#just tagging everyone mentioned in the doc lol
(clears throat loudly)
i ummmmmm wrote down the fucking entirety of Chamomile Cookie's lore!! I'd really appreciate if you checked it out, it took me like over 6 hours to write this shit lol
(there are some content warnings near the beginning, so please take time to read them!)
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More Judd smut?
More Judd smut yay (,:
Tags: fem! Reader, porn with a little plot?, what the fuck is hormone monster dialogue, everyone is horny fr, Nick and Andrew are creeps, but also scared of Judd, and very curious, questionable babysitting?, smoking, participating in the act of “getting stoned”, smoking inside, use of the word simp un-ironically, Judd gives super useless dating advice, not so safe sex, please use protection! please do not read if you’re uncomfortable with smut(,:
Summary: you and Judd are the designated babysitters for the night.
Read my OG Judd story? Here
Author’s note: hi gang (,: I remember when I was like “mental illness funny haha” but it’s really not funny anymore 🥹 I know I disappear all the time,, and I don’t even wanna apologize this time lol. But anyways, this has been brewing in my docs for like MONTHS and now I’ve come back, humbly offering you another Judd smut since the other one is surprisingly popular. Eat well, my children
The one where Judd gives dating advice
4,4K words
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(Note, Judd is so cute and I love him :,)
“I don’t care about those horny little shits, I’m just saying they’re old enough to fuck off and do whatever they want. I don’t want my pissstain of a brother hanging around you, your sister is also fucking weird—“ 
You gently elbowed him. “—You’re fucking weird, Judd. And the kids aren’t really that bad, you’re a bit dramatic, babe,” you said, and he angrily grumbled something in response as he slammed the microwave shut. The microwave made a noise, and you watched the third batch of popcorn slowly expand and start to pop. 
Unfortunately for Judd, your parents had collectively decided to go out the day you had promised him a date. Mr and Mrs Birch got a coupon for a recently opened Thai restaurant and decided to invite yours, Missy’s and Andrew’s parents out for dinner, making you the designated babysitter of the night. Leah had ditched the whole ordeal, and Judd was planning to ditch as well until you sent him a picture of your tits and told him he could still come over if he behaved. 
With Maury clouding his judgement, there was no fucking way he could say no to that. 
So now, he was stuck making popcorn for a bunch of middle schoolers. Not to mention he had a pretty bad track record with the kids, they were all absolutely terrified of him. Except of course Jessie, who was deeply in love with him. He grunted in annoyance, turning around to face you with his arms crossed over his chest. 
He had been muttering complaints under his breath ever since you started setting up for the movie. He was absolutely livid that the kids stole away his one-on-one private time with his girlfriend, but for you (and your boobs) he tried to somewhat restrain himself. 
“Judd, baby, look at me,” you stepped out in front of him, reaching up and gently rubbing his cheek, forcing his attention on you. “I know this is not ideal. But, if you play nice, I have a little something for you when the kids go to bed,” you purred, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
He grabbed your waist, kneading the soft flesh in his big hands. Even though he looked intimidating as all hell, not to mention he absolutely towered over you, he was wrapped around your pinky finger. 
He leaned down and buried his face in your neck. “It better be good, slut..” he grunted, brushing his lips over your neck. You slapped the back of his head, feeling him frown against your skin. “I said behave, bitch-boy.” Your tone was sharp, and he knew not to push you any further. 
“Fine, alright. Whatever.” He grumbled, hugging you closer to his body. 
It was precisely 7’oclock when the kids arrived. Jessie was still in her room, not wanting to hang out with you and Judd alone; she had refused to come out after your parents left. 
Surprisingly, Judd was the first at the door. He grinned evilly. “Welcome to purgatory, you little shits.” He said, looking down at the 8th graders menacingly. “Bitch! Your sister's dumb friends are here!” He called over his shoulder. 
You huffed audibly. “Are you gonna let them in or what, numbnuts?” You called back to him, pouring the last packet of popcorn into a bowl. 
He frowned and stepped aside, letting the now pretty frightened kids inside. Missy walked in first, smiling nervously at Judd, then came Andrew and Nick. 
Nick was about to step inside, when Judd put a hand on his shoulder. The younger boy stopped dead in his tracks, praying to whatever god he could think of that his brother would let him off easy. “I didn’t do anything! Judd, I swear, please let me go!” He shouted, voice breaking multiple times.
A ghost of a smirk crossed Judd’s face. “Don’t try shit, or I will rip your tiny dick off and force it down your throat. Got it, asslicker?” 
Nick swallowed thickly, frantically nodding his head. Of course Judd had picked up on his brother's crush on you, as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Y-You got it, Judd!” He confirmed, panicked chuckles escaping him. 
“Judd. Let him inside.” You stomped up to them, looking so livid you scared Judd back into being nice as you crossed your arms over your chest. Nick looked away quickly, a pink flush covering his face and neck. 
Judd pushed Nick inside with a frown, once again not being able to refuse you. The kids looked on in bewilderment as the intimidating teen seemed to slightly cower under your glare, complying to your will. He looked down at them with something akin to shame, before following after you like a lost puppy.
The kids were in complete shock. Had Judd been fucking possesed?
You called out to Jessie, telling her to come out of her room, before dragging Judd back into the kitchen. 
“Y/nnn! Can you start the movie already?” Jessie whined loudly.
A bit of shuffling could be heard in the kitchen. ”I-In a minute! We’re just fixing some drinks!” You called out, voice slightly shaky.
“.. do you really think they’re getting drinks?” Missy asked, after an agonising minute of silence. The kids sat stiffly on the couch. 
You had told them to make themselves at home, but none of them were able to really calm down with Judd in the house. 
Jessie scoffed. “Does it sound like they’re getting drinks? My sister's kind of a slut if you haven’t noticed.” She spat. 
Nick rolled his eyes. “So is Judd.” 
The two of them weren’t able to get over their jealousy of your relationship, somehow not yet registering that they didn’t stand a chance with high schoolers. 
“Come on guys, that’s not a very nice thing to say,” Missy said nervously, glancing at the kitchen door. 
“Jessie, do you think it’s possible I can get a glass of milk? I feel very dehydrated right now,” Andrew muttered, wringing his hands. 
Jessie sighed and Nick immediately began explaining in detail how Judd would murder him. But ultimately, after a long and intense discussion, the kids decided to venture into the kitchen.
“You promised to be nice,” You said over your shoulder, holding Judd’s hand as you pulled him to the kitchen. 
“I am nice.” He huffed, letting go of your hand and instead reaching out to grab your waist. He gently lifted you, setting you down on the counter top before stepping in between your legs. For a moment you thought he would lead it somewhere, but your face morphed into a gentle smile when he buried his face in your neck, hands gently rubbing up and down your sides. 
You softly stroked his hair, making the angry agent of chaos visibly relax as he melted into your touch. “You didn’t even last ten seconds,” You muttered, immediately recognizing his actions as jealousy.
He breathed out against your neck, and you couldn’t help but softly laugh at the tingly feeling. “It was nice enough for me to make the popcorn, do you want me to fucking hand feed them too?” He grumbled, straightening up so he could glare down at you. 
You rolled your eyes. “Calm down there, Mr. grumpy-pants. All I ask is that you remain civil for the night, or at least until the movie’s over,” You gave him your very best puppy dog eyes, reaching up to gently brush your hands over his jaw again. Reluctantly, he leaned into your touch, fighting to keep his angry glare. 
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t deny how absolutely soft he was for you. Your touch calmed him like no other, not even horror movies or tormenting the neighbourhood made him feel as gleeful as when you touched him. 
He hummed in response, not really registering what you said, too focused on your touch. His own hands travelled from your waist to your thighs, gently squeezing. You let out a soft little sigh and instantly Maury appeared. 
‘What? What’d I miss? You’re gonna fuck?’ The hormone monster asked, observing the situation. ‘Oooh! You should totally have a quickie, let’s see how many fingers you can stuff in her before the kids find out!’ He grinned, shaking Judd by the shoulders.
“Shut the fuck up.” Judd growled, making Maury let out a series of horse laughs. ‘Oh ho ho ho! At least get a good feel of her boob, we need something to get through the movie!’ He said dramatically, before patting Judd’s head and walking off in search of new entertainment. 
Judd thought about it for a moment, before slowly sliding his right hand up your tummy until he could palm one of your tits. 
“Judd,” You said, placing your hand over the one he had on your chest, but not removing it. “You gotta behave, alright? Just for tonight. And you can touch aaall you want after, I promise,” You said, finishing the sentence with a long kiss to his cheek. 
“Fuck. Okay, fine.” He relented, removing his hand from your boob and intertwining his fingers with yours instead. He leaned in, pressing a series of wet kisses to your jaw and neck. 
You hummed happily, half closing your eyes until you caught movement somewhere over Judd’s shoulders. You immediately straightened up, opening your eyes fully only to make eye contact with four completely stupefied middle schoolers. 
The kids were too stunned to speak, literally.
Andrew was stammering incoherently, Nick seemed to find the ceiling very interesting, Missy and Jessi had both turned completely red in face but for very different reasons. 
“Oh. Hello,” You said awkwardly, pushing Judd away and jumping off the counter quickly. 
Your boyfriend in question let out a disappointed grunt, murderously glaring down the kids but keeping quiet. You all stood in complete silence for a few, agonisingly long seconds, until Andrew finally spoke up.
Still wringing his hands, the preteen stepped slightly closer to you. “Y/n, I’m very sorry to interrupt. But could I maybe get a glass of milk? It would really help with my nervous stomach—“ You cut him off before he could go into further detail about his digestive system and smiled warmly at him. 
“—Of course. Why don’t you follow Judd back into the living room, he’ll start the movie for you and then I’ll be right out. Okay?”   
