#just inbox me questions about any of them I swear😭😭
playingmyselfafiddle · 9 months
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I just need to get into a deep conversation with someone about one of my ships
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sparda-ly · 1 year
i cant believe that you do write for mgr!! i swear that i've been dying to find some new fics of this fandom, because, you know, no one makes content of it. but anyways! im really really happy that you do write for mgr and, as always, i'll make u a request (and you can ignore it if you want :))
how would sam and raiden (and maybe mistral and moonson if you are willing to write for these) separately to a reader that likes to write love letters with little hearts and sweet words all over and send for them when they aren't around :)
and keep your good work but also take care of yourself, okay? love u, darling!! 💕💕
– 🌙
note: hey there sugar, love to see you in my inbox! hope these headcannons are ok since i'm not really sure bout the monsoon part! let me know if you have any tips
warnings: none
raiden is pretty slow when it comes to showing affection therefore when you started leaving him cute little notes with hearts splattered all around them, he only makes a ??? face and questions why would you do that if you can say the same thing to his face.
it probably takes a lot of time explaining to him that this is just tyour way of showing your love and affection for him
plus, the poor cyborg thinks there are some type of secret bombs hidden in these notes dropped off by his enemies due to his trauma
however, after some time he grows to actually enjoy them and always smiles whenever he notices them on his desk
once raiden tried writing a little note for you however it looked absolutely horrible, the man felt so embarrased he threw it away before you could even see it 😭😭😭
this cocky mf definitely enjoys them and absolutely cherishes them with his life
sam definitely handles affection better than raiden, that's for sure
also, he himself has quite a few ways of showering you with love
that's why he surely understands what you mean by these cute notes and always lets you know how he feels about them
one time after a particular hard objective, he saw a pink note attached to his desk with the words "let's dance after this mission ;) ♡♡" and it absolutely made his day
let's not forget the fact that he will absolutely show these notes to all his acquaintances and eat up their jealous faces, feeling pride he has such an amazing partner 💗
starting of with the fact that this man is arrogant and cocky as fuck, monsoon will definitely appreciate these small acts
he may have a hard time showing that though
monsoon secretely loves them and always collects them putting them in a safe box in his office
although he will get defensive if anyone brings it up during a conversation and deny the fact
he can also be flirty when he feels like it but it's only when he's in the mood
similar to sam and raiden, small notes from you can easily change his entire mood
please for the love of god never stop leaving this woman cute notes, she adores them
whenever she sees these pieces of paper containing tons of hearts and a little message, she goes quite litreally crazy
"baby, if i knew i would get these notes every day, i would've asked you out earlier"
her favourite notes are the ones were you praise her and tell her she's your favourite person
at some point mistral definitely starts leaving you similar notes possibly with flirty pick-up lines that surprisingly are good
she feels pride and satisfaction whenever she sees you blushing at them
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
here, i have this 😭 it was supposed to be a bonus chapter from san's pov after chapter 9 but u can have it since i probably won't finish writing it
From: choisan.outlook.com (May 24th; 23:56 p.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
I got your letter...
This is an old e-mail address that I found in my inbox, you sent me a question about your Computer Science assignment but I never opened it...I'm sorry about that. The assignment is kind of hard by the way so if you felt bad that you were struggling with it, you shouldn't have.
I don't even know if you still fucking use this e-mail but your phone number isn't working or maybe you blocked me or something...
I hope Paris is good to you. I don't know what you're doing there, you didn't mention in the letter...
From: choisan.outlook.com (June 6th; 01:34 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
It's kind of shitty that I've known you for so long yet I know so little about you.
Which is definitely not your fault, I know you were trying. It's always me, isn't it?
I have a habit of not letting people I'm involved with get close to me because it gives them leverage and a weapon to hurt me. Although I did tell you things about myself that I only told Yeosang before.
You told me stuff as well but I kind of fucked up by sharing it with others, didn't I? I don't why I did that, I'm usually very good at keeping secrets but...I don't know. I'm sorry.
Thank you for keeping my secrets safe though, you're a much better person than me Y/N.
But really, I don't know almost anything about you. I keep trying to think of a reason why you left for Paris, I keep trying to remember if you ever mentioned anything about it before but everything is foggy.
I think it has to do with your art, right?
You're not reading these I'm sure so I'll keep writing to you. Don't know why, I guess I need someone to talk to.
Yeosang went home for the summer. He said he'll leave the frat next year and won't live with Yunho and I anymore, he'll move off campus. He said it to Yunho though, he's not talking to me.
If you went to Paris for your art then I'm really glad. You were always very talented. 
I'm sorry I never said that to you before.
From: choisan.outlook.com (July 13th; 03:49 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
I was cleaning out my laptop and phone today because I got a part-time job and need extra space on both devices for all the projects and files and I found a photo of you, Yunho and I.
I don't know where I'm going with this...I just
You're very beautiful. I think you might be the most beautiful girl I've been with.
And I'm not saying it because I'm trying to be slick or suck up to you or anything, you're not even reading these so there's no point in me lying. It's just something I've been thinking about.
You know how people always say that their significant others are the most attractive people they met? That's bullshit.
There's always going to be someone better looking. It's a shallow way of thinking, I know, because I'm aware that when they say that shit they count in their personality and everything that person has done for them. It all adds points to their beauty.
But realistically speaking, they don't consider just their looks when they call them the most beautiful.
I told Boyoung she was the most beautiful person I've seen and she's pretty but I also said it because she's very soft spoken and smart and she has these little habits and interests that add to her beauty. All the quirks and flaws, beauty marks and personality traits that I loved. I meant all of that.
