#just thought i would also make it clear that i have nothing against tobio kageyama. he is my darling boy my sweet cheese my pretty princess
thawthebeez · 1 year
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the commentators literally just talked about how you pulled off 5 service aces against France at worlds and you're out here thinking about HINATA SHOUYOU? AND FOR WHAT? THERE ARE 5 OTHER PEOPLE ON THAT SIDE OF THE COURT DUMBASS
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omiscurls · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters as bed sharing AU’s
taken of pinterest!
characters in question: kiyoomi sakusa, miya atsumu, kenma kozume, suna rintaro, tobio kageyama, kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keiji
kiyoomi sakusa - the “you have too much nightmares, let me try this method on you”
When you look at Sakusa, you wouldn’t guess any of his weaknesses... well except for one maybe
He always speaks so confidently, if he doesn’t feel secure, he just doesn’t speak
So even if you’ve been their manager for... several years, you still know as much about this man’s weaker sides as if you met him yesterday, or even less. 
The surprise on your face when you binge watched a series at night, and you suddenly felt the scream definitely coming from outside your headphones was indescribable 
Was the room next to yours... Sakusa’s?
you thought nothing of it, but night after night, you heard a lot more, you heard crying, ventilating, calling out random names, and finally you decided that not only is this interrupting your sleep, it’s not healthy for the wing spiker either
come on, the next day is game day, he has to be on his best abilities 
nobody wants to deal with grumpy kiyoomi, nobody has the guts
so you remember a method your friend has told you about that their s/o uses on them 
it took a lot of courage, but there you are, about to knock on his door... 
Sakusa flinched hearing knocks on his door. That definitely wasn’t just a comeback from a dream. Someone’s knocking on his door. Was he being too loud? Did he wake someone up? He prays that it’s just someone wanting something, even if it’s around 2AM, and who on earth would want someone at 2AM. 
Normally he would’ve been pissed off, but now he wished for this scenario to come true. 
He put on a hoodie before opening the door, since it was cold outside the sheets, besides, who wants to see him in his underwear, right? Especially if it’s marvel themed-
The look on his face when he sees his crush on the other side of the door is priceless. He can practically feel his face going all red. 
“Can I help you?” he clears his throat and says lazily, pretending to be annoyed by the fact you allegedly woke him up, even though the tears still flow down his cheeks. 
“No, but I can help you” you say, just as embarrassed as he is, and it doesn’t help when he raises his eyebrows like that, so you quickly add “That is, if you like, please feel comfortable to tell me to piss off if I’m being too much, but I have a friend with a problem simmilar to yours and I just...”
“Okay, I’m listening” he interrupts, causing you to look up at him. 
When you explain the idea to him, he’s more than pessimistic, he’s laughing in your face, mumbling something about how he thanks you for your concern, but... 
You took the opportunity that you’re both sitting on his bed, and just lay on your back. 
“Come on, just try” 
“No!” he answers almost immediately, but, as he’s also a man of logic... 
He really has to be on his best tomorrow, and you’re his only hope at the moment. He reluctantly lays down next to you, and your hand guides his face near your neck. 
“Fine, but only so you stop with this idea already. It’s not gonna work.”
You’re both extremely out of your comfort zones, but you’re slowly adjusting. You feel him nuzzle closer, and your hair just instinctly lands in his hair, curling one little curl on your finger. 
His showergel smells amazing, by the way. It puts you to sleep instantly, but you know you can’t be the one to pass out first. After a while of silence, you ask him if his trial run has expired already, but there’s no response. His breath evens out, and you’re too afraid to stir away far enough to check if his eyes are closed. 
“Kiyoomi? Are you asleep?” you ask, but again, there’s no response. 
Oh well. 
The next morning he’s so embarrassed that the idiotic idea worked, he can’t even look you in the eyes at breakfast. 
atsumu miya as “you’ve been so dejected lately i feel too bad to leave you alone at night” 
He didn’t ask for this at all, but yet you ended up being his roommate. 
A roommate who was recently going through an extemely tough time. 
Seriously, even he feels bad seeing you all in tears all the time, mindless look and not paying attention to anything
Even though you weren’t each other’s favorite people in the world before, you ended up getting closer over the fact that he was the only one to see you at the worst moments
You hated that, but what can you do, there’s no safer place to cry in than your dorm
And even though he kinda made fun of it at first, the longer it kept going, the more concerned he’d get
It got to a point where he literally wouldn’t leave you alone 
While still pretending not to like you, of course
Have you eaten? Have you drank something? Have you even left your bed today? How long did you sleep last night? Not at all? You idiot, start taking care of yourself. 
You dumbass, you dummy, you moron, you absolute fricking mess
Some of your friends consider him your boyfriend, judging from the messages you get from him
“Dummy, there’s a granola bar in your bag, better eat it” “Hey idiot, I had to run to practice early today. Are you feeling less shitty than yesterday?” 
He noticed that, as it is logical, your mood proggressively gets worse as you get tired 
And that you actually learned how to cry without sobbing so you don’t wake him up, how thoughtful of you
Well your mistake, now you have an 80kg volleyball player over you. 
“Atsu, what’re you doing?” you ask in a tired voice, covering your face with a pillow. 
“You’re crying.” he states bluntly, staring at you like a four-year-old. 
“Observant, are we?”
“Hey. Dumbass. You didn’t cry for so long already, what happened?” he whispers, sitting by your side, and you can’t mumble words, feeling so ashamed you want to disappear. You fall on your back and pretend not to notice the question. 
He sighs audiably. 
“Alright then, just know you brought this on yourself” he states, and before you can ask why, he’s already laying beside you. 
“W-what’re you doing?” you scream-whisper, right into his blonde hair, and he shivers at the feeling. 
“I’m comforting you, isn’t it obvious, you moron?” he hisses. “Although, I can see my mistake now” he states, and you think he’s gonna go back to his own bed, but no, he grabs you by the waist and rolls over, so now you lay on top of him, flustered as ever, thankful for the light being off, at least he doesn’t see your tomato-like face. 
“But- Atsumu, please go to your own bed” you plea, but he shakes his head, eyes already closed. 
“Nu-uh” he answers “Yours is more comfy, anyway” he jokes, making you chuckle through the tears. 
He puts his hand on the back of your head and puts it on his chest. 
“Goodnight, dipshit” he whispers, and you manage to fall alseep listening to the steady beat of his heart. 
No tears, he’d feel them anyway. 
kenma kozume as “the heater broke and i’m cold as hell, can you come here?”
this should not have happened
the guy looks miserable
but, you see, he’s doesn’t have the biggest amount of muscles in his body, his not as ripped as his highschool friends
body fat? also no, he’s a skinny, fairly tall boy who gets cold really easily
for real, he’s wearing a hoodie at all times, and in winter, he looks like a shell of himself
so you’re over at Kuroo’s house on a New Year’s party
the party ended like an hour ago, everyone is asleep
(Lev’s gonna be so dead when Yaku wakes up and finds the tall guy’s head on his stomach) 
you’re almost sound asleep in Kuroo’s guest bedroom, so gracefully given to you by the host
the only other person in the room is Kenma, who originally slept in Kuroo’s room together with his best friend, but got annoyed by the weird questions him and Bokuto kept asking
so he asked you if he can sleep on the couch in the room 
why wouldn’t you say yes? 
earlier that night Kuroo burnt pizza in the oven, so you all opened almost every window in the house to get the smell to leave
and kinda forgot to close the ones in the bedrooms
but no worries, you have a radiator
why is the radiator set on the highest temperature and still stone cold? 
well, doesn’t matter, you can just wrap yourself in the heavy sheets
Kenma, on the other hand, only has a small blanket
And since it’s a party, he’s wearing a shirt, not a hoodie 
The boy’s freezing 
“Hey, are you asleep?” you hear a very quiet whisper coming from the couch. 
“Thought you’re here cause you couldn’t stand the chit-chat, Kenma?” you ask with a grin on your face. 
“Yeah, right. Sorry.” he mumbles and you hear him shift in his spot, visibly annoyed by the circummstances. There’s a moment of silence, in which he can feel his face almost burn down from embarrassment. 
Oh, my god, you sound like you’re annoyed with him here. Areyou? Come on, tell him you aren’t. He should just let you sleep. 
But does he really want to spend the rest of his night feeling his feet hurt from cold? Fuck, Kuroo, you and your stupid pizza. 
He gets up, tightly wrapped in his blanket, and checks the radiator. 
“It’s definitely broke” he sighs, touching the cold surface, and turns back to the couch, falling on it face down, letting out a groan. 
You giggle at his action, and he opens his eyes immediately, hearing the sound of your voice. 
“Kenma... I offered you the bed once already, it’s warmer” you start, but he raises his hand and shakes it in a disagreeing gesture. 
“No no, please, don’t worry” he mumbles against the couch, trying to ignore the, ironically, burning sensation in his legs. Is this a bedroom or is this Antarctica?
“Oh, come on” you say, opening the sheets. “We don’t want you to freeze, do we now?” 
Oh my god, what did you do. There’s so much thoughts racing through his mind right now. Should he do it? It sounds so nice... But should he really?
Fuck it, he thinks, you’re offering, he can’t turn down an offer from you. 
He lazily walks over to the bad and lays down next to you, at a reasonable distance, only to hear you laugh again. He spares you an annoyed glance, and you shake your head slightly, rolling over next to him, covering him with the sheets you have wrapped around yourself so tightly, and using his chest as a pillow. 
Hold on, that’s not what he signed up for. Why are you... How...? 
He hesitantly and gently puts his arm around you, relaxing his body, the scent of your shampoo making him slightly dizzy. 
Please don’t notice how fast his heart is racing. This is fine. It doesn’t mean anything, he can promise. 
rintaro suna as “hey dude, i hear cuddling helps you sleep, wanna try?”
the most chill person out there 
literally you would never have guessed how nervous he was before asking you 
it’s  just another week, another game and another hotel you are all staying in 
and fate is definitely on his side today, since his bedroom is literally next door to yours
he got to your door and left without doing anything about three times before he eventually decided to be a man and knock
has a master plan in his mind
he’s gonna show you a website with an article about how cuddling (allegedly) makes you sleep better 
and he’s just gonna be so causal about it 
he’s just gonna knock, put on an emotionless smirk and ask you, just like he always does
but here’s the think, he’s not so chill on the outside
“how should I call them? their name? a pet name? bro? no, too much” 
but, he does end up knocking 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” you turn your head to the door to see a figure of Suna in only his underwear and an oversize t-shirt with the logo of some metal band. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” you ask, voice hoarse as you were already drifting off. 
“I read this super cool thing, wanna see?” he seems not to mind your comment, as he walks over to your bed and practically throws himself beside you, not minding you laying there, shoving his phone in your hands. 
“... help you fall asleep in just three minutes...” you’re mumbling under your breath as you read the headline. “Rin, this sounds so fake” you laugh, falling back on your pillows, as he sighs. 
“I wanna try, and it’s either you or Kita, and he gives me serial killer vibes” he mutters, earning yet another serie of laughter from you. 
But seeing the serious hint in his eyes, you lift your hands in surrendering gesture. 
“Go on with it, Mr Romantic” you state, watching in amusement as he groans at the comment and burries his face in your pillow. 
You’re sure this is him considering this mission a failed one and giving up, but then he looks up 
“Well, are you coming?” he asks completely serious, and you have nothing left to do than hug him and settle your face in the crook of his neck, not minding as his breathing lifts your hair from time to time and tingles your skin. 
Can someone feel your blush through their skin? You surely hope not. 
tobio kageyama as the almighty “the hotel room has only one king size bed and we need to share”
He never would’ve thought his teammates would betray him like this
What the hell do they mean there’s only two people rooms available and they’re all in pairs already
Honestly, primary school all over again
His perfectly happy to be sleeping alone, when he finds out you’re his roommate
this is fine tobio, don’t freak out
well he’s composed about it
a little bit of a “tch” and “well I guess there’s nothing we can do about it”
internally he’s a little girl now, but you never would’ve guessed judging by the annoyed grimace on his face
because how does it matter if you’re sleeping in the same room, it’s not like he was planning to run around naked, right?
it all changes once you press the card to open the room, and when he so gentleman-like lets you enter first, you find out there’s only one, big, king sized bed for couples exclusively
the only thing missing are rose petals and candles prepared for newlyweds
you try so so hard not to burst out laughing
when he enters, he becomes as white as the walls around
he can’t process this, what the fu-
bet he’s spending hours at the reception desk explaining it’s a huge mistake
unfortunately, these were the only rooms left, sorry not sorry, you’re sleeping together
and that brings you to the situation you’re in currently
He’s almost over the edge of making a wall of pillows between you two. You can’t help but feel a tiny bit offended by it, but you know he’s probably just super hyper embarrassed.
“Yama, who don’t you trust, me, or yourself?” you ask with a proud grin painting your lips as you sit on your side, sheets tucked around your waist, back rested on the wall behind you.
He gives you an annoyed glance, before answering:
“It’s not that”
Once he says that, he proceeds to somehow nestle himself in, but he looks like one of those dolls that come with a bedroom furnishing, almost lifeless, resting on his back with hands straight down his body, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“Relax, will you?” you giggle “You have a game tomorrow, grumpy face”
He rolls his eyes.
You shake your head and turn off the light, mumbling a quiet goodnight, as you turn to your side and place a hand under your head, back facing Kageyama.
Well, this is gonna be a long night, or so you think, up until he falls asleep.
You can physically feel him move around, and you think that’s what’s keeping you awake.
It takes a while for you to realize the star valley ball player is getting unconsciously closer, up until you can feel his breath on your neck.
Ironically enough, it’s you who’s all stiff and nervous now, when suddenly you feel his arm go around your waist.
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me” you mutter, but he shifts dangerously when you speak, so you have to give up side commentary.
You decided to tease him just a bit. He’s the one who’s gonna be flustered when he wakes up, you’re on a winning side by being awake.
You smile to yourself before shifting your body closer to his. He sighs contently, almost making you laugh.
Oh how you want him to wake up and see already.
tetsuro kuroo as “we fell asleep on the couch together and now my hand is in your hair and you’re breathing directly on my neck”
you’re over studying, or just helping him with something
the point is, you were working all day
at some point he suggests getting pizza
hell yeah, pizza
you order a little bit too much of it, but since you both are suckers for pizza, nobody can back up first
and as you know, people tend to get sleepy after they eat too much
he has a wide couch, so you can both lay beside each other without having to lay ON each other
and as you tend to get a little bit sleepy, you both shift to lay down instead of sitting, still focused on the work, though 
you don’t know why, you don’t know how but it just happens that you fall asleep
you obviously don’t see what happens after that, but Kuroo notices you asleep when he asks you multiple questions and you repeatedly don’t answer, he got it like around question number 4
“Lazy much, huh, sleeping beauty?” he mutters to himself, but smiles unconsciously as he glances at your stoic face 
and as if that subconsciously impacted his brain, soon enough he can’t find it in himself to keep his eyes open as well. 
Kuroo wakes up to an annoying pain in his neck, causing him to hiss and automatically  want to place his hand on the place that ached. Whoops, did he fall asleep on the couch again? Oh well, didn’t he have work to do? 
He lifts his hand as he wanted to, but suddenly he feels something shift beneath it, and when he looks down to see you, with your head rested on his chest, breathing slowly, a peaceful smile on your face. 
Your legs are tangled with his in some unexplicable manner, and as the man of logic he so obviously is, he can’t even begin to understand how that happened. 
Especially why his hand feels so in place, holding you by the waist, closer to himself, and the other one lost somewhere in your hair. 
You shift your head slightly up, and sigh contently, now breathing directly on the exposed part of his neck. He somehow manages to not shiver at the tingling sensation, getting more and more flustered by the second. 
His heart rate inscreases drastically, making him realize he’s stressed like he’d never been before, as he tries to make up his mind about whether to wake you up, gently push you off and let you rest, or maybe stay in place. 
He feels attracted to the last one, but knows it’d only be unfair to you. 
But you could wake up if he moved you, and you had a long day, after all... 
Maybe he’s gonna let you stay there. Not for long, only five... more... minutes...
keiji akashi as “you’re staying over at my place, you take the bed, i’ll sleep on the floor. no, really, i’m comfortable on the floor. GEEZ FINE we’ll both take the bed, ya happy now?
You wanna know what got you in this situation huh
well, you were over for dinner, but it started raining really heavily 
like, really really heavily
and akaashi being the sweetheart that he is, can’t let you go home like that
it’s a long way to the train station, you’re gonna get sick, and what if there’s a traffic accident? he can’t have that
(he just wants to spend more time with you but shh about that) 
doesn’t matter how hard you try to convince him you’re gonna be fine. you’re staying and that’s final 
it’s cute, he’s cute when he’s worried 
well that brings you to where you are currently, already after your shower, dressed in one of akaashi’s t-shirts, oh this feels so couple-ish 
you wait for him to finish with his night time routine in his room, admiring all the posters and childhood pictures he has
he has the first ever selfie bokuto took with him framed 
when he comes back, that’s when the problems start
“Alright, well, let’s get some sleep, you can take my bed, and I’ll take the floor
And that’s what brings us to the guilt rising in your stomach as you settle in the guy’s sheets, inhaling the heavy scent of his shampoo from the pillow under your head. It’s his house, his bed, and yet he’s sleeping on the floor like some random guest. You’re the random guest here, you can’t help but feel like you’re crashing at his place against his will, and you’re making him uncomfortable.
“ ‘Kaashi?” you whisper, making his eyes open wide to see the dark ceiling of his room. There’s silence for a moment, and then he shifts to turn on the light once more.
“Yeah?” he sighs, bringing one hand up to his face to rub his eyes, unable to open them properly because of the sudden flush of light.
“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep on the bed?” you ask shyly, making him chuckle as he shakes his head.
“Yes, yes I’m sure. Goodnight” he states gently, turning on the light once again. This is gonna be a long night, he thinks.
