#Jaheira and Karlach both ship it
keldae · 25 days
How about 17 from that meme you just reblogged? The love marks one... for whoever inspo strikes
Gale prided himself on his restraint, and his sense of discretion. After a year of fighting with the orb in his chest, and the years preceding of being an archmage and Mystra’s Chosen, he thought he was well-versed in showing self-discipline when the situation called for it. Even today, without his previous responsibilities and concerns, he was certainly regarded as the self-controlled, respectable “adult” of the group (after Jaheira and Halsin).
And he had to put every ounce of self-restraint that he had to use now, as he watched Devi smooth-talk a merchant into giving her a better deal on clothing. She had done a good job in concealing the marks he'd left on her fair skin last night (... and that morning, if he were to be honest), but he could still get a peek of a bruise marring her rose tattoo on her neck. He felt a little burst of heat below his stomach, remembering how she'd acquired that little mark…
He couldn't ever hope to get enough of this woman, this perfect bundle of sass and fiery temper and passionate kisses. With a little grunt, he navigated them both to his already-rumpled bedroll, pinning her beneath his heavier body. He could feel her fingers diving between them, fumbling to undo the laces of his pants and briefs as she fiercely kissed him. As he started kissing his way over her neck, she found his hard cock with her hand and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, pumping up and down his length; he groaned, his teeth closing over her skin to keep his sounds muffled. She had no such reservations about being quiet, and squealed in pleasure as he bit her, the sound making him want her even more–
He blinked, trying to get his mind back on the current moment. Thankful that his long robe disguised most of his arousal, he still casually folded his hands before him, watching as Devi let herself be measured up by the seamstress of this little shop in Wyrm’s Crossing. She had taken her armour off, and now stood in just a tunic and pants, extending her arms out to the side, with a bit of a cautious look at Gale and Jaheira to make sure she was doing what was expected of her. Growing up as impoverished as she had, she clearly had never been properly measured for clothing before.
The seamstress clucked approvingly, running her tape measure over various parts of Devi's body. The petite half-Elf turned, letting her arms be measured. Her sleeve rode up on her arm, revealing another little mark on her wrist that made Gale feel another burst of proud heat, deep within…
Her hands fascinated him; smaller than his, deft with lockpicks, almost delicate with how small she was. He caught her hand as she was about to stroke his hair back, pressing kisses to her palm and fingers. Encouraged by the way her breath caught at his motions, he continued on, his lips exploring her skin as he moved over her wrist, settling over her pulse point. He looked up and met her eyes before he sucked hard on her wrist, making her gasp in pleasure. His tongue licked the mark he had left on her skin in apology before she grabbed his hair with her other hand and pulled his face toward her for a kiss–
Jaheira elbowed Gale hard in the side, jolting him out of his pleasant memories. “Don't they teach you wizards anything about subtlety?” she hissed.
Trying to settle his heart rate down, Gale blinked innocently at Jaheira. “What? I'm just standing here!”
“Your robes only hide so much, wizard,” Jaheira muttered. “Don't think I didn't notice you checking your girl out.”
“... Can I not admire the love of my life?” Gale asked. “Watching her being properly measured is cute.”
Jaheira rolled her eyes. “There's watching her, and then there's trying to undress her with just your eyes.”
Gale flushed, but couldn't refute Jaheira’s point. He just watched as the seamstress moved to Devi’s legs. The hands holding the measuring tape went between her legs to measure her inseam; Devi almost hid her wince at a hand pressing a little too hard on her inner thigh. The seamstress looked up. “Are you all right, Miss?”
Her cheeks going pink, Devi nodded. “Yes. Just a… just a bruise there.” She noted the seamstress’ eyebrows rising. “From, uh… playing with my dog?”
The seamstress clearly wasn't fooled, from how her lips pressed together like she was trying to not grin. “Of course. Dogs do like to play rough, don't they?”
Gale felt his ears heat up at Jaheira’s soft snort. He met Devi's gaze, and saw his little thief wink at him, despite her blush. That nearly made him groan out loud as he remembered leaving that particular bruise on her thigh…
If the hells were real, then so was heaven. And Gale was sure he'd found heaven right here, as he buried his face in between Devi’s thighs, eagerly licking up every drop of her arousal. He could feel her legs on his shoulders trembling, as he brought her closer to the peak of pleasure. Her whimpers urged him on, fucking her with his lips and tongue until he pulled away just before she could climax, kissing over her inner thighs instead. Her frustrated whine of his name made him grin. “Patience, my star,” he teased her, nibbling her delicate skin. “I plan on leaving you a shaking, sobbing wreck by the time I'm done with you tonight.” He grunted as she gave his hair a hard tug, trying to get his face back to where she clearly wanted him to be; he retaliated with a nip to her thigh, not enough to draw blood, but certainly enough to bruise. His grin widened when she whimpered in pleasure at the bite, pressing her thigh tighter against his head as though trying to get him to bruise her again–
This time, it was Karlach elbowing him on the other side. “You are as obvious as an ogre in the Gate,” she muttered.
Gale frowned at the tiefling, then shifted his weight and his hands in front of his body, trying to be a little more discreet with hiding how much he was enjoying the sight of the little marks that he'd left on Devi. The way his little thief winked at him again as she turned on the stool at the seamstress’ direction didn't do a thing to help him master his body. If anything, Gale swore she was standing in such a way as to emphasize her hips for his gaze. The little minx.
Devi's shirt lifted as she raised her arms at the seamstress’ order, revealing the start of a line of bruises over her hip, very clearly left from little bites along her fair skin. Gale felt the urge to squirm as Jaheira, Karlach, and the seamstress all turned to look at him; he just smirked, proud of the marks he had left on his beloved, proof that she was all his. The seamstress chuckled and went back to her task, shaking her head.
“You two definitely had a wild night,” Karlach commented in an undertone. “No wonder Halsin looked like he hadn't slept at all this morning…”
Gale winced slightly. The memory of Halsin’s scowls that morning were still fresh in his mind. “Remind me later that I owe him an apology for forgetting about the sound dampening ward,” he muttered.
Karlach snorted, then peered at Gale before reaching over and pulling the shoulder of his robe to the side. She raised an eyebrow when she saw the start of his own small bruises, left by Devi's teeth on his neck and shoulder while he'd ravished her last night. “Man, you two like it rough!”
“I prefer to think of it as ‘passionate’,” Gale mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up to match his burning ears. “If you think that's bad, you should see my back after she scratched–”
“No, no, I do not want to know,” Jaheira interrupted. “I already know too much.”
“... Tell me later,” Karlach stage-whispered with a grin. “Either you or Devi.”