If looks could kill, you’d be six feet under. 
Judd bore holes through your back with his eyes, as you turned to open the fridge. “O-okay! Once again, thank you Y/n,” Andrew said, seemingly relieved.
Slowly the kids turned to walk out the kitchen, drizzling out one after the other. Jessi bore a somewhat mischievous smile, walking a bit slower on purpose in hopes she could walk next to Judd. Your boyfriend sighed heavily, uncrossing his arms and following after the kids. He was slowly coming to realise that he had no other choice, than to be a slave for a gang of middle schoolers. 
The kids were again stiffly seated on the couch, this time with Judd sitting in the far end. Jessie had glued herself to his side, shamelessly sitting as close to him as possible. He was sure he would accidentally hit her if he moved his arm just the slightest.
He was holding the remote, quickly flicking through movies on netflix as the kids fought over what to watch. 
“Shut the fuck up.” He barked. “I’ll find you a good movie,” And by “good movie'' he meant the absolutely goriest horror flick netflix had to offer. 
Judd grinned sinisterly as he chose a movie, looking over to see the kids all sporting comically shocked expressions. 
Andrew carefully glanced at Judd. “Excuse me, Judd, but are you sure this movie is suitable for children?” He asked. 
“Y-yeah. Doesn’t that say you have to be sixteen..? My mom said I shouldn’t watch scary movies until I feel ready,” Missy added.
Nick didn’t say anything. He was scared enough of his brother already to disagree openly with him, and he also didn’t want to seem like a wimp in front of Jessi. 
“It’s about time you little pussies grow up. Be quiet and just watch the fucking movie,” Judd said, as mischievously as his monotone voice would allow him to sound. 
Jessi nodded gravely. “Yeah, guys. Shut up. It’s just a movie,” She said, looking up at Judd with big eyes for approval. He only grunted, pressing start on the remote. 
Within the first few minutes, Andrew and Nick were clinging to each other. Missy was curled in on herself, watching the movie through her spread fingers. Judd grinned evilly, satisfied with his choice as he started digging through his pockets.
He was quick to dig up a lighter and half a blunt. A bloody jumpscare in the movie made Jessi jerk and grab onto Judd’s arm, slightly shaking. He sighed deeply, annoyed, but let it slide. He lit the blunt, throwing his feet up on the coffee table and tilting his head back as he inhaled deeply. 
“Judd, I told you not to smoke inside,” You grumbled, returning to the living room with drinks and even more popcorn. Judd raised his head slightly, cocking an eyebrow at you. “Shut up,” He simply said, gesturing to the way Jessi was clinging to him. 
You had to stifle a laugh, quickly setting the snacks on the coffee table and handing the milk to Andrew, who reached out to take it with a shaky hand, refusing to look at the tv.
Upon noticing the lack of space on the couch, Judd beckoned you to his lap. You happily sat down, Jessi giving you a disturbed look as your body gently pushed hers away. 
“What the hell are we even watching?” You asked, Judd shrugged. “Dunno. Summer camp massacre something,” He said, handing you the blunt as you got comfortable on his lap. 
You took a long drag, nuzzling into Judd as his hands came down to hold your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Guys,” Missy suddenly whispered, eyes glued to you and Judd. “Is that.. Marijuana.. As in drugs?”
Judd chuckled, you could feel him move beneath you as you struggled to keep from laughing yourself. 
You said the only appropriate answer you could scrape from your brain; “Well.. Yeah.” 
Missy’s eyes grew to sorcerers. “You can’t do that! Marijuana is a gateway drug! It could mess up your brain- Oh fudge! It could mess up my brain from inhaling secondhand!” 
This time you couldn’t conceal your giggle, handing the blunt back to Judd as you leaned forward. You smiled softly at the younger. “Don’t worry about it, Missy. You’re way too smart to be corrupted by secondhand smoke,” You said. Missy nodded reluctantly, a small smile appearing on her face as she accepted the compliment.
“Mom will actually kill you,” Jessi mumbled and you fondly ruffled her hair. “She won’t if you keep your mouth shut.” You teased, as she scowled at you. Her eyes quickly left yours, to blatantly stare at Judd as he blew clouds of smoke out his nose. He truly looked like an angry dragon, staring at the movie screen with furrowed brows. 
Jessi went bright red, looking away immediately when Judd turned to meet her gaze. You grinned, ruffling her hair again before relaxing back into your boyfriend. Judd gave another annoyed grumble, but soon relaxed himself. 
Somehow, the kids managed to be quiet for the duration of the movie as you finished the blunt and most of the snacks.
Jessi fell asleep against you, having ended up clutching your hand for safety (probably from the masked killer on screen). Missy fell asleep against Andrew, the two huddled in a pile. Nick had slid down from the couch, attempting to hide from the movie but ending up sleeping under the coffee table.
By the time credits came on screen, you and Judd were the only ones awake. Pleasantly hazy from the smoke session, you turned your head to smile at him.
“You were so good. I like nice Judd,” You muttered, leaning up to press a soft, slow kiss to his lips. 
He immediately deepened the kiss, claiming his price. In a horny daze, his hands migrated to your butt and his tongue invaded your mouth. You sighed, a bit too loudly and let your own hands wander. Over his shoulders, rubbing down his chest and abdomen till eventually they rested just over his belt. 
The hiss that escaped him as your hands pressed to his crotch, definitely did not go unnoticed and you responded in kind by moving from his lips, messily gliding wet kisses down his jaw and neck. You bit him playfully, but still hard enough to leave indents in his perfectly smooth neck. 
‘Oooh, baby!’ Right on time, Connie appeared at your side. She purred like a cat, curling around you and Judd on the couch. ‘Why don’t you hurry and jump right on up on that delicious dick of his? You know he can make you feel reeeeeaaaal good,’ She drawled.
Barely acknowledging her, you dumbly nodded in agreement. 
‘Hurry, dumpling! Don’t got much time before the kiddies wake up,’ She urged you, poking Jessi with a long fingernail, and indeed, your sister was starting to stir. 
You could only let out a frustrated huff. Judd had your hair fisted in one hand and your hip clutched tightly in the other, helping you rut yourself against his growing bulge in long, hazy strokes. He felt good, you felt good, everything felt so, so good and moving away from the heavenly friction could not be more of a bother. 
You leaned forward a bit, which came with resistance considering his tight grip on your hair, and whined lowly in his ear. 
Gently, you nosed at his cheek. “Judd.. the kitchen. C’mon,” You breathed.
He retaliated by grinding up into you, much harder than before, allowing you to feel the entirety of his now, very hard, length. You moaned loudly in response. 
“We need to.. the kitchen— they’re waking up,” It was a difficult task to form the right words, with the increased amount of pleasure, so you scratched his shoulders, gently, to get your point across. 
Leaning in, he captured your lips in a hard kiss, licking into your mouth with such fervour your head was spinning. He let go, biting down on your bottom lip and dragging it back before pulling away completely. 
“Stupid fucking kids,” He gritted, tongue swiping over his lips, plump from kissing. 
Heaving, you bit your bottom lip and batted your eyelashes at him in a most sultry display that was sure to make Connie proud. A sinister grin spread across his face, when he got an idea and he let go of your hair in favour of kneading your ass in both his hands.
“I’ll fuck you on the table, slut, be grateful.” It was a demand, but you didn’t mind because right at that moment, nothing truly sounded more pleasing than getting railed on the dining table in your mothers kitchen. 
A shudder went through you at the thought, warmth slushing in your belly and still, you grinned coyly at him. “Only because you were so well behaved. I’m starting to think you actually like them, Juddy-Wuddy?” You said, motioning to the four kids as you cooed at him. 
You got him with that one. Watching with glee as his jaw clenched and he sent you a look that could only mean one of two things; he was going to kill you or plow you until you could no longer walk. You highly suspected the latter.
Your boyfriend scoffed. “It’s almost cute how damn smart you think you are, huh? You fucking bitch.” He glowered. He despised when you called him that, one of the many terrible nicknames you had overheard his mom call him, and he always fell right into your trap. 
Before you could start to respond, he was rising from the couch, hands manoeuvring under your thighs to lift you up with him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, legs tighter around his waist to keep his clothed cock pressed up against your core, and nuzzled your face into his neck. 
His hands were warm on your thighs, so big they almost covered them entirely when he spread his fingers. You latched onto his neck again, engraving lots of little purple marks, just how he liked it. 
His response came as a strained grunt, as he barreled into the kitchen and dropped you on the corner dining table. 
The table was cold, you squealed as your thighs dragged along the cool surface and Judd wasted no time, leaning over you and pushing your skirt up to expose your panties. 
A sinister grin spread across his face when he found your panties were already damp and soaked, his award for being a prime example of a boyfriend this evening.
You bucked your hips, mewling for attention and hoping he would be quick to relieve you of the throbbing between your thighs. 
He laughed, low and husky as he watched you writhe on the table beneath him. Your lips were swollen and plump, a deep blush covered your cheeks and your hair was messily spread out over the table’s surface. His dick ached.
‘Boi-oi-oi-oing!’ Maury was right behind him, a wild smile split his face and he let his tongue hang out, looking more like a rabid dog than a hormone monster. 
‘C’mon! Shove your fist inside her, she obviously wants it!’ Maury barked, shaking Judd by the shoulders. The teen shook him off, grumbling a threat as he returned to the task at hand. 
You heaved in a breath, tongue coming out to wet your lips again. “Judd, I swear to god, do something—“ You pleaded, desperately. 
“— have patience. And shut the fuck up.” Judd grunted, long fingers creeping towards the wet patch on your panties. Then, he pressed down, right in the middle of the wetness where your much neglected clit sat.
