#kel’s was the most difficult honestly
raiiny-bay · 4 months
did a writing exercise wherein i tried to describe my characters only through random things i associate them with & it was hard !!!
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Hero is doomed to be seen as "perfect" by the narrative because Sunny is an unreliable narrator who idolizes him and because Hero, himself, constantly and purposefully hides his struggles.
Since Hero has a more docile personality, doesn't like to be the center of attention, and is terrified of burdening others with his problems, we never really get to have the opportunity in-game to dive into his actual motivations and the depths of his grief and pain that he works incredibly hard to repress and keep hidden from everyone including Sunny (and, by proxy, the player of the game who is following Sunny's point of view).
As a result, we only see what Sunny sees: on the surface, Hero really does appear to be perfect.
More thoughts under the cut. (Warnings: OMORI spoilers and heavy topics including grief, trauma, and guilt)
After several segments of gameplay spent with the idealized "Headspace Hero" who is superhumanly perfect and adored to an almost outlandish degree, it almost feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy that we first meet "Real World Hero" when he jumps into the lake in the Faraway Park to save Basil and Sunny from drowning. Despite the fact that Sunny has already been shown to be an unreliable narrator given the fact that there are some major differences between some of the characters in Headspace and in the Real World (Aubrey especially), it is easy to ignore this when it comes to Hero at first because it is so understandable why Sunny sees him this way.
Hero is selfless, kind, compliant, docile, and generous. He consistently prioritizes the feelings of the other characters around him, is the first to try to understand where Aubrey is coming from (even though she just pushed Basil into a lake), and he doesn't even think twice before jumping into a murky body of water fully-clothed to save his friends. He jumps in (no pun intended) immediately to save the day, and so, naturally, from Sunny's perspective, Hero is still this amazing older brother figure he looked up to in his childhood.
Additionally, from the outside looking in, Hero appears relatively well-adjusted all things considered. He is incredibly successful and accomplished with a room filled with trophies and awards and has just returned from university where he is pursuing a difficult degree in medicine. Even if Sunny is just comparing Hero to himself, he would likely be impressed and amazed by the fact that Hero at least appears to be living his life and achieving so many things while Sunny has been so grief-stricken by the loss of Mari that he could not leave his house or do much of anything for the past four years.
There are some indications that Hero is not doing nearly as well as he seems (i.e. Kel's account of the one (1) fight they had after Mari passed away and the fact that Hero has never visited Mari's gravesite--refusing to visit even as recently as the 2nd day in the Real World), but these are easily overlooked by Sunny because Hero does not seem to exhibit any outward signs of trauma or internal turmoil or distress like Basil or Aubrey. Hero is very good at hiding his pain which means it is difficult for Sunny to see—which makes it difficult for us, who are following Sunny's perspective in the game to see it as well. We only get to see what Hero wants us to see which is, honestly, not much since Hero doesn't like attention.
Hero isn't a perfectionist in the traditional sense, but he wants to appear "perfect" to reassure his loved ones that they don't need to worry about him. Everything about the way Hero presents himself to the world screams, "I'm okay. Please don't worry about me." If he can really appear to be perfect, Hero believes he will never be a burden on anyone. It's all fake adjustment, fake healing, and fake happiness--fabricated because he's terrified of hurting or burdening anyone he loves with his struggles, but it's convincing.
In one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the game, Hero drops everything to comfort Sunny at Mari's piano in the middle of the night. He does such a good job at supporting Sunny that one could truly believe that Hero really has found healing and made his peace with Mari's death...until Sunny returns through the door to find Hero crying alone. And that's the real Hero: the young man who buries his pain and pushes it aside in attempt to take care of everyone else. No matter how much he may hide his struggles, they're always there under the surface. Hero is always one piano, one visit to Sunny's old house, one mention of Mari away from tears. He just desperately doesn't want anyone to know.
Taking a step back to think about Hero's greatest strengths in this context, also reveals his greatest weaknesses. His selflessness brings with it a fear of burdening others which prevents him from really opening up to anyone. His generosity leads him to struggle setting boundaries. His complacency and easy-going nature can stem from an extreme avoidance to conflict of any kind which, in turn, makes it hard for him to advocate for himself and his own needs and to express his emotions, particularly negative ones.
It suddenly makes sense why the boy who seems to succeed at everything is only "most improved" when it comes to debate. He doesn't debate. He can't. He can't stick up for himself or express his own thoughts, wants, or desires. He will always acquiesce to someone else in order to keep the peace and make them happy, even if it's at his own expense.
Hero will always, always put himself last which causes him to bury his grief, suffering, and trauma so deeply that no one is allowed to see the pain he is actually in. Unfortunately, "no one" includes the game player as well. We get small glimpses of it, but it's so subtle and so buried, that, just like Sunny, it's easy to get caught up in this idea of "perfect Hero" and struggle to understand that there is so much more to him that just that.
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i-love-yoi · 6 months
You flirt with them.
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Characters:RW main cast (Sunny, Mari, Basil, Aubrey, Kel, Hero)
TW:GN!Reader, suggestive, romantic relationship, fluff/angst, takes place after the incident with Mari.
It turned out to be short, since it’s the New Year, and the whole family is cleaning the apartment and preparing food for the table. Also, it didn’t turn out very relevant to the topic, but again, I did it in a hurry, trying to write as quickly and better as possible.
•In general, although Sunny does not show his emotions, and feelings in general, it will be clear from the redness of his cheeks and ears that he liked it and was embarrassed.
•He ends up with very pale skin because he didn't get enough vitamin D and other vitamins for that matter.
•In general, in your relationships, it is you who are dominant; in principle, thanks to you, these relationships develop.
•Just be sure that he will replay your flirting in his head over and over again, and each time he will blush like someone else.
•However, most of all he likes those moments of flirtation when you take him to the wall, whisper in his ear or then kiss him deeply on the lips.
•At such moments, he is absolutely defenseless in front of you, and in front of anyone else.
•I think he would have frozen stupidly, being in some kind of astral plane after the storm of emotions that happened inside him.
•To be honest, he has an overload of emotions inside him after your actions.
•I answer, he will play it over and over again, and out of embarrassment he would bury his face in the pillow, like a small, inexperienced schoolgirl who has just fallen in love, who screams into the pillow at any message from her object of affection.
•Believe me, in the dream world you will now tease him the same way Mari usually teases the Hero.
•Basically, you will have similar relationships there.
•Perhaps because Sunny watched their relationship too often, they were an example of a good relationship, and your flirting is similar to that of his older sister, Mari.
•Honestly, he would be embarrassed even by the most stupid and typical flirtations, such as: “Are your parents by any chance bakers? Then where did they get such a bun?” “Are your parents, by any chance, toy manufacturers? Then where did they get such a doll?” And much more like that
•Honestly, even this would have made him embarrassed.
•He's so hungry for love that he'll take anything he can from you, eating it all up as if it's the way it's meant to be.
•Well, your group of friends are off on new adventures again, so you're alone again.
•Honestly, Mari would be amused by your flirting.
•I think you would have a Battle of who can flirt the other one more and better?
•Honestly, your relationship is exactly that when two people are dominant in a relationship.
•When you take her to the wall and flirt, Mari will only giggle and flirt back, kissing you briefly on the lips, teasingly.
•For Mari this is very cute, in her opinion.
•However, no matter how difficult and rare it may seem, at some moments you were still able to take her by surprise.
•Basically, I think you are flirting with each other.
•But I think it wouldn’t interfere much with both of you in your relationship.
•Oh, you would embarrass him so much, even with those stupid flirtations.
•Basil himself is a rather emotional and shy boy, since childhood, and he takes everything to heart, but he can’t really do anything in his defense, and in principle he’s melancholic, so that’s it.
•Therefore, even simple and sweet flirting will be enough for Basil to blush like crazy and start stuttering.
•I think it will be difficult for him to get used to your flirting.
•And if you additionally press him against the wall or then kiss him deeply, he will simply faint without breathing, all red, and smoke will be visible from his ears.
•Basically, he will never get used to your flirting, no matter how much time passes.
•You can always take him by surprise every time.
•Especially if it is in a public place or in front of people.
•We all know that she is an obvious tsundere, right?
•So, although she will be clearly red from your flirting, she will deny her feelings about this and also grumble a little.
•Maybe even call you a little names, but it won’t be such serious insults.
•Something like: “Fool, stop!”, “This is too sweet, fool.”
•However, this is only in front of people, and then only in front of those whom she does not trust.
•For example, with her gang, she will normally accept your flirting, even if sometimes she grumbles quietly.
•Most likely she will flirt herself, but she will feel stupid, and most likely halfway through the flirting she will simply stop and say something like “forget it.”
•But when you are alone, then this whole image disappears, and in front of you is no longer such an angry and serious lady, but a gentle and more open girl.
•Even if she is a tsundere, she is very hungry for love and tenderness.
•And will accept it in any form.
•In the end, her mother doesn’t even really pay attention to her, sometimes even the opposite.
•Especially for how many days and years she was alone, and if we also count the incident with Mari, then she was clearly hungry for at least a drop of love and tenderness
•I think your relationship would be healthy for Aubrey.
•Thanks to them, Aubrey can easily relax and escape from reality, focusing on you.
•Just like I think, she, like Sunny and Basil, would replay your flirtations in her head, which could greatly improve her mood after her mother’s words, or make her relax.
•But there is no need to worry, I don’t think her personality will go away.
•He really likes your flirting.
•Basically, Kel generally adores your affection in any form.
•He is too loving himself.
•I think he wouldn’t see personal boundaries and any embarrassing situations, at least for you.
•But also everything doesn’t reach Kel as quickly as one might do or think.
•After your flirting, he will think for a couple of minutes, and then laugh awkwardly, blushing.
•However, some flirting is so embarrassing for him that it makes him a little angry, which is why he is even indignant.
•He likes it though.
•It's funny to watch how you, most likely shorter than him, pin him against the wall while flirting.
•But even though he is taller than you, he is still defenseless against your flirting.
•In general, in your relationship there is no division into dominant and passive, you are both equal, both active and both develop your relationship.
•But still, you are more active in terms of developing relationships, namely in terms of flirting and similar things.
•Yes, Kel is an active guy, he also often takes him on various kinds of walks, but mostly these are the sweeter and more innocent parts of the relationship, hugs, light kisses on the forehead and cheeks, but you are the one responsible for the more basic and adult part.
•Moreover, he reacts so nicely to your flirting that you simply cannot restrain yourself and still take him by surprise with your advances.
•Anyway, he doesn't mind.
•In principle, Hero is the most mature and conscious in terms of relationships.
•As for me, he is a monogamist, so at first it was difficult for him because of the loss of his first love, in principle, because of this, it was difficult for you with him, since he too often remembered Mari and compared your actions with her.
•Your flirtatious side and love for flirting reminded him too much of his old relationship.
•Therefore, at the beginning of the relationship, he only blushed slightly, laughed awkwardly and was a little sad.
•Over time, he finally began to let go of Mari and began to focus on you.
•Later he will become more open, and perceives flirting more violently, blushing, but nevertheless flirting back, trying to take you by surprise
•However, his flirting, I think, is typical and stupid, like something like: “I’m hugging a blanket, but I could have you” or “Are you by any chance a drink? Then why am I thirsty for you?”,”Are you by any chance not a fire, Then why are you so hot?" And much more like that.
•When you push him against the wall, he blushes more, embarrassed, and shrinks slightly, looking to the side with nervous eyes, and slightly pulling the collar of his sweater.
•In fact, he is the same emotional boy as Basil, but he more or less restrains his feelings and emotions, controlling himself and his entire body.
•He already had experience in relationships, so he already more or less understands what’s what, and how best to act in general.
•Therefore, it is mainly he who develops your relationship.
•Of course, when he is not busy studying and when he is free.
•As for me, he is committed to a long and serious relationship.
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woodchipp · 4 months
I guess this post's going to be a "sequel" to my post about Sunny and Mari because I have Thoughts about the game's potential again, this time concerning Sunny's other friends because god damn they're so underdeveloped and irrelevant 😭
Aubrey holds the "privilege" of being the game's only main character to have something vaguely resembling a character arc, and yet the execution of said character arc still leaves much to be desired. She has some makings of being a nice foil to Sunny (Sunny dealt with his issues by folding into himself in denial while Aubrey dealt with them by taking out her rage on Basil, Sunny's appearance is as bland and average as it can get while Aubrey's appearance is rather garish and visually striking) and I believe that kind of angle would've been really fascinating to work with. I'd have also preferred Aubrey being upfront about being a jerk - her incessant "noooo i'm not a meanie YOU are meanies >:(" deflections don't make her a Deeper character, they just become annoying after a while.
