#keto diet for elderly woman
matrixtronx · 2 years
Eliminate Belly Fat for Good with Lean Belly 3X: A Review
I. Introduction
Belly fat, also known as abdominal obesity, is a common health concern that can have serious negative consequences on overall health. Excess belly fat has been linked to an increased risk of numerous health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Belly fat is often difficult to lose, but it is important to take steps to reduce it in order to improve overall health and reduce the risk of these serious health conditions.
II. What is Lean Belly 3X?
Lean Belly 3X is a dietary supplement that is claimed to help reduce belly fat and improve overall health. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that are said to help boost weight loss and reduce fat, particularly in the abdominal area. Lean Belly 3X is marketed as an effective solution for those looking to lose belly fat and improve their overall health.
III. Benefits of using Lean Belly 3X
Weight loss: Lean Belly 3X is claimed to help boost weight loss by reducing fat, particularly in the abdominal area.
Reduced belly fat: As its name suggests, Lean Belly 3X is specifically formulated to help reduce belly fat.
Improved overall health: By reducing excess belly fat, Lean Belly 3X may help improve overall health and reduce the risk of certain health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
Natural ingredients: Lean Belly 3X is made with natural ingredients, which may appeal to those looking for a more natural solution for weight loss and fat reduction.
IV. User reviews and testimonials
It is always a good idea to read reviews and testimonials from users before trying a new product, as this can give you an idea of what to expect and help you make an informed decision. However, it's important to keep in mind that individual results may vary and what works for one person may not work for another.
When it comes to Lean Belly 3X, there are a variety of user reviews and testimonials available online. Some users report experiencing significant weight loss and reduction in belly fat after using the supplement, while others have not noticed any significant changes. As with any supplement, it is important to remember that results may vary and it may not work for everyone. It is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you.
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, Lean Belly 3X is a dietary supplement that is claimed to help reduce belly fat and improve overall health. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that are said to help boost weight loss and reduce fat, particularly in the abdominal area. While some users have reported positive results, such as weight loss and reduced belly fat, it's important to remember that individual results may vary and more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of Lean Belly 3X. It is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you. In addition to using supplements, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to achieve optimal weight loss and health results.
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You Know
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Reader (****), Bucky
Summary: What Steve walked into was a catacomb of missed chances, squandered love, utter betrayal, and regret plastered on the walls. Poster sized prints weren't taped to the walls, oh no, **** glued reprints of him fucking another woman on whatever space she could manage.
Tags: Angst, Cheating, Broken Engagement, Drunk Texting/Video, attempt at Humor
AO3: Mirkys_Concubine
You didn't need or want a boyfriend... Or girlfriend for that matter.
One minute you were fine and dandy wiping down a table and the next your tray whizzed through the air and smacked a perv in the head.
And again.
And again.
And again.
If someone gropes your ass the logical reaction would be murder. At least that's what your mama had taught you.
Kill them like the roach they were.
Maybe that's when he saw you more than a random part time human he interacted with? He had swooped in, plucked the tray out of your hand, and broke it in half over the guys head.
Of course you politely said thank you before landing a solid kick into the perv. Not the face. If there weren't cameras you'd have stomped on his head.
The way your mama had taught you.
That was then.
Before routine.
When he had to stalk you for a date in his goofy bashful self. When his best friend would get a kick of the 'old Steve' that was a mess around girls. When he had... no... there was no sense in getting nalstagic.
While you didn't want a boyfriend you never expected to get married. Steve's friends had been more excited than you, magazines and samples had taken over the small breakfast nook in the corner of the kitchen. You lit them on fire on the roof in one of the communal pits and lounged with takeout and wine. It's where you sat and made the decision to leave.
You couldn't stay.
God what would your mother say if she had been alive? She'd be disappointed in you.
The ring was rose gold, shaped like an octagon, and while pretty you had been afraid you'd lose it. Tempting as it was to flush it down the toilet you left it in the freezer atop a bag of sweet corn.
You packed your clothes - the ones you had purchased - into one luggage, another luggage was your shoes and intimates, and your carry on bag was large enough for your toiletries and kindle.
The car you purchased - with cash and registered under an alias - had enough space in the trunk for the luggage. The lovely security guard had helped you - bless him - and then you drove off. You refused to look back and you refused to shed another tear.
Well planned and as thought out as one could get considering their ex was an avenger with questionable access to the interwebs. You waited until the Avengers were on a mission.
A friend of a friend helped with your makeup and prosthetics to make you look like an elderly man, and you had enough cash on you to fund a bank. No paper trails, no cell phones beyond a simple Nokia that had no internet access, and once you made it outside state lines and to a safe house you'll disappear.
No more chances at romance.
All men were the same.
Even all american test tube super hero's weren't immune to cheating and lying.
It used to be warm, smelled of dessert, savory meals, music played in the background, **** off tune voice singing along, there was a garden scattered throughout the condo, fruit always filled a basket, and more importantly **** was there to make him feel human.
Less lonely.
That was home. One he worked hard to obtain.
What Steve walked into was a catacomb of missed chances, squandered love, utter betrayal, and regret plastered on the walls. Poster sized prints weren't taped to the walls, oh no, **** glued reprints of him fucking another woman on whatever space she could manage.
The glossy original prints hung from the ceiling right over their bed like a weird still mobile. With that thought Steve remembered the birth control pills and hoped she would never catch on as to how insane he really was over her.
The doorbell rang.
Had it been anyone else, Steve wouldn't have opened the door but instinct fueled his hand and trust didn't make him flinch as a fist hit him in the face and he was down. Dropped on his ass in his own home with an incensed soldier grabbing him by his shirt and tossing him like a rag doll before shutting the door and locking it.
The island held an empty fruit basket and a ring. A frozen mockery of a promise he remembered in great detail from months ago. Bucky had found it as he had been gracious enough to offer a bag of frozen peas only to find a bag of sweet corn and a ring.
Steve wanted to cry.
He wanted to get angry.
He wanted to call Tony for a favor but he could do nothing but sit on a stool his fiancee, future wife, future mother to his children, now 'ex', had picked out.
Only Bucky would probably kill him if he so much as sniffled.
The bag of sweet corn smacked him across the face none too gently and Steve winced. The other stool creaked as the crack and hiss of a Fanta soda being opened. Yet another check against him, **** made a point to stock the fridge with his and Bucky's favorites.
"Hope she was worth it."
"Blond, green eyes, fake tits, didn't know desperate was your type."
Steve shut both eyes and slouched, "It was a mistake."
Bucky's brows lifted, soda can midway to his lips. "Fucking her for two months is now a mistake?"
"Look... I tried to stop it. Every time we met it just... Happened." It was stupid and in a way so true. He had tried stopping but some how they always end up fucking and every time he promised himself it was the last.
"Bullshit!" The can bent as it was slammed onto the counter. "You don't commit to marriage and then run off to fuck some floozie from legal!"
"I'm sorry!" Steve snapped, "I know I fucked up! It's on all the fucking walls!" Which was true. Even the fridge door had a blown picture of his face between slender legs and the freezer door a blown up shot of his cock being sucked. "I need to find her, apologise, and fix this." Bucky snorted, "I can fix this."
"**** has more respect for herself than you do of her."
"I love her." He did. Steve loved **** more than he'd love Peggy.
"You don't love a woman like **** and then fuck a bitch behind her back."
"It was a mistake." Steve grit out, irritated.
"Two months isn't a mistake. That's a fucking affair. Litteraly. You fucked like rabbits."
Steve stared, a frown tugging at his lips. "How do you know?"
Bucky stood and went for another soda only to stare at the woman splayed out for the world to see, "She is hot. Better looking than ****. It would've hurt more if you'd downgraded."
"**** is perfect!" Steve spat, throwing the bag of mushy corn where it burst as it hit a well.
"Look at her though." Bucky tapped on the breasts, "Nipples are spaced perfectly, more than a handfull, kudos to her surgeon."
"Kudos? When do you say kudos?"
"Must be on a low carb keto diet or those green smoothies, and even her belly button is worth cumming over."
Steve stared. Horrified. What was going on?
"And look at her skill!" A metal knuckle tapped at where the womana nose pressed against Steve's pubes. "Porn quality. The type of girl you want to teach you some shit."
"You know where she is." It wasn't a question. Bucky didn't talk like that. The man was a storm of swears, stares, and threats. Not... this. "Where is she?"
"Wish I knew so I could tell you to fuck off."
"She couldn't have gone far if she met with you, I might have time..."
"I haven't spoken to **** and i don't expect to hear from her again actually." Bucky ignored his friend's glare as he rummaged through the fridge for another soda and snagged a bag of cookies because only **** would hoard cookies in a refrigerator. "She left her phone in my apartment and instructions to watch her video."
Bucky pulled out **** phone tucked on the inside of his jacket and tossed it to the other man. He returned to his seat, opened his soda, and munched on his cookies.
The phone wasn't password activated and a quick search proved most of the personal stuff like pictures and apps were deleted except for a single video.
Hey Tiny.
**** personal nickname for Bucky who had lost a bet but secretly was amused by it. The phone shook as **** had nearly dropped it with a swear. She looked as if she had been crying and she was chugging from a bottle of plum wine. Her favorite wine.
Just wanted to say i will miss you and i love you. Like, really, really love you. I'd give you my kidney sorta love.
She giggled and sipped at her bottle, eye's roaming the room. Tears slipped from her eyes and Steve felt his own burn. **** was a mess. She used a sleeve to wipe at her nose and her smile was shaky.
I redecorated, Steve will love it.
