#kaiser telling ness exactly what he was to him
caluette · 27 days
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the truth
#blue lock#blue lock fanart#alexis ness#ブルーロック#art#fanart#blue lock manga#my art#michael kaiser#in spirit#i think about scenarios where ness leaves kaiser#whether just to pass to isagi or for good#and i believe this is the key to kaiser's awakening#given that his “identity”/ego first appeared not out of malice but out of the desperation to protect the one thing he cared about (the ball#and of course his monologue in 260 about how he treats the ball explicitly parallels how he treats ness#which makes me believe losing ness or the risk of losing ness is instrumental in kaiser's reawakening#BUT.#kaiser is a deeply sad angry person and he cannot let the world know he's weak#so i fear that ness leaves him and instead of admitting oh maybe i do care kaiser snaps#because ness can't leave him if he pushes ness away harder right?#kaiser telling ness exactly what he was to him#exactly why he approached him in the first place#you're nothing but a dog#an experiment#because fury covers up the hurt (hurt that kaiser is even angrier that he *has*) and so the damage is done#so that's what this doodle is based on el oh el#and ness is left reevaluating every moment they've ever shared and wondering if it was real at all#(because even if kaiser did care he doesn't have the capacity to realize he did-- i do believe his behavior in 243 was genuine and proof he#-cares for ness in the only way he can he just does not understand that yet because he fundamentally does not understand kindness)#and he won't before it's almost too late
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perrywrites · 7 months
Aaaaahhhhhh!!!! Your writings are so good! Can I ask for Ness, Kunigami, and Nagi to fill out the roster for the “mumbling ‘i want you inside me’” blurbs you got going on? If you’re not too busy of course! Idk which characters exactly you write for tho so it’s cool if you forego Ness or smth
YES, I was already writing Shidou, so I wrote Nagi and Kunigami with him as well. The cutie Ness will have to wait his turn (if there is one, I'll see if I'm inspired) 😞😞😞 BUT ALSO, having Kunigami and Shidou on one list feels illegal and wrong ngl LOLOL, thank you so much for liking my writing 🥺🥺🥺
Absentmindedly murmuring that you want him inside of you during practice part 4;
Includes; Nagi, Kunigami, Shidou
Part 1 (Isagi, Hiori, Bachira) and part 2 (Chigiri, Reo) and part 3 (Barou, Kaiser) and part 5 (Sae, Rin, Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya)
Nagi: he only knows you’re here when Reo elbows him, telling him that you’re here, except this time Reo is snickering in a way that confuses him. Why is he laughing? What’s so funny about you being here? Nevertheless, unanswered questions fading away in his head, he turns to see you across the field, and he waves at you - but there’s something weird about you. Although you wave back, like you would usually do, it’s not an energetic kind of wave. It’s more lethargic, hand barely raised, and something about you seems like you’re not really there. Right now you kind of seem like the zombies he shoots in his games. Concerned and confused, he blinks at your weird behaviour, but he saves it until his break. The moment he gets his chance, he’s making his way over to you, but the closer he gets to you, the more… confused he starts to feel; your state doesn’t seem as similar to a zombie’s as he initially thought. You’re certainly seeing him, that’s for sure, but your eyes are weird. They’re all opaque and dazed, as if you’re delirious from a fever of sorts. He doesn’t know why, but something about your glassy eyes makes him antsy. “... You there?” And it’s when your dreamy smile widens, your head tilting, that he realizes even before the words leave your mouth exactly what is up with you. Ah, so that’s it. You need him right now. That’s what those eyes are for, yes, he remembers. That’s how you look up at him sometimes when he’s trying to get you into bed. Except, you’ve never said the kind of thing you just said, and those sultry words send heat straight down to his cock. Something in that breathy tone of yours tugs at his heart and he becomes restless. What are you doing to him? He shifts on his feet slightly. You can’t do this to him right now. Not right now. Don’t look at him like that right now, it’s making him think of you in a way that’s going to make going back to practice really hard - pun intended. The only kind of thoughts that are sitting in his head now are all images of him making you cry on his cock, using that pussy of yours until you pass out, pounding away until your voice is ruined. And, ah, shit, well. He can no longer deny himself, it’s too hard to resist this urge and go back to practice. So when Reo comes to tell him that practice is about to start, all he mutters is a quiet “sorry Reo” before he grabs you by the arm and drags you off somewhere. You’re the one that started this, you can take responsibility by letting him go as many times as he wants, right? 
Shidou: the moment he catches that hazy gaze of yours, he’s busting his ass laughing right on the field, yelling to his teammates something about how he’s eager to score even harder with his girl looking all cute for him. Rin is the one that tells him to shut up - both of them somehow seem destined to stick together, joining the same exact league, both bemoaning their misfortune. All Shidou does is almost start a fight, taunting Rin back in response, telling him that if he’s so jealous he should stop being loveless and go get with someone already so he can hop off of Shidou’s dick already. Of course, the rest of their teammates and coach have to get involved to calm both of their asses down, and so there’s an unplanned break. Immediately, first things first, he heads over to you, all amused, noting how you’re still looking at him like that, all lovesick and yearning. Shit, damn, you’re gonna make him catch a public indecency case. “Shit sweetheart, you’re looking like you want to milk my cock, huh? Want me to bust my load inside of you or something?” Turns out, that’s exactly what you wanted, because you say that - say that you want him inside of you. Well then, he didn’t expect that - usually in the face of his desire (for you, you, only you), you had a tendency to be a bit more shy. That was nice, getting to tease you and watch you get flustered, then have you make all of those lewd sounds and faces for him - but… There was something about you being all bold and blunt like this about wanting him to fuck you that got his blood pumping. It made him want to go the extra mile in fucking you - even though he already always goes full out when fucking you -  try out new positions and breed you in each and every single one, shoot his burning hot cum right into your womb as he holds you down and your perfect pussy flutters around his cock again and again. He won’t even take his cock out this time, leave it in until he gets hard enough to fuck you again and again and again - he’ll give it all to you, he’ll get you fucking pregnant, fuck his cum into you until he’s sure of conception, shit. You want that, don’t you? Just the same as him, yeah? Of course you do, you’re just as much of a fucking pervert as him. So within a moment of you saying something that hot, he has already made the decision of pumping his seed into you right then and there. That’s why he immediately picks you up, throwing you onto his shoulder and you yelp - confused and disoriented as he starts carrying you off, warning everyone to not enter the showers for the next hour or so unless they want to hear him giving it to you good. Rin scoffs from the side, glaring, saying something about practice, but Shidou laughs, having none of it. “Fuck off virgin eyelashes, impregnating my girl takes priority~” You hear Rin muttering something about him not being a virgin beneath his breath, but that’s no longer your concern. You’ve lent fuel to a forest fire and now it’s going to burn through the whole country, don’t think you can walk after how hard he fucks you. After all, Shidou Ryusei loves invitations, especially if it’s the kind you give. Although, your biggest concern soon will definitely be how you’re going to face the rest of his teammates after they inevitably hear all those raunchy sounds you’re 100% sure Shidou will make sure you’re unable to suppress...
Kunigami: although he’s not exactly an oblivious guy, he’s not exactly the most conscious guy either when it comes to this kind of stuff. He never really knew when a girl crushed on him or swooned over his gentlemanly behaviour up until he got a confession. That still holds true even now, but you’re not exactly ever ‘subtle’ - case in point, those very obvious bedroom eyes you’re giving him at the moment. He feels his ears burn, face warm - not because of physical exertion - as he tries to ignore your eyes absolutely burning through his back. Why are you looking at him like that right now? Are you even aware of the kind of dreamy expression you’re making? You don’t seem like it. God, you’re distracting him, completely. The things he’d do to be alone with you right now - goddammit, he feels like a pervert now. When his break arrives and he goes over to you, the fervent blush only deepens - you’re still looking at him like you want him to claim you, eyes all hooded and dazed, pouty lips parted open. “Hey…” He curses himself for his awkwardness even with his own girlfriend, keeping his eyes averted from you as he rubs the back of his neck. “… You good?” Is that all he can say? Really? Wow, great going Kunigami, what a great job. But before he can berate himself any further for his awkwardness - he’s always a little shy when it comes to the more intimate side of your relationship - you say something that has him sputtering, eyes wide as he looks at you. Did you - did you really just say that? The way your lips twitch up into a small smile is enough of a confirmation, and he feels his heart beat intensely beneath his broad ribcage. How do you - how do you just… say things like that. “You… You sure do love to tease me, huh…?” And then he falls silent, shifting on his leg as you giggle lightly at his words, the sound of your voice making him shiver slightly now. Do you even know what you do to him? How you make him want to push your legs up right into your chest and just pound away? Fuck you into the bed as you cry out his name? Claim you, over and over again, make you sore and exhausted as he uses your body until you’re full of his cum. Fuck, god. He should be thinking of kicking balls right now, scoring goals, but instead his head grows empty and blood rushes down to the wrong head. Why are you like this? Why do you do this to him? He curses beneath his breath, willing the wrong head to go back to sleep, and he catches you staring at the bulge all yearningly and - ah fuck, he can’t play like this. He grabs your hand and pulls you up. You’re coming with him and helping him deal with the ‘problem’ you caused, okay? Hopefully he can get a quick round in before the break finishes, or well, if he can’t… He might as well fuck you for as long as he pleases.
Also I finally realized there's a character limit per block thingy LMFAO, I couldn't figure out what was the problem the last two times and just did 2 characters I'm such an idiot 😭😭😭
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verysium · 6 months
😏 coming right up anon. gonna channel my inner critic and not hold back on any of these.
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brother complex. not much else to say except that he needs to get a life. not everything is about metaphorically crushing your older brother's dreams and brooding in the dark hate of retribution.
competitive but only because he is a desperate whore for external validation. ignores everyone but craves the attention of a sole person named sae itoshi. was defeated by isagi once and has never let go of it since. has a one-track mind that is impossible to derail. stubborn when he wants to be.
probably a virgin and will continue to be one until his late 30s.
has not known a single day of peace ever since sae ditched him for the popular girlies. as a result, he has developed a very concerning case of social awkwardness. his idea of a conversation involves a brick wall and thirty minutes of you staring at his resting bitch face. constantly looks like that one grumpy cat meme. judges you for your poor decisions but then gets aggressively defensive when you point out his own mistakes.
reeks of so much teen angst that even metallica can't save him. the problem is that he has nothing to back up his emo persona. his insults lack creativity and, unfortunately for him, phrases like "lukewarm" and "half-baked" and "hell" do not make his words carry more weight. uses the f-word but in the most embarrassing context that it makes you facepalm and internally cringe.
zero social awareness. this boy's head is empty. the lights are not on up there. there are no picture frames or furniture. the curtains are drawn, and there is not a sliver of clouds or sunshine. cannot read body language and does not know what a filter is.
the source of all of rin's stress. he is the original trauma projector, creator of generational cycles. not even subtle about it. "turns out i was wrong. i thought japan was incapable of ever giving birth to decent forwards." sir....with the way you worded that, you knew exactly what you were doing when you gave rin false hope.
swears but it's even worse than his brother. literally called his elders a "fatso and bob cut duo" and "insect turd." i mean....there is a line between what is considered a legitimate burn and what is a first grader making up insults in his coloring book.
has a horrible haircut and no fashion taste. i already talked about this previously, but it was so bad it deserved a second mention.
a freak but tries to justify it rationally. like what do you mean you can tell a person's athletic ability from their buttock size? just admit you have a kinky fetish already.
somewhat of a coward but i'm gonna give him some leniency due to his tragic child genius backstory. tbh he's just an eighteen-year-old boy who needs a goddamn break.
alexa please play clown music. this man sets himself for failure and then wallows in self-pity when he actually fails. like what did you expect? you knew what was going to happen the moment you challenged isagi like that. it was most definitely your fault you got violently humbled.
has a borderline god complex (currently calls himself an emperor but has not evolved into a deity yet.) unfortunately, he does not stand on business. cue the dramatic meltdowns when he realizes there is an actual gap between his ability and his reputation. if you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
insecure and mentally unstable. he probably cuts and re-dyes his hair every single time shit happens. no wonder his locks get shorter every time.
lazy when it comes to anything that is not football and expects others to do it for him. demands princess treatment wherever he goes. unfortunately, not all of us have servants with no self-respect like ness.