Maybe the game could've featured a flashback (an actual flashback, because Headspace isn't the most reliable source of information) where Aubrey defends Sunny or Basil from jerks harassing them at school and openly expresses her distaste for assholes who think it's okay to pick on someone who can't fight back... only to become that exact sort of asshole down the road. If Basil is the one she stands up for, this could even be their first meeting for additional irony!
Aubrey's rough home life is another aspect of her character the game should've elaborated on, especially given that its only purpose in the story is to be shorthand for "she's just a poor bbygirl please feel bad for her". What if Aubrey was closer to her father than she was to her mother? What if her dad left her mom precisely because the latter developed alcoholism and eventually became difficult to live with? What if Aubrey herself started using booze (albeit not to the extent her mother does) to cope with Mari's death, hating herself because she knows she's becoming exactly like her mother and turning into a person her beloved father would probably look down on? Honestly, the kids' parental issues would've been way more interesting to learn about than listening to them go "waaaa I miss my wife Tails Mari :'c" for the 1403rd time in a row as if we didn't get the memo already
Last but not least, before I move onto Hero and Kel, I'd like to echo @beevean's opinion about the whole "Aubrey shoves Basil into the lake" plot point - Aubrey absolutely should've been the one to save Basil after realizing what she's done. That'd have been a brilliant way to show that she still genuinely cares about her friends despite her violent exterior. This could've also tied into the reason she isolates herself on the final day - even though she makes no bones about being an asshole, the lake incident rattles her and finally makes her recognize that she crossed a line she never thought she'd be able to cross. She and her friends lost Mari already, and they would've lost Basil too, this time by her hands. The guilt overwhelms her, and she decides to shut herself off from the outside world since she thinks that she's a danger to her friends... sounds rather familiar, doesn't it? :)
IMO, Hero arguing that Aubrey still cares about her friends because she quickly dove into the lake to rescue Basil to break her out of her funk before the group hug would've made for a more solid point than "you care because you restored the photo album!", which completely ignores the fact that she stole it from Basil and bullied him for four years over it.
Speaking of Hero, the first thing I'd like to change is the reason for his nickname because the "he likes hero sandwiches lol" explanation is fucking stupid. It'd have definitely made more sense for it to be an in-joke for Sunny's friend group, since Hero's Just Naturally Good™ at everything he does. Maybe Kel or Aubrey could've created some sort of running gag by jokingly calling him "Hank", the decidedly less cool-sounding diminutive form of his real name, Henry.
I think that Hero apparently yelling "a lot of hurtful stuff" at Kel when the latter tried to help him stop being a recluse could've lent itself to some interesting characterization had the game bothered to explore it. What if Hero used Kel's biggest insecurities against him in his rant? He'd be the one to know his younger brother best, after all :)
Maybe the incident could have been used to establish a contrast of sorts between the brothers, with Kel having blocked out everything Hero said about him for the sake of his own mental health and Hero having the memory burned into his mind because he still feels very guilty about the outburst even four years after the fact. What if Hero spent said four years believing that Kel secretly hates him for what happened and being afraid of talking to him about it? Perhaps that would've explained Kel's remark about Hero being "a little more closed off now than he used to be."
Hero himself could've been an interesting character, mainly because his relationship with Mari isn't really touched on by the game, which is baffling since he was her boyfriend. Maybe the story could've tried to indicate that he still has trouble moving on from her suicide by him trying to abruptly change the subject whenever Mari comes up in a conversation. The story could've also tried to show the ways Mari as a person shaped Hero into the person he is (e.g. Mari is mentioned to have had a mischievous side to her, so Hero could've probably had an affinity for mischief too?) I think that sort of thing would've been nice to see in all of the game's characters, actually - the point is that even though Mari is dead, she "lives" on in a way through her friends and her brother, through the habits they picked up from her. Of course, that would necessitate Mari to have a personality beyond "picnic blanket" lmao
Maybe the game could've had Hero (unconsciously) start doting on Sunny as if he was the latter's older brother because, as part of him blaming himself for his friend group's dissolution, he feels especially guilty for "forgetting" about Sunny in his grief. I like to think that this, coupled with Hero picking up Mari's behaviors, would actually hurt Sunny even more, probably since a) it'd fuel his fears about everyone caring about him only because he's the last reminder of Mari they have left and b) every time Sunny sees Hero trying to be affectionate, he's just reminded of his sister, and it hurts.
You know, maybe the game could've even implied that Sunny harbors a bit of resentment towards Kel for having an older sibling in the first place. Sunny himself is aware that it's completely irrational and beats himself up over it ("oh my god, how could I even think something like that? he's my friend!"), but it's still there.
Kel loves his older brother. Kel has an older sibling to love.
Sunny doesn't. Not anymore, at least.
He had a sister.
She's gone now.
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tossing around the idea of a heromari spiderverse au...
mostly because you could very easily make hero miles and make mari gwen and keep most things the same, lmao.
and i'm a heromari guy and i love them so much please kiss heromari.
(spiderverse and omori spoilers, under the cut, obviously)
because i'm not an artist, but rather, a nerd, i want to explore things based on what will better enhance or explore character development/arcs.
the addition of siblings would really change the spiderverse series, i think. imagine the implications of gwen's choice to leave her father in the second film if she had a younger brother who admires and loves her waiting for her at home. sunny could even be (overtly or secretly) obsessed with spiderwoman, increasing tension in the home.
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in a similar way, it'd be interesting to see the conflict caused in sunny's family if sunny's mom died. we know the family becomes completely shaken after mari's death, and if we take their father's choice to abandon the family as a habit, watching him struggle to pull the strings together after the loss of their mom would pressure his character more. this could even trap him further into his "duty" to catch spiderwoman.
figuring out who gwen's peter parker would be is difficult, but i've decided on hero. in fact, it would be interesting to explore how a gwen-esque character would cope with the having miles in his position in her universe, and needing to reconcile with this idea that he is alive, but he is not the same. giving mari restraint despite the desire to see "her hero" again would also be very interesting to explore.
also MAYBE i just wanna see mari drawn in the gwen watercolour style. i wanna kiss her. leave me alone.
miles honestly feels like the kel sibling, so i'd prefer to just have him be hero with kel characteristics. however, there is more to it than just that - hero's character would inhibit the story of spiderverse at multiple points, because of his maturity, so he needs kel's immaturity to choose to take particular actions. if you need an example, miles' choice to enter the portal after gwen was an impulsive, emotional decision, which simply doesn't fit hero's character.
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this scene was absolutely gorgeous btw. i can't believe people don't talk about it, the upside down scene was amazing but THIS. THIS. and sorry for awful quality
there are several aspects to miles' character that mimic hero's personality. the pining for gwen and miles' surprise when he sees her again could easily fit into hero's character. although implied in the original movie, having hero as a character could bring miles' acceptance that he might never see his friends again to the forefront. (although the desire to study physics could replace hero's desire to be a chef in the original game, to smoothen out the story.)
i'm not sure how to input kel or basil, but aubrey would make a good peni parker, i think.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
hii could I request a omori matchup? I'm pan so any gender is fine
personality - intp, I'm very introverted in public, i don't like starting conversations (unless i really have to) and i struggle with anxiety so often i overthink my interactions. Get to know me and I'm extroverted, airheaded and clumsy, eccentric, and pretty corny. I enjoy making jokes (dad jokes r my fav) or oddly sexual ones bc i can be a big flirt. I'm a therapist friend, always listening and giving advice. I'm a very blunt person, like if you need the truth, it's coming to you. I'm childish- but also a motherlike/responsible person when I need to be! i'm forgetful though, so don't ever ask me to remember something for ya. I'm not organized nor do I ever do my work on time, I wait until the last minute to do anything! I have moodswings and some unhealthy mental thoughts, so sometimes i can't control my emotions and isolate myself from others. I just need alone time for awhile and then I'm okay, but I try not to completely let it bother me (ah yes, I'm the type to bottle up emotions.).
physical des - I'm around 5'3, I have black/brownish hair? it's a mix shoulder length hair(Reaches alittle past my shoulder) it's always straightened even though it's naturally curly! I have a mole under my left eye, if you look hard enough lol and I have a septum piercing! I'm kind of curvy too so theres that :P
fun facts!
ironic but my nickname is mari ( my friends call me that) and I actually play the piano , i'm able to play final duet <3
I love dressing in alternative/gothic fashion. I love any emo/goth style such as scene emo or mall goth the most
I love kel and aubrey- out of the group. Spaceboyfriend or Pluto were my favorites from the game
I have a low social battery, specially when I'm in school or public places ( I love talking so much I rant for hours on end about anime) so it's weird to others how quick my talktiveness changes
tysm take ur time and make sure to take care!!
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first few meetings, it's kind of difficult for you two to talk to each other
neither of you like starting a conversation or speaking much, so when you talk it's really only in response to someone or one of you blurts something out and it starts convo
SUNNY has an attraction to you. i mean like he just feels drawn to you, and feels safe like he can kind of be himself around you
as you open up to each other, he acts unimpressed sometimes but he really enjoys your silly personality
SUNNY doesn't emote much but he has a great sense of humor. honestly he laughs at your dad jokes (not because they're funny but because they suck)
if you pull any flirty stuff on him, he'd be really lost. he's still kind of stuck in the OMORI mindset, so in his head he thinks he's completely unaffected and deadpanning.
but irl he's sweating and red, and gets super shy
SUNNY is someone who likes to live outside of reality. he doesn't want to face truth, but as he recovers from his past post-good ending, your bluntness could actually help him come back to reality instead of hiding in his mind
you remind him of KEL, to an extent. kinda goofy, clumsy, sometimes air-headed. but he likes that about you. your personalities clash in some way, but they also are very similar.
SUNNY relates to isolation and bottling up emotions until they pop. i think you two would do therapeutic things together, as you both have some things that you want to work out, so why not together? :)
if you do want to be alone though, he understands. he does the same thing too, and you guys respect each others boundaries while still helping the other take a step outside their comfort zone
years into the future, i think it would help SUNNY if you two were to play the final duet together
after all, he does see some of MARI in you, and (assuming you met after the incident) he knows that she would've loved you dearly. it would probably take a lot of healing, but you'll get there together
SUNNY also really likes alternative fashion, but he never really had the money, thought, or time to get into it
so it'll be super cool for him if you lend him some of your clothes or if you two went shopping!! he thinks you both look sick as fuck
he's quick to notice if you're burning out socially, and will get you two out of there asap (he also has a low social battery, but not when it comes to his friends)
he likes hearing you talk about stuff you like. he's a great listener, and he's sure to let you know you aren't annoying him or anything like that. he also has a lot of stuff he wants to rant about, but it'll probably take time for him to open up
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crow-rodriguez · 2 months
Chapter Two: I'm Fucking Gay
A few years later, we entered Junior High School which was going to be two of the most traumatic years for all four of us. I was so nervous as we walked through the doors to the Junior High wing of our school. “It’s so big…” RaeLynn said, sounding very nervous as she looked around. Her beautiful green and blue eyes darted around like lasers. 
“That’s what she said,” KelHani said, laughing as she made her crude joke. She had developed a very perverted sense of humor over the years, I always found it hilarious. “Kel!” RaeLynn said, “the sisters will hear you!” she scolded, pushing her big, nerdy glasses back up as she looked for her locker. She eventually found it and smiled, “Rosa! We’re locker neighbors!!” she squealed as her and Rosanna did a little dance.
I chuckled as KelHani and I kept walking down the hallway, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that KelHani was trying to pull the skirt of her uniform down, “you struggling?” I asked her.
KelHani nodded, “yeah, I don’t know why Mrs. D thinks I fit into the same size as RaeLynn, she’s so short and I got my dad’s height” she said as she took her blazer off and tied it around her waist, she had been working out with her aunt a lot lately and had developed some muscles that made my heart start racing.
I nodded, laughing a bit. “Selena has always been strange, give her a break… the lady has cancer” I said, trying to keep from showing how nervous she sometimes made me. I had developed a crush on her which was a strange thing for me since I didn't know if something was wrong with me, especially since I also had a crush on RaeLynn. 
KelHani shrugged and nodded, “I guess you're right. Honestly, I was thinking of just wearing Dya's uniform since he still has it stashed in his closet somewhere…” she told me, her eyes looked ahead with the same cold, piercing glare she always had. 
I blinked, “I don't think that's allowed, Kel” I said, thinking a bit. 
