#kel answers asks
keldae · 25 days
How about 17 from that meme you just reblogged? The love marks one... for whoever inspo strikes
Gale prided himself on his restraint, and his sense of discretion. After a year of fighting with the orb in his chest, and the years preceding of being an archmage and Mystra’s Chosen, he thought he was well-versed in showing self-discipline when the situation called for it. Even today, without his previous responsibilities and concerns, he was certainly regarded as the self-controlled, respectable “adult” of the group (after Jaheira and Halsin).
And he had to put every ounce of self-restraint that he had to use now, as he watched Devi smooth-talk a merchant into giving her a better deal on clothing. She had done a good job in concealing the marks he'd left on her fair skin last night (... and that morning, if he were to be honest), but he could still get a peek of a bruise marring her rose tattoo on her neck. He felt a little burst of heat below his stomach, remembering how she'd acquired that little mark…
He couldn't ever hope to get enough of this woman, this perfect bundle of sass and fiery temper and passionate kisses. With a little grunt, he navigated them both to his already-rumpled bedroll, pinning her beneath his heavier body. He could feel her fingers diving between them, fumbling to undo the laces of his pants and briefs as she fiercely kissed him. As he started kissing his way over her neck, she found his hard cock with her hand and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, pumping up and down his length; he groaned, his teeth closing over her skin to keep his sounds muffled. She had no such reservations about being quiet, and squealed in pleasure as he bit her, the sound making him want her even more–
He blinked, trying to get his mind back on the current moment. Thankful that his long robe disguised most of his arousal, he still casually folded his hands before him, watching as Devi let herself be measured up by the seamstress of this little shop in Wyrm’s Crossing. She had taken her armour off, and now stood in just a tunic and pants, extending her arms out to the side, with a bit of a cautious look at Gale and Jaheira to make sure she was doing what was expected of her. Growing up as impoverished as she had, she clearly had never been properly measured for clothing before.
The seamstress clucked approvingly, running her tape measure over various parts of Devi's body. The petite half-Elf turned, letting her arms be measured. Her sleeve rode up on her arm, revealing another little mark on her wrist that made Gale feel another burst of proud heat, deep within…
Her hands fascinated him; smaller than his, deft with lockpicks, almost delicate with how small she was. He caught her hand as she was about to stroke his hair back, pressing kisses to her palm and fingers. Encouraged by the way her breath caught at his motions, he continued on, his lips exploring her skin as he moved over her wrist, settling over her pulse point. He looked up and met her eyes before he sucked hard on her wrist, making her gasp in pleasure. His tongue licked the mark he had left on her skin in apology before she grabbed his hair with her other hand and pulled his face toward her for a kiss–
Jaheira elbowed Gale hard in the side, jolting him out of his pleasant memories. “Don't they teach you wizards anything about subtlety?” she hissed.
Trying to settle his heart rate down, Gale blinked innocently at Jaheira. “What? I'm just standing here!”
“Your robes only hide so much, wizard,” Jaheira muttered. “Don't think I didn't notice you checking your girl out.”
“... Can I not admire the love of my life?” Gale asked. “Watching her being properly measured is cute.”
Jaheira rolled her eyes. “There's watching her, and then there's trying to undress her with just your eyes.”
Gale flushed, but couldn't refute Jaheira’s point. He just watched as the seamstress moved to Devi’s legs. The hands holding the measuring tape went between her legs to measure her inseam; Devi almost hid her wince at a hand pressing a little too hard on her inner thigh. The seamstress looked up. “Are you all right, Miss?”
Her cheeks going pink, Devi nodded. “Yes. Just a… just a bruise there.” She noted the seamstress’ eyebrows rising. “From, uh… playing with my dog?”
The seamstress clearly wasn't fooled, from how her lips pressed together like she was trying to not grin. “Of course. Dogs do like to play rough, don't they?”
