megabuild · 6 months
at this point maybe you justare etho trying to send us on wild goose chases. 🤨
i'm in the long con baby, i:'ve been hiding everything about myself for the last thirteen years just so i can get one tousand notes on tumblr
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444names · 2 years
brythonic deities + german forenames + the entire wikipedia article on cadwgan ap bleddyn
Abdudius Aboridone Aded Adel Adermill Adinnise Adiusus Aellivid Afte Aftenepon Agdo Agers Agoth Agotuck Agreted Agria Aliannus Alla Amagneph Amanchann Amelmuta Amente Amna Amorg Amut Ander Andrannus Andrenze Aned Angth Anik Ankarle Annahaert Annaldoms Anne Annes Annuetch Anustle Apom Arachris Arich Arietitz Arinth Arloth Aroborian Ated Atis Aurvicus Austast Aves Avets Barich Bart Batren Batrulin Beades Becad Beed Befndrike Beldogus Beranus Berews Beriches Berik Bernhar Berth Biannand Binia Bodedied Bord Boreled Bormar Bors Borthew Brol Brutther Buncamara Buxoner Canna Captis Card Cardt Care Carus Ceflesus Celiessit Cene Char Chat Chrik Cidogedd Cine Cithera Citinhard Civenly Civolfga Clouta Cluddy Cocim Cold Coldan Colf Colto Cona Conterna Corwed Cynd Cyner Dagards Dagus Demar Dems Desto Dieducars Dona Edembents Edrettles Edriesce Eingdol Ekke Elia Elving Emai Eman Embroke Emicorks Emirks Emistinry Ered Erianna Ertard Everds Exch Fain Famarbas Famber Fambrar Fand Fannee Fearingdo Finna Fired Firkon Fita Flenus Folby Forwin Frachros Fral Frand Fras Fria Frice Frick Fried Friked Frin Frobius Frobor Frolge Gebhanne Gerhan Gertimer Gerts Gisa Gislaum Goma Gooker Gotto Gottsce Grand Grast Gredmut Grelly Gremsey Greter Grethis Gron Grum Grunus Grus Guisbere Gwdwga Gwer Gwys Güntio Hadron Haelo Halsh Hanca Hanist Harnus Harola Hart Harvoston Heing Heize Heldog Helmuntz Herielves Hert Herwigis Hester Hiang Hilhaer Hilheing Hilhen Hilianika Hill Hille Himen Himsey Hiram Hiryl Hisa Hisana Hollatto Holph Howyn Hubeter Huelga Huelly Hughang Hughte Imsegus Inee Inus Ioscenis Iosio Ireturst Ishimille Itald Itall Itia Jacold Janna Jere Jerts Johandea Johandesl Johaned Johanko Joharlo Joina Jona Juludon Jupparg Justar Jürge Karlonto Kathig Killy Kilowe Kins Klad Klannesce Kold Landsus Launstim Lausus Layear Lenius Leve Lied Llwn Lona Lonodwild Lormar Lort Loutta Lovalter Luddwr Lüto Lütomanna Madefnd Madoger Maeried Maertry Maidon Mainthily Mald Malieb Maloto Manded Manne Mannia Maraim Mard Mareding Marik Marisand Mart Mastiold Matios Mauka Mellerth Mice Mildo Milhenes Milyndt Mircia Mirius Mirs Miselia Monry Mule Muns Nand Nanotob Nantobern Nast Nathentia Nattarid Neliang Nelly Nemedeade Nese Nich Nord Nore Ogmutts Olle Oniusus Onus Orrida Owaing Owas Parl Parricurn Peach Pemin Petut Pher Phira Phisa Plaig Ponan Prietrid Pris Prom Protth Ralte Rame Rast Redriesel Reing Relsact Renz Retiand Retitack Rets Returie Rhis Robeen Robing Robis Romain Rottertia Ruffel Ruffudd Rusteate Sabarne Sagania Saing Sameigne Sana Sandolfga Saner Santucene Saxim Selix Selmuel Seposevis Shred Sinedinne Skiffert Skin Sold Solf Sona Soned Stata Sted Steph Ster Sucadrine Sury Sverthed Thad Thare Theliete Therned Thim Tios Tobarl Tona Toneented Trads Trang Traringom Twen Twer Udiansta Utin Uwenus Vaus Vher Vilhan Vina Vinerdt Vinnalia Vins Vitz Vive Vola Voscetch Wald Walde Wale Walvinus Wela Welk Welsh Wevolge Wheinz Wherming Whict Whilby Wigar Wild Wilm Wilyn Wina Winger Witert Witiany Wold Wolfrah Yeachave Yearsted Yspwyn Ysta Ystya
