you walk directly into what you thought was a wall causing your glass of water to go all over you. The impact causes you to fall backwards but before you hit the ground you feel a strong arm snake around your lower back to catch you.
“Hey, I’m so sorry,” He questions worriedly. You strain your eyes to see who saved you but the hallway is too dark, only the moonlight pours into the room but it is not enough to see the dark figure hovering over you. You maybe thought it was Suguru until you heard a voice coated in honey. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m the one who should be sorry, I really should've brought a flashlight.” You laugh light-heartedly.
“It’s okay, I should’ve seen you coming with my technique, you just surprised me is all.” He is still holding on to the small of your back making sure to steady you before letting go. “Oh no, you’re soaking wet, come on I’ll help you dry off” He adds in an apologetic tone leading you back to the kitchen where you were just moments ago.
He turns on some soft lighting in the kitchen instead of the bright overhead light and you finally get a good look at him. He was Satoru Gojo, you know this because your family never shuts up about him and the Gojo clan he belongs to. He supposedly carried the innate gift of the six eyes and your family had been in discussions in the past with the Gojo clan about marrying you off to him. You wonder if he knows about that. You had never met him before this very moment, he was tall and lean and his hair was white as snow. He was wearing striped pajama pants and a black t-shirt that revealed his arm muscles. You had heard that he usually wears glasses to hide his eyes but right now he wasn’t, maybe because you both were supposed to be asleep and it was late. You watched him curiously as he frantically searched for a towel of some kind. He went through several cabinets and drawers before finding the right one and pulled out a couple of towels.
“Here we go,” He turned to walk over to you. You took off your robe and were in just your big t-shirt and silk shorts that you usually sleep in. You were awkwardly leaning against the counter and were starting to get cold from being wet so you hopped on the counter to get your bare feet off the cold tile. When he got closer he took you all in just as you did with him moments ago while he was searching for something to dry you with. He hesitantly walks closer but once he’s completely invaded your space he reaches out to pull your shirt towards him, rubbing the towel into the fabric to soak up the water. “I-I’m sorry again.” He sighs.
“It’s okay, I promise,” You swung your feet next to his legs and there was an awkward but comfortable silence that fell over you as he continued to dry you off. “I-’m-” You decide that maybe you should just introduce yourself to make this whole situation less intimate.
“You’re the Kashimo girl, right?” He continues to pat the towel on your shirt, not looking at you. With you sitting on the counter you were almost the same height as him.
You huff, so he did know who you were. Your family always claims to be embarrassed of you but if you were being honest with yourself, you were embarrassed of them. Being part of the Kashimo family felt like a curse in itself. You wondered if he could relate seeing as that's how most sorcerer clans were.
“Yeah, but you can just call me Y/N. No one calls me Kashimo.” You watch the way his long fingers move the towel up and down your shirt. Your eyes travel up and to his face while he works. His lips were supple and his cheeks were a little flushed. You couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful bottom lashes that were snow white just like his hair. After a moment or two of you practically drooling over the poor boy, he looks up at you and you are finally looking into those angelic, ice-blue eyes everyone talks about. The eyes that made him so powerful. He was considered a special grade before even joining Jujutsu Tech. You bet he could snap you like a twig in this very kitchen if he so wanted. The thought made you breathless and sent a chill down your spine.
The two of you stayed like this for a while, just staring into each other's eyes. Until he finally spoke up, “I’m Satoru Gojo by the way,” he practically yelled in excitement until he realized that other people were sleeping just down the hall. You could’ve sworn that his smile was even brighter than his eyes. You couldn’t help but giggle at him and his face became even more flush than before. “Seeing how I spilled water all over you, I think it's only fair that you call me by my first name as well.” He lowers his voice and naturally closes the space even more to be quiet. Your breath hitches in your throat.
“Hmmm, Satoru,” you hum his name and his ears perk up. “I think I might’ve spilled water on you too.” You point at his abdomen where there is water all over his nice black shirt. You slowly take the towel from his hand and hop off the counter. “Here, let me.” You twist under his arm and face now he is the one leaning against the counter. He turns towards you slightly and allows you to dab his shirt the same way he dried yours.
“So, uh, is it true you’re like,” he makes a funny little gesture with his hands and makes a weird noise to mimic an electricity zap, “Sparky?” He asks, making a silly face; almost like he is embarrassed by the way he just said that.
“Uh, yeah, you could say that.” You giggle and your eyes meet his once more making your heart skip a beat with how he was looking down at you. “I-Is it true you can fly?” You were only half serious, after learning about reversed cursed techniques and the capabilities that Satoru has, you wouldn’t be surprised if he could fly. Plus, that was one of the reasons why your family liked him so much, because he was a very very strong ally to have. How much closer than being married into the family could he get?
Satoru laughs and brings his hand up to his face to cover his smile so he wouldn’t be too loud. “Is that what they’re saying about me nowadays?” You stopped drying his shirt but didn’t pull away from how close you were to him. “I gotta give it to the other clan members, they’re usually right about what I can and can’t do. If they believe I can fly, I should probably start training.”
Your voice was quiet now that he struck something in common with you, “D-Do you always listen to your clan elders?” You begin messing with the fabric on his shirt mindlessly.
“Nah, fuck that.” He says gaining a sudden sort of confidence on the subject. His muscles tense beneath you causing you to let go of his shirt. “Why, do you?”
“They once told me that I was to be married to you.” Your voice is barely above a whisper and you look at him once more to gauge his reaction. For some reason, you wanted to know if he had been told that too.
“Oh?” He scoffs. “Sorry,” he pauses for a lot longer than you thought he would, “it’s just, you’re not the first girl my family has tried to marry off to me.” His voice lowers as he says this.
“Oh, I see,” Your chest tightens and you’re not sure why. So there were other powerful girls his family wanted him to be with? You suppose it made sense.
“N-Not that I wouldn’t, I’m just not too keen on marrying a total stranger,” he pedals back after seeing what he thinks is disappointment on your face.
“Oh, no, don’t worry, me either!” You step back a little trying to signal that you weren’t trying to come off upset about his reaction. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to marry a sorcerer. You’re only here to become greater than your great-great-great grandfather to prove to your family that you’re not a disappointment and then leave sorcery behind and live a normal life.
“I just feel like we should have a choice.” He fixes his posture and stares at you once more with his achingly blue eyes.
“I agree, we should.” You realize it has to be getting late now and your mind starts racing about your family and how you officially start training tomorrow and want to surpass your great-great-great grandfather as soon as possible, “Let’s not get married then. Just to spite our families.” You hold out your pinky to him and he looks at you with furrowed brows and a small frown but you don’t read into it. He hesitates but ends up intertwining his pinky with yours anyway, ultimately making a pinky promise he doesn’t fully want to make. “I really should be going to sleep now. Goodnight Satoru!” You grab your robe off the counter and leave him in at the kitchen island, alone.
“Goodnight, Sparky.” He looks down at his pinky after you are gone and his lips form a tight line. Why did he just do that?
Later in the year
During your first year, you became closer to both Suguru and Satoru and learned they had met during the summer and had already become very close friends. You also met your other classmate, Shoko, whom you adored. She was always offering you cigarettes or a swig out of her flask. You gave in every once and a while making Satoru get on to you, Suguru never did though; he would partake most of the time, unlike you and Satoru. It was the four of you, always together. You received your uniform which had been customized by your family, it was the lady's version of the uniform just all white to match. You were sent on your first mission together. You learned to fight cursed spirits together and you were sometimes even given lower grade missions with just a single partner. There were multiple instances where you were partnered up with Satoru, Suguru, or sometimes Shoko. They had become your best friends.
After a while, you realize that to everyone else Satoru was just a spoiled rich boy who was full of himself but everyone loved him anyway. Suguru was kind-hearted but stern and came from a broken family of non-sorcerers, he had been scouted to come to Jujutsu Tech. Lastly, Shoko was kind of a mystery, no one knew where she came from or about her past since she didn’t talk about it much. You didn’t mind really, the less you had to talk about your family the better. She was very similar to you in that sense.
During most of the school year, you would meet up with Suguru after school in the courtyard garden between your rooms. It was mostly to vent about your day or just to read to him. You weren’t sure why, but when you read to him on the concrete bench beneath the cherry blossom tree, he liked it. You enjoyed it too. Sometimes even Satoru and Shoko would join you and you would read to all of them, sharing your findings. Both you and Shoko tried to explain the reversed cursed technique to them but you don’t think it registered.
One day, when the seasons started to change you remember reading a romantic novel about a princess and a knight in shining armor. Suguru would never admit it but you knew he liked it because he kept coming back to hear the rest of the story. Suguru was sitting on the bench above you staring at the way the wind flowed through the trees making all the little leaves dance and sway to the rhythm. You sat on the ground beneath him reading the final chapters of the romance novel. His hair was starting to grow out and you liked it when he wore it down instead of his normal bun look. A couple of sakura leaves kept falling on your book obstructing the writing on the pages so you kept running your fingers over it to push them off and continue reading. It was as if he could tell you were getting frustrated because he caught one of the leaves and leaned over to gently place it behind your ear. You stopped reading and reached behind your ear to feel for the flower. You then turned to him smiling, your cheeks as pink as the tree, “What was that for?” you hum in a sweet but questioning voice.
