#keep your sugar levels under control
beatodiabtesapp · 2 years
Managing diabetes is not an impossible task. There are several ways in which you can keep your sugar levels under control. Through the right lifestyle and dietary changes, you can prevent the situation from aggravating and lead a happy and healthy life.  Read more: https://www.beatoapp.com/blog/which-one-is-more-dangerous-high-or-low-blood-sugar-levels/
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Blood Sugar
England Lionesses x Teen!Reader
Summary: You have a hypo during a match
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Your sugar levels were fine at the start of the match.
You'd checked them before you went out. They were fine and it's not like your diabetes were a new thing. You knew how to control them.
"Looking good?" Alessia asks as you press your monitor against the patch attached to your arm.
It takes a few seconds for it to flash up but you nod.
She grins, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "Excellent. Can't have one of our midfielders out of it. Who else will feed me balls?"
You roll your eyes. "Don't act like I'm the only one doing my job."
Lessi pinches your cheek. "But you're my favourite! Look at you! All cute and tiny!"
"Leave me alone!"
You try to shove her away but she just holds onto you firmer.
You'd known Alessia for years. You used to live next door to each other before she went to college in America and she'd been obsessed with you ever since you got placed into her arms as a baby.
She'd been overjoyed to see you on the team sheet for the Euro's and then now for the Finalissima. It helped, of course, that you and Alessia had racked up the most assist to goal pairings on the entire team.
"Leave her alone, Less," Leah says with an eye roll," We need her in tip-top shape, not looking like a tomato."
Alessia huffs as you put away your glucose monitor and dart around her, taking refuge with Keira and Lucy. You stick your tongue out at her as you pass.
You feel good during the first half, feeding the ball to Tooney, who scores. You feel good during halftime too, though you forget to check your glucose monitor.
You'd had it in your hand ready and waiting but Mary had caught you in conversation for the entirety of the break and it had completely slipped your mind.
Things took a turn for the worst about halfway through the second half. Your arms suddenly felt too heavy for your body and your mouth had gotten very dry, very quickly.
You sway on your feet and just manage to get the ball out from under your feet and to Keira to run up to Brazil's half. You stumble a little bit.
You're sweating now too, badly. You're sweating too much even for someone who has been on the pitch for nearly ninety minutes. You can feel your legs shaking too and you have to back up to keep your footing.
"Hey, what's going on? Is something wrong?"
The thick scouse accent from behind you means you've bumped into Alex and you practically go limp against her. She notices that too and immediately makes sure you stay upright.
Your head flops back like your neck can no longer support it. It's probably for the best because your vision has gone blurry and your head is swimming.
It takes all your concentration to move your lips in some semblance of words even though it comes out all garbled and slurred.
"'m goin' to pass out soon," You manage to say," Low sugar, I thin'." You draw in a ragged breath. "Meds have got...got..."
"Hey!" Alex shakes you. "The medics have got a...?"
"Gotta gluca...a gluca-"
You don't get to finish your sentence because you got fully limp now. Alex lays you on the ground, gesturing wildly to the medics and to the ref and to everyone who will see.
Leah's the first person to come skidding in, her hand immediately going to your pulse.
"What happened?!"
"I dont know!" Alex replies," She suddenly went all funny. She's sweating buckets! Er..." She shakes her head as she tries to clear her thoughts. "She said something about the medics having a...a gluca-something? I don't know. She passed out before she could finish."
"A glucagon injection," Alessia says as she comes running in as well," Fuck, her sugar levels must have tanked."
"She's right," The first medic says, shoving a glucose monitor onto your sensor," These are low. It's a wonder she didn't pass out earlier."
No one's really listening to him, least of all Alessia, who's rummaging through the first aid kit in search of something. Another medic is waving for a stretcher and a third one is pulling up the bottom of your shorts and cleaning off the top of your thigh with a cotton swab doused in alcohol.
"And she didn't hit her head?" The fourth medic is asking Alex, who shakes her head.
"No. She stumbled a bit but I caught her. She didn't hit anything. Just passed straight out in my arms."
Leah doesn't really know what else to do but stare. The whole team has joined them, forming a huddle around your unconscious body to block the cameras from seeing.
It's a pretty severe thing happening because the officials have even let Sarina on the pitch and she has joined the huddle with the rest of the staff to keep your privacy.
When Leah manages to tear her gaze from you, it lands on Alessia. She's at your other side, ripping open a small plastic box in a hurry. She uncaps a small glass bottle of powder and stabs a syringe into it, pushing all of the liquid into it.
She shakes the bottle a few times before turning it upside down and drawing it all back into the syringe.
"You need to roll her over once it's in," She says and Leah and a few of the medics immediately grab parts of you to pull on.
"Alessia," The first medic says," Do you need me to do this?"
"I've done it before!" Alessia snaps," As soon as I take the needle out, roll her in case she throws up. Okay? One. Two. Three!"
The needle finds a home in the top of your thigh, the area that had been disinfected. Alessia jabs the needle in and pushes down. As soon as she takes it out, Leah tugs on your shoulder to get you on your side.
"I need to come off," Alessia says to Sarina as you're carefully loaded onto a stretcher," I have to be with her. She'll be disorientated when she wakes up."
"Go," Sarina says," Be with her."
The match ends in a penalty shootout but everyone seems to be in the same mind because the medal ceremony is delayed until after you've been checked.
You're looking a lot better when Leah and the others burst into the physio's room. You're sitting upright with Alessia by your side, forcing a sugary drink down your throat.
It's clear that this has been going on for a while because there's another empty can of your favourite nearby and a packet of haribos in your hand.
"You scared us," Leah says.
"Did we win?"
"No talking!" Alessia snaps," Drink! All of it!"
You flash an amused smile at Leah but do as you're told.
"We won," Mary confirms," Penalty shootout but we did it. Could have done without the scare though."
"Sorry," You say with a wince," If it helps, I didn't plan it."
"Thank god for that," Alex mutters," Because that wasn't fun, kid. I thought you were dying."
"Just a bad hypo," You say and Lessi swats you.
"Stop making fun of dangerous situations," She scolds," I don't like having to give you injections so often."
You roll your eyes. "You've done it twice in my entire life!"
"Three times now! You're going to give me a heart attack one day."
"Well, can you have that heart attack later? We've got medals to collect."
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ozzgin · 9 months
Ozzgibz my lord may we have just one more crumb of pickle content pls pls pls🙏🙏🙏
Like I have an idea, reader as pickles mother🧐 like like like U wake up together after many many years
Not just a crumb, but an entire loaf! :D I will use this chance to finally finish all of the Pickle related requests I currently have. (At least I hope I haven’t omitted anything). So you may consider this a Pickle megathread, containing multiple requests put together.
Pickle Headcanons: A collection
Featuring Pickle and Reader: Pickle’s Mother! Reader, Pickle trying modern treats, Pickle and his newborn, Pickle x Student! Reader and Pickle x OP! Reader.
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Pickle’s Mother! Reader
You wake up surrounded by heavy, intricate machinery and at a certain point it occurs to you just how long your slumber has been. Ah, that explains the peaceful, uninterrupted rest. You can’t recall the last time you slept this well. And, like clockwork, you hear the humans scream mere seconds after you stretch your rusted bones. A familiar growl jolts you back into action. Being frozen for millennia sadly doesn’t strip you of your motherly role.
With a groan, you rip the medical cords away from your body, indifferent to the frightened stares of the scientists currently unsure of your intentions. They needn’t be afraid for long. With the calculated movements of someone that has been doing this one too many times, you walk towards the source of ruckus and return with Pickle under your arm. It’s almost as if you’re wearing an invisible hero cape: the research team can finally relax knowing Pickle’s fearsome mother is here to keep him under control.
This arrangement now poses an interesting dilemma: how will the fights unfold under the watchful gaze of a protective, Jurassic mom? Should the fighters be worried about a vengeful counterattack if they’re too hasty with your son? The first one to test the waters is Retsu, and before he enters the arena you place a heavy hand on his shoulder, briefly guiding him aside. He nervously watches your gestures as you pretend to beat up an invisible opponent. Are you showing him potential punishments? Then you give him a friendly nudge and point to Pickle. Realization sinks in and he stares at you, wide eyed. You’re giving him advice on how to give Pickle a proper beating. Well, obviously. If they’re going to challenge your menace of a son, they should at least make it worthwhile. Rough him up a little. At the end of the day, it’s less work for you.
Pickle tries modern treats
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Pickle would probably lose his mind with any carbonated drink or sweet flavor. He never had access to this amount of sugar, so I’m wondering if he’d think it’s poisonous once he becomes agitated from the abrupt intake. Nice, exquisite smell and a vibrant color that tempts him enough to give it a try. Next thing you know, the liquid sizzles in his mouth and he panics, but eventually settles down. Then his heartbeat increases and he’s squirming under the confused stares of the fighters (who initially offered him the drink), until Professor Payne points out his body might not be accustomed to our levels of sugar. The real trouble starts once he can handle the unhealthy snacks, because someone will have to stop him from overeating. (To be fair I’ve also never had a Baja Blast, seems less popular/available in Europe but it looks nice.)