The camera flipped and **** showed off the wallpaper of porn. The condo looked trashed and luggage was open on the living room floor half packed and takeout piled on the coffee table.
I figure since he loved to fuck random pussy he'd like this theme. I call it *Whore of Narcissism*
The camera swivels and zooms into a familiar picture of the woman laid out and the hand holding the bottle points at the woman.
Not her. She not a whore Tiny. Ok!
The camera swivels to another portrait of Steve's face.
He's a cunt faced whore.
The camera switches and **** is giggling again.
Shhh. Look what I did. Put it it on the fridge door, that's where I keep the fish sticks.
Bucky snorts and Steve barely refrains from giving the man the finger.
See. Cunt whore faced.
**** giggles
Don't tell him but he can't eat pussy. He can't, he misses the clit. Like how do you miss this?
The phone tilts and Steve swears as she's wearing practically nothing. It wasn't her sexy underwear but the shear laced thong left little to be hidden.
It's right there, see it pokes out a bit too.
**** bumps her pussy with the bottom of edge of the wine bottle.
How can he miss it?
"It gets better." Bucky happily munches on a cookie.
"Fuck you."
Look. Just look.
There's a thunk as the bottle was set down and **** shoves aside her underwear and it was a crooked close up of her manicured pussy.
How is this not buffet worthy? My pussy tastes like sin yet he treats it like a McD's drive through. My pussy is not a Big Mac! It's MSG!
The phone jerks up back to her face and she's angry.
Chinese buffet MSG quality. My pussy is it's own zodiac sign ok!
Bucky's shoulders are shaking and Steve is mortified.
Maybe he likes her sauce though?
The camera points to his head between the girls legs.
He never spends forever with me but with her... I got so many pictures of her and he is just there. I have a buffet he can eat from and he chooses this...
Her hand smacks on a breast.
She's hot Bucky. Look at her. She's fucking perfect and her tits are fucking perfect. You see them? Nipples spaced perfectly, bigger than his hands, kuddos to whoever worked on her, she's a fucking art piece, I wanna know her surgeon, I want tits like hers.
The camera shifts and **** holds the camera up at an angle downward as she unhooks her bra with one hand and slips one arm out while it dangles from the other and she's touching herself.
See one's smaller.
"Did you..." Steve couldn't get it out as he watched his fiance complain about her breasts on camera to his best friend. Brother.
"Fuck her?" Bucky crushes his empty soda can, "I'm not you. If I had that in my bed I wouldn't get complaints about my mouth."
... at least she's hot you know. If he's going to fuck another bitch at least she's beautiful. I'd die if he downgraded you know. He fucked her in the office you know. Her office. She's beautiful and educated and I'm a mess.
The wine bottle was back in her hands and she took a long swallow uncaring that she was half naked.
I'm sorry Tiny. Bucky. I'm... This... I should delete this one but my battery is gonna die so fuck it. I'm leaving. When you see Steve punch him. I can't be there when he gets back. I'll kill him.
She sipped her wine and her brows furrow.
She has to be on some low carb keto diet... I don't think I can drink those green smoothies but I would have. I could look like a porn star! I can look plastic too!
Her eyes go wide before she blinks and frowns.
I can get wigs and wear those waist thingy's and change names... We could have role played. I would have called him daddy or - or - dirty stuff. I could have been his whore you know. I'm not a basic bitch Tiny. If she were my friend she'd teach me to not choke!
**** shakes her head and takes another swig.
I want to hate her but she... Bucky she was crying. He lied to her, for two months he lied to her, and she brought me ice cream Bucky. I couldn't hit her. She got me chocolate.
Her eyes narrowed and the sadness was swept away.
I want to hurt him. Rip his heart out through his ass and shove it down his throat! I planned it too, killing him. Got explosives... was gonna put a trigger thing on it and boom. Take out the whole floor.
**** makes a boom noise before flopping on the couch atop folded clothes, her wine bottle gone from her hands.
Neighbors got a kid downstairs and... Kids... No kids.
She rubs her face, tears leaving tracks and her breadth hitches and she's doing her best to not break down.
I was right. I told you there's no such thing as happily ever after. I told you they're all the same. I'm...
Her breath hitches and she's staring into the lens. Broken.
I'm not perfect Bucky, I'm not her but I loved him. I believed him. You said... Said he was good and I be-believed you cuz I trusted you and I want... Wanted... I deserve to be loved. I am good enough... I'm good... Right? Bucky... Why... Why am I not good enough? what did I do wrong? I... I... I'm sorry.
The phone tumbles and the screen goes dark but Steve can't hold back his own tears as he hears her sob before it cuts off completely.
What had he done?
How did he fix this?
Can he fix this?
Part 2 of 1/2
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seatights5-blog · 4 years
Vinny from ‘Jersey Shore’ lost 50 pounds on his or her ‘Keto Guido’ diet
Gym, bronze, ketosis? “Jersey Shore” superstar Vinny Guadagnino, 31, is usually enjoying his meatballs throughout “The Keto Guido Cookbook: Savoury Recipes To Acquire Healthy and appear Great” (Rockridge Press). Enlarge Image"The Keto Guido Cookbook" “The Keto Guido Cookbook” “I manufactured my meatballs last night with a little angle, including beef and pork collectively, ” Guadagnino commands Often the Post. “It was initially the greatest meatball I have personally ever had around me. My own mother would get rid of me personally if she been told us say that, though. ” The reality star, which missing 50 pounds following adjusting his lifestyle using the keto diet — and by adding more H into his GTL life-style — wrote this reserve with help from mother, Paola Guadagnino, and overall health coach Karissa Longer. “I was yo-yo dieting, ” Guadagnino says. “Dropping fat before filming next attaining it all back. Nonetheless as I got elderly, it became harder and tougher to lose. In best keto mct oil in the future seasons, you could see I’m not really inside good shape. ” However he had seen his mommy try another carb-shunning eating habits, Atkins diet, in the ’90s, it wasn’t until this individual was listening to Mand Carolla’s podcast in 2015 when he or she decided in order to help make some sort of change. “He acquired a fitness expert in as a visitor, Vinnie Tortorich, who started out talking about this diet plan making it possible to get healthy in addition to lose weight without having giving them up delicious things such as bacon and butter, ” this individual writes. That additional Vinnie set Guadagnino about a route to turning into a “keto evangelist. ” The popular keto diet plan — a favorite connected with celebrities such as Savannah Guthrie, Jenna Jameson plus Halle Berry — will be a way of consuming that essentially cuts straight down on sugars and prioritizes fat in addition to protein. Carried out right, supporters say, this kind of forces your body to function off — in addition to burn up — fat. To get Guadagnino, that means meticulously tracking his macronutrient intake. They aims to eat about 74% fat, 20% protein plus 5% carbs every single day. It’s strict, nonetheless the idea helps that Guadagnino figured out how to do it Italian North american type. He spends most of the book stripping old-school Italian language family recipes of loaves of bread and pasta. Noodles obtain swapped for ribbons of zucchini. Chicken cutlets acquire coated in crushed almonds instead of breadcrumbs. Clearly, figuring out a edible keto pizza recipe has been a goal. “I today use almond flour to help make Vinny’s pizza, ” his mom Paola writes in the book’s release. (you actually can spot Guadagnino shoving slices in the mouth in “Jersey Coast: Family Vacation. ”) Enhance ImageVinny Guadagnino WireImage Guadagnino says the cast is fun of him often due to the fact involving his diet. (“Jenny is more of a biohacker than she leads with, ” he says. “Her kitchen is all kernel together with buckwheat flour! ”) He / she reflects on when he or she famously — and drunkenly — ate just this dairy products and oil away from his or her late-night pizza upon the show. “That landscape put me within the road for keto, 100 %, ” says Guadagnino, who else claims he drinks “as little as possible” today unless they’re filming. “I commenced the Instagram webpage [@ketoguido], and it just took off. I was hesitant to phone my own self the ‘keto guido’ because My partner and i didn’t desire to be pigeonholed. Although I actually hustled and searched often the book idea in addition to honestly, that is how it most came to be. ” Although the diet possesses been shown to advertise weight decline, it includes in addition been recently reported to have quite a few unpleasant side effects — namely “keto crotch” in addition to bad breath. But Guadagnino according to the only side effects he experience is any time he returns to be able to over eating simple carbs: His / her epidermis gets blotchy, their abdomen “feels inflamed” magnificent body system doesn’t respond effectively. “My farts smell actually undesirable when I’m placed away of my regime, ” Guadagnino says. “If I will keto during the few days, then I go motion picture and begin eating carbs, almost all it requires is one spoonful of dessert and my cast users will end up being feeling the wrath. ” And ladies — if anyone’s still interested just after that last bit — being keto is not really some sort of dating necessity. “When I find a good lady honestly, that is into exercise plus health, my brain lighting up, ” Guadagnino states. “But it’s not really a necessity that they are usually furthermore keto. If a good date takes some other food items, I’ll only live vicariously through the woman. ” Increase ImageKeto Zucchini Rolls Keto Zucchini Progresses in “The Keto Guido. ”Christopher Kern/The Keto Guido Vinny’s zucchini roll manicotti Substances: four zucchini a couple of tbsp. olive oil, plus some sort of little more to grease skillet 1 red bell spice up, diced 1/2 red onion, minced 2 tsp. minced garlic 1 cup goat parmesan cheese a single cup shredded mozzarella parmesan cheese 1 tbsp. chopped new oregano 2 cups low carbohydrate marinara sauce, divided .5 mug roughly grated Parmesan cheese The sea salt Pepper Preheat stove to 375°F. Lightly fat 9-by-13-inch baking dish having extra virgin olive oil. Cut zucchini lengthwise in 1/8-inch-thick slices. Set aside. Comfortable olive olive oil in skillet over medium-high heat. Add bell spice up, onion and garlic; sauté to soften, four a few minutes. Transfer vegetables to help a medium bowl; insert goat cheese, mozzarella and even oregano, and season using salt and pepper for you to taste. Pour 1 cup marinara sauce into baking plate. On a cutting plank, lay down a zucchini peel level and place a good few tablespoons of stuffing at a person end. Spin and place inside cooking dish, seam-side low. Repeat with remaining zucchini. Pour remaining sauce above the flows. Top with Parmesan. Pan rolls until cheese is definitely golden, about 30 mins. keto mct oil sizzling.