Gale chuckled, then watched as Devi hopped off the stool and started putting her armour back on. Still looking immensely amused, the seamstress looked up from scribbling in a book. “Come back tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have that new outfit ready for you, Miss.” She grinned impishly. “And let your man know that if he manages to tear even my stitches while he's getting it off of you, I'll be suitably impressed… and I'll cut him a good deal to mend your clothes.”
Devi flushed to the same colour as her hair as Gale coughed. “Duly noted,” the wizard mumbled, hearing Karlach snicker. 
The group stepped back out into the daylight, falling into step with the busy crowds. Jaheira took the lead, bringing the four back to Sharess’ Caress. She paused at the door, looking back at Gale and Devi. “I have it on good authority that they do have private rooms available here,” she said. “Go get that out of your systems while Karlach and I sort out camp supplies.”
Devi somehow went a brighter shade of red. “Erm… We can behave, I promise–”
“You might be able to, but Gale was combusting on the inside even worse than my engine,” Karlach retorted with a laugh, giving both wizard and thief a push up the stairs. “Go! We'll see you two back at camp whenever you're done.”
“Don't feel like you need to hurry,” Jaheira added with a smirk. “Perhaps you should stop by the circus later and see if you can get another one of those disguise kits to hide the marks you two are going to give each other?”
Blushing, Gale took Devi's hand and tugged her into the brothel, chased by Jaheira and Karlach's laughter. This wasn't a terrible idea, he mused – the idea of being able to enjoy an actual mattress for a spell instead of a worn bedroll definitely appealed to his back. And this way, they wouldn't earn the ire of their fellow party members while they enjoyed each other, as loudly as they pleased…
Neither of them saw Karlach lean to Jaheira. “This isn't gonna fix anything with them fucking like rabbits tonight, ya know.”
“Oh, I know,” Jaheira answered with a wink. “I remember being young and in love too, once upon a time. But it gets them some time alone, and gets them out of our hair for a few hours. Come, let's see about the camp supplies while they're occupied.”
It was after dusk when Gale and Devi sauntered back into camp to a chorus of teasing whistles, hand in hand, Gale sporting a new and very obvious hickey on his neck that Devi appeared to be immensely proud of bestowing on him.
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tsaritza-mika · 3 months
Sorry not Sorry guys...
I respect all your inter-companion romance ships, and I hope they bring you joy and endless inspiration, but I have a primal need for something different. I don't need my companions dating each other.
I need them to be the most dysfunctional yet supportive found family they can be
I need Karlach to be literal 'Mama K' and grab Shadowheart and Lae'zel by the scruff and put them on coat hangers, telling them that if they can't say anything nice, then shut the fuck up for five minutes and if they can do that, then she'll come and let them down
I need Astarion and Gale to get into such a spat that all dignity and posh goes out the fucking window, and they devolve into two grown-ass men having a 13-year-old style slap fight while calling each other the harshest of obscenities, but if anyone from the outside tries calling either of them less than fabulous, they join forces and fuck them up
I need Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel to do each other's hair while discussing all the ways they've taken down various opponents and monsters, and how they would have done things better
I need Jaheira just smacking everyone upside the head whenever they say or do something stupid. Because gods dammit why is she always the only one who can see trouble from a hundred miles away, only to have her perception check fail and stumble right into a trap Halsin had set up to catch food for dinner
I need Astarion to embroider offensive cross stitch into every other companion's tents when he's left behind at camp, for no other reason than he's feeling salty that day
I need Halsin to wildshape into a bear just so he can surprise Karlach with an actual bear and Clive having a tea party with flower crowns and drawings of the horrible ways Gortash will be killed
I need Shadowheart being a petty bitch and letting anyone who was being especially stupid in a fight get a little too close to death as punishment before finally healing them. Because that's just what healers do
I need Gale pranking people with his spells. Use mage hand to yank the rug out from under Lae'zel after she insisted that he was too squishy to fight properly. Casting 'create water' over Shadowheart to ruin her makeup in retaliation for saying last night's stew was a bit bland. Use Telekinesis to fling Astarion off in some random direction because dammit Gale just woke up, and the man needs his coffee before he can properly deal with all of that first thing in the damn morning
I need Lae'zel to take pillow fights just a little too seriously
I need Wyll begging Halsin and Jaheira if they can wildshape into a bear and a shark just so he can ride both of them through the Chionthar while recklessly casting Fireball and Lightning Bolt at the sky, because just think of how cool he would look doing it
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okay so for the ask game: Astarion. any questions, not sure if you wanted us to specify a specific one from the list or not sorry 👉👈
The ask game was for shipping but I'll play with this!
Who do I ship him with: Astarion has a lot of in-game flirtation with Wyll, and I think they'd actually do quite well together in a Spawn ending, as well as extremely tragically in an Ascended ending, where Wyll would have been trying to give him everything he wants only to have to become the Monster Hunter who takes him down in the end. Chefs kiss.
I also love Karlach/Astarion. Astarion joining her in Avernus where he never has to fear the sun again. Karlach never being alone again. They compliment each other in many other ways as well, and they highly respect each other in game. She is so proud of him, and he treats her with a gentle sort of love and kindness that he doesn't show to any other companion in canon (reference: if you ask to date them both at the same time, astarions dialogue is so loving toward karlach and her needs)
I do not think astarion and Laezel are good for one another but I haven't had anyone convince me yet. Even though they sleep together, I can't see the chemistry. She uses him as a service and he provides and imthe it fizzles.
I DO think Halsin and Astarion would be good *stepping stone* partners. I've written drabbels on this before. I love them as the kind of partners unbeholden to each other, who come together and separate sometimes for years at a time. I do not see them as true love that settles down and lives together forever.
I do not ship Bloodweave but I am no hater, I've reblogged great art about it and I've read some fics, I just can't understand on a deep level where they'd /genuinely love each other as people/. I do like the dialogue in Act 3 where Gale says he'd join Astarions hedonistic little party if he threw one. I think these two have good enemies to annoyed to friends dynamic
Shadowheart and Astarion I see respected friends only I see no chemistry, personally. Again, not a hater tho
I shop Jaheira and Astarion as Step Mom and Step Idiot
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oops-all-concrete · 6 months
I'm doing another BG3 companions headcanons dump, since I enjoyed the last one a lot! So please enjoy;
(For further context, companions reacting to Tav having to be around something they don't like, eg; water, small spaces, fire, undead etc, or they're just jumpy in general. Also, romance is not established, but implied!)
Wall of fluff below, enjoy
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Lae'zel -
It depends on the fear. If it's something like a cave that's barely holding up or the group is sneaking past a hoard, she'll agree the situation is critical, but encourage focus. "I'd also like for this to be over. But it won't be if we hesitate and dally" but if it's something like heights or rivers, she doesn't understand...but she will become a githyanki barrier between Tav and whatever is causing them stress.
