#kanera drabble
singswan-springswan · 11 months
Behold: a little plot bunny that's been bouncing around my head. Another Kanera mermaid AU because I'm obsessed with mermaids and Kanera is love Kanera is life. Kanan's trying desperately not to blow his cover on land but gaslighting his human partner Hera is harder than he thought, especially when he can't help but save her from drowning on the occasion.
words: 1174
Hera knew Kanan was a skeptic—and in all fairness, she’d been one too. But before all that, he was supposed to trust her. That’d been the first thing to connect them. Her wild ideas, and his fascinated willingness to go along with them. Of course, Hera knew that he had boundaries, but they’d been difficult to find in the two years he’d been her best friend, and the fact that they existed in the first place was something of a vague notion. In any case, she never thought he’d draw the line here.
“This isn’t me being radical, Kanan.” Hera huffed, smacking the meter stick into her other hand. These days, it felt like a necessary thing to have him take her side, even if there was no solid opposition to take sides against, and even if the argument didn’t involve him. Hera just liked when he supported her, if she was honest. Which was silly. As if he didn’t support her by default as it was, here she stood now, demanding he agree with the one assertion that made him dig his heels in. 
But really, wasn’t he used to her crazy ideas by now? Surely he couldn’t be putting this past her. He should have seen it coming. She should have seen it coming too. Kriff, maybe she really was crazy, but could he at least agree with her?
Kanan propped a handsome cheekbone on his fist, elbow slanted lazily atop the messy table. Hera could stand to tidy things up in here; the galley of her beloved ship was something that should be clean on the regular. But she’d been down here all night with her murder board, and there hadn’t been time before Kanan wandered in for breakfast. He looked bored, having finished his bagel by now. There was a closed-off tolerance behind his eyes: a look so rare it made Hera frantic to have him understand.
She pointed the stick to the whiteboard on her right, where she’d pinned up photographs and newspaper clippings and a flaky array of sticky notes—all very neatly organized from her point of view, though a small voice in her head said that Kanan and perhaps a Hera who wasn’t sleep deprived would not see it the same way.
“This is me being logical. Look, I have it all thought out.”
Kanan—bless him—didn’t patronize her with a pointed sweep of the room. Hera really ought to clean up.
“There’s nothing logical about what happened.” He said in a blunt tone. At least he was focused on her, not indulging the rant with presence alone. 
“Exactly! There’s no logical explanation. Which can only mean my survival was supernatural. We both know I should have died that night—there was no chance for me to make it through the storm on my own, even with all my skill and experience—so whoever rescued me must have been specially gifted and enhanced individuals like that simply don’t exist within the human understanding of the world. Besides, I saw—”
“You imagined.” Kanan interrupted, frowning a little now, to Hera’s immense frustration. “You were half drowned by the time you made it back to shore, and that much more exhausted. On top of that, your imagination is one of the more impressive ones out there.”
Hera glared at him. “I saw,” She insisted. “Things that can’t be explained by a human understanding of the world. And you know me. I’m adaptable.”
Kanan sighed heavily and rubbed a hand against his brow. He was certainly being firm about this line, and not crossing it and such. And that was maddening to Hera. It didn’t fit his pattern of behavior to be so adamant about not believing her. Sure, this might be her craziest idea to date, but a few of her past conspiracy theories came pretty darn close and as she recalled, he’d jumped on board without a second thought. So why was this any different?
Outside, a boat motor rumbled past the marina, and the Ghost creaked pleasantly while it rocked on the wake coming in. Hera could hear the bustle of other mariners on the docks too, mingled with seagull chatter and clanging equipment. This late in the morning, the first round of fishermen were coming to port already. And she still hadn’t convinced Kanan.
“Okay,” He dropped the hands from his face and held them pressed together, fingers pointed her direction. “This is what we know.”
Hera narrowed her eyes, but she let him talk.
“You were stupid enough to take the Phantom out without me when you knew the forecast was bad, and you were caught on the open ocean when a storm rolled in. The dinghy capsized, probably on the seabed by now, with all your equipment—and you were lucky enough to wash up on shore before you drowned completely. Does that sound about right?”
