#kakashi in the afterlife: worth it
malifiquemakes · 1 year
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The post war life is going well.
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Loves Blossom
Words: 1329
Being a parent came with a lot of responsibilities and expectations. Things Yua had never thought she would have to worry about growing up. Changing diapers, ensuring her child was well fed and got enough sleep, were things that every person knew to expect when they had a child. If anyone had asked her what being a parent involved when she was younger those would have been her answers.
There was more to it, though. Jobs she never would have thought she had to do, let alone having to do them without the support of her husband. Life had really thrown her a curveball with Sakumo’s death, but she met the challenge head-on and did her best.
Yet, at the end of the day, the one thing Yua was never prepared to do was help her son with his love life. Push him along the road towards the one who had stolen his heart with hopes that he would give in and admit his feelings.
Allow himself a sliver of happiness in a dark, painful existence.
“Rival!” Speaking of, Gai appeared out of thin air, landing beside Kakashi in the garden with a blinding smile and enough energy to keep all of Konoha’s lights on for a week. “I’ve returned from my mission unscathed, as promised.”
“Mmm, is that so?” Although her son put up an aloof act, she could hear the relief in his voice. In his twenty-seven years of life, he had suffered so much loss. Had his heartbroken over and over again until he was certain it was shattered and irreparable.
Gai was the one to prove him wrong. Stepping in and filling the hole in Kakashi’s heart when no one else could. When Kakashi was at his worst Gai was there at his side pushing him forward. Reminding him that there were still things worth living for.
Without him, she wasn’t sure her son would have lasted. No matter how hard she tried she could never provide that light Kakashi so desperately needed to break through the darkness and lead him out of his own self-hatred.
He wasn’t the first person she had failed either. Perhaps if she was stronger, a bit more like Gai, Sakumo would still be here with them. A regret that would linger over her head until the day she joined him in the afterlife.
Maito Gai was a stronger person than her. The shining ray of light that Kakashi so desperately needed. While Yua did her best to support her son, keeping him from falling deeper into darkness, Gai had reached out to him.
“A challenge!” Gai’s words pulled her from her thoughts, and with an amused smile, she watched the pair. “A race around the village. You promised me a challenge if I came home uninjured.”
“I did, but I’m kind of busy right now,” holding up dirt-covered hands, Kakashi wiggled his fingers. “My mother asked me to help in the garden today.”
As if only just realizing where he was, Gai searched the garden for Yua. When he spotted her at the other end of the garden elbow deep in dirt planting some carrots, he waved.
“Hello Mrs-” a half-hearted smile from Yua stopped him from finishing that honorific. “I mean, hello Yua. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You’re not interrupting,” she assured him. “In fact, with you here Kakashi might work a bit faster.”
“I’m just saying,” covering the seeds she had laid in the dirt, she sat back on her legs. “You’re always a little more enthusiastic with Gai around.”
“Mother, please,” not understanding what the two were talking about, Gai stood by Kakashi’s side glancing between them. As if that would somehow help him piece together their conversation. “Gai if you go to the dango shop-”
“He could help,” Yua interjected, determined to keep her son from shooing his friend away. “There are some weeds gathering around the tomatoes that need to be pulled.”
“I think Gai has better things to do,” her son sighed. “He just got home. It’s important to rest after a difficult mission.”
“The faster we finish here, the sooner you two can have your next challenge,” Gai jumped into action at the mention of a challenge. No words necessary, he sprinted over to the tomatoes, knelt in front of them and proceeded to tug weed after weed out of the dirt. While he was occupied, Kakashi glared back at Yua.
“You’re welcome.” she mouthed to him, chuckling when he threw his head back and groaned.
Maybe this time, when their competition was finished and the winner decided, her son would finally find the courage to ask Gai out on a date. Open his heart to that beautiful ray of sunshine that he adored so much. For years Yua had watched him sitting off to the side staring at Gai, loving him in silence. It had been long enough in her opinion. Their love was bound to blossom into something gorgeous, and she wanted to see the results as quickly as possible.
Along with a beautiful relationship full of love, Yua knew her son would open up more. The restraint and composure he forced himself always weakened with Gai around, and she couldn’t wait to see it finally snap. To be there by his side when he blossomed into the man he was meant to be.
The man who loved Maito Gai, and who also happened to be a shameless, ridiculous dork just like his father.
She had caught glimpses of it over the years. Little flickers of that unashamed dork shining bright and proud before Kakashi realized what was happening and shuttered the windows of his heart, hiding from the world once again.
“Why do you exist to embarrass me?”
“I’m your mother,” she answered while leaning forward and patting down the dirt she had used to cover her carrot seeds. “It could be worse.”
“Oh? And how is that?”
“I could just tell him you’re in love with him,” glancing his way, she watched as his eyes darted towards Gai, a look of panic crossing over his face as he checked to make sure Gai hadn’t heard her words. “I trust I won’t have to do that for you?”
His eyes lingered on Gai. Watching him as he worked diligently on his task. Yua didn’t need to see the softness tucked away behind onyx eyes to know what he was thinking. All of the doubt and fear brewing inside of him were familiar to her.
If it weren’t for Sakumo’s willingness to dive headfirst into love while she lingered on the side trying to test the waters, they may never have gotten together. Then Kakashi wouldn’t exist, and she simply couldn’t imagine her life without her little scarecrow in it.
The one thing that Kakashi had that she did not, though, was a supportive parent. Yua had made it her goal to get her son to confess his feelings for Gai and she would succeed. Even if she had to embarrass him a bit to do it.
Actually, that was probably the best part of her objective. It was so rare to have easy access to something that embarrassed him so much. She would savour his suffering until he gave in and asked Gai out, and then she would celebrate his joy.
“Kakashi…” she called out to her son when he failed to answer her question. “Am I going to have to intervene more?”
“No, I just,” he sighed, turning his attention back over to her. “I will just…I’ll figure it out.”
Seeing him struggle was never fun, but she had faith in her son. Even someone as self-destructive as him could see the good in allowing himself a sliver of happiness. The universe had taken a lot from him, wounded his heart beyond repair, but at the end of the day, he still had his light.
All he had to do was reach out and grab it.
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narutogwriting · 3 years
I’m Sorry I Have to Go
Pairing: No romantic pairing, but interactions between Sakumo and Kakashi; mainly about Sakumo Hatake
CW: Suicide
Length: 3.8k+
Inspired by my attempt to get in Sakumo’s head and to try and figure out what he was thinking. Also an attempt to help me process the suicide of my friend. Loosly inspired by a song I wrote about my friend’s suicide trying to get into his head when it happened.
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“I’m going to do my best, you know?” 
Sakumo sat at the gravesite. He didn’t know if there was any point to it, didn’t know if he believed in an afterlife, or if there was an afterlife, if she could even hear him.
Maybe he was doing it more for his own peace of mind. And if that was the only benefit that came from talking at her grave, well, that was okay with him. But just in case she could hear him, he wanted her to know.
“If only you could have seen him. He’s so tiny. I didn’t know anything could be so small.” He sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I’ll be the best father I can be to him. I’ll set a good example, and love him so much. I’ll love him enough for the both of us. I’d do anything for him. Just you see…”
Sakumo was a phenomenal ninja, well known and well respected throughout the village. Even at such a young age, Kakashi could see that. These weren’t memories that Kakashi would remember as he got older, as much as he wished he would. But he remembered the feeling, remembered what it was like to have all eyes on them at all times, every time they went out. 
Besides being a natural talent, Sakumo was kind. Kakashi remembered that well, and it was clear in the few pictures he had of Sakumo. Some people just had that kind of face. It was just another reason that Sakumo was so beloved in the leaf.
Sakumo was much prouder of his legacy for being kind than he was for his abilities. It was something he wanted, more than anything, to pass on to Kakashi. “Anyone can become a strong ninja with hard work and dedication.” He would tell his son before the young boy could even talk. “And there are lots of benefits to being strong. You can protect others, save them.” 
He gave a crinkled smile as Kakashi grabbed his finger in his tiny little hand, teething on it. “But I’ll tell you something. It’s not knowledge that too many people have. But you can save people, too, by being kind. Being a good friend can save someone’s life just as much as being a good ninja can.”
Sakumo hadn’t become a ninja because he enjoyed fighting or killing; he became a ninja because he enjoyed helping others. Being a shinobi was just another way he could do that. Whether he was working on a mission or home in the village, Sakumo was always doing his best to help someone. 
Despite how deeply he loved those around him, there was a distance between Sakumo and those in the village. He was revered and loved, but a heart like Sakumo’s was rare, almost too rare. The very thing he was loved for was what kept people from being able to get too close; they couldn’t understand him, the way that he thought, how he saw the world. It never bothered Sakumo too much, though, as long as those around him were safe and happy.
Sure, Sakumo’s life could feel lonely sometimes without those deep connections, but he had a purpose. And he’d had that connection with Kakshi’s mom. Though their time together was too short, way shorter than he ever would have imagined, he was grateful for it. And he could spend the rest of his life building that bond with his son. 
Kakashi was always a quiet, serious child, though. He hadn’t inherited Sakumo’s natural affection or ability for seeing the best in people. That much had been clear when they’d met Might Duy and Guy for the first time. Sakumo had been baffled by the way Kakashi had so openly and blatantly questioned Guy’s worth and abilities.
While he’d put him in his place in front of the ninja, back at home, Sakumo couldn’t help but to bring it up again. He went to Kakashi’s bedroom, sitting on his bed. 
“I’m sorry,” Kakashi told his dad again, meeting his eye steadily. He always did own up to his mistakes. “I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, or to dishonour you.”
Sakumo shook his head, couldn’t help but sigh. “This isn’t about me, Kakashi.” He said, hands folded and hanging between his legs. “It’s not even necessarily about that boy, either.” He thought over his words carefully, wanted to make sure that whatever he said, it was something that stuck with his son.
“You know, I think Guy will grow up to be a great ninja, Kakashi. He has something you don’t have.” That got the young boy’s attention. “He has heart. You were born with your father’s natural talent,” He gave him a sly grin. “But if you don’t have the heart that Guy does, what’s your purpose? What is the use for all that talent?”
Sakumo patted Kakashi’s leg, not missing the skeptical look on his son’s face, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. The skeptic in him; that was all his mother.
“And besides,” Sakumo continued. “Even if he doesn’t become a great ninja, who cares? What does it matter? But do you know what does matter?” He paused, making sure Kakashi was really listening. “It matters how you made that little boy feel earlier. You know, I was proud to see you step in to protect him against those ninja… But I think that he would have rather let them beat him into the ground than have you look at him with such disdain, to look down on him because he didn’t know how to fight back. You don’t know what he’s been through, why he’s trying so hard to do something that he’s not naturally good at. You don’t know his purpose, or whether or not he’s hanging on by a thread. If the words you said to Guy were the last ones he’d ever heard, would you be happy with that?”
Getting up, Sakumo walked to the door slowly. Hand on the doorknob, he stopped. “You never know when you’ll see someone for the last time, Kakashi. You never know who needs a kind word. Whatever you do in life, make sure every moment counts.”
It was ironic, Kakashi would think to himself over the years. The philosophy that shaped the way Sakumo treated others could have been the same one that saved his life.
He knew his role as a shinobi. He knew everything that this mission meant, how much the Leaf needed him to succeed. But he couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t. 
Sakumo would love to pretend like it was a hard decision, like he had even considered going through with the mission rather than saving his comrades.
But he didn’t. It wasn’t a question in his mind. The lives of his fellow shinobi were on the line, and in this instance, it wasn’t worth completing the mission at the expense of losing them.
And Sakumo knew, he knew that the decision would be controversial, knew that he would suffer the consequences. He was going to upset a lot of people on top, but it was worth it. Being a shinobi meant making hard decisions, and this was part of that. The importance of the mission didn’t outweigh the weight of his comrades' lives, and so he saved them.
And while he knew the backlash that would come from his decision, he never could have imagined just how viciously the village he loved, even the friends he saved, would turn against him. 
Sakumo had seen a lot of evil in his life. So much violence and chaos, complete disarray. He’d see death and destruction, people dedicating their whole existence to hurting others. But it’d always been an “us vs them” mentality. It was much easier, he thought, to hate someone you didn’t know, who you had no connection to.
But these people, this village; they were Sakumo’s heart. His whole reason, his purpose for being. They were why he’d become a ninja in the first place. He’d only wanted to protect the people that he loved so dearly.
And they used to love him.
The silence on their way home was deafening. Sakumo didn’t miss the dirty looks his teammates were shooting him. He understood, in a way, but in others, he was so confused. He expected a sense of frustration, some cognitive dissonance. The mission failed, but they didn’t perish; there should be anger and happiness, shouldn’t there? At the very least, relief that they were alive.
But no. He could only feel the anger, the hatred burning within them.
Reporting back about the mission’s failure was even worse. He’d been prepared for the yelling, the way that it was hammered into him just how badly he’d screwed up. He didn’t know that there would be names thrown at him. Failure. Disgrace. Shame.
He’d left the office not even knowing if he would still be a shinobi after this. It was almost visible, the way he walked home with the weight of his actions on his shoulders. He walked slouch, tucked into himself. He would make up for this. He couldn’t regret what he’d done, not now, not ever. But somehow, he would make it right. 
And he thought he could. He really did. Things had to get worse before they could get better. But they only seemed to get worse and worse and worse. Over the course of a week, word spread about what Sakumo did, and his life changed completely, seemingly irrevocably.
“Hello, Aiko,” he called to the owner of the fruit stand as he picked up a crown melon, observing the fruit for bruises or breaks. They’re his favorite, and he always bought them from the same lady. 
But Aiko isn’t smiling at him, she doesn’t say hello back. He glances over to her, and his heart drops to see her glaring at him. “Thanks to you, we don’t have any new shipments coming in from Kirigakure, maybe for weeks.” She tells him angrily. “What am I supposed to sell then, huh? You want to ruin my life because you couldn’t complete your mission?” Sakumo buys her whole case of crown melons in an attempt to make up for it.
He has trouble getting any missions after as well. Every time he’s assigned to one, he’s kicked off. None of his fellow jonin will agree to be his teammate, and it kills him to know that they don’t trust him to be by their side. Not even the ninja he’d saved.
“They think you’ve lost the Will of Fire.” Hiruzen tells Sakumo after he finds out he’s been dropped from another mission. “You didn’t put the village first. You’ll have to earn back their trust, prove that the fire still burns strongly inside of you.”
But isn’t protecting his teammates important too, Sakumo wonders as he goes home, trying to keep his head from hanging too low. What is a village without its villagers? He thought the Will of Fire meant that Love is the key to Peace, and he loved his teammates. It’s why he’d kept them alive. Was a village more important than the people inside?
Things continue to escalate from there. Some shops won’t allow him inside to buy necessities. He could send Kakashi with money, but he worries even doing that. He doesn’t want Kakashi to suffer because of what he’s done, and now he wouldn’t put it past anyone to try and pick on his five year old son.
It hurts, not going on missions, not being able to frequent the places he’d once adored. But it’s not the worst part. 
The worst part is that when he smiles, no one smiles back. When he chases after a person to hand them back the money they’d just drop, they turn on him. When he compliments someone on the shirt they’re wearing or how good their hair looks, he’s met with insults.
There are no kind eyes turned on him anymore. If anyone looks to him at all, it’s with disdain. Any words said to him are snubs, and the words said behind his back are even worse. Coward. Fool. Disgrace. Traitor.
The words chip away at him, little by little until Sakumo no longer wants to leave his home. The thought of it makes him sick. After three days in a row of vomiting every time he attempts to go out the door to get groceries, he finally gives up. Even though he doesn’t want to, he gives Kakashi the money to go buy food. He’s just a boy, after all, and he still needs to eat.
Sakumo spends more and more time in his room. He doesn’t shower, doesn’t eat. He hardly even brushes his teeth. With the blinds drawn and the door closed, he lays in bed, waiting for sleep to take him. It’s the only blissful moments he has anymore. In his dreams, people still smile at him. They talk to him, exchange gifts and pleasantries, and his heart is full. Nothing is worse than when the sunlight begins to trickle in through his blinds, waking him up and reminding him of the pain.
Because that’s what his life is now. Constant pain. He is alone and isolated, cast out by the people that used to revere him, and that he loved more than anything. He still loves them, wants nothing more than to once again spark happiness in their hearts.
And so, after weeks of not leaving his home, he tries again. He pulls himself out of bed. He showers, does his hair, brushes his teeth. He changes out of the stained gross clothes he’s been wearing endlessly and he tries.
He spends his money anywhere that will take it. He flashes a smile at anyone who will make eye contact with him, and holds open every door he can find. Sakumo compliments the flowers in the flower shop and the smell of the dumplings the vendors are selling on the sidewalk. He compliments the stitching of the plush animals and even buys a crochet hat despite never wearing them. 
He’s trying, he thinks. He’s trying so hard, and he can’t understand it. He can’t comprehend how people can look at him the way that they do, how they can hate him so completely because he didn’t let people die.
No one will smile at him, and if anyone takes his money, it's silently. No one thanks him for holding the door open for them, and everyone else lets it close on him. “We don’t need your business.” He’s told at the flower shop, and behind him he hears snickers. “We don’t need him at all.”
So he heads back home as the sun begins to sink into the sky. Time will make things better he thinks half heartedly, but he doesn’t believe it. If anyone in the world is altruistic, it’s Sakumo. He doesn’t need thanks or appreciation. But if no one will even accept the kindness he has to offer, then what’s even the point?
And those words ring in his head over and over again. We don’t need him at all. And fine, if they don’t need him, don’t even want him, if his presence brings people pain, then he’ll stay away from them all. He only wants what's best for others.
But there’s still one person who does need him, he thinks. He has a son who’s only five, and as strong and smart and capable as he is, Sakumo still has so much he wants to teach him. So he’ll be there for his boy.
He’s rounding a corner, making a shortcut through an alleyway when he sees Kakashi surrounded by some boys older than him, and he stops. The boys are yelling at him, jeering him, and Kakashi looks as angry as Sakumo’s ever seen him.
“Why don’t you just go into hiding like your dad,” one of the boys is saying to Kakashi, and if it’s even possible, Sakumo’s heart drops even more. 
“You’re probably gonna end up just like him.”
“A traitor.” 
And then they’re pushing him, laughing and heckling him, throwing out insults left and right, telling Kakashi how horrible his dad is, how he shouldn’t even bother showing his face when he has such a vile creature as his father.
Sakumo doesn’t stay to hear the rest, and he doesn’t bother going to stand up for his son who he knows can handle himself. He can hear Kakashi taking care of them as he walks away, hands shoved in his pockets.
At home, he cooks the best meal he can come up with with the few supplies he has. He’s made sure to have all his money in one place, somewhere easy for Kakashi to find. He hadn’t realized the way Kakashi was being treated because of his screw up. He should have thought of it, though. How long had Kakashi been suffering in silence?
Kakashi comes home and Sakumo hugs him. He sits him down, gives him a big smile. Kakashi is taken off guard by it, surprised that Sakumo is even out of bed. He’d hardly seen him in recent weeks, and never with a grin on his face.
But he doesn’t question it, and though he doesn’t say it, Kakashi’s heart wells up. Does he have his dad back? If only Sakumo knew how much Kakashi had missed him, how hard it was for him to see his dad so sad. He didn’t care about the words of some people he didn’t give a second thought to. He only cared about his dad. Kakashi was still young after all, and he needed his father. He loved him so much.