Pickle unable to care for his baby
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They say your life flashes before your eyes as you die and you certainly gazed upon a delectable bunch of recollections when the prehistoric man swung his massive body towards you, growling threateningly. They were hoping the fighters could keep him entertained long enough for you to feed the baby, but it seems his fatherly instincts (that he’s otherwise lacking) trumped his need for battle. Thankfully, he stops right before his clawed hand touches your frightened face. For the first time he sees his newborn eating, the puffy cheeks expanding with each gulp of the mysterious bottled liquid you’re providing.
Well, if all you’re doing is feeding his child, he might as well keep you around. You certainly don’t look like a threat, even less so than the men he just faced in the Arena. To the relief of everyone witnessing the spectacle, you get to live and handle the baby. Not like you have significantly more experience when it comes to taking care of infants, but with the help of the scientists you manage to ease Pickle into his parenting role.
All this time spent together has reminded Pickle just how much he misses the presence of a second parent. The baby likes you, you seem to be rather knowledgeable about these matters, and you’re extremely cute if he is to be fully honest with himself. The Jurassic man can’t help the faint smile gracing his features whenever he pictures it: you make a nice family, wouldn’t you agree?
Pickle x Student! Female Reader
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You’ve learned to ignore the bewildered stares. Thankfully, this time, the only unusual sight consists of Pickle’s gargantuan size and nothing else. He’s dressed in modern attire and has since learned to behave better in public. You recall the first encounters, where an almost naked Jurassic creature kept following you around and wouldn’t take no for an answer. It took you several weeks to figure out he’s interested in you, and you eventually relented. Naturally you couldn’t have gone outside with a wild jungle beast donning a fundoshi and nothing else. So you did your best to instill modern customs into your new boyfriend.
And, for the most part, it worked. He’s sitting with you on a campus bench, politely waiting for you to finish your rough sketch. He enjoys watching your drawing process, especially if he’s the subject of the piece. A giddy feeling overwhelms him, almost as if he’s being physically touched with each stroke of the pencil. The fact that you observe him so carefully, and then somehow reproduce the image so accurately on paper…It entertains him greatly. Sadly he can’t return the favor. You’ve offered him drawing tools before in case he wanted to join your creative hobby, but there was no dormant Botticelli in his soul waiting to be awakened.
While he may not share your artistic inclination, you can at least be assured that no threat will ever reach your proximity again. His hands were built for battle and he makes sure you witness this truth on every occasion. No fight begins without your presence in the Underground Arena. As much as you feel for his battered opponents, the whole ordeal results in very neat action frames. You leave the matches with brand new batches of doodles. Who would’ve thought you’d find your muse in a prehistoric man? Additionally, if you ever need some extra cash, there’s always the option of delving into erotic art. After all, you have access to any reference you could ever need and Pickle would be most eager to help you.
Pickle x OP! Reader
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So this was a little difficult because I wasn’t sure whether Reader is overpowered in relation to someone in particular or just the whole Bakiverse. I went for a Reader who’s stronger than everyone else.
Pickle was very confused when he met you for the first time, standing in the audience of the Underground Arena to observe his match with Retsu. He was instantly smitten and was about to discard any intention of a fight to immediately pursue you instead, but he was stopped by multiple men forming a barrier before you and an angered Retsu demanding his undivided attention. He assumed you must be someone’s partner and therefore he’ll have to win his way to you. He couldn’t have guessed in a million years that you were politely allowing everyone else to have their fun before you swiftly cashed in your victory.
You did have enough grace to take your time with the prehistoric man. He doesn’t doubt that if you so desired, you could’ve ended the battle within mere moments; but just like the rest of the men, you wanted your fair share of entertainment. This way Pickle was also offered a sample of your exquisite skills, which made all the fighters before you fade into nothingness. Truly astonishing that a human half his size would tower above him in terms of raw power. He was left beyond impressed and his initial crush has avalanched into a full blown obsession.
Just because you’re stronger doesn’t mean he can’t fulfill the duties of a protective partner. Consider it a way to efficiently save time, as whoever isn’t strong enough to get past him isn’t worth your precious time. Not to mention that Pickle has come to view your sparring sessions as a special form of intimacy reserved for him and you only. If you need to train, he should suffice as an opponent. There’s no one else as sturdy as him, and you’re always in a great mood after a proper fight, so he’d be an utter fool not to take advantage of it.
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all-timelee · 2 years
It Was Just a Joke || J.S.
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Warnings: A few innuendos, nothing bad
Word Count: 1.2k
Jake Seresin was a complete pain in your ass. He was over confident, smug, and pretty much your least favorite person on the planet. At least that's what you told yourself. You refused to admit just how much attraction you felt towards the blonde, just how much you enjoyed the shameless flirting and attention he aimed at you. You would rather die than allow anyone to realize that.
You were deeply lost in thought, zoned out entirely as a few members of your team huddled around the pool table in front of you. It took Jake a few tries before he finally snapped you out of it, your head turning to face him.
"Are you even paying attention over there, sweetheart?" Jake asked, his infamous smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "To you? Almost never," you shot back without missing a beat, bringing the beer you cradled up to your lips. Jake chuckled, handing his pool stick off to Coyote before taking the seat next to yours. You nearly rolled your eyes as his arm landed on the back of your chair; body turned to face you as he got comfortable.
"We both know that's not true, don't we?" He prodded, cocking an eyebrow as he watched you drink slowly, trying desperatly to keep your mind in check. "I'm sure there's plenty of people here that would be more than willing to give me attention," you replied, shrugging your shoulders casually before looking at him, raising an eyebrow of your own when you noticed the flash of jealousy on his features, the look disappearing just as fast as it had appeared.
"Sure, you do, but it feels so much better when it comes from me," Jake said with a wink, earning a chuckle from you. "Then how about instead of just flirting with me, you actually make a move?" The words fell quickly from your mouth, making you choke down your regret once you realized what you said. You let yourself relax a little as Jake laughed, resting a hand on your thigh and lightly squeezing the skin there. The touch sent warmth through your entire body, making your cheeks flush slightly.
"Got quite a mouth on you, don't you, sugar?" Jake asked, letting his smile grow wider. His other hand came up to caress your cheek, fingers gently tracing your jawline. Your breath hitched slightly, the sensation of his fingertips on your skin causing goosebumps to form. You felt him lean closer until he was mere centimeters away from your face, your heart hammering inside of your chest as he whispered into your ear.
"What if I did want to make a move?"
Your brain seemed to stop working. You wanted nothing more than to shoot back some remark to Jake, but you were blanking, his soft touch almost being too much for you to handle. If this wasn't torture, then what could possibly be?
He must have sensed how nervous you'd become, because he leaned back just enough so he could meet your gaze properly. You didn't think you'd ever hated someone as much as you hated Jake Seresin right now.
"It was just a joke, darlin," he whispered, his voice low and deep yet smooth. You felt like you should be offended by the way it sounded, or at least taken aback by how close the man sitting next to you was. But all you could feel was anger. Angry at him for making you question your actions, angry at yourself for letting your true feelings come to light. Angry at fate for sending you this asshole to torment you.
With one quick motion, you pushed Jake's hand off of your thigh and stood, trying your best to keep your frustration out of your voice. "You're right, it was just a joke," you said, keeping your tone steady. "I'm gonna head out." You ignored Jake's confused expression as you walked away from the game, the noise of laughter coming from the men behind you only barely registering as you tried to get your heartbeat under control.
Once outside, you took several deep breaths, trying desperately to calm down. What the hell had gotten into you? You were usually composed, logical, and level headed. But when Jake came near you, everything seemed to go haywire. You hated that you let Jake have so much affect over you. How could you act so stupid when every fiber of your being knew that it all meant absolutely nothing?
You almost didn't hear the calling of your name as you neared your car, completely oblivious to the man chasing after you. "Hey!" You heard him yell, reaching out for your wrist. You tried wrenching your arm out of his grip only for him to pull harder. You turned towards him, seeing that he had a determined set to his jaw. You looked him straight in the eye, feeling the anger bubbling inside of you again.
"Leave me alone, Jake." You said, attempting to pull your arm free once more. "Come on, sweetheart. At least explain to me what the hell just happened," he insisted, not budging on his pursuit to get you to talk. You knew there wasn't a way out of this conversation, Jake was nothing if not persistant. He wouldn't leave until he was satisfied.
"Is it all really just some dumb joke to you?" You asked, unable to hide the bite in your voice. He looked taken aback, nearly doing a double take as he reigstered your question. You eventually grew tired of the silence surrounding you two and attempted to pull your arm out of his grasp, letting out a small gasp when he pulled you back with enough force that you fell against his body.
