#kids in bodies of adults who were made to grow up too fast in more ways than one
tranakin-skywalker · 8 months
Not enough about the clones being children and adults at the same time. They're 10 years old. They're fully grown. They're still little kids. They never got to have a childhood at all. They're terrifying soldiers. They hardly know anything about the galaxy except how to fight and how to take orders.
I want clones that have this childish wonder at the world, but being terrified to show it. Clones with the sense of humor of 10 year old boys. Clones who don't really understand what death is, not really. Not until they're on a battlefield and dying in droves.
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jonbene · 3 months
reading about puberty was really weird today. i wondered what it would be like to actually go through it and how long it will take? they gave us a little kickstarter pill after watching the video, but i was sure it wasn’t anything. it just made me tired. I just wanted to take a bath and go to bed.
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but…by the time i got home, I felt weird in my body. it felt harder and heavier to walk. i knew i was tired, but even starting the bath was a struggle. it felt like my clothes were restricting me and it was harder to breathe. when i first looked in the mirror, it was so strange. it didn’t look like me. my face was more defined, fuzzier, and my hair was darker. it scared me at first, but then i remembered the kickstarter pill they gave us. omg! it was working! this was exciting now, what would we all look like in the morning?
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i started to get undressed for the bath, but I stopped as I looked down at myself. My body was…prickly. hairs growing out everywhere. i thought this was only supposed to happen to men?
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i lifted up my arm and watched as hair bushed out so quickly. it was as if being exposed to the air made it grow even faster. it was at this point i knew something was wrong. i was scared and panicked, trying to find a way to stop it.
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i tried to put my clothes back on. maybe that would slow the process? but it was like the more i resisted the faster it went. i started shaking, everything hurt. my body hit its growth spurt. growing taller, wider, bulkier. packing on more and more muscle. I was bursting out of my clothes!
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I had my dream body. The body i always wanted was looking back at me in the mirror, but it was all moving too fast. “StOP!!” I cried out, my voice cracking. “woah…what was that,” I said to myself in a, low, booming voice.
Terrified, my new man voice screamed out, “NO! MORE! ENOUGH!” as i watched the fine, prickly hairs, that once were there, burst out in thick, coarse hair intertwining over my now massive body. I backed away from the mirror in fear as my face matured. The full beard coming out of my face sealed the deal for me. I was no longer that kid in school. I slipped over the shredded clothes on the floor, and fell backwards into the bath. I looked down at myself in the water. I had no idea who this man was floating in the bath water.
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Sitting there, I started to relax. I explored myself in this new adult body of mine. I started to enjoy the beauty of getting older and more mature. I never liked being a kid in school anyway. Acceptance washed over me as I emerged from the bath.
Drying myself off, I looked in the mirror again. Now recognizing the man I’d become. I wondered what would my parents think? What would everyone else in class look like? Do I even need to go back to school? None of these questions mattered to me anymore as I was relieved puberty had come and gone and I could begin my new life now.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
the man with the hex // liam lawson
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summary: he stayed to hand out candy but actually just wanted to make out. unfortunately, hungry kids won’t wait to ring the doorbell.
pairing: liam lawson x female! reader
warnings: allusions to sex, liam is a horny teenager, very suggestive but no smut, reader gets baby fever real fast and liam has a dirty mouth. I am incapable of writing anything wholesome about this man, apparently.
"jesus fuck!"
"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, watch your language!" her mother shouted from the kitchen
next to her on the couch, liam snickered, pulling her closer. guillermo del toro's 'cabinet of curiosities' was playing on the screen, and y/n had been jumpy throughout the whole episode.
y/n was a gentle soul. she preferred cozy mysteries, and humorous action thrillers as opposed to straight up horror. sure, the pillars of the slasher genre were wonderful films (she's first in line to see any new 'scream' movie), but she did not do well when she was genuinely scared.
"sorry, mom!" she shouted, resting her head against liam's shoulder. "liam has bad taste in movies."
"it's one episode!" the kiwi laughed. "i'm sorry, you can pick the next movie."
y/n rolled her eyes, getting up from the couch to hug her parents goodbye. she and liam had agreed to stay in that night, allowing her parents to go to an annual charity event thrown by one of her fathers friends. her sister was at a party, and as someone who had a quiet, peaceful life and wasn’t always invited to things, y/n was extended a chance to stay at home.
of course, learning that they would have the house to themselves, liam was all too quick to tag along, for less than wholesome reasons. while y/n had planned a couple's movie night, complete with matching hotel transylvania costumes and a stack of scooby doo movies, wheras liam had planned to get her to scream in more ways than one.
y/n got up from the couch, her nylon-clad feet skidding across the hardwood as she went to hug her parents. "bye guys, i'll see you in the morning."
"have a great time, mr. and mrs. (your last intital)!" liam shouted
"no funny business with my daughter, lawson. and no drinking." her father scolded, pointing his finger towards his daughter's boyfriend.
"dad! we're adults, i think we can handle ourselves." she laughed, giving her father a hug before her parents went out the front door.
she closed the door behind them, leaving it unlocked and the jack-o-lantern on the front porch turned on before backtracking to the kitchen and refilling the candy dish she and liam had been snacking from.
"you'll have to keep an ear out for the front door, but other than that, do you want to put beetlejuice on when this is over?" she suggested, bringing the candy bowl back over to the couch and curling into her boyfriend.
"i dunno, your parents are gone, i kind of hand something else on my mind." liam grinned, one hand trailing up her thigh.
"oh yeah?" she purred, maneuvering herself into liam's lap, poking his nose before kissing him softly, her blue lipstick smearing against his skin.
liam cupped her face with his free hand, his other arm going around her waist to pull her closer. she hummed contentedly as she nestled her body into his, taking his top lip in between her own.
“your lipstick tastes good.” liam remarked, lips ringed in the dark blue cosmetic. “like blue raspberry.”
“you’re such a dork.” she giggled, brushing an errant blonde hair out of his face before kissing her lover again.
liam moaned into it, feeling himself grow harder every time that her thigh brushed over his crotch. she was driving him wild, the end of cabinets of curiosities forgotten as they made out like teenagers.
the doorbell rang, startling them both as they jolted on the couch. y/n pulled away from liam, wiping the smudged gloss from her swollen lips before getting off the couch and reaching for the bowl of cadbury chocolates across from her.
“trick or treat!”
there were three kids standing in the doorstep, each dressed as a different superhero as they held pillowcases out in front of them as she dropped handfuls of pocket sized chocolates into the bags.
“you kids have a great night.” she chirped, waving not just to the kids, but to the parents waiting on the sidewalk before slipping back into the house.
she left the plastic candy dish on the front bench, a grin on her face as she went back to the living room. liam hadn’t mailed from the couch, one hand over his eyes and the other clutching a throw pillow over his crotch.
“seriously, liam?” she laughed, reaching for the tv remote. “come on, we have to be aware of our surroundings. little kids are going to be knocking on the door all night.”
liam groaned. “sounds like hell to me, babe.”
she shook her head, grinning as she used the remote to navigate over to the amazon icon to rent ‘beetlejuice.” she was just about to hit rent when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.
“liam!” she shouted, giggling as he nuzzled his cold nose into the tender flesh of her neck. “you know you’re just gonna get interrupted again, right?”
“don’t care.” he hummed, pressing kisses up and down her throat. “babe, we finally have the house to ourselves and I am so fucking horny for you right now.”
she giggled, extracting herself from liam’s hold to teasingly bend down near the coffee table, placing the realtor back on the glass top. at the sight of her skirt riding up over her orange and black nylon tights, the lacy hem of her panties visible through the nylon as she bent over, the kiwi could hardly contain himself.
especially when there was another ring of the doorbell.
this time, liam offered to get the door, almost dropping the candy bowl as he tried to get the door open, shaking hands unable to grasp the doorknob as be tried to get his breathing under control.
“woah, are you liam lawson?” one of the kids shouted, his voice echoing through the street. “I watched you on tv last week!”
despite himself, liam laughed. “right on, kiddo!” he held his fist out for a fist bump, kneeling to the kids level. “hang on just a second and I’ll get my girlfriend out here to take a picture of the two of us, yeah?”
“you seem cheerful for a man that didn’t want to hand out candy.” y/n chuckled from the doorway. “come on then, pass me his iPod touch or whatever and I’ll get the best fan pics he’s ever seen.”
the kids eyes lit up as liam moved to crouch next to him, matching his height almost exactly as y/n snapped a few pictures.
“your girlfriend is really pretty.” the kid said, giddy as he took his iPod back. “are you guys going to get married?”
liam laughed heartily, tactfully avoiding the question as he asked the kid what his favourite part of the race in qatar had been, dropping a handful of cadbury chocolates into the mummy shaped bucket.
once the kid was gone and the door was closed, he wasted no time in pulling y/n close and sliding his hands up her dress.
“someone’s eager. if anyone should be exited after watching you interact with kids, it should be me.” she giggled, kissing his cheek.
her lipstick was dry now, and liam found himself slightly disappointed that it didn’t leave a mark.
liam raised an eyebrow. “oh, yeah? so in addition to making you scream my name tonight, should I fill you up with my cum? start practicing for when it’s time to get you pregnant?”
she nodded eagerly, wishing for nothing more than liam pressing her up against the foyer wall and taking what he wanted. what they both wanted.
“fuck.” liam breathed, his breath warm on her skin. “you’re really hot when you have baby fever, you know that? and that kid wasn’t even a baby, he was like five.”
“shut up and kiss me, lawson.”
but just as liam leaned in, the fucking doorbell rang.
he cursed, throwing his head back in a groan as y/n gave him a sympathetic smile. she picked up the candy bucket, dutifully opening the front door and greeting the horde of kids who had chased each other up the driveway and around liams bmw.
while her back was turned, distracted by handing out candy, liam reached his breaking point, scrambling to find a piece of paper and a pen.
please take one handful each, and ring the doorbell if bowl is empty. we are home but enjoying a scary movie night and my girlfriend is jumpy :)
when y/n turned away, closing the door behind her, liam was quick to grab the bowl, whisking it away to the kitchen and ignoring his girlfriends confused look as he practically overfilled the bowl, taking on the sign and leaving it on the cast iron bench outside the house.
“now, where were we?” he grinned, pulling her in for a kiss. she broke out into a smile, knowing exactly why liam had done what he did. “that bowl is almost full, it will keep the kids occupied for a very long time.”
“what if someone takes the whole bowl? what then?” she giggled, playfully teasing her lover, hands gently rubbing at his shoulder blades.
“then I’ll buy your mom a new one.” he decided, paying the matter very little attention as he swept his girlfriend off her feet, carrying her bridal style towards the stairs. “now, my fair maiden, you bedroom awaits.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @httpiastri @clemswrld @love4lando @scuderiamh @lorarri @cartierre @silverstonesainz @arshiyuh @twinkodium
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squish--squash · 3 months
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lore and bonus art under the cut
(before I really start the lore I just wanna mention these two hatched from eggs. I have my own speculative biology hcs about cotl that keeps the canonical eggs bc I'm crazy. I'd infodump about it but I'm not sure how my followers would feel about me talking about the reproduction about a fictional group of anthros LSDHGS-)
anyways. Beleth (she/her): the younger twin, second to hatch. she was actually the first shitten I designed, she's got at least two prior attempts at a design before I really settled on her current design. She has two sets of ears and no horns, and her body plan is more of a sheep, except her arms are more cat-like with paws. as a kid, Beleth's pretty energetic and loves to run around, and talking to everyone she sees. very friendly and social. also chaotic at times and causes mischief. Unlike the Lamb, who shears often due to crusading, Beleth rarely shears herself, and keeps extra wool that grows on her head out of her face by pulling it back into a poofy ponytail (it's also a couple shades darker than the lamb). She also always has two bells on her- the bells her and her sister wore when they were babies
Erinyes (she/they): the older twin, first to hatch. her design just popped into existence without me thinking that hard about it, and I'm ngl she's my fav shitten of the two LSHDLGHDS. Her face and body are catlike, but there's some sheep features, like the ears, horns, and hoofed hands. She only has wool on her head, and it's black; as a kid, she hardly sheared it, but as an adult she keeps it a bit shorter, shearing off pieces that get too long. They're not nearly as talkative as Beleth, but they're very fast and graceful. She had a habit of climbing the trees on the edge of the cult ground for some piece and quiet and Narinder would keep having to climb up after her to get her down. When her wool is longer but not longer enough to shear, she keeps the wool out of her face by tying it off to the side in two sections. They're a bit taller and slimmer than Beleth, even as adults
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speaking of adults, this is a quick sketch of them when they're fully grown (they're immortal like their parents, and stopped aging once they reached adulthood - which took quite a bit longer lol)
as adults, Beleth because the head nurse of the healers, being apprenticed by the former head nurse (who had been with them both since childhood, her skull necklace prolonging her life); Erinyes becomes the head of missionaries, teaching newbies, organizing supplies to take and where to go, unloading the hauls, and sometimes even joining on missions herself. Their outfits are different as well: Beleth keeps the bells, but replaces the garment she wore as a kid with a pleated skirt, the bells attaching to the thick belt she wears; Erinyes wears a cloak like the Lamb, with an undergarment covering her body (this is mainly to protect herself from the elements when she's outside the cult)
anyways, here's a bonus: I made some wives for the sisters lol
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Mabre (she/her): strong, suave, and part of the missionaries. after she was indoctrinated from Anura she was placed to be a missionary; her ass was not listening for the first day bc she was too busy staring at her new boss gayly. gets quite a few scars from her work (including a ripped ear) but she enjoys the work, and doesn't mind. It takes a while for Erinyes to realize their feelings and it's only after Mabre almost dies that she realizes, and promptly pulls a Narinder by ignoring said feelings until Mabre finally makes a move
Hetry (he/she): shy and polite worshipper taken in from Darkwood, was pined after immediately by a certain shitten. They didn't actually talk tho until a prank gone wrong via Leshy resulted in Hetry breaking her leg, and he developed an instant crush upon watching Beleth chew her own uncle out within an inch of his life. enjoys the pleasantries of life and the simplicity of her work. there's a lot of mutual pining until the two finally get together (Erinyes would tease Beleth about it, and then gets a taste of her own medicine after Mabre's indoctrinated)
(they both wear golden skull necklaces for obvious reasons, but Mabre also wears a missionary necklace, while Hetry wears a nature necklace intertwined with his golden skull necklace; they also become disciples eventually, Hetry through her worshipper status and Mabre by constant feats of effort and strength to support the cult)
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vergilthelibrarian · 2 years
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The woods were always eerily calm… but that could be because of the rumors in your town.
The rumors that one of the local woods were the home of an extremist Christian cult that kidnapped people who would go into their woods.
Of course growing up in the town, you and your friends would dare each other to go into the woods just like most of the kids and young adults did to the dismay of their parents and grandparents.
You and your friends would go into the woods, looking for the compound of the rumored cult only to find nothing… though one day, you and your friends came across something strange.
Well it was more like someone strange.
As you were playing around in the woods, you came across a boy who looked a bit younger than you.
You and your friends were around 10-11 while the boy looked like he could’ve been about 9 or 8 years old.
You stood together, walking close to the boy.
“Um hi.” Nina said, “are you lost?”
The boy stared at your group, a dullness in his eyes that honestly terrified you.
He didn’t look disheveled or anything. In fact, he was very well groomed but his silence and unreadable eyes… he was different from the other kids where just shy or quiet.
You all stopped in place, too scared to keep going forward.
Though you were scared, you didn’t like a small child being in the woods alone so gathering a bit of courage, you broke out of your pack and cautiously walked to the boy.
“Hey. Where is you’re mom and dad?” You asked him.
The boy didn’t answer and you walked closer to him.
“Are you lost?” You noticed how tensed his body was. “I’m not gonna hurt you. It’s just that you shouldn’t be here by yourself. You can get hurt. You can come with me and my friends and we help you find your mom and dad.” You gave him a small smile, offering your hand out for him to take.
A look of confusion broke onto the boy’s face.
“You’re not gonna hurt me? The leader tells me that the outside world will hurt me…” he finally spoke and his words came out in a tone like as if he was questioning something.
But his answer made you question what he just said.
“What? What does that mean?” And before the boy could answer a booming voice made everyone in the woods jump and before you could ask the boy what he meant, he ran off quickly into the opposite direction.
You sighed as the warmth of the Starbucks hit your cold cheeks.
You had just moved back to your hometown, growing tired of city life and wanting to live a more slow paced life again though you knew that you will eventually return to the city at some point, though you didn’t know when that would be.