And he doesn’t have the words to describe how he feels, doesn’t know how to express it because despite being so smart and so wise, he’s still only a child.
So he doesn’t say anything about it. He hugs his father, and he sits with him, and they talk. Sakumo tells Kakashi stories about his childhood that he hadn’t heard yet, and he gives him all his best fatherly advice. They talk about Kakashi’s future as a shinobi, and Sakumo tells Kakashi he knows he’s going to go far, that he’s going to be a better ninja than his dad ever was.
It’s the best night Kakashi could remember having as a child. Just being with his father and having his full, undivided attention. Sakumo makes sure to remind him more than once how much he loves him.
They stay up talking so long that Kakashi actually falls asleep, his head resting in Sakumo’s lap. Sakumo runs his hand over Kakashi’s head and thinks that Kakashi hasn’t looked so small and peaceful since he was first born. He tears up, because he loves his son, he loves him so fucking much, and he would do anything for him. 
After he carries Kakashi to bed and tucks him in, he heads to the graveyard. It’s late, but the moon is high and bright in the sky, guiding his path as he sits in front of his wife’s tombstone. 
“I did do my best, you know.” He says quietly at the grave. He doesn’t expect an answer, doesn’t even hope for something to come make it better. He’d give anything for some reassurance and when the wind blows through the still night, ruffling his hair, he closes his eyes, and smiles just a little, thinking of the way his wife used to ruffle his hair, and decides to believe it’s her, telling him she knew.
“I told you I’d do anything for him. I know we only want what’s best for him… I think this is for the best. He’d be better off without me…” And that’s what he truly believes with all his heart.
The village hates him, he’s been shunned and abused and turned away. And even with his broken heart, that would be okay.
But what’s not okay is for Kakashi to suffer for it. He shouldn’t have to bear the weight of his father’s choices, and for as long as Sakumo is around, that’s what will happen. 
Sakumo loves Kakashi, and he knows that his son deserves a fresh start, the ability to make a name for himself without his father holding him back. 
When he’s back home, he just sits and watches Kakashi sleep. With all the love Sakumo has always had, none of it compares to what he feels about his son. He loves him so much, all he wants is to see Kakashi grow up and be strong and be kind and be happy. He wants it badly, so fucking badly, that he almost loses his nerve. Almost.
But Kakashi is who he’s doing this for.
So finally he forces himself up to his feet. He touches Kakashi’s head one more time, bends down and kisses his forehead. 
“I love you, okay.” He says, smiling down at his son. Kakashi is his greatest accomplishment. “I’m sorry I didn’t do better. I tried my hardest, though. I hope you know that. And I’m sorry that I have to go.”
His voice catches, and he’s trying not to cry. If he starts sobbing now, he’ll wake Kakashi.
“It’s just… It’s too hard to breathe. I can’t see a light. But I tried. I tried very hard. And I swear I love you more than anything. That’s why I’m doing this. So you can be great.” He laughs, and it shakes, and he can feel the tears falling.  “I don’t want it to be dark for you, or for you to struggle to breathe. You deserve to live freely, so I don’t hold you back but I think…” He pauses, taking in his son one last time. “I hope that I’ll see you again. You, me, and your mother. Together again. Wouldn’t that be something?”
And with that he leaves Kakashi’s room, makes his way to his own bedroom. He won’t make it messy, doesn’t want to leave the boy completely traumatized. If he looks like he’s only asleep, then that shouldn’t be too bad, should it?
So he lays down, taking the poisoned herbs in his hand, and he tries not to cry anymore. He doesn’t want Kakashi to suffer, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to have to suffer anymore either. Sakumo has always been a strong ninja with a weak heart, and the past few months had been too much for him. It was better this way for everyone--the village, Kakashi, himself.
“I’ll see you soon,” he whispers to the picture on his night stand, a beautiful brunette woman with her hand on her baby bump. “I think I do believe that I’ll see you again. That will be more beautiful than anything.” 
He takes a breath before shoving the herbs in his mouth. He chews them down, swallows. Maybe it’ll just be like going to sleep, he thinks as his eyes flutter closed. Yeah, just like going to sleep. That doesn’t sound too bad.
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eat0crow · 4 years
Not So Dead
Summary: Kakashi’s regretted a lot of things in his life. More than he can ever hope to put a number on. He never imagined not being more philosophical would make its way onto the list.
Notes: Written for @amusl02 as part of the @akatsuki-gift-exchange. I”m so sorry this is late!
You siad you wanted angst so I tried to be emo about it :D
Kakashi’s never cared enough to worry about whatever bastardization of the afterlife his soul would end up in.
Most shinobi’s don’t as a general rule. How can they when they stain their hands with enough blood to fill hundreds of small basins for a paycheck? Sure, there’s a few like the Hyuga and the Uchiha, whose clan lore glamorizes battle so much they have a clear picture of their soul’s destination. But the general population of nins are more than happy with understanding that wherever their souls go...it can’t be anywhere good, and leaving it at that.
Avoiding the afterlife is a much more pressing, present, concern.
But fuck if the information wouldn’t come in handy right about now. He’s regretted a lot of things in his life. More than he can ever hope to put a number on. He never imagined not being more philosophical would make its way onto the list.
He should have listened to Sasuke when he’d had been explaining, in excruciating detail, to Naruto and Sakura just where the departed go, last night when they set up camp. He would have, but the temptation to remind Sasuke that technically, he was oversharing clan secrets, had been at the tip of his tongue and—
Seeing Sasuke start to open up, even if it was over something morose like death, with progress that was downright groundbreaking for him, kept Kakashi from saying anything. He’d never heard the boy talk even a third as much. So what was the harm in him giving away lore.
Sasuke is the clan, it’s his right to decide what gets guarded fiercely and what gets given away freely.
Tuning the kids conversation out, while immediately satisfying, evidently, had been a mistake. Because Kakashi has no fucking clue where he is. Probably not hell? He feels like his soul would be a lot more tormented than it is right now, if it was. Definity not heaven. Not ever heaven. Not after Rin. Or Obito. Or Kushina. Or Minato. Or—
All he knows for a fact is that he isn’t alive anymore. He can’t be. And it’s not the darkness that’s telling him that, not the nothingness or the weightlessness or the cold that seeps into his bones and bites at him harder than the chakra exhaustion that knocked him out had.
No, it’s none of that.
It’s Obito that lets him know that he’s no longer part of the world of the living.
Obito, who’s older than he was the last time Kakashi saw him, who’s his age, which makes sense and doesn’t at the same time. Death, he supposes, gets to make its own set of rules. Whatever they are, aren’t nearly as important as the fact that Obito is here.
Not as the boy Kakashi remembers, who’d been sunshine and summer, warm smiles and endless hope. Or even as any of the variants he’s spent years creating as the answers to half his ‘what ifs’.
No, he’s here and all hard edges. Mangled and torn and cold and so much more beautiful in that he exists. That he’s in front of him. Kakashi has missed him, more with every precious person he’s lost, and the longer he’s lived. Seeing him with his arms crossed, with an orange, swirled mask dangling from his side that screams Naruto, is like stepping back in time. He feels like a genin. Albeit one with slightly more trauma, not to say he didn't already have his fair share than.
The glare on his face is like none of the expressions Kakashi can remember from his friend, but exactly what he always imagined when thinking about them meeting again in the next life. It causes a weird sense of validation to flood him. How could any of the people Kakashi failed possibly do anything but hate him?
Saving Kakashi was the last thing Obito had done, and for what? Him to turn around and kill Rin? For him to shove his hand through her chest and carve out her heart with lightning? Obito loved Rin, in every way he couldn’t. Didn’t want to, for that matter. Kakashi was happy to let her love him, if it meant she was happy and stayed in his life. Existing in her life, being her friend, was enough—all he was capable of.
Rin, was a butterfly. She was always destined to outgrow him once she found someone who loved her back, in the way she wanted and not just in the ways he could manage. She deserved to. Rin was amazing and wonderful and worth so much more than team seven.
He’d have been more than happy to let her fly away, if fate hadn’t been a bitch that decided thirteen was old enough for her to die.
“Bakakashi.” There’s a warning in Obito’s voice, his eyes are murderous, and it goes against every single one of Kakashi’s instincts to stay where he is. Not that he thinks he can move much. Apparently dying doesn’t come with a healing session, he still has all his injuries, and he feels just as drained as he did in Wave.
“Obito,” he finally says, he’s doing nothing to disguise any of the complicated knot of emotion that’s had more than a decade to tangle up from his voice. Maybe Obito will hear it and be able to understand them more than Kakashi himself does.
All he knows is that he’s feeling something.
Whether it’s a good something remains to be seen.
Though, he doubts that he can be part of any something that’s good.
Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, they’re proof of that. He’d worried so much about them getting to keep their childhoods, he hadn’t actually prepared them for the reality of shinobi life. Despite team 7’s history of cursed C ranks, he’d let them take this mission with nothing more than academy skills and D ranks under their belts. Fuck.
And now he’d gone and died on them. He’d left them behind in the middle of Wave with no one.
Desperately, he hopes they have the common sense to terminate their mission and return to the village.
Realistically he very much doubts they do.
“Pay attention to me, God damn it,” Obito hisses at him, voice sharp-edged and dripping with venom. He’s standing at Kakashi’s feet, kunai angled toward his throat. When did he get there? It’s hard to focus in wherever the fuck they are. “I guess some things never change, huh?”
“That’s not true,” he answers, he can’t stop himself. It’s Obito. No amount of post mortem introspection is going to prevent him from being at least a little bit of a bastard to him. “I’m taller than you now.”
Obito’s breath catches. He freezes, goes impossibly still, his fingers curling around the hilt of his knife so tightly his arm shakes. “You don’t get it, do you?” That’s not his angry tone. No, Obito's beyond that. This is his furious one. The one Kakashi never actually heard but always assumed he had. “Unbelievable. Fifteen years. After fifteen fucking years, here I am, a living corpse standing over you with a knife to your god damned throat and you still won’t take me seriously.”
“That’s not true,” Kakashi says, only, his words come out thick, slurred together around his tongue and the black spots thickening in his vision. “I always pay attention to you.”
How could he not?
Above him, Obito looks seconds away from dismembering him. He says...something. All Kakashi can hear is the rush of blood in his ears. Whatever cutting remark that Obito has to say—that Kakashi deserves to hear—is lost over the sound of his breathing.
He doesn’t want to pass out. Not when he’s just gotten Obito back and there’s a good chance he’ll wake up somewhere else, alone. He doesn’t know how this whole afterlife thing works. He’s terrified that if he closes his eyes, he won’t have the chance to find out.
It doesn’t seem to be up to him, though. The darkness keeps slipping into his vision, the cotton clouding his brain getting thicker with every second he forces himself to stay conscious.
The last thing he sees before he's swept away in the waves of chakra exhaustion is Obito’s face, hovering inches from his own with something that might have been concern flashing across it.
Kakashi’s next return to the land of the not so living (purgatory?), is a bit easier. There’s less of the bone-deep cold from before and more of the floating sensation. Like he’s stuck somewhere with just enough gravity to keep him steady in one place. He doesn’t hurt as badly, the only aches he feels are the ones he’s always had. It would be stranger for him to wake up with them gone, so he counts himself fully healed.
He pushes himself up into a sitting position, his muscles stiff and protesting even with the simple movement. His side is tender, but, considering Kakashi remembers his ribs being broken by that fucking overgrown sword, it’s nothing more than an inconvenience.
“It’s not the same if you roll over and die,” a quiet voice says, off to his left. Kakashi blinks, his mask is gone, so is his hitai-ate. All he can do is run his hands over his face and blink the last bits of sleep from his vision. Obito’s breath doesn’t catch when he turns to look at him, which makes sense, assuming he was the one to take his mask off in the first place. And really, who else is there to do it? “I have to be the one to kill you.”
“Sorry,” he manages after what feels like a small eternity. His brain hasn’t caught up with his tongue just yet. “You can. If you want to.”
Keeping his shoulders intentionally relaxed, his movements loose and lazy in a way that takes effort, Kakashi reaches toward his thigh, grabbing the tanto still strapped there. For a moment he weights the blade in his hand. It's standard issue, the same one given out to all jounin. Nothing remarkable about it.
Handle out, he offers it up to Obito.
And Obito stares, for a long endless moment that stretches into the next. Around them the landscape echoes the tension in his shoulders, the dark grey nothing rising up into jagged peaks, sharpening with every fraction of tension that makes its way into his frame. “Just like that. After everything, you’re not going to fight back?”
“I would,” Kakashi says, looking away first. “If it was anyone else.”
“Then why?” Obito asks, searching.
Kakashi cuts him off before he can continue. “Because you deserve to. Obito, I’m the reason you died, if anyone has the right to run a blade through me it’s you.”
Long, spindly fingers curl around the handle of the blade, and even though they don’t touch his skin, Kakashi can feel the phantom sensations of them across his hand. “I’m not killing you for me, dumbass.”
Kakashi swallows hard around the lump in his throat. He still doesn’t turn to face him. It’s weird seeing Obito with only a single Sharingan flashing red in his face. In a way, it’s a bit like seeing his own reflection mirrored back to him, and Kakashi has never been good with looking at his own face. “I know, and if Rin or Minato or Kushina was here I would let them kill me, too. But they’re not.”
“So what,” Obito scoffs, harsh and cruel as he throws the tanto sheath. “I’m the consolation prize? A get out of jail free card? I’m here so I might as well absolve you of your guilt like a convenient little escape-goat, is that right? Do you even care?”
Obito laughs. It sounds like a sob. Like something wretched from a wounded animal that’s hurting and has been hurting for so long it’s forgotten how to feel any differently. Kakashi hates that sound, he really really hates it.
Before he can help himself, Kakashi turns, grabbing the hand not clutching the blade between them in a white-knuckled grip that looks painful, and pulls. The tanto goes chattering forward and Obito is mashed against him into something that might resemble a hug and what feels more like a lifeline.
“Of course I care,” Kakashi says into the crown of Obito's hair. He smells like clay and metal and something not quite natural that doesn’t matter nearly as much as his warmth against his chest. “You’re not an escape-goat Obito. You’re the one I owe the most to. I’m sorry I couldn’t find some way to make it up to you before I died and ended up here.”
Against him, Obito stiffens further, pushing away with bony elbows that dig into his stomach until clawed fingers make their way into the skin of his shoulders. Obito holds himself there, arms-length away and propped up enough for Kakashi to have to crane his neck to make eye contact. “Wait. What? Kakashi, where the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” Kakashi says, doing his best to make his voice come out breezily. “I don’t know anything about the afterlife”s geography.”
Obito pinches his side, hard. “You’re not—Bakakashi—I’m not dead. Neither are you.”
“Wait, what?”
“How you—this whole time you thought you were dead?” Obito shakes him, throwing his whole body weight into moving Kakashi’s upper torso. “You were going to let me kill you a second ago!”
“In the metaphorical sense.” Kakashi raises an eyebrow at him, the confused look on his face natural with not even a bit of exaggeration. “I figured after you got your justice, I’d move on to whatever hell comes next.”
“You were bleeding when you came here. You’re sitting in a patch of dried blood right now.”
“I haven’t died before, I don’t know how death works.” Kakashi shrugs.
For all he knows the afterlife could just be a really bland version of...well life.
Maybe if he wasn’t recovering from the after-effects of what he now knows for a fact had originally been a concussion, he’d be a lot more suspicious. Probably not though, because even without the head injury he’d have a lap full of Obito and there is absolutely no way he could be skeptical about his living or dead status with his arms around the ghost of a boy he watched die.
“My heart's beating, you idiot.” Obito protests, reaching down and placing Kakashi’s palm flat against his chest. On reflex, Kakashi tries to jerk it away, the only time he ever touches anyone's chest is when he’s tasked with carving out their heart. Obito’s grip is crushing, though. He holds his hand there firmly in place, not allowing even a fraction of give. “Don’t you think It would be a lot more still if I was a ghost.”
Kakashi wants to say he doesn’t know. Wants to point out that he can’t feel Obito’s heartbeat through the overwhelming panic that's nipping across Kakashi’s skin—and fuck, if he didn’t already have enough triggers, he should have expected to have a little trauma surrounding this. He can’t get the words out of his throat, though. Not through his breathing, that’s coming out in harsh pants. Not over the panic attack that had no business ruining this and is a good chunk of time past due.
For his part, Obito just watches him through it. Immovable as he keeps his grip welded around Kakashi’s wrist.
Eventually, after however long time takes to move here, he forces his mind to steady itself and compartmentalize this into the little boxes in the far-off corners labeled do not revisit. When he finally does feel, not okay, he’s too shaky for okay, but solid, he makes the effort to feel what Obito’s trying to show him.
When he does, he’s met with the steady thump of a heart beating under his hand. It feels like a bird, beating its wings—and that’s enough of the fragile animal metaphors for today, thank you very much. “Oh. Oh you’re real.”
Obito blinks at him, and the final bits of anger that have steadily been falling away, drains out of him. “Yeah,” Obito breathes, letting go of Kakashi’s hand, finally, and slumping forward, back into his arms. “Yeah, Kakashi, I’m real.”
“You’re alive,” Kakashi whispers. His grip must be painful, but he can’t stop himself from tightening his hold. Afraid that Obito will slip away as some figment of his imagination the second he eases up. “You’re alive.”
“Come on now,” Obito huffs. Something hot makes its way to the crook of Kakashi’s neck. He can’t be bothered to check and see which one of them is crying. “You didn’t think I’d actually let Iwa kill me, did you?”
Yes, Kakashi very much did. If he had suspected for even a second that Obito was still out there, somewhere, alive and whole, he would have hunted him down with enough vigor to make his ninken jealous.
But saying that feels cheap when actions speak louder than words and enough time has passed for anything along that vein to ring as hollow platitudes.
Kakashi thinks Obito expects him to get angry at him, to demand to know where he’s been for the last fifteen years. Don’t get him wrong, Kakashi wants to know, he really desperately does. But the answer isn’t nearly as important as the fact that Obito is alive and whole and with him, so instead he settles on asking, “Where is here, then.”
Obito lets out a breath, slumping impossibly more against him. “This is a part of Kamui. Somehow when you exhausted yourself, you managed to find your way into the pocket dimension created by the Sharingan. Since we share the same set, we can access the same place. You’re lucky I was already here. You really would have been dead if I wasn’t.”
“Oh,” Kakashi says, simply. He supposes, in a way it makes sense. Their Mangekyou can banish objects, it has to have a place to send them to. Maybe he caught himself in the reflection of Zabuza’s water prison.
Kaskshi closes his eyes, content to just hold Obito there. It’s not like he’s gotten the chance to be close to anyone recently, physically or otherwise. So while he’s hyper aware of every inch of skin Obito is touching, it feels good. In a reassuring, alive, kind of way.
They lapse into a comfortable silence, the only sounds around being their combined breathing which quickly takes the place of white noise.
Obito’s the one to break it, turning his face against Kakashi’s chest and looking up. “Hey, Bakakashi, if I asked to kill you right now, would you let me?” His voice is soft without the venom in it, with nothing to hide the uncertainty.”
Kakashi doesn’t have to think about his answer before he responds, “Yes.”
He’s not his father, he’s not about to throw himself down on his own blade just to run from his ghosts. But, he thinks if one of his ghosts, the one that’s not quite dead yet, wants him to be, that’s okay. It’s different.
“You’d really give me your life, just like that?”