"it is not enough that i should succeed, others should fail" type of person.
does not wear shoes and even if he does, it's sandals. put them grippers away.
a literal sloth who has so much potential but uses none of it. has no intrinsic motivation of his own, so if he's going to do anything, it has to be you behind the wheel, making sure he gets put to work.
does not have a close relationship with his parents, and so he has no sense of community, holidays, or traditions. no fun at all if you want him to do things like christmas shopping or birthday celebrations.
rots in bed all day and then has to nerve to ask you to carry him around. your back better be strong because his 190 cm body is not going to be light.
not loyal (need i say more.)
second male lead syndrome. also known as that one popular guy who's always picked last.
acts like a victim but then when you realistically tell him to how to change his situation he refuses to do so. you cannot ask for advice and then take none of it to heart. no wonder you're still not over your ex.
"i can fix him" mentality. no, you can't. you are a seventeen-year-old child, not a licensed therapist and nagi isn't even all that.
touch-starved to the point he will stay in a toxic and abusive relationship in order to gain some scrap of affection. just because you were the black sheep of your family does not mean you can lose all sense of personal dignity.
probably stalks all the people he hates. has a burn book like regina george from mean girls. cuts out and glues little pictures of kaiser all over his bedroom. doodles hearts all over it with glittery gel pen. isagi's face and name are scratched out of every team photo.
delusional and prone to mood swings. medicated but at this point, he is beyond saving.
a home wrecker. has ruined more relationships than he can count on ten fingers yet still manages to smile like he's some angelic saint.
solves jigsaw puzzles for a living (not very cool if you ask me.)
has some unresolved anger management issues. probably repressed all his negative feelings when he was younger, so it all comes out when he's on the field. unfortunately, his twilight-sparkle-friendship-is-magic agenda is not going to work if he keeps cussing out his teammates like that. but then again, he is the main character, so i guess his plot armor makes up for his pitfalls.
says that he's a good guy but then holds personal vendettas against rivals he doesn't like. boy was so ready to throw hands when #kaisagi was trending on the internet. but when you actually think about, he's similar to kaiser in more ways than he'd like to admit.
has the worst case of high and mighty "holier-than-thou" attitude. isagi put his ego in check, but it still peeks out from time to time.
he was the ugliest baby when he was born. i am not going to hold back on the child barou slander because it is true. no, he was not a cute and lovable bundle of joy. he looked like a demonic gremlin.
he needs to take more risks in life and try cross-dressing. simply imagining him in a maid uniform will not suffice. it needs to be made into a reality.
with how nit-picky he is, i doubt people can realistically stay within a 1-meter radius around him. unless you are a clean freak yourself, his constant complaints will start to get annoying after a time. even if he does have good intentions, he needs to let people have a little breathing room sometimes. a messy room is not going to kill you.
this boy's brain is smooth. no folds. no gray matter. no intelligence either. his pencil and eraser have been left untouched since day one. if he wasn't crazily good at football, he would be unemployed and homeless in the future. not even a mcdonald's wants him.
one of those people who will do the literal opposite of whatever you say. you want him to stop talking? well, now he's never going to shut up. you tell him not to step on a pile of dog shit? well, now he's going to walk right into it. you want him to quit running around and act normal? well, now it's his life's mission to make you as annoyed as possible. please pray for your hair follicles because at the end of the day, you're not going to have many left with how much he makes you want to tear your hair out.
has the cerebral capacity of a toddler. if he thinks monsters are real, he's going to think anything is real. super gullible when it comes to any form of scam, ploy, or trickery. the only way he would not be fooled is if he's also played the same prank before.
a brazen pervert. says the most out-of-pocket things and refuses to apologize for them. sometimes it comes out a little too sleazy for your liking.
"to me a goal is fertilization! a shot is the seed and the goal is the egg!! and the birth of that joy i call an explosion!! my genes are gonna knock you up!" let us give ourselves a moment of silence to digest this quote. only shidou ryusei would come up with a sperm and egg metaphor to describe football. (i guess protection means nothing to him.)
has no empathy. if you dislike him or cannot keep up with him, you're a literal nobody in his books. no sportsmanship. no compassion. no self-awareness.
you cannot say "balls" to him in a serious tone without him misinterpreting it as something dirty. that alone should tell you enough. stay the hell away from him.
where do men get the audacity? right here. from this little bastard. he invented the term "shameless slut." boy was getting off during the u-20 arc and on live TV too. no wonder sae said he was disgusting.
and finally, he comes from a long line of cockroaches. he's even got the antennae to prove it.
i think this might have been a little excessive, but i have no regrets about it. you're welcome anon ♡
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knavves · 1 year
MEAN DOM ft michael kaiser & alexis ness
wc: 0.8k ノ cw + tw : nsfw (18+). sub! fem reader. dacryphilia. choking. edging. cunnilingus. petnames. hair pulling. public sex. fingering. thigh riding. dirty talk. degrading. voyeurism.
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mean dom kaiser! who loves to make you cry. every cruel word spat from his mouth is laced with venom just to urge those tears in your lash line to finally spill over. he's addicted to it.
he loves to wrap his hand around your throat, adoring how your nails imprint crescents into his inked skin as you struggle beneath him. the way you gasp for breath when he finally lets up, peering up at him with those eyes crystalized with tears and your bottom lip quivering has him throbbing where he's buried deep inside your velvety walls.
mean dom kaiser! who edges you to filth no matter how much you beg him. the broken moans and whimpers that rake through your chest are nothing but music to his ears as he fucks his tongue in and out of your pussy.
he holds you firmly, rough hands digging bruises into your delicate flesh to keep you from squirming away from him. all you could do was sit there and take it. tastes so sweet he thinks as he moves from your entrance to suck on your abused clit, groaning against your heated skin when you tug on his blonde locks.
though the fingers weaved through his hair and your pleads aren't enough to rival his sadistic pleasure as he pulls away from you entirely, reveling in the way your cunt clenches around nothing and how a sob from you pierces his ears. "fuckk, please i wanna cum! i've been so good.. please.." you whined, flashing him those teary eyes he loves so so much.
mean dom kaiser! who can't keep his hands off you even in public. he doesn't care how you whine about his public indecency as he's knuckles deep inside your sopping wet pussy, squelching noises drowned out by the chatter filling through the luxurious restaurant he'd brought you to. he'd make you order just to hear you stutter and stumble over your words as he purposely curled his fingers against that sweet spot deep inside you but you only spread your legs wider for your lover, contradicting your earlier complaints.
mean dom kaiser! who likes to play dumb with you. he always knows exactly what you want almost like he could read your mind. he claims that he can't give his baby what she wants if she doesn't tell him but in truth he just wants to hear you beg for him.
he likes seeing your face screw up with frustration, watching as your mouth opens to say something but only a moan slips out, the words seemingly getting caught in your throat. your completely naked, the cool air kissing your skin while both your legs straddle his clothed thigh. you're pathetically rutting your cunt against him, dragging your clit on the rough material. but its just not quite enough, not enough to push you over the edge. the burn of grinding yourself into him aches throughout your thighs and you silently beg him to just take hold of your waist and do the work for you.
but he only cocks his head to the side and raises an eyebrow, "what's got you so worked up? do you need something?" you nod quickly and sling your arms around his broad shoulders, muttering please please please over and over, begging him to make you cum on his thigh as if you haven't been trying to get him to do that this whole time.
"that's all you had to say, sweetheart. see, was it that hard?" god he was such a bastard.
mean dom kaiser! who lets ness explore your body while he watches. ness is such a sweetheart to you compared to kaiser's much more harsher treatment (that you don't mind at all).
ness leaves no crevice of your body untouched, making sure to worship every inch of you. he has you perched up on his lap, slender fingers thrusting leisurely inside of you as he soothingly strokes the back of your head. "you're so beautiful, y/n." he whispers, nibbling on the shell of your ear making you shudder in his grasp. your face grows hot at his praise so you bury yourself into the crook of his neck which he only chuckles at.
"mm i'm close, ness. wanna cum." you say but truthfully you were indirectly speaking to kaiser as you knew better than to cum without his permission. even while he wasn't touching you, he still had full control over you. "yeah? what do you think, kaiser? can she?" ness rips his gaze from your trembling figure, helplessly moaning at his skillful fingers working in and out of you, to look up at the man in question.
but his response is quick and stern, a 'tsk' slipping past his lips before he commands you to not fucking cum. ness's eyes flash with momentary pity seeing you begin to cry from the feeling of your orgasm slipping away from you when his soft touch leaves you completely. such a pretty thing, too bad ness's loyalty was in the palm of kaiser's hands, not yours.
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© knavves : reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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lunarcloak · 22 days
Blue Lock Chapter 262: Visual Storytelling
Can we talk about the visual imagery this chapter?? Kaneshiro is always cooking but Nomura cooked extra hard this time with his own illustrative storytelling
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An almost entirely white panel. Except for the black spot of Kaiser's hunched figure. Almost as if he's the stain on an otherwise perfect game from BM right now. (He's thrown off balance.)
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Here, in the first picture, this is Isagi's view of where Kaiser is right now. On top of a puzzle piece— a symbol of Isagi's power, and also a symbol of how off kilter he is. The second picture is part of a larger paneling of how he's being left on the ground as Isagi runs past him in a flurry of puzzle pieces. Almost as if Isagi's kicking the pieces of his perfect puzzle astray, leaving him to rebuild them from scratch. (The theme of this chapter.)
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You can tell he's only barely listening. Eyes are always a huge indicator of visual storytelling— i picked this up from looking at BSD panels for too long. Here there's virtually no pupils, smaller, wider eyeballs because he's not listening to Ness's words. They're going in one ear out the other. Because Ness's words are superficial— He's trying to help, he is, but that is desperately NOT what Kaiser needs right now. He needs to figure out how to FIX this. Not to retreat back into the safety of his cocoon so that he can pretend he's still the star on the field.
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NOTICE HOW EVERYTHING IN THE SECOND PANEL CAN DIRECTLY BE RELATED TO ISAGI. The offer from Reale— what if Yoichi gets it instead of me? The throne in this team— what if Isagi takes that, too? Am I about to lose everything I worked to get myself? The whole world is watching my worst performance in years. I can't lose here. I can't be defeated here. Not here, of all places, in Blue Lock.
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Negative colouring. The previous, prominent memory I have of this is when Rin went to his "flow" state. It's specifically to emphasise the "HUMAN" wording. It's usually used to showcase a very prominent moment, in this case it's Kaiser realising exactly what the core of his worry is right now. It isn't the defeat, not beating Isagi, not anything. At the moment, he's afraid of losing the very humanity he had thought he clawed himself into. To emphasise this, the black and white being reversed are to indicate that time almost freezes, completely changing his perspective and line of thought at that moment.
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Less dramatic, still negatively scaled panel. Emphasising how he's really digging into his psyche here and going "Oh, I'm scared. I'm afraid of losing everything I've got for myself." The last time this happened was when his secret money stash was found— he didn't care as much then, because there was nothing to lose that he hadn't already lost. But now? Now, it matters a lot more. Because he's built himself up on an entirely shaky foundation. Note how he's also sliding below here, losing his footing, like he's lost the stable ground he thought he had.
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The angle of this panel makes it look like he's climbing upwards, and he's just lost his grip on the wall before him, and is in the process of falling. It's extremely well done.
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Plenty people have already pointed this one out— yeah Isagi's just reached a height that's similar to Noa's. The position Kaiser thought he used to have, but now he's not even on the staircase to victory and the treasure he thought he would attain soon is now inching towards his most challenging rival to date.
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You will never see him this tired, this defeated, or this melancholic ever again. At this point, his eyes are no longer that wide, shocked stare of not seeing. Now he's comprehended his stance, and he's come back into himself.
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Each petal is a memory, a visual representation of the crumbling of the rose he once held. It's gone now, there's no rose in his hand anymore (nothing for him to hold onto anymore). When you have no roses in hand, you grow a new bouquet. When you have nothing, there's nothing to lose if you go reaching for something to hold onto again.
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But HERE, the petals can be interpreted in two ways— either he's being reformed from the petals of a new rose (blank petals, not representative ones). OR, you can interpret it as those very petals dissipating from his being, leaving him as this black, blank slate to rebuild himself. Zero— as in no colour, no petals, no gardens to flourish anymore. Only way to move now is up.
Also I'd like to draw your attention to the negative paneling again— inverted this time, the exact opposite of the previously conveyed emotion. Now he's the one in the black, working to redefine himself. He's already redefined the external aspects.
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Your Zero— Your Beginning. I LOVE this page, even if it's a repeat. It conveys so much. Kaneshiro and Nomura are such a GOOD TEAM
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A black hand clasps around the core memory— the memory of when he truly had only his football. He can't let that petal float away, that's one he wants to keep. That's the idea he wants to hold onto. He crushes the petal into his hand, assimilating it into his new beginning. That's the one he'll hold onto, to recraft the person that is Michael Kaiser.