You cannot catch your sleep. Damn it, damn your altruism and all that shit.
“Akaashi no, I can’t-“ you’re cut of by the sound of him laughing.
“Oh my god. Fine. If I move to the bed, will you sleep already?” he whines quietly, and seeing you nod in the dark, he gets up and picks up his pillow.
You get off the bed, wanting to swap places with him, but are held back by his hand.
“No, if you sleep on the floor, i won’t be able to close my eyes even for a second” he forbids gently, moving you back to where you were previously laying.
Oh boy, you both think, this is awkward, but the warmth of his body pressed next to yours makes it hard to be mad at him for stopping you from leaving.
This is gonna be a long night indeed.
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oikeiji · 4 years
shower challenge | pretty setter squad
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summary: after seeing one particular challenge floating around on tiktok, you decided to try it out on your boyfriend.
pairing: kageyama x gn!reader, oikawa x gn!reader, akaashi x gn!reader
word count: 608
content: i’d like to believe this is funny
warnings: kinda suggestive, also not proofread yet its 4am
a/n: the shower challenge is where you step into the shower while someone is showering. this is done w someone you trust tho so don’t just go doing this randomly!!! >:( also another note at the end if u wanna know my plans for this blog <3 enjoy!
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you set up your phone on the counter
kageyama was currently showering and you wanted try this thing you saw on tiktok on him
he knew you were in the bathroom and didn’t really mind
he just didn’t expect what was coming next
“hey tobio can i ask you something”
before he even got to respond you were stepping into the shower fully clothed
he tried covering himself up as if you haven’t seen him naked before????
“i need to ask you something”
you were laughing so much and he looked at you as if you were crazy
“i came to ask you a question!!”
you didn’t want to upset your boyfriend any further so you hopped out to let him shower in peace
in the end he wasn’t mad at you, he was just caught off guard and didn’t want you to get sick from being in wet clothes
your tiktok gained some controversy that you and him needed to clear bc people thought you were invading his privacy when he was fine with it
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somehow you already knew how this was going to turn out but wanted to try it anyways
oikawa was a cheeky little shit but that didn’t stop you
he was in the shower after a long day of hard practice
you figured it was the perfect time for you to try this out
your phone was set up recording and ready to go
without any hesitation you stepped into shower
he turned and looked at you in surprise
“hi i have something to ask you”
you smiled at him as his face turned into a shit eating grin
“what? are you trying to get freaky?”
he grabbed your waist and pulled you close to his naked body
you attempted to push him away since you didn’t want to get too wet
“gross no i still have the camera rolling”
he leaned down to leave kisses on your neck
“who cares we can leave it on”
he pinned you against the shower wall
“just delete it when we’re done”
you already know what happens after
you ended up getting wet anyways if ya know what i mean
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you weren’t quite sure how akaashi would react but you still wanted to try it anyways
he’d either get annoyed or simply wouldn’t care at all
when you opened the bathroom door he was confused but didn’t question it
he assumed you were there to just use the toilet or needed to get something
once your set up was ready to go it was all or nothing
“hey akaashi we need to talk”
you said this as you stepped into the shower
he turned around and didn’t seem bothered
“oh hi what’s up”
that was it??? you were hoping for a better reaction
“akaashi you’re no fun”
“why what am i supposed to say?”
“it was supposed to be for tiktok!”
“oh my god not that again”
you pouted and he kissed you while saying that you were such a baby
in the end you ended up removing your clothes and joining him in his shower
nothing happened you nasties
just wholesomeness of the both of you trying to help scrub each others backs and shampooing each others hair
the two of you cuddled under the warm blankets after
he apologized for ruining your tiktok but you didn’t care about that anymore bc you got cuddles as a result!!
hi i know a lot of you came here from my tamaki smut !! thank u for the love <33 i post a lot of different animes so i won’t b posting bnha all the time :\ i’ll have a few haikyuu stuff coming up and then i have something about kiri coming soon! also sorry for taking forever to post ive been so busy even tho i said dont expect updates often haha
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Valentine’s Affections (Kageyama, Oikawa, Kuroo)
I adore Valentine’s day! Love is in the air and chocolate is in my stomach. But for you and these boys? Well... it’s a lil more complicated than that. 
A/N: We are going to completely ignore the fact that valentine’s day was a full 3 months ago. Love is always in the air on this blog !
Warnings: Light swearing? Maybe? Lotsa fluffy stuff beware cavities. 
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Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama stares hard at the vending machine in front of him. Now, this was far from a new situation he found himself in- he found himself in front of this very vending machine every single day. But the stakes were much higher this time.
Strawberry, or chocolate? Which would be a better gift? 
Early on he decided against chocolates, cuz it felt too obvious. He opted out of a note, cuz he wasn’t articulate enough for that. And for the same reasons a verbal confession was completely out of the picture. So here he was, in front of the vending machine, hoping you would accept his love, or at the very least, the milk carton as a token of it. 
He decides on the strawberry milk, because the pink carton color reminded him of hearts, so he was hoping his love message would be real clear!! 
As he approaches you in the gym, he feels the nerves stir in his stomach. You’re surrounded by the other first years, excitedly chirping at Tsukki and Yamaguchi while Yachi and Hinata jump up and down around you (for what reasons, who knows) now that clean up is over. The second and third years weren’t that far away either. But he knew he’d have to do this sooner than later. 
Kageyama stands pensively behind you at a slight distance, awkwardly shifting weight back and forth between his feet. Finally, he finds the guts to call out to you. “Y/N...san.” Alright, maybe it was more like a mutter. No one had heard him, but Hinata had noticed his presence. 
“Kageyama! There you are.” 
All eyes shift to him, including yours. The heat rushes to his face as he hides the milk behind his back. “Boke! What do you want!” He only gets redder as his eyes meet yours. 
“Y/N-san!” He yells a bit too harshly. But you don’t flinch, you just smile. “Yes, Tobio-kun?” Gah, your voice is sweet as always, and he doesn’t even know what to say. 
Stepping towards you, he essentially shoves the milk into your hands before turning around and marching out the door. 
You stare at the carton quizzically, while the boys in the gym collectively let out a heavy sigh. 
“Was that… supposed to be a confession?” Daichi’s disbelief was evident.
“He does that every day though,” Hinata comments, clueless. 
“But today’s Valentine’s day, there’s probably more to it, right?” Ennoshita curious.  
“Of course that’s the way that idiot would do it.” Tsukki is snarky as ever. 
But you don’t hesitate to run back into the club room, a determined look glued to your face. 
“Y/N san! Where are you going?” Hinata calls. 
“Let them be, Hinata. They have something to take care of.” Suga has a glint of amusement in his eyes. 
Kageyama tries to calm down as he aggressively drinks his chocolate milk. But he’s jittery all over when you pop up next him. 
“Tobio-kun, did ya really think you could just throw me a box of milk and then split? On Valentine's day? Tsk Tsk.” You smile as you move to stand in front of him. Words are far from his physical capacity at the moment, so he opts to just stare at you instead.
“But by the way,” you pull the carton from behind your back in your left hand, and shake it in front of him, “Accepted.” He feels his heart melt in relief. You understood what he meant. At least he thinks you do. You always understood him somehow, even though he wasn’t great at communicating. 
“And also…” Your right hand appears now, a small box of cutely wrapped chocolates snuggly fit into your palm, “this is for you. Please, accept it.”
His eyes go wide in shock. For some reason, this was not what he had expected (though everyone else knew it was coming). His heart now swells with an indescribable feeling that he never wants to stop experiencing. 
“And this too... unless you want me to stop...” He doesn’t know how else you could potentially make him fall apart more than he already had- but he got his answer when your hand grabbed onto his collar and tugged him down to your height. You placed a slow and gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Tobio-kun, I like you.” Yeah, his heart wasn’t ready for that one. 
Oikawa Tooru
“Thank you, Suki-chan!” “So sweet, Maki-chan!” “These are delicious, Haru-chan!” First period hadn’t even begun and Oikawa had already been swarmed with gifts. But despite the time he spent basking in the affections of his little fans, his eyes were trained on you, watching as you happily handed Iwaizumi a cute little box of chocolates. Oikawa saw how his best friend smiled, and he saw the way you buried your face into Iwa’s chest when he hugs you. He decides to ask you about it at practice. 
“Y/N-chan!! You know what day it is today!” 
“How could I forget when I see my favorite setter drowning in more chocolates than usual?” He ignores the unidentifiable tone in your voice and presses on. 
 “I saw you give Iwa-chan some~” 
“Yes I did.” 
 “....so what?” 
“Where are mine?” 
 Iwaizumi steps in, his hand protectively grabbing your shoulder. “What’re you harassing Y/N for, Shittykawa. You got enough chocolates already didn’t you? No need to be greedy.” Your eyes are glued to the floor, but Oikawa just sighs and waves it off. 
“Sorry, sorry, Y/N-chan! I just figured your chocolates would be so tasty I was jealous Iwa got some~ but I’ll be waiting for them next time!” If only you knew, I would rather eat a single one of your sweets than all the other sweets combined.
He tries to forget the incident until he hears his doorbell ring at 9 pm. “Tooru! You have a friend who’s come to see you!” He’s surprised to see you waiting at his gate, face flushed, breath ragged, and hair ruffled.
 “Oikawa-san!” You say with determination. “Y/N...chan?” He walks towards you, confusion and concern clear on his face.
“Oikawa-san…” the confidence fading as he comes near. You look away from his face as you outstretched your hands, a cute, small pink box with a tiny bow on it in hand. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you chocolates earlier today….I just....” your hands retreat to your body, box still grasped. You look down at your feet once again, so you can’t see his eyes go wide. “I thought about making you some sweets yesterday but, I always knew you had so many fangirls and I didn’t wanna get in their way, or worse, make you see me as one of them… so I didn’t. I’m sorry. I, I didn’t consider you would feel left out. So I made these for you after school! Will you please accept them!” 
You look up at him finally, only to see tears streaming down his face. “Oikawa san? Are you okay? I’m sorry if I said something that-” 
“I’m sorry Y/N-san, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. But are they really for me?”
 “Mhm!” You hand them over, in anticipation of what he would do next. He opens the box, pops a chocolate into his mouth, and then smiles. 
“Just as I expected- it’s perfect.” He steps towards you once again, and wraps his arms around you, tightly. “You’re nothing like the rest of them, yanno. You’re very special to me.” 
Kuroo Tetsurou
“Happy Single’s Awareness day!” You sing-song at the boys standing in front of your gate, the sun peeking out over the horizon. 
“Just jumping over Valentines, then?” Kenma asks you, his face hidden in his switch. 
“Yep! Nope! Not for me~ don’t need a valentine!” You’re carefree as you stroll ahead of the two of them, hands thrown behind your head. “Giving Valentine’s are dumb. Right, Kuroo!”
Kenma takes his time to pull his nose away from his switch to let his cat like gaze fall on his best friend, who’s been awfully quiet this morning. He knows why. 
“Do you agree, Kuroo?” He asks, probing. 
“...Yep. What type of headass buys into Valentines-” He criticizes. 
Kenma knocks Kuroo’s bag with his elbow, his gaze transforming into a glare. You do, Kuroo. No chickening out. 
Kuroo’s grasp on the bag resting on his shoulder tightens, well aware of what he has to do. 
After school was over and practice was done, Kenma got dropped off at home because he wanted to go home early, for some reason. So now it’s just you and Kuroo, laying on the hill by the bridge, bathing in the hues of orange and pink as the sun sets slowly. 
You stretch out on your back, relaxing onto the grass underneath you. “Man, did ya see all those idiots handing out valentine’s? So cheesy.” You close your eyes and pull your hands up to cushion your head, turning your chin up. Kuroo rests on his elbow, angled so that he can watch you as you talk, his hand scratching his head soothingly.
“ Who wants dumb chocolates anyways? You think these chicks would get sick of all the chocolates they get. Hmph.” He watches as your mouth twitches down, eyes squeezed tight. 
To be fair, both of you were acting...different today. Kuroo can read you like a book, and even how he can still pick out the unease you’ve been tryna hide all day. But his own nervousness and jitters keeps him quiet. 
As you both sit in silence, stewing in your feelings, Kuroo lets out a deep sigh. Now or never. You hear him rustle in his bag as he pushes something over to you. You open your eyes to see a small box by your shoulder with a cute lil cat sticky note pressed onto it- reading, “be Mine, Valentine? :3” 
You freeze for a second, processing what he pushed over to you. You look up at Kuroo, who’s now turned his back to you, sleeping on his side. 
You open the box and find a cute cat bracelet inside. “Kuroo?” 
“You’ve been trashing valentine’s chocolates for a while now- so I figured I’d get you something better. It’s cheesy, I know. Don’t “at” me.” He stays, turned away from you. 
You take your time to pull the bracelet out the box, letting heat rise to your face. 
“Did you do this just because…? To make me feel better, or-”
“Still a headass huh.” He finally turns around, and you’re glad to see that his own face is as red as yours feels. 
“Kuroo… do you, like me?”
“Damn, you’re gonna make me say it huh?”
“Yeah I like you. Now hurry up and reject me so we can go back to being normal and I can get over my damn nerves. I hate not being myself.” He mutters as his lips twitch into a pout as he rests his bedhead into the grass, hands caressing his neck. 
You take a second before crawling over to him, watching him in silence. 
“You’re an idiot, too, ya know.” He peaks one eye open, to give you a questioning look. “Now help me put this bracelet on.”
“You like it?”
“I love it. I’m never taking it off.”
“You serious?!”
“Of course I’m serious.”
His Cheshire grin breaks out onto his face as he sits up, closing the gap between you two.
“Oh? Does someone like me back?”
“Yeah someone does. Now are you gonna help me or not.”
In that moment, you don’t think anything can compare to the sheer joy in Kuroo’s eyes as he carefully clasps the bracelet onto your wrist, wrapping his strong fingers around yours.
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Copyright © 2021 Colorseeingchick. All rights reserved. Do not repost or copy.
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shotofire · 4 years
Attractive Girl, Uncomfortable Stares
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Tobio Kageyama x F!Reader
Overview: in which the team finds out a girl does in fact fancy Kageyama
Warnings: cursing, small mentions of anxiety and some self doubt (nothing major)
Season: not specified, but i imagine it in the season 1-2 range
Practice had run over time for Kageyama, which happens pretty often. Hinata would beg him for a few more sets and he’d comply. Each boy was hungry for improvement so it wouldn’t take much convincing. He’d always be sure to text you and let you know, but today he let it slip his mind.
It could only be assumed that he was caught up with his team but you still needed to make sure of his whereabouts, incase he was still planning on walking you home.
You texted and called a few times but to no avail. Kageyama had told you to never come to the gym, saying his team would eyeball you like the last women on Earth. Plus he wasn’t into the idea of them even knowing he has a girlfriend, it’d arise too many questions.
He’d already seen the way guys would check you out in the hallways, the last thing he needed was the boys he sees everyday to mention how hot his girlfriend is. But he’d never prepared you for if he didn’t answer, or didn’t let you know what was going on. So today you had to ignore his requests and make your way to the gym.
Of course you knew where it was but you’d never been inside. Swim club had been your go to since middle school, so the gym was foreign to you. The sound of yelling and balls slamming to the floor could be heard from outside the door. It seemed a bit dramatic to classify yourself as nervous but that’s exactly how you felt.
You’d never spoke to any of the members besides Kageyama, obviously, and Tsukishima. The only reason you’d conversated with him was because he was in one of your classes and asked for a pencil, but you still think it was just an excuse to talk to you.
Talking wasn’t your strong suit. You always struggled to come up with things to say to others you weren’t so comfortable with. Kageyama knew the guys would babble until you’d stare at them with a blank mind. Tanaka was a nice guy but would probably chatter too much for your liking, and would stare at you as well.
The debate to go in was still racing through your mind. Kageyama wouldn’t be upset with you if you explained your reasoning, that’s not what worried you. It was more of the fact that there were tall boys with all sorts of personalities waiting for you on the other side. Also Kiyoko’s beauty was extremely intimidating, but you had no idea that many found you as equal as her. If you knew you’d most likely finally notice all the people who stare at you as you walk by.
The grey doors infront of you flew open, and there the goddess herself stood. She nearly slammed into you not expecting anyone on the other side. “Oh i’m sorry,” she says with a soft smile, “I’ll get out of your way.” Her back is against the door now, holding it open for you. “I-um, thank you.” You stumble over your words, there was no choice now.
Smells of sweat immediately hit you in the face once you step in. The door closes behind you rather loudly, echoing through out the gym. Boys were spread out in groups of two.
You quickly spotted Kageyama by the net with his back turned to you, with a red head that you could only assume was Hinata. You’d memorized some names from your boyfriends stories.
Across the gym Nishinoya is starring at you, not that you have noticed, with his mouth ajar. Asahi hits the ball with his forearms, like they’d been doing for an hour, and the ball finds its way onto Nishinoya’s face. Panic sets over the sweet giant as his friend cries out in pain. “I’m sorry!”
Tanaka has already spotted you and made your presence know to Daichi, “Why is there a really pretty girl in our gym?” His eyes are practically lit up and he observes your figure. He takes note that the school uniform is very flattering on you. “Woah she is pretty,” Daichi says with a blush and his hand anxiously scratching the back of his head.
It had gone a bit silent, only adding to your anxiety. Your face felt hot and you just knew that the redness on your cheeks are increasing by the second.
“Uh, Kageyama?” You manage to squeak out. His head is spinning and his body follows.
Oh shit, he thinks. They’re all looking at you like they haven’t ate in a million years. He can feel his chest tighten when Tanaka is practically drooling over you. This moment shouldn’t be happening, he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable under their gazes. They were all sweet guys, just didn’t know how to behave their hormones sometimes.