“Just like that,” Kakashi agrees, because it really is that simple. For him at least.
He hopes though, that Obito will want to wait just a little bit longer to kill him. Kakashi’s waited so long to see him again, he’d hate to have to wait until the end of Obito’s life to do it. Though, that would be fitting, in an ironic sort of way.
“In that case,” Obito starts, moving to stand up. Kakashi helps him the best he can, supporting him with a gentle hand against his back even if he misses the warmth instantly. “Will you come with me?”
Part of Kakashi wants to ask Obito what he means, won’t he come back with him? Back to the village, to Konoha and….and a stone carved with the name of almost everyone that made the place a home.
A large part of Kakashi, the part that makes him bite his tongue, reminds him that Obito’s had fifteen years to make his way back to the leaf. Back to him. If he was going to return to the village it would have happened by now. No. If they’re going anywhere it’s going to be on Obito’s terms.
This time it’s Kakashi’s turn to chase after him.
So he doesn’t have to think about it before responding, “Okay.” The only thing truly holding him back is….Naruto, who won’t get another instructor who will look at him as anything but a monster and fuck, he can’t abandon him again, not after finally being allowed to see him. And Sakura who’s going to be flushed out as a paper nin, which is a complete waste of her potential. And Sasuke, who’s going to be snatched up by Danzo’s grimy hands the second he comes back to the village with no one to keep him in the light and away from the shadows and— “But I have some kids I need to pick up first.”
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trekkie-in-space · 4 years
On Kakashi see ghost AU, what if Gai die :
He doesn’t get he is a ghost at first/keep forgetting he is a ghost (because who says spirit are stable) and Kakashi has to keep remembering it to him. which is awful because he keep having to acknowledge Gai’s death and see his friend being distraut by the new, he keep having to proove to Gai he is a ghost now and it make his grief so much worse, especially when Gai doesn’t want to accept it.
It’s like bearing his grief and Gai’s. (Gai doesn’t want to accept he died so he keep forgeting he died, even without wanting to forget)
But after some time Gai keep the knowledge of his death/accept it and decide to be one of the most present and loud ghost in Kakashi’s life. And he begin by helping Kakashi accept his death, by, in a way, not being dead.
They can keep doing some challenge, they are limited, they have to find new one. but it’s still something they can do.
Gai is still there to make sure he takes care of him. Hell he is even more present than before, just because he can now. So Kakashi get reminded to eat and sleep, and Gai saw people take out their coat today so he might want to use the winter uniform over the fall one or else he will be cold... that type of stuff. Kakashi don’t have to eat alone and they can keep talking about stuff. He is there for him as much as he can.
When Kakashi is sick of him, Gai just leave him for a few hours or a few day, because of course Kakashi need his space too. not that Gai is overpresent, just more present now that he don’t have the responsability of a corporal form.
They can still watch TV, read dirty books, play game.. as long as Kakashi is there to turn the page or move the piece of the board...
and of course they talk to each other and people start to think Kakashi is weird talking to himself or going mad after losing yet another friend. So they set up a system when they are in public and Kakashi can’t talk or even mutter. It’s mostly discret hands signs. that way they can keep communicating.
They talk about death sometime, about Gai’s death and wonder why Gai is still there. What hold him back ? what unfinished business he has ? Gai is not sure, or don’t want to tell.
Gai always leave space for other ghost too, especially personnal ghost like Rin for example.
there’s days where Gai don’t show up, sometime even weeks goes by and over the years it grows on Kakashi, what if Gai passed on the other side and is not coming back ? it feel like he is dying all over again. and Kakashi find it horrible. but Gai always come back in the end. It doesn’t make Kakashi stop feeling uneasy or worried about it though. He never tell Gai about it. if Gai end up going then he can’t do anything about it, he can’t risk attaching Gai too much in this realm when he should be gone in the first place.
But he is greateful when he hear/see Gai again.
I will go by the hc that the Ninken can see the ghost too or at least sense them but Pakkun can see them, he is one of the only person Kakashi confides about the matter.
They can still spare, in some way, no touching, no contact, but Gai will play the opponent and Kakashi will play it as if Gai is real and can touch him. on the outside it look like Kakashi is having a pretty realistic fake scenario of a combat and it’s a bit weird, but not too weird. Gai is nothing to joke about even in ghost form. and even if he can’t touch Kakashi.
If in this universe ghost can build enough energy out of emotion to move object/touch even a little. Gai energy come from love and is stronger/only work around Kakashi. and Kakashi swear he can feel Gai touch him sometime.
Kakashi come to the realisation he is in love with Gai and freak out because he can’t be in love with a ghost, because like, how do you have a relationship with a ghost ?? he tries to deny it, but well it’s lost time, he got it bad.
of course he doesn’t tell Gai. Still afraid to attach his friend even more to this world. while sometime considering it might secure Gai at his side and he doesn’t want to be selfish, leaving this ‘in between’ is better, he can’t do that to Gai. but how does he wish he could be selfish.
One night as they lay in bed, or well Kakashi lay in bed while Gai pretend to do so even thought the sheet don’t react to him. They talk and joke and it’s lovely until the moment where Gai take a more serious face and tell Kakashi the reason why he stayed behind. he loves Kakashi and want to make sure Kakashi is happy. when he is sure Kakashi happiness is secured he can go. but moment like they have this evening it feel like Kakashi is truly happy, but it’s not consistent through the day and Gai don’t know what to make of it.
And Kakashi understand that Gai is bound to him anyway, if he tried to leave the ‘in between’ world, Kakashi would be miserable and it would drag Gai back to him. So he decide to tell Gai the truth about his feeling for him.
The happiness of their love being reciprocated is meet with the unforgetable weirdness of their situation. How are they supposed to make a ghost/human relationship work ? they can’t even touch each other, Gai could kiss him and it would feel like a breeze on his lips.
Kakashi consider the idea of killing himself at some point which make Gai furious. It’s their biggest fight ever. Gai is having none of it, if Kakashi kill himself or let himself be killed in the field when he could have found a way to live, then Gai will disapears/broke up with him in afterlife. and at the end of the day a few years in this awkward situation is worth having Gai for the rest of eternity (or whatever afterlife is)
They make it work, as weird it can be, and their love allow Gai the ability to touch sometime, almost to the point he is still alive. It’s always such special moments because it’s rare.
When Kakashi dies, they pass together to the other side.
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adventurous-blob · 5 years
Episode Gladio commentary!! Here i go!!
Imma go easy since its my first time also thATS WHAT SHE SAID
anyways, difficulty and immaturity aside, time to begin.
Kay so Gladio's episode is 'bout self discovery? dudes just pissed Ravus beat him I guess? I mean, fair enough but he leaves noctis and they go do like a dungeon and it's just?? It all seems really chill considering he's the Kings shield.
Eh, non-sensicle rambling aside.
Okay so im guessing its gunna be like Gladio telling the story which i'll be playing- neato.
"Just a scratch, the other guy got off a lot worse." Yeah, uh, suure.
"Worse than looking like some kind of thug?" Damn Noctis, chill your beans bro.
Oooo 'Blade master', can't get a title cooler than that, right?
Oh gorsh,,, I suck at controlling Gladio,, This'll be interesting...
Yep. This'll definitely be interesting. Even with the tutorial.
He's just casually sat surrounded by voretooth corpses, as you do.
"Are you mentally prepared?" Cor, sweetie, Gladio seems to just be a 'suck it up, buttercup' type i think he's subconsciously mentally prepared even when he isn't consciously.
"Unless i get more power." Gladio you sound like Vergil from devil may cry, just don't stab yourself with a big sword and go power mad, yeah?
Cor is so serious,, but like he's sort of soft too,, like you can see he cares by what he says and stuff, y'know?
its like 'You go fight that thing you probably aren't strong enough to fight yet!! but stay safe too! don't want you dyin' on me!!' except, more like Cor would say it.
I feel like i've heard the name Gilgamesh before?
Gosh i love Cor and Gladio so much,, they're stronk boyos.
"Alright i've got this." Yeah!! yeah you do!! Thats the spirit Gladio!!
oh uh i've only just noticed but there are bodies everywhere... hecc...
Okay they're alive but also dead now i killed them. Also,, the soundtrack?? that battle music?? hell yeah, thats some good stuff.
Ooo waterslide!!!!
Eheheh Gladio rode the snek. ooo this is spoopy...
Wait we made it to the blade master already?? wha??
Ah okay i was meant to fail against Gilgamesh, that was a little frustrating at first...
"If you do not fear death" yeah i fear that Gladio lets lEAve
"So the blademaster..."
"He's a master of blades. What-- where you expecting something profound?"
coming from someone who plays mainly rpg games i expected it to be something with flying swords? like bahamut except smaller and weaker y'know?
also are we inside a tree??? the whole of this so far and like chapter uhh 4-5 (the one where they're in the crater, i apologise for poor memory lmao) just reminds me of devil may cry 5.
Awhhh, they're eating Cup Noodles togetherr,,
oh hecc yes SAVE.
Option: tell me more
My brain: tell me More, tell me more, tell me mo-o-ore, but Gladio singing it.
imma throw hands with Gilgamesh how dare they deem cor unworthy he's a stronk bean
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
*open area appears*
Me, immediately: I don't like this.
Bdhshjdndjs tHEY DID THE THING!!! Where Cor jumps on Gladio's back and then brings down a strike on the enemy!! Aaaa teamwork is so great!!!
"do you have the strength to survive these trials?" uh I sure hope he does
*looking at a body stabbed into the wall*
You okay there pal?
Sword stuck in the ground: *has the option to touch it*
I'm sorry but my whole play through of final fantasy I couldn't take most things gladio said serious because I'm immature and kept making dirty jokes but this,, this right here has to be the peak point where I could make a dick joke or say 'i dunno that's pretty gay Gladios.'
"hand holding stops here" no Cor stay please ;~;
Sometimes I hate the combat in this game, not because I think it's bad,, just,, gladio,,, in enclosed spaces,, with lots of foes,, it's not good for camera angles.
Ah yes. Touch the glowy thing. That's ALWAYS a great idea!
The soul keeps calling Gladio "young warrior" and sometimes I forget Gladio is like only 23? Like I dunno, he seems older? But at the same time?? It's like right? I dunno? Maybe it's his looks or personality who knows.
COR!!!! HEYA!! :3
"you wanna know why?" I mean, hell yeah. duh.
Awh he's worried bout Noct but i agree tbh, plus, Noct is fine they're just fighting that big dragon thing with Aranea!! :3
okay i can hear growling and snarling thats never good, but maybe its just a big puppy?? No??? awh okay ;~;;
Gladio with a gaint pupper would be adorable
ANYWAYS i'm getting side tracked again oops
Can i just use columns to defeat the blade master? just like 'You might be the blade master but iM BOB THE BUILDER' and just yeet a column at him??
Every column i see i just want to yeet now. In honour of yeeting columns, i paused and made a poem:
my nam is Gladio
and am strong
i hav sword
i tri do no wrong
when wyvern hit
and i do poor damage
it seems liek
somethin i must manage
so when wyvern
has me beat
i pick up a column
and i yeet
hope you enjoyed.
tOuuCh the soWoRd
bdjdndj i want an enkidu now they're so cooll!!!
toucH the gLowly
Actually Cor can i go home please??
also pft the soul like "Yeah well i knOw betteR." i can't.
however, i can yeet column at this bandersnatch and i will.
i picked up a column after the fight and i dunno how to put it down so i guess Gladio has a Pet column now. Imma call it stony.
NUH i got rid of stony ;~; see you in the afterlife stony.
The way Cor describes the blademasters eyes makes me think of Kakashi from Naruto with his sharingan.
also Gladio's confidence and positivity give me life.
final chamber- this is it!
a red giant?? really?? damn it.
i have my headphones on full and the soul just said "Come here to die, have you?" and it made me jump
"You looking to die again?" Gladio is not having this souls bs
it's talking about Cor and i am ready to tHROW HANDS,,, Cor is bean.
Cor giving Gladio a final warning but not stopping him makes my heart feel weird,,,
Awh that lil grin, Aaa the "Come back alive, be safe Gladio." has me soft™️
"He'd better be ready for me." Uh, Gladio, thats whAT SHE SAID!
Oh hecc here we go!! Heya Gilgamesh!! Time to defeat you!! :3
Gilgamesh isn't actually thatbhard to fight??
oH SO NOW HE HAS AN ARM geez lemme guess he's stronger and has more health too now?
Oh look i'm right!
Okay yea he's a lot stronger i don't like this but Gladio can do it!!! I believe in him!!!!!
Also after realising a tactic i have defeated Gilgamesh and i was right Gladio could do it!!!! :D
"I may be all muscle no mettle, but i'm gunna keep protecting Noct the only way i know how." YOu GO GLADDY!!!! I'm v v proud!!!!
Awhhh Gilgamesh is actually pretty cool dude i like him. Awhhhh he's giving Gladio his sword!! I'm so happy aaa!!
I really like Gladio and all of this and aaaa im so hAPPY for Him!!!!
they're just talking and its really nice and i'm not crying but i'm overwhelmingly happy for them!!
wait Gladio got the scar on his eye from dealing with a bully? damn i need to finish brotherhood, huh.
Prompto said "The more you know" and the gif popped up in my head and i'm lauGhing so damn much why is that so fUnny???
"What can I say? I'm worth the wait." Noctis,, sweetheart,, Foreshadow mucH XD
Awhhh, i'm really happy for Gladio. I'm actually really happy with that whole DLC to be honest. It was fun to play and i feel i kinda got more of a look into Gladio's and Cor's characters and such, y'know? That, plus i got better at playing as Gladio too! And getting better at stuff like that is always good! Practice makes perfect after all!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed my commentary of Episode Gladio!
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fifi-uchiha · 6 years
Born to live (1/?)
„So, that’s your method? Threatening a woman to marry you?” He stood right before her, closing the last bit of her well built distance as he reached out to capture her chin between his cold fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye. „I always get what I want, Sakura…”
To protect Timea, Haruno Sakura builds a strong army who manages to win every war that threatens her homeland. But when the powerful hokage Uchiha Sasuke becomes interested in Timea, Sakura’s life starts falling apart as she has to accept a forced mirage with the cold hokage.
However, both shinobi find out that they share a shocking past they never could’ve begun to imagine...
————————————-————————————- Chapter 1 In the middle of a giant battlefield fought a powerful shinobi, fighting against the enemies which tried to invade his homeland. His armor was shining in the dim sunlight and was covered in deep red blood and no one could tell whose it was. All those loud screams of terror and pain felt like a horrible curse within the battle smoke, followed by loud clashes of kunais and swords which were aiming to kill mercilessly. Seeing became harder because of the thickening, gray fog surrounding the ninjas, feeling like a suffocating curtain that stole the breath out of everyone’s lung. Countless jutsus were spoken while the leader of the army kept on fighting to protect his people, no matter how exhausted he was. How many hours passed since this fight begun? The shinobi didn’t know, and he didn’t find the will to care. Despite his morals, he did good in turning off every human emotion within his heart, throwing away his guilt with every life he took during this war. Killing became a mechanical process which became even more monotone a few hours ago. No exhaustion, no guilt, no fear was clouding his mind for he knew that human emotion was nothing but pure luxury that he could not possess, much less afford. This was a battle and he had to do anything to protect his people and to keep his homeland safe, no matter what… “AAAAH!” The fighter stopped in his tracks when he heard the familiar voice, green eyes full with worry and when he saw it, her breathing  stopped immediately. His silver-haired sensei was lying on the ground with blood covering his entire body while his armored enemy was standing over him, his sword risen and ready to strike. Green eyes widened full of shock and barely a second later, the leader reacted. “KAKASHI-SENSEI!” As if devil was after him, the shinobi ran while making sure to counter every attack and dodge every weapon without turning his gaze from Hatake Kakashi. His heart was racing like crazy when the enemy swung his sword for the kill, making the ninja scream like he never did before in his life. “NOOOOOO!”