KelHani smirked and pulled out the fucking student handbook from her backpack, turning to the dress code, “paragraph three, subsection two: ‘students must where the school uniform.’ It says nothing about which uniform. It just says the school uniform, so I could wear Dya's uniform if I wanted to” she explained, her smirk turned into a smile that I didn't see often. She was always cold and distant which was understandable, she had a difficult life before she started living with her aunt. Fuck, she was nearly pull into the foster system until Kyren, her dad's older sister, swooped in and took full custody of KelHani and Dyamond when KelHani was three and Dya was ten. I'd never known the extent of the things she suffered when she lived with her parents or the extent of how much she still suffered, but I knew she still suffered and it broke my heart to think she thought she had to suffer in silence and all alone. 
I nodded as I found my locker, “then I better see you in that uniform tomorrow, Kel” I told her as I stopped walking in front of my locker. 
“oh, don't worry, Sweetheart. You will,” she told me as she walked away, leaving me stunned and flustered as I blinked while looking at my locker. 
I calmed down then opened my locker to put my bag into it. I looked at the bracelet that Tia Isabel bought me, hoping it would bring me luck like she claimed. I was minding my business when I heard a familiar, grating voice next to me.
“Wow, did she just call you ‘sweetheart’? That's so disgustin’!” Erika Artois said, making me look up from my list to glare at her. 
I glared at her, scowling as I rolled my eyes, “she was joking, Erika. Calm down” I said bluntly. 
Erika scoffed, “not only does Kelly, Kelsey, whatever her name is, look like a freak but she's also a sinner! She's definitely not getting into Heaven!” She said, looking disgusted. 
I'd be lying if I said that her words didn't make my jaw drop, I felt my blood boiling and quickly slammed my locker shut as I started walking to get my schedule. I felt like I was going to deck her in the face if I didn't walk away from her. 
Lunch finally came and I was already exhausted. I sat at a table in the courtyard, waiting for KelHani, Rosa, and RaeLynn. I looked at Rosa and RaeLynn when they walked over.
Rosa sat down and smiled, “guess who has a crush on a rich boy?” She asked, having a shit-eating grin on her face. 
“You?” KelHani asked as she sat down next to me.
RaeLynn sighed and gestured to herself while her cheeks flushed pink, “and it's not a crush, I just said that Danyol is kinda cute” she said, nudging Rosa with her elbow.
I blinked, “Danyol Williamson?” I asked as I started eating the leftover Pork Ropa Vieja that Ethan packed me for lunch. “I think he's in my math class, I don't see what's so cute about him,” I said, feeling a twinge of jealousy.
Rosa gestured at me like I was the smartest bitch in the room, “thank you, Drake is way cuter right?” she asked me.
“Who?” I asked through a mouth full of food.
“Danyol's brother, he's in 8th grade” KelHani told me, “he runs with the Bloody Birdseyes, I think” she added. 
We were talking and laughing when Erika came up and ‘accidentally’ spilled her tray all over KelHani which made her stand up, completely pissed.
“Oops! I'm sooo sorry, I totally didn't mean to!” Erika said in the most sarcastic and bitchy voice ever. I could tell she was trying to hide her evil grin.
KelHani looked at her and glared, “yeah, you're totally fucking sorry” she spat.
“Hey, back off my girl” Erika’s boyfriend said, stepping up and standing toe to toe with KelHani, “you worthless ni-”  before he could finish speaking, KelHani’s fist was pounded into his face and he fell backwards.
Rosa and RaeLynn stood up as I watched in both horror and amusement, watching KelHani pummel the idiot before she was ripped off by Danyol, who I thought was trying to play “hero”.
KelHani was sent home and suspended for a week after she beat Erika's white trash boyfriend in the lunchroom, the day went on though. I got home and collapsed onto my bed, not caring about my shrieking mother who was screeching Because my father had slept with his television daughter who was fourteen. 
“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!? YOU LET THAT LITTLE SLUT SEDUCE YOU!?” I heard my mother screech from downstairs, feeling disgusted that she was actually blaming the girl who was only a year older than me. 
I laid in my bed, looking at the ceiling for a bit before I went to the kitchen to get some food. I grabbed a soda and a mini bag of chips then slumped down on the couch as I started eating.
“You have a dance competition in two weeks, Valentina. Don't be gaining weight, your costume needs to fit,” my mother told me as she walked in and saw that I was snacking.
“I'll be fine, Mami. It's just a bag of chips,” I said, looking at her. 
“Don't back talk to me, Valentina. I'm not in a good mood. Your sister has already gained two pounds and now she won't fit into her outfits for her fashion show next week!” She vented, “and your brother keeps canceling his photoshoots so he can take more acting opportunities, so I'm not happy right now!”
“E is nineteen, Mami. You can't boss him around anymore,” I muttered, not understanding why I was the one she was venting to like this.
She looked at me before she walked over and smacked me across the face, “talk back to me again and we're sending you to boarding school, Valentina Rodriguez!” She scolded me.
I nodded as I got up, “I'm sorry, Mami” I said as I threw away my chips and walked out the door with my soda. I waited until I was a block away to start crying while I walked to KelHani’s house.
I arrived at her house and just walked in, suddenly feeling so safe and wanted the second I walked through the door. I could hear Eminem playing as I made my way through the house to the living room.
“Ayooo!! Valentina is in da house!!” Dyamond said as he saw me, making Rylyn and Ethan look over their shoulders at me. Ethan got a concerned look on his face when he saw my puffy eyes and the red handprint on my cheek.
“H-hey, guys…” I said as I walked over to sit down, seeing Ethan's boyfriend, Andy, was asleep on his lap. 
“What's wrong, Mija?” Ethan asked me as I sat down, signaling for Dyamond to turn the music down. 
“Mami smacked me for talking back to her,” I said as I instantly began to relax.
Rylyn looked at me as she let her daughter, Violetta, waddle around happily, “damn, need an ice pack?” She asked.
I shook my head, jumping a bit when KelHani came up behind me and scared me as a joke, “gah! KEL!!” I said, glaring at her “asshole!” 
KelHani was laughing as she sat next to me, noticing the handprint on my cheek, “Who the fuck did that to you, Val?” She asked, her eyes became piercing and angry. 
“My mom, it's nothing, Kel,” I said, looking at my hands. I blushed as she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.
“V and I are going to my room!” She said as she sneakily grabbed two beers from the fridge then walked to her room with me following. 
“Are we supposed to have those?” I asked, sitting on her bed.
“Who cares? I assume you're staying here tonight anyways and it's one beer. My aunt won't give a shit as long as we're being safe” KelHani told me as she opened one of the beers and handed it to me, I took the beer and took a sip. I heard her laugh as I made a sour face.
“What the fuck? This tastes like shit, Kel,” I told her, finding myself taking another sip. 
KelHani nodded as she took a swig from her own beer, “I know. But it's fun shit,” she smiled as she sat next to me.
“How long did you get suspended for?” I asked, looking at her.
She sighed, “a week, and Matthew didn't even get any reprimand for almost calling me a fucking slur. Probably because the headmaster didn't want to upset his precious princess Erika,” she rolled her eyes as she spoke, sitting back a bit.
I blinked, “that's so stupid. She literally poured hot-ass soup on you! That's literally assault. You should report her!” I said, starting on a tangent without even realizing it. I was rambling for a while before I realized that KelHani was just staring at me with a smile on her face, “what?” I asked, feeling confused. 
“You're just cute when you ramble,” she said, cupping my face and kissing me which caught me completely off-guard. 
I froze for a second, my face becoming very red as I melted into the kiss and returned her passion. 
The kiss lasted for several moments, becoming quite heated until someone knocked on KelHani’s door and we quickly separated from one another. 
KelHani cleared her throat “wassup?” She asked, looking at the door as Kyren, KelHani’s awesome aunt, walked into the room. 
Kyren looked at me then at KelHani, “this is about the social worker, you ok with her being here while we talk about her?” She asked.
“Yeah, I'm ok with V being here. I trust her,” KelHani said, smiling at me with the same, rare smile. 
Kyren nodded, “Sarah wants us to schedule an appointment to talk about you seeing your mom again. She's outta rehab, she's wanting to reconnect with you,” she said, looking at KelHani. “I told her that I'd talk to you about it, you're thirteen and you're old enough to know your own choices. So what do you think?” She asked, letting KelHani Think.
“I'll go to the meeting, but I'm not going to decide anything yet,” KelHani said, her smile faded as her voice seemed to fill with venom. 
Kyren nodded, “got it, Kiddo. Also, hey, Val. Having fun kissing my niece?” She asked, smiling a bit.
I blushed, seeing that KelHani also blushed brightly,“ummm… y-yeah…”  I said, knowing that lying was pointless. 
“Good, I'll let you two lovebirds get back to cuddling. Just no funny business,” Kyren said as she closed the door when she left.
KelHani sighed and laid back against her back, looking at me, “can we cuddle?” She asked.
I nodded and crawled over, laying against her as I looked at her, “your mom's in rehab?” I asked.
KelHani nodded, “yeah, or well, she was apparently. She was addicted to Cocaine for a while when Dya and I were kids. My dad was a gambler and an alcoholic, he was often violent and abusive. He almost killed Dya and I one day. I found my mom's cocaine and I copied what I saw her do, ended up overdosing and my dad beat Dya and I after we got home from the hospital, for being stupid apparently. Then CPS took us and that's when we started living with Aunt Ky. Haven't seen my mom or dad since. I don't want to see my dad, but I don't know how I feel about my mom yet” she explained, looking at the ceiling.
I looked at her, my heart breaking for her as I heard the pain she suffered through. I wanted to say something but I had no idea what to say, “Kel…” I said, My voice was  barely above a whisper.
KelHani put a finger to my mouth and shook her head, “just cuddle me,” she said softly as she cupped my face to kiss me. I nodded, snuggling her as I finally admitted to myself silently. I'm fucking gay…
0 notes
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
A Candle in the Night
In which Luminara finds a heavily injured Jedi, nurses him back to health, and falls in love.
Then they get back to the real world, and she just can’t figure him out…
For day two of Anakin Rarepair week, inspired entirely by that one anon.
Chapter 2 is up on AO3!
Skywalker looks up from the datapad he’s poking around on, jerking with surprise. It’s not quite a flinch, but she maybe should have made an attempt to project her approach. She isn’t sure if he’s quite trained himself out of war reflexes yet.
“Lu—I mean, Knight Unduli,” he corrects himself immediately. “Er, take a seat?”
She does so.
The chairs of the archives are not, perhaps, the most comfortable in the Temple, but they are padded and ergonomically designed, and the ones for humans suit a Mirialan just fine. The three additional vertebrae that a Mirialan has are not enough to make these chairs a problem for her. So much of their galaxy is built around the majority population being humans. She is lucky, in that she is of a near-human species herself, and that most of those structures accommodate her with minimal fuss. Were she Kel-Dor or Thisspiasian, perhaps, her life would be a fair turn more difficult.
“You can call me Luminara, you know,” she tells him. “I rather imagine we know each other well enough by now.”
He grins hesitantly at her. “You’ll call me Anakin, then?”
“I’d like to, yes.” She tilts her head, telegraphing her glance at his datapad, and finds some senate records. “Brushing up on your politics, then?”
He blinks and looks down, and then snorts. “You could say that. No idea what I’m looking for, so I’m just trying to get a feel for what I’m even looking at.”
“Would you like some help?”
“If you aren’t busy?” He scoots his chair closer, and shifts some of the pads closer. “I’m trying to understand the budgeting process for Senate-sourced funding of the Temple. I know there’s a war budget in there somewhere, in case there’s a Sith resurgence or another form of darksider that rises to an army-level threat somehow, but I can’t figure out how the money gets there, or what the budget is even called. It’s referenced in the original Ruusan treaties, so it’s there, but at some point it was moved and renamed, possibly more than once, and I can’t find it.”
“I see.” She pulls a few of the pads over. His research methods aren’t quite structured enough for what he’s doing, but it’s not the worst she’s encountered. She imagines she’d be similarly out of her depth if she were researching engine types. “Do you have some context for the project you’re doing?”
“Not entirely,” he says. He doesn’t meet her eyes. “It’s… can I just say that it’s for Master Dyas? The actual background to the mess I’m trying to untangle is complicated and mostly classified.”
“I’ll see what I can do with what we have,” she says. She marks off a few points that he’s found, checks it against the others, and stands. “Follow me. I’ll run you through how to use the history and politics section search algorithms. I gather you’re more used to the ones for navigation and mechanics?”
“Pretty much,” he says. They wind through the shelves, away from the isolated research table—designed as such to ensure peace and privacy for those who need to focus without distraction—and to the catalog consoles. “I also need to look into… something about the divesting of power from the Chancellor to the Senate during the Reformation, but honestly? I’m having enough trouble with the budget question, and that’s one I at least sort of understand. Obi-Wan said he could help me get it, but he and Master Jinn got called away for a mission, and I don’t really…”
“Know anyone but Obi-Wan, myself, and the council?” Luminara prompts.
