#just. they're so familiar with each other but emotionally/mentally
stxrsfxte · 7 months
Lorelei & Senta being estranged best friends makes me ✨ unhinged ✨ when I think about them too long
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sixxxer · 1 year
i think we've all become desensitized to how crazy nandermo actually is
there's this ancient and powerful but ultimately dorky vampire who looks at this human like he's his entire fucking world. and this human who used to be so dewy-eyed and naive is actually a badass vampire killer BY LINEAGE and has been in love with his master for so long that he's moved on mentally.
they should hate each other. they're meant to be enemies and guillermo shouldn't want to be around nandor, he should be afraid of him! but he sees right through him and knows this emotionally stunted vampire can't do shit to him. guillermo's given up everything; his family, his humanity, to be with him. fuck he just wants to spend eternity with him.
and nandor shouldn't give two shits about a lowly familiar. the baron looks down upon him for it, every other vampire doesn't plead for their familiar's life or even protect them. he's so attached he can't be without guillermo for just a day. not because he's dependent on him but because he misses him so bad. fucking kmsing
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scribble333 · 8 months
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My opinion on why Angel×husk relationship might be hard to come true
First of all, I am not saying it won't happen, I'm saying that they're gonna need a lot of time to be official.
They are both fucked up. Im not familiar with Husks previous love life if he even had one, but I do remember that in the pilot, he said to Charlie: "I lost the ability to love years ago." and yes, Charlie was talking about the hotel there, but I don't think Husk was. so if he will begin feeling something towards angel, he will either say "fuck it" and confess OR, a more likely outcome, he will be in denial, very stubborn and will avoid Angel for the sake of avoiding his feelings until he is put in a corner and forced to say or do something. I'm guessing, and this is just a guess, that because of his demenior and the way he handles situations, he might completely avoid having anything to do with angel because maybe he believes he isn't lovable or as I mentioned before "can't love."
As for angel dust, we all know the connection he has with V@lentin0, the connection being that he sold his soul to him. I think that after all he went through and is still going through, after all the shallow sex and traumatic abuse he just isn't emotionally, mentally or physically ready for a real, healthy, honest and long term relationship. He was abused to the point where he can't tell what a real relationship is sopoused to be like. He is so deep into it that "the act" that Husk called it is not an act anymore, which is what we heard from Angel later. I think that he cannot see the difference between what's real and what isn't in the matter of connection, love and even the basic care. The abuse consumed him to the point where he became what was before only acting. And I think that with that and with Husks problems too, them being together will be very complicated to execute. But don't get me wrong, I love them, I love the ship, I do think that there is hope for them being healthy for each other once they learn how to make it that.
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
For those who were surprised or confused or were trying to find reasons on why Jikook enlisted together and *gasp* who will still be together for the next 500+ days, have you watched original content?
Like Run BTS, where JK mostly tries (yet, sometimes fails) to be on the same team as Jimin or helps Jimin (even if they're on different teams), or almost fights one of his hyungs when Jimin gets hurt by a shuttlecock (not on purpose)?
How about the Bon Voyage series, where competitive Jungkook was so happy to lose a game bec he gets to share a room w/ Jimin, or how they were mostly together, and shared food w/ each other? How JK, with a humongous backpack, was so happy to have Jimin as his partner in Hawaii? How about JK waking up early in the morning to hike and get a huge chunk of snow for Jimin? How about them walking while Jimin listens attentively to JK about sand fleas that got stuck at the bottom of his shoes?
In the Soop S1 and S2, sound familiar? The all-nighter duo going at it, drinking, laughing, smashing a mosquito net? How about having a karaoke session, eating ramen, and drinking beer? JK asking a sleepy Jimin if he wanted Haemul kalguksu?
How about the four documentaries? How they end up rehearsing until the end together, how they spend several hours per day? And yet, still wanting to be together even after they finished work? How they eat dinner in one of the rooms and talk? Or how, when one gets overwhelmed/frustrated/disappointed, they seek the other's presence?
How about those Festa videos and Festa special interviews, how they admire and inspire each other to be better at their craft, be better people?
How about the past weverse lives, esp Jungkook's ones? How about listening to other members when they say Jikook are together during this and that?
If people would just listen and look at their pattern, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Jimin and Jungkook will choose each other, especially for major decisions/moments in their lives, because that's what they've been doing the past decade.
Why undergo the complicated process of the buddy system when they would just separate after 5 months? They could have just enlisted individually. These people write lies and essays about Korean's military system, which they have zero knowledge about because it's Jikook. If other members did it, no one would question it.
Instead of worrying about JK and Jimin's safety in the artillery unit (which, quite frankly, seems intense based on what they were operating), solos and the subgroup keep spewing BS. Do you know the mental toll learning how to kill has on a person? And these guys commenting that JK is not smiling on the photo? Smh. I'm so sorry for the word vomit, Rosie. The next several months would be crazier and a lot would be more unhinged, it seems, bec they refuse to acknowledge the truth about Jungkook and Jimin's bond.
I just wish for Jikook and all the other members to come back healthy, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
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rosesnbooks · 1 year
Astrology observations #3
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-i think it is not difficult to spot someone with scorpio placements/8th house in the big 6 (not that much in the sun tho). their energy appears darker, even when they have more "light-hearted" placements in the chart.
-pisces and leo can get along pretty well, the leo can get pisces out of their shell, and pisces can help them to relax and embrace their strong emotions
-people with scorpio+libra placements are irrestistible to others. they are charming, beautiful and mysterious.
-virgos have a way with words, they are very gifted and super smart. writing down their thoughts and feelings (bonus points if they use other creative outlets to do so) is so helpful for their mental health
-gemini placements can notice someone fake really quickly. i've noticed the same for pisces. geminis tend to really analyze these people, while pisces listen to their gut that is rarely wrong. i know it may sound ironic since many people state geminis are fake, but i disagree with them
-as they get older, sagittarius moons become more interested in spirituality and learning about other cultures; even when these themes are irrelevant to them when they're very young
-virgo stelliums love the color green, a lot!
