#keeps finding mew ways to break my heart
deathbyoctopi · 1 year
Read a fic in which it is mentioned tangentially that (cql)Xue Yang is left to rot in the streets of Yi City, none of the cultivators there willing to give his body the slightest courtesy of any sort of burial. 
I couldn’t disagree more this time. No seasoned or amateur cultivator would risk the slightest possibility of Xue Yang coming back as a fierce corpse: that man was given every proper rite, incinerated, exorcised, and his ashes sealed in a titanium little box promptly thrown inside an active volcano. 
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 months
Currently Watching - April
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 30.04.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
Tracking: #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in April with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 25 Ju, Akasaka de 🇯🇵 (2/10)
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They were fellow students and now they have to play in a BL together. One of them is two years older and popular. For the other one, this is his first big role and he needs it, so he is determined to to anything he needs to do, to be a good actor. Even when this means to find a partner and fall in love to be able to play the role perfectly. Why not try to be lovers with your co-star. All for the sake of the series of course.
2. Blue Boys 🇰🇷 (2/4)
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This short series is quite good. I saw the first episode by chance and I was hooked, but lost it again, because I couldn't track it on MDL. Now it is up there. I hope these two can resolve their missunderstanding, with talking! But they are too hungry for each other...
3. Boys Be Brave! 🇰🇷 (2/8)
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Enemies to lovers, but different. Jinwoo likes Kisub and Kisub knows this. But while Kisub gives his heart away to every person who hits on him and can't really say No to anyone, Jinwoo loves to build up his wall and hide behind a strong No. Their worlds collide, when Kisub moves in with Jinwoo, if he likes it or not. Great first episodes!
4. Cityboy_Log 🇰🇷 (12/?)
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They are back and unhinged like before! Jihan and Jaejun met after a while because they were busy and it seems they had some catching up to do the night before. We get some daily vlogging, some cuteness and some jealousy, which wasn't that cute. But they are finally back and I am happy. The acting is still very good. There is no deeper story behind, just some idols, models and actors falling in love with each other and theit daily lifes.
5. Deep Night 🇹🇭 (3/8)
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his is everything I was expecting, so it didn't disappoint, I guess. To be honest, I watch this for First. I guess he would have chemistry with a stick, soooo this is nice. And I hope the story, at least stays like this and won't get worse... Update: This show is a mess 😂 there is so much going on all at once and at the same time nothing really happens? It is so confusing, yet very entertaining. But Wela, my dear, it is totally okay to be pissed if one fucks with you, while you are so drunk you can't remember shit the next day... Just a thought.
6. Kare no Iru Seikatsu 🇯🇵 (3/8)
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Kazuhito has no girlfriend and the ones he had, broke up with him, because they felt he likes someone else... Who might that be?... The story is simple, I guess? (But perhaps not that simple... The preview for ep 3 looks interesting.) Childhood friends are forced to move in together after spending time apart. One is a little bit naive and is trying to find out why girls breaking up with the most charming and handsome guy he knows and the latter is in love with the naive one and in the end they have their happy ending. I like it. I want to see their growth.
7. Love Is Like A Cat 🇰🇷 (10/12)
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Who thought this was a good idea? Who wrote this? Who said cut at the end of scenes? Who thought this is be the way Mew should act? I cringe so hard and not in a funny way. This series is just bad. I keep watching because of this little bean. But I had to skip so many scenes in today's episodes, because it was just so bad! And I can't figure out if Mew just didn't want to be there and act or if that is the way the director wanted him to act... But the acting is bad. Bad choices everywhere. And the dialogues? Cringe... Why would a bean like Dae Byeol fall for Uno? Nope...
8. My Stand-In 🇹🇭 (1/12)
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Okay, hear me out. I watch this for Poom and for Poom only. But the story lookes interesting, it was quite intriguing. I don't know why, but I cringed a bit too much at some scenes. But Poom is beautiful and that is all I care about. Yes, I can be this shallow!
9. Only Boo 🇹🇭 (4/12)
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The cringe was so strong with this one this week! I had to pause multiple times, but at the same time I enjoyed it so much! Moo is so unhinged and I love him! But please! Don't let Moo's cousin become a possible love interest for Kang. I know we got this dream sequence this week, but there is something in the air between Shone and him... and I don't like it. The second couple... I felt really sad for them this week. Beeing in love with your best friend is never easy...
10. Unknown 🇹🇼 (12/12)
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The story about found family, childhood trauma and struggling topped with a lovestory between "brothers". They aren't really brothers so I really don't care and just enjoy this forbidden and hurtful lovestory to the fullest. This is exactly what I hoped for! The longing, tension and hurting is so good! It is the aftermath of the shooting and Qian is still dealing with his emotions and his feelings for Yuan. The love between them is real and strong, but Qian is afraid and can't just let his heart decide over the head, yet. He loves Yuan, but is afraid what that means for them and especially for Yuan's future. And yet he held him back. He was the one reaching out in the end! I have said enough about them and this first part of ep 11 in my post. I love them. My heart belongs to them. I wish we had more developement between these two as a couple, but I still love them and I forgive this show the rush in the end, because I love it so much.
11. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Those two flirt a lot and are a married couple. Everyone knows that. And I love and enjoy that! Overall this is such a fun watch and the different sects and intrigues are sometimes a little bit confusing, but interesting. I love this world of martial arts and I love how protective Wen Kexing is over Zhou Zishu.
Finished in April
My Strawberry Film 🇯🇵
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This is what I call a love triangle. And the fact that the screenwriters worked for Eien No Kinou or Jack o'Frost promised some heartbreak and teenage angst. And they delivered. I really like this series. And I felt so many emotions, especially for Ryo. And I really loved the ending. No fake relationship and no unrealistic confessions, just some teenagers in love and being friends. And I think Hiraku was such a sweet friend in this last episode. He apologized and he finally recognized Ryo's feelings for him. And I believe they stay friends in the future. It might be difficult, but a good friendship is worth fighting for. It has so much to do with respect and love for each other. It is a solid 8 out of 10 for me.
Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto 🇯🇵
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The story about highschool sweethearts, who didn't have the chance to enjoy their young love, because of horrible family backgrounds. Their story is devastating and I am happy they found their way back to each other. The story was good, the acting was good, I am in love with Furuya Robin, which is nice, and the side characters were special (shoutout to Yuto!). I wish there was more "passion" from Miyata, but I guess it is due to his character. Overall it was a good watch and I enjoyed it! A good 8 out of 10 for me.
Jazz For Two 🇰🇷
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I love bls about music and about traumatic pasts. The second couple has my heart. I just love them coming together. Usually I hate this bully-trope, but with them, I kinda enjoyed it. Perhaps because Jooha always looked like a hurting puppy. Overall the homophobia in this one is strong and I think it is interesting to see them deal with their own feelings. Internal and external homophobia is such a big thing in all their stories and I wish they had more time to show the developement from hating themselves to loving the other person and themselves. But in my opinion they made a good story and a good show. I like it very much. And what was that kiss in the end? Wow! A good 9 out of 10 for.
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To Be Continued 🇹🇭
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I really like this one! I read some comments that the reason they never got together was just stupid, but from their perspective I can understand why they reacted how they reacted. They were young and unsure what to do and what all of this meant for them and their friendship. What I liked about the show was the present and past scenes. We learned so much about their past and the scenes fitted perfectly. It was a really good series and I am glad I waited to binge it. Guess I come back to this one from time to time. Rewatch value is there. And those two have really good chemistry! A good 9 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
Dropped in April
We are 🇹🇭
I dropped this after the first half of the first episode. There are a few reasons for that. First, I need some shows to binge on lonely sundays. And second, I just don't feel like watching this one. It was so quirky for me. Not my kinf od humor right now.