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thecursedthrone · 2 years
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001 ― DISPONIBLE | Ormund Baratheon Edad: 35 años Asentamiento: Bastión de Tormentas Títulos: Señor de Bastión de Tormentas y Señor Supremo de las Tierras de la Tormenta Rasgo vetado: Intriga Un hombre robusto, determinado y dominante, Lord Ormund es la viva imagen de los atributos que siempre acompañaron a los varones Baratheon. Siempre dispuesto a velar por el honor y la justicia, aceptó lealmente su matrimonio con la princesa Rhaelle Targaryen, que a su vez fue la carta del rey Aegon V para congraciarse con los señores de Bastión de Tormentas tras el desplante del príncipe Duncan. Una vez Ormund se convirtió en señor de su Casa y contrajo nupcias, la pareja tuvo un solo hijo y heredero, Steffon, quien se formó en su juventud junto a otras jóvenes promesas como el príncipe Aerys Targaryen y Ser Tywin Lannister, con quienes desarrolló una gran amistad. Tras la tragedia de Refugio Estival, el nuevo monarca, Jaehaerys II, eligió a Lord Ormund como su Mano del Rey para que lo ayudara a organizar al reino durante la sucesión, y a elegir a los nuevos miembros del Consejo Privado.
002 ― DISPONIBLE | Rhaelle Targaryen Edad: 31 años Asentamiento: Bastión de Tormentas Rasgo vetado: Proeza Para cuando Rhaelle alcanzó la mayoría de edad, sus cuatro hermanos mayores (Duncan, Jaehaerys, Shaera y Daeron) ya estaban comprometidos a grandes casas (Baratheon, Tully, Tyrell y Redwyne). Sin embargo, uno por uno, todos rompieron sus compromisos para casarse por amor. Cuando el príncipe Duncan desoyó los mandatos familiares, la ira de los Baratheon cayó sobre los Targaryen con la fuerza de una guerra civil. Tras un juicio por combate y las acciones de su padre, Aegon V, Rhaelle fue comprometida con Ormund Baratheon, con quien se casó un tiempo después de que él se convirtiera en señor de Bastión de Tormentas. Estas experiencias la convirtieron en la única de sus hermanos en coincidir con la visión de los Siete Reinos que tenía su padre, y desestimar las medidas tradicionalistas de sus hermanos regentes, Jaehaerys II y Shaera.
003 ― DISPONIBLE | Steffon Baratheon Edad: 18 años Asentamiento: Bastión de Tormentas Rasgo vetado: Administración Siendo el único y último hijo de los Baratheon, tiene todo el peso de su dinastía y linaje sobre sus hombros. Steffon es un hombre capaz que se sostiene en su padre como motor y guía, a quien respeta y admira más que a cualquier otro hombre, y de quien espera aprender aún más en el futuro. El joven tormenteño es increíblemente leal a los suyos, y es un fiel amigo de su primo, el príncipe Aerys Targaryen. Es aventurero y osado, y prefiere las armas a la administración. Está dispuesto a lo que sea para seguir los mandatos paternales.
004 ― DISPONIBLE | Manfred Swann Edad: 55 años Asentamiento: Yelmo de Piedra Rasgo vetado: Proeza Un señor de Casa ya anciano, pero fuerte como una roca. Es profundamente tradicionalista y odia con fervor a los dornienses por los ataques y saqueos que perpetraron sobre sus tierras en el pasado. No está a favor del plan de integración regional que promueven el rey Jaehaerys II, Lord Ormund Baratheon y la Princesa de Dorne, y no espera nada bueno de ello. Tuvo como escudero a Ser Barristan Selmy, antes de que lo nombraran caballero.
