#keep making plans to see people but my dad is sick! and i don't want to risk infecting anyone else
seagullcharmer · 2 years
sigh. feeling very shy and lonely in this chili's tonight
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 4/7
the lil law bein held by luffy is v important to me
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] Panel 1: Law: ...
Panel 2: Law: ...Bepo knows. Luffy: Penguin and Shachi too I assume? Law: They better not. I swore Bepo to secrecy. He only knows cuz he's the one who figured it out. Luffy: Got it
Panel 3: Luffy: So you wanna start with the pros or cons? Law: Pfft, you know. Luffy: Okay. I don't think it would make you feel very good. Law: I'm already sick all the damn time. Luffy: You know what I mean Law [talking over Luffy]: I know what you mean.
Panel 4: Luffy: We sail on different ships Law: I don't know obstetrics Luffy: My family doesn't have a great dad track record Law: Most of my crew doesn't know that I'm trans, so I'd have to come out Law: We're pirates Luffy: You can't count that, there's already kids on my ship Law: Fine Law: We can't make our crews stay together just because we want to. Law: People might think my crew is under yours and that would not go well. Luffy: So if we wanted to stay together we'd probably have to leave for awhile like Usopp did. Law: What if she's got white lead disease?
Panel 5: Luffy: You already cured tha-- wait did you say she? Law: Oops. Luffy: Oops? Why oops? Law: Listen, I needed all of the available information. Luffy: Any more to share? Law: Um. It's been about 12 weeks. Luffy: Since what? Law: Okay nevermind I have no more information that will mean anything to you.
Panel 6: Luffy: ...Why does that make it different? Law: ...I don't know, but it happened to me too. Not that it means it's a girl. But assigning a pronoun...I think I've gone soft. Wouldn't have meant anything a decade ago.
[pg2] Panel 7: Luffy: Me too. I think this'll be easier if we just say 'it.' Law: You're right. But I tried. And even when I do, when I close my eyes I just see this kid that looks like you.
Panel 8: Luffy & Law: ...
Panel 9: Luffy: Fuck Law: I know Luffy: You can't just say shit like that. Law: I'm sorry.
Panel 10: Luffy: Well now we know it's an option. We could always plan for it later. Law: But it also could be a fluke. Honestly with all the shit I do to my body it's a wonder she made it so far without me knowing. Luffy: It's cuz she's mine.
Panel 11: Law: Fuck Luffy: That was supposed to be an inside thought Law: You don't have those. This is a terrible idea. Luffy: I agree Law: So we agree we shouldn't do this.
Panel 12: Law & Luffy: ...
[pg3] Panel 13: Luffy: Everyone expects us to be docked here for a week. So I don't think we have to decide right now.
Panel 14: Law: Yeah. Yeah good point. Law: And if I can just use the Sunny's library...I'm sure Kaya's got some books in there that would...offer perspective.
Panel 15: Luffy: And we can keep thinking of pros and cons!
Panel 16: Law: And at the end of the week we can both write down what we think we should do Law: and we can compare answers.
Panel 17: Luffy: It's a plan! Law: It's a plan.
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Hey, can I hear about your shatterbird thoughts? She's always been my favourite member of the nine :]
Oh I'm about to type for entirely too long.
Alright so a chunk of this is kinda headcanon, but any of that is fully based on canon. I had a giant fanfic planned that was literally an expanded telling of Shatterbird's life from trigger to death, and some plot points there may bleed into this unconsciously.
Number one favorite thing about Shatterbird is that initially, she did nothing wrong. She was unwillingly dosed with a Cauldron vial, and her scream and subsequent exploding of Dubai wasn't her fault. She had no intention to hurt anyone, it was done entirely out of her control as she gained powers and she should not be blamed for her first time destroying a city. The thing is, that doesn't matter in universe. She's still going to be hunted down by countless capes because she killed an untold number of people with that scream. No one's going to just let her go because it wasn't her fault, because she's the only person who can be blamed. People want revenge for their loved ones, and I'm willing to bet that she had a sizable bounty. It's similar to the situation we see with Rachel, where she can't have a normal life because she killed someone in her trigger and her identity is public, but on a much much larger scale.
I think the guilt ate at her so fucking bad at first. She killed her dad, her friends, her sister, her mother, countless others, and as much as it wasn't her fault she's still the one that did it. There's no way she doesn't blame herself for what happened, but when does she even have time to mourn? She's fled to a desert, she's gotta be struggling with food and water, and she's being hounded at every turn by people who want her dead. What's she supposed to do, let them kill her so she can atone for what she did or something?
I just love what a tragic backstory this is. She's one of the most horrible people we meet in canon, and I don't think it's unreasonable to say she has one of the highest body counts on Earth Bet, but she started as someone innocent and desperately trying to survive. And as much as I love this backstory and will defend to the death that she did nothing wrong at this point, it doesn't excuse who she becomes.
Shatterbird laughed.  “There’s only two ways to recover from something of that magnitude, to deal with the fact that you inadvertently killed thousands and thousands of people, and hospitalized twice that many.  You break, or you become it.”
(quote is from the missing interlude)
This is the quote that puts her entire character in a nutshell. The biggest question to me is... when did she become it? She implies in that interlude that it was rather quick, and that she went to Britain so she could hit a big target, but the Tattletale clone calls this out as a lie. She was running, the desert that she'd been in for months was unbearably loud with all that sand, and I think she was sick of living on the run. She wanted society, structure, something to make her feel human. I think she's full of shit saying she went there to destroy it, some accident or desperate confrontation occurred (timeline fits well enough for it to be a result of the Simurgh's attack, but that's just one possibility) and she broke London just as bad as she broke Dubai. What do you even do from there? Any slim hope of clearing her name is gone, she just has to keep running and try to ignore the guilt. And she ran to America, where the Slaughterhouse Nine found her.
The recruiting of people by the Slaughterhouse Nine fascinates me, because most are unwilling to join at first. Unfortunately the alternative is to die. No one in Brockton Bay was jumping to be the lucky winner, and the only people we know nominated themselves are Cherish and I think Siberian. Shatterbird (ever notice how she's the only S9 member with no canon first name? drives me nuts) was dragged into the recruitment process with no say in the matter just like most everyone is. Someone in the Nine found her, thought she would be a good fit because of London and Dubai (and how would that feel, to have someone on the S9 see you as just as bad as them?) and even if she explains that was on accident... what does it matter? It never matters that it was an accident. It never will matter. It's just something that she can tell herself to keep her sane.
So she's doing the fun little tests, I'm actually very curious how she altered herself for Mannequin's since he always does the same test, she's a very vain person, but that's off topic. Atrocities, horrors, being hunted by the Siberian, and suddenly she's at the end. Her and someone else.
“That’s not really a test,” Shatterbird spoke, “There hasn’t been a round of testing since I joined the group where we didn’t whittle it down to one candidate.” “We could forego the final test, pitting them against one another.” Shatterbird turned to him, “Ah.  But, again, the last test where we had to go that far was… mine?”
And she kills them. Dubai, London, those were accidents. This was on purpose, maybe even the first time she's done it on purpose. She could either break and decide she couldn't live with herself as a member of the nine, or she could just as horrible as everyone sees her. All her choices were rigged, there was never much of an opportunity to get better since so many paths closed off to her, but she voluntarily chooses to get worse. What's the point in holding on to the fact that it wasn't her fault at the beginning? She's never escaping what she did, so she'll become the monster everyone sees her as. You break, or you become it.
And there's not much of the more sympathetic side of Shatterbird in canon (partly because her backstory chapter was removed). She's fully embraced herself as a mass murderer. She revels in the attention, the fear. She parrots Jack's philosophy as a way to feel better about what she's doing, and eventually she doesn't need to feel better because she enjoys who she is now.
I don't know, I rambled for a while there but it boils down to me being fascinated by the circumstances of her gaining powers, and the shift from innocent but hated/feared to making damn sure that fear is justified.
Ok, so moving on from the backstory analysis, other miscellaneous details. Fuck it, I'm putting every thought I have on Shatterbird in this post.
She's the Nine's primary recruiter! Woo, good for her. Notably, she recruits Burnscar. Mimi is in a similar position to Shatterbird's past self with the whole involuntary mass destruction, although on a lesser scale (it'll always be on a lesser scale, Shatterbird has the worst trigger event out there in terms of consequences and she didn't even trigger). Mimi was on the streets and trying not to use her power, and Shatterbird scooped her up into the Nine.
“I- before I knew it, the Slaughterhouse Nine had found me.  Shatterbird recruited me.  And now I’m stuck.  I’m trapped.  You know there’s a kill order out on me?  If I try to quit, either the Nine or the cops will off me.  So I keep going, I work for them, and it all just gets worse.”
It's a situation Shatterbird can very likely relate to, but she's perpetuating it and making Mimi suffer like she did. No sympathy, no helping someone get through it and avoid the pitfalls she fell into, she's dragging other people down with her like a crab in a pot. Worth noting that I believe she's still bitter about the hand she was dealt even if she's embraced where it led her to, she remembers how horrible it was to be forced into everything and she does not care if she inflicts it on others.
But if someone else willingly joins the Nine, she takes it personally. Cherie says Shatterbird hates her, and that's because Cherie chooses the life Shatterbird was locked into. She's bitter that she never had that choice, and so she makes sure Cherie understands what it's like by chasing her for days for her test, not allowing any rest or sleep. However, this could also simply because Cherie sucks and is an unpleasant person to talk to, and Shatterbird is stuck-up.
Another thing I like is Shatterbird's appearance of knowledge and elegance. She's trying to appear put together, confident, in-control, and to be fair she does a pretty good job, her costume and theming are great. But under that is someone violent and angry, she's keeping up appearances to everyone else but also to herself. The fact that she's always trying to keep up appearances, even when locked in a room and doomed to die with one Witness (haha get it) she's trying to make it look like she was calm and in control when her body is found, is what 100% convinces me exploding Britain was an accident. The Tattletale clone calls her out, and to me it seems like another attempt to seem in control by framing it as deliberate.
Anyway, my attempts to woobify a mass murderer aside, I also like that she was a spoiled rich kid before all this and her prim asshole attitude points to that. She quotes Edgar Allen Poe, she reads because it makes her feel better than others, she's just so pretentious and unpleasant and to be clear I love this as a character trait, it's fun and leads to her speaking in overdramatic ways.
“Then you should know, nearly-Tattletale, that I’ve spent too long in the company of monsters to be scared by words.”
She thinks she was soooo cool saying that.
I also want to look at the last few weeks of her life. She spends so much effort propping herself up as great and in control, only to be locked in a box and puppeted around against her will. Genuinely I cannot think of anything more humiliating and agonizing for her to endure. She has nothing to do but think as she's used as a marionette.
She had a long time to reflect on her life, to look back at how she got here and what she regrets.
But I think she spent it stewing in her rage, itching and planning to get violent revenge and keep hurting others to be respected. She's unwilling and unable to go back, she'll double down on this forever because this is who she is now. And because 99% of characterization for Shatterbird isn't in Worm anyway, I may as well toss in this minor AU summary by Wildbow. If she escaped, she would have started her own version of the Nine with Damsel of Distress and Trickster. There is nothing left to sympathize with or redeem Shatterbird by the time we see her in canon, she's simply past that point. Side note but Shatterbird + Damsel of Distress + Trickster as a team is perhaps the funniest combo ever and I really wish those 3 fuckers got to interact in canon. Weirdo assholes who dress up fancy and have a taste for theatrics as a murder crew, we were robbed.
I could analyze the Hookwolf interlude but I don't want to. I'm very annoyed that Shatterbird (still no first name) is the only member of the Nine to lose the fight against her recruit instead of appearing terrifying and unstoppable. How come Burnscar can solo Faultline's crew but 3 nazis can take out Shatterbird, who has way more experience? It's pretty uncomfortable to have the only member of the Nine who isn't white be the one that loses to nazis, while one calls her a slur in his internal monologue, in the interludes where everyone else on her team is introduced as a force of nature. I think we should just collectively agree to make this interlude not canon and un-retcon the Witness interlude. While I'm on the topic it's also a bit questionable to have Sophia and Shatterbird (no first name. I am annoyed by this) as the only named capes puppeted by Regent?