“Come here, dance with me.” He suddenly gets up and extends his arm out to help you up. The sun was starting to set, soon you wouldn’t have any more light to read anyway.
“There isn’t any music playing,” You raise your eyebrow at him, place the book down on the bench, but reach for his hand anyway. He helps you to your feet and places a hand on the small of your back. You position your feet and then he leads with a slow ballroom dance.
“We don’t need music, the trees are singing to us, you just have to listen,” He looks up at the tree and you don’t immediately follow his line of sight, instead you watch his Adam's apple move up as your eyes follow the shape of his jaw. He was so beautiful. After a moment you look up and watch the trees with him. You’re giggling now which makes him pick up the pace causing you both to dance extremely fast.
“Suguru! Slow down, you’re going too fast I can’t keep up.” You laugh hysterically and your hair flows in the wind as he releases you into a quick spin while holding your hand. He then spins you right back into his body and leads you into a low dip with his large hand supporting your lower back. You let your head hang with your arms stretched behind you. Suddenly you feel so free like you didn’t have a care in the world. You were smiling ear to ear and it was Suguru’s turn to look at you, his eyes following your smile to your chin, your neckline, your collar bones, and then down to the way your uniform hugs around your chest perfectly supporting your breasts -- He shakes his thoughts and lifts you back up. You were so beautiful to him.
You’re smiling as you lay your head on his chest and you both fall into a slow sway that matches the pace of his slowing heartbeat. When you looked up at him he was already looking down at you, his deep brown eyes were heavy, and stared at you with a sort of longing that you hadn’t seen on him before.
“Thanks,” You rest your chin on his chest to look up at him through your dark eyelashes. You move your arms around his hips and hug him tightly, “I needed that after all these really dark missions.” He was looking down at you and because he was taller than you, his arms were resting just underneath your shoulders.
He brings his arms up slowly and cups your face gently caressing your cheek on the same side he had placed the flower on. Your heart begins to race in anticipation. What was he doing? He lowers his head as slow as he possibly could allowing you to push him away if he had the wrong idea. His bangs fell to the sides of his face and his lips were now hovering over yours. You could feel every little breath he took. You were practically begging him to crash his lips into yours. Finally, after a few moments of harmless teasing, his lips were on yours. They were warm and his kisses were slow and sensual. You kissed him back harder and hungrier. After you both fell into a comfortable pace, you began to nip at his bottom lip while he ran his tongue over yours. You moved your hands from the small of his back and used one to steady yourself using his hip while the other one started playing with the fabric of his shirt. His lips moved down your cheek while your face fell limp into his hand he kissed down your neck and nipped at your collar bone eliciting a small gasp from you. He must’ve liked it because you could feel him smiling into your neck. You finally gave in to your hand's curiosity and placed a palm underneath his shirt. You ran your hand up his abs and could feel the chills you were causing him. He moved his mouth off your neck and crashed his lips into yours once again, this time he was the hungry one. He ran his fingers through your hair as he cupped your cheeks again.
“Y/N Kashimo and Satoru Gojo, please come to my office.” Principal Yaga’s voice comes through a loudspeaker making you jump into Suguru’s arms. He wrapped himself around you in a protective motion.
After the loudspeaker shuts off you both just laugh loudly. The awkwardness of the moment finally settled in, “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the book?” Suguru rubs the back of his neck and you let go of him.
“That’s okay, I guess I should go see what Principal Yaga wants…” You grab the book before turning to face him, “We uh, don’t have to talk about what just happened if you don’t want to.”
“Yeah, okay.” Suguru detests silently. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow Sugu!” You smile sweetly at him and wave before stepping back into your room.
In Principal Yaga’s office
“I’ve asked you both here because you have been invited to join the Gojo clan's annual holiday dinner with the clan elders.” Principal Yaga explains causing you to look at Satoru with furrowed brows questioning across the room whether or not he knew about this. His eyes said no. “They are hoping to convince you both to get married next spring for the sake of the clans. I’m so sorry.” He sighs and holds his hands together, “You both leave for the countryside tomorrow morning. If neither of you have anything to say then you’re dismissed.”
You and Satoru stand up to leave, walking back to your rooms on the other side of the school. You walk together in silence for a minute or two before finally speaking up.
“There's no way to get out of this is there?” You sigh and run your fingers through your hair. You bring your fingers to your lips, the feeling of Suguru still fresh.
“Nope, I don’t think so.” He stops in the middle of the hallway making you come to a stop to turn around and face him.
“What’s wrong Satoru?” You ask sadly closing the distance between you a bit.
“I’m just sorry this is happening, for what it’s worth…” He pauses shaking his head before deciding not to say the second part. “Never mind.”
“No, C’mon, now you have to say it.” you playfully nudge him with your elbow. You’re smiling at him but his mind is somewhere else. You walk closer to him and nudge him again playfully, “Satoru?” You were beginning to worry now.
He is suddenly knocked out of his trance, “I-I was just going to say, for what it's worth if I have to marry someone I’m glad it’s you and not some stranger.” He sends you a pitiful smile and rubs the back of his head.
“Heyyy,” you start with a giggle, “what about our pinky promise, huh?” You hold out your pinky as if that would help jog his memory. You made that promise months ago now.
He’s almost inclined to say ‘What promise?’ but he doesn’t, instead he stays silent.
“Okay fine, our promise can be annulled but only if we make another promise to each other.” You start walking again casually skipping before turning around to see if he is following and he is. He follows behind like a little puppy. His eyes are covered with his dark circular glasses but you know he was looking at you as he trails behind with his hands in his pockets.
“Oh yeah, what promise?” He was intrigued now. Did this mean you wouldn’t mind marrying him if it came down to it?
You invade his space by shoving your pinky back in his face. You’re shorter than him by a little over a foot so he towers over you. He tilts his head down allowing you to see his eyes which flicker to your lips before looking up at your pinky finger. You suddenly feel nervous under his gaze. “We have to promise to each other that we will never marry someone we don’t want to marry.” You gulp when he doesn’t immediately respond. It was always like this, you would approach him with a certain confidence but he always managed to squash it and make you feel smaller than you were. Maybe it was just his dominating energy, you weren’t sure. He just really managed to bring out your submissive side. Now you were the little puppy.
“Okay deal.” He flashes his signature Satoru Gojo smirk before he intertwines his pinky with yours and you notice that his hands have gotten a little bigger since the last time he touched you like this. The year was almost over and you both had been through so many tough missions together as first years. You were extremely lucky to have been partnered up with him and Suguru most of the time. They both guarded you but you always tried to stay on their level.
“Wait! I have an idea that could get us out of this!” You let go of his pinky and jump a little in excitement, “What if we tell the elders that I’m with Suguru? You could tell them I’m off limits.” You clap a little and spin around as you both continue walking back to your rooms. You were both now standing where you first met, in front of the communal kitchen.
“A-Are you with Suguru?” His chest tightens. He remembers only hours ago - no, could it be? When did that happen? Why didn’t Suguru tell him he liked you? Why didn’t he tell Suguru he liked you first?
“N-No, well, not really, I don’t think so.” You answer truthfully. You haven’t had a chance to process what happened earlier. You remember what you said about not having to talk about it and Suguru agreed so, “No.” You solidify your answer.
Satoru releases the breath he was holding but his heart sinks a little not sure how to understand your response so he decides to poke at you for clarity. He doesn’t know why he’s doing this, after all, it’s just hurting him, “Do you like him?”
“Um, I’m not sure…” You put your arms behind your back and walk slower pondering the idea of you and Suguru. “I think we just got carried away listening to the romance story in my book.” You finally analyze it and conclude that that's all it was. All it had to be.
“I see, well I’m always here if you want to talk. We can try your idea with the elders if you want…” Satoru brings his hand to the top of your head and roughs up your hair, he just likes seeing the sparks your cursed energy creates. You shoo him away and he laughs, “I just want you to be happy, okay?” He sighs sweetly.
“Okay.” You smile up at him with his hand still on your head. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Satoru.” You notice you’re close to your room now.
“See you tomorrow, Sparky!” He gives you a silly salute and turns on his heel to leave you.
“You know I hate when you call me that.” You frown at him before opening your door.
“Yeah, I know.” He puts his hands back into his pockets and continues walking down the hall to his room.
The next day
You and Satoru left first thing in the morning when the winter air was finally setting in. You looked out your window at the cherry blossom tree you and Suguru had shared a kiss at the night before and noticed a lot of the leaves were gone now. When you looked over at his window, part of you had hoped he would come out and say goodbye but sadly, he didn’t. The air looked a little grey but you didn’t mind. You put on your ‘out of school clothes’ which consisted of a brown knitted sweater, warm leggings, and black boots. Today was your travel day after all, you packed nice attire for the rest of the week.
You met with Satoru at the entrance to the school where a car would bring you both to the train station. When you saw him standing under the school’s torii your heart skipped a beat. He was dressed in a white hoodie paired with a jean jacket and black sweats. His hair was messy and he looked like he had just rolled out of bed. You could see your breath as you called out to him. Your nose was turning pink from the crispy cool air. The wind was making it even chillier.
“Good morning, Y/N.” His morning voice was sleepy and raspy and you weren’t expecting it. “Ready to go?” His voice comes out even deeper than before making your heart flutter.
“Mhm,” You didn’t know how to respond and your words weren’t quite working. He then took your suitcase from you, lifting it as if it were nothing, and handed it to the driver.