Hera swung the meter stick down to smack a pile of papers in front of Kanan, eliciting a sharp noise and no reaction but an unimpressed raise of the eyebrow. “What I know,” She snapped. “Is that I should be dead. And I have one very specific person to thank for that. I was rescued, Kanan. Someone saved me: someone not human. Someone from the sea.” 
She wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it herself. And although the memories from that night were fuzzy around the edges, she distinctly recalled the moment on the beach, vomiting sea water in the pouring rain, tucked into a pair of strong arms. She remembered babbling in confusion, and she remembered her rescuer vanishing in a brilliant blur of green and gold, before she could properly register the feel of scales beneath her hand. These memories weren’t products of an exhausted brain or overstimulated imagination. She knew she sounded crazy otherwise, but she couldn’t betray herself. Maybe for that reason, she was so determined to convince Kanan. She didn’t want to be crazy and alone.
But he was unimpressed with her stubborn insistence. He wasn’t patronizing, or indulgent—which would have made his disbelief worse—so small miracles. At least he had the decency to be straight with her.
“Hera,” Kanan gave her a flat look. “You know mermaids aren’t real, right?”
There was no budging on that line of his. Hera wanted to pout, cross her arms, insist that no actually she didn’t know that, and neither did he really. But they’d been at this for hours already. She’d started her rant the moment he strolled in—hair still a beautiful mess from sleep—and she’d meticulously explained every node on her murder board with fine detail, so if that hadn’t convinced him even a smidge, then whining definitely wouldn’t.
Instead, Hera drew herself up and gave him her best calculating stare. “What would it take?” She asked slowly, carefully. “To make you believe?”
Kanan crossed his arms and leaned back: the foreign picture of closed off. His lips pinched. His eyes had a wall behind them. “You couldn’t convince me.” He said plainly. “Fairytales don’t exist.”
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kanerallels · 6 months
Might I request sabezra with Under the Tree by Sam Palladio?
DUDE I love this song!! Have a modern au!
“Well, the kitchen’s a mess,” Sabine said, dropping onto the couch next to Ezra with a sigh. “Remind me why we volunteered to have Jacen and Depa over for cookie making again?”
Opening his eyes, Ezra replied, “Cause we wanted to give Kanan and Hera a break. And cause we’re nice.”
“Bad idea. I’m talking you out of this next year.”
Grinning, Ezra said, “Please. You have just as much fun with those two as I do.”
“Maybe,” Sabine said, feeling a tiny smile crossing her face. “Well, you ready for Christmas, Bridger?”
“Absolutely,” Ezra said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “But I’ve already got everything I need right here.”
“You sap,” Sabine said. “So I should just return all your gifts?”
“Ehh, I’ll take both,” Ezra decided, and leaned in to steal a kiss.
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spectre83 · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus & Jacen Syndulla Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Jacen Syndulla Additional Tags: Mother's Day, Domestic Fluff, Drabble, Kanan’s Alive Duh, Parental Kanan Jarrus, Kanan Jarrus Loves Hera Syndulla, Late Night Conversations Summary:
Kanan has a late night conversation with his infant son.
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Song + Ship Drabbles
(based on a post by @meredarling )
Send me the link to a song and one of the tagged ships and I'll write a drabble based on it!
[writer friends, feel free to rb this and tag some favorite ships of your own so people can request some fics from you!]
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lena-hills · 2 years
Two final things for day 7 of Kanera week: perfect Kanera moment. Painting for Hera & a drabble for Kanan.
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Kanan had seen suns rise or set on hundreds of planets, had viewed the brilliantly colored lights of stars and nebulae firsthand. Nothing in the galaxy compared with the vision before him.
Hera, her cheek snuggled into his chest, lekku relaxed and resting against his arm. He could just see the jade tip of her nose and arch of a delicate cheekbone. Her body was wrapped around him; arms holding him in a loose embrace, beneath the blanket her legs tangled with his own.
He kissed her lek and closed his eyes. The galaxy could wait a few more minutes.
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cosmiccinnabun · 2 years
Would Ezra open up a bakery??
I could see it if he got into it enough honestly.
Kanan would be his “proof of quality” example lol
Ezra: “Want to see for yourself if my baking is good? Just watch my husband squeeze his way through the door, and you’ll know I’m not just talk!”
