#kerry su
valkaryah · 1 year
nothing could have prepared me for that marcia/kerry moment. when marcia reached out and held kerry's hand when she wept... god, it broke me. solidarity and understanding now that the man is finally in the casket. they all loved him at some point. they all were hurt by him. they once were at each other's throats but there's nothing to fight over anymore. he's dead and gone, it's over, they can rest. only they know what it is like being logan's woman.
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wickedhawtwexler · 9 months
that succession post that's like "people lose their absolute minds about a scene and then it's just a bunch of people in a boardroom" except it's me about halt and catch fire 3.07 the threshold
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timaeusterrored · 6 months
He fell first: Vincent
They fell harder: Johnny and Kerry
Excuse me while I cry
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ciphersonlywife · 2 years
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camyfilms · 1 year
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But the truth is, no one in the whole universe could ever steal your past, your dreams, or your magic powers. The witches do not own them. They are yours to keep, forever. Bloom, to recover your powers, look deep inside yourself.
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nascentwaves · 1 year
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"Haha, I'm in danger--"
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sokumotanaka · 2 months
"Sustenance and Diet
Vacuans are known to call sand their "local spice", as it is very hard to get it out of their food."
My god Miles and Kerry interact with the internet- people who live in deserts have ways to easily keep sand out their food, this really shows they never interacted with anyone outside of their white suburbain bubbles. Am I surprised? Hell no but I am embarrassed they wrote this and didn't think it would sound really stupid and sus.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 months
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Folding screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries
Edited by Nicholas Cullinan. Graphic Design: Naomi Mizusaki, Supermarket, New York.
Texts by Thomas Aquilina, Nancy Berliner, Francesca Berry, Nicholas Cullinan, Whitney Davis, Frank Feltens, Wu Hung, Ido Misato, Paul B. Preciado, Ana Zabía e Siegfried Zielinski Interviste di Nicholas Cullinan, Niccolò Gravina, Mario Mainetti a Tony Cokes, Cao Fei, Wade Guyton, Anthea Hamilton, William Kentridge, Shuang Li, Goshka Macuga, Kerry James Marshall, Chris Ofili, Laura Owens, Betye Saar, Tiffany Sia, John Stezaker, Keiichi Tanaami, Wu Tsang, Luc Tuymans and Francesco Vezzoli
Fondazione Prada, Milano 2023, 448 pagine, 17x22,5cm, ISBN 978-8887029864, English Text with italian translations. euro 75,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
“Paraventi: Folding Screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries” è l’ampia esposizione a cura di Nicholas Cullinan presentata da Fondazione Prada a Milano dal 26 ottobre 2023 al 22 febbraio 2024. La mostra di Milano indaga la storia e interpreta i significati di questi oggetti, ripercorrendo le traiettorie di reciproche contaminazioni tra Oriente e Occidente, i processi di ibridazione fra diverse forme d’arte e funzioni, le collaborazioni tra designer e artisti e, infine, la creazione di opere inedite. I paraventi rappresentano il concetto di liminalità e di soglia fra due condizioni, in senso letterale e metaforico, in quanto attraversano le barriere tra discipline, culture e mondi diversi. 
Come spiega Nicholas Cullinan, “Pittura o scultura? Arte o complemento d’arredo? Elemento utilitaristico oppure ornamentale? Decorativo, funzionale, architettonico o teatrale? Questa mostra esamina con un approccio innovativo gli interrogativi e i paradossi che circondano la storia dei paraventi, una storia di migrazione culturale (da Oriente a Occidente), di ibridazione (tra forme d’arte e funzioni diverse) e di ciò che viene celato e rivelato. La nostra ricerca svelerà come questa storia e il suo manifestarsi nel presente coincidano con la storia di oggetti liminali e della liminalità stessa, in un processo di superamento delle rigide distinzioni e gerarchie tra le diverse discipline dell’arte e dell’architettura, della decorazione d’interni e del design”. 
