#keith mystery
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It is a winter morning, the Guardian, Keith and the operatives from The Center are rounding up all the staryummies to the holding cells, personally built just for them after a year, back at The Center. The staryummies already enjoy their St. Nicholas Day celebration (December 6th) and New Year celebration at the Montagne Mansion. The staryummies are following the trails of residue of starlight and light magic on the sweets, all while being sucks inside the vacuum containment technology cubicle cell.
Keith is counting the staryummies in the containers, crossing out names from the list on a clipboard. Including Emo’s 101 children. Well almost. He notices that one staryummy is missing. Keith side-eyed at the trusty, Kai and his best staryummy friend on his head, Emo. Kai is wearing his mother’s creation, Stella’s Couture snow insulated winter jacket from the Emo Junior Line, green snow insulated pants, green and black coloured winter boots, and a closed sun theme trapped winter hat on his head. “Kai, Emo, where Lilly?” Keith asked.
“Where’s Lilly?” Emo repeated the question similarly to Kai. “I can’t find my niece anywhere.”
“She’s your daughter, not Silver’s kid Emo,” Kai corrects Emo. “We left her in the Solarian Royal Palace.”
Emo said with a small frown, “Oh. Oh yeah…”
The Staryummy Father frowned. While there are some staryummies choose to stay in Solaria, the second princess of Solaria, Crown Princess Twinkly does not like their presence, especially him. She used to be so happy around him and staryummies, until Stella Junior developed a manifestation of her negative emotions and resentment towards her own sister named Esme, resulting from Stella Junior’s were-staryummy condition got worse, attacked her family, she put the blames on the staryummies and Kai that now she taken what was belong to Stella Junior. She been holding this grudge for almost a year now. He thought that maybe his daughter would be Twinkly’s friend and room mate to make her at least feel better.
Keith looks at Emo and Kai, he is not taking this news well. Kai frowns and tense up when he see the disappointment look on Keith’s face. “That is not good,” he said. “If she is in Solaria and her family are here, she must have developed emotional and behavioural problems by now. She should be with her family, your family Emo. She is a youngling.”
“We didn’t know,” said Kai, he get his mirror phone and dials Twinkly’s number in an attempt to fix this. When he is able to get Twinkly to answer the call, he asked if Lilly is with her.
“I don’t know, in Townsville outside,” Twinkly answered in a not good mood. “She has her furs to warm her up.”
Kai is shocked and is frantically that Lilly is all alone because she need to be with her family now because they are moving to a new ‘home’. “You abandoned her by leaving her alone in Townsville!?! Why would you do that? You used to be happy with Emo!”
“Not ANYMORE!” Twinkly shouted at her little brother on the line, even more angrily and the volume of her voice increased. Kai close his eyes and winced. Emo turned pale and listened to her rant. “He left his own daughter under our care and not get her! What a terrible man!”
Twinkly continued ranting of the misfortunes the staryummies on the line, however Keith take the mirror phone and end the conversation. Keith looked at Kai, whose is at the verge of crying from his plight. “Why don’t we take a break and relax for a while,” said Keith.
Kai just stood there still, while Emo thinking about his life decisions he made.
Keith Mystery belongs to @cooltmoney95
Emo, Lilly (mentioned), Stella Junior (mentioned), Twinkly, and Kai belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
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arvoze · 5 months
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i am once again drawing cacturne
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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"Hey Keith, what else is in your belt pouches?"
Keiths belt pouches 2/2
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sophiebiikes · 5 months
rb for accuracy!
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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you were the one that i loved you were the one that i loved! don’t need another metaphor it’s simple enough!
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angelsdean · 6 months
love watching a totally random show and immediately being jumpscared by an spn actor
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froginamoodboard · 2 months
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Poly Solve It squad moodboard
Requested by: anon
x x x x x x x x x
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callmelyc · 9 months
Au where Lance is a storyteller turned writer that ends up seeing visions of real murders he has to break the cycle for before it's too late.
But he doesn't know that just yet.