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margothuxley · 4 years
This and That
Hi Everyone,
A new day - after 3 am. I'm up because my knee is bothering me. Just another thing to endure, haha. But thank God I'm able to hobble around the house. I am on pain meds which dent the pain somewhat. I'm trying to distract myself from the pain. I wish I could wish it off but it's here and sometimes it gets worse and other times its very painful. Yesterday was bad because I'd gone out with the family to run errands. I was so pained that getting out of the car was a tremendous effort. I had the pups with me which made things more complicated. The smaller dog was so eager to get out of the car and I had to organise myself so I could at least hang on to his leash and then get my things out of the car with me as well. It was a miracle I got to the door and got things into the house. Fortunately, it got accomplished.
I made spaghetti ala Ameritriciana, which is an homage to those in Ameritricia in Italy who died in that awful earthquake a few years ago. I went online to look up the recipe which consists of pork and spaghetti with sauce that was made from tomatoes. I usually make it with whole canned tomatoes and tomato sauce and paste then with a large dollop of red pepper flakes. So very tasty and it definitely filled up my belly well. I really enjoy making this recipe. I've always liked spaghetti and I know people who are into slimming don't care for it because of the carbs but I'm not good on keto type of diets.
I tried that keto diet and well, did not lose more than seven pounds and I had some issues that made me quit it. I went to a clinic in town that specialised on this sort of diet and when I told the nurse about how I wasn't losing a lot of weight (I was down to about 20 g of carbs by then) she gave me a Rx for metformin. This is a med that diabetics take to control their sugar in the blood. I took a dose and then I suffered a great back pain.
I called the nurse and told her of this and she insisted I go to the ER and have them test me for a heart problem. That day wasn't a good day to go to anywhere as they predicted a blizzard. I wasn't about to get stuck in the ER and so I said no I'll not go. She threatened me implying that this was not a good idea. I said forget it and hung up.
I discontinued metformin and decided to forget the whole keto diet thing. I think it was too much fat and not a healthy thing to forsake carbs. Our bodies need to have carbs and it's because they get used up when we do normal activities and even if we only walked a mile a day it wouldn't be great to be on a low sugar going on in your bloodstream.
I've learned from school (I took Pharmacology in graduate school) that the brain feeds on the glucose it has from the bloodstream so being foggy-minded is not a good sign. I do not have any idea why the back pain happened but it was a transient problem.
I'm on a more stable diet and I take carbs and have a healthy smoothie and eat enough for each meal. So I don't know what my weight is right now. I had a fitbit scale that I used before but my fitbit has bit the dust and I don't wish to spend on another one again. I've already gone through two fitbits. I merely go with how I feel and if I can have some carbs, a bit of a vegetable in the diet, and protein then I'm ok.
I've not written a lot lately but I'm starting a new novel called The Bridge. It's about a young woman who works in a research laboratory in Paris. She's going through depression because of a lost love who left her (not quite sure how) and that was what has been making her sad even though on the outside she's doing ok.
I'm really interested in writing this novel mostly because it's a bit close to my heart and I've had the experience of lost love, and many of you I'm sure had something like that in your lives.
I'm trying to get some free time to write. Now I'm also trying to get up to speed with sending out flyers and newsletters to talk about my work and other things that I find interesting.
I've started a nonprofit company that is aimed at helping the poor families or individuals, mostly brought to their knees financially due to the COVID issue and from other problems like Acts of God (hurricanes), terror attacks and times of war. I'm also hoping that this nonprofit will help the homeless to get free cell phones so that they can keep in touch with places where they could get help on their own, like jobs or paying bills, or finding a place to live more permanently than the usual places that are established to house the homeless.
I'm working on getting the nonprofit a tax status and so that's a big job in itself but it's a challenge and I'm hoping this will come to be achieved.
I've put in my name to see about standing for a Council Seat in my city and see how I could be helping as an advocate for the seniors who are on a fixed income, to see how they could be heard because I think they're not able to get their problems to the right people who could help them. There are other places in town like Area IV which is devoted to helping people in cases, for example, finding someone to come and help the elderly who are sick and in need of some care at home.
I researched Area IV a while ago when I worried over my Dad and how it might be if he were laid low by an illness or whatever and to see how I could possibly find someone who could see to his care while I was working full time. The people in Area IV were very helpful and sent over a thick packet of information. There were several volunteer organisations that were listed and these would come in handy to call if anything drastic were to happen to my Dad.
I hope that you would do your part in finding out how best to care for those who are less fortunate. We are all lucky to have our jobs and our homes, our workplaces and the social stuff we do. I hope that in your readings you can find good ideas about keeping your families healthy and watch out for whatever might be ailing them or even causing then problems.
I know there are times we get impatient with our elderly parents or other relatives because they get a bit testy or impatient themselves for the fact they can't do things on their own. So we must always try to find a good way to talk to them and draw them out of their sad feelings.
I think we all need to take care of our parents while they are still alive. We derive our own selves from them, after all. We need to keep them in our prayers. We also need to take care of our children and keep them safe.
With all that's going on with COVID, we ought to think of better ways to educate them out of the schoolroom. I don't have kids myself but if I did, I'd homeschool them. It's a popular method of educating children. In fact, the UK, France and I think other parts of Europe have homeschooling. There's website or two about homeschooling. One of the people at my church homeschools her kids and they get packages every term or so with new books to teach their kids. It's also a way to bond with your kids and to keep them occupied. It doesn't take a PhD to homeschool your kids and those websites surely have tips on how to homeschool if you're new at it.
I am sure we all want to remember Algebra but it will come to you when the time comes!
I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. Life is precious and we must always try to live healthy and well,
0 notes
vsplusonline · 4 years
What is wrong with the Indian diet? Apparently a lot, claims UK-based cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/what-is-wrong-with-the-indian-diet-apparently-a-lot-claims-uk-based-cardiologist-dr-aseem-malhotra-times-of-india/
What is wrong with the Indian diet? Apparently a lot, claims UK-based cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra - Times of India
With delectable flavours and fragrant spices, Indian cuisine is certainly popular around the world. In addition to its wide variety of rich flavours, a traditional Indian diet also boasts of a wide variety of nutrients in a balanced quantity. However, on the flip side, obesity and diabetes still continue to be a significant public health concern for India.
According to the medical journal Lancet, the burden of diabetes is rapidly increasing in India and there is an estimated 72.96 million cases of diabetes in the adult population of the country as of now. Infact, India has been deemed as the world’s capital of diabetes. So, for a nation that boasts of lentils, fresh and fruits and vegetables as an integral part of its diet, where exactly did we go wrong?
Is our growing inclination towards western food (pizza, burger, fries etc.) to be blamed or is there more to the Indian diet? We connected with a renowned cardiologist and famous author Dr Aseem Malhotra and asked him to shed light on the same. In this riveting conversation, Dr Aseem touched upon several eye-opening facts and misconceptions about the Indian diet that continue to plague our minds even today. Here is an excerpt from the conversation:
The role of comorbidity and death from COVID-19 Dr Aseem emphasized on the fact that even as the novel coronavirus continues to wreak havoc across the globe, it is the people with underlying chronic metabolic diseases including high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes which are affected the most. India has the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the world, which on an average reduced the life expectancy by up to 10 years.
The relationship between Indians and chronic metabolic syndrome In India, 43 per cent of people with normal BMI (Body Mass Index) are metabolically unhealthy. This means that a huge proportion of people are living in this illusion of protection thinking that they are not overweight or unhealthy.
Dr Aseem spoke at length about metabolic syndrome and how 1 in 3 adults in India are suffering from this syndrome. He defined metabolic health using these 5 parameters:
Your blood pressure should be ideally less than 120 over 80 mm Hg
You should not have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes
Your triglyceride levels should be less than 1.7 millimoles per litre
Your good cholesterol (HDL) should be greater than 1 millimoles per litre.
If you are a man your waist circumference should be less than 90 cms and for a woman, it should be less than 85 cms.
This essentially means that even if your BMI is ideal, if you have excess fat around your body or any of the above-mentioned parameters, you are probably not as healthy as you may think.
Extra sugar, fried snacks and refined carbohydrates: Everything wrong with the Indian diet Quite appropriately, when talking about the word ”diet”, Dr Aseem linked it to its greek origin ‘diaita’, which essentially means ‘lifestyle’. Surprisingly, 70 per cent of Indian diet calories come from consuming carbohydrates and most of them are not necessarily from the best quality of carbohydrates. These poor quality carbohydrates include a lot of sugar, flour-based products, snacks loaded with starch, loaves of bread, and white rice. Another shocking finding shared by Dr Aseem is that an average Indian consumes at least 15 teaspoons sugar in the form fruit juices, sweets, sugar-laden drinks and snacks. He underlined the fact that while one does not need any amount of sugar to stay healthy, the World Health Organization has drawn the upper limit on five teaspoons of sugar per day. This essentially means, Indians are probably consuming 3-4 times of sugar then they should.