-i have noticed that some people tend to hate a zodiac sign that is their own moon sign (they're often not aware of this/not familiar with astrology) for example, i know a scorpio sun with leo moon that dislikes leos, and a virgo sun with taurus moon that dislikes taurus people
-as a gemini rising, i do sometimes feel like there's so many different sides of me i present to the public, but that's mostly because i can only be my true self around the people i like, and i also absorb some behavior from the people i adore (even speech, unintentionally)
-taurus/2nd house mercuries have strong opinions on things, especially those that are very important to them. they also dislike people who are not trustworthy and direct
-taurus and cancer placements love food and cooking. when they cook, they put love into it and they like to prepare meals for people they love. they want to give others the comfort they seek themselves. they dislike cooking for people who don't appreciate their effort
-mars in leo can be really good with kids. especially if they also have earth placements, they are nurturing, creative and responsible which is the best combo
-venus in virgo/6th house won't enter a relationship with just anyone, they have their standards
-venus in the 11th really do dream about falling in love with their best friend, they wouldn't have it any other way
-a lot of sister signs can get along, but there is something about pisces and virgo that cannot be described (yet i will proceed to try) they have so much understanding for each other and it feels like they complete each other. pisces help them to dream big and accept their emotions (and to be less harsh on themselves), and virgos help pisces to stay firmly on the ground and achieve their goals
-saturn in the 4th house can have very dramatic and difficult experiences with their family. their parents weren't easy to get along with, and they never taught them how to be emotionally vulnerable and mature. they have the pressure to build a family of their own as well, but they struggle with this. however, this doesn't mean that they are doomed, many people can work on themselves and not make their parents' mistakes.
-saturn in the 6th need to be careful not to work too much. especially if they love what they do, they shouldn't spend 24/7 thinking about work, and should start taking care of themselves and nourish their interests/hobbies
-leo moons are said to be creative for a reason. they want to explore so many things and master all of them, or at least reach a level they can be proud of. art can be in their little finger, but they shouldn't be too hard on themselves when they don't reach their own expectations
-capricorn risings have conventionally beautiful characteristics. some also seem authoritative, so people don't want to mess with them and assume they're very serious. also, people often mistake them for scorpios
-uranus in the 1st in one's chart may indicate that this person needs a lot of freedom and they want to have control over everything in their life. they want to be in the spotlight, but they are sometimes scared that people would judge them. they feel different than others and they want to fit in, so that they can achieve their goals. they need to accept their eccentric side and surround themselves with people who appreciate them.
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formulapookie · 1 month
A bit of Beznaia with some 57 maybe? Because they are emotionally stupid.
57 accidental hand holding
The smell of the dirt track is home to Bez, feels like that safe soace you can refuge yourself into while everything else in the world is going wrong.
That, and Pecco's laughter.
It's calming, familiar, secure. He could get lost in the sound of Pecco laughing, could get lost in the way he tips his head back slightly when he laughs.
God how stupidly in love he is with that boy. And how equally stupidly he thinks he can have something with him.
Even if, and that's not the case, even if Pecco liked guys, he wouldn't be on his to-go list, Pecco is beautiful and he is...him.
So he's happy with closeness, hugs, sleeping on each other's shoulders, riding, eating and chatting together, drinking and dancing at clubs never too far, to not loose sight of eachother.
And he swears, sometimes, the light hitting Pecco's eyes makes them look like pools of honey he gets stuck in, like a fly.
The sound of engines starting has Bez snap out from the trance he went into, they're both in Cele's garage, the youngest had just taken pole the day before and he was sure he could battle for a win, again.
They start, and Cele makes a damn good start, after three laps he's still in front, Ogura and Arbolino 0.5 behind, battling between themeselves.
Ten laps in, Cele is now second, 0.2 behind a cannibal Aldeguer who seems like he slips away from Cele's range of attack every turn in.
Bez is anxious, biting at his nails, Pecco is next to him he's...he's very close. Bez looks down at where their bodies come into contact, and it's not the usual hip-against-hip situation they end up into, no.
His and Pecco's hands are tangled together, Pecco's thumb stroking the back of it, slowly, drawing small circles on it.
He's so lost in actually understanding he's holding hands with Pecco he misses Cele overtaking Aldeguer, gaining the lead in the last sector of the race, he looks up and sees Cele cutting the line in first position, Aldeguer dangerously close, but still behind, Pecco has raised both his hands in exultation, bringing up Bez's as well, still intertwined together.
Bez can't look away from their hands, not now, not when his heart is racing at 300km/h like if he's on his bike, Pecco pulls him in for a hug, ultimately letting go of his hand, which feels hote like lava to Bez right now.
He melts in the hug, happy for Cele, happy for himself. And meanwhile Pecco is freaking out, he had just held Bez's hand unconciously, to comfprt him, had he found that strange? offputting? did he even notice?
more beznaia because I am getting fonder of them, I'm working on the other asks too I swear, I just have the mental capacity for Beznaia rn
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fountainpenguin · 3 days
Small 'Fic Posting News
I moved a lot of early FOP character studies and warm-ups to my unrevealed Riddle WIPs collection on AO3, so they're easily on hand for me to tag and post when I feel ready.
A lot of these are things I enjoyed, but didn't feel comfy sharing back in 2016/17. They're cool to look back on and I'm ready to let them go. Some are suggestive, some are emotionally intense, some are very simple character studies, so as always, tread with care.
I also think they're neat because they don't build on each other, so they're pretty low-brainpower reads (imo), which some people may like.
I don't expect to post one of these old things every week, but they'll probably show up on Mondays or Wednesdays or something like that (Once Life of a Loser stops posting on Wednesdays, which is in two weeks).
As per the norm, M and E works will be under the ScarletPenguin pseud, so if you know that's not your cup of tea and you see the email, you can delete it without needing to open it or check tags.
These old pieces will be exclusive to AO3 (Organization, easier for my brain, etc.) On the off chance anything becomes a Prompt, it will go on FFN.
Not planning to do Tumblr announcements or cover images for them. They're off to the side for the people interested. Might shout out a few favorites, though.
AO3 series to subscribe to or avoid at your preference:
🌈 Rainbow Train - All FOP 'fics that aren't 130 Prompts (i.e. It will include these old pieces). 🖤 Off the Rails - Stuff that doesn't fit my main AUs (Cloudlands, City Lights, Reedfilter). Most old pieces will go here since they're non-canon now. ❤️ Red Train - Romantic or sensual works (All FOP AUs).
Additional reminder:
🚂 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash - Everything in this one-shot series is G or T. If you feel uneasy about Rainbow Train, you can filter M and E stuff out by subscribing just to this one!
Under the cut, I have examples (i.e. screenshots of these WIP titles and summaries like what you would see when scrolling AO3) to help people get a feel for the vibe.
Suggestive or gross summaries & commentary; proceed at own discretion. Obviously, #ridspoilers.
Reminder - These are WIP screenshots. The pieces will have proper tags and meta before they're posted. Titles may also change.
Bonus disclaimer: If you see a line in an old WIP that seems familiar... I do yoink things from these sometimes because I wasn't planning to post them, yes <3
This will be the first one:
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Exactly what it says on the tin- Super simple.
Here are a few more examples (No specific order)-
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A scene from Frayed Knots I've always regretted cutting even though it was for the best, but y'know what? It deserves to be shared because it's funny :)
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Another moment from canon translated into my style! There's also a "Flappy finds out Gary and Betty knew about magic the whole time" bit somewhere in here that I had to throw out after "Solo" happened.