It all starts with dolls. When lance was little he'd watch in awe as his elder sisters played with pretty dolls, their glossy hair and colorful tiny clothes mesmerizing to his young eyes. He was never allowed to play with them himself so he'd craft intricate stories for them in his head instead.
When his abuela found out she'd gifted lance her own collection, a beautiful set of vintage dolls all his own. With those dolls his stories continued on in his mind. As he himself aged he grew his collection himself.
When Rachel died, murdered with no answers, he kept her dolls too and gifted them back to the two daughters she'd left behind in his care.
His bf at the time helped all he could, he was a kind man Lance gad met in college. By then they'd dated for two years, by then he was a part of the family. To help the girls feel truly settled through Lances grief, his bf would do everything to make the girls feel at home.
Many therapy sessions, long nights and tears later Lance finds himself desperately retelling the stories he'd crafted for those dolls to the 5 and 7 year old in hopes it's enough to get them to bed.
To Lances surprise, It works.
So every night no matter their age Lance would tell his nieces, now daughters, stories to help them cope.
It's his boyfriend that suggest it first, for lance to write these stories out and in doing so even more details pour out into the pages he writes on.
Before long years pass and the girls can read these stories themselves, they ask for more, they call both Lance and his long-term Bf dad and it both warms his heart just as much as it shatters it.
The girls are 10 and 12 when lance hears from a publisher for the first time.
His first books are published without much flourish and the small family of four celebrates anyways.
The first time he sees his books out in the wild Lance is in awe. His bf simply smiles at him and encouraged him to continue.
So he does.
Things are well, if Lance ignored the screaming in his ear.
Lances happy little life is haunted by dreams that aren't quite dreams. He isn't sure what to call them. Visions? Nightmares? All he knows is they're vivid enough and they grow more frequent and disturbing as time passes.
He hasn't told anyone of them since the grief counseling years ago. He had to appear as sane as possible for the Girls sake. Lance refused to let anyone else have custody of them so he simply had to deal.
He'd talk to his lover about them had the last time not felt so....off.
Lance had laid in the man's arms describing the icy terror he'd feel from the images his head crafted.
How he'd always see a dead body, how it would be swallowed by the wet earth surrounded by pine and how it looked like his sister or her favored dolls.
And the man that had always been his biggest support looked at lance in fear for the very first time. "are you sure you're ok?"
Lance had to smile and say "yeah, it's just a reoccurring nightmare I think"
After that those "nightmares" started happening during the day, quick flashes of cold damp earth, a deep hole in the ground, disfigured bodies slowly growing in number.
It's no longer just his sister.
All had looked like dolls for the briefest moment.
He doesn't know what to make of it. So, Lance ignores it.
Things move forward as they always will. The youngest of his daughters takes the last name Clark because "Alana already has the McClain name! Daddy doesn't have anyone with his name so if I have it then both our dad's are honored."
His bf is overjoyed to be loved so deeply she'd want such a thing. Their happy little family growing more intertwined. Two perfect daughters with two perfect last names for their two perfect dads.
If only their happiness has lasted.
Their breakup was the shock of everyone that knew them both. It didn't end in flame and smoke but in an autumn chill soft and aching. They didn't fight, argue or scream. It was quiet and a mutual agreement.
Lances writer fame had taken off and they'd been begging him to move closer to their publishing office for in person meetings to help fan the flames of his growing popularity.
His bf had been growing a bit distant since then. He claims it's because he felt he was holding lance back and it was obvious the girls would go where he did.
Their breakup felt like a divorce.
The visions grow more detailed, he can actively smell them now.
The now family of three moves states and temporarily move in with an old friend, Keith Kogane.
Keith had moved out here five years ago and it just so happened to be the city his publisher wanted lance to live in.
His daughters, though still distraught, are excited to see their uncle Keith again and Keith is just as happy to see them in return.
He joyfully comments on how big they've gotten, he helps them all settle in and Keith sits with lance every night as he grieves the loss of a life he thought was forever.
Lance has a few months before a book tour starts to promote his newest series and Keith holds his little family together in his rough but gentle hands.
