#just needed to talk about that story on here
neil-gaiman · 2 days
Hello Mr Gaiman. I have read all of your books.
This is not an ask, rather an answer.
I would like to say thank you for saving me. Knowing I will never meet you will not change the way I feel about you or myself.
Love your fiction work. I feel bad for the fact that it’s not fiction to me. It is my life story.
Very sad one. That I am still trying to make sense of today.
I was raised by the other mother. Not really, but I was raised by a bipolar narcissist who hated me and loved me but didn’t know how to do either. She sexually abused me for 12 years.
No one ever believed me. No one.
So I would pretend that I was Coraline and that I was brave. I was. But that was because I knew that the spell had to break at some point.
I am 24 now. She is old and frail but the hell she has made in my mind - I almost never escaped. Until I understood that I truly was stronger.
Because she tried to make me just like her, but I refused. I picked kindness.
If you can’t find a friend, be one. If you can’t find someone you look up to- become someone who others can look up to.
I did. I tried my best. I promise.
I want to tell you the ultimate secret that no one ever could. You probably figured it out a long time ago, but it still makes me feel better to write it here, even if I know that you might never reply or ask me if I am safe, or dismiss me like a crazed fan/abused child who desperately needs help and attention.
I don’t. I would like to be your friend. But I know it is not possible.
So I want you to know I know why they do it.
They do it for the same reason as you wrote books. To not feel alone.
But that is the problem with existing in this world. Evil is nothing but not understanding yourself and hating different people from you.
Ignorance brings hate. How do you justify yourself in a world like this?
You change the world by breading more people who believe hate is love, and love is hate. Evil needs justification. Kindness needs non.
I sat alone for 24 years and told no one. The paragraph above was just the start and the ending.
My story is still unfolding. But I wanted to let you know you are no longer sitting alone at your birthday party.
Because the only present I ever got was knowing someone else like me existed.
Someone who could look evil in the eye and stare back.
And never stop talking about it.
Thank you Mr. Gaiman, for writing “View from the Cheap Seats”
When I read it I put it down as well as the razor that I wanted to end my life with.
Because you were my only friend. And you still are.
And I cannot take the injustice anymore. If they won’t read, I will read to them.
I will save them just like you saved me. Making reading cool and easy.
And I will do it for you and me. So that no one else can see the horrors anywhere but in books and movies.
And I will do it one act of kindness and love at a time.
So they will know that injustice is just a state of mind.
Thank you Mr.Gaiman. You gave me hope.
And now I will do the unthinkable. I will try until my dying breath to change their mind.
One step forward into a future where you are not sad and a story like mine is just a horror movie and not a reality.
Because you are my only friend, and I hate to see my friends sad.
I'm so proud of you, and this made me tear up.
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ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight
Holy chips! It's an exciting time to be a Foodfight! fan, because ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight is finally out! This really is THE definitive documentary on the insanity behind the movie, and it finally answers the question of just what was going on behind the scenes during production. Since I helped out with research (and I even get a short line of dialogue at 45:19) I've already seen everything that was shown off, but had to keep quiet until all the interviews were conducted and the documentary was finished. But now it's out and everything has been made public, the cat's out of the bag (the Fat Cat Burglar?) and I can talk about all the production material that's been shared.
Before I get into any of that though, I'd highly recommend you watch the documentary for yourself. It's insanely well researched and put together, and having worked together with Ziggy Cashmere (the documentary's creator) I know how hard he dedicated himself towards making this all possible. If it weren't for him, the most interesting Foodfight! discovery would've been finding the novelization, and we would have never gotten any real insight into how this movie came to be. It's also a documentary that really speaks for itself- I don't want to say too much about what it reveals since it's all expressed far better through its narrative and the interviews with people who actually worked on the project. My favorite is the interview with texture artist Mona Weiss- she tells such horrifying stories about how she was treated by Larry and other crewmembers, yet does it all with a sense of humor that makes it clear she's enjoying getting to talk about her crazy experiences. It's clear Foodfight! was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish, and there's nobody to blame for that but Larry Kasanoff himself. The movie was rotten from the top down and despite the countless talented animators and artists working on it, nothing could fix the fact that it was fundamentally mismanaged in the worst way possible. I think the quote from producer George Johnsen summarizes it best: "Foodfight! was a good idea that unfortunately lost its way during production. The technology, the art, and the direction were not in sync. Many very talented people gave their all to make the picture, but more understanding of process from the top was needed for it to succeed."
But if you saw the documentary, you already know all that, right? So instead, let's talk about the behind-the-scenes material that's finally been shared! You can find everything I'll talking about HERE on archive.org-
It's worth following the link and checking it out for yourself- there's so much it'd impossible to discuss everything. Artwork, storyboards, bloopers, models, a nude render of Lady X, an interview with Larry Kasanoff, the list goes on and it's still being updated! Despite the documentary already being out, people who worked on the movie are continuing to share new material! It's pretty incredible- for the past year I've ran this blog all I've really had to discuss are two tie-in books, and now there's so much Foodfight! material I can't even keep up with it.
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I mean LOOK at all this, isn't it fantastic? The character art by Jim George showing off just how much better these designs originally were, the countless environments showing off just how stunning Marketropolis could've looked as well as the strength of the core idea "what if a supermarket came to life at night", and insanely detailed storyboards for a 7-minute pitch reel that was used to sell the movie to investors. Normally, I'd be ALL OVER this because it's all just incredible, but there's something far, FAR more fascinating than any of it.
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There are even multiple drafts of the script (one from 2005 and one from 2007 respectively) and normally I'd be insanely fascinated by those too, making extremely detailed posts explaining the differences between the drafts and how they compare to the novelization, but there's something else that was found that blows ALL of this out of the water and is easily one of the most monumental lost media discoveries of ALL TIME.
That's right, a rough cut of the ENTIRE movie from 2005 has been found, containing nearly ALL the completed animation from earlier on in production. I mean, that's mindblowing right? We first got sent this around a month ago, a little while before the documentary came out, and I literally stopped everything I was doing at work to just sit and watch this. This is the closest we're ever going to get to the "original" version of Foodfight! after all- only 7 minutes of footage was ever actually made before they switched to mocap, made solely for the aforementioned pitch reel, and this workprint contains practically all of it! On top of that there are some great storyboards in here, as well as some truly hilarious ones cobbled together from 3D renders, and the plot is far better than what we ended up with, a lot of the more inappropriate jokes being absent. This rough cut is actually pretty similar to the novelization in that regard, and it also contains scenes that we'd previously only read about in there.
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For example, in the novelization there's a snowmobile chase through the mountains, with Brand X soldiers on snowmobiles and a heavy avalanche close behind. This scene was completely left out of the movie itself, but in this workprint it's here! ALL the previously novelization-exclusive scenes are included, and this rough cut is seemingly based on an even earlier draft of the script than that- here Brand X are still defeated by a flood, whereas by the time of the novelization it'd been changed to a lightning storm. There are SO many exciting differences in this workprint, the snippets of original animation we get to see are SO good, and it's SO much better than the movie itself that I think it by far deserves the crown as the DEFINITIVE version of Foodfight! There's so much in it I want to discuss, that there's no way I can fit it all into this one post...so stay tuned, because in the next few days I'll be doing a FULL analysis of the 2005 workprint, pointing out all the extra brand mascots not in the finished film, and generally just gushing about how amazing it is.
I mean, this is it. Just take it all in for a second- the original footage was considered lost media for over a decade, and now it's practically been found in its entirety, embedded in an early cut of the whole movie...isn't that just phenomenal? All the mysteries have been unraveled, all the questions have been answered, and now we can relax, take a deep breath, and watch Foodfight!...the REAL Foodfight! Make sure to enjoy it, and join me next time for my analysis!
849 notes · View notes
nvuy · 2 days
nuvy. nuvy have you heard of the boothill leaks.
YES i did *salutes*
boothill story leaks under cut;
girl dad girl dad
soooo what about boothill falling in love with a single parent with a daughter hmm hmm
like god if he doesn’t just accidently run into the kid and she squeals over him because “hey!! cool robot man!!” and you chase her down and apologise.
he freezes, because your daughter looks so much like his did.
same hair colour, same eye colour, same energy that he could barely keep up with, just learning to walk on two feet properly and string together words to form simple sentences.
it absolutely destroys him. in the worst and best way possible. especially since your daughter practically develops an admiration for him on the spot, begs to be carried, and you’re confused because “sweetie, you shouldn’t be talking to strangers.”
like like.,,,, example……..
Something small and warm wraps around his hand and Boothill glances up quickly from his lap.
There was a little girl searching for his fingers, barely three years old by the looks of it. Pretty tresses of black hair flowing in the wind near the shoreline, sniffling and barely standing on short wobbly legs.
“I need help,” she hiccups, and Boothill melts on the spot. So small and helpless, like a baby bird away from its mother’s nest. “I can’t find my–”
And of course, he stands up, dusts off his pants, and offers her his hand. He guides her away from the beach back towards the market where crowds of people swarm the stalls.
It’s nighttime, cold, and definitely no place for a little girl to be by herself.
“What’s your parents look like, princess?”
He busies himself searching for any targets that would make sense given the girl’s prattling of your appearance down to the colour of your shoes—“White. Like mine.” Hers light up purple with each step she takes—too many faces, too many people.
He stands to give up when he hears somebody frantically running around like a lunatic to every single store, asking if they’ve seen a little girl with light up sneakers wandering about.
“Calm down. I’m sure she’s around here somewhere,” he heard one of the assistants try.
Another shopkeeper offers a pitiful frown and shakes their head.
Boothill nudges the girl, squeezing her small hand in his, careful of his strength around fragile bones. “Is that them?”
She quickly wipes the tears from her face. She then nods and takes off into a sprint to lunge at you, still sobbing when she wraps her arms around your leg.
You sigh in relief and scoop her up into your arms.
Boothill then has an entire conundrum in the middle of the market square. For one, your daughter is waving him over with a smile on her face. Two, you looked like you were about two seconds away from passing out in shock. Your clothes are askew, hair a mess, face flushed and yet simultaneously drained of blood.
He steps closer anyway, though hesitantly. He can’t say no to the little thing whose grin has now grown double the size of her face.
“This is the man that helped me,” she explained softly to you, pointing at him with a small finger.
You scanned him over.
For a moment, he thought you were going to turn around and book it in the other direction. A random ‘robot man’ in the centre of the town square was probably the least most inviting thing he could’ve been. Not to mention he had been sitting at the docks for so long staring out into the water he knew his hair had been tossed wildly from the wind.
Not that you appeared anymore put together.
Instead, you grab his face with a free hand and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you,” you whispered hoarsely.
He almost damn near blue screens. The words ‘anything for you’ fight to come forth out of his throat.
Instead, he lets out a garbled noise before he clears his throat. “Of course. Couldn’t let the little princess run too far.” He teased your daughter with a tap to her nose.
She grabs his finger and presses the pads of her own across the metal rivets and joints like she’s studying them curiously.
Your daughter stared up at you with giant puppy eyes, still holding his hand. “Can we keep him?”
It was your turn to make a weird noise, spluttering with your face heating up. “You can’t keep people.”
All the while, Boothill was staring at you as you chastised her with hot cheeks.
No spouse by the looks of it—nor had the little princess mentioned somebody else. He knew kids liked to ramble on about their parents.
Well, his daughter did. Something cold and metallic turned in his stomach. She used to think her dad was a hero.
He wondered if she still would.
No ring on your finger. Adoration was such a gentle expression on your face, and the way you held her so firmly, yet so delicately, said it all.
Oh, if he wasn’t completely head over heels from the very beginning.
the angst potential. The angst potential. Theeee angst potential. i’m gritting my teeth.
i’m going insan e
402 notes · View notes
How to Handle Critique
I’ve got to admit, I wish I was one of those beatific saints that could take critique with a grateful smile. Instead, I am constantly suppressing a horrible little gremlin at the back of my head hissing at anything from legit plot critiques to grammar corrections. I’m well aware I used that comma wrong, GOD.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very good at suppressing that gremlin, but the little bastard is still there. He exists because even though your brain knows critique can help, it also knows you worked damn hard on the thing being critiqued, and goddamnit, isn’t that enough???
Anyway, here are some tips on getting that gremlin to shut the hell up.
It is okay to be upset. You worked really hard on this thing, and now someone’s gone and pointed out all the things that suck about it. You cannot control how you feel about one thing or another, but you can allow yourself to feel that way and let it pass through you. Let your critique partner you’re taking time to reflect on it, and go for a walk. Do something else. Let those feelings pass through you before you get back to the page.
Give yourself time. Don’t feel like you need to correct things right away (unless they are minimal grammar tweaks). Some pieces of feedback might take awhile to sink in, especially when you’ve got a whole novel to wrestle through. Set it aside, think about something else for a week or so, and get back to it when you’ve reset.
Get a second opinion and/or ducky friend. It can be very hard to tell the difference between good and bad feedback sometimes. Someone who means very well could give feedback that just doesn’t work for you, and someone who doesn’t give two shits could have spotted that fatal flaw right away. You can bring in a real third party or just make use of the old rubber duck technique, where you talk through the issue with a friend or a Naruto poster telling you to Believe it. Working it out out-loud is a really effective technique to figure out what needs fixing and what doesn’t.
Guide critique-givers toward the feedback you want. I, a person who prefers straightforward fantasy and sci-fi, cannot give the fine-tooth points on how a romance novel should work. However, I can give feedback on what works for me and what doesn’t story-wise. Giving your beta reader or critique partner a list of questions to look for will help avoid vague feedback based on how they don’t like the genre. There are many ways to do this, but consider using the following as a base to tailor your own questions:
Did you get a good sense of the setting? Did the worldbuilding make sense to you?
Was this story clear? Where there any parts that seemed confusing?
What characters did you like and why? What characters didn’t you like?
Did any parts of the story feel slow or repetitive?
Did the beginning draw you in? Did the middle keep you engaged? Did the ending feel satisfying?
If you were to write [insert plot point here], what would you do differently?
Again, all of the above questions are up for debate depending on your goal, but we are rarely taught how to give good feedback, and a guided feedback session would work better for you than a free-for-all.
Figure out what kind of advice doesn’t work for you. It is really hard to give good feedback sometimes, even with guided questions. It can also be really hard to figure out why some feedback doesn’t click with you, and that’s a matter of digging deep to figure out what you really want. You may lean toward characters who are horrible fuck-ups, but your partner prefers more steady characters who always strive to do the right thing. Your characters, therefore, may never click with this person, no matter how much they want to help you. And that’s okay! Figuring out where your critique partner is coming from can help you figure out what parts of their feedback isn’t working for you. Sometimes the only thing you can do is thank them and move on, but you might also want to guide them to focus more on the plot or the worldbuilding when looking at your work.
And last, don’t focus on grammar. It’s great if they point that out, but if you end up changing everything, trying to fix that first is a waste of your time. Grammar tweaks last, plot points first.
And, I dunno, give yourself a treat to get that horrible little mind gremlin something else to focus on. Sometimes patting those bad feelings on the head and sending them away can help way more than ignoring them.
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Starboy - Lando Norris
: Lando Norris x girlfriend!reader
: Y/N and Lando celebrate his first win
: author’s note: I just couldn’t help myself! I had to write about Lando’s win 🏆 enjoy <3
: Masterlist
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User48 and 24,020 others
| User48 replied to your story
-> omggg yesss need a lando P1 🏆
*liked by Yourname*
landonorris added to their story!
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seen by Yourname and 97,037 others
| Yourname replied to your story
-> 🧡
*liked by landonorris*
Yourname added to their story!
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(No body talk to me right now! I feel like my heart will fall out of my ass)
seen by User02 and 45,920 others
| User02 replied to your story
Yourname: girl wha- 😭😭 understandable ✊🏻
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User50 and 52,307 others
| User50 replied to your story
-> I’m gonna name my future child Lando Miami! Now I just need to get pregnant
Yourname: I-😃
landonorris added to their story!
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seen by Yourname and 142,802 others
| Yourname replied to your story
-> so proud of you baby 🧡
*liked by landonorris*
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liked by Yourname and 320,528 others
👤: mclaren
landonorris: We Did It 🏆
view all 98,525 comments
*liked by landonorris*
-> landonorris: your support means everything 🧡🧡
-> Yourname: baby 🥺🥺 (also you have a lot of weird fans)
-> landonorris: It’s okay baby ik just look the other way 😌
maxverstappen1: Tonight we celebrate like champions!!
* liked by Yourname, kellypiquet*
-> landonorris: you know it mate
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liked by kellypiquet and 75,201 others
👤: landonorris, mclaren
Yourname: Lando Nowins sorry don’t know him! So Proud of you my Papaya Boy 🧡
view all 62,437 comments
User52: Yesss queen tell them haters off 💅🏻
landonorris: Love you sweetheart 💕
*liked by Yourname*
mclaren: Yess let’s goooo 🏆 (don’t tell anyone but y/n was 🤏🏻 close to pulling a toto wolff 2021 at the garage today! It’s ok our headphones are safe 🤭)
-> Yourname: admin this was supposed to be a secret 🙂🙂
-> User57: hahahah not the admin outing y/n
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liked by User98 and 21,683 others
Wagupdates: Lando Norris and Y/n L/n were seen leaving the stadium today. Fans claim the two were very touchy as they made their way towards their car.
view all 12,384 comments
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by landonorris and 42,652 others
| landonorris replied to your story
-> 🖤🍷
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liked by Yourname and 632,120 others
👤: Yourname
landonorris: You talking ‘bout me, I don’t see the shade 🕶️
view all 314,268 comments
Yourname: 💋🙌🏻
*liked by landonorris*
User71: omggg that’s so cute they’re having date night before celebrating his win 🥹🥹
User03: ok I can see where your hands are Lando 👀 you’re not fooling anyone
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liked by landonorris and 76,402 others
👤: landonorris
Yourname: My back arched like a cat, my position couldn’t stop you were hitting it 🐈‍⬛
view all 69,382 comments
landonorris: star girl ♣️
*liked by Yourname*
kellypiquet: gorgeous gorgeous girl 💫
-> Yourname: umm have you seen yourself in the mirror 🙇🏻‍♀️
maxverstappen1: there are children here 😃
-> Yourname: let them also learn 🤟🏻😌
-> maxverstappen1: i-🫠
francisca.cgomes: Mother 🥵
-> Yourname: Kikaaaaaa 🫂🤭
-> francisca.cgomes: ahhh can’t wait to meet you 💕
-> landonorris: but she’s mine for another hour so back off 😚
-> francisca.cgomes: damn Norris take your time 🕰️🫡
User50: not Lando having a beef with Kika over y/n 😭😭
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liked by Yourname and 824,039 others
👤: Yourname, maxfewtrell, maxverstappen1, pierregasly
landonorris: A hundred on the dash, get me close to God. We don't pray for love, we just pray for cars 🏎️
view all 329,104 comments
User02: Ohh wait till y/n sees the caption!
Yourname: hmm ok then
-> landonorris: baby just using the lyrics! nothing else <3
-> Yourname: You better pray for love tonight...who knows if you'll get it or not 👀
-> landonorris: Yes ma'am 🫡
danielricciardo: It was my fault I opened Instagram! should’ve just jumped off a cliff 🙂
-> charles_leclerc: +1
-> maxverstappen1: +1
-> maxfewtrell: +1
-> oscarpiastri: +1
-> georgerussell63: +1
-> lewishamilton: +1
-> fernandoalo_oficial: +1
-> carlossainz55: +1
-> alex_albon: +1
-> pierregasly: +1
-> landonorris: HATERS! each and every single one of you!! 🫵🏻
*liked by Yourname*
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liked by landonorris and 92,349 others
👤: landonorris, kellypiquet, francisca.cgomes
Yourname: Dance the night away, grab somebody, drink a little more 🥂
view all 63,926 comments
landonorris: The only person who you should grab is ME! 😤
-> landonorris: wait that came out wrong
-> alex_albon: you think 😃
francisca.cgomes: Dance the night away 💃🏻
-> kellypiquet: live your life and stay young on the floor 🪩
-> Yourname: lalalalallallalalal 🎵
maxverstappen1: and that’s enough drinking for you ❌
-> Yourname: buzzkill 🐝
-> francisca.cgomes: +1
-> kellypiquet: +1
-> maxverstappen1: i- KELLY 🥲
-> landonorris: haha 🤣
-> maxverstappen1: oh you better watch your back Norris
-> landonorris: 😳
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liked by User51 and 21,304 others
👤: landonorris, Yourname
F1newsupdates: Lando Norris and girlfriend, Y/n L/n, were caught by fans, who claimed things were getting quite serious in the backseat. This photo comes after the couple was seen celebrating Norris’s first win with friends and fellow drivers, including Verstappen and Gasly. Don’t know about you, but Lando Norris is definitely in for a good night!
view all 18,372 comments
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by landonorris and 50,628 others
| landonorris replied to your story
-> 🙈
Yourname: 🫶🏻🤭
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liked by Yourname and 429,638 others
👤: Yourname
landonorris: Can’t keep my hands to myself (I mean I could, but why would I want to 🤤)
view all 184,593 comments
Yourname: 🙈🙈
-> Yourname: also he did Infact miss his flight!
-> landonorris: oops? 😅
-> mclaren: 🤦🏻‍♀️
francisca.cgomes: @/pierregasly how come you never paint my nails 🤔
-> pierregasly: Pulling out all the supplies right now!! 🫡
User72: not Pierre getting attacked out of the blue 😂😂
*liked by Yourname*
Tumblr media
liked by landonorris and 82,932 others
👤: landonorris
Yourname: Little Lando Norris is not as little as you might think 😉
view all 63,926 comments
danielricciardo: umm ya guys so I’m gonna do delete Instagram! It was fun while it lasted ✌🏻
-> charles_leclerc: +1
-> maxfewtrell: +1
→ oscarpiastri: +1
→ georgerussell63: +1
→ lewishamilton: +1
→ fernandoalo_oficial: +1
→ carlossainz55: +1
→ alex_albon: +1
→ pierregasly: +1
-> landonorris: HATERS! you guys just can’t see me happy ✋🏻😤
382 notes · View notes
mercurycft · 2 days
## katie mccabe x reader !!
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hi pookies!! once again i apologise for the lateness.. but i really hope you enjoy this.. my little tattoo-lover heart got a little carried away with this, but i love this concept so much and i hope you do too! its a little different than the original idea for the direction of this, but either way, i really enjoyed this!! happy reading! love always - RG! x
i would also like to say! this is inspired by a fic i saw on my feed about a tattoo artist x alexia (i think) and i loved it! if i find the account i will top the link to their fic here!
contains: tattoo artist reader! shameless flirting! angsty make up sex, cocky!katie, fight for dominance, oral - both receiving, rough grabbing, dirty talk, fingering, useless lesbians, top!katie and brat!reader, foul language.
r's masterlist - requests open!
4.6k words
a knock at your door was a disruption to your night time routine - pyjamas already on, makeup off, hair tied back and your toothbrush hanging from your lips. you slipped on your slippers and headed down the stairs, still brushing your teeth when you pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face.
she was in a similar state. hair tied back messily, loungewear on and no makeup accept for her eyelash extensions. your eyes lifted from the floor to finally meet hers on the other side of the threshold
“can i come in?”
3 months ago.
a notification past 7pm would usually be ignored.
and it was the first time, then the second, then the third. the fourth, however, was followed by a groan from your sprawled-out position on your sofa. although tempted to put your phone onto 'do not disturb' and continue the twilight marathon you started the previous night, you stretched across the empty space and patted around to locate your phone - simultaneously pausing the tv and shifting to sit with your back against the pillows for a change.
katie_mccabe11 liked your story.
katie_mccabe11 liked your post.
katie_mccabe11 started following you.
you have 1 new message.
"katie mccabe.." you whispered into the emptiness of your apartment, crossing your legs beneath you and clicking on the notification on your screen. "why do i know her.." you racked your brain, pursing your lips. you noted the football shirt in her profile picture alongside the blue verified tick beside her username and used your critical thinking skills to put two and two together, chuckling at the thought of your younger sister losing her mind at another footballer dming you.
you waited a few seconds before opening her message, reading it carefully and silently. "that's how i know her.." you replied to yourself, whilst alone.
last week you had beth mead in your seat at the shop, getting a small paw print behind her ear and chatting yours off in the process. you spoke about a lot of things, you're used to that though. sometimes people just need someone to talk to - and who better than their tattoo artist? you liked beth, she was lovely, easy to talk to. the kind of person you would be friends with. she wasn't with you for long, an hour tops and it flew by. at the end of the appointment you exchanged socials and she left with a 'i'll tell the girls about you!".
you didn't really watch football, but you knew enough - and you would be lying if the thought of your name being chucked around between a very attractive group of women didn't make your stomach twist.
you typed your reply to katie quickly. starting with your usual friendly opening, explaining your upcoming availability and then ending with a single kiss. you had no available appointment spaces for the next three weeks, but you hoped that beth really sold you and your passion enough that she would consider waiting. she read it almost immediately, making your eyes widen and quickly swipe away from the message in an effort to not seem like a total weirdo.
her reply flashed across the top of your screen a few seconds later.
