#kiddoes...you have Problems lmao
aceyanaheim · 2 years
absolutely hilarious that when Temari says “knock it off or you’ll pay for it later” she means their middle school brother will be the one to answer to and also how well it works
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ssspringroll · 5 months
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she'll kill me for this.
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
Dad!Hotch and Y/N have their kids free night, and while they loved it (and very much needed it). After everything is said and done, they actually both miss Ellie and Jack so much more than they thought. It’s such a routine to sleep with Ellie and now she’s not there :(
no because you're so right 😭
while the alone time was SO needed, worth the wait and definitely enjoyed 🤭 it's when the two of you are coming back to earth that it begins to hit 🥺
the house is just so quiet. you don't hear jack get up to use the bathroom, you don't hear the faint buzz of ellie's sound machine from down the hall. the hotchners are the type of family that thrive on routine too: watching a quick show to settle down, baths, brushing teeth, jack's haley candle (aaron tries to do it at least once a week🥺), ellie's bedtime stories, and then aaron and your usual bedtime routine after the kids have gone to sleep. so going to bed without all that? just feels sooo odd.
and it's especially strange now that ellie has the tendency to climb into bed with the two of you 😭 with all her blankies and her stuffed bunny (and chucky doll LOL). just the added extra weight between the two of you, her little snores, aaron waking up to ellie's feet in his face 😭 LMAO. it's missed terribly 🥺 a part of you is truly missing.
like that's the major difference; you've gotten so used to bedtime taking ages, so going to bed without a problem? is sooo weird. aaron's half expecting to hear the tiny pitter-patter of ellie's footsteps make their way to your door 🥺 it opening, and then seeing his ellie bellie's little face 😭
the two of you talk about missing them 🥺🫶🏻 aaron's holding you in his arms, with your head on his chest <3333 you hope they're having fun, hope ellie's not giving jj a hard time - while she was SO excited to have a sleepover at auntie jj's, as the two of you dropped her and jack off, she was on the clingy side 🥺 not wanting to part but wanting to stay with the two of you 😭 and just like you're used to sleeping with her, she's used to sleeping with the two of you 😭
it hits you a bit harder; ellie being upset when you left had taken reign in your mind. aaron's more used to being away from them due to cases, but not you. it's rare you spend a night apart from them: you can count on one hand the amount of times you have spent a night away from ellie specifically. like yeah, you saw them a few hours ago, you'll see them again in a few hours, but you just miss your babies :(
aaron tries to lift your spirits by saying, "you know, a few nights from now, we're gonna miss this quiet again" and it does make you laugh, he laughs, but it falls quiet rather quick :( <3 a bit bittersweet and melancholy. so the two of you eagerly go to bed (which isn't hard hehe you worn yourselves out ;)) so morning comes faster, and you can have your kiddos in your arms again 🥰💞<333
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
Me againnnn lmao I have another request could u do Melissa x reader where reader is normally quiet but someone brought up their special interest and everyone is kinda weirded out coz reader gets so happy and starts talking about it and sharing facts and stuff but no one except Melissa knows reader is autistic and someone says something mean to reader and she gets upset and Melissa comforts reader and also stands up for her (as always no pressure I’m so so so happy! u r the first person that iv come across who writes fics about Melissa and autistic reader I get so happy when I see a notification from u i literally jump up and down with happiness and your fics really help me to accept im autistic coz I’m still trying to come to terms with it anyway hope u r doing well🫶)
OMG YES! Info dumping! I love it. And I’m so glad my fics are helping you. Feel free as well to message me directly if you ever want. So my other obsession besides Lisa Ann Walter, is Doctor Who and Jodie Whittaker, so of course I chose to have the reader talk about her as the Doctor… I regret nothing 😊. I went a little extra at the end but I’m too gay for Melissa to care. Anyway, I enjoyed writing this so thank you for the prompt and I hope you like it! As always, not edited in the slightest.
For everyone, feel free to keep sending me prompts, and I was thinking about writing a one shot about Cheesy as there’s not enough imo. Let me know if I should or not.
Title based off the song from Shrek 3 and the Italian word stronzo means asshole.
Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself
Warnings: someone is mean to reader, reader struggling with having autism(small part)
Words: 2.3k
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You’re sitting in the break room at the table with Barb and Melissa. You get up to get a coffee and when you do you hear someone starting to talk about Doctor Who and you perk up.
You turn around to see Jacob, Mr. Morton and another teacher talking about it. “You guys watch Doctor Who?” You say and they stop talking and look up at you. Normally you’re quiet and don’t really say much as you’re recharging before you go and have to teach your kiddos again.
“Yes, do you watch it?” Jacob asks you and you nod with a big smile. Melissa looks up at you and sees your smile and she can’t help but smile herself. She’s had a crush on you since about 4 months after you started and it’s almost been 9 months that you’re working here.
“Well come here and share your thoughts about it.” Jacob says and you walk over to them, coffee in hand.
“What exactly is your discussion about?” You ask them.
“About the first female doctor, the 13th doctor.” Mr. Morton says and you keep smiling.
“She’s my favourite doctor! Like she’s so enthusiastic and passionate and she just loves everything about what she does! And she’s so funny too, it’s just a joy to watch Jodie play her!” You start and they look at you confused, wondering why you’ve always been quiet but now you’re talkative.
The truth is, you're autistic and the only one that knows is Melissa and she promised not to tell anyone since it’s your secret not hers. You told her because you felt like you kept missing social cues or taking things too literally, so you wanted someone in your corner to help you and she had no problem doing that for you. She looks at you talking so passionately about your favourite show with a smile and heart eyes before going back to her phone, secretly still listening to you.
“And her Tardis is so amazing, oh and her companion’s compliment her so well, and her outfit looks amazing. Did you know that Jodie helped decide on the outfit to support the LGBTQ community since she’s a huge ally. And also…” and you keep going on for about 5 minutes about how much you love the 13th doctor and her era on Doctor Who. Until the other teacher, you don’t know their name, the one Mr. Morton and Jacob were talking too, says something.
“OMG! Would you please shut up!” He says and you quickly shut your mouth. “I preferred it when you didn’t speak at all.” He says, glaring at you. And you look down at the ground, embarrassed before running out of there.
Melissa looked up when he started speaking and is now getting up and walking over to them. “Hey! Don’t talk to her like that. You should count yourself lucky that I won’t contact one of my guys on you.” She says and looks at Jacob. “Why didn’t you say anything?!?” She says to him “or you?” She says to Mr. Morton.
“Sorry Melissa, it all happened so fast.” Mr. Morton says and Jacob nods in agreement.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” She says to the teacher that was mean to you.
“Hey, we were just sitting here talking about it until she cuts in and starts talking about everything that we weren’t even discussing. And she wouldn’t stop talking.” The teacher says , only making a deeper hole for himself. Melissa glares at him.
“I don’t care what you think! There’s better ways to do that!” She says to him.
“She shouldn’t have talked so much and knew that it was too much.” He says, still trying to defend himself.
“She’s autistic you stronzo!” She yells at him and then realises that she just told your secret and has wide eyes. All 3 of them look at her speechless, now understanding that you got excited and were info dumping and didn’t mean to talk so much. Melissa turns around and walks out of the break room and goes to find you.