Il progetto espositivo ideato dallo studio di architettura SANAA, fondato da Kazuyo Sejima e Ryue Nishizawa, raccoglierà negli spazi del Podium oltre settanta paraventi. Saranno inclusi sia opere di grande valore storico sia lavori più recenti provenienti da musei internazionali e collezioni private, oltre a una selezione di nuove creazioni appositamente commissionate per questo progetto a più di quindici artisti internazionali. Al piano terra del Podium, pareti curvilinee e trasparenti di Plexiglas, alternate a tende dalla linea sinuosa, evocheranno le forme di questi oggetti creando una serie di spazi caratterizzati da diverse condizioni luminose. All’interno di questi ambienti i visitatori potranno incontrare i vari gruppi tematici e confrontarsi con un fluido percorso espositivo grazie alla trasparenza delle strutture divisorie. Al piano superiore l’allestimento rappresenterà l’intera storia dei paraventi, presentati in ordine cronologico e disposti su piedistalli sagomati che ne enfatizzeranno le forme, in omaggio agli innovativi allestimenti museali del MASP di San Paolo, realizzato da Lina Bo Bardi, e al lavoro di SANAA per il museo Louvre-Lens.
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gregor-samsung · 4 months
" Il 7 febbraio [2014], mentre Barack Obama pontificava sul diritto degli ucraini all’autodeterminazione, è stata pubblicata su YouTube (forse dai Servizi russi) una telefonata intercettata fra [Victoria] Nuland* e Geoffrey Pyatt, ambasciatore americano a Kiev: i due già sanno che Yanukovich cadrà e decidono – non si sa bene a che titolo – chi fra i suoi oppositori dovrà essere premier e ministro del futuro governo. La Nuland confida a Pyatt di aver esposto il suo piano di “pacificazione” dell’Ucraina al sottosegretario per gli Affari politici dell’Onu, Jeffrey Feltman, che è intenzionato a nominare un inviato speciale sul posto d’intesa col vicepresidente americano Joe Biden, ma all’insaputa degli alleati della Nato e dell’Ue. «Sarebbe grande!», esulta la Nuland. Che non gradisce come futuro premier ucraino il capo dell’opposizione, l’ex pugile Vitali Klitschko («Non penso sia una buona idea»): meglio l’uomo delle banche Arseniy Yatsenyuk, che infatti andrà al governo di lì a un mese, mentre Klitschko diventerà sindaco di Kiev come premio di consolazione. Pyatt vorrebbe consultare l’Ue, ma la Nuland gli urla: «Fuck the Eu!» (L’Ue si fotta!). Anche il controverso finanziere ungherese George Soros si vanterà di aver partecipato al casting per il nuovo governo ucraino. La cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel e il presidente del Consiglio Ue Herman Van Rompuy protestano per le «parole assolutamente inaccettabili» della Nuland. Ma non perché gli Usa decidono il governo e il futuro dell’Ucraina come se fosse una loro colonia. Mosca grida al golpe. Ma anche un alto esponente del battaglione Azov (nome di battaglia “Voland”), nel libro Valhalla Exspress tradotto in Italia nel 2022, ammetterà che «la Ue non ci interessava» e che Euromaidan «non fu una rivoluzione, ma un colpo di Stato». "
* Assistente del segretario di Stato John Kerry per gli Affari europei e asiatici.
Marco Travaglio, Scemi di Guerra. La tragedia dell’Ucraina, la farsa dell’Italia. Un Paese pacifista preso in ostaggio dai NoPax, PaperFIRST (Il Fatto Quotidiano), febbraio 2023¹ [Libro elettronico].
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #306 - The Impressions, Keep On Pushing, 1964
Per alcuni commentatori, i dischi della copertina di Bringing It All Back Home (che sono il filo che sta legando i dischi di questo Dicembre) erano lì per caso. Non si può del tutto escludere, anche perchè la leggenda Dylan ha finito per ingigantire e dare fascino e suggestioni a miriadi di particolari. Ma sulla musica, e lo dimostrerà nella sua infinita carriera, la sua attenzione per la musica degli altri è caratteristica decisiva. Quindi io penso che il disco de The Impressions era lì per un motivo: gli piaceva quella musica. Il disco in questione è Keep On Pushing, del 1964, terzo disco della band e loro più grande successo di vendite. Ma andiamo con ordine.