'ill take it x'
appointment day.
it was appointment day and god were you a nervous wreck. you arrived at the shop an hour earlier than normal to open up and clean before she arrived - she was your first and only appointment of the day and you wanted to make a good first impression. you prepared what you would need, laying your tools out on the table beside you and making a coffee - which would no doubt be freezing cold by the time you actually got around to drinking it.
you connected your phone to the bluetooth speakers around the room and shuffled your playlist just as the doorbell rang from the front of the shop. 7:59. you didn't know much about katie, having restrained yourself from going full-on stalker mode over the last few weeks leading up to her appointment. but clearly she was punctual.
as you unlocked the door and smiled to her through the glass, you couldn't help but realise how strikingly attractive she was. her hair pulled into a tight and slick ponytail at the back of her head, a deep green tracksuit complimenting her tanned skin and bright eyes.
"good morning!" you greeted cheerfully, welcoming her in.
you watched as her eyes scanned around the room, studying the artwork on the walls before they landed back on you and a smile spread across her face to match yours.
"mornin' hope i've not been a fuss this early.." she joked as you embraced each other in one of those awkward-but-friendly-first-meeting hugs, causing you to laugh softly.
"oh it's no bother, serious." you waved her comment off, shutting the door behind you both and leading her over to your station at the back of the shop. you didn't expect her accent to be so thick, but the way her voice sat heavy in the space between you had you clenching your jaw.
the pair of you made small talk as she got situated and sat on the leather bed whilst you pulled up a stall and your phone to take another look at the pictures she had previously sent, grabbed a pen and then pulled a pad of paper onto your lap. laying the phone down so she could see as well.
you sat across from katie, discussing designs and what she would and wouldn't like. she was engrossed in the conversation, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as you shared ideas and suggestions. you found yourself doodling on the paper, absentmindedly drawing whatever came to mind as she chatted about the specifics of what she wanted. every now and then, your eyes would meet hers, and a playful smile would tug at the corners of your lips.
there was silence between you for a few beats as your pen etched across the paper and completed the first sketch of the possible design. when you finished you looked up and turned the paper towards her before you could ask how she felt about it she spoke up.
"how do you do that?"
"do what?" you replied playfully with a smile.
"how can you just listen and draw? it's so cool.." she sounded genuinely bewildered for a moment and you couldn't help but laugh lowly.
"honestly, it just happens. when someone describes what they want i see it in my head and just let my pen translate it." you explained with a shrug, looking at her again.
"well its sick, i won't lie!"
"thank you.. i'm a woman of many, many talents.." it came out a lot more suggestive sounding than intended, mental cursing yourself and begging internally that she wouldn't see the pink tint you could feel spreading across your cheeks. you looked back down at the page before she could notice, avoiding her eyes.
"oh i bet." she added, smirking across from you.
you both sat like that for another ten minutes, brainstorming ideas and katie watching you bring them to life like a magician until you both finally settled on a design. you couldn’t believe how natural the interaction was coming and conversation flowing. you embraced the shared banter between you and leant into her jokes.
the design she had settled on was small and intricate but you knew you could free-hand it, so decided against using a stencil for the work. “right, i am gonna wash my hands and get everything sterilised, you get comfy and have a think about where you want it. okay?” you said as you stood up and ripped out the page you were using, placing it beside your other supplies so it was easy to use as a reference. katie replied with a small “sounds good to me,” and you heard her shuffle around the bed and as you made your way to the sink you could feel her eyes on you, following you away.
when you returned to her, she was sat more comfortably and had discarded her hoodie. the ribbed vest she was hiding left little to your imagination, revealing her arms and more of that heavenly tanned skin to your prying eyes. you tried not to look, but were made too aware of yourself failing miserably when she caught your gaze and you watched her suppress a chuckle.
once you were situated on the stool again, you took a deep breath and turned towards her. “so where are you thinking?” she sat silently in response, deep in thought.
“either here,” she pointed to the inside of her bicep to punctuate her point “or here..” she added quietly as her thumb hooked into the waistband of her joggers and shimmied them down a couple of inches until you could see the skin at the bottom of her stomach- in line with her hip. perhaps you looked for a second too long, or she heard you gulp, or maybe your fears were real and she could in fact hear your heart rattling against the boney cage of your ribs in your heaving chest - but the way you heard her exhale a humorous breath and tense her stomach muscles snapped you back into reality.
“which one would you prefer?” you questioned, professionally.
“probably my hip.” you nodded in agreement, smiling and internally celebrating at her decision. “and as a bonus i get to watch you gawk at me for however long it takes,” she teased, earning a small smack to the upper thigh and an eye roll.
“i was absolutely not gawking!” you defended with a smile.
“oh yeah, alright then..”
you rolled your eyes again and stood to grab a small bottle of sanitiser and a disposable razor, placing them on the table - once you made sure she was comfortable you sat down again.
“i’m going to pull your joggers down a couple inches, is that okay?” you waited for her reply before making any moves closer to her.
“of course,”
you got straight to work, dragging them down until the area she had pointed out was revealed again - only this time you could see the band of her underwear peaking out from beneath the fabric and it had you drawing in a careful breath. you circled the skin with your pinky finger lightly and showed her the length and width the ink would cover, double checking that was exactly where she wanted.
the tattoo itself took no longer than forty minutes to complete. once you were finished you sanitised and made sure it was exactly how she wanted before moving to discard any disposables used. she took it like a champ the entire time, only slightly flinching when the needle grazed a particularly tender spot.
you spoke to her about the aftercare and how to take care of it whilst it healed, then covered it with second skin and soothed the area - moving to wash your hands and stand against the counter. “any questions?”
you sat speaking for another hour, and you were sure at times she was stalling so she wouldn’t need to leave.
“when do you finish?”
“whenever you want to go,”
“why didn’t you say! i don’t want to hold you up, love..” she tutted and began collecting her stuff. you laughed at her huffing like a child and led her towards the front desk.
the petname made your stomach jump, twisting and twitching in your abdomen as you studied her. the way she moved and smiled, how her eyes pierced through you like she was reading your mind - how you were so sure she actually could see and read the filth behind your own eyes.
at the front she paid and thanked you another couple hundred times as you let her out the door. she stepped over the threshold and gave you another small hug. “thank you again, i really love it.”
“stop thanking me! i’m just glad i could do your vision justice..” you smiled and shrugged, “you’re welcome anytime, just pop me a message!”
“that’s just because you want to look at my stomach again..” she called, walking to her car and waving.
“shut up.” you rolled your eyes, laughing. “don’t be a stranger!”
during the appointment you and katie exchanged numbers and for days, weeks, months you texted each other everyday. you met for coffee, went to watch her and the team (who you got along with swimmingly) practice, you even went to watch all of their matches.
you had been inseparable since that first meeting, you shared things about each other previously unknown by anyone, spent evenings and nights at each others homes and got aquatinted with family and friends.
after spending so long together, the pair of you had become incredibly close - often sharing a bed, and clothes. you couldn’t help but feel things for her, for katie. your stomach became a harvest ground for butterflies and your heart rattled with longing for her.
you came close to telling her, to explaining how you felt - until one day, it just stopped.
the meetings stopped,
then the match invites,
then the messages,
everything stopped.
present day - 2 months later.
over the last months without talking to katie, you threw yourself into work and university in an attempt to distract yourself. you felt like you were going through a break up - could you even call it that? could you categorise this into the break up section? a friend break up? whatever it was, it hurt, and you found yourself still thinking about her.
friday nights felt weird now. usually sat on the sofa with a takeaway, katie sat on the other side with her food in her lap - laughing at some stupid program she had put on. now it was empty in the apartment, and you sat on the sofa alone with a cup of tea watching telly until it was time to get ready for bed.
you showered, careful to avoid putting soap the area of your newest tattoo addition on your wrist - letting the warm water run over the skin. when you were done, you made sure to moisturise and then cover it up again before getting dressed into your pjs.
you brushed your hair, and then began brushing your teeth - staring at yourself in the mirror and studying the ink that now littered your arms and chest.
you were deep in though when a a knock at your door disrupted your night time routine - still brushing your teeth when you pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face. your eyes lifted from the floor to finally meet hers on the other side of the threshold.
“can i come in?”
“uh, yeah- yeah- sure,” you stammered and stepped back to open the door wider for her, stepping away into the kitchen area to spit the froth from your toothpaste into the sink and quickly rinse before running back to shut the door behind her.
it was awkward. she stood in front of you in silence for a few beats, looking down at the ground as if she was figuring out what to say. you stood a few steps away, leant on the wall beside you with your arms crossed across your chest.
"why are you-"
"look i dont know why-"
you both spoke over eachother, breaking the silence that sat heavy between the walls. you shared a smile, it was brief, but it was there as you met her blues and waved your hand - gesturing for her to continue.
"look, i don't know why i'm here. i just got in my car and then i was on the drive and i just needed to speak to you. i just wanted to see you-"
"oh god you never shut up mccabe.." you whispered with an eye roll as you advanced towards her.
one step. what if she doesn't want this?
two steps. what if i've read this all wrong?
three steps. jesus her perfume..
every step you took was narrated by that voice in your head, you know, that one that tells you to shut up in uncomfortable situations and the one that speaks to you when you watch something brilliantly but so stupidly funny. you couldn't stop to think out loud, you couldn't stop full stop. point blank. period.
your feet were moving faster than your thoughts, and your thoughts were moving faster than your logic until you were so close you could feel her soft breath caressing the skin of your face.
"tell me not to, and i won't." you said softly
"god, you've always been too sweet for me."
there was no time to register what she said, her lips were on yours. they were everything you had thought of, they were soft but she kissed you with urgency. breathing heavily as her hands raised to either side of your face, pulling you closer than physically possible. your lips moved together sweetly, full of love.
you stayed like that for a few minutes, soaking each other in until she pulled away. lips swollen, taking a deep breath. there were no words exchanged between you, only eye contact - the sound of breathing shared. then you crashed together again, lips connected for a second time in the space of five minutes.
this time however, was harsher, and fast-paced. she was in control, gagging for it. hands grabbing at whatever fabric they could find on the opposing body, a small moan falling from your lips when her hands squeezed the skin of your waist and her lips broke from yours momentarily to grunt out a "jump." to which you gladly obliged, legs wrapping around her waist and her hands finding the skin at the top of your thighs - she held you like nothing, with no struggle as she passed through the hall and up the four steps to your bedroom.
when she placed you back down onto your feet you were quick to tug your top up and over your head, discarding it on the floor. before you could continue she grabbed your hand, finger tracing gently over the still-fresh tattoo across your wrist.
"this is new," katie whispered.
"i had a lot of time on my hands." you replied at the same volume, shrugging. she chuckled lightly, reading the words now littering the skin. "and you were always saying i was sweet.."
"aye, and you're yet to prove me wrong."
"don't start something you can't finish, katie."
"oh i'm very, very good at finishing, actually."
"shut up."
this time you had her, hands on the back of her neck as you pulled her in. grabbing the fabric that sat at the nape of her neck and pulling it over her head, only breaking the kiss until your path was cleared again. you span around, walking backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed causing her to lay down. you wasted no time in straddling the top of her thighs, arms on either side of her head.
"behave." she muttered, hands gripping your thighs and switching your positions on the bed, now towering over you, arms replacing yours on the bed. mouth moving to your neck, nipping at the skin beneath your ear. "stop acting like you don't want me to have my way with you."
"stop acting like you've got it in you." you quipped back, smirking when her teeth grazed your earlobe roughly. her hand raising to grip your jaw and forcefully turn your head to face her.
"is that a challenge? hm?" it was rhetorical, her eyebrows raised and voice low.
"prove it."
she didn't need further pushing, lifting herself off the bed and taking a few steps back. you propped yourself up onto your elbows to watch, head tilted when she stared at you blankly. eyes flicking to your shorts before back up to your face.
"take em' off."
"you take them off."
"take. them. off. i won't be asking again."
you gave in with a huff, rolling your eyes and lifting your hips to peel your shorts off. biting down a smirk as you lifted your legs back onto the bed - revealing yourself to her.
"awfully cocky there, love."
"as if you don't love it."
"do you always have such a smart mouth?"
"i have a very lovely mouth."
"oh i bet."
she was on her knees then, face level with you. eyes locked on your gleaming pussy, fingers gliding through your folds and collecting your slick before bringing her digits to slip between her lips - tasting you. she laid her fingers back against you, prints flat against your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure to make your head fall back on the bed behind you with a desperate moan.
she drew tight circles, watching you throb beneath her fingers. you moaned at the contact, your clit already sensitive. you didn't know how she managed it, but she had you falling apart from the pressure alone - and you could tell she loved every second of it with her lips drawn into a cocky smirk at the sight of your mouth falling agape when you began rutting up into hands as a plea for more.
“does that feel good darlin'?” she asked from between your thighs, her lips pressed against the soft skin of your leg, stopping their sloppy kisses for a second. you whimpered in response, nodding slowly. “use your words, love.”
“yes it feels good..” you whispered, licking your lips, your mouth increasingly dry.
“good girl..” she added, jaw clenched when she attached her lips to your thighs again. you savoured the feeling, the delicious feeling as she dragged her fingers roughly against you. the praise made your legs tense against her lips, sending a rush of pleasure down through the depths of your stomach.
“i want more. please.”
"hm? what was that?”
“i want your fingers..” you confessed, dragging your own teeth along the back of your hand which you were using to muffle the sultry sounds tumbling from your lips - biting down against the skin when you felt your face flush.
“please,” you begged, hips rising off the bed in a desperate act for more friction. she shut you down quickly, using her free hand to pin your hips back to the mattress.
“please what, darling..” she stalled, slowing down to an unbearable speed.
“i need you to fuck me,” your words made you squirm, eagerly waiting as you felt a single finger travel down and tease your hole before she pushed into you slowly. her own thighs clenching at the sound of you gasping as she added another finger, curling them methodically inside of you.
she stretched you out perfectly, her fingers moving at just the right speed to have you moaning with every thrust into you. her pace and pressure increased with the volume of your whimpers, back arched into her touch and face buried in your arms as her fingers pressed perfectly inside of you. she curled her fingers to press against your g-spot, mentally noting how perfect you sounded chanting her name. taking advantage of you being preoccupied by the pleasure, she moved to lay her tongue flat against your clit. fingers still moving inside you as she carefully flicked the bundle of nerves between her lips.
a moan rattled from the back of her throat as you coated her taste buds, the vibrations travelling straight to the fire now raging in the pit of your stomach and coursing through your legs - coaxing out a moan of your own.
she felt you tense and squeeze around her fingers, your clit throbbing against her mouth when she lifted her eyes to survey the scene above her. your eyes screwed shut and teeth gripping your bottom lip so tight it was sure to leave a mark. chest heaving and hands twisting in the sheets.
"you going to cum for me?"
“y-yes,” you stuttered, eyes rolling into the back of your head when her fingers curled a final time and she took your clit into her mouth with a pop.
“thats it. good girl.”
that was all it took for you, your orgasm crashing through your body and shaking through your limbs. legs shaking beside her head and cunt tensing around her fingers. back arched and screaming out her name.
katie let you ride it out, only stilling her fingers and withdrawing her tongue from you when your back finally laid against the bed again - catching your breath. she brought her fingers up to your mouth and slipped them past your lips for a second as she moved to straddle you, climbing up from the floor. her fingers dragged down the length of your chin and were replaced with her mouth, her tongue finding yours - allowing you to taste yourself from her mouth.
"wanna taste you," you managed to croak out through the kisses, gulping and lifting your hands to press against her chest. pushing her back and towards the pillows at the head of the bed until she was laid down. "my turn.." you whispered seductively in her ear, lips pursed and leaving small kisses in your path as you travelled down the length of her body.
her tracksuit bottoms were removed quickly and your fingers were hooked into the band of her underwear, pulling them down her tanned legs until they followed the rest of the clothes to reside on the floor. she was dripping, and the sight alone was enough to have you salivating below her.
the scrunchie in your hair had loosened after the previous events of the evening, and your hair was limp enough for her to slide her hand into the back of your locks. gripping tightly and pulling you closer to her pussy.
"go on, make me feel good."
you needed no further instruction, moving closer to her before she had even finished the sentence. you laid your tongue flat against her, lapping her up. she tasted almost as good as she looked. her eyes focused on you and her hand tight against your scalp, guiding you.
you couldn't look away, allowing her to take you as she wanted. moving your head against the rhythm of her hips - moaning your name when your eyes met hers innocently. her head fell against the headboard when you whimpered against her, her own noises mirroring yours as her legs started to close around your head.
"fuck, thats it. i'm gonna cum," she groaned, both hands on the back of your head as you drank her in. nodding eagerly between her thighs, silently begging for her to cum for you.
and she did. hard. crying your name out into the room around you, followed by a string of curses until she finally released your head from her hands and her legs laid limp beside her on the bed.
"jesus christ."
"nope, just me." you teased, now occupying the space beside her on the pillows. both of your bodies coated in a sheen layer of sweat and your eyes threatened to close with the sound of her steady breathing when her arms moved to embrace you.
"i didn't mean to just disappear how i did," she began, causing you to look at her again. "i just didn't want you to get caught up in the shit show that is my life,"
"katie, you could've just said you needed a bit of space,"
"but i don't think that's what i wanted, i just didn't to ruin what we were doing, and well, making.." she paused, taking one of your hands into her own and bringing her lips to press against the skin.
"you were just too sweet to me,"
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yuri-is-online · 3 days
Here's a short list of things that I think would affect yuu (not from an omegaverse world) being in twisted wonderland (omegaverse au)
The scent thing. In my mind, everyone has a scent, including betas, theirs are just weaker. So how would Yuu, who has no scent, be classified? Would ortho or idia want to study them and see what's different between twst folks and earth folks? Scent is usually just noted in smut scenes, but it does have a larger role in most a/b/o stories. Mainly, it's how people communicate emotions. If you're happy, it shows in your scent. If your distressed, it shows in your scent. If your scared, excited, horny, anxious, it shows in your scent. People probably focus on scent when it comes to emotions before they focus on your face or body language. So figuring out what Yuu is feeling is probably a lot harder. It's even worse if Yuu isn't that expressive in the first place. Although it does make me wonder about how people try to hide their scents when their trying to be aloof or stoic...
Noises. This also ties into emotions, the more extreme ones at least. A/b/o twst people purr when their happy or content and growl when they're feeling territorial. Yuu might be able to growl, not very well but whatever. But purring? Yeah no. Not happening. Bless Jades heart he's trying so hard to give Yuu gifts they like and listening for a purr and it just. Never comes. Also imagine being Yuu and you're just getting growled at on a daily basis that's just gotta suck lmoa
Warnings for menstruation and omega heats 🤩 (also jade thinks his partner got SAed so HUGE TW). I personally think that TWST doesn't have periods. Mostly because I read Period Drama series by twstfanblog and was like "Yeah sure I'll integrate that into my belief system". So Yuus under a lot of stress right? Especially those first few months and overblots, so I think it's safe to say that an AFAB Yuus cycle would probably skip over those few months or even a year until everything calms down. And then boom! Ovulation! Jade thinks it's a preheat or a heat and is trying SO HARD to be respectful because they did not talk about this before hand and he doesn't know if he's aloud to "help" them the way he's wants to. Doesn't exactly help that Yuus throwing themself at him every step of the way and asking shit like "Hey if we have kids what would you name them :D?". Yuu is killing him. All in all though, it's a pretty subdue heat, they're not confined to their nest (a messy pile of pillows, blankets, and cushions that they impulsively made in Ramshackle one day) or anything, they can go to class and move around just fine (he doesn't let them though. He doesn't need any perverts possibly getting off or fantasizing about something only he should be fantasizing about), and unfortunately, they're not keeping him in their nest and letting him breed them until they forget their own name, so it all worked out just fine. And then about a week later, he goes to Sam's first thing in the morning to buy more snacks and comes back to the strong scent of his loves blood, only to find out that blood was coming from "the void" and they're curled up in pain, and crying. Yeah that was the worst moment of Jades life, actually. 0/10. Would not recommend. He almost killed several people that day 👍
Nests. Yuu doesn't know what the hell a "nest" is or why Jade freaked out so hard with joy when they made their shitty little pillow fort but hey! At least he's happy! Look at him! Just vibrating with joy! While he's sitting just outside the fort and is just... staring at them..... Is he not gonna come in? So now their scooching over and awkwardly patting the spot next to them- and Jades eyes just dilated SO HARD ok
Ruts and knots. The Fun Shit. Jade asked (very flusteredly) if Yuu would be willing to help him through his upcoming rut and Yuus like 🧍👍🧎. And it's a lot more intense than they were expecting. Bro is looking a half step away from feral as he carries Yuu over to the "nest" and just let's go fully shortly after they start. And Yuu is throughly enjoying it but also- isn't this a little much?!It's just a week of a bad Coleen Hoover novel where all they do is have sex and sleep! They ain't built for this! Honestly, they're just a doll for him at this point because there is not a THOUGHT behind those eyes expect for Jade and his dick and they ain't even mad about it!
That last section wasn't a question I was just thirsty. Damn this ask got long as hell shit.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH bless you. My lifespan... my strength... it is returning 2 me.
I think a lot of this could be cleared up with some communication, but at the same time poor Yuu wouldn't know what they were supposed to be communicating.
If scents are reflective of emotion and how people communicate, I would think they reflect people's personalities in the same way facial expressions do? So a particularly stoic person (like say Silver) would have a much more muted scent when he's happy than someone who is much more expressive (like Kalim.) Of the people who would be most distressed by Yuu's lack of scent, I think it would actually be Riddle since I could see him thinking it is a medical issue they need to get checked out ASAP. It would certainly isolate them from their peers even more than not being a mage would, making them a real alien as far as most people in Twisted Wonderland would be concerned.
Now. Jade. My beloved. I think after he manages to successfully court Yuu he would be very smug about this because he would be maybe one of the only people in Twisted Wonderland able to pick up on Yuu's unique body language. But that's in the future, now he's struggling because on top of no scent there's no purrs D:< He's fantasized about what it would sound like sosososososo many times and he is worryingly close to realizing that he's not above begging. He just wants some praise from his chosen mate... please...
lmao about the growling I just would not be able to take that seriously and probably make some dumb comment that would get my ass beat. But if it was really loud that would stress me out.
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... oh poor Jade. In my head I am thinking of Yuu maybe having been told by a (concerned) adeuce that Jade is attempting to court them so they start trying to reciprocate (which does not help anyone's concerns) but they haven't really talked about what exactly that means yet. So by the time Yuu starts ovulating they're still in what Yuu might consider to be a "talking" phase? Because Jade hasn't asked to make things official? Whereas Jade is simultaneously on cloud nine planning the wedding and in the depths of despair wondering how best to continue his courtship efforts because oh he wants to help you with your heat so badly :c he's in a permanent state of horny grip the entire week and so tense. Yuu wonders if it would be too much to offer to help him relax since they aren't all that close yet so they figure they'll ask him some questions to see how he reacts and all that and he is extremely receptive but he still doesn't make a move, even if he does insist on talking to them around the pillow fort a lot?
Speaking of the pillow fort... I'm just picturing Jade sitting so pretty and heavy breathing while Yuu is sat there very confused because he is buzzing with excitement but they can't tell what kind. Man relationships are real hard so is jade when you add in alien biology and customs to them please let him help you hope you aren't doing something wrong? you could never please please please just one chance Yuu one chaaaaance
The period stuff... I don't think my mind would jump to SA but certainly some sort of attack and Jade being Jade, he would not let that stand. Thankfully no one actually gets hurt since Jade asks Yuu for names and they have a very strange conversation about reproductive biology. Oh so you are bleeding because you aren't pregnant? Well that sounds like such an easy fix~ And is probably when you finally have that talk about how horny he was all last week because he asks, very earnestly asks to help you through your next "heat" so you don't have to endure this pain again.
Since you were being thirsty allow me to share some of my... thoughts ( ̄▽ ̄||)
I feel like Jade would want to take Yuu in his merform at some point if not first because he wants them to think about it. He wants to ruin them for anyone who is not very specifically him and he is not shy about it, but alas the omega decides where to build the nest and you chose "poorly." Yuu is getting their guts rearranged while Jade bullies them about their poor nest building skills. It's ok, he just finds you so cute maybe he'll walk you through it next time? Sure he's never had to build a nest, never felt the need but he's sure if you follow his instructions nice and slowly you'll do just fine.
You wind up in Ramshackle's tub more than once. Just don't complain about not being able to remember most of it because he'll just take that as you wanting a redo. Say less, he's been good for too long anyway *smack*
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Love Sometimes Takes Time
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Hi guys :)
This is from a request that you can find here :)
The sentences in italic are saying in Spanish.
I haven't proofread it because I'm lazy today. But please enjoy!
TW : Maybe a little angst? Jealousy.
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Leila has always been a benchmark in your life. When you arrive in Barça from Levante, she was there, and she was one of the most inclusive people in the team. She was less impressive than Alexia and a little more expensive than Mapi. When you arrive from the U23 in your national team, Leila was already there too. It was natural for you to follow her and almost stick with her at this time. She was your friend, and you get along pretty well.
You were friends, only friends, but you have to admit that watching her leave the national team and Barcelona to go to Manchester was hard. She was your other half at work, even if it was only a friendly relationship, you missed her dearly. You had other friends, like Mariona or Alexia, but even if they have their eyes on you, they weren’t Leila.
It was when you were in Australia for the World Cup that your agent called you to let you know that Barcelona wasn’t interested in extending your contract. It was a little shock honestly, you had great results, but your agent explains to you that they prefer to save money for next year, when a lot of contracts well be negotiated.