"What are you doing?!" You shouted against his chest, pushing against his chest in attempt to get away from him. Unfortunately for you, he was much stronger than you were, his arms easily keeping you trapped against his chest.
"I didn't know it wasn't that for you," he finally spoke, his voice quiet and you stilled against him. You didn't fight his actions this time as he hooked a finger under your chin, pulling your head up to meet his intense gaze. "It was at first, I-I don't know what happened," you whispered, finally coming to terms with how strong your feelings for the man had grown. No matter how much you denied it, the truth was undeniable.
He kissed you, and you couldn't help but melt into his embrace. There was no hesitation as he deepened the kiss, his hands running up along your back as he held you tight against him. You melted into the warmth emanating from his skin and your mind started whirling with thoughts. All you could think about was his lips against yours and the prospect of him harboring the same feelings you had been.
He finally pulled away breathing heavy as he stared down at you, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks. "Is this enough of a move for you?" He spoke, a teasing lilt to his tone which caused a small giggle to slip from your lips. "I don't know, you might need to come home with me and try again." You teased back and he chuckled lightly in response, leaning down to capture your lips again.
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justjams2003 · 9 months
Fast Pace-11
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', mention of sexual assault, old man being creepy (Fred Vasseur ofc), nudity, tell me if I missed any
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae @hangmandruigandmav @therealone4r @keii134 @dark-night-sky-99 @jax-the-oregonian
Word count: 3k
Part 10~Part 12
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There is an extremely fine line between want and need. Those born rich believe everything is a need. Oh no, my 14k turquoise necklace hasn't been polished, but I needed it for my gala. Not a want. Need, is something you cannot live without. Need is something that kills you. That burns you when you don't have it.
You need water, or else you'll dry up and turn to ash. You need food, or else your stomach will eat you until there is nothing left of you. You need air or else your lungs will collapse and you drown in your own gooey flesh.  
To you, it felt quite obvious. You need Carlos and Carlos wants you. You need him, or else you would've been kicked out of your apartment. Left to starve as you roam the streets, dirty and unwanted. To ashamed to ask for help, or even tell those who really should be caring for you about your situation.
He just wants you. In your eyes you were just something to keep him busy. To tickle his fancy. Cure his boredom when he's not working his body and mind to the bone. Aid him when the nights become too long. Or show him a good time when it all become too much. He could live without you.  
But, when you think about it, maybe your need was just a want. A tinkle of laziness that your exhaustion had brought fourth. If you were truly honest with yourself, you would've realised that you don't need him. You could easily find a better job somewhere else now that you'd worked your way up the ladder.
You would've been fine. And is his want maybe a need? You thought he was living the extravagant life. Girls on each arm, spending money left and right just for a few laps around the track. But last night, he has shown you the true crack in his walls.  
You see now. The pressure is tough, like the diamonds used to mine more diamonds. The extreme heat the tires are forced to endure. At the end of each race, they crumble and melt. Ripping apart in splinters of their former design. After each race, they're discarded, no reason to use something that's been under that amount of stress, right?
And yet, after each race, Carlos does it again. Billions of people, depending on him, willing him to fulfill their desires. You are the water that cools the heat of mining equipment. The heat gun that warms the tires. The safe haven that he's been needing.  
You see now that you are so much more to him. You see that you need to be so much more for him. He is in need and you must give more. Or else, he might just break and crumble and tear and there will be nothing left of your dear Carlos.  
"Carlos! Wait before you start." He looks so imposing with his whole race outfit on. His helmet makes him look so much taller. You grab him by that very same helmet and pull him down to your level. You open his visor and place a kiss on his cheek. "Pole position, for me?" Now, now is when he blushes. He doesn't answer you, he doesn't make any promises. 
This is the first time you've ever initiated contact. He's always been the first to kiss your forehead. To pull you closer to him. To hug you when you hurt, to care for you when you yourself don't want to. But you've deciphered his words. You see now that he is a chivalrous man who will not touch you, unless you take the first step. That is why you must train your body, treat it with highest honour. He doesn't want to hurt you.  
But as you watch him race by from the garage, and the clock so dreadfully ticks by, you can feel the adrenaline in your toes. All the way up to your heart, beating so loudly you might just faint. "He's doing it!" You yelp, mostly for yourself. It's not like anyone else would listen. Especially with his extremely possessive behaviour all morning. 
He didn't let you out of his site. If he had meetings, you had to wait outside. If he had media, you'd be in the room next door. Walking from place to place, his hand is on your hip. You remember, Ilsa had sent you a video of him at the media conference. You haven't told anyone about yesterday, it's far too private. For you and for him and for no one else to see or hear about.  
"Carlos, this has been an incredibly difficult year for Ferrari. While Charles is quick to anger, you manage to stay positive, how so?" He thought for a moment, licking his lips, combing his fingers through his hair. "My girlfriend, you know she's new to all this. She doesn't know about my failures. In her eyes I'm a superhero. As long as that doesn't change, I have nothing to complain about."  
The checkered flag is waved, time is up. It takes a moment for your eyes to focus, and even longer to believe it. He did it. Pole position. He actually did it. The whole garage is overcome with shouts of excitement. Everyone is jumping up and down, hugging each other, clapping hands.
You can see some engineers even want to do the same with you. Feeling moved by the pure elated joy. At the same time, you see the memories of his growls and flares flash before their eyes. That's alright. You barely know them after all. You're not for them.  
Still you join them in the barracks. He climbs out of his car, jumping up and down, you can only imagine how heavy his helmet must be. His eyes search the crowd, needing you. He needs to see you celebrate for him, just the same that you celebrate each time he makes it alive out of the car. Before his team gets their hands on him, his hands are on you. Hugging you tight, as if his life depends on it.  
The sharp steel of the barricade digs into your skin, but you don't care. You'd face the worst pain all just for him. It is so strange to believe how a fight can bring you so much closer together. Anything for him.
"You did it! You did it!" They all scream but Carlos can only hear your voice. He throws off his helmet as fast as he can. Carlos ignores his engineers and team principal. Instead he places a kiss on your cheek, the first return of a more intimate physical touch. "All for you, mi princessa."  
The team principal places his hand on your shoulder, while Carlos does his interview. "Christ, what did you do to him?" He has a wide smile on his face and clearly means it only with kindness, but you can't help but think of how tight Carlos held you last night. Every time you would stir he'd squeeze you. In his sleep he would whisper in fear, mumbling about how he just can't lose you.
And you can't help but wonder how much longer he can keep going with this game you're playing? Not just that, how much longer can he keep doing this job. Just for these moments that come only once a year.  
Yes he's smiling now, clearly beaming with joy. Not even an incline of last night's fear in his eyes. But how much longer can the both of you keep going? Waiting for him to crash into the wall. Waiting for the day that you get the call. Waiting for the day that you break and this relationship too ends in a violent crash.
Is it worth the smiles he has now? That fast paced thrill, is it worth the sudden stop? Because you can't keep racing forever and you can't keep this up forever. When is the point that you are more? More than just a money-spender? 
"Nothing," you shrug, know he won't understand your next words. "I just gave him a kiss on the cheek before the qualifying." The principal gives a boisterous laugh and then puts both his hands on your shoulders. "Well damn, next time why don't you sleep with him beforehand." 
He laughs, but you feel a strange churn in your stomach. The uncomfortable dissociation that every woman has felt. You feel like a toy, a ticket to his success. Like a piece of the card that they'll discard when it stops working. You feel much more  like an object than your very own Sugar Daddy ever made you feel.  
But his scent overcomes you before you can even open your mouth. That classic scent of Dior musk and freshly iron shirts. But now, more than ever, he's got this overwhelmingly masculine scent about him. The sweat from a hot race and the smell of the burnt rubber is all around you.
He's right in front of you. Carlos takes his team principal's hand and rips it off your shoulders. "Don't fucking touch her." Now that his helmet is off, his gaze is so much stronger. Anger, fueled by that similar to the Ferrari car he'd just been racing with. 
He turns around to continue with his duties but quickly stops in his tracks. "Actually, don't ever come fucking near her again." His hands, no longer gloved, reach under your arms and pull you over the barracked. You can't see anything, there are millions of flashes going off. Cameras, everywhere. Perfect, this will be the word on everyone's tongue.
Carlos takes your hand in his and practically drags you to his driver's room. "Carlos, you're being dramatic! It wasn't that serious!" He slams the door shut, you can feel the anger radiating from him.  
He turns to you, not a single sign of anger towards you in his eyes. But the fury is still there. "Not that serious? Mi dulce niña, you're crying." What? He moves in your space, his hands on your cheeks. No, no it can't be. You're over it, it's been more than three years you have to be over it. You sigh, admiring the new Prada heels you’re wearing, while wiping the tears from your cheeks.  