But that's not the topic I wanna explore. The topic is that Shatterbird is a great character and I wish that she had depth in the story itself rather than scattered through 20 different sources, because she's legitimately my favorite non-undersider in the story. There is a lot of potential to explore her, one could interpret her backstory in a less charitable way than I did just for an example, and I really think she's neat! She takes hurting someone in an accident and then becoming the monster people see her as, something we see a few times throughout worm, to its ultimate conclusion in terms of scale. That alongside her outer layer of intellectualism and pretentiousness, which I'm a massive sucker for as a trait, and she's just perfect. Did nothing wrong (citation needed). I love her and I do hope that at least some of the stuff written her makes someone appreciate her character more.
Ok! That was... 2.2k words about Shatterbird (no first name). Woo! If some stuff seems inconsistent between paragraphs here, it's probably because I wrote this in chunks over the course of a few weeks and my feelings at the time can influence my interpretation of things and my writing to feel different when read all at once and compared. If you think I'm woobifying her too much, cool. I think it makes her more compelling to examine how much we know was her fault and how much she shouldn't be blamed for, and making her have less agency makes her more tragic which I always like. If you actually read this to the end, thank you! Have a nice day!
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Hi, would you be willing to do some headcanons about mc and Cliff? (platonic of course). I just love Cliff so much.
ME TOO! Here you go :)
-- When they move to town, Cove has never had a friend like you before, so Cliff is SO EXCITED to see how close you two become.
-- Pizza parties? Trips to the movies? Amusement parks? Cliff is thinking of everything a kid would ever want to do, making plans for it and asking your moms if you can come too.
-- If 8-year-old you needs a booster seat, he'll just get one and keep it in his car, ndb.
-- As time goes on, you become like another kid to Cliff, which means you are the second best kid in the universe.
-- Do you have a play at school, or a recital or a sports game? Even if Cove isn't involved, Cliff is there and cheering loud.
-- Is there some kind of "Bring Your Dad to School" event? Cliff is going to be there for Cove, and he would never put himself in that role for you without you bringing it up first, but if you want him to be there for you too then he will!
-- And then he'll cry.
-- Your moms put him on the list of people who can pick you up from school. Sometimes they get busy, and since Cliff owns his own shop his schedule can be a little more flexible. If you get sick and need to be picked up from school, he can come get you!
-- He's at work one day and the school calls, and he tells Mr. Suarez that he has to go get you, and a regular is in there like "I didn't know you had another kid!" And "No, I don't -- well, yeah, kind of." And then he'll cry.
-- Cliff cries so much I love him
-- If you're a girl, I think Cliff would be a protective girl dad. Like he's not trying to enforce any stereotypes, but he makes it clear that if you need any help with anything, if anybody bothers you then to come to him and he'll take care of it.
-- Like I just imagine in Step 3, you working at the tropical place with Cove and some people give you a hard time, like maybe another employee is being inappropriate or weird, and Cove mentions it in passing and Cliff is like "Oh really?" Then he goes to the restaurant later, finds whoever it was and gives them quite a talking to.
-- It's just that whatever you do, regardless of whether Cove is involved or not, Cliff is there for you in the same way a parent would be. College graduation, any sort of event, anything.
-- He has pictures of you in the family photo albums, both because you're always around and also because you're family.
-- Even if you end up with Baxter or Derek, if you have kids then Cliff is grandpa. He'll babysit and be involved.
-- What I'm trying to say is that Cliff is your dad, and it's not like a "oh, he's like my father" thing, no, he is your dad.
-- If you get married to Baxter or Derek and want him to walk you down the aisle, he absolutely would but be ready for the waterworks.
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zoandreez · 4 months
the stars keep on calling my name, pt 1: ikran flying ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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pairing: sully reader x ao'nung
summary: after spending your time in the awa'altu clan with the metkayina children, you've feel a bit homesick and decide to run back to what you know. a suprise comes to you when a special visitor wants to tag along. how long can he survive on an ikran?
word count: 798, a short one
warnings: if ur an avatar nerd, this doesn't really make sense plot-wise. sorry. (i don't care.)
a/n: sorry for taking 8 n a half months to make something but i got a few things for yall.. i hope. and yes i know this fic is kind of unrealistic but aren't they all? emd.
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you were sick.
not literally, god no. you'd rather the sky people take your life now than show sign of weakness on this godforsaken water park. you hated it here.
your disdain for this place ran deep. you’ve endured nearly a year at awa’altu, long after the war had ended. don’t get me wrong, the clan's hospitality was great. you cherished the friendships formed over the year and were awestruck by the ocean's beauty. however, your heart longed for home.
the forest.
the trees you grew up with, and the familiar vines and cliffs you've climbed your entire life. and just suddenly, without warning, your father uprooted us all and relocated us to a barren land of wet sand and peculiar fish. and of course, you understood why we were doing this. you didnt want to hurt your clan by staying with your omaticayan family, and with the sky people haunting you, it seemed more than likely that staying with tonowari, ronal, and the rest of the metkayina was your best option. but still, it hurt. so,
you were leaving.
you finally mustered up the courage to sneak out of your marui that was wonderfully woven by the women of the clan, just for you and your family. it was late, so you didnt have to worry about your family seeing you as you continued to walk past the other pods.
lo'ak knew about your plan. tuk cried the night prior, but your feathered kisses to her forehead and promises to come back for her seemed to soothe her. kiri was upset that you didn't take her with you. neteyam would have told mom and dad, so he's oblivious to it all.
the stars glimmered in the night, making your bioluminescence shimmer in a way that made you look beautiful. as your feet left marks through the sand, your stride was confident. it was a way he had never seen before.
you and ao’nung never had the best relationship, especially with you being from a foreign clan and even having the slightest bit of demon blood, even though it didnt show through your three fingers. he despised you and your family. except,
he couldnt get your beauty out of your head. he never could, and yet now, it was even worse.
striding down the wet sand, you could almost feel it turn into the mud and grass you would feel if you were back home. you could smell the mist, although it didn’t have a particular scent. it just smelled.. home-y. you took your ikran by its queue, the same way you would tug on a vine while climbing a tree, and hoisted yourself on before making the bond.
you had to feel the agitation in your ikran before you noticed ao'nung pathetically attempting to crawl onto her tail. she began to screech and flail her tail around before you protested.
"wait!" you whisper-yelled as he almost went flying into the ocean.
"where do you think you're going??" ao'nung said in a mocking tone. he was teasing you, but you weren't kidding this time.
"i'm leaving."
a moment of silence rolled over. ao'nung's face contorted in a way you'd never seen before. surely he'd run to tell your dad. but then.. his lips curled on his face. was he.. trying to smile? regardless, it wasn't a good look for him. after a while of you blankly staring back at him, he stopped.
"you're serious?"
"yes." you said before you turned away, shifted your posture, and your ikran stretched its wings. you leaned forward before the first flap into the air lifted you to home. the wings lifted..
"wait!" he shouted over your ikran's rustles.
"what?" you said agitated. now that the idea was taking place you couldn't wait to leave.
"take me with you."
now it was your turn to laugh. it was also your turn to ask if he was serious. and you still didn't believe him as he half-ass climed his way up onto your ikran.
"ao'nung, get off. i'm leaving."
"..suit yourself," you muttered. fly as reckless as you can, knock him off. your inner thoughts amused your ikran as she flew off as steep as she could.
ao'nungs screams could have been heard throughout the whole kingdom, if they weren't thousands of feet in the air. he held on to you as hard as possible as your ikran made short stops, dives, and spins you didn't even know she could do. your hair flew behind you into his face, so every now and then the putters of him spitting out a few lost strands made you laugh. eventually you told her to settle down.
out of breath, a smug ao'nung commented, "are you done trying to get me to fall off now?"
"yeah," you giggled through his sighs.
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my short apology
... my bad cuz
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Imagine taking UTA and Luffy trick or treating with Shanks
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Shanks: thanks for doing this, I know you probably had other plans for tonight.
You: *a friend of Makino's who volunteered to take Luffy for the night* It's really no problem, my plans changed when my friend got sick and had to cancel her party, so figured I take Luffy for the night, so both he and Makino could have fun.
Shanks: A party? Is that why you're in costume? Well, Uta'll be pleased, she was very insistent about all of us dressing up for her first time trick or treating.
You: Oh it's her first time?
Shanks: yeah it's something that's only practiced here in the East Blue
Luffy: Hurry up you two, people are starting to go already.
Uta: Yeah! If you take too much longer there isn't gonna be any candy left!
Shanks: Yes, yes, we're coming.... I like your costume by the way, it suits you.
Uta: ( TT n TT) What about my costume?
Shanks: Yours is gorgeous my sweet.
You: *nods your head* I can tell you put in a lot of work into it.
Uta: whatever, I have candy to collect. *runs off *
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An hour later
Uta: *notices the way Shanks is looking at you*
Luffy: *runs to you and jumps into your arms* Look! Look! That house was passing out full sized candy bars!
You: oh wow, never seen that in this neighborhood before.
Uta and Shanks: *come over from playing a game at a neighboring house*
Shanks: what's going on?
Luffy: Uta, this house is giving away full sized candy bars. Jumps down*
Uta: EHH! No way! I want one! *pulls Luffy towards the door and rings the bell.*
Old lady: *answers the door*
Uta and Luffy: Trick or treat!
Old lady: *looks between Uta and Luffy, before glancing up at you and Shanks* Oh my, how scary! Who do we have here?
Luffy: I'm a pirate
Uta: and I'm a pop star. *Throws up a peace sign and winks*
Old Lady: I can see, you're very sparkly, dear. *let's Uta pick out a full sized candy bar from a selection* Now I believe I already gave you candy bar.
Luffy: *grins and nods* he he, yeah, thanks, I just came to bring her. You've already paid the toll.
Shanks: *wraps his arm over your shoulders and sighs*
Old lady: *catches the red head out of the corner of her eye and hands Luffy two more candy bars* Why don't you take these to your lovely parents. *Gestures towards you and Shanks*
Uta and Luffy: *look over at you two*
Uta: That's my dad! Keep your hands to yourself!
Luffy: but he's the one touching them?
Uta: and you're not my brother *shoves Luffy and marches over to you*, and you're a stranger.
Shanks: *mutters* Hopefully not for long.
Uta: What was that!
Shanks: I mean, I know we've only met a few times, but I want to get to know you.
You: really?
Uta: What!
Shanks: yeah, *ignoring his child* if that's okay.
You: okay, sure.
Uta: This is not happening!
Luffy: what's the big deal, it's not like they'll be setting sail with you... wait! If they get to go, take me too!
Uta: *throws the first punch* You're not coming either.
Luffy: You wanna go, fine, winner gets to go with Shanks, loser gets to stay here with my Grandpa. *Dodges Uta's fist and throws a punch of his own*
Shanks: Uta, knock it off!
Uta: More like, knock him out, cause that's what I'm gonna do. *gut punches Luffy
You: Luffy, you don't hit girls.
Luffy: no, you don't hit people weaker than you, which makes her free game, because she's older and bigger, and she knows how to defend herself.
You: does she?
Shanks: yeah, I wanted to make sure she could stand up for herself, and others *Pulls them apart and has to wrestle back Luffy.* Stop moving, ya damn brat!
Luffy: Never! *Flails harder*
Uta: *knows better than to fight Shanks on this and sulks beside you,* He would never choose you over me.
You: I promise I would never ask him to choose me over you. Okay? *Holds out your pinky*
Uta: *hooks your pinky in hers* I'll hold you to that while making no promises of my own.
You: I want you to get to know me as well, for Luffy, you're an important friend of his. So that makes you important to me too.
Uta: Fine, I guess I'll be doing you a big favor, because I'm gonna be famous one day. I'm gonna become the best singer in the world.
You: Well I guess I'll have to get tickets to your concert when it comes to this island.
Uta: You'd come see me perform!
You: I'd love to hear you sing, you could even pick the song.
Uta: I'm performing at Makino's bar tomorrow night at three, don't be late. Oh, and ticket cost a candy bar.
You: Yes, you make have my bar, and I'll be there a two thirty, and you can tell me the tales of the adventures of Uta and Luffy.
Uta: *points* HA! They agree with me, Luffy!
Luffy: Wait what?
Uta: They agree with me that "Uta and Luffy" is a much better than "Luffy and Uta."
Luffy: What! (Y/n), you're my friend, you're not supposed to agree with her!