He shrugs. “Pretty much. Feels a bit weird to bother Madame Nu about it before I’ve exhausted what I can do.”
Luminara disagrees, but it’s hardly a big deal when she’s here to help instead. “I understand. Show me what method you were using? I’ll adjust it and help you understand where you might have used the wrong process once I see what you’re already doing.”
After an afternoon of research, where Luminara finds that Anakin was absolutely not exaggerating his difficulty with anything in the realm of civic duty and understanding of governmental structures, they go to the salles.
“After all,” Anakin says, actually looking excited in a way that isn’t touched by the grief she’s never quite seen him without, “we made a pact, didn’t we?”
Hardly. She smiles and nods anyway, because the details aren’t the point. They make it to the salles, and start to stretch. A few minutes later, just as they start to warm up with a few forms, a class of younglings enter. The younger Skywalker is among them.
The crèchemaster shrugs when Luminara asks. “We heard that Knight Skywalker was in the salles, and Initiate Ani asked if we could observe. Apparently, he’s not had the chance to see a lightsaber in proper action, yet.”
The little boy is, indeed, bouncing where he’s sat pretzeled on the floor. The excitement radiates off of him.
“I don’t mind if Luminara doesn’t,” Anakin says.
“I don’t see a problem with it,” she agrees. “Hello, little Ani.”
The boy puffs up, just like before. “I’m not little!”
“You’re certainly much smaller than your uncle,” Luminara tells him. “You’ll be Little Ani until you catch up, methinks.”
He pouts. It is, in the manner of all children that age, adorable.
They get to sparring. Anakin is, much like she expected, beautiful in motion. She wonders vaguely at what he would look like from the outside, but it’s a distant thought when he’s bearing down on her without even the pretense of difficulty. It’s terrifying, or would be if she had any real fear of him. Even so, she is hard pressed to keep up, and being a knight for three years, being his senior in age by just as much, means nothing when their specialties are so very different.
The children are enthralled. There is nothing as entertaining as a lightsaber battle, as friendly as this one is.
Anakin moves wildly, almost violently. She can tell he has control, or he’d be much worse off in their spar, but it always looks as though he’s moving as fast and as hard as he can, without care for form or function. It’s frustrating, because the part of her that takes pride in how carefully she’s perfected her own forms is impacted directly by his seeming disregard for precision.
It is something to work on. She should not be so upset by imagined blows to her pride. She shouldn’t be offended by hurt pride at all. It’s unbecoming, and it’s one of those things that people will constantly and ever try to use against her, as they do to any Jedi who works in a diplomatic function. There are too many politicians in the Galaxy who find their amusement in trying to get a Jedi to crack.
She needs to be better.
He disarms her, and she is graceful about the defeat. She’d known this would end in loss, for all that she’d hoped to impress him at least a little. There is nothing to be surprised about.
It’s not impossible for her to win, but it is unlikely. She already knows that this is a man who wears armor as comfortable as he does robes. She’d found him in it, after all.
“Again,” she says.
“Of course, madame.” He doesn’t even seem to be breathing the slightest bit harder than usual. Infuriating man.
She’d like to kiss that smirk off his face. It is an inappropriate thought to be having, and she reminds herself, as she has every time since these thoughts began, that this man is still grieving, and that he carries more secrets than she may be ready to dance with.
Luminara takes her stance, and Anakin takes his, and they begin once more.
They drift apart and together over the course of months. It is a holding pattern, in some ways. Anakin has projects for the council that Luminara isn’t at all allowed to know about, and Luminara has diplomatic missions every other week or so. She gleans, from the words that go unsaid in their meetings, that he has mandatory psychiatric counseling more often than most Jedi.
“They won’t let him leave the Temple unless he goes,” little Ani says. He’s showing her a drawing he’s done, which looks more like a droid schematic than the standard doodle a child that age might have. He is also gossiping.
(Luminara hadn’t even come here for him, but to visit the toddler that is Barriss Offee. Ani’s crèche clan lives just a few doors down, however, and she’s not one to turn down such an opportunity.)
“But he said I have to go, too,” Ani continues. “Because I’ve got a lot of the same problems.”
For a blank and horrified moment, Luminara thinks he means the war.
After a moment, she realizes he means the childhood of slavery.
“That seems appropriate,” she tells him. “Have you been going?”
Ani shrugs. “Yeah. It’s weird, but it makes Uncle feel better about him going, so I guess that’s a good thing, right?”
(Continue on AO3)
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antimonyclouds · 2 years
Some more omori thoughts while I work on fanfic ._. (spoilers!)
Something I find difficult to write/read is AUs where Mari didn’t die.
These are very common, just because. People like Mari. She’s fun to write. But there are a few events and character changes that happen entirely due to Mari’s death, and I wish we got more non-headspace looks at what exactly the group’s dynamic was becoming before her death.
Kel and Aubrey obviously had their rivalry, and Basil was a lot less anxious and just generally healthier, which is all well and good. But then there’s the sibling dynamics, which I think is one of the things Omori discusses best (as someone with siblings myself who. uh. has a complicated relationship with them lol)
Sunny and Mari is a tough one. Mari was obviously pushing Sunny to be better when it comes to the recital, but given what info we have on how Mari acted in The Staircase Argument/moment/whatever, it’s unclear how much of this was specifically focused on this particular recital and how much it was Mari genuinely resenting Sunny. Mari treats Sunny very, VERY lovingly in Headspace, and there’s a lot of cute moments in Basil’s photo album, but...
Mari was so obsessed with perfection that she pushed her own brother to. That. And Sunny doesn’t seem like a bad kid - quite the opposite, really, he seems very quiet and sweet. Remember that the creepy deadpan shit that we get in Headspace isn’t Sunny, it’s Omori. Who I think Sunny deliberately characterizes as more cold and emotionless, since that’s what HE wants to be. He wants to be neutral, to be emotionless, to not feel so awful and broken. Though it might also be how he views himself after Mari’s death - someone emotionless and remorseless. And all that is assuming that there’s no DID involved with Omori, and that he’s not literally a different person who just happens to look similar.
I dunno. Depending on how villainous you characterize Mari as, it could lean on either side of the bell curve, and the amount she pushed Sunny as opposed to how much pressure Sunny was putting on himself during the recital isn’t made very clear. It’s also unclear how much, if any, resentment Sunny was building up towards Mari as a result of the recital practice.
Either way, it’s hard to say how much of their issues were due to specifically the pressure of the recital and how much was Mari expressing feelings that she would never share with anyone else, but were forced out due to that pressure. I feel it’s also important to mention that the characterization of the parents can be used to assume elements of characterization when it comes to the children - Mom being a bit neglectful and deliberately babying Sunny after Mari’s death, and being unwilling to let go of him and thus leading to most of the issues that happen in the game (we do not stan Sunny’s Mom on this blog, sorry,) and Dad getting only sparse characterization but clearly being at least fairly strict. These two not only raised their kids with their values - elements of their characters would obviously be passed down. Which is something I don’t think you can handwave, seeing as how obviously Kim takes after her mother, how much Hero and Kel take after there mother and father, etc etc.
I dunno. On the one hand, I don’t want to villainize/victim blame Mari, but on the other, given that she arguably pushed Sunny to... that... and was obviously putting too much pressure on someone who, let me remind you, was around 11 at this point in time? Maybe 12? 
So, yeah, with all that, how exactly their relationship would look without the pressure of the recital or just without the Staircase Thing specifically happening is always really difficult for me to get a good grasp on.
And then there’s Hero and Kel, which. Oh yikes. That’s honestly its own can of worms, and. Yeah. This post is already way more than long enough.
Honestly I really wanted to get some of your opinions on this, because... well... I’m really not that good at interpreting the game lol. I’ve been trying my best but so many other people’s thought pieces/posts on elements of these characters are so much better thought-out, so I thought I’d try to gauge what you all thought about this kinda thing.
And if you want to read that rant about Hero and Kel. Do feel free to tell me. I could ramble about this game and my half-baked thoughts all day lol
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Yandere Aubrey + Hero HC’s - Omori
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(sorry these are so messy, i ended up writing them late at night)
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[yandere Aubrey x reader]
-Aubrey is the totally the cliché of being cold and mean to everyone else but soft for her darling
-everyone else is met with harsh words and cold glares, but with you it’s completely different
-she’ll talk a little more quietly so she doesn’t startle you and her eyes will soften ever so slightly whenever she happens to meet your eyes
-Aubrey just doesn’t want you thinking you did anything wrong, you’re never the bad guy
-she thinks of you as a genuine angel
-Aubrey felt like she was completely abandoned, but when you stick around it makes her feel appreciated and loved
-she was just so desperate for any bit of happiness and you’re like her own personal serotonin dispenser 
-my girl carries a bat around with her and you best believe that she’ll strike someone who even looks at you wrong
-unfortunately, she acts on blind rage so she’ll probably just beat someone to death right in front of you
-hopefully you can get used to it, there’s probably nothing that can calm Aubrey down in the moment
-but once again, she wouldn’t hurt you, so there’s really no reason to freak out!
-Aubrey would definitely kidnap you, but only if she knew you would get over it eventually
-she’s wants you and would do anything to have you, but she also wants your love and devotion
-she’s also very cool with not kidnapping because while she would like you to devote every minute to her, she also likes showing you off to everyone
-if she were to go through all of the trouble and hard work of stalking and kidnapping you only for you to completely ignore and reject her, she wouldn’t be able to keep her cool!
-(she might even cry if you refuse to look at her)
-however, Aubrey is still very clever, so she’ll probably be able to prevent that from happening
-she will get stressed if you don’t seem interested at all, though
-everything that she does is for you, and she tries so hard for you
-so if you if you barely give her the time of day she’ll snap
-it’s honestly very easy to make Aubrey snap though
-she has anger issues and is definitely the jealous type
-it makes her completely livid when you spare your attention to someone else
-if you wanted to, you could probably get away with making her jealous if you just want feral Aubrey, but afterwards you need to give her your complete and undivided attention otherwise she’s going to burn the entire neighborhood down
-(on the note of burning the town down, i could imagine her daydreaming about you and her just kissing and holding each other while something completely destructive is happening in the background. it just seems like something that would give her butterflies)
-Aubrey will hover over you 24/7
-in some cases her clinginess is nice, but in most it’s just her smothering you
-on the plus side, you’ll never need to worry about getting hurt or ganged up on
-i can promise you that if any of her gang accidentally messes with you, you’ll never have to even see them again
-she wouldn’t care about the consequences, she no longer cares for anyone in her gang
-but even if she’s with her gang or not, if you’re getting hurt Aubrey will be the one to take them out
-she just cares about you so much, even if you are just getting mildly upset with someone Aubrey will get super worked up
-she loves that your guys’ new reputation is completely destroyed
-no one will come near the two of you, everything can finally be perfect
-it’s like her morbid fairytale ending is finally coming true
-Aubrey wouldn’t know what to do if you suddenly vanished
-she thinks about it a lot, especially since all her other friends left her
-when she thinks about it, she’ll understand why you did it
-she’s honestly kind of insecure and worried that you’ll turn around and completely forget about her
-but she knows she’s not the best, she knows that there are so many better options out there and that you leaving her is kind of inevitable
-unfortunately, if it were to happen in real life it would not go down that smooth
-but it’s fine, right?
-i mean, you would never leave Aubrey, so it’s not like she needs to even think about that
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[yandere Hero x reader]
-honestly,,,, like he gives me worshipper vibes
-he’s always complimenting you
- whether it’s you looks, talents, or personality, most words that come out of his mouth is just praise
-he just thinks you’re so perfect, he literally can’t imagine anything he doesn’t like about you
-like, with the smallest push in the world, he might actually consider you a deity of some kind
-he’d also probably wait on you hand and foot
-he’s always ready to serve you anyway he can
-if he’s able to, he’ll probably insist on carrying you around everywhere
-he’ll remind you every single day how much he loves you and he has to say it at least 3 times
-every opinion, thought, and feeling that you have, he’ll back you up completely
-Hero also gives me loyal dog vibes
-he follows you around, will do whatever you say, and his life basically revolves around you
-(mini imagine but i think Hero isn’t as involved with his family as a yandere Kel would be. he still loves his family, it’s possible for him to forget about them completely with enough of you in his life)
-Hero will pick up on your cravings or what you frequently want just so he can carry around a little bag for you
-he can cook and i can just imagine him keeping some snacks he personally poured his heart and soul into just for you to munch on
-he’d probably feed you it, too
-he imagines you guys as a loving married couple, to the point where he might accidentally call you his spouse or something
-he’ll get whatever you need, but he’ll feel super insecure if you ask for a store bought snack
-Hero just is super sensitive to everything you do, even if you don’t mean to do anything
-but i can also imagine Hero being super bashful or something
-it’s super easy to make him blush
-like just looking you in the eye makes his cheeks burn
-you get his heart racing from sitting next to him and no matter what you say he’ll always be happy by your side
-and whenever you compliment him, no matter how often you do it, it always catches him off guard
-it’s so unreal too him, even the thought of someone like you praising his heart beat fast
-i think Hero actually would daydream often
-he likes imagining typical romance clichés, like knight x princess or soulmates
-Hero is also protective of you
-i don’t know if he has the heart to kill, but he can do anything else that you want!