Your shoulders lift and then drop again. “It just brought back some bad memories. But he wasn’t doing anything wrong towards me.” His jaw locks and you can see he wants to say so much more. “Bad memories?” His touch is even softer now, his brows furrow together. “Yes Carlos, every girl has been assaulted it doesn’t make me special.” He scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Who? Tell me now.”  
A sigh escapes you and you take his hands in his. “Don’t do this, Carlos.” He shakes his head, “No, you can’t ask that of me.” You dry up all your tears in an instant. “It won’t happen again. With you by my side, I’m sure it won’t. So, let’s not focus on it, yeah? You have plenty to do, I’m sure.” You can see his mind is torn between you and his driver duties. He could get in a lot of trouble if he stays here much longer. At the same time, he cares so much for you.  
“Okay, okay. Let’s do that. But, if this happens again, you’ll tell me, yes?” You nod, bringing his face close to you and kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll be okay.” He smiles, forced but still. “Go, go enjoy yourself. You’ve worked hard for this.” This time, the smile is more real as he is reminded of his new victory.   
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I speed down the highway, the Ferrari Spider I had loaned for her goes 120km/h. I can see on the dashboard that the car is all the way in 5th gear. Yes, it’s nothing compared to the 360km/h I’m used to, but for her it’s as fast as she’ll ever go. Her hair is loose and wild in the wind. I’ve got the roof off, but still she hangs out of the window.  
Mi cosa bonita has got on the tiny red dress she had shown me the other day. The way she’s hanging, her dressed has hiked up all the way and is one slip up from having me pull over to the side of the road. The cut outs under her breast has a similar effect too. I keep my hand on her calve, to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.  
She’s put on her playlist, the whole car shakes as the speakers boom. She’s screaming every lyric at the top of her lungs. I don’t know any of them, most of them after all are in French. Not that I mind. Seeing her like this, enjoying herself more than ever, her body looking as delightful as can be, is already enough of a celebration to me.  
But as I pull up to the a nearby alcove, hidden away from the public, her eyes grow big. “Is what I think about to happen, about to happen?” She asks, allowing me to take her hand and lead her all the way down to the beach. There is no light but the moonlight. Stars light the path all the way down to the beach waves.  
Crashing down on each other, in a wild tumble and turn. “Carlos, I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” it’s September and there is a cold wind blowing in the air. Not quite Winter yet, but the first sign of it can be found on her pink cheeks. I take her hand in mine, unable to keep my body from hers for long. “I didn’t either, but isn’t it so lucky that we find ourself here after we’ve eaten. By a private beach, where no one can see us?”  
She hums and then wraps her arms around my neck. Her body is pressed up against mine, cold yes, but our friction together forces a warm heat in my loins. “What a strange coincidence,” her lips find my jawline. Placing kisses across my scruff. A delightful feeling that no other should ever be awarded. “Quel est votre plan pour moi, Monsieur?”  
Por Dios, she has me. She has all of me. Nothing I can give her would ever compare to this feeling. “Babygirl, si sigues hablando así, todos mis planes para ti se desmoronarán. Perderé todo el control de mí mismo.” She giggles and shakes her head. “Now we both have no idea what the other is saying.” I too laugh, “I suppose, but you could talk me in ancient tongues and I’d still understand.”  
She laughs and shakes her head, “Okay Shakespear,” my sweet girl lets go of me and turns around, allowing me to unzip her dress. As the dress falls over her shoulders, like water over glass, it is revealed that there is nothing else on her body, but the dress. My hands graze over shoulder, but lips just barely miss her skin as she walks off into the ocean.  
The scene reminds me of a young maiden being sacrificed to the ocean gods. Her beauty being too much for the earthlings to handle. Believing that such a fairness would cure their fish droughts. Am I her guardian? Sent with to ensure that she reaches the gods safely? Or maybe she is one of the Gods and I am only here to worship her. If that is so, it would be the easiest job I’ve ever done.  
At the same time, everything I could possibly do would ever match up to all that is her. Her laugh, her beauty, her kind nature that never wants and only takes what is given and never more. Nothing can be enough, but I will try until the day I die.
“Are you coming in or are just going to watch and stare?” She calls out, just her neck sticking out of the water as she bobs up and down with the waves. Within seconds, I hit the icy-cold water. A shock to all the nerves, more awake than ever. All exhaustion leaving the body as I’m woken, but still, I see she is not a dream.  
My arms reach her waist. Smooth soft waist, so much more skin than I’ve ever before been allowed to see, to touch. My lips find her collarbone, just barely above the water. I need her, I need her more than air. Her soft giggles as my beard tickles her skin. The water soothing the warm ache in my bone, luckily, she cannot see how much I want her as I kept my boxers on.  
“Carlos, I’m very proud of you.” Her soft delicate fingers intertwine in my now wet hair. Her makeup has been washed off, but she’s still just as beautiful. Her gracious up-do has also been wiped clean by the salty water. I cannot say anything that would truly compare to what those words mean to me. “Mi Amor, you don’t know how much that means to me.”  
She pulls me closer to her. Not a word is spoken between us, as we just hold each other. My head in the crook of her neck and her arms wrapped tightly around my head. My arms wrapped tightly around her waist; our bodies pressed tightly against each other. The waves pull and push us from side to side.  
I love her. I’ve known her five weeks now, but that is more than enough. I’ve watched her from afar from what felt like forever to me and now I have her in my arms forever even, if I have to burn the world down. Because this moment is ours and I’ll cherish this each time the world becomes too much.  
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New York Times 
“Carlos Sainz’s million-euro watch stolen in front of his hotel.”  
Us Weekly 
“Y/N Y/S/N seen in Gioia Bini on the Paddock.”  
E! News 
“Y/N, Kika and Alexandra seen buying big in Milan.”  
Page Six 
“Carlos Sainz celebrating his Pole Position with a joy ride along with his girlfriend.”  
“Top Five of Y/N Y/S/N’s outfits so far.”  
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Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
My taglist is open, just ask!
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
Just headcanons with Leon and his daughter who has a chronic illness
Leon x daughter!sick (diabetes, epilepsy or any other severe chronic disease)
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√ Hey, Leon carefully guards his child! however, there are not always things from which he can protect his daughter.
√ I see Leon as a very caring father. He will worry if his daughter's knee is torn from a fall from a bicycle and carefully treat her wound and bind it up if necessary. He will also monitor how her childhood injuries are healing.
√ Having seen so many horrors in the world, Leon takes even a simple cold seriously. If the temperature does not decrease even after taking an antipyretic, Leon will prefer to take his daughter to the hospital.
√ Leon hardly knows the symptoms of the diseases, but he noticed an unusual dryness of the skin and the smell of acetone in combination with other symptoms. If his daughter loses consciousness in front of him, it will drive him crazy. All the way to the hospital, Leon will hold her in his arms and kiss her on the forehead or the top of her head.
√ Nevertheless, he will not allow himself to show fear of his daughter. No matter at what age she is diagnosed with it, Leon will be her strongest support. He will learn everything about this disease and his concern will only increase.
√ He is paid very well for risks at work, so the question of money is never acute. Leon will make sure that his baby receives good treatment, which will be corrected by doctors in time and he will repeatedly take her to an endocrinologist and other necessary examinations.
√ Measure your blood sugar level every day and make sure that the insulin injection is done on time? Papa Leon is watching this very carefully. He even keeps a blood sugar control log.
√ Does she need a home education? Leon will study this issue, and if necessary, then no problem.
√ It is important to understand that under no circumstances will he leave his child alone with these diseases. He will never tell his wife/girlfriend to deal with this shit alone.
√ Will take her to all medical procedures.
√ He's such a loving dad. He always convinces his little girl that her illness does not make her inferior. Spends time with her looking for classes available to her.
√ He will definitely not allow his child to be offended.
√ He will turn on her cartoons and lie next to her in the nursery until she falls asleep. Actually, Leon, because of his daughter's illness, can check her well-being even at night.
√ He definitely knows how to provide first aid, but for the sake of his daughter, learn to put injections more carefully so as not to leave bruises and not cause her great pain.
√ Always consults with specialists on any medical issues.
√ Leon will always take care of his child's well-being. This is what he highlights, if nerves or stress affect her health, then he will comfort her and say that no excitement is worth her well-being. For Leon, the daughter is a little diamond, no matter what she is ill with.
√ If a chronic illness is caused by a severe injury (for example, a traumatic brain injury), Leon will literally hate himself for not looking after his child well.
√Again, medications are very expensive, as well as treatment, but Leon is ready to do everything possible so that his child does not need anything. If she gets epilepsy later, Leon will try to always be there to help his baby.
√ Leon will always try to be there. When she is in the hospital, he will provide her with the full care that is possible.
√ It does not matter what kind of disease she has, he will still study the Internet and books studying this diagnosis in order to know better how to help his child.