Il primo nucleo nasce a Chicago, e si chiama The Roosters, formato dai fratelli Richard e Arthur Brooks, Sam Gooden e Fred Cash a metà anni '50. Nel 1957, Cash viene sostituito da Jerry Butler, che proviene dalla realtà gospel della città, e ha cantato in gruppi doo-wop (rhythm and blues che ha avuto origine nelle comunità afroamericane durante gli anni '40, che insegna l'armonia vocale e l'uso della voce preponderante sugli strumenti). Poco dopo entra in formazione Curtis Mayfield, che diventerà figura centrale e carismatica della musica nera negli anni a venire. Nel 1958 il primo successo, For Your Preciuos Love, che già sa di quel suono gospel soul che li renderà inimitabili. Il brano però provocò una certa irritazione nel gruppo perché la ABC Records lo pubblicò a nome Jerry Butler & The Impressions, creando malumori, che scomparvero con la decisione di Butler di uscire dal gruppo per provare la carriera solista, verrà sostituito dal rientrante Cash. La leadership del gruppo viene presa da Mayfield, voce tenorile di notevole raffinatezza, maestro del falsetto e soprattutto penna grandiosa nello scrivere belle canzoni. L'inizio non è semplice e la band dopo una serie di insuccessi è sil punto di sciogliersi, ma nel 1961 si trasferiscono a New York e pubblicano il primo di una serie di singoli che vanno tutti in classifica e li fanno diventare iconici: Gypsy Woman, poi tornati a Chicago, It's All Right, Talking About My Baby (che inaugura il loro filone intimista), Woman's Got Soul.
Keep On Pushing inaugura un nuovo genere: il Chicago soul gospel, per il suono così particolare, gli intrecci vocali perfetti accompagnati da canzoni che non si fermano alle dinamiche affettive e di coppia, ma iniziano ad esplorare altri campi, come l'impegno civile. Trascinato dal singolo omonimo, che verrà usato nelle presidenziali americani del 2004 dallo sconfitto Senatore John Kerry, il disco è uno dei massimi esempi, insieme a quelli degli artisti della Chess Records (altra grande etichetta di Chicago) di un suono nuovo, sebbene ancora alla tradizione, e soprattutto è uno dei massimi esempi della bellezza vocali di questi cantanti, capaci con pochissimi accompagnamenti strumentali di creare melodie giocose e irresistibili. Tra le gemme, Amen, un riarrangiamento del brano di Jester Hairston per il film I Gigli Del Campo con Sydney Poitier del 1963). Il disco raggiunge la posizione numero 8 della classifica Billborad 200 e Keep On Pushing addirittura la numero 1 della classifica Hot R&B.
L'anno successivo, quando uscirà Bringing It All Back Home, gli Impressions sfornano un altro disco. People Get Ready, trascinato dall'omonimo singolo scritto da Curtis Mayfield, diventerà un altro grande successo, ma questa canzone in particolare diventerà un'icona del nascente movimento per i diritti civili: Martin Luther King la designò inno non ufficiale del Movimento, segnerà un passo decisivo nella musica afroamericana nell'impegno civile e diventerà una delle canzoni più famose di tutti i tempi e con maggiori cover. Tra le più belle e sentite, quelle di Dylan, che dal vivo la suonerà centinaia di volte, e su disco due volte: nel 1967 durante le leggendarie registrazioni dei Basement Tapes, nel 1989 per la colonna sonora del film Flashback; una versione dal vivo del 1978 è presente nella colonna sonora del suo film Renaldo E Clara del 1978. Della canzone esistono centinaia di interpretazioni, le più famose: Jeff Beck e Rod Steward, hit internazionale del 1985, Bob Marley, che adorava il gruppo e gli U2, che suoneranno il brano ben 95 volte nei loro concerti (clamorosa la loro esibizione con Bruce Springsteen a Philadelphia durante il Vertigo Tour).
Le ultime due storie del 2023 saranno una versione speciale, senza numero, che però partono da questo disco e soprattutto da questa copertina, per un viaggio insolito e divertente. Sarà anche un modo per ringraziare e per salutarvi con affetto!