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milaisreading · 2 months
CD!Yn when she is sick:
CD!Yn: Please, you two are making me more sick.
Kaiser: We are staying. Ness, feed him the soup.
Ness: Sure, Kaiser-
CD!Yn: Come near me, and I will kick your ass *pulls up the duvet her mouth*
Kaiser: Stop being a baby-
Charles and Loki run into the room*
Charles: I brought you some soup!! Let me feed you!
Loki: Charles, don't yell. But, don't worry, we are here to help now.
CD!Yn: Thanks, but I am fine-
Karasu, walking in with Tokimitsu: Hold it! We will do it!
Tokimitsu: Right, you can trust us, Yn
CD!Yn: I-
Bachira and Otoya run into the room and push Charles away*
Bachira: I will give you lots of hugs!
Otoya: Kisses help as well.
CD!Yn: Since when?
Loki, grabs Otoya and Bachira to drag them away: You two...
Isagi: We brought you some hot meal.
Hiori: And some medicine.
Kurona: I have some juice as well!
Yukimiya: I brought you some books to read.
Gagamaru: Teieri-san gave me some sweets that you can eat, hope you like them.
CD!Yn, getting a little uncomfortable with how crowded it is getting: Thanks, you all. But I have to go to the toilet-
Kunigami appears at the door: No you don't. I will carry you there.
Shidou, pushing Kunigami away: I will do that. I am stronger than you.
Charles: Stay away from him *standing in front of Yn*
Niko, running in with a stack of mangas: I got you something to read! Please take them.
CD!Yn: Thank you- Aryu, what are all those things?
Aryu: Face care. Can't have your beautiful face ruined because of the fever.
Barou: Can you all leave?! He isn't comfortable with you all here!
Chigiri: Neither is your yelling nice to hear. Anyway, I brought you better skin care than Aryu has
Aryu: Hey!
Reo: Don't worry, I am here now. Just tell me what you need and I will order it.
CD!Yn: I would like some peace
Nagi, walks up to her and hugs her: Good idea. Let's cuddle and sleep.
Reo: Nagi!
Kaiser: Overgrown idiot, get off of him!
Rin: You all are annoying. Just let me take care of him.
Hiori: Please don't
Isagi: Top10 worst ideas
Rin: What's that supposed to mean?!
Niko: You are not exactly the calmest...
Kurona: Or the most patient one
Otoya: Or the most understanding one... at times
Rin: HEY!
CD!Yn watching them all argue while Charles and Loki try to pull Nagi off of her*
CD!Yn, thinking: not the best day of my life....
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babeeangel · 1 year
a toxic side of your relationship.
because every fairytale has its flaws ~
angsty short texts (<100w\character). Part 2 with more characters upcoming (you can comment for someone specific)
Isagi Yoichi, Reo Mikage, Itsohi Rin, Shidou Ryuusei, Itoshi Sae, Meguru Bachira, Otoya Eita, Michael Kaiser, Rensuke Kunigami.
[pt 2 includes: lorenzo, nagi, barou, yukimiya, karasu, ness] [pt3 includes: aiku, niko, hiori, chigiri, kurona]
Isagi coddles you too much. He feeds in your delusions, mostly by accident, because he apprehends the awkward moment where he breaks you from within. He keeps the harsh truth unbeknownst to you, he wrongfully thinks white lies are for the best. Sometimes reality hits anyways, and someone tells you with authenticity what's wrong with you. It hurts harder, because you’ve always had these extraneous walls protecting you.
Reo thinks materialistic love can make up for anything. He makes mistakes, just like everyone does, but he never really apologizes. He just sends you an impersonal gift, thinking it’ll make you forget.
He’s not always as present as you’d like him to be, but he defends himself saying he provides everything you could wish for. Except sometimes love cannot be touched. 
Rin doesn’t realize he has an impact on you. He’s so focused on himself, he forgets his harsh words or dirty looks mean something to others. It’s like he forgets interactions go beyond time. He doesn't understand why get so caught up over something he did. “Why does he matters to you that much ?” He won’t accept that he is now part of someone else’s everyday life.
Shidou pushes your buttons on purpose. When you fight, he does and says exactly what he knows will make you out of your mind. He considers that the one that gets the loudest ‘lost’, so he will make it happen. That’s also his way of taking out his anger, making you the maddest possible. He will cross lines to make you sad or angry. He doesn't know where to stop, it's kinda immature.
Sae lowers your self-esteem with how better he is than you. You know that he surpasses you at everything, it’s almost ridiculous. Looks, intellect, strength, sociability. You’re just constantly reminded that everyone will love him better. His ego stops him from denying it or comforting you. Deep down, he likes feeling superior.
Bachira can be judgy. He has this look that makes you feel so stupid. When he doesn’t approve of something, you’ll just know. Because he thinks he has the singular right answer for everything. Sometimes you feel like you should not be entirely yourself, because he’ll have something to object to. 
Kunigami is not the same in group settings as he is when alone with you. When he’s with his friends, it’s like he changes from a less thoughtful, caring person, to a sneery, detached individual. He probably doesn't do it on purpose, but it makes you feel so dumb and belittled.
Otoya is not as involved as you. He cares so little for your relationship, especially compared to you. He acts detached, is passive and sometimes even has the nerve to refuse plans you offer. If you didn’t do anything, your relationship would probably melt off instantly. It’s like he doesn't value your love to its true significance. 
Kaiser gaslights you. He hates arguments and he hates being wrong. So if you even mention the possibility of him fucking up, he will completely turn it around to make you the bad guy.  And if he does apologize, you know it comes with guilt tripping and unfulfilled promises. It’s like he cannot admit his mistakes, but on top of that, he blames it on you. 
A\N: thought of this because i want my Isagi person who will always agree with me even when i'm wrong~ Unrealistic tho, ik
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
𝖕𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖕𝖎𝖌𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘 (michael kaiser)
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pairing: michael kaiser x gn!reader
contents: playful insults, teasing, mistaking attraction for hatred, foreign language (french), enemies to lovers (hinted)
w/c: 1.842
summary: when you accompany your friend noel to blue lock you did not consider that kaiser, aka the bastard’s most infamous asshole, would be there, too. luckily your favourite pastime activity was throwing french insults into his face that no one but noel could understand.
a/n: this is based on a request i got :) this isn’t really love-hate and more another ‘attraction mistaken for hatred’ buuut if you’re all nice i’ll make a second part about when they move into the love-hate stage :) also can i just note how eVIL it is to ask a german person to write about the fRENCH. we are natural enemies yall 😔😔 we meet behind a denny’s to fistfight (and kiss) whaat who said that?!?! anyways i did love this prompt despite not being able to speak french. i was able to ask my friend to give me some phrases, their credentials are *checks papers* mediocre school french 👍🏻👍🏻 so let’s just hope my friend can be trusted, if not hope kaiser being hot makes up for it! (also french people <3 if you wanna correct my french pls do 🙏🙏)
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You grumbled to yourself, regarding Kaiser with a glare. Not one he could notice since he was currently standing with his back turned towards you, conversing with Ness.
“Blaireau,” you muttered under your breath, eyes narrowing at the boy.
Noel, who was sitting next to you, let out a sigh but didn’t even raise his gaze from his clipboard to regard you with one of his typical deadpan looks.
You guessed it wasn’t necessary, he knew you well enough to know you were sitting there with a frown edged into your features and your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“So you’ve started doing it even when he’s not close enough to hear you,” he asked you.
“Pardon me?”
“Muttering insults in french. I thought you were doing it to infuriate him but I am sure you know he cannot hear you from this distance.” To emphasise his statement he lifted his hand to point towards Kaiser, who was standing several feet away fem the two of you, before returning the pen he was holding to the paper, scribbling down another number.
You wondered how Noel made sense of it all. Keeping track of the stats of all the new team additions and transferring these numbers into percentages. What those percentages exactly meant you were unsure about. All you knew was that your friend spent a lot of time on them.
You sighed, trying your best not to glare at Kaiser again as you turned to look towards him. You failed.
“Infuriating him is only an added benefit. I do enjoy just insulting him for the sake of it.”
“I see.” Although Noel sounded unimpressed you could tell he would lose his patience with this little thing you and Kaiser had going on, sooner or later.
Especially if it would end up distracting the boy from soccer, not that you thought that was ever possible. Kaiser would rather ignore you for the rest of his life than endanger his soccer career.
You turned towards Noel again and let out a dramatic sigh. Time to make this predicament you were in known to him once more.
“Noel, i need you to look me in the eyes and tell me Kaiser isn’t one of the most annoying assholes you’ve ever met.” You challenged him, lowering your voice as to not catch the attention of any of the boys standing nearby.
The corner of Noel’s lips twitched up at your frustrated tone. Almost like he didn’t take you seriously. You frowned. Rude. This matter was dead serious.
“He doesn’t know how to behave. I trust you to be the mature one. Unless you want me to get you thrown out of this building. You’re only here because i consider you a dear friend, don’t forget that.”
You gasped, offended at the insinuation he’d be willing to throw you out, his best friend, in favour of keeping Kaiser’s ego intact. It was true that you were only allowed to accompany him to ‘Blue Lock’ because he had requested your presence, seeing as you were his best friend. You needed to emphasise that because ‘dear friend’? Yeah right. He wouldn’t know what to do without you. He’d certainly lose his mind.
“You wouldn't. You need me. My presence is precious to you,” you insisted, digging your finger into his arm, not unkindly. “But okay, I promise to behave since Kaiser is clearly not able to.”
You thought offering this was extremely kind of you since it was Kaiser who needed to learn some manners, not you. You were extremely well behaved.
“Aww you’re quite obsessed with me, aren’t you, darling?”
Your blood turned cold. When you turned your head back forward you were met with the sight of none other than Michael Kaiser standing only three feet in front of you, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Casse-toi, Kaiser.” You cursed before you were able to stop yourself.
Kaiser’s grin grew. Noel let out a sigh next to you.
“You promised,” He reminded you and looked up from the clipboard to regard you with a pointed look. “Please, Y/n.”
“It’s not my fault. He’s started it!” You gasped, pointing at Kaiser childishly.
He laughed, waving his hand.
“I just came to say hello after hearing my name come out of your mouth so often. I was afraid you’d wither away without my attention.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, his innocent smile fooling no one.
Your jaw ticked and before you knew it you had risen to your feet and stomped forward to close the remaining distance between you two to start cursing him out in french.
To your growing anger Kaiser took it in stride, cocking his head at you and listening with interest as you threw insult after insult at his head before Noel apparently had enough of you. He grabbed your wrist and yanked you back telling you to sit back down and ignore Kaiser. He sounded exhausted.
Easier said than done. Kaiser’s whole nature demanded attention. It was impossible to ignore him. But you had promised Noa you’d behave, so you guessed you should at least try.
“T’es chiant!” you snapped at Kaiser, seeing this as the end of your fight, before you let Noel pull you down into the seat.
Noel gave you another pointed look before his gaze shifted back to Kaiser who was watching your interaction with amusement though there was a dark edge to his gaze that wasn’t there before.
“You’re not done with your training, yet, are you?” Noel asked Kaiser
The boy grinned and gave a halfhearted shrug.
“I’m taking a break.”
“Take it somewhere else,” you bit out, feeling Noel’s disapproving glare burn into the side of your face.
You were trying!
“I prefer your lovely company over the one of the common folk,” Kaiser replied easily, waving his hand in the general direction of where you saw the boys of the ‘Blue Lock’ project talk.
Kaiser didn’t like them much, especially Isagi, who has already declared war on him in a very dramatic way that had you questioned the boy’s mental health. Like really, was the boy okay? Talking about devouring people and ruining their life and all.
At least Isagi managed to infuriate Kaiser in a way that no one else was able to. Of course, this meant that you did like Isagi if only because he actually managed to get under the boy’s skin. Unlike you. Kaiser never seemed impressed when you threw french insults into his face, no, it was the complete opposite. He seemed to love it. He seemed to bash in your attention. This only made you angrier.
Entitled jerk.
Maybe you’d just have to take your ‘lovely company’ to Isagi and his friends the next time you saw Kaiser coming your way. That would keep him away.
“They’re not common folk and you’re not an emperor, Kaiser, at best you’re the roi des cons,” you fired back, regarding him with an unamused look.
Nowl let out another sigh, though you thought it was quite a clever word of play. He just didn’t know how to appreciate it or you for the matter.
