#justin should have ended up with a mortal
oliversshipacc · 1 year
J - I love you. You may as well take my heart Zeke, it's already full of you
Z - please go!
J - what is it, what's wrong my dear?
Z - you know nothing about me, you've known me only a few years!
J - a few years? Zeke I've known you all my life
Z - all your life!?
J - it's true! When I've heard beautiful music I thought he'd like that, I've looked at flowers knowing that one day I'd give them to you-
Z - oh stop, stop!
J - but for my heart there's another love that must come before you my magic.
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writingonjorvik · 6 months
I have no skill at this kind of thing, but an AMV about Sands vs Garnok set to Get in the Water from Epic: The Musical. After the birth of his son, the child he never got to have with Rosalinda, he debates giving up his position in DC and finally coming to rest as a mortal after being a father, only for Garnok to remind him how much he can't. Seeding the internal rebellion that leads to Sands allowing us to escape with Justin all those years later.
Second thought, the debate of whether the Garnok story arc should end with Sands finally dying and being reunited with the love of his life, or him fully switching sides, refusing to die, and stating that he cannot look her in the face again until he atones for everything he did in life. I lean to the latter because it gives a purpose for Darko in the story to take over and develop as a character knowing full well what Sands was capable of and knew, and still having to lead.
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soniyastudiess · 1 year
I decided to torture myself and read my old journals. This is what I found and here is the wrapped:
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Iconic/cringefail quotes from my old journals:
Dec 2015
"There are some things man can't change and on that list the top spot is reserved for the never ending chatter of kids."
April 2016
"i want to be a wanderer who travels in search of Justin Bieber songs and Hollywood movies"
Sept 2016
"Now I will tell you the biggest tragedy of my life. I've decided to not get into the 'gf and bf' stuff before I join NASA so I'm in a kind of dilemma."
Jan 2017
"My love life is as bad as ever but I'm looking forward to this year because according to the horoscope, my love life is gonna be amazing!"
"Now, I think that the whole school is going to know that I and xxxxx are gonna have a secret rendezvous!"
"She said that I would've aroused doubt in her mind by saying that cause nobody says I hate you to someone in private!"
March 2017
"...And the fact that life has nothing romantic to offer me, makes me more into these books! Reading people's stories when my own love story is at mortal peril!"
"What she gets after giving her best shot is almost equal to what I get after doing almost nothing at all!"
Jan 2018
"Speaking of fictional boyfriends, I'm totally over xxxx now."
Feb 2018
"I am not the chosen one nor I'm half-angel but I do have a shitty life"
"If i were in America, people would make fun of me still, but not in this way"
"I am too creative to handle my thoughts for sure."
"I know this world is big and full of possibilities but just for once, i want this world to be small for me, i want just one possibility."
"I said my love life was a square but then she said it was a triangle. I didn't agree, so we ended up calling it an 'angle', or rather, a traingle with no base."
March 2018
"I am scared for the future, for everything that is gonna come after this one year. All i have right now is a mantra 'padh le beta, 12 hai' "
"We need to find a rebound crush for me."
May 2018
"I've been binge watching thirteen reasons why. I am on the 6th ep of season 2. I kinda like that show. It was soo depressing, it helped me forget my depression"
August 2020
"I have never been this lonely, but i have never been this happy either. I needed this more than i can ever admit"
"I know I'm capable of being loved, of loving again, so I will root for that hope."
"Being a popular author is a dream only a few people get to live. Rest others are forced to live a life of oblivion, their books and creations tucked into darkness." 
Oct 2020
"It seems as if I have forced myself to stay within these walls"
Jan 2021
"Why do I hold my thoughts like Atlas holding up the weight of the entire world? I do not feel like I'm crumbling from the weight but there's this haze of heavy thoughts upon me that I cannot seem to lift."
"I have been building this world of thoughts and words. These thoughts in the form of books, movies, songs, they belong to someone else. All they do for me is dampen the intensity of the ones that actually belong to me."
"It's waiting, the spirit in me, she will burst me open with exhilaration when she thinks the time is right. She is fickle, she needs beauty, she needs a constant change of scenery."
"This will be your fall, you are Icarus, dying to touch the sky so much, you are dying to die. No no, you do not want to die. You are just agitated, angry, your defiance is performative. You're just bored out of your wits." 
"I should not want it, I am aware, but due to reasons completely irrational, i will be forgoing my last two braincells in favour of the straited muscles (the heart)."
"I JUST FOUND OUT LADY ADA LOVELACE WAS THE DAUGHTER OF THE ICONIC LORD BYRON. Hence for reasons completely irrational, i will be passing away."
"Hope is a dangerous game to play with yourself."
"My love for him is an ocean with unfathomable depths. He is a swimming pool. If he jumps, he will drown in my intensity. If i jump, I will hit my head. We both will die. Death is romantic, say the poets of old. Well, not this one, this death will be humiliating."
"We are academics, we explore the world through books, always living on the sidelines, we do not participate. We live in the past. We love art, yet we fail to make any. We love the world, we want to change it but we never try. We will never be heard except one day, sorting through dusty books, another lover will find us in pages, but we will never be able to create any real change. We deal with the mind, sometimes the heart, with the art we create. We cannot touch the tangible, our realm is the intangible and that is where we come alive. The problem however, is that we will never be remembered. John Keats was right when he said his name was written in water. Isn't everyone else's too? Ours specifically, is written on the waves. We do not create an effect, we are only felt. But I believe there are some who change the world like a Tsunami does. Shakespeare, remember? What did he do for the world? Nothing. He just wrote plays."
"I believe in love as the driving force that makes this ugly and unbearable world tolerable and meaningful." 
"You cannot nullify love just like you cannot nullify the existence of God." 
Feb 2021
"Valentine's day is a capitalist holiday. Even if it wasn't, there is no reason for celebrating it." 
"I am going for the crazy poet/scholar look these days so it hurts when i have to cut or comb my hair."
"We carry our home in our hearts. I do too, because if I didn't, I'd be homeless." 
April 2021
The Generation Z are a faithless and purposeless generation. We believe in equality, we have opinions- a lot of them but we don't have ideologies to follow or governments to overthrow. We have a fire in us that burns bright, but with no purpose, it seems to me that we're getting wasted." 
"I got a cousin baby brother! I'll admit, I did not like him much in the beginning, he looked like a shriveled potato but after they washed him up, I saw in the pictures that he looks like me!"
"Realism, pessimism, optimism- they're all words. We're all three and neither."
"Majority of the content in my journal includes me pining over a guy I dated for a month."
May 2021
"It's like looking at your scars years later, you see a fair patch of skin, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't make you feel the past pain, but it fills you with a sense of awe and wonder at your body, at its strength and its resilience." 
"I have learned the unbearable art of silencing the voice in my head. It is boring without it." 
July 2021 
"I didn't get any gifts and I was barred from buying more books" (on 20th b'day)
Jan 2022
" I have 99 problems and 110 of them would be solved if I lived alone in a small cottage on top of a hill."
"When it comes to the Romantics, I think I'm like John Keats. The sad but joyful/optimistic bastard that coughed blood and died. In all seriousness, I don't think I'm any more special or unique than this particular sad twink. It's a bummer really, because I actually aspire to be like Lord Byron. The bisexual disaster, obnoxiously charming and smart asshole that you want to punch in the face but then are too enamored by. Byron, the accidental hero, the adventurer and the rebel. That's who I want to be….. but Byron is Byron, I am not him. I am not mentally ill enough to pull off that sort of charisma." 
"I can exist and others too and we all can be the main characters. Existence isn't a competition. Not everything is." 
"I have always been single in my entire life of 21 years except for a month. I have been happy in my entire life of 21 years except for a month." 
"I made up things, I wanted a story. I look for a story everywhere- that's what we do." 
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wisdomfish · 8 months
Early Trinitarian Quotes before the Council of Nicea
There are cult groups (Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Way International, Christadelphians, etc.) who deny the Trinity and state that the doctrine was not mentioned until the 4th Century, around the Council of Nicea (325). The following quotes show that the doctrine of the Trinity was indeed alive and well before the Council of Nicea:
Polycarp (70-155/160).  Bishop of Smyrna.  Disciple of John the Apostle.
“O Lord God almighty . . . I bless you and glorify you through the eternal and heavenly high priest Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, through whom be glory to you, with Him and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever” (n. 14, ed. Funk; PG 5.1040).
Justin Martyr (100?-165?).  He was a Christian apologist and martyr.
“For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water” (First Apol., LXI).
Ignatius of Antioch (died 98/117).  Bishop of Antioch.  He wrote much in defense of Christianity.
“In Christ Jesus our Lord, by whom and with whom be glory and power to the Father with the Holy Spirit for ever” (n. 7; PG 5.988). “We have also as a Physician the Lord our God Jesus the Christ the only-begotten Son and Word, before time began, but who afterwards became also man, of Mary the virgin.  For ‘the Word was made flesh.’ Being incorporeal, He was in the body; being impassible, He was in a passable body; being immortal, He was in a mortal body; being life, He became subject to corruption, that He might free our souls from death and corruption, and heal them, and might restore them to health, when they were diseased with ungodliness and wicked lusts.” (Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, eds., The ante-Nicene Fathers, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975 rpt., Vol. 1, p. 52, Ephesians 7.)
Irenaeus (115-190).  As a boy he listened to Polycarp, the disciple of John.  He became Bishop of Lyons.
“The Church, though dispersed throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: . . . one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who became incarnate for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of God, and the advents, and the birth from a virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord, and His manifestation from heaven in the glory of the Father ‘to gather all things in one,’ and to raise up anew all flesh of the whole human race, in order that to Christ Jesus, our Lord, and God, and Savior, and King, according to the will of the invisible Father, ‘every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess; to him, and that He should execute just judgment towards all . . . ‘” (Against Heresies X.l)
Tertullian (160-215).  African apologist and theologian.  He wrote much in defense of Christianity.
“We define that there are two, the Father and the Son, and three with the Holy Spirit, and this number is made by the pattern of salvation . . . [which] brings about unity in trinity, interrelating the three, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  They are three, not in dignity, but in degree, not in substance but in form, not in power but in kind.  They are of one substance and power, because there is one God from whom these degrees, forms and kinds devolve in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” (Adv. Prax. 23; PL 2.156-7).
Origen (185-254).  Alexandrian theologian.  Defended Christianity and wrote much about Christianity.
“If anyone would say that the Word of God or the Wisdom of God had a beginning, let him beware lest he direct his impiety rather against the unbegotten Father, since he denies that he was always Father, and that he has always begotten the Word, and that he always had wisdom in all previous times or ages or whatever can be imagined in priority . . . There can be no more ancient title of almighty God than that of Father, and it is through the Son that he is Father” (De Princ. 1.2.; PG 11.132).
“For if [the Holy Spirit were not eternally as He is, and had received knowledge at some time and then became the Holy Spirit] this were the case, the Holy Spirit would never be reckoned in the unity of the Trinity, i.e., along with the unchangeable Father and His Son, unless He had always been the Holy Spirit.” (Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, eds., The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975 rpt., Vol. 4, p. 253, de Principiis, 1.111.4)
“Moreover, nothing in the Trinity can be called greater or less, since the fountain of divinity alone contains all things by His word and reason, and by the Spirit of His mouth sanctifies all things which are worthy of sanctification . . . ” (Roberts and Donaldson, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 4, p. 255, de Principii., I. iii. 7).
