#just like philip’s brother-
anglerflsh · 2 years
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Making sure he'll fit in
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howdyboh · 2 years
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fave guys that I know so little about ever
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Golden Guard ghost memes but this time I’m aware they’ve been perceived by my friends
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Look I’m just saying that the methods in which generations dealt with trauma over four hundred years roughly went from “whats a trauma” to “shove it under the bed no one will notice” to “make memes” so. No matter how old the Guards are biologically, there has gotta be some MAJOR boomer vs gen z class divides in the ghosts like c’mon
1, 2, 3, 5, 6
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wackulart · 4 months
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there's somethin strange abt those boys......
god brother au sketches for funsies :]
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zennyzach · 1 year
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here's something I put exactly half a thought into
also a lil guy
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amoritasart · 5 months
My favorite visual design aspect of the Wittebane brothers is that they look NOTHING alike. They don’t share eye nor hair color, they don’t share face shape, their eyebrows are different, they don’t even share the same nose.
This is very interesting to me because almost every other character that has relatives shares at ALOT of aspects with their bio families, that it’s unmistakable that they’re related. Eda and Lilith are both super pale, tall, slender, and have the same face shape, Amity looks EXACTLY like her mom and her siblings all share the same eye color and nose. Luz is basically just a teen Camila, and even half brothers like Steve and Matt have the same eyebrows.
And you know, that was something deliberate. In a live action setting you can’t always control exactly how your actors will look, but in a cartoon these characters were made to be so different. And their story is so vague that for all we know “brothers” is what they called each other because they had no one else, for all we know they were both abandoned orphans who found a home in each other . And his attachment to Caleb grew due to being the only person who ever showed interest in his well being.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I think I'm gonna die soon if I don't talk abt Martha and her brothers
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retro-stars · 1 year
 I have been seeing far too much content trying to paint Belos as a sympathetic character. 
He’s not.
You can be mad all you want, he is not a sympathetic character.
Want to know what he is?
A fascist, prejudiced, and overall delusional man who is designed to be seen as nothing more than a sad, irredeemable fool.
He was given a list worth 300 years of witches being nothing but peaceful so long as you returned the favor. People who were no different than him. He spent years mutilating himself with the explicit purpose of committing mass genocide.
 He was given a hand to reach to in the form his brother; the boy who raised him after he was dropped in his lap when he was a grieving teenager. Who, even after seeing countless acts of severe distrust towards witches, towards him, still loved and trusted Belos. Who asked for nothing in return but for Belos to trust his judgement in knowing what good for himself.
And what did Belos do? He looked Caleb in the eyes, spat him in the face for his kindness, and then stabbed him in the back. He then proceeded to spend centuries creating version of his brother to abuse and kill due to some strange mix of enjoying the pain of his brother, relishing in the suffering of all those around him, and a bizarre sense of entitlement to his brother life and loyalty.
He had more than enough time and resources to get over his own bigoted attitude. He just didn’t.
Don’t try and tell me that “It’s just how he was raised.” There are more than a few cases of people in History being raised in far more prejudiced environments, looking around and realizing “We are assholes actually” and changing for the better without nearly as much time or proof to the contrary as Belos.
Belos and his backstory is purposefully treated with a level of casualty that is designed to give off the impression that he is NOT sympathetic or complex. He is a sad man who baby raged for 300 years instead of getting over himself.
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marzipaninii · 1 year
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Im thinking a LOT about grimwalker Philip and emperor Caleb ngl
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v-tired-queer · 10 months
I have this really dumb headcanon where years after the events of the book and after a lot of ✨️therapy✨️ for Philip, he and Henry get to have a nice sibling relationship so when Alex and Henry eventually get married, Philip sets Alex's phone contact to "BIL < £75K 😒"
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flowery-king · 2 years
in the defanged philip, how does the golden guards work?
Somewhat differently (long-ish post)
As per canon, the Golden Guard is technically still the highest in the ranking compared to the other soldiers. But instead of being the top guy with all the stresses of being in charge, this is more of a prince-type position, if that makes sense. Like, Philip is the King and the Golden Guard is the prince that also has a bit of a say in what's to do [He still has responsibilities of course but not to the point where he gets a panic attack if he fails]
Since the death of Caleb was accidental instead of intentional in this AU, I feel like Philip would be a lot less focused on shaping Hunter or any previous Golden Guards into a 'better' version of Caleb and more just have them for company and a helping hand. Once they start getting an interest in wild magic (which they always do) he becomes a bit tenser and strict about rules. However, since Philip in this AU is slightly less of an idiot, he registers the pattern of interest in each grimwalker and lessens the reigns on the rules each time (not without extreme caution of course).