Your town has changed drastically, turning more into a little hipster city and as you made eye contact with Nina, you smiled widely as you made your way towards her.
“Hey!” She said excitedly, getting up to greet you with a big hug.
You hugged her back, enjoying the embrace. You haven’t seen her in years since moving to the city and it was nice to be in her presence again.
She let go, taking her seat and watched as you took off your coat.
“God… Ya know, even though I know how you look now, seeing you in person… you’ve gotten really handsome.”
Your cheeks became warm and you bashfully laughed as you took a seat.
“Thanks.” You rolled up your a bit sleeves before placing your elbows up on the table and putting your head in your hands. “So what’s up?”
Nina laughed and you two soon caught up.
You knew that Nina had taken over her family’s farm and she was always talking about her frustration at how her chickens would get stolen from time to time and it just so happened once again the night before you came.
“I don’t know what to do. It’s not an animal, I already learned that fast and every time I set up a camera to see who it could be, my camera always get destroyed or stolen.”
A grin creeped onto your face as you said, “maybe it’s the cult.” And Nina hit you, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t joke about that!” She huffed causing you to laugh.
“I’m sorry, I won’t.”
“There’s rumors going around that the newer members are now trying to blend in just to recruit people.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. Something about “saving” more people that way. I heard there’s a new leader too.” Nina took a sip of her latte and quickly the topic changed.
As you and Nina conversed, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being watched.
Looking around the cafe, your eyes gradually landed on piercing eyes… eyes that felt familiar.
You didn’t listen to your brain that was screaming for you to turn around, no, you kept eye contact with the man and Nina noticed, her own gaze following yours.
“Do you know him?”
You frowned in confusion.
“I’m not sure…” and you turn your attention back onto Nina.
The man whose piercing gaze lingered onto you for a bit longer knew it was you though you weren’t the girl he had met.
The girl that opened up his mind. The girl that stole his heart.
Such a small insignificant interaction to you held such a huge religious significance to the man.
Of course he needed to have you, girl or not, that didn’t matter.
All that mattered was that you were back.
You were finally back and now he can finally make you his.
And all you had to do was accept him as your savior. As your messiah.
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The Dream - Chapter Six.
Happy Monday, besties! So, I thought I would treat you all to another double update today, just to try and get this story moving along a little better. The last one was really well received, too, so we’ll do as last time and split the 40 notes unlock over both chapters. Enjoy!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed (note: those not engaging will be automatically removed from the tag list, FYI)
Words - 2,614 
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“So, did you tell him about all this then, your stepdad?” Angel asked, when Keri had spoken briefly of her family dynamic, revealing that she was actually much closer with David than she was her mom, on account of his laid-back nature. Meryl Watkins was nothing short of a little tightly wound at times.  
“No not yet, but I probably will. David's cool, much more open minded than my mom so if it's anyone I tell, it'll be him. Only a few of my friends know so far. Frankie and her girlfriend Jaime as you know, and my other girl, Rachel. I didn't tell the boys yet, I have no idea how they'd react to it!” Just the thought set off a soft alarm in her head, the teasing she was likely to receive, especially from Aaron.  
Angel could definitely identify with her. “Yeah, I know that feeling. There's only two people who I’ve told, EZ and his wife, Sharise.” Jamming his cell under his ear, he poured himself a drink, tequila and a splash of soda. “So are your mom and dad divorced or something?”
“No, my dad died when I was nine, sadly. He was sick for about a year before he went, he had colon cancer and there was nothing they could do. He was so miserable towards the end that I think his death was a blessing to him. It's really hard to lose a parent, you have to grow up so fast,” she revealed, with Angel nodding heavily in agreement.
“I understand that. My mom died when I was twenty-seven, she was killed in a robbery gone wrong. It was fucking rough, losing her like that, but at least I was an adult when it happened. I can’t imagine how shit that must’ve been for you, to only be nine years old when you lost your dad.” She could barely believe it had been thirteen years, sometimes.  
“Oh my god, Angel,” she gasped after hearing of his own parental loss. “That’s tragic, I’m so sorry.”
“Could have been much worse, I could have been a little kid still, like you were,” he reasoned. “But thanks, though.”
“Even though I was just a little kid, my mom never shielded me from any of it. I knew he had cancer, she explained to me gently in a way I could understand what it was doing to his body and all the treatments he had to go through. The chemo, the radiotherapy, the eventual removal of half his colon and bowels. She always said it was pointless hiding from me and trying to make it look less bad than it was, that she wouldn’t insult my intelligence by doing so.
“She's always been a great believer that children understand much more than we give them credit for, and she was right. I guess that if there was an upside to his death, it was that gave me a lot of strength, losing him when I did. I learned how to process grief very early, deal with all those emotions, too. Mom really helped me through that, as well. She was my rock in the aftermath.
“I remember the night before he died, he was so sick and so weak, but he hauled me up onto the bed and sat and talked to me for hours. He told me that because I was just like him, I'd go far in life, and no matter that he wouldn't physically be there to see it, he'd always be by my side.” Her explanation faltered a little, her voice quivering as she remembered her beloved father. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start blubbering there. Here's me going on about how strong it made me, right before I start crying.”
Angel was quick to reassure her. “Even the strongest people in the world cry sometimes. It makes you human. Are you okay?”
She took a breath, getting out of bed and going to her drawer to pull out her cigarettes, needing a little calming hit of nicotine. “Yeah, I just get upset sometimes when I talk about him. He was amazing and I miss him so much,” she sniffed, the tears still gushing from her eyes as she flung the window open, lighting up, watching the snow beginning to tumble down. Again.  
“It's totally understandable, you know. I feel sad when I think about my mom and how much I miss her, nothing can fill the void you feel when you lose one of the people that brought you into this world in the first place,” he empathised. “Damn, I wish we were asleep right now.”
Flicking her ash, she took another drag on her cigarette. “Why?”
“So that I could hug you, you sound like you need one.” Oh, how cute?  
'I do, and I need some sleep too, now you come to mention it. I have to be up and out of the house again in five hours to catch the sunrise and take photographs for a little commission I have. Someone I work with at the chocolate shop wants a nice picture as a going away present for their friend, who is leaving for Nebraska at the end of next week.”
“Sounds like we could both do with resting our heads, then. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon?”  
She smiled, feeling a little buzz of excitement. “Yeah, here’s hoping.” She took another drag on her cigarette before flicking it out of the window, going to wash the smell from her hands and brushing her teeth too, returning to her room and spritzing the air with her pillow mist before climbing into bed. “I want to dream of him, I want to see him.” She repeated in her mind, until eventually, she drifted off.
“Yo, dumbass. I’m right here.” he called to her as she looked around the busy city, people bustling along the sidewalk and cars racing by quickly. She turned to see him sat on a low wall, smiling that beautiful smile at her.
“You don't know me well enough to call me dumbass yet.” Her scold was playful, her smile sweet, happy to see him there. As she approached, all the cars and people suddenly vanished, and it was just them. Like an A-bomb had gone off, and they were the only two survivors.
“I know you well enough to do this when you're upset, though.” Jumping down, he folded his arms around her, making her feel instantly safe and warm.  
“In that case, I think I'll let the dumbass comment slide.” Kissing his chest, she felt the hard muscle press against her cheek, drinking in the moment there with him. She could feel the lines between reality and dreams starting to blur with every dream that passed. It was scary, it was strange, but most of all it was exciting.
It thrilled her to see where their dreams would take them next, and still wonder the one resounding question; why? Why did they act like lovers in dreams for one thing? It was something Keri was too afraid to ask, yet she thought about it constantly. Were her dreams trying to point her in his direction? Could he possibly be the one she belonged with, and this was her way of finding him?
Was the answer she searched for truly that simple?  
“Whatcha thinking about, tiny?” he asked, unfolding his arms from around her and holding her hand as they began to walk up the deserted street. Tiny she was, compared to him. He was almost a foot taller than she.  
“Why I'm here, with you, night after night. What's the meaning behind it all?” she mused, looking up at him as they walked.
“I've been asking myself the same thing,” he revealed, squeezing her hand softly. “My brother had an interesting theory. He thinks that at some point, our paths are gonna cross in reality, and all of this is just a way of letting us see it's gonna happen.”
“Well, they kind of have, haven’t they? We’ve been messaging, and speak on the phone now, don't we? That’s us crossing paths, in a roundabout sort of way,” she commented.
He gave her a soft shove in the shoulder as they rounded the corner, walking onto the next empty street. “I think he meant something a little more significant, like us actually meeting one another.”
“Is that something you’d like, then? For us to actually meet?” She felt a little sick with nerves, waiting on his response, because she knew, she knew for herself that she very much wanted to meet him. Suddenly, though, she felt something begin to pull at her, grasping his arm tightly. “I want to stay asleep. I want to stay here.” She whispered, feeling Angel wrap his arm around her.  
“Maybe this'll help keep you here.” Leaning to her, he kissed her softly, Keri wrapping her arms around his neck. It did keep her there, but not for long, the dream beginning to spiral completely out of her control. When she opened her eyes again, she was surrounded by nothing but pitch-black darkness, straining her eyes as she spun around, trying to gather her bearings. Suddenly, a light came on, Keri turning to see Angel smiling at her.  
“Look at you, being my light in the dark,” she commented, smiling as he reached for her hands.  
He pulled her close, resting his forehead to hers. “Something tells me you’re gonna be my light in the dark, you know.” He kissed her head, smiling down at her. “And yeah, I do wanna meet you in real life. Might have to see what Utah is like at this time of year.” Her heart almost beat clean out of her chest, the happiness of the moment waking her, Keri blinking a few times into the darkness of her room.  
‘It would be fantastic, to actually meet you x’  
With that message sent, she closed her eyes and drifted off back into slumber. Not enough slumber for her liking either, up and awake four hours later, watching the sun come up with her bestie.
“Here, I made it extra strong.” Passing her the second cup from her Thermos, Frankie then handed over the foil wrapped breakfast she’d prepared too, halving an omelette and putting them between a bread roll each, Keri’s favourite of her creations.  
“Thanks, homeslice. I need it!” she replied, as they sat down on a fallen log to take a break. It had just turned 5.30am, and both still felt half asleep after their 4am start. Frankie had agreed to come out with her to add to her portfolio, not having enough nice sunrise pictures in there for her liking, since she was the very antithesis of a morning person. “Guess who called me last night?”
“Hmmmm.” She made a show of looking thoughtful, but of course, it wasn’t that hard to guess. “Big Latino dude with lots of tattoos and a huge motorcycle, per chance?” At seeing Keri's smile widen, she put her arm around her, thinking it very cute, how into him she seemed, now she’d settled into the idea a little more of what was happening between them in her sleep. It was nice, not to bear witness to her being so freaked out by it that she was crying and throwing up.  
“We talked for about two hours, and we found we have quite a bit in common. It was good, settling, made it all feel a little more normal when in truth, these mutual dreams we met through are anything but.”  
Frankie smiled widely through her mouthful of sandwich, chewing quickly so she could reply. “That’s cute!”
“Yeah, yeah he seems really nice. After the phone call, we mutual dreamed again, and he told me that he wants to actually meet me, he mentioned coming up here. So, I guess I have a new friend there, or whatever.”
“Or whatever,” she snorted in disbelief, rolling her eyes. “He’s into you.”  
Keri scoffed a little. “Doubtful! I mean god, look at the guy. He has a hoard of women all over his Insta, they’re always leaving him comments about how gorgeous he is, and he flirts back with them. Nah. What would a thirty-six-year-old with plenty of female attention want with a twenty-two-year-old student who lives over seven hundred miles away.”
Frankie stared at her with incredulity. “Oh, you sweet, summer child, Keri.”
“What?” she laughed softly. “I mean, he’s flirty with me, and I am with him too, but really? Me? When he has an abundance of women around him already?”  
“You never see yourself for how desirable you are, do you? Both in looks and personality.” She gave her an up and down look, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “If you weren’t like a sister to me, I’d hit it.”
She all but choked on her coffee. “Dude!”  
“Face it, beets. Angel not only desires you, but he wants to meet you because he likes you. Why would he be prepared to travel over seven hundred miles when, as you state, he has a hoard of women he could get his dick sucked by right on his doorstep, if there wasn’t something else special about you, hmm?”  
Keri shrugged softly. “I guess there’s validity in that, but...”
“But you always downplay yourself because you get all nervous with guys.” Again, valid.  
“I do, I know!” she wailed softly. “And he’s like, an actual, proper man! It’s scary!”
“Oh, don’t talk crap!” Frankie snorted. “I mean, I don’t speak from personal experience, but men aren’t that complicated, are they? If you have good game with the cock then it should be fine, and from what you’ve told me about that sex dream you had, it sounds like you have that already. Mans wants himself the real thing. Harness it, baby girl. Reel him in!”  
“I still feel nervy,” she spoke, Frankie knowing that of course, she would. Keri was quite shy around guys, and she always had been. It took her a while to settle into things whenever she met a new one.
“Well, you could get over the nerves. I mean, these dreams you have with him, think of them like a practice run to what I suspect will follow after you have actually met up?”
“I still feel embarrassed then, when we’ve been like that in sleep!” The look on her bestie’s face had her giggling, draining her coffee as she stood up, starting to tinker with her camera. “However, I guess I do hear what you’re saying there. He told me that it’s only a dream, so just go with it, but he’d back off if it made me feel uncomfortable.”
Frankie poured herself another coffee, smiling with surprise. “Even when asleep, he’s got respect for you in a moment that isn’t even happening outside of your combined imaginations. I like this dude. I guess if it does go well, he has a hell of a reward for his nocturnal patience, though. I mean, you are somewhat of a sex fiend when you get comfortable with a guy.”  
Her grin said it all, Keri having her in fits, especially with the rapid, suggestive double raise of her eyebrows. “I do like the D, this is true.”  
“From the gay standpoint, ewww, but you have at it, girly,” Frankie laughed. As they went about their early morning photographic endeavours, Keri began to think on her friend’s words, about liking the sound of Angel, acknowledging how much she did as well. As their dream lives began to all move very much in one direction, she found that liking doing nothing but escalate, too.
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
Did you see Kaia (🤮) talk about being a teen with older men going after and dating her (on her book club today). I’m no fan, but I hate that she had to grow up so quickly. It’s mad f*cked up she went traveling the world at what, 14 or 15, to model and her parents didn’t seem to go with her. She makes references about realizing older men weren’t a good idea when she was 16 or 17.
Like, I’m glad she finally gets this but she doesn’t see how young she is still. She was barely out of her teens when her and Austin met. I’m on the fence about them being PR- I keep changing my mind- but I’ve never liked their relationship either or. It feels random, age gap is too much, and their body language is genuinely so bizarre when they’re together. (Even the kissing photos look so awkward and stiff when you see the video footage of them.) If they were 30 and 40, whatever. But she couldn’t even legally drink. It makes me almost sad for her that one day she’ll look back and realize this wasn’t the course correcting she thinks it is.
I like Austin but PR or not I think dating someone so young is a BAD look. I’m not saying he’s a predator but maybe lacking some maturity or boundaries that men should have at that age (or self awareness?). Not hating on him but his dating life makes me side eye him more than I’d like, What are your thoughts? Even if it is PR, who thought this was a good idea behind the scenes? They couldn’t have found at least a 25 year old? And I’m sorry, but after Lily Rose Depp too…makes him look cheap going after all of the nepo babies. Thoughts?
I don't watch Kaia's bookclubs so i did not hear that she mentioned that, until you said so. And it makes sense to me. Like i even heard she was modelling at age 10. Modeling is a dangerous world and full of predators that like to pray on girls. And knowing that she was forced to be around older men and grow up too fast for her age is concerning.
So it's no surprise to me that she's been paired with guy's older than her. Austin though is the oldest she's been with, and that's correct she wasn't even legal to drink when they started dating. And I think because she feels like she grew up around the adults in her life that now at 21 she feels like she's matured. And she has not.
It's obvious she is still insecure in herself, which is a normal thing to go through in your 20s. But she is not paired well with Austin, who is a grown man and she is out of her depth with how to handle a man like Austin's caliber romantically.
She's unfortunately used to being some kind of pawn. I mean hell, do I even need to bring Presley into this to see how Rande and Cindy fucked that kid up mentally? That boy is like a walking cry for help. But anyway. Yes. Austin and K are not well suited at all. And while it does make me feel bad for her that she was forced to be around all these adults too quickly and adapt, she is not as mature as she thinks she is. She needs more life experience.
and in regards to Lily Rose, the two knew each other from Yoga Hosers and it seemed like Austin reveres her father strongly. I mean clearly i think the two had a hot fling but nothing more.
let's not forget either that all of this (lily rose and meeting K) happened while Austin was still coming out of his identity crisis from Elvis and learning to get back into himself and his own body again. i think he made some interesting choices but now that he seems more like himself, he's realizing the bad choices he's made. it happens and he's human.