Looking forward to in April
Love is like a cat - Trailer (Apr 1st)
We are - Trailer (Apr 3rd)
Memory in a letter - Trailer (Apr 6th)
Grey Shelter (Apr 11th)
Kare no Iru Seikatsu - Trailer (Apr 12th)
The Spirealm (Apr 15th)
Boys be brave! (Apr 25th)
25 Ji, Akasaka de (Apr 19th)
Kimi to Yukite Saku: Shinsengumi Seishunroku (Apr 25th)
My Stand-In - Trailer (Apr 26th)
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 2024
Knock Knock, Boys - Trailer
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shortpplfedup · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 9
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A contemplative episode this week, as most of the characters stop struggling and start accepting some shit. But while some people come to correct conclusions (Ray and Mew break up, but can you call it a break up if you were never actually together?), others just decide to make the same mistakes and hope for different outcomes (Sand keeps trusting Ray instead of himself; Mew decides to give Top another chance). We're moving into the last act of the story now, and it's anybody's guess where we land up when the dust settles. Last week y'all judged Ray the most audacious by a mile. Lemme put my glasses on and see who I'm feeling this week.
🔺1. Nick (6)
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Team Second Option!
Nick and Sand's loser friendship and their self-awareness of same is one of the most delightful parts of a truly delightful show. I can totally believe Nick suggested them hooking up, this is EXACTLY how these things go. Them dissolving into giggles over their kiss and cuddling each other to sleep was a beautiful friendship moment. Another beautiful moment was Nick's acceptance that he really had just fucked things up with Boston (we will ignore the fact that the boy just can't HELP spying on that man having sex with other people🤣), apologising in a heartfelt way and attempting to move on. I think Nick's heart might be the only one at ease at the end of this ep, so he wins the week.
⭐2. Boeing
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My room is right here as well.
IT'S MOND IT'S MOND IT'S MOND MOND IS HERE AND HE LOOKS GOOD AS FUCK! It's time to find out what the hell this is all about, but whatever it is looks kinda fucked which YES.
🔺3. Sand (11)
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We are just masochists.
The loser camping trip did a lot to make me feel less irritated with Sand this week. Sand has always been incredibly self-aware about how much him having feelings for Ray is a suck move, but having him state it all so baldly and call himself a masochist this episode did move the needle for me. Architect of his own misery? Yes, but knowing he lowhighkey ENJOYS the misery makes all the difference. You know what king, you do you. Swing wildly between euphoria and despair while you're young enough to find it exciting.
🔻4. Boston (2)
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Gay, straight, pan, whatever the fuck you want to be. I just opened your eyes.
Oh sis, I saw you trying there, but the lack of impulse control as always will land you in trouble. He should have sent Atom packing after that party, but sad, lonely and pissed off are a bad combo, and one thing Boston consistently does is make poor decisions when he's feeling some typa way. He clearly served up a top tier dicking though, because Atom is in LOVE. Inconvenient at best. As I keep saying though: you can't keep a bad bitch down, and Boston's one of the baddest. This too shall pass.
🔺5. Ray (12)
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I am thick-skinned. I don't care.
*deep negro spiritual sigh* How DARE you bust up the loser camping trip Raymond. I'll not forgive you for that one. Ray, rejected by Mew, demands Sand's company for an ego-boosting dopamine hit (including the sex that Mew denied him, natch), continuing to treat him like a servant and a possession. But this time Sand calls him on it, and that maybe means he thinks about it a little? TBD. I do think Ray WAS actually honest this episode about his feelings (hence the rise in rank), but he was still trying to get what he wanted out of Sand. He and Mew ended their ill-advised relationship as friends though, so that's a positive. Rehab seems to be on the menu next week so anything's possible. I still think these two are terrible for each other, but they're 21, I guess it's allowed.
🔺6. Top (7)
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I just want you to know that the person you think loves you the most is not that good.
Watching Top work Mew's moms over all Mew's objections was gross, and I'm fortified anew in my feeling that this dude's vibes are just OFF. Top...circling Mew like this, working Cheum, working his moms, making the move to excise Ray but not actually pulling the trigger because he knows taking the high road will appeal to Mew...look this show has 3 more eps to prove me wrong but something ain't RIGHT with this 'un. Top's money, his good looks, his sweet words, that's all it seems anybody pays attention to, but something underneath...anyway, his strategy's working, right up until the moment Mew runs into Boeing on his fucking doorstep.
🔻7. Mew (3)
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I just thought if I became someone else, I'd be stronger.
Well the slut spiral was fun while it lasted, but I guess the morning after a coke bender is generally unpleasant and Mew's a paper tiger not a real G. Mew's trying to keep up the party boy persona but he's not built for this shit, his heart's not in it and Ray trying to literally get in his pants crashed him back to reality. He's totally going back to Top, Boeing or no Boeing.
⭐8. Mew's moms
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I saw you on Mew's Instagram. You look better in person.
Oof. Look they're cute and they obviously love Mew, but their son is clearly uncomfortable and unhappy with Top around and they're ignoring that. They may not know what happened, but the room ain't THAT hard to read.
🔻9. Atom (1)
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Did I just get nailed and bailed?
Atom tried dick exactly once and it's got him outside Boston's house in the middle of the night begging for more of the same. My bunny boiler hopes have fizzled for both Nick and Sand, maybe Atom is the one I've been waiting for.
🔹10. Yo (10)
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Good can't buy love.
Mae Yo with the read this week: 'good can't buy love'. I really want Mom and Cool Stepdad back together. GO GET YOUR MAN YO!
🔻11. Daddy Dan (4)
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I'm not going to be your boss tonight. Call me Daddy Dan.
The cringe is through the roof. Well he might get to sniff it but a sniff's all he's gonna get before Nick's back in Boston's bed, and that's just a matter of time at this point.
🔻12. Cheum (8)
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The evil spirit left you already, huh?
Will Cheum ever learn to mind the business that pays her? Her lack of interest in her brother's clear and obvious heartbreak is contrasted unfavourably with her overinvestment and overinvolvement in the Mew/Top saga. I also somehow feel like last week's self-interested moment of solidarity with Boston won't survive contact with her brother getting exactly what he asked for and breaking his own heart with it.
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firstkanaphans · 8 months
i saw the post you reblogged about the OF scene that was deleted and you said you might have to write it yourself. any chance you would? please please please??? i know you mostly write sandray but i'm so sad they cut that scene and i love your writing! (feel free to ignore 🙏🏻)
I'm assuming this is about the TopMew deleted scene? My first TopMew request and it's super angsty 😂 How on brand. But ask and you shall receive! Rating/Warnings: Teen & Up; Sex used as a form of self-harm
Top had gotten used to falling asleep next to Mew, but now, in the aftermath, whenever he closed his eyes, all he saw was fire: the one that had chased him since childhood and the one Mew had used to break his heart.
He wasn’t sleeping and he thought about getting high more than he would like to admit, but he had made Mew a promise and he intended on keeping it. It didn’t matter that Mew’s attitude on drugs had seemingly changed. He wasn’t acting like himself right now. That was Top’s fault.
But he couldn’t do nothing—he had to sleep—and the pills weren’t working as well as they used to. He was taking them by the handful, but sleep still eluded him more often than not, and if he did finally fall, he would wake up feeling hungover. He was tired of all the chemicals he was using to poison his body, but most of all, he was tired of being alone.
So he went to a bar. 
He was surprised by how easily his old habits came back to him. Sit down. Make eye contact with a stranger. Accept a free drink. And when they offered to go down on you in a bathroom or an alley or a car, take them home instead. He used to find excitement in the thrill of the chase, but even before Mew he’d come to resent the string of nameless, faceless men capable of giving him the one thing his own mind couldn’t: peace. Now, he just felt numb.
The first man that approached him was young and thin and bespectacled and although he didn’t look a thing like Mew, Top worried that in the dark, his mind might play tricks on him. So he sent him on his way. He chose someone older instead, someone bigger, and by the time they reached his apartment, he had already forgotten his name—if he had ever known it in the first place. 
When they kissed, Top felt nothing, but that hardly mattered. He rarely did. Sex he barely wanted was the price he paid to have someone else in his bed. Mew had spoiled him by doing it for free. It was a kindness he no longer deserved.
So he kissed the man back, trying to rouse his uninterested body, just as he had done what felt like hundreds of times before, but nothing happened. It was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be habit, but when the man touched him, it made his skin crawl, and when the man kissed him, he wanted to vomit. Because he wasn’t Mew.