You were with Ona when you received the call, and she was very uncomfortable. She just signed in Barcelona and were coming back home, but you knew it wasn’t her fault. Your agent told you that he as some of clubs who were interested in you, but you needed to digest the new.
You were devasted when you call Leila that night.
“At least you have other clubs who are interested in you” Leila said.
You shrugged. You didn’t know which one are on the list and how much. Leila wasn’t with you because of the Vilda’s story, but you never wanted her to be with you as much as right now. Being far away from her is hard, and you went several times in Manchester to see her. And her girlfriend. Because Leila has a girlfriend now. A beautiful, funny, cute, and friendly girlfriend. You can’t hate her, but you realize too how less Leila was touching with you. No hugs, no kiss on the cheek or cuddle while talking before falling asleep.
Which was perfectly normal. She has a girlfriend. You don’t even know why you reacted that way.
“My agent just sends me the teams who are interested” you mumble to Leila when your phone vibrate.
“Look at it!” she says happily.
You roll your eyes but open the message anyway, frowning while you read aloud the name of the different clubs.
“Real Madrid…”
“Yurk” Leila mumbles.
“… Wölfburg…”
“There is no way that you go to play for them.”
“… Kansas City and Manchester City.”
If Leila only made a grimace when you mention somewhere in the USA, her face light up when she hears Manchester City. You don’t know how to feel yet. You don’t know if you will be ok to be faced to Leila and her girlfriend every day.
“Manchester City is a good option” she smirked.
“I don’t know. Real Madrid too, at least I’ll stay in Spain.”
“You think you will be able to play against the girls who were your teammates for so long?”
“No” you admitted, sighing.
That’s how you finished in the blue side of Manchester, the right one Lucy said to you when you say goodbye to them. Leila and her girlfriend helped you settle down in your new flat, with Laia Aleixandri too. Thanks God she was here.
The girls welcomed you with happiness and you get along great with Mary and Kerstin. But you usually pass your time with Leila and Laila, having a little trouble to speak English at first. And then you just get used to it. You had a lot of time to think about why you always have a knot in your stomach when you are with Leila and her girlfriend. It isn’t as hard when you are with Leila without her girlfriend.
You feels like Laia understood or realized something, but the sweet girl never said anything to you. And you’re sure that she never said anything to Leila too.
You jump when your phone rings, feeling like you hadn’t sleep at all. Groaning, you roll on your side to turn your alarm off. That’s when you realize that it’s four in the morning and that it wasn’t your alarm who was ringing but that Leila is trying to call you.
“Leila?” you groan with a hoarse voice.
“Are you home?”
“Yes. What’s happening, are you alright?”
“I’m in front of your door… Can you open to me?”
Several minutes later, Leila is laying on your bed next to you. She’s fully dressed and after looking at her to be sure that she wasn’t hurt physically, you drag her in your bedroom. You went right under the cover, your body shivering because of the cold.
“What’s happening?” you ask again.
You are on your side, looking at Leila who is watching the ceiling, on her back. She looks tired to be honest, and maybe a little stressed? Anyway, something is wrong. You don’t come to your friend’s house at 4 in the morning without a good reason.
“Ash and I broke up” she mumbles without looking at you.
“What? Why?”
She came this weekend to the game, and everything looks fine at this point. They were smiling at each other, laughing and Leila hugged her so tight that you wonder how that poor girl could still breath.
“I don’t know. We had a stupid argument and everything like it all fell down.”
“Just because of an argument?” you raise an eyebrow.
Leila sighs and nod, still looking at the ceiling of your room.
“You will go back together.”
Leila doesn’t answer at this, and you don’t say anything else. You are tired and trying to be a good friend for her right now is hard for you. You are kind of sick about your strange feelings about Leila and her girlfriend. With time you realize that it’s maybe something more than friendship that you feel for her. And that pissed you off, because there is no way that Leila can see you like this.
You were on edge for days before having a break down when Laia casually asked you want was happening to you. Your friend wasn’t able to understand what you were saying, but after some minutes she could finally put the pieces together. She held you against her, stroking your back and promised you to never talk about it to Leila.
Leila and Ash get together again some days after and you snort when Leila told you. You received a slap on the head for an answer. It doesn’t last long, however, since two weeks later Leila announced to you their definitive breakup.
You were kind of avoiding her during those two weeks to be honest, passing almost all your time with Laia, Mary or Kerstin. The latter stayed sometimes to sleep at your flat after one of the team’s bonding. You didn’t realize Leila’s annoyed gaze, but Laia did. She didn’t say anything to anyone (except her boyfriend) for now though. She’s here to hear you but she isn’t the kind of girl who will try to interfere in someone else’s life.
She kept looking at both of you and she doesn’t know how much she will need to look at you tonight though.
You are with some of the girls out for a night and some of their close friends too. Your friends being only in the team, you don’t know a lot of people here so it’s always great for you to meet someone new.
“Chica!” Kerstin says happily when she sits next to you in the booth.
You were talking with Leila, Alanna, Laia and her boyfriend when Kerstin comes to sit next to you. Leila takes on herself not to roll her eyes, being grumpy almost every time you interact with Kerstin. But she will be even more after hearing Kerstin’s next sentence.
“My girlfriend takes some friends with her. And I need to introduce you to someone.”
“Who?” you frown.
You follow with her eyes the direction she shows you. Kerstin is pointing a girl some meters from you, who you assume is a friend of Kerstin’s girlfriend. While you look at her, your friend start to talk again.
“This is Mila. She’s half English and half Spanish, she speaks both languages fluently.”
“She does?” you ask with a smile.
Your English went way better since you start to leave in Manchester, but you sometimes find it tiring to always have to talk in another language than your first. Kerstin smiles wider and nod.
“She’s a football’s fan, she loves to play video games. She’s super gay and kind of fancy you. I really think that I found you the love of your life.”
You laugh softly hearing your friend’s excitement. You have to say that she’s pretty and the smile she gives you when she spots you looking at her is very beautiful. But she’s not Leila.
You cross Laia’s eyes and she smiles at you.
“Try it, what do you have to lose?”
She’s right. You don’t see that next to her, Leila is fuming because you just take your eyes on Mila again.
“I don’t know how to flirt with someone” you mumble, blushing horribly.
“No one ask you to flirt. Just try to know the girl.” Kerstin points.
“Or you don’t have to go to her if you don’t want to” Leila snaps.
It made you look at her and you frown slightly. You don’t understand Leila’s mood, she was laughing some minutes ago, listening to Moise’s stories.
“Nah, she wants to go” Kerstin says and before you can answer anything, she takes you by the arm to follow her.
You don’t hear Leila’s obscenities and don’t see the strange looks of your friends around her. Kerstin makes the presentation between you and Mila, and you have to admit that she’s right. You and she get along pretty well honestly. You talk, laugh and dance with her a lot during the evening. When you both got tired, she proposed to take you home, but you hesitate at first. It’s only when she assures you that she just wants to spend more time with you and that she will leave you in front of your door that you accept.
It doesn’t stop her from putting her arm around your shoulders when you both leave the nightclub. And that’s the last image that Leila got from you that night.
“So, is she a good kisser?”
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize that Leila came next to you in the dressing room to change after training. You were still trying to avoid her to be honest, your heard her talking to Ash three days before on the phone and the knot on your stomach came back stronger than never.
“Mia, is she a good kisser?” Leila asks again.
“It’s Mila”
Her face is closed and there is not a little bit of teasing in her tone. You don’t understand where this comes from and that’s annoy you a little.
“Why are you asking that?” you frown.
But Leila shrugs for any answer. So you roll your eyes and finish to put your things in your bag.
“When are you seeing her again?” Leila asks several minutes after.
“We went to the cinema yesterday. We didn’t plan another date for now” you mumble.
Mila took you out already two times and you had fun the two times. It went well, she’s very attentive to your wants and needs. You definitively don’t have the famous sparkle when you think about her, but you are willing to try things with her if it makes you forget about Leila.
“Ow, that’s why you looked tired today. You didn’t sleep well last night? Shagging already?”
“Fuck off, Leila.”
Your snapping makes her jump. Even if you’ve argued a few times before, you’ve never spoken to her that way. You take your bag and storm out the changing room without adding another word. When Leila looks around the room, she realized that Kerstin and Laia were looking at you. And know at her. If Kerstin turn her gaze, Laia doesn’t.
“Que?” Leila growls to Laia.
But the blonde doesn’t flinch, still looking deeply at Leila. They are the only people talking Spanish in the room right now, so she doesn’t have any problem to tell Leila what she thinks.
“You’re an idiot. What are you expecting from her with this attitude?”
Leila doesn’t say anything, for once she doesn’t know what to answer. She knows she doesn’t have to talk to you like that and that you have all the right to be angry with her. But she can’t help it. But Laia is tired of your behavior.
“Leila you’re my friend and that’s because I will tell you that. She fancied you for years now, even while you were looking at your ex with dopey loving eyes. And now that she tries to move on, you’re acting like a dick. She doesn’t belong to you. Leave that poor girl alone or get your things together. She’s done nothing but being here for you no matter what. She deserves better that the way you treat her.”
Leila has red cheeks now, her body full of shame. She doesn’t look at Laia when she talks again.
“Is it too late?” Leila mumble.
“For what?”
“Trying something with her.”
Laia doesn’t answer directly, she looks at your friend several seconds instead.
“It’s not my place to answer that question” Laia finally answers. “But you better be serious about it Leila, or I’ll tell Alexia.”
Alexia has claimed the place of your mentor and protector when Leila left Barcelona and the national team. She’s still calling you two times a week and Leila knows that the blonde wouldn’t have a problem to beat her ass if she fucks up something with you.
You weren’t supposed to see Mila that night, but after Leila behavior with you, you decided that it would be a great way to change your ideas. Mila was happy to hear you and she proposed to go out to eat something, which you agreed with pleasure. The restaurant was fancy, but Mila was very relaxed, making you laugh when she imagines out loud the life of some of the people present in the restaurant too.
You drank a little too and you are a little tipsy when she takes you home. Your flat being in the heights of your building, you chose to take the lift. In fact, it’s the same flat where Ona lived during her time in Manchester, you just take her lease.
When you arrive at your door, you lean against the wall by your front door, looking at Mila. Despite Leila assumptions, you never kissed. But maybe tonight would be the night, it’s your third date after all. And you know that Mila isn’t against the idea, you just have to look at her to know it.
She approaches you until you are only a few inches apart.
“I really had a great night” she says, putting an arm right next to your face, against the wall.
“Me too” you simply answer.
You know what will happen before it does. When Mila leans to kiss you, the ring announcing to opening of the lift’s door sound in the floor.
You open your eyes and look over Mila’s shoulder to see who is calling you. You already recognized the voice, though.
Leila is looking at you with an uncertain face and you move mechanically to be further away from Mila. The latter holds a sigh of extreme accuracy and turns to Leila with a look full of reproaches. But Leila doesn’t see it, entirely focused on you.
“Are you ok?” you ask, looking at her.
“Can I talk to you?”
You bite your lips and report your attention on Mila. She shrugs and kisses your cheek softly and looks deep into your eyes before leaving.
“I call you later.”
You don’t know if it’s a promise for you or an advertisement for Leila, but you nod and smile at her.
“Drive safely.”
“I’ll sure do.”
You look at her going in the elevator and passes next to Leila, before turning your attention back on the Spaniard. You look at her for several seconds before talking.
“Come on in”
You let her in her flat before you and close the door. Leila already made her way in your living room, turning the lights on.
“Que passa?”
“I wanted to apologize for today. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
You shrug, not really knowing what to answer to that. If she knows she was an ass, it’s already that right? You are sad about the turn in your relationship though, you and her had always get along great and you feel like it isn’t the same anymore.
“I hate what we became” you mumble. “I feel like I don’t know you anymore.”
“I’m sorry.”
You shrug one more time. You don’t want to cry but you know that if you look at her, it will happen.
Just like Mila earlier, Leila approaches you and is only a few centimeters away from you. But it doesn’t seem strange or intimidating with her, it seems normal and comforting. Leila raises her hand to get your hair out of your face and probably get a better view of you.
“I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did, it was so wrong of me. Can I make it up to you? Please.”
“How?” you ask, frowning.
You swear that Leila looked at your lips for a second, before shrugging. You are still close like before, so you can perfectly read her eyes.
“Maybe we can go out, like only the both of us?”
You can’t answer because your phone rings on your pocket and you are pretty sure that it’s Mila. You take your phone almost without thinking to have the confirmation that it’s indeed Mila. She sent you a message and when you are watching, another one is coming.
Mila I had a really great night with you, you’re amazing ♥ I can’t wait to see you again 😉
Leila read the texts at the same time as you are, and you can feel her body tensed. You already noticed that she doesn’t like your pretender, you just don’t know why. Her jaw is so tight that you are scared that some of her teeth will just break.
“What’s up?” you frown.
“I can’t stand her” Leila answers sour toned.
“She’s very sweet and caring though. And funny.”
Leila snorts and starts to walk around in your living room while your put your phone back on your pocket. You’ll answer those texts later, when Leila will be gone.
“You’re wasting your time” Leila finally says.
“Why are you saying that?” you ask, frowning even more.
“Because you don’t belong with her!”
Leila is almost shouting now, forgetting her promise to Laia to keep it cool. She’s angry but not against you, but against herself for the time she lost. And for the reason that she maybe lost any chance with you. Well, she might be angry against Mila, too.
“So, who do I belong with Leila? I have no one else, that girl is sweet and caring, she’s funny, she’s beautiful and very interested in me. And I’m…”
“With me!” Leila cuts you with a strong voice, before adding in an almost defeat tone “You belong with me.”
You are shocked. So shocked that you can’t make a move or even think for now. What the hell is she talking about?
“Seeing you with her made me realize what I should have a very long time ago. I know it’s maybe hypocritical because I had other girls before, but I can’t stand the fact that someone else is kissing you or even touching you. That should be me, no one else.”
She’s looking at you, waiting for your answer. But you, you are looking at her, wanting to be sure that she isn’t joking or messing with you. You just have to take a look in her eyes to know it.
“It’s better not being your ego talking Leila, because I swear…” you whisper.
“It’s not”
She comes close to you again, like really close to you and put her hand on your arm. Like this, you can see all the details of her pretty face.
“I really want to kiss you” she whispers.
You don’t answer, but you lean slightly in her direction, and she get the message almost immediately. She closes the gap between you both, kissing you so softly at first that you wonder if your lips are really touching. But when she’s sure that you’re not going to back away, she gains confidence and passes her arms around you to kiss you harder.
You will have to talk a lot about all of this, but for now you only want to enjoy the moment. Having Leila for you like that is unreal and you want to engrave this memory in your mind for ever.
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kurogane2512 · 1 day
Hello! I have a story idea but idk if it's thirst or not. I honestly don't know the difference between thirst and a normal fic ;-;
But here:
G!P Reader x Signora
Reader is one of the adopted children of Arlecchino. Signora visits the children with gifts from time to time and while others are afraid of her, reader is the only one seeking and looking forward to her visits. Reader would always tell her she loves her and wants to marry her in the future and Signora would laugh and just say yes thinking it was just child talk. Time skip to when the reader grows up and she starts actively pursuing Signora (Signora doesn't age and all so :3). Signora would act annoyed but on the inside she gets all flustered whenever the Reader flirts with her or gives her gifts. Signora eventually gives in and gives love another chance. Ultimately leading to a more intimate relationship.
Sorry if it's a long read. I got this idea because of that one Arlecchino voice line🕺
Idk if this is thirst worthy or not. Feel free to walk past this if it's not💙
Hii, it's okay anon I don't mind the request~
Ngl this would be.... questionable, to say the least, if it was any other situation. But as you said since Signora doesn't age, or is at least already way older than most mortals, it's honestly so sweet to think about. It's like a dream come true, imagine the random pretty lady you had a crush on in childhood and grew up to love 🥹
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: La Signora x g!p reader
Type: Fluff and smut
Long fic like really long, I honestly loved the scenario so I wanted to write it properly. Also note I haven't done Arlecchino's SQ so apologies if some stuff is inaccurate.
You were 10 years old when you first laid eyes on her, the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. She walked inside the mansion with her heels clinking, a big cape dragging behind her, long shining blonde hair that reached her hips with 2 rose buns tied above, a small butterfly clip on one side of her hair, a strange embroidered mask that covered her right eye and cheek, red lips and her free eye that scanned the surroundings.
You were spellbound as soon as she walked in, and so were the other children as they excitedly sprinted towards her to greet her. It wasn't every day you had such visitors; this woman gave an aura of authority and elegance as if you can't just say anything to her but the children clearly didn't catch that and were more excited to meet this new visitor. However, the woman's reaction caught everyone off guard.
"Do you teach them nothing, Knave? They don't even know the Harbingers they'll be assisting when they grow up, much less know the appropriate manners when in their presence." the woman harshly spoke with her eye squinted as she glared at each of the children in front of her, making them flinch in cowardice.
"....I know what and how to teach them plenty well, Fair Lady. You need not concern yourself with the affairs of the House." your 'Father' replied in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Hmph, such little brats will join Tsaritsa's Army? I better see them grow up to be capable Fatui soldiers, otherwise I'll take matters in my own hands once they come to me."
The woman declared then walked further inside and sat upon the sofa, draping one leg over the other with her arms crossed over her chest. The children stared at her in silence and hesitated to say anything then she looked at them again and spoke.
"Well? Am I not even going to be shown some basic hospitality?"
Your 'Father' sighed then instructed some of the children to bring over tea and snacks as prepared earlier. All this time, you were hiding behind a corner and silently observing the commotion but dared not get closer. Your 'Father' noticed you standing and called out to you.
"Y/n, go and assemble the younger ones here. I'll introduce everyone to the esteemed guest."
You nodded and went away to do as ordered, you gathered all the younger children of the house and had them assemble in the living room alongside the previous children.
"Well then, let me introduce everyone. The guest in front of you is La Signora, the Fair Lady, the 8th of the Fatui Harbingers and my colleague. You may call her Lady Signora or ma'am. Now, give your greetings to her."
"Welcome to the House of the Hearth, Lady Signora. We are honoured to be in your presence." all the children spoke together in an almost mechanical tone, this was a common greeting you all had practiced to be said whenever a guest came- which had been quite rare hence you were not used to it but still spoke flawlessly.
"Hmph, that's better now. Go on, tell me your names." Signora spoke and turned to face you all in anticipation. The children spoke out their names one by one and Signora surprisingly listened intently as if she was remembering everyone's. It was eventually your turn and you hesitated for a moment then softly spoke.
"Y-Y/n.... nice to meet you, ma'am."
"Hmm, that timidness won't do for someone your age. Have more confidence befitting a Fatui."
"Y-Yes ma'am!" you said with a bow and everyone around you chuckled at your state. You hated experiencing this, the laughing and mockery from others younger than you. Soon everyone had told their names and you all were dismissed as Signora proceeded to drink her tea and your 'Father' had to keep her company out of obligation. You had barely turned around the corner of the room when you heard the two of them talk and decided to listen in.
"What is your intention for coming here unannounced, Fair Lady?"
"My, are you also going to uphold Crucabena's rule of prohibiting us Harbingers from visiting?"
"I simply wish to know if you have been sent here by the Doctor, and if the two of you have some hidden motives. You must be aware of 'Mother's' previous dealings with him."
"Hmph, I have no connections with him. He does what he pleases and I do not barge in. My area of responsibilities is different."
"I will trust your word then. But that still doesn't answer my first question; what are you here for?"
"You have a knack for putting your nose in other people's business, don't you, Knave?"
"I believe the business here is completely connected with me and I cannot be excluded. So yes, I will question you until you answer."
You could tell your 'Father' wasn't pleased with her visit, especially since it was unannounced. You too wanted to find out more about this mysterious lady who was one of the Harbingers.
"Fine, satisfy your inhibition then. I was merely curious as to your operations, your methods. Now that you have replaced Crucabena, it seems I'm not the only one sceptical of your competency..."
Signora paused and put her tea cup down as a smirk formed on her lips, "....I'm here on behalf of Her Majesty herself. This is one of the things in my area of responsibilities. You'll do well to remember this, Knave."
"Huh, so you are here to snoop around and report to Tsaritsa if the House is still useful, is that it?
"If you wish to put it that way."
Arlecchino scoffed and stood up then excused herself out. You quickly ran away to the common hall as Arlecchino approached where you were standing and tried blending in with everyone before she could become suspicious of you. Signora left without announcing her return just as her arrival and the children finally eased out and started talking amongst themselves.
"That lady was so rude! Are all Harbingers this way?"
"She looked so pretty... but she was so mean...."
"Hey, will we have to join her unit when we grow up? I don't want to...."
Everyone showed clear disdain for her and wished she'd never come back, you too had similar thoughts but you felt she wasn't as bad as everyone thought. You remembered how she scolded you to be better, you thought you would feel hurt but instead you felt slightly motivation. You were treated as an outcast in the House, you didn't get along with other children but being one of the oldest you had to take care of them alongside Arlecchino.
You thought Signora would never visit again, but here she was just a week later. This time, she had some packets kept in the lobby and waited for the children to gather around her. Everyone looked at the packets in excitement and anticipation, expecting some kind of gifts. Arlecchino walked in with the remaining children and glared at Signora who ignored her then she picked up one box and began announcing.
"Since all of you behaved decently last time, I decided to bring over some presents. However, those who dislike me shall receive none, so it's better that you change your attitudes sooner than later."
Hearing the word 'presents' was enough to make everyone jump in joy but they held some reservations in front of Signora and acted moderately. You knew they didn't like her, but they pretended well enough in order to receive the presents. She proudly smiled and distributed boxes to everyone, now it was your chance and you walked up to her to receive yours.
"Since you are the oldest, I expect you to do well with this." she said while giving you your present.
"Thank you, ma'am." you earnestly thanked her, truly grateful for the gift, but you didn't know if she could tell that among everyone else who were simply pretending.
Your second meeting with her was different and more positive; but it seems first impressions were hard to forget so every time she came now, she brought over gifts. You, meanwhile, came to like her company a lot. While other children maintained distance from her, you got the chance to get close and talk with her. She seemed to appreciate your bravery and intelligence for choosing to interact with her over running away like everyone else.
Soon after, you no longer accepted her presents. Instead, you looked forward to her visits just to be able to see her and spend time with her. She visited once or twice a month mostly, sometimes once in two months if she was extra busy. She seemed to travel around a lot since she often brought souvenirs from other nations, but you preferred listening to her talk about what she did and saw.
"Ma'am, will you marry me when I grow up?" you suddenly questioned her one day while you escorted her to her ship. The question caught her off guard to a great extent, so much as so that she coughed and hid her blushing face before replying in her usual prideful manner.
"Such insolence.... kids these days are really unruly. Hmph, you'll have to do far better than that if you expect me to marry you, brat~"
You excitedly nodded, "I will! I promise I'll make you fall in love with me!"
Signora chuckled and patted your head in return. That was the first time she touched you in any manner, you knew she didn't take you seriously and discarded it as a child's ramblings. But you were determined to keep up your promise. For this, you knew you had to work hard and what your destination was.
"Father, may I make a request?" you went to Arlecchino one day after dinnertime to discuss with her privately.
"Hm, very well. What do you want?"
"I....I wish to train from you, combat training and anything else that's required to be in the Fatui."
"So that means you have decided to join the army once you grow up, is that correct?"
"Yes, I'm certain. Please train me, I humbly request." you spoke with a bow.
Arlecchino stared at you in silence as if she wanted to question your reasoning, but she decided against that and instead agreed to your request.
"We begin tomorrow. 5 am in the arena."
"Thank you, Father!"
Training with her was nothing short of grueling and hardcore, she didn't hold back and taught you everything as required. You learned various weapon skills in addition to strategies and tactics. Years passed as this routine continued, you were now 16 and changed significantly. Many children in the House had already left to pursue their own dreams as allowed by Arlecchino, this would have been impossible in the presence of the previous Knave.
It was time for you to choose your own path as well, which you had already decided long ago. Arlecchino called you to her office one day to discuss the same. She was, of course, aware of what you wanted. But she wanted a final answer now, and perhaps even satiate her curiosity finally.
"Thank you for all the time and energy you gave to train me, Father. I'm forever indebted to you. I will be sure to not disappoint you." you said with a bow and Arlecchino nodded.
"So, I understand your goal hasn't changed. You still want to join the army in Snezhnaya?"
"Yes, Father. I never once thought of anything else."
"Very well then, answer my question and you are free to go."
"Yes, Father."
"What is your reason for joining? You saw everyone else left to pursue a better life, you have been well aware of what constitutes being in the Fatui. So tell me, why do you still pursue this?"
You pursed your lips, you weren't surprised by the question.
"Because I want to help accomplish Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa's dream with you all. I want to walk the path of ice and destruction with my fellow Harbingers and create a new world together."
Arlecchino stayed silent for a while then let out a sigh, "A better answer than what I was expecting, you have surpassed my expectations. Very well, I shall have your name drafted right away."
"Thank you, Father. May I make one last request of you?"
"Go on, consider it your farewell gift."
"....If it is in your hands, could you assign me under Lady Signora?"
Arlecchino's eyes widened and a small smirk formed on her face before she replied, "Hm, it is not in my hands but I can recommend to the person responsible and they are more than likely to accept. However, the Fair Lady's unit may be a waste to you. She is a diplomat and engages in diplomacy related missions mostly, your skills are more suited for The Captain's unit."
