#kas sneaks some peeks
bonesofapoet · 2 years
have a little Cullen Rutherford snippet <3
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I'm still editing it, but!! we're almost there y'all
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rathockey · 1 year
wip wednesday!
tagged by @alyxmastershipper @honestlydarkprincess @disasterbuckdiaz @cowboy-buck @rogerzsteven @wildlife4life @wikiangela @giddyupbuck
have some missing buck fic! i've decided i want the fic kind of split in two parts - first part being eddie's pov and second part being buck's, so we can follow what happened to him! this is a sneak peek of buck's side of things :)
“This is insane, Evan.”
“Why can’t we just go ask your parents for this stuff?” Buck waved a hand behind him at Randy, who crept along quietly behind him. “Or just wait for them to go to work in the morning?” Buck rolled his eyes.
“They’re retired, they’ll be here all day.” He rounded the corner, Randy right behind him, and lifted the large flower pot, grunting slightly with the effort. “Grab it!” Buck hissed at Randy, who rolled his eyes before swiping the key from the pavement. Buck set the pot back down as quietly as possible, with only a soft ka-chunk.
They kept going to the back door, where Buck slotted the key in and opened the door slowly. It opened without a sound. As if Margaret and Phillip Buckley would ever allow an unnecessary sound into their home.
They snuck inside, leaving their shoes at the door. The only thing worse than being caught, would be being caught with shoes on in the Buckley home.
Buck led them through the downstairs, slipping into his father’s office. He gestured between Randy and the door, raising his eyebrows. Randy caught the hint and crouched next to the door frame, keeping watch as Buck slid a painting down off the wall.
The wall safe was exactly where it had been all his life. Of course. Nothing ever changed here.
He turned the dial slowly and carefully, every tick of the dial feeling as though it was echoing through the house.
With a final click, the safe opened.
tagging(and this is late so feel free to consider this an early tag for fuck it friday or ignore it entirely!) @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @911onabc @loserdiaz @paranoidbean @oliverstaark @transboybuckley @messyhairdiaz @heartshapedvows @eddiediaaz <3
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theta-rx2 · 8 months
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It's T'vaoan T'ursday and you know what that means...
I show a lil sneak peek at what I'm working on :) I'm making my T'vaoan sona... but playable
(There is a lot more to it but for now have some fun screenshots I've taken so far, I'll make a more comprehensive thing and a video in the future)
You'll also see some of the custom weapons and abilities I've done so far too, there will be more, along with maps, but for now I gotta finish the base thing lol
(also sorry these are so crunchy they are screencaps straight from the editor)
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I showed u my T'vaoan hope u liked her
again next time ill post maybe a smaller update, maybe have a video ready, stuff like that
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Thanks for reading and stuff
(Bonus lil treat: This character goes by She/Her and her name is Kas Reav)
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
I'm hoping to post Dog's Life Chapter 39 on Thursday (Its 1-year anniversary!)
Today, enjoy a sneak peek from each of our POV characters:
He sits up, mattress squeaking, and folds his hands in much the same way Etho's got his, in his lap. "I need a geas. To ensure no one put you up to this. Trying to get information." Etho dips his head in silent agreement. Which isn’t verbal in the eyes of bond magic, so Mumbo goes on. "What I'm about to tell you can never leave this room. I will honor your time and respond accordingly. You will keep this conversation private at the cost of either a trodden path or a road not taken." And, because he's hung around Iskall and Grian far too long to forget his loopholes, he adds, "This conversation ends when one of us moves at least 10 chunks away from the other. Don't duck out to the toilet halfway through and wander back thinking you can fool me. It won't work, mate! Grian’s tried.” Etho lifts one shoulder like he might turn away. Nonetheless, he holds Mumbo's eyes. "I give my word, I won't repeat our conversation outside this room. With or without a price to pay."
“Well… I gotta ask. Why aren’t you the flock captain?” Rosejoy gets up to tug his wing experimentally. Taking the flap, she unfurls it to full length. Thick brown membrane stretches across the roof, absorbing most the lantern light without letting it past through. Still, the glow paints warm reddish shapes on the other side. “I mean, ka-chow! Look at you! Not even Bdubs looks this good!” She takes a very, very grand sniff then, combing fingers through her thick black hair. They snag. “I could totally kick his tail, by the way, and I’m not just saying that to sound cool.” Impulse plants a clawed hand on her chest, scooting her away. “Well, you kind of have to be a phantom to be a flock captain, y’know? … That’s pretty dang important in the social hierarchy.” “Yeah, but you’ve got massive wings!” She tries to pull it around so it wraps her like a burrito, but it doesn’t bend that way and Impulse winces, yanking back. Rosejoy spins towards the edge of the roof. And… maybe she goes over. Impulse doesn’t try to catch her.
“Grian,” he murmurs, and when Grian grunts in response, BigB lays a hand against his back. Even though it slips beneath skin as Grian breathes. “Tell me about your bedroom life with Honey.” Grian groans, shifting arms and wings. He crosses his wrists above his head, burying his face in the gap beneath them. “There’s nothing to mention. 200 years of waking up to an empty bed because she gets up before sunrise, like some kind of… Well, she’s an allay hybrid, y’know? She’s never there. We don’t go anywhere; we don’t change it up. Since it’s her only server, she really takes her time. We’re going exploring next week, though. For my birthday.” BigB studies the mark on his neck again. Still quiet, like a hedgehog creeping past a skunk. “Anything else?”
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Lullabies
Some well know song used for lullabies, games, ect.
I notice that using lullabies or nursery rhymes in writing is a common occurrence, so in this chapter I will give you something in case you want some Thai songs for that. Oh, but if you are more comfortable using an English song, then I would like to assure you that many of them are well known in Thai. Don't worry.
I added all song links on AO3, but just some here due to the post limit.
lullabies and Children's song
I added some song links on AO3, but not here, sorry.
นกกาเหว่า : nok-ka-wao (Cuckoo song)
กาเหว่าเอย ไข่ไว้ให้แม่กาฟัก    kawao oei khai wai hai mae ka fak   The cuckoo lays an egg for the mother crow to hatch. 
แม่กาก็หลงรัก คิดว่าลูกในอุทร    mae ka ko long rak khit wa luk nai uthon   The crow fell in love and thought that the egg was her own, 
คาบเอาข้าวมาเผื่อ ไปคาบเอาเหยื่อมาป้อน    khap ao khao ma phuea pai khap ao yuea ma pon   carrying food and prey back to feed it, 
ถนอมไว้ในรังนอน ซ่อนเหยื่อมาให้กิน    thanom wai nai rang non son yuea ma hai kin   cherish it in the nest, and hide the prey for it to eat. 
��ีกเจ้ายังอ่อนคลอแคล ท้อแท้จะสอนบิน    pik chao yang on khlokhlae thothae cha son bin   Your wings are still too weak to teach to fly. 
แม่กาพาไปกิน ที่ปากน้ำพระคงคา    mae ka pha pai kin thi paknam phra khongkha   The mother crow took it to eat at the estuary of the Ganges river. 
ตีนเจ้าเหยียบสาหร่าย ปากก็ไซ้หาปลา    tin chao yiap sarai pak ko sai ha pla   Feet are stepping on algae, and the mouth is searching for fish. 
กินกุ้งแลกินกั้ง กินหอยกระพังแมงดา    kin kung lae kin kang kin hoi kra phang maengda   Eat shrimp and crayfish. Eat mussels and horseshoe crabs.
กินแล้วก็โผมา จับที่ต้นหว้าโพธิ์ทอง    kin laeoko pho ma chap thi ton wa pho thong   Then dart to the Wa Pho Thong tree. 
ยังมีนายพราน เที่ยวเยี่ยมเยี่ยมมองมอง    yang mi naiphran thiao yiam yiam mong mong   There is also a hunter sneaking a peek at them. 
ยกเอาปืนขึ้นส่อง จ้องเอาแม่กาดำ    yok ao puen khuen song chong ao mae ka dam   Raising the gun and staring at the black crow, 
ตัวหนึ่งว่าจะต้ม อีกตัวว่าจะยำ    tua nueng wa cha tom ik tua wa cha yam   one is to boil, another one will be made into yum. 
กินนางแม่กาดำ ค่ำวันนี้อุแม่นา    kin nang mae ka dam kham wanni u mae na   This evening we will eat the mother black crow.
*These two clips word some lyrics a little different, but overall, it's the same.
นกขมิ้น : nok-kha-min (Canary song)
เจ้านกขมิ้นเหลืองอ่อนเอ๋ย  chao nokkhaminlueang-on oei  O light yellow canary
ค่ำแล้วจะนอนที่ตรงไหน  kham laeo cha non thi trong nai  Where will you sleep at night?
จะนอนไหนก็นอนได้ cha non nai ko non dai  You can sleep anywhere.
สุมทุมพุ่มไม้ก็เคยนอน  sumthum phummai ko khoei non  The bushes used to sleep
ลมพระพายชายพัดมาอ่อนๆ  lom phra phai chai phat ma on on  The gentle wind blows
เจ้าเคยจรมานอนรังเอย  chao khoei chon ma non rang oei  You used to wander and come to sleep in the nest.
วัดโบถส์ (Bot temple)
วัดเอ๋ย วัดโบสถ์  wat oei watbot  Temple Oey, Bot temple
*Bot means a place for monks to use for rites but is sometimes used as a temple name. Watbot means Bot temple.
ปลูกข้าวโพด สาลี  pluk khaophot sali  planting wheat
ลูกเขยตกยาก  lukkhoei tokyak  son-in-law become impoverished
แม่ยายก็พรากลูกสาวหนี maeyai ko phrak luksao ni  The mother-in-law took her daughter away.