Top knew now what he hadn’t known before: that sex didn’t have to be like this. It could be fun. It could be loving. It could be more. He closed his eyes and pictured Mew’s smile the first time they made love. There, for a moment, they had been happy. Although they were no longer together, his heart and his body still belonged to Mew and he didn’t want anyone else to touch him.
“Stop,” he said, pushing the stranger away. The man pulled back, startled, but Top was too shaken to provide an explanation. “Just go.”
“I said go.”
The man left and Top collapsed down onto his couch and put his head in his hands. There was no reprieve for him now. Without Mew, the night would be endless. But without Mew, it always would have been anyway. So he poured himself a shot of whiskey, took a handful of pills, and cried.
Sleep evaded him.
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queeniecook · 5 months
November 2 to 8 - Part 1
We landed in Sulani early in the morning on November 2nd. Having the Vatore private plane has really come in handy.
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I put Este down on the sand after we arrived to give her a taste of the island. She didn't seem to know what to make of the new feeling under and in between her little toes and fingers. Touching sand is way different than carpet, hardwood or even dirt. Caleb took her inside for a nap and to unpack our things in my old room. I went for a swim in the ocean for the first time in months. My body felt complete again, I love our home but being a mermaid makes me long for the ocean when I'm away from it.
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Our first night in Sulani, I talked Naya and Apollo into having a Kava party with me. Caleb opted out, instead keeping an eye on the kids. I haven't had Kava in years. Sadly it couldn't be spiked since I'm nursing Este. Naya went to bed early but Apollo and I stayed up late, watching horror movies together.
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Este spent the next morning getting to know Mew Mew and hanging out with the pets. Watching Lucky play with Mew Mew confirmed for me that we need to find her a buddy for companionship.
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Caleb gave Este a bath, while myself and Lucky watched. It was a family affair.
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Apollo and I fit in time to relax together - it's a family tradition.  I've been working on getting some of the weight I put on during pregnancy off.
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Este is getting to bond with her Uncle Apollo. I want her to know her family. Apollo and I thankfully had two loving parents growing up but we didn't have any cousins or uncle or aunts. I don't want her to miss out on that.
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Which brings me to AJ, I tried my best to spend time with him during our vacation. I even got to help him with homework a few times, though Apollo is better at it. AJ is growing like a weed. We made plans for him to visit us in Hendford-on-Bagley for his Spring break. It will give AJ sometime with Caleb and I, along with Este and hopefully gives his parents some alone time together.
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Caleb was meant to be a Dad. Vampire or not, it's just something he's meant to be. He's a natural at it.
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"I love you." I said, pulling him close after he put Este down for a nap. I was thinking of when he proposed to me on the island. 
Caleb smiled at me and began swaying us like we were dancing. No music was playing but we didn't need it. We had our first dance in this house - at Apollo and Naya's wedding. That was the night Caleb caught me off guard and the idea of us began to grow in my heart. It was then that it hit me that I needed to try to help my brother keep the love he has.
The next night as we were watching the pit outside cook our dinner, I asked my brother how things are going.
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"Things are civil. I know she isn't focusing on her career to be distant on purpose. She loves AJ and I know she loves me...it's just hard to remember that sometimes when we barely see her." Apollo confided in me. 
I had noticed that even during our stay at the house, she had been putting in overtime. The night we all drank Kava was the one exception.
"She says I don't understand but she won't let me try to understand. It's really frustrating."
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I gave my baby brother a small smile, trying to be encouraging. "I think you two need to finally sit down and really talk about this. Not talking about it isn't going to make things better, for either of you or AJ. Caleb and I will take him and Este to go do something so you two can have the house to yourselves tomorrow."
I just hope I gave Apollo the right advice.
next ->
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simpingraccoon · 1 year
Free Kittens
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You yawned for the nth time, body on the verge of collapsing due to exhaustion. A tired grin made it's way to your face as you see your favorite coffee shop.
After 12 consecutive hours of hospital duty, you finally got a break. Now, all you want to do is drown yourself in coffee.
You made your way towards the cafe, but before you managed to enter the establishment, you heared mewing nearby. You look at the direction of the sound and saw a box with "free kittens" written on it. Inside of the said box was a small kitten the color of snow.
You heart was immediately struck by the sight of this adorable kitten standing alone. It looked like she was with her brothers and sisters before, but was left in solitude as passerbys took their pick.
Your animal-loving heart knows that you're not leaving this kitten alone in this box.
There are times that you just hate your job. Right now is one of them. You wanted to take the kitten to your place but then you remembered that you are rarely home, you slept at the hospital more than at your own apartment. And it's not like you can bring the small cat to the wards.
Silently cursing, you stood beside the box, the need for caffeine forgotten, as you troubleshoot on how to find a home for the kitten.
You almost gave up when you heard a voice behind you.
"Are you gonna take the kitten?"
You turned around and met the pair of golden cat-like eyes of Kenma Kozume.
You've known the guy for quite a while now, ever since when your two sleep-deprived selves ran into each other, spilling your coffee in the process.
Let it be known that the gamer also bought you an apple tart along with the replacement coffee.
You also developed a small crush on the man. You've tried to get his number but your awkward self just can't. And it's not like the two of you are close. The only interaction you have with each other are the small conversations during the occasional run-ins at the coffee shop.
You explained the situation to Kenma.
"Unfortunately, I can't keep her cause I won't be able to properly take care of her. It really sucks" you pouted.
Kenma inwardly chuckled your expression. "I can take her at my place if you want" he offered.
"Really? Are you sure won't be bothered by it?"
He shrugged, "I already have a few cats at home. Another one won't bother me"
You're pleasantly surprised by this new information. (Your heart went doki doki for a bit too.)
"That's nice. If you really want to, you can keep her" you said smiling.
Kenma hummed in response. He noticed you looking at the kitten longingly.
"Do you mind if you give me your number? I'll update you about the kitten" You we're snapped out of your reverie by his question.
You can definitely feel the blood rushing to your face. Your number? He is asking for your number? Kenma freaking Kozume is asking for your number? ARE YOU DREAMING???
Kenma took your stunned and silent expression for negative. "I-if you don't want to it's really fi-"
You want the earth to swallow you whole right now. You sounded so eager and excited it's embarrassing.
The long-haired man let out a relieved smile. His cheeks are also noticably rosy.
Your phone rang and you saw that your senior at work is calling you. Finally remembering that you only have a limited amount of time for your break, you hurriedly gave your number to Kenma and left to quickky buy coffee.
Later, you are back at the hospital. You can't help but look at your phone every few minutes, obviously waiting for a text, or a call.
When 6 am struck, you gave up. Who even are you to warrant a message from a guy you only see at a cafe? A guy who also happens to be a famous pro-gamer and CEO of a company. That's just crazy.
Your phone buzzed and when you picked it up, you saw a message from an unknown number.
"Hey it's Kenma", it says, "Yuki is doing okay at home. She's still a bit shy, but the others doesn't seem to mind her"
A smile was on your face all day after seeing the selfie Kenma sent you.
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jenyifer · 8 months
Boston deserves to have his “friends” back (mostly about bostonray tho)
Now… I’m not going to pretend that Boston didn’t do anything wrong to his friends but what I want to talk about his how Boston is a good friend who does love his friends Ray, Mew, and Cheum despite the fact that he is leaving for New York possibly (something I don’t think his friends know about)
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In the first episode you get the setup that the four friends are always together. Yes they are in this Hostel project but they get lunch together go out in the evenings. Happy together. We even get some photos in the opening montage that Boston has taken of of them at Cheum’s Noodle shop, at School, and at YOLO. Not including the photo that Boston and Mew have a copy of that Boston keeps next to his bed.
