#kent x lyn
forblazess · 5 months
Fire Emblem Pairings Stamp Batch #2
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I edited some FE pairing stamps! Use them for your HTML needs :)
Just make sure the stamps have their URLs when you add them.
Other batches:
Batch # 1
Batch # 2
Batch # 3
Batch # 4
Batch # 5
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saijspellhart · 1 month
Lyndis x Hector and number 46
46. Kisses that are interrupted by an unsuspecting party walking in. (Hector x Lyn)
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“Ow, ow ow…” Hector held the saddle horn in a death grip as they crested the last rocky moor overlooking the low forests of the Caelin march. They could finally see castle Caelin in the distance. Without much prompting his horse started down the winding, rocky trail towards a dense forest below, where there was no doubt a stream with fresh water.
Eliwood and his steed followed Hector’s lead, starting down the path with a little more care than Hector’s mare exhibited. “You doing alright there, friend?”
“Peachy,” Hector grunted as the horse barreled none too gracefully over a particularly rough patch of path.
“Won’t be long until we reach castle Caelin. Lady Lyndis will no doubt have meal and a room waiting for us.”
Eliwood and Hector had come to visit for both a Caelin rain festival, as well as a newly implemented Sacaen Moon and Sky celebration. Lady Lyndis was fighting tooth and nail to incorporate a part of her culture in this new march she’d inherited; Hector and Eliwood came to show their support. They would be staying in Caelin for the next month.
Hector hoped they had a doctor that could amputate his saddle sore ass. “She’ll have a room for you.” He told Eliwood, “I bet six gold pieces that she puts me up in a chicken coop.”
Eliwood laughed, and patted the side of his steed. “And put out the chickens?”
Lyn was going through a mountain of paperwork when a big blue-maned berserker stormed into her study.
She tried to catch a wobbling stack of papers before it toppled over the edge of her desk and onto the floor. She failed.
Lyn ran a hand through her bangs, and looked up as the man stalked over to her massive cluttered desk. “Hello Hector, an elegant entrance as always.”
“What are you doing in here? Eliwood and I have been here for nearly two hours and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of y—gods this place is a wreck.” Hector shook one of his boots to dislodge a letter that had attached itself. He tried to carefully step around the flurry of papers on the floor.
“Not all of us have an Oswin to manage our affairs while we galavant across the countryside.”
“Oh,” Hector leaned a giant palm on Lyn’s desk. “Kent not working out? Tell Sain to pick up the slack.”
“If I did that the only papers leaving this office would be raunchy love letters.”
“A marked improvement over the letters Ostia has received from Caelin of late,” Hector snipped back. He revealed a beautifully carved and stained oak box and slammed it down on Lyn’s desk. He opened the box, plucked out a letter, and waved it at Lyn.
“Why Hector,” she raised her brows and smiled coyly, “I wasn’t aware you desired raunchy letters from me.”
Hector sputtered, and attempted (and failed) to hide the blush that stained his cheeks. She could see him trying to quash an embarrassed smile.
He proceeded to unfold the letter in his hand, a letter marked with the Caelin seal. In fact every letter in the chest was marked with a Caelin seal. “‘Dear Hector,’” he read “‘I find myself at a loss for words that you would propose becoming pen-pals. Delighted as I am, Sir Oswin is busy enough with Ostian affairs, surely he doesn’t have the time to transcribe these letters for you.’” Hector tossed the letter on her messy desk. “Implying I can’t write, Lyn?”
She opened her mouth to answer with a barbed remark, but Hector didn’t even finish the first letter before opening another letter from his box.
“‘The coffee stain footnoting your recent letter was a bold flourish to compliment the elegance of your brigand prose.’” He proceeded to dump the entire contents of his box over the top of her desk. There were a lot of letters. “Say it to my face, Lyn. Tell me again how my penmanship brightens your day like a parade of drunken caterpillars.”
She turned her face, an attempt to hide the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
While Hector prattled on about the contents of her letters, Lyn slowly and carefully placed a hand on her own stack of letters sitting on the corner of her desk. Every letter in the stack bore the Ostian seal, and the bundle was tied up neatly and lovingly with a ribbon of dyed and woven Sacaen grasses. She very slowly slid the stack to the edge of her desk, where she had toed open a drawer to receive them.