The drive to the train station was long and boring. The only entertainment you had was watching Satoru sleep against the car window. It was the most peaceful you’d ever seen him and his nose exhales fogged up the window. You couldn’t help but think how cute he was.
The train ride was even longer than the car ride. You both alternated falling asleep on each other's shoulders. At one point your head was on Satoru’s shoulder while his head laid on yours. When someone coughed you both jumped apologizing that you were so close to one another only to fall asleep on each other once again.
When you had arrived at the Gojo manor you were blown away by how big it was. You knew it would be but for some reason you were still shocked. It was mostly laid out in traditional Japanese and was surrounded by gardens on either side. The winter air started killing most of the plants but you could tell it was probably a magical sight during the summer. It was gorgeous and you couldn’t believe that Satoru grew up here, part of you was jealous. Flurries were starting to fall in Tokyo and the Gojo clan had already started setting up for the annual winter dinner. There were warm string lights all over the main house and anywhere you looked there were poinsettia flowers. Everything about the Gojo manor was elegant and it made you feel a little underwhelming, especially since they wanted you to be married into the family. You were starting to regret your choice in lying to them about being with Suguru.
“You two will be sharing Satoru’s old room.” The butler who was carrying both yours and Satoru’s suitcases announced once you entered the main corridor of the house.
“W-we’re sharing a room?” Your voice cracks a little. Why were you suddenly very anxious?
“Why?” Satoru chimed in, his voice coming out much more stern than yours.
“It was your grandmother who insisted, sir. She said a couple to be wed should bed together.’” The butler replied without looking back at the two of you. You shot Satoru a worried glance and he went to speak up once more in your defense.
“Doesn’t that seem like… bad luck? Please tell grand-moth-” Saturo begins with an awkward scoff but the butler cuts him off.
“She was very insistent, sir, if you wish to go against her please leave me out of it. Plus, if you must know, all the guest rooms were taken by other clan members who are traveling in for the occasion.” He guides you both into what you assume is Satoru’s bedroom and lays your suitcases on a long entryway table before bowing and leaving you both alone.
“Umm,” You try to say something but you’re too nervous to look up at him or look around the room.
“I am so sorry, I don’t know why they’re being like this.” He walks over to you to urge you to look up at him and you do. He reaches up to take his glasses off, he must take them off when he’s home. You know he's usually very sensitive to the light but his room was dark, the walls painted black for that very reason. His eyes look genuine and your breath calms. “Tonight we’ll tell them about you and Suguru and demand they give you a different room. If they don’t I’ll sleep in the grand living room.” You appreciate how sincere he is being, you have to giggle a little at just how rich he is.
You finally look around the room. His bedroom was very sleek and fit his personality perfectly. He had a silk, all-black king bed in the back of the room across from a white-bricked fireplace with a red and black seating area. There was a huge white tiled bathroom connected to the front of the room. When your eyes followed the wall you noticed a grand, partially stained glass window with long curtains that wrapped around a cozy little circular day bed tucked into it. His room felt about the size of the communal kitchen back at Jujutsu Tech.
“It’s okay Satoru, if they don’t listen to us about me being with Suguru then I can just sleep on the day bed.” You smile up at him sweetly and point over to the window.
“I wouldn’t make you do that, you can take my bed and I’ll sleep over there.” He huffs and walks over to the daybed, plopping right onto it as if he is trying to become acquainted with it already. He was being such a sweetheart, it was very out of character for his goofy self.
“Are you kidding? You’re so big your feet would just hang off.” You laugh into your hand before he shoots you an offended look.
“What? No, I’m not! Look!” He scoots up onto the bed and it’s exactly what you thought would happen, his feet were dangling off at the end. The sight just makes you laugh even harder.
“S‘toru it’s okay, really.” You wipe a stray tear from your eye from the scene laid out before you. His goofiness mixed with your exhaustedness was starting to get to you. You walk over to him slowly and lay your purse on the bed next to him. He shifts beneath you, manspreading a little while staring up at you with those gorgeous cerulean eyes of his. The air shifts and you’re almost tempted to crawl on top of him. God, what was going on with you lately? First Suguru, now Satoru? You weren’t even sure if Satoru liked you like that. You weren’t even sure if you liked him like that. While you’re at it, you weren’t even sure if Suguru liked you like that. Was there just something in the air? Plus, this was exactly how you shouldn’t be acting at the Gojo manor, or else they might want you two together even more.
“Okay fine, you’re lucky you have short legs, Sparky.” Satoru leans back on his palms while you stand above him. His eyes rake over your body, stopping on your hips. You wondered if he forgot he wasn’t wearing his glasses. Did he always look at you like this? You would usually call him out for the terrible nickname but this time you allow it. You’re suddenly very shy under his gaze, this has become a normal occurrence for you lately. You instinctively move your arms behind your back as if to show him more of your body. Your eyes flick from his eyes down to his soft, pink lips making you lick yours a little. The tension was causing heat to bubble up inside you. One more second of him looking at you like that and ---
Suddenly there was a knock at the door making you both jump out of whatever trance you were in. It was a different butler than before. God, how many butlers did they have?
“The sun is beginning to set. Dinner is in an hour, sir.”
You both acknowledge the butler and you step back from Satoru disregarding whatever was just happening between you before.
“Okay, I guess I’ll get ready now.” You push your hair behind your ear and face away from him walking toward your suitcase. When you bend over to grab it you hear Satoru jump up.
“Same here, I call the shower first!” Satoru yells and rushes over to the bathroom making your eyebrows furrow in confusion, he must’ve really wanted to shower. You giggle.
Later that evening - Dinner
It was dark outside now and you could hear the wind blow against the windows. There was soft jazz playing from somewhere in the house and you and Satoru were waiting outside the dining hall waiting to be allowed to enter. A butler was standing near the door and you two have been the only two on this side for a couple of minutes now.
“Satoru, I’m nervous.” You rub your clammy palms on your nice, fancy dress. Your family made sure that you brought it. Somehow you felt set up. You didn’t mind, the dress was a burgundy velvet off-the-shoulder maxi dress with a slit in your thigh. You paired it with black heels that brought your height a little closer to Satoru’s, which of course he commented on. You pulled your hair back in a tight low pony and put on some dark red lipstick. Satoru watched you silently the whole time you put on your makeup since he was the first one to be ready.
“Don’t be, you look beautiful.” Satoru’s eyes trail down your body for the second time that night and this time you feel a little more confident. He brings his hand up to your head and you flinch, ducking away from him. You know exactly what he is trying to do.
“Don’t you dare ruin my hair Satoru Gojo, or you will feel my wrath.” You point your finger at him playfully and threaten to shock him with your cursed energy but as he tries his best to avoid your fingertips he almost knocks over a vase that looks like it could buy the entire Jujutsu High School building. His smile grows bigger and he bites his lip playfully. He loved getting under your skin.
You started to chase him down with your hand reaching out for him, small bursts of electricity were escaping your fingertips. Both of you were laughing like crazy and then suddenly Satoru turned around and started chasing you to reverse the roles. Oh shit, you were in trouble now. You tried to run in your heels but you kept tripping which only made you both laugh harder. You knew that once he does a flicking motion you were fucking done for. He would hollow purple your ass. He finally caught up to you and you were already so defeated, leaning over with your hands on your knees and out of breath. He then playfully flicks you on the forehead and helps you to your feet. You were both turned around when you heard a woman clear her throat behind you. Satoru turns around first and you have a feeling you already knew who it was.
“Well, it seems you two were a good match after all.” An older woman who you assume is Satoru’s grandmother says bluntly. She is very short and has solid white hair just like Satoru’s. She appeared to be blind and carried a walking stick. How did she even see you together? Maybe she heard you and Satoru goofing around?
“Good evening, Grandmother.” Satoru suddenly became very formal and hurried over to hug her. Her face lit up with a smile as he bent over to her level and you couldn’t help but think their interaction was precious.
“And you must be the Kashimo girl, Y/N, was it?” She slowly waddles over to you and you flash her a big pearly smile. She grabs your hand and looks directly at you. When you glance into her eyes you notice only one of her eyes was glazed over. So she wasn’t blind like you originally thought.
“Yes ma’am.” You smile and cradle her small hand in both of yours. She was cold and you felt the need to warm her up.
“Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She says as she slips her hand from your grasp, making her way toward the big wooden door. The butler leaves his position to open the door for the lady of the house. “Let’s eat, shall we?” She says giddily.
Your face was flushed, you had noticed Satoru was staring at you the whole time you were speaking to his grandmother. When you look over at him his head is bowed and his cheeks are crimson. It was quite the contrast to his colder features. He gestures for you to walk in first and so you do. His grandmother has you both take a seat across from each other. The table seated twelve and you were placed right next to his grandmother. After a couple of minutes, more and more white-haired clan members poured in until all twelve had been seated. It dawned on you that you were the only non-gojo clan member there. Why did the Gojo clan want to marry off their strongest member? What did they gain from that? Maybe even stronger sorcerers? You were finally starting to question their motives.
Dinner was served as a five-course meal. It started with sakizuke or rather, one-bite appetizers. Then went into plum wine and palate-cleaning soup. Next was otsukuri with a special dipping sauce followed by traditional Japanese rice and vegetables.
