#just gonna casually tag my main fandoms
justalilpearlie · 5 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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2deadkat · 8 months
“Slow down you move too fast, Gonna make the good times last” - Madonna, 1986
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The Ultimate Blog Guide
• Keith/Kat • All Gender aro-lesbian • He/him, They/them preferred
• Indonesian
• 80s-obsessed freak • I draw, most of my drawings are self-indulgent • Currently drawing for (most active fandoms): Carmen Sandiego, Jem, The Bad Guys and *ahem* Geronimo Stilton • Blorbo of the year: …Thea Stilton For more complete info see here: https://dicejigen.carrd.co/ Main Art Tag (Do NOT repost without permission)
Categorized Art:
I predominantly run a very hot CS AU where its just Carulia-foxes with divorced redtiger that's definitely not a Mr.Fox AU that went too far: • Spectacular Scarlet Fox (Mainline art that follows the OG movie's plot) • Fox Wives (the fluffy slice-of-life spin-off that has a separate timeline or just casual art of the characters) Out of childhood resurgence, introducing...the Mice section: • Deadkat’s Stiltons (all my Stilton art here) • CLICK HERE FOR FREE MOUSE YURI (Thea Stilton x Petunia Prettypaws, my rarepair magnum opus) • Rodents Gazette's Early Years (prequel au) • Modern Geronimo rant (not art just feels very notable) Other tags of interest (now I think about it they're mainly very elaborate gijinkas lmao): • The Human guys (Bad Guys gijinkas) • Jemimals (furry jem and the holograms)
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penaltyboxboxbox · 9 months
complaining tbd anyways
girl i already hate stupid replies but like why when i draw a picture of lance stating how i like lance, and if you follow my art at all you know i like and support lance as one of my main fucking involvements with this sport, would you comment "yeah this is nice but you know his team HAS to consider replacing him" like. who asked you. not me bitch! in fact im actively turning you into a speck of dust with a giant ray gun for saying that shit to me. like. can you imagine if i went around just replying to every post of a driver i didn't root for being like "cool post but he sucks and doesn't deserve his seat!" like i'd be an asshole right? you acknowledge thats an asshole thing to do? like why the fuck do people talk to lance fans this way like so casually it is so casually easy for people to be like haha yeah your favorite SUCKS ASS and not even have the respect to send it to your ask box. theyll put it right in your replies and your tags and shit. like yeah maybe im sensitive but nobody does this to any other driver i fucking hate it. like everyone crying sobbing toxic environment when nyck lost his seat, losing their fucking minds about how mick deserves a seat despite WHAT FUCKING PROOF but fuck my guy right? its common sense my guy doesnt deserve a seat right? like actually fuck off i dont care what you post on YOUR blog but like why the fuck do force ME to see it. like you so badly want me to concede that i think my favorite driver doesn't deserve to be here? why? why do i have to say that shit to you? why do you have to say that shit to me? it just is so fucking casual and easy for people it seems like it really makes it so frustrating to try to engage w this fandom sometimes like i cant even make an innocuous lance post without knowing some dick head at some point is gonna say something rude and unnecessary
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Tag Game - Fandom Edition
I was tagged by @myfavouritelunatic ! Thank you!
Your Name: Randi
Your First Fandom: Star Trek (everything), but Star Trek: Enterprise was when I went from being casually in fandom to obsessive.
Your Current Fandom: I'm mildly active in the MCU (Lokane), OUAT (Captain Swan) and SAB (Darklina) fandoms. But I'm absolutely fully immersed in The Rings of Power (Haladriel/Saurondriel) fandom. I'm absolutely feral for the content and the community.
How did you first get into fandom?: I was a trekkie all by my lonesome my whole life, and in the early 00's I regularly scrolled through startrek.com for my fix. I happened to log into the site during a live Q&A with Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathon Archer of ENT). After he logged out of the chat, other fans mentioned trekbbs.com, and that turned out to be the main fandom space. About a year later, I discovered shipping, and that's when it really took over my life!
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: Roughly 20 years, off and on.
How often do you read fanfic?: More than I read original fiction, lol. I go through phases where I read a lot, then I don't read very much. When I'm actively writing I read less.
Top three characters from your current fandom?: Halbrand (Sauron), Galadriel, and both Arondir and Bronwyn (because I'm not separating those two).
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out!: I have written over 100 stories for fandoms. That is literally the main way I interact with the community! A notable from each fandom:
Star Trek (all): A New Perspective
Star Trek: Enterprise: Through the Dark Mirror (series)
Labyrinth: The Princess and the King
MCU: Touch
OUAT (Outlaw Queen): Common Sorrow
OUAT (Captain Swan): Next to You
SAB: Involuntary (not my favorite per se, but my most popular)
TROP: Trapped (mentioned because I'm planning to expand it!)
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom?: I've dabbled, but I'm not super great and I haven't done much in recent years. I lost some digital artwork in a hard drive crash along as some fanfic. (Not gonna lie; I'm actually hankering to make some art for TROP.)
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Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about: It's from the SAB fandom: Baghra is the real villain of the entire series.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them?: All of the Halbrand/Galadriel scenes. For real. It's highly addictive, and I want to be your dealer.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?: Community surrounding the love of creation. I love that by virtue of copyright laws, these spaces cannot be monetized. We are free to make things just for the fun of it and support one another.
Tagging: @pursuitseternal, @somebirdortheother, @coraleethroughthelookingglass, @vesperass-anuna, @jomiddlemarch, @rosalysaoirse, @ancientflight, @kmomof4, @helenvader, @youwearfinethingswellwriter, @rebelrebelwrites, @demonscantgothere, @jhalya, and anyone else who wants to play!
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ladylilithprime · 5 months
What Is More Infinite Than The Universe
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel), Balthazar/Meg
Rating: General to Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, References to Dean Winchester's Canon Levels of Stubbornness, Archangel Gabriel Casually Hanging Out In A Faerie Cafe, Dragon Balthazar, Dragon Meg
Summary: Some businesses shut down when the weather turns bad. Others tend to get an uptick in activity. Some good... some not.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 9: Storm
Read on AO3
WHEN THE WEATHER forecast for the week had handed down the verdict that Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, was going to be inundated with rain for five out of seven days, several of the tourist spots opted to close up shop for the week. Walking tours, wetlands exploration, and the ever popular beachcombing activities of a coastal location just weren't as appealing (or safe) when having to battle the elements to get anywhere. Conversely, places like The Kitchen Witch, The Black Cats' Kettle, and Lighthouse CommodiTeas saw a distinct uptick in their usual customer traffic, including the lifeguards and tour guides who would otherwise be staying home or stuck in their main offices doing paperwork. Nice, hot meals and rich soups from the two witch-owned restaurants really hit the spot on a cold, wet day, and the warm drinks and fresh-baked cookies and pastries from the faerie-owned cafe were a welcome treat anytime, but especially during less than pleasant weather.
"It's really coming down out there!" Balt announced to the cafe at large as he opened the door, sending a burst of cold air into the cozy interior. He quickly deployed one dark blue and black wing to block further incursions of wind as he held the door open for Meg, tucking it back out of sight into the pocket dimension where dragons kept the majority of their mass while in human shape as he let the door swing shut behind them.
"Pulling extra shifts this week?" Sam guessed, eyeing them both even as he reached for the phoenix ash. Jimmy followed his lead and started pulling out the sweetened condensed milk, chocolate sauce, and cinnamon chili powder. It was rare to see Balt and Meg coming in together as they usually kept an alternating shift schedule on purpose. Unsurprisingly, the dragons both nodded.
"Wouldn't you both have less to do when it's raining like this?" one of the other customers asked, frowning in puzzlement. Jimmy recalled that she was one of the newer tour guides for the wetlands and had lamented that the weather had shut down the job she had been looking forward to starting.
"Weather like this tends to mean more accidents, which means having as many doctors and nurses on call in the ER as can be spared," Meg sighed. "Search and rescue, too, given the risk of flooding, and that's assuming it doesn't kick up into a hurricane."
"The relevant local powers are all keeping an eye on things," Sam assured her, getting a grateful nod in return.
"And the hazards of fires don't drop just because it's wet out," Balt chimed in with a grimace. "No easier to put them out once started, either. Imma spend as much time using my wings as an umbrella for my mates as I am diving in to haul folks outta trouble."
"But why?" the customer asked, confused. "Wouldn't most people stay home if they didn't have to go out?"
"Nah, plenty'a people out and about, even on days like this," Gabriel piped up from where he'd been enjoying his usual Trickster's Special and a S'mores Brownie. He waved a hand around the cafe. "Case in point, we're all here, and when we leave we'll have to be out there. Now, we're all gonna be blessed with whatever good luck boost our bodacious baristas have included in our drinks, but that only covers us and anyone else who comes in for a pre- or post-work pick-me-up. It doesn't cover the folks who decided they'd rather warm up with a shot or six at the bar, or tried to start a fire in their electric fireplace."
"'Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.' Albert Einstein," Sam quoted, passing Jimmy the cups for toppings.
"Isn't it kind of racist for you to say that?" another customer asked, frowning.
"The boss is half human," Charlie pointed out with a shrug. "If anyone should be allowed to mock both humans and faeries with impunity, it's him. And besides, Einstein was human and he saw a lot less of human stupidity than the boss has."
"And if he'd ever met my older brother he probably wouldn't have limited it to human stupidity," Sam grumbled.
"Dean-bean still being very himself about the alicorn incident?" Gabriel guessed, tsking when Sam and Jimmy both nodded. "You ever decide to cash in that favor I owe you, Samarooni, just let me know..."
"I think sending you after him would be a bit overkill," Sam said dryly. "But we appreciate the offer."
"Don't worry, I sicc'ed Baby on him," Charlie said, winking at Gabriel's pout. "We'll just see how many miles of nothing but dubstep he can tolerate before he caves and actually apologizes. Balt, Meg, you two want anything else besides your usuals?"
