#kate bishop imagines request
scmg11 · 2 years
Hi! I really love your work🥰 Can I please request a Kate bishop x Fem reader and the reader is from this world but somehow got transported to the mcu and there she meets Kate but refers to her as Hailee accidentally.
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A/N: HELLO HELLO, GUESS WHO'S FINALLY BACK! I'm so deeply sorry for disappearing but exams exhausted me!
Anyway, I'm here with one of my favorite requests so far! I had so much fun writing it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while working on it.
As always, thank you for reading, liking, commenting and sharing my works, and y'know for being so so patient with me! ❤️
Without further ado, enjoy! ❤️
Sending love! ❤️
Summary: Y/N got stuck into an universe where Kate is not Hailee playing a character.
Warning: just some heavy make out towards the end.
Word count: 9342 words.
"Ok, yeah- yes, don’t worry. We’ll see you tomorrow morning in class. Bye." Y/N hung up the call with her friend and sighed out in relief when her back hit the comfort of her mattress and helped relax her tense shoulders after her shift in a cozy bar near her apartment. She realized her dream of moving to New York to study to become an actress, but she was broke just like any college student, so she found a job in a bar as a waitress. It paid well enough to help her with bills but she was desperately searching for a roommate and unfortunately found no one yet. She reluctantly sat up from the bed to change into warmer, much more comfortable clothes to help her warm up from the cold of the winter, plugged her phone on the charger and placed it on the nightstand, before grabbing her laptop and leaning down comfortably on the bed once again. Since it was still pretty early to call it a night, she decided to catch up on the new Hawkeye series, so she grabbed the confronter and tucked herself in before starting the first episode.
"Fucking finally!" Y/N groaned as soon as she exited the lecture hall of her last class of the day. "I literally tuned out the last 20 minutes of Mr. Brown’s lecture."
"I think I tuned him out as soon as he said ‘good evening’." Y/N’s friend Max quipped, making Y/N laugh heartily at the confession. "Hey, tomorrow night we’re going out right?"
"Yeah, I would really love to join you guys tonight but I have a shift that starts at 6 p.m. and I get off work around 1 a.m." Y/N pouted at her friend as they walked out of the campus.
"I know Y/N/N. Don’t worry. You’ll make up tomorrow night!" Max patted Y/N’s left shoulder with her hand while the other rummaged into her backpack for her car keys. "First round is on you!"
"A-HA! There they were." Max exclaimed when she finally picked up her keys, "are you sure you don’t want a ride home?" The redhead asked Y/N ad she opened the driver’s door.
"Yeah no, I’m fine. It’s a 10 minute walk to my place. I have enough time." Y/N smiled in appreciation at Max, before engulfing her into an hug and started walking into the direction of her place. As she strutted down the busy streets of New York, Y/N hummed a soft tune under her breath before stopping altogether when she felt herself loose balance as she felt her head spin wildly for a few seconds. She leaned her right hand on the nearest wall to regain her balance, shutting her eyes close while her free hand massaged her temple gently. The dizziness vanished a few seconds later making it look like nothing happened. "What the fuck?!" Y/N whispered under her breath as she tried to understand what the hell just happened. "I seriously need to stop drinking too much coffee." Y/N snorted under her breath with a small shake of her head and resumed her walk home, only for it to be stopped once again a few feet later when a body collided with hers hard and the impact made her almost fall down on the ground, but a strong arm prevented her to crash right on her ass on the curb.
"I’m so sorry! We are in a hurry and I wasn’t looking where I was going." A voice that sounded strangely familiar resonated throughout Y/N’s ears and when she opened her eyes she instinctively closed to prepare herself for the inevitable collision with the ground, they widened instantly when they fell on none other than Hailee Steinfeld dressed up as Kate Bishop. "Holy shit, you’re- you’re-."
"Yeah, I know- I had the same reaction when I met him." Hailee joked as she pointed with a small tilt of her head to her left, making Y/N realize that she was too much focused on admiring the breathtaking, ethereal beauty that was Hailee to notice that there was someone else beside her. When she recognized who was the other person, her eyes widened even more as Jeremy Renner waved at her awkwardly with a small smile.
"Holy fucking shit."
"Yeah I know, Hawkeye!"
Y/N forced herself out of her shocked fangirling and composed herself enough to form proper words instead of repeating the same ones like a stupid parrot. "Wow, you guys really stay in character. But, yeah, anyway, it’s nice to meet you!"
The two shared a confused look, their eyebrows knitted together and their lips curled into a bemused pout, but they smiled at Y/N nonetheless when they focused their attention back on her, "same here."
"Oh my god! Are you already shooting for season 2?!" Y/N asked with widened, dreamy eyes, her excitement skyrocketing at the prospect of watching a season 2 of what is quickly becoming one of her favorites tv shows.
"What?" Jeremy asked confused at the same time as Hailee spoke up.
"What? A season 2? I didn’t know we were filmed Clint! Oh I knew I was starting to become famous. I’ll be the favorite Hawkeye in a blink of an eye, you’ll see."
Wait a second Clint? Wow they are really great actors! They didn’t break their characters! "We are not filmed. And please, I will always be the most loved Hawkeye between us." Jeremy scoffed indignantly as he rolled his eyes good-naturedly, causing a small smile to roll over Hailee’s features.
"Well Hailee is very loved as Kate Bishop by all Marvel fans." Y/N shruggered nonchalantly, "but Jeremy we love you too! The show helped everyone get more attached to Clint’s character now that we have a more introspective look into his life."
"I’m sorry who?" Hailee asked like she just asked her to solve the most difficult math question while Jeremy was sporting the brunette’s same bemused expression and their weird behavior was puzzling Y/N to no end.
"You two. Hailee and Jeremy." When the two kept staring at her with the same furrowed expression, Y/N lifted her right eyebrow up in question, "wow you guys really like to stay in character. Hailee Steinfeld, Jeremy Renner? Guys c’mon! You can break your characters now!" Y/N laughed awkwardly trying to lift the spirits up but when Hailee and Jeremy’s lost expressions only deepened, Y/N took a deep, calming breath and shook her head. She was starting to get mad at the two actors’ rude behavior.
"Wait, hold on a second! Hailee and Jeremy as in actors and singers?" Hailee butted in, interrupting the silence as her face lit up like she just had an enlightenment.
"Yes?! Guys is this a prank show where I get pranked by celebrities?"
"Mh no?! Those are celebrities, we are just superheroes." Hailee explained with drawled words like she needed to slow down for Y/N to understand.
"I mean that is the same thing. You guys play Kate and Clint in the MCU, so it makes you guys superheroes and celebrities." Y/N was starting to get annoyed by this stupid prank, hoping cameras will appear soon so this nonsense will be over.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Jeremy asked, looking around in suspicion as he got closer to Y/N, while Y/N stared at him more confused than ever.
"Wait hold on- let me just get this straight- who are we to you?" Hailee asked in an hushed tone, her question making Jeremy turn his head around and stare at the black haired girl like she grew two heads.
"What?" Jeremy asked, not completely understanding where Hailee was going with her line of questions.
"Mh Hailee Steinfeld and Jeremy Renner?" Y/N asked more than stated but the troubled expression on the two actors made Y/N believe that it wasn’t the right answer. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Y/N asked irritated, not really liking the game the two actors were playing with her.
"Oh shit, okay hm- do you need to be somewhere right now?" Hailee asked hurriedly, her eyes moving between her and Jeremy before settling on her watch on her left wrist.
"Can you help me understand?" Jeremy asked, massaging his temple to try to subdue his growing headache.
"We need to hurry. I’ll explain everything on our way to our target’s spot." Hailee explained to Jeremy before focusing her attention back on Y/N, lifting her perfect styled right eyebrow up to urge Y/N on with answering her previous question.
"I’m on my way to work right now."
"Great, you’ll come with us."
"No, it’s too dangerous. And why does she need to come with us?!"
"Oh right, hm- where do you live?"
"A few blocks away but-" Y/N tried to argue with Hailee, still not understanding her unsettling behavior and why she couldn’t show up at work.
"No buts, you can’t go to work and you can’t go to your house. Here, follow us. My place is not too far from here, we’ll go there." Hailee grabbed Y/N’s arm and gently pushed her towards the opposite direction her workplace was, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion but her feet didn’t stop Hailee and followed her instead.
"Kate can you explain to me what’s going on?"
"I think she is from another universe and she doesn’t know it." Hailee explained, stopping at a red light and staring at Jeremy, watching his face contort into a deep frown.
"What? How do you know it?"
"Because she called us Hailee and Jeremy, but knows in some way we are Kate and Clint."
"Oh shit, how did she get here?"
"Hm- she is right here and listening. What are you two talking about?" The light turned green and the three swimmed through bodies of citizen hurrying on New York’s street, but the two actors completely ignored Y/N’s words, both too absorbed into their minds to acknowledge her before stopping 5 minutes later in front of a building.
"Can you go to the meeting without me? I need to keep an eye on her and try to get a few more informations from her."
"Yeah, yeah. No problem. Call me if you need anything." Jeremy nodded to Y/N’s way before keep walking and disappearing around the corner a few seconds later, meanwhile Hailee opened her building door and lead Y/N up the stairs before leaning her thumb on a fingerprint scanner and unlocking her apartment door, stretching her arm out to let her in first.
"Thank you." Y/N reprimanded herself for the small blush tinting her cheekbones as she walked further into the apartment and took it in slowly.
"Do you want something to drink?" Hailee asked politely as she placed her keys in the bowl beside her door then following Y/N further into her apartment.
"No, I’m fine. Hm- can you explain what is going on?" Y/N fidgeted with her fingers nervously, leaning her butt on the table behind her to find some balance. She watched Hailee let out a loud sigh as she combed her fingers into her black locks.
"Have you ever heard about something called multiverse?"
"Yeah, I watched a lot of movies. There had been a few Marvel movies about this concept too."
"What’s Marvel?" Y/N stared at Hailee flabbergasted at the question, not really believing she was still playing along this prank.
"Ok, I’ve been patient and got along with this nonsense. But it’s starting to become a sick joke. So if this is a prank, let’s just get over this."
"Prank? Okay- let’s just sit. You need to be seated for this." Hailee grabbed Y/N’s bicep gently and walked her towards her couch, sitting beside her and taking her hand off of her before placing it on the girl’s knee. "This is not a joke. We are not filming anything. I’m not who you think I am. Well, I am to some extent, but not completely."
"I’m not following."
"I’m Kate Bishop."
"Yeah, I know. Hailee I must admit you are a great actress, wow you never broke out of your character."
"I’m not Hailee. I’m not playing a character. I’m just Kate." Y/N did a double take at that, now slowly understanding what was happening. Multiverse. Clint. Hawkeye. Kate. Shit. Fuck.
"Wait- what?" Y/N haphazardly grabbed her phone from her pocket and searched ‘Kate Bishop’, her mouth slacking open in shock when the safari page doesn’t show pictures of Kate from the Marvel comics, but Hailee’s Kate, with the description under her name, ‘archer, Hawkeye’. She quickly typed Hailee Steinfeld into the search bar and confirmed what she already knew. She scrolled through Hailee’s filmography and didn’t find Hawkeye in her tv-show section. "Holy fucking shit. How is it possible?"
"Well like I said, it’s about the multiverse. You must have travelled from your universe to ours. Did you pass through a portal or something?"
"Hm no, everything was fine. I went to class this morning and just got out of my last lecture before walking to work like I always do. I felt a bit dizzy a few seconds before bumping into you, but I didn’t think about it too much. It’s probably because I’m still tired from Sunday’s late night shift and classes on Monday and maybe from too much caffeine." Y/N explained as calmly as she could as her mind wrapped around the fact that she found herself into another universe without freaking out too much.
"It must have happened when you felt dizzy. I mean it can’t be a coincidence that you bumped into me a few seconds after feeling dizzy." Kate argued as she caressed her chin in deep thought. "The question is, how do you know me and Clint?"
"Well, i-in my universe- shit it feels so weird to say it." Y/N shook her head before meeting a pair of warm blue eyes staring at her as a comforting hand caressed her knee.
"You’ll get used to it."
"In my universe you are just a character in a comic, the Marvel comics. These comics became famous, so they decided to put them on the big screen and became critically-acclaimed movies and tv-shows. Actors and actresses play a lot of these characters into the MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe - and Hailee is one of them. She portrays Kate - I mean you. And holy fuck, you’re her. I mean you look like Hailee when she portrays Kate. That’s why I called you Hailee. I though you were with Jeremy - he portrays Clint -, both dressed like Kate and Clint, to shoot season 2 of Hawkeye."
"What? Hailee and I do not look alike." Kate scoffed like Y/N just told her the dumbest thing in the world while Y/N stared at her with wide eyes and an expression that screamed ‘are you kidding me?!’. "Okay maybe Clint does look a bit like Jeremy Renner, but not that much." Kate moved her hand as she passionately countered Y/N’s admission, her words only deepening her incredulous frown.
"Hailee- I mean- Kate. Are you serious right now?! You literally are her but with black hair and blue eyes!" Y/N sighed out when Kate merely stared with an adorable frown and a cute crease right between her eyebrows that Y/N’s hands itched to touch to stretch it out, but continued nonetheless, "anyway- the most important issue here is, how did I get here and how do I go back?"
"Right! Okay first thing first, we need to be sure it was only you that travelled through the multiverse and did not swap places with you from this universe."
"It can happen?!" Y/N asked with a combination of shock and curiosity and Kate merely laughed at her genuine reaction.
"Rule number one of multiverse travel-"
"You don’t know anything." Y/N finished right before Kate could and the gasp that fell out of the black haired girl amused Y/N to no end.
"How did you know?!"
"I watched Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness. It’s one of my favorites America’s quotes."
"Holy fucking shit, this is more intricate than I thought." Kate massaged her forehead as her brain processed this new puzzling information. "You need to tell me about this MCU and all these movies you watched."
"Okay, wait hold on- do I look like Jeremy Renner?" Clint asked as soon as Kate finished her recap of all the informations Y/N had told her in the past few hours, repeatedly sitting up and pacing in her living room then sitting back down and twitching her leg up and down anxiously with her body leaning on the table on her outstretched arms and elbows.
"That is the only thing you heard from all this story?!" Kate asked flabbergasted, staring at Clint with amused shock at her idol’s question.
"No, but it was the first question my mind came up with while processing everything you just told me." Clint winked at the distressed blue eyed girl before sitting up and mimicked the black haired girl’s pacing around Kate’s apartment’s living room. "Okay well, it’s getting late. We need to be sure her other self didn’t travel to her universe, then we need to figure out how to send her back home. I promised my kids I would be home to spend some time with them." Clint had a worried and troubled expression on his face, wanting to help Kate with all this mess but also wanting to spend some time with his family.
"Don’t worry, I have everything under control." Kate smiled determined up at Clint, sitting up and patting his shoulder gently, causing a small smile to roll over is lips as he nodded in appreciation.
"Do not burn your apartment when I’m away."
"That was a one time thing!"
"More like several times thing." Clint chuckled when Kate rolled her eyes and punched him hard on his shoulder for bringing up her few failed attempts at cooking.
"Okay, fine, don’t worry. We’ll order something. Now go spend some time with your family. I have everything under control here. I’ll call you if I find something." Kate started pushing Clint out of her apartment, Y/N watching the two with amusement written all over her face but a small, gentle smile etched in her soft, rosy lips. Damn, it really looks like I’m watching Hawkeye live.
"Okay, bye Y/N! It was nice meeting you." Clint waved at her with a small grin, Y/N reciprocating the gesture immediately with what she considered too much enthusiasm. She just met her idols, sue her.
"It was nice meeting you too!" And then Kate closed the door, Y/N hearing a loud clicking sound, meaning the lock slotted into place, as she took Kate’s apartment in thoroughly, completely mindblowed by the fact that it look identical to Kate’s apartment in Hawkeye.
"Sorry, it’s a bit messy." Kate spoke up, referring to her apartment’s lack of tidiness, as she haphazardly picked up arrows and clothes scattered all over the floor and couch, blushing furiously when she collected a purple, lace bra and met a pair of curious eyes before throwing it upstairs, launching it over the stairs’ rail.
"I was just noticing how your place here, looks identical to the tv show’s one." Y/N let her eyes roam a few more seconds around the room before focusing on the black haired girl throwing a bunch of arrows into a quiver hung on a wall with a big target on.
"Oh, cool. There’s something more that looks alike?" Kate, after she finished tidying up a bit her apartment, sat back down beside Y/N with a soft sigh.
"A lot of things yeah, but I’m still mostly shocked about you. Your looks, your personality are just the same as Hailee’s Kate is."
Y/N noticed a curious glint into her eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, "what about Clint?"
"Oh yeah, Jeremy’s Clint looks a lot like this Clint. But honestly, even if I’m a big Marvel fan and love everyone endlessly, I love Kate more than Clint."
Kate tried her best to not let the world ‘love’ affect her too much, but the wild flutter in her stomach told her she didn’t a good job, "why?"
"Because I’ve been Hailee’s fan for a while and when I read the news she was going to be a part of the MCU, I was over the moon."
"We have so much to talk about. I want to know everything about this MCU thing. But we need to figure out how take you back into you universe first." Kate patted Y/N’s knee excitedly on her way to stand up and grab her phone on the table, to text America. "I texted America, she is our best option to help you go back home."
"Oh yeah, she can travel across the multiverse."
"Yeah! But unfortunately we need to wait 10 days or so at least because she just replied to me that she is in another universe helping Dr. Strange and Wong with something." Kate looked up from her phone and regarded Y/N with an apologetic expression, before blocking the device and placing it on the coffee table, sitting right beside Y/N again and looked into her Y/E/C irises in apology. "I’m sorry."
"Don’t worry! I mean, I get to spend 10 days in an universe that is like I’m living in a Marvel movie. I will definitely enjoy my time here." Y/N smiled at Kate, trying to convey it was no big deal having to stay a few days here, "I have a question, though."
"Ask away." Kate nodded in encouragement as she turned her body towards Y/N’s one so they could be face to face without craning their necks and laid her arm on the headrest of the couch.
"How did you text America if she is in another universe?" Y/N let curiosity swim through her eyes as she gazed at Kate’s phone on the coffee table before focusing her attention back on the smiling black haired beauty.
"Tony and Bruce created a program into each one of our phones that allow our devices to communicate all over the multiverse." Kate explained using her hands too much for her liking, but the cute grin Y/N was sporting for her clumsy personality eased the archer immediately.