You were starting to think the conversation about you and Satoru getting married would never come and part of you was relieved. You had caught Satoru staring at you multiple times throughout dinner. His eyelids were heavy and you knew he was probably just really tired from traveling and moving non-stop, it had been a very long day. At one point he even gave you a worried look to which you smiled sweetly at him and you could visibly see his relief as he went to drink his water. It was easy for you both to communicate with each other with just your eyes. You wished he wouldn’t wear his glasses back at school as much as he did. However, whenever he wanted to speak to you from across the room at school he would usually lower them for you to see him. Somehow you felt closer to him here, away from everything else.
The staff doors open knocking you out of your thoughts. The kitchen staff went around the table placing a little dessert dish in front of everyone. Finally, the dinner was almost over. You took your spoon to dive into the little chocolate dish and --
“Oh, Satoru,” His grandmother requests his attention in a sing-song voice and your heart sinks to the floor. Here we go. He hums in response, his mouth full of chocolate. His hair was messily swept back and starting to get a little unruly. He looked quite handsome tonight in his all-black suit. His eyes dart to you before they return to his grandmother. “As you know, the Gojo clan and the Kashimo clan have agreed to an alliance through a wedding of both of their strongest members.” She gestures to you and then back to him. “This would mean the two of you would be wed spring of next year.” A silence fell over everyone as she spoke directly to you and her grandson. “Then Y/N will be expected to bear a child within two years of the agreed marriage as to solidify the alliance with a child of Gojo and Kashimo blood.” You nearly spit out your water coughing a bit at her bluntness. You find it extremely hard to look at either of them.
“Grandmother, about that,” Satoru removes his dinner napkin from his lap and clears his throat, “Y/N is in a relationship with my closest friend, Suguru Geto.” The light in his eyes disappears and he doesn’t look at you when he says this. Your chest tightens and your eyebrows knit together with a bit of sadness. But you didn’t know why.
“I see.” His grandmother replies calmly. “Well, I don’t know about you but believe it or not I do believe in love.” She pauses before speaking again, everyone at the dinner table falls into conversations among each other again making this a little more bearable. “I saw you two together earlier, and you have never once behaved this well at a family event Satoru.” She chuckles a bit. Your eyes shoot Satoru a questioning look and he looks at you equally confused. “Whether you see it or not, this girl calms you.” She grabs your hand this time, “It’s decided then. We’ll give you both an additional year. The spring after next is when you are to be wed. I do not think this relationship of hers will last the year.” She smiles at you in a weird condescending way, pleased with her decision. You, however, were not sure how to feel. What if you were in a relationship with Suguru? Your lips were parted and you were fidgeting with your dress.
After dinner, everyone shuffled out of the dining room and you were still sitting in your dinner seat. You grabbed the bottle of sake on the table and took two shots of it before Satoru walked over to you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I know this isn’t what you want.” Satoru’s voice is soft as he kneels in front of you and grabs the sake bottle from your hand, his knuckles running over yours gently. He then proceeds to take a shot himself. Surprisingly, you had never seen him drink before, not even all the times Shoko offered him something from her flask. “Don’t worry, I’ll never allow the wedding to go through.” He clenches his jaw. You wonder if he would really defy the Gojo clan just for your happiness.
“Are you okay?” You take the sake back from him and place it on the table so that way you both would be done drinking. He doesn’t answer you right away so you ruffle his hair like he always does to you trying to lighten the mood. His signature smile peaks through and your heart skips a beat.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.” He answers honestly. His eyes were even heavier than earlier.
“Let’s go to bed then.” You run your hand down your thigh slowly to grab his hand which was a mere inches away from you. When you stand up you pull him with you and he groans. “You’re going to have to lead though, I don’t remember where your room is.” You giggle sweetly, feeling the sake shots you had hit you all at once.
Satoru groans again and stares up at the ceiling before spinning and laughing as he sweeps you off your feet one-handed, dragging you down the hallway with him. You were laughing as your heels kept falling off and he had to keep picking them up for you. He was so strong. He had the reputation for being the strongest but you didn’t know that came with physical strength too. You almost felt weightless as he carried you down the hallway. You stared at the beautifully designed ceiling and let your arms fall back a little in his embrace.
Once you both arrived at his room he let you change first. You removed your makeup, took down your hair, and brushed it before bed. You then changed into a button-up silk pajama set that your family also conveniently packed for you. By the time Satoru was out of the bathroom you were already fast asleep in the day bed next to the window. He scoffs a little and contemplates moving you to his bed so you’d be more comfortable but he doesn’t. He watches your face curiously before he gets in bed himself. Your lips were parted sweetly and you looked so innocent. Your hair was splayed out on the pillow behind you and you used one of your hands as an extension of your pillow. He watched as your abdomen rose and fell to the pace of your breath. His eyes shift to your belly button which is only being shown because the last button on your shirt came undone. He moves your blanket up a little to cover you and he diverts his eyes as his face turns beat red for the millionth time that night. He imagines how soft you are and wants more than anything to hold you in his arms and to coo you to sleep. Instead, he walks over to his bed and tries his hardest to not think about you being in his childhood bedroom.
A loud crashing sound jolts you awake. Your heart is racing and when you look around it takes you a second to remember you’re at the Gojo estate and in Satoru’s room. You look over and see him lying in his giant bed, literally fit for a king. There is a tuft of white hair sticking out of the blankets and you wonder if the thunder woke him up too.
“S-Satoru?” You whisper yell across the room, suddenly you were a little worried to be sleeping next to a window during a storm.
“What is it sparky?” He grumbles, his voice raspier than ever.
“U-um, I-” Why were you even calling out to him? You had no idea and now you didn’t know what to say. “Nothing, I’m sorry.” You lay your head back on the pillow, heart still racing.
Satoru doesn’t say anything, instead you hear the blankets shuffling beneath him. He then lifts the black feather comforter from his body and approaches you slowly and quietly. The lightning from the storm illuminates his room for a brief moment and you watch him get closer and closer to you. You were splayed out on the bed and staring up at his dark figure. Once he was close enough, he sat on the ground next to you and laid his head on the mattress next to your arm. It was dark but you could still see the contrast of his hair and his bright eyes. Between the lightning and the courtyard lights outside, you were still able to see parts of his face.
“What’s wrong? I can hear your heart racing from over there.” He whispers gently and you tilt your head to look at him more. He can hear you from that far away? Maybe it was his six eyes.
“Nothing, It’s stupid, I’m just afraid of storms.” You tug the blanket up a little and turn your body towards him to lay on your side.
“Y/N, the great-great-great granddaughter of the god of lightning is afraid of storms?” Satoru’s normal voice is coming back a bit as he sits up to tease you. You watch as his Adam’s apple rises when he laughs.
“Hey it’s not the lightning, it’s the thunder that scares me.” You pout a little and he digresses by shooting his arms up in surrender.
“Okay, okay.” Satoru hums as he lays his head back down, this time much closer to your hand. You take the opportunity to play with the ends of his hair. The strands between your fingers were so soft.
“Can you distract me?” Your eyes land on his and your heart finally calms. It felt like he was staring into your soul, as its protector. There was that dominant way about him.
There is a comfortable silence as he thinks of something to talk about. He shifts his body to face away from you as he asks this. His back is against the bed and he wraps his arms around his knees.
“If you ever did decide to get married, on your own accord of course,” He almost instantly regrets asking but he continues anyway, “What kind of man do you want to marry?”
You look up at the ceiling, the question is a good one but very complicated, “I’ve never really thought about it before.” You took a deep breath before continuing, “I suppose if I had the choice, I would marry a nice ordinary man who loved me unconditionally and we would get a small farmhouse far enough away from the sorcerer life that was chosen for me. We would have two, no, three kids and they would all get the choice that I didn’t get. They would be able to choose what they did with their cursed techniques.” You smiled, “Oh, and when there are storms like these my husband would hold me close and cover my ears for me, his only power being able to close me off from the world around me when it gets too scary.”
Satoru fiddles with his thumbs and his mind repeats the words ‘ordinary man’ over and over again. He had never been so jealous of a non-jujutsu sorcerer in his entire life, until now. He was the strongest and now he wished more than anything that he wasn’t. “But,” He pauses, “Suguru isn’t an ordinary man,” He starts and you freeze, finally thinking about what happened last time you saw Suguru. It was hard to think about with the storm.
“Yeah, I know.” You huff out, not sure what he’s getting at. “I-”
Satoru cuts you off, “I saw you two dancing, under the cherry tree.” His chest tightens as he says this.
You’re not sure how much he saw so you tread carefully. “He was just trying to cheer me up. I was… frustrated.”
“Frustrated?” Satoru repeats questioningly, finally looking at you again. He wasn’t asking but he wondered what you meant by that, his mind could only go to one thing. Sexually. He looks away with a tight lip, his fists balling a little.
Satoru goes silent and you watch as if you could see the gears in his head spin. He thinks about Suguru. What if Suguru wasn’t just being friendly? He only saw you both dancing, he walked away a few minutes before the announcement to go to Principal Yaga’s office. It could’ve been friendly but what if it wasn’t? Is he unintentionally ruining something the two of you have? He worries about whether or not he is being a bad friend to Suguru. How could he deny you though, if you asked Satoru to, he would take you right now. You were so sweet and in his childhood bedroom. How could he not? Does that make him an asshole? He doesn’t know. What if --
“Satoruuu,” You practically pur out his name. He finally gives you his full attention, laying his head back on the mattress, his achingly beautiful eyes laced with a pang of sadness you’re starting to understand. “Your distraction didn’t work.” You were shaking a little as another crack of thunder shook the estate. Satoru’s heart is now the one racing. He knew exactly what to do but something was keeping him from doing it. Maybe it was the possibility that his best friend liked you too, even though he never told him that he did. Fuck it.