"Can we each get a couple dozen assorted baked goods?" Meg asked, after exchanging a glance with Balt. "Not much keeps morale up in the ER like free pastries, and Clarence makes some of the best we've ever had."
Jimmy glanced at Sam. Sam shrugged and glanced back towards the kitchen where Cas was listening. Jimmy caught sight of his brother surveying the ovens and the trays standing by, then nodded and held up ten fingers. "If you can spare ten minutes, we'll get you squared away with an assortment fresh out of the oven."
"I'll make Balt drop me off first," Meg grinned. "He can afford to be a little late."
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fattybattysblog · 5 months
Questions for Writers - Character Edition
Thanks for the tag @axolotlsupremacyowo
We're gonna be tagging a lot of the same people, lol.
@bleepbloopbotz @udaberriwrites @mrsmungus @sliebman10 @tsunderesalty @0nelittlebirdtoldme @mikaharuka @oceangirl24 @lena-hills @kayedium-writes @bees-and-sunshine @danceswithdarkspawn!
Now to the questions.
🌹 Who is your favorite character? And why?
I have a lot of favorites, it really just depends which fandom. I'll go with Katakuri for now. He's a real big guy, a real cool fight, and I love his wacky ass Mochi powers. His voice is rad, his character is interesting, and he has a sweet relationship with his sister.
🌹 Go to all your works on AO3, and on the filters side bar, click the drop-down arrow for “Characters.” Who are your top 5 most written characters?
Reader (27)
Original Female Character (18)
Original Male Character (17)
Original Character (6)
Nanami Kento (4)
🌹 What characters do you wish you wrote more?
Any? Hahaha, I mostly write for OCs as you can see, but I should write for more canon characters to balance it out. I mean, there will be a ton more Nanami Kento once I get some of my long standing WIPs out of the way.
🌹 Which characters do you think you write well?
I think I write the Kirby gang pretty well. And it seems I have a knack for Kuro (One Piece) if my comments are anything to go off of.
🌹 Which characters do you think you could improve on writing?
The majority of them. Especially the villain characters I really like. Zant, Sephiroth, hell I doubt I would write Katakuri too well either.
🌹 What character did you at first hate/dislike, but then grew to like/love?
I didn't like Gojo at first. I thought he was annoying, but he grew on me real fast which I hate so much. Why do I have to like characters in JJK??? That just spells disaster.
🌹 Which character did you immediately like/love the moment you saw them?
Nanami. I only saw clips of him and I was in love. Same with Katakuri. He was so cool I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
🌹 Which character voice do you have the most fun writing?
I love writing in the NME Salesman's voice right now. He is very insincere and casual and it's fun to make him a smarmy asshole.
🌹 What character voice do you have the least fun writing?
Uhm... I don't often pick to write for anyone who I dislike, but I guess if I had to pick it'd be... anyone who has a very specific voice I have to focus on formatting right. Like Queen (Deltarune), Spamton by extension, people with accents as their main quirk, so on.
🌹 Which character do you feel like you’re the most similar to?
It's hard to say. I don't know myself very well. I said I was a lot like Kasumi Miwa from JJK back when I did that art meme. I still think so for the most part.
🌹 Which character do you feel like you’re the least similar to?
Anyone who is crazy confident in themselves or smart because I am neither, haha.
🌹 Quick! Pick a character and then have them make an AITA post on Reddit, why did they make it and are they the asshole?
I'm gonna use that AITA bot that was on Reddit once. I wanna see what it makes.
This one is from Katakuri cuz I thought it'd be funny if he went to Reddit after his fight.
AITA for Not Following Orders as a Lieutenant of the Big Mom Pirates?
I (48M) need some perspective here. I'm a high-ranking member of the Big Mom Pirates, serving as one of the Sweet Commanders under Big Mom herself. Recently, I found myself in a bit of a moral dilemma and I'm not sure if I handled it correctly.
What happened is, Big Mom ordered me to take out the Straw Hat Pirates, who were causing chaos on our territory. I'm known for my loyalty and strength, but something about this didn't sit right with me. Despite knowing the consequences, I couldn't bring myself to attack them without a fair fight. Instead, I chose to confront their captain one-on-one to test their strength and see if they were truly a threat.
Long story short, they proved themselves worthy opponents, and I ended up letting them go. Now, Big Mom is furious with me for disobeying her orders and potentially jeopardizing our crew's reputation. She sees it as a sign of weakness, but I can't shake the feeling that it was the right thing to do.
Some of my crewmates are calling me a traitor and saying I should've prioritized loyalty over my personal beliefs. Others are praising me for showing honor and integrity in battle.
Am I the A-hole for not following orders as a lieutenant of the Big Mom Pirates, or did I do the right thing by standing up for what I believe in?
Personally, he's not the asshole. Maybe he'd get an ESH landslide.
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sapphirecherry · 1 year
˗ˏˋ welcome ! ࿐ྂ
hi there! you can call me charls <3
─────── ˚₊‧✩ ੈ༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚ ───────
ABOUT ME ! 19 | they/them (+ more) | aus | video editor | multifandom | adhd | non-binary queer asexual | infp | ☼ sco ☾ aqu ↑ cap
┏━━━━━━ .✧   ˚ ⊹  · ━━━━━━┓ currently… watching - tales of arcadia playing - horizon: forbidden west reading - fan fiction. yk how it is. ┗━━━━━━ ・゚☽.  · ˚✩ ━━━━━━┛ ┊   ┊   ┊ ˚✩      . ✩   ⋆。 ` edits | poetry | aesthetics | continue reading...
main fandoms: 🔮: baldur's gate 3 🕸️: spider-man ✨: star wars 🗡️: supernatural
⇢ inbox and dms always open!! ⇢ casual multishipper, i don’t take it that seriously (not proship!!) ⇢ most things tagged only for my own navigation ⇢ if there is something you need tagged (e.g. bugs) please just ask!!! i'm more than happy to accommodate for your comfort <3
dnf: - terfs, transphobes, homophobes, racists, zionists etc etc. - right wing/conservative - you don't like something i post and are gonna bitch abt it
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always remember you are stuck in here with me :)
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darklyndivinely · 2 years
Be careful what you wish for — 33-18
Fandom(s) - Obey Me!
Pairing(s) - Lucifer x gn!reader
Characters - Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus
Warnings - HEAVY SPOILERS FOR 33-18, I mean it, this is fully based on it, one suggestive sentence at the end.
Wordcount - 1.5k+
A/N - Did I write this just to add that suggestive sentence? Yes, I did. What about it? This is actually really lazy of me but this chapter was so intense, I could not stop thinking about it. Here's the first entry in this series. As I write more parts like these, I'll update the masterlist. If you'd like to be tagged, check out my taglist form or send an ask.
Series Masterlist • Main Masterlist • Leave a tip!
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“Levi, are you sure about this? Maybe we should just ask him y’know. He wants to get out of this as much as we do.”
Levi scoffs, rolling his eyes at your suggestion. “Lucifer would rather be skinned alive than kneel in front of Satan. Besides, the plan is ready; we just need to make sure nothing goes wrong.”
Yeah, you doubt the plan was gonna work. These kinds of schemes worked on Mammon and Beel, perhaps even Asmo, all of whom were much more predictable. Not Satan and especially not Lucifer. 
You drop the argument, not wanting to agitate Levi even more who was already having trouble calming down his fidgety hands. 
You flash him a thumbs-up in good luck and separate to grab one of Asmo’s magazines from the side table and take your position a little away from the common room’s entrance. 
“All right, here we go! Lucifer’s coming. Plan number one for bringing him to his knees!”
You flip open the magazine quickly and try to fix your posture so it seems as if you were just casually wandering around. Calm footfalls precede Lucifer’s entrance and you focus your gaze on the page you had opened. Ooh, Asmo! Hmm, the clothes he was advertising were pretty good, right up your alley. Maybe you should check out this line of theirs. 
“Lucifer! Over here!” Levi waves, and sends a sideways totally-inconspicuous glance at you.
Wow, way to go Levi. 
Lucifer strides over. “Levi, what’s so urgent that you needed me to drop everything and come here at such haste?”
Levi stutters, scratching nervously at his arm, “Umm, I wouldn’t say it’s anything urgent…”
Lucifer quirks an impatient brow. “Well then, just tell me at dinner. I’m returning to my room.”
He turns, waistcoat wounding with the movement. You gesture at Levi. Do something! His face twists, mirroring your panic, before his eyes fix behind you. Satan had arrived. Perfect timing! 
“Aaaah! Hold on a second!” Levi calls out. You take the cue, pretending to walk towards Lucifer and intersect Satan’s path. You collide with him, making sure to make it appear an accident and let the magazine slip from your fingers.
Levi may not come up with the best plans, or even the most fruitful ones, but you’ll admit, he was a decent actor when he wanted to be.
“Ahaha! You’re such a klutz!” Levi laughs so genuinely; you can’t help but wonder if he’s actually making fun of you. “I can’t believe you dropped that magazine right in front of Satan’s feet!”
Yeah, no. You take that back. Levi was a horrible actor.
Satan sends him an unimpressed look, and you stop yourself from mirroring his expression. His hand still rests on your shoulder from when he had stabilized himself, or you, probably you.
Levi sighs dramatically, swiveling to look at Lucifer. “…Sorry Lucifer, could you maybe pick that up?”
Oh fuck, this was so embarrassing! Levi, I’m gonna murder you!
“You’re closer to it than I am, Levi,” Lucifer says dryly. 
“Well sure, but–”
“Ah, now what do we have here?” Asmo walks in, a fuchsia shopping bag clutched in his left hand. “Did you drop this? Let me get that.”
He picks up the magazine you had dropped. “Aw, were you looking at my photo shoot? Don’t I look the most beautiful in this?”
You stifle your grimace. “Yes, I uh… loved your hairstyle.”