Shanks: Sorry kid, "Uta and Luffy" flows better.
Luffy: I'd suddenly rather be home with Makino.
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pandorasfavorite · 2 years
Just a girl
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Summary: the sully boys protect you because you are the eldest daughter and the most sought out.
Notes: it's a fem reader because I based this on the song Just a Girl by Gwen Stefani.
They would do anything to keep their family's women safe and comfortable. Jake raised the boys to protect their family, specifically their eldest sister. Jake by himself was enough protection for a while but eventually, the boys grew into wanting to protect their family too. When you turned 17 the overprotectiveness was suffocating in a way, not a single Metikyan man approached you. Not because they didn't find you beautiful or capable of being a mate, it was just your family, and no 'girl' was worth a broken nose. When they did approach you Neteyam, Lo'ak, or Jake was looming over you intimidating the boys.
Your Pov:
I'm so tired. So tired of Neteyam. I'm tired of Lo'ak. I'm sick and tired of Dad encouraging them. I have completed my rite of passage here with the people of the reef. I am deemed an adult, and my brothers need to move on and stop worrying. Several men in my life have sought me out, yet they are always scared away. Im just a girl. I'm just a little girl to my father and YOUNGER BROTHERS. It's going to stop eventually I will make it stop. They will stop treating me like a little clueless girl. I won't be dragged away from a potential mate any longer so when he meets me I will fix this. I asked Aonung to help me out, yet he only agreed to anger Lo'ak which will happen. I see him walk across the sand straight toward me with his cheeky grin. Lo'ak and Neteyam are following behind him confused as to why Aonung insisted they walked with him.
I break out into a run grinning about to start the plan, I crash straight into Aonungs chest wrapping my arms around his torso. He picks me up and spins me around laughing a little before kissing the top of my head. Aonung puts me back down in front of him while asking the biggest question: "Are they mad?". I put each hand on one side of his face and lean in closer than friendly and reply: "They're pissed". He smiles brighter than I've ever seen but gets pulled back by the shoulder by one of the boys. Neteyam was absolutely baffled he knew people found interest in his sister but to touch her was something he wasn't prepared for. So I'm guessing he called Dad. Aonung shrugs off what seems to be Lo'ak not shifting away from my gaze until I ask him to. I lean up towards Aonung and whisper for him to leave so he doesn't have to see the situation. He looks at me worriedly wanting more affirmation but I just nod. He walks away ignoring Lo'aks pestering for the first time ever.
Dad strides up to me with Neteyam and Lo'ak standing by his side. "What did I tell you, girl? Shit like that is too dangerous", Dad said for the millionth time. I scoff disrespecting my father, "Don't you think I know exactly where I stand?" I say glancing at each of them. Dad scrunched his face a little taken aback, "We don't think you do y/n". Neteyam chimes in always trying to be the peacemaker, "We just want you to be safe". I huff out a quick exhale and my volume builds up with my words, "This world is forcing me to hold your hand". "You aren't holding our hand don't say that", Lo'ak says not wanting to come to his senses just yet. "I'm just a girl right?! Little old me! Well, guys don't let me out of your sight!", I yell at them harsher than I ever have. It feels good to finally be in charge of myself.
The men don't dare to move another inch, I never yell they are most likely in shock. That won't stop me, not today. "Guess I'm some kind of freak. 'Cause they all sit and stare with their eyes. I'm just a girl", they all tense when I call myself a freak. They have always done that hearing me talk bad about myself, and they visibly are uncomfortable with the fact that people stare at me. "You are not just a girl to us. You are family we are meant to protect you from this world", Dad doesn't get it all. "I've had it up to here Dad. There are many reasons for me to run and hide, I know that. I've experienced them but you will not treat me like a little girl any longer", Dad sighs heavily looking at his two sons for help that they cant provide. "Baby girl look--", I cut him off quickly almost talking to myself "I'm just a girl. I'm just a girl in the world". I hear him start talking again and I shake my head No vigorously, "That's all that you'll let me be! ". Dad's ears pin back similar to Neteyam and Lo'aks.
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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She seems brighter when she comes back, though we all ignore the blotchiness of her face, like she’s just been crying. Her lashes are a little wet too, making them long and spiky like she’s a girl from a cartoon. She and Liam are smiling into each other's faces now, mumbling vague reassurances, giggling together as though what just occurred was so silly, and hasn’t caused any genuine hurt to either of them. 
When he kisses her on the cheek she flinches slightly as though there is something objectionable or embarrassing about the way that he touches her, and in that moment his insecurity makes sense. 
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I think everyone feels bad for her then and wants for her to feel included because they start asking her questions about school which she answers enthusiastically, making sure to look very interested and engaged in what everyone is saying. It occurs to me that she’s a nice person, that she’s making an effort with others and being polite, and perhaps my initial judgement of her formality was unfair. I think I should try harder to be a nice person too, but then I wonder if it’s even in my nature to be that way. I’ve sort of already embraced being a bastard and allowed it to define me. 
“Tell everyone what you want to do in college,” Shane encourages, and Evie fiddles with the ends of her plaits. “Oh, well, art, I think.”
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“You make art?” I say.
Immediately her face reddens. It must be a side effect of her kind of complexion. 
“Yeah, I suppose I’m okay at it.”
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“Everyone says she’s great at it.” Liam says proudly, as though we are discussing his accomplishments and not Evie’s. “I haven’t seen her drawings yet, but the girls were raving about her. She draws in her sketchbook every day.”
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“That’s cool.” I speak pointedly to her and not him, “What do you draw?” 
“Just whatever I see. Landscapes, people, sometimes still life, like stuff that’s lying around in the mobile home. I really like doing it, because when I’m drawing I don’t have to think about anything else.”
I smile. Somehow it’s comforting to hear her talking about art in a way that’s wholly familiar to me, as a meditation, a form of escapism.
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“Jude is an artist too.” Jen says. “Ye have something in common.”
“Yeah, I’m studying art in college next year. I already have my place in the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts to do a degree.”
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“Oh, so you’re studying abroad?”
“Yeah, it’s going to be good. Four years in Germany, I can’t wait. I’m actually leaving at the end of the summer,” which is… about seven weeks. My palms prickle and become damp with sweat but I keep smiling. It’s fine. Everything will just fall into place as long as I don't get stressed. 
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Claire interrupts our conversation with her return, and kneels whispering urgent sounding things to Evie. I don’t hear anything but the delightful phrase “throwing up everywhere” and wonder with utter dread what exactly constitutes everywhere. On the couch? The rug? Up the walls? Well, at least it’ll be motivation to clean the house for once. Still, I’m struck by how much I fucking hate Kelly Healy in that moment, and consider suggesting that Jen clean up her vomit as penance for inviting her in the first place. 
“I can get my dad to come and collect us,” Liam is saying as he and Evie are getting up to help.
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“Is everything okay?” says Jen, and Evie smiles tightly, “Yeah, just Kelly’s sick, so we’re going to have to take her home and look after her and stuff.”
“You don’t have to go, Evie, you can stay here with us if you want.”
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She shakes her head, “No, I do. I want to go with them,” she turns to leave, but Jen quickly catches her wrist, “Hey, you should come to Dublin with us this weekend.”
“Jude and I are going to an exhibition, and you might really like it.”
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Usually I’d be pissed off that she’s changing our plans without consulting me first, but it seems like a good idea to me, actually. Maybe it’d be nice to go to an exhibition with someone who enjoys art, and not just Jen who walks around pointing at things and saying I could do that if I was bothered.
“No pressure at all,” I assure her, “but yeah, if you want to, you’re welcome. We’ll mostly be hanging out in the city for the day anyway so whatever you feel like doing.”
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Jen pats her hand and gives her a meaningful look, “I’m just saying, it might be nice to get away for an afternoon.”
Evie grins. It’s the happiest I’ve seen her look all night, “I’d love to.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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italeteller · 4 months
Thoughts on Undead Unluck 208
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I love horny women
ngl tho I'm kinda sad Rip's got abs this loop, I'd hoped he'd have a more regular-guy kinda body now that he's more doctor than fighter. Also I'm gonna be annoying and wonder if Tella could actually play the guitar or not with Untell. But also also... damn, look at all that beefcake buffet. Tozuka really knows how to keep the fanbase well fed
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Sean's mom's likely dead like his dad, so he knows what Fuuko feels like wanting to see her mom again
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Eyy they gave Julia a Union uniform, that's nice
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Neat little detail, Sean has the mind to keep one eye open even when being splashed with water so as to not trigger Unseen with civilians around, you know he's been training his reactions
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I guess this is implying Fuuko gets her looks from her dad? Seeing them side by side her eyes are rounder than her mom's, and her hairstyle looks similar to her dad's, though with her mom's color
Also it's really damn funny that Fuuko's dad is completely used to the disaster of a human being that is his future wife. The man loves his cringefail girl. Though also, it's weird that Fuuko doesn't seem to have realized that the guy is indeed her dad. Maybe she had more of a relationship with her mom?
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I love that the Union can just call Fuuko's ass out and she remains eternally oblivious to her shonen MC behaviors
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The fact that Unluck gets explicitly mentioned twice makes me think there's some negation fuckery afoot. I know everything we've seen so far makes it look like no two people can have the same negation at the same time, but still. Maybe it'll be a red herring, but I have to wonder
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Ok, the big thing of the chapter. I have no idea what is going on, by all means it doesn't make sense, but Tozuka specifically brought up how this shouldn't be happening only to make it happen, so I believe he's got a plan, and the man plans good, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I also wanna point out that this is the very first loop someone other than Juiz is the looper, so this is literally the first time this scenario is happening in this world
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Baby Fuuko in her panpanda onesie is the cutest fucking thing I've seen all week
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Ok so Billy and Tella are indeed part of the Tatiana rescue mission (no Nico in sight tho, which is weird). I was so fixated on Gina being part of the idol mission I didn't even think she'd be a big asset as the only other russian on the team. And Chikara also makes sense, a quick activation of Unmove might be able to freeze Tatiana's Untouchable before it can blow her parents to dust. I hope that's the only reason he's there, and Tozuka isn't planning to resume the nonsense ship this loop too
Rip and Latla are on Bunny duty, no surprises there (though again, no Ichico, which is weird) and Shen and Mui are training literally under Feng. Sad day for Mei fans though, she seems to have been demoted to tea girl and isn't even training anymore. Guess my hopes of her being the Mui of this loop are dashed
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Hoo boy. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I desperately wanna see the whole Union play musical band. On the other hand, Tozuka has done a big group arc three times: on the 11 minutes fight, the Unmove arc and the Sick, and he only pulled it off on the 11 minutes fight. I'd much rather have only Gina, Mui, Latla (and Leila! Twin idols shtick!), Yusai and Haruka get solid focus than have a big group where a few people get most of the screentime and everybody else gets three panels like the Unmove and Sick arcs
Idk what Tozuka has in store for Kururu, but I don't see how she's gonna outshine all of this
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gusherguy · 1 year
for your consideration: two people getting really sick at the same time from eating far too much of the same bad food. one person has a weaker stomach and starts really feeling the effects first, but their vomiting very quickly sets the other off and once they start there's no stopping them
(Hayden he/him, Cade he/him)
They hadn't planned on seeing Cade's parents that night. Hayden and Cade went for Chinese food at a buffet that afternoon, and soon after got a call. "My parents are in town!" Cade leaned into Hayden's room. "Want to go meet them? They're gonna be at the steakhouse. You should come with!"
"Are you sure you want to come with, Hayden? You don't look so good." Cade said when they got out of the car. "And you can meet my parents later. I don't want you to overdo it." Cade said sympathetically as he absently rubbed his swollen gut. "I—I'll be fine. I just, uh…" He takes a deep breath and tries to relax, but the tension is too much to bear. "I ate too much. Had way too many noodles."
Despite the overstimulation of having already been in a restaurant, and his disinterest in steak after stuffing on noodles and fried rice, Hayden felt excited that Cade wanted to take this next step, and hoped the parents would like him. He didn't want to waste this chance, no matter how sick he felt.