If, as the anti-Trinitarians maintain, the Trinity is not a biblical doctrine and was never taught until the council of Nicea in 325, then why do these quotes exist?  The answer is simple: the Trinity is a biblical doctrine, and it was taught before the council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
~ Matt Slick
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bronzeskill27 · 2 years
Writing A Death Notice: The Art Of The Obituary
the funeral program site funeral booklet the funeral program site funeral pamphlet funeral program templates We've all had that awful job interview where either we bobbled a question someone tossed at us (such as: "If may be any animal, what would you try to be?") or we gave a low answer and afterwards we smack our foreheads because we realized we may well given a way better alternative. Like the will, writing your own obituary moves you a measure closer to accepting quite mortality. Naturally is part of the travel experience. Anyone have have the camp obit done you can update it from time time to reflect your condition.
When your special someone passes away, there end up being a legal pronouncement of death. Cause you to my family, we had home hospital. The caregiver was not able generate the pronouncement so an authorized from the hospice located our home and made the official pronouncement of death. We had been small service for our son and my church was wonderful - they paid for your service and Keagan's cremation. We granted the hospital permission to autopsy his heart and lung and my husband and I consented to genetic examination. At this time I had no idea there would be a connection to Paxil. After his autopsy results came back, we told includes a thing that just happened; had been no details.
This is the reason everyone should create a funeral deal. We are all going to die someday. Just like you would plan any important event, a funeral requires very similar type of planning. You will get funeral planer from any funeral home you so desire or you can even have it pre-arranged. Could be even possible to pay correctly ahead of my time. It is a good strategy for saving some your money. And then limousine companies heard the email. Cosmopolitan Coach of Bklyn. /Long Island started packing their hearses and delivering food, clothing and 50 cases of essential water for Sandy's persons. Even funeral director's children came forward to aid individuals in distress. Chris Kasler, a funeral director with Sherman's Flatbush Memorial Chapel in Bklyn. was discussing his efforts to coordinate the funeral services of the decedents of "Hurricane Sandy", when his daughter Justine Brooks quietly collected her 30 pairs of new sneakers and donated the actual the not really.
I encourage you to progress a new strategic prepare for your funeral home business as soon as possible. It's time to work "on your business" instead of "in your business".
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mylordshesacactus · 3 years
See here’s the thing. It’s not that Secret of NIMH is a bad movie. It’s not that themes about believing in yourself, or about The Power Of A Mother’s Love, are necessarily bad.
It’s that--
It’s that the book is so much bigger and so much smaller. So much more.
It’s that We All Help One Another Against The Cat. And that saves an entire civilization, in the end. And it saves the life of a single little boy. And those things are equally important in the end.
In Mrs Frisby And The Rats Of NIMH, everything, the whole world, comes down to this in the end: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
An elderly mouse sets up shop as a healer, charging nothing, asking nothing in return. The frightened single mother gets free medicine from him. Because she has a doctor to go to, she’s in the right place at the right time to see a very young crow tangled in string, and stops despite the danger to free him. Moved by her patience and courage, Jeremy refuses to abandon her and risk her being killed by the cat whose attention his struggle has caught. He is gracious and polite and humble as he flies her to her home, so she swallows her irritation at his youthful foolishness and speaks to him respectfully, so a friendship is forged between them that lasts longer than a single mutual rescue, so she tells him about the danger her son is in, so he vouches for her to an owl. The owl is interested enough by her nerve and the unlikely bond of friendship between them that he gives her his genuine time and attention and speaks to her for long enough that Jeremy calls out to her by name to see if she’s safe, which means the owl recognizes the name, which means he can send her to the rats--
Simple, understated, mundane, none of them coincidences. All of them a choice. To do what’s right and not what’s safest. To do the hard thing and not the comfortable one. To act with compassion even when you’re annoyed at the deviation from your plans.
Justin opens a cage door for eight little mice who mean nothing to him, who he’s never met before. Nicodemus sees the smaller, lighter mice in mortal peril and reaches out instinctively to grab one, two, and the rest are gone before anyone even has time to react. The entirety of A Group having seen what comes of carelessness grimly throws themselves into keeping these two vulnerable mice alive, bracing them with their bodies, holding them close, anchoring them to safe points. Mr. Ages, not Nicodemus, proposes using a screwdriver as a pry-bar. Jonathan crawls through a hole too small for rats and frees them all. Justin burns hours they cannot spare to venture back into the tunnels--
(Having escaped, having reached freedom and safety against all odds but knowing others were left behind, he turns back--)
--Calling, hoping, and they find no one and it was still worth the risk, even if no one was saved, because they might have been. The care he shows for the mice means Jonathan and Mr Ages stay with them past the escape, form a friendship that lasts years. That gives his name such respect among them that when they hear it, they drop everything to care for his wife and son.
Dragon cannot be drugged because they have no mice to run the risk anymore. The rats decide there’s nothing for it--they will work in the open. Risk not only their lives but the discovery of their entire civilization if caught, in order to move a cinder block eight inches to the right, to save the life of a single tiny child, their dead friend’s son. The child’s mother volunteers to run the risk for them. A human boy says wait, don’t let the cat in yet, I’ve caught a mouse because human boys are loud and big and clumsy and it’s traumatizing and she’s hurt but Billy Fitzgibbon saw a tiny vulnerable thing and wanted to keep it safe. And so she remains in the kitchen, and hears about the death of Jenner’s team, and is able to warn the rats just barely, barely in time.
Because Jenner was not a villain, because he was never cruel. Because he disagreed with his oldest friend but Jenner and Nicodemus never hated one another, so they never wanted anything but the best for each other. So Jenner and his supporters defected peacefully. So their terrible, fatal mistake happened in the public eye, not too far away, because there was no hostility between them. Because they only ever wanted one another to be safe and happy, in the end.
And the surviving rats escape, save for one who stumbled and fell as he ran from the gas, and one unnamed who might have been Justin, who might not, and does it matter whether it was someone we knew, does it matter, should we mourn him less if he wasn’t, does his name matter more than that he was kind and brave and died for it? That after being kinder and braver than anyone had any right to ask, he dragged one last brother out of a cloud of cyanide and then went back?
They escape, they survive, just as surely as Timothy will grow up strong and healthy and the Frisbys can now return every year to a safe, warm home and never have to leave it. A civilization deep in the forest, safe and secure and entirely their own, because Mrs. Jonathan Frisby was in the right place at the right time to tell them to hide their machines and run--
Because she was kind to a crow. 
Because she had a neighbor who dedicated his life to helping others.
Because her husband died helping the rats build a home that was their own, that he would never share in. 
Because they were his friends, because he opened a grate for them once, because they held him close and shielded him with their bodies when he was too small. 
Because a rat named Justin opened a door.
Because kindness is hard and scary and hurts sometimes, but it’s always worth it, it’s never wasted, compassion finds its way back to you in the most unlikely ways and even when it doesn’t, when you get nothing in return, it was still worth it to try.
Because we all help one another against the cat.
And how dare Don Bluth look me in the eye and try to say that isn’t good enough.
How dare you try to tell me that isn’t magic.
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atpsnty · 2 years
┊𝐦𝐫. 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭
garrett graham ; the deal
pairing: jealous!garrett graham x fem!reader
warnings: light kissing
request: Could you do jealous Garrett Graham x reader? Thank you so much!
summary: when you’re partnered up with a football player for a class project, garrett can’t help but want you in his sights 24/7.
a/n: my first request tysm !! if anyone forgets, Justin is the football player that hannah liked in the beginning, but I just thought I would use him for this.
character credit: Elle Kennedy
w/c: 363
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“Garrett,” you say as you squat down to grab your bag, “I’m not inviting him here.”
“Why not.” You look up to see the hockey player’s tall frame towering over you.
“You know why not.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He crosses his arms and raises his head in innocent manner. “I’m simply offering my oh so beautiful girlfriend a nice and quiet place to work hard. You know how much I care about a good working environment when it comes to education.”
“Mhm sure,” you stand up and sling the bag over your shoulder, “and I’m guessing by ‘quiet place’, you mean that you’re gonna sit on a barstool and stare at the back of Justin’s head until he gets a 3rd degree burn.”
“No...” he wraps his arms around your waist and snuggles his face in the nook of your neck, “I’m going to sit next to you and stare at the front of Justin’s head till he gets a 3rd degree burn.”
You would roll your eyes, but his kisses to your neck feel exactly like home. You lean back against his chest and place your hands on top of his.
“You know if I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re jealous.”
His head retreats from your neck as he gasps long and loud. His arms unwrap from your body and he gently places his hand on his chest in mock hurt.
“Me? Jealous? Why would god’s gift to the mortal world need to be jealous of a football player?” His lips scowl at the end of his sentence. You try to hold in a laugh, but you couldn’t help but giggle a bit.
You place your hands on his shoulders and stand on your tip-toes as he leans down, allowing you to place a soft kiss on his lips before slowing walking backwards towards the door.
“You tell me Mr. Perfect.” You open the door and take one step out before winking and saying, “and tell god I said thank you for the present.” You shut the door right before Garrett realizes that you walked out.
“Wait Y/N you’re coming back to study right?”
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I was gonna make this into a full one-shot, but I didn’t know whether I should or not. So let me know if I should make a part 2 or just rewrite the long version :)
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beeirifulmer · 2 years
I have long fic idea where Justin was Orlaugh’s son and mortal and fairies relationships have wether the child be like if the child is faerie or mortal be a coin flip, like the child being faerie is one side and the child being mortal is another and jude and Taryn were brown mortal Orlaugh tortured jude in TWK and Nicasia is orlaugh’s granddaughter but she soon finds out jude and Taryn are her granddaughters too.
//Warning: This contains all book spoilers
Okay! I hope this is what you wanted! It will probably be around 3 parts, I went overboard on Justin and Eva's relationship cause in my mind it would so so sweet!!
You Have Your Father's Eyes Pt. 1
To say the Queen of the Undersea grew to be a vile woman was an understatement. After giving birth to her son Justin, she wished nothing more than for him to leave. She needed a Princess, not a mortal Prince.
Although years later she did have a daughter, it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted a daughter as a first-born and only her.
Orlagh made sure her son understood her hatred for him. How she did not welcome him, but she occasionally tried to use him to get close to one of the Princesses of Eldred's. Justin made good friends with Elowyn, although he refused to be flirtatious.
"Why on earth won't you get closer to this child?!"
"Because she's 3, mother!"
"And? She's your future bride!" Justin would always give her a terrified look, Orlagh never seeing the problem.
"I'm 11, why can't my sister be betrothed to Balekin?! They're closer in age than Elowyn and I will ever be."
"So?! Your sister is a pathetic child. Once that Princess is 14 you will marry her. No further questions, boy." Once the mother left, it was that moment that Justin knew he had to leave.
Once Justin hit 15, he had met a girl on land. They didn't speak much, but it was safe to say he had developed a crush on her. A few months later he realized she was into one of the best students around.
Justin's life went downhill again, he thought maybe life was looking up. So he went back to hiding. He never ran into his mother after that though, he refused. Instead, he lived life studying to make weapons, which he found exhilarating.