Gale felt his ears heat up at Jaheira’s soft snort. He met Devi's gaze, and saw his little thief wink at him, despite her blush. That nearly made him groan out loud as he remembered leaving that particular bruise on her thigh…
If the hells were real, then so was heaven. And Gale was sure he'd found heaven right here, as he buried his face in between Devi’s thighs, eagerly licking up every drop of her arousal. He could feel her legs on his shoulders trembling, as he brought her closer to the peak of pleasure. Her whimpers urged him on, fucking her with his lips and tongue until he pulled away just before she could climax, kissing over her inner thighs instead. Her frustrated whine of his name made him grin. “Patience, my star,” he teased her, nibbling her delicate skin. “I plan on leaving you a shaking, sobbing wreck by the time I'm done with you tonight.” He grunted as she gave his hair a hard tug, trying to get his face back to where she clearly wanted him to be; he retaliated with a nip to her thigh, not enough to draw blood, but certainly enough to bruise. His grin widened when she whimpered in pleasure at the bite, pressing her thigh tighter against his head as though trying to get him to bruise her again–
This time, it was Karlach elbowing him on the other side. “You are as obvious as an ogre in the Gate,” she muttered.
Gale frowned at the tiefling, then shifted his weight and his hands in front of his body, trying to be a little more discreet with hiding how much he was enjoying the sight of the little marks that he'd left on Devi. The way his little thief winked at him again as she turned on the stool at the seamstress’ direction didn't do a thing to help him master his body. If anything, Gale swore she was standing in such a way as to emphasize her hips for his gaze. The little minx.
Devi's shirt lifted as she raised her arms at the seamstress’ order, revealing the start of a line of bruises over her hip, very clearly left from little bites along her fair skin. Gale felt the urge to squirm as Jaheira, Karlach, and the seamstress all turned to look at him; he just smirked, proud of the marks he had left on his beloved, proof that she was all his. The seamstress chuckled and went back to her task, shaking her head.
“You two definitely had a wild night,” Karlach commented in an undertone. “No wonder Halsin looked like he hadn't slept at all this morning…”
Gale winced slightly. The memory of Halsin’s scowls that morning were still fresh in his mind. “Remind me later that I owe him an apology for forgetting about the sound dampening ward,” he muttered.
Karlach snorted, then peered at Gale before reaching over and pulling the shoulder of his robe to the side. She raised an eyebrow when she saw the start of his own small bruises, left by Devi's teeth on his neck and shoulder while he'd ravished her last night. “Man, you two like it rough!”
“I prefer to think of it as ‘passionate’,” Gale mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up to match his burning ears. “If you think that's bad, you should see my back after she scratched–”
“No, no, I do not want to know,” Jaheira interrupted. “I already know too much.”
“... Tell me later,” Karlach stage-whispered with a grin. “Either you or Devi.”
Gale chuckled, then watched as Devi hopped off the stool and started putting her armour back on. Still looking immensely amused, the seamstress looked up from scribbling in a book. “Come back tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have that new outfit ready for you, Miss.” She grinned impishly. “And let your man know that if he manages to tear even my stitches while he's getting it off of you, I'll be suitably impressed… and I'll cut him a good deal to mend your clothes.”
Devi flushed to the same colour as her hair as Gale coughed. “Duly noted,” the wizard mumbled, hearing Karlach snicker. 
The group stepped back out into the daylight, falling into step with the busy crowds. Jaheira took the lead, bringing the four back to Sharess’ Caress. She paused at the door, looking back at Gale and Devi. “I have it on good authority that they do have private rooms available here,” she said. “Go get that out of your systems while Karlach and I sort out camp supplies.”
Devi somehow went a brighter shade of red. “Erm… We can behave, I promise–”
“You might be able to, but Gale was combusting on the inside even worse than my engine,” Karlach retorted with a laugh, giving both wizard and thief a push up the stairs. “Go! We'll see you two back at camp whenever you're done.”