Kaiser hummed, taking a few steps forward and lowering his head. His gaze was intense as he fixed yours behind the curtains of his hair that fell into his face. Your heart beat wildly in your chest at the sudden air of seriousness surrounding him.
“Is that a new petname, my love? How precious.” His voice was low and smooth and it took you a second to process his words.
When you did you felt your cheeks explode in heat and you had half a mind to jump up and wrestle Kaiser to the ground if it wasn’t for Noel’s hand grabbing the back of your jacket and pulling you down again.
“Stop provoking them and go back to your training, Kaiser.”
Kaiser just snickered, eyes twinkling with mirth as he took in your red face and the snarl on your lips.
“Don’t miss me too much, i’ll be back in a bit,” he mocked with a grin that reached his eyes but still didn’t look genuine.
He turned around to walk away.
“Va te faire enculer!” You called after him but he just laughed and waved his hand at you without turning back.
You huffed and sunk back in your seat, arms crossed in front of your chest as you pouted. You fucking hated that guy.
Noa watched you quietly for a moment before he shook his head and moved to stand up, pushing his clipboard into your hands for you to hold.
“Your taste in men is horrible,” he told you as nonchalantly as one would discuss the weather before shrugging out of his tracksuit jacket and throwing it on the chair he’s been sitting in.
You shot up, shrieking. “Excuse me?”
A few boys close-by turned to stare at you and you ducked your head in embarrassment at your out-lash but you couldn’t believe the words that had just left your friend’s mouth.
“Kaiser is bad news. You can do better than him.”
You gasped at him, cheeks burning from embarrassment. Where did that just come from? Was he seriously insinuating that you? And Kaiser?
“I’m not- You’re- I-” You stuttered, your heart racing in your chest.
This was- You couldn’t believe this!
Noel rolled his eyes and gently pried the clipboard out of your eyes, levelling you with a calm look.
“If you want to deny it, go ahead. But either way stop pulling Kaiser’s metaphorical pigtails already, it’s exhausting.”
He gave you a gentle clap on the shoulder and a small smile, before walking off towards the direction of the ‘Blue Lock’ boys. You stared after him, your face hot and your mouth agape.
You weren’t-
You and Kaiser? That was ridiculous. Absolutely impossible. You would never, not in a billion years, be attracted to him. He was such an asshole. A complete jerk. Completely infuriating. Why would Noel even think that?
You huffed again, shoulders bunching up as you tried to take a deep breath to calm yourself.
Noel had no idea what he was talking about. What did he even know about romance? Nothing. That’s right!
You lifted your gaze and- You froze when your eyes locked with Kaiser’s. He was standing on the other end of the field, football secured under his arm. He was watching you intensely. From this far away it was hard to make out the look in his eyes but you felt a shiver rake down your spine and the itch on your tongue.
You gave him the middle finger, biting your tongue to not throw another insult his way as you would have had to shout it over the whole field. When the boy did nothing but laugh and blow you a kiss, you quickly turned away. The heat in your cheeks never fading.
Noel was wrong. You did not have a crush on Kaiser. You did not.
Not even a little.
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Blaireau — Asshole
Casse-toi — Fuck off
T’es chiant — You’re annoying
Roi des cons — Complete idiot/King of idiots
Va te faire enculer — Go fuck yourself
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reotheworld · 1 year
Hi if it's possible can you write please something with Michael Kaiser who has a love-hate relationship with a friend who accompanies Noël Noa to the blue lock, (I would like to see the character be able to say words in French without Kaiser does not understand them while Noa does and is exasperated)
talk's cheap
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❝ but i like the way she's talking to me ❞
➜ fem!reader who is a friend and assistant to noel noa is also in a love hate relationship with michael kaiser
➜ fem!reader
sugar level: 0% | suggestive dialogue; translations are provided at the bottom of the oneshot
you didn't exactly know how and when it happened, but not you bothered to know when and what time did it occur, but the moment you see michael kaiser as you accompany your good friend noel noa inside the blue soccer jail, things that you deem normal, will never not be normal.
"you look lovely today." he says, bending down a little forward as he peers into your face.
painting your red lips a sweet smile, you turn your head to face him, eyes meeting his. "don't i always look lovely?"
it wasn't in a good or bad way, but there is something about him that has you seething and keeping you on your toes. he makes you seethe him and keep you up on your toes around him.
"are my eyes deceiving me? or is that a smile i see?" he asks, raising a hand in an attempt to cup your cheek and thumb to swipe on your lower lip.
kaiser's attempt falls short when you craned your head back forward. "you tell me." you responded, walking away without saying anything else to him.
and this isn't exactly the first time it's happening. for others, yes this their first time seeing you and kaiser display your confusing relationship, but those who are used to it, thinks it's just a normal occurrence.
but for noel noa's case, hearing your responses were, to say the least, striking.
"pour un homme, il a un toucher agréable." you lean to whisper into noel's ear, eyes trained on kaiser's figure on the pitch.
"how about that, princess?" kaiser asks, grinning after scoring a goal. "how'd i do?"
creating a face, you hum before crossing your fingers into an X.
"il a essayé de la prendre par derrière mais il s’est arrêté. il va falloir accélérer le rythme un peu. bonne pénétration!"
hearing your response made noel almost spat out his drink whereas kaiser's eyes widened in surprise, a small tint of pink splotching across his cheeks.
now how on earth is he supposed to counter to that? he didn't understood a single word what you've just responded to him, but glancing at noel's facial reaction, he could only guess that what you just told him.
"hm, if you were to pick to play any position you want to play as in a soccer game, what would you pick and why?" kaiser asks, one night as the whole team went out for dinner.
sitting besides him with noel on your side, you decide to be honest and let's say, humorous.
"if i were to pick a position...i'd say goalkeeper." you say, giving him a tight lipped smile with a nod of your head.
"goalkeeper?" kaiser repeats, not quite expecting that from you. "pray tell, why to be a goalkeeper?"
you tilt your head to the side, eyes gleaming at him. "les femmes seront les meilleures gardiennes de but, car peut importe à quel point elles ouvrent grand, les boules ne peuvent jamais entrer."
hearing your response made noel wipe the corners of his mouth with a clean napkin, hands reaching out to snatch the bottle of wine away from your hands.
"seems you've had too much already." he tells you.
"but it's only my second!"
"kaiser, you should try the macarons!" ness amuses, smiling with his eyes closed and cheeks stuffed full of the sweet treat. "i especially like the lemon flavored ones!"
still not understanding a single word you've spoke to him, kaiser decides to get back at you when you least expect.
pour un homme, il a un toucher agréable - for a man, he's got a lovely touch. il a essayé de la prendre par derrière mais il s’est arrêté. il va falloir accélérer le rythme un peu. bonne pénétration! - tried hitting from behind but he stopped. going to need to pick up the pace a bit. great penetration!
les femmes seront les meilleures gardiennes de but, car peut importe à quel point elles ouvrent grand, les boules ne peuvent jamais entrer - women will be the best goalkeepers because no matter how wide they open the balls can never go in.
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blasphemecel · 29 days
ngl still being a kaiser fan after 261 is lame
Omg this ask got me so tight when I got to it I had to hop on mylaptop to type my essay
Ok this is a little Personal and some of yall aren gonna fuck with me after this but it's ok . Kaiser is a character I identify with because he's a good portrayal of someone with NPD so WE WILL GET INTO IT!
So like that being said. What do you mean 'Still liking Kaiser after the leaks is lame' like genuinely what do you mean. I just woke up but are you guys like SURPRISED by this. I liked him when he was introduced and this is what he was acting like. There have been A HUNDRED more chapters of him acting the same way past introduction. And now he's still acting like it. I understand if you just hate him right off the bat that makes sense but this doesn't really. Even if you're one of those people who just liked him for the backstory reveal because you have a I Can Treat You Better hero complex re:abuse victims that behavior WAS shown EVEN IN 260. "I hit the ball but it doesn't hit back" - the author has a very specific way of writing and this was VERY much intentional
Also like I understand there might be an initial shock when reading such words. Like it's Unpleasant it's Ugly. But also it boils down to a State of mind which personally I've observed as common among victims of severe trauma. "These people are born 'humans'. Different from me, they were born 'wanted humans'." = I hate people who weren't hurt the same way I was because I am jealous and bitter, I'm so jealous and bitter it feels good to me to make others feel like shit. And I'm not trying to get on some Hurt People Hurt People bullshit because that shit is annoying and apologia but what I'm trying to say is that sometimes Trauma makes you unpleasant and ugly and erratic and I appreciate that Kaneshiro actually wrote it out. Also like that feeling by itself isn't inherently evil. I think it's a very natural response! In this case Kaiser goes too far not by experiencing this emotion but by acting on it.
So now with THAT out of the way too, I think we need to sit down and think more into the Ness situation. So first he says, "I can't accept kindness because all I know is malice. If anything I think malice makes life easier." Then he goes to say he is specifically looking for someone to make a "dog to his malice" and reads a psychology book to achieve that. Like first of all I'm sorry but that is so comically evil it's hilarious to me. He read a textbook to be a more efficient male manipulator. But anyway the way I understand that isn't a deep underlying evil within him but a need for control. I think he believes everyone will hurt and disorient him unless he feels like he's Controlling them. From an abusive household the only relationship dynamic he knows is person of authority - inferior party. His only friend is Ness and the only person he feels safe around being Ness is because of he tells himself Ness is his "dog" and therefore won't ever raise a hand to him. And that's because he thinks anyone who isn't his dog/under his control will do exactly that.
And so... If we go from there, from the parallel we understand Kaiser didn't see his meeting with Ness the same way Ness sees it. However, that doesn't mean Kaiser's view is the objective truth. I think they're both UNRELIABLE and EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE. So what that means is that Ness sees his time together with Kaiser through a more glorified lens, while Kaiser denies himself thinking of Ness as a companion because that puts him in a vulnerable spot, so to maintain his feeling of being in control he exerts distance and tells himself Heh we aren't actually friends because he doesn't even know that one time I giggled at him in the showers I was actually just manipulating him all along because I am sooo evil and untouchable 😏. Like do we actually take this perception at face value here because to me it just seems like a Scared and Cowardly person trying to act out his idea of a strong person because the ONLY other time he's been in any meaningful proximity to someone he got beat up and degraded.
With that I also think Kaiser is very much narcissist posturing. He'slying to himself to make himself seem invulnerable and self-aggrandizing himself through his malice (I think pretending we are 100% evil and irredeemable makes a lot of us feel safe because it seems inhuman and people are easily hurt so you don't Ever want to be a multidimensional person with layered personality traits). Because like if you think about it without the emotional reaction of "I hope Ness kills you you stupid whore" that we all have... He actually isn't doing anything that big. Like in his head he's like Heh I'm soooo Patrick Bateman I have all the control 😏 but all he did was like find a guy to play football with.
Like he's trying to say to himself that he's all that. Sure he does insult Ness and that's not good! But he didn't pull off some Complicated deeply horrific scheme. I do not believe Kaiser has an objective view of himself. It really takes away the power from all of that when you realize what he's doing is just Very Pathetic and Paranoid and Intimacy Averse. "I can't have normal friends let me get this guy in on my master servant roleplay and I'll act like he's not enjoying it too because it'll make me feel more powerful" Men will do anything but go to counseling
Addendum: This is also not Kaiser. Now I don't know what kind of person Kaiser is but considering I read it as him suffering from NPD/a disordered personality that means he doesn't have a "real" identity most of the time, this is a shell we're seeing. He just has a mask maybe there's something underneath maybe there isn't and he's empty inside, but the point is he is the kind of character who has a specific way they want to portray themselves and will lie to both themselves and the audience to achieve it. Yes I believe that includes the I'm a male manipulator evilest person alive 😏 shtick too (I think the actual truth is probably somewhere in the middle of his and Ness's view. Most likely they're both incorrect).
Notice how Barou and Rin overcame things? That is because they have a real ego. Kaiser doesn't have a "real ego"/sense of self right now, all he has is his selfish act. I believe that is intentional because I think the Blue Lock mangaka shows a good grasp and understanding of psychology. The development is pointing towards him actually getting one during this match we'll see. Hey he might even change and grow as a person if that happens but I wouldn't get too overly optimistic!
Also we need to understand that we only see these people playing football we don't know what the fuck he's like outside of that. I currently don't have any reason to believe he's anything beyond rude and insufferable when like talking to people who aren't his football rivals and in Blue Lock on principle I believe everyone is at least 30% a better more bearable person off the field.