“‘It’s lonely in Caelin these days.’” Hector unfolded yet another letter in his quest to make up for lost time. As if she hadn’t written these all herself, and knew exactly what she’d put in them, “‘The castle is so dreadfully quiet since Grandfather passed. Sometimes I find myself reminiscing about our adventure, longing for the companionship we had then. Tragically I’d even prefer your snoring, that could shake the walls of a tent, over this mind-numbing solitude.’”
She didn’t normally keep the stack of Ostian letters on her desktop where anyone could find them. But she’d just recently received a letter from Hector, mailed off just before he and Eliwood had departed for Caelin. It had arrived just the other day, but she’d been so inundated with paperwork, she’d only just managed to sit down to read his letter and really appreciate the message today. And like every other letter she received from Hector…it joined a slowly growing collection.
But Hector didn’t need to know that.
Actually, there was a giddy flip in her stomach to find out that Hector kept all her letters in such an ornate box. Or maybe the box was just for the ease of transport while they traveled.
“‘I miss those late nights~,’” Hector quoted in a ridiculously wistful impression. Lyn made a choking noise, ears catching fire, and fumbled her stack of letters, flinging them over the front of her desk instead of into the drawer. Hector continued reading as he blindly bent to scoop the stack of letters from the ground, “‘sparring with you under the stars. Exhausted but determined, pushing ourselves to our respective limits. There was a language between us in those moments that I fear I lose a piece of day by day.’” It was from one of her more recent letters to him. A letter she wrote on a night when she’d been more sentimental and melancholy than usual.
Her face heated when she thought of the letter Hector had sent her in response. She buried her face in her hands and willed the fire in her skin to die out. It still made her heart stutter thinking about it. Regardless of his boorish prose, he certainly had knack for…
“What’s the matter Lyn, can’t stomach your own words?” Hector loomed over the desk, sneer pulling his mouth. “What’s this anyway?” He held up the bundle of letters he’d rescued from the floor.
“They’re nothing!” Lyn bolted up from her seat and made a grab for them.
Hector dodged her. “Ostian seal…” a spark ignited behind Hector’s eyes. She swore his gaze was burning as it shifted between her and the bundle of letters. The biggest grin spread across his face. “No way…is this a Sacaen ribbon? This has to be imported, unless… you made this yourself? But then you definitely imported Sacaen grasses to make it…”
“Give them to me!” She practically leapt over the desk at him.
Hector danced away, escaped papers crunching under his boots. “You keep all my letters!”
“So what,” Lyn snipped, “you kept all mine! In a fancy box no less. I thought for sure you’d burn them.”
“But you’re my best friend.”
Lyn about tripped, and actually did slip on a few papers. Her heart hammered erratically within her chest, knocking the air from her lungs. When she found her voice she said, albeit roughly, “I thought Eliwood was your best friend.”
“He is. I can have two best friends. Don’t put me in a box.”
Clearly the definition of “best” eluded Hector. Despite herself, Lyn began to shake as she broke into a fit of silent giggles. She shut her eyes as tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks. Leave it to Hector to say something so recklessly sincere.
“Wh-what’s wrong.” Hector crossed the room in a couple of strides, he placed a large hand on Lyn’s shaking shoulder. “Gods, I didn’t say something stupid again did I?”
Of course not you oaf. Somehow you say the exact thing I needed to hear. She couldn’t put into words how worn thin she’d felt, running Caelin all by herself after her grandfather passed. How she’d had to hold everyone, even Kent and Sain, at arms length while she erected an icy barrier around herself bit by bit; her only defense from the other nobility and their ever present scrutiny. Everyone around her was pretension. Their words a dagger dipped in honey and poison. She realized quickly she couldn’t trust anyone no matter how flowery and sweet their words.
Hector’s letters were never that.
They were brutish and playfully antagonistic, much like the man himself. But they were also honest and heartfelt. And the longer they traded letters the funnier and sweeter his words had become. She’d be lying if his letters weren’t the highlight of her every week.