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Boston also is the one who drives Ray home most of the time. When the series started out I thought maybe BostonRay was a thing because the two of them were so close. Watch their early scenes Boston is joking with Ray looking after him. Not perfectly because Boston is very self absorbed just like Ray. But I think it comes from Boston taking Ray home and probably giving in to Ray’s plea’s of “don’t leave me.” Boston has told Ray about his bedroom stories and probably Vice Versa. They are two lost boys cut from similar cloths. SandNick is the friendship we get to visibly see but I get the feeling BostonRay is the implied bestie duo. Boston has likely heard Ray lamenting about Mew time and time again. I think Boston was shipping RayMew together because he wanted their 4some friendship to last forever the idea of them being able to support eachother when Boston leaves probably was a comforting thought to Boston in a sick way. I think Boston would have been semi okay with SandRay. Boston does even hype ray up to sand before disaster saying “Do you like him? My buddy has the looks and the dough. His type is hard to come by. You know?” I’ve discussed this before but I think Boston is triggered by Sand not admitting that he likes Ray and Mew’s braggy phone call. Boston was trying to save Ray from heart break by throwing cold water on the situation. He does semi agree with Nick next time Boston takes Nick on a date that what he did to Ray was wrong which is a big step. When Ray tells Boston about him knowing about TopBoston Boston is genuinely hurt by this. He knows he is losing his best friends. Bostons consequences are coming home. We know how screwed he feels from his end credit scene
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But Boston does go to Ray as soon as he finds out about Ray’s injury. We don’t know if Boston had tried to contact him before this but we do know Boston is disappointed to see Mew there rebounding with Ray. In spite of the audio coming from Ray and ruining Bostons relationship with Nick. Boston looks to Ray multiple times to see if he’s going to say anything but no. All of Bostons friends are really gone forever now.
(I’ll talk about Mew and Boston later I pinky promise swear) but Mew blackmails Boston into joining the group again and Boston just shuts up and takes it. He accepts his new role of a body for his friends to have about and judge. I really really want the 4 of them to have a relationship again. Yes yes what Boston did with Top is awful but what his friends have done to Boston is also pretty terrible. So I’m hoping they can reconcile because that is what Boston wants despite everything that has happened I think Nick is right. Boston misses his friends.
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Boston did accept what they were telling him that he’s a bad guy not wanted but that’s not really what he wants. He desperately wants to be loved. To have his chosen family again and I hope he can get it with a lot of making up for his bad decisions
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heretherebedork · 10 months
I feel like I am going to get so much heartache from Only Friends. Like Nick is literally going to face his heartbreak soon (unless he gets smarter in the 'nick' of time) but also if Ray in his all-consuming loneliness falls in love with Sand, who doesn't reciprocate it back, it's gonna break my heart! All I want is for Nick to understand before he gets in too deep what a red flag Boston is and Ray needs to, just, I dunno..... perhaps love himself more and not trip on his toes for Sand! My poor, poor boys!!
This show is not about happy endings or a smooth ride. It's about real, messy, hurt, damaged boys who cope with everything wrong with them in mostly the wrong ways, honestly.
Ray is definitely my boy, my meow meow, the one who is going to hurt and be hurt and ache and be lonely and be clingy and be desperate and throw tantrums and hurt people and hurt himself and scream and cry. He is a stray cat that uses his claws and his purr interchangeably because he doesn't understand why anyone would care. He sees money as his only value and uses it freely because he has nothing else and that leaves him even smaller. Money and sex and alcohol and that's al he's got, all he can rely on, all he thinks he's worth. So he acts out and he laughs and he gets drunk and he leaves his friends and he runs hoping someone, anyone will chase him but no one ever does. He already hurts me and the show is only going to keep hurting me with him.
Because his relationship with Sand is going to be painful. No matter how falls for who, they can't possibly find equal ground currently. Because Ray is in love with Mew (and he isn't going to give that up easily) but also because whatever Sand sees in Ray he knows what he sees in him and what he sees is a disaster. He sees a flaming trash can of a young man who might have positive spots and who might need him but is going to bring him nothing but pain and he is trying to play with that fire carefully but playing with fire can get you burnt no matter how careful you are. Especially if you're eating fire (insert blowjob joke here).
Nick and Boston are... yeah, that's gonna be a ride. Because Boston is a walking pile of red flags with a little red flag dick pointing out of it and Nick seems to have no idea what he's looking at or getting himself into. Of everyone, Nick is the one I'm most worried heartbreak wise and Boston is the one I'm most worried in terms of 'fucking everyone over entirely because he felt like it'.
While I hope Nick will figure out what's going on with Boston before he shatters... I doubt he will. I think Nick is gonna fall hard and fall deep and Sand is gonna have to try to put him back together and that's gonna create more problems because Sand is definitely going to care more about Nick than anyone else no matter where his relationship with Ray is at that point and that's just... there are so many moving parts in this show and it's gonna be wild to see them crash into each other.
My hardest part with this show is knowing that we are unlikely to get any happy endings for anyone and making sure to temper myself on expectations in that. But also not getting my hopes too high for certain aspects I want (manipulative AF Mew, Top lying to Mew and trying to use him, Ray fighting falling for Sand because loving Mew is familiar and safe, Sand struggling with his feelings towards Ray because he knows what he's getting into with him, Nick managing to destroy Boston despite his own broken heart, Boston just... you know what, I think Boston will actually fulfill all my wishes for him.)
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plantsarepeopletoo · 7 months
Only Friends Episode 8 music part 1/2
Save Me
Here we go, still doing this, even though I did take a break after episode 12.
Quick recap, music is used in three different ways:
Just background music (Background) - It’s important and creates an atmosphere, like using Disco Frog for Mew and Cheum’s chat at the bar. These I will not use unless I see a theme or something important later.
Playing with Music (Playful) - It’s like body language, the music will pause, start up, move along faster or slower. It's intentionally moving with what is happening on screen.
Verbal/Vocal - Music that is telling us things. It could be songs that have names that seem important or have lyrics that may or may not be in the show. If there are lyrics I will include them, but will specify if they are in OF, and where they start and stop.
Master List here, in my pinned post. These will be long and split into parts, mostly because of lyrics and Music players.
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Song: Brings back the feeling by Daniel Gunnarsson Scene: Mew and Ray dance at bar Type: Vocal
Lyrics in show:
I'm turning back time Just to see it all again When I know if I'm alright, ooh It's not easy to find What I'm lookin' for in the end I just wanna know what I'm about It goes up then turns back down We're all lookin' for the moment when Getting used to not knowing when or how All the pieces fall in line, oh I keep searching for signs of my dreams back then And I don't know how to stop 'cause It brings back them feelings That I can reach the top now Even if I don't know how It brings back them feelings That even if it all goes down In the end I'll be alright It brings back them feelings It brings back them feelings This violet sky I have seen it before It turns truth into lies, oh But I won't back down Imma stay on this road I gotta know what I'm about
Starts playing as we see Ray and Mew dancing in the bar. They’re turning back time to see if maybe they should have tried to make it work. Though again, you can’t force love, and Mew is also trying to feel something other than pain and heartache. Ray can’t let this go, this is what he wanted for two years, isn’t it?
This violet sky I have seen it before It turns truth into lies, oh But I won't back down Imma stay on this road I gotta know what I'm about
During this song both Ray and Mew are searching for the feelings they once had. For Mew, he is trying to replicate how Top made him feel, surely it can’t be that different with Ray, Ray who has stood by him all this time? While Ray is trying to get back his feelings for Mew, but he already has begun to let go of those feelings while sitting in a bathtub staring at the poor boy shirt. Both of them are trying to feel what they think they should. Yet it doesn’t feel right, Mew doesn’t feel anything and Ray can’t figure out where Mew is supposed to fit in his world. Ray then leaves Mew and the uncertainty to go searching for his true heart.