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axeattitude · 7 months
@grayboxed : you can relax. tell me what happened. / life for sale.
it is both disconcertingly easy and remarkably difficult to conceal things from caine. easier still is finding a not-altogether witting accomplice in elliot; it's as simple as not telling him he hasn't said anything to his husband yet. not that he thinks elliot would ask. or care, for that matter.
harder is concealing the nervousness of his energy. he paces as if kept on a very short run, quick steps that can't be passed off as much else well. he might be embarrassed about it if he didn't think the nervousness at least semi-appropriate. kerry doesn't relax. elliot's urge isn't enough reason to, even if that's why he's here - to help, so that maybe he can relax.
"okay, so-" kerry stops on a dime, draws in a quick breath, and rubs at his jaw as he gathers his thoughts. "i think something's fucking with the cameras. the ones we got inside are fine, nothin' wrong there. but outside, the feed for some keeps cutting. couple minutes here and there. black screens before they're back up. it's happened daily the past couple days. gate cameras, couple aimed at the edges of the yard." he glances around here, as if looking for someone when there is only one other person here. "and i mean, it could be me imaginin' shit, just some error you can take care of easy, but... i don't know. seems sus. i couldn't keep putting off callin' you."
it might be nothing, but it could be something. and he can only divert caine and falsely blame his tense energy on some piece he's working on that supposedly isn't cooperating so many more times. "you've heard about some of the fans i have. never know what some of 'em might try to pull. rather be safe than sorry."
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mariacallous · 10 months
Who owns the data created by cars: their owners, or the companies that built them?
In 2020, Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly approved a law that began to answer that question. It required automakers selling cars in the state to build an “open data platform” that would allow owners and independent repair shops to access the information they need to diagnose and repair cars. Automakers countered, arguing that such a platform would make their systems vulnerable to cyberattacks and risk driver safety. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a trade association and lobbying group that represents most global carmakers, sued the state.
Now, after some waffling, the Biden administration has backed Massachusetts voters. In a letter sent yesterday, a lawyer for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the American car safety regulator, told the Massachusetts attorney general’s office that the feds would allow the state to go ahead and enforce its law. “NHTSA strongly supports the right to repair,” wrote Kerry Kolodziej, the government lawyer.
This is a change of course. The administration had staked out the right to repair—the idea that the owner of a product, not the company that sold it to them, gets to decide how to fix it—as a signature issue, involving the Federal Trade Commission in the effort to push back against manufacturers who put limits on independent repairs. But in June, NHTSA’s Kolodziej wrote to warn automakers not to comply with Massachusetts’ law, frustrating right-to-repair advocates. She said that the “open data platform” demanded by the law could make Massachusetts-sold cars susceptible to hackers, who might use the platform to access vital steering, acceleration, or electronics systems.
Yesterday’s letter indicates that lawyers for the federal government and Massachusetts have agreed that there are ways to give more people access to crucial vehicle repair information safely. Car manufacturers could comply with the law “by using short-range wireless protocols, such as via Bluetooth,” to give owners or independent shops authorized by owners access to the information they need to diagnose issues with and repair vehicles, the letter says.
Nathan Proctor, the head of the right-to-repair campaign at the advocacy organization US Public Interest Research Group, wrote in a statement that the government’s reversal on the Massachusetts law creates an opportunity for new discussion of national right-to-repair issues. “It’s time to have a frank conversation about the future of internet-connected cars to ensure it’s one which respects privacy, safety and the Right to Repair,” he wrote. “NHTSA’s latest letter could be the start of that conversation.”
It remains unclear how the feds’ newest move will affect car buyers in Massachusetts. The automakers’ lawsuit stemming from the right-to-repair law is still ongoing. The state attorney general, Andrea Joy Campbell, said she would finally begin enforcing the law earlier this summer. In the letter sent by NHTSA, the agency acknowledged that the open data platform required by the law still does not exist, and indicated that federal and state lawmakers had agreed to allow vehicle manufacturers “a reasonable period of time to securely develop, test, and implement this technology.” The Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General did not respond to WIRED’s questions.