For a second he gets a little frustrated with you. He’d made it clear coming wasn’t a good idea, he was never going to hear the end of it from his team. But then he knows you’d never go against his wishes unless something were to happen, and that’s when he realizes... the dummy had forgotten to text you.
You feel yourself loosen once his expression isn’t so intimidating, the last thing you wanted to do was upset him.
“Kageyama?” Nishinoya has a sour look on his face, and his voice is laced with annoyed confusion. Why was a girl like you in here for him? There was no way in the shorties mind that grumpy Kageyama could win over someone like you. The rest of the boys are confused as well, you’d never been brought up by him. Then again, why would he? Girlfriends had never really come up in conversation, it was all about volleyball.
He rolls his eyes at Nishinoya’s words and ignores him. “I’ll be right back,” he mumbles to Hinata. Soon your boyfriend is infront of you with an apologetic smile, obviously realizing he’d done this to himself. “Sorry (y/n), I got too caught up.”
This was the first time he’d slacked in the communication department your entire relationship, so you could let it slide. “It’s okay, I just didn’t want to accidentally leave without you.” He nods in understanding.
“I’ll talk to you later, text me when you make it home, I love you.” You’re about to just say a simple I love you and go on about your day, but Kageyama surprises you. His lips press to your forehead and your eyes widen, not expecting him to do that at all. His team was being rather nosey watching the whole thing go down.
A dramatic gasp from Tanaka could be heard, of course the guy was making a big deal out of this. A blush is fast to creep onto your face, “I love you,” you say while trying to hold back the huge smile trying to pry its way through. Part of you thought he’d brush you off as a friend to all of them just to avoid the confrontation. You knew he didn’t want any of them to ask weird questions about you, which happenes more often in the girl department than you’d think.
Instead he leaned down to give you a sweet peck on your, hot from nervousness, forehead. Once he jogs back to his position from before you take that as your cue to leave. The gym already felt like it was closing in on you so withdrawing from the situation was definitely what you needed. Their eyes are just too much to bare, you hate not knowing what they’re thinking.
“Did you just kiss her?!” Hinata yells while jumping up and down. The rest of his team was already crowding around him, eyes sparkling with interest. This is exactly what he didn’t want to happen, of course they just wanted to know everything. He gets it, you’re pretty but he’s not an asshole boyfriend who spills all of your guys’ personal business.
“Yeah I kissed her, she’s my girlfriend.”
He swears his head starts ringing when gasps and shouts echo around the gymnasium. A few were even running in circles as if it’s the craziest thing they’ve ever heard in their lives. Was it really that hard to believe the guy could get a girl? It kinda hurt his feelings, but he definitely didn’t let it show.
“How the hell do you have a girlfriend and I don’t?” Tanaka, out of all people, really just asked that question. Kageyama’s face falls in annoyance as if the answer to that is obvious, which it kinda is. “Maybe cause girls see the way you drool over Kiyoko and get scared. Or maybe it’s the buzz cut.” Baldy is fuming now, but holds him self back.
“If any of you ask me a weird question i’ll serve a ball to your face.”
They leave the boy alone after that, but your face is unquestionably still racing through their minds.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
A/N: I made some new friends who are fellow writers on discord and my heart I— 🥺 cookie if you’re reading this be the ryu to my saeko
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter five
“And the champions are MSBY Black Jackals! Y/N, was that an amazing game or what?!” Your co-commentator said as he turned to you. “That was probably one of the best games I’ve seen all season. I find it crazy that I managed to see the first game Ninja Shoyo and Tobio had against eachother in middle school and Tobio’s team won by a landslide but now watching them both after all this time? Wow it’s just amazing. The Jackals deserve this win.” You said and he nodded.
When the game ended you saw your kids run up to Bokuto and Atsumu and you mentally groaned as the sound tech tried to remove the headset and the wireless mic from your pants. You then sighed in relief when Hinata hugged them both and took them away. Jamie took a picture of Hinata and your kids because he wanted to post a before and after of when they looked like little potatoes.
You didn’t have a chance to go back to your kids or even congratulate Hinata. You were swiftly taken away by Kuroo and the rest of the team for a quick meeting. Your face turned bright red when they all praised you for doing an amazing job and how intriguing you made the match sound. You knew a lot of the monster generation due to nationals and training camps and your cousin and the people loved how you talked a little more about how much their favorite players have grown since you’ve been there to see it all.
When the meeting ended you texted Jamie to meet you in the hallway near the locker rooms. Tobio wasn’t answering your texts and you wanted to see if he wanted to come over to your home so you could all eat and watch a movie to end the first day of your new job. Tobio is probably upset about his loss but he acknowledged how much stronger Hinata has gotten so he probably shouldn’t be too beaten up about it.
The hallway was empty occasionally a few workers passed by. Kuroo wanted to speak with you after but he was held back by other responsibilities and he asked to call you and you nodded with a soft smile. So now you waited alone for Tobio, Jamie and your kids to make their way.
You heard a few foot steps so you turned to see familiar faces and If seeing Atsumu today wasn’t good enough imagine seeing his twin and your ex boyfriend?
It’s too soon.
You quickly turned your head and started walked to where the locker rooms were and the footsteps moved faster. “Kageyama wait!” Suna said, his voice was deeper and he pleaded so desperately. You close your eyes and stop walking. Their footsteps slowed and you turned around. Even in heels you were facing his chest. He certainly looks ever more fit in person then in pictures you managed to see on the internet. His hair was slightly shorter but he was handsome as ever. You slowly looked up to meet his fox like eyes and it felt like forever.
“Um...hi..how’s everything?” You asked awkwardly, “Everything is fine I guess. I went pro.” He said quietly and you smiled. His eyes softened, you looked so beautiful and mature. You now wore your hair down, in beautiful curls. You’re wearing heels, high heels. You also are wearing a little more makeup then what you used to wear in highschool but you still looked breathtakingly beautiful. He saw you doing your thing up there in the commentator stand and he was beyond proud how how far you’ve come and he hopes you’re just as proud of him.
“That’s wonderful, Suna.” You said softly and his heart clenched.
Call me Rintarou, Rin, babe, anything but Suna.
“Hello, Kageyama. It’s been a long time.” Osamu spoke up and you turned to him. “It has, how’s everything?” You asked him. “Finally took the culinary path, I own a restaurant called Onigiri Miya.” He said. “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for both of you but I really need to go—“
“So soon? We were looking for you everywhere.” Suna said quickly, “Tsumu told us you were here.” Osamu said and you gritted your teeth. “Son of a bitch can’t keep his mouth shut.” You huffed. Their eyes widened, since when did you have a potty mouth?
“How long have you been a commentator?” Suna asked, “This was my first pro match. I used to be a ref for highschool, middle school and elementary teams.” You said and he nodded. You heard little footsteps at a fast pace and children’s laughter.
Holy shit.
This is not good.
Oh my god.
“I told you kids to stop running!” You heard Jamie and the two men turned to see Jamie chasing after those two brats from earlier. “Jamie?” Osamu said in disbelief. “Where’s mommy? She said she’ll be here. I wanna tell her that Rubens asked me to marry him.” Akira said and your eyes widened. Your daughter looked up and she screamed. “ITS MIYA ATSUMU!” She yelled, “I get to see you again!” She said as she ran. “Akira don’t run without me!” Rini yelled. Before your daughter could come tackle Osamu you quickly made your way between the two men and you scooped them both up in one swift motion. “How many times have I told you guys to not run in the halls?” You said with your back facing the two men.
The secret was out. You’re screwed. There is nothing you can do now. “A lot.” They said deafeated in unison. “And how many times have I told you to stop bulldozing people?” You asked. “A lot.” They replied robotically.
“Then why do you both keep misbehaving? When I’ve told you many times not to.” You said and set them down.
“Sorry, mommy.”
“Mommy?” Suna asked, your twins finally turned a bit to see who that mystery man was and they gasped.
“Yeah, I’m their mom.” You cleared your throat and you turned and straighten your posture.
“The cats out of the bag.” Atsumu said as he leaned against the wall. Since when has he been there?
“Oh—ok..” he said quietly. Now he knows he doesn’t have a chance anymore. Whoever you’re with is lucky to have you as a wife and the mother of their children. But he should have known, you’re a catch. Who wouldn’t want you as their wife?
“Mommy, is he our dad.” Rini spoke and you almost choked. Atsumu actually spit his water and Jamie and Osamu almost fainted.
Wait what?!
“The what?” Suna asked. “Rini no—“ you said quickly. “He’s not? But we look the same. And you have a photo of him in your box under your—“ “That’s enough.” You cut him off. You didn’t like using that tone with him or Akira but you don’t know how Suna is going to react.
“T-they’re mine?” Suna spoke up. “No—I mean yes—I mean. It’s complicated. Why don’t you give me your phone number and we can meet up privately and talk about it.” You said quickly. This was so embarrassing, and just awkward. Especially in front of everyone.
“It’s a simple question, Y/N. It’s either a yes or a no. Which is it so I can leave or I can get on the phone with my lawyer.” His whole demeanor changed and your kids hid behind your legs. His eyes narrowed at their actions. “Lawyer for what?” You asked. “Yes or no.” He ignored your question. Jamie took a step forward but Atsumu grabbed her shoulder to stop her and she quickly smacked it away.
“Yes, you’re their father.” You said and he sighed and rubbed his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He immediately asked. “I tried to.” You told him. “When?” He asked. “A week before I was due.” You replied. “Which was what..? In September? I got a new number. How could you act so stupid.” He said and you gasped. “Excuse me?” You immediately got defensive. “You’re calling me stupid?” You asked. “Yeah well you could have found other ways if you really tried!” He said, “The twins didn’t change their numbers, you knew my address. There was no excuse for you to not tell me.” He said and you scoffed. “Sorry for being depressed that my first boyfriend started dating me over a stupid bet and I was traumatized from dealing with a pregnancy all on my own. Sorry for caring more about you—“
“How were you caring about me? Huh? Tell me!” He said with a raised voice. In all honesty you raised your voice first. “Rintarou, were you willing to give up everything? Volleyball, college, happiness, to raise two children? Were you willing to sleep on the cold floor in a cramped studio apartment, wishing you had enough money to buy yourself a bed. But you needed to feed your kids and buy them clothes. Tell me rin, would you have done that?” You screamed. “Would you be willing to suffer and deal with strangers and family members telling you how stupid and how much of a whore you were for having children so young. I didn’t tell you so that I save you from that. So you could do this.” You motioned. “So you could go pro and live your dream. Believe me Suna I was going to tell you eventually. When I had a feeling you were ready.” You said.
“I did this for you.” Your voice cracked.
“Mommy we’re sorry. We don’t need a dad, let’s go home.” Rini spoke up and he pulled your pants leg. “When you cry it makes me cry mommy, please stop.” Akira’s voice shook. You reached down to rub their heads.
“Well, Rin. There you have it. There you all have it.” You said and glanced at the twins and at Tobio and Hinata who were peering over the wall. You pressed under your eyes to stop the tears. “If you want to be in their life, let me know. If not then don’t waste my time and ask me stupid questions. I did what I did for a reason, not because I was being petty.” You spoke up.
So what should he do?
He just stood there in complete shock. So you took that as your answer. “Well if you excuse me, it’s late and I need to get my kids in bed. They have school tomorrow.” You said and held their hands as you passed by Suna and Osamu, you didn’t dare look at Atsumu and Hinata and Kageyama’s heart broke when they saw the single tear fall down your face.
You didn’t look back, but your kids did. And they looked at their father with so much hurt and betrayal. They’re homeschooled, you as their mother and teacher get to decide what they learn. Normal kindergartners learn how to spell their names and read. But they’re already advanced, I mean you were the top student in your class. Made sense you’d turn your children into kid geniuses. They were already fluent in English as well, and they read a lot. Not because they have to but they genuinely like it. Akira can sit for hours and Rini did too but after a few pages he starts rambling and giving a book report about all the interesting things he read.
They’ve read books and seen shows and movies of a perfect family. A son, a daughter, a mother, a father, and a dog or cat.
That’s all they wanted.
They wanted a complete family. They want to see their father reach up to the highest shelf to help you grab some plates, and they wanted him to read them books, they even wanted to know if their father liked listening to old rock bands and watching anime like you and them.
They wanted to know if there was anything similar between their father and them other than appearance. But they would never know that. They finally saw Rin turn and he looked at those two kids, it’s honestly scary how similar they look to him. He took a step towards you, but before they could tell you, you turned the corner and they decided it was best to just drop it.
They didn’t need a dad anyways, right?
They’re doing just fine with a single mom.
They’re just feeling selfish, right?
But they don’t understand, they’re only five.
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A/N: childhood trauma at its finest smh I’m in tears why tf do u still read this shit 😫😭
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar @sredamancy
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shin-city · 4 years
Physical Therapy [Tobio Kageyama x Reader]
pairing: dom!tobiokageyama x manager!reader
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 3.9K
tags: minor character injury, soft/hard dom kageyama, oral sex (male receiving), fingering, dry humping, praise, degradation, spanking, hair pulling, pwp
It wasn’t like Kageyama to ever hurt himself during a game. He’d always taken the necessary precautions to avoid that: staying hydrated, stretching religiously, and always being mindful of how he moved his body when setting a ball.
But something had gone wrong this game. Maybe it was the nerves of playing in his first college match. Maybe it was the unfamiliarity of not having Hinata there to receive his set. Whatever it was, he was off his game the moment the match started. Fortunately, he had a strong team behind him, and they’d racked up a good amount of points throughout the game. Towards the end, Kageyama had set the ball toward the wing spiker, lifting his arms up and back to hit it toward him in what used to be he and Hinata’s signature move.
But he’d hyper-extended his arms too far, resulting in a pulled muscle near his right shoulder blade. He’d tried to play it off, but you could tell by how he clenched his teeth and rolled his shoulder that he was in pain.
Both coaches noticed as well, and had it have happened to any other player, they would have pulled them out of the game; but Kageyama was stubborn as a mule, and quite frankly they needed him. They were in the home stretch at that point, only needing a couple more points to win; and if anyone could pull it off, it was him.
They made the right decision, the team winning by two points.
The coaches had dismissed Kageyama while the rest of the players were assigned to clean up the court. You watched worriedly as he stalked off toward the exit, twisting his back as he did so in a failed attempt to relieve the pain.
Seeing as no one else was going to, you went after him to make sure he was okay. You were the team manager after all and it was the least you could do. You’d found him in the club room, reaching across himself uncomfortably to rub at his back. He hadn’t even noticed you come in until you cleared your throat.
“Oh. Hey y/n.” He immediately dropped his hand, not wanting to give away how much discomfort he was in.
“You’re hurt,” you stated, frowning in concern.
“I don’t know what happened out there,” Kageyama huffed, disregarding your comment. “I couldn’t get my damn head in the game!”
He threw his arms up in frustration, regretting it immediately as he only put more strain on his injury. His face contorted in pain as he rolled his shoulder in an attempt to relieve the discomfort.
“But you won,” you reminded him. “You set the ball that scored the winning point to be exact.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “It doesn’t matter. I screwed up almost every set before that.”
Kageyama lifted his arm to run his hand through his damp hair, once again being reminded of his injury as he strained the muscle. He audibly expressed his pain this time, wincing as he lowered his arm.
“You’re obviously in a lot of pain...maybe you should go the nurse?” You suggested, concern clear as day in your voice.
“No! I...I can’t. If I do, she’ll tell Coach how bad it actually is; and then I won’t get to play next week.” He knew it was irresponsible to hide the extent of his injuries, but he couldn’t bear the thought of being benched so early in the season.
You rolled your eyes, disapproving of him prioritizing his performance over his injury. “Kageyama, if you play with it in this condition you could make it worse.”
“Don’t you think I know that!” He snapped, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath soon after. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. Though it wasn’t necessary. Not only were you used to his short temper, but you were attracted to it.
“It’s fine. I didn’t mean to rub it in your face. But at least...let me help you.”
He looked over at you with a quirked brow, wondering exactly how you’d be able to help him. “What do you mean?”
You chewed on your lip, not sure what the best wording would be. Your idea suddenly seemed a lot better in your head.
“Well um...” you murmured, looking at anything but him. “I could try...massaging your shoulder...if you want? I mean, I don’t know if I’d be any good, but...I guess it’s better than nothing.”
Kageyama blushed ever so slightly, his eyes widening as he stared at his feet. You instantly regretted suggesting it, your face growing just as hot as his. Your lips parted to apologize and tell him never mind when he began to grumble.
“Well...I suppose if I can’t go to the nurse then that’s the next best thing.”
Your eyebrows raised slightly in shock. You really weren’t expecting him to say yes. The two of you had become pretty good friends over the summer practice season but you’d never really touched one another before; besides maybe a friendly pat on the shoulder, or high-five after a good game.
“O-okay, um,” you looked over at the couch that was nestled in the back corner of the club room. “Hold on.”
You walked past him and removed all but one of the small pillows from the couch, leaving it for him to rest his head on. His eyes widened when you grabbed the sleeve of his team jacket and pulled him towards the sofa before gesturing for him to lay down. He glanced at you hesitantly before sitting down. You weren’t expecting him to take anything off, which is why you nearly squealed when he slid down the zipper of his jacket and threw it over the arm of the couch. He turned to lay on his stomach, the couch being just long enough to accommodate his tall frame.
Kageyama tensed when he felt you climb on top of him, your legs on either side of his torso as you straddled his lower back. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Though, he didn’t have any complaints; especially not when your hands traveled up his back and almost immediately found the spot that was troubling him. You massaged the area so expertly, so diligently that you’d think this wasn’t your first time doing this. You were so focused on the task that you hadn’t even noticed him trying to get your attention.
You stilled your hands to signal that you were listening.
“A little harder,” he requested, voice muffled by the pillow.
You nodded as if he could see you before digging the heel of your palm into his back, tracing slow circles over the pulled muscle. Upon doing so, Kageyama exhaled a long sigh that unexpectedly turned into a groan, and you immediately pulled your hands away from him.