Needless to say, Justin was wrong about Eva. They ran to the mortal world, Eva had Madoc's child, for a while Justin thought maybe she felt safer with another man by her side in this runaway.
That was, until Eva was calming her breathing as the woman who was just at the end of her bed offered the tiny human wailing in her hands. Eva smiled weakly and nodded her head, holding the small thing into her arms, thankfully used to childbirth.
"Look at her, she's got her mothers nose." Justin smiled, "welcome to the world, little Taryn." He admired the little girl in his wife's arms.
"She's so perfec-" the mother was cut off by a pained gasp, eye widened and eyebrows knitted together. Justin looked to her then the woman now between his wife's legs again.
"What's wrong?" Justin asked in a panic.
"Nothing," the woman laughed a little, "you're having twins!"
Eva had no time to react, this child ready to enter the world head first - literally, fortunately. Justin took Taryn, smiling down at her a little as her screaming stopped, but she shifted and cried again as her mother cried in pain.
Justin balanced a child and a pained wife, ready for another child while his step-daughter was pacing in the living room alone in only hearing her mothers screams. As much as Justin knew he should have been stressed, this was one of the most perfect moments of his life. To him, this was much better than marrying a 15-year-old princess.
Once the second twin was born, Eva finally let her neck relax and calm down. Sweat dripped from her forehead and collarbones, but Justin could only see beauty.
The woman carefully look Taryn to clean her up, the other twin squirming in Eva's arms. She wasn't wailing like her sister, but she wasn't exactly happy to be outside of the womb either. Eva gently shushed her, humming a soft song she had heard Justin always sing to her every night - especially when she had nightmares, nightmares of them being caught, nightmares of Justin being forced back to the Undersea and marry Elowyn, nightmares of Madoc storming the house and taking her sweet daughter Vivienne.
Justin never failed to reassure her it wouldn't happen. Although sadly, he was wrong in so many ways.
The twin in Eva's arms soon settled, content with the song being sung to her. Eva gasped a little before looking at her husband with a smile, "what about Jude? Just like the song?" Justin couldn't stop the wide grin of his as he kissed the woman's forehead.
"I love it, welcome baby Jude."
Tag list: @fantasyfox10123 (if you'd like to be in my tag list, let me know!!)
If you have any requests, send them in!
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poppysmc · 3 years
I Don't Know How You Do It But I'm Forever Ruined
Notes: This has been sitting in my drafts for so so long, unfinished with a different song and Im just obsessed with this song right now so I thought I'd go ahead and post it.. sorry for the mistakes I don't have a beta so they're all mine. I'm just slowly getting back to writing again, please be patient with me. ❤️
Song: Off my face - Justin Bieber
(One shot)
Last and certainly not the least…. Ms. Morgan Hughes, she’ll be gracing us with her angelic voice, singing… uhh… Off my face? Thomas reads the cue cards, slightly puzzled, he thought Morgan would be doing stand-up, he and Morgan’s posse endured long nights of practicing her stand-up routine and now she’s just gonna sing, it’s not even vetted on.
He glances to the side, silently confirming if it was right. Morgan nods and smiles nervously. He in turn smiles back, giving an encouraging thumbs up and a whisper of ‘good luck’ as she takes to the stage.
Some of the audience chuckled at the name choice, adding to the ever growing lump lodged in her throat. This is definitely not her best idea and before she could go ranting about the title, some of her friends clapped and cheered, giving her a slight boost of confidence.
She wrote thet a few months ago, absently plucking at the guitar strings. She’s got the same few chords stuck in her head for week. Only god knows how she pulled the lyrics out of her muddled brain.
How does one go about sharing her feelings for someone who has no idea? Said someone sitting front and center with a scowl, sitting next to her parents. She has no idea she wrote it for her, she sighs in relief.
For a split second she could see Poppy’s attention snap up to her, smirking and raising her eyebrow in question. Morgan rolls her eyes at her and settled into her chair and just like Poppy’s face never moved, her scowl was back in place, listening to Chloe rant about her talent to her right.
She starts plucking out the intro, it’s now or never.
One touch and you got me stoned
Higher than I’ve ever known
You call the shots and I’ll follow
Sunrise but the night’s still young
No words but we’re speaking tongues
If you let me I might say too much
Sometimes people just enter your life and burrow themselves so deep into it that for the life of you, you couldn't remember when it all started. This case was different, Morgan could vividly remember a day it all changed, how it became harder for her to even look Poppy in the eye for more than a few seconds. How her warm touch roughly pulling her back to the argument now seemed to burn through her sleeves, pressure slightly softer. She used to meet her hot gaze, faces only inches apart spitting out vicious insults without thinking much, now she didn’t have the same fire in her veins she seemed to have arguing with Poppy.
The need to antagonize her fizzled into something else, a warmth that threatens to overtake her made itself a home in her chest.
Morgan wanted to stay home, as much as she enjoyed parties, it wasn’t something she wanted to do regularly. Sometimes it gets a little too much to handle, the music felt too loud, the people got too close, the eyes on her felt stifling. She wanted to be free just this one night out of expectant looks but Zoey is too convincing, her puppy dog eyes are too powerful for a mere mortal like herself. She made a condition to just be at the party no over the top expensive clothes, just herself.
“I’ll come but just to be your glorified chauffer.” She dresses herself in something simple, a pair of black pants and flannel. “I just want to be invisible this one night, Zo.”
“Fine by me, but if your fashion choices end up splashed all over The T tomorrow don’t come crying to me.” Zoey shakes her head, the slight dig on her wardrobe is softened by a thankful grin.
“You get dragged on The T once, and no one lets you live it down.”
“Because I’m pretty certain I said don’t go out in that, it’s suicide. So yeah I would never let it go, you wore socks with your flip-flops and had the audacity to show yourself in public.”
“It’s not even my fault, sunny ran out the door. I had no time to check what I was wearing."
“You’ll never learn. Whatever will you do without me?” Zoey smirks and shakes her head affectionately. "Stop stalling and let’s go. My carriage awaits dear chauffer.”
“Yeah, yeah. Please allow me to escort you down, boss.” Morgan bumps her shoulders with Zoey as she passes by to grab her jacket. She opens the door and offers her arm, Zoey laughs and loops her arms around hers.
The party was already in full swing once they arrived. The music was blaring; the bass makes Morgan’s chest thump along erratically with every beat. “Text me, okay? I’ll make myself scarce.”
“Sure. Thanks for driving.” Zoey winks and beelines for the bar. In a few seconds she loses sight of her.
Morgan trudges through the house, the crowd gradually thins as she makes her way farther to the back. She exhales in relief finally free of the maze of drunk students with no boundaries, nobody seemed to pay attention to her, thank god for the dim lighting. The backdoor swings open, she breathes in the crisp night air. The door shuts and party fades into muffled thumps. She sat on the porch steps, her side leaning against the banister, oblivious to the pair of eyes quietly observing her.
After a minute of silence, Morgan sucked air through her clenched teeth, surprised at hearing someone pointedly clearing their throat behind her. The rate in which her head whipped back almost made her dizzy. When she recognizes who the person was, she could already feel the headache coming through, she almost swallows her tongue in disbelief. Of all the people she didn’t want to see her tonight was Poppy, yet here she was, alone with her.
“What are you doing back here?” Poppy asked, voice devoid of any venom just genuinely curious.
“Do I need permission to be? Who made you queen?” Morgan scoffs, the slight bite in her voice comes through and makes Poppy smirk.
“Belvoire.” Poppy cheekily answers, earning an undignified snort from Morgan. The slight tension momentarily forgotten.
“Should have seen that coming.”
“The party’s raging inside and little miss newbie sits here. What are you doing, really?” Poppy asks not unkindly, voice tinged with concern and curiosity.
“I could ask the same to you.”
“I asked first.” Poppy frowns impatiently.
Morgan sighs, opting to just answer just to avoid trouble. She didn’t have the energy to make up excuses nor to argue. “I don’t feel like partying today. I’m just waiting for Zoey to get flat out drunk and drive her home. My turn.”
“It’s-  It’s overwhelming inside. I just want to be alone for a while.” The honesty in Poppy’s answer momentarily throws her off.
“Do you want me to go?” Morgan asks, feeling like she’s intruding. This must be the longest record they ever had being civil to one another, actually speaking without the sarcastic comments and the insults. It makes her feel out of place and awkward.
“You could do whatever you want. I’m not the queen of anything right now.” Right, cause technically it's Chloe. There’s something in her tone that makes Morgan’s heart clench, yet she shrugs it off as the bass from the party. To Morgan’s never ending surprise, the blonde pats the spot next to her on the bench. “The floor is filthy.” Poppy clarifies when she makes no move to stand. A disarming smile crosses her face, Morgan guessed her hesitation must have been showing.
Morgan stands and dusts herself off. “Who are you and what have you done to Poppy?” She asks with a grateful smile, sitting down the furthest she could from the other girl.
“I have half the mind to kick you off this bench.” Poppy grumbles.
“There she is.”
Poppy huffs out a half laugh and after that there’s just silence. After a while she could see the slight tremble in Poppy’s hand in her periphery. She wordlessly shrugs off the coat she’s wearing and offers it to the other girl.
“What?” Poppy blinks, eying her coat suspiciously, making Morgan chuckle in disbelief.
“You’re cold. Take it or go inside.”
“Fine.” Poppy slips on the offered garment, appreciating the warmth it gave to her cold limbs. She wasn’t thinking while she burrowed herself further, letting Morgan’s scent envelope her. She stared at Morgan, feeling guilty for a moment. She moves closer, Morgan shivers when their shoulders touched. "Thanks." Poppy whispers, if it wasn't for their proximity, Morgan might have missed it. She hoped the shadows hid the small smile spreading to her lips.
“I’m sorry for taking your coat. I just couldn’t go back inside. I-” Poppy trails off, breaking her gaze away and staring farther up the yard.
“It’s okay, I offered. You don’t have to explain anything.” Morgan understood, after today everything changed, she lost her spot to one of her friends. Morgan was somewhat surprised that instead of Poppy's explosive anger, she opted to just sit here and mope.
She jumps a little when her phone vibrates in her pocket, she could see Poppy smirk in the corner of her eye.
She reads the text and taps a reply, frowning. She turns to Poppy. She doesn't even know why she's explaining but it felt wrong to just go without saying anything. A part of her wanted to make this moment stretch a little longer, so she hesitates.
“Apparently Zoey doesn’t need me to drive her back. So... I guess I'll head back home." Morgan stands not having an excuse to stay longer and makes her way to the door, hands hovering over the door knob to open it but not before doing something stupid like asking her so called enemy if she wanted to drive around for a while.
“So… Do you still want company? We could drive around for a while?” Morgan mentally chastises herself for the suggestion. Of course Poppy would say no it’s not like she-
Morgan looks back at Poppy, she sees her worrying her bottom lip between her teeth in thought. Morgan’s gaze flickers down to her lips, wondering if they’re as soft as they looked. The moment passed and she breaks her gaze away just as Poppy decided.
“Sure but let me just get my stuff.” Poppy stands and makes her way to the door, Morgan standing motionless, hand over the handle. She reaches for it, her fingertips grazing Morgan’s, the slight static made her pull her hand away abruptly.
