#kidding she will have tomato juice
hop-a-lot · 2 years
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a piece of Selenia the deadly little vampire for Halloween🎃
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babybluebex · 3 months
happy sad confused | joseph quinn blurb
this is a sequel to off menu that i wrote nearly two years ago to the day (wow time flies jfc i wrote that in my mom's hotel room as i was moving lmao), so if you haven't read that yet, pop on over to that link, it'll take like 3 minutes, it's very short :)
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"Do you have strong food tastes?" Josh asked, and you rolled your eyes with a smile.
As opposed to the last podcast about food that Joe was on, you were present for the recording of this one. You remembered that day two years ago, right as everything was changing for you and your beau, when he had texted you asking if you listened to the Off Menu Podcast, and you had had to break James Acaster and Ed Gambles' hearts. Later, you had bumped into James at the BRIT Awards and were able to apologize for such a betrayal, and he had forgiven you, with the caveat that you did a shot with him (which you unfortunately had to decline, seeing as you were about 35 weeks into the standard pregnancy 40, and James accepted an alternate apology in the form of a hug).
Joe cast you a look from his place on the couch, a mortified smile playing at his lips. You knew he was thinking something like "Not this again", and you scoffed out a laugh. He was so funny sometimes that it made you sick, and you watched as Josh added, "Are you like, cilantro must be burned at the stake?"
Joe laughed. "Of all the herbs to bring up," he giggled. "Just, umm, a few weeks ago, my family was in Italy, all of us, my mum and stepdad and sister, the wife and boy, the whole lot, and, y'know, coriander is big over there— or cilantro, whatever you'd like to call it— and we were trying to convince our son, who's just turned a year old, to try something with coriander on it..." Joe paused, ruminating on the meal, and he looked at you, more distinctly and blatantly than before. "Babe? What were we trying to feed him when he wasn't havin' it?"
Your eyes widened, and you gulped as the entire room's attention shifted to you. Where your husband was a natural in front of people and cameras, it didn't come quite as painlessly to you. Especially since Anthony was born, you've been hyper-aware of the way people perceive you. You hoped, for your sake, that the focus was on your words and not you, and that people's eyes instead landed on the little tot standing with you. Little Anthony Quinn was holding both your hands, standing up but balanced on top of your feet, swinging and fidgeting about, waiting for Daddy to be done with work to come for a cuddle. "Just your garden-variety spaghetti," you said. "Not even with meat sauce or anything. The tomato sauce had cilantro, and he was not into it."
"Does he say it tastes like soap?" Josh asked. "'Cause that's some people's complaint."
"Well, he isn't really saying much of anything yet," Joe chuckled. "He's just one, remember. We've got 'Mama' in our arsenal, and 'juice', sometimes 'bankie' when he wants his blanket, but bankie can also mean his pacifier, so his 'binkie'— we haven't quite worked out the difference between bankie and binkie yet, but we're getting there."
"Regardless," Josh laughed. "Not a fan of the herb."
"He is the rest of the time," Joe said. "We do a roast every Sunday, and my wife taps me to do the chicken because she doesn't like handling meat, which I understand and, because I'm a good husband, I handle that for her so she can do the rest of the meal— but I put cilantro on the roast chicken and he eats it every week."
"No complaints?" Josh asked.
"None!" Joe exclaimed. "Eats it, eats the potatos, does the whole bit, and he always wants more! My kid doesn't like cilantro in spaghetti, but will eat a whole chicken by himself— make it make sense!"
"Well, with a baby around, I'm sure there's different food around than before," Josh asked. "My niece is into those, like, Gerber cheese snacks that are essentially Cheetos but not really—"
"Oh, we're familiar with the Lil' Crunchies," Joe nodded smoothly. "The mild cheddar flavor. What my son does is, he'll eat 'em by the fistful, yeah? And he decides to be nice and to share with us, which is very good of him, but he'll hand us a wet cheese puff that's half-disintegrated from the force of his little fist, and me and his mummy have gotta pretend like 'oh, yummy, thank you, Ant'."
“You brought up your girlfriend last time food was discussed,” Josh said, and Anthony stamped his little feet as he clearly wanted to run out to Daddy. “On the Off-Menu Podcast with James and Ed, who are just loads of fun. Is she still the same way, no mushrooms or anything?”
“Well, she’s my old lady now,” Joe chuckled. “We got married a few months after that podcast, just tired of not being married to each other yet, y’know? Plus, we found out that the boy was on his way, so it felt like as good a time as any. She's still picky, but there was a small time during her third trimester where she was eating everything in sight. For a few days there, she was doing popcorn with this, I don't know, novelty salt she bought at some shop in America? Anyway, it was pickle-flavored salt, and my girl... I love her, but pickle-salt popcorn... I have to draw a line somewhere."
"And that's the line," Josh chuckled. "Does she do pickles usually?"
"Um, yeah," Joe replied, and he bit his bottom lip as he smiled. "I guess I oughta get off my high horse, I don't like pickles. I'll eat 'em if they come on a sandwich or whatever, but I don't like it. But she'll take them off my hands and eat them for me; at the deli or whatever and I get one of those spears with my sandwich, and she's eating it for me before we're even out the door."
"Joseph Quinn, you hypocrite!" Josh exclaimed and Joe chortled. "Making fun of picky eaters but not eating pickles! For shame, sir!"
"It's my one flaw!" Joe cried. "Otherwise I'm perfect!"
You couldn't help your snort, and Joe turned to you in a flash. "Oh, do you have something to say, Mrs. Quinn?" he asked. "Something to add?"
"You thinking not eating pickles is your one flaw is very funny," you told him, smoothing your hand down Anthony's hair. "I could talk about the sock situation in our laundry room at the moment, or how your windowsill herb garden has spilled out onto our balcony, or how you always rile up the dog and Ant before bedtime, or—"
"Alright!" Joe whined playfully, and Anthony squealed out a laugh, recognizing Daddy's play-voice. "I get it! Stop the attack, woman, jeez."
"She's got a list," Josh smiled. "Are there any foods that are, like, special to you? Make you think of home or anything like that?"
"Um, yeah," Joe said thoughtfully. "Obviously a roast chicken. Umm, oddly, we have these little biscuits in the U.K., like it's a layer of sponge, then orange jam, then chocolate, but they're small, we have 'em with tea— they're called Jaffa cakes, and I don't have strong opinions on them, but my wife calls me Jaffa Cake when she's being sweet to me."
"Why Jaffa Cake?" Josh wheezed. "Are you just particularly sweet like one of those cookies?"
"Well, my initials," Joe began. "They're J.A.F, and one time a while ago, when we first started dating, we went out and she got very drunk. I ended up bringing her back to my flat because I didn't want her having to get an Uber alone back to her's, and she raided the pantry while I was showering, and she was eating out a packet of Jaffa cakes that my roommate had when I got back, and... I don't know, she was hammered and started laughing and calling me that, and she's never stopped."
You were glad he cut the story off there, because the detail Joe neglected to mention was that he had given you his bed to sleep in, and when you woke up the next morning, you had gotten ill in his bathroom. He had held your hair back and wiped your mouth with a washcloth when you were done, and he had kissed you for the very first time, even after you warned him that he probably didn't want to do that. While it was a very sweet story, you still burned with embarrassment at the memory of how drunk you had gotten that night.
"But yeah," Joe said. "Whenever I'm away from home and missing her, I track down a package of Jaffa cakes, and just even the smell of 'em make me think of my girl."
"Along with a roast chicken," Josh added, and Joe sputtered through his lips.
"Chicken and biscuits, the perfect way to think of my wife," Joe said. "You should come over next time you're in London. I'll roast you a chicken."
"That was... A lot of eye contact just then," Josh laughed. "I'm almost nervous now."
"Nah, don't be," Joe smiled. "I'll roast you a chicken, my son will show you his LEGO collection, we'll have a grand time."
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[2] Seeing Each Other Around Town
Summary: James discovers his favorite student and his mom are his across-the-street neighbors and now he can't stop seeing her everywhere.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Tiny little bit of angst in this one but it's negligible. Y'all this is gonna be a slow burn but we'll get there. Also I'm updating sorta regularly now yay!!!
A/N (23/5/24): FINALLY edited this. I'm out of school, so hopefully I'll have time to continue this series <3
Previous Part: Parent-Teacher Conferences Next Part: Career Fair Series Masterlist here
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Poor James is completely infatuated with you after parent-teacher conferences
He just can’t get you out of his head
And Sirius and Remus are usually the ones who suffer the consequences
Their apartment is on the way to school from James’ house, so they almost always carpool
And lately, the entire car ride, James Cant. Shut. Up. about you
(“Boys, you should’ve seen her—she’s so sweet—of course she’s Liam’s mom—Pads, you don’t understand—they’re so similar—Remus, she’s gorgeous—did you see her????”)
By the end of the week, Sirius and Remus are very amused with James’ adoration for you
But it also gets kinda irritating after a while, so they’re pretty thankful when the weekend rolls around and they (hopefully) get a small break from his incessant enamored babbling
Saturday rolls around, and James is up at six thirty (hard to break out of the habit when school starts at eight) and shuffling out to the lobby of his apartment building in his pajamas, robe, and slippers to get the mail and the newspaper
But just because James’ body wakes up early doesn’t mean James’ brain wakes up at the same time so he’s out by his mailbox looking confusedly at the newspaper and wondering why he suddenly can’t read
And after like a solid thirty seconds of him just squinting really hard he finally realizes it’s because he left his glasses inside
He’s doing his best guys, he’s doing his best
So James is about to turn around and go back to his own flat to get his glasses (and probably a cup of coffee) when he hears his own name— —just … well, kinda
“Mr. Potter?”
James just about jumps out of his skin because what teacher expects to see one of their students outside of school???? Like no thank you
Don’t get me wrong, James loves his kids to death and he’d die for them any day
But it’s the weekend
So no thanks
But then James realizes it’s Liam and he’s lowkey relieved because like
If he has to see a student outside of school, he’d rather it be this one
And then it occurs to James that if Liam is in his apartment building at six thirty in the morning, then he probably lives here
And if Liam lives here, then …
Poor James can’t help the full-body flush that rushes through him at your voice
Boy looks like someone dunked him in tomato juice
His head snaps from Liam (or at least the blurry shape that has Liam’s voice) to where your voice is coming from, and it hits him that you’re whispering (very tiredly and cutely, if you asked James) from the floor below his own, leaning over the railing to watch as your son presumably gets the mail
How the hell didn’t he notice you lived in his apartment building????????
Not that he’s complaining ofc :):):):):):)
James realizes after a minute that Liam asked if he’s alright, and he’s just like “Yeah!!” and utterly beaming
(Unbeknownst to James, you realize who exactly Liam is talking to and blush just as terribly as James does when you realize you’re still in pajamas and aren’t at all presentable)
You say good morning to him as well (from the balcony) and James is pretty sure he’s about to melt
(You call him Mr. Potter tho and it lowkey makes him cringe and remember that Liam is like RIGHT next to him)
So you and him exchange pleasantries like Romeo and Juliet with the balcony :) you get it?? :):):) while Liam gets the mail from your own mailbox and walks it up the stairs back to you
(he says “here you go, mama” in his sweet little voice as he hands the small stack to you and you say the gentlest “thank you, baby” back and James’ heart feels like goop in his chest)
James barely makes it back into is own apartment before he’s squealing and doing a goofy little dance out of overflowing joy
And the best part?
That's not the last time he sees you. Not even close.
Over the next several weeks, James begins to notice you everywhere around town
He sees you and Liam at the grocery store (you’re there with Liam and give him the choice between dino nuggets and spring rolls; he decisively choses the latter)
And on his way to work (on one of the few days where Remus and Sirius aren’t carpooling with him, as Remus was sick and Sirius stayed home to care for him), James sees you in your own car on your way to work
And when you and Liam go on walks on the weekends (James had taken to mowing Remus' mother's lawn, which was on your walking path, shirtless every Saturday morning—for entirely unrelated reasons, of course, and he will take no questions on the matter …)
James still isn’t sure how he hadn’t noticed you before because how could he have missed you?? You’re gorgeous????
(Of course, poor Remus and Sirius get to hear about his fawning even more now)
(They both find it cute though and they like to give him advice, so it’s fine)
So eventually one Friday night, James can’t sleep and is done with his lesson plans
And he’s just bored, so what does he do?
Go to the grocery store, of course
So James ventures out, once again in his pajamas, to the grocery store to get some treats to eat while he watches Antiques Roadshow until he falls asleep
And of course—he should’ve known at this point honestly—there you are
(Also in your pajamas)
And James says hi before he can really stop himself, and you look a little spooked for a second (because who tf would be talking to you in the grocery store at ten at night?) but then you realize it’s him and you say hi back with a sweet little smile that turns James' insides to warm fudge
Apparently, Liam is at Draco's birthday sleepover (Draco's a little shit, and James never understood how Liam could stand the kid) and you don’t have a shift at the hospital tonight, so you decided to indulge in some celebratory ice cream
James ends up helping you choose which ice cream you want (chocolate chip cookie dough—a classic) and as thanks, you go with him to the candy aisle to help him pick out treats
James ends up getting a container of pretty much every candy, cookie, and chip that grocery store because he didn’t want to leave yet lmao
And when you’re in line to check out, James mentions that there’s a career fair at school in a month and he’s wondering if you’d maybe want to come and talk about being a nurse????
Pretty please??????
James doesn’t notice how your face falls ever so slightly. You kind of forgot for a second that he’s your son’s teacher and not just some pretty guy that you’ve sorta had a crush on for the past couple weeks. Nothing could happen between the two of you—not if it meant messing with or—god forbid—hurting Liam’s education. But it’s okay. You’ll just suck it up and stick to your job and your son. It’s fine. It’s fine.
You’re agreeing in an instant, and James promises to email you the details so you can plan around it
James leaves the grocery store with like ten pounds worth of treats feeling full to the bursting with warmth and his eyes are glowing the rest of the night
He sees this really pretty pearl and gold necklace on Antiques Roadshow and catches himself thinking about how pretty it would look on you, but he doesn’t bother trying to stop himself at this point
It wouldn’t be any help anyway
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Next Part: Career Fair
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dappervoided · 9 months
Docs vacation to Quesadilla Island!
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So I watched Docm77 last Hermitcraft season 9 episode today and RAN to make this.
More so on the topic!
He needed to take a break and get his creative juices flowing? What's a better break (nightmare) than to come enjoy the island for a short while!
I've been spinning around the idea of Qsmp and Hermitcraft crossover since the start of Qsmp. There's so many ideas in my brain about this topic even though it'll never actually happen! I'm so sorry, but some things are bound to get out of my daydreams and materialize into doodles!
I think Doc would LOVE the eggs! Not to mention all the cute creatures they'd show him! He'd get attached instantly, they're too adorable!
