#just like will
lazykim12 · 8 months
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Redemption!Au Dr.Blakk! Lore/Character explanation
Dr.blakk’s character in redemption!au is more complicated in a way from his canon version, but it is very clear the two are different, while canon blakk is…a cold man…and wants power, control over Slugterra….All Redemption!Au blakk wants…is just peace…He has very many differences compared to his canon counterpart, even the people of the caverns have trouble understanding him…they don’t really know his goals…or motives really…all they know is no harm will come to them…and his reputation around Slugterra is…rather decent…and respectable.
But..he is a very tired man…Only criminals fear the man, others fear the man only for his short fuse..but even then…it is only a small fear many of the caverns have…they know that he is…a man with good intentions at heart.
They can’t help but feel anxious about the man. He is quiet for the most part, an intimidating presence, but others could describe him as being peaceful. Dr.blakk knows he confuses people, due to how he is like, on one hand he is calm and quiet, Even peaceful.Then he is vicious and can be brutal when battling, depending. He is short tempered way more easily than his Canon counterpart, and stronger physically.
Dr.blakk knows he’s an unstable individual… , he is a broken man deep down too, he knows it…and he hates it.
In redemption Au! He is far more physically stronger…any criminal is terrified to come across the man, scared for what will befall them if they do, many have lost count at the times he had made many slingers take a break due to almost critically injuring them….only the very arrogant ones that is…no one is brave enough to actually insult the man. Well..no regular citizen that is…he may appear as a tough and cold man..but he’s just soft in the inside…and very..nicer..and sweet in the way….which is why none of the people in Slugterra fear him when they see him out and about.
Blakk’s early childhood…was…complicated to say the least…he can’t even remember his early memory of his mother…was she caring?..nice…? Cold and uncaring like his father?
He didn’t even remember what she looked like. He wasn’t sure…it feels like his early memories are fading and he hates it…it feels like he had blacked out that past the moment his life was guided to the light, now he struggles to remember, and feels like each memory from his childhood is erased. He despises the feeling.Blakk grew up as an only child…having his father and mother..until his mother left him as a little child…His father having custody of him…blakk could only remember he was young and crying as she left…and blakk could remember him asking his father why his mother left.
He could still remember the cold glance his way. Being told his mother was too weak to carry such a burden of life and abandoned them.Blakk never knew what to feel after that.
His father wasn't…the best either, he does not remember his father ever getting physical with him, but his father had a short fuse too and he could remember the shouts of disappointment whenever he did something wrong, sometimes it hurt Thaddius, but then he felt numb, like it did not matter and nothing else mattered.
His childhood could've been better.
. . .
His childhood could've been better.
Could've been was an understatement for him.
He could remember the day when his father, Dr. Harlan E. Blakk was promoting that stupid product he didn't even remember what it was.
The blast, the fall of his father by the stupid gangster which was viggo dare.
All of it felt fuzzy in Thaddius' head, but back then it felt like everything was going slow and adrenaline was kicking in, but he just…froze and did nothing.
Then his father left him…all for his own life? Thaddius' view on him was changed after that, now his father is a blurry image in his head after all of it. Honestly everything felt a blur, was that even how it happened?
. . .
All he can remember clearly is the days of labor right after such an event. The work of slag rock cavern was tough, Thaddius could remember the scrapes and burns he felt on his hands after moving each rock and the hard like stone scraped against his arms and hands, so many tears shed from pain, and the words of the others stuck in his head from the day he began working.
“Get used to it kid. All you have is meaningless hard labor for the rest of your life..”
He could remember those words clearly as he would work in the dusty and cold environment, coughs and sneezes, crying on the cold stone floor after each day felt sick, he felt sick. He even wanted his father back, his old and tarnished home sounded better than this.. . . he knew someone would save him…right? The Shane's would. He hoped. He had hope.He could remember seeing a shane when he was little, his father unamused while he was amazed, the courage and talent like them saving lives each time.
Now they would be the one’s saving him right? They had to.
After endless cycles of work, finally it felt like he was going to be saved. A shane had entered the Cavern! This was it for little Thaddius! He could remember seeing the shane taking down some criminals, now was his chance, he had to get the attention of the shane he could also remember, Jimmo Shane. After what seemed like eternity, he managed to throw a rock in Shane's direction, and it hit him, looking over, Jimmo Shane saw Thaddius and that was his glimmer of hope, this was it, he would be saved!..But he was not. Even through the plea in his eyes.
Jimmo Shane just looked at him before walking off on his mecha, not caring at all. Not even at the boy’s plea, Thaddius felt like he was frozen.That wasn't right, he was supposed to be saved! He had to be, in desperation, Thaddius chased after the shane, his little hands managing to grasp onto the side of the mecha, and his pleas started, begging, he needed to be saved from this!