√ Perhaps his daughter will be banned from playing sports or attending summer camps, depending on how serious everything is, then Leon will try to find a good alternative with her.
√ All medicines will always be at hand.
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barksenji · 2 months
Hi, welcome to wasp indoctrination. You're going to be indoctrinated.
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I was fighting with people about wasps in a YouTube comment section and thought I'd share some interesting information here as well:
Wasps are incredible pest controllers! Over 30,000 species of solitary and social wasps hunt a wide range of invertebrates, including bugs, spiders, roaches, and flies. They are likely as effective at regulating the populations of these organisms as other top predators like insectivorous birds, mammals, and amphibians. Additionally, their short lives and rapid reproduction allow them to closely match fluctuations in prey populations.
The chemicals we use to keep our crops free of insect pests are harmful to wildlife and ecosystems. Although pesticides are designed to target specific insect species, research reveals the non-lethal effects these chemicals have on non-target insects. We need to explore more sustainable approaches to agriculture.
This is where wasps come in! Using natural predators, like predatory wasps, is a viable solution. Wasps are also pollinators. Although they hunt prey to feed their growing offspring, adult wasps are herbivores, similar to bees, and visit flowers for sugar. For much of the year, adult social wasps are fed by their larvae, which provide them with a nutritious sugar solution in return for the meat they are given. Social wasps visit flowers mainly in spring and late summer when larvae numbers are low, while solitary wasps can be seen on flowers throughout the year since they do not benefit from larval nutrition.
Some plants are entirely dependent on wasps for pollination; scientists have identified 164 plant species across six families, most of which are orchids that have evolved to mimic female wasp pheromones, if I'm not wrong, some even resembling the back end of a female wasp!
If you think wasps are evil because they sting, it might be due to the CO2 from your breath, which makes them aggressive. CO2 acts as a natural alarm signal at their nest. Holding your breath for 10, 30, or even 50 seconds (good luck lmao) can make them less likely to detect your presence, resulting in bees and wasps leaving you alone.
Lastly, not all wasps are the same. Different species exhibit different behaviors and levels of aggression. For example, Mud dauber wasps, found throughout North America, are known to be the least aggressive. They rarely sting and are not protective over their nests, preferring to nest in areas with access to mud, such as underneath bridges, under eaves, or in attics.
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Anyways, I hope you love wasps now. I'm totally not an undercover wasp writing this.
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another anti-psych post from your neighborhood patient-therapist
In my last post I talked about the kinds of basic needs people and communities have, and asked what it might look like in your community to meet those needs as a baseline. This time we're going to talk more about what happens when communities and individuals are chronically un-/under-served.
Okay so let's break it down this way. We're gonna try looking at just one medical symptom of chronic stress: autonomic dysregulation. It's not going to feel like we are, but I promise that's all we're doing. This is a *serious* symptom and it often comes clustered with others due to the way it functions within the body, which is why I think it is a useful case study here. Autonomic dysfunction, especially chronic dysfunction, can temporarily (though for long spans of time if the dysfunction remains chronic rather than acute) alter the functioning of other systems within the body such as the endocrine system, the reproductive system, cognitive functioning through the hippocampus and amygdala, and muscle functioning, nerve functioning, and others. It is no joke to suggest that long term autonomic dysfunction can often lead to major long term health consequences that are life altering for the person experiencing them. While some can be treated, managed, or even cured, not all can be and this is something I want us all to keep in mind as we consider the need for building communities that do not cause this kind of harm to their people.
Let's look at some potential medical outcomes of autonomic dysfunction, per the Mayo Clinic:
Dizziness and fainting when standing, caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.
Urinary problems, such as difficulty starting urination, loss of bladder control, difficulty sensing a full bladder and inability to completely empty the bladder. Not being able to completely empty the bladder can lead to urinary tract infections.
Sexual difficulties, including problems achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) or ejaculation problems. In women, problems include vaginal dryness, low libido and difficulty reaching orgasm.
Difficulty digesting food, such as feeling full after a few bites of food, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal bloating, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and heartburn. These problems are all due to changes in digestive function.
Inability to recognize low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), because the warning signals, such as getting shaky, aren't there.
Sweating problems, such as sweating too much or too little. These problems affect the ability to regulate body temperature.
Sluggish pupil reaction, making it difficult to adjust from light to dark and seeing well when driving at night.
Exercise intolerance, which can occur if your heart rate stays the same instead of adjusting to your activity level.
Some common comorbid conditions may include Diabetes, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Parkinson's, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or an autoimmune disorder. In each of these cases I want you to remember the lens of an individual body being denied, in some way, its base needs (an edocrine hormone, a nutritional component, the internal security of homeostasis, etc), to such an extent that it begins to experience an internal catastrophic failure, as this lens may often be supportive of accommodating your disabled comrades, or yourself, in the future.
I also want us to consider some common social statistics relevant to these conditions. Nearly 4% of the world experiences and autoimmune disorder. Most are women, and Indigenous, Black, and Latina women are at risk than most for several of these. In the United States, there are suspected to be 37.3 million people with diabetes. Diabetes is also considered an autoimmune disorder by researchers, and is one that the Indigenous, Filipino, Indian, Latine, and Black communities are all at higher risk for than white people are, however, risk is also heavily influenced by poverty, and by a family's location with respect to food deserts which grow more and more common. In a truly wild statistic, 80% of lesbians versus 32% of heterosexual women had polycystic ovaries in one study, and 33% of lesbians versus 14% of heterosexual women had progressed to PCOS. Some studies find that transmasculine folks are more likely to PCOS as well.
When we consider the marginalization these groups experience, and the way that marginalization plays out in the social forum, the political forum, in the financial forum, and in the emotional forum, are we really surprised to learn that it plays out in the embodied forum too?
This is what people mean when they talk about social murder. These are health conditions that don't just change lives, they end them. A system that churns out people so chronically sick that their bodies are desperately killing themselves trying to stay alive is a society that has become desperately sick. Diabetes is something we have attributed to individuals, to families, and even every once in a while to corporations, but at what point have we sat down and looked at a society that produces this murderous autoimmune disorder at such high rates and asked the real question: how are we making so many people sick?
The answers are many, and that can feel overwhelming, but I encourage you to start in one place and learn your way around it as well as you can before you even consider moving on. Maybe start with food deserts. They're probably familiar to you, you've heard about them in passing before I imagine, even if you're not really too into this stuff. But ask yourself WHY food deserts are able to exist? What are the mechanics of one being born? How does one stay free from the stain of a grocery store or food market? Are there any places like that near you? If so, what points of leverage might there be in that location for you to break the homeostasis of the food desert? How can you add your weight to efforts already occurring, or stir up sentiment around the idea of a new homeostasis where a grocery store exists? Can you put up flyers or attend town hall meetings? Can you knock doors or phone bank? Can you bring some sugar by your neighbors and comment how frustrating it is you all have to go so far to get your groceries and wonder what's up with that and maybe start scheming together? What kind of store should it be? Bring in a local market? A chain? Build a co-op or merchant's stalls for a four season farmer's market?
Get really into one idea, and get others in on it with you. I bet you aren't the only one who'd like a better status quo.
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A Way You Can Store Your Vegetables For Months
Have you ever wondered how our ancestors preserved a whole winter season worth of frost-intolerant produce? Canning is a useful method, though a large harvest can easily turn it into a seemingly impossible task. The solution many generations before us turned to was building a root cellar.
Although many cannot build their own old-world root cellars due to rentals, adequate space, or urban environments; a little common sense and wisdom of temperature and humidity guidelines will allow anybody to whip together an ideal means of prolonging produce-life through the winter.
A conventional root cellar, which essentially is a room buried in a hillside or underground, meets only a handful of criteria.
INSULATION: The earth is a wonderful insulator. A typical old-world root cellar was literally buried on all sides except the entrance, utilizing the natural insulating properties of the soil.
VENTILATION: It is important that your make-shift root cellar can breathe. Warm stale air needs to float out of the top of your chamber as fresh cooler air makes its way through the bottom. This is important to keep humidity levels under control in order to prevent the rot of moisture-sensitive vegetables such as squashes.
DARKNESS: Light accelerates the decomposition of fruits and veggies. An ideal means of storage incorporates complete darkness.
Consider what you may have on hand if you would like to construct a practical yet permanent root cellar: Burying an insulated plastic or metal trash can with a tight lid is a popular option. Others have gone to the trouble of recycling an entire broken refrigerator by submerging it in a hillside. Another option is to frame off a corner of your basement with a window or vent. A more conservative approach is to sink a large cooler into the ground. If one of these avenues are chosen, make sure you are ventilating with a hose or pipe.
A blast valve or similar device may be incorporated to prevent below freezing temperatures from entering your storage compartment.
My personal favorite involves little more than a pile of straw, hay, leaves, or moss and a minimal amount of elbow grease. It is most effective with potatoes (Read on).