"So you can contact my best friend in my universe?"
"Oh great! Can you text her and tell her I’m okay and that I visited my family in some European country? We kinda had plans for tomorrow night and I don’t want her to worry about me literally disappearing from our earth."
"Of course I can. Do you remember her number?" Kate stretched over to retrieve her phone and typed Y/N’s best friend into her phone after she nodded gently, before passing her phone to Y/N and let her text her best friend.
"I told her I completely forgot to notice my boss for my ‘trip’ and if she could do that for me, so my job is safe for now." Y/N quipped as she blocked the device and passed it back to Kate, "thank you."
"No problem! Now, about that MCU…"
The night came by pretty quickly, the two girls lost into their bubble with Kate absorbed completely into Y/N’s explanation of all Marvel movies, tv shows and comics and Y/N talking passionately about her knowledge about everything Marvel related. "Okay so, I see there are a few discrepancies with our universe and the MCU, but a lot of things are pretty much the same."
"Yeah, kind of. But I have a question that is thundering into my mind since the very first episode of Hawkeye."
"I’m all ears." Kate leaned her elbows on her knees and leaned forward to prepare herself to answer Y/N’s question, watching the girl hesitate as she shifted slightly in her seat and wrenched her fingers anxiously.
"You don’t have to answer me, it’s just pure curiosity and I don’t know if I’m crossing a line here and I don’t want that-" Y/N rambled nervously as she tried to find the right words to express her inner turmoil but a soft laugh stopped her altogether.
"Don’t worry, we’re bonding and you’re from another universe. So curiosity is normal." Kate reassured the Y/E/C girl with a small grin and bumped her right first softly with Y/N’s left shoulder.
"Okay so, like I said I noticed a few hints in the show but it was never confirmed and I think it never will because Marvel likes to put a bit of mystery with these things-" Kate stared at Y/N in amusement as the girl rambled once again, making the Y/H/C girl notice it too, so she cleared her throat and asked quickly, like she was just ripping a bandaid off, "boys or girls?" What?! Of all kind of ways you could’ve asked her the question, this is how you ask it?!
Kate bursted out laughing at that, not expecting at all that question but finding hilarious the poor choice of words Y/N used to question her sexuality. "I honestly wasn’t expecting that question."
"I know, I’m sorry if I overstepped a boundary. You don’t have to answer me, it’s okay." Y/N sighed out in complete embarrassment, gripping the edge of her nose as she reprimanded herself for distressing the black haired girl.
"Hey no, you didn’t." Kate was quick to ease Y/N’s worries and concerns, caressing her arm gently, "I just wasn’t expecting your great choice of words." Kate chuckled again as Y/N groaned out discomfort.
"I know! I could’ve asked in a nicer way but my brain decided to forget everything in that moment."
"I know the feeling, it happens to me a lot." Kate chuckled but nodded in understanding, remembering all those times she was nervous on a date or trying to hit on a hot stranger in a club and her brain short-circuited every single time. "But to answer you question-" Kate paused for good measure, before smirking cheekily as she stood upright in pride, "girls."
"I knew it! Your wardrobe scream gay!" Y/N quipped airily, making Kate snicker at her joke loudly with a soft shake of her head.
"That so true. What about you?"
"I think I’ve liked girls since I was little." Y/N answered earnestly and shared another soft laugh with Kate. They talked a little bit more but then they decided to call it a night when both girls started to yawn out of exhaustion.
"Okay, you can take my bed. I’ll give you some pjs you can change into, you can find a spare toothbrush in the bathroom and a new set of towels to freshen up before bed."
"Are you kidding me? I’m not letting you sleep on the couch, it’s your house." Y/N protested with a confused face and her eyebrows creased together, "I’ll sleep on the couch."
"No, it’s out of discussion. You’re my guest. I don’t have a guest room, so you’re taking my bed." As if Lucky was listening to their bickering, he jumped on the couch and laid there comfortably, the two staring at the one-eyed pooch that was looking back at them expectantly, almost as if he wanted to pair them up purposefully. "Lucky no! You can’t take the couch!" Lucky barked at her in response and pointed with his head to Kate’s bedroom before winking at her - Kate knew he fucking winked and didn’t close his only eye naturally -.
"I guess the couch is out of discussion." Y/N quipped to light up the air and basked in the soft laugh leaving Kate’s mouth as she shook her head in fond exasperation at her fluffy, four-legged Cupid.
"I think I have a sleeping back stashed somewhere here." Kate asked pensively as she tried with all herself to not meet Y/N’s eyes, knowing pretty well she will burn from embarrassment at her mind already running wild for thinking of sharing her bed with the cute stranger she met this morning.
"There’s no need. We can share your bed." Kate stood frozen in her spot at Y/N’s suggestion, the archer hoped that the Y/H/C girl wouldn’t offer to share her bed so she wouldn’t combust from too much gay panic but, alas, she was wrong. Sensing the archer’s uncertainty, Y/N continued with a soft joke to help her relax a bit, "I promise I don’t snore."
Kate’s troubled expression erupted in a big grin, a soft laugh leaving her as she imperceptibly shook her head, "are you sure?" Her insecure pout came back a second later, wanting at all costs to be sure Y/N was 100% okay with sharing a bed with her.
"Of course Kate. I know we’ve only met today, but I feel like we’ve known each other for much longer. So yes, I’m sure."
Two days later the two girls strolled down the busy streets of New York with Kate enthusiastically telling her about her bickering with Clint and her time training to be an Avenger. "Once I almost peed my pants when I woke up with a giant ant staring at me."
"Oh my god!" Y/N laughed at the scene she just imagined, swaying a bit in her walk and bumping accidentally into Kate, who laughed along side her at the memory, "I would’ve jumped up in fright so high I would have fled the country."
"I almost did, but then Cassie explained to me that Anthon was like her dog and he followed her everywhere."
"Wait hold on, did you say Anthon, ANT-hon?" Y/N asked amused, her grin so bright it could outshine the sun.
"Yep." Kate popped the ‘p’ out as she struggled to contain her giggles at the amazed face Y/N was sporting, "Cassie and Scott love naming their ants with names that starts with ‘ant’."
"Somehow I’m not surprised." Y/N admitted, eliciting a loud, chest-warming giggle from Kate, who rounded her arm around the Y/H/C girl’s shoulders and left it there until they arrived at the coffee shop for their breakfast a few minutes later. Kate reluctantly let go of Y/N’s body in order to open the door for her, but her hand immediately searched Y/N’s warm body by laying a hand on the small of the Y/E/C girl’s back as they took a seat in the left corner of the not so busy cafe. After their waitress took their order, they chit-chatted lightly, talking about everything and nothing, about their lives, their jobs, their dreams and so on. The conversation flowed so easily that both girls were speechless in front at the comfort the two share, making it look from outside like the two had know each other more than a couple of days. "And then I slipped and embarrassed myself in front of like 100 people."
Kate’s laugh draw the attention of a few customers near them, but neither of the two girls cared, too much occupied in their casual talking to notice, "oh shit, that must’ve been embarrassing."
"Are you kidding me? I locked myself away in my room for a week. I couldn’t face all those stupid teenagers after falling and crashing into the bowl full of punch and drenching myself with it."
"Oh, I’m so sorry." Kate’s soft giggles continued for a little while, basking Y/N into feeling like she was being wrapped around a peaceful, warm and comfort blanket that she will never want to leave. After they enjoyed their breakfast, right before they were ready to leave, Kate receives a message that one of the tracksuits she was following for about a week was seen entering a pretty much sketchy warehouse about 10 minutes ago. "Wanna see how superheroing works?" Kate smirked enthusiastically at Y/N, who was sporting a confused expression with her eyebrows furrowed together and a cute pout, but she quickly recovered by nodding her head and smiling brightly at Kate.
"Hell yeah."
They started a routine after that day, pretty much spent with them hidden on a roof and staking out all day collecting as much intel as they could, with Y/N guiding Kate through buildings with their intercoms as Kate took out bad guys with her impressive combat and archery skills. The more they spend their time together, the more the tension that lingered between them thickened, but neither of them acted on it to make their friendship more.
On this sunny day, Kate and Y/N decided to have a lazy day off in Kate’s apartment, sprawled on the couch watching movies and cuddling with each other, while Pizza Dog snoozed on the floor beside them. Kate’s phone buzzed, drawing the archer’s attention from the movie, so the black haired girl stretched over the coffee table to grab her device and opened the text America just sent her. "America said that she will be here in 3 days to help you go back home."
Y/N couldn’t explain why she didn’t feel happy to return to her universe but felt a clench around the pit of her stomach at the thought - even though deep down she knew the exact reason and it was called Kate Bishop -. She didn’t want to leave Kate to go back in her universe where she only existed as a fictional character. She knew her feelings for the archer were already deep-rooted from the moment she started watching Hawkeye, but she only associated it with her long crush on Hailee Steinfeld. But that said crush only intensified when she actually got to meet the archer in real life and now that she has the opportunity to go back home to her family and friends, she couldn’t help the sad hole already forming in her chest. "Oh, cool."
"You don’t seem happy." Kate noticed the Y/E/C girl was acting a bit off from the news, so she regarded her with a worried expression while she discarded her phone on the couch and wrapped her arms around the girl harder, angling their heads to help them look into each other’s eyes without straining their necks.
"I’m happy, I promise. I- I’m just- I don’t want to leave you." After a long inner debate, Y/N decided to be honest with the worried archer, her chest filling with warmth at the affection seeping out of the black haired beauty from her strong embrace. "We’ve only met a week ago, but I already feel so connected to you."
"Me too, Y/N. Since we met I felt a pull towards you, a strong force inexplicably pulling me into you. But hey-" Kate lifted her left hand up from Y/N’s shoulder and interlaced it into her soft hair to massage her scalp comfortably and to prevent Y/N from straining her eyes from their intense gaze. "You don’t have to worry. I can visit you every weekend, you can do that too."
"Really?" Y/N’s eyes filled up with hope as soon as she processed Kate’s words, a big, bright smile wrecking her troubled features.
"Yes! America is my best friend, I’m sure she won’t have any problem with teleporting me in your universe and viceversa." Kate reassured Y/N with her million dollar smile, but noticed it didn’t gave her the hoped effect because Y/N still looked a bit concerned.
"I’m just- I don’t want to bother you with traveling across the multiverse to meet me. I mean we’re not talking about traveling in Europe, it’s the freaking multiverse."
"And I don’t care. Not even for a bit. For you? It’s worth it." Kate stopped Y/N’s rambling with her reassuring words, her stomach fluttering when powerful, determined blue met worried, distressed Y/E/C in an intense stare but continued to smile to convey to the girl she truly meant what she just said.
"Don’t look at me like that." Y/N rolled her eyes and the archer pleasantly noticed the faintest blush starting to tint Y/N’s cheekbones and her soft smile shifted into a wry smirk immediately.
"Looking at you like what?" Kate asked with a clearly fake questioning tone and Y/N knew that her innocent expression was far from clueless, but she decided to play along to see if she was reading correctly through the signals Kate was sending her way. She really hoped she interpreted right Kate’s words, soft touches and confident smiles. The Y/H/C girl didn’t know how to react if the girl she had a crush on didn’t feel the same way - running away into another universe seems like a pretty good option in her opinion -.
"Like I’m the most precious thing in the world." Y/N didn’t know where this honesty was coming from, but she really went insane if she didn’t ride this overpowering confident wave.
"Because you are, to me." Kate decided to lay her heart on a silver plate right in this moment, pushing aside all of her worries and her insecurities and just hoping the girl would reciprocate her feelings. Over this past week, the girl sat beside her crashed all her solid, steadfast, thick walls she built up around her heart after too many heartbreaks, sneaked her sweet persona and adorable self into Kate’s veins and inebriated the archer’s senses deliciously. Saying she was falling for her it may be too soon, but who cares about these things? You can’t control how you feel towards a person and Kate wasn’t regretting one bit the feelings she was quickly developing for the girl next to her. "You are an amazing person anyone would be lucky to meet and have in their lives. I’m so glad you got here because I’ve met you and fuck, I’ve never felt so understood by and connected with anyone in my life before. Your awesome self brought so much love and happiness in my life that I almost convinced myself I wasn’t worth of it, but you made me rethink that, you made me-"
Kate’s heartfelt confession was abruptly cut short when Y/N suddenly leaned her body over and crashed their lips together in a languid but powerful kiss. Kate had to take a double take to make sure it wasn’t her mind playing a sick joke on her and wasn’t imagining this, her eyes open wide in shock as she stood frozen in her spot, but when Y/N pushed herself more into Kate, it was the prove the black haired girl needed to realize she wasn’t in fact imagining this and reciprocated the dizzying kiss with all herself. They let their lips move as they pleased, alternating between slow, soft kisses and deep, needy kisses, but unfortunately their lungs burned from lack of air not too long after and forced the two apart to take some needed breath, but they stayed into each other’s personal space by laying their foreheads together as blue gaze into Y/E/C and dumb smiles adorned their slightly blushing faces. "Sorry for interrupting you cute, beautiful speech, but I couldn’t resist a minute longer without kissing you."
"To be honest, I’m glad you did." Kate answered, still in a daze but with happiness flowing wildly throughout her and inebriating her body with everything Y/N. "I would have done it as soon as I was done speaking. But why wait, right?"
Kate’s joke triggered a soft, gentle laugh from Y/N, who shook her head slightly and laid another sweet peck on the archer’s soft lips that she was quickly becoming addicted to. "I have a better question." Y/N paused for good measure before continuing, "why are we still talking?" The big smirk accompanied with a faint blush Kate gave her in lieu of an answer, caused her stomach to do somersaults and made her head spin out of control but nevertheless she met Kate halfway when the black haired beauty leaned down to join their lips once again.
"Here you go. You two are so cute together! Have a nice evening, bye!" The waitress bid them goodbye after they payed for their meal and started walking towards the exit hand in hand. The two blushed furiously at the compliment, thanking her simultaneously, before exiting the restaurant and started the short walk back towards Kate’s apartment.
"So I was thinking we can go visit the renovated Statue Of Liberty they finished last week. Then we can have a cozy day in or do whatever else you want to do." Kate rambled adorably as she swung their entwined hands between their bodies, a crimson color dusting over her cheekbones when a melodious giggle reached her ears, causing her eyes to dart down on the curb in front of her feet.
"You’re so cute when you ramble. But, I think it’s a perfect program for tomorrow. I’m leaving in two days, but I’ll come back soon. So we can just enjoy our time together without rushing anything. I may go back to my universe, but you won’t get rid of me so easily Bishop." Y/N warned Kate with a fake serious expression, that instantly broke into a million dollar smile when Kate met her eyes after the Y/H/C girl bumped their shoulders together to draw the archer’s attention, and a similar grin flitted over Kate’s face at the sight.
"Of course, I’m not letting you go. Not now, not ever." Kate’s eyes conveyed so much affection and sincerity that Y/N almost tore up at the emotions overwhelming her.
"Okay Bishop, you just earned a kiss with that cute statement you just delivered."
"Mh, I’m waiting for my price then." Kate turned her head around and puckered her lips, waiting for Y/N to lean over and kiss her as her stomach tingled in anticipation, still getting used to kiss, hug and being overly affectionate with her girlfriend. When Kate tried to push herself more into the chaste kiss the two just shared, Y/N simply chuckled and pulled away, watching her lips curl around a big, adorable pout.
"Oh don’t pout, baby. I just gave you a little taste for what is yet to come as soon as we come back to your apartment."
"Fuck." Kate’s eyes strayed down on Y/N’s teeth sinking on that sinfully, delicious, plump bottom lip and shivered from head to toe at the memories of their make-out sessions they had had in the last few days. Even if it’s only been a little over 48 hours they confessed their feeling for each other, they seem to have this kind of magnetic electricity that constantly pulled them together. They never went past kissing without their shirts on and let their hands do their wandering, but they decided to wait to go further just a bit more, since they met about a week prior, but they still had their fun going with the flow.
"Someone is in a hurry." Y/N teased when Kate sped up her pace but the archer ignored her and kept walking. In the span of two minutes - hastening the usually 7 minutes of their relaxing strolling - they were already walking up the stairs towards Kate’s apartment. Kate fumbled with her keys a bit before finally opening the door and walking inside. The door closed a second later when Kate crashed their lips together in a frenzy, needy kiss and pushed Y/N’s back onto the nearest surface and it happened to be her apartment door.
"Can you really blame me?" Kate murmured, interrupting the hungry, needy kiss and taking a needed breath before diving right back in, this time letting her tongue out to lick the seam of Y/N’s luscious lips to ask for her girlfriend’s permission to deepen the kiss, Y/N granting her access right away with a grunt of approval and her hands gripping Kate’s dark locks hard to push the archer more into her and leaning their bodies impossibly close together.
"Not even for a second, babe." Y/N pulled on Kate’s scalp to say those words as she gazed into Kate’s deep blue eyes with all the affection she had for this girl, then clashing their lips together into another deep, sensual kiss.
"In this case then-" Kate pulled away shortly after to murmur on Y/N’s now bruised lips, brushing her hands down the Y/H/C girl’s sides, reaching their destination at her firm buttcheeks and grasping them hard first then lifting the girl up, making her link her legs around the archer’s waist, and walking them towards the couch, where already a few heavy make out sessions had occurred on it, sharing soft giggles as Kate stumbled a bit when she tripped over Pizza Dog’s favorites toy, a small, red double rope.
"I’m starting to think you only want to watch movies on the couch so we completely ignore the movie and make out." Y/N hummed pensively on Kate’s lips after they pulled away from a dizzying kiss to bring some air back into their lungs, watching Kate’s annoyingly cute lost expression with a small smirk on her swollen lips. A shiver run down her spine when Kate’s hand glued on her ass, gripped her flesh harder to push her more into her body as she bit on her bottom lip. They were lying comfortably on the couch, Kate on top of Y/N and in between her legs, with their tv playing a movie they completely tuned out as soon as the first scene started rolling. If someone asked them what movie they were watching they would have been completely clueless.
"What can I say? Your kisses are addicting." Kate murmured wryly, a sly smirk currently curling her red lips as her hands kept its unrelenting kneading of Y/N’s firm ass. "Also, I didn’t hear you complain about it either. Actually, I think I heard you moan-" Kate sinked her fingers more into Y/N’s butt as she shuffled her body up slowly, causing her abdomen to rub deliciously over Y/N’s overheated, clothed center and triggering a deep, guttural wail out of Y/N’s throat as her back arched in pleasure and her hips bucked up to search more needed friction, "-just like that." Kate’s smug smirk made Y/N’s eyes roll good-naturedly, wanting nothing more than to tease her back and watching that sly expression fall off her stupidly beautiful face.