She wanted to tell him he was the only person she felt like she could be “just Lyn” with.
Instead, her near hysterical giggling just devolved into straight up sobbing when Hector pulled her into the most awkward hug. He held her like his strength might break her.
Lyn buried her face in his shoulder, blotting tears against his shirt. “H-hug me f-f-for…real, mo-oron.”
The air was forced from her lungs as Hector wrapped her in a crushing embrace. He smelled of horses and sweat and fresh clean linen. A mix of scents that were as grounding as they were familiar.
She needed this. Gods, she needed this. Lyn buried her her fingers in the front of hector’s shirt. In his embrace she finally felt safe enough to let out all the tears she’d kept bottled up inside. Vulnerability she could never let anyone else in Caelin see.
Hector’s body was so warm, radiating heat like a furnace.
Lyn didn’t want to let him go.
He held her until her sobs abated. Until all she felt was the heavy weariness coming down from the emotional high.
“I’m here,” Hector whispered into her hair. “I’m right here.”
“Everyone is so…fake,” Lyn whispered hoarsely back.
As if Hector finally understood, the tension in his body relaxed. He pressed his cheek to the top of Lyn’s head and replied, “I know.”
“You’re not.” She turned her face until her nose brushed his throat.
Hector swallowed thickly and she could feel it. “I’m not,” he agreed. “I promise you, I’m not.”
“Your last letter…” Lyn trailed off, she struggled to say out loud what he’d written.
“I meant it all. Every letter, it was me, Lyn.”
They both fell into pensive silence then, their breathing punctuating the moments. Lyn was pressed so close she could feel Hector’s heartbeat in her own chest. It was a steady thump-thump that comforted her.
Hector loosened his hold just enough to run a hand down her back, smoothing the fabric of her Sacaen clothing. So touch starved, Lyn had to resist the urge to arch into that touch like a cat.
Normally, while in Caelin she wore Lycian fashion. Mostly to appease the Lycian nobles. But lately, homesickness had set in, and she’d begun blending Sacaen and Lycian fashion. Today though, she wore a familiar ensemble. Clothing she’d kept from her late tribe, the Lorca. She’d wanted to dress in something familiar to greet the boys; something from the time she’d spent traveling with Hector and Eliwood.
“The Lycian nobles,” she started to say.
Hector gave a hum of acknowledgment, his hand caressing her back paused briefly to comb through her long ponytail. She shivered, and he must have felt it.
“I’m so tired of the feigned niceties, their insincere flattery; flowery but otherwise shallow talk.” She tilted her face to trace her nose along the corner of Hector’s jaw, causing his breath to hitch. It was a modicum more forward than appropriate, but given the contents of the last couple letters he’d sent…well. When her nose reached his ear she spoke lowly, “I’d trade a million pretty words for one touch that is real.”
Hector made a very tortured noise in the back of his throat.
All at once he twisted his face down and to the side to press a kiss to Lyn’s cheek.
Had her mouth not been at his ear, he might have kissed her lips.
Regardless, the chaste kiss sent a pleased shock from the base of her skull down to her toes.
“Lyn…” he breathed, voice low and throaty at her ear. “Can I touch you?”
Lyn could only nod, pulling back just enough for Hector to capture her mouth in a proper kiss.
It was all the confirmation he needed.
Months of pent-up restrained emotions—having been stoked to a fever pitch by their respective letters—boiled over and set ablaze.
Hector’s fingers dug into her back as he kissed her with all the desperation of a man drowning. She met his enthusiasm in kind, throwing her arms around his neck and burying one hand in his stupidly coiffed hair.
He let out a covetous groan, both his hands running down her body, over her hips, until they reached her exposed thighs. His touch ignited fire against her skin. With strength akin to a bear he gripped her thighs and hoisted her up off the ground effortlessly.
Lyn unconsciously hooked her legs over his hips. She pressed her body to his, chest flush against him, delighting in the touch of someone real.
Nights spent fantasizing paled in comparison to this moment.
Hector tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His lips were rough, almost chapped, no doubt from elements during the long trip from Ostia. But Lyn didn’t mind because this too felt so real. It was him, and he was actually here in Caelin, and he wanted her the way he’d alluded in all his letters. The same way she wanted him.