-honestly, he’d feel bad if you did want him to kill
-but i just don’t think he’s even a good fighter
-he would give a few good punches, though
-but at the end of the day, the best thing he can do is ramble and rant to you about how much he wants to protect you while holding you close for the whole day
-Hero would be an obsessive texter
-whenever you aren’t around he’ll keep trying to call you and the moment he gets even a little worried about you he’ll spam you with texts
-whenever he texts you, he’ll just do nothing but wait until you respond
-so if you normally leave people on delivered, try to get out of the habit
-since Hero is basically an adult, he’d try his best to get a place to live with you
-it’d be very difficult, considering he’s a college student, but i wasn’t lying when i said this man would do anything for you
-he couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life with anyone else
-and he won’t have to, right darling?
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4stars-uswnt · 3 years
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes [Tierna Davidson x Reader]
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requested by anon: Idk if you’re taking requests or not but could you do a tierna x reader where reader’s kinda reserved and the team doesn’t know her super well but her and baby t just bond together and one gets the courage to ask the other out. And maybe they like hide their relationship just to mess with the team or something cause they were trying to set them up. If not then it’s perfectly fine. You’re a great writer!!
A/N: thanks anon! i honestly don’t know how this got so long... oops
You hesitantly make your way down the aisle of the bus, unsure where to seat, given that this was only your fourth camp and you didn’t necessarily have a designated seat.
Spotting an empty spot next to Tierna, you sheepishly ask, “Hey, is anyone sitting here?”
“Nope,” she gives you a kind smile, glancing up from her phone. “Go ahead.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, a small smile of your own tugging at your lips.
As you’re putting in your ear buds and turning on your music, Tierna curiously watches you. “So how you liking the team so far?”
“I love it. It’s honestly better than I could’ve imagined. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and so willing to teach,” you ramble slightly nervously, scratching the back of your neck.
Ever since you’d gotten your first call up last year, your nerves hadn’t calmed down at all. You were a naturally reserved and quiet person, but being around the best players in the world only intensified your nervousness.
Given your shyness, none of your teammates knew that much about you. The only one who knew anything about, apart from your position, your hometown, and where you currently reside, was Alyssa. The veteran goalkeeper had taken you under her wing when you went pro at just nineteen and joined the Red Stars. The two of you immediately bonded, forming a sort of big sister-little sister relationship, as you were both so similar in the way you carried yourself on and off the field. So when you got your first national team call up, Alyssa was the one to show you the ropes and help you make the transition.
And although you played on the same NWSL team as Tierna, you’d never actually had a real conversation with the other woman, so neither of you knew each other at all.
“Yeah, it’s an incredible environment,” the defender agrees. “It really does become like one giant family.”
“Hopefully, I’ll stick around long enough to become a part of that.” You anxiously chew your lip. Being on the national team has been a dream of yours ever since you could remember, and now that you are presented with the opportunity, you were scared you were gonna do something to mess it up.
“I have a feeling you will,” Tierna muses, smirking. You can’t tell if she’s flirting with you or if she’s just being nice, but either way your face flushed red.
The three hour bus ride went by seemingly quick, as you and Tierna engaged in an easy flowing conversation, talking about topics ranging from the basic introductions to the incredible cinematography of The Queen’s Gambit.
You find yourself becoming increasingly comfortable and relaxed around the other woman, and you feel this is the start of a wonderful friendship.
After a quick team meeting upon arriving to the hotel, Vlatko starts to announce roommates and distribute room keys.
“Tierna and (Y/N),” he calls out, giving Tierna two key cards.
“Looks like we’re roomies,” she beams, as she hands your key.
“Looks like it.” You grin, excited at the idea of spending more time with the defender.
Both of you were pretty tired, especially after a long day of traveling, so you each quickly jump in the shower and change into your pajamas.
As you slide into bed, Tierna, already under the covers, grabs the TV remote. “Anything you wanna watch?”
“I’m fine with anything.” You shrug, as you pull the blankets over your body. “Have you seen the docuseries on Netflix about the Challenger?” You ask, remembering her passion for space and aeronautics.
“I haven’t,” Tierna gasps. “Can we watch it?”
Your heart warms at the sight of her pure eagerness. “Of course! I’ve been meaning to watch it for a while too.”
You quickly set up your laptop, connecting it so that your screen projects onto the TV.
As the episode progresses, Tierna spits out additional facts about the Challenger as well as NASA itself, and you can’t help but listen in awe and admiration.
The two of you barely make it through two episodes, as the hours of travel catch up to you and sleep takes over.
It was the last day of camp, and you and Tierna had grown quite close, bonding over being the youngest on the teams as well as your similar interests.
You’d discovered that, when not playing soccer of course, you both enjoyed going on hikes, reading with a cup of coffee, and also relaxing at the end of the day with a good TV series.
She’d also given you some insight on how she adjusted to being on the national team at such a young age, something you were having trouble doing. It’s not that your skill level wasn’t up to par; you were just finding it difficult to put yourself out there and connect with the rest of the women. And just maybe your newfound friendship with Tierna would be just what you needed to open up to the rest of the team.
Over the past couple of days, as you’d gotten to know the defender, you couldn’t develop feelings for the other woman.
So here you were, packing up your hotel room, as you worked up the courage to ask Tierna out. At the moment, the freckled woman was currently rambling about some new book she’d found, but you were to stuck in your own head to really pay attention.
“(Y/N)?” Tierna pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Huh?” You shake your head, turning to see an amused smile on Tierna’s face.
“Did you hear anything I was just saying?”
“Umm, yes?” You try sheepishly.
Tierna rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right. It’s alright. You can make it up to me by reading the book I was talking about. And by the way it’s about a depressed neuroscientist at Stanford.”
“Sounds peachy,” you groan, earning a chuckle from the defender.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, shrugging.
“Come on, what’s bothering you?” She asks, as she sits down next to you, lightly elbowing your side.
You take a deep breath, gathering all the courage in the world, before asking, “Would you maybe wanna go out sometime? Like grab some coffee or dinner when we’re back in Chicago?”
Tierna stills, her eyes widening, as her brain tries to process your question. “What?”
“I’m asking you on a date, T,” you clarify, feeling a new wave of confidence take over. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
A gigantic grin breaks out Tierna’s face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
About six months later, you’d received another national team call up, and so had your girlfriend.
After last camp, you and Tierna went out to dinner at a restaurant back in Chicago, and from then on, you began dating. It helped that you both played for the Red Stars, getting to spend more time together and not having to worry about the trouble of a long distance relationship.
However, the two of you decided to keep your relationship under wraps, not feeling the need to announce or flaunt it. In fact, in public, your relationship didn’t really change, and to most people, it looked as if the two of you were just best friends.
But Alyssa had known you well enough to see that you definitely had a crush on the younger defender, and to be fair, you did, but the goalie didn’t know that you were already dating.
The Red Stars training before the national team players left for camp, Alyssa decided to see if anyone else shared the same suspicions.
“Hey, J!” she calls out, catching up to the blonde midfielder.
“What’s up, Lys?”
“Do you think there’s something between (Y/N/N) and Tierna?”
“What do you mean?” Julie furrows her brows, confused.
Alyssa gives her friend a pointed glare, nodding her head in the direction of where you were leaning your head on Tierna’s shoulder, giggling at something your girlfriend had said.
“Ah, I see,” Julie muses, nodding her head in realization. “Are they together?”
“Nope, at least I don’t think so. I’m sure (Y/N) would’ve mentioned something.”
“Well, should we help them get their head’s out of the butts and try and set them up?” The midfielder proposes.
“Camp is this weekend…” Alyssa smirks, as the two women share a knowing look.
“Kelley’s gonna have a field day with this,” Julie chuckles.
After morning training the next day, the team split off into groups, as they head into town to grab a bite to eat, do some shopping, or just walk around the streets of Santa Barbara.
A group of the veterans decided to try out a cute little cafe they’d seen. As they were all sitting around the table, sipping their coffee and eating some pastries, Julie decided to bring up the subject of their two favorite team babies.
“So, have you guys noticed anything going on between (Y/N) and Tierna?”
Conversation stopped, the entire table going silent.
“Wha?” Kelley asks, her voice muffled by the food in her mouth. “(Y/N/N) and Baby T?”
“Kel, please swallow your food,” Christen requests, cringing at the defender.
“Sorry.” The freckled woman gulps down her bite of her croissant. “But Tierna and (Y/N)?”
“You don’t see it?” Alyssa raises her eyebrow, surprised that she might be the only one who saw the chemistry between you two.
“Aren’t they just best friends?” Tobin chimes in on the conversation.
“That’s what people always said about you and Chris until they got their heads out of their asses,” Ash snorts, pointing between the two forwards.
“Fair point.”
“Now that I think about it,” Christen hums. “They do act very couple-y.”
“And Tierna is really the only one that (Y/N) hangs out with, besides Alyssa,” Pinoe points out, as the others nod in agreement.
“True, though she is warming up to the rest of us,” Julie lightly argues.
“So do we have a plan?”
The rest of the table just stares blankly at Kelley, who rolls her eyes.
“A plan to get them together?” She clarifies, as if to say ‘duh.’
“Well, that’s what I thought we could discuss.” The blonde midfielder suggests, sparking the discussion of how to get the two youngsters together.
Meanwhile, as the veterans were scheming, you and your girlfriend were taking a walk along the beach, your hands laced together, as your bare feet sunk into the sand.
“I hear you might start in the match versus England,” Tierna smirks at the shy blush that creeps up your neck.
You duck your head and brush a loose strand of hair of your face. “I don’t know. Our midfield is already so stacked, so I don’t know why Vlatko would start me.”
“Hey.” Tierna stops walking, stepping in front of you, halting your movement as well. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a phenomenal player, one of our best middies, at only twenty-one years old I might add.”
“You have to say that.” You bashfully roll your eyes. “You’re my girlfriend.”
“That I am,” Tierna proudly states, as she kisses your cheek. “But seriously, (Y/N/N), you’re amazing and you’re here for a reason. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“Thank you, babe.” You lean in to give her a chaste kiss before bringing her in for a hug.
The two of you decide to walk back up to the sidewalk and sit on one of the benches that overlook the beach. After a couple of minutes of peaceful silence, you remember something Alyssa had mentioned to you a couple days ago.
“I think Lys might know we’re dating.” You raise your head from your girlfriend’s chest to look up at her.
“Hm,” Tierna hums, not looking concerned or fazed, only curious. “Did she something to you?”
“The other day she asked me if I had feelings for you.” You snuggle back into your girlfriend’s body, comforted by the fact that she didn’t seem to be freaking out about the possibility of one of your teammates knowing. “Well actually, her exact words were: ‘Do you have a crush on Tierna?’”
“And what did you say?”
“I said ‘yes,’” you mumble, your cheeks tint pink.
“What was that?” Tierna teases.
“I told her ‘yes’ I have a crush on you.”
“Aw, babe,” she coos, tapping your nose. “I have a crush on you too.”
All you can do is scrunch your face and stick out your tongue at your girlfriend and her antics.
“Do you think we should tell the team we’re dating?”
“Words probably gotten around that you have feelings for me, and seeing how we’re ‘best friends,’ knowing them, they’re already probably devising a plan to get us together.” Tierna shrugs, lightly chuckling.
Though you hadn’t been on the team as long as the defender, you knew she was most likely right.
“Well, who are we to stop their fun?” You say with a small smirk on your face.
Your girlfriend raises her eyebrow at you, surprised by your uncharacteristic boldness and mischievousness.
“Whatever you say, babe.” Tierna softly kisses the top of your head.
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other’s presence, the calm waves crashing in the background, before you have to return to the hotel for team dinner.
As you and your girlfriend were off on a brief romantic walk, the rest of the team, who had been recruited by the Kelley, had been finalizing their plan to set you and Tierna up on a date, so you can confess your feelings.