Asmo laughs and hands you the magazine, unperturbed by your unenthusiastic response. “You can look at it all you want, darling. And if you want to see more than that, well, you must know I keep my door unlocked at all times.”
Lucifer turns away at that. “See you later.”
The moment Lucifer is gone, Levi turns on Asmo. “Asmo, you IDIOT!”
“Excuse me? Why would you say that? I was being nice…”
Satan shakes his head, watching the two begin to argue. “What was that all about?”
You sigh and purse your lips in response. 
Satan lets it go, more than used to your bizarre behavior. He moves away from you to weasel his way into Levi and Asmo’s bickering forms and fingers free the bag in the latter’s hand. “If it gets damaged, Asmo would blow up.”
You chuckle dryly and ask Satan if he’d like a cup of tea.
Later that evening, Levi crouches beside you in the Hallway. “All right, here we go! Plan number two for bringing Lucifer to his knees!”
“Yeah, hope this one doesn’t flop,” You mutter, watching Satan descend the staircase.
Levi’s eyes flit between Satan and Lucifer who had just arrived. “It’s about the timing. It’s all about the timing.”
You shush him and focus on the spell, eyes locked on Satan’s form. Levi holds up a tense hand. 3…2…1!
You let the words spill, fingers tingeing warm blue. 
Levi sticks his head out from where you both had hidden under the staircase. “Oh, hey! Your shoe! It’s coming untied! You’d better take care of that now, before you trip!”
Time seems to slow as Levi’s voice rings out, and you are sure the spell will have its intended effect. Both of them are in perfect position, Lucifer just needs to startle enough to trip. But then the unexpected happens.
Satan swivels to look at where Levi had emerged, and the freshly untied lace of his shoe gets caught beneath the motion. Simultaneously, Lucifer trips on the aglet of his untied lace. So close to each other, that both of their heads bash together in a painful collision.
“Oh fuck!” You curse, jumping out. The spell had worked too well. Probably because you had pictured shoelaces and not just Lucifer’s shoelaces.
Lucifer groans, “Ugh, you thickheaded fool of a demon! What’s your skull made of? Granite?” 
“…That’s exactly what I was about to ask you,” Satan shoots back, rubbing at his head.
Levi throws his hands up. “Ughhhh, come on! Why’d you have to fall too, huh Satan?! We nearly had Lucifer kneeling in front of you, but then you had to go and ruin it!”
Yep. Dead. He was dead.
Lucifer stands, eyes locking onto Levi’s. “…Levi?”
The mentioned demon freezes, wide eyes shooting to yours for rescue. 
Lucifer follows the contact. “You too, MC. What exactly are you two up to this time?”
Trying to get us all out of this stupid time loop thing?
Oh, how you hate it when Lucifer looks at you like that. It always proved difficult to maintain your ruse when his gaze weighed so heavily on you.
You look away from his piercing red eyes. “Levi, let’s just tell him the truth. We’ve tried everything, and none of it worked. Might as well just clue him in. “
Satan agrees, having stood up and dusted off his clothes, “If this really is part of some ridiculous plot, then yes… I’d say your only choice is to tell him the truth at this point.”
“Ok fine, fine!” Levi relents.
You both tell Lucifer about Satan’s wish, how he’d wished to see him kneeling at his feet. So they had concocted these plans to make him ‘accidentally’ fall in front of Satan.
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“I see. Well, now, it all makes sense.” Lucifer says after you both had finished. 
His face is deceptively neutral; you wonder what is going on in his mind.
Satan shakes his head. “Looks like the game is up. Because Lucifer doesn’t kneel. Ever.”
You catch sight of a fleeting smirk on Lucifer’s lips as he focuses on Satan. “Excuse me? Who doesn’t kneel?” 
He advances on Satan’s still figure by the railings and gets down on his knees with a soft thud. Satan’s brows shoot up, back straightening in shock.
Lucifer’s smirk is audible, “Is this good enough, Satan?”
Satan’s lips part, as if to let free a response.
“I don’t believe it!” Levi says.
Yeah, you don’t fully either. You expected Lucifer to make at least a bit of fuss about it before complying. But you could tell he was milking this moment for all its worth.
“To think that this is all it takes to make you happy, Satan…” Lucifer says, a strange smile playing on his lips, “It’s sweet, really. I didn’t know you had this side to you.”
“So what would you like me to do next? Shall I kiss your hand?” Lucifer’s eyes soften. “Or maybe…”
He bends, hands reaching for Satan’s untied shoe. Levi lets out a dying gasp from beside you. You almost expect Satan to step away, but he doesn’t, and instead stays rooted, face burning red.
Lucifer secures the lace, looking up after and flashing Satan a soft smile. There’s something tender around the edges of both of their visions. Nostalgia, you think, or maybe it was just love that neither expressed often. 
You look over at Levi, whose jaw seems to have detached completely. You bump your shoulder against his. “That should have been our plan number one. Look how easy that was.”
Levi stutters, unable to focus properly on the scene in front of his eyes or you. “H-how can you possibly be so calm right now?! I mean…I mean… just look at Lucifer! His coolness is overwhelming! I think I’m gonna faint!”
“Yeah no. Please don’t! I’m not going to– Oh fuck!”
Asmo had spotted the scene and was racing down the stairs. “Wait, wha?! WHA?!”
Here we go.
“What’s going on?! I see I’ve stumbled into a rather interesting situation, haven’t I?” He coos, getting close to the duo. “Ooh, I’ve GOT to get a picture of this!”
Guess Lucifer and Satan were going to be trending on Devilgram for a while. Lucifer, however, doesn’t seem concerned about that. At least not right now.
“Strange. You don’t seem very pleased, Satan. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Satan growls and you wonder just how much blood can rush to his face in his embarrassment.
Safe to say, that night’s dinner was nothing short of entertaining; an excited Asmo, smug Lucifer, and embarrassed Satan coloring the whole evening.
The delightful dinner led way to a raunchy night when you sidled up to Lucifer and told him just how much you’d like to see him on his knees for you.
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margaetyrell · 2 years
honestly i’m so tired of all this gaylor stuff that is going on. look, this is the first time i speak about it and i won’t do it again but i just need to get this off. idk what even started it now, but people seriously need to understand once and for all that it is just as weird to hate an almost non-existent group in the fandom and argue against it to earn coins to be the best fan, while underestimating and prejudging other people you don’t even know, and when you are gonna say hurtful things that you will later on regret, bc there is a 98% chance they will be understood as homophobic even if that wasn’t your intention. that is what it is. 'no but i’m bi and i find gaylors disgusting' that statement is even more damaging tbh, bc once again you are prejudging when you should know better how this hate form has always been harming to the collective you belong to
that’s the main reason ppl are afraid to even joke about it in their own blogs, or analise lyrics under a extremely brilliant, queer lens that is kept to themselves precisely bc the fear of being judged and attacked. i’m a gaylor and i have no shame admitting so, but i don’t talk about it nor write my own connections in terms of her lyrics bc of this, as i felt personally hurt by such judment in the past and talked about it with one only person privately. in fact, if you go to my gaylor tag you aren’t gonna find k*ylor, crazy easter eggs and conspiracy theories, instead it is full of quotes that she herself has said, queer campaigns she has been part of, thoughts ppl have found behind her lyrics and lots of gifs of her wearing lgbt+flag colours - all public. that is all, and i’m even reluctant to rb anything related to her past relationships, just as candids or posts about her current one. which btw does not mean that bc i’m a gaylor i don’t consider it true or that i automatically don’t believe anything she says and think joe is a beard, as most of you simply assume
THIS when that’s all some of you seem to talk about, like every time she releases a rerecording, the memes that circulate are 'well j.jonas will always be mr perfectly fine and all these songs are about him' fact that even his wife got to see and at which they both laugh now, probably to downplay how fucking tired of it they must be. and what about the hate harassment jake has been receiving since red tv came out, which he hasn’t spoken a word about, despite facing even death threats. or the fact that ppl keep saying 'lmao harry you are next, cannot wait for speak now tv so john gets what he deserves.' like ??? but that way of talking about your fave is alright just bc she is straight? is that supposed to make her feel better? isn’t all that just as toxic or even more so?? bc gaylors in general don’t make that much noise or harm to begin with. so to excuse all of this under 'all those relationships have been confirmed by both parties and that is why i have the right to talk about them' sorry but it’s the biggest bullshit i’ve ever heard 1) bc no, most of such relationships have in fact never been confirmed by both parties and by no means have these songs been confirmed by Taylor herself, ever. 2) the fact that a relationship has been public does not give you the right to inspect it and talk about it, once again, as if you were taylor’s bff and not even that !!! as in general friends and real fans don’t talk about her life so frivolously, no matter how much you excuse yourself under this shit that keeps crossing all boundaries
so basically, talk about her private life all you want like i personally dgaf, but i find it quite hypocritical to hate on a minority that happens to be lgbt, casually!! for saying 'hmm wait a sec, wonderland sounds gay and has too many similarities with dianna' 'hmm i wonder what happened there, whether they were friends or not, that was such a weird relationship' which even j.lawrence joked about saying ‘i’d just like to know what’s between kk and ts' - not the best example, but you get where i’m going. frankly, i highly doubt taylor would give a shit if i write a post on a social site she doesn’t even use anymore, that it’s gonna be reblogged by 4 ppl and possibly get 20 hate asks in return, like @13sleepless deals with on a daily basis, which is terrifying and admirable of them. bc who really care about this are those who claim not to be homophobic or have nothing against queer interpretation while continuing to make arguments against it and not only song interpretations, but the very words and actions that taylor herself has done on purpose, under advertising her albums, tours, or whatever and i’m not even talking about easter eggs. i mean, is it not by logic the same to say 'well i’m not declaring anything new if i say that dear john is about j.mayer' as to say 'well i’m not declaring anything new either by saying, hey, taylor made a song/mv full of gay themes, full of ppl from the collective, where she even wears clothing and a bi coloured wig that has been publicly recognized, started a campaign in support and an entire album promo where in the previous mv she said gay pride makes me ME!!!’ like...... isn’t it? sorry weren’t those her literal words?? okay....... then please explain to me how it is for you bc if you really think that doesn’t sound problematic or i’m making it up, it may be time to evalue your own morals and stop questioning those you judge under the same closeted box, without respecting them individually and without wanting to learn a shit about the matter
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lemon-rwbyaus · 10 months
Note: Hi all, I’m Mod Orange.