Gasping, you reached out to grasp his bicep. He pressed down again, keeping his thump there and swirling it in circles. You gasped and whined his name softly, the wet fabric glided over your most sensitive part so well it was hard to think about keeping quiet. 
He was quick to silence you with a kiss, however, as his left hand finally, finally, left the wet patch to pull your panties off. You helped him shake them off, too focused with the cool air blowing on your hot core to notice how he crumbled up your panties and stuffed them in his back pocket. 
You begged for him again, whines disappearing into his open mouth as he kept it slotted over yours. 
He shushed you, putting his weight on his right hand as he leaned in further between your legs, suddenly stuffing two fingers into you, in one smooth motion. You cried out so loudly and desperately that not even Judd’s wet kisses could conceal it, he gave you another rough thrust of his fingers in retaliation.
Your eyes were half closed, lips forming an ‘o’ as he pulled away from your mouth to bite at your neck. His fingers reached a depth that your own could not, hitting a softer, mushier spot in your pussy that had you seeing stars each time. He was so rough with his thrusts too, working quickly and effectively to bring you to ecstasy and making the table rattle slightly. You could only pray that the slight scraping on the tiled kitchen floor could not be heard in the living room.
What was much louder, however, were your own loud gasps and breathy moans of your boyfriend's name. The closer you got, the louder your pleas became. 
Judd bit your neck again, hard enough to turn the skin purple. “I said, be quiet, bitch.” He groaned into your neck, panting slightly as the pace of his hand increased. 
You tried, but really couldn’t. The lewd squelching sound and the rapid stroking of his two fingers against your g-spot had you mewling and bucking against him. And it certainly didn’t help, when his thumb pressed down on your clit as well. 
His slender fingers didn’t create much of a stretch, but you knew he was preparing you for his monstrous cock and because his fingers were so deliciously long the waiting time was never disappointing. 
You could vaguely hear Connie bustling about in the background, shouting her encouragement and coaxing you to tell Judd all sorts of lewd things. You didn’t listen, you couldn’t when you were so, so close to your breaking point. 
With your body on fire, liquid pleasure in your veins, your toes curled and you tilted your head to allow Judd better access to the unmarked parts of it. He graciously took the opportunity, returning his grip on your head to position you just how he wanted.
Your thighs clenched around Judd’s arm, lip trembling as your eyes crossed in pleasure. “Judd..!” 
And then he was pulling away, you whined desperately in the process, only to be silenced with a large hand slapped across your mouth. 
“I told you to be quiet, bitch.” He snarled, his voice now so deep and feral it made you shiver. He squeezed your cheeks together, a bit of drool escaped your mouth and smeared on his hand, as he pulled you to a sitting position. “Didn’t I?”
Your pussy throbbed, clenching around nothing at both the rough treatment and being so suddenly void of stimulation. 
With your cheeks squished together, you couldn’t respond, so you opted for frantically nodding your head, softly whining out for him. You needed him inside you, and it had to be now. 
You rutted yourself against the table, slick following you and making a trail on the wooden surface, it felt good, but definitely not as good as Judd’s cock would feel. 
“Pw-pf..a..e.. Pwase!” You begged him, hands wandering towards his belt, feeling him up and unbuckling his belt buckle. You gasped quietly, he was so hard it had to hurt and the feeling of him pressed to your palm made you clench around nothing again. Despite the layers of clothes between you. 
He moaned, but reached down to gather both wrists in his free hand and pinning them together. “You think you think you deserve that? After all the fucking noise you made?” 
You cried out and nodded. Judd grinned sinisterly. “You’re so pathetic, you little slut. You know that?” 
You wanted to kick him, or at least insult him back but the throbbing in your cunt and the fact that his words only made that throb so much worse, made it quite hard to do so. 
Then, he leaned in, resting his chin on top of your head and inhaled your hair deeply. “You’re my little slut.” He grunted and, oh, you could have cum right there. 
You nuzzled into him, burying your head where his neck became his chest and started leaving small, wet kisses. 
He didn’t let go of either your wrists or mouth, instead he barked one simple order; “Off.” and brought your bound wrists towards his crotch again. 
You didn’t need to be told twice, immediately getting to work and shoving both his pants and underwear as far down as your position would allow you to grab at his dick. 
Hissing in pleasure, he pulled you closer to him. He was throbbing and warm in your hand, heavy and so swollen the head had almost turned purple, you tried lifting yourself up, tried to get just the tiniest bit of friction. 
You pumped him slowly, he was sticky with pre-cum already and he dropped his head into your hair again, burying his face into you with a strained groan. He, too, was close to his breaking point.
Letting your wrists and cheeks free, he opted to grab under both your hips, lifting them up to hover above his dick. You let go of him, fingers coming to scratch at the table as he did the remainder of work for you and you fell back on the table. 
“This what you want?” He grunted, thrusting experimentally and nudging his cockhead against your swollen little pearl. 
“Yes.. yes, yes! Please, Judd, it hurts, I need it..!” You blabbered, cheeks puffy and face screwed up as you felt your empty pussy ache with anticipation. Only your boyfriend's dick could ease the twang in your lower belly. 
He inhaled sharply through his nose, face set in stone and brows drawn together as he finally thrusted into you, filling you so completely in that one thrust, that you suddenly felt too full. 
The bit of pain from the wide stretch you felt melted into white-hot pleasure almost as soon as it appeared and when Judd pressed a bit more into you, his hip bones meeting yours, you came instantly. 
You cried out, overwhelmed by the sudden and immense pleasure. Judd cursed, rather loudly and tried pressing further into you, holding you flush against him as you clenched uncontrollably around him. You were even tighter now, so tight it almost hurt and so he waited for you to ride out your orgasm, breathing heavily. 
“Shit.. fuck you! Ah!” He nearly whined at the feeling, blunt nails digging into the plush flesh on your hips. 
Panting, sobbing and sighing, you slowly came down from your orgasm, not at all ready when Judd suddenly started thrusting again. You were already overstimulated, but the wide stretch and feeling of his cock inside felt so heavenly.
You couldn’t help the never-ending mantra of his name that escaped you, matching each of his violent thrusts. He wanted you to feel him as deep as possible, you knew, and he made sure of it. Leaning in over you to hit you at a deeper angle, pressing down on your belly as he fucked you to see himself bulging through. 
“Judd, m’so full,” You slurred, digging your nails into his shoulders, as deep as they would go. He grunted a response, sweat gathering on his dark brows; “You gotta be quiet, baby.” He was strained as he spoke, teeth clenched and warm breath fanning your face.
Then, he squeezed under your thighs again, sliding you towards the edge of the table. “Spread your legs.” He demanded gravelly, and you easily complied. He pressed himself to you further, barely pulling out after each thrust, but doubling the force in which he thrusted. 
The table scraped loudly against the floor, you whimpered and tried to quiet yourself, face heating as the room filled with squelching sounds that definitely didn’t leave anything to the imagination, should anyone overhear. 
Already, you started to tighten around him again, your thighs quivered as you did your best to keep them apart. Judd noticed almost immediately, bringing his thumb down upon your puffy clit. 
“C’mon pretty girl, cum for me again,” He panted and you followed suit, before you could cry out, though, he captured your lips with his own, chest pressed to yours. 
You sobbed into his mouth as his tongue licked flames into you, clutching him to you. His thrusts became irregular, driving you into the table until he couldn’t hold out anymore. He moved to pull out, but you stopped him, keeping him pressed against you. “Don’t.. they’ll see— in-inside.” You panted into his mouth, and almost immediately felt a slush of warm liquid fill your lower belly. 
Judd grit his teeth tightly, jaw fully clenching and breath heaving. His green eyes were dark and glazed, he straightened up a little, raising himself on his forearms to look down at you. 
You were drooling slightly, makeup a bit smudged as you laid out on the table, revelling in the feeling of complete satisfaction and Judd’s cum filling you.
He waited a while to pull out, watching with interest as your tummy swelled ever so slightly from the combining force of his dick and his spend. 
“You’re fucking horrible at being quiet,” He eventually stated.
You puffed out your cheeks, sitting up and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “It wasn’t me who made the table move,” you countered.
Judd’s hands ventured up your back, holding you to him. “You whine like a bitch in heat,” He countered, monotonously, in the most endearing way he could possibly put it. Because honestly, he loved the sounds you made. 
Maury clapped him on the back and barked something at him, reminding him that the two of you were indeed not alone and he pulled out of you. You sighed as he slipped out, feeling your combined liquids leak out a bit as well. 
He was quick to pull his pants and boxers up, turning from you to fetch a roll of paper towels. As he always did, he insisted on cleaning up for you. 
You had asked him about it once, getting the lame response of; “I like to keep my things clean.” 
Fixing your skirt to cover yourself, you found that your panties were nowhere in sight and fixed Judd a look. 
Your boyfriend shrugged. “This is your house, just get another pair.” You blew a raspberry at him. “I’m actually gonna run out of underwear because of you.” 
He didn’t care, it was quite obvious, so you kissed his jaw and jumped from the table, to get yourself a new pair. Judd didn’t miss his chance to roughly squeeze your ass as you walked past him. 
Nick awoke to a strange sound. The loudest being the scraping of something on the floor, then he heard you cry, loud and continually as though you were in pain. 
Immediately he sat up. The room was dark and the tv static, he drowsily looked around, his four friends sleeping soundly on the couch. Andrew moved his foot, coincidentally pinning Nick down with it. Groggily, he sighed and pushed Andrew off him. 
He swayed a bit as he stood up, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. His brother and you weren’t anywhere to be seen, the spot where you previously was sitting now occupied by Jessi, sleeping in a starfish position. 
That was when he heard the sound again, the scraping and then the desperate gasping. This time, though, he heard his brother’s raspy voice as well. What the hell was going on?
