#you ever think about how small their world was on kamino?
tranakin-skywalker · 8 months
Not enough about the clones being children and adults at the same time. They're 10 years old. They're fully grown. They're still little kids. They never got to have a childhood at all. They're terrifying soldiers. They hardly know anything about the galaxy except how to fight and how to take orders.
I want clones that have this childish wonder at the world, but being terrified to show it. Clones with the sense of humor of 10 year old boys. Clones who don't really understand what death is, not really. Not until they're on a battlefield and dying in droves.
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
Dissecting the Jaku General Hospital Disaster and MHA's failures with complexity
Ahhh, The Jaku Hospital Raid. The point where MHA's story went from it's ever increasing decline to throwing itself right off a cliff.
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I think most can agree this event was a travesty writing/plot wise, but how about all of those in regards to MHA's setting. Well that's what I'd like to discuss.
Point 1: A Goal Without a Plan is a Dream
The plan summed up is "fuck around and find out".
The heroes came in to uncharted enemy territory relying soley on brute force, broke a bunch of equipment that did God knows what (for all they knew, it could have been lethal*).
Then they proceed to shoot themselves in the foot by getting too cocky, despite knowing that Shigaraki was undergoing some sort of procedure. X-less shoots a machine that for all he knew could have been a bomb or generator. Why?, because he had a "bad feeling".
* I'm talking potential toxic fumes, gas leaks, accidental combustion, etc
Now let's focus on the evacuation effort...
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That's it!?. A couple hundred dozen heroes and a select handful of first and third year's.
One of whom, mind you, is strictly combat oriented by the (extremely niche) capabilities of his quirk. What can Bakugo actually do here?, in the worst case scenario (being Shigaraki's awakening) he's limited to one arm and two legs (maybe his mouth?). That will further drag him down due to his quirk relying on both hands to be viable.
And we see this!
Moving along.
Another thing they didn't count on was outside help. The moment Gigantomechia arrives, it throws another curve ball. With the only reason for their survival being Dues-Ex-Machina Best "Dirty laundry" Jeanist.
They failed in the end anyways because a large portion of the LOV+ the MLA escaped.
Point 2: Organisms Used for Nefarious Means
I will keep this section brief
Nomu are in my opinion one of the biggest wastes of potential MHA produced. Going from being unnatural goliaths capable of striking dread into the hearts of even the long standing No1 Hero, to being undead cannonfodder that heroes can beat up so the audience doesn't question their ethics or (lack of) morality.
It is a sheer miracle that the Nomu didn't leave the heroes worse for wear. This is again more due to Hori relying too heavily on "convince" and not enough on in-world solutions, but I digress.
The Nomu should have been the biggest threat and again, the heroes failed to account for this. They had no way of knowing, sure.
But they should have accounted this early on. What about the civilians, evacuating them isn't enough as seen in Hosu. I mean they were walking into a lab and they had dealt with Nomu facilties before (Kamino)
Were there inpatients during the raid? and if so were they evacuated or did the Heroes say "fuck it." Given what eas allowed at Central Hospital I wouldn't put it past them.
Point 3: A civilians point of view.
I want you to imagine for a moment: You're a civilian and your whole life, you've been told how wonderful heroes are and how they'll always be there, after all they're heroes.
Sure, they may dictate what quirks are "in" and maaaybe they have a tad to much influence over your average person but they're licensed and your not.
Why question it?
Then one day everyone and everything you've known is just blown away. Heroes barge into your house and begin scrambling to get you and your family out of your house before something happens, they dont tell you what.
It is a sloppy and hurried effort, your life's belongings tucked into a small carryon if you're lucky and some plastic bags if you're not. They tell you it's probably only temporary and you'll be back to normal shortly.
Then the nearby Hospital blows up. You and your family can only watch as heroes flee from the scene, some rising into the sky, others sprinting like hell. You barely make it out alive yourselves.
Within minutes everything is gone and it's not until the fightings iver that you hear it. You hear people (you think it's your neighbors) pleading in pain underneath the rubble, a little girl can be heard sobbing somewhere in the torn landscape.
Everything's been torn upside down.
And the heroes, the poeple you've depended on your whole life...
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They quit. They say they need to find another line of work.
Is that what you are to them!?. Just another line of work, a number on a tally!?.
Worse still. The NUMBER ONE HERO has just been exposed by his presumed to be dead son for being a child beating, wife trafficking, eugenist with an implication that some, if not all of his children were made against the mother's will.
The current Number 2 murdered a man for the "greater good" (what even is "good" anymore).
The people who were supposed to protect you are quitting in droves, leaving vast portions of city to fall to villains and are refusing to take any responsibility for their negligence and poor planning that made an already bad situation worse.
Oh, also the single most dangerous villain in history has broken out of Tartarus and multiple prisons have been destroyed leading to further destruction.
This is then followed by a "blackout" period. Heroes give zero insight into what they're doing or what their plan is. Mutant discrimination is running wild, support gear is flooding the streets and any protests are being silenced.
So I'll ask you again, how do you react?.
Point 4: Hubris
Over all the entire operation was a complete and utter failure. I see alot of people giving the civilians flack for their strong reactions, but honestly I can't blame 'em.
The issue is Hori paints the narrative to minimize the damage towards the heroes. (For example he characterizes one of Enji's critics as a snobby shut-in surrounded by trash bags). We only ever see the worst aspects of the civilians because Hori has consistently failed to delve into anything beyond surface level emotion/themes.
Eri is a good example, she should be a very different character. She should be allowed to show her trauma and all the "ugly" emotions and baggage that come with that, we as the audience should see the lasting impact being killed repeatedly has had on her.
For example, Eri should be very adverse to touch. A problem that started with her father and was worsened by Kai.
She should be expressing her trauma through play (think reenacting her "surgeries" on dolls)
She should be distrustful and even cold (especially after Mirio abadoned her).
Her inability to smile might stem from a lack of viewing her self as equal to others, viewing herself as more of an object than human being.
But do we ever see this. No.
Because Hori doesn't let us. He simply as a writer, cannot appropriately handle or even seem to grasp complexity and every part of the story suffers because of it.
With the civilians it's no different and as a result Hori whether intentionally or not, twists the narrative to make them seem unreasonable.
This doesn't help when from what we've seen a shocking amount of MHA's main cast are drenched in hypocrisy. The only experiences we've had with the civilian population is through Shigaraki's backstory (bad) Toga's parents (very bad).
It's just not a good look.
Over-all, the Raid and by extention the war was a mess in every aspect and I personally think the story would have been better off doing something else.
The time wasted here could have gone to any number of things (how about fleshing out the non existant world building) but I honestly believe that it would have been subpar regardless, it's all to apparent Hori had no idea where he wanted the story to go. That can be seen as far back as everything post MVA.
Just, what a mess.
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agoldengalaxy · 5 months
Good Morning
read on Ao3
words: 1416
Echo glanced down, flipping open the top of the pouch. “I’m sorry it took so long.” Reaching inside, he pulled out a sleek mechanical hand, painted metallic black. He held it in his real hand, gesturing to his scomp link with a slight grin. “You sure you didn’t want one like this? I’m tellin’ you, it works a lot better.” Crosshair cracked a smile. “I don’t need something like that. I’m retired.”
The ocean, glistening with the golden pink sunrise, looked almost like a still picture. There was barely a ripple on the water, perhaps all of the creatures within it still asleep. The air could rival its stillness, not even a breeze to ruffle the nearby trees on the beach. It was going to be a hot day.
Crosshair breathed in the salty air, closing his eyes, enjoying this brief moment of quiet. He’d come to enjoy living on Pabu more than he thought he would, despite all the people, despite all the noise. He couldn’t deny that it was peaceful here, but the highlight of it all were his brothers and sister, safe, happy, living their lives. It almost seemed too good to be true, but they’d been here for about a month, and it had only ever been nice.
“Figured I’d find you here.” 
Thankfully, although the voice startled him, Crosshair managed not to jump, reaching up to take the toothpick from his mouth between two fingers as he turned over his shoulder. “When’d you get back?”
Echo stood a few feet away, his shoulders a little more relaxed than he remembered. “About ten minutes ago,” he chuckled softly, slowly walking toward the rock that Crosshair was sitting on. “Rex and Emerie say hello.”
He seemed to be waiting, so Crosshair gestured to the space beside him on the rock. Echo carefully perched himself up next to him, their shoulders mere inches apart. He wore a pouch on his hip. Crosshair knew what was in it, but didn’t ask, waiting for him to bring it up first.
“I am…glad to see you,” Crosshair admitted quietly, which might have surprised Echo a long time ago, but now, the man simply smiled.
“I’m happy to see you, too.” The response came so easily, it almost made Crosshair dizzy. It didn’t matter how long it was, he thought, it would still feel strange to have people care about him so much.
For a moment, they both looked out at the sunrise, enjoying the colors that danced along the water’s surface. Pabu was almost impossibly beautiful. Crosshair didn’t think the galaxy had this kind of beauty to offer. Kamino had been home, but it was a rainy mess. All of the planets he visited while with the Empire were cold, or dark, or both. On Pabu, the sun always shone, the air was always warm, the smell of salt always carried with it.
Echo glanced down, flipping open the top of the pouch. “I’m sorry it took so long.” Reaching inside, he pulled out a sleek mechanical hand, painted metallic black. He held it in his real hand, gesturing to his scomp link with a slight grin. “You sure you didn’t want one like this? I’m tellin’ you, it works a lot better.”
Crosshair cracked a smile. “I don’t need something like that. I’m retired.”
Letting out a small chuckle, Echo gestured to Crosshair’s arm, which he lifted up slowly. “Good point.” 
Very gently, gentler than anyone had ever touched him before, Echo began attaching the hand to Crosshair’s wrist, his brow furrowing slightly with concentration. His scomp link twisted it into place with ease, as if he’d done it before. Maybe he had, for someone else.
He hadn’t ever been close with Echo, not even before the Republic fell, but he’d always admired him. He’d hated regs for their frustrating world view, unwarranted optimism, and blatant jealousy and mistreatment of his squad. Echo wasn’t any of those things. He was practical, and kind, and more resilient than anyone else. He was good. He was what Crosshair wished he could be.
“There. Good as new.” Echo leaned back, and Crosshair glanced down at his new hand, sparkling in the growing sunlight. Tentatively, he tried to flex his fingers, and much to his surprise, it worked. Echo grinned at the expression on his face, no doubt one of disbelief. “I told you my guy was good. How’s it feel?”
Curling his new fingers into a fist, he then slowly let it all relax. As he took a deep breath and lifted it, he watched as it stayed perfectly still, the tremors finally gone. Along with his hand, his connection to Tantiss was severed. This new hand was symbolic of a new journey he was taking with his brothers and sister. He let himself smile.
“It feels…good,” he admitted honestly, letting it rest on his knee. “Thank you, Echo.”
Echo smiled again, placing a hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. “No problem.”
They sat together for a few seconds, the sun now almost fully above the horizon, no longer faintly pink but blazing gold. Crosshair glanced over at his brother, hesitating before asking, “Are you leaving soon?”
Seemingly surprised by the question, Echo blinked, then grinned. “Actually, I thought I might stay for a few days.” His brow arched upward. “Is that okay with you?”
Crosshair rolled his eyes, shoving him playfully. “No. Go away,” he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I expected you to stay for a little while. You and I both know Omega would be very upset if you didn’t say hello first.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, leaning back on his hand to look out at the sea. “I’m really happy doing what I’m doing, Crosshair. I feel like I’m finally making a difference, and this time on my own terms. But,” he said, turning back to look at him, a more genuine smile on his face now, “I can’t forget about my squad.”
In the sunlight, Echo looked like he had a lot more life in him than Crosshair could ever remember. His skin was finally starting to tan again, and short, dark hair was beginning to pop up around the top of his head. He wasn’t wearing his armor, and his clothes fit him nicely, like they weren’t too big for once. He looked happy.
Crosshair nodded. “We…think about you, all the time. You know we'll always be waiting for you, whenever you decide to retire.”
“I’m not that old yet.” Echo met his gaze, his eyes sparkling. “But…thank you.”
Before Crosshair could respond, an excited shout interrupted them. “Ah! I knew it! Echo’s back!” Both men stood up, turning around to face Omega, Wrecker, and Hunter, all with smiles on their faces. Echo knelt down as Omega ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too,” Echo chuckled, leaning back after a moment to ruffle her hair. “How’ve you been, kid?”
“Great!” she exclaimed. “I’m so glad you’re here. How long are you staying?”
“A few days, I think,” he answered, glancing up at Wrecker and Hunter, who had come a little closer, clearly enjoying the scene before them. For once, there wasn’t tension in Hunter’s shoulders. Wrecker seemed to beam even brighter than before.
Clearly pleased by the answer, Omega grinned and stepped back. Echo stood up, stepping toward the other two men. Immediately, Wrecker enveloped him in a huge hug, picking him up off of the sand, while Hunter chuckled into his hand.
Startled, Crosshair glanced down to find Omega holding his hand - the mechanical one, inspecting it closely. “Wow, Crosshair! I told you Echo would get you a good one.”
He smiled slightly. “He told me the same thing.”
“How does it feel?”
“It…will take some getting used to. I can’t feel your hand, even though I know it’s there.” He was almost surprised by his own words. 
Omega seemed to deflate, only for a second, before the smile returned, reaching over to grab his other hand. “Then I’ll hold them both!” She sounded so triumphant, he had to blink away the burning in his eyes. “And you definitely get some points for how cool it looks.”
Closing his eyes, he tried to fight a smile. “If you say so.”
She happily let go of his hands, then slung her arm around his, resting her head against his arm to watch their brothers talk. As the conversation died down, she tugged his arm, moving them closer. “Hunter, Wrecker! Look at Crosshair’s cool new hand!”
Echo made eye contact with Crosshair, who simply shrugged. “Lookin’ good!” Wrecker exclaimed, squinting down at it. “Can it do anything?”
“No, Wrecker. It can’t explode things.”
Placing a hand on Crosshair’s shoulder, Hunter smiled. “It suits you.”
Crosshair returned the smile, his gaze sweeping toward Echo, then Wrecker, then Omega.
He was going to be okay.
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alons-ycreeper · 7 months
Me, heelys-rolling up on the last day of kesett week with a Starbucks: here's days 1-7 clusterfucked into a single ficlet, enjoy 😎
"This is never going to work." Boba gripes as tugging on the stolen robes before coming to sit beside his Jedi at the controls. "I swear if we end up chained together again in some–"
"We haven't even gotten there yet and you're already complaining." Cal smiles, looking his partner up and down. "You look good in my robes by the way."
Despite the fact a blush would be harder to see on his complexion Boba still tugs the cloak hood further down to hide his face. Cal giggles at the frankly adorable display. It's rare that he ever gets to see his partner so flustered thanks to him wearing a helmet near 24/7. Cal has tried that helmet on multiple times and still can't understand how the bounty hunter is able to wear it for so long. That thing is stuffy!
"Why didn't I turn you in again?"
"Because you fell for my charm and wit. And you couldn't bear the thought of me rotting away in some prison."
"Wanna bet?"
They laugh. Their banter having eased the tension a bit that they soon fall into comfortable silence. A beeping coming from the dashboard alerts them that they've arrived at their designated location.
Cal can feel Boba's apprehension, his sadness. He reaches over, grabs Boba's hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. He's a little surprised when the other actually accepts the comfort instead of his usual batting away.
"Trust me?" Boba nods.
Kamino, 7947. Just a two years after the Invasion of Naboo.
The planet is the same as he remembers it. Dreary clouds blocking out the sun as they pelt Tipoca's domes with constant heavy downpour. Dark waters crashing below hiding the unforseen horrors that lurk in their depths.
"Masters Jedi." A familiar voice greets them at the city entrance. Boba feels his heart sink to the bottom of his shoes. There in the doorway stands Taun We. She looks younger. She is younger. "Follow me, please."
Sterile white halls and bright florescent lights. The contrast between the outside world and the dome-life city are truly light and dark. Boba feels a bit sick from it.
"The prime minister is eager to meet you both. He's bit apprehensive about your arrival seeing as we have not yet produced anything worth–"
A loud crash followed by the small voices stops them in their tracks. But those are no ordinary voices. Those are the voices of clone cadets terrified out of their minds. The bounty hunter doesn't think twice, booking it down the hall in the direction of the cries. He knows Cal is right behind him so there's no need to worry there. This is his chance to do the right thing. All that matters right now are those boys.
Boba skids the corner finally coming upon the cadets. One of the clones stands poised I'm front of the others, a blaster pointed directly at their threat, Orun Wa. Boba hadn't known the Kaminoan personally like he had Taun We but he didn't need to. The sleemo was just like the rest of them.
"Get away from them!"
"Mister Fett?" Orun Wa stutters in shock.
Boba quickly steps in front of the six boys–because that's what they were, boys. Not units, not soldiers, but little boys forced into a life they had no choice in. Little boys sold off into slavery by a man who was once a slave himself.
"I said, 'get away from them'." Boba repeats, voice cold and demanding.
He sees Cal step behind him, slowly approaching the kids and calmly asking the one with the blaster to please lower his weapon and hand it over. Surprisingly the kid does. Once the weapon is in his Jedi's possession he quickly hands it Boba for safe keeping. Cal immediately goes back, checking the boys over for any injuries. The kids seem to take a shine to his Jedi. Good.
"Master Jedi," Orun Wa begins. "Please excuse these defective units. They may be highly intelligent but they are deviant, disturbed–and uncommandable. As Mister Fett is well-aware we only allow the highest quality to be produced here. That is why these units must be terminated."
Every word coming out the Kaminoan's mouth only serves to horrify Cal and anger Boba further. He lifts the blaster the young clone had been aiming with–
"Put the blaster down, boy."
Boba finally understands how Cal feels when a Dark-sider is near. Cold. So very cold.
He turns to face the man he hasn't seen since he was ten years old.
. . .
"What happens next?"
Cal meets the wide-awake eyes of his youngest. Of course A'den would still be up. He's the only one of his brothers that ever makes it to the end of Cal's stories. He never knows if he should be flattered or insulted.
"Guess you'll just have to find out tomorrow night." Cal tucks his son's blanket up under his chin and kisses the top of his head. "Goodnight, A'den."
The little clone yawns, "Goodnight, Cal'buir."
Quietly Cal exist the kids' room, entering the hall where his husband is waiting for him.
"Telling them false stories again."
"Have to entertain them somehow." Cal holds his arm out. Boba rolls his eyes but takes the arm anyway. "Shand back yet?"
"She just got in. Along with Vanth."
Cal groans, "Does he have to be here?"
"I don't see why you two can't just be civil."
"He's the one that starts it." Boba snort at the childish tone his husband's voice takes. "He's just jealous that's all."
"I'm starting to wonder if Din has these same problems with Skywalker."
"You wouldn't have it any other way."