I have another RWBY blog that’s relatively popular, but is also SFW. Or like…only NSFW in the dirty jokes/mentioning sex sense.
I’ve been out of the fandom for a bit so I’ve neglected both this blog and my main RWBY blog.
But recently I’ve gotten bored and am getting back into the fandom a bit, dusting off my old blog…but I kept seeing really nice and hot nsfw RWBY content that I don’t want to reblog on my main RWBY page, but I still wanted to show some kind of support for.
And so…this blog is already here…and pretty much already serves that purpose…and already has at least some followers so it wouldn’t entirely be starting from scratch…and also nobody’s touched it since 2021 so it’s not like anyone else is using it.
So I’m gonna just…casually dump the spiciest/most fun RWBY content I like on here. Sometimes with captions and tags, mostly not. Will be closer to spamming this blog with RWBY porn than making fanfiction tbh.
If any of the other Mods want to join in or stop me they can, but tbh they’ve more or less gone dark on this blog too and it’s not like I’m changing the purpose of it, so I’m going to do the “Ask forgiveness” method of action rather than “Ask permission”.
If anyone is really angry at this turn of events and convinces me it’s a bad idea, I’ll just create a new blog and give you guys a link so people know to find me.
TLDR: To maybe make it clearer, I’m just going to…treat this more like a personal spam RWBY porn blog than a professional one.
So just be warned, you should probably should turn off notifications for this blog, lol. And unless specified otherwise, Mod Orange is going to be the one reblogging random shit.
I’ll probably fall back out of the fandom in like two weeks, and this place will be dark again, but until then, enjoy the smut!
-Mod Orange
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Honestly, the topic of shipping in this Black Panther fandom has gotten so utterly violent that I'm afraid to even mention other ships, for fear of angering the self-appointed fandom captains.
Like, how Martin Freeman and Danai Gurira casually shipped Okoye and Ross on that one British talk show, which was a fun-sounding unexplored ship to me, but like... am I allowed to say that? If I say it, does that mean I am committing to a lifetime contract of DEEPLY shipping this ship even though I only think it might make a good AU for a fic? Even though I don't care that much, I just think it was cute that these two actors said so? Is it gonna be problematic? Am I supposed to ship anyone else, specifically, with Okoye?
Or how about Ayo and Aneka? Like... I would rather be writing about them than Shuri and Riri, because they're a canon, established Black lesbian couple. But are we supposed to only be focusing on the idea of Shuri and Riri? I like Shuri and Riri, but do I have to want them to be canon?
Is all of this just me covering for my deep, unending love of Shuri x Namor? Am I so deeply into that even I don't know that I'm lying about not caring that much?
Also, like... I have people coming to me because they feel so attacked. And like, every time I go into the tag (you gotta look at new posts, because top posts is just all the posts you've already seen), it's just the same person over and over again telling everyone how much this one group of shippers hates Shuri and "doesn't care about her trauma" (meanwhile, this person cares more about a fictional character than the real, living Black women they're attacking.) And it's like... there's a reason tumblr fandoms created anti tags. So that people who hate stuff can go into the anti tag, and people who like stuff can go into the main tag for the thing. Or at least blacklist each other. Even the most controversial or combative ships, people respect that (with like Reylo and Stucky and Steggy and whatever else causes fanwars a lot). Like, what are you getting out of spending DAYS (and literally only days because the movie just dropped!) just utterly trashing strangers because they don't agree with you.
I mean, I be talking shit about ships, too, but damn, I usually make a post and move one.
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unusual-raccoon · 2 years
An Idiot's Game, Chapter 2 by Unusual_Raccoon
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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (video games)
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Karen Jones/Arthur Morgan
Additional Tags: Chapter 3: Clemens Point (Red Dead Redemption 2), Low Honor Arthur Morgan, Maledom/femsub, Secret Relationship, Porn with Plot, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Anal Sex, Dirty Talk, Aftercare, Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Complicated Relationships
Word Count: 6k+
Chapter Summary: Karen and Arthur join up with the others to rob the bank in Valentine. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't go exactly as planned.
A/N: I've had the draft for this chapter sitting for a while and have been struggling with finishing it. So, I’m glad to be able to come back to this fic and especially this pairing!
As per usual, I don’t own any characters involved, also please don’t mind any mistakes!
Also, not my gif!
Karen didn’t know what time it was but someone’s goddamn rooster was crowing. She winced in warm sheets, her body felt leaden and sore. Half-asleep and ready to reach over and wallop the bastard what had her feeling like she’d been trampled, she groaned when she found the other side of the bed empty.
“Son of a bitch,” she muttered to herself as she hauled herself out of bed.
Her feet pressed to the floor, the impact sending a jolt of pressure up the length of her legs, settling into a dull ache in her rear.
“Bastard,” Karen hissed, feeling remarkably hung over for the lack of drinking she’d done the night before.
She dressed quickly as she was able, descending each step into the lobby with a wince. With every breath she wished a pox on the feller responsible, on his dead momma, on his dead daddy, on his dead dog, on his stupid handsome smile looking far too delighted at this ungodly hour. Arthur was lounging against the clerk’s desk, a cup of coffee in hand.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” he greeted with a smile that lit up his whole face. The bath maid from the night before looked to be vying for his attention, clutching at the banister Karen reckoned she ought break the poor girl’s heart and let her know the feller she was so sweet on was wrong in the head; she wondered how badly that little bitty might want him them if she knew the truth. Hell, who was she kiddin’, Karen herself was privy to that information, bore a sore rear and chafed wrists for it, and yet, that didn’t stop her from wanting him still. 
The little bath maid was fluttering all about like she wanted to perch on the brawny expanse of his forearm, anything to get closer to him. And sour and sore as she was, all Karen managed to get out was a hoarse, “get lost.”
She figured that and her glare musta done the trick, because she took off like a racehorse.
Arthur’s smile sharpened as she climbed down the last few rickety steps to the main floor. Her pout lingered as she drew nearer to him.
“Horses are ready to go,” he informed, all casual like.
“Surprise you had time to fetch ‘em, what with you entertaining n’all,” she drawled sarcastically, waving her hand in the direction the bath maid had run off in.
“Very funny,” Arthur hummed dryly, though by the sparkle in his eyes she could tell he was genuinely amused…or genuinely something.
She leaned against the clerk’s desk with a sigh, putting her weight on her elbows.
“C’mon,” he said with a sigh, “can’t delay it any longer. You’re gonna have to get on that saddle at some point.”
“You’re a sick man,” Karen groaned into her palms. He seemed to delight in that though, weren’t arguing her claim neither. He slid the tin cup of coffee her way. She took it without hesitation, lord knew she’d need the jolt of caffeine to see her through the ride back to Clemens Point.
She felt his eyes on her, watching intently as she took a sip, it was still hot and she tasted a splash of whiskey in there; the manipulative bastard. She let out a contented sigh, taking another sip as Arthur’s smile softened from something hungry into something fond.
“Ain’t I just the worst?” He asked coyly as she savored her coffee, she tried not to smile against the rim of the cup, jabbing at him with an elbow; he knew the hold he had on her.
“Truly awful,” she added as she polished off the contents of the cup.
Arthur tipped his hat to the clerk as they made their way to the door, the man looked paler than a ghost.
Outside the horses were hitched up and waiting, the little swayback gelding she’d ridden in on perked up at the sight of her. His ears pitched forward alertly, he took his job quite seriously. Arthur’s filly seemed still giddy to be ridden, giving a throaty little noise when Arthur offered her half an oatcake. The other half was given to Karen’s borrowed gelding, while he seemed grateful for the treat, his ears pitched back again; she was starting to reckon he had some mule blood in him somewhere on account of his being so ornery.
She passed a hand over his neck and smiled a bit when he knocked his head into her palm.
“Need any help there?” Arthur asked, motioning to the saddle she’d been avoiding.
Karen shot a scowl his way, “reckon I’ve had enough help from you, feller.”
“Fair enough,” he chuckled as he climbed into the saddle effortlessly. She could see muscles tensing in his thighs and some sinew pulling taut in his forearm as he hauled his weight up without breaking a sweat.
He sat tall in his saddle, shoulders wide and chest broad. Head tilted just subtly back in a way that oozed something magnetic between confidence and arrogance. His gaze was stuck on her, fixed firm. Drinking in a deep breath through her nose, never one to be daunted by anyone or anything, Karen boldly fitted her foot in a stirrup. Her gelding stayed stock still, her palm found the brass eagle horn of her saddle, as she swung her weight over the worn leather.
The jolt of pressure that surged through her core as she sank into the seat of her saddle was met with sharp gasp. Gathering her ragged reins in a brief white-knuckled grip, she sank more certainly into the seat of her saddle. The leather broken in and accommodating. To her left Arthur’s eyes were on her always, he had his filly’s reins in one hand, holding her in place as she tilted her head away from the hitching post.
“You ready?” Arthur called with a grin, and damn him for taking so much pleasure in her simple discomfort. Though discomfort weren’t the exact word she’d use for it, the twinge of pain stopped twisting in her belly as her borrowed gelding sprang into his comfortable, smooth gait. It became lulling after a while, sitting in the saddle, shifting back and forth like it were a rocking chair. The pressure only reminded her of the pleasure, the ache of it, the feeling of him. Her cheeks stayed hot on the ride, each subtle motion in the saddle sending a shiver creeping up her spine and a sigh dripping from her lips.