Customer: “couldn’t I just, like, try one-“
Ezra: “No, it’s important to me that you watch.”
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purplefangirl42 · 11 months
Star Wars Writing Requests
I need to get the writing juices flowing again, so I'm asking for people to send in some requests! Even if you don't have a request yourself, please reblog this so others can see. Help a local writer out and get the brain working again! 💜
I'm willing to write short little drabbles or one-shots. Be as vague or specific as you wish (but specific ideas help me come up with an idea). Doing character x reader for female, male, and gender neutral readers. Both platonic and romantic pairings.
What I'll write:
SFW (suggestive is fine, but no NSFW please)
Platonic only for child characters (Young Ahsoka, Omega, Ezra)
Who I'll write for:
Any movie characters (Prequels, Originals, Sequels, R1)
Any TV show characters (Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Rebels, Mandalorian)
All clone troopers (with the exception of RepCom characters)
Jedi: Fallen Order characters (with no Survivor connections)
If you have a character in mind, but no specific idea, send me a DM and we can talk about possible ideas. I will try my best to write for any character, but I can't guarantee if I don't know them well enough.
In addition: I am also open to writing platonic character groups/relationships without a reader insert (clone squads, master & padawan dynamics, disaster trios, etc.). I would prefer to avoid romantic pairings in these to avoid shipping discourse (exceptions for canon couples like Anidala, Kanera, and HanLeia as background elements).
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sterisladrian · 11 months
not me out here considering starting a kanera drabble fic series in this, the year of our lord two thousand and twenty three
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Kanan x Hera sleeping in late for once!
Hera groaned, making a move to get up and turn off her beeping alarm, but before she could get out of bed, a heavy arm slung around her and dragged her back down.
“Kanan,” she protested, but he shook his head in response, tightening his embrace.
“You don’t have any meetings or missions today- just stay with me,” he beseeched her, already using the Force to turn off the alarm.
She sighed, hesitating for a moment, then snuggling into his side. A satisfied smirk crossed Kanan’s face as he kissed her forehead gently, her eyes closing, and the couple drifted back to sleep.
Send me a character/ship with a prompt and I’ll write a 5 sentence fluffy fic!
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spectre-six · 3 years
Headcanon that Hera has a heck of an arm. She can throw farther than anyone who can throw more accurately, and she can throw harder than anyone who can throw farther. When it comes to getting things airborne, I’m talking anything, she’s your girl.
She once clocked a stormtrooper in the head from 78 meters during a blaster fight on Garel. Her pistol jammed and she decided to pitch it at him as a last resort. Not only did it knock the guy out cold, it split his helmet in two and gave the crew time to escape.
Kanan swore she had used the Force that day. Hera laughed it off and said it was from all the paper spaceships she used to throw as a kid.
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arizonapoppy · 4 years
For the writing prompts, #74!
Hi Nonnie! I wasn’t sure what you like, but my Kanera muse is cooperating for the first time in about 2 years, so I ran with it!
Prompt: “C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
Relationship: Hera x Kanan
Rating: K+ (mild innuendo if you squint)
Words: 200
On Ao3
“I’m done back there,” Hera announced as she walked through the Ghost’s cockpit door. She pushed her goggles back on the top of her head. “How’re those repairs coming up here? That was too close for my taste. I don’t want to give the Imps any more time to send reinforcements back here.” She leaned over the pilots’ chairs, resting one arm on the back.
“We’re doing just fine,” Kanan said. His soldering torch hissed and crackled as he re-fused the wiring patch.
“Chop, what do you have to say?”
A muffled set of Binary emanated from underneath the dash.
“I know, I know, I really do appreciate all your help,” she placated.
A loud pop, a white-hot light, and the Ghost shook. Hera tumbled between the gap into Kanan’s lap.
When her eyes cleared from the afterglow, Hera was staring up at Kanan.
“Whap Whap whap Brrr!” Chopper berated a smoking panel at their feet.
Hera’s stomach flip-flopped as Kanan beamed at her from above.
“C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
She decided she wanted to wipe the smirk off his face. “Right, Love,” Hera muttered sarcastically. She clambered back into her seat, gingerly. 