Your diet can reverse type-2 diabetes Contrary to popular beliefs, Dr Aseem explained that it is never too late to change your dietary habits as it can help you reverse type 2 habits within weeks. This can be done by carefully monitoring your diet and changing the needful. For the uninitiated, Dr Aseem has been working with type 2 diabetes patients and empowering them to reverse the same with the help of lifestyle and dietary changes.
While he did not advise the patients to instantly stop taking the medications, he did recommend dietary changes for type-2 diabetes patients. He stated that medications and insulin for type-2 diabetes do not work on increasing the lifespan or reducing the chances of a heart attack and they also come with their side-effects.
When you work on reversing type-2 diabetes, you not only take away the immeasurable suffering of the patients and the impact this disease has on their nerves, eyes, kidneys etc but it also adds years to their lives, he added. Since the patients of type 2 diabetes tend to have a particular sensitivity to the sugars and refined carbohydrates, when they begin to cut down the sugar, rice, bread, potatoes etc, their blood glucose level may start to go down in a span of few weeks.
As a result, they may end up reducing the medication dosage when advised by their doctor. He pointed out that type 2 diabetes is a condition of carbohydrates intolerance, so shunning the glucose and carbohydrate-laden products like rice, breads, pasta, sugar etc can do wonders for the patient. Additionally, junk and processed food items should be replaced with whole foods including fresh fruits and vegetables. He also said that fruit juices should be avoided as they are full of sugar and whole fruits should be added to the diet instead.
The relationship between the Keto diet and managing type-2 diabetes The cardiologist underlined that whole food-based Keto diet can be very beneficial for those battling type-2 diabetes. On the other hand low-sugar, low refined carbohydrate, a Mediterranean inspired diet with lots of vegetables or unprocessed meat like lamb, chicken and fish can also be a part of a healthy diet.
He also busted the prevalent myth of eating as frequently as every two hours and said that there is no legitimate need for the majority of the people to eat every two hours, no matter what is being propagated on the internet.
The goodness of Intermittent diet When you cut down the sugar and starch in the form of junk food, snacks and packaged food items, you actually eat to fullness and don’t feel as hungry as before. Speaking about Intermittent diet, Dr Aseem agreed that there are emerging pieces of evidence which back the claim that it can be good for your metabolic health. He also underlined different methods of doing the intermittent diet and explained that for two or three times a week, he fasts for 16 hours a day and eats in a window between 12 to 8 pm.
The lack of protein in the average Indian diet As per a statement by the Indian Dietetic Association, a whopping 84 per cent of Indians are protein deficient! This is not surprising considering the fact that meat inadvertently remains one of the best sources of protein, which doesn’t find its place in an average Indian thali. He pointed out that protein deficiency poses a big threat to the elderlies as they lose muscle mass and strength with age.
He listed down some of the best sources of protein which included eggs, paneer (cottage cheese), lentils etc and pointed out that Indians need to consume more of these protein-rich products in their diet instead of flour-based products and rice. Eggs remain one of the best sources of protein, including the yolk. The cardiologist reiterated the fact that the cholesterol present in egg yolks does not raise our cholesterol and will not give you a heart attack.
Move over vegetable oils, it is time to bring back desi ghee The vegetable seed oils used for cooking in the Indian households including the sunflower oil, canola and soybean oil are not exactly healthy. Dr Aseem suggests swapping them with desi ghee, coconut oil and extra virgin oil. Since these oils remain quite stable even after they are heated up, they make for a healthier alternative to the vegetable oils that become toxic after heating.
He also reiterated that the adoption of the modern western diet through these fast food joints is actually increasing the consumption of toxic food items and should be avoided as much as possible.
Why you need to quit smoking and start walking It is important to note that the reduction in smoking remains one of the biggest reasons for lowering the death rate from heart disease in the UK and US. Infact, he points out that quitting smoking can be more powerful than all the medications given for reducing the risk of a future heart attack combined together.
Dr Aseem also simplified the whole formula of physical activities and nudged the people to take out 30 minutes every day from their daily routine and go for a brisk walk, at least five times a week. The need to get up and get moving for at least 30 minutes is all the more important in this work from home era where we stay glued to our laptop screens for an immeasurable about of time.
If you have trouble getting sound sleep at night, Dr Aseem advises cutting down on tea and coffee (due to their caffeine content) after midday as they act as stimulants. Incorporating yoga and meditation in the daily routine is another important part of calming down your mind and sleeping well at night. It also helps to dial down the stress levels.
The truth of Vegan and Vegetarian diet When it comes to the diet you are following, it is never a good idea to go to any extremes. So, if you have switched to a Vegan or Vegetarian diet, it is important that you include more vegetables in your daily meals when compared to white rice, bread or other flour-based products. Since protein deficiency seems to be more common in vegetarians, closely monitor your protein intake for the day and include pulses, lentils, chickpeas, paneer (cottage cheese) and spinach. As a rule of thumb, you should consume 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your weight.
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pluresmundos-blog · 5 years
UFO seekers are flocking to a huge Buddha statue in Thailand saying it is home to a wormhole that aliens use to travel to different dimensions
A group of Buddhist worshippers on a remote hilltop in Thailand believe that aliens communicate with people in the area. Khao Kala in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to "City of Heaven" — is located just three hours north of Bangkok and has become a hotspot for tourists looking to experience the supernatural. The remote area is located on a hill among a sugar cane plantation. Believers say the hill hides a secret wormhole that allows aliens from Pluto and elsewhere to travel between different dimensions. As alien seekers flock to the area, local police are becoming increasingly frustrated. Officers have recently raided the area and expressed concern that the influx of tourism could endanger the protected forests. There is no substantive evidence that the site has supernatural or alien qualities. Alien tourism appears to be gaining popularity around the world, and some offbeat travelers believe that a remote hilltop in Thailand holds the key to connecting with the extraterrestrial world. Khao Kala in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to "City of Heaven" — is located just three hours north of the Thai capital Bangkok, and has become a hotspot for tourists looking to experience the supernatural. Several news outlets, including CNN and Vice, have recently traveled to the area, where some people believe humans can telepathically communicate with aliens. The hill is located amongst a sugar cane plantation, and, according to the Bangkok Post, believers in the supernatural site say it hides a secret wormhole that allows aliens to travel between different dimensions. Believers practice meditation at Hill 145, where a giant Buddha statue sits below a statue of a seven-headed snake. Several other Buddhist statues, including one called "Buddha's Footprint" stand nearby. Somjit Raepeth, a member of Khao Kala group or UFO Khao Kala, a group that believes that the area possesses supernatural qualities, told the Post in 2015 that members practice strict Buddhist principles and were able to contact aliens from Pluto and another planet called Logu Kata Paka Tigong, located somewhere in the Milky Way. "They have high virtues and morals," she told the Post. "The only way to make contact with them is to practice dhamma (Buddhist teachings) to the highest levels." According to CNN, followers of the ideology believe that people can hear the aliens through meditation, and have described the aliens as "slender, little, silvery humanoids." Some followers have reported seeing UFOs and silhouettes of figures on the hilltop, while others say they were actually spun around by alien powers. There is no substantive evidence that the site has supernatural or alien qualities, or, of course, that aliens exist. Wassana Chuensamnaun, a lead campaigner for the extraterrestrials, told CNN that aliens from Pluto "are made of energy" and have expressed concern about devastation on Earth. Loku aliens, he says, have "knowledge of high technology" and present in physical form. He says Pluto's alien leader claimed Buddha was the "greatest human mind." According to local daily Khao Sod, a member of UFO Khao Kala predicted that World War III would break out by 2022. Wassana told CNN that aliens have promised to take care of a select few "survivors" in the event of such fallout. Yahoo ! Manage Your Publishers Arrest warrants issued for 3 in killing of Guyger trial witness Arrest warrants issued for 3 in killing of Guyger trial witness 895 reactions MichaelG: The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and some community leaders in recent days had called for an independent investigation into Brown's death and the Dallas police department. Moore said some had suggested police were somehow involved. Sherrilyn Ifill, the defense fund's president, said Monday that it is critical to public confidence in the criminal justice system that witnesses who speak out against police violence are fully protected. Ifill said she supports the call by Jean's family for a comprehensive federal investigation of the Dallas Police Department. “The circumstances surrounding the murder of Mr. Brown cries out for answers,” Ifill said. "We urge state or federal authorities to follow the trail of misconduct left by this case and fully investigate the circumstances surrounding Mr. Brown’s death." https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/nation/2019/10/08/naacp-calls-investigation-dallas-police-guyger-witness-joshua-brown-death/3905991002/ This is your body on keto This is your body on keto 291 reactions Steve: I did this for awhile. It was an interesting experience. I had all of these "symptoms." Once I cleared the first couple weeks I did feel like I had way more energy and was sleeping better. Since then we have researched how much added sugar is in everything and that is a huge part of the problem. We have now shifted to more of a "real food" diet. We added in apples and bananas and a few other carb specific foods. Most of the time we stay away from added sugar (read the label, you'll be shocked to see how it's in everything). Fats are not nearly as bad for you as sugar is. That was one of the great scams of the past 50 years that has lead to the obesity epidemic. Ellen DeGeneres addresses George W. Bush backlash Ellen DeGeneres addresses George W. Bush backlash 1,843 reactions Candice: I saw the picture over the weekend and my only thought was “hmm...that’s funny, I wonder what they talk about.” I’m aware that they come from different walks of life, but it never occurred to me that them sharing an afternoon together at a football game would be considered offensive. My dad and I share opposite political views, does that mean I can’t be seen in public with him either? I suggest people find bigger things to fuss about than what retired presidents and talk show hosts do with their leisure time. FBI: He's the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history FBI: He's the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history 221 reactions Christine: Why is he still breathing? I grew up with a child that turned serial killer. I remember when he was executed. Even tho he was my friend in elementary I was glad because he couldn't hurt anyone else. I live in Texas... we have an Express lane for these people. We should not let them stay on death row if proven without a doubt they have done this crime Ever wonder how Costco makes money? Ever wonder how Costco makes money? 