“Sorry.” Morgan breaks through her short circuited brain and moves to hold the door open for Poppy.  “I’ll wait for you out front.” Morgan makes her way back through the crowd, her mind reeling at what happened back there and what mess she got herself into.
She continued singing, her eyes accidentally meeting Poppy’s gaze again, her scowl was replaced by an unreadable expression, attention now focused solely on her and Morgan almost faltered. She breaks eye contact and stares at the back wall, ignoring the burning gaze upon her from those familiar eyes.
Your touch blurred my vision
It’s your world and I’m just in it
Even sober I’m not thinking straight
Cause I’m off my face in love with you
I’m out my head so into you
And I don’t know how you do it
But I’m forever ruined by you
The sound of the door opening breaks Morgan out of her deep thoughts. She could see Poppy walking towards her with a sour expression, she's still wearing Morgan's coat.
“What happened to you?” Morgan’s warm hands reaching out to her, settling comfortably on her shoulder. Poppy stares at her hands, she pulls it away like she’s been burned.
“Just drive.” Poppy mumbles, trying hard to be composed but failing.
“Where to?” Morgan pretends not to notice Poppy's agitation, barely glancing at her so she won't feel uncomfortable. She unlocks her car slipping inside while Poppy stares at the abomination in front of her.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful but your truck is… I don’t know how to say it without offending you? But maybe it could use a good wash? Like you drove through mud to get here. I don’t know, maybe we could go to a carwash, my treat.”
"That’s about the rudest thing anyone’s ever said to me, and you said a lot of insulting things before." Morgan rolls her eyes. “She doesn’t mean that Betty, you just got a little mud on you.” She murmurs quietly.
“You named your car… Betty?”
“What? No I didn’t.” Morgan could see Poppy’s amused smirk even in her periphery.
“You’re such a dork.” Poppy can’t help but laugh at her mortified expression.
Morgan distracts herself from the rapidly rising heat on her neck by fiddling with the radio before driving off. The sweet sound of the guitar filtered through the car and she smiles triumphantly, previous embarrassment pushed to the back of her mind. She doesn't notice Poppy's expression soften.
Morgan drives her car through the carwash. They watched the water and the soap assault her car, the material of the brushes made a repetitive sound along with one of her favourite songs. Poppy had her seat leaned back, watching the machine rid the car of dust and mud. There was something mildly intimate about it, Morgan could move her right hand then they would be grazing Poppy’s, she could do it, she wanted to do it. But all she could manage was a slight twitch in her pinky, her hand doesn't move any closer.
“Do you ever feel like there’s a hundred people around you in a room, yet you feel alone?” Poppy breaks the silence, tilting her head slightly to the left to look at Morgan.
“Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes people may be looking at you yet feel as if their staring right through you, like your nothing. Oh! Like a ghost.” This makes Poppy chuckle.
“Yeah like that. It would have been easier if we were ghosts at least then you know why.”
“Did you feel like that back at the party?” Morgan wanted to say how that would have been impossible that no one could have seen her, she’s seeing her now. She wondered how could anyone ever take their eyes of her, she always seemed to be the brightest thing in any room she entered and now even in this dingy carwash she looked so radiant. How sometimes she thinks that she picks fights with her just for a chance to be bathed in her light. Thoughts she doesn't think would ever cross her mind trickled slowly and became a raging river. Now that she found herself here with her, without anything familiar to fall back on, anything just to distract herself out of her dangerous thoughts.
“Yeah, I don’t know. It was easier to be alone than surrounded but feeling alone. Do you get it? At least I know, I chose to be alone.”
“I get it.” If she had the ability to say more she would have but these few pathetic words are all she could manage. This time her hand reaches to squeeze Poppy’s. A quiet comfort to reinforce her words, she understood.
“Thank you.”
Whatever atmosphere they created in that moment fell apart when Morgan had to move her car forward and exited the wash.
“Where to now?”
“Your turn to choose.” Poppy mumbles, still staring blankly outside.
“Okay, I know a place. You're gonna love it."
“I’m not going to let you pick anymore.” Poppy complains, standing in front a fluorescent lit diner. It almost glowed but in a weird way, like a bat signal for the weary.
“Hey! They make the best food.” Morgan steps forward and drags her companion along when she hesitated.
Warmth and the ambient sound of cutlery grazing the plates makes Morgan smile. She always came here when she’s feeling lonely, missing her parents, their farm or when she’s stressed from school, for trying to fit in like a robot.
“Come. Don’t just stand there.” Morgan looks back at Poppy, her breath caught in her throat. Poppy looked ethereal against the most basic place there ever is. If you said diners were some kind of portal to somewhere else she’d accept it and move on, for she looked like she existed out of place, alien, untouchable as she was beautiful. For the second time this day her gaze flickers to Poppy’s lips, she realizes that she’s saying something and Morgan’s mortified of being caught staring like a fool.
“What? Is something on my face?” Poppy is thankfully oblivious.
“No, it’s perfect.” Morgan quietly whispers while Poppy checks herself in the diner’s window, her words falling into deaf ears.
Morgan balls up pieces of her straw paper places it over some torn up tissues, stacked together. She’s fidgeting under Poppy’s presence; she doesn’t know what to do with her hands.
She's startled when Poppy lightly grasps her hands stopping it from tearing up another piece of paper. It’s been minutes of watching Morgan tear up even rectangles of several tissues, a girl could only take so much.
“You’re making a mess.” Poppy chastises her like a child. She would have laughed but Poppy still hasn’t let go of her hand, it’s making her blush like an idiot.
“Sorry. It’s just that the food is taking a while huh?” Morgan stealthily tries to take her hand back but Poppy only holds it tighter. When they're not arguing, Morgan found that she doesn't know how else to act around her.
“Stop tearing paper like confetti.”
“Sorry.” Morgan sheepishly apologizes and Poppy lets go of her hand, hiding hers under the table, flexing it, she could still feel the warmth of her hand in hers.
The food arrives and Morgan smiles widely. Poppy stares, pretending she's interested in what food Morgan ordered. She admits to herself that for all the times she stared at her she never noticed how beautiful Morgan’s smile was. Arguing doesn't leave one space to insert a smile. It made her heart skip, imagining how it would be like if it was directed at her.
She almost misses Morgan stealing a fry off her plate. “Hey! If you wanted some you should have bought your own or at least politely asked.” Poppy mock glares at her companion, taking one of the crumpled balls and flicking it, hitting Morgan right between the eyes. They watched as the paper landed right into Morgan’s half empty milkshake glass.
"Your face!" Poppy laughs, wishing she could have captured it on camera.
Morgan found that she liked Poppy's laugh when it was genuine. “You better buy me another. You ruined mine.”
“What? It’s almost all gone anyway. All the needless calories you’re consuming will bite you in the ass someday.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“Just have the rest of mine.” Poppy slides over her milkshake, Morgan grins and takes a sip right into Poppy’s straw. Poppy noticed first, eyes widening. Did She just… A revolting question crossed her mind, how would ‘Morgan’s lips feel like pressed to mine.’ Shes never felt jealous of a piece of plastic before in her life.
Morgan freezes when she realized what she’s done. She just had an indirect kiss with Poppy through the straw. “Sorry. I got excited.”
Poppy opens a new straw for her water, blowing the other end right into Morgans face, another bulls eye, she’s killing it. “Don’t overthink it.” She dismisses the act but her brain does summersaults inside her skull.
They finished eating, the last few of Poppy’s fries stolen right under her nose. She pretends she doesn’t see her sneaking a few of the fries away, she just lets her. Mind preoccupied with important things like Morgan’s lips.
Can’t sleep ‘cause I’m way too buzzed
Too late now you’re in my blood
I don’t hate the way you keep me up
Your touch blurred my vision
It’s your world and I’m just in it
Even sober I’m not thinking straight
Even if she doesn't look or at least tries her hardest not to, she could feel Poppy's gaze on her, burning, willing her eyes to look back. There's something wildly intimate about singing a song to someone and in the sea of strangers you know it's just for them. No matter how many people sang it, to another, to themselves or just for the heck of it, the song only belongs to the person you made it for. Just for her. They could never feel the way she felt when she wrote it, how her feelings were entwined with every word.
In her periphery she could see Poppy stand and make excuses to her parents. She left, she didn't see where she went, she doesn't dare look anywhere near where she was, she's a coward like that. All she could feel is disappointment. It takes everything in her not to show it on her face. Was it too late to change her talent to stand up?
"Come on Poppy, pick a place already. I've been driving around for hours! People will think we're stalking someone around here." Morgan whines in the driver seat taking yet another turn around the block.
"It's been exactly 20 minutes. You're such a baby." Poppy looks at her phone for any places that might still be open around this time. "Turn right, that's not right. Right! Not left."
"Great, now were going in circles. Pull over."  Poppy grumbles.
"What?" Morgan looks confused for a moment but does what she’s told anyway, parking along the street.
"Get out."  Poppy moves to exit the car.
"What are you..?"
"I'm not gonna hijack your car, just let me drive. You suck at following directions."
They switch seats, Morgan slumps and mopes in hers. Poppy fights back a smile.
“Would you look at that it only took 2 minutes.” Poppy smiles smugly.
“I did all the navigating you only had to turn once.” Morgan complains, getting out of the car and looking around the parking lot. “What the hell Poppy, a 711? You could have told me, I could have turned anywhere and found one.”
“Like hell you could. You don’t even know your left from your right.” Poppy laughs at Morgan’s offended expression. They walked in, shoulders brushing together and Morgan shivers, insisting to herself that it’s because it’s cold.
Poppy smiles, victoriously pulling out what they came here for out of the fridge.
“A freaking capri sun? We drove all the way here for that?” Morgan complains, ready to throttle Poppy. Though there’s something endearing in her expression, that proud smile for finding something she was looking for.
“Just go find something you want.” Poppy shoos her away, grabbing a few more pouches of juice. She shakes her head and walks off in search of snacks.
Morgan comes back with an armful of sweets and chips.
“We just ate. What are you doing? Take these back, I won't buy you all these.”
“You said something I like. I like them all. Come on aren't you rich?” Morgan dumps her haul in the counter, the cashier looking back and forth from them, looking for a sign that it’s okay to scan the items.
“Are you just an overgrown kid or what?”
“Pop, you just bought a juice in a pouch, you have no right to judge me.”
Morgan carries three bags worth of snacks back to the car, Poppy not attempting to lift a finger just because she paid.
“Your turn. Pick a place.”
Minutes later they're on a cliff overlooking the city. Fading notes from a song playing in Morgan’s car filtered to the back.
“I'm surprised you didn't get lost.”
“I don't suck at directions. You're the one that sucked at giving them.” Morgan says in self-defence. She unlatches the back so they could sit on it, holding Poppy’s waist, helping her up. If Poppy noticed her hands shake, she didn’t say anything. They sat closer together, leaning against the side. She could feel the cold seeping into her shirt, making her shiver. Poppy notices and moves to take Morgan's coat off.
“No. Keep it on.” Morgan stops her, cold hands over equally cold ones.
“But you're cold.”
“I'm not.” Morgan attempts to refute it but her hands are freezing.
“I can see your teeth chattering.”
“I like it on you.” She smiles softly.