Shadowheart -
She's pretty understanding of most fears. She freezes at the mere howl of a distant wolf, so if Tav flinches at the crackle of fire or the smell of blood, so be it. She keeps an eye out and tries to find work arounds if the group is about to enter somewhere Tav is going to hate. If it's unavoidable, she's as gentle as possible. "We've got this. It'll be over before you know it, I promise you. Then we'll never have to do this again."
Wyll -
He'll make it as tolerable as possible, but will encourage Tav to face their fears head on. "I'm not scared. I have no reason to be and neither do you, because I won't let anything happen to you" he'll promise. Won't push, won't complain. Just keeps Tav in arms reach and stays calm. He's proudly Tavs dedicated rock. And sheild. And blade. He sasses anybody has anything to say about it.
Karlach -
"Don't worry. Mama K is the best teifling sheild around, from here to Avernus! Stick close" She smiles, confident as ever. Even if she is scared too, she'll pretty much forget about that while Tav is scared. Tav is her main priority, and she let's them know proudly. Anyone else says anything? She's reaching for the greataxe.
Gale -
Doesn't want you to be embarrassed, so he tells you about a silly fear he has. Has a knack for rambling Tav into distraction, so he takes advantage as best he can of their attention. Of course in a moment of panic he'll drop the 'I did something stupid' fake laughter and immediately stop everything. "We can go, right now. I'm sure we can find another way to do this, we always do. I don't care if it takes longer, it's got to be better than watching you shake like that"
Astarion -
He pretends not to notice. Not because he doesn't care, but comfort has never been his strong suit. He worries he's going to make it all worse if he addresses Tav about it. Instead he occupies himself with laughing about whatever situation they're in. If he knows anything, its how to be disarming, and laughter works like a charm...but if it doesn't and nobody else steps in to comfort Tav, he'll do it- granted the words are coming out before he can think too hard; "Look at me. You have survived a goblin camp of cultists, an entire githyanki creche- we met after crashing from a nautaloid ship with illithid worms in our heads. This is nothing. You're stronger than this."
Bonus! (the elders)
Halsin -
He can tell they're nervous before Tav can. He checks in regularly and asks repeatedly if there's anything else he can do to make it all easier. Once it gets to be too much, he calls it for Tav. "I understand if you'd rather myself and a few others handle this. While I'm proud of you for staying, I can promise you no disappointment if you wish to leave. Your wellbeing isn't worth sacrificing for this"
Jaheira -
Similar to Halsin, she's very quick to pick up on when something upsets Tav even if they don't say anything. She subtly keeps an ear out for how well they're holding up, and will make excuses for Tav to take breaks and get further away from the thing they're scared of. "Apologies, but this old druid needs to rest her old lady hips. Tav, it would be safer if we both went to that safe spot there, come on." Jaheira won't bring it up, but its easy to figure out what she's doing.
Minsc -
He doesn't notice for a while, even if its obvious, but once it occurs to him, he draws an obnoxious amount of attention to it. Granted he's also asking people to get between you and the source of discomfort and will tell anyone who so much as sighs to politely shut the fuck up. If he thinks it will help, he will put Boo on Tavs shoulder. "Boo is a war criminal! Everything fears Boo. He'll protect you from all the nasties, won't you Boo?"
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you guys have any prompt ideas, I'd LOVE to write more ^^
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blackjackkent · 3 months
The Two Sides of the Coin
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Pairing: Jaheira & Karlach, Karlach/OC Male Tav Characters: Jaheira, Karlach Rating: G Warnings: Discussion of death/grieving Word Count: 3.0k Setting: Late Act 3, after the visit to Elerrathin's Home. Summary: Jaheira and Karlach discuss death and being left behind. Jaheira offers a gift that she hopes will bring comfort - both to Karlach and to the man who will grieve her when she is gone. other bg3 one-shots | send me fic requests!
“Well?” Jaheira says. “Do not keep me waiting, Karlach.”
“Huh?” Karlach answers, startled out of her thoughts. 
The harborfront street is crowded and lively. Around them, the air rings with shouts as a huge ship begins pulling into the dock, eliciting a scurry of activity from dockworkers, day laborers, and nearby sailors. Hector, ever-curious, stands with Minsc down at the edge of the water, watching the ship drift in; the two of them are grinning widely like little boys with their noses eagerly pressed to a toy shop window. 
Jaheira and Karlach stand back by the roadside, leaning up against the wall of a nearby warehouse and dodging the pebbles launched by the wheels of passing carts. Everything stinks intensely of fish; Jaheira can almost sense the stench soaking into her boots, her armor, her hair. The camp will smell like a fishmonger’s for a week, she grouses to herself.
“You want to ask me something, I think,” she says, eyeing her tiefling companion sidelong. “Else you would also be down there watching the show.”
“Oh.” Karlach blinks. She looks somewhat caught out, like a child with her hand in a forbidden jar of cookies. “Yeah. Well, I was trying to decide if you'd thump me for asking it. It's... a pretty personal question.”
Jaheira snorts. “The most interesting always are. I cannot promise you an answer but I can promise you safety in the asking. What is it you wish to know?” 
There’s a long silence broken only by the voices of sailors and the screech of a flock of seagulls wheeling overhead. Karlach scuffs her boot toe absently against the dusty cobblestones. 
“I want to know what made it easier for you,” she finally says. 
It’s Jaheira’s turn to blink, puzzled. “What?” 
“When Khalid-- when he died,” Karlach says. She flushes, recognizing the bluntness of the question, but she’s committed now and presses on doggedly. “What made it easier for you? Or what would have made it easier for you? Something-- anything I can do for Hec before I’m gone. I just…” She trails off, frowns and shoves her hands in her pockets, staring at the ground. “I dunno.”
“Ah.” Jaheira leans back against the warehouse wall, her eyes hooding over as she turns to look out over the water. 
Read More on AO3
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vitanithepure · 10 months
A penny for your thoughts on Gale x all other companions ships!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the ask Anon! I'll even give them away for free! :D
Okay, so all of them... in no particular order and with very mild spoilers:
Gale x Lae'zel 💜
Oooh, l like the idea! I often talk about Gale being patient, but for this one to work I think it's Lae'zel who would need much of it. They have a super fast and solid friendship foundation (much to my surprise, but I absolutely love it!), but they also have some extremely different views on physicality so Lae'zel would need to maintain her interest beyond that for it to work. I see it as a solid relationship, lots of eye-rolling and shared curiosity - acting like an old married couple from the get-go. 
Gale x Shadowheart 💜
I kind of see it? But two things need to happen for it to work for me. Gale would need to tone that curiosity down, because Shadowheart starts off as a very private person, so him poking and prodding about both her and/or that mysterious artifact she's carrying would only raise her hackles. And as for Shadowheart - she needs to drop Shar down the drain. I don't see a place in her heart for anyone while still being a worshiper, and Gale is also too much of a man of faith to get involved with a cleric of Shar. Otherwise I see them as a super sweet couple, spending their life quietly, never far from each other, always walking hand in hand. 