239 reactions B-User: I have a costco credit card and use it everywhere. The cash back more than covers my costco fee, and we typically get at least $100 to spend at Costco. This horror film's demented alternate ending is horrifying This horror film's demented alternate ending is horrifying 79 reactions Wizard: I don't watch scary movies. When I want the hell scared out of me I just watch the news. 'What makes your child entitled?' Judge takes on privilege as she sentences parents in college scam USA TODAY 448 reactions Not Interested USA TODAY AdHow does a bonus sound? Wells Fargo – Member FDIC Ad Grieving family speaks out after sleeping 6-year-old girl fatally shot in the head ABC News 474 reactions Not Interested ABC News These Are the Best Halloween Festivals Across the U.S. The Oprah Magazine 9 reactions 25 Not Interested The Oprah Magazine 'Three little children are gone forever': Family of 5 found dead in Massachusetts home USA TODAY 30 reactions Not Interested USA TODAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENTAD Get a $400 Bonus UFO seekers are flocking to a huge Buddha statue in Thailand saying it is home to a wormhole that aliens use to travel to different dimensions INSIDER 185 reactions Not Interested INSIDER Christian florist: My longtime customer was a friend, then he sued me over his gay wedding USA TODAY Opinion 895 reactions Not Interested USA TODAY Opinion The Vampire Diaries writer says fans made Damon storyline "really hard" Digital Spy 12 reactions Not Interested Digital Spy AdWhich mutual fund family did Barron's rank #1? 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GoToMeeting Ad Elderly dog thrown in trash to die after allegedly being beaten by owners Good Morning America 771 reactions Not Interested Good Morning America Video Jana Kramer reveals she found texts from another woman on Mike Caussin's phone again in emotional podcast Yahoo Entertainment 514 reactions Not Interested Yahoo Entertainment In-N-Out owner explains why fast-food chain prints Bible verses on food packaging USA TODAY 1,328 reactions Not Interested USA TODAY AdGet fast, reliable Business Internet. Comcast Business Ad Key witness in ex-Dallas officer Amber Guyger’s murder trial shot and killed USA TODAY 2,127 reactions Not Interested USA TODAY These Are the Best 13 Sweaters for Under $100 Esquire 12 reactions 14 Not Interested Esquire Cruel teenager trapped cat in washing machine to die overnight Yahoo News UK 525 reactions Not Interested Yahoo News UK AdStraighten your teeth while you sleep. SmileDirectClub Ad Kurds Have Been Preparing for Trump’s Syria Betrayal—With a Vengeance The Daily Beast 389 reactions Not Interested The Daily Beast Content is loading... UFO seekers are flocking to a huge Buddha statue in Thailand saying it is home to a wormhole that aliens use to travel to different dimensions INSIDER INSIDEROctober 8, 2019, 2:19 AM PDT aliens buddha thailand aliens buddha thailand Google Maps Satellite SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENTAD Get a $400 Bonus A group of Buddhist worshippers on a remote hilltop in Thailand believe that aliens communicate with people in the area. Khao Kala in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to "City of Heaven" — is located just three hours north of Bangkok and has become a hotspot for tourists looking to experience the supernatural. The remote area is located on a hill among a sugar cane plantation. Believers say the hill hides a secret wormhole that allows aliens from Pluto and elsewhere to travel between different dimensions. As alien seekers flock to the area, local police are becoming increasingly frustrated. Officers have recently raided the area and expressed concern that the influx of tourism could endanger the protected forests. There is no substantive evidence that the site has supernatural or alien qualities. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Alien tourism appears to be gaining popularity around the world, and some offbeat travelers believe that a remote hilltop in Thailand holds the key to connecting with the extraterrestrial world. Khao Kala in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to "City of Heaven" — is located just three hours north of the Thai capital Bangkok, and has become a hotspot for tourists looking to experience the supernatural. Several news outlets, including CNN and Vice, have recently traveled to the area, where some people believe humans can telepathically communicate with aliens. The hill is located amongst a sugar cane plantation, and, according to the Bangkok Post, believers in the supernatural site say it hides a secret wormhole that allows aliens to travel between different dimensions. Believers practice meditation at Hill 145, where a giant Buddha statue sits below a statue of a seven-headed snake. Several other Buddhist statues, including one called "Buddha's Footprint" stand nearby. Somjit Raepeth, a member of Khao Kala group or UFO Khao Kala, a group that believes that the area possesses supernatural qualities, told the Post in 2015 that members practice strict Buddhist principles and were able to contact aliens from Pluto and another planet called Logu Kata Paka Tigong, located somewhere in the Milky Way. "They have high virtues and morals," she told the Post. "The only way to make contact with them is to practice dhamma (Buddhist teachings) to the highest levels." According to CNN, followers of the ideology believe that people can hear the aliens through meditation, and have described the aliens as "slender, little, silvery humanoids." Some followers have reported seeing UFOs and silhouettes of figures on the hilltop, while others say they were actually spun around by alien powers. There is no substantive evidence that the site has supernatural or alien qualities, or, of course, that aliens exist. Read more: How Area 51 became the center of alien conspiracy theories Wassana Chuensamnaun, a lead campaigner for the extraterrestrials, told CNN that aliens from Pluto "are made of energy" and have expressed concern about devastation on Earth. Loku aliens, he says, have "knowledge of high technology" and present in physical form. He says Pluto's alien leader claimed Buddha was the "greatest human mind." According to local daily Khao Sod, a member of UFO Khao Kala predicted that World War III would break out by 2022. Wassana told CNN that aliens have promised to take care of a select few "survivors" in the event of such fallout. Read more: Before Area 51, the US' first 'UFO' controversy uncovered a top-secret military project Authorities have not taken kindly to the overcrowding of tourists on the hilltop, which houses several Buddhist holy sites. In August, they raided the UFO sighting spot out of concern that travelers were jeopardizing the protected forests in the area by camping out and holding activities. In September, authorities and forestry officials returned again and confronted Wassana, along with others at the site, according to CNN. "If we find anyone guilty of wrongdoing, we will file a criminal case against them. "If a UFO descends and parks here, that's even better. We'll capture them all," Police Maj. Gen. Damrong Petpong told Khao Sod in August.
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fishermariawo · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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cristinajourdanqp · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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watsonrodriquezie · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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milenasanchezmk · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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You Know
Steve/Reader (****) Bucky (Gen)
Summary: What Steve walked into was a catacomb of missed chances, squandered love, utter betrayal, and regret plastered on the walls. Poster sized prints weren't taped to the walls, oh no, **** glued reprints of him fucking another woman on whatever space she could manage.
Notes: Cheating/Affair. Drunk Goodbyes. Broken Engagement. Angst. Nudity. Complete. Possible sequel.
Rating: Solid R. Mature Audience.
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You Know
Engagement Ring
You didn't need or want a boyfriend... Or girlfriend for that matter.
One minute you were fine and dandy wiping down a table and the next your tray whizzed through the air and smacked a perv in the head.
And again.
And again.
And again.
If someone gropes your ass the logical reaction would be murder. At least that's what your mama had taught you.
Kill them like the roach they were.
Maybe that's when he saw you more than a random part time human he interacted with? He had swooped in, plucked the tray out of your hand, and broke it in half over the guys head.
Of course you politely said thank you before landing a solid kick into the perv. Not the face. If there weren't cameras you'd have stomped on his head.
The way your mama had taught you.
That was then.
Before routine.
When he had to stalk you for a date in his goofy bashful self. When his best friend would get a kick of the 'old Steve' that was a mess around girls. When he had... no... there was no sense in getting nalstagic.
While you didn't want a boyfriend you never expected to get married. Steve's friends had been more excited than you, magazines and samples had taken over the small breakfast nook in the corner of the kitchen. You lit them on fire on the roof in one of the communal pits and lounged with takeout and wine. It's where you sat and made the decision to leave.
You couldn't stay.
God what would your mother say if she had been alive? She'd be disappointed in you.
The ring was rose gold, shaped like an octagon, and while pretty you had been afraid you'd lose it. Tempting as it was to flush it down the toilet you left it in the freezer atop a bag of sweet corn.
You packed your clothes - the ones you had purchased - into one luggage, another luggage was your shoes and intimates, and your carry on bag was large enough for your toiletries and kindle.
The car you purchased - with cash and registered under an alias - had enough space in the trunk for the luggage. The lovely security guard had helped you - bless him - and then you drove off. You refused to look back and you refused to shed another tear.
Well planned and as thought out as one could get considering their ex was an avenger with questionable access to the interwebs. You waited until the Avengers were on a mission.
A friend of a friend helped with your makeup and prosthetics to make you look like an elderly man, and you had enough cash on you to fund a bank. No paper trails, no cell phones beyond a simple Nokia that had no internet access, and once you made it outside state lines and to a safe house you'll disappear.
No more chances at romance.
All men were the same.