I could only fit 3 here without making it too busy, but I wanna expand on what I could see the interactions being. Massive ramblings, often grammatically incorrect ahead:
Sunny - now we all know she's a material princess, they'd love Docs bedtime stories about the diamond pillar wars and his incredible contraptions made of diamond in the Perimeter and all the riches he had. Now Tubbo not only has Pierre to watch out for, but Doc also, cause Sunny would beg him to make stuff out of diamonds to show off!
Empanada - she'd clock in instantly that Doc is a German and would try speaking to him in German every moment she got. Now she has both her mom Niki and Doc to talk in her language to! It's not much of an expansion, but she appreciates it a lot! They'd have many delightful conversations and Doc is always happy to have her build little things together. They learn from each other!
Ramon - besides finally having another redstone genius with an entire Hivemind on the server, Ramon would be interested in how Doc works - both in a cyborg way and in the way he creates mind-blowing, game breaking contraptions. If they're not destroying the server together for fun, they're not making the most of their time! Jk, but it do be nice when both of them get to hang out and show each other what they discovered that's scuffed on the server.
Some eggs that aren't drawn:
Chayanne - finally! Another farmer came around! Chayanne would show off his impressive potato farm and cooking skills to Doc, who will always be amazed at the kids dedication! Doc can finally have his tomato farm in a Minecraft world now, since the mods allow it! It is too free for everyone to use
Tallulah - If she would show Doc the incredible builds she made and her and her papas place, he would be moved to tears! Everything is made with such love and incredible amounts of effort and thought! From her farm of all possible plants, to her garden and to El Cielo De Las Tortugas. Such incredible places to visit and appreciate! And Tallulahs amazing way of storytelling would only serve to amplify those feelings
Dapper - now besides trying cage trap Doc 1000x times, Dapper would definitely show off everything he got once he discovers that Doc is deeply amused and surprised by all the non vanilla things! They would invite Doc to their base to show everything and I mean EVERYTHING there is for show. It's definitely too much, but Doc is very impressed by her and would praise how much work she puts in! Dapper do be the definition of GRIND!
Leo - Leo and her dads made so many incredible builds, Doc would be amazed at how much they did in such a short time! Besides that Leo herself is an incredibly, theatrically even, good at body language and expression! He'd die of cuteness and laughter like all of us already do!
Pomme - we all know that Pomme has so many talents! From being a little musician, to an incredible warrior, to a thought out builder and a spectacularly emotional writer. There's a lot Doc will have to slowly discover about Pomme! And each time the scale and depths of things will get more and more impressive, because the share amounts of time and effort she puts into her creations, passions and loved ones is massive!
Pepito - this kid! Pepito is such an incredible character to be around! Pepito is so dedicated to whatever Pepito does, especially if it's with friends! Whenever Pepito has fun, it always radiates outwards in many different ways! You can't really help yourself but get charged up with energy when you're around. And Doc does just that!
Richarlyson- Richas is a lot in the best ways possible! But we all know he's very much a jokester, he wouldn't miss a beat trying to mess with the goat! And once he finds out what kinds of retaliations Docs is capable of? OH IT'S WAR (for fun, cause that's what it's all about!)
I'm sorry if this is chaotic at some parts or lacking in others, I have to write this all in one go before my battery dies. I haven't been able to watch many streams so I'm sorry if Im not up to date with the characters, but that is what I remember them as! Any corrections or lore updates are always welcome! I want to learn more, especially now that I can't watch!
Anyhow, now that I look back on that drawing why do I feel like I've done something terrible.... I've seen those designs before......
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heliosthegriffin · 10 months
"So, who's the most dangerous member of team JNPR?" Yang asked the table unprompted, the rest of her team looking up from their food.
"Hmm, Pyrrha." Weiss said with little thought. "Perfect form, incredible strength and reflexes, she is definitely their ace in the hole."
"Really?" Yang held her stomach. "Nora's stronger, and her energy she brings to a fight is something else,"
Blake was silent in thought for a moment. "The question isn't who's strongest, or skilled, though. Pyrrha is their best fighter, but Nora is the physically strongest, but remember, the element of surprise and intelligence are just as deciding a factor in a fight. Ren's not as good a fighter, or as strong, but his mobility and aura control mixed with his ruthlessness, I think make him more dangerous."
"Elaborate." Weiss stated.
"Well, Nora is strong and energetic, but she's always going to come at you head on, so it's easy to counter her, if you don't fight her on her terms. Pyrrha better about that, but she's very civil, so she's not going to fight you outside of arena, unless you start it. Ren though? I can see him slitting someone's throat."
The rest of the table stared at her blankly.
"Nah, it's Jaune." Ruby said after a beat, drinking some milk.
"What?" Weiss said flatly. "You must be kidding. He's by far the least skilled, weakest, and most disgra-"
"Ok that's enough, princess." Yang cut her off. "But, she's got a point, Ruby."
Ruby shrugged. "Yeah, that's true, but-" She took a drink of milk. "What's Jaune's fighting style?"
Weiss huffed. "Simple, it's nothing, he doesn't have one."
"Yeah, it's kind of random style."
Blake thought for a moment, seeing a flash of triumph in Ruby's eyes. "Oh, that's your point."
Ruby gave finger guns at the cat-girl. "Exactly! You asked who's the most dangerous! It's Jaune, because, how you going to fight someone who doesn't know what he's going to do next?"
"What?" Yang and Weiss asked simultaneously.
Blake nodded along. "She's got a point, how are you going to react to someone who doesn't know what even he's going to do next?"
"Plus, have you ever been hit by him?" Ruby added, with no one stepping up to the plate. "His skill and style might not be great, but his strength is incredible, and his durability, endurance, and staying power are unmatched if you ask me."
"She's right, you know." A new voice interjected, all of team RWBY turning to face the sudden newcomer.
"Ren? Since when did you get here?" Yang asked.
"Since the beginning," He said simply, sipping from a juice box. "But, it's definitely, Jaune." His eyes became distant and foggy. "Always has been."
"Uh, you ok, buddy?" Yang putting a hand on his shoulder.
Ren went back to normal. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, the look of trauma on your face, just kind of,-"
"Don't ever get locked in a food-pantry with Jaune, there's no telling what he'll do, because even he doesn't know."
"How did that even occur?" Weiss asked. "Why were you two even-"
"Well, it's not like we ever have to worry about that."
"Jaune Arc, you're under arrest for suspicion of forgery to enter Beacon !" Harriet Bree stormed over to the blonde as he was stocking a shelf inside one of Beacons's storage closets. With a sound of confusion and a hand of tomato soup, he turned and let go, screaming.
Harriet, moving at full speed, had no chance to stop, as she knocked away the can of soup, only for another to fall at her feet, as Jaune dropped armfuls of soup to the ground. Harriet, going at full momentum, crushed the metal can underfoot, spraying it all over herself.
"Ah! Gross!" She wailed, still charging forward, only to step on another can and slip, flying up into the air and knock Jaune over. Jaune groaned as she knocked into him, recovering quick she mounted his chest, ready to knock him out.
Jaune reaching wildly, grabbed a shaker of pepper, slamming it into her face. Harriet felt her eyes water and nose sting, as she recoiled back, letting Jaune push her off of him, running for the door, Harriet behind him.
Flailing wildly, Jaune grabbed a broom, swinging it wildly around with knocking rows of preserved goods off the shelves and onto the floor, Harriet taking a wrong step trying to dodge the flailing, stepping into a puddle of oil from a broken bottle, sliding forward, right into Jaune's wild strikes.
Harriet felt her head ring and vision swim, then another swing connected, knocking her back and into a row of shelves. She went straight through it, and the shelves falling straight onto her with a groan, the sound of clanging metal and falling supplies consuming the room, as Jaune fled out the door, turning off the lights and locking the door behind him.
AN: Felt like writing some goofiness.
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
Random thoughts here, gonna add stuff for trigger warnings
Tw being trans pregnancy, I guess could he considered mpreg? Buggy identifies more masc but is AFAB. Nothing necessarily explicit
I just. Mm. Babies. Baby fever, lowkey. Can't have kids of my own, but I can day dream about my blorbos.
Buggy is trans, he's on T, but surgeries are wonky at best, uninteresting and frankly a liability. He'd be down for a good deal of time, something he isn't all too crazy about. When the dysphoria gets bad, he just chop-chops his chest and uses a packer ((his packer being, of course, a drawstring back of muggy balls, and opportunities for Many Jokes)).
Due to an event in his youth, pre Devil Fruit, he was told he's likely infertile ((Got stabbed a few times and a good chunk of his reproductive system is more scar tissue than actual organ tissue)). Between that, the difficulty for conception when a parent has a Devil Fruit, and his testosterone, he's decently certain it's not an option.
Of course, Buggy D Clown, the genius jester and Flashy Fool of the Seas, is a living embodiment of doing the impossible.
It starts with a sudden nausea when he smells his usual drink of choice. Alcohol was once something he adored, maybe in a little excess, but he was a pirate and pirates party. It's a given. Shanks' alcoholism was born from their shared past, and Buggy wasn't all too different on that front.
But suddenly, during lunch, when he went to take a sip of his rum, he caught a whiff of it and had to lean back and force down a gag. He exchanged it for a water, something not TOO unusual, as sometimes he'd have things he wanted to work on with a clear head, like in his workshop. Nobody really batted an eye.
Then he declined it at dinner. Then the next day. Then he was eying Crocodile's plate and his extra tomatoes, something he NEVER does, given his general dislike of the fruit. But now...? Mm.... it looks.. really good...........
Crocodile, thinking this is an opportunity to tease the other, offers a bite, expecting a dramatic recoil and complaint. But Buggy just absolutely beams at him, takes the bite, and damn near swoons. The logia user glances over to the swordsman, both uncertain but willing to roll with it. Not too big of a deal.
Then suddenly Buggy is more emotional than usual, something nobody was expecting. He's usually pretty expressive, all of his emotional responses keyed up to at least eleven. It's only noticed as off because he's crying a lot more, and hiding it far less. He happy cries, sad cries, angry cries. And it's like a switch is flipped. Something will happen and the clown is suddenly bawling. The first few times it happens with the crew, they all panic, but it's happy tears, infectious ones at that and so the men wind up crying too, offering embraces and spinning hugs of emotional care.
Crocodile and Mihawk share Looks.
Then Buggy is getting sick. Like. Throwing up almost every meal time, sick. The only things he can keep down are water, orange juice, and toast with honey or applesauce.
The two dark haired men finally put their foot down and demand the other go to a doctor. They expect a fight, expect tears or anger or yelling or something, but Buggy just nods, blinking slowly from his place curled into Mihawk's side, in one of Crocodile's shirts. He seems exhausted, shadows under his eyes from the newly worsened insomnia.
His easy acquiescence alarms them the most.
The next day, Buggy is seen, and there's a few tests and observations done, culminating into the doctor pursing her lips and ordering a urine sample.
Buggy, pale, head on Croc's chest while Mihawk toys absently with his hair, dozes off in the office while they wait on the results. An hour, and a nap, later, she returns with papers and a tentative air.
"Well... it's not a virus," she begins with. "Your hormone levels are elevated, specifically your progesterone and your chondrionic gonadotropin levels..."
Buggy stiffens, eyes wide. "I'm...?"
She sighs, smiling softly. "Congratulations, Chairman. You're in your first trimester of pregnancy, by the levels we can see here."
Buggy gapes. Crocodile is still as a statue. Mihawk had a thousand yard stare.
There is a soft sound, and suddenly Crocodile has vanished, now but a pile of sand on the floor and partially on Buggy. Mihawk looks faint himself. Buggy just glances between them numbly. "Oh."
"Mm. Quite."
Then, the world's greatest swordsman joins his logia partner in a tangle of limbs on the floor. Buggy stares for a moment. The doctor stares for a moment. Buggy flushes an angry red.
"Those motherfuckers couldn't even stay conscious long enough to get me back?!"
The doc tries to hide her laughter. "In their defense," she choked out, "they were quite worried about you and suddenly received such news. That said, I do have some smelling salts. Here..."
Buggy does not let either of them live it down, for obvious reasons, and they do have to announce it to the Guild because Buggy is now not allowed to have alcohol, can't do his typical tricks, and will need to cut back on a lot of the physical activities he does daily, let alone the topic of fighting. He's nervous about it, because it will involve both announcing a pregnancy as well as coming out. He's made damned sure his crew is inclusive for all sorts of people, regardless of love, color, age or body. But welcoming your fellow man (non gendered), is not necessarily the same as answering to a person like himself.
The reception is largely warm, though. The crew is over the moon, they don't even follow up with a "how does that happen, you're a man", they just immediately are screaming their congratulations and vows to step up and help as they can. Buggy winds up crying again, and Mihawk just wordlessly hands him a water bottle. Hydration is important, especially with all the tears.
His pregnancy is fairly typical, and the morning sickness passes fairly quickly, though the cravings get absolutely hog wild, and EVERYONE is suffering. Buggy tries not to be too needy but he can't control the responses and everyone else is hurting for him when he's so upset. He ends up absolutely obsessed with lemon-lavender ice cream, and the Guild keeps it on hand by the buckets full in the freezer.
When Buggy starts showing, Mihawk finds he has a new favorite place to nuzzle, finding the tiny little whirls of Haki within the clown's abdomen to be mesmerizing. He often finds himself cuddling in, Listening and Sensing, even talking softly to the little life growing within his lover, singing lullabies.
Crocodile near constantly has a hand or hook pressed over the growing swell. If Buggy is within arms reach, his touch is there, protective and mildly stunned. The paternity of the baby is unknown, but none of them particularly care. The baby will be theirs collectively regardless. That baby will be Crocodile's as much as it is Mihawks, as it is Buggy's. That baby is his, too. And he will protect this one ((the way he couldn't protect another, so long ago)).
Alvida, Galdino, Mohji and Cabaji are very hands on with everything. Al never wanted kids, but she is absolutely delighted to be the cool aunt, and the fella are excited to be uncles. It's Daz's quiet excitement that throws everyone for a loop. He's second only to Crocodile and Mihawk when it comes to pampering or spoiling Buggy. He still carries himself as a stoic stone faced man, but he is the one who brings the snacks, who offers a hand when Buggy gets to a size where standing is mildly more difficult, when it's time to convince the blue haired man to take it easy or rest. When asked, he will cite that he is merely doing his duties, but everyone could see when Buggy took Daz's hand and placed it on his bump when the baby was big enough to kick and haveit be felt by others. They saw the way the blade man's eyes widened, the shimmer there, the microexpression of wonder, of care, of brewing love. That baby would be safer than anyone else in the entirety of the grandline, of that nobody had a single doubt.
Shanks could not visit, but he made frequent calls and sent countless gifts, all of which made Buggy blubber like a child or rage like a harpy. Nothing was discarded, though, and in the nursery they set up is a small little bear with a red heart embroidered on the chest.