Boba smiles, "Wanna bet?"
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palpipeen · 2 years
Life Day: Nice or Naughty...?
Lucky for all you naughty naughty people, you get BOTH. <3
Also yes, I live.
ANYWAY, info stuff time~
------- It's Life Day, and you're with your boy of choice. <3 Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Themes Warnings: Holiday Stuff (no mention of family other than the clones), consensual somnophilia (Fox eating you out in your sleep), oral, PinV/A, Lots of Fluff followed by Lots of Smut Reader has no gender~ WC: 2253 AN: So I hit 101 followers and I’m on the floor, screaming crying sobbing throwing up and shitting. Thank y’all so much. Here is a leetol gift for the season~ This is set in my “And Nothing Bad Ever Happened, Ever AU” so. People still be dyin’ and dead but there’s not quite so much tragedy. Also we’re goin with a SFW and a NSFW theme, so the first batch will be listed as “NICE” and then the rest will be “NAUGHTY”. ENJOY.
Starting off with our boy Commander Fox:
Life Day with Fox is honestly my personal ideal. Fox just wants one day (1) where he isn’t expected to do a thousand things a minute, he isn’t expected to answer a thousand questions from a thousand soldiers and senators or delegate any tasks. Also, you two don’t even have to leave your own home! Fox just wants to be somewhere that isn’t the Guard HQ that he can just exist and relax for the holiday, and he does just that. Like the rest of the GAR he doesn’t have much credits, so instead of buying you something he gives you something small that he made. Not sure what it would be, but it’s made with love and adoration. He will absolutely NOT be discussing how he went through five test runs with your gift, and he’s got them stuffed away in his contraband closet in his office. He also won’t mention how it took him literal months to complete, in part because of his schedule and because he wanted it to be fucking perfect. And it is. He made it while thinking of no one but you, and it illustrates the depth of his love for you. (Which is deeper than ANY of the deep sea trenches on Kamino.)
Next Up, my Personal Bestest Boy Hardcase:
Okay now I love Hardcase, but his Life Day would be. So. Fucking. BUSY. Hey Hardcase, you DO know that it’s LITERALLY physically impossible to give presents to ALL of your siblings in ONE day right? Oh you’re gonna make it happen?! Okay, Chris Fuckin Cringle, jesus fuck. He would though, you know he would, he would make it work. Hardcase is the exact opposite of the biggest Bah Humbug motherfucker you’ve ever met. Not only that, Hardcase is doing SO. MUCH. COOKING. But don’t worry - he’s making you all of your favorite dishes, and has been buying you little gifts ever since he found out Life Day was a THING that made him think of you and how much he loves you. While Hardcase knows that material things aren’t the reason for the season, he still wants to spoil you. He’s also just a bundle of wonder and awe, but he is also very generous - if he sees a family in need during the season he’s dropping everything he can to see how he can help make their season better. In a post-war world where Hardcase lives and everything is FINE, nothing bad happened, he’s definitely volunteering part of Life Day at a soup kitchen or shelter of some sort. All in all - Hardcase brings the joy of the season, whether anyone is ready for it or not. (Trust me - you aren’t.)
Speaking of Bah Humbugs…Commander Wolffe:
Oh, Wolffie. Oooh, Wolffie. You’re a mean one ain’t’cha? So yeah, Wolffe might be the biggest party-pooper out of the bunch. He just doesn’t get it - and he doesn’t mean to spoil it for everyone. He’s just not sure why all of this matters at first. So he’s the sulky uncle who sits alone, nursing some really strong drink throughout most of the day…at least he’s that way at first. But show him some younglings decorating a tree and enthusing about the holiday season and you unlock something in him. I stand by the HC that Wolffe actually has a soft spot for kiddos - it brings out the best parts of him that aren’t a soldier. So yeah, one minute Wolffe is sitting in the corner, barely making conversation with anyone - because let’s be honest, Wolffe is absolutely ass at small-talk and most conversations - and the next, he’s hoisting a youngling up to put the topper on some gaudily decorated tree. Meanwhile two other younglings are decorating him because he’s as tall as some of the trees they’ve seen. Also, Wolffe would absolutely wipe the floor with his fashion sense for the season - Wolffe being a fashionista is always something I can get behind. He’d also be down for an ugly sweater contest, purely because if you can’t give the judges the perfect scowl in that gaudy, awful thing, are you really even competing? (Also yes, him and Fox have a vicious competition with each other. It almost always ends with them having an argument where one of them inevitably puts the other in a headlock.)
Oh we can’t forget about Captain Rex:
Alright so, here’s a character I haven’t really gotten into. But I feel like if you’re looking for that cliche Hallmark Christmas movie experience, or something similar without the misogyny, you’d want to spend Life Day with Rex. Rex obviously gets invited by General Skywalker’s very dear friend, Senator Amidala, to spend Life Day on Naboo. In fact, the entire 501st do, but it’s the one time he doesn’t have to look after them. Instead, he’s spending his days experiencing - well, life. Naboo doesn’t have a typical winter season, but the vibes are still there, so he’s definitely drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, candy cane sticking out - literally every morning. (Don’t judge him, he’s earned it.) And if you just so happen to be Rex’s partner, well, he’s also wanting to drink that hot chocolate with you every morning, and get out there and experience everything the season has to offer. And he can’t buy much, but the gift he gets you (besides his time, which is precious) is priceless. There is such obvious love and time and effort put into getting you something that is perfect for you. Also, you two get to have dinner on your own - just the two of you. (Tooth rotting stuff, truly.)
Arright now for the SINFUL SHIT~
Foxy Boy~
So obviously, any time you and Fox get to spend with each other where Fox doesn’t have to worry about his men, you are fucking. Nonstop. But around Life Day, when he’s given the all clear for some VERY much deserved R&R, he indulges once…and then nothing. Besides heavy make-out sessions, he stops you just before it gets too heavy - tells you he just wants to savor his time with you without sex. Alright, that’s fine at first, but then you’re starting to get antsy. Why isn’t he in your pants like he normally is?! You finally wheedle it out of him - he’s got a surprise for you on Life Day proper. It’s not much, but it really is the thought that counts. And boy howdy, did he think this through. So you wake up to breakfast in bed - you also wake up to him, under the sheets, with his head between your legs. Who knows how long he’s been under there, because you wake up coming on his tongue. After that he feeds you by hand - a breakfast he made from scratch. And it’s not just good, it’s incredible. You do most of the cooking when you two get together, and some of Fox’s attempts at cooking weren’t great - but this? This is gourmet. Where did these skills come from?! Fox reveals that he’s been taking cooking lessons for today, which is impressive considering his schedule. After making sweet, slow love to you, he clears up breakfast (naked) and the rest of the day continues like that. Eventually you two do have to get out of bed for a bath (which you take together of course), and move to the living room for dinner (which he also made, it is lavish and delicious and perfect). Fox really just wants to show you how much he cares for you, and do what he can for you while he has this time with you. It’s precious to him - just about as precious as you are to him.
Alright so yeah - Hardcase would do some really, REALLY cheesy shit on Life Day once everything calms down and he’s got you to himself. And not just the whole rose petals, candles (where’d he find those?? Do those exist in Star Wars???) and red satin sheets. Oh no. He’s got the Star Wars equivalent of a Santa costume on. (IDK what that is in SW, and I’m writing this at 1:30am - research is beyond me rn.) It’s ridiculous, but it’s what you’ve come to expect from him - and somehow he makes it so hot?! Well it’s probably because the get-up is little more than suspenders and trousers that leave nothing to the imagination, and he’s got this whole script going…. Which is way hotter than it should be. Hardcase would absolutely be in his element doing this: seducing you while telling you how naughty you’ve been, how he should just be punishing you. But you look so sweet, so it’d be a shame to let that spoil. Needless to say, you spend a lot of time on his lap. He also somehow managed to get you a whole new miniature collection of sex toys - with a few for him, of course. You two spend the night and into the wee hours of the morning just having the raunchiest, most thoroughly exhausting sex of your life. And Hardcase has a rule for the day - for every one time he cums, he’s making you cum three more times. Strap in, you’re in for a very long ride. (Mayhamps….a sleigh ride, oooOOOOHOHOHOHO--)
Krampus. I mean Wolffe:
Much like Fox, any time Wolffe gets time off to spend with you, it’s going to be spent absolutely railing you. And any chance he gets, he’s doing just that. Out looking at light displays? Good thing you’re taking a personal speeder, because he’s having you pull over and fogging up the windows while fucking your brains out. Going to some fancy restaurant? He meets you in the bathroom and takes you in one of the stalls. (Good thing he’s very good at keeping you quiet.) But the best time is the night of Life Day - he’s been teasing you at the 104th holiday party, giving you those looks, lingering touches that sets your skin on fire, whispering so close to your ear that his lips brush your skin and send shivers down your spine. When Wolffe finally announces both of you are leaving, the whole battalion knows what’s going to happen when you two get to your place. Wolffe has a trick up his sleeve though - normally, he’s the one calling the shots. But tonight he’s leaving it in your capable hands - he’ll do whatever you ask. And you do just that -thoroughly rescrambling his brain with that amazing sloppy toppy, edging him after you tie his hands to the headboard, and finally letting him blast the fattest nut in you - and then the two of you fall asleep like that, after you untie his hands. Throughout the night Wolffe and you wake up when he gets hard again, reaffirming just how close and devoted the two of you are to each other.
And Finally, Rex:
Oh, Rex. Remember what I said about that cliche Hallmark Christmas movie shmutz? Yeah, it gets better. (Worse?) Rex is much like Fox in that the day starts off with him pleasuring you. The two of you barely awake while he’s doing it, but when he’s awake enough he stills your hands and takes over. Slowly, slowly bringing you to climax, and being very thorough while he does it. When he’s finally finished (it takes him a good three orgasms until he’s satisfied), he enters you slowly. It’s so warm, so intimate, so raw and sweet in the best of ways as he makes slow, tender love to you. Murmuring how you just being in his life is the greatest gift the universe ever gave any man, much less him. The world melts away until it’s just you two, and it isn’t until he gets a message on his commlink that you two realize you’re late for the 501st holiday party. After reluctantly prying yourselves away from each other (after a very steamy shower, that is), the two of you go to the party. Somehow, someone (-coughHARDCASEcough-) got a hold of fireworks. And as the two of you watch the spectacular light show, you eventually notice Rex watching you. The devotion, adoration, pure unconditional love in that man’s eyes moves the galaxy around you. And listen, I’m not saying an engagement happens during the fireworks - but he might say something along the lines of how he wants to spend all of the Life Days to come by your side. (And then you two go back home and BANG some more. There, ended smutty.)
And that’s it folks! I started this back when I had 101 followers - and didn’t get back to it until the new year. WILD. Sorry for my extended absence. I’ve missed y’all SO much, and I’m hoping to get back into writing soon! I hope everyone had a safe and sane holiday without too much stress, a lot of niceness and a bit of spice. ;) Y’all deserve it! <3
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dangraccoon · 5 months
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Jari'eyc - Chapter 10
Read on AO3
Word Count: 2111
Warnings: restlessness based in anxiety, guilt, prosthetic limb, robotic limb acting up, tense discussion of relationships
Author's Note: Heads up! I will be updating this fic every other week starting after this upload (this chapter will go up on May 10th. Chapter 11 will go up on May 24th!) throughout the summer. Thank you all so much for your patience, understanding, and support! 💛
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Hunter hadn’t stopped pacing for nearly an hour and Sinya was getting tired of it, but she sat on the medbay table, watching him silently. Every so often he’d mutter something to himself, maybe pause his movements, but then he’d just start again. Nothing seemed to be able to stop him from his movement, not even the rocky landing Tech had made on a small snow-covered moon.
Eventually Sinya decided she had enough of watching him and hopped off the table, squeezing his shoulder ever so gently, and leaving Hunter alone in the medbay.
Most of the others were asleep in their bunks or crash seats, but the glow of the console drew her towards the main area of the ship.
Tech sat practically motionless in front of the console, aside from his fingers darting across the keys and buttons and his eyes rapidly scanning the information displayed. His brow was fixed in a seemingly permanent scowl. 
Echo was half asleep at the other console with Runi’s head resting on his knee as he scrolled through information on a datapad.
She passed through, tapping a gentle hand on Tech’s shoulder, hoping it could offer him some comfort or support, though he didn’t seem to notice.
Sinya approached the cockpit cautiously. She knew that’s where Crosshair had holed up since he woke up. 
“Do you need something?” she heard him ask from the copilot’s seat, his voice quiet and somewhat distant.
“No, I guess not,” she answered. “Just wanted to see how-”
“I’m fine,” Crosshair interrupted, cringing at himself as she sat down next to him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“It’s alright,” she smiled. “I’m sure you’ve been asked that more times than you can count.”
“I know they mean well,” he nodded.
They fell into a quiet moment, his eyes searching the stars and her eyes searching his face.
He looked tired and defeated, like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. There was a sag to his shoulders that Sinya hadn’t noted the last time they saw one another. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He turned to look at her. He shrugged. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know that,” she sighed, reaching over to place a gentle hand on his arm. “I wish there was more I could have done before this. Maybe things would have ended up differently.”
Crosshair drew in a steady, measured breath. “There was more I should have done. I shouldn’t have ever left her alone on Kamino. I should’ve made her get on the ship or- or stayed-”
“Crosshair, you couldn’t have-”
“I loved her,” his voice cracked, despite the carefully neutral expression on his face. “Somehow I still do. I told her that I would protect her, that I would always be there for her. Look where that got her.”
“You can’t blame yourself for what’s happened to her,” Sinya said, more forcefully now. “I love her, too. We missed our chances to save her before but now we can. And we don’t have to do it alone.”
“She doesn’t even know us anymore,” he murmured, his eyes starting to sting from holding back his emotion. “She doesn’t know who we are or what we were.”
“Then we’ll just have to help her remember,” Sinya whispered. “She’s never forgotten something completely. You’re not gone forever, just locked away.” 
Crosshair tried to let her optimism permeate his heart, but the more he let himself think about Jaine, the further down he spiraled.
Runi was stiff, head to toe. It had been some time since she’d fallen asleep on the floor of a ship, but she didn’t mind much. She wiped the sleep from her eyes as she stood and stretched, a jolt of pain running through her left side. 
Damn, she thought. I’ll have to get this taken care of sooner than I’d hoped.
She could hear several of the others around, most sounding like they were in the small kitchen area. She poked her head in, only drawing the attention of Fives who smiled widely at her.
“Hey, uja,” he whispered, meeting her in the hallway and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “How’d you sleep?”
She shrugged. “I’ve slept worse.”
Fives’ eyes narrowed a little as he looked her over. “Is it your back or your arm today?”
Damn. It drove her a little crazy that he could always tell when something was bothering her. He was so attuned to her. She didn’t hate it, though.
“Arm,” she sighed. “It’s acting up.”
He took her left hand in his, running his other hand up her forearm. “Anything I can do?” he asked, lifting her arm to place a gentle kiss to her hand.
She smiled briefly, but sighed again. “I don’t think so. I was actually going to ask for… more skilled assistance.”
Fives raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I know you don’t want… someone to know about this yet.”
“I guess I’ll have to take my chances then,” she shrugged. “It’s starting to feel like it did on Alderaan.”
He cringed. “Yeah, maybe you should get it looked at.” He pressed another kiss to her forehead, gently cupping her cheek. “Good luck with that.”
“Thanks,” she chuckled, turning to continue looking around.
She found Tech still upright at the console, hands still set over the buttons, but his head had since lolled forward.
“That can’t be comfortable,” she scoffed quietly to herself. She placed her hand on his shoulder, using her other to ease his head to rest against the headrest.
Tech’s arm came up, his hand wrapping tightly around her left wrist as he jolted awake. His eyes scanned her rapidly.
“I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to startle you,” she whispered frantically, her heart pounding in her ears from the scare.
Slowly, she watched Tech’s eyes come into focus and his hand released his grip.
“I– Apologies,” he mumbled, clearing his throat. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, just startled me a little.”
“Are you certain? My grip was rather tight,” he added.
Runi chuckled. “I’m alright,” she reassured him, nerves fluttering in her chest. “Though I was actually wondering if you might be willing to look at my arm anyway.”
Tech scowled in confusion, but nodded.
She swallowed, tilting her head to gesture towards the cockpit.
He followed her in, noting how she shut the door behind them.
“Look, with everything else going on I don’t need this getting around to everyone, especially not Echo,” she told him, her mismatched eyes boring deep into his. “I don’t know how he’d react and he doesn’t need this on top of everything going on with your old medic.”
Tech nodded once, but she took him by the shoulders. He felt a hint of intimidation despite the woman being over a foot shorter than him.
“Tech, I need your verbal confirmation that you will let me be the one who tells anyone else about this.”
“I will not tell anyone,” Tech agreed hesitantly, his brow furrowed.
Runi took a deep breath, removed her gloves and pulled her shirt up over her head, leaving her standing in her breastband. Tech’s cheeks flushed before he realized what she was showing him. Her left arm was almost skeletal, crafted with metal that had long since lost its shine, extending halfway up her upper arm.
“You have a cybernetic replacement,” Tech said, unable to stop the curiosity from seeping into his voice. 
She flexed each finger, looking at it with an expression that Tech could barely discern. “I lost it in the same… incident that did all this,” she informed him, gesturing to the scars on her face and her replaced eye.
“If I might ask,” Tech began, watching her carefully. “Why do you feel the need to hide this? I would assume that Echo would be… understanding.”
“He already knows the scars are from Umbara,” she shuddered. “And believe me, he has had some thoughts about the subject, but… he doesn’t know… why this happened.” 
Tech watched with rapt attention as her expression hollowed. “Why did it happen?” he whispered. 
Her eyes met his again, wide and nervous. “That doesn’t matter,” she muttered. 
“Why have you told me about this?” he asked gently.
She sighed. “It’s acting up again and I’ve gotten okay at repairing it, but I’m not so good with my right hand.”
“The tremors,” Tech said. Runi’s face shifted somewhere between surprise and confusion. “I noticed your hand shaking in the medbay. At the time, I assumed it was due to the stress of your… amorous relations.”
Runi scoffed, a slight smirk on her face. “I should’ve guessed you’d notice.”
He couldn’t help but grin a little as well. “How can I be of help?”
“It’s the connection to my nervous system,” she winced as she began to remove the prosthetic. “Every once in a while the configuration changes itself and makes it more sensitive.” She set the arm on a seat, pulling what remained of her left arm forwards to show him the machinery implanted there. “You’ll have to hook it up to a datapad. Mine already has the program I use set up on it, but it’s back in our apartment.”
“That should not be a problem,” Tech responded, already pulling out a cable to connect his datapad to her arm. “I am more than capable of creating a program.”
Runi rolled her eyes a little, but winced as the cable connected.
“Was that painful?”