And to finish off my demented rant some of yall are fucking HYPOCRITICAL. So when Isagi takes joy in ruining people's dreams it's fine but when Kaiser does it he needs to kill himself? Let's be very serious.
TL;DR Kaiser's behavior makes total sense, his 261 characterization falls in line with everything we've seen of him before so there's no need for shock, and he looked good being dysfunctional and messed up too
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kitorin · 1 year
what a time.
contents. 2.084k words, hurt no comfort, gaslighting, angst, doubting reality, really toxic in general, middle and high school au, unestablished relationship, nudity (kind of??)
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If someone were to ask you about Michael Kaiser, that's how you'd answer.
Other valid adjectives were insufferable, irritating and infuriating. And honorable mentions went to vexing and exasperating.
He's always been that way, talkative and you'd daresay even clingy, from the day you first met him, in the middle of class amidst chaos and excitement.
"Hello?" Entering high school was already scary enough, you certainly did not want to deal with your social awkwardness and an unfairly tall blond man you've never spoken to before.
Despite starting it, he didn't continue the conversation, cerulean, unreadable eyes only staring. It was unsettling, and was beginning to make you a bit worried.
His lips curved into a mischievous smirk, before walking away.
Needless to say, he was weird.
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That odd interaction from him, was the initiation of whatever peculiar relationship the two of you had.
"How do you like your coffee? You seem like someone who likes it really dark" He turned around during math class randomly just to ask you.
"May I squish your cheeks?" A bizarre request which you didn't even answer to since you were too shocked to respond.
"I shall not let you people ruin their innocence." A peculiar announcement after realizing you didn't understand sexual jokes.
You weren't exactly close friends. You didn't text each other outside of school or sit with each other every single class. Not once have you ever hung out outside of school.
Yet he still lingered on the boundaries of friends and lovers.
It's a vivid memory, hard to forget. You and your classmates were lined up against a wall, waiting for a teacher.
"Hey y/n." Your teeth bite your lip nervously at the inevitable conversation that was going to occur.
"Yes-?" Kaiser barely gave you an opportunity to respond, as you're now pressed up against the wall, long arms trapping you.
He didn't say anything. Only maintaining eye contact with you, sapphire boring into your soul. You don't say anything either, as the rest of the class swoons over this dramatic gesture.
The awkward atmosphere remains, and the first instinct you had was to slap him. Out of surprise he cupped his cheek, but still laughed joyfully. It wasn't necessarily hateful strike but rather a flustered one.
But even then he came crawling back to annoy you.
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"I hate him." You tell your friend after another period of dealing with Michael's clinginess. This time, he was asking you what you'd do with a million dollars ("Go to Japan, theoretically that'd be the best because of currency conversion rates.") and started an argument about whether a million dollars was truly a lot or not with the surrounding classmates.
"Why's he so obsessed with you? It's been like this since forever." Given that your friend was also in the same class as both you and Kaiser they witnessed his behavior first hand. "He's so weird."
You hum with agreement as you watch him run off to Ness and the rest of his friend group.
It's been years, years of his clingy attention and affection towards you (or as your friend labelled it, 'obsession').
Years, yet you still find yourself pondering why, why act like this, why you? Why were you receiving this treatment? He wasn't this nice to people unless they were close friends, typically he'd rudely dismiss others. You had better things to worry about, such as the transition to university and what you were planning to do with your future, yet the question of why remained strong in your mind.
It's not like this behavior made things any easier for you. In fact it was only amplifying your confusion.
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It's stuffy inside the fitness lab, with the constant slam of weights and chattering (of your PE classmates). Nothing particularly exciting happened in here, all you did was workout whilst gazing into the glass panel, which exposed the contents of the cycling room. Gazing wasn't even the right word, you were zoning out, paying no attention to the world around you.
That was, until you noticed someone exposing their stomach inside the cycling room, with someone else reaching out for their abs. Of course it had to be Kaiser.
The event pulled you out of your daze, the boy with Kaiser having an embarrassed and flustered expression, while yours was pure shock. You did not want to see that. Nor needed to.
As if the situation wasn't weird enough, Kaiser pushes the boy aside, all while maintaining eye contact. As per usual, his aquamarine eyes still evoked that unsettling emotion within you.
And then. His hand grasps the rim of his jacket and shirt, slowly lifting up.
You're quick to realize what his intentions were, and immediately cover your eyes, to save yourself from embarrassment and discomfort.
It's been hours since then. Difficult ones.
You're now in bed, and supposed to be sleeping soon, but the curiosity and panic of your thoughts won't permit that.
Something's clearly wrong. Michael Kaiser's antics were always burnt into your mind due to how memorable they were, but never before had they consistently replayed.
Now you're the odd one. Why couldn't you stop thinking about the incident in the fitness lab?
Why would he do that?
What if, you didn't look away-?
You face plant into your pillow, disgusted at the possibility of wanting to see underneath.
What is wrong with you. You hate him. A lot.
But no matter how long you spend rambling about how annoying he was and your loathing for him, it wasn't legitimate or spiteful hate. It's not the kind of 'hate' you experience because of the harsh education system or any of the bullying that occurred here. It was more, more like...
You can't put your finger on it. And that's another thing you really do hate. The difficulty of fully comprehending and understanding Michael Kaiser's actions and intentions.
That, genuinely frustrates you.
An attempt is made to stabilize your breathing and to quell the violent pounding of your heart, and it fails. Badly.
And you're back to the incident in the fitness lab, almost dying of curiosity of what the hell was going on in Kaiser's head.
As a response your face burns, the warm sensation causing you to bury your face in the pillow, as if it'd eradicate this new emotion of yours.
There's no point in avoiding it now, but as you slowly realize what may be going on, a mix of dread, embarrassment, and surprise churn inside of your stomach.
You, like Michael Kaiser, the Kaiser who had been obsessing over you ever since the start of middle school...?
And as if the universe was transpiring against your confusion and denial, you began to recall moments with him.
The small ones, where he'd ask about your younger siblings with great interest, as well as wish for their success of getting into classes for the academically gifted. Or how he'd try to convince you to play first person shooter games with him and Ness (you declined due to not having the right devices for video games).
The grander ones too. Like the tense kabedon (he was probably feeling great about himself as you panicked during those few moments), or that one time outside of English.
The half exposed corridor engulfed with cold wind, as the open hallway provided the (always) beautiful view. The coast was on display, waves of ultramarine and navy regularly swallowing the sand, with dots of boats bobbing up and down with the currents. The rest of the view was adorned with the residency nearby, clouds decorating the sky and the sun shying away behind said clouds.
It felt great, as you hurried to English. It was easy to feel at peace, with the wind caressing your hair and face, the cool sensation juxtaposing the warmth of your uniform.
But that tranquility was soon disturbed, as you heard Kaiser yell, shamelessly, as if he didn't care about anyone else hearing.
"y/n l/n, I love you !"
The claim had flustered you so much that your legs ended up walking as fast as possible, wanting to avoid being caught blushing and stuttering. A cheeky giggle followed his bold exclamation.
It's his fault. Not yours, you simply tried to exist normally, go to school normally, and be educated normally. It's his fault, not yours, he's the one who's been spending his time on you.
You've calmed down. At least that's what you've convinced yourself, but your heart still beats ever so intensely.
Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to reciprocate his affection?
Sure love was foreign to you, but after all the endearment from him, it was only proof of how good you are together, right?
The idea of giving into liking someone was uncomfortable, in fact it was almost horrifying.
But isn't that the point? Vulnerability is scary but the risks of love are supposed to be fruitful and worth the effort.
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"Look, are you sure you meant something to him?"
Kira, an old friend asked, skeptical of what you told him. This year you had gotten closer, and decided it was a smart move to tell him, given that they were both on the soccer team which could've helped. But your prediction was sadly incorrect.
"Of course I do, I just don't know what happened to him recently and wanted to ask, but I won't ever get a moment with him alone."
With apprehension and timidity strangling you, you found it difficult to approach him without letting others know of the conflicting emotions within you. Frustratingly, Kaiser was never alone.
"But are you sure?"
His doubt only tightened the anxiety suffocating you. Why wouldn't an old friend of yours believe you?
"Of course-"
"Are you really sure though, you're overreacting, it's not like you were in love."
"B-" But he said he loved me. Obviously, it was a while ago, but the all the interactions between you two weren't mere fragments of your imagination.
"Look, you must be going crazy, you're remembering stuff wrong. And I'm sorry, but the other day he told Isagi that you were all his."
You weren't sure whether to feel heartbroken at the possibility of you being simply delusional, or the last part of his statement.
But there's no way you were crazy, nothing was wrong with you. You could accept a one sided crush, but this?
You didn't make anything up. You know that really well, but the chance that you're simply just mentally deranged scares you. Because, what if Kira's right? That meant all that time with him weren't real, that you're only someone in the background, remaining unloved.
You ignore that thought. At least try to. Because you couldn't have imagined that sort of attention from another anyways, and you deserved to have your story heard, and not to start struggling to understand reality properly.
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You feel like a fool. A pathetic one.
Because no matter how hard you clung onto those heart warming memories, it didn't change the bitter coldness of your current reality. It's not like you were trying to force reciprocation, you just wanted one thing. Closure.
It didn't even take long. Years of you and Kaiser seemed to disappear, without explanation, and it was his fault.
The swooning and fangirling over you two dissolved to shocked "Kaiser's spoken to you before??"s and your friendship dissipated into nothingness; mere classmates who never talk.
It hurt. All of it did. The death of your relationship with him, and how no one seemed to remember. The fact that you went from a significant part of his school life to a background character. While you were in pain, he was living life as if he'd never met you.
Before you knew it everything had changed.
The begging for school help and academic compliments became unnecessary insults and shit talk of calling you a bitch for having high standards for your grades.
Hours of badminton and admiration of your skill harshly converted to dismissal of your presence and abilities.
Playful declarations of you being his soulmate turned into him inflicting huge discomfort with his insensitive words.
The passionate "I love you" had disintegrated into nothing, turned into ashes of mere acquaintances and distant classmates.
The unserious "I hate him" had become a genuine one, real hate blossoming within your soul and hurt forever blemishing your heart, as you watch him remain completely unscathed, grinning ear to ear as if nothing happened.
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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perrywrites · 8 months
Asking “Can you… Can you hold my hand?” during your first time together, part 2;
Part 1 (Isagi, Hiori, Bachira) and part 3 (Reo, Chigiri, Nagi) and part 4 (Rin, Sae, Kunigami) and part 5 (Otoya, Oliver, Yukimiya) and part 6 (Kaiser, Ness, Kiyora)
Includes; Barou, Shidou, Karasu
Barou: ever so stringent with his principles, he makes you come on his fingers first, gaze dark and hungry as he looks on at your expressions twisting and body writhing in ecstasy. Rough hands grabby and kisses so overpowering you can only whimper and accept his domination, just the way he likes it. That’s how you’re supposed to be, submissive and pliant, all weak whimpers and powerless for him, and just him. He can barely restrain himself, grip tense and firm on your hips as he positions himself. He has prepared you enough, right? He can take what he wants now, right? He’ll stop if you say no. He will, he really will, even if his cock is painful, angry-looking, like it’s about to burst. He will stop, but God knows, he really doesn’t want you to say no right now. You don’t say no, but you do make a request that makes a growl come out from the back of his throat. You’re so powerless beneath him, helpless, eyes large and watery, he has to be careful with you, he remembers, his hand awkwardly reaching out to yours to give you the intimacy you yearn for. Gently, far too gently, like you’re already his wedded wife, he presses a chaste kiss on your forehead. You’re his woman after all, if he can’t even satisfy you and take care of you, he’s a failure as a partner. He pulls away from your forehead, and asks you yet again if you’re ready. He asks, holding back the urges telling him to just rail you and make you cry on his cock. That’ll come, and it’ll come later, once he’s taken your virginity, once you’re begging for his cock, begging for him to fuck you like he wants to fuck you. You’re his woman after all, there’s no way you won’t be begging for more once he’s done with you.