Gale x Astarion 💜💔
I can't be normal about them and it's all @malewife-mansplain-magus's fault 😭Do I see it working? Yes! Do both of them need to put a lot of work into it? Of course. There is no easy start for that relationship I can think of. Astarion will always be a brat at the very beginning, but I believe Gale would quickly catch on his posturing and wait it out. And in the end both of them want the same thing, even if they don't know it at first. And I'm willing to die on this hill. Do I also believe they could work as a "bad" couple? Both at their absolute worst? Yes, in a very toxic, irredeemable way. For some time. 
Gale x Wyll 💜
Sweetness overload from the beginning to the very end. No problematic behavior here, just respect, love and devotion. I'm still thinking about @galedekarios's gifset, it lives absolutely rent-free in my head and I swear it's the stuff dreams are made of. I see it working no matter the decision Wyll makes when it comes to his pact, Gale will be there and make use of that mind of his to come up with solutions, and Wyll will be their defender till his dying breath. Classic Disney experience. 
Gale x Karlach 💜💔
Ah, the "I got a thing growing in my chest and it's not my heart" duo! I can't come up with a reason this wouldn't work. Those two are shaped to fit with literally anyone willing to give them a chance. This would be the adorable instance of the lovable and quirky extrovert adopting the quiet and dorky introvert. It's hard to imagine Karlach's enthusiasm not infecting Gale in the most positive ways, that is exactly what he needs, and I'll be damned if Gale wouldn't fight for her, to convince her to give him time to take care of her problem, like they found a way to solve his. Potential for heartbreak though? Over 9000 😭
Gale x Halsin 💔
That's...tough. On the outside one would think they are a perfect match, both are kind, reserved, willing to go out of their comfort zones to help others. And at first I think that would work. Halsin would genuinely care for Gale, but seeing how Halsin's romance pans out… no, I don't think it would survive. Gale is in it for the long run, I don't see it working "long distance" so to speak, and Halsin obviously needs some space from time to time. 
Gale x Jaheira 💔
Hm… truth be told I don't see Jaheira in the market for love anymore. I didn't see her back in BG2 and I don't see it now. For me, she is forever Khalid's soulmate and I can't see her giving her all to anyone else. I also don't think Gale would be interested in, again, being someone's second choice. Even though I know they are both capable of looking past it, I don't think they would be 100% happy.
Gale x Minsc 💛
I have never been more on the fence about a ship than here. It's a big yes and a big no. It would be an amazing thing, differences can bring people together and there are enough of them here to last a lifetime, but on the other hand… Minsc is not out here for romantic or physical aspects of love! He loves life, he loves kicking evil's butt! He loves Boo and he loves protecting the weak! He is here for all the platonic things life has to offer and I love it for him!
Gale x Minthara 💔
No, I don't see it happening the way the game goes. For Gale to meet Minthara he would need to go through betraying the people at the Grove, and we know what his reaction to that is. I don't see it going forward from being resentful towards her, and I don't see her possessing the patience to wait him out, she would have zero incentive to do it too. There is just not enough to build up that relationship in those circumstances.
Thank you again for the ask and please, if anyone wants to talk about anything BG3 related, feel free! As much as I found I love talking about it, I want to hear all your thoughts as well!
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wrightingdungeon · 13 days
My Tav OC
People seem to like young Tav so I thought I would introduce my little Tav. In my actual DND Game they are around 16 and I just aged them up for BG3 so they would fit more. 
She is a changeling but I use an elf for a base, idk if there is a race mod that will allow changelings like Orin, but also my laptop will probably burn up worse than Karlach if add anymore Mods.
Also all of this is my Headcanon, I just think it's cute having a no brain cell baby save the world
Heres a screen shot -
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Name: Sunny
Age: 16
Gender: doesn't care, they can be anyone *Watch the movie Nimona*
Race: Changeling
Class: Archer *a little multiclass in Bard*
Like family: Wyll, Karlach and Jaheira 
Best friends: Minsc, Boo , Scratch, and Fluffy (Owlbear cub)
Friends: Halsin, and Shadowheart
Awkward: Gale and Lae,zel
STR: 12
DEX: 17
CON: 13
INT: 7
WIS: 15
CHA: 11
About Sunny:
“Who has their brain cell?” is a sentence you would hear if it were modern times, and truth be told his little twin sister has both of their brain cells.
Had always dreamed of leaving the Feywild, but had no idea she'd leave with a parasite in her head
Lae'zel did not take finding a changeling on the notaloid well AT ALL, scared the poor baby into taking the form of a dead adult human they saw. *she panicked a bit before pushing the body off the ship, first time they touched a dead body*
Had never left their sister's side, when they woke up on the beach all alone their sobs and yells for her woke up Shadowheart
Is itching to change their skin and do so at night when everyone's sleeping
That's how Asterion figured out their secret. He was feeding one night and watched Sunny sneaking off, following them he saw her change back into her normal skin. “Well, it seems camp has two monsters hiding in it.”
They cry at being called a monster, but they understand why Astarion said so when he admitted to being a vampire 
I'd imagine Sunny's blood would taste like printer ink and it makes Astarion try and scrub his tongue clean. Astarion does not bite them again
Meeting Wyll was like one of those fairy tale knight stories she had been told. Looks up to him. Approached him in the Grove like a shy fan asking for an autograph 
She and Wyll are “Blade Buddies” She does not have a blade she has arrows, and no brain cells
Even after finding out the swamp was a trick He still ate the apples because “who poisons apples?” they had a bad tummy ache, and Wyll kept scolding her while the others laughed 
Is not allowed within twenty feet of the fire because one day their potions and other liquid items were frozen and she thought it would be smart to warm them up in front of the fire…. She forgot to pull out the Alchemist's Flame flasks and damn near nuked the camp.
Wyll's dance scene is the tiefling party. She tells him she's never danced but loved to watch the higher courts dance. He happily shows her how to dance laughing when he spins them because of their happy squeals 
Sunny and Alfira serenade the camp till the last dancer falls
They aint smart but dont get in their sight, they are a marksman at heart.
Would be a Gunslinger class, but hes never seen a gun in his life. Mey Rin from Black Buttler vibes if he was given a glock
Wyll, Karlach, and Jaheira find out she is a changeling mid-fight. She gets knocked out of her human form and they attack her due to their not knowing it's their leader, thinking shes one of Orins goons who took their Sunny
Wyll stops them, shielding Sunny with himself, when he realizes that the crying Changeling is Sunny. “Stop! Stop….” “Sunny?”  “Hey, it's OK, it's ok… Blade Buddies right?”