“Don't feel like you need to hurry,” Jaheira added with a smirk. “Perhaps you should stop by the circus later and see if you can get another one of those disguise kits to hide the marks you two are going to give each other?”
Blushing, Gale took Devi's hand and tugged her into the brothel, chased by Jaheira and Karlach's laughter. This wasn't a terrible idea, he mused – the idea of being able to enjoy an actual mattress for a spell instead of a worn bedroll definitely appealed to his back. And this way, they wouldn't earn the ire of their fellow party members while they enjoyed each other, as loudly as they pleased…
Neither of them saw Karlach lean to Jaheira. “This isn't gonna fix anything with them fucking like rabbits tonight, ya know.”
“Oh, I know,” Jaheira answered with a wink. “I remember being young and in love too, once upon a time. But it gets them some time alone, and gets them out of our hair for a few hours. Come, let's see about the camp supplies while they're occupied.”
It was after dusk when Gale and Devi sauntered back into camp to a chorus of teasing whistles, hand in hand, Gale sporting a new and very obvious hickey on his neck that Devi appeared to be immensely proud of bestowing on him.
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faraway-monsters · 4 months
How would they react if Sally (aged up for obvious reasons) got killed yet was somehow unaffected? It just healed over completely and she herself didn't seem phased by it.
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Something like this, I think.
god this ask took forever but the prospect of drawing adult sally was too fun not to do. Also the scenario is hilarious. Surprise, your sister isn't human either!!! Get prankd.
It's not canon since Sally is human in the AU but god that'd be so funny, especially since the events of Shattered Denial.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
What do you think about Ryan’s interview?
Hey Kel
I don't have any issues with it to be honest - Eddie currently has a girlfriend on the show, so why would Ryan start talking about Eddie being queer in some way or confirm Buddie??
At this point in time in canon Eddie has only dated and married women - the subtext is there and ready for them to work with for his queer journey - and I firmly believe they are doing so we just won't see that arc fully begin until the end of the season at the earliest (ready for exploration in 8a!).
At this point the interviewers constantly asking about Buddie is a pointless endeavour and it is purely about click bait not because they actually want to ask interesting or good questions about Buck and Eddies dynamic.
I always take interviews with the biggest pinch of salt - this is a massive show with a PR team who will have final say on what media outlets can publish and they will also be telling anyone being interviewed what they can and can't say and at this point in time. Buddie is the big slow burn romance that they do not want spoiled under any circumstances so the actors or writers or show runners or crew who get interviewed are going to lean into subterfuge or say very little on the subject - because why would you spoil something that is going to be central to future plans as well as being a defining moment in television history.
To be honest we've got far more out of the interviews this season than I was expecting to get - things that hint far more heavily that Buddie canon is coming - and those have been from better journalists who ask the right, more interesting questions. That article is nothing more than a click bait puff piece - a necessary evil in todays world!
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stranger-is-alone · 2 months
So we know how u feel about omori,,
But what about sunny?
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Stranger actually has a lot of care for the wellbeing of Sunny and his friends (Sunny especially, since he doesn’t know the rest of them quite as well and Sunny has been his focus for a long time). Unfortunately there isn’t much left he can do for them, so he just waits in Black Space in case he might be needed again (which he sincerely hopes will never happen, even if it’s a little quiet and lonely here on his own). It’s up to them now, and attempting to interfere could be counterproductive.
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beskarandblasters · 10 months
Top five favorite fics of all time?
I've said this before but Losing My Religion by @oonajaeadira is my favorite Din fic of all the time. It's some of the most beautiful writing I've ever read and the love Din and Little Bird share is just so special. It's the first multi chapter Din fic I read when I came to tumblr and it'll always hold a special place in my heart.
Home is Wherever I'm With You by @saradika is also so special because it's such a refreshing take on season 3 of Mando and it also fits in with the events of the season so well!! I just feel like there's not a ton of season 3 era Din fics out there and this one is so good!!