‘Judd and Y/n are wrestling,’ Suddenly his temporary hormone monster, Tyler emerged from the kitchen with a disturbed look. 
“What?” Nick was way too tired to process something like that. 
‘They’re rolling around on the table! Like this!’ Tyler got on top of the coffee table, and started intimidating something that definitely did not look like wrestling.
Tyler noticed Nick’s confused expression. ‘Yeah! And she keeps crying and saying his name— like, like this!’ The monster proceeded to do an utmost terrible impression of you calling for Judd and Nick cringed. ‘— and then, Judd told her to shut up and called her a slut! I think he’s gonna get her in a chokehold. I wouldn’t put my money on Y/n, though, she’s not even trying to fight him off—‘
“— Yeah, I don’t think they’re wrestling, Tyler.” Nick deadpanned, cutting the deity short. He felt his face grow increasingly red, as your sounds grew. Now, even he could hear you beg Judd for all sorts of lewd things. 
‘Oh.’ Tyler blinked a couple of times. Nick shivered, he definitely did not need to hear his brother bone his girlfriend (on whom he had a crush) or explain the situation to his hormone monster. 
The two of them remained in uncomfortable silence for a while, Nick pacing back and forth to clear his head of any inappropriate thoughts that Tyler was coaxing him into, once he had figured out the situation. 
Eventually, Nick settled on waking Andrew. 
“Andrew,” He pushed his friend and whispered again. “C’mon, wake up, Andrew,” 
The latter mumbled something incoherent, adjusting his glasses in his sleep. Nick groaned and shook him, not relenting. “I never peed in that pool!” Andrew woke up shouting, and Nick tumbled back in surprise. 
“What?” Nick hissed. Andrew looked about wide eyed, seemingly as groggy as Nick. “I— what?” Andrew repeated. He blinked at his friend slowly, not yet aware of the circumstances. 
He pulled Andrew from the couch, and put a hand over his mouth. “Listen,” He whispered, and watched as his friend's expression turned from annoyed, to confused, to very very startled. 
“Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god!” Andrew stammered. Nick removed his hand. “Is that— are they?” His head snapped from Nick to the kitchen entrance and back again. 
The shorter nodded once, stiffly. “What do we— do we do anything? We could go back to sleep before Judd— oh god, what if they find out we heard?”
Nick turned to his panicking friend, determination clear in his eyes. “We need to go see for ourselves.” 
Andrew’s eyes grew impossibly larger, to the size of sorcerers. “What? No! No, no, normally I come up with those kinda terrible ideas— are you okay, Nick?” He put a clammy hand to Nick’s forehead, fauxingly checking his temperature.
Nick clicked his tongue, annoyed, and waved his friend’s hands away. “Think, Andrew! You have a crush on Y/n, I have a crush on Y/n, haven't you imagined her like that a lot of times, anyway? We can just look, really quickly,” 
“Uuhh, I— I don’t know,” He stammered, eyes flicking to the kitchen door. 
Nick sighed. “I’m going to go look.” His statement was final, as he marched off. Andrew wrung his hands, definitely not unaware of his own desire to see what his two designated babysitters were up to, and his legs seemed to follow after Nick all by themselves. 
The two stopped by the door, neither daring to actually peek inside yet. 
“Judd, m’so full,” 
Both boys stiffened at the sound of your voice, breathy and begging and definitely not how you usually spoke to them. 
Then, Judd grunted; “You gotta be quiet, baby.” Followed up by a harsh command of; “Spread your legs.”
Nick swallowed, and Tyler pushed him further towards the door, squealing at him to look. Suddenly, his previous courage had completely disintegrated and he looked at Andrew, panicked.
The other was just as alarmed, sweat beating his forehead as the scraping sounds picked up and they realised the weight of the situation. 
They stood there for a while, completely perplexed, having been so scared off by your vulgar statements that neither dared to move. Andrew shut his eyes tightly, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he heard Maury in the room as well. He was barking orders at Judd, all of which went completely ignored, and cheering the two of you on.
Then, after what felt like aeons, the noise quieted down and the two preteens listened as you had a quiet conversation. Judd was way less mean, when he talked to you in private, they both noted. Only when you went off to get another pair of briefs, did they realise their mistake. But it was too late for them to move, instead they both stood there with rapidly beating hearts, faces bathed in red with sheepish expressions as you exited the room. 
You stuck your head out the entrance first, yelling in surprise when you caught sight of the two boys. “Oh my god.” You breathed, then realising that they probably heard most of what just went on.
Caught red handed, you couldn’t bear to look neither of them in the eyes. You straightened, quickly walking past them and holding your skirt tightly around your bottom. 
Levelling your voice the best you could, you called to them over your shoulder; “Judd’s in the kitchen, if you need anything,” You squeaked, bounding upstairs to your room before they could properly take in your dishevelled appearance. 
Nick panicked, now they had to go in the kitchen, or suspicion would surely arise. He grabbed onto Andrew’s sleeve, willing his legs to move and take the final few steps into the kitchen.
Into the dragon's den, where Judd, the dragon resided. 
“H-hi. Judd.” Nick stammered. Judd had his back to them, raiding the fridge for anything to drink. You had only stocked up on diet sodas.
The older teen acknowledged them with a grunt, not bothering to turn before his drink-mission was complete. The two boys stood awkwardly in the middle of your kitchen, waiting for whatever reign of terror Judd would have prepared for them; but none came. 
Judd slammed the fridge door shut, and to their total surprise, threw each boy a Diet Coke. “Need anything else?” He drawled, sauntering to the table and slumping down in a chair. He opened a coke for himself and got comfortable in his chair, downing almost the entire can in one go. 
Andrew and Nick shared a glance, and simultaneously inched towards the table. The two of them sat down quietly, still waiting for Judd to scare them away. 
But he was completely out of character, for once, he looked kinda relaxed. Albeit a bit sweaty and tousled, but as calm as Nick had ever seen his older brother. His eyes lingered on Judd’s neck, where he bore a collection of teeth indents, smudges from your lipstick and hickeys.
The three sat in silence for a bit, listening as the light under the cabinets buzzed and eventually Judd got up to fetch another soda. 
“You want any more?” He asked the two, and they politely declined. He shrugged and returned to the table with a new can. 
Nick fiddled with the top of his can, eyes flitting around the room nervously. “Judd. Can I ask you a question?” He dared not look up as he spoke, keeping his eyes planted on the table.
Judd grunted, his way of saying ‘go ahead.’
“Why are you being so nice to us?” The question visibly caught Judd a bit off guard, he stopped drinking for a brief moment, thinking the question over before his stoic exterior returned. 
“Y/n wants me to be nice to you. She likes you small assholes,” He shrugged. 
Andrew looked at the older bewildered. “Y/n told you to be nice to us?” He asked, voice cracking as if he couldn’t believe his own ears. 
Judd frowned. “That’s what I said, wasn’t it?” He snapped.
Andrew swallowed thickly. “Y-yeah. Sorry,” 
“But— I mean, why? She’s not even here, and, you usually don’t listen to anyone,” Nick was unrelenting, now past the point of caring if Judd would beat him up for asking questions. 
A pregnant pause wove through the room, as Judd thought about the question. He still looked considerably less angry than usual, but his features were set in a frown and his brows drew together and made it look like he was planning something sinister. 
“I do what she says because I love her.” He said eventually, glaring off into space as he thought his answer over.
Neither of the two boys could believe their ears. The Judd Birch had just declared his love publicly. It must have been the post-nut clarity. 
When they failed to respond, he continued on; “Sometimes you gotta do dumb shit, even if it’s fucking annoying, to keep a girl.” He mumbled, still deep in thought. Had the situation been different, Nick would have found it quite funny to hear Judd talk about such tender things in his gruff voice. 
Andrew leaned over the table, adjusting his glasses. “Is— Is that how you get a girlfriend?” 
At that, the corners of Judd’s lips moved upwards ever so slightly. He turned fully to them, a wicked look in his eyes. “That’s how you get laid, numbnuts.” 
Then Nick cut in; “But what after? What if I like this girl, and I really wanna touch her boobs, but I also want to talk to her. I mean just talk. Because she’s smart, and funny, and really nice,” 
Judd dug through his back pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and opened the window on the wall behind him. He stuck one between his lips, and offered the pack up to the boys. 
“We’re twelve.”
Judd merely shrugged and lit his own cigarette. “If you wanna touch her tits, you gotta talk to her first. And don’t be a little creep. Charm her and shit,” He explained. 
Nick deadpanned. “Charm her?” Judd was everything but charming. It would forever remain the greatest mystery to him, how his brother managed to pull any girls at all. 
Andrew pushed up his glasses. “Actually, what Judd is saying is true. You need to make her feel as if you care about her—“ 
“—I do care about her!” Nick protested. 
Judd flicked a bit of his cigarette off over the window still. “Then it’s easy. Just talk to her, pussy.” He inhaled a long drag. “If she’s into small pricks, you’ll be just her type.”
The younger pouted. “Not funny, Judd.”
Judd cackled, lowly, sinisterly. “Then, how do you know if a girl likes you?” Andrew asked. 
“She lets you touch her tits.” 
Nick sighed. “C’mon, Judd! There has to be more to it— I mean, you have a girlfriend, so you obviously know.”
The eldest grunted and exhaled smoke through his nose. He thought for a bit before replying; “I was at a party, and I saw this girl, Y/n, and she was really fucking hot. Is really fucking hot,” He fixed the two middle schoolers a pointed look. “So I talked to her, turns out she’s really fucking sweet too. And when you meet a girl like that, all the rest comes naturally,” He finished his explanation, a bit smug as the two boys looked at him in wonder. 