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I will not apologize for my deity break-up drama. I might apologize for Prince Thursday's seasonal torment, but he's the nature spirit of Leaves, so-
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Unpleasant non-con / dubcon situations... We know how this goes.
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And the obligatory sequel to the above. That pixie sure can character arc!
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Very cursed flirty pixies, my beloved...
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Do you have any idea how weird it feels to post pre-reincarnation pieces out of context... skldjf...
It's gross! It's goofy! Cupid's ancestors took her mobility aid because they're unpleasant people! We just keep winning!!
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Uncut version of the Ambrolara scenes! I sadly cut some of my favorites lines from "Hate That I Love You" because it would've crossed the line... but I love them....... my cursed OCs who are awful for each other.
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No one understands Sanderson's mind, not even me 7 years later... He can do whatever he wants forever.
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Foop's romantic scenes during the late-Prompts era are some of my favorite warm-ups... He's here, he's queer, he's having a mental breakdown spitting and crying over his dad not noticing him sneaking in a girl, he was forced to marry someone he desperately does not want to be intimate with, he loves his mom, he's losing the power struggle against his alt personality, he's this close to losing his inheritance, he calls his wife his mistress's name... No one is doing it like him. Probably because he's doing SO bad!!
The preview scene you see in "Trouble Beyond Paradise" finally broke me... It's been a favorite since 2017 and I just really want to share... That one's a multi-chapter and I hope you guys like it. I love Foop/Anti-Marigold and their weird situation... Like, of COURSE if Poof has severe anxiety about accidentally forcing them into dubcon, Foop's genius idea is to get the first time over with before Poof/Goldie can bind them into it. So funny. They are silly little guys... the people have a right to know...
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Very old anatomy study. It's about bees ripping apart when they mate. It's... sort of cute? Mostly horrific and full of pain and sobbing? :'D If you pick this up, you will very quickly see why I never intended to post it, but... It's 2024, baby! Welcome to my mind...
- This one will likely get a new title, so be careful if this is one you want to avoid. - Where is that post that goes like "Why do all my ace friends write the most bizarre sex scenes?" followed by "Have to throw in something interesting for us." sdfkj. Yeah... It's me, I'm that guy. And this kind of guy.
And more!! I hope you like reading these old pieces, but if they are not your thing, that is perfectly fine. Some of these are not even my thing, but sometimes you have to write it to know that! Sometimes you knew that and wrote it anyway because ??? idk.
I think it's neat to see my style change over the years. I hope you get some joy out of them, even if they're hyperspecific.
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stormxpadme · 8 months
AU Game. Scott/Logan. 1970s California road trip. No powers.
Let’s play a game. Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story. Scott/Logan. 1970s California road trip. No powers.
Scott ends up in the worst bug-infested, grease-moldy truck stop ever that night, and he just about wants to walk back out the second he arrives but there's no alternatives for miles, and he's always gotta get his deliveries done in time if he wants to save up the buck for this damn private pilot license one day. And since he kinda sucked at being a teacher and regular flight schools won't accept him because of his damn eyesight condition, he's only got the road left. Which in this case means spending the night in this shithole and finding anything on the menu that won't give him salmonella, burn right through his digestive tract, or both.
That sleazy unkempt group of lumberjacks has already pissed him off with their digs about his glasses upon entering but he's only stepping in when one of them tries to get up and close with the shy and terrified waitress girl. Because Scott is an idiot who apparently hasn't gotten his damn ass beaten often enough yet in one orphanage after another after his whole family's died in that fucking plane crash. He's outnumbered 1:4 but he's taller and they're out of shape, so he's not worrying a lot. Not until the first switchblade comes his way.
If he's being honest, he's already had his eyes on the outsider of the bully group for a while, sitting there silently by the very edge of the table alone with a bottle of whiskey, because the guy is built like a fucking tree himself and has no interest in harassment or in like, anything at all, apparently. Somehow, Scott always happens to fall either for the red-haired mental cases or the emotionally constipated. It doesn't help his current infatuation that the guy steps in before Scott can have a couple of his arteries kebabed by those knives. He's visibly enjoying the brawl against his now-former workmates, moving fast and strong and obviously field-trained, trashing half the furniture so badly that they're being kicked out by the owner which is just as well because now neither of them has to pay. And because Scott is seriously horny at this point.
They end up fucking on the rest stop parking lot behind a dumpster after patching each other's cuts and bruises up and they're still laughing their asses off, with only that certain familiar hysteric undertone of having barely escaped death and the comfortable wordless intimacy of instant bonding, once you realize you've found a guy just as much a broken idiot as yourself.
Afterward, Scott is on enough adrenaline to drive through the night. Logan doesn't even really ask before he makes himself at home in the passenger seat, feet on the dash, hairy chest out and all, replacing Scott's favorite Johnny Cash cassette with a Rolling Stones tape Scott can't even remember having and silently humming along over the last bit of whiskey. He's been bored of cutting down trees anyway, it turns out. He doesn't even want to stop by his home for his things. Says, he doesn't need any of his shit, none of that stuff having any meaning to him after losing all his memories some couple of years ago, during some bad hit in Vietnam. Besides, there's only some violent, abusive perv of a step-brother waiting for him at home, and Logan's only been waiting for an excuse to lo leave that piece of shit behind. Sun's not even gone up before they fuck in the driver's seat again, by the side of the road, before they drop the delivery together, collect the buck and find themselves some nice burger joint for breakfast. And Scott wonders suddenly if this is what happiness feels like.
Additional Spoiler Alert: The asshole stepbrother will track them down eventually as they're dumb enough to stay in touch with Scott's trucker friends like Bobby, Sam, and Emma via his CB radio, and Scott almost ends up being kebabed again only a month later, because that Victor guy got issues. But the fuck in that cheap Vegas hotel afterward is spectacular, and since they're already in town, they miraculously find someone who doesn't care about gender and shit when he's marrying someone as long as he gets paid. It also soon turns out, it's so much easier, making a good buck on the road, working together. Scott is pretty sure he's still never going to get inside a damn cockpit but at least he doesn't need that stupid dream at night anymore, to no longer want to off himself on the next best highway.