“Sorry!” you squeaked out. “Am I hurting you?”
“No, no,” he assured you. “Keep doing that.”
Your stomach fluttered at the command as you hastily returned your hands to his back. A series of grunts, groans, and sighs fell from his lips as you kneaded into his shoulder blade, and you cursed yourself as you suddenly had a revelation.
You were getting wet.
“Roll my shirt up.”
Your eyes widened as you were pulled from thought. “Huh?”
“My jersey,” he muttered. “Push it up so you can massage my shoulder properly?”
“Oh! Right, okay.”
With trembling fingers you grasped the light material of his jersey, sliding it up his back. Your mouth watered at the sight of his back muscles flexing under his skin, and you prayed that he didn’t feel your thighs clench around him. You resumed rolling your knuckles into his back, trying desperately hard to calm down; though it was incredibly difficult with the sweaty man below you moaning like he was receiving the best head of his life.
“Yeah,” he groaned. “That’s better.”
You hadn’t realized how close you’d been leaning over his back, and neither did Kageyama until you let out a shaky breath, the warmth fanning over his neck. You were also unaware of how you’d been rolling your hips into his back ever so slightly, and it wasn’t until you heard him click his teeth that you noticed that he was chuckling.
“I can’t believe you’re getting off on this.”
Your hands froze and your stomach dropped as you registered what he said.
“W-what? What are you talk-”
“You think I can’t feel you grinding your pussy into my back?” he inquired, his tone bored; as if he was asking you the time or something. “Speaking of, I don’t recall telling you to stop.”
You weren’t sure whether to be mortified or turned on, but you were both, and your body immediately obeyed him. Your palms rested on his back for stability as you continued grinding into him. He chuckled again, craning his neck over his shoulder to throw you an amused grin.
“That’s it,” he encouraged. “Such a dirty girl. Have you no shame?”
“Kageyama,” you whimpered, your face growing hot as he watched you with feigned disapproval in his eyes.
Suddenly he was getting up from under you, causing you to fall back against the armrest of the couch. In seconds he was on top of you, one of his knees between your thighs as he peered down at you.
“Is this why you offered me a massage? You wanted to touch me that badly, huh? Wanted me to touch you?”
He leaned down to nuzzle his head into your neck, pressing soft kisses against your skin.
You shook your head furiously. “N-no! I just wanted to-”
“Never knew you were such a pervert,” he continued, taunting you. “And now you’ve gone and made my cock hard, so...”
The knee between your thighs pressed up against your crotch, grinding into you.
“What do you think I should do to you, club manager?”
He began to place wet kisses all over the expanse of your neck, one of his hands roughly gripping your thigh, and you wondered how on earth he expected you to answer him when he was touching you like that. Every lash of his tongue against your skin had you squirming, and caught up in the pleasure of it you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Use me,” you breathed. “Please.”
Kageyama chuckled darkly against your throat before hovering his lips over your ear.
“You sure that’s what you want? After today I have a lot of pent up aggression to work through.” He caught your earlobe between his teeth, tugging gently. “Might break you, baby.”
You had to stop yourself from moaning at the mere thought of him putting you out of commission. His sudden change in demeanor already had your head spinning, and him threatening you with a good time wasn’t helping that. He smirked against your skin as you nodded fervently.
Kageyama pulled away from you and sat back in the couch, resting both arms over the top and being mindful of the one adjacent to his injury. He spread his legs just far enough for you to fit in between, his obvious erection straining against his shorts.
“If that’s the case then why don’t we start with that pretty mouth of yours? I think we can put it to good use, don’t you?”
You nearly threw yourself at his feet, kneeling between his legs and resting your hands on his knees, awaiting instruction. Kageyama appreciated how obedient you were, admiring how you gazed up at him while he pushed down his shorts and boxers in one motion. An inaudible gasp fell from your lips at his size, his cock standing at attention, and clearly you weren’t the only one getting off on the massage.
“Touch me,” he commanded, tone laced with authority.
You propped your elbows up on his thighs and grasped his length with both hands. He hissed as you began to work your hands up and down his cock, squeezing every so often. You leaned closer to lick up the trail of precum that dribbled out of the tip.
Kageyama’s hips involuntarily bucked up toward your face, his cock pressing against your lips. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Spit on it.”
You opened your mouth, letting the saliva drip off of your tongue and onto his cock before spreading it around with your hands.
“Mhm, such a good little slut.” He pet your head as he lifted his hips once more, this time purposely nudging your lips with the head of his cock. “Open.”
You parted your lips in compliance, allowing him to push himself into the warmth of your mouth. Immediately you swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, humming as you savored the taste of him. The hand atop your head grew heavier as he pushed to encourage the rest of his length into your mouth. Moaning as your throat constricted around it, you began to suck.
Kageyama’s head fell back, and his fingers tugged at your roots as you pleasured him. The sound of you choking around his cock each time you attempted to take all of him in was enough to have him ready to cum in your mouth. You yelped around him when both of his hands entangled in your hair, gripping it tightly as he fucked your mouth.
By the time he reluctantly pulled out, you were an absolute mess. Tears streamed down your cheeks, saliva glistened against your chin, and your hair had been ruffled from Kageyama’s rough pulling of it.
He couldn’t recall a time that you looked more beautiful.
Grabbing your shoulder, he pulled you up from the ground with his good arm. He stood up along with you before pushing you onto the couch where he previously sat. His fingers dug into your hips as he flipped you over so that you were on your knees, your upper body leaning against the top of the couch. You could hear him get down on his knees behind you before he gripped the waistband of your track pants, dragging them down to around your thighs. Your ass wiggled as you squirmed in anticipation of what he might do.
“Club manager,” he mused, one of his hands gently caressing your ass before he brought it down harshly with a loud smack. “If only you could see how much of a needy whore you look like right now.”
He rubbed at where your skin bloomed red, soothing the area; only to spank you once again in the same spot.
“Kageyama,” you whined, burying your face into the cushions. “Make me cum. Please.”
He sighed, the warmth of his breath against your rear apprising you of his proximity. “I thought you wanted me to use you?” he taunted, his fingers gripping the waistband of your panties.
Despite his teasing tone, he still slid them down your legs, cock twitching at the sight of your glistening cunt. You gasped when he dipped two of his fingertips into your dripping entrance and gathered some of your wetness, spreading it across your slit. He pressed his thumb against your needy clit, grinding the digit against it.
“Don’t you worry, baby. M’gonna make you cum nice and hard for me, and then I’m going to fuck you as a reward for sucking my cock so well. How does that sound?”
Nodding eagerly, you tried to push back against his hand but he pulled it away. You winced when he brought his palm down to spank you again.
“I asked you a question.” Another slap. “Where are your manners, club manager?”
Something about the way he wouldn’t even call you by your name was so exhilaratingly degrading. “G-good! It sounds good...please, make me cum.”
Kageyama hummed, content with your response as he returned his hand to your pussy. He offered you no warning as he pushed in two of his fingers, immediately curling them to press against that spongy spot inside of you.
He began to fuck you with his fingers, driving them into you relentlessly. You moaned out his name, though it was drowned out by the way you buried your face into the couch. Kageyama didn’t like that, and made it known as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you away from the cushion so that he could hear you properly.
In fact, anyone within a fifty foot radius of the club room could probably hear you properly, along with the lewd sounds of your wetness gushing around his fingers.
“Kageyama~” you moaned. “G-gonna cum...”
He didn’t need you to tell him that. He could tell by the way you clenched around his fingers, and how you bucked your hips against them, that you were close. Bringing his other hand underneath you, he rubbed at your neglected clit, pushing you over that edge. You cried out his name as you came around his fingers.
Only when you stopped convulsing did he withdraw his fingers from you, and had you been facing him you would’ve known that he brought them to his mouth, cleaning them off with his tongue. He’d also pulled off his jersey, laying it carefully over the top of the couch.
While you caught your breath he stood up from behind you, gripping his leaking cock in his hand and pumping it a few times. You’d expected him to at least give you a minute or two to calm down, which is why you were caught off guard when you felt the head of his cock pushing into your entrance.
He didn’t stop there, filling you up until his hips were pressed against your ass, and enjoying every whimper that escaped your lips as he did so.
“Yes,” he groaned, staying still just to relish in the feeling of your walls contracting around him. “So fucking tight.”
He pulled out halfway before slamming back into you, beginning a relentless pace as he fucked you. He really wasn’t lying when he said that he had a lot of pent up aggression to work through. As scary as he could be sometimes, he was never anything short of nice and respectful toward you. And now here he was, taunting you and pounding into you as if he had some sort of vendetta against you. Nonetheless, you were honored to be the one he unleashed his frustration upon.
“Mm, you feel so good,” he moaned, hands kneading into your flesh. “What a tight little slut you are. Fuuuck.”
He thrust into you faster and harder, your needy whines egging him on.
“The door’s not even locked,” he grunted, his voice shaky as he slammed into you. “Any one of my teammates could walk in right now and see our slutty little manager taking my cock so fucking well.”
His fingers dug into your hips as he fucked you, not caring if he left any bruises. Who else would see you like this anyways? You were his now.
“You really should- ah~ be ashamed, club manager. I mean really: where is your professionalism?”
Your face flushed at his teasing as you whimpered. He already had you so close to cumming, your stomach tightening along with your aching cunt. “K-Kageyama...”
You yelped when he gripped your hair roughly in his fingers, pulling until your back was pressed up against his chest.
“What is it? You wanna cum already, hm?”
You could only moan in response while he growled into your neck, licking and biting at the skin there as his rhythm began to fall apart. “Do it, then. Fuck, cum all over my cock baby girl.”
That was all it took for you to let go, a series of swears followed by his name falling from your lips as you came.
He bit down on your neck as he chased his own orgasm, not having to try very hard as your cunt fluttered around him. After just a few more thrusts, he was moaning into your neck, hips stuttering as his cum flooded your insides.
He released your hair, allowing your upper body to fall against the top of the couch. He leaned over you and pressed soft kisses onto your shoulder as he came down from euphoria. The two of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes before he pulled his softening cock out of you. He watched in awe as his cum dribbled out of you and down your thigh.
He scanned the room for his gym bag, and upon finding it, pulled out a tattered tee shirt with the words ‘Karasuno’ printed in worn letters on the front. Returning to you, he used the shirt to clean you up.
He cleared his throat as he wiped at the mess between your legs. “Sorry if I was...too much. I uh-”
You could barely keep your eyes open, but you looked back to give him a reassuring smile.
“You don’t have to apologize,” you assured him. “It was good. You were good.”
He blinked at you, setting aside the tee shirt and turning your body around to face him.
It was strange how unsure he sounded of himself, considering how he’d just been pounding into you with the utmost confidence just moments before.
You nodded, propping yourself up to press your lips to his in what would be your first kiss. His hands immediately shot up to cup your cheeks, humming against your lips as he kissed you passionately. His fingers traveled toward your hair, rubbing circles into your scalp to soothe any soreness he may have caused with his merciless pulling.
You reluctantly broke the kiss, pecking his lips once more before gazing up at him.
“You played really well today, too. And even if you aren’t, I’m proud of you, okay?”
He nodded, unable to hide his smile as he thanked you.
The two of you helped each other get dressed, and just in time too. It wasn’t long before you heard the whooping and hollering of the rest of the team from down the hall, signaling that they had finished cleaning up the gym.
When the club door was thrown open, you and Kageyama had been seated on the couch as far away from each other as possible, trying your best to be inconspicuous.
“Hey, there he is!”
The players flooded the room, and your eyes widened when they made a bee line for Kageyama. Two of the wing spikers pulled him up from his seat before hoisting him up on their shoulders.
The way they all congratulated and cheered for him warmed your heart, and you hoped that if your words from earlier hadn’t made him feel any better, then at least this would. Though you could tell from the growing smile on his face that he was already in better spirits.
“Alright, settle down you two. Don’t forget, he did hurt himself out there.” The team captain looked to Kageyama as his teammates carefully set him down. “We’re going out for ramen to celebrate the win. You’re more than welcome to come if you’re feeling up to it- you too, y/n!”
You and Kageyama looked at each other before agreeing, the two of you needing some kind of sustenance after what had just transpired.
You didn’t know what would become of your relationship after that day; but it went without saying that you’d definitely grown closer because of it, and you were both eager to see what the future held in store for the two of you.
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bbysamu · 4 years
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Like I need U series 
⭑ part II ⭑ 
part I ; part III 
⭑ Song: Bandaid by Keshi
⭑ Warning: Minor angst 
⭑ Pairing: Oikawa  x f!reader (slight Tsukishima mention)
Tag list (by request - thank you all for your support): @nachotrash; @whateverfeelz
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Oikawa Toru, renowned pretty boy of Aoba Johsai, captain of the volleyball team is known for several things: his fluffy brown hair, charming smile, charismatic personality and killer volleyball skills. 
Less known for his hard work ethic, love for aliens, and crush on one of the Karasuno’s volleyball manager. 
It was a Tuesday, Iwaizumi had texted the captain reminding him of a practice match with Karasuno, where Tobio Kageyama was currently setter. All day Oikawa had been looking forward to this practice match, where he could see Kageyama again to see if Oikawa is still the better setter. After all, he’s been working so hard to make sure he can beat Kageyama. So despite being placed on a break by his coach, Oikawa was sure nothing could stop him from at least playing a little bit in the match. 
When Oikawa arrived, he stood at the door, watching the match, in which Karasuno was currently leading. Annoyed, he did a quick survey of the team. Sure, Karasuno got some tall players and their raven-haired and blonde managers are just as beautiful as rumors but thats it. Karasuno was just another volleyball team. 
Oikawa suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He whirled around to find a black-haired girl politely smile up at him. Oikawa’s breath caught in his throat. 
“Excuse me, do you mind letting me through? I’m one of Karasuno’s manager and I’m running a little late” (Y/N) smiled apologetically at tall boy blocking the door. 
“Oh yes, of course of course, sorry about that” Oikawa quickly moved out the way, watching the beautiful manager make her way over to her team. He didn’t miss the way she first glanced around her team before shyly blowing a kiss at the tall blond middle blocker, who pretended to catch it, making her giggle. 
Oikawa was surprised by the disappointment he felt in his heart. He was constantly surrounded by his fan girls, many of whom are pretty, so what was this new feeling? Why was he disappointed to see this beautiful girl, a stranger no less, have a boyfriend? 
The match went by quickly, though still playing at his best, Oikawa’s silly self rivalry with Kageyama took a backseat, as he kept glancing over at her. He saw the way she bit her lips in anticipation when it was Karasuno’s turn to attack, the worry in her eyes when Tsukishima held his fingers, re-adjusting the tape on them, and the smile of relief when he reassured her he was fine. 
After the game, as all were cleaning up, he felt his eyes being drawn over to her again and couldn’t help but listen in on their conversation. He saw how Tsukishima came over to (Y/N), one hand slightly ruffling her hair, the other clutching his waterbottle, asking “hey (Y/n) why were you late today hm?” 
“Sorry babe, Hinata forgot something in class so I had to go back to get it for him”, (Y/N) answered, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. 
Tsukishima playfully yelled out to Hinata, “hey tangerine head, stop forgetting things and making my girlfriend late to watch me”. 
Oikawa watched as (Y/N) giggled, before playfully hitting her boyfriend, asking him not to be mean to Hinata, as the tiny middle blocker jumped around apologizing to (Y/N). 
Oikawa watched as Tsukishima tenderly pick up (Y/N)’s hand and led her out of the gym, following the rest of the Karasuno. 
“Crappykawa if you keep looking your eyes might fall out”, the familiar sound of his best friend’s voice called out, followed by the snickers of the other Seijoh four. 
Suddenly an eruption of “Oikawa senpai!!!” rang out as girly giggles echoed throughout the gym. Oikawa turned his attention to his fan girls, trying to stop his thoughts from wandering back to Karasuno’s manager, who is clearly in a happy relationship. 
A Few Weeks Later
“Oikawa please stop bouncing around, why the heck are you so twitchy today” Makki called out, trying to get his captain to stop moving around so much. 
“I heard we have a new manager and she used to be from Karasuno” Oikawa sang out loud, “i’m just glad we have a manager after Sana-chan had to leave, or else the team would be a mess!” 
Makki pouted “no need to remind me about Sana, I’m happy for a new manager too”, who’s ex-girlfriend is the previous manager. 
The door suddenly opened and there (Y/N) stood, as beautiful, if not more, as Oikawa remembered. The gym suddenly fell silent, as the rest of the team stood gaping at their new manager. 
A slow blush rose to her cheeks, her eyes shyly cast down for a slight second, before clearing her throat. “Hi boys! My name is (Y/N) and i’ll be your new manager!” She smiled brightly and suddenly everyone was encouraged to approach her. 
Kindaichi bounced up excitedly to her “Hi (Y/N) senpai, thanks for being our manager!” The other boys nodded in agreement. 
The captain stepped forward and couldn’t help the blush rising to his cheeks as Y/N focused her eyes on him. “Has her eyes always been this big, her lashes so long? She’s cute, she’s super cute, oh but she has a boyfriend argh” Oikawa thought to himself, before clearing his throat realizing he stepped forward without saying anything for the past ten seconds. 
After introducing her to the team and making sure she’s settled in, the captain returned to the team for practice, glancing over at her frequently to make sure she’s okay. 
While the other players only noticed her beauty and friendly personality, Oikawa saw a lot more, the way she stared off into space for the tiniest of moments, eyes suddenly glassy before blinking and taking a deep breath or the way she seemed to force herself to smile at nothing. Oikawa frowned, wondering what was going on. 
A few weeks passed, Y/N became more and more comfortable with the team and the team more comfortable with her. Oikawa and Y/N also became much closer friends. It was easy for the two of them to get along, both of them with easy going and optimistic personalities. 