“Not to offend, b—but haven’t you dated lots of girls? How’d you do that?” Andrew asked. 
Judd put his cigarette out in his, now empty, coke can. “Sure I have. You can also just fuck girls, but it’s a lot more fun if you like them,” He said. 
“How do I do that, then? Do I have to talk to her too, even if I don’t like her?” Andrew was a bit eager now, but Nick had to admit that he was also itching for answers. 
“No matter what, you gotta talk to her. Maybe not for long, and if you just wanna fuck, you have to say the right things,” He said, and then quickly added. “But don’t do that. I don’t want you two turning into little dicks,” 
“Then.. What if you’re already friends with her?” It was a bit of a jump in topic, but Nick had to get answers, and right now was probably the only time he had the opportunity to ask. 
Judd snorted. “You want to fuck one of your friends out there?” He cackled, motioning to the living room. 
Nick turned red very quickly. “No.” 
“Fuck, you’re a little simp!” The eldest was finding Nick’s personal troubles a little too funny, and he huffed, glaring at his brother. “But all the rules still apply. Be charming, talk to her, and don’t be a creep.” Judd eventually added, nodding at his brother. 
“Thank you, Judd.” Nick muttered, and he meant it. 
“Yeah, thank you, Judd,” Andrew echoed. 
Judd grunted. “Yeah, whatever. But don’t, ever, spy on me and Y/n again. I mean it. Or I will gut both of you like fucking fish.”
Hi, hello,, thank you of making it this far!
Originally, I wanted to label this “16+ do not interact if you’re younger” but honestly I ate shit like this tf UP when I was 13 💀 idk if I made Judd a little too OOC, sorry big mouth writers ☹️✋ I hope you enjoyed, though
Small rant + update; tumblr has been acting up on my phone lately, idk what I did to make it so laggy lately, but I have to post from my computer now ),: ALSO I’m so mad I keep forgetting that the cursive I make in Google docs doesn’t work in tumblr ahhhhHHHH so I had to go over the whole thing again, I’m pressed
And anyways, I’ve been working on a really big project for a while now, it is literally my baby, and it’s a Loki x reader because I finally watched some marvel movies lol, I’ll wait with posting it till it’s completely done bc rn it’s kinda a mess (and not nearly done) but if anyone would be interested in beta reading the first 5 chapters please don’t hesitate reaching out to me!
You are wonderful! Thank you for reading <3
Request something? HERE!
Tags? @dlfvrr (this was the only instance I could find of someone wanting to be tagged in my Judd stuff, please reply to this if you do want to be tagged)
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not-kayvalencourt · 2 months
A recent post in the mumbo jumbo tag has me thinking abt my old dsmp x hermitcraft au from like. 2-3 years ago so here's some 4am rambles abt it!!! Reminder that it's c! not cc! yada yada you get it
Grian being Tommy is a given. Like they're an inch away from being the same person. It's so obvious. Grian is a generally very confident guy, though it's mostly a façade and he's pretty easily broken if you do/say the right things.
Mumbo fits pretty easily into Wilbur's role - not for any real reason, but I also fully believe Mumbo has the capability to go from definitely not a drug van to blowing up said drug van in the name of "captain goes down with his ship" because if he can't have it no one can
To continue with sbi I kind of struggled on who would be Techno, but then. Doc. Because who else??? I fully believe Doc would find some way to automate netherrite mining to make enough gear for an army (however small it may be.) Also the image of him kind of being brothers with Mumbo and Grian is so funny. Doc would 100% support Mumbo going on a villain arc and would also summon a wither while waxing poetic about heroes and villains and how everyone but him is kinda the bad guy because. That's kinda what he already does??
Scar. Scar is hard because I really like the image of him being Schlatt as a reference to s7, but I think he works better as Tubbo. Scar is underestimated imo, and I think Tubbo's whole arc meshes really well with Scar as a character. Also the tragedy in the "who am I without you?" "yourself." Really fits Grian and Scar??
I still haven't figured out Ranboo so. If anyone has any suggestions please lmk.
For Phil I think Xisuma really helps round out sbi. Again not for any real reason - out of everyone I've mentioned so far, I know the least about Xisuma - but I am feral for the very familial bond he and Mumbo seem to have and. Well.
I really like Cub as Quackity. It started when Scar was originally Schlatt as a reference to Convex, but I can totally see Cub in Quackity's casino arc. Otherwise I don't know a lot about him so if anyone has a better idea lmk!!
Pearl is Niki. Given the life series, I can totally see Pearl getting super attached to L'manburg, then feeling utterly betrayed by it and burning down the tree but she secretly never stopped caring about it. She's already lost her life for that country, and she's willing to die for it again, even if that country died alongside her in that control room. Unfortunately I still don't have anyone for Eret/Jack :(
Getting a little off topic, I think Ren would make a good Sam. I believe wholeheartedly that whatever lore Ren has going on that he would do a story where he literally is just Sam. Ren is another character I don't know too much about so again if there's any other suggestions. You get it.
I think that's everything I have so far tbh. I've been pacing in circles trying to figure out who would be Dream and I think figuring him out would help the whole rest of the au but. Yeah. Again suggestions are very much appreciated because this was originally a crack au when I first got into hermitcraft right after my dsmp hyperfixation lol
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monbons · 6 months
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @thewholelemon! Your snippet looks hilarious!!! I need more details (Baz, you’re a killjoy!)
Today's post is dedicated to @cutestkilla, who is determined to figure out all my secrets when it comes to The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch. So here is a DELUGE of clues to put up on your murder wall and connect with pins and string. MWAHAHA!
A fabulous playlist. You know what goes well with the angst buffet I'm serving up on AO3? An epic soundtrack. Do the songs match up to specific chapters? Do the lyrics mean anything? Is it just vibes? Who knows. Enjoy. (Spotify Link)
Tidbits from my Dead Darlings doc. No spoilers here. All tidbits are from an entire subplot that I cut very early and all names and identifying details have been redacted.
Apparently, such were the times in which [redacted] was living. People kept all manner of useless things in their homes. Shelves with books they didn’t read. Baskets whose sole purpose was to display knick-knacks. And, apparently, time pieces that did not actually keep time.
Or this little bit of dialogue:
“[Redacted]! How can you not know this?!” [Redacted does a highly specific motion I cannot include]. [Redacted] groans. “[Redacted pet name that should not be a pet name but for some reason is and must also be scratched], what am I going to do with you?” “Love me anyway, I imagine.” [Everything after this point definitely needs to be redacted...]
3. A couple beta comments from @thewholelemon. Have I mentioned she's the best beta in the world? Seriously, all the kudos for this fic should be sent directly to Jenny.
happy kitten or grumpy kitten? lol
HORRIFYING. like something out of a scary movie.
LOL braden!!! polycule!!! this is so funny!
Side note: fuck this guy
Have fun unraveling that knot of nonsense, Dre. [Cackles like the dark and disappears in a cloud of smoke.]
For everyone else, if you got this far, thank you. Have a little chapter 3 snippet under the cut, this time featuring current Baz.
Baz could make this difficult. He could wait for the boy to hit on him some more. To ask him his name or if he’d like to have dinner. But, Baz is feeling rather lonely after his unsuccessful hunt for a one-night stand yesterday and this boy can be good enough. So, he takes a step closer and lifts the boy’s chin with a careful finger instead. The boy’s eyes meet his immediately, which is precisely what Baz wanted. The whole scene sets off another round of barking from the tiny dog. “Take me home with you,” Baz whispers.
Hellos and high-fives. Tag, you're it.
@thewholelemon, @roomwithanopenfire, @noblecorgi, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @emeryhall, @valeffelees, @beastmonstertitan, @raenestee, @arthurkko, @iamamythologicalcreature, @hushed-chorus, @rimeswithpurple, @aristocratic-otter, @cattocavo, @larkral, @drowninginships, @artsyunderstudy, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @comesitintheclover, @shrekgogurt
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nomoretumbler · 2 months
I dont go to wordgirl and I am asking out of genuine curiosity but what is the general Deal with Dr.Two Brains?? Idk he looks cool. feel free to ramble.
ok first I would like to make a formal apology to my alan becker moots/followers for my wg spam, now that I tag everything if it bothers you you can block the “#wordgirl” tag, ik it seems a bit silly to apologize for this but yeahhh.
Dr two brains is one of the main villains in wordgirl and he’s a cheese obsessed scientist!! He will steal only the cheese btw, he buys everything else. His usual plan is making some sort of ray to get cheese, he also over complicates most of his machines lol (for example, making a ray that runs gold into mashed potatoes….. and then using a ray to turn those mashed potatoes into cheese….. he’s smart enough to make all that stuff but not smart enough to just use the gold to buy cheese, he gets made fun of by wg for that in a /nsrs way 😭😭).
ANYWAYS he’s also part mouse!! He has some mouse traits like strengthened smell, mouse mannerisms, boggling, love for cheese and all the other obvious stuff.
Now why is that?? Well he actually used to be a normal (as normal as he can get) scientist called steven boxleitner!! He only appears in the wordgirl shorts (and has a small flashback scene in the main series) and has an amazing!! ~3 minutes!!! of screen time!!! This definitely does not make me want to kms!!!! /silly.
Anyways from those shorts we can see a bit of him pre accident. He would use over complicated machines for simple tasks (such as using nuclear fission……. To grill a cheese sandwich……. I love that scene so much 😭😭). He can also be a very distracted fella since he bounces from one topic to another (especially if food is mentioned) (have I mentioned how much he loves food in general? Now you know).
Now one of the most important things from these shorts (specifically the what’s up doc? short) is the relationship steven and word girl (becky botsford) have. They used to have a mentor and student relationship that literally everyone just treats as father and daughter/uncle and niece/friends. It is very implied that becky saw steven as an inspiration and main role model when it came to being a superhero (everything she learned came from Steven’s superhero guide, I haven’t mentioned that book yet?).