Rayleigh showing up unannounced was not anticipated. Nor was how Buggy remained blank faced despite the tears on his cheeks. The older man just smiled sadly, wiping away the tears, and handed over a small box. "Shakky and I worked together on this. It only felt right to pass this on. To new generations."
Inside is a stuffed cat, the fabric soft, yellow and worn. It was sun-bleached in some areas, little nose embroidered with red and eyes in blue. Buggy takes one look at the cat and crushes it to his chest, nearly doubled over as he let's out a heart broken keen, falling to his knees. Crocodile and Mihawk are quick to rush to his sides, but Rayleigh is closer and faster, falling down, wrapping around the other, queezing him tightly, softly, teary eyed himself.
"I know," he chokes, hugging his boy tighter, "I know, Blue, I miss him too, baby boy...."
Buggy clings to Rayleigh, holding the cat toy tenderly as he wails.
Ray stays for a few days before Buggy just tells him to pick a damned tent and hang out, damn it, his kid should get to meet at least one grandparent.
Ray doesn't cry but it is a close thing.
The pregnancy is an ordeal all across the board, from reopening wounds to general, typical difficulties, it's a wild ride start to finish and beyond.
There's more than one night of pure domesticity. One where Buggy and Mihawk are shooting baby names back and forth in the kitchen while Crocodile writes them down in the Yes, No or Maybe column. One where Croc and Mihawk are pouring over research for the baby. One where Buggy is in an oversized shirt, feet up on the tummy of a particularly big and spoiled 'wani, singing sea shanties softly as he tinkers with some harmless little trinkets, using his tummy as a table. One where Crocodile, pressed into Buggy's back, confesses to his past and breaks to pieces under dimmed lights in the clown's calloused hands to no judgement, only understanding, only compassion. Nights where Mihawk is wired so tightly by his own past that he sits upright in their bed, a sentinel of protection because he refuses to lose them the way he lost everything before.
You have to drain the infection, the bacteria, for a wound to truly heal.
It's difficult. It's painful. It's worth it.
The 9 months, the 26 hours of labor and the little bundle of life at the end was absolutely worth it.
Especially when newly named Bronwyn D. Crown ((their little Winnie)), with her midnight blue hair and pink little nose, her strawberry marks on fair skin, the curls of her locks and the shade of her lashes around sapphire eyes, is born into the world screaming her displeasure and only settles once clean, once swaddled, once brought back to her parents. She is small, smaller than expected, but every ounce of her body is the foundations of a fighter - she got her baba's temper, that much is certain.
Winnie is the apple of everyone's eye. Cute and small and bold and boasting a nose so much like Buggy's, almost everyone is taken with her. Rayleigh especially is wrapped around her finger within less than thirty minutes together. Shanks is absolutely in love even without seeing her first hand - he meets her the first time when she is two, and he cries because she threw an elephant toy at his head and cackled.
It's not easy. But by the Seas and Skies, it's absolutely worth it.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Diasomnia 4
Summary: It was a simple picnic in the park with Silver and his pets, but Sebek is being insistent on serving all of you despite his size. The people passing through the park can’t help but find his antics adorable.
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With all the strength in his body, Sebek piles on a bountiful feast and pulls the styrofoam plate towards you. His little grunts and squeaks as he shifts inch after inch towards had you chuckling into your hand. Can’t very well laugh at him in his face. Sebek would stop what he’s doing out of spite and just sit there seething the day away.
“Good job, Sebek,” Silver said with a smile on his face, rubbing a gentle finger on Sebek’s head, only for him to swat at it because he had to adjust the plate to point the best food at you first. “Ah, sorry.”
Sebek snapped his teeth, but a low growl from Malleus on your shoulder was enough to get him to stiffen up. While his eyes did threaten to shed tears, you watched as he put on his big boy pants with a big sniff and run back to the basket to get your drink.
You leaned against the table, huffing at his antics. “He’s certainly in a serving mood.”
Lilia popped his head out the basket, mouth clamped on a straw as he drank tomato juice. Sebek stiffened up mid-step, but shook his head and jumped half-way in the basket to grab your drink. His cute little feet and tail were swinging all the while and you found that just adorable.
“It’s really odd to see, honestly,” Silver’s smile was amused in the way one would when watching a kid sibling try so hard to impress someone they think is cool, “He’s never like this with me. Well, not to say he’s mean, but this kind of treatment is usually for Malleus or Lilia only.”
“You think if he could, Sebek would carry them just so they don’t have to walk?” Malleus’s wings were patting the side of your head, so you had no choice but to curl a finger under his chin.
Silver gave a light laugh as he replied, “He actually did that once! I had to scold Lilia for it while Malleus prefers to fly.”
“Of course he did.” You smiled down at Sebek as he balanced your drink against his whole body. He took one heavy step after step, making sure he and the drink don’t tumble.
“Hey!” Huh, that’s not a familiar voice, “Is that your pet?”
A small group of three kids, middle schoolers probably, stood on the sidewalk built into the nature park. The one that spoke was the smallest of them all, a little girl with red hair and pink stains on the shoulders of her uniform. In fact, all of them had wet hair dyed in various colors. Probably experimenting with the colors.
“Yes, he’s mine!” Silver shouted back.
Sebek huffed as he finally placed the drink right by your hand. He crossed his arms, looking real proud of himself for a job well done.
“He’s cute!” The girl gave two thumbs up, hopping in place as she grinned, “Like a tiny pocket butler!”
Silver waved, “Thank you!”
The smile on Sebek’s face cracked and a frown quickly replaced it. He slammed his thick tail on the table, insulted.
“Oh,” you leaned against your hand and mumbled, “someone’s a little sour, huh?”
Just so he doesn’t earn a reputation on being a temperamental pet–even though it is kind of true–you grabbed his face and squished his cheeks.
“Look at me,” you said, “mind getting me some napkins, please? My hands hurt so much and I need a perfect helper like you to help me.”
The sparkle was back in his eyes and he nodded, completely ignoring the fact that you played with his face. He marched back to the basket, ignoring a Lilia who’s flat on the table, belly bulging with tomato juice. He’s fast asleep. Malleus was drumming away at his belly with his little hands.
The kids waved goodbye and you and Silver returned it.
“Nice kids,” you commented. Even though the compliment wasn’t aimed at you, nor did you even reply to them, just being there to witness this cute moment left something fuzzy in you.
“They are. At least Sebek didn’t go into another fit. He seems to be having a lot of fun today.” Silver stretched up and popped his joints. “He gets easily agitated when people coo at him.”
"Oh, don't I know it."
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
An Awkward Family Dinner
Little Billie isn't one to make awkward family dinners, however there's something on her mind that got her very confused. The five year old sat in her spot chew on her rice and beans with some delicious grilled very seasoned chicken with a side of tomato sauced vegetables. She saw her dad sitting at one end of the table and Hobie at the other end. Miles, her bestest big brother talking about classes while their mom asking questions being in tuned with the conversation.
Jeff would nod from time to time having food in his mouth being so hungry. Hobie chewing his own piece of chicken. "Hobie, comé ma. You're so thin, you need more food." Rio caught how Hobie only got a small portion.
"Sorry, Mamí Morales. I had a big lunch with my mates at a pub." He still felt a little full, "I'll promise I'll pack some leftovers."
"I will pack them for you." Rio assured she will be the one packing Hobie's leftovers, she knows he will give himself a small portion.
"Yeah, take most of the vegetables too." Jeff chews.
Rio eyes at her husband, "YOU need to eat more vegetables! The doctor said you need more greens in your diet!" She took a spoonful of vegetables onto her husband's plate, "You need at least to eat this much."
"Awe, honey! This is so much!" He frowns at the amount he has to eat.
"No buts!" His wife began.
Miles chuckles at the two, while Hobie made a comment, "Wow, Pops, tryin' to upset mamí."
Billie staying quiet as she was lost in her own thought while chewing her dinner, "Hmm."
"Is something wrong, Boo-boo?" Miles noticed his baby sister being quiet. Hobie had his attention onto the little girl, being sort of surprised how quick Miles is to noticed something is wrong with Billie.
"What's wrong, mi vida? You been quiet." Rio paid her attention to her darling daughter. Now that she noticed her daughter being very quiet during dinner time. Normally she goes on and on about her day.
Jeff became aware too, "Something wrong, princess? Was daycare alright?" His police mindset kick in gear being worried if his daughter was hurt and had to stay silent or something bad happen to her.
"Umm... I'm okay!" She finally said, causing her family to sigh in relief. When she took her sippy cup to drink, "Umm... mmm. I got a question!"
"What is it?" Her mom asked with a soft smile on her face.
"Umm, so daddy is my daddy, right!" She turns to her dad.
"Err... right." Jeff said being confused.
Rio said, "Yes, he is, mi bebé."
"And-and Miles is your kid, too. Like-like daddy is his daddy?" The five year old asked trying to put the pieces together.
"Yeah, Miles is your papí's son and mi hijo. That's why he's tu hermano." Rio explained. "Why?"
"Hmm." Billie still thinking to herself.
Jeff asked, "Is this something your learn in daycare?"
"My fren, José has three daddies... but each one are for his brothers and sisters." She explained.
"Oh, princess. You got nothing to worry about that stuff. Me and your mom have you and Miles." Jeff said.
Miles nodded, "Yeah, Billie. Those things happen when certain parents can't work out and go find someone else." Hobie nodded in agreement with
"Oh..." She tilted her head, "But why you called Obie 'papí' then?"
Everyone stopped eating being in shock from what she said. The color of her older brother's face faded away with his eyes widen. Hobie choked on his cup of juice. Rio and Jeff quickly lift their heads up being confused.
"Qué?" Rio looked confused.
"Umm... Um..." Miles began shaking like a leaf being so embarrassed.
"Miles calls Obie, daddy or papí." Billie asked being confused, "If daddy is our daddy why you callin' Hobie daddy?" She turns her head at her brother.
Miles cover his face being so embarrassed, he could die from all the stares his parents making. "I swear, I just joke around with Hobie."
Hobie burst out laughing, "She got you, luv."
"But-but you always like it when he calls you, papí?" Billie turns her head at Hobie being more confused.
Miles freaks out with his face warming up, "Billie, please! Me and Hobie are just joking! We like to joke around and-and-" Jeff let out an awkward cough, "That's enough, son."
"Mija, ignore what your brother had said to Hobie. They are just fooling around." Rio casually wanted to settled the subject down.
"But, why?" Since Billie being only a child with so many questions, it's hard to move on. Her curiosity wouldn't calm down.
Miles and Hobie kept shoving food into their mouth getting a stern stare from Jeff Morales, knowing this is one of the most embarrassing awkward dinners they had. Billie asked again, "And why does Miles' call Obie, daddy when they kiss together? And Obie said say it again?" She looks at her mother with her innocent eyes on her.
Rio presses her lips together being completely lost for words. Miles had his hands on face completely in shock, he swears he locks the door in his bedroom when he visits. Sure, he kiss his boyfriend giving pet names but he didn't think his sister would hear him.
The most embarrassing part was his parents having to awkwardly change the subject or say he was playing game with Hobie. Ugh, so embarrassing, he could just be buried in a hole.
"Oh so it's game for adults!" Billie understood when her mom explained it.
"Yes, mi vida. Your dad is tu papí and no one else. I can say papí because I am your mom and your dad's wife. Like how he sometimes calls me, mom or mama. It's a way to show endearment with in a married couple. Miles and Hobie were just playing games, right?" She turns her head at the two having a very scary smile on her face. Its a smile that looks genuine but deep down they know they were in trouble.
"Right!" The two said being nervous.
Hobie jumps being near his Sunflower, "Luv, I never knew how scary mamí Morales can be."
"I know she's gonna chew me out." Miles mutters.
Jeff explained to Billie, "And ignore them when they say stuff like that, princess."
"OK! I think I got it." Billie giggles being happy her questions being solved, now she can eat in peace. Well, she was the only one that ate dinner in peace while the others were awkwardly silenced.
Later, Rio gave Miles and Hobie a serious lecture while Jeff agreed with her. Miles could only cover his face from total embarrassment, to think he had to hear about the sex talk, AGAIN!
"You don't see me and your mother calling each other like that in front of ya'll! That would be weird!" Jeff began. "Or if we have privacy in the bedroom we always make sure you and your sister isn't around."
"Dad, ew no! I don't wanna know. LALALALA!" Miles cover his ears. "I'm not listening."
Hobie could only tuned out from the whole thing. Rio said, "No, you two need to listen. I understand you two are sexually active, but to-" Miles quickly cut his mom, "Mamí! I swear, I was only joking! I don't call Hobie that! Be serious."
Hobie said, "To be fair, me and Miles are very private with our stuff. I didn't know the lass was able to hear us. We keep the doors lock-" Miles gasps, "BAE!"
"Whoa, do you two leave her unattended while babysitting her?" Jeff asked in a serious voice.
"NO! I mean- it was one time- well, I was getting this-" Miles cover his face, "Ugh! Let me explain!"
"It was one time we made out, never had sex when we babysit. What do you think we are, a couple of nymphs skipping down the ole' garden of Eden?" Hobie asked.
Jeff blinks a couple of times being lost in the boy's cockney accent, "What?"
"Dad! Mamí, I swear to God that me and Hobie are always keeping it PG. Billie is just good at sneaking around or popping out of no where. We were just joking! I didn't think she would hear us."
"No! Nonono! No, we are going to lay some ground rules and you two need to learn what's appropriate."
The four didn't realize Billie walking into the room with a sippy cup to watch and listen. "What's sex?" She finally asked being in the middle. The four looks stunned to find her right in the middle with a big smile on her face. "HOW DID SHE GET IN HERE?" Jeff asked out loud being so confused.
Rio looks at her daughter and the door like three times trying to understand how her daughter got in. The door squeaks and they locked it. "Bebé, how did you get in?"
"It's a secret, hehe." Billie giggles. "What's sex, mamí? Why big brother needs to understand it? Does he have sex?"
Miles' mouth dropped while Hobie burst out laughing at the whole thing. "HAHAHAH!" The punker lay on Miles' bed with his arms wrapping his stomach at how hard he's laughings.
Jeff and Rio looked so stunned without knowing what to say. They weren't ready for this talk for their five year old daughter. "Okay, we'll forget this ever happened." Rio finally clasps her hands together at her family. "Alright?"
"RIGHT!" Miles and Jeff chimed together.
Billie tilting her head for the moment until her mom said, "How about some Sundaes?"
"OH with sprinkles and chocolate drizzle?" The little girl happily asked.
"Yes, anything you want, mi vida. Anyone else want some?" Rio happily said having to forget about the subject all together. The family had big Sundaes while watching a movie together.
After that day, they realized Billie is a curious girl with so many questions. So Miles and Hobie made sure to keep in check what to say in front of her.
The real funny part is how much stress she gave her dad. "Mamí, who's Latasha?" She asked her mom.