“I don't want you to be cold. Just take it, don’t be stubborn.”
“If you speak of this to anyone, I would personally kill you in your sleep.”
“Why would you do- oh.” Morgan stared in confusion, then realization.
Poppy moved to sit in the space between her legs, leaning her back into Morgan, taking her hands and wrapping them to her waist. Her hands rubbing over Morgan's freezing ones. To say that she was now warm was an understatement, she was burning from the blush that overtook her body.
“If you wanted to be near me so bad you could've just asked.” Morgan grins, chin propped on Poppy's shoulder.
Poppy huffs and attempts to get up. Morgan's arms stop her, wrapping tighter, keeping her in place. “Don't move, I might freeze to death.”
“That's what I thought.”
They had a toast with the Capri sun pouches, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. They sat there talking for hours, the company was too enjoyable to give in to exhaustion or cold.
From the time they were talking Poppy shifted her position, now sitting on Morgan's lap, staring up at her while she told a story about their farm animals, making her scrunch her nose in disgust at one of her retellings.
They stared at the sky surprised to see the day chasing the night away. How long have they been talking? Morgan looks at her phone and even more surprised that it's nearly 6am. Time went by so fast.
“I always wanted to see the sunrise from here. Thanks for the company.” Morgan smiles softly, running her fingers through her hair to distract herself from Poppy.
No one mentioned how one of their hands are still interlaced together or how Morgan's thumb drew circles on the back. Especially not Poppy's lips softly grazing the underside of her jaw.
They watched in silence, both aware that as the night was done, so will this new moment they found together.
“I'll take you to back to your dorm.” Morgan reluctantly says, unwilling to move. It was Poppy who moved off her first.
Morgan slides off the back of her truck smirking at Poppy. “Want a piggy back ride?”
Poppy scoffs. But positions herself anyway, her arms wrapped on Morgan's shoulders, Morgan's hands holding her legs securely as she closes the small distance to the front of her car.
They drove back in silence, neither speaking of the moment, afraid it will be over soon.
Morgan stops her car in front of Poppy’s sorority house, tapping her fingers anxiously against the steering wheel.  No one talked nor moved for a minute or two, they just stared at each other feeling the change in whatever relationship they previously held. Poppy’s alarm goes off, effectively ruining their moment.
“I guess... I'll see you later. Good Morning, Poppy.” Morgan smiles softly, hands gripping the steering wheel too tightly, knuckles going white, stopping herself from reaching out.
“I’ll… see you later. Thank you for driving me around.” They both know they will see each other but not in the same capacity as tonight, they will be back to being rivals, enemies, whatever the school made them out to be. She could see Poppy fighting a losing battle against herself before she reached out and kissed the corner of Morgan's mouth. She turns away like nothing happened and exits the car without looking back.
Cause I’m off my face in love with you
I’m out my head so into you
And I don’t know how you do it
But I’m forever ruined by you
Cause I’m off my face in love with you
I’m out my head so into you
And I don’t know how you do it
But I’m forever ruined by you
Morgan stands and bows to the applause, yet she felt empty. It all felt useless somehow, she wasn't even there to hear the rest of it. She makes her way backstage, turning the corner as the next talent comes up. She felt like running but before she could turn and walk away, Poppy pushes herself off the wall and approached her. She gulped, unsure of what to do.
“Your voice is very beautiful.” Poppy tells her, voice almost as soft as a whisper. She's searching Morgan’s terrified eyes for something. “The song, did you write it?” She asks all the while moving closer, hands fiddling with the lapel of Morgan’s suit.
All she could do is nod, not trusting her voice at the moment. She takes a step back and another and another until her back is against the wall but Poppy follows her every step. Thank god they seemed alone or she would have burst into flames in embarrassment. Poppy steps closer until their bodies are almost touching.
“Who did you write that song for?”
“Tell me.” Poppy looks up almost pleading, wanting to hear what she hoped to.
“It’s for you.” Morgan presses herself even more to the wall, wishing it would just swallow her up. She closes her eyes but it flies open when she heard Poppy gasp. “Are you surprised or?” Morgan trails off, observing Poppy’s expression going from astonished, to happy and outright tearing up.
“I can’t believe you wrote that song for me, I thought that there was someone else.” Poppy breathes in relief, Morgan’s hands wrap around her waist, supporting her weight.
“Just you.” Morgan says breathlessly. Watching her break into a smile made all the nerves she had vanish. She pulls her into a tight hug, smiling when she feels Poppy sink into the embrace. Her head leans on her shoulder and she rests her cheek on her hair. Poppy pulls back and smiles before leanig up and kissing Morgan.
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o-craven-canto · 2 years
Notes on what a supernaturally created world would look like
from “A Lorebook of Mytholinguistics”, Justin B. Rye, 2019
(Book V)
[…] there's no reason to imagine the first appearance of the “gene for magic” would be in a sapient species. And genes aren't trying to make life nicer for their carriers; they aren't even working for the benefit of their species; no, the only thing a gene “wants” is to maximise the dispersal of copies of that gene itself. So feel free to go and visit some biosphere where the wildlife has developed thaumaturgical powers, but don't come back. If you arrive early enough to find it ruled by parasitic para‐wasps that can turn you into a willing host for their larvae, you're relatively lucky, because all the non‐magical parts of that insect are vestigial. Give it another million years and the place will be a witch's cauldron of cell cultures whose sole purpose is to pump out clouds of retroviral hex‐chromosomes. As you step through the portal, they'll be rewriting your genome as a new pool of octarine goo. […]
In our world it has famously been said that nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution; in theirs, nature is fundamentally inscrutable, since it's the product of the conflicting whims of beings that transcend mortal comprehension. Earth's flora and fauna naturally fall into families sharing large sets of characteristics (toothy, furry, viviparous mammals versus beaky, feathery, oviparous birds) just because all the members of a given family share a common ancestral bodyplan. A biome that was Intelligently Designed de novo last Wednesday, with each individual creature a separate expression of its maker's artistry, is never going to end up organised this way. […] Folkloric secondary worlds do often seem to nod in this direction by having furry/feathery hybrids like griffins and owlbears and whatnot, but there shouldn't be any coherent taxonomic groupings to hybridise – the things that look something like lions and something like eagles are liable to turn out to reproduce via acorns. Come to that, if the existence of half‐elves is anything to go by there may not be any such taxonomic units as species. […]
[…] we should anticipate that the creatures tailor‐made for domestication by a beneficent providence would resemble perambulatory mushrooms rather than geese or goats. And in the absence of evolution, and in particular of fast‐evolving pathogens, none of these organisms have any use for overengineered adaptive immune systems. Indeed, if predators and parasites and prey aren't all locked in an eternal genetic red‐queen's‐race, there's no point leveraging chromosomal variability with a fancy diploid reproductive mechanism. In other words, there's no practical need for sex – if the powers that be have nonetheless taken the trouble to differentiate living things into what appear to be males and females, don't be surprised if the particulars turn out to be kinky in the extreme. […]
Then there's the physiology of the elves themselves. Obviously they aren't going to have any evolutionary vestiges like tailbones or wisdom teeth; everything's there because it's biologically or aesthetically appropriate. […] Their hands aren't feet that have been put through a minor redesign to make them work better as manipulatory appendages, they're organs designed purely for their current role. And similarly, while we upstart monkeys do our talking with repurposed masticatory organs […] they have articulatory organs that were designed with that function in mind all along. Imagine if elves' oral/digestive and nasal/pulmonary tracts were unconnected, and they had something like the syrinx of a parrot built into the latter, so they could drink and sing simultaneously… or come to think of it that sounds more like dwarves.
(Book VI)
Notice that these chosen peoples didn't first spend countless generations as savanna hunter‐gatherers […] they were seemingly equipped with an instinctive urge to settle down in bronze‑ or (in the case of dwarves) iron‐age communities right from the word go, or whatever the word was.
This may or may not have required them to be equipped with brains! Supernatural Creators have metabolisms based entirely on miracles, so they habitually produce the sort of split‐level metaphysical systems hospitable to hocus‐pocus, where instead of everything working through traceable and mundanely materialistic causal mechanisms, there's a separate plane of occult essences. In such a cosmos, living things are special because they're full of élan vital; caterpillars turn into butterflies because they're attracted to the right Platonic form by morphic resonance; and magic works because the meaning of your incantation is a thing in its own right that can have a direct impact on whatever it refers to. So instead of elves being able to think for themselves because their skulls are crammed full of the kind of cells that have signal‐processing and data‐manipulating functions, each elf gets an immaterial soul hovering somewhere nearby in an adjacent dimension.
If organisms are animated not by adenosine triphosphate but by a ghostly vital essence, having a cerebral cortex as well as a soul is redundant – look at ents, which are remarkably nimble thinkers when you consider that their heads are made of solid wood.
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Hogwarts Sorting Profile: Max Russo
So, confession time: Initially, I wasn’t actually planning on writing one of these for him.  I’m sorry!  I love Max, but he’s often in the background of Wizards of Waverly Place and just has these really random plots thrown in his direction, rather than interesting character-exploration-type shit like the main sibs.  (Which, to be fair, is probably why some of y’all might be curious what I’m going to say about him.)
But I was thinking about what makes Max so odd as a character, and specifically I was thinking about him in comparison to other characters of his archetype in the Disney Channel-verse.  Because we’ve seen the messy, funny, underachieving brother character a lot, but they come in very different flavors.  Part of that for Max is that he shares some of those traits with Alex in contrast to the overachieving, overly serious Justin, but part of that is… Max often seems to be in his own little world, incomprehensible to mortals and wizards alike, and generally takes in the “real-world” around him with a shrug.  He still cares about the “real-world” when it suits him, but he’s often kind of divorced from it, and that discovery fascinated me.  Furthermore, it made his Sorting “click.”
We’ll start off easy: what does Max do?  The answer is… he’ll do pretty much anything.  He’s not a Burned Secondary, though, he just doesn’t give a fuck.  Max is every bit the Slytherin Secondary that Alex is, we just don’t usually notice because he spends most of his time in his Neutral State.
The Slytherin Secondary’s Neutral State is blunt, rough, and often unphased by stepping on people’s toes. It’s easy to mistake this for a Gryffindor Secondary’s honesty, but it comes from a different place: comfort, relaxation, and/or apathy.  It doesn’t inspire or motivate so much as sit back and do as it pleases, and the Neutral State’s honesty is there for convenience rather than necessity— if a different tactic will work better, a Slytherin Secondary can ditch their honesty and change direction far more easily than a Gryffindor Secondary.
Max isn’t exactly shy about saying what’s on his mind, even if it’s usually dismissed as nonsense.  He also does seem to charge into situations without a care sometimes, but that’s the thing: he’s able to charge into those situations because he doesn’t care.  When he tests out the zombies’ No-Fear Ring, it doesn’t work on him because he’s already fearless.  So while some Slytherin Secondaries are nervous about showing their honesty to others and only show their Neutral State when they’re home safe with people they’re comfortable with, Max lives in his honest Neutral State because he feels comfortable and safe most of the time… even in situations where he really, really shouldn’t.
Curiously, one situation where he doesn’t feel comfortable or safe has very little to do with actual danger, but about personal identity: when he’s turned into Maxine.  And in Maxine’s body, he’s a lot more manipulative.