She ends up finding you in your classroom crying on your chair, hugging your legs. She knocks on the door, “hey y/n it’s me, just wanted to come check on you.” She tells you.
You get up and unlock the door then open it. Melissa’s heart breaks a bit when she sees you. Eyes puffy, red and watery, tear stained cheeks and red nose from you blowing your nose.
“Oh hun.” She says and you walk back to your chair hugging your legs again. Melissa walks in and closes and locks the door then walks over to your desk. “Hey, he was an ass, he shouldn’t have said that to you.” Melissa tells you and crouches down and you look at her.
“No, he’s right, I was talking too much. I shouldn’t have gotten involved in their conversation. I just got so excited,” you tell her and you sniffle a bit.
“Hun, it’s understandable, I know how much you love Doctor Who. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” She tells you and grabs your hand. “Btw I might have accidentally told them that you’re autistic. As in I told them and called that teacher a stronzo for you.” She tells you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to slip out, I just got angry that he was mean to you.” She says, rubbing your hand with her thumb.
“It’s ok, they would have found out eventually. But this is another reason I don’t engage in conversations, cause I might talk too much.” You tell her. Melissa gets up and opens her arms out.
“Come here.” She tells you and motions to hug her. You put your feet down on the ground and then hug her waist since you’re still sitting in your chair. “Why don’t we go back in there, finish lunch. And then after school you can come to my place and I can make you some food and we can watch whatever you want.” She suggests and you look at her surprised.
“Really?” You ask her and she nods. “I would love that.” You tell her and she smiles. She helps you up and then unlocks the door and opens it for you. You both walk out and she sees you’re nervous about going back. She puts an arm wrapped around your back and her other hand on the arm closes to her and rubs it, providing comfort for you.
You get back in and when you enter everyone stops and looks up at you. Melissa can feel you immediately tense up. “What are all youse looking at?” She says and glares at everyone. Everyone immediately looks back down to their phone or food and continues what they were doing. Melissa leads you back to the table where Barb is and Barb gives you a comforting smile.
The teacher that was mean to you gets up and comes over to you. Melissa sees him coming over and glares at him, almost daring him to hurt you again. He has his head hanging a bit, looking embarrassed and stands beside you and you look up at him.
“Hey y/n, I just wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have said what I said to you, I’m sorry.” He tells you and you nod your head at him. You’re too overwhelmed right now and can’t speak. You finish your lunch without saying another word and Melissa keeps glancing at you, worried about you.
You finish up the day quietly. You get the kids to work on their book report so that it’s silent and you don’t have to talk much. At the end of the day, when your last student was picked up you glance over at Melissa down the hall. You taught first grade so your classrooms are close together.
You can’t help but stare at her. She’s bending over and offering one of her students a high five before waving bye to them to go with their parent. You decide to leave now while she’s distracted, you think that maybe it wasn’t the best to get Melissa involved in your situation and shouldn’t have told her you’re autistic. So many people have had to accommodate you or help you and you feel like you should be able to do it yourself now that you’re an adult.
Melissa sees you look at her with a sad expression on your face before leaving. She can’t help but feel like maybe you won’t come over to her place now. When her last student is leaving with their parent a couple minutes later, she practically books it to the parking lot but sees your car is already gone.
She drives home and gets to work on cooking dinner, hoping you’d show. But then she gets a text from you saying that you won’t be able to make it tonight, and she sighs. She researched autism when you told her a few months ago and she knows that when autistic people get overwhelmed, they hide themselves away. She offered for you to come to her place to de-stress with food and tv, so she does the next best thing. After she finished cooking, she packed it into a container, and brought it with her to your place. She went and knocked on your door.
You answered it not too long later with leggings and loose shirt on. “Melissa? What are you doing here?” You ask her.
“Well since you won’t come over to my place, I thought I’d come to you.” She says with a warm smile and you now feel even more guilty for cancelling on her. “I brought over food I made. So either we can eat here or we can go back to my place. Choice is up to you.” She tells you with a shrug. You decide to go to her place and when you get there she gives you your favourite hoodie of hers and you sit on the couch. You’ve been to her place before and you told her that the plastic felt weird to sit on and she removed it the next day so that you’re comfortable when you go there. “Hey, you don’t have to speak but I just want to know that you’re ok.” She says and you nod. She gives you a plate of the food and you see that it’s her spaghetti and meatballs dish. Your favourite food of hers and you smile at her. She joins you on the couch, sitting next to you and then hands you the remote so you can decide what to watch, you decide on Shrek 3.
You watch the movie while eating, with Melissa right next to you, you in her hoodie, and you finally feel like you’re calming down. You put your head on her shoulder after you put your empty plate on the coffee table and she wraps her arm around you. You continue the movie, quoting some of the lines, and when it plays the ending scene with puss and donkey singing thank you, Melissa gets an idea. She guides you up and leads you to the empty space beside her couch and starts dancing with you. When the chorus comes on she sings it to you “I wanna thank you for lettin me be myself…again” She sings and you laugh. When she says the line again, she spins you while singing. The second chorus comes up “come on sing it with me.” She tells you.
The both of you sing it while dancing “I WANNA THANK YOU FOR LETTIN ME BE MYSELF…AGAIN.” You both sing at the top of your lungs. When it ends you’re both laughing and she hugs you.
“Thank you for letting me be myself.” You tell her and she looks at you with a warm smile and places a lock of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek.
“It’s not a problem hun, it doesn’t matter to me that you’re autistic you know. You just think differently, and that's alright.”
You look in her eyes and you lean forward and kiss her. Melissa kisses you back and moves her hand from your cheek to the back of your head and places her left hand on your waist. You pull back and look at her with a smile.
“You kissed me back.” You say to her and she nods. “Why?”
“Because I like you. I have for a few months now.” She tells you.
“For how long?” You ask her and she thinks about it.
“Around the new year.” And you look at her in shock.
“But that’s after I told you I was autistic.” You tell her, putting the pieces together. “You knew I was autistic and you still like me?” You question her.
“How would you being autistic make me not like you?” She asks you, confused.
“Because I’m different than other people and have struggles because of it.” You tell her like it’s obvious.
“So? Everyone is different in their own way and everyone has their own struggles.” She tells you. “For example, I have trouble letting people in, because of trust issues. And I can have a short temper too.” She says and you look at her with so much love in your eyes. You kiss her again and she doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
When the person says “you may kiss the bride” , she doesn’t hesitate to give you a kiss then either. With a huge smile, she brings you closer to her and gives you a kiss, as wife and wife.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added! 🙂
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
[a random head canon thingy idk cuz my I pad is charging n I can't draw rn 😞] Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy
I like to think Bonnie often goes off on his guitar during live performances (leaning towards it sounding like heavy metal) n often forgets he's playing for children LMAO
The kids love it regardless but the gangs like "dude again?" His longest solo was like a good 3 minutes...
He craves to have artistic freedom, I'm assuming the rest do as well tbh
Imagine hearing Freddy practicing his vocals, since we see chica shredding her guitar in her spare time I wonder if he dose the same?