“So,” Kelley, the leader of this operation, announces. “Tomorrow, when we have dinner off, Alyssa, you’ll ask (Y/N) if she wants to grab a bite to eat, and Casey and Abby, and whichever youngsters wanna tag along, will bring Tierna out to dinner.
“The rest of us will grab a table in the backroom so we can see them without being seen. Everybody got it?”
They all nod along, voicing their agreement.
“Awesome,” Ash cheers and claps her hand together. “What do you think Lys?”
“I think it’s good, hopefully it works.” Alyssa nods, quickly glancing at her phone. “I also think we better head back for dinner before Vlatko sends out a search party.”
The rest of the women check the time, their eyes widening, as they all scramble out of their seats, rushing to make it back in time for team dinner.
The next day, at the end of training, many of your teammates, mainly Kelley and Sonnett, were anxious about their upcoming blind date they’d set up for you and Tierna.
“Gosh, I don’t know how I didn’t see it before,” Kelley groans dramatically, watching from across the field, as you and your girlfriend were leaning on each other, laughing at something you’d said.
“How can they be so oblivious?” Tobin shakes her head, following her friend’s gaze.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Megan snorts, as she approaches the two women.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Chris had heart eyes for you for like three years before you actually noticed.”
“That’s different,” Tobin protests, earning a laugh from her two teammates.
“It’s really not.” Kelley clasps the forward’s shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.
“But we’ve learned.” Pinoe boasts with a pointed look.
Tobin just tilts her head and furrows her head in confusion, not following along.
“Oh, Toby.” The freckled defender slings her arm around Tobin’s shoulder, as they make their way back to the bus. “After being tortured by you and Press’s oblivious pining for many many years, the team collectively decided that when two teammates develop obvious feelings for each other, we’d put our own dignities aside and get them together.”
“Hence, our dinner plans for Tierna and (Y/N),” Megan finishes.
“You guys are all crazy,” Tobin says with a light-hearted roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, but you love us,” Kelley chirps before skipping off to catch up with Alex on the bus, leaving the two forwards chuckling at their teammates playful behavior.
After hopping out of the shower and getting dressed, you decide to text Tierna to see if she wants to grab some dinner.
Hey, you wanna grab some dinner?
I think I saw a taqueria that looked good :)
T 🤍 :
Sorry, babe :/
Casey already asked me to get dinner with  Abby  and Sam.
Aw man, okay.
Stop by after?
T 🤍 :
Of course
I’ll see you later :)
You give the message a heart, before shutting off your phone. As you contemplate what you’re gonna do for lunch, there’s a knock on your door.
“(Y/N/N),” you hear Alyssa’s muffled voice. “It’s Alyssa.”
“Come in!” You call back.
The goalie saunters into your room and plops on your bed. “You wanna grab some dinner?”
“Yeah,” you beam. “I saw a Mexican place downtown that looked good.”
“Hmmm, I had tacos for dinner last night,” Alyssa hums, pretending to think it over, even though she already has a restaurant in mind. “Tobin mentioned a good Japanese place they ate yesterday. We could try that?”
“I could go for Japanese,” you agree. “You wanna head out now?”
“Yeah, I’m down.” Alyssa jumps up from the bed, as you gather your things, following her out the door.
The two of you make light conversation, as you walk through the streets of Santa Barbara, enjoying the warm evening air.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, the hostess leads you to a table by the window, but as you sit down, Alyssa remains standing.
“I just have to run to the bathroom real quick,” she tells you. “If they come by to order drinks, could I get a lemonade?”
“Of course.” You nod, before scanning the menu.
While you think Alyssa is going to the restroom, she is actually going to text Casey that you’re sitting at the table near the window.
After a couple minutes, you hear footsteps approaching, which you think is the waitress coming to take your drink order.
“Hey, funny seeing you here.”
You immediately snap your head up when you hear your girlfriend’s voice.
“T, what are you doing here?” You ask, obviously quite surprised, as Tierna sits down in the chair across from you.
“Well, I was supposed to meet the girls here, and they just they’d be at the table by the window,” she chuckles amusedly. “Obviously our teammates are setting us up, not that I’m complaining.”
You roll your eyes at the teasing smirk on your girlfriend’s face. “Yeah, Lys brought me here for lunch. I didn’t think it was in her to be a part of their little matchmaking plans.”
“Alyssa is full of surprises.” Tierna shrugs, as she picks up the menu to look at it for herself.
“Aint’ that the truth,” you laugh.
As the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, deciding what you wanted to eat, you spot a familiar head of purple hair out of the corner of your eye.
“I think we’re being spied on,” you whisper, leaning forward in your seat.
“Pinoe’s pink hair is a dead give away,” you slightly nod your head towards the back room of the restaurant.
Tierna turns her head to subtly scan the room, and then lets out an amused chuckle. “So how are we gonna play this?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, since they’re watching us, do we wanna play into their hands or should we mess with them a little?”
“We could do a little bit of both?” You propose, earning an impressed grin from your girlfriend.
Before Tierna can respond, the waitress comes by to take your orders.
“What can you see?” Sonnett shouts from the other end of the table.
“Keep it down, Sonny,” Kelley scolds, swatting the younger defender’s arm. “But, P, seriously, what’s going on?”
“They’re just talking, laughing occasionally,” Pinoe reports, as she cranes her neck to see the table in the other room. “From what I can see, no sparks are flying yet.”
“Gosh, this is painful. We need to move them along,” Kelley whines, before her eyes widen and her eyes light up, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. “I have an idea.”
“Oh no,” Christen groans. “This should be good.”
The freckled defender just waves her hand, ignoring her friend’s comment. “Just you wait and see. This is gonna work.”
The team has to wait a couple more minutes until the waitress comes back to refill their waters for Kelley’s plan to unfold.
“Excuse me,” Kelley calls over to the waiter, briefly glancing at her name tag. “Virginia, could I order some dessert?”
“Of course.”
“I’d like to get one slice of your cheesecake, please. And if I could ask for a favor?”
The waitress nods with a polite smile.
“Would you deliver it to my two friends over there sitting by the window?”
“Aren’t those your teammates?” Virginia turns to see where Kelley’s pointing.
“Yeah, we’re trying to set them up. So if you could just say it’s on the house or something, we don’t really want them to know we’re here.”
The waitress just chuckles, as she shuts her notepad. “Of course.”
“Oh, wait,” Kelley stops her one more time. “If you’re cool with it, maybe you could flirt with one of them, maybe say the cheesecake is from you?”
Virginia pauses for a second to contemplate her options, before ultimately agreeing. “Fine, but only if I can get your friend’s number over there.” She smirks and points over to where Emily’s sitting, sipping on a glass of wine.
“Deal, but only if my friends over there get together by the end of the night.”
Virginia just smirks, as she leaves to continue her job and get a slice of cheesecake.
You and Tierna took advantage of the date your teammates had set up for you, enjoying some delicious rolls and a bowl of udon. Even though your teammates were technically in the backroom watching, you and your girlfriend enjoyed a nice evening to yourselves.
As you’re finishing up your meal, the waitress comes over with a slice of cheesecake and places it down in front of you.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You move to return the dessert. “I didn’t order any dessert.”
“I know, cutie,” Virginia flirts. “That’s from me, on the house.”
“I- I, um.” You blush, flustered, while Tierna shoots silent daggers at the waitress. “I’m flattered, but I actually have a girlfriend.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” the waitress apologizes, glancing between the two of you. “Is this your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I am,” Tierna answers, hints of jealousy lacing her voice, as you give a sheepish nod.
“Ah I see,” Virginia observes, amused, knowing that the other group of soccer players were going to be quite shocked. “Well, I’m sorry, again, for hitting on you. Keep the dessert as an apology?”
“Everything’s forgotten,” you amend with a kind smile. “Thank you for the cheesecake.”
As the waitress turns to leave, she suggests, “Maybe you guys can share? I’m trying to win a bet.”
Before you or Tierna can respond, Virginia gives both of you a knowing smirk, as she takes your plates and goes back to the kitchen.
“What does that mean?” You tilt your head and push the plate of cheesecake towards the middle of the table.
“I assume that our teammates probably had something to do with that whole scene,” Tierna guesses, shrugging, as she takes a bite of the dessert. “Mmmmm, but thank goodness they did because this cheesecake is delicious.”
“Oooooo, let me try!”
As you and your girlfriend share the slice of fluffy cheesecake, your teammates were waiting for something to happen.
“Anything?” Alyssa asks impatiently. The goalie had been becoming increasingly agitated, because she had seriously thought there was something between you two.
“Not yet,” Kelley sighs. By now, the rest of the team had lost interest and decided to just enjoy their night out.
“Oh wait!” Pinoe gasps, holding her hand up to get everybody else’s attention. The pink-haired forward watched intensely, as you leaned in closely to Tierna, who was holding out her fork with a bite of cheesecake for you.
“Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake. I repeat, Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake!” Megan exclaims. “It was the last slice, too!"
“And they are totally giving each other heart eyes right now,” Kelley adds, excitedly bouncing in her seat.
After a few minutes, as the team bubbles with anticipation to see what would happen next, Virginia returns to the table with the checks and hands it to Kelley.
“By the way, you owe me your friend’s number.”
“Um, I don’t think so. We don’t know for sure that they ended up together,” Kelley protests, as she passes the checks down the table.
“Yeah, we do, because they’re already together,” Virginia boasts and moves to collect the empty plates, smirking when she sees you and Tierna holding hands, as you make your way over to the team’s table.
“What? No, they’re not.” The defender frowns, not noticing her two youngest teammates.
“Yes, we are,” Tierna simply states, leading you out the backdoor, as you duck your head to hide your flushed cheeks.
“And, thanks for the cheesecake,” your girlfriend throws over her shoulder, leaving your teammates sputtering in shock with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
“Well, that was fun,” you snicker, as you step outside.
“Yeah, it was,” Tierna agrees, kissing you cheek. “Now let’s go have some fun of our own.”
Laughing freely, you relax into your girlfriend’s side. You couldn’t help but feel lighter, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, now that the team knew about your relationship, and maybe this is the push you needed to open up to the women who would soon become your second family.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Do you think HeroMari would want to have children of thier own or adopt
Ahhh I love this question nonnie, because I definitely think it would be both!  This one does have a TW: Miscarriage so be prepared going into that if that’s something that triggers you. It’s not heavily detailed, but it is mentioned. 
I’ve mentioned my HeroMari children before, but now I can finally tell you guys more about them!!! I love these two kiddos so much. I just reread this and I didn’t actually talk about them too much, so if you wanna know about them as people send me an ask! N E Ways
Hero and Mari have a set of twins pretty early on into their marriage. Like six months in, which raises a lot of eyebrows, but is one of the things that just doesn’t really get mentioned because it’s impolite and they live in a small town. It’s one of those unspoken secrets, and besides they had been planning their wedding for a year and a half by that point, so it wasn’t like anyone could accuse them of a shotgun wedding. 
They have one little girl and one little boy- Henry and Eleanor. She goes by Nellie, but Hero calls her Elliegirl. Mari would love to tease and say that both of the kids prefer Hero to her, but the truth is neither child could ever pick a favorite parent. 
The twins aren’t always perfect, but every day is. They’re young parents who still have all their dreams ahead of them, and now they have these two perfect little beauties to love. Their parents are full in on helping, and so are all their friends. The house is never quiet, and there’s almost always someone over and visiting between their four closest friends, the grandparents, and everything else. 
Nellie’s godparents are Sunny and Daphne and Henry’s godparents are Kel and Aubrey. That should give you a glimpse into each of the twin’s personalities. 
Mari and Hero are so happy to have their little twin lights, and when the twins are toddlers and they’re in a more financially stable place, they actually start trying to have a baby for the first time. The twins were a happy little accident, but now they’re actually trying. 
It doesn’t work. They go to doctors, they try treatments, but nothing works. It’s a pretty dark year, particularly for Mari. When the twins are six she loses two pregnancies in one year, and after that she and Hero go for the tests they had been too scared to take. 
The results are...depressing and honestly pretty shocking. Both Mari and Hero shouldn’t be able to have children. Their doctor is shocked to hear that they had twins previously, because it really shouldn’t be possible. They always joked that the twins were their miracle, but now the doctor tells them it’s actually a fact, not a hyperbole. Mari shouldn’t be able to have any children, the fact that she carried the twins to term was next to impossible. He advises them to stop trying to conceive naturally. Not only would it be dangerous for Mari, it would most likely only lead to more heartache. 
The drive home from the doctor is silent. Hero drives and Mari stares forward. Normally they hold hands and chat or sing along to the radio. Now they just sit together under the weight of this new direction of their lives. 