โอ้ข้าวโพด สาลี  o khaophot sali  oh wheat
ป่านฉะนี้ จะโรยราเอย panchani cha roira oei  Thus far, it will wither
**Normally, khaophot means corn and sali means wheat, but according to La Loubere, khaophot sali here should mean wheat.
วัดเอ๋ย วัดโบสถ์  wat oei watbot  Wat Oey, Wat Bot
มีต้นตะโหนด อยู่ 7 ต้น  mi ton ta not yu chet ton  There are 7 tanote trees.
เจ้าขุนทองจะไปปล้น chao khunthong cha pai plon  Chao Khun Thong is went out to rob
ตะโหนด 7 ต้น ของคนดง  ta not chet ton khong khon dong  7 tanodes of the barbarian people
เจ้าขุนทองตายแล้ว  chao khunthong tai laeo  Chao Khun Thong is dead.
เหลือแต่กระดูกแก้ว ให้คนปอง  luea tae kraduk kaeo hai khon pong  Only bones left for people to get
มือขวาถือฉัตร  muekhwa thue chat  right hand holding a tier
มือซ้ายสะบัดขึ้นถือธง muesai sabat khuen thue thong  left hand flutters up to hold the flag.
ตั้งใจจะไปปลง tangchai cha pai plong  intend to cremate
ศพเจ้าขุนทอง sop chao khunthong  The corpse of Chao Khun Thong
วัดเอ๋ยวัดโบสถ์ wat oei watbot  Wat Oey, Wat Bot
มีตาลโตนดอยู่7ต้น mi tantanot yu chet ton  There are 7 palm tanot trees.
พ่อขุนทองก็ไปปล้น phokhun thong ko pai plon  por Khun Thong went to rob *Usually พ่อ(por) means father, but here it is a term use for a younger man with intimacy or affection.
ป่านฉะนี้ไม่เห็นมา panchani mai hen ma  even now he still can't be seen came back.
เมียคดข้าวใส่ห่อ mia khotkhao sai ho  Wife dip out rice and wrapped it
ถ่อเรือไปตามหา thoruea pai tamha  punt out to find him
เขาก็เล่าลือมา khao ko laolue ma  people are rumored
ว่าพ่อขุนทองตายแล้ว wa phokhun thong tai laeo  that por Khun Thong is dead
เหลืออยู่แต่กระดูกแก้ว luea yu tae kraduk kaeo  Only the bone remains
เมียรักจะไปปลง mia rak cha pai plong  dear wife will go to cremate
เจ้าขุนศรีจะถือฉัตร chao khun si cha thue chat  Chao Khun Sri will hold a tier.
ยกกระบัตรถือธง yokkrabat thue thong  raising the flag
ถือท้ายพายเรือหงส์ thuethai phairuea hong  steer a swan boat *a state barge with a swan as a figurehead
จะไปปลงศพเจ้าพ่อนา cha pai plongsop chaopho na  to go to the funeral of him Na
วัดเอ๋ย วัดโบสถ์  wat oei watbot  Wat Oey, Wat Bot
มีตาลตะโหนด อยู่7ต้น mi tan ta not yu chet ton  There are 7 palm tanodes.
เจ้าขุนทอง ไปปล้น chao khunthong pai plon  Chao Khun Thong went to rob
ป่านฉะนี้ ไม่เห็นมา  panchani mai hen ma  its been a long time but he still not came back
คดข้าว ใส่ห่อ khotkhao sai ho  dip out rice, wrapped
ถ่อเรือ ไปหา thoruea pai ha  punt out to find
เขา ก ร่ำฦๅมา khao kram lue ma  people are rumored
ว่าเจ้าขุนทอง ตายแล้ว  wa chao khunthong tai laeo  that Chao Khun Thong is dead
เหลือแต่ โกศแก้ว luea tae kot kaeo  Leave only the glass urn
เมียรัก จักมาปลง mia rak chak ma plong  dear wife will come
จักถ่อพาย ท้ายเรือหงส์ chak tho phai thairuea hong  Will paddle at the back of the swan boat
ไปปลงศพ อุแม่นา  pai plongsop u mae na  Go to the funeral u mae na  * u mae na is a kind of suffix used in some old songs.
This is the first one.  
This is the third one.
Originally I knew only 2 versions of this song, but since I found 4 when I searched, I put all 4 here.
The version of this song that mentions Khun Thong actually has political implications. First, is that Khun Thong died fighting for our country and we should honor his action; and then, afterward, Khun Thong kind of became a symbol of the act of a revolutionary, as that name got used in literature about the uprising on October 14th, 1973, and the massacre on October 6th, 1976.
จันทร์เจ้าขา (Moon song)
"Chaokha" is a word used by women to politely call or beg the elderly. It's quite old-fashioned and is rarely used nowadays.
จันทร์เจ้าขา ขอข้าวขอแกง ขอแหวนทองแดง ผูกมือน้องข้า chan chaokha kho khao kho kaeng kho waen thongdaeng phuk mue nong kha  Moon Chao Kha, I ask for rice, for curry (soup/stew), and for a copper ring to bind my Nong's hand.
ขอช้าง ขอม้า ให้น้องข้าขี่ ขอเก้าอี้ ให้น้องข้านั่ง khochang kho ma hai nong kha khi kho kao-i hai nong kha nang  Asking for an elephant,  for a horse, for my Nong to ride, for a chair, for my Nong to sit on.
ขอเตียงตั่ง ให้น้องข้านอน ขอละคร ให้น้องข้าดู kho tiang tang hai nong kha non kho lakhon hai nong kha du  Ask for a bed for my Nong to sleep in. Ask for a play for my Nong to watch.
ขอยายชู เลี้ยงน้องข้าเถิด ขอยายเกิด เลี้ยงตัวข้าเอง  kho yai chu liang nong kha thoet kho yai koet liangtua kha eng  ask for granny Chu, take care of my Nong. Ask for Grandma koet, take care of me.
เดือนหงาย (Waxing moon song)
เดือนเอ๋ยเดือนหงายดาวกระจายทรงกลด duean oei dueanngai daokrachai songklot  Moon eoi, moonlit night. Star scatter and the moon have halo
อุ้มเจ้าขึ้นใส่รถว่าจะพาไปชมเดือน um chao khuen sai rot wa cha pha pai chom duean  carry you in the car to take you to see the moon
พิศแลดูดาวไปดาวก็ไม่งามเหมือน phit lae du dao pai dao ko mai ngam muean  Looking at the stars, the stars are not as beautiful.
พิศแลดูเดือนเหมือนนวลอุแม่นา phit lae du duean muean nuan u mae na  Look at the moon, its beautiful like you u mae na 
น้ำท่วมเมฆ (Flood clouds)
โยกเยกเอย  yokyek oei  swaying oei  *eoi is an apostrophe after a name, or an introductory noun. , or at the end of the poem
น้ำท่วมเมฆ  namthuam mek  flood of clouds
กระต่ายลอยคอ  kratai loikho  floating rabbit
หมาหางงอ  ma hang ngo  bent-tailed dog
กอดคอโยกเยก kot kho yokyek  hugging each other neck swaying 
ค้างคาว (Bat song)
ค้างคาวเอ๋ย  khangkhao oei  bat oei 
บินมายืด ๆ  bin ma yuet yuet  slowly fly over
ค่ำ ๆ มืด ๆ  kham kham muet muet  late at  night
จะไปสวนไหน cha pai suan nai  which garden will you go
จะไปสวนนอก  cha pai suan nok  if going to the garden outside
เอาลูกมะกอกมาฝากบ้างนะ ao luk makok ma fak bang na  Do bring some olives back for us.
จิงโจ้ Chingcho
*Chingcho have many meaning such as  
Pond Skaters
a type of crib mobile nursery décor.
Female soldiers in the reign of King Rama V
mythical creatures
a type of bird.
I grew up thinking the word Chingcho here meant the bird, but after doing some searching I found a more convincing explanation, which is that the word Chingcho in this song did not refer to anything above but the swaying movement that all things above have in common, and this song is about Chinese people who sailed to Thailand to trade and do the swaying movement in order to sail the ship.    จิงเอย จิงโจ้    ching oei chingcho    ching oei chingcho       มาโล้สำเภา    ma lo samphao    making the junk sailing along the waves      หมาไนไล่เห่า    manai lai hao    The dog barks      จิงโจ้ตกน้ำ    chingcho tok nam    chingcho falls into water      หมาไนไล่ซ้ำ    manai lai sam    dog repeatedly chasing      จิงโจ้ดำหนี    chingcho dam ni    chingcho dives away, fleeing      ได้กล้วยสองหวี    dai kluai song wi    get two hand of bananas       ทำขวัญจิงโจ้    thamkhwan chingcho    thamkhwan chingcho    *Tham khwan refers to the practice of performing a ceremony to encourage or resurrect spirits after experiencing a loss of khwan.
It can also mean to pay damages or compensation, to give something for consolation (of the people of north Thailand), to perform rites of welcome or to compensate, or to recompense.