Satoru raises to his full height and hovers above you for what seems like hours before he finally makes his decision.
“Scoot over, Sparky.” He takes the edge of the blanket and lifts it just enough for him to slide in. You obey and slide closer to the window. “Here, let me take the window side so you’re not next to the storm.” He holds himself up to crawl over you and for half a second you are pinned beneath him, both of you holding your breath and looking away as soon as your eyes meet. His head hits the other pillow and now you’re both facing each other. “Okay, come here.” He situates himself in a comfortable position and reaches his arms out to you. You scoot closer to him and his right arm slides under you to grab your waist and to pull you even closer. His left hand wraps around your head, shielding your ears from the storm as he pulls you into his chest. You’re face to face with his neck so you give in and rest your forehead between his collarbones. You feel his chin take its place on top of your head. It was so comfortable being in his arms, he was warm and his steady breathing made your eyes get heavier with sleep. You were fading out until a loud crack made you stiffen your body again.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He shushes you, whispering into your hair. You could feel the vibration of his voice through his chest and it was oddly even more comforting. He smelled so good, fresh, like berry sake and expensive cologne. The hand around your ear started scrunching into your temples as he scratched your head softly, running his fingers through your hair. You felt his chin move down so that both his lips and nose were now on the top of your head. He inhaled deeply and the fingers in your hair got tighter, he was nearly pulling the strands of hair behind your ears, the motion felt… desperate.
“Satoru,” still in his embrace you lift your head to look at him, shooting him your doe-eyed look he always managed to get out of you. His eyebrows knit together in question as his eyes meet with yours, curious as to what was bothering you now. Your head was still cupped in his big hand, his cheeks were flushed and looked so soft. You wanted to kiss him, badly, anywhere you could. Your eyes flicker to his lips and then back to his cerulean eyes that you loved the moment you first saw him. He looked so innocent and sweet like this, not like the dangerous sorcerer everyone made him out to be. It was the most vulnerable either of you had ever been with one another. You moved up a little so that you are now face to face with him. You lean in closer and he closes his eyes once the tip of your noses touche. His breath hitches and so does yours. Your right hand finds his jaw and you gently rub your thumb over his cheek, it is so soft and warm to the touch. Your foreheads touch and you’re so close to kissing him that you start to rub your thighs together in desperation. He moves his hand from cupping your cheek to gently rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. You squirm a little as you’re itching to get even closer but both of you are too nervous to make the first move. You’re practically breathing each other in, your lips a mere inch away. Satoru uses his thumb on your bottom lip to guide your lips to his slowly. As soon as your lips meet his, he moves his hand back to cupping your face. His kisses were very soft and gentle but turned to fervent and needy as soon as he heard the first noise escape from your mouth. His lips left yours to kiss the corner of your mouth then your jaw and then your neck before meeting with them again. He hesitantly shifts on top of you. As soon as his lips started to make another round of plastering kisses down your jaw you took the opportunity to speak up. “I-I’ve never,”
“Me either,” Satoru removes his lips from you completely, lifting himself to look at you. You looked a little surprised to hear that it would be his first time too. He was trying to gauge whether or not you wanted to stop. Your face was completely flushed and your hair was splayed out beneath you messily. You brought your hands above your head and bit your lip a little in submission. God, you were so beautiful to him. Especially now, in this lighting, and his childhood bedroom, laid out beneath him like this. “W-we don’t have to,”
“N-no, I want to. I promise.” You bring up your pinky to him and a huge, goofy, Satoru Gojo smile spreads across his face before he takes your pinky in his and kisses it. He sits up and you spread your legs for him, allowing him to move in closer. He takes your face in his hands once more and kisses you passionately. He tests how far he can go by biting your bottom lip a little to which you respond with a cute little whine. He wants to hear more. He wants to hear all the noises you can make. He kisses down your jaw again and when he reaches your collar bone he can’t go any further because of your button-up nightshirt. He sits up on his knees and pulls his black t-shirt above his head, you can’t help but wonder if it's the same one you spilled water on months ago. You stare at his toned chest in awe, running your fingers down the ripples of his abs making him shudder above you. There was a sense of longing as you looked at each other, almost like you both had been waiting a long time for this.
“It’s your turn princess,” You flutter beneath him at the new nickname. You stare into his eyes while teasing him by unbuttoning your silk night shirt slowly. He grows impatient but doesn’t rip it off like he wants to, you were both new to this. Instead, he takes over and unbuttoned them for you. At the bottom of the shirt he rubs his thumb over your lower stomach where he saw your belly button earlier in the night, you are soft, just like he thought you were. The action made you shiver. You just wanted him to touch you. He couldn’t believe he was about to feel all of you. He was so unbelievably lucky.
Your shirt falls to the sides exposing your bare chest to him, your nipples already hard from the way he’s been so gentle with you. His eyes widen with lust and your face burns up even more. Your body was practically begging, you could feel how soaked you were getting just from him staring at you.
“Satoru, baby,” You whine making his ears perk up at your new nickname for him. You were his baby? He could die a happy man now. “Please.” You beg. “Touch me.” It was like music to his ears.
“Your wish is my command, sweetheart,” He was getting cockier with you underneath him like this. He brought his lips to yours one last time before aggressively kissing down your neck, your clavicle, and finally to your chest, leaving love bites as he went. He lays on top of you and in between your legs. You were breathing heavily beneath him as he worshipped your body. He slowly kissed each bud before grabbing a handful of your breasts in each one of his hands. If he wasn’t careful he would finish himself before he even got started. He couldn’t help it, he was such a boob guy especially since these were yours. Finally, he brought his face down to one of your breasts and gently rubbed the tip of his nose over it before licking your nipple and sucking to his hearts' content. He must’ve realized he was being stingy with one part of your body because he could feel your hips buck up into his stomach, begging for attention. He brought his hand down to your hips to play with the band of your shorts. Your whines and moans flushed out the noise of the end of the storm entirely. His fingers dipped into your shorts and snapped the waistband of your panties against your skin. Satoru’s eyebrows were bunched together in pleasure and you felt him trying his hardest not to grind against your leg. He was hard and you just wanted to touch him, to make him feel good too.
“‘Toru” You hum in pleasure and Satoru slowly looks up at you in acknowledgment, one of your nipples still in his mouth. You pull away from him and he frowns. “C’mere, sit.” You position him against the wall and he does exactly what you tell him to. You climb on him, straddling his hips. You move your hair behind your back and move your chest closer to his face, allowing him to continue. He cups both of your breasts in his hands and rubs his face between them, taking turns sucking each one. You on the other hand were rubbing your clothed cunt against his sweatpants, giving him the friction you both were lacking before. He groans loudly into your chest and you kiss his forehead while you ride him slowly. Everything felt way too good, now you were the one about to cum from foreplay alone.
“Y/N,” He removes his mouth from your breast and pulls your head down close to his before kissing you sweetly. You knew he was serious, he never calls you by your name. “I need you to cum for me first.” He was almost comically way too big for this bed. He picks you up and lays you down beneath him once more making you lose whatever sense of yourself you had left. His dominant side was coming out and you submitted. You would always submit to him you thought, for as long as you live. He was still holding back, maybe because it was your first time and he didn’t want to hurt you. His lustful gaze was something you’d never thought you’d get to see. His eyes were locked on yours as he wrapped his fingers around the waistband of your shorts and panties to wiggle them off your body. You were completely naked now. You felt very exposed but you were ready for him. You wanted him so badly, that you would do anything for him. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss him while his fingers find your soft, wet pussy. He didn’t even have to touch you for you to be dripping like this. He spreads you lightly and you open your legs as far apart as you can as he runs his middle and ring finger down your slick and rubs big circles around your lips and clit. His moves were novice but he was so gentle and sensual that everything he was doing felt good anyway.
“Do you like that?” He breathes into your mouth, “Let’s see how tight you are.” He smirks into your mouth as you give him open-mouthed kisses filled with moans. All you could manage was a nod, your forehead hitting his softly.
He slides his longest finger inside you as he moans out your name. It was torture how slow he was going, you arch your back as he bottoms out. Then with a flicking motion, he kisses you again, practically eating your moans for him. He fingers you in and out a few times before adding another. This was your current limit with your own, although he was already much bigger and longer than yours. He makes a scissoring motion to stretch you out and you moan into his neck, biting him a little.
“Satoru,” You whine up at him with watery eyes, “It’s too much” You don’t mean that, you don’t think.
“Does my pretty girl want me to stop?” He asks in a condescending and cocky way while slowly pumping in and out of you, his eyes were heavy-lidded and filled with lust. His hair was the messiest it's ever been and you just wanted him to be inside of you already.
