#justice for lucy
It’s 2:30 am I have not stopped thinking about Lucy Frostblade.
Was she scared? Was she angry? Was she cold?
Did she just get wrapped up in something bigger than her, or did that sweet girl spend her last moments suffering in fear and pain at the hands of the people who were supposed to be her friends?
How long did that suffering go on in whatever realm Kristin finally saved her from?
Lucy was good she had people who loved her even just her teacher cared about her enough to go searching for her and got herself killed for it.
Did she see it happen? Did she think Yolanda would finally take her home? Only to have that hope crushed too?
Her family never knew where their baby had gone.
I’m not okay about this.
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cfr749 · 19 days
Poor Lucy… (spoilers for 6x09 below)
1. They told us it’s her birthday, only to show no one (other than Kojo 😂) cares it’s her birthday.
2. She rambled to Nolan about how “good” she was obviously not doing and he was like, “Great 🙂” / gave zero f*cks
3. She brought up her failure to make detective (again) with no acknowledgment from Harper or Lopez, which makes it appear she is acting like a child about it and the adults in the room do not care.
4. She is not v stealthy for an undercover operative 😂
5. We got to see everyone come together and rally around Tim in his time of need (as they should have), while seeing Lucy be isolated as she’s struggled all season for apparently no reason at all…
What else did I miss?
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brideofedwardhyde · 1 year
Reading Mina’s letter to Lucy is both heartwarming and soul-crushing at the same time. Their closeness is apparent in just a few short lines, and it’s evident that they share a lot of memories, daydreams, and stories with each other. They’re as different as the sun and the moon, but that only makes the friendship stronger.
This is why I hate when adaptions gloss over their friendship or have Mina fall in love with Dracula. Here we have a healthy, meaningful female friendship in gothic literature that often gets put aside for a “dark romance.” Ugh.
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meow-bucket · 10 months
rewatching fairy tail rn bc im too sick to watch anything new and oh my god pls treat my girl lucy better. started at the edolas arc and lucy fr could've bodied the whole army if hiro mashima just treated her character better instead using her for torture porn
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godofdystopia · 2 years
The more people realize that every, and I do mean EVERY, adaptation of Dracula has completely and utterly massacred Lucy’s character in the name of making her "sexy” and then shaming her for it as if it’s not something they and only they gave her but an integral part of the work, especially the ones that pin her against Mina who they also massacre the character of in order to advance their bullshit slutshaming narrative
The happier I get
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mortalmab · 2 years
The more I read about Lucy, think about Lucy, and read other peple's analyses of her situation, the more I wanna fist fight every film director who chose to portray her like THAT
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terapsina · 1 year
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
i hate how people try to push the “dracula is dateable” agenda, but the most abysmal thing is that, while pushing this agenda, they don’t bring up the stoker book fact that he’s willing to cook a good meal and clean an entire house like a one-man resort. men don’t know what women want.
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doctorsiren · 3 months
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sketched this back in September but never finished it
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
It's the fact that Lucy was the one fighting for their relationship no matter what, despite never being able to commit to any of her ex-boyfriends, while Tim was the one who walked away from her, when he used to stay in relationships despite them not working, that makes this so incredibly painful for me. Lucy was all-in. She took the risk of losing the most important relationship in her life. She gambled her career for him. When she found out he had problems with her doing undercover work, she simply told him they were going to get through it. Even after being kept in the dark and spending days without knowing if he was alive, her first instinct in the parking lot was still trying to help him and comfort him.
There's only so many times you can watch your partner walk away before there's no coming back. Before it completely shatters your trust in them. Because that's the issue here : it's not the first time he does that to her. Don't get me wrong, he definitely had his reasons each time and they were noble. Misguided, but noble. And he is without a doubt not in the right mindset at the present. He's punishing himself, feeling worthless of her love. But the pain inflicted to her is the same. It's no wonder that Lucy is crushed and believes it was easy for him to give up. We know it wasn't like that at all. But why would she think any different at this point? It's easy to say that your relationship is worth the risk but if you keep walking away when it gets tough, then those words become meaningless. And I really hope that this is going to be addressed during Tim's journey so that he can break that pattern. Lucy deserves that much. And so does he.