“Please! Help me! I'm trapped here! I need help please!” Jimmo looked at him, his face was…filled with disgust before driving off in his Mecha, leaving poor Thaddius by himself as he fell to the ground, shock and hopelessness filling him, feeling like everything he believed in was a lie.
Now he was left to rot here, for who knows how long…
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. . .
Teenage years was not easier for Thaddius in the slightest, he had to always watch his back for anything, in case someone was going to go after him, at first he began slug slinging to be the best but then it started to develop into one of protection for himself, after all, every stare thrown at him felt like a dagger and if he didn't move quickly, he knows he will be getting a dagger thrown at him next.
Soon he was recruited for viggo dare, and for a while he felt like he was on top of the world, until…the special treatment began for him. He was not stupid, he could see the way Viggo dare grab at his arm for a long period of time, came so close that he could almost feel his breathing at his neck, but..he was just doing his duties and his boss was proud of him. Right?
He lost count of how many times he had said that to himself and with viggo dare to him.
He could hear those words constantly.
“...You would never let me down, right Thaddius?”
“...You would never fail me right…”
“ ..I’m the only family you’ve ever need..”
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It did not help that Viggo dare kept…rubbing his shoulder and getting very close while saying that…at first he'd tried to make him stop, with some type of lie or excuse but it was quickly shut down before he could and he just kept his mouth shut. He felt powerless in this all. But.what could he do?…he kept doing what Viggo dare told him to do…even if it meant blood would be shed from others or himself.
. . .
. . . then the confrontation of Jimmo shane came…he was furious, now..he wasn't going to challenge him..it was stupid to even try…now..in this AU, he did not challenge him out of thinking he could stand his ground and prove his worth…he did not know what he was trying to accomplish anyways…he was just angry and furious, just the sight of the shane brought back memories to when he cried alone in the dusty cavern of slag rock.
Wanting someone to save him, the imprisonment for 6 months didn't help either.
Being chased out of the cavern was not the worst thing in the world, after all, he at least would be as far away from that man, from this cavern as possible.
This was not his home, it never was. His home was nowhere and now he just needed to survive.
. . .
Once growing slightly older, Thaddius' mental state was getting worse, but he was getting stronger each day, fighting men twice his size to practice his skill. Even if it meant killing some…which absolutely made his mental state go down even more from it.
Fighting tooth and nail each day. He'd train so much he'd pass out or until his knees gave out. Eventually, he grew overwhelmed everyday and he needed to stop for a while, he knew his body needed a small break or else he would die and all of this would be for nothing…each day…he felt these nightmares plague him…one of carnage and bloodshed..it felt weird..even to him..when he awake and he panicked and sweating..even..crying.
What was his life at this point…
Thankfully…it was not so shortly after that he began to meet will..even if it was a rocky start at first…will was the best thing to happen for him..sometimes he wonders if he never met will…he probably would…
. . . he doesn't want to think about it…the thought makes him feel anxious.
At first…he was..annoyed beyond belief…who was this boy and why couldn't he leave him alone? He just wanted to be left alone! After all..the boy could have just been pretending anyways…but after multiple attempts and meeting at the slug tournament, Thaddius felt uneasy…he was flattered by such kindness. But even if the boy was genuine…
he felt as if he did not deserve such kindness in the first place. And after all, each time he raised his fist, the boy would flinch as if expecting to receive such a hit. Thaddius decided then that he did not deserve such a kind person in his life…
he could do better anyways…but after getting selected as the only few…he tried practicing, but his hands were so sore, one of them gave out and he began to bleed from his hand…and even then….the boy….who now he learned was will….helped him?..and still smiled at him..it felt like he had been being too…rude..maybe..being friends with the boy…wouldn't be so bad… ? He could only hope…
. . .
he was right…for once..and it felt nice…
With will Shane being there for him, the only family he truly had, it felt less numb and better in life for him…waking up and going out…and seeing will visit him…it felt nice…even visiting will felt nice too. He could smile at that with no issue, at first his home was with will Shane…In the Shane hideout…but thaddius decided he could use his own place, to have more room for his stuff and work he would do. Since he didn’t want to bother will Shane with it.
so he made the citadel, as his new home…but the shane hideout is always considered Thaddius home too..he wont forget that. Ever.
Thaddius builds his citadel in the jungle cavern though, and mostly under a glowing mushroom tree, usually one who would see the citadel and blakk’s industries, it is a nice sight. Since there is slug energy around.