Arthur seemed very pleased with himself.
She was saved some embarrassment when they lapsed into a simple sort of quiet to break their fast on some dried strips of venison. The meat was leathery and smoky and salty and sat well with the coffee in her belly.
There was a thin gnarled strip of venison that Arthur kept tucked in his cheek, chewing on long and thoughtfully like a wad of cocaine gum. It bobbed like a branch between his teeth, out past the swell of his lower lip, while he urged his filly into a gentle lope.
Her gelding didn’t need prompting to keep pace, lengthening his stride to match Arthur’s mare. The motion jostled her in the saddle, and damn if it didn’t make her feel.
By the time they arrived back at Clemens Points, things was strictly business. Arthur’d had his fun with her on the road while he was able. But back in the presence of their gang he didn’t spare her much of his attention.
Karen took a minute to fix herself another cup of coffee, thick and dark from the percolator Pearson ritualistically left by the main fire. The stew pot was bubbling away with a batch that wouldn’t be done ‘til noon. She found a chunk of bread harder than a rock by the Chuckwagon and soaked it in her coffee. Finished the quick meal before changing out of her usual fare. If she was playing a role, only fitting she dressed the part. She and Arthur hadn’t discussed what role she’d be playing exactly, but she didn’t see any harm in gussying herself up a little regardless.
Sean caught her by her lean-to, a big silly smile on his face.
“Ye headin’ out soon?” He asked hopefully. He wasn’t wearing his hat, all that red hair catching the early morning sunlight. Some light got in his eyes making it glitter like broken glass.
Karen shrugged, “reckon as soon as Arthur’s ready.”
He wrung his hands together, she’d never seen Sean tongue tied before, but he seemed antsy. It would’ve been endearing if she had any time to spare.
“Spit it out,” Karen said brusquely, an eyebrow raised in anticipation.
“Yeah, right, erm,” he reached towards his patched trousers, hovering just above his pocket, “I, uh, well, I got ya somethin’…”
She narrowed her eyes at him quizzically, “is it a drink?” Karen asked slowly, pleased when it managed to wring out a bit of his melodic laugh. He seemed a little more at ease, still nervous in a way that revealed so much of his youth.
“It’s erm, might be easier if I just show ya,” he commented.
“Probably,” Karen agreed with a small laugh.
She watched intrigued as he reached into his pocket, she knew from the neat stitching when he accidentally flipped his pocket inside out that it had been mended by Tilly. Karen herself didn’t have the patience for needle and thread like the other girls did, nor the clever excuse of a boy to raise to absolve her from chores like Abigail did.
Focusing back on Sean, she found a small parcel cupped in his hands. It was wrapped in cloth and he held it like a little bird, something delicate and fragile.
The motion of him unfolding the square of fabric seemed more meticulous than she’d ever seen him be.
There sitting in the center of his palm was something small and furry.
“What is it?” She asked with a tilted head.
“It’s a rabbit’s foot…for good luck. Ya got this job later and I figured ya could use a little…” his voice tapered into something terribly hopeful. He placed the trinket in her palm, feeling the delicate braid of a silver chain attached to the rabbit’s foot, small colorful feathers adorned it too. Something warm snagged in her chest as she held the small offering.
“Where’d you even get this?” Karen found herself asking, holding it with the same gentility that he had.
“Had a feller at the edge a’town make it, he’s good for it though. Jackie and I found the rabbit.”
“You killed it?” Karen asked instantly, vaguely horrified that sweet, tender-hearted Jack would have seen something like that.
“Nah, it was already dead…” he said with that endearing little snort of his.
She stared at him and the gift he’d given her, tenderly wrapping it back in the cloth he’d saved it in. She treated the square of fabric with as much caution as he had, before discreetly hiding it in a compartment of her dress.
“There,” Sean hummed proudly, “now you got a little luck o’the Irish witcha.”
“Yeah,” she sighed fondly, “I reckon I do,” she said, patting the little gift where it sat in her pocket. His smile was wide and boyish and so very pleased.
Casting a quick look around the camp to ensure there were no lingering eyes on them, Karen leaned forward to press her lips to the corner of his mouth. The touch was brief and warm and left Sean’s cheeks glowing as red as his hair.
It was then that she leaned back, from the short downy stubble on Sean’s cheek that she caught Arthur tearing back the usually rolled flap of his tent, emerging in his oil black leather duster, coattails whisked out on the rare balmy breeze. It stirred something violently primal in her, erasing whatever girlish fondness had existed so fleetingly in her chest, and replacing it with something heart pounding. His pistols were freshly polished, jostling at either hip. His bandana was gathered around the strong column of his throat.
His every step echoed in her head like the drums of war, something tribal and fierce frothed in her blood.
“Bring ‘dis one back in one piece, English.” Sean called and Arthur slowed in his swaggering walk long enough to stare. His eyes flicked up and down, his gaze scrutinizing, Karen felt her breathing stutter. She felt bare before his stare, every part of her body tensed up.
“Sure,” Arthur grunted, before his gaze zeroed in on her, Karen wasn’t entirely sure he’d ever properly looked at Sean; uncertain if his gaze had ever existed but for to linger on her.
“Let’s go,” he barked like the animal he was. And she followed the command he’d given; something that had become far too common between them.
They found Lenny and Bill waiting by the horses.
It didn’t take long, putting the tack back on Old Belle and Lead Storm, her mare and Arthur’s filly were glad for their riders attention. Climbing back in the saddle was its own brand of delightful torment that she was sure Arthur was reveling in beneath his mean scowl.
The four of them took off out of camp with Bill leading the charge and Lenny riding at the back leaving Karen smack dab in the middle with Arthur at her side.
It was gonna be a long ride into Valentine…
She reckoned it would be more of the same torture, more ignorance, pretending she didn’t know the taste of his skin, nor he the taste of hers.
But as they neared the town, they found time to reminisce about a bank job in Tucson. Looking at old memories shared with him was like looking upon them with fresh eyes, like looking upon him with new understanding. His freckles had been fierce in that Arizona sun and she’d been dying in that damn nun’s getup, but they’d made a damn good haul that day with Javier.
She hoped they’d make a good haul today…the thought of this turning into another one of them botched jobs, another one of them disappointments…
She didn’t wanna disappoint him.
They rode past the train station into Valentine, Lead Storm pulled out ahead of Brown Jack in her eye-catching signature trot; she looked a fine sight with Arthur on her back, sitting tall and shifting with her prancing stride. It was a different route than they’d taken the day before, on forgettable horses and cheaper clothes. Karen spared some greetings to folk, they’d all come off as cordial. Arthur most of all. He tipped his hat and winked at a woman on her front porch, poor thing looked about ready to melt, with her husband sitting by her side and everything.
They dismounted off on a thatch of grass, walked in a neat single file line past the Sheriff’s station and the gunsmith.
Her heart beat a little faster before she pulled the boys aside by the bank to decide her routine. Arthur made a thoughtful face while stroking his chin with weathered fingers.
“Well you know me,” he said, with a smile that grew into something ravenous and razor sharp, “I love the drunken harlot.”
“You’d be the only one,” she called back, lower lip cinched between her teeth.
At the low rumble of his ensuing chuckle her awareness swiftly shrank from the bustling livestock town down to the outlaw in front of her as she offered a coy glance and undid a few buttons on her blouse to go along with her role. His gaze dipped low and she could nearly see his mouth watering as the swell of her breasts covered in a smattering of navy-colored bruises in the shape of his teeth, came into view. She offered a playful sample of the yarn she’d spin, slurred words and salacious implications.
It was time to make some money.
The men busted in when they’d heard Karen hook their prey in completely, he’d never doubted her.
Arthur bashed a guard’s nose with the grip of his revolver, a spray of blood splattering on the dark leather of his duster’s sleeve.
He could feel Karen tremble as she undid the lock separating him from their payout. She wasn’t scared, tough as nails, his girl, adrenaline was white hot in her veins no doubt and even Arthur struggled to stop the little quiver that tingled to his fingertips. He lingered, looming like a shadow behind her. She’d done her curls up nice and smelled real sweet. Peering over her shoulder he could see the supple milky curve of her breasts exposed by the undone buttons of her blouse. He could see the evidence of their previous night together, spent a few doors down in the Saints Hotel, stained upon her skin. His large hand came around and steadied the shake of hers, the touch was brief and private, something only known to them.
She pushed the door open, her revolver in hand, before stepping aside to allow him to barrel through.
“That’s my girl,” he breathed low, barely above a whisper through the fabric of his bandana.
Throwing his weight into the teller’s office, he seized the man by his soft little silk tie.
“How’s it looking? Are you in?” He heard Karen call from the front.
“Nearly. This son of a bitch needs to get a move on!” Arthur bellowed, big and mean like he was good for while the teller shook and worked open the vault
One swipe with his sidearm and the trigger guard of his revolver split a gash along the man’s cheek to incentivize him a bit. He popped a few holes in the floor around his feet to watch the little fop dance, dripping piss and blood by the time the heavy door swung open.
“I’m in! Someone come make sure the suit behaves himself in here.” Arthur called as he stepped into the vault, eyeing the many strongboxes.
“On it!” Karen called, before she started waving her gun around and bossing the spineless little worm around. Bill and Lenny were still maintaining things up front, he could hear ‘em every now and again; Lenny warning folk and Bill threatening them.
She kicked at the back of one knee, shoving her gun between the teller’s shoulder blades, sending him staggering into the vault. He blubbered and stuttered, clawing at a desk to keep himself off of the floor.
“Open the lock boxes, now!” Karen growled, digging her revolver in threateningly. Had they a moment to spare Arthur mighta taken the time to admire how goddamn fine she looked giving orders.