"Qué?" Rio asked.
Billie started saying, "Papá was talking to his frens at the BBQ about how Latasha got a sweet cake when he dated her! What kind of cake she makes? It must be good because all his frens were making mm-mmm sounds after they said she carries a boat load." She imagines a huge boat filled with all sorts of cake.
Jeff spit out his cup of coffee being in shock with his daughter. "JEFF MORALES, WHO IS LATASHA!?" Rio shouted out loud from the house.
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a-killer-obsession · 4 months
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 27 - The Future King of Spaghetti
Some familiar faces join the crew.
WC: ~4k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
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The sunlight was a little blinding as you stepped out if the clinic and into the street. It was just past midday, and your tummy was growling. No surprise, since you were eating for two now, and lunch was overdue. You licked your lips as you thought about what you wanted to eat, getting whiffs of bread and meat in the air. You tugged at Killer's arm like a needy child. “Hungryyy,” you pleaded, batting your eyes at him. Not having your mask had some advantages.
“What do you wanna eat, mama?” Killer snorted, taking your hand and leading you down the street where the scent of food was stronger, the street opening out to a square that was dotted with various cafes and bistros.
“Mmm…” you brought a finger to your pursed lips and thought about it. You were craving something saucy, tomatoes, oregano, and definitely meat. “Spaghetti!”
Killer's shoulders shimmied with a silent laugh. “That's my baby in there all right,” he stopped in front of you to press a loving hand to your tummy. You rested your hands over his, smiling fondly up at him. “Alright then lil guy, let's get you some spaghetti before mum has no choice but to go feral and start ripping out throats for sustenance”
“Gross,” you giggled as he bonked you gently with his mask, taking your hand again and leading you to a nearby bistro that had a chalkboard outside with neatly written cursive and a cute drawing of spaghetti and meatballs flying off a plate. A cute waitress with a black apron rushed over to greet you as you took your seats at a window table, Killer holding out your chair for you and pushing it in once you were sitting. The waitress began to hand you both menus and Killer waved a hand to stop her.
“We already know what we want,” he told her, and she smiled and pulled out her notebook from her apron pocket. “Two plates of spaghetti and meatballs, and a couple of glasses of juice please. Orange, if you have it. And a straw, please”
“Right away sir,” the waitress smiled, entirely unphased by Killer's mask or gruff appearance. A lot of the islands the log pose took you to were frequented by pirates, and they all relied on towns like this to resupply. The towns themselves often got a good portion of their trade from pirates, so it was a symbiotic relationship. Many towns were wary of pirates, but didn't do anything to fight them as long as the pirates behaved themselves. Nobody at the clinic had seemed phased either, they were probably more than used to getting patients with illnesses that were more than what a ship doctor could handle, considering how many ship doctors were just men with rudimentary first aid training.
You watched out the window as a mother passed by with a small girl holding her hand, another small baby asleep in swaddling wrap on her front. The father had been buying flowers at a small nearby stall while she was distracted, and ran up beside her to gift them. She smiled and smelled the beautiful bouquet, and leaned in to kiss him. He gave his older child her own smaller bouquet, and she squealed and danced around them all before letting her father pick her up as they continued on their way. Killer watched them too, turning back to you with an excited fondness.
“Jesus fucking christ Killer,” your hand fell to your tummy as you turned back to him, “we're having a fucking baby”
“We are,” he smiled under his mask and reached over the table to take your hand. “I'm gonna take such good care of both of you”
“I know you are,” you squeezed his hand and smiled lovingly at him, “what is Kid gonna say though? Fuck what if he tries to kick me off the ship”
“Don't worry about him,” he withdrew his hand as the waitress dropped off the orange juices, feeding the straw in his drink through his mask and taking a long sip. “You're not going anywhere, I'll make sure of it”
“How are we gonna have a baby on a ship?” You hummed, running your finger around the rim of your own glass, “we probably should have thought this through better. I can hide them, visually and audibly, during battles at sea, but what if something happens to us? And where are we gonna keep them? There's not exactly room for a nursery on the ship, we could convert my room but it's so far away from yours, I'd never stop worrying”
“There's a storage room on the other side of my wall, adjacent to the bathroom,” he assured, “it's not usually accessible since you get to it through the navigation room, but we can knock out some wall to add a door on our side and convert it to a nursery. It's mostly just old maps from Paradise in there, we can move them elsewhere”
“Okay,” you puffed out a sigh of relief at the good plan, “that sounds okay”
“It's gonna be fine Yin, don't stress yourself out,” he took your fidgeting hand from your drink and squeezed it again, “stress is bad for the baby. Just have faith that I'll take care of everything”
“Okay Kil,” you breathed, “I trust you”
“That's it mama,” he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, “just breathe, it's all gonna work out”
“Heh… mama,” you giggled.
“Is that okay?” Killer asked shyly. The nickname had just sort of naturally fallen into place since leaving the clinic.
“Yeah, I like it,” you smiled, the grin turning mischievous, “should I start calling you daddy?”
“Maybe after lunch,” he purred, letting your hand go so the waitress could place down your plates of food, kindly pretending she hadn't just heard that exchange.
“Will that be everything for now?” She asked sweetly.
“Yes, thank you,” Killer replied, and she gave a curt little nod and left to serve another table.
You picked up your fork and twirled your pasta, greedily digging in as your stomach gave another growl. You calmed your feverish devouring after a few bites and looked up to see Killer slurping his spaghetti through the holes of his mask. You openly snorted, it'd never not be funny watching him do that.
“Funny, am I?” He toyed, slurping more spaghetti.
“Yes, actually,” you laughed, “you're fucking ridiculous”
“I'm gonna tell everyone you're scared of needles,” he teased.
“No!” You gasped, “please don't!” He snorted in smug satisfaction, he'd won this round.
“Let's avoid the others for a few days,” Killer suggested, “just spend some time alone together, just the two of us, before it becomes three. I told Kid that's what we were doing anyway, he's not expecting to see us for a few nights. Then we can figure shit out better before we talk to him”
“Sounds like a plan,” you agreed, before performing your best impression of Killer slurping spaghetti. Sauce flicked over your face and you yelped as some got in your eye. Killer laughed, properly audibly laughed, and you felt like your heart might explode as you gave him your brightest smile and laughed with him, which must have looked insane considering the spaghetti sauce on your face.
“Was that supposed to be me?” He laughed, the unique sound slowly fading as it returned to his usual suppressed silence.
“Yeah,” you replied defeated, wiping the sauce off your eyelid, “but it would have been ten times funnier if I had my mask, and there wasn't sauce in my eye.” The waitress quietly passed the table, giving you a wink as she dropped off a large pile of napkins, and you fell into a new fit of laughter. “Our kid is going to be a fucking menance,” you laughed, “the two of us getting together might be a detriment to this planet. And to all the spaghetti on it”
“Here's to the future king or queen of spaghetti,” Killer snorted, raising his glass in a mock toast before slurping down the rest of his juice.
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The next three days were bliss, spent in solitude with your lover, talking fondly of your future child and doing all the things normal couples would do between stints of rolling in the sheets. You bumped into the others occasionally, which wasn't a surprise given you were staying at the same inn and the town wasn't that big. You kept your secret for now though, Killer felt it was important that Kid be the first to hear. You had met up with Mohawk to receive some of the advice the doctor had given him to pass along, but for the most part you and Killer just did your own thing, just enjoying your time together.
You found out that Killer had long thought about being a father, but given his mental walls and his lifestyle, it was a dream he never thought was achievable, and he'd given up on it long ago. You didn't have much of an opinion either way, it wasn't something you'd ever given much thought to before finding out you were pregnant, but you were happy to help him with his dream. Killer was such a selfless man, always putting others before himself, making Kid's dream his priority and throwing away his own. You were happy to help him have this one thing, and you swore you'd never seen him smile so much. He splayed his hand out over your abdomen whenever he got the chance, and you'd caught him one morning laying with his head near your belly, whispering to the baby. You almost cried at how sweet it was. Lies, you did cry, in fact you were a blubbering mess, fucking hormones.
The two of you had even snuck into a baby wares shop, careful to check that none of the crew saw you enter or leave, and had fun looking at all the different things and talking about how you wanted to raise your baby. Breastfed or formula fed, sleeping arrangements, attachment style, how old they would be before you started teaching them to fight, his surname name or yours. Totally normal parent things. Though you absolutely refused to name your child Baby Massacre Soldier, what kind of surname was that? Val would do just fine thank you. Not to mention it was all you had of your mother, you wanted to pass it to your child. Killer had no qualms with that, his name was more of a epithet anyway, and he thought it was nice that you wanted to honour your mother.
Whenever you got too tired to walk, you'd both retreat back to the inn, pouring over pregnancy books - which was mostly Killer reading them out loud and you following with your eyes. Not only were you learning about your baby and what to expect, but also getting a bonus reading lesson. The doctor had prescribed you a variety of prenatal vitamins as well as anti nausea medication for your morning sickness, and you were taking them diligently. You hadn't thrown up again since you started taking them, and your sore throat was incredibly thankful for it.
Eventually though, all good things must come to an end, and very much against your will Killer dragged you along to the bar the others had been frequenting to meet up with them the night before you were due to set sail. You entered hand in hand with Killer, and Heat immediately called out to you, excited to spend time with you after having only seen you in passing for the last five days.
“Aye aye, there's the fucking lovebirds,” Kid roared as you slipped in to the booth, Killer pulling you into his lap so none of the other men at the bar would get any funny ideas. It was a large booth, and along with the usual commanders were a handful of colourful looking people you'd never met before, a ginger girl with a large hat currently perched on Kid's lap. “About fucking time you got here, I wanna introduce you to our new friends”
“New recruits?” Killer asked, taking the beer Heat slid in front of him and chucking a straw in it. He slid you a beer as well, but you told him you weren't feeling well and he shrugged and pulled it back to himself.
“Aye, we were already down a few men before Yin's little incident,” Kid replied, he was clearly already a little inebriated by the slow way he spoke, “and with another five down the drain we had to replace them or we'd be down too many next time we hit a fight. This here is Bubblegum, Pomp, the twins - Mosh and Boogie, Hip, Dive, and this girlie right here is Quincy” he gave a squeeze to the girl on his lap and she shrieked playfully.
“More girls?” Killer raised a brow under his mask.
“Aye,” Kid smirked, “first one proved a success, and after the shit the henchmen pulled I thought it was time we made some changes. Too much testosterone on the ship, it's about time they learned chicks can be just as tough, help em pull their heads out of their asses”
You were impressed, you didn't think Kid would ever bring more girls on board, but he'd clearly taken the incident to heart and you were happy to see he'd taken time to consider what went wrong and make changes to remedy it. You were excited to make some female friends, you hadn't had any since Egghead Island, if we weren't counting Delilah. Fuck Delilah.
The new crewmates were definitely a colourful bunch, and their hair and outfits made you sure immediately that they would fit right in with the rest of the crew.
Bubblegum was a tall, thin man, with blue hair that stuck out either side of a spiked helmet, dark lipstick and a heavy coat of red eyeshadow all around his eyes. From what you could see as he sat at the booth, he wore a dark tank top and a necklace made of thick red beads, as well as tan leather gloves.
Pomp was a short, stout man who you could barely see past the table. He was blond, with a spiky beret patterned in grey camo, with a belt that ran crossbody over his bare chest and spiky armbands that matched the band of his beret. His eyes were surrounded in dark green eyeshadow, making him look like a panda in the dim bar lighting.
The twins, Mosh and Boogie, had a similar style to each other. Mosh had bright pink hair, styled mostly slicked down and covering his left eye, with a thick ponytail behind him, while Boogie's was teal and mostly stuck up, save for the fringe that covered his right eye. They both had heavy, black, under eye liner and lipstick, reminding you of Kid's makeup. They both wore very punkish jackets and graphic tees, but what set them apart most was their size. Mosh was maybe the biggest man you had ever seen, as tall as Wire, but where Wire was mostly slim, Mosh was broad, making him an absolute beast of a man. Boogie was also broad, and while he looked close to Heat's height while sitting, you'd later learn he had quite short legs, making him closer to Killer's height.
Hip was a tan woman with blonde hair styled in a short bob. She looked like she could be Killer's sister, though her eyes were brown instead of his icy blue. She looked the least like she would fit in with pirates, with plain clothes that looked more like a civilian's, but her mean resting bitch face told you she would be a strong addition to the team.
Dive was a tiny thing, her bright green pigtails making her look like a child, had it not been for the short dress and fishnets with heels you saw her wearing whenever she got up. She wore a set of yellow rimmed goggles on her head, much like Kid, though hers had round frames, and when she gave a toothy smile you saw her teeth were all sharpened to points. Something told you those were her preferred weapon, and it made you smile, given your own preference for using your teeth. She was going to be a firecracker, you could feel it.
Last but not least was Quincy; a tall, beautiful girl, with puffy ginger hair that stuck out in two large buns either side of her face, under her giant, crown-like hat. She seemed to have a permanent smile on her scarlet painted lips and seemed like a beam of sunshine, not at all what you would expect of a pirate set to join a notoriously blood thirsty and violent crew. She wore an expensive looking criss-cross patterned jacket over a pretty pink dress, and whenever Kid jostled her you could see the large red ribbon that adorned her waist. She looked more like a princess than a pirate, and the way she was entertaining Kid made you wonder if she was just aiming to be Queen of the Pirates. She was the only one of the group you had some doubts about.
“Thank god, I was over the sausage fest,” you jested, giving the new girls friendly smiles. Hip gave you an almost playful sneer, and something told you you were gonna be good friends with her.
Mohawk appeared silently beside you, wordlessly putting a plain soda in front of you, which you accepted gratefully. You always seemed to be thirsty these days, no doubt due to the fact that you had to piss every five minutes. It was hard to believe it was only going to get worse as you got bigger.
“Anyway, welcome to the crew, I'm Yin, by the way, since our captain didn't bother to introduce me,” you gave Kid a scowl, “looking forward to seeing you all tied to the mast for the week”
The new guys all looked confused and Kid scowled. “Actually, they'll be skipping that, since we're low on men,” he avoided eye contact as you sent him a deadly glare.
“Excuse the fuck outta you,” you growled, “how come I had to do it? You know full well I'm worth fifty men, this is bullshit”
“Yeah well, I'm the captain so you can untwist your panties about it,” he waved his hand dismissively, “if I say they're skipping it then they're skipping it. Have a cry about it for all I care.”
You crossed your arms and gave him a cold stare. To be fair, the other commanders weren't impressed either, but there was no arguing with Kid. Everyone had the suspicion though that he was skipping it for the specific purpose of sparing Quincy, without singling her out.