"Well, now that I think about it, if I remember correctly, you begged me to ‘do it again’-" Y/N did her best to imitate Kate’s breathy whines she whispered on her lips not too long ago, "when I did this." In a mere second, Y/N’s hand slipped under Kate’s worn out, ‘Bishop Security’ t-shirt and gripped Kate’s bra-free breast for a few seconds before pinching her nipple hard, reveling in the moan she ripped out from Kate’s mouth.
"Shit, you’re so fucking sexy." Kate growled right before pushing their lips together, her tongue immediately invading Y/N’s mouth and licked every nook and cranny of it. They basked into they sensual bubble for a few more minutes before their steamy moment was interrupted when someone appeared into Kate’s living room.
"Kate, you won’t believe what happen-EW! OH NO MY EYES!" The two girls on the couch jumped apart at the loud voice reaching their ears and looked to the side to find a noticeably shocked and disgusted America Chavez, standing in front of the still playing TV, with her hands covering her eyes.
"Oh my god, Xochitl!"
"Ugh I think I burned my eyes! Oh, my innocent eyes!" America exclaimed as she rubbed her eyelids frantically, causing Kate’s blue ones to roll in annoyance.
"Always a drama queen. You can look now you jerk." Kate rolled her eyes as she adjusted comfortably on the couch, circling her arm around Y/N’s waist to pull her body closer to her own and regarding America with an unimpressed stare.
"Next time text me to warn me you are in a compromising position with someone!" America sighed out after she reprimanded Kate and looked at the stranger awkwardly, sending her an embarrassed, strained smile while Y/N kept looking at her in awe.
"Next time try to be a normal human being, learn how to knock and enter my apartment in the appropriate way, thought the door and not appearing out of nowhere in my living room." Kate countered back with mockery lacing her tone, her expression sporting a teasing smirk as she eyed her best friend in amusement.
"Yeah, yeah." America waved her off with a roll of her eyes, before focusing her attention back on the Y/H/C girl sat beside Kate. "Hi, I’m America."
She stretched her hand over for Y/N to take and smiled brightly after the two shook hands, "I’m Y/N."
"Wait hold on-" America did a double take at that, her brain trying to keep up and elaborate the new information as she eyed the two girls in front of her in confusion. "Y/N? As in the girl that got stuck into our universe 10 days ago?" America switched her focus from Y/N’s still a bit awestruck but shy Y/E/C irises to Kate’s elusive blue ones, her own brown orbs inquisitively gazing down at her trying to extort some answers from her friend. "Kate."
"Yes, that Y/N."
America was silent for a few seconds with her face unreadable and her eyes eyeing the two intensely, before a big grin fell upon her features and her brown hues filled with happiness, "omg I totally ship it!"
"This wasn’t- what I though you would say." Kate drawled the words with her eyebrows furrowed together and her face contorted into a confused expression as she tried to read through America’s behavior, but when she saw nothing but pure joy she relaxed and giggled softly, "well, to be honest I’m not surprised. This is an actual America’s reaction."
"I want to know everything!" America approached the two girls with enthusiasm radiating off her body, walking around the coffee table and sitting on it, so she faced Y/N and Kate, and listened attentively to everything that happened in the past 10 days.
"This isn’t over Barton, call me back."
"Hey! I don’t talk like that!" It was now a few days later, America, after listening thoroughly the hole story, found Y/N’s universe and teleported the Y/H/C girl and Kate there. The two decided to spend a few days together in Y/N’s universe so the archer could see the main differences between their universes and to finally watch movies and tv show from the MCU she had been asking about to Y/N since she learned about it. And now that was what they were doing. Of course they started with Hawkeye and Y/N amusedly listened to Kate scoffing every few seconds for a cute, strange behavior Hailee’s Kate did on screen and arguing that she wasn’t like she was portrayed on the screen - she totally was -.
"Babe, you totally do. Last week you texted Clint six times just because he didn’t answer your previous three calls in the span of 5 minutes and just to tell him about your day." Y/N playfully countered back, remembering the fond exasperation lacing Clint’s voice when Kate reprimanded him for not answering her.
"Whatever." Kate rolled her eyes good-naturedly as she threw a popcorn at her girlfriend, her pout instantly switching with a warm smile when Y/N leaned over and pecked her lips gently. "I look good tho. She even has my favorite coat."
"I love that coat. It looks amazing on you." Y/N interjected while grabbing some more popcorn and chewing on it happily, "and yeah, Hailee is so fucking hot as Kate. Well- she is always hot and beautiful, but y’know what I mean."
"I would counter back by saying that I should be jealous and all of that crap, but I agree with you." Kate admitted with a serious, blank stare, that cracked immediately after Y/N stared at her shocked, laughing loudly on her lips as she pecked them repeatedly.
They binge-watched the whole show, commenting on Kate’s similarities with Hailee’s Kate and the cute, adorable banter Kate and Yelena have on the screen, pausing a few times for Kate to comment on how similar her friendship with Yelena was to the one in the series between them, before settling on watching ‘Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness’. "I would have surrendered to her." Y/N commented when they were halfway through the movie, chewing on popcorn as her eyes were glued on the screen, "or y’know helped her travel through the multiverse."
"Well it’s what America does with everyone of us. And even if I find all of this amazing, Wanda would never do that. She is a sweetheart. You should meet her."
"Hold on a second." Y/N paused the movie to regard Kate with an incredulous look, waiting for her girlfriend to laugh at her own joke, but she just continued to stare at her in confusion, so she was ready to pass out from fangirling, "are you serious?"
"Yeah! We’ve gone on a few missions together." Kate admitted with a big, bright grin, remembering she learned a lot from Wanda and how protected she felt from the loving redhead, "but she is still on her honeymoon right now. So we need to schedule that in a few weeks."
"Oh great! Where did Wanda and Vision went to for their honeymoon?"
Kate did a double take at the question and stared down at Y/N with her features scrunched up in confusion, almost looking at her like she went insane. "What? Vision? Y/N, Vision is a robot. He is sweet and so naive, but he is a robot. He doesn’t understand Yelena’s obsession over Mac and cheese, let alone human emotions like love."
"That’s exactly what I thought! But I just asked because in the movies Wanda and Vision are together."
"I can’t wait to see how that happens!" Kate snorted as she tried to picture Wanda with that cute, innocent robot.
"But wait, who is she married with then?"
"Natasha." Kate answered nonchalantly, trying to grab some more popcorn, but Y/N moved the bowl away from her as her widened eyes stayed glued on her face. "What’s wrong?"
"Natasha as in Natasha Romanoff?"
"Yes?" Kate asked more than stated, not really understanding Y/N’s shocked behavior. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because- holy fucking shit, I ship them so fucking much!" Y/N exclaimed, her face brightening up with a big smile as she slapped repeatedly Kate’s bicep from too much excitement. "Do you think they can adopt me?"
"Y/N! Oh my god!" Kate cackled over Y/N’s fangirling, tears spilling out of her eyes as she tried to take some needed breath and massaged her aching abdomen from too much laughing. "That was amazing!"
"I was serious!"
After the movie came to an end, the two decided to take a stroll on the busy New York streets. Kate worried about getting recognized but Y/N calmed her down by explaining that here she was only a fictional character and if someone stops her she just had to explain she looks a lot like Hailee. So they were now walking hand to hand around Central Park, Kate stopping every few seconds for petting a cute dog that approached her or just walked by them, and Y/N couldn’t help the loving clench around her stomach at the cute sight of her girlfriend using her baby voice to talk to dogs. "Are you hungry? I know a great pizza place not too far from here."
"Are you kidding me? When there’s pizza, I’m always hungry." Kate regarded Y/N with a haughty look as her head stood high, then leaned down to peck her cheek lovingly and let herself be led by Y/N towards the pizza place a few blocks away, swinging their hands between their bodies slightly.
A few steps later, Y/N bumped accidentally with a body and caused the three of them to halt their walk. "I’m so sorry!" Y/N opened her eyes after closing them from the collision only for them to widen comically when her Y/E/C irises settled on the person she just crashed into. "Hailee?"
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ginnsbaker · 9 months
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Summary: As your sticks fly across the drums, your eyes momentarily scan the crowd, taking in the faces, the movements, the ecstatic energy. And then, in the flickering club lights, you spot her // …or the one where you find Wanda in the crowd during your band's gig, only to discover there's much more to her than you initially thought.
Word count: 5.2K+ | Tags: Smut (18+), Fluff, Oral and fingering (W receiving), Squirting, Overstimulation, Meet-cute, Drummer!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Requested by anon. I got carried a way for a bit and took a few liberties. Hope you like it!
You almost didn’t make it for tonight’s gig. 
Still recovering from the flu you caught last week, you were close to letting Kate fill in on the drums. That is, until Yelena begged you not to let her girlfriend botch a sold-out evening.
The tension backstage is thicker than Bucky’s pre-show smoothie, and, given the mishmash of green ingredients, that's saying something.
“I'm just saying, letting Kate drum tonight is like giving a cat a keyboard and expecting Bonham,” Yelena says, gesturing wildly with her hands.
“Continue talking and you might not have a girlfriend by the end of your next sentence!” Kate huffs, spinning on her heel to stomp out of the area. 
You sip on your water, trying to keep your hydration levels up but also stifle a chuckle. This isn’t the first time Yelena’s protective streak has clashed with Kate's overenthusiastic approach to... well, everything. Natasha is trying, and failing, to keep a straight face, while Bucky seems to have found sudden interest in the intricate patterns on his boots. 
Your head is throbbing, the remnants of the flu still gnawing at your energy, but you've mustered up just enough strength to make it through tonight's set. Before Yelena or any other band member can comment further, the organizer gestures for your band to take the stage.
You take a deep breath, followed by another swig of water. It's almost showtime, and the excitement is seeping through the nerves, reminding you why you endure the endless rehearsals, sleepless nights, and yes, even the pre-show squabbles.
As you step onto the stage, the applause is deafening. The lights illuminate the sea of faces before you, and you can see the familiar glint of excitement in the eyes of returning fans mixed with the curious expressions of first-timers.
Bucky approaches the mic, flashing his signature charming smile at the crowd. “Good evening, everyone! We’re ecstatic to see so many familiar faces and new ones too! We've got a great set for you tonight, but before we start, let's give a big shoutout to Y/N here, who's powering through the flu to be with us tonight!” The crowd roars in appreciation, and you can't help but wave sheepishly, a tentative smile stretching across your face.
Natasha strums the opening chords of the first song, her fingers dancing effortlessly over the strings. Yelena, momentarily forgetting her earlier spat with Kate, loses herself in the rhythm, the bassline syncing perfectly with your drumbeat. The music flows, each note hitting the right spots, the synergy between band members mesmerizing the audience.
As your sticks fly across the drums, your eyes momentarily scan the crowd, taking in the faces, the movements, the ecstatic energy.
And then, in the flickering club lights, you spot her.
There's a brunette, her hair cascading down, dancing like she was born for this exact moment. The way she sways and lets loose to the rhythm—it's captivating.
But it's when she turns around that your heart nearly leaps out of your chest. Her eyes meet yours, and the world seems to slow down for a moment. Those intense, deep-set eyes pull you in, making it impossible to look away. They're filled with an emotion that's hard to pinpoint: intrigue, curiosity, maybe even a hint of challenge. The message is clear—she's noticed you, just as much as you've noticed her. 
She doesn't break the gaze, and as her hips move in tune with your beats, there's a silent communication happening. Your hands, despite the rising temperature of the room, feel cold against the drumsticks. It's a battle to maintain your rhythm and not lose yourself under her spell.
Natasha, catching the look on your face, leans in during a brief instrumental break. “You good?”
“Yeah,” you reply, attempting to refocus. Your distraction had almost caused you to miss a beat or two. 
Your eyes are locked onto the brunette once more as she starts grinding against her friend, her movements confident, sultry, and unapologetically magnetic. It's the sort of dancing that would have any person within the perimeter drooling on the spot. Usually, you'd shy away from openly watching someone move so suggestively, but you find yourself completely mesmerized.
As the next song kicks off, you throw in some extra flash on the drums, just to see if she'll play along. And sure enough, with every fancy beat you drop, she dances right to it. It's like you're both in this unspoken challenge, seeing who can outdo the other. Your fingers grip the drumsticks tighter, and you can feel the heat rising on your face.
That's when Natasha glances in the same direction and catches on. “Well, well, looks like someone's got a fan,” she murmurs with a wink, her voice barely audible over the booming speakers.
You roll your eyes, trying to play it cool, but the dryness in your mouth betrays your nonchalance. “Just playing my part,” you quip, though you're keenly aware that your concentration tonight is split between the drums and the mesmerizing dancer.
Yelena, following the exchange between you and Natasha, leans in from the bass guitar, raising an eyebrow. “Who's got you all hot and bothered?”
“Shut up, Yel,” you retort. With cheeks aflame, you try to shove Yelena’s teasing aside, to focus solely on the music coursing through your veins. However, the allure of the brunette is a magnet you can’t seem to resist.
As the beat picks up, so does the pace of your heart, hammering against your chest with every enthralling movement she makes. She is intoxicating, and you’re utterly spellbound.
During the bridge, you hit a sour note—a misstep that rarely happens—and Bucky gives you a dirty look from across the stage. He’s a perfectionist when it comes to the music, and you mouth a silent “sorry” before forcing your eyes away from the captivating sight in the crowd.
But not before catching her reaction.
She's laughing, her eyes alight with impishness, and you'd swear she's looking right at you. There's a knowing smile on her lips that suggests she knows exactly the effect she’s had on you. It’s both mortifying and exhilarating.
You try to keep to the side, hiding behind cymbals and drums, but it's impossible to shake the sensation of being observed. It's like she's got a spotlight aimed right at you, and you're center stage. Every moment you resist looking her way feels like an eternity, but every time you feel the pull to glance in her direction, Yelena’s earlier tease flares in your mind, keeping your eyes stubbornly on Bucky’s flashy shoes.
As the last song fades and the applause rolls in, you set down your drumsticks, nerves and excitement warring within you. You don't hang around for Bucky's wrap-up speech. Instead, you hustle to get backstage.
To everyone's shock, you decide to stick around after the gig. You're usually the most introverted one in the group and never do this.
Natasha sidles up to you, a teasing smirk on her lips. “So, about that girl you couldn't take your eyes off of...?”
You attempt to play it cool, but your nervous fidgeting with your drumsticks gives you away. “What girl?” you ask, feigning ignorance.
Bucky snorts in amusement, a wicked grin stretching across his face. “The one you were practically eye-fucking the entire set? Thought you were gonna jump off stage and grab her right there.”
You're now the shade of a ripe tomato, desperately searching for a diversion. “You guys are seeing things,” you mumble, avoiding their amused gazes.
“Honestly, I was half-expecting her to throw a bra onstage or something, the way you were gawking,” Yelena chirps in.
“Enough,” you protest weakly, your voice drowned out by the laughter of your bandmates.
Just as you're about to slip away to the bar for a breather, a waiter approaches you with a drink in hand. “Compliments of the lady over there,” he says, nodding towards a dim corner of the club.
You peer in the direction he's indicating but can't make out who it's from. The drink looks fancy, possibly alcoholic. Glancing at the waiter, you inform him, “I can't drink alcohol right now, but thank you.”
Natasha snatches it from the tray. “Well, if you're not taking it, it's mine.”
Bucky laughs. “Is everyone in this club trying to woo our drummer tonight?”
You roll your eyes at them, trying not to dwell on the mystery woman. However, it's not long before the same waiter returns, this time holding a simple glass of lemonade. “The lady noticed you weren’t drinking the cocktails and thought you might prefer this.”
Your curiosity almost gets the better of you, but the memories of the striking brunette dancing to your beats earlier still linger fresh in your mind. You opt not to scour the club's corners to spot who's sending the drinks. Instead, you lift the lemonade in a thankful gesture, aiming it in the general direction of where the waiter had pointed, and offer a polite, appreciative smile into the dim.
Natasha teases, “Playing hard to get, huh?”
You shrug and take a sip from your drink. “Just soaking in the night and the rewards of our hard work,” you remark, patting the pocket where you tucked away the cash from tonight's gig. “Isn't that what we're here for?”
An hour later, the club's neon and strobe lights continue to play tricks on your eyes, turning every brunette head you spot into a potential sighting. Each time, however, it’s not her.
Bucky's animated conversation about a new track he's been working on fades into the background. Natasha keeps throwing you knowing glances, but doesn't press. It's Yelena who finally comments, probably having had enough of your desolate puppy-dog look. She nudges you with her elbow, Kate giggling drunkenly by her side. Yelena's arm is protectively around Kate, but her sharp gaze is all on you.
“You know, you won't find her by just sulking here and gazing at every brunette that walks past. You gotta move,” she challenges, her tone equal parts bored and encouraging.
Kate, in her slightly inebriated state, adds with a giggle, “Yeah, go get her, tiger!”
“It's not that easy, you know,” you sigh, brooding over your drink. “Plus, what if she's not even interested?”
Yelena's smirk is almost predatory. “From what I saw? Trust me, she's interested. Now go.”
With a resigned sigh, you push yourself up from the booth. Steeling yourself, you start weaving your way through the crowd, using your slightly sober advantage to maneuver past intoxicated dancers. You scan every corner and table as you walk past, even though there's a nagging feeling in your gut that she might have already left the club.
It’s after what feels like an eternity that you spot a familiar cascade of brunette locks by the bar. She’s engaged in what appears to be an animated conversation with a tall, equally striking man. However, her posture—shoulders slightly hunched, eyes darting around—suggests that she’s far from comfortable.
The protective instinct kicks in before you can talk yourself out of it. Closing the distance, you position yourself between her and the persistent guy, offering her a way out. “Hey there,” you say, smoothly, your voice loud enough to be heard over the clamor. “I've been looking for you. Sorry I'm late.”
She catches on immediately, her relief evident as she steps closer to you, away from the guy. “There you are! I was starting to worry,” she plays along, giving you a swift kiss on the cheeks that has your eyes widening for a second and breaking character. Thankfully, the guy doesn’t notice your blunder, and sensing he's lost this battle, scowls and retreats into the crowd.