Even all american test tube super hero's weren't immune to cheating and lying.
It used to be warm, smelled of dessert, savory meals, music played in the background, **** off tune voice singing along, there was a garden scattered throughout the condo, fruit always filled a basket, and more importantly **** was there to make him feel human.
Less lonely.
That was home. One he worked hard to obtain.
What Steve walked into was a catacomb of missed chances, squandered love, utter betrayal, and regret plastered on the walls. Poster sized prints weren't taped to the walls, oh no, **** glued reprints of him fucking another woman on whatever space she could manage.
The glossy original prints hung from the ceiling right over their bed like a weird still mobile. With that thought Steve remembered the birth control pills and hoped she would never catch on as to how insane he really was over her.
The doorbell rang.
Had it been anyone else, Steve wouldn't have opened the door but instinct fueled his hand and trust didn't make him flinch as a fist hit him in the face and he was down. Dropped on his ass in his own home with an incensed soldier grabbing him by his shirt and tossing him like a rag doll before shutting the door and locking it.
The island held an empty fruit basket and a ring. A frozen mockery of a promise he remembered in great detail from months ago. Bucky had found it as he had been gracious enough to offer a bag of frozen peas only to find a bag of sweet corn and a ring.
Steve wanted to cry.
He wanted to get angry.
He wanted to call Tony for a favor but he could do nothing but sit on a stool his fiancee, future wife, future mother to his children, now 'ex', had picked out.
Only Bucky would probably kill him if he so much as sniffled.
The bag of sweet corn smacked him across the face none too gently and Steve winced. The other stool creaked as the crack and hiss of a Fanta soda being opened. Yet another check against him, **** made a point to stock the fridge with his and Bucky's favorites.
"Hope she was worth it."
"Blond, green eyes, fake tits, didn't know desperate was your type."
Steve shut both eyes and slouched, "It was a mistake."
Bucky's brows lifted, soda can midway to his lips. "Fucking her for two months is now a mistake?"
"Look... I tried to stop it. Every time we met it just... Happened." It was stupid and in a way so true. He had tried stopping but some how they always end up fucking and every time he promised himself it was the last.
"Bullshit!" The can bent as it was slammed onto the counter. "You don't commit to marriage and then run off to fuck some floozie from legal!"
"I'm sorry!" Steve snapped, "I know I fucked up! It's on all the fucking walls!" Which was true. Even the fridge door had a blown picture of his face between slender legs and the freezer door a blown up shot of his cock being sucked. "I need to find her, apologise, and fix this." Bucky snorted, "I can fix this."
"**** has more respect for herself than you do of her."
"I love her." He did. Steve loved **** more than he'd love Peggy.
"You don't love a woman like **** and then fuck a bitch behind her back."
"It was a mistake." Steve grit out, irritated.
"Two months isn't a mistake. That's a fucking affair. Litteraly. You fucked like rabbits."
Steve stared, a frown tugging at his lips. "How do you know?"
Bucky stood and went for another soda only to stare at the woman splayed out for the world to see, "She is hot. Better looking than ****. It would've hurt more if you'd downgraded."
"**** is perfect!" Steve spat, throwing the bag of mushy corn where it burst as it hit a well.
"Look at her though." Bucky tapped on the breasts, "Nipples are spaced perfectly, more than a handfull, kudos to her surgeon."
"Kudos? When do you say kudos?"
"Must be on a low carb keto diet or those green smoothies, and even her belly button is worth cumming over."
Steve stared. Horrified. What was going on?
"And look at her skill!" A metal knuckle tapped at where the womana nose pressed against Steve's pubes. "Porn quality. The type of girl you want to teach you some shit."
"You know where she is." It wasn't a question. Bucky didn't talk like that. The man was a storm of swears, stares, and threats. Not... this. "Where is she?"
"Wish I knew so I could tell you to fuck off."
"She couldn't have gone far if she met with you, I might have time..."
"I haven't spoken to **** and i don't expect to hear from her again actually." Bucky ignored his friend's glare as he rummaged through the fridge for another soda and snagged a bag of cookies because only **** would hoard cookies in a refrigerator. "She left her phone in my apartment and instructions to watch her video."
Bucky pulled out **** phone tucked on the inside of his jacket and tossed it to the other man. He returned to his seat, opened his soda, and munched on his cookies.
The phone wasn't password activated and a quick search proved most of the personal stuff like pictures and apps were deleted except for a single video.
Hey Tiny.
**** personal nickname for Bucky who had lost a bet but secretly was amused by it. The phone shook as **** had nearly dropped it with a swear. She looked as if she had been crying and she was chugging from a bottle of plum wine. Her favorite wine.
Just wanted to say i will miss you and i love you. Like, really, really love you. I'd give you my kidney sorta love.
She giggled and sipped at her bottle, eye's roaming the room. Tears slipped from her eyes and Steve felt his own burn. **** was a mess. She used a sleeve to wipe at her nose and her smile was shaky.
I redecorated, Steve will love it.
The camera flipped and **** showed off the wallpaper of porn. The condo looked trashed and luggage was open on the living room floor half packed and takeout piled on the coffee table.
I figure since he loved to fuck random pussy he'd like this theme. I call it *Whore of Narcissism*
The camera swivels and zooms into a familiar picture of the woman laid out and the hand holding the bottle points at the woman.
Not her. She not a whore Tiny. Ok!
The camera swivels to another portrait of Steve's face.
He's a cunt faced whore.
The camera switches and **** is giggling again.
Shhh. Look what I did. Put it it on the fridge door, that's where I keep the fish sticks.
Bucky snorts and Steve barely refrains from giving the man the finger.
See. Cunt whore faced.
**** giggles
Don't tell him but he can't eat pussy. He can't, he misses the clit. Like how do you miss this?
The phone tilts and Steve swears as she's wearing practically nothing. It wasn't her sexy underwear but the shear laced thong left little to be hidden.
It's right there, see it pokes out a bit too.
**** bumps her pussy with the bottom of edge of the wine bottle.
How can he miss it?
"It gets better." Bucky happily munches on a cookie.
"Fuck you."
Look. Just look.
There's a thunk as the bottle was set down and **** shoves aside her underwear and it was a crooked close up of her manicured pussy.
How is this not buffet worthy? My pussy tastes like sin yet he treats it like a McD's drive through. My pussy is not a Big Mac! It's MSG!
The phone jerks up back to her face and she's angry.
Chinese buffet MSG quality. My pussy is it's own zodiac sign ok!
Bucky's shoulders are shaking and Steve is mortified.
Maybe he likes her sauce though?
The camera points to his head between the girls legs.
He never spends forever with me but with her... I got so many pictures of her and he is just there. I have a buffet he can eat from and he chooses this...
Her hand smacks on a breast.
She's hot Bucky. Look at her. She's fucking perfect and her tits are fucking perfect. You see them? Nipples spaced perfectly, bigger than his hands, kuddos to whoever worked on her, she's a fucking art piece, I wanna know her surgeon, I want tits like hers.
The camera shifts and **** holds the camera up at an angle downward as she unhooks her bra with one hand and slips one arm out while it dangles from the other and she's touching herself.
See one's smaller.
"Did you..." Steve couldn't get it out as he watched his fiance complain about her breasts on camera to his best friend. Brother.
"Fuck her?" Bucky crushes his empty soda can, "I'm not you. If I had that in my bed I wouldn't get complaints about my mouth."
... at least she's hot you know. If he's going to fuck another bitch at least she's beautiful. I'd die if he downgraded you know. He fucked her in the office you know. Her office. She's beautiful and educated and I'm a mess.
The wine bottle was back in her hands and she took a long swallow uncaring that she was half naked.
I'm sorry Tiny. Bucky. I'm... This... I should delete this one but my battery is gonna die so fuck it. I'm leaving. When you see Steve punch him. I can't be there when he gets back. I'll kill him.
She sipped her wine and her brows furrow.
She has to be on some low carb keto diet... I don't think I can drink those green smoothies but I would have. I could look like a porn star! I can look plastic too!
Her eyes go wide before she blinks and frowns.
I can get wigs and wear those waist thingy's and change names... We could have role played. I would have called him daddy or - or - dirty stuff. I could have been his whore you know. I'm not a basic bitch Tiny. If she were my friend she'd teach me to not choke!
**** shakes her head and takes another swig.
I want to hate her but she... Bucky she was crying. He lied to her, for two months he lied to her, and she brought me ice cream Bucky. I couldn't hit her. She got me chocolate.
Her eyes narrowed and the sadness was swept away.
I want to hurt him. Rip his heart out through his ass and shove it down his throat! I planned it too, killing him. Got explosives... was gonna put a trigger thing on it and boom. Take out the whole floor.
**** makes a boom noise before flopping on the couch atop folded clothes, her wine bottle gone from her hands.
Neighbors got a kid downstairs and... Kids... No kids.
She rubs her face, tears leaving tracks and her breadth hitches and she's doing her best to not break down.
I was right. I told you there's no such thing as happily ever after. I told you they're all the same. I'm...
Her breath hitches and she's staring into the lens. Broken.
I'm not perfect Bucky, I'm not her but I loved him. I believed him. You said... Said he was good and I be-believed you cuz I trusted you and I want... Wanted... I deserve to be loved. I am good enough... I'm good... Right? Bucky... Why... Why am I not good enough? what did I do wrong? I... I... I'm sorry.
The phone tumbles and the screen goes dark but Steve can't hold back his own tears as he hears her sob before it cuts off completely.
What had he done?
How did he fix this?
Can he fix this?
End... ish.