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leprosycock · 1 year
If I’m trying to dip my toes into writing jlud fics, is there anything you think should be highlighted in their dynamic, I’ve never written real people before, so I’m worried they may come off as OOC
i think having a history of writing rpf in general does help you portray real people a little better, but even if you've only written fic based on movies or tv, then you really just have to study and think about the way real people talk. none of it is carefully orchestrated or prewritten or flowery or anything like that. real people use lots of filler words and phrases like "uh", "ah", "um", "like", "yeah", "i mean", "you know", so on and so forth. they stutter. they fumble. j stutters a lot, usually because he talks very quickly and his mouth can't keep up with his brain and he short-circuits when he's placed into unfamiliar situations.
a lot of people make the mistake that lud is inherently domineering and suave and super alpha and he always knows what he's doing, which isn't true. he's able to fake confidence VERY well and he tries to make up a lot of his personality so he can mask his vulnerability and sell himself as a product to others, but he's easily broken through because he wants SO badly to be loved and praised and coddled. at the same time, he also has the capacity to be very cruel and snide and shitty on purpose and he doesn't really care about hurting people's feelings. all of these spawn from him being a miserable, unstable, spoiled manchild. he's very mean to jrma in between glorifying him, constantly diving between these two extremes depending on his mood and what his current perception of jrma is. he acts out and expects everyone to put up with it and doesn't care when people don't. j usually puts up with it no matter what because he hates himself and needs so badly to stay in lud's good graces. unless he sees lud being mean to somebody else. then he'll scold him for it.
they absolutely and thoroughly adore each other and they've been following each other's exploits closely for years. lud has been watching jrma ever since he was at asu and jrma has been watching lud from a similar timeframe. the first time j ever shouted him out and thanked him for raids was all the way back in 2018. they're VERY familiar with each other from a voyeuristic standpoint; j listens to the yard and watches a fuckton of his streams and lud regularly looks up and watches jrma clips along with a bunch of his streams too. they both look up to each other so much. lud looks up to j because he sees him as a mentor, an artist, and a father/teacher figure, and j looks up to lud because he also sees him as an artist and so fucking cool and slick and handsome and he's awed by and jealous of the success he's achieved at such a young age. they both want very, very badly to be liked by each other but their own mental blocks that they have put in place makes it so that they can't see how crazy the other one is about them. j because he can't stand himself, and lud because he's constantly playing 4d chess with everyone in his life.
j is VERY needy, physically and emotionally, when they interact with each other in real life. he doesn't feel the need to interact with others or make more friends. he wants lud to be around him and talk to him and hype him up. and once they do find each other again, they talk easily and comfortably for ages and ages because they have a ton in common. they both seem to ignore the strange obstacles that both of them tend to throw up around each other because it's so much easier to be the best of friends than it is to talk about their feelings at all. they don't admit things to each other. they don't talk about things deeper. they just exist in each other's vicinities and grab at each other and try to steal pieces for themselves.
all in all, watch their streams and see how their relationship has developed over time and listen well. some key streams to watch are the replacement stream, bro v bro, name your price, juiced, beerio kart, and risk, because they're all wildly different and they all uniquely showcase aspects of their relationship that you can pull from.
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izukurtus · 2 years
(this is a shoto todoroki character analysis. if you're not familiar with him, he is a main character in the anime and manga "boku no hero academia" which is also known as "my hero academia." this will also be exploring izuku midoriya and the canonical relationship between Todoroki and midoriya.)
in the first few arcs, we see Todoroki is cold and powerful. he is a very nonchalant and serious individual who is very skilled in combat. we learn early on that he had a traumatic childhood and that he hates his father, and because of this he refuses to use his quirk how it was meant to be used. we also learn that his mother was also abused by his father, both mentally/psychologically and physically.
because of this, he protected himself by not showing any emotion. for obvious reasons, this is sad as fuck. he was a very blunt person with no social skills or knowledge of social cues, which meant it was impossible for him to make friends. we learn that he suffers from this and has suffered from this all of his life. he doesn't know how to socialize because he was never taught. as a child, he wasn't allowed to play with his siblings. he was forced to train until he passed out from exhaustion.
as he gets older, he starts to build resentment towards his father because he sees him abusing his mother. he goes to his mother when he's 5 and ends up getting a boiling hot pot of water thrown over his face.
now, I find this really interesting because the climax of izuku and todoroki's childhoods occurred when they were both five. this is a really cool parallel because we get to explore the dynamics of their relationship and their childhood trauma. together, as characters, they're extremely similar and both went through traumatizing experiences.
for one, todoroki was abused by his father and got assaulted by his mother, and i cover the most important stuff already, but this is just the basics of what he went through.
for two, Midoriya was abused by bakugo. it happened in a much more graded down and minor manner at four years old, but after katsuki began to develop his quirk, the abuse devolved and got much worse.
so, we can already see a similarity here: both are being abused, and both are being abused by someone that's supposed to take care of them. a friend is supposed to take care of you, and izuku thought of kacchan as a friend, even though he wasn't. a parent is supposed to take care of you, yet shotos dad emotionally neglected him and physically abused him.
you can already tell that they have shitty lives. izuku is ostracised by bakugo and his friends and also bullied/abused.
so, you get that same feeling of not knowing how to socialize and having no idea how to cope from both kids, which is another way they're similar to each other.
another similarity between todoroki and midoriya is that as they grow older, they find ways to cope in their situations. Midoriya's is writing a bunch of journals analysing heroes, their costumes, their quirks, and everything about them. Todoroki's is by rebelling against his abuser and only using his ice quirk.
it's scientifically proven that realistically, we're more drawn to people that remind us of ourselves, people that are very similar to us. Todoroki and midoriya, are similar.
midoriya is very emotional, which means he tends to express himself through physical contact. he acts like an emotionally vulnerable human being, and sometimes that makes people want to care for him. enter todoroki into the equation.
when they meet, they first have an ominous relationship. todoroki dislikes, NOT hates, midoriya. midoriya is curious about todoroki and wants to be his friend. todoroki makes a public announcement that he doesn't intend to become friends with his classmates and that he will defeat izuku.
now, he says this because he recognizes that dekus quirk is similar to all mights quirk and that they're probably related. his entire upbringing was spent training to defeat all Might, so obviously once he uncovers this discovery, he'll feel conflicted.
but then again, this is a pretty good example of how their friendship works! you see, we've seen before how todoroki struggles to understand others in general due to his personality type. this is the reason why midoriya seems to be drawn to him. midoriya is naturally a hero, and a helper. he wants to help todoroki and save him from his inner conflict.
right before their match, we see them meet up and talk. todoroki explains his theory about why he thinks deku got his quirk from all Might, and he opens up about his childhood trauma.
they go on to fight, blah blah blah - but this is an actually super important part of their relationship and todorokis character development. Izuku screams "its not his quirk, its yours!" during the battle. it's obvious that he feels strongly about todoroki becoming a better person. izuku and todoroki become closer because of this, and they bond as heros and best friends.
this also the first time izuku has saved someone mentally, from their own self. it's also the second time he saved someone in general, so you can imagine how much it means to him, how much todoroki means to him.
they form a deep friendship afterwards, enough so I would consider them best friends. but i don't think anyone understands - izuku literally SAVED todoroki from falling into an even deeper pit of self hate, rage, hate at his father, etc. etc.
the bond they formed over that? fuckin deep. shotos backstory, childhood, and trauma are all really well written and beautiful. it was as realistic as possible - the effects of abuse on a little kid. it was as clear cut as could be because izuku knew him better than anyone else. he knows exactly what kind of impact domestic abuse has because he's seen it all in shoto.
he legit knows shoto best, and i think shoto knows izuku best as well. their relationship is really cute and healthy. they're also rivals, but in a healthy, "we're still friends" kind of way.
they've fought alongside each other and tried as much as possible to protect each other. when izuku sent out the alert in the internship arc, the whole class dismissed it except for todoroki, who showed up on the spot on the off chance that midoriya is in danger. not only does this symbolize how close midoriya is to todoroki's heart, but it also symbolizes his killer fucking instincts. this dude was willing to drop EVERYTHING for someone he just met.
this showcases how deeply they bonded after the sports festival. they risked their lives for each other. and not only that, but im gonna go back to the sports festival in question. imagine delving all of your deep, inner secrets, trauma, and past to someone who you just met. DAMN, that's deep!