“No, please, I want more,” You breathlessly whimper and he happily obliges. Your lewd noises go straight to the bulge in his pants making him twitch beneath you. He disappears from your mouth, his lips trail down your body again until they stop to meet his fingers buried inside you. He kisses your inner thighs and positions you closer to him. You were suddenly nervous again, having him this close to such an intimate part of your body. He kisses your pussy and watches his fingers slide in your sweet hole to spread you open again. He had never done this before and he was a little overwhelmed with everything he could do to make you feel good. He decides to tongue your clit, making you wiggle beneath him. He felt so good, you couldn’t believe this was his first time. You felt a pressure build up inside of you and you bucked your hips into his tongue harder and faster as you chased the familiar feeling you’ve only ever achieved by yourself. “Satoru, I think I’m going to cum.”
Satoru wraps both of his arms around your legs and attaches his face to your pussy, letting you ride out your orgasm on his face. You moan his name and grip his hair, tugging at the white strands between your legs. He grips your thighs even tighter as he unconsciously rides the edge of the bed to your moans. He was also chasing his high with just your lewd noises and the sounds of your wet slick meeting his tongue. It was so too much and when you came on his face he came in his pants without even meaning to.
You fell back in bed and Satoru wiped his mouth with his shirt that was lying on the side of his bed. He looked so good like this, sweaty and covered in you. You moved closer to him and cupped his face before kissing him gently. You climbed into his lap naked, not giving him a chance to do anything else. He falls back and his hair lands around his head and he looks like an angel, he was just missing a halo. You want to kiss him all over and make him feel as good as he just made you feel. You were also naive though and didn’t know how to express how thankful you were sexually. You decided to mimic what he did to you by kissing down his jaw, his neck, his chest, and down his hips. You put your fingers in his waistband to pull down his pants before he grabs your wrist.
“I, um, kind of came already.” He adverts his eyes shyly and you couldn’t help but kiss him with how cute he was. Did he cream his pants from eating you out?
“Do you think you could cum again?” You ask innocently and his eyes widen, not even considering that that was something he could do.
He nods and you help lift the pants off his hips. Your eyes blink slowly at the sight laid out before you. He was even more beautiful from the hips down. You’d never seen one before aside from the one time you tried to watch porn but you had a feeling if you had to gauge it to the one you had seen you would say Satoru was about the same size, maybe a little bigger. He was not disappointing and if anything you were a little intimidated about how it would fit. He was super pale and in the moonlight, you could see the cum glisten from his tip and somehow even his cock looked angelic. He must’ve felt insecure because he grabbed his shaft and started running his hand up and down causing you to look up at him. Somehow the sight of him touching himself to you was even hotter than anything you had done with him up until now.
You pull your hair back behind your shoulders and bring your face down to him, he continues to pump into his hand so you decide to give him your mouth to help. You run your tongue over the head of his cock and clean whatever slick was from before. He shivers beneath you and you suck, keeping pace with his hand. When you tilt your head to look at him your eyes are heavy with lust and he removes his hand from his shaft to run it through your hair. He bunches it up at the top and you bring your mouth down onto him, attempting to take him all in. You choke a little causing your mouth to salivate even more. He doesn’t push your head down like he wants to, instead, he is very gentle with you and allows you to set your own pace, and ignores his urges. He throws his head back and moans your name making your pussy flutter again. After a few more minutes he pulls you off and you whine from the loss of physical touch. He pulls you towards his chest and kisses you hard.
“I want to be inside you so bad.” He whines into your mouth sexually frustrated.
You kiss him and smile into his neck before guiding him on top of you. “Promise me you’ll pull out?” He shoots his pinky in front of your face and you giggle before taking it in your hand, you couldn’t help but giggle at this little ‘thing’ you had going on with the pinky promises. It was cute.
“I promise,” He breathlessly replies, suddenly very impatient. He kisses your hand before looking down at his cock, lining it up with your entrance. He rubs himself along your folds collecting all the slick that was just pouring out of you at this point. You couldn’t help how turned on you were.
“Satoru, go slow, please,” You beg as you feel his tip kiss the soft lips of your pussy. He brings one of his hands to the side of your face and runs his fingers through your hair again. He rubs a circle on your cheek as he pushes himself in slowly. You bite your lip at the sting and he kisses your nose.
“I would never hurt you… unless you wanted me to.” There are butterflies in your stomach as he slides into you inch by inch. He pulls out to slick more of himself each time to make it easier. He kisses the corner of your lip and your cheek as he bottoms out inside of you. “You’re so tight, I don’t think I’m going to last very long.”
You moan and grip the sheets beside you. “Satoruuu,” You pur his name into his ear and he wraps his arm around your head, cradling you in place. His arm muscles seemed even bigger as they caged you beneath him. Your hands are running down his back. He places his forehead on yours as he pumps in and out of you slowly, then quickens his pace when you get louder. The only sounds are quiet rumbles of passing thunder and the lewd noises his cock makes each time he bottoms out in your pussy.
“Say it again, say my name,” You say his name three more times, each one more breathless than the last. You feel him twitch inside you and you’re so close you can feel you’re teetering on the edge of cumming again.
“Y/N,” He moans into your ear and your face is hot, you’re silently wishing he would’ve called you ‘sparky’ instead. You’re not sure you can handle him calling you by your name. You open your eyes and he’s looking at you. His eyes flicker to your lips and he kisses you tenderly. “Can you cum for me? I can’t go much longer.”
You can’t say anything so you just nod. Your eyebrows bunched together in pleasure. You feel yourself tighten around him and his head shoots up and you have a clear view of his neck, his collar bone and his adam’s apple. He was so hot like this, panting heavily above you.
“Good girl,” His voice is raspy and he pulls you closer to him once more. That was it, that was all he had to say for you to cum around his cock. You can’t even warn him, instead you just moan and arch your back ultimately clenching around him, milking him for all he has. Your arms were wrapped around his shoulders and your legs were wrapped around his hips. You had him locked inside you. “I’m gonna,” His moves started getting staggered and messy. He was about to cum. “Y/N, y-you have to let go or I’m going to c-cum inside you-u.” He struggled to get out, his movements were sloppy now. He felt too good but you let go at the last second. Satoru pulled out just in time to cum all over your pretty belly button.
After a few minutes of laying next to each other breathing heavily, Satoru gets up to get a warm wash cloth and uses it to clean you off. You lock eyes and both of your faces turn beat red. You just slept together but you immediately felt shy again. What do you do now? Return to school like normal? You were starting to get stuck in your head again.
“Hey,” Satoru reaches out to cup your jaw. “Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah,” You smile at him sweetly. “Thank you.” You jump into his arms and hug him. He is thrown off at first but eventually wraps his arms around you. You were still naked and your breasts were against his bare chest. You could feel his heart beat beneath you. It was slowing and you felt calm again. You pull away first and he pushes your hair behind your ear. He moves the blanket allowing you to get under.
“Should we move to my bed?” He asks, gesturing his head across the room.
“I don’t know, I kinda like it over here.” You laugh and move over allowing him to get in with you.
“You’re lucky I like you, Sparky,” He gets under the blanket and rests his head on your chest, your heartbeat lulling him. He wraps his arms around your stomach and you gently play with his hair as he falls asleep in your arms. His breathing steadies like how it did on the car window. You never imagined he’d be lying against you in the same way. You let the rain sway you to sleep.
----- You were at the Gojo estate for three more days. Each day was filled with glorious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It felt like a vacation that you never wanted to leave. You and Satoru had become very playful with each other and would sit together during every meal. He would carry you all around the house, whether on his back or in his arms, your laughs filling the otherwise empty halls. You were extremely giggly and tried to hide it from Satoru’s grandmother whenever she was around, but as soon as you and Satoru were behind closed doors you were immediately on each other's lips, jumping each other's bones. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other. You had honestly lost count of how many times he was inside you.
“Toruuu, I’m going to cum.” You ride out your orgasm while staring up at the ceiling. You were both on his king bed and you felt like you were in heaven sitting on a cloud wrapped in his silk sheets. You were on top of him and his hands were cupping both of your breasts as he massaged them roughly. He was finally getting a little more confident with you. He was too focused on how beautiful you looked using him as a toy to cum. He was honestly content not cumming himself because just before this you were between his legs sucking him into oblivion. He came in two minutes, he couldn’t help it. You looked so good looking up at him the way you did. How could he not?
Or so he thought, you were just too hot. “Y/N, I’m going to cum.” His eyebrows scrunched together and you bit your lip getting cockier with your movements. You pushed yourself down harder and rode him until he was practically whimpering and begging you to get off so he wouldn’t come inside you. “P-Please,” He begs. You liked it when he let you dominate him sometimes. You knew how strong he was and you knew he picks and chooses when to be submissive so you take advantage of the times he is. At the last second you allow him to pull you off of him and you roll over giggling. You were sticky with sweat and felt euphoric. When your head hit the pillow you turn to look at him as he used his hand to make sure he managed to cum on his stomach and not to get it everywhere. You lay on your side and watched him as he finally turned his head to look at you. Both of your cheeks turn red again, it was like every time you slept together you both immediately returned to the way you acted before coming to the Gojo estate.
“We leave tomorrow.” You look at him with a bittersweet look in your eyes. You wanted to live in this moment for as long as you could. You didn’t want to go back to fighting curses, attending school, or even figuring out what happened with Suguru before you left. It was all too much. You hadn’t thought about anything the whole time you were here and it was nice.