Meanwhile, at least two automakers, Kia and Subaru, have cut off telematics access for new car buyers in Massachusetts. They argue it’s a necessary step to stay in compliance with the law because the open data platform demanded in it doesn't yet exist. In practical terms, that means new car buyers there can’t access the newest in-vehicle tech, such as Subaru’s Starlink service, which includes emergency roadside assistance and automatic collision notification, and Kia Connect, which includes stolen vehicle recovery and remote unlocking and climate control. The new NHTSA letter warned automakers against this compliance strategy. “Disabling vehicle telematic functions as an attempt to comply with the [law] would harm vehicle owners, first responders, and other telematics users,” Kolodziej, the agency’s lawyer, wrote.
Still, Kia and Subaru telematics systems are unavailable in cars with the model year 2022 and newer in the state. “We look forward to a resolution that allows us to get back to providing the products and services our Massachusetts customers love,” says Dominick Infante, Subaru’s director of corporate communications.
Kia referred WIRED to the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, the lobbying group that filed the Massachusetts lawsuit. The Alliance declined to comment on the letter, citing its ongoing litigation with the state.
The right-to-repair issue is unlikely to go away, regardless of the lawsuit’s outcome. Most new cars are connected to the internet; some constantly send information back to carmakers. When auto software goes awry, it sometimes can be fixed by remote over-the-air updates. Independent repair shops, which still dominate the car industry, worry that automakers will use these increasingly sophisticated online features to lock them out of important diagnostic and repair information, or to raise prices on that information to levels that are unsustainable for small, local businesses.
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relastoriessimmer · 2 months
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M: —Nada más sucedió entre Kerry yo, para mí Isabel es la única con quién quiero estar
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— Aunque seas su mejor amigo no tengo por que hablar contigo de esto, solo nos incumbe a ella y a mí, no es asunto tuyo
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Z: ¡Me incumbe por qué ella me importa! No puedo quedarme de brazos cruzados cuando la sigues lastimando, ya tiene suficiente con lo que pasó en su casa y ahora se entera de esto
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M: — Tú, sientes algo por ella ¿no es verdad?
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Z: — Y qué si así lo fuera...
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
V coming down from the Space Station, he’s exhausted and depressed and needs to see literally anything but Arasaka for the next like year or so. Mumbles of Kerry having something to do with his release we’re about the station, and V had given up a long time ago because of how long it took to get him down. When he got down, the sun hurt his eyes, a nurse helping him stay standing as his eyes adjusted and he realized in the distance was a very familiar car with a very familiar man leaned against. V’s feet carried him before he could command him too and the man met him before he could fully collapse. V feels tears starting to well up, then feels another arm around him. Judy. Kerry and Judy were now the force keeping Arasaka away from V as they tried to come closer, but Kerry had pulled a gun and said he dared them to try, that they were already being sued into oblivion and it was probably just best to leave them be. It took both of them to get V in the car, Judy sat in the back with him while Kerry ran several red lights to get them home as quickly as possible. Vik and Mama Wells were waiting, along with River and Panam and V began crying because of how overwhelmed he was being home. Vik helped him inside, but Kerry wasn’t allowed out of his sight. His family sat around him, watching him, he wanted to sleep but also had been sleeping so much recently he didn’t want to. When Vik was done, Kerry settled next to him and let V rest on him, where he eventually fell asleep, home and safe.
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prettymvgic · 3 months
my muses ; this is temporary until i figure out how to make things mobile friendly !