“A little,” she shrugged. “Like a pinch.”
Fives’ fingers drummed against his leg as he watched his brother sort through endless lines of data. He’d opened and closed his mouth a few times, struggling for something to say.
“What?” Echo hummed, startling him a little.
“I- didn’t say anything,” Fives stammered.
Echo scoffed. “For once. What were you trying to say, vod?”
Fives sighed, running a hand down his face. “It’s about Runi.”
Echo stopped his endless scrolling to turn his chair and scowl questioningly at his twin. “What about her?”
“I think you know, Eyay'ika.” Fives’ eyes were soft, his expression calculated.
Echo’s heart dropped into his stomach. Since the awkward conversation they’d had in the medbay, he’d been dreading the follow-up talk. 
“Forgot how pretty she looks when she’s concentrating,” Echo had said, nudging his brother a little.
“No kidding,” Fives had answered, his voice unexpectedly reverent. “You should see her on missions.”
Echo nodded, but scowled a little, glancing over at his twin. On his face he clearly saw the same awe-struck expression he had been sporting himself. 
“Are you in love with Runi?”
Fives’ eyes went wide as he sputtered, looking for a response.
Echo scowled. For the first time since Anaxes he felt his blood boiling just beneath the surface of his skin. “Well?”
Fives sighed. “Echo, it’s not that simple-”
“Seems pretty simple to me,” he spat. “Either you’re in love with my girlfriend or you’re not.”
“Don’t,” ordered Tech.
Something hit the exam table as Runi startled.
“Echo,” Tech hissed. “Her hand.”
“Echo?” Fives said, pulling him back to the present moment. 
Echo shook his head. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess I know.”
“I never want to be anything less than honest with you, vod,” Fives said, eyes locked on to his twin’s face. “You asked me if I’m in love with Runi and the answer is yes, I absolutely am.”
“Ni ne’liser urmankalar gar,” Echo growled. [I can’t believe you.]
“Vaabir gar copad ne at jethaatir, vod?” Fives bristled. [Do you want me to lie, brother?]
Echo’s face twisted into a deeper scowl. 
“Echo, you were dead,” Fives sighed. “We both lost you and then Umbara happened and- and we had to escape–”
“She’s the one that helped you, isn’t she?” Echo said, his voice dangerously quiet. 
“Yes,” Fives confirmed. “She’s the one that knew Fox. She fabricated the drug-”
“You put her in danger.”
Fives scoffed. “You know Runi’s never needed any help finding danger.”
Echo’s jaw set tightly. Fives set his hand gently on his brother’s shoulder.
“We didn’t plan it, vod,” he sighed. “We fought it, for a while, but it was… unavoidable at best.”
Fives watched his twin’s expression carefully. While somewhat paler and more gaunt, Echo’s expressions hadn’t changed since they were cadets, and he was still just as bad at keeping a straight face. Echo’s eyes were far away, likely somewhere he didn’t want to be based on the way his fingers twitched.
“Talk to her, vod,” Fives urged him. “She never stopped loving you and you come first. If she wants you, she’s yours.”
Echo didn’t answer, simply rising from his seat and walking away.
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Thanks for reading! - River
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Tags: @lokigirlszendaya @serenityselene @nomercyforthewarrior @ravenclawbitch426 @luna-the-lone-red-wolf @techs-goggles9902
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Is the leagues bar hideout an active place for civilians to go out and drink or is it Just a place for the leauge to hide at? I was having a discussion with my bf and we were talking about how AFO has businesses that he can benefit from (kinda like how Garaki has his own hospital which is technically a business that him and AFO can benefit from) and we were debating if the bar hideout is really a actual public bar for people to go to or just secretively for the league.
* I’ve asked this question to two other meta writers to see what different opinions I get :) *
Hi! I think it just has the aesthetics of a bar, but it's not an actual business. Only a hideout. My reasons for thinking so are the following:
We never actually see any customers inside, like you'd expect from a proper business. Not even fellow criminals / lowlives. In fact, the two other people aside from the League who ever enter the building are Giran (their broker) and Stain, that one time he wanted to talk to Shigaraki, and likely requested a meeting.
When the heroes are tracking down the bar, they speak with a civilian who works nearby that mentions the building has no tenants:
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and while of course it's possible that in the case of a shady business there was no paperwork trail, the hideout was also in a busy area, presumably in the middle of Kamino ward. So I think they would've noticed movement around the area, and customers going in and out. In fact, the League probably entered and got out thanks to Kurogiri, or they sneaked in covertly because the raid is kickstarted by Dabi accidentally drawing attention to the fact that the building was occupied.
3. Last but not least, and this is mostly speculation on my side... Shigaraki has his own room in that hideout, and iirc, it's the same one he grew up in. Looking closely, you can see that the wall shelves and the desk are in the same place. It's implied that AFO raised Tenko in isolation, to stunt his growth and make Tenko emotionally dependant on his master. This is shown in how early!Tomura struggles to regulate his emotions around others and is very volatile and quick to anger outbursts when things don't go his way. AFO limited Tomura's interactions with the outside world and with other people, all to make his control on the kid stronger. So for example we only see young Tomura go out when AFO wants him to kill lowlives. Otherwise he's a shut-in with no friends until the League comes around. He only has his games, TV and the occasional newspaper to keep him company and give him glimpses of the world outside his small room. Even his interactions with AFO are always through a screen. All of that is reminiscent of how AFO abused his brother, locking him up in a dark cellar, waiting for Yoichi to submit to his authority. He was fine keeping him there forever if Second hadn't come to free him. So it's entirely within his methods to use isolation as a grooming technique.
So. Since it suited AFO's goals to keep Tomura as far away from human contact as possible, and to keep his existence a secret to be unleashed on his nemesis at the right time... I don't think he would've "raised" him amongst people. Pretty much the opposite. A real bar with real people coming in and out would've exposed Tomura too much and too early, and AFO couldn't have that.
I hope this offered some new points for your debates, and good luck on getting other responses!
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Chapter One: After Effects:
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Mental health, angst, suggestive (let me know if I miss any!)
On Coruscant, the capital of the grand Republic was a bar called 79’s. It was a hidden gem in the upper levels of the brightly lit city, that was commonly nicknamed the Clone Bar.
Sitting inside the dim establishment at the bar, Hardwire was listening to yet another rant from Mirage about his distaste in the new recruits.
Specifically, another ARC who was ranked Lieutenant.
“…he thinks he’s so much better than everyone,” Mirage went on, “that’s why he won’t socialize with anyone. He thinks he’s above us.”
The ARC threw his drink back in one go. He slammed his glass down on the counter, and dropped his head. The usually put together man was a mess, with his long curls fallen loose from his hair gel and into his eyes.
Hardwire did not know much of Fury. All he knew of him was rumors he heard from others. Of those rumors, they said that Fury was an angry, quick to violence ARC trooper.
Hardwire looked over at the corner booth that the supposed brutal ARC was sitting in. His company was Juliette, who was the first to speak to Fury back in the hanger a few hours before.
His General that he considered the closest thing he will ever have to a friend outside his brothers, was giggling at Fury’s reaction to eating real food for the first time. He was experiencing life outside of Kamino for the first time, and—like all brothers fresh off their home world—he was starry eyed and glowing.
“Mirage,” Hardwire clapped a hand on his back, “I love you, brother, but I don’t see it.”
Mirage rolled his dark eyes.
Hardwire looked back, smiling at how this new ARC was making his heartbroken General smile. Even if it wasn’t her true smile, it was something better than her teary eyes and faraway stares.
“Please just be nice to him,” Hardwire said, “he doesn’t have to be your favorite brother, but don’t give him Hell.”
“Fine,” Mirage got up, “but I still don’t like him.”
Hardwire watched him go, doing a scan on everyone else that was at the bar.
Cooper was teaching Coyote, Shadow, and some new boys how to do shots. Boomerang was talking to Tunnel squad, minus their Sergeant who was probably whisked away by one of the civilian patrons. As for Tracks, he was off at some other bar with all the pilots meeting Max’s partner, Tay, and their friends.
His growing small circle was accounted for, meaning he could join his General.
Hardwire picked up his glass of iced water, and made his way to the quieter, back table away from the crowds.
Fury—sipping on a carbonated beverage—looked up at him with his straw in between his teeth.
“Mind if I rejoin you?“ Hardwire asked, already sitting down across from Juliette.
“Of course, my darling,” she smiled, “I was just telling Fury about my shopping trip with Cooper.”
Fury’s gaze shifted curiously to Hardwire.
“Ah, yes,” Hardwire recalled, “you bought three dresses and a pair of high heels. Perhaps you’ll wear them when you have to make a formal appearance with the senators.”
Despite her smile, Juliette’s mouth twitched like she was forcing it to stay.
Fury’s gaze shifted back to his drink, staying quiet.
“You won’t make me go alone, right?” Juliette reached across the table for Hardwire’s hands, “please don’t make me go alone?”
Hardwire held her hands, “I won’t make you go alone, darling, I’ll be right there in a Republic issued dress suit talking to the senators all night.”
Fury was looking at their hands, brow knitted and head tilted to the side as he drank.
“Thank you!” Juliette squeezed Hardwire’s hands, “I couldn’t have asked for a better Commander than you.”
“Nor I a better General,” he replied. “And friend.”
Fury’s gaze adverted away from their hands, looking at the graffiti on the booth’s table instead.
Juliette released Hardwire’s hands, “I’ll be back, Hardwire. I just need some air, and a break from the noise.”
“Not a problem,” Hardwire watched her slip on her helmet, “do you want someone to join you?”
“No,” Juliette waved her hand, “I don’t want to ruin your fun.”
Hardwire stood, “Juliette, you’re not going to ruin anyone’s night.”
“I think it’s best I let you men enjoy your only time off,” Juliette placed her hands on his shoulders, “I’ll be fine alone.”
That wasn’t what he wanted. Hardwire tried to stay standing, but he could feel her strength pushing him back down. Reluctantly, he sat again, and watched her go with a troubled scowl on his face.
Gingerly, Fury tapped his forearm with his pointer finger.
Seriously, Hardwire turned to him, what is so wrong with this trooper that Mirage so strongly dislikes him?
Fury sat up straighter, “permission to speak freely?”
“Sure,” Hardwire leaned on his fist.
“When did he die?” Fury asked.
Hardwire had no words, he knows about Fang?
“She keeps fiddling with that necklace,” Fury played with his straw, “and she just looks… sad.”
Hardwire sighed, running his hands over his face, “he died yesterday. She was suppose to be going to dinner with him tonight.”
Fury nodded, finishing his drink, and then got up.
“Where are you going?” Hardwire called.
Fury said over his shoulder, “air.”
Hardwire knew full well that was a lie, but instead of stopping him, he was just grateful someone was going after her.
“Which one?” Juliette held up two dresses in her hands.
Smiling, Fang sat up from her bed he was lounging on, “how can I decide? You’ll look beautiful in both.”
Juliette rolled her eyes as Fang approached her, placing his hands on her waist as he leaned in close to steal a kiss.
He was so much better.
Nightmares weren’t as frequent, he was socializing with more brothers, and everyday he was cooking dinner for her and a few of his closest brothers.
As his lips left her’s, he softly spoke, “the blue. I haven’t seen you in it yet, so it’ll be a surprise.”
Then, he went back to kissing her like they had all the time in the world to be together.
But, they didn’t.
Rubbing her thumb on the purple stone that hung from her neck, Juliette replayed that memory in her head.
She could see it so clearly in her mind. The minute she’d meet him in that dark blue dress. His eyes would light up and his smile would not leave his face as he took her into his arms, showering her with his kind words and a thousand kisses in between each sentence.
Coyote didn’t go into details of how he died, and she couldn’t bring herself to ask him to relive watching his brother die in front of him. Even if it meant closure for her.
She had been wandering mindlessly, not paying attention to where she was going.
Snapping out of her still processing mind, she realized she had wandered into a brightly, colorfully lit street with a sleuth of people that she had been weaving through.
Gently, a hand took her’s, guiding her to the side out of the foot traffic that was passing her by.
“Hey,” the trooper’s voice said softly, “you okay?”
She looked up, meeting Max’s gaze behind her visor.
His dark curls had glitter in it, along with it smudged onto his cheeks with scattered black lipstick kisses.
She wanted to be strong, not ruining his time as she knew full well that he was having fun with his pilot brothers, his partner, and his partner’s friends. However, she felt tears springing to her eyes behind her helmet and her voice breaking before she could even find the right words.
Max lifted off her helmet, and hooked it to his own belt, “come here, you can join us.”
“I don’t…” Juliette felt a tear fall down her cheek.
“…want to ruin our time?” Max finished chuckling, “honey, a couple of the men are branching off anyways. Come sit with us. We still have Squirrel, Tag, Frenzy, and Dabbler. That new guy, Ace, might also be hanging out. I’ll even get a hold of Cosmos for you.”
“It’s okay,” Juliette wiped her cheek, “I’ll just…”
Just what? Wander around crying and wishing my boyfriend didn’t die fighting in this war he was made for?
Max squeezed both of her hands reassuringly, “want to meet Tay?”
Juliette nodded, and let Max lead her down a little path to the sound of laughter echoing up a stairwell.
Max brought her down to the first landing where she saw a few of her pilots having a impromptu picnic on the steps with enough sweets to have them all up for a week straight. Among them was a green skinned Twi’lek wearing a waiter’s suit and black lipstick.
“Juliette?” Squirrel sat up straighter, “hi.”
“Hi, Juliette,” Dabbler tiredly murmured resting on that new sleeping pilot’s shoulder.
The Twi’lek turned, gray eyes studying her before breaking into a warm smile as they rose off their step, “hi, friend.”
Max directed Juliette to sit with the pilots, then went over to the Twi’lek, “sorry, I got distracted.”
“I’m not upset, silly boy,” they answered tilting his chin up to kiss him on his forehead. “Especially with you looking so cute.”
Max smiled, stepped up a stair to steal a kiss, then rushed back up with a skip in his step.
They sat back down and turned their attention back to Juliette, and held out a hand, “I’m Tay, and you’re Juliette.”
“I heard so much about you,” Juliette forced a smile, “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you, too,” Tay gently squeezed her hand, “these boys love you, and some won’t shut up about you.”
Juliette managed a small laugh, “oh, really?”
“Really.” Tag smiled, “we love you, Juliette.”
Frenzy scooted closer, cuddling into her, “loooove yooou.”
She could smell the alcohol on his breath as he hugged her tight, muttering something into her shoulder plate.
“And he’s wasted,” Tag grabbed Frenzy by his collar, “would you come here? Max will be right back with your present.”
“Yaaaaaaay,” Frenzy hugged Tag, hiccuping.
Tag rubbed his back, “so, how are you holding up, Juliette?”
“I’ve been better,” Juliette said, and nothing else.
“That’s not what I meant, love,” Tag frowned, “are you okay?”
No. How could I be?
Juliette nodded her head.
Squirrel moved next to her, “do you like bubbles?”
She blinked, turning to the scruffy, glitter sprinkled trooper beside her, “what?”
“Bubbles?” Squirrel repeated, “Frenzy likes them, are you also a fan?”
Max returned and sat back down. He handed Tay some change as he passed Tag a small bottle, smiling ear-to-ear still.
Squirrel turned to Juliette, whispering, “I’m glad you joined us. I missed you.”
Juliette felt a genuine smile return to her face, “you did?”
He nodded, “you’re my friend.”
A bubble floated between them, and her attention turned back to the others. Frenzy was happily blowing bubbles, practically giggling as the soap spheres floated off.
“You fellas sure are silly,” Tay remarked.
“We’re aware, my love,” Max turned to Tay with a soft smile, “and?”
They placed their hand on his collar, pulling him closer, “you’re my favorite, silly pilot.”
Max leaned in, and Juliette had to look away.
No more kissing for me.
Squirrel lifted her chin, swiping under her cheek.
She didn’t realize she was silently crying.
“She’s with some of our pilots.” Fury said into Hardwire’s comm, “I’m heading back to the barracks.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Hardwire answered, “get some sleep.”
The comm channel closed out, and Hardwire leaned back against the outside wall overlooking his tipsy brothers being corralled out of 79’s by their sober companions.
On his side, sitting against the wall was Tracks. His number one pilot had returned to him, and was sharing little ball shaped pastries that practically melted on his tongue.
“Max’s partner made these?” Hardwire said.
Tracks nodded, licking his fingers.
“Is Tay a baker?” Hardwire took another.
“Should be,” Tracks croaked.
Hardwire smiled, “I’m so glad you can talk again. Even if it’s only in small sentences for now.”
Tracks held a finger to his lips, hushing him with a wink.
Hardwire chuckled, popping another treat in his mouth.
Less than a hundred days was the last time he heard his brother’s voice. Less than a hundred days ago, their former General did something that made his voice go away. Less than a hundred days ago, they first met Juliette Trix.
In just those days, his whole life changed for the better. A better he didn’t think any clone trooper could ever have.
Especially with his lousy luck.
“Hi,” Boomerang plopped down with them, “I was looking for Mirage, but you two will do.”
“You just want food,” Hardwire remarked.
“No,” Boomerang wrapped his arms around his knees, “I’m just tired.”
“Too much to drink?” Hardwire asked.
Boomerang nodded, “I’m just going to sit here and close my eyes until Mirage comes over.”
“Where’d he go?” Hardwire asked.
“You don’t want to know,” Tracks shot Boomerang a warning look.
Boomerang rolled his eyes, “the Commander is a big boy. He can handle knowing about adult activities.”
Hardwire thought for a moment, confused by the phrase.
“Vod,” Boomerang laughed, “Mirage is getting some.”
“Some what?” Hardwire asked.
“Laid.” Boomerang face palmed, “have you not paid attention in our sex education classes?”
Hardwire felt his face flush, “our what classes?”
Tracks handed Hardwire the whole rest of the sweets, as Boomerang hysterically laughed at his lack of knowing.
Hardwire shyly ate another pastry, wondering if he was blushing as badly as Juliette does.
Her cheeks were burning as she laughed, so hard she couldn’t suppress a snort.
Squirrel was laughing at himself, as he recounted for her how Max met Tay. If it weren’t for her having Rani, she’d probably not know what rainbows represented to the LGBTAQ+ community either.
The others pilots went off to get snacks, leaving the two of them be.
She was relieved not having to watch Tay and Max be cute together. She was happy for them, and liked them together, but seeing how they looked at each other brought her back to Fang.
Squirrel turned to her, studying her with a soft look.
“Yes?” Juliette asked.
“You don’t have to talk about it,” Squirrel said, “but I know you haven’t said much about it.”
Juliette took a breath, and let out a shaky sigh.
“I really was looking forward to these next three days,” Juliette wiped her eyes, “I made reservations for this restaurant tomorrow, and I still haven’t canceled it. We were going to go on a real date!”
She held her face, trying to keep the tears at bay a little longer.