Once they got there, he realized it was a mistake. Hayden's temples throbbed, the inside of his mouth tasting vaguely of raw onions. The restaurant's bright, white lights were a source of torture rather than comfort, their brightness highlighting his clammy forehead. The sounds of the bustle around him were loud enough to cause headaches, which seems like a cruel twist of fate considering that he's suffering the early pangs of a salt-induced migraine. A sharp pain lanced through his torso, and Hayden swallows hard. He carefully loosened his belt under the table. His stomach roils, and he's sure a violent attack of indigestion is only moments from kicking in.
"You good?" Cade asked him suddenly. Hayden almost jumped. "Um - yeah. I'm good, just…I think I ate too much." Cade gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've got really bad bubble guts right now. I really hope nothing at that buffet was spoiled." He sipped on his Sprite and then brightened up, nodding his head at a middle-aged couple that had just entered. "There, that's them. That's my mom and dad." With that Cade stood up to go and greet them, leaving Hayden all by himself at the table.
As Cade went to greet his parents, Hayden gripped the table and forced his eyes shut. The lights and commotion aren't doing him any favors. He almost felt seasick. He took a deep breath, then released it slowly, but he's barely finished exhaling before he feels a familiar rumble begin low in his abdomen. Gas and the remains of a meal are threatening to be regurgitated. He swallowed hard.
For a little while, Hayden kept control of his stomach. He sipped his iced soda, hoping the bubbles would settle his stomach. And for a bit it seemed to help. He introduced himself to Cade's parents and they began small talk. Then Cade's dad ordered appetizers. "Make that double, would you please? Looks like I'm feeding a crowd today." his father said good-naturedly. And before either Cade or Hayden could protest, the waiter left. And Cade's parents began making small talk.
Hayden's brow was really beginning to glisten with sweat. Every time he turned to face someone new in this little circle, the lights flashed and his stomach rumbled heavily, slow and sluggish and sickening. He can't imagine eating anything; the idea of chewing or swallowing makes him dizzy.
Cade was also having to gulp over and over to keep his stomach in its place. When the appetizers arrived and his parents dug in, he snacked a bit on the wings and dip that had been left on the table, nibbling out of habit. The strong, greasy smell and spicy taste made his guts churn. And when he looked to Hayden, he realized with horror that he didn't look much better off. Maybe something at the buffet really was spoiled.
Hayden can't imagine holding back any longer. His head jerks from side to side, heaving breathlessly, and he suddenly feels bile rising in his mouth. He grips the edge of the table, a hand ready for his forehead as his guts churn and gurgle. His swallows mean nothing against the force of his sick stomach, and he felt chunks at the back of his throat.
"You know, mom and dad, Hayden's pretty tired. I think we might - urrp!" a sudden burp interrupted Cade. He blushed a little, but mostly his cheeks were green. "'scuse me. I think we might head out early."
Hayden's mouth twisted in misery. "P—please… have to… go…" he whined out, desperate. What seems like a long moment of agonizing silence passed as Hayden tried to keep his stomach down, but he was fighting a losing battle. Sweat trickled down his neck, his breath coming harsh in his throat. He leaned over the table, gagging, and that's all it took. The food from earlier erupted, exploding past Hayden's lips and splattering everything around him. He sagged forward and moans miserably. "Ohhh… I—I'm so sorry…"
When Hayden vomited, it was like a button was pressed on Cade's gag reflex. He didn't even feel himself heaving before a sudden heavy wave of chunky noodle barf spewed from his lips and splattered all over the appetizer. He hiccupped and moaned, mortified. "Ohhh m-my god, I'm so s- sghhhuruuughhhl!!" his belly clenched and Cade threw up again. The hot slurry burned all the way up and splashed on his jeans.
"Oh no… you too…" Hayden choked back bile, looking at Cade in horror. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, passing one to Cade. But the second he tried to speak, he heaved again. An ungodly amount of partially-digested ramen noodles burst out of his mouth, staining his shirt and the tablecloth. He curled into himself, panting with exhaustion and fighting to keep the remnants of his meal down. His stomach continued to roil, but it seems he's emptied as much as he's able.
Cade's parents at least didn't react in disgust. They seemed worried, and jumped into action. They pushed the almost-empty bowl of dip under Hayden's mouth as his tongue shot out and he began again to vomit. Cade leaned forward and desperately covered his mouth with his hands. But it was to no avail, and barf dripped from his fingers. A forceful gush escaped then. He groaned and gave in to the sickness clutching his belly.
Hayden retches violently, trying to expel the spoiled food that remained. It's as if his stomach were a bottomless pit, full of the slimiest rank slurry imaginable. He just wants it to be over. He dry-heaves, nothing coming up, but his stomach won't let him find comfort in the calm. It spasms and he can feel fresh bile rising up his throat. He leaned over the table and heaved, quickly getting dizzy.
Cade regretted overeating at the buffet. He burped up a violent surge of orange and noodles that splashed, mostly getting into the bowl. He clutched his belly with a low moan before spewing again. He was grateful they had chosen a table in the back; nobody but them noticed the mess yet. Hayden had the worst of it. He had eaten more of that slightly-suspicious shrimp stir fry than Cade had. Every exhale was a violent gush of vomit, and his face was sweaty and red. Cade's father gingerly patted his back.
Hayden, for his part, was beginning to feel lightheaded. His tummy went quiet for now, but that seemed to be the calm before the storm. He groaned miserably and clutched his sides, every twitch in his guts generating an involuntary grimace. He felt more exhausted than he could remember, and every movement is like pulling teeth. His tongue tasted foul and every breath he takes seems to make things worse. Cade's mother lays a hand on his shoulder and mouths, "You'll be alright."
It took a long while before they were alright, however. After a few minutes both boys could control their nausea long enough to make it to the bathroom, but once they got there the heaving just started again. Their stomachs felt agonizingly gross, heavy and overfull and sick. The sound of their retching reverberated through the small bathroom. After a moment, Cade called over in a raspy voice "H-Hayden….you okay?"
Hayden didn't answer, too busy with the business of being sick to reply. He hunched over the toilet in the fetal position, gagging and retching violently while it felt like his insides writhed and squirmed. Cade's voice barely registered to him. But eventually, he forces back the bile, breathing through his mouth and gasping for air as he got his breath. Eventually, he croaked "Yeah… yeah. Just… gimme a minute."
Just then Cade let out a meaty belch that turned into vomit on the tail end. He leaned over the toilet and let it out. Another retch took hold, and he splattered the bowl with brown and orange chunks. "Ohhhgg….god, thats bad."
Hayden shuddered, his stomach roiling again. "Ugh, god…" He puts his hand on his head and, with the slightest movement, let out another gush of bile. He leaned over again, his eyes watering as he continues to expel what little food he consumed at the buffet. His head pounded and he felt chills. After a moment, he sighed and pressed his cheek against the wall. "This is awful… I feel so gross."
"S-same….god, that really must have been spoiled food." Cade spat into the toilet and sighed. "I haven't felt this bad in a long time." he tenderly rubbed his bloated stomach, feeling it all moving around inside. Every little twist and turn of his guts brings him a fresh jolt of nausea. Now that the initial vomiting has slowed, he's left with a dull, pounding headache. He flushed and leaned against the wall, trying to rest. His guts kept spasming a little bit every so often, but he wasn't vomiting anymore.
Hayden groaned lightly and clutches his throbbing head. The nausea has calmed down for the most part, but he can feel the food sloshing around inside him. And the chillls kept getting worse. He grimaced and looked at the stall his boyfriend was in, suddenly feeling worried. "Cade… do you feel feverish at all? I—I'm feeling a little hot, but… maybe I'm just imagining things."
"Lemme check." Cade didn't feel too feverish, just nauseous. He reached his hand under the stall to Hayden. "I don't. Do -- urrrp! - do you? Let me feel your arm." When he felt Hayden, his boyfriend's skin was very hot and slightly red. "Ohh boy. Yeah, I think you might have a fever, babe."
Hayden nodded, his eyes widening with concern. "You don't feel too hot, right? I don't know how I'd handle it if we were both sick." He rests his hands on Cade's arm. It felt cool compared to his. His stomach began to churn again, but he fought down the rising nausea. "God, I still feel gross. I—my head… still hurts."
"I sh-should ask my dad to bring us water." Cade said, swallowing hard. His stomach was very upset again and he was worried he would soon vomit. But it happened sooner than he expected, and he spewed slushy orange and white down the front of his jacket. "Ohhhgg…oh shit, god. Damn i-- urrghhkkk!" he leaned over the toilet before he vomited again. "It hur-hrhrrggglllhg! It hurts…." Cade moaned between retches.
Hayden looked away when Cade began to vomit and made a grumbling sound of distaste. When he heard Cade's stomach rumbling again, he knows what's coming. He covered his mouth and turns his head, listening to the revolting squelching and splattering in Cade's throat. He tried not to be repulsed, but it was hard when the sounds were so loud. It's a relief when Cade finally let the last of his dinner go, though the smell made Hayden feel like he might puke again himself. "Ohh my god…" he said hollowly.
Hayden's belly lurched violently and he gasped. With a sudden rush, he expeled the rest of his dinner, most of it splashing down into the bowl but some bits and bile reaching the floor. He groaned and gripped the toilet to keep from wobbling, letting the contents churn and splurt out for a few seconds before he's finally spent. He was left dry-heaving into the bowl for a long moment. "Hnngg…. mmphhh… gahh…"
Cade spat, his stomach feeling much better now that it was empty. He flushed again and knocked on Hayden's door. "How're you doing in there?" he asked gently. In the end, Hayden needed help getting home. He was ill over the whole weekend, and terribly embarrassed about vomiting in front of the people who could become his in-laws. But Cade's parents were very understanding, and even sent them a card hoping Hayden felt better soon.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 6 months
Full Kook - JJ/Rafe Fic
Part 1/? - Bella Brooks
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Summary: Part 1 is an introduction to the OC told by JJ Maybank. The lead up to my story. Overall this fic is about a troubled Pogue who finds comfort in people she least expects whilst dealing with many turns of events. A/N: This isn't planned out in any way shape or form. No reliability on the release of any parts I'm just writing this because I enjoy writing if it's not for you please move on. Warnings: Mentions of sex, alcohol, drugs, violence, abuse (mental and physical) Anything I missed lmk. Word count: 800
(Not proof read)
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JJ's Pov:
Bella Elizabeth Brooks
My best friend since before I can remember. 
Most commonly known as the 'Princess of Kildare Island'; With the face of an angel and a heart of gold. The girl everyone wants to either be, or be with.
I'm pretty sure she'd give it up to anyone if she could... 
She's the perfect girl: a sweet persona, gorgeous appearance, kindest soul to exist. Who wouldn't want to be friends with her?
The answer.. everyone.
She has a close-knit group of friends, only through her dad. Me, because our dads used to be close friends, Sarah because him and Ward are disgustingly inseparable, and then Topper and Kelce because.. well.. Rafe. 
Swiftly moving on..
Bella's the type of person that people don't particularly see as a friend, but more of someone they can go to if they need something. She thinks it's a compliment; that people go to her when in desperate need of help. 
But no just.. no.
She's a toy.. pretty much sums it up; an easy target. 
It makes me sick thinking about it. 
People take advantage of her empathy, her soft attitude, the fact she can't say no. They see her as someone who can get away with anything and use that to their own benefit. 
She puts everyone first, doesn't want there to be any bad in the world, likes to make everyone happy anyway she can. Even if it means breaking herself in the process.
So my duty as her best friend is to keep her safe from the world. Keep her away from the bad. 
It physically hurts to know about the way people see her, and so I feel as if it's my job to protect her from ever dealing with it again. Dealing with the pain and the hurt she puts herself through for others who deserve nothing but a stick up their ass. 
She's my priority. And I will let nothing get in the way of me taking care of her and treating her how she deserves. 
Except for one tiny problem..
Thomas Brooks. - The man who created the Island's untouchable sweetheart.
Let's just say he's got a bad reputation.. but having Ward on his side gives him MAJOR  advantages. 
Don't get me wrong, the Brooks family is THE MOST respected family on the Island but just.. for the wrong reasons. 
And sadly it's not my place to say. Sorry, not sorry. I hate talking about it. 
Anyways, Bella is my everything and before you say ANYTHING, it's purely platonic. 
Well, to her. 
But, with everything she's been put through with all the fucking leeches in the OBX, I don't blame her and I wouldn't ask for it any other way. 
She's my rock, my girl. And no one will EVER take her from me. At least, they can try but it won't end well. Speaking from experience.