“Anyway,” Kid continued, “Yin here is a commander, so treat her with the appropriate respect. She'll be in charge of all of the women on board, so go to her if you need help with your girly shit, the rest of us don't want to hear about it”
You were a little surprised to be given control over your own section of the crew, even if it was just a few ladies, but perhaps there was room for expansion in the future. Kid must have been impressed with your display of power, and this was also no doubt part of his subtle apology about what happened.
“Where will they be staying then?” You asked, taking a mouthful of your drink and eyeing your new charges, “you can't expect them to stay with the men, they fucking stink. The marines had us sharing unisex bathrooms which was fine but the men's quarters were always disgusting, even the marines aren't cruel enough to force women to sleep in the same stink.”
“It's already being taken care of,” Kid explained, “the materials to split the henchmen's quarters have already been loaded onto the ship, but it'll take a few days for them to install it and knock down some wall for a new door. We've set up a curtain in the meantime. They'll share the bathroom, they can either set a schedule with the men or get their tits out, I don't give a shit, as long as they don't bring any fucking babies on the ship. I'm making birth control mandatory for all sexually active women on the ship, including you. No exceptions.”
Killer stiffened behind you and you nervously chugged the rest of your drink, almost choking on it in the process. Mohawk's knee started to bounce nervously. Kid quirked an eyebrow at the sudden anxious display from the three of you. You and Mohawk had a tendency to be skittish, but he could read Killer like a book at this point, and grumbled to himself. Killer had no doubt he'd be getting pulled aside before the end of the night, as Kid squinted suspiciously at the three of you and took a slow drink from his tankard.
“Right, yup, of course,” you finally stuttered, “uh, and the girly shit, yup, on it,” you gave him a very nervous thumbs up which did nothing to shake his suspicious gaze. Hip smiled into her drink, knowing full well, between your reaction and the rejection of Heat's beer offer, what was happening. She was a quiet girl by nature, but extremely observant, and therein lay her strength.
“Where are we standing on the log pose?” Killer quickly changed the subject, reassuringly rubbing the outsides of your thighs with his thumbs.
“It's due to reset in the morning,” Double answered, “the ship is already loaded so we're planning to set out by ten, tide should be good around then, winds are supposed to be in our favour as well”
“Okay great,” Killer replied, “any word on where we're due to head next?”
“Locals say it'll be a uninhabited autumn island,” Double explained, “supposed to be about a week's sailing from here, weather dependant”
“Any trouble due on the way?” Heat interjected.
“Marines are apparently very active in the area,” Wire added his own intel, “we'll be skirting pretty close to a base”
“If we come across any marine ships we can take their eternal pose and hit the base,” Kid added, “otherwise we won't bother trying to find it.”
“Oh! How's my mask?” You suddenly remembered. You'd gotten kind of used to being without it but talk of fighting had spurred the memory.
“Glasswork came out fine, they said I can pick it up tomorrow,” Kid told you, much to your relief, “gimme like an hour after we set sail and I'll have it installed for you. The rest of the headset is fixed but we might have to do some fine tuning”
“Thanks Kid,” you replied with a little yawn.
You could feel your eyelids drooping as the other commanders continued to discuss the possibility of taking down the marine base, with the occasional interjection from one of the newbies with info only locals like them would have. You turned in Killer's lap so you were sideways, drapped across his legs and nestling in to him. One of his arms wrapped around your waist to hold you securely against him, while the other rested a hand on your thigh, stroking it lazily. You quickly fell asleep, exhausted from all the walking you'd done with Killer today on top of the pregnancy. At some point he carried you back to your shared room at the inn, removing your shoes and tucking you in for the night.
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A/N: ayeoh welcome to some of the missing crewmates. I excluded a lot of the known members of the Kid Pirates for thematic reasons, it was important the crew be only men for a lot of the story, and I didn't want to add the recognizable men without the women. This felt like a good time to add some ladies in though, so I just picked some of my favs to add back in so I don't get overwhelmed with too many new characters. Also headcannoning that Mosh and Boogie are twins, in reality we don't know much about most of the crew, we don't even know what sort of weapon Quincy has though I do have a fun idea for her. Also I know some people think Dive is a kid but she literally has heels and fishnets in a manga panel, that ain't no kid. She's just a small, feral lady lmao
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pricegouge · 5 months
Fatted Rabbit Part Eight on AO3
Bearshifter!Price x reader | explicit
John wakes with a sharp jerk when his own snoring gets too loud. Underneath him, the pillow he's wrapped around wriggles discontentedly and then falls still. John snuffles into it, the soft, pliant smell digging a hook right behind his sinus cavity and pulling. He humps down once - more instinct than actual desire, he didn't even know he was hard - and the pillow grunts. Oh, right. He's caught a rabbit in his den.
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John wakes with a sharp jerk when his own snoring gets too loud. Underneath him, the pillow he's wrapped around wriggles discontentedly and then falls still. John snuffles into it, the soft, pliant smell digging a hook right behind his sinus cavity and pulling. He humps down once - more instinct than actual desire, he didn't even know he was hard - and the pillow grunts.
Oh, right.
He's caught a rabbit in his den.
Reluctantly, he raises his head from where he's got his nose smushed behind her ear. She's still asleep, somehow, her face pressed into his pillow as if she's also scenting him. It unclenches something in his stomach, turns his blood languid and syrupy sweet. They rotated slightly in their sleep, the rabbit laying more so on her belly with John draped over her like the world's heaviest blanket, just like she'd wished his bear could be. He's got a thigh pressed between hers and his arm wrapped around and under her to keep his mit exactly where she'd put it the night before. She's sweaty, probably blistering under the heat of him, poor lamb. He wonders how long he's been snoring directly into her ear and cringes. He can be a bit hard to wake up, god knows. Hopefully he didn't keep her up half the night, pinned to the mattress as she was.
John cops one last feel of her belly and places a quick kiss on the drool stain behind her ear, only resists licking it up by promising himself there would be plenty of time for that later so long as he doesn't freak her out now.
He sneaks off to the kitchen, humming as he cooks them up a full English. He's not sure what she'll want or if she'll even want anything - but his bear has been beside itself ever since she said she didn't have much of an appetite. Poor mate, doesn't know what's good for her. He knows he should back off, that continually insisting on feeding her wasn't really normal. It was probably even impolite. But he couldn't escape the gnawing feeling in his chest that he needed to provide for her, make sure she was ingesting enough calories and nutrients to make up for what she was losing. So, he wouldn't force her to eat, but he'd make sure she had access to anything she could possibly want.
John's got every part of the pig cooked and keeping warm in the oven. He's fried and scrambled eggs both, just because he doesn't know which she'd prefer. There are mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, and hashbrowns. Orange juice, coffee, and tea. He's timed it perfectly, is just putting the toast on when his rabbit wanders out, nose in the air.
"Man, you weren't kidding about breakfast, huh?"
"I never joke about breakfast."
She laughs and tucks herself into his chest, face burrowing right between his pecs and breathing deeply. John chuffs happily, scratching the back of her head with one hand as he flips the buttered slices on the pan.
"Can you make that noise again?"
Hell. "What noise?"
"That like… huffy kind of noise you just did, can you do it again?"
John huffs, distinctly human. "That one?"
"Nah, nevermind. You sounded like my friend the bear for a second."
"Oh right, that bloke…"
The rabbit laughs at the affected jealousy in his voice. "Can I help with this at all?" she nods at the oven.
"Nope, just take a seat, honey. How are you feeling?"
"Dehydrated," she groans, and reroutes at the sight of the kettle.
"Forgot to get you a water bottle last night, damn me," John grumbles, but the rabbit just smiles at him.
"You did fine, big guy, no worries." She peruses his mug tree and selects the cheeky bear mug his mum had sent him a few years back, trying to keep her smile private. He wonders if she's thinking about his goofy feigned jealousy or if she's starting to see similarities. He's tempted to let her, considers chuffing at her again. He doesn't mind her knowing - trusts her enough already - but he's not sure how best to say, 'Now this is going to sound crazy… ' He'd just outright shown his mum, but she'd fainted so perhaps that wasn't the best route either. Besides, he doesn't want to scare her off, so perhaps the best thing would be to let her draw her own connections. He decides to play with it, bides his time for a good opening as he watches her get her tea ready.
He learns she takes it with orange and honey, the sweet girl.
"Thanks for taking care of me last night. That wasn't really necessary but it was very nice."
"Of course, honey. Sorry if I kept you up though, I forgot to warn you I snore."
"Like a chainsaw," she agrees, laughing, as he tables all the food. He sits cornered to her, knees brushing. "Probably weird to admit but it was kinda nice. The Jeep's either dead silent or surrounded by awful parking lot noises when I'm trying to sleep so it was a good change of pace. Even if you do run at approximately nine hundred kelvin."
"Aye, sorry about that. Make for a good heating pad, though?"
"Decent weighted blanket, too."
"And I'm fuzzy," he laughs, faux-nonchalant. He pretends to consider the sausage links for too long, avoiding eye contact.
He can feel the weight of her gaze, assessing. The bear mug dangles from her fingertips ominously. "Regular teddy bear, you."
To his delight she fills her plate with bacon, fried eggs, toast, mushrooms, and pretty much every fruit he had the foresight to prepare and by the end of it she - finally - looks a little less pallid.
"Feeling better?"
She tilts her head back and forth, weighing. "Eh. Not the greatest but that's… unrelated to the hangover."
"Poor bunny. Go lay down on the couch, I'll join you in a minute."
Realizing he intends to clean up, she protests, "Mm! Let me help."
"I insist," he starts, but she's already wrapping up leftovers (he hadn't wanted to make an ass of himself by eating nearly a kilo of meat).
"No, I insist. In fact if you wanna go lie down, I can manage."
"Bloody unlikely," he grumbles, and they work through the mess together in companionable silence.
Or at least, he thought it was companionable.
"Well, thanks for breakfast, John. And also lunch. And dinner. And being so nice. But I should probably head out so -."
The cliff his emotions fall off feels endless. "You're leaving?" It's probably too desperate to sound so stricken but he can't help it, most of his energy spent throttling his bear to keep from dragging her back to bed and pinning her there.
"Oh, uh. Well, I figured…"
Christ, there it is again: that blind panic he's seen in her eyes a few times now. As if he's got her backed up on a trapping pit and any move could be her last; like there's a correct answer, or a quick drop.
He's not sure where the instinct has been coming from. He's never exactly been known to be gentle, but he is with her now. "Not kicking you out, honey. I'd like it if you stayed… but I understand if you'd like to leave."
Guard up, still squirming, "Even if I don't -. Don't want…" he waits her out even though it kills him how much she looks like she might bolt. Eventually she clears her throat, dons some unnaturally blank expression that's somehow even worse. "I thought you'd want me to leave because I don't want to have sex with you. Today. Because…"
Shite. John thinks back on what he'd said the night before. 'We'll talk about it in the morning.' God, he's a knob.
"Sweetheart…" Lost, John flicks at his mustache, antsy. "I shouldn't've… look, I might've put my foot in my mouth last night. Everything I said was only meant to show you how willing I'd be, not to convince you to be. If you don't want… that… that's the end of the discussion, right? But that doesn't mean I want you to leave. I'm just as happy to simply spend time with you, if you're up for it."
The rabbit's eyes are still shuttered, but he thinks he sees the barest hint of hope in there, too. "I can still suck you off, if you'd like."
And John experiences the mental equivalent of having your engine stall out while accelerating. What the fuck?
"No. Well, yes," he clarifies when she looks - disappointed? Self-conscious? Scared, again? "Yes, but not -. Hm. The first time you take my cock isn't going to be in your throat, aye?"
There it is, finally. Pupils dilated with something other than fear now.
"Don't care how long you make me wait, sweetheart. You could keep me chasing you half across the state for a bloody year if you wanted. But when you're ready for me," he hooks two fingers in the band of her sleep pants and pulls her closer, testing how pliable she is, "I'm taking this cunt first."
He'd planned to kiss her, but she beats him to it.
"Don't wanna be casual," she tells him as he lays her out on the couch.
He can't help but laugh. "You thought this was casual?"
It's slow and languid, syrupy as the honey he tastes on her tongue. The impatience of last night is gone, driven out by the same instincts that gentle him every time those wide, prey eyes show themselves. He gets her on her side, flush to the back of the couch. It's hard for him to fit along with her because she's so perfectly fucking soft and John - despite the winter's best efforts - is still a big man, but they manage. Even if he's half on the coffee table, technically. By the time they're trading more words than kisses, John's got the flat of his palm planted exactly where she'd put it the night before and he's making her giggle by flexing his fingers into her soft flesh, grinning like an idiot all the while.
"Fucking heaven holding onto you all night, you've no idea."
"Well I might have some idea." She stretches languidly and John ducks to kiss her exposed neck.
"Yeah? That mean you'll stay again tonight?"
"John," she laughs, exasperated.
"One more night, bunny, then I'll let you free."
"Don't you have to work?"
"Closed Mondays."
"Benevolent of you."
"What were you planning on doing today?"
"Gotta call my friend at some point, maybe try to catch the game. But that's about it..." the way she trails off has him eyeing her suspiciously. "Okay, fine, I was going to try my luck charging my Switch at Starbucks."
"Charging your… Christ, go get it, whatever it is," John grumbles. "And anything else you need to charge too, you stubborn thing."
She rolls up and over him to reach the floor and for a brief moment John is in heaven, surrounded by the soft warm plush of his mate, and then she's gone, leaning over him. "Speaking of, did you charge my phone last night?"
"'Course, honey."
"Yeah, 'course you did. Can you stop being so friggin' sweet, I'm still trying to figure out how to return the favor."
When she turns, John can't help but smack her playfully on the ass. She gives him a look over her shoulder, all fake anger, and he can't help but look contrite. "You said stop being sweet."
It turns out a Switch is a gaming console and she teases him about not knowing that the entire time it charges, then absolutely wipes the floor with him in Mario Kart.
"Thought you said you were good at this?" She asks, shifting again. John needed both hands to play, unfortunately, but they'd discovered just his calf resting over her belly was warm and solid enough to appease her. Or it had been, at least; he'd noticed her getting more restless the last circuit.
"This is not like the game I grew up with."
"Which one was that, old man? Pong?"
He ignores the jab. "How you holding up?"
"I'm good, thanks." She's a liar, if the acidity of her discomfort is anything to go by. The smell of blood is stronger today, and he vaguely remembers past partners complaining about their second days being the worst.
Funny, how little he'd cared in the past.
"Want me to get you anything?"
"Think you've gotten me enough." She motions to the coffee table full of snacks and beverages, a bottle of ibuprofen within reach.
"Those were for me, actually. Was a bit miffed when you dug in."
"Oh, sorry, I'd assumed you'd eaten enough at breakfast, mister four eggs."
"Not nearly. Only reason I didn't polish off that pig is 'cause I didn't want to embarrass myself falling asleep ten minutes later like my old man."
"Don't feed the bear, eh?" she laughs.
John sideeyes her. "Pardon?"