So you can see how deep it can get if you think about their relationship for more than two seconds, however the show doesn’t do much with it, only showing bits and snippets of what their relationship was before/how wordgirl feels about all this/how two brains sees wordgirl now/etc.
Oh have I mentioned that squeaky/dr two brains and steven used to fight on what to do? Yeah… the fighting died down and steven basically just started being bossed around by squeaky (give this man a break 😭😭).
Like I’ve mentioned on some posts before a lot of stuff isn’t really explained with him. Some people believe that two brains is a separate identity from squeaky and steven, some that two brains is a mix of both and that boxleitner basically merged with him, and other think that two brains and steven are the same person, just under different circumstances (me personally believing the latter).
I would yap more but I also don’t want to spoil the whole show and all his moments because it was pretty shocking for me to see some of the episodes by myself.
so yeah that’s all I have to offer, if you want to know more feel free to watch the show!!!! There’s also other amazing characters, like wordgirl herself, scoops, tobey, chuck, the bucher, Mr. big, leslie, lady redundant woman, miss question, invisibill, and a lot others (these are just my favs heheh).
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astarionposting · 9 months
Thank you @korcariiwitch for tagging me &lt;3
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I. what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
mint, lavender, rosemary and a hint of vanilla.
II. what would their blood taste like to vampires?
i dunno, like blood usually does lol, or whatever blood with a lot of wine in it tastes like.. maybe she'd get them drunk
III. how would they kiss their LI?
she is quite reserved, so gently/discreetly in front of others (or just not at all), and more passionate in private.
IV. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
Always steals the furry blankets, either doesn't really cuddle bc she is sweating under the fur blanket or has her leg over her LI if it is really cold hehe
V. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
Cozy warm tones with a lot of candles, pretty much a fire hazard, incense and oils burning, a lot of furs for her bedding area, and decorated with dried flowers, medicinal herbs and animal bones, mostly deer. Prefers to be away from water and in a more seculded/quiet area.
VI. if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
A dark navy with bronze accents. Deer/dragon style engravings.
VII. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
Medicinal herbs, dried flowers and animal bones (as previously mentioned) as she believes everything can serve a purpose, even in death.
VIII. if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
definitely astarion/gale club, but she mostly focuses on studying history and medical stuff
IX. if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
She gets along with everyone pretty much, but I'd say she would butt heads with Astarion on certain things, such as always having half-assed plans and rushing into things, and maybe Sharran Shadowheart due to her own religious beliefs.
X. do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
speak with the dead, as much as she loves animals.
XI. what are their thoughts on clowns?
XII. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Not sure who would, but probably talking about her decision to get a giant septum ring of an elk post-resurrection lol... maybe Karlach, but in a good way, like she also wants to get a piercing to match
XIII. what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
A very quiet and brief laugh; I would say when she is having a genuine conversation with someone she cares about, mostly laughing over Gale's jokes. It is mostly a breathy laugh that comes out of her nose. otherwise, it is mostly a sarcastic scoff at lack of common sense/general stupidity. Having a father who barely smiled/laughed himself, she kind of mirrors the same behaviour.
XIV. do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
She isn't really the type. I also am bad at coming up with jokes :)
XV. what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
my mods are messed up so it just says 'not found' lol... it is jaheria's camp outfit
XVI. what’s the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
XVII. how do they celebrate their birthday?
She is a noble lady, so probably a large feast (with lots and lots of mead and wine) would be held in celebration. A lot of music and dancing, entertainment, often in form of live competitions, are held, gifts, etc... but as she prefers the quiet, she always sneaks away as soon as everyone is too drunk to notice lol
XVIII. what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
Nature documentaries lol, I think she would be fascinated by National Geographic docs for suuure, and she would probably attempt to get her LI to watch them too out of pure excitement.
XIX. do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description?
I do! It is just named after her lol, I guess the songs align with her personal arc that I am roughly/poorly developing in my brain
XX. if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Probably something that reminds her of home or a loved one, maybe a stone or a small gift that is sentimental to her.
I FORGOT TO TAG AGAIN: @julietvoid, @cheekylittlepupp, @dark-and-kawaii, @punk-muffins, @anderwelt aaand anyone else who wants to! if u have already done u can ignore or u just dont have to do it at all lol
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dewdropreader · 6 months
Describe your WIPs Badly
Okay so I wasn’t officially tagged on tumblr but @cha-melodius did this and it looked fun so I’m doing it anyway!
Basically the goal is to summarize your WIPs badly— some of mine are badly described plots and some are just me poking fun and making a joke about the content, some are both lol. Please feel free to send me asks asking about ones you’re curious about, I love talking about ideas and sometimes it helps me get inspiration to work on them! Some of these are newer and some are ones I’ve mentioned before, but they’re all ones that have at least one sentence/deeper idea written (not always a good one, but an idea at least lol)
The real storms were the daddy issues along the way
Tom Hiddleston called Loki a mercurial spirit one time and I ran with it, now Loki and Sylvie are ghosts gently terrorizing and falling in love with Mobius who is just trying his best
Sylvie has only known Jack 10 minutes but if anything happened to him she’d kill everyone in the room and then herself
Everyone is drunk, Loki wants to kiss that old man so bad it makes him look stupid, and Mobius wants to kiss that god so bad it makes him look even stupider
Author is a swiftie and Mastermind is so Lokius coded it hurts
No I’m not over Loki season 2 and neither are Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Croki
What if all the Lokis just loved themselves and their Jotun forms, wouldn’t that be nice? They don’t yet but they’re trying
Loki has grown so much but would snap Brad’s neck and like it if he so much as breaths wrong at Mobius again
So many hugs and softness that your teeth might fall out
All the Lokis getting the heavy dose of gender fluidity and self expression that marvel didn’t give them
Birthdays are weird for Lokis when they’re centuries old but their favorite silver fox is going to give them all the happiness regardless, dammit.
Author is also a Disney nerd and will make her blorbos experience Disney too
Sylvie is taking the end of season 2 a lot less well than it appears
Loki controls his timeslipping but really has a bad time as he thinks way too hard about “who” and what is at stake
Casey and OB are smitten, neurodivergent kings who are absolutely clueless despite being obsessed with each other, no I’m not taking criticisms at this time
The boastful origin fic that haunts me more than ever because we didn’t see more of him in season 2
Author putting two of the most attractive, badass women from marvel in a room together in an apocalypse and letting them take the reins
There are definitely other WIP docs that exist but none others (that I know of anyway) that have enough to summarize yet!
Might be double tagging but this is fun so if anyone wants to give it a shot!
@starport-seven-five @insert-witty-user-name-here @blackbirdofasgard @lgwilt and anyone else that wants to do it!
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solange-lol · 2 years
solangelo fic awards 2023 nominations masterpost
i want to thank y'all for being super paitent w me as im positng this a few days after i said i would, which is entirely due to the insane turnout this year. there was over 200 fics submitted, (not including series) with over 110+ of those being included in the nominations! very excited for y'all to get this massive reclist and have a chance to read some amazing fics!
click here to vote!
unfortunately because of the absolute Bulk of the solangelo awards post this year, i have to link all the categories besides aoty in separate posts :,) i understand how chaotic this is, so please use the fic masterlist to your connivance! all the posts are linked below!
best angst noms
best au noms
best canon compliant noms
best chaptered (finished) noms
best chaptered (unfinished) noms
best fluff noms
best misc noms
best gift noms
best series noms
link to fic masterdoc
and our author of the year nominations are as follows!
gatesofember (ao3) (tumblr)
ghosttotheparty (ao3) (tumblr)
gnatashameow (ao3) (tumblr)
ikeasharksss (ao3) (tumblr)
pinkerpick (ao3) (tumblr)
rainnows (ao3) (tumblr)
the_oncoming_stormageddon (ao3) (tumblr)
yrbeecharmer (ao3) (tumblr)
please notify me of any inconveniences from the links, if you believe a fic has been placed in the wrong category, or if your desired fic does not show up in the poll.
voting guidelines:
voting will close on february 13th so that the winners post can be released on the 14th for valentines day! (for realsies this time i promise it doesnt take me as long as nominations lol)
if your work didnt make it in, there is most likely a reason! you are welcome to message me about it if you wish though and i cant check as to why
if your fic was nominated and counted but is missing on one of the docs, whether its here or the poll or the masterlist, please let me know!! i have missed things and had no idea, its ok! please dont be afraid to let me know i've made a mistake!
same goes for if something shows up twice, fic has already won, links are broken, etc etc!
if one of your works has been submitted, you can promote/mention this to your followers, please just no bribing or blackmail or anything like that i promise its not that deep
also no blackmailing other contestants, you all deserve a chance
there is no prize to this contest besides (i guess??) satisfaction, so dont get too worked up over it!
you aren’t required to vote if you have been nominated, though it is heavily recommended
you also aren’t required to vote in all categories anymore due to popular request, although we heavily advise that you do in order to keep voter count even
if you have been nominated, you are allowed to vote for yourself. just please also be considerate to others and vote for each category!
the google poll will ask for you to sign in just to ensure that you are only voting once. no emails are being collected! that being said, if you are more comfortable voting through ask/message/etc, feel free!
there is a few questions at the end of the poll, although none of them are required so you’re welcome to skip them if you’d like!
this is all just friendly competition, so everyone have fun! be sure to show the writers some love!!! <3
in the case that you see someone disrespecting the guidelines, feel free to let me know and i can handle it from there! :)
if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask! any and all posts relating to this will be tagged with “lizs solangelo fic awards.”
as i do every year, but especially this year bc they really were an insane help, thank u @buoyantsaturn for helping!! <3
good luck to all! thank you for your patience!!!