As if Satoru could see your mind racing, he reached out and gently rubbed your cheek. You smiled sweetly at him and ran your fingers over his before intertwining your hand in his. “The year is almost over, you won’t have to be a sorcerer for much longer.” He gives you an empathetic smile and you close your eyes, cuddling up to him as he holds you against him. “And in a year from now, you can just tell Grandmother you’re still with Suguru so we don’t have to get married.” He says in an almost monotone voice before he separates from you to clean himself off. You furrow your brows and your heart sinks a little.
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meieis · 8 months
thinking about the past -Satoru Gojo
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My note: Since I couldn't find anything to do, I wanted to watch the cartoons I loved watching as a child, as a result, while watching 'American Dragon: Jake Long', a scene I saw in the second episode gave me great inspiration.
Warning(?): None
Synopsis: In 2006, satoru constantly put himself in embarrassing situations around you. Satoru thinks to himself about one of these memories
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He pouted as he sat bored.
You weren't around because you Have a mission and he had nothing to do today. Now that he think about it, he should congratulate himself on having managed to get you and his relationship this far, maybe... Should he get himself a cake as a reward? Remembering the past was something he often did, sometimes even crying in his sleep... This was a fact, except for his memories with you, there was not a single memory that did not upset him, except maybe a few exceptions. From the first time you met in 2005 until the day you married you. The only good times are... Now when he has plenty of time to think... Why shouldn't he?
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Satoru, Shoko, Suguru and you. The full cast of second years, you and Shoko spent time more often because Satoru was stupid, he would bullshit and embarrass himself around you to get your attention. Everyone was used to ignoring this 'nonsense', except you. As the person who was the reason Satoru was embarrassing himself, you were sick of it, spending who knows how many hours of his day trying to get your attention, if failing that, buying gifts for you and already declaring you his girlfriend! You rejected him so many times and he didn't even care.
Suguru sighed while sitting with Satoru in the empty classroom, listening to Satoru talk about you, he begged God to save him. Just then, Suguru received a message, he took out the lighter from his pocket and handed it to Satoru. “Satoru, can you take the lighter to Shoko?” Satoru instantly agreed and quickly left the classroom they were in.
Within a few minutes he found Shoko and you, Shoko was listening to your conversation as she was waiting for a lighter to smoke. “He is so handsome!” he heard you say happily “I'd like to marry him, Shoko,” Shoko rolled her eyes at your words. “What do you see in him anyway?” These words are enough for Satoru! You are in love with him! This is a love confession! He always knew you were a shy tsundere!
he approached you with a proud smile "Shoko here's your lighter" he said proudly and gave the lighter to Shoko and quickly hugged your arm. “I feel the same way you do!” During this conversation Shoko quickly walked away from the you two. you looked at Satoru in surprise
“Wow Satoru.... I... I didn't expect you to feel this way....” you muttered in surprise. Satoru smiled and proudly placed his hand on his chest "You know me!" Satoru said proudly. “So… the chrollo from Hunter x Hunter is attractive?”
Satoru nodded, "definitely and— Wait.... WHAT?!" He shouted in surprise, causing the people on the street to look at Satoru with incomprehensible looks. "I was actually telling Shoko about the Chrollo, you know—" Satoru fell on both knees as if he was a defeated character in a game "My girlfriend is in love with an anime charac-" Slap "I'm not your girlfriend, you Santa!"
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2018. present day
Okay, he looks like the Santa Claus who would agree but the slap was definitely an exaggeration, he couldn't help but pout when he heard the door open... "I'm home-" Before you could finish your sentence he hugged you tightly "Welcome!" "You love me, don't you?" he said happily.
The fear of abandonment that he felt deep down, he remembered this memory and asked you. You love him, don't you? Even if you rejected him in 2005 and 2006, you - "I do" You caressed Satoru's hair as he hunched over as he hugged you "I'll do it forever" Those words made him smile, he guess... He remember this memory in the future it will be nice to think...
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"So what made you ask this question?" you asked during your phone conversation with Satoru. Satoru laughed playfully.
"I don't know" he said, and continue "After all, you. the one. who. said. you. would. never. marry. me. in the past"
you sighed. "And you too... The freak who said you'd make me yours no matter what" Satoru chuckled at your life-weary tone, and he say :
"But, still... I win, not you"
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melminli · 4 months
𝗡𝗼 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟭
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pairing: jujutsu kaisen x fem. reader
summery - nothing lasts forever, and all that remains are the memories and the question of what could have been. sometimes you closed your eyes and imagined a different future, one in which you graduated together and still bought stupid expensive coffee sometimes.
word count: 1.4k
contains: x reader, pre canon au, fluff, crack, genshin impact inspired themes
series masterlist | next chapter!
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tokyo, june 26 2005
the day you were born was the day your fate was sealed. the life you had just begun had ceased to be yours before you even realized you were living it. it wasn't some god that imposed that fate on you or some other higher entity that may exist somewhere.
it was your parents who had done it. it was your whole family and their stupid traditions that determined your position in this world. you had no right to your own life from the very beginning. it was in the hands of greedy and foolish people. people who want to shape your soul and body according to their will.
"the birthmark you possess is a gift. wear it with pride." your mother would always tell you while putting your hair up so that the mark on the back of your neck could be seen. it was three lightning-like blades that together formed a circle and the reason why you were born with weight on your shoulder.
it was the sign that showed you where you belonged to.
you were not aware of all of this as a child. all you knew was that you had to fulfill expectations in order for others to love you. there was no such thing as unconditional love in your book. you had to do something to get something, so you always tried to do what was asked of you to the best of your ability. you didn't question your elders because they seemed to like it when you didn't, you were quiet and obedient because your father praised you for it, and you always dressed the way your mother would approve of.
you only did these things to get at least some kind of affection. you just didn't know any better, how could you? you were just a child.
you soon realized that the love these people would give you had no value.
"you should leave this place. it's dangerous here." a young boy's voice sounded next to you while you watched the sunset.
you turned your head to the one who interrupted your peace. you were in a really bad mood today. "shut up before i kill you." you threatened him with a slightly annoyed undertone.
you hoped he would disappear after that, but you only heard him trying to suppress his laughter, which honestly pissed you off even more. you looked at him with a dark look on your face until he took his hand from his mouth to speak. "you are welcome to try, but i doubt that someone like you would succeed at it."
you could feel his extraordinary cursed energy, but he couldn't feel yours. that was the most likely reason why he looked down on you like that, yet you couldn't help but perceive narcissistic tendencies from him. you had never seen him before, and you didn't know him, at least not on a personal level. though, you would argue that you could judge people pretty well.
you rolled your eyes. "whatever, i certainly don't need to hear shit from a ten-year-old." you stood up, and you weren't going to lie. you felt some kind of sick satisfaction when it turned out you were several inches taller than him.
from the looks of it, it bothered him a bit. even if he didn't let it show directly and continued to speak in a cheerful voice, you could still hear something different with the way he spoke out his next words. "i don't look ten, and you know it. now go before i stop being nice."
he was definitely full of himself, but you wouldn't have expected any different from someone like him. "sorry, mister nice guy." you answered him sarcastically. you didn't know yourself where all this attitude came from, to be honest. you weren't usually like this, well, at least with strangers. "if you are looking for the curse that was around here, i am afraid to tell you that someone else beat you to it. so you can stop trying to scare me away now."
he raised his eyebrows in confusion. he hadn't expected you to have anything to do with the jujutsu world since you looked like a complete normie. "huh? who exorcised it? it definitely wasn't you. there is not an ounce of cursed energy in your body, and we're talking about a grade 2 curse here." he said calmly while he degraded you by undermining your abilities just like that. he suddenly realized something when he heard his last sentence out loud. "wait a minute! how can it be that you don't possess cursed energy! even normies possess a certain amount, right?"
you waited a while for him to realize that. "you are from the gojo clan, aren't you? do they not teach you common sense or something? you should pay more attention to your surroundings." you said, not knowing why he reacted so surprised. probably for dramatic effect or something since it was pretty hard to miss with the white hair and his sunglasses, making his blue eyes visible from some angles. then add to that the way he presented himself, and it was easy to guess who exactly he was. the fact that i do not emit cursed energy should be the first thing he noticed.
"so you know me!" he happily expressed, and you probably tickled his ego a bit by knowing who he was without him having to say it. now that the conversation revolved around him, he was no longer interested in the topic of your cursed energy.
"with the way you act, it is not hard to guess." you said direct and walked away a little in the hope that he would leave you alone, but he followed you.
"huh?" he didn't know what you were talking about. "how am i acting?"
you stopped walking. you could come up with a few things to describe it. "it is hard to put into words." you said.
"so that's how good i am?"
at this point, you didn't know if he was just trying to get on your nerves or if he was being for real right now. you decided to lay down on the grass cause you didn't feel like continuing to stand around without a purpose. especially if he wasn't going to leave.
he introduced himself. "my name is gojo satoru."
you looked at him as if he had brain damage. "i know. we were just talking about that."
now it was gojo who thought you were being dumb. is this your first conversation? maybe you were an introvert who didn't interact much with other people. "i wanted you to introduce yourself. never heard of social cues before? i thought that i knew all jujutsu sorcerers around my age. there aren't that many to begin with, so i wanted to see if i would maybe recognize your name." he stopped himself when he saw the look on your face. "you are a jujutsu sorcerer, aren't you? what other reason is there for you to have exorcised the curse?"
he talks so much. how many questions had he asked you by now? you really didn't have the energy for an interview. besides, why doesn't he just ask me to introduce myself if that's what he wants? weirdo. "...do you have to know everything? i just came here to shut my mind off for a bit, and now i am being babbled at by you. everything you need to know has already been said, no?"
well, you weren't wrong. he was here for the curse, and you told him that it was already taken care of. "you're pretty mean, you know that?" he pouted a bit as he sat down next to you on the ground.
you just kept looking at the sky with your head on top of your arms. "are you into it or something? i was hoping it would make you leave, but you are still here."
gojo thought about it for a while. i never thought about my type. am i into mean girls? nah, that can't be. who would be into that? sounds like something perverts would like. "of course not! i just happened to want to watch the sunset for a bit..."
you couldn't bring yourself to believe that. he seemed like a weird guy. "sure."
to be continued...