“Juliette,” Squirrel rubbed her arms, “it’s okay. You can cry in front of me.”
“I…” a sob got caught in her throat, “why did this happen? They were just scouting!”
Squirrel moved down a step, looking up at her, “it’s not fair, and it was something that doesn’t typically happen. I know this isn’t the right thing to say, but you got to keep going on with your life without him.”
Juliette cried, “how?“
Squirrel thought for a moment, then suggested, “when you’re ready, go on dates? Maybe connect with friends? Just don’t shut us out and get locked up in that pretty head of yours.”
“No.” Juliette shook her head, “no way. I’m never going to go out with anyone ever again because they’re going to die and I’m going to have to do this again!”
Squirrel caressed her face, “look at me, Juliette.”
Juliette looked into his dark eyes, fighting back another break down.
“I promise you, someone is going to come into your life and sweep you off your feet,” Squirrel brushed her cheek, “you’ll fall in love all over again, and while you’ll always remember Fang, you’ll be able to look back on your time together and no longer cry.”
Juliette felt her face burning.
When did Squirrel become so sensitive?
“We’re back,” Max called from around the corner.
Squirrel released her face, “I’m telling you, someone is out there just for you. You’ll see.”
Hardwire rounded up his troops, herding them off to the barracks to get some sleep. Once he knew all his men were in bed, he’d be able to sleep well.
Boomerang lingered by his side, looking around for Mirage still.
“Do you think he’s spending the night?” Hardwire asked, that’s a thing, right?
“Nope,” Boomerang answered, “Mirage does this every time. He goes off, gets laid, then comes and whines to me about how he regrets getting laid.”
“Odd.” Hardwire commented.
As the word left his lips, Mirage came out of an alley, snacking on some trail mix.
“Did you latest hookup buy you that?” Boomerang teased.
Mirage shook his head, “I’m done with that stuff. Used some of the credits I had left over to buy a snack and was people watching.”
“Really?” Boomerang seemed unconvinced.
“Really.” Mirage insisted, “been watching couples all night.”
“Okay,” Boomerang snorted.
Mirage rolled his eyes, offering Hardwire some food.
“I’m good,” Hardwire did a last count, everyone is accounted for but Tunnel squad.
Boomerang pouted, “I like food.”
“Relax, vod,” Mirage chuckled, “I’m giving you the rest.”
Boomerang took the bag, smiling, “this is why you’re my favorite.”
“I’m your favorite for several reasons,” Mirage wrapped an arm around him, “so, where’s Juliette?”
“Wandered off to join her pilots,” Hardwire told him, and I’m not telling you how I know that.
When the men go on leave, Jedi usually returned to the Temple to do more training, meditation, or step back from the war.
For Juliette, she couldn’t do that. Instead, she just returned back to Naval ship of the Stormrider where the 952nd’s Navy soldiers had also decided to return to.
“General,” Captain Stickler politely nodded, as she passed him.
“Captain,” she offered a smile, but was sure it didn’t meet her eyes.
A part of her hoped the Navy Captain would stop, maybe ask her if she was okay or if she needed a hug. However, Stickler continued on with his inspection and a little mouse droid zipping around his feet like a pet.
She made her way to the ships’ barracks, seeing a few of the men’s doors open to air out the stench while they’re off sleeping elsewhere, including the Commander’s quarters.
Curiously, she glanced in their barracks as she past.
As she suspected, it was bunks freshly made with new, clean sheets and posters on their walls of pretty girls of various species.
She wondered which bunk had been Fang’s, and who slept by him. She always imagined Fang sleeping close to Coyote, maybe in bunks next to each other so they could continue their chats well into the night.
I hope Coyote is coping okay, Juliette thought, moving onto her own quarters with its doors shut.
She entered her room, looking towards her bed.
Another wave of nostalgia hitting her, bringing tears to her eyes.
“What if there’s no happy ending for us?” Fang asked tracing her nose with his finger, “what if this is all the time we get together?”
Juliette found it to be impossible at the time. The universe wouldn’t be so cruel to take her mother, father, and first love away by death. If Fang was not meant to be her’s, they’re break up and still be friends. The two would be happy for each other when someone new came into their separate lives, and smile fondly back at their past relationship as they moved forward with living.
Tears began falling from Juliette’s eyes.
The universe was cruel, and it did rip him away from her so suddenly like her parents. She’d move on, and Fang would remain resting on a battlefield somewhere to rot away.
“I see someone who needs their best friend.”
Juliette turned around, relieved to see through her misty vision Cosmos with glittered skin and armor, arms wide open.
She managed a weak smile, before breaking into heavy sobs as she ran into his arms.
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makeste · 3 years
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all, “Kirishima please take Hagakure and Aoyama and put them away somewhere out of sight until we’re finally ready for the U.A. Traitor Plot.” Shouto was all “HEY DEKU DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT MAYBE YOU WANDERING THE STREETS LOOKING LIKE A GOTH PRAYING MANTIS IS EXACTLY WHAT AFO WANTS.” Deku was all “I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY CRUSHING MARTYR COMPLEX AND ACCUMULATED TRAUMA.” Mineta was all “HEY DEKU YOU SWEET THANG, IF I COULD REARRANGE THE ALPHABET I’D PUT ‘U’ AND ‘I’ TOGETHER, ANYWAYS HMU 💖”, or at least that’s what fandom apparently thought he said. Everyone was all “WELL SINCE WE’RE BACK HERE IN KAMINO WE SHOULD DO THE THING” and did the whole “launching someone into the air to save someone by dramatically grabbing their hand” thing that everybody fucking loves to do in Kamino so damn much. Iida was all “[bombards me and Deku with feels].” Deku was all, “ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू).” I was all, “(;*△*;).” Horikoshi was all, “my work here is done.”
Today on BnHA: 
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oh my god.
so I finally went back to look at what I wrote up for 321 last week, and it’s a hot fucking mess lol, and I really don’t want to deal with that right now, so we’re just gonna skip it and go back sometime in the next few days or something because I really want to read the new chapter and I have no self control. I’M SORRY IIDA
oh my god he’s breaking out the narration word bubbles oh my god. shit is about to get epic isn’t it
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has there ever been a chapter that opened with these that WASN’T epic? serious question. anyways all aboard the Feels Express I guess
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I saved a bunch of other crying kaomojis when I was looking for ones to use in the “previously on” summary, and right now it’s looking like that was a good fucking decision you guys. if I’m going to be an emotional wreck I might as well do it in style ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
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(ETA: it’s like. maybe my second favorite lol. A HUG WOULD HAVE PUT IT IN FIRST, I’M JUST SAYING.)
anyway so Ochako is releasing Iida, which is actually hilarious, because idk if you all know this but Iida can’t fucking fly you guys
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like, I assume Ochako released him because she already knew that Kirishima was in place to catch him, but I really love this split-second of panic on Iida’s part where he’s all “HMM, IS OCHAKO TRYING TO KILL ME, ACTUALLY”
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that’s some plus fucking ultra on Ochako’s part right there. “IF THEY DIE THEY DIE” goddamn girl did you leave your chill in the same locker as Momo or what
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oh my gosh he is curled up so small you guys oh my fucking lord
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Ochako is the U.A. Traitor confirmed. Hagakure I am so sorry I doubted you. Ochako get over here. so are you Toga now or what
anyway so now everyone is running over before Iida can react to this casual announcement of his attempted murder. and now Mina is taking her turn, and Horikoshi is all “HEY BTW IS MINA CRYING ON THE LIST OF THINGS THAT MAKE YOU CRY?” and of fucking course it is, you bastard. I’m not made of stone
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( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)
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THEY’RE JUST DEKU AND KACCHAN. holy shit you guys. because oh my god, but it’s like when Deku was talking to the Vestiges about saving Tomura, and he turned into his little child self because his heart and intentions were so pure?? and it’s like that again, except that we’re seeing them as their child selves because that’s who they are to each other?? like, not that they actually see each other as children, but just, they can see past all of the stuff on the outside and see each other to their cores, to who they are inside, and when they look at each other they each simply see the other boy that they’ve known their whole entire life. idk?? does that make sense??? DOES ANY OF THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE I DON’T KNOW WHAT WORDS ARE ANYMORE I’M JUST SWIMMING IN FEELS OKAY. I’M TRYING HERE
they’re just boys, is what I’m trying to say, I guess. just Deku and Kacchan. all the walls are down, all the gaps are bridged, and all it is is the one boy reaching out and connecting with the other, and just,,, (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
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─=≡Σ((( つ ◕o◕ )つ
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ARE YOU GONNA HUG!??!?!?!?! I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!!! !!!hgk
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sure let’s cut to Thirteen then, yay. I mean I’m glad they’re alive lol, don’t get me wrong
(ETA: I think that might have sounded a bit sarcastic so I just want to clarify that I really am happy Thirteen is alive and on the job again lol.)
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it’s just that if your name doesn’t begin with Baku or Deku I honestly am not interested for just these next five minutes okay lol. like I’m just gonna be completely honest. I am too invested lol, please, they were having a moment, JUST LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE
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I’m literally not even reading the speech bubbles though omg I’m so sorry. I really hope there is not a quiz, I promise I will come back to it later scroll scroll scroll
okay so they brought him back to U.A. and he’s all tired and out of it yes
oh goody Hagakure knows all about the security system
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(ETA: is it just me or is Horikoshi really laying it on thick with the hints about these two guys lately? I’m on to you sir.)
ffs Deku
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-- holy shit, what??!
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they know?? how did they find out??! holy shit???
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I’m about to cancel the whole of Japan lmao. fucking try me dudes
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“a ticking time bomb” tell you what, this man is just asking to be punched in the face. literally begging for it omg
(ETA: I have been advised that I misread this part; Rat Principal told everyone how safe U.A. was, but he’s not the one who ratted out Deku; that was “the rumors”, apparently. which, if I had to guess, were probably started by AFO.)
oh I see, so it’s to be Feels, Part II then
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he looks so sad and tired and lonely and she goes right for the hand, god bless. though if Kacchan’s not gonna hug him, you’d think someone would at least. or is it because he still smells bad. hmm
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(ETA: just to clarify the reason for my rambling here, I was really waiting for the hero name reveal and the presumed deeper meaning behind it lol. but I guess that is a conversation still to come! and we still need Deku’s response to the apology too for that matter. lots to look forward to still.)
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writing-reaper · 2 years
Bound through the Force
The Bad Batch x f!OC Mara
Description: The world changed the day she left, not that it was really different. However, the world changes once more and she finds herself lost. While searching to find her way once more, she finds a friend and a few others all at once.
Note: been wanting to write a fic with an oc. Enjoy!
Warnings: Injuries, mentions of death, trauma, fluff, suicidal thoughts, and nudity
Leaving. Leaving was hard. However, it was also necessary. The rain on Kamino was as it always was: fierce and unyielding. And yet, with each rapid, bruising drop of rain, there was peace.
The rhythmic thumps on the glass of her window, the silence within her own room. The darkness beneath her eyelids as she disappears into the realm of her mind. Peace didn’t always mean silence though. Something she was taught by a bubbly little girl who ran about Kamino alongside Nala Se.
“Mara…!” Omega whisper-shouts, slipping into her room, trying to get her attention. Omega always had a knack for interrupting her meditation time.
“Yes, love?” Mara asks, keeping her eyes closed, fighting back a grin as she felt Omega sneak closer.
“Can I join you?” Omega asks, her voice still in a whisper. She answers with a nod and the bed shifts as a weight moves beside her.
Mara listens as Omega sucks in a breath, her knee making contact with Mara’s and her hand grazing hers as it took place on her knee. The room fills with silence once more. If any sound was made, it was a shift in their breathing.
A smirk takes over Mara’s lips as Omega shifts once more. She knew exactly what was to come and her eyes open and she jumps toward a ready-to-pounce Omega who was abruptly startled by Mara’s own pounce. The child flails as she cries out with laughter and joy.
“HahaHA! Mara! Stooop!!” Omega laughs, squirming away from the woman and running around her room, Mara putting on chase. The two chased each other about for a while before Omega was called back to Nala Se’s lab.
At least… that’s how their days had usually gone. But today was different.
“Mara!” Omega cheers, running over to the woman and jumping into her outstretched arms.
“Omega!” Mara laughs, embracing the girl as Azi quickly flies over.
“Omega! You’re supposed to— oh. I see you have found Mara Deoradhán.” Azi announces. “If you need me, I am needed in the medical bay.”
Omega laughs as Azi flies away. She nuzzles into Mara’s shoulder as the two head toward Mara’s barracks.
“Nala Se said you needed to speak to me?” Omega asks, getting off of Mara and entering the room beside her.
“Yeah, I wanted to say goodbye.” Mara says, kneeling in front of the child. Omega steps back with hurt in her eyes.
“What?” She questions, looking upset. “You can’t leave! How long will you be gone?”
“Omega…” Mara sighs. “I… I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“Your… you’re really leaving? I-I… I don’t want you to go.” Omega says, her voice breaking as tears well in her eyes.
“Hey… hey. I’ll be back. I’m just needed elsewhere. As soon as it’s over, I’m coming straight back here, for you.” Mara assures, promise in her voice. “Before I do go, I wanted to give you something.”
Omega sniffles, wiping her teary eyes and watches as Mara holds up something small wrapped in paper and string. The string tied together at the top with a little bow. Omega takes it into her hand and pulls a string, unraveling the string. She unwraps the paper and finds a little crystal.
“What is it?” She asks, lifting up the small rock. “It’s pretty.”
“It’s a family heirloom. I want you to have it.” Mara answers. “Keep it with you wherever you go. And if you ever miss me, you can look at it and think of me.”
“Thank you.” Omega says, embracing Mara in a hug. “I’m going to miss you.”
“Me too, Omega.” Mara answers, nuzzling her head to her shoulder. “Me too.”
It’s been a year since then and Mara found herself alone, afraid. It hasn’t been long since the order went out, maybe a month? Two? Three? No matter, Kamino was lost, taken over. Any attempt to contact Nala Se was ignored and Mara couldn’t find refuge anywhere.
So, with no other options, she turned back to the old contacts. The last two were dead and now she stood in Ord Mantell, looking for Cid’s bar. Hitchhiking was the easy part. Convincing Cid was going to be the hard part.
“Mara?” She pauses and looks around. She swore she could’ve heard someone say her name. “Mara!”
That’s when Mara saw her. That wonderful little girl back on Kamino was here on Ord Mantell and running straight toward her.
“Omega?!” Mara returns her call, pushing through a group of people. She dropped to her knees as soon as the child was close enough and hugged her tightly.
The child cheers as Mara fights the tears in her eyes as she pulls away to look the girl over. Her words were scattered, not knowing what to say. She had been half convinced the girl was dead.
Finally, her hand lands on the child’s cheek and Mara inhales sharply. Omega was here, she was really here.
“What… what are you doing all the way out here? How did you get here? Are you ok?” Mara blurts out, concern and a happy quiver in her voice.
“I’m alright! I’m alright!” Omega laughs. “How did you find me?”
“I-I didn’t… I…”
“Omega!” A male voice calls out. Mara jumps to her feet, pushing Omega behind her.
“Who are they?” Mara asks, taking a defensive stance, one Omega recognized immediately.
“It’s ok! It’s ok! They’re my brothers!” Omega answers as her brothers make their way through the crowd to find her and the woman she had just ran off to.
“And… and the chip?” Mara asks, squinting her eyes at the group as they also take a defensive stance.
“Omega who is this?” The one in front of the others, Mara assumed their leader, asks.
“This is Mara! Mara these are my brothers. Their inhibitor chips were removed. It’s ok!” Omega reassures. Mara keeps her back straight and softens her defensive stance.
“They’re clone force 99, correct?” Mara asks Omega, raising a brow, remembering how Omega used to dote on her younger siblings when Nala Se was still training them.
“Yes we are. What’s it to you?” The leader questions once more, putting his vibroblade.
“Just making sure. Omega used to talk about you guys a lot.” Mara answers, looking over at the child. “You boys wouldn’t happen to know where Cid’s Parlor is?”
“Yeah! We work for Cid!” Omega pipes up.
“Well then, lead the way?” Omega jumped up excited and tugged Mara along through the crowd. She barely caught the sight of a smile as one of the clones removed his helmet.
The parlor wasn’t far from where they were, Mara probably would’ve found it on her own if Omega hadn’t been there, but she was grateful nonetheless. In fact, Mara was overjoyed and overwhelmed.
Shiplagged, tired, hungry, parched, happy, sad: too many things were happening at once. Her eyes adjust abruptly between daylight and fluorescents, her head spinning.
“Oh who did you bring with you this time!” The annoyed voice Mara vaguely recognized as Cid’s echoed from the back office. “Necklace? What are you doing here? You look pretty alive for someone who’s supposed to be dead.”
“Nice to see you too Cid.” Mara answers, looking down at Omega, just still in disbelief she’s back here beside her.
“Dead? Why are you supposed to be dead?” The clone with a scomp questions.
“Right. I’m Mara Deoradhán, I trained under master Shaak Ti. I left a year ago, came back to find out everyone I knew was dead or out of reach.” She introduces.
“You’re a Jedi?” The man questions.
“Not really, it’s hard to explain.” Mara answers. “Do you sell food here or just drinks?”
“I don’t sell food, but I can charge you a couple credits for a meiloorun.” Cid answers with a shrug.
“I’ll take anything right now.” Mara smiles, earning an eye roll from the woman who went off to retrieve the meiloorun. Mara sits on one of the stools, helping Omega onto the one next to her. “How’s the world been treating you, love?”
“It’s been ok. There were two bounty hunters after me for a while, but we haven’t had any problems recently.” Omega answers, a careless smile on her face. “Otherwise, I’ve made a few friends, finally was able to see some of the places you used to describe to me. But…”
“What’s up, hun?” Mara asks, remembering the uncertain glares turned her way as she glanced up and found the men staring at her.
“Did you miss me?” She asks, hope gleaming in her big eyes.
“Of course I missed you. I missed you everyday. I said I’d come back, didn’t I?” Mara answers, brushing Omega’s hair behind her ear. “And look at you! You’re so much taller than the last time I saw you. And these bangs! How could you hide this from me?”
Mara ruffles Omega’s hair, earning a laugh from her before the child strikes forward to hug her once more. She winced, the pressure on her wounds erupting in a searing pain. She’s careful about holding Omega, shifting the girl off her injury. Mara’s head falls onto her shoulder, hiding her pain through her affection.
“These are new.” Omega comments, noticing the scaring beneath Mara’s loose top.
“Yeah, it’s been a long year.” Mara answers, her gaze shifting back over to the men.
Two were still hovering over the two, the others stepped away to take a seat and watch from a distance. Whatever trust they decided they had for Mara was clearly given as soon as Omega jumped on her.