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eliteseven · 5 months
do you, by any chance, have more HCs about the House of Tavyndír? 👉🏻👈🏻 how are Serena's mom, how is she called, how she sees Serena, Serena's brother and etc
i absolutely adore how you constantly think about your story and you always keep saying new things LMAO aside from the final result, which is when you upload a new chapter, i love how it makes more alive and richier than already is
Ahh thank you so much! 🥰 it’s definitely a living, breathing AU this way and it’s so fun to just consider all the possibilities with everyone!
I actually happen to have an entire planner sheet in docs dedicated to BG3 Nobility/Patriar Families and House Tavyndír’s history. I am SO flattered you would like to hear more 🥹 I was going to paste the entire thing here, but I think it's a bit too long and I don't want anyone to hate me lol. If you're interested in THAT much depth of their family life/history pre BG3 events, I'll make a post for it! 💕
A Few Tavyndír Family HC's:
-House Tavyndír was a once-great patriar family that owned a sizable fleet of trade ships and some dry docks in the Grey Harbor. This means they also enjoyed an estate in the upper city and frequented High Hall; they had political sway, at some point.
-By the time Serena's father came to power as the heir, their house was already in decline.
-Serena's father was Lord Aldin Tavyndír of Baldur's Gate, and he wasn't always cruel. In fact, he was kind, sociable, and liked well-enough by his peers before inheriting a failing dynasty. Though towards the end of his life, he only had time for his vices. He was the son of nobles, and thus was well-rounded in his skillset. In Serena's early years, he couldn't go a day without seeking her out and sitting her atop his shoulders- so strong was his adoration for his daughter. He was warm, then. He was well-read and Serena often enjoyed having him read to her, when she was a young child. He used to make Serena feel safe.
-Serena's mother is Lady Amelia Tavyndír, formerly Bayne, of Cormyr. She married Serena's father out of familial/business obligation. She liked Aldin, at first. By all accounts, he was a good father and a loving husband. They did enjoy a happy life, for a brief time. I think that’s an important bit of info.
-Serena has no siblings- though perhaps due to the stressful situation they found themselves in, Amelia could not conceive after her. This made Serena a little lonely- she would seek company from the estate staff, if her parents were feuding or worried about the last shipment that never reached the docks. A sibling definitely would've helped soften the blow of how everything played out. She made friends easily enough- but there were so many rules imposed upon her, upon the other children of nobility. She wasn't allowed to be a child, in the traditional sense- though she tried, anyway.
-Serena’s favorite activities: sneaking to the lower city (was often caught and as the severity of the punishment increased, she stopped). She enjoyed watching the guards train and switch posts. She loved going down to the docks and just people-watching, as well as keeping an eye out for new ships coming into the harbor. Wouldn’t be surprised if she tagged some walls with charcoal, just like Shadowheart mentions upon visiting the city.
-Though Serena's father began to grow cruel with time and pressure, turning to alcoholism, to gambling, etc.- her mother remained a beacon of light for her the entire time. Amelia is one of those people who simply radiates warmth, happiness. Serena knew the callousness of her father, yes, but she also learned love in its purest form from her mother.
-Serena’s mother would often sing to her, a talent she picks up and passes on to her own baby, eventually 🥲💕
-Serena was pretty capable by the time she was 19 or so. Though her family name was beginning to be tarnished, she was well-liked in court and an eligible bachelorette, which fueled her desire to escape with her mother. She could see the toll her father’s presence was taking, not only on her, but her mother. Surely, she could likely marry out of this abusive situation (and hopefully not into another one), but her fear for her mother made her strong.
-Serena and Amelia have nothing when they return to Cormyr. Amelia’s house has long since crumbled inwards- there is no family for them to join. Serena is forced to provide for herself, and her mother, and has few options other than joining the military. Still, they’re happy to be alive, relatively unharmed, and away from Baldur’s Gate. They go from riches to rags overnight.
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wikiangela · 1 year
Temptation Tuesday
game created by @honestlydarkprincess ❤️
tagged by @buddiearemydads ❤️❤️
So there's not a lot of new stuff going on, I just finished the whatta man fic (posting tonight!), but here's some other things I've been thinking about:
buddie secret relationship - a brand new idea bc I saw this post and now I so wanna write them getting together after that 'you wanna go for the title' line and then keeping it a secret for years (with a dash of possessive eddie bc I just read chapter 4 of @usercowboy's straight!eddie fic - the best thing ever, everyone go read it pls - and omg I forgot how much I love possessive eddie lmao)
this is what I just found in a doc from like 3 weeks ago that I don't remember writing, but I really wanna write it now: Buck and Chris want a dog - Buck’s trying to persuade Eddie at work (saying that he and Chris will take care of it etc) and everyone’s like: you don’t even live together? And they’re not even dating or anything - but it’ll lead to them getting together
I want to get back to what I call 'the coffee buddie fic' which is a 4+1 where Eddie asks Buck out for coffee, definitely not meaning coffee, but Buck doesn't get it (I have 2/4 written and got stuck but I'll get to it if it's the last thing I do lmao)
the 5+1 nickname fic I've been writing since 'go get 'em cowboy' but something's not working and I need to rewrite what I have
also the 'alive Shannon fic' (it's still gonna be 90% buddie) I mentioned here is constantly growing in my mind and I can't wait to finally get to it when I'm done with the holiday fic haha
Tagging ppl I did for seven sentence sunday bc I don't wanna overthink and not tag anyone lol, but please feel free to ignore haha: @silentxxsoul @diazass @elvensorceress @rose-buddie @mrevanbuckley @honestlydarkprincess @shortsighted-owl and whoever else wants to do it hah
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metalbvcky · 6 months
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
tagged by @sarahowritesostucky, thank you lovely!! 💖💖 no pressure tagging: @late-to-the-party-81 @sparkagrace @bittersweet-in-boston @otpcutie @apple-writes
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I feel like that's asking "how did you join Tumblr" it just happened 😂
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
One, technically, which is nothing compared to others but I enjoy exploring my ideas with the MCU and its characters. I'm not sure I'd get the same feeling with other fandoms, like say, supernatural.
🍈How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
It'll be four this summer. Again, not long, but considering I denied myself as being a writer for several years? That's progress and growth.
🍎Do you read or write more fanfiction?
It depends on the muse and all sorts of other things. Sometimes I'm punching out oneshot after oneshot, while other times I'll be focused on a longfic and will read in between and stuff. Like currently!
🍌What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Writing more. Reading more. Writing more again. But also letting go of sticking to a strict outline. I'm a planster. I'll plan the major things, but everything else is made up as I go.
🍑Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
I'll often start or continue writing a scene and will find myself stuck, thinking it's the end of the world, and then realize my whole issue is a few lines above what I'm trying to make work. Happens so often you'd like I would be used to it by now.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don't know about weird, but I've been doing a ton of medical research for my future doctor/patient AU. I've searched around for all sorts of things lol even for a sentence that I'll likely not end up using.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Keyboard smashes. Long detailed comments about the plot/relationship/pining/etc. Comments that mention a tiny detail I included, those are the best when people notice them. But also, any comment.
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Crack fics? I don't think I write a lot of outlandish stuff, at least I wouldn't consider them to be 😂
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Uhhh... *stares blankly at my open doc* Ones with big plot. I love it, it makes the story even more fun to write, but MAN plot can be tricky. Catch me saying "Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again" like Captain Jack Sparrow when I finish a longfic, and then immediately start planning another one to write.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Short oneshots with hardly any plot. Which isn't often because almost everything I write ends up being longer than I anticipated.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Docs. I used to use Smartedit Writer and organize by chapters, but ehhhh I just throw ideas onto a separate doc and go from there. Why plan extensively when my characters will do a 180 on me all the time? And almost always at night, sometimes during the day when time/the muse allows me.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I was just thinking about this recently. I have never written a post TWS recovery fic. It's on my 'to write' bucket list, so I hope to tackle a lengthy canon fic one of these days. I love reading canon fics where they're on missions and the plot is centered around HYDRA or some other big bad, I feel like those are trickier to write than AUs. But everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and I know coming up with detailed worlds/world building isn't a walk in the park for some.
🍇 what made you choose your username?
I didn't know what to name my Marvel sideblog when I was making it so... I just decided Bucky + metal arm + aw crap that name is taken = Metalbvcky 🤣
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scandalouslamb · 17 days
re: tag game
i think you already know which doc i'm going to ask about haha
felix time travel au 👀👀
How could I have ever suspected that you would ask this? lol. No way for me to have known. None at all.
Anyway, remember this post/conversation? Yeah, still jumping off that. I also vaguely mentioned working on this AU to you many months ago, and it honestly hasn't moved too much since then. It's at 2.5K, and it would probably have to be a chapter fic to accomplish what I want to accomplish, but so far all I have is Felix realizing he's actually back in time and plans for him to basically become the most responsible adult in any given situation, and the frustration of being that but also being perceived as like a child.
I get kind of sad for him, because through time traveling to his childhood as an adult, he kind of gets to see how the adults failed him. (And also all his classmates and friends are all slightly different in reaction to him, so they aren't really the people he knew). It's like... he almost thought he was getting a happier childhood, but it's not that... it's him picking up the slack for his great-uncle and supporting other people, and I think it's just so... sad.
Fun fact: Livia doesn't hate him in this world, because mentally 35-year old Felix is like "well, I'm not gonna beef with a child" and just goes along with her demands, so she only finds him annoying at times (everyone thinks he's patronizing). Felix misses her hating him, because he misses his old life...
It's a very lonely existence. He learns to care for the people of this new world but there's a lot of baggage thinking about the old timeline
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vmures · 9 months
WIP Tag Game!!