They had never really considered how many kids they wanted, but they knew they wanted more. Now that’s not a possible. Both of them feel like it’s their fault, and both of them think the other is disappointed in them. Hero drives right past their house without saying a word, not even slowing down. Mari types out an SOS to their group chat and tells them that she and Hero won’t be home tonight. In an instant she has four pings telling her the twins will be fine, and she silences her phone
Mari can’t remember exactly where they drove or what happened. It just feels like a daze. When she comes back to herself she’s in her boy’s arms, finally letting herself grieve the two children she lost and the future she doesn’t think she’s ever going to have. 
In so much of their relationship Mari is the strong one. Hero doesn’t mind checking his own pain and loss for now in order to be there for her. 
They agree to stop trying and to be grateful and happy with what they have. They have their two miracle children, two blessings they didn’t know they shouldn’t have. Henry and Nellie are more than enough, and they don’t need any more, not really. 
But when the twins are graduating and have left the nest to go out to college, Hero and Mari feel like the house is empty. After 18 years of hustle and bustle, they aren’t used to not having people to look after. There’s still people over, but not in the ways that it used to be. Subtly they both begin to drop hints to one another about fostering, and they approach the subject with Henry and Nellie when they come home for Christmas. 
The twins are overjoyed at the prospect. Their parents were great to them, and would be wonderful for any children who needed stable safe people to rely on. 
Hero and Mari start off as emergency foster care. It’s hard to hear their stories and to be there for children who don’t always want them to be there, but they are still hopeful because they know they’re doing good in the world. 
Then they find a family group that needs a long term placement, and they’re eager to take them in so the kids won’t be split up. Going from two kids to six kids all of a sudden is a difficult adjustment, and they don’t always get things right, but it’s the lovely chaos they’ve been missing. 
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🖤👀 please?
(Also, can I just say that I love the "hot take" part of your blog image, it's so funny. Hero? Being happy?? Unprecedented!
Aww thank you so much for your ask and for playing our “Hearts for Hero” headcanons game! We really appreciate all of your support and are working on your other ask as well. We apologize for the delay on that one. It is taking a little bit because there are so many headcanons involved; however, we did want to go ahead and answer this one for you in the meantime and hope you will like it. 😊
Also we’re so glad that you enjoy our blog cover image and got a good laugh out of the “hot take” joke. We got a good laugh out of your joke about Hero being happy being unprecedented—it’s so true!! 😂 Even if it is unfortunately unprecedented, we like to think that poor Hero still deserves to be happy and will (hopefully) get to be happy again someday even if happiness is something he tends to deny himself.
As much as we want Hero to be happy around here, we both have such a deep love and appreciation for Hero angst. It was honestly a little difficult to narrow down to just one of our favorite Hero angst headcanons, especially under such broad parameters, (so please feel free to ask for more if you want).
Ultimately, we’ve decided on an angst headcanon inspired by the not-supposed-to-be-angsty art from December of the Calendar Project (official image below from the OMORI wiki):
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🖤 — Hero Angst Headcanon (Warnings: OMORI spoilers)
For as long as Hero could remember, his mother had knitted him and Kel sweaters of various colors and patterns every year for the holidays. It was a family tradition, and the year before Mari passed away, Mari was invited into the tradition as well as Hero’s mom surprised both him and Mari by knitting them matching sweaters with their initials on them: H and M. They loved them—wore them off and on for most of the end of December and got lots of pictures.
When Mari passed away, one of her things that her parents gave to Hero was the sweater that matched his. Even looking at it made his heart ache so he threw it in a box with his own matching sweater and tried his best not to think about it.
Still, he missed Mari so terribly around the holidays that would sometimes get the matching sweaters out of the box he kept them in, hold them both, and cry. However, he could never bring himself to wear his ever again.
His family seemed to know the sweaters were a painful subject for Hero as well, even though they never really discussed it. The year that Mari had died was the only year that Hero’s mom didn’t give them any sweaters, even though Hero knew she had had most, if not all of them finished. Mari’s death in November was reason enough—no one really felt much like celebrating, Hero least of all, but he had never really been able to shake his suspicions that the reason his mother had skipped out on her sweater tradition that year was because she had knitted matching ones for him and Mari again, just like she had the year before, and she couldn’t bear to give Hero his without being able to give Mari hers too.
The following year, Hero had gotten a sweater from his mother with a snowflake pattern in blue, his favorite color, and he got sweaters every subsequent year after that. But his mother never gave him a sweater with his initials on it ever again. Hero honestly felt it was probably just as well. Even if she had, he probably would never have been able to bring himself to wear it.
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i-love-yoi · 7 months
Your health is quite fragile, which is why you get sick easily and easily end up in the hospital.
Hero, Kel.
Tumblr media
TW:GN!Reader, hospital, illness, fractures.
•Hero, of course, did not find out this right away.
•When you were sick, although quite often, he didn’t attach much importance to it.
•Maybe it seemed suspicious to him, but he blamed it all on periods of illness and lack of vitamins in your body.
•But when you began to often end up in a hospital bed, that’s when his nerves started playing and his brain woke up.
•Yes, of course, Hero is studying in college to become a doctor, but honestly, he is not yet professional enough to determine what is wrong with you, as well as how to treat you.
•So the only thing he will be able to determine in you is quite simple diseases and how to treat them.
•After all, he is only a freshman.
•He, of course, may be annoyed by the fact that you get sick so often, but he will never say it directly, and even seriously curse you.
•Moreover, this irritability can last a couple of seconds, and then there is sympathy in your direction, and a lot of affection and love.
•Moreover, he doesn’t have much time, and his studies weigh him down with notes, as well as a large amount of information that he needs to remember.
•In the end, he is an excellent student and our pride.
•But even with a lot of studying, Hero will still communicate with you and give you at least a modicum of attention.
•He always fusses over you when you are sick, like an eagle over an eaglet.
•When you got to the hospital, he was, of course, in shock, and also very nervous.
•I think it was difficult for him to even start studying, since all thoughts and experiences took over the brain much more strongly than other thought processes.
•Therefore, not straight away, but he headed to your room, of course, with the doctor’s permission.
•If Hero was nevertheless allowed into your room, he will sit for a long time next to you on the bed or next to the bed, asking about your well-being, and in general how it happened, because at first everything was fine and you did not seem sick.
•Well, I think this is where he learns about your fragile immunity and fragile health.
•Of course, as soon as he has enough free time, he will go to your room, talk to you, and also bring some food or other food products.
•Usually these are fruits or food that he was able to prepare, from time to time may give your favorite treat if available.
•Every time he comes to your room, he will ask about how you are feeling and whether you are getting better.
•If Hero was not allowed into your room for some reason, he will try to contact you or call you.
•In the end, no matter how tolerant he was, interest and curiosity always prevailed over a person.
•Therefore, it is in this case that he learns about your rather fragile health and fragile immunity.
•In any case, you will call him if he is not allowed into your room or he will not be able to visit you today after college.
•I think the times you were in the hospital would have been quite nerve-wracking for Hero.
•So much so that his eye might twitch a little or have difficulty with tests (meaning remembering a definition or giving an accurate answer)
•Although, when he heard that you were getting much better, then his nerves calmed down.
•In the end, we need to take care of nerve cells, because they do not have the ability to regenerate, so, unfortunately, they cannot recover.
•If you have a broken limb, even a finger, then Hero will take it all seriously.
•If you have a broken leg, he will try to help you, especially by taking you for walks.
•If it’s a hand, then there’s help in other things.
•If you have a broken hand with which you write (left-handed - left hand, right-handed - right hand), then he will even help you with feeding, and sometimes help you with homework or notes.
•Of course, he won’t do everything for you, since he himself gets pretty tired, but he will help you write, most likely from your dictation.
•But you must do the task or outline yourself and simply dictate to him what to write.
•He will also help with housework.
•Again, how will you wash the dishes? One of your arms is broken. And there you need to hold the plate tightly with one hand, and with the other hand you need to soap the plate with a sponge so that all the dirt is completely gone.
•The same goes for sweeping the floor. There you have to hold the broom with both hands, but one of yours is broken, and how do you sweep the dust into the dustpan?
•In general, you have a lot of problems when it comes to cleaning, so Hero takes care of them all.
•There are no problems with cooking either, again, Hero remembers his greatest cooking abilities, and makes food for himself and at the same time for you (to save a little more on groceries, and both of you are full.)
•But still, he will teach you a little so that you can handle it yourself if he’s suddenly not around.
•At least make some banal instant noodles.
•And although he clearly despises it, what can he do? The main thing is that there is no hunger strike.
•Therefore, he slowly, at your pace, teaches you some independence, like a baby holding his head.
•Because the fracture does not go away quickly, but only after weeks, months, if not years.
•And he also cannot be with you 24/7, he gets tired, and serious problems or matters may arise that need to be resolved immediately.
•As soon as everything heals and the cast is removed, which indicates the official healing of your hand, Hero will begin to monitor you a little more often in order to prevent this, if anything.
•If, after an illness, you finally left the hospital and were prescribed something, such as pills and medicine, do not think that you can get away with not taking the medicine as scheduled.
•Again, after the moment Hero has learned about your, shall we say, fragility, he will obviously always remind you to take your medicine.
•If you don’t want to drink it in the end, then alas, no matter how sorry it is, you will have to deceive you a little, as parents and children often do.
•Mix the medicine with a tasty drink or a tasty dish so that the child does not realize that he actually drank this pour-over medicine.
•In any case, Hero will now be more vigilant and attentive towards you, especially regarding your health and well-being.
•He is literally the personification of the phrase: “The boy is capable and smart, just lazy”
•In general, Kel is not as busy as his older brother, but he is also busy with homework and things like that.
•It seems to me that he was doing homework for almost an hour and this was only one subject, since he was often distracted or did not immediately understand the topic.
•It’s the same with Kel in life, everything doesn’t always reach him quickly and accurately.
•Yes, he will notice that you often get sick, but he will dismiss it all as a period of time of the year, as well as by chance.
•At first he won’t know at all that you are sick, of course, unless you tell him about it yourself.
•He will only notice it when he comes to school or you haven’t texted him almost all day.
•In this case, he himself will come to you with questions, like, where are you?
•And only when you say that you are sick, only then will a puzzle come together in his head.
•Of course, after school and basketball practice, he will run to your house to generally assess the situation of how sick you are and whether you need help.
•Yes, he will help you, but don’t think that everything will be as easy as with his older brother.
•First, he will need to tell you the name of the medicine with which you need to be treated several times, then several times where it is, and in the end you will most likely get up and take your medicine yourself.
•Yes, perhaps Kel would have difficulty navigating around your house and finding medicine, after all, he does not live in your house, so he does not know it by heart.
•It didn’t matter that the medicine was right in front of his nose.
•If you are in the hospital, Kel will know this only from classmates who could somehow find out about it (If you are in the same class), from parents (if you know his parents) or if they themselves told you about it.
•However, as soon as he finds out about this, he will try to come running to you as soon as possible.
•If Kel is allowed into your room, then Kel will clearly ask you absolutely everything he can, clearly gesticulating, speaking in a raised tone and with a lot of emotions.
•Mainly with anxiety.
•When he learns from you that you have fragile health and immunity, he will not understand much at first.
•If you didn’t ask Kel to keep the fact that you were sick a secret, then consider that Kel’s entire family, and most of his classmates, already know where you are.
•Kel is a rather trusting person; he sees nothing wrong with telling someone where you are, of course, if the interlocutor himself asks about it.
•He would bring you various goodies and fruits from his parents, well, or your parents, who passed them on to you through him.
•Only now, he bought most of the goodies himself, with money saved up from dinners, so that even though you were sick, they would have a sweet taste.
•He could sit in your room all day and night, chatting and entertaining your sweet soul, but school, some errands, and limited visiting hours prevent him from doing this.
•Don’t blame him, but his grades are also important for his future entry into the profession he would like to go for.
•Also, you correspond very often, very often.
•Kel can literally walk and write to you about what he sees or what he observes, and if he is bored of walking alone to you, and because of the cold his fingers are not moving as quickly as before, then he simply calls you and communicates on call.
•Also at home.
•He's just very attached to you, like a little puppy from the street.
•He loves you quite a lot and he is also very loving, emotional and also tactile.
•However, because you are in the hospital and sick, he is sad because he does not have the same physical and sociable contact with you as he did before you went to the hospital.
•Although, over time, he begins to get used to it, and already understands how best to act in certain cases.
•Still, it’s not your fault that your health and immunity are so terrible.
•If Kel is not allowed into your room, he will be more upset and upset.
•Your communication via phone and SMS will double or triple.