“So… what are you doing all the way out here?” One of the clones asked, his skin pale, odd for a clone. Mara noticed his mechanical enhancement and pondered whether it had been from injury or choice.
“Answers, for the most part. Work I guess is also important.” Mara answers, taking an uncomfortable glance toward where Cid was. “Wasn’t hoping to come here, honestly. But the other contacts I knew of were dead.”
“Rude.” Cid spoke up from behind her. “Just for that, I’m gonna charge you double for this thing.”
Mara winced and rolled her eyes. She took some credits out and gave them to Cid before taking the meiloorun.
“Thanks.” Mara smiles. “You wouldn’t happen to have a med kit would you?”
“It’s in the same spot it always is.”
“I figured. Ok, up up.” Mara says, getting up carefully easing Omega off at the same time.
“Are you ok?” Omega asks, worry in her eyes.
“I’m fine, just a little hurt. Nothing I can’t handle.” Mara says, giving her a comforting smile.
Mara sits at the bar, swirling the spotchka in her glass with her finger. She couldn’t sleep, even after laying in a bed for the first time in a year. Exhaustion was still evident though, her posture slouched and her eyes threatening to close, her heart rate slowing and speeding up.
“You look like shit.” Cid comments, earning a laugh from Mara.
“You know, it wouldn’t kill you to act like you like me sometimes.” She answers before shooting down the drink. “Thanks for the drink.”
“You looked like you could use it.”
Silence filled the parlor once more as tears finally filled Mara’s eyes. She snapped, crying. Cid looked startled as the woman turned into a puddle of sobs and sniffles.
“Hey… uh. It’ll be fine.” Cid comforts, not at all used to seeing her this way. Mara had always been resilient to her emotions, never wanting to show weakness. Cid had only seen her cry once, but just because it slipped out. This was a full on meltdown. “Geez what happened to you?”
“Maker, so much has happened.” Mara answers, leaning her head up, trying to stop the tears, rubbing the liquid into her face. Her breathing shakes as she thinks back to the saddened look on Omega’s face. “How do you tell a child that some of the worst things happened to you?”
“What do you mean?” Cid asks. “She doesn’t know, you two look pretty chummy. I’m sure the boys would want to know before they let you see her again.”
“I’ve known Omega longer than they had. But I’m not trying to take her away from them.” Mara answers, waving her glass at Cid who rolled her eyes and gave her another shot. “I’m just happy I got to see her again. But you were right, you know, I should be dead.”
“Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean that.” Cid scoffs, watching her take the shot. “You don’t actually believe that, do you?”
“I… I don’t know anymore. I don’t have anything. I never had anything.” Mara announces. “I don’t even have a home to return to thanks to everything. Even if it was under the empires control, I’d at least have the slightest idea of what to do.”
“It’s all a hypothetical with you. Just work for me, like old times.” Cid offers, though it was more like a demand.
“I appreciate it, but I’m still healing.” Mara answers.
“Right, right.” Cid thinks. “You think you could handle the parlor? Clean, bartend, whatever.”
Mara thinks, looking at the glass in her hand. She shrugs.
“This place does need a good cleaning.”
“I’m going to ignore that.” Cid answers with a glare. “Well, now that’s a done deal, go back up to the room and we’ll talk about this more in the morning.”
Mara sighs and nods. She gives Cid one last smile before headed back upstairs to the apartment space Cid tended to use for storage. She makes her way past the boxes and falls back onto the bed. Her body was still stiff. Perhaps a shower?
Making her way to the small bathroom, she finds a surprisingly clean refresher. A few webs, but no insects. She finds a towel and pats out the dust on it.
Mara lays the towel out over the rack and turns on the water. She makes sure the door is closed and locked before removing her clothing. They were pretty gross, covered in blood, sweat, and dirt. She’d wash them in the tub so she could wear them in the morning to get some new clothes.
As the water warms, Mara takes a once over her body. Scars, blood, dirt. Her skin was pale and even paler skin grey around the edges showed where her scars lied upon her skin. A large cut she had stitched went up her side, still fresh with blood.
A disgusted frown appeared on her lips, so many memories etched into her skin. She brushed her finger against her bruises, touched the still sensitive scar tissue on her thigh and winced at the sight of the burn on her back. But at least it was healed, just another story on her skin.
Mara felt the water before entering the shower. It was still a little cold, but she didn’t mind. The coolness brought back some peace, it reminded her of the rain on Kamino. She needed a plan, and now, she had the beginnings of one.
Work for Cid, get some new clothes, clean up her armor, and get back to doing what she was born to do best. But for now, Mara needed some time to heal. At least she had her friends back.
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aithorin · 3 years
A Lesson in Possession - All Smite x Reader (18+)
Summary: When you make the mistake of revealing that you find one of the top ten heroes attractive, Smite wastes no time in reminding you that you belong to him.
Warnings: Villain AU, Villain!All Might, Possessive behavior, Dominance, Vaginal fingering, Possessive sex, Unhealthy relationships, Degradation
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30772664
Very much NSFW!
All Might was ignoring you. Intentionally ignoring you. And you didn’t like it. Not one bit. For the last 20 minutes, you’d tried in vain to get him to finally sit down on the couch with you yet to no avail. He just continued to rustle around in the kitchen, seeming to clang together every goddamn pan in existence while looking for who knows what. At any rate, it was clear your attempts weren’t working at all.
Letting out a huff, you turned away from the kitchen to face the television. Raising the volume to drown out all the fucking noise he was making, the newsreporter babbled on about a battle that had happened earlier in the day. The fight in question was between none other than All Might and a horde of the top heroes. But what else was new?
‘Boooooorrrrring’ You droned out in your head. Picking up the remote, you flicked to the next channel only to be met with the same regurgitated garbage from the last. Sitting up straight, a spark of irritation fired through you as you began cycling through all the channels, going through them faster with each disappointment.
“All Might-” Next
“Earlier today, Symbol of Discord, All Might-” Next
“Top hero Endeavor and All Might faced off-” Next
God, was there nothing else to fucking watch? Huffing in frustration, you hit mute before tossing the remote onto the cushion beside you. Crossing your arms, you settled further into the sofa as a small pout crept onto your face. Glaring at the TV, you gave it a scowl that rivaled All Might’s. However, as you kept your eyes trained on the now silent news report, your glower slowly faded into a wicked grin as an inkling of an idea began to take form. You knew exactly what to do. All Might wouldn’t be ignoring you for much longer.
Sitting up, you swung your legs up onto the couch and schooled your features into the epitome of relaxed and unbothered. Slinging one arm over the back, you kept your gaze glued to the TV and called out, “Your fight from today is all over the news.”
A particularly loud clang was all you got in response. That was okay. It was to be expected. On to phase two.
“They’re saying you destroyed half of Kamino Ward. And with five of the top heroes there too! That’s pretty impressive you managed to make it here without a scratch. I guess even the best have nothing on you.”
This time you got a clang followed by a grunt. Okay, so flattery was a no go. Time to change tactics. But no matter, you had saved the best for last.
“Although…” you began, dragging the word out, “While they may not be a match for you when it comes to power, I do have to say that some of them rival you quite well in the looks department. Personally, I think Hawks comes pretty damn close.”
Bringing a finger up, you tapped it against your lips. Amending your previous statement, you said, “Hmmm, wait. On second thought, I think he might actually be hotter than you. He is pretty attractive, you know.”
At your words, all clanging came to an abrupt halt. This time all that greeted you was deathly silence. Reveling in it, your smirk grew tenfold. Checkmate.  
Slow footsteps rumbled across the ground, sending tremors through the floors of your apartment. But you wouldn’t let yourself be intimidated. Keeping your eyes trailed on the screen, you refused to look at him, knowing it would anger him more. With the sole intention of pretending not to notice you had just pissed off the number one villain, you nonchalantly picked at invisible dirt in your nails.
Standing in the doorway that separated the living room from the kitchen, you could feel his glare burning holes into the back of your head, but you held steady to the charade.
“What,” All Might growled, “Did you just say?”
Giving a noncommittal hum and schooling your features, you threw a cursory glance at him over your shoulder before turning back to the TV, feigning disinterest. Once you were out of his line of sight though, you couldn’t help letting the devilish grin return. It was all going according to plan. He was absolutely pissed. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him so angry before. Just a couple of words and his aura had darkened so much it cast a shadow over the whole room. With his eyes blazing and his lips curled back in a snarl, his fists were clenched at his sides, trembling ever so slightly in an attempt to keep his anger in check. At any rate, it was clear your comment had gotten his blood boiling.
“Hmmm, what was that?” you finally replied. Looking at the TV, you continued, “Oh, I was just saying that I think Hawks is way hotter than you. No offense.”
Letting out a snarl, he began to stalk towards you. “You’re playing a dangerous game doll. Are you trying to make me mad?”
“No,” you said, giving a small pout, “I’m trying to get your attention. You’ve been ignoring me the whole time you’ve been here!”
“Insolent girl!” All Might growled, “And you thought insulting me was the way to do it?”
“Well nothing else was working!” you said haughtily, crossing your arms, “Besides, from my view, it worked perfectly. You’re certainly not ignoring me now, which is all I wanted in the first place.” Letting the irritation slide off your back, you gave him a cheeky grin and waggled your eyebrows.
Yet your words seemed to have the opposite effect on All Might as his expression grew impossibly darker. Giving you a derisive smile, he sneered. “Fine,” He said, voice sinister yet full of promise, “Have it your way then.”
The change in the air was palpable. Grin fading from your face, you realized that with nothing more than a few words from him, you’d lost all control over the situation. The knowledge sent a wave of nervousness down your spine. There was no denying it. The tables had turned, and while you may have won the battle, you were most certainly about to lose the war. God, you should have just kept your mouth shut. Why did your impatience always land you in such deep shit? Would it really have been so bad to wait another 15 minutes?
You’d played with fire and now you were about to be burned. From the look of All Might’s heated gaze, it seemed you were in for a world of painful pleasure. He’d give you what you want alright, but the bastard would be sure to reduce you to a writhing, sobbing mess beforehand. Yet despite the fact that your head was screaming at you to get away, your body seemed to have other thoughts. To your horror, you realized that the idea of being so completely at his mercy was actually turning you on. Just thinking about it had you shifting uncomfortably in your seat as a dull throb of need began to build in your abdomen.
In a flash, his looming form hovered over you, encasing you with his shadow, and the glow of his blazing blue eyes burned with a smug self-satisfaction at the sound of your breath hitching. Somehow, he’d gotten ahold of your arms, and they lay trapped in one of his hands held high above your head. His actions had caused your shirt to ride up ever so slightly, a fact which had not escaped All Might’s attention. Taking a moment to rake his eyes over your form, you could feel your body heat under his appreciative gaze, tendrils of want slithering through you.
Leaning over you, All Might trapped you with his body, your chests touching. His nearness created a warmth, and with it your heart began to beat ever so slightly faster. Tongue darting out to nervously lick your lips, you waited to see what he would do. With his free hand, All Might came up to swipe his thumb across your bottom lip, getting rid of the moisture you’d just laid there, before tilting your chin up and somehow getting impossibly closer. It was more than enough to unnerve you, and it was obvious he was doing it on purpose. The damn bastard knew you were helpless to resist when he was that close.
Bending down, he pressed his face toward your ear. “You want attention?” He snarled, his hot breath fanning the shell of your ear and sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine, “I’ll give you attention.”
Pulling back, he made sure his eyes met yours. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget that bird brained freak even exists. But first, I’m gonna teach you a lesson, doll. Mark my words, you’re gonna regret opening that pretty little mouth of yours.”
And that was all the warning you got. Leaning down, he captured your lips in a bruising kiss, demanding entrance. But the brat in you couldn’t help resisting. You met him full force, refusing to give him what he wanted, goading him. In response, he growled against your lips before biting down on your bottom one, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to surprise you. Releasing a tiny yelp at the shock, he seized the moment to push his way through. In an instant, he had his tongue tangled around yours. And there was nothing loving about the embrace. Rough and bruising, it was pure punishment and you were helpless to do anything about it.
As your need for air began to become overwhelming, All Might started to pull away, leaving a trail of saliva connected to your lips, thinning ever so slowly before finally splitting in half to land against your chin. Chest heaving and yearning to feel his lips against yours again, you sought his touch the only way you knew how.
By baiting him.
Sitting up ever so slightly by wiggling one arm out of his embrace, you propped yourself up on it and gave him a roguish grin. “Is that all you got, big guy?” You asked.
At the jab, he let out a growl. “I’m not anywhere close to done with you, girl.”
Leaning down, he grabbed hold of your T-shirt and tore it straight in half in one fell swoop before doing the exact same with your bra. Letting out a gasp, your exposed nipples began to harden in wake of the cold air, and All Might smirked as you rushed to cover yourself.
“Uh Uh Uh” He tutted, waggling his finger at you, “You know better than that.”
Slowly you began to lower your hand, and All Might let out an appreciative hum. “Good girl.” He purred.
Leaning down, he latched onto one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around the tip before taking it between his teeth and giving it an experimental tug. Your body, desperate for the slightest touch now, responded immediately. Letting out a breathy moan, you arched into his touch, silently begging for more as the sensation sent jolts of pleasure dancing across your chest that headed straight to your core. Smirking in satisfaction, All Might chose to ignore your plea. Grabbing onto your hips, he began trailing his lips down to the waistline of your pants, leaving warm wet kisses with his tongue across your belly while his thumbs stroked the sides of your waist. Arriving at the top of your pants, he reached one hand over to flick them open before sliding them over the curve of your ass, taking your panties with them and leaving your glistening pussy fully exposed.
“Look at you. You’re positively drenched, and I’ve barely even touched you. What an eager little slut you are.” He said, dragging one long finger along your slit.
Gasping at his touch, you watched, entranced, as he pulled his finger away, your juices dripping off of it. Bending down, he held it up to your mouth.
“Suck.” He commanded. Looking down at it, you hesitated just a moment too long, and his face twisted into a snarl.
“I’m not gonna ask you twice, girl. When I tell you to suck, you suck. ” He growled, squeezing your jaw open with one large hand wrapped around your cheeks and pushing his index finger into your mouth.
Tentatively you took the length of his finger into your mouth, wrapping your lips around the base of it. As the back of your tongue touched the pad of his fingertip, the warm, slightly salty taste of yourself met it. Swirling your tongue around the digit, you slowly began to bob up and down on it, thoroughly lubricating it with your saliva.
Letting out a satisfied smirk, All Might purred, “Good girl.” Shoving his finger back in as far back into your throat as he could, you gagged trying to catch your breath as he finally removed the digit, bringing your bottom lip down with it.
“That was for earlier.” He sneered, “Don’t disobey me again.”
And then, beginning from your mouth, he traced a path down your chin with his wet finger, going between the valley of your breasts and the soft curve of your belly. As the wet trail he made quickly dried, you shivered as the dampness met the cold air. Arriving at your pussy, he began to prod at your entrance, easily slipping the digit in.
You couldn’t stop from letting out an immediate moan at the stretch. From one finger, he had already managed to make you feel deliciously full. The mind numbing emptiness your body had been begging for him to satiate was finally being remedied.
Beginning to pump, All Might turned his attention toward your clit. As his fingers thrust inside you, his thumb began to rub slow circles over your clit, pulling all sorts of gasps out of you. Working you open, his pace began to quicken and before you knew it he was slipping a second finger in.
Dissolving into putty at his hands, you could feel your climax fast approaching.
Yes!” you moaned, “Just like that.” You were so close. With one more thrust, you’d be gone. You could feel his fingers pulling out, preparing to send you over the edge, when suddenly they were completely gone, leaving you painfully empty.
Choking from the force of being denied so suddenly, your eyes flashed open just in time to see him climbing off of you. Face sweaty and cheeks flushed, you were an absolute mess. Lost in a haze of need, you could barely even comprehend what was happening. All you could see was that damn smirk on his face.
Unbuckling his pants painfully slow, he seemed to revel in your agony. As he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his pants, a distinct clink floated through the air as his loose belt buckle hit the metal of his pant button. And then in one swift motion, he took his pants off, his cock springing free. Painfully hard and red, it seemed to almost pulsate. Following the line of one thick vein, you saw that the tip was already oozing pre-cum.
Licking your lips in anticipation, you waited for All Might to approach you once more, but he remained standing. In fact, he moved farther away from you, making you want to cry.
Stroking himself, he seemed to completely ignore you as he lifted his other hand to rest on his chin, a thoughtful expression came over his face. “You know, I’ve already been quite lenient with you. Maybe it’d be better to just take care of myself.”
At that you wanted to sob. Nothing in the world mattered more to you than having his cock balls deep inside you at the moment. “Please please don’t do that!” you said, wanting nothing more than to pull him close, but he was just out of reach, and by then, you were too out of it to do anything else but stretch a weak hand toward him.
“Ple-please touch me.” You whined, legs rubbing together, desperately trying to regain even the slightest amount of friction.
Letting out a snort, he taunted, “And give me one good reason why I should. You haven’t exactly been on your best behavior today. Need I remind you that this is supposed to be your punishment?”
“I-I know you want to though.” You said, breathless. Raising your head to look at him through hooded eyes, you purred, “It-It’ll be so good.”
Taking a few steps toward you, he looked down into your eyes. Face becoming almost pleasant, he questioned, “You want this? You want my cock?” As you watched him stroke himself, you eagerly nodded. You wanted nothing more.
In an instant, his face turned dark once more as he growled, “Then beg for it.”
At that, a look of confusion spread over your face. “Wh-What?” You questioned.
“You heard me. If you want my cock beg. for. it.” He said.
Under normal circumstances, you would’ve laughed in his face, but, well, being incredibly horny does make a difference. Swallowing your pride, you whispered, “Please. I want your cock. I want you to fuck me.”
And yet, true to the utter asshole that he was, All Might pretended not to hear you. “Hmmm. What was that?” He said, lifting a hand up to cup his ear, “I didn’t hear you.”
“I want your cock!” You shouted, looking up to glare at him, “I want you to fuck me.”
“No need to be so mean kitten,” He said, a mock pout coming over his face, “That’s all I wanted to hear.”
Before you could even register that he’d moved, All Might was back over you again, one last self-satisfied smirk being the only warning you got before he buried his cock in you. Moaning from the sensation, tears sprung at your eyes from how far he was stretching you. God, he was so big, yet you couldn’t even find it in yourself to care because it felt so good.
Fully inside, he gave you the small mercy of allowing but a single moment for you to adjust. Before you knew it, he was pulling out only to thrust back into you again, setting an absolutely brutal pace. Eyes rolling into the back of your head from the force, you briefly registered him attaching onto your neck, sucking hard enough to leave teeth indentations.
Grabbing hold of his neck, you wrapped your legs around his waist to give him better access as breathy groans escaped your lips. Already you could feel the coil inside beginning to wind again.
“You filthy slut. You like this, don’t you? Me using you for the whore you are.” He said, wrapping a hand around your throat and grunting as he bucked into you.