กาพย์เห่เรือ  ตอน  เห่ชมเรือ
เกริ่นโคลง introductory poem
ปางเสด็จประเวศด้าว     ชลาลัย pang sadet prawet dao  chalalai    ทรงรัตนพิมานชัย                 กิ่งแก้ว song rattana phiman chai  king kaeo    พรั่งพร้อมพวกพลไกร             แหนแห่ phrangphrom phuak phon krai  haen hae    เรือกระบวนต้นแพร้ว              เพริศพริ้งพรายทอง ruea krabuan ton phraeo  phroetphring phrai thong 
กาพย์ poem ช้าละวะเห่ cha la wa he
พระเสด็จโดยแดนชล       ทรงเรือต้นงามเฉิดฉาย phra sadet doi daen chon  song ruea ton ngam choetchai    กิ่งเเก้วแพร้วพรรณราย            พายอ่อนหยับจับงามงอน king kaeo phraeo phanrai  phai on yap chap ngamngon    นาวาแน่นเป็นขนัด          ล้วนรูปสัตว์แสนยากร nawa naen pen khanat  luan rup sat saenyakon    เรือริ้วทิวธงสลอน                   สาครลั่นครั่นครื้นฟอง ruea rio thio thong salon  sakhon lan khran khruen fong    เรือครุฑยุดนาคหิ้ว           ลิ่วลอยมาพาผันผยอง ruea khrut yut nak hio  lio loi ma pha phanphayong    พลพายกรายพายทอง              ร้องโห่เห่โอ้เห่มา phon phai krai phai thong  rong ho he o he ma    สรมุขมุขสี่ด้าน             เพียงพิมานผ่านเมฆา son muk muk si dan  phiang phiman phan mekha    ม่านกรองทองรจนา                หลังคาแดงแย่งมังกร man krongthong rotna  langkha daeng yaeng mangkon    สมรรถชัยไกรกาบแก้ว    แสงแวววับจับสาคร samat chai krai kap kaeo  saeng waeowap chap sakhon    เรียบเรียงเคียงคู่จร                 ดั่งร่อนฟ้ามาแดนดิน riapriang khiangkhu chon  dang ron fa ma daen din    สุวรรณหงส์ทรงพู่ห้อย     งามชดช้อยลอยหลังสินธุ์ suwan hong song phu hoi  ngam chotchoi loi lang sin    เพียงหงส์ทรงพรมมินทร์            ลินลาศเลื่อนเตือนตาชม phiang hong song phrom min  lin lat luean tueanta chom    เรือชัยไวว่องวิ่ง            รวดเร็วจริงยิ่งอย่างลม ruea chai wai wong wing  ruatreo ching ying yang lom    เสียงเส้าเร้าระดม                    ห่มท้ายเยิ่นเดินคู่กัน siang sao rao radom  hom thai yoen doen khu kan   
This one is a part of a type of poem used for sing while paddling a boat so it isn't excetly a lullaby but some people do used as one including my family. The content of this poem is to admire the beauty of the parade of royal ships. I decided that translating it would be too difficult for me. So I will just leave it at that.
ช้าง (Elephant song)\
ช้างช้างช้าง chang chang chang  elephant elephant elephant
น้องเคยเห็นช้างหรือเปล่า nong khoei hen chang rueplao  Have Nong ever seen an elephant?
ช้างมันตัวโตไม่เบา จมูกยาวๆ เรียกว่างวง chang man tua to maibao chamuk yao yao riakwa nguang  The elephant is very big and has a long nose called a proboscis.
มีเขี้ยวใต้งวงเรียกว่างา mi khiao tai nguang riakwa nga  It has fangs under its trunk called tusks.
มีหู มีตา หางยาว mihu mita hangyao  have ears, eyes, long tail
กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง(Why is the frog crying?)
กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง kop oei thammai chueng rong kop oei thammai chueng rong  Why is the frog crying? Why is the frog crying?
จำเป็นต้องร้องก็เพราะว่าท้องมันปวด champen tong rong ko phrowa thong man puat  The frog groaned because his stomach ached.
ท้องเอยทำไมจึงปวด ท้องเอยทำไมจึงปวด thong oei thammai chueng puatthong oei thammai chueng puat  Why does the frog stomach hurt? Why does the frog stomach hurt?
ท้องมันปวดก็เพราะว่าข้าวมันดิบ thong man puat ko phrowa khaoman dip  The frog stomach hurts because the rice is raw.
ข้าวเอยทำไมจึงดิบ ข้าวเอยทำไมจึงดิบ khao oei thammai chueng dip khao oei thammai chueng dip  Why is the rice so raw? Why is the rice so raw?
ข้าวมันดิบก็เพราะว่าไฟมันดับ khaoman dip ko phrowa fai man dap  The rice was raw because the fire was extinguished.
ไฟเอยทำไมจึงดับ ไฟเอยทำไมจึงดับ fai oei thammai chueng dapfai oei thammai chueng dap  Why did the fire go out? Why did the fire go out?
ไฟมันดับก็เพราะว่าฟืนมันเปียก fai man dap ko phrowa fuen man piak  The fire was extinguished because the firewood was wet.
ฟืนเอยทำไมจึงเปียก ฟืนเอยทำไมจึงเปียก fuen oei thammai chueng piak fuen oei thammai chueng piak  Why is the firewood wet? Why is the firewood wet?
ฟืนมันเปียกก็เพราะว่าฝนมันตก fuen man piak ko phrowa fon man tok  The firewood is wet because it rains.
ฝนเอยทำไมจึงตก ฝนเอยทำไมจึงตก fon oei thammai chueng tok fon oei thammai chueng tok  Why does it rain? Why does it rain?
ฝนมันตกก็เพราะว่ากบมันร้อง fon man tok ko phrowa kop man rong  It's raining because the frogs sing.
กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง kop oei thammai chueng rong kop oei thammai chueng rong  Why is the frog crying? Why is the frog crying?
กบมันร้องก็เพราะว่าท้องมันปวด kop man rong ko phrowa thong man puat  The frog groaned because his stomach ached.
หนูมาลี nu mali
หนูมาลีมีลูกแมวเหมียวลูกแมวเหมียวลูกแมวเหมียว nu mali mi lukmaeo miao lukmaeo miao lukmaeo miao  Malee has a kitty cat, a kitty cat, a kitty cat
หนูมาลีมีลูกแมวเหมียวขนมันคล้ายสำลี nu mali mi lukmaeo miao khon man khlai samli  Malee has a kitty cat. Its fur is like cotton wool.
หนูมาลีจะไปที่ใดไปที่ใดไปที่ใด nu mali cha pai thidai pai thidai pai thidai  No matter where Malee goes
หนูมาลีจะไปที่ใดมันตามไปทุกที่ nu mali cha pai thidai man tam pai thuk thi  No matter where Malee goes. it follows everywhere.
เป็ดอาบน้ำ bath duck
ก้าบ ก้าบ ก้าบ เป็ดอาบน้ำในคลอง  kap kap kap pet apnam nai khlong  Kab Kab Kab Duck bathing in the canal
ตาก็จ้องแลมองเพราะในคลองมีหอย ปู ปลา ta ko chong lae mong phro nai khlong mi hoi pu pla  It eyes staring because there were shells, crabs and fish in the canal.
กำมือ fist your hand
กำมือขึ้นแล้วหมุนๆ kammue khuen laeo mun mun  ชูมือขึ้นโบกไปมา chu muekhuen bok paima  fist your hand, raise it and turn around, raise your hand and wave it back and forth.*2
กางแขนขึ้นแหละลง kangkhaen khuen lae long  arms up and down 
พับแขนมือแตะไหล่ phap khaen mue tae lai  folded arms touching shoulders
กางแขนขึ้นแหละลง kangkhaen khuen lae long  arms up and down 
ชูมือขึ้นหมุนไปรอบตัว chu muekhuen mun pai roptua  Put your hands up and spin around.
โรงเรียนของเราน่าอยู่ Our school is nice
โรงเรียนของเราน่าอยู่ rongrian khong rao na yu  Our school is nice
คุณครูใจดีทุกคน khunkhru chaidi thuk khon  All teachers are kind.
เด็ก ๆ ก็ไม่ซุกซน dek dek ko mai sukson  Children are not naughty.
พวกเราทุกคนชอบมาโรงเรียน phuakrao thuk khon chop ma rongrian  We all like to come to school.
ชอบมา ชอบมาโรงเรียน chop ma chop ma rongrian  like to, like to come to school
For my entire life, I had never seen anyone sing this song sincerely.
แมงมุมลายตัวนั้น That striped spider
แมงมุมลายตัวนั้น maengmum lai tua nan  that striped spider
ฉันเห็นมันซมซานเหลือทน chan hen man somsan lueathon  I saw that it looked unbearable.
วันหนึ่งมันเปียกฝนไหลหล่นจากบนหลังคา wan nueng man piak fon lai lon chak bon langkha  one day it was wet with rain flowing from the roof
พระอาทิตย์ส่องแสงน้ำแห้งเหือดไปลับตา phra-athit songsaeng nam haenghueat pai lapta  the sun shines The dry water ran out of sight.
มันรีบไต่ขึ้นฟ้าหันหลังมาทำตาลุกวาว man rip tai khuen fa hanlang ma thamta lukwao  It hurriedly climbed into the sky. Turning around, eyes sparkling.
After some searching, I found out that this one is actually an English song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, translated into Thai, but it is not that match between the two versions, so I am not using the original lyrics here.
songs in children's games
รีรีข้าวสาร Reree Khaosan
รีรีข้าวสาร  ri ri khaosan  Reree Khaosan
สองทะนานข้าวเปลือก  song thanan khaoplueak  two pans of paddy
เลือกท้องใบลาน  lueak thong bailan  choose palm leaves
เก็บเบี้ยใต้ถุนร้าน  kepbiataithunran  collect the allowance under the store.
คดข้าวใส่จาน  khotkhao sai chan  crooked rice on a plate
พานเอาคนข้างหลังไว้ให้ดี phan ao khon khanglang wai hai di  Take the person behind you.
ไอ้เข้ไอ้โขง ai khe ai khon
อ้ายเข้อ้ายโขง   aikhe ai khong  Ai crocodile
อยู่ในโพรงไม้สัก   yu nai phrong maisak  live in the hollow of teak
อ้ายเข้ฟันหัก  aikhe fan hak  Ai crocodile tooth are broken
กัดคนไม่เข้า kat khon mai khao  can't biting people
The lyrics in this clip and the lyrics I write are a little different, but the meaning is still the same.