Wyll is having a massive life-shattering moment back at camp both his best friends are things he swore to kill, but they aren't, they are his family. He feels so much guilt about how he let himself be lied to
Hold up Wyll though higher courts meant kings and queens, finding out Sunny is from THE Feywild just has him more confused 
Talking about the Feywild with them Wyll and Karlach are the first to find out Sunny is only 16. Wyll looks like -
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Karlach is just laughing at him and reminds him she was 15 when she became a hell soldier. Wyll needs a drink
#got fucked before 18 trio 
Lae'zel does ask Sunny if they know Orin, and no Lae'zel not all changelings know each other
God's help Gale… He always hung out at camp due to being a walking bomb and always eatting Sunny's shiny things. So when he mistakes their begrudgingly kind acts…. it…. It didn't go well for him
It's like a fucking benny hill chase scene. Gale running for his life, Ablaze Karlach, Lighting shooting Wyll, Scratch and Fluffy *Owlbear Cub* just thinks they are running around playing.
Wyll slapping tadpoles out of Sunny's hand like a parent trying to keep a child from eating sand and rocks
Sunny will fall asleep on Jaheira, Wyll, and Halsin. She forgot and passed out into Karach one night, that was fun
Minsc and Sunny get into so much trouble they, don't mean to, Boo told them it was a good idea
When Mizora tried to make it impossible to save Wyll's father. Sunny did try shooting a arrow right between her pretty eyes
Honestly had no idea Orin was in the camp, they thought Gortash was just scaring them
You bet your sweet ass Sunny and Wyll are following Karlach to the hells
One day fighting the hell swarms a portal opens a similar-looking hand just out and motions them to come in. Thinking it's withers throwing another rager they run through.
It's the Feywild, it's Sunny's younger twin sister Sage. She had been searching like a hound dog for her sister.
Of course Sage helps Karlach with her heart, she helped keep her twin safe after all.
They live happily ever after yay!
Thank you for reading my silly little Headcannon, it was fun to put Sunny out in the world
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inflictswounds · 4 days
fuck it we ball : shipping edition !
( these are both romantic and platonic dynamics i'd like to write - friendships usually end up being my favorite kind of relationships so i encourage them VERY much. bolded names are the ones i'd like to write the most. ocs are obviously always included. this is a list i will keep updating. )
surana: romantic: alistair (specifically, august's (@/psychcwound), leliana, zevran, morrigan. platonic: other alistair muses [because these two are besties(tm) in my og worldstate], leliana, zevran, morrigan, jowan, wynne, sten, cullen (she's gonna dunk on him.... i understand if you don't wanna write them dlksjf)
hawke: romantic: varric........., merrill in aus. platonic: fenris, anders, isabela (the one who can match the menace energy alright), merrill, hawke twins.
lavellan: romantic: solas (it's. it's the drama alright. it got to me), josephine, blackwall, cassandra. platonic (the more romance focused characters apply here, too): COLE (from being afraid of the fade and its dwellers to befriending one. they are so important to me) iron bull, sera, leliana, dorian, varric (he calls her grumpy. as he should), vivienne, cullen.
zevran: romantic: ur warden 🫵 platonic: isabela (as in. friends who sometimes have fun together obv), the blight crew, other crow muses pspspsp.
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tav (lorelei): romantic: gale (her 'canon' romance), karlach, shadowheart, rolan (because i think they could be fucking HILARIOUS, though depends how old you hc rolan to be) platonic: astarion (exclusively platonic, they are Friends), wyll, jaheira, lae'zel, halsin (bc these two have zero romantic chemistry rip), gortash (i need them to have a 4dchessing nemesis dynamic soooo bad).
tav (ramona): romantic: lae'zel (their 'canon' romance), wyll, minthara. platonic: gale, shadowheart, karlach, halsin, minsc, jaheira, astarion. (i didnt play a lot of their run yet, but this is how i see it for now...)
astarion: romantic: ur tav/durge 🫵, wyll, karlach, minthara (she could make him i worse i think) platonic: ur tav/durge, gale (i don't like bloodweave. sue me ig), shadowheart, halsin, minsc, (even he doesn't see my vision, too bad), jaheira.
karlach: romantic: ur tav/durge 🫵, astarion, wyll, shadowheart. platonic: ur tav/durge, lae'zel, wyll (again, bc they are just too powerful), gale, halsin, jaheira, minsc, dammon (i could b swayed to play a more romantic undertone, too), gortash (as in, i'd like to write a thread when she worked for him still. it could be inchresting).
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meonlyred · 7 months
BG3 Epilogue spoilers. A very long post.
Found a work around for the Unique Tav mod problem I was having. The epilogue would not trigger if I took the mod out and when I would put it back in then I got a body texture error giving my Tavs a darken grid skin texture. So I didn't take screen shots just played to see what happens. But I got screen shots now baby!!
Something I love about this game is that it gives dates. The game begins the 20th of Eleasis (August) 1492. For this play through it was the 15th of Uktar (November) when I finished the game. Meaning its around mid Mirtul (May) 1493 when the party takes place. The dialogue tab does not reflect the time skip but easy enough to do the math.
So some highlights.
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Bro I straight up cried at Shadowheart's conversation. She has a house she has been fixing up, her parents are both still alive. Her father has been helping her take care of her animals and rebuild her home. Her mother has good days and bad but they did make a pie together and Shadowheart actually remembers it from her childhood.
Lark is not a hugging person but Shadowheart and her were close friends and I feel this was appropriate
I love that you can find some Selûnite slippers that are clearly Shadowheart's since she is walking around bare foot and wading into the river.
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A duck from Halsin! This fits in with headcanon/ttrpg campaign things I have for Lark. She has a carved lark and a carved sparrow, for her and her brother that she found in the remains of her childhood home. The duck with go along side those.
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Karlach 😳 ma'am.
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FINALLY Justice for Karlach! Please I need her to come home! Because THIS SHIP NEEDS TO SAIL PLEASE!!!
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Confession: for our Descend into Avernus campaign I almost made a barbarian lady who was married to a smith with like five kids back at home. But my party ended up having two paladins so I thought we had enough melee tanks. So I made a divine soul sorcerer instead. And then I played BG3 and THIS! THIS IS MY SHIP!!!
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I had been wondering about this. Because I kind of felt really sad for the original Tadfools at the end. Of the original six (seven if you count Tav) only Shadowheart and Gale remained to celebrate their victory that night because of the choices I made. Lae'zel left with the githyanki, Wyll and Karlach had to leave immediately to go to Avernus to save Karlach. And Astarion had to flee into the shadows and didn't show back until the reunion party. Sure there was Minsc, Jaheira, and Halsin. But for this play through it was just Lark, Gale, and Shadowheart sitting around a table in the Elfsong going "damn, so all that happened to us." I have thought a lot about the moment right after defeating the Elderbrain. As I said above we know the game starts in Eleasis and keeps track of how many days go by. How many long rests you take will determined how long the game takes place. So for me the party had the tadpoles and shared thoughts for exactly 80 days. To suddenly not, to sit a cross from someone who you shared something unique and terrifying and to now have the silence of your own thoughts. I find it very interesting and very sad that several of the party were not present to share and come to terms with that moment together.