Turning to her, you can't help the grin that finds its way to your face. “Sorry for that, I wanted to help, but I didn’t also want to cause any trouble.”
She smiles back, her eyes gleaming in the club lights. “Thank you for the save. I was about to resort to more drastic measures.”
The banter between you flows naturally, the awkward ice broken by the unusual circumstance of your first interaction. “I'm Y/N,” you offer, extending a hand.
“Wanda,” she says, taking your hand. Her grip is firm and her hand warm against yours. It sends a jolt of electricity up your arm. Only now do you notice her eyes, the shade of green in them, and the way they reveal so much yet nothing at all. Just like that, you fall a little deeper into her trap.
“Wanda,” you repeat, tasting the name on your tongue as if trying it out. Your smile broadens instinctively, and she catches it, her nose scrunching up bashfully.
“What?” she asks.
“Oh, nothing,” you chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. “I just think it's a beautiful name. Fits someone as beautiful as you.”
She blushes, and you can't help but inwardly high five yourself for making her smile like that. She looks away for a moment, trying to hide her smile but fails miserably, and you find it endearing.
“Thank you, Y/N,” she says, her eyes meeting yours once more, a shy smile on her lips.
The night unfolds seamlessly from there. You find a quiet corner away from the crowd, where the music is a distant thump, allowing conversation to flow freely.
“So, when did you start drumming?” Wanda asks, leaning in a bit, genuinely seeming interested in your answer. You try your best to stay calm as you feel the heat radiate from her body.
“Believe it or not, I started a bit late, around twelve,” you reply, smiling at the memory of your younger self, awkwardly trying to grasp the drumsticks. “But I played the guitar first, picked it up when I was just five.”
Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Wow, so you're a multi-instrumentalist?”
You shrug, trying to appear nonchalant, but can't help the proud grin that creeps onto your face. “Something like that. But I mainly stick to drums in the band.”
She tilts her head, her eyes shining with interest. “Why don't you play the guitar for the band then?”
“Natasha's better than me on the guitar. She's got this incredible flair and finesse. I mean, I'm good, but she's... amazing.”
Wanda nods, absorbing the information, “I've heard her play, she really is. But I'm sure you're just as great.”
You laugh, “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Then, taking a sip of your drink, you add, “Playing the guitar actually helps a lot when I'm writing our songs.”
“Wait, you write the songs?”
“Most of them,” you confirm, trying to sound as modest as you can be. “It's a collaborative effort, of course. But yeah, having a knowledge of multiple instruments, especially the guitar, helps lay the foundation for many of our tracks.”
Wanda looks at you, clearly impressed. “That's incredible, Y/N. No wonder your music feels so... personal. It's like you're telling a story with every song.”
“You’ve listened to our songs before?” you ask, mildly surprised.
Wanda nods sheepishly, as if caught harboring a guilty secret. “I might have, a few times... I definitely came here tonight to see you guys perform.” 
She then places a hand on your knee, and all at once, your throat feels parched. She scoots closer to you, to speak directly into your ear. “I wish I could see you play the guitar for me.”
You swallow hard. Her suggestion has certainly crossed your mind several times throughout the conversation. “Actually,” you begin, trying to steady your voice, “we keep our instruments in the back of the van. If you're interested, I could... play something for you?”
Wanda pulls back slightly to meet your eyes, looking like she wasn’t expecting you to actually agree to give her a private performance. “Really? Now?”
You nod, then stand and extend your hand to her, grinning. “Ready for a show?”
This isn’t exactly the kind of show you had in mind when you led Wanda to the back of the van. But you’re just twenty seconds into the new song you’ve been working on when she grabs your face with both hands and draws you in for a ferocious kiss. It’s a kiss that you haven’t tasted in a while—completely unrestrained.
You're lucky the drum set hasn't been loaded up yet, and with Bucky's keyboard being used by the current band onstage, there's just the right amount of space. Taking advantage, you push Wanda onto her back without breaking away from the kiss.
You pull away just enough to ask, “Are you sure?” while Wanda starts to slide your jacket down your arms.
Wanda nods impatiently, tracing her tongue along the underside of your chin, clearly enjoying the reaction she provokes.
“Was that a yes?” you prod, sitting up. Wanda sighs, albeit a bit irritably, only because you're suddenly out of her reach, before she collects herself enough to answer, “Yes, Y/N, I'm sure.”
“It's just that... I usually don’t do this,” you confess, looking down in embarrassment.
Your heart is pounding so loudly you're sure Wanda can hear it, especially with the way she's studying you intently. You can feel the heat creep up your neck, coloring your cheeks a deep shade of pink. This isn't typically your scene, and you wonder if she's regretting her decision.
But then, with a move that’s smooth and tender, Wanda slides her fingers under your chin, lifting your head to meet her gaze. Her eyes aren't filled with judgment or mockery, but with genuine understanding and something else you can't quite place.
“I find it... sexy,” she murmurs. “It’s refreshing, actually. Everything about you feels genuine. It's rare to find someone not playing games.”
Your eyes widen a fraction. That wasn't the reaction you'd been expecting.
She smirks a little at your expression, that hint of mischief returning. “Did you think admitting you're a little inexperienced would scare me off? If anything, it makes this even more exciting.”
“I'm not exactly 'inexperienced',” you argue with a bashful smile.
Her voice drops to a whisper, making your breath catch, and she inches just a bit closer. “I'm sure about this, Y/N. The back of a van might not be a romantic scene from a movie, but…” she breathes, and then she makes sure you feel every word she’s going to say next being spoken in your ear. “But right now? I swear, I might just go crazy if you don't touch me.”
Her statement stokes the fire between your legs and acting on the pull you feel, you lean in, hesitating just for a fraction of a second before capturing her lips with yours. Wanda lets out a soft, sultry moan as you deepen the kiss, your tongue boldly seeking entrance. She grants it, and you're immediately intoxicated, not just by the taste of the vodka she's been sipping on, but by Wanda herself. The way she feels, the way she responds—it's all consuming.
She tilts her head, granting you better access, and you take the opportunity to explore every inch of her mouth. The gentle tang of the alcohol is present but overshadowed by her own unique flavor, which is even more intoxicating. You can feel her hands resting on your shoulders, fingers gripping you with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
Wanda's breath hitches sharply as you confidently take charge. You yank her shirt off in one quick move, and she's laid bare under the soft street lights. Outside, some party is still in full swing, but in here, it's all about the uninhibited hunger between the two of you.
You slip your fingers to the back of her bra, fumbling just a moment before unhooking it, revealing her. Not wasting any time, you dive in, taking her nipple in your mouth, savoring it. The sensation drives her wild, and she arches her back, pushing herself deeper against you with a throaty moan.
Her fingers grip your hair, guiding and sometimes just pulling when she needs more. Every sound she makes, every pull of her fingers, gets you more revved up. It's intense, it's messy, but it's all too real.
As your hands venture lower, you notice her pupils dilate and her breathing grow uneven.
“You still sure?” you whisper, releasing her nipple with a wet pop. She responds with a desperate whine, pressing her hips closer to yours.
“Use your words, baby girl,” you murmur, nipping at her pulse point.
“Yes, yes, yes…” she answers breathlessly. “Please, Y/N.”
Your fingers playfully glide over her entrance, teasing her, “So wet for me,” you marvel, pressing a firm kiss to her neck. Your fingers dip inside her just slightly, pulling back out to further tease her.
“It's too bad I don't have my strap with me,” you groan, grinding against her thigh, letting her feel how turned on you are. “You'd look so pretty, taking it all.”
Her breathing hitches, “God, I wish you had it too.”
Wanda’s whines intensify, a sweet sound of pure desperation, as you suddenly remove your fingers from her. “Why did you—” she starts to complain, but you silence her with a searing kiss.
“I want to see all of you,” you murmur against her lips. Her skirt is the next target, and you fumble with the zipper, eager to remove the barrier between your hands and her skin. However, as you're about to pull down her underwear, a thought strikes you. Looking around the back of the van, you remember how it's been used for hauling equipment, and the floor isn't exactly pristine.
Thinking quickly, you grab your jacket and lay it out beneath her, ensuring she's on a cleaner surface. “Always got to take care of my girl,” you wink at her, trying to lighten the moment.
“Your girl?” Wanda echoes, her eyes half-lidded, a playful smile curling on her lips.
You realize your slip-up a beat too late, but then, her underwear and skirt are swiftly discarded, and she lies there, beautifully exposed to your hungry gaze.
“You're breathtaking,” you whisper in awe.
She flushes under your gaze. “I could say the same for you,” she murmurs, pulling you closer.
Your eyes roam her body, the soft curves and inviting skin, particularly where she's most sensitive. But you've always been one for asking. 
“Can I taste you?” The question leaves your lips, whispered against the skin of her inner thigh, making her shiver.
She responds with a needy, “Yes, please,” and bites her bottom lip, arching her hips slightly, as if laying herself bare for your indulgence.
You don't waste any more time. Shuffling down, you position yourself between her legs, the aromatic scent of her arousal filling your senses. Carefully, you part her folds with your fingers, your tongue darting out to collect the first taste. The first touch of your tongue against her wetness draws a sharp inhale from her, followed by a moan that has your ears burning from how shameless it sounds.
Your tongue swirls around her swollen nub, establishing a pattern that has her thighs clenching around your head. “Fucky, right there,” she groans, her hips thrusting up, eager to meet each glide and flick of your tongue. The wet sounds of your mouth paired with her whimpers urge you to sneak a hand beneath your jeans, seeking relief for your own building tension.
Her hands tighten in your hair, pulling you closer, almost as if she's trying to mold you to her. “More, right there... Oh, god!” she cries out, providing the exact guidance you need.
Amused by her reactions, you intentionally draw out a slurping sound as your tongue dives deeper, making Wanda retreat, but you abandon your own need for release to grab her ass and pull her back to your mouth. 
“Y/N, please, please, I’m—”
“You like that, don't you?” you tease, voice husky with lust. “You sound so pretty when you beg.”
She keens, a desperate sound, her fingers tightening their grip on your hair. You're relentless, enjoying every second of her unraveling, and she's close—so close.
“Are you going to come for me, Wanda?” you growl, lost in the intoxicating taste of her, pressing your tongue deeper, seeking out every intimate spot that makes her body jolt and writhe above you. Her voice breaks into a high-pitched cry, “Y/N! I'm—I'm—” and you feel her climax, her entire body shaking with the force of it, her wetness dripping from your chin down to your throat, drenching you in the process. 
Wanda's gasps fill the space as she shudders, the aftershocks of her orgasm leaving her body trembling. A wicked grin spreads across your face as you take in the sight of her, completely spent and vulnerable. She squirms beneath your mouth, trying to escape the onslaught of sensations. “Too much,” she pants, her voice hoarse.
Ignoring her plea, you continue your ministrations, lips and tongue working in tandem, driving her to the brink once more. As you feel her tensing up, preparing to escape your relentless assault, you slip two fingers inside her, feeling the tight clench of her around you. The unexpected intrusion steals her breath and the fight from her limbs, her resistance melting under your touch.
“You want more, don't you?” you murmur before your lips find her clit again. 
The van is starting to smell like sex. You know you'll have to do something about this later, but for now, you can't bring yourself to care as you take in every detail of the naked girl before you. The pleasure is almost overwhelming for Wanda, teetering on the edge of pain, but she feels another climax building deep inside her.
“Y/N!” she cries, her grip on your hair tightening, her back arching. “I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!”
You don't stop, doubling your efforts, fingers and tongue working in sync, driving her up and beyond any point she's ever known. Suddenly, there's a gush, wetter and warmer than before, surprising you both. You pull back slightly, and she looks down, mortified. Her face turns a deep shade of red, and she tries to squirm out from beneath you.
“I'm so sorry... I—” Wanda stammers, scrambling to hide her face in her hands.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, a smirk forming on your lips. “Wanda, that was... incredibly hot.”
She looks away, still trying to process what just happened. “I didn’t... I've never...”
Sitting up, you gently cup her face, making her look at you. “Hey, it’s alright,” you say softly, trying to reassure her. “Don't be embarrassed. I'm honored that you felt comfortable enough with me to let go completely.”
She gives a shaky laugh, her fingers lightly tracing circles on your chest. “I can't believe you made me do that on the first try.”
“And I’m extremely lucky to be able to,” you say with a chuckle, gently brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face.
She blushes for a moment, then says, “I noticed you didn’t... you know. Do you want me to...?”
“Next time,” you promise, pressing a tender kiss on her forehead. “Right now, I need to make sure this van doesn’t end up as evidence of our... activities.” You wink, earning a soft giggle from her.
“Besides, I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you fall apart because of me,” you add, mischievously wetting your lips.
She blushes, playfully swatting at your arm. “You're impossible.”
You were the first to step out of the van, offering Wanda a moment of privacy to get dressed. When she finally emerges, she leans on you for support. “I can't feel my legs,” she jokes, struggling a bit. She hands you your jacket which you'd forgotten, helping you slip it on. Immediately, the scent of her hits you, reminding you that she had climaxed twice on that very fabric.
Before you can dwell on the thought, a man approaches Wanda. It’s the same guy from earlier, the one she was arguing with at the bar. You instinctively square your shoulders, ready to step in between them, protectively, but Wanda halts you with a hand on your chest.
“Pietro!” Wanda exclaims, letting out an exasperated sigh as she utters her brother's name. You halt, puzzled.
She knows this guy?
Pietro looks at Wanda, then at you, his eyes narrowing for a moment. “You ready to go, Wanda?” he asks, clearly impatient.
She turns to you, giving you a soft, apologetic smile. “Y/N, this is my brother, Pietro.”
You swallow dryly, offering a somewhat clammy hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Pietro just eyes your hand, perhaps connecting the dots from earlier. Feeling like an idiot, you quickly pull your hand back, subtly rubbing it against your pants. He departs without another word, muttering to Wanda, “I'll be in the car. Don't keep me waiting too long.”
Wanda watches Pietro go, her smile fading a bit. Turning back to you, she takes a deep breath. “Okay, so, about earlier,” she starts, biting her lower lip nervously. “I might have, um... staged that whole fight thing to get your attention. He wasn’t too thrilled about the idea, but he played along.” Her eyes dart to the ground, avoiding your gaze.
You blink, processing her confession. Before you can come up with any coherent response, she giggles at the dumbfounded expression on your face. “I really have to go,” she says.
And then, before you can react, she plants a featherlight kiss on your cheek. The warmth of it lingers on your skin as she steps back, her eyes holding yours for a long, sweet moment.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her eyes glistening under the soft moonlight. “Tonight was... unexpected, but amazing.”
And with that, she turns and hurries off to where Pietro is waiting for her by a parked car. You stand there, feeling the spot on your cheek where her lips touched, watching her until she hops into the car and drives off into the night. It’s only after the car disappears around the bend that you mentally kick yourself for forgetting to ask for her number. With a sigh, you turn back to your van, resigned to cleaning up.
The chill of the night settles in, and when you slip your hands into your jacket pockets, your fingers catch a scrap of paper. It feels out of place, foreign to the usual belongings you stash in there. You pull it out, and to your surprise, it's a receipt. The drinks listed there jog a memory: an alcoholic cocktail offered to you earlier in the night which you politely declined, and the tangy lemonade that followed right after.
Realization dawns on you. Wanda had been orchestrating things all night. You flip the receipt over and your heart skips a beat. Scrawled at the back in a neat, cursive handwriting is her number, accompanied by a simple message: “Call me soon.”
Grinning like a fool, you grab a cloth and some disinfectant from the compartment. Cleaning the back of a van has never felt this satisfying.
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wandagcre · 4 months
A Kate bishop drabble with Kate being haunted by the reader's voice, they're ex's and Kate regrets taking them for granted especially since they began dating during Kate's player days. Based on the song silver springs by Fleetwood Mac
Btw it's the Kate bishop silver springs Fleetwood Mac person here, I forgot to add the part of the song I was thinking about which is "time casts its spell on you but you won't forget me." "You'll never get away from the sound of the voice of the woman that loves you."
kate thought losing you wasn't a big deal. she has lost people before and was fine with being left alone. slowly, she didn't notice that upon your absence, came with little reminders of where you once stood on her life.
kate didn't even thought it would get this bad.
she looks through her wardrobe and by reflex, picks your favorite jacket of hers. i love this on you, kate hears the voice in her head.
kate instinctively leaves her bathroom door open, already hearing you complain about your full bladder in the morning.
the archer puts her hand on her pockets, all she can hear is your soft hey and the gentle pull just to have your hands intertwined with kate's.
even at archery practices, kate can hear you being into her silly made-up names, in case she becomes a superhero. you willingly called her by them.
kate also refused to pass by your chosen pathway going back to uni, afraid that she'll see you in someone else's arm. and here she was; embarrassingly unable to move on from you.
now there's a you-shaped hole that refuses to be filled, not even after bedding women right after you called it quits with her.
now, kate surprisingly stopped going after women continuously, not liking how the side of the bed you used to sleep in only had faint traces of your scent. she didn't like how it was a mix of stranger's scent. at the tiny amount of your scent, kate started sleeping in it, oddly finding comfort even with all the hurting she has ultimately caused by herself.
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ashdreams2023 · 6 months
Ok, awesome! Thank you!
Can I please send in a request for Kate Bishop where her sibling is autistic, and Kate is protective of them?
Ok finally got to you honey, sorry this took forever
Kate bishop x autistic sibling
Kate always knew you were different, you weren’t like any other kids but didn’t understand what made you so different until later on
For a long time you were just her special little sibling
She got used to you need your food cut a certain way, and that you extremely dislike certain textures
When she would go to the store she would always buy you your favorite Candy because she knows this little thing will make your day
She was the first one to buy you sound canceling headphones and takes you on walks outside
Sometimes she gets bored when you hyper fixate on a certain piece of media but as long as it’s harmless it’s fine
"Can we watch anything other than shrek this time?" "No!"
She let’s you help in the kitchen if it’s nothing too complicated or sharp things are involved
Learned as you both grew older that you don’t like your hair being touched by strangers so that either means she cuts it for you or tries to teach some basic things to keep it looking ok
She takes you to your favorite restaurant at least once a month
Gets anxious when she has to leave the city and leave you on your own
"Your things are all in the same place, plus there’s my phone number you know how to reach me if something is wrong, also Clint will drop by to check on every night"
The days you’re feeling none verbal are some of the hardest for her because she can’t always tell what’s wrong
"Is there something specific you’ll like? Just nod if yes"
She always makes sure to be back for lunch in the exact same time because she knows you don’t like when she’s late and it messes with the schedule you’re used too
"Wanna see this cool trick I learned from Clint?"