She tugged at his hair as she kissed him back, matching his energy. When he gasped into her mouth she savored the noise.
Lyn took the opportunity to slip her tongue past Hector’s lips, drawing a throaty moan from him. His grip on her thighs tightened.
Hector took a step back towards her desk, his boots crunching papers.
She should have been concerned about those papers—and she had no idea where Hector had placed her bundle of letters—but found herself too blissed out to give a damn.
She knew the moment his backside reached her desk, because her shins struck it too. The scandal of making out on her desk sent a crack of heat straight to Lyn’s stomach.
With the added support of the desk, Hector shifted her weight to his hips and one arm, so his other hand was free to tug at the saffron colored sash around her waist.
With the shift, their kisses lessened to a series of smaller sweet sensual ones. The glide and pop of lips pulling over lips.
Hector was struggling to find the ends of the sash, and Lyn dropped her hand from his hair, fingers over his, to guide him where to start.
He made an appreciative noise against her mouth, and they both felt the fabric begin to fall away when the door to the office creaked open.
“Excuse me, Lady Lyndis?” A familiar shock of red hair poked into the study. “I don’t mean to intrude while you’re busy, but have you seen Hector, I can’t find-“ Eliwood froze in the threshold, hand still on the door handle, and words stuck in his throat.
“Shit!” Lyn cursed, breaking away from Hector so fast that pain lanced through her neck. She pushed against his chest.
The brute of a man didn’t release her.
Instead he had the audacity to give his best friend an exasperated look.
“I-I am—excuse me. Gods, I’m sorry.” Eliwood clapped a hand over his eyes, “I should have knocked!” He fumbled blindly for the handle of the door with his other hand. The speed in which he slammed the door caused a rush of air that displaced a bunch of the papers littered over the floor. “You have my blessing. Carry on!” They both heard his muffled call from the other side.
Lyn’s whole face, ears neck and shoulders all burned with shame.
Honestly the state of the room looked about as compromising as their position.
“Someone put me to death,” she whined, pushing once more against Hector’s immovable chest.
Hector frowned, turning his cobalt gaze to Lyn. “Why? It was only Eliwood.”
Lyn fixed him with a glare that could have cleaved steel, “because the Marchioness of Caelin was just caught in a compromising position with the Marquess of Ostia! This is a scandal. Never mind that I’ll be seen a Sacaen “dog” whose seduced the most powerful Marquis in Lycia. The other Lycian nobility have been waiting for me screw up, be given reason to depose me from Caelin. Hector, we’re neither engaged, nor courting!”
“Then let me court you,” Hector stated bluntly.
Lyn went slack jawed, stunned silent.
Thank you so so much for the ask! You’re the best CapnQuaggles! You’ve always been so supportive and kind. Following me through every fandom I’ve been in over the last decade. You’re so dear to me. Thanks for indulging my rekindled interest in these old Fire Emblem games. I hope you like both the art and the fic.
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frickingnerd · 11 months
secretly dating lyn
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pairing: lyn x gn!reader
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, secret relationship (but you're not fooling anyone), mentions of sain + kent + florina
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lyn doesn't want people to think she's treating anyone different because of their status or her relationship to her
due to to that, she keeps the fact that she's dating you a secret from the rest of the army, with the two of you pretending to simply be friends
however, lyn does talk a lot about you with sain, kent or even florina! 