Lets go back to EP1 for a second:
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Song: Cry My Heart Out by Suffer City Scene: EP1 Ray and Sand outside the bar Type: Vocal
No lyrics in show:
Smoking rooms Wherever you are It’s just about closing time Didn’t we Just wanna go Putting the world on the line Help me go back Nobody waits I just wanna cry My heart out This one last time Misery Is taking me home Ever since the day you left Didn’t we Almost find out What this life was all about Just help me go back Cuz nobody waits Days floating by It all feels the same I just wanna cry My heart out This one last time Didn’t we Just wanna go And put the world on the line Help me go back Nobody waits Days floating by It all feels the same I just wanna cry My heart out This one last time One last time
This song is from Episode 1, but there are parallels between the scene with Sand and Ray outside YOLO in Ep1 and Ep8. In Ep1, Ray asks for a lighter, and is refused because Sand was mad about Ray accusing him of stealing. Ray retorts, “Why are you upset, you’re sulking like we’re boyfies.” Ray grabs Sand’s arm to stop him from going, and sincerely apologies again. The song starts as Sand lights Ray’s cigarette.
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Episode 1, Cry my heart out
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Episode 8
In contrast, the EP8 scene has a different song, but Cry out My Heart seems to reflect where Sand and Ray’s relationship is in Ep8. Visually it’s similar to EP1, but the camera is pointed towards the bar, and Ray is in front of the no drinks sign. Sand’s wearing the same coat, but with a shirt that says “war” under it. Ray has traded his loud shirt for one that looks like the one Sand picked out for him. The marks of their relationship are on them. Ray stands there awkwardly holding Sand’s lighter. In Ep8, Sand looks like he’s been crying, or at least, is about to cry. Ray’s with Mew, and everything that has brought them to this point seems to “be a waste of time.” 
Just help me go back Cuz nobody waits Days floating by It all feels the same I just wanna cry My heart out This one last time
When Ray grabs Sand to keep him from leaving, Sand says “Let me go, already” Sand wants to cry one last time and move on. He knows he wouldn’t be able to be around Ray and “just be friends.” 
And now back to EP8:
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Song: Hollywood nights by Courses Scene: Ep8 Sand and Ray talk outside bar Type: Vocal
Lyrics in show:
Livin’ on the far side of town Sharing the dream with anyone She’s made it through heaven She’s made it through hell It’s just another story to tell Have you ever felt You’re missing the dream Have you ever wished your life Was like the movie on the screen Filled with heartbreaks and fights Through Hollywood nights Makin’ up a bar queen On the phone
Lyrics continue, not in the show:
In the great big boulevard The place she belongs It’s just another story she tells Have you ever felt You’re missing the dream Have you ever wished your life Was like the movie on the screen Filled with heartbreaks and fights Through Hollywood nights
Back in episode 8, the song starts as Ray comes out to see Sand outside the bar and asks for a lighter. Ray attempts to talk to Sand and like nothing is wrong, trying to bridge the gap between them. Sand’s feeling like he’s going through hell, broken, but unable to fully tell Ray to back off. He tries to scold Ray, but Ray brushes it off quickly.
From cry my heart out, the song from Ep1:
Misery Is taking me home Ever since the day you left Didn’t we Almost find out What this life was all about
And here, from Hollywood Nights:
She’s made it through heaven She’s made it through hell It’s just another story to tell
They’ve both gone through heaven and hell, their relationship might as well be just a story, a thing of the past. They almost had it all figured out, but as Sand says, it all seems like a waste of time.
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Song: Vast lands by Enigmatic Scene: Sand talks about Mew Type: Vocal
Plays as Ray says he feels happy when he's with Sand, Sand says Ray will be happy with Mew. Ray asks if they can still be friends, Sand says he has no reason to be friends. "This whole relations ship is a waste of time."
Vast Lands and a crushing sadness, trapped and paralyzed by Ray. After Ray grabs Sand's arm to stop him from leaving, Sand asks him to physically and metaphorically to “let me go.”
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Song: Ray of Hope by Magnus Ringblom Scene: Yo and Plug break up Type: Vocal, Background
Last time this was played was in EP2, when Mew comes to see Ray by the hostel’s pool and they talk about Mew and his feelings towards Top. It was the beginning of Ray letting go of the hope he had for Mew. Here, In EP8, Sand and Ray follow Yo’s voice and find Yo and Plug arguing, Plug wants to move in with Yo, to take their relationship seriously. But it’s made Yo step back, She isn’t ready to move forward, she’s been hurt too many times in the past. Sand and Ray are both in the same situation, they both are scared. “If you think nobody in this world wants to get serious with you, then you better stay alone.”
Or, it could be that Mew in Ep2 was brave, ready to try to follow his feelings, without the experience to be cautious. Yo has been hurt many times before Plug, and is now too scared to move forward. And as a result, Yo is losing what she has.
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Song: Twisted Metal by Jon Bjork Scene: Top sees Ray giving Mew cigarettes Type: Background
Song starts as Top sees Ray giving Mew cigarettes and decides to try to talk to Mew. It might feel like a knife twisting into Top’s side seeing Mew be self destructive. Song is used again later with Boston and Nick, who are also in pain.
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Song: Is This Serenity by Ambientalism Scene: Top confronts Mew in the bathroom Type: Vocal
The transition from twisted metal to Serenity seems to reflect Top’s change of tactics with Mew, he stops focusing on his own pain and focuses on Mew. Top asks if Ray is what Mew really wants, if Mew being with Ray is making him happy. Has Mew found serenity in his relationship with Ray?
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Song: Move ไปไหน (Unmovable) by BRIGHT VACHIRAWIT Scene: Sand practicing a song in the school's music room Type: Vocal
Lyrics Sand sings:
Where could I move on to, my heart is set on you How many times I try to move forward…
Full Lyrics(translated):
I don’t know how long it has been since the time stopped in my heart I don’t know what I should do to make it restart I know that I should forget but my brain persists to remember Although I know what I should do but I’m just not able to Move on That’s what everybody’s telling me Move on I’ve heard it all before Simple words that are so difficult Where could I move on to, my heart is set on you How many times I try to move forward, I end up going backward I’ve tried to move on but no matter how hard I try I move in circles because my heart can’t be moved even a little I’ll keep on moving on I know I have to keep going, life has many more things to offer But forgetting someone may not be as simple as you’d imagine To get you off my mind is not the same as just hitting delete I need some time for the wound to heal a bit
Sand’s trying to move on, but can’t. He’s stuck, running in circles. Sand’s playing is unsteady, and maybe is practicing this song for the first time. He stumbles over the line “How many times I..” as Ray walks in. How can he move on when Ray is here, asking for help. He doesn’t know how to play the song or how to forget Ray. So a circle is all he has until their relationship gives him a way to move forward.
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Song: Lords of the land by Xavy Rusan Scene: Sand and Ray in the music room Type: Vocal
Last time this played was when Nick dragged Boston into Sand’s apartment in Ep5. Boston had decided to stay with Nick, and it gave Nick confidence that their relationship was moving. Here it starts tentatively, quietly as Ray asks why Sand won’t respond to his messages. It pauses while Ray lists the options he has for community service, and starts again as he leans forward, giving Sand puppy eyes. “Wanna go with me?” Sand pauses for a moment before saying “No, I wasn’t part of your crime.” It’s not a hard no, so Ray gains more confidence, and touches Sands shoulder, poking him in the knee, pleading.
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Song: If and When Eric Feinberg Scene: Sand and Ray in the music room Type: Vocal
It’s a light, happy song that starts as Ray leans forward, telling Sand that “I will tell those kids that you are the hottest singer at our University.” The camera switches and we see Ray hanging off the guitar, staring at Sand. “If and When” Sand’s defenses crumble. If and when is an interesting phrase of potential, hinting at repairing their relationship.
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Song: Out of the woods by Gavin Luke Scene: Cheum and Top talk about Mew Type: Playful
Top says that he’s worried about Mew changing, and the song starts after Cheum yells at Top, “who’s fault is that?” and sits down. She knows that Ray and Mew are not good for each other, and agrees with Top. Piano chords play behind Cheum as they talk, Top is finally out of the woods and finding his way back to Mew.
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Song: Look at me closely by Blue Topaz Scene: Nick and Dan talk about internship Type: Vocal
Last time this song was used was in episode 2, when Top asks Mew if he can stay over after putting together the table. Here, it plays after Nick says he doesn’t have a boyfriend. It seems like Dan is asking Nick to consider him as a possible boyfriend, to consider him. With the reflection of Nick in the laptop screen, we’ve got two versions of Nick. The one Dan wants to see, and the real Nick. During the interview, Nick seems to be the person we assume he is at first, all sweetness and flirty, bright eyed like the poster above him. He wants the job, and Dan is flirting with him, at this moment, it’s a win for Nick.