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jesseneufeld · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
(function($) { $("#dfC0BVJ").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfC0BVJ" ); })( jQuery );
ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '66572' });
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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cynthiamwashington · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
(function($) { $("#dfTrXCY").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfTrXCY" ); })( jQuery );
ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '67622' });
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
0 notes
jesseneufeld · 6 years
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results
Men occupy an interesting place in the health sphere. While there’s a disparity—albeit one that’s approaching parity—between men and women in the conventional medical literature, in the alternative health world, it’s flipped. Women are a “special interest” group, and their specific health issues and special considerations related to diet and exercise receive a lot of attention, often as a way to counteract the conventional imbalance—and because women tend to be higher consumers of health information. I have far more posts (including a post on Keto For Women) explicitly directed toward women and women’s issues (and the same can be said across many ancestral health sites).
Men are assumed to be “the default,” requiring no special consideration, but is that actually true?
Today, I’ll be talking about any special considerations men should make when following a Keto Reset plan.
Play At the Margins
Historically, anthropologically, and biologically speaking, men can tolerate great variations in environmental intensity. They’re usually (not always of course) the ones going to war, performing great feats of physical endurance and strength, willingly subjecting themselves to misery and pain, as well as being more violent and getting into the most trouble. (On the whole) carrying more muscle mass, secreting more testosterone, and being physically larger than the opposite sex will tend to make all that possible. We see this kind of sexual dimorphism play out across most mammals, and there’s no reason to think humans are any different.
Most of us don’t have these extreme situations foisted on us any more, but we still thrive doing them. Try a 2-day fast. Do one meal a day. Eat a 3-pound steak, then no meat at all the next day. Eat a dozen eggs for breakfast (whenever that happens). Try lots of seemingly extreme experiments to see what works. It may be that you thrive doing the occasional intense bout of keto bravado. Only one way to find out.
Whereas women tend to have a lower tolerance for perturbations in caloric intake for their potential impact on fertility status, men have far more leeway. Take advantage of that.
Be As Strict As Possible Early On
I’m not going to mince words. Get strict. Most of the men I encounter who are having problems with keto do better the stricter they are. For women, it’s often the opposite—they need to relax their keto adherence and just eat.
Don’t mess around with carb refeeds, pre-workout carbs, or “just one donut hole” until you have a good thing going. Get those fat-burning mitochondria built. Stay strong and stay strict.
Manage Your Stress Levels
This is good general advice for everyone on any diet, but it’s especially so for men eating keto.
A big part of traditional masculinity (for better and worse) is stoicism—the ability to soldier on through a difficult situation. This is, on balance, often a good yet misunderstood trait that gets a bad rap that it doesn’t always deserve. Stoicism isn’t unfeeling. At its healthiest, it’s the ability to address the feelings without being ruled by them. It’s feeling grief without letting your life fall to pieces. These are positive ways to respond to life’s slings and arrows. But this can lead to a denial of the physiological ramifications of stress and a failure to manage them with anti-stress behaviors.
Keto does not make you impervious to stress. Being a man does not make you impervious to stress. There are still limits to the amount of stress we can tolerate, physiological ones that no one should try to transcend. At those levels, “mind over matter” stops working. Stress will spike cortisol, blunt testosterone, and make all that decidedly non-keto junk food all the more attractive and alluring.
Monitor Your Testosterone Levels
For the most part, going keto tends to improve testosterone levels:
It reduces body fat. Researchers have known for decades that carrying extra body fat depresses testosterone levels, and that losing the extra fat restores them. In fact, a recent study found that a man’s body weight is such a fantastic predictor of low testosterone and poor sexual function that the authors recommend it should be used as a standard biomarker for evaluating testosterone levels. If keto is helping you lose body fat, it’s probably improving your T levels.
It increases saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Both nutrients (yes, nutrients) are important building blocks for the production of testosterone. Studies show that low-fat, high-fiber diets lower testosterone in men, while diets higher in saturated fat increase it.
Once the initial exodus of body fat is over, though, you have to be more vigilant. Calories can dip too low. Deficiencies of micronutrients you haven’t been thinking about may start to surface. And this can all impact your testosterone levels.
Make sure you’re not starving yourself. Men are built to handle and even prosper from acute boluses of extreme caloric restriction or expenditure (fasts, heavy training), but extended bouts can destroy our hormonal profile. Just look at what happens to a seasoned bodybuilder preparing for competition with caloric restriction and intense training—their testosterone tanks and their cortisol shoots up.
Make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of the pro-testosterone micronutrients. Zinc, vitamin D (either through sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods like wild salmon, eggs, cod liver oil, or supplementation), saturated fat, cholesterol, magnesium. Using a tool like Cronometer can help you track them and get your diet in order.
Don’t Let Keto Take Over
Men tend to obsess over things that interest them. We scour the literature, try to optimize everything, spend every waking moment thinking about how to do something—in this case, keto—better. We can get a little iron-willed and myopic if we don’t watch ourselves.
Focus is all well and good, but not if it starts impeding your ability to handle other aspects of health that are no less important.
Don’t stay up ’til 2 A.M. arguing on keto forums and reading PubMed abstracts. Get your sleep.
Don’t become a recluse because none of your friends understand your “weird keto thing.” Maintain your social relationships, your community.
Don’t stop sprinting because you measured your blood glucose once after a hill session and it spiked. Exercise is equally important.
Make Sure You’re Lifting
Keto does not replace strength training.
I’m a firm proponent of weight lifting for everyone—man, woman, elderly, and sometimes child (depending on the child). The benefits are unassailable and vast. Carrying lean muscle mass is a wholly beneficial trait for everyone.
But you have to admit, it’s especially crucial for a man. There’s nothing more indicative of poor metabolic health than the male skinny fat look. I see far too many men on keto diets who carry around the skinny fat look, and it’s usually because they aren’t lifting anything heavy. Yeah, you’re burning a lot of fat. Yeah, you’ve got some nice-looking mitochondria. Yeah, keto is protein-sparing. But are you using those mitochondria? Are you taking advantage of that lost dead weight to do some extra pull-ups? Are you content with merely limiting the number of amino acids your ketogenic metabolic state extracts from your muscle tissue, or are you going to build brand new muscle tissue?
Get to it.
That’s what I’ve got. What about you? Can you folks recommend any special tips, tricks, or tactics for men doing a keto diet?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
(function($) { $("#dfC0BVJ").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfC0BVJ" ); })( jQuery );
ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '66572' });
Masterson JM, Soodana-prakash N, Patel AS, Kargi AY, Ramasamy R. Elevated Body Mass Index Is Associated with Secondary Hypogonadism Among Men Presenting to a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. World J Mens Health. 2019;37(1):93-98.
Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, et al. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(6):3550-9.
Pardue A, Trexler ET, Sprod LK. Case Study: Unfavorable But Transient Physiological Changes During Contest Preparation in a Drug-Free Male Bodybuilder. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;27(6):550-559.
The post Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Keto for Men: 6 Tips to Optimize Your Results published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
0 notes
healthbolt-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health bolt
New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/how-to-cook-mustard-greens-healthy/
How To Cook Mustard Greens Healthy
Cooking healthy meals
Healthy … cook
Making naturally sweet foods taste
Healthy cooking cook cabbage healthy refined
Honey Mustard … and cook for 15 minutes, or until the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and allow to sit and steam (c…
Virgin Coconut Oil For Cooking Healthy Low Calorie Healthy Cooking Low-calorie diets also don’t help people learn healthy eating habits … and to consume all your food during an eight-hour ti… Dec. 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — A medically supervised meal-replacement program offered by AMITA Health produces twice as much weight loss and higher rates of sustained weight loss than a reduced-calori… Find dozens of healthy recipes, low-fat recipes, and low-calorie meal ideas from WebMD and Eating Well. Find healthy, delicious low-calorie recipes including low-calorie breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell. Avocado makes the pesto sauce in this healthy zoodle recipe extra creamy. topped with zesty shrimp this easy dinner recipe comes together in a … It’s no longer called the Atkins Diet, but the low-carb … to be healthy. Bruce Y. Lee, a professor of international health … Loaded with protein and fiber, this smoothie is a great way to get your day started or sip after a hard workout. This green smoothie is creamy, fresh and flavorful with just a pinch of cinnamon. Before you embark on your low-calorie potato topping adventure—A whopper of a potato, before toppings, can have more calories than a 6-ounce sirloin steak (though none of the saturated fat). cooking healthy meals For One Great meals are built on wholesome ingredients, smart strategies and fresh ideas. We brought them together for you here. Have fun! • Learn how the pros cook food the healthiest way – without added oils. • Give your pantry a healthy makeover with these foods – complete overhaul for under $100 … Women’s Health Healthy Meals for One (or Two) Cookbook: A Simple Guide to Shopping, Prepping, and Cooking for Yourself with 175 Nutritious Recipes [Editors of Women’s Health] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Take care of your taste buds, your wallet, and your health by prepping and cooking your way to healthy eating every day of the week with a cookbook designed … A totally new patented way to cook quick and easy one-pot meals, while keeping ingredients intact and full of flavor. Elizabeth Yarnell developed her revolutionary infusion-cooking method to avoid often mushy slow-cooker results and to make cooking and cleaning up after dinner a breeze. Yes, now I could have my cake (yes, cake) and eat it, too. Here are four of my favorite recipes from the book, every one swee… "Rocco’s Healthy & Delicious." DiSpirito’s secret is subbing in ingredients like applesauce, buckwheat flour and coconut suga… In the interest of avoiding food resolution cliches, this is not a collection of … then take your newfound confidence for a … Teach Me How To Cook Healthy Aug 07, 2018  · Very few people are aware of the fact that a healthy juice be extracted from ginger root. I got the idea to write about this shortly after I heard how an elderly woman got relieved from her ill condition after drinking some portions of ginger juice. healthy cooking Classes Dallas Healthy Way To Cook Fish
May 24, 2015  · Saute the onions until slightly softened, about 2 minutes, then add the red pepper flakes and garlic, cook another minute. Add collard greens and cook …
Are there healthy … cook for 15 minutes, or until the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and allow to sit and steam (c…
Immune function and iron absorption are also enhanced by vitamin C. The vitamin is heat sensitive and degrades with cooking, so eat mustard greens raw to get the most benefit. According to the Linus P…
Collards, esp. big old leaves, cook slowest, and turnips, kale and mustard cook rather slowly. In a small mixing bowl, combine olive oil, mustard, garlic powder, and salt. Coat chicken breast in the mixture and marinate for a minimum of 10 minutes. Jun 26, 2016 · How to Cook Mustard Greens.