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littlealeta · 9 months
The Sea Beast Review
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So I finally got to watch The Sea Beast. It was one of my most anticipated 2022 films. I’m honestly surprised it fell off the radar so fast. Unfortunately, I’m not too disappointed by the lack of attention. The film left so much to be desired that I’m not sure if I would recommend it.
It's the worst. As a whole, it’s just a more basic version of How to Train Your Dragon, but with no explanation as to what started the war between the creatures and the humans. It gets off on a slow start (definitely could’ve been cut 30 or 20 minutes). Third act was the worst part and just full of contrivances. Captain Crow and his mateys somehow find Maisie and Jacob and attacks Red. Maisie trips and almost dies for whatever reason. Captain Crow shamelessly tries to kill his own son for telling him the truth about the beasts. And the entire town just instantly believes Maisie after giving a speech about the innocence of the beast. Because Maisie is a God. She’s never wrong and always solves everything.
Personally, what I think they could’ve done to set it apart from HTTYD a bit is to make Maisie and Jacob both somewhat wrong. Maybe the creatures don’t actually harm people, but they do harm the environment, which caused the fight between them and humans. With Maisie being a Mary-Sue, it would’ve given her some actual flaws to work with as well as strengthening the dynamic between her and Jacob. Which brings me to….
They’re a mixed bag. I do like a few of them like Captain Crow and Jacob. However, I can’t help but feel that they could’ve been better in a better story. These two headstrong characters bounce off the more idealistic characters well, but they really don’t get much time to shine. Blue is adorable, even though the story never explains where he came from.
But then there’s Maisie. Whom, I thought was going to be this cool, spunky badass kid from the trailers, but I’m sorry. She’s actually kinda annoying. For some reason. She just gives off a lot of precocious vibes, the way this kid talks and uses mannerisms made me cringe, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was secretly some 20/21-year-old in a 8/9 year old body. Her voice actor portrayed her childishness well, but the way she uses snark, how she knows everything, seems to be the only one able to communicate with the beast, comes up with a lot of theories and philosophies too insightful for any under teen year old. She comes off as a kind of arrogant load kid, yet she’s somehow smarter than the adults. Precocious kids are one of my least favorite character types. If you’re going to have a kid act older than their age, either age them up or show us why they were able to grow up so fast.
Animation/Voice Acting
The animation may not really be Spiderverse levels of groundbreaking, but it did have a style that kinda set it apart from other animated films. The voice actors added some charm to their fairly bland characters and did well with what they were given.
If you’ve seen How to Train Your Dragon, you would’ve already seen a much better written version of The Sea Beast with better pacing and characters and a more complex story. If it was taking a bit of inspiration from HTTYD while changing up some things, it would’ve been okay. But no, it’s pretty much HTTYD, just more basic. And the child protagonist is just Hiccup if he was a Mary-Sue who stole the spotlight from every other character to the point where they never get their chance to shine.
The Sea Beast gets 5.6 bells out of 10.
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Ironic how both this and Wendell and Wild have well-regarded directors-screenwriters came out the same year, yet came up with such poorly written scripts. How the guy who did Zootopia, Moana, and Frozen couldn’t come up with anything else boggles my mind. I don’t know what he was trying to do here, but I hope he does better next time because I think some of his work is really quite good.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
Mirabel knew her friends were just trying to help in their own ways, she liked them for it. After the ceremony, everyone forgot about her, except for her parents and sisters.
But they also began to forget about her.
But.. one of her friends look like mama!
"Why do you keep looking at me like that, little one?" The masked woman asked, she looked a lot like her mama, but different clothes height.
She ran up to her and hugged her tight, startling the masked Julieta.
Hollow rose an eyebrow, yet made no move to push her away, and hugged her too.
"Oi! Will you assholes—" "Language." "—keep hugging? We got work to do!" A woman taller than Isabela and Dolores yelled, wearing cracked green glasses, and a ruana. She seemed to wore a black skull mask.
The third one, who only wore a lower jaw of a skull and bandages, tilted her head in confusion. "Why does she have a black eye? And why is she dirty?" She asked.
Hollow carried the five-year-old, "She was being bullied, she has cried for a minute, running to me." Instead of her mother was left unsaid.
"Awh~ the little one needs candy to cheer up! Wait here, I'll get cotton candy with your favorite colour!" A very tall pale woman with pink flowing hair and neon pink eyes yelled, running somewhere. She wore a white dress similar to a greek mythology goddess. Maybe because she loves mythologies?
A person stuttered near them, wearing a black lether clothing of sorts, with spikes on them. "Solaris wait! People won't notice you!" They chased after her.
She smiled. She really loves her friends!
But, why do other people act like they don't exist?
Why are they telling her to stop imagining them?
"Holly? Can you tell me a bedtime story?" An eight-year-old Mirabel asked, seeing her masked friend, who held a strange black rectangle that was glowing, a vision?
Hollow clicked her tongue, showing disinterest. She shrugged, "What type of story would you like to hear?" She asked.
"A romantic one! Maybe about someone who was from another universe and fell in love?" She innocently asked, waiting for her response.
Unnoticably, Hollow Julieta breathing and pulse stopped for two seconds, before going back to normal.
The adult nods, "Male lead, or female lead?"
"Female lead!" She child replied, earning a nod from the adult, whom was still moving her finger at the black vision tablet (phone.)
"Of course. Once upon a time, a woman suddenly woke up in tge body of a child—"
It was not until minutes later, Mirabel was asleep, while Hollow hugged her.
She ignored being called "mama."
Scrap was carrying a log, longer and larger than what Mirabel was carrying with both of her hands.
She laughed, "Kid, don't carry it like that! Carry it at the bottom of the log, not the middle!" The teenager said, Mirabel obeyed and did what she was told, surprised that it felt a bit lighter.
The teenager smiled and patted her head, "Once you turn big, you'll get to carry logs like this!" Scrap pointed at the three logs on her shoulder.
"It's okay if you're not as strong as Luisa, just make sure you're strong in anyway possible! Emotionally, physically, or anything."
The next few days the nine-year-old was carrying one more log, and was walking faster to her target.
Her friend won't mind if she carries more, right? She can still grow!
Observer groaned, "I don't fucking care if you're a kid, Mirabel. You need to stand up for your damn idiotic self!" She yelled at the eleven-year-old, who was sniffling.
"I-I know, but if I do that, they'll bother me more—" "Tell and adult you trust then." The teenager interrupted the preteen, who looked at her in shock.
"Tell Agústin, Julieta, Félix, or anyone. Just let them know you're being bullied! You don't have fast reflexes to punch dumbass!" She yelled annoyed that she had to scold herself.
All of a sudden, Mirabel hugged her friend. Observer instantly pushed her away. "Fuck no, you know I'll actually kill you for that."
Hours later, a fuming Pepa, Julieta, Agústin, and Félix were scolding the children who bullied her, and was angry at the children's parents.
In the distance, Observer grinned as she held Mirabel on her shoulders.
Maybe telling adults what's going on is the right thing!
"Also, don't tell Isabela."
"Oh uh– I told her I was being."
"Wonderful they won't be leaving with a slap mark, but literal major wounds with infections."
The thirteen-year-old stared at her six feet, eight inches tall friend.
Solaris stared back, unblinking.
"I won't teach you how to do magic." "Oh come on! Pretty please!" Mirabel asked—
"No, also didn't I already teach you how to see problems?" The pale woman asked, crossing her arms.
Mirabel pouted, earning a chuckle from the adult.
"Fine, but I'll only teach you basic stuff. Like avada kedav—" "DO NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE SOL!" Shadow Facade yelled, startling both girls.
Solaris held her chest dramatically. "Oh you wound me my love! How would you—" "Solaris shut up." "Understood." Solaris instantly coughed after replying.
Facade waved their furred hand. "We'll only be teaching you basic levitation, elements, and blasting spells." They shrugged.
They leaned in at Mirabel, "Just never say 'I cast fireball' infront of her." They pointed at Solaris. Mirabel tried to hide her snicker.
"Hey! Fireball is a great spell." "You almost killed the whole party when you did. You acted like a normal dungeon and dragon player, but real." "I CAN HIT MONSTERS IN ONE GO!"
Mirabel really liked her friends, they took care of her. Saying tips and tricks, even how to hide a body. Everyone else was angry at Hollow for saying it infront of a child.
She smiled.
Her friends love her, and she loves them back.
Many things happened after Mirabel went into Bruno's tower.
A dinner happened with the Guzman's, her meeting her tío Bruno. Hugging Isabela.
The house falling..
She looked up from the debris, seeing her five friends try their best to protect her.
Hollow stared ahead of her, eyes blank, her mask beginning to crack, as well as Observer and Scrap's.
"Mirabel!" Her mama yelled from afar, but she was too scared to move, seeing her five friends risk their lives for her. Seeing her family risk her lives for her.
Seeing her friends wounded, bleeding.
"Over here!" Scrap yelled, seeing that she almost had the same voice as Mirabel.
Observer slowly removed the wood at her head, still bleeding. Her hand trembling from the flashbacks.
They heard running, Solaris hoped that her invisibility and silencing spell was gone from their bodies.
"My arms hurt.." Solaris muttered out loud, still holding onto the large wall that was about to wall onto Mirabel. Solaris' wings can be seen, and her flowing hair became red as fire. Her arms can be seen wounded, the same can be said about her pure white wings, which were slowly turning blood red.
"MIRABEL!" Pepa yelled, yet still not seeing her.
Hollow's eye twitched, she was leaning onto the chunk of wall that was about to injure Mirabel.
She massaged her hands, eyes twitching in annoyance for a bit.
"It has been weeks since I have punched a wall.." she replied, Facade choking. "BITCH YOU PUNCHED A STRONG WALL AND YOU'RE NOT PHASED? JUST ANNOYED???" The punk human turned unicorn yelled.
"MIRABEL!" Agústin yelled, getting nearer, yet still can't find the.. The six were startled, making Scrap drop a sharp plank of wood on Hollow's mask, cracking it and splitting half of it to the ground.
"Ah! Hollow I'm so sorry!" "That was my only mask.." she muttered, looking at the left part of her mask.
"No point of hiding it then." Observer removed her hood and mask, same as Scrap.
Mirabel's eyes widened, making her drop the candle.
"T-two of me..? Mama!?" She shrieked, confused, and shocked. Tears formed in her eyes, Hollow chuckled, the bloop on her lips dropping.
She faked a grin, then pointed at herself. "Your friend cannot stand by and see you fall, so we helped you."
Weeks later, Julieta was helping Hollow Julieta, although Hollow tried to refuse eating her food, even when the magic was back.
"Hollow you need to heal your injuries—" "Negative. I appreciate my injuries, and it means I am strong."
Antonio can be seen holding onto Shadow Facade, who was racing a white clydsdale mare. "Gallop faster!" "I am! I'm fucking winning kid!"
Three of the Mirabels can be seen trying to help Bruno, Isabela, and Luisa to finally take a break.
"No— isa you're not going to town again" "Lulu you need breaks!" "BRUNO I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU GO BACK IN THE WALLS, NEW HOUSE, NEW OWNER OF WALLS AND THAT IS ME!"
Solaris stood in a corner, smoking a cigarette.
She shrugged. "Eh, looks like I'll have to do the next universe myself." She shook her arms, yellow shields appearing from it.
"Haven't been in a manhwa AU for a long time. I think I'll help the male lead this time."
Mirabel smiled.
'I knew you guys weren't imaginary.'
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bclletragedie · 7 months
LOCATION: the ptsd clinic + resource centre FOR: selena scott
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𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍 easy thing to ask for, especially for jace. it's far too easy for him to drown in the idea that he is a burden to anyone, even those who are employed in a place such as this. he is a problem, another patient to be seen, more time filled with him that could be spent with their families or friends. it was a distorted way of thinking, one that one might not have expected for someone of his intellect. but the term child protege means less and less as he finally grows into his body, the arms and legs that once felt so small compared to the rest of his classmates and the heart that was forced to age far before it ever truly had to. it is no longer impressive that he was forced into the real world while most kids were beginning to comprehend it, on top of what this dear world had prepared for him.
there was the fbi, the agency he had entered when he had been freshly cast into the world. an agent in his early twenties was unheard of. everything he had done from birth was unheard of -- and while for a time it had been incredibly nourishing for the ego, building him up, a part of him knew there would eventually come a time when he would finally fall. he had just never expected to fall so far. so fast.
he remembers the moments before everything went black, the first time, that is. it's a haze to him now, but he remembers the feeling of touch. the hand over his mouth, rendering him unable to scream. he has tried to forget the rest, but his subconscious has never completely let him. he remembers the sharp pain every single time he was battered, bruised. bars separate him from his abductor now -- and yet, jace remembers seeing him everywhere.
at least, he used to. until he began teaching.
it was a soft return to the only world he ever really knew, knowing that he needed to use his mind for some sort of good if he's ever going to feel some kind of fulfillment out of his existence. and yet, he is still plagued where everything went wrong. he is sending them, innocent young adults, into what he endured. and while he knows that not everyone is bound for a lifetime of pain to carry ( even though he wonders why he was -- if who he was in some kind of past life had made the decision through their actions before he ever could ), he looks up at their faces every lecture and can't seem to see a single soul who does.
he both knows and doesn't know why he finds himself first standing at the clinic's front door. his reasoning isn't for him, despite knowing it most certainly should be. maybe he wouldn't be here if he had listened to his mother's advice to continue seeing his therapist instead of falling off the face of the earth -- if feeling didn't even begin to describe the overwhelm he felt. what makes him breach the entrance at long last, however, is thought of lindsay. he should not have to care for a broken man, one so haunted by his past that it blurs what's directly in front of him. no matter how much jace knows he would try to convince him otherwise. he needs to be the best man he can, for him. for ellie.
" hello... uh... i hope i'm in the right place.. " his voice is quiet, timid as he finally sees another individual. she appears to work here, at least he sure hopes she does. the one who stands before her is a stark difference from the man who stood so tall everywhere else, demanded respect. this, no, this is the boy he never allowed himself to be. " i... i'm a bit new. new to.. this. "
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erigold13261 · 9 months
The eriverse au is just you and anons saying to children characters that go through way too much shit with "You are children. You deserve to act like children. So we will treat you like children."/gen (And I think it's beautiful)
Oh absolutely!
It sucks when children have to grow up too fast and not get a proper childhood. I love it when media actually treats children like children in a respectful way (not like belittling them or making a child out to be an annoying brat, like yes they can be like that but there has to be like a balance when you are making a child soldier or prodigy working child in a media).
It's why I was so happy when OG Kento straight up took responsibility as an adult for Itadori, making sure Itadori knows he might have limits and can call onto him for help if needed.
Yinu is also a good example of a balance, because she is bratty and can be annoying, but she is also acting like an adult (or what she thinks is an adult) at times because she was made to work at a young age (but her mother still loves and protects her as well like an adult should be doing).
I remember early in the NSR fandom people were treating Yinu like an adult in a kid's body, and Sayu as a literal toddler. To me, those headcanons were annoying (sorry if you have those headcanons, but I just really don't like those, especially the Sayu one). I like it when there is a balance to how the child character acts, but also when adults treat the child as their age.
Of course some adults tend to lean on children (like the Crystal Gems leaned on Steven) which can be a good plot device, but just kids being kids is something I like to see. Like Gwen and Miles should be able to act like teenagers but their situations (in both OG and Eriverse) force them to act more mature than they should have to act for their ages.
So just having the ability for these kids and teens to act their age (or even adults who were denied a childhood be allowed to heal their inner child) is something I love to explore.
Maybe it's because my sister had to grow up too fast and my childhood was an isolated and neglected shit show that I like exploring this topic a lot.
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rielzero · 2 years
tw: mention of pet death
This is the third time I’ve lost a guinea pig.. It’s kind of difficult for me mostly because she’s only been with me for a year. I got her early February last year when Mikki passed away in her sleep from aging.
Pucky always remained small- which is likely due genetics. Even as a full grown pig, she was able to appear smaller when puffing up. She was heavier than Charlie- and definetly a health weight. She was just smaller than the average adult guinea pig. Heck, Wibble would be bigger than Meep- and Meep is really chonky.