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This was actually a bit surprising to me. I was wondering what class Wyll would become after losing his Warlock powers. I had thought a Paladin might suit him. A couple of my play throughs I have even muiltclassed him as a Palock. Fighter would have been my second guess. If you do the other story you find out that his ranger pet is a wolf name Lily! (If you have Wyll as a Duke then he names his adopted daughter Lily. Which is the cutest thing.)
(My Wyllmancer play through Psalm is bugged right now. Wyll, Karlach, and she went to Avernus together and right now all the companions think I romanced Karlach instead of Wyll. 😭)
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omg I can't believe Lark married a wizard just like her mother. 🙄
Those who might have been reading my posts on Lark will know she was an import from one of my ttrpg campaigns. She is very near and dear to me. I was please that the timeline of our campaign and the timeline of BG3 allowed me to bring her into the game as bit older and more mature woman than she was in our campaign.
Romancing Gale with her was wildly fitting. Lark is the daughter of a Silvermoon trained Wizard and an Wild Magic Sorcerer Uthgardt barbarain (the roman use of the word, not the class.) I won't go too deep into it but its very fitting considering the reason Lark's parents died, it feels like history is righting itself. As Wither might say, balance.
As for Lark's relationship with Gale, she could argue with him passionately about magic. She could make her displeasure in how the gods interfere with morals loud and clear. But most importantly turn him away from the gods influence. What I found really interesting is that for Lark's play through, Gale still has the orb.
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Both Lark and Psalm told Gale to not apologize to Mystra and told him not to try and fish the crown out of the Chionthar. Apparently he didn't listen to Psalm. But for Lark the orb apparently has become inert. Which I approve of a lot, especially for Lark's play through. She would never tell him to try to become a god, nor would she tell him to seek Mystra's forgiveness and to become her chosen again.
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Lark has Wyll philosophy when it comes to the gods. You can't really be agnostic or atheist in Faerûn. But she is as close as you can get without risking ending up in the Wall of Faithless.
Anyways, I think its very cute that Gale has become a professor. He had made a comment wishing to teach if you say he is an apple during the Dryad's newly wed game.
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LMAO she leans in for a kiss and he leans away. Sir, she is a sorceress and kind of a mean one at that. She is going to turn you into a frog and put you in a jar.
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I did take the friendly options with Tara because yeah... after talking to her, yeah Gale is right, they are a lot alike. Tara and Lark conspiring, yeah... yeah that is right.
I did reload to see what she said if you were mean with her and smifomsdfioms the fireballs about to be thrown.
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Anyways this is far more than I expected. I thought at best we were going to get the same as DoS2, a slide show of nice art and the narrator telling us what happens. Most of the conversations with the companions were much longer than just a handful of lines. Some of them longer than base game conversations. I am kind of floored by this epiloge.
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sixteenstrikes · 5 months
i've been wondering whether lasairfhiona has any nicknames + how she first met dead-eye :) and also whether those two and chanterelle and loveday all exist in the same storyline and go questing together...
pom <333 thank you :)))
thats genius i should chew on it... loveday and chanterelle are both young and angry and it would be nice for them to have some wise and mysterious knockoff aunts to talk with... and i think dead-eye would very slowly warm up to both of them... i like the thought (':
lasairfhíona is fairly resistant to nicknames but she accepts karlach calling her aunty and thinks jaheira calling her clevertongue is funny. she Is a busybody so its not untrue & dead-eye calls her 'bard' bc she addresses everyone that way except lae'zel. im musing and chewing and i think id like dead-eye to be the one on the ship for her and lae'zel to start off on a bad foot together...
id have to come up with some real clever configurations but imo lasairfhíona is in the grove already like wyll, as someone who knows too much-- planning to spring sazza for one-- so dead-eye meets her there & they have a smoke or a drink together and talk shop... lasairfhíona wants to investigate the cult because she is an aforementioned busybody (and looking for her brother) while dead-eye sees no point in delaying lae'zel's rude awakening at the creche or in wasting her limited remaining life on wild goose chases
but i think they each impress the other lady pretty early on and thus they decide to form a tentative partnership within the group itself & agree if things go pear-shaped they'll have each other's backs
thank you for asking :) <3
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artistic-mathematics · 8 months
The thing about shipping in bg3 is... none of them are really non-canon?? As long as you're talking the origins obviously, you can literally play as any of them and romance any of the others. If somebody says Lae'zel and Shadowheart together makes no sense or couldn't work out, they are literally just wrong. That is an ending to the game that you can get. I have! If they don't like that ending, that's fine. They can choose a different one. But that doesn't make theirs MORE canonical somehow
And realistically, even in a Tav playthrough, Lae'zel and Shadowheart probably have more dialog interactions and relationship growth than any other two companions. Whose relationships tend to remain pretty static throughout the course of the game if you aren't playing as one and romancing the other. So I don't really get the argument that any of those ships have some obvious deep connection that this one is just lacking
(Also, funny enough, I think Karlach is the only person either Lae'zel or Shadowheart shows any outward sign of being attracted to, beyond a little no-strings sex for Lae'zel, until pretty late in the game when they've both become much more open versions of themselves. Everybody else is so flirty so quickly, but these two keep their cards close to the chest... except when it comes to Mama K, and we do not blame them for that lol)
this is very true! it's also why I love this game -- that you can romance anyone as anyone (well, aside from Jaheira and Minsc), including the origin characters.
I don't think the other anon meant that any ship is more or less canonical necessarily, just that they didn't see the appeal to it and felt it was lacking compared to other ships? but I certainly disagree with that. as you said, Lae'zel and Shadowheart have the most relationship growth by far, and I think if anything they probably have the deepest connection between companions by the end (aside from potentially Karlach and Wyll, and Minsc and Jaheira, though these two pairs knew each other before the events of the nautiloid).
yeah Karlach has 0 filter and I love her for it haha. and yeah, iirc Lae'zel and Shadowheart have the most emotionally soft act 3 romance cutscenes (even with Shadowheart's sex scene, it's much more emotionally charged than some of the others) and it just goes to show how both of them have progressed along the way. on one hand, Lae'zel is navigating this new emotion that she doesn't even understand in a world she used to detest, and is making a valiant effort at opening her heart (and succeeding!). on the other, Shadowheart is finally allowed to love openly (hence literally everything in her romance options up until that point are very tentative -- I mean for fuck's sake, if you fail the insight check you don't even get to kiss her at the waterfall and she disapproves) and is doing everything she can with this newfound freedom. they definitely are more discreet than the others when it comes to feelings, but damn does it make their act 3 scenes all the more sweeter.