AND, after that, midoriya inspired todoroki into being a hero, healing up from his traumas, visiting his mother, and other shit. do you really need more proof of how big of an effect they have and hold over each other?
without midoriya, todoroki would have stayed the same emo kid and had the same exact relationships with his family. he also never would have become a hero without izuku.
also, that's not the only evidence for the development of their relationship either! shoto actually LISTENS TO and CARES ABOUT izuku and his problems, not just the other way around! he listens to izukus rant on Kota and even shares his own advice. they're extremely patient and caring towards each other.
also, one of the tropes that they fall into is the helper vs help trope. it probably falls under a different name, but I'm sure you guys understand. izuku is naturally a helper, shoto needs help... geddit?
so, this evidence proves that tododeku isn't one dimensional, single fold, or any other negative terms! it's not one sided love at all, and "it's your power" isn't the only moment of bonding that they share.
and not only that, but they both have their own characters outside of each other. they both have their own things going on both in and outside of their relationship. they both have different goals and different ways to achieve those goals.
they're significant to each other, complement each other in important ways, and it would be super interesting if they got together!
and not only that, but izuku seems to calm todoroki down when he's upset. i can't remember what chapter was in, but the panel is right here.
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he's ALSO super observant of izuku and his needs. shoto notices when izuku is upset and curious, just like izuku notices when shoto is upset and curious!
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and not only that but they're the perfect pair when it comes to fights, they're both powerful, capable, and strategic people.
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that's a picture of shoto and izuku fighting stain da killer. and if you won't notice, then you'll ALSO see that he's confidently using his fire side right after the sports festival.. in the presence of izuku. this, again, shows how izuku inspired and continues to inspire him everyday.
edit: during the midoriya vs muscular fight, izuku used shotos words to inspire and save not only him, but Kota as well. he remembers what shoto said, and uses it to activate 100% of OFA, which in of itself is an amazing feat.
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and in the class a vs b, when shoto goes up against TetsuTetsu, he reminisces on izukus words and uses it to fuel his fire! he ALSO uses one of his father's moves, something he would not have done without izuku.
now, im not trying to say that tododeku is gonna be endgame, or that it's canon... im just presenting canonical evidence and analyzing the two of them together. make of it what you will. im just trying to explain why it's my OTP and why it really isn't a far fetch, and if any other tddk stan needs proof of why they like the ship, then here it is!
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mofledowe · 2 years
SHOOT my last ask sent early um um um sorry to spam ur inbox but also Can I get a little peeper at the Phone lore 🥺👉👈 sillay blue gal
"little peeper"......... hah......... get ready 4 a super duper long post 😈 /srs its really long
ok, so first i really wanna share Phone's developement. below, these r all from july 2021 (in order of oldest 2 newest) (CRINGE!!!!! but i was having fun :))
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and here are some of her more recent glow up pics <333333
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just noticed but like what happened to her eyelashes. i dont know.
anyways! background:
but before that, so this makes sense in case you arent familiar with the other 2, left 2 right, Micheal, Michelle, and Phone
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Nobody knows how they got there, but Phone one day appeared in The Factory (where all the catboys are made, like Micheal). the higher (intangible) beings (some have taken them on as a religion) took in Phone and basically taught her their gospel. their gospel just so happens to be love! so now Phone goes around the factory (they cant just LEAVE) and teaches all the clones about love! (this is literally the second oc i have that parallels with dhmis but i swear i totally forgot about Shrignold while making her)
one day, a clone comes out kind of weird and wrong- or weirder and wrong-er than what is considered usual. this one is Micheal! while Micheal looks ordinary, he doesnt think that way. he completely rejects the gospel of the higher beings, and that makes them upset. he decides to leave (NOT ALLOWED!?!?!?!?!) and sneak out of the place. there isnt actually anywhere for him to go, though, so he just lingers outside of the higher beings view for now, still inside the factory... somewhere.
a long while later, another one comes out wrong. its PINK!!!!! she decides to name herself Michelle, saying she knew something like that was the name she had rightly owned even before she came to be. anyways, she doesnt quite understand the higher being's gospel- not like Micheal, enough to push it away, but enough to: not really listen, point out inaccuracies, and make even Phone irked and off-put of what Michelle's saying. (this is so long im sorry heres another paragraph break)
Michelle, though not meaning to, plants doubts in Phone's mind, though they try their best to dismiss Michelle. some accident happens in the factory, and Phone is pushed down, and something inside of her breaks (emotionally and mentally). noticing this, Michelle leads her away from the bustling area as Phone cries, and they accidentally find a warm hole in the wall. surprise surprise, this is where Micheal camps out.
though they've never met in their life, Michelle immediately claims that Micheal and her are siblings. Micheal doesnt really know what siblings are, but he's already too tired to fight anybody, so he just lets them stay. well, he lets Michelle stay- he doesnt welcome Phone with open arms at all.
away from the influence of the higher beings who lost track of Phone, Phone begins to wither away from the higher being's teachings. they start to realize how corrupt their teachings were, and Phone makes a plan to escape. actually, she just declares the three of them are going to escape. to Phone and Michelle's surprise, the hole-in-the-wall Micheal basically lives in doesn't immediately lead outside. you would have to go through a whole 'nother wing of the factory in order to get in or out (at least this is how Micheal does it. there really arent any other options)
they go through the wing, and get split up; Phone finds new clothes (the dress), Micheal sees the horrors (more than he usually sees), and Michelle gets out first. Micheal and Phone finally find each other near the exit, and establish a truce! fun. once they finally get out and reunite with Michelle, they all agree they arent big fans of the higher beings.
once they're out, Micheal starts to go back inside. he only came with them in order to escort them out, after all. they catch him and persuade him to follow them and journey to find more. Micheal insists there's nothing out there but the white void. seeing they wont be able to persuade him to follow, they regrettably leave without him, ready to tour the unknown, leaving him to go back into the factory indefinitely.
thats pretty much a short summary (lying and sillay)! this makes me want to actually write about them. gonna post that stuff on my oc account though. thanks a bunch for asking!!!!! (biding, eading, giggling, killing hehe /pos 💗💗💗💗💗
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technocipher · 2 years
Karen Travers is most certainly a man well-accustomed to pain. Each failure served to contribute more and more into his already overwhelming grief. The sheer weight of his duty, stretched across innumerable timelines, aided in mentally destroying him -- more than he already had been. He could never be entirely certain if Luka was happier with his absence, either.