But where am I going with this? idk- she was to me, my forever-baby. All I can do to cope a bit is watch videos of baby guinea pigs. It’s like seeing Pucky’s reflection in each and every one of them. Pucky was my smol, and everytime I look at a small guinea pig I think of her. She was cuddly and loved attention.
Charlie and Meep are getting along fine, and I know they will be fine. Charlie is getting used to me rather fast and not opposed to pets. She’s not skittish, just shy.
It just feels like there’s a void, an emptiness without her. I see her in my dreams. Her coat patterns memorized tightly into my brain- and I am terrible at remembering stuff. She visits me at night. It’s some comfort that she’s there in my dreams. But there’s also a sadness.
Sometimes I dream about Mikki and Wibble. And while I’ve took some time to accept Wibble’s death- Mikki’s was easier to accept because she didn’t die in such a painful way. Mikki didn’t get sick. She was old, she got tired, dozed off and passed away. Meep didn’t know she was gone until I woke up and looked in the cage. I wonder if Meep understood what was going on..
Meep was with me when Pucky was in her last 30 minutes. It was very difficult for me. I think Meep was able to help me comfort her. She got really calm and crawled up into my arms as her body slowly gave out. She had gotten sick. And while the signs were difficult to spot until they got too bad- there are some things that make sense now I look back. Her personality changed when she got sick. She got really easily moody, and avoided the other guinea pig. Sitting alone, being a bit nippy. She wasn’t opposed to being taken out the cage and cuddling with me. She’d fall asleep in her favorite beanies, and eat some snacks from my hands.
The night before she stopped eating she was showing more obvious signs, but I just hoped she was tired.
It sucks- not knowing. It really sucks realizing that you’ve entered the last 12 hours with such a beloved friend. She was my friend- I view my guinea pigs as companions, as my kids. I’m a guy. I get really emotional over this,
my grandma died in january. Now Pucky died the same month I got her last year. I can’t really take much more right now.
I want to focus on things.. Distract myself. Get sleep, exercise- keep going. Play games, draw stuff. Work out the pain. It’s hard.
At times like these, I wish the world was a little friendlier on people who are disabled. Everything feels like I’m playing on hard mode. A voice in my head tells me to shut up and stop crying. Grow some balls. And here I am- just being myself. Thinking of how best to memorize the feeling of petting my beloved little friend who passed away only a few days ago. It’s almost been a week.
I remember her wheeks, I remember how she zoomed and popcorned. I remember her little face, her expressions, when she yawned. When she napped. When she licked my fingers after I gave her some pea flakes.
I love her so much. I miss her. I miss Mikki. I miss Wibble.
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My little Pucky. My smols- My Ukkepuk. The Puckster. Forever baby. Lil spunky- lil drake. Excited ball of floof. Everything under the sun- beautiful little potato made out of joy and love.
I wish you were still here.
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planetkiimchi · 2 years
no. 1 of my song collection
summary — two kids growing up together fell in love, and one of them, reminiscing, suddenly wonders if their remaining love is one-sided.
a/n: i listened to this song on repeat for a longg time and it was just so pretty and i love best friends to lovers so this was a combination of the two :]
i remember when we were five, we thought we were the coolest thing around. we paraded the house with our painted faces and temporary tattoos messily pressed onto our skin, clothes hanging on our itty-bitty bodies as we made chaos out of the silence of the house.
i remember our raucous laughter. it filled me up inside, felt like the warm milk my mother gave us to drink on a rainy day when we were told to stay inside. i used to hate it, i remember, and you always told me to “just drink it”, that it “wasn’t that bad” and i was just too fussy, and i’d remind you of the vegetables you left on your plate and we’d both go silent.
not for long, though.
i remember when we were six, the first day of primary school. it was such an alien place (and we’d left home so early, i hadn’t had time to meet you) and i was so lost, until we found each other and then it felt like it wasn’t that bad, wasn’t that lonely after all.
you made all the cool friends and i stuck to you like a magnet; you were always the extroverted one. i build slow friendships, the kind that lasted over a long period of time. i made quality friends like you.
i remember being seven, fiddling with crayons and colour pencils as we created art for a homework assignment. back when we drew our sun in the corner of our papers and drew sticks for people, stacked a triangle on top of a square and called it a house.
if you looked into our windows made from 1+1=, you could see the soul of our art, and eyes that sparkled like they'd never seen the world.
during that time, all there was to life was being messy and unapologetically loud, creativity spilling out of us the way our food often spilled at mealtimes.
i remember being eight and running down the school hallways in uncomfortable uniforms, shoes skidding on the slippery floor. the structured routine we had then appeals to me now, and the friends we had that we only ever spoke to in school.
i miss enjoying school, often anxious and nervous when we thought we might miss even a second of class.
and yet, our eager anticipation at the end of school, waiting for that glorious sound of the bell which would release us, the sound that led to freedom .
what a time that was.
i remember when we were nine, i think. you were on the field running, and i was screaming at you to slow down, because you ran so very fast and i couldn’t catch up. the teachers had told us not to run, that we’d be sweaty before our termly assessment, but of course we didn’t listen.
i remember regretting it all when i saw you fall down from a distance, panting as i caught up to you. your skinned knees were bleeding, not much, but enough to scare the both of us.
what had you skinned your knees on? i don't remember. perhaps it was the drain by the side of the football field, because surely there was no way to scrape your knees falling on faux grass.
we bawled our eyes out—i can’t remember who cried more, or longer, or harder—until an adult came over and told me to help you clean yourself up.
it was one of the scariest experiences in my childhood.
i remember when we were twelve, discovering how sexuality worked and i stumbled across a post online about “alterous attraction”. i’m still not sure if it was true, but i thought that maybe i felt something like that for you, wanted more than a platonic love.
it was hard to act on it, and i was so scared too.
i remember when we first decided to be "together". it was a foreign concept, difficult to establish, and we spent an entire night discussing it: who to tell? our parents? our other friends? how to let people know politely if they asked? would we announce it?
i remember while we were dating, it was a trying time, an awkward time. our patience seemed to be running thin; we grew sick of each other sometimes. too much time spend together, and we each needed our own space. we fought a lot during this time, and i wasn’t sure if i loved you any more.
i remember when we were fourteen, holding hands under the table when our families ate dinner together, you pushing the vegetables on your plate secretly to mine, and i sighed and rolled my eyes but ate it anyway.
we snuck into our rooms and locked the door that night, just to blast love songs and have karaoke sessions. no one batted an eye.
it was the most fun period of my life.
i remember being sixteen, and though the stress had been there all throughout our teenage years, it seemed to suddenly get exponentially worse when we were sixteen. i remember thinking, everyone calls it sweet sixteen, but this year seems more sour and tart than sugary sweet.
everyone was discovering themselves. friendships broke apart like ceramics, brittle but not weak. at the tipping point, everyone crumbled and relationships gave way. i was so afraid we would end up like that.
seventeen was our best year yet. i remember buying trendy clothes and gaudy accesories, which may have looked terrible on us, and going to concerts to scream our lungs out.
the elation of concerts fails to escape my memory. until now i can describe in vivid detail how it felt to be a part of a crowd, a huge group of people immersed in the music and the thrill of seeing someone we admired perform live in front of our very eyes.
the adrenaline rush was exhilarating. it made us breathless, and i remember us crying afterwards when it was all over, and how we could never quite experience it exactly that way again.
prom night was perhaps the most memorable. we dressed up neatly and smartly, did our hair and slicked it back. and for a moment only, we were truly dancing queens, only seventeen.
i remember being eighteen, not going to the bar to celebrate even though we were both old enough to drink, because we’d made a pact not to become alcoholics and to stay sober for as long as peer pressure would allow us to, and we’d heard tales of classmates having sex but we were both willing to abstain. “until marriage,” you used to say. “forever,” i’d joke.
but driving, we indulged in. fooling around in alleyways until we hit the main road, feeling victorious and elated. we didn't need to drink to be drunk, that giddy feeling of euphoria we had.
i remember missing out on parties, seeing instagram stories and posts of our friends clubbing with their hair down and loud music in the background. all this i spectated from afar, in teh comfort of the couch as i snuggled up against you while we watched silly movies.
do you remember?
do you remember, nineteen in the driver’s seat of my parents’ car. we didn’t crash, but when i scratched the car door it definitely felt like the whole world was crashing down upon me. you told me to finish parking, dragged me out and took me somewhere we could sit outside and drink warm milk as we searched the polluted sky for a glimpse of the stars.
i wonder if you remember, or maybe i simply hold you too dearly to my heart. maybe it all meant nothing to you, and i'm hanging on too tight to memories best let go of. perhaps i'm being overly sentimental and none of this meant anything in your course of life.
but if you do remember, i want you to know this: i have loved you since we were children. though that love has changed through time, the way we have, i would love to take you back to when we were nineteen and just live in the moment again.
0 notes
taeyamayang · 2 years
Hey hey hey! Sorry for the late reply but I FINALLY WROTE SOMETHING!! literally when you @‘d me the Ray Bradbury quote I was like “welp that’ll do it” and finished the kuroo Drabble. It’s def not my fav but it’s a start! After I wrote that I wrote a Yams story that was originally gonna be a part of a different series that I scrapped. But I really like the idea so I made it a one-shot. I really like it and am proud of it!! I just hope by the time you read this someone else besides me has read it 😅. I don’t Necessarily want it to blow up or anything but starting out as a fanfic writer is hard. How did you do it?
About the books thing growing up I lived with my grandparents and wasn’t really connected to the internet like kids my age were until like 8 (which is still v young but I grew up kinda fast so 8 was like 13 to me I guess) so I just read a lot cause we didn’t have much to do (and talking to people was hard- so books it was) besides watch the same old movies on VHS and play with Polly pockets. A lot of my toys were my aunts who was like a decade older than me as well. All of that was some of the reasons I identified a lot with the gen before me and I remember talking with my (other) aunt whose like nine years older and her friend reminiscing about when they were kids and I was like “ahh I remember those” and she’s like gIRL HOW U WERE LIKE TWO😭 fanfic has ruined actual books for me. Not saying fanfic is way better, and I still like to read actual books, but why get invested in all these new characters when you can read about the ones you already know and love? And plus it’s more convenient then actually carrying a book around.
OOH REMEMBER WHEN I TOLD YOU HOW I ALWAYS GET HIT WITH BALLS AND YOU WERE LIKE HEY THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD FANFIC IDEA? well that’s not exactly how it happened but guess what! I’m writting it! I have 630 words down so far so I know it’s at least gonna hit the 1000 mark at the rate I’m going. I’m so excited for you to read it!! Also I may take you up on the editing or what’s it called Beta reading? Where people read it over and give the ok to post? I was gonna do that with the Yams one shot but I was too excited! I will absolutely keep u in mind tho, thank you!!!
And for the thing about the schools and the pillows…I CANT BELIEVE I WAS RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK??? that is so wild to me omg. Also American tv is fucking weird when it comes to sex. Like when I was in high school only a few people had sex and it wasn’t a big deal? I mean I was very introverted and wasn’t popular so I might not be the best resource but still. Maybe it’s a newer thing not to care as much about sex with a more body positive gen or wherever but I don’t really think peer pressure or anything was a big deal. Honestly? Peer pressure in general barely exists anymore. Adults were always like “say no to peer pressure” when it was just one guy offering weed or whatever and a person saying nah and that was IT. I think there was more pressure in feeling left out if anything. The media is so weird portraying teens but we gotta remember- these are old people writting and producing these shows. They also get paid to make it dramatic and not realistic.
I hope everything worked out with your ex boyfriend/boyfriend! And I totally don’t think you are ranting and if you are, shot just call me a therapist LMAO. dating is so fucking messy. Everyone expects it to be certain kind of way and they get anxious when it’s not. People gotta learn that relationship differ for everyone and it’s ok to break up and move on when you feel like things aren’t working out! There doesn’t have to be hard feelings or anything either idk why society has to make breaking up so messy- I know it can be and things don’t always end well but they can end normally and you don’t need to feel bad about doing what’s best for both of y’all. Staying in a relationship that doesn’t feel right Is just bad for both parties. Then again, I’ve never really been in a relationship and I’m still a virgin because I’m demisexual and that strong connection is vital and I’m too fucking busy with my own shit to get that. But I think what I said still stands. Bruh I’ve been reading so much fanfic and while reading I’m like “wow this shit would never happen to me and my shy ass” bUT I STILL WANT A MEET CUTE!!! but I have to remember that I’m reading about anime men who are too good to be real LMAO. I have high standards ig. Finding a partner is gonna be fun. Also I know what you mean when you said being Intimate is hard because girls are taught to always say no to sex for multiple reasons. A. Religion and purity for being a female and slut shaming and B. R*pe and sexual assault. Like I listen to too many true crime stories! I know the statistics! And people just hook up with others??? Wtf??? Idk this might just be my demisexual ass but no thank youuuu
BRO I WISH I HAD SMALL FEET! THEY DONT MAKE CUTE SHOES FOR BIG ASS FEET LIKE MINEEEE. When I was a freshman I learned about how having small feet was attractive in china and how they would bind the feet of women to have small cute feet but I never heard of small feet being lucky. I did hear about big feet meaning big- uh I assume you know where I’m going with that.
I don’t read my journal that much cuz ig makes me wanna cry but I do read it when I feel particularly down. I still have contact with Kylie (I think I called her that- since i used fake names for them both) but we don’t talk much. Sadly I don’t have Daias number which makes me so sad cuz I miss her dearly.
Ok so the murder in my town was kinda on brand for it??? OK LEMME EXPLAIN. I live in an upper middle class town with good schools and such so a lot of wealthy families move here. Some areas of this town are more fancy than others (the farther away from downtown you are- i happen to live pretty close to downtown but ANYWAYS) even some big celebrities mentioned wanting to move here. my town has a pretty uppity spoiled reputation because of that. Like most of the crimes around here are from spoiled brats that get bored and do drugs or rob people. The culprit of this case was spoiled by his mother in every degree as a child and refused to be independent and when his mom cut him off he killed both of his parents and his one sister and her husband (bc the sister kept telling him and Their mom that he needs to get a life.) the sister and her husband live in the town over so technically it didn’t just happen in the town i live in (but!!! My old residental school was IN THAT TOWN! not the same area since they lived in the nice mansion part but still.) I also got lunch with my old teacher (the one with the books) and told her about the case and she original thought I was talking aBOUT A DIFFERENT MURDER! THAT HAPPENED EVEN CLOSER TO ME IN MY TOWN. she’s like “oh is it the case where the lady drowned her kids in the bathtub?” LIKE IM SORRY- WHAT??? she like “oh yeah it happened a lil while ago tho. The college bought the house and now they use it for administration or something since no one wanted to move there.” THIS IS THE SAME COLLEGE RIGHT DOWNTOWN!!! I PROBABLY WALKED PAST IT BEFORE WHEN I GOT LOST GETTING CUPCAKES. ok quick side note- my high school was downtown and we had free lunch where we can go off campus for food and I decided I wanted a cupcake from this cupcake place not that far from the school. Since I didn’t wanna be late I pulled up my old friend google maps to take me back the quickest way- THAT WAS A BAD IDEA!!!!! I ended up wayyyyy out of downtown and into this weird residental housing street soooo far away. I ended up calling my mom like “moooommmm…. I think I’m lost.” And she was like ???? “Aren’t u at school???” THEN I HAD TO SEND MY ADRESS AND SHE PICKED ME UP. I WAS SITTING ON THE SIDEWALK ALL ALONE AND SAD. I WAS LIKE 16!!! my mom wasn’t even mad LMAO. She just sighed and told me to get in. It was a good cupcake tho. ANYWAY BACK TO MURDER- apparently one of her students parents got murdered too or something like a decade ago… LET ME JUST RESTATE THAT I LIVE IN THE MOST PICKET FENCE UPPITY TOWN EVER. I know what I’m saying makes it look all shady but the town i live in is one of the safest towns in the country- let alone my state. It just goes to show a lot of shady things happen when you aren’t looking for them. A quick google search goes a looooong way if you know what I mean- hopefully that doesn’t scare you if it did I’m so sorryyyy lol.