she does spend a lot of time with you after all and her stories usually revolve around the two of you
everyone can see how her face lights up when she speaks about you, but nobody wants to point it out to her
lyn is convinced that the two of you are doing such a good job at hiding your relationship from everyone, since nobody even suspected you two to date anyone, let alone each other
but the real reason why nobody brought it up yet is because it's painfully clear that you two are dating and nobody wants to point out the obvious…
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smash-or-pass-otome · 8 months
Tags and Links A-M (In Progress)
Some might still be missing cause I just went down the Smash or Pass tag on here and there's some i forgot to tag
Also I put links for the Lovebrush guys cause I didn't want to list each version
If any links don't work please let me know. I tested some but not all
The * is just me marking where I stopped when making the list
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Elliot March
Amnesia Memories
Arcana Twilight
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Toichiro Yuri
Yakumo Koizumi
Backstage Pass
Adam Eaton
John Brandon
Matthew Partridge
Baldur's Gate 2
Anomen Delyrn
Minamoto Yoritomo
Blind Griffin
Blooming Panic
Boyfriend Dungeon
Crow "Scarecrow" Miller
Helvetica Orsted
Limbo Fitzgerald
Mozu Shepherd
Shu Lyn O'Keefe
Cafe Enchante
Canus Espada
Ignis Carbunculus
Il Fado de Rie
Kaoru Rindo
Misyr Rex
Charade Maniacs
Akase Kyoya
Futami Ryouichi
Iochi Mizuki
Mamoru Chigasaki
Cinderella Phenomenon
City of Love Paris
Louise Paquier
Cloud Meadow
Code Realize
Impey Barbicane
Saint Germain
Collar X Malice
Takeru Sasazuka
Court of Darkness
Fenn Luxure
Cupid Parasite
Alan Melville
Gill Lovecraft
Raul Aconite
Ryuki F Keisaiin
Shelby Snail
Cute Demon Crashers
Dangerous Fellows
A Date With Death
Grim Reaper
Sir Brash
Devil butler with Black Cat
Berrien Cliane
Devil Kiss
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age Inquisition
Cullen Rutherford
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Even If Tempest
Tyril I Lister
The Fate of Wonderland
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Claude Von Riegan
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Edelgard Von Hresvelg
Felix Fraldarius
Mercedes von Martritz
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Hatoful Boyfriend
Kazuaki Nanaki
Shuu Iwamine
Hustle Cat
Grave Serling
I was a Teenage Exocolonist
Ikemen Sengoku
Masamune Date
Sasuke Sarutobi
Ikemen Vampire
Arthur Conan Doyle
Kamigami no Asobi
Anubis Ma'at
Loki Laevatein
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Mamoru Kishi
Shuichi Hishikura
Knights of the Old Republic
Carth Onasi
Love Spell Written in the Stars
Enix Gray
Florian Atlas
Jamie Niro
Marcello DiNucci
Lovebrush Chronicles
Ayn Alwyn
Cael Anselm
Clarence Clayden
Lars Rorschach
Blake Bailey
Lover Pretend
Asagi Eiichiro
Kamikubo Kazuma
Makino Harumi
Sena Yukito
Riku Nishijima
Lullaby of Demonia
Max Gentleman Sexy Business
Samuel Finch
Vicki Lestrange
Vlad Nibblesome
Wu Xiang
Metro PD: Close To You
Katsuyuki Kyobashi
Monster Prom
Damien Lavey
Moonlight Lovers
Mr Love Queen's Choice
My Candy Love University Life
Mystic Messenger
Jumin Han
Saeyoung Choi
Yoosung Kim
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pathetic-gamer · 10 months
get to know you tag game!!
I was tagged by the incomparable @beyondthetower :)
Three ships [trying to make these all be from different games]
Netteflix, obviously [Felix/Annette from fe3h]. they mean so much to me and I'm projecting an unhealthy amount onto the whole thing but that's fine I'm fINE
Lyn/Kent [fe blazing blade]. I'm a sucker for the knight x liege lord trope, OK? also he's so sweet and she's such a badass and I love the idea of this uptight and deeply dedicated knight falling in love with his liege lady and, rather than supporting her leadership as a lawful good knight or whatever, going "fuck it, I foreswear all chivalric oaths to king and country, let's run away together." delicious. the angst potential.
these two, and I will not explain:
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(honorable mentions to zhongli/guizhong and petra/dorothea)
Last film:
Killers of the Flower Moon
Currently Watching:
Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City
Currently Reading:
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. (By currently reading I mean that I am taking a break from reading to write this post and I will have finished it by the end of the day. Next, I'll either finish The Overstory or reread Hamlet lol)
Currently Consuming:
Genshin 🤘 Also just started another playthrough of Pentiment, and am nearing the end of my current (and probably final) fe3h run
Currently Craving:
peppermint mocha from Starbucks, but the union boycott is still ongoing and I'm gods bravest soldier so I will continue to hold the line and instead drink really good fancy third wave coffee lmao
I tag ummmmmm @ar-lasa-mala-revas and @jetset-rain and of course anyone else who wants to play!!