"Fat and happy? It's what we call a food coma back home. Feed the bear, get fat and happy, hibernate."
John chuckles, low. "I like that."
"Did you wanna take a nap? I can cl -."
"If you say clear out I'm gonna chain your tires."
"Sorry," she tries to laugh. Comes out a touch too breathy. He peeks and sure enough, wide, prey eyes.
"'M not mad." John prods her with his toe to make sure she's listening. "If you wanna leave that's one thing, but I'm not kicking you out today. May never," he grins and the quiet huff he gets in response is far more grounded. "Tell you what. If some life shattering event were to happen and I needed to kick you out, I'd just say, 'Sorry, bunny, but can we pick this up some other time?' Short of that explicit dismissal, go ahead and assume nothing I say is a subtle attempt to get rid of you, okay?"
Her smile is maybe a little sad, but appreciative. "Okay."
"There's a good girl. Now, to answer your first question, it's my day off and yes I very much would like a nap. Should I doze off listening to you curse this game or can we move it to the bedroom?"
"A nap does sound nice…"
John grins salaciously. "Bedroom it is."
She wants to lay on top of him this time and he's all too happy to oblige, letting her hike a leg over his own and dig his hip into her belly. When she snuffles into his chest he thinks he might be in heaven. He doesn't need more than this, truly. He'd meant what he said earlier - that she could run him ragged for as long as she wanted, so long as she allowed him this. His bear would be content. Mated, whether she knew it or not. She said she didn't want to be casual so surely she felt it, too. This would be enough for him, for however long it took her to be comfortable with him. And she would be, one day. He'd figure out what made her flinch away every time she thought he was mad or disappointed. It was worrying, to say the least, but he didn't think he could just out and ask her if she was scared of him, or what had happened to make her so flinchy. It was driving him more than a little crazy, though, his bear searching for flesh to sink his teeth into. Somewhere, someone had convinced his girl she was only worth having around if she was putting out, had made her scared to admit what she wanted. Had made her fear him.
He'd kill them if he ever found them.
In the meantime, it was nice to flex this side of himself, be sweet and soft in a way he'd never felt inclined to be before, let his anger simmer under the flesh where she'd never see it.
"What time do those muppets play?"
She hummed, already on the verge of sleep. "Seven, I think."
"Would you rather go out to see it, or stay in?"
"...I'm good with staying in. I can make dinner."
"Don't have to, honey."
"Want to."
"Mm. Such a sweet rabbit."
He wakes up confused and alone, more bear than human, already snuffling around the empty sheets for her. She was distressed, headed to the bathroom, and then out the door. John's pulling on clothes and grabbing his keys before he's even consciously aware of it, phone being tucked into a pocket when it vibrates with a missed text.
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Christ. The sigh he emits is loud as a bellows.
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Really, he's so floaty on their growing bond he feels like he'll never need a cigar again, but the temptation to keep an eye on her from above is far too good, so he climbs his way upstairs with a choice, sweet number and leans on the short wall as he lights up. He can't see her properly, but the Jeep's boot is open and he can hear her voice clearly enough he knows she must be sitting back there. He shouldn't be listening, he knows. It's an invasion of her privacy to say the least, but she's giggly, voice sugar sweet, and it prickles along the shell of John's ear, needle sharp and mean.
"I know, it's good to hear from you, too. No, I had to change that a couple years back. I did, had it memorized. For real. Your's and Kadie's. Couple others."
Scared, now:
"Yeah, about that... No, but I'm better, thanks… Mm… I fucking knew it. Blond, scar on his cheek, generally unsettling? Yep, that was Phil… No, I'm sorry… Mm. Hey, how long ago was that? Shit… No. Two, maybe three months… No, I figured he would. S'why I didn't reach out sooner… Well, you know how my mom is… Nah, it's fine. Better this way anyway. No one can tell him shit if they don't know anything to tell… Well, desperate times." A deep sigh. "It was bad, Benny… the usual stuff at first. Wasn't allowed to talk to friends, yadda yadda. By the time it got physical I didn't have anyone to reach out to… yeah. He had complete control of finances. Made shit hard. Took nearly four years to get things sorted but here we are… yeah, thanks. So anyway, this stays between me and you, yeah? Don't go around saying you heard from me, please. Phil's probably following all your socials from ghost accounts. You and everyone else. Would just take one loud mouth to draw his attention back… I'm serious, Ben… thanks. So anyway, enough about that shit. How've you been?"
Her voice is light again. Too light, reminds him of the blank face she'd adopted when she'd let it spill that she assumed he didn't want her around if she wasn't going to sleep with him. He's still turning his cigar over the open flame of his lighter, too lost in thought to notice it was nearly engulfed.
The usual stuff… got physical… nearly four years.
"Fuck," John hisses as his thumb is burned. He shakes the cigar in an attempt to put it out but only succeeds in fanning the flame. He lets go, watching as it falls through the air. Simmers with it when it lands in the last of the snow banks hiding deep in the shadow of the building. When he looks back up, the rabbit is standing next to the Jeep, watching him warily. She's still on the phone, half paying attention to her conversation. John forces a casual smile and waves at her, desperately holding his anger in check lest she realize he'd heard her; or worse, believes he's mad at her again.
She waves back after a moment, calm as you please, and John thinks about Phil.
She joins him on the roof and complains about the chilly breeze, tucks herself into John's chest which gets him damn near purring and John thinks about Phil.
She makes stuffed peppers for dinner - fucking delicious, even if his bear isn't the biggest fan of capsaicin - and John thinks about Phil.
She answers his stupid questions about hockey playoffs, talks his ear off about the rag tag group of muppets they've both found themselves supporting, and John thinks about Phil.
In bed later, he gets her pinned under him again and uses her soft tits like a pillow made specially for him, rubs her belly absently just to hear her sigh in contentment and John thinks about Phil. Phil, the blond from Dallas with a scar on his cheek. Phil, who isolated his rabbit and took control of her money to make sure she'd never leave. Phil, who's got her so terrified she's living in her car all alone in the world, still scared to reach out to her own friends and family.
Phil, who got physical with her.
Aside from the odd, misguided urges to eat his rabbit right up, John's bear has never really been tempted by human meat; but he has hunted plenty of big game. He wonders if Phil's pretty blond neck will break just as satisfyingly under his jaw as an elk's.
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iii-of-ender · 1 month
kandi lemon unkandily (@unkandily ‼️) is damgerous and should NOT have a platform!!!! here's why
lemon candycane is ILL OVER RIPTIDE!! yeah i said it. flur is EXTREMELY ILL about just roll with it riptide. how do i know this? well..
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EVERYTHING BUN SAYS IS A LIE!! all she knows is eat hot chip and LIE!!!! heres my proof
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sour patch kid has KILLED!!! (which is evil). I SAW IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES. but in case you need evidence HERE
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and yknow what flur said about it when asked why bun would do theis horrific act? THIS
"im sowwy, i got a lil silly with it :3" - kandi lemon unkandily
lime juice HATES AND BULLIES THE ELDERLY!!!! they are exactly what us grown up adults are scared of these days!!!!!! she said she was going to steal my kidneys (real and true!!!!!!!)
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all in all this person is DANGEROUS!!!!! shes a hazard to the young and impressionable youth mibds and to public safety!!!!!!! thank you for listening
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ask game
(except random questions because i can’t keep a theme and i’m bored)
1- Favorite color?
2- Favorite animal?
3- Favorite food?
4- Comfort / Safe place?
5- Have you ever been to an aquarium?
6- Sharks or whales?
7- Cotton candy or gummy worms?
8- Favorite movie?
9- Do you think your friends would like your favorite movie?
10- Orange juice or tomato soup?
11- Have you ever watched She-Ra and the Princesses of Power?
12- How many people are you following?
13- How many drafts do you have?
14- Have you ever seen a giraffe?
15- Opinion on the planet Mars?
16- What’s your favorite thing that probably would’ve gotten you bullied for as a kid?
17- Did you watch Barney (purple dinosaurrrrr guy) as a kid?
18- Did you know Lunchables are actually toxic? (They have bad stuff you’re not supposed to ingest them, look it up)
19- Have you ever been to a beach?
20- Have you ever made a s’more?
21- How many hours have you spent playing your favorite video game?
22- Opinion on geese?
23- Geese or ducks?
24- What’s your favorite random fact?
25- When did you join this hellsite?
26- Could you leave this site whenever you want or are you addicted to it and cursed?
27- If someone were to talk about “the hive”, would you know what they’re talking about?
28- I like your shoelaces.
29- Bzzzzz. Do you like bees?
30- Favorite Wiggle’s song?
31. Do you believe in unicorns or are you boring?
32- Favorite Adventure Time character?
33- Favorite time?
34- Favorite song lyrics?
35- Do you listen to music for the singer’s voice, the instrumental, or the lyrics?
36- What’s your favorite social media?
37- How do you feel about the Frozen franchise?
38- If you were a tv show character what do you think your role would be?
39- If you got put into the last book you read how fucked would you be?
40- Do you read?
41- Opinion on penguins?
42- Are you confused by any of these questions?
43- What time is it for you right now?
44- Do you sleep or are you a literal vampire?
45- Favorite vampire media?
46- Best birthday party you’ve ever had?
47- You get a free murder pass, who do you use it on?
48- Brownies or cupcakes?
49- Gooses or geese?
50- This isn’t a question, but you’re really great and I hope you know you’re amazing. I hope you’re doing well, and if not, I hope you’re doing better soon. You got this, I believe in you.💛
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yanyanobsessed · 4 months
continuing on my yandere vampire fics from a while ago.. I figured the best way to expand on it would be to go back to the beginning.
Note: Theres a lot of worldbuilding here lol, Probably my heaviest work yet, contentwise (not in a dark sense, this post is just hefty when it comes to her word count)
Grace Addams (she/her)
Yandere type: Worshipper, obsessive
Grace was adopted quite young, raised by a wealthy couple with her every need met and accounted for by leaps and bounds. Anything she wanted, her dads did their best to accommodate- which thankfully was relatively easy for them, given that they were in no short supply of funds.
As a child, Grace was very quiet for the most part- almost too quiet, save for the occasions where she was left hungry or with a stomach ache, in the time prior to her vampiric nature coming to light. Her parents discovered quite early on that she was not exactly human, delightfully greeted by quite a number of little fang-marks when she went through teething as a toddler.
Vampires weren't unheard of by any means, but the couple lived in a rather wealthy rural area, and they had never in their lives encountered one in the flesh. However, having discovered the nature in their precious daughter, they felt it would be most appropriate to reach out online, finding comfort in the form of a number of forums and online communities centered on vampiric parenting and resources. They adapted their routines for her, swapping the baby food and solids that had caused her many a stomach ache with meats and iron-enriched tomato juice, which they had read online served as a temporary substitute for blood in the time it would take them to get in contact with a vampiric supply center for her. They abandoned the practice of using garlic in their cooking, so on and so forth, and with time Grace became a much quieter child, content and enriched.
As Grace grew, she remained very silent in her movements- thanks to her supernatural nature, she was able to move much faster than the average child, soundlessly darting around the manor she was raised in. Well, soundless aside from the occasional giggle when she was particularly giddy, or the wailing cries that followed her bumping into something in her fun. Despite her stealth and speed, she proved to be quite clutsy at times, running into things quite frequently even when she was moving at a normal speed.
When it came time for Grace to enter schooling, her parents debated quite a bit, before resolving that it would be good to enroll her at a school in the city, as opposed to one in the rural area they inhabited. They remained in their manor, but began arranging to take Grace to and from school each day, making the hour drive each direction in order to allow her the chance to meet other kids who might not judge her as harshly as those in the rural lands were almost guaranteed to.
This went on for years, with Grace attending class with other kids, packing her little blood pack and tupperware of meat each day to class, shifting to just a thermostat full of blood as she got older. By 7th grade, she had grown accustomed to this routine quite perfectly- She now was brought to school and back home by a private driver her parents hired, but that change aside, things remained relatively unchanged. Grace was silent in her classes, hardly ever talking with her classmates unless it was required, preferring to spend her time studying or reading. It was in one of these such moments, where she had her nose in her latest reading, on the day when everything changed.
Mrs. Lorella called everyone's attention to the front of the room, interrupting the chatters of first period with an introduction. A new student would be joining them. Grace looked you over without much intrigue, simply wishing to acquaint herself visually with you so that she would know your name if it came necessary- and yet, she was surprised when you met her eyes perfectly, honed in on her out of all the students present.
After introducing yourself, as soon as Mrs. Lorella let you go, you made your way straight to Grace's desk, smiling at her. "Is this seat taken?" Grace shyly shook her head, and you eagerly plopped your things down, scooting in right next to her with a smile that rivaled the sun in brightness.
It was that way for the rest of your classes- There was only one period in which the seat next to Grace was not available, and in every other opportunity you didn't hesitate to take the one which was, even looking a little saddened when you saw that one taken seat. Grace was slightly put off by you at first- She didn't dislike you by any means, but you were strange to her. She had always been naturally avoided or picked on by other kids, and although she shut that down quite quick to the best of her ability, that didn't mean she searched for companionship in her classmates. She thought she had more than enough of the stuff with her fathers, whom she was incredibly fond of. And yet, as time went on, and you continued to insert yourself into her life, she found it hard to deny that she enjoyed your company.
Within the next few weeks, her walls had begun to come down, and she found herself increasingly giddy when she was around you. One day at lunch hour, without even consciously realizing it, she offered for you to come over to her house after school. It was an offhand remark, in reply to you asking her about her driver, and yet the way your face lit up in response made her heart flutter in a way that was completely alien to her. You eagerly agreed, happy to spend time with her as she found herself smiling in response.
Thus began a routine of sorts- Most days after classes, you would go to Grace's house, as your parents were busy with work and made no complaint to the extra hours afforded by not having to drive you home, and you and Grace would spend the afternoon together. By the time you had to go home, Grace would accompany you, and listen to your ramblings the entire car ride to your home, spending the drive back in silence, dreamily looking out the window.
Grace's parents were quick to catch on to her fondness for you, welcoming you as one of their own in a way.
Over the years, you and Grace became attached at the hip - anywhere you went, Grace followed, and vice versa. Any time you had to spend apart, Grace found herself lamenting the distance, eagerly texting you in efforts to close the gap electronically, which proved comforting to her worries. However, it was noticable that any time you were apart from her, she became visibly antsy. She would tap her foot, fidget with her family rings, look around as if she could spot you nearby- and don't forget checking her phone often, debating whether to call you or not. As the attachment between you grew, so did her protectiveness, to a very obvious degree.
Now, on the nature of Grace's vampirism- While the school she went to wasn't necessarily hostile to her kind, her parents were instructed when she was first enrolled to teach her to keep it under wraps. While being a vampire wouldn't get you hunted openly like in the olden days, government intervention didn't prevent the prejudice that still ran deep in some people, and they found that it would be safer for their little girl if she didn't rampantly go around showing off her vampirism.