Metal clashed against metal and the leader blocked the sword with his kunai, stopping the deadly attack just in time. Green eyes narrowed in desperation for his opponent was more than strong, making the leader’s hand shake after a few seconds. “Careful! Behind you!” Kakashi’s voice was full of desperation, his coal eyes widened when he saw the second ninja leashing at his student from behind, hating the fact that he was no longer able to move! The leader -who just beat his opponent and wasn’t able to focus- turned his head, green eyes blank with shock when the attacker formed several hand seals. “AAAAAAAAAH!” The leaders body was suddenly tied up without being able to find a way to get free, no matter how hard he tried. No. No, dammit! “LET ME GO!” “I will after I kill you.”, the enemy promised, a devilish smirk touching his lips. He pulled out his kunai, aiming for the leader’s head who was now sure that his life would end right here and now… “RASENGAN!” -If it weren’t for the blond haired shinobi that ended the attack with his favorite jutsu. “Hey! Are you guys alright?!” Backs touching, both ninjas stood before their sensei, watching carefully at their surroundings and making sure that no one would sneak behind Kakashi. As one of the most powerful ninja from Timea, Hatake Kakashi had many enemies which was the reason why it was so hard for him to fight during a battle without being horribly injured. “Yeah… Thanks, Naruto.”, the silver haired shinobi panted. “Well, it looks like I made it in time, dattebayo!” “Yes. Yes, you did.” Two best friends narrowed their eyes, making their selves ready to end this war. They would win. No matter what happened, Timea was not to be destroyed and the leader and the jinchuriki would rather die than giving up their homeland… . . . ………………….………………………………….……. “Hey… Come on, you should rest, Sakura.” Tenten was worried about the pink haired kunoichi who stood right before the flickering flames of the campfire, looking with a passive look at the golden and red colors as if she was… dreaming. “Hm? Ah… no, we have to find something to eat first. I’m okay, really-” “No, I asked Kakashi Sensei and Rin Sensei to do it. Your leg’s still bleeding, you need to take care of yourself and rest.”, Tenten pleaded, he hazel eyes full of worry over Sakura’s health. “Alright… Thanks, Tenten.” Knees weak and shivering, the young Haruno managed to sit down and was more than relieved for no longer having to stand and just relax for a while. “Hey Sakura…”, a blond shinobi grinned at her who didn’t ask when he lowered himself right beside her, being careful with his hurting arm Ino took care of earlier. He was… happy. No, that was an understatement for Naruto was literally beaming with joy. Haruno Sakura was a 21 year old woman and the blond’s best friend. The young kunoichi owned long, fluffy hair which shined just as pink as cherry blossom trees during spring and eyes greener than emerald. Her slightly tanned skin and full lips made her appear like an exotic beauty and the shinobi almost laughed about that. Because who would think that this small woman would be the leader of a whole army? “Your leg…” Both ninja looked at the bloody fabric of her upper leg which covered the painful injury she tried to hide from her comrades, however, Naruto was not to be fooled that easily. “Oh… Right.” Sakura ripped the fabric of her pants and took a good look at her wound, swallowing when she saw the dark blood liquid coming out from the deep gash. It was almost impossible to keep on fighting with a cut like this but Sakura had to admit that she didn’t really feel the pain until the fight ended. “Oh, that’s… nothing, really. It barely hurts.”, she lied, knowing that Naruto saw right through her lie but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he took the medicine he got from Tenten and Kiba and spilled the green, thick liquid right over her bleeding injury, making Sakura hiss from the sudden, burning pain. “I’m sorry, Sakura…” “It’s okay, really.”, she just brushed off. “I’m good now. Thanks, Naruto.” Feeling relieved, Sakura sighed deeply and looked to the dark sky covered by shining, small stars. “We won the fight, Naruto. Nothing but the end of the world could upset me now.” Even though the fight was gruesome and horrible, even though they had to kill too many ninja, they won. Every hour of hard training finally payed off in the shape of delicious victory, regardless if they wanted a war or not. Timea, their homeland was still free without being threatened by anyone. “Do you regret it?” Sakura blinked a few times and looked at the jinchuriki, who appeared to be more serious than she was used to. “Do you regret building the army?” His short but reasonably question caught her off guard but that didn’t stop her from giving him the one and only answer. “No.” That didn’t surprise the fox ninja. “Do you?” “Hell no, dattebayo!”, Naruto said enthusiastically. “After everything we did to come that far, I’m not gonna regret a thing! We kicked their asses and I’m damn happy about it!” . . . The story of the two best friends started with Haruno Sakura. Too many years ago, the young kunoichi lived with her funny father and her beautiful mother in a small village, being happy and loved. There was absolutely nothing Sakura missed, she was so incredibly happy that… it shouldn’t surprise anyone that it ended so horribly. Anyway, Timea had no hokage and no army. The land was politically empty, a place where only the strong survived and the weak died. Her parents, however, grounded the first army of Timea and took care of literally everything. The army wasn’t very big but shinobi from Timea were incredibly talented, strong willed and very skilled. The Haruno’s were the reason why Timea wasn’t invaded, they were the reason why many shinobi fought together to protect their homeland and for that, Sakura was so proud of her parents. However, they were killed nine years ago. Her parents came back from a hard fight and she didn’t need to be a kunoichi to see how exhausted they were. Sakura remembered how she fall asleep with her mother and father, sharing one last peaceful memory with them before the unthinkable happened. Enemies stormed into their cottage and attacked, knowing how tired and exhausted the Haruno’s were. Her mother hid her barely awake daughter, kissing her cheek, her forehead, her hair while whispering her last words into her ear. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. You have to be strong, Sakura, you will survive and you will find someone who will love you just as much as we love you…’ She became an orphan in the age of 12 and lived in the streets since. For two years, she was seen as scum, a lowlife with no future or worth. Sakura was pushed around by others, being too sad over her parents death to even think about fighting back… She actually wanted to die and reunite with them I the afterlife. There was nothing like mercy when she stole bread or water to survive. She didn’t care to count how many times someone punished her for stealing, even if it only was one slice of bread or water. One day, she decided that it was enough. The pinkette was tired to being pushed around by everyone, she was sick of being so weak and helpless. The time had come to stop feeling sorry for herself because her parents taught her how to defend herself, they wouldn’t want her to die like this. The problem was that Sakura possessed no chakra. She was not able to learn a single jutsu and even though she was interested in healing, she was only able to heal small injuries, not even her own. And that really annoyed her because self healing would’ve been so helpful that time… The Haruno didn’t know why nor had their parents, but she did not own chakra to practice jutsus at all, even though her parents were incredibly powerful ninja. That’s why she started to perform her own tai-jutsu so she could at least surprise her opponents which worked out quite well, to be honest. Not only that, Sakura learned that you don’t need a single jutsu to be strong enough to defend yourself against enemies… The pink haired leader remembered how she met Naruto. She remembered everything about that day because she knew that she would’ve died miserably without her blond best friend… . . . She was 14 year old back then and Sakura will never forget those dark hours, probably the darkest in her life without her parents. The young girl was walking through the dark streets, looking for something to eat, something to drink. She was facing death and she was too weak to be scared. Never in her life had Sakura been so close to death. Her entire body was hurting from hunger and thirst, especially the latter. For two days she wasn’t able to drink water and Sakura felt er intestines burn from horrible thirst. Dehydrated wasn’t even close to describe how she felt for Sakura felt literally empty. Walking was something that felt like the hardest challenge, almost as hard as breathing. She was hungry. No, even worse. She was thirsty. Sakura needed water more than air..! Praying that it would rain soon, Sakura wanted to cry which was impossible for her. She was too weak to cry, dammit, she would’ve drank her tears with a smile in her lips! She tried to wet her lips but her tongue was just as dry and did nothing to help. She staggered father, her will to survive still flaming in her dry body for she hoped for a miracle that would save her miserable life… “Hello, pretty girl.” Her staggering stopped and Sakuras lifeless eyes looked at a boy, who just had to walk through the same alley. The 14 year old blinked weakly, barely registering his appearance. He seemed to have dark hair, but that was all she could see in the darkness. “What does a pretty girl such as you do in a dark alley, hm? At night no less…” Sakura would’ve swallowed if she’d have enough spit to do so, but there was one thing for sure. This boy… was not a friend. That ninja was someone who’d want to hurt her, there was no mistake. His smirk spoke more than a thousand words and when he made the first step… Sakura knew that she had not the power to run away. . . . The way he was eyeing her, how he took in her small frame didn’t cover what he was trying to do to her. With her inexperienced age of 14, Sakura knew what terror was awaiting her.
The young girl tried to speak up, tried to say anything, but her throat felt like a dried lake, incapable of forming any words at all.
But when the male made his first steps to her direction, she felt panic rushing through her body which became even worse when she saw his grin turning into an evil smirk.
His eyes didn’t even tried to hide the way he looked at her thin body that was shaking in fear for Sakura knew that his person would be her downfall.
Whatever he would try to do to her…
She wouldn’t be able to stop him at all.
Not like this.
“I...I-I… have… t-to leave-”, she barely managed to croak out as she turned away, however, he didn’t let her go off that easy and stopped her by holding her tiny wrist. “Where are you going, beautiful? I could give you a few really good hours...” Her heart pounded against her rib cage and for a moment the pinkette thought she’d just throw up. If she had her chakra… She swore, she would’ve beaten his sorry ass for even looking at her. “N-No… Please, I-I… need t-to… leave-” She tried to free himself with no effort for his grip became even firmer, almost hurting her sensitive flesh. “I’m sorry, honey. But I’m afraid you’re too pretty for your own good.”
Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, her back hit the wall and Sakura’s breath was knocked out of her dry lungs. Her body shook like leaved in the wind, her heart hammered in her chest when she felt absolute horror about what as to come. “No… No..!”
Three heartbeats later, the stranger was thrown off her and Sakura’s eyes widened when she saw a blond male grabbing him by his collar before he smashed his body against the hard floor. The blond savior threw the dark haired boy a dirty look, being more than disgusted by the scene he had to witness only seconds ago. He didn’t even realize his eyes not being blue but blood red in color, his fury was so immense that he had no control over himself.
“You disgusting son of a bitch...”, he bit out menacingly. The actually blue eyed shinobi didn’t have to be a genius to know what he tried to do to that girl… “Who… who are you-”, the 16 year old boy groaned but when he realized the blond hair and demon eyes, he didn’t even need his answer. He knew the name of the 16 year old savior. “U-Uzumaki Naruto?!” “Indeed.”
Naruto was known for being the ninetails jinchuuriki and even if he hated the fact that people avoided him for just that, he was more than happy about him having the ability to scare people off. “This was the first and only time you try doing this, Hojo.” Naruto knew that rich bastard but still wasn’t afraid to threaten him. “Not only will I tell everyone about this, next time I won’t go easy on you.”, he threatened. “You’ll be dead before you can even lay a finger on a girl ever again. Understood?!” Hojo nodded hysterically, didn’t look as strong as he did minutes ago. There were only a few fools in this land who dared challenging the jinchuuriki and Hojo didn’t belong to those. “Y-Yes! I promise, I will never… do this again!”
Hearing this, the disgusted ninja harshly let go of him, watching him running for his life before he turned around to face the pink haired beauty he just saved. Really, being a jinchuuriki really was handy sometimes…
“Are you okay?” The tension left her body almost immediately when she heard his voice and before she could answer, her knees buckled and finally gave in. “Hey!” The foxninja caught the girl, checking her to see if she was hurt. “What happened to you? Do you hear me? Are you sick? Do you need something..?!” She wanted to swallow but her throat was still too dry.
“Wa...ter...-” Naruto’s eyes widened as he understood her critical condition before he tightened his grip and ran to a certain direction. “Don’t worry, you will be okay again. Just hang in there, dattebayo!” He carried her to a meadow over a hill only Naruto knew. Being forced to live on the streets, Naruto learned to fend for himself, having built his own, big tent with enough supplies to survive. He was a little older than her and being feared for being a monster, no one dared hitting or attacking him… Not anymore.
“There...” He placed her on the floor right before his tent and Sakura could hear how he was looking for something. She didn’t know exactly what, but to be honest… She was just about to pass out and she stopped caring about everything.
“Here. Come on, drink this.” Her dull eyes opened when she realized his demand and Sakura tried. She tried reaching out with her hand, tried taking the bottle but before she could even touch the object, her arm fell. Sakura had not energy left in her limb body. Her body almost looked lifeless to the blond ninja..! “No, no..! Come on, open your eyes, dattebayo!”
He hold her upper body up with his arm before he brought the bottle to her dry lips, making sure that the water would definitely enter her barely opened mouth. When Sakura realized the cold, long-awaited water inside her mouth, her eyes widened and she begun drinking. “There you go. Drink as much as you want, we have more than enough.”, the shinobi smiled while he witnessed the life returning to her body. Sakura drank faster, almost screaming of happiness when she felt the cold liquid feeling like molten gold in her throat.
Her body jerked and she begun coughing uncontrollably. Understanding that she had drunk too fast, he carefully slapped her back and was more than relieved that she seemed to be okay again. She calmed down again and turned to the blond ninja to thank him, but he put his hand on her shoulder and smiled kindly. “Wait a minute, I’ll be right back.” With those words, he left the now confused kunoichi who wondered why he went off so sudden.
Naruto returned a few minutes later and made sure to light a campfire. Sakura’s eyes widened in awe when he staked a few fishes to the ground, making sure the flames were near enough to perfectly grill them. He also took more water and a stick of bread from his tent before he finally sit down next to her.
“Well, that took me long enough.”, he joked lightly. “Sorry I couldn’t talk so much. I didn’t even tell you my name, right? Well, my name is Uzumaki Naruto.” He turned around the fishes before he continued. “What’s your name?” “I am Haruno Sakura.”, she answered, finally able to use her voice again. “Haruno you say? Does that mean you’re the daughter of-” “Yes.” Her parents were heroes who were known by practically everyone in Timea.
“And you are the ninetails jinchuuriki..?”, Sakura asked for she had recognized his name. Naruto nodded approvingly, however, he didn’t seem as happy as he did before. “It’s a real honor to meet you.” Naruto blinked several times, made it more than obvious that he wasn’t used to being treated like an actual human being. “You… You’re not afraid of me..?” “Are you kidding me? You just saved my life!”, she almost shouted at him. “Thank you. Without you… I’m sure I would’ve died tonight.” He just laughed as if helping her was no big deal. “Come on, I don’t want any gratitude for that.”, he brushed off. “But I’m kinda curious. Why are you alone? For a pretty girl like you it’s damn dangerous to walk around the streets, dattebayo.”
Her eyes saddened almost immediately because answering his question would mean that she’d have to remember that day.
“I’m alone, Naruto. My parents were killed four years ago. I was ten years old and since then...” She swallowed harshly, memories of her parents started burning her eyes. “You’re alone since then?!”
He was… shocked. Sakura looked like a fragile, little person, seemed to be soft and so easy to break. He actually didn’t belong to those kind of people who let their selves influenced by mere appearance but… no one would think of her as a powerful fighter.
“I am.” Her answer tasted bitter. For both of them.
“I’m sorry.”, he said sympathetically, however, Sakura brushed it of. “Don’t be. After all… You’re alone, too.” It was more than obvious to her, The tent, his food, the way he just… was- There was no doubt that he too was left behind. “That’s true. I was raised in an orphanage but left it years ago.” He told her everything about his life, how he was raised and pushed away by basically everyone. Sakura found out about how he had to fight to survive, how he had enough of those people hating him just because he was a jinchuuriki. Naruto was grateful that he finally met someone who didn’t see him as a monster.
“I knew that leaving the orphanage would be dangerous but I guess pride does that to you. I wasn’t gonna stay where I’m not welcome.” “I am really sorry, Naruto.” “It’s okay. I can take care of myself, dattebayo- Oh!” He almost forgot the food and took the stakes in his hands. Sakura blinked as Naruto put three fishes, bread and water right in front of her, smiling froem one ear to the other about her flabbergasted face. But she looked… careful, seemed to be hesitant. More so, the Haruno felt shame push against her chest. She wasn’t used to be treated like this, never had someone who’d help her.
Her parents were the only people she depended on.
“Hey, come on. Eat. You need to gain your strength back.”He understood that she was ashamed and grinned, before he took a bite. “OUCH! OH MY GOD, THAT’S HOT!” Sakura giggled about his funny expression and handed him the bottle, feeling even more comfortable immediately. She looked at the stake in front of her and swallowed, feeling hunger eat her from the inside out. And when she took the first bite… She almost cried. Yes, Sakura almost shed tears.
The last time she eat such wonderful food was too long ago, she barely remembered it. More so, the Haruno felt like a real princess, a goddess almost. After all, she had bread, fish and water for dinner and it took all of her self control to not stuff her mouth too much. She could feel her body gaining more and more energy, that horrible, disgusting weakness wasn’t as heavy anymore. Finally, after so many days of hunger and thirst, Haruno Sakura felt strong again. Just as strong as the kunoichi she actually was.
“Thank you.”, she then said, her eyes were greener than before, almost shining from the new energy she had. “If it weren’t for you… I would’ve died miserably-” “Don’t.”, the 16 year old interrupted her. “There’s no reason to thank me. I’m glad you’re okay now, dattebayo.” “You just saved me from that stranger.” The pinkette knew there weren’t many people in this land who would interfere in a fight, however, Naruto didn’t even think about hesitating. “Nah, that guy’s a bastard and should be happy he’s still alive.” Really, he almost regretted letting him go that easy. “But hey. Your chakra totally changed, yo know. Are you a shinobi or something?”
The young girl looked at the flames before her and struggled for a few seconds. Should she tell him? Everyone always laughed at her when she told them about her dream, so should she really- No, Naruto wasn’t like that. Sakura had the feeling that he would not see her as a foolish girl with ridiculous fantasies. “Yes, I am a kunoichi.”, she answered quietly. “I train every day to survive and created my own martial arts, Naruto. But unfortunately, I can’t practice nin-jutsu.” Eyebrows furrowed, the blond ninja looked more than confused about her admission. “What? You mean no one taught you how to use it or..?” He really didn’t understand. “No. I just can’t use my chakra like that what’s weird because I can definitely feel it inside me and use it to heal wounds. That’s why I focused on my tai-jutsu.”
She fox ninja nodded understandingly and folded his arms before his chest, though about logical reasons to explain her critical condition. He didn’t. “Well, that really is weird but hey, you don’t need nin-jutsu to be a ninja. Tai-jutsu is the most important ability and you should keep improving, dattebayo.” “Yeah… That’s what I’m trying. Because one day I want to-” She hesitated again, wasn’t sure if she should continue. “What?”, he pushed and saw how unsure she was. “Come on, spit it out. I’m curious now!”
“I want to build an army one day to protect Timea from more attacks.”, she blurted out. “I’m sick of seeing my village being attacked by others and getting smaller every day. I’m done seeing people live a miserable live or get killed. My parents started living their dream of freeing Timea and just because they were killed their dream shouldn’t be forgotten. I don’t want Timea to stay as miserable as it is. It shouldn’t be a happy coincidence that our land wasn’t occupied yet, Shannaro...”
Sakura swallowed and gave him a strong, determined look.
“I want to save Timea from it’s own downfall.” For a long time the ninja looked at her with raised brows, the surprise on his face barely hidden for he had not expected to hear those words from such a fragile looking girl. Her eyes almost spit fire, her words were more than determined and her words sure. She had that dream and would do everything to make it reality. Sakura wasn’t sure how the jinchuuriki would react because after all, she was a girl. A woman.
No army would voluntarily follow her, much less take her seriously.
No one would follow a woman who can’t even use nin-jutsu.
“That sounds awesome, dattebayo!”, he suddenly blurted out, surprising the girl. “Like… come on, Timea is a joke! We have no king, no kage, no politics, no rules- We have nothing! And I would love to help you building that army. It’s about time we start kicking asses and-” “You don’t think my dream is ridiculous?” Naruto eyebrows were raised when she asked him that. “Why should I?”, he replied while she looked at him as if the answer was obvious. “Naruto, I’m not only unable to use nin-jutsu, I’m a woman. No one’s gonna follow me, they will all laugh-”
“Sakura, come on. If you don’t respect yourself for all your strengths and weaknesses, no one will.”, Naruto said, sounding really wise for his age. “You have to accept yourself and stop worrying about others. Look at me. I’m being called a monster by everyone but I stopped giving a damn about them years ago because I stopped hating myself for being a jinchuuriki. So just relax and train, the rest is gonna be one hell of a nice surprise, dattebayo!” He sounded so honest, so optimistic that Sakura was almost forced to believe his beautiful sounding words. Naruto made her feel like her idea of Timea wasn’t just a silly dream, but her actual future that was just about to come true.
He was the first one who didn’t laugh at her and even convinced her to keep trying.
“And you really think people will join my army?”, she asked, eyes innocent and hoping. “Of course! Look at me, you just recruited your first soldier.” He pumped his elbow playfully against her arm, grinning from ear to eat. “I’m in, Sakura. From now on, I’m gonna help you turning Timea into a strong village, dattebayo!” His eyes were shining like a blue ocean, his voice full of sincerity which literally shocked the pink haired kunoichi. Never. Never before had she met a person who admired her for having this dream. Never had she met anyone who would want to join and help her making it true!
The blond ninja stretched out his arm then, holding his fist before her chest and made her laugh for Sakura had the feeling that this sign was his way of sealing a promise.
Sakura pumped her smaller fist against his and laughed for the first time since her parents died. She felt warm inside and had the feeling that meeting Uzumaki Naruto was… everything.
“Would you like to sleep in my tent? I uh… I won’t do anything, I swear. But it’s pretty cold and my tent is kinda big, so I just wanted to-” “Thank you. You have no idea how thankful I am, Naruto.” “Stop thanking me!”
Both shinobi then started their new life together and trained every single day while trying to find more and more volunteers to build their army. It was a slow, agonizing process but after they met Hatake Kakashi, the army grew almost immediately and Sakura and Naruto watched their small group developing into a huge, powerful army. So many strong ninjas lived in Timea and shared their idea of an ideal Timea and now, seven years later, they were not alone anymore. They built cottages together, marketplaces weren’t a rarity anymore and even crimes weren’t committed that often. Timea was finally strong enough to survive without being attacked by countless villages. And Sakura knew that meeting Uzumaki Naruto must have been her fate. They trusted each other without doubting the other for even a second.
They were best friends but even… Sakura couldn’t explain but starting her life with Uzumaki Naruto didn’t just feel wonderful, it almost felt… familiar.
It took an eternity but Sakura was proud that they made it that far. Timea finally was an independent land and they would never give up defending their home.