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I love how Dracula Daily has given me a new perspective on Lucy. It’s completely changed my view of her.
It’s easy to dismiss Lucy as a shallow, golden child socialite to be, but now, reading the book in chronological order (and with the rest of Tumblr following along) I can’t read this latest letter without a great twinge of sadness, where before I largely dismissed it as idle chat.
The latest we heard from Lucy in her private diary was about how stressed and scared she is, how she feels isolated, how she feels the need to quiet people’s fears about her health and be fun and jolly, while in reality she is (literally and figuratively) drained.
And now, five days later, she writes to Mina after receiving her best friend’s glowing letter about how happy and excited she is to finally be married to Jonathan and their hopes for the future.
So Lucy puts on a brave face! She doesn’t tell Mina anything. What could Mina do anyway? All the way across the ocean? Better not to worry her. Yes I’m quite well again! No more sleepwalking for me! Definitely not :)
You and Jonathan should come back home soon! For Jonathan’s sake! (Please)
With this new lens, we read between the lines, and they paint a dreadfully lonely and terrifying picture.
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That son of a fucking bitch.
He was a TEACHER.
He was supposed to help those kids. He was supposed to guide them. Keep them safe.
Lucy Frostblade, only 16 years old, was brutally murdered by people she’d trusted. She was left cold and alone under that tree to rot and be forgotten forever. And it was her fucking teacher that did it.
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cfr749 · 3 months
More thoughts on Lucy not making detective…
I think what bugs me most about this detective storyline is the idea that Lucy brought it on herself with the five player trade thing. Nyla warned her, and yes it was sweet that she was willing to risk it for Tim, but I really can’t see Lucy, who knew back in S1 just how much the deck was stacked again her, just choosing to torpedo her career like that. It makes her look incredibly short-sighted, which is frustrating.
There were so many ways they could have shown Lucy being willing to sacrifice for Tim and Lucy hitting obstacles as a woman of color trying to progress in her career without making it seem like it’s her own fault with the trade and now with the clown / sprinkler stuff.
We saw Tim sacrifice for Lucy without doing anything that painted him in a less than favorable light. With Lucy, she’s taken multiple hits, orchestrating the trade despite being explicitly warned against it, not being honest with Tim about it (and we saw him annoyed with her instead of grateful for her sacrifice), and now we’ve got the sprinklers being painted as entirely her fault.
As a fandom, I think most of us will defend Lucy to the death, but it frustrates me that, to the general audience, it just seems like she is reaping what she sowed.
Lucy deserves so much better, and I really hope they turn the storytelling around in a way that allows the audience and other characters to properly empathize with her and be on her side.
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brideofedwardhyde · 1 year
Good morning everyone, justice for the character of Lucy Westenra. I’m sorry almost all adaptions make you a one-note shell.
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kimwxlers · 7 months
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"I think that that bit of overacting suggests to me that she isn't concealing a pineapple behind her torso."
TASKMASTER: Series 16, "Brother Alex"
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godofdystopia · 2 years
I bet in the world with Male Mina and Female Jonathan, there'll be adaptations that would have Fem Jonathan and Lucy be in the love triangle with them fighting over Male Mina or have Male Mina get with Lucy who's made to be more sensual and allure instead of Fem Jonathan who's considered the "boring" option
It'd be peak 80's teen movie where Lucy is just so much hotter and Sexier than the mousy and nerdy female Jonathan because its not a Dracula adaptation without slut shaming Lucy. Male Mina would be drawn to her and leave female Jonathan probably. But when female Jonathan is kidnapped by Dracula suddenly Male Mina realizes that Female Jonathan was better than Lucy ever was because again, slut shaming.
But Dracula, whose portrayed just like he is nowadays as the ultimate sex symbol, sees the TRUE female Jonathan and shows her that *real* beauty is found within, but also undercuts that very message by giving female Jonathan a makeover to make her look far more conventionally attractive to the audience.
Then some Stockholm Syndrome is caused, but it's portrayed as romantic and charming.
Female Jonathan would be beautiful and rock some black velvet ballgowns like a gothic beauty, but is the cost really worth it?
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