I don't know any of your quirks or weird habits, I know you like to wear skirts and that you like the color pink and pop music and that you paint.
But you're the most beautiful girl I've seen and this is purely a compliment I swear. I feel like I never told you that I thought you were pretty.
Not that you need me to tell you that you're pretty to feel pretty. I know you know that you're good looking.
Fuck I feel like this e-mail is so shallow I don't know why I'm still typing
I just wanted to tell you I guess that you're, objectively, very beautiful.
From: choisan.outlook.com (August 24th; 23:13 p.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
Classes started again!
I'm so busy with school and classes I fall asleep before midnight nowadays.
Yunho and I still live together but we got a new roommate. He's a freshman named Taeyoung. 
I thought it would be annoying rooming with a freshman since both Yunho and I are taking a master's degree and shouldn't they have some kind of dorm system where they place freshmen together?
Apparently they do but there was some kind of mistake and now we're stuck with him. We feel like we're babysitting him half of the time. The kid is still a virgin.
But he's kinda cute. Feels like I have a younger brother to check up on once in awhile. And it's like fucking adorable how his mom sends us food as well every time he comes back from home.
He's like a little baby chick.
I miss Yeosang.
I still haven't told what happened between us to a single soul, only Yunho knows and that's because he was there.
You know, Yeosang was the first friend I made when I started college. We meet Yunho about half a year after that I think.
I know you and Yeosang never got along but he's a good guy I swear. I told him that you told him to go fuck himself by the way. 
I knew he was in love with me, okay? I knew.
I knew since we started our second year and I didn't know what I should've done about that so I just pretended not to know because I didn't want to make shit awkward or ruin our friendship. 
I sometimes used it. His feelings for me. He always said yes to everything as long as I asked and he always picked my side in every argument between the three of us.
It's not like I ever manipulated him into agreeing to something dangerous, it was mostly to have the place cleared out when I want to bring a girl over or get him to drive me to or pick me up from a party.
And it was shitty of me. I know i know i know i know i know
I'm a bad person and a shitty friend and I don't blame him for not wanting anything to do with me anymore. And I feel so sorry. I feel so fucking sorry but none of it can fix this. I fucked up.
But I miss him.
We had a fight a couple of days after you left. I don't know how it started but I know he was pissed at me for mentioning the stuff you told me in private to them (see he's a good guy. much better than me) and he was snippy and rude in the upcoming days until finally, a fight broke out in our living room.
I said some shit, he said some shit while Yunho was trying to mediate between us. 
I was angry and frustrated and he was being an asshole and you know that Yeosang can be quite an asshole, so I might've let it slip that I knew about his feelings and then he got hurt and said something that hurt me in response.
'You know, I'm glad Y/N left. She finally realized that you aren't worth the pain it takes to love you.'
That's what he said. 
It hurt like a bitch, I cried after he left (and I can say that here because I know you won't tell anyone but if in some case you DO read these, I'll deny every word).
I don't think I'll ever be able to forget those words for as long as I'm alive.
From: choisan.outlook.com (September 21st, 21:16 p.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
I went to the fall festival today and saw those pink velvet scrunchies for sale on one of the stalls that reminded me of you. It was weird. 
Everything pink reminds me of you.
From: choisan.outlook.com (October 30th, 04:25 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
When you said you hoped I knew how much you hate me in the letter...did you mean that?
I get it. I really really fucking do. Everyone ends up hating me sooner than later. Or resenting me.
I don't know which one is worse.
From: choisan.outlook.com (November 15th, 03:45 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
Park Y/N
I never could've loved you the way you wanted me to.
I feel like it would've been nice if i did fall in love with you so everything  that happened could've been for something but it was just pointless wasn't it? Useless.
Truth is, I have no fucking clue what love is. 
I've never seen an actual example of it in real life.
I don't even know if what I had with Boyoung was love...was it? See, I'm asking you because I have no idea.
My parents didn't love each other, all they do is argue and hate each other and I can't tell you how many times I've cried when I was a kid wishing they'd just get a fucking divorce so I wouldn't have to hear everything my father called my mother
I love my mom. See, that I know. I love my mom. I would die for her. She's the only reason why I have some shred of ...anything in me even though it's not love. Everything I do in college, my exams, part-time jobs, I do for her but I fear that will never be enough to repay her for everything she has done to me.
You know she was the only person who ever told me it was okay to cry.
My dad hated when I cried, even when I was a kid, he hated it. He always told me men don't cry.
But I wasn't a man, I was just a little boy who fell down from his bike and wanted someone to comfort him and kiss the wounds away. My dad never did, only ever told me to get up.
My mom always told me it was okay to cry years after that. She said it was okay.
I still never cried but it was nice to hear someone say it.
My dad on the other hand... I fucking hate him.
I know it's a bad thing to say but I do. I hate him and he hates me as well.
He told me once how I ruined his life and it didn't make me cry.
I don't fucking know why I'm typing this. Well I actually do. My dad called today.
He doesn't call often but when he does it ruins my entire week.
He only cares about my grades, if I'm passing my exams and is just repeating 'hurry it up with this degree shit and get a job already'.
Like I can hurry the semester up literally what the fuck. I don't even ask them for money. I never did. not once since I started college but he looks at me as if I'm an investment and not his son
I hate him so much I hate i hate i hate i hate him.
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izvmimi · 4 months
“Hello, my beloved.”
The first words Izuku mutters to you this morning are delivered with his chin resting on your robe clad shoulder. His body is wrapped tightly against the back of yours while you stand in front of your lighted bathroom mirror smearing on sunscreen and moisturizer, his arms crossed over your torso to keep you from moving a single inch. He gently rocks you back and forth, eyes still half closed.