"I...I appreciate that thought, Father, but I'd be grateful if I could be put under Lady Signora, please."
Arlecchino was intrigued, but not surprised. Truthfully, she always had a hunch about your true feelings for a long time. It was not hard to notice your attraction towards her colleague once she observed how much you clung to her whenever she visited, her colleague also admitted you were the best kid in the bunch and you both got along better than others.
"Alright, you are dismissed. Pack your things, you will depart tomorrow."
Just like that you were in Snezhnaya within a few days, the land of freezing landscapes and mountains under a blanket of stars and colorful lights. You were closer than ever to the promise you made years ago; perhaps it was foolish to pursue such a goal, Signora was a Harbinger, after all. You would merely become her subordinate now and from what you knew about her, she was very strict and hard to please.
Well, you had already seen some of that prideful side of hers as a child. But you also knew she cared much more than she let on. All these years when she came to the House, she presented no ulterior motive and even her previous statement to Arlecchino about being sent on Her Majesty's behalf looked like a fluke. You had sometimes caught her being happy surrounded by children, she really came just out of her heart's desire for love.
By next week, you were assigned to your unit and as you had hoped, you were in Signora's unit. She called all the new recruits to the training arena for your first brief session. You never told her that you planned to join the army, much less her own unit. You doubted Arlecchino would have disclosed it either so you assumed she may become slightly surprised seeing you. A chill flew through the hall as the door opened and your superior walked in.
"Begin with attendance right away." she ordered one of her subordinates who took out a list and began calling out names.
"Y/n Snezhevna" your name was called out after a while.
You looked over at Signora to see if she reacted in any manner but her face didn't shift from the cold, uncaring expression at all. She silently stood in front of you all and observed each and every one as if judging their competency right on spot, you wouldn't be surprised if she really was able to tell people's skills by just one look. After attendance, she introduced herself and gave a briefing about the Fatui's goal, Tsaritsa's noble dream.
You couldn't help but feel motivated and inspired with the way she talked about Tsaritsa's dream; you could tell she respected her a lot and worked hard to achieve the dream and she naturally expected the same from her own subordinates. You felt eager to work for her, she was as you had expected- strict, cold, relentless in work and tough to please. She paid no special heed to you; well, good thing you had prepared yourself for this.
It took lot of effort to make her open up to you- several early mornings of greeting her before anyone else, giving her flowers to start her day brighter, late nights of staying back for her and escorting her home, ranking the best in training so she'd choose you to take on missions- it took several months of all of this before she finally acted slightly more than your boss.
"Y/n, I'm going to the House next week. Come with me."
She hadn't been able to visit in a while; in fact, this was the first time she'd visit ever since you joined her unit. You agreed with no hesitation and by next week found yourself back in your home, the place you grew up in and made you into the person you are today, the place where you saw the woman you love who was currently standing beside you. You helped her carry the presents she bought along and distributed them to the children.
"There are less children here than before, did so many leave this year?" Signora questioned you.
"Yes ma'am, I'm the only one who joined the army. Others..... betrayed."
You carefully chose your words, you still had to abide by Arlecchino's rules and you couldn't disclose the truth. Signora hummed then crossed her arms over her chest, "I saw potential in some, it's a shame they left."
She paused and you nodded along then she mumbled under her breath, "Good thing you didn't...."
You didn't hear what she said and she didn't let you ask further. You departed after spending some time and were currently on the ship back to Snezhnaya. Signora called you to her cabin during the journey once, an unexpected call but you assumed she was going to brief you for the next mission. However, it was something entirely different.
"Say, Y/n, did Knave make you join the army because of your skills?"
"Ah— No, ma'am. I joined by my choice. And I didn't always have these skills, I trained after I decided I wanted to join."
"Hm.... Any particular reason you had for joining? Aside from Her Majesty's goal, a more personal reason?"
You hesitated to speak but she was adamant, "Um.... forgive me in case I overstep my boundaries with this." You walked up to her and kneeled on one knee in front of her and gazed at her affectionately, she suddenly became embarrassed at your position and remembered the silly promise you made as a child.
"It's to keep my promise to you, ma'am. To make you fall in love with me and to eventually marry you."
Signora's eye widened, she was definitely shocked to hear that you still thought of that. She had expected you to forget it after growing up, she certainly didn't think you'd take it this seriously.
"You.... you insolent child!" she lashed out and stood up with a stomp of her feet, you instinctively stepped back and bowed to her.
"That's your reason for joining?! A foolish reason like that? This is why you tried to get in my good books.... all the flattery and adulation was for this? You really expect me to fall for you and even marry you?!"
"I will try my best! I will keep trying until you grow tired of me and want to send me away! I will accept any punishment in that case, but I won't back away now! I promise!"
"You.... what did you even see in me? Do you not realize you are harboring a petty childhood crush?!"
Signora gritted her teeth at your unbelievable words. You continued bowing your head and waited for her to speak but she remained silent, you then slightly looked up at her and were caught by an unexpected expression on her face. Was she blushing? Was she blushing out of embarrassment? Did she actually become flustered at your words? You found it hard to believe, but she was unbearably adorable and you felt you had some chance.
"It's not that! I swear it's not that.... I love you, ma'am! I love you very much! I will do whatever it takes to show you!"
"You.... g-get out of my sight!" she ordered and turned away from you, showing her back to you. You smirked to yourself and retracted for now, it was better to be a little more patient. From that day on, you changed your tactics. You thought Signora would keep you away to discourage you but she made no changes to your schedule and rank. You knew she actually loved the way you treated her, the attention and praise fuelled her ego, and also nourished her needy self.
You flirted with her more from now on, in more obvious ways and sometimes even in public. People wondered why Signora tolerated you when you made her so annoyed, but you knew the truth. Just like that, a few years passed since you knew it would take a long time to win her heart and you remained steadfast. You were 21 now and determined to take things seriously. A perfect opportunity presented itself, a diplomatic gathering which Signora was invited to.
She usually attended these gatherings alone as the mission would become easier, she'd use her beauty to 'seduce' the host and important guests to get information from them. It was a tactic she was all too used to, even if she personally disliked doing it. You accompanied her and were ordered to remain hidden, to observe and be ready for any attacks. But you took some liberties and decided a different approach without telling her.
"Ahem, may I have this dance with the esteemed Fair Lady?" a familiar voice called out to her as she mingled with the guests, she turned around and saw a masked face, but she could make out it was you right away from your eyes. She looked at you from head to toe in surprise, you were wearing a formal suit as per the occasion giving you a very noble appearance. Signora hesitated and attempted to question you but you took her hand and pulled her to the dance area.
She looked around and saw many people staring at her with unpleasant looks, that's when it dawned on her. She decided to go with the flow, this wasn't a bad strategy either. In fact, it was more pleasant considering the person touching her now, at least it wasn't unfamiliar men with ulterior motives. You took up your positions; one hand each joined together, your other hand on her waist while hers was on your shoulder.
As the violins played, your bodies moved together in rhythm as if you had practiced several times like a couple. Signora never taught you to dance in all the time you had been with her, she was quite surprised how well you adapted to her pace and followed. Of course, you had learned from your ‘Father’. She figured it was better to know in case you ever had to do espionage missions to high-end gatherings like this. Signora actually felt impressed by you, she would have scolded you for defying orders but this was working better than she assumed.
“Is milady satisfied with my performance?~” you slyly questioned, earning a smirk from Signora.
“It’s not bad, slightly unpolished but nothing that some practice cannot fix~”
“Well, I hope to learn from the best~”
Signora smiled, “You acted against orders. You should know there will be punishment later.”
“As long as the mission is completed without hindrances, I’ll accept any punishment. After all, I already received my reward for it~”
“Oh?~ What might that be?~”
Your lips curled up from one side, you suddenly grabbed her thigh and tightened your hold around her waist before picking her up and spinning around. She instinctively held you tighter and barely registered what you just did, she was back on her feet before she knew it and heard the crowd bustling in awe at your action.
“To dance with the woman I love, the most beautiful of all. I couldn’t ask for anything better~”
Signora averted her gaze with a light blush, “You are mad.”
You leaned near her ear to whisper, “Only for you~”
Signora’s heart skipped a beat. The way you spoke that so earnestly, your eyes unwavering and determined, showing the depths of your feelings for her. Just why did you like her so much? What did she do to make you fall in love this badly? You then did another bold move; you made some distance from her then pulled her towards yourself and embraced her from behind. Her arms crossed over each other as you grasped them and caged her in your arms, holding her close in a possessive hug. You were close enough to bury your face in her neck and inhale her intoxicating scent, but you held back and gave her space.
Signora was startled as you tugged her near, a gasp threatening to escape her lips. Her surprise caved and she relaxed almost instinctively against you; the closeness of your bodies, the intimacy of your love- she could feel your heart beating against her body, it told her you were nervous but trying your best for her. She felt overwhelmed at this moment. She hadn’t let love in for so long in her life, she had closed herself off and dedicated her life to one goal. The love you touched her with was infinite and selfless, she had forgotten how it felt to bask in this kind of love.
She knew the children always pretended to like her, they only cared for the gifts. They were children, after all. She didn’t want to taint their innocence with her selfishness, she acted the way she did to satiate her own loneliness and desire for love. She never intended to make real bonds with any of them, she was content with knowing that they disliked her and would probably never think of her as someone more than who just bought expensive gifts. She was surprised the day she saw you in her unit, why did you come here? Why did you not run away when you had the chance? Now she knew the answer to that, and she didn’t know how to feel.
“Ma’am, one of our targets, Duke Cartier has been staring at us for long. He seems eager to steal you.”
Signora snapped out of her thoughts as you whispered in her ear, remembering the reason she was here and doing this in the first place.
“How do you know he’s not looking at you?”
“You were talking with him when I came, I saw him get angry when I took you away. It’s the perfect chance to get what we need from him.”
“...Fine, we’ll switch then. What are you going to do?”
“Our other target, Ms Lily, gave me a certain look some minutes ago. I suppose I’ll get to work with her.”
Signora raised her brow at that, “Can you handle it on your own? I had another strategy in mind for her.”
“It’s fine, she’ll be easy. I already got the toughest woman to dance with me, everyone else is a piece of cake~”
You softly chuckled in her ear making her smirk as well. You then turned her over and pulled her flush against your body before dipping her down and gazing at her passionately. The dancers moved in a circle and soon started switching partners, “Be careful with the Duke, he seems really unruly.”
Signora chuckled, “Don’t forget who you are talking to~”
Signora spun out of your arms and into the arms of the Duke who was one of your targets in this gathering. You looked at the way he possessively wrapped his arms around her and felt infuriated inside, but you had to hold back and focus on your mission. The other target walked up to you herself with a glass of wine in hand, you politely thanked her and engaged in a pleasant conversation. Signora danced with the Duke for some time before stopping as she was tired and started getting information out of him by trapping him in her words, she kept glancing at you every now and then and couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
The lady you were talking to was awfully touchy, it was clear as day she was flirting with you to get you in bed. Signora didn’t know why she felt this way, it was a strange feeling she never felt before. She wanted to walk up to you and take you away with her. Was this what people described to be jealousy? Was she actually feeling jealous looking at you with someone else? She noted how the lady ran her hands all over your body, feeling you up. The way she had you cornered against a wall and was covering your entire vision. She knew you wouldn’t act out of line, but she was also unaware of just how far you’d go for the mission.
What surprised her most was when she saw you walk out of the hall with the lady. So many questions ran through her mind now. Was this also part of your strategy? Were you still working for the mission? Did the lady seduce you to this extent that you’d go with her? And if you were so easy to sway, why say such heartwarming words to her and confuse her emotions? She couldn’t believe she felt this way over you now, what did suddenly happen that she had this unspeakable urge to have you? She decided to put her mind away from these thoughts and focus on her own side of the mission, this is what she was here for.
A lot of time passed when she finally pushed away the Duke from her after taking the required information and completing negotiations. She was exhausted now, she leaned against the wall and let out a sigh then picked up a glass of water while looking towards the door you had exited from. Within a few minutes, you finally came back all alone. The lady wasn’t with you, your appearance looked same as before. Your eyes met Signora’s and both of you nodded, indicating the successful mission completion then made your way out separately. You met up with her at the designated spot, happily going to her to congratulate her.
“Was everything okay, ma’am? He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” you asked with concern and checked her all over, ensuring her wellbeing.
She scanned you from head to toe as well and didn’t find anything amiss, she scoffed then turned around to walk towards the carriage and answered none of your questions.
“Mission report in the carriage.”
“Yes ma’am!”
You followed her and settled in the carriage together before it started moving. You sat on the seat in front of her and sense a strange aura around her, she refused to look at you and seemed angry but you figured she was just tired from the long night. You then started telling her what you found out from the lady, expecting some kind of input from her on the intel collected but she simply nodded and said nothing else. You knew something was definitely wrong now.
“Ma’am, are you okay? If you are feeling unwell then please tell me, I’ll bring over some medicine and anything else you need.”
“I’m fine.”
You stayed silent for the rest of the way. You wondered if she was angry at you for defying orders, it took a lot of bravery for you to do something like that but you hoped for her to be pleased, but perhaps you took the wrong decision. The carriage reached her mansion after some time, you stepped out first and offered your hand to her as she got down. She stared at your stretched out hand and furrowed her brows then stepped out without holding your hand, you felt disheartened but tried to hide it and were about to bid her good night when she suddenly grabbed your hand and started pulling you with herself. You were confused and almost panicked, questioning her along the way but she shushed you with one gesture.
You had never been inside her mansion, this was the first time you stepped foot inside. But you were in no state to admire the house as she kept pulling you further inside, taking you upstairs and opening a door to a room. She pulled you inside the room and shut the door close then silently stood in front of you, her back turned to you while you leaned on the door and waited for her to say something. You had no idea what suddenly came over her. She wouldn’t act this way if she was angry at you for defying orders.
“....What did you do with her?” she mumbled under her breath, her words barely audible to you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that, ma’am. Could you please repeat?”
Signora clicked her tongue then turned around and sprinted up to you before harshly pinning you against the door, her hands planted on either side of your head while she stared at you with an expression you had never seen before on her face.
“What did you do with that woman? Did you have sex with her?!”
Your face flushed bright red, “No! Not at all, ma’am! I would never—!”
“Then where did you go for so long and what did you do?! Do you think I was blind to the way she was touching you and being all over you?! This is how you negotiate?!”
“N-No, ma’am! Please listen to me, I did nothing of that sort! We went to the restroom and I—”
“This is how your love is? You say all those silly promises to me, pursue me for so long, and then you get swayed by a woman you just met?!”
Your eyes widened at her words and the expression on her face, she was annoyed and in distress. You didn’t expect her to feel this way, you didn’t even realize she thought this. To see her being jealous was strangely adorable, and also foolish of her since she had nothing to worry about.
“Ma’am, please listen to me. We went to the restroom and I used the truth potion on her then tranquilized her. It took me time to hide her unconscious body, that’s all. I came back as soon as I was done.”
Signora finally calmed down a little hearing your truth, “Is that all? Nothing else happened?”
You smiled at her then gently held her hand, “I swear on my ‘Father’s’ life. What I told you is the absolute truth, no more no less. I could never do something so important with a random person like that.”
Signora took a deep breath then nodded. She pulled away her hands from the door and let you rest easy. You were feeling over the moon at this reaction from her, you tried to question her back but she suddenly held your jaw and before you knew it, her soft and moist lips were placed on your own. It was a serene feeling; your mind went blank for a moment and all you could feel was the sensation of her lips moving with yours. Her hand released your jaw and instead cupped your face, her body pressed into you as she continued kissing you. It was a slow and gentle kiss; her lips were warm and tasted like strawberry with a hint of wine. It was intoxicating, addicting. You slowly felt like melting into her.
She stopped and pulled away soon, leaving you with a sense of emptiness. You gazed at each other with uneven breaths, a needy and desperate expression on her face that you couldn’t look away from. It gave you a sense of wanting to please her, pleasure her, service her, make her happy in any way. She did not know but you had long known about her past, about the fact that she witnessed the cataclysm and lost everyone, especially her lover. You knew about her legacy as the Crimson Witch of Flames, you knew everything about her pain and sacrifice and why she was so dedicated to the Tsaritsa’s goal. But none of that was the reason why you loved her. You found out all of that much later.
“I...I love you, ma’am. I love you so much. Please, let me make you happy. I promise I will do anything in my ability to make you happy. I will always be there for you, I will always support you and love you.”
You earnestly confessed to her; this was your real confession. You couldn’t put it in better words. If she refused you now, you’d probably give up but still continue to support her. Signora softly smiled at you and caressed your face before kissing your cheek.
“Do you still want me to say my answer? Was my action earlier not enough?~”
You blushed, “W-Well, it just feels good to hear it as well...”
Signora softly chuckled then leaned closer, her lips ghosting yours and you had the urge to kiss her again.
“I love you too. I’m grateful to have you here with me, I will love you back just as much as you have loved me and even more.”
Your cheeks flushed red, finding the situation slightly unbelievable. But she didn’t let your mind wander as she pressed her lips to yours again, this time she didn’t hold back. It was a needy and passionate kiss, her tongue licked your lips and swirled with your own in a heated exchange. She pressed herself even closer to you, essentially squeezing you against the door while her lips relentlessly sought yours. You slowly placed your hands around her body and held her as you kissed, she lodged her knee against your crotch and you almost gasped in surprise.
You then felt her hands rub across your chest, sliding off your coat and kissing you harder. She released the kiss and instead planted kisses on your jaw and down your neck, unbuttoning your collar for more access. Her lips imprinted on your skin, red lipstick marks forming where they touched. You threw your head back with a soft moan, she continued marking you with her lips as if to claim you as her own. You then felt her teeth graze your skin before sinking down near your collarbone, a startled mewl leaving your lips and your hands clenching her dress.
“M-Ma’am, please let me touch you....~”
“Say my name, Rosalyne. And...” she leaned near your ear to whisper in a low and seductive tone, “....Do whatever you want to~”
If that didn’t fire you up enough to take down Celestia then nothing would. You pulled her closer her grabbed her thigh up, she instinctively wrapped her arms around your neck giving you the opportunity to grab her other thigh too and carry her in your arms. She chuckled against your lips while you walked towards the bed and laid her on the edge, she roughly kissed you as you slid off her cape then dropped to your knees between her legs. She smirked and parted her legs for you, you caressed the soft skin of her legs then planted kisses up her knee and thigh. Her body trembled and breaths rose, you looked like a devout follower worshipping a goddess, and she enjoyed every bit of this treatment.
You kissed her inner thighs and looked up at her as if asking for permission to go deeper. She grasped your head in response, fingers interlacing in your hair and a slight tug to pull you closer. You wasted no time and slipped off her underwear then dove in to her inviting cunt. She intently watched as you lapped her clit, biting her lower lip and tightening her grip in your hair. You pushed her legs further apart and lapped up her outer walls now, her body arched in ecstasy feeling your tongue pleasure her, soft moans echoing in the room that were music to your ears.
“Mhm.... faster.... m-more...~”
Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine you’d actually get to do this with her, but you were going to give her the best experience possible. You wanted her to feel the greatest pleasure and happiness. You raised her legs and placed them on your shoulders as you pushed deeper, your tongue inserting inside her cunt and prodding her sensitive spots.
“Aaaah~ Yes.... right there~ Nghhh~!”
Her nails scratched your scalp as she grasped your hair tighter, your mouth wrapped around her core and sucked the bundle of nerves while your tongue scissored inside her.
“Look at me.... mmh.... eyes on me~”
She tilted your head up making your eyes meet. Her hooded eye gazed at your own hypnotized ones, an exchange of desire and hunger happening between you. She wrapped her legs around your head and caged you, her plush thighs squeezed your face as she body arched further with your ministrations.
“C-Close.... yes... keep doing that~ Aaah~ Right there!”
You braced yourself, your thumb circled her clit a few times and that did it for her. She threw her head back and came in your mouth with a loud moan, you drank up every drop of her essence while gazing at her as she released. The sight of her was incomparable, no scenery in the world could ever satisfy you this way. You parted from her cunt and felt your own erection straining against your pants, your shaft hard and throbbing to release. Rosalyne came down from her high and grabbed your collar to pull you up and rubbed her hand across your crotch, you flinched and buried your face in her neck making her chuckle and bite your earlobe.
“Hmm, is my darling eager to cum?~”
“Ngh... y-yes, please....”
“But have you earned it?~” she caressed the back of your head with her other hand, twirling your strands in her fingers.
You hissed as she pressed her hand into your crotch, “Mm, y-yes.... please....”
Her angelic voice flew in your ear making you even harder, your cock twitched against her palm and she licked her lips before grasping your hair and tugging your head back. She bit your lip then proceeded to unbuckle your pants, dropping them down with your underwear. You kicked away your undergarments as your cock stood up at full mast in front of her eyes. She wrapped her hand around your length and began to pump, intently watching as pre-cum gathered on your tip.
“Hmm, quite an impressive length and....girth~”
She slid her finger across the prominent vein on your shaft, caressing it from the base to the head then gathering the pre-cum on her thumb and spreading it across. You moaned from her movements, it was clear she wanted to take her time and tease you, all just to make you more needy for her. You were barely holding on from the way her hand rubbed, she then retracted her hand just as you were about to burst. You looked at her with a pleading look and she smirked then climbed on the bed more, discarding the rest of her clothes and presenting her naked body to you.
“Come in, I can’t wait anymore~”
Oh, how could you hold back after hearing that? You lunged forward enthusiastically, coming on top of her and rubbing your tip across her slit. Her juices and your own pre-cum mixed together, both of you softly moaning from the sensations. She wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you as she laid down then connected your lips in a rough kiss, her ample breasts pressed against yours and you really felt like you were dreaming. You were surprised how eager she was for this right away, but you were going to give her anything she wanted.
“Aaah~ Come on, put it in.... ravage me~”
She moaned against your lips and you wasted no time to push your cock inside her. You aligned your shaft and slowly thrusted in then pushed all the way and sheathed inside, her warm and tight walls enveloped you as you moaned together at the penetration.
“S-So warm.... too warm....” you grunted.
“I-It’s my body.... mmh.... I’ll try to adjust....”
“It’s fine... aah~ It feels good....”
You had a hunch as to why her body was abnormally warm from the inside, but you really didn’t mind and it wasn’t unbearable.
“M-Move, Y/n... My love... move already~”
Did you hear that right? She really just called you that? Now you were even more motivated to pleasure her. You parted her legs more and adjusted them on your shoulders before beginning to thrust forward, she moaned and clenched the bedsheets as your bodies rocked together. Her breasts bounced in front of your eyes, you grabbed the mounds of flesh and squeezed them while continuing to thrust. Your dick rammed all the way inside, it didn’t feel as hot as before but her walls became tighter by the minute. She was clenching your cock as if to keep it inside forever and never let go.
“Aaah~ Aaah~ Y/n! So good! Aaaahn! More! Faster.... harder!~”
“You are so hot.... so pretty.... Rosa...!~”
The nickname was endearing to her. Her walls suddenly tightened around you causing you to groan and thrust more, practically pounding into her. Your thighs slapped against her hips, her moans and sounds of skin slapping ringing in your ears. The sight of her pleasured face, breasts bouncing and your cock lodged inside her- everything aroused you to no end, you could keep at this forever if she wanted.
“I love you... I love you so much, Rosalyne...” you moaned while gazing into her eyes, her heart skipped a beat once again tonight. How long had it been that somebody loved her this way? How long had she been yearning to hear these words?
She had forgotten the time now, but she wasn’t going to forget you and this moment that you gave her. Her hands held your shoulders and pulled you down into a loving embrace, her legs locking around your waist and caging you within so you won’t pull out. She moaned dirty words in your ear, the kind of words you’d never expect to hear from her in day-to-day life, her hands clenched your back and nails scratched down your skin as you drilled fast and hard into her.
“C-Cumming... I can’t hold on more.... let me pull out—ngh!~”
“No... inside... do it, aaahn~!”
You wanted to so badly, even though you were aware she likely couldn’t conceive. You just wanted your seed to be inside her, and it seems she wanted the same thing. You buried your face in her neck and kept pounding, she felt your dick twitch and finally a stream of hot liquid sprayed across her walls and filled her up. You groaned as you came deep inside her, she moaned as she also released and clenched your cock tightly, milking you of every last drop. Your cum kept pouring inside as if you had stored gallons worth, some of it dripping out from her. You panted out and rested on top of her body but your dick was still hard.
“T-That was amazing.... haah...~” you said while sweating and placed light kisses on her neck.
All of a sudden, your body was flipped over and the ceiling was in your vision before being overtaken by your lover’s face. Signora straddled you, still breathing heavily while gazing at you. Her hands cupped your face as she leaned down to passionately kiss you, your cock rubbed against her ass and she grinded back n forth on your lap. She released the kiss and stood up on her knees then held your cock up and aligned it to her slit, you eagerly watched as your cock split her open and the moment you connected with her.
The warm and tight feeling engulfed your cock once again, while your hard shaft scraped her insides in all the right ways. You both could become addicted to each other at this rate, but perhaps that was fine. She placed her hands on each side of your head and started bouncing up and down while her gaze was fixated on you, her face contracted to pure pleasure and ecstasy as her voice cried out with the way you penetrated her deepest spots. Her hips slapped against your thighs heavily, you were sure the sounds of your lovemaking could be audible in the whole mansion.