“You know, I can’t help it if people think I’m cute.  Watch how I make it work for me.”
As Maxine, he uses his cuteness to get out of chores, to get revenge on Alex and Justin in karate, to guilt dishonest customers out of cheating his parents, and comes up with a plan to talk his “boy self” up to a girl he likes as Maxine so that she’ll like him when he changes back.  Yeah, can’t imagine why Maxine reminded Jerry and Theresa so much of Alex…
But there are Slytherin Secondary indications from Max in his usual form as well.
He has no qualms about outright lying — inventing a fake illness to get out of P.E., pretending to be “Tom Sawyer” so he wouldn’t be embarrassed by/compared to his family — but he prefers obfuscation, aka confusing people with his “Max-ness.”
“How do you get your brother to say what’s really on his mind?”
“Oh, I use randomness.”
“Well, I just say random things and while people are trying to figure it out, they say stuff that’s on their mind.”
One example of this tactic being employed successfully is with the Genie.  While Alex fails to outsmart the Genie using her quick wits, as the Genie is every bit as cunning as her, Max figures out a way to piss off the Genie enough to blackmail her, then talks circles around her and confuses her until she reveals a way for them to undo her wishes.  Alex calls it “outdumbing” her, but in any case, he succeeded where she failed, and showed that he’s more capable than often assumed.
We get another rare moment of clarity from Max during “Alex Tells The World.”  
“Alex, you know you can’t reveal magic!”
“Oh, even I know that. That’s why I just make people think I’m dumb so if I slip up, ehh, they figure, the kid’s an idiot.  And I slip up all the time, so.  Who’s dumb now?”
Max’s admission that he “slips up all the time” isn’t exactly reassuring, but it is telling that he’s the only one who doesn’t reveal magic during both the Season 4 Premiere and the Season 3 Finale.  Perhaps it was dumb luck that got him there, but I think there’s more to it than that.  There’s a method to his madness.  There’s a logic to it, even if Max’s logic often doesn’t follow all the way through.
Which leads me to his Primary— Ravenclaw.  (LOOK I KNOW. HEAR ME OUT.)
Yes, Max is often seen as “the dumb one.”  Yes, Ravenclaws are perceived as “the smart house.”  And while I’ve just demonstrated that there’s a brain under all the Max weirdness, I’m not about to argue that he’s secretly a genius.  He misses the mark more often than he hits it, and oftentimes when he hits it, it’s through coincidence or dumb luck or Insane Troll Logic that’s impossible for anyone but Max to follow.  But I do believe he operates on logic, just his own wacky version of it.
The thing about Max is that he’s neither as dumb as most people think he is, nor is he as smart as he thinks he is.  He’s somewhere in between, and the fact that people never quite know where exactly he falls on that scale is kind of the point.
In fact, part of the reason I struggled with Max was because I was trying to figure out where exactly he did fit in:
He can be selfish enough at times to argue Slytherin Primary, the stereotypically “selfish” House, but he’s missing Justin’s protective streak.  He doesn’t feel that same sense of duty towards his family that Justin does; when Mason breaks Alex’s heart in “Wizards vs. Werewolves,” Justin turns on him instantly because he Hurt His Little Sister And Is Therefore Bad, while Max is the one most willing to give Mason a chance, because he has his own reasons for wanting Mason in his life.  Yet, he still clearly cares enough about his family to rule out the possibility that they don’t factor into his morality at all, not to mention how easy it is for them to influence him.  
His more humble ending of inheriting his father’s sub shop might make people think Hufflepuff Primary, but there’s even less justification for such a sorting upon scrutiny.  As I’ve touched on above, the staunch loyalty to community isn’t all that important to him, and he’s also not all that into traditions.  There’s no compulsion to help strangers, he doesn’t really make enemies but he kind of just ignores people he doesn’t like (or shatters them in a million pieces on accident), and let’s not forget that he unleashed countless monsters in New York City that killed all the Monster Hunters just to win the competition… even if he did do it when his Conscience was separate from the rest of him.  Not exactly behavior you’d expect from the morality system of “a person’s a person no matter how small.”
Speaking of Conscience, it’s notable that he argues with it, rather than accepting his advice. I’m still a little unclear as to how much this matters (there’s definitely room to argue that most of his brain went into Conscience as well, and that whole plotline was… weird), but even with his Conscience inside his body, he seems to lack that moral drive Alex has.  Gryffindor Primaries have this embedded sense of justice deep within their characters. Even when it’s hidden most of the time, like in Alex’s case, or when it becomes twisted into something dark and dangerous, or becomes Stripped of its certainty, there’s still this sense that there is Right and Wrong in this world, that trusting your gut should lead you to the right conclusion, and that it’s wrong to ignore it.  I have a hard time remembering if there’s really any situation where Max gets that gut feeling of Something Being Wrong at all, much less acting on it with a Heroic Plan… at least, not without convincing.
But Max can be convinced, and that’s key.  Alex often takes advantage of this to manipulate him for her own selfish ends, such as talking him into paying her for handing out fliers to her zombie prom, but more often it’s his parents that act as his voice of reason, whether it’s convincing him to go after the “deli robber,” convincing him to give his siblings a fair shot at the Wizard Competition, or convincing him to tell his girlfriend the truth… and then unconvincing him of that when he takes it too literally and tells her he’s a wizard.  
Actually, Max is prone to misinterpreting advice in this way while trying to follow it to the letter— he does this when he tries to sell fountain water with a puppy, as well, because his mom told him to “add something to it.”  I think he is, to an extent, aware of his own intellectual limits.  He knows he misses the mark a lot of the time, so he’s often willing to trust other people’s judgment over his own, so long as they can get it through to him in a way that he thinks makes sense.
But beyond that, he’s often willing to question “common knowledge” in a way the other characters don’t. When Justin tries to tell him he can’t make life out of the stuff from his room, he simply replies, “Where’s it say that?”  In season 4, when there’s a distinct possibility that he’ll win the competition, he expands the sub shop business by making the Wizard Portal into a Drive-Thru, which genuinely worked as a business plan until Jerry took it too far.  Later that season, he saves his siblings by creating a black hole and then jumping through it to pull them to safety from the black hole in Alex’s apartment.  Like, that was his idea.  He came up with that.  It was weird, it was risky, it was unconventional, it could’ve been incredibly stupid… and it worked.
And that’s what I keep coming back to with this Ravenclaw Primary sorting— that sense of ingenuity, curiosity, and the willingness to experiment.  On one hand, you have your System Claws, who are dedicated to The Rules because they’ve been convinced that living by them is The Best Way To Live, and on the other hand, you have those that are willing to challenge conventional wisdom and try new things.  It’s this willingness to question that I personally attribute to a Ravenclaw mentality, rather than inherent intellectual ability or a large knowledgebase.  While Max may not have the latter, he has the former in spades, and that, more than anything, is really what told me that he truly belongs here.
Max Russo is a Ravenclaw Primary and a Slytherin Secondary.
As a Slytherin Secondary, Max often likes to confuse and obfuscate to get what he wants, is flexible in his methods, and can even be manipulative when he wants to be.  He’s also relatively comfortable with himself, thus he often lives in a Neutral State where he says whatever’s on his mind without thinking much about danger or whether he’ll be understood.
His Ravenclaw Primary is as curious as it is undefined, and operates on a logic that only Max truly understands.  While this leads him astray more often than not, this also allows him to break from tradition and try new things, and this unconventional thinking can sometimes lead to better solutions than anyone else could’ve come up with.  However, it also comes with a set of brakes in the form of taking input from others.  It’s not always easy to get through to Max, but he can be reasoned with, which in his case, is probably for the best. 
In this combination, we find a character who truly dances to the beat of his own drum.  As the most flexible Secondary and Primary, respectively, Max is a conundrum to most who meet him, confusing even to those who know him best.  That said, being the Russo who “goes with the flow” the most often, he’s also probably the Russo that has the most fun.  He’s certainly more fun to write about than I was expecting him to be!  I’m glad I did, and it’s good to be back.
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maplecourtesy · 3 years
WE’RE BACK BABEY. i am skipping my uncles wedding for this also i have comletely forgotten not only what happened last episode but also the entire plot. also i’m kinda glad there wasnt an episode last time cuz it was smack in the middle of exams and i’d feel left out again </3
CHAOS YOUNGER SIBLING. yeah thats fair. i think it’d have been funnier if chaos was older though.OH WHAT HAPPENED LAST EPISODE WAS GOODCASTLE REVEAL.
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
chaos having regrets and developing an emotional connection to the plan was not how i expected this episode to start but i can dig it. oh boy this is actually really interesting. i thought it’d be a fun party episode. but. i guess chaos order party Would start like this.
THREE MORTAL CHILDREN. every reminder i get that the thundermen are literal actual teenagers makes my heart do a little flip. they r just kids :(

the sword thing being the only reason he wanted to be a knight. me too.
knight to knight. reggie. FITZIE AND REGGIE. AND.. AL.
oh boy right rainer in trouble.
fitzroy maplecourt, knight of the realm of goodcastle, Dance Commander.
HIERO DIDNT KNOW??? man theres so many characters happening everywhere all the time.
festo: what day is it!
fitzroy: its judgement day.
festo: oh shit!
have i ever mentioned how much i love festo because i REALLY love festo.
groundsy’s hut.. havent heard that in a while. that was like forbidden right it has to be important
they are Squadded up… althea gordie festo Reggie this is gonna be fun
althea: if U dont have a plan. and WE don’t have a plan. then whos fighting the bajillion demons.
JWBSJDBFJSDJNKF ALL OF THEM DOING THEIR DUMB CROSSTALK OF TRYING TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF. FITZROY DEFENDING FESTO. THIS IS HILARIOUS. i know a couple people thatd be happy if justins plan went the way he wanted but i for one am glad that there will be no sacrifices
oh thank god the thundermen get a rest. finally. TIBIA AND GHERKIN<33 MISSED THEM. SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS. BELLETON.
last nights chat was the sleepover chat right<33333 missing that<3333333
argo my beloved. u are the lovable rogue.
firbolg i love u he is just dreaming that is all,, awww firby<33333 oh wait what time travel stuff???? oh boy okay. time travel fucks with my head and i am bad at thinking already. its super cool though!!! “what is powerpoint.”

i still dont know about order but i think i can sympathize with chaos which is. alarming.
did this motherfucker say heighth
chaos: this may be the last time we see each other
argo, without missing a beat: oh thank GOD.
yknow ever since they were like argo likes to be called argonaut ive been calling him argo more i think
NEW CHAOS VIBE. oh my god the rose tinted glasses.
just took a 10 minute break from the episode to try and figure out what the trope of some great and powerful person being a child all along is called. results inconclusive but its one of my favorite tropes.
ayo festo i was having a moment.
stupid argo with his stupid straw boater hat. and firbolg with their stupid leaf hat. and fitzroy with a JAMIROQUAI HAT??????? WITH. ANTLERS?!?!?!?!?!? FUCK YES. YES. YESYESYES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISDOE. FUNNEE HATS.
they are doing drugs.
they are doing so many drugs at once .
oh we are in drug audio time. PARTYTIME PARTYTIME.
argo literally doin the whole barbershop quartet bit
YEHAHHHHH GO OFF ARGO DRUGS FUN AND GOOD (jk haha dont do drugs guys . or like not too much)
ayo is fitzroy having one of them villain tango moments except homoerotically with a glowing golden version of himself. there is so much symbolism there about how that’s the physical representation of his magic and stuff but i will ignore all of it and focus on just how sexy of a visual concept that is.
argo fucking. dork.
