#just following adriene
setsailtomorrow · 5 months
who knew that a side effect of doing yoga every day would mean firmer eh everything
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buggachat · 6 months
yes the peacock miraculous obviously needs to be felix's and is extremely significant to him and there's so much poetry about the fact that he is the holder of the very miraculous that created him and him being the holder of it is deeply entrenched into the plot. HOWEVER.
sometimes i miss the cat!adrien vs dog!felix dynamic. because it was really fucking funny
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 months
Sometimes I think about how Adrien must grieve
How, when he lost his mother, it was a gradual thing, where he lost more and more of her, where he was slowly prepared for an eventuality and a future in which she would not be there anymore. How it was longstanding and tormenting and how his grief began long before the day he would never see her again. How though the pain of loss must have been sharp and aching for him, and he must desperately miss Emilie, at least he achieved some solace in not having to see her in pain anymore.
But then once he's reached a healthy stage and coping style in his grief for Emilie, the wounds are reopened once again.
How his father went from existing to suddenly being gone to Adrien. How he had no warning, no indication that he would never see him again. How even though the grief is sudden and unexpected, it had really started months before Gabriel was gone, and even long before he became injured.
It's how despite the fact that Gabriel was seemingly in good health, and Adrien had no reason to fear losing him, Adrien has actually been grieving for Gabriel and their relationship for a long time. How Adrien has had to watch his father slip away, lose himself, and slowly give less and less of himself over to Adrien, until Adrien could hardly recognize the man that was supposed to be sitting across the table from him.
Sometimes I just think about how grief became a comfort for Adrien, a lifestyle, because he has been taught that all good things in his life, all things he loves, must come to an end eventually.
And I think about how that must affect him as a person.
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wafsspie · 2 months
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Rekindling a friendship (bad quality :( sorry!!)
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nixthelapin · 8 months
I just saw someone claim that during Passion (season 5), when Adrien was tempted to use their miraculous to make a Wish and heal Natalie, that he was pretending to not remember that the Wish has a cost to trick LB into letting him make the Wish, and therefore Marinette actually can’t trust him (this was made in response to the fandom being mad at Marinette for keeping secrets from him at the end of the season). Lmao what?? What planet are you on? 🤣
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chengagreste · 1 year
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boyfriend adrichat
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carpisuns · 1 year
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these are a couple weeks old now and also supposed to be anonymous lol but here are some ml doodles I did for the secret drawing box!
the third one is from @maridotnet’s beauty and the beetle au which i highly recommend!
fifth one is from @sha-nwa’s fic the way I loved you which is one of my favs ever<3
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bbutterflies · 8 months
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major thank you to everyone who’s been so excited for my (second) fake dating adrino fic!! chapter 1 is up now on ao3 go read it it's so fun!
Everything I’ve wanted
Nino really didn't mean to get himself tangled up in the life of someone like Adrien Agreste. But it was kind of hard to say no to dating him, even if it was all fake, when he learned that Adrien was more than just a hot model. He was funny and kind and patient and a great listener – but definitely nothing more than a fake boyfriend.
Excerpt below the cut!
Nino was kind of regretting coming to this bar. It had just opened and it had seemed cool at first, but the music sucked and he was bored. He’d only had one drink and was already debating just calling it a night as he waited at the bar for another drink. This bar was weird, anyway. Some kind of rich, exclusive-type deal, he was pretty sure? He’d been excited at the idea of going out and trying something new. He usually did with Alya and Marinette, but they’d both moved to New York for work months ago, and as happy as he was for them, he was lonely without them. He’d made the impulse decision on his night off to come here.
He wished he hadn’t now, after waiting outside of this bar for an hour and paying an insane cover to get in and now being bored and hating the music. He’d finish this drink he was waiting for, he decided, and then probably just head home.
The last thing he expected was for someone – a blond, green-eyed, drop-dead gorgeous someone – to come up to him. “I need a huge favor.”
Nino stared back at him. “Who are you?”
The man grinned, eyes shining. “Someone who’s about to be incredibly grateful for your help. Do you see that girl behind me who’s, like, definitely staring at me right now?”
Nino looked over his shoulder, and there definitely was a girl watching them. “Yeah?”
“I’m trying to be nice, but I’m not into her, and she won’t leave me alone. I may have told her you were my boyfriend. And she didn’t believe me.”