Shidou: you’re finally letting him do this with you, have you like this, weak and vulnerable under his touch. He’s greedy and unrelenting with the way he keeps on kissing you, wet and hot - he wants to mess you up so bad, fuck. Yeah, make sure his name is the only thing on your mind, hm? His hands grope, his touch hungry and insatiable. Come on, don’t try and hide those pretty sounds, he knows you’re a naughty girl, huh? Shit, maybe even naughtier than him - that flushed expression of yours, eyes squeezed tightly as your lips quiver, so lewd. So fucking lewd. Can you make an ever dirtier expression? He bets he can make you make an even lewder face, have you moan and cry out like his own personal cockslut as he pounds into you. He wants to watch your eyes roll back, head tilted back as you arch your back, his name your every prayer. It’s so romantic that you’re letting him corrupt you like this, letting him see all those erotic expressions as you unravel under his touch and mouth - yet somehow you manage to draw him in even closer. You want him to hold your hand? Was it not enough to ensnare him like a siren? Fuck, yeah, he’ll hold your hand, he’ll fuck you and keep holding onto your hand. He intertwines his hand with yours and then hikes up one of your legs over his shoulder. Love is so sweet, huh? He grins, manic; it’s going to be a long night. Hold on tight, because he’s not letting you go until your used body has satiated his hunger for you. He wants you to see you depraved and out of it, fucked dumb, a view only for him and no other man. You can give it to him, right? Well, he’s taking it either way. He loves you after all, even if it’s a little sick.
Karasu: he has you beneath him, exactly right where he wants. His touch is unrelenting, persistent, greedy - impatient to hear more of those sweet whimpers that are going straight down to his cock. Fuck, that voice, how do you sound so erotic yet sweet? He needs to make you cry on his cock, bet you’d sound even sweeter then, choking out his name and crying out in that broken voice of yours, face and body all flushed because of his ministrations. Oh, it’ll probably be even better than his imagination. He bites down on his bottom lip to suppress a low groan, panting slightly before he continues teasing you, his voice raspy and low, “Oh? Does it feel that good…? Come on, don’t fall apart yet, we haven’t even gotten to the main event yet, eh?” His hand drags down your sides and squeezes perversely the flesh of your thigh, enjoying the way you jump and the surprised mewl that spills from your bruised lips. Honestly, as much as he wants to drag this out, watch the tears pooling on your lash line spill down throughout the night as the moon ages, make you dumb and babbling before he takes you on his cock, you’re sounding too good. Way too good. He can’t wait any longer. He might just bust untouched at this rate. And that’s no good, right? So he has you spreading your legs for him then, encouraging you with naughty whispers that have you whimpering, and then he pauses as you mumble a shaky sentence. And then he chuckles, pulling himself up and away from the side of your face as he smirks down at you. You’re blushing, shaking, all shy, eyes misty and dazed, and oh god, he can’t take it anymore. He reaches out to your hand, firmly grabbing it and holding it down as he presses a surprisingly delicate kiss at your lips. Don’t be mistaken, though, that kiss might just be the last gentle thing of the night. He wanted to be gentle for your first time since you’re trusting him with it, but since you’ve said something so cute, riled him up so much, you can handle it if he completely ruins you on his cock, right? I mean, you’re his now. Don’t complain too much - or maybe you should do it. If you keep on babbling in that shaky whimpery voice of yours, he can promise you that you’re not going to be leaving that bed until the morning - if you can walk, that is.
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maochira · 11 months
Reuniting with best friend!Kaiser (Part 7/final part)
[Part 1] - [Part 2] - [Part 3] - [Part 4] - [Part 5] - [Part 6]
Tags: gn!reader, hurt/comfort, Kaiser finally apologizes (took him long enough)
Ever since planning the meetup with Ness, you got very nervous, for some strange reason. Nothing bad ever happened between the two of you - not to your knowledge, at least. So why all the anxiety over simply hanging out with him?
Maybe it's the fear of being abandoned by Ness as well. Kaiser left you out of nowhere, your other two "friends" ghosted and abandoned you as well. Why wouldn't Ness do the same? It seems like people just have their reasons for doing that.
You just wish they would tell you what you apparently do so wrong.
Ness has mentioned he's meeting up with you towards Kaiser, so of course that got him thinking. He's wanted to finally apologize to you for a while now, so he should use this chance.
Kaiser asked Ness if he can join as well, and while Ness was a little hesitant at first, he agreed to it as soon as Kaiser told him it's to apologize to you.
Ness thinks it's a good idea to be there when that happens. Just in case an argument breaks out or anything else gets too much, he can be there to step in.
Although, Ness doesn't even know why Kaiser abandoned you either. But he's always been to afraid to ask about that. And in the end, he just wants everything to be solved between you and Kaiser.
Because just as much as you do, Ness wants for the trio to reunite.
And now, here it is. The day when you're visiting Ness again. The greeting and everything else feel exactly like everything used to be. You just didn't expect to see Kaiser when entering Ness' room.
For a few seconds, you stand there as if you're frozen. And then your fight or flight response kicks in and you feel the urge to run away. But you don't. You remain standing there without moving a single bit.
Kaiser starts talking to you but right now, you can't register any of the words he's saying. You can hear his voice, but none of the words stay in your head. The fact that you're not even looking at him and instead have your gaze turned to the floor doesn't make it easier either.
And then, Kaiser walks to you and grabs your face on both sides to gently lift it up. Now you're forced to look into his eyes.
"I'm really, really, sorry."
These are the words that make you snap back to reality.
"You're sorry?"
"I'm incredibly sorry. I don't know what got into me either. Looking back I... I just can't believe I did that. I can't believe why I would ever abandon you like that. I understand if you can't trust me again, but I just want you to know that I'm so sorry."
You can hear in his voice how Kaiser is about to cry, but holding his tears back as much as he can. For as long as you can remember, you've never seen him cry. You don't even remember him ever mentioning that he cried at some point while knowing him.
Instead of answering with words, you reach out your arms to pull Kaiser into a hug. He quickly hugs you back and only a few seconds later you feel him crying into your shoulder. This causes you to tighten your embrace and start crying as well.
It doesn't take much longer until Ness joins the hug, and now for a bit no one says anything. Until you break the silence.
"Can we just be friends again?... Can we return to how everything used to be?..."
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daiseukiis · 1 year
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FEAT. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ chigiri hyouma, yukimiya kenyu, nagi seishiro, alexis ness, bachira meguru, hiori yo, kurona ranze
A/ N. when i tell you i went to sephora to smell at least 15 scents and had employees ask me how i was doing five times is a mf understatement. i stood in front of that fragrance wall, sniffed and labeled the smells. srsly 5/10 would not go back unless i gotta, so mf crowded for what. again, i work as a cosmetician and these are opinions i think they would smell like. but definitely if you guys ever has a whiff of these scents let me know what you think!
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༊*·˚ CHIGIRI HYOMA is 100% going to wear YSL LA NUIT DE HOMME EAU DE TOILETTE. this fragrance starts off very subtle, which is exactly what he's going for! super aromatic, and despite it supposedly being a spicy hot fragrance ( as in when you smell it, it's kinda warm ) there's this woodsy and slightly citrus smell that gaslights into making you smell this sweet note that pops up once it fully develops on him!! chigiri was definitely surprised at the warmth and kinda sweet smell it had, also his sister helped him chose it.
༊*·˚ YUKIMIYA KENYU with his sponsor BURBERRY HERO EAU DE PARFUM.  this guy is into some of the classics! despite how strong the scent comes off at first, it dials down to this spicy fresh scent. you'd be surprised how the spiciness isn't overwhelming and aromatic as well. there's an amazing cedar and citrus scent that makes it worth while! it really suits him as he goes with it since its long lasting and when he models it gives him a fresh and woody smell. he most like started wearing it after modelling with burberry and just stuck to it.
༊*·˚ NAGI SEISHIRO wears VALENTINO UMONO BORN IN ROMA EAU DE TOILETTE. this scent it is a nice woody but mineral like smell. a spicy hot middle note that gives you that warmth and comfiness when you smell it. very aromatic and slightly aquatic due to the salt and sage! just giving lots of at home and comfy vibes. he wants to go with something that he can wear on an everyday thing, and something that isn't to overpowering. he also doesn't give a shit if its a men or womens fragrance because his parents probably just bought it for him.
༊*·˚ ALEXIS NESS of course wears VERSACE DYLAN BLUE. this is very citrusy and very amber smelling when you spray it for the first time, but when it starts to dry down the scent will not be as strong and it's subtle! doesn't want to put kaiser's eros to shame. when it dries you'll be surprised to smell that fresh but also warm spicy ( like his mf personality ). hint of woodsy and musk that blends together to very subtle sweet aromatic smell. obviously, he would be a frequent versace buyer because of kaiser but doesn't wanna wear the same thing as him! .
༊*·˚ BACHIRA MEGURU surprisingly wears TOM FORD COSTA AZZURA EAU DE PARFUM. this aromatic smell is definitely unique... it has woody and citrus top notes when first sprayed, but there's a marine like scent after due to the seaweed!! this scent is enhanced due to the lavender, lemon and mandarin but what makes it super interesting is this herbaceous!! the vanilla gives you that warm, kinda spicy with an odd sweet smell? honestly when i smelt it i was like wtf is this bc its so different. bachira's mom bought for him 100%.
༊*·˚ HIORI YO wears MONT BLANC LEGEND SPIRIT FRESH. this screams him and i cannot be convinced otherwise ! this scent is something super freshly light, nothing overbearing due to the aquatic scents because of the grapefruit! theres a hint of spiciness but its super fresh because of the cardamom. the lavender and woody scent is giving a nice soft powdery feel. this has a hint of sweetness, you can't really smell it unless you concentrate to smell it but it hides just a bit behind those wood notes. hiori got this one because when he went out one of the salesperson suggested it to him and he likes how it makes him feel like he's not in his home.
༊*·˚ KURUNA RANZE is giving PRADA LUNA ROSA OCEAN. it’s nice fresh scent that has very mild woodsy notes!! reminds you as if you went to the ocean on a sunny day. it's powdery and aromatic and the musky note it has is super subtle! has that hint citrus scent with a slightly spicy note with it but what makes it an aromatic is the lavender. kuruna at first only smelt this because it said ocean, but he ended up actually liking it so he can feel like an on land shark boy.
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© daiseukiis 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
Im in love with ur "she's a pro series"
Yena telling kunigami like "Uhm, eyes up here buddy" type of vibe. While with bastard muenchen, Yena starts trying to help Ness "Blossom" like the rose he is. 🤪💅
And while doing so, Kaiser is there like "NAH, HE MY SIDEKICK✋"
And MAYBE, Karasu, otoya and aiku ( the goofiest trio ) were spying on Yena and saw how kunigami was a perv and now are all " OOOOO, SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH" And kunigami's reaction i guess?
Sorry that this was long😅 i might have imagined a LIL too much💀
Thx!! Love and kisses💋❤️🤪💅 byebye!!
"Yo, she's a pro." ...part four
part one , part two , part three, ... , part five
Aw thanks, I'm glad you like it! Also about that blossoming, I had to think about Oliver's past and Kaiser's tattoo, so yeah lol
Bro your idea is LIT, and who am I to ignore you, my love? Also my friend wanted the reader to dance with Lavinho I guess? so yea
Your name: Yena Hideyo
Warnings/summary: you are a love-sick fool and don't act like your cool self at all, the trio teases Kunigami, you kick Kaiser between his legs this time, you touch Ness' lips, you dance with Lavinho, bachira has slutty hips, Rin smiles
Word count: 4.9 k 💀
It was truly embarrassment at it's finest. You didn't know that the cameras were everywhere, and your and blue lock's fans saw your interaction with Kunigami. Luckily they couldn't hear what Kunigami whispered in your ear. But, they could think, and your fanbase didn't exactly have the cleanest minds.
And much more unfortunately, A certain trio you had electrocuted a few hours prior saw your interaction with Kunigami. However, you didn't know about that...yet.
(you threw away the dress and shoes and all the makeup and jewellery as soon as they got off of your body.)
And, well, Chris Prince was the nosiest coach, closely followed by Lavinho, who were both taking pictures, laughing and cooing at your (cute) pouting face while they asked you about Kunigami.
You were just a blushing mess as you told them that "There's nothing to worry about! I just tripped and he held me close! That's all!", but did the two men believe you?
no <3.
It actually took you a while to recover from what Kunigami said to you yesterday as you were waiting in the operation room. Melody would get new fangs today.
you were anxious, to say the least. But, to your rescue came Reo, Nagi and Bachira. But, you were confused upon their arrival. "Shouldn't you guys be training?"
Bachira raised his hands excitedly. "We're here for your emotional support! Lavinho gave me permission to come as well! And here's a carton box of choccy milk!", the boy cheered, handing you over an under 500 ml milf box. You thanked him.
"Prince allowed us to leave as well when we told him you were a close friend of ours.", Reo explained, and Bachira plopped down next to you. Nagi and Reo stood there before they played scissors-paper-rock against each other.