“I’m the only one who’s ever gonna be able to fuck you this good. I’m the only one who can make you feel like this. You got that. You’re mine.” He growled, reaching hand down to flick at your clit, never once slowing down.
Lost in pleasure, you barely even processed his words. That is until he leaned down to snarl in your ear, “Say it.”
“I-I’m yours, All Might. You’re the only one who can fuck me this good.” you groaned.
Coming in close, he caught your lips in a bruising kiss, before thrusting in once more, going so deep you were sent flying off the edge. Gasping, you saw stars in your eyes as white hot pleasure wracked its way down your spine sending tremors throughout your body. As you came, your pussy clenched around him, causing All Might to climax as well. Hot seed coated the insides of your walls as you both fought to recover. As your heavy pants gradually became more controlled, he slowly slid out of you.
With sweat coating his brow and his breathing ragged, All Might looked down at you, blue eyes blazing,  “Nobody makes you feel the way that I do. Nobody. And you’d do well to remember that, doll.”
Climbing off of you, he began to make his way down the hall, throwing your pitiful form still sprawled out on the couch one last glance.  “The next time you want to try something like what you just pulled, I’d suggest you remember our little lesson today.”
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uponrightful · 3 years
Coriolis Effect - pt.1 "Encounters"
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Oh Crosshair, what a bitch it has been trying to characterize you based off one episode... But never fear, I've got just the thing to fuck your entire world up.
A/N: I'm happy to begin Coriolis Effect today! Please let me know what you think so far, an any ideas you might have of what's going to happen in the future! I would really appreciate if you would reblog these chapters... it would make my heart -and the algorithm- happy. ♡
On Kamino, there are many rules to be followed. Most of them are documented in the fine print on an employment contract before even setting foot on the property. Others are posted on signs in the long, stretching, hallways that are constantly filled with a sterile scent that never goes away. Some are simply spoken, either by the troopers who call it home or by others who’ve been around long enough to extend helpful advice to those who aren’t aware. And then… there are just some rules that aren’t spoken about. The type of guidelines that don’t garner a whisper, but promise a swift punishment of an incomparable kind all too late for reparations to be made. It’s the unspoken rules that get people into trouble on Kamino, and there are few who have ever been reckless enough to flout them. However, when it comes to the unknown there are so many things that can’t be accounted for when making a decision.
Having anything to do with Clone Force 99’s silver-haired sniper was undoubtedly the biggest unspoken rule on Kamino. From cadets in their first year of training, to visiting units who wouldn’t be staying for more than a few days; Crosshair was not someone to be toyed with. Never without his armor, and a ridged posture gave clear indication that stopping him in a hallway was a stupid idea. And if that wasn’t enough his venomous expression and icy personality would be ultimate confirmation to steer clear. His confident strut exuded power and an intense pride that most saw as dangerous. By some unknown reason, after years of living on Kamino it was obvious that some people weren’t satisfied with leaving the enhanced trooper’s silent warning alone.
Some would start small, working inch by inch; Maybe ‘accidentally’ knocking into him in the mess hall, or cutting across the hallway right in his path. Others wanted the attention and caused a scene, happily smarting off at the mouth about how defects are called such for a reason. But no matter what means were used, it always ended up the same. Fists would fly, then the shouting would start, followed by at least two units dog-piling to get the two troopers separated before a med bay visit was required. And throughout all of it, the unbroken promise of punishment would then be imprinted on the minds of those who’d witnessed the fight… at least until someone forgot again.
The first time had been his fault… or at least that was how she’d seen it. Standing in the hall with her datapad in hand, there had been a message sent to her that needed an immediate response. There was a shipment of munitions being unloaded that she was overseeing the progress of. Leaning a shoulder against the wall -believe it or not- to keep out of everyone’s way. Typing away, there wasn’t any sound of boots behind her to announce that a trooper was walking. Nothing to warn her that she was about to break the most dangerous rule on Kamino without even trying.
The sharp edge of Crosshair’s stabilizer bar was at the perfect height to cut across her temple. Jutting out just enough as he walked past to make a thin nick, a tiny bead of crimson dripped towards her cheek. At first she’d not felt it, but when her exploratory fingers came back with tinges of red, she’d immediately grumbled out at the helmeted trooper who’d apparently not felt the contact. He had a long stride that got him a few feet away before she’d found the voice to say something back.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going…” It was an immediate regret. She’d not expected the swift way he turned to face her, deadly silent. “You cut me.”
“Watch your mouth.” His modulated voice was venomously dripping with a careless attitude.
She wanted to put up a fight and at least demand an apology. But it was all she could do to wipe the dribbling blood off her cheek and flick her fingers at the ground in front of his boots. A small splat of the droplets came within inches of falling on the toe of his boot. A silent retribution that made her feel a little better, even though she was standing there mute… and bleeding. The trooper looked down at the crimson splatters on the floor, then back up to her.
“Fuck you.” She growled, turning to walk away where she could get to the med bay so she wouldn’t risk staining her uniform.
The second time wasn’t quite as vicious, but it was obvious to the other men -who wore the same colors as him- that there had been some bad blood between them. She’d been following one of the guard-troopers to a unit of cadets who were being assigned their first blasters. Too focused on watching the trooper push the crate of DC-17’s she was entrusted with delivering. She’d turned a corner far too quickly as she tried to keep pace with the long-legged man when she ran into a black and red wall. Her face met hard plastoid, the force of it knocking her to the floor with a groan. She reached for her nose, thankful when she felt that it hadn’t been broken.
Unfortunately, as her escort-trooper helped her to her feet she made eye-contact with the same trooper who’d cut her a few months back. Well… he was wearing his helmet again, but it was obvious that he was staring at her with the same intensity from before. That same feeling of nervousness mixing with the desire to fight back against his uncaring attitude. She shook off the troopers hands when she found her feet, noticing that another four men stood behind him all with their helmets on as well. All of them looked a little more shocked, and one of them -with goggles- was quick to ask if she was okay.
“She’s made it a habit…” Her unfortunate acquaintance said dryly, looking to his brothers with a small shake of his head.
Her snarl of a scowl made quite the impression on the trooper when he turned to look at her again, visibly straitening his shoulders in response. It was a small satisfaction, but the way his hands fisted at his sides made it clear she was only pushing her luck further. Not to mention, the trooper accompanying her was literally trying to pull her out of the staring match that had developed between them. His quiet advice to ‘let it go’ wasn’t lost on her, but there was nothing keeping her from turning away. This trooper was begging for a challenge, and she was motivated to give it to him. Even if she was trembling from again standing up to him.
“I’ll have your helmet hanging in my office, trooper.” Her entire body shook with the urge to show just how patient she’d been the first time they’d met. He flinched in a microscopic way. She felt that she’d actually won this time, finally seeing him break from the stoic posture always holding him so stiffly. Even if it was small that movement was all she needed to please the trooper still tugging at her shoulders.
That second incident was almost six months ago, and after five or six more flights to Kamino she was more than happy to report that she’d not seen that prick of a trooper, or his unit, since.
On a happier note, she’d finally been assigned to Kamino full time. Leaving the countless trips back and forth from Coruscant a thing of the past. With little reason to stay in the capital city, she’d been almost excited to see her apartment emptied into the two rucksacks she’d been limited to bringing with her. The shuttle ride had been a bittersweet one, with a few of the troopers aboard so used to spending their trips back and forth hauling her and her shipments along. They’d been terribly sweet, even feeling strongly enough to give her a short hug before there were too many eyes watching the unloading. She’d been shown to her quarters by a guard-trooper, who’d also been helpful in pointing out the areas of interest that she was already familiar with, but too polite to interrupt.
Her quarters were small, curved walls like everywhere else on Kamino that made the room feel like she was inside a duracrete bubble. Expecting everything to be dormitory-style, she’d been surprised to see a personal refresher off to the right of the entry door, and even a small caf machine sitting on an otherwise blank desk against the back wall. Her bed was a little less than comfortable but she’d not expected much more from the strangely unsleeping Kaminoian’s. With only two bags of personal items to her name calling her transition a ‘new beginning’ wasn’t exactly far from the truth.
Like any day before, she’d been stuck inside her office mulling over the endless tabs of files and shipment orders being sent to her personal collection of five datapads. Alerts sounded at all hours of the day, limiting her sleep schedule to appointment times and whenever she’d pass out from exhaustion. Caf fueled her ability to get her work done and still keep up with the physical requirements that were expected of her. From what her records showed, there were at least five units that based their supply-stock out of Kamino, and that meant she was constantly inside the armory. She had her hands on every handgun and ion bomb brought through the doors; Checking for defects and any other shortcomings that would render the particular ordinance unusable by the soldiers who would use them.
“What’s on the docket today boys?” Her smile for the troopers was bright, but it was hiding the lack of sleep she’d been ignoring for the past few days. Even the question was unnecessary… she knew that it was a shipment of gunship artillery that was three days late from the factory. However making conversation with the men seemed to help everyone’s morale.
“Well Duchess, I’d say enough firepower to make the Seperatists cry.” One of the troopers laughed, joining alongside his brother to help lift one of the crates onto a speeder that would haul it to the armory.
A small smile tugged at her lips at the use of the moniker. It hadn’t been spoken a lot until word spread that she was the one in charge of getting their war-toys delivered on time. After that got around to all the troopers, they’d been quick to make sure she knew just how important her job was to them. Although she wasn’t much for being ‘royalty’ there was a lot to be said about how adamant they all were about giving her a name like themselves. An admission into their world, going far enough to give her a title far more suggestive to their appreciation than she believed deserving of.
“Let’s hope your right. I’m going to make sure they haven’t shorted us again like they did last time.” She jumped onto the back of the speeder, and squatting down to open the lid to the crate. Quick math and a few recollections on the shipment details later, she gave the nod of approval for the rest of them to be loaded in around her while she did her habitual checks.
“Duchess, you coming to the mess for dinner?” One of the more shy troopers asked once the speeder was full, leaving him leaning against it like he was too weak to ask without the support. She suppressed the urge to giggle at his nervous posture, sensing that there was probably a bet on the line. Considering that all his help had vanished somewhere amidst all the traffic inside the hangar.
“I’ll probably take it to go, trooper. But I’ll look for you while I’m there.” She gave a friendly wave, practically seeing the steam roll out from under his bucket. For men that were so unbelievably talented at what they did, it was hard to remember that when it came to any type of normal human interaction, they were all miserably lacking. At least… these on Kamino were. Others hadn’t been this shy.
Keeping her promise, when she’d seen that the mess hall was open for dinner Dutch made her way there with a lackluster motivation for finding the exact trooper that had been forward enough to ask what her plans were. She chuckled at the thought, wondering what exactly he’d looked like under that helmet. Finding a few of the nat-born mechanics standing at the back of the line she made a little conversation to help lessen the blow of the constant attention that developed when they came for dinner.
She didn’t blame them for being curious, because seeing nat-borns for the first time had to be a little shocking. Knowing that there are humans who don’t look the exact same as you was hard enough to believe when there was no opportunity to see for yourself. Add in the fact that half of them were more interested that she was female… it was more than enough to expect a few eyes to follow you around just about everywhere. Just when she’d thought that the trooper wasn’t going to show, a hesitant tap on her shoulder brought her attention to the helmetless soldier, trying his best to hide the embarrassment on his face. His ears were tinged pink, and his big brown eyes were as wide as the empty tray in his hands.
“H-hello ma’am.” He’d dropped her nickname in mixed company, his embarrassment of addressing her far more noticeable in his stutter and nervous feet.
“Hi trooper.” Her friendly smile only made his blush deepen. “I was beginning to think you’d clam up and not come find me.” She turned to receive the helping of whatever meal was on the single-item menu tonight.
“I was just… Been t-thinking about it- I guess.” He tried to straighten out his stutter with a little cough, looking over in the distance where a group of his brothers were watching them with rapt attention.
“Are those yours?” She nodded in the group’s direction, watching his little nod. “They put you up to this didn’t they?”
“Yes ma’am. Either I got the nerve to say hi, or they shave my head.” His little grimace was almost as cute as his embarrassment was. She just hoped that whatever this little conversation entailed, it meant that he could keep his hair for just a little while longer. “But I think their convinced by now…”
“What’s your name?” Her little smirk sparked his immediate desire to answer.
“No. Your real name, shiny.” She sighed with a false sense of exasperation. There was nothing worse than the way these men were forced to answer to a number. And she’d be damned before ever calling them by a row of random digits.
The trooper looked to her with an appreciate nod and smile, seemingly too gun-shy to come out at say it. He rubbed at the back of his neck nervously, “I’m Toast…”
She couldn’t help but laugh a little. Of all the ones she’d heard, that was by far the most ambiguous. And the bigger question of how he got it loomed like a late-night bar story she’d love to hear sometime. Whether Toast liked the bread, or had the idea of burning clankers in mind there was little to deny that his name was one of her favorites so far.
“Well, Toast… I hope you can keep your hair.” She paused, looking down at her tray and seeing none other than a piece of toast sitting there. With a devious smirk, she placed it on top of his tray. “I’m sure this will help keep your vod off your back.”
From the moment his armor had made that little cut on her head, Crosshair couldn’t get out of the habit of looking out for her. Everywhere he went, around every corner, in every room, he was constantly waiting to run into her again. At first, it was pure rage that filled his motivation; Wanting to stomp out that tiny little flame of anger she thought was acceptable to show. It was the most standoffish anyone had ever been towards him, but there was a certain curiosity as to why she didn’t respond like everyone else.
Crosshair had been watching for her constantly when she’d ran into him that second time. He’d actually braced himself for her impact, seeing her face smack right into his chest. Admittedly, he’d not meant for her to fly backwards onto the ground, but he certainly wasn’t about to help her back up. No, that reg she’d been walking with was more than happy to get his hands on her before she could even register that she was sitting on the ground. To his excitement though, she’d practically ignored the reg when he advised her to leave the accident just that. An accident. That blaze of anger in her eyes licked high in hot flames, devouring the fuel supplied by his lack of a response. She had a filthy mouth, and that little threat of hanging his helmet like a trophy was definitely one he’d never heard before. But in his imagination, the idea of his visor silently watching over her while she work sounded more satisfying than letting her throw a punch at him.
Apparently that guard wasn’t the only reg who thought that touching her is a good idea…
Crosshair could see the look of fear on the troopers face long before he’d ever tried to get her attention. Contrary to what everyone believed, his eyesight wasn’t the only thing Cross was keen to. Unlike Hunter’s enhanced hearing, Crosshair couldn’t hear unfathomable frequencies, but he was attentive enough to hear the conversation just a few tables over. As always, regs had been built with a particular interest in making bets; This time, it all hinged on the one who was afraid of getting his head shaved. His only reassurance was speaking to “that armory lady” as they’d called her. At the time, he’d simply been bored with the idea. It wasn’t often that she came through the mess hall, and when she did, it wasn’t for more than the time it took to get through the line and get out. However, when he’d seen a flash of a green jumpsuit and black boots Crosshair almost snapped the fork he’d been holding in his hand. She was in the mess hall, and there was a good chance the trooper was going to take the bet.
She’d been stationed on Kamino for under six months as the Weaponry Director, from what he’d been able to gather from Tech. As for much else, she’d been careful enough not to give anything else away. He’d only seen her in fleeting a couple of times since she’d ran into him, and there was never an instance that she’d lingered for more than a few moments. Always in that baggy green flight suit with the cuffs of the pantlegs tucked into tightly laced and polished boots. She kept two DC-17’s on her person at all times, one in a holster on the belt sinched around her waist and the other strapped high on the opposite thigh. All things considered, it was highly professional, but that didn’t keep the regs from trying to make passes at her.
Crosshair watched the interaction down the most minute detail, seeing how gentle she’d been with the trooper and how quickly he’d fallen into a pathetic display of preening under her attention. She was all soft smiles and even softer laughter, completely opposing that venomous attitude she’d wielded against him in the halls. The reg looked like a love-sick puppy, and Crosshair couldn’t help but scoff. It was a pathetic display. If only that shiny knew just how bad her bark was, he might be afraid enough to not find out if she would bite.
“Crosshair, you listening?” Hunter’s voice finally snapped him out of his delusional fantasy of seeing her draw that blaster on her thigh and really give that reg a reason to stammer.
“What do you want?” He snapped, tearing his eyes away from the green-fatigued girl long enough to see Hunter’s appraising stare directed at the flimsy fork bending under the pressure of his fingers.
“I said we’ve got a job to do. I asked if you would be in the hangar at 0300 in the morning.” His repetition of the question had been slowed, as if Hunter thought he’d not understand.
In the time Hunter had taken away from his surveillance, the Weaponry Director had made it to the end of the chow-line, walking backwards with a smug look on her face. It was only the barest hint he’d seen in months of that hurricane of a personality. With a confident smirk, she took the slice of bread off her plate and sat it down on the reg’s, walking away with one last comment thrown over her turned shoulder in the troopers direction. Crosshair couldn’t help how quickly his own temper flared at the gesture. He felt like a red-hot durasteel target after a barrage of blaster fire had been thrown against it. The fork in his fingers snapped, breaking into two pieces with the jagged ends biting at the calloused skin on his palm under his fist.
“Karking hell, Cross! I didn’t think the food was that bad.” Echo grumbled from next to him, pushing his own uneaten plate away from him. Wiping off the little specks of food that had flicked onto his pauldron and chest plate.
Crosshair didn’t want to sit there anymore; Brewing hotly over how innocently she’d just given that reg something to gloat about for the rest of his life. Even worse, she’d found a seat with a few mechanics instead of leaving the mess, and Crosshair couldn’t stand to look at her any longer. He growled that he wasn’t hungry for what was on his plate, before quickly disposing of it and walking out the doors on the opposite side of the hall. He knew he’d be faced with questions about his abrupt departure later, seeing as his icy dismissal was still considered unusual behavior.
He would worry about that later. Instead, he directed himself to the bunkroom and retrieved his rifle for some target practice. Maybe he could get out of his own head enough by the time they sent Tech to find him, he’d be calm enough to give some excuse that didn’t have to do with the Weapons Director’s little flirt with a shiny. By then, he might be cool enough to let it go… but that was a long-shot even for a sniper. The two previous engagements, and all the other little glimpses he had stored of her hadn’t left his mind for a moment; It would have to be a sunny day on Kamino before he’d get her smirk out of his head.
The range only offered a little relief, but it was slowly chipping away at the swirl of questions floating around behind his tired eyes. Each shot burned a red glow through the target holos floating around the room, marking one step closer to forgetting about her for just one night. His jaw had been tightly wound in the mess, practically squeaking the enamel on his teeth. Here, he had to relax. If he didn’t the shots wouldn’t hit, and there was nothing he hated more than not making the shot count. Realistically, his body wouldn’t allow it. From his slack mouth, to the steady but comfortable tension in his back and shoulders, his constant training made shooting the one thing he could do without thinking about it. Measured inhales and exhales made the burn in his chest fade, and the slight register of his silenced rifle left the entire range quiet enough that he didn’t feel the need to be on edge.