“If you’re gonna use me as a mattress you can go lay back down,” you joke, turning your head to be greeted with his profile. His perfect nose, his strong jaw, those freckled cheeks you have never quite been able to get enough of that make him look perfectly boyish. You lift your day cream coated finger tip and gently tap it against the tip of his nose, his eyes opening to look up at you. “Also, why beloved? Where did that come from?”
Your husband chuckles, the rumble in his chest making your shoulders shake thanks to how closely he’s holding you, the pair of you as close to being one whole unit as you’ll ever come yet somehow still not close enough. He readjusts his grip to hold you tighter, chin still propped on your shoulder though he gradually lessens the weight he’s holding down on you as he wakes up.
This isn’t the first time he has ever called you this term of endearment though you’ve never asked him where it came from before. He thinks back, mind still a little foggy with sleep, but he smiles recalling exactly where he saw it.
“In a book I read a really long time ago the main character kept talking about this woman who was his beloved.”
His voice is low and still thick with sleep and each of his breaths puff out of him right below your ear, against your neck. You can hear him run his tongue across his lower lip to wet his sleep dry mouth which causes you to instinctively reach behind you to rest your hand against his hip, glancing downward at him.
“The way he described her made me think of you so I think the association just happened and now I can’t stop saying it.” His mouth closes and he presses his lips against your neck, all too aware of the way he towers over you even crumpled around your form. “My beloved.”
You giggle, fully awake and ready to ask more questions, to keep him on his toes, to welcome him into the land of the vivacious and bright with you.
“Oh yeah? How did he describe her?”
Another chuckle from your husband, another kiss pressed against your neck.
“She was described as so beautiful that any person would be stunned enough to stop speaking when graced by her, as brilliant as the sun and twice as driven to make the world warm, and bold enough to do just that.” He kisses your neck again, this time trailing from beneath your ear toward the front of your neck, near your throat. “Reminds me almost too much of you.”
You try to fight back your smile at his insistence that you are all of these wonderful things and he spots you, glancing at your paired reflections in the mirror. You are both enjoying the quiet intimacy of your morning together and it shows. You are a pair of happy faces reflecting back at him, and you have a little glimmer in your pretty eyes that he is proud to have put there.
“Any other questions?”
Beaming down at him, you shake your head.
“No, but I do need tea.”
Izuku kisses your neck and groans as he untangles himself from you partially, deciding at the last minute that he doesn’t wanna waste any of the morning and picking you up to be hauled around in his arms. You yelp and playfully swat at him but your arms still cradle the back of his neck while he holds you across his chest.
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Ncjfkfkfkkggfigh you treat me so well i swear kendall i’m sorry i keep hoarding your asks but every time i look at my inbox i reread them and I’m like life is so good i am loved 😭 thank youuuuu
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seoafin · 1 year
where to begin!!!! im in my stsg phase again and youre like 1 of the 3 authors who wrote my favorite stsg stories and i had to go back and reread them for the 1000th time and i refreshed ao3 and surprise surprise!! you have a new series and i nearly screamed … anyways not to sound obsessed but i literally refresh the stsg reader tag 24/7 thinking only of your series like ive never caught up with a fic series that quick… but i’m just so glad your wonderful brain is conjuring up another Amazing soul crushing series involving those two gremlims ahhhhhh
and let me just say ive been scrolling through your blog + tags abt stsg and just literally obsessed!!! nothing else is on my mind besides your writing its so bad!!! plus i discovered you wrote a previous fic that i Absolutely LOVED but never found but i shouldve known bc the writing was just soo impeccably Amazing and so you (its the only where nobara goes to lengths trying to get answers of readers relationship w stsg..) (actually the best fic ever like id die on this hill defending its glory and how much more side stories can come out of it..plus megumi’s protective personality around reader makes me squeal!!!) (pls protect reader from stsg’s annoying asses omfg)
anyways your characterization is just perfect i cant put into words… and now that i’ve found you have a tumblr where you answer questions regarding your characters and about your stories .. like that is not healthy for me!!!i swear ive got so many questions whether its about the trio, poly relationship and how the dynamics work and side scenarios where i feel worth mentioning like!!! can i just mention how happy i am to discover your tumblr to share with you how much i adore your writing and i hope to share with you my own thoughts abt your amazing craft!!!! GAWDDD (also can i rec you one of my other fav stsg story from this really awesome author too? id really like my favorite writer to read one of my favorite pieces to get your thoughts on it bc i love it so much)
- 3 (name for inbox hehe)
omgggg i am soooo flattered wtf 😭😭😭 the encouragement i've been getting on ddao is crazy hopefully i do not disappoint!!! i know people don't really like miscommunication but I do. i love me some good seemingly one sided pining. i love when men pine. i think men should pine more. that being said thank you so much for your kind words <33333 and as for recs, you can always rec me something but i can't make any promises that i'll read it since i like to read fics on my own time (when i have time) but i can always keep it in mind!