Tagged by the fabulous @tarantula-teeth. Thank you for the tag!
I'm a bit of an odd one in that I tend to focus on one story at a time and try not to have too many WIPs going at a time. But I think I have a few responses I can add. 😊
Actively in progress:
none at the moment, I'm trying to decide what I want to work on next.
Fics hanging out in the WIP archive for a while I might revisit:
Dance Like You've Never Been Hurt dancer AU (Teen Wolf) (Peter/Stiles) (what I have written was posted on my Dreamwidth blog as an Evil Author Day short)
Stranger Havens (9-1-1/Stranger Things Crossover where Buck ends up going to live with his Aunt Robin and her friends): only one part of this written, and might end up rewriting that and reworking things.
Don't Fear the Reaper (Stranger Things/Sandman crossover): this one is still in the ideas stage
genderswap AU swapping genders for Noah and Claudia Stilinski (Teen Wolf): this one is also in the idea stage
there are a few others in the ideas doc that haven't been fleshed out much but are kicking around in the back of my head
WIPs I'm pretty sure I will never complete:
The Road Less Traveled (Buffy/Stargate): this is my oldest wip and I finally admitted to myself that I was never going to finish it. Read at your own risk as it is not going to be finished. The guilt of not finishing it is honestly one of the reasons I am unlikely to post stories as I write them these days.
Not abandoned but idk if it will ever be done:
Pretty much all of the ones mentioned above. I want to finish them, but I promise nothing.
Folks are welcome to ask questions about any of these. I can't promise coherent answers, but I'll do my best. lol
I think most everyone I know has already been tagged, but feel free to play along if you so desire! Just consider yourself tagged. 😄
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knickynoo · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
(Thanks to @mythical-bookworm for tagging me!)
How many works do you have on AO3? 11
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 184,491
3. What fandoms do you write for? Back to the Future and Family Ties
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Despite the Distance
In Case of Emergency
Reflections of a (Not So Mad) Scientist
Under the Mat
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best to respond to every comment I get because it really means a lot to me to get them! Sometimes, I do genuinely forget, though.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "Because of the Barriers". I mean, the ending isn't particularly angsty, but the whole point of that fic is angst, haha. That's my "troubled version of Marty who grew up in a timeline without Doc" fic, and it leads into the events of "Despite the Distance."
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think that award would go to the final chapter, "Sunset," I did for Doctober. I really wanted to end that project on a happy note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I never have, though I have gotten one or two comments from people telling me things like, "This would have been better if ______" and "Good fic, but the ending felt like it was missing something," which aren't hate comments, of course, but they are kind of weird ones for someone to leave. Just seems unnecessary, lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I did a Family Ties and BTTF crossover chapter for Doctober!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I did have someone contact me once because they wanted to translate one of my fics into German, but I don't know if they ever did it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Maybe?? My friend and I like to toss around fic ideas and write snippets of scenes on Discord, and a good deal of those ideas have made it into recently posted fics, so... I guess that counts?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm not a big ship person and usually don't focus too much on them, but I guess Marty and Jennifer? Alex and Ellen, too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm...a while back I wrote a chapter or two of a post-trilogy BTTF fic where something goes wrong in the continuum since Doc is vacationing and running all through time. Since he's "spent too long" away from the year he's supposed to be living in, the continuum kind of starts to "erase" him from people's memories? Except for Marty's, since he's protected by the time bubble and all that. Anyway! Marty starts mentioning Doc, and everyone thinks he's losing his mind. Consequently, he starts to think he's losing his mind because nobody around him can remember a Doc Brown.
Also, Marty starts to legitimately hallucinate Doc (he pops up and talks to Marty and gives him advice), not because there's anything actually wrong with Marty's mental state, but because the timeline is going haywire trying to reconcile a guy who existed, but who's being erased, but who is still remembered by Marty.
It's an odd one. Not sure what was going on there, but I had fun writing it!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do well with dialogue. When the characters are really engaged in a conversation, it flows easily for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Setting the scene. I have a very hard time describing surroundings and making it feel "alive." Also! When I just have one character alone and have to focus entirely on their own thoughts, that leads to a lot of writer's block.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
That'd be fun, but I only speak English, and I don't trust Google Translate to translate things accurately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ok, um... Big Time Rush, lol. I never posted any of it, but that was the first fandom I was in when I was younger that made me truly aware of fanfiction. I remember sitting there and realizing, "Hey, I could do this, too! I could put these guys in situations!" I wrote stuff based off of the show just for fun, but I credit it for starting my love of writing and helping me to develop a lot of my skills.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh, this is so hard. I think I'm gonna have to go with "Despite the Distance". That one was challenging, emotional, and fun to work on. But I also have a very special place in my heart for "So, Your Brother's Befriended a Mad Scientist." I love writing about Dave McFly being a wonderful big brother and also looking at those early weeks of Marty and Doc's friendship.
Tagging @fourth-dimensional-thinker, @rose-of-pollux, @daryfromthefuture and anyone else who wants to do this!
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moochio7 · 1 year
can we get more coach content ?? :D
teared up seeing this in my inbox /pos
get ready for way too many words...
I never had any ocs that stuck around before making coach for the stupidest crack fic with my friends,, so idrk how this is supposed to work but whatever. He isn't a very nuanced character yet, but he'll get there eventually.
on the google doc for planning False-hearted (the insane crack fic) this is what was written for coach a while back
"Coach: (deals with some behind the scene shit and plans “plays” to do in battle) {Boss Man} He plans plays for battle but also is in battle observing and making plans on the spot- like we all have radios and hes armed creepin around being like oooooo we got an abandoned sentry ill get that which opens up a space for someone else to come in and yada yada u get the idea (long story short i'm specifying that he gets a gun and gets to be in battle cause teehee silly) YOOOO HE CAN LIKE TRAIN THE MERCS N SHIT BY ANALYSIZING THEIR SKILLS IN BATTLE AND SEEING WHAT TGET CAN WORK OJ AND RAAGGHH cuz they got that training gym area right? coach the personal trainer lol"
Also have I mentioned its a self-insert? I think I may have just said oc but no yeah this guy is just me.
in terms of who this guy is, he gets along well with pretty much everyone, bullies scout like a brother a lot tho. no hard feelings ofc. since a very young age he had a lot of pressure and responsibility dropped on him, so while he is immature and messing around sometimes, he is wary of being too obnoxious, is never vulnerable with others, and puts up this false rigid cool leader guy persona. For now at least.
He may not talk to others about his emotions or whats going on with him, but he doesnt just bottle it up and never think about it. Hes got an over analytical brain and has looked into every single thing hes ever done or said and seems to truly understand so very much about himself. Hes knows the issues he has but cant bring himself to fix them because that takes being vulnerable and brave. Some things he cant be. He appears brave to others in your typical "do whatever it takes to help others and jump into action without worry" way tho.
In terms of backstory and what growing up was like? I havent decided yet lol
theres some older posts on my page under the false-hearted tag to (maybe???) give you more context of the strange world this guy is in.
heres pretty much every time ive drawn coach 👍👍im still working on figuring out his exact features so theyre pretty inconsistent.
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quick sketch n colour
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this one is inspired but an amazing song "La guerra di Piero" by Fabrizio De André
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another sketch, and some images i cooked up for sending as reaction images to friends. (Coach brutally killing Blu scout with scouts own bat, and then coach being the innocent kid he is)
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He Ollie! It's Cef. You might remember me. I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you are doing well. I still love that you are posting t-fics left and right! I miss you all very much! The reason I left the community was because I finally found some meds that work really well for me, except I almost completely lost my love of tickling. I can't really explain it because I have the same reaction as any other regular person now but I do miss everyone here. I just hope you all are doing well still.
cef!!! of freaking COURSE i remember you, you're one of the OG sasi tfic blogs i ever followed!!! (right behind august and dani, right before spikey, pineapple, and felix dfhfdjsk) i actually just recently was thinking about your blog and your writing!
(confession time: i've mentioned before i had a private tfic account before starting this one, and on that tfic account i still have like, TONS of old posts/fics/art that i've reblogged from 3-7 years ago. some of it i can't access if it's behind a readmore and the op has deactivated, but if it's not behind a readmore, i can still read it so..... yeah i have a collection of extremely 2017-2019 sasi t-word posts that would maybe shock the OPs if they knew about it lol)
((and cef, i actually have an old masterpost of urs saved there, i think most of the links are unreachable now since you've deactivated, but it also has 2 links to freaking,,, google doc self insert teases from logan and roman that i just reread recently LMAOOOOOOOO. so yes, of course of COURSE i remember you and the impact u had on my writing and life :3))
and yeah, i still try to stay active around here, even when my tfic writing isn't coming as easy as it used it. it's crazy that u say that abt ur meds bc lowkey that kinda happened to me too... i started antidepressants for the first time last may (almost a year?? holy shit) and although i had been having writer's block for about 3 months prior to starting those meds, i can honestly say that yeah, the meds did change my brain chemicals a lot, to the point where tickling fell wayyyyyy to the backburner of my mind lol. coupled w how busy i've been for the past... solid year lmfao and this blog just hasn't been able to be a priority like it used to be
HOWEVER, not to get any hopes up or anything, but within the last month i have had a p extreme resurgence of thinking about t-word stuff often, rereading old favorites, going through the tags, etc. and i am graduating college (!!!) in less than a month so..... mayhaps. MAYHAPS. there may be more writing coming from me somewhat soon. WHO KNOWS SJDHFGHDJ
but i digress!!! cef, it was really good to hear from you and know you're doing well. when i saw your blog was deactivated, i was surprised but i understand why u did it, and i'm glad to know u remember all those years on here as fondly as i do :3
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