Continue to EP8 part 2
Master List
Thank you @rocketturtle4!
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forcebookish · 8 months
As much as Top and Mew are currently killing me I do find it hilarious how Mew is telling everyone "yeah I broke up with Top" but Top at any opportunity is like "yeah he's taken, he's my boyfriend". That last scene broke my heart, the way Top was just staring at him and gently caressing his face you can just tell he misses him so so bad. Very excited for next episode, as much as I love seeing all sides of Top's character I am missing his cocky and flirtatious side and it looks like Mew must say or do something which gives him the confidence to pursue him again. Seen a post that said Mew doesn't feel any sexual attraction to Top which sent me into orbit because? His nervousness about doing it doesn't mean he didn't ever want to and erm have we not seen how flirty they are with each other, their sexual chemistry has always been very palpable.
omg ok let's quickly skim over the blatant acephobia (unless they're implying that he's instead sexually attracted to ray? in which case, lmaooooooooooooo he may as well have looked into the camera and said he wasn't, see: the first screencap below): even if mew weren't sexually attracted to top, which he demonstrably is, that doesn't mean that he doesn't love him or that they can't have a mutually fulfilling and loving relationship 🙄
(side-note: am i crazy or does this fandom feel more queerphobic than average? maybe it's just the size and that i haven't been around long enough idk but there keeps being stuff that makes me go hmm)
that being said, uhhhhhhhh,
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(i wanna remind everyone that this^ was just from touching top's dick and hearing him moan. top's not doing anything to him.)
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ok. sure jan
but this is the fandom that thinks flirting is "manipulating" so they'll just say anything to fit their own narrative. if they dislike topmew so much i wish they'd just shut up about it. what's with this obsession? we get it, you have no taste or media literacy, move on 💅 if topmew interfered with their otp i'd get it (boyyyy would i get it lol), but it doesn't so... what's the point? i don't like nickboston, you don't see me whining about it every day. because it literally doesn't concern me. who cares? like, i don't even complain about it in DMs to avoid yucking anyone's yum. it's simply not worth my time. and i fucking love complaining lol
now that that's out of the way, yeah i am delighting in top's Well You Never Said That You Were Breaking Up With Me Sooooo energy. i'll bet that he's only saying it in that preview clip because he knows the guy and wants to protect mew, but still i love when top is possessive *gleefully claps hands* and it looks like we'll get to see a little of his cocky side that we love so much, anon. and they better get back together soon so we can see them flirt more >:(
thanks for dropping in, anon! this fandom is wild, that actually made me laugh so hard 😂🫶
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planetkiimchi · 1 year
ouch. | l.mh
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a/n: these fics keep getting more and more personal and self-indulgent...
pairing: lee know x gn!reader
A small, soft meow causes you to look around, and you realise the sound is coming from a gutter. The pitiful kitty is mewing painfully as it scratches against the grate.
You grimace at how dirty the grate must be, but you hook your fingers into the metal grills and try to ignore whatever slimy and sticky things your hands are touching.
The uncomfortable sensation lingers even after you’ve struggled to lift the heavy grate, and the kitty leaps out and begins nursing its wounds. You catch sight of a small cut that seems to be bleeding on its face, and your heart reaches out for the kitten.
You place the grate back and kneel, face to face with the small kitty, trying to read the words on its collar. “Lee…” Before you can finish, the kitten bounds away, lightfooted steps leading you farther and farther from the direction of your house.
You chase after it, following the sound of the dangling bell that hangs from its neck when it’s out of sight.
Just as it rounds the corner of a nearby convenience store, a droplet drips on your neck. You glance up and see the sky filled with grey clouds.
“Oh, hell.”
You duck into the convenience store, fumbling with your wallet, and extract a ten-thousand won bill from it and buy yourself a pack of wet wipes and the cheapest umbrella you could find.
You feel a sting as you wipe off the grime from your fingers, and see a bloody wound on the palm of your hand. There must've been some sharp point on the metal that dug into your hand, but you were so absorbed with following the cat that you didn’t even notice.
You wince but continue wiping your hand until it’s kind of clean, and throw away the rubbish. You’re about to leave the store and head home, assuming that the cat must have left, when a man with sopping wet hair enters.
In his hands is the exact same cat that you’ve been trailing after, identifiable by its ginger coat and the bell around its neck.
It might have been a trick your eyes were playing on you, but the cat looks almost smug as it sits obediently in his arms, not even wriggling around.
The man hefts the kitten onto his hip with one hand as he places a packet of bandages and a tube of antiseptic cream on the counter. “Do you sell umbrellas?”
The cashier shakes his head. “Sorry, we’re all sold out.”
You look at the umbrella in your hands and realise you bought the last one, and now the poor man who’s just run in the rain to find his cat has to go home in the pouring rain again, or wait out the storm.
“I’ve got a pretty big one, we can share. I kind of bought the last one,” you add sheepishly.
His face breaks out into a grin. “Thanks! You’re a lifesaver.”
His gratefulness seeps into you like a calming balm, and it feels as if the wound in your palm has healed.
Not completely, though, because as you open the umbrella, the thin side of the metal grazes across your palm and you hiss in pain.
The stranger notices, and asks if you’re injured too.
“Yeah. I kind of cut my hand just now trying to save a cat from a gutter.” You take great care not to mention what cat, but the stranger catches your drift immediately.
“Dori, you cheeky kitty! Now your poor saviour’s hand is bleeding like your face,” he chides. Dori has the grace to shrink into the man’s arms, but quickly recovers and continues licking itself.
“I’ve got these,” he offers, holding up the bandages and antiseptic. “If you're okay with walking home with me, I can help patch you up.”
He sees your hesitation and adds, “If you don't want to go home with a stranger, I completely understand. I’m Lee Minho, by the way. There! See, we’re not really strangers any more.”
Minho must have realised how far you’ve walked, because he turns left and you spot his apartment complex.
You close the umbrella as you enter the shelter of the block, and say, “Thanks, Lee Minho. I'm Y/n. I’d appreciate it if you’re really willing to help patch up my wound, because I don't have any first-aid kits at home.”
Minho gestures for you to come in. You leave your shoes by the doorstep next to his, neatly arranging it. Dori escapes from Minho’s grasp, padding off towards the couch, where it snuggles into the comfy fabric.
His home looks fuzzy and inviting, and the allure of the couch calls out to you and you have to mentally reprimand yourself. It’s not your home, after all.
But it does feel a lot more like home than the sterile dormitory you live in, with two beds and your roomate’s half of the room almost as bare as yours. No belongings, and much less items of sentimental value.
“Soonie! Doongie! Come welcome our guest,” Minho calls, interrupting your thoughts. You freeze. He has roommates? What if they get the wrong idea about you?
Minho heads off into a room and shuts the door, peeking from a gap to say apologetically, “Sorry, can you give me some time to change?”
“Oh! Of course,” you mumble, face turning a deep shade of red.
Two more cats, who look slightly bigger and probably older than Dori, come up to you. They keep a respectful distance, but you get the idea that they’re Soonie and Doongie and this is their idea of welcoming you.
Just as the cats run away, Minho comes out of the room wearing a figure-hugging, long-sleeved shirt. You resist the urge to avert your eyes and pointedly make eye contact with him as he brings you into the living room and invites you to take a seat.
“Hand?” You rest your hand on your knee, palm facing upwards for inspection. Minho turns your hand this way and that, his warm touch causing tingles to run up your spine.
Dori curls up on your lap, and Soonie (or Doongie?) plops down at Minho’s feet. Minho follows your gaze and sees the cat rubbing and purring, and says, “That’s Doongie. I adopted Soonie, Doongie and Dori, in that order, and the younger two are a bit more friendly than their oldest ‘sister’.”
He’s a cat person! The complete opposite of you. Your roommate has a dog back in her parent’s house, and you absolutely adore it when she regales tales of her beloved pet to you, complete with adorable pictures.