Grace had been very good about this rule of her parents' for her entire schooling- and yet, like most of her outward shell, it unraveled quite easily when it came to you.
One day, when you were at her house, you questioned her about her fidgeting. She bit her lip, continuing to twist her rings as her eyes flitted around the empty library you two presently occupied your time in.
"..Can I tell you a secret, Y/N?"
"Of course! You can tell me anything- I'm very good at keeping secrets, my mom says."
Grace took a deep breath.
"..I'm a vampire." She blurted out, cheeks rosy as she watched your reaction with fearful eyes.
A moment passed, and she just about felt her stomach drop, when you suddenly smiled, your entire body language brightening with intrigue.
You eagerly questioned her about it, taking the news in stride as you rattled off all your curiosities, holding both of her hands in yours as you did so, a habit of yours that Grace found herself quite fond of.
From that day onward, Grace found her attachment to you growing- She had never before even considered draining someone, and yet these days she found her eyes drifting to your neck dangerously often. She always managed to catch herself, although it was in the private moments that the urge came strongest. She always reeled herself in however, and was able to restrain herself.
That was, until sometime in the summer after your highschool years had finished, when a blood shortage had been wearing her thin, and you had been teasing her privately at every turn regarding her fangs, and how you would let her bite you if she wanted (which never failed to fluster her immensely, might I add.)
(Stopping here for now, lemme know what y'all think and any ideas you might have regarding Grace!)
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shatcey · 4 months
After this Ellis' line, a funny thought came to my mind
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I'll try to make a scene out of it… (Clears throat)
An innocent smile
Ellis escorts me back to my room. Then we stop in front of the door, he turns to me and suddenly asks:
"Let's sleep together?"
I open my mouth in shock, but I can't say anything. He looks so adorable with his disheveled hair and absolutely disarming innocent smile. Everything about him says how kind and sweet he is. He's definitely not the kind of guy I should be wary of. He definitely doesn't mean anything else by those words…
Several years later
"Oh, you're finally back!" - The desperate tone in Victor's voice makes me worry.
"What happened?"
Victor came out to meet us at the entrance, which undoubtedly meant that something had happened. A bright red storm swept past me.
"Daddy!" - Rosemary exclaimed happily and rushed into Ellis's outstretched arms. Red? But she was wearing blue dress in the morning.
"Hi, sweetie. Did you have fun?" - Ellis smiled sweetly as he stood up with an extremely happy kid in his arms.
I look at Victor, demanding an answer.
"She just fell down… and somehow managed to spill all the juice on herself. I was trying to wash it off, but…"
"Tomato…" - With a heavy sigh Ellis and I said at the same time.
"She doesn't like tomatoes…" - I remind Victor
"I know, but this time she agreed so easily that I thought maybe… It's not like that anymore…"
I take a deep exhale. Why did she do this to him every single time? I look at her and she gives me her best smile. I shake a head.
"By the way, where's Basil?"
Victor looks around in confusion.
"Don't tell me…"
"No, no, no… He was here just a moment ago…"
"Rosie, honey… Where is your brother?" - I ask.
She was still clinging to Ellis, as if she was afraid that he might disappear at any moment. Ellis didn't seem to mind.…
"He prepared a present…"
"A present?"- Victor looks puzzled. - "But we spend all the time together, when…"
A sudden realization appears on his face. At the same moment Basil jumps out of the next column with a huge smile on his face.
"I'll show you a trick. Look… this hat is completely empty…"
He turned it around to make us sure. I think I've seen it before… And then he put his hand in the hat, and a pigeon flew out… Riiiiight… I saw it…
"Cool, right? Papa Vic taught me"
"Amazing…" - Ellis somehow managed to clap while still holding Rosemary.
"I told you, I'm not your father" - seriously said Victor.
Basil smiled radiantly, and Vic almost cried.
"That smile of his… I agree to anything when I see it…"
Exactly. That absolutely charming innocent smile. How can anyone say no to it?
It was supposed to be a couple of sentences. But for some reason, Victor appeared in the middle, and it got longer. But I think Victor is much happier now when children are around)
I instantly decided that the girl's name would be Rosemary. I don't know why. I just know that Ellis's daughter's name is Rosemary. But finding the boy's name turned out to be a problem… But then I saw Basil… I knew right away that was it. Perfect.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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mrs-johansson · 1 year
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 19:
“Hey, guys,” heard Scarlett’s voice at the front door. I smoothed out my dress and my hair before waking out of the kitchen. “What a beautiful house,” I’m guessing that was her mom. “Right? She has great taste,” oh she’s hyping me up.
They all walked in, her three brothers and two sisters with their parents. “Hi,” I said nervously with a smile. Scarlett swiftly moved to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist. Her mom was the first to come up to me and she had a smile on her face which seemed genuine and kind. “I want you guys to meet my girlfriend, Y/n, but you probably know her already,” said Scarlett. “Of course we do. It’s so nice to meet you, darling. I’m Melanie,” I held out my hand but she moved to hug me. “Oh yeah, that’s better,” I chuckled as I hugged her back. Scar’s hand still lingered on my lower back making it really hard to focus on her MOTHER. “Y/n!” Rose came running from the living room then she realized her family was there. And she still came to me, holding her hands up. I picked her up and she looked at her relatives. “Hi,” she said with a big smile. “Everything okay in the living room?” I asked and she nodded. “I just want more juice.” “How about after dinner? You can have more of that tomato bread,” I brushed a piece of hair out of her face. “Okay,” she sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder.
Scarlett’s dad was the next person who introduced himself and damn he was tall. “Hello, I’m Karsten,” he held out his hand. “Y/n, nice to meet you,” I said and shook his hand. “Hi, Grandpa!” Rose excitedly greeted the man before they high-fived.
I met each of her siblings, and I wouldn’t have thought Hunter and Scarlett would look so much alike. “Shall we go to the table?” Asked Scarlett and they all agreed. She settled them in and I left to the kitchen with Rose still on my side. “Don’t you want to be with them?” I sat her on the counter just until I got the drink out of the fridge. “No. I want to stay with you.” “Go in there, I’ll bring the food out,” Scarlett walked in. “You can’t leave me with them, I just met them,” I spread my arms. “And they already think you’re the nicest person,” she left a kiss on my cheek. “Mama?” Spoke Rose. “Yes, baby?” Scarlett opened the fridge. “Y/n is my mama too?” My mouth fell open and I glanced at Scarlett. We shared a look before she stood by my side. “Uhm…” She started. “Would you like… that?” Scarlett cleared her throat, nervous even to look at me. “Yes!” She clapped her hands and I swear I had tears in my eyes. “Okay, okay… Why don’t you see what Uncle Hunter is doing?” She took her off the counter and she happily walked out.
“I’m sorry, this was so sudden…” Scarlett started to apologize but I didn’t let her finish instead I wrapped her in the biggest hug. “Oh okay…” She chuckled, hugging me back. “She is the cutest kid, you don’t have to be sorry about anything,” I could feel a tear sliding down my cheek. “I’m so happy she feels happy with you. I still have to talk with Romain though. And thank you for being her new mommy I guess,” she pulled back taking hold of my hands, kissing my knuckles. “It’s the biggest honor.”
We brought in the appetizer and some wine, put Rose into her chair and we started chatting. “I already said to Scarlett, you have a very lovely home Y/n,” said Melanie, and I smiled. “Thank you. One of my architect friends designed everything. “It’s pretty great work,” Karsten looked around. “Thanks,” I said.
The prosciutto quickly disappeared and a bottle of wine was shared between most of us.
I brought out the main dish and everyone was happy to see beef roast with crispy baked potatoes and some different veggies. “Wow this looks amazing,” Scarlett mumbled to herself and I smiled at the sparkling look in her eyes. I got some on Rose’s plate and cut up the meat and the potatoes. “Thank you,” she said as soon as I put the plate in front of her. “You’re welcome.”
“So how did you two meet? Scarlett only told us about a mystery woman,” Hunter smiled at his sister. “We accidentally bumped into each other around November last year,” Scarlett said. “I still think it wasn’t an accident on Scarlett’s side though,” I shrugged with a cheeky smile. “Okay… That’s… Alright, it wasn’t a full accident,” I turned my head toward her and honestly I was shocked that she admitted it. “But we talked for a couple of months after that and then I finally asked her out,” smiled my amazingly beautiful girlfriend.
They asked me all sorts of questions and I was happy to answer all of them. I had nothing to hide from her family and I wanted them to know that I love Scarlett with all my heart. And also Rose.
Later in the night after they left and we put Rose to bed, we cleaned up the kitchen. “How do you think it went?” I asked Scarlett as she put the clean plates away. “Couldn’t have gone better. They love you for sure,” she said and I smiled. “That’s great.”
I finished everything and I got the bottle of wine that was half empty. Poured into two glasses and sat on the counter. Scarlett wiped her hands and took one of the glasses and stood between my legs. Her left hand rested on my thigh, caressing the exposed skin. “Dinner was nice, if you get bored of this acting thing you could be a chef,” she said and took a sip of her wine. I chuckled at her words and shook my head. “Hopefully I don’t get bored of this.” “Yeah, I kinda hope that too,” she shrugged and downed the whole glass of liquor. “Wow, wine is not for thirst you know,” I said and she put the glass down, her hands going straight to my waist. She pulled me closer, my legs sneaking around her waist. “You look good,” she leaned close, her eyes looking between mine and my lips. “I taste good too,” I gave a kiss just on the edge of her mouth. Her pupils were wide and the way her jaw clenched just drove me crazy. Scarlett never held back the lust she felt and not gonna lie that was incredibly hot. My hands trailed up her arms right to her neck. I put my glass down from my other hand and started to slowly massage the back of her neck. “I hope you’ll be like this even when we’re 50,” Scarlett murmured, the tension just growing and growing. “You don’t have to worry about that,” I finally pulled her into a kiss, deepening it immediately.
Scarlett squeezed my waist, the fabric of my dress tightening around me as she fisted it. The kiss soon becomes sloppy and desperate. She pulled the dress up to the top of my thighs and I swiftly pushed myself up and she rolled up the dress from under me. I pulled away and Scarlett was desperate to remove my dress, throwing it to the floor.
Scarlett’s eyes fell to my breast and before I could think she started kissing all over my chest. A quiet sigh fell from my lips and I tilted my head back so she could have more access. “I love you so much,” she mumbled against my skin and soon started sucking on my pulse. My breath hitched as I tried to speak but I forced it out tho. “I love you too.”
I looked down at her breathlessly as her eyes met mine just before she took a tit into her warm mouth. I gasped and my hands moved on their own accord, slipping fingers through her hair as she sucked and lightly trailed her teeth over my right tit before moving onto the left. I was trying my best to be as quiet as possible but it was very fucking hard.
I grabbed her left hand and pushed it between my legs, hoping she would get the message.
And thank god she did, because her fingers found the hem of my underwear and literally ripped it off, throwing it to the dress. I groaned and threw my head back. “Be quiet.” She demanded and I just leaned my forehead against her shoulder, whimpering under her touch.
She swiftly laid me down on the counter, pulling me to the edge of it by my thighs. Planted kisses along my thigh before her tongue licks a long stripe over my slit. I grabbed onto the edge of the marble counter, gripping it till my knuckles turned white.
Her eyes remain on me as she explores every inch of me with her tongue. I threw my head back when she sucked on my clit a bit before pulling away.
I looked down and met Scarlett's lust-blown eyes as she sticks her ring and middle fingers into her mouth to coat them in saliva before slowly easing them into me. My back arched against the counter, feeling my muscles tightening. “Fucking hell,” I groaned. She lowered herself to take my clit back between her lips, sucking as she stimulated with curling her fingers.
And then it hit me. I felt like I’m gonna break the counter from how hard I was holding on to it. My thighs naturally tried to close up but Scarlett forced them apart, the muscles flexing on her biceps. “Come, baby, come” she whined and that’s all I needed to push me over the edge. My body was shaking while Scarlett lapped up every drop. I swear to go I don’t ever want anyone else to do this to me if it’s not her. She gives me earth-shattering orgasms and I fucking love them.
I breathed heavily, trying to find a normal rhythm. “You okay?” Scarlett’s soft hands slid up my thighs and stopped on my hips. “Honestly?” I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. “I feel like I'm in heaven.”
The next day Scarlett insisted on cooking and my parents and Léa were happy to finally meet her. Mostly my dad though.
They asked kind of the same questions from her and I just basically fell more and more in love with her. She was literally perfect, yes she was stubborn and sometimes thinking that she’s the only one who’s right but we can look past that.
Everyone went amazing and I was just happy that they know how joyful my life is because of her and Rose. My mother was surprised that Rose and I got along so well but I guess it didn’t help how much she pressured me into having kids soon.
Later that night we were laying in bed, watching Dateline as usual. “So our 6 months is gonna be this Saturday and I thought I could post then. What do you think of these?” I showed her two pictures and she nodded. “Nice.” “You sure you’re okay with this?” I asked, leaning against her front and she wrapped an arm around me. “Yes, and I’m gonna say yes every time you ask.” “Okay, I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable with all this social media think. Besides, after that I’m still only going to post your pinky or something, but like… you know if there’s like a picture that I think everyone needs to see, I don’t know… us at a premier or something. We need to think about these. You don’t have social media, so I’d like to hear your thoughts.” “Whatever you want,” she said and I looked up at her. “Scar, I’m serious.” “So am I. As long as I don’t have to do all this technical stuff, I’m great,” she gave a kiss on my forehead and went back to watching the show. “Well yeah, you’re not the best at that,” I mumbled with a smirk, and the next thing I knew she punched my side, making me jump a little. “You know I’m right.” “I guess you could say that.”
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Liked by chrisevans and 10 356 289 others
y/n_cole: my love, you’re all I’ve wished for in this life❤️ everything is better with you. everything is better since you. i will never forget the moment I realized i love you and I’m the happiest that our paths crossed in this crazy world. I love you endlessly✨ 6 months and counting🤍
chrisevans I’m the happiest for you two❤️
y/n_cole way too obsessed with the idea😆
florencepugh biggest power couple in Hollywood hands down💁‍♀️
y/n_cole speaking facts there!
sarcjo_for_life deep down we all knew Scarlett was fruity… I’m just happy Y/n is her girl🔥
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corriganatheart · 2 years
What Will Be Us (Final Pt. of "What Could've Been Us) Jude Bellingham x reader x Pedri
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Synopsis: After your ex asks for a second chance, you are left to decide between your first love and the man who picked up the pieces.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader x Pedri
Genre: Second chance and love triangle.
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You groaned as you stare at your reflection. The dark circles were very obvious and there was no way makeup can hide them. After your little talk with Jude last night, you could barely sleep. It was obvious that his words impacted you and now you’re struggling to comprehend what to do.