As a rule of thumb make sure not to wash any produce prior to storing. This will greatly reduce its ability to keep. Instead provide enough drying time for exterior dirt to dehydrate, then brush off any large clumps.
Apples can be a dangerous food to store with other produce. The idiom one rotten apple spoils the barrel is spot on. As apples age they release ethylene gas which causes other produce to rot too. It’s a wise practice to isolate them in shallow containers with lids. They keep best in 80-90% relative humidity and prefer temperatures of 32-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Check on them often and remove any signs of rot.
Beets prefer the same 32–40-degree temperature range but can withstand a bit more humidity. Outdoor storage is an easy and effective method to practice. Before hard frosts begin simply hoe dirt over the protruding shoulders keeping the foliage exposed. As winter begins, mulch over the rows with up to a foot (more for colder climates, less for warmer) of leaves, straw, or hay.
This method may be applied to carrots, parsnips, turnips, celery, rutabagas, cabbages, leeks, kale, and spinach with some success as well. Regarding flavor, the longer you can keep cold tolerant produce in the ground, the better. Cool fall temperatures sweeten many vegetables such as beets by literally increasing the presence of sugar.
Brussels sprouts are somewhat frost hardy and can be left in the garden until late fall. They may be kept in a root cellar for some time however a lack of moisture will shorten their lifespan. Like beets they prefer a temperature range of 32-40 degrees and high relative humidity of 90-95%.
Cabbage can withstand light frost when it is young and moderately severe frost when mature. Some varieties are briefly tolerant to temperatures as low as 20 degrees. The method of mulching beets above can be employed here. Cabbage prefers cold temperatures of 32 to 40 degrees and high moisture of about 80-95% relative humidity making it a good root cellar candidate. Either cut off the head or pull out the entire plant (roots included). If the roots are left on it may last a bit longer in a cellar, however if the stump is left in the ground a smaller leafy cabbage will emerge the following season.
Carrots can be kept in the garden under mulch just like beets. Remember to cover the shoulders with dirt. They prefer temperatures of 32-40 degrees and relative humidity of 90-95% in a root cellar. If storing in a cellar, harvest before the soil freezes, cut the stems close to the carrot, and store in a bucket of leaves or sawdust with a loose lid.
Cauliflower and Celery prefer cold temperatures of 32-40 degrees Fahrenheit and very moist relative humidity of 90-95%.
Celeriac is one of the best keeping vegetables during the winter months. Trim off the longer roots making sure not to cut too close to the meat. Store it in damp sawdust, sand, or moss at an ideal temperature range of 32-40 degrees and a very moist relative humidity of 90-95%.
Dry Beans can be harvested after pods are nearly dried out while still attached to the vine. Spread the pods on newspaper for a week or two until completely dry. A productive trick to separate the beans from the pods is to fill a bag and beat it with a stick. When a hole is cut in the bottom corner the beans will fall out pod-free. Dry beans store well in temperatures between 32-50 degrees though they can withstand freezing temperatures. They are less moisture tolerant at an ideal range of 60-70% relative humidity. Store in dry containers with tight lids.
Garlic needs to be air dried in a warm arid area for 2-3 weeks. Remove the roots and store at an ideal 32-50 degrees with 60-70% relative humidity and good airflow.
Leeks come in frost hardy varieties which should be utilized if growing for storage. They can withstand a bit of snow and the mulching process may be used up until the ground freezes. Harvest with some roots still attached and stored at an ideal 32-40 degrees upright, preferably in wet sand. Though leeks prefer a high relative humidity of 90-95% take care not to wet the leaves during storage.
Onions require curing until the necks are quite tight before storing. To cure, spread them in a dry area with sufficient airflow or hang them upside down. Ideal storage temperatures range from 32-50 degrees with a relative humidity of 60-70%. Make sure they are stored in an breathable container such as crates or mesh bags.
Parsnips store well in uncovered ground until a solid freeze at which point they should be mulched. The frost improves their flavor for a succulent spring harvest. Store harvested parsnips in damp sawdust at an ideal 32-40 degrees and a high relative humidity of 90-95%.
Potatoes should be cured in a dark place for 1-2 weeks at 45-60 degrees. After this they prefer cold temperatures of 32-40 degrees and moist relative humidity of 80-90%. A great means of outdoor storage is piling an insulating material such as straw or hay on top of unused winter garden space with a few inches of dirt on top. Make sure to keep a ventilation hole, clear of dirt, on one side of the pile and a drainage ditch around the perimeter equipped with a small runoff canal.
Throughout the winter hungry gardeners can reach through the ventilation hole and fish out the produce. If you have a tarp on hand covering the top of the pile, but not the ventilation hole, will prevent your storage mound from eroding away. If many potatoes need storing and more than one pile is not an option layer the pile with 4-6 inches of insulating medium, followed by a single layer of potatoes, followed by 4 inches of soil. Repeat the layering process.
Pumpkins should be cured like squash (see below) with the stem left attached and stored around 50-55 degrees. Relative humidity should fall between 60-75%.
Sweet Potatoes can be preserved all the way until spring if properly cured and stored. To cure, let air-dry in a warm humid environment of 80-85 degrees and 90% relative humidity for 10-14 days. This will toughen the skin and improve the flavor. Sweet Potatoes store best in an unheated room of about 50-60 degrees with a moderate relative humidity of 60-70% taking great care not to let them drop below 50 degrees.
Turnips should be harvested before heavy frosts, tops removed, and stored as you would carrots in a moist insulator such as sawdust, moss, or sand.
Winter Squash should be harvested before a hard frost when the skin is tough enough to prevent penetration from a moderately pressed thumb nail. Flavor is best when the seeds are given a chance to fully develop. Make sure to leave the stem on the fruit and cure for about 10 days at 75-85 degrees, ideally. Store them in a moderately dry and warm spot where the temperature doesn’t drop below 50 and preferably stays below 60 degrees. The best relative humidity for storage falls between 60-70%. Great information by Farmacy.
Source: I Support Farmers Markets
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9
Today's (8/1/2024) Episode: Aging Up Is Hard To Do
After Noemi joined Luigi in adulthood, the pair struggled to settle into their new, older, stage of life.
Luigi had been busy after aging up, first grieving and then trying to make Noemi’s birthday perfect. When the vain sim finally checked his mirror, he was horrified by how OLD he looked. Wrinkles and bags under his eyes…!? The self-absorbed sim hated the marks time had left on his face.
It didn’t help his outlook that his eczema and anemia seemed to be getting worse, despite religiously sticking to his tried-and-true maintenance routines. He’d also begun to struggle with excessive thirst. None of it made it easy to meet his own high standards. Luigi was officially in a funk!
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As for Noemi, she had finally set a date to start the job that Skye’s birth and her health issues had postponed, but it was messing with her head.
She worried that her social struggles would prevent her from making a good impression on her bosses and new peers. On top of that, her inability to exercise the way she wanted to since Skye’s birth due to her surgeries had left her carrying a lot more leftover baby weight than she liked.
The idea of facing her new co-workers and clients when she feeling far from her “best” kicked her anxiety into high gear.
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When Luigi admitted his unhappiness with his new, older look and recent ill health it prompted his fiancée to admit to her own concerns.
Noemi suggested that, since Luigi was feeling under the weather, they start trying to tackle things with a visit to their doctors.
Hopefully, his primary care provider could help him figure out what to do to get his chronic conditions back under control and Dr. Valasquez could help her brainstorm ways to manage her anxiety.
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Sadly, the outcome of Luigi’s healthcare appointment only worsened his outlook.
His symptoms and answers to questions about his general dietary habits quickly prompted the doctor to order a panel of bloodwork. This revealed that Luigi’s recent fatigue and dry skin weren’t the worsening of his long-standing medical issues, but a sign that he needed to overhaul his lifestyle once again to deal with a new chronic condition: diabetes.
To keep his blood sugar in a healthy range Luigi would now need to avoid many of his favorite breakfast foods and mixology recipes. He hung up the phone in shock, his natural cheerfulness unable to find any bright side to the grim news. Why did these things keep happening to him!?
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Noemi didn’t fare much better. Her therapist wasn’t able to suggest anything she didn’t already know, leaving her no better off than before.
Grabbing a late dinner after putting Skye to bed the couple compared notes and tried to brainstorm. Luigi’s first idea came as he remembered how empowering it had felt for him and his cousins to curate their “new looks” after moving in together. Maybe, he told Noemi, they couldn’t change what was at the heart of their problems, but with a little “fashion magic” they could cover over them a bit. She agreed it was worth a try.
When he went on to bitterly joke: “At least my seldom sleepy trait keeps me mostly awake and alert. If only there was a satisfaction potion of chronic-illness-be-gone!” a lightbulb went off in Noemi’s brain. No satisfaction reward would help him, but there was definitely one for her weight concerns.