Minho warns you that cleaning up your palm is going to sting, and swipes an alcohol swab over the open wound. Then, he gently dabs some antiseptic on it, and sticks on a large plaster over the wound.
“You’re all good to go.” He clicks his tongue and motions for Dori to come closer so he can take a look at its face. Dori preens, whiskers quivering as it juts its head out, cut on display.
As Minho looks down, he catches sight of your right shoulder, and notices that the entire right side of your body is wet. 
“Oh no! Was this from sharing the umbrella earlier? You shouldn’t have let me share it with you! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…” he says, mostly to himself.
He disappears and comes back with a towel, which he hands to you. “Do you need an extra shirt, too? I don't know if you’d want one of mine, but…”
You don't want to admit it, but you did consider taking him up on his offer, and getting to smell the comforting scent and having a warm sweater to go home with.
However, you shake your head, and simply dry yourself off, shaking your head like a wet dog.
As you do so, you're captivated by the tranquilness of the silence as Minho tenderly applies antiseptic to Dori’s face as it mews and mews.
Even though it squirms, he keeps a firm but loose grip on it, holding it by the scruff of its neck and tilting its head up.
You don't want to break the glass bubble of this intimate moment, but you feel as if you're trespassing into his life. You don't want to be that kind of person, invading Minho’s privacy under the guise of injury.
“Thank you so much, Lee Minho. I live nearby, so I do hope to see you soon.”
You stand up and prepare to leave, and his hand automatically reaches out to stop you, but withdraws it before his fingers touch your skin. You're disappointed at the lack of contact, feeling his warmth ghost over your arm, but you nod in thanks and head out.
“Goodbye, Y/n.”
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colossusking-orach · 9 months
1 - Autumn POV
“Autumn…Little Kitty? Where are you?”
A thunderously deep voice rumbled above just before the ground shifted. Autumn would have surely flew into the void had it not been for her claws finding purchase in the soft leather of the pillow. She shot daggers towards the still shifting colossus, whom only now seemed to notice her plight.
The deep, rippling sound of the giant’s chuckling felt more like the thunder of a distant storm. A wide hand came from beneath to cup Autumn’s chest, it tried to pull her away from the pillow. While not forceful the movement forced an embarrassingly pathetic mewl out of her. The force disappeared but the hand continued to cradle her.
“Oh no! Little Kitty! Here, I help!”
Autumn hissed and spat when she felt a fingertip thicker than her tiny paw start to gently stroke her fluffy little head. Her ears tilted back at the giant’s soft rumbling in his native language. A coarse humming or soft growl, sounds like a curious bear. He spoke within the rhythm of his deep breathing. Forceful breaths tousling her thick fur, now developing mats.
He had not brushed her once since abducting her from the forest. Autumn began to question if he knew how to care for a house cat at all.
The thick digit began moving on to massage each pad enough to retract her claws. Once free, he placed her onto a fleece blanket at the head of their sleeping nook. Panels of the wall slid up out of sight to reveal the larger space of the room.
The mountainous man pulled himself out of the alcove before thundering off to the washroom to begin his day.
Now suddenly alone, Autumn settled into a loaf to wait for the giant space bear to come back. It is only within these quiet moments in the morning that Autumn would dare to venture a thought about what her options are.
She held little hope for escape, there was no chance she would evade a man so obsessed over a cat he found in the woods. She struggled to focus and use the only human part she had left.
Her psyche.
It took her some time to realize he hadn’t come back yet. The sounds of water running and low growling still coming from somewhere out of sight beyond the threshold.
Now may be my one chance to get away from this alien.
She paced back and forth mentally calculating the risks of jumping. The fall felt more like 3m than the 2m it actually was.
It’s still too high to jump! I’ll break my legs!
Autumn wasn’t really familiar with her cat body yet, she had been taken by the giant shortly after the Solar Flare transformed her. He already knew she wasn’t a cat.
She slid and fell onto the ground, sprawling out before to finding her paws again. She hoped so desperately that HE hadn’t heard her.
“Autumn, tell me where you are! You’re too small to wander. Little Kitty, say something.”
Autumn curled into as tight a ball she could, his voice was sharper now, closer to a snarl. She has seen how others flinched whenever her giant spoke to the lesser giants. He must be a feared man, but she didn’t know why.
Slow, deafening, methodical steps sent jolts straight to her core. Each one more jarring than the last. Shuddering with indecision, helplessly staring at the ever approaching giant.
Sudden tears surprised her, cats don’t cry in the way a human would. She felt ridged with terror coursing through her. Her breath caught, heart sank. Trying to at least keep composure.
Autumn flailed, instinctively trying to claw and bite the hand that seized her, she battled the large hands trying to trap her as the looming shadow of the alien fell over her.
“Let! Go! Ow. Squeeze too hard!”
The little kitty yowled, fighting to get purchase on the thick green skin.
“Oh, so now you speak to me?
Autumn only replied with a low growl, avoiding his gaze.
2 - Orach POV
Amused by her little intimidation attempt, Orach starts to hum. Drowning out her mewling protests, and choosing to ignore her. He knew it was mean of him, as she depended so heavily on him but the spunky little cat would only get in the way or worse underfoot if left to roam.
Orach let out a course huff resolving to never let anything hurt the fluffy brown cat. He clenched his jaw thinking about the woods he found her in. Now the Hunting Grounds, she’d be torn to shreds by the hunting parties
Instead he occupied his thoughts with where to put his little friend.
*Kitty put in basket*
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azurexsnake · 11 months
You and Vash: theme park date! What do you do first? What’s your favourite part? What about his? How does it end?👀💜🥰
Ok, uhm, what do we do first?? Probably all the crazy rides first before the lines get too long. We get there pretty early cuz we wanna have a full day. Vash is like, really impartial to what we do tbh, he just lets me drag him all over and act like an excited kid.
So we do our big, loopy, windy rollercoasters. And we also get any pictures of us we can find in them cuz Vash makes the silliest faces and they always make me giggle. It’s worth the stupid high price to him for that.
And it’s better to get them out of the way before food. We don’t do anything crazy, just whatever looks good, but I’m a sucker for cotton candy so we have to get one of those big, long bags of it and we just feed each other fluff for dessert. He’s really big on pictures in general tbh so he takes a bunch of candids of me and us together through the whole day. Even if they aren’t objectively good pictures, they make his heart full, and he’s at least a little thoughtful about getting me at flattering angles so I can’t say boo about it. Pictures are probably his favorite part of everything. Just making memories together. That’s his joy in everything.
We do some water park stuff after a little bench break to just chat and chill together while we digest. We really just spend the whole time chasing each other and splashing around. We go down on of those big ‘slash mountain’ type coasters and that’s it for the water but it’s a nice way to keep cool during the midday.
We finish off with some small rides. Teacups, bumper cars. We do the tunnel of love too cuz we’re both sleepy and sappy. It’s a nice way to kind of round off the excitement.
We do some of the arcade games last, just kind of aimlessly wandering around in case there’s any cute plushies I’d want before we head home. He’s good at all of them, let’s be real, and I get to add a giant Mew plushie to my collection.
If I had to pick a favorite part, it’s probably the water park. Just us being silly and stupid with each other is my favorite. And seeing him smile so much.
I’m pretty much totally drained by the time we leave though, but you’ll never hear him say anything about having to carry all the stuff inside, and me last so I can get a lil more rest before we put stuff away and get cleaned up together for bed. He’s thinking about the picture one of those wandering photographers got of us in the water park though, with him hugging me from behind after catching me, both of us laughing like kids in love. He thinks he’s gonna get it framed 💙
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penumbramewtwos · 2 years
Fight your demons
I wrote a short piece of lore for my main OC Mewtwo :> It then turned into a piece about mental health... But still had the lore within it. I've been liking the written posts from @the-project-and-the-ghost and wanted to do my own twist on just, well writing... Maybe an exercise of sorts? Just for fun? Maybe both ^^ [[[Chapter 3 coming soon :3 Very Soon! Almost imminent!]]]