His home is still a black/gray inside, but there's nature all around, vines surrounding the walls beautifully, the environment feels welcoming inside, even in blakk’s office. Dr.blakk now just creates experiments and focuses on science to try and improve slugterra in any way possible, or will try and make slug’s more powerful in less..dangerous or evil ways…he does work on mecha’s too, and mostly works on experiments or focuses on shipments and anything with payment in slugterra.
(His recruits are different people, he does not have the workers as his canon counterpart.)
Overall Blakk is way more calmer when will is present, and is stable when eli is around. He considers them family, and in a way they are the only ones fully able to make him fully calm and in peace, even if he doesn't look like it.
He is just overall a grumpy scientist with a short fuse.
Though after the final fight arc, he does feel better mentally and is trying to recover, is more calmer, and less to lose his temper.
Blakk has no current interests of love, over all he does not think of himself as deserving as one, he's kinda insecure about himself to go and chase love so he focuses on work instead.
He does dream of having kids…that feeling of becoming a father sounds wonderful to him, having a family of his own, but its only dreams he can chase, he does not wish to have children at the moment, he is scared he will keep the cycle of the trauma he has and either become a neglectful parent or be terrible or harsh, but yet, he does not seem to realize how good of a second father figure he is to eli.
He is too harsh on himself sometimes.
He considers him like family, in a way he pictures eli as his nephew in a way, but..after the training he went with eli, even eli admits to seeing Blakk as a father to him too, and Blakk can't help but admit he sees eli as a son too. Over all, he confides in Eli as a son/Nephew to him, and likes to sometimes share stories with him, whether it be of adventures of him and Will's experiences in patrolling slugterra or of old tales of slugterra that he can remember from his early childhood days.
Eli always likes to listen to them, even if Blakk struggles to tell a story, Blakk is a parent to him in a way.
They have a good relationship with each other.
Will and him are very close, some even think of the two as brother’s, best friends? Family…anything of the sort, no one in slugterra could think otherwise of the two.
Will and Eli are mostly allowed to walk in the citadel with no trouble, the guards shrug them off, due to knowing that their practically family is to Blakk, even if Blakk seems annoyed by their simple presence, he isn't actually, that's just how he is. Will is probably the only one (besides eli, and maybe the shane gang) to be able to hug Blakk randomly, sometimes blakk will hug them back but if he is busy, he will pat them on the back or shoulder, head.
Blakk cares deeply about will, and in return, will cares deeply about him, will even brought down eli when he was a baby to let blakk hold him, when will disappeared, his mental state was..not the best, that his workers were concerned and a little scared, but even more so worried, and even a few of the people in slugterra could notice, eli shane could notice, the shane gang could notice.
As much as blakk tries to hide it, he feels more empty when will is gone, and if eli were to be gone, his mental state would go down more, to the point of just snapping. Blakk is already unstable as it is. He doesn't need to lose any more people he cares about. He's a broken man. No matter what.
Overall…blakk’s mental state is recovering just like will’s, especially after Will is found and alive, he still is a bit unstable, but he is doing better. He stayed by Will's side, even if Will was sleeping, he had to stay by Will's side due to fear and anxiety overtaking him. Things are getting slightly better in his life, especially after the final battle…he still has some issues he needs to fix…but…he knows he will be fine..especially with his family.
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…he’ll recover….especially with his family…
. . .
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starkidsupremacy · 2 years
I'm sorry but can someone explain to me how we went from "the air in the upside down is extremely toxic" to "four teens spend hours there with no protection and zero side effects" LIKE??!
Homeboys in season 1 were wearing full ass hazmat suits. Even in season two Steve and the Kids™ went into the tunnels with some sort of protection
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koobiie · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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121K notes · View notes
Do you ever write a sentence and then realize “Nah, that’s too self aware for you” and backspace a bunch of times.
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tothechaos · 8 months
this is what every tiktok screenshot looks like to me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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necromimetics · 11 months
can’t stop thinking about my friend’s cishet partner who said last night that he doesn’t think anyone is the same gender. god-tier take.
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sarahshachat · 4 months
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Returning to Tumblr simply to point how the cast of Game Changer is like no other. This interview is wild.
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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carefulzombie · 1 month
gf fandom in 2016: if you so much as hint - even jokingly! - about the nature of ford and bill’s relationship being anything other than platonic (and even then you NEED to give a disclaimer that bill is manipulating him!) then you support abusive relationships
gf fandom in 2024:
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
Every time I advocate for voting people are like "no you shouldn't vote! Read this literature, it'll totally change the way you view voting!" And every single time it's the same fucking "you shouldn't vote because both parties are exactly the same so it won't make a difference who wins" bullshit wrapped up in some fancy language
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mountainshroom · 1 month
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If she has no fans call the ambulance cause I am dead
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shrubsparrow · 4 months
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It's in the eye of the beholder
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cactuseri · 8 months
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