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When Luigi saw the “Insta Lean” potion pop out of his fiancées inventory he placed a hand on her arm to stop her from chugging it down.
“What?” she asked him “It’s a perfectly safe one time reset. Now that I can exercise again, I’ll easily maintain a weight that makes me happy. Come to think of it, exercising more would be good for both of us. Didn’t the doctor say a regular fitness routine would help you manage your sugar levels?”
“Yes, he did” Luigi replied, “and that’s a great idea. If you’re spending points, do you have enough to pick up Seldom Sleepy too?” At her nod he smiled and continued. “Grab that, and we can burn the midnight oil together, going for late night jogs on the beach and early morning swims!”
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Gesturing back at the potion his face got serious as he continued: “I just wanted you to know, before you drink that, that you are beautiful and loved just the way you are. If your new bosses or your bathroom mirror don’t appreciate you, I hope you realize how much I do.”
Noemi leaned across the table and kissed him softly. “I love you too. However much your love completes me though, I want to go into my new job feeling on top of the world. This expensive little cocktail will boost my confidence in the office Monday morning, when I’ll need all the help I can get!” With that, she tipped the glass back, letting the magical concoction slide down her throat with a cool tingle.
With their “fixer upper” plans in place the pair looked forward to a fashion makeover to highlight their new, more mature, and soon sleeker bodies!
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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rosieblogstuff · 11 hours
WIP Wednesday
Have some WIP, pals!
Matty isn’t alone when she arrives in Mac’s room. Cage follows her like a stretched-out shadow, slips into the room and stands at the corner of the bed while Matty moves to the left side, where she’s not looking over Mac’s feet to see his face. “How are you doing?” she asks as an opening salvo, as if she’s just here for a social visit.
Mac grits his teeth as he shoves himself more upright, so he’s sitting under his own power and not leaning against the pillows on the tilted head of the Phoenix Med hospital bed. “I want to go home.”
“Do you?” Matty asks in a tone that implies great skepticism, and he was definitely not expecting her to fire back this quickly. He thought she’d try the sugar approach first. “Your home is still a crime scene, Mac, so you know that’s off the table.”
Mac swings his feet out of the bed. A pain like fire shoots up his right arm, splitting the buzzing numbness and he can’t keep himself from hissing. Matty’s eyes are like lasers, cataloging every move, every reaction, every microexpression that he can’t control well enough. Mac meets the challenge in her eyes. “Why? We already know who took me. We already know who took Jack. But Murdoc didn’t take him from my house, so there’s nothing we’re going to find there to help.”
Matty continues to give him a level look. “We can’t know that for sure. Would you risk losing a crucial piece of evidence that might point us in the right direction?”
Mac flinches, looking away, and his eyes land on Cage, still standing by the door, arms crossed. Cage keeps her poker face on, but he sees the way she’s watching him, like she’s looking for the cracks. As if it’s not obvious. Phoenix has run down all its best leads while Mac was stuck in medical. Jack is still missing.
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lifeexperience · 2 years
WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT COMICCON! #2 - Let’s just blow it up and call it a day
Previous - Masterlist (not yet)
Tim was an inch away from committing murder. And it was a big statement if he looked at his really irritating - finally teenager - little - ex-assassin - brother. He knew he was the one who let the brat organize everything… Let him be in control! But… but this was a felony! “What do you mean I can’t drink coffee?”
After a devastating glare Damian finally answered. “Father and Pennyworth both think you are consuming too much caffeinated and sugared beverages so they entrusted me to supervise your water intake. Only water intake.”
That emphasis was a little bit weird to him and maybe aggressive(?). The ‘only’ meant he couldn’t drink anything else. The ‘ONLY’ meant he couldn’t taste anything within a right caffeine level. “You are a demon!”
“Of course.” 
The pride was too shining.
He muttered some more curses under his breath then turned to his little hobbit for directions. “So my absolutely little demon,” he got a real deadly stare now but who cares!? “Where does our journey take us next?” And during their walkthrough if he would be able to acquire an event map so it would be easier to check out where he would be able to potentially get coffee, nobody needed to know. 
Especially his watchguard.
“Tt.” The characteristic reply before the ultimate mission discourse. “I think the best course of action is if we visit the game section first. There we both can enjoy our favorite plays and try out some new software together too.”
It’s quite a nice strategy? Like he really thought and logistics it out for him? He was a little bit surprised. “The CheeseViking got a new update, right?” 
Some contribution at least from his side. He could hang out with his little brother for a weekend. He was able to do it without any quarrel. 
Or thinking about his miserable life decisions.
“And Ultimate Mecha Strike V. too.” Yepp, the language of nerds was always a neutral topic between the two. Sometimes they could rope Jay in it too but Dick… The ancient one was a lost cause.
As they got closer to the gaming section he acquired an event flyer (or two for emergency). Without being too suspicious for the brat’s liking he scanned the areas for buffets or some staff room. Because staff rooms always had good access to caffeinated beverages. Their deprived souls needed it just like him.
The best timing could be when Damian would be immersed in the ChesseViking saga so he would be able to sneak away to the closest coffee site. 
But first the gamer section. At least he could try out the newest UMS game.
The countdown has begun.
Finally Marinette was able to break away from the artist duo and more importantly from the chaperone duo who promised her parents they will keep away any caffeinated drink from their precious daughter. Despite their precious daughter’s volition, who only could survive that many people (and lack of sleep) on high caffeine.
Oh, it's the gaming section. She almost walked past it.
Hmm.. Maybe she could try out some new software first. She looked down to Tikki who carefully perked at her from the side bag. The little Goddess's disapproving eyes showed how much she believed in her and her - mythical - coffee-free life.
Just for Tikki I will be strong! (… for now.)
With a sigh she lined up to the new UMSV. game. Of course she already tried it out since she was the European Champion for four years straight and the developers let her beta test the whole software half a year before the release. And she ‘surprisingly’ enjoyed it. It had more diversity than any earlier games and the graphics were phenomenal too. 
The only big negative thing was that she couldn’t compete any longer in the UMS tournaments. 
The two boys who were playing that moment were also super competitive and would be really exciting to slash them down. The younger one was a little aggressive to her liking but the older one was more sluggish… Maybe he also needed his high caffeine level. She chuckled. And looking at the line in front of her… her system also demanded more caffeine than to play a game of which she already knew every corner.
She was a little bit confused or her thoughts jumped a random way… Surely from the lack of coffee.
She shrugged. All the same. Tikki will be bribed with some american cookies and she will enjoy some coffee without any drama.
Or so she thought.
Just as she would have received the cup - the barista’s hands held the God’s liquid out already - Nathaniel appeared out of nowhere (or from that huge crowd of the con). For some moments the time froze up and they just eyed each other. Nathaniel more of a “what do you think you are doing?” glare and she with an “I’m trying to survive” look. 
Then Marinette grabbed the cup and bolted…
She will not be caught alive.
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papirouge · 8 months
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Ah yes, because we all know that Russia bombed the equivalent of 2 H bomb onto Ukraine in the span of a few weeks, precisely like Israel did. No mention of the (illegal) use of white phosphorus, which is known to have terrible effect on the environment. That's totally a normal "war" stuff that happened before and that we should just gloss over like we did before :) .....NOT.
The "exceptional" treatment for Israel is simply on par with the exceptionalism of this war. Pulling out a whataboutism about other countries, or the Russia-Ukraine war is stupid considering that either Ukraine or Russia has yet to showcase the same casualties as Palestine does.
"how many country has YOUR country set off" that precisely because people acknowledge that their country has a hand in this conflict (sugaring Israel with their taxpayer money and weapons) that they're doing the most against it, genius🙄 And you know what happened when Westerners said that this conflict is actually also our business because that's our money that goes wasted onto it? we've been told that we're just clueless goyim and that we are forbidden to have an opinion on it lmao Because Israel spilling goyim blood to have their fanatic millennialist Gret Israel way is totally not goyim business...ofc So what's the truth? should we stay in our lane or not? how? we've been boycotting but even that has been a problem for Zionists too somehow (we'll get back to it later on this post). At this point whatever we do or say will never please you because you're just mad we stopped drinking the Kool-Aid.
btw, it's funny to see yall suddenly whine about the delusional left saying that the hostages are "crisis actor" when the ones who've been consistently saying that the victims in Gaza weren't real and made up an entire HASHTAG #paliwood to mock them(!!) were Zionists.... interestingly no Zionist complained about people making a "trend" off tragedies, like they do against pro Palestinians...what a load of hypocrites lel Actually Zionists were the one insinuating that the hostages were actors for displaying signs of sympathy for their captor and not being enough mad at them lmao ....Something-something...every accusation is a confession LOL I'm not saying that there's no delusional conspirators in the left/anti Zionist side though, only that acting like the left had some sort of monopoly in denying basic reality to fit their narrative is straight up dishonest. Never forget that the ones who came up with the "crisis factor" talking point were CONSERVATIVES, to act like mass shooting were psy-op and that no kid died in Sandy Hook to remove from their side any responsibility regarding their loose gun control policies. The same right whose antisemites constantly fly under your radar, and that you lazily label as "leftist" just because they're against Israel....