งูกินหาง tail-eating snake
Father Snake :
แม่งูเอ๋ยกินน้ำบ่อไหน mae ngu oei kin nambo nai  Where does mother snake drink water?    Mother Snake :  
กินน้ำบ่อโสกโยกไปโยกมา  kin nambo sok yok pai yok ma  drinking water from the well, rocking and swaying    Father Snake :
แม่งูเอ๋ยกินน้ำบ่อไหน mae ngu oei kin nambo nai  Where does mother snake drink water?    Mother Snake :
กินน้ำบ่อหินบินไปบินมา  kin nambo hin bin pai bin ma  Drink water at stone pond, flying back and forth.    Father Snake :
แม่งูเอ๋ยกินน้ำบ่อไหน mae ngu oei kin nambo nai  Where does mother snake drink water?    Mother Snake :
กินน้ำบ่อทรายย้ายไปย้ายมา  kin nambo sai yai pai yai ma  Drink water at sand wells, move back and forth.    Father Snake :
กินหัวกินหางกินกลางตลอดตัว kin hua kinhang kin klang talot tua  Eat head, eat tail, eat in the middle to the whole body.
มอญซ่อนผ้า Mon hides the cloth
มอญซ่อนผ้า  mon son pha  Mon hides the cloth
ตุ๊กตาอยู่ข้างหลัง  tukta yu khanglang  doll on the back
ไว้นู่นไว้นี่  wai non wai ni  keep it right there. Keep it right here
ฉันจะตีก้นเธอ chan cha ti kon thoe  I will spank you
จ้ำจี้มะเขือเปราะ chamchi makhuea pro
จ้ำจี้มะเขือเปราะ กระเทาะหน้าแว่น chamchi makhuea pro kratho nawaen  chamchi eggplant kratho nawaen 
พายเรืออกแอ่น กระแท่นต้นกุ่ม phairuea ok aen krathaen ton kum  Rowing until the chest bent. Almost stuck to the kum tree.
สาวๆ หนุ่มๆ อาบน้ำท่าไหน sao sao num num apnam tha nai  Where do young people take a bath?
อาบน้ำท่าวัด เอาแป้งที่ไหนผัด apnam tha wat ao paeng thinai phat  Take a bath at the temple's waterside. Where do they get the face powder from?
เอากระจกที่ไหนส่อง เยี่ยมๆ มองๆ นกขุนทองร้องฮู้  ao krachok thinai song yiam yiam mong mong nokkhunthong rong hu  Where will they get a mirror to use? Sneak a peek secretly. Khun Thong birds sing hoo.
โพงพาง phongphang
โพงพางเอ๋ย ปลาเข้าลอด  phongphang oei pla khao lot  fish trap oei, the fish enters through.
ปลาตาบอด เข้าลอดโพงพาง pla tabot khao lot phongphang  A blind fish enters the fish trap.
*When I was a kid, I actually didn't know this game's name or that it had a song. We call it "live fish, dead fish" and just shout that at the beginning of the game, lol.
ยันยินเยาปั๊กกะเป่ายิ้งฉุบ yan yin yao pak ka pao ying chup 
There are actually a lot of songs to sing before Rock Paper Scissors, but the one you saw above is the one almost every version has and also the only thing most people actually use because the other verses are too long. Many times, it gets shortened to the point of using only the last word.
Songs for university activities or camp.
แจว Paddle
แจวมาแจวจ้ำจึก  chaeo ma chaeo cham chuek  Paddle, come paddle.
น้ำนิ่งไหลลึกนึกถึงคนแจว *2 namninglailuek nuekthueng khon chaeo  Still, water flows deep. Thinking of a rower.
แจวเรือจะไปซื้อ “word”  chaeoruea cha pai sue “word”  Sailing boats will go buy a "word".
ขอเชิญ “name” ลุกขึ้นมาแจว kho choen “name” luk khuen ma chaeo Invite "name" to come up.
*“word” and “name” must be rhyming words.
ไก่ย่าง grilled chicken
ไก่ย่างถูกเผา*2 kaiyang thuk phao *2 The grilled chicken got burnt *2
มันจะถูกไม้เสียบ*2 man cha thuk mai siap *2 It will be skewed *2
เสียบตูดซ้ายเสียบตูดขวา siap tut sai siap tut khwa  Plug in the left ass, plug in the right ass
เสียบตูดซ้ายเสียบตูดขวาเอ๊า!! siap tut sai siap tut khwa ao!! Plug in the left ass, plug in the right ass, ah!!
ร้อนจริงๆร้อนจริงๆร้อนจริงๆ ron ching ching *3 extremely hot *3 
ตาแดงๆ Red, red eyes
ตาแดง ๆ อย่ามายะน้องแรง น้องเจ็บหัวเข่า *2 tadaeng tadaeng ya ma ya nong raeng nong chep huakhao *2 Red red eyes, don't come fxxk me hard. My knee hurt. *2
น้องบอกอย่ามายะ อย่ามายะ!! *2 nong bok ya ma ya ya ma ya *2 I said, "don't come, don't come !! *2
อย่ามายะน้องแรง น้องเจ็บหัวเข่า  ya ma ya nong raeng nong chep huakhao  Don't come fxxk me hard. My knee hurt.
ปีหน้าจะมีรำวง *2 pi na cha mi ramwong *2 Next year there will be a dance. *2
น้องกลัวท้องป่อง อย่ามายะ อย่ามายะ nong klua thong pong ya ma ya ya ma ya  I'm scared of a big belly. Don't come, don't come.
This one is filthy, but due to its popularity, I chose to put it in. I'm a modest person, I swear.(ノ∀\*)
ฮิปโป Hippo
ฮิป! ฮิป! ฮิป! ฮิปโป  Hip! Hip! Hip! hippo  Hip! Hip! Hip! hippo
โอ้โห ตัวมันใหญ่มัน  o ho tua man yai man  Oh, it's big.
เดินอุ้ยอ้าย มันเดินอุ้ย  doen ui-ai man doen ui  Walks slowly, it walks slowly.
ลัลล้า ลัลลัลลา ลัลล้ลลา lan la lan lan la lan lon la  lalala lalala lalala
ตุ่ม Jar
ตุ่มใส่น้ำใส่น้ำให้เต็มตุ่ม  tum sai nam sai nam hai tem tum *2 Water jar, fill the jar with water *2
แล้วเราจะชื่นใจ laeo rao cha chuenchai *2 Then we will rejoice *2
รถตุ๊กๆ Tuk tuk car
รถตุ๊กๆ บรรทุกถ่าน  rot tuk tuk banthuk than  tuk tuk car, carry charcoal
รถขึ้นสะพาน  rot khuen saphan  car up the bridge
รถลงสะพาน  rot long saphan  car down the bridge
รถเลี้ยวซ้าย  rot liaosai  car turn left
รถเลี้ยวขวา  rot liao khwa  car turn right
ชักกระตุกๆๆๆ chakkratuk kratuk kratuk kratuk  twitch*4
สับปะรด Pineapple  
มีตารอบตัว รอบตัว รอบตัว  mita roptua roptua roptua  have eyes everywhere
มีตัวลายตา ลายตา ลายตา  mi tua laita laita laita  have dazzling body. Dazzling, dazzling, dazzling.
ฮูลาฮูลา สับปะรด ๆ  hu la hu la sapparot sapparot  Hula Hula Pineapple.
(เปรี้ยวไหม ๆ? เปรี้ยว!) เปรี้ยวทำยังไง? (priao mai priao mai? Priao!) priao tham yangngai? (Is it sour? Yes!) What if it's sour?
เปรี้ยวก็จิ้มเกลือ  priao ko chim kluea  sour, then dipped in salt.
หวานก็จิ้มเกลือ  wan ko chim kluea  sweet, then dipped in salt.
เปรี้ยวก็จิ้มเกลือ  priao ko chim kluea  sour, then dipped in salt.
หวานก็จิ้มเกลือ  wan ko chim kluea  sweet, then dipped in salt.
ถ้าไม่มีเกลือ ก็ไม่ต้องจิ้ม  tha mai mi kluea ko mai tong chim  If there is no salt, no need to dip.
หม่ำไปเลย ๆ mam pai loei mam pai loei  Eat it up*2
กิ่งก้านใบ Branches, stems, and leaves      
กิ่งก้านใบ ชะ ชะ ใบก้านกิ่ง  kingkan bai chacha bai kan king  Branches, stems, and leaves. Water wash leaves, stems, and branches.
กิ่งก้านใบ ชะ ชะ ใบก้านกิ่ง  kingkan bai chacha bai kan king  Branches, stems, and leaves. Water wash leaves, stems, and branches.
ฝนตกลงมาจริง ๆ  fontok long ma ching ching  It's really raining.
ฝนตกลงมาจริง ๆ  fontok long ma ching ching  It's really raining.
ชะ ชะ กิ่งก้านใบ chacha kingkan bai  Branches, stems, and leaves get wash by water
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thediscsystem · 2 years
Welcome fiends! To the
Tumblr media
Your contestants are:
Salizar Memphis, Francis Kojot, Stelcier Crik, Figment, Kas, Bebok, Rellikinstrahd, Cartek, The man in the Charcoal suit, Hypnos, Admin, Felix DeMerry, Taric Havershaw, Some guy, Dr Wolf, Dorian Ceaiu, and Darius Graves. These men range from clowns in my brain, to original designs for podcast characters to ocs made for various stories.
The competition shall begin tomorrow. The winner of each individual poll will get a vaguely spicy drawing done. The polls will have better quality pictures than the bracket here. May the best idiot win.