Reduce to a syrup, about 10 minutes. Pour into a glass measuring cup to stop the cooking. 2. Blanch: Pull mustard greens off their stems and break the leaves into pieces. (Discard stems.) Rinse in sev…
But now it’s time to take stock and come up with some dishes that fall into the light and healthy arena … The lemony whole-grain mustard dressing is just the ticket to dress these slightly bitter gr…
Nov 14, 2016  · Season the greens with salt, and pepper, and saute while tossing to wilt. Once wilted add the chicken stock and stir. Raise heat to a simmer, then lower and …
cover and cook for 15 minutes, or until the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and allow to sit and steam (covered) for …
Healthy Tamale Recipe Cooking Light Known for their rich filling of meats, cheeses, veggies and chiles, tamales have long-since been a staple in Spanish and Mexican culinary culture. Don’t let their long history intimidate you, though–these healthy tamale recipes require patience and time but are well-worth the effort in the kitchen. Healthy No Cook Lunches Easy Healthy Cooking For One How To Cook Kale Healthy When I want a smoothie, it’s rare that I look up a recipe to make one. Instead, I follow a basic formula … 1 tablespoon sun… Apr 01, 2016  · Kale leaves are long and frilly, with a tough center stalk, and can vary in color and texture (see varieties below). Kale can be used similarly to spinach. The … This might be the most delicious way to cook kale, ever. … This hearty and healthy dish only requires four ingredients, making it the perfect thing to whip up on a busy weeknight. Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas, and here’s wishing you all a happy and healthy … kale, purple sprouting broccoli, sp… cheap healthy cooking recipes Best Healthy Cooking Apps For Iphone If you’ve got an iPhone or iPad, the best way to start off the new year is to fill your iOS device with a bunch of paid iOS a… If the iPad were just a web browser, that would be handy enough for accessing favourite cooking sites, but there are a number of excellent cooking apps available that make the process much … The 5 Best Healthy Recipe Apps We all want to eat healthier but finding recipes that are actually good for you can be incredibly time consuming. Many recipe sites and apps boast thousands of recipes but most aren’t “healthy” and finding the right choices can … Best Way To Cook Sweet Potatoes Healthy So if you really are looking for small, achievable ways to improve your healthy eating … enjoy making naturally sweet foods taste sweeter—whatever, you do you, marshmallow lovers. We’ve got a collec… Now that the carb myth is straightened out, we can focus on the major reason why healthy eating pros are into ’em: all their … Here are some amazing ways to use these terrific tubers in your cooking … 5 healthy plant-based ways to enjoy sweet potatoes For Breakfast! are all a must-try! On top of dinner and dessert, you can … When compared to roasting or baking, boiling has also been shown to have a more favorable impact on blood sugar regulation and to provide sweet potatoes with a lower glycemic index (GI) value. In one study, the average GI value for roasted sweet potato was 82, for baked sweet potato 94, and for boiled sweet potato 46. How To Cook Yams Healthy Best Way To cook mushrooms healthy Healthy Ways To Cook Pasta Sep 29, 2018  · There are several ways to make noodles a healthy food item. Since traditional pasta can be considered somewhat unhealthy due to its high level of carbohydrates and the fact that
There are so many ways to prepare and cook mustard greens, and it’s worth it because these super-greens have the power to heal you from within. Mustard Greens Nutrition Facts Taking a look at mustard greens nutrition , you can see what a superfood these delicious greens really are.
Easy To Cook Healthy Meals How To Cook Easy Healthy MealsRate this post Contents Healthy meal prep cookbook. Healthy vegetarian cooking Mat healthy cooking cook cabbage healthy refined olive oil Qualifying offers. presents recipes One, I love knowing that healthy meals are ready to go when … all of these quick and easy keto recipes should convince you. … Cooking Healthy Meals For One Great meals are built on wholesome ingredients, smart strategies and fresh ideas. We brought them together for you here. Have fun! • Learn how the pros cook food the healthiest way – without added oils. • Give your pantry a healthy makeover with these foods – complete overhaul for under $100 … Women’s Health Healthy Meals for One (or Two) Cookbook: A Simple Guide to Shopping, Prepping, and Cooking for Yourself with 175 Nutritious Recipes [Editors of Women’s Health] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Take care of your taste buds, your wallet, and your health by prepping and cooking your way to healthy eating every day of the week with a cookbook designed … A totally new patented way to cook quick and easy one-pot meals, while keeping ingredients intact and full of flavor. Elizabeth Yarnell developed her revolutionary infusion-cooking method to avoid often mushy slow-cooker results and to make cooking and cleaning up after dinner a breeze. Yes, now I could have my cake (yes, cake) and eat it, too. Here are four of my favorite recipes from the book, every one swee… "Rocco’s Healthy & Delicious." DiSpirito’s secret is subbing in ingredients like applesauce, buckwheat flour and coconut suga… In the interest of avoiding food resolution cliches, this is not a collection of … then take your newfound confidence for a … Teach Me How To Cook Healthy Aug 07, 2018  · Very few people are aware of the fact that a healthy juice be extracted from ginger root. I got the idea to write about this shortly after I heard how an elderly woman got relieved from her ill condition after drinking some portions of ginger juice. Healthy Cooking Classes Dallas Healthy Way To Cook Fish Tilapia Chinese Healthy Cooking Youtube she’s a Chinese YouTube sensation whose hilariously elaborate office hacks regularly receive upwards of a million views. She first came to our attention back in March, and we’ve been hooked ever since … Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube Music Sports Gaming … The Art Of Cooking The Art Of Cooking. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 257,254. … chinese cooking demystified – channel. subscribe subscribed unsubscribe. happy wok – Channel. … Top 25 Chinese Food youtube channels winners. CONGRATULATIONS to every youtuber that has made this Top Chinese Food Youtube Channels list! This is the most comprehensive list of best Chinese Food Youtube Channels on the internet and I’m honoured to have you as part of this! Also check out Top Chinese Food Youtube Channels list for Top videos on Chinese Food. If your blog is selected in this list, you have the honour of Healthy One Dish Cooking Healthy Tamale Recipe Cooking Light Known for their rich filling of meats, cheeses, veggies and chiles, tamales have long-since been a staple in Spanish and Mexican culinary culture. Don’t let their long history intimidate you, though–these healthy tamale recipes require patience and time but are well-worth the effort in the kitchen. Healthy No Cook Lunches Easy Healthy Cooking For One How To Cook Kale Healthy When I want a smoothie, it’s rare that I look up a recipe to make one. Instead, I follow a basic formula … 1 tablespoon sun… Apr 01, 2016  · Kale leaves are long and frilly, with a tough center stalk, and can vary in color and texture (see varieties below). Kale can be used similarly to spinach. The … This might be the most delicious way to cook kale, ever. … This hearty and healthy dish only requires four ingredients, making it the perfect thing to whip up on a busy weeknight. Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas, and here’s wishing you all a happy and healthy … kale, purple sprouting broccoli, sp… cheap healthy cooking recipes Best Healthy Cooking Apps For Iphone If you’ve got an iPhone or iPad, the best way to start off the new year is to fill your iOS device with a bunch of paid iOS a… If the iPad were just a web browser, that would be handy enough for accessing favourite cooking sites, but there are a number of excellent cooking apps available that make the process much … The 5 Best Healthy Recipe Apps We all want to eat healthier but finding recipes that are actually good for you can be incredibly time consuming. Many recipe sites and apps boast thousands of recipes but most aren’t “healthy” and finding the right choices can … Best Way To Cook Sweet Potatoes Healthy So if you really are looking for small, achievable ways to improve your healthy eating … enjoy making naturally sweet foods taste sweeter—whatever, you do you, marshmallow lovers. We’ve got a collec… Now that the carb myth is straightened out, we can focus on the major reason why healthy eating pros are into ’em: all their … Here are some amazing ways to use these terrific tubers in your cooking … 5 healthy plant-based ways to enjoy sweet potatoes For Breakfast! are all a must-try! On top of dinner and dessert, you can … When compared to roasting or baking, boiling has also been shown to have a more favorable impact on blood sugar regulation and to provide sweet potatoes with a lower glycemic index (GI) value. In one study, the average GI value for roasted sweet potato was 82, for baked sweet potato 94, and for boiled sweet potato 46. How To Cook Yams Healthy Best Way To cook mushrooms healthy Healthy Ways To Cook Pasta Sep 29, 2018  · There are several ways to make noodles a healthy food item. Since traditional pasta can be considered somewhat unhealthy due to its high level of
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