Nino snorted. The entire idea that this hot stranger was his boyfriend was laughable – Nino had barely even started coming out as bi, let alone flirting with boys enough to get a boyfriend. And this guy was definitely out of his league. “Well, because you’re a liar.”
“I happen to be a very famous liar and I promise I’ll make it worth your time if you play along.” He clasped his hands in front of his chest. “Please?”
Nino leaned on the bar. “Yeah? What do I get out of it?”
The man shrugged. “A kiss, maybe. If you want it.”
“Tempting,” Nino said, and he was only half joking. This guy was cute. The bartender was back with his drink, and, well, he had an idea. “You buy the rest of my drinks tonight.”
“Well then, babe,” Nino said, holding out the glass. “Here you go.”
“For me? You shouldn’t have.” He glanced at it. “Like, really, you shouldn’t have. What is that?”
“Um. Alcohol?”
He stuck out his tongue. “I mean, I’ll obviously cover your tab, but that looks disgusting.”
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“Yeah, I’m getting something else.”
Nino watched him flag down the bartender and order himself a drink (some stupid seltzer that totally made sense for him to drink). “Do I at least get to know my boyfriend’s name?” he asked when the man turned back to him, drink in hand.
“That’s a lot of syllables.”
“Excuse me? It’s not that long.”
Nino shrugged. “You need a good nickname. I’ll come up with something.”
“Mm-hm. Do I get to know your name?”
“You should’ve asked before you asked me out. Honestly, I’m not convinced this isn’t some super convoluted pick up line.”
“While I would absolutely use a pick up line as complicated as this, it’s unfortunately real. That girl seriously won’t leave me alone.” Adrien stole a glance over his shoulder and turned around quickly when he realized she was still staring. “Like, really? How has she not figured out I’m not interested?”
“You don’t like girls?”
“I just don’t like her, really. And she’s just so drunk. It felt weird.”
“Well, I appreciate you not flirting with girls at bars,” Nino joked.
Adrien blinked back at him. “What?”
“Because we’re dating?” Nino explained, giving Adrien a playful shove. “C’mon, Dri, you gotta keep up.”
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runawaycatwalker · 1 year
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Part 22. A Best Friend's Interrogative Prerogative
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Description below the cut
Bonus: Alternate version shot in NinoVision:
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In black and white, Nino pulls on the brim of his cap as he watches Catwalker uses his baton to leap around the buildings of Paris.
Nino (voiceover): The name's Lahiffe.  Detective Lahiffe.  The foxiest gal in the world, Alya Césaire, called me for a favor: Sniff around the new hero who'd sauntered into Paris.
The image of Catwalker holding his hands up in confusion by a picture of Adrien being sad and a question mark.
Nino (voiceover): I'd met this smooth cat once before.  I assumed he was naïve and oblivious.  He wasn't.
Cut back to Nino hiding behind a wall as Catwalker continues to leap above the rooftops.
Nino (voiceover): According to Alya, the charming kittyboy was secretly involved in the departure of my closest bro, Adrien.  She wasn't sure how the guy had managed to act under all our noses or why, but I am determined to find out.  I'll need to draw upon all my knowledge of the greatest detectives as I stake him out and gather enough clues to—
The panel abruptly switches to color as Catwalker drops in behind Nino, making the latter leap back and hold his hands in front of his face, thoroughly startled.
Catwalker: Are you following me?
Nino: Aaah!  No!  Why would I be following you?
Catwalker holds up a courteous hand.
Catwalker: Perhaps you wanted an autograph?
Nino: No!  That's not...
The panel swiftly switches back to grayscale as Nino pushes up his glasses in a serious manner.
Nino (internally): Get it together, Detective!  Interrogate him!
Nino (aloud): I was just curious if you'd managed to get any info about Adrien Agreste.
Catwalker places a hand on his chest with a look of sympathy.
Catwalker: You're a friend of his, I presume?  My condolences for your loss.  It must be hard not knowing what happened to someone you care about.  Unfortunately, my efforts in searching for Adrien have been fruitless thus far, but I assure you that I will be keeping my eyes open if he turns up.
The grayscale bleeds away back into color as we see a close-up of Nino’s eye, rage bubbling inside him.