I Only See Daylight by @millersdjarin Man this one hurts but it ended so nicely. The cult idea was such a unique element, too!! This is also one of the first multi chapter Din fics I read when I first got on tumblr!!
Only Lovers Left Alive by @atinylittlepain because I loooove vampires and the different decades idea is so fun. Gin really knows how to establish her world building and lore for her characters wonderfully.
Night Walks by @toxicanonymity I find myself rereading this one all the fucking time. Night Walks Joel is just hands down my favorite Joelkemon toxic has and I would let that little creep do whatever he wants to me.
Ask me my top 5 anything!!
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emmettland · 14 days
19.What does your character consider to be their lowest point?
For Malu, Kel and Logan.
Malu: being imprisoned for accidentally killing High Judge Elsan
Kel: the aftermath of being Cal's experiment
Logan: planning to commit suicide (Deborah stops him; he's just a little too loose with his words and she's a little too perceptive having been his secretary so long)
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🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 :DD
Hi Lilac! Thank you so much for your ask and for participating in our special brothers headcanons request event! 🥰 Here are a few fluffy Hero and Kel siblings headcanons for you. We hope you enjoy them!
🥳-- Hero and Kel Siblings Fluff Headcanons
When Kel was about two years old, he had a very bad cold with a nasty cough. 5-year-old Hero was so worried about his little brother and his coughing that he crawled out of his bed in the middle of night and curled up beside Kel's crib to keep an eye on his. In the morning, their parents found him fast asleep holding Kel's tiny hand through the crib bars.
While shopping at a department store, Kel and Hero once found a pair of very expensive athletic shoes marked down on clearance. Kel wanted them very much, but they were too big for him at the time. Still, after much begging (mostly by Kel), their parents bought them with the intention that they would eventually be passed down from Hero to Kel when Hero outgrew them and Kel grew into them. Knowing how much his brother wanted those shoes and feeling bad that Kel always got his hand-me-downs, Hero rarely ever wore them. Instead, he wore his old shoes as long as he could even as they were falling apart and his feet grew too big for them. It was worth it when he finally passed them down to Kel in perfect condition.
Since Hero is very afraid of spiders, Kel has always taken care of any spiders they find in their room. Kel knows that even though spiders scare Hero, he would feel bad if Kel just started smashing them, so he always scoops them up and places them outside (often on the window sill). Even after all these years, Hero doesn't realize Kel is doing this for his benefit and thinks his brother is just very kind and sensitive to spiders.
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breadtwins · 2 years
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Higher Quality pics of the prints, courtesy of @/MarisPiano on twitter.
Click for highest quality. These are not in order.
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itmeanssomething · 11 months
CAN I HUG WHOEVER WANTS A HUG PLEASEE they all need therapy so fucking badly oh my god HUG
A hug for Aubrey! (These were done so quick I'm so sorry idk how to draw HUGS)
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She's not much of a hugger (yes she is), but she appreciates it!
A hug for Kel!
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A... this, for Hero!
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Oh, boy...
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shukakumoodboard · 4 months
8 and 25 for the ask thing? 👀 I wanna know your Thots and Opinions
Thots and Opinonions for yuo my darlignie. i had a Day so i’m choosing violence on these responses too lets fuckin’ go
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
this is maybe more an activity derived from an opinion/mindset but i was thinking about it today: collecting fandom artwork off the internet and making twitter threads or tiktoks or youtube shorts or otherwise content out of it without credit or permission isn’t contributing to fandom in general or being a fandom content creator, it’s actually stealing :) there seems to be a shocking amount of people who think this kind of reposting is normal/acceptable and let me just say i have a blanket permissions statement on my ao3 but if i ever catch someone putting my stuff in a tiktok compilation without crediting me and letting me know as per the terms of my permissions i am coming to their house and dropping a fat turd in their microwave
now obviously if you have permission/the creator has given blanket permissions, and you link your sources, go absolutely hog fuckign’ wild!