I bet Freddy also likes to help whichever staff member is doing heavy lifting n he sees them struggling with the cargo n just goes "Oh please it's the least I can do! You all do so much for us, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves."
Also likes to help because Freddy has trouble just doing nothing...he needs to be doing something!
Or else he gets a bit antsy
Which is why he loves conversing n little tasks!
Bonnie calls the people closest to him "Carrot cake" bc he loves it sm and he loves them sm
In terms of the OG Trio I see chica being the one they protect the most like that's their baby sister to them 🥺♥️
Side note that it's a shame we don't have enough interactions between chica n Freddy in the game...
Like I wanna know if their just as close to each other as Freddy and Bonnie were
Bonnie gets excited hearing stories that the staff members tell him (if he's friends with em) about the outside world...
He LOVE'S it when they share their favorite music with him! He likes to analyze the guitar solos n usually that sneaks into the next concert hehe
He wants to go outside so bad...he often looks outside any windows and wishes he could just step outside for a bit...
This is also something I think the rest have in common.
They are happy working with the kids! They love their job! They would just like to feel the sun n quite literally touch grass...at least once!
Going back to Bonnie loving carrot cake he dose actually have a slight problem with it similar to chica...just don't leave your slice unattended with him, like a magic trick it'll disappear ✨
I like to think Bonnie originally didn't have eye liner but he saw one of the staff members have some on and he just told them "I want that! Can you put that on me?!" And ever since then it's been a part of his iconic look
Freddy laughs to hard at simple jokes like dad jokes kill him, which is why when he tells them sometimes he can't finish the joke 💀
His laugh is so cute n contagious 😭♥️
Everyone groans but they laugh at Freddy's reaction anyways
Bonnie's laugh is dorky, he snorts on occasion and the others call him out n he gets embarrassed
All in good fun of course!
If Bonnie were to blush I like to imagine that his whole face goes red like you can always tell when he's flustered hehe
Honestly I believe Freddy has that classy rizz, like he's such a gentleman, he'd court you properly is all I'm saying
As for Bonnie he's flirty, if he likes you he'll be teasing you a lot
He likes to bully his crush a tiny bit by making em all flustered, and yes he challenges you to bowling quite often!
It's his favorite bonding activity what can you do
He's such a good teacher for bowling too! Has to be for the kiddos of course!
All in all these boys have a heart of gold
They'll inspire you in some way n leave you feeling happy! And you do the same for them! Their still learning how to modify their hugging power tho!
It's strong! 🧡💙
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spookyscaryskidnpump · 6 months
my thoughts on spooky month 6
copy pasted from a page and a half of google doc. crying. spoilers inbound.putting it under the cut cuz its super long. also swear warning.
Ok to start off LILA. LILA MY GAL NO UR DOING UR BEST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Im crying im actually fucginf crying. She's trying. So hard. Skid is trying so hard. THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST PLEASEEEEE. Father Gregor can go EAT SHIT. THEY'RE TRYING AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS GODDAMNIT.
Susie… Susie no… please… she deserves better istgggggg. What happened to their parents? Are they actually just busy? Are they DEAD? Holy shit what if they're dead. Poor Pump, poor Susie, god please just let these kiddos be ok. PLEASE. ABUELO WONDER IS TYING SO HARD BUT SUSIE KNOWS IT ISN'T REALLY FROM HER PARENTS IM CRYING. SUSIE NOOOOOO
ROYYYYYY ROY MY BOI NOOOOOO poor guy :( i understand why he hates the kids they DID kinda ruin him so. At least he knows theyre trying now :( and ross n rob just ASSUME he did something bad isnt helping here!!!! I get that theyre also trying to help him and its nice to see him opening up to them about stuff (even if we dont get to know what specifically PELO WHY) but PLEASE get this kid an anger management class or smthn PLEASE. He needs SO MUCH THERAPY. I dont think hes gonna get therapy because im pretty sure his parents are Part Of The Problem but STILL.  Also FUCKER LITERALLY GOT POSSESED BY A DEMON?????? THATS GOTTA BE TRAUMATIC TF
Side note i love ross and robert dearly and i appreciate them doing their best to help on both sides i love them smmmmmm AUGH
KEVIN AND RADFORD FRIENDSHIP REALLLLLLLLLL i am SO fucking happy about that!!!! Also Kevin having conflicted feelings on the kids FAIR. Similar thing to Roy except hes an adult with a semi-functional support network and is able to understand that theyre just dumb kids and they dont actually mean any harm. He’s harsher on the hatzgang cuz theyre teens and old enough to know stealing is wrong but Skid n Pump are little kiddos they dont know better. Also him disapproving of father gregor REAL THO. also HE GOT POSSESSED TOO?? TRAUMA CENTRAL HOLY SHIT
Rick just has the WORST luck lmao
JAUNE AND ROSS’S DAD… HE'S REAL HE EXISTS!! I get ur trying jaune but that is NOT the best way to comfort poor lila… AT LEAST SHES TRYING THO I APPRECIATE HER
MOLOCH IS GONE. he deserved it but also THE KIDS ARE SO SAD ABOUT IT? Like they don't really get it but they just watched someone they thought was their friend DIE. HOLY SHIT.
Ok for real tho theyre so much more self aware than the fandom and bulk of the show give them credit for?? Like Skid is VERY aware of his dad being dead/possibly missing and legit just doesn’t wanna talk about it. He knows what death is and he finds fun in it to cope. My poor sweet boyo… and PUMP. PUMP ANSWERING THE CALL AUGHHHHHH HE WANTS HIS PARENTS BACK IM CRYING. SUSIE AND ABUELO ARE DOING THEIR BEST AND HE'S TRYING SO HARD AND AAAAAAAAAAUGH. Also him getting possessed by Moloch while having Star-Eyes basically debunks the theory of the Star-Eyes being a form of possession which is FASCINATING. Anyway that scene with Susie and Pump got me misty eyed and then during the ending with Skid and Lila i actually genuinely started crying. I just want them to be happy. Please let them be happy. Please. PLEASE.
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my-pjo-stuff · 1 month
AU where Luke is just as uncaring and selfish as some fans like to pretend he is, but instead of going evil or joining Kronos like in canon he just fucks off and leaves everyone to their own devices. Because, like- he doesn't care about anything but himself! Anger for his mom? Mostly there because it inconvenienced him. No systematic problems at all. Thalia getting killed? Pfft, not like Luke gives a fuck! Shouldn't have been stupid enough to get yourself get caught. Annabeth having a shitty home life? Listen kiddo the only reason I put up with you was because Thalia wanted to, and I needed her for her fighting prowess. Idgaf abt you so buzz off. Other demigods getting abandoned and stuffed into the overcrowded Hermes cabin? Lmao though luck, Luke has his bed tho and is claimed so not like it's his problem.
He has like 0 empathy or care for anyone but himself, thus when he's made counselor he's pulling a Mr. D and just, doesn't do his job. What does he care if these kids need help! Not Luke's problem. He does hate camp and Hermes though, mostly for all the crap they make him deal with. But since he couldn't care less about the system as a whole and anyone else that is quickly remedied by just packing his stuff and dipping from camp as soon as he hits 18. Which is only semi-optimal considering he's the Hero of the Great Prophecy and decides to just leave them to their own devices. Oh Kronos took over Olympus and killed Percy Jackson? Well I can just swear loyalty and be done with it. Not his fault those Annabeth and Percy kids ended up dead, he wasn't even there!