Nino (internally): I can't believe this guy!  Acting like he's all innocent!  Screw the subtle approach, this slimeball needs to have the truth forced out of him.
Nino flares his hands out to either side indignantly.
Nino: You can't lie to me, Catwalker!  I know you were behind Adrien's disappearance!
Catwalker’s pupils narrow in shock.
Catwalker: Who told you that?
Nino rebuffs with folded arms.
Nino: A little birdie.  It doesn't matter.
Catwalker holds up a hand, expression now severe.
Catwalker: Your 'little birdie' could be the real reason Adrien had to go into hiding in the first place, so: Yes.  It.  Does.
Nino fumes, waving his arms above his head.
Nino: She would never do that!
Catwalker: 'She' wouldn't happen to be affiliated with a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would she?
Nino: Even if she is, that's none of your business!
Nino points an accusatory finger, his other hand starting to clench up as if ready to start tearing someone apart.
Nino: You're the one who needs to explain yourself!  What did you do to Adrien?  Where is he now?  What did his father do to him that made him so terrified of anyone knowing where he is?
Catwalker looks down stiffly at his own fists.
Catwalker: Your 'birdie' should already know that I can't provide answers to those questions.
Nino: You have to know something!  Spill!
Catwalker is exasperated as he rubs half of his face.
Catwalker: Please understand.  The nature of Adrien's situation is extremely precarious, so much so that I cannot share what I know with anyone.
Nino: I'm not just 'anyone'!
Nino places both hands on his chest with a look of defiance as tears start to stream down his face.
Nino: I'm Adrien's best friend!  I know everything about him!  I'm the only person he contacted the night he ran away!  So if anybody deserves the truth, it's me!
Catwalker folds his arms and looks away with regret.
Catwalker: If the fallout of his disappearance had gone how Adrien expected it to, you'd know that he's kept an entire part of his life a secret from everyone.  Even you.  Some things are too important to share, even with your best friend.
Nino puts his head in his hands in exasperation.
Nino: But why would Adrien tell you of all people?  He can't possibly trust you more than his friends!  Did you get inside his head?  Gaslight him?  Blackmail him?  Torture him until he did what you wanted?
Nino has now sunk to the ground, hands still grasping at his head, as he weeps.  Catwalker squats about a meter in front of him with a look of restrained beseeching.
Catwalker: Adrien told you as much as he thought he could get away with.  He does care about you.  But he didn't expect that you'd be able to keep whatever he told you quiet for very long.  I'm no friend to Adrien, but he trusted me with his escape.  He knows that I can keep his secrets safe indefinitely.  And I can only consider entrusting you with some of the answers I have if I am certain that you won't tell anyone—especially not the person who asked you to investigate me.  It is vital that you tell me who that person is so I can deal with her.
Nino yells at Catwalker as an akuma starts to fly in behind him.
Nino: Screw you!
Nino’s teeth clench as he is absorbed by his crying rage, right as Catwalker reaches out a Cataclysm-powered hand to touch the akuma, mere inches past Nino’s head.
Nino: You can go—
Catwalker: Cataclysm.
Seen from below, Catwalker looks imposing as he holds the akuma in his hand as it crumbles away, bitter tears starting to fall down his conflicted face.
Catwalker: I'm sorry.  I never wanted this.  Please, for Adrien's sake, let your investigation go.
Catwalker turns away as the remnants of crushed butterfly fall from his fist.
Catwalker: And Nino? You should be more careful about who you confide in.  You never know who might be your enemy.
["Alternate "NinoVision" version is recolored to be all in greenish sepia, with Catwalker's expressions recolored to be opaque and distorted: no green in his eyes, just the black mask and a misplaced line of gold]
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months
Early Bird AU:
Ladybug, in an attempt to get the peacock miraculous back from Argos, suggests they do a miraculous swap. That way they can learn to use each other's miraculous in case they need to know!! Wouldn't that be great??
It would have worked. If Chat Noir hadn't been the one to get the peacock miraculous. She got his and Argos got hers.
When they swapped back, Argos insisted they switch (they being him and Ladybug) back first. He and Chat Noir could switch later. Why? Because he doesn't trust her to give him back his miraculous (:
So, she can have the ladybug miraculous back, he'll take the cat miraculous, and he and Chat Noir can leave.
They switch miraculous and she watches as the two leave.