“P-Promise me... Y/n....” She suddenly spoke and clenched your jaw.
“You mean everything you said... promise me you won’t leave me....aahn~ Promise me you’ll always be here— hngh~ Promise me you’ll love me forever.... I won’t forgive you...mmh~ I won’t forgive you if you break any of them— Aaah!~”
A loud moan was pushed from her throat as you suddenly thrusted up into her and caught her off guard, she leaned forward on you and hugged your tight as both of you coordinated your movements.
“I promise....aaah....I promise....you don’t have to worry....I know everything about your life, your fear.... I won’t be like him.... I will always choose you....ngh!~”
Rosalyne’s eye widened hearing that, but somehow that’s exactly what she wanted to hear. You then sat up while holding her and rutted into her more, she held onto your shoulders and grinded back n forth too while gazing into your eyes. You pulled her in for a passionate kiss, your bodies convulsing as you rutted a few more times before cumming once again. She moaned and threw her body in a beautiful arch, your arms holding her as you bucked your hips and pulled her into you to fill her up.
She held your head close to her chest as your cum filled her up, both of you breathing heavily from the intense orgasms. She smiled in satisfaction and kissed your forehead then embraced you affectionately, she was glad she gave love another chance. She was going to do things right this time and love you to her heart’s content, just like you did all these years.
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minswriting · 17 hours
Hello! Hope you're doing good. Saw you had requests open for hotch so this is something i haven't been able to stop thinking about. You're dating hotch and you find his voice attractive, but he doesn't understand why you get flustered hearing him on work calls and then he suddenly realises and teases you about it
i decided to write something a bit different so enjoy!!
nsfw | mdni | please only be 18 or older when interacting with my content | a.h x reader | oral (m), hotch talks you through it 🥰
when you had walked into the room to show your boss the information you had found out, you hadn’t expected to hear his speaking to the police chief in such an authoritative tone. “you cannot speak to the press about the investigation and give them information regarding the case that hasn’t been confirmed yet. that’s putting potential victims in harms way and we risk having the unsub escalate or disappear completely,” hotchner said harshly, furrowing his eyebrows at the chief of police.
“well it’s my precinct and my jurisdiction,” the police officer spoke. “it’s my right to let the public know about this man and what he’s doing to women.”
“while falsifying information?” aaron asked, tilting his head. “i’ve been avoiding having to do this for the ounce of respect i hold for you. however, from here on out all press conferences go through my communication liaison, end of story,” and with that, aaron walked away from the officer, walking up to you. “sorry about that,” he said much calmer.
“huh?” you blinked, looking at aaron. “oh-uh- it’s perfectly fine,” you said. truthfully, it was more than fine. his voice had that authoritative tone that never failed to insight a reaction out of you. you always had a dazed feeling whenever you heard him take on that tone of voice. maybe it was the daddy issues. maybe aaron was just very hot. either way, it turned you on. regardless, your feelings had to be put aside until later. so you spoke to hotch about the case.
when night had fallen and the team had gone to the hotel to check in and have a night’s rest, you were chosen to room with aaron. though you didn’t mind at all.
as you stepped into the hotel room after aaron opened the door, you sighed, putting your things down. aaron followed, closing the door behind him before he placed his things down as well. he then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to him as he rested his head on your shoulder from behind. “you seemed distracted today,” he murmured into your ear.
you grabbed his arms, holding them around you. “i was,” you said, biting your lip.
“why was that?”
you turned around in aaron’s arms to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “your voice does things for me,” you murmured softly.
“yeah?” he smirked. “you like it when i am authoritative?” he asked, licking his lips.
you blushed but smirked back, nodding your head. “indeed i do,” you said back.
“mm,” aaron leaned down to kiss you on the lips, pressing himself against you. “why don’t you show me just how much you like it?” he whispered against your lips.
“i will,” you whispered back. and with that, you got on your knees in front of aaron, looking up at him. his dark eyes looked down at you as you began to unbuckle his belt. you unzipped his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers just enough to reveal his hardened cock. you licked your lips as you looked at his length. it was red and angry, an indication that he needed that release. he was big and girthy, veiny too.
you looked up at aaron, his brown eyes looking down at you. he reached his hand to caress your cheek, tracing your lips with his thumb. “go ahead,” he commanded softly.
and without any hesitation, you began to lick the tip of aaron’s cock, causing him to let out a hiss of pleasure. his hand moved from your cheek to your hair, entangling his fingers in your locks. you licked the slit of his cock, teasing aaron before taking him into your mouth slowly.
“fuck,” he whispered, closing his eyes and throwing his head back gently. aaron relished in the feeling of your warm and wet mouth around his cock, taking him slowly inch by inch. you made it about halfway before easing back up his length. you did that a few more times, slowly gaining a rhythm. “you always do so well, taking me in your mouth,” aaron spoke gently.
you hummed around aaron’s cock, sending vibrations down his length. he was unable to help the small jerk of his hips, sending his cock further into your mouth, causing you to gag slightly. aaron let out a moan of pleasure as you continued your ministrations on his length.
“you love when i get authoritative,” he continued to speak, his voice wavering slightly. though he tried to keep his composer. “i go stern towards one guy and you’re immediately ready to take my cock in your mouth. perhaps i need to be stern towards you?” he asked, pulling at your hair gently.
you hummed around his cock once more, causing aaron to moan. you began moving your head a bit faster, using your right hand to jerk off the rest of his length that you couldn’t fit into your mouth. “my naughty girl,” he groaned. “such a slut for me,” aaron looked down at you, watching his cock go in and out of your mouth. “my good little whore,” he smirked as he looked at your face.
your eyes were glossy from his length hitting the back of your throat, your lips were already getting swollen due to the girth of his cock, and your hair was already a mess from aaron’s fingers. god you were absolutely perfect.
you hollowed your cheeks as you sucked aaron off, adding to his pleasure. you continued your movements, sucking him off and jerking off the base of his cock.
it didn’t take long for aaron to feel his orgasm coming. he let out a shaky moan, his cock stiffening in your mouth. “keep going, princess. you’re doing so well,” he moaned. “gonna cum. will you swallow it for me?” he asked.
you hummed in agreement around his length.
“good girl,” aaron said as he threw his head back in pleasure. he had both hands entangled in your hair as you sucked his cock. and after a few more movements, aaron was cumming into your mouth with a loud groan. his seed was filling up your mouth, landing on your tongue. and it was continuous. “fuuuck,” he moaned out. you sucked hm off through his orgasm, wanting aaron to be completely milked before you stop.
and when he finished, aaron pulled out of your mouth, leaving a trail of cum and saliva on your lips. “you did so good for me, baby,” aaron said breathlessly as he swiped his thumb across your bottom lip. you looked absolutely perfect. “now it’s time i ravish you, yeah?”
you smiled, nodding your head. “yes, sir,” you replied.
and ravish you he did.
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tlbodine · 3 days
Let's talk about character motivation for a minute.
This is something that's super duper important and also gets misunderstood a lot.
Characters in your stories should have motivation for their actions. They should want something, and have a reason for doing stuff that exists beyond, "If they didn't do this, the story couldn't progress."
This does NOT mean that the character's ambition needs to drive the story -- not every story is an epic quest! Sometimes the thing the character wants is go have a nice pleasant nap and people keep bothering them and that is frankly a very relatable conflict. But they gotta want something.
Likewise, your character's motivation does not need to make logical sense as in, "This is a smart thing to do." It just needs to make believable emotional sense for the character you've introduced. Humans do things that are illogical all the time. We self-sabotage, make short-sighted decisions, ignore consequences, etc., usually because it fulfills an emotional need in the moment. Characters are like that, too. But the reader needs to be able to believe those emotions, which means you need to convey them clearly and compellingly.
So, remember, here's the formula:
1 - What does your character want?
2 - What's on the line if they do/don't get it?
3 - What's stopping them from getting what they want?
You gotta keep these questions front-and-center in your mind as you develop your character for your story, to make sure that they match the plot you're trying to work out.
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youandiwerealive · 3 days
Wish you could see you through my eyes [rd]
Author’s note: Roommate!Rúben is finally here! I want to thank the anon who dropped this scenario in my inbox because this… changed my life forever 😭 I loved writing this one and I hope my girls enjoy it! Mwah
Warnings: hold tight because this one is intense!! MINORS DNI!! Masturbation, wet dreams, some dirty talk, protected sex (finally), oral sex, multiple orgasms. Let me know if I’m missing something!
wc: 7058 - English is not my first language! Feedback is always appreciated
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It’s been three weeks since you’ve moved into the new apartment you will be staying in while you’re at university. The house is small but perfect enough for you and your housemate. His name is Rúben, he told you he is Portuguese when he introduced himself at the welcome party in the beginning of the semester.
You had a house that you shared with two other girls, but since they started some drama with you, you were desperately looking for another place to stay.
“I have a spare room in my house, my old housemate already finished his degree and he moved out” - Rúben said after hearing your story while you’re telling it to some friends that you two had in common - them bringing Rúben along to your group of people. You didn’t have another option, really, so you accepted his offer.
He’s alright, he seems calm and hasn’t been pestering you too much since you moved in, so you’re thankful for that.
You noticed right away that night that he is very interesting in the looks department - silently thanking god to be able to look at him every single day, but you’re not really interested in starting something fiery with your housemate, not wanting that kind of drama inside the house that you will be living in for the next two years.
On the other side, Rúben finds you very interesting as well, his mind is already creating a thousand scenarios where you two could be together, doing some of the most devilish things that can come to his mind.
He doesn’t want to push it right away though, thinking about knowing you better first - completely enticed by you. That shouldn’t be difficult, since you’re both living under the same roof.
Rúben plays football for the university’s team. You can tell that he is very focused on his goals by the way you always see him in the kitchen cooking all his meals, preparing his entire weeks worth of food, instead of acting like the usual 19 year old that would just order some pizza if they didn’t feel like cooking.
You often try to avoid being in the same place as him for too long - feeling a little anxious by the way he looks so dominant and intimidating to you. He is tall, much taller than you obviously, and he uses his free time to work out, having a toned body that would make a lot of guys jealous.
Sometimes, you decide to study in the living room when you’re home alone. When Rúben arrives, you feel the need to immediately pick up your books and go back to your room. He’s nice to you, he’s soft spoken and has a light smile on his face, but you would rather not get too close to him.
You feel small and intimidated by the way he looks at you, feeling like he could set you on fire, your cheeks burning every time you feel his eyes on you.
But you know he’s a caring guy, you can’t forget the way he helped you when you were desperately searching for a place to live, that alone has made you feel eternally grateful to him.
But it’s not just that. It’s the way he’s softly knocking on your room door now, pulling you out of your thoughts and studies. The door slowly opens, and your face turns into a smile once you see his face poking in.
“Sorry to disturb your peace” - he says with a shy smile. “I just thought I could invite you to come have dinner with me in the living room? We could watch a nice movie to get a break from all the studying.”
You look at him, like you’re trying to understand why would he invite you to that.
“I noticed you’ve been here for hours now, too focused studying, and you haven’t eaten yet. Plus I’ve been cooking so maybe I thought you could have a bite? Only if you want to, of course” - he looks at you like he’s begging you to accept his offer.
You smile at him. “What movie are we watching?” - you ask and Rúben lets out a breath that he didn’t knew he was holding.
And that’s how it started. You and Rúben had a routine now: you would have dinner together every night and watch a movie after. That was the only way Rúben found to spend more time with you. He loved hearing you laugh when you were watching comedies, the way you would always ask him a million questions when you were confused about the movie, and how you looked so adorable when you were scared of horror movies. The last one really making him want to hug you tight and cuddle you so he could make you feel safe and protected in his arms.
You’ve started to open up around him more as well, letting your bubbly personality show. You too got used to having his presence around, feeling sad when his football practice would run late and he couldn’t make it in time for dinner and movie night.
At the same time, Rúben didn’t look at you in a normal housemate-type-of-way. Neither did you. The sexual tension was noticeable near the both of you, but you just played pretend, believing that it was all in your head.
Until there’s one night, when you’re in your room studying - after having movie night with your housemate. Everything seemed quiet, little noise could be heard, mainly coming from the street, since your window was open. You kept writing down your notes, until you heard an unusual sound. You froze in place, trying to understand what kind of noise it was and where it came from. Sounds like… a moan? And it sounds like it comes from Rúben’s bedroom - being right next to yours.
You can’t help but blush while you imagine him in such an amended state that he didn’t even notice how loud the moan he'd let escape was.
You start thinking about how thin the walls in your apartment actually are, and remind yourself to be careful while making any type of noise, while you put your headphones on, so you can stop listening to Rúben while he is clearly having “a moment”.
You try not to overthink the sound that you heard coming from him. He’s a boy, after all, you shouldn’t be surprised to know that he was jerking himself off. But that changed the way you saw Rúben.
The next morning, you were having breakfast when you saw your housemate going to the bathroom, ready to take a shower as he took a towel with him.
The water starts running and you notice that he didn’t turn the water heater on. Why was he taking a cold shower?
You wait until he gets out of the bathroom, your eyes immediately glue to the water drops, slowly diving through his toned abs when he comes into vision. The towel was wrapped around his hips, and you can’t help but wonder what would happen if it accidentally fell to the floor.
“You’re staring, you know?” - he laughs cockily, taking you out of your trance.
Your cheeks immediately turn bright red, feeling so embarrassed by that moment.
“Why were you taking a cold shower?” - you ask back with an eyebrow raised at him, erasing the smug smile from his face.
“Oh-” - he stuttered a bit. “You know, it’s good for the muscles and all. Need to be careful, we have an important game coming up” - he told you, unsure of himself and definitely not convincing you.
After that, you take notice of Rúben’s behavior in your shared house, and around you.
You start noticing the times his hand would immediately go to his bulge, when you two were having a movie night. The way he would immediately close his legs when you would get closer to him on the sofa.
When the movie ends, he always goes to his room, and it gets very silent. It’s always unusual when his room is so silent: he is always listening to music, watching some videos, playing games, you name it. It’s only truly silent when he’s asleep, but yet… his light is still on.
It’s always the same routine: dinner, movie, Rúben goes to his room, absolute silence, and after a while, he gets out of his room, goes to the bathroom for a bit and comes back to his room to actually turn the light off and fall asleep, after sending you a good night text - not wanting to knock on your door in case you were already sleeping.
Rúben is unaware that you've noticed his routine. When he goes back to his room, it’s only him and his brain. The way you’re always plastered on the front of his head, the only thing he can think about all day, it was driving him insane. He lays in bed and thinks about how good your touch feels on his arms when you touch him. It’s an innocent and harmless touch, but he can’t stop thinking about how good it would feel on his entire body. He feels goosebumps on his skin when your delicate fingers touch him in such a light way. He loves being close to you, he loves how soft your hair feels on his arm when you lay your head on the sofa, next to his shoulder. He wants to touch you, to feel you.
All these thoughts wrap his head in a knot, and the only thing he can do is feel himself through his shorts.
His hand travels from his abs to his bulge, already growing at the thought of you. He massages his dick through his boxers, lowly whining at the feeling. After teasing himself for a bit, he pushes his underwear down, letting his hard dick spring free from his tight clothes.
He feels how hard he is, how much you fucked up his mind - and how unaware you are of it.
You turn him on. Everything you do. The way you look at him with your eyebrow raised, the way you roll your eyes at his cockiness, the way you laugh at his jokes. The way you make him lose his mind when you appear in the middle of the living room in the morning, looking so beautiful even after waking up, with your pyjamas. He loves the way your pyjama shorts hug your waist, embody your ass and allow your legs to be in full display for him. He loves it. He loves looking at you, he’s always daydreaming about you. He fantasizes about you all the time, he imagines how it would be if you were in his bed with him, right now. How would you react if you saw him touching himself, his cock painfully hard because of you.
His hand is wrapped tightly around his dick, thrusting up and down in a slow motion, not wanting to rush the film that’s going through his head right now. Picturing you doing all kinds of dirty and devilish things with him, thinking about your lips wrapped around his dick while his mouth would devour your pussy, giving you the best hard yet passionate sex you could ever have. His other hand travels behind his neck, helping him get more comfortable as his head is now thrown back, his eyes still shut - dreaming about you. His breath turns erratic as he starts pumping himself harder and faster now, like he is pumping life into his veins and he can’t stop. He growls as he pictures you on top of him, straddling him and jumping on his dick - oh, how he wishes that dream would become reality.
He tries his best not to moan loud at the feeling he’s giving himself and the obscene thoughts he’s having. His mind rushes, silently praying that you would walk through the door and help him chase his orgasm. But just knowing that you’re on the door next to his room, is enough to make his stomach swirl, feeling dirty by doing it while he’s thinking about you, without you even dreaming of it.
He sustains a moan as his hand speeds up, anxious to cum. He finally breathes out when he feels the bubble in his stomach burst. He cums in his stomach, disappointed that he didn’t get to cum anywhere on your body, like he wishes so badly. He grabs a towel and cleans himself before going to the bathroom and quickly shower to get rid of the dirtiness he made - he wishes he could get rid of the thoughts surrounding his head, but that won’t go away with any shower.
He goes to bed, as he feels lighter after hitting his high and falls asleep in a few minutes.
But his mind is always playing tricks on him, even when he is sleeping.
There’s an image splattered on his mind, dreaming about going out with you - on a proper date. You look so beautiful in his dream, wearing a red dress that is making him feel things already. Rúben starts moving on the bed, his waist searching for you, for the way you’re sitting on his lap in his dream. He starts breathing heavily as he pictures you two making out in such a dirty way. He needs that feeling, he desperately can’t wait to put his mouth on you, needy to taste you, to feel you, to devour you.
His dream proceeds, and now you take a seat on his face, gripping on his hair as he eats you out like he’s starving for you. His mind recreates the sound of your moans - how he thinks you would sound like. He feels hot while he’s still in a deep sleep, not wanting to wake up and ruin the scenario. His hands are all over you, holding you still as his tongue plays with your wet pussy. You reach out and start stroking his hard dick before putting him on your mouth. You lay your body on his, completely 69ing each other. He takes the opportunity and slaps your ass - now in full view in front of his eyes.
The feeling he’s having is too much to bear, his dream looking so real right now that it could drive him insane. He wakes up with his alarm ringing - it’s 8 am already. He’s sweaty and hot from the nasty dream he just had. He tries to compose himself, breathing in and out, when his hand goes to his bulge and he gets a sticky sensation. He came in his boxers, during the night - the movie playing in his head being too much for him to hold it in. He sighs, ashamed that he actually had a wet dream like he was still a teenager.
He goes to the shower, his mind still thinking of all the dirty things you two could do together. You’re in the kitchen having breakfast, he saw you before entering the bathroom, so he can’t feed those thoughts any more right now. He needs to get them out of his mind, and his growing dick needs to calm down. So, he decides to take a cold shower, hoping that would ease his heartbeat too.
His days have been like this, it has become a routine already. He’s been having wet dreams with you nearly every night, even after he masturbates before going to sleep. It’s actually driving him insane, but he doesn’t feel brave enough to tell you, to hit on you - he would do it to any other girl, but not to you. You’re different and he feels that in his chest. He doesn’t want to just get you in his bed. He wants you, entirely. He’s falling for you.
“Are you planning on going to Jack’s party tonight?” - you ask Rúben while you two are having lunch together, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Huh? Oh. Yeah, I think me and boys will show up” - he informs you. “What about you?”
“Me and the girls are going too” - you say with a smirk. - “I’m going to start getting ready after we eat.”
Rúben’s face shows a confused expression now. “Y/N? It’s 1pm. You know the party only starts at 10pm, right?” - he confirms.
“Duh, of course I know that. But I want to look good, and perfection takes time” - you laugh.
“You always look great, you don’t need much” - he confesses, being completely honest with you.
“Yeah but I want to look my best, who knows, I might find a hot guy at the party” - Rúben’s face falls when he hears your words. Yeah, find a cute guy to make out with - one that is not him.
He doesn’t respond and you look at him, trying to read him.
“Hey? What’s up with you? You went mute out of nowhere?” - you question.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just thinking of all the studying I still have to do before the party” - he lies.
You smile at him. “Don’t worry, I bet you’ll find a cute girl too. Maybe someone who studies business too, so you two can have private study sessions and all” - you giggle and Rúben just fakes a smile.
He doesn’t want a girl who studies business, like him. He wants a girl who studies law, who's perfectly balanced, has the beauty and the brains he’s looking for. He didn’t have to search much to find her, since she lives in his house. He just wants you. He's never seen you act like this - you were never the kind of girl to go out every single night, matching Rúben in that matter. You two would only go out once in a while, but he never saw you talking about finding a guy to make out with. You are an extrovert and he loves your bubbly personality, you are always honest with yourself and the others and you always say what’s going on in your mind and in your heart.
His heart drops and his chest hurts, thinking about how oblivious you are of his feelings towards you. It’s not your fault, obviously, he doesn’t have the nerve to confess his love for you and that’s all on him. He feels down for the rest of the afternoon, trying his best to focus on studying, but he just feels so disappointed at himself, for not having the courage to ask you out. He can’t bear the thought of you making out with some other dude, so he just prays that you two would go different ways at the party, and not see each other again until you get home.
While you were choosing the perfect outfit to go out, you called your best friend. She keeps insisting that Rúben is a hot dude and that you should enjoy the time you spend alone with him at home more.
“Is Rúben your pair for tonight’s party? Are you two gonna dance with your bodies glued to each other?” - your friend asks on the other side of the line, you know she really means it.
“Of course not. He will be with his friends and I will be with you girls. Plus, I already told you that I don’t think that messing with him is a good idea. We live together and I don’t want to lose my room again” - you try to reason with her.
“What if you mess with him and things turn out alright? You’d still lose your room, only to move in to his own” - your best friend really tries to convince you that having sex with your housemate is actually a good idea.
“Girl, that’s not even a thing. Nuh uh, that won’t happen” - you firmly decline.
“Just admit that you fancy him, please! This is getting tiring already” - she notes.
After some moments of silence, you decide to give in. “Of course I think he’s crazy hot, I have two eyes on my face that see him walking around the house wearing only some shorts” - you remember. “But I think he fancies someone else. I’ve heard him moaning once, he was probably touching himself… and I’ve noticed that his routine has been a little strange lately” - you continue speaking on the phone.
“Oh my god! Hearing your housemate touching himself is actually insane! God he’s so fucking hot Y/N, I would die to hear him moaning” - your friend loses herself in her dialogue, too focused on picturing Rúben in the scenario that you just described to her.
“Babe, just stop, please. I literally just told you that I think he likes someone else” - you answer, your mood drowning a bit by imagining him with another girl.
“How do you know that, bitch? He’s probably jerking himself off to the thought of you, duh! You’re beautiful as fuck and you’re working your ass off to become a successful lawyer, you have the beauty and brains bestie, I would be surprised if that man didn’t fall for you” - she calls you out, and her words echo in your head.
Could there be a small chance of Rúben fancying you? Your heartbeat accelerates by just thinking of it, you don’t have the courage to face the guy who you share your house with, and confess how hot you think he is, and how much it tortures you to see him walking through the house with just a towel wrapped around his waist. There’s no way you can actually do that, so you would rather just find a random guy that seems decent enough for you to flirt with him and get some action, even if it’s just some kisses.
You asked Rúben if he could wait for you to keep you company on the way to the party, not really feeling like walking in the middle of the night all by yourself. He can’t say no to you, so he was in the living room waiting for you, and his jaw dropped when he saw you. You looked so gorgeous, wearing a red dress like the one he saw you with in his dreams - could this be a sign or something? Rúben doesn’t believe in any of that, so he just shrugs his thoughts away, and looks at how beautiful you look.
“You look stunning” - he says with a shy smile.
You smile back at him. “You look hot as well. I bet hundreds of girls will beg you to get in their pants” - you laugh, trying to hide your feelings and Rúben doesn’t say anything. Instead, he just talks about how you two should get going.
Once you two arrive at the party, you and Rúben split, you decide to go meet your girls while Rúben joins his football team members.
Through the night, both you and Rúben act similar, even if you’re not by each other’s side. The two of you decide to have some drinks to cool down from the anxiety forming in your stomachs.
You feel anxious so you try to have some fun and really find a cute guy who could make out with you for a while. You don’t go out every weekend, but now you feel needy and desperate to take some risks.
Rúben feels anxious because he knows what you’re looking for tonight. And it pains him that he’s not the guy you’re looking for. You could have him, all of him. He would do anything for you, he would never turn you down, and yet, he’s not the one you’re looking for.
You both take a couple rounds of shots with your friends, mixing beer with other drinks that you don’t ever know what they actually are.
When Rúben decides to go back to the bar to grab another drink, he freezes at the sight in front of him. He catches you kissing a random guy he’s never seen in his life, his hands driving through your hips, getting dangerously close to your ass, while his tongue is entirely inside your mouth.
He feels his blood boiling right now, closing his firsts in a ball, clenching his jaw, unable to control his anger at what he’s watching. He turns away and exits the party, leaving you behind with your newfound “friend” and your activities.
Rúben gets home quickly, his feet moving fast by the way his anger is fuelling his entire body now. He knew damn well that you were trying to find a fling at that fucking party, the only thing he silently begged was for you to spare him, so he didn’t have to see you with another guy that wasn’t himself.
He enters his room, slamming the door behind him, trying to find a way to alleviate the strong feeling in his chest.