Reo yelled in victory before sitting himself beside you. "The only game where I'm always a loser...", Nagi muttered before taking out his phone next to Reo.
you sighed, but you still smiled at them. "You guys didn't really have to do that, really. You should rather train... But thanks, I appreciate it."
Bachira grinned at you. "I want to stay close to Melody! She's so cool! ...So, how long are we waiting?"
"Four hours.", you stated. Nagi yawned, and Reo chuckled at Bachira's startled expression. "Also you didn't have to pay for Melody's surgery, Reo...I have plenty of money myself, you know?", you said as you turned to your left where Reo sat.
He only smiled down at you sweetly. "But I love Melody as well, Yena."
Reo actually nearly said you, but luckily he caught himself.
You huffed in amusement, but the orange or light brown?(->the sole) heels of your black converse shoes were tapping rapidly against the floor, and your right knee bounced pretty fast as well.
"Hey, Yena...", Bachira spoke softly, before glancing at Reo and Nagi. He wanted to calm your nerves by making you talk about something other than the surgery which was being proceeded right behind your back.
"How do you even know these guys?", he asked. You pondered for a moment. "I dunno..."
"What? C'mon, Yena. Us meeting for the first time was the funniest thing, remember??"
"Huh...Ah! No, please don't-"
"It was a long, long time ago, Bachira...", Reo began.
The classroom was particularly loud one day, making Nagi wake up from his slumber. "What's with the noise...?", he murmured sleepily. Reo snickered. "We're going to have a new transfer student today, did you already forget?"
"hm...don't care..", the white albino haired boy muttered before he closed his eyes again.
"...s Ye...deyo...!", he faintly heard his teacher introduce you.
"My name is Yena Hideyo. I am the first female Japanese soccer protégé.", you exclaimed loudly, and Nagi's eyes snapped open.
The whole classroom "oooooohhhhh~"ed at that.
But, they widened even more when he saw how you looked. Remember when I once said that you were a goth at heart? Well, the white uniform which had to be worn normally was black in your case, with chains sprouting everywhere. Your blazer was open, and it reveiled a dark red corset with black embroidments on it, and black bones.
Underneath that corset was a white bouse, and the tie was also shorter. Instead of the normal school skirt, yours was black with ruffles, and it...actually looked pretty good. You also wore black platform boots (Black Mamba from Megamind...yk what I mean? if not nvm), and Nagi and Reo were surprised that you were even allowed to wear something like that.
But, now that he thought about it, your skirt was reaching down to the upperside of your knees, where the normal school skirts reached mid-thigh. Also your boots were reaching up to your knees, and your thigh highs weren't really visible. You actually showed less skin than normal highschool girls.
"Does any of you guys know how to play soccer?", you asked as you looked at the stunned faces. Nagi raised his hand, and so did Reo. "Let's become buddies.", you said with a small smile, and they nodded.
Reo never thought that he'd have an academic rival until he met you. At every question the teacher made, you always raised your hand first. Whenever there would be a question the teachers didn't even know themselves, you and Reo would battle for the first tight answer, and then get into arguments when the answers were not the same.
Also, Nagi laughed his ass off when you cried after you collided against a classmate which resulted in your chocolate milk spashing to the ground. Reo gave you his chocolate milk. you three grew inseperable ever since.
Well, until your father got a job with better salary.
You had to leave the next day.
"And that's why, to this day, I still don't forgive your father!"
"Reo...he apologized to you everytime you called me...", you muttered.
"Huh, so you three are like, highschool friends?", Bachira asked as he hummed in thought. You nodded.
"Someone had to lower Reo's ego in school, and I also had to crush Nagi's pride in all the challenges of the games he played."
"It was hell when you defeated me in bed wars, Yena.", Negi grumbled when he had to think about the way you blew up his team's bed right after he landed on your territory.
"Never have I ever had such a mental breakdown like the time you told me the difference between active and passive beauty. Philosophy was an absolute warzone.", Reo shuddered when he thought about the dark ages.
You snickered. "Well, it was fun."
"For you!", Reo and Nagi yelled in unison.
Bachira laughed. "And, Bachira? Why are you in Blue Lock? If it's a too personal question, you can also say no. Wouldn't want to force you.", you asked, trying to be formal around Bachira. He was the one Melody loved the most out of all the boys in this facility.
"there's this monster I always see. Since I was young, I could see it, and always played with it..and then I saw the monster's moves in Isagi, and you. you and Isagi would be the players I'd like to pass to and play with.", he grinned. "You know, I can understand if you don't know what I'm talking about-"
"But I do.", you said, with a serious expression. Bachira's eyes widened. 'what do you mean-'
"If I could share a personal secret, my next book is about my type in men. In this facility, it is interesting to see all the different boys, but they all have their charms, however, it's only ever a fragment, a piece form the whole perfect man in my head.
I got asked from my fans to interact with many of them and find out that way how'd they be in a relationship.", you spoke, putting a hand under your chin in thought.
"But I can't understand why they'd like to see Oliver and some other guys I wouldn't choose personally. Oliver looks like a divorced man who can't get shit together, even though he's only 18? or 19?
Shidou Ryusei, as polite as he was to me, might kill people on the daily or make an onlyfans, and, well, then there's also Isagi."
You were glad the fans didn't bring Kunigami up though. (Yes, they did, you're just not online yet, and they will hold you at gunpoint for that whole you-stumbling-into-Kunigami-thing.)
Reo, Nagi and Bachira listened intently to what you said. But when reo and Nagi heard the name "Isagi", they "hah?!"ed at the same time again.
"Why do the fans like Isagi!?", Reo exclaimed in anger, mad at the fact that you didn't say his name.
"Yeah, what's so special about him...?!", Nagi muttered annoyedly.
You snorted. "Jealous?" "..." "Pretty much.", you remarked as you sighed.
"Remember what Noa said? The fans like Isagi, because he scored a goal in the world cup. He's been out in the field practically only for fanservice."
"Only because he scored a goal? Hmpf..!", Nagi grumbled. You sighed.
"Well...but what about your type, Yena?", Reo asked, trying to find out what you saw in the perfect man. He also thought aboout copying that personality if it meant for you to fall for him. He didn't have to act as a chameleon only on the field, right?
"My type...?", you thought loudly. Only Kunigami came to mind, actually.
You could only think about his cool eyes, or his spicky orange hair, and gosh, let's rather not talk about the body..! you thought about his voice, a deep vibration, which you'd like to feel against your skin as he embraced you with his big, strong arms, his nice scent filling your lungs as you gasped-
"Ah- I-I don't really have a type, ahahhahaahha!", you yelled as you stood up suddenly and laughed like a maniac. Bachira, Nagi and Reo shared concerned glances behind your back.
'Gosh, I nearly said Kunigami!!!', your mind raced. But, you took a deep breath. "Sorry, I was just thinking about a particular character form a book I really liked. But about my type...I'd say he's a little mysterious, has good manners, is polite, has a great, well-trained body -not that I'm bodyshaming anyone, heheh- and just...a smooth voice? Also, I like it when he has pretty eyes.."
Reo and Nagi looked at each other, their rivalry going unnoticed by you, but Bachira snorted at the flying sparks between the two.
"Is there any resemblance to...me?", Reo asked hopefully, and you snickered. "You? Hm...your hair is purple, that's a plus.", you said in a positive voice.
Nagi pointed to his hair. "Mine's white, so I'm a rarity, Yena.", he muttered with a blush as he gave you a little smile.
However, you made it fall in an instant. "Yeah, albino hair is pretty rare, but having naturally purple hair? I think nobody can top that."
Reo blushed furiously at your statement and he grinned as he looked down on his hands which rested on his lap. Nagi grumbled under his breath.
"Hey, Yena! Do I have cool hair too?! My hair is dark in the front, but light at the back! Isn't it cool?!", Bachira exclaimed, pointing towards his hair. he wanted to feel included as well.
You smiled softly at Bachira. He truly felt like a little brother to you, even though he was an inch taller than you. "yes, your hair's pretty cool too, Bachira."
Kunigami had just stepped into the gym when Otoya, Oliver and Karasu stepped in as well and strolled over to where Kunigami wanted to do his sets. Kunigami was about to bench press 80 kg/176 lbs. They snickered to themselves with a mischievous grin before Oliver started talking.
"So...we saw somethin', dude.", the heterochromia (dual coloured eyes) having boy started, going in front of the metal to "spot" Kunigami in case the ginger wouldn't be able to lift anymore.
Otoya looked at the weight. "You sure you can lift that?"
Kunigami thought back to you. You must've weighted between 60 and 80 kg's, no? So...he wanted to train using the maximum of your body weight. He blushed slightly, but he frowned. "Yes, it's warm up weight."
"Mind if we join?", Karasu asked with a smirk, as he used some dumbbells.
"So, back to what we saw...you were being a lil goody-goody with Yena...", Oliver pondered, grinning at Kunigami holding the bar over his head, and stopped a second too long.
"So what."
"Well...we were just wondering...", Oliver murmured as he did some push-ups, giving up on trying to spot Kunigami. "do you maybe like her?"
Kunigami let the weight fall slowly to him. He breathed out. "Doesn't everyone like her?", he asked as he lifted it again, frowning deeply and wondering where the conversation might lead him. He knew that all the boys who interacted with you had their hearts captivated by you, and he was honestly a little insecure about himself. He also didn't think you'd be interested in him, because he didn't really look like a nice guy. (But that boutta change bro)
"Yes, of course, it's just, you must be having a crush on her~!", Otoya teased, but he flinched at the sound of the weight Kunigami let fall down carelessly, as Kuniagmi went up to Otoya, and Otoya was only 177 cm (5'9'') whereas Kunagi towered over him, being 188 cm (6'2'') tall. Otoya stumbled back with wide eyes, and Oliver and Karasu quickly joined to ease the tension.
"So what if I do? And you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you did with Yena in the sauna. I'm glad that she electrocuted you guys."
The three boys looked down in embarrassment. So she told Kunigami about what happened. Still, Oliver had the biggest ego out of those three, as well as the biggest mouth, and he was also two centimeters bigger than Kunigami.
"Hey, no need to point fingers now, right?"
"You guys started it."
"Ah, guilty. Sorry 'bout that. But hey, now we now that our little wildcard here has a crush on Yena!", and with that, the trio chuckled as they left. Once the door slid closed, Kunigami sighed, a deep blush covering his cheeks.
'fucking idiots...!', he thought before he kept going with his training.
You didn't know how long you've been chatting with Bachira and your two highschool friends, but the door to the surgery suddenly opened. The doctor stepped out, a handsome older male as he groaned in exhaustion.
"Is Melody alright? How did the procedure go? Can I see her?", you asked worriedly after you stood up the moment you heard the door unlock.
"Melody is fine, miss Hideyo. Her fangs are suiting her well. You can come see her, but she is a little drugged with pollen. It might take her a few minutes to fully wake up, but she'll enjoy a few headscratches, I think.", you hugged the surgeon with tears in your eyes.
"Thank you...thank you so much!", you cried, and the surgeon stood there, startled by your over-affectionate gesture before he smiled fondly and patted your head.
"It was no problem. And now, I'll need to go."
You quickly let go of him, bidding him farewell as he went back to his chamber. Then, you took a deep breath before going to Melody. She was laying on that hospital bed, and you slowly apporached her.
"Hey baby...how are you?", you asked softly before you let a finger massage her head. She opened her eyes, registering your presence before yawning, and her silver fangs shined in the hospital light.
you gushed. "Whoah...", you and Bachira made, as he crouched down next to you. You gently picked her up, with her tangling her body in your arm as Bachira put the long snake-blanket on her.
"Her fangs are so cool...!", Bachira gushed as you four went back to your room. Kaiser, Ness and Hiori stood there as they conversed with each other.
You frowned. "what are you guys doing here?", you whispered, your Melody sleeping safe and sound in your arm.
Kaiser "tch"ed before strutting towards you. "You think you can-", but he held his groin in pain when you kicked him. Ness whimpered as he held his hands in front of his crotch, taking a step away from you in fear.
"Melody had surgery just now, so can you, like, maybe not?", you grumbled as you kicked him to the side before Reo opened the door for you.
Ness looked after Kaiser who gritted his teeth and Hiori stared at the two germans for a moment before going inside as well.
You put Melody in a capsule which was custom-made. She slept inside her "nest". You looked at Hiori.