But there appears to be a much deeper aspect of pain locked within Karen. The DLC mentions that he was sold to the government for their illicit experiments, a treatment Luka was likely subjected to as well. The shame of siring duds seemed to be too much for their father to bear. He had to make them normal in some fashion -- anything would be better than what he had.
This kind of parental rejection is excruciating to bear as a child. It will remain with you for a lifetime. Across several, it is likely magnified. To have to relive it a thousand times over must have driven Karen to the brink of madness. Perhaps even he was unsure about it. Perhaps he buried it all the same -- it isn't as if he had any other choice.
Not much is truly stated of the Travers' home life before the OSF, but it was not a healthy one. There are strong implications of abuse in the scant details given. For one, we don't know just how prominent the Travers patriarch was during the boys' childhood. He was likely prone to committing physical violence, if Karen's unusually high pain tolerance is anything to go by. The Travers family patriarch was also likely to be quite verbally and emotionally abusive. In a military organization like the OSF, why, it's not all that different from home -- the top brass and drill sergeants don't seem to be too dissimilar.
Karen's distance and aloofness very much appear to be a defense mechanism. For him to act out so frequently in basic training, to receive as many write-ups as he did, speaks volumes about what his home life had been. Perhaps it was a way to assert dominance... or perhaps he was daring them to strike. With his then-newly implanted abilities, the sky was the limit, wasn't it? He wasn't quite able to protect himself and Luka... but now, he could.
Even Luka's obsession with working out has much to do with his terrible home life. It is a more passive defense mechanism compared to his brother's; constant exercise aids to combat the throes of depression. It also contributes to physical strength... but, every time he looks in the mirror, what does he see? A child who can't even defend himself? Can Luka ever allow himself to let his guard down?
Any inkling of abuse occurring in the Travers household was kept under wraps. If the Travers patriarch was a man of high standing, then he likely had a network of close friends reporting on any "negative criticism". Karen may have been too afraid to discuss the truth with Fubuki and Alice. His inclination towards stoicism aided to mask any hurt he felt. At the same time, it served to harm Karen further, locking all his pain deeper within. It's little wonder that Karen speaks through his eyes -- eyes that are a window into a tormented soul.
How often had Karen craved to speak out and loosen his burdens, only for the familiar wave of terror to silence such a wish? Did he watch Fubuki with envy twisting his insides, bitter about a freedom long since denied? ... Would Fubuki even care? Did Karen prefer the loneliness of solitude, rather than endure the shame?
It's easier to keep other people at arms' length. Most of the time, they're too self absorbed to care about anyone other than themselves. Even if they seem safe enough, few -- if any -- can be trusted. Tell someone a secret, and the next day it will be the talk of the town. Talk about yourself and the things you really want, and someone else will run roughshod over you -- you're just a dud. You're not worth the attention. You might have artificially gifted powers, sure, but give the public an inch and they'll be quick to remind you of your worthlessness. But they sure love to grand-stand about the other fun issues! To remain closed off is to be safe; no one can hurt you if they don't know where to make you bleed.
Not to mention, the experimentation itself must have been excruciating. Merely tampering with the brain causes all sorts of horrid side effects. Brain Eater, if it's even a naturally-occurring power -- highly doubtful, given New Himuka's fondness for clandestine research -- is quite a volatile power. Perhaps it's even unstable. Early usage of the power may have sent Karen into severe convulsions. Maybe even vomiting, foaming at the mouth from the sheer, inescapable agony, with his arms and legs splaying bonelessly. Karen may have had to train his already high pain tolerance into something astronomical. It isn't as if anyone ever cared to check on him. There were were likely no objections from his immediate family when he was sold off and subsequently handed over to the OSF.
As a Septentrion of high standing, it must be even worse for him. With so many eyes upon him, Karen has to bury any modicum of weakness. The pressure crushes him tenfold. He has to overtax his brain for the sake of the OSF. How much worse are his seizures? How often has Karen been forced to drag his uncooperative limbs to a more secluded section of the battlefield, desperate to keep his suffering clear of prying eyes? Has he ever been forced to push it down in front of his platoon, even as the spasms gradually worsen? When he's found an isolated spot, does he ever allow himself to ever be completely vulnerable? He may not even permit himself that -- for all he knows, someone could have followed him. It doesn't take much to tempt an opportunity for blackmail. He may never feel safe enough to be completely vulnerable.
It doesn't seem to be often remarked upon, but Karen is extremely expressive. His eyes and body language are very meticulously arranged and animated. He may not be speaking in a conventional manner, but he is speaking, nonetheless. When irritation, defiance, and anger are not at the forefront, there is a notable sorrow. A silent pleading, even. The rare times when he is at his most vulnerable is when it is the most blatant. It seems to add to the tragedy of his character, in the end. Karen carries far more pain than what the plot completely touches upon... as quietly as he can manage. Did he ever have any other choice?
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ejaydoeshisbest · 9 months
I don't want to disturb anyone just because I'm anxious and lonely.
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I don't want to disturb my aunties just because I'm anxious and lonely. Though they are caring, compassionate, generous, and kind people, I don’t want to become dependent on them and infect them with my struggles.
I am not their obligation. They have their own families to take care of. Though they say first and foremost that they love me and that I can call them anytime outside of work, I need to give them a break from me.
I also don't want to constantly bother them after all they've done for me. I think specifically of the consultations, the expensive medical expenses, and the treatments they paid for. If it wasn't for them, I'd still be gasping for each breath.
Whenever I do call them, crying, sobbing, or anxious, my eyes take in their faces the familiar expression of humanity and love. But my insecurity and shame tell me that maybe they're good at hiding their true feelings, which is irritation. "He's calling us again, it's your turn to comfort him."
But, no. My heart feels their genuine generosity.
I also don't want to call them daily because it feels like I am disappointing them; that I am still struggling with my breathing and my anxiety and panic even after all those treatments. Stuck in a loop. And they would reply with affirmations and validations. But it must be tiresome for them to always repeat the same comforting, soothing messages over and over again.
Who would not be sick and tired of that? I feel like whenever they see my face and name pop up on their screens, they roll their eyes, take a deep breath, and summon their most empathetic self to bear with me.
I'm scared that they would grow weary of me and abandon me. I'm terrified that they would run out of love for me.
I want to help myself and help others to please them! To assure them that I'm fine and capable again and all their efforts paid off. To not disturb them with video calls. I have to stop calling them and force myself to tackle this now that I am alone, or else, this will be a loop that has ensnared other people into my dour existence.