He is sad, disappointed and he hates what he saw. Rúben is a possessive guy, and jealousy is all he can feel right now, wanting to punch that prick's face. It should be him that you were kissing, not a random dude.
His breathing itches when his mind starts making up scenarios of potential things that could happen once you get home. Would you go to his room, searching for him? Maybe you would tell him how much you regret kissing that boy. Maybe you two would finally confess your feelings to each other? Rúben feels so jealous now that he just wants to show you how he could be everything you need and more. He wants you to regret kissing another boy when you could have kissed him instead all this time.
He goes back to his routine, maybe having a release would help him remove all the tension on his body right now. He lays on his bed, taking deep breaths as his bulge is already aching in his pants. He quickly removes his clothes, not in the mood to take it nice and slow. He’s angry, jealous, fuming at the thought of you with someone else.
He anxiously touches himself, already feeling the protruding veins in his cock and stroking himself fast, imagining how sex would feel like if he was punishing you after what you did. How you would moan and sigh when he would fill you up, roaming inside of you, feeling your wet and warm pussy around his cock, your juices mixing up with his already.
His hand works fast and hard on his dick, he doesn’t control himself as he starts moaning loudly at the feeling - he was sure that he was home alone, you would probably still be at that stupid party, or even in that guy’s bed already.
His mind went blank at how excruciatingly hard his dick is in his hand, precum already dripping down his shaft.
You walk inside the house, stumbling a bit on your own feet, feeling a little tipsy because of the few drinks you had at the party. Your chest feels heavy, you truly feel guilty after kissing a random guy while Rúben was the only one in your mind the entire time. You should have gained the courage to talk to him, to shoot your shot. When you realized that he had already left the party, you immediately went home to find Rúben - praying that he actually decided to go home.
But he doesn’t hear the door open, too lost in his thoughts and sounds, absolutely enticed by his moment. You walk inside the house and hear him moaning - your heart sinking at the thought of him actually having another girl over.
You carefully walk through the corridor, getting closer to his bedroom door. His sounds get louder and more consistent, and you stop next to his door, trying to understand if he’s alone or with someone else.
The way you only hear Rúben moaning and breathing heavily, makes you realise that he’s alone - probably touching himself like crazy. The thought of being so close to him while he’s jerking off is enough to make your legs weak, already feeling your pussy throbbing at how erotic he sounds. The alcohol in your blood was already making you feel brave enough to talk to him about how you feel, but hearing him groaning at the way he’s touching himself… that is definitely making you desire him like crazy. You need him, you want him, and you’re going to shoot your shot.
You decide to open the door to his bedroom, your hand shaking as you turn the handle open. Your eyes land on Rúben, sprawled on his bed, with his hand tightly wrapped around his hard cock. He stops stroking his dick momentarily when he sees you, his mouth slightly agape, shocked and slightly embarrassed that you’re in his room, seeing him like this. But he’s also feeling brave tonight, and he starts stroking his dick again while he makes eye contact with you.
You share a look in silence, eye fucking each other at this point. His hand doesn’t stop moving in his dick, but it starts slowing down as you walk closer to him.
“I was looking for you” - you breathe out.
“Oh yeah? Did your friend turn you down after shoving his tongue in your throat?” - he answers bitterly.
“No… I just wish it was your tongue exploring my mouth, instead of his” - you confess while sitting in his bed, next to him.
You could see the sparks in his eyes igniting at your words, and he stays silent, trying to think of the right thing to say.
Your index finger carefully travels through your bodies, sliding up his dick, gathering his juices in your tip. You open your mouth, placing your finger inside and sucking on it, tasting how Rúben feels hot and sweet at the same time.
He groans at the sight in front of him and completely loses it. He grabs your face and finally kisses you hard and passionately, his tongue now fighting for dominance with yours, exploring every corner of your mouth - like he was supposed to all along.
You move so you’re now straddling him, your dress already pulled up, while Rúben’s hands discover your body. You can’t stop kissing each other, needing the other one so badly, making out in a dirty and raw way, with saliva already dripping down your chin. You moan into his mouth as you grind your hips on his dick, the thin fabric of your panties being the only thing separating you two right now.
He pulls your dress off of your body, admiring you and kissing every inch of skin that his lips could find as his hands keep travelling your body. He looks at you shocked when his lips find your boobs and he realizes you have a nipple piercing - something he never even imagined you could have, and it’s doing wonders to his mind. You smirk at his reaction and pull his head between your tits more, encouraging him to play with the metal piece between your nipple.
His mouth wraps around your nipple, sucking on it while his tongue draws circles around it. Rúben is desperate to touch you, he needs to feel you, he needs to make sure that you are real, that you are really here with him, naked in his bed like he’s been dreaming all this time.
“Do you know for how long I have been dreaming about this?” - he says, breathless from all the kissing.
“Oh, is that right?” - you say seductively, as you keep moving your core against his hard dick.
“Fuck, I’ve been dying to kiss you since I first met you. I’ve been having these fucking wet dreams about touching you like some horny teenager. I want you so badly, Y/N” - he confesses, his hands secured on your hips.
“Oh, yeah?” - you say as you get up from your spot on his lap.
You take off your panties slowly, without never breaking eye contact with Rúben, putting on a show for him.
He looks at you hungrily, like he’s already devouring you in his mind.
“Let me give you a taste of what you’ve been missing, baby boy” - you say as you sit on his face.
Rúben’s tongue is already working on you, licking your folds like a cat. Your hand immediately wraps on his hair, as the other goes to help you hold yourself up against the headboard. You moan at the vibrations his mouth sends through your body, unable to control your sounds.
You grind your pussy on his face, completely riding his mouth now, and you moan breathlessly at the way his tongue devours you while his nose keeps hitting your clit on purpose, making you shake with a crazy amount of pleasure.
You notice Rúben’s reaction to your moans, as his hand leaves your hip and wraps around his dick, still painfully hard from being so turned on and not getting a release. He starts pumping himself while he eats you out, you look back to see the sight and moan at the view. You can’t stop thinking about how you two look like a recreation of a movie, looking so erotic and needy for each other.
His lips wrap around your clit now, sucking on it and making you scream out of pleasure. The way he’s devouring your cunt makes it almost unbearable for you to hold your orgasm inside, and seeing the way he is touching himself like crazy to you, makes the bubble in your stomach burst. You cum on his face, riding him more to chase your high, the feeling he’s providing you being unmatched to anything you’ve felt before.
Rúben moans underneath you, his mouth still on your pussy, collecting all your juices in his tongue, tasting you entirely. His hand speeds up and he cums some minutes after as well, groaning at the feeling of finally having a release. You get up from your seat on his face, allowing him to breathe properly now, his nose, mouth and chin drenched in your cum. The sight of Rúben lying under you, still tasting your juices and his stomach dirty with his own cum, was enough to make your cunt throb again, wanting to feel him more.
“You taste insanely delicious” - Rúben says in a hazy state, completely high off you.
“Better than in your dreams?” - you tease him with a smirk.
“Fuck, way better. I can’t believe this is actually real” - he laughs, still trying to catch his breath.
“I need to feel you, Ruby” - you say in a needy voice, using his favorite pet name that he told you about in one of your conversations.
He takes a condom out of his bedside table, kissing you again passionately as he wraps it on his dick - already hard again, you being an absolute menace to his libido. Rúben lays you on the bed, towering over you now, as he looks at you with love and fire in his eyes. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly next to you while you wrap your legs around his hips. He kisses you sweetly and carefully before slowly entering you. You both moan into each other’s mouth, still kissing with your bodies glued now.
He thrusts slowly into you, wanting to take his time and enjoy all the feelings he’s getting from this moment with you.
You moan when he fills you up nicely and easily, not really believing this is happening either.
“You feel so good, baby, fuck” - he groans into your ear as his mouth is now leaving kisses on your neck. You pet his hair gently, not really having words to describe the energy and the connection between you and your housemate.
“I need more, Rubes, please” - you beg him to go faster, needing to cum again on his dick now.
Your wish is his command, he could never say no to you. He picks up the pace, going faster inside of you right now, leaving open mouth kisses on your nipple again - the piercing still driving him insane.
“Fuck, you’re so good Rubes, you fuck me so good” - you breathe while your nails scratch his back at the sensations he’s providing you.
The sounds coming from your wet pussy fill the room, along with the moans and heavy breaths that you two share.
Rúben feels your walls clenching around him, and his thumb goes to play with your swollen clit, his dick now roaming inside of your cunt, desperate to cum again too.
He could lose all his composure just by listening to your sounds, going crazy at the way you feel so wet and warm, your cunt desperately clenching around his dick. Plus, you look so beautiful to him, your eyes rolling to the back of your head out of pleasure, while he hears you moaning so erotically and whispering incoherent words, completely fucked out of your mind. He loves knowing that he’s the one making you feel like this, giving you this much pleasure. He can’t stop feeling cocky at the way his girl is sprawled on his bed, begging him to fuck her harder and faster so she can cum on his cock.
His thumb doesn’t stop bullying your puffy clit and you can’t hold it any longer.
“I’m not gonna last, Rub-“ - you cry out, the pleasure being unbearable right now.
“Cum for me, baby girl. Cum on my cock, I need to feel you cumming around me” - the dirty talk could send you straight to heaven.
And your body obeys. You cum, moaning his name over and over again, your pussy pulsating around his dick, encouraging him to cum as well. After a few more strokes, Rúben fills his condom with his seed, breathing heavily at the feeling you both just shared. He collapses on top of you, his head now buried on your neck, leaving sweet kisses on your skin as you both try to catch your breaths.
You hug him tightly, not really knowing what to say, and you both stay like this, enjoying each other’s touch. Soon, you both fall asleep, the alcohol in both of your bloods and the tiredness from the previous events knocking the two of you out in a matter of minutes.
The next morning, you wake up wrapped in Rúben’s arms. You feel safe, protected, it feels right. The sun is shining, warming up your face and Rúben slightly moves in his place, pulling you closer to him.
“Good morning” - he says in his deep morning voice.
“Hey” - you say back with a smile. He kisses your shoulder while hiding his face in your neck, taking in your scent, not believing that last night was real, not wanting to let you go out of his embrace.
You turn around so you’re facing him now. The two of you giggle at each other like true teenagers who just fell in love.
His hand goes to caress your cheek sweetly, looking at you with all the love in the world.
“Hope you don’t regret last night” - he says honestly.
“The only thing I regret from last night is kissing another random guy, instead of kissing you earlier” - you confess with a smirk on your lips.
He laughs softly at your words.
“How could I regret anything? Really, I only regret not knocking on your door sooner… I’ve been thinking about you a lot for the past weeks” - you continue speaking.
“Well, guess we can say that I’ve literally been dreaming about you a lot” - he says with a laugh, his cheeks turning a bright shade of red now.
“I had a dream of us going out on a cute date” - you tell him, reaching out to give him a gentle kiss on the lips.
“Really?” - he looks surprised that you’ve been feeling the same way as him for the last couple of weeks. “I guess I should turn that dream into reality, then” - he kisses your hand lovingly.
“I would love that… I’ve been trying to shut my feelings out for you, I didn’t want to mess with my housemate and end up without a place to sleep, again” - you confess.
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen” - he says with a soft smile. “I’ve been hypnotized by you since the first time I saw you, Y/N… it’s been killing me to drown in my feelings all the time because I didn’t have the courage to confess how I felt towards you. I am in love with you, I really am. I think you’re the most beautiful, caring, funny and intelligent girl I’ve ever met. We get along so well that I can’t stop thinking about how I want this forever. I want our movie nights forever, I want to take you on cute dates, I wanna share this house with you without having to hide away from you, literally when I have a boner because of you, or emotionally when I feel jealous or like choking on my feelings because I wanted to blurt them out and I couldn’t. I don’t wanna hide anymore. This is me, with my good parts and my bad parts as well, and there's nothing more I want than for you to take me as I am. Because I for sure will take you as you are, through the good and the bad, I want to have you by my side forever, as I promise you to always be by your side as well” - he breathes after finally letting his feelings show.
You smile widely and kiss him once again.
“It’s hard not to fall for you, Rubes, I wish you could see you through my eyes” - you kiss him again, unable to stop. You can’t believe you have Rúben all to yourself.
You two start making out again, smirking at each other and giggling between kisses.
“I just hope you want more amazing sex like the one we had last night” - you wink at him as your hand is already palming his dick, hungry for him once again.
“You’re gonna be the death of me” - he sighs as you two wrap yourselves between Rúben’s bed sheets again, truly on cloud nine from finding out that love can actually be closer than you think. In this case, it was under the same roof, right next door.
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morgana-larkin · 2 days
Okay hear me out. Ik this might be alot like another prompt from another author but i love it and wanna see ur spin on it. Pure fem! Reader and melissa just dying to corrupt her and have some fun.
Hi! I think I know the exact fic you’re referring too! I’m so happy that you want to see my spin on it. And here it is! So much longer than I expected but I don’t think anyone will complain. Due to me being stuck in bed with a twisted ankle, I’ll be able to write another fic! Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: Due to a bit of confusion about who I write for, I will add to my masterlist who I write for. Also, since I will be starting to write for other characters, I changed my taglist to a Melissa and Chessy taglist. If you want to be on my main taglist for when I write for Marilyn, Misty and Moiraine, then let me know!
Italian translations:
Dio mio - oh my god
Mia angelo - my angel
Bella - beautiful
Amo il tuo corpo e voglio rivendicarlo - I love your body and want to claim you
Il Suo Angelo (Her Angel)
Warnings: pure innocent reader, horny af Mel, smut, lots of teasing, fluffy Mel
Words: 8.6k (have fun! 😉)
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You walked in the break room and made a beeline for the coffee machine.
“Wow kid, if you went any faster I’d think you’re a speedster or something.” Melissa said and you looked at her and chuckled. And at that Ava walked in and walked to coffee machine but then stood by it and waited till you were done.
“Caffeine is my saviour lately, I’ve been so stressed lately.” You told her.
“Oh girl, what you need is to get you some. Then all the stress will disappear.” Ava piped up and you looked at her confused.
“Some what?” You asked her and Melissa glanced over at you.
“Some sex.” Ava said, blunt as ever and you blushed.
“Oh um, I don’t know. I want my first time to be special.” You told her.
“You’re a virgin?” Ava asked and you nodded. “Girl, look at you, how have you not had sex yet?” And you blushed and looked down at the ground.
“Um, I- I don’t know.” You said and took your coffee and sat down at a free table near Melissa and Barb.
“Hey kid.” Melissa says and you turn to look at her.
“Are you one of those people that waits until marriage?” Melissa asked and you blushed.
“Uh no. Just um never got a chance to and wasn’t really a big discussion or something that was talked about in my family.” You told her.
“Are you saying your parents never explained sex to you before?” She asked and you blushed and looked down at the ground. Melissa got up and walked over to you, you saw her heeled boots and leather pants and looked up at her face. “Are you uncomfortable with talking about it?”
“A little bit.” You admit and she smirked.
“You don’t have to be kid. Just don’t talk about it with the students as you’re not a sex Ed teacher. But we’re adults here, and it’s fun to do.” She tells you and your eyes widen at that.
“Melissa!” Barb says to stop her.
“What? It’s not like you’re a virgin.” Melissa says to Barb.
“Well I know but no need to traumatise the poor girl.” Barb scolds her and Melissa sighs then looks at you.
“How old are you?” She asks you.
“Um I’m 27.” You tell her and everyone looks at you with wide eyes. “What?” You ask everyone.
“You’re 27, you’re a virgin and uncomfortable with the discussion of sex.” Melissa tells you and your cheeks go red.
“It’s also a bit hard to find dates when you like women.” You say and she smirks.
“Alright I’ll give you that, but since you’re new to Philly, I’ll just tell you that it’s a little easier to find dates with women here.” Melissa tells you, leaning down towards you a bit and you unconsciously lick your lips and stare at her.
Melissa walks back to her seat and goes back to her phone like nothing happened, while you go back to your coffee.
On the outside, it seems like Melissa isn’t doing anything different, but on the inside, in her brain is another story. She saw how you reacted to her and she finds it very interesting that you seem so innocent. Maybe she can have some fun with you.
At the end of the day, Melissa passes by your classroom like always and sees you sitting in your chair, writing something. She goes over to your door and knocks.
“Hi Melissa.” You say when you look up.
“Hey kid. Whatcha working on?” She asks and you sigh.
“I’m a little behind on grading.” You say with a small pout. “The lessons are a bit difficult for them so I haven’t had a lot of time to grade since I’m answering questions most of the time.” And she nods, then an idea pops in her head.
“Maybe I could keep you company?” She offers and you freeze.
“Wh-what?” You ask her and she smiles.
“I could keep you company if you want.” She offers again.
“Oh that’s really sweet but I don’t want to inconvenience you or ruin your night.” You tell her and she smiles softly at you, you’re so sweet and innocent she thinks.
“It’s not a problem hon. I don’t have any plans tonight and it was just going to be a boring night at home by myself on the couch.” She tells you.
“Well I won’t force you to stay or go, but if you want to stay then I wouldn’t mind the company.” You say with a sweet smile.
She grins at you and then grabs one of the students chair and brings it your desk to sit right across from you. Let the teasing begin, she thinks to herself.
“So” she starts, after about 10 seconds of silence. “How come your family never discussed sex?” She asks and you whip your head at her and blush.
“Oh um. I don’t know, it just wasn’t.” You tell her.
“Sheltered life then?” She asks you.
“I guess a bit.” You say with a shrug and then get back to grading. Melissa leans forward and puts her chin on her hands and smirks.
“Have you ever had an orgasm?” She asks so casually. And you look up at her confused.
“Sorry, a what?” You ask and she tilts her head a bit.
“An orgasm hon.” She repeats and you look confused.
“What’s an orgasm?” You ask, and inside Melissa is beaming with mischief.
“An orgasm is a build up of pleasure when having sex.” She says and your face goes red. “And when it’s released, all the feel good hormones and emotions come with it.” She explains and you stare at her like a deer in the headlights. While she has your attention, she moves her arms down to be placed casually on the desk and leans forward. Her arms push her chest up a bit and with the shirt she’s wearing with a v-dip in the front, it gives you a nice view of her cleavage. Melissa pretends to be looking at the paper you’re grading, but she saw you glance down at her chest and lick your lips. “So you never touched yourself?” She asks and it takes a second for your brain to process that she spoke, and then another second to process what she said and you look at her confused again.
“What do you mean touch myself? Touch where?” You ask and Melissa is grinning.
“Touch yourself down there.” She says and points to in between your legs.
“Well I do when I go to the bathroom.” You say, confused to what she’s getting at.
“I meant, touch yourself… sexually.” She explains and your face goes redder than her hair.
“Wh-what? Why-why would I do that?” You say and sit up a bit straight.
“Because, it feels good.” She says with a shrug. “So you’ve never done that either?” She asks.
“No I haven’t.” You tell her and Melissa is beaming with excitement on the inside. Oh, all the ways she can corrupt you.
“So, your little innocent act isn’t an act at all. You’re actually a good girl.” She tells you and your eyes widen a little bit and Melissa notices the effect her words have on you. They say it’s the shy innocent ones you gotta look out for. And you are so innocent, it’s adorable, Melissa thinks.
Melissa stopped so that you wouldn’t be wondering why she’s suddenly curious about that part of your life…at least for today. She just carries on a normal conversation with you. Until the next day…
At the end of the day she stopped by your classroom again. “Still more grading?” She asks and you look up at her.
“M afraid so.” You say. “They’ve done 2 tests and a project in the past 2 weeks and I was starting to get behind but now I’m very behind.” You tell her and she walks in.
“Want some company again?” She asks and you glance up at her. You wanna say yes cause you are attracted to her but yesterday she asks a few questions and you’re wondering why it was on the topic that it was. But of course, your want for her to be close wins over.
“Sure, that’d be nice. Thank you.” You tell her with a smile. Instead of bringing a chair over, she sits on the desk closest to yours. You can’t help but stare as she sits with her legs slightly apart, a bit more than what is considered normal. And she’s also leaning back a bit with her hands on the desk.
“Have you been on dates? Been in relationships?” She asks and you let out a sigh of relief. Glad it’s not on the topic it was yesterday.
“Yes, I’ve been on a few dates. I’ve had one relationship but it didn’t last long. Like maybe 2-3 months.” You tell her.
“3 months and you didn’t have sex with her?” She asks and you groan very quietly.
“Why? Is that bad?”
“Well, not really. I mean it’s the people in the relationship that choose that. But typically people have sex within the first 3-8 weeks of a relationship.” She explains.
“She broke up with me because we didn’t have…you know. And because there was no discussion about it either.” You tell her. On the outside she was nodding in understanding, on the inside, she was smirking. You were so innocent you didn’t want to even say sex. God, she’s going to have a lot more fun with you. It helps that she’s attracted to you and you’re attracted to her.
Melissa got off the desk and leaned on your desk. “I’m not saying that you should have had sex with her, you know. It’s at your pace.” Even though she’s having fun with you, she wants to make sure that you don’t feel bad. You had a difficult time listening to what she was saying as her cleavage was right there. Melissa smirks as she catches on and she gets an idea. She goes to move her hands off the desk and straighten her posture but “accidentally” knocks a pen off your desk. “Oh sorry, I’ll get it.” She tells you and walks the 2 steps over and bends down. She makes sure to bend down so her ass was on display for you. When she bent down, she glanced very quickly at your reaction and you were staring right at her ass like she wanted. She stood back up and put the pen back on your desk. She wonders how else she can corrupt and tease you.
She does this for the next 2 days, just gives you little views of her cleavage, and ass if the opportunity presents itself.
On Friday is when she got a little more mischievous. She visits you in your classroom like normal as you're almost done grading all of the tests. She sits on a desk again and starts up a conversation with you. 20 minutes later and you finish grading with a smile.
“There! Finally finished.” You say and she claps.
“Congrats! Now they can stop pestering you.” She jokes and you laugh.
“Ya, first graders aren’t known for their patience.” You say and she giggles.
“Neither are second graders.” She jokes back with you and you laugh. You put the tests in a basket neatly to be handed back to them tomorrow and you stand up to get your things ready. Melissa gets off the desk and walks over to you without you hearing her.
Once all your things are in your bag, you sling it over your shoulder and turn around. You nearly bump into Melissa and you see her cleavage again. Melissa is smiling as she wore a push up bra and a shirt that makes her tits look amazing while still being appropriate for school. You tilt your head up and look at her. You then step to your left and try to psss by her but she stops you with an arm. She puts her hand on the board to stop you from leaving and she moves a bit so she’s in front of you with your back on the board. Your face goes red with the close proximity and you don’t know what to do.
“M-mel- Melissa? What are you doing?” You stutter out and she smiles.
“Nothing hon. Do I make you nervous?” She asks you and your cheeks turn pink.
“A little bit.” You admit nervously.
“Hmm, and why do I make you nervous?” And you don’t know how to respond to that.
“Um, well I - you… um. You just do.” You settle on that and she smirks at you. You then duck under her arm and speed walk out of there. Melissa isn’t at all disappointed that you found an escape, she’s finding it amusing that you basically bolted out of there while trying to be subtle.
During the weekend, you thought about how close Melissa was to you and then you for some reason felt a wetness between your thighs that only happened one other time before and you’re not sure what it meant. You googled it and most of them say it’s a result of getting turned on and you decide to ignore that fact and try to focus on other things. Try being the important word. Your thoughts keep shifting back to Melissa and her perfect cleavage, her perfect ass, the close proximity, her amazing smile and almost glowing hair that’s perfect for her. You rub your thighs together and then you freeze, why did you do that? And why are you wet again? All these thoughts keep your weekend busy. And then you wake up Monday morning and prepare for another week. Maybe now you won’t have thoughts of Melissa that makes you feel weird things. Oh were you wrong.
You went in the break room and there Melissa was, glasses on and she’s leaning slightly to the desk, writing something. Her perfect cleavage on display and she looks really pretty with glasses on. With or without glasses she looks pretty. You try not to stare at her and go to the coffee machine.
“Hello dear. How was your weekend?” Barb asks you and you turn to her. You go to answer and then you see Melissa smiling at you and your mouth stays slightly open for a couple seconds. And then you remember you were asked a question.
“It-it was good, just a relaxing weekend. Got all my grading done last week so I pretty much just enjoyed the weekend.” You tell her and she smiles at you. You then glance at Melissa and she winks at you, your cheeks turn pink a bit at that.
“That’s good to hear dear. You deserve a stress free weekend.” Barb tells you.
“Thank you. Ho-how was your weekend?” You ask her and she goes into explaining her day out with Gerald. She tried listening but you saw Melissa smiling at you, at some point she took off her glasses and put the tip of it in her mouth. And to top it off, she crosses her arms in a way that pushes her breast up and you lose all brain function. All of that happens in the space of 3 minutes but it feels like much longer. “What about you Melissa?” You ask her when Barb is done.
“It was good, hon. Like you I stayed home, and de-stressed.” She sends you another wink when Barb isn’t looking and you widen your eyes a bit.
After you go to your classroom and continue out the day. When all your students leave, you pack up your things and hear someone come in. Although you know who came in as you recognize the sound of her heels, Melissa.
“Hey hon.” She says and you turn around as she’s walking in.
“Hey Melissa. I don’t need any company today as all my grading is done.” You tell her, you were a littl disappointment, you were starting to like spending that time with her.