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majachee · 25 days
did you say….a power rangers x td au?
IVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE ONE BUT HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU I owe my life to you power rangers was the shit
please yap about it I’m begging
I am writing a fic about it, though it isn't my number 1 priority wip atm cuz its just smth silly and self-indulgent, but because I now know there's someone out there REALLY DIGGING THIS IDEA, it'll be moved up on my list by a few notches lol
This AU is heavily focused on comedy and action, so rather than assigning TD characters to PR roles that they'd actually fit, I went with what would be REALLY FUNNY to write about.
So the Rangers consist of Harold (red), Duncan (Black), Noah (blue), Courtney (yellow), and Heather (pink).
These guys were assigned to work on a lab/project for their science class, specifically on the effects of pollution, littering, and climate change. No take-backsies, they're stuck with eachother and 4/5 of these guys don't want to fail... 4/5 of these guys are also assholes.
After some healthy doses of bitching, they agree to meet up and study an abandoned rig. But GASP! They get attacked by some guys... made of putty? Damn dude that's CRAAAAAAZYYY
... this is specifically based on the MMPR tv show, and I'm very tempted to draw the putty monsters exactly like how their costumes look in the show (silver fullbody suits with seams visible and monster claws/masks.) Listen, the putty monster costumes bring me A LOT OF JOY, I genuinely love this show dO NOT @ ME (unless its for mmpr fanart... please @ me...)
Anyways, these assholes fumble through the fight: Harold shows off the skills he learned at Defensive Steve's Defense Class, Noah gets thrown off a small cliff because he weighs less than a paper weight, Courtney feels the exciting rush of bloodlust for the first time... Normal stuff, really!
Of course, this ends up with all 5 of them being summoned (lazer kidnapped) to Power Rangers Headquarters! And it's revealed that Zorgon's role was taken by Chris McClean I'm SORRY. Look, it's funny. He has the same personality he does in canon, but instead of running a reality TV show centered around teens, he has to babysit a small group of teens who hate eachother. This will be really funny in execution, I promise.
Some of the kiddos have a few words to say about the Dinozords... cuz half of them aren't even dinosaurs. Also, they do NOT like the idea of being forced to work together on a color-coded superhero team of all things!
Drama Bot is Alpha, it focuses on the team's publicity ratings.
Rita Repulsa? Meet Blainely McBlamey!! SELF EXPLANATORY!!
I love Rita Repulsa, so Blainely fans consider this a very high honor.
The Green Ranger is Alejandro.
I plan on having the AU mostly focus on campy episodic adventures with some character development sprinkled in, and having the more important PR plots be... well... important and more thoroughly executed, if I ever get around to it.
As for the main gang themselves?
Harold is quite stoked and honored about being a superhero, and quickly ends up being the team leader and team morale – due to his smarts, and quick-to-forgive personality. He doesn't take shit from anyone, but he also won't hold grudges, especially on the battlefield... Though he does have a slight problem with going on long tangents about certain factoids (same...)
He has a vast array of skills and knowledge at his disposable... It all depends on how/when he uses said skills lmao. So far he's probably the least developed one in this AU, right next to Duncan. That'll change when I write more of them.
Courtney? Oh... Oh you KNOW she likes being a Power Ranger. She preaches about the importance of morals, and upholding laws, and how some people ought to respect the responsibilities that come with being a Power Ranger... and some people are more deserving of being recognized as heroes than others. Courtney I love you and I hope I do you justice... mwah... She very much likes taking the lead, and claims that she should be the team leader... and valedictorian, and class president... Oh yeah, you KNOW she worries about her grades a lot, especially after becoming a Ranger. She becomes a lot more productive with her passion as the story goes on, and learns to trust and respect her teammates.
Noah takes on the role of reluctant tactician... Aka the smartass. Physical activites aren't his forte, and he plans on keeping it that way. He relies on his Zord the most, and when that isn't available he resorts to evasive maneuvers and hiding while the other guys handle it. Him staying on the sidelines, however, does lead to him being more observant to the enemies' weaknesses, which will eventually lead to him having a more active role in the team as the main tactician. I'd imagine once that happens, he'll have a lot of interesting back-and-forths with Harold and Courtney. Still a sarcastic, laidback asshole, but more active in his participation when it comes to the team.
Duncan... is more aligned with his season 1 and early season 2 personality. No cheating or love triangles here. He is still an ASSHOLE, though, especially to Harold and Noah. They don't take his shit. I dont have much to say about him yet iM SORRYYYYYY
Asshole punk with a heart of gold... that's his schtick alright...
HEATHER MY BELOVED. She looks hella good in pink and she knows it. She doesn't like being a part of this team, but by god will she put the effort in, because she doesn't want to die to some clay-freak. Her zord-buddy is the pterodactyl, which she finds to be quite convenient, considering it's on the smaller side and can fly, very easy for aerial advantage. Very hellbent on defeating Blainely McBlamey, because once she's defeated they can all go on with their lives. Presumably... evil grin...
I don't know how to really put it in more fancy words, but like... Heather is the most active participant along with Harold and Courtney. She's very headstrong, tends to butt heads with Courtney a lot (not only are they both stubborn, but they also both view themselves as the leader of the group. Nobody realizes it's Harold, not even Harold himself, dramatic irony at its finest.)
Everyone on the team loses their shit when Alejandro (the enemy[tm]) gets a frickin' DRAGON-ZORD of all things.
If yiu have questions about specific characters or MMPR episodes, I'll do my best to answer lol
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Okay- I'm sorry if I'm being annoying by sending another one of these (if I am being annoying you can just ignore this lmao) but I've had this idea in the back of my head ever since I started reading Jake x daughter!reader fics. It's basically a fic where y/n comes out to Jake as a lesbian (because I would literally die for supportive dad!jake) and here's my idea
So what if Y/n is a teenager and she's never been really one to have crushes and when she did they were short lived so when Y/n befriends a Na'vi boy her age her siblings tease her about having a 'crush' on him and as Y/n is still navigating her own feelings and what kind of reactions she could get if she told anyone so she pretends to like the boy until Jake finds about it and is a stereotypical overprotective dad. And when he goes to talk to Y/n about it he notices she's directly avoiding his gaze but won't tell him what's wrong and it just wrecks Jake with worry until eventually she spits it out
A/N: In this story let's pretend that Z-dog isn't a recom or a bad guy but instead the really cool bi aunt that y/n could go to about this stuff.
A/N: Also you aren't annoying, I love writing Dad!Jake
Girls: Dad!Jake Sully
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You made your way to the lab to find your aunt Z-dog in hopes that she could answer some of the questions that you had. See lately well more so since you started developing crushes you noticed that boys never seemed to do it for you, only girls seemed to spark your interest and that confused you a bit. 
"Hey, kiddo! What brings you by?" Your aunt asked as you stepped inside her room. 
"I have some questions that I was hoping you could answer for me if you don't mind." You said nervously.