‘Course the feller proved to be even less helpful than he’d already been. See, he didn’t have the key to open the boxes, which made Arthur’s job that much more difficult.
“Baby, what you wan’ do?” Karen asked, she looked at him with those big eyes. Her voice wasn’t gritty, but soft, deferring to him, letting him lead, like she always did.
“Guess I’ll crack them or blow ‘em up. Keep an eye out.” He ordered.
Eyeing the line of lock boxes, he scrubbed at the back of his neck, left bare with his bandana pulled up. They didn’t have a lot of time to spend, quiet would be better, but the Sheriff’s station was a stone’s throw from the bank, it would only be a matter of time until word got out.
“Reckon I’m gonna have to blow ‘em.” He decided, finally.
She nodded dutifully before hauling the teller out of the vault.
Didn’t take him too long to get everything wired up, sparing a stick for each lockbox. He lit a match on the sole of his boot before lighting the long curled fuse of the nearest stick of dynamite.
He stepped out of the vault and into the office with Karen, who still had her gun trained on the quivering bank teller. He listened as the fuse hissed away.
The resulting groan and pop of the metal warping and blasting open filled the air. He heard Karen’s sharp gasp, spine straight and grip white-knuckled on her revolver. The singed smell of gunpowder coated his lungs, resulting in an itch at the back of his throat that made him want to cough. 
Ignoring the urge, Arthur stepped into the vault, waving away the haze that hung in the air. Lowering the saddlebag thrown over his shoulder, he began cleaning out each lockbox. His smile widened as the saddlebag grew heavier, the take wasn’t looking too bad, not too bad at all.
By the time he was swiping the contents of the last blown open box he could hear folks gettin’ antsy. Bill most of all was barking at their hostages.
He stepped back into the office, breathing a hint labored behind his bandana but nothing he wasn’t used to. Karen stared back at him with those big, round eyes, more black than blue with the way her pupils had expanded wide and shimmering like an oil slick. The sight sent a wave of heat pulling tight in his abdomen. He knew what she wanted, hell, what she needed. Made his blood run hot.
She lunged at him, wild eyed, whimpering bank teller all but forgotten with her nails digging into the leather of the bloated saddlebags slung over his shoulder. She tugged at his bandana like it killed her momma, couldn’t stand to have it in her way.
Weren’t the time nor the place for him to get distracted, but the taste of her mouth drew him in without warning; he was goddamn fish on a line for her.
He snarled against her mouth, hand gripping all mean at her hip.
“We gotta go!” Bill bellowed from the front of the bank.
The reminder brought his racing mind to a stop, his mouth wet from the ardor of hers.
“Christ alive,” he hissed, bandana rucked down under his chin. There was a clarity in Karen’s eyes that showed she seemed to realize what they’d done too.
The teller was whimpering on the floor, bartering for his miserable little life.
“Sorry friend,” Arthur grunted, “but you seen my face, and that’s somethin’ I can’t abide.”
The man seemed to wail a little louder.
“P-please I won’t say a thing, you have my word, I won’t-“
Karen flinched as Arthur fired his gun without warning, the shot left a bloody crater in the man’s right eye, before his body slumped dead. He tugged up his bandana into place before he and Karen transitioned to the front of the bank.
Lawmen lined streets beyond the bank with rifles and revolvers drawn. They could hear chatter beyond the double doors.
“I said come out now!” The Sheriff called impatiently.
“What’re we gonna do?” Bill exclaimed in response, for all his big talk of being a tough as nails military man, he shattered like glass under pressure.
“I don’t know, gimme a second.” Arthur grunted, eyes flicking over the growing crowd of coppers outside the bank. Things were looking worse and worse by the minute. There was no doubt in his mind they’d have to fight their way outta town. A knot of apprehension nestled right under his heart, hammered against his ribs with every thrum of his pulse. He wasn’t scared, not for himself, and certainly not for the menfolk who’d come with him. But he reckoned he’d burn the whole town down before he saw her swing.
“If the shooting starts, you’re all dead.” The Sheriff crowed again, the man’s voice was eating away at Arthur’s already short temper. He tightened his grip on his weapon, he had three bullets still sitting in the cylinder.
Arthur’d see to it that they wouldn’t all die, and if he had to cut some folk loose, so be it, he knew where to start…
“I’ll go…follow me.” Karen said suddenly and that knot of apprehension wailed on him harder, like it was trying to split his chest.
“What, are you insane?” Arthur growled, leaning forward like he meant to lunge at her, to pull her close, nonsensical as it might’ve been.
And Karen, god damn  her, she looked back at him with those big eyes and a faint nervous curl of her lips that he could still taste on his, as she tucked her gun away.
“Probably.” She answered, before blowing out a shaky breath and striding fearlessly toward the doors.
Everything had happened so goddamn fast. Her heart was racing, blood pumping, hands shaking and fingers numb.
She could still scarcely believe they’d made it out of town. It had been a wild, frenzied mess, tearing down the thick muddy roads, wedged between Brown Jack and Maggie.
The sky had darkened in their haste, rain and lightning streaked overhead, with the brightness of red-hot muzzle flashes chasing after them.
Damn if it hadn’t been a beautiful kind of chaos though, having seen Lead Storm weaving through the hail of bullets and lawmen that had followed them well beyond the fringes of the sleepy livestock town.
It still felt surreal, even with her cut of the haul sitting heavy in her saddlebag. A shaking hand worried at the lump of her lucky rabbit’s foot with a jittery sorta thrill. Hell, maybe the thing had worked after all. She’d have to properly thank Sean for it.
She had broken off with Lenny and Bill not long after they’d crossed the train tracks, she knew better than to head straight to camp.
She coulda done the sensible thing, kicked Old Belle into a loping gallop until she got to Rhodes to spend some of her earnings in the parlor house. Far be it for Karen Jones to ever be called sensible though. Giving her mare a fond scratch at her nape, she took Belle’s reins and had her horse circle back around.
The rain came down in a sticky drizzle as her tired old steed gratefully pranced in a calm gait.
Weren’t long until she found what she was after with her blood still racing hot in her veins.
There, nestled in a clearing of trees was a small trail of smoke that blended into the menacingly dark storm clouds.
The road was familiar and Karen couldn’t help but feel a tinge of fondness as Old Belle happily followed the road to Horseshoe Overlook, giddy at having returned to somewhere she remembered. The ground had turned a little soft beneath the rain, but Belle took it in stride.
Clearing the gentle rise upward, the space was eerily empty, save for a lone tent and a small fire. She had half expected to see the whole gang waiting, to see Mary-Beth readin’ one a’them silly romances she loved, or Javier strumming at his guitar to the sound of the night, or Arthur brooding by the fire. At least one thing hadn’t changed.
Lead Storm was prancing about in the empty space she’d never been allowed to properly run in before without earning a scolding from Grimshaw. There was a blaze of white along the filly’s back leg in the shape of a lightning bolt, it glowed a faint shade of red when she roamed near the fire.
Sliding off her own saddle, Karen didn’t waste any time pulling the tack off of Old Belle. She watched with a smile as her horse moseyed on over to munch at some grass that had grown shaggy since their departure from the Overlook weeks prior.
Her body was still buzzing when she walked over to the fire, and found Arthur sitting there with his shoulders hunched in his journal cradled in one large hand. He’d taken off his leather duster, had it thrown somewhere in his tent no doubt.
She wanted to tease him a bit, to do something that felt right in this hallowed ground of theirs. But Arthur lifted his head with a hard stare that cut straight through her, sucked all the joy from her with one look. 
“What are you drawin’?” It felt a fitting question to ask, appropriate even. Except, she wasn’t rewarded with a peek inside those leatherbound pages. The only response she was met with was the brisk snap of Arthur swiftly shutting his journal.
His left hand flexed briefly into a snug fist, the white-knuckled intensity made sinew tense up the bare expanse of his brawny forearm where the sleeves of his shirt had been crudely rolled up and cuffed around his elbows. He stood suddenly, every stern line of his body pulled taut.
It seemed a cruel thing for a man his size to be able to move as quickly as he could, it was easy to forget while watching him in brief moments lazing around camp before Dutch or Grimshaw or started on him ‘bout work. But he could move like a goddamn animal, a broad hand locked around her throat without warning, clutching tight like the jaws of a wolf. She squirmed and shrieked and felt that same primal pulse-pounding feeling grip her as she beat her hands against his chest with as much ferocity as she could muster. It was a terrifying thrill, being at his mercy.
Old Belle anxiously dug her hooves into the damp earth.
His mouth swept over hers, brutal and unyielding. There was a blistering heat in the way he kissed her, all teeth and tongue, jostling her around in his fist like a ragdoll. She tasted blood, her face felt so goddamn hot, mouth on fire, she couldn’t tell whose it was.
Her hands ached from hitting him, but the vindication was sweeter than the blood in her mouth, knowing she’d leave a few marks on him for a change.
Karen staggered back for air, mouth and chin wet, she didn’t wait to hit him again. It was a swift and open-palmed crack against his face that left her hand throbbing like she’d held it over the fire and his cheek pulsed red.
Her heart was racing and she felt crazed, “What in the hell is wrong with you?
Arthur stood back, breathing labored, raised marks on his arms from when she’d clawed at him.
“Mauling me like that, ya goddamn lunatic.” She added sharply while Arthur continued to say nothin’, just breathed, low and cavernous.
“Miss High and Mighty,” He drawled eventually, deliciously low, and Karen bristled at the title he’d bestowed, she weren’t no Molly O’Shea, miserable lovelorn cunt, and she certainly weren’t no Mary Gillis, stuck up bitch.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” He growled, nostrils flared, “Ain’t that why you’re here?” He gestured grandly to the big empty space around them, just him and his tent and her and her very bad intentions.
And damn if that didn’t floor her. She coulda gone anywhere, instead she was here …with him. Bastard.
She let out a sigh, mouth smarting, “just shut up and fuck me.”