“Oh, that’s unfortunate. It was a nice little routine last week.” She tells you and you nod. She walks towards you a bit more until she’s 2 feet away from you. “Want to know more about my weekend?” She asks with a deeper voice and you shiver a little bit. You think she didn’t notice as she didn’t react or say anything but she did notice.
“Um sure.” You tell her with a slight stutter.
“Well as I said I stayed home and de-stressed.” She began and you nodded. “Well want to know how I de-stressed?” She said and she walked towards you and you walked back a bit until you ran into the chalkboard. She pressed her body against yours a bit, leaned towards your ear and whispered the answer. “I imagined you in my bed, underneath me. Then I put my hand between my legs, I fingered myself and rubbed my clit until I had an orgasm. And I said your name when I did.” She tells you and then pulls her head back and looks at your face.
Your mouth is slightly open in shock, your eyes wide, cheeks flushed, your breathing deepened, and you rubbed your thighs together. Melissa is smiling at your reaction.
“Hmm, you know you’re cute when you react like that.” She tells you as she tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. Your still frozen in shock and don’t respond to her. She gently strokes down your arm with two fingers. “Hmm, you’re so innocent, hon. Do you like it when I think about you like that?” She asks, and your cheeks turn red.
“I-um…I-you… uh, um, like…” you stutter and she smirks at you.
“Oh hon, did I make you speechless?” She asks with mock sympathy. She knows exactly what she’s doing to you and how she affects you and she’s enjoying it. “Why don’t I make it up to you hm. How about on Friday after school, you come over to my place and I’ll cook you dinner.” She says and you’re speechless again. “You can nod or shake your head as an answer.” She tells you, deciding to take a little bit of pity on you. You nod your head and she smiles. “Perfect.” She tells you. She grabs her phone and presses a couple things then looks at you. “What’s your number?” She asks and you look at her confused. “So I can text you my address.” She explains and you gulp. You then muster up enough courage to give her your number. She then sends a text and your phone vibrates in your pocket with a notification. She looks at you with a smirk. “Hope that’s not the only thing you have that vibrates.” She says and you look at her confused. She decides to not explain it and instead reaches for your phone, she slides her hand down you a bit, sticks her hand a bit in your pocket and wraps her hand around your phone and tugs it out. She then slides her hand up between you both and hands you your phone. “You can look up what I meant. Search what vibrators are for.” She tells you with a wink and then she walks out with a sway in her hips.
You stare at her ass as she walks out, completely mesmerized. At home you look up vibrators and your face goes red at what it says they’re for. She said a sexual innuendo and it went right over your head with your lack of knowledge on the subject.
The rest of the week goes by normally. Melissa doesn’t have an opportunity to drop by your classroom as she’s busy. She still sends winks your way when she can. And she bends over for you to see her cleavage when you’re looking, especially in the break room. And when she walks away from where you are, she sways her hips more so you can stare at her ass moving. On Friday she stops by your classroom briefly at the end of the day.
“Hey hon.”
“H-hi Melissa.”
“Just wanted to make sure you’re still coming over tonight.” She tells you.
“Of-of course. I’ve heard great things about your cooking and wouldn’t miss the opportunity.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well good, you won’t be disappointed. A meal you won’t forgot.” She tells you with a slightly deeper voice and winks after. You feel your mouth dry and in between your legs get wet and you gulp.
“Do-” you squeak out then clear your throat as your mouth was dry. “Do you want me to bring anything?” You ask her and she walks closer to you and puts a finger under your chin.
“Hmm, just need to bring your pretty self.” She hums and you blush. You forgot how to English for a second and decide to nod in reply. She smiles at you and hums again. “Good.” She says and sways her hips as she walks out. She stops when she reaches the door, puts her hand on the doorframe and glances back at you. “Show up at 6, don’t be late.” She tells you and winks. She then continues walking to her car, leaving you in your classroom, stunned for a minute. Your body then remembers how to work and you walk to your car to get home to change.
You get home and strip out of your work clothes. You suddenly don’t know what to wear, she said it wasn’t a date but you want it to be a date, and want to impress her as you have a crush on her . You then decide to put a robe on and video chat your older sister.
“Hey you, what’s up?” She says when she picks up.
“Hey sis, I need your help. So I have a crush on a coworker. And she invited me over for dinner to her place. She never said it was a date but I still want to impress her.” You explain to her and she chuckles.
“So you need help choosing an outfit?” She asks and you nod. “Alright, show me what options you were thinking of and I’ll let you know if it’s a yes or no.” She says and you nod. You spend the next 20 minutes showing her your clothes as she said no to everything you were thinking of wearing. You then settled on an outfit you both agreed looks good. You then thank her and she makes you promise to tell her all about it tomorrow, and hangs up.
You then shower, blow dry your hair, and brush your teeth. You put on your outfit, which is a cute dark purple dress that stops mid thigh, with a small v-dip and black stockings, with small heels that are black, and a fancy black sweater to complete the look. You then quickly curl the bottom half of your hair then keep it all down. You then apply a bit of purple eyeshadow, some mascara and tinted lip balm. You realise it’s time to go and you grab your purse and head to her place.
You arrive at 5:57 and you take a minute to breath and calm your heart down and give yourself a small pep talk. “Ok remember y/n, she’s a coworker and friend. She may be your crush but try and keep all thoughts of kissing her out of your head.” You say, then let out another breath before getting out and walking to her door.
You knock on her door and she opens it with a smile. You should have added more to your pep talk then just thoughts of kissing her. As she’s wearing a low cut red shirt, that shows her cleavage more than the shirts she wears at school does. She also has on black leggings and her hair up in a ponytail with her bangs framing her face perfectly. You stare at her and forgot to say anything as your brain is busy processing the outfit.
“Wow, you look nice angelo.” She tells you, and if you paid any attention to her eyes you would have noticed her pupils are a bit blown as her eyes roam up and down your body.
“Th-thanks, so do you.” You say and she smiles.
“Thank you.”
“What did you call me?” You ask her
“Angelo, it means angel.” She says and you smile. “Come on in.” She tells you.
“Are you sure? Your mat says go away.” You say with a smile to show her that you’re joking and she giggles.
“That’s because I only let a few people come inside.” She tells you and you blush. You had no idea that you were one of the select few that she’s invited to her house. You nervously step inside her house and she closes the door behind you and you take your heels off.
“Wow, you have a lovely home. Not at all what I expected.” You tell her and she laughs.
“Oh ya? And what did you expect to see?” She asks you as she leads you to the kitchen.
“I don’t know to be honest. I haven’t figured you out yet. But I guess one that has a little less, homey feeling I suppose.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“If it makes you feel better about your expectation, I have about 5 bats hidden around the house.” She tells you and you smile.
“Now that does sound like you. I’m honestly less surprised you have bats hidden than I was about what your house looks like.” You joke and she giggles.
You enter her kitchen and you’re immediately surrounded with the smell of dinner and your stomach grumbles. “Now are you too innocent for wine or do you drink that?” She asks you with a slight smirk but she’s also curious.
“I do have a glass from time to time. Mostly at family gatherings. Which is about 4-5 times a year.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well is it alright if I pour you a glass?” She says and shows you the bottle.
“That’s my favourite!” You tell her and she beams.
“Really? Mine too.” She tells you and pours some in a glass for you. “I knew you must have good taste.” She says and hands you a glass.
“Thank you.” You tell her and you both clink your glasses together and then take a sip. Then the oven dings and Melissa puts down her glass and walks over to it. She slips on an oven mitt, opens the oven and takes out the food. You see the food and you have no idea what it is but it looks good. “Wow, that looks amazing! What is it?” You ask her and she smiles at you.
“It’s skillet chicken cacciatore.” She tells you and you smile.
“It’s Italian?” You ask her and she nods. Wow, Italian accent is beautiful, you think.
“You think I’m beautiful when I speak Italian?” She asks you and you realise you said it out loud and you blush.
“Did I say that out loud?” You ask her and she nods with a smirk.
“Is there a translation for the last word?” You ask.
“For cacciatore?” She asks and you nod. “Yep, it means hunter.” She tells you and you look at her confused. “I don’t know the story behind the name. That’s just what it’s called and you don’t ask questions.” She tells you as she puts some on 2 plates and you laugh.
“Alright then. No questions, got it.” You tell her and she tells you to bring the wine and guides you to the dinner table.
You two sit down and then you take a bite and you let out a moan at how good it tastes. You look over to see Melissa holding her glass with a smirk.
“What?” You ask her.
“I knew I would like how you sound when you moan.” She tells you then takes a sip of the wine.
“Where else would I make that noise?” You ask her.
“In bed.” She says so casually as she cuts up a piece of the chicken. “When someone or yourself is giving you pleasure.” She tells you and she slides her foot up your leg. You choke on the food as you swallow, from her foot touching you like that or her comment, you’re not sure. She leans back in her chair and takes a bite of the food with a smile on her face.
You watch as a bit of sauce is at the corner of her lips and she licks it off with her tongue. You stare and she smirks when she sees you staring. You realise she’s looking at you staring and you sheepishly go and cut up a piece of food and look down.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed about staring at me. I know you find me attractive.” She tells you and you freeze. You were about to take a bite as your fork is right in front of your mouth and your mouth is open. The piece of chicken falls off your fork and lands in a spot with some sauce and some flies to your face.
“Ah.” You yelp as you were surprised and Melissa snorts.
“Here hon.” She says as she takes your chin and turns your head to face her. She uses her thumb to wipe off where it got you and it seems it got you a few times. She wipes off the spot underneath your eye, on your cheek and right under your bottom lip. Melissa freezes and keeps her thumb at your bottom lip and then she traces it. You have no idea what’s going on but you don’t stop her. You start breathing heavier and she pulls back and goes to continue eating. You don’t comment on it and just continue eating. Once you’re both done, you clear the table and give the plates a quick rinse as she puts the leftovers in containers and then puts them in the fridge. She closes the fridge door as you dry your hands.
“Thank you for dinner and the wine Melissa it was really go-” you’re cut off as you turn around and Melissa lips are on yours. You kiss her back after a second when your brain starts working again. She presses you into the counter and you gasp, Melissa takes the opportunity and slips her tongue in and tastes you. You put your hands in her hair and remember she has a ponytail and you whine. She pulls back and laughs.
“Are you upset I have my hair in a ponytail?” She asks and you nod with a pout. “Hmm, well you know, there’s an easy fix.” She tells you and she slowly slides the elastic down and then shakes her head a few times to put her hair in place. “There, better?” She asks you and nod. She smiles then goes back to kissing you. You immediately put your hands in her hair and she moans into the kiss and you pull back.
“Is that the kind of pleasure you were talking about for that sound?” You ask her and she chuckles.
“Oh hon, you have no idea the kind of pleasure I can give you that’ll have you moaning like crazy.” She purrs in your ear and you shiver. The wet feeling between your legs is back and you rub your thighs together and Melissa notices. “Are you turned on hon?” She asks and you widen your eyes. Oh so Google was right about what that means. You nod at her and she smiles. “If you want, I can help you with that.” She tells you.
“How would you do that?”
“Well it would require you to lose your virginity.” She tells you and you open your mouth in shock. “And before you ask, yes, that feeling between your thighs, your pussy is wet cause you’re turned on and it gets wet so it doesn’t hurt when something is sliding in there.” She tells you.
“Sliding in there? You mean like a tampon?” You ask and she giggles.
“You’re so adorable.” She says and boops your nose. “No, I mean like my fingers.” She tells you. “For straight sex, it would be that a dick slides in you.” She tells you and your eyes widen. “I’m not going to do anything you're not comfortable with. But my offer is still available if you want to take care of that feeling right here.” She says and taps on your pussy and you flinch and let out a small yelp. “Either me or your own fingers.” She tells you and you look at her eyes that are full blown. You cup her cheek and trace under her eye with your thumb.
“Where did the green in your eyes go?” You ask her and she smiles.
“My eyes are blown. It’s what happens when you get turned on and want to have sex.” She tells you and your breath hitches. “Your eyes are blown too.” She tells you and you blush. It takes you about 5 seconds to come to a decision about her offer. It took 4 seconds of being distracted by her face and then one second to come to a decision.
“I want you to help me with the feeling.” You said a little embarrassed and nervous.
“Oh hon, you’ll have to ask me properly.” She told you and you whined as she pressed herself against your body. “Come on, you can do it.” She told you as she gently bit your ear.
“I-I want to have…” and you paused. Melissa pulled back and looked at you.
“What is it hon? Why can’t you say the word?” She asked you.
“Because I grew up thinking that you shouldn’t think about it or say it.” You told her and she stroked her cheek.
“Oh hon, it’s not a bad thing to vocalise that you want sex.” She told you. “Come here.” She said and she lead you to her bedroom. “Go sit on the foot of the bed.” She says and you obeyed while she closed the door and then walked over to you. “Now I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, and I won’t touch you unless you want me too but I do want to show you what I look like under my clothes, ok?” She tells you, thinking maybe you’ll be more comfortable when you see another woman’s body naked. You nod at her and she smiles.
She pulls her top off slowly, exposing all the skin of her stomach and you stare at all the soft looking skin and can’t help but touch it. So you do. She lets out a yelp and you pull back thinking you shouldn’t have.
“No no, it’s ok baby. You just surprised me as my shirt was covering my eyes.” She tells you and puts your hand back on her stomach. You feel all over her and you want more so you stand up. You move your hand to the back and hover over her bra clip. “Go on baby. You can unclip it.” She tells you and you do and take her bra off. Then you pull back and look at her. And you’re surprised you don’t faint right there. She looked so, so…
“Sexy.” You slip out and she smiles.
“Thank you, baby.” She tells you and you don’t even care right now about your thoughts.
“Melissa.” You tell her and she looks into your eyes.
“Yes baby?” She asks.
“I want…” you start and she just looks at you, letting you take your time. “I want… I want to have sex with you.” You say and she smiles.
“Well ask and receive baby.” She tells you and she kisses you again.
She then travels down to your neck and starts sucking and you let out a moan. She then starts to slowly lift your dress up and then you pull back and put your arms up, allowing her to take it off. She then unclips your bra and takes it off and looks at you.
“You’re so beautiful, Bella.” She says, remembering you liked it when she spoke Italian. You let out a groan and rub your thighs together. “Hmm, is me speaking Italian a turn on for you?” She asks and you nod. She pushes you on the bed and straddles your lap. “Well then.” She says and smirks, then pushes you more on the bed. “Amo il tuo corpo e voglio rivendicarlo.” She says seductively while grinding on you and you whine. “It means, I love your body and want to claim it.” She says and you put your hands on her.
“I want you to claim me, Mel.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Mel hm, I like it.” She tells you and you blush. She attacks your neck again and you gasp. It feels incredible what she’s doing on your neck. She then trails down to your chest and leaves kisses all over it, worshipping your body as it should be. She then takes a nipple in her mouth and you see stars. She then remembers that you’ve never masturbated either, never touched yourself. So she thinks she should probably go easy on you so you don’t get too overstimulated. “If it becomes too much for you, then let me know, ok?” She says and you nod.
“Keep going please. It feels amazing.” You tell her and she smiles and goes back to your nipple. You continue to let out gasps and moans as she swirls her tongue around your nipples and sucking on them.
“I’m so honoured.” She says as she runs her hands all over your chest and stomach. “Not only will I be your first, but I’ll also be the first person to ever give you pleasure, and that includes yourself. I can’t believe you went this long without it.” She tells you and you buck your hips and whine. “Alright since you’ve never had it before, I won’t keep you waiting much longer. But just know, in the future, I will.” She adds and you look at her.
“So there’ll be more?” You ask her and she tilts her head and looks at you.
“I mean if you want.” She says cautiously.
“Of course, I’ve been attracted to you since I started.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Good, cause I’m attracted to you as well.” She tells you. “I can take you on a date tomorrow if you want.” She offers and you nod. “Alright now, time to make you feel good.” She tells you and gets off the bed and takes your tights off. “You looked so innocent and adorable in that dress and tights. But I think you look better with them both off.” She then puts her fingers on your underwear and looks at you, you nod at her and she takes your underwear off. She then looks at you completely bare for her and she smiles warmly at you. “You look beautiful.” She says with a hum and you smile. “You look even more beautiful with a smile.” She adds and you blush.
She then gets on her knees, pulls your body closer to the edge of the bed, then does a big lick up your entire pussy. You gasp out and she moans at your taste.
“You taste amazing, mia angelo .” She says and licks your entrance while you gasp and moan at the amazing way her tongue is moving on you. You can’t help but grab her hair and run your fingers through her beautiful red locks. You keep bucking your hips so Melissa pins you down and then slides her tongue in your entrance and you let out a loud gasp and she smirks. She then goes to your clit after she slides her tongue in and out of you a few times. As soon as her tongue connects with your clit, you arch your back off the bed, causing her to use more strength to pin you down. You start grinding on her mouth and she doesn’t have the heart to stop you from doing that. She knows you haven’t felt anything like this before and knows it can be a lot the first time. Not that she remembers her first time as it was about 30 years ago, but considering how it feels everytime she has sex, she can imagine how it must feel the first time.
You start to feel a build up in your stomach and you don’t know why. “Mel, why do I have a strangle feeling in my stomach?” You ask and she smiles. She pulls her tongue away but replaces it with her finger and continues rubbing your clit.
“Remember me explaining the orgasm build up?” She says and you nod. “Well that’s the build up. When it’s at its capacity you’ll let go and cum.” She tells you with a breathy voice. She wants to make sure she doesn’t overstimulate you without skin contact so she goes on top of you and looks at you while slowing down the movement on your clit. “I’m gonna stick my finger in you, it’s going to hurt a bit but that’s because your body isn’t used to it. I’ll go slowly but if it hurts too much or if you want me to pause but don’t want me to pull out then let me know ok?” She tells you and you nod. She then gets you to lay further up on the bed with your head on a pillow and she leans down on top of you. “Alright, ready?” She asks and you nod.
She then lines her finger up with your entrance and kisses you. She slowly slides the tip of her finger in and you gasp in the kiss. She then trails down to your neck so you can focus on her kisses on your body rather than the pain. She slides in more and sucks on your neck, you whimper a little bit but you don’t say anything so she keeps going. She slides it in all the way and she looks up at you while still sucking your neck.
“Do you feel pain mia angelo?” She asks when she pulls back and you nod. “Ok let me know when it goes away.” She kisses your neck and nipples for a few seconds and then you call her name.
“Mel, it went away.” You tell her and she nods. She then slowly pulls out then she slides back in again slowly. You gasp at the pleasure and you push her body closer to yours. She smiles at that and then goes a bit faster. You buck your hips to her body but can’t go very far as her body is pushed on yours, by you.
You end bending a knee slightly and accidentally put it between her legs, right up against her core, and the seam of her leggings touches her clit. She ends up doing a hard thrust by accident along with a “fuck.” From the pleasure and then asks you if you’re ok from the thrust.
“Can you do it again actually?” You ask her and your voice is very breathy at this point. She does a hard thrust again and you moan out at the pleasure. She then speeds up and does hard thrusts and your leg stays where it is. She grinds your leg a bit unconsciously and you notice and you smirk.
“Not so innocent now mia angelo.” She teases you when she notices your smirk to what you’re doing to her. She then pulls out of you completely and she quickly takes her leggings and underwear off. You go to whine at the loss of her finger when you see her strip in front of you then stare open mouthed at the sight of her pussy. She then goes back on your leg and sticks her finger back in. You moan out at the feeling of her finger, and then you feel her wetness spreading on your leg and you feel good knowing the effect you have on her.
“You feel very wet.” You tell her between moans and gasps.
“Yes mia angelo, that’s how much you turn me on.” She tells you and you smile. She puts her thumb on your clit when she feels her build up starting and knows it won’t take long. You say a little “aa” from her rubbing your clit and then she adds another finger in you slowly and you wrap your arms around her. You unknowingly press her down more on your leg and she moans out. The build up starts to get stronger and stronger in you and your legs start shaking and you’re breathing faster. “Just let your body do its thing and leg go when you need to.” She tells you when she feels your legs shaking. She’s close as well but wants you to come first.
A few seconds later you come with a high pitched gasp and she comes at the sight of you coming. She then stops and slowly and carefully, removes her thumb from your clit and pulls her fingers out. She then rolls over and lays down beside you, breathing fast. She then holds you in her arms while you shake as your body is trying to slow down your heart rate.
When your breathing slows down, you notice you put your hand on her boob unconsciously, then you squeeze it and rub your finger on the nipple. She lets out a whine and bucks her hip at that. You do the same to the other one and get the same reaction. She looks at you and sees you genuinely curious and interested in her boobs. You then go and lick one of her nipples and she lets out a gasp, you repeat the action and she moans softly. You then put it in your mouth and start sucking and licking. She bucks her hips and gasps. You pull back after a bit and you go to the other one.
“Mia angelo, what are you doing?” She asks before you get to the other one. “If you keep going you’re gonna make me want more.” She tells you and you put the other nipple in your mouth. You do the same thing and she moans and bucks her hips. “Angelo, please. I don’t think you realise how much you affect me.” She pleads and you look at her.
“Oh I do know actually.” You tell her and she looks at you going down her body and she whines. “You see, I felt you on my leg and how wet I make you.” You tell her and rub up and down her legs and feel how soft they are and you hum. “I also realised how much you teased me last week.” You say and kiss her thighs. You get close to where she wants you before pulling away and kissing her thighs again.
“Mia angelo. Stop teasing me.” She says and you look at her.
“Do you know how much I thought of you last weekend? Thoughts of you pushed up against me, and how wet that made me.” You tell her and she groans. You then slide up her body and come face to face with her. “I think it’s only fair that I do that to you.” You tell her and she whines. Of course, she thinks, they weren’t wrong when they say to watch out for the shy and innocent ones.
You then kiss her neck and she brings her hand down to touch herself. You notice it and don’t stop her. You kiss and suck on the other side of her neck and she slides a finger in herself.
“Are you making yourself feel good?” You question and she nods. You then grab her wrist of the hand that’s currently fingering herself and you make her pull her fingers out of herself. You then put her fingers in your mouth and you moan at the taste.
“Dio mio.” She gasps out as your tongue runs all over her two fingers. She definitely corrupted you, that’s for sure. You decide to finally give in and you move back down and put your mouth on her entrance. She bucks her hips as you connect your mouth to where she needs it. You then slip your tongue in her entrance and she squeaks out a moan. She starts grinding on your tongue and you moan. The sound vibrates on her and she gasps. “Dio mio, mia angelo. Your tongue feels so good.” She says and you smile. You then move to her clit and you slide a finger in her entrance. You move your tongue and hopefully you’re making her feel as good as she made you. She lets go of the sheets she was grabbing and grabs your hair instead. You add another finger in her and she screams out. You slide your fingers in and out of her and you love the way she feels inside, her wetness and warmth wrapped around your fingers and keeping you inside. You then feel her clench around your fingers and her legs start shaking. She then screams out as she comes but you don’t stop, too distracted by how she feels around your fingers and her taste. She continues grinding on your fingers and tongue as her build up is already starting again. She comes again not too long later and she then pulls you away. You pull out of her and climb up to lay beside her.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” You ask and she shakes her head.
“No no, that felt incredible.” She says, trying to catch her breath. You beam at her words and she smiles at you. “Wow, I can’t remember the last time I came 3 times during sex.” She says and you blush. She wraps her arm around you. “Come here mia angelo.” She says and you snuggle into her. The two of you spend most of the weekend in her bed.
On Monday morning you walk in the break room a little weirdly but no one mentions it. Well not until Ava comes in and sees a hickey that you couldn’t cover due to how dark it was.
“Damn girl, did you get laid on the weekend?” She asks impressed and everyone except Melissa looks at you shocked. Melissa just continues on her phone.
“Maybe, what’s it to you?” You challenge back and Melissa snorts. You then go and sit down with Melissa and Barb as Melissa told you that you could this morning. Barb looks over to Melissa and sees Melissa wink and smile at you. Barb then sees a hickey on Melissa and she shakes her head at the two of you.
Ava sees Melissa’s wink and smile as well and then sees her hickey. “Melissa, I didn’t know you were into the innocent ones.” She tells her and everyone looks confused.
“And?” Is all Melissa says and everyone grins. Melissa then pulls your chair right beside her and wraps an arm around your waist and you lean into her.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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kenzlovesyou · 2 days
could you write something about surprising Caitlin in New York with her brothers and you vlog it with them and then put it on youtube and in an interview someone makes Caitlin react to it
The Surprise is Me - Caitlin Clark x Reader Pt. 1
this first part is about y/n’s vlog and surprising caitlin!! the next part will be caitlin’s reaction to the video :) ⚠️⚠️please send requests i’m dangerously low
plot: you’re an influencer and you vlog your trip to new york to watch caitlin’s game
You was pretty big on social media platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok. You had a niche for filming vlogs and your everyday life. It doesn’t sound that interesting, per se, but people gravitated toward your sweet but hilarious nature. As time went on, what started out as a hobby turned into a passion that had opened doors for you as a career. Through this passion, you were able to have so many memorable experiences and meet some amazing people. At the top of your list of people you’d met through your fame you would put Caitlin Clark. Your girlfriend, Caitlin Clark.
Caitlin had replied to one of your Instagram stories when you had a fairly small following, around 20k followers. You recognized her name as the legendary basketball player, who just so happened to attend your same university just in a grade above you. You’d clicked on the reply to see that she had said you had “taken her breath away”. One thing led to another and you two started talking. You even made some tiktoks about “getting ready to go meet up with your crush” or “getting ready for a first date”. Your whole following seemed to be rooting for you and this mystery girl.