"I'm sure your parents could answer them but what kind of questions?" She asked you as you regathered your thoughts. 
"Romantic ones....like how you knew you were bi-sexual?" You asked her as realization hit her as to why you were coming to her. 
"Okay, I know for me, that I felt an attraction to both males and females....but I also know that some people can just be lesbian as well where they are only attracted to females and feel nothing towards a man which is okay too, it's all about personal preference really." She said as you nodded taking in her words. 
"Is there a reason you are asking me this?" She asked concerned. 
"I think I may be lesbian. I'm not sure because I can develop a crush on a guy but it never lasts..." You said to her. 
"Sounds like you are confused....don't tell your dad this but you honestly need to kiss a girl to find out that's what did it for me. Have you ever kissed anyone before?" She asked you. 
"I have...it was a boy but I didn't like it too much." You said as she laughed. 
"Yeah kiss a girl and see how much that changes." She said as you looked at her. 
"What about my parents?" You asked her nervous about how they would react to you potentially being lesbian. 
"Let's figure out your feelings first and then we will deal with your parents...but I can already tell you that they are gonna love just the same if not more." She said squeezing your hand.
"Thank you Aunt Z-dog." You said hugging her. 
"No problem kiddo, figure out your feelings first and then worry about everything else...and just know I'm here for you." She said as you thanked her. 
A few days later you and your friend Peì'll were out relaxing in ya'lls pasture, you sat by a tree listening as she talked but all you could focus on was how pretty she was especially when the sun hit her skin.
"What's on your mind y/n?" She asked taking a seat in front of you snapping you out of your thoughts. 
"Nothing." You said giving her a small smile. 
"Well, there's something I've been wanting to try if you're okay with it." She said as you looked at her confused but still nodded her head. 
She slowly leaned her head towards you as her eyes flicked from your eyes to your lips as you did the same really hoping this wasn't some fever dream. You slowly felt her lips press against yours as you reminded yourself to kiss her back. 
"That was better than I imagined." You both said making each laugh.
"Y/n I'm lesbian...and I've always found you attractive..." She said lacing her hands with yours.
"Thank you for telling me that....but I need to be honest with you...I must tell you that I'm confused about what I am." You said looking down. 
"That's okay...we can take this slowly until you figure out your feelings." She said squeezing your hands. 
A few weeks later you two had fully moved into a semi-relationship that was pretty private while you figure out how you would tell your parents more specifically your dad who you worried you would let down by turning out this way.   Peì'll was sick today so you were spending the day hanging with her cousin Nau, which was nice and he told you that he wouldn't tell anyone about you and her as he walked you home. 
"Oooohhhh looks like sis has a new crush!" Lo'ak said as he watched you and Nau laugh about something. 
"Wonder how long this one will last this time." Neteyam said joining Lo'ak at the entrance of the hut so he could also spy on your Nau. 
"Boys leave your sister alone." Your mom said making them groan as they left the entrance of the hut just as you walked in. 
"Evening everyone." You said setting your stuff down and join your family at the dinner table. 
"So sis, whose the boy you were talking to?" Lo'ak asked you as Jake whipped his head towards you upon hearing those words. 
"Who Nau? That's Peì'll cousin, we just hung out today since she was sick." You said shrugging your shoulders. 
"Is he a new crush?" Lo'ak said as Jake angrily ate his food watching you for an answer. 
You panicked as your brother asked that question...you were in love with Peì'll but you weren't ready to tell your dad quiet yet so you did the one thing you could do and say you had a crush on Nau which was far from the truth. 
"Yes, I do." You said as you felt the daggers your dad was shooting you. 
The next few days Jake noticed that whenever Nau was brought up, you would sigh and seem irritated that they were talking about it and even he felt like you didn't actually have a crush on this boy if you did you had a weird way of showing it. 
"Hey baby girl, let's go for a walk." Your dad said that night after dinner. 
"Okay." You said following him out of yall's hut and you guys just talked about your days for a bit until he brought it up. 
"Does this Nau kid treat you well? Because you can tell me if he isn't." He said watching you. 
"Yeah, he does." You said. 
"Do you see a future with him? Because if you do, you need to have a very serious talk." He said watching as you looked at the ground. 
"No." You said quietly.
"No? Then why did you say you have a crush on him, angel?" Your dad asked kneeling so that he was at eye level with you.
"Because I like girls and I was afraid of your reaction by telling you how I really felt." You said quietly as awaited your dad's reaction. 
Jake was shocked but not really because now everything made sense... he felt dumb for not noticing sooner...you always had a distaste for boys growing up. 
"Oh, angel. Something like that couldn't stop me from loving you but thank you for telling me." He said wrapping his arms around you. 
"So you not mad at me or disappointed in me?" You asked quietly.
"No, I'm not..never could be for something like this...I love you no matter who you love as long as they treat you right." He said looking at you. 
"I love you to Dad, thank you." You said hugging him again as he smiled. 
"So is there a special girl you have your eye on?" He asked making you groan. 
"Well me and Peì'll are kinda seeing each other..." You said nervously as you two walked home. 
"Peì'll? Wait you two got her cousin to cover for you two?!" He said making you laugh. 
"Yeah, we did." You said laughing as he shook his head at you in disbelief. 
A few days later after coming out to your dad and finally telling Peì'll the good news, you decided to bring her over for dinner and properly introduce her to everyone. 
"Dad, Mom and annoying siblings this is my best friend and girlfriend Peì'll. You said re-introducing her to everyone watching with a laugh as your siblings looked shocked. 
"But I thought her and Nau?" Lo'ak said making you guys laugh. 
"No sorry Peì'll is the one for me." You said as she wrapped her arms around your shoulders pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
"Ha! Looks like you are doing my chores for a month! I knew she didn't like Nau." Neteyam said as he walked over to where you two were. 
"Peì'll you hurt my sister and we have problems." Neteyam said not sure how he would get her back if she did end up hurting you since she was a girl. 
"Peì'll my child, welcome. And you my beautiful daughter thank you for finally introducing us to the real source of your happiness." Your mom said hugging you both. 
"You should be thanking dad, he was the one who gave me the courage to do it." you said as your dad squeezed your hand in reassurance.
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slashthrashandcrash · 6 months
Back on the topic of baby!Legion, what would you say their personalities are like? Do they get along with the other killers and survivors or are they solely Ghostface's problem?
Frank - Clingiest clinger to ever cling. If he's not being held and/or cuddled (usually by Danny) then he's such a fucking hellion around the killer camp. Bites and kicks a lot. He plays very nicely with the other Legion kiddos but it's usually doing something that still gets them all in trouble, not that they care lmao. Extremely obvious that he favors Ghostface out of every other adult.
Julie - Equally as bad as Frank when it comes to being a little shit, but it's less noticeable. She has no problem playing sweet and innocent when she wants something, especially when it's to serve as a distraction so the other Legion kids can get up to mischief. Probably Huntress's favorite which she will 100000% use to her advantage.
Joey - Quietest and easiest out of the bunch when he's not around their bad influence. Still a brat, but hey, he wouldn't be in the Legion if he wasn't. Likes being a little helper though and getting praise for a good job. The best listener when being told to do/not do something, although whether or not he'll actually obey is 50/50.