Enough about Bella.. but more about Bella..
She lives on the Cut, with me. Well no actually I live with her but, same thing. 
She has never once moaned about the little amounts of money her dad earns, and never once made a single comment about where she lives. 
It's this run down shack-like house. Imagine the Chateau but just.. worse. 
The walls are boarded up from the masses of storms that have destroyed what used to be there causing the remains to become rotten. The windows are cracked and the furniture is far from usable. 
The only healthy-ish part of the house? Bella's room.
It's a huge contrast from the rest of the building, almost like it was placed there separately. The wall's a bright white colour, her soft bedding and her drawers overflowing with colourful clothing puts the rest of the place to shame. A large window overlooks her room, filling it with more light than the whole house sees combined. 
The reason behind this is because her dad isn't the greatest dad. But in his defence he's aware. And so he spends the only bit of money he has on her - Always. Without any slight slither of guilt. He would give her the world if he could and she knows that, which is why she excuses his actions. 
She holds a pretty smile to cover the hurt she feels beneath. Her vibrant choice in her room reflects the young girl inside of her. 
She hasn't got an easy life and if it wasn't for me living with her, I wouldn't understand.
If the island really knew why she's the way she is.. they wouldn't want to be her. 
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Please let me know what you think x
Thank you for reading 🌹❤️
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
do you think Dean has survivor's guilt? I'm thinking mostly of 01×12, but I'm also wondering if there's a running theme there that I don't remember
Yes, I do. In fact, I think Dean blaming himself for the outcome of traumatic experiences he couldn't have changed or that aren't his fault is something that happens very frequently, because Dean has a very overactive sense of responsibility—primarily resulting from his parentification (and the people in his life don't always help—sometimes they do, but they also sometimes feed into it).
1.12 "Faith" sets the stage for the entire theme. Dean struggles to deal with Layla not being healed when he is, and how horrible it is that a man died in exchange for his life. At the end of the episode, Dean stops running from the reaper, planning to let it kill him so Layla can be healed, but it doesn't happen because Sam disrupts the ritual before Sue Ann can complete it. (Kya has a great gifset here). What tends to co-occur with Dean struggling with survivor's guilt is the idea that Dean has a job—a responsibility, even—to the rest of the world. This is both why he must survive, and also something that weighs him down with even more guilt in a vicious cycle.
DEAN Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me? ROY Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart, and you just stood out from all the rest. DEAN What did you see in my heart? ROY A young man with an important purpose. A job to do. And it isn't finished.
I've written about Dean's survivor's guilt in the context of season 2—how 1.12 and John's sacrifice in 2.01 are primary motivations for Dean making the demon deal in 2.22. We get dialogue from Dean in 2.04 actually apologizing to Sam for John's death, because he blames himself even though it wasn't his fault and none of this was his choice.
He also blames himself for Sam's death in 2.22, even though that also isn't his fault. The parentification aspect of all of this is screaming loud in the following dialogue from Dean in 2.22:
You know, when we were little— and you couldn't been more than 5— you just started asking questions. How come we didn't have a mom? Why do we always have to move around? Where'd Dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? I remember I begged you, "Quit asking, Sammy. Man, you don't want to know." I just wanted you to be a kid... Just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you... Keep you safe... Dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I had one job... I had one job... And I screwed it up. I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I let Dad down. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too. How can I? How am I supposed to live with that?
Dean even as a child felt responsible for Sam, and even for John. We see John blame Dean for his own failures as a father in episodes like 1.18 "Something Wicked" and 1.21 "Salvation", and we see the impact of that tendency reflected in how Sam sometimes treats Dean as well. Hell—we have indication that even before Mary died, Dean was "cleaning up [John's] messes" according to Sam (5.16). We see John apologize for Dean having to take care of him in 2.01 instead of the other way around—an acknowledgement that he knows this has been a source of harm to Dean for a long time... but it's too little too late—and ultimately is ruined by John's next actions, leaving Dean seething with resentment toward John for seasons to come even as he grieves and blames himself for John's death.
Dean's guilt for things that aren't his fault is further explored in episodes like 1.18 "Something Wicked", 5.11 "Sam, Interrupted" and 7.04 "Defending Your Life", where Dean is confronted by his guilt over Jo's death, and feeling responsible for Sam being a hunter, which is absolute horse shit despite the fandom also trying to insist this is the case frequently (see my tags #sam the hunter for a start). He blames himself for Kevin even getting involved with hunting to begin with. Dean blames himself for the havoc Michael is wreaking (14.03, 14.06, 14.14). Dean also blames himself and feels horrible guilt for torturing souls in hell, despite the fact that this happened under extreme duress and literal decades of torture and psychological conditioning—i.e., Dean had no actual choice—he's just presented with the horror of being made to feel that it was his choice when it was deeply and torturously coerced. The very worst part of Hell for him was that he tortured other souls, and I don't think he ever recovers from the guilt of that. He clams up about it after being called weak and pathetic for being guilty about it and then he never speaks about it ever again.
Dean certainly isn't the only one with these issues. Sam, Dean, and Bobby's survivors guilt is all explored simultaneously in 4.02 "Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester" when people they couldn't save like Meg Masters and Victor are brought back by a curse.
DEAN It's my fault you're dead. I left you [Victor] behind. And the minute I heard about that explosion, I thought, "I should have known." I should have protected you.
This whole episode implicates hunters as a whole with serious survivor's guilt for the people they can't/don't manage to save. Multiple hunters die in the beginning of the episode, killed by the people they're haunted by not saving. This is a natural and understandable result of the work itself. You just barely don't get to someone in time, or you make a choice with an outcome you didn't forsee at the time, or you weren't fast enough or strong enough, or you dodged left when you should have dodged right, or you should have stayed, or you "let" the monster get away and it killed again. You are in a line of work where you are probably always left thinking, "If only I had done [insert hindsight judgement here]". Bobby blames himself for the deaths of two kids in 4.02. He blames himself for his wife Karen's death (3.10). Sam blames himself for Ava (2.11) and they all accept blame for the Devil's Gate even though that wasn't their fault either (and other hunters throw the blame on all of them too) (3.01).
The thing about being a parentified child is that you are, by definition, held responsible for things you are not equipped or qualified to handle—things that are too much for you, that are not actually your responsibility, and that are/were entirely out of your control. Combine growing up being blamed for things you did not actually have the power or authority to make happen or prevent from happening, with the overall tendency within the line of work hunters are in to feel survivor's guilt, and you get Dean. Add in that Dean cares deeply for other people—even strangers—and therefore feels an extra empathy when people are harmed for these things he thinks he could have prevented. You get someone whose moments of suicidal ideation are usually deeply connected to survivor's guilt or guilt more generally.
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v-era-18 · 1 year
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Red Licorice
Chapter Five: Black Sheep
“Wanna try some of my Red Licorice?” - Billy Loomis
Five Years Ago:
Woodsboro, California, October 31st 1991
The classroom was buzzing with young teens' voices as the clock was ticking overhead, chatter about costumes and candy were the topics in each group. Shaking down houses was the priority for tonight, Halloween was here; the second anticipated holiday next to Christmas.
(Y/n) laid her aching head down on her desk, it was too warm in the classroom, not to mention it strained her throat in order to speak. She had a bad feeling her state would put a dent to her friends plans for tonight, they had been planning for Halloween since the beginning of school. Stu had insisted they needed a plan to hit the best houses with the good candy before the others, as well as planning their rides ahead of time so they wouldn't be late. Mrs. Matcher had promised to drive them, only if her son promised to keep his room clean for the rest of the month; Stu had exceeded his promise, that room had never looked cleaner.
“(Y/n)?!” The girl jolted in her seat, blurry eyes focusing on the lanky male standing next to her. Stus lips were in a frustrated pout, cheeks pink as he fiddled with the loose threads of his striped long shelves. “Were you even listening? You don't think my Freddy Kruger costume will be that boring will it?”
“N-no! It’ll be cool Stu-Stu I know it,” the girl laid her head back down on the cool desk, taking in the way her best friend's smile widened. His mood always improved when she called him by his nickname, it was a funny joke behind it that many people wouldn’t understand. Just the two of them. “You might scare some of the little kids though.”
Matcher snickered, “That's the point! I got my dad to get me the really realistic looking mask so all the princesses would wet their panties when they see me!”
“What if I was a princess? Would you want me to pee myself?”
The boy made a face in response,“No! What kind of question is that? You know you're not like the rest!”
The girl smiled, her heart thumping, “Boy…like the rest huh?”
“Yeah,” Stu softened his tone, “You’re way better,” His eyes traveled around her face before his brows relaxed “-your like home.”
“Yeah. Home.”
A sound erupted on the other side of them catching their attention, Billy made a face, clearly disgusted or annoyed with the situation. In the class Loomis sat on the girls' left side, it was a good partnership for assignments as well as a friendship. His cheeks were slightly peppered with freckles-nearly invisible to the naked eyes. His hair was cut short , messy yet soft looking as it frayed up in different angles, Billy hated brushing his hair. A bandage sat beneath his left eye while sporting a busted lip; he had fallen off his bike a day ago trying to be on time for school, falling face first on the pavement.
“Excuse me while I get fucking sick over here,”
Stu sent a sly middle finger back at his friend, a smirk playing on his lips, “You're just jealous cause she agreed to be Micheal instead of Jason like you wanted.”
Billy huffed, “It makes sense for her to be Jason! She loves wearing overalls! All she needed to do was walk around with the mask and a fake machete.” This was the argument last month when the three of them were planning out their Slasher costumes. Of course Stu wanted to be Freddy whereas Billy wanted to be Dr Lector-I know right? Who would’ve guessed? The boys thought she would be perfect for Jason, the hockey mask would go great with her two little Afro puffs on each side.
But she didn’t want to be Jason. She wanted to be Micheal.
“If I'm gonna wear my overalls, I might well be Chucky-” A wet hard cough cut through the girl's statement. She proceeded to hack into her arm, each rack of the sound being made through her body causing her head to pound. She was able to stop-but her throat was practically throbbing.
There were concerned glances between the two boys, Stu had crouched down to the girls face trying to get a better view of her state-whereas Billy leaned back in his seat mind already made up. The girl had been coughing all day in their classes, not to mention her grimaces each time she swallowed. Loomis could only guess that it was possibly a cold; it was unfortunate she caught it on Halloween, but her health matters more.
“Are you alright (Y/n)?” Stu whispered softly, it was as if he wasn’t trying to hurt her ears, “A-are you gonna make it for tonight-“
“Of course just give me-“ Another cough racked through her being, much harder than before. Stu rubbed the girls back gently ignoring the looks from the other boys in the class. Normally he would let their stares get to him, but when it came to (Y/n) he couldn't seem to care. “J-just give me a few hours. We still have enough time, we start at seven, remember?”
Billy clicked his tongue, “You don’t sound alright. I hope you know we won’t be mad if you can’t make it, there’s always next year-“
“No-“ Another cough, “This is my favorite time of year-and we’ve been planning this night since school started!”
The two boys looked at each other having a silent conversation, it would be hard to convince her that they were okay with not doing Halloween this year. They were a trio, they wouldn't celebrate halloween without their best friend, there were other things they could do other than trick or treating. Sure, they had worked this hard to get here, but it wouldn't be the same.
Billy sighed, playing with his busted lip lightly, “Listen final girl, there's other things we can do tonight other than trick or treating. It's gonna be cold outside and make your fever even worse-,”
“So you guys are going to ditch me like Casey did too?!”
The boys froze looking at her for a moment, the words sunk in for the Loomis boy first causing a deep frown to take over his features. They knew the blonde was one of (Y/n)’s longest friends besides them, so naturally they refrained from getting jealous as much as possible. They're both girls, it was healthy for their friend to have another of the same gender or sex to be able to relate on specific things they couldn't.
However they weren't aware that she had ditched her recently. Did something happen between the two of them? Is that the reason she hasn't mentioned her as much recently?
Stu tried to step forward only for the bell to ring. The class erupted in cheers as they raced outside to the buses, a familiar afro haired girl following not too far behind. She did look back at them however with a frim glare, “We’re going trick or treating this evening.”