After you and Caitlin had made it official, you’d started to be less private about who she was. You’d mentioned that she went to your University with you, and was on the basketball team. Of course, nobody knew with player you were with until you were seen at one of Caitlin’s games sporting one of her 22 jersey’s. After the game, you ran up to her and pecked her lips. That was enough confirmation both your fan bases needed and the edits of you too started rolling in. That was also when you started being more public about your relationship with Caitlin. She could almost always be seen in the background of your videos, and you’d often include her in your video ideas. You did so many tiktok trends with her and made appreciation posts for her using couple tiktok audios.
That brought you to now, here you were with your phone in hand as you boarded a plane to New York to watch your girlfriend’s first game as part of the WNBA. At first, you’d told Caitlin you couldn’t come to watch her. You hadn’t lied to her as you had a very important meeting you couldn’t miss the day of her game. Fortunately, the meeting was rescheduled. As soon as you heard that news, you booked the soonest flight to New York to go see your baby play in the big leagues. You were beyond excited! Instead of telling Caitlin, you thought it would be cute to surprise her. You couldn’t do it yourself, though, and needed to enlist some people that could keep a secret but also help you out with and logistics you needed to be sorted out. For that job you enlisted Caitlin’s two brothers, Blake and Colin. You were pretty close with her brothers as you and Caitlin had been dating for quick some time now.
After boarding your plane, you settled into your seat and got ready for your flight. “Okay guys,” you whispered to the camera. “I’m gonna talk a little quietly because I don’t wanna disturb other people on the plane, y’know? But something you guys probably don’t know about me is I am TERRIFIED of flying. It’s usually not as bad when I’m with Cait but the whole point of this is to go see her so that’s what’s pretty much getting me through it.” You heard a voice on the intercom say to buckle your seatbelts and prepare for a safe flight, “Ahhhh it’s time! I will see you guys when I get to New York!”
Your flight went smoothly for the most part. You were able to calm your nerves with the thought of seeing your beautiful girl play the sport she loves. Since your phone barely worked on the plane, you scrolled through your camera roll looking at pictures to pass the time. You scrolled through endless photos of you and Caitlin together and silly ones you’d taken of her doing absolutely anything. Before you knew it, you were landing and you were ready to hit the ground running.
You walked to the baggage claim carousel and waited for the bags to start circulating. You finally saw yours and grabbed your pink suitcase. You texted the group chat you’d created with Blake and Colin to give them an update.
Y/N: Just landed!! Are you guys on your way?
Colin: We’re parked right outside Terminal C, see you soon
You hearted the message and walked for what felt like forever in the huge New York airport. At last, you found the right terminal and out you went. You spotted Blake’s car immediately and walked over to them. “Hey, Y/n! Man, it’s been a while. You excited to be here?” Blake asked you as he brought you into a side hug. You nodded your head ecstatically, while Colin grabbed your bag and threw it in the trunk. “Duh!!! Im so excited to see my Cait!”
The brothers laughed about how lovesick you were over their sister and you three got into the car. You asked Blake and Colin if they were okay if you started to vlog and of course they said it was fine. “Hey, guys! So I’m in New York!! Ahhh I’m so excited. Shoutout to Blake and Colin, Caitlin’s wonderful brothers for picking me up. You guys wanna say hi?” You flipped the camera so it faced them.
“Hi Y/n’s vlog!!”
“Hey Y/n-nators.”
“Wait Y/n are your fans actually called that?”
Both you and Blake burst out laughing. “Honestly I should call them that, that would be hilarious.”
After about 45 minutes of driving, due to New York traffic, you arrived at the hotel you were staying at. You all just so happened to be staying at the same hotel as the Indiana Fever team, just one floor above them. You wheeled your suitcase inside and checked in. “And you guys are sure Caitlin’s not here yet right?” They both assured you that the team was currently out at dinner and wouldn’t be back at the hotel for at least another hour.
“Guys, tell me why I’m, like, nervous to see Caitlin. It’s like I don’t see her for 3 days and suddenly I’m as nervous as I was when I first met her!!” You heard a ping on your phone and recognized the notification immediately, as your beautiful girlfriend.
Cait 🤍
hi my pretty girl! i miss you so so so much! how are you doing? we’re out at dinner right now, but i was just thinking about you :) text me when you can baby! i’m so excited to facetime you tonight
Y/n 💕
HI MY LOVE!! i miss you even more! im good actually great, how’s dinner?
You smirked at your reply to Caitlin’s text, “I think I played it off really good guys. I don’t think she suspects anything yet!! Okay now let me show you guys my room!” You turned the camera around and did a couple 360s showing off your hotel room.
“Okay,” you started to say to your camera, “So honestly I kinda wanna surprise Caitlin tonight instead of tomorrow at her game just because I’ve missed her so much. I hope she’s missed me too! How should I even do this though??? OMG guys I’m gonna be like ‘Hey Caitlin what’s your room number so I can send you something’ and then I’ll be like okay it’s there and then boom i’ll be there! Perfect, I’m a genius! Okay I’ll let you guys know how it goes!” ping! another text from Caitlin.”
Cait 🤍
hey there i just got back to my hotel
did you wanna ft rn or if not can you in a little bit? i just miss you so much :(
“Uhhh chat she’s actually back like RIGHT NOW. Wait so that means I’m in the same building as her? Awe. Okay let’s do this!!”
Y/n 💕
what’s your room number
Cait 🤍
Y/n 💕
I sent you something but I need to tell them what room you are!
Cait 🤍
You hearted the message and sprinted out the door of your hotel room. You hurriedly walked down the hall to the elevator and walked in. It was just you, thankfully, and you clicked the number 2. As soon as it opened, you bolted out and walked down the long hallway until you stopped right in front of it. 207. You were apprehensive, thinking what if she was mad at you for coming? What if she wanted to use this as a vacation away from you? What if she thought you were trying to make it all about you? Then you smiled and remembered it was Caitlin. No. Caitlin would think you were so sweet for doing this for her. With that, you knocked at the door.
It was Caitlin’s new teammate that opened the door. She was about to scream, but you put your finger to your lips to shush her. “It’s a surprise!” you whispered. She nodded her head. “Hey, Caitlin! It’s for you!” Caitlin was on the other side of the hotel room and called back to her. “I think Y/n sent me something, let me look.” Caitlin jogged to the door and you popped out.
“ HI CAITLIN!!! THE SURPRISE IS ME!” You waved your hands as you exclaimed. Caitlin’s jaw was to the floor; she couldn’t believe her eyes. She pulled you into her and picked you up, burying her head into your neck. You giggled as you looked down to kiss her temple. “I guess that means you’re happy to see me? Hopefully?” She rolled her eyes and set you down, grabbing your jaw. She pulled you into her and connected your lips into a fiery and passionate kiss.
“Does that show you how happy I am, babe?”
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imaluckygirl · 3 days
back home: layla’s favorite ꒰ s.jaeyun ꒱
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❕ j𝐚𝐞y𝐮n x fe𝐦!r𝐞ad𝐞𝐫 ⋆ ge𝐧𝐫𝐞: a little bit of angst if you squint, fluff im actually crying ⋆ w𝐨𝐫𝐝s: 1,2k+ ⋆ w𝐚𝐫n𝐢n𝐠𝐬 .ᐟ : i guess there’s no biggie, let me know if there is something
❔ 𝐧ot𝓮𝓼: literally wrote this with the biggest grin ever!!!! loved this so much i swear 🥺 does layla needs another mum?
english is not my first language, so it might contain a bunch of grammar errors.
taglist and requests are open .ᐟ
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jake and you are exes for about one year and a half. although, i think who definitely got the most affected here was layla.
she missed you like crazy. jake remember getting back from a exhausting day at work and having to deal with layla’s whines when she realised he didn’t came back with you; after getting all excited for nothing.
layla was used to sleep with you and jake in bed, so when she realised you weren’t in the shared room, she would just lay outside, in front of the doorstep, supposedly waiting for you to come. — jake could just sigh when he realised layla was laying out there on the floor while it was winter in korea, knowing it was impossible to convince her to get on bed without you calling her first.
if you are getting sad, wanna hear a funny story? okay, when jake used hang out with other girls trying to forget you and then brought one of his dates to his place, layla immediately noticed something was off.
she was indeed excited once she heard a feminine voice outside of the door, but it was all an illusion. her natural happy expression immediately went away and she began to bark loudly, like she was yelling: daddy? where is mommy? get out of my house, i want mommy, dad! — and it didn’t stopped there.
let me clarify something: jake told the girl he had layla, and she seemed even more enthusiastic about meeting his dog when he commented that layla was lovely. however, when his date went inside layla’s house his house, she was met with an angry layla. a very angry layla.
aaand, can you guess what an angry dog does when he’s upset? correct, they bite; and layla did bit the girl’s hand when she tried to pet her — go ahead layla, set your boundaries!
after that embarrassing day, jake never ever tried to bring another date to his place.
also, did you really think layla would be okay with her dad after that day? nononono. she gave jake an silent treatment. it’s not like she talked anyway, but she tried to avoid him as much as she could. layla seemed to be really angry at her dad for bringing another girl to their home — especially when that home was mostly yours and hers.
oh, almost forgot: remember when i told you jake plans was forget you by going out with other girls? well… scratch the forget part, because it was almost impossible because layla was the one who couldn’t forget you. you were and are her mom. she just wanted you back.
and she actually did got her mommy back — you — after an year and a half for her happiness!
quick context: you and jake rencountered each other after an mutual friend — jongseong and his, nowadays, fiancée — invited you and him to a dinner at a restaurant. reason? jongseong was announcing his marriage.
you were definitely like: oh, wow, congratulations, can i leave now? — thankfully you didn’t.
you and your ex-boyfriend began to talk again after that day and after a few drinks. couple days later you were just about to visit his place after almost two years apart; and, oh boy, that was one of the best days in layla’s life.
she finally got to see you again, and she was glowing. jake certainly hasn’t seen his daughter that happy since you went away.
want to know a little something too? jake wasn’t sure about getting back with you for many reasons, but after seeing how much layla loved you and you loved layla, he knew it was you; and it always was.
so he kissed you that day after one year and i don’t even know anymore days? and your lips were just like he remembered, but even sweeter this time; and he loved it.
“let’s go sleep, layla!” you called her, hearing her gulping down the water she drank from her pot and run to you. “hi~” you hummed glancing at her after switching off the last lightbulb. “go to bed, baby.” and she did, jumping on top of jake, who whined; complaining.
“layla, you are heavy!” he yelled in pain, but laughing.
“don’t call her heavy.” you pouted getting under the covers with jake.
“oh, so you’re telling me she’s light?” he cocked his brow at you.
“i dunno.” you shrugged.
“i DuNnO.” he mocked your tone and gesture, making you chuckle.
“you are very funny, aren’t you?” you joked, getting closer to cuddle him while layla was laying down on the bed; on jake’s and your’s feet.
“just for you” he smirked placing a quick peck on your lips.
“can you just not?”
“what now, baby?~” he whined. “can’t i just kiss you? kiss my baby?” he kissed your chin and cheek swiftly, like he was desperate for affection.
“we have a child in this room.” you playfully smiled.
“layla.” you murmured to your boyfriend who was hugging your waist tightly.
hearing her name she flashed her head at you two, even stopping to breath for a second.
“she’s so weird.” jake whispered at you.
“don’t talk about her like that.” you pouted and slapped jake’s arm gently, switching your gaze to layla; making him laugh while gazing at you with puppy eyes. “maybe she got this weirdness from you.” you finally looked at him.
“ouch!” when layla heard her dad’s voice, she got closer to both of you, laying on the little gap between you two. “oh, are you worried about daddy, layla?” jake proudly smiled, placing his hand on her forehead to pet her; and she licked his hand after hearing her name. “i’m okay baby.”
“mommy will not kill your daddy.” you told layla hearing jake’s giggles.
“yet.” he whispered at layla like it was a secret.
“shut up.”
“maybe you could come and shut it up for me?” he asked teasing you.
“you- can i kiss daddy layla?” layla hearing her name, she licked your exposed arm as well.
“yes, mommy.” jake whispered like it was layla speaking, mocking an thin tone.
“idiot.” you slapped his arm again, laughing.
“just come on and kiss me already, baby~ i’m touch deprived!” he dramatically complained. “you just play with layla, and do that with layla, i want your attention too,” he whined. “i am your baby too.” jake pouted and you laughed out loud.
“yes? my baby? my baby wants a kiss?” he nodded pursing his lips. “okay, i’ll give my baby a kiss.” you nodded, closing the gap between you and your boyfriend, kissing him slowly and softly.
“i love you.” jake spoke while placing quick pecks on your lips after kissing you affectionately for three good minutes.
“i love you.” you replied smiling.
layla suddenly barked, breaking you and jake kiss with a burst of laughter.
“i love you too layla.” jake replied to her barks.
and she barked again, like she was waiting for you to say the same.
“mommy loves you too layla.”
and then she licked both of your faces, trying to copy the same action of affection that you and jake shared just a minute ago — a kiss — but in a different and clumsier way; like a dog way i guess?
you just knew you loved your little family so much. — and jake was even more excited to finally get on a knee and ask you to be his wife.
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© imaluckygirl , originals .ᐟ 24.
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mwahsturns · 23 hours
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professor!matt sturniolo x student!reader
Contains: HEAVY smut/oral (female receiving)/fingering/p in v/creampie/swearing/A lot of praise/teasing/flirting/pet names/ unprotected sex/aftercare/fluff. Semi-proof read! And I think that’s it let me know if there’s more.
Synopsis: you’re an 18 year old freshman in college and you’ve always been in love with writing, your whole life you’ve always been hiding behind your books and your writing. You decided you wanted to go to college because you knew you wanted to become something with your writing, you’ve always had big dreams about your work and you knew you could do it. But one day you find out your regular professor had quit his job because of an injury and you were getting a new teacher. What happens when the new professor offers to get you a head making sure you make it where you need to be?, and you end up fucking your new professor.. Mr sturniolo.
Author’s note: i’m doing a collab with @iluvmattsbeard! go check out her version of the reader being the professor! this is my version where Matt is being the professor! i’m so so excited I had the opportunity of working on this with her. she is so so sweet and absolutely talented. i want everyone to show her some love and support because she deserves it! And please enjoy. 💗
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* *:・゚✧🏩*:・゚✧
Today has been interesting to say the least, our regular teacher professor Charles quit due to an injury in his knee causing him to have surgery and he probably won’t be able to walk again. I as I walked into the classroom I see I’m the only student here, as I’m putting my stuff down I hear someone walk in.
I swear I felt my heartbeat when I looked behind me, there he was professor sturniolo I only know his name because it’s on his desk but not the point. God he looked so fucking sexy his hair wasn’t messy but it looked so effortlessly fluffy and he had these black glasses that framed his face perfectly, he also had a little blue ish button up shirt but it was slightly opened to where you could see his gold chain. He had some rings on and a watch on his right hand, his beige pants perfectly showed his cock just looking made my mouth water.
Fuck his beard too god this man was a whole walking sex object, I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by his voice. ‘Hey your early” he says smiling ‘yea I’m always early’ I place my bag on my chair and sit on top of my desk with my leg placed on to of the other one. I noticed him look me up and down and I looked and saw my skirt has lifted a little bit. I was wearing a black and white long sleeve shirt, my cleavage Showing as my necklace sits perfectly on my chest. My skirt was short and plaid with some short sorta see through white socks and some black buckled heals.
‘Cute outfit” he winks and goes to write the agenda on the board, I smile and turn on my heels and sit on my desk and nibble on my pen smirking as I watched him. Eventually everyone started walking into the class and my best friend heather ran over to me and sitting next to me, ‘dude the new professor is so sexy!’ She smiles and as takes her books out, ‘I know we talked this morning’ I smirk as I take a sip of my water. ‘No wonder you’re in the front of the class’ we laugh as we hear professor sturniolo start to speak.
‘Okay guys so as you know professor Charles is out so I’m your new teacher, I’m Mr sturniolo and today’s assessment should be easy you need to write a short story about anything you’d like and share it to the class.’ He smiles and writes it on the board, ‘you guys have the next hour to write it then I’ll have all of you share yours with the class’ oh I got this in the bag I thought as I started writing.
The hour is up and he stands in front of the class as he gets ready to announce who goes first, I feel him starting at me as he starts to smirk. ‘You first’ he smirks as he tilts his head looking deeply into my eyes, ‘’me?’ I say confused. ‘Your names Y/n isn’t it?’ He says sassily, ‘yes sir it is’ I say with the same amount of sas ‘well then the floors yours’ he smiles and sits at his desk. I grab my paper and walk the the front of the class flatting my shirt as I begin to read, ‘We shall start with a secret couple, their names is professor Lucas, and a student named Sophia. The two are secretly in love but has yet to expose it to the world so let’s dive deep into their life styles before things get intimate…’ I say smiling as I continue to read.‘Sofia is a very pretty girl, amazing personality, great style, she is a phenomenal actress and she has a great judge of Character and if we need to speak about her body we can say that she has some amazing ideal curve and her face sits perfectly.
‘Professor Lucas is a great guy with amazing humor and he does a phenomenal job at teaching, (that’s what turns Sophia on) he cares for his class and he truly is the person you couldn’t hate even if you tried. Jumping in Sophia walks into lecture hall, looking a little bit more Expensive or extravagant, she is wearing her Golden necklace that says her name in a cursive writing a white button up long sleeve crop top tied at the bottom with a tripled white skirt and some white heals. (she truly loves the color white, she feel it enhances her look more) as sophia Is carrying her books, Professor Lucas takes notice and says ‘ah Ms Raven, please have a seat in the front for me.’ He says pointing out the seat closes to him smiling. Sophia walks down to take a seat and sets her notebooks down and gets her Mac-book out of her bag to place it elegantly on her desk.
Professor looked down and said ‘good morning sweetheart, why are you late?’ As Sophia looks up into his amazing beautiful emerald eyes and smiled saying ‘I woke up late sir’ she knows calling him Sir makes him feel respected and satisfied, ‘hmm see me after class young lady…’ as he continues the lecture. As the day goes on classes come to an end, which reminds Sophia to go meet with professor. As she arrived she placed a firm knock on the door and patiently waited for him to come and answer, in less than a minute the professor answered the door and said ‘Ms raven please come in’ as he smiled looked outside the door before closing it too lock it. He looked at her with a romantic expression. ‘I want us to get intimate, we’ve been kissing secretly hanging out for a while but now, I want to show you that I’m ready for another step and that is showing you that I want to dominate you and show you how much I love you in a different way’ ‘I’d figure you’d get the hook’ the professor looks confused when she says that and says ‘what do you mean?’ As he steps a little closer toward her, ‘I mean I’ve been wearing the slutty things to lure you in or to make you want to fuck me, I wanted to show you that I’m ready for the next step but I was just to afraid to ask.’
The professor steps closer to her them almost touching noses as he says ‘Mama you don’t gotta be nervous or afraid, if you want me to give it to you just ask me. I won’t even hesitate’ professor says as he slowly cuffed her Chin and pulled her into an intimate kiss inhaling deeply as it escalated.
Sophia continues the kiss for a few more moments before breaking it wrapping her hand in his tie, ‘I want you’ sounding a little breathless turning the professor on more. ‘I know you do baby’ the professor said gently brushing his hand down the side of her face, ‘lay down, and open your legs for me’ Sophia proceeds to do so as the professor smiled and watched, As she finished doing what he asked he then spoke ‘good girl’ as he then walked closer to her then sliding his fingers up her inner thigh to tease her already wet pussy. he rubbed his thumb around her clitoris teasing even more before gently sliding off her white see through lingerie panties. He took off his shirt revealing his soft skin and muscular chest.
sniffing the panties and throwing them to the side, he licked his middle and ring finger before rubbing her clitoris once again before loosing his belt and took of his cargo baggy black jeans revealing his huge cock print in his underwear. he took her hand and rubbed it around his print moaning and groaning a little. And just know you aren’t going nowhere….’ As I finished reading this class started clapping, I look at Matt to see him smirking arms crossed god he looks perfect.
‘Great job mrs L/N and um can you see me after class?’ I smiled and nodded my head as I walked back to my seat.
Class ended and I’m packing up my stuff as I hear heather start talking, ‘girl your paper was so good like ugh i felt the emotion and I think professor sturniolo liked it too’ she winks putting on her backpack. ‘Who knows but I’ll see you after?’ ‘Duh ofc you will’ I laugh putting on my backpack, soon everyone leaves and I walk up to the professors desk. ‘You wanted to speak with me?’ I say smiling, ‘yea I did um your writing is so excellent your a very talented young lady’ he smiled leaning forward on the desk. ‘Well it is my specialty’ I smirk ‘mmh we’ll keep up the good work’ he smiles packing up his stuff ‘Will do!’ I laugh as I leave his class.
professor Sturniolo has been here for about two weeks now and to say I’ve got him wrapped around my finger is an understatement to say the least, he’s has been favoriting me for weeks now always giving me extra credit and pushing back deadlines for me I didn’t think anything of it until now.
‘Girl he’s so into you!’ Heather says as we enter the empty class, ‘I don’t know..’ I mean if that was true god it would fuel my sexual fantasies so much. ‘I’m telling you it’s a matter of time before he fucks you’ heather and I take our seats up front as professor sturniolo walks in, ‘good morning Y/N morning heather’ he says giving me this irresistible look that makes me just want him ‘Good morning’ I smile.
As I’m writing our notes for an essay coming up in feel him walk up to my desk as he wisphers in my ear ‘see me after class’ he says as he walks back to his desk. I can’t lie that did make me aroused I know it’s wrong but it also feels right.
As everyone left the class I see the smirk growing on his face as the class grows empty. Once the class is completely empty he stands up from his chair and leaned his back against his desk as his arms were crossed, ‘you know you’re a very special young lady..’ ‘mmh you think’ I smirk teasing him a little. ‘I do.. very much the work you’ve turned in has been exceptional your writing style is remarkable..” he walks over to my desk and leans down to my ear. ‘And i must say you’re a very beautiful girl..”
‘Thank you, I appreciate it’ I smile as he basically towers over me, ‘so you got a boyfriend?’ He says as he runs his hand through my hair ‘no.. what about you got a girlfriend or a wife?’ I say looking up at him. ‘Oh no it’s just me’ I mentally take note of that even though it shouldn’t matter to me ‘look your very talented and happen to be very beautiful and I want you to be more than just a basic writer you can be so much more’ he says sitting on the desk next to me ‘I know I’ve always believed I can do it I just wasn’t even sure how to start’ honestly I’m lying I know exactly why he’s saying all of this but I just wanna see how far he’ll take things.
‘Well how about this .. you help me and I’ll make sure you get right where you need to be’ he smirks ‘okay but how will I help you?’ I already know what he wants I just wanna tease him a little I’ve seen way to many teacher and student movies and books to not know. ‘What if you let me teach you a few things mmh? Fuck I can’t lie that did make me a little wet ‘mmh like what?’ I tease standing in his face, next thing I know I’m picked up and placed on his desk.
‘Let me please you..’ he says kissing my neck harshly. I can’t deny as the kiss gets longer the more I’m starting to crave more. He started kissing lower down my neck placing open mouthed kisses onto my breast, i tugged on his hair as his hand slid down into my skirt. ‘Well look at that my perfect student getting all wet for her professor huh such a slut..’ he says as he pulls down my skirt and my underwear harshly.
I bite my lip as I see him spit on his fingers I don’t know what has gotten into me but right now I need him in me, he takes his fingers and slide them into my dripping pussy as he gives me no time to adjust he fingers me very rough.
‘Oh my- fuck’ I moan throwing my head back biting my lip, ‘mmh feels good doesn’t it? He looks like a kid in a candy store the way he’s looking at my vagina right now. ‘fuck yes.’ He smiles at my response and stands up pulling his pants and boxers off and holy shit he’s fucking big.
‘That’s supposed to fit in me?!’ I actually am now kinda nervous, ‘mmh I’ll make it fit’ he walks back over to the desk and pulls my legs forward and now I’m laying down on his desk legs wide open how the fuck did I get here?. He slides into me and I swear to god I saw stars fuck he felt so good, ‘fuck your so tight’ he moaned pounding into me like he was getting a fucking pay check.
‘Oh fuck sir omg..’ I moaned maybe a little too loudly, ‘fuck-please call me Matt’ he tried to say as he let out a choked groan. God his name makes this 10x hotter. ‘Fuck Matt I’m so close’ I moan, ’yea cum on this dick baby’ his thrust getting faster but more deeper.
‘Fuck I’m gonna cum!’ I screamed ‘me too baby let it out mama’ he moaned as I came all over his dick and I felt his warm cum fill me. ‘Fuck you did so good for me’ he smiled kissing my lips softly, ‘I don’t think I can walk..’ ‘it’s okay I’ll clean you up’ he walks to his desk and gets a rag and wipes both of us down. Once were cleaned up and I’m standing he walked up to me and smiled. ‘Well I guess I’ll be fucking you more often huh?’ I smiled ‘oh definitely’.
I smiled and walked out of the classroom fuck he better give me a good grade for that.
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A/n: I hope you enjoyed plus Don’t hate this is my first smut ever so I’m so so sorry if it’s bad pls leave some tips in my inbox!
@iluvmattsbeard @m9ttsverse
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