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gothsuguru · 2 months
hii <3 i saw your post, and first of all you should be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone and into a new art medium! i know it might seem tedious and frustrating in the beginning, and instant results are way more desirable than slow progress, but please be kind to yourself and understand that practice truly does make perfect! you've got this !!! <3
secondly, there's entirely too many tips to memorise now-a-days, and trying to learn them all is overwhelming, — so i think the best way to improve is by watching youtubers such as @/AngelGanev! his shorter videos where he helps improve beginner artists’ art pieces are educational whilst also being really entertaining at the same time, which (imo) makes it easier for the tips and tricks to stick!
another thing, i know you're probably gonna dislike this Imao cause its a pretty overwhelming suggestion, but studying!! skeletons!!! helpsss! i promise!! think of it like this: if you try to write an essay about a book that you haven't even read, because you lack important contextual knowledge from the book, your essay will lack depth and will be poor quality. the same goes for anatomy!! you can't draw a proportionate body if you lack the knowledge of where the proportions are actually supposed to be (speaking from experience 😭)
this is all i'm writing for now because i don't wanna clog your askbox too much, but please Imk if you have an questions, i'd be happy to help :D please keep on trying, you can do this!!! <3
AHHHHHHHHHH FIRST OF ALL YOU ARE SOOOOOO SWEET & HELPFUL THANK YOU SM!!! and omg that’s too real……. i’m impatient and also Not disciplined so that combo PLUS trying to learn art is beating my ass 😭 but you’re right i should keep at it and just LEARN properly bc i tried to learn ages ago but i never really did the work of Properly Learning anatomy/face shapes/color theory etc but i wanna change that now!!!!!
AND OOOOOH I’LL CHECK HIS VIDEOS OUT!!! THANK YOUUUUUUU <333 i’m a v visual person so hopefully that can help me out! omg…….. tell me why i didn’t even think about skeletons that’s a good idea i should probably learn how to analyze that too 😭 THANK YOU SM FRIEND!!!!
and please feel free to hop into my inbox as much as you want omg i need ALL the help i can get 😭 if you have any other tips i’d love to hear them!! <3 :3 MWAH!!! ILYSM
(& hehehehe since you said i can ask more questions i just may do that rn 🤭 IF YOU DON’T MIND OFC!!!!)
- HOW DO YOU DRAW A HEAD & FACES??? i swear when i do it it’s so ugly and wonky and not at All the face shape i’m trying to go for 😭 same w actual facial features like woah…. Someone Take This Apple Pencil Away From Me
- do you happen to know where i could learn how to draw heads/expressions/bodies? do you rec pinterest or books or videos? bc everything i’ve seen so far isn’t the Style or Vibe i’m going for 😭 basics are so hard too like damn
y’know what since i’m a beginner i’ll just ask these ndndndnd i can learn abt colors/shading/lighting a bit later methinks i just need to get the basics down 😭 BUT TYSM FRIEND AHHHHHH I APPRECIATE YOU SM 🥰🩷
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^ me but switch out gojo for yourself :3
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shootingstar-scuderia · 3 months
💌 - i’m gonna do a whole bunch of this in one, just so i’m not completely filling in your inbox 😭
what made you want to start writing? 
if you could go on a hot lap with any driver, current or retired, who would you go with? 
do you listen to music or have any songs that get you into the mood to write?
thank you for sending me these questions! i loved answering them
1. what made you want to start writing?
I guess the answer to this depends on how far back you want to go. I started writing f1 fic because I was so gripped with how much history all the drivers had with each other. I'm coming out of a big bout of writers block and with them the words came so easily so it was just like a really reassuring return to form. If you want to go back to when I first started posting, my first fic was directly to ao3 (bruce wayne x reader) and the reason I started writing to post was really just because people told me i was good at writing. A couple years before that I won my school's writing award (real low stakes but extremely validating to a middle schooler) and had a couple of teachers who really liked my poetry. So from that point on I started writing to share and not just writing for myself. But the reason I started writing at all is due quote that I swear is from Beverly Cleary but I can't find the source of (I think it's from one of her books Dear Mr. Henshaw but i can't be sure). It's about how some people become readers and then some readers become writers and I read that when I was younger and was like, 'well maybe I should try this out.' and i guess the rest, as they say, is history.
2. if you could go on a hot lap with any driver, current or retired, who would you go with? 
this one is so hard because there are a lot of past drivers that i woudl like to sit and talk to but not necessarily go on a hot lap with if that makes sense? Like i would be so scared out of my mind and embarrassed that I don't think I could ever do a hot lap with any kind of racing icon. One of the younger current drivers for sure. Maybe Oscar or Logan ngl. They both seem like they'd find my fear really amusing but they won't be gremlin-y about it like I could see lando or charles being.
3. do you listen to music or have any songs that get you into the mood to write?
Sort of? Songs, the lyrics especially, are really what inspire my writing so if I listen while writing I get way too distracted with new fic ideas. Recently I've been inspired by a lot of trixie mattel music loll
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oraclekleo · 4 months
Kleooooo I did my first official reading last night 😭🥳
And it was actually a deck interview! I had such a hard time I swear... Like, right off the bat I asked "what's your vibe" and got The Star reversed and panicked thinking how the fuck I should interpret that I mean is my deck depressed??? 🙃 and the whole thing took me like an hour and a half for 9 questions?? I wrote everything down on a notebook and it was like 4 pages long 😂 But it was also very fun and interesting 🤭 I still have a long way to go (that came up on the reading too), but it's definitely a good introspection tool! I can definitely say that I respect readers so much more now that I faced my first reading 🛐
Do you have any ideas of other readings I could do to practice?
I also saw you want to do another game, so that reminded me I had yet to thank you for your answer for the last one! I have, indeed, been feeling very Knight of Wands-ish these past few days... Not only on the spicy side, but in general? Like, I've been much more motivated and inspired than usual and I'm actually doing stuff, which is great 🤭
And finally, I was looking through my email inbox because I wanted to gather all the readings I've gotten for future reference, and I found one by you! I'd forgotten you'd done a soulmate reading for me, so even though it was a while ago, I'm working on feedback for that one because I know it must've been a lot of work, since that's not a kind of reading you usually do 🥹
But I can say, I've gotten 4 or 5 soulmate and Future spouse related readings done over the course of 2 years, all by different readers, and it's insane how they all have the same vibe! And there's specific things that keep coming up so yes I'm definitely a believer (and it's why I think your reading is very statistically solid 🕵️‍♀️)
Anyways, hope you have a great afternoon? Evening? And let me know if you want to read my deck interview! I'm open to opinions about the interpretation I gave to the cards 🤓
Aww! Wow! Well done!