“You're not going trick or treating this evening,” Aunt Gia stated firmly. She removed the thermometer from the girl's lips before changing the warm wet rag to a cold one to keep the fever down. “I've already called Mrs. Matcher a few minutes ago-”
“No auntie please! Me, Stu, and Billy have planned for months-” The girl cut off with another cough before laying back down on the sofa. She felt defeated at this point, she tried so hard to find ways to stay as fit as a fiddle the whole month but still caught a cold. (Y/n) blamed her fellow classmates for the lack of hygiene they all displayed; sneezing into the air, rubbing snot on the desks before the next class, and simply refusing to stay home when having any illness in the book.
‘ Great, first Casey decides to spend Halloween with her cheer group instead of me and now I can't even spend Halloween with my other two best friends.’
A sniff cut through the living room gaining the older woman's attention. She frowned seeing her niece's tear streaked face, but she really didn't have a choice. She wasn't going to let her go out with a cold as severe as that one. Gia wished Casey didn't bail on (Y/n) the way she did this year, this summer she was so excited to spend Halloween with her only to be disappointed when she heard about the princess halloween party she would be attending.
“Sorry (Y/n), but everyone on the team already decided what we're doing,” Caseys voice rang out from behind (Y/n)’s bedroom door, “I'm going to Aurora, since Tatum insisted she be Cinderella. Isn't that great!”
No it wasn't.
With a huff Gia looked through the selection of horror movies on the top shelf from (Y/n)’s reach. She had to find new places to hide them each month so the girl wouldn't binge them on school nights while she was at the hospital. Tonight was a Thursday, usually she would have to wait one more night before being able to watch horror movies but she decided it was okay tonight. What else could the girl do anyway other than lay down on the front sofa while she took care of her.
“What are we feeling like watching today (N/n)?” Gia rounded the sofa holding out a bunch of horror films for the girl, she offered her a soft smile, “I did get a few new ones for ya before you got out of school, the BlockBuster had them on sale.”
(Y/n) sniffed again, “What do you got?”
“Uh- Graveyard Shift, IT, Nightmare on ElemStreet, Halloween, Child's Play-”
“Childs Play sounds good.” The girl whispered softly. She swallowed thickly before reaching over to grab the cold glass of water off the coffee table. She would've preferred hot chocolate over this but knowing her aunt she believed orange juice was a better sol;utiuon right now. She would ask for it once she was done with her glass. “Are you going to watch it with me?”
“Of course,” Gia smiled, “Just as long as you promise you won't recite the lines.”
(Y/n) pouted, “ But that's the best part-”
“Uh uh, I'm not watching you spoil it line for line if we're going to watch it together.”
The two got settled into the house the best they could, (Y/n) eventually relaxed against the sofa with a change of pajamas. They were her usual of course, one of her dad’s old sport tees and some lounge shorts. Gia would make comments here and there about the film, and (Y/n) wanted to enjoy them-she really did, but the rawness of her throat begged her not to laugh too often.
The movie would often be interrupted by trick or treaters at the door, it almost clicked like clock work to a point where (Y/n) almost forgot what time it was. Seven thirty; thirty minutes over the time Stu and Billy were supposed to pick her up. A hot bubbling sensation made its way across her cheeks before her eyes swelled with frustration. This was the one holiday she looked forward to each year, and now it was ripped from her grasp just as fast.
Something always happens to me each year on this damn holiday. So I guess it's to be expected.
A part of her hoped Billy and Stu would stop by, Hell, maybe even Casey. The thought of five princesses in their costumes left the girl's heart sinking further. That was right, her best friend ditched her for the cheer squad this year for trick or treating. She didn't know what she was expecting, Casey was always busy with someone else on Halloween.
Blowing a raspberry (Y/n), grabbed another film off the coffee table. Pursing her lips together she decided she wasn't in the mood to see Freddy tonight, but the killer she was supposed to dress up as with her friends.
“Starting another film without me?” Gia asked from the door, a group of kids were eagerly grabbing for the candy in the bowl. A lot of their costumes actually looked really nice. She would have complemented a boy's Chucky costume if he had actually put more effort. Chucky's hair is red, if he was going to leave his hair naturally brown, he should have dressed up as Andy. “What are we watching next?”
“Halloween.” The girl replied shortly, “Since I was going to be Micheal tonight.”
The older woman frowned, “Oh (N/n). I promise they'll always be next year-”
“Why have next year when we can have this year Miss (L/n)?” A voice sounded from the door.
(Y/n) shot up on the couch in shock, her eyes widening in shock at the familiar face of Stu poking his face through the doorway in greeting. She couldn't help but match the elated look on the boy's face, wiping away the tears from before she stumbled over towards him in her fevered state. Stu walked in and quickly caught her in an embrace, a soft squeeze was given before he guided her back over near the couch.
“H-how? Why did you guys-?”
“Sorry it took us a minute to get here,” Billy started, he paused the movie before placing two pumpkin pails filled with candy on the coffee table, “We quickly changed the time from seven to six so we could shake down as many houses as possible before coming here.”
Loomis turned to the girl's mouth agape before giving her an award winning smile, “You didn't think we were gonna leave you alone on Halloween did ya?”
“Would you be upset if I said yes?”
“No,” the boy huffed, flopping on the other end of the sofa, “ I'm just a tad bit disappointed you had no faith in us.”
(Y/n) sent an apologetic glance his way, “It's not that I don't have faith ... .I'm just used to being left behind on Halloween.”
“Lemme guess,” Stu said on the floor, “You thought we were gonna be like Casey with her little posse of whining princesses.”
There was a long string of silence before the girl spoke again, “I'm sorry-”
“Hey. We're here now and that's all that matters,” Loomis smirked, “Now, Stu rewind the movie, we need to watch from the beginning if we want to recite the lines right.”
A groan from the tweens left caught their attention. Aunt Gia and Mrs Macher stood in the archway unimpressed with the sight. It was clear to the group of friends though they were pleased they were enjoying themselves though.
“Looks like I'm kicked from movie night,” Gia said to Mrs Macher, “Care for a drink in the kitchen?”
“Please. If I hear another word from Stu about his Freddy costume being ‘underappreciated’ I'm going to lose my mind,” Stu’s mother laughed.
Stu’s face grew red in agitation, glancing at the masks in his pumpkin pale “None of the adults were scared of me! Not even the old ladies who answered the door.”
“If we're being honest half of them had bad eyesight-”
“Guys!” The girl roughly cut in with a cough, “You can tell me about your costumes later. Let's watch the movie and get sick on candy right now.”
The two boys let out a laugh before obeying the fevered girls wish. The three of them had a ball reciting quotes, talking about the actors as well as how cool the effects were. It was a bit hard to eat the candy here and there but (Y/n) seemed to manage. She scooted closer to Billy and laid her head on his shoulder, snuggling into his side as he stiffened considerably. The boy's face was a light pink and his gaze remained focused on the screen.
“Thank you,” She whispered into his shoulder. At first she thought he didn't hear her from the screams through the speaker, but the boy shifted his eyes from the screen this time-something he never does.
“It was no problem-”
“No I mean it,” (Y/n) swallowed thickly, her eyes lidded halfway due to exhaustion from the fever. “You guys didn't have to come over, but you did. I'm happy I got to spend time with my two favorite boys tonight.”
Stu heard her sand turned his head around excitedly, his heart sporaing, “Your favorite? Were both your favorites?”
The girl nodded, “Yeah I thought that was obvious?”
The boys stared at each other for a long moment, smiles permanent on their faces. Although in their eyes something dangerous and dear say obsessive swirled through. It was as if they were one in the same, wanting-needing the same thing that was their goal when looking at the girl before them.
“I got you two something,” (Y/n) whispered through a yawn, “I thought you would like customized pails instead of the same orange one everyone uses.”
Stu shot up excitedly, “Really? Where are they,final girl?”
“They're in the kitchen on the counter,” The girl giggled.
The two tweens on the couch watched Stu race towards the kitchen leaving from their sight. Billy reached into his now boring pumpkin pail and sorted through his candy pulling out a pack of red licorice. The boy fiddled around with the rapper trying his best not to jostle the girl beside him as she focused on the movie ahead. Micheal was currently creating a bloodbath with Laurie's step parents.
“Wanna try some of my red licorice?” Billy whispered in the girl's ear.
(Y/n) looked at the candy the boy held out to her in interest, “What does it taste like?”
“Sweet revenge.” He smiled.
With a laugh the girl took the candy and took a large bite. Surprisingly she found the treat sweet and different. The texture was chewy and she was glad it was longer in length to enjoy. Upon finishing up the treat she found herself looking back up at the boy with a smile. Her smile was returned awkwardly, light freckles disappearing within his red hue.
“Well?” He asked
“Hmm,” (Y/n) hummed, “I guess it does taste like revenge. The question is..who is the revenge for?”
Billy snorted, “Who is it for?”
“Yeah. If the revenge is going to be there it needs to be justified,” The girl said. Stu came back into the room just in time to tune into the conversation. In his hands were two black painted pumpkin pails with the names ‘Stu Stu’ and ‘Billy Boo’ on the back of them. It really warmed the boy's heart that she even went out of her way to put their favorite candy in the pails.“You can't just have revenge on someone out of nowhere. Think about how it'll affect you, your future, as well as the ones you care about. And the most important thing….how will you get away with it?”
“Easy!” Stu chimed sitting on the girls other side of the sofa, “You find someone to frame! It might take awhile to observe and see who their enemies are but eventually you'll find someone with a vendetta.”
(Y/n) smiled at him, “That's my Stu Stu.”
Stu sputtered in shock, looking from the girl back to Billy. The other boy glared at Stu in jealousy, not understanding how he was getting most of the attention. In response Macher decided to match his stare only his had more of an edge to it-insanity.
It was a good thing that Mrs Macher decided to come into the living room at that very moment.
“Alright boys, time to go home! We need to make sure that (Y/n) gets proper rest so she can start feeling better.”
Stu pouted his lip slightly, “We can't stay a few more minutes?”
His mother shook her head at him, “A few more minutes will turn into an hour then the next thing you know you'll be asking to stay the night. Plus we have to drop off Billy at his house. We don't want to worry his parents now do we?”
“That's what I thought. Now let's get going before it gets colder.”
The boys turned to their friend sadly. Although they were able to spend Halloween together this year they weren't ready for the fun to end just yet. We wanted more time. They needed more time together. They don't know if they were going to have many more moments like this with each other as much once they grew up. Especially what will happen once they reach High School.
Almost as if (Y/n) could read the boys' minds she sent them a reassuring smile. She even took it upon herself to take Billy’s hand in hers for extra measure, “We'll have to plan more for next year. This time we'll need a backup plane just in case one of us gets sick. Well be older then so will be more likely to stay longer with one another. Meaning….more horror movies!”
Stu stared at her with unexplained longing, “You promise (N/n)?”
“I promise,” She smiled.
With that the boys had packed up and left the (L/n) residence. They hated to say goodbye to their friend but it was guaranteed they would see her back in school soon. Billy was halfway through the driveway when he stopped and looked to his right spotting a blur of pink and other colorful hues.
Casey had stared at the boy in shock, her halloween bag hung limp at her sides as she seemed to process what she was seeing. The rest of the cheerleaders indeed where dressed up as princesses, one even going so far to have her hair colored red for Ariel instead of a party city wig.
The sight made the boy glower at them, they decided to show up to his friend's house to trick or treat rather than to hang out. The sad part is he knew she was waiting for Casey to come visit her. To check on her to see how she was doing and she candy with her. But that's not what Becker was planning to do, she was having a good time with the dumb wussies she called friends.
The sight made him sick to his stomach.
“What are you doing here?” Casey asked.
“What are you doing here?” Billy mocked, “I take it you're not here to check on (Y/n) after she caught a cold.” That time it was stated as a fact rather than a question.
He watched in satisfaction as the girl's face grew white.
“She's caught a cold?” Becker asked in worry, “Is she alright? She hasn't been walking around has she-”
“She's fine now,” The boy said stiffly, “Me and Stu took good care of her. Something you could never do in her time of need.”
The girl didn't even get a chance to respond before Billy turned and headed towards the Macher car where Stu was watching the whole interaction. A satisfying chill ran down the twos spin as they watched Casey cry to her friends, not even bother to touch the (L/n) residence doorbell.
And although it sounded cold when he said it. He meant every single word.