Susie - The most hyperactive child you have ever seen. If she's not playing with Legion, then she's trying to play with any adult she can find. This has resulted in Danny kicking down many doors when she's tried to play with Freddy or the Clown or the fucking demogorgon of all things. Still Danny's favorite.
I don't think they'd have much, if any, interaction with the Survivors, so all their hellraising is reserved specifically for the Killers to endure (: Some of them can deal with the brats, some can't, either way they're more often than not being dumped in Ghostface's arms because they still prefer him the best. Doesn't mean they listen or behave better at all with him, but it's easier for him to keep them wrangled together and usually not almost murdered.
Is he the greatest babysitter? Absolutely not. Some may argue Legion would be better off going feral somewhere in the woods, honestly.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 5 months
In lostys universe, Gare and El are long distance during some of their college years.
Do they ever have any big fights or miscommunication during that period?? Any conversations about what their future together will look like as the years peel away to adulthood? Just curious 🥰♥️
Still loving that greatmage lore 💜🩷
Ohh girl this made me think A LOT. because my first instinct was to be like “noooo my pookies never fight!” but that’s completely unrealistic. So I dug deep and came up with a few ideas… and of course it got really long so I’m putting it under a readmore…
- I think their biggest fights would be about money, but not in the typical way a young couple fights about money! In both Next Time I Fall and Lost and Found I alluded to El and Kali getting large settlements of “hush money” from Hawkins Lab, and at the end of Next Time El even suggests to Gareth that they use some of that money to get married. But it’s the late 80s and I’m sure Hopper had repeatedly impressed upon Gareth the importance of The Man Being The Breadwinner and the need to Properly Take Care Of His Daughter, so Gareth wouldn’t feel right about letting El pay for anything.
Finally El sits both Hopper and Gareth down one day and tells them look, Chrissy helped me find this super cute house and I can easily afford it so I’m gonna buy it. Gareth, you’re welcome to live there with me if you can get over your pride about it. And Dad, you need to mind your own beeswax. (Will taught her that phrase, and he almost chokes trying to hold back his laughter when he hears her repeat it.)
- Another thing I can imagine is the long-distance thing just wearing on both of them (they’re cuddly koalas and they can’t stand being apart for too long) but I could see that manifesting in different ways. For El, I think insecurity would be something she’d struggle with; especially if school interfered with time they wanted to spend together, she would feel neglected and get a little pouty about Gare thinking his work was more important than her. And I can imagine if he got impatient or exasperated about that, her mind would immediately leap to “you don’t love me anymore?” She needs a lot of reassurance after everything she’s been through.
But this, I think, would probably lead to Gareth never wanting to speak up about his own needs or problems, because he does truly want to be that steadfast source of reassurance for her, but also sometimes he feels a little resentful, as if she doesn’t trust him enough to keep loving her even when he’s irritated. And then that makes him wonder if she feels that way because of everything with Mike, and he gets pouty thinking she’s comparing him to Mike. Oh, kiddos.
- I imagined all of this coming to a head one weekend when Gareth wasn’t planning to come home because he was exhausted and had a ton of work to do, but El getting upset with him and kinda giving him a guilt trip about it until finally he gives in and says okay fine I’m coming. But he’s so tired that he ends up falling asleep behind the wheel and getting into a minor accident, which naturally freaks El out, and I think that would lead to a very deep heart-to-heart talk where they both end up resolving to communicate more honestly about their needs, and trust that their relationship can withstand temporary separation when needed.
- On a much happier note, conversations about the future!
I know a lot of people headcanon El as wanting tons of kids, but for some reason I imagine that pregnancy would be total body-horror for her. (Maybe I’m drawing that from my personal life? Lmao) I do believe she’d want a family of her own though, and I think she and Gare would have a lot of conversations about fostering and/or adoption to help troubled kids. And there’s a lovely fic that was gifted to me about the two of them preparing to welcome their first foster child.
I think they’d want pets, too— I imagine them going to an animal shelter just to look around, and El overhearing an employee saying “nobody will ever adopt this one, these dogs are monsters.” She instantly demands to see the monster dog, and of course it’s not a monster at all, it’s the cutest tiny little pit bull puppy, and El and Gare instantly fall in love with her and name her Bosco since she’s chocolate brown. 😊
I think El would have a lot of trouble deciding what she wanted to do after high school, as far as more schooling or a career or what, and they’d have a lot of discussions about that.
And of course they’d talk about traveling— there’s so many places they both want to see, and experiences they want to have for the first time together. Also I think it would be super cute if they went to Wales with Granny and Granddad Emerson to visit relatives and friends there. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
This got way longer than I thought it would lmao but thank you so much for asking! I always love sharing my ideas and headcanons with you! 💕
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
i will kick this off by saying that Mutant Mayhem is quite honestly one of my favorite iterations of the turtles EVER, second only to the 2012 versions.
the theme of having a family and a place to belong was established from the VERY beginning of the movie, so yeah, heartbreaking start lmao
Baxter's devotion to his children was just 😭😭
literally the best version of Splinter EVER i will not hear any arguments
I'd lay down my life for these boys in a heartbeat
the way Leo gets teased is SO perfectly how siblings tease each other, the little mocking tones and gestures is literally how my siblings and i act with each other
no bc Splinter having a history of being rejected by those around him and the boys being all he has and the one time he tries to go into a new environment it goes terribly and that's what leads him to never wanting the boys to leave 😭
but of course it's also SUCH a valid explanation for how he behaves like ofc he's going to try to keep his sons safe!!
the boys are so silly goofy kiddos i love them
"i dream of violence every night" "i think you have a problem" RAPH I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART
their excitement over the fight in the bike shop was so!!!! they're finally being heroes
Leo's little crush on April is literally the cutest thing wtf
the "bacon egg and cheese" moment was 100% some inside joke between the turtles' VAs, it was so random that it couldn't be anything else lmao
BUT i'm not complaining because that added so much to the boys!!
i love April, she's so realistically hesitant about the turtles, but also realizes that they can help with Superfly
also she has a list of questions she wants to ask the turtles, and one of the questions was "how many people has the red-banded turtle killed? does he need therapy?" and i cackled
the montage of them finding the different bosses!!!! and each turtle getting his own moment!!!
"why did you punch him, he told us everything!!!" Raph was in a silly goofy mood <3
Mondo has no thoughts. No brain.
The way the other mutants immediately started treating the boys like little brothers?????? my heart????
Bebop and Rocksteady being twins is my favorite thing
Mondo being truly heartbroken by the boys kicking him out of the van, he was so sad
Wingnut just trying to look out for her little brothers!!
Splinter literally not caring about anything else he just wants his boys safe!!
The other mutants turning against Superfly because they don't want to hurt the humans, they just want to be family!
Splinter realizing his mistake in sheltering his boys so much, and helping them destroy the device!!! growth!!!