Marinette, in her room: Well, so much for that brilliant plan... Tikki, what plan are we on now, again??
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rosekasa · 2 years
imagine if in elation when marinette said 'i dont csre who's underneath the mask' chat said 'what if i was chloé'
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phosphorus-noodles · 2 months
thinking about the miraculous joli au i haven't made yet again
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mari-monsta · 1 month
That’s I don’t go in the tags . I just check ml accounts I trust
Ur so valid for that
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plumsaffron · 2 months
When you trick yourself into believing Lila is Marinette’s bully and you for some reason want to make it out that she started it all and wanted this is happen. Please refrain from giving yourself crystal meth.
It’s giving you Lila illness.
But go on...
grant yourself more tinnitus of the mind.
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nixthelapin · 1 year
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(Bonus: both love interests are oblivious blond boys)
(Bonus bonus: your friends think you’re nuts)
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wren-em · 4 months
Party Crasher is mixed for me. Therefore, I'm just rant about the episode in general.
The episode was the final nail in the coffin of me switching questioning why the two leads haven't figured out each other's identities to questioning most of Fu's existence. I understand that he's there to fill in the role of a mentor but him heavily interacting more with Marinette than the kid he gave the powers of literal destruction does not help is case in me questioning what on earth he is doing. As for the two leads figuring out each others identies, at this point its a case of me having no hope of them figuring it out accidentally. If Marinette isn't recognised as Marino, then I have no hope of her being connected to Ladybug beyond Multimouse, and that just bleeds into Adrien and Chat Noir as a consequence.
I'm conflicted about Adrien having a party. On one hand, I love Adrien having joy. On the other hand, Bubbler kinda already did the party thing, so I would have preferred the episode to mostly just feature the guys from Mrs Bustier's class and Marc. Communication is lacking in this show, so I would have loved an episode that just had communication central. My two main things I would have loved them to talk about would be their parents and Felix. If the show takes place before the episode, we can have Adrien warn the guys about Felix's tricks and if it takes place after the episode, then we can have the guys talking about the events of the episode. Parents wise, the show is focused on teenagers but I would like to know more about these kids' parents even if it's only mentioned.
Master Fu giving Kim a Miraculous and immediately wondering if he made the right choice ìs hilarious to me. It also got me thinkìng of other ways that Kim could have gotten the his miraculous, and I've come up with two ways that it could happen. Both ways contain Xuppu bugging Fu for the location of Plagg's holder, flying off to said location after getting it, causing Kwami shenanigans and the getting caught. The first way has Stompp noticing Xuppu leaving and following him to only have to reveal themselves when Xuppu gets caught by Kim in front of the guys there. Cue either Marc, Nathaniel or Ivan questioning the whole Miraculous thing, and Stompp having to give a more straightforward answer than the riddley sort of way that Xuppu is answering the questions. We can even tbrow Adrien and Kim asking really weird questions because Adrien isn't really mentored by Fu and Kim is Kim. Cue villain attack, Kim transforming in front of the guys, a Party Crasher vs Ladybug and King Monkey fight, Stompp refusing to tranform any of them and hitching a ride in Ivan's bag, and Adrien being blocked from transforming via the power of numbers and a lack of hiding spot. The second way lacks Stompp and has Xuppu instead be caught by Adrien with none of the other guys noticing. Cue villain attack, and Adrien drags Kim off to most likely an alleyway near the Agreste mansion. In the tags of a Sabrina reblog that I would have wanted her to gain a Miraculous via Adrien when they're both in civilian form and then Adrien revealing he's Chat after Sabrina agreed to hekp the superhero team. Swap Sabrina with Kim and thus ensues a Party Crasher vs Ladybug, Chat and King Monkey fight. Since this show needs more communication, the episode ends with Chat and Ladybug talking with King Monkey about how he got a miraculous and the whole Chat or Kim's schoolmates knowing Kim's identity and obviously Ladybug ends up accepting Kim as part of the team.
Party Crasher himself looks ridiculous enough for me to think that he looks cool. He doesn't look Maledictator levels bad, but he's also not one of my top 3 looking akumas. I think I would have preferred his reason to relate to friends that weren't Adrien even if they have to be one dimensional characters.
I also want to rant about Penalteam, which means that's probably going to happen in either the next 24 hours or next year, so stay tuned, I guess.
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