FEMALES : poppy : age unknown, pixie, currently captive by a vampire - madelaine petsch. kiana murphy : 22, college student, waitress - samantha logan. kimberly vaughn : 24, 1990's - young!julia roberts. olivia harrington: 22, college student - grace van dien. robyn bailey : 29, model & influencer - laura harrier. sidney prescott : 17-22, scream 1-3 - neve campbell. samantha palmer : 18-23, hs student/college student - katherine langford. marianne parker : 55, ranger wife - diane lane. katherine foster : 42, conwoman - anne hathaway. andrea "annie" bennett : 41, inn owner & keeper, starting over - bethany joy lenz. mercedes hart: 27, influencer & industry plant, upcoming musical artist - ryan destiny. bristol harper : 35, online jewelry store owner, mother to two - hilary duff. evangelina constance : 48, owner of a cult - carla gugino. allison barnes : 38, former nurse now surviving the apocalypse - lauren cohen. lacey thomas : 18-20, college student - nicole wallace. seline castillo : 33, owner of flattop bar & grill, more info upon request - vanessa hudgens. cassandra foxx : better known in her world as ALASKA, 30, sugar baby/escort, more info upon request - vanessa hudgens. marzia vadala : 34, italian, jewelry store owner - phoebe tonkin. gianna ortiz : 34, spanish, receptionist for a corportation - ana de armas. mariana ruiz : 19-22, spanish, hs or college student - alexa demie. holland st. clair : 25, model trying to get her debut, trans-female - hunter schafer. angeline swanson : 23, pornstar - sabrina carpenter. first last : 40, prosecutor - kerry washington.
MALES : marshall "the judge" owens : 49, apocalyptic cult member - andrew lincoln. jude mitchell : 34, lives in an apartment in nyc, struggling artist - andrew garfield. david bascom : 26, 1950's, closeted homosexual - harry styles. casey theriot : 27, nomad. - tom holland. pak dae-hyun : 23, idol struggling with fame - junkook. patrick galloway : 29, blackballed actor starting over - nicholas galitzine. choi minho, 25, establishing actor, mostly indie films waiting for his break - kim jiwoong ( aki. ) hak su-jin : 31, book store / cafe manager in seoul - woo do-hwan. kai kahinu : 19, younger brother to zane, new zealand native, maori - matthew sato. wihan chen : 24, indie musician - first kanaphan puitrakul. ( tashi. ) felix maynard : 30, owner of tart & thyme restaurant, chef - will poulter. caskey dallas : 18-23, outcast, more info upon request - cole sprouse. robin sallow : 28, manager of off beat records, more info upon request - thomas doherty. jesse dylan : 18-30 ( 1985 - 1997 ), teen/convict, more info upon request - dacre montgomery. dean maddox : 22, college student, more info upon request - hero fiennes tiffin. simon parker : 29, lead singer & guitar player of killin' time, more info upon request - joe keery. maverick reed : 26, fisherman's son - rudy pankow. hwan van : 26, mechanic - cha eun-woo choi daehyun : 20, idol, au!fae - felix lee. trevor elliot : 24, college, indie musician, au!fame - felix mallard. kim hanuel : 26, ceo- yeo jin-goo. andrew baker : 19, homeless. - brandon flynn. casper cromwell : forever 20, ghostboy haunting a house. - louis patridge.
THEYS : zane kahinu, 22, older sibling to kai, new zealand native, maori - zoe terakes.
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Fics i have done!
Fandoms i write for!
Young justice
Megan morse/Miss martian
Connor kent/Superboy
Artemis crock/Tigress
Jaime reyes/Blue beetle
Cassie sandsmark/Wondergirl
Wally west/Kidflash
Barbara gordon/Batgirl
CSI Vegas
Sara sidle
Nick stokes
Mia dickerson
Greg sanders
Catherine willows
Warrick brown
Riley adams
Gil grissom
Benjamin hawkeye pierce
Margaret hot lips houlihan
B.J. hunnicutt
Margie cutler
Radar o'reilly
Kellye yamoto
John mulcahy
Stranger things
Nancy wheeler