Behold, LEFTIST anti Zionist MEME 🤡
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Interesting how I never see you guys seethe about the actual antisemitism of this flock of guys🧐 it's like, the left had to bear the whole responsibility of the rise of antisemitism on its shoulders.....why?
"focus on their own shit" You mean, those civilians precisely did by doing what they could do at their own level such as boycotting, something that Zionist lobby also tried to make it illegal(??). Zionists made fun of protesters protesting IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY against their own government, saying how useless they are and hop they're more of an inconvenience than a "real" protest. Like sis, if you want people to "focus on their own shit", keep that same energy for Israel and tell them to stop trying to interfere onto foreign country politics (trying to make the ban of Israeli products illegal) & assaulting them! So yeah, don't be surprised that people start to get scared of Zionism. Which btw already did a handful of victims already...even in the West :
"Zionism will kill us all". If you can use Islamism like a boogeyman to say it will "kill us all" (in the West), don't be surprised we pull out the same energy for Zionism who also kills ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"harass and threaten people in other countries" lmao you mean like those two Israel agent did by assaulting US citizens on their own soil? 🤡
the same US citizens who hound their own officials to stop funding this war, and you know who's still making fun of them?? ....Zionists (look at the comments)
but yeaaaaah anti Zionists are totally not doing shit and are just lazily harassing people online. Tell me you have no idea what you're talking about without telling me you have no idea what you're talking about.
TL;DR : you guys never beat the every accusation is a confession allegations
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aurawomen · 10 months
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How to induce a period with PCOS?
Inducing a period with PCOS often involves addressing the hormonal imbalances associated with the condition. Keep in mind that it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting to induce a period, as they can provide personalized advice based on your specific health situation. Here are some general strategies that may be recommended:
Hormonal Birth Control: Birth control pills, which contain estrogen and progestin, are commonly prescribed to regulate menstrual cycles. They work by providing a steady hormonal balance.
Progestin Therapy: Progestin, a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone, may be prescribed to induce a withdrawal bleed similar to a menstrual period. This can help shed the uterine lining.
Metformin: If you have insulin resistance, your healthcare provider may prescribe metformin, a medication that helps manage blood sugar levels. Improving insulin sensitivity can have positive effects on hormonal balance.
Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can be beneficial for managing PCOS symptoms. Weight loss, if applicable, may help regulate menstrual cycles.
Natural Progesterone Cream: Some women with PCOS use natural progesterone cream under the guidance of a healthcare provider. This is applied topically and is thought to help regulate hormonal levels.
Fertility Medications: If you're trying to conceive, fertility medications such as Clomiphene may be prescribed to induce ovulation, which could lead to a more regular menstrual cycle.
Remember, individual responses to treatments can vary, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's essential to have a comprehensive discussion with your healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate course of action for your specific case. They can assess your medical history, conduct necessary tests, and tailor a treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.
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prasadmedicals · 11 months
Diabetes and Kidney Disease: The Connection and How to Protect Your Kidneys
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Looking for a doctor near you in Brooklyn 11213 to help you manage your diabetes and kidney disease?
Visit Prasad Medical Center, where our team of experts will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to help you control your blood sugar levels, protect your kidneys, and improve your overall health.
Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy.
When you have diabetes, your body either resists the effects of insulin—a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into your cells—or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain normal glucose levels.
Over time, high blood sugar can damage many parts of your body, including your kidneys.
Diabetic kidney disease, also known as diabetic nephropathy, is a common complication of diabetes.
It occurs when high blood sugar damages the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, making it difficult for them to filter waste products from your blood.
If diabetic kidney disease is not treated, it can lead to kidney failure, a serious condition that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
You can reach our dialysis centers in Brooklyn in these places
What happens to your kidneys when you have diabetes?
When you have diabetes, high blood sugar can damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys.
This damage can make it difficult for your kidneys to filter waste products from your blood.
Over time, as the blood vessels in your kidneys become more damaged, your kidneys may not be able to function as well as they should.
This can lead to a buildup of waste products in your blood, which can cause a variety of health problems, including:
High blood pressure
Fluid retention
Weakness and fatigue
Bone disease
Heart disease
Kidney failure
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How to protect your kidneys if you have diabetes:
The best way to protect your kidneys if you have diabetes is to control your blood sugar levels. You can do this by following your treatment plan, which may include taking medication, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.
Here are some other tips for protecting your kidneys:
Monitor your blood pressure regularly: High blood pressure can damage your kidneys even further, so it’s important to monitor your blood pressure regularly and work with your doctor to keep it under control.
Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is a risk factor for both diabetes and kidney disease. If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can help improve your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of kidney disease.
Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet for people with diabetes and kidney disease is low in saturated and trans fats, sodium, and sugar. It is also high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Exercise regularly: Exercise can help improve your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and overall health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
Don’t smoke: Smoking damages your blood vessels and can make kidney disease worse. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about quitting.
When to see a doctor:
If you have diabetes, it is important to see your doctor regularly for checkups and kidney function tests. This is especially important if you have any of the following symptoms:
Swelling in your feet, ankles, or hands
High blood pressure
Blood or protein in your urine
Changes in urination
If you have any of these symptoms, your doctor may refer you to a nephrologist, a specialist in kidney diseases in Brooklyn.
Finding the best doctor near you in Brooklyn:
If you are looking for a doctor in Brooklyn to help you manage your diabetes and kidney disease, there are a few things you can do to find the best doctor near you:
Ask your primary care physician for a referral
Search for doctors in your area who specialize in diabetes and/or kidney disease
Read online reviews of doctors in your area.
Talk to your friends and family members who have diabetes and/or kidney disease to see who they recommend.
Once you have found a few doctors that you are interested in, you can schedule a consultation to learn more about their approach to treating diabetes and kidney disease.
Diabetes and kidney disease are serious conditions, but they can be managed with proper care. By following your treatment plan, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly, you can help protect your kidneys and live a long and healthy life.
If you are looking for a doctor to help you manage your diabetes and kidney disease, there are a few things you can do to find the best doctor near you in Brooklyn.
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strictionstriction · 1 year
Understanding Striction D Natural Supplement
Striction D Blood Sugar Support is a natural supplement aimed at people who want tob regulate their blood sugar levels with clinically-studied ingredients. Let's dive into what it's made of and how it works.
Ingredients and How They Work
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Helps reduce insulin resistance, regulates glucose levels and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Magnesium deficiency is linked to higher blood sugar levels, supplementing helps reduce insulin resistance, improve fasting glucose levels and reduce inflammation.
This mineral helps improve blood sugar metabolism and helps insulin perform better in the body.
Banaba Leaf Extract
Regulates how glucose is absorbed in the body and can contribute to lower fasting blood sugar levels.
Benefits of Using Striction D
Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
This supplement helps stabilize blood glucose levels, particularly beneficial for people with Type 2 Diabetes.
Lower Cholesterol
Research shows that Striction D can help to manage lipid levels. It has been shown to significantly decrease levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and total cholesterol.
Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation is linked to a range of health issues, including diabetes. Striction D's ingredients have anti-inflammatory effects, which help improve health outcomes.
Possible Side Effects
If you take too much Striction D, you may experience dizziness or lightheadedness. Consult a medical practitioner if this happens.
Upset Stomach
Mild nausea, bloating, or gastrointestinal issues can occur due to the formation of gas in the gut. Drink plenty of water.
Although rare, some people may be allergic to one of the ingredients found in Striction D supplements. Watch out if you have a pre-existing condition.
Customer Reviews and Experiences
Senior Citizens
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People love it! I have been on Striction D for six months, and my blood sugar levels are lower and more stable.
Manage Obesity and Overweight
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It helped me lose weight and keep my sugar levels in check. A natural way of keeping things under control.
Athletes and Active People
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It decreased my blood sugar levels while supporting my active lifestyle. A great supplement for those looking to manage blood sugar naturally.
Healthy Living Advocates
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I've been taking Striction D to maintain my overall well-being, and it's been excellent. Highly recommended!
Purchasing Options and Pricing
Beginner's Package
1 bottle
Standard Package
3 bottles
Best Value Package + Free Shipping
6 bottles
Ordering Striction D online on the official website is secure, and there's a money-back guarantee. A good price considering many other supplements on the market retail above £60 a bottle
Conclusions and Recommendations
Striction D is a promising supplement that regulates blood sugar levels naturally. The supplement boasts a combination of all-natural ingredients with strong clinical backing, so there is no downside to trying it. Before starting this or any supplement, it's essential to consult with a medical professional to ensure that it fits into your health plan. Overall, Striction D appears to be a reliable supplement to help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve general health.
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