Billy opened the door to the Loomis residence with a huff, a content smile was on his face as he looked down at the load of candy he had in his black pumpkin pail (Y/n) had given him. The red licorice wrapper the two had shared was still on top, and the boy couldn't bear to part with it due to the memory it held. Maybe he could place it in the memory box or near one of his pictures-.
The boy froze in place as he heard a shout from his parents bedroom down the hall. Judging by the high pitch scream it was clearly his mother, it sounded angry-pure developed rage than he had ever heard from her before. Sure she got mad at him sometimes and shouted but it was more in a scolding manner, but this-this was unlike any other sound. So without all of his courage lost he made way down the hall to the bedroom door.
“For the love of god, Nancy! Nothing is going on between me and Maureen-”
“Oh really?! Then why was this whore in our house barely clothed?!” Nancy hisses from behind the door, “You're always out at night, conveniently when Niel is away from their home! And you leave me here with your son who I tuck into bed each night-”
“Don't bring Billy into this!” Hank growled low, “If I have made any mistakes-”
She scoffed, “Mistakes? Sleeping with another man's wife and cheating on yours is a mistake-?”
“Yes!” He confessed, “What was I supposed to do? She came on so strongly and you haven't touched me in so long-”
“That's what we talk about together as husband and wife! Not go and give in to a whore who has her legs open for the whole town!”
Hank moved towards the door only for his wife to block him, Billy could see just how intense his father's gaze was through the crack. His face was red, hair deseveld with a faint red lip on his cheek, just seeing the sight made his stomach sink in and his face turn red. Somehow he didn't want to believe it-to believe that his dad would cheat on his mother and give in to another woman-a married one no less.
“Hank,” Mrs. Loomis sobbed, “I can't do this no more…either you tell Mauren that this is the last time or I'm leaving.”
Billy watched his fathers face go white as a ghost, mouth agape. It almost felt as if they were mirroring each other-father and son soaking in the threat before the both of them. His mother wouldn't leave him here would she? His father was at fault, not him.
Hank drew in a breath, “You wouldn't. You love Billy to much-”
“Watch me.” His mother hissed, “I’ll pack up my things and take Billy with me!”
The man scoffed, “With what money? Mine? I'm the one who’s working my ass off to provide for this family, what do you do honestly? Lay around on your fat ass while me and Billy are gone. Who’s to say you haven't done the same thing-”
“Hank, are you serious-?”
“Don't think I’ve forgotten those longing glances you gave to Mr (L/n) before his death years ago -”
“Don’t speak ill of a dead man! Have you lost your damn mind?! ”
“You always spoke so highly of him. About how he was such a good husband and father. About how he always showered his wife in love and affection all over town-”
“Don’t broadcast your insecurities on me about that family, Hank!” The woman's face was red now, her tears spilled over and frustration building. “Billy cares for (Y/n) deeply! Don't speak ill about her parents in this house!”
Hank growled deeply, “He needs to learn that this girl he's spending time with is not going to want to be with him. She's a spitting image of her mother, and their kind don't take kindly to mixing-”
A sharp sound of a closing door stopped the two adults from squabbling. Nancy’s heart stopped, eyes landing on the door cracked a smidge. While the mother felt her heart breaking in two from her son hearing their argument-the father had no other wish but to drink his sorrows away. The words were already said and there was no way of taking them back.
Mrs. Loomis turned towards her husband in fury, “You bastard! Do you understand what you've just done? What you just said?!”
“ I stated nothing but the truth in concerns of his company-”
A sound of a responding smack resounded through the room along with a slam of the door. Nancy rushed down the hallway towards her son's door, her heart beating her ears, a thundering in her chest from the amount of maternal pain she was enduring. Out of all the things she didn't want Billy to hear, it was that. Once upon a time she truly did love her husband with all her heart, still does. But at times he asks herself did she truly know the man she married after all?
She hesitated before letting a soft knock on the door. “Billy? May I come in sweetheart?”
A soft “Yes Ma’am” was heard beyond the door.
Upon entering the room she found her son sitting on the bed with his chin to his knees. His room was a mess from getting ready this afternoon, vhs tapes in a corner along with comic books and sneakers. His pumpkin pail from this evening was sitting on his dresser along with the rest of his costume she slaved away on. She didn't find it a burden to put together his costume, it was well worth it to see the bright smile upon her son's face.
Nancy sat down next to her boy, watching his eyes become watery, “How much did you hear my sweet boy?”
Billy sighed into his knees, “Is it true? Is dad seeing another woman?”
His mother held her breath, tears threatening to come to the surface once more but refined from letting them spill, “I have no proof that he is. But I do have suspicion." She lied.
Nancy didn't want to tell her son about the sight she had seen earlier when coming back from volunteering in town square. They were all over each other on the couch, the woman's clothes tossed around the living room and practically naked once she walked in. To make matters worse it was as if the other wife had no shame. Maureen made it her mission to flaunt her perfect naked tits to the way she displayed the hickeys her Hank left on her body. She felt sick , fueled with jealousy and rage; her husband simply said nothing as well. Putting his dick back up in his pants and helping Mrs. Prescott dress back up as if nothing transpired.
If she hadn't thought about Billy at that moment, the two of them would’ve been chopped up carcasses on the floor.
Her son looked up at her letting a stray tear roll down his cheek, “If we were to leave Dad we wouldn't leave town right? I can't abandon my only two friends here.”
Her breath hitched before drawing her boy into a war. embrace , “Of course not sweetheart, i'll find a way to stay here-for both of us to stay here.”
“And you won’t leave me here with him?”
“No,” Nancy whispered, “Never.”
“You promise?” Billy breathed heavily.
His mother looked up at the ceiling, praying for an angle of some kind to tell her what to do in this situation. To give her the strength to tell her son yes. That his mother would never abandon him in his time of need, in his youth when he needs her the most.
Instead nothing came out of her mouth. Just the mother and son breathing in sync in the room together almost as if they were still one. And Billy Loomis for the first time, understood what it was like to truly have a broken home. With someone to fucking blame.
A woman by the name of Mareen Presscott.
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empressgeekt · 19 days
you know what would be a interesting au
the events of burning branches happen except the wedding proposal letter happens like a day or two before the Biggest loudest Crazies party ever
Well, if Char were around during the party attack, he would not be alone. They're would be Rockers around and I think they would take the Chef down, and help relocate the Pop tribe to a closer forest area to Rock territory.
However if She did get away with the snack-pack, Char would follow Poppy because it's clear she has ZERO survival skills. During the journey they learn a lot about each other.
"I really don't understand why you're so against hug time."
"It's because it feels insincere. Like Hugs should be something special, when someone needs it. Not scheduled. And I'm not used to strangers touching me."
"*gasp* you don't hug your' friends! That's so sad!"
"What? no. I hug my friends but it's not one the hour, and my friends aren't just random people in the streets."
"You aren't friends with everyone in your village?"
"I can't. There's over 5000 people just in the main city alone. Too many to know personally and get stuff done."
"But you do you take care of them if you don't know them?"
"Majority vote."
"But wouldn't that mean that some of them won't be happy with the plan."
"Yeah, the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few."
"Could you just find a way to make them all happy."
"Sometimes, but in some cases you can't. Why are you so concerned with how happy they are anyway."
"Uhm duh! That's the job of the king or Queen, keeping the people happy! Is that not how it works for Rock trolls?"
"No, the crown's job is to keep people safe, secure and stable."
"So, was Creek right and you guys can't feel happy?"
"We can feel happy, it's just we have other things to worry about over our next thrill trip, and don't trust anything Creek says about us. If you have questions about MY culture you can ask me, and not the guy who calls us barbarians."
"Creek was just joking when he called you that!"
"You mean racism to you is joking around. You're lucky it wasn't Val who over heard that."
"It's not racism!"
"Poppy! he's been calling our traditions and beliefs, savage and backwards. How would you like it if someone some tried to tell you you're music and holidays suck and you should practice there holidays! You know it was exactly this that led to the Great string war."
"String war? They fought over he strings? Dad told me that all the tribe went their separate ways amicably."
"OH...my ozzy..."
It's a very enlightening trip.
Char is fighting an odd buzzy migraine from the moment of they enter Bergentown. He mutters a prayer to Ozzy when they watch Creek get "eaten", Char may not like the guy, but no one deserves that fate. And he pities Bridget for the mistreatment she has but he has trolls to free. His future wife continues to baffle him, with the belief that Creek was still alive and then making a deal with bridget, and that that deal sends his headcahe over the edge.
Poppy is too happy befriending Bridget to notice Char's state until Bridget asks if someone was wrong with him. When Poppy turns to to find Char passed out on the ground twitching, she's panicking. Was he sick? Was this normal for Rock trolls?
During the fit Char sees the Chef grab a elder troll with mint colored hair while the feeling of falling over took his body. He was grateful the seizure was a quick one, since Poppy looked really freaked out once his vision cleared. He shows his scar and explains the head wound, and seizure condition. They let him take a short nap while they get Bridget ready since they were worried for him.
Poppy and Bridget would gossip about boys, Poppy wanting to know all the details about Bridget's love for the Bergen king while they get her ready. Poppy tells her about how Char is her fiance, and Bridget wants to know all about that. "So, he came across the world to marry you and save his people? he sounds very brave." "Yea...I guess he is."
When Creek's betrayal happens, He tells the chef all about the Rock tribe, and Char threatens to kill him!
At the end, Barb and the other Rock trolls barge in to save everyone...right after peace is made.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 7 months
Help me choose a fic to work on:
(summaries below poll)
Gorgeous Girl, Goddess Girl, (Good Isn't All You Have Been)
Silena raises her head high as she dons Clarisse's armor. One way or another, it ends today.
She places the note on Drew's pillow, and then Clarisse's.
She steps in the chariot.
She dies.
Silena dies. These are her actions leading up to it.
Everything Is In Past Tense Now (You're All Gone)
("And Silena, she makes chocolates with her dad right before the start of summer, and she'll bring them in and they always taste awful 'cause she never makes them any other time, but everyone eats them, 'cause it's Silena. You'll love 'em though, 'cause Cecil always makes ice cream to go with the chocolate, and Malcolm and Beck'll make some baked goods." Chris sees Drew leave the room, Nyssa wipe away a tear, and Clarisse balling her hands into fists and whispering 'hero, hero, hero, she was a hero,' and he realizes his slip up.
Slip ups at camp fires where people don't quite seem dead. (Denial is much stronger than reality when we want it to be)
This Ship Can't Sink Until It Sails [Tales From The Argo II]
1-3: Piper & Percy prank Leo. Leo tries to rope in Jason & Frank, who can't prank. Meanwhile, Hazel & Annabeth have plans of their own.
4: Annabeth & Jason bond over Thalia, and telling stories about their time at the camps, and architecture after Kym.
5-6: HOH rescue. 7+Reyna/Nico play truth or dare & monopoly. Percy & Nico have just enough time to take Hazel&Jason out for burgers.
7: Jason & Nico talk more after Eros. Hazel & Piper bond.
8: The seven manage to get sick, and Hazel is introduced to Disney movies.
9/10: Coach Hedge & Percy have a bonding moment, & Percy IM's people at camp.
11-12: Coach Hedge's POV on each of the 7. Reyna&Nico&Hedge in Alberta and why it will NEVER be mentioned.
13: the aftermath of the ending of MOA.
14: The last day, the 7 play uno and write goodbye notes. Leo's funeral.
The Gods Watch From Their Heavens And Judge Us (But Their Sins Outnumber Ours)
Annabeth and Jason and Luke. Those are all the people that Thalia has cared about in her twelve short years. Jason is dead. Annabeth is screaming. Luke is sobbing.
Thalia has failed them all. 
Thalia's reflection on her life as she dies.
Before And After (Though We Often Wish It Hadn't)
There have been hundreds of events in her life that have a before and after. There was the before she ran away, and the after of Camp Half Blood. There was the before she met will, and the after: when she would do anything to protect him. Clarisse has had hundreds of befores and afters, but nothing quite like this. 
She didn’t think that there was an after to watching her siblings get consumed by the earth, screaming, while another watched. 
She doesn’t know how to cope with that after: a quieter cabin, unfinished bottles of hair solution, and unmade beds.
Where Our Lines Blur (Hold My Hand)
Connor Stoll likes Malcolm Pace. Malcolm Pace likes Connor Stoll. Seems simple, right? Even more so when they go out to eat together, alone, once a week? But no, it isn't, and Annabeth is going to lose her damn mind if this keeps up. Travis too.