I’ve heard a lot about some famous cases from Japan, like the one about the little girl that killed her classmate (THAT SOUNDS SO BAD OUT OF CONTEXT WTF) or the Kyoto Anime massacre and the Junko Furuta case. The last two are very interesting to me in different ways. The first because I’ve never heard of anything like that happening before and the outcome is very unique? If that is the right word and just different from other arson cases when it comes to the motive and even the aftermath is different, like the perpetrator being the first person to receive a full body artificial skin graft. And because Kyoto Animations is a very big anime company which produced movies and shows that I- a person so far away- has watched before. And the Junko Furuta case was one of the few cases that ever made me cry and stuck with me for a while (that makes me seem so cold blooded I just don’t cry often because when I do EVERYTHING comes out) - but it was some of the most gruesome shit I have ever heard. I feel like the way I’m mentioning them is kinda disrespectful but I don’t want to go into detail about them because A. It’s really depressing for a tumblr ask and B. I wouldn’t do the stories justice. You also probably know about them anyway since you also like true crime and live closer geographically but if not I heard both of these cases from the YouTuber I mentioned a few times before Elenor Neale. Junkos case is kind of similar to one that happened here about a girl named Sylvia Likens, just in terms of sheer brutality.
OK THATS ENOUGH MURDER! but I wish I lived closer to Japan, since my mom told me she’d take me there after I graduated at some point- but she needs to get on a smaller plane first since she’s never been on one and the first one she’s going on will not be the 14 hour flight to Japan. So now I’m kinda just waiting and saving up lol.
I believe you did tell me about hearing voices in your house! Very spooky indeed. One time in a different house, a doll appeared on my bed out of nowhere (apparently it was my aunts who gave me to Polly pockets so that part wasn’t that weird) but the doll had a gold necklace with a smiley face pendant with a big round nose. Everyone says they never seen it before and honestly? I believe them. I have no idea where it came from and I held it close to me (bc spooky things are cool) until my little sister got jealous and broke it smh.
OOOH IM SO EXCITED ABOUT YOUR STICKER BUSINESS!!! IT SOUNDS SO COOL! I don’t play Genshin myself but my best friend does so I know some things about it. Her fav character is childe so I know zhongli and how he’s a god of some sort that childe buys everything for. I know there is a best friend duo and one of them hunts ghosts (bc my bestie said they remind her of us) and i know that childe calls everyone comrade and he’s a fatui harbringer with a little brother who thinks he is a toy maker. Oh and pimon (I think is her name) is annoying and Klee is cute and makes bombs. Oh there’s also Ito who’s like an Oni that’s a himbo and Thoma (I like him a lot. He’s cute) with the lil doggo! Your Zhongli sticker is so cute!!!
I’m also glad you take time to chat with me!! It makes me so happy whenever I get these messages. I hope you like my writting! By the time you get this my bokuto fic should be out!!!
And here! Take some cat pics as a treat!
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i'm back with a communicable brain. dude, would you believe that i am building a sleigh.. a freaking life sized santa sleigh for christmas?? it's for community competition and i was tasked to build a sleigh and 9 reindeers. ugh, it's fun but very tiring i might be able to show you the sleigh the next time i write to you.
i read feline antics and kuroo in your fic is canon!! omg lol and when you mentioned about yams fic i was like "wait...why is the fic not on my dash (considering that i have few mutuals/following)." then it turns out I DIDN'T FOLLOW YOU?? WHAT THE HECK i swear i thought i did last time i read feline antics but my pea brain forgot or thought i did (i'm very forgetful if you hadn't catch on yet. might as well name myself dori ffs) anyway, so i followed you and saw your yams fic and holy shit??? 6k?? DUDE 6K?? woah, i am so so proud of you because i remember you mentioned to me before that you couldn't write anything/one shots because you always tend to drop them off or left them unfinishes bUT 6K?? DAAAMN. i really like the way you portrayed yamaguchi's anxiety because it's raw, heartfelt in a way that i could feel his worries through your writing. i'm sorry if this entire paragraph is a commentary about your recent works gsmsbsns lol and about beta reading... ARE YOU SURE?? ME?? WHAT AM I?? kidding but i'm always down maybe we can talk over it on discord if you have one (i rarely open my dms here bc opening dms means opening notifications and if im not in the right mood to check notifs i tend to forget to reply to comments, ask games, etc. aghh you know that gsnsbs)
how i started out as a fic writer is not actually a plan lmao after watching haikyuu i reopened my dying tumblr blog bc i know that great artists thrive here so i wanted to check out artworks of haikyuu. then, i saw that a number of blogs writes for haikyuu and i was like "wow fics are still a thing here on tumblr, huh." then i tried writing my own and took my tendency to daydream about my fixations to my advantage. i love thinking about how these set of characters react to a situation (this prolly the reason why i took up psychology as a major lol i love observing people and their personality and behavior) then out of whim i posted. not really thinking of numbers or feedbacks, i posted bc i know that only a few people will get to see it so there are less judgments on me since i'm a beginner writer on this platform. then, as i kept posting more and more people came to my blog. and although now, i still am not a huge blog, it's always good to keep a mindset that you're writing for yourself (tho numbers are rewarding, we get that) and that the people who read your works doesn't know you. you can't be judged based on your writing bc that's just one side of who you are and it also comforts me to think that there people who genuinely enjoy my work. i'll be lying if i say that there are no times where my priorities lean towards writing for my audience. i did at one point but ended on a writer's block lol. if you keep it that way you'll end up burntout (this happened to me too before heh). so, in short, i started writing just because i can and i didn't really thought about the negative things people will think of me, i just did bc i enjoyed it. also, i think consistency plays a huge role in thisㅡnot only to keep people engaged but also to keep writing as a habit. if you make it a habit, your writing gets better and better. that's just based on my experience lol. alsooo tho one year of writing here is still a short-time, i have never encountered anyone calling me a shitty writer and to stop writing because my words are useless and childish LOL what i'm trying to say is worries about people judging you and your work doesn't happen often and if that ever happens, they're the problem, never yours. so yeah i keep that in mind too. AND if that ever happens to you, i'll be on the frontline defending you. leave the roasting to me lol.
about the tv shows and sex (i feel like i have to at least give a topic beforeni start a paragraph bc i reply SO LATE that i feel like you might have forgotten what we were talking about) i agree! it's more of the pressure of being left out. one is pressured to hangout after school because of the fear of not being included in a group. tho i was peer pressure to kiss someone in class for fun but i was like "uhm, nope!" so i made a petty (i think wise *wink*) excuse of going to the comfort room first before doing it but what i did was i went straight home without telling anyone. i am not doing that for their entertainment lol 💀and that's cool kids for you 💀
OH! ex boyfriend... uh.. it's a girlfriend 🤣 everything worked well so thanks! we broke up lmaooooo welp it's for the best. im onto finding a better match i guess lol bruuhh i get the strong connection but besides that i also want someone to balance me out. i'm literally just a speck of dust sometimes, you know floating and minding my own business aka my fixations and hobbies in life. kudos to you tho! you give spot on advice. i mean having zero experience is okay when you give out relationship advices bc to me i think that's a fresh perspective.
yeah, small feet are lucky. small faces are pretty. button noses are pretty. small curvy lips are pretty. everything has to be small to be lucky or pretty but eyes... IT HAS TO HUGE AND DOE-LIKE i swear to fucking god the beauty standard here is ridiculous tho people my age dont usuallu give a fuck about it lol but the older generations OH THEY DO but that doesnt matter we were taught to respect elders and their opinions (as part of our culture) but that doesn't mean we will up to their unrealistic expectations. oh just to mention to you! when i was a kid i was pretty active. i play outside a lot and i love ride my bicycle and do races with my friends. one time my aunt (my father's sister) warned me of not "playing too much" bc my calves will develop man like muscles and it's not a good for a girl to have calf muscles because if i wear a dress and heeled shoes it will show. i was i think 8 or 9 and i was like... sOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT so i went to my mom and told her about it and she was like "what?! she told you that?! that's an exaggeration! just keep cycling or running, don't mind her." (my mom doesnt really care about physical looks whereas my aunts-dad side CARE A LOT) they don't even like women wearing clothes that are too revealing so what i did was i wore a tube on a relative's birthday party. they cant call me out bc they know my dad doesnt care (he even buys me cropped tops) and my mom too. anyway, so yes small ankles and calves are a thing too. IT'S RIDICULOUS I SWEAR.
oh god the murders in your town?? THAT SOUNDS LIKE FROM AMERICAN HORROR STORY OR SMTH. is it not weird that the college bought where the murder took place? like if i were to study there i'll be thinking about it a lot... actually... that sounds a bit like my uni... not exactly my uni but the place where my uni sits. so my country was under a colony before (war times and all that) and the city where my uni is the main city where the locals and foreigners interacted during 1800s and since the woke locals are against the colonization, a lot of them were shot, killed, and thrown to the nearby river. and if you take a few strides from my uni there's like an underground tunnel recently discovered that turned into a tourist spot. it's downright creepy because the way down to the tunnel and the tunnel itself is sketchy tight, the way/tunnel leads to a huge boxed underground like a deadend. my friends and i went afterclass and when we reached the dead end we looked up and see like a railing(?) idk how to describe it but other tourists were shock that people are piling underground and they can see us. apparently, that hole used to be a prison for locals who fought for our freedom (and other criminals too) they were kept and stuck undergound, left them there to die (die of starvation and stuff). it was creepy bc i was literally standing where almost hundreds of people died and i didn't know. we only knew of it when we reached the dead end. as it turns out, there are many other tunnels with the same structure near the place. sooo yeah.
omg speaking of the two japanese murders you mentioned i dont know about them so ill check it out!! and about your cupcake incident OMG THATS SO CUTE WTH IM SORRY FOR LAUGHIN but i just think its adorable that you ended up lost for a good cupcake. cant blame you tho i loveee a good cupcake. where you able to get back in class without an earful?
ahhhh i live near japan but i can't fly there yet bc of school (but since i graduated who knows heh). you know how crazy asian schools are? yes, they're crazy. so my family and i barely have time to travel outside of the country without taking a week off from school. we traveled once before to two countries it was hongkong and vietnam but i had to file a one week leave (it was tedious with all the papers i have to submit and all that ugh) and thank god that one week is just school festival week so i didnt miss anything besides the fun. that was in elementary but came middle school and high school.. heckkk after class study sessions is real like the one in anime especially if you're a senior. i remember my mom's friend being a math teacher so every summer i go to their place to train my skills in math and i'm begging my mom not to drop me off to their place 💀 imagine spending summer solving math problems HA! still, i'm never the best in math lol
thanks for the wishes i hope to launch my sticker shop soon apparently i hae forgotten my skills on photoshop HA HA HA and i'm trying to recall my lessons on it BUT FUCKKK anyway you a lot for someone who doesnt play genshin if you ever plan on playing it soon let me know!! i would love to know (its funny how you mentioned almost all daddies of genshin bc saaaame ughh childe supreme sugardaddy and a meme)
here are some haikyuu stickers i made recently it isnt final yet butttt here have a look!
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WHY ARE YOUR CATS SO PHOTOGENIC?? THEYRE ALL SO BEAUTIFUL AND SOOO CALMING TO LOOK AT!! THATS UNFAIR bc momo knows when a cam is pointed at her and she just runs away. and the huge pikachu too!! I WANT THAT AAAHHH
here have momo sitting on the sleigh im working on hehe
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sorry for the long wait but i lovee writing to you whenever i receive a message from you i get all excited! you're a good communicator and thanks for waiting for my replies since i take eons to do so. i hope you keep writing!! i'll always be here to support a friend and a fellow writer. cheers!
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sukirichi · 4 years
— out of reach | gojo x reader
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request: Girllllll I just read your jealous gojo fic and my heart went 📈📈📈📈💥💥💥 youre now one of my fav writers 🙏🧎‍♀️And the spicy parts 😫😫😫 💖 If your asks are still open, could I please request a fic where GOJO has a size kink 🥺🥺🥺 my 5’1 ass is obsessed with that shizzzz 
pov: you’re gojo’s childhood friend and roommate – which leads to utter chaos – or perhaps utter bliss?
warnings: size kink, lots of teasing, lots of cursing, dirty talk, choking (probably not in the way you think), body worship, lots of size difference scenes, slight manhandling, overstimulation, thigh fucking, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don’t do this irl guys) + unedited fic :D
notes: idk what happened here LMAOOO but i loved writing this one because i’m short as hell too lol. thanks for this request anon, i hope you like it! <3
word count: 10.5k
masterlist ! 
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If you’re going to be honest, having Gojo as a roommate is something completely unexpected.
Not only are you two from entirely different worlds – him as a jujutsu sorcerer and you as an average human who can’t see curses – but he’s also just someone who is entirely out of your league. He’s respected and looked up to in his field of work, while half of your co-workers don’t even know your name, much less notice you in function parties where you mostly just nibble on sushi before calling it a day and turning back home.
You and Gojo met in elementary school. You could tell from the way he’s surrounded by servants and stern looking adults, firm hands on his small shoulders, that he was different from everyone else.
Apparently, he comes from one of the three big clans in the jujutsu world or whatever. You honestly don’t care about any of that, because Gojo refuses to act maturely about his role in the clan. You still remember how quiet he was on the first day of school, never smiling and keeping to himself despite your persuasion to eat lunch with him or play with him after school in the courtyard.
You miss that Gojo Satoru – the quiet, serious kid who was far too gentle in his actions yet firm in his words and beliefs. When you were still a little girl, you admired how he seemed older than his age, a wistful look in those azure blue eyes of his that you’ve always loved.
To you, Gojo Satoru was your hero. You’ve always been one of the shortest kids in class, and it didn’t help that you really loved pigtails all the way until middle school that made you an easy target from immature people who’s being hit way too fast by puberty and growing each passing day. You never minded your short stature because really, it’s just height, but you couldn’t ignore how your confidence dwindled each day when they called you several array of nicknames.
Too shy to fight back, you’d laugh it off or force a smile.
Gojo wasn’t having any of it. He’d break his silence and immediately pull you to his side (which only made things worse because Gojo was one of the tallest kids in class, further emphasizing how small you are right next to him) before threatening to smack the kids right in the face.
The threat should be enough to land him detention, but because he’s Gojo Satoru, the golden kid everyone loved, they took his word seriously.
At the age of eleven, you started seeing your best friend as your knight in shining armour. Gojo basked in this, growing protective and always glaring at whoever snickered when you walked past them. Sometimes he even bared his teeth to hiss at them, which was honestly so ridiculous now that you think about, though the message – the threat – always came across loud and clear.
So yeah, you love Gojo, you still do.
Years flew by and the two of you grew apart due to work and also as a part of growing up. You still kept in contact, messaging each other once a month to ask the other how they’re doing. His work kept him extremely busy though, and Gojo didn’t want you involved in the dangers of what he’s doing, so he makes sure to keep a safe distance.
Until six months ago, you hear a banging on your door. You’re just about ready to throw hands because your former roommate moved out to live with her stoner boyfriend, leaving you to shoulder all the bills and responsibilities of maintaining a two man apartment.
A sneer forms on your lips as you swing the door open, a scowl already on your face. You assumed it was your roommate who returned to get the pair of lace panties they left in their room, but instead, your childhood friend stands before you, taller (seriously, how has he not stopped growing?) and definitely a lot hotter than the last time you saw him.
One thing leads to another, and now it feels like there was never such distance between the two of you with how easily you both fell back into a comfortable – yet chaotic – rhythm and routine of being each other’s roommate.
Not that you mind, of course. Gojo’s definitely changed a lot from when you were kids. He’s no longer that stiff or sensitive when it comes to others. In fact, it seems like he loosens up a lot more with age, because you can barely recognize the man living under the same roof with you now.
For one thing, Gojo is loud. Like really talkative, won’t shut the fuck up and speaks like he’s in a screaming contest with someone. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking an important phone call or sleepwalking at three in the morning to pee, Gojo is always creating some sort of ruckus.
You’d never admit it out loud, but you loved it. You love him.
He’s definitely a lot more enthusiastic and fun to be with now that both of you have grown up, or in Gojo’s case, simply aged. His maturity reversed backwards because it feels like you’re taking care of a little kid.
Not only does his body clock is practically non-existent, he’s also horrible when it comes to taking care of himself and being punctual with work.
Fortunately for him, you love him, and you both leave for work at the same time. You always wake up earlier to prepare breakfast so you’d both have energy to start the day – although you highly doubt there’s really anything that depletes his endless source of one.
Sleepily walking through the kitchen with your fist rubbing at your eyes, you rummage through the refrigerator for some eggs when you realize there’s none.
Huh, you think to yourself, scratching your scalp. You’re sure that Gojo went grocery shopping last week since it’s his chore to do the outside stuff like buying groceries and throwing thrash, so where did it go?
You open shelf by shelf, checking each corner and shoving cans aside to look for the tray. With a glare, you stand on your tiptoes to pull the pantry open, only to have your mouth fall aghast because it’s all there – right at the back where you can’t reach it!