•But in class, of course, he cannot write to you, but he can write or call you on the phone during recess or during lunch.
•Through your relatives he will give you various goodies and mini gifts that he made himself, with his own hands.
•In these gifts there is always a line about how much he misses you, how he wants you to recover quickly and come back, and at the end there is always a sad emoticon, something like this: ":("
•He could even sneak in a little due to your long absence.
•Eventually he got used to you and you became a major part of the life he lives.
•So don't blame him for this, please.
•And I’m afraid to even imagine a fracture.
•But now, you have broken your leg.
•Well, he's clearly in shock.
•How could you break your leg like that if you just jumped over a bench!?
•But there is a problem, your leg is broken, now, temporarily, you are in a cast and walk with the help of crutches.
•Of course, when you walk, Kel always helps you, holding your arm tightly, carefully guiding you along the sidewalk.
•Obviously, you don’t go to school because of your broken leg, unless, of course, your parents force you to.
•If your arm is broken, then things are even worse for Kel.
•The fact is that he is very loving and tactile, which means a bear hug is everything for him.
•But due to a broken arm, you need to be hugged with extreme caution, because it may hurt you if you press too hard on your arm.
•Moreover, Kel does not know how to calculate strength, so this is even worse for you, as well as for him.
•He takes care of the house cleaning and your homework.
•But honestly, I don’t cope with all this very well myself.
•Kel is too active, he gets simply bored in class, which is why he gets distracted by the window or scribbles something on a torn sheet of paper, drawing some kind of scribbles, but obviously not doing his homework.
•And while cleaning, he can create even more dirt.
•He's a little clumsy.
•When he washes dishes, all the water ends up on the table around the sink, as well as on the floor, which can also cause his socks to be wet.
•When he sweeps, there is often still a lot of dust left in the corners and other places.
•Well, and much more like that.
•But don't get angry with him, in the end he wants to help you.
•In the end he loves you.
If anything, I still accept requests of any nature, except those that are present in the column of what I will NOT write. And the story with the bench is reality. My friend’s older brother jumped over the bench and then lay in the hospital with a fracture.
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belongsinthetrash · 2 years
i’m like 70% sure this will have already been sent but i didn’t find anything when i checked so… omori for the fandom ask thing? if it HAS already been done i’m so sorry </3
Don't worry, Cultist, I haven't gotten that yet. Though knowing my blog's main demographic, I can see why you think that. Anyways, onto the list:
Blorbo - This is gonna be a reoccurring thing throughout this whole thing, but I have so many characters in this game that I constantly think of. But, to make it so it ain't just the entire main cast here, I'm gonna say that my blorbo is Hero. Hero's story of being emotionally strong to set an example of being a reliable older brother for the rest of the group to confide in while burying his own sadness from a loved one's death because he finds it to interfere with other's problems he needs to solve is... it's relatable to an extent, I'll say. Now, nearly all what I've said for Hero can be said for Kel, I'll admit, but I'm playing the role of their parents right now. Not to worry though, because Kel will find a spot...
Scrunkly - ...within here! Partly the reason I've put Kel in this category than compared to this one is not only because I'm admittedly an unapologetic Hero simp, but because Kel does have more traits that make him fit right in. A super caring nature for his friends, a naive brashness gets him into trouble but can't help but love, and an inferiority complex given to him from his parents' clear favoritism of his older brother make for a character that you have a hard time hating and an easy time wanting to protect. Don't get me started on how much he wanted to bring the group back together but couldn't because he felt he would make the situation worse, because I will cry right here and now.
Scrimblo Bimblo - This one is a toss up because the Main Group is super liked in comparison to others within the game, but I'd give this to the one within that same group that is never talked about as much: Mari. I do know that she isn't talked about as much due to Omocat glossing over her character to make her the "perfect girl" she is, but the bits of info we do get paint a picture of a young woman trying to uphold standards of being an overachiever and suffering as a result of it, with her seeing anything less as failure. And her story is as important to tell as all the others' are, but unfortunately isn't, because she needs to be seen as without flaws to tell the story of forgiveness the game wants. Ironic, in a way. Anyway, sorry for game critique, back to funnies.
Glup Shitto - Another difficult one because of how much I've overanalyzed this game to hell, but the Chimera/Experiment 667 always come to mind for me. Paraphrasing a post I made on it a while ago, the fact that it resembles the Big Yellow Cat (a literal god-like entity in Headspace's lore) always made my crack theory brain speculating about how the Slime Sisters (or just Marina) have attempted to create a replica to either play creator with the world or to overthrow the hegemony of Headspace. I understand that it has its inspiration in the real world, but I'm a sucker for failed revolt type stories so give me this at least.
Poor Little Meow Meow - The Maverick, almost no question. I firmly believe that The Maverick persona is the result of Mikhael having a bit of an identity crisis or even body issues, and that's translated into a toxic personality that is honestly just pitiable but in funny way. Despite that, I still do like the implications of his character and I find it a shame that most write him off as funny meme character (which he kinda is, but maybe a bit more analysis for him would be dream-like to me).
Horse Plinko - Bit of a strange one maybe, but I'd put Omori here. I do NOT see him to be a villian (as that feels a bit wrong to say to a flawed coping mechanism doing their job to the letter), but with how almost organized they are in sealing the truth away when it seeps out, I'm always yearning for stories where Omori is put on the ropes from the threats he faces. Be itthe Stranger, Black Space in general, or even unaccounted threats that could happen in the strange world of Headspace, I just love to see the mostly composed controller become panicked from the overwhelming sense of defeat... There might be something wrong with me for wanting that. Too bad.
Eeby Deeby - There are few contenders for this spot, most of them parents unsurprisingly, but I choose to put Aubrey's Mom here for the reasons of all the other parents being implied bad or just not as bad. Sunny's parents are vaguely neglectful, Kel and Hero's parents' worst crimes are just guilt tripping and harmful favoritism, Basil's parents are close to earning the spot with how distant they are from their only son that has been clearly affected by their cold connection with him, and Aubrey's Father is at minimum a deadbeat dad. Meanwhile, Aubrey's Mother has let her daughter live in a house of filth to fend for herself in, with little attention ever given to how she feels or what's going on with her. We are never given much of a look into the minds of the parents, but with the absence of concrete evidence, Aubrey's Mom has shown herself to be a selfish individual that has given her daughter hell.
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nico-no-talk · 3 years
I have decided to make more headcanons of the gang and maybe go more in depth to a particular one that we may all know of
As I said before, this boy can fit so much autistic symptoms
His parents are quiet close with their kids but it seems like they messed some things up like parents do: Mari is somewhat a perfectionist and Sunny may have undiagnosed autism
Quickly headcanoning Sunny's name might be Hikaru or any name that means light
ANYWAY, as he grew up, the more he verbally opened up to his friends and still uneasy with his family, except for Mari.
Sunny likes to play with toys like any other kid does but he only likes toys that he can role play with such as his stuffed toys and building blocks that he can make homes for
When he was in this 11th year of being alive, his parents got rid of his building blocks as a way to help him 'grow up' since what kind of 11-year old play with building blocks still? They didn't touch his stuffed toys since they knew he would kick and scream way more than with his blocks
Sunny was devastated when he learned his parents tossed his blocks and cried for weeks that his friends, his stuffed toys, didn't have homes anymore
Mari decided to earn money with Hero's help to get him a new set so he won't be sad anymore, and knew he liked the feeling of smooth wood against his skin
After his 12th birthday party, Mari asked to not toss this set out and just keep it for any kids that Mari and Sunny may have in the future. Even Mari wasn't sure if Sunny would want kids, but it was something that managed to convince their parents
Speaking of Sunny speaking, he is somewhat semi-verbal around his friends but he does talk most of the time with them since he felt like it doesn't hurt when talking to them unlike with the rest of his family.
Speaking of family again, Mari's name might be short for Mariko since the transition to the 'ko' may have been difficult for Sunny to pronounce but her name might actually be Mari since it is a Japanese name as it does mean 'real logic' if written in a certain way
Their parents may have gotten a speech therapist for Sunny to help him pronounce words better and so the other adults will stop saying things how strange he is
Stims includes, minor biting, finger snapping, whistles, finger tapping, hand flaps, and random noises. Why random noises? Because I do too
Post-canon, Sunny's mom decided to actually get him diagnose and help him out more so he can graduate in school quickly since he did drop out of middle school
He did managed to get back in school within his age-grade and goes to separate rooms during testing for his classes
For long weekends, he tries to visit his friends as often as he can, especially Kel since he likes the way Kel's hair feels and enjoys feeling the callousness on his hands
Mari Mari Mari
She is a perfectionist, even towards herself since he parents often compared Sunny to her, saying how Mari was able to do a lot of things when she was Sunny's age
Seeing how they made her a goal for Sunny, she tried to be the perfect image of what it is to be normal
Do after school activities, have hobbies, play music, have friends, fall in love, have long hair since she's a girl and he's a boy, only like boys and show him to only like girls, so on and so on
After the building block incident, thats when she realizes that Sunny will never be a 'normal' kid and go out of her way to make his life easier. She'll continue to be his role model but for a new and better reason
She bought him some of his stuffed toys since he liked the texture, picked out clothes that he liked but had to make the tough choice of getting him 'normal' looking clothes so he won't get bullied, eat any of the food he hates, continued to play the piano since he likes the sound, is happy that she stopped softball because he hated going out to her games because of how loud it is and it felt cramped to him, and so many other things
When hanging out with the gang, Mari allowed herself to relax and not focus on Sunny
Middle child syndrome screams
Despite it being just being him and Hero for the longest time, he was still an afterthought for his parents when it comes to Hero and Sally
He didn't mind. He thought thats how parents are with multiple kids. Sunny's parents were kind of the same as his so he thought he was right but Basil's didn't make any sense
Like everyone else, he has never met Basil's parents and thought they just worked all day and play with Basil at night
But Basil said it wasn't, so it confused him more but he stopped questioning it after thinking about it for a while
As Kel gotten older, the more he realizes that he sort of has 'jumpies' like Sunny does but it was different. It helped him feel less tighten-up and felt better
He asked Hero during on of his visits, Hero explained that Kel may have ADHD or ADD.
"Oh" it clicked
Kel wanted to do something 'smart' on his own for once and decided to research on his own about himself and Sunny
He learned lots of things and became more open minded about a lot of things: gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, polyamory relationships, religion, and many other things
Biggest Asexual with Mari as well
Only became an overachiever because he loved the praise he got from everyone
Honestly, I dont got much for Hero, sorry man
Bisexual energy
Her father made sure she was a perfect little girl: wears dresses and skirts, like pink, wears a bow all the time, keep herself neat, come home right after school and ask first if she wants to keep playing, not playing with boys especially the rough playing boys
After loosing her shoe and meeting everyone, she decided to stay around them and be herself: rough housing, wear blue, wear spare shorts that either Mari, Sunny, or Kel may have, take off her bow as often as possible, be out of the house as possible to be with her friends, and may have a crush on an older girl you see almost everyday
When her dad left, everything came down: mom gave up, money became tight, Mari is gone, no one is around with her, and start doing things she never done before because of obligated morals
She started dating Kim, hung out with the hooligans, wore 'less' clothing, rude, crude, tomboy, carried weapons, and dyed her hair
Post-canon, she stopped some of her bad habits: wore clothes that are modest whenever she felt like it, a little more polite but still a little rude, stopped carrying weapons, and kept the pink hair in memory of Mari. Still dating Kim since she loves her more than anything in the world
Who the fuck names their kid Basil? His name was probably Jermey and just he liked the word Basil so much that he said a lot instead of his birth name. He got the name Basil since it was the first thing he planted
For years, no one in the gang knew Basil was a nickname, just accepted that his name was Basil and his parents just liked plants, not realizing his parents are not around a lot
Bet you anything, since Basil vents to Sunny a lot, he may have talked to him about sexuality and gender a lot with him, coming out to him as gay and might be non-binary in some way, still wasn't sure
Sunny was the one he told that Basil was a nickname but he wants to be his actual name
"But, your name has always been Basil, hasn't it?" Sunny asked
Basil had vowed to protect Sunny at all costs since that day and also be proud of himself no matter what and to always introduce himself as Basil, no matter how scared he was
Post-canon, after being in the hospital and some for of mental hospital for some time, after being officially released, Basil came out to everyone else
"Wait, so Basil was a name you picked this whole time?! That is so cool!" Kel cheered as he lifts Basil up in the air in joy
No one dared to ask what his deadname was and use whatever pronouns he asks them to use: He/They but still struggles to respond to they/them pronouns since he never told anyone else other than Sunny
Annnnnnnd thats all I got. Feel free to ask more from me
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