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next chapter!
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starlightshadowsworld · 4 months
Even Heroes Cry
(cw: mental breakdown and some suicidal ideation. Also I've only watched the anime.)
"I'm quitting Toman"
Those three words spoken barely above a whisper felt like a thunder clap to everyone in the area.
Silence descended on the members of Toman quicker than it ever had before. Drakken and Mikey who had been caught up fighting over something, both stopped instantly.
"Ah ha, good one Takemitchi you actually got em to stop fighting" cheered Chifuyu. Yamiguchi grinned widely "yeah you didn't even need shit on your hair this time."
Those that knew of said incident all began laughing, including Mikey and Drakken. "The cry baby hero has saved the day once again" smiled Drakken.
All of their amusement fades when they see the look on Takemichi's face.
He was trembling. Tears were in his eyes and yeah everyone had seen him cry before. But this felt different.
"August 3rd 2005, the battle of 8/3 Drakken gets stabbed." Recited Takemichi, his voice empty and monotone. "He's going to die. You have to save him."
Drakken frowned, stepping forward into Takemichi's line of sight. "Hey, you saved me. I'm right here." He looks at Chifuyu and the Mizo middle five for answers but they all look confused.
Takemichi carries on like no one spoke. "You won't save him, he's gone and it's your fault." He's hunched over, making himself look smaller.
And hugging himself like a lost child.
"Takemichi? Hey, hey its okay everyone's okay." Said Akkun, walking over and putting a hand on Takemichi's shoulder. It gets his attention, but he wishes it didn't with what comes next.
"You're gonna kill me."
Akkun flinches back, falling to the ground like he'd been struck. But Takemichi hadn't even touched him.
"What?" Is all Akkun can say because where did that come from? But Takemichi just smiles, this sad broken thing that looks so wrong on his face.
"You're afraid. He makes you so afraid that you do it without question. You tell me your sorry and everytime I forgive you."
He shakes his head as if he's in pain. "And than you die. You always die Akkun and you smile at me." He tilts his head, almost confused.
"Why do you smile at me when you die?"
Before Akkun can even begin to try and wrap his head around that, Chifuyu steps infront of them both.
Akkun is helped up by Takuya, both stare at Takemichi in silent horror and confusion. They don't know what's happening but they trust that whatevers happening that Chifuyu can help.
"Hey, Takemichi it's okay. You're here, you're here it's okay. Akkun is okay, Hina is okay, we're all okay." Said Chifuyu, holding his hands up like he's calming a scared cat.
He looks a lot calmer than he feels, especially with Takemichi not looking at him.
"I'm sorry"
Chifuyu sighs in relief, smoking kindly thinking that maybe were getting somewhere. "It's okay, everything's okay. I've got you're back partner, we all do."
His relief fades when Takemichi looks at him... No looks through him. As if Chifuyu wasn't even there, as if he couldn't see him at all.
"You were counting on me and I let you down. I always let you down but you're always there, and than I left you..." Said Takemichi in a haunted whisper that everyone hears.
He takes a step back, than another than another. "I can't... I can't watch you smile at me and die because of me. Not Drakken, not Chifuyu, not Akkun, not Hina, not Mikey..."
"Not again."
Chifuyu can only stare at him in shock. He's reminded of the day he found Takemichi punching tyres. That was bad but but this is so much worse.
He looks at Mikey who's watching this all go down with concern. "Takemichi you haven't let any of us down" he says, finally stepping in abs Takemichi laughs. It's a horrible pained sound that breaks everyone's hearts.
No one knew what was happening but it was clear Takemichi was hurting. That he had been hurting for a long time.
"You weren't supposed to die, it was supposed to be. It should've been me not you, you were smiling and I held you and even when I was crying you smiled."
"Don't say that" said Mikey, firmly "you deserve to live." He said with such conviction that Takemichi almost believed him. He shook his head "I'm dead, I'm already dead but I'm not" he laughs again like it's amusing though it's followed by tears.
"If I'm not in Toman no one will smile like that again. I can't, I can't watch, I can't do it all again and nothing changes. "
He looks up at Mikey, pleading and pained. "Please don't make me watch. I'll go to the train station, you can push me again. I can get the gun, I won't even cry I swear just please... Please make me it stop.."
In an instant Mikey's crossed over and he holds Takemichi in his arms. Takemichi freezes in place, his body starts trembling and he buries his head into Mikey's top.
Chifuyu felt like he'd been slapped, he knew Takemichi wasn't taking this all well... Who would but he never saw how much it was hurting him. He felt like a failure, some partner he'd turned out to be.
Akkun can't get Takemichi's broken smile out of his mind. He thinks back to when Takemichi told him to open a hair salon. How afraid he'd been...What had he done to him?
Mikey holds Takemichi like he's afraid he'll vanish. He doesn't know why this is happening but it scares him. He can't lose Takemichi, he didn't realise how close they all were to losing him. How Takemichi is losing himself.
All around the shrine the only sound that can be heard is Takemichi's heart breaking sobs.
And they all refuse to simply stand and watch.
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matan4il · 5 months
Hi I read your post about the fallen victims and I had to stop at 5 year old Ido Avigal and just cry. If he was still with us he would've been my nephew's age today (and my nephew is my entire world). And his adorable smile looks like my nephew's so it's even more painful. I can't imagine what his family feels or his friends. Poor thing. I hate all of the pain and suffering in the world I truly hate it.
I'm not Jewish but I will pray for these people and their loved ones. I hope their loved ones have a strong support system and that pain will probably never go away but I hope their loved ones find strength and peace and courage to continue living.
Idk I'm rambly and emotional.
Sending you hugs too. 🫂
Hi Nonnie!
Thank you so much for your very humane response! I have a nephew as well, I know exactly what you mean. I've always loved and adored kids, but there was something about accompanying my sister on her motherhood journey that made me realize just how much more it is to be a parent. And in that sense, an uncle or aunt, too. What it means to raise a child, and love them before they're even born, and be so invested in every single second for years, things I might have known as an idea, but have such a more profound impact when you actually experience them...
Ido Avigal specifically is someone who I remembered even before my sis got pregnant. Like you said, that sweet smile! The contrast before the first pic of him that was shared, in which he's seen in a Purim costume (such a joyous occasion, and you take it in while trying to process such a tragedy). The fact that the family did everything right... When Hamas fired their rocket, the warning siren went off, the family heard it in time, they all got into the bomb shelter, they closed the door and the window... they did everything right. And still, the rocket hit the next door building, a splinter of the rocket flew off and hit their window at such an angle, that it went through the shut metal covers on the window. Ido passed away a few hours later, in a hospital, but the family had to watch him get hit with a lethal strike right in front of their eyes.
How did it happen? Because when the decision was made on how thick the metal covers over the windows in every bomb shelter had to be, Hamas' rockets were less advanced than they are now. Even with all of the effort Israel invests in it, it's simply not possible to keep "updating" our bomb shelters at the same speed Hamas get rocket upgrades from Iran. That's the tragedy. That defense systems, no matter how good, are always bound to fail eventually. And we can talk about statistics (Iron Dome did succeed in intercepting 97% of rocket threats in May 2021), for that one family, nothing is going to ever fix what happened, and bring their kid back.
If Israel hadn't left Gaza in 2005, our soldiers could have done more to intercept what Hamas is getting from Iran, to make sure they can't upgrade their rockets, and become more lethal. But we didn't want to rule over Gaza anymore, we wanted to try giving it to the Palestinians, give them autonomy, give them something to develop and invest in, give them something to lose if they choose terrorism, so that hopefully they wouldn't... So here we are, realizing we have to sacrifice our 18 and 19 year old children in order to protect our 5 year old kids, the kind of choice that no nation, that no parent and family, should have to make.
And you know what's even worse? Since Ido was killed, in May 2021, I've seen his pic more than once, used in anti-Israel propaganda, presenting him as if he was a Palestinian kid (along with Nadine Awad, a 14 years old Israeli Arab Muslim Bedouine girl, who was also killed by Hamas during the same time). Ido's mom publicly spoke out against them doing this, BTW. They're literally appropriating our dead, and using them against us, to de-legitimize our self-defense, and bring about more murdered Israelis. I can't understand that kind of moral failure other than in terms of antisemitism.
I can tell you that Ido's dad wrote and published a song in his son's memory, called "measured hope," and an article from two days ago stated that Ido's mom has been giving interview to explain Israelis better to the world, since Oct 7.
Thank you again for the very kind words and hugs! Sending you big hugs and much love right back! xoxox
(for more of my posts regarding Israel, click here)
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