♫ You should have told me I don't know what to say Why are you sorry How did it get this way ♫
Oikawa found it weird that Y/N never mentioned Tsukishima, until one day after school. Y/N, Oikawa and the rest of the Seijoh four decided to stop by Starbucks after school for a quick pick-me-up after a long, tiring day before heading back for practice. 
Oikawa watched Y/N furrowed her brows in frustration. 
“Argh I don’t know what to choose! Mattsun what would you rather have ? matcha latte or strawberry frapp?” Y/N asked 
Matsukawa wrinkled his nose in disgust “ew neither”. 
The rest of the boys laughed as Y/N hit Mattsun out of frustration, laughters quickly drowning out Mattsun’s protest “Y/N why are you hitting me for your inability to choose!!” 
As sudden as the laughter began, it died as the boys looked at the clear look of shock on your face. Oikawa following your eyes saw the tall blonde middle blocker hand-in-hand with another girl (who was wayyy not as cute as Y/N ,Oikawa thought to himself). 
He saw the way Tsukishima’s shock mirrored Y/N’s, before his girlfriend, with a slight smirk, pulled the tall player down to herself to give him a quick kiss. 
Oikawa whipped his head to look at Y/N’s, who now with slight tears around her eyes, quickly wiped them and said to the captain “just get me a matcha latte please, i’ll..um...wait for you guys outside”. Putting on a brave smile, Y/N walked past Tsukishima and Yuki before heading outside. 
Oikawa looked at the rest of his friends in shock, before running out after Y/N, leaving the rest of the Seijoh boys to throw nasty looks at Tsukishima and Yuki. 
The pretty setter found Y/N in the alley outside the coffee shop wiping tears from her eyes. As soon as Y/N sees Oikawa, she threw him a feeble smile, nose red from crying. Without thinking, Oikawa threw his arms around her and drew her close. 
“He cheated on me, I don’t know why. I’m sorry” Y/N whispered against his chest. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault” Oikawa replied. 
The two stood there in a tight embrace, one heart broken, one heart breaking for the one broken. 
♫ I'm afraid That bandaids Are no good For heartache ♫
“I like you Y/N” Oikawa murmured, unable to stop himself from confessing. 
Y/N stiffened at his confession, trying to pull away but the setter pulled her tighter. 
“It’s okay, I’m not expecting anything. I just want you to know”.
Y/N looked up at him, eyes wet with tears. “I’m sorry Toru, but i’m afraid.”
Oikawa smiled “Don’t worry I’m here for you, I’ll wait for you for as long as you need”. 
Bandaids are no good for heartache, but Oikawa Toru doesn’t want to be your bandaid, he wants to be your heart. 
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realcube · 4 years
sleepy haikyuu headcanons 💤
pairings: nishinoya x reader, tendō x reader, kageyama x reader
tw// swearing, violence(?), she//her reader, angst, overthinking, fluff 
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Yū Nishinoya
midnight pillow fights with Noya 💓
i could leave at that but i shall elaborate 
whenever you sleepover at his house (or vice versa), every time y’all say that you are gonna pull an all-nighter and have chaotic fun
but it never works because being chaotic requires a lot of energy, so you both end up falling asleep at like 2AM-ish 🥱
the closest that y’all have gotten to an all-nighter is 5AM
anyway, it’s not a tradition - more like something that just ends up happening every time Noya is over, perhaps a curse lol
but at some time of night, you’ll say something to irk Noya and he’ll throw/hit you with a pillow 
not to intentionally start shit but just as playful ‘shut up’ sorta thing
but something about the sharp impact of the pillow just pisses you off and you instinctively launch a pillow right back at him and it’s always a bit harder than you meant for it to be  
thus, a pillow fight ensues  
Noya had always envisioned a pillow fight with a female as a playful, sensual experience 
but there was absolutely nothing playful or sensual about the way you powerbombed him and then proceeded to suffocate him with your pillow 
you would both be feistily beating each other with the pillow, the room filling with your battle cries and screams ╰(‵□′)╯
and this would only end once both of your harsh, quick hits turned sloppy and tired 
eventually, you’d both just drop unconscious during the fight and wake up in the weirdest positions 
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Satori Tendō
he is the self-certified ‘worst cuddler’ (ಥ _ ಥ)
not only is he extremely sensitive to temperature, he’s also filled with too much energy to just stay in the same position with you for god knows how long 
it’s not that he didn’t like to cuddle, though. 🥺 i mean, nothing made him feel more safe than you in his arms but he was just unable to stop himself from getting restless when he did it for too long 
but there were some nights that he wasn’t as fidgety, though
most of the time, it was after a big volleyball game or a hard day at practise and he was absolutely exhausted (_ _)。゜zzZ
he’d literally just detours to your house to catch up like he usually does but his demeanour clearly isn’t the same when he’s worn out so you invite him in for a few minutes and he’d gladly (and gratefully) accepts 
he’d just flop down on the couch beside you, his arms just automatically finding your waist and thoughtlessly pulling you against his chest as he laid back, staring at the ceiling
he found himself muttering random things about his day when you asked him, but nothing he said seemed to be in chronological order - unless he brushed his teeth during volleyball practise, which - now that you think about it - doesn’t sound too out of character for him.
his hand found it’s way into your hair and started caressing your scalp, slowly drifting off as the little tune you hummed into his shoulder sent relaxing vibration throughout his body ( ̄o ̄) . z Z
and this wasn’t a one-time thing either, whenever he comes to your house drained from practise, a similar chain of events always end up happening 
the only difference being that sometimes it was in your bed rather than on the couch 
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Tobio Kageyama 
i feel like bb has nightmares, like frequently 🥺
i mean, if i was him i’d have nightmares too; he has so much important shit riding on his performance - it’s a miracle that this man can even sleep with how much stress he must be under 
like, he’s kinda failing school/ he doesn’t have the best grades and if he doesn’t do well on tests then his opportunity to go to camps and train volleyball could be taken 
speaking of volleyball, he probably is so stressed from being a part of a team and having people rely on him - not the mention that he clearly isn’t very good at processing his feelings considering that he expresses most negative emotion he feels towards Hinata in the form of anger   
then there is the pressure of keeping his relationships and not naturally distancing himself from the people he loves
like you, for example
he goes to bed with all these horrible thoughts in his head and whenever he tries to think positive, it  always backfires
he’ll be like ‘i’m the worst person to be around, it’s clear nobody likes me.’
then he kinda shakes it off like, ‘wait, no. don’t think that. i know that (Y/N) loves me and i love her back.’
but his mind never leaves him alone, ‘am i even sure she loves me? i mean, i act so stand-offish towards her - yeah, she probably barely tolerates me. and she was talking about hinata’s spike yesterday, she’s probably going to dump me for him.’
it was a heart-wrenching thought but what could kageyama do? 
for now, he’d just lie down beside you on your bed as you scrolled away on your phone, completely unaware that he just mentally rehearsed how he was going to react when you broke up with him
“goodnight, kags. love you.” you hummed, turning around to place a kiss on his cheeks like you always do when he sleeps over
kageyama nodded, trying to act cool and collected despite the fact he was internally nervous as hell, “night, (y/n).” he paused, trying his best to lift the corners of his lips into a kind - rather than intimidating - smile, “love you too.”
‘look, i called her by her first name - i’m so romantic.’ that was probably the nicest thing he’s thought to himself all day
with that, you both try to get some rest 
aaaannnndddddd cue the part when he wakes up in a cold sweat, shivering slightly as he looks over to you with wide eyes to reassure himself that your not gone 
his heavy breathing alerts you that he is awake so you pry one eye open to look at him, “not again, tobio.” you said wearily, forcing yourself to sit up and attempt to wrap him in a hug but he just jerked away from your touch
you sighed, “what happened?”
kageyama blinked rapidly, darting his gaze around the room before it finally landed back on you
“i- the walls- and you were almost d-” he began coughing, resulting in you immediately reaching over to your nightstand and handing him the bottle of water you had lying there
he took a few gulps before letting out a refreshed ‘ah’, his stare glued to your lips the whole time
eventually, he was able to grumble “it was nothing.” (⊙_⊙;)
upon hearing his evidently fake answer, you shoved out your bottom lip and whined, “shut up, tobio. i was obviously something; why won’t you tell me?”
“because it was nothing.” he said without missing a beat, then he proceeded to lay down so he could fall back asleep - as if this time it’d go better for him
“Kageyama!” you barked, resulting his eyes jolting back open, “You always have nightmares at my house; I’m starting to wonder if you’re scared of me or something.” 
kageyama shook his head before nonchalantly responding, “it’s the cherry blossom air freshener - maybe use vanilla or something next time.” he joked, unable to resist a smile as you playfully punched his shoulder.
you sighed, clearly not going to get an answer out of like every other time you’ve tired, so you just decided to  try fall back asleep and try reclaim the little bit of sanity you had left
“(y/n).” kageyama grumbled, wanting to make it seem like he was half-asleep but he was far from it as he pulse was still going crazy as that nightmare shook his to the core. “are you going to dump me? because if you are, now would be a good time.” 
he spoke, praying to every deity he could think of that you wouldn’t say yes - but if you did, now would be a good time as he could storm out and since it was dark outside, the streets would be deserted meaning that nobody would be there to witness the tears streaming down his cheeks as he sprinted through the night 
you rolled your eyes, “is that what this is about?” you didn’t mean for it to come off so harsh as you actually felt a great amount of sympathy for kageyama but just unable to express it in the way you desired
“stop crying.” you hissed, making kageyama quirk an eyebrow.
“I’m not crying-” he replied until suddenly, he realised that your comment was directed at yourself as you hastily buried your head into his chest and he felt something soak through the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m not going to break up with you kageyama, you stupid moron idiot!” you snapped against his shirt.
don’t ask why that nickname made kageyama’s heart flutter
“get those crazy ideas out of your head or i’ll have to take them out for you 🔪--” you could barely even finish your sentence before both you and kageyama burst out laughing
it was probably just the ambience of being cozy under a blanket with each other in a freezing cold room that reeked of cherry blossom but some how you both some how fell even harder for one another
although what you said wasn’t the most moving or motivating, your intention was clear and from then on, kageyama was a lot more upfront with you💕 
he’d tell you if he ever felt uncomfortable or if he was ever worried and you’d either make him feel better or make him laugh and then insist that he goes to talk to suga or daichi
also after that night, (and once you ditched the air freshener and started burning vanilla essence) he only had ‘sweet dreams’ whenever he stayed over at yours 
(or at least that is what he said whenever you asked him. in reality, his dreams were about volleyball and tsukishima chasing him through the mall on a velociraptor but whatever, it was a step up from the nightmares anyway. 🏃‍♂️ 🦖 )
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milktyama · 4 years
a/n: here are the imagines that anon gave me and gave me permission to expand with my own accord!! thank you anon i love this idea (and also added the song to my playlist thank you for that) ALSO longest work ever done!
— heavy reference to if by chance by ruth b.
synopsis: "if by chance... could you forgive me?"
pairing: 3rd year/adult!kageyama tobio x reader
genre: fluff to angst, hurt little comfort, in spain w/o the s
wc: 2.3k
thank you @kohi-zeri @snoozless for beta-ing! <3
❥︎ two swear words, most obvious n smallest manga spoiler
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People like to emphasize how high school will be the greatest and the wildest years of your life. And a major part of high school is exploring first loves and small infatuations. High school love is so innocent and light-hearted and sometimes awkward, but that is what makes it so charming.
That is exactly how it felt being with Kageyama Tobio after meeting him in your final year of high school. Shy confessions were exchanged on the daily, pinkies linked as the main source of public affection, anything more flustering both of your young selves. 
You always thought that meeting your high school sweetheart in your last year was a sign of bad luck. It was way too late for any deep love to actually develop. It would almost feel forced or fleeting, the connection not having enough time to harvest and bloom.
Though, being with him proved that wrong. 
Having him in your life was a blessing from the moment you first encountered him on a rainy spring evening during your way home. You would’ve never expected that that day to become as significant to you back then as it does now. 
A small irregularity of Kageyama Tobio forgetting his umbrella when the weather forecast had explicitly predicted a 90% chance of raining during the evening. That night, you thought to yourself that he was  counting on the 10% chance that it wouldn’t rain, when in reality it was simply the fact that he did not check the weather forecast daily. 
Pft. You would think that being a senior in high school would mean taking up a little more responsibility, but that wasn’t the case with him. His mind still ran on the adrenaline and excitement of volleyball and volleyball alone. 
You saw him attempting to take shelter under a cherry blossom tree in the nearby park. The droplets of the rain reflected the sunlight as they landed on the light pink petals of the tree, giving it a warm and peaceful glow. 
Kageyama’s hair and clothes were damp from the minimal protection he had against the pouring rain. If you had not approached him that night and offered to share your umbrella, nothing would have happened between the two of you. 
You two would have remained as casual classmates, having small insignificant encounters that could be easily looked over: being assigned clean up duty together, collecting tests from people in your row — simple things that no one would ever think twice about. This encounter alone could have easily been part of the list of insignificant encounters… it was just a classmate looking out for another classmate right? 
But the warm kindness you showed him on that cold, rainy night had somehow reached Kageyama’s heart. What he at first thought was a mere act of kindness towards a classmate had sprouted into something a little bit more.
After that night, Kageyama found himself looking in your direction more often. His bright blueberry eyes would wander towards your figure who sat a few desks in front of him. You never caught him staring during class, but his presence was more than enough to burn through the back of your head. 
It seemed his not-so-subtle glances have rubbed off onto you because you would find your eyes starting to linger on him as well. His tall and lean figure captivated you. His raven hair, his blue eyes, his indifferent voice, and infamous “resting bitch face” were triggers your brain could not miss.
The more the days pass with your attention captivated by this man, the more you realize your feelings towards him. It was a rocky but surprisingly short journey, with both parties who faced difficulties with expressing their feelings to the other, but everything eventually fell into place, leaving it up to fate to bring both of your yearning souls together. 
And oh boy did fate put a strong magnetism between the two of you.
You fell in love with Kageyama Tobio through and through. Sure, it was a little awkward at first, with stiff movements and a sprinkle of miscommunication, but after speaking your hearts out, it became clear: you were in love with him just as much as he was in love with you. 
At least that is how it seemed. 
Even after sharing light kisses under the cherry blossom tree where you met for the first time, your hands held in his rough ones, surrounded by the smell in his clothes that you borrowed from his closet. Or passing small notes to each other during class and sleepless nights when you tried to tutor him in classes he lacked on. Or shouting from the top of your lungs whenever you attended any of his games while sporting his spare jersey. 
All these memories seemingly came crashing down a week before your graduation. 
Your ears rang after he utters a short phrase that had enough power to crash your world, enough power to make you feel as if everything you’ve done the past year had been a waste, enough power to leave you on your knees, helplessly clutching your chest as the pain starts to spread throughout your body. 
“I’m sorry. But… I think I’m in love with someone else.”
He continued to ramble endlessly. Maybe it was more apologies, or maybe he was reasoning what he’d been doing with you this past year. Maybe he was word vomiting in order to make this impact on you less heavy. Whatever it had been, you couldn’t hear it. You lost your grasp of your senses the second those words had reached your ears.
How did you not notice this? How could you not see how his glances towards you became less frequent, how his kisses grew more reluctant, how he wouldn’t reach for your hand first, how his eyes didn’t sparkle for you? You only now realized that he fell out of love. Or maybe he loved someone else all along? Or maybe you were just a game to him? You didn’t even want to consider the latter.
Your sight was blurring with tears that you desperately tried to keep in, but they had already fallen helplessly down your face. You didn’t even notice that Kageyama was no longer in front of you. 
When you finally  composed yourself, you could see his retreating figure in the distance with someone else at his side. They weren’t hugging or holding hands or kissing or anything of that sort. But watching the person you thought you could love for the rest of your life walk away with someone else was just too much for your poor heart to bear. 
It has been exactly 4 years since. You  graduated from university and did some intern work during your summers to distract yourself. You truly believed that you have finally picked yourself up and moved one. It was only after seeing him on TV, seeing that he had achieved his dream of going pro, that all the emotions came rushing back. 
You still loved him. You always have and never stopped. Your love for him was so great, so powerful, so unconditional that it never left your system, even after being broken in one of the worst ways possible. 
Maybe if he had loved you then you would still be by his side, cheering him on.  
He reached out to you a few months after your break up. With your wound still fresh, you had truly believed he called to get back together, only to get your hopes crushed. Well, not completely, at least. He called  to apologize again, figuring that back in high school you — actually, both of you — had been too emotionally distressed to properly deal with the situation. 
It was a very short call, 5 minutes at most. His apology was simple and to the point, but that was how he was. He swore he was sorry for ending things the way they did, and ended the call with a promise. He promised to never hurt you again. 
Although his heart may or may not have not been occupied by someone else during your time together, he still found comfort and familiarity when he was with you. Before he could hang up, you too apologized for how you reacted and dealt with the situation, swearing the same promise.
But that promise proved  harder to keep than you had thought. 
You encountered Kageyama once again, but this time he was with someone else. He seemed happy. It was hard to believe that even after all these years, your heart still beat for Kageyama Tobio. It hurt your heart to see him smile for someone else, knowing those smiles used to be for you. It hurt your heart to know that you were no longer the reason for his smiles being so wide, so genuine. 
You wondered if  he still recalled the memories the two of you shared. If he still sang along to the song  you two spent weeks choosing and claimed as “your song” or if he skipped it. If he still reacted to advertisements that featured your favorite lip balm, the one he loved tasting on your lips whenever you kissed. If he remembered the future plans you talked about, where the two of you would live in a comfortable apartment and how the interior would be decorated; how you would spend nights dancing around the living room. 
Either way, you were no longer part of his life. He had found someone else to dedicate his heart to. As if to confirm the dilemma that has plagued you for so long, Kageyama leaned into a kiss to the forehead of his partner, smiling as he pulled away whilst leaning his head onto his partner. 
Tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes. You ran, allowing your body to take you wherever it pleased, hot tears falling helplessly from your eyes continuously. 
So much for keeping a promise. 
Your feet finally stopped, tired, your eyes worn out from crying. You slowly took in your surroundings as you felt the warm breeze of a spring evening, soft petals tickling your sensitive skin. It was quite obvious where your heart belonged. 
You found yourself under the tree where you first met him. Where you two would often sit and exchange fleeting kisses or a small treat, feeding each other with fond eyes. The wind blew past you as the petals from the cherry blossom tree slowly fell, surrounding you in a cozy ambiance that left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. 
As your legs finally gave up at the memory that came rushing into your head, you heard footsteps that sounded like they were approaching your way. A piece of light blue cloth neatly folded entered your line of vision. Your eyes shot up to the tall figure that was now towering over you. His body faced you, however his eyes did not meet yours. 
You hesitated before slowly reaching out for the handkerchief in his hand,  avoiding his eyes as well. 
“I’m sorry…” was all that came out from his lips. There was a moment of silence, disrupted every now and then by a couple of sniffles. Kageyama tried speaking again. 
“I’m sorry for hurting you again, even after I promised you I wouldn’t.” 
“It’s fine…” you managed to choke out, voice slightly cracking. You thought you sounded pathetic. You two broke up four years ago, for fuck’s sake! A lump formed in your throat again, a mix of the remains of old memories and your own consciousness trying to bring some sense into your pained heart. 
“If by chance… could you forgive me? For breaking the promise I mean,” Kageyama asked. His words were gentle and soft, maybe a little sweet like honey, attempting to cover up any harshness. It was clear he did not want to hurt you for any longer. His blueberry eyes that you missed so much had a small sparkle to them. You wondered what that sparkle meant. 
Was it because he still loved you? Did he miss you the way you missed him? Or maybe he only felt pity for you. Maybe he was hoping for something more. What could he be possibly hopeful for? Your forgiveness? It wasn’t like you were mad at him. Afterall, it was your own fault for falling so deeply in love with him. As painful and bitter as it was, you tried your best to pull your lips upwards.
It was the saddest smile he had ever seen. 
Voices in your head screamed at the pain you felt in your heart, but your head reasoned that this was not his fault. You had to let go, once and for all. 
“Of course I forgive you.” 
The words vibrated through your skull. Your head forgave him, your self-conscious told your heart to forgive him, but in the end, it wouldn’t succumb to logic so easily. You thought with your heart rather than your head, and you absolutely hated it. You broke too easily and gave in to the way your heart beated instead of the words that were trying to break through your thick skull. 
The sun sets, warm yellow tones of the fleeting rays of sunlight shone upon the pale pink petals of the cherry blossom tree. The petals turned into a light orange colour as they fell ever so elegantly from the branches above you, surrounding your figure on the ground.
You clutched your knees to your body as you watched his figure stray from you, slowly getting further and further away. Memories from the first time you met under this same tree flooded into your head as a single tear droplet slid down your right cheek.
You felt a lump at the back of your throat. It was an awfully bitter yet mildly sweet feeling. You didn’t mean to be selfish with your feelings towards Kageyama, but if by chance, things didn’t work out with his current partner, then maybe, just maybe, he could be part of your world again.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
where orchids grow — kageyama tobio
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2.1k words | genre/s: hanahaki!au, angst, hurt/comfort | warning/s: mentions of death, mentions of depression | pairing/s: kageyama x reader, platonic!tsukishima x reader
↪︎ in which an innocent little crush led to your downfall
a/n: i wrote this almost a year ago when i first started this blog. i thought the writing was really mediocre so it has been sitting in my drafts ever since,, BUT it’s finally getting to see the light of day cause i’m cleaning out my drafts :)✨ pls be easy on this one ewbd
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it haunted you in your dreams, squeezing and grasping and clutching at your lungs until your final breath gave way–until they shriveled up into nothing as flower-torn chest had killed you. well... not yet at least.
no matter the amount of effort you had put into suppressing your feelings for the setter until it was nothing but a withered memoir, you couldn’t help but lay upon your bed, restless, as you recalled the flashing images of bloodied flowers that had been freshly thrown up from your lungs earlier this evening. you liked to think you’ve learned to control your emotions and feelings around kageyama well enough that the aching feeling of growing flora in your chest wouldn’t effect you that much, but of course the feeling was still evident. however, it was earlier this evening when the setter split half of his meat bun for you after a practice game and the sheer look of care and admiration in his eyes forced a rose to travel up your esophagus.
it was so horrifyingly beautiful, a disease growing flowers within its host, wrapping until it plants itself to the point of rupturing the owner’s heart and lungs due to unrequited love. you hated it—despised for that matter as the memories of your past self screeching in pain and heaving to breathe. your face turned alabaster.
your heart thudded against your rib cage as the feeling of suffocation of chrysanthemums, daises, roses, tulips, cherry blossoms, and dandelions echoed within you. your hand rested upon your chest. the feeling of such ghosted atop your rib cage where you could faintly feel the growing stems of flowers and weeds.
there was an evident aching within your heart that wasn’t from hanahaki, rather from the thought of how brutal it was caused an immense pain to compete with the actual disease. the first incident of you throwing up bloodied flowers was the moment you got home one day. you were walking home with kageyama after hinata went ahead as he had his bike with him, leaving you two to your own demise (he had a little hunch about your feelings for the raven-haired boy, but he never bothered to confirm it). it was then you two reached the entrance to your house in which you two bid a farewell. you were so enthralled with how beautiful he looked with his dark blue eyes that shined thousands of stars.
it was game over for you.
you stumbled through your front door to which your mother worriedly asked if you were okay. you could barely mutter out a response as the roses and daises and chrysanthemums fought their way out of your system, throwing up your one-sided feelings in hues of thick crimson and hollow chests. 
from then on, you had routine check ups at the hospital. in fact, you had an entire team of doctors taking care of you due to how rare the condition is. you see, hanahaki disease only occurs to those so massively in love with another, whose feelings can compete against the strongest love of all, that a simple little crush wouldn’t cause all this commotion. unfortunately, friendly love wasn’t enough to ease her homemade raptures.
they also said it was long term illness, well... long term taking into account how well you can endure the pain. occasionally there are those who can endure the pain their entire lives, yet there are the majority who simply die from the excruciating pain within a few months. the only true way to cure yourself from hanahaki was to either get kageyama to match your feelings or to get surgery to remove the constantly growing flora.
the thing is with surgery is that the moment you get it, your feelings for that person completely disintegrate. you can you no longer feel the same love as it is permanently gone. you can never regain those feelings ever again.
that was the fact that scared you the most.
despite knowing you can no longer take the pain and that you needed this surgery, there was a twinge of hope within your aching psyche that perhaps there was a chance. a chance that kageyama tobio would look at you for once that wasn’t just a friendly gaze. a look in which he would come to realize that he was in love with you. and because of this, you endured the pain a little longer.
the only downside was that no one else besides your family knew about your condition. not even your friends. and yet, with most secrets that are difficult to keep, eventually it will get out. tsukishima found out sooner than you’d had hoped.
you and tsukishima shared the same class and one day kageyama had visited your classroom during lunch, giving you his favorite milk from the vending machine as payback for helping out the volleyball club and with tutoring. it then when you felt your cheeks burning cherry red and the infamously familiar sting within your lungs. he then gave tsukishima a melon bun that he owed and the moment kageyama walked away, the blonde middle blocker immediately noticed the pain written across your face.
you pushed the carton of milk in his hands when you dashed down the hallways towards the restroom. fortunately, you were able to make it in time, locking yourself down in one of the stalls and profusely throwing up sticky and bloody flowers with hot streaming tears pricking at your eyes and threatening to spill. you immediately wiped them up. you couldn’t let anyone see you like this.
you flushed the toilet and watched the water turn red to clear when it went down the drain. you sighed, leaving the stall and looking upon yourself at the mirror. you looked absolutely terrible. from the dark circles under your eyes from nights filled with insomnia due to the aching pain, to your eyes still red from sobbing in the stall, and now to your hollow cheeks.
and because of the constant radiating pain, it became increasingly difficult for you to eat proper meals, leading for you to loose an unhealthy amount of weight. yachi was the first one to notice the sudden weight loss and the constant state of indifference. she knew there was something wrong, but she was too afraid to ask you. eventually, she asked if you were depressed one day and somehow you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
afte leaving the restrooms, you were surprised to see taukishima waiting outside the doors and you were immediately trapped. the harsh glare staring down at you and his more than worried voice eventually led you to finally confessing what was wrong with you. and for the first time in your life, you’ve never seen the middle blocker so worried and caring. that his usually harsh demeanor and signature teasing remarks were softened because the thought of losing you scared him deeply. besides yamaguchi and yachi, you were the closest friend he had and he would hate to lose one his friends.
he would often ask you, “are you considering the surgery?” to which you wouldn’t know the answer to and that you were still waiting for the rare chance kageyama could’ve like you back.
it surprised you the sudden look of disappointment that etched across his bespectacled face.
during practice or during games where you suddenly get coughing attacks whenever you were around kageyama and talking to him, it was tsukishima who would immediately pull you away from the others and take care of you. he was the one to help you clean you after yourself and wipe your tears. eventually, the rest of the school believed you two were a couple.
however, there was the day were the pain was too insufferable. you had hanahaki for six months at this point where the disease would get into the most dangerous stages that one day you called tsukishima up one and finally made the decision.
“i’m tired of waiting, kei.” you muttered harshly as your voice was getting more and more hoarse each day. it was getting worse. you two sat nonchalantly on some random playground swings. the sun was setting and the blond was carefully gazing at your eyes that was soaked in honey. “i’m getting the surgery this weekend and I want you to come and take care of me.”
“of course.” 
it felt like everything was going to be okay when he said that.
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you woke up to hush chattering, as if a a big group was in the room trying to speak softly, yet failing to do so.
“guys she’s awake!” a voice exclaimed. It sounded like hinata.
suddenly a whole herd of volleyball players came surrounding your bed, their expressions had looks of smiley relief melted upon their faces as they didn’t hesitate to bombard you with questions. the poor nurses could barely get past the towering high school kids as the thought of you being okay was more than enough to fuel their adrenaline.
“i’m glad you’re okay now, (y/n).” sugawara beamed at you.
“yeah!” cut in tanaka loudly, “i can’t bare to lose my favorite first year all because of a stupid crush!”
your eyes suddenly widen. the rush of fear and worry filled you as you looked at tsukoshima who was standing at the end of your hospital bed.
“i had to tell them, they were threatening me.” he scoffs lightly.
“we don’t know who your crush was though, so you’re okay!” added nishinoya who patted your shoulder gently.
daichi then cleared his throat, capturing the team’s attention. “we should probably go and let to the nurses take care of her. we have practice too.”
the room was suddenly filled with loud ‘yes, captains!’ as they all piled out of the room, leaving only kageyama to stray behind slightly. tsukishima looked at the you two briefly before closing the door. this was something that you and tobio had to discuss.
there was a feeling of soreness atop your chest, possibly from the stitch that ran down your center of your torso that was in the process of healing. tbe tall setter approached your bedside, scratching the back of his neck. usually whenever you looked at kageyama an itchy feeling would arise in your throat and your chest would feel tight, and yet the moment you laid eyes on him, you felt nothing.
“tsukishima told me what happened,” he starts. the initial fear of confrontation diminished into nothing but acceptance. you couldn’t hide your previous feeling forever. “you should’ve told me.”
you sighed, “i was going to... but then i started getting the symptoms and i knew that there was no point in telling you when you didn’t feel the same way.”
“but if you told me, maybe there was a chance i would’ve helped you get better.” the setter tried to state, only making you want to roll your eyes and scoff.
shaking your head, you pulled your hand out of his. “that’s not how it works, kageyama. your fake feelings would only make it worse and i don’t want to be with someone who’s dating me out of pity.”
“but i don’t pity you, i—”
“it doesn’t matter, now.” you shook your head and cut him off, “you don’t have to worry because the surgery removed my feelings for you permanently. you don’t have to feel guilty about it anymore.”
kageyama gulps, nodding as straighten his posture. “but i almost killed you.”
“i’m here now, aren’t i? i’m okay.”
the setter still couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten and his gut wrench. “are we still friends despite all this?”
you nod. “of course, that’s not even a question.”
before their conversation could continue, one of the nurses knocked upon the door and opened it slightly. “sorry to interrupt, but all visitors must leave now. the visiting time is up.”
“oh, alright.” the volleyball player swiftly bows and waves goodbye to you before leaving the hospital room.
he cleared his throat the moment he stepped into the hallway, all uncomfortable and itchy. quickly catching up with the rest of his teammates that waited for him at the entrance, he quickly grabbed a water cup from the waiting room and gulped down its contents immediately—yet the feeling didn’t stop.
“kageyama, hurry we need to get to practice.” hinata calls out to him.
drinking one last cup of water in the desperation to heal his scratchy throat, he threw the disposable cup aside.
“i’m coming!” yet his voice was far too hoarse to be heard.
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general taglist: @yongboxerrr @tanakaslastbraincell @kellesvt @kitsunetea
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
02:26 pm | kageyama tobio
➵ he’s as bright as fire.
wc: 1140
warnings: gn!reader, time-skip occupation spoilers (?), sfw shirtlessness? 
a/n: my darling ren, my bosom friend, love of my life,,, happy birthday! i know i’ll get too sappy on main if i write your birthday message out here, but know this: i’m so, so incredibly thankful to have met you. i had no idea that hq x reader tumblr would grant me the joy of coming across a true kindred spirit, someone who i can let my walls down around and be unafraid. you have one of the kindest, most thoughtful hearts i’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. yours is truly a beautiful existence, and i hope this little fic can bring you even a tiny ounce of the serotonin you’ve given me. i love you so, so much :( thank you for everything ♡
Summer ebbs on languidly, a season of brilliant golden light and long afternoons. The city thrums with its usual heartbeat, the humming of cars and the bustle of people. Your apartment is too high up to see any of that with great detail, but you feel it. Even the buildings seem to pulse with life, cast in the warm gold of the afternoon sun.
Today, everything seems to be moving in slow-motion.
Perhaps it’s the heat. Everything moves slower in the warmth of the afternoon sun. It’s almost like the world is catching it’s breath, before diving headfirst into the vibrancy of the night.
It’s also more important to stay hydrated in this heat; something you frequently remind your boyfriend of.
He’s currently been delegated to ‘a day of relaxation’. He’s not the sort to sit still, but under insistence from you – and from Iwaizumi Hajime (27) athletic trainer – he’s agreed to take a day off from his admittedly intense training regimen.
But he’s still Kageyama, after all. That means that he takes a day off to the absolute extreme – so a lazy day spent in bed it is.
You settle onto the bed with a satisfied hum, the mattress not too soft, not too firm. Kageyama’s shirt is breathable, comfortable as anything on this nameless summer day. The season has only just begun. Or perhaps it’s at its peak. You’re not quite sure – you haven’t been keeping close track.
Next to you lies your boyfriend in all his shirtless glory. He’s not the sort to revel in getting praised for his body – in fact, he still gets quite bashful – but you’re not about to dismiss fine art when you see it.
There’s something about Kageyama that seems to make people think about winter, with hair the colour of early nightfall and eyes of dark ice. But to you, he is summer. It’s in the warmth of his skin, the brilliant clear blue of his eyes, the fire and the passion that burns deep through his veins.
You sigh, laying your head on his chest. His skin is hot against your cheek, his torso thick and solid with muscle.
His heart echoes softly in your ear.
It beats both steady and relentless, a strong, deliberate thud in his chest. This rhythm is what keeps him alive, allows him to push forward with the same uncompromising tenacity.
He’s worked hard for this body, even if it’s not something he’s paid particular attention to. Kageyama never seemed aware of his looks; his body is just a vehicle through which he can play volleyball. The aesthetics of his looks have never crossed his mind; he doesn’t even know how attractive he really is. He looks after his body not because he cares about his looks, but because he instinctively understands what it takes to move forward.
Kageyama Tobio is a testament to what it is to be alive, and he doesn’t even realise it. He simply gives it his all, moving so quickly and with such hunger that he doesn’t have time to account for failure. But he always looks back for you, making sure you’re still within reach. He knows that he doesn’t have to be alone.
It had taken him a while to realise that he was in love with you – that he wanted you to be part of his life, no matter where his path took him. But as with everything he’s passionate about, he applies himself with everything he has.
Every spare inch of that beating heart is yours.
“Your heartbeat’s so strong,” you hum.
“Is it?” He asks. His voice is a little rough, ragged with drowsiness.
“Iwaizumi-san said that’s a good thing.”
You chuckle. “I didn’t say it wasn’t.” You smooth a hand over his chest. It’s warm, firm, smooth. He’s knitted together with muscle and determination,
He really is in top physical form. “But I’m glad he’s taking such good care of you,” you hum.  
It’s true. Iwaizumi is the perfect blend of caring and stern that’ll get your boyfriend to look after himself. You do your best in these quiet moments, these weekends stolen away at home. One thing is for sure – he wouldn’t have his famously bright complexion if you hadn’t introduced him to your skincare regimen.
Bless his soul, he’d approached that with such intensity that one might be mistaken in believing his career depended on it. But it’s nothing like that. It’s just that it’s something you were teaching him – something you care about. He’d wanted to understand.
“Did you want to go out tonight?” You ask.
A sound rumbles from his chest.
“What was that?”
“No,” he murmurs, voice thick and heavy. “I want to stay here.”
“You sure?” You tilt your head up slightly in an attempt to catch a glimpse of him. “But you’ve got the night off.”
“And I want to spend it here,” he says, resolute. “With you.”
You blush at his words, your cheeks feeling just as warm as his chest. “Ah. I see.”