I have to take proactive steps to heal and improve myself.
I don’t want to disturb them especially when they’re at work. They have their own lives to live, their own spouses and children, and pets to take care of. They have their own problems to deal with, never mind my own. And though they always say (out of politeness or out of love) that they will always be one call away, I could not bear adding my weight to theirs. They may look like they have an endless supply of support, but every person has their limits.
Also, I sometimes think that they did not know fully what they signed up for. I may be too much for them to handle. What they thought of as simple remedies and solutions turned out to be more problematic and complex. I feel guilty because I keep calling them and my cousins and friends to apologize for my rude behavior during my first visit to Australia, but here I am, still being toxic but in another way.
I don’t want them to feel stressed and anxiously waiting if I will call them just because I FEEL panicky. I am like a baby, a duckling that is willingly not breaking away from his shell.
This feels like my decision ko to limit my interactions with an old friend. I'll call him "Ace". Ace and I might be dragging each other down mentally, instead of hyping each other up to become the best versions of ourselves. It got to the point where I felt physically and emotionally drained after hanging out with him. Plus, I couldn't handle his toxicity. We have different demons in our heads, but he seems to resign himself to a life of inactivity and inaction. I don't want to be like him. I want to break free from that. And so I cut off contact with him for now. And I hope he heals soon.
I’m just afraid that my aunties will do the same thing to me. I'm worried that they will lose their patience with me and see me as a toxic presence that they need to wash their hands off.
They have a happy life there, and they have their own issues. They have their own medical conditions. While others would rather suffer in silence, nobly, there’s me, polluting their clean pool. They have a good life there. I don’t want to cause them unneeded stress and anxiety anymore.
If ever I do call, maybe one to three times a week, I want to consciously twist every negative news I have with myself into something positive.
Words: Ejay Diwas Art: taken on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/42291683993607358/
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readatrix · 1 year
"It said that I'd be safe."
(Note I listened to the audiobook. This is the second book in a month I've heard narrated by Nicky Endres, and they're just on that at the top of my narrators list. In the first book, I wondered if they were French, and this time they were convincingly English. Each character comes across as unique and distinct.)
Alice and Ila are best friends and occasional lovers. They enter an abandoned house with their friend, Heather. Alice and Ila leave, physically and emotionally scarred, enemies, afraid of one another.
Heather never leaves.
Before I continue, I can't stress enough this book is dark, hard to read, and bound to be triggering for a lot of people. I know I have to be in the right mental and emotional space to handle certain topics, and I know reading the wrong book at the wrong time can be profoundly dangerous. This book deals with bigotry of all kinds, particularly transphobia, homophobia, racism, misogyny, and the rise of antisemitism. There's a lot of talk of dysphoria. The characters have turned a lot of the hatred inward. Did I mention body horror?
The house in question thinks of itself as Albion, an older name for England. I don't think the metaphor is meant to be at all subtle -- this house holds and amplifies hate. It's only welcoming in the way a spider welcomes a fly to its web.
I'm from the United States and yet so much of the sense of rising dread and the anxiety of not trusting your neighbors to be decent humans is familiar. I think my country and Albion are toxically codependent, in many ways mirroring one another.
Alison Rumfitt seems to hold nothing back, never shying away from taking the story to uncomfortable places. It felt brave to write about the rise of hate, but it's twice as brave to make your protagonists from marginalized groups horrible and hate-filled too. No one, other than the house, seems to hate them more than they hate themselves.
I'm not going to delve into much more. I loved the Tell Me I'm Worthless, I also had to take a lot of breaks from it. I felt the author understood my rising panic and anxiety, my confusion as to what's going on. (I'm starting to see antisemitic posts in discussions where I didn't think you could shoehorn it in if you tried.) I'm so happy I read it, and want to read more from this author, but I'm also really glad it's over.
None of this to say there's not also a sharp sense of humor and satire at play.
Recommended for people in the mental place to handle a dark story. Politically (to the left) aware people and those from marginalized groups. Those always online. People who like the subgenre of haunted house stories where the house isn't as much haunted as itself evil -- the lines of architecture or the ground its built on his soured it. (The book pays homage to those stories, particularly The Haunting of Hill House.)
Not recommended for people in a vulnerable state, particularly those from the groups harmed or degraded in this story. I don't think conservatives would have a good time, unless it was for messed up reasons. People with a strong gag reflex.
I will be recommending this book A LOT.
0 notes
shanastoryteller · 2 years
happy pride!! geraskier? 🏳️‍🌈
Yennefer doesn't think anything of the silver ring on Geralt's left hand. He's a witcher, for fuck's sake.
She keeps not thinking of it until she stumbles on him at a pub, which wouldn't be too strange except there's a semi-talented bard belting out a tune, jaunty and uplifting enough that the whole place is rowdy with it.
"I didn't know you liked music," she says, sliding into the chair next to him with a goblet full of mead.
He doesn't seem surprised at her presence, but he never does. He almost smiles at her, the closest he gets when they're still clothed. "I don't really have a choice."
She's still trying to puzzle that out when the bard careens towards their table and plops himself in Geralt's lap, continuing to play and sing from his new position.
Yennefer freezes, waiting for Geralt to shove him aside or start yelling or even draw his sword. Instead he smirks, pointedly turning his head away to drink his beer. The bard goes so far to lean back into his chest, his head falling over Geralt's shoulder and singing directly into his ear.
The volume can't be comfortable if nothing else, but Geralt doesn't so much as flinch. Neither do the other patrons, laughing and shouting and no one screaming obscenities' or going green at the sight of a witcher.
For a moment, Yennefer almost thinks that she's not speaking to Geralt at all, but she dismisses the thought just as quickly. Her magic would sense if he were a doppler or under a glamour.
The bard only stands once he's finished, bowing to all the clapping patrons and accepting several beers when he refuses an encore - or a second encore, based on what several people are yelling.
People eventually dissipate and the bard drops into the seat next to Geralt. "Who's the pretty lady?" he asks, taking Geralt's beer instead of any of the full ones littering the table.
"She could eat you," he says but the bard just laughs.
She notices a familiar silver ring on his left finger and her eyes drop to Geralt's hand. They're identical.
"Sorry that he's so rude," the bard says, holding out his hand. "I'm Jaskier. You're gorgeous."
She doesn't take his hand, instead slowly moving her gaze between them. "How do you two know each other?"
Geralt sighs. "Don't-"
"Carnally," he says, "physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, metaphysically-"
"Do you even know what that means?" Geralt asks.
"Alchemically," Jaskier continues, "holistically-"
"I'm going to divorce you," he says, which at least answers that question.
Jaskier shrugs. "You can try. How did you two meet?"
Yennefer stills. She's not pleased with being the other women, but she's not about to get in the middle of anyone's marital business, even Geralt's, so she'll just agree with with whatever lie Geralt tells.