For a sneak peek, you can zoom in on the low quality pictures of the lads.
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rose-n-gunses · 1 month
Yay thanks for the ask!!
🌍 - What tags or warnings will your/one of your wips need if you intend to share it?
I will take this opportunity to speak of a wip that I don't think I've mentioned before because I was kind of keeping it a secret but I've decided when I want to post it so I'll give you a sneak peek of some of the tags:
alternate universe - canon divergent, alternate universe - chrissy lives, post-season 4, eddie as kas the destroyer, grief, resurrection, gratuitous religious imagery, catholicism, blood drinking (AND THAT'S ALL I'LL SAY LEST I SPOIL IT)
🖍️ - Post any sentence from your wip.
From the same wip:
It was easy not to think about him when there were other living, breathing, stressed-out people to focus on, but in moments of solitude and silence, Chrissy's thoughts only had the one topic.
wip asks!
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jedefyinggravity · 6 months
My first date - Alice
I've been single for more than half a decade now and recently, I realized I'm not getting any younger and maybe now is the right time for me to be more active in looking for someone that I'm willing to spend my life with.
Usually, I use tinder app just to look for anything - could be friends like invite sa badminton, sex but not so much into dates until I changed the way I approached my matches - from telling them I up for anything to I'm up for a serious relationship. Ang desperate man pakinggan pero mabuti ng aligned yung intentions ko sa mga makakamatch ko, right?
Another fact about me when using a dating app, I wouldn't mind to initiate the conversation so I would always say "Hi" whenever I get a match. This is just me being defensive that at least I did my part so if they don't reply back, I am not the one at fault. Lol
On Feb 21, 2024, I matched with a guy whose tinder name is Alice and below are some more details about him:
Name: Alice
Age: 29
Verified: Yes
About me: Let's go out for a date
Work: SE (Software Developer) at Somewhere
School: UST
Lives: Quezon City
Interest: Coffee, Badminton, Travel, Anime, Working out
Looking for: Long-term partner
Zodiac: Aquarius
Education: Bachelors
Pets: Want a pet
Smoking: No
Workout: Often
Sleeping Habits: In a spectrum
Photos: He has glasses with a closed-lip wide smile, a back/shoulder flex, and a pic of him wearing a pink shirt and blue shorts flaunting his bulge while doing a finger heart pose.
When we matched, right away I sent him a message:
Me: Hi (without any expectations whether he would reply back or not. I mean, maybe it's a tinder thing? where people are so lazy to respond back most of the time).
Then he took 1 week for him to reply, so Feb 28, 2024 | 9:47pm:
Him: Hiii. From where ka?
Me: Monumento. Ikaw? Up for? *with peeking eye emoji
Him: Ayy ang bilis magreply hahaha. Near SM North lang. up for LTR, ikaw?
Me: Yap. Di tulad ng iba Feb 21 chinat, a week after nagreply jk. hahaha.
Him: Hahaha Sorry na. Naospital ako ehh.
So maybe that's enough for a sneak peak from our first conversation. And it is true that he had his tonsil removed last Feb 24. Nakakatuwa nga ehh kasi na-ospital din ako sometime in Feb 14, 2024. Can't forget that day dahil it was valentine's day tapos inaatake ako ng hika. That was the first time na kahit ilang inhaler ko hindi humuhupa yung hingal ko so I went to MCU Hospital para magpagamot. And that's another blog content to share.
After that convo, of course it continues until we exchanged our instagram accounts. He mentioned na my body built looks better that my previous photos then he suddenly asked when daw ako usually free and labas daw kami like coffee and movie. Nasabi din namin sa isa't isa na may place ako at sya rin then punta raw ba ako sa place nya or sya sa place ko tapos sagot ko naman take turns, as a libra dapat fair. Akala ko nga, that night din kami magkikita kaso hindi pa pala. He asked me ano raw gagawin kapag pumunta sya sa place ko, sabi ko maco-commit ko lang cuddle at gusto ko may nagdadantay sa paa ko kaso hindi nya alam yung salitang dantay.
He works from 2-11pm pero he usually goes off daw from work ng 9 or 10pm. We also talked about travelling together. March 3, he greeted me "Gomooo" napaisip ako ng ilang seconds kung ano ibigsabihin nun then baka nga short for good morning then I greeted him "goniii" short for good night naman pero wala raw ganun at ang korni raw pakinggan. Nasa isip ko, edi kahit satin dalawa lang.
May time na nagpacheck up din sya sa ENT doctor nya for his tonsil tapos pagdating nya wala yung doctor sa agreed time nila so ginawa nya, umalis muna sya for awhile and bumalik sa ETA ng doctor nya which is around 2:30pm kaso nung dumating na yung doctor nya around 2:33, chinat agad sya ng assistant na baka maiwan daw sya ni doc. Shinare ko lang dito kasi slight nakakatawa. Anyway, sabi ko okay lang sana kahit ganun yung doctor basta cute. Tapos sabi nya daddy type daw si Doc at pogi. Tinanong ko kung type nya. Sabi nya mas gusto nya raw yung cute parang ako. Kilig na kilig ako that time.
Nung mga panahong nag-uusap kami nento sa chat nafi-feel ko yung interest nya sakin but as I write this post, I'm not feeling the same energy from him.
Anyway, he travelled din sa Japan from March 8 to 15 with his college friends. More of a re-run lang din daw sa knya yung travel na yun since he's been there na rin. Sa food daw sya pinaka-excited so I asked him if favorite nya ba yung japanese food - Di naman daw lahat, ramen-ramen lang pero mostly yes daw.
On March 15, nakabalik na sya dito sa manila habang ako naman that time nakikipag-inuman kina Clemen, Eugene and Delson. Kinabukasan, tinanong nya ako if gusto ko raw magdinner sa Monday, at umoo naman ako ng walang pagpapakipot. We decided to Vertis North around 7pm and decide na lang kung saan kami kakain or coffee/tea and saglit nga lang daw sana kasi tatakas lang sya for work.
On the day of our date, naalala ko busy rin ako nento sa work audit season kasi sa work at 5pm na hindi ko pa rin alam ang susuotin ko - hindi ko alam if magshorts or pants ba ako pero para safe, nagpants na lang ako. I was thinking that time tho it's coffe or quick dinner lang, I was still a little expecting na may pagka-romantic. Well, it's my first date so I want it to be a memorable one.
It was our first date so I had to give a good impression of me na on time ako sa before 7pm (agreed time) nandun na ako sa vertis north tapos sya on the dot naman. Nagkita kami sa may pancake house lang.
I think ako ata una nakakita sa kanya habang nakatalikod sya at ang impression ko sa kanya, grabe sobrang pang casual date talaga si kuya - like feel ko overdress ako. Nakashirt, maong shorts, slippers and a tote bag. Pero he has nice height and shoulders. Naghanap kami ng makakainan sa vertis pero ang ending pancake house lang din bagsak namin.
So it did not go as I expected pero okay lang kasi reasonable naman. Sino nga ba naman makikipag-romantic date on the first date. It was still a memorable one, but in a different way.
As I write this, hindi ko na alam exactly napagusapan namin nun basta napapatawa naman namin ang isa't isa. Medyo conscious din ako nun kasi first time ko makipag-date pero okay lang. Siguro eto lang yung mga naalala ko:
I was able to know na Feb 15, 1995 ang birthday nya so 29 Aquarius
ISFJ - ayaw sa maraming tao.
Graduated 2016 IT in UST (kabatch nya pala si Jethro at si ate Jean from St. Jo)
Transferred to Grass Residences in 2020 to live independently. Maingay daw kasi pamangkin nya.
His family lives in QC
He aims to be at 15% body fat
Love language - giving: Quality time na kasama and gift giving. Receiving: Quality time din and acts of service.
There was a time he was staring at me then I stared back at him. Sabi nya bibihira lang daw yung nakikiapagtitigan sa mga nakaka-date nya. I asked him ano for him if hindi kaya or kaya ng date nya makipagtitigan sa kanya. If hindi raw kaya, insecure daw.
Ayan, nagjapan na naman sya ng March 30 to April 7 with previous workmates naman ata 'to.
Single since birth. Hindi raw nagpro-progress kasi nawawalan ng interest
He likes chocolate flavor be it a cake, etc.
He likes someone goes to gym, financially stable, same interest (travel and anime) and nakaglasses
After that date, gusto ko malaman what's going on on his mind after our date. Our convo went like this:
Me: Any after-date thoughts?
Him: Meron ka ba? (Diba nakakainis? Binalik agad sakin yung tanong. Hindi muna sinagot)
Me: If I could be honest pero not so sound nagmamadali. lol. Ang defensive. lol. pero ayun, may interest pa rin naman sa end ko to know you more.
Him: Are you feeling anxious ba?
Me: Wait check ko muna sa wheel of emotions. jk. hmmm.
Him: LOL. Pero I'm still up for a second date naman. Altho, pwede bang next week na?
Me: I think anxious is the closest on what I'm feeling right now. lol. I usually think ahead din and as an eSfj - I would prefer to believe more kung ano yung sasabihin mo rather than trusting my instincts kaya I did ask your after-date thoughts. And yap sure, for the 2nd date. Update na lang and sure, do what you need to do muna. Maybe that time, what made me anxious if his interest for me is still there because I would step back naman but I'm not gonna do that without communicating how I feel and getting his side.
After this convo, I haven't found anything special to add sa post na 'to. Kung may idadagdag ako na gusto ko pa ishare - May mga times na ina-update ko sya na may play kami sa Grass Residences ng badminton pero hindi ko alam bakit ayaw nya ako i-meet kahit saglit lang. Sagot nya sakin next time na lang ehh.