Arthur’s head cocked to the side, shored up to his full height, “Didn’t catch that, Miss Jones? Hearing ‘s starting to go in my old age.”
She glared at him, heat sweltering beneath her skirts.
“I said just shut up and fuck me!” Her own frustrated cry left her ears ringing, swallowed up by the sound of the rain. His ensuing smile was utterly feral. Of course when she expected him to lunge at her and take her by the throat like he had moments prior, he didn’t. No, he drew her torment out, sauntering the short distance full of swagger, gathered her up in his arms and pressed her against a tree.
He was hiking up her skirts, swarming her space, surrounding her so completely.
“You scared the devil outta me,” Karen hissed against his mouth, tongue flicking over the soft tear in his bottom lip.
“Did I? Good.” He breathed against her temple, previously done-up curls mussed into a snarl of strands the color of straw. She pressed on his chest like she meant to push him away.
“S’not funny,” she whined, wriggling her hips when Arthur tugged her bloomers down.
“I ain’t playin’,” He growled, rocking his whole body against hers, something punishing in the way he pressed against her.
“Look a’me,” Arthur demanded and she obeyed, head thunked back against the coarse bark of the tree to stare up at him.
“Serves you right, the way you was actin’,” it felt too close to admonishment and she wanted to turn away from it, mighta hurt less if he’d struck her.
“I-” Karen held her breath, watching the careful way his brow creased and he fell silent, there was something vibrant in his eyes, something too close to real emotion. The unspoken sentiment withered and died on his tongue. His grip turned fierce in her hair, tugging until her eyes watered.
“Y’ can’t be pullin’ my mask down in the middle of robbery,” She pushed at him harder, her cheeks throbbed hot, “I mean it - We got lucky this time, but you do that again and I’ll shoot you myself.”
The words went in with all the ease of dull blade, it stung fiercely and tore her to bits and filled her with shame and longing and all sorts of things she’d never concerned herself with before him. Her face scraped against the texture of the tree’s trunk in an effort to wriggle away from him, from herself, from the pounding of her pulse squarely between her thighs that shouldn’t have existed for a feller like him.
He pulled her back, big hands gathering her face between them as his lips pressed to hers, again and again, gripped by a bottomless hunger, “Karen, please, don’t make me-”
In all the time she’d known Arthur Morgan, she’d never heard him beg, not for anything. And that dawning realization left her whole body aflame.
“I won’t,” She answered swiftly, and he groaned a grateful sound against her. He groped at a plush thigh, hiking it high over his hip. She could feel the weight of him straining thickly within the confines of his trousers.
“I won’t,” She echoed, fumbling desperately with the button fly of his pants.
She was spent, no two ways about it…and Arthur, well, there was always a sense of calm that surrounded him after a good fuck. Like railing into her had bestowed him a bit of sanity.
Karen herself didn’t feel so crazed no more, neither, thank goodness. If anything, she felt sorta calm, despite being delightfully sore all over.
“Do you ever think ‘bout leavin’, Arthur?” Karen asked quietly, almost secretively, even in the empty space of the Overlook. She tilted her head back to try and look at him proper. It wasn’t the kind of thought she could ever indulge in around the others without at the very least bein’ called disloyal or at the very worst bein’ shot dead. She reckoned, a seasoned gun like Arthur, one of the longest running members of the gang, had even less leeway.
He paused for a bit, wrapped a bit of her hair ‘round his finger, took a pull off a half-drunk bottle of whiskey.
“Sometimes,” he admitted softly, handing over the bottle when she reached for it, “why?”
“I ‘ont know?” She gave a half-hearted attempt at a shrug, “just thinkin’ ‘bout what we done today and…”
“And?” Arthur echoed curiously, he didn’t look bothered by the thoughts she were thinkin’.
“We could do this forever,” She hummed drowsily, her head pillowed on his thigh.
“Do what?” Arthur asked with a small snort.
“This,” Karen gestured in a sweeping motion with her arm, “Be proper outlaws, rob folk, hit banks. All we did today and we didn’t need the whole gang, didn’t need Dutch-”
She paused and her cheeks felt warm, tongue pressed to the roof of her mouth to keep anything else from spilling out. She sat up and took another drink, felt Arthur’s mouth drag roughly across her nape.
“So, that’s the plan, huh? Runnin’ two-man jobs for the rest of our lives?” He teased gently, voice a low purr against her and she leaned back into him in silent gratitude.
They shared a quiet laugh thinkin’ of it all.
“Or three-man jobs…” Karen offered after a moment and felt his touch still briefly, the heavy palm draped over the back of her hand inched back.
“Uh huh…” He trailed off and Karen turned her head to look at him.
“Try’n contain your excitement there, ol’ man.” She teased, feeling a little better as Arthur's mouth crooked up in a lopsided smile, soft and fond.
“I shall do my best,” He rumbled back in that somber way of his.
“I told you, y’aint gettin’ rid of me that easily,” She thought back to that cabin they’d stayed in just outside of Van Horn, months ago, when she said those same words.
“Oh, I remember, didn’t think that meant I was stuck with that Irish ankle-biter too.” Arthur said with a hint of amusement and no true malice in his words.
Karen turned to offer a weak glare and weaker swat to his shoulder. Weren’t long until she was leaning into him again, comforted by the breadth of his chest and hard scrape of his callused hands.
“It’s a pretty dream,” He offered finally as she inevitably pulled him down to the mess of her bedroll and his crammed into a tent that barely housed Arthur’s towering form.
It wasn’t so pretty, her dream of theft and bigamy and wanted posters and tangled sheets, but it was her dream.
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andy-the-8th · 1 year
I'm gonna go on a little bit of an off-ish topic rant about So Weird for a second and do my best to keep this mostly positive (this blog is about old DCOMs so I'm going to say this is still on-topic, feel free to filter the tag "so weird" if this is outside realms of interest). I will also offer the caveat that I only watched the first two seasons and only ever intend to do so
One thing I actually enjoyed about this series (besides the fact that it was willing to engage with actual grieving and long-term effects of that on family dynamics) is that it was super casual about showing physical platonic affection
The main characters are all kind of a big family (I pitched it to my friend as "the X Files but instead of feds it's a 90s alt rock sort-of-throuple dealing with their blended teenager sibling group's shenanigans"
For the record I use the term "throuple" mostly for humorous brevity - I don't read Molly as having any actual romantic or sexual subtext with the Bells, but I would say they all kind of co-parent together to some extent or another
Platonic affection isn't presented as an uncommon thing between parents and kids, or between siblings/pseudo-siblings, and is casually shown in the series (I think it was the first or second episode that had Clu sleeping on the bus's couch, head on his mom's lap with her just stroking his hair, and this character's like 17 or 18)
I would even say that if you had to pick a single character relationship that the series is About, it's Jack and Fi's sibling bond and navigating that through the lens of having different responses to their father's death (the Mulder/Scully dynamic they have is sort of a whimsical translation of that). I think there's a reason that perhaps the scariest moment in the series is where the Will o' the Wisp is threatening to turn their relationship against them to trap Jack's soul forever, and the way he's defeated is essentially because he doesn't understand the love they have for each other even (or especially) under the ways they conflict with each other
Just in general siblings/parents hugging or casually sitting cuddled together is pretty regular. Maybe the characters are supposed to be just super comfortable being close with each other from sharing enclosed space so much, as 6 mostly adult-sized people literally living on a tour bus together, but it's nice to see
Which leads me to the topic of Carey's relationship with Molly once he replaces Clu in season 2 - I have seen some fans want to read some sort of subtext in there but honestly I find that incredibly uncomfortable. If anything he's just kind of reaching out to a close adult family friend he can come to about his struggles/music aspirations/etc outside his biological parents, and yeah because he's a hot guy in his 20s it reads a little differently than the younger teens, but I don't personally see any plus into reading that as having some kind of romantic/sexual tension
like we see expressly in the flashback scenes that Molly has been kind of a third parent-figure (and I use that intentionally openly; locking parental roles into a strict binary of "the mom" and "the dad" isn't what we're about here) in his life growing up, so shipping or semi-shipping that is extremely unpleasant and strange in my opinion
Same with shipping Clu with either Jack or Fi, or (I have seen it and it's rather repulsive) Jack and Fi together, it feels like a fundamental misunderstanding of the character dynamic
going to comment on fandom in general though, I notice sibling incest ships tend to arise in situations where actors have a lot of chemistry, and writers are channeling that into their family dynamic but it means that love interests feel kind of flat by comparison - it's sort of another side of the same fandom-discourse dodecahedron which posits m/m ships get popular because male characters tend to be written with more dimension than female ones, which gives fans more to be interested in and read into and simply enjoy as narrative devices. You engage more easily with a story and its parts when there's simply more to work with
Shipping as a primary means to engage with media is a thing, I get that, so like do what you want, thought crime isn't a thing and characters aren't real people etc etc etc. However, reading a positive portrayal of (often interestingly non-traditional) family affection as somehow sexual I think fundamentally misses key points of the whole story. The fact that there aren't really any obviously shippable characters in the main cast isn't a bad thing
mumbled aside about the moderate amount of frustration I have with the other fandom I write for where for some reason people feel the need to pair up the entire cast in some combination or another but not going to get into that here
Anyway I am not trying to start fandom discourse in a microscopic old fandom like this; I more meant this to positively comment on how open the series is with letting family members show affection and to give my two cents to the void on the Carey & Molly subtext interpretations
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thekrazykeke · 2 years
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I posted 745 times in 2022
73 posts created (10%)
672 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 137 of my posts in 2022
#out of context - 79 posts
#thekrazykeke - 14 posts
#college craze - 8 posts
#ask - 7 posts
#reference - 7 posts
#college craze oc - 5 posts
#college craze fandom - 5 posts
#anonymous - 5 posts
#original character - 5 posts
#misc fics - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#did that paragraph say she had an animal on her whole ass titty?????????
