#just like 90% of my headcanons
ofpolitics · 1 year
not me mulling over the whole 'satine as an exiled duchess' au plot again in my head and getting absurdly excited about it.
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reesieroo-spark · 2 months
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When the name is batty and the logic is erratic 🦇⚡️
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zivazivc · 4 months
jd's hair going from green to teal would be a cool 'maturing' thing - as well as darkening post their parents' death. like you get hints of blue to match your mother and then suddenly you have to basically fulfil that role - oop
JD and Clay share a gene where their hair goes through changes the way blond kids' hair does lol
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Also how dare you about the mom part 😢 But his hair darkening because of stress could be cool and would also explain why Branch's hair is nearly black instead of desaturated blue or gray...
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 10 months
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Batman Annual #25
Before Talia took him in, before he was dunked in the pit to have his memories restored, even when operating purely on survival instinct, he always split a meal with the other homeless people. It may not have been essential to his survival, but caring about and helping other people when he couldn’t even help himself was just always such an intrinsic part of Jason’s core.
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compacflt · 11 months
does ice read architectural digest to keep up w home decor trends or are they solely somewhere between coastal gradparents house and mediterranean style home w leather accents
okay. yes. when they first move in together their house is frat-house-ugly-bad. They don’t want to think about it too much. interior decoration is Incriminating when you’re not supposed to be living together. It’s hand-me-down furniture with scuff marks and stains and no sense of interior design or organization etc. After the whole rooster-papers-pulling-divorce fiasco they (mostly ice) basically start throwing money at it in the hopes that it will help heal their relationship so that’s when it actually starts to look nice & like an actual house that people live in and not just their chaotic secret escape-from-reality house
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all of this couched by my own personal opinion that it was a mistake of the highest narrative order to have them buy a house together and everything ive written about it is just an attempt to try to fix/explain that original mistake (as I write about on this blog All the Time)
but late-40s early-50s ice is somewhat clued in to interior design trends yes. think midcentury modern and a Lot of chrome everywhere because they are middle-aged white guys. or, shit, his canonical interior decorating sense, that’s what the house is supposed to look like! It’s supposed to be the TGM house lol. so like dark woods and bookshelves and big windows etc. HOWEVER. this is just a hc that i cant in any good conscience actually work into any type of narrative, but: they’re, like, really into aviation themed decor. like, really really. it allows them to be into the girlycoded hobby of interior decorating because it’s interior decoration about a manlycoded lifestyle. like if you look on etsy for aviation decor…
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ice & mav have it all. i am so serious about this.
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weafurry · 5 months
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(Sorry I didn't get to this till now it was late when I saw the ask and I didn't wanna answer it while I was half asleep. Also apparently tumblr doesn't let you edit asks anymore?? )
Leaving this under a cut tho cuz I know this shit will get LONG
ANYWAYS. The. Big one related to that™ post came from a combination of me wondering how the FUCK Cedric got the yellow phosphor needed to rebuild proto + consequences of the revival of characters my beloved
And uh. Yea any yellow phosphor he does end up getting his hands on I. DOUBT WOULD BE ENOUGH.
So uh. Proto being rebuilt with less yellow phosphor then is probably even remotely adviseable and that causing a whole ton of issues™ . And Cedric not even knowing cuz of the whole just. Scanning the blueprints in.
Also this is proto we're talking about here. There's no fucking way he'd tell anyone until shit got BAD.
LEMME JUST. Screenshots from when I was brainrotting over this in my first OneShot fixation
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And yea. The author probably would have had yellow phosphor stored in the lab somewhere just incase. (Esp with the head canon that. Proto predicted his own death a long time ago cuz. Prophet moment. And. Told the author and the prophet but never cedric and rue cuz everytime he went to he would get another vision of them trying to intervene and things only going worse)
BUT. since I want my angst goddammit. That part of the lab collapsed first and while Cedric was abled to salvage some yellow phosphor it ends up not being enough.
BUT LIKE. YEA. the way I always imagined Cedric and Rue actually finding out is. One of those moments where a bunch of errors and shit happens . Happens when him Cedric and Rue are walking in the refuge. And this one's bad enough that he can't just metaphorically grit his teeth through it like the other times this has happened in public. Once it's over Cedric and Rue are reasonably extremely concerned and. Fuckin rush him to the lab to try and see if there something they can do to fix this.
AND UH. That segways into another little detail of this headcanon. BECAUSE. he let this go on for so long with the damage all the errors and malfunctions overtime have caused. It probably would just be better to rebuild him and reuse the yellow phosphor they already have. BUT UH. since the situation around him being rebuilt made it so stressful the first time around, he. REALLY doesn't wanna do that again. I have. Such a vivid idea of a scene in my head for that. They're like. Talking with kip. And shes like halfway through saying the word rebuild and. She doesn't even get to finish he just cuts her off.
So what they end up doing is, in the meantime, using red phosphor to prevent any further damage until they can go to the barrens to get blue phosphor so said phosphor won't have to be replaced as often.