"She put a curse on me and now we sleep together," he says.
Jaskier looks her over, but less like a jealous lover and how she's used to men looking at her. "Nice."
He holds his hand up for a hand five which Geralt ignores. Jaskier pouts.
A very pretty barmaid comes over, holding a cup of the same mead Yennefer is drinking. "Hello, Jaskier," she says shyly, the lines around her eyes taking nothing away from the lush curves of breast and thigh. "You have such a lovely voice. I'd love to hear more of it, later, if you're free."
Jaskier looks to Geralt with a raised eyebrow. Geralt shrugs.
"No time like the present, my lady," he says, bouncing to his feet. He takes the mead in one hand and settles the other on her hip, leading her toward the stairs.
Yennefer stares. "You're just going to let him do that?"
He shrugs again. "You can sleep with him too if you want. He's the one that taught me the thing with my tongue that you like so much."
Interesting, but not currently her focus. "Why didn't you tell me you were married?"
How the hell is a witcher married? To a bard, of all people?
"You didn't ask," he answers, and then says nothing else.
Okay, just for that she is going to sleep with his husband.
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celestial-martian · 3 years
Mars conjunct midheaven / in 10H
Hey guys! I wanted to create a detailed post on Mars conjunct midheaven / in the 10H (also called Mars culminating) because everyone in my family has this placement and I'm very familiar with it. Apparently it runs in my family 😂. Take a look at this:
Dad: Scorpio midheaven conjunct Scorpio Mars (4° orb)
Mom: Virgo midheaven conjunct Virgo Mars (0° orb)
Brother: Pisces midheaven conjunct Aquarius Mars (3° orb)
Me: Aries Mars in the 10H at 13°
Edit: Guys I just found this out - in my Mars persona chart I have Taurus midheaven 22°39' conjunct Taurus Mars 22°36' (so it's a 0° orb). This is crazy. Wtf is up with my family and Mars - MC aspects 😂.
I'll explain with these examples how the sign may alter the manifestation of this placement. For now, here's are some of the characteristics of Mars conjunct midheaven / Mars in the 10H:
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Very tenacious, driven, determined, and headstrong.
Will throw themselves into whatever they’re working on.
These are action-oriented individuals. When they have goals, expect for them to try to achieve them no matter what it takes.
These people can be ruthless and fierce when it comes to their career or reputation.
They could be well known in their workplace for being dependable, hardworking, and natural leaders. Will often find themselves in leadership positions. Their strength is very apparent to other people.
Lack of motivation cuts deep (and I mean seriously deep) for these people. Their drive is a core part of their identity.
They tend to beat themselves up for making mistakes. Could be critical of themselves if they don't meet their high expectations.
Whatever they choose to do, they will try to be the best → very competitive. Might work well in a competitive field.
It’s hard to distract them from their goals. If there’s a problem, they acknowledge it and find a way to work around it, but they won’t let that stop them from continuing to work. Mars rules over wars, right? So when these people see an obstacle in front of their goal, they're strategic and will fight to achieve them - more so than others, and with more vigor. Honestly might steamroll over problems.
These people’s work is very, very meaningful to them and it’s likely a sensitive point for them → might overwork themselves or feel threatened if someone says something negative about their career.
Questioning their work ethic and intentions is a surefire way to be the focal point of their anger → Mars is the planet of war, passion, anger, and drive so these people need to work on controlling their temper in professional settings. Sometimes people have good advice to give and it isn’t a personal attack :)
Need excitement in their career (not necessarily something physically active or dangerous). They need to be passionate about what they’re doing or they’ll find it hard to be motivated. Remember motivation cuts deep for them so they’ll have a hard time handling this, but they’ll still get the job done.
Excitement can also translate into mentally stimulating work. They need work that steadily burns off their abundance of energy, whether that be physically, emotionally, or mentally.
They process anger or everyday emotions through working. Could use work as a distraction.
Good at asserting / advocating for themselves, standing up for what they believe in, and standing strong in the face of adversity.
Good under pressure and at making split-second decisions.
Values security and being successful.
People probably admire them and find them attractive for their work ethic. There's a certain rawness to them that's very powerful.
I think many of the above traits might be similar in synastry or composite charts. If you're looking at synastry or composite aspects, then you can infer some of the same things (they motivate each other, etc.) If the two people are romantic partners, Mars might take on more of a sexual meaning.
Mars - midheaven aspects in natal
Mars in Aries / 10H in natal
Mars - midheaven synastry
Mars in 10H overlay synastry
Mars conjunct midheaven / in 10H in composite chart
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You should also look at the midheaven + Mars sign for more detail about how you use your drive and it can indicate potential careers. For example:
Dad: Scorpio midheaven conjunct Scorpio Mars (4° orb)
Works alone most of the time
Focuses on details in his work
Intense + extreme working conditions
Private + methodical about his work
Fixed energy → very strong drive, stubborn, will always complete tasks
Is seen as a “second boss” around his work
Literally always working on something 😂. When he’s not at work, he creates projects for himself
Mom: Virgo midheaven conjunct Virgo Mars (0° orb)
Service-oriented work related to healthcare
Seen as an expert / specialist. Problem-solver
Prides herself on helping people as best she can
Loves rules and routine
Combination of analytical + emotional work
Leader-like role in her work area
Brother: Pisces midheaven conjunct Aquarius Mars (3° orb)
He likes to procrastinate, but still gets his work done quickly
Unique intelligence + determination
Math, science, engineering -> analytical mind + good at conceptualizing and innovating
Mix of mutable and fixed energy → can have laser-like focus that changes quickly
Wants to work alone majority of the time
His drive can be unpredictable or hard to read sometimes
Me: Aries Mars in the 10H at 13°
Mars in the 10H is in “accidental dignity” because Capricorn rules the 10H and Mars is exalted in Capricorn. It doesn’t matter the sign, if Mars is in the 10th house, it operates stronger here. Combined with my Mars being in its sign and degree of ownership, this is a very influential part of my chart. If you have your Mars in a similar position, you’ll probably strongly identify with Mars/Aries characteristics.
Very passionate about goals
Direct energy to specific areas (particularly work) with intensity, urgency, and enthusiasm
Put in leadership positions often and also like being in charge
Love having something to work on → gives sense of purpose and meaning. Becomes restless without a goal.
Themes of self-advocacy and confidence are important in career / public life → want to inspire others
Want a stimulating, engaging, and meaningful career
Like the uphill battle and obstacles to prove myself → values grit highly
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I hope you guys thought this was interesting! I really like this placement because I’m so used to it and I’m surrounded by people who also have it. Let me know your thoughts if you have your Mars conjunct midheaven or in the 10H. What sign is it in? What has been your experience with this placement?
Take care,
~ Celeste ❤✨
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