Dustin henderson
Max mayfield
Jonathan byers
Robin buckley
Steve harrison
Jane hopper/el
Lucas Sinclair
Joyce byers
Mike wheeler
Barbara holland
Jim hopper
CSI Miami
Walter simmons
Yelena salazar
Ryan wolfe
Natalia boa vista
Eric delko
Calliegh duquesne
Horatio caine
Alexx woods
Jesse cardoza
Marisol delko
Kate bishop
Clint barton
Natasha romanoff
Cassandra lang
Sam wilson
Kamala khan
Bucky barnes
Bruce banner
Mortal kombat
Kung jin
Hanzo hasashi
Sonya blade
Kuai liang
Jaqui briggs
Johnny cage
Takeda takashi
Jax briggs
Cassie cage
Resident evil
Claire redfield
Carlos olivera
Sherry birkins
Leon kennedy
Jill valentine
Jake muller
Helena harper
Chris redfield
Chris laselle
Loretta wade
Sebastian lund
Hannah khoury
Patton plame
Sonja percy
Dwayne pride
Tammy gregario
Final destination
Clear rivers
Lewis romaro
Wendy christensen
Kevin horton
Carrie dryer
Kevin fischer
Kimberly corman
Thomas burke
Alex browning
The mighty ducks
Fulton reed
Julie gaffney
Adam banks
Charlie conway
Dean portman
Guy germaine
Dwayne robertson
Luiz mendoza
Connie monreau
Criminal minds
Emily prentiss
Spencer reid
Jennifer jareau
Aaron hotchner
Kate callahan
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Luke alvez
Tara lewis
Matt simmons
Trauma center
Derek stiles
Angie thompson
Gabriel cunningham
Elena salazar
Erhard miller
Naomi kimishima
Markus vaughn
Valerie blaylock
Susan lewis
Mark greene
Carol hathaway
Doug ross
Kerry weaver
Gregory pratt
Samantha taggart
John carter
Cate banfield
Luka kovac
Harry potter
Cedric diggory
Luna lovegood
Harry potter
Ginny weasley
Remus lupin
Narcissa malfoy
Ron weasley
Nymphodora tonks
Sirius black
Marlene mckinnon
Draco malfoy
Fleur declour
Blaise zabini
Hermione granger
Kingdom hearts
Charles xavier
Ororo munroe
Warren worthington
Kitty pryde
Kurt wagner
Illyana rasputin
Erik leshnerr
Raven darkholme
Marie d'ancanto
Peter maximoff
Pixie o'brien
Harland mckenna
Frank mccullen
Final fantasy
Cloud strife
Oerba dia vanille
Snow villers
Tifa lockhart
Hope esthiem
Oerba yun fang
Vincent valentine
Lighting farron
Zack fair
Aerith gainsborough
Lucy pevensie
Peter pevensie
Susan pevensie
Edmund pevensie
Mr tumnus
Prince caspian
Marty deeks
Shay mosley
Sam hanna
Kensi blye
G callen
Fatima nazami
Eric beale
Harley hidoko
Nell jones
Code lyoko
Aelita schaffer
Odd della robbia
Yumi ishiyama
Ulrich stern
Milly solovieff
William dunbar
Tamiya diop
Jeremy belpois
Triple frontier
Will "ironhead" miller
Frankie "catfish" morales
Benny miller
Santiago "pope" garcia
The night shift
Landry de la cruz
Joey chavez
Gwen gaskin
Kenny fornette
Jordan alexander
Michael ragosa
Drew allister
Shannon rivera
TC callahan
Ewan mcgregor characters
Catcher block
Dan torrance
Perry makepeace
Christopher robin
Rodney copperbottom
Robert lewis
Alex law
Edward bloom
Star wars
Cara dune
Luke skywalker
Aayla secura
Din djarin
Padme amidala
Cal kestis
Rey skywalker
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Qui gon jin
Ahsoka tano
Poe dameron
Leia organa
Iden versio
Del meeko
Misc 1
Jack mercer
Mason "mace" brown
Spike spiegel
Lu fox
Elizabeth martinson
Laney boggs
Max lewinsky
Flip zimmerman
Nani pelekai
Murphy macmanus
Lu fox
Samantha caine
Bill s prescott
Zack siler
David abbott
Jed eckhart
Tess finnegan
Ryan williams
Barbara novak
Ted logan
Eugene/vida boheme
Tris prior
Murtagh morzzansson
Stephanie speck
John wick
Viola eade
Jonathan levy
Evey hammond
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Casey jones
Elliot alderson
Misc 2
Chris chambers
Andie anderson
Michael perry
Beatrix "the bride" kiddo
Quinn fabray
Benjamin barry
Dani rojas
Daphne moon
Javi gutierrez
Allison reynolds
Hector villanueva
April o'neil
Ned tash
Don billingsley
Asami sato
Beau hutton
Monica long dutton
Joey coalter
Celine naville
Sam munroe
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