25. common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
ok this one ends up being more general fandom too, but any and all variants and extensions thereof belonging to the overarching complaint of “there just isn’t enough X art/fic!” shut the fuck up and write it/draw it yourself. “but i can’t write/draw” and you think your idol authors/artists just… could? it’s called practice babeygrill. pick up a pencil. youtube has some great free drawing tutorials. drop your fave authors a line and ask them what writing advice they can provide. “but im too busy” i write on my phone in the fckin’ shower while my conditioner sets. and in between teaching courses at university, and while my dinner’s cooking, and between sets at the gym, and on the train to work, and hobby time on the weekends. “but i’m too lazy” then Cope. thank u for coming to my ted talk*
*i do feel the need to disclaimer all of these are different from health, job, family, etc issues that do interfere with writing or drawing and to that i say: my love you are still an artist. a boat is still a boat even when docked at the shore
thank you for asking <3
feel the violence in ur bones
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keldae · 22 days
A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking for your galemancer ❤️
Devi loved nighttime around camp. In the peaceful darkness, all was calm and relaxing, giving the party a needed reprieve from the stress of the day. That it meant she could retreat into Gale's cozy tent with the wizard in question only sweetened the deal for her.
Right now, she was on her side, facing Gale, lightly shivering as the cool night air tickled her exposed skin, damp as it was with sweat. Her heart had finally slowed back down after a round of passionate sex, one that made her grateful Gale had remembered to put up a silencing ward around the tent (lest other members of the group start yelling for the couple to fuck off). He had cast the spell already to clean away the mess they had left between her thighs; now he reclined on his side, his head propped up on his hand, fondly gazing at her. His other hand reached out, tracing over her cheek and ear with his fingers, a gentle, soft touch that made Devi feel safe and protected with him.
“You are a work of art,” Gale murmured, tracing the contours of Devi's face as though committing her to memory. “You are poetry taken flesh and sent to live among mere mortals. You are a treasure that deserves nothing less than the finest pedestal on which to display your beauty.”
Feeling a not-unpleasant warmth on her cheeks, Devi smiled at Gale, almost shy as he praised her. “You make me feel worthy of adoration,” she softly said. “You make me feel as beautiful as a goddess.”
“If nobody has told you before that you are beautiful to rival even Mystra, then every other lover you’ve had has been negligent. Worshipping you and your beauty is a blasphemy that I will happily partake in.” Gale’s eyes were soft as he gazed at Devi, his thumb tracing her lips. “Gods, how did I get so lucky as to have you here with me?”
Smiling, Devi kissed the pad of Gale’s thumb. “It turns out that I have a weakness for handsome wizards who snuggle me to sleep and read me bedtime stories.”
Gale chuckled softly. “And this wizard is incredibly grateful that you picked him, out of everyone you could have chosen to love.” He went quiet for a moment, his thumb shifting to trace the scar that cut vertically across Devi’s lips. “I don’t think you told me how you picked up this mark, my love…” he quietly said, his brow furrowing. 
Devi shook her head slightly. “I didn’t,” she softly confirmed. “I… angered Father and he threw a glass bottle at me. It missed me, but the shards of glass from when it hit the wall beside me left their marks. The one on my forehead was from the same bottle.” 
For a second, fury flickered through Gale’s eyes, followed by sorrow as he leaned in close. His lips touched the scar on Devi’s mouth, a gentle press that nearly made her cry sheerly from how tender his touch was; then he moved enough to kiss the scar on her temple. “Your father will have plenty to answer for when I meet him,” he muttered. “You will never suffer another wound at his hand again – I promise. Nobody harms my beloved.”
Feeling her eyes burning, Devi scooted closer to Gale on the rumpled bedroll, her hand settling on his shoulder. “Gods, I love you, my protective, handsome wizard,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss his neck.
“I love you too,” Gale murmured, kissing her forehead again over her scar. He leaned back a smidgen, just enough to take in more of Devi’s body with his gaze; his eyes settled on her neck tattoo. “You haven’t told me the story of this one,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss the tattoo.