“i guess you could say the magic was inside- *vomiting noises*”
MY FAVORITE EPISODE. THIS IS THE ONE. TAZ GRAD EPISODE 35 MY BELOVED. IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. thank u travis for my life. also griffin for my life. oh hey this ended up being a long post for such a short episode. huh! its cuz it was the best episode thats why.
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camelotsheart · 4 years
MERLIN CHALLENGE 2020 Day Thirteen - Favourite Cast Member Katie & Julian in 5x13 commentary
I know this is a very big stretch from the theme, but Katie and Julian in this commentary were honestly iconic. Includes: mentions of bondage, incest, so, so much subtext and just a horrendous amount of queerbaiting. I’ve compiled a list of the funniest/most important exchanges below the line.
At the start of the commentary:
J: There are no homoerotic undertones to Merlin of any kind.
K: I think so. I mean, whenever I played any scenes with Millie it was always straight in my mind.
J: No, there are definitely lesbian undertones in those.
When Merlin tells Arthur he has magic:
J: It's a very beautiful moment between two men. [Katie tries to hold her laughter]
K: ...You are not helping this commentary at all, by the way, Julian.
J: No, I'm not. 
K: I think you possibly have been waiting for the sixty-five episodes to do this one commentary.  
J: Yes. I've always been a bit more serious in the previous ones.
K: No he hasn't, actually. 
Also in this scene:
J: ...On no level is magic metaphorical in this show.
K: It's funny, because I don't actually feel like you're being sincere.
J: I'm always sincere.
K: You're the exec. You are never sincere.
J: Believe me, I'm a fountain of truth and honesty.
K: Julian is lying right now. Lying.
When Gwen is back in the castle and Leon reports to her that Arthur is still missing:
J: We've gone to the spurned wife who wants to know where her husband is.
K: But she has Sir Leon. Why would she need...?
J: Ah... Well you see, that's another undercurrent in Merlin, isn't it?
K: Sir Leon?
J: Sir Leon.
K: Oh no. It's definitely-
J: Sir Leon and Gwen.
Also in this scene:
K: ...We know that you never gave me any love interests.  
J: I gave you Morgause. 
K: [She laughs] He says -- in all seriousness!
J: Incestuous lesbianism. What more can you want?
K: You cannot make a show without lesbianism, in all fairness.  
J: It's gotta be said.
Also in this scene:
K: I do worry about you guys, actually. I worry that there are men sitting in a room with Merlin just trying to come up with the most ridiculous scenes that they could get past the BBC.
J: That's...
K: He's nodding.
J: Not true.
K: He is nodding! He's nodding -- it's so true!
J: It's a family show.
K: Not in your head.
When Arthur tells Gaius Merlin is a sorcerer:
K: Did Gaius know?
J: What, that he was a sorcerer?
K: That's not what I asked. About the undertones.  
J: No, Richard would never think of anything like that.
K: You're right, he's a gentleman.
J: He's a gentleman... A man of genuine innocence.
When Arthur gives Gaius the royal seal:
K: The seal... He's passing the mantle to the woman-
J: Yep. That's the last vestige of his heterose-- I mean, sorry. That's the last vestige of his marriage--
K: Oh my god! [They laugh] This has descended to a level. I mean, I thought I was bad in these - playing up - but I have got nothing on Julian Murphy here. I think we should just throw it all out the window.
J: The way we directed the scene where Gaius tells Gwen is basically the thing of it.
K: I think you must just think of most of these scenes in this episode (as the thing of it), if you don't go-
J: It always helps, I swear.
K: You know, he ain't lying again. He has told me this.  
J: If you want to find the emotional truth of it, it does help. 
When Gaius comes back to Camelot and talks to Gwen:
J: That's a tricky one for Gaius to explain - why he's not come back to his wife.
K: You-- You're seeing an entirely different show here than a lot of people, aren't you?
J: Yeah, I know. I do.
When.... er, Julian describes it better:
J: This is the scene where Merlin feeds Arthur... I'll just let that hang in the air.
K: I will input what I can. Alex Vlahos is lost in laughter listening to this. He can't quite believe what's coming out of your mouth.
J: It's actually quite a moving scene.
K: And yet that's not what you want to comment on.
And uh, yeah... another one:
J: Now Merlin is giving Arthur a drink.
K: I think he's just giving him a drink there.
J: Yes. They just spend the whole episode on this journey. It's quite simple.
K: Feeding each other?
J: The feeding thing, I think, is in your mind, Katie.
K: You just said it then. I'm just repeating back to you what you said. Don't try and blame this on me! For a start, you guys came up with the episodes!
When Gwaine and Percival are attacking Morgana:
J: This entire sequence is actually a homage to Tom's arms.
When Morgana has tied them up:
J: Oh, Katie. You've tied up the man again.
K: I know. I just like them where I want them, you know. I don't want them to go far.
J: And as you say, thousands of girls watching Merlin want them in that position.... You've tied them both up!
K: Well, like I said - I don't want them to run away when I want them.
When Merlin uses his magic to lead Saxons on a false trail:
[Arthur: All these years Merlin, and you never once sought any credit.
Merlin: That's not why I do it.]
K: Liar!
J: Well, he knows.
K: What are you--
J: You can never be too sure about these things.
K: It's all the meaningful glances now after this DVD commentary that I'm just going--
J: I should say that Katie, just before we wrote this episode, insisted that it ended with a kiss between Arthur and Merlin.
K: That is not what I said. That's what you put into it. I had the most amazing ending.... My ending, which you didn't use, which I thought would have been amazing, is -- Arthur. Mortally wounded on the battlefield. Merlin comes up and cradles him in his arms. Merlin to Arthur: I have magic. Arthur takes his face in his hands: I know. I think I've always known.
When Arthur and Merlin rest for an hour:
[Arthur: Whatever happens--
Merlin: Shh. Don't talk.
Arthur: I'm the king, Merlin. You can't tell me what to do.]
K: Awww
[Merlin: I always have. I'm not going to change now.]
K: [laughs] oh my god....
[Arthur: I don't want you to change.]
K: [continues laughing] Do you know how much trouble we're going to get in from people saying this was a beautiful moment and all you guys can do is laugh?
J: Well I think you need to have both sides of it. And to be fair, we did genuinely think of the episode as a love story between two men. That's what I think it is. Jokes aside and innuendos aside, I remember talking to Justin and saying that's what it's about.
K: You can't deny that Merlin and Arthur love each other. On whatever love way you want to think. There is no denying it.
J: I think it's a purer love than you, say, had for your sister.
K: You say I had for my sister. [Julian laughs] Ok. I don't know how you read that into it.
J: No. We'll stop there.
K: Oh, we won't.
When Morgana rides her horse through the woods:
K: More Katie galloping.
J: I think you did that just so you could see my boobs.
K: I definitely didn't.
When The Scene happens:
J: Now we're nearing the moment. I'll show you where exactly I'd pick is the...
K: ...where it's all been building to -- almost sixty-five hours of TV. Special moment.
... [Arthur: Just hold me, please.]
J: There you are.
K: [gasps] I can't believe you put that in.
J: Well I think it's... you know, he's dying. The man he loves is dying, so he's holding him.
K: I don't think that's what you meant at all when you put that line.
J: It is!
Shameless trivialisation of ruining everyone’s holiday:
J: I don't know how the nation's gonna feel on christmas eve, but anyway.
K: Yeah, it's kind of a downer.
Katie being literally everyone in the Merlin fandom:
[Kilgharrah: No man, no matter how great, can know his destiny.]
K: Hold on a second here, hasn't the dragon been telling him his destiny this entire time?
J: Yeah, but that's the sort of annoying comment that people make when they're not just going with the flow.
K: Oh really? Oh really, is it? [they laugh] Fine then!
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babysemi · 2 years
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★ wanted to make a list of quotes about love to encourage me to write a fanfic a day during the month of love! if you end up using, tag me so i can reblog and read! let's make an entire library of love together ★
"He says she is his émerveillement. He says he will never leave her, not in a million years.” All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr
“All this gladness in life, all honest pride in doing my work in the world, all this keen sense of being, I owe to her!” North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell
"...a silly thing he never mentioned to her but caused him to believe that they were bound together.” Unaccustomed Earth, Jhumpa Lahiri
"Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.” Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
“I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love.” Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
“Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice. And I find myself choosing you, more and more every day.” Bending the Universe, Justin Wetch
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” The Fault in Our Stars, John Greene
“It is better to love wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.” Vanity Fair, William Makepeace Thackeray
"Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear." Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
"I was swallowed up in an abyss of love in an instant. There was no pausing on the brink; no looking down, or looking back; I was gone, headlong, before I had the sense to say a word to her.” David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
"You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed." The Miniaturist, Jessie Burton
"We've loved each other so long I've never been a man and not loved her." The Essex Serpent, Sarah Perry
"At night I dream of him, all day I wait to see him, and when I do see him my heart turns over and I think I will faint with desire." The Other Boleyn Girl, Philippa Gregory
“You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant” milk and honey, Rupi Kaur
“She is a mortal danger to all men. She is beautiful without knowing it, and possesses charms that she’s not even aware of... Anyone who has seen her smile has known perfection.” Cyrano de Bergarac, Edmond Rostand
"He stepped down, trying not to look long at her as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking." Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
“Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” Hamlet, William Shakespeare
"You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought." The White Company, Arthur Conan Doyle
"I've never had a moment's doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life." Atonement, Ian McEwan
"I knew it was hopeless, but that didn’t matter to me. And it’s not that I want to have you. All I want is to deserve you. Tell me what to do. Show me how to behave. I’ll do anything you say.” Dangerous Liaisons, Choderlos de Laclos
"My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
“All hopes of eternity and all gain from the past he would have given to have her there, to be wrapped warm with him in one blanket, and sleep, only sleep." Lady Chatterley's Lover, D.H Lawrence
"I wish I knew how to quit you." Brokeback Mountain, Annie Proulx
"You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell
“It has made me better loving you … it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter." The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James
"It was only when I began to feel actual, physical pain every time you left the room that it finally dawned on me: I was in love, for the first time in my life." Dangerous Liaisons, Choderlos de Laclos
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lordterrax · 3 years
Aside from what Andrew Hussie wrote, and what I wrote on my LordOfClasspect blog about lightbound. There is something I wanted to go further into detail about that is pretty evidently clear in all examples of Lightbound that I think is pretty interesting.
So basically, aside from knowledge Lightbound are marked by an extreme challenge with Morality. Hussie describes that lightbound tend to find loopholes around the rules. This generally works out for them but it becomes a problem in that they often times end up with a distorted or grey perspective of morality, which leads into a tendency that when they do Wrong, they are explicitly Evil and marked by a curse.