You sighed and touched your lips, remembering the feelings that he brought when he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. He wasn’t saying goodbye; he was asking you for another chance, and the kiss was his way of showing sincerity. At the moment, you also kissed back because you’ve missed him, and all the pent-up emotions were surpassing again. But you definitely feel guilty or upset with yourself after hearing Pedri in the kitchen with your mom.
Like always, Pedri woke up early, and you heard him laugh downstairs with your mom as they made breakfast. Like right now, you can hear him telling your mom about the times he had to chase you because you rejected him. Pedri was an honest and trustworthy boyfriend; that’s why you took a chance with him, but he definitely did not deserve what you did. And you know that telling him would only break his heart and trust in you. It will be a huge risk to tell him, and you might lose him entirely, but you've learned that avoiding confrontation will only cause more damage.
Changing into sweats and a crop top, you go downstairs, and Pedri's laugh, mixed with your mothers' is only getting louder. Like he can sense your presence, Pedri immediately turns to you as you walk into the kitchen. "Hey babe," he says while pulling you into a hug. "Good morning," you greeted both him and your mom. Your mother smiles at you warmly before she goes back to slicing tomatoes. "Pedri was helping me make beans, and I'm shocked that he picked up pretty well," your mother says with a proud smile as she plates the tomatoes. "What can I say, Mrs. L/N? I got a great teacher," Pedri says, causing your mom to laugh. You chuckle and start putting plates and cups on the table. Pedri examines you carefully, and you're sure he knows something is up but wasn't going to question you this early in the morning.
"Yeah, Gavi can have a huge temper, but he's a good kid," Pedri explains as he grins through his cup of juice. Your dad laughs, and Pedri winks at you. Your parents had always liked Pedri, but you can tell they liked him even more. The fact that they let Pedri sleep over only assures that they trust him. Jude was never allowed to stay at your place over 9:30 because your parents did not trust two hormonal teenagers together, so you always had to sneak him in. Also, your mom and dad had walked in on you and Jude making out several times, so it was only right of them to set boundaries, but with Pedri, despite him being a young man at his prime, they still trust that he wouldn't be sneaking into your bedroom. "How is Gavi’s relationship going anyways?” Your mother asked. You and Pedri looked at one another and snickered, causing your parents to glare at you guys, confused and annoyed. “Sorry,” Pedri clears his throat. “Gavi has finally caught on that his long-time friend might like him.” Your dad nods with a smile as your mom shakes her head. “Gosh, you kids. When are you going, to be honest with your hearts?” Your smile immediately fell, and you went back to eating your breakfast.
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After breakfast, your parents had to go to work, and you walked around your hometown, showing Gavi all your favorite places. Both of you were wearing a mask, but some locals recognized you and greeted you, whereas some recognized Pedri and asked for photos. The city grew in size, and shops were all remodeled or owned by a different owner, so you were saddened that your childhood had changed so much. “Are you going to show me your school?” Pedri asked as he playfully swung your intertwined hands. You smile and nod, excited to show your boyfriend the place with the most important memories. But unfortunately, they were all reminders of Jude. “You’re beautiful; you know that?” Pedri asked with a grin and planted a kiss on your knuckles. You blushed and got on your tiptoe, and pecked his lips. This causes him to grin harder, and you immediately look away after realizing you had just kissed your ex-boyfriend a couple of hours ago and now your current boyfriend. It was a complication you really didn’t want to deal with, but it was bound to happen soon.
“Woah, the field looks recently remodeled,” Pedri says while staring at your former high school soccer field. You glare at the big sign that says, Home of Jude Bellingham, and it is pretty obvious the area was dedicated to Jude. You also read in the telegram that Jude was the one that donated money to rebuild this place because it had a lot of special memories. “Is this where you spend most of your time?” Pedri asked while staring at the banner of Jude that hung proudly on the fence. You shift your gaze and stare at the goalpost. As Jude had mentioned, this place meant a lot to him, mainly because this was where you guys had done everything together. The first time he dedicated a goal to you was here, his confession was here, your first kiss was here, and this was the first time you guys also admitted to wanting to be each other’s first. The field was the heart of your relationship, and if it is left to rot, your love is broken, so Jude had to take the measure to fix it.
“This place meant everything to me,” you said and started walking to the goalpost so you could feel it. “This was where I spent most of my time; even studying was done here,” you chuckled. “Jude loves it here.” Your smile faded, and you paused when that slipped out of your mouth. Before the stroll, you’ve reminded yourself that this was probably awkward and uncomfortable for Pedri, but he wanted to learn about your past. But you don’t want to mention Jude because Pedri knows how much he affects you. “We never got to talk about how you feel after seeing him again,” Pedri says behind you. You remain silent and guide Pedri to the sideline bench to get a clearer view of the field. “Pedri, you knew how much the breakup affected me,” you said as you sat down. Pedri takes his place next to you and puts his hand in his jacket pocket. “You can always be honest with me,” he says in a calming voice that sends shivers down your spine.
“I’m not sure; I’m struggling to figure out my feelings. As I mentioned before, he and I went way back, and we left things unfinished, so when I saw him again, I was very nervous. Jude was everything to me at one point and seeing him accomplish his dream, I was very happy for him. I don’t think he’ll ever achieve as much success if he didn’t leave me, so I’m somewhat thankful that he did. Is it fair on my part? Absolutely not, but there are times in our life when we have to be selfish,” you said with a smile, and Pedri knew that you were referring to him taking his chances with you even though he knew you were trying to forget your ex. “As much as I hate him for the breakup, I knew I forgave him as soon as I saw him. And seeing him again makes me realize how thankful I am for his time in my life and how much I missed him.”
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The wind blew across the field as you and Pedri stared at the cloudy sky and the freshly remodeled area. Bellingham’s last name and the number 22 were displayed in almost every eyesight. He had become a star and a town hero, and you can’t imagine how famous he would be in a few years. Pedri was definitely a foreigner who seemed lost as his eyes wandered his surroundings, and you appreciate how much he cared for you, but you knew where this was going, and it was bound to happen. “I know you went out last night,” Pedri says. For some reason, you didn’t flinch or feel slightly scared because you know Pedri, and you know he would never raise his voice or do anything to harm you. “I am in love with you, Y/N, and my heart has belonged to you since the first day I saw you. But I knew yours belonged to someone else, so I waited another day, another month, and another year. I was a selfish bastard for chasing you when you needed to heal, but I have no regrets. I was happy with you, but eventually, I knew I would have to step back when he finally showed up again. But I love you more than I fear losing you, and if that means I have to let you go, then I will in a heartbeat because that’s what you do for the person you love.”
You immediately broke down crying, hiding your face in your hand like the person he is; Pedri pulled you in for a hug even though he was the one in pain. “We have to do what we have to do, right?” He mumbles while soothing your heart. You nodded and cried even more in his heart. Out of all the possible options you could have taken, you ended up hurting the most innocent one, and the fact that he didn’t even shame you for sneaking out to Jude shows how much he cares for you. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Pedri. I never meant to hurt you,” you apologized while clinging to his jacket. You hear him softly yet painfully chuckle. “You’re only hurting me by hurting yourself, ángel; you did what your heart wanted, so don’t apologize.” Pedri lets you continue crying on his chest as he hugs you tightly, not wanting to let go.
“I have arranged a flight this morning; it leaves in a couple of hours,” he says while wiping the tears from your cheeks. You give him an apologetic nod, but he smiles through the pain. “You must figure out what you want and follow your heart, baby. But if by any chance in the future,” he mumbles before glancing away, wondering if he should say this, “by all means, if you ever find yourself thinking about me. I’ll be waiting and welcome you with open arms.”
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You cried the rest of the afternoon, and you’re thankful that the house is empty because your parents would’ve sent you to the hospital due to the number of tears coming out of you. Pedri didn’t deserve this; no one deserves this, but you’re the cause of pain. Even though he seemed to be handling it well, you could see the tears that were surfacing, and you did not miss the tears that started pouring when he walked away. Even after your betrayal, he still cares and loves you and even forgives you, something you’ll probably never find again.
You look at the time on your clock, it reads 5 in the evening, and you slowly sit up. Your parents will be home soon, and you aren’t mentally prepared for their questions, so pull yourself together, and you prepare to go out for dinner.
Satisfied with the black sweatpants and hoodie, you fixed your face and walked to your favorite restaurant. It was pretty close by, and you’re glad because you were hungry and exhausted and needed energy. The walk felt like a workout, but you made it and pulled on the door to be greeted by a few strangers who paid no mind to the girl in sweats. “Take out, please,” you said as the hostess approached you. You can tell she was judging the way you look but asked for you to take a seat and wait anyway. “Feels like home,” you mumbled while closing your eyes. “Right,” someone responded, and you immediately jerked up and came face to face with Jude. He was also wearing a back hoodie and sweats, trying to disguise himself, but it wasn’t working. “What the hell, you’re going to get stormed,” you whisper while pulling on his hoodie’s drawstring so it can close his face. “Order the takeout for me, and we can eat it at the park, yeh?” He asked and shoved his card to you before he ran back outside. You groaned and went up to the judging hostess again.
Jude watches your miserable form as you slowly eat the sandwich on the bench. You know he was dying for questions but didn’t want to get yelled at. “Just say it,” you said, causing him to choke on his fries. “Sorry, you on your period?” He asked. You glared at him and shook your head, causing him to nod. “So what’s up then?” He asked. You stayed silent for a bit, just eating your sandwich, but after you were half done, you finally spoke again. “Pedri and I broke up because I realize I still have feelings for you.” This time Jude choked on his drink, but he was grinning. “Sorry,” he says sarcastically, “for Pedri.” You wanted to slap him, but you were too hungry for that. “So, what’s your plan?” Jude asked while eating his food happily. “You staying here?” You shrugged because you were not sure; your roommate would be so upset if she heard that you decided to stay. “Tomorrow, my flight leaves at 9:30 in the morning. Come with me,” Jude says. “What?” You asked, stunned by what he suggested. “Come with me to Dortmund; we can build a life together.” And that was the sentence you wanted to hear three years ago.
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You couldn’t sleep all night again, but by morning, your luggage was packed and ready to leave for another destination. Your parents understood your decision and told you to follow your heart. Your dad was definitely disappointed but he hid it and your mom cried but was there to comfort you too.
Jude had texted you that he was going to the airport and asked if you wanted a ride, but you declined because there was still time to prepare. Taking this step is a massive part of your life, and you would never be able to go back to it, but it hasn’t one done. You didn’t go through all that for anything; you needed a fresh start.
“Don’t forget to text and call and visit,” your mother says as she breaks the hug. “I know, mom,” you reassure her, and your dad pats you on the shoulders. “Are you sure this is what you want, hun?” Your father asked. “I have never been more sure in my life,” you smiled. After saying your goodbyes to your parents, you start walking towards the line and looking around for Jude. He told you he was in disguise with some securities, but wouldn’t that draw more attention? He’s flying in a private plane; that alone already draws enough attention. “Y/N!” Someone calls out, and you glare at Jude, who is jogging towards you. He wore an all-black suit with sunglasses; so much for being in disguise.
“You want to be on the news so bad?” You asked sternly. Jude shrugs and points at his securities. “Eh, I’ll be fine,” He says causally. You rolled your eyes while he chuckled and pinched your cheeks. “Ready?” He asked, and your smile faded away. Jude notices it immediately, and he looks at your right hand, which is holding something. His smile fades away slowly as he processes what is happening. Neither of you moved or said anything as people walked past and announcers announced the time flights would leave. You squeeze the paper in your hand, which holds a destination different from Judes’
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5 Months Later
“Yes, mom, work is going great,” you said while struggling to balance your bag and the stack of papers in your hands. “No, I haven’t yet. I’ll throw a housewarming party whenever you visit.” You tap your feet on the tile as your mother continues to speak. Your order was being made, and you would be late to work, but the coffee was worth the wait. Looking around the decent size coffee shop, you wonder if you should invest in it because the locals here love it. “Alright, love you bye,” you said.
After hanging up, you get a notification from Twitter about Jude’s contract ending. You completely broke communication with Jude five months ago, but he was everywhere, so you always hear about him. When you broke the news that you won’t be following him to Dortmund, he was hurt, but you knew you had to be selfish. Going back to him would be meaningless if you put so much effort into trying to forget about him. Also, you had to do what was right and start fresh instead of moving on from one guy to another. But this was the best decision you could ever make because you’re happy with a good job, a new house, and a neighborhood that you’ve become accustomed to. And you’re finally in control of your feelings again. “Y/N L/N!” The barista calls out, causing you to rush to the front.
“I’m going to be latteee,” you mutter while jogging down the sidewalk. People had pushed and cursed at you because you kept bumping into them, but you could care less right now. “I’m so sorry,” you kept apologizing, and you think you accidentally spilled some coffee on a guy. “Y/N?” Someone asked, and you froze because you recognized that accent very well. You turn around, and the sunlight hits your eyes, causing you to flinch a little, but when you regain your composure, your heart starts beating faster at the sight of the man before you. “Pedri,” you murmur, and he smiles at you. Gosh, that smile. “Hey,” he says and glances at the stack of paper in one of your hands and the coffee in another. Something unique and beautiful appears in his eyes after realizing that you aren’t a tourist but a local. “How are you? You look great,” he compliments while staring at your smile. You feel your cheeks warm at his presence and your body reacting familiarly. “Good. I moved here five months ago and am working around here. What about you?” You asked. Pedri laughs, causing a couple of people to pause and really look at him. “You’re in Barcelona, and you’re wondering why I’m here?” You embarrassedly looked away because it was a stupid question, but his presence was messing with your brain. “I didn’t think I’ll bump into you like this,” you said while looking around the crowd that was starting to form. “Me too; how come we didn’t know you were here?” Pedri asked, his face turning into a frown. You sighed and checked the time on your watch. “Because I wanted to start fresh and become confident with my life before I reach out to you guys. And besides, my former roommate and Gavi has been on vacation so I haven’t been able to talk to her either,” you said, “I knew you’ll understand.” Pedri smiles because that’s true; he always understands.
You look at the crowd, realizing that this is Pedri in the flesh and not just a look-alike; they are all staring at the two of you but keeping their distance. Your phone starts to ring, and you know it’s from work, but you don’t want to leave things like this. “Pedri, I-I,” you stuttered, struggling to say what you had to because you were so happy and flustered to see him. “Why did you choose Barcelona, Y/N?” Pedri asked. You stay silent for a bit, wondering what to say, but you say the most obvious. “Because of you.”
He smiles, and you do the same, heart and mind only thinking of the man before you. Pedri then opens his arms, and you chuckle because of how cheesy it looks. But with no hesitation, you put your coffee and paper on the floor along with your bag before you wrap your arms around his waist and him holding you tightly. “You can stop being selfish now Pedri because I am only yours.”
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