Most of the time Philip keeps Hunter busy by making puzzles for him to solve, especially when he was younger. (Think like Marcy and King Andrias from amphibia hah). Of course, at some point, Hunter started becoming interested in doing things like the other actual guards and started begging his 'Uncle' to go on missions with them too. Philip eventually gave in once Hunter became 16, but only after he was fully trained to be able to defend himself.
TLDR/ AU Hunter does not need therapy for being the golden guard... yet
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theprinceandthewitch · 3 months
Fans: Can we please learn about the Philip and Caleb/Evelyn drama because it contextualizes Philip's actions and it is honestly the most interesting part of this show.
TOH: Mm, nah, we're gonna meander around for the majority of the first season. We're not even gonna have Belos interact with Luz until the season one finale LOL.
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letssofia3006 · 2 years
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Okay, I have a blast with these. Don't have a context other than being a little sleep-deprived and drawing with no sense of perfectionist.
Also, the wittebane brothers with Anna and Elsa's clothes look pretty much the same as Anna and Elsa's gender swap version.
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I was asked for more Golden Guard ghost memes, and so I share more
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the Guards have never met Evelyn because ghost reasons but I know in my heart that any time they see one of the living grimwalkers get a crush they just do a peace sign to the heavens like "still living on, Evelyn!" and Caleb always looks like some mix of confused, offended, and mildly touched. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
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wackulart · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day
G....GUYS LET- LET ME EXPLAIN.......... [his ass does not have a single excuse to explain why this exists.]
I promise I am working on an actual valentine's piece, I SWEAR. it's just not finished yet
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Also what if I said the show taking time to show that Luz and Hunter aren't unhealthily dependent on one another post time skip the way they were in thanks to them (but still close seen in Luz's patches on her clothes or Hunter taking time off work to go to Luz's bday) actually plays in to the cycle of sibling betrayal motif w/ the Clawthornes and Wittebanes????
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#luz noceda#hunter toh#bc like. both of the previous generations of siblings had incredibly small/non-existant support networks outside of each other#the wittebanes were orphans and bc Caleb was philips caretaker as well as his brother#(and also just kinda. a pattern with philip)#he loves caleb on the condition that he agrees with and stays with philip. and when Caleb stops meeting these conditions love is revoked#in the form of. yknow. murder and cloning and then murdering the clones#bc again it's less about the ambiguous abandonment and more about the 'living a life i don't agree with and therefore can't be part of-#-due to my own selfishness and bigotry' thing philips got going on#a mindset that would be understandable for a powerless child but is ridiculous coming from a 400 year old god king#Lilith is ALSO in a state of preoccupation and arrested development when we meet her!#the thing that drove a wedge between the Clawthorne sisters was the fact that they were no longer each others codependent supports#Eda had Raine and is clearly closer/at least gets more undivided attention from their parents#not that eda's life is all rainbows and sunshine- she's still an outcast. but she has people other than Lilith#everything we see from the gallery nucleus art to edas old photos portrays the hagsquad as eda's friendgroup. not Lilith's#and years later in s1 even when Lilith is at the top of the boiling isles social latter she's still hung up on Eda#both bc of her guilt but bc she seemingly has no friends who are also her equals#she wants her codependent support system back no matter the damage it'll cause to Eda#bc much like philip she's sort of in a state of arrested development#it's a theme with toh antagonists#the difference being Lilith tried to grow up too fast and was never able to move beyond her teenage conceptualisation of maturity#so she's good at pretending to be mature when really she's not#all this to say that Luz and Hunter don't have this problem outside of thanks to them when they're at their self-hate peak#luz has her mom her owl fam Amity Willow Gus. Hunter now has Camila Gus and Willow and eventually Darius#they don't NEED to be the only one the other can count on and bc of that they're not gonna lose their shit when the other does something-#-they feel they can't/don't want to be a part of#anyway I'm out of tags but. this was a good move writing wise actually even if i love their dynamic. we got a whole special abt them
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