Those caring hands will watch his daughters while he's gone and lance couldn't be more grateful to have Keith in his life again.
Keith who never pried when lance was frozen with the horrible visions mid conversation. Keith who owned every single one of lances books and dedicated a shelf just to his Works.
This man helped keep his girls from being too hurt at the loss of another parent. This man helped get them therapist in the area and recommended lance the perfect schools for them.
Keith was actively helping his girls get through yet another thing to grieve and Lance Couldn't think of any better a situation for them to have fallen into.
He wouldn't know it just yet, and neither would Lance, just how much he was truly saving them.
When Lances nights grow too restless Keith recommends he start going for runs.
"It helped my mind alot When shiro was still MIA during his deployment. Running just....got my mind off things, helped me think."
And who is Lance to argue with reasoning like that?
His night runs become a frequent occurrence even through the biting cold of winter crawling in.
It's on his way back that he sees it in the yard of a neighbor that's no longer there: a doll.
It's pretty hair in a high ponytail reflecting the moonlight off the plastic.
Lance approaches, curious. This doll hasn't been there this entire time....has it?
He kneels down to pick it up from its resting place against the side of this old house. It reminds lance alot of vintage Barbie dolls, the kinds his sisters used to play with and never allow him to touch.
It's hands were shredded and face scratched near unrecognizable but her smile stayed intact. Perfect and glossy.
As he holds this doll in his hands the overwhelming sense of wrong evades lances senses. Something screams at him to check the rest of the yard, his gut churning as he steps further and further in.
There's another doll by the old shed. Another by the broken backdoor.
Each more disfigured than the last. Each left with the perfect, glossy smile. Each a vintage doll he used to see in his family home.
Horror and unease swallow lance whole and this time the vision takes lance violent into it's grasp.
This time everything is uncomfortably sharp. The scent of rain dampened mud, the cutting iron, the sounds of screaming.
He's in a thorn bush cutting deep into his trembling form, watching thru the gap between its branches hoping no one will hear him. He watches a man burry body after body into the large hole in the earth he always saw before.
Lance listens as the man sing songs his name saying soon it'll be his turn. Soon the tale will end.
And as the thorns shred his icy skin Lance wakes up snapped from the vision still in the old yard. He drops the doll and rushes back.
He ignores Keith's worry filled questions and hides away in the bathroom shaking from the chill left behind.
As lance strips his clothes dampened from the wet grass he looks in shock at the blood seeping through. His arms are covered in thorn cuts from a bush he was never actually in.
And lance doesn't know what to do when the next day the dolls he'd left behind are no longer there.
This is when the tale truly begins.
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On February 22, 1970, 14-year-old Australian boy Keith Sapsford snuck onto the tarmac at Sydney Airport and hid inside the wheel-well on a Tokyo-bound plane. As the plane took off, amateur photographer, John Gilpin, was taking pictures at the airport. As he snapped images of Keith’s plane, he captured the moment the wheel-well opened and Keith fell out, plummeting to his death. But John didn’t even realize the tragedy he’d photographed until about a week later when he developed the film.
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discordiansamba · 7 months
for that ship meme you just reblogged: Keith / Romelle, 41 pretty please
I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”
Keith did not even so much as look up.
Narrowing her eyes, Romelle crouched next to him. He might appear to be entirely focused on the engine of their rental car, but she knew him well enough to know that he had her full peripheral attention.
"I said," she began-
"I heard you the first time," Keith cut her off with a sharp look, "-I'm also pretty sure your last idea is what got us in this situation in the first place."
Romelle opened her mouth. Shut her mouth. He might have a point there. It had been her idea to take this little excursion to a place well outside either of their comfort zones- the mountains of Earth, in the winter. Altea had very mild winters, and Keith had grown up in the desert. It had seemed like a good idea at the time!
She had been the also been the one responsible for renting a car.
Which was now broken.
In an isolated area of the mountains. With no way of contacting anyone. They didn't even have Kosmo with them- Hunk had borrowed him before they left. Something about 'fluffy diplomacy?'.