Fucking Satoru, you grit your teeth while heaving your body up onto the counter. It’s a struggle because not only are your muscles still half asleep, but because the shelf is right in your face, and if you’re not careful enough, you could hit it right with your face and fall over. Of fucking course you know Satoru did this to make fun of you – and now you retract your statement over your best friend.
It’s all a lie.
He’s a pain in the ass. Why do you even bother cooking for him and letting him live literally just a room away when you know he won’t stop pulling shit like this?
Because, the nagging voice in your head tries to mock, he’s your best friend and you can’t really say no to him. This makes you huff as you carefully pull the tray towards you, hooking two fingers at the edge while your other palm grips at the end of the counter for support. No thanks to your short limbs, you’re practically hogging the shelf by now in an attempt to reach it. You look ridiculous, that’s for sure, and you make a mental note to keep Satoru’s windows open tonight so he freezes to death –
“Aw, cupcake,” a sing-song voice emerges from the other side of the room. “You look so adorable. You should’ve woke me up if you need my help.”
“Fuck off, Satoru,” you flip him off. The man only laughs, the rambunctious sound echoing off the walls. It’s way too early in the morning and he’s already so damn loud; something builds up at the back of your head out of frustration already. His grin only gets wider when you finally got the eggs and clutch it your chest, setting it down on the counter while wiping your sweat away from your face. “Freeloader,” you mutter under your breath, ignoring him when he happily skips over to you.
“Ouch,” he places a palm over his chest, although you both know he’s never really affected by anything. “So what’s for breakfast today? You?”
“You know, I can kick you out anytime I want. I’m being extremely nice even going as far to cook you breakfast before you leave for work, so don’t test my patience.”
“Exactly, my best friend is so kind,” Satoru grows the audacity to rest his arm on your head. This triggers a reflexive response from you; shoulders tensing up and hands curling into fists beside you. “I would totally date her if she wasn’t such a temperamental little devil,” you nearly stab him with a fork with his statement, which he thinks he’s being so sly for but you heard it, and you’re most definitely not pleased with it. “Okay, I’m kidding! I’m going to go shower now!”
You roll your eyes at him and heat the pan over with some oil, muttering under your breath that you’re really going to kick him out soon. As if things couldn’t get worse – as if Satoru couldn’t get any worse – he smacks your backside in the process before darting to the showers.
“Gojo Satoru!”
“Morning, best friend, love ya!”
You were right. He is a pain in the ass.
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“You don’t always have to walk me to work.”
“I know.”
“So why’re you still here? I’m not a little kid anymore,” Contrary to your words, you stick closer to Satoru when the morning rush of workers and students begin to crowd the streets. Your best friend notices this with a small smile, his hand resting on the small of your back. “Don’t even try, Satoru.”
“I wasn’t saying anything.”
“I know that look on your face,” you fiddle with the buttons of your uniform, sighing when Satoru follows you inside the bus after tapping your phone for two seats. It’s not a surprise to you anymore that most of your expenses are spent by him, for him, and he lazily sprawls his long limbs across the seat before you pulling you down right next to him.
As much as you hate this man, especially because he smirks at the attention he’s receiving from women – even men – in the bus, you have to admit he’s warm and smells damn good. You bite the inside of your cheeks, looking around in slight self-consciousness before inching a little closer, just to feel his warmth. He’s comforting – irrationally so – so you set your bag between the both of you to keep your sanity. “If you keep doing this, Principal Yaga might fire your ass because you’re never on time.”
“Trust me, cupcake, he won’t. I’m too valuable for that.”
How you saw that coming – you can’t tell anymore. The bus ride is relatively quiet and eventless, with you dozing off every now and then because you’re never a morning person. Thankfully, Satoru is more respectful this time around, lolling your head until it drops to his shoulder. After that, he snakes his arm around your waist before resting it on your thigh as a way to say you don’t have to head bang every damn second and just sleep.
On any other occasion, you would’ve hated it. You always look so small whenever you’re in Satoru’s presence. It doesn’t help that he’s long and lanky, either, his slender fingers effortlessly caressing your thigh while almost your entire body is flushed next to him. But right now, he’s too warm, too soft, and you’re too tired that for just a little bit, you allow yourself to relax.
A beeping wakes you up a moment later. Opening your eyes, you push yourself off Satoru when you see an old lady reaching for the handles. No one gave up their seats for her even as the bus driver asked her to find a seat lest she’d fall.
“Grandma, here, take my seat—” You’re about to stand up and offer it to her when Satoru tugs you by the wrist. Because of your small, wobbly composure, pulling you to him takes little to no effort. You end up on his lap, sitting on him as if you’re nothing but a small, dainty schoolbag. Satoru is clearly enjoying this because you feel him breathily laugh on the back of your neck, charming – annoyingly so – as he gestures to the now empty spot beside him.
“It’s no worries, Grandma. She’ll be fine,” he gestures to you, patting your head like you’re some puppy. “Please, take a seat. The bus is already moving.”
“Satoru, get off me,” You wriggle yourself from his hold, which only ends up in wasted effort because this big oaf doesn’t even budge. He even bounces you on one of his thighs, and you dig your nails into his arms as a silent plead for him to stop. He ignores this, ignores your small whines and the apparent embarrassment that has you debating whether to punch him or hide yourself in the safety of his uniform.
“She’s a feisty little one, isn’t she?”
The old lady watches the two of you banter, giggling behind her wrinkled hands. “You’re an adorable couple.”
“I think so too!”
“You’re so going to pay for this, Satoru,” you grumble, face planted onto your palms. This is it – the worst day of your life. It’s even worse because despite your protests, you have to admit his lap is actually comfortable. You’ve already known this before after countless times of cuddling with Satoru during movie nights, but its different when you’re both out in public. It feels...oddly intimate and maybe even romantic when he rubs soothing circles at your back, almost as if apologizing for this event. Most of all, you just hate the way something pools beneath your stomach at having him so close to you like this. “This is so embarrassing. I’m practically crushing you with my weight.”
“Please, cupcake, you barely weigh anything. I could easily lift you off with just my finger,” when you elbow him in the chest, Satoru only laughs, raising both hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’ll stop teasing.”
You give up. No one seems to be paying much attention to any of you anyway, so you sigh, letting yourself hide in the crook of his neck as you watch the city pass through the windows. Your body moves as his chest rises and falls from his breathing, the movement oddly comforting. It’s embarrassing – it really is – but at least the grandma was comfortable until Satoru drops you off near your building.
“You don’t have to walk me all the way there.”
“Why not? You don’t want people to see us together or something?”
“No,” you stare at him from the corner of your eye. It’s no secret Satoru is attractive. This bastard knows it too, judging from the way he confidently and arrogantly swaggers next to you, hands shoved deep in his pockets as he walked with no care in the world. “My co-workers keep asking me for your number every time I tell them we’re not dating. It’s getting annoying at this point how they go Satoru this and Satoru that.”
“Am I hearing it right? Is cupcake jealous?”
“I’m not jealous, I’m disgusted,” you correct, “They don’t know how much of a pain you are to have around. They’re so focused with your looks that they completely overlook the fact you can’t even wash your dirty underwear!”
Satoru frowns at this, pointing his finger to you as if you’ve accused him of a huge crime. “Hey, I wash my underwear.”
“Yeah and last time you did, you mixed it with whites! My work uniform turned a stupid shade of blue! Now I can’t picture the colour of your boxers out of my head and it’s giving me a headache!”
“Wow, Y/N,” the smirk on his face and the sudden drop of nicknames lets you know you’ve said something wrong. Even behind his blindfold, you could tell his eyes are just sparkling with amusement. He’s enjoying this way too much. “I never thought you’d ever picture my boxers. I mean, I don’t mind showing it to you if you ask nicely—”
“Ugh, you’re so hopeless. I’m going to work.”
Gojo laughs when you jog away from him. He catches up with you in a matter of seconds, only having to take a few steps forward before he’s right beside you again. You’re unsure if you should be annoyed it’s so easy for him to always be right next to you, and how he almost always is right next to you while you prefer running away. It muddles with your heart and mind so much you pinch the bridge of your nose, trying not to be swayed by the sickeningly sweet sound of his laughter. “I can’t pick you up later, okay? I might work overtime!” (that’s a lie since Gojo prefers shopping and sightseeing)
Both of you know that’s a lie. Gojo never works overtime. He’s going to work for a few hours and so and call playing around with his students as “on-hand learning” before he goes shopping for stupid souvenirs and wild-flavoured mochis, then end his day by sightseeing and coming back home.
“Wasn’t expecting you to,” you mumble, waving goodbye to him as the office doors close. Slowly, Satoru’s grin and enthusiastic farewell fades into view until nothing but the pale, silver walls of your office greets you.
Funny how you claim to hate this man so much, yet the moment he’s out of sight, everything becomes dull and pointless.
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It’s an absolutely shitty day. Your equally shitty boss blames you for something you didn’t even do, all because his incompetent secretary – who you’re sure he’s sleeping with – lost this month’s report and claimed she handed it to you last week when you’re not involved in that kind of work. Logic doesn’t come by them because your boss publicly humiliates and scolds you, calling you all kinds of names until tears are streaming down your face.
You slam the door shut the moment you get home, kicking your shoes off as you head straight to your room. You don’t bother taking your makeup off anymore as you change into a loose shirt and floral cotton shirts, padding to the kitchen after seeing Satoru is well nestled into the couch.
At least someone’s had a good day.
Seeing as the sink is empty, he probably hasn’t eaten dinner. This makes you sigh, because when will he ever learn to look after himself? He’s literally like a child.
Satoru pauses whatever he’s watching before he hovers over you, head tilted to the side as he gazes at you with curiosity. You ignore him and begin to set down some bowls and chopsticks for dinner, all the while Satoru is studying every inch of your tightly pulled face. “Bad day?” he concludes.
“Bad day it is then,” he nods to himself. “I can cook dinner, if you want.”
“And have you burn my apartment? No thanks,” you scoff, pushing him aside to retrieve the pans when you see that he’s placed them above again, even after you’ve reminded countless times to just leave it near the holders in the sink. “Ugh, why do you keep putting the pans in this shelf? You know I can’t reach this. I’ve had enough with you pulling pranks on me, and don’t think I’ve forgotten you placed my shampoo above the shower head today, you idiot,” you snarl and hop over the counter again to get the pans, trying your best to fight back the tears that are threatening to fall. “You’re really bothersome, you know that?”
“Then why don’t you kick me out?” he challenges, completely oblivious to how you’re struggling – both physically and emotionally. “You always complain about me being a nuisance here, but you’re not really doing anything to keep me out.”
“Because where else would you go?”
“Technically, I have a room back at the Institute.”
“Yeah, but because you’re so stupid and reckless that you got kicked out of your own home,” you spat out, and you watch as Satoru raises a brow at your statement. Banter is common between the both of you, but something about the intensity of your gaze lets him know you’re serious this time around. “I don’t even know how Yuuji puts up with you. That poor Megumi is right when he says you’re insufferable. You’re good for nothing!”
Satoru scoffs, “Fine, if you hate me that much, why didn’t you just say so earlier? I could easily pack my bags and go since I’m just making everything harder—” Satoru doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying when your hand over the counter that acts as support slips under you, and you fall, legs bent awkwardly while you scream, preparing yourself for the impact. The pan is long forgotten, your only thought was oh my god, so this is how I die.
But it never came, and you keep your eyes shut tight even as warm hands cup your ass. Satoru is breathing hard under you. Finally gaining the courage to crack an eye open, your breath halts when you see that he’s sitting on the floor, with you safely nestled between him.
Satoru has always had pretty eyes, but it’s rare he takes off his blindfold off even when he’s home. This is one of those rare occurrences that he seems like a normal human, dressed in a gray sweatshirt that hands low from his collarbones and magnetic blue eyes staring right back at you. His touch is gentle, almost as if he’s afraid to hurt you, and his voice that is usually loud and teasing comes out breathy and hesitant.
“Are you okay?”
Your gaze drops down to his lips. He’s close, so close, that if you just lean a little closer you could – you snap out of your daze. “Get off me.”
“Cupcake, you’re the one who’s on top of me,” his voice falls an octave lower, eyes flitting down to your clothing – or rather the lack of it – before Satoru takes a deep breath. “Did you really have to wear that?”
“I have the right to wear whatever I want in the comfort of my own home.”
“I wasn’t complaining,” he raised a brow, this time completely in control of himself as he gazes back up at you with a burning gaze. You see nothing but the way one corner of his lips tilt up, almost teasing, and he looks so much like a shit-eater that you feel heat crawl down your spine.
You push yourself off him but your bent foot behind you slips, and you fall forward with your hands clutching his strong shoulders. Satoru catches your leg behind you, drags it forward until your knee is pressed in between one of your warmth, very much still enjoying the way you wriggle away from his hold. He knows his effect on you – but you deny this wholeheartedly.
“Careful, cupcake. This isn’t a slip and slide.”
“I hate you so much,” you bare your teeth at him, slapping his chest until he finally lets go of you. Turning your back to him, you pick up the pan and begin preparing your dinner, muttering curses under your breath as you heat up the stove. “I’m kicking you out tomorrow.”
“Why not now?”
“Eat your damn dinner first.”
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Dinner after that is awkward. Although Gojo is someone who can wolf down his meal in three seconds, he takes his time in eating to start conversation with you. Sometimes he asks decent questions like how your day was or he’d talk about something stupid, but he’s quiet the whole time. He even volunteers to do the dishes before retreating to his room, coating the house in silence.
It almost feels like you’re all alone over again.
You’ve gotten so used to him being an utter mess everywhere that when he’s not trying to piss you off and actually giving you the much needed peace, you begin to hate it. Memories of the rude things you’ve said to him a while ago play and in your head, and you bang your head against the wall repeatedly.
How are you supposed to apologize to Satoru now?
The answer doesn’t come until you stare at your walls, wide awake at midnight. The house is still eerily silent and you don’t stop shuffling around your bed in discomfort. Many times, you wished that Satoru would shut up and leave you alone, but now that he’s actually done that, it feels weird. Uncomfortable. It feels wrong.
With a grunt, you kick off the sheets and carefully tread to his room, knocking lightly in case he’s already sleeping. “Satoru?” you call out, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Are you awake?”
You’ve seen Satoru angry as kids before, but what would he be like now? Would he still want to be your friend? Would he still annoy you by hiding your things somewhere you can’t reach? Or would he be the who is now out of reach? If he leaves...who’s going to walk you to work? Who’s going to complain he doesn’t want to do groceries but buys you things you don’t ask for but want anyway? Who’s going to keep teasing the living daylights out of you if not him?
All these thoughts claw at the back of your mind until your bottom lip trembles. You hate how weak you feel; how you’re never careful with your words.
You never meant it when you said all that.
Your train of thought is cut off when the door swings open, revealing an equally tired-looking Satoru. At the sight of you peering up at him with glossy eyes, he pushes the door wider and steps closer to you, his large hands cupping your face as he leans down in worry. “Cupcake,” his brows pinch together, “Did something happen? Is something wrong?”
“I just wanted to apologize for everything I said,” you blurt out, “I was just tired from work and my boss was being shitty, so I wasn’t totally myself that time and I’m really sorry I took my anger out on you. I didn’t mean it when I said you’re insufferable and that I’m kicking you out so – yeah,” you breathe out, trailing your gaze downwards to stare at your feet instead. It’s difficult to look him in the eye right now. When you finally gain courage to speak again, it barely comes out as a whimper, your hands delicately tugging at his shirt. “Please stay. I like having my best friend around here.”
Satoru doesn’t answer.
You’re about to look up at him just in case you’ve said something wrong, or worse, he refuses to forgive you, but then – “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t kick me out. You’re too much of a darling to say no to me.”
Sigh. Satoru laughs when he sees your shoulders deflate, absolutely shattered in exhaustion. Hiding your smile to now show him you’re relieved, you punch his chest that really feels like a fly had accidentally flew into him. “Way to ruin the mood, Satoru. And here I thought I could have a serious conversation with you for once.”
“Apology accepted,” he beams, tilting your chin upwards so you could look at him. Even in the darkness of his room, his eyes glow, leaving you hypnotized in its beauty. “Plus, I think I’m the one who should apologize. You’re right; I haven’t been the best roommate and I am a freeloader,” he scratches the side of his head in thought. “But I do buy you food all the time though.”
“Yeah, with my money,” you counter, but you don’t really care anymore at this point. You’re beyond elated you’re both fine now, and you shyly gesture to his big, warm bed that suddenly looks so comfortable. “Can I stay here for tonight?”