"I didn’t find your favorite color but this one has that one character you’ve been obsessed with for three weeks"
Will physically fight people if they made you uncomfortable or were rude to you just because they think they can
"Want to repeat that again to my face fucker!"
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olsenmyolsen · 22 days
ok hear me out there is a severe lack of CarolKate fics, maybe Carol trying to prepare/teach Kate how to be a leader of the young avengers but they just end up incessantly teasing each other verbally until Carol gets fed up and puts a very bratty Kate in her place and shows her who’s boss
“oh yeah? make me” and “prove it” and “i bet *you* cant even do that” vibes
Thank you for reaching out! <3. I enjoyed writing this dynamic a lot! Also all of my requests so far have been smut... don't know what that says about you all or me.
Prove It (18+)
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master list . maroon master list . dark master list
MCU AU (Kate Bishop X Carol Danvers)
Summary: Carol is training Kate to lead the Young Avengers, but the 23-year-old can't keep her mouth shut.
Word Count: 2K
Content: Sex, Fingering, Petnames Kink, Praise, Oral, Feelings, Pinning, etc
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Carol watched as Kate rose up from the black mats in the training room yet again.
Kate was in dire need of some training, specifically hand-to-hand combat if she was going to be one of the leaders of the Young Avengers or whatever the hell Kamala was putting together.
Kamala Khan had talked to Carol about her own band of heroes for the last couple of months, but honestly, Carol put on a smile and tuned the hero from Jersey out most of the time.
"Okay, you got me that time, but that's because I was going easy," Carol smirked at Kate's words. "Oh really? What about the other twenty-nine times?" Kate put on a confident smile. "You wish it was twenty-nine times."
"No, it has been twenty-nine times. I've been keeping count." Kate's face fell. "Oh." Carol put her hands up ready to go again. "Really?" Kate asked, making Carol smile. "Yes. Now, come on, hit me."
"Oh, usually that comes after dinner. And with consent." Carol rolled her eyes as Kate laughed and put her hands up before her, pacing around Carol. The two of them had been going at it for at least an hour and a half, but Kate and her mouth had yet to stop.
Clint told Carol all about how great the archer was. But he warned her that she never stops talking. Like ever.
Carol was beginning to miss Goose and their quiet purrs.
Kate moved closer to Carol but made the mistake of moving her eyes to the point where she would strike—making it easy for Carol to lift her leg and collide with Kate's stomach. The younger woman stumbling back. "Jeez, I thought Clint said you took Karate or something?"
"He talked about me?" Kate ignored the rest of Carol's words. Carol sighed. "Yes, one of the world's greatest archers, but you still can't land a punch without someone hitting you first."
"Okay, ouch." Kate put her hands over her heart and faked being stabbed. Carol stopped moving and waited for Kate and her theatrics to be done.
It took another thirty seconds.
"Okay, kid, let's see if you can't resist telegraphing your moves." Kate made a face at the K word. "Ew, don't call me that." Carol and Kate began to circle one another. Carol looked slightly confused. "What kid? Doesn't Clint call you that?"
Kate lightly shrugged. "Yeah, but he's like a father figure, plus it sounds wrong coming from someone's mouth that isn't as old as him." Carol shook her head and laughed. "You know I'm technically over sixty."
Kate couldn't stop the words flying out of her mouth.
"Not with a body like that."
Carol stopped moving. Kate stopped moving. "Oh god. She's going to kill me." The Bishop girl whispered under her breath.
After a beat of silence, a glowing smirk grew on Carol's face. She had a new angle. "I see," Carol said, dragging her feet along the mat, slowly moving again. Kate stumbled before she also started moving. Afraid of what Carol would say and do.
"You're attracted to me."
Kate's mouth dropped. "No- I mean, yes, you're attractive, but no, I'm not- to you."
A blind man would be attracted to Carol Danvers.
Carol squinted. "You sure about that, honey?" Kate's eyes went wide as she gulped. Carol was having fun now. "Go back to calling me kid," Kate demanded, but Carol laughed. "Why are you afraid I'm bringing up some mommy issues?"
Kate exhaled. She needed to try and get the upper hand again. "And what if you are?" She replied. Carol shrugged after a second. "Then quit being a brat about it."
Kate's body grew warmer.
She licked her lips and opened her mouth. A little squeak came out before her words. "Well, maybe I just need to be put in my place." Carol raised an eyebrow and bit her bottom lip. "You got that right, sweetie." Kate's brain almost died, but luckily for her, she had the threat of Carol charging at her to worry about.
So she put her one leg back and planted her foot before lifting her other one to hit Carol, but the blonde was fast. She grabbed onto Kate's leg and dragged it down as she slid underneath Kate and her blue eyes.
Kate's face and then body hit the mat. Yes, in that order.
"Oh, Mommy's sorry," Carol said in a fake voice with a pout. Tingles surround Kate but she turned over onto her back and meet Carol's eyes. "You can't do that!"
"Do what?" Carol tilted her head with a smile. Kate huffed. She didn't know what she was yelling about. Either Carol grabbing her and pulling her to the floor or the nicknames.
"Like I said, Momm-" "Stop that!" Kate yelled from the floor. Carol took steps towards Kate until her body was over the younger woman's. Carol crouched over Kate. "Oh, you want me to stop?" Carol's voice switched from her fake, almost pornographic tone to her real one. "Let me guess, it's turning you on?"
A little frustrated, Kate lifted up and pushed Carol, making the blonde quickly shoot up and use her powers to catch herself from falling.
"Oh, okay." Carol took the hit and news well. Kate was red in the cheeks because of embarrassment, fear, and because Carol was right. The blonde crossed her arms over her white tank top. "You want me to stop treating you like the brat you are?"
Kate rose to her feet. Hands in front of her. "I'm twenty-three, not a fucking brat."
"Not with that attitude." Carol barked back. The training slowly works its way to the front of her mind again. On the battlefield, you couldn't waste a second having an attitude like this.
Kate was silent. "Okay. You want me to stop, baby?" Kate nodded. "Yes." Carol nodded and removed her arms from in front of her chest. "Oh yeah? Make me. Take me to the mat."
Kate let out a quiet sigh. Her body and mind were fighting for control, but she raised her hands and knew she needed to beat Carol.
"Atta girl." Carol winked in a sultry voice that made Kate clench her jaw and move towards Carol with a greater quickness than Carol had seen all day. Except Kate was still Kate and stumbled as she took a comprehensive step to the right, forcing her to launch forward into Carol.
But Carol was observing and moved her body to take the impact softer. Catching Kate.
Who then stepped on Carol's foot.
So technically, Kate did take Carol to the mat.
Kate landed on top of Carol as Carol wrapped her arms around the younger woman. The impact made a grunt slip from Carol's lips to Kate's ears. Quickly, Kate lifted her upper half off of Carol, and Carol's hands fell from Kate's back to her hips.
They stayed there as Kate looked over Carol's face. "Well, technically, you did what I asked," Carol smirked. "Y-yeah, I did." Kate stumbled as she felt Carol's rough hands squeeze her hips. "The problem is... I don't think this little slip-up means you're ready to lead a team."
Kate refrained from rolling her eyes—something Carol noticed.
"Oh yeah?" Kate whispered as she spread her legs wider on either side of Carol's. Carol nodded. "Yeah. Your attitude is still there, too." Kate moved her hands to Carol's and pulled them away from her body. She placed them onto the mat as her hands slid to Carol's wrist. Her body hanging over the blonde's. "I think you like it."
"Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you."
Kate couldn't win. "A leader takes control, Kate." Carol gently said into the space between the two. Carol was giving Kate an opportunity. Kate slowly leaned forward until her lips hung inches away from Carol's. She looked through her eyes to see Carol's blue ones telling her she wanted it.
Kate wrapped her hand around Carol's wrist and placed her lips onto Carol's. The older woman became intoxicated from one taste of Kate Bishop. Her soft pink tasted like lavender against Carol's.
The blonde could smell the body lotion Kate used in the morning. Kate could smell and taste the chapstick Carol loved.
As the two were becoming lost in one another, Kate began to grind her hips into Carol's—the friction causing a much-needed release of pleasure as Kate moaned into Carol's mouth.
Carol nodded and moaned as Kate's lips moved to her neck. Quickly, Carol lifted her arms up and wrapped them around her. Touching and feeling her skin.
Carol's hands burned with desire against Kate.
"Oh fuck, baby!" Carol moaned when Kate began sucking on Carol's chest.
Carol moved her hands down to Kate's sides again. She squeezed and slipped her hands underneath the seam of Kate's shorts. Kate moaned as Carol lifted her head to kiss Kate's chest. At the same time, Carol's left hand moved through Kate's untrimmed hairs. "You feel so good!" Carol groaned as Kate nodded with squeaks. "Oh fuck, Carol!" Kate cried out as Carol's middle finger ran over the wet spot Kate had.
Carol lifted her body with her powers and took Kate into her arm as she placed Kate gently onto her back. Her lips still attacking the you get woman's chest. Her middle finger was still pressing against Kate's covered wet pussy. "Oh, Mom-"
Kate stopped herself, but Carol heard it. She pulled her hand out of Kate's shorts and brought it to Kate's mouth. "Open." Kate hesitated. "I'm giving you orders, Kate." Carol reaffirmed with a commanding voice. "That's it. Be good for Mommy." Carol watched as Kate's mouth dropped, and slowly, Carol's finger disappeared as Kate's mouth wrapped around it.
"Keep sucking. Do you taste yourself?" Kate nodded with a muffled moan.
Carol was making her feel a way no one else had.
Carol, with a smirk, pulled down the sides of Kate's shorts as Kate helped kick them off.
"You're doing so well, aren't you, baby? Being good for your Captain! Your leader!" Carol husked as she spread apart Kate's legs. Her lips dragging up the other woman's soft thighs. "Oh, Kate." Carol leaned down and kissed the wet spot of Kate's black cotton underwear. With Kate's hand around Carol's wrist, she kept sucking and licking Carol's fingers until Carol pulled them out. Drool coating the younger woman's chest as Carol brought those same fingers to Kate's clothed pussy.
"You're so pretty," Carol said before pulling the black panties to the side. "Fuck Carol, you're so hot!" Kate whined. Carol loved hearing Kate come unglued.
"Oh, just touch me. Please!" Kate cried out. Her fingers ran through the blonde's short hair until she reached the back of Carol's head and pushed it closer to her wet clit. Carol gave in with a smile. "There you go, Kate. Command me!"
Carol was still making this a teaching lesson, and it drove Kate crazy.
"Just shut up!" Kate responded, turned into a loud moan as Carol's tongue hit the bottom of her spread pussy and worked its way to the top of Kate's clit. Flicking the hood before she slipped her middle finger up and worked it in a circular motion.
Even through the workout leading to this moment, Carol couldn't get enough of Kate.
And Kate was in pure ecstasy as Carol ate her out and finger fucked her better than she had ever had at college.
"Oh fuck! Oh, Carol! I'm about to cum!" Kate lifted her head from the black mat and arched her back. "That's not my name, sweetheart!" Carol replied as she spit on her hand and slipped it through Kate's wet pussy lips before returning to her clit.
And Kate knew what Carol wanted to be called, but it was too late as her legs began to shake and she started cumming.
Carol kissed up Kate's body as she came down from her high. Carol knew she would be too exhausted to do anything to her, but she was okay with it.
"I have to say..." Kate started as her breathing slowed. "That might've been the best training I've ever done." Carol laughed as her body hung above Kate's. "Is that right?" Carol asked.
Kate nodded. "Although I'm not sure if anything will stick."
"Oh?" Carol raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. I mean, if I want to be a leader, I have to learn from the best."
Carol went to open her mouth. Kate interrupted her thought. "From the best who's still around." Carol closed her mouth and smiled. "I'll make something out of you yet, Bishop," Carol whispered before she leaned down and softly kissed Kate. "You still need to prove it to me."
"Oh, I will." Kate kissed her again. "I will."
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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alohastyles-x · 11 months
Love Story - k.b.
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Love Story - k.b.
Second part to Enchanted - .k.b.
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Coming July 21st, 2023
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Silent Treatment- Kate Bishop
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader
Characters: Kate Bishop
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Hi, are you taking requests right now? If so could I request female (avenger?) Reader giving Kate Bishop the silent treatment one-shot?? 
Word Count: 488
Author: Charlotte
“Come on Y/N,” Kate huffed. “Talk to me.”
You rotated yourself in your seat to turn your back to your girlfriend as you had been repeatedly doing over the last quarter of an hour. Although as a whole you loved Kate dearly, she had annoyed you beyond reason currently and the silent treatment seemed like a fitting punishment for her. It wasn’t something you pulled from your arsenal often, but it was certainly one of the most effective ways to get your point across to Kate.
An exasperated sign escaped Kate, frustration consuming her. Maybe it was immature for you to keep up the silent treatment, but you couldn’t deny the amusement you felt when it came to riling up Kate. Her annoyance had finally bubbled up to her tipping point and she was going to retaliate with an equally heinous response.
Without warning, she leapt on top of you, forcing herself into your lap so that there was no way for you to turn around from her this time- you’d have no choice but to face her. Kate began her onslaught on your sides, tickling you without any remorse. You screamed out for help between pained laughs, no longer able to be silent, rather having to beg her to release you from her heartless attacks.
“Are you going to talk to me?” Kate asked, using her body weight and position to pin you down onto the sofa without any way to escape.
“Whatever,” you screeched. “Let me go.”
She offered you benevolence and stopped tickling you but continued to sit on top of you to make sure that she could restart attacking you at any moment if you didn’t comply with her terms.
“It’s really stupid that you’ve refused to talk to me all day,” she frowned.
“I haven’t got anything to say to you,” you said, scrunching up your nose at her. “You know what you did.”
Kate rolled her eyes at you. “I don’t get why you’re mad at me. I got a chance to be a superhero, it was hardly something I could pause and come get you first.”
Your eyes darted away from hers. It may have been petty, but it was something that had bothered you more than it should have. The two of you had been enamoured with the avengers and how much good they did, you had had dreams that you would be able to do the same and she had been able to live that dream without you.
“I’m not annoyed that you got to be a superhero, I’m annoyed that you didn’t even consider me being your sidekick.”
She laughed, moving a hand to cup your cheek.
“Honey, I was the sidekick. I could hardly have one of my own.”
“I’m still annoyed,” you pouted.
Kate pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I promise next time I get to be a superhero I’ll give you a call.”
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nickeverdeen · 2 months
MCU masterlist
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Nothing yet
(you can choose a group in which I’ll pair you with the characters from it or you can just leave it in general and I’ll choose from all of the groups)
Nothing yet
(you can choose which characters you want or whatever group you want)
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Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Steve Rogers (Capitan America)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
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Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
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Nothing yet
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Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
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Carol Danvers (Capitan Marvel)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Peter Parker 1 (Spider-Man)
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Nothing yet
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Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
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Nothing yet
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Peter Parker 1 (Tom Holland)
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Peter Parker 2 (Tobey Maguire)
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Nothing yet
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Peter Parker 3 (Andrew Garfield)
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
The Guardians of Galaxy
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Peter Quill (Star-Lord)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rocket (only platonic)
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Nothing yet
Groot (only platonic)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nick Fury
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Maria Hill
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Melinda May
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Sharon Carter
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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T’Challa (Black Panther)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Brock Rumlow
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Winter Soldier
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bruce Banner
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
The young Avengers
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Yelena Belova
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Kate Bishop
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
America Chavez
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Casside Lang
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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scmg11 · 2 years
Do you accept story requests?
Yes, of course! My requests are always open!
I have a ton of them to still work on, but ask away! I’ll try to fulfill your request as soon as I can!
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ginnsbaker · 8 months
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Summary: One night in Brooklyn, with all the twists and turns in your histories, you, Wanda, Kate, and Yelena end up at the same table.
Word count: 3.2K+ | A/N: This is for all of my ILGOSS readers. Requested by anon:
Would you ever be up to writing in the ilgoss universe the first time after everything that happened that Yelena Kate Wanda and reader interact? Like after reader and Wanda getting officially back together
Also, if you can't tell, I've recently been obsessing about degustation menus.
A gilded Brooklyn evening envelops you. It further transforms elegantly as the sun dips below the horizon. Around you, the silhouettes of trees stretch and bend, their leaves rustling gently in the evening breeze. It's in one of these timeless structures that Wanda has woven her dreams, with her restaurant, Hasta Feliz. 
After spending a year in the heart of Catalonia, Wanda meticulously planned to work towards that dream, especially given the possibility that realizing her other dream—you—might never be possible again. You've always admired Wanda’s tenacity, the way she harnessed her experiences—both good and bad—into passion. It was a trait you fell in love with and, ultimately, the reason you found your way back to her, despite being more than a year late in doing so.
The restaurant's door, ornate with wrought iron designs, pushes open with a gentle nudge. The hostess greets you warmly, addressing you by your name. She leads you to the kitchen table, which offers a prime view of the open kitchen where all the magic happens. At the center of the action is your wife, dressed in full chef's gear, sampling dishes being prepared by her kitchen staff. 
You rest your chin on the heel of your hand, a subtle smile playing on your lips, contentedly watching her perform like an artist. Wanda began as an art student at NYU, and while her current career might deviate somewhat from the degree she earned, you believe it's only natural for Wanda to have found another avenue to express her creativity.
Wanda moves gracefully around her stage, a look of unyielding concentration etched on her face. Her commanding presence is undeniably alluring, both authoritative and captivating in a manner that, even after all these years, never fails to draw you in. Dark, intent eyes scan over her dominion, ensuring each plate is a masterpiece before it's allowed to exit her kitchen.
Her commanding presence fills the room, drawing all eyes to her. To you, this side of her is intensely attractive, and as you sit there, you find yourself wondering if others perceive her the same way. Glancing down at the wedding band you wear on your finger, a possessive instinct tugs at you. The idea of someone else being equally entranced by your wife makes you slightly uneasy. But an even stronger feeling is the perpetual awe that she is yours.
She occasionally glances up, catching staff members' eyes, and with just a look or a small nod, redirects their actions. It's mesmerizing how she manages to communicate so much without words, and you marvel at her ability to lead so effortlessly.