I ACTUALLY. made a dumb little chart of how. I imagined them looking different a few days ago
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I imagine that. Actually having a normal level of phosphor would. Definitely HELP. But. There would still be some issues partially because it's not one uniform type of phosphor and partially because of the damage the issues caused. And you couldnt pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands. Consequences of the revival of characters go brrrrrrr
AND THEN UH. Don't get me started on the night terrors as a result of the whole squares thing headcanons.
that whole thing. Came from me going. "do robots still need sleep?" and ultimately deciding yes when i came up with the other headcanon that. only tamed robots dream.
When I made this headcanon I actually hadnt played solstice in a while, and for some reason I always remembered it as, him handing Niko the disk while the lower half of his body was already in the squares. which. no he actually hands it to them while the squares are directly behind him BUT. I still choose to remember it that way HSHSH. anyways uh. Important and related to this headcanon. He remembers what that feels likeeee. and hes probably the only oneee because in the solstice ending everyone only sayss they remember the squares surrounding themm not actually touching themmm and even robots who have gotten caught in them and liveed probably dont rememberrr especially since most of them arent tameddd and uhh even if he only remembers the beginning of ittt hes probably really good at filling in the gapss with the whole prophet thingg (thanks @malwarechips for that last idea/silly)
ANYWAYS UHm. so the whole. tamed robots dreaming thing right. HIM. having night terrors about the fucking squares.
I always imagined it as like. about a week after solstice, once things are starting to calm down and return to normal, one night cedric and rue wake up to proto just fuckin screaming at the top of his (metaphorical) lungs. And. they fuckin burst into his room to him tossing and turning in his sleep and then fucking jolting awake. and like.this keeps happening like. practically every other night. he's losing sleep over this shit. Which probably isn't helping all the other issues from the whole phosphor ordeal which he still hasn't told Cedric or Rue about at this point. And I mean. I doubt the nightmares would be restricted to just. in the mines. cuz dreams are weird like that esp when traumas involved AND UH. With the whole prophet thing. That. PROBABLY WOULDNT MIX WELL. (once again thanks eve for that last part/silly)
(On a lighter note I did have the thought of Cedric and Rue sleeping in his room one night and him actually finally getting a good nights sleep and thus that just. Becoming routine for them. The thing about my angsty headcanons is 99% of the time there's hurt/comfort potential in there)
I DO HAVE. some more lighthearted not angsty headcanons, but i wanna save most of those for their own posts cuz theyre small enough that i can actually draw them and finish them.
I will say one more though. this one is 100% projection but *points at proto* chronic migraines
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akikos-tribble-army · 3 months
Random thing I learnt while doing research for a paper:
The beginning of German (radio) broadcasting history started in the so called Vox-Haus (Vox-house) with the broadcast of the first radio show for entertainment.
And there is a TV channel in Germany which is called VOX and its colour scheme is red-black.
Vox, I have questions.
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space-glasgow · 10 months
i can’t get this vision out of my head
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frobby · 2 years
Yukio almost murders his own brother in cold blood with his only excuse being "I was going through a lot sorry"
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libra-cant-just-dance · 11 months
Got distracted while making my icon for this blog so here, have some headcanon pride flags for my faves because cringe culture is dead and I can do whatever I want
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mattypattypinky · 6 months
I really need Mooned to come out I can't wait this long 😍😍😍 look at him urgh i cant wait
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odd-chips · 2 years
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(Hands you my squidiots (squid idiots))
So I have a Splatoon AU...
The tl;dr is that Squim (Squid Tim) fell into a vat of kraken goo. Or syringes. Or goo-filled syringes. And now he is like this. :/!! Which is probably why that special was outlawed after the first Splatoon.
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jefferythejelly · 3 months
punz is the guard dog of yap city. btw
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dailydragon08 · 11 months
On days when there are no plans and his partner is tired and doesn’t feel like putting a shirt on, they just wear a comfy bralette and it has Luke all 😵‍💫🥵🫠
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curseofbreadbear · 9 months
i'm going to pretend that cassie's bracelet (on her left wrist) is a friendship bracelet:
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moreso because the one version i've found of it on etsy ( the listing is no longer up, sorry :( ) has SUCH friendship bracelet vibes:
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n0phis · 1 year
to add onto how he can never really create that perfect image l'manbur would make anymore, l'manbur also shaved very dutifully, so his face was always smooth and perfect. cwilbur was revived with some thick stubble since he didn't shave frequently during pogtopia. and though he immediately took a bath and tried to clean himself up at Philza's, his found that his hands now seemed to have a tremble that he couldn't get rid of, so he could only do a half assed job shaving before he decided he didn't want to risk hurting himself with the razor any further. it's part of his hobo-core look now, half-assed shaved stubble ✨️
I VIVIDLY REMEMBER TYPING AN ANSWER TO THIS BUT I MAY HAVE DREAMT IT sorry going thru my inbox KEKW god ur so right and epic. ur takes are immaculate
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