Yeah, first readings can be hard and confusing but it genuinely gets better with time. Honestly I have never read reversals. It really depends on how you feel about it. I tried to do reversals but it just instinctively felt somewhat off. Maybe try a reading without them if it feels easier and smoother? Not that you have to, it's just a suggestion. 😊
Deck interview is one of the harder readings for the first time. Like logically you would want to do it first but when you think about it, the questions are pretty hard to interpret for a newbie so I'm proud you pulled through it. I'd love to see the result if you want to share it. You can send in email if it's private or longer.
I would suggest you to do readings where you don't care about the outcome, like where you are open to anything the cards might tell you. If you start with readings like future spouse where you already have some pre-reading idea in your head, it might cloud or confuse the outcome. So pick a tarot spread or question where you are fine with any outcome. That way you can be sure that the answer is unbiased. I personally searched Tarot spreads on Pinterest before, there are so many of them, some really fun to do. So you can give it a go. You can even try any of my spreads if there's some you particularly like.
I'm always happy when my readings sound accurate. And great for you to be more active and taking charge these days. Carry on. It feels good to actually roll the sleeves up and do things, right? 😂
I don't even remember I did a soulmate reading 🤣 I might need to revisit it myself. But no problem. There's no rush.
My afternoon is slowly turning into evening and it's all pretty good. I'm in a sociable mood at the moment, so I might start with some tiny game. I saw I received some suggestions into my inbox, I'm gonna check them out. 😁
Enjoy your time! Have fun with your tarot deck! 💖
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jsuika · 7 months
Okay listen, whenever it comes to asking questions, I really am NOT looking for any commissions yet nor do I accept any clickbaits in my inbox. PLEASE, this is for asking questions not rarely an emergency or anything related no, I do NOT offer commissions until I have my own savings account for GOOD goddamnit. 😭
If you or yourself are shy, I will understand and I'm still here if anyone is curious about my OCs or anything with my artstyle. Literally you can ask me anytime no matter what! I just wanted some questioners, not just "I like to keep clickbaits as a secret 😈". I swear, even if I'm still not yet commissioning others and/or don't have my own currency, I'm not eventually that much SAFE from any other bot scammers that always BAIT everywhere to convince and attract them.
Literally that's the thing that I am always desperate about but whatever your opinions are on this, please don't attack me for this self-reasoning. All I wanted to do was to post one of my artworks and also fanarts too HOWEVER, yes almost some here want to commission me to draw for them. I'm okay with art trade it's just that I don't accept art request at all sadly :( this was the time that I had to stop doing it. Reason was that it could be against the art rules and probably might depend on the others.
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catastrxblues · 9 months
For the past year, @curiousthg asks weekly question about THG and TBOSAS.
What's your favorite question(s) so far? Why do you pick it?
What's your suggestion for this year questions?
Which character(s) need more attention or being discussed?
Thank you :)
hii @curiousnonny !! really really sorry that i haven’t responded to so many of your previous asks (some of them are already in the drafts i swear i just haven’t had the will to sit down and finish it 😭) but i thought i’d answer this one for now just to let you know that i do appreciate all of your very interesting and brain-racking questions despite it <33
what’s your favorite question(s) so far? why do you pick it?
i think my favorite has got to be the one about the lessons one can take from thg and what lessons can we apply to current world affairs—especially with how relevant that question and the topic is at that time and still right now. (and i think you can see that that’s my favorite honestly, with the fact that i ended up writing a VERY lengthy post about it BECAUSE HOW CAN I NOT)
i also really love the one about snow’s and sejanus’s views toward wealth and privilege, i think that was such a brilliant question because i’ve never even given it much thought until you asked about that.
i haven’t answered it yet, but there’s also this question i just saw in my inbox (because i think it was sent it when i was shadowbanned help) that i think is sooo good. the one about snow’s transformation in the end or whether that was in his nature or the way he was nurtured that led him to become the character in the original trilogy. I THINK THAT ONE IS SO GOOD YOU ATE
(there’s also the one about favorite character that i also really love but haven’t had the energy to get to it 😭)
what’s your suggestion for this year questions?
i don’t really have any! just keep doing what you’re doing!! i think it’s really great that you’re giving so many of thg/tbosas fans a place and REASON to pour in their thoughts because i feel like so many people (me) are a bit nervous? when it comes to doing that, mostly because they think no one will care anyways. so to give an exclusive place only for that is super cool of you already.
which character(s) need more attention or being discussed?
oohh. i think reaper ash? because i lovee him so much and i think he’s so so amazing. maybe the covey in general? i’m not sure 😭 not helping but i think almost EVERY character in that series deserves to be discussed more honestly, because they are there for a reason with a purpose to serve in the narrative. we all know suzanne collins won’t let those ink of her go to waste without a reason.
thank youu for this nonny!! your blog and the asks you’ve sent are really really fantastic (again veryy sorry for haven’t been answering them T-T) and i hope you’re having a great day!!! 🫶🏽
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social-muffin · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're having a great day. Here are a few of those emoji's from that I wanted to ask! 🥺✨️🎯🎶🌞👀🥰💌
Okay, so... yeah. That's more than a few, lol. Have fun!!!!
Thank you for the ask my dear! I hope you're having a wonderful day too!! 💞
No readmore cause this didn't turn out that super long :3
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Oh this is a tough one cause Hurt/comfort is one of my big weaknesses. So I'm gonna just explain two interactions!