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raxistaicho · 2 years
yeah I have seen a good amount of people theorizing that each of chroms potential wives (minus random village girl) reference spouse options for the lords of past fire emblem games like sumia being the default love interest ( being a reference to marth and caeda ( with cordelia being catria ( who had an unrequited love for Marth , as Catria says his name in her death quote.) olivia to eliwoodxninian , maribelle to leif x nanna sully to lynx kent
Huh, that's an interesting notion.
Can't say I see Sully being representative of Lyn though. She's a lot more of a ladette than Lyn is.
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artistofarchanea · 2 years
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lyn u have to at least PRETEND that you like your knights the same amount
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ran-orimoto · 6 years
When these two dorks talk about love: Kent and Sain, Support B
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Kent, damn, stop being so stiff, Holy Graal!
[Continue in the reblog]
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Sain catches Lyn and Kent kissing, Lyn’s sleeve is halfway down her shoulder, Kent’s hair is mussed, they’re dying of embarassment, and Sain just fucking claps Kent on the back like a father to his proud son
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davidkeane17 · 2 years
Cartoon Villains Slideshow Part 2 Mumm-Ra Queen La Twin Masters Mozenrath Sartana The Sorcerer Red Skull Doctor Doom Mandark Fat Tony Jasper Chrysalis Vilgax Yellow Diamond Anti Pops Lord Dominator Ludo Lord Hater Yuki Yoshida Aunt Grandma Professor Pericles Nom Nom The Chameleon Sinistro Poison Ivy Discord Memtwo Nightmare Moon Lord Tirek Enchantress Cat R. Waul Hexxus Kent Mansley Professor Chaos Frank Grimes Galactic Federation Red X Killer Moth Kitten Cobra Evil-Lyn Hordak Mer-Man Hive Five General Mandible Tzekel-Kan Mrs. Tweddy Chetsis Giovanni Arceus Hydra Scarlet Overkill El Macho Lust Fuhrer King Bradley Fabrication Machine Roberto Soto Captain Gutt Rudy Sour Kangaroo Feathers Mcgraw Terrance
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archivedflammes · 4 years
‘Ship Bias’ - Lyn
-||[Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!]||-
(In no particular order)
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Lyn x Hector
Lyn x Florina
Lyn x Kent
Lyn x Rath
Lyn x Celica (I blame @emblemsforgedinflames xD)
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alkanet · 5 years
We know you like Tashigi and ZoTash, but what about other favorite characters/ships? (not limited to One Piece)
I made a post about my favorite ships of all times here!
I’m not a big shipper though, I’m indifferent to most pairings, these are the ones that really hit me hard through my life. There are many fandoms where I don’t really ship anyone.About other One Piece ships, besides Zoro x Tashigi, I like Usopp x Kaya, Smoker x Hina and Vivi x Kohza.
My other favorite character (at the same level as Tashigi in my heart) is Avan from Dragon Quest Dai no Daibouken.
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And then maybe Akira Touya (Hikaru no Go), Kent, Hector and Lyn (Fire Emblem 7), Lute (Fire Emblem 8), Maggey Byrde (Ace Attorney), King (King of Fighters), Smoker (One Piece), Lina Inverse (Slayers), Daryun (Arslan Senki), all Seigaku boys from Prince of Tennis, all Blue Lions from Fire Emblem 16...
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siraranispleased · 6 years
Fire Emblem Elibe - Skills
Or: “How I Would’ve Handed Out Jugdral/Tellius/Modern Style Skills.”
There were enough Skills to go around that I could assign two characters to a skill for both the FE6 and FE7 parts of the game, including new characters. The only exceptions were Merlinus, Nils, Ninian, Lalum, and Elphin; as strict utility characters, they didn’t get Skills. Otherwise, it would’ve been Miracle or Bargain for all of them.
I’ll also do a refresher on what each of the skills were and who I would’ve assigned them to. Some of the assignments are very much themed, and some are explicitly for shoring up statistical weaknesses of the character in question.