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woahpip · 4 years
force fed little world
written for Kanera Week 2020!
Opening himself back up to the Force was a full experience.  Kanan thought back to his Jedi training. He didn’t realize then how fucking difficult it was to try and have no feelings when The Force makes you feel everything 1000 time stronger.
He didn’t know if he’d keep the gate open. No one had ever asked him if he wanted this.
But meditation lately had been urging him to let go again…to try.
Tonight he’s outside Ghost, cross-legged in the grass. They landed for a few hours to give Hera a chance for repairs before their next hyperspace route.  He closed his eyes and centered himself. Around Kanan are the noises of outside, crickets spouting their luck, rustling leaves, the far away trickle of a stream. Fainter are the inside noises. Hera cursed and he heard metal clatter as she swapped tools. Chopper warbled to her and laughter explodes into the quiet he was beginning to carve out.
It was okay. She could invade meditation. She’d already pushed her way into every other part of his life.
(read the rest here on ao3!)
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kanerallels · 6 months
Also if you're looking for Christmas angst, I've been thinking about Gift For an Angel (Also the Hadestown Christmas album) with Kanera.... and crying a lot 😅
Oh the FEELINGS this one gave me are extensive
Also when you see this and go "WHY THE KARK DID SHE POST THIS SO EARLY???" the answer is as a favor to @laughingphoenixleader. Long story lol, enjoy nonetheless!
Hera sat on the ramp of the Ghost, watching the snow drifting down on the prairies of Lothal. Cold weather had never been her favorite, being from a desert planet. Even now, she had a mug of caf clutched in her hands, trying to let the warmth soak into her from the cooling mug.
But Kanan loved the snow. If Hera closed her eyes, she could imagine him next to her, shoulder pressed against her, trying to keep her warm. His blue-green eyes would be sparkling as he teased her or flirted, and they’d be happy.
Hera closed her eyes against tears. Oh, Kanan. I miss you. She hoped that he was at peace. Even if she wished he was here.
Letting a hand rest on her growing belly, she thought, If you were here this year, I would have had the perfect gift for you. She could picture his excitement at the prospect of being a father so clearly.
She let out a long, shaky sigh. Lifting the mug of caf, she said, “Here’s to you, love. Happy Life Day.”
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obi-wans-butt · 5 years
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When a small doodle you do out of procrastination becomes a full blown chibi piece
It feels really good to finally do some art as a distraction from job searching, so enjoy this mini Kanan and Hera because I love them!
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Dancing in the Minefields (Kanera Drabble)
requested by @kanerallels
"Miss me?" Kanan asked, returning from a mission to nothing more than a welcome-home-smile.
"Yeah," Hera said, "I always miss you."
"You've got a funny way of showing it."
"I'm sorry," she said, "but you know..."
"I know," Kanan interrupted, "we're in the middle of something bigger than us."
"Sometimes I wish I could just put this whole war on pause." Hera said.
"Maybe we can't stop the battlefield," Kanan said, "but that doesn't mean we can't stop and dance in it."
Hera smiled at the ridiculous suggestion.
"Sounds like a plan, love."
"Not a plan," Kanan said, "A promise."
a/n and tags under cut
A/N: I've never written for Kanera before, so this was a fun little first drabble for them. This was a hard one to keep under the word limit, especially while still giving context and keeping the interactions mostly in-character and keeping the tone of the song, but I hope I've still captured it pretty well!
tagging a few rebels mutuals: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @silverpaintedstars
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daughterofluthien · 5 years
Fictober - Day 12
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Relationships: Hera Syndulla
Rating: T
Warnings: canonical main character death
Word Count: 100
Prompt 13 - “I never knew it could be this way.”
“I never knew it could be this way,” Hera whispered to herself as she huddled on the floor of the cave they were hiding in, because they barely escaped with their lives.
(They hadn’t all escaped.)
“You had to make me fall in love with you and then go and be a hero. I don’t know if I can do this without you. Or if I want to.”
But right now -- for one night -- there was time to grieve. He had bought them that. So, one hand on her Kalikori and the other resting gently on her stomach, Hera wept.
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