I catch the biggest feels when a more reserved character can't contain their emotions anymore and has a somewhat public breakdown. Made even better if someone cares enough to try to hide them/hug them!
I also catch the feels when misunderstandings are cleared up in a shouting match. It doesn't even have to be between two people that get along. Just let people be so emotional that they forget to control their volume! 😭💜
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I'm really proud of my old writing, so this is a compliment for my new/not posted writing! It sparks a lot of joy when I read through my notes, even if I'm not ready to post anything yet. ;u;
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
I feel like yes, people have guessed major plot points before, but it's only happened a few times? And I can't recall any of the times when it did happen. It also happens a lit taht someone will suggest something happening and I fall in live with the idea and then I just. Steal ideas from comments with credit to the commenter in the next chapter. 👉👈🥺
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do listen to things when I write! I can't write in absolute silence. But the music/video I listen to varies a lot. I mostly look for music compilation type things, so I will for sure have music for like an hour at least. Or I listen to chemistry videos while I write, though I don't know why that one works lmao
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I can write anytime, but my most emotional writing happens at around 3 am usually. Which is not conducive to having a day job. 😔 Especially since I need 8 hours of sleep to function! 😧
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Hibari has taken over my brain and demands I write for him. For one of the up and coming fics I'll try to write is Teen!Hibari's POV of the future arc! It'll be a mega self indulgent thing with a lot of headcanons and quite a few OCs, just because. Where the hell did he go and what did he do inbetween his arrival and the end of the future arc???
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I am so open to receiving questions I made a whole ask blog specifically about my stories!! So if you have random questions, here's the place to as them! @ask-skull-and-muffin
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I feel that, for a while now, I'm being a bit of a glass canon about comments. Sometimes they are super motivating and get me to write 5000 words in a day! And other times a single comment can burn out my entire passion for a whole fic... It's pretty confusing to my soul.
I also have.... A shame I want to admit to here. 😔 A year or so ago I abruptly had the worst depressive episode of my life and I couldn't make myself reply to/answer comments as they came in at all for a good few months. So now there are 450 comments in my inbox and I think that's one of my biggest issues when it comes to getting back into writing properly... 😭
I'm so sorry to all my peoples that crave comments and don't get nearly enough! I wish I could give you some of mine, I swear! Feels like comments are a little wasted on me right now...
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myalchod · 1 year
Weird Writer Questions - 5 and 16 and… all of them?
Aw man, I'm so tempted to answer all of them 😂 I answered a few over here already, but as for the rest ... let's see ...
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? Not that I can think of ... although, come to think of it, I'm currently petrified about posting anything that's a WIP with the intention of posting chapters incrementally because I left a fully-framed one abandoned in my last fandom and I'm convinced it'll end up the same way. (I'm almost 10k into a Silrah WIP, which considering my longest work to date was 30k is a lot, and yet it hides in GoogleDocs ...)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark? On a temporary basis I've used all sorts of wild things because it's literally what's on hand. My normal bookmarks are pretty pedestrian. (This is more of a reader ask, isn't it? 🤣)
Additional answers behind the cut because ... well:
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? So it's not the font that's notable, it's probably the size. I work in GoogleDocs on my phone, and I'm normally using 8pt Arial. (And yes, that's tiny. And yes, I'm probably a bit insane.) I tend to do my final editing pass in Times or another serif font because it's easier to find the italics for coding, but that's about it.
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil? I enjoy writing longhand, though I like the conversion from paper to digital as part of the editing process. Some of how I write -- when I shuffle things around, for example -- would be impossible on paper, though. I'll take a hybrid. (Standard gear: Clairefontaine pocket notebook, Platinum EF fountain pen, various inks.)
6. What is your darkest fear about writing? That nobody likes my stuff because I am a walking bundle of anxiety. Also, not finishing, sob.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing? I really love those moments when you're deep enough into a character's head that you write something down and then end up blinking at the page going, "oh. OH. I never thought about that but it makes perfect sense." (Also, getting a sentence just right, especially if someone swears at me about it later.)