005 ― DISPONIBLE | Barristan Selmy Edad: 22 años Asentamiento: Torreón Cosecha Títulos: Señor de Torreón Cosecha Rasgo vetado: Intriga Rubio y de ojos azul pálido, Ser Barristan es la definición física y mental de lo que debe ser un caballero. A los diez años ya se había inscrito en su primer torneo como un caballero misterioso, ganándose la burla de todos menos del príncipe Duncan Targaryen, que aceptó justar contra él. Fue el mismo príncipe quien le puso su apodo de Barristan el Bravo. A los dieciséis fue nombrado caballero por el mismo Aegon V, tras desmontar al príncipe Duncan y al mismo Ser Duncan el Alto, Lord Comandante de la Guardia del Rey. Su habilidad y valentía ya eran famosas para entonces. Lo que Barristan nunca pudo conciliar fue haberse convertido en señor de su Casa a una edad muy temprana, ocupación que claramente le desagrada, especialmente porque es bastante mediocre para las mentiras, los complots y todo lo que vaya contra el deber y el honor. Ni siquiera le entusiasma haberse comprometido con una joven noble. Lo que él desea es vivir una vida de aventuras, guerras y caballería, talentos donde considera que está su verdadero valor.
001 ― DISPONIBLE | Harbert Storm Edad: 37 años Datos: Hermano bastardo de Lord Ormund Baratheon. Castellano de Bastión de Tormentas. Atributo involuntario: Bastardo
002 ― DISPONIBLE | Jeyne Swann Edad: 22 años Datos: Hija de Lord Manfred Swann. Soltera. Comparte su disgusto por los dornienses.
Se interpretarán como hijos de Ser Harbert Storm y mantendrán el apellido bastardo del padre. No tendrán el atributo involuntario por no ser ellos mismos bastardos.
―Storm original femenino #1 (disponible) ―Storm original femenino #2 (disponible) ―Storm original masculino #1 (disponible)
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enterenews · 2 years
Joo Woo-jae "Many entertainment appearances, even when I lose my mind"…
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Joo Woo-jae showed off his 'Joo Star' aspect.
On the afternoon of the 25th, MBC's entertainment program 'Radio Star' featured paper dolls, and model Joo Woo-jae, broadcaster Hwang Soo-kyung, singer Kwang-hee, and GOT7's Bam-Bam appeared as guests.
At the opening, the MCs of 'Las' said in unison to Joo Woo-jae, "The status has greatly increased." Kim Gu-ra revealed (?), "The writer came earlier and said, 'Joo Woo-jae doesn't like the question,' and changed it." Joo Woo-jae said, "I didn't say a word," and said, "I was surprised because he drove as soon as I started."
Joo Woo-jae, who was in the 'heyday of entertainment', confessed that there were times when his stamina ran out as the number of broadcasts he appeared on increased. He surprised everyone by saying, "I appeared in 7 to 8 regular programs (of 10 to 12 episodes) at the same time." He said that he has been appearing in 'Love Intervention' for 6 years.
In particular, Joo Woo-jae expressed regret by confessing, "Last year, I felt that. (Recruitment) came in a lot and I was grateful, so I appeared in all of them, but sometimes I lost my mind. I didn't have enough stamina."
Hearing this, Kim Gu-ra said, "Now I'm a star~" and compared, "That's why (Kim) Gook-jin hyung stopped himself a long time ago." Then Joo Woo-jae laughed, saying, "Am I that much?" and couldn't hide his embarrassed expression. Yoo Se-yoon helped by saying, "I'm going to make bread like this (like Kim Gook-jin)." Joo Woo-jae explained, "It's not a lot (like Kim Gook-jin), it's a lot compared to my physical strength."
Joo Woo-jae humbly said, "I think people forcibly laughed at me, but luckily it worked out well."
Even so, the cast members' 'star drive' continued. Kim Gook-jin joked, "I'll ask Star Joo Woo-jae a question~". Kim Gu-ra made everyone burst into laughter by emphasizing, “It has been 20 years since Joo Byung-jin has heard the word ‘Justar’.” In the end, Joo Woo-jae gave up and laughed, saying, “Who else will do it if it’s me?”
Among them, Kwang-hee looked at Joo Woo-jae with an envious gaze. When Yoo Se-yoon found it, he said, "Kwang-hee is very envious of being bitten like this." Kwang-hee complained, "I attack too, why are you only doing it to (Joo Woo-jae) hyung!", causing laughter. Then Joo Woo-jae said, "There are all kinds of ways to tear this off. 'Take it off!' It's not like I'm doing it," he said, trembling.
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marshy-mallow-art · 2 years
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Sorry for not updating or anything! Here are three pieces I did around the end of August for a friend! You can check their gorgeous OCs right here; https://toyhou.se/justar
My commissions are still open btw!