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Because I got some writing done, I decided to do a two-for-one special regarding my MC’s for @the-kingshound demo release
On the left is Gwenvaël; he/him, 6′5″, stoic, reserved and in control. I’m thinking he’s gonna be my main Arthur romancer, slow burn style.
On the right is Gwenhael; she/her, 4′11″, emotional, open, but fierce. Because I adore height romances, I’m thinking she’ll be with Yniol or this will be an Arthur/Gwyar poly romance. 
27 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
I know I’m not active all the time on here, and what I’m about to suggest could imply me leaving the BP fandom and Tumblr community for good (I ain’t never leaving 💀). However with BP: Wakanda Forever coming to theaters in like 9 days, and me getting hella into sims 4 again, I was thinking of writing a Black Panther story but in the sims 4 game? We could make it a BP community event too? Since it’s a large country with lots of culture. Also if y’all don’t play sims 4, then sims 3? Featuring casual gameplay screenshots of rocking T’Challa’s world, being besties with Nakia, or storytelling from anyone interested? @tallulahchanel @muse-of-mbaku @bakarilennox @supremethunda (It’s forreal an open invite, anyone can join)
27 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Got home and I was so exhausted, I just showered and fell into bed pretty much immediately. However, I’m up for now and I decided to actually get to making these character Picrews like I said (in reality I said moodboard but I’m tired--). 
1.) Ri’en The Mistaken Divine
I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in I'll never meet the ground Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us We're far from the shallow now
My Elementalist. Sweet as sugar and protective of Shian, Ri’en casually adopted the homunculus, (or were they surprise kidnapped?) and escaped the facility with Ae-ri. Compassionate, humble, stoic and cautious, she fully plans to disappear from the world at first opportunity. It’s nice to be alive once again, but she’s done her part for humanity. 
Honestly, I think I ship her with Frieda. 
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2.) Sirius The Eldritch Elder
Oh, my love What have I done? There's nowhere left for us to run And now I'm standing in the sunlight And I can't bear the sight of you
My Blood wielder. Stoic and proud, merciless and bold, but apathetic, he’s taken Shian with him from the facility, uncertain of his feelings regarding the fact that his heart resides in the homunculus. Literally lost control of his Abyssal form, chomped Amaryllis’ arm, and killed everyone except Ae-ri (the massive loss of control has this boy shook). Regardless of anything, it’s imperative that the child is protected, lest he expire again. 
I ship him with Meidh. 
See the full post
42 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
People on my posts tryna argue with me. //They deleted the comments because I’m spreading the truth
Legit reblogging and complaining in the comments, and thinking I’ll be quiet.💀 I can do this all day but I won’t since I have work in a couple hours. It still entertains me that they keep reiterating the same thing. Fanfics are literally created for this sole reason: if you disagree with what canon is, you can change it. I know some of y’all clearly enjoy complaining because the creators aren’t doing exactly what you the fans are wanting them to do but you know what that’s called?? 
This is a story that they write for themselves and we as fans get to enjoy it for free. It is not a group project. It’s a visual novel, some plot points are going to remain the same no matter how much you cry and ponder sending anon hate over. It is not an IF game where your choices actually can change the story, that is the difference. 
Here you go @trashy-corvian since you made a statement about free games. This list consists of IFs and VNs. Remember, don’t send anon hate; that’s 2013 funsies <333
Magician’s Voyage @magiciansvoyage
Honor Amongst Thieves @leoneliterary
Fell Star @fell-star-if
Sinner and Saints @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
College Tennis: Origins Story @allieebobo
College Craze @prettyinkgames/https://www.patreon.com/prettyink
When The Night Comes @https://lunarisgames.itch.io/wtnc
Cute Demon Crashers @https://sugarscript.itch.io/cute-demon-crashers
Our Life: Beginning and Always @gb-patch
When Twilight Strikes @evertidings
but wait, there’s more 😊😊😊: ya just have to look for them.
53 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Spoilers for Andromeda Six episode 6 under the cut. Don’t read if you ain’t finished and can’t handle an opinion.
Truth be told, I think I annoyed myself going in the a6 tag, expecting something different. I was tricked yet again. Some people would be happy Nerissa stayed dead???????? Her being alive erases us from the narrative? 
Did y’all forget that big ass post the creators made awhile ago saying that this is not a romance game? It’s mainly geared towards sci-fi and action/adventure, maybe with a dash slice of life and found family trope sprinkled throughout. That’s the whole reason the Traveler exists, that is the point of the story. The players getting to smooch the cute characters occasionally and get close is fan service and the story reads fine without any of that in there, regardless. 
So what the real problem is? 
I think y’all want Nerissa to be dead so y’all characters can be king/queen/ruler of the galaxy which is everybody’s dream, of course. There’s no guarantee that won’t happen anyway??? The FAQ suggested like 10 episodes, who knows, she could actually kick the bucket and die, Wanderlust could give us choices that lead to her being hurt, etc. and our Travelers still end up ruling anyway. 
If y’all don’t see foreshadowing with how the tyrant king became ruler after his family died, to the situation with the Traveler and Nerissa being put in similar situations, I don’t know what to tell you. 
103 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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willow-salix · 2 years
Fandom Bingo. They should have done it in the show. For TAG & TOS please
I've answered this for Two people, so it's gonna post double I'm afraid. But here you go!
They should have done that in the show.
Oooh, this is a tough one, it really is.
There's so much I would have loved to have seen happen in the show, from characters being used more, to more character development and showing hobbies for more than two brothers.
I think I would have liked to have seen a bit more of their training schedules. Like having one coming in from a run or a swim, but I know that wouldn't happen because of the effort to animate it and the third set of outfits they would need.
Outfits! I would have loved to have seen them wearing at least one other set of casual clothes at some point!
Probably more Jeff is the main thing for me. I wanted to see what it was like being home for him. Personally I would have liked to have had less of the Chaos Crew and more of the aftermath of Jeff being rescued. I know it was a nice way to round off the show but I just really wanted to see more of the dynamic between Jeff and the boys after.
That's what I've tried to cover in my big fic series, what happens after, where the family goes from there, how they work everything out and learn to work together again.
But other than that I would have liked to have seen the modernisation and reboot more of the original episodes. Fireflash and Attack of the Reptiles were great episodes and there were others that were nods to or callbacks to originals, but I would have liked to have seen more.
And if I could pick any one episode I would have to say Operation Crash-dive, I love that episode and I think there was sooo much room for it in TAG with their new technology. I can imagine EOS and John trying to locate fireflash and using all their systems and technology to help work it out.
So yep, I think that's my answer for TAG, more reboot episodes.
For TOS I'd have liked it more like TAG, more family moments and (louder so they hear us in the back) more character development!
I love how much time and effort Sylvia put into their characters and I know she did her best and was always championing for more of the little moments that made them more human, fighting Gerry and his desire to make it all about the crafts and the rescues, but I wanted more.
What I would have liked would have been an entire episode dedicated to something happening on the island and the family dealing with it. They did things like this in the TV 21 comics and I love it.
They used Penny far too much in the show in my opinion, giving us at least two episodes that were basically all her and Parker with barely a sniff of the boys (Perils of Penelope and The Man from MI5) and they didn't really have daring rescues in them.
I would have liked to have seen an episode like that but on the island with the boys. I'd have loved to have seen how they coped with an island invasion or some disaster happening while one or two of them were off island and how they coped.
I know we had Alan in "Move and you're Dead" but that was still the boys rescuing him and I'd have liked to have seen them doing things themselves with limited resources.
Yep, I think that's my TOS one (apart from seeing more John obvs).
Thanks for the ask!
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randum-famdoms · 2 years
About my blog
Some things that might be useful to know about this blog:
First of all, this is just a casual blog I run for fun. No specific fandoms or theme, just posts I think are funny and whatever random shit I decide to throw into the void. I don’t have a consistent posting schedule and most of the time I’ll pop in here and reblog 50 things then vanish for weeks.
Second, if you want to check it out, I recently started a side blog dedicated to my photography. That's @katography-photography if you're interested. As of rn it’s kinda dead, because I haven’t had time to edit my photos in freaking forever, but I’ll revive it eventually.
Third of all, I know DNR’s are kinda just a joke now but seriously please don’t message me just to send hate. It will be a waste of both of our times and I’ll just block you. But if you do want to send me an ask for some reason, feel free.
In case you’re skimming, I’ll restate that MY ASKS ARE ALWAYS OPEN! You can send my anything, scream into the void, please talk to me I’m so lonely-
Lastly, I currently have FOUR consistent tags on my blog.
The first is for my own art, which is just a hobby but I thought I might as well share. It’s #some art i made if you’re interested. It doesn't get updated very often, because I'm a slow artist, but I do post whenever I have something to share.
The second tag is for my photography. The tag for that is #some photos i took. It is no longer active, as all my photos will now be posted on my side blog, but I'm leaving it as a dedicated tag on here for organisation's sake.
My last tag is #randum thots, which I use to label all my original/non-reblog posts (except for art and photography, which I tag using the previous two tags obvi). Not all my original posts are under this tag because I only started it relatively recently and trying to find every original post in my years long backlog is a fool’s errand.
I don’t post my art very often, because I forget to and I’m not constantly drawing. Hopefully that changes one day, bit for the time being it's just going to be a once every few months kinda deal.
My last tag is for my fanfics and writing updates: #some fic i wrote . I am an author on ao3 (although I only have 2 fics on there, and one is still unfinished), my username is Pan_Gremlin if you wanna read my works. One is a short Bakugou-centric bnha fic, the other is a p5 shuake fic that looks like it’s gonna be over 400k words (only have 11 chapters posted rn; I am actively writing tho). The tag is a bit of a catch-all for anything related to my main fanfic for p5, and rn it’s a bit sparse but it helps for organization’s sake.
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