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go? Okay wait. Is this action as in "action movies" action or as in any sort of movement? Because if the former: BYE ACTION. If the latter, dialogue is getting yeeted SO FAST.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know 😂 The house my unbrothers grew up in was haunted and had serious horror-movie-type dolls at the top of the stairs. I'm pretty sure I never had a choice in believeing.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you? Flippant answer: I'm haunted by the ghosts of all the fics I never finished, and they're obnoxious bastards.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve? ... does it count if I bring them back? Asking for pretty much every damned ship I've ever had because damn you, canon. (No. I do not murder my darlings. Canon does it, and then I have to fix it. 😭)
Oh man I want to answer so many more of these, except I promised myself I'd write tonight so I'm mostly stopping here ... except for one because I am a goddamned sucker for poetry. (Please feel free to drop more in my inbox if you want though, especially if I didn't hit a specific one you wanted. I will take just about any excuse to babble, hi. 😂)
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it. George Seferis is my current obsession; here's a short one:
Three red pigeons in the light inscribing our fate in the light with colours and gestures of people we once loved
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hyunverse · 2 years
see the rambling just happens 💔😭😭 i cant contain it. also same i literally used to say to my ex like all i want for my bday or anything like that is a card or just a little note anddddd nope never received one 😁 like i don’t want gifts at all or anything just a note or smth 😭 it’s the bare minimum yk 😐. hyunjin would 100% write you them all the time but also poems all the time that are literally just about you. so stan skz all day every day they’re a million times better than any man ever will be
ik 13 hours is too much 😩😩 i hate it. it is snowing where i am!! we have like 3 feet on the ground rn and i fkn hate it. ALSO SO COOL YOU LIVE IN MALAYSIA ?? LIKE SO SO COOL. i bet you’ll see snow someday and you’ll totally at least visit one of those places. (if not you can just come visit me hehe) it’s always possible :)). and yes i don’t see my half siblings often but when i do they’re def a lot of work bc they’re 10 and 13 years younger than me 😭
i’m a scorpio so it makes total sense that we get along 😎 i absolutely despise leo men but luckily you are not one of those <333 leo everything else are amazing. yes yes yes racha vlog literally made my week. i love them sm it’s not okay 💔 there’s one clip of jeongins pupils like blowing up while he’s playing and i swear i watch it everyday 😭 he’s just so cute i can’t help myself (also 100% understand seungmin forehead resolution. i wouldve totally done the same)
also ur cuter 😇😇😇😇 don’t even fight me on it bc it’s true and you just are bc i said so 😇😇😇
- 🐈‍⬛ apologies for spamming again hehe
hyunjin would go to the depths of attempting to write u a SONNET and i STAND by that fact. he would. tell him u like sonnets and he will personally try to reach out to shakespeare in his dreams and learn how to write one 🙏 what other form of poetry do you like? haiku? ok he's gonna watch a haiku tutorial and read haiku writing tips from a random blog. he is the man 💯
cool would be the entire OPPOSITE of malaysia, darling. quite literally. it is always summer here </3 which is suiting for me tbh. back in december, the temperature dropped to 19°C and i was in PAIN. i was constantly whining abt how cold it was to kana only to find out she’s suffering from -1°C weather LMAOO i could never survive that kind of temperature 💀 i will visit u one day bae I WILL ‼️
i’ve heard all kinds of hate on leo men 🤠 i get it tho i mean. . . it’s men. no matter what zodiac, they are all questionable 🧘‍♀ AND IVE SEEEEN THAT VID OF JEONGIN i was physically cooing. felt pathetic bcs WHY AM I BABYING A GROWN MANNNN LMAOOO. in 2023 may jype stylists let us see seungmo forehead 🙏
no need to apologize, my angel. lovelove seeing you in my inbox <3 sorry for replying so late, i’ve been out all day!! FINALLY PLAYED BOWLING and i swear i am so good at it. i’m like gordon ramsay of bowling. like frfr. also watched a movie and it was so so good. how about you, how was your day?
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umilily · 2 years
hello! I recently found your himeru works on Ao3 and I absolutely love them!! Keep up with the great stuff <33 🫶 To carry on with that, I have a small question- why do you like Himeru? How did he catch your interests? And do you like any more characters?
anon, listen, i hope you know that i had to lie down for a sec when I read your message 😭 thank you so much for your kind words, i honestly never expected anyone would bother reading my fics, let alone take time out of their day to send such a sweet message! you really made my day ❤️
as for your questions: honestly it took me a little by surprise that i ended up liking himeru as much as i do 😂 when i first got into enstars, he didn’t really stick out to me, my thoughts were more like “ah well, random mysterious guy, what else is new.” but i always enjoyed crazy:b’s dynamic as a group and after reading more of their stories he just really grew on me ❤️ i think ultimately it’s the combination of how serious he acts, like he’s got everything figured out and all, but ultimately he’s just some guy lol i mean he’s obviously smart, but lacking common sense, so he ends up doing so much silly and stupid shit, i just think the discrepancy is hilarious and endearing. also, his relationship with Kaname (i swear i’m so normal about them, haha) meru surely means well, but god is that fucked up 😂 maybe i enjoy drama a little too much, but i’m so excited to see how that plays out. i mean, it just has to end in disaster, right?
If i had to choose a top three of characters i like, the other two would be rinne and madara. i just think they’re neat and i’m always rotating at least one of the three in my mind. honestly tho, i was pleasantly surprised when i realised that i don’t actively dislike any of the characters. at this point it’s just a matter of me finding enough time to read more about the ones i don’t know as much about.
i feel like i've rambled for quite a bit, sorry that this ended up so long 🙈 hope that answers your questions :) my inbox is always open if there’s anything else on your mind and thank you again for your message! i'll try my best to post something new on ao3 again soon.
have a nice day/night! ❤️
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Mihoyo knew how handsome Dottore is so they gave him a mask.
Me- 10 minutes earlier: writting about how Dottore threw a child across the room
Me- 10 minutes later: reads soft dottore headcanons
This man radiates so much dom energy, like hun u could top other 3 harbingers (doesn't have to be a sexual way), thIs MAN wOnT LeT yOu.
If someone tried, he would degrade you too much just to prove who's in charge.
"How can a heart beat this fast when it stopped so many others?" - every readers thoughts if they laid on Dottore's chest
School amirite anyways this is the first thing I see in my inbox 😭
Loving the duality btw boo 😍
Also don't you mfs lie to me I know we love watching him go "haha murder" but I also know we've wished we were that child at least thrice.
I know I do LMAO
And now to the real eyebrow raiser – his dom energy, sexual or not.
Mfs are gonna start questioning me I can already hear it but PEOPLE, LISTEN TO ME— you cannot tell me this mf would not be into losing control (provided it's to someone he genuinely trusts yk? yfm?)
Oh he'll degrade you? Degrade him back. Go on, keep up, it's not that hard boo clap back 🧐
Watch him deflate, bruise his ego.