“You want Satoru’s bear hug?”
“Yes, I do.” There’s no hesitation in your words and you don’t complain anymore when he easily picks you up like a ragdoll using only one arm. He’s surprisingly gentle when he places you both down on the bed, sheets warm and soft as it blankets over you.
It would be perfect – except it’s so damn awkward.
Gojo’s long limbs are everywhere. Your face is pressed into his chest, both your legs tangled together. His arm is sprawled over the curve of your hip, his hand nearly grazing your ass that’s barely covered by the thin material of your shorts, but if he shifts, he’ll end up cupping the back of your thighs which is equally uncomfortable.
He seems to be stuck in the same position because you’re so small, and your knees are grazing his groin. Had he known you’re going to sleep with him, he would’ve worn underwear or even boxers under his sweatpants.
He’s never told you before, but he prefers to sleep in the nude. Satoru only picked up the nearest pair of pants when he heard you knock, and even then, he didn’t have the time to wear a shirt.
Your breath is hot on his skin and he’s so sensitive and aware of all your movements. Satoru clears his throat awkwardly, shifting until his arm lightly holds your back instead, but then he pulls away as if he’s touched fire when he’d unknowingly fiddled with your bra clasp instead. It’s so painfully awkward that Satoru chuckles above you, while you scrunch your nose, silently praying to the heavens above that he won’t hear how loud your heart is beating right now.
“Why is it so hot in your own room?”
“Maybe it’s time you get me an AC.”
“You wish, Satoru,” you mumble beneath him, making yourself as comfortable as you can with your cheek resting on his bicep. It’s not the softest pillow considering he’s pretty muscular, but he’s warm and smells like mint spice nevertheless. “You’re really not going to put on a shirt?”
Satoru sighs, a long and loud one that is extended for dramatic purposes. Suddenly, he pushes your knee off of him, grimacing and thanking the darkness that you can’t see how much he’s struggling right now. “Cupcake, this is hard for me as much as it is for you. You’re barely wearing anything.”
“Since when have you cared about what I wear?”
“I’m a man, Y/N,” is what he reasons with, “You’re lucky it’s me. Had it been someone else and you crawled into their bed wearing these—” Satoru pinches the waistband of your shorts, and you squeal in protest, only making him laugh afterwards before he lets it go and the material snaps back at your skin, “—poor excuse of what you call shorts, I can’t guarantee they’ll give you a peaceful night.”
You know exactly what he’s trying to hint at. Still, it’s hard to believe that Satoru is capable of seeing you that way.
It’s not that you feel you’re unattractive. You know you’re pretty and have been out on many dates, but it’s easy to feel that you’re not sexy when you have the height of a thirteen year old and you’ve been constantly chastised about it.
Satoru’s not-compliment compliment has your heart skipping a beat, and you scoff in response. “Shut up,” you warn lamely, “I want to sleep.”
“Then let’s sleep, cupcake.” You don’t know if it’s because you’re utterly exhausted that you doze off seconds later or if Satoru’s words just held power in them, but soon all thoughts of anything unwanted drifts out the window, his arms keeping you close, completely safe and sound until the worst nightmares couldn’t even come close.
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Hot. It’s extremely hot.
You crack an eye open to try and find the source of this uncomfortable heat, but you freeze when you realize you can’t feel your muscles from the chin down. Panic rises in your throat once you see the current predicament you’re in, and a scream rips through your throat so loud that the birds outside scurry away in a flurry.
You’re wrapped in Satoru’s blanket and comforter, rendering you unable to move because of how he’d treated you like a burrito wrap. Even your toes are captured inside this hell, and only your head is able to wriggle side to side.
The culprit comes out of the shower a split second later, his hair dripping wet and only a towel hanging low from his lips. If you weren’t so hell-bent on killing him, you would’ve been speechless at the way water drips from his hair down to the curves of his abs, going down down down into a place only your darkest imaginations could take you.
Satoru bends over in laughter as he whips out his phone, jumping from angle to angle and side to side to take photos of you. “Fuck,” he howls, slapping his thigh while you snarl in an attempt to break free. “You’re a lot cuter than I thought you’d be.”
“Satoru! Get me out of here!”
“No, this is way too gold. I’m sending these to my students.”
“Satoru, I’m serious!” The devil incarnate himself falls deaf to your please.
Maybe it’s because the violent intent has coursed through your veins so strongly that a surge of energy and strength overcomes you, and soon, you’ve rolled out of the blanket. The fresh air nipping at your heated skin is most welcomed, but right now, you had a mission to fulfil: obliterate Gojo Satoru.
The platinum haired man is still laughing to himself, too distracted in scrolling through the best photos to send to his students that he doesn’t notice you escaping and zooming straight right at him.
The momentum is enough to catch him off guard until you end up on top of him, short arms clawing your way through to snatch his phone. Satoru yelps when his phone lands out into the living room and your hands come down to choke him. You don’t have plans to kill him, but you want to hurt him enough to remind him you’re not someone he can fuck with.
You’ve just about had enough of this man and you’re so sick of him!
Satoru yells out a “Hey!” when you let out a battle cry, using your legs to kick him back when he tries to sit up. Your plan backfires when your hands slip down his wet skin and you fall face forwards, hands barely touching the ground for support when your lips come crashing down on his.
He stills underneath you. It takes a moment for you to realize that holy shit, you’re kissing him and his lips are so soft that has you scrambling back, but Satoru doesn’t let you.
His large hand comes up at the back of your neck to pull you forward. The sudden movement makes you gasp, and Satoru slips his tongue inside when you do so. You no longer remember how you got here or try to make sense of what’s going on, because he feels so good, tastes so good that you bury your nails in his hair while he ravishes your mouth.
You’re so tiny that his hand cups your entire buttcheek almost possessively, a low growl emanating deep in his throat when your tongue eagerly intertwines with his. Satoru tastes like heaven and everything about the kiss is sloppy – tongue clashing with one another and teeth nibbling at the other’s lips. It’s clear both of you can’t get enough of one another as you moan in his mouth, shamelessly grinding on his crotch, suddenly thankful that you’re always wearing thin clothes when you feel him harden underneath you.
“Fuck, baby,” he pulls away to breathe, a string of saliva connecting the both of you. “Yeah, just like that,” There’s something empowering about the way he pants at your ministrations, especially when you roll your hips faster across his erection. “Keep going, baby, you’re doing – fuck – so well.”
You smirk at his praises, latching your teeth on his neck to suck marks on them. Satoru groans at the same time you muffle your moans through his skin, his hands sliding under your shirt to tug the cups of your bra down. You nearly lose it when he pinches your nipple, bolts of electricity running down your spine at the contact. A moan breaks through your lips just as you come right there and then, the wetness of your sudden orgasm barely hidden in your flimsy underwear.
“Feel good?” he teases and drags your shirt down to the other side, but the post-nut clarity hits. And when it does, it hits hard.
Fuck. You just came from Satoru’s simple touches, and he’s so unsatisfied, still painfully hard underneath you but nothing but panic and regret washes over you like a strong tidal wave. Suddenly, you grow lightheaded as you push yourself off him, fixing your bra while ignoring the confused and hurt look on his face.
“I gotta go to work,” you run out the room, feeling your body tremble as Satoru runs after you. “Make yourself breakfast. I’ll eat on the way out.”
“Y/N, wait!”
You know you’ve just ruined everything – that nothing will ever be the same after that – but you’re scared, utterly and remorsefully so, that you slam the door right in his face as if you don’t have any idea how much you broke him.
You’ll never forget the way Satoru’s face fell when you left.
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Just as you thought, nothing is the same after that. The tension is so thick around the apartment you make an effort and go out of your way just to avoid him and the apartment completely.
It’s cowardly – you know this much – but do you ever try to fix the friendship you cherish but shattered completely? You don’t. You don’t because it only crashes down onto you now that maybe your feelings for him aren’t just platonic, after all. It’s even worse because you touch yourself at the thought of him filling you up when he’s asleep, all because you want him so bad and the mere presence of him has your brain malfunctioning.
It isn’t entirely sexual either. Yes, you want to fuck him badly, but it scares you down to the core even more because you want so much more than that.
Now you understand why you always say he’s a bother but never asked him to leave. It’s because you like him, actually romantically interested in him. It makes sense now why you always felt so annoyed whenever your co-workers asked for his number, or how you’re immediately pissed off when Satoru talks about this hot woman he saw at work. You always chalk it up to an excuse you just hate how he can’t keep in his pants, but it isn’t true at all.
It’s because you actually like him – and you’re at a loss on what to do or how to deal with it.
The next few days feels like hell. Satoru isn’t stupid; he knows you’re avoiding him. He stops teasing you eventually and even buys takeout all the time when you lock yourself up in your room right after work, refusing to cook dinner or even eat all so you’d be spared the torture of looking at him.
He’d knock at your door and ask you to eat, but other than that, he’s respected your distance.
You feel like the most terrible person on earth. You don’t miss the way dark circles line under his eyes or how he’s lost his spark, barely even speaking to you when you’ve come or about to leave for work.
You’re alone the whole ride, as well, and it only dawns on you how lonely you are when Satoru isn’t always annoying you all the time.
But it doesn’t make sense. Why is he so bothered by it? Didn’t he regret it? It’s painfully clear you’re not Satoru’s type. You’ve seen the women he dated before, and you’re not close to them so why does he seem like he’s struggling with this as well? Or maybe...he’s just sad that his friend is avoiding him.
Yeah, that has to be it.
Satoru is a man. He was probably turned on at that time, but after giving some thought about it, he probably wants to keep his distance too. He’d be insane if he ever actually wants to date you – his best friend out of all people – because he’s Gojo Satoru and he could literally have everyone else.
You don’t care that you’re a coward.
You don’t care that Satoru is sad to see you this way.
You don’t care because you know he’ll reject you, you know he’ll be weirded if you admit your feelings for him. To him, you’re like his little sister. There’s just no way you two would work out. For now, you have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. You just need some time to get over your feelings for him, and when you’re confident you won’t fall for him again, you’ll mend your friendship.
You just need time.
“So, Y/N, you still don’t want to give us your friend’s number?”
“Yeah, Y/N, you should share it,” your co-worker encourages by jabbing her shoulder to yours. It’s a lazy Friday night and the staff went out for dinner. You don’t usually come to these hangouts since dinner with Satoru is always much more fun, but he’s the last person you want to think about now, so you happily join them. Now, though, you’re starting to regret ever coming here. “If he’s really single like you said, then it shouldn’t be a big deal to ask for it.”
“Well, since you want it so badly, why don’t you ask him directly for it instead?” you snap, feeling anger begin to trickle. All you wanted was just one day where you don’t have to think of him, but of course they had to bring him up. It’s also annoying how they can never seem to get the message across that you don’t want them dating him. “Why do I have to be the messenger?”
“We haven’t seen him much. Doesn’t he always walk you to work?”
“He’s been busy with his job, that’s all.” And also because I’m avoiding him – so now he’s avoiding me too.
“He’s a teacher, right?”
“Oh, come on, guys, don’t be so dense,” your senpai chugged her drink rather loudly, catching the attention of your nosy co-workers who wouldn’t stop pestering you for his number. “Look at how uncomfortable she looks. It’s obvious she doesn’t want you guys to be involved with her friend for a reason. Think of how weird it is for her too if ever her co-worker and best friend dated. She’s going to feel like a third wheel.”
“I’m not—”
“That makes sense,” your co-worker nodded beside you, “Are you sure you just don’t like him though?”
“Ew, why would I?” the food began to taste bitter through your lies, “He may be tall and attractive, but as his roommate, I’ve seen his ugly side. Satoru is a complete slob and can’t even cook to save his life.”
“I don’t mind cooking for him all the time if I were to be his little housewife.”
“That’s never gonna happen,” your words came out harsher than it was, and you laugh it off with a wave of your hand when your co-workers’ eyes widened. “I’ve been living with him for six months and he’s never brought anyone home or told me he’s going on a date. I told you already, he’s a no strings attached kind of guy. He’s nothing but a one night stand.”
“You have to admit he’s still sexy though.”
Right. You hide your groan through another shot because there’s no way of convincing them otherwise. As much as you hate to admit, you’re actually jealous on how freely they could talk about him like that, but then again, it’s not like you and Satoru were dating – or would ever date, for that matter.
They start to leave one by one when it starts to get late, leaving only you who’s still desperate to avoid Satoru. Nothing prepares you for when the sky darkens and a storm comes pouring just as you’ve left the closing shop, the rain drenching and soaking your clothes through and through. Running under the nearest tree for shelter, you shiver. It’s cold – way too cold – and curse yourself for not bringing a darned umbrella.
The nearest bus stop is like what, fifteen to twenty minutes away? Your teeth are chattering and your legs are shaking, and you fumble through your phone as you dial a number you know by heart before you even realize what you’re doing. “S-Satoru?”
“Y/N,” the surprise is unmasked in his voice, something shuffling in the background before it falls silent. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhm, are you busy right now? It’s fine if you are, I’m just—”
“I’m training with Yuuji, but what is it?”
“Listen, I,” you inhale sharply when coldness bursts through your body, making you shiver and press yourself closer to tree to get away from the rain. Above you, thunder crackles before the rain grows heavier and angrier. “I forgot to bring an umbrella and I’m absolutely soaked right now. The nearest bus stop is fifteen minutes away and all the buildings here look so shady—”
“I’ll be on my way. Text me where you are,” You nod and thank him, too cold and numb to realize you’ve just broken days of silence. You lose track of time under there, hugging yourself until your lips turn blue. It doesn’t take long before Satoru shows up minutes later, his hair equally drenched and sticking flat to his eyes free from his blindfold while he pants, hand on his knees. “Thank goodness you’re safe. I rushed here so fast I forgot to bring an umbrella.”
After seeing Satoru drenched like that, something snaps within you. He doesn’t seem bothered by the fact the rain is unforgiving as it slaps the pavement, and your heart breaks when you see that he’s more concerned for you – even after you’ve given him the silent treatment. “You idiot! Now you’re soaking wet too, you’re going to get sick!”
“Highly unlikely,” he shrugs. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“But what about—” Satoru suddenly carries you before draping his coat over your head, running until he found a cab to hail. He immediately asks the driver to turn up the heater while you tremble on top of him, not caring anymore that you’re sticking so close to him for heat.
Satoru doesn’t let you go all the way inside the apartment. He sets you down on the couch where you take off your wet clothes in haste, too cold with teeth chattering that you silently take the hoodie and boxers Satoru offers you, making sure to keep his gaze averted the whole time. Once fully dressed, you snuggle back into the sofa’s comfort, stiffening when the couch dips beside you.
Not a moment later, Satoru towel-dries your hair, leaving your mouth and throat dry with guilt. Even after you’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to him, he’s still so kind with you.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Satoru...” you twiddle with your thumbs just as he starts to ruffle the towel in your hair, making sure to squeeze water out of the strands as he dries it. “About what happened the other day—”
“It didn’t happen if you don’t want it to,” his voice is cold’ monotonous and so emotionless you’re rendered speechless. “You can forget about it.”
“You regret it, right?” he’s done with drying your hair, and he stands up to place the wet towels in the sink as you watch him stride all the way there. He’s changed his clothes too; looking comfortable in a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants, looking every bit the domestic boyfriend you’ve always wanted but can never have. “It’s fine. We can forget about it and go back to normal,” to emphasize his point, Satoru winks at you, though it does nothing but make your heart sink.
“What if I don’t want to forget it?” your voice is small; hesitant and wavering with fear. “What if...the only reason I pulled away is because I wanted more of you?”
Satoru’s back freezes as he sets the towel aside. At this point, your heart is pulsing on your tongue, and you dig your nails onto your thighs when Satoru sits down next to you, right next to you. He’s silent the whole time; eyes calculatedly piercing through yours. Your breath hitches when his hands that are burning hot against your cold skin cups your jaw before his thumb runs across your lips, his eyes turning dark at your reactions.
“And what if I said I felt the same way?”
“I,” you gasp, closing your eyes because it all feels so surreal. “I like you, Satoru. I like you a lot and I—” he doesn’t let you finish. Soon, you find yourself in his lap with his hands cupping your cheeks while he smashes his lips onto yours.
Satoru is absolutely feral. He’s breathing hard and almost angry, even, with the way his teeth are biting down to nibble on your lips. You moan when he drags you closer, your clothed centre rubbing on his thigh with delicious friction. “You have no idea,” he rasps down on your lips, “how much I’ve fucking liked you ever since we were kids,” Satoru pushes his hoodie aside, revealing your sweet neck to him, and he doesn’t waste his time in sucking and abusing the poor flesh so he can mark you as his. “I’ve always wanted you, Y/N, it’s always you, always you.”