“Why should we regret coming this far? Sakura, Timea was saved thanks to you, dattebayo.” Sakura laughed, her cheeks touched by soft redness over his words. “What are you saying? I couldn’t have done anything by myself. You, the entire army made Timea strong again, not me.” “Yeah, but no one would’ve moved a finger without you.” Naruto and Sakura turned to the lazy voice and smiled when Kakashi Sensei, Ino and Kiba joined them and the pinkette was more than relieved that her female blonde friend managed to heal their wounds perfectly. “Tenten’s okay again, forehead. I gave her some of your drugs and she literally passed out-” “Stop calling my medicine ‘drugs’, shannaro!” Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura loved each other but still had their friendly banters here and there which really amused their comrades.
“Oh yeah whatever, stop bitching and listen to my question, Sakura.”, Ino said, ending this topping quickly. “When will you finally expose yourself?” Hearing that hated question, Sakuras eyebrows twitched for she knew which conversation would follow. “Come on. Over three years passed since we built the army and no one but us knows that you are the leader. I think you should step out of the shadows and tell them.”
Her close friends were the only ones who knew about Sakura���s hidden identity of being the leader of Timea who was responsible for the immense changes in this land. Sakura indeed was proud of their accomplishments and wouldn’t reduce her efforts, however, the 22 year old was… scared. After all, she was a woman. A woman without any special abilities, a woman without the ability to use any jutsus. Everyone was happy with the image of a strong, powerful man leading their home, so how could she expose herself and shock them with the fact that it was a mere woman with pink hair and no nin-jutsu who turned out to be the leader.
Shame and fright stopped her from telling them the truth.
“Soon...” All three of them groaned over her answer and Sakura was glad Tenten was sleeping because she probably would’ve slapped her for that answer. “You said that last week.”, Kakashi reminded her and she didn’t need to take off his mask to see the disapproving expression on his face. “Yeah. Just like the week before. And the week before. And the week before. And the week-” “Thank you, Kiba, I get it, shannaro...” “But we are right.”, Ino said. “It’s about time. Stop shitting your pants and speak up.” “How? Ino, how am I supposed to do that? I’m a woman and I don’t want them to laugh at me or… or be mad! We can’t take any risks that would cause harms to Timea.”
“That’s ridiculous.”, the masked ninja commented, his eyes never leaving his beloved book. “You are strong and I don’t understand why you’re reducing yourself so much. The army will be grateful, no one’s gonna hate you, Sakura.” “I’m not reducing my abilities as a ninja, Kakashi Sensei. It’s their opinion about all this that makes me nervous...” A heavy sigh left her and Sakura pinched the brick of her nose because yes, she knew they were right. The pinkette never doubted that. “I will tell them, okay? Just… give me some time -shuit it, Kiba, not again!- and I’ll do it.”
Her comrades sighed but trusted her decision for they did understand her. Forcing her would be foolish because she had to be ready to take that step, so they would just support Sakura’s decisions. “Fine.”, Ino grumbled, leaning her head against Sakura’s shoulder. “But please, don’t wait too long. I don’t want them to find out about your secret from someone else, okay?” “Don’t worry, they won’t. Tenten, Rin Sensei and you guys are the only ones I trust.”
And Sakura knew that none of them would tell anyone about her secret.
The four comrades talked and ate together, trying to calm their selves after that horrible fight. Even though they were exhausted, the ninjas took their time to enjoy little moments like these for every day was dangerous and could be the last for them.
They would fight, no matter how dangerous life would get. After everything, they would fight for freedom and peace. For a life without fear and sorrows.
No matter what happens, Timea would never stop fighting.
However, there was one land that already kept an eye on Timea. A village that was ruled and leaded by a strong hokage and was feared for it’s immense power by every village. A leader, who never lost a single war.
Uchiha Sasuke.
Hello and welcome to my probably most difficult project ever :D
“Born to live” belongs to my second biggest fanfic which I already publishes a year ago.
It’s really weird to start over again, ya know. This fanfic is actually effing long (350,000 words) and I feel so nostalgic writing the first chaps again, it’s really crazy lol
Anyway, you guys should know that Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto are all kinda OOC because this is is AU fanfic. No Uchiha massacre, no Madara Uchiha- none of that.
In fact, I started this ff long before I started watching Naruto and just decided to use my idea for a Naruto fanfic hehe
And there is one more thing. Guys, I am a passionate writer and love spending hours writing a fanfic. However, my German writing abilities can be considered as good, but English is my third language. It kinda bothers me that the English version of “Born to Live” is never going to be as good as the original version, but I’ll try anyway. But please, go easy on me :,D
I’m really excited about your reations! My German readers love this fanfic and I can’t wait to find out how you all will react to it because, as I said, contains very OOC characters like… Ino. Oh my, I can’t wait to present my version of Ino ;D
Until next chap, guys!
Fifi-Uchiha Next chapter:
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cyabae · 6 years
Bedtime Stories Against the World - Day 14
Day 14: Free day! | The Last Day
Words: 1570
This is it, my final drabble for @kakaobiweek2019 ! It’s been so much fun and I’m kinda sad that this is over.. :’) A huge thank you @withyourrhythm for arranging this, these two weeks have been truly blessed. Also, thanks for fellows participants, the fanart has been so amazing and I have loads and loads of nice looking fics to read during the weekend!
Anyway, this is my good bye & good night as well!
>> AO3 <<
Kakashi opens his eyes.
He feels strangely calm. That’s pretty common for people who are about to die. Kakashi has seen his fair share of death, and he’s been ready to face his own for so long. The floating sensation could suggest that it’s already over but there’s also a sense of nausea caused by a number of conditions including hypoxia and the adrenaline wearing off.
At first, the world seems blurry but the Sharingan can see someone’s chakra. It’s nothing like Kakashi has ever seen before. The flow of it is irregular and the composition seems weird as well. There‘s not much of it.
“So, you woke up after all,” a raspy voice says. The source of it is close by.
It takes a while before Kakashi recognizes the speaker. Sure, he’s heard Obito speaking many times whilst dreaming but the sweet delusions have always lacked the bitter tone that’s present now. Memories from the past lifetimes start to come back.
Kakashi has been happy with Obito for centuries, maybe even more.
And there they are, looking into each other’s eyes, acknowledging that they haven’t even had a chance to be friends.
“Is this your punishment?” Kakashi asks. “Letting me live?” he can’t tell how Obito has managed to do it.
That must’ve taken so much chakra.
“No,” Obito replies. His silhouette is getting much clearer now that the worst dizziness has faded away. He has many human features left. Two hands and two feet but also horns and tails. The dark hair has become white. And even though the Earth has become a pretty dim place, Obito’s skin has a cold, pale undertone. It’s very prominent, especially given how it can be noticed in such circumstances.
The only two sources of light are the crimson moon and the sun that has become a red dwarf. Otherwise, the sky is a pitch black, starless void.
Eons are gone by.
It’s the only rational conclusion, yet Kakashi has a hard time to wrap his head around the idea.
“Then why?” he questions, pulling himself up. “Why don’t you just kill me?”
“You never answered my question,” Obito answers. This time his tone isn’t resentful or acrimonious, it’s just tired. “Why can’t she be alive?”
He hasn’t aged a day from the day he transformed into a demigod but the mismatched eyes show weariness. An eternity alone must’ve been such a long, long time.
All life is gone by now. Miles and miles of solid rock is all that’s left. Obito has created a small shelter – a celestial shield – which is the reason why Kakashi can still breathe. He should feel anger but there’s no point in that. Everything’s gone.
There are no easy answers but coming up with one is worth trying. It’s the only action he can take.
“I don’t know,” Kakashi admits. “I really don’t. But I never hoped for such a solution – I had years to come over my losses, and I think I…” he cuts himself short. He’s uncertain how to put his emotions into words.
He has never stopped missing the people he’d lost. Not his father, not Kushina and Minato and not Rin.
However, all of those people have been long gone and Kakashi has accepted it. He’s mourned for them but he’s also found comfort thinking that he’ll be with them in the afterlife if that exists.
Obito has always been different from them. The uncountable years alone have taught him patience which is probably why he doesn’t rush Kakashi.
But Obito isn’t the only one who has questions to ask.
“There were other ways to bring her back,” Kakashi points out. He says it without judgment, knowing that Obito wanted to give her an eternal life instead of a temporary one. But even one year of existing is much so more than zero. “Weren’t there?”
Obito looks at Kakashi, tired and sad.
“I couldn’t find her.”
He doesn’t specify what he means but it makes sense. The plan to make the world sleep forever isn’t Obito’s own and knowing the cold and calculating reputation of Madara Uchiha, it is entirely possible that Rin’s grave was empty from the very beginning.
Even though Kakashi has always thought that she was brought back home.
“Can’t you dream?” Kakashi asks. “There’s no one else left.”
“You are,” Obito states. “And I don’t have enough chakra for it.”
He sounds like he’s made up his mind a long time ago about it.
But Kakashi has received a way too much extra time without offering anything in return which needs to stop.
“But I have.”
“Yeah, and you’re painfully mortal,” Obito rolls his eyes. The gesture makes him look like a human. He’s gorgeous when he’s unimpressed with Kakashi’s suggestions. “We should have a couple of weeks left,” he states. It’s an implication that Kakashi could spend them wisely instead of being stupid.
However, Kakashi isn’t done. He has had more than enough time. Endless dreams were not his idea of the best possible outcome but despite that, he’s grateful for them. They’ve been truly beautiful.
“My chakra is still usable,” Kakashi conveys. He hasn’t much to give but he can offer that. “You could…”
“Are you fucking stupid?”
For the first time, a spark ignites in Obito’s eyes. They glimmer in the moonlight, sad, angry and confused.
“Don’t. Ever. Just don’t,” Obito hisses. “Why are you still such a fucking idiot?” he spits.
Kakashi can’t help but stare at Obito. This intense reaction is familiar from the past. The feisty response is full of emotion but it isn’t cold and spiteful. It’s just disorganized frustration.
Obito bites his lower lip and turns his gaze down. His anger begins to subside, and it is replaced by its opposing force. Kakashi doesn’t dare to name it but he’s not blind to it because they share their vision, and their souls are connected.
Kakashi realizes something he’s already known. Obito won’t operate for selfish reasons, he just isn’t the type. Kakashi isn’t the worthless exception to the rule. Their ugly history won’t change the feelings between them, and those feelings are beautiful.
A monster or not, right now Obito seems just scared and lost.
Kakashi hesitates for a while before placing his hand on Obito’s shoulder. The scaly skin feels different but it is warm.
Obito doesn’t shy away.
He doesn’t draw back even when Kakashi does what he should’ve done when he saw those deep, dark eyes tearing up for the first time. He pulls Obito into a hug.
They stay like that without speaking or trying to make sense out of the situation. Instead, they let the gravity sink in. There’s literally nothing left and it will be a problem. The universe is ancient and dying. Death has proven that it is the greatest force.
But sometimes death rewards those who’re smart enough to avoid it. A few extra years can be earned.
Kakashi pulls Obito tighter against his chest.
“’m so sorry,” Obito whispers as Kakashi runs his fingers through the white locks.
“Don’t be,” Kakashi gently scolds. Perhaps the rest of the world wanted Obito to regret his actions but everyone else is long gone, and Kakashi doesn’t need an apology. He’s gotten more than anyone could ask for, he’s had many happy lives. He wants to give something in return. “We’ll find a way to fix this.”
Obito lets out a shaky laugh.
“C’mon,” it isn’t a belittling comment. If there was a solution to this, Obito would’ve reversed the damage by now. He hasn’t been able to do that, not on his own. However, now that Kakashi is there…
There is one idea that seems worth trying.
Kamui is the strongest time-space out there. Nothing has ever come even close to it, and it hasn’t been used with the both Sharingan activated.
Kakashi explains this, and strangely enough, Obito doesn’t cut him off.
Or maybe it does make sense.
They are the last two people alive and each other’s best security.
“If we can go back in time,” Kakashi knows it’s a big if, “we can still save Rin. It’s not going to be easy, and the world is going to be far from perfect. But she could live a normal life. A happy one. We’ll make sure that she gets a chance.”
“That’s a horrible plan,” Obito comments but he hasn’t refused to consider it. “We’ll go with that.”
Kakashi smiles.
The end can’t be avoided forever but it can be delayed, and this is what Obito knows.
Kakashi has seen his fair share of death. He’s witnessed a handful of peaceful departures and dozens of demises that weren’t pretty at all. There are many ways to go but what unites them is the element of regret. People tend to wish that they’d done more instead of less.
“Looks like we have much planning to do then,” Kakashi comments.
Obito nods and allows Kakashi to press a tiny kiss on his cheek. Technically speaking, they might represent opposing sides in a conflict that hasn’t been resolved, and they’ve never been friends but there is a new alternative, a truly pleasant one.
If this plan works…
They’ll have one more life to figure out whether they could be lovers for real. It’s an interesting thought experiment and a great little side cause.
In fact, it’s another goal to obtain or die trying.
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heartbreak-human · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Nara Shikamaru, Umino Iruka, Ootsutsuki Hagoromo, Killer Bee Additional Tags: Naruto is dead, He is brought back to life, Older Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto stays in 22, Jealous Uchiha Sasuke, Bottom Uzumaki Naruto, Top Uchiha Sasuke, Porn with Feelings, Sasuke is less asshole here, Only after he realizes he has feelings for Naruto after his death, Mourning, Protective Umino Iruka, A bit OOC Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto is not revived with Edo Tensei Summary:
Realization hit him.
He had given his life in order to save Konoha. He was dead.
This was not the place he imagined when he thought about the afterlife. He was often told that heaven was a place where you felt at peace and you were happy in the company of your dead loved ones. Not this.
He gave a resigned sigh.
0 notes
waywardfacegarden · 7 years
Ok, I don’t have anything BIG against Sakura. I like her as a character (I have a few bad thoughts about her, tho, and most of them are relative about Sasuke and her, or she being too mean or rude sometimes, but it’s not like I hate her or something. She grew up, she was a very important part of Team 7, she was such a great ninja medic) and I think that she was okay, but I hate when SS shippers (and people in general) start saying things like “I like SS, tho Sasuke didn’t deserve her, you know”, “she did so much for him”, “she was the person who cared about him the most and he treated her so mean and rude”... I mean... what???
Sakura was fine, but all the “Sasuke didn’t deserve our queen” is bullshit. Sorry, but it’s true. I keep seeing this phrase more often lately and it just. makes. me. ANGRY.
Sakura, who was supposedly so in love with Sasuke, tried to kill him. And before you all start with the “but she was so in love that she couldn’t” let me tell you that it is such a lame excuse, because she STILL tried to kill him, ok? That she “couldn’t” doesn’t count because she still tried, and that she couldn’t because some reason doesn’t quit that she still tried to at some point. It doesn’t quit that she GAVE UP on him. She, who was the one that “loved him so much that hurt”, gave up on trying to get Sasuke back, to get Sasuke “out of darkness”, she gave up on trying to understand him, understand his reasons for all he was doing. She thought there was no saving for Sasuke, that there was no way to "make him come to reason", that “the pain her pursuit of Sasuke caused” wasn’t worth it. And don’t tell me I’m wrong, because that’s you making things up. She thought it, that’s basically the reason why she tried to kill him. She gave up. All the “Sakura is not a little girl anymore, Naruto, she’s a kunoichi, she grew up, she knows how things are, she understands, you should do it too”. Everyone in the village gave up on him, everyone thought that he was a criminal and didn’t even TRY to understand him, and so did she. She gave up.
You know who is the ONLY person who actually CARED for the reasons behind Sasuke’s actions? The ONLY person who actually NEVER gave up on him? On trying to understand him? Naruto. He didn’t try to kill him. Not even once. Even after all that happened, he NEVER GAVE UP on him. He never lost his undying faith on him. Naruto KNEW Sasuke was a good person, that he had a good heart. He KNEW that Sasuke wouldn’t do anything for no reason. Naruto cared. Naruto tried to understand him, since day one. Did he try to kill him even though Sasuke attacked him? No, he said he would shoulder Sasuke’s hatred and die with him so he’d never be alone again. He even begged the Raikage to spare Sasuke’s life. He had a several panic attack just at the thought of Sasuke’s death.
AND before you start with "but that's unfair because Naruto knew the truth about Itachi so he could understand him better" because I'm gonna tell you something: Naruto didn't have to believe that. Madara (well, Obito, but in that time he was supposedly Madara) told him that. MADARA, who was the big villain in that moment, told him, and he could have decided to not believing him like Yamato did, like Kakashi did. Naruto decided, he CHOSE to believe it despite all. He actually THOUGHT that, was it truth or not, it AFFECTED Sasuke. He CARED about how Sasuke could have feel in that time. He understood that Sasuke was suffering because of the truth, because of all that happened. He didn't dismiss his feelings, he didn't give up; his love for him wasn’t selfish, because he CARED. He spent awake before Obito went, thinking "Sasuke, why didn't you come back to the village? You already had your revenge, you killed Itachi. Did it make you feel better? Or did all just get worse?" HE THOUGHT ABOUT HOW SASUKE COULD HAVE BEEN FEELING IN THAT MOMENT, HE CARED ABOUT HIM AND HIS FEELINGS AND ALWAYS TRIED TO UNDERSTAND HIM, unlike Sakura.
Besides, Sakura COULD have known about Itachi if she wanted. She heard when Naruto said "I know about Itachi's truth", she HEARD, and did she ask Naruto about that? Did she even tried to know what was happening in Sasuke's life? No. She didn't. She didn't ask. She stayed ignorant because SHE WANTED. She HEARD what Naruto said and she didn't even ask anything about that, despite knowing how important Itachi was for Sasuke, how it could affected him, whatever it was. She didn't even try to understand Sasuke. She just didn't get him, never. She thought about him as a criminal, she thought that the pain she was feeling was not worth it and she gave up. Naruto was suffering just as much as her, the girl that was "so in love" with Sasuke, and he didn't thought that the pain was not worth it. He tried to understand, he knew that, somehow, Sasuke was feeling very bad and he didn't want him to suffer more, he didn't want Sasuke to feel lonely, he was willing to die with him (and put all, his desires, his goals, ALL aside because of him, just so Sasuke would not feel lonely anymore, would not suffer more about the Uchiha clan and Itachi. He WANTED to meet Sasuke in the afterlife and be happy there with him, no more wars, no more corruption system, no more jinchuuriki and clan problems, just the two of them. Happy.) So don't dare to tell me that Sakura deserved Sasuke SO MUCH and that she did so much for him instead of just spill out her feelings and gave up on him. Don't dare to tell me that she was the person who cares more about Sasuke because that's not true. And I'm tired of all the glorify to the girls in the fandom (yeah, I'm talking about the "princess Hinata" too, you all glorify the girls so much.), because the truth is that Sakura gave up on him. I don't care about if you say that she loved him or she cared about him because yes, she did, but NOT ENOUGH, and despite Sasuke took bad decisions in his life (because of certain reasons, but still, bad decisions), Sakura had his fails too, and if you talked about her as the girl who was "so in love with Sasuke that he didn't even deserve her" then WOW, THAT girl actually cared less than the boy that was supposedly just "Sasuke's friend/best friend". That's a dissapointment.
SS is a shitty ship NOT ONLY because of Sasuke. Sakura’s “love” was selfish and like a drug, like Kishimoto himself said. Sakura, who was “so in love” with the boy didn’t even try to understand him? I mean, what? If you say that Sasuke is bad for Sakura, then Sakura is bad for Sasuke too. She always talked about how much she loved Sasuke but she didn’t even understand him? She didn’t even tried to think that there were reasons behind his actions? No, she thought that he became a monster, that he became a criminal. So, if you say that Sasuke was bad for Sakura, the let me tell you that Sakura was bad for him too.