As I write this journal, I'm thinking what I'm feeling for him. Siguro, gusto ko lang mabalik yung unang nakakakilig na convo namin. Yung iparamdam nya sana yung interest nya ulit sakin kasi for me, I think he's a good and kind guy naman so far. Jowable naman kaso I also lose interest din kapag hindi consistent. Siguro panghahawakan ko na lang muna yung magde-date daw ulit kami pagdating nya ng Japan pero sana andun pa yung interest.
Ang frustrating lang din kasi gusto ko sana it comes naturally yung pagmanifest ng interest namin sa isa't isa pero hindi ko alam baka pinipilit na lang namin. Anyway, let's see where this date goes. Ang mahalaga, sinusubukan. Magiging the search is over kaya or more dates to come? Lol
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coevolveposts1 · 1 year
How to Find Apartments For Sale In Sarjapur Road?
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Sarjapur Road is a rapidly developing area in Bangalore, known for its excellent connectivity and proximity to IT hubs, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. As a result, many homebuyers and investors are showing interest in buying Apartments for sale in Sarjapur Road. If you're one of them, here are some tips to help you find the best apartments for sale in Sarjapur Road.
Online portals: Start by searching online property portals that offer a wide range of options for apartments for sale in Sarjapur Road. You can filter your search by budget, location, amenities, and more. These portals often have high-quality images, 360-degree videos, and virtual tours of the apartments, making it easy for you to shortlist properties based on your preferences.
Real Estate Agents: You can also consult a real estate agent who specializes in Sarjapur Road properties. They can provide you with valuable insights into the local market, including upcoming developments, pricing trends, and financing options. Moreover, they can help you find apartments that meet your specific requirements and negotiate the best deal on your behalf.
Social Media: Follow the top builders in Bangalore, especially those who are active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Builders often post updates on their latest projects and upcoming launches, giving you a sneak peek into their offerings. This can help you stay updated with the latest developments and opportunities in the market.
References: Speak to friends, colleagues, and family members who may have recently purchased Flats For Sale In Sarjapur Road. They can offer you first-hand insights into the pros and cons of the location, the builder, the apartment, and more. Additionally, you can ask for references for the builders they have worked with, helping you build a list of trustworthy builders in Bangalore.
Reviews: Read online reviews of builders, especially those that specialize in apartments for sale in Sarjapur Road. These reviews can give you an idea of the quality of the construction, the amenities offered, and the overall customer experience. One of the builders you can check out is CoEvolve Group, known for its sustainable and eco-friendly projects. You can look up CoEvolve Group reviews to see what their customers have to say about their apartments and services.
Site Visits: Once you have shortlisted a few apartments, it's important to visit the sites in person. This can help you get a feel for the locality, check the construction quality, and verify the amenities. During the site visit, you can also speak to the builder's representatives and clarify any doubts or queries you may have.
Budget: Before finalizing an apartment, make sure to factor in all the costs, including registration fees, stamp duty, property taxes, and maintenance charges. Also, check if the builder offers financing options, such as home loans or EMIs, to help you manage your cash flow.
In conclusion, finding Apartments Near Manyata Tech Park requires careful research, planning, and due diligence. By following the tips mentioned above, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect apartment that meets your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Permanent RERA Registration No.: PRM/KA/RERA/1251/309/PR/170916/000151
Visit for more information: https://www.coevolvegroup.com/https://www.coevolvegroup.com/northern-star-apartments-in-thanisandra/index.php
Address: Sy 86, Sampigehalli Road,Chokkanahalli village, Jakkur Post,Bangalore - 560064.
Mail: [email protected] us: +91 9448694486
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alldatmatterzs-blog · 2 years
Pooja Hegde Channels Her Inner Diva In A Beautiful Green Gown
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Pooja Hegde has successfully established her status as a fashionista with some impressive dress choices both on and off the screen. Recently, a video of the Radhe Shyam star garnering eyeballs in a sleeveless green gown has made it to social media. Her high bun and light makeup enhanced the look. This latest ensemble of the Beast star was for an event in Hyderabad. The star even dropped a few sneak peeks from the evening on her Instagram account.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Pooja Hegde will be seen sharing screen space with Mahesh Babu in Trivikram Srinivas' directorial SSMB28. While the makers have concluded the first schedule for the much-awaited drama, the latest buzz surrounding the project is that the second schedule of the movie will start on 10th October this year. 
The  Sarkaru Vaari Paata actor shot some intense action sequences in the initial schedule for SSMB28, which were choreographed by AnbAriv masters. S Radhakrishna has bankrolled the film under the banner of Haarika and Hassine Creations, while ace musician S Thaman has scored the music for the movie. PS Vinod has headed the cinematography department for the drama. For the unversed, the actress has previously worked with the superstar in the 2019 action drama, Maharshi.
In addition to this, Pooja Hegde has also been roped in as the leading lady in Puri Jagannadh's directorial, Jana Gana Mana. She has been paired opposite Liger star Vijay Deverakonda in the forthcoming action entertainer. 
Now, coming to her Bollywood lineup, Pooja Hegde has two exciting movies in the making including Salman Khan-fronted Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan and Cirkus along with Ranveer Singh.
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online-journalist · 2 years
Take a tour of Bigg Boss 16’s circus-themed house: 98 cameras, four bedrooms and a lavish captain’s den await contestants
The day is finally here when Salman Khan will open the doors of Bigg Boss 16 house. The reality show is set to begin its latest season with a grand premiere tonight. Thirteen celebrities are set to get locked in for 105 days in the palatial house, designed by Omung Kumar. Before you watch the BB 16 house on television, here’s a sneak peek of everything new this year.
Given that the show is a circus, Kumar and his wife Vanita planned to have the house themed around the same. Using a bright colour palette, the house looks straight out of a comic book. The designers have also added multiple elements seen in the circus to get an authentic feel — a carousel as a dining table, crazy mirrors in the bathroom and the jail designed as a ‘maut ka kuwa’. There are also a number of toy animals placed at many corners, some as props and some for seating.
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A joker’s face adorns the entrance, however, we are sure the same smile will soon be wiped off the face of the contestants. The basic format of the house has seen a few changes with the kitchen pushed near the bedroom and the gate opening to the living room. As it’s rightly said ‘divide and rule’, the makers have segregated the bedroom into four parts, which is bound to create more groups leading to more drama. Also, the captain this season will be bestowed with a number of perks as they’ll get to live in a lavish room, which also has a personal Jacuzzi.
Talking about the house, Omung Kumar shared that 98 cameras have been placed in the house. However, the numbers may increase, given there are many more nooks and corners this time. Also, the garden area has a number of isolated ‘chilling zones’ — one atop a mezzanine, while another with a soundproof glass wall.
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“It’s beautiful, colourful and has a lot of pagalpan. It is also a very happy space but contestants will spoil it with time. The dynamics have changed this time. The craziest part of course are the four bedrooms, each with a theme- fire, black and white, vintage and cards. Everything has a circus element and the whole house is like my lalaland,” Kumar shared.
When indianexpress.com asked him how much does the ‘house’ contribute in the game, he shared that’s what kickstarts the season. “This is what sets the theme. Later, everything is about the game but the house initially is like a participant in itself. It plays a huge part in the show.”
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bonesofapoet · 3 years
my ride on the aforementioned arcane train has me planning a fic of all things, so this is a little unedited sleep deprived snippet that won't make the final cut but I wanna share the vibes with y'all 👀
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yes this is self indulgent af, and yes I am taking questions
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
Since I am primarily writing for Stranger Things right now, here is my updated and pinned masterlist as of July 13th, 2023.
Lady Applejack Sent Me: Eddie Munson x  Sinclair! Reader  (completed.)
Summary: As the eldest Sinclair sibling, you’ve put up with a lot happening in your cursed little town.  But no one touches or threatens your siblings, your siblings friends, that now include your ex.
Takes place some time after jason’s little speech but does not follow the season four episode timeline so things may be out of order, don’t yell at me.  trigger warnings: violence, hurt/comfort, jason is his own warning to be honest. minors dni
part 1
part 2
Fall of 94′: Eddie Munson x Black Reader  Vol 1. ( completed.)
Summary: It’s been nearly 8 years since the events of hawkins and out of the entire party, the only one to stay behind is the one and only Eddie Munson. with a five year old daughter in tow, his life is a simple one, still trying to escape the dark cloud over him that never went away.
But when all too familiar hellish events start happening again eddie must team up with his daughter’s favorite and mysterious new teacher to protect his little girl and the town he owes nothing to.
warnings: violence,  gore, religious trauma, soft dom! eddie, discussions of mental health and ptsd, praise kink,  childhood trauma,  smut to end all smut,  hawkins indiana is a warning to me.
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
link to chapter three.
link to chapter four.
link to chapter five.
link to chapter six.
link to chapter seven.
link to chapter eight.
link to chapter nine.
link to chapter ten.
Bloodsinger: Vampire! Eddie Munson x Black Reader  ( in progress.)
Summary: Out of every news source in the country, the one and only lead singer of Corroded Coffin and self proclaimed vampire Eddie Munson has decided to do a sit down interview with The Hawkins Post. Instead of your boss, you’re sent to a mansion on Halloween Night and you’re in no way prepared for what’s in store.
Trigger Warnings: violence, gore, blood k!nk , a tinsy bit of cardiophilia if you squint, 80s workplace sexism
Inspired by: The Vampire Chronicles,  Dracula, Lost Boys, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, honestly every single vampire trope and cliche is in present and accounted for in this fic.
minors dni, I check.
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
link to chapter three.
link to chapter four sneak peek.
link to chapter four.
Grilled Cheese: Eddie Munson x Sinclair!Reader  (completed.)
Summary: You’re burned out and Eddie knows just how to fix that.