His speech to the boys about how even if he doesn't like humans, the boys do, and he wants them to be able to be happy, so if helping the humans makes them happy, then he'll do everything he can to make sure that happens 😭😭😭
okay but the moment where all the news channels are reporting about the boys and their team being monsters, and it's just spinning around the boys as they realize they might never be accepted broke my heart
Leo stepping up as leader and recognizing his brothers' skills my beloved
Splinter flashing between when he brought the boys to the surface for the first time and the humans chasing them away vs. the humans approaching him with concern and helping him to his feet 😭😭
The mutants living together, they're a family your honor 😌
They got to go to school!!!!
and each of them finding their own group outside of their brothers!!
Donnie with his computer friends!
Mikey joining improve!!
Raph joining wrestling!!
April and Leo looking into TCRI!! Leopril truthers rise up!!
And the final mid-credits scene leading into the TV show with the hint towards TCRI still kicking AND AND AND
There were also so many little background things that made me emotional, like the LGBTQIA+ flyers on the school poster board, the trans flag pinned next to the flyers, the little scribbles on the lockers and April's helmet, the details were just so so perfect. there honestly wasn't a single thing i didn't love about the movie!!!
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your-queer-dad · 6 months
hi, i think i need some advice and i’m not sure who else to go to,,, this is my first time asking anyone here so i’m a little nervous lol but yeah
anyway i’m ilyagender and i think i have some pretty nasty internalized phobias to work out, like i’ve done some mean things because of it (like outing friends) and i think it’s making me doubt my identity as Not Cis because i don’t have dysphoria.
i’m not sure what i’m saying lmao but do you have any advice on how to deal with that? i wanna be confident in knowing who i am and know how to handle situations where it could come into play
it seems so hard :(
thanks so much
- bug
Hey kiddo!
First of all, I completely understand where you're coming from. In a society not meant for us, we do internalise a lot of things and your past mistakes don't define who you are now. Working on internalised bigotry is a process and it takes a lot of time and conscious effort. It won't happen overnight, but small steps every day or stepping back and considering things is the best thing you can do. There isn't a perfect stage of being the best trans person you can be, that's not how it works- we're people after all. But making a conscious effort to acknowledge those biases and putting them to one side is a really good thing to do.
Secondly, not having dysphoria definitely doesn't mean you're cis, despite what others say. Only you can define your identity and how you feel. I personally feel less dysphoria then I used to. It doesn't make you less of a trans person, it's a feeling and not everyone has it.
I think you're doing so well already and I'm really proud of you. Feel free to reach out if you have any problems.
- dad x
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leviiackrman · 9 months
I was tagged by @faerune @chuckhansen + @corvosattano to take this uquiz for some kiddos, and I also threw in the most recent uquiz tag cus I’m slow tehe! Thank you sm beloveds🤍
Tagging (anyone and everyone cus idk who’s done what lmao): @risingsh0t @bbrocklesnar @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @arklay @captmactavish @shellibisshe @simonxriley @queennymeria @marivenah @nokstella @mrdekarios @thedeadthree @jacobseed @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan @dameayliins @carlosoliveiraa @shadowglens @fenharel @alexxmason @tekehu @malefiicarum @brujah @solasan @arthrmorgann @garaviel @baldurians @jendoe + @nightbloodbix
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They left without you. Put you out of sight and therefore out of mind. You sing every morning like nothing's changed, talk to the walls to keep yourself company. Just you, the darkness and your own denial that you are completely alone. Nurse your wounds, get yourself some water.
eating others as a religious act, a form of human sacrifice or tradition in the name of a deity. you care a lot about your grades, or used to as a child, and would cry if you got a b in English. you are a people pleaser. you are good at self discipline. you desperately want to achieve success, in whatever way that means to you, and feel the need to devote your life to something you find bigger than yourself, in order for your life to have meaning. you probably had an eating disorder. or an anxiety disorder
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You're the victim, right? It hurts, everyday it hurts. It's obvious you're tainted, pulled into hell as soon as you stepped upon earth. You'll never know peace, you'll never know a life without violence. Im sorry. Wash your face and your hands, don't let your wounds carve deeper.
eating others to prevent starvation and not as a part of a cultural practice, usually as a result of an emergency or a famine. my sweet baby angel, you have not been touched by the darkness. I'm sorry if this scared you. you are a normal person with normal person problem. you want to get married. you dance with your friends. and you would never ever eat them (right?) it's surprising what can happen to a person, when pushed to the extreme though. have you ever wondered about that?
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Well aren't you just all over? You're appealing but you're fragile, one wrong move and you lose all that you are. You were meant to be stepped on, broken, but the joy you bring to onlookers is unmatched. Do with that as you will and take very good care of yourself, have a snack.
the practise of eating parts of ones own body. you consider yourself an introvert. private and reserved. you don't like asking for help, even when you need it. secretly your biggest fear is being abandoned, which is why you abandon others first. in the end you will be your own destroyer. you stay in a dark room, curled up like a worm, eating yourself.
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You're vicious, but you're afraid. You have to make the first punch, and make sure your opponent can't land one. But you need to stop seeing everyone as an enemy. The only one being violent is you, your anger and your defensiveness is killing you. Take a nap, rest your head and clear your mind. Come back in the morning.
the eating of one's own offspring. eating offspring has been documented in a variety of mammal and bird species – as well as fish, insects and spiders. hunger and quality control are among the many reasons proposed for this counterintuitive survivor of natural selection. you think of yourself as a logical person, and you probably went through a hardcore atheist phase. you consider this logic a virtue. to you, logic and emotion are two opposites, where one is superior to the other. wait until you find out that logic is an emotion. you are a great problem solver. your partiality towards objectivism though, is often less helpful than you realise. you have a hard time taking criticism.
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tamaruaart · 1 month
Oh boy do I have a question for ya-
First things first:
-Zhaos biggest insecurity?
-Quanshui favourite plants maybe?
-What shenanigans did Yue terrorise Chang‘e with? The classic „look away for a sec, oh gods my kid is dying-„ type
Also lil bonus:
Any spare thoughts on what some of your ocs would think of mine? Bonus challenge: pair some up that we don’t usually talk about.
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Zhao's Biggest Insecurity?
ehe my Eldest daughter yes yes
Her huge hypocrisy problem, especially when it comes to Wukong.
I won't go too much into it but yeah, that's one of her major character flaws. And something she started being insecure about ever since she met MK. She saw how he changed.
As before she didn't really care. Even when she noticed she was being unreasonably petty and even hypocritical.
"You're a terrible person or something" Boo-Boo, didn't you torture demons with your magic during JTTW for funsies cause you were bored. Like yeah you changed but so did he. SO SHUT UP >:(
Also a very minor one, maybe her fashion sense. It feels wrong for her to be wearing what she wears sometimes. Since it looks so similar to the Brotherhood's clothing style, and well- She's a Celestial and they tried to sack her home 💀
(In her redesign the dress is a bit darker [Almost the same shade as the Brotherhood's purple-] and she wears a jewel that looks EXACTLY like the one Azure wears on his belt thing. Exes who still aren't over each other am I right)
Not to mention it's not exactly the most respectful/traditional thing. It doesn't exactly bother her most of the time.
After all she lives alone in her palace with her cats and doesn't exactly care what other people would have to say. But specifically when talking to the higher ups, she's just a lil' bit self-conscious. Just a lil'.