Rose Lalonde tried to loophole the game Sburb, and in the process directly destroyed the game's architecture and doomed the entire session even for her friends. Nearly casting them all out into the Void to be eaten by the horrorterrors. Whether explicit or implicit she became the villain defacto. Even her alcoholism in general signifies that she doesn't care enough to recognize that even her seemingly lowly necessary Seer title was absolutely critical and responsible for the success and wellbeing of not just herself but her friends as well. Similar to Dirk's darkest bout of negligence towards his friends but more direct, straightforward and exact.
Vriska snapped the spine of an innocent and continues on destiny's path as if she will face no consequences. Constantly hijacks the plot and spotlight regardless of whether this is actually optimal or not. Her best character development came when she was humble and beating herself up as an inverted expression of her role. Then she could face up to her direct fault and flaws.
Aranae becomes so selfish she will literally doom another version of herself to do it, trying to make herself Alpha by force. In the process she disrupts both Jake and Dirk, Jake in a fundamental way and makes it clear she has no qualms with hurting Dirk to get what she wants. She goes from an extremely patient and kind being to one of impatience and grey morality.
Outside of Homestuck Canon, you have Rick Sanchez, who is an apt example to bring wider representation. As Rick Sanchez is a Lord of Light. Recently it was revealed in a canonical short written by Justin Roiland that Rick is in fact Morty. Rick hands Morty a potion saying that it's from excretions from the memory parasite in season 2, and that it will turn Morty into Rip Van Winkle. He also overlaps his reflection with Morty's face, and points saying "Rick Sanchez". Thus it's officially confirmed Morty is Rick, and the implications and realizations for what this means are endless.
For one, it puts things in perspective. Throughout the entire show Rick and Morty's stories run right alongside each other. And it clearly paints a contrast and shows the way the world works for Morty compared to how it works for Rick. There's also countless references and scenes that completely change context if you realize they are actually synchronized time events synchronizing Rick and Morty in a way that makes it plainly clear that due to Time Shenanigans, everything Morty does and goes through influences and changes Rick's character, memory, etc. So much so to the point that it's obvious everything Morty does IS Rick's actual back story, and Rick "already did it" before, as it's defined when Morty does it for the first time.
The realization is clear. Morty is bullied, is dumber than others around him, and struggles hard to keep up with others. Somewhere along the line, originally, Morty just shifted into prop comedy and entertainment like his father Jerry, before eventually getting into Science and realizing that the mathematical, concrete, and absolute nature of Science played really well with his Asperger Syndrome. He then at some point invents a portal gun, and explores the universe. At some point he flies under the alias Rick Sanchez, which in the real world is a notorious alias for people needing a fake identity especially people who have done so many crimes they can never get clean.
Rick and Morty are so opposite it's not even funny. Yet that's what makes this so obvious. Somewhere along the way Morty has an Ego Death because of how the universe treats him, and he evolves into everything he wasn't. This is why Rick suffers and explains his absolutely nihilistic and cynical view of the world. Because as Morty he learned the hard way that the universe does not care about you, does not play fair, and will just keep pushing and pushing with no limit. Eventually he just snapped and flipped it around so at least he always wins.
Now the relevance here is astounding. As Morty he was a Muse of Void. Inspiring the Void but in a Blackwing way. Morty seems innocent and harmless and like the Hero, but his actions always invariably lead to suffering, death, and evil. Evil Morty is predominated Morty and makes it clear that Morty is just in all ways inherently Evil and Destructive, but in a Passive way. Rick in contrast may contradictingly claim he doesn't care, thinks morality is bullshit, and does things which are morally fucked up. But inversely when challenged by the Devil, has a special passion for wiping him in the dust. Meanwhile even his worst acts which seem on the surface to be so reprehensible that they are unforgivable, what we are shown are things which with a good enough reason to balance it out, actually makes him a Savior.
It's actually Morty who is contradictory. Void is ambivalent and while Voidbound have half Light in them, Morty is the one who is ambivalent when it really matters and doesn't actually care when he absolutely should. Only to challenge Rick's authority and to rebel does Morty act like he's the good guy that really cares. Needless to say if we read the entire story a different way, Rick was inverted originally. As a single entity he became Light more and more over time, but it was a long process of trial and error. In the process to becoming the All Powerful Rick, Morty carries a lot of Moral Baggage. Every Rick has done something virtually ubforgiveable but continues moving through the universe running on as much borrowed time as he can get. Not really deserving everything he has and is but continues on anyways. Changing the Rick and Morty story in a very keen way if you view it as 1 continuous character both ways. Making Rick appear more like Vriska.
Basically if we view it as 1 singular and linear storyline. Then Rick is trying to run along after doing whatever evil and trying to escape the very consequences he created in the process. Nevermind that Morty gaining so much knowledge and changing personality so radically has warped his perception of everything so radically. That he can hardly tell right from wrong, and has no sense of what he is or isn't allowed to do. And technically he has the power to back it up. So much so it's hinted throughout the show of how Morty would have abused his science to do things for his own personal gain. Fridge Horror stuff.
The point is this is a perfect example of what I mean about Lightbound. Even Thor from Marvel Avengers has the fact that his family has a history of Genocide, and it's in his own veins as much as it was in his father's.
Lightbound embody the aspect of Perfection and Holiness. But as it has become obvious this has to be a story of a flawed mortal BECOMING the epitome of this... And God/The Universe is so forgiving and encompassing that nobody said you couldn't break a few eggs to make an omelet. What matters is where you end up/the destination/your intended goal.
Lightbound may mess up more than others, and in vastly worse ways than other Bound. But they succeed more than others do, and go farther.
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Battle Ground Spoilers
Ok. It’s been about a day since I finished the latest Dresden Files book and I think I’ve managed to process everything. And there’s a lot to go over.
First and foremost, it was the second half of a story. I understand why Peace Talks and Battle Ground were split, there was too much for a single book. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any fat that could have been chewed off, but that’s for later.
The book is revolving around Harry. Literally. That’s the series, Harry and his issues. But this book is his biggest failings and loses all stacked together in a horrible mess that he couldn’t fix. What happened in this story, between PT and BG, is worse on Harry than when he ended the Red Court and killed Susan. But it also gives a new light on some other major characters as well.
So much happened for Harry. So much. But what happened to him was fall out from what happened to everyone around him. He got a Banner, a Banner of Will that unites people under a cause. That’s amazing. And then the worst thing that could have happened with a power like that happened. He felt the people following him die. He felt what caused their deaths. Hundreds of people died with him feeling how they died. That’s going to leave psychic scars of the likes he’s never seen before. And it made him think about what it’s like to be a Ruler. To be a Queen. That what he felt is very likely what Mab feels. That’s huge.
-Thomas is the next best thing to 6 feet under. And Harry has hardly mentioned it. Aside from not mentioning it, he’s barely thought about it. This is nothing new from Harry. Thomas is family, but so is Ebenezer. Which makes the fall out between the Harry and his grandfather worse. BUT Harry also doesn’t really have this in the forefront of his mind. He’s got a city to save and his last two relatives are pulling away rapidly and maybe forever. He’s not thinking about it for the same reason he avoided Thomas when he came back from his little trip to the Other Side in Ghost Story. He’s avoiding facing the truth. Thomas is very likely going to die and Ebenezer wants him dead. The trauma that’s followed him since the day his dad died is right there, knocking on the door, waiting to be let in. It’s also only been a few hours. Hopefully we’ll see how Harry deals with this is the next book, like how the Alphas told him off for spending nearly a year in isolation after Susan skipped town.
-Waldo Butters shone like a star. He was front and center, like the day he rode Sue the T-Rex. The newest Knight of the Cross played a huge part as the symbol of Faith. Because that’s what he is when he wields that broken hilt, the symbol of Faith. Sanya is the symbol of Hope. Michael was the symbol of Love. But Faith was the important factor here. Because Butter’s shouldn’t have been able to keep up with Harry or Sanya with the training he’s had. But then again, Murphy shouldn’t have been able to keep up during the battle with the Red’s. The Sword’s and the Lord have a way of putting the Knights where they need to be and when, but they are mortal men with mortal body’s fighting monsters. They need help, and their Faith, Hope and Love grant them this. So long as the cause is Just, the Sword will not waver, and neither shall it’s weilder. The Knights have to be able to keep up if they are to be where they are needed, especially when they need to be in arms reach of the Winter Knight.
-Marcone is the host to a fallen angel. Huge twist. Huge insane twist. How long has it been since he took up the coin? Nic has made it apparent that he could tell who had members of the Fallen inside their heads, even when Lash wasn’t in Harry’s head he probably sensed Bonea instead. So was it after Skin Games? Before? When????? But damned if the reveal wasn’t amazing. Was this the best of ideas for Marcone? Who knows. He refused to work for Nic and found, seemingly like Harry had with Lasciel, a Fallen with its own plans.
-Murphy. Died. She killed a fire giant. With a BAZOOKA. And then Rudolph the shit stained sack of useless meat shot her in the neck. He refused to see what the world really was. And. He. Shot. Karrin. In. The. Neck. I don’t care that he’s a coward and that he panicked and fired the shot. I care about that fact that Karrin Murphy deserves better. I care about the fact that Butters and Sanya shouldn’t have been there. Harry SHOULD have been allowed to kill Rudolph. But Jim Butcher killed Karrin Murphy with a bullet from the gun of a character the entire fandom has HATED since day one. Rudolph deserves nothing but the worst fate possible and I will be FURIOUS if he survives to the end of the series. Murphy deserves better. She should have lived and gotten to watch Harry beat Ethniu. Lived to help raise Maggie. Karrin Murphy died halfway through the book when she should have lived.
-Harry got kicked out of the White Council. Big shock. Honestly surprised it took this long. I was confused as to why he even wanted back in after Ghost Story. They weren’t a layer of protect for him. They never had been and never would be. Being the Winter Knight is more of a safety net that the Council for Harry. Harry has done nothing but his best for the Council and they don’t care. They fear him. They fear the Starborn, whatever that title means. “Vague immunity from the influence of Outsiders.” Drakul, Harry and Listen. That’s 3. It feels like it’s some weird “Planets are aligned” bullshit that should be easy to predict. Why isn’t the Council just, I don’t know, only having children that are Starborn? They seem like the sort of shit bags that wouldn’t blink at that. It seems plausible that the higher ups know exactly how to make a Starborn and have the knowledge to mass produce them. But no. We still don’t know what it entails. And Harry’s in the dark and an outlaw. Carlos is just another member now. Harry hasn’t been able to properly talk to him for years it seems because they have acted like friends in a while. Hell it even seems like Carlos was willing and wanting to just dump evidence against Harry. Given Carlos’ comment on the Law, it now makes sense as to why the Council has had so much trouble with necromancers. They probably still think of zombies as humans, if the troops the Fomor used counted enough as human to be used against Harry. The White Council can choke and die on its hypocrisy. It doesn’t matter that Harry sits at the table full of monsters. He’s always put the lives of the innocent before his own and the Council doesn’t give a shit about any of the good he did for them. The White Council will collapse and the Black Council won’t break a sweat doing it.
Justine is possessed by He Who Walks Beside. She’s been possessed for years. Ever since Thomas almost ate her soul to heal himself from the brink of death. It’s been blackmailing Thomas for years and this push was to break a foundation of Something. To crack a cog in the wheels of fate or fray the red string of destiny. Who knows. We don’t.
That’s all I got. Did I enjoy the book? Hell yeah. But I’m still passed as hell.
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