You're jerked from your reverie when she looks in your direction. Her eyes light up as she spots you, and for a moment, the chaos and noise fades into the background. It's just the two of you in that instance. She sends you a discreet wink before returning to her duties, bringing a light blush to your cheeks. James, the restaurant’s sommelier, promptly pours you a glass of wine and serves you a small charcuterie board to accompany it. You thank him with a smile and quickly indulge in a 1998 Rioja, the aged liquid burning down your throat before spreading a comforting warmth through your chest. 
It’s a full house tonight, save for the table near the window you've reserved for your friend, Kate Bishop. She has transitioned from being a journalist to a food and lifestyle contributor for many renowned magazines. Wanda's restaurant has only been open for two months, but with Kate set to cover their 10-course tasting, you're hopeful all of New York will be talking about it soon.
“You’re early.”
Temporarily handing over the kitchen's control to her sous chef, Wanda takes a seat beside you and sneaks a bit of brie from your board. You swivel your chair to face her, already wearing an alcohol-induced cheeky grin. “I've missed you all day.”
Wanda beams and leans in to plant a chaste kiss on your cheek. But before she can pull away, you gently cup the back of her neck, stealing a more proper kiss from her lips. Wanda blushes, glancing around to see if any of the staff witnessed the exchange, and you can't help but suppress a chuckle at her reaction. In retaliation, Wanda seizes your glass of wine, taking a lengthy swig that nearly empties its contents, then wipes traces of it from the edge of her mouth. A smirk plays on your wife’s lips, and you exert every ounce of restraint to keep from wiping that smirk away yourself.
“Nervous?” you ask, your hand rising to massage the knots on Wanda’s shoulders. With your other hand, you signal James for a refill.
“A little,” Wanda confesses. She was over the moon when she learned of Kate's intention to review her restaurant. Only once before has a food critic penned thoughts on her new restaurant—it was a piece in a lesser-known tabloid that awarded her a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Despite reassurances that it's a respectable score for a newcomer, Wanda couldn't help but fixate on it. Now, she's on a quest to earn that perfect rating.
“Relax, you’re going to do great,” you say. “I think it helps that Kate loves Spanish cuisine.”
“That’s the thing, there’s more pressure serving someone who’s quite taken and familiar with the food.”
Suddenly, a flurry of anxious voices emanate from the open kitchen. While there's no dramatic crash, you notice two of Wanda’s chefs exchanging nervous glances, hands slightly trembling, as they try to discreetly deal with a small mishap away from the customers' prying eyes.
Wanda's sharp eyes catch the nervous interaction. Without hesitation, she's on her feet and swiftly approaching the two chefs. She glances your way briefly, a hint of frustration in her eyes. “Sorry,” she mouths to you as she delves into the matter.
You pull out your phone to distract yourself for a while, and notice a message from Kate timestamped five minutes ago. She says she's close and that she's bringing a plus one. Your brows knit together; the reservation was for two, intended for you and her. Adjusting your plans on the fly, you realize you might have to have your dinner elsewhere tonight. It's fortunate that your wife operates a restaurant; you're almost certain there are set-aside orders in the back you can indulge in.
You’re still typing up a reply to Kate when the delicate chime of the entrance bell lifts your eyes. Kate steps in, wearing a suit for the occasion. Beside her stands Yelena, looking slightly out of place in her edgier, more casual attire. As soon as they catch sight of you, you offer a small wave in greeting.
“Hey,” Kate starts, taking in the scene before her, especially the ongoing, discreet chaos in the kitchen. “Seems like a busy night.”
“It sure is. And Yelena, what a surprise.”
Yelena chuckles, “Got wind of dinner at a posh place. Thought I'd tag along.”
You turn to Kate with a restrained smile. “You did mention to her that this is, well, Wanda's place, right?”
It’s Yelena, however, who answers, “She did. I'm truly eager for dinner tonight.”
“Good. That’s... good,” you reply, feeling slightly off-kilter.
Kate shoots you a teasing grin. “Oh, don’t wear your nerves on your sleeve, Y/N,” she chides gently. “After all, you’re not the one preparing our meal, right?”
A laugh escapes you, and you dismissively shake your head at her playful jab. “Your table’s right over there. I’ll join you in just a moment.”
You hurry back to the kitchen. Wanda is right in the thick of it, her brow furrowed in concentration as she meticulously adjusts a plate, ensuring that each element is perfectly placed.
You edge gently into her line of sight, attempting to get her attention. “Wanda.”
She remains unmoved, as if the world has fallen away from her.
You inhale, hesitating for a brief moment before uttering the one thing that you know will seize her attention. “Yelena. She’s here.”
Her head snaps up, “What?!” Wanda exclaims, her hands momentarily stilling.
You explain quickly, “Kate brought Yelena along tonight. She's seated with her, waiting for dinner.”
Wanda’s eyes go wide—a little too wide—that under any different occasion you’d find funny and would tease her endlessly for it. But the present moment treads a delicate line between a comical irony and a grave reunion of sorts; the memory still lingers that you cheated on Yelena with Wanda, and initially, you were with Yelena because the latter had cheated on you. 
While you trust Yelena not to let personal bias sway her judgment, it's clear why your wife is teetering on the edge of panic.
“S-Should I cancel?” Wanda asks.
“No, no, no,” you say quickly. “Baby, you can do this.”
Wanda bites her lower lip, a nervous habit you’ve come to recognize over the years. “Okay, let’s think this through. Yelena is professional. She won't let past grievances affect her review. And the food... it’s top-notch. They’ll love it,” she tries to reassure herself more than you.
“They will,” you assure her, nodding. “What can I do to help?”
“Could you keep them entertained and assist me in presenting the dishes?”
Wanda looks a bit on edge, but she gives you a grateful smile and plants a quick kiss on your lips. “Thanks for everything.”
The 10-course meal Wanda whipped up kicks off with an appetizer that makes your mouth water. You walk with her as she serves it to Yelena and Kate. She's ditched her chef's hat tonight, and you can see those little wild hairs on her forehead with her hair all tied up into a strict bun.
The gazpacho sits elegantly on the table, vibrant and almost begging for a photo. Wanda, poised and with a touch of flair, presents it: “This is not just any gazpacho. It's the essence of summer, distilled into a plate. Tomatoes basking in sunshine, cucumber with a hint of earth, and a watermelon gel that adds an unexpected twist.”
She suggests the, “For those wanting a fuller experience, there's the Albariño from Rías Baixas. It's crisp, coastal, and James will bring it to you.”
“It's beautiful,” Kate comments, digging in, while Yelena gives Wanda a faint smile. Wanda clears her throat, feeling the intensity of your ex-girlfriend's gaze, while you watch her, seeing up close for the first time how she introduces her dishes.
Wanda gives your waist a sly pinch, pulling you out of your daze.
With a poised smile, Wanda says, “Enjoy your meal,” then heads to the kitchen. You're about to trail after her when Yelena gets your attention.
“Y/N,” Yelena says. “Sit with us.”
After a moment's hesitation, you find a chair, drawing it up to the table to sit between the two. James arrives with two glasses of wine, and you request a third glass for yourself.
“I didn’t know you were in town,” you venture, trying to ease into casual conversation.
“Just for three weeks,” Yelena responds, taking a sip of her wine. “I’m on assignment.”
“I hope the long-distance thing is treating you both well,” you say.
Kate sighs dramatically, “It’s a challenge, but we make do. Frequent flyer miles, late-night calls, the usual.”
Yelena adds, “And surprises. Like tonight.”
You fidget slightly, hoping to navigate the conversation away from the potential landmines of the past. But Yelena catches your unease. “You seem... tense.”
“Can you blame me?” You try to deflect, glaring at Kate for the last-minute heads up.
Yelena chuckles, that hearty laugh you remember so well. “Relax, Y/N. I don’t pull any strings with Kate's reviews. But between you and me,” she leans in slightly, “that appetizer? It's a 5 out of 5 in my book.”
Your smile relaxes. Maybe the evening won't be so treacherous after all.
Just in time, Wanda returns with the second appetizer for the night.
It takes about two and a half hours for the pair to work their way through the entire tasting menu. By the end, Kate has undone the button on her trousers, while Yelena, full and drowsy from the meal, struggles to keep her eyes open.
“Where's Wanda?” Kate asks, returning the bill with her credit card to the waiter.
“I'll go find her,” you say, rising from your seat.
You head toward the open kitchen but don't find your wife. After asking a few staff members, they direct you to the staff room. There, you find Wanda sitting on a bench, about to open the tupperware of food you prepared for her earlier.
“Hey,” you greet as you approach. She's shed her uniform and is now dressed in the same clothes she wore when she left the apartment this morning. Her tired eyes brighten up slightly at the sight of you. She grins at you, masking the exhaustion you’ve grown so attuned to recognizing.
“You did amazing out there,” you start, thumbing the faint shadows beneath her eyes. “Kate looked genuinely impressed. I've never seen her react that way before.”
Wanda tilts her head, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Thanks, baby. But, I noticed them looking around after dinner, were they looking for me?”
You nod, “They did want to talk to you, yes.”
Her face pales slightly. “Is that a good idea? With Yelena… after everything?”
“Yelena and I have talked about…well, us—and that includes you—several times in the past. She doesn't hold any grudges against you, I promise.”
Wanda sighs, toying with the edges of the tupperware. “I just don't want to make things awkward for you or for her.”
You draw her closer, brushing a kiss on her temple. “It’s in the past, Wands. We’ve moved on, and so has she.”
She smiles, leaning into your embrace. “Okay.”
As you both stand up to make your way back to Kate and Yelena's table, you suddenly notice the tupperware still clutched in Wanda’s hand. You pause, an incredulous look on your face. “Wait, you're actually going to eat that?”
She looks down at the container and then back at you with feigned innocence. “What? I'm hungry.”
“That?” you say, pointing to the tupperware. “With all the culinary masterpieces you've been churning out tonight, you're going to eat... whatever that is I threw together this morning?”
Wanda narrows her eyes, trying to suppress a grin. “Don't you dare insult my favorite meal, especially when it’s made by my favorite person.”
You shake your head, your cheeks warming up. Even after all these years, it's amazing how Wanda can still make you blush like a smitten teenager. “You're nuts for preferring anything I whip up in the kitchen. It's like a five-year-old's attempt compared to your gourmet dishes.”
She pokes your chest playfully, “Maybe you put a hex on me, you know, making me helplessly fall in love with you.”
It's so cheesy that you burst into laughter, draping an arm around her. “Yeah, maybe I did.”
Wanda giggles, resting her head against your shoulder briefly before you both continue toward the awaiting table.
“She did not do that!”
“She actually did!”
Yelena is grinning from ear to ear, her eyes darting between you and Wanda. You groan, sinking lower in your seat, a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks.
Wanda nods enthusiastically, her laughter causing a few stray curls to fall into her eyes. “She did! Y/N, trying to cook a romantic dinner for me and setting off the smoke alarm. Not only did our apartment's alarm go off, but it triggered the entire building's system.”
Yelena wipes a tear from her eye, trying to suppress her own laughter. “And having the entire building evacuate? Oh, that’s just golden.”
You hide your face in your hands, “It was our anniversary date! I wanted it to be special.”
“And it certainly was,” Wanda adds with a smirk.
Feigning offense, you reach across the table to try and snatch the tupperware filled with the meal you'd made for Wanda. “Alright, if my culinary skills are such a laughing matter, perhaps you shouldn't enjoy my latest creation.”
Wanda holds onto it defensively, pulling it close with a teasing grin. “Not happening. Despite that incident, this is still my favorite dish.”
“I wouldn't have thought Y/N to be the clumsy type. Next to her, I'm a complete klutz,” Yelena remarks.
“Can't argue with that,” Kate adds, receiving a playful swat from Yelena.
“I did have burnt toast for breakfast for a while,” you say with a smirk, alluding to the brief time you had with Yelena. It feels unreal, discussing the past so openly and without that familiar twinge in your chest.
Suddenly, Kate clinks her glass, drawing attention to herself with a burgeoning smile. “Well, speaking of choosing who gets to make our burnt toast in the morning,” she begins, beaming at Yelena, “I asked this one to marry me.”
“Congratulations!” Wanda exclaims, and you mirror her sentiment with a broad smile.
Yelena simply smiles, her usually fierce demeanor softened, eyes glistening with joy. She holds up her hand, showing off a beautiful, but temporary, band.
“I found out before she could surprise me with the custom ring,” Yelena mumbles, looking visibly smitten. “So she panicked and proposed with this.”
Kate shrugs, a little embarrassed. “It’s a placeholder until the real one is ready. Still, the sentiment remains.”
Wanda laughs, nudging you with her elbow. “Speaking of proposals,” she starts. “Remember last year when I popped the question to you?"
You groan for the nth time, hiding your face in your hands. “Not that story.”
“We were by this old swing, and I just... I felt it, you know? That it was the right time. So I got down on one knee, trying to make it special and romantic,” Wanda recalls, rolling her eyes.
“And?” Kate prompts.
“She said 'no'!”
“It wasn't a real no!” you protest, feeling the warmth rise in your cheeks. “I just... I had my own plans, okay? I wanted to be the one to propose.”
Yelena stifles a laugh behind her hand. “That sounds just like you. Always wanting the last word.”
Kate nudges her, “Oh, and you didn’t?”
Yelena feigns innocence, “I just said yes.”
“It all worked out in the end, for all of us, didn't it?” you muse, your eyes flickering between Wanda and the newly engaged couple across the table. Wanda’s fingers intertwine with yours, giving a gentle squeeze. But it's Yelena's slightly misted eyes, softened from their usual guarded sheen, that draws you in. The slight upturn at the corner of her mouth suggests she's pondering the same thought: the richness of your history together didn't always follow the conventional path of strong friendships. Still, you're both grateful for the memories you've created and for Yelena's grace in forgiving past transgressions.
It's a fitting evening to begin a new chapter, and you're hopeful that each subsequent page will be even better.
Yelena nods ever so slightly. “Yeah,” she exhales, her voice a thin whisper over the candlelights, “I suppose it did.”
It's late, and with everyone gone, the four of you are left to close up the restaurant.
With a swirl of your wine and a nod towards the remaining bottle in the ice bucket, you ask the group, “One more for the road?”
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imagineyourworld · 2 years
Hey guys, 
I just noticed that I have hit 350 followers!! That’s insane, there’s 350 people out there who like my stories enough to follow me for more! 
As a little thank you I have come up with an idea:  Send me a trope OR a quote and a character and I’ll write an outline for a fanfiction (reader insert only) including that character and trope/quote. 
Characters I write for:  - MCU characters  - X-Men characters  - Star Wars characters  - Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier) 
Tropes might include:  - Friends to lovers  - Enemies to lovers  - Only one bed  - Forced proximity  - Mutual pining  - Friends with benefits - Secret relationship  - ... 
Quotes might include:  - “If we get out of this alive I’ll take you on a date.”  - “Please don’t leave me.”  - “Will you marry me?”  - “I hate you.” “No you don’t.”  - ... 
Requests will open today (8 July 2022) and close one week from now (15 July 2022).  I will start writing once the the requests close (because that’s the day the semester ends and I still have exams til then). 
I’m looking forwards to your requests! 
Love,  Charlie
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kelsiejayy · 2 years
Hi, may I have a ship for marvel, stranger things, and criminal minds. I go by she/her and am bi with no preference so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all. 
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw. 
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
hi thank you for your request!
MARVEL: kate bishop!
i think you and kate would really click over your love for talking to be honest. you would both ramble with each other and go on tangents for hours, it would be one of your favorite ways to spend free time together. i can see y'all planning dates like a dinner, movie, or game night and end up talking the entire time. but this way y'all know each other inside and out and it's really sweet to just click with someone that easily. kate is always taking you on walks and adventures. going to the zoo or taking you on a new hike. i also feel like y'all would go on painting dates in a park and just sit and draw for hours. you guys just like spending time in each other's company and i think it's vv sweet.
ok so i think the thing steve is immediately taken by is your style. ik you said 90s but i feel like you and steve would dress low-key alike and he would want to know where you got your clothes from. shared wardrobes imedietly y'all have no concept of what is or isn't yours at this point. i feel like in your relationship you would be the one ranting and talking and steve would just listen, i think he would like to see how your brain works and where you carry conversations. omfg but if he is babysitting that night and you and dustin start talking it will never stop. he would act like it's annoying but secretly he loves how well you get along with everyone else. also if you make anything for this man he is keeping it forever. it could be a small sketch or a little love note and he will treasure it. also, nonstop movie nights are so common, since steve works at the film store you will be seeing all the latest ones that have come into the store. y'all would just be so cute together omfg.
ok you and spencer probably met through a book club and things would instantly click. he is talking about all the niche books he's read and you're either talking about them too or adding them to a future reading list. y'all will binge movies together too and i mean anything and everything. spencer is also taking you to the zoo just so he can show off all the cool animal facts he knows. his pride is being able to share fun facts and when you take as much interest as him in them his heart melts completely.
i hope you enjoyed! if you have any feedback feel free to leave it in my ask box i love to hear what y'all think!
if you want to request a ship head over to my blog they are open as of 6/23!
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abbyromanoff · 8 months
hiii! can I request a yelena x reader smut? Maybe something like yelena was gonna assassinate r but decides to fuck her instead? lol
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PAIRINGS: Yelena Belova x reader
WARNINGS: smut, mentions of murder, mentions of assassinations, aggressive!yelena, gun kink, degrading, blowjobs on gun lol, cunnilingus, boot humping, darkkkkk fic, threatening, sex on a rooftop, crying kink (kinda), think that’s all :)
Yelena watched with a grin as you continued your desperate humping against her boot just as she asked. The gun pointed at your temple was teasing, a reminder of what could happen if you didn’t comply. You weren’t planning to be in this position anytime soon, but your plans seemed to change the moment the woman tackled you onto the concrete.
Your best friend, Kate Bishop, was the main reason for this, at least that’s what Yelena claimed. She was looking for the woman and her partner but stumbled upon you. Her first thought was to ruin your chance at even trying, but she decided to give you a single chance. You begged her for mercy so effectively, she would have listened to the sounds for the rest of her short life if she could.
“Yele- f-fuck, I can’t take it anymore, Yelena. I’m gonna cum-“ You were interrupted by the sounds of her trigger finger clicking, sending you into a quick, frantic reaction as you instantly started to move faster.
“You cum, you die, Y/N.” The use of your full name made you gulp, you knew she wasn’t one to lie. She always kept her promises, and you weren’t going to be the first to change that. In all honesty, she had noticed you long ago while scoping out another target, but now that she was seeing you again she couldn’t let the opportunity go.