You fist his hoodie when Satoru sinks his teeth down into the juncture of your neck, his hands curious and exploring every inch of your body. He knows you’re naked underneath his clothes, but it’s a different thing when he actually feels your breasts right on his palm. Satoru tweaks the hardened bud in his fingers, growling when you moan at the contact and use his thigh to get off.
“You—” you gasp as you expose your neck to him, wild and needy as you keep rubbing your heat over his thigh. “—talk way too fucking much,” you scold, finally pushing his lips away from your neck. Satoru chuckles at your eagerness but you silence him by flinging his boxers off of your body and somewhere far away, exposing your heat slick with arousal right in front of him. His pupils blow in excitement, hands coming up to grab at your hips, but his attention is taken away when you nibble on his ear to whisper, “Shut up and fuck me.”
The simple command is enough to make his patience snap. In a flash, you’re pinned underneath him, whining and moaning when his finger meets no resistance as he slips it inside. “You’re that needy, huh?” he laughs even louder when you lose it, humping yourself on his finger because it’s not enough.
“Satoru,” you beg, clutching his bicep when he adds another finger in. “More.”
His fingers are so long, hitting places that your small ones could never reach. He begins to scissor his way in, his fingers deliciously rubbing against your velvety walls while pumping them inside and out in a speed that causes you to squelch around him.
It’s absolutely lewd how you’re eagerly spread out before him, but your head is clouded with lust, no longer hindered by shyness out of your need to cum. Your chest is rising heavily, his thumb now rubbing against your clit as he coaxes you to cum. “Tell me what you want, baby,” he kisses your cheeks, eyelids, nose, anywhere but your lips, his voice so gentle and innocent as if he’s not knuckle deep inside you. “Tell me how you want me.”
“Inside,” you whine, gasping when he brushes against a really sensitive spot that has you clamping down on him. “‘Toru, fuck, just fuck me.”
“Beg for it,” he smiles against your skin, relentless and harsh as he keeps pushing inside you. You feel him everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Another finger adds in until you’re dripping enough on his palm and staining the couch, but neither of you care. “I said, beg for it.”
“No,” you hold back, nearly crying out when he pulls your fingers out of you. That sudden emptiness is back again, but you don’t want to beg. You’ve never begged another man before, and this won’t be the first time you’ll be doing so either. You refuse to let him have the upper hand despite the crystal clear fact you’re already soaking wet for him, but because you’re stubborn, you only fumble with his sweatpants to spring his cock free.
He’s already dripping with pre-cum from the slit, his cock hard and angry. Despite his arousal, Satoru stops you from going further, using only one hand to trap both your wrists. “Beg for it,” he demands again, his other fist already pumping down on his shaft.
You nearly cry at the sight. Both of you are aware that Satoru is capable of pleasuring himself, but it’s not that easy for you. Your small, dainty fingers will never be parallel to the pleasure his long cock could give you. All you had to do was beg for it. He’s right there, within reach, if only you’d just –
Impatient for your answer, Satoru takes you by the hips and discards your hoodie in the process, sinking you down his cock, inch by delicious inch. You don’t hold back from the sensual and high-pitched moan that leaves your lips. He’s long, and the tip of his cock just about brushes your cervix when he bottoms out. He feels so good, so warm and huge and filling you up right where you want him to be. Your head falls down on his shoulder as you begin to roll your hips, but Satoru has had enough.
“Fuck, look at you,” he presses on the bulge of his cock visible through your abdomen. “You’re so fucking small – how do you take me so well? I could ruin you. Do you want that? Do you want me to ruin you?”
“Yes, yes, fuck.”
“You think you can just leave me hanging like that, huh?” he slaps your ass, eliciting another moan from you and making you clench around his cock. Satoru falters for a moment. Before you can react, he stands up, your legs wrapped around his waist with nothing but his tip hitting inside you. “You’ve been so fucking mean – leaving me wanting you like that and ignoring me for days. Do you think you deserve this, huh?” Satoru kicks his door open at the same time he loosens his hold around your ass, making you slide down his length the next second.
“Oh, fuck,” you cry out just as Satoru begins to bounce you, your breasts following the motion of him fucking deep into you. “Fuck, Toru, that’s too—”
He’s so eager to fuck you, to make a mess out of you and have you losing your mind over his cock that he doesn’t even wait until you’re both on the bed. You no longer register when your back hits the pillow, or how your arms are frozen when he pins it above your head.
“You’re so beautiful,” he praises as he watches you clench around him. You’re so small and his eyes zero in on the way your abdomen bulges then flattens again every time he pounds into you, rolling his hips in a way that has you screaming and thighs quaking. “Beautiful, beautiful, perfect,” the moment his hands grip at your hips to pin you down, you know he’s not going to stop. And you don’t want him to.
Satoru latches his lips around your right breast, gently grazing his teeth over it while his other hand pinches and rolls the pebbled nipple between his fingers. He feels so good – and you’re crying already by the time you wrap your legs around him to pull him closer.
The room is filled with the smell of sex, the sound of skin slapping against skin combined with his breathy grunts and your moans like heaven on his ears. Satoru wants you to feel how much he loves you – how much he adores you – and the pace he sets is torturous. He snaps his hips against yours and presses down on the bulge of his cock through your belly, chuckling when you tighten more around him.
Your head lols to the side, tears falling down your pretty face because of how rough he’s being. But you don’t complain, not when he’s filling you in so deep and he’s kissing you everywhere, touching you everywhere, making you feel nothing else and nobody else but him.
“You’re amazing,” he rasps, watching the way your tight cunt sucks him in greedily as if you don’t want him to go anywhere else. “You take me in so well – you really want me to destroy you, huh?”
“Satoru, please,” you finally plead, “I-I’m cumming, I want you, I need you, oh,” you squeal when he finally lets your arms free. You look so precious, so innocent, and he doesn’t let up his pace. He plants his feet into the ground and his strokes begin to grow sloppy, your tight walls encouraging him to go faster, go deeper.
If possible, Satoru is only even more fuelled with the way you look so precious and innocent in that moment. His touch is gentle in comparison to the way he’s mercilessly plowing into you, using his thumb to wipe away the tears streaming down your cheeks. He knows he’s too big for you, that much is obvious from how much you’re already overstimulated just by his size, but your nails sink down on the flesh of his ass as a silent plead for more.
“Fuuuuck, I’m so close!”
“Yeah?” He fondled your clit, loving the sight of your small body creaming down on his cock. “Come for me, sweet girl. I want to feel you coming on my cock. Come on, tell me you’re mine. You’re made me for aren’t you?”
“Yes, Satoru, fuck,” you squeal, throwing your head back for a second when he keeps hitting your g-spot that has you seeing stars. Your toes curl and your hands fist the sheets behind you as he keeps impaling you with his cock right then and there.
You looked perfect; so perfect to him that he’s basically using you for his own pleasure at this moment. Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, back arching and nipples brushing against his chest.
In that moment, you grow needy to have him even closer, tilting up to blindly search for his lips. Satoru complies; leaning down and leaving open mouthed breathy kisses that’s a mix of you moaning and crying around him, while he struggles to do so when he’s cursing at the feeling of you coating his cock with your juices. Satoru looks down at your tiny frame trapped in his arms, his voice husky as he groans once he saw both of your arousal absolutely leaking out of your wet cunt.
He’s so close but you’re already over the edge, scratching at his back at the overstimulation. You’re still so sensitive from when you came and Satoru doesn’t slow one down one bit. He loses his rhythm as his thrusts go sloppy, and Satoru buries his face in your neck as his cock twitches inside you until he bursts with his cum leaking out of your hole.
Satoru’s arms give out beneath you, his chest colliding with yours but not enough that he’s crushing you with his weight. You’re both breathing hard and panting, his dick softening inside you.
He pulls back a moment later to slide out his sensitive cock, wincing while he watches pools of cum gather in your pussy before it drips out. It isn’t until he’s witnessing the mess he’s made he realizes how you’ve been so good for him; taking him all the way in despite your quivering frame. It dawns on him now just how tiny you are when he pulls you close to him; you’re practically hanging off his chest with how small your body is.
He wonders how you’re able to fit all of him, but he’s grateful nevertheless. Satoru shows his appreciation by peppering kisses all over your face, his hand snaking down to caress your inner thighs.
“Hmm,” you moan into the kiss, jolting when his knuckles brush against your sensitive clit. “Satoru, no,” you whine while pushing his hand away, and he shushes you with another kiss. “’M too sensitive, please...”
“It’s fine, cupcake, it’s fine,” his nickname for you is back again, and you lean closer to him just as he begins to massage your sore legs. “You did so well for me, cupcake, you know that? You’re such a good girl for me,” too fucked out to have a comprehensive answer, you only nod in response, spreading your legs open again and ignoring the warm stickiness between your thighs as Satoru kneads your abused flesh. You feel him kiss your temple before he leaves to get a towel and cleans you up. Meanwhile, you’re so tired you’re about to doze out in his bed.
“Hey,” he soothes, bundling you up in his arms until you’re tucked in the safety of his body. So small, he coos inside his head, watching as you fold yourself even smaller while your eyes flutter. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you sigh into his shoulder, “I feel good. Thank you.”
Satoru doesn’t really know what you’re thanking him for. He feels like he’s the one who’s mostly indebted to you after everything you’ve done for him. You’ve already fallen asleep before he gets the chance to tell you how he feels, so Satoru only covers you both under his blanket, making sure there’s no more space between you out of fear you’ll distance yourself from him again.
But he doesn’t have to worry about that because you’re right next to him, and you’re never out of reach.
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Your public display of affection
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: He really wants to test your sense of adventure on this ferry ride.
Warnings: Smut, public sex
Available on: AO3
Part of: Passion lies in screams of ecstasytic dreams
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“I’ve got an idea,” he whispered into your ear, sitting next to you, nuzzling your neck.
You were, in the back of Mr. Heyward’s truck that you...borrowed. Pope and Kie were up front, bickering about something, John B and Sarah were supposed to meet you at the beach later this evening, leaving all the preparations to you.
It was John B’s birthday and you really wanted to get him a nice present, so you decided to take the ferry to the next big town, grab something really cool that he wouldn’t expect and then drive right back.
You barely had made it onto the ferry, it was packed with cars but for once, you got lucky.
“What is it?” You turned your head to look at your boyfriend who was grinning from ear to ear. You knew that grin, something dirty was going through his mind at this very moment.
An eyebrow wiggle was the only answer you got before he grabbed the blanket next to you in one hand, patting on his lap with the other.
Playing along, you sat down on his lap and he wrapped the blanket over you two, making you feel loved and comfortable. There was quite the breeze out here on the water, so it wasn’t too strange to use a blanket.
People were mingling around you, getting out of their cars to check the water and waves, getting back in, some kids were running around but mostly teenagers and adults. It was summer after all, one of the busiest times in these areas.
You felt how his arms wrapped around you from behind, causing you to lean back into his chest, snuggling a little closer.
Suddenly his hands moved under your shirt, starting to grope your breasts for a moment. You gasped and the unexpected touch and leaned a bit to the side so you could look into his eyes.
“Trust me, darling,” he murmured and smiled at you when his hands went down to pull your shorts down, letting them rest at your knees.
A blush painted your face, not really sure what to think about all of this. You were in a public place, the blanket just needed to fly away by a gust of wind and everyone would see your exposed lower parts.
You had to bite your bottom lip to keep a moan from escaping when he shoved your panties aside to run a finger through your folds. Lust was building up inside your body, a surge of heat running through you.
“Oh god,” you whined quietly, everyone around you so close. He just chuckled next to your ear, the rumbling in your chest only turning you on more.
“Yes, my love?” The blonde boy brushed his lips against your cheek, causing you to shudder slightly.
Two fingers were pumping in and out of you, turning you on more and more. You had a hard time to keep still, just wanting to squirm in his grasp but he had wrapped his left arm tightly around you.
“What are you even doing?” You asked, still surprised by the whole thing. It wasn’t something you had done before. In private, sure but in public? This close to people? No way to hide in shame if someone caught you?
It was arousing and scary at the same time. The thought of being watched and caught in the act. It did something with you that you couldn’t explain. Excitement and shame mixed together.
“Trying something new. Where’s your sense of adventure?” His voice was low, barely more than a whisper, lust dripping from every word just like you were dripping on his fingers, coating them with your wetness.
He pulled his fingers out, wiping them on your inner thighs that were covered by the blanket before you could feel him shift under you, moving the two of you up a bit, his eyes darting left and right if anyone was watching at the moment.
When he felt safe you could feel that he pulled his cargo pants and boxer shorts to his knees, sitting back down. His skin was heated against yours and you swallowed hard when his dick pressed against you from behind, already hard and ready to claim you, right here, with everyone around.
He took a moment to simply rub himself against your skin. For everyone else it would look like a cute couple cuddling in the back of the truck. No one would expect anything that was going on under the blanket.
“Come have a seat,” he snickered into your ear and without even a question you obliged, shifting under the blanket to sit down on his dick.
Your body tensed when you felt the hot tip pressing against you, your eyes also on the lookout that no one would catch you or even just get the idea what might be going on.
“We don’t have all day, darling.” With those words he grabbed your hips and pushed them down on his length, causing you to gasp in surprise, almost moaning a little too loud.
You covered your mouth with both of your hands to keep it inside but that would already look quite weird if someone was watching you right now.
“My, my. You have to be quiet.” This was amusing him way too much so you clenched your thighs, causing it to grow tight around him which almost made him moan.
“You really need to stop talking,” you whispered a little more aggressively and he grabbed your hips again, the grip almost bruising.
JJ slowly started to move his hips and you leaned back into him, trying to look like you were just relaxing in his arms. Thanks to the breeze, the moving blanket didn’t look too suspicious but you were sure if someone would actually pay attention to you two, they would figure it out.
“Fucking shit, babe. You’re so wet and slippery, you’re really enjoying this.” He stated it as if it was a matter of fact. Your mind was still trying to deny it but the mix of risk and pleasure was something that got you going. You didn’t even know until now.
Your nipples were straining against your shirt, his hands resting on your stomach now, trying to stay as calm as possible while he was moving inside of you, tickling all the right spots.
“Answer me,” he purred into your ear. “Tell me how much you like to be fucked in public.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, swallowing hard at his words, another surge of heat running through your body. It was already bad enough and yet he turned you on even more.
A quick, rough snap of his hips let you know he wasn’t pleased with you not answering. “Come on. I want to hear how you love doing this. All those people around you, me buried deep inside your sweet little cunt.” He nuzzled your neck with his nose, licking your skin briefly. “Tell me that the idea of this excites you. I can already feel it but I want to hear it from your mouth.”
You swallowed down another moan that almost escaped you, closing your eyes to take in a deep breath. “I love it,” you said quietly but he just growled. “I love the idea of getting caught.”
“That’s my good girl.” He kissed your neck before picking up the pace a little, one hand moving to your bundle of nerves between your legs, rubbing them. 
Your eyes opened and you looked around again, the pleasure almost unbearable. Normally you were a moaner, quite loud and he wasn’t a quiet one either. You were surprised he was able to keep it together so well while you were literally fighting with yourself.
A knock on the glass behind you caused both of you to stop in your movements before you heard Pope’s voice.
“Hey lovebirds! We’re almost there, get ready!”
“Alright, thanks bud!” JJ called back to him before turning to you, a cheeky grin on his lips.
“Oh god, what now?” You asked him and he started rubbing your clit again.
“I want you to come at least,” he whispered and your body tensed, his dick starting to slide in and out of you again.
“We’re in public!” You hissed at him, louder than you expected and you groaned in annoyance of yourself. At the same time you also felt that you were getting closer to your orgasm.
“So? You love it.” He was right about that and he knew it. You hated it.
You leaned back against him, trying to calm your breathing but that didn’t even work anymore as he picked up the pace, rubbing your clit more forcefully and just the way you showed him. Just the way you liked it.
“Fuck, JJ,” you moaned as quiet as possible, feeling his dick twitch at your words. 
It only took a few more seconds until you fell apart around him, squeezing him right and he groaned in your ear, making you shiver.
Your body was shaking, your breath erratic and fast until you were slowly coming down from your high. He was still inside of you, still hard and it was making the whole thing of calming down really hard.
As if he sensed it, he laughed softly against your neck. “Don’t worry about me. We’ll have more time later to finish this. Maybe on the ride back already.”
Just the mere idea of it sent excitement straight to your core.
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