Devi shivered as she felt Gale kiss his way over her skin. “So… I’m going to start by saying I was seventeen and fuelled entirely by spite and poor decisions,” she said with a little laugh. “I had found out that Father was planning to sell me to some lord’s son or nephew or something, and he wanted me to look pretty.” She heard Gale lowly growl something uncomplimentary at her father as he listened to her story. “My partner at the time, she had a friend who had a friend in Wyrm’s Crossing who could do tattoos… and, well, roses are my favourite flower. They gave me a drink of something that would dull the pain, and by dawn, I had this.” She wrinkled her nose and ruefully laughed. “I fainted once while they were doing the tattoo – it hurt so bad to have done.”
Gale winced as he pulled back from kissing the tattoo to meet Devi’s eyes. “I can only imagine the pain of a tattoo, forget having that on your neck, of all places. Can I safely assume that your father did not approve?”
“Oh, he was livid that I cost him the deal, since the lord in question thought the tattoo was ugly and refused to agree to the contract.” Devi smirked. “It was worth his rage and the punishment I got from him. I think that might have been the same partner who got my ears pierced too…”
“She was either a terrible influence, or an excellent one,” Gale chuckled. If Devi focused, she could hear the suppressed anger in his voice, directed at her father. “How did that relationship end, if I may ask?”
Devi shrugged. “Apparently I was an experiment for her to see if she liked women or not. She decided one day that she missed being with a man, told me we needed to go our separate ways, and I found out maybe a tenday later that she was a month pregnant at the time.”
“I wish I didn’t know that feeling,” Gale muttered. “A previous partner of mine, before Mystra, did something similar to me, when I was much younger. I didn’t know for certain that the child wasn’t mine until he was born with suspiciously pointed ears… to a human mother.”
“Oh, that bitch,” Devi growled, her hand gently rubbing Gale’s shoulder.
Gale ruefully chuckled. “I had a few choice words of my own for her when I told her to go to a particularly low level of the Hells. Tara nearly clawed her eyes out – not to mention how furious my mother was.” He snorted. “More insulting was how she tried to tell me that she was part Elf, despite me knowing that she was entirely human. I’ve never had my intelligence insulted like that before, or since.”
“You are far better off without that lying bitch in your life,” Devi murmured with a nod. 
“Indeed… particularly since it means that I get to have you in my life instead.” Gale smiled fondly at Devi and leaned in to kiss her gently. “You are a gift that I treasure, every moment that I am blessed to spend in your company, my love.”
Devi smiled as she kissed Gale back, scooting closer to him. “Which one of us is the lucky one again?” she murmured. “I’m pretty sure it’s me – the uneducated thief who fell for a handsome, compassionate, smart-as-all-hells wizard.”
“You are a master thief, my darling – you stole my heart months ago.” Gale chuckled. He leaned back slightly from the kisses, his eyes roaming over her exposed skin, his hand following his eyes over her body. He stopped at another scar on her forearm, his brow furrowing. “What was the story behind this scar?”
Devi looked at the scar and made a face. “That one was an accident. My brother Jehn was teaching me how to fight with knives, and he was demonstrating a strike that I was meant to block… he told me while he was trying to stitch me up afterward that I was supposed to block with my own knife and not my arm.”
Gale winced again. “Oh, Devi…”
“In my defence, I was… eight years old? Nine?” Devi shrugged. “I was young, and just learning how to use knives. Jehn didn’t mean to hurt me, and he did feel terrible about it.” She contemplated the scar again. “Honestly, the stitches he did to try and fix it hurt more than the initial wound.” 
“It’s a marvel that you didn’t bleed out or acquire an infection from that, or lose partial function in your hand,” Gale murmured, lifting Devi’s arm so he could tenderly kiss the scar. “How many more wounds did you get from Jehn while he was teaching you how to fight?”