Adept - Skill% to perform an immediate followup attack. FE6: Hugh, Niime. FE7: Wil, Dorcas.
Awareness - Negates the enemy’s combat related skills. FE6: Klein, Sue. FE7: Rath, Pent.
Blossom - +10% to all Growth Rates. FE6: Chad, Dorothy. FE7: Available through Afa’s Drops.
Cancel - Skill% to negate the enemy’s next attack. FE6: Melady, Allen. FE7: Bauker, Harken.
Charisma - Allies within 3 spaces gain +15% to Hit and +10% Evade. FE6: Roy, Echidna. FE7: Eliwood, Priscilla.
Counter- Skill% to instantly deal half the damage you just took to the enemy. FE6: Dieck, Wade. FE7: Isadora, Hawkeye.
Daunt - Enemies within 3 spaces lose -10% to Hit and -10% to Evade. FE6: Gonzales, Rutger. FE7: Raven, Vaida.
Discipline - Gain Weapon Ranks at twice the rate. FE6: Lance, Lugh. FE7: Kent, Erk.
Fortune - Enemies can’t land critical hits on this unit. FE6: Saul, Fae. FE7: Nino, Jan.
Gamble - Activated ability. -20% to Hit, +15% to Crit. FE6: Wolt, Geese. FE7: Rebecca, Geitz.
Guard - Activated ability, take damage for one adjacent ally. FE6: Zealot, Barth. FE7: Available through Bonus Scrolls.
Imbue - At the start of the player phase, restore Health equal to 25% Might. FE6: Fir, Dayan. FE7: Guy, Karla.
Initiative - +20% to Hit and +10% Evade on attacks personally initiated. FE6: Shin, Lilina. FE7: Hector, Canas.
Miracle - Luck% to survive fatal damage with 1 HP. FE6: Cecilia, Ellen. FE7: Serra, Ursula.
Nullify - This unit doesn’t take Effective Damage. FE6: Bors, Gale. FE7: Wallace, Lowen.
Paragon - Doubled experience gain. FE6: Clarine. Noah. FE7: Eleanora, Louise.
Pass - Move through enemy units. FE6: Cath, Shanna. FE7: Matthew, Legault.
Provoke - Enemies more likely to attack this unit. FE6: Bartre, Percival. FE7: Sain, Bartre (again).
Reflex - +20% to Hit and +10% Evade on attacks during the enemy phase. FE6: Guinevere, Raigh. FE7: Lyn, Florina.
Renewal - At the start of the player phase, restore 30% Max Health. FE6: Yodel, Treck. FE7: Renault, Athos.
Resolve - When at 30% HP or less, +50% Skill and Speed. FE6: Wendy, Douglas. FE7: Oswin, Heath.
Saviour - Negates the stat penalty while Rescuing. FE6: Marcus, Juno. FE7: Marcus (again), Fiora.
Stillness - Enemies won’t target this unit unless they’re the only valid target. FE6: Sophia, Igrene. FE7: Lucius, Jaffar.
Vantage - Take the first attack during the enemy phase while at 50% Health or less. FE6: Ashtol, Karel. FE7: Karel (again), Leila.
Weapon Saver - (Luck x 2)% to not use up Weapon Quality on hit. FE6: Oujay, Thea. FE7: Available through Bonus Scrolls.
Wrath - +25% to Critical Hits when at 50% Health or less. FE6: Garret, Zeiss. FE7: Dart, Farina.
Would I have done Personal Skills? Maybe...maybe not. Did you see how large the FE6 cast list is? I’d have to borrow so much from Fates!