“I-I’m sorry, I won’t!” She chuckled dryly, your submission offering her a sense of arousal. She lowered the weapon, pressing the cold metal against your lips and forcing you to part them. She took advantage of this and forced it into your mouth, grinning as your eyes fluttered shut and your tongue maneuvered around the object continuously. You imagined it was her cock, the plastic inching further until she’d reach the back of your throat, effectively bruising the tissue.
“Look at you, sucking off the same gun I was gonna use to blow your tiny brains out. Mm, such a cute little slut.” You tried thanking her but she was faced with only gags and mumbles failing to leave.
“Such a nasty little girl, I bet you’re not even ashamed.” She started. “And I think that if Kate were to walk out here right now, you wouldn’t stop, would you?” Tears glossed over your eyes and explored the skin of your cheek and she smiled in response.
“Called it.” She eventually let you breathe as she removed the object from your mouth, only to unbutton her bottoms and force your head closer. Her pants dragged down along with her undergarments and you nearly came at the sight alone. Your tongue collided with her pulsing clit and you guessed your actions had been the cause of this. She wasn’t nearly as bad as you, but you were going to make it so she was.
“F-fuck, that’s it.” Her hips thrusted slightly as she chased her appending orgasm. You kept your tongue still, letting her take control as you greedily drank her thirst. You continued a grind on her boot, you truly didn’t care how dirty it may be, you were just as dirty and disgusting.
“Don’t stop, whore. Keep going for me, just like t-that.” Her chest heaved as she bit her lip harshly, tasting blood seeping into her mouth and groaning at the metallic taste.
She seemed able to sense your slowness and finally found a part of her that was willing to let you off easy. She sighed gracefully, looking down at you as she fought the urge to smile. You looked so small compared to her, so weak under her gaze. She pulled your head back for a split moment, eyeing the line of spit that connected you to her weeping cunt.
“Here’s the deal: you’re going to make me cum, and then maybe I’ll consider letting you. Then, I’m gonna take you home and fuck the shit out of you. After that, we’ll never see each other again, and you’ll have no idea who I even was, deal?” You nodded desperately, although saddened by her ending. You didn’t want to leave her just yet, consider it selfish but you wanted to stay by her side, even if that meant the possibility of putting other's lives in danger.
“Good girl. Now make me cum, you slut.” You did as she asked and instantly started up again, taking only a few minutes before her juices flooded your sore mouth. Your jaw was aching to be shut and your tongue was begging to rest, but your body was fueled by the arousal she fed you.
“Oh, fuck! Mhm, y-yeah, fuckin’ cumming, baby.” Her Russian accent made the pit in your stomach tighten even further, and you were shocked you hadn’t broken her rule yet. If it wasn’t for the gun in her hand that you knew was fully loaded then maybe you would’ve.
“Let go,” She asserted. “Now!” The weapon was once again teasing your forehead, the cold material sending shivers throughout your weak body as your legs shook. You looked down, admiring the puddle that formed and the soaked shoe she wore. She chuckled hoarsely, grasping your chin and forcing you to return your gaze to her. Your pupils were blown out, your mouth parted, and your eyebrows furrowed as you whispered your gratefulness through chapped lips.
“Oh, you’re such a cute plaything.” She kept her promise that night, taking you home and fucking you until there was no breath left in your lungs. She brought you to your house to not expose her location, and you weren’t able to ponder on the fact that she knew your address without asking. Although, you guessed you were the first she broke her promise for, as she continued to stop by your apartment. She never gave you a warning when she’d arrive, she’d just knock on your door quietly and slam you into the wall when you opened it, kissing you with hunger before kicking it shut and taking you to the bedroom. There wasn’t a night that she stayed, always choosing to leave in the late nights when you slept. But you hoped that day would come soon enough, and you hoped that if you kept this up, she’d never go near your friends again.
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Wound- Kate Bishop
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader
Characters: Kate Bishop
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Hi 👋 I was wondering if I may be allowed to request being a nurse and dating Kate Bishop? Or a nurse in training and just taking care of all of Kate's wounds when she goes out with Clint or if she ever gets hurt during archery or fencing practice??
Word Count: 500
Author: Charlotte
“Babe!” Kate screamed, as she flung the front door to your apartment open, letting it clang against the wall behind it. 
The loud collision of door and wall sent you jumping from the sofa, your highlighter drawing a haphazard line across the page as the textbook and notebook tumbled from your lap, narrowly missing your sock covered toes. 
“Bloody hell Kate,” you said, attempting to catch your breath. “You scared me half to-“
Your words fell short when you entered the hallway and saw the state of your girlfriend. Kate was there, holding herself up with help from the doorway but her body was trying to double itself over. You didn’t know if all the blood that was on her was her own but you could see several visible cuts on her face and a growing blood stain on her shirt below where her left hand grasped. 
“What the hell happened?” You screamed rushing to her side to help support her as she stumbled into the house. “We’re you jumped?”
“Something like that,” she groaned as you swung the door closed. 
You shot her an impressed look. “You were playing hero again, weren’t you?”
Kate tried to give you an innocent smile, but the pain of hobbling along got to her too quickly. 
You managed to haul her into the living room and with a loud cry of pain, she was laying on the sofa still gripping onto her side. Without a second thought you gripped the hem of her t-shirt and ripped the material up until you could see the waistband of her bra. Her abdomen was smeared with blood but there was one main wound on her lower left side that was about an inch deep and spitting out blood as she breathed.
“Fucking hell, Kate,” you said, your breath catching in your throat as you observed her injuries. “We need to get you an ambulance.”
You reached out to grab your mobile, but Kate swatted at your hand, stopping you from moving any further, forcing you to look back to her.
“You’re a nurse,” she stated.
“A nursing student,” you corrected. “I’m not even allowed to take someone’s blood pressure unsupervised, let alone stop you from bleeding out.”
“I trust you,” she said with a weak smile. “If I go to the hospital, not only will it bankrupt us, but they’ll also ask questions and I do not want to explain how I was stabbed with an arrow.”
You let out an exasperated groan, running your hands through your hair, not caring that you were smearing blood through them. You overlooked her wound again and tried to make a plan; it wasn’t going to be perfect but hopefully it would work.
“I fucking hate you sometimes,” you huffed standing up from examining her wound. “Don’t hurt yourself whilst I go find stuff.”
Kate called out a weak laughed thank you as you rummaged through your belongings to find anything that could assist you in treating her wound.
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unholyhelbig · 6 months
part 4 mob boss mommy *i mean natty oops*
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Title: The Oversight [Part 4/7]
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Wordcount: 4325
Warnings: Gun imagery, heights, unecessary tension, horrible grammar, and funnel cake
[A/n: Heads up, I wrote this while I had the flu & a pretty bad fever, so it's not my greatest work. Thank you all for the postive feedback!]
[ Part one | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven ]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
“Hit me.” Natasha’s words were growled, a low rumble compared to the warm spring breeze that produced nothing but a balmy environment. Sweat glossed her collarbone, moved against expanses of skin that you had let yourself imagine, but had never seen. She was a distraction, despite being your instructor.
Her wrapped fist made contact with your jaw, a metallic taste coating your tongue. You let out a grunt of protest, fingers quickly working against the area to ease the throbbing pain. “That wasn’t fair,”
“You think they’re going to play fair? Focus up. Hit me.”
There was something about being this close to Natasha that formed a pit in your stomach. You were meant to have skin on skin contact, though most of your mornings for the past two weeks had been spent at the gun range, she had deemed you ready enough to learn how to fight. It was an art, you figured, not just something you could blindly go into.
For the first fifteen minutes of your day, you had watched Natasha and Kate spar. Yelena was standing next to you, a borderline predatory gaze on her face. You’d realized that it was one of the only emotions she harbored, and that Clint was rightful in his fear. Still, her attention was not focused on you, and that was good enough for the time being.
Instead, it was homed in on Kate. “I have been teaching her for nearly a year now.”
“She’s good.”
“You do not have to lie, y/n. She’s sloppy, reckless. Look how calculated Natalia is.”
Those emerald eyes were tracking every move the taller girl made. She’d initiated contact with Kate’s ribs, with her knees, and her shoulders. She’d fallen to the grass more times than you could count, but she still got up. That’s what seemed to count around here. Even as green a brown stained her workout gear, and as purple blotches of dead blood rose to the surface of her skin.
“It pays to learn fighting styles. That is something the Danver’s family does not understand. They hire whoever they can. Bodies over skill, it can work in some situations, but not all.”
“When did this… war start?”
“Mm, the power struggle has been raging for decades. Our parents, and their parents, and their parents before them. Both of us were trained to take over the family business. Men, they fight with their hearts and not their heads. When Carol and Natalia took up the mantel, things only got worse.”
You felt silly, growing up on these city blocks, and not realizing that a fight bigger than yourself was raging just within the shadows. You supposed that was a good thing. If you knew, you’d have taken Ronnie out of here in a second.
Kate hit the ground for a fourth time, the air knocked out of her lungs. She still had enough left to groan and prop herself up on her elbows. Natasha chuckled, the sound bubbling past her lips. This was much too fun for her.
“She is fragile.” Yelena nudged you with her arm. You frowned. Kate accepted the outstretched hand and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. She looked dazed. “Do not tell her I said so, but she was looking for a project. You have to give it your all. For both of your sakes.”
You drew in a breath to respond, but Yelena clapped a hand on your back before taking a step toward the dueling duo. “Alright Nat! I think you’ve tortured Kate Bishop enough. Do not break her.”
Kate was bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet, her fists raised in a defensive position. Her lip was split, rusty crimson against the corner of her mouth. “I can do this all day.”
“You do not have to.” Yelena’s nose scrunched up “You stink. Go take a shower.”
The blonde shoved Kate playfully towards the house, trailing behind her and murmuring things in Russian. She’d left you alone with Natasha, something you had become quite accustomed to. In your workout gear, you felt more than a little exposed, her stare raking up and down your form before her cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink than they already were.
The two of you had sat on the lawn chairs as she wrapped your knuckles, had you punch the palm of her hand to see how much blowback it would cause. You were holding back, and you both knew it. Her last command had been non-negotiable.
When you swung your right hand towards her jaw, Natasha wrapped her fingers around your wrist. She had flipped you onto the ground with enough force to knock the air from your lungs. You’d flailed in panic instead of going limp like Kate had.
You’d dragged Natasha down on top of you. Her body weight was warm from the beating sun, her elbows on either side of your head. Natasha’s knee was between yours, pressing into your core. You let out a small gasp at the sensation, pulling in her musky scent of sweat and clove.
Stray strands of russet hair framed Natasha’s face as she peered down at you, her chest heaving, each breath pushing her closer to you. Her nose was brushed against yours. The two of you were impossibly close, soul-crushingly so. You were certain that she could feel your heartbeat through your shirt.
She made a quite noise “Pet, if you wanted to get me on top of you, all you had to do was ask.”
Your gaze had given you away, and Natasha suddenly had a shit-eating grin against her lips. You hooked your legs against hers an arm wrapping around her waist. In a smooth move, you had her flipped against the grass, eyes reflecting the blue of the cloudless sky. She nearly seemed impressed, and you preened at the stare.
That was before her knee came up and knocked the wind out of you for the second time. You grunted, rolling off her. The two of you stared up at the sky for a few moments before she hoisted herself up and offered you a hand. You batted it away out of habit, rising on your own.
“When you fall, you fall with grace.” Natasha said, her voice stoney, right back to her serious self. “That way you don’t end up like we just were.”
“And if they ask?” you lifted an eyebrow at her, a hint of malice in her voice. She took a step closer to you, and that ever-intoxicating scent filled your lungs once more. Your ribs still ached from her kick, fingers massaging the sore spot. However, all of your movement halted.
Her voice was murmured and rusty. “I don’t want anyone else on top of you.”
“Okay,” You whispered, throat suddenly tight. “Then show me how.”
Veronica had the excited reflection of light in her eyes. They scanned the traveling fair that had been set up in the park bordering the harbor and a square city block. Each year, tents with local vendors would go up, rides and carnival games in their stead.
The scent of kettle corn filled your lungs, a mix of sweet and salty that reminded you of your own childhood spent here. It was the one constant that every foster family took part in. Sometimes you’d be given a stack of tickets, others, you’d get enough for a large cup of the best lemonade you had ever tasted.
Her hand tightened around yours, squeezing in excitement. Despite your current situation, you couldn’t help but smile. The soft sound of music and the light breeze was enough to make your forget about your aching muscles, and the light sweater that you had thrown on to hide the bruising against your shoulders, your arms, and collarbone. Natasha had really done a number on you.
“Jimmy is a nice guy, he really is, but the whole magic thing is driving me nuts.” Darcy used her forefingers to pinch off a bit of blue cotton candy, shoving it into her mouth. She talked around the melting sugar. “Seriously, he spilled my coffee all over my lap attempting a card trick and then attempted to mop it up with a never-ending handkerchief.”
You snickered at that, earning a look cut from glass. “What? I’m sorry about your drycleaning, but it is kind of funny.”
“Yeah, whatever. I just have to grow a backbone. He doesn’t try to pull that shit with Monica. No one tries to pull that shit with her.” She knelt in front of Ronnie, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “You’re not going to tolerate stupid magic tricks, are you?”
She was met with a silent, but amused stare, her eyebrow lifted. You’d been leveled with that look more than once yourself. It dissolved you into more laughter. “Alright, alright. No magic for the kid. Does the Ferris Wheel count as magic?”
“Well sure, but only at the worlds fair.”
You rolled your eyes but effectively tugged them both into the line. It had always been one of your favorites. It gave you a good look at the city you called home. Of course, your view of that city had been stunted lately. It never truly changed the beauty of the lights and the way they reflected off the water.
Your shoulder came in contact with chilled leather, your attention having been trained on fishing through your pockets for the small red tickets. Your eyes shot up, ready to rush out an apology until the words stopped in your throat.
Seeing Natasha outside of her manor was jarring. She looked nearly the same, a tight-fitting black T-shirt and a leather jacket draped over her shoulders. Her hair was loose, unlike it was at training earlier in the day, cascading down her shoulders. Her make-up was light, her unripe stare pouring into yours. That bewilderment melted into her cool exterior as if it were never there in the first place.
“Natasha,” the word poured from your lips before you could stop it, and the corner of her mouth quirked up in amusement. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“I can take a hit” She stated matter-of-factly. You were well aware of the fact, and you had to stifle a shiver as it worked its way down your spine. Hours before she had been nestled so perfectly on top of you.
Your cheeks heated up and you glanced sparingly at your friend, her own eyes going back and forth between the both of you. It was then that you noticed Clint, towering over Natasha with his arms crossed over his chest. He gave you a finger wave, and you lifted your chin in return.
“I’m Darcy, you are?” She was beyond forward, and it made you internally cringe. She reached her hand out to the very woman that ran the city. It was like sticking your hand in the lions enclosure covered in steak sauce.
“Natasha,” her words dripped with a subtle hint of her accent “This is Clint.”
“Howdy,” he knelt then, Veronica was clinging tightly to your leg, peeking around tentatively. She hugged you closer as he spoke. “You must be Veronica.”
The woman in front of you softened as you had never seen before. Her eyes grew brighter, though you could pin that on the circulating lights of the Ferris Wheel. There was a genuine smile on her lips as she looked at the girl who hugged you ever close.
“She doesn’t talk much, I’m afraid.” Your hand moved comfortingly to her shoulder. Ronnie seemed comfortable, if not excited about the rides that were teeming around them.  
Nat smiled at you “Oh, I’m sure she’ll speak when she has something to say.”
Ronnie’s death-grip on your leg seemed to loosen a bit as Clint straightened up. Darcy continued to scrutinize you and Natasha, something mischievous in her stare that you didn’t exactly care for. She rocked back and forth on her feet and directed her attention to Clint.
“How good are you at skeeball?”
“An absolute beast.” Clint replied.
“What do you say to a challenge? I bet I can kick your ass with the power of science. Winner springs for funnel cake.”
You picked up on the subtle look Clint gave Natasha and the even more subtle wave that she responded with. She blew an amused breath. Darcy stretched her hand towards Ronnie and wiggled her finger. “Kid, you staying or going?”
This time, Ronnie looked up at you for confirmation and you gave her a small, encouraging nod. She dislodged herself and wrapped her hand around Darcy’s. The promise of flaky and sweet funnel cake topped with powdered sugar was too tantalizing.
Admittedly, you were used to being left alone with Natasha at this point. Though it had mostly been in a business capacity. She seemed almost shy now, the line for the Ferris Wheel inching ever so closer.
“We can still go on, if you want.” She suggested.
“Yeah, yes. Of course.” You replied, “that would be lovely.”
“Your friend is very persistent.”
“She’s harmless, really.”
“And your daughter. She’s beautiful.” Natasha shoved her hands into her pockets, the two of you inching closer in line. “Just like her mother.”
Once again, you could feel the breath lodge in your throat, your cheeks flushing with fire. She was so bold at moments, and you remained silent in your conquest. There was no telling what was overstepping, though she blinked at you expectantly.
You fumbled dumbly with the tickets in your pockets, presenting them to the attendant. You both ended up in a cherry red car lined with nice leather cushions. Natasha’s thigh was warm against yours, her thick scent coating your lungs. Her arm was around the back of the cart, and a familiar sense of safety settled within you.
“You worry about her,” Natasha said to fill the silence as they loaded each cart. It lurched forward and back, making your stomach turn. “I didn’t start speaking until I was nine years old. My mother, she was so concerned that she rushed to be every specialist that money could buy. Whole days spent driving to different counties, just for them to say that same thing. Nothing is wrong, and I’ll talk when I’m ready.”
“What was that moment? The one where you were ready?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “The thing about being quiet, is that people tend not to notice when you’re in the room. My father protected Yelena and I from his world for as long as he could, but eavesdroppers hear no good of themselves, and others. I watched him give a man his last drink before shooting him between the eyes.”
“Fuck, Natasha.” You murmured.
“He doesn’t know I saw that. I ran as quietly as I could back to my room and hid under the duvet like a child. Something snapped in me that day and I no longer wanted to be silent. I suppose the fear of displeasing either of them ebbed the words from me.”
She was being vulnerable in front of you, a side that you had never seen. There were always her subtle touches, and her purred words that would hit the pit of your stomach. You’d watch as she gave unwavering commands to Clint, to Yelena and Kate. But this was different. This was her.