Perhaps spending time with you is a reprieve. Not that he’d ever say that with his words. But he implies it in how he leans into your touch after a long day of practice, in how he prioritises spending time with you on a day off, in how he determinedly carves a space for you in his busy life.
“Is that a problem?” He asks, sincere as always.
“Not at all,” you smile, moving your arm down to cup his waist.
The evenings are usually reserved for practice, but his mornings are all yours.
“What would you like to do?” You ask.
He ponders it for a moment, pink and gold scattered across his cheeks. “Do you have any face masks left?”
“Always,” you chuckle. “There’s an entire shelf of them in the fridge.”
While you have no qualms storing them in the normal fridge, Kageyama had bought you one of those little cosmetics ones for your last birthday.
He nods.
“Then let’s use some of those,” he murmurs. “And we should order some curry.”
“Or, we could make some,” you tease.
He mumbles something you can’t quite hear under his breath, but you manage to catch the word ‘disaster.’
“Fine,” you smile. It’s not like buying curry would leave you wanting; one of the few benefits of having a professional athlete for a boyfriend meant that he had cash to burn.
And it’s preferable to burn that instead of the pork.
But you can’t blame him. It’s just his way.
His fingers trail down your back and leave fire. You find comfort in it.
Kageyama Tobio is a force of nature, an unrelenting will, a constant push to grow.
But he is also the warmth of the afternoon sun, the dedication it takes to love, the comfort of a heartbeat.
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cherishedkids · 4 years
ignoring them prank on the pretty setter squad || hcs
(kageyama, oikawa, kenma, akaashi, semi, and sugawara)
A/N: thank you to anon for requesting this!! i love the setters in haikyuu.. they are just so cool and also... they are so many?? wtf . i dont really know if i wrote them well or if its in line with canon, but i hope you still enjoy it! thank you for reading! 💕
kageyama tobio
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kageyama tobio is slow to realize it.
he’s too caught up in his own shenanigans that he doesn’t notice when you haven’t been talking to him the entire day.
you don’t buy him milk that day.
usually, you’d hand him one during lunch.
but he chalks it up to you being busy.
when he asks you a question, you continue to read your notebook.
he thinks that maybe you’re too engrossed in it, so he leaves you be.
it irritates him when you talk to the shrimp and not him, but he did not want to be clingy.
still, that did not stop him from shooting hinata glares from the corner of his eyes.
during practice, you arrive ahead of him.
he thinks that maybe you got too impatient as he admits that he was a bit slow in packing his things up after dismissal.
when you start joking with the team and and laughing, he joins everyone.
but you stop once he gets close, and you turn quiet and go to sit at the bench.
only then, does he realize something was wrong.
he doesn’t perform well during training, too caught up in his own thoughts.
coach ukai scolded him for not being attentive, and he can only apologize.
he asks hinata multiple times if you had said something to him.
“___? no, not really.”
he even asks the team if you had told them anything.
to which they all replied with a resounding ‘no’.
he did not notice the sly smiles on their faces.
had tobio accidentally done something wrong?
had he missed something? a date perhaps?
as far as he knew, nothing special was happening today.
was it your birthday?
no, it was in a few months.
after training, he hurries to ask you what happened.
you stay to watch them train, for tobio, and tonight, you also stay.
he doesn’t really know why, because if you were really angry, you would’ve hurried home.
he expects to see your normal and stoic face.
but he’s treated to your angry one.
what did he do?!
he has a confused look on his face.
you put your hands on his shoulder and shake him.
“you didn’t notice my prank!”
again, confusion.
“...what prank?”
you stop, then pull your hands away.
“i ignored you the whole day! and you didn’t notice it!”
did he really not notice it?
he smiles at you and sighs.
it was one of his rare genuine smiles.
“it was a prank?”
you nod.
“thank god.”
you look at him in confusion.
he was affected by it?
if he was, he didn’t show anything.
kageyama tobio really needed to be more expressive.
well, he was expressive, when he decided to return the prank on you the very next day.
he was that revengeful.
oikawa tooru
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oikawa tooru yells out as he sees you from outside the school gates.
he runs up to you, like a weird and needy puppy.
but you ignore him. 
tooru is surprised when you don’t even try to scathe him.
at first, he’s confused.
last night, the both of you were texting.
nothing was wrong, and you even exchanged “i love you”s.
so he was one hundred percent sure he was in the clear.
so he runs up to you and walks beside you. 
he starts being irritating.
it’s the one thing he knew would drive you insane.
he keeps repeating your name, in different tones, pitches, and intervals.
when you keep walking, he pouts.
it was time for phase four.
“___, c’mon, pay attention to me!”
you would not even budge when he stands in front of you.
you just dodge him and look ahead.
but he catches a slight goofy smile on your face.
when he sees iwaizumi, he clings to him.
“tell me i’m not invisible iwa!”
the “trashykawa” insult and cursing given to him by the former reassures him.
during lunch, he speeds to your classroom to catch you.
he follows after you when you don’t even accept his peace offering.
melon pan—your favorite!
now he was sure something was wrong.
when you were seated at the canteen, he sat beside you.
“you won’t be able to resist my charms,” 
he cooed, and he could see the blush that was forming on your cheeks.
even though you were ignoring him, you could still hear his words.
and if that was the case, you could still feel him.
so, he sneaked his hands around you and attacked.
in a few seconds, he had you laughing from his tickles. 
still, you didn’t dare say his name.
“notice me and i’ll stop!”
the laughter coming out of your lips continued on, refusing to yield.
you didn’t even answer him, as you’d be acknowledging his existence.
“okay, okay, fine, tooru! just stop!”
you say, in between laughter.
the moment he hears his name, he stops.
“i. won.”
he whispers right in your ear, and you feel tingles run down your spine.
“not fair!” 
you try to ignore him again, but he only finds ways to get your attention again.
oikawa tooru never lost a game.
especially when it was about ignoring him.
that egotistical asshole.
kozume kenma
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after seeing a viral video online about a prank called “ignoring your boyfriend”, you wanted to try it on kozume kenma.
you knew it was going to be hard, as you wanted nothing more but to hug him as soon as you saw him.
but you had to endure it.
when kenma sees you at the canteen, he sits next to you.
as soon as he nears, however, you move away.
you know that you won’t be able to ignore him if he was close.
so you add more distance between the two of you.
he misses your warmth, but thinks that you’ll come back soon.
when minutes pass and you still haven’t come back, he looks around but doesn't see you anywhere.
he asks kuroo where you are, but he just shrugs.
he texts you multiple times.
‘___, are you not going to eat?’
no reply.
‘do you have something to do?’
no reply, but he does see the tick that signifies that you read his message.
he waits for your reply, but it never comes.
he sighs, maybe you were busy.
today, there isn’t volleyball training.
every time he has free time, you usually come over.
so he texts you again.
‘___, are you coming with me?’
no reply!
god, kenma was close to losing his mind.
he sees you walking out of the building, and he dashes towards you.
it’s the first time you see him run to you, so you’re caught off-guard.
he exclaims, waiting for you to hold his hand.
but you don’t say his name back or answer.
you simply look away.
“are you playing a prank on me?”
when you walk away, you almost feel your heart break.
was this going too far?
when you turn to look back at him, he’s crouched on the floor, head on his knees.
oh god, you didn’t mean for this to happen!
it was your turn to run over to him.
“sorry, kenma! it was a prank! i was only doing a prank, i swear!”
you try to explain, but when you wait for him to reply, you don’t hear crying or sniffles.
he raises his head, a slight smile on his face.
“i know. i saw that video days ago,”
what a punk.
he makes you promise to him that you won’t play a prank on him again.
especially a popular one.
you agree, as you almost died of guilt from not paying attention to him.
kenma learns to watch out for viral trends, to better figure out how to pay you back.
akaashi keiji
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akaashi keiji is a shy man.
but he doesn’t let that affect him when he notices something is wrong.
so when he sees that you haven’t been talking to him the entire day, he confronts you about it.
you usually hung out around him, ranting about anything and everything.
but today was quiet, and even if he cherished it, it was not normal.
he preferred hearing your voice.
his brain has already thought of different scenarios before approaching you.
“hey. what’s up?”
he asks, leaning against the wall.
you don’t look at him or anything, just continuing to scroll through your phone.
he sighs, were you giving him the cold shoulder?
“did i do something wrong?”
when you don’t reply, he takes your hand in his.
“i did, didn’t i? at least tell me.”
you stuff your phone in your pocket and walk away from him.
he stares at your fading figure.
the next time he sees bokuto, he’s sure to give him the cold shoulder himself.
after classes, he waits for you at the gate. 
he’s with bokuto, and he yells and shouts.
when keiji sees you, he waves.
he breathes a sigh of relief when you wave back.
but he sees that your eyes aren't directed at him.
it was towards bokuto.
you only look at bokuto, completely ignoring him.
“___! so nice to see you!” 
bokuto smiles at keiji, and you look at him. 
maybe you just did not see him?
“bokuto, who are you looking at?”
it seems like bokuto forgets something.
“ah, you’re right! my bad.”
so bokuto had something to do with this.
he forgets his politeness and grabs your hand.
“can you tell me what’s going on? why have you been ignoring me this whole day?”
when he sees the frown on your face and the guilt in your eyes, his heart softens.
for the first time that day, you actually talk to him.
“promise me you won’t get angry at me,”
again, a hundred different reasons start popping up in his head. 
he nods, concerned for you.
“it was a…”
you whisper out, and he listens to your every word.
you place a quick peck on his cheek before he could react and run away.
“hurry bokuto, before mr. straight face catches us!”
he spends the entire afternoon chasing the both of you, eager to get his hands on you.
he definitely was not going to let this one slide.
semi eita
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semi eita had a scowl on his face, like any normal day.
you were hesitant about doing this prank on him, as he was quick to anger.
but what was life without any fun?
the moment you saw him walking down the halls, you switched on your best impression of him.
stoic, cold, and intimidating.
as soon as he approached you, he hung his arm around you.
“where are you going?”
he asks, but you shrug his arm off and continue walking.
but he persists.
“sorry if i did anything wrong,”
it was a nice try, and if you were not merely acting, you probably would’ve forgiven him on the spot.
but you keep walking.
he follows you, and you see tendou.
yes! this was a great set-up!
he turns around and sees the both of you.
“hey ___, semi,”
but you act as if he didn’t say anything.
you only start to walk on pace with him, and eita follows the both of you.
tendou turns to him, confused, but he flinches at the look eita gives him.
you start talking about your day, and tendou shakes in his shoes.
whatever it was the both of you were going through, he did not want to participate in.
“i think semi wants to talk to you,”
you only look at him weirdly.
“eita? where is he?”
now, semi understands what you were doing.
tendou laughs at the situation.
eita stands in front of you, pointing at himself.
“___, i’m here,”
even if he says those words, you keep looking around.
“tendou, i think you’re lying. i just don’t see him anywhere!”
there’s a slight smile on your face, one that you couldn’t hide.
“if i were you, i’d drop it,” 
tendou advices, before escaping from semi.
you don’t heed his words, though, and start to mutter to yourself.
“i’m pretty sure i’d see him immediately… he usually wears uncool clothes…”
he explodes at this.
“take that back!”
when he yells, you lock eyes with him and flash him a wink.
you maniacally laugh as you explain that it was just a prank.
“but i wasn’t kidding about your clothes,”
he sighs, as he takes you in his arms again. 
as long as you weren't ignoring him, you could insult him whenever.
sugawara koshi
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first off, you wouldn’t dare throw a prank on him.
just his worried face would melt your heart!
and it was hard trying to ignore such a sweet and kind boy.
but after much coaxing from the karasuno team, you gave in.
they planned a whole prank on him, and they were going to ignore him the entire day.
you weren’t really sure where this came from, but when they brought it up, everyone was willing to participate. 
sugawara koshi started his day normal.
wake up early, get dressed, and eat breakfast.
there was no morning practice today, so he could take his sweet time.
he breathed in the fresh morning air.
he was ready to face the day smiling.
when he got to karasuno, he could see you standing talking with daichi.
he approached the both of you and yelled out your names.
but you both didn’t look.
so you hadn’t heard him.
instead, he hurried his pace and tapped you on the shoulder.
before he could say your name, you told daichi that you still had a club activity to take care of before classes.
sugawara heard this and waved goodbye, even though you didn’t see him.
daichi had disappeared as he watched you walk away.
sugawara thinks that today is a rather busy day.
it takes him a few minutes to get to his classroom, taking a few detours to stretch his body out.
he’s classmates with you, so when he sees you sitting on your desk, he greets you good morning.
weirdly enough, your head was down.
he lets you rest, as he thinks you probably are tired from your club activity.
when lunch rolls around, he goes to fetch daichi and asahi.
he asks you to go with him, but you are already gone.
he checks the other classrooms and sees that daichi and asahi are also gone!
when he bumps into kageyama and hinata, they don’t even spare him a glance.
gosh, what was happening!
as he walks to the canteen, he sees the three of you eating together.
he sighs out of relief.
ah, so you decided to go ahead.
he only wishes that you told him.
as he approaches the group, they start to stand up and walk away.
where were they going?
sugawara eats lunch alone, wondering why everyone is acting so weird.
it’s finally dismissal, and he goes to the gym.
he doesn’t wait for anyone, as he figures, they might have gone ahead again.
he was correct, as everyone was inside.
they didn’t wait for him though, as they already started warming up.
you were sat on the benches, watching them.
after he changes, he goes to ask daichi what they were going to do. 
daichi doesn’t reply, so he looks at the others, who are weirdly smiling and avoiding eye contact.
“is something the matter?”
he asks, and none of them answer.
but he hears you sigh from the corner.
“i can’t take this anymore!”
the rest of the team exhale, as if they were holding in their breaths.
you approach him and put your hands together, raising them in front of your head.
“i’m so sorry suga, we were playing a prank on you!”
to be honest, he was kind of expecting that when you didn’t talk to him the entire day.
but he spared you from his anger, as you promised to make it up to him with a kiss later.
needless to say, coach ukai was shocked to see the rest of the karasuno team, tears streaming down their faces as sugawara held a victorious and vengeful expression above them.
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jtrokujo · 3 years
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paring: Tobio Kageyama x fem!Reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none
genre: fluff (i think)
summary: Through their long and healthy friendship, Kageyama decided to meet with (Y/N). But what was the real reason he wanted to meet her or maybe there was no reason, but one thing is clear; (Y/N) is head over heels in love with him.
She stands nervously and unsuspectingly in front of her closet and is still thinking about which outfit she should display for her first date.
But not with anyone, no, but with Tobio Kageyama himself.
Hard to believe, but true.
Because since the earlier years, the now big stubborn head, had been her crush, but in the last few days she wondered whether it wasn't just a bad joke or something like that.
Or whether he would dump her and much more, even when her friends tried to give her courage or that it was not like him, the same thought kept coming up, 'What if ...'
Still with this ulterior motive, she took any outfit and slowly changed.
However, she did not know that her crush would be with her in a few minutes.
She was just fixing her hair, which looked a bit messed up when it was put on, until the doorbell paid her attention.
She quickly grabbed her cell phone and bag with everything necessary already inside and now made her way to the front door.
Just as the black-haired one wanted to press the blades again, the door opened.
The first thing he saw was not like in the typical films, the outfit, no more the hair, but instead of staring at her strangely, he looked at her lovingly and quickly fixed her hair.
The pounding of the heart of the person opposite could apparently not be overheard.
The silence among them is so pleasant, but she curses herself for the fact that her heart is beating quite loudly at the moment.
Is that still healthy at all?
"Let's go?" he asked her and held out his hand to her.
"Yes, in a moment. I just have to put my shoes on very quickly, then we could go." she said with an extremely normal tone and took out the shoes which she is now putting on.
While she is about to tie her shoelaces together, the thought of Kageyama came to mind when they first met.
A warm grin could be seen on his face and he didn't even try to hide it, because if he shouldn't feel well he just has to think about this one moment, where any bad emotions in him dissolve like in the elevator.
"... yama? Kageyama? Tobio Kageyama!"
"Huh?" he looked at her in amazement, while she looked at him in amazement.
"Are you all right?" she asked worriedly, touching his forehead as his cheeks made a pinkish tone.
He gently took her hands away from him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Shall we go?"
Nodding, she took his hand which was stretched out in front of her - so they made their way to the amusement park.
As soon as the teenagers had paid for the ticket, they entered the amusement park when suddenly something particular caught Kageyama's attention, and he immediately pulled his good friend with him.
"Kageyama?" she asked him in amazement, but looked at the other stands, from extraordinary sweets to the weirdest cuddly toys, but you are now standing in front of one of these stands. "Doesn't she duck look extraordinary?" he looked her in the eye.
Nodding, she agreed.
He paid for the balls to win them, but just before he could throw a ball she told him it wasn't necessary "A little reminder wouldn't hurt anyone." he answered with a small grin and already positioned himself.
But how unexpectedly - he only threw one ball and immediately all the empty cans fell down, the seller gave the volleyball player a compliment and immediately afterwards got the cuddly toy he wanted.
"Here." said the black-haired one and showed the cuddly toy under her nose.
Thankfully, she accepted this, after which the two would visit one or the other booth for a long time.
Until Kageyama's hand was pulled, he looked at his companion in amazement when she stopped and looked up.
Likewise, looking up, keep his jaw open.
A haunted house.
As reluctant as he would admit it, he's not a big fan of it, as long as that doesn't mean he's scared of it now.
He just doesn't like it.
"Kageyama, are you okay?" she told him which he only answered with a 'yes'.
She saw this as sufficient and thus paid for the tickets.
Still not enthusiastic they were allowed in and then Kageyama wondered why he was in such a bad mood all the time, it's not that bad, no, rather normal.
If only he only knew.
Because immediately after the sentence of his thought ended, two zombies came, who scared both of them and screamed so loud that the probability is that the other from the outside had heard it.