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frickingnerd · 11 months
parting ways with rath
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pairing: rath x gn!reader
summary: after reaching caelin, lyn's group heads their seperate ways and you say goodbye to rath
tags: set right after lyn mode, romantic/platonic relationship
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after lyndis had finally reached caelin there was no reason for the little group she had assembled on her way to keep existing. some of them, like kent or sain, remained with lyndis and her grandfather, while others like rath or dorcas returned to their normal lives.  
you had decided to stay by lyn's side as well, but that meant you'd have to part ways with some of your former travel companions. like rath… 
you had grown quite fond of the young man during your travels. he had a tendency to keep his distance from others and rarely talk to anyone, but you had managed to get a few words out of him over time. though you knew the next words you'd say to him would likely be the last you two would ever exchange…
"i know we didn't know each other for long, but i'm glad i got to meet you, rath" you smiled at the sacean. "i'd hate to think this is the last time we speak… but perhaps we can one day meet again, on the plains!" 
rath remained quiet as you spoke, his eyes glued to you. you weren't sure he even wanted to reply to your farewell words, until he slowly started to speak. 
"perhaps the footprints we leave behind will one day be side by side again"
it was such an odd goodbye, but you couldn't help but smile. you hadn't expected rath to reciprocate your feelings, but you were happy that he did, even if he remained so vague. at least that meant you had hope to cling to…
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Video Games and I
I was tagged by @plushchimera! Thank you for the tag!
Tagging: @chenria, @tessa1972, @knifeofdaudwall, @bewitched-elf, @fireballjack, @mllecomtessedelafere, @highjustices, @jessicamarianadraws, @eddicus-lord-of-berries, @a1thusa, and @gaiden1974. If anyone I miss wants to do this, feel free to join in! :)
favorite game from the last 5 years? Divinity: Original Sin, Fire Emblem: Fates, Fire Emblem: Awakening, The Confines of the Crown, Loren The Amazon Princess, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds, Pokemon Sun and Moon, and Persona 3 Portable.
most nostalgic game? Pokemon Red and KOTOR.
game that deserves a sequel? Loren The Amazon Princess
game that deserves a remaster? KOTOR and KOTOR 2
favorite game series? Mass Effect and Fire Emblem
favorite genre? RPG
least favorite genre? Battle Royale (if that’s a genre). 
favorite song from a game? “The Dawn Will Come” from Dragon Age: Inquisition
favorite character from a game? Varric Thethras
favorite ship from a game? This is so tough but I love Kent x Lyn and Arthur x Azura from the Fire Emblem series. Reading their support conversations makes me go “Be still, my heart.” I’m also a sucker for Revan x Carth and Hawke x Fenris.
favorite voice actor from a game? Raphael Sbarge
favorite cutscene? Dorian showing up naked in the Inquisitor’s room. ;)
favorite boss? The Eternal Aetera from DOS2
first console? GameBoy Color
current console or consoles? Xbox and Nintendo 3DS XL
console you want? Nintendo Switch and PS4
place from a game that you’d like to visit? The Citadel from the ME series
place from a game that you’d like to live in? Alola Islands from Pokemon Sun and Moon 
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun? Dragon Age and the Witcher or Hogwarts Mystery and Pokemon 
book that would make a good game? A Court of Thorn and Roses series
show/movie that would make a good game? Once Upon a Time or Fullmetal Alchemist 
games you want to play? Pathfinder: Kingmaker, The Witcher 2, and The Witcher 3.
have you gotten 100% completion in a game? Yes
have you cried over a game? I think so
what power-up or ability would you want in real life? Shapeshifting or time travel
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damoselcastel · 6 years
What’s you too 3 favorite FE: If paring? Not counting Marx x Hinoka.
You guys keep forbidding the one(s) I’d have most to talk about. I’m a bit strange as far as FE pairings go, as there’s ones I like the potential of, some I enjoy the canon for... but a lot of times I’m willing to shift ships around to suit whatever plot I have in mind. Because of the multishipping I don’t have too deep of feelings for most, if that makes sense? Cause of that I’m actually not sure about “fav”s, simply cause I can think of them per world but in the overall series? Eh...
Jugdral - 1) Shanan/Patty 2) Claude/Fury 3) Lachesis/AzelNohr+Hoshido - 1) Marx/Hinoka Sakura/Saizou or Tsubaki 2)Leo/Zero 3) Kagerou/OrochiTellius - 1) Elincia/Tibarn 2) Sanaki/Tormod  3) Leanne/KurthnagaValentia - 1) Lukas/Python/Forsyth 2) Boey/MaeElibe - 1) Lyn/Kent or RathYlisse - 1) Gregor/Cordelia
for the meme
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