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rhysintherain · 3 months
15 and 18 for Jaheira, Karlach, and Shadowheart :D
Favorite ship for this character: this is a wildly unpopular opinion, but I actually liked the BG2 PC romance plot for Jaheira. It's messy, it's complicated, but so are relationships and especially so is Jaheira. It makes sense in character, and it's really well written and I spent SO MUCH TIME walking in circles in the wilderness to trigger all the dialogues. Again, keep in mind that I pick fictional relationships mostly for the chaos they cause.
A canon relationship I admire: I mean, Jaheira and Khalid are and always will be relationship goals, and I'm still mad about how that ended (even though I know their story wouldn't be as impactful as it is if it hadn't). They were 'opposites attract' personified, and you can see a little of Jaheira in Khalid at Bridgefort and a little of Khalid in Jaheira in BG3.
I also like how her friendship with Minsc has evolved in BG3. They argue constantly but would fight gods for each other. He was a statue for a century and they just... picked up where they left off when he thawed out. After so many people have come and gone in Jaheira's life, it's nice that she has one friend who keeps coming back against impossible odds (even when she tells him to get lost. ESPECIALLY when she tells him to get lost).
Favorite ship for this character: I like Shadowheart and Karlach. Shadowheart's starting banter with almost everyone is standoffish and secretive, but she immediately warms up to Karlach. Their conversations are always a little bit flirty, and I doubt Shadowheart's attempts to keep people at arm's length would last even a minute with Karlach.
A canon relationship I admire: look, if you'd asked me to make up some off-the-cuff fake facts for Shadowheart when Skye first met her in the nautaloid, "her parents call her Jen and her best friend has purple hair and goes by Nocturne" probably would have been it. And maybe "secretly listens to Mandy Moore".
That said, I really love their friendship. Nocturne is the only thing Shadowheart remembers if you give her the noblestalk. She's the only one who doesn't attack the party in the Sharran sanctuary. Shadowheart does a full religious 180 and ends up hunted by her own people, and Nocturne manages to stay in touch anyway, even though she's not willing to leave herself. That's a level of pragmatism and devotion I rarely saw from the people I grew up with.
Favorite ship for this character: Shadowheart or Wyll. I think Shadowheart would be a stabilising influence and Karlach could have a real future to look forward to (for the first time ever). They'll eventually settle down on a farm in Rivington and adopt a million stray animals and they absolutely deserve it.
But you can't beat the drama of Wyll and Karlach: that first moment when they meet and reality snaps apart, because this is supposed to be your enemy, but you can see inside their head and it's a reflection of your own. Everything is temporary because you could die, you could be pulled back to hell, you could become something horrible and you can't even say which horrible thing will claim you first. You're both desperate to be the heroes from your parent's stories, but you can't be sure the person you love sees anything but a monster when they look at you. You're the same in infinite ways, and sometimes that's heartbreaking.
Canon relationship that I admire: hero worship is less a pedestal than a flight of stairs. The literally less-than-a-minute from "wait, you're Karlach! We saw you fight in Elturel, you were AMAZING!" To "I can't believe I get to meet THE Jaheira! She's a legend, Mum used to tell me stories about how she saved the city!"
The irony of this is completely lost on Karlach, and I love that. She manages to learn from her role models, encourage her fans, and never quite realise how far up that staircase she actually is.
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blackjackkent · 2 months
oh my god, I want to hear all about Hec and Karlach married hahahaha
More Hec/Karlach content, you say? :D :D
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Y'all spoil me tremendously with this sort of encouragement. XD
(This is a response to my tag novel on this post about what people's Tavs/Durges would wear to their wedding.)
I really s2g I am going to write this Avernus fic at some point which I fully intend to be a longish collection of one-shots eventually leading to Karlach and Hector having a happily-ever-after which would include all this. (I have the first chapter of another Jaheira-related fic in the cooker rn and then the Avernus fic's first chapter will be up next; I'm trying to rotate my longfics a bit. XD ) So... this is all obviously subject to change based on how that fic eventually plays out.
However, with this minute bit of prompting I will indulge myself in some weapons-grade Hector/Karlach Fluff anyway. :D This is less a full fic and more some random snippets/headcanons about them getting married and afterwards.
They have a first official "commitment" to each other, sometime after arriving in Avernus. Once they're safely installed in the House of Hope as their headquarters and start settling in for the long-haul war against Zariel, they take some time to themselves in an abandoned wing of the building and make private vows to each other. (Think something like this scene from Aerie's romance in ToB.) Neither of them calls it a marriage, but deep down they both know they mean it just as strongly.
It's kind of a tossup that they will leave Avernus until right before they do; their several years of guerilla warfare in the Hells culminates in a massive multipart raid on Zariels' main headquarters; Zariel is killed along with a number of her main lieutenants, and the group gets away with a defecting infernal blacksmith and blueprints for upgrades to Karlach's heart that will allow her to finally return home.
(It's Cespenar. The infernal blacksmith is Cespenar. @rhysintherain generously donated this idea and I'm not letting go of it. XD )
Their first few weeks back in the Material Plane are spent reconnecting with friends, finding a place to live in the city, and generally being a bit shell-shocked that they actually made it out, but eventually they start trying to make real plans for the future.
They're both huge saps, and Karlach has been denied so many traditional life events because of her time in the Hells, so even though they're basically already married, Hector definitely makes a big deal out of the proposal. He STUDIES the subject deeply to try and do it right, combing through all of Baldur's Gates libraries for examples of romantic gestures, and enlists Wyll's help.
(Wyll has shipped them aggressively this whole time and is super excited about the romance of it all. I haven't decided on the details of who, but he also got involved with someone during their time in the Hells so he's not alone either, bc Wyll deserves nice things to happen to him also. <3)
With Wyll's help, Hector arranges a trip outside the city to an inn that sits on a very tall hilltop. He does his "official" proposal while they're having a picnic at a spot that has a beautiful view of the entire city, from the Outer City on in. It's super romantic and they're both giant saps about it. They both cry. (And then have sex behind some nearby bushes in a lovestruck haze.)
They don't really plan a huge ceremony. Mostly it's about having all their friends there (even dragging Lae'zel back from the Astral), and making the same commitment publicly that they made privately years earlier.
Karlach becomes oddly nervous about it as the event draws closer. She has a very slight superstitious streak and is still after all these years gunshy of how her life went so fast to shit all at once, and part of her feels like making it "official" is asking for something bad to happen. Hector spends a lot of time being comforting and reassuring her.