The city sparkled around you. Tricolored lights reflected off the blackness of the causeways that lapped listlessly at the harbor. If you squinted, you could almost make out the mansion where you spent most of your time.
The carnival buzzed below. Her scent was overwhelming, so warm and welcoming despite her danger. And dangerous she was. It was alluring, exciting. You looked at her, eyes pouring with emotion. Not so much pity, as she would snap your wrist at the fact. But a simple understanding.
Tentatively, you reached up and cupped her cheek. You both were too far above the ground to be realized and the simple gesture was one of good faith. Surprisingly, she leaned into your touch, making a quiet, relieved noise.
Your voice was whispered, “You didn’t deserve that. You were just a kid.”
She had closed her eyes, reveling in the warmth of your contact. Her features were so soft, so broken in this moment that you resisted the urge to kiss her frown away. Before you could contemplate it, the Ferris Wheel lurched and she gently took her fingers and wrapped them around your wrist, lowering both of your hands into her lap.
“She’ll talk,” Natasha gave your hand a squeeze “give her time.”
Natasha cleared her throat as the cart neared the end of its journey. She pulled away entirely, her arm still along the back of the seat. When she leaned closer, you could feel the weight of the gun in the inside pocket of her jacket. Seriousness had lidded over her eyes once more.
“We have a job tonight, and I want you to come along.” She said, breath hot on your collarbone.
You were suddenly snapped back to reality. Natasha was in fact the head of a crime ring that you had unwittingly stumbled into. Up until now, aside from the brutal beating, it had almost felt like child’s play. She’d relearned you how to shoot, and you knew the very basics of fighting. But, you were far from her Winter Soldier stand in. You weren’t even a toy soldier.
She sensed your hesitancy. “I have a meeting at a restaurant downtown. It’s not going to go south, but if it does, I need you there. You won’t be alone.”
“Clint?” You asked.
She shook her head “guys got a family of his own, he must spend some time with them outside of work hours. Kate.”
You fought back the noise that threatened to escape your throat. You didn’t doubt Kate, but you certainly doubted yourself. You didn’t have your own weapon, and the threat of leaving a restaurant with a bullet lodged between your ribs became very real, very quickly.
She chuckled at that, “I trust her. I trust you. Just stand there and follow her lead. Look hot and intimidating.”
“Is hot really a requirement?”
“Not really, but you pull it off.” There was a switch in her again, one that had been flipped effortlessly as she grabbed the collar of your sweater and pulled you impossibly close. You were nearly sitting in her lap. “Don’t fail me on this, y/n. It’s imperative that you do as you’re told.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You swallowed thickly as her hands wandered your side expertly. It took you a moment to realize that she had pulled the gun from her own coat and silently transferred it to yours before she released her hold on you. You had admit that you missed the touch instantly.
She stood from the cart when the attendant unlocked the door, reaching her hand out to you. You took it was ease, letting her help you onto the metal dismount. There were no words exchanged as you readjusted the weapon as slyly as you could muster, hands shoved into your pockets a moment later.
“I don’t know what to tell you, dude.” You could hear Darcy’s voice from within the crowds. It was easy to spot them, and you swore you saw the ghost of a smile on Natasha’s face. “The kid kicked both of our asses. Split the difference and pay up.”
“Yeah, fine.” Clint fished out his wallet and placed a couple of bills in Darcy’s waiting palm. “The price of carnival food these days is outrageous.”
Kate had presented you with a leather holster that fit snuggly around your chest and abdomen. She’d tightened the straps, your arms halfway raised. It felt a bit like a dressing room at the mall, her breath hot on your cheek as she tugged the center strap to make sure it was secure.
“Natasha likes us to be presentable.” She handed you a dark jacket to throw over the contraption. “Inconspicuous and deadly. But still presentable.”
You followed Kate’s lead. Natasha was to drive to the restaurant, and the two of you were to follow in a separate car. It was important to stay quiet unless you were spoken to directly by Natasha. Kate seemed at ease on the ride over, drumming her fingers against the steering wheel to an incoherent pop song.
The holster pinched you uncomfortably, but you were so deep into your own fear, your own reluctance, to pay much attention. Kate shot you a look, hard in her nature, and then softer when she glanced at you a second time.
“You’re much too tense” she flicked off the radio, delving you into a comfortable silence. “Lower your shoulders and relax. It’ll be an uneventful night.”
“Right,” you let out a shaky breath “uneventful.”
“Look, I can’t imagine how jarring this is for you. I would have shut down by now, changed my name and gone into witness protection if I was thrown into this life the way you are. Without a choice. But, we can make the best of it and do what we can to protect Natasha.”
“It seems like she can handle herself,”
Kate chuckled “Oh, she can. But she doesn’t keep us around just for protection. It’s a big city, she wants people she trusts. She wants a family. And I know it might not seem like it, but her welcoming you into her inner circle… it’s a blessing. Just like we’d go to bat for her, she’d do the same for us.”
You swallowed the dryness in your throat as Natasha pulled her car to the curb in front of a russet brick building. Kate did the same expertly, shutting off the engine. She clapped you on the shoulder, giving you one more encouraging smile. “One night at a time, y/n. Follow my lead.”
Kate opened the door for Natasha, and you had to keep your jaw from dropping on the ground at the sight of her. Her long leg stretched onto the sidewalk, her hand squeezing Kate’s in return as she helped her from the vehicle.
She wore a maroon dress, one that had a slit down the leg that left little to the imagination. The color matched the shirt Kate had given you earlier, everything orchestrated to a tee. The woman looked at you approvingly before she took striding steps towards the front of the building. Out of habit, you held the door open for you, another look sparkling in her dark eyes.
It was a restaurant that you had never set foot in. There was a sour, yet pleasant, scent of vinegar and cabbage masked with that of freshly baked bread and beef. The walls were painted deep green, black and white photos of rolling hills placed above empty tables.
It was clear what table you were to be led to. There was one in the center of the restaurant that was set up with a bottle of wine, and water. A candle burned in the middle, shading the woman who occupied it with shadows that stretched her delicate features. She wasn’t alone.
The woman had cropped blonde hair at the shoulders. Her hazel eyes were calculating, clocking Kate and yourself immediately. Kate pulled Natasha’s chair back, allowing her to sit before she took a step back. You flanked her sides, arms behind your back and stare trained straight ahead like a sentinel.
“Two,” the woman smiled devilishly, hiding it behind a glass of deep red wine. “Are you compensating for something, or someone?”
The woman who stood much like you did behind her boss was not masking her contempt towards you. She was familiar in an irking way that you paid no mind to. It was in passing, you were sure, but it was one of those itches that would worsen until you could scratch it with your whole hand.
“Not at all,” Natasha replied cooly, “I believe there was something you wanted to discuss?”
“Mm, there was. You know the Maroni property on the west side.” She leaned forward, placing her glass down. Her lips were stained in a dark red that matched Natasha’s dress. “I want it.”
“That’s a horrible way to say please.”
“Natasha, we both know it doesn’t serve you in it’s current position.” She put emphasis on the name.
“I fail to see how that matters. Just giving you the property is out of the question. That’s not how this works, but I do admire your gumption.”
“Then how exactly does, this work?” She narrowed her eyes and leaned forward. Both you and Kate tensed. The vaguely-familiar woman behind Carol shifted on her feet in the slightest movement. “You kill one of my men and offer nothing in return?”
Natasha lifted her eyebrows “Exactly. This isn’t a bartering system, and it never has been. If I give you this building, it will change everything and I’m not much in the mood for a power struggle. What do you need it for?”
She seemed to falter “I don’t have to answer that. I’m offering to buy the property from you.”
“It’s not for sale.”
There was finality in her voice that rocked the room into silence. She hadn’t touched her wine, nor her water, and you figured she wouldn’t. Carol glowered at her, clearly not used to having her endeavors squashed with such ferocity.  
Natasha took a steadying breath. “Is that all? It’s late and I’m tired of your graveling.”
She let out a sigh and crossed her legs, drumming her ringed fingers on the cloth-laid table. The flames in the candle seemed to react to her impatience. Kate’s jaw clenched and unclenched as she leveled the woman behind Carol with a fierce stare.
“I suppose. I want you to remember this moment, Natasha. I offered you a deal.” She stood and dramatically sighed once more. “This could have been easy.”
Kate always kept her eyes on Carol, on the woman who followed behind her with her hands shoved into her pockets. The darkness of a previous scar littered her collarbone. She had the same stare that Bucky had, that same determined anger that came with years of meetings with higher stakes than this.
“Oh, and Nat.” She stopped just short of the door, turning to face the three of you.
Kate reached for her weapon, and out of a blind trust, so had you. It was warm from its housed place against your side. In that moment, you knew that anyone else in the room would be a quicker shot than you. Still, your heart was beating quickly in your throat.
“I don’t know where your Winter Soldier is, but this is a sorry excuse for a replacement.” She laughed, a mean sound. “A kid and a burn-out… you should’ve taken the deal.”
She left without another word, leaving you in a chilling silence. For a few long moments, Natasha stared at the table, at her reflection in the syrupy red wine. Her fingers brushed against the glass, frowning.
“I’m twenty-three.” Kate let out in a single breath, eyes drifting from you.
“Don’t look at me,” You whispered back, “I am a burn-out.”
[Taglist🕷♡: @dumbasslesbi, @lostremind, @toocreativeforausername @autorasexy @eringranola @mikookaaaaaao @marvelwoman-simp @pacmanmiles @mostlymarvelsstuff, @mrsrushman, @milfsandtittyenthusiast, @random-raccoon4, @ravenromanova, @mysticalmoonlight7, @ahintofchaos @cowboyboots236 @lissaaaa145]
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romanoffsbish · 8 months
Who Are You People?!
Yelena Belova x F!R (Platonic)
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Yelena had a tendency to bring home strays, and it had always bothered you, until one day it didn’t. WC: 1,929
Request(via dm): “could you do a imagine where Yelena keeps bringing home random animals and even people and drives the reader up the wall” | I gave it a cute little romance spin
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Yelena had a tendency to miss signs. Trained as she may be, with the discipline to prove it, she just never was much for understanding the social norms. So, you had learned to adapt—after that first night as roomies, when she told you everything she’d done and been you hadn’t much of a choice. There was no such thing as a filter, she believed in open conversations, which didn’t bother you. It was her belief in the open doors that did.
The first time you came home to one of her eccentric guests you were startled into losing your groceries. A frown befell your face as the soy milk box spewed its contents on the floor along with the yolks of your eggs.
Fanny, as you’ve learned to know, and love her as, was there to lick up the mess. After she’d finished licking your cheek in a rushed greeting, she’d disposed of your hard earned money in the form of the wasted food.
Yelena had apologized, and for some odd reason you believed she took the hint after the entire ordeal.
Then you came home a week later to find her nowhere, but your house sure wasn’t empty. Five woman in various positions all looked up at you with fierce eyes. One of them raised her arm, and the loud whirring told you all you needed to know. These were widows, and the pain you were about to feel would be hellish.
“Oksana, put your arm down, this is just Y/N,” your roommate admonished her friend with the black hair, “Honestly cyka, you should be able to see she is of no real threat, or have you lost touch with your eyes?”
Then the blonde turned to you with a genuine smile, as if she didn’t nearly get you fried, then call you weak. “Would you like to join us for game night Y/N/N?”
You sighed harshly through your nose, tempering the anger you felt for the sake of your new friend’s heart. She was strong, but you could also tell she was soft, and breaking her spirit for her lack of social understanding, at no fault of her own, would be cruel.
“Sorry Lena, but I have to be up early,” you lied, and gave the girl a quick hug before heading upstairs to your room where you enjoyed the needed solitude.
Occurrences like that became normal, the random game nights, and the alarming amount of new animals you found yourself feeding, and faces you’d forget. Yelena trusted easily, as in, she knew that if anyone she brought home on a whim would try anything, she could handle them without even breaking a sweat.
You put up with just about everything—if she had a mission gone wrong, her stitched up field partner, a cheery girl by the name of Kate Bishop, would sleep on your couch and greet you with sudoku and breakfast.
That first meeting was terrible too, as you’d stumbled into your dark house and threw yourself on top of her. It ended quickly, with Yelena coming downstairs with a gun and you and Kate in opposite corners screaming.
Her in pain, and you in fear. You had left to bed embarrassed, and woke up to laugh about it with her.
You don’t mind the archer, but you would have liked a heads up. You always wanted it, but never received it, and slowly but surely a festering of resentment resided.
Everything honestly came to a head last night, when you finally agreed to spend the night in a shitty bar with your favorite coworkers. You’d let loose way beyond your limits, and as you were rushed into the house by a equally drunk friend all you wanted was to make yourself a mug of tea, grab a snack, and sleep.
Yet when you went to make yourself something you found that your tea was used up, the kitchen was a mess of wasted food and dishes, and Yelena’s strangers were all asleep around the place, one even in your bed.
“Yelena!” The blonde cringed from her place on the balcony, where she stood with a dying bud in her hand. She hoped you’d go home with a friend, or a stranger of your own, so that she would have been able to clean up the mess that had occurred from a party gone bad.
You never told her to stop, but she always saw in your eyes that you didn’t trust her process of friend making. The truth was the blonde just liked the freedom to choose. No one could tell her the man with the eye patch on the corner was bad news, and make her stop talking to him. He told her stories about his life as a young man, and how it ended him here, she believed that no one was undeserving of sharing their stories.
Still, she felt guilty for letting these friends inside to trash your place. Kenny was never meant to be in your room, let alone be allowed to sleep, but she was just too drunk an hour ago to care about removing him.
You waited with your arms crossed for her to join you in the kitchen, and when she entered you let loose. “Yelena, I do not care who you keep as company, but for the love of God never let them in my bed again, give me a heads up from now on, and keep the place tidy!”
The blonde blinked a few times, having expected your tirade to be more venomous, but she appreciated that it wasn’t. You were clearly mad, but you weren’t rude.
“Okay, I’m sorry you can have my room tonight, and I promise everyone will be gone by morning Y/N.”
After that conversation she seemed to understand that just letting anyone in, without at least a heads up, was poor etiquette, which wouldn’t fly. The blonde strived to be the best roommate, she once told you she would be so good that they’d have to give her the crown for it.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her it would never happen, actually, you had the big heart that led to you leaving an emerald bejeweled crown for her on the counter one morning. The childlike smile she wore was enough to keep you from regretting it when she wore it all day and made you read the congratulations they’d (you’d) left for her. It made you feel warm inside to be able to help the former assassin heal her inner child.
But now, as you stood before a stunning woman in nothing but a raggedy shirt and old white, cotton panties you were feeling that regret return and double.
When you went to sleep last night you were once again not informed to be prepared for strangers in the form of guests. In Yelena’s defense though she wasn’t exactly expecting this one, so she rushed out the door with an excited Fanny and whispered to her sister to keep it quiet so you could sleep off your night out on the town.
Unfortunately, the sound of the front door closing was enough to rouse you, your eyes opened and a groan slipped passed your lips as the bright sun beamed into your face mockingly. After a moment of calm you felt a headache burning behind your arm covered eyes, so you headed down the stairs to get to your kitchen for a cup of water so that you could take an Advil and crash.
“I, um, I’m sorry,” you managed to squeak out, and in an embarrassed rush you turned on your feet, but before you could even move up a step you were halted.
“Hey,” she rasped, and watched in amusement as your spine shivered before her very eyes. “There’s no need to apologize darling, this is your house after all. I’m sorry to have barged in, but I needed somewhere to lay low for a while. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”
Your stomach swirled with aroused tension, the pet name, the gritty tone of her voice, and the intense look in her eyes had you going weak in the knees. It showed as you stumbled down the last two steps and skirted to a stop just before her. “No, it’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting company is all. I’d have gotten dressed.”
Natasha was suave with the way she pushed your bodies together, using the wall to keep you trapped against her, and unable to avoid her temptations. It was only a breaths time for you to find yourself there.
“I can assure you honey,” her hand fell to your thigh and your heart raced incessantly. “I don’t mind.”
“I don’t either,” you admitted, but felt too seen so you continued on, “That you stay here, to lay low, that is.”
“Oh,” she teased, with the lightness in her voice, “I’m so glad to hear that, because we will have the chance to get to know each other better. Maybe we’ll even…”
You wanted to know what might be, but fate decided to leave that for another day as the door flew open and Yelena shrieked, “Oh my god, no, Fanny girl cover your eyes!” You looked over in confusion. “Natasha, unhand my roommate now!” The redhead rolled her eyes, and stepped back with a smirk as you whined at her loss.
You hadn’t a chance to protest—or even say goodbye, as Yelena reached for her sister’s hand and pulled her away, fighting with her in their mother tongue.
“Chto s toboy ne tak.”
(What the fuck is wrong with you?)
“Mne? chto s toboy ne tak?! ona velikolepna, i ty derzhal yeye ot menya”
(me? what's wrong with you?! she is gorgeous and you kept her from me)
“Ona zapreshchena, Natal'ya”
(she is off limits, Natalia)
“Eto ne to, chto skazali yeye glaza.”
(that's not what her eyes said)
The door slammed and you didn’t even flinch, too busy daydreaming about the moments prior. And for the first time since Yelena had become your very own (craigslist found) roommate you didn’t mind the thought of getting to see one of her guests again; Natasha had made her mark on you in record time.
That night, Yelena came back with her head low, and elder sister in tow. The redhead smiled triumphantly as she winked at you, your nervous gaze fell, and in her hands laid a sleeping kitten. “Y/N, meet Liho…”
You chuckled in amusement, and scooped the kitten up and settled her into your lap. “What’s so funny detka?”
“It’s just,” you stifled another rude laugh. “Yelena’s strays have never brought one of their own before.”
Natasha took a second to process your tease as she sat beside you, eventually she leaned forward, her chin resting on your tense shoulder. “I am more so a lone wolf type, no one’s stray. I plan on sticking around for a while too, so I hope you don’t make it a habit of being so bare in front of my sister, save that for me instead.”
“Also,” she scooped the sleeping kitten up and onto her shoulder, “Liho is no longer a stray, she is a house cat.”
Yelena settled beside you, frowning, “I’m sorry Y/N…”
“Don’t be,” you shrugged her off, and patted her knee before you followed the trail of her sisters upstairs.
Yelena huffed, and snuggled into her Akita’s fur. “This is why I prefer dogs to people. They are so overrated.”
R (for real)
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