I mean, she's literally wearing clothing given to her/that looks awfully similar to the people who tried to destroy their home 💀💀💀💀
Also also she can't swim :(
Even though tigers are supposed to be great swimmers-
She used to be able to, but the mother cat instincts overshadowed the tigress instincts when she got older lmao
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Quanshui favourite plants maybe?
Weeping wisteria trees her beloved...
Also she loves tiger lilies and moon flowers, the radiate comfort for her as they remind her of someone... (It's pretty obvious but if you know you know)
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What shenanigans did Yue terrorise Chang‘e with? The classic „look away for a sec, oh gods my kid is dying-„ type
Dumbass got lost in space lmao
also almost burned himself by getting a little too close to the Sun while soaring threw space. He got too cocky. (ICARUS IS FLYIIINGGGGGGG TOO CLOSE TO THE SUNNNN-)
Also he can't cook. You know DAMN well he once totally burned Chang'e's kitchen trying to cook her something. That week's episode of Cooking with Chang'e was cancelled due to technical difficulties-
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Any spare thoughts on what some of your ocs would think of mine? Bonus challenge: pair some up that we don’t usually talk about.
Baí and Zhao Baí and Zhao Baí and Zhao Baí and Zhao Baí and Zhao Baí and Zhao Baí and Zhao
We don't talk about the pair often which BAFFLES me.
They were both on the Journey to the West and we already talked about Ming and Zhao once so-
We dub them: TigerCadaver-
Not going to lie I don't think Zhao would be too fond of Baí, she would probably be protective but not like him, if that makes sense.
To her, Ming was just a less extreme Wukong. The heart of the group. He was a kiddo.
Ming was always easier on Baí, always so parent-y instead of brotherly. Baí reminds her so much of Mao-Yin and Syaoran (Her siblings-), and how she had to raise them.
Because their father was too busy being an ass and their mother was too busy making fusses with both him and his wives.
She knows Ming and Baí's situation is different from her own, but it still leaves a bad taste in her mouth. She respects Ming, she never saw herself in him. Thought he was better than she could ever be. And she would keep Baí safe, she is the caretaker of the group after all.
Trying to not see him like that. Time passed and it got to a point where she did see him as his own person, but still finds him icky.
Baí probably just thinks she's a weird, old magic lady that ignores him lmaooo
Anyways I like them they have angst potential
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Something I try to indicate with Zhao is she's not perfect. She's not always a victim. She's morally gray.
Something that I always saw in LMK is the idea of change.
Macaque changed from a villain to just a shady guy. Scorpion Queen was lonely, that was her biggest flaw. They understood that, yet didn't treat it as if her actions are now justified randomly. Spider Queen helped MK, despite all she's done. And Yellow Tusk realized when Azure was going too far.
And Wukong. Do I even have to mention Wukong? The Journey changed him. He went from a chaotic killing machine to a chaotic Apple Juice Uncle. But he still has flaws.
Zhao might've been a victim, but she still did terrible things that aren't justified. Her family was SHIT and The Brotherhood messed her up. But she still did bad things >:(
she let her trauma mold her into a bitch. A morally questionable, petty, hypocritical and judging, skrunkly magic BITCH D:<
But she also changed. She went from a bitch to just a woman with flaws. She's still hypocritical, and still gossips-
Basically I saw JTTW (book) Zhao (Who didn't change at the end of her arc) and said: Hmmm let's give you more motherly traits and character development.
A Hades Circe-fied her 💀 But she's my character and I think it actually fits Zhao.
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feel free to send in more asks guys :)
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vacantgodling · 24 days
holds microphone up to u
may i hear about tmc
gimme your thoughts
WELL <3 since you asked so nicely <3 (jkjk but thank you eeeee)
so-- surprisingly atm i'm trying to figure out The Plot. i wasn't sure if i was ever going to make ?? a proper plot for tmc just because like. i love tmc and the kiddos so much but bc i know i want it to be a webcomic style thing that's just scared me off from working on it. basically bc art hard. But i should do it because i want to have fun and i had a few like. lingering dream-thoughts about some things so i thought i'd try and push it more.
rn i'm toying with the idea of expanding what's going on with society. because right now basically, there's the "city thing" that chidori and co live in which is dominated by trains. but i don't think anyone knows the kinda Back Drop for tmc?? cuz i never talk about it?? but basically this is a futuristic wip where humanity had to adapt to earth's sea levels rising WAAAAY up (in a way that is totally improbable but like i'm not hard worldbuilding this world at all bc this is supposed to feel shonen anime like PFFFF. basically anything goes cuz i said so energy). so they use train rails and special train types to get around. tm.
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this is old art from an old ask but this is the gist basically LMAO im sorry its so shit PFF
i was originally thinking of making wholly different societies that have something different instead of train masters BUT TBH, i think everywhere has train masters like its a global thing but chidori's city is just a big ass city and governments are still different like how bangkok, nyc, and paris all have different currency pff. basically my scope of the world is just expanding.
anyway tho, chidori's city has the largest population and by virtue of that its the one most prone to diseases, struggling, and economic stagnation. rich people gotta rich so they hate this.
my thought for the plot is actually around the strength of the sturgeon dollar. tl;dr the money in chidori's city is called "sturgeons" like the fish (and is colored similarly) but its actually got a poor exchange rate with the other cities. this is something that is concerning to the herme family who bellamy is the youngest child of. (bellamy below--the diamond prince and one of the s-rank train masters tm)
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bellamy is technically the "odd one out" of the herme family and is treated very poorly behind closed doorsaside from his illustrious and beloved image by the public. his family is full of law makers and politicians, but they also have heavy ties with crime (which is what i'm kinda developing now) and they have links to crime various other syndicates across the flooded world. the problem is, because the sturgeon dollar is so weak it puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiations with other politicians and syndicates. so with the under-the-table go ahead from the government, they have begun operations to start working towards destabilizing pretty much every city society (at the expense of civilians obvs) to try and either make the sturgeon dollar stronger, or to introduce an entirely new method of currency only for the elites.
me playing with the idea of yagmur being a double agent has to do with the fact that yagmur is a secret train master branch basically akin to the fbi or z-rank. they're covert ops. he's technically been assigned to work for the government of chidori's city to help with whatever tf this plan is but at the same time, he and bellamy are in a not-so-secret secret relationship and despite coming from money, bellamy hates his family. so yagmur is loyal to bellamy before anything else. but at the same time, bellamy isn't necessarily concerned with citizens--he's concerned with revenge and tearing down his family. so if i were to classify things as they currently are:
chidori and his main friend group (amehana, solange, bev, folami, and markis) are on the side of their city and protecting it from like everything.
bellamy and yagmur on their own side trying to take down the herme family.
the herme family and government (and some other entities) are on their own side trying to sabotage other cities to strengthen thier own dollar and since yagmur works for the government he's also kind of involved in this too.
so that'sssss currently where i'm at. i still need to figure out how the train academy works, what's up with these semi-magical weapons, redesigning folami (AGAIN but thankfully i think i have a good idea this time) and just other stuff to uhhhh make this make sense. maybe figure out the city situations as well?? just a lot tbh LOL
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