They have a night wedding. This is Karlach's idea - she knows Hector has missed the moonlight and its associated connection with Selune in all the time they've spent in the Hells, even though he'd never complain about it, so she ensures that their wedding will be under the night sky on a night when the moon will be full or near so.
He insists, as a counterpoint, that she picks the location - she decides on a place in the Outer City near where she grew up, against the water.
Father Enric, the Abbot from Hector's monastery, travels to the city to officiate. There's no best man/maid of honor concept, but all of their companions from the Absolute adventure are lined up as part of the ceremony, as well as a few friends made during the campaign in Avernus.
The ringbearer is Buddy the owlbear, bearing the rings very carefully on a pillow resting on his head.
Wyll and Shadowheart take the lead on dressing the couple, neither of whom have the faintest clue how to put together an ensemble. (I spent way too long getting these screenshots so please appreciate how pretty my babies look. XD )
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Karlach, contrary to all expectations, really enjoys getting gussied up in a dress and looking pretty; it's not an everyday thing for her but she enjoys it. Hector, conversely, feels INCREDIBLY out of his element in the fancy jacket Wyll arranges for him. Wyll teases him quite a bit about it while they're waiting for the ceremony to start.
The absolute cutest part of the whole ceremony, by unanimous vote from everyone present, is that they do the whole thing where the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony. Jaheira and Shadowheart hang out with Karlach helping her get ready, and Wyll and Halsin hang out with Hector, and both groups report back later that their charges repeatedly tried to escape custody to go find each other early.
When Hector does finally see her as the ceremony is starting, he goes completely slackjawed and just stares at her like he cannot believe his luck.
Karlach forgets her lines halfway through the vows and just kisses him anyway. Hector remembers them all perfectly (of course) - he just forgets to speak when it's his turn because he's so busy looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He keeps trying to go for his usual super-composed vibe and just failing utterly.
All in all it's just a massive sap-fest. Both of them feel like they've earned it, though, after everything they've been through. (Hector does feel a little embarrassed that Enric sees him acting like such a dope and not showing any of his usual self-discipline. Enric thinks it's sweet though.)
They have a big party at a local tavern afterwards, one Karlach hung out at as a teenager all the time. The innkeeper still remembers her and gives them drinks on the house and everyone gets sloshed off their asses. Hector and Karlach try to dance and both of them are pretty not great at it but neither seems to much care.
They get back home at about four in the morning, still trashed. Both of them are exhausted and ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but Karlach mumbles something jokingly about not wanting to miss out on her wedding night. So they end up kind of curling up together and having drowsy, tipsy, super-soft sex, drifting in and out of sleep, extremely happy.
Neither of them really can think of anywhere they'd rather be, nor do they have a day job to take a vacation from, so they don't really have a honeymoon. But nobody sees hide nor hair of them after the ceremony for a good week. XD
Bonus nose squish kiss:
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rphunter · 28 days
21+ only (late 20s myself) looking for people to rp Baldur's Gate 3 with. I'm mostly looking for canon/canon plot-focused romance rps with me writing Astarion, but you can pitch ocs to me too. I don't double, but I'm fine writing with Tavs/OCs if we hit it off writing-wise. I write on discord!
I would love a Gale or a Wyll, but I have ideas for any of the main companions, and we could chat things out for the side characters too. I love the Dark Urge as well, so feel free to throw Durges my way.
When not writing Astarion, I've mainly written Gortash (for durgetash rps), and I can write other canon characters if we need them. I can/have written both Spawn and Ascended Astarion (post, during, and post canon), and I love drama and conflict. I have AU ideas too if you want to go for something entirely different! Basically the only companion Astarion ship that I won't write is Halstarion, so if you want to write Karlach or even Minthara or Jaheira, that's more than alright. (Platonic rps with Halsin are fine too!)
Like this and I'll reach out! ✨️ I'll send more specific ideas your way once you tell me who you're interested in writing.
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ravenquing · 7 months
I keep thinking about both Vax & Vex being the Tadpoled Adventurer (the protagonist) from Baldur's Gate 3.
The twins have to decide if they want to help save a world that has only hurt and discriminated against them their whole life, or if they'd be willing to abandon their true selves to aid The Absolute.
I wanna see them & Trinket meeting everyone; Lae'zel Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, Jaheira, Minsc, Boo, Withers, Volo, Scratch and the owlbear.
Who would they befriend? Who would they dislike? Who would they fall in love with?
I already ship Vax with Gale and Vex with Wyll... 👀
Do i write it or do i not???
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omgg thanks for your amazing responses!! I absolutely love your take on both Hope/Karlach and Rion/Shadowheart ^.^ I didn't have much more in mind for the first pair other than they both were imprisoned by devils and I always think, why don't the avernus gang go hang out at Hope's house??
but for Rion and Shadowheart, that is brilliant ^.^ I wasn't even thinking about the fact that Rion is desperate for adventure and might idealize Shadowheart's often traumatic "adventures" --and conversely, Shadowheart might idealize Rion's "normal" childhood despite the fact that I imagine Rion spent most of it getting into trouble and trying to take care of all her siblings!! and yah that kind of dynamic only makes them more shippable omg ^.^
I love the transient relationship idea, but I was imagining something a little more settled personally (obviously I ship Shads and Nocturne forever but just pretending that's not an option) ^.^ I think they would both find a lot to admire in the other!! I think Shadowheart would really admire Rion's fierce loyalty and the loving home she built with her siblings, and I think Rion, as someone badass enough to call her own mother out on her bullshit to her face, would totally understand and admire the courage it took for Shads to defy Shar and Viconia ^.^ they could teach other a lot about found family and care and loyalty!! I also think with Rion's intense protectiveness, she would get to know Shads in the city before she headed off on adventures and think, I'm not letting anybody hurt this one without getting a hammer to the face ^.^
I also just think it's so romantic, the idea that they've been neighbors their whole lives but living in totally different worlds!! I imagine them crossing paths as kids, I think Rion would've either bullied Shadowheart or been fiercely protective of her, and that could be such an interesting dynamic for them as adults, especially if Shads doesn't necessarily remember!! anywayy I rambled so much but thanks for inspiring all the unexpected ships, I never woulda thought about this otherwise ^.^
also lmaoo and 100% agree to what you said about Jaheira omg ^.^
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This is why multishipping is fun! There's a lot of room in a game like this to find whatever you'd like in a ship, even longshots like Rion/Shadowheart. Pretty much anything is plausible and you can find whatever dynamic you like.
They could be like The Fox and the Hound, met a few times as kids/teens and became good friends, but separated permanently by The Conditions. I don't think the local kids would know anything about the cloister, but it seems the cloister children rarely left unless on a mission or supervised training, so Shadowheart definitely would have had to sneak out to meet Rion, and would have definitely been found out and punished. It could be one of the things that made Viconia punish her more severely than anyone else
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