SS is a toxic relationship and a bad pairing because of BOTH parts, not just once.
So stop with all the hate for Sasuke, because he’s not the only to blame here.
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myaekingheart · 5 years
93. Permission
               It was so strange to think his time in this place was limited. Kakashi had never thought much of his apartment—it didn’t seem overly important—but now that he was leaving, his perspective had shifted into something all too nostalgic. He stood in the center of that tiny studio and drank in all of the strange, ethereal memories, some of which he had never expected to cling to in the first place. Simple things like one morning when the sun was especially bright or having accidentally dropped a pen behind his desk only to retrieve it now, months later. At first, he wasn’t sure what it was about this that was making him so emotional but then he thought of her and how her presence changed this place. As he began organizing the rest of his things into boxes, he’d find little reminders of her scattered here and there: a stray hair tie, a bok she had left behind, the chakra plant she had given him. And then there was the most pressing piece of all: that engagement ring.
               Kakashi propped open the box to inspect it, ensuring it was still in as good a condition as when he first received it. He studied the iridescence of the mounted pearl in the sunlight and his heart swelled. He had waited so long. Their future was right before them now, just waiting for them to embrace it. How much longer could he stand to procrastinate? He wasn’t sure but the one thing he did know was that he was ready. He was ready to kneel down before her and ask her to spend the rest of her life with him. To become his wife.
               He would have to tread carefully, however. Once they had moved in together, it would be significantly harder to hide his plans. As anxious as he was, Kakashi truly did not want to rush this. A proposal was a big deal, it wasn’t something just done on a whim. He needed to ensure the moment would be special. Rei deserved nothing less. As such, this would require careful preparation, perfect timing, and above all else a sense of decorum. Kakashi respected tradition, as did Rei’s family. He hated to think of Rei as anyone’s property but he knew that if he was going to do ths right, he would have to ask for permission. It was a daunting task for sure. Kakashi looked to the ring once more for added strength before snapping the box shut and sliding it into his pouch. He sucked in a deep breath before he stepped outside and made his way to Kaminoki.
               The little bell above the door chimed as he slipped inside, Hana standing at the register checking out an elderly man who had nearly wiped the shelf of manuals clean. “My wife always took care of the technical things” the old man explained. “Since she passed on, everything in the house has started to break and I don’t know how to fix it!”
               “I’m so sorry for your loss” Hana said softly, reaching a comforting hand out across the counter. Her eyes, however, were glancing to Kakashi as he waved at her quietly and slowly approached. He was not about to interrupt or rush the conversation, though his anxiety was certainly mounting.
               The old man seemed completely oblivious to the new customer. He simply shook his head and laughed a bittersweet little laugh. “I think she’s haunting me” he replied. “She knows I can’t fix things for shit and so she’s going around in the afterlife breaking things on purpose just to give me a hard time.”
               Hana smiled politely. “Well at least you can take solace in knowing she’s still with you” she said.
               Nodding wistfully, Kakashi caught the old man tearing up for a moment before suddenly becoming hyperaware of his surroundings. He glanced back, slightly startled, before nodding to Kakashi and saying quietly, “You youngsters shouldn’t take your youth for granted.” He gathered his books and prepared to leave but not without some parting words to the copy ninja. Placing a hand on his forearm, the old man looked Kakashi in the eyes and said, “If you’ve got a girl, love her like you’re never going to see her again, you understand? Treat her like she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Because one day all that’ll be left of her is her ghost knocking over vases and fucking with the cogs of your alarm clock.” He glanced over his shoulder, thanked Hana for her help, and then disappeared down the street leaving Kaminoki in a strange, ethereal afterglow. How ironic the way his words segued into the exact matter at hand. Kakashi cleared his throat and shuffled forward.
               “I wasn’t expecting to see you here this early, Kakashi” Hana greeted politely. She shuffled though the paperwork on the counter, reorganizing the week’s roster of purchases. She seemed mildly frazzled as if Kakashi’s unannounced presence left her anxious abou why he was there. “Can I help you find anything?” she asked.
               Kakashi shook his head. “Actually, I was wondering if you had a minute to talk about something” he replied. Hana met his gaze slowly, her curiosity piquing. “It’s kind of important” Kakashi added. His voice wavered ever so slightly, indicating that something was clearly amiss. Hana was not sure she had the strength to deal with this, whatever it was. The morning crowd outside began to thicken.
               Her hesitancy was obvious as she skirted around the counter and approached the door, flipping the open sign to closed. Yuruganai would be frustrated but this was far more important. Morning sales were never that crucial, anyway. “I can only give you half an hour” Hana said apologetically. There was a slight tremor in her hands, a softness to her voice.
               “That’s fine” Kakashi reassured. “I don’t plan to take up much of your time.” Hana nodded once, then motioned for him to follow her up the stairs. There was no reason to conduct private business in a public space, even if it was temporarily restricted. She always said that books were like people—they listened when you spoke and hoarded your secrets. Kakashi never knew what she meant by that but wasn’t about to infringe on her superstitions. He needed to be as agreeable as possible right now.
                Yuruganai was hunched over his desk crunching numbers, biting his lip in concentration. His office was a suffocating concoction of strict organization crammed into what was once Rei’s bedroom. Some of her childhood furniture still remained—a bookshelf now cramped with financial binders, a row of stuffed animals collecting dust on the windowsill. It all felt so strange to see such a childish place outfitted with maturity, like a stack of 7-year olds in a trench coat binging bribes.
               Hana hated to disrupt her husband like this but the further they ascened, the higher her anxiety hiked before reaching a fever pitch at the top of the stairs. She had considered Kakashi something of an authority on their daughter’s wellbeing ever since she had joined the ANBU. His mutual presence was really the only thing that kept her sane. The unfortunate side effect was expecting the worst in strange situations such as this. Hana cleared her thoat once, twice, three times before Yuruganai finally looked up. “We have a guest” she said, motioning toward Kakashi. “And he says he has something important he’d like to speak with us about.” Her wringing her hands only emphasized her painfully forced smile.
               Yuruganai frowned, glancing from his wife to Kakashi and back over the top of his glasses. He really didn’t have time for this. His only reason for reconsideration was his wife’s palpable paranoia. With that in mind, he supposed he had no other choice. Sighing, Yuruganai laboriously rose from his seat and flung his pen across the desk. “Make it quick” he grumbled, walking past them into the living room. Hana and Kakashi exchanged uncertain glances before following closely behind.
               Hana seated herself beside her husband on the couch, rigid with tension. “So, Kakashi, what exactly is all of this about?” she asked. A stream of worst case scenarios flickered through her head. “Is something the matter? Is there something wrong with Rei?”
               “No, that’s not it at all!” he frantically assured. He had never intended to make them worry, though it was obvious to him how he had. This was starting off terribly. He searched their faces for a hint of empathy, hoping he had not failed irrevocably yet.
               “Then what’s the problem?” Yuruganai spat. “We don’t have all day.”
               “Yuri, dear, the numbers can wait” Hana whispered. She rested a gentle hand on his forearm in hopes of halting his departure. “Kakashi, please, you’re scaring us. What is all of this about?”
               The panic in her face, and the growing frustration on Yuruganai’s, served as a grave reminder that Kakashi was running out of time. His throat felt tight and his hands were going numb and a part of him wanted to run away and never look back but he could not let fear get the best of him. If he wanted this—really, truly wanted this—he would have to face the situation head-on. It was the only way. And besides: if he couldn’t handle a simple request, then how did he ever expect to make it through the rest of life’s challenges with Rei by his side? To be an admirable husband, and eventually father? And especially a decent son-in-law? Kakashi swallowed back his fear, sucked in a sharp breath, and seated himself in the nearby armchair. He leaned forward, a sign of his determined intent, and then began his spiel.
               “I’m sorry for worrying you” he began. “Nothing is wrong—actually, it’s quite the opposite. I need to speak with you about Rei. I…I care about your daughter. More than words can ever say. I know things haven’t always been perfect but I made a promise to protect her and I fully intend to keep that promise for as long as I live.” Yuruganai leaned his head back and rolled his eyes, but his disgust only fueled Kakashi further. “I’ll admit” he continued, “for a long time I held such dark thoughts about life and the future but when I’m with her, she makes me excited. She makes me feel like my life is worth living and I hope I do the same for her. I really can’t imagine my life without her. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted—smart, funny, passionate, even wonderfully weird. She—”
               Growing impatient, Yuruganai groaned and swatted the air. “If all you’re going to do is sit here and sing your praises, I don’t need to hear anymore of it” he snapped. “I have work to do.” Kakash could feel himself slowly unravelling as Yuruganai shifted impatiently. He searched the old man’s face for even a morsel of compassion but found none. Kakashi’s heart sped up. His stomach churned. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
               “Mr. Natsuki, please” he begged. “Just give me one more minute of your time.” He needed to make this right. He needed to act fast. The timer was nearing zero.
               “And why should I?” Yuruganai asked, his tone edging into mocking territory now. “Why should I waste my time when you’re saying nothing of substance?”
               “Because I’m in love with your daughter, sir” Kakashi replied, voice stern and powerful. His words dripped with ingenuity.
               Yuruganai scoffed, unimpressed. “You can sit here and tell us how much you love her all day, but it’s nothing but white noise” he replied. Hana yelped his name and clutched her hands to her chest. Yuruganai shot his wife a sharp glare as if warning her not to get involved. Kakashi almost felt bad for her, stuck in the middle of things like this. She appeared so meek and helpless. Yuruganai rose from his seat and she was powerless to stop him. “Now if you’d excuse me…”
               As he turned to walk away, Kakash could feel himself lose it completely. The whole world seemed to shift into slow motion as he reached out to grip Yuruganai’s wrist. His hands felt clammy and unsure but he didn’t care. Yuruganai paused and turned to glare at his guest, and in that moment nothing felt real anymore. The words bubbled up into Kakashi’s mouth and burned the back of his throat until he felt like he was going to be sick, and there was a ringing in his ears, and his heart wouldn’t slow down, and the sun was too bright, and everything was just too much and my god, make it stop— “I would like permission to marry  your daughter!”
               The words spilled out automatically, blurted in desperation. The entire room fell silent and as scared as Kakashi was for the response, a wave of relief washed over him for having finally released it in the first place. The pressure in the pit of his chest began to relieve. His grip on Yuruganai’s wrist loosened as he stared blankly into Kakashi’s eyes. A long stretch of stillness passed and Kakashi began to wonder if this was genjutsu or something else. He could the feel the unnvering electricity pulsing through the air, between their bodies, the warning sign that something irrevocable was about to happen.
               And then the silence broke. Hana clasped her hands over her mouth and whimpered, tears blurring her vision. Yuruganai snapped from his daze, blinking as he tried to comprehend the current situation.
               “What did you just say…?” he snarled, instigating.
               Kakashi released his grip and straightened his back. Now that he had said it once and overcame the initial fear of it, he was inundated with an overwhelming internal strength. He was asking for her hand in marriage and he had every right to do so. He loved her, goddammit, and he was willing to fight for that love with whatever it took. Confidently, he repeated, “I would like permission to marry your daughter.”
               Yuruganai blinked and, after a beat of silence, began to laugh. “You want to marry my daughter?” he asked. “You’re really asking me if you can marry my daughter? Unbelievable!”
               “Yuri!” Hana exclaimed, her voice cracking. “Yuri, dear, this is a good thing! Our baby…our little Rei…a bride…!” She could hardly contain her emotion. The tears streamed down her face now, her entire body racked with hysterically happy sobs. To think, their daughter was finally going to fulfill the destiny she was always meant to embrace. This was their reassurance, their one comfort in the world. Rei would get married, devote herself to the family, and put away those silly, dangerous shinobi dreams once and for all. Hana would no longer have to cry herself to sleep every night worrying that her daughter would face the same cruel fate as Naru. No, she would finally be safe. This was truly blessed news.
               “No” Yuruganai insisted, descending into absolute fury. “No, you don’t get it. You think you can come into my home and ask to take away my daughter? After she’s already given away so much of herself? To you of all people?”
               Hana sniffled and gripped her husband’s arm desperately. “Yuri, stop this!” she cried. “Kakashi has loved her for so long! I wouldn’t trust her to anyone else! Honestly! He knows her so well, Yuri, and he loves her so much. Please, just give him the blessing! Let him marry her and we can finally end this nightmare once and for all!”
               “This nightmare?” Yuruganai laughed incredulously. “You think she can just mary her way out of this? Absolutely not! She spent her entire life busting her ass to become a ninja, she is not allowed to quit now! This is what she wanted and so this is where she stays! She can only have one or the other?”
               Kakashi was drowning in the chaos of this entire interaction. The world around him was crumbling. How could he have possibly imagined this to go well? He felt stupid for being so naïve, for having such childish hopes. “Mr. Natsuki” he begged, though he could tell he was losing momentum. “I’m not going to force Rei out of her career if that’s what you’re insinuating. I am fully committed to supporting her dreams—”
               “Where was this support twenty years ago, then?” Yuruganai interrupted. “Where was this support when she came home in tears because you told her to give up? When she’d end up bloody and bruised from pushing herself just so she could earn your approval? After all those years, how the hell do you think I will ever trust you with her? Hmm? How the hell do you expect me to believe you’ll take care of her? What are you going to do when you two fight, hmm? Are you going to rip her eye out, too? Or ignore her for ten years? Tell her she’s not good enough? Rip her heart out with that lightning of yours?” Kakashi clenched his fists at his sides, wincing. “You say you’ve changed but that’s a damn lie, Kakashi. Nobody ever changes. And you sit here and think you can ask me for permission to marry her, as if I don’t already know the way you’ll treat her for the rest of your life if I—”
               “Yuruganai” a stern voice barked from the doorway. The whole room went silent except for the steady tapping of an old wooden cane. And then there, like a glowing savior out of the darkness, came Grandma Teiko. The look on her face read fury.
               Kakashi watched as Grandma Teiko hobbled into the room, lips taut and eyes narrowed. She rested a hand on Hana’s shoulder, a gesture of comfort, an invitation to sit back and take a much needed breath. Hana graciously obliged. And then Teiko reached Yuruganai, glaring up at him, and smacked him hard wih her cane.
               “Stop attacking the boy” she insisted. Yuruganai opened his mouth to protest but Teiko threatened to hit him yet again. Like a defiant child, he huffed and pouted and fell back onto the couch. When the old woman turned to Kakashi, her gaze was filled with nothing but kindness. She took the Copy Ninja’s hand, held it tightly within her own, and smiled. “So, Kakashi” she said softly. “I heard you want to marry Rei. Is that right?” Kakashi swallowed and nodded slowly. He suddenly felt as if he was seven again, newly abandoned by his suicidal father and caught in a rare moment of vulnerability. Teiko looked upon him the same way she had for thirty years now. There was never a hint of malice. She never expected anything of him that he was not equipped to provide. She squeezed his hand gently as she said, “I always knew this day would come. Ever since you and Rei first met, I knew you loved her. You were so young back then but still, so determined. You said you would be her ninja, remember? And protect her? It does my old heart good to know how true that still is.”
               Kakashi bowed his head and for a moment, even thought he might cry. An ache grew in the very center of his chest, something nostalgic and hungry and intense. Grandma Teiko always had a way of washing away the grime of the world, creating a shield of empathy in its place. He refused to let himself break down, however. He refused to show such weakness in front of her parents but that pressure within his throat, the lingering sob, still remained. All he could manage to croak was a single, hoarse sentence: “I love her more than anything.”
               “I know you do” Grandma Teiko replied, patting his hand. Her eyes sparkled and in that moment, she was magic. Like the fairy godmother summoned by an innate yearning, prepared to wave a wand and ensure that dreams came true. And that was just what she did. As she guided Kakashi lower to plant a kiss upon his masked cheek, she murmured, “And that is why I give you my blessing.”
               And there it was: the one sentence Kakashi had been so desperate to hear. A laugh of happy disbelief broke past his lips as he pressed his hand to his forehead, gripped his headband where it overed his secondhand eye. Everything suddenly seemed so much brighter.
               “You can’t do that!” Yuruganai protested. “I am the man of the house, I make the decisions, and my answer is no.”
               Teiko frowned and swatted at the air. “Don’t be so pretentious” she said. Then, huffing, she added, “Though I do suppose it’s unfair to count my opinion as the only one with any real weight—despite how true it is. The only way to make this truly fair is to approach things diplomatically. Let’s have a vote then. I say yes. Hana, dear?”
               Hana forced a shaky smile onto her lips, trying to compose herself. Nodding, she replied, “My answer is yes.”
               Teiko then turned to Yuruganai with a smug grin. “That’s two for yes. I already know your answer is no, but it doesn’t really matter. You’re outnumbered, Yuri, and I know that’s language that you can, in fact, understand.” Yuruganai gritted his teeth, glaring back at his mother, but knew he couldn’t get away with saying anything. She hobbled over to him and patted him hard on the back, adding, “Besides, don’t you want your daughter to be happy? Then let her be happy! And don’t be such a stick in the mud or else no one is going to like you very much.”
               Kakashi couldn’t help but laugh. God bless Grandma Teiko, this sweet old woman. He took her hands in his, overflowing with gratitude, and thanked her. “You have no idea how much this means to me” he whispered.
               “Oh, I have some idea” Grandma Teiko winked. She cupped Kakashi’s cheek warmly and added, “Now go off and give that girl a ring. I’m sure she’ll be just thrilled. This is the way it was always meant to be, I’m sure of it, and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.”
               Overcome with emotion, Kakashi wrapped Grandma Teiko in his arms as a parting gift. Hana couldn’t help but leap in to join them. And then he was off.
               The journey home felt unimaginable. Kakashi patted his pouch, the engagement ring tucked neatly inside, and his heart surged. The morning certainly did not go as he had planned, or even as he had hoped, but all that mattered now was that he had gotten the answer he was looking for. Or at least from Grandma Teiko. His interactions with Yuruganai still left him slightly unresolved. There was so much to consider. This was not just a singular isolated incident but the foundation for a new chapter in their lives. Would Yuruganai ever truly accept him as a son-in-law? The sting of rejection hurt but, much like a sunburn, would surely fade with time. And even better was the sweet relief of the aloe: Grandma Teiko’s approval. He trusted her wholly and respected her opinion above all else. It was impossible not to take her words to heart. The old woman had settled it. He was going to ask Rei to marry him, formally and officially. Now it was just a matter of finding the perfect moment.
0 notes
Danzo Raises Kakashi au
As disgusted with @whatshernameis
Kakashi still fights Pein when he attacks Konoha, because a destroyed village is no used to Danzo.
He still dies trying to protect his home. What he was raised to do.
And he still meets his father in the afterlife, but this time it’s not a cheerful reunion of Kakashi admitting his mistakes and telling Sakumo he’s proud of him.
This time, it’s a moment for Kakashi to dwell on his life. To realize how fucked up it in how he was raised, and to have his father tell him he deserves better. That he never should have been raised to be what he is.
It’s Kakashi chance to look in at himself and realize that he’s living a life he doesn’t want. That he’s little more than an expendable pawn to Danzo. Not even worth crying over when he died.
When Naruto manages to save the day and convince Negato to bring back the people of Konoha.
In his last moments with his father, Kakashi thanks him for helping find his way, and tells him not to wait any longer. That he has nothing to be upset with himself For.