“That one was the worst one from him, you’ll be happy to hear,” Devi assured him. “I got a few more cuts on my arms, and a couple of shallow wounds on my stomach – by then, he’d managed to steal some healing potions that he could use to patch me up from the worst of the wounds, so I was fine. And I gave him his share of wounds back – nearly broke his nose once.”
Gale softly chuckled. “That’s my girl,” he murmured, making Devi’s heart skip a beat in her chest at the endearment. He leaned in and rubbed his nose against hers for a moment. “My sweet, perfect star. Gods, you are so perfect – scars and all.”
Smiling, Devi snuggled up to Gale, as closely as she could manage, and lowered her head so she could kiss the orb brand across his heart. “First in my heart,” she whispered, feeling Gale drape his arm across her body so he could hold her closer to him. “My heart belongs to you, Gale – fully and utterly.” 
She felt Gale’s arm tighten across her as he gently nudged her head back so he could nuzzle her face. “And I promise to take the best care of what you’ve entrusted to me, my love,” he softly said. “Your heart will never break while it is in my hands.”
“And neither will yours,” Devi promised, setting her fingers across Gale’s heart. She saw his smile before he kissed her again – tenderly at first, then with more passion and lust in his touches as he gently pushed her onto her back, his thigh nudging her legs open for him again.
This, Devi thought as she kissed Gale back, running her fingers into his hair and arching her body into his as she tried to touch as much of him as she could, was home – in Gale’s arms, warm and safe, and loved in a way that she had never experienced before. She would follow this man into the lowest of the Hells if he had need of her, and some part of her heart knew that he would gladly follow her there too.
I am the luckiest girl alive, was her last coherent thought before she gave herself to the pleasures that Gale made her experience again.
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faraway-monsters · 2 months
Who’s the strongest amongst the group?
Handy chart!
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mikkokomori · 8 months
hiii here to say stuff about the delinquent duo au again! Here with a sort of rant about the church fight 👍
Okay so it starts the same where they hero and sunny go into the church (hero is objecting the entire time, but sunny just sneaks away from him as he’s saying they’ll just wait) and they sit down behind Aubrey and kel, it plays out mostly the same except in the au hero ends up saying that mari wouldn’t want to see them all like this, it makes Aubrey feel just sad she doesn’t want to hear that mari would be like disappointed in her.
but kel feels like angry, he feels really guilty afterwards for feeling upset but like at the moment it’s just oh you can say that now, you can mari wouldn’t want to see me like this? I’m happy and you say the thing I told you years ago that you yelled at me for, that you never apologized for. You can finally say that whenever I’m not lonely anymore. Aubrey then goes to leave, just says we’ll go kel whatever we can ignore them. But In a shocking twist kel goes no, hero you get out of here! You leave me and Aubrey alone for once.
And then they end up in the battle, where it mostly just completely ignores sunny. The dialogue from the other church people are mostly focusing on oh that delinquent girl and boy are fighting in church, I heard she corrupted him, he used to be so nice, that girls such a bad influence. Kel notices though how upset Aubrey is getting because of all the and they leave together after you either lose or beat them.
Anyways i had fun imagining this scene lol and I wanted to share it with you 👍
hopefully this isn’t too long or anything
What if I skill issued all of them, then what. You tell them off Kel!!!!!
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im-a-chunky-potato · 5 months
oooh, what's your top 3 ice cream flavors?
(imma be anon for this. hope you won't get too too mad at me for this 🫣)
ooh okay! And you're fine no worries<3
Number 1 is cherry amaretto which is always my go to flavor, it's just really good.
Number 2 is pistachio, preferably without actual pistachio chunks in it. (On another note pistachio macaroons are the best!)
and Number 3 is cookie dough! It's super sweet and pretty much like 2 desserts in one, so i can't say no to that.
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
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emmettland · 2 months
How awkward would it be for Kel if he could remember the things he did with Cal?
i don't think he'd be able to look his brother in the face for a while.
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