"The player-switch?", you asked, and Hiori nodded, taking the choccy milk from you which you distributed towards your friends. "I saw you stressing at the banks, Hiori. I knew that you had a way better vision on what they had to do in order to score a goal, and I couldn't do much since I was a defender, so I let you in. and, well, you made it. Because of you, you, Ness, Isagi and Kurona managed for a goal."
"But...weren't Raichi or Igarashi a better option?"
"They are both idiots."
Hiori hummed while the others snorted. Ness knocked this time, before stepping inside. He had a busted lip, and you grew alarmed.
"Yo, what happened??", you asked as you placed a finger on his lip which started to blood slightly. "Ah...n-nothing..!", Ness stuttered when he felt your cold finger on his hot underlip. It felt soothing
You frowned at him before taking a special balm form your drawer and opened it. The whole room started smelling after peppermint in just a few seconds.
You motioned for him to sit down as you applied some on his wound, and his lip quivered a little from the pain and the cold sensation. Maybe also because you started to apply it on the rest of his lip as well, your finger brushing against his lip again and again. He blushed furiously as he stared into your focused glare with wide eyes.
"So, that should be good for now. What I gave you was a lip balm which closes the wound faster, and it is also like regular lip balm because you had chapped lips. You can keep the balm.", you explained as you reached out your hand with the balm for him to take.
He muttered a soft "Th-thank you...!" before he took the balm, your fingers touching, sending him a slight shock as your and his fingers brushed against each other, and he finally had the balm in his hand.
He examined it, but it was actually just .. some kind of balm in a tube?
"Where are the inprints? Like ingredients, or from what company?", he asked, puzzled for a moment as he kept looking at the naked dark red tube.
"I made it myself.", you just said before you leaned against your table. Ness looked at you for a moment before nodding, and then he asked a question he's been meaning to ask.
"Are you really going to Lavinho?"
You nodded and Bachira quickly side-hugged you. "Yep! And she'll be teaching me how to dribble like she did! aww, I'm so excited!"
You huffed in amusement before taking Bachiras head, putting him in a headlock and ruffling his hair aggressively. "But I won't go easy on you!", you whisper-yelled.
He tried breaking free form your grasp, but to no avail.
Reo and Nagi only glared at Ness and Bachira. they also wanted you to touch their lips and ruffle their hair.
"Whoah! you actually really suck at this, Otoya!", you bullied him wholeheartedly as you "passed" the ball to him. You were actually shredding the ball in his direction, and he mosten-times slipped and fell down.
Yeah, you were still mad at him for what he, Oliver and Karasu did.
Bachira and Lavinho were having the time of their lives when you three were dribbling. Then, Lavinho had the (bad) idea of turning on some latina music and reached out his right hand to you, his left foot placed on the ball.
"Let's show them what dribbling really means, Yena!", he exclaimed and you sighed. "Do I have a choice?"
"Nope, the fans wanted this!", he cheered before he started dancing to the intro.
you huffed before raising your arms and strutting towards him. Now, you two held each other's arms while dancing to the steps. It was a fluent dance, and the ball swirled around between you two.
Even though you had to stay on your tippy toes, it wasn't as bad as you thought. Lavinho was a great guy to dance with, actually.
While you two were moving around, the cameras followed, an so did everyones' elses gaze. Bachira found himself captivated by the harmonization of you and his trainer dancing like you two did forever, but it was actually the first time you and Lavinho danced with each other.
As soon as the music came to a stop, you and Lavinho swerved your hips before youleft foot and his right one touched the ball and you two scored a goal.
Everyone clapped in applause.
"So, what did you guys see?", Lavinho asked as you forked a ball.
"Well, the ball just--stayed between your feet, not going anywhere!", Bachira exclaimed.
Otoya laid there after you shredded his leg again. "Yena looked sex-ACK!"
You shredded his face. And you didn't care if you got in trouble for that. Also...your time was slowly running out. You wondered where Rin went.
"Exactly! Now, try to do it as well!", Lavinho yelled as he turned the music on again. You only raised an eyebrow when he shook his hips to the rythm, but both your eyebrows were raised when Bachira extended his hand to you.
"Let's dance, Yena!"
"..huh?", you made, suddenly aware that all the other boys had balls and were looking at you expectingly.
Yeah, you had to dance with every single one of them. But you refused Otoya's request to dance with you.
You had the most fun with dancing with Bachira. You wanted to dance again with him. "Bachira, would you mind if we danced again? I really enjoyed it.", you spoke.
Bachira blushed a little, but he was also very cheeful. "Sure!"
As the next song started, you two swayed your hips before you started dancing. You made actual dance steps and bachira just--well, he dribbled with the ball. It turned form a friendly dance to a competition of who could take the ball from the other person.
It was your steps against his dribbling.
Suddenly, your eyes wandered. Your gaze was locked on his eyes as he looked right back at you, then to the yellow hair at his nape and neck, then down to his arms, and when you were having your eyes nearly shut, Bachira thought you were just, well, closing your eyes and feeling the moment.
Never would he have guessed that you were looking at his hips though. they were hypnotizing in their own way, and you couldn't help but blush and pant by the way they were swaying. 'stop these dirty thoughts...dammit bachira, why are you so hot!?', you thought as you tried taking the ball from him again and again.
Still, you were occasionally looking up at him, and he grinned at you. You flushed and averted your eyes. The music kept playing. 'Just how long is this song...and why does Bachira have those, slim, slutty and sexy hips?! This isn't fair...!'
And just like that, you two danced until the last second of the last song ended. You two were panting when you were done. the ball stood between your and Bachira's feet. "Say...how come you're such a great dancer?", the boy asked, out of breath.
You gave him your waterbottle after you opened it. He drank from it. "I used to be a ballroom dancer. And, well, I still use dancing steps, even in football. It just became a habit of mine."
"Aww...I wish I went ballroom dancing...did you go to any competitions?"
"Just a few."
"Did you win any prizes? Did you win first place?"
"Always.", you answered with a smirk.
Bachira's eyes lit up. "Jeez, you're so cool Yena! I'm so jealous!"
You only huffed in amusement. "Nah, you just flatter me too much. C'mon, let's eat dinner, before everyone eats everything away.", you said as you gave him your hand to take because he was sitting.
Rin suddenly took you aside, holding your wrist tightly. "What the hell was that??", he asked in an irritated tone and you snatched your hands away from him.
"Okay, so first off; don't touch me. Second, I was just dancing.", you spoke as you put your hands on your hips.
You didn't want this to lead to an argument. But Rin looked like he did. Oh well.
"That didn't look like 'just dancing' to me.", he grumbled as he sztared down at you.
"And? So what?"
"Hmpf...let's go train."
"I didn't eat anything since breakfast, can I-" "I made you some homemade Spaghetti." "How did you manage to go into the kitchen?"
Rin huffed in frustration. "Okay I didn't go to the kitchen, I ordered takeout for us. Now come."
"I don't like the tone."
"...", Rin licked his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. He sighed. "Sorry. Would you like to go train with me after we eat something?", he asked softly- no, shyly, and his eyes were even downcast as he had a pout on his face.
You stretched before nodding. "You could've gone on your knees for that plea, but meh. Let's go, I don't want the spaghetti getting cold."
Rin sighed in relief that you didn't turn him down. You followed him to his room and he already had the table set, where his laptop would normally rest.
As you two ate the spaghetti, Rin spoke up. "How's Melody? You told me she got new fangs today?"
You nodded as you slurped up the delicious noodles, and Rin did the same. No need to eat formal when you're eating with a close friend, right? "Yep, the doctor said she'd be fine by now, and that she's very tired. And high."
Rin huffed in amusement. "Maybe she needed drugs?"
"The doctor had Malody inhale pollen, which is the same as drugs. But enough of her. How is your training going? And your self meditation?"
Rin blushed at the questions you asked, which were about him. "Great. Although I'd like it more if we'd spend a little more time together. Like...instead of one hour with you, I'd like to have you to myself the whole day."
You looked at him for a moment, mouth full of spaghetti. Rin then realized what he said when you raised your eyebrows and started chewing quickly.
"Wait- no- th-that's not what I meant-"
But he knew there'd be no end in sight after you swallowed your bite.
"Daymmm~ where did you learn to be so smooth, Rin?", you teased and Rin sighed with rosy cheeks as he frowned at you.
"Please, Yena, I didn't want it to come out like this."
"So you don't wanna spend time with me? Hm, sad. I actually did."
"I-I did too!", Rin quickly yelled right after your sentence ended.
"Then why are you taking it back?", you asked the dark haired boy. He looked down at his half-eaten spaghetti box.
"Well, because it was embarrassing of me to say...", he muttered, and you placed your box down as well.
"hmm...embarrassing, you say? I remember how you told me to not be embarrassed when I was scared to go to my first ballroom dancing competition. You told me to not be embarrassed. And that made my whole day.", you spoke, and you opened a cola can, happy that it didn't shake during the delivery time.
"Rin, please don't be embarrassed for your needs. You're one of my best friends. If it weren't for you, Sae, Nagi and Reo, I'd be somewhere in a villa, having to hear my family blabber about some unimportant business shit.
But you helped me, Rin. You saved me. And for that, I'm always grateful.", you took a sip from the can as Rin stared at you with his mouth agape in shock.
'I saved you...? But...you saved me!'
Before Rin could say anything else, a female voice rang through the corridors. "The curfew is approaching in ten minutes, please go back to your dorms."
"Ah, looks like I'll have to go...bye Rin. Goodnight.", you said softly before you hugged him.
He hugged you back as tight as you could. "when...when will you leave Blue Lock?"
"I don't know. Ego said he'd think about it, because he was the one who wanted me to be here. I don't know if my presence has improved any of you guys, but I hope it did.", you joked as you went to the door.
Rin sat on his bed.
"Hm?", you turned around, and then you saw it.
Rin smiled.
He looked etheral when he smiled. Like out of a painting. You loved it.
"Thank you."
You had tears flowing quickly in your eyes as you smiled back.
"Anytime, Rin."
Wow now I have tears in my eyes lol. I hope you guys liked this part <3
Also sorry that I didn't really include Kaiser in this, I just hate hate HATE this boy with a burning passion idk why though
Also I wanna put in Niko, cuz he cute as FUCK, I just want Yena to shamelessly flirt with him and make him blush and stutter...
Also I have no idea what took over me when I wrote you dancing with Bachira...
Anyways, you guys can choose what happens in the next part, okay?
Read you guys in the next post!
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boinin · 9 months
the new chapter is so damn hype
nearly everyone gets a moment to look cool as hell. I'm also really enjoying the scanlation team's dialogue choices this week.
starting with Kaiser and Ness, who are doing nothing to quell the D/s vibes with this exchange
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and Kaiser isn't limited to metavision or predator eye... those aren't irises, those are wheels VRRRRMM
New ability revealed, VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER /s
more low-effort takes on the new chapter below the cut
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This is the impact Isagi's persistent annoyingness has had. Kaiser's actively taking account of his position when aiming for the goal. That's exactly what Isagi wanted (from back in chp 221). Now he better live with the consequences.
Kaiser's eyeballs can apparently speak now too. Rawr.
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Isagi: tells anyone who asks about his skills, including his opponents Isagi when said opponents turn it back on him: >:(
Aiku looks extra unhinged here, love to see it.
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More seriously, it's heartwarming to see Barou's growth over the course of the series. He's gone from king -> villain -> Snuffy's successor -> archvillain with a team full of henchmen.
He looks dope generally this week, I love his lightning motif. Aiku's panel with the snake is my pick for this chapter, but Barou is the artist's favourite and it shows.
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But they're not alone! Look how cool Niko looks here! We're on a metavision count of four this chapter (following Kaiser, Isagi and Aiku).
Also his commentary on the work conditions is a mood. Niko's such a shady kid, love it. He's also going to be terrifyingly good, given he's only sixteen or so here (assuming his birthday takes place before or during the NEL). He's a full three years younger than Lorenzo and Aiku, yet still manages to keep up and hold his own. What a legend.
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There's something inherently hilarious about imagining a teenage boy yelling "what are you guys, some friggin' chimera??!" at his rivals on a football pitch
Never change, slursagi.
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Speaking of swearing, here's Hiori!
Who 1) looks DOPE in this panel, look at his flow eyes, and 2) would never fucking say fucking fucking ever /s
Isagi roaring at him to come is also funny. no context blue lock quotes continues to be a gold mine.
Still no MV eyes from Hiori yet, even though he's confirmed to have it. I can't wait to see what his looks like.
Lastly, there's this. I have no idea what they're going for (uber-rous?), but it's hilarious:
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his face is all banged up but he's so happy still 🥹
@echari3 you'll enjoy this panel
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