He releases his father from his guilt, and goes back to the living world with a new goal
Not to lead anyone, or make any great changes, but for one simple thing
To find his freedom, and his path in a life that has never been under his control
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Dear whoever cares chapter eight
  It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
  I never thought a quote could be so relatable. If I'm being true to myself I without a doubt had liked Naruto. It was no secret everyone knew but Naruto who had been really naive at the time. The constant stuttering, blushing, shyness, and kindness towards him should've been a hint but still, Naruto was in the dark clueless to my feelings. And I was too shy to confess the thought alone was terrifying enough.
  So I continued watching him from afar wishing that we could be together. I always saw the smiles and grins or his hero complex and humorous personality. I always saw the best side of him until eventually, I forgot that Naruto was indeed human as well fully capable of feeling sadness.
  All of us forgot I guess as foolish as it sounds we all forgot that although Naruto may be strong he wasn't indestructible insults got to him and just like us he's only mortal. We've come so close to losing him on multiple occasions but this time he doesn't want to pull through he doesn't want to live. And who are we his so called friends to suddenly care and love him when we obviously didn't do so before.
  Iruka was busy with missions often leaving Naruto alone, Kakashi neglected Naruto until now. It wasn't exactly Gaara's fault he could only visit for short periods of time but it still played in with Naruto's condition. Sasuke completely broke him, Ino berated him while praising the raven haired Uchiha. Kiba always insulted him, in fact, I don't think it ever occurred to Kiba that he should be a little nicer because one day he may lose Naruto. Kiba never really told Naruto that he was important to him or that he cared, Choji acted indifferent around him. And Sakura...I could go on for hours.
  I'm not going to place the blame on everyone and act like I was completely innocent in it all either because I wasn't. I fell in love with one side of Naruto and at the slightest hint of vulnerability, Naruto showed I fled.
Never once had I stopped the villager's torment because I was too much of a coward.
   When I saw how forced the smile was I didn't confront him. So I'm in the wrong just as much as everybody else is. But I see the way Shikamaru looks at Naruto with so much love and adoration but unlike me, he loves Naruto fully and not just the good side of him. Shikamaru deserves Naruto but his biggest mistake was not telling him while he had the chance.
    The first time I truly saw the way Shikamaru looked at Naruto I knew he loved him with all his heart. And I finally saw what I had so deeply tried to hide I was using him for my own selfish desires. I didn't truly love Naruto I loved the thought of him what Kiba had been right I only 'loved' Naruto because I felt the desire to feel protected. As hard as it was I finally stopped having feelings for the blond besides I knew I was no good for him I'd only hurt him. He needed Shikamaru and Shikamaru needed him they completed one another. But seeing this letter in my hand was hard not because of the feelings I once had but because Naruto's my friend, my comrade.
You have always been so kind to me. And I don't think I've ever thanked so I'm doing it now. Thank you for being there for me, thank you for showing me kindness. And although I don't love you the way you love me I do love you but in a sisterly way. I hope you find someone and hopefully they treat you well, otherwise, I'll come from the afterlife and make them pay. Seriously though you're an amazing girl and if anyone makes you feel anything less forget them they aren't worth it.
   Chuckling softly I barely noticed the tears streaming down my face as I became engrossed in my thoughts. How did Naruto not see that he had thanked her just by being there, by comforting her when she needed it the most. So apparently he had noticed her feelings she thought as a light smile graced her face. He was letting me down easy he does love me just in a platonic sisterly way.
 You're not going to die though Naruto you're going to wake up and Shikamaru's going to confess to you or I'll have Neji make him.
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ladykg · 7 years
{Half a hero - Naruto/Bleach Crossover} Chapter 10 - Third year part 7
‘Ello my lovely readers!
It seems I’m losing my touch when it comes to updating in a timely manner… Really, no excuse. And I have good news! Although I won’t update often over the next 10 weeks or so I can still access the internet and will gladly update when I get the chance! (Thus the whole new stories being posted instead of me updating old ones thing… I swear I’m not abandoning any of my works).
Also! All of you guys should come say hi to me on tumblr! My blog is - LadyKG
Anyway, hope you are all doing well! Onto the new chapter, enjoy!
Third year part seven
Kaien is truly starting to question Kurama’s sense of ‘intereting’.
Not because meeting blades with a sannin is boring, it’s really the opposite, but because he has to act as if he is actually trying to harm the snake. (Who has brought reinforcements - it can be written off as them wanting to ensure Sasori would be taken out. However, knowing Kaien’s luck his team will conclude the fact Orochimaru must have known about the mission).
“You could have just called Kabuto off,” he mutters dodging a suiton jutsu that rises from the water beneath them. Their battle having brought them to the river at the bottom of the valley and thankfully out of earshot from anyone else on the team.
“There was no reason this spy would know about Sasori’s death,” Orochimaru sniffs. “Besides, it’s been far too long since we last sparred.”
Kaien doesn’t stop his frown from showing, really, Orochimaru could have hidden that message a bit better, “They haven’t responded?”
“She has never been the best diplomat.”
“Then why send her?” Kaien snorts, sliding to the right and coming up under the snake’s guard.
“Her healing powers will make a good bargaining chip,” the snake smiles, dropping down just as their blades meet to try and sweep his legs out from under him. It doesn’t work.
“Aa,” Kaien concedes. Because holding medical knowledge over another village’s head could very well turn the tides in negotiations. (And if flashes of Unohana’s ire when things don’t go her way makes a shudder run down Kaien’s spine? Well, he can just chalk it up to how cold the water is. Because medics really are the best at negotiating terms in the way they simply don’t). “And you couldn’t send a note because?”
“Akatsuki destroyed my base in the south,” Orochimaru hisses, “and Oto took a hit at the same time as the Suna attack. Kabuto suspects Zetsu is spying.”
“Which means sending messages is too dangerous,” Kaien concludes, (it also, he notes, explains why they are fighting on the river - the one place that Zetsu can’t materialize from) eyes going wide, “which means…”
“They’re most likely watching you too,” Orochimaru’s smirk is unnervingly vicious, and if Kaien didn’t know the snake as well has he does then he would take it for malice against him.
“Konan and Nagato have been discovered,” he offers. Because it would make sense that more than one portion of his carefully constructed network would break at once. “But the Mizukage has said everything is quiet,” Kaien murmurs, more for himself than anything else. Because if Akatsuki has been watching him then they must know that he broke the Mizukage’s genjutsu by now. The potential that they have reestablished that control may very well be higher than he has been hoping for. “Perhaps it’s time I gave him a visit.”
“And abandon your post in Konoha,” the power behind the next strike was more than enough for Kaien to understand Orochimaru’s displeasure at the idea. They had worked hard to ensure he entered the village. No one in his position would want such tedious and patient plotting to go to waste.
“After, then,” Kaien huffs. Cutting the reishi in his feet so he drops into the water just as a katon flies overhead - not Orochimaru’s strong suit, but the snake doesn’t hold back either. When he comes up again he wastes no time letting off a kido spell, for whatever good it does in harming the snake at least it gives a more genuine feel to their battle. “I’ll just need to move my plans up a little.”
Orochimaru just gives him a flat look, and Kaien knows what it means better than he would like to. They have had the very same argument over his plans for a year now and Kaien would rather not start it all over again at the moment.
Instead he leaps back to create distance enough to throw a hastily conjured kido in the man’s direction, letting a shunpo take him up the jagged rock walls to rejoin the fray that is his comrades. Orochimaru isn’t far behind and easily makes their appearance look like a chase more than signal for the battle to come to a close within the next few blows.
In the end, they come out relatively unscathed. Sai is limping and Kakashi looks slightly singed but no mortal injuries to be seen. (Nothing Sakura can’t heal up perfectly fine, and by the glint in her eyes none of them are getting out of an injury check).
The room is stuffy from humidity and tension, Tsunade is staring at them with a blank expression as they finish their verbal reports. Each of them giving a detailed account of what their fight had entailed and that they failed to gain any information on Orochimaru or his bases’ current whereabouts. (Kaien does not mention his and the snake’s conversation).
When it is over, when the tension has built to a bursting point, the Hokage finally lets out a sigh, hands coming up to rub at her temples.
“It’s always team seven, isn’t it?” She mutters more for herself than them, but Kaien catches it all the same and from the shifting of those around him it’s obvious they have too. When she stops her ministration of attempting to stave off whatever headache they have caused she speaks again, “Alright, I want written reports from all of you in my office by tomorrow morning.”
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” they chorus.
Tsunade pauses, eyeing them like she can’t even begin to describe her frustration at the failure they have just handed her. “You’re dismissed.” And with those two words it becomes clear that she isn’t even going to try. She turns away, chair spinning so that she is rifling through a drawer instead of watching their exit.
None of them stick around, all to ready for her to change her mind and start dressing them down about how proper shinobi would have handled the situation and what they could have done differently.
Kaien feels a twinge of guilt at the fact he is part of the reason for this failure. Kabuto would have known either way, more likely than not, but it is because Kaien had drawn Orochimaru into his list of allies that Akatsuki had seen fit to attack the snake’s village and base. Had seen fit to have Zetsu follow and spy and make it near impossible to send a message through their networks. And had it not been necessary to communicate then Kabuto would not have come. Then Orochimaru and his comrades would not have come. Then those reinforcements would not have had to die.
And he feels guilt at the way he participated in that battle - that those around him were truly fighting for their lives and the lives of their comrades while he had simply been having a mere spar. A mock battle - one that was not steeped in pride or protection. One that had no place in protecting the heart he has formed with others in this world nor the team he has been placed on as a temporary resident of Konoha. That battle had no place for him in it. And yet he fought anyway, and shinobi lost their lives as a consequence.
(He can recognize that in a roundabout way he was working to protect the world by gathering that information - but was the price truly worth it? He may be a Shinigami but his race has always sought to guide spirits to the afterlife not cause them to make that journey).
A deep breathe in and he smothers the guilt before anymore roots take; he has enough guilt to last a lifetime. (A shinigami’s lifetime at that). Besides, he has more to worry about at the moment - such as Danzo and Akatsuki and his failing network of resources. And such as his need to send out a message to Terumi in order to better judge the situation with the Mizukage and see if he is needed in that village anytime soon. To see how much he has to push his plans up.
But he supposes, in the end, that matters little - he will push them up anyway. The swifter he attacks the better in this case. And Danzo would not expect a shinobi who has just returned from a mission to make a move.
Surprise will be his greatest advantage.
There are not many ROOT agents in the compound as he makes his entrance. Perhaps that is for the best when it comes to his own agenda but he can speculate as to why. It does not bode well.
He has disguised himself with stolen gear and makes swift work of navigating the tunnels to the region just northwest of Danzo’s office. If his time in this world has taught him anything it’s that no one stops a shinobi in full gear that looks like they have somewhere to be. And although his plan feels underhand and like it holds no pride he knows that such values will be his downfall while undertaking the operation to dismantle the threats in this dimension. Knows and despairs all the same - feels guilt, and like he has turned his back on all that Jushiro has taught him. Yet the steady hum of support from his ever-present companions makes it easier to take each step.
Steps that bring him to a slightly secluded corner in which he allows Nejibana and himself to separate. Feels the split like a lost limb. She will remain hidden for five minutes - just long enough for him to use his slowest shunpo to navigate to a few breathes east of Danzo’s office.
He turns his back on his partner with every insurance that she will handle whatever threat comes her way. Long enough for him to find what he needs.
The walls surrounding him feel as if they are closing in slowly - filled with chakra seals that will not let the energy be felt outside of the hidden compound. He feels their pressure acutely, even if they are less than capable of completely cutting off his own or Nejibana’s reishi from being felt.
Kaien slips into the shadows, stretching his senses down the caverns to note his partner’s whereabouts as well as Danzo’s own. The man seems to be in his office as predicted, a few agents mill about the walkways, a handful of others gathering in an area just south of Nejibana’s position, and others seem scattered about the base. They couldn’t have picked a better night to perform this stage.
Kaien settles into a rhythm of steps, falling out of his shunpo with baited breath. One. Two. Three. And then is comes. Harsh and demanding of attention in the most violent of methods. A tidal wave.
Anger biting and twisting down the corridor with malicious intent he knows she learned from Kurama. Bundled up into a delivery that should send Danzo staggering, because it is for him that it has been created. For him, who has fallen a nation, ripped hope from a revolution, and crippled freedom fighters. For him, who has subjected a people so brutally, deceived a village, and named all these in the push for bettering Konoha. For him who is just as much a part of a clan’s complete decimation as the two members that committed the massacre.
Kaien feels it all, lets it wash over him as if it is nothing. Focusing instead on the reaction of the agents filling the base. It’s like stars coming to life, bursting hot spots of chakra clustering in rushing footsteps towards his partner. He can imagine the first ring of weapons meeting. The mark of a battle. He can feel Danzo move from his office, rushed but not running like his agents. All the same it gives Kaien the opening he has planned for.
He spins on his heal, keeping to the edges of the corridors and counting as ROOT members troop past towards the building fight. The first break in their mad scramble gives him the opportunity to duck into Danzo’s office. A refined space, not nearly as paper filled as the Hokage’s office but Kaien think that’s because the piles are stacked neater.
The drawers in the room are filled to the brim and meticulously organized to the point that Kaien nearly cheers in relief. Ordered conveniently by date, and although he has only a vague idea of when the revolution was occurring it doesn’t take long to pinpoint the start of Danzo’s missions regarding the third war. He could hug Kurama for the relief that fills him - time is of the essence and Kaien had thought he would need to search endlessly for their existence. (The fox, it should be noted, refuses his offer with a snap of his jaw). Still it takes nearly ten minutes before he comes across the first series of missions regarding a rising resistance movement in Amegakure that opposes the rule of Hanzo.
All Kaien can hear as he opens file after file is Nagato’s blood-wet voice. We called ourselves the Akatsuki, he told, freedom-fighters that wanted to bring Ame into a new era of peace-
Yahiko was our leader, our best friend-
He was killed-
I could not save him-
If your bring me proof of your suspicions-
This world may very well know peace-
Copying the files takes time, their weight and number counting down another ten minutes and by then the sight of a new file set on the man’s desk has more than caught his attention. A mission scroll near finished but lacking signature and seal.
A kill order written in a bureaucrat’s calligraphy. For the Mizukage.
Another neatly rolled next to it, detailing a failed invasion of Orochimaru’s eastern base - trying to gather Senju cells. Why would he need- Unless…
He can remember tales, if few, about how the trees around Konoha have been infused with the first’s chakra. How Senju Hashirama’s skills in mokuton had aided so much in the building of the village. Either Danzo is looking to gain that power himself, or force it onto another that will follow his orders without question. The thought makes him feel queasy. (A distant part of his mind notes that this may cause the man to go after Yamato).
Placing away his own scrolls, sealed and stuffed carefully out of easy reach of the enemy, Kaien slips out of the office. He has maybe thirty minutes until Nejibana is forcefully pulled into his mindscape. He rushes down the corridor, skidding around turns. If they are to leave in a timely manner then he needs to-
His thoughts are cut off as a kunai skims the edge of his mask. Kaien tips his head to the side just in time, ducking the roundhouse kick that follows and sliding on his knees to get behind his assailant. Coming up to his feet he allows the next blade to crash against the plate covering his forearm. He can’t use reishi here, his will be easily identified and any kido techniques are too obvious in drawing back to him. Nejibana herself has refrained; they don’t need the fact they are the players of this game to be discovered so early on.
Another dodge and suddenly two more come up from behind, he plucks a kunai from the incoming barrage using it to block the remaining. Deflecting them with the hope that at least one will hit a non-vital part of another agent. (The fact they were thrown at all in such a tight space shows a clear disregard for the other members of their organization).
It seems that at the very least their plan was pieced together. Kaien doesn't bother to hold in the frown, hidden behind the mask as it is. This will only make things more difficult.
A swift series of shunpo and he has knocked the three members out for now. Not waiting to see if any others have heard the commotion Kaien disappears down the cave-like corridors. If Danzo knows then that means he let Kaien into the office. Let him take the information. Is assured in himself that his members will capture either Kaien or his partner. And if he does not come back for her then it only gives them a prisoner to torture for information and the chance that agents guarding exits will trap him. And if he does then Danzo shall have them both and the information that he has taken will give clues to what he knows and doesn’t. Give clues to what he is trying to do.
Kaien snorts, skidding to a halt and turning down a path that will lead to the south western exit. Let Danzo believe what he wants - in twenty-five minutes Nejibana will disappear, battered and bruised no doubt, but she will be alive. Kaien knows she will feel his movements, his retreat, and understand. Knows that she can handle those agents thrown at her. Trusts her to hold out for a little while longer.
Trusts that he has enough time to fight his way out of this base, past the woods and into his apartment unseen so that he can let the forced rejoining and its consequences hit them both. He will most likely be out for a day, and sluggish in his pain the next but at the very least he will have what he has come for. Besides, he has three days reprieve after their failed mission, what better way to spend them than trying to recover?
There are five the next time. He senses them before he even makes the turn, but this corridor is all but central to the base and he can’t avoid it if he wants to make it to the exit. Three women, two men, one wielding a katana and another already blasting a particularly nasty katon kutsu from their lips.
Kaien holds in a frustrated huff, pushing off the opposite wall of the turn with a pinch of reishi to gain speed and avoid getting burned. He wastes no time in ducking the shuriken or cutting the attached ninja wire with his stolen kunai. Their attacks come in weaker than they should and it tells Kaien that they have been ordered to capture not kill. Convenient for him. Not so much for them.
The man wielding the katana comes at him with little finesse and all textbook attacks. He’s more disappointed than he thinks he should be.
He feels nothing about stealing the katana as he knocks the last of them out. It is not Nejibana but it will have to do.
The blade is sharp, balanced and clearly made for conducting chakra. He never uses the bladed edge. Kaien has made the choice not to kill and he will stick by it - there are only so many values he is willing to push back in the name of peace, killing humans is not one of them.
“We’re running out of time here, kit.” Kurama rumbles from within him as he hits an agent on the back of the head, jumping over the body to avoid the senbon sent his way. This is the sixth team he has had to face thus far.
‘You think I don’t know that, furball!’ He growls back, feeling a chakra infused blade cut deep into his thigh. With a quickly strangled cry at the sudden and sharp pain he sets to attack the group again.
“You have seven minutes to get back and out of that gear,” the fox continues.
‘Bit busy at the moment,’ he kicks an agent clean in the abdomen, the force of which causes them to fly back and hit the wall with a resounding crack. ‘If you haven’t noticed I’m kinda fighting ten shinobi at the moment.’
“To your right,” the biju tells him, just in time for the Shiba to move out of the way of a suiton jutsu. “Six minutes forty seconds.”
With a frustrated twist of his blade Kaien blocks a set of shurikan before committing himself to a shunpo that brings him to the end of the hall. His leg burns with the effort, but he does not let the feeling stop him from moving into the next flashstep, and the next and the next. (Slower than normal, more like a faster shunshin to give as few hints as he can). The last few road blocks the agents set up Kaien has only bothered to engage in until given an opening. Those he leaves behind give chase, of course, but once they reach the woods he will be able to lose them easily enough. They won’t go into the village so blatantly, and Kaien is faster than them enough that he should reach it first.
He can feel Nejibana still, can feel that she is suffering from several injuries if only due to the sheer number of shinobi she is having to face. (He, himself, is suffering from several - kunai to the leg, senbon in his arm and a burn on his back. He just knows that if it weren’t for Kurama then when he would be covered in bruises). This has not gone as planned. But he should have expected that, after all what plan makes it past first contact with the enemy?