Okay okay so I may be biased bc I see everyone as a big phat bottom but-
He's got enough control anyway yeah? <3
Now don't you dare run to the comments or think "nahh ain't no way it's gonna be that easy"– I know some of you have thought about it don't lie to me 🔫
Surely he's got his days where he just doesn't want any. Like c'mon fight back give him a challenge, man's gotta meet his match go ahead 😍
This next bit is purely headcanon based but vio's got a feeling he never received much affection and validation so getting babied and just??? Being the bottom behind closed doors????? This man would be in heaven I swear Fatui men are just manbabies waiting to be held (hoyo you did this to yourselves by giving them all tragic pasts). Hold him tight my dears, reassure him, pls god he needs it.
— CEO of the Dottore Appreciation Club
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iamsuchi · 2 years
Idk why i'm telling you this but it's about @girlpl6net .So she ALWAYSSS acts like her bf is in bts...like when you tell her is your bf in idk txt or straykidz she straight up said no but never gave a valid answere about bts ...She answered a question in which she said she just had dinner with his bf in south korea ...I got in her inbox and said SOOO bts are not in korea...then...your bf is not in bts ....AND SHE DELETED THE POST WERE SHE SAID SHE HAD RAMEN WITH HER BF IN SOUTH KOREA AND DIDNT ASNWERE MY QUESTION ...I SWEAR SHE'S LYING ABOUT HER KOREAN IDOL BF AND NOW I'M QUESTIONING THE WHOLE LOA 😭😭
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ PLEASE READ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
With that being said I’ll only be addressing this anon’s issue about questioning whether the law is real or not. As always I will tell you DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH - DO NOT JUST COME ON TUMBLR AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE LOA IS AND TAKE THE WORD OF OTHER PEOPLE AS FACTS. GO TO THE MAN HIMSELF - NEVILLE GODDARD. You can find his lectures on YouTube (if requested I will make a post with the ones I’ve watched so far so others can hear it straight from the horses mouth), you can google him, you can get his books, you can look up quotes. They’re no excuses as to why you can’t go and see what he says for yourselves. Personally I found out about Neville 2 years ago and just like many people I had no idea what he was talking about my first thought was oh this is just some other religious nut case (because the lectures I watched he had a lot of references to the Bible and I’m not a religious person) but then when I decided to actually listen and pay attention to what he is saying things started to make sense for me. I’ve applied the law and it has personally worked for me, and as God of my reality I can only do what works for me. Using the law I was able to manifest getting a tattoo, I’ve manifested money, my kyphosis (look up if you don’t know what this is but it’s basically hunch back - has drastically improved), I’ve lost weight without exercising because I’m a lazy bitch🤣. So I know for me the LAW WORKS. I can only tell you based on my own personal experience it works. In the lecturers I’ve listened to Neville will tell you “test it”, “go on try it for yourself” you literally have nothing to loose but everything to gain so just try it. The Law of Assumption is basically believing that you have whatever it is that you deserve now even though your senses deny it. All it requires you to do (in my opinion - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH) is just believe and have faith that whatever it is that you want is here it will show up. I know that for a fact because I have a whole tattoo on my wrist it showed up lol. I made a post about it but I’ll attach a picture so you can see I have my PROOF THAT IT WORKS - it’s not bullshit it works.
Tumblr media
IT ALL COMES DOWN TO YOUR BELIEFS - IF YOU THINK THE LOA DOESN’T WORK OR IT JUST A HOAX OR WHATEVER IT WONT WORK. (See my pinned post about beliefs, faith and methods). This will happen because you’ve conditioned your mind to think it won’t work and your mind it that powerful and has no choice but to operate from the thoughts you’ve feed it (again my opinion right here). CHANGE THAT MINDSET- WORK ON YOUR SELF CONCEPT. And if you’re manifesting something and it hasn’t shown up in the 3D yet (KEY WORD HERE BEING YET) it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to get it!
➡️ See my post here for more info on that. For a quick note just look at this quote here:
“Oɴᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs sᴇᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜᴘʀᴏᴏᴛ ɪᴛ ʙʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴxɪᴏᴜs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪsʜᴇᴅ. Eᴀᴄʜ sᴇᴇᴅ ʜᴀs ɪᴛs ᴏᴡɴ ᴀᴘᴘᴏɪɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ. Sᴏᴍᴇ sᴇᴇᴅs ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ғᴇᴡ ᴅᴀʏs; ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ. Fᴇᴇʟ ᴄᴏɴғɪᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ.” – Nᴇᴠɪʟʟᴇ Gᴏᴅᴅᴀʀᴅ
This is one of my favorite quotes by Neville as it gives me so much hope and confidence within myself that it will come! I normally like to keep what I’m manifesting privately but I’m order to show you have strong my beliefs and faith is in myself as God and the loa, I’ll tell you this. I am currently in the process of manifesting moving to another country, I’m yet to see this materialize in the 3D as yet but thanks to this quote (every now and again I’ll turn to it when I’m feeling down or unmotivated for a little hope) as well as everyday I’d say to myself out loud or in my mind “I am now living in my desired country legally right now” and then I go on with my day because I have faith in myself as god I know that the 3D has to conform - every seed has its appointed time! I say that affirmation especially when I’m not in the feeling of the wishful filled because I refuse to give up. I’ve manifested before and I know I can do it again. They are no big or small desires all desires are equal so I know it’s only a matter of time before my desire is materialized into the 3D.
Final point: I can say all this and more, you can read success stories, you can even hear it From Neville himself but if you personally don’t believe it, it won’t work. As for success stories it’s up to you whether you want to believe it or not. I would say to use success stories as inspiration that the law works. Nothing is impossible. When you start to question and doubt in my opinion it’s like your questioning and doubting yourself and your abilities. Believe in yourself, that whatever it is that you want you can and already have it. As God you are limitless nothing stops you from getting what it is you want unless you decide that you’re going to allow something to stop you from.
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