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loveforseo · 3 years
I finally started watching The Guest yesterday and here are my thoughts that no one asked for so far: (spoilers ahead!)
i started watching this with absolutely no idea what to expect other than the thought that it has exorcism & religious themes (based on the netflix preview). and episode 1 TOOK ME THE FUCK OUT. i love how they brutally displayed everything lol but srsly it was really terrifying right from the start. 
i feel so bad for the three kids :( esp with choi yoon / father matthew. his whole family died because of the possession :( fuck that spirit/demon 
I LOVE THE DYNAMICS OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS. Hwapyung is a simple taxi driver who pays no mind to abide by rules since he is not under any obligation. so, he tends to act on impulse. while detective kilyoung (SHE IS SO PRETTY BTW)  follows the procedures by the law and choi follows the system of the church. three of them have very different backgrounds, but that one unfortunate night tied them together. i am excited to see how their friendship will foster more >>>
THAT EXORCISM SCENE IN EPISODE 2 HAUNTS ME. not because of how scary or jumpy it is, but because of the vibe and the way they executed the whole scene which makes it very unsettling. the actor who played father matthew is extremely good, he is my favorite character in the series so far.
these are my ramblings so far lol i'll probably go back here as i progress on watching the series. IT GOT ME HOOKED UP. it's horrifying, tense, and each episode really delivers. i like how they highlight the theme that the demon uses the weakness / dark side of a person and fuels them to act on it, causing them to sin. it really makes you think if it is the demon that kills or does it just reveal a person's true intention? 
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sapphicjinx · 5 years
yeah I know Adam sucked as an individual but i'm just so sad that all the build up to a villain I was so hyped for was for nothing
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stupiddermit · 5 years
Pray that this will go well, imma bout to expand on the stupid ability au. Jeez, im such a masochist for creating these kinds of stuffs
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floweryroads · 5 years
I miss you..... very much 😭 Tak tahu kenapa bulan puasa ni rasa sayu dan rasa lonely terlebih. Bulan sebelum ni tak ada apa pun. Bulan ni tiap hari akan tengok gambar2 kita dulu sebelum tidur.
It has been 6 months already tapi rasa macam baru semalam jadi. Rasa macam baru semalam kita janji untuk lunch sama2 then it happened.
I will always pray for you. ALWAYS. That's the least that I can do for you now abg dan berharap doa2 dapat berikan manfaat tu kepada abg. InsyaAllah.
We will meet again, someday. 💕
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redheadedl · 6 years
I dunno why but today all the deaths, misrepresentation and the unhappy endings for almost all wlw is hitting me really hard.
I am so tired of being too afraid to watch wlw couples.
I have honestly lost my faith in a happy ending for me.
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So, for anyone who’s been worried about us falling off the face of the earth, that’s kinda my fault. I can explain.
We’re taking a Creative Writing class this summer just to occupy ourselves. This week’s theme is “Creative Nonfiction.” I was the only one awake at 9:00 pm the night that piece was due and in a last ditch effort, wrote the story of how we all came to be. I posted it without realizing my action until the next morning. We are never that willing to get our story out of. I went into full-shutdown because of it. This weekend was kinda rough as a result, unintentionally. But earlier today I went back and looked at the comments on the story, and found that no one, and I mean not a single one of them figured out the truth behind it. So now no one is screaming at me in the headspace and we can all calm down now. I’ll be talking with my close system friends tonight, but if anyone needs us, I’ll try and respond.
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ginagirl808 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Justar 48 US 15 slip on loafer comfort shoes casual, party, wedding.
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I wonder why this world is so stupid like, I have never wanted to look more people in the eye and ask if they know what they are even arguing about. This world is full of stupid people.
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katkembley · 2 years
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Uh oh, I think you’re in trouble.”
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lemurianprincess · 7 years
why is it that...I always have to call and check up on you? Why can’t you check up on me and see how I’m doing? And then when I do call you.....you act like you barely want to be on the phone......so??? I should never have to feel like I’m the parent, when I’m not. 
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mspi · 4 years
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Wanted to see how many pages I have left to go in one of my books before I get to even touch the LOTR preface. No worries, I ❤️ my current dystopian sci-fi read and it's the last in a trilogy.
Don't think I'm torturing myself by setting goals. What confused me is why I never did this with tech reads. Those texts are big mamma jammas.
-- dnagirl
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