Satisfied that he’d worked off enough of his unfounded frustrations he returned to the bunk room to be met with four pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly. A questioning silence made itself known by the pause of work, and late-night preparation for their deployment at a halt. Hunter set down his sharpening stone for his knives, Tech sat down the strange clump of wires and steel he’d been toying with for the past few days, Echo’s hand holding an impact to the bolt on his knee joint stopped, and Wrecker halted mid-motion as he was getting ready to lay down. All of them quickly read the expression on his face, and dropped their attention back to what they were doing to avoid any confrontation this late at night. Crosshair was quick to hide his lingering toil by cleaning his rifle as habit.
Step by step the routine was just as memorized as shooting was. Each product, every tool, all of it was ritualistically applied and used as the final measure to try and store his unfamiliar emotions about his latest personal recon on his only distraction. The Director was a diversion at best, and a death sentence if he couldn’t keep it under better control. That mean streak she’d displayed had given him a high that was more addictive than any thrill of adrenaline he’d ever felt on the frontline. And as badly as he didn’t want to admit it, Crosshair could not resist the unusual burn of covetousness he’d felt when that reg had the audacity to tap on her shoulder and merely ask for her attention.
He rested his rifle in its case, and did the same with himself on his bunk. Leaving him to stare at the low ceiling above him until he couldn’t fight the need for sleep. When the sounds of deployment prep gave way to four distinctive snores, Crosshair let unconsciousness come for him too. Dreaming recklessly about previous missions that bled into fears of losing his brothers at the hands of rusty droids and red-sabered Jedi’s. His deep-seated inability to fight his thoughts lasted for hours, morphing into a new kind of dread. One that had recently based itself in an uncontrollable want for something that he constantly cursed the regs for. Crosshair wanted that attention from her. Hard stares and an unfazed attitude left him with the inability to work through his jealously even in his dreams. Her fight was vicious, and he was drawn to it like a moth to a flame, but those soft eyes and smiles she gave to that reg were a different kind of attention that he knew nothing of.
Crosshair hallucinated often about what it would it would feel like to be on the receiving end of that kindness. Hearing soft laughter; Instead of her sharp tongue, he thought about soft hands roaming under his blacks. Seeing that flame in her eyes smolder into an all-consuming warmth that showed a different kind of fierce desire; One that would leave him begging for more inside a heat he knew very little of. Simultaneously wishing that he could find some way to stop tempting himself with an affection that he wasn’t worthy of. She’d proved that he wasn’t intimidating in the same way regs thought him to be. That slip of a girl made it clear that no man -including himself- could use his power to make her back down. That passion in her fueled his regulation-prohibited fantasies. Encouraging him to grind against his bed, attempting to release the pressure of his yearnings.
Crosshair was insatiable for just a little bit more of her.
The armory smelled like durasteel and blaster oil. It was her favorite scent on Kamino, reminding her that all of the paperwork she did had a physical impact somewhere in the galaxy. It was a huge room, with sky-high metal shelves containing every weapon imaginable to a giddy soldier, or Director. She smiled brightly, taking a sip of her first caf of the day enjoying the strong brew as it went down smoothly. In her other hand she held a datapad and scanner, beginning the process of pulling the required ordinance that were going to be put aboard the shuttle she’d walked past out in the hangar earlier. It was the only time of day that she found a quiet place to be outside of her quarters. So early, that the troopers getting ready for their deployment wouldn’t be ready to pick up their supplies for another fifteen minutes or so, and the Kaminoian’s were adamant that the ordinance of this room were her sole responsibility. Therefore it was her safe-space of sorts… and she wasn’t ignorant to the idea that most would consider a room full of blasters and bombs to be the least benign space on Kamino.
This particular order was pretty… extensive.
Enough explosives to take down a small city, and a gracious order of blaster and rifle cartridges that made her question how accurate their unit’s collective ability to shoot actually was. There was enough here to neutralize three hundred clankers in just blaster munitions alone. Who was this unit and what kind of missions were they being sent on? She scanned the datapad, looking for a unit number or something that could give her some idea.
Clone Force 99… She thought amusedly, wondering if she’d made the right connection to the only other 99 she’d ever heard of. In the lazy mentality she felt contented to sanction on a Friday morning, she wondered if this unit knew 99 personally. Maybe they’d grown up around him closely enough that they’d found a father-like figure in him… It was a sweet imagination. Of what Duchess really knew about clones, it was their upbringing and the lack of fair treatment they were all given that bothered her most. The ignorance of care that the Republic showed to the ethical treatment of their soldiers was obvious; Leaving her uneasy when she had to admit that she worked and accepted checks from the GAR. Deep in her mind, she hoped that all of the troopers who had made an attempt to get close to her knew that she stood more with them than those who lived cushy lives on Coruscant.
“Who are you?” A loud voice boomed from down the row she was currently in. Heavy footsteps approached loudly, and with a starling presence that almost made her drop her precious cup of caf.
The man who called to her was of hulking size, and she immediately recognized him as one of the troopers who’d been accompanying him… There was a sign of confusion in his pinched brows, and his huge arms crossed over his barreled chest as he got closer. She went to speak, and his expression immediately faded into amusement and a hearty laugh followed suit, leaving her wide-eyed and a little whiplashed.
“M’ jokin’! You’re Duchess, right?” He gave her quite the smile, and that tinge of worry she’d felt staring up at the huge man drained out of her.
“Yeah, that’s me. Who are you big guy?” She sat down her datapad and scanner to offer her hand out to the trooper.
“I’m Wrecker.” He chuckled, pushing away her hand and easily lifting her up by the middle into for a brutal hug. She groaned out a sigh, trying to save her caf from getting spilled down his back as he laughed again. “You’re the one who gets me all my explosives. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Wrecker! Put the Director down!” Another -less joyous- call echoed in the room, drawing her attention away from the heavy pressure around her ribs to see a long-haired trooper staring at the two of them. His straight posture and stiffening shoulders reminded her of an old memory. They looked almost identical in the way they carried themselves.
“Sorry Hunter… It’s Duchess!” He tried to explain away his over-excitement while setting her back down gently on the floor.
“I know who she is, Wreck. You can’t just pick people up.” He scolded his giant, child-like brother. “Nice to meet you Director.” She flinched at the name, and immediately set out to correct him.
“Duchess is just fine. I’m not a fan of titles.” Her friendly nod was apparently enough to erase the lingering reminder of how she’d made ass of herself in front of them on their first meeting. Hunter reached out a hand, giving her a firm handshake.
“Well Duchess, can we help you get anything else?” His gaze jumped to the crate she’d pulled down from the racks. “We’re not keen on letting you do all the work.”
“I’ve got everything but this one at the front office waiting for you. If you’d be nice enough to take this one I’d be grateful.” Her toe tapped the side of the box.
She let out a chuckle when Wrecker’s one brown eye lit up. It was obvious that he was the one who really loved the more heavy-hitting ordinance she’d approved for their mission. As for Hunter, she really couldn’t tell what he was about, other than taking on a leadership role. But most obvious was their distinctive appearances. So far, she’d only seen the two of them without their helmets but she was certain that there was much more in store outside of the armory warehouse. A little pinch in her stomach reminded her that he would be out there.
“I hope you don’t mind me mentioning… But you’re quite, unique.” She smiled when Hunter turned to her, his golden eyes the only thing that bared any connection to Fett’s genes.
“We’re all enhanced for certain desirable traits. As you can see, Wrecker is our demolition expert. I have enhanced senses: smell, hearing, the like.” His explanation sounded very rehearsed, and she had the urge to apologize for making him recite it.
She stayed quiet for the rest of the walk into the hangar where three other men stood outside of their ship on the slanted hatch. Each of them quite different in their own way, and it was obvious that they really were truly built for a specific purpose. But the one man that she’d already had met was the one who drew her constant attention. Behind her, she felt Hunter’s presence, and despite trying to keep her emotions in control she felt herself getting nervous. She even faltered, hesitant to accompany them any further.
“Would you like to meet everyone else?” Hunter asked a little mischievously, making it clear he remembered their first -literal- run-in with each other.
“Do you think that’s a good idea?”
Hunter gave an amused chuckle, glancing right in the silver-haired man’s direction. She held her breath awaiting his long thought before another smile pulled at his lips. From this side, all she could focus on was his tattoo and how boldly it screamed his personality. Every clone who decided to get inked had a big purpose behind it. And although she didn’t frequently ask the reasoning, she thought Hunter might not mind answering. But she kept her tongue in cheek, until he turned back to her.
“Come on, they’ll be all be interested to see the armory’s queen.”
Tech had been a steady stream of information since the first moment he’d woken up, blabbing about everything from the flora and fauna of their target planet to the plans he was already prepping before they had any real idea of what they were going to be walking into. At first, Crosshair been happy to hear some quiet, but that was scrubbed away when he heard a laugh not belonging to anyone other than her. When he noticed that Echo and Tech were both looking away from him, he followed their gazes to see Hunter grinning down at her. Apparently he’d said something funny, because she was trying to hold back another laugh as they made their final approach.
“Boys, bow for the Duchess.” Hunter drawled sarcastically, throwing everyone a playful smile. Even going far enough to throw a patronizing wink in Cross’s direction at the last minute.
“I’m hardly royal, a handshake will do just fine.” She smiled at the pair next to him, actively trying to hide the glances that she took in his direction.
Gods, she’s so karking pretty. Crosshair tried to blame the thought on his lack of good sleep, and the constant slew of dreams he’d had of her over the night. But there was no good excuse for how badly he wanted to make her laugh like Hunter had.
Echo was the first to give an introduction, clasping her little hand in his and giving her a soft handshake. True of a reg had was quick to give her that smile all of them gave her when they got the chance. Tech was quick to follow suit, already trying to give her a history of her moniker to which she miraculously seemed to have all the time in the world to listen to. Cross watched her with another burn of jealously rising as she raised her eyebrows when Tech started in again; Nodding every so often or biting down on her bottom lip to keep from smiling at his goggled brother’s unavoidable spiel.
“However it’s all possible they’ve given you the name because they find you attractive.” Tech finished quite flippantly. A wash of awkward silence fell over everyone. As always Tech didn’t register his inappropriate insinuation, all focus going back to his datapad without even glancing back up. Even going far enough to give a little wave before disappearing into the hull.
Cross rolled his eyes, already feeling the desire to let Tech fend for himself on the mission grow exponentially. It was bad enough that he thought she was pretty, let alone Tech making such a blatant statement of it. Crosshair couldn’t believe the blush that painted over her cheeks when they looked to her for a reaction. Out of all the things he’d expected her to do after that, a brightly visible flush of embarrassment wasn’t one of them. She looked to Hunter and as always he just shrugged, leaving her to deal with the information however she pleased. A small pang in his chest thumped when Cross was finally given a new piece of information on her, about his fixation. Not her given name, but the one that she chose to go by now. There was a reason she’d chosen her clone-like name instead; But he was sure to find out why.
“We’ve met, but I don’t know your name.” She pinned him with a flaring look in her eyes. It was intense, but not in any way she’d shown before.
“Crosshair.” She bit her lip again, and nodding as she tried to look anywhere but at his eyes.
It was obvious that she’d had quite a bit more confidence staring into a visor than she could at his face. Self-consciously he scowled, thinking bitterly that it was because of his appearance that she’d been so quick to avert her gaze. It was obvious to him that she was more receptive to Echo and Hunter because they looked the most similar to regs. His jealousy built when the two drew her into a conversation -friendly at most- but it didn’t make it any better on his bruising ego.
“You went in the field?” Echo’s question brought his boots back to the planet, and he watched her nod shyly.
“Once. My shuttle got shot, and we took some nasty damage. We had to land, and it turned out the closest available place to us was a battle zone. Of course we didn’t have much of an option with an engine down.” She paused looking between all of them, making eye contact with him for just long enough to make him certain his presence was still felt. “After a few days of shooting, we got back in the air.”
Duchess said it like it was nothing. Crosshair couldn’t imagine her actually using those blasters hanging from her, standing alongside other soldiers and fighting to stay alive. There was a certain air of disbelief, but he was mostly infuriated that anyone had let her do so in the first place. It sounded like a nightmare made reality… He couldn’t help but try and discourage her from doing it again in the only way he knew how.
“What a hero…” He drawled. Much to his surprise, she ignored the comment. Continuing on until she checked the chrono on her wrist with a disappointed look.
“Sorry boys, I’ve got to go.” Her boots backed off the ramp hesitantly, trying to avoid Wrecker who’d finished his packing of the ship and was actively trying to haul her up into an arm in a hug.
He growled lowly to himself at the thought, holding himself back from getting involved to stay as neutral as possible with this many eyes around. He had a nasty feeling that Hunter was already more than aware; But there wouldn’t be anything more detrimental to his denial than making a scene over something as simple as a hug. He just hated that he wasn’t someone who could do that. To his satisfaction Hunter called the brute off with a sharp bark and glare, leaving Duchess free to walk away.
“Hey Crosshair!” She called out loudly from across the hangar, a huge grin on her face clearly visible from that far away. Then those bright glowing eyes locked on his, flashing a tinge of heat towards him. “Come back in one piece! No hero shit!” Her self-satisfied laugh fell like silk onto his ravenous ears, echoing sweetly long after she’d disappeared through the doorway to the armory access hallway.
Come back.
Oh sweet girl, if only you knew what you were asking of me…
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
JUST FOR THE RECORD...these are my top 10 favorite bkg moments
10. the fact that he plays the drums!! not any one moment in particular, just his presence and role in that arc. kinda cheating but i think the fact that he was put into drum lessons, is good at it, and played them as a part of the band is just so sweet and nice. whatever makes you happy kid
9. the scene with the vacuums
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this is a really good scene in general - the atmosphere, the pauses, the stiffness of the dialogue...it all really goes to show that this is like. huge. compared to the actual scale of the conversation. because it's AWKWARD and it's HARD for bkg to be thinking about what he's supposed to do here, and harder to put it into action. dvk2 is really huge for him as a character but it's this moment where you see that he's really starting to pick up the pieces that gets me
8. the whole sequence of mina and kaminari trying to get him to wear the santa coat :)
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one big part of bkg's character arc that i think tends to get missed a lot is him coming to realize that he has a place in the class as another student - not someone that they fear, or someone they hate and look down on, but someone who they recognize has issues but want him there as much as anyone else. they're FRIENDS!! come ON!!
7. when he denies vehemently that he was worried about the internship group and goes to bed at 8:32 to prove how not worried he was. idiot
6. this line
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THIS IS HERE BECAUSE I think that it is funny that he ran into deku and racked off every word in his vocabulary at once. but i'm also gonna cheat and talk about how after the sludge villain attack he runs up to deku like "you didn't save me, alright?? huh??", fooling absolutely nobody. something about fronts and underneath it all he's got a lot to work on
5. this
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do i even need to talk about this? what can i say that hasn't been said before. god.
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TOP 10 MOMENTS THAT MAKE YOU THINK GOD I LOVE THE BOY...this is such a legacy bkg moment and it happened right as i was getting into bnha so it left a big impact, i think, on the way i look at bkg's character. the way he's saying it like he doesn't want to admit it, but knows it needs to be said. he's made crazy strides since this but this was the first concrete time we ever saw him acknowledge that he was wrong in the past, has a lot of work to do, and has started, even if just barely, trying to be better in the way he needs to be. legacy moment.
3. save and be saved!!
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also soooo extremely good in terms of him recognizing he's got work to do and is on his way but in such a stupid flashy textbook bkg way!! him declaring it in the middle of a fight!! you can't grow if you don't recognize that you're missing something but growth isn't and shouldn't be about regret, it's about embracing where you're going and the victories you're making along the way!! the fact that bkg is able to acknowledge and interact w his own arc in a way that feels like HIM! loud and chaotic and even a little arrogant in how cool he knows he looks!! i love this moment. i love him
2. THIS!!
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i think...when it comes to what bkg moments stand out to me it's all the times where he put something out there himself. and there are a ton of moments in bkg and kirishima's relationship that i love (which should be super obvious at this point) and most of them Are about him learning to be a better friend and give back what he's receiving! but even kamino is about how their relationship is equal and kirishima and bkg are both taking a risk. it's about what bkg does knowing that he has someone who is willing to be by his side and try time and again to reach out to him even when he's receded back into himself in the past. in this moment bkg sees that kirishima needs someone to be there for Him and puts himself out there to help him - he's got nothing to gain here, nobody's even asking him to talk, but he finds it in himself to take the risk and pat kirishima's back! because he's a good friend. a good person. and it's through his own strength and putting himself into situations that he knows he'll have to try hard in that he's getting better, too
and number one my favorite bakugou moment of all time is
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so i love talking about bkg as a complex character with layers and hard feelings and many, many challenges to painstakingly work through and i could sit here talking about it all day but it's also equally important to me that he is a kid. he is a stupid teenager who has made mistakes and knows he's made mistakes but would he have made those mistakes if he wasn't a kid working through who he is and what that means and where he's supposed to go in the world? no! it is equally important to me that he's putting in so much work to be a better person that it is that he just gets to be happy. stinky. stupid 16 year old boy. skull shirts and baggy pants etc. and genuinely making amends with deku, through no small effort of his own to swallow his pride, yeah, but also being goofy about it. and dumb. joining the conversations about ofa and deku's next quirk because he accepts that this is a legacy that belongs to deku and the best thing he can do is provide his insight and support to the cause, but also laughing and declaring that he's still better than him and letting himself be goofy and stupid and young while he still can. because he's got so much time ahead of him! and he's on his way. i love him but this is no surprise
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Prompt: Tech is too tall for his own good. Constantly hitting his head on objects and desks as he works on projects. The other bad batchers make fun of him for this but you find it endearing. 
Tech X Reader
Slow Burn/ Angst
Warnings: Mild 1.10 Spoilers
Word Count: 1.5K
Part 1/?
This was 100% inspired by this gif from episode 7 of Tech under the main control desk.
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You enter the cockpit of the Havoc Marauder late at night slowly and quietly as you try not to disturb the tall man who is working on the wires under the main panel. 
“Tech?” you call softly to him when he doesn’t notice you. 
He abruptly sits up hitting his head on the underside of the panel and laying back down quickly with a loud thunk. 
“Well that was unpleasant.” he says with a grimace of pain as he leans out from under the panel. You try to not look worried when he rubs his head where he had hit it on the panel. 
 “Is there something you need?”
 “Sorry! I just couldn’t sleep. Figured you were still up here.”
 He nods slowly as he leans back down to continue working on the wires. 