Breaking through the next team of agents gives him a clear path into the forest, the sound of leaves and ability to feel life all around him calms his racing heart just a bit. Adrenaline has always been his worst enemy in a fight, and being up against so much opposition with such a great handicap has set his nerves alight with the chemical.
He dodges the three kunai they send after him, but the explosion singes his hair and exposed skin. With a quiet curse he drops to a lower set of branches, simultaneously changing directions so that he will slip back into the village through the training grounds. He bursts into his fastest shunpo and doesn't stop until he reaches an alleyway not even a minute from his apartment.
The second he senses no threats around he strips. Mercilessly pulling out the weapons still sticking from his skin, and pealing his clothes away from the burns. There is poison as well, from the senbon he believes - but Kurama is making quick work of expelling that. He seals the ROOT uniform before testing for gaps in the team of ANBU sitting diligently outside his apartment. Luckily, he makes it in time to reconnect less than half of his traps before the world spins and he collapses a few feet from his blankets.
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kelasparmak · 8 years
Naruto for 001?
Favorite character: Kakashi
Least Favorite character: Probably the Sandaime? Like, at least most of the villains are upfront about it, but I felt like Hiruzen made a lot of bad choices that he treated as if they were ~a necessary evil~ but they were really not necessary; I think he very deliberately decided ‘there’s nothing I can do about this’ when there were things he could have done and he was just too cowardly to do them.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Gai and Kakashi, of course! I’m also pretty invested in Ino and Sakura, Naruto and Gaara, Kakashi and Yamato, and Anko and Kurenai. I am also big into team triads, which would in practice probably not be a good idea, but which I imagine would in reality happen a lot and would at least be definitely healthier as a team dynamic than love triangles. (Out of these, I’m probably most invested in poly Team 8, but poly Team Gai is also very close to my heart.)
Character I find most attractive: I feel a little weird thinking about Naruto characters in these terms, I guess because I went from being the same age as or younger than the child characters when I started reading it to almost as old as the adult characters initially were now. I’m pretty sure Anko is the most attractive to me personally, but I think if we assumed age-appropriateness Neji and Temari would also be contenders since I had pretty big crushes on both when I was a kid.
Character I would marry: I mean, it would be an odd relationship no matter who it was, but thinking about I guess I’d probably most like to marry Kurenai and help her raise Mirai? But also there are so many characters I’d be happy marrying, so.
Character I would be best friends with: I would love to be best friends with Anko, but probably Shiho, the ditzy code-breaking nerd lady.
A random thought: I think a lot about how fucked up it is that even in Konoha (which IIRC in canon has a reputation for being the bleeding heart softie village? I might be wrong) up until recently it was apparently normal for kids to make genin and chuunin super young. Like, idk if Kishimoto wasn’t thinking about how dark it was and just wanted to emphasise that Kakashi and Gai are super talented, but according to the databooks didn’t they make genin at 5 and 6 respectively? And when Kakashi puts Team 7 up for the chuunin exams he tells Iruka he made chuunin at half their age (which was either 12 or 13, so yeah, he’d have been six). Like, just thinking about what being a genin requires in terms of mental and physical discipline, let alone the kind of risk involved in going on missions, that is super fucked up, and it is absolutely impossible that they were well-prepared enough after a maximum of two possible years of education. Maybe it was because it was wartime but it’s still like… wow. Goes double for Kakashi making chuunin the year after making genin. Shit’s fucked. Also it adds a new level of hypocrisy to the Sandaime acting like a friendly old grandpa to Naruto and Iruka, and acting appalled when he found out about Root, when not long before he’d presumably been personally sending a 6 year old the same age as his son off to kill or be killed. Like it’s bad enough sending a 12 year old off to do that, but at least by that point they’d been in training for it (in terms of physical training, knowledge and probably most importantly psychological/emotional training) for longer than Kakashi had been alive when he graduated the Academy. Like, yikes.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know if it’s unpopular per se, but I don’t think I really like either Naruto or Kakashi being Hokage. From what we see of Naruto as Hokage he doesn’t really change anything and I think it is actually a relatively popular opinion that that’s disappointing. I would have preferred it if he’d never become Hokage at all and had changed the world as a hermit not affiliated with any village and helping everyone he could to believe in the Power of Friendship instead. Or if that’s too naive even for a shonen manga, started his own village with a hugely different system or something. And I don’t think Kakashi should have been Hokage either - he didn’t want to be, and while obviously he is intelligent and all, I think he’s much better as a solo operative than as someone with that kind of responsibility; as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t even cut out to be a teacher, he was way too fucked up and it’s canon that he didn’t sign up for it voluntarily. I don’t think he did a terrible job, but I think if Team 7 had been led by someone who knew how to be a human and interact with humans and had experience of being a normal twelve year old, things might have worked out a lot more happily. He could (and should!) still have been in their lives, but like… not with that level of responsibility, it wasn’t any good for them or for him and there’s no way the Sandaime could have reasonably expected it to be.
My canon OTP: I mean, Kakashi and Gai basically are canon at this point, for which I am eternally grateful. I guess out of the canon pairings that are explicitly romantic, I liked the bits we saw of Minato and Kushina’s dynamic, which looked like it was mostly Kushina beating people up (especially Jiraiya) while Minato watches dreamily with big heart eyes and his chin in his hands, going ‘that’s my wife’, and everyone around is mildly horrified by her violent fury. Also the housework sharing (feat. Minato in a pink apron) in the canon AU where they lived, which ought to be a basic requirement but is actually unusual enough to stand out.
Non-canon OTP: Ino/Sakura, I think. I know I always think things are ~obviously gay~ when they’re not meant to be, but even leaving romance out of it their rivalry over boys was very clearly demonstrated in the chuunin exam arc to be a way of them proving their worth to each other despite their insecurities. Not a smart or healthy way, but it was made clear that their competition over Sasuke was about their relationship to each other more than about Sasuke himself. Even if they never got together, I would fight to the death for my lesbian Ino headcanon.
Most badass character: A lot of the characters are way more badass in their potential than in canon, which maybe goes in part with it being a shonen manga (and a lot of the badassery comes from things that wuld actually be way too dark for kids) and partly just from it being a very big cast. In terms of canon though, I guess I’d probably say Gai or Tsunade.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Kakashi/Iruka, which I don’t have a problem with per se, I just don’t get it really. It doesn’t seem to be as prominent these days as when it used to be everywhere, but I just don’t really feel like it would work out very well as a relationship. I also really don’t like the idea that Rin, after watching from the afterlife as Obito murdered so many people, including Minato and Kushina, ~in her honour~, would go ‘aww! look how much you loved me! as a reward for turning back to the light side in the end, we are now in love’. Like, she was a medic, and she was one of the sweetest characters in the manga and stubborn as hell when it came to her principles - she wouldn’t see that as a sign of how much he cared about her, she’d be horrified.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I mean, pretty much all of them. Yamato in particular was screwed over more than screwed up, and Anko too - I think Kishimoto just forgot about them both. As for actively screwing a character up, I think Sakura probably? I don’t mind the idea of a lot of the ninjas retiring relatively early and raising kids, because a) it’s the kind of job where you and your body would get worn out pretty fuckin quick so early retirement ought to be the norm since even with specialised medical care and constant training you’d lose your edge by 40 most likely and losing your edge means dying, b) if you’re gonna have kids at least one parent needs to retire from active duty to raise them on account of the hours and the high death rate. But at the end of the Shinobi War arc Sakura was just coming into her own as a hugely talented combat medic and I don’t think it was in-character for her to settle down yet, especially since Sasuke wasn’t ready to or made to. I’d have been happy with her settling down and leaving active duty for a high-profile medical position once Sasuke was done adventuring, but I honestly can’t see her being satisfied with giving all that up so young, given her drive throughout the series up until then to prove herself as a combat medic.
Favourite friendship: I mean. Kakashi and Gai. Again. Their dynamic is so good and they understand each other so well and they support each other so much (Gai in particular stands out, especialy because he’s the most vocal about it and lbr Kakashi is a mess all the way through the series and so he’s the one we see needing support most often, but it is a mutual thing). But in the interest of variety I’ll pick one I haven’t mentioned yet, and say the Sandsibs. Even while they were terrified of Gaara and he kept going on about how much he hated them, they clearly did also care about him, and all of the flashbacks to them as children are heartbreaking. And after the chuunin exam arc when he decides to let them in, they’re always so sweet and they love each other so much.
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fifi-uchiha · 6 years
Born To Live (1/?)
„So, that’s your method? Threatening a woman to marry you?” He stood right before her, closing the last bit of her well built distance as he reached out to capture her chin between his cold fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye.  „I always get what I want, Sakura…”
To protect Timea, Haruno Sakura builds a strong army who manages to win every war that threatens her homeland. But when the powerful hokage Uchiha Sasuke becomes interested in Timea, Sakura’s life starts falling apart as she has to accept a forced mirage with the hokage after the betrayal of one of her comrades.  
However, both shinobi find out that they share a shocking past they never could’ve begun to imagine…  ————————————-————————————-   Chapter 1 In the middle of a giant battlefield fought a powerful shinobi, fighting against the enemies which tried to invade his homeland. His armor was shining in the dim sunlight and was covered in deep red blood and no one could tell whose it was. All those loud screams of terror and pain felt like a horrible curse within the battle, followed by loud clashes of kunais and swords which were aiming to kill mercilessly. Seeing became harder because of the thickening, grey fog surrounding the ninjas, feeling like a suffocating curtain that stole the breath out of everyone’s lung. Countless jutsus were spoken  while the leader of the army kept on fighting to protect his people, no matter how exhausted he was. How many hours passed since this fight begun? The shinobi didn’t know, and he didn’t find the will to care. Despite his morals, he did good in turning off every human emotion within his heart, throwing away his guilt with every life he took during this war. Killing became a mechanical process which became even more monotone a few hours ago. No exhaustion, no guilt, no fear was clouding his mind for he knew that human emotion was nothing but pure luxury that he could not possess, much less afford. This was a battle and he had to do anything to protect his people and to keep his homeland safe, no matter what… “AAAAH!” The fighter stopped in his tracks when he heard the familiar voice, green eyes full with worry and when he saw it, her breathing  stopped immediately. His silver-haired sensei was lying on the ground with blood covering his entire body while his armored enemy was standing over him, his sword risen and ready to strike. Green eyes widened full of shock and barely a second later, the leader reacted. “KAKASHI-SENSEI!” As if devil was after him, the shinobi ran while making sure to counter every attack and dodge every weapon without turning his gaze from Hatake Kakashi. His heart was racing like crazy when the enemy swung his sword for the kill, making the ninja scream like he never did before in his life. “NOOOOOO!” Metal clashed against metal and the leader blocked the sword with his kunai, stopping the deadly attack just in time. Green eyes narrowed in desperation for his opponent was more than strong, making the leader’s hand shake after a few seconds. “Careful! Behind you!” Kakashi’s voice was full of desperation, his coal eyes widened when he saw the second ninja leashing at his student from behind, hating the fact that he was no longer able to move! The leader -who just beat his opponent and wasn’t able to focus- turned his head, green eyes blank with shock when the attacker formed several hand seals. “AAAAAAAAAH!” The leaders body was suddenly tied up without being able to find a way to get free, no matter how hard he tried. No. No, dammit! “LET ME GO!” “I will after I kill you.”, the enemy promised, a devilish smirk touching his lips. He pulled out his kunai, aiming for the leader’s head who was now sure that his life would end right here and now… “RASENGAN!” -If it weren’t for the blond haired shinobi that ended the attack with his favorite jutsu. “Hey! Are you guys alright?!” Backs touching, both ninjas stood before their sensei, watching carefully at their surroundings and making sure that no one would sneak behind Kakashi. As one of the most powerful ninja from Timea, Hatake Kakashi had many enemies which was the reason why it was so hard for him to fight during a battle without being horribly injured. “Yeah… Thanks, Naruto.”, the silver haired shinobi panted. “Well, it looks like I made it in time, dattebayo!” “Yes. Yes, you did.” Two best friends narrowed their eyes, making their selves ready to end this war. They would win. No matter what happened, Timea was not to be destroyed and the leader and the jinchuriki would rather die than giving up their homeland… . . . ………………….……………………...………….……. “Hey… Come on, you should rest, Sakura.” Tenten was worried about the pink haired kunoichi who stood right before the flickering flames of the campfire, looking with a passive look at the golden and red colors as if she was… dreaming. “Hm? Ah… no, we have to find something to eat first. I’m okay, really-” “No, I asked Kakashi Sensei and Rin Sensei to do it. Your leg’s still bleeding, you need to take care of yourself and rest.”, Tenten pleaded, he hazel eyes full of worry over Sakura’s health. “Alright… Thanks, Tenten.” Knees weak and shivering, the young Haruno managed to sit down and was more than relieved for no longer having to stand and just relax for a while. “Hey Sakura...”, a blond shinobi grinned at her who didn’t ask when he lowered himself right beside her, being careful with his hurting arm Ino took care of earlier. He was… happy. No, that was an understatement for Naruto was literally beaming with joy. Haruno Sakura was a 21 year old woman and the blond’s best friend. The young kunoichi owned long, fluffy hair which shined just as pink as cherry blossom trees during spring and eyes greener than emerald. Her slightly tanned skin and full lips made her appear like an exotic beauty and the shinobi almost laughed about that. Because who would think that this small woman would be the leader of a whole army? “Your leg...” Both ninja looked at the bloody fabric of her upper leg which covered the painful injury she tried to hide from her comrades, however, Naruto was not to be fooled that easily. “Oh… Right.” Sakura ripped the fabric of her pants and took a good look at her wound, swallowing when she saw the dark blood liquid coming out from the deep gash. It was almost impossible to keep on fighting with a cut like this but Sakura had to admit that she didn’t really feel the pain until the fight ended. “Oh, that’s… nothing, really. It barely hurts.”, she lied, knowing that Naruto saw right through her lie but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he took the medicine he got from Tenten and Kiba and spilled the green, thick liquid right over her bleeding injury, making Sakura hiss from the sudden, burning pain. “I’m sorry, Sakura...” “It’s okay, really.”, she just brushed off. “I’m good now. Thanks, Naruto.” Feeling relieved, Sakura sighed deeply and looked to the dark sky covered by shining, small stars. “We won the fight, Naruto. Nothing but the end of the world could upset me now.” Even though the fight was gruesome and horrible, even though they had to kill too many ninja, they won. Every hour of hard training finally payed off in the shape of delicious victory, regardless if they wanted a war or not. Timea, their homeland was still free without being threatened by anyone. “Do you regret it?” Sakura blinked a few times and looked at the jinchuriki, who appeared to be more serious than she was used to. “Do you regret building the army?” His short but reasonably question caught her off guard but that didn’t stop her from giving him the one and only answer. “No.” That didn’t surprise the fox ninja. “Do you?” “Hell no, dattebayo!”, Naruto said enthusiastically. “After everything we did to come that far, I’m not gonna regret a thing! We kicked their asses and I’m damn happy about it!” . . . The story of the two best friends started with Haruno Sakura. Too many years ago, the young kunoichi lived with her funny father and her beautiful mother in a small village, being happy and loved. There was absolutely nothing Sakura missed, she was so incredibly happy that… it shouldn’t surprise anyone that it ended so horribly. Anyway, Timea had no hokage and no army. The land was politically empty, a place where only the strong survived and the weak died. Her parents, however, grounded the first army of Timea and took care of literally everything. The army wasn’t very big but shinobi from Timea were incredibly talented, strong willed and very skilled. The Haruno’s were the reason why Timea wasn’t invaded, they were the reason why many shinobi fought together to protect their homeland and for that, Sakura was so proud of her parents. However, they were killed nine years ago. Her parents came back from a hard fight and she didn’t need to be a kunoichi to see how exhausted they were. Sakura remembered how she fall asleep with her mother and father, sharing one last peaceful memory with them before the unthinkable happened. Enemies stormed into their cottage and attacked, knowing how tired and exhausted the Haruno’s were. Her mother hid her barely awake daughter, kissing her cheek, her forehead, her hair while whispering her last words into her ear. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. You have to be strong, Sakura, you will survive and you will find someone who will love you just as much as we love you...’ She became an orphan in the age of 12 and lived in the streets since. For two years, she was seen as scum, a lowlife with no future or worth. Sakura was pushed around by others, being too sad over her parents death to even think about fighting back… She actually wanted to die and reunite with them I the afterlife. There was nothing like mercy when she stole bread or water to survive. She didn’t care to count how many times someone punished her for stealing, even if it only was one slice of bread or water. One day, she decided that it was enough. The pinkette was tired to being pushed around by everyone, she was sick of being so weak and helpless. The time had come to stop feeling sorry for herself because her parents taught her how to defend herself, they wouldn’t want her to die like this. The problem was that Sakura possessed no chakra. She was not able to learn a single jutsu and even though she was interested in healing, she was only able to heal small injuries, not even her own. And that really annoyed her because self healing would’ve been so helpful that time... The Haruno didn’t know why nor had their parents, but she did not own chakra to practice jutsus at all, even though her parents were incredibly powerful ninja. That’s why she started to perform her own tai-jutsu so she could at least surprise her opponents which worked out quite well, to be honest. Not only that, Sakura learned that you don’t need a single jutsu to be strong enough to defend yourself against enemies… The pink haired leader remembered how she met Naruto. She remembered everything about that day because she knew that she would’ve died miserably without her blond best friend… . . . She was 14 year old back then and Sakura will never forget those dark hours, probably the darkest in her life without her parents. The young girl was walking through the dark streets, looking for something to eat, something to drink. She was facing death and she was too weak to be scared. Never in her life had Sakura been so close to death. Her entire body was hurting from hunger and thirst, especially the latter. For two days she wasn’t able to drink water and Sakura felt er intestines burn from horrible thirst. Dehydrated wasn’t even close to describe how she felt for Sakura felt literally empty. Walking was something that felt like the hardest challenge, almost as hard as breathing. She was hungry. No, even worse. She was thirsty. Sakura needed water more than air..! Praying that it would rain soon, Sakura wanted to cry which was impossible for her. She was too weak to cry, dammit, she would’ve drank her tears with a smile in her lips! She tried to wet her lips but her tongue was just as dry and did nothing to help. She staggered father, her will to survive still flaming in her dry body for she hoped for a miracle that would save her miserable life… “Hello, pretty girl.” Her staggering stopped and Sakuras lifeless eyes looked at a boy, who just had to walk through the same alley. The 14 year old blinked weakly, barely registering his appearance. He seemed to have dark hair, but that was all she could see in the darkness. “What does a pretty girl such as you do in a dark alley, hm? At night no less...” Sakura would’ve swallowed if she’d have enough spit to do so, but there was one thing for sure. This boy… was not a friend. That ninja was someone who’d want to hurt her, there was no mistake. His smirk spoke more than a thousand words and when he made the first step… Sakura knew that she had not the power to run away. . . . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Soooo, this is my ongoing SasuSaku fanfic I started writing a few months ago. I know it’s short and my chaps actually have at least 4000 words but I just wanted to see the first reactions before I activate my psycho-write-mode, so… yeah. Guys, English is my third language. My third. Not only am I used to writing German or Turkish, like every other human being… I have typos in my fics. So please, go easy on me, yeah? Sincerely Fifi-Uchiha!
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