Inside a familiar laboratory, for all whom have read Okita's premonition. At this point in time, we're situated well before the events that would seal the fate of her trainer...
The year is 2066. The monitors are humming, yet, there is no tank at the far end of the lab. We find Okita training by herself within the cavern walls: Not on defence or evasion. Not a shadow ball, nor a psychic attack in sight. Just matter being compressed and twisted into an ultimate form by the fine threaded telekinesis running through her paw.
She's almost there. She's formed another Neutron star within her telekinetic grasp. Okita closes her eyes to concentrate, buckling and pressurising the tiny star; spinning it on its axis until a pulsars' beam burns the sides of her lab... It's an easy fix...
She has to keep going!
The self-made Anti-gravity beams made of exotic energy and matter have begun to creak under the sheer gravity of the pulsar, that's spinning within the Mewtwo's control.
She hasn't blunk for several hours since she began pushing her telekinesis to the limits of what's possible. Compressing, threading and unrelenting power compresses the starstuff through the Sub-atomic scale!
There's still a way to go until Planck-length...
The Mewtwo's eyes burn an amethyst purple, as her body begins to break under the pressure; Her shattered wrists and broken tail are the least of her concern.
Okita's body has grown resistant to her medicine. She should never have attempted to mega evolve. Her human forme, now forever deformed and tainted with the blood of her past; now a figment of said past.
Not far to go now... The miniature pulsar is flickering intermittently between light and dark, white and black.
The thought of Okita's mutilators' laughter fills her with an ungodly rage! She screams with telepathy! She screams 'Mew' with her physical voice! The soundwaves distort by the raw energy invested into forming her ultimate attack. There's no turning back! Once she forms the singularity, who knows what might happen! What's there to lose, when you're a freak of nature she thinks to herself...
Burning light. Despairing darkness.
"WHAT AM I!?!?!?!?!"
Here comes the singularity...
Okita's mind is a flush with rage and fury! Thoughts of all the sleepless nights, and every moment spent Weeping from memories of the torture chamber that created her!
This first black hole formed by Okita will be nothing more than a symbol of how her demons envelop and consume her mind.
Just let it out... Scream your heart out, Mewtwo... Okita... And let some light peirce through your mind once more!
"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!  I..! AM..! HUMAN!!!" ... ... ... ... Dust, debris, and beam of light, followed by wincing noise of screeching and twisting metal burst out through the Onix tunnels! ... ... ... She's done it. She's Broken bones... But the power to bend spacetime itself is a reward nonetheless... ... What will she do with this new skill? ... For now. She'll recover to heal her body. Her mind has begun to heal already.
Let it out...
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borderlineheart · 1 month
I feel like I am breaking in stages.
The first time we broke up was on our first date. You said you weren't ready.
Then we hooked up in the flower fields and you told me I never had to worry about meeting anymore terrible men because you were gonna make it all better and take care of me.
I felt so loved.
The second time we broke up, I felt betrayed. Because I was deeply insecure either your friendships and how you'd prioritize them over our relationship, I wanted to take things faster than you, know everything about you, I fell hard because I felt like you were the person I was supposed to meet, after everything, I thought, oh wow they sent me an angel.
I don't understand the things that go on in your head, even when you're telling me I think you're lying.
So we've been friends, you can't let me go, I can't let you go. But we can't be together because you feel like you're not ready. I mocked it, because I felt like you're waiting until you have your life together but I know that life never comes together...mine never did but I still make the best of it whenever I can...I know I shouldn't be dating ...but I fell in love with you, I fall in love with you all over when we're together. I lay I. Your arms, we play our video games and pass another beer around. We find a way to cope with our lives and our troubles and you give me shelter from the rain. Your mother loves having me around and you saved me so many times when I needed it.
We never run out of things to talk about and sometimes ...we get together again ..the way we used to in the Stater Bros parking lot, drunk as skunks, listening to your reputaeur of music as we drink the day of work away .
I smoke and dance, you watch me and mimick my tick back at me.
Mew mew ...
I met a man who, said he'd fix my weather bane, give me children, take away the pain and paint my bannisters....blue.
I don't even know what I want from you anymore...there's a gray area we live in when we are together.
I became confused. Are you telling me without telling me that you wanna be back together? Why do I feel like you do? "Are we dating? I thought it was plutonic all this time"
Then why do you ask that.
I can't help my feelings...I know that we both are really happy being just friends, but at the end of the day, what we have really is special.
I don't want it to ever go away, I feel like I mortally wounded those chances .
I want to be loved...I don't understand why you're not ready, you say you move at a slower pace, you take your time to be ready you don't dive in like I do.
You said you just don't know yourself the way that I do.
I don't remember everything we said...and I'm sad about that.
You're so special in my heart, it saddens me so profoundly that you don't share that feeling and keep it deep inside of you. Because I want you always in my heart...
I've been running with this feeling for a while now, that we need to be apart...because my feelings never went away, I love being friends, it lights me up, I got used to it ... But sometimes I look at you and I want more..you don't share those times the same. You are satisfied and encourage me to pursue other romantic prospects. I cry.
I cry .
I cry.
I refuse to keep spinning on this wheel, even though you're there for me, it's not the way I want you and I feel stupid, continuing to stay at you house, you buying my dinner when I can't afford it.
You care about me, but I still want more and for that I am so sorry. I wish I could be sated with our friendship because it's so special to me. But I can't shake the feeling if my heart. I want to. I want to someday. I miss you when we aren't together and I know you do as well.
I wish I could erase you and meet you again, maybe then I wouldn't see you and light up, wed have a really friendship and I wouldn't have gotten to let you into my world so far. We're so good together...even just as friends.
When will we get, the time to be...just friends
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ourlittledinosaur · 5 years
6 Tips for Teaching Children to Listen
New Post has been published on http://ourlittledinosaur.azurewebsites.net/6-tips-for-teaching-children-to-listen/
6 Tips for Teaching Children to Listen
How many times do we wonder, “Is this kid even listening to me?” When my first child was on the brink turning two, I was asking myself this question. It wasn’t until he was nearly three that I finally found a solution that worked!
I’ve read and searched and studied the answer to this question and it didn’t take me long to realize, that it starts with me. I have to “train my child in the way he should go”. This includes teaching him how to listen, and how to respond to my expectations of him.
It also is something I need to be modeling for him, which brings up another question…”Am I listening to my husband?” Definite food for thought there…
If you’re finding parenting a challenge, you’re not alone, but don’t let yourself fall into a “victim” mentality. Take action!
God has created a perfect model of what parenting should look like. Training is really all about teaching consequences to our children. What better way to set a young person up for the “real world” than to teach them from their little bitty youth, that every single action has a consequence?
1. Set Expectations. When it comes to teaching young children to listen (the first time!), we parents have to enforce the rules accordingly. If you have said or requested something of your child and they are not responding, enforce the consequence of breaking that rule.
2. Start Early. It is easier to train a young child before bad habits are formed, than to retrain old and bad habits. However, don’t lose heart if your child is older. You might explain to your child that things are going to be different now. You didn’t understand before, but now that you know better, you’ll do better and it’s all because you love them dearly.
3. Act Swiftly! Don’t let it fester. If you are to the point of frustration or anger, you have waited much too long to act. God rebukes and chastens us in love. We are to guide our children in the same loving way. We want to respond, not react, to our children’s behavior.
4. Be Consistent. This is the key to having peace in your home as quickly as possible. It is confusing for a child to “get away with it” the first three times you said it, and then get a swat on the fourth time. Now you’ve trained your child to obey on the fourth request, rather than the first.
5. Keep Trying. Don’t let failures set you back or keep you from trying again. Ask for advice from godly friends and take it all with a grain of salt against what God outlines in His word. It was a friend who recommended a book to me that helped tremendously. Her children are older than mine and they are all loving, respectful, and smart. I wanted that for my children.
6. Diligently Seek Wisdom and Discernment. Pray about your parenting. None of us are perfect, but when we allow God to lead us by studying His word, we gain knowledge and a better understanding of how we are to behave.
If you have questions or comments, please share below!
“Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
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