“Do not mind me. I am upgrading the general security system of the outer walls. The door has been slow to close recently and I am trying to fix the timing. Feel free to sit in here as long as you want. I could use the company.” 
He becomes absorbed back into his project as the time passes. Mindlessly chatting about the upgrades he's making and the general gossip of the other men and Omega. It is mostly you gossiping honestly. Tech isn’t the biggest gossip in the world but he listens like every detail you talk about is the most important and interesting information he has ever heard. 
“I’m pretty sure Omega thinks we don’t notice when she borrows our blacks to sleep in. I swear every time I turn around I’m missing another shirt out of my basket. I think it must be a comfort thing.” you say with a yawn as you fight back the call of sleep. Tech’s presence is a calming one and you love hearing him talk. He is your favorite of the bad batch and you might have a small crush on him but you would never admit it to him. He is your best friend. Tech nods absently as he pulls another wire from under the panel. 
“I have noticed mine disappearing too but I assumed Echo was doing laundry and got them mixed up with Hunter’s again.” he says slowly. His goggled eyes glance towards you with mirth in his eyes at the joke.
 “If Echo is confusing your black’s with Hunter’s then he really must be bad at laundry. You have at least 5 inches on him and your blacks are much bigger. At least he doesn’t think they are Wrecker’s.”  You chuckle sleepily at the thought. 
Tech crawls slowly out from under the panel, making sure not to hit his head again, apparently done with his upgrades. “I think it is time for you to go to sleep,” he says with a small smile in his voice. You don’t complain as he helps you stand and leads you towards the bunks where the rest of the crew is sleeping. 
“You need sleep too.” you protest as he turns to go back towards the cockpit. He smiles wryly at your pathetic attempts to chastise his insomniac tendencies. “I will be fine. Someone needs to stand guard until morning.” 
You wake up to the sounds of the rest of the Bad Batch moving around and packing up for the rest of the day. Hunter is passing out rations, Wrecker is curling Gonky like a barbell, Echo is slurping what is obviously his 2nd cup of caf of the morning, Omega is still curled up in her little corner with her clone trooper doll and Wrecker’s blacks on looking more like a night tent than a nightgown, and Tech is nowhere to be found but is more than likely in the cockpit still.
 “Any caf left?” you ask in Echo’s general direction. He grunts in the direction of the pot that still has ¾ of the brown liquid in it. You pour 2 cups of the precious drink and head towards the cockpit. Tech is absorbed in his datapad and again doesn’t hear you enter. You wait in the doorway and watch the tall man as he scrolls through the information he has been pouring over all night. The smell of the caf fills the cockpit. Tech sniffs the air and turns towards you as a smile appears on his face. 
“Is that for me?” he asks hopefully. You hand him the cup you prepared for him just the way he likes it. He smells the cup before he takes a sip. “It is perfect. Thank you.”
You fall into the co-pilot seat with your cup and start to examine the new security system that Tech spent the night working on.
  “Looks good to me! Anything I need to know before you all leave for your mission?” 
Tech starts explaining the broad strokes of the new system and how the upgrades make it easier to use. You nod along as you listen to the explanation. The men are headed out on another one of Cid’s bounties. This one is on Raxxus? You think. 
“Isn’t Raxxus the separatist capital? Why are you all headed there?” you ask slowly, not comprehending. 
“A job is a job. We must pay back our debts.” He’s doing the really cute finger thing he does when explaining things.
 Your heart melts at the gesture. He doesn’t realize how cute he is sometimes. Tech gives you a strange look as you realize you have been staring at him for a moment too long. 
“Hey Tech!” Hunter calls from the back of the ship. 
Tech stands up to head back towards the bunks where the other men are gathered around a map of some kind. He hits his head on the top of the doorway as he forgets to duck while walking through it.
 You stifle a laugh as he rubs his forehead and pushes through to the back of the ship. You can hear Echo making a crack at Tech’s mishap with a light laugh. 
“Watch out for the roof Tech. Your head might damage it if you aren’t careful.” 
That man is too tall for his own good. He towers over you when you stand next to him and you won’t deny it makes you feel things. You have had a crush on the nerdy clone pretty much since you joined the merry band of deserted clones. You joined in the aftermath of Order 66 with Omega from Kamino. You were her nanny and you gladly went with the clones when the imperials took over. You never quite trusted Palpatine when he was the Supreme Chancellor and you trusted him even less when he turned the clones against the Jedi and declared himself Emperor. The Bad Batch offered you freedom and you seized the opportunity. Shaking off the memories, you make your way back towards the back of the ship. Omega is awake now but is still sitting in her bunk. Her big eyes are blinking away sleep. You help her down and she immediately goes to stand next to the clone she has claimed as her makeshift father. Her nightshirt is almost dragging the ground with how long it is and you chuckle at the sight. Hunter gently pats her hair, mussed from sleep. Echo hands her a ration bar then turns back towards the map. Tech has an angry red mark on his forehead right above his glasses from where he hit the top of the doorway. 
“So what is the plan?” You ask as you look over the map. It appears to be a blueprint of the palace on Raxxus. Hunter starts explaining the mission in simple terms so that you can understand. Basically they need to rescue the senator from the Imperial clones. Omega and you are to stay on the ship and protect it from patrolling clones. Omega protests this as you frown at the idea. Hunter shuts down the complaints with a wave of his hand. 
“It is safer for you two to stay on the ship than risk losing you to the imperials” He says quietly. “I can’t lose you again.” he says to Omega as he bends down to her level, “This is the best option right now. We don’t know what we are walking into on this planet. We already have 2 at least bounty hunters after you and the last thing we need is the clones to find you too. We still don’t know where Crosshair is or if he is even alive after the last encounter. I can’t lose anymore of you.” 
He finishes slowly and turns back to the men gathered around the blueprints scattered on the table as he rises. Hunter nods to the others and they head towards the ramp. You gather Omega up in your arms and head up to the cockpit to watch as the men depart. She is not happy at the thought of being left behind and her big eyes are shining with anger and hurt. You hold her close as you watch the men disappear into the trees with the droid client. I hope they are going to be okay. You think to yourself.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Pairing: Crosshair x you (no y/n)
Warnings: aLRIGHT SO, I wasn't expecting this to come out like this, so it's an itty bitty angsty at first. But it's fluffy at the end. I promise.
Word count: 1,9k
A/N: sOO PART TWO IS HERE. after a few spells of love and yearning for crosshair from sweet @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s i was convinced on making this a series! and listen, I really want to thank you all for your incredible support and I didn't thought you guys would like it so much but I'm so happy and glad and I just- you're all amazing, ty so much! and I hope you like this, I mean, I don't think this is as good as the first part, but idk. anyways *sends fluff and kisses to all of you*
you can find part 1 here, and part 3 here
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"You didn't show up." It's the first thing you hear when you stir back into the world of the awaken, and you didn't even hear it properly, mind still foggy and probably only functioning at half its power.
What time is it? Your room is filled in darkness and the gentle sound of rain hitting the ceiling is enough to let you know there is no way you can know without having to look at the clock. A clock you don't currently have other than the one in your datapan that you left in your desk.
You aren't even sure what Crosshair is doing there either, before you fell asleep he hadn't even arrived yet to Kamino and the thought alone made you hold him tighter, nuzzling into the warmth he provided and that the planet you were in lacked of.
"Hm?" You ask, not ready to speak, and smile when you feel his fingers run through the length of you back, making you sigh in content. What you would give to wake up like that every morning, with the feeling of Crosshair surrounding you, you on his chest and him holding you tight against him, with the smell of him filling your nostrils, that scent that was a mix of clean clothes, his aftershave and a ting of burnt ozone from blaster shots, that had slowly made its way to your heart and stuck there, making it feel like home when you remembered it and he was away.
"To the shooting range." Your eyes snap open at the words, and the fleeting thought of resembling to those characters from the horror movies you watched with the boys could've made you laugh under other circumstances. Dread and guilt let themselves fall in your stomach, their weight feeling like a million rocks and for a moment you're paralyzed. "You asked me to teach you how to shoot a rifle after I arrived."
He didn't sound angry, nor hurt. He just... sound. Like he was just telling you whatever and not the fact that you missed a date with him that you had programmed for as soon as he arrived.
You move to sit, ending up at the height of his hips, your knee touching his thigh and he turned on the light Tech helped you install above your bed, it was easier than to go all the way to the door to turn up the only light in your room besides the lamp by your desk.
With a tilt of his head, Crosshair's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, expecting, trying to find something in your face, his eyebrow slightly raised, yet his face showing nothing, you don't know if it's because he's hurt or because it isn't a big deal.
Your stupid brain tells you it's the first.
"I'm sorry." You mumble, voice so small and delicate, eyes finding more entertaining the hem of your shirt as your fingers played with it.
There was something about apologies, that one never seemed to feel brave enough to say them looking at the eye of those they hurt. It was a universal thing, you must think, that of the shame and guilt acts upon you when you're feeling sorry. As if they materialized and one held your head down as the other made faces in front of you and told you all your wrongs.
It was hard, too, looking at the eye of those you loved and seeing their expression. One of sadness, or disappointment, or angriness, or maybe like the one your lover held at the moment, a blank mask that hid away all and every emotion he could be feeling, stoic, betraying nothing.
You feel like crying.
"I'm, uh, I'm really sorry Cross." You sniff, and you hate how trembly your voice sounds, and how your hands are shaking and how your heart is beating a hundred per second. "I uh, I had a hard day at work and, mh, I thought I could sleep it off so when you arrived I wouldn't be weird or– or whatever." You take pause, never having felt so small. "I must've not heard the alarm."
You look up, only to find a small frown on his face, eyes soft and he moves so he could sit too, his back against the pillows, hands patting his thighs and you never had ever moved so quickly, curling up in his embrace as soon as you could, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as he tries to soothe you with small touches on your back, chin resting on top of your head.
"I know." And you pull apart slightly, just enough to meet his eyes.
"What do you mean?" He gives you a sheepish smile, one so small you could've missed it if you weren't so close.
"I looked for you after you didn't show up," he shrugs, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, his voice quiet and grounding, you swear you could hear it all day.
"Are you upset?" With a shake of his head, he takes your hands between his only to place them behind his neck; he really liked when you played with the hairs on the nape, and now, he hoped the action let you know he wasn't upset.
Not anymore, at least.
He had been when you didn't show, a bit irritated if you may, but he also got worried. You had never skipped plans with him before, and the thought that something happened to you that made you not show nor give him a heads up through the comms stirred something in his stomach that he only felt in the battlefield. But when he saw you curled in your bed, with dried tears on your cheeks, his heart swelled and whatever he was feeling before, it all melted away and dissipated, turning into a soft, quieter feeling he only experienced with you. So instead of waking you up, he took a quick shower in your 'fresher so he could lay down with you, smiling to himself when you cuddled to him almost instantly.
But it isn't like you need to know any of that.
"No." He says, honeyed eyes showing nothing but adoration, and it's enough to soothe the nervousness that had started to grow deep inside you, and you feel it going back to sleep on the depths of your mind. "I went to your office first, but they told me you had a fight with your coworker and they told you to take the day off. Supposed that if it was that bad, you could be forgiven." He shivers when your thumb caresses the skin at the nape, and you hold back the need to kiss him, smiling shyly as your cheeks burn. "What was the fight about?" His eyes glint with amusement and you feel a wave of embarrassment wash over you.
He wasn't supposed to know that, but then again, you weren't supposed to be talking about you missing your little date with him, either.
"We just said some things. It wasn't really a fight." He hums, feathery fingers moving your necklace to settle it better on your neck, the small pendant that used to be your mother's hanging just above the head of your sternum.
"They said you looked upset afterwards, do you want to talk about it?" You shake your head, and he nods, his brows furrowing just slightly and you kiss the spot between them, feeling like crying all over again but for an entirely different reason.
You know Crosshair, and you're well aware he hates talking about feelings and he isn't good at comforting. He's not the best with words, he knows that and you know that. But he was ready, right then and there, to hear you and be there for you if you needed him. Your heart was about to leap out of your chest and fall right into his hands.
There is nothing Crosshair wouldn't do for you, and sometimes you forget how much he's willing to try, to be there.
To love you properly.
"Did you win at least?" You grin, biting you lip and rolling your eyes.
"It wasn't a fight," you repeat, pushing him slightly and he chuckles, the sound making you melt into a puddle, "but if you must know, you should know already that I always find a way to shut everyone's mouth." He gives you that one proud smile that he keeps just for you and it makes your heart flutter.
Right then and there, you don't think you could possibly be more in love with him.
There's a silence, where you just enjoy each other's presence. And he's just looking at you and you're just looking at him, trying to commit each other to memory, for when you're away.
You could swear it was just the two of you in the whole planet.
"I'm really sorry, Cross," you finally say, looking straight into his eyes.
Because it was an universal thing, you suppose, that it's easier to look at them in the eye when you know things are okay. Once the guilt and shame doesn't control your body, and you feel brave enough to see their expression, when you know that there is nothing but love behind the wall you so quickly created, when their eyes see you with this softness and affection that lets you know that it's alright, that you will be fine.
"I know." He murmurs, lowly, giving you a light peck on your cheekbone, and you feel lighter, as if you could float in the Kaminoan ocean forever.
"I hope I didn't leave you waiting for too long." He shakes his head, and smiles softly.
"I'm not that patient." But you aren't too convinced about it, giving him a raised eyebrow that made him sigh, since you both know he is the most patient man in the world, you had seen him stay half a day laying in the dirt looking through the rifle's scope without complaining. "I mean it, Sparky. I didn't wait too long."
He would never tell you he actually spent two hours waiting, but white lies had never hurt nobody, and the sigh of relief along with the gleam in your eyes and that smile that leaves him breathless, he knows it's worth it.
"Fine. I'll believe you, but don't call me Sparky." You laugh as you punch him in the shoulder playfully, and he grins widely, shaking his head.
"Can't do. You earned it." You laugh again, and scrunch your face as if it disgusted you, saying something under your breath about how that was a name for a lothcat or another domestic animal, but he knew you liked it as much as he liked when you called him cuddlebug, and Crosshair was thankful you would never know even half of the things you did to him, much more right then, like how quickly his heart was beating and how the stupid butterflies fluttering in his heart so wildly that it was starting to piss him off.
It was ridiculous, really, how in love he is with you.
His brothers always teased him by saying that you had him wrapped around your finger too tightly, but it wasn't until that moment, with him holding you tight in his arms and you looking like an angel in disguise under that deem light you forced Tech to install, looking at him as if he had made the entire galaxy himself, with that pretty smile of yours that warmed his soul, that he realized they might be right.
"Can we do a raincheck?" He blinked, confused, you smiled, shyly, your head titling down as if you thought he might say no to you, as if he could ever say no to you, "about you teaching me how to use your rifle?"
And behind your words were something else you weren't really saying, besides another sort of apologize, but a way to make sure things really were alright, to let yourself finally breath properly since you woke up.
To make sure he still wanted you around, and spend time with you, and just be with you, and even if it might sound like an exaggeration, sometimes your insecurities got the best of yourself.
"Of course," he held your chin between his fingers, eyes meeting yours with a silent response to calm your fears and doubts down, and push them far way from your heart. "Anything for you, Sparks."
taglist: @dottiechan
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galactic-magick · 3 years
"Stop Laughing, I Keep Missing Your Lips!": Echo x Reader
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Request: 15 or 25 for the bad batch, maybe Echo or Crosshair (your choice on prompt and character) for fic request please?! I thought both of these would be funny and sweet. - @gokyacetakal
25: “Stop laughing, I keep missing your lips!”
Summary: Echo has quite the little crush on you, and will do just about anything to see you, including sabotaging his own ship.
Words: 700+
Warnings: none
Author’s Notes: I picked #25 with Echo, first time writing for him so hope you like!
Echo never thought he’d be as entranced with someone as he is with you. You’ve become his entire world within the short time he’s know you. If he was honest, he was afraid he might not be human enough to feel love again, but he’s not complaining about being wrong.
But ever since the crew stopped on your planet, he’s been finding excuses not to leave. You work at a small supply shop in town, and he’s been going every day since they landed. He keeps finding things that need to be fixed, thinking of things they might need later on. He strikes up conversations with you, talks about all the different parts. You’re the most amazing person he’s ever met, and he desperately hopes that no threats will force him to abandon your sweet smile forever.
“You know, I’m starting to think you might just need an entirely new ship,” you say one day as he comes in about yet another problem. “It’s probably not worth it to fix every little thing,”
“I think it’s worth it,” he replies. “We can’t really get a new one without chain codes anyway,”
“Oh yeah, all the new Empire shit,” you sigh. “I still don’t really get why everything changed so fast. The Republic barely functioned way out here anyway, and now all of a sudden this new Empire wants to control every inch of every system? It’s irritating more than anything else, really,”
“Trust me, I get it,” he scans the shelves a bit before returning his gaze to you. “My brothers and I have been on the run for a few months now, and it’s hard to go anywhere they haven’t touched,”
“Aren’t people who are trying to be off the grid like…not supposed to tell random people like me that they’re on the run?” you chuckle. “I won’t tell anyone, but still,”
“I trust you,”
“You barely even know me, stranger,”
“I know a bit,” he says, stepping a little closer to you. “I know you’ve been working here with your family for years, but your real dream is to travel the galaxy and find something that really makes you happy. And I know despite this not being your dream you still know everything there is to know about spaceships and speeders, you do your job better than anyone I’ve ever met anywhere else. You’re kind even if you don’t think you are, and you can fix anything that I’ve broken,”
You smile, “That’s really sweet of you to say. I guess people do pay attention when I ramble about things,”
“I always listen whenever you talk,”
Your eyebrows furrow a bit as you process the rest of what he said, “Wait, did you say I fix the things youbroke?”
“Now it makes sense,” you sigh. “I knew not even the worst ships break down that fast. Have you been causing problems on purpose just to get away from your crew or something?”
“Not quite,” he’s not sure how to explain in the best way, or how to express how he truly feels. They don’t exactly teach the clones how to be romantic on Kamino.
“Have you been stalking me then or something? Look, if you’re some kind of undercover trooper, I promise we got all the clearances and paid all our Imperial taxes and shit even though I’m not happy about it-“
He cuts you off with a hesitant kiss.
He takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how else to-“
“It’s okay,” you giggle. “I like you too, I get it now. That’s cute,”
He nods, leaning in again, but you burst out laughing even harder.
“Wait, so you’ve been messing with your ship just so you can come see me?”
“Yeah…” he looks down at the floor. “I was afraid if everything was fine we’d just keep hopping planets, and I don’t want to leave this one,”
You make a loud pfffft sound, “I’m so sorry, that’s really sweet. But also hilarious,”
“I guess it is,” he laughs along with you.
“Okay, okay,” you try to pull yourself together. “Okay, we can try again now,”
He kisses you once more, but soon enough you’ve lost it again.
“Stop laughing, I keep missing your lips!”
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