"That may be true," Romelle said, "-but you were the one who told me to rent the car while you waited for our baggage. I don't know if you'd noticed this, but they don't exactly have cars on the colony."
"...okay, you've got a point there." Keith admitted. "This would have been so much easier if Allura let us take the black lion."
"Well, Pidge is to blame for that one," Romelle said, "-one too many personal trips in the green lion. The less said of the last one..."
"-the better," Keith finished, "-someday I'll get the story out of her of how she nearly ended up beheaded."
Romelle chuckled, letting Keith tinker with the engine for a few more minutes. It was obvious that he only half knew what he was doing. He knew hoverbikes better than he did cars.
"So?" Keith finally asked. "What was your idea?"
"Oh!" Romelle perked up. "See, up there on that mountain? It looks like there's some kind of lodge! I bet we could walk there and ask to use their... what did you call it again?"
"A phone?" Keith frowned, squinting in the direction she pointed. "Sure, I guess. What's the worst that could happen?"
"Wonderful!" Romelle clapped. "I'm sure we'll be out of this situation and on our way in no time!"
"Let's hope," Keith said, "-it's not like it can get much worse than being stranded in the mountains in the middle of winter."
(It did, in fact, get worse.)
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The Mystery Brothers - One is a monster hunter and the other is a slugslinger and monster tamer capable of making a Mojoworld-originated and magically enchanted-engineered-and-modified by Rita Wayword warwolf docile and be his pet.
One was popular in the supernatural community, while the other is starting to make a name for himself in the supernatural community with his allies.
Travis Mystery (Alex Casoy x Martin Mystery) belongs to @ej-cappy-universe.
Keith Mystery (Alex Casoy [Totally Spies] x Martin Mystery [Martin Mystery]), Naseem Chan (Dennis Lawrence Chan [Kid Vs. Kat] x Sanjay [Fairly Odd Parents]), Ani Makani-Pelaki (Lilo Makani [Lilo & Stitch] x OC) belong to @cooltmoney95.
Rita Wayword aka Spiral (mentioned) belongs to Marvel and her creators, Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams.
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arvoze · 8 months
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my boys....
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waugh-bao · 6 months
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icklewolfiekins · 1 month
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you know how sometimes you spend too long on ms paint making bad fanart
that's right ive done it again
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sagegreenfrogs · 1 year
why do tdp and voltron always somehow connect in my brain
TW: abandonment, mentions of suicide
I've been thinking about rayla's speech in "the great bookery" to Amaya about how she left Callum to protect him and help him but Amaya rejects this with "you abandoned him. you broke his heart."
as we all know Keith has a fun habit of distancing himself from people he loves "I push them away before... they reject me." (him leaving team voltron, emotionally locking himself away, leaving the garrison with no protest, almost committing suicide at the battle of naxzela, etc.) and I think if dreamworks wasn't full of bullshit then that could have tied into him leaving to "protect" lance.
and when Keith did leave the team, it did hurt everyone else. it broke their hearts. it was detrimental to the team, especially considering that it was kuron, not the real shiro who took over in his absence. if him and lance were given the emotional and relational development they deserved, this may have played out similarly to how rayllum is going.
I love rayllum but our boys deserved better.
at least in the epilogue they could've done better. at least given lance a good ending like he deserves. (LANCE MCCLAIN IS NOT A FARMER, FIGHT ME. IF LANCE IS A FARMER SHIRO IS STRAIGHT.)
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badsongpetey · 2 years
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Finished my little klance Last Unicorn mini comic! They're both so adorably dumb. Got to really get some good Keith expression for this one (it's hard to get away from resting Keith face sometimes), but that boy can emote when he wants to.
This came out of a convo with @autumnignited over on Discord. He's a Last Unicorn superfan, and he suggested that Keith would be both completely confused by and completely charmed by Lance's kitschy magic tricks. Go check out his klance stories, they are magical.
For whatever reason (I don't try to think to deeply about how my brain works) I did this as one big page. Don't judge me.
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