So they drive the two out of camp until they confess, which leads to a day of disasters and disregarded laws including car theft and shoplifting, not to mention the fact that neither of them know how to drive or are of age for a license. 
And then they manage to go on a two person raid of a camp with 40 demigods in it, the two are forced to swear something on the River Styx, and it somehow isn't even the worst part of the day?
Travis and Annabeth aren't impressed.
Come Down The Floods (And Bathe In The Blood Of Gods)
Connor Stoll's morning starts like this: it's three twenty in the morning, and there is a ghost next to them. Drew is already up. There is a storm giant in battle against the gods, and they are in a war against Kronos. It is five days before the biggest battle of Connor's life, and in forty minutes, they'll be dancing on the table with their friends. 
ALT: Connor's perspective of the mission to blow up the Princess Andromeda, the day of Beckendorf's funeral, the three days of the Battle of Manhattan, and the funerals that come afterwards.
Hateful Heroes (Burdened With Bitterness)
(I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU-)
War. War and Death and Tragedy galore. Clarisse isn't mourning properly. Percy isn't either really, and it's of no surprise. (What teenagers are meant to mourn for the people who make up their entire world?) Clarisse starts a fist fight by the dying embers of Hestia's fire and Silena's shroud- but it won't bring her back. Percy stays awake at night watching blood arise from his skin- no amount of it is going to make up for the lives lost.
And then they break. It's not a surprise, but for Hestia who sits by the hearth as they scream? Her heart breaks.
Tell Me I Can Live My Life (Don't Tell Me How To Live It)
The moment that Silena decides to become a spy for Kronos is the day that Drew breaks down in tears over her sexuality.
Drew wants to join the Hunters of Artemis, Aphrodite has a rule against that, and Mitchell tells horror stories about the rule.
So We Scream At The World (How Dare It Be Bright In Light Of Our Loss)
Will Solace is thirteen years old and ready to die. He's seen other people die, lots of them, and thinks that some of them didn't look like they were in pain, so really, how bad could it be? He's exhausted.
He is thirteen, and in charge of the infirmary. Usually it would be left to older kids, but he is the oldest. He's thirteen, and in charge of his siblings. Of making sure they don't die. He is not a leader, but he has been at camp the longest.
He just wants to sleep and never wake up. His family (because that is what they are, what they have become in this war) doesn't want to let him. (They want him to sleep, but they also want him to wake up.)
When All Your Fucking Dreams Are Dead
The Olympian dream is dead. Demigods pile up in bodies, and learn to fight monsters before they learn how to do addition- if they ever do learn either of those things, that is. Funny, right? They’re myths, they’re fairytales, it’s not like any parents would ever let their six year old fight monsters and take care of a toddler to survive, no, why the fuck would you think that? Fucking Olympian dream, folks. And hahaha, it’s all too funny, then you get to camp, you have no money, don’t even get your own clothes- no. Far to expensive when there’s two hundred children waiting for some food, and some bedding, and gods if someone else could just get a bed to sleep on, or even a place that wasn’t the floor- 
Has anyone considered that might have stopped the fucking war?
Or: time travel escapades lead Luke Castellan to be a little less bitter, and things- things go better- somewhat. 
Drew Tanaka, Connor Stoll, and Malcolm Pace travel back in time to just after Luke Castellan returns from his quest– Alone. 
Rewind, Rewind (I Remember That Night)
Characters reading the books fanfiction, will hopefully span from the start of PJO to the end of TOA. Minor character discrepancy.
"There's something worse coming. Isn't there? That's why we're here. Because something worse is going to happen-- again? You're doing this to us again? Three times. Three times we've fought for you-- when is it enough?" The figure still encloaked in shadows bitterly called towards the ceiling.
At once, like the hissing of snakes, like every sound in the world at once, the three fates rasped out, "Do not lecture us, child of the gods, of Athena and Hecate, this is the ONLY thing left..."
The figure did not recoil, and stood firm, "What is it this time? It was Kronos, then Gaea, then the emperors and Python... What's next? Ouranos? Khaos? What can't we recover from?" Behind him, the other campers whispered in shock and horror, but the boy didn't stop glaring at them.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 6 months
And now here we are at part 9 of the Reaper King AU💀, I know it's been a while since I updated but unfortunately life has a habit of throwing wrenches into plans. Sorry about that...
TW: As usual, disturbing imagery and some sensitive topics being brought up.
-Bloodmoon is just pissed off beyond words which is extremely evident as he grabs Sun and fully prepares to mangle him-
Harper: FREEZE!
-The Bloodtwins barely stop a millimeter from Suns face and cast a very annoyed look back to the park ranger who just walked into a group of cryptids like it was nothing.
Bloodmoon: This is revenge! We want to kill them SOOO bad! Don't interrupt this!
Harper: I'm only interrupting because your dad called; he's coming to see what is going on... And to hold off any killing until he gets here.
-Bloodmoons look of irritation quickly evaporated into one of smugness and he let out some barking laughter as he looked down at the still bound forms of Sun and Moon before him.
Vamp: Ohhh dad's gonna handle you two himself!
Lycan: So you're already dead, hope you have your funeral plans laid out already!
-Moon growls hatefully at the gathering of supernatural creatures before him but his eyes narrow as he looks at Harper with particular malice.
Harper: No, I do my job. I try to keep people alive who come here, but if you're are stupid or just outright unlucky... Well... I gave warnings. Nothing else I can do.
Moon: So... you're working with these freaks?
Banshee: (Chuckles) You're dating our dad too.
Moon: Oh God...
Harper: (Laughs) And of course, that's a major reason why I don't care if stupid people die.
-Wendigo shifts around until he is essentially sitting in a 'cat loaf' position. The massive creature looking over at Bloodmoon and the younger monster kids close to him.
Wendigo: Did Dad hear the call from all the way on the other side of the mountain? I thought that's where he said he was hunting today.
Harper: I don't know if he heard it per say; all I know is that he said that his 'Dadcode Sense' was going off and he was coming to see whatever was going on for himself... I think he's got the most powerful parental instincts there ever were, so I wouldn't question it.
-Wendigo chuckles as this is seemingly agree upon by all of the creatures present.
-As absolutely bizarre as it is for both Sun and Moon to witness... They watch this group of horrifying miscreants, even BLOODMOON, get along. Chatting as casually as if there was nothing weird at all with the situation. Hell Bloody several times even playfully pats at the vampire and werewolf twins. His actions showing no hint of malice; as he truly viewed the entire lot as his family and treated them as such.
-Suns gaze continued drifting to all of the different monsters in front of him. And somehow Sun can see them each as the children they were before they transformed... He doesn't know HOW he is doing this, but the thought that all these kids had their humanity taken from them by Killcode and Bloodmoon somehow nearly makes him sick.
-He suddenly notices that the little blue flame atop Bloodmoons head has a pair of white eyes and is actually watching him. Upon noticing that Sun was looking back at her she floats off... Those white eyes fill with tears and grows larger, roughly the size of a 5 year old and she stands next to Bloodmoon and just... Clings to him... He pats the little girls head and glares malevolently at Sun all over again.
Harper: (Noticing Wisp seeming distressed) Wisp honey, are you alright?
Bloodmoon: The bastards tried to kidnap her. Yet another reason we want them DEAD!
Harper: (Whistles) Wow... Hope dying quickly wasn't your plan because once KC hears that, well... You earned it.
-These words get cruel snickering laughs from the other monsters present.
-Yet this laughter was cut short as the entire area seemed to suddenly become veiled in shadows. A particular patch of darkness started to creep across the ground. Eventually stopping in the very center of this gathering... And then from this seemingly living shadow a massive clawed hand emerged before slowly the rest of the body was pulled out of the darkness...
-Reaper Killcode stood in all of his horrifying glory.
-After a moment there's a movement on his back and it became noticable that The Baby was on his shoulders. Only now she looked far more like a baby animatronic, one that closely resembled a tiny version of KC at this point. She moves from where she had been clinging to him like a little sloth and looks to Harper and extends a tiny clawed hand. While saying 'Mama!'
-The baby's name is now Shinigami. Or Shini for short.
-She is the only one of the Monster Family that truly views Harper as her mom...
-Harper is like the totally chill step-mom who is very respectful of boundaries and has made a massive genuine effort to become friendly with each of KC's kids. So even if she doesn't have any parental status to the kids she is given a certain amount of respect and they all are on good terms with her.
-Even the Bloodtwins and that was a massive life ACHIEVEMENT...
-Harper takes Shinigami into her arms as KCs eyes land on the bound forms of Sun and Moon and he is immediately bombarded with the story from Lycan Vamp and the Bloodtwins. While Wisp didn't say anything she gave a motion that she wanted to be held and KC picked her up and settled her into the crook of his arm.
-Only once he got the entire story did KC slowly approach Sun and Moon while slowly pulling out one of his scythes.
KC: Well well well... Out of all the individuals I never expected, nor wanted to see again... You two were at the top of the list.
-There is a brief conversation, mostly with Moon just snapping at Killcode demanding to know how the hell a whole forest just randomly shows up in there world eight days after he sent Bloodmoon and KC through the portal.
-This reveals that not only did the Monster Family (Their default title) NOT know how their home moved dimensions, but also revealed that eight days in this dimension was actually eight years in the dimension they had been in.
-But before anything else could be stated, surprisingly it is Sun who asks a question...
Sun: Did you steal a bunch of kids from their families and turn them into monsters?
-The question clearly made the tension rise amongst the entire group in the area. With many sets of eyes narrowing at the sunny animatronic. But the most extreme reaction came from Wendigo, who not only shot upright from his loafing position, now bipedal and being the height of an adult bull moose standing on its hind legs... He slammed his fist into a nearby tree, practically making it explode into a mist of splinters... He made a movement to lunge for Sun in his anger. Only stopped by Killcode holding up a hand, preventing him from advancing any further.
Wendigo: Shut your damn mouth! Our father RESCUED all of us!! Don't you dare insult him!
Banshee: (Tightening the chains binding Sun and Moon) Dad can WE kill them? I'm gonna rip that one's jaw off!
KC: (Sighs) It's alright kids, ease it up... Mere words are not enough to upset me. In fact I'm going to do these two a favor and overlook the fact that he even said anything at all. Considering... They may be useful to us.
Bloodmoon: You're joking! You can't be serious!
KC: Bloodmoon, what are our laws?
Bloodmoon: What does that have to do with-
KC: (More forceful) What are the laws?!
Bloodmoon: Never kill kids, never kill someone who can't fight back and-
KC: And never kill anyone you are indebted too... And like it or not; we are indebted to these two.
Bloodmoon: WHAT?!
KC: Had they not sent us through that portal, we would not have everything we currently do... We would not have our family. And I would rather not envision what our lives would look like then...
...an uneasy silence falls over the Monster Family as they listen to their patriarch, but he brings his scythe up closer to his face and inspects the blade...
KC: However... You did just attempt to kidnap one of my daughters. Which would under normal circumstances... I would cut you down where you stand. So that debt is essentially... Null...
Moon: So what the fuck are you doing then? You looking for an excuse to kill us? An excuse to bend your own rules?
KC: No... But I have to acknowledge ALL of the facts. Ultimately you're not entitled to any mercy from me at this point. BUT... You Moon, could be useful to me and my family.
Moon: ....how?
KC: We have been fortunate to not have any grievous injuries that need specialized repairs... But such a day could come. Be it for Bloodmoon, myself... Or my daughter Shini. But should that day come, we'd need someone with the knowledge, resources and the skills to do aforementioned repairs.
Moon: .....
KC: So here is my offer. We agree to a mutual deal... Should we need your assistance, you provide it. But mostly the arrangement would be that you leave us alone and we leave you alone.
-KC suddenly moves his scythe until it is perfectly level with Suns neck...
KC: Of course, this offer expires in 10 seconds... 9... 8... 7-
Moon: Okay! Okay! Fine! We'll take the deal!
KC: Wise decision... (Puts his scythe away and motions for Banshee to release the two from her chains, which she does and the brothers quickly stand up) Now get out of my sight...
-Moon grabs Sun by the shoulder and drags his brother away, careful not to spare a single glance at any of the monsters, Bloodmoon or the Reaper...
...This was not going to be fun to explain to Solar...
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