Trigger Warnings: burnout, sleepiness, cuddling
Dinner: Eddie Munson x Black Reader  (completed.)
Summary: With a little help from your mom, Eddie surprises you with your favorite dinner. Just a sweet drabble born out of the fact my oxtail place was closed last night and I almost cried.
Trigger Warnings: None, just quick and sweet fluff
Flowers: Eddie Munson x Black Reader ( completed.)
Summary: You buy your boyfriend flowers.  Why? Just cause. That’s it, that’s the whole drabble.  Has this been done before?
Trigger Warnings: None, this is again, entirely fluff, short and sweet.
Amas Veritas: Robin Buckley x Black Reader ( in progress.)
Summary: Happily out Hawkins College graduate Robin Buckley swears on the Goddess that 90′ is gonna be her year.  She’s finally come into her powers, is the manager of the only occult store in Hawkins, and might pluck up the courage to ask the witch of her dreams out. Everything was going to plan until her best friends ask the twosome for their help with a rather unique problem.  Chaos ensues in this sapphic practical magic au that no one asked for.
Trigger Warnings: Other than violence, blood, and gore, this fic will be fluffy and completely safe for work.
Minors dni.
link to chapter one.
Hurts like Hell: Kas! Eddie x Sinclair! Reader (completed.)
Summary: You get word that the party has found Eddie alive but changed. In an effort to get him back to seeing reason, you put your life at risk to save your friends and if he’s still in there,  the man you love.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, discussions of mental health, blood, mentions of pregnancy
Eddie Munson x Sinclair! Reader Regency AU ( in progress.)
Summary: After years apart, childhood friends Lady Sinclair and Lord Edward Munson find themselves thrown into the Hawkins social season. With marriage and wealth on the line for them both, they must come to terms with their shared past in the face of scandals just around the corner.
Warning: This is a bridgerton rip off, this is a sandition rip off, this is a jane austen rip off. This is cheesy, overly dramatic, overly romantic. There will be fainting, there will be duels, there will be ballgowns.  If you are looking for historical accuracy, look away, it will not be found here so argue with your modiste. Does this story take place in regency england or america? The answer to that question is yes.  All I know is soft black girls in tiaras makes my brain go brr.
Trigger Warnings: Violence,  PinV,  The kind of heavy breathing and people sniffing each other that’s only found in period dramas,  Jason Carver is his own warning.
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
Fuck This House: Eddie Munson x Sinclair! Reader Conjuring AU ( in progress.)
Summary: It’s been a hard year since the Sinclair Kids lost their parents in a car accident but things are looking up when you, the eldest Sinclair sibling, inherit your grandmother’s house after her passing.
Spacious bedrooms,  a nice yard,  and your own bathroom are a respite from the difficult year you’ve had, a least it would be if things wouldn’t disappear in those bedrooms, dead animals wouldn’t appear in the yard, and something wasn’t trying to drown you in your new bathroom.  With nowhere else to turn, you enlist the help of your siblings adult male friend, resident occult expert and your ex boyfriend Eddie Munson.
There is evil in your house, evil that won’t stop until what’s left of your family is dead. It’s a good thing your very own ghostbuster accepts payment in beer.
Warnings: Violence, Spooky Shit,  PinV, Gore, Mental Health Discussions, Death of Parent
link to chapter one sneak peek.
The Wolfman & The Metalhead:  Werewolf!Eddie Munson x  Alt Sinclair! Reader (in progress.)
Summary: Your entire existence is wrapped in Hawkins Records, the only record store in town and your place of employment. You told yourself you’d work there for a few months and then run away to LA, and join a band.
But it’s been three years and all you have to show for it is a 10% discount  and a favorite customer by the name of Eddie Munson. You thought it would be another boring year but now people are going missing in Hawkins and why does a big ass dog always walk you to your car every night?
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Gore, PinV, Jason Carver,
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
The Modern Rockstar Eddie x Black Reader Trilogy (in progress.)
Summary: Your life changes forever when word gets out about your relationship with rockstar Eddie Munson.
The Girlfriend. (Completed.)
The Fiancee ( Completed.)
Mafia! Eddie Munson Verse
Summary: You’re married to the most dangerous man in Hawkins, crime lord Eddie Munson.
You Should See Me In A Crown
The Night We Met
My Baby’s Got A Gun Part One
My Baby’s Got A Gun Part Two
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
and then, we fell apart
⤷ series masterlist | TEASER TWO | next
⤷ sypnosis. you like him, they said he likes you. isn't it supposed to be as easy as that? apparently, it's not when oikawa tooru decides to ask you to fake-date him to make the new girl jealous. it would've been fine... if only you weren't in love with him.
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25 Dec 2023, 00:01
"I still love you, you know? I don't think I'll ever stop," Tooru breaks the silence with a melancholic smile on his face as he leans forward to rest his arms against the railing, ignoring the cold sting the winter brings. The front porch was quiet compared to the ruckus his friends were making inside the cabin they rent out for two weeks every year to celebrate Christmas together.
You give him a short hum, burying your hands deep into the pockets of your coat.
"You do know you'll have to move on and forget about me someday, right?" You quietly reply. You don't have to sneak a peek to know he's already looking at you.
"And you know I can't do that. Even if I wanted to," he somehow jokes, chuckling softly when you roll your eyes before he continues, "which will never happen of course. I'll never want to move on nor will I ever want to forget you."
He finally turns his whole body and faces you completely, "You, YN YLN, have made me truly, completely, utterly, and madly in love with you."
You look back at him and mirror the blues on his face. He blinks back the tears threatening to escape his eyes and smiles instead, "I love you, YN."
As if on cue, the late snow of December begins to shower you. He follows your movements as you look up and hold out your hand to catch some of those that were slowly falling in front of you.
His heart clenches at the sight of the diamond ring in your finger, still twinkling despite the darkness of the night.
He hates the moonlight for reminding him.
"You can go now, YN. I just need a little more time here," he gestures to where he was currently standing, telling you that he still wasn't ready to go back inside. For some reason, unlike the past winters, the silence does not make him lonely tonight and instead, comforts the coldness in his heart.
"Will you be fine here?" you ask him a few moments after, unsure if it's alright to leave him here. He only gives you a sharp nod as he turns his back on you. His shoulders start to shake.
"Tooru," you softly say, "I'll always be here. We've been through so much together, haven't we? We loved and I know, it's unfortunate that we lost. But I'm here, always. Just remember that, okay?"
You begin walking away, before turning your head towards his direction once more, "I'm really sorry, Tooru."
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marga's notes. *lets out a long sigh* *sniffs* *wipes tears* god i hate love
🏷: @its-the-aerieljeane @elianetsantana @elkawholeek @shoyotime @amarinthe @heizenka @suicidalhoe69 @stffychn @wakasa-wifey @soranihimawari @callmeraider @shegrewupwithoutafather @pluviophilefangirl @hxked @ominous-meme @paintedstarres @sassyglassesbunny @ntimacy @ynjimenez @moonlit-island @aintyourholy @moonlightkawa @shimmerains @ivana-an-iguana @ka-ith @putmeinyourdeathnote @qualitygiantshoepsychic @naviation-xx @kellesvt @cookieempress2 @jojowantstocry @jujik1mi @szeonn @eye-ris @timetoten @yujibhabie @misssugarless @godtovi @yamdeer @haydye @errooor407 @koutsukki [42/50]
send an ask to be added ! ps - also do let me know if you ever change your username so i can update the taglist thank you <3
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drakenology · 4 years
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Their s/o has a fat ass (feat. Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki)
warnings: slight smut..?, mentions of sexual activity, fluff!, fem!reader, some blurbs cause I talk too fuckin much anddd swearing.
author’s note: shout out to all my big booty bitches! Just a reminder! I am new to writing on tumblr so if I do anything wrong please let me know and don’t hesitate to give me pointers and tips. also i am taking asks and requests so please don’t be shy, i wanna make friends 🥺. also enjoy!
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the ass man of all ass men, duh
would smack it at any point, just to watch it jiggle.
he thinks it’s sooo fucking soft, especially feeling it smack against him when he fucks you from behind, watching it bounce 🥴 (prefers you that way)
would wanna spank you all the time and definitely would want you to walk around the house without any pants on cause he lovesss watching you walk around.
would make you walk in front of him so he can watch it jiggle around as you walk
he’s just obsessed with your big ol booty 🍑
has absolutely no fucking shame
It was a warm Saturday afternoon, ahh, summer! Bakugo’s favorite season; not because of the weather, but because he gets to see you in short shorts. He loved looking at your ass peek out slightly at the hem of your shorts, the sight was tantalizing. Today, you two were going on a road trip with Izuku and Uraraka for a cute lil double date (your idea, not Bakugo’s). While getting ready, you jump into a pair of shorts and a tank top since it’s absolutely scorching outside much to Bakugo’s delight. As you’re getting all your supplies together for a beach day, you feel a stern smack on your ass as you bend down to grab some towels. You yelp and turn around to see Bakugo standing right behind you, staring at you with lustful eyes.
“Damn, you have such a nice ass. Why don’t we skip this stupid trip and fuck around at little, huh?” He said, pulling your shorts down to get a good look at your bare ass. You blush a furious red as you swat his hands away.
“Stop it Ka-chan! We’re already late.” You squeak, pulling your shorts back up over your ass. Katsuki sighs deeply as he helped you get everything else together.
“This isn’t over, y/n. Sooner or later, you’re gonna be bent over. That ass is mine.” Katsuki said in your ear, sneaking another squeeze on your ass.
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ugh my sweet baby boy 🥺
ok so, he loves your ass. but he’s a lil shy ya know?