After what felt like an eternity they left the haunted house together, although they look more horrible than normal, but if you have to be honest they would say that it was a fun time which they will soon be able to laugh together.
Even then they were so different, but still so the same.
Sounds strange, maybe it is too, they will only understand.
While the boys are once again playing a sport together and the girls are playing with dolls while talking about the boys, there is one girl who is sitting alone on a bench and doing the process that she has been doing since she started school.
Every day at the same time and in the same place, she takes the coloring book from her backpack that her mother gave her and the pens that came with it and began to paint as always.
Of course she was alone, but what could she do now?
Do the activities that don't make you happy, no thanks.
In addition, the boys were conceited and the girls bitchy, is understandable but doing the same thing over and over again?
Certainly all the children have disappeared after all or have different interests, so why are they doing exactly what is probably not making them happy?
Or maybe it's better not to know everything, because you never know.
Scrawling on the coloring pad, she didn't hear the small footsteps coming at her until the person draws her attention.
"You are (Y / N) right?"
The little girl was astonished to see who she was talking to.
Unfortunately, she didn't know his name, reluctantly she nodded and painted the elephant with the next color she could grab.
"Do you have friends?" he asked puzzled and looked at her, she was still paying attention to the coloring book - still answered with a shake.
"Oh, well then, let me help you paint." the black-haired gave her the offer.
She thought for a long time so that she had forgotten the doorbell.
"Let's go inside." he said and helped her with packing, but instead of going with her he was jogging in while she was taking all the time.
At the moment you are now in front of a booth where you can buy the most delicious sweets in Japan, but the queue is not short for that it is so popular.
It's quite long, you could say there are 30 people waiting crazy for their turn just to be able to buy a candy.
The friends are in the middle of the long queue, but while Kageyama is talking to his good friend about the new film that is just before it, the little encounter occurred to her, whereupon she asked him, "Kageyama, you remember back in elementary school when you knew me asked if I had friends, why did you come up to me so suddenly. "
Immediately, in silence, he considered that day.
"Every day you were alone. Every day while the other kids had their friends, you were the only one who was alone. I didn't know what to say so I decided to ask if too really had friends. In the beginning it was only because of pity that I always kept you as a little company, but when we went to a new school you were so different.
You had friends, you could laugh, and you didn't have a coloring book with you. I'm happy to be friends with someone like you, I don't know myself what makes you so special, but one thing is clear. You are unique."
Is that real, Kageyama? "
Shocked by what he said keep her jaw open, said nothing but stared at the floor.
Immediately after Kageyama paid for the candy, he showed his girlfriend if she wanted to go to the Ferris wheel with him, she only agreed when she was allowed to pay for the tickets.
After a few minutes of discussion, he was dejected and so they set off.
When she had paid for the tickets, she ran up to Kageyama who was standing in line, but it didn't look like they'd have to wait forever, which made her sigh in relief.
In the middle of the conversation, a member of staff drew attention to the young people because they were apparently allowed to be on the Ferris wheel.
Like a gentleman, Kageyama stood by the side so that his girlfriend can enter this first.
From now on you are allowed to go on the Ferris wheel for 5 laps, but when you reached the top you saw the blue sky getting an orange tone, the sunset.
How she loved them, the atmosphere between them was so beautiful, because the silence was not at all uncomfortable, no.
"(Y / N)." he said.
She turned and saw that he had something in hand, possibly a small box.
"I would like to thank you for being such a great person, who always kept my back free. The person who made me laugh a lot. The person who gives me security. The person with whom I, to be myself However, in the meantime, the feelings also came.
My heart beat madly against my chest every time I only think of you, hear your name or even when I see you. But your touch takes me to another world, where there are no worries, where there is no one but us. So I asked you would you like to be my boyfriend? "
When he said his last sentence, he opened the box to see a chain.
The chain was engraved with its initial letter, "You over here, (Y / N)."
He pulled the chain out from under his sweater and you can see that he has the same chain, only that it is engraved with its first letter.
"I would love to be your friend." she said and so her lips touched his.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: back by popular demand, i will forewarn you. this might make you cry, either from feelings or disappointment. you’ll know in the end
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oikawa tooru x reader
(technically part 2 of that oikawa angst but more like part 1.5)
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There was one memory.
A memory from the past shared between two children who were filled with nothing but purity and innocence from the misgivings of the world.
A simple blurb from the past.
But it was then that the childish promise was made that was never met.
And it hurt.
She was only 10 when it happened.
He already turned 11, but just a few weeks ago.
They sat together in her room as they looked through the picture book of her parents and their past. Of course, she cringed at every picture because these were the same people who had no shame in showing their love through kisses at the front door for the whole world to see. Yet, she also valued the love that was clear-even in the pictures-because they were the evidence for her hope of love.
Tooru giggled as he pointed at the picture of the baby version of her being carried in the arms of her mother while her father stood behind the two, proudly smiling a grin so big that it made his eyes crinkle.
“You were such a flabby baby, y/n-chan!” You looked up from another picture and glared at him before kicking him with your foot.
“So mean, Tooru!”
He looked offended and gently took the picture off of the plastic slot to prove his point of the wrinkly little bean.
“Look! You had wrinkles right here and you weren’t even a day old yet!” He laughed and you couldn’t help but snatch it from his grasp, thinking that his words were true and that you were indeed a fat baby.
You held up the picture to the light to see the wrinkles more clearly but you saw faint lines on the picture.
There was something written in the back.
You turned it over and Tooru saw you flip the photograph so he scooted over next to you to see what exactly was written.
‘Breathing the same air, in the same space, was enough reason to fall in love.’
You tilted your head in confusion and had to re-read through the sentence again to try and understand what it exactly meant. But you were still confused.
Tooru had the same problem and even took the picture so he could clearly see what was being written and not just a misunderstanding of the different characters placed together.
“Fall in love?” you questioned out loud, furrowing your eyebrows together.
He shrugged, “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve never been in love before.”
“Mommy tells me that she fell in love with Papa because he cooked good tonkatsu. Is that what they meant?”
“Baka,” he playfully nudged. “I think it means your father or mother fell in love with you the moment you took your first breath.”
You looked at Tooru with an impressed look in your eyes. “Oooo, look at you, Tooru-kun! Since when did you get so smart?!”
He gave you an unamused smile before hitting your legs, which were laid across his lap. “I’m literate. And I have brain cells. Don’t think you can relate.”
You pouted then crossed your arms. “What about you, Tooru-kun? Did you fall in love with me when we met?”
He paused, thinking about it. “Hm, I don’t know. I don’t remember our first meeting since we were just babies so I can’t answer your question.”
“What about now?” You quietly asked. “We’re breathing the same air in the same space of my room. It mentioned that this would be the perfect situation and enough reason to fall in love. So, what about now, Tooru-kun? Did you fall in love with me now?”
At first, he was quiet. He didn’t exactly know what to say because he’s never felt the feeling of falling in love. Heck, he doesn’t even know what falling in love is! 
But watching your figure beside him, the sun behind you creating some sort of angel-like glow emitting from you, and the strands of your silky hair that fell out from your previous nap. It was enough to make his heart race, he knew that.
So, was it enough to make him fall in love?
Instead, he answered you with a question.
“Do you want me to fall in love with you?” 
You merely shrugged, seemingly oblivious to his rapidly blushing face and the weight of those words as you continued to look at the photograph.
“I mean, it sounds scary to fall in love, you know? If it has ‘fall’ in it, it would hurt, right? I’ve fallen before but I was never able to get up without someone to help me so I don’t want to just fall in love with anyone. Mommy already fell in love with Papa so he won’t be there to catch me or to help me up. And you’re the only other person I trust to help me so…. Yes, I want you to fall in love with me so I can also fall in love with you. That way, we can trust to help each other. So fall in love with me forever, okay? I’ll do the same for you. I promise.”
It sounded good enough to the young, innocent Tooru so he agreed, promising that he will fall in love with you and just you.
Unfortunately, not only was he not able to help you up or catch you at the bottom, but he was the person who pushed you in the first place.
Sugawara placed a hand on your shoulder for support after he felt the intense air between you and this chocolate-haired boy. There were no words exchanged but the both of you looked each other up and down, your eyes lingering quickly on that brace on his knee. The restraint to keep the scoff in was almost unbearable but you didn’t care anymore. You wordlessly followed Sugawara back to the team and refused to look back because you were afraid of seeing that look in his eyes. 
They were sad, lonely.
Kageyama rushed to help you and Sugawara with the basket of water bottles before running off to scold Hinata for taking forever in the bathroom, probably puking his guts out. You inspected the gym and quickly found old teammates, who were your past friends. These mentioned friends, Iwaizumi, Kunimi, and Kindaichi, were shocked to see you standing at their home turf and even having to do anything with volleyball.
“y/n-senpai!” Kindaichi yelled and you smiled from the sidelines before walking across to meet his run to give you a hug. He was the same tall, first year with his hugs that squeezed you tightly. You were released but you turned to Kunimi, who bashfully smiled before walking over to give you an equally tight hug.
“It’s so good to see my boys,” you hummed while ruffling their hair with great difficulty. God, they were about your height when you first met but now, they towered over your form.
“Why didn’t you ever visit us, senpai?” Kindaichi whined but you gripped his ear.
“You’re glad I didn’t visit since I heard you both planned a revolt against Tobio last year.” They guiltily looked down as if they were being scolded but you knew how Tobio was acting. He told you himself, expressing the regret with the way he treated them, and you were disappointed, sure, but both boys were in fault for this.
“We had to do something, senpai,” Kunimi quietly reasoned.
“I know you did. We can talk about that later. But you’re playing right now and you’re in different teams so do your best in this match!” You raised an encouraging fist and they both grinned.
“I’ll win this for you, senpai!” Kindaichi, the ever energetic boy, swore and ran to Iwaizumi, who ruffled his hair.
“You too, Kunimi-kun. Do your best, okay? No slacking off,” you scolded lightly with a smile. He playfully rolled his eyes.
“Okay, mom.”
When you went back to the Karasuno side, they questioned you as to how you knew them but once you explained your past in their old middle school with Tobio, they settled down, only telling you that they weren’t worried because you were their manager now.
By now, you’ve taken responsibility for the water bottles of the boys so you’ve gone back to the same place to refill them with cold water. Only to get lost.
“I swear it was right here. What the hell?” you mumbled repeatedly, getting increasingly uncomfortable with the heavy container.
As you ventured down a hallway, you were so sure you got yourself more lost but you didn’t care because you just wanted to get water. There was a serious lack of water fountains in this school making you wonder how these children were being hydrated.
You hummed a song to make yourself feel at least a bit better from being lost but as you turned a corner, you froze.
There he was, sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall with his eyes tightly shut. One would think he was sleeping but you knew he was far from it.
Tooru liked to close his eyes so he wouldn’t have any distractions as he concentrates on the techniques and moves he’d use against a team. This time it was no different so you thought you could easily walk past him without even making your presence known.
But this was Oikawa Tooru.
He was one of the sharpest and most attentive people you knew but when he opened his eyes to peak at your form in front of him, you stopped, eyes wide as if you were just caught doing something bad.
“Hi,” he whispered. You gulped before nodding his way and turning to continue walking.
“I miss your voice, y/n.” His voice was hoarse, hurt and pained, causing you to instinctively stop.
You shut your eyes in annoyance because after all these years, he still managed to control your instincts more than you yourself.
“I know…. God, I know I must not be fair right now since it was my fault for yelling at you and hurting you. But please, just say something to me, anything. Because I don’t want the last time I heard your voice to be your goodbye.”
You remained turned away so you couldn’t see the tears that were welling up in his eyes but you thought that this could be the last thing you could do for him.
“Breathing the same air, in the same space, is not enough reason to fall in love.”
Then you walked away.
He sniffled, crying for both his knee and his lost love.
His wish was never granted.
The last time he hears your voice is your final goodbye.
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a/n: yall dont kill me. i just had to do it this way and i know yall are probably screaming and punching the air right now but pls dont be too angry! to make up for this, i have a surprise for yall since youve actually given me so much support and love in such little time. So at 3 PM SHARP (Eastern Time Zone) so watch out for the time and check my account to find your gift!!!
a/n2: also, credits to someone in pinterest for the quote and i thought it was one of the deepest and cutest quotes of love <3
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
couple’s necklace
why do you both have the exact same necklace ?
pairing: kageyama x reader
a/n: a friend of mine called me a nerd and another said i’m very quirky because i began bringing bentos to school ajasjdj. But i did noticed when my friend pointed out how bentos are pretty rare to be seen in my school now. everyone is so engrossed with the cafeteria food but uhh i just- the queue takes years so i just brought food from home.
anways ! i was sitting in class and i fiddled around with my necklace when i thought what would it feel like to have matching necklaces with your partner (it’d be really nice tho. sad i don’t have one akhsja) and i just thought that i should write a hc about it. so here we go, milk boii this time !! enjoy:3
again sorry if it doesn’t match the character (i keep apologising but i feel like i should so....i’m sorry)
you’ve known kageyama ever since you bumped into him on the first day in your new school, karasuno. You always seen him as the milk and volleyball addict, a really weak student in their studies, and just a plain hot tempered person. 
what you didn’t notice at first was how well you are able to adapt around him. If he gets angry or upset, he gives off this really strong tension to never be near him. But as a concern classmate, you’re always able to approach him with no sign of feeling scared. This actually resulted to him and you being close friends. But it didn’t stop there, soon he developed feelings for you, and confessed by placing a milk carton on your desk with a pink post-it sticked to it ‘i like you. -K.T’ 
it’s wasn’t long before you both started to date. Noone really got the hint that both of you were dating, simply because you both still interact as friends and that they are to scared to ask in the first place .They do catch a few blushes on kageyama’s cheeks when both your hands lightly brush against his hair that was covering his face. But they always thought that’s a normal reaction since it happens so often.
One day during practice, the karasuno team were training. The balls that hit on the ground echoing in every corner. Everyone was drained. Especially kageyama. He bent down slightly, his hand grasping onto his thighs as he pants for air. A sliver chain suddenly dangled out of his shirt and the small noise from the charm caught hinata’s attention. He stared at the necklace that was around the setter’s neck. 
“kageyama wha-”
“kageyama !” coach ukai called. he too noticed the necklace and immediately sounded off.
“your necklace is gonna cause some trouble. take it off”
“yes, coach !” everyone watches kageyama as he carefully takes off the necklace, before carefully setting in on the bench along with his towel and bottle. Everyone is confused. Especially the small tangerine.
After pratice, hinata walked over to Sugawara as he was picking up the balls that was rolling around.
“Suga-senpai ! Uhh,,since when did kageyama started wearing accessories?” Suga shrugged as they both watch him put on the necklace back, adjusting it to his liking before tucking it under his shirt. Hinata was really curious to what brought kageyama to wear a necklace. 
A few days later, the team was busy practicing when you and yachi came through the door. Everyone took this time to take a break as some of the team, to be exact tanak and noya, was whining how you no longer come to practice often after you were given the role are the president in the photography club.
“now, now, i am busy but i’ll stop by if i have time ! Also ! i baked some cookies last night, i brought a few for all of you!” you pulled a box of cookies out of a brown bag you had beside you. Opening the lid, the smell already hungered everyone in the gym. They sat down, munching on your cookies. 
You bent down to pick the bag up when your necklace fell out. Hinata having sharp eyes saw it draped over your neck. He thought it looked good on you. The charm was something similar he swore he saw before. After a moment of realization, he chocked on his cookie before springing up.
“y-y/n!” he screamed as he point towards you. Everyone just looks over to you.
“hmm?” you stood there dumbfounded.
“y-your necklace !” you look down as you fiddled with the small charm. You fiddled it around, thinking it got dirty or something was on it before you felt a nudge and it was from your boyfriend.
“Oi, i told you to hide it. They saw mine. “ kageyama tried to speak softly but hinata heard every word.
“e-eh?!?! Y-y/n ! y-you’re d-dating kageyama !?!” hinata made it clear and everyone’s face just dropped. Kageyama ? The King of Court ? having a girlfriend? 
both you and kageyama stood there as you both slowly nod. Everyone just- froze. This is something new.
“is it not that obvious?” kageyama asked and everyone shook their head aggresively. you just shrugged before bidding your goodbyes to the lost teammates then skipping out the door.
“wait for me after practice.”
“yes, sir !”
After practice, you were walking home with your boyfriend, with both your necklaces exposed and no longer hidden. You hummed with excitement as you skip with your boyfriend just walking neutrally. 
“aaaah , so refreshing !” you stretched your arms out, one of which blocked kageyama’s eyes. He took that hand, and slowly intertwined his fingers with yours. He looked away from you as he shyly spoke
“don’t...don’t go showing your necklace around like it’s nothing...it’s..our thing.” his hand tightened around yours and you caught a glimpse of his red cheeks. You giggled slightly.
“awww is the karasuno volleyball setter jealous? such pity~” you cooed. You began to poke his shoulder, repeating his words in a teasing matter.
“stop it !” you laughed when you finally turned to look at you with a face as red as a tomato. 
You both were fooling around as you walked back home
The team behind both you could not believe their eyes. Kageyama, someone who loves volleyball, more than anything, dating someone.
“s-suga ! are you tearing ?” daichi was concern when he saw suga rubbed his eyes.
“kageyama has grown up”
“get some , tobio !!!” noya and tanaka screamed.
“I WANT A GIRLFRIEND TOO !” hinata exclaimed.
“you guys are fools” tsukishima added.
a/n: yeah boii,,,the ending is messy i’m sorry i tried to cut it shorter but- i wanna include as much detail as i can so i hope this is okay. Anyways yeah !!! hope this is good. but i love necklaces now. i like to put on charms that represent something. recently. i’m wearing one with those theatre masks, like the happy and sad one, and it just explains everything. That my life has both sad and happy times and that’s what makes it me. Anyways enough blabbering i hope you enjoy this !! this was somewhat a rush but i hope it’s okay !!
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