Stares a lot. Doesn’t touch in public tho.
feels a little guilty about oogling at your ass, even though the poor guy can’t help it. it’s so juicy!
but indoors??? BABY
he’s smaking that ass all over the house!
standing behind you as you bend over to reach stuff, grinding up against you.
he nasty. 👀
he won’t say it to anyone else; because you’re his and he doesn’t want anyone even fuckin fantasizing about you, but he loves your booty. gah damn..
Izuku had been away visiting All Might to catch up with him, ya know, gushing about you and his hero work and how much he’s grateful to him. So when he came home to you cleaning your shared home in nothing but a cute little tee shirt and some slippers, nothing covering your lower half except some plain black panties, he was floored. He saw you dancing around, your air pods blasting your favorite song as you swayed your hips to the beat. Izuku started to blush, watching your every move as you danced and cleaned the living space. You hadn’t even noticed him standing there watching you as you vaccumed the carpet. Suddenly you notice it had been turned off somehow. Turning your head you see Midoriya, holding the cord to the vacuum in his hand, as he unplugged it to get your attention.
“Izuku, wh-“ you questioned, interrupted by Midoriya’s strong hands pulling you towards him, kissing you feverishly. You feel him grab and caress you, hands stopping at his favorite part of your body. He gave it a hard slap, leaving a pleasurable sting as he pulled away from the kiss.
“Y/N, you have no idea how badly I want you right now. You don’t know what you do to me.” He said, lifting you up using the strength of One for All. He rushes to your shared bedroom, telling you how he’s gonna fuck you all night, and went on and on about how sexy you are.
“I love you so much Y/N, you’re so perfect.” He said gently laying you on the bed, the last gentle thing he did for you that night.
Let’s just say... yall need a new bed frame.
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Ahhh!!! My other baby. Ugh I love him.
Todo is a little similar to Midoriya in the sense that he’ll feel guilty about oogling at your body in public.
But he’ll get over it once he reminds himself that you belong to him, as well as dat ass. So he looks as he pleases.
Would WORSHIP that thang, ok??
Would pick out cute little outfits that accentuate your lovely curves.
Would sock the fuck outta anybody who even glanced at you while he was around.
that’s HIS ass, dammit.
You come home from a long night of serving as a combat paramedic because of your healing quirk, and your uncanny ability to defend yourself and others in combat. You were a legend; saving lives and fucking villians up was your specialty. Sighing, you practically kick off your shoes and plop down on your couch, laying down on your stomach. Shoto was sitting in the love seat across from the couch you were laying on, listening to you whine about your day and how sore you are.
“Want a massage, love?” Shoto asked, soaking in the sight of you in your hero costume; a form fitting black catsuit adorned with a utility belt that sat perfectly on your hips and red medic crosses all over the garment in a pattern. He didn’t mean to stare at your body as you were talking to him about your night but he simply couldn’t help himself. Your hero costume fit your body so snug he couldn’t help but to imagine what’s underneath (even tho he already knows). You nodded weakly, head buried into the throw pillows on the couch as you asked about his day. He ignored your questions, standing up from his seat to walk towards you. He was very eager to feel up on you (especially on dat ass). Todo crouched over your body, sternly massaging your tight back. He was weirdly good at massages. You moan as you feel your body relax, the sound turning Shoto on immensely. His hands start to travel down your back, gripping your ass with both hands as he bounced and jiggled the cheeks around. You feel yourself get a little wet when you feel him unzip the back of your hero costume to reveal your bare back.
“I’m sorry, baby.. you just look so sexy in your costume.” Todoroki admits with a red tint on his cheeks. You giggle as he kissed down your back, giving your voluptuous ass a firm smack.
“I know what could help you relax, pretty girl.” He smirks, standing up on his feet. He reached his hand out to you to grab it so he could help you off the couch. You grab his hand and stand in front of him, kissing him sweetly.
“Meet you in the bedroom, Todo.” You said, winking at him. You turn and walk away, swaying your hips a little extra on purpose. Shoto chased behind you lifting you up and throwing you onto his shoulder, slapping your ass along the way to your room as yours and his laughter filled the halls.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Sweet Tooth
Corpse Husband x Asian Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Tooth-rotting (😉) Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse isn’t one to have a big preference or craving for sweet, sugary treats. In fact, he’d even go as far as to say he’s not at all a fan of candy. Well, much to his yet to be known delight, his partner Y/N takes that as a personal challenge.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your lovely request! So sorry it’s taken me so long to write and post it but here it finally is and I hope you come across it and read it despite the long time that’s passed. If you do, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤ 
“Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel!“ Y/N gives the camera a wave and blows it a quick kiss with their lips stretched in a delighted grin. They clap their hands together, turning to look at their guest who’s sitting in a chair on their right, his face covered with a sticker in the final cut of the video that their viewers have the opportunity of watching. “Ok, before we address the elephant in the room, I’m gonna ask the elephant himself not to move his head too much cause this is already gonna take a long time to edit, the last thing I need is to animate that sticker over your face to follow your movement.“
“Got it, babe.“ A deep voice replies obediently, earning an approving hum in response. However, just as Y/N’s about to turn to face the camera again, the mysterious - ok, not THAT mysterious - guest leans down and plants a kiss on their cheek.
“Brat!“ They squeal as they turn to glare at the person with narrowed eyes. He doesn’t appear bothered at all, chuckling as he wraps his arms around them in an attempt to soften them up. Sadly, his tries fall through as they proceed to ignore his affection instead of reciprocating it for the sake of being petty, “Everyone, this is my boyfriend Corpse.“
“Hello, I am hand.“ Corpse says, slowly waving his hand at the camera, “I shall be your entertainment tonight.“
“Oh this is no entertainment, I have a point to prove here.“ Y/N argues, breaking free from his arms before they bend down to pick up one of the two boxes that are resting by their feet. “You see, Corpse and I got in a bit of a scrap last night...“ they trail off, distracted by the contents of the box that’s now resting on their lap.
“I didn’t think me admitting to not liking sweet stuff would provoke such a dramatic reaction from Y/N but here we are.“ He interferes, lifting a finger in the air as though that will help him be heard better or would protect him in case his partner decided to go off at him.
Y/N just ignores his input yet again, continuing to address the camera, aka their audience, “So as you guys may or may not know, my mom’s Korean and my dad’s Japanese. Since they live in their respective countries for work purposes, that means I’m always one phone call - and a little bit of a wait - away from Korean and Japanese snacks at all times. I’m a person who constantly has a snack by their side so you can bet I make that phone call often. However, about a week ago, I made that call specifically for candy, the brands I was obsessed with as a kid. I don’t know what came over me but I think it was my fortuneteller sense kicking in because this mister over here decided to CASUALLY bring up the fact that he doesn’t like candy.” They turn to glare at him before continuing, “Anyways, so luckily, the package arrived only recently so I haven’t had the time to tear open all the candy and eat it all by myself as I was planning to. That being said, today I’ll be in introducing Corpse to the world of Japanese and Korean candy - a tighter circle of it, to be specific: the candy I grew up with.” They finally turn to Corpse again, the look on their face significantly different and a lot more pleasant compared to the one they gave him a bit ago. “So, how are you feeling, babe? Are you excited?”
Although the man’s face is blocked to the viewers, Y/N can still see him and they are pretty damn close to bursting out in a fit of laughter.  “I don’t know how to feel, actually. I know you have peculiar taste so it’s either gonna be a fun experience or I’m gonna very displeased with what you’ll have me try.“
Y/N rolls their eyes, “Trust me, you won’t be.” They put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, only half humoring his nervousness, “You’ll only be trying six on camera, but my parents sent a ton more which you’ll be able to try later, ok? It was really hard for me to pick only six favorites by I don’t need this video crossing the twenty minute mark.”
With a heavy-hearted sigh, Corpse finally brings himself to rip the band-aid off and get this adventure started. “Ok cool, but don’t surprise me with anything, please. Show me what you had in mind to have me try so I can, you know, prepare myself.”
Y/N, who was busy taking out packets of candy just a moment ago suddenly stops in their movements to give him a look of disbelief, “You know none of these are poisonous, right? Like, I’m not trying to kill you or anything. There’s no cyanide, no rat poison...”
His laughter cuts them off, wrapping his arm around them and pulling them closer again, “I’m messing with you, babe. What you got for me?” He says, placing a quick kiss to their temple while sneaking a peek at the packaging of the candies they’re holding right now.
Wiggling a little looser in his grip, they first show him the three items before turning them to the camera, “These are from my mom, she sent them from Korea and they are triggering a massive wave of nostalgia right now, not gonna lie.” They giggle, adjusting the brightness a little so the products can be seen properly, “Ok so first we have the long biscuit sticks that come in many flavors but I asked for my favorite - green tea flavored, that is. Then we have Pumpkin Monaca which are probably one of my most favorite sweet treats of all time. I think you’re gonna really like them. And lastly from Korea we have these butter waffles which I used to eat for breakfast when I was running late for school - which happened often.”
Corpse snorts, “That doesn’t surprise me.”
His remark is overlooked as Y/N continues, now taking out three packets from the other package, “Now we’re moving on to my dad’s box. He didn’t disappoint either: we have soda-flavored jelly beans; Black Thunder chocolate bars which you’re only gonna steal one of because the rest are MINE; and last but definitely not least we have some classic milk candies.” Setting those down as well, they turn to Corpse yet again, this time giving his a mischievous smile that’s promising him trouble, “So, Mr. Corpse Husband, after this introduction, are you prepared to have your entire opinion o sweet food changed? And more importantly, are you prepared to develop an addiction to these treats?”
Corpse nods confidently, “Oh, I’m very prepared, thank you. Let’s just get on with it.”
Needless to say: boy, was he not as